Parish Bulletin 510 S. C OL UM B U S A VEN U E ● M A R SH FI EL D , WI 54449 ● (715) 384 -9414 ● olpmarshfield.com
APRIL 22, 2018
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Weekend Mass Times: Saturday: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am and 10:00 am Weekday Offerings: Monday: 7:00 am Communion Service Tuesday: 5:30 pm Mass Wednesday: 7:00 am Mass Thursday: 7:00 am Mass Friday: 7:00 am Mass First Saturday of the Month: 8 am Mass with Adoration until noon
—————————————————————— Pastor
Father Eric Berns fatherberns@olpmarshfield.com
Seminarian Arturo Vigueras olpsem@olpmarshfield.com Business Manager Kara McManus kara@olpmarshfield.com Bookkeeper Brenda Dieringer finance@olpmarshfield.com Music Director Gina Schmalz music@olpmarshfield.com Sister Virdean Meyer adulted@olpmarshfield.com Communion to the Homebound Pauline Hebert & Debbie Hebert 715-305-8641 Prayer Chain Jane Anderson 715-207-0477 requestforprayerolp@gmail.com Bulletin bulletin@olpmarshfield.com
Office Hours:
Monday—Friday: 8:00 am—4:00 pm
office@olpmarshfield.com 715-384-9414
WELCOME TO ALL OF OUR FAMILIES AND VISITORS! The Amazing Parish Prayer Heavenly Father, We thank you for gathering us together and calling us to serve as your disciples. You have charged us through Your Son, Jesus, with the great mission of evangelizing and witnessing your love to the world. Send Your Holy Spirit to guide us as we discern Your will for the spiritual renewal of our parish. Give us strength, courage, and clear vision as we use our gifts to serve You. We entrust our parish family to the care of Mary, our mother, and ask for her intercession and guidance as we strive to bear witness to the Gospel and build an Amazing Parish. Amen
S !" #$%& () B *&+,# Parents reques!ng to have a child bap!zed are invited to call the Parish Office at 715-384-9414. Father Berns will assist with bap!sm prepara!on and scheduling a date.
S !" #$%& () R$!(%!+-+ &+(% Celebrated on Saturdays from 4:45—5:15 p.m. and by appointment. Communal Penance Services are held during Advent and Lent.
S !" #$%&, () F+",& E/!0 "+,& %2 C(%)+"# &+(% Ongoing catechesis is essen!al in the faith forma!on of the youth of Our Lady of Peace Parish (OLP). Children must be enrolled con3nually from the First Grade in either Columbus Catholic Schools or OLP’s Religious Educa!on Programs to receive either the Sacraments of First Eucharist or Confirma!on.
S !" #$%& () M ""+ 6$ Knowing how important it is to marry in the Church, we are happy to see weddings take place in our parish. Father Berns looks forward to mee!ng with engaged couples to assist them in marriage prepara!on. As this prepara!on takes !me, couples are asked to contact Fr. Berns 8—12 months before the wedding.
S !" #$%& () A%(+%&+%6 () &0$ S+!9 If any parishioner is ill at home or going into the hospital and would like to receive the Anoin!ng of the Sick, please contact Father Berns at the Parish Office at 715-384-9414.
