The TORCH - May 2019

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MAY 2019










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Front Cover Picture by Names 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Rudolph Harris Curtis Hunigan Fred Valentine Horace Dawson, Jr. Paul Cotton A. Gilbert Douglas Ryland Harris Mark Jones Andre Lucas Kenneth Hobart Derrick Butts John Mark-Williams Jeremy Triplett Mikael LaRoche Joseph Housey, III Jason Clark

MAY 2019

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Mark Ross Louis Ford James Heck Eddie Neal Gerard Williams Garrett Miller Adrian James O. Jackson Cole, Jr. Albert Williams Lucius Brown Marcel Desroches Kellen Moore Jamison Taylor, Jr. Mathew Aaron, Jr. Sean Perkins James Harmon

33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

Larry Ware Frank King Antonio King Rudolph McGann, Jr. Alvin Reaves, III Ryle Bell Drew Love Colin Campbell Bryant Young Arthur King Charvis Campbell LeRoy Lowery, III Joseph Paul Timothy Fitzgerald Jason Jefferson Samuel Armstrong 1

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OWNER & FRANCHISEE Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s Domino’s

MAY 2019

6426 Branch Avenue, Temple Hills, MD 301-449-3030 2950 Donnell Drive, District Heights, MD 301-568-8883 6254 Central Avenue, Seat Pleasant, MD 301-333-5900 4269 Branch Avenue #54, Temple Hills, MD 301-839-0330 9509 Livingston Road, Fort Washington, MD 301-248-3030 10367 Southern Maryland Blvd, Dunkirk, MD 410-286-0700 14606 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, MD 301-952-1133 9546 Crain Highway, Upper Marlboro, MD 301-599-4100


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In this Issue

Charter Members

1 Front Cover Picture by Names 2 Domino’s 3 In this Issue Charter Members Past Presidents 4 Executive Board The Presidents’ Message 5 Committee Chairs The Vice Presidents’ Message, 6 Message from the Sergeant At Arms Message From The Communication Team 7 Alphaversary, Birthday and Roster 8 Alpha Wives Games & Card party 9 AARP Driver Safety Course 10 Mu Lambda Juneteenth Celebration 11 Congressional Black Caucus Reception 12 Founders’ Day Gala 13 DC Public Schools Letter 14 Message from House of Ruth Committee 15 Project Alpha 17 Adopt A Block 18 March For Babies 19 DC Emancipation Day 2019 23 America Loves Black Culture 25 STOMPDAT 2019 26 A Synopsis of the Eastern Region Convention

Arthur Curtis Merrill H. Curtis Victor R. Daly Eugene L. C. Davidson Arnold Donawa Walter Garvin William L. Hansberry Charles H. Houston Edward Howard Joseph R. Jones R. Frank Jones J Edward Lowery Clarence H. Mills Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray Norman L. McGhee Jewel Robert Harold Ogle Louis H. Russell James N. Saunders Emory B. Smith Harold C. Stratton J.H.N. Waring Charles H. Wesley

Pilgrimage to Cornell University 33 Chicken and Pineapple Tomatillo Fajita

Old Fashion Lemon Loaf Pound Cake Rhubarb Daiquiri 34 Reclamation Letter

35 Message from the Membership and Reclamation Chair 36 Congratulation to Mu Lambda Graduates 37 Do You Recognize These Brothers Esprit De Fraternite 38 Meet Your Neighbor 39 Message From The Brothers Keeper Committee 41 Message From The Chaplain, Omega Chapter 42 Mu Lambda’s Health and Wellness Committee Health & Wellness Events 46 Message From The DC National Pan-Hellenic Council Delegate 47 The Jewel Lounge 48 Sphinx Reprint 1964 49 Mu Lambda Literary Society 50 AKStar Apparel Ad 51 Beta Chapter Homecoming Golf Classic 52 Exit Realty - Brother Albert A. Williams 53 Financial Planning Needs The Crone Esquivel Group 54 Advertise with us 55 Message from the Editor 56 Support Your Foundation AmazonSmile Mu Lambda Foundation Report 59 Battle of the Brothers Funds Challenge 62 Upcoming Events

MAY 2019





Past Presidents Harold Stratton Howard H. Long Charles H. Wesley Frank Adams R. Frank Jones James B. Browning Jewel Henry Arthur Callis U. Simpson Tate C.C. House Verdie L. Robinson Walter M. Booker Jack Bind Millard R. Dean Frank Davis Clifton Hardy Herman Johnson Howard Jenkins C.C. House William F. Nelson Aubrey E. Robinson Joseph Waddy Edward J. Austin Elgy Johnson George H. Windsor James T. Speight Harold Sims Eddie Madison Wilbur Sewell Charles Thomas Theodore Taylor Elmer Moore William E. Calbert Osmond Brown Vernon Gill LeRoy Lowery, III Morris Hawkins C.C. Jones Vincent Orange Melvin White LeRoy Lowery, III James Haynes Rudolph Harris Edwin Norwood James McDonald Timothy Fitzgerald Kwame Ulmer LeRoy Lowery, III Eddie Neal LeRoy Lowery, III Joel Grey Eddie Neal - Current


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Executive Board

The Presidents’ Message

President Bro. Eddie Neal

Greetings brothers,

Vice President Bro. Mikael E. LaRoche Recording Secretary Bro. Jason Jefferson Corresponding Secretary Bro. Timothy Fitzgerald Financial Secretary Bro. Chatman Young Treasurer Bro. Michael Young Chaplain Bro. William “Tony” Hawkins Historian Bro. Silas J Woods Intake Coordinator Bro. Andre Lucas Assoc. Editor/Sphinx Bro. Garrett Miller Dir. Ed. Activities Bro. Charvis Campbell Sergeant-at-Arms Bro. Frank King Parliamentarian Bro. Byron L. Williams Web Master Bro. Mark Jones Editor of the Torch Bro. Kenneth A. Williams Member at Large Bro. LeRoy Lowery III General Counsel Bro. Brent Radcliff

MAY 2019




Last month, Mu Lambda lost one of its past presidents, Brother Rudolph Harris. Brother Harris was Mu Lambda’s president from June 2002 to June 2004. He will be deeply missed. We have accomplished a lot this fraternal year. We have a good foundation for 2019-2020, but we need to do more. We must enhance what we do best. Community Engagement is what we do best. The March president’s message was a call to action. We highlighted the alarming juvenile deaths - juvenile homicides in D.C. nearly doubled in 2018 from 2016 and 2017 combined. At the April chapter meeting, we had a very indepth conversation about education. Brothers were loud and clear – our youth are in trouble and we are sick of the school to prison pipeline. Acting on our dialogue, I reached out to the founder of the Youth Court of the District of Columbia (YCODC). YCODC is a diversion program where young people avoid prison and get a chance to make up for the harm they caused while developing needed competencies. It is young people delivering justice to their peers who have engaged in their first delinquent act or other problem behavior. Studies have found that youth court participation may be associated with low recidivism rates, improved youth attitudes towards authority, and increased knowledge of the justice system among youth. Mu Lambda’s role will be mentoring the young men and showing them alternatives to their current paths. We will continue our work with Hart Middle School and Ballou High School while expanding our services to the YCODC. When young men are sentenced to community service, some will do their community service at the Mu Lambda Community House where we will work with them on Sunday’s from 1 to 4 pm. Our mentoring will consist of teaching the young men the basics – basic hygiene, how to prepare a basic meal, how to budget money, how to wash clothes, how to cut grass, basic plumbing, how to take out trash, how to sweep and mop floors, how to tie a necktie, dining etiquette, how to greet a young lady, how to greet adults, and other things they can take back to their community. We will ensure the young men in the District of Columbia have a fighting chance of succeeding. This endeavor is bigger than one brother and will require the assistance of many. Maybe you cannot devote every Sunday, but may be able to contribute when you can. Your contribution might be as minimal as coming to watch a ball game on the television at the house with the young men. We will be exploring the Mayor’s office of Fathers, Men and Boys, as well as a partnership with Brother Barnett’s wife to bring some successes to the young men of the District of Columbia. “First of all, we shall transcend all.” Fraternally, Eddie Neal, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter


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Committee Chairs Auditing Bro. Mark Ross Brother’s Keeper Bro. Carlos DeBose Budget and Finance Bro. Chapman Young Communication and Technology Bro. Mark Jones Constitution Bro. Byron Williams DC National Pan Hellenic Council Bro. Derrick Butts Fundraising Bro. Matthew Aaron Golf Tournament Bro. Frank King Health & Wellness Bro. Derrick Butts Membership Bro. Timothy Fitzgerald Men Who Cook Bro. Garrett Miller Mu Lambda Chapter History Book Bro. Silas Woods III Nominating Bro. Frank King Programs Bro. Joseph Gibbs Public Policy Bro. Kelvin Brown Social Bro. Mikael LaRoche

MAY 2019




The Vice Presidents’ Message Greetings Brothers, May is upon us brothers of Mu Lambda, the cherry blossoms have fallen, pollen is at its peak & Alphas near and far are continuing to crawl out of their ice-cold layers to bless the areas they live with community service, advocacy and love for all mankind! I took time out of my April to pay respect to a brother who helped pave the way for me to be here and motivated me every month to continue to keep the light of Alpha HIGH! Not much of a fan of Hospitals, I humbled myself on a wet Friday afternoon to be my brothers keeper and show up for my brother in need. I got there at couple minutes past 5pm & made my way up to his quiet room where I was greeted by a family in wavering spirits! It was an honor to be there, to lift spirits, pray, take minds off the inevitable, to show That Our Beloved Brother Rudolph Harris, former President and pillar in our ranks was LOVED! I am happy to encourage more brothers to continue to reach out to each other NOT JUST WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED! When you think of a brother, TEXT, CALL, EMAIL! Life is not guaranteed and we never can assume the physical, mental and emotional status of any brother, so my charge is for us to continue to be the BEST brothers to each other! I write this message whilst on my own journey north to Albany, as a Delgate and Representative of our dear chapter. I take this journey pridefully, looking forward to bringing any positive interaction and feedback to the Eastern Region. It is important for us to continue to have a seat at the table where changes in the menu can affect our appetites. So I am thankful as your Vice President to report and argue on how well we will be fed in the near future (look out for the report)! Speaking of food, I’d like to say thank you to every brother who stopped to wish my family well on our newest mouth to be fed! Hours before the last chapter meeting on April 4th, at 5:55pm my wife and I welcomed Master Levi X. LaRoche into the world, bouncing and full of joy. Being a first time father has been amazing and I am thankful for the support we have received from the chapter and my brothers thus far! Levi is surrounded by the Fraternity! In an instant my priorities have shifted and my heart has grown one size bigger! Happy May brothers! As it grows warmer, we become more socially active, we continue to contact each other and interact, remember - This is our HOUSE! We must protect it! Fraternally, Brother Mikael E. LaRoche Vice President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter


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Message from the Sergeant At Arms

Message from the Communications Team

Greetings Brothers,


The Sergeant at Arms’ team has implemented some minor changes.

