The TORCH - April 2019

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APRIL 2019











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Front Cover Picture by Names 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Rudolph Harris Curtis Hunigan Fred Valentine Horace Dawson, Jr. Paul Cotton A. Gilbert Douglas Ryland Harris Mark Jones Andre Lucas Kenneth Hobart Derrick Butts John Mark-Williams Jeremy Triplett Mikael LaRoche Joseph Housey, III Jason Clark

APRIL 2019

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Mark Ross Louis Ford James Heck Eddie Neal Gerard Williams Garrett Miller Adrian James O. Jackson Cole, Jr. Albert Williams Lucius Brown Marcel Desroches Kellen Moore Jamison Taylor, Jr. Mathew Aaron, Jr. Sean Perkins James Harmon

33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

Larry Ware Frank King Antonio King Rudolph McGann, Jr. Alvin Reaves, III Ryle Bell Drew Love Colin Campbell Bryant Young Arthur King Charvis Campbell LeRoy Lowery, III Joseph Paul Timothy Fitzgerald Jason Jefferson Samuel Armstrong 1

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OWNER & FRANCHISEE Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s

APRIL 2019

6426 Branch Avenue, Temple Hills, MD 301-449-3030 2950 Donnell Drive, District Heights, MD 301-568-8883 6254 Central Avenue, Seat Pleasant, MD 301-333-5900 4269 Branch Avenue #54, Temple Hills, MD 301-839-0330 9509 Livingston Road, Fort Washington, MD 301-248-3030 10367 Southern Maryland Blvd, Dunkirk, MD 410-286-0700 14606 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, MD 301-952-1133 9546 Crain Highway, Upper Marlboro, MD 301-599-4100


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In this Issue

Charter Members

1 Front Cover Picture by Names 2 Domino’s 3 In this Issue Charter Members Past Presidents 4 Executive Board The Presidents’ Message 5 Committee Chairs The Vice Presidents’ Message, 6 Message from the Sergeant At Arms Message From The Communication Team 7 Champions for Kids” Donor Recognition 8 LaSalle-Backus 9 DC Emancipation Day 2019 10 Bus Trip to Albany, New York Esprit De Fraternite 11 March For Babies 12 AARP Driver Safety Course 13 Mu Lambda Juneteenth Celebration 14 Congressional Black Caucus Reception 15 Founders’ Day Gala 16 Men Who Cook 2019 17 Adopt-A-Block 18 Mu Lambda’s Health and Wellness Committee National Minority Health Month MLHWC Security Message Health & Wellness Events 22 Message From The DC National Pan-Hellenic Council Delegate 23 Birthday & Alphaversary 24 Message from the Membership and Reclamation Chair 26 House of Ruth 27 Project Alpha 28 Go HS Go To College 29 Message From The Chaplain, 30 Omega Chapter 31 Muddled Spearmint in Bulleit Bourbon, Easy 20-Minute Teriyaki Chicken and Broccoli, Punch Bowl Cake: A Spring Time favorite! 32 The Jewel Lounge 33 Mu Lambda Literary Society 34 Brother’s Keeper 35 Do You Recognize These Brothers 36 Sphinx Reprint 1979 38 Building Resilience Among Black Boys 42 Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman among dozens charged in college bribery scheme 44 Dr. Dre deletes post about daughter’s acceptance to USC 45 The 19th Annual Washington,DC Hall of Fame Awards Program 46 MLK Memorial Candlelight Vigil 47 Congratulations New MAAC Officers and Brother Lloyd McGriff 48 GP Candidate Brother Sean McCaskill visit 49 Financial Planning Needs The Crone Esquivel Group 50 Advertise with us 51 Message from the Editor 52 Support Your Foundation 53 Upcoming Events

Arthur Curtis Merrill H. Curtis Victor R. Daly Eugene L. C. Davidson Arnold Donawa Walter Garvin William L. Hansberry Charles H. Houston Edward Howard Joseph R. Jones R. Frank Jones J Edward Lowery Clarence H. Mills Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray Norman L. McGhee Jewel Robert Harold Ogle Louis H. Russell James N. Saunders Emory B. Smith Harold C. Stratton J.H.N. Waring Charles H. Wesley

APRIL 2019





Past Presidents Harold Stratton Howard H. Long Charles H. Wesley Frank Adams R. Frank Jones James B. Browning Jewel Henry Arthur Callis U. Simpson Tate C.C. House Verdie L. Robinson Walter M. Booker Jack Bind Millard R. Dean Frank Davis Clifton Hardy Herman Johnson Howard Jenkins C.C. House William F. Nelson Aubrey E. Robinson Joseph Waddy Edward J. Austin Elgy Johnson George H. Windsor James T. Speight Harold Sims Eddie Madison Wilbur Sewell Charles Thomas Theodore Taylor Elmer Moore William E. Calbert Osmond Brown Vernon Gill LeRoy Lowery, III Morris Hawkins C.C. Jones Vincent Orange Melvin White LeRoy Lowery, III James Haynes Rudolph Harris Edwin Norwood James McDonald Timothy Fitzgerald Kwame Ulmer LeRoy Lowery, III Eddie Neal LeRoy Lowery, III Joel Grey Eddie Neal - Current


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Executive Board

The Presidents’ Message

President Bro. Eddie Neal

Greetings brothers,

Vice President Bro. Mikael E. LaRoche Recording Secretary Bro. Jason Jefferson Corresponding Secretary Bro. Timothy Fitzgerald Financial Secretary Bro. Chatman Young Treasurer Bro. Michael Young Chaplain Bro. William “Tony” Hawkins Historian Bro. Silas J Woods Intake Coordinator Bro. Andre Lucas Assoc. Editor/Sphinx Bro. Garrett Miller Dir. Ed. Activities Bro. Charvis Campbell Sergeant-at-Arms Bro. Frank King Parliamentarian Bro. Byron L. Williams Web Master Bro. Mark Jones Editor of the Torch Bro. Kenneth A. Williams Member at Large Bro. LeRoy Lowery III General Counsel Bro. Brent Radcliff




Can you believe that in 2019, 90% of brothers go financially inactive 10 years after initiation and 80% after four years? Can you believe Alpha’s insurance premiums will increase from $699,000 to $855,000? Can you believe there is talk about passing the insurance increase to the chapters? Can you believe there are rumors of an increase in your grand tax? I would like to speak to things we have done in Mu Lambda that have and have not worked. Mu Lambda has spent the 2018-19 fraternal year identifying things that divide us and making a sincere effort to fix the things. We have found the biggest division in the chapter surfaces during IMDP. Brothers stop speaking to one another and leave the chapter because of candidates they do not know. The candidate becomes a brother and leaves the fraternity after his two years of dues expire. Mu Lambda, like many chapters in Alpha, has made the same mistake by ignoring two important questions – “have you known the candidate for a minimum of a year and can the candidate afford to be a member of the fraternity.” We find that when the two questions are answered in the affirmative – the candidates remain active and when the questions are answered in the negative, problems brewed in the chapter and the candidates did not remain financial with the fraternity. Brothers were so enamored with IMDP that they were querying the chapter for sponsors of men they did not know and who knew no one in the chapter. Brothers were willing to destroy a bond they had developed over the years for a total stranger. I am no psychologist, but we have some in Mu Lambda who might be suited to answer the question. I look back to 2014, at a brother in another chapter who was the Dean of Membership. He presented a slate of candidates to the chapter – the candidates, with the exception of one, failed to receive the requisite vote to move to the next weekend. To this day the Dean still harbors animosity because as he states, the brothers should have trusted him and if he states they were good candidates then his word should have prevailed. I differed with his opinion then as I do now. The Dean ignored his brothers when they repeatedly told him the sponsors did not know the candidates for the minimum amount of time delineated in the standing orders and the chapter did not want a line. He was more focused on his self-centered reason than the will of the body. While you would like to think it is an isolated situation, I recently witnessed a similar incident with another chapter. When we look at Mu Lambda, we find where the brothers actually knew the candidates for the minimum amount of time - the brothers remained financial and actively involved in the fraternity. The best thing Mu Lambda did was vote to impose a two-year moratorium on IMDP for the chapter. It has allowed us to bond as brothers. We are having honest conversation with one another – like why are we sponsoring people we don’t know – why are we tearing the chapter apart for strangers – why are we spending weekends on strangers, if we are not willing to spend that time trying to reclaim brothers we know – why are we bringing people into the fraternity who cannot meet the financial demands of the fraternity. The conversations have changed the chapter for the better. We started talking to one another – rather than about one another. We called, emailed, and sent letters to every brother ever affiliated with the chapter. We instituted a calling system to check on every financial brother a minimum of twice per month. We acknowledge the birthdays and Alpha anniversaries. We spend time getting to reacquaint ourselves with one another. We spend time trying to identify events of interest to the brotherhood. We have stopped talking so much and have started to listen to one another. We take a portion of the meeting to recognize and highlight brothers. We have worked hard this fraternal year, and this president’s message is dedicated to thanking you for your hard work and dedication. Your work with the House of Ruth, Ballou High School, Hart Middle School, and other community service has not gone unnoticed. The chapter is nothing without the bothers. Fraternally, Eddie Neal, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

APRIL 2019


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Committee Chairs

The Vice Presidents’ Message

Auditing Bro. Mark Ross

April has sprung up on us all,

Brother’s Keeper Bro. Carlos DeBose Budget and Finance Bro. Chapman Young Communication and Technology Bro. Mark Jones Constitution Bro. Byron Williams DC National Pan Hellenic Council Bro. Derrick Butts Fundraising Bro. Matthew Aaron Golf Tournament Bro. Frank King Health & Wellness Bro. Derrick Butts Membership Bro. Timothy Fitzgerald Men Who Cook Bro. Garrett Miller Mu Lambda Chapter History Book Bro. Silas Woods III Nominating Bro. Frank King Programs Bro. Joseph Gibbs Public Policy Bro. Kelvin Brown Social Bro. Mikael LaRoche

APRIL 2019




We have survived the bitter cold of the 2018-2019 Winter. With record-breaking rains, bone-chilling wind chills and numbers lower than all of our ages, we finally are not seeing our breaths and can probably tuck away the heavier coats. Alpha is going through its seasonal change as well. The 2019 political climate is heating up, and our brothers in leadership are actively pushing for their candidacy in the race for General President and other vital positions of leadership within our beloved organization. Mu Lambda, as a chapter will continue to be charged to pull brothers from within, it’s ranking to take similar charge! Who within our chapter can genuinely lead our region, area or district? Historically, the chapter has had Eastern Regional Vice Presidents, Area Directors and Brothers sitting in varied positions within District Leadership as a part of the cross-hairs in its sights. The chapter and its advancements have always had a voice at the table! But unfortunately, we have become complacent and rest idly by on the comfort of our legacy. I write this as a second charge to activate the Henry Arthur Callis’ and Eugene Kinckle Jones’ within our chapter. There is no better time than the PRESENT, to affect the changes we demand. The chapter has been on a steady course, guiding itself out of the slums of disrepute toward true order and forwardthinking direction. I call for brothers to step up to the plate. Lead not only within our chapter but within our fraternity. Beyond the call to leadership within, Id like to insist that our chapter focuses on our BROTHERHOOD! We all have various time-consuming occupations, lives, and families outside of Alpha. We sacrifice one Thursday for a few hours out of each month to see each other and fellowship, but the BOND of our fraternity is greater than that brief moment. As spring is upon us, I want to challenge each brother in Mu Lambda to get to know seven brothers outside of their immediate social circles. Get the number of brothers and share uplifting conversation, discuss professional goals, build business partnerships, invest in ideas. We are our own greatest resource, and the organization needs to be focus on that in mind. Call brothers, check to ensure they are ok, build friendships and we can continue to GROW OUR CHAPTER from inside out. As I close, I want to thank every brother who has made it a duty within their busy days to wish my growing family and me well in our transitions. I am grateful for the opportunity to lead and have been humbled within my position as Vice President of the MIGHTY Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. I write this only with the examples of brotherhood and leadership you all have shown me. I am honored to be surrounded by greatness. #06 Fraternally, Brother Mikael E. LaRoche Vice President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter


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Message from the Sergeant At Arms

Message from the Communications Team

Greetings Brothers,


The Sergeant at Arms’ team has implemented some few minor changes.