Last La Monday, I stepped out of my parents' farmhouse after having coffee with mom and dad. I'll farm fa rmho often ofte of ten bring in a tame pigeon and put it in mom's hands. hand ha nds. nd s. Sh Shee delights deli de ligh li ghts gh ts iin this like a child, and she'll talk to the bird as she feeds it bread. As I left the house and walked across the yard Monday morning, a large shadow on the ground made me look up. An enormous vulture passed low overhead. The next moment, 30 of my pigeons flew directly at me. It's a wonder none of them collided with me. While I have my pigeon loft secure from most predators, the birds know their worst threat is a hawk. I watched a hawk take one of my birds in mid-flight last year. I realized they saw the vulture and mistook it for a threat. But I was amazed that they flew to me, made a fast loop, and then flew back to me again. Perhaps they meant to point out to the vulture that I was a bigger meal than a small pigeon would offer. But instead I like to think they flew to me for protection. My brother swears they act differently when they see my truck in the yard on Sunday afternoons. I once had a pigeon that would recognize my truck from a distance and fly in through the open passenger window to look for a handout from me. The first bird I tamed, when I was in junior high, surprised me one morning. More than a mile from home as I rode my bike to school, the pigeon caught up to me, landed on my shoulder, and stayed there for the rest of my ride to school. On this Fourth Sunday of Easter, we always hear a gospel reading about Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Go to him when you want to be fed. Fly to him when you want his company. Flock to him when you feel any sort of threat. We all know these experiences--hunger, loneliness, danger. The problem with us grown-ups is that we too often think we need to secure ourselves, provide for ourselves, feed ourselves. Jesus wants us to be like children, innocent as doves, flying to him with great trust that he will feed us, protect us, and lead us to greener pastures.
Yours, Fr. Berns
PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Good and gracious God, You call each person by name and invite them to follow you. On this World Day of Prayer for Vocations, may each person hear and respond to the call they have received. We pray for all discerning marriage, the chaste single life, consecrated life, or ordained ministries, that your Holy Spirit would guide, inspire, and strengthen them. May your Church and the world be enriched by the "yes" of your children. Amen.
NEW OLP PARISHIONERS To join the Our Lady of Peace Parish Community, please register at the Parish Office located at 510 S. Columbus Ave., at the Welcome Desk in church or call 715-384-9414.
PARISH NEWS The Mass Explained By Seminarian Arturo Vigueras I continue with the series of bulletin articles on understanding the meaning of the Mass. In the last article, I concluded with the first part of the Mass known as the Liturgy of the Word. This week I will focus on the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Liturgy of the Eucharist is like having a formal meal in the home of a friend; for example, whenever I go to one of my friend’s homes we set the table, say grace, and share food (we eat and drink). At Mass, these types of ritual actions are called: Preparation of the Gifts, the Eucharistic Prayer and the Communion Rite. The early description of the Preparation of the Gifts comes from the Acts of the Apostles. The evangelist Luke tells in the early community of believers, “There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the feet of the apostles, and they were distributed to each according to need” (Acts 4:34-35). This practice continues to take place today, at a practical level. The beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist begins with the choir singing the preparation hymn and the altar servers begin to prepare the altar. While this is taking place, the ushers begin to take the collection. In today’s culture, money has come to symbolize what really matters to us; so this means that giving in the collection is a symbolic way of making a sacrifice for the Lord and a way of giving praise and honor to the Lord. This action of giving money to the church during the collection also proclaims that our faith is ultimately in God, and not in our material wealth. All of these physical actions that take place during the preparation of the altar also represent a deeper spiritual reality. At the beginning of the Eucharist, we begin to spiritually prepare ourselves by presenting to the Lord all our needs, sorrows, joys, desires and everything else that we face in our daily lives. During this time, all of us give ourselves to the Lord who gave up his only begotten son so that you and I can have a personal relationship with God. In the early church, people would bring bread and wine from their
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homes and present it to the priest during the Mass. Nowadays, the bread and wine are taken to the front of the altar by a group of parishioners usually selected by the ushers to represent the entire community of believers. At a spiritual level, it helps to put on our spiritual glasses and think of all our guardian angels walking down the main aisle of the church along with the parishioners bringing the bread and wine, bringing all our needs to the altar of the LORD. During the preparation of the altar, all the heavenly angels, saints and our loved ones who have died, gather around the altar to witness the great miracle that will be done by the priest of turning ordinary gifts of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Once the priest receives the gifts of bread and wine (along with the collection basket which is put at the foot of the altar table), he mixes the water with the wine and places the bread on one side of the altar. The priest elevates the plate (Patten) with the bread by saying, “Blessed are you, Lord of all creation for through your goodness we have received the bread we offer you: fruit of the earth and work of human hands it will become for us the bread of life.” The priest then places the Patten (plate) with the bread on the center of the altar. The Priest then does the same thing with the wine and says, “Blessed are you, God of all creation, for through your goodness we have received the wine we offer you: fruit of the vine and work of human hands, it will become our spiritual drink.” Then the priest places the chalice (cup) on the center of the altar as the people respond, “Blessed be God for ever.” Sometimes though, if the hymn is too long, the priest will say these two invocations inaudibly as the people are still singing the preparation hymn. Finally, he invites us to pray that this sacrifice be acceptable to God. We respond “Amen”. Shortly after, all of us stand to participate in the central prayer of the Mass. These ritual actions help us to remember that God takes simple ordinary things such as bread and wine and transforms them into the body and blood of His Beloved Son Jesus Christ. This also applies to all of us, God is always calling us to transform ourselves despite all of our shortcomings and faults so we can live up to the dignity of being beloved sons and daughters of God. Next week, I will explore the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer and attempt to discuss further the great mystery by which Christ becomes present in the simple elements of bread and wine.