Mu Lambda communicates with you by various methods:

1. We have to ensure the house is secure at all times. 2. We ordered walkie talkies for the Sergeant at Arms team so we can stay in constant communication. 3. We will have someone on the door of the meeting room so no one enters without signing in and all visitors show their pass card or we verify their information. 4. There are four doors to the house. The upper front, kitchen, rear meeting room and side meeting room. We will lock the front and kitchen doors once the meeting starts. We are down stairs and can’t hear. Someone can walk in and do anything without our knowledge. If someone needs entry after the meeting starts, they can come to the side door and knock. 5. Once the meeting starts, all brothers must use the rap of admission and password to enter the meeting room. If they don’t know the password, we will leave them outside the room, verify they are a brother and then have someone teach them the rap and password. 6. No sitting on the counter tops. All brothers should be seated in chairs. Brothers will identity empty seats and everyone takes a seat. 7. The Sgt at Arms will be positioned at the back of the room near the door. 8. A financial roster will be available to expedite things. Brothers on that roster just need to verify their information and initial. Visitors and brothers who are not financial will sign on a different sheet. 9. Every Mu Lambda brother should be familiar with the official challenge. If a brother we don’t know comes to the meeting, we will challenge the brother. Not to embarrass him, but to get him accustom to the official challenge. We will still check the brother’s passcard and look him up in AlphaNet. 10. We also need to keep the kitchen clear. Brothers will be asked to fix their drinks and migrate out of the kitchen so others can come and go. It will also help to get the food out in a timely manner. 11. We will periodically challenge Mu Lambda brothers we know. We need to get accustomed to it. 12. Brother Bell will repeat the challenge, password and rap of admission at every meeting for the remainder of the fraternal year. 13. If you have invited a brother to the meeting, notify me in advance so I can verify his official membership prior to the meeting and expedite things. 14. Mu Lambda’s official meeting attire is business casual.

• • • • • •

Email Text Phone Mail The Torch Face-to-Face

America has been dealing with some stressful times. Alpha Phi Alpha is not immune to problems plaguing others. We are trying to make a concerted effort to keep you apprised of what is happening in Alpha and Mu Lambda. Every brother receives a call on the first and the 15th of the month. Your caller ID might show the call coming from 410.202.2715. That is the number associated with our system. The recorder will ask two questions – Brother if you and your family are fine, press “1.” If you or your family would like someone from Mu Lambda to call you, press “2’. If you elect to receive a call, the call will be returned by Mu Lambda’s Chaplain or a member of the Brother’s Keeper Committee. We recognize that most of you are fine, but sometimes we go through things in life and just want to know someone cares. This is Mu Lambda’s way of checking on you a minimum of twice a month. Will see you at the chapter meeting, but we want to make sure things are okay before and after the meeting. If you are not receiving chapter emails, please let me know. We assume all financial brothers are receiving the communication. Fraternally, Brother Garrett Miller Communications Team Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

Fraternally, Brother Frank King, Sergeant at Arms Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

MAY 2019


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Mu Lambda Brothers 2018-2019

Willie McGee Vincent Orange Talmadge Roberts Marcel Desroches Jamison Taylor Albert Williams

May 1st May 6th May 10th May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd

Happy Birthday Lavert Seabron Aaron Cheese Arthur King Lucius Brown Eathen Gums John Barnett Willie McGee Eric Johnson Elbert Gadsden Byron Williams Brent Radcliff MAY 2019

May 2nd May 4th May 5th May 5th May 10th May 22nd May 23rd May 24th May 28th May 30th May 30th

Matthew Aaron, Jr. Sulaiman B. Almaroof Samuel I. Armstrong John Barnett Justen Baskerville Kent A. Benjamin Ryle Bell Clyde Blassengale Sylvester C. Booker Wiley E. Bowling, Jr. Arlester Brown Lucius L. Brown, Jr. Kelvin E. Brown Karl W. Bruce, Jr. Derrick A. Butts Christopher C. Butts Colin H. Campbell Malcolm Carter Darrell Chase Albert C. Cheek, Jr. Aaron W. Cheese Lawrence M. Clark O. J. Cole, Jr. Michael E. Collins Louis Cook, III DeAngelo M. Copeland Paul A. Cotton Jamaal A. Crone Horace G. Dawson, Jr. Carlos R. DeBose, Sr. Marcel J. Desroches, Jr. James A. Donaldson A. G. Douglas Joshua J. DuBoise Timothy L. Fitzgerald Jeffery S. Fleming Ronald S. Flowers Jimmy L. Floyd Louis A. Ford David N. Gaston Joseph Gibbs Eathen Gums Rudolph Harris William A. Hawkins, Jr. Jabari Hawkins Richmond E. Hayes James R. Haynes James R. Heck, IV Eric D. Herndon Kenneth F. Holbert Brett M. Hood Joseph Housey, III Curtis A. Hunigan Malcolm D. Jackson Adrian V. James

Rawn James Jason Jefferson Eric S. Johnson Mark K. Jones Frank C. King, Jr. Antonio King Arthur E. King Mikael E. LaRoche Coy A. Lindsay Drew M. Love LeRoy Lowery, III Andre R. Lucas Rhett R. Lucas John Mabry Patrick J. Major James F. McDonald Rudolph M. Mcgann, Jr. Lloyd T. McGriff Garrett J. Miller Anthony T. Moore Kellen Moore Eddie Neal Vincent B. Orange, Sr. Sean M. Perkins Sean Plater Juan H. Powell Alexander C. Pullen Brent M. Radcliff Alvin L. Reaves, III Robert E. Richardson Talmadge Roberts Mark A. Ross Rudolph Scipio Lavert C. Seabron Mario T. Simpson Charles T. Smith, II Jamison B. Taylor, Jr. William D. Thomas Jeremy Triplett Lee A. Tyler Fred L. Valentine Eric A. Washington Walter Whitley Albert A. Williams, Jr. Byron L. Williams Gerard K. Williams John-Mark Williams Kenneth A. Williams James O. Wilson John A. Wilson Garnett Wood Silas Woods P. Kobina N. Yankah Bryant M. Young Chatman K. Young, II 7

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MAY 2019





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May 25, 2019 AARP Driver Safety Course

At the Mu Lambda Community House 10am-4pm

Sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter $15 for AARP members $20 for non AARP members Your spouse, family members and friends are well come to take the training.

Get registered today at

Refresh your driving skills and you could save on auto insurance When you take the AARP Smart Driver™ online course, you could be eligible for a multi-year discount on your auto insurance.* Plus safer driving can save you more than just money. The course teaches proven driving techniques to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road. Additionally, you’ll learn: • Important facts about the effects of medication on driving. • How to reduce driver distractions. • How to maintain the proper following distance behind another car. • Proper use of safety belts, air bags, anti-lock brakes and new technology found in cars today. • Techniques for handling left turns, right-of-way, and roundabouts. • Age-related physical changes and how to adjust your driving to compensate. Why Take the AARP Smart Driver Course? In many states, drivers may benefit from a discount on their auto insurance premium upon completing the course. And you will learn something new along the way. In fact, an evaluation of the course found that 97% of participants changed at least one driving habit as a result of what they learned.

MAY 2019


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MAY 2019





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More Highly Anticipated Kick-off Information Coming! MAY 2019


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Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Mu Lambda Chapter



MAY 2019


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April 11, 2019 Dear LeRoy Lowery III, Congratulations! District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) has reviewed your re-vetting application and has re-approved your organization, Alpha Education Initiative, to serve as a School Program Provider. Your vetting status lasts for three years. Your organization will not need to reapply until the Spring of 2022. DCPS reserves the right, however, to require providers to submit annual year-end reports and program attendance data, conduct site visits and provide support to improve programming opportunities for DCPS students. Please keep your profile updated to ensure that DCPS schools and central office have updated information about your program, including the best contact information for sharing important updates and announcements. To access your profile: 1. Go to 2. Scroll down and enter your Partner ID number Your approval allows you to continue working with schools to provide programs in a DCPS facility or to recruit DCPS students to participate in an off-site program. NOTE: • •

Memoranda of Agreement (MOA)– Please remember to keep your MOA with DCPS up-to-date. MOAs last 3 school years and outline the terms and defines the terms of your partnership with DCPS. MOAs must be signed by the Chancellor. To enter into or renew your MOA with DCPS, email Out of School Time Programs—If your program is an out of school time program, operating before school, afterschool, during the summer, or during school holidays, there are additional requirements you must fulfill before you can provide services to DCPS schools/students. Please visit for a list of additional requirements and begin work on these requirements immediately. Physical & Mental Health, Expectant/Parenting Programs—This approval status as a School Program Provider does not approve your organization to provide health services or screenings to DCPS schools and/ or students. This includes physical health, mental health, and programming for expectant or parenting students. Given the unique requirements for these services, organizations providing these services or screenings must complete a separate application process through the DCPS Student Wellness Division.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact my office at (202) 442-5020. We greatly appreciate your interest in DC Public Schools and are excited to continue working with your organization to provide DCPS students with the highest quality programming. Sincerely, Thomasin Franken Manager, Out of School Time Partnerships School Partnerships Division Phone: (202) 442-5020 Email:

MAY 2019


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Message from the House of Ruth Committee Greetings Brothers, Brothers Sam Armstrong, Christopher Butts, Tim Fitzgerald, LeRoy Lowery, Garrett Miller, Eddie Neal, Jabari Parker, John-Mark Williams, and Mike Young served the ladies at the House of Ruth an excellent meal to be remembered on Saturday, April 6th. The brothers arrived at 3:30 pm to set the table and deliver the meal promptly at the scheduled time of 4:30 pm.

We served the ladies shrimp alfredo, chicken casserole, collard greens mixed with cabbage. hot buttered rolls, yellow cake, freshly made ice tea and vanilla ice cream. Each lady was also allowed to select the customary yellow rose of her choosing.

Brothers had an opportunity to sit and mingle. We do not know the story behind any individual woman, but they each expressed their appreciation to the brothers of Mu Lambda. The brothers provided the women the finest of service. The brothers walked the room allowing the ladies to select their rose of choice while offering a friendly smile and asking how can the brothers of Mu Lambda make their meal more enjoyable. In addition to the April 6th dinner, Mu Lambda taught its first self-defense class to the ladies on Thursday, April 11th. The ladies were excited and empowered to learn techniques designed to immobilize the attacker. Specific details are covered in the Health and Wellness report. MAY 2019

We will be serving the ladies again Saturday, May 11th. We will arrive on site at 3:30 and serve dinner promptly at 4:30 pm. The tentative menu is boneless fish, chicken salad, collard greens mixed with cabbage, macaroni and cheese, corn bread, ice tea, and ice cream sundaes.

Because it is Mother’s Day weekend and thanks to Brother Ryle Bell, we are likely to secure the presence of the East State Jazz Band to serenade the ladies.

We are looking for meals for June, July, and August. Brothers, if you can cook, the ladies would appreciate your favorite dish. If you are unable to attend and serve the dish, arrangements will be made to serve the dish. Fraternally, Brother Garrett Miller Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter 14

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Message from the Education Chair

PROJECT ALPHA April 23rd, 2019 Greeting brothers, Mu Lambda hosts Project Alpha at Hart Middle School twice per month on Tuesdays. Hart is located at 601 Mississippi Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20032 in Ward 8 of the city. Mentoring is 3:30 – 5:00 pm. We mentored the young men on the 23rd of April. The session was another team building exercise – save the egg. Brothers John Barnett, DeAngelo Copeland, Isreal, Jason Jefferson, and Neal were present to work with the young men. In addition to the mentoring, Brother President engaged one of the students in a one-on-one game of basketball. Brother President secured a slight 12-10 win - one win for Alpha and one loss for the students. As usual Brother Carter provided the meal for the young men. For some young men, this might be the last meal they receive of the day. Friday, April 26th, Brothers James Isreal and Albert Williams took the young men to the Washington Nationals versus San Diego Padres baseball game. The young men would also like for the brothers to attend their soccer game this Friday, May 3rd at 3:30 pm on the field behind the school. It was discussed at the April chapter meeting that we need to bond with the young men. The action of Brothers Isreal and Williams speaks volumes. The below 8th graders participate with the Project Alpha Male Mentoring program. Please mark your calendar for the next mentoring date of Tuesday, May 14th.

Anthony Austin Nathan Bacchus Leon Corbin Christian Harrison Jalonnie Hawkins DeAndre Jackson James Joyner Trevonne Joyner Kamari King Savion Lomax

Jamari Martin Denali McNeil Nasir Prince Amoree Richards D’hani Rispus Andrew Thomas Arman Thornton Marcel Williams Mykel Woodbury Vincent Wingfield

Fraternally, Charvis Campbell Education Committee Chair Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc Mu Lambda Chapter

MAY 2019


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PROJECT ALPHA Nats vs Padres April 26, 2019

MAY 2019


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Keeping our city clean and green Residents, businesses, and the government all play a role in keeping DC clean, safe, and healthy. Only by involving all residents and each community can we create a District as beautiful as we know it can be. Success begins with one neighbor and one community deciding to make a difference. Anyone can participate: individuals, families, churches, businesses, schools and other groups and organizations.

Adopting a block in the District of Columbia has many benefits:

Martin Luther King, Jr Avenue and Howard Road SE

• Improved quality of life in your neighborhood. The appearance of our community contributes to the quality of life we all share. • Signs with your group's name letting people know you are committed to making a difference. • Meet your neighbors, strengthen your community connections, and build leadership skills. Become a role model to youth. • Litter-free, more active communities help discourage rodents and unwanted and illegal activity. • Increased economic development. An attractive, clean community is a great asset in attracting new businesses, jobs, and customers. First Street and Bryant Street NW MAY 2019


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Saturday, May 4th, 2019 It’s time to sign-up for MARCH FOR BABIES 2019!

Here are a few simple steps on how to do that. In support of one our fraternity’s national partners, the March of Dimes, It’s time to start preparing for the March for Babies Walk. To sign-up as a team walker, fundraiser, or combination, see the instructions shown below. Our team goal for this year is $2,500. We have raised over $3,800 and #8 in the Greater Washington, DC area March of Dimes Partners. • • •

Go to Phi Alpha Mu Lambda Click “Join This Team”. Fill in your information and submit.

You’re done! Once logged in you can edit your personal page and personal fundraising goal. Fundraise! You are now a member of this team and you can edit your personal page further to reflect why you participate!! Send emails to your family and friends encouraging them to support you in your fundraising efforts. No amount is too small when it comes to helping babies. As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your March of Dimes representative, Brother Samuel Armstrong Washington DC March for Babies Saturday, May 4th, 2019 Nationals Stadium (Free parking in garage) Registration Opens at 8:30 a.m. Walk Starts at 10:00 a.m.

MAY 2019


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Mu Lambda Participate in the April 13th DC Emancipating Day Parade

‘The first blow against the edifice of slavery’: DC’s Emancipation Day, and why it matters now By Rick Massimo April 13, 2019 4:06 am It’s easy to hear the word “emancipation” and immediately think of President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which freed American slaves on Jan. 1, 1863. But in D.C., emancipation came earlier, and it’s still celebrated to this day. The District’s annual Emancipation Day Parade and Concert Saturday started with a march from 10th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest to Freedom Plaza, at 14th Street and Pennsylvania. The concert featured performances by Faith Evans, Doug E. Fresh, Kenny Lattimore, MYA, Master Gee of the Sugar Hill Gang, EU featuring Sugar Bear and more. D.C.’s Emancipation Day came April 16, 1862, eight months before the Emancipation Proclamation. It was the first time the government ever officially liberated any slaves. The much better-known proclamation only applied to the 11 states of the Confederacy (which didn’t include Maryland, Kentucky, Delaware and Missouri) and didn’t in effect immediately free anyone, since Confederate states of course didn’t feel themselves bound by it. Slaves were considered free when they either reached the Union states or the Union Army got to them.

trade in D.C. was eliminated by the Compromise of 1850, but in 1862, around 3,000 people were still enslaved in the District. Slavery had been “a feature of the social scene and the economic landscape since before the founding of the city,” Gibbs said. He recalled reading about a sign in the hallway of a D.C. hotel that boasted of roomy underground cells for congressmen’s slaves, “and that their enslaved people would be well cared-for. But if they should escape, the hotel would pay the value of the escaped party.” It wasn’t just part of the fabric of the society, but of the whole city, including the Capitol. A 2005 report from the Architect of the Capitol said, “It is not possible to examine the documents … relating to the Capitol’s early construction without being impressed by the sheer number of references to ‘Negro Hire.’” The report explains that the area that became Washington, D.C., is, to put it bluntly, a kind of weird place to put a national capital. It was set in “the sparsely populated agrarian context of the Maryland countryside” where there weren’t a lot of skilled craftsmen in the area; “the only human resource that the neighborhood could supply in abundance was unskilled labor — mostly slaves, but a smattering of free blacks and whites as well.”

But D.C.’s Compensated Emancipation Act freed about 3,000 people with the stroke of a pen. It compensated the slaveholders for their “property” and gave freed black people money to emigrate if they wanted to. “It puts the nation on a freedom road that is going take it not merely to the Emancipation Proclamation, but … through Juneteenth and the 13th Amendment,” said historian C.R. Gibbs, who has written extensively on D.C.’s early black history. “Emancipation in the District … is the first blow against the edifice of slavery by the federal government.” A FEATURE OF THE LANDSCAPE Since before the Civil War, the United States had already been calling itself “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” Gibbs pointed out, but its very capital was a center of the slave trade — auctions and slave pens were held near Lafayette Square, across the street from the White House, the White House Historical Association said. The slave MAY 2019

Brothers Sam Armstrong, Garrett Miller and DeAngelo Copeland with Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser DC’s Emancipation Day continued on next page 19

THE TORCH -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Captain George Pointer hauled marble on the Potomac to help rebuild the Capitol after the War of 1812, eventually earning enough to buy his freedom. Philip Reid was an enslaved laborer in the foundry of sculptor Clark Mills, and helped make the statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Park and, ironically, the Statue of Freedom that sits atop the Capitol to this day. Resistance ‘large and small’ The process leading to emancipation wasn’t a smooth one. “I have never doubted the constitutional authority of Congress to abolish slavery in this district,” Lincoln said in his statement when he signed the act, but Lincoln himself, as a member of the U.S. House in 1849, introduced a D.C. emancipation bill that went nowhere. Slavery’s demise “was valiantly fought for by people of conscience for decades,” black and white, Gibbs said, adding, “it is critical that we understand that black folk resisted in ways large and small.” Those efforts inspired a backlash, sometimes a violent one. D.C. was a heavily black city, but throughout the 1800s, a series of events heightened the oppression of black people, even those who weren’t enslaved, in the District. The Black Codes, which began in 1808, put limits on the freedom of all black people, including those who weren’t slaves. The curfew for black people was 10 p.m. Slaves obviously couldn’t pay the fine, so they had to ask their masters to do it; if they didn’t, the punishment was whipping. A few years later, the codes were made more restrictive, and by 1821, free black people had to pay a $20 “peace bond” to a “respected” white man as a hedge against assumed future bad behavior. When one man challenged the bond, the judge only ruled for him in the narrow sense that the bond couldn’t be charged to those who were already residents when it was instituted. In 1846, Congress voted for Alexandria, then a part of D.C., to return to Virginia, where among other restrictions black people weren’t allowed to go to school. After the Nat Turner Rebellion in 1831, many white people considered abolitionism a form of terrorism, and claimed that violent oppression of abolitionists was merely self-defense. After that, some of the racial oppression in the District turned violent. In 1835, the widow of William Thornton, the architect of the U.S. Capitol and the Octagon House, was allegedly attacked by a slave, and a mob tried to MAY 2019




snatch the defendant from jail. Failing in that, they ransacked the black-owned Epicurean Eating House, at 6th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue in Northwest, and other black people’s homes churches, businesses and schools. On the night of April 15, 1848, the schooner Pearl left The Wharf, in Southwest, with 77 escaping slaves. They made it as far as Point Lookout on the second day before everyone on board, including the captains, were arrested. ‘I WOULD GET ON A JOLLY SPREE TODAY’ The Compensated Emancipation Act was written and introduced by Henry Wilson, who went on to be vice president under Ulysses S. Grant, in 1861. Early in 1862, while the bill was begin debated, the abolitionist Sen. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, confronted Lincoln. Gibbs recalls reading that Sumner asked the president, “Do you know who, at this moment, is the largest slaveholder in the United States?” Lincoln didn’t know. Sumner replied, “You are.” As the chief executive, and with the federal government controlling the District, Sumner argued Lincoln was responsible for the continuation of slavery in D.C. After the Compensated Emancipation Act was passed, applause reportedly broke out in the Senate chamber. Lincoln signed the bill into law April 16, 1862. “All persons held to service or labor within the District of Columbia by reason of African descent are hereby discharged and freed of and from all claims to such service or labor,” the act read; “and from and after the passage of this act neither slavery nor involuntary servitude except for crime where of the parties shall be duly convicted shall hereafter exist in said District.” In the book “The Negro’s Civil War,” author James M. McPherson reprints a letter from a free black citizen of D.C. who wrote that he told two women about the emancipation: “When I had finished, the chambermaid had left the room sobbing for joy. The slave [woman] clapped her hands and shouted, left the house saying, ‘let me go and tell my husband that Jesus has done all things well.’ The man added, “Were I a drinker, I would get on a Jolly spree today, but as a Christian I can but kneel in prayer and bless God for the privilege I’ve enjoyed this day.” “There were people who just erupted in joy,” Gibbs said. DC’s Emancipation Day continued on next page 20

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The inclusion of compensation for slave owners can be read as a concession to the concept of people as property, but Gibbs said at the time, it was probably for the best. The compensation “was one of the few ways left open to people who sought to deal with the problem with other than conflict.” The idea was already “in the air,” Gibbs said; England and Mexico had “held out the promise of compensated emancipation.” And in his Second Annual Message to Congress, Lincoln had proposed compensated emancipation for any state that freed their slaves by Jan. 1, 1900. The important thing, Gibbs argued, was to get some kind of emancipation rolling. “That action — the success of emancipation in the District — opens him up in June … to sign legislation to end enslavement in the western territories. And then in September, we get the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation,” Gibbs said. Of course, it wasn’t all that simple: Slavery was still legal in Maryland, and the Fugitive Slave Act was still in effect, which made the District a destination for slaves seeking freedom — and gangs looking to bring them back. “[Just] because there was emancipation in the District did not mean that your life [was] in danger if you had gone across the Navy Yard Bridge and gotten away from your master.” Still, it was a step, and an important one. As the 2005 Architect of the Capitol report said, it’s not known whether Philip Reid was in the crowd the day the Statue of Freedom was set atop the U.S. Capitol in 1863. But when he helped make, it he was a slave, and when it was unveiled, he was free.