Mu Lambda communicates with you by various methods:

1. We have to ensure the house is secure at all times. 2. We ordered walkie talkies for the Sergeant at Arms team so we can stay in constant communication. 3. We will have someone on the door of the meeting room so no one enters without signing in and all visitors show their pass card or we verify their information. 4. There are four doors to the house. The upper front, kitchen, rear meeting room and side meeting room. We will lock the front and kitchen doors once the meeting starts. We are down stairs and can’t hear. Someone can walk in and do anything without our knowledge. If someone needs entry after the meeting starts, they can come to the side door and knock. 5. Once the meeting starts, all brothers must use the rap of admission and password to enter the meeting room. If they don’t know the password, we will leave them outside the room, verify they are a brother and then have someone teach them the rap and password. 6. No sitting on the counter tops. All brothers should be seated in chairs. Brothers will identity empty seats and everyone takes a seat. 7. The Sgt at Arms will be positioned at the back of the room near the door. 8. A financial roster will be available to expedite things. Brothers on that roster just need to verify their information and initial. Visitors and brothers who are not financial will sign on a different sheet. 9. Brother Bell reviewed the ritual with the chapter in December and January. Every Mu Lambda brother should be familiar with the official challenge. If a brother we don’t know comes to the meeting, we will challenge the brother. Not to embarrass him, but to get him accustom to the official challenge. We will still check the brother’s passcard and look him up in AlphaNet. 10. We also need to keep the kitchen clear. Brothers will be asked to fix their drinks and migrate out of the kitchen so others can come and go. It will also help to get the food out in a timely manner. 11. We will periodically challenge Mu Lambda brothers we know. We need to get accustomed to it. 12. Brother Bell will repeat the challenge, password and rap of admission at every meeting for the remainder of the fraternal year. 13. If you have invited a brother to the meeting, notify me in advance so I can verify his official membership prior to the meeting and expedite things. 14. Mu Lambda’s official meeting attire was Alpha Attire. The Executive Board recognizes that brothers are coming from work to the meeting and voted that the attire is business casual.

Fraternally, Brother Frank King, Sergeant at Arms Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

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Email Text Phone Mail The Torch Face-to-Face

America has been dealing with some stressful times such as the government shutdown. Alpha Phi Alpha is not immune to problems plaguing others. We are trying to make a concerted effort to keep you apprised of what is happening in Alpha and Mu Lambda. Starting February 1st, every brother received a call on the first and the 15th of the month. Your caller ID might show the call coming from 410.202.2715. That is the number associated with our system. The recorder will ask two questions – Brother if you and your family are fine, press “1.” If you or your family would like someone from Mu Lambda to call you, press “2’. If you elect to receive a call, the call will be returned by Mu Lambda’s Chaplain or a member of the Brother’s Keeper Committee. We recognize that most of you are fine, but sometimes we go through things in life and just want to know someone cares. This is Mu Lambda’s way of checking on you a minimum of twice a month. We know we will see you at the chapter meeting, but we want to make sure things are okay before and after the meeting. We are also in the process of updating the membership directory. If you did not update via the Google Form sent via email, please provide me a hard copy of your current information and we will manually update your information. If you are not receiving chapter emails, please let me know. We assume all financial brothers are receiving the communication and will not know unless you make the disclosure. Fraternally, Brother Garrett Miller Communications Team Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

Mu Lambda Chapter APRIL 2019


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Mu Lambda Chapter being honored at the Champion for Kids Donor Recognition FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 2019 1pm-2:30pm CFSA, 200 I Street, SE, WDC 20003 First Floor Conference Center (Multi-Purpose Room) EVENT DETAILS: The children and families served by CFSA will share their expressions of gratitude as well as their talents, and be our featured guest speakers for this year’s event. Lunch will be served – Admission is free Barbara Harrison, News4 has been invited to be our Mistress of Ceremonies PURPOSE: The purpose of the event is to recognize and to say ‘Thank You’ to a caring community for your meaningful contributions made by generous individuals, organizations, and corporations to the DC Child & Family Services Agency (CFSA). CFSA through our Partners for Kids in Care (PFK) program is very fortunate to be able to deliver a wide range of support to young people served by CFSA – from outfitting foster youth in college with sponsorship to purchase books for classes, to growing CFSA’s books-for-kids to promoting reading and family bonding, to providing needed clothing and school supplies through our Children’s Donation Center, to making young people feel special as they prepare for prom and graduation, to brightening the lives of foster youth who may be overlooked during the holidays by hosting holiday parties and conducting large toy drives generating over 5,000 toys this past holiday. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT OUR EVENT! Beatrice Williar, Program Manager Partners for Kids in Care DC Child & Family Services Agency 200 I Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003 Phone: 202/727-2101 Fax: 202/727-6505 Website:

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To Whom It May Concern: MS. NIKEYSHA JACKSON, PRINCIPAL MS. SHELLY GRAY, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL OF LITERACY MR. WILLIAM LYLES III, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL OF MATH On behalf of LaSalle Backus Education Campus, we would like to extend an invitation for you to join us in speaking with our students for our annual Career Day! This event helps in promoting early career awareness amongst our students and encouraging them to think about their future. To Whom It May Concern: Our Career Day event is scheduled for Friday, April 12, 2019, from 9:00am to 1:00pm. We ask that all participants arrive no later than 8:30am to begin setting up. Although most of our speakers will On behalf of LaSalle Backus Education Campus, we would like to extend an invitation for you to join come in during this time, we are willing to work with your schedule if this time frame might not work us in speaking with our students for our annual Career Day! This event helps in promoting early career for you. We are located at 501 Riggs RD, NE, Washington, DC 20011. There is plenty of street parking awareness amongst our students and encouraging them to think about their future. around the school. Our Career Day event is scheduled for Friday, April 12, 2019, from 9:00am to 1:00pm. We ask that Participants will be stationed in our Career Day Gallery. Students will cycle through with Career Day all participants arrive no later than 8:30am to begin setting up. Although most of our speakers will Passports. Each student will be encouraged to visit as many stations as they can, find answers to the come in during this time, we are willing to work with your schedule if this time frame might not work questions in their passports and collect information. for you. We are located at 501 Riggs RD, NE, Washington, DC 20011. There is plenty of street parking around the school. Your target audience will be student’s grades PK- 8th grade; ages 3 -14 years old. Please prepare to share what you do, provide literature/samples, demonstrate and answer/ask questions. You will have Participants will be stationed in our Career Day Gallery. Students will cycle through with Career Day your own table/space so bring in as many pictures and props as possible to make your station Passports. Each student will be encouraged to visit as many stations as they can, find answers to the interactive. Students will ask about: the name of your career, the type of work you do, and the questions in their passports and collect information. preparation required (college, training, etc). Your target audience will be student’s grades PK- 8th grade; ages 3 -14 years old. Please prepare to Please make sure that you RSVP by Friday, April 5, 2019 by emailing Ms. Silva at share what you do, provide literature/samples, demonstrate and answer/ask questions. You will have so that we can add you to our schedule. We look forward to meeting you! Thank you for supporting your own table/space so bring in as many pictures and props as possible to make your station District of Columbia Public Schools! interactive. Students will ask about: the name of your career, the type of work you do, and the preparation required (college, training, etc). Sincerely, Please make sure that you RSVP by Friday, April 5, 2019 by emailing Ms. Silva at Career Day Committee so that we can add you to our schedule. We look forward to meeting you! Thank you for supporting LaSalle Backus EC District of Columbia Public Schools! Sincerely, Career Day Committee LaSalle Backus EC

501 Riggs Road, NE | Washington, DC 20011 | T: 202.671.6340 | F: 202.541.3859

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Mu Lambda will be participating in the EMANCIPATION DAY PARADE

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Bus Trip to Albany, New York It is time to pay your $150 for the round-trip bus trip to Albany, New York. We will depart Washington, DC the morning of Thursday, April 25th and arrive in Albany. We will depart Albany, New York, Sunday April 28th and head to Ithaca, New York to see the historic sites of Alpha Phi Alpha. We will return to Washington, DC from Ithaca, New York on Sunday, April 28th.

Registration Link:

Esprit de Fraternite Chapter Dues Alpha Phi Alpha, Mu Lambda and the citizens of Washington, DC need you. Please remember to pay your chapter dues and Grand Tax to remain financial. Some brothers have paid their chapter dues but neglected to pay their Grand Tax. Please log into AlphaNet and pay your Grand Tax. Please bring your money to the chapter meeting or mail it to: Financial Team Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter 2405 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20001

You can also pay your dues online. Go to, scroll to “Membership Payment” at the bottom of the home page and make your payment. APRIL 2019


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Saturday, May 4th, 2019 It’s time to sign-up for MARCH FOR BABIES 2019!

Here are a few simple steps on how to do that. In support of one our fraternity’s national partners, the March of Dimes, It’s time to start preparing for the March for Babies Walk. To sign-up as a team walker, fundraiser, or combination, see the instructions shown below. Our team goal for this year is $2,500. We have raised over $1,000. • • •

Go to Phi Alpha Mu Lambda Click “Join This Team”. Fill in your information and submit.

You’re done! Once logged in you can edit your personal page and personal fundraising goal. Fundraise! You are now a member of this team and you can edit your personal page further to reflect why you participate!! Send emails to your family and friends encouraging them to support you in your fundraising efforts. No amount is too small when it comes to helping babies. As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your March of Dimes representative, Brother Samuel Armstrong Washington DC March for Babies Saturday, May 4th, 2019 Nationals Stadium (Free parking in garage) Registration Opens at 8:30 a.m. Walk Starts at 10:00 a.m.

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May 11, 2019 AARP Driver Safety Course

At the Mu Lambda Community House 10am-4pm

Sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter $15 for AARP members $20 for non AARP members Your spouse, family members and friends are well come to take the training.

