Parish Bulletin 510 S. C OL UM B U S A VEN U E ● M A R SH FI EL D , WI 54449 ● (715) 384 -9414 ● olpmarshfield.com
JUNE 3, 2018
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Weekend Mass Times: Saturday: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am and 10:00 am Weekday Offerings: Monday: 7:00 am Communion Service Tuesday: 5:30 pm Mass Wednesday: 7:00 am Mass Thursday: 7:00 am Mass Friday: 7:00 am Mass Confession: Saturdays, 4:45 pm or by appointment First Saturday of the Month: 8 am Mass with Adoration until noon
—————————————————————— Seminarian Arturo Vigueras olpsem@olpmarshfield.com Business Manager Kara McManus kara@olpmarshfield.com Bookkeeper Brenda Dieringer finance@olpmarshfield.com Music Director Elijah Schuh music@olpmarshfield.com Sister Virdean Meyer adulted@olpmarshfield.com Communion to the Homebound Pauline Hebert & Debbie Hebert 715-305-8641 Prayer Chain Jane Anderson 715-207-0477 requestforprayerolp@gmail.com Bulletin bulletin@olpmarshfield.com
Office Hours:
Monday—Friday: 8:00 am—4:00 pm
office@olpmarshfield.com 715-384-9414
WELCOME TO ALL OF OUR FAMILIES AND VISITORS! The Amazing Parish Prayer Heavenly Father, We thank you for gathering us together and calling us to serve as your disciples. You have charged us through Your Son, Jesus, with the great mission of evangelizing and witnessing your love to the world. Send Your Holy Spirit to guide us as we discern Your will for the spiritual renewal of our parish. Give us strength, courage, and clear vision as we use our gifts to serve You. We entrust our parish family to the care of Mary, our mother, and ask for her intercession and guidance as we strive to bear witness to the Gospel and build an Amazing Parish. Amen
S !" #$%& () B *&+,# Parents reques!ng to have a child bap!zed are invited to call the Parish Office at 715-384-9414.
S !" #$%& () R$!(%!+-+ &+(% Celebrated on Saturdays from 4:45—5:15 p.m. and by appointment. Communal Penance Services are held during Advent and Lent.
S !" #$%&, () F+",& E/!0 "+,& %2 C(%)+"# &+(% Ongoing catechesis is essen!al in the faith forma!on of the youth of Our Lady of Peace Parish (OLP). Children must be enrolled con3nually from the First Grade in either Columbus Catholic Schools or OLP’s Religious Educa!on Programs (H.O.P.E.) to receive either the Sacraments of First Eucharist or Confirma!on.
S !" #$%& () M ""+ 6$ Knowing how important it is to marry in the Church, we are happy to see weddings take place in our parish. As this prepara!on takes !me, couples are asked to contact the Parish Office 8—12 months before the wedding.
S !" #$%& () A%(+%&+%6 () &0$ S+!9 If any parishioner is ill at home or going into the hospital and would like to receive the Anoin!ng of the Sick, please contact the Parish Office at 715-384-9414. NEW OLP PARISHIONERS To join the Our Lady of Peace Parish Community, please register at the Parish Office located at 510 S. Columbus Ave., at the Welcome Desk in church or call 715-384-9414.
Need to unwind or a pleasant hour of quiet consolation. 2-3pm hour available Sundays to embrace Our Lord at Pope St. John Paul II Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Call Dale at 715-383-2262 or Jean at 715-387-0571 for more information!
SACRED HEART OF JESUS Whether statues or stained glass, the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus can be found in churches all over the world. Jesus looks down, one hand extended out and another pointing to a heart wreathed in thorns and glowing with light. In the Sacred Heart, we see both the sorrow and the joy of the life of Christ, who became one of us out of love. "Jesus knew and loved us each and all during his life, his agony, and his Passion and gave himself up for each one of us. He has loved us all with a human heart" (CCC 478). In the Incarnation, God becomes man. Jesus experienced the fullness of humanity, including its sufferings. June 8th is the Feast of the Sacred Heart. We remember all that Jesus endured for us. We also remember why he endured it -- out of love.