RICE BOWLS AND MITE BOXES Once again your generosity for those in need shows through the Rice Bowl and Mite Box programs. The Mite Box collection for the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) brought in $342.55. Well done, Students! The Rice Bowl collection for Catholic Relief Services (CRS) brought in $902.14. This is almost double from 2017. Thank you to our parishioners for supporting this program.
BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bulletin announcement requests are due in writing or via email (bulletin@olpmarshfield.com) and must be received in the Parish Office by 10:00 am on the preceding Monday.
Farmers’ Hotline • With historically high numbers of farmers declaring bankruptcy, there is also a high amount of distress. There is HELP. We offer two helplines: The Farmers' Hotline in Madison is 800-942-2474 Organic Valley farmer hotline number is: 888-809-9297
MASS INTENTIONS/READINGS SATURDAY April 21, 2018 5:30 pm † George Schecklman SUNDAY April 22, 2018 8:30 am † Our Lady of Peace Parish Family 10:00 am † Roger Kyle Acts 4:8-12/Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 29/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18 MONDAY April 23, 2018 7:00 am Communion Service Acts 11:1-18/Ps 42:2-3; 43:3-4/Jn 10:1-10 TUESDAY April 24, 2018 8:30 am Columbus Mass HS/MS 5:30 pm † Patrick Johnson Acts 11:19-26/Ps 87:1-7/Jn 10:22-30 WEDNESDAY April 25, 2018 7:00 am † Bill Nugent 1 Pt 5:5b-14/Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17/Mk 16:15-20 THURSDAY April 26, 2018 7:00 am † Alice Heckel 8:00 am OLP Intermediate School Mass Acts 13:13-25/Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25 and 27/Jn 13:16-20 FRIDAY April 27, 2018 7:00 am † Father Joseph Grassl Acts 13:26-33/Ps 2:6-11/Jn 14:1-6 SATURDAY April 28, 2018 5:30 pm † Our Lady of Peace Parish Family SUNDAY April 29, 2018 8:30 am † Jared Armstrong 10:00 am † Sharon Mixdorf & Karen Gates Acts 9:26-31/Ps 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8
3:00 pm
Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet in Church
7:00 pm
Adoramus Te Choir Practice
7:30 am
Moms in Prayer
5-6:00 pm
Youth Choir Practice
6:00 pm-7:30 pm
7-8:00 pm
Praise Choir Practice
8:30-10 am
Book Discussion Group—Admin Bldg
2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month • 7pm
Meetings are held at Corpus Christi
MASS & LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE Fifth Sunday of Easter (Check Ministry Pro Schedule for most up-to-date info) Sat. April 28 5:30 pm Lectors: Eileen Krall (1), Jackie Walker (2) Euch. Min.: Adam & Tina Becker, Rita Johnson, Chuck & Cheryl Kahl Servers: Katelyn & Samantha Becker Ushers: Bill Draxler, Andy Martin, Kurt Potts Greeters: Jim Kress, Scott Maurina Music Min.: Adoramus Te
Sun. April 29 8:30 am Lectors: Mike Heinzen (1), Corinne Johnson (2) Euch. Min.: Kathie Boyance, Lucy Cannon, Lindie Desormeaux, Jackie Heinzen, Tammi Timmler Servers: Cole & Devlin Timmler Ushers: Jeff Timmler, Doug Zschernitz Greeters: Joe Orella, Larry Steinwagner Music Min.: Janet Orella/Elijah Schuh Sun. April 29 10:00 am Lectors: Tom Turchi (1), Kathleen Anderson (2) Euch. Min.: Susan Boyle, Lynn Kelnhofer, Andrew & Sheila Spencer, Lori Zimmerman Servers: Nik Schmidt, Hailey Zimmermann Ushers: Patrick