Get registered today at

Refresh your driving skills and you could save on auto insurance When you take the AARP Smart Driver™ online course, you could be eligible for a multi-year discount on your auto insurance.* Plus safer driving can save you more than just money. The course teaches proven driving techniques to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road. Additionally, you’ll learn: • Important facts about the effects of medication on driving. • How to reduce driver distractions. • How to maintain the proper following distance behind another car. • Proper use of safety belts, air bags, anti-lock brakes and new technology found in cars today. • Techniques for handling left turns, right-of-way, and roundabouts. • Age-related physical changes and how to adjust your driving to compensate. Why Take the AARP Smart Driver Course? In many states, drivers may benefit from a discount on their auto insurance premium upon completing the course. And you will learn something new along the way. In fact, an evaluation of the course found that 97% of participants changed at least one driving habit as a result of what they learned.

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More Information Coming! APRIL 2019


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Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter



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Message from Men Who Cook Committee Brothers, The Men Who Cook event held at the house Saturday, March 23rd, was a huge success. The proceeds of your support went 100 percent to the Mu Lambda Foundation. Mu Lambda Foundation provides the charitable support for the community, House of Ruth, and students at Hart Middle and Ballou High School. Our goal was to make the event affordable and provide a forum for brothers and guests to fellowship. I would like to thank our chefs. For $35 we had a delectable menu: crab cakes (Armstrong), smoked pork shoulder (Jefferson), meatballs (Miller), green beans (Housey), shrimp & crawfish etouffee (Lucas), macaroni & cheese (Gibbs), brisket (McGann), fried chicken (E. Johnson), red beans & rice (Yanka), curry chicken (Benjamin), red velvet cake (Miller), lemon cake (Miller), pound cake (Arthur King), pecan pie (Lowery), Bahama punch (D. Butts), and oatmeal cookies (D. Butts). Some of the highlights of the event were: for the first time, every chef was a brother of Mu Lambda Chapter; overhead was lower than all the prior Men Who Cook events; more brothers attended the event than any other Men Who Cook event; profits were equal to last year’s event with more participants; brotherhood was stated to be an all time high; and there was so much food, guests had to take the leftovers. We look forward to seeing you next year and hope you enjoy the pictures of the event. Fraternally, Brother Garrett Miller Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

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Keeping our city clean and green Residents, businesses, and the government all play a role in keeping DC clean, safe, and healthy. Only by involving all residents and each community can we create a District as beautiful as we know it can be. Success begins with one neighbor and one community deciding to make a difference. Anyone can participate: individuals, families, churches, businesses, schools and other groups and organizations.

Adopting a block in the District of Columbia has many benefits:

Martin Luther King, Jr Avenue and Howard Road SE

• Improved quality of life in your neighborhood. The appearance of our community contributes to the quality of life we all share. • Signs with your group's name letting people know you are committed to making a difference. • Meet your neighbors, strengthen your community connections, and build leadership skills. Become a role model to youth. • Litter-free, more active communities help discourage rodents and unwanted and illegal activity. • Increased economic development. An attractive, clean community is a great asset in attracting new businesses, jobs, and customers. First Street and Bryant Street NW APRIL 2019


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Mu Lambda’s Health and Wellness Committee Greetings Brothers, Welcome to April! Spring is officially here! Daylight savings has set in nicely as the days are getting longer. We acknowledge April as Alcohol Awareness Month and National Minority Awareness month. Check out the link to see how you can get involved in the cause. The health topics we share from the MLHWC are to provide in-sight and knowledge about what are family, friends, and love-ones may be going through. Below are articles of interest addressing the months subject matters. Please cut and paste this link into your browser to read entire articles: Figures on Alcohol use the Black Community The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) publishes that approximately 43.5% of African American adults (aged 12 and older) currently drank alcohol at the time of the 2013 survey, and 7.4% struggled with alcohol addiction. Just 20% of the black community binge drank in the prior month (according to the 2014 national survey), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports, which is below the national average of 23%. Fewer African American youths report underage drinking than the national average. In 2014, approximately 8.5% of black youths between the ages of 12 and 20 reported drinking alcohol in the prior month compared to a national average of 13.8%. Click on the link below to get more information.

Active & Healthy, which will allow OMH and minority health advocates throughout the nation to emphasize the health benefits of incorporating even small amounts of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity into our schedules. Physical activity promotes health and reduces the risk of chronic diseases and other conditions that are more common or severe among racial and ethnic minority groups. Testicular Cancer Awareness Month is celebrated in April of each year Testicular cancer is the most common type of cancer in men ages 15-35 years, but men of all ages can be at risk. Testicular cancer is of special concern to young men. It’s less common in middle-aged and older men. Caucasian men are about 5 times more likely to develop testicular cancer than African American men. The rate among Hispanic men lies between those of African Americans and Caucasians. In the U.S., over 8,500 cases are diagnosed each year, and almost 400 males die of testicular cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, the average age of diagnosis is about age 33. Symptoms The most common symptom of testicular cancer is a small, painless lump in a testicle or a slightly enlarged testicle. It’s important for men to become familiar with the size and feeling of their normal testicles, so that they can detect changes if they occur. Other possible symptoms include: • Feeling of heaviness in the scrotum • Dull ache in the lower stomach or groin • Change in the way a testicle feels • Sudden accumulation of blood or fluid in the scrotum. It is important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by infections or other conditions that are not cancer. A healthcare provider can tell you if you have cancer and what the proper treatment should be. Prevention HOW TO DO A TESTICULAR CANCER SELF EXAM

Office of Minority Health (OMH) Announces April 2019 is National Minority Health Month, and for the observance this year, the HHS Office of Minority Health will join our partners in raising awareness about the important role an active lifestyle plays in keeping us healthy. The theme for the 2019 observance is APRIL 2019

A simple procedure called testicular self-exam (TSE) can increase the chances of finding a tumor early. Men should perform TSE once a month – after a warm bath or shower. The heat causes the scrotal skin to relax, making it easier to find anything 18

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National Minority Health Month continued unusual. TSE is simple, only takes a few minutes and follows these steps:

African Americans made up 12.7 percent of the national population.

1. Examine each testicle gently with both hands. 2. The index and middle fingers should be placed underneath the testicle while the thumbs are placed on the top. 3. Roll the testicle gently between the thumbs and fingers. One testicle may be larger than the other. This is normal. 4. The epididymis is a cord-like structure on the top and back of the testicle that stores and transports the sperm. Do not confuse the epididymis with an abnormal lump. 5. 5. Feel for any abnormal lumps – about the size of a pea – on the front or the side of the testicle. These lumps are usually painless.

ANNUAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDER VISITS Routine testicular self-exams are important, but they cannot substitute for a healthcare provider’s examination. Your healthcare provider should examine your testicles when you have a physical exam. You also can ask your healthcare provider to check the way you do TSE. Organ Donation and African Americans African Americans make up the largest group of minorities in need of an organ transplant. In 2014,

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The number of organ transplants performed on black Americans in 2015 was only 17% of the number of black Americans currently waiting for a transplant. The number of transplants performed on white Americans was 31% of the number currently waiting. While 29.8% of the total candidates currently waiting for transplants are black American, they comprised 13.5% of organ donors in 2015. In 2015, 73 percent of donor organs from African Americans were from deceased donors. Although the total number of White Americans on organ transplant waiting lists is about 1.4 times greater than that of black Americans, the number of candidates waiting for a kidney transplant is almost the same between blacks and whites. Black Americans have higher rates of diabetes and high blood pressure than white Americans. These conditions are known to put the patient at risk for organ failures.

Link: Bro. Derrick A. Butts ML HWC Chair

National Minority Health Month APRIL 2019


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ML HWC Security Message: Password and Social Media Extortion Scams… Greetings Brothers, Over the past few years, there have been a number of large retailers and on-line service providers who have experienced data breaches where personal identifiable information (PII) has been compromised. Like Yahoo, Starwood, Target, LinkedIn, OPM, Equifax, Uber, and the list continue. This information may have included your – business/home address, email addresses, phone numbers, passwords, credit card info, birth dates, SSN, and etc. When this information is taken, it is usually sold on the Dark Web to those who will try to circle back to you and extort you for a ransom to be paid in Bitcoin, Paypal, or credit card. Just recently, the news has provided coverage on the “Virtual Kidnapping” Scam/scheme, where an adversary will call a parent’s cell and indicate they have your child and are holding them until you pay a ransom while they keep you on the phone. The adversary will obtain information from your public social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other sites to know where you live, where your child goes to school, and in some cases your address and phone number. While you may think it is nice to share all of this information in real-time about your family, the adversary is building their Rolodex of information on YOU. They will gather this information so when they have you on the phone, they will know your kids name, where they go to school, and even the time of day when their sports are played. Both Extortion schemes are designed to INDUCE enough FEAR that their victims will DO ANYTHING to ensure their information and loved ones are safe! Now that your heart is racing APRIL 2019

What can you do to protect yourself from both schemes – first, take a deep breath….

Compromised Passwords Scheme • Once you hear of a data breach of a business or company you have done on-line or credit cards business with: 1. Change your passwords IMMEDIATELY – Chances are the breach occurred months ago and your information is already in the adversary’s hands – Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) on ALL passwords where you can – i.e. any on-line service, on-line banking, etc… 2. Ask your bank for a new credit and/or debit card IMMEDIATELY and closely monitor your bank statements monthly for any charges/purchases you did not make 3. Contact your credit monitoring service and see if your credit score has changed and if there are any new accounts opened in your name that you are not familiar with • You may get an email that has a password you have used for one of the on-line sites that has been compromised in the past, If have already changed your password(s), ignore and delete the email as junk 1. If it is a current password, you are still using – Go to that site and change immediately – DO NOT click on the link in a bogus email to change your password 2. If you can’t change your password on-line, contact the provider via phone to explain your situation • Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) for ALL on-line accounts where possible and change your passwords about every 6-months • DO NOT USE THE SAME PASSWORD for multiple accounts – If the adversary gets into one of your accounts, they will most likely try your other accounts too

• Use a password wallet i.e. LastPass, DataVault, or other tool to secure your passwords for ALL of your online accounts

Virtual Kidnapping Scheme – • Never uses your kids name with an Adversary on the phone – this validates their information • Text your kids while the adversary is on the phone to confirm your child’s safety • Establish a challenge SAFE word and DISTRESS word with your kids for them to use in a compromising and safe situation • KNOW WHERE YOUR KIDS ARE at all times – establish period check-in periods throughout the day – where you may call them, or they will have to call you – Check-ins are NOT OPTIONAL. • Capture the Caller ID information from the caller – and report to police • DO NOT AGREE to pay the money or ransom fee • DO NOT Post everything you do and places you go in real-time. If you are on vacation, post your pics when you return especially if your house is empty while you are gone or if there is no one watching your property. It is safer to make your post after your trip. • If your kids are on traveling sports teams and you are not part of the trip – maintain periodic check-ins – where it makes sense. The ML HWC is concerned about the safety and secure well-being of the Brothers. This email is to stimulate safety and security awareness for you and your families. If you are not already doing the things mentioned above, think about doing it TODAY! (Hmmm?) Continue to click and think responsibly! Bro. Derrick A. Butts, ML HWC Chair


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Health & Wellness Events Mu Lambda Brothers Derrick Butts and Eddie Neal working with Beta Brothers Charles Rice, Darien Pierce, Nile Hodges, Grant Ford-Hodges, and Lamel Roberson and Howard University students on self-defense. The students were taught how to make a fist, throw a punch, apply pressure point techniques, releases from chokes and releases from grabs. The self-defense workshop was held Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at Howard University. April • 9th – 6-8:30pm City CPR Certification Training at the Mu Lambda House. Limited to 20 attendees at $25pp plus Eventbrite fees. Look for the Eventbrite link. Must register via Eventbrite to attend. Limited to 20 attendees. (Confirmed). EventBrite: •