Congratulations on Your First Holy Communion
PARISH NEWS The Ultimate Sacrifice of Love By Seminarian Arturo Vigueras Recently, I came across the following joke. There was to be a Baptismal party for the new baby of a soldier and his wife at their home on an Army Base. Before the ceremony, the chaplain took the new father aside and asked, “Are you prepared for this solemn event?” the chaplain asked. The soldier replied to the chaplain, “I guess so, I got two hams, pickles, bread, cake, cookies…” “No, no!” the priest replied, “I mean spiritually prepared!” “Well I don’t know,” said the soldier thoughtfully. “Do you think two cases of whiskey are enough?” You see, beyond all that we hunger for is the hunger for spiritual nourishment. At times, we are not even aware that this exists. However, Jesus realized this hunger and instituted the Holy Eucharist to feed our starving souls. Today’s Gospel of Mark describes Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples as a celebration of the Jewish feast of Passover. The Jewish celebration of Passover is a memorial to and a ritual participation in the defining moment of Israel’s history as it celebrates God’s deliverance of his people from slavery in Egypt. The Passover meal includes many ritual important elements, such as, unleavened bread, lamb, and bitter herbs. Each food item recalls an aspect of the Exodus event from the Old Testament. The instructions for the preparation of this meal are carefully prescribed in the Law of Moses. For the Israelites, this is a central obligation in their faith to celebrate this meal and to give thanks to God for His deliverance and protection of the Chosen people from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey. The Gospel of Mark, however, omits many elements of the Jewish Passover meal and instead, Mark describes only those elements that he believes are the most essential to the Christian celebration of the Eucharist, that is: Jesus took bread, blessed the bread, broke the bread and shared it with his disciples. Similar words follow as Jesus shares the chalice with his disciples. The bread that we now share is Jesus’ own body. Those who drink from the chalice are invited to share in a new covenant that will be sealed by Jesus’ own blood. Christians could only fully understand the full meaning of this new covenant as fully revealed only after the crucifixion, death, resurrection, ascension and descent of the Holy Spirit. The Gospel for today also reminds us that the Eucharist is a memorial of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross. We believe that Jesus is truly present to us in the elements of bread and wine. Each time we celebrate this sacrament, we prepare for the Kingdom of God. This celebration is the source and summit of our Christian life. This means that every time that we approach the altar to receive the body and blood of Christ we come to the foot of the Cross to nourish our souls and become united with the supreme sacrifice of love that made it possible for you and I to become beloved children of God.
715-384-3163 • www.houseofheating.com Please mention this “Thank You Ad” the next time you patronize one of our advertisers. Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it!
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CAMPAIGN The Campaign Committee has been hard at work. With phone calls and responses to our campaign letter that was sent last week, donations and pledges are coming in and we thank those who have responded so quickly. To reach our goal, we will need everyone’s cooperation and support. These improvements are definitely needed to maintain the quality and longevity of our buildings. They are 70 years old and we can be proud of our campus. Currently we have contracts signed for the school roof, school door entrances and upgrading electrical systems. We will only add contracts when we have the money and pledges to do so. We will be giving weekly updates in the bulletin. As of May 30 • 28 Parishioners pledged $109,384. We still have a long way to go. Our goal is $375,000.
MARSHFIELD DEANERY CATHOLIC MENS GROUP First Wednesday devotion to St. Joseph. All catholic men are invited to join together at Our Lady of Peace Tuesday morning, June 6th, in honor of St. Joseph. We will meet in the church at 6:30 to pray the rosary, and then attend 7:00 Mass. Please take advantage of the graces and guidance that are available from through the intercession of the husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus!
Do You Love Divine Mercy? Everyone who wants to live Mercy and the spiritual life more deeply is welcome to attend our twice monthly meetings. Sister Mary Veronica will lead us through teaching, prayer and fellowship. June Meetings are second and fourth Thursday at 7 PM at Corpus Christi Church (10075 Hwy BB—Bakerville) Questions? Please contact fsofdivinemercy@gmail.com or 715-451-2395
OLP Vacation Bible School (VBS) Monday—Friday, July 23-27 9:30 a.m.—noon Your children are invited to grow in faith at a Totally Catholic VBS this summer! Discover how Jesus rescues us through life’s storms. • High school and middle school students are welcome to volunteer. This is an easy way to get a lot of service hours while having fun helping kids grow in faith. Registration forms and Volunteer Sign Up forms can be found at olpmarshfield.com and at the Welcome Desk in church. For more information, contact Joann Roehl at roehljoann@gmail.com.