DC at the first offical celebration of Emacipation Day, April 19, 1866 (Courtesy Library of Congress)

Celebrations then and now The first D.C. Emancipation Day parade was delayed by the “body blow” of Lincoln’s assassination in 1865, Gibbs said, but celebrations happened in the black church community, as well as on the Fourth of July that year. On April 19, 1866 (after a three-day rain delay), D.C.’s first Emancipation Day parade stepped off from Franklin Square, at 13th and I streets in Northwest. It was led by “Alfred Kiger, a hackdriver who lived on H Street NW and was the parade’s chief marshal,” Gibbs wrote in The Washington Post in 1985. “He wore a yellow sash with pink trimmings atop his broadcloth coat.” He was backed up by assistants wearing blue sashes, two units of black troops, representatives of D.C.’s black societies and more. MAY 2019


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The parade lasted until 1901, when years of infighting between organizers took its toll. Gibbs said the celebration continued in the black church community, but official celebrations weren’t held. Then-Mayor Anthony Williams set up a commission in 2004 that recommended making Emancipation Day a District holiday — the only local holiday on the calendar — but before that, “I don’t think it was celebrated” officially, said D.C. Council member and former Mayor Vincent Gray. He remembers the first modern celebration, in 2005, as “a very celebratory moment,” but added that it’s an important reminder not only of what’s been accomplished, but what hasn’t been: “[It’s] obviously something to celebrate, that at least some people in the District of Columbia were freed.” Gray said the Emancipation Day celebration is partly about having a good time: “It is fun, absolutely. It’s wonderful to watch the number of people who come out; it’s wonderful to watch people interacting in ways they otherwise might not.” But, it’s also connected with the campaign for either statehood or full recognition in the U.S. Congress — what Gray calls “part of being able to be a free entity — to be able to enjoy the same rights as anybody else, which we do not at this point.” He pointed out that D.C. has a larger population than Vermont or Wyoming, and pays more than most states in per capita income tax. “We pay our way; it’s time now for America to pay us back with the freedom we deserve,” Gray said.

Pictured below: Brothers Sam Arstrong, DeAngelo Copeland, Garrett Miller and Kellen Moore

“Even though we don’t have the same yoke of racism around our necks as we did then, we still aren’t free. And we’ve still got lots of work to do to help people understand that the freedom that other people enjoy has not arrived in the District of Columbia yet. And there’s still more to do.” Like WTOP on Facebook and follow @WTOP on Twitter to engage in conversation about this article and others. © 2019 WTOP. All Rights Reserved. This website is not intended for users located within the European Economic Area. Link: MAY 2019


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America Loves Black Culture But Not Black People January 17, 2018 Raquel White Since America’s inception America has always shown admiration for Black culture, but no so much Black people. America has shown us over and over again they could less about Black people as a collective.

“Cultural appropriation occurs when a style leads to racist generalizations or racial stereotypes where it originated, but is deemed high fashion, cool, or funny when the privileged takes it for itself.” Amandla Stenberg, Don’t Cash Crop My Cornrows: A Crash Course on Black Culture, 2015. If you’re a millennial and Black, you are likely to be a part of Black Twitter. Black Twitter is an amazing group on social media, and we are the most influential movement on the internet. In fact, it gets a lot of media attention. There are atrocities broadcasted through the constant “dragging” from Black Twitter. Let’s take it back a little bit, shall we. Cultural appropriation was a hush-hush topic across all media platforms until mid-2010 when the then 16-year-old Hunger Games star Amandla Stenberg uploaded a video that she made for a first-class problem. The title is Don’t Cash Crop My Cornrows: A Crash Course of Black Culture. In this video, Stenberg pinpoints the importance of hair and the history of Black hair in our community, reaching back to the origin of Africa. She also calls out white artists Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Miley Cyrus for using Black culture to sell records and make money. Mentioning the deaths of Tamir Rice and Eric Garner via police brutality, she shows that people will appropriate our culture but not grieve over our deaths because most white people don’t care.

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At the end of the video, Stenberg poses a question that started a social media conversation that ushered us into a new era of social media confrontation: What would America be like if we loved Black people as much as we loved Black Culture? I was 18 when I came to my university, which is a PWI. I was a sophomore in 2015, and my journey to aiding my blackness was a route. I along with many other people, haven’t heard of the concept. It was in my face, all the time though. The Appropriation Of Black Culture Black women have been stigmatized with the “ghetto” description for our hairstyles, big hoop earrings, long nails, glossy lips, clothes, etc. All of these things, however, are becoming a trend. Why do we praise white women when they imitate our culture? Let’s be clear: understand that we should not be praising fish for swimming. It’s a beautiful thing that white people are down, but what about those that aren’t who still appropriate Black culture? Women like Kim Kardashian and that entire family love Black men and appropriate Black culture but do they really care about Black lives? Kim Kardashian recently posted on Snapchat, telling Black people to stop dragging Jeffrey Starr for his racist comments where he called Black women “n****** b******” and recently began to call beauty guru Jackie Aina a roach and things of that nature. What is mind-boggling to me is that Kim Kardashian has two Black children, one being a girl. This hypocrisy is crazy because this happens a lot. These women fetishize Black men, hate Black women, and appropriate our culture. These women love Black men but are still racist. These are the women that get celebrated for looking good in our fashion. The toleration for these cultural appropriating women and men needs to stop. It’s not just white women who do it. White men are always listening to hip-hop, using AAVE (African-American Vernacular) and are the majority of the crowd during hip-hop concerts. These are the same controlling men that, along with white women, uphold white privilege and abuse Black people. My neighbors next door to me are white frat boys who support Trump but blast hip-hop every weekend. 23

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America Loves Black Culture continues Blackness has been used as the butt of a joke for centuries. Black people are not allowed to wear dreadlocks in the workplace or while seeking jobs because they are said to be unprofessional, yet white people wear dreads and its deemed “edgy” and “trendy.” Black people are illegitimate and called ugly yet white people go and copy off of us, and they get praised. Marc Jacobs is notorious for putting Black styles on white women, then denying that the roots of those styles come from us and saying that it doesn’t belong to Black people. Please understand that the buying power of Black people outweighs the buying power of any other demographic. We are giving the racist people our money, the money we struggle to get because they uphold their oppressive systems. There is this huge thing in America to copy the Black style and neglect Black strife.Condoning the actions of these white people by buying their products, and giving them a black card. These people take Black culture, and profit off of it. Minorities Appropriate Black Culture Asians use Black culture as their counterculture, often rebelling against Chinese, Korean, etc. culture. Koreans run the beauty supplies that Black people support, yet they follow us in the store. Hispanics are also prejudiced towards Black people. George Lopez recently said, “There are two things you don’t do to a Mexican family: park in front of our lawn and marry a Black woman.” No one says anything about it because he’s Mexican, but had he been white it would be a different story. Hispanic women disrespect Black women and our hair and skin tones, calling us burnt and nappy headed. Anti-Blackness is everywhere. Asians dominate the beauty-supply industry, yet hate Black people.

Amandla Stenberg Calls Out Kylie Jenner For Cultural Appropriation lipstick from a Black-owned company. Let’s strive to support one another. Black people are powerful. If we can change laws and strike up amendments to the constitution, we can rebuild our communities. It won’t be easy, but I swear to you that it will be worth it because we are all we got. Rebuilding Black Wall-street will take time and won’t be done in a day, but I implore all the readers to think about the question posed by Amandla Stenberg: What would America be like if we loved Black people as much as we loved Black culture?

Bo Derek Defends Kim Kardashian Amid Her 'Bo West' Braids Controversy: 'It's Just a Hairstyle' Singer Justin Beiber and Rapper Riff Raff This is a problem, but I have come up with a solution buy black-owned products. People will spend 28 dollars on Kylie’s lip stuff but won’t buy a $30 MAY 2019

Copyright ©2018 The Black Detour All Rights Reserved. Link: 24

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STOMPDAT 2019 18th Annual Stomp D.A.T. youth step show

On Saturday, April 27, 2019, the ladies of The Federal City Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., in partnership with the Dunbar Alumni Federation and the Delta Research and Educational Foundation, hosted its 18th Annual Stomp D.A.T. youth step show at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School. The event is focused on educating youth about the consequences of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use. Proceeds from Stomp D.A.T. support public service and scholarship programs. Teams competed from five (5) area schools. Brother Albert A. Williams Jr., representing Mu Lambda and OHL chapters, participated as one of the Divine 9 judges

MAY 2019


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A Synopsis of the Eastern Region Convention The Eastern Region Convention was very interesting. There were areas that were good and those that made me pause.

Alpha Men are the best and the brightest, and we must apply this when it comes to objective observation of our leaders.

First and foremost, it was good getting on the bus with my brothers Thursday, April 25th and enjoying the brotherly bond we shared on the bus. We had many laughs along the way. It was good seeing the enjoyment of Brothers Kenneth Holbert and Robert Richardson representing the chapter well as Mu Lambda’s two most senior brothers on the trip. It was good seeing Brother Antonio King at his first convention, maneuvering and exhibiting the knowledge he learned at Mu Lambda’s meetings – he was head and shoulders above other neophytes. It was good seeing Brother Ryle Bell inducted into the Eastern Region Hall of Fame.

There were many candidates at the convention stating their positions on issues. While these candidates have held other positions in Alpha, we all must realize that there is not an entitlement to the office of General President. It was interesting to observe the inability of some of these candidates to admit that some of the fraternity’s problems occurred under their watch.

It was good seeing Brother Holbert on the stage at the microphone being recognized by all the brothers in the Eastern Region – I thought he was going to give me a shout out as his chapter president. When he gave his famous “Sometimes you lose some speech,” I was thinking please don’t mention Mu Lambda – its an inside joke that he might share at the chapter meeting. During the convention, the brothers learned of a proposal to increase the grand tax and assess brothers an additional insurance fee. During those discussions, it gave me pause to observe brothers sitting in the business session and failing to observe the financial implications that could very well lead to the demise of their chapters. It appears that while the brothers still love a rousing pomp and circumstance speech, they could not see the flaws in this proposal. MAY 2019

It makes me wonder how these candidates can state that Regional Vice Presidents have all the power and yet most of them were Regional Vice Presidents and did not accomplish the things they now say they want to accomplish as the General President. My question is if they did not accomplish it when they had the alleged power, how can they accomplish it when they are in a position with allegedly less power? A review of the data shows that only 25% of the brothers initiated into Alpha are active. I am a firm believer that if brothers vote for the 93% increase in grand tax and/or vote to assess each brother for the insurance increase, the 25% of active brothers will drop. For example, how can an alumni chapter with 14 brothers handle an $560 (80%) insurance premium increase? Better yet, how can a chapter with 170 members afford a $6800 (971%) insurance increase. Theory is the brothers will be assessed and pay it. Reality is the brothers will refuse to pay it and the chapter will be forced to pay it or lose its members. continued on the next page 26

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In sum, chapters may be bankrupt within two years if the proposals are accepted. How can a college chapter with 3 members afford a $120 (17%) insurance premium increase? Better yet, how can a college chapter with 22 members afford a $880 (126%) increase and remain active? Notwithstanding, the 93% grand tax increase. I don’t think there are a lot of life members in college. We must do something to address our shortfalls, but the current proposals need reworking. Maybe leadership should query the brothers and get buy-in on some viable options. If you initiate 57,972 brothers between 1984 and 2014 and only 14,498 (25%) are active, it would make sense that you would have financial problems. It is also conceivable that you have other problems. Spending much of our time initiating new members is a band aid approach to a bigger problem that is not being addressed. Unfortunately, I do not recall hearing the candidates address the bigger problem. I heard many talking about hazing, but hazing is no longer our biggest issue. It sounds good, but it shows how many of the candidates are out of touch with the real problem. Alpha Phi Alpha is a volunteer organization where brothers pay to volunteer. Brothers are tired of being taxed. Brothers want to do the work and be respected while doing the work. We condemn the 75% who have left the fraternity, failing to recognize that maybe they had legitimate reasons for leaving such as sick and tired of the status quo or decisions being made by a select group of individuals.




one thing for sure is we will not know unless we engage those brothers. Mu Lambda is not perfect. We sent letters to every brother ever affiliated with the chapter. Some letters were returned undeliverable. We asked brothers to assemble and call those brothers who did not respond. Some brothers felt that was beneath them, which leads me to the question, “if it is beneath a brother to reach out to a brother with prior affiliation – suppose it was you, would you want someone to reach out.” Someone saw something in each brother that sparked him to sponsor us – how quickly we forget. While I digressed, Mu Lambda is not running to hold the highest office in Alpha. The candidates who proclaim to have held the leadership positions in Alpha should have an answer or a plan to address the 75% inactive rate. Asking alumni chapters to give free membership to college brothers is not the answer. Just maybe treating a brother like a brother instead of a cash register might help. Regions and districts compete with chapters for funds. Leadership in Alpha has become a big threat – if you don’t do this, you cannot have intake. It’s an oxymoron – because if the chapters don’t have intake, the general organization cannot survive financially. Regions and districts mandate brothers attend conventions, whereas constitutions provide that delegates are mandatory. Everyone wants to take the easy approach, failing to recognize brothers are also suffering financially. The fraternity can only stretch the brothers’ wallets so far. Fraternally,

Maybe they are tired of the expenses with no return on their investment. Maybe they are tired of spending six months out of the year making new brothers only to see the new brothers leave after their two years of dues have expired. It could be several things, but MAY 2019

Eddie Neal, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter


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Mu Lambda’s MAY 2019




Pilgrimage to the birthplace of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc 28

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General President Everett Ward

36th General President Candidate Gregory Parks

National Parliamentarian John Williams

Regional Assistant Vice President - Midwest Roderic Rooks, II

Brother Tony Cheatham of IUL

Brother Holbert & Alice

Brother Kenneth Holbert giving his speech after being recognized after his 75 years of service in the Fraternity at the Eastern Region Convention in Albany, NY.

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Brothers at the Eastern Regions Convention

Brothers Louis Cook, Andre Lucas, LeRoy Lowery, Eddie Neal, Timothy Fitzgerald and Garrett Miller

Congratulations Brother Ryle Bell for being inducted into the AlphaEast “HALL OF FAME”

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Mu Lambda’s Pilgrimage to Cornell University Mu Lambda’s President Brother Eddie Neal with Alpha Chapter Brothers Lamin Johnson, Malik Scales and Laurence Minter

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Pilgrimage Continued

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Chicken and Old Fashion Lemon Pineapple Tomatillo Loaf Pound Cake Fajita Hope you all have your sunscreen READY because May is upon us! Sunshine and Memorial Day at the end of the month marks the beginning of grilling season. This month we want to invite everyone to mix two of our favorite flavors: savory and sweet. This also works perfectly since some fruits are starting to come back into season. On our search for the perfect introduction to savory and sweet, we found this Chicken and Pineapple Tomatillo Fajita recipe to satisfy your summer craving. Feel free to grill your chicken (and pineapple!) for a little extra kick, but if you don’t have access to a grill, making these in the oven will be just as tasty. Our vegan and vegetarian friends can substitute chicken for grilled or broiled tofu, or portobello mushrooms. These are the perfect start to the summer months and are shareable so have some friends and family over and dig in!

Ingredients: Ingredients

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2 cups white sugar 2 cups all-purpose flour (Sifted) 5 eggs (Brown Eggs, Room Temp) 1 cup shortening (such as Crisco®) Or Real Butter 5 tablespoons whole milk 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 2 teaspoons lemon extract 1/4 teaspoon baking powder

Directions Prep 15 m Cook 30 m Ready In 45 m 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease two 9x5-inch loaf pans. 2. Combine sugar, flour, eggs, shortening, whole milk, vanilla extract, lemon extract, and baking powder in a large bowl; pour into the prepared pans. 3. Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean, about 30 minutes. Brother Garrett Miller

Rhubarb Daiquiri 30 minute chicken fajitas with charred pineapple salsa verde Spicy, smoky Mexican seasoned chicken, roasted with bell peppers and onions, and served up fajita style with roasted tomatillo pineapple salsa. Everything is roasted on just ONE sheet pan, and comes together in about 30 minutes! Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time :30 minutes Servings: 6 Calories: 315 kcal Brother Derrick A. Butts

MAY 2019

Greetings Brothers, Is now Spring and everyone is thinking of Cinco de Mayo and Margaritas except the informed mixologists who know that daiquiris are the star of the season. This quintessential rum-based Spring cocktail is simply a celebration of tart citrus notes, balanced with a simple syrup.

1 1/2 oz White Rum (Bacardi is fine) 1/2 Ounce Rhubarb Simple syrup 1 ounce freshly squeezed Lime Juice (2 Persian limes or 1 Meyer lemon)

Let’s start with the Rhubarb simple syrup. Start by chopping 4 stalks of rhubarb into approximately 1 inch pieces. Rhubarb is in season and can be found in speciality grocers in the produce section of the market. It looks like a red celery stalk. Do NOT use any leaves or leaf portions of the rhubarb. [NOTE: The oxalates in the leaves of this vegetable are toxic]. Prepare simple syrup using 1 cup of caster sugar dissolved in 1 cup of water. Heat and stir until dissolved. Place the rhubarb in the warm simple syrup and let steep for 10-15 minutes. Syrup should take on a pink hue. Place the rhubarb simple syrup mixture in a blender and pulse until dissolved. Pass the mixture through cheesecloth and strain retaining the syrup. Use this syrup to craft your cocktail mixing with white rum and freshly squeezed lime juice and shaking vigorously over ice. This cocktail is meant to be served with ice. Decant into a cocktail glass or coupe glass over ice. This is the bon vivant celebration of Taino culture in Cuba batches with ease Enjoy brothers Brother Drew Love

The formula is rum, citrus and sugar - that’s it. My version makes use of a Rhubarb simple syrup that offers a refreshing dimension to this cocktail made famous by Bacardi.


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ou are listed with the fraternity as a former member of Mu Lambda who has not renewed your membership. If it is just an oversight, I can help facilitate your payment. If there is another reason, please let me know so I can be of assistance.

As Membership and Reclamation Chair of Mu Lambda Chapter, I would like to bring greetings to you and extend an invitation for you to return to the chapter. I am proud to be a member of this chapter as Mu Lambda celebrates 95 years of serving Washington, DC since 1923. Since our charter, Mu Lambda Chapter has been an innovator, a builder, and a molder of men making a difference in the lives of many in the Washington Metropolitan area. Mu Lambda Chapter is working diligently to ensure that our programs and social activities continue to impact the community in a positive way by being a catalyst of change. Today, Mu Lambda stands as a beacon of light to the community and a strong source of leadership. Through our Henry Arthur Callis Academy, we continue to facilitate the growth of young males so they understand that leadership is not a burden but a responsibility. Staying true to Alpha’s core: we implement successfully the fraternity’s National Programs: Go-to-High School Go-to-School, A Voteless People is a Hopeless People, Project Alpha and Brothers’ Keeper. These four programmatic efforts are implemented through “out-of-the-box” formats to ensure that Mu Lambda Chapter is reaching the target audience. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Mu Lambda in not a monolithic chapter. It is rich in history, diversity and ready to serve. The youngest member of the chapter is 22, born in 1996, while the oldest is 98, born in 1920. Salaries range from $30,000 to $1,000,000 per annum. The membership is comprised of brothers initiated in 117 different chapters. Fifty-five life members. The lowest life member number is 691, while the highest in the chapter is 13910. Brothers list their race as African American, Afro-Hispanic, Caucasian, Multi-Racial, and West Indian/Caribbean. All brothers have a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree. Two have Dental Degrees. Three have Medical Degrees. Nine have MBA Degrees. Twenty-four have Doctorate Degrees. Twenty-five have Law Degrees. Twenty-eight have Masters’ Degrees as their highest level of education.

I challenge you to reflect and rekindle the fraternal spirit. Our chapter meetings are every first Thursday at the Mu Lambda Community House, located at 2405 First Street NW, Washington, DC at 7:06 pm and the repast starts @ 6:30 pm. Please visit to see what Mu Lambda has been doing. If you have any questions please call me @ 301-332-7507 or email me at Fraternally, Bro. Tim Fitzgerald Membership and Reclamation Chair Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

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Message from the Membership and Reclamation Chair Greeting Brothers, I want you to get to know Mu Lambda’s new and/or reclaimed brothers below.