11th – House of Ruth – 6:30 – 8:00pm SelfDefense Workshop for the ladies of the shelter. Location of event will be limited to a few select Brothers on a need to know basis. (Confirmed)

May • 4th – 08:30am - March for Babies – Nationals Stadium (Confirmed) See the emails from Bro. Samuel Armstrong to register to walk and/or support another Brother who is walking in this event. Your time and/or contribution are both greatly appreciated. Support Request - Need 10 15 Brothers to Support • 18th – 10:00am-1:00 pm Alpha Active Joint Health and Wellness Summit – (Confirmed) APRIL 2019

This event will take place at Luke C. Moore HS near Brookland NE. Working to secure health conscious businesses and speakers for the event. Support Request - Need 10 - 15 Brothers to Support September • 14th – 9:00-11:00am - ML/OHL/OLA Alpha Move at Carter Baron Park NW - (Moved from April due to Easter Holiday and competing events Planning) Support Request - Need 9-11 Brothers to Support Next MLHWC Meeting: April 18, 2019 • • • • •

Meeting Dates: 3rd Thursday of every Month Locations: Virtual Conf. Call or 646 876 9923 US (New York) Time: 7:00 – 7:45pm Bring: Ideas for healthy activities and service projects. Initial Topics: Addressing Brothers questions on Health topics – 1st 10 mins

For more information on MLHWC activities, please contact Bro. Derrick Butts 21

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Message from the DC National Pan-Hellenic Council Delegate • Budget and Finance 1. Operating at full Budget 2. Received all remaining Holiday Party Revenue 3. Need to ID Charitable Orgs to donate funds too. Brothers Derrick and Christopher Butts attended. 4. Some Charitable orgs were Discussed during the summer eBoard mtg and additional Orgs • DC NPHC needs a Web Developer - ASAP! Site is maybe discussed for consideration need of some work. • ByLaws • Social Media Status - 10% Increase on people 1. Review of Governing Docs viewing DC NPHC Social media platforms. 2. Quick guide to Parliamentarian Procedure to • There are Two FB Pages running meetings 1. One by DC NPHC • Fundraising 2. One hosted by an Unknown 1. Holiday Party - Collected over 200 Toys 3. Looking to change to make the 2. Raised over $1500 4. Official DC NPHC Group 3. Not enough Base to put down a deposit. 5. The POC that owns the 2nd FB page used to be 4. Planning Jazz Reception - May 2019 part of the Pan Hell and currently lives overseas 5. Planning Fathers’ Day • Reporter and Newsletter 6. Skate Party - Crystal Skate Rink - Need to 1. Please send at least two (2) pictures from ML vote on at the eBoard to Approve. - Endevents. And two sentences. March 28, 2019. - 9pm - Midnight. 2. by the 3rd Tues. 7. Working w/Frater Burton on the Awards monthly. Ceremony. 3. The newsletter will list all Greek events. • Scholarship Event 4. Send all correspondence for the VP to 1. Thurs., Feb. 28th at Buffalo Wild Wings 1220 Half Street SE. - From 5 - 9 pm Divine 5. There has been a problem with the DC NPHC Nine Scholarship Reporter receiving photos from Mu Lambda, • Audit Brother Derrick Butts will forward photo link to 1. Have had a hard time getting all the receipt to Reporters personal email address fully close out the FY2018 year. 6. 1st DC NPHC Newsletter will be released in 2. Received all outstanding docs and will audit all March 2019 materials before the March 2019 meeting. • Greek Giveback Campaign 1. Mr. Washington will attend the March 2019 Mtg Next Meeting Host - March 26, 2019 – Hosted by • Leadership Institute Conference in Oct. 2019 Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated at 6:30pm 1. Looking for presenters 2. Must make presenter submissions by 022819. Fraternally, 3. Let President - Tami know by Wed., Feb. 27th • ZPB local Chapter - Celebrating 25 years in March Bro. Derrick A. Butts 2019. DC NPHC Delegate Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Committee Reports Mu Lambda Chapter Hosted by Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Incorporated - Beta Omega Chapter. WMATA Community Room, 4729 14th St. NW, Washington, DC

• Programs 1. Jan. 19th and 21st - were Global Day of Services 2. Spring PROJ. - TBD • Undergrad Relations 1. Looking for more committee members 2. Working with Fund Raising to establish an Escape Room Party - Info TBD 3. Children’s Hosp Event (TBD) 4. HBCU Walk and Run - June 2019 5. Future Leadership Award is for college Freshman, Sophomores and Junior 6. $500 Scholarship and NO ONE Applied last year APRIL 2019


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Arlester Brown Athel Q. Liggins Sterling Tucker Joseph E. Seaberry Garnett Wood Derrick P. Thomas Norris A. Dodson, III Ryle Bell Rudolph Harris Drew M. Love Christopher R. Emanuel Clyde Blassengale Neil S. Rodgers Colin H. Campbell Jeffery S. Fleming John Mabry Anthony T. Moore Kent A. Benjamin Walter Whitley O. J. Cole, Jr. Louis A. Ford Kerry S. Pearson Marquial D. McMillan John R. Johnson Robert E. Richardson Franklin R. Ampy Todd E. Allen Fred L. Valentine Mark S. Cruce

APRIL 2019

April 1st April 1st April 1st April 1st April 1st April 1st April 1st April 1st April 3rd April 4th April 4th April 6th April 7th April 8th April 9th April 9th April 9th April 12th April 12th April 14th April 16th April 16th April 16th April 17th April 18th April 21st April 25th April 30th April 30th




Happy Birthday Arlester Brown Franklin P. De Lanine, Sr. Jamison B. Taylor, Jr. Sean D. Plater Jeffery S. Fleming Alexander C. Pullen Tony Wilson Vincent B. Orange, Sr. John D. Williams Khalil B. Ajiborode Joshua J. DuBoise James A. Donaldson John Mabry DeAngelo M. Copeland Adrian V. James Robert J. Lee Kwame O. Reed

April 1st April 3rd April 3rd April 5th April 5th April 9th April 9th April 11th April 12th April 13th April 17th April 17th April 22nd April 22nd April 25th April 25th April 28th


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Message from the Membership and Reclamation Chair Greeting Brothers, I want you to get to know Mu Lambda’s new and/or reclaimed brothers below.


Samuel Armstrong John Barnett Kent Benjamin Kelvin Brown Christopher Butts Aaron Cheese Lawrence Clark Jamaal A. Crone Carlos DeBose, Sr. Kevin Dixon Jeffery Fleming Jimmy Floyd Eric Herndon Jabari Hawkins Paul Hoggard Brett Hood Rawn James Eric Johnson Alvin Reaves, III Jamison Taylor, Jr. Eric Washington Albert Williams, Jr. Kenneth Williams



Mu Lambda Delta Sigma Beta Upsilon Xi Iota Theta Zeta Mu Lambda Sigma PI Gamma Lambda Mu Lambda Mu Lambda Mu Lambda Mu Lambda Zeta Rho Lambda Mu Lambda Theta Rho Lambda Zeta Theta Rho Delta Zeta Lambda Alpha Mu Mu Lambda Phi Eta Eta Lambda

March 15, 2003 September 15, 1978 April 12, 1985 March 23, 2002 November 13, 1999 November 5, 2016 March 23, 2013 November 30, 2001 November 29, 2014 March 23, 2013 April 9, 1995 March 5, 2005 November 16, 2002 November 9, 2014 January 4, 1990 December 13, 1997 December 10, 1995 March 25, 1978 March 1, 2003 May 22, 1986 March 23, 2013 May 22, 1982 March 16, 2014

Fraternally, Brother Timothy Fitzgerald, Chair, Membership and Reclamation Committee Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter Brother Garnett Wood receiving his 70 year certificate and pin

APRIL 2019

Brother Matt Aaron receiving his shingle, history book, Alpha pin, Mu Lambda chapter pin and Patch


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ou are listed with the fraternity as a former member of Mu Lambda who has not renewed your membership. If it is just an oversight, I can help facilitate your payment. If there is another reason, please let me know so I can be of assistance.

As Membership and Reclamation Chair of Mu Lambda Chapter, I would like to bring greetings to you and extend an invitation for you to return to the chapter. I am proud to be a member of this chapter as Mu Lambda celebrates 95 years of serving Washington, DC since 1923. Since our charter, Mu Lambda Chapter has been an innovator, a builder, and a molder of men making a difference in the lives of many in the Washington Metropolitan area. Mu Lambda Chapter is working diligently to ensure that our programs and social activities continue to impact the community in a positive way by being a catalyst of change. Today, Mu Lambda stands as a beacon of light to the community and a strong source of leadership. Through our Henry Arthur Callis Academy, we continue to facilitate the growth of young males so they understand that leadership is not a burden but a responsibility. Staying true to Alpha’s core: we implement successfully the fraternity’s National Programs: Go-to-High School Go-to-School, A Voteless People is a Hopeless People, Project Alpha and Brothers’ Keeper. These four programmatic efforts are implemented through “out-of-the-box” formats to ensure that Mu Lambda Chapter is reaching the target audience. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Mu Lambda in not a monolithic chapter. It is rich in history, diversity and ready to serve. The youngest member of the chapter is 22, born in 1996, while the oldest is 98, born in 1920. Salaries range from $30,000 to $1,000,000 per annum. The membership is comprised of brothers initiated in 117 different chapters. Fifty-five life members. The lowest life member number is 691, while the highest in the chapter is 13910. Brothers list their race as African American, Afro-Hispanic, Caucasian, Multi-Racial, and West Indian/Caribbean. All brothers have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree. Two have Dental Degrees. Three have Medical Degrees. Nine have MBA Degrees. Twenty-four have Doctorate Degrees. Twenty-five have Law Degrees. Twenty-eight have Masters’ Degrees as their highest level of education.

I challenge you to reflect and rekindle the fraternal spirit. Our chapter meetings are every first Thursday at the Mu Lambda Community House, located at 2405 First Street NW, Washington, DC at 7:06 pm and the repast starts @ 6:30 pm. Please visit to see what Mu Lambda has been doing. If you have any questions please call me @ 301-332-7507 or email me at Fraternally, Bro. Tim Fitzgerald Membership and Reclamation Chair Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

APRIL 2019


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Greetings Brothers, Brothers Christopher Butts, LeRoy Lowery, Garrett Miller, Eddie Neal, Rick Thurmond and Albert Williams served the ladies of the House of Ruth a mouth-watering meal to be remembered on Saturday, March 16th. The brothers arrived at 3:30 pm to set the table and deliver the meal promptly at the scheduled time of 4:30 pm.