MASS & LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Check Ministry Pro Schedule for most up-to-date info) Sat. June 9 5:30 pm Lectors: Fred Bersalona (1), Adam Becker (2) Euch. Min.: Adam Becker, Marie Fleisner, Mark Fonferek, Rita Johnson, Arturo Vigueras Servers: Katelyn & Samantha Becker, Anna Callaghan Ushers: Bill Draxler, Andy Martin, Kurt Potts Greeters: Jim Kress, Scott Maurina, Kay Viergutz Music Min.: Adoramus Te Sun. June 10 8:30 am Lectors: Pat Herman (1), Jackie Walker (2) Euch. Min.: Janet Apfel, Debbie & Dennis Hebert, Carol Nikolai, Mary Jo Zschernitz, Wayne Zygarlicke Servers: Dustin Apfel, Paige Preston Ushers: Tim Hughes, Jeff Timmler, Doug Zschernitz Greeters: Joe Orella, Larry Steinwagner Music Min.: Praise Choir Sun. June 10 10:00 am Lectors: Ed Lee (1), Mary Hartl (2) Euch. Min.: Clarence & Mary Hartl, Lynn Kelnhofer, Cindy Lee, Lori Zimmerman Servers: Dawson Dick, Nik Schmidt, Hailey Zimmerman Ushers: Patrick Andreae, John Boyle, Scott Schmidt Greeters: Jim Banks, Jon Boyle, Eric Fehrenbach Music Min.: Joe and Jackie Bodden Communion Ministers to the Homebound June 3-9: Dan Aumann/Debbie Hebert June 10-16: Pat Hermann/Pauline Hebert
Funeral Servers June 3-9: John Bujalski/Al Kroll June 10-16: Fred Bersalona/John Bujalski
3:00 pm
Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet in Church
7:00 pm
Adoramus Te Choir Practice
7:30 am
Moms in Prayer
7-8:00 pm
Praise Choir Practice
2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month • 7pm
Meetings are held at Corpus Christi
CAR WASH AND BAKE SALE FUNDRAISER Sunday, June 10th All cars parked in the designated area of the parking lot during the 8:30 & 10:00 a.m. Masses will be washed by the young people participating in Adventure Camp, Steubenville Conference, or Discipleship Training this summer. This car wash is a way to raise awareness through service as well as invite those who are interested to help them financially by a free-will offering at the exit. The same youth will also be holding a bake sale after all Sunday Masses – yum, yum!! If you have any other questions, please contact Mr. Dan Kitzhaber 384-3252 x6 or yministry@frontier.com
MASS INTENTIONS/READINGS SUNDAY June 3, 2018 8:30 am † Arnold and Theresa Dieringer 10:00 am † Our Lady of Peace Parish Family Ex 24:3-8/Ps 116:12-13, 15-18/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 MONDAY June 4, 2018 7:00 am Communion Service 2 Pt 1:2-7/Ps 91:1-2, 14-16/Mk 12:1-12 TUESDAY June 5, 2018 5:30 pm † Alan “Oop” and Manda Esser 2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18/Ps 90:2-4, 10/Mk 12:13-17 WEDNESDAY June 6, 2018 7:00 am † Carl Mueller and Family 2 Tm 1:1-3. 6-12/Ps 123:1-2/Mk 12:18-27 THURSDAY June 7, 2018 7:00 am † Lawrence and Lucille Eberhardy 2 Tm 2:8-15/Ps 25:4-5, 8-10 and 14/Mk 12:28-34 FRIDAY June 8, 2018 7:00 am † Cheryl Cutting Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9/Is 12:2-6/Eph 3:8-12, 14-19/Jn 19:31-37 SATURDAY June 9, 2018 5:30 pm † James “Sonny” Brown SUNDAY June 10, 2018 8:30 am † Our Lady of Peace Parish Family 10:00 am † Sharon Mixdorf Gn 3:9-15/Ps 130:1-8/2 Cor 4:13--5:1/Mk 3:20-35
Eleanor “Chevy” Schneider Passed away on Tuesday May 26, 2018
Please hold her family your prayers. “Bear her gently to the Father’s embrace to behold with joy our Savior’s face.” JUNE 3, 2018 ● THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST