5-20-18 OLP bulletin

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Parish Bulletin 510 S. C OL UM B U S A VEN U E ● M A R SH FI EL D , WI 54449 ● (715) 384 -9414 ● olpmarshfield.com

MAY 20, 2018


Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Weekend Mass Times: Saturday: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am and 10:00 am Weekday Offerings: Monday: 7:00 am Communion Service Tuesday: 5:30 pm Mass Wednesday: 7:00 am Mass Thursday: 7:00 am Mass Friday: 7:00 am Mass First Saturday of the Month: 8 am Mass with Adoration until noon

—————————————————————— Seminarian Arturo Vigueras olpsem@olpmarshfield.com Business Manager Kara McManus kara@olpmarshfield.com Bookkeeper Brenda Dieringer finance@olpmarshfield.com Music Director music@olpmarshfield.com Sister Virdean Meyer adulted@olpmarshfield.com Communion to the Homebound Pauline Hebert & Debbie Hebert 715-305-8641 Prayer Chain Jane Anderson 715-207-0477 requestforprayerolp@gmail.com Bulletin bulletin@olpmarshfield.com

Office Hours:

Monday—Friday: 8:00 am—4:00 pm

office@olpmarshfield.com 715-384-9414



S !" #$%& () B *&+,# Parents reques!ng to have a child bap!zed are invited to call the Parish Office at 715-384-9414.

S !" #$%& () R$!(%!+-+ &+(% Celebrated on Saturdays from 4:45—5:15 p.m. and by appointment. Communal Penance Services are held during Advent and Lent.

S !" #$%&, () F+",& E/!0 "+,& %2 C(%)+"# &+(% Ongoing catechesis is essen!al in the faith forma!on of the youth of Our Lady of Peace Parish (OLP). Children must be enrolled con3nually from the First Grade in either Columbus Catholic Schools or OLP’s Religious Educa!on Programs to receive either the Sacraments of First Eucharist or Confirma!on.

S !" #$%& () M ""+ 6$ Knowing how important it is to marry in the Church, we are happy to see weddings take place in our parish. As this prepara!on takes !me, couples are asked to contact the Parish Office 8—12 months before the wedding.

S !" #$%& () A%(+%&+%6 () &0$ S+!9 If any parishioner is ill at home or going into the hospital and would like to receive the Anoin!ng of the Sick, please contact the Parish Office at 715-384-9414. NEW OLP PARISHIONERS To join the Our Lady of Peace Parish Community, please register at the Parish Office located at 510 S. Columbus Ave., at the Welcome Desk in church or call 715-384-9414.