We went to serve, but left excited and appreciated. We don’t know the individual story behind any individual woman, but it was a fulfilling experience to be able to serve such an appreciative group. Brothers layered the tables with the black and old gold dinner menus. We then proceeded to serve the ladies the first course - Henry Arthur Callis Tomato Soup and Charles Henry Chapman Garden Salad with Vidalia Onion Vinegarette. While enjoying the tasty appetizer, their eyes caught a glimpse of the two dozen yellow roses sitting on the table, where the ladies APRIL 2019



politely requested one each. The brothers moved like a team of servers at a five-star restaurant, providing the women the finest of service. Mr. Stevaughn Bush, a 2018 graduate of Howard University Law School filled the cups with Mu Lambda Chapter Ice Cold Tea. Brothers walked the room allowing the ladies to select their rose of choice while offering a friendly smile and the request of how can the brothers of Mu Lambda make their meal more enjoyable. Brothers bussed the tables, while others started serving the entrée - Eugene Kinckle Jones Rotisserie Chicken served with George Biddle Kelley Potato Salad, Nathaniel Allison Murray Green Beans and Mu Lambda Foundation Hot Buttered Rolls. The portions were large but the women saved room for dessert, where they were served Robert Harold Ogle Pound Cake and Vertner Woodson Tandy Vanilla Ice Cream. The ladies were kind, warm and appreciative. It is difficult to tell who enjoyed it the most – the brothers or the women being served. We departed the facility, met as a group outside, and held a 30-minute meeting deciding on the menu for the April 6, 2019, dinner. We agreed


upon a tentative menu of shrimp alfredo, meat loaf, collard greens, rice, garden salad, Texas toast, ice cream sundaes and a beverage low in fructose. In addition to the monthly dinner, Mu Lambda will be teaching its first self defense class to the ladies on Thursday, April 11th. In closing, many of the brothers donated money and items at the February chapter meeting. We collected laundry detergent, sanitization wipes and $249. We were fortunate enough to raise an additional $251 bringing our total to $500. Mu Lambda’s pledge towards the building of the House of Ruth Child Development Center is $1,000 – so we are half way there. We have a pledge of dental supplies for the women to be delivered during the April dinner. East State Jazz Band is reviewing its schedule for an appropriate date to serenade the ladies to jazz while we serve them a delectable meal. Feel free to continue to contribute in several ways – cash to help reach the $1,000 goal, supplies for the ladies, time preparing and serving meals, or just your kind words encouraging brothers to keep up the good work. Fraternally, Brother Garrett Miller Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter


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Message from the Education Chair

PROJECT ALPHA MARCH 5th & 19th, 2019 Greeting brothers, Mu Lambda hosts Project Alpha at Hart Middle School twice per month on Tuesdays. Hart is located at 601 Mississippi Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20032 in Ward 8 of the city. Mentoring is 3:30 – 5:00 pm. We mentored the young men on the 5th and 19th during the month of March. March 5th was a team building exercise. March 19th was a viewing of the Project Alpha video preceded and followed by round table discussions with the young men. There are approximately 18 young men enrolled in the program, eight of whom have been with us since sixth grade. In addition to the mentoring, we ensure the young men are fed a meal at every session. This might not sound significant, but for some, this might be the last meal they receive of the day. The young men will be graduating and moving on to high school. To support the young men and show we care, Mu Lambda is seeking to raise funds to rent/purchase their cap and gowns, year books, and school supplies for their ninth-grade year. The following 8th graders participated with the Project Alpha Male Mentoring program from their 6th grade year until now: Anthony Austin Christian Harrison D'hani Rispus Jamari Martin Marcel Williams Mykel Woodbury Vincent Wingfield Trevonne Joyner

DeAndre Jackson Nathan Bacchus Jalonnie Hawkins James Joyner Kamari King Savion Lomax Denali McNeil Nasir Prince Amoree Richards Arman Thornton These young men are also a part of the program

Please mark your calendar for the next mentoring dates of Tuesday, April 2nd and Tuesday, April 23rd. We also plan to take the students to Dave and Busters for an end of the school year celebration on Saturday, May 18th. Fraternally, Charvis Campbell Education Committee Chair Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc Mu Lambda Chapter APRIL 2019


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Goto High School Goto College Ballou HS - MARCH 20, 2019 Greeting brothers, Mu Lambda hosted the Henry Arthur Callis Academy, a college and career readiness program for high school males at Ballou High School, Wednesday, March 20th. Ballou is located at 3401 4th Street, SE, Washington, DC 20032 in Ward 8 of the city. Mentoring takes place at 3:30 – 5:00 pm. The session was spent teaching the young men about the graduation requirements for District of Columbia Public Schools and ensuring the young men were aware of the categories for the required 24 credits to graduate. In addition to the mentoring, we ensure the young men are fed a meal at every session. This might not sound significant, but for some, this might be the last meal they receive of the day. The young men will be graduating next year and moving on to college and/or life beyond high school. To support the young men and show we care, Mu Lambda is seeking to raise funds to rent/purchase their cap and gowns, year books, senior pictures, and tuxedos for the prom. The following young men are participants in the program: Aaron Penny Cyrell Ellis Demondre Phillips Deonte McGriff Gewaun Boomer Jaz Pratt Melvin McMillan Ralph Nickens

Ronald Brooks Taion White Tavon Faunteroy Terrontae Stephens Tremar Richardson

Please mark your calendar for the next mentoring dates of Wednesday, April 24th and Wednesday, May 15th. We also plan to take the students to Dave and Busters for an end of the school year celebration on Saturday, May 18th. Fraternally, Charvis Campbell Education Committee Chair Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc Mu Lambda Chapter APRIL 2019


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Message from the Chaplain Dear Brothers, Thanks to all of the Brothers who represented at Brother Evans E. Crawford Omega Service. I am sure the family appreciated our Ritual as did the congregation that completely filled the sanctuary at the Cramton Auditorium, Howard University. The Proclamation presented by Brother President Eddie Neal will help to comfort the family in this time of sorrow. As usual, I would like to take this opportunity to share some basic information with you in the event you or a brother you know transitions to Omega Chapter: • • • •

Call (410.202.2715) or email eneal@ Every brother is entitled to an Omega service, financial or not. The request should come from the family, not the chapter forcing it upon the family. Part of any brother’s estate planning should be the designation of an Alpha brother to receive his paraphernalia or instructions for his loved ones to contact Mu Lambda for disposition. Official fraternity pins (e.g., official badge, life member pin, twentyfive-year pin, fifty-year pin, etc.) should be given to another brother, the chapter (Mu Lambda) or the General Organization to prevent it from getting into the hands of a nonmember. Notify your family to give Mu Lambda and fraternal documents to Mu Lambda.




Omega Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter Brother Ronald Dellums entered Omega Chapter on July 30, 2018. His ashes were interred at Arlington National Cemetery on March 21, 2019. He was a Marine, a Congressman for 26 years, and Mayor of Oakland, CA for 4 years. His widow, Mrs. Cynthia Dellums, has requested that we hold an Omega Service for her late husband at 9:00 am on Friday, May 10, 2019 at Metropolitan AME Church, 1518 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005. She has specifically requested that Brother Horace Dawson, who knew Brother Dellums well, give the Words of Tribute. The religious service will begin promptly at 9:30 am. Brother Ronald V. Dellums Chapter of Initiation: Delta Omicron Date of Initiation: Saturday, Nov. 30, 1957 Date of Birth: November 24, 1935 Omega Chapter: July 30, 2018

Farewell dear Brother

I hope you never need the above information, just in case, please share the information with your family so we can honor you in the event of your untimely passing. Fraternally, Brother William A. (Tony) Hawkins Chaplain Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

Brothers assembled for Brother Crawford’s Omega Service APRIL 2019


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Muddled Spearmint in Bulleit Bourbon


Bro. Derrick A. Butts Health and Wellness Committee Chair

Punch Bowl Cake: A Spring Time favorite!

Greetings Brothers, With the upcoming Kentucky Derby take a moment to savor muddled spearmint in Bulleit Bourbon and fresh notes of Spring. Yes sir, we’re talking seersucker, bow ties, brogues and Mint Juleps! Gather a bit of crushed ice and enjoy this simple quintessential Derby cocktail with aplomb. Here’s how. Mint Julep Jigger (1.3 oz) Bulleit Bourbon 1.5 tsp caster (superfine) sugar Fresh spearmint leaves Water • • • •

Rocks glass Jigger Crushed ice Bar spoon

Muddle spearmint leaves, sugar, and splash of water in a rocks glass or julep cup. Add Bulleit Bourbon, water, and fill glass with crushed ice and stir. Garnish with sprig of mint. NOTE: This drink scales well. I recommend making a mint flavored simple syrup combining with Bourbon over ice and decanting onto several cups or rocks glasses with crushed ice for entertaining a crowd. Happy Derby Days Brothers! Brother Drew Love

Easy 20-Minute Teriyaki Chicken and Broccoli 1. Prep time: 5 mins 2. Cook time: 15 mins 3. Total time: 20 mins APRIL 2019

This easy 20-minute teriyaki chicken and broccoli will soon be a favorite in your house! • Course: dinner, main course, main entree • Cuisine: asian • Servings: calories: 356 kcal Ingredients • 4 cups fresh broccoli (see notes below if you’re using frozen broccoli) • 1 large boneless skinless chicken breast, diced into 1-inch cubes • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil • FOR THE SAUCE • 2 cloves garlic minced • 1/2 cup low-sodium soy sauce • 1/4 cup water • 2 tablespoon rice vinegar • 1/4 cup dark brown sugar • 2 tablespoon cornstarch Instructions 1. In a small bowl, whisk together all the ingredients for the sauce and set aside. 2. Bring a medium pot of water to a boil and add the broccoli. Blanch the broccoli for 5 minutes then immediately transfer the broccoli to an ice bath (a large bowl of water with ice in it) to stop the cooking process. Set aside. 3. In a skillet, brown chicken on both sides with vegetable oil over medium high heat. Add the broccoli (excess water drained well) then turn the heat down to medium. Gently pour in the sauce and let thicken, about 5 minutes. Gently toss the ingredients in the sauce until everything is coated well. 4. Serve over rice. Web Link: https://www.tablefortwoblog. com/easy-20-minute-teriyaki-chickenand-broccoli/

Ingredients • 1 (18.25 ounce) package yellow cake mix • 2 (5 ounce) packages instant vanilla pudding mix • 5 cups milk • 6 bananas • 2 (21 ounce) cans cherry pie filling • 2 (20 ounce) cans crushed pineapple, drained • 6 ounces flaked coconut • 1 (16 ounce) package frozen whipped topping, thawed • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts Directions 1. Bake cake mix according to package directions for 2 layers, let cakes cool. 2. Prepare the pudding according to package with the 5-c. milk. 3. In a large punch bowl, start with one layer of the cake, broken up into pieces. Spread with half of the pudding, then slice three bananas over the pudding. Then layer 1 can drained pineapple, one can pie filling and half of the coconut. 4. Repeat in the same order with the remaining ingredients. 5. Top with whipped topping, then sprinkle with chopped walnuts. Chill and serve. Brother Garrett Miller


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The Jewels’ Lounge Mu Lambda Chapter Jewels’ Lounge Welcome to the Jewels’ Lounge where brothers gather, sit amongst the Jewels and reflect upon life in Alpha.

Jewel Callis

Jewel Jones

Jewel Murray

It is a place that allow brothers the opportunity to relax, read The Torch, Sphinx, history book and/or engage in that good ole ALPHA SPIRIT. Brother Silas Woods, III, Historian Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

Jewel Kelley

APRIL 2019

Jewel Tandy

Jewel Chapman

Jewel Ogle


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Greeting Brothers,

Volume I

The 2018-2019 fraternal year has been dedicated to rediscovering our brotherhood. We serve the community, but we have been neglecting our bond of brotherhood.