Samuel Armstrong John Barnett Kent Benjamin Kelvin Brown Christopher Butts Aaron Cheese Lawrence Clark Jamaal A. Crone Carlos DeBose, Sr. Kevin Dixon Jeffery Fleming Jimmy Floyd Eric Herndon Jabari Hawkins Paul Hoggard Brett Hood Rawn James Eric Johnson Alvin Reaves, III Jamison Taylor, Jr. Eric Washington Albert Williams, Jr. Kenneth Williams Darrell Chase

CHAPTER OF INITIATION INITIATION DATE Mu Lambda Delta Sigma Beta Upsilon Xi Iota Theta Zeta Mu Lambda Sigma PI Gamma Lambda Mu Lambda Mu Lambda Mu Lambda Mu Lambda Zeta Rho Lambda Mu Lambda Theta Rho Lambda Zeta Theta Rho Delta Zeta Lambda Alpha Mu Mu Lambda Phi Eta Eta Lambda Mu Lambda

March 15, 2003 September 15, 1978 April 12, 1985 March 23, 2002 November 13, 1999 November 5, 2016 March 23, 2013 November 30, 2001 November 29, 2014 March 23, 2013 April 9, 1995 March 5, 2005 November 16, 2002 November 9, 2014 January 4, 1990 December 13, 1997 December 10, 1995 March 25, 1978 March 1, 2003 May 22, 1986 March 23, 2013 May 22, 1982 March 16, 2014 March 5, 2005

Brother James Donaldson receving his 60 year certificate

Fraternally, Brother Timothy Fitzgerald, Chair, Membership and Reclamation Committee Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

Brother Eric Washington receving his Mu Lambda certificate & chapter pin MAY 2019

Brother Jamaal Crone receving his Mu Lambda certificate & chapter pin

Brother Kenneth Holbert receving his 75 year certificate

Brother John Barnett receving his Mu Lambda certificate & chapter pin 35

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to Mu Lambda’sGraduates Brother Joshua DuBoise Juris Doctorate School of Law Howard University Graduation: Saturday, May 11, 2019

Brother Antonio King Masters of Public Administration American University Graduation: May 11, 2019

Brother Byron L. Williams

Masters of International Service with a concentration in US Foreign Policy & National Security School of International Service American University Graduation: Sunday, May 12, 2019

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Do You Recognize These Brothers? July 24, 1997

Standing: Louis Ford and William Thomas Sitting: Rylan Harris, Rudolph Harris, George Anderson and Morris Hawkins

Esprit de Fraternite Chapter Dues Alpha Phi Alpha, Mu Lambda and the citizens of Washington, DC need you. Please remember to pay your chapter dues and Grand Tax to remain financial. Some brothers have paid their chapter dues but neglected to pay their Grand Tax. Please log into AlphaNet and pay your Grand Tax. Please bring your money to the chapter meeting or mail it to: Financial Team Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter 2405 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20001

You can also pay your dues online. Go to, scroll to “Membership Payment” at the bottom of the home page and make your payment. MAY 2019


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Meet Your Neighbor Harbour Square Owners Inc. March 2019 By Stacy Baker “It took me 44 years to move three blocks,” joked Robert Richardson, a retired attorney and Army veteran who was stationed at Fort McNair in 1968. In the decades between, Richardson has a fascinating history and career serving the United States at home and overseas. His Harbour Square chapter began when he and his wife, Audrey Hinton, got word of a unit coming up for sale in 2011. After attending a party here while dating, the Washington area couple had their eye out for a stair-free unit where they would have space for gardening and their library of 1000+ books— including extensive collections in African American history and art, as well as spiritual and political topics. They acted quickly on the South Building unit before it came on the market and moved into Harbour Square in 2012. Readers may recognize Robert as one of the organizers of the Veterans Day event honoring Harbour Square residents with military service. He served seven years active duty and had two tours in Vietnam, one of which was with his brother Joseph. “It drove my mother crazy to have both of her sons there, and she demanded that one of us come home,” he said. The brothers met in Saigon (see photo) and decided Joseph would return home. Robert volunteered to stay to pursue his goal to become a commissioned officer like his brother. He made up his mind there were only two ways he was coming home from his second tour: “as an officer or dead.” His determination fortunately ensured it was the former. Back from Vietnam, he used the G.I. Bill to go to law school and enjoyed a 35-year career as a lawyer in private practice as well as government posts. In 1976, he joined the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) at a time when there were few African Americans or people of color on staff. His outspokenness caught the attention of top leadership, and he soon was tapped for an initiative to change how DOJ managers recruited talent to better deliver the DOJ mission. Successfully accelerating DOJ staff diversity remains a proud career highlight for him. Fun fact: he has been in an inauguration parade. Robert was working as an intelligence officer when his unit augmented security at Nixon’s inauguration. As the parade assembled to ride Richardson (left) and his brother Joseph in Saigon, Vietnam. Official U.S. Army photograph taken July 15, 1966. down Pennsylvania Avenue, a Secret Service officer saw his partner removing the portable siren from their vehicle, assumed they were part of the team, and waved them in. So he joined (Why not?). Robert’s wife Audrey is President of the Board for the Washington, DC African American Civil War Museum and has family ancestors who served in the United States Colored Troops, whose stories are preserved and told by the museum. His son Patrick and daughter Kerri from his first marriage both live in DC and are involved in the technology field. With such an interesting and influential life, it’s no surprise that Robert has been working on his memoir. Always disciplined, he tries to write 30- 60 minutes a day and keeps his skills sharp with Writing Center classes. Say hello if you see Robert around Harbour Square, where he frequently swims, works out with a trainer, and takes yoga classes. MAY 2019


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Message from the Brother’s Keeper Program Greetings Brothers, It’s with great pleasure and the Spirit of Brotherhood to be named the Chapter Brother’s Keeper Program Chair. I would like to say thanks to the prior leadership and those who served on the Chapter Brother’s Keeper Program Committee. The Brother’s Keeper Program is a service program developed with the mission of advocating for and improving the quality of life for disabled, mature and ailing Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated brother’s, their spouses, widows, and community members. • Under the vision of Brother A. Charles Haston a 1934 initiate of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated and Brother Ronald “Pepper” Peters our fraternity Brother’s Keeper Program has manifest its destiny since its birth on July 23rd, 2010 at the 90th General Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Goals of the Chapter Brother’s Keeper Program: The goal of the Chapter Brother’s Keeper Program is to promote dignity and independence among retired and mature brothers, spouses, and widows. Program Objectives: Our objectives for the Chapter Brother’s Keeper Program will be to ASSIST, PROVIDE, and ENSURE the following seven areas of concern to the Brothers of Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated and their members: 1. Assist in maintaining living environments that are compatible with program participants’ level of functioning. 2. Assist with property maintenance. 3. Assist with health care decision making. 4. Provide companionship. 5. Provide legal services. 6. Provide transportation. 7. Ensure adequate supplies of food, water, shelter, and clothing, with special emphasis on disaster management and recovery. Criteria for Inclusion: Include a brother and/or his spouse who are 60 or older, retired, and/or having a chronic health problem and insufficient resources (e.g., money, family, social support system) to meet basic needs. Recent News: •

the Omega Chapter. Upon accepting the role as the Chair of the Chapter Brother’s Keeper Program. Brother President Eddie Neal assigned me the task to reaching out to Brother. Harris and we spoke on numerous occasion, but I lost contact with Brother Harris due to the recent death of Brother-in –Law. Brother Harris, served on numerous leadership committees and was a former Chapter President of Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. Our prayers and condolences go out to Brother Ryland Harris and his Family. Brother Tyrone Mitchell recently suffered a minor stroke and was hospitalized at the Virginia Medical Hospital in Arlington, Virginia. Brother Mitchell has since returned home and is in good spirits as he continues his rehabilitation recovery. Please keep Brother Mitchell and his family in your prayers, as he continues his road to recovery.

Mu Lambda initiated a five-tier approach to enhance the Brother’s Keeper program First tier – Communications: the Membership and Reclamation Committee mailed Approximately 300 letters in January to brothers to check on their well-being. The Communications Team started an automated calling system to reach out to the brothers, spouses, and widows to identify anyone who needs assistance. Second tier – Training: The Chapter Brother’s Keeper Program is based on seven important initiatives in order to properly facilitate the program in accordance with the National guidelines. Our goal for the program is to have formal training in each of the seven areas of concern, in order to have a more robust and cohesive program. Third tier – Collaboration/Volunteerism: Collaboration/Volunteerism is the heart of the Chapter Brother Keeper’s Program. As a chapter we must continue to seek ways to reach out to the brother’s, their spouse, and widows to help identify any of the program seven areas of concern. Collaboration begins in our own house; this is where we reach out to different auxiliary such the Alpha Wives, Health agencies, etc. Volunteerism is the key to having a successful program, we are asking all brother’s throughout the Chapter to consider being a part of the Chapter Brother’s Keeper Program Committee.

As, we all know Brother Rudolph Harris entered

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Brother’s Keeper Program continued Fourth tier – Companionship: The Chapter Brother’s Keeper Committee is currently developing a combined list of brothers throughout the Chapter who are 60 years or older. The goal for this tier, is to assign those volunteer brothers on the Brother Keepers Committee a certain number of brothers from the list of 60 year or older to help generate information and companion for the brother, spouse, and widows in the program. Fifth Tier- Event Planning: The Chapter Brother’s Keeper Committee believes in generating events for all ages, our main concern however is to generate social gathering and events to help generate the brotherhood and companion that Brother A. Charles Haston spoke about during the conception of this program. This involves reaching out and connecting with our senior brothers, their spouse, and widows by

Statistical Report February 15, 2019, Brother’s Keeper call results First delivery attempt: 5:01 pm Delivered live: 54% Delivered to machine: 42% Unreached: 4% No assistance needed: 35% In need of assistance: 1% March 1, 2019, Brother’s Keeper call results First delivery attempt: 5:01 pm Delivered live: 51% Delivered to machine: 49% Unreached: 0% No assistance needed: 29% In need of assistance: 0% March 15, 2019, Brother’s Keeper call results First delivery attempt: 5:01 pm Delivered live: 52% Delivered to machine: 48% Unreached: 0% No assistance needed: 32% In need of assistance: 0% April 1, 2019, Brother’s Keeper call results First delivery attempt: 5:30 pm Delivered live: 51% Delivered to machine: 47% Unreached: 2% MAY 2019

having social events and gathering that caters to their social environment. Upcoming Events: • •

Health and Wellness Committee - May 11, 2019 - AARP Drivers Safety Course Senior brothers lunch - Saturday, May 25th - The lunch will be held at the Mu Lambda Community House. Brother President has asked that I open the event to all of the senior brothers in DC because it benefits the Mu Lambda brothers to meet and interact with other brothers in the area. Information about this event will give out at the next Chapter Meeting.