The Dean’s Column Praised be Jesus Christ! Even though it was a month ago, I’ve been meaning to revisit the mid-April storm because it provides us with a “teachable moment.” Many congregations cancelled their Sunday services and some wondered why we did not. If the priest can make it to church, then he should celebrate Mass as scheduled, regardless of how many people come. And the people who cannot make it should not feel guilty – God does not demand that we risk our lives to attend Mass on Sunday. But the “teachable moment” is to honestly answer this question: “Were you happy that you didn’t have to go to Mass because of the snowstorm?” This is a great way to see if we really love Jesus in the Eucharist or are merely going through the motions. Shifting gears now, we’re living in a teachable moment because of the sadness surrounding Our Lady of Peace parish. Last weekend I was there to announce the sudden resignation of Father Berns. By now most of you reading this have heard this news in one form or another. The lessons we can learn are many: first, our faith is in Jesus Christ, not in human beings. I sin too, but Jesus knew this when He asked me to serve Him and His people as a priest. And by the way, the grace of Holy Orders is so potent that a priest can validly administer Sacraments even when he himself is not in the state of sanctifying grace (this reality is referred to as ex opere operato in Latin). Which leads to a second lesson: are we inordinately curious to hear what happened that lead to Father Berns leaving? God knows there are plenty of rumors floating around, which is why I was asked by Bishop Callahan to address the people directly, honestly, and with compassion. A strong desire to know about the sins of others is a sign of spiritual illness. More edifying was the response I witnessed in the many parishioners who were openly grieving because of their love for Father Berns and the pain they were feeling as they thought of his shame and hurt. Thanks be to God, Father Berns is not leaving the priesthood, but he’ll need our prayers more than ever as he humbly carries this cross. Another lesson is that it’s possible that some people were aware of struggles and never told anyone. Jesus taught us to admonish or correct sinners with love and compassion. If we’re aware of someone falling into serious sin, saying and doing nothing is usually cowardice, not love. Jesus spent His life impressing on us that we are our brother’s keeper, and when one of us falls, we’re all encouraged to search our consciences to see if there wasn’t something we could have done to prevent it. All this being said, when we’re left with confusion, anger, or hurt, it’s important to remember that God is merciful. Last weekend I shared an anecdote that reminds us of our Father’s love: At the end of Billy Graham's funeral a couple of months ago his daughter came up and delivered a short eulogy. She talked about her 1st marriage failing and the devastating divorce she endured. Then almost immediately afterwards someone introduced her to a widower. She was smitten from the start and even though her parents begged her to slow down and let them all get to know him better, she dug her heels in and stubbornly pushed forward, marrying him on New Year's Eve. She said she knew in a very short amount of time that she'd made a terrible mistake and it wasn't long before they separated because she was afraid of him. Driving home to her parents she was full of dread at what they would say . . . . after all, she had rejected their advice and no doubt had embarrassed her father. When she pulled in the driveway her Dad was waiting outside for her. As she got out of the car Billy Graham embraced his daughter and said, "Welcome home." She knew then the love of God the Father - that He knows our shame, our guilt, our sins; but that He sent His Son that we might be forgiven and start again with the hope that comes from God. May God send us the Holy Spirit, who consoles, challenges, and fortifies us for the road ahead!

Your friend in Christ, Father Martin


PARISH NEWS Rebuilding Together Lyle Lang, Parish Council President

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CAMPAIGN We, at Our Lady of Peace, are initiating a Capital Improvement Campaign for much needed repairs to our campus buildings. As we have previously indicated in the bulletin, many building repairs are needed for the safety, security and efficiency of the Our Lady of Peace campus. Steel doors, electrical and heating system updates, roof and others are a priority and the essence of our capital improvement campaign. You will hear from our Parish Finance Council members at Mass how you can support this endeavor. These improvements will directly impact all of us...most especially our children who attend our Catholic schools. Please pray for guidance as you look at your financial abilities in this very important campaign. A letter with pledge form and envelope will be arriving at your home within the week. Please look it over carefully. If at any time you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office at 715-384-9414. Heavenly God, Your Son, Jesus, established your Church as a welcoming and loving home for all who seek You. Bless our capital improvement campaign with a deepening devotion to prayer, a growing commitment for service and increasing levels of generosity as we work to advance the life and ministry of our parish. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen


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Regre%ably, Our Lady of Peace parish has sustained a terrible shock with the loss of our pastor. God has promised that we are not alone, and that He will be with us, so we are not to be fearful. He has placed us exactly where we are “for such a !me as this.” The body of Christ - the church is held together by the rela!onships between the members. We’re all imperfect, nobody is perfect, but we are called to holiness. We want to be a parish “family” that embraces one another, loves one another, and helps one another because we’re all journeying this road together. Let us pray together as one voice: “Faithful God, giver of life, and source of all blessing, we seek your guidance and wisdom. Our hearts full of hope, we look expectantly to a new !me of healing and renewal in our parish. Amen.”

Stepping Stones on the Path to Holiness Reflecting on the Life of Christ with the Rosary May 21: “Learning about Novenas and Other Prayers

of the Church” 10:30 am or 6:30 pm in the Admin Building Conference Room Holy Hour with Praying of the Rosary: Friday, May 25, at 11 a.m. in Church • Praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet OLP Vacation Bible School (VBS) Monday—Friday, July 23-27 9:30 a.m.—noon Your children are invited to grow in faith at a Totally Catholic VBS this summer! Discover how Jesus rescues us through life’s storms. • High school and middle school students are welcome to volunteer. This is an easy way to get a lot of service hours while having fun helping kids grow in faith. Registration forms and Volunteer Sign Up forms can be found at olpmarshfield.com and at the Welcome Desk in church. For more information, contact Joann Roehl at roehljoann@gmail.com.