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter


Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter


Starting Tuesday, May 7th, Mu Lambda will be rolling out and hosting the Mu Lambda Literary Society, every week at 7:06 pm. The Mu Lambda Literary Society is a Mu Lambda initiative, where we come together as brothers and discuss the two volume Alpha history book over a period of month. It will be a potluck affair facilitated by a different brother each week. Brothers can participate in person or via conference call. We will start with volume 1, chapter 1 of the twenty second printing of the history book and conclude with volume 2, chapter 8. There are twenty chapters in volume 1 and eight chapters in volume 2. This is also a great opportunity to correct the history book that was published in 2012, but only lists chapters chartered through 2005. This is totally voluntary. If you are interested, participate for the weeks that you can. You are not required to purchase the new history book, arrangements will be made to get the material to you in advance.

Chapter XII Chapter XIII Chapter XIV



Lesson The Origin of Alpha Phi Alpha The Period of Consolidation The First Steps in Expansion Local and National Strivings Permanent Foundations Expansion and Internal Development The Leaven of Self-Examination The War Interlude A Definite Program The Crowning Years Advancement in Spite of the Depression The Widening Social Program Education and War A Militant Liberalism


Date May 7 May 14 May 21 May 28 June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25 July 2 July 9 July 16 July 23 July 30 August 6

Volume II



Chapter XV Chapter XVI Chapter XVII

August 13 August 20

Chapter XVIII Chapter XIX Chapter XX

The Concept of Progress The Golden Anniversary Shaping the Future on the Basis of the Past The Continuing Challenge New Goals for Old Social Purpose and Social Action

Volume II



Chapter I Chapter II

Back to Basics Achieving Tomorrow: An Agenda for the 80’s Strengthening Internal Capacity for Greater Service Facing Our Future with a Future The Alpha Renaissance: Rekindling the Spirit of Leadership and Community Service Vision 2000: The Light of a New Day Alpha Attitude: A Forward Step‌ Into the Future A Solid Foundation for the New Era of Alpha

September 24

Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII

August 27 September 3 September 10 September 17

October 1 October 8 October 15 October 22 October 29 November 5 November 12

Fraternally, Eddie Neal, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter APRIL 2019


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A. Charles Haston

Brother’s Keeper




There are seven objectives to the program: •

Assist in maintaining living environments that are compatible with participants’ levels of functioning

Assist in maintaining the upkeep of participants’ properties

Assist with health care decision-making

Provide companionship

Provide legal services

Provide transportation

Ensure adequate supplies of food, water, and clothing, with special emphasis on disaster management and recovery.

Mu Lambda has initiated a three-tier approach to implementing the Brother’s Keeper program. Approximately 300 letters were mailed by the Membership and Reclamation Committee in January to brothers to check on their well-being. The Communication team scheduled automated calls to brothers to take place on the first and fifteenth of the month.

Nothing helps us build our perspective more than developing compassion for others. Compassion involves two things: intention and action. Intention simply means you remember to open your heart to others. Action is simply what you do about it. You might donate time on a regular basis to a cause near to your heart. It’s easy to get lost and overwhelmed in the chaos, responsibilities and goals of life. Once overwhelmed, it’s tempting to forget about those brothers most near and dear to us. Brother’s Keeper is a service program developed with the mission of advocating and improving the quality of life for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Brothers, their spouses, and widows who are retired, are elders, have disabilities and are ailing.

The calls will help identify brothers in need of assistance. The Brother’s Keeper Committee received a list of brothers age 60 and above in the chapter. The committee will place a personal call to every brother on the list at least once per month. If you are a brother in need or know a brother in need, call (410.202.2715) or email ( me. I will notify the Brother’s Keeper Committee. Fraternally, Brother Eddie Neal President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

Upon identification of need, the Brother’s Keeper Program also provides assistance to mature and ailing members of its communities. Limitations caused by advanced age place demands on family members, caregivers, and the larger community to ensure that elders remain independently functional. The goal of the Brother’s Keeper Program is to promote dignity and independence among Alpha family and community members who need help in keeping their lives and homes functional.

APRIL 2019


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Do You Recognize These Brothers?

Arnett Lindsay

Byron Grayson

Ernest Smith

Frank Pinder

Gilbert Douglass

Hezekiah Smith

James Robinson

John Brinkley, Jr

Louis Harding

Rodman Turner

S. Linwood Evans

William Spaulding

APRIL 2019


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Reprint from the Sphinx Magazine Summer 1979

APRIL 2019


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Reprint from the Sphinx Magazine Summer 1979

APRIL 2019


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Building Resilience Among Black Boys Psychologists are helping black boys capitalize on their strengths, in part by giving them strategies to recognize and respond to racism. By Tori DeAngelis October 2014, Vol 45, No. 9 Link: The shooting death of Michael Brown in August 2014 was the beginning in what’s became an all-too-common story. Brown, 18, was an unarmed black teenager, was stopped by white police and shot to death in his hometown of Ferguson, Missouri. The tragedy echoes similar confrontations in which the response appeared to far outweigh the initial incident, including the shooting deaths of black teens Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis in 2012, and in a particularly bleak historical example, the gruesome 1955 murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till, whose alleged crime was flirting with a white woman. Brown’s death stirred up intense public reaction, including demonstrations, looting and a full-scale national response from African-American leaders and the press. In particular, the event underscored the uphill battle that black boys in this country face from negative stereotyping, racial profiling and discrimination — a battle that too often results in violence and even death. “African-American boys have a lot of potential stressors, APRIL 2019

even relative to AfricanAmerican girls,” says Virginia Commonwealth University psychology professor Faye Z. Belgrave, PhD, co-author with Josh Brevard of the forthcoming book, “African-American Boys,” a summary of research on this population. “Especially as they get older and move into adolescence, they face racism and discrimination that other racial and ethnic groups simply don’t face to the same extent.” President Barack Obama greets participants before an event to highlight “My Brother’s Keeper,” an initiative to expand opportunity for young men and boys of color, in the East Room of the White House, Feb. 27, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) Now, efforts are under way to turn this negative situation around and to give black boys better chances of success. On the national level, President Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative, launched in February, is directly tackling both the bad publicity these boys can receive and the structural, societal and economic realities they face in this country.


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Building Resilience Among Black Boys continued to figure out what happens along the way that creates such disparate outcomes for them,” says Oscar Barbarin III, PhD, a Tulane University professor of psychology who organized and coleads a multi-university initiative, the Boys of Color Collaborative, which is gathering and analyzing data on these boys’ development. One factor is that these boys may come from homes that don’t provide them the same schoolpreparation perks that their peers may get.

The program, initially funded by foundations and philanthropists at approximately $200 million, was expanded in July with an additional $104 million in commitments from school districts, foundations, agencies and corporations. Psychologists are undertaking their own positive efforts, examining ways that parents, schools, community institutions and society can more fully recognize and foster the natural strengths of these young people. In particular they’re looking at how factors like teaching styles, classroom interventions and parental monitoring can be used to steer these boys onto healthy, successful paths.

help the boys tell their story and not follow someone else’s script about them.”

In addition, psychologists are working with the boys themselves to help them recognize racism and to develop their positive cultural and racial identity to combat it, a strategy known as “racial socialization” (see sidebar). “Our work is based on an African proverb that the lion’s story will never be known as long as the hunter is the one to tell it,” says Howard Stevenson, PhD, a University of Pennsylvania social psychologist who trains educators to help black boys respond to heated situations using creativity and humor. “Part of our job is to

In a second study reported in the same article, police officers who viewed black boys in more dehumanized ways than they did white boys were more likely than other officers to use force against them in custody. A confounding issue is that a subset of AfricanAmerican boys — 20 percent to 30 percent — do start to act out behaviorally and to perform worse academically than other children in school. That downward trajectory continues into adulthood, research finds.

APRIL 2019

A complex challenge Research suggests that people often see black boys through negative lenses — and that boys can suffer the consequences. In a study in the February issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles social psychologists Phillip Atiba Goff, PhD, and Matthew Jackson, PhD, found that white female undergraduates judged all children as equally innocent up to age 9 but saw black children as significantly less so starting at age 10.

So by the time they start school, they are already behind other children in language skills, says Barbarin, who edited and wrote several articles in a special 2013 issue of the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry on boys of color. What’s more, if teachers and other students expect these boys to do poorly in school, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, adds Barbarin, who also provides training, consulting and research for Head Start, the federal program that promotes school readiness in low-income children. Other data show that black youth, and black boys in particular, are far more likely to be suspended or expelled from school than their white peers. In surveying 72,000 schools in 7,000 school districts in 2012, the U.S. Department of Education found that black students were three-and-a-half times more likely to be expelled or suspended than white kids, with black boys twice as likely to be suspended as black girls. While it’s not completely clear why such large disparities exist, researchers cite unintended bias, unequal access to highly effective teachers and differences in school leadership styles as possible reasons. “That’s not to say in some cases boys aren’t doing things that require some correction and redirection,”

“Part of the puzzle is trying 38

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Building Resilience Among Black Boys continued

says Barbarin, “but often, the punishment is more severe than it needs to be.” Schools as solutions Psychologists’ research points to specific factors that can help change black boys’ trajectories for the better.Some are related to the school environment. In particular, a teaching style that Barbarin calls “warm demanding” — being emotionally responsive while maintaining high expectations — is a promising way to counter the tendency of some teachers to emotionally distance themselves from youngsters they fear will act out behaviorally. A more interactive style “really has to do with affirming that there’s something [good] about the child,” he says. Classroom structure may also be a factor. In a study reported in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry special issue, Barbarin found a significant drop in teacher ratings of black boys’ social competence between pre-K and kindergarten. A possible reason, he and others surmise, APRIL 2019

may be schools’ abrupt shift from a developmental, early childhood model that allows for activity and play, to a more rigid academic one. Classroom structure may also be a factor. In a study reported in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry special issue, Barbarin found a significant drop in teacher ratings of black boys’ social competence between pre-K and kindergarten. A possible reason, he and others surmise, may be schools’ abrupt shift from a developmental, early childhood model that allows for activity and play, to a more rigid academic one. Meanwhile, some schools are adopting innovative interventions to foster prosocial outcomes for kids who act out. One called restorative justice is a growing movement in educational, criminal justice and other settings. It reframes discipline in terms of helping the perpetrator make amends and reconcile with the community, rather than punishing him or her. One called restorative justice is a growing movement

in educational, criminal justice and other settings. It reframes discipline in terms of helping the perpetrator make amends and reconcile with the community, rather than punishing him or her. The framework includes following a set of specific practices, such as having the victim and perpetrator talk directly about how the perpetrator’s actions may have caused harm and giving the perpetrator a task to repair the damage. Once the young person has finished the assignment, the group welcomes him or her back. Research suggests the approach works. After a year of a restorative-justice intervention at Cole Middle School in Oakland, California, suspension rates fell by 89 percent, while a restorative school discipline program launched in 2011 at Richmond High School in Richmond, California, cut suspension rates in half a year later, according to, an online resource that’s a project of Public Counsel, a pro-bono law firm dedicated to education rights in California. 39