If you are a brother in need or know a brother in need, call 410.202.2715 or 313.573.3649.

No assistance needed: 28% In need of assistance: 0%

she notify the widows of the forthcoming calls.

April 15, 2019, Brother’s Keeper call results First delivery attempt: 5:00 pm Delivered live: 51% Delivered to machine: 47% Unreached: 2% No assistance needed 35% In need of assistance: 0% 1. Brother President contacted the 1% and resolved the concern. The Technology Committee identified and corrected the issue of the 4% that were unable to be reached. The problem was incorrect phone numbers for the brothers. Correct numbers were put in the system, resolving the problem. 2. The committee assumes the low response is due to the failure of advance notice that we would be making contact. The Technology Committee has resolved the problem with those who were not reached. The committee received the correct phone numbers. Brother President sent an email to the president of the Alpha Wives asking that

April 2, 2019, Alpha Widows call results First delivery attempt: 5:01 pm Delivered live: 50% Delivered to machine: 38% Unreached: 13% No assistance needed: 13% In need of assistance: 0% April 16, 2019, Alpha Widows call results First delivery attempt: 5:01 pm Delivered live: 25% Delivered to machine: 75% Unreached: 0% No assistance needed: 0% In need of assistance: 13% Fraternally, Brother Carlos DeBose Sr. Chair, Brother’s Keeper Program Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter


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Message from the Chaplain Dear Brothers, Thanks to all of the Brothers who represented at Brother Rudolph Harris Omega Service. I am sure the family appreciated our Ritual as did the congregation that completely filled the sanctuary at the John Wesley AME Zion Church. As usual, I would like to take this opportunity to share some basic information with you in the event you or a brother you know transitions to Omega Chapter: • • • •

Call (410.202.2715) or email Every brother is entitled to an Omega service, financial or not. The request should come from the family, not the chapter forcing it upon the family. Part of any brother’s estate planning should be the designation of an Alpha brother to receive his paraphernalia or instructions for his loved ones to contact Mu Lambda for disposition. Official fraternity pins (e.g., official badge, life member pin, twenty-five-year pin, fifty-year pin, etc.) should be given to another brother, the chapter (Mu Lambda) or the General Organization to prevent it from getting into the hands of a nonmember. Notify your family to give Mu Lambda and fraternal documents to Mu Lambda.




Omega Chapter Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter Brother Rudolph Harris Initiated: Beta Sigma, Saturday, Apr. 3, 1954 Born: Thursday, November 21, 1935 Omega Chapter: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 A second Omega Service for Brother Rudolph Harris will be held at the May 2nd chapter meeting.

Brother Ronald Dellums entered Omega Chapter on July 30, 2018. His ashes were interred at Arlington National Cemetery on March 21, 2019. He was a Marine, a Congressman for 26 years, and Mayor of Oakland, CA for 4 years. His widow, Mrs. Cynthia Dellums, has requested that we hold an Omega Service for her late husband at 8:00 am on Friday, May 10, 2019 at Metropolitan AME Church, 1518 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005. She has specifically requested that Brother Horace Dawson, who knew Brother Dellums well, give the Words of Tribute. The religious service will begin promptly at 9:00 am. Brother Ronald V. Dellums Chapter of Initiation: Delta Omicron Date of Initiation: Saturday, Nov. 30, 1957 Date of Birth: November 24, 1935 Omega Chapter: July 30, 2018

I hope you never need the above information, just in case, please share the information with your family so we can honor you in the event of your untimely passing. Fraternally, Brother William A. (Tony) Hawkins Chaplain Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

MAY 2019

Farewell dear Brothers 41

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Mu Lambda’s Health and Wellness Committee Greeting Brothers, In the month of May, we acknowledge National Physical Fitness and Sports Month and National Stroke Awareness Month. Check out the links below to see how you can get involved in these causes. The health topics we share from the MLHWC are to provide in-sight and knowledge about what are family, friends, and love-ones may be going through. Below are articles of interest addressing the months subject matters. Please go to links below or cut and paste into your browser to read entire articles. Exercise May Prevent High Blood Pressure in African Americans Researchers who study cardiovascular health have long known that exercise is one way to keep high blood pressure at bay. But studies confirming this protective effect have mainly focused on white patients, leaving it unclear whether African Americans, one of the most vulnerable of all populations, have stood to gain in similar ways. In a new study, researchers are reporting the strongest evidence to date that moderate to vigorous exercise, when done regularly, can help reduce the risk of hypertension in African Americans. The study, which was published in the journal Hypertension, was funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. Both are part of the National Institutes of Health. Link: nutrition-fitness/fitness/ National Stroke Awareness Month Stroke ranks as the fourth leading killer in the United States. A stroke can be devastating to individuals and their families, robbing them of their independence. It is the most common cause of adult disability. Each year approximately 795,000 Americans have a stroke, with about 160,000 dying from strokerelated causes. Officials at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) are committed to reducing that burden through biomedical research. Link: ahamah-public/@wcm/@sop/@smd/documents/ downloadable/ucm_503416.pdf MAY 2019

What is a Stroke? A stroke, or "brain attack," occurs when blood circulation to the brain fails. Brain cells can die from decreased blood flow and the resulting lack of oxygen. There are two broad categories of stroke: those caused by a blockage of blood flow and those caused by bleeding into the brain. A blockage of a blood vessel in the brain or neck, called an ischemic stroke, is the most frequent cause of stroke and is responsible for about 80 percent of strokes. These blockages stem from three conditions: the formation of a clot within a blood vessel of the brain or neck, called thrombosis; the movement of a clot from another part of the body such as the heart to the brain, called embolism; or a severe narrowing of an artery in or leading to the brain, called stenosis. Bleeding into the brain or the spaces surrounding the brain causes the second type of stroke, called hemorrhagic stroke. Two key steps you can take will lower your risk of death or disability from stroke: control stroke's risk factors and know stroke's warning signs. Scientific research conducted by the NINDS has identified warning signs and a large number of risk factors. What are Warning Signs of a Stroke? Warning signs are clues your body sends that your brain is not receiving enough oxygen. If you observe one or more of these signs of a stroke or "brain attack," don't wait, call a doctor or 911 right away! • • • • •

Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body Sudden confusion, or trouble talking or understanding speech Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, or loss of balance or coordination Sudden severe headache with no known cause

Other danger signs that may occur include double vision, drowsiness, and nausea or vomiting. Sometimes the warning signs may last only a few moments and then disappear. These brief episodes, known as transient ischemic attacks or TIAs, are sometimes called "mini-strokes." Although brief, they identify an underlying serious condition that isn't going away without medical help. Unfortunately, since they clear up, many people ignore them. Don't. Paying attention to them can save your life. Health and Wellness continue on next page 42

THE TORCH -----------------------------------------------------------------------------What are Risk Factors for a Stroke? A risk factor is a condition or behavior that occurs more frequently in those who have, or are at greater risk of getting, a disease than in those who don't.

Having a risk factor for stroke doesn't mean you'll have a stroke. On the other hand, not having a risk factor doesn't mean you'll avoid a stroke. But your risk of stroke grows as the number and severity of risk factors increases. Some factors for stroke can’t be modified by medical treatment or lifestyle changes. •

Age: Stroke occurs in all age groups. Studies show the risk of stroke doubles for each decade between the ages of 55 and 85. But strokes also can occur in childhood or adolescence. Although stroke is often considered a disease of aging, the risk of stroke in childhood is actually highest during the perinatal period, which encompasses the last few months of fetal life and the first few weeks after birth. Gender: Men have a higher risk for stroke in young and middle age, but rates even out at older ages, and more women die from stroke. Men generally do not live as long as women, so men are usually younger when they have their strokes and therefore have a higher rate of survival. Race: People from certain ethnic groups have a higher risk of stroke. For African Americans, stroke is more common and more deadly—even in young and middle-aged adults—than for any ethnic or other racial group in the United States. Studies show that the age-adjusted incidence of stroke is about twice as high in African Americans and Hispanic Americans as in Caucasians, and while stroke incidence has declined for whites since the 1990s, there has not been a decline for Hispanics or black Americans. An important risk factor for African-Americans is sickle cell disease, which can cause a narrowing of arteries and disrupt blood flow. The incidence of the various stroke subtypes also varies considerably in different ethnic groups. Family history of stroke: Stroke seems to run in some families. Several factors may contribute to familial stroke. Members of a family might have a genetic tendency for stroke risk factors, such as an inherited predisposition for high blood pressure (hypertension) or diabetes. The influence of a common lifestyle among family members also could contribute to familial stroke.

What Are the Treatable Risk Factors? Some of the most important treatable risk factors for stroke are:

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High blood pressure, or hypertension Hypertension is by far the most potent risk factor for stroke. Hypertension causes a two-to four-fold increase in the risk of stroke before age 80. If your blood pressure is high, you and your doctor need to work out an individual strategy to bring it down to the normal range. Some ways that work: Maintain proper weight. Avoid drugs known to raise blood pressure. Eat right: cut down on salt and eat fruits and vegetables to increase potassium in your diet. Exercise more. Your doctor may prescribe medicines that help lower blood pressure. Controlling blood pressure will also help you avoid heart disease, diabetes, and kidney failure. Cigarette smoking - Cigarette smoking causes about a two-fold increase in the risk of ischemic stroke and up to a four-fold increase in the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. It has been linked to the buildup of fatty substances (atherosclerosis) in the carotid artery, the main neck artery supplying blood to the brain. Blockage of this artery is the leading cause of stroke in Americans. Also, nicotine raises blood pressure; carbon monoxide from smoking reduces the amount of oxygen your blood can carry to the brain; and cigarette smoke makes your blood thicker and more likely to clot. Smoking also promotes aneurysm formation. Your doctor can recommend programs and medications that may help you quit smoking. By quitting, at any age, you also reduce your risk of lung disease, heart disease, and a number of cancers including lung cancer. Heart disease - Common heart disorders such as coronary artery disease, valve defects, irregular heart beat (atrial fibrillation), and enlargement of one of the heart's chambers can result in blood clots that may break loose and block vessels in or leading to the brain. Atrial fibrillation— which is more prevalent in older people—is responsible for one in four strokes after age 80, and is associated with higher mortality and disability. The most common blood vessel disease is atherosclerosis. Hypertension promotes atherosclerosis and causes mechanical damage to the walls of blood vessels. Your doctor will treat your heart disease and may also prescribe medication, such as aspirin, to help prevent the formation of clots. Your doctor may recommend surgery to clean out a clogged neck artery if you match a particular risk profile. If you are over 50, NINDS scientists believe you and your doctor should make a decision about aspirin therapy. A doctor can evaluate your risk factors and help you decide if you will benefit from aspirin or other blood-thinning therapy. Health and Wellness continue on next page 43

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Warning signs or history of TIA or stroke - If you experience a TIA, get help at once. If you’ve previously had a TIA or stroke, your risk of having a stroke is many times greater than someone who has never had one. Many communities encourage those with stroke's warning signs to dial 911 for emergency medical assistance. If you have had a stroke in the past, it's important to reduce your risk of a second stroke. Your brain helps you recover from a stroke by asking the unaffected brain regions to do double duty. That means a second stroke can be twice as bad. Diabetes - In terms of stroke and cardiovascular disease, having diabetes is the equivalent of aging 15 years. You may think this disorder affects only the body's ability to use sugar, or glucose. But it also causes destructive changes in the blood vessels throughout the body, including the brain. Also, if blood glucose levels are high at the time of a stroke, then brain damage is usually more severe and extensive than when blood glucose is well-controlled. Hypertension is common among diabetics and accounts for much of their increased stroke risk. Treating diabetes can delay the onset of complications that increase the risk of stroke. Cholesterol imbalance - Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) carries cholesterol (a fatty substance) through the blood and delivers it to cells. Excess LDL can cause cholesterol to build up in blood vessels, leading to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the major cause of blood vessel narrowing, leading to both heart attack and stroke. Physical inactivity and obesity - Obesity and inactivity are associated with hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Waist circumference to hip circumference ratio equal to or above the mid-value for the population increases the risk of ischemic stroke three-fold.