MASS & LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE The Most Holy Trinity (Check Ministry Pro Schedule for most up-to-date info) Sat. May 26 5:30 pm Lectors: Victor Ejercito (1), Adam Becker (2) Euch. Min.: Adam Becker, Marie Fleisner, Deb Gruenloh, Rich Nesbitt Servers: Katelyn & Samantha Becker, Jacob Dick Ushers: Bill Draxler, Andy Martin, Rich Nesbitt Greeters: Jim Kress, Scott Maurina Music Min.: Adoramus Te Sun. May 27 8:30 am Lectors: Brigid Dean (1), Pat Herman (2) Euch. Min.: Janet Apfel, Lucy Cannon, Brigid Dean, Debbie & Dennis Hebert, Tammi Timmler Servers: Cole & Devlin Timmler, Grace Wilczek Ushers: Tim Hughes, Jeff Timmler, Doug Zschernitz Greeters: Joe Orella, Larry Steinwagner Music Min.: Janet Orella Sun. May 27 10:00 am Lectors: Kathleen Anderson (1), Steve Van Wyhe (2) Euch. Min.: Kathleen Anderson, Cindy Lee, Nancy Radlinger, Steve Van Wyhe, Arturo Vigueras Servers: Tim Kraus, Riley Schueller, Brady Zimmerman Ushers: Patrick Andreae, Nate Mueller Greeters: Jon Boyle, Eric Fehrenbach Music Min.: Praise Choir Communion Ministers to the Homebound May 20-26: Lucy Cannon/Dan Aumann May 27-June 3: Susan Boyle/Pat Herman Funeral Servers May 20-26: Dick Thomer/Stan Charron May 27-June 3: Clarence Hartl/Tim Hughes




3:00 pm

Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet in Church

7:00 pm

Adoramus Te Choir Practice

7:30 am

Moms in Prayer

7-8:00 pm

Praise Choir Practice

2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month • 7pm

Meetings are held at Corpus Christi NO MEETING 5/24




Thursday & Friday, May 31 & June 1 8 am—2 pm

Sacred Heart Parish PCCW Rummage Sale Free Will Offering

Assumption High School Athletic Association • 19th Annual Cash Drawing $12,300 in cash prizes, including a $5000 grand prize and a $3000 grand prize. Suggested donation—$100—only 500 tickets available. Saturday, June 9, Witter Field, Drawing on Sat., June 9, at 5:15 pm at Witter Field, at the Tailgate Party at “Assumption Wisconsin Catholic Schools Night at the Rafters”. Need Rapids not be present to win. An entry for will be For More Info: available in the bulletin of Wisconsin Rapids Joe Birkhauser Deanery Parishes. 715-213-4387 (c) Send entry: Joe Birkhauser, Assumption High 715-886-3158 (h) School Athletic Dept., 445 Chestnut St, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494

MASS INTENTIONS/READINGS SUNDAY May 20, 2018 8:30 am † Our Lady of Peace Parish 10:00 am † Elizabeth Fahey Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1ab, 24ac, 29bc-30, 31, 34/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 1213 or Gal 5:16-25/Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 MONDAY May 21, 2018 7:00 am Communion Service Jas 3:13-18/Ps 19:8-10, 15/Mk 9:14-29 TUESDAY May 22, 2018 5:30 pm † Father John Cassidy Jas 4:1-10/Ps 55:7-11, 23/Mk 9:30-37 WEDNESDAY May 23, 2018 7:00 am † Bob Binzel 5:30 pm Columbus Baccalaureate Mass Jas 4:13-17/Ps 49:2-3, 6-11/Mk 9:38-40 THURSDAY May 24, 2018 7:00 am † Father Joseph Grassl 8:00 am Combined School Mass Jas 5:1-6/Ps 49:14--20/Mk 9:41-50 FRIDAY May 25, 2018 7:00 am † Josefa Bell Jas 5:9-12/Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12/Mk 10:1-12 SATURDAY May 26, 2018 5:30 pm † John Bersalona SUNDAY May 27, 2018 8:30 am † Butch Hildebrandt 10:00 am † Our Lady of Peace Parish Family Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22/Rom 8:14-17/ Mt 28:16-20



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