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Building Resilience Among Black Boys continued Moms and dads as solutions Parents can also play a powerful role in their kids’ academic and behavioral development. One way for them to intervene, research shows, is to monitor their children’s activities with peers and after school, says Belgrave. “If you know where your boys are, who they’re with, what they’re doing, you’ll be ahead of the game,” she says. In one study, researchers found that black teens who refused drugs or didn’t use drugs at all were more likely than those who used drugs to have parents who expressed negative attitudes toward drug use and to monitor their behaviors (Journal of Black Psychology, 2012). Another study underscores the importance of parentchild communication in black youngsters’ emotional wellbeing. In a 2012 study in the Journal of Child and Family Studies, researchers found that African-American teens were more likely to be depressed when their parents didn’t grasp the extent of their emotional and behavioral problems. That included teens who reported having many problems, whose parents perceived they had only a few, and the reverse — teens who reported having few problems when their parents thought they had a lot. “If something is going on with the kid, [these kinds of parents] don’t know how to intervene because they don’t know that anything’s wrong,” says study author Alfiee M. Breland-Noble, PhD, who directs The AfricanAmerican Knowledge Optimized for Mindfully-Healthy Adolescents Project at Georgetown University. Parents may be absent for many reasons, she adds, including APRIL 2019

being too consumed with their own problems, not recognizing mental health problems in themselves, being preoccupied with work, and being worn out from dealing with racism and discrimination. Communities as solutions When Breland-Noble first began studying mental health awareness in black churches, she observed many ways that black boys were absorbing good influences. Many had good role

models, were respected and valued by their communities, and assumed leadership roles, such as performing solos in a choir concert or helping to run church services. “It helps children of color to see people they look up to, who also look like them,” she says. In an April article in Applied Developmental Science, a team led by Joanna L. Williams, PhD, of the University of Virginia, examined how measures of positive ethnic identity and

positive youth development could be used to inform community or other programs. In a sample of 254 low-income black and Latino urban male teens, the team found that the teens who scored higher in positive youth development were more likely than peers with lower scores to be engaged in prosocial activities, such as clubs or school government, and less likely to be involved in criminal activities. Those with a positive sense of ethnic identity also had lower levels of depression, the team found. These findings suggest that adding culturally relevant factors into community programs can make these programs, and the kids who engage in them, stronger, the authors say. Researchers also are exploring how religious leaders, coaches and even barbers can influence young black men’s lives for the better. One such study is called SHAPEUP: Barbers Building Better Brothers, a project funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development that Stevenson is coleading with University of Pennsylvania colleagues Loretta Jemmott, PhD, John Jemmott, PhD, and Christopher Coleman, PhD. Through the intervention, Stevenson will examine whether the free-wheeling, debate-style discussions that take place in black barber shops could be used as springboards to educate young black men about a range of hot-button topics such as sexually transmitted diseases, the risks of retaliating violently, and the benefits of learning effective negotiation skills instead. “Barbers see themselves as invisible heroes,” says Stevenson. “They do an amazing job of keeping young men and boys out of trouble.” 40

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Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman among dozens charged in college bribery scheme BY GRAHAM KATES UPDATED ON: MARCH 12, 2019 / 8:35 PM / CBS NEWS Actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman were among 50 people indicted Tuesday in a widespread college admission bribery scandal. The racketeering conspiracy case includes the parents of applicants, ACT and SAT administrators, a test proctor and coaches at universities including Yale, Stanford, Georgetown, University of Southern California, UCLA and the University of Texas at Austin. Prosecutors said parents paid a college test prep organization to help students cheat, either by having stand-ins take the tests for the teenagers, or by arranging for proctors to correct answers. College coaches were also allegedly bribed to label applicants as athletic recruits. College admissions scheme: How Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin allegedly participated Parents charged in the alleged scheme are accused of paying an admissions consultant, William Singer, a total of $25 million between 2011 and February 2019 for the arrangement. Boston U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling said at a press conference Tuesday that Singer used some of that money to bribe test administrators and college coaches. The FBI investigation into the alleged scheme was nicknamed “Operation Varsity Blues.” A total of 33 parents were charged. “These parents are a catalog of wealth and privilege,” Lelling said. Singer is also accused of arranging for students to cheat APRIL 2019

on the SAT and ACT. The method of cheating was laid out in the indictment’s description of his arrangement with Huffman. Singer advised Huffman, who is married to actor William H. Macy, to arrange for her daughter to be granted extra time for her SAT exam by having her certified as having a learning disability. Prosecutors said Singer then arranged for a specific person to proctor that test and correct the girl’s answers. Her daughter received a 1420 on the test.

Huffman was taken into custody early Tuesday morning. A Los Angeles judge said Tuesday afternoon she could be released on $250,000 bond. The judge ordered her to appear in federal court in Boston on March 29 Macy was seen going to the courtroom ahead of the hearing. Loughlin and her husband Mossimo Giannulli, the founder of clothing brand Mossimo, “agreed to pay bribes totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the USC crew team — despite the

fact that they did not participate in crew,” according to prosecutors. Lelling said coaches used slots that schools had allocated to them for athletic recruitment, and “worked with Singer, meaning they accepted

bribes ... to convince everyone else internally that this was a good person for the team.”

“Singer worked with the parents to fabricate impressive athletic profiles for their kids,” Lelling said, adding that in some cases students faces were placed, using the image editing program Photoshop, onto the bodies of athletes. Singer entered a guilty plea to racketeering and other charges Tuesday in federal court. Huffman was arrested Tuesday morning. Loughlin had not yet been arrested as of early Tuesday afternoon. Huffman starred in ABC’s “Desperate Housewives” and earned an Oscar nomination for her performance in the 2005 film Transamerica. Loughlin appeared in the ABC sitcom “Full House.” Statements and response to the alleged scheme Several of the universities tied to the admissions bribery scheme have issued statements on how they are cooperating with the investigation. “As the indictment makes clear, the continue on next page 41

THE TORCH -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Department of Justice believes that Yale has been the victim of a crime perpetrated by its former women's soccer coach," the school said. "The university has cooperated fully in the investigation and will continue to cooperate as the case moves forward." "The federal government has alleged that USC is a victim in a scheme perpetrated against the university by a longtime Athletics Department employee, one current coach and three former coaching staff, who were allegedly involved in a college admissions scheme and have been charged by the government on multiple charges," the school said in an email to the campus community. "We will be implementing significant process and training enhancements to prevent anything like this from ever happening again. USC has not been accused of any wrongdoing and will continue to cooperate fully with the government's investigation."

"The U.S. Department of Justice announced this morning a criminal case naming UCLA Men's Soccer head coach Jorge Salcedo as a defendant, and notified UCLA that it is a potential victim of a fraudulent scheme," the university said. "Coach Salcedo has been placed on leave and will have no involvement with the soccer team while this matter is under review. The conduct alleged in the filings revealed today is deeply disturbing and in contrast with the expectations we have of our coaches to lead their teams with honesty and integrity. If the facts alleged are true, they represent a grave departure from the ethical standards we set for ourselves and the people who work here." "Stanford has been cooperating with the Department of Justice in its investigation and is deeply concerned by the allegations in this case," according to its statement. "The university and its athletics programs have the highest expectations of integrity and ethical conduct. The head coach of the Stanford sailing team has been terminated. The charges state that sailing head coach John Vandemoer accepted financial contributions to the sailing program from an intermediary in exchange for agreeing to recommend two prospective students for admission to Stanford. Neither student came to Stanford. However, the alleged behavior runs completely counter to Stanford's values." Georgetown University sent an email to the campus community, which reads in part: APRIL 2019




“Earlier today, we were deeply troubled to learn that former Tennis Coach, Gordon Ernst, is alleged to have committed criminal acts against the University that constitute an unprecedented breach of trust ... Mr. Ernst has not coached our tennis team since December 2017, when he was placed on leave after the Office of Undergraduate Admissions identified irregularities in his recruitment practices and the University initiated an internal investigation. The investigation found that Mr. Ernst had violated University rules concerning admissions, and he separated from the University in 2018. The University was not aware of any alleged criminal activity or acceptance of bribes by Mr. Ernst until it was later contacted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, with whom we fully cooperated in its investigation. Mr. Ernst’s alleged actions are shocking, highly antithetical to our values, and violate numerous University policies and ethical standards. Now that the government’s investigation has detailed the extent of the alleged fraud, we are reviewing the details of the indictment and will be taking appropriate action. We have no indication that any other Georgetown employees were involved.”

The National Collegiate Athletic Association said, “The charges brought forth today are troubling and should be a concern for all of higher education. We are looking into these allegations to determine the extent to which NCAA rules may have been violated.” The College Board also issued a statement: “Today’s arrests resulting from an investigation conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Massachusetts send a clear message that those who facilitate cheating on the SAT — regardless of their income or status — will be held accountable. The College Board has a comprehensive, robust approach to combat cheating, and we work closely with law enforcement as part of those efforts. We will always take all necessary steps to ensure a level playing field for the overwhelming majority of test takers who are honest and play by the rules.” First published on March 12, 2019 / 11:32 AM © 2019 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Link: 42

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Dr. Dre deletes post about daughter’s acceptance to USC after $70M donation resurfaces “My daughter got accepted into USC all on her own. No jail time!!!” the rapper wrote in a now-deleted Instagram post. March 25, 2019, 11:26 AM EDT By Farnoush Amiri Hip hop legend Dr. Dre deleted an Instagram post about his daughter getting into the University of Southern California without “jail time” after news of him donating $70 million to the school in 2013 resurfaced. Dre, 54, a former member of the rap group NWA and whose real name is Andre Young, was a proud dad Saturday when he shared the news of his daughter, Truly Young, gaining admission into USC. In the now-deleted post, the music mogul wrote, “My daughter got accepted into USC all on her own. No jail time!!!” Accompanying the post was a picture of his daughter proudly holding her certificate of admission. It was a veiled reference to parents accused of cheating to secure admission to colleges, like actress Lori Loughlin, who was recently indicted with her husband over an agreement to pay bribes totaling $500,000 to bolster their two daughters’ chances of getting into USC.