Andreae, John Boyle, Scott Schmidt Greeters: John Boyle, Eric Fehrenbach, Nate Mueller Music Min.: Praise Choir Communion Ministers to the Homebound April 22-28: Dan Aumann/Sylvia Mews April 29-May 5: Pat Herman/Lynn Meinders Funeral Servers April 22-28: Stan Charron/Dick Thomer April 29-May 5: Clarence Hartl/Tim Hughes Observances for the Week of April 22, 2018 Sunday: 4th Sunday of Easter; World Day of Prayer for Vocations; Earth Day Monday: St. George, Martyr; St. Adalbert, Bishop & Martyr Tuesday: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest & Martyr Wednesday: St. Mark, Evangelist; Administrative Professionals Day Thursday: Friday: Arbor Day Saturday: St. Peter Chanel, Priest & Martyr; St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest Next Sunday: 5th Sunday of Easter
Stewardship Budget Stewardship Income 3/31/18 Surplus
CAMPAIGN STATUS AS OF 4/16/2018 Goal: $107,880,00 Total Pledged & Received: $103,653.04 Under Goal: ($4,226.96)
$637,500 $639,265 $ 1,765
Parenting Series Get Real! Talking to your kids about TOUGH STUFF April 25—DATING & SEXUALITY: They already know! April 25, May 2 6-7:30 p.m. May 2—SOCIAL MEDIA & YOUR KIDS: It is not just FB &Twitter Anymore! Dillenburg Hall (Church basement) Friday, April 27 7:30-10 p.m. Melody Gardens
Christian Music Skate Night: Melody Gardens Skateland will entertain with Christian Music and skating games throughout the evening. The Christian Music Skate Nights are wonderful nights for families and Church Youth Groups.
Thursday, May 3 5:30 p.m. Our Lady of Peace Church
Sacred Harp & Song Music Ministry Program—Shari Sarazin will be presenting her Sacred Harp & Song Music Ministry Program at OLP. Leave behind the stresses, worries and hectic pace of everyday life. Find peace, comfort, inspiration, and beautiful strains of the Celtic harp. Shari’s CDs will be available for purchase and a free will offering will be taken. Refreshments will be served after the concert. For further information about Shari and her music, please view her website: www.sharisarazin.com. For additional concert information, please contact the parish office at 715-384-9414.
Saturday, May12 5:30-9:00 p.m. Hotel Marshfield, 2700 S. Central
An Evening in Paris—A Mother & Son Event to benefit The Hannah Center. Cost $25/Person (age 1st grade and up)
Ask Yourself These Questions?
•Do you attend Mass regularly? •Do you enjoy meeting people? •Can you open doors and smile? •Are you proud of OLP enough to welcome visitors to our church? If you answered “Yes” to any or all of these questions, would you consider helping out at the weekend Masses as a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Server, Greeter, Usher, Welcome Desk Staff or Hand Out Bulletins? Check at the Welcome Desk for more information or call the Parish Office 715-384-9414
Welcome an Exchange Student into Your Family Be the "Yes" a Columbus Catholic High School Exchange/International Student has been waiting to hear. "Curious" ~ open your home to a 4-week student. Ready to "Jump In" ~ open your home to an academic year student. No commitment opportunity to talk & learn more ~ contact Dorothy Flees, CCS International/Exchange Student Program Coordinator @ 715-387-8224 or flees.dorothy@ccsstaff.org.
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