Beats by Dre had deleted his post after social media users found that he and producer Jimmy Iovine made a $70 million donation in 2013 to the school for the creation of the Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation. The prestigious private university is among a number of schools involved in the $25 million college admissions scandal which focused on getting students admitted to elite universities as recruited athletes, regardless of their athletic abilities, and helping potential students cheat on their college exams, according to the March 12 indictment. USC said it will investigate the admissions-status of students believed to be linked to the scandal in which two of the school’s athletic department employees were fired. Link:

By Sunday evening, the rapper and founder of APRIL 2019


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The 19th Annual Washington,DC Hall of Fame Awards Program The Washington DC Hall of Fame is a 501 (c) (3) organization that recognizes District of Columbia residents who have had an outstanding impact on the city. These men and women have contributed decades of exemplary service and support in many areas to our city and region. Dr. Janette Hoston Harris founded The Washington DC Hall of Fame in 1998 and served as the organization’s first president until her passing last year. The Legacy Award program was established by the original Executive Board of Directors in 1998. Many Hall of Fame inductees, including regional and national inductees, have established neighborhood programs, led innovative projects that resulted in improvements in schools and communities that enhanced the quality of life for our residents. The induction into the Washington DC Hall of Fame is a tribute to persons who have changed the course of history. The Executive Board members are: Stanley K. Williams (Interim President), Rev. Carson Wise (Treasurer), Nancy Harvin (Executive Secretary), Olivia Blackamore (Financial Secretary), Lelia Wyatt Brown (Corresponding Secretary), Maureen Young, Esq. (Counselor), Ida Blake, Ronald Jessamy, Esq., Dr. Rudolph Harris, Orlando Xavier Hixon, Alberta Kinard, Belinda LaValle, Damian Miller, James Taglieri, Esq., Dr. Toby Horn, Patricia Wheeler, Derrick Butts, Diane Butts, Cory Griffin, and Christopher Echols. The Washington DC Hall of Fame Society supports several programs that directly benefit students in our District of Columbia School Systems. Our annual scholarships are bestowed upon graduating seniors. Understanding the importance of getting involved with students prior to college, we established The Jack H. Olender Leadership Academy to provide mentoring and programs for middle and high school students. Additionally, the Hall of Fame recognizes the achievements of young professionals and provides them with access to our Hall of Famers through our Capitol Probe Award.


EDUCATION Dr. Stephen Trachtenberg

NATIONAL Dr. Julianne Malveaux

HEALTH Dr. John Robinson

REGIONAL Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner



415 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, District of Columbia Reception at Four Thirty O’ Clock - Metropolitan Ballroom Foyer Program at Six O’Clock - Metropolitan Ballroom Attire: Black Tie Valet Parking: $20 The Drs. Rudolph and Janette Harris Scholarship will be awarded to District of Columbia students. APRIL 2019


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APRIL 2019





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to our new M.A.A.C. OFFICERS

Brother Albert Williams, Jr. Recording Secretary

Brother Kenneth Williams Sergeant at Arms


to Brother Lloyd McGriff

APRIL 2019


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Brothers, Three (Aaron Crutison, Sean McCaskill, and Gregory Parks) of the six candidates seeking the office of general president have visited the chapter. We have heard from Willis Lonzer who would like to appear before the chapter. We have not heard from Ronald Natson or Roderick Smothers. I think we owe it to those who have taken time out of their schedule to appear before us. Based upon what we have seen, heard, and researched, it is time to start having some serious discussion about the candidate the chapter will support. Included in the March 2019 issue of the Torch were the bios of the candidates. Rather than reprinting the information, you can go to the March issue, and for your convenience I am adding the websites of those who have appeared before us. Crutison – McCaskill – Parks – Below are pictures of Brother McCaskill discussing his platform at the March meeting with the brothers of Mu Lambda. Fraternally, Eddie Neal President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter APRIL 2019


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Please Contact Brother Matt Aaron for Your Financial Planning Needs Matt Aaron, CFP® Aaron Financial 908-548-2745 Website:

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Matt is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and the founder of Aaron Financial. Matt and his team provide a comprehensive financial planning experience to a diverse set of clients across the country.

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The Crone Esquivel Group, LLC The vision of The Crone Esquivel Group, LLC is to connect, care, and be compassionate to all seeking wellness. Understanding relationship is foundational to improved clinical outcomes, the Crone Esquivel Group, LLC strives to support clients through connectedness, care, and compassion, while coaching and counseling to create “effective new emotional paradigms” leading to wellness. Our approach to therapy is a modern and unique approach that allows individuals, couples and families focus on long-term relationships, sustainable mental health and overall wellness. Our areas of expertise include working in various settings ranging from community mental health, College Counseling Center, as well as private practice with transition-age youth, working professionals, LGBTQ+, First Generation Immigration and families

im LL ca to

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Visit the “Contact Us” tab to schedule a 15 minute consultation. APRIL 2019



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Contact us at

APRIL 2019


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Message from the Editor Greetings Brothers, I hope this message finds each of you in good health, safe and filled with that Alpha spirit! Brothers we are marching to Vegas in July to conduct the affairs of this great fraternity, and I couldn’t be more excited. I know it’s Vegas, but I expect to get the business done. As I travel the country on business, I try to visit Brothers and their houses, if there is one in that area and it’s always has been a pleasant experience for me when I visit. I encourage any brother who travels to do the same. Fellowshipping with my brothers, for the most part, brings me back to the very best of Alpha and for that I’m grateful. BRO. KENNETH A. WILLIAMS EDITOR OF THE TORCH QUOTE FOR THIS ISSUE! The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

I get that same feeling when we have our meetings at the house. Let’s continue to be brotherly towards one another in this journey call Alpha. A unique house full of “MEN, UNACQUAINTED, as we proudly tell the world that each man is my brother! How special is this fraternity? We make it what we want it to be, although, sometimes it appears that we lose our way. Let’s continue to look toward the light and remember our promise, our oath! A man’s word is OLDE GOLD, and he is supposed to continue to deliver on his promise. The doors of the house are open for the return of it brothers, alive with that Alpha Spirit you once had, and each brother will welcome you with the same greeting you received on the day you crossed the burning sands. I’ll be one of the first. I hope to see each you at one of our meetings, reminding you that, in regards to Alpha and this chapter you are valuable, needed and appreciated. The greatest asset to our fraternity is the BROTHERS! Alpha need brothers back in the house to ensure its legacy will continue to lives on. God Bless!!!

- Ezekiel 25:17



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Support Your Foundation. The mission of the Mu Lambda Foundation, Incorporated, a non-profit 501c(3) organization, is service to mankind, the promotion of scholarship, and the enhancement of knowledge and achievement of males of all ages. Leading this mission is Mu Lambda Foundation’s vision to create an environment and opportunities for males to reach their full potential while discharging their responsiblities to their families, friends, and the global/civic society. This is done while upholding the highest moral, legal, and ethical standards of manhood.

Foundation Board LeRoy Lowery, III President Juan H. Powell Vice President Chatman Young Treasurer Ryle Bell, D.D.S. Malcolm Carter Albert Cheek, D.D.S. O. Jackson Cole, Ph.D. Hon. Horace G. Dawson, Jr., Ph.D. A. Gilbert Douglass, Esq. William A. Hawkins, Jr., Ph.D. Kenneth F. Holbert, Esq. Rev. Lloyd T. McGriff, D.Min. John A. Wilson 2405 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 APRIL 2019


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MU LAMBDA FOUNDATION Annual Report to Mu Lambda Chapter April 4, 2019

PROLOGUE • • • •

Beta-Mu Lambda Corporation - precursor Henry Arthur Callis Fund – charitable arm Mu Lambda Foundation, Inc – 501(c)3, 1994 Past activities include – Black and Gold Ball, Beautillion, Henry Arthur Callis Academy, Project Alpha, DC Food Bank, etc. • Current BOD – 13 members • Scholarships provided ~ $310,000

PROSPECTIVE • • • • • •

Broker scholarship awards – ten-fold increase Expand H. A. Callis Academy and Project Alpha to additional schools Serve House of Ruth Increase income from CFC, MWC, CBC, grants Develop property Ask Brothers to reclaim others /pay dues/ support fundraisers

APRIL 2019


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Upcoming Events Tuesday, April 2nd Thursday, April 4th Friday, April 5th Saturday, April 6th Tuesday, April 9th Thursday, April 11th Friday, April 12th Saturday, April 13th Wednesday, April 17th Thursday, April 18th Saturday, April 21st Tuesday, April 23rd Wednesday, April 24th Thursday, April 25-28th Tuesday, April 30th Thursday, May 2nd Saturday, May 4th Tuesday, May 7th Saturday, May 11th Sunday, May 12th Tuesday, May 14th Wednesday, May 15th Thursday, May 16th Saturday, May 18th

Tuesday, May 21st Saturday, May 25th Tuesday, May 28th Saturday, June 1st Thursday, June 6th Saturday, June 8th Saturday, June 15 Sunday, June 16th Wednesday, June 19th Thursday, June 20th-23rd Tuesday, June 25th Thursday, July 4th Wednesday, July 17th Thursday, July 18th Saturday, July 20th Wednesday, July 24-28th Saturday, August 10th

Project Alpha at Hart Middle School Chapter meeting Child and Family Services toy drive meeting Dinner at House of Ruth CPR Training & Certification Workshop Self-defense at House of Ruth Career Day - LaSalle Backus Alpha Wives meeting DC Emancipation Day Parade Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Easter Project Alpha at Hart Middle School DC PanHellenic Council meeting Callis Academy at Ballou HS Eastern Region Convention Project Alpha at Hart Middle School Chapter meeting March for Babies Alpha Wives Card Party Mu Lambda Literary Society AARP Drivers Safety Dinner at House of Ruth Mother’s Day Project Alpha at Hart Middle School Mu Lambda Literary Society Callis Academy at Ballou High School Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Alpha Active Joint Health and Wellness Event Dave and Busters end of year event for Hart and Ballou Mu Lambda Literary Society Lunch with the senior brothers DC PanHellenic Council meeting Mu Lambda Literary Society Dinner at House of Ruth Chapter meeting Alpha Wives meeting Juneteenth Celebration Father’s Day Executive Board meeting Leadership Development Institute DC PanHellenic Council meeting Fourth of July Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Dinner at House of Ruth General Convention Dinner at House of Ruth

Thursday, August 15th Saturday, August 17th Wednesday, August 21st Saturday, August 24th Thursday, September 5th Saturday, September 7th Wednesday, September 11th Saturday, September 14th Wednesday, September 18th Thursday, September 19th Tuesday, September 24th Saturday, September 28th Tuesday, October 1st Thursday, October 3rd Saturday, October 5th Saturday, October 12th Wednesday, October 16th Thursday, October 17th Tuesday, October 22nd Saturday, November 2nd Thursday, November 7th Saturday, November 9th Monday, November 11th Wednesday, November 20th Thursday, November 21st Saturday, November 23rd Tuesday, November 26th Thursday, November 28th Wednesday, December 4th Thursday, December 5th Saturday, December 7th Saturday, December 14th Wednesday, December 18th Thursday, December 19th Friday, December 20th Saturday, December 21st Tuesday, December 24th Wednesday, December 25th

Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Nathaniel Allison Murray Brotherhood Brunch Executive Board meeting Chapter retreat Chapter meeting Dinner at House of Ruth Congressional Black Caucus Social at “The Park” Alpha Wives meeting Alpha Move at Carter Barron Park Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting DC PanHellenic Council meeting Clean the Block Mu Lambda turns 96 Mu Lambda Brotherhood Smoke Chapter meeting Charter Day Brunch Alpha Wives meeting Dinner at House of Ruth Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting DC PanHellenic Council meeting MAAC Conference Chapter meeting Alpha Wives meeting Veterans Day Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Dinner at House of Ruth DC PanHellenic Council meeting Happy Thanksgiving Alpha Phi Alpha turns 113 Chapter meeting MAAC Breakfast Wreath Laying Ceremony for Brother Nathaniel A. Murray Wreath Laying Ceremony for Brother Robert H. Ogle Mu Lambda’s 96th Anniversary Founders Day banquet Alpha Wives meeting Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Deliver holiday baskets to families Dinner at House of Ruth DC PanHellenic Council meeting Merry Christmas

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