Source: NIH Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Strokes

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CPR Certification Class on April 9th Health & Wellness Events Brothers of Mu Lambda, the HWC has a number of upcoming events in May that will allow us to incorporate these suggestions of physical activity into our lives. Please support us with these efforts: May 4th – 08:30am March for Babies – Nationals Stadium (Confirmed). See the emails from Bro. Samuel Armstrong to register to walk and/or support another Brother who is walking in this event. Your time and/or contribution are both greatly appreciated. Support Request - Need 10 - 15 Brothers to Support May 18th – 10:00am-1:00 pm Alpha Active Health and Wellness Summit – (Confirmed). This ML/OHL/ OLA hosted event will take place at Luke C. Moore HS near Brookland NE. Working to finalize health conscious businesses and speakers for the event. Support Request - Need 10 - 15 Brothers to Support Link: https://2019alpha_active_hw_summit.

Next MLHWC Meeting May 23, 2019 Meeting Dates: 3rd Thursday of every Month Locations: Virtual Conf. Call or 1 646 876 9923 US (New York) Time: 7:00 – 7:45pm Bring: Ideas for healthy activities and service projects. Initial Topics: Addressing Brothers questions on Health topics – 1st 10 mins For more information on MLHWC activities, please contact Bro. Derrick Butts Thank you for your participation and support of MLHWC Events! Brother Derrick A. Butts Health and Wellness Committee Chair and DC NPHC Delegate Alpha Phi Alpha - Mu Lambda

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Message from the DC National Pan-Hellenic Council Delegate

Meeting Host by Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.UDC—CC Bertie Backus Campus, 5171 South Dakota Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20017 • • • •

Meeting began at 1900 EST ML Bro. - 1 - Derrick A. Butts Alpha Chapters Present - ML and OHL Prior meeting mins were read and approved.

DC NPHC Website Updates • Increase of 20 more followers since last month. • FaceBook Post for DCNPHC are to - NPHC Washington DC Eye on Nine Reporter • Conference call on May 7th at 8pm • Call in number is in the packet. • No up and coming events todate. • Need info from chapters to post May events. Historian • Get member of your chapters to submit photos from the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Submit to Maurice Edwards. • Will try to gain information from the Library of Congress. Presidents Report • No Chapter Presidents attended the meeting • Visitors - (2) Zeta Phi Beta • Still looking for someone who may help with the DC NPHC Website updates. • 2019 National Conference is in Memphis, TN - October 2019 Committee Reports Undergrad Relations • Next meeting May 13th - See packet for call in info MAY 2019

• • • •

• • • •

Reactivating UDC Pan Hellenic Skating Party in the fall May and June meeting - Please bring in Toys for Toy Drive. There is an Under-Grad Pan Hellenic Service award for outstanding undergraduate college chapter for their service. Recommended $300 for the award. Motioned and approved. Another way to get them motivated to participate in NPHC activities Asking all Chapters to submit POC for undergrad relations. GW Pan Hellenic Council is now active.

Parliamentarian • Fall of 2018 - Begin reviving by-laws • Looking for volunteers. • There will be Evening classes in the fall for a Parliamentarian. Can go towards a certification. Fund Raising • Three Activities planned for the end of the year • 1st event - Year-end-Party - Need to get more people to attend May-June 2019. • 2nd event - Scholarship and Awards Diner - end-June 2019 in DC - $40-45 for tickets. • Will require a down payment. • 3rd Event - Skate Party - Back to School Skate for Undergrads and Grads - in Sept. 2019 - 3rd Thursday. • Each Chapter will be asked to sell about 10 - 15 tickets. • May make it a competition for the chapters to sell tickets. • See the Packet for next call-in info. For Tues. evening. Memorial and Amenities • See the packet for information.

Audit Report • Will get another audit report out before June 2019. Political and Social Action • Looking for the DC NPHC to work at the food bank to pack food boxes - Capital Area Food Bank. • Need to provide dates for June 2019 for DC NPHC to participate. • Asked about Working with the Natl.. Park Service for clean-up on the National Mall in May. Committee Chair will contact Thuy for POC info. Economic Dev. • Looking to build Relationship with DC Business Dev POC Scholarships • Begin sending your chapters nominees to receive the DC NPHC Scholarship award. Announcements • Alpha Active Health and Wellness Summit - May 18th at. Luke C. Moore HS from 10:00am - 1:00pm • Alpha Sigma - Phi Beta Sigma Scholarship - Oct. 12th • June 15th - Women’s Health Event sponsored by Zeta Phi Beta - More information to come at the May 2019 meeting. New Business - None Next Meeting Hosted by Phi Beta Sigma - Location TBD. Meeting ended at 8:19pm. Brother Derrick A. Butts DC NPHC Delegate Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter 46

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The Jewels’ Lounge Mu Lambda Chapter Jewels’ Lounge Welcome to the Jewels’ Lounge where brothers gather, sit amongst the Jewels and reflect upon life in Alpha.

Jewel Callis

Jewel Jones

Jewel Murray

It is a place that allow brothers the opportunity to relax, read The Torch, Sphinx, history book and/or engage in that good ole ALPHA SPIRIT. Brother Silas Woods, III, Historian Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

Jewel Kelley

MAY 2019

Jewel Tandy

Jewel Chapman

Jewel Ogle


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Reprint from The SPHINX Magazine | Spring/Summer 1964 | Volume 50 | Number 2 196405002

MAY 2019


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Greeting Brothers,

Volume I

The 2018-2019 fraternal year has been dedicated to rediscovering our brotherhood. We serve the community, but we have been neglecting our bond of brotherhood.

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter


Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter


Starting Tuesday, May 7th, Mu Lambda will be rolling out and hosting the Mu Lambda Literary Society, every week at 7:06 pm. The Mu Lambda Literary Society is a Mu Lambda initiative, where we come together as brothers and discuss the two volume Alpha history book over a period of months. It will be a potluck affair facilitated by a different brother each week. Brothers can participate in person or via conference call. We will start with volume 1, chapter 1 of the twenty second printing of the history book and conclude with volume 2, chapter 8. There are twenty chapters in volume 1 and eight chapters in volume 2. This is totally voluntary. If you are interested, participate for the weeks that you can. You are not required to purchase the new history book. Brother Robert L. Harris, Jr. our National Historian and author of Volume II has expressed an interest in participating in some of the sessions.

Chapter XII Chapter XIII Chapter XIV



Lesson The Origin of Alpha Phi Alpha The Period of Consolidation The First Steps in Expansion Local and National Strivings Permanent Foundations Expansion and Internal Development The Leaven of Self-Examination The War Interlude A Definite Program The Crowning Years Advancement in Spite of the Depression The Widening Social Program Education and War A Militant Liberalism


Date May 7 May 14 May 21 May 28 June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25 July 2 July 9 July 16 July 23 July 30 August 6

Volume II



Chapter XV Chapter XVI Chapter XVII

The Concept of Progress The Golden Anniversary Shaping the Future on the Basis of the Past The Continuing Challenge New Goals for Old Social Purpose and Social Action Back to Basics Achieving Tomorrow: An Agenda for the 80’s Strengthening Internal Capacity for Greater Service Facing Our Future with a Future The Alpha Renaissance: Rekindling the Spirit of Leadership and Community Service Vision 2000: The Light of a New Day Alpha Attitude: A Forward Step‌ Into the Future A Solid Foundation for the New Era of Alpha

August 13 August 20

Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter


Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII

August 27 September 3 September 10 September 17 September 24 October 1 October 8 October 15 October 22 October 29 November 5 November 12

Fraternally, Eddie Neal, President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mu Lambda Chapter

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AKSTAR APPAREL STORE WWW.AKSTARAPPAREL.COM Shop Online Today and get 10% off your next purchase by using discount code RepTheAK!

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Beta Chapter Alumni Association 2019 Howard University Homecoming Golf Classic!! Friday October 11, 2019 Mitchellville MD @ Country Club at Woodmore. Includes green fees, cart and catered lunch. Prizes and awards presentations immediately following round, during lunch. 100% of the proceeds from the Golf Classic will be donated to the Beta Chapter Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship Fund at Howard University. This is a great opportunity for you and your organization to receive exposure and help to support Howard University students. Ticket and Sponsorship Information Link: MAY 2019


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Albert A. Williams

Realtor - D.C. & Maryland

EXIT First Realty 2139 Espey Court, Suite 1, Crofton, MD 21114 Bus: 301-352-8100 | Fax: 301-352-0700 | Cell: 202-210-1539 Email: MAY 2019


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Please Contact Brother Matt Aaron for Your Financial Planning Needs Matt Aaron, CFP® Aaron Financial 908-548-2745 Website:

im LL ca to

Matt is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and the founder of Aaron Financial. Matt and his team provide a comprehensive financial planning experience to a diverse set of clients across the country.

ap fo h

co a

V • Budgeting • Insurance Planning • Investment Planning and Wealth Management • Retirement Planning • Education Planning • Estate Planning • Business & Employee Benefits Matt holds a BBA from Howard University and has earned both a certificate in financial planning from Georgetown University and the prestigious CFP ® designation. Matt is a national spokesperson for the Certified Financial Planning Board.

The Crone Esquivel Group, LLC The vision of The Crone Esquivel Group, LLC is to connect, care, and be compassionate to all seeking wellness. Understanding relationship is foundational to improved clinical outcomes, the Crone Esquivel Group, LLC strives to support clients through connectedness, care, and compassion, while coaching and counseling to create “effective new emotional paradigms” leading to wellness. Our approach to therapy is a modern and unique approach that allows individuals, couples and families focus on long-term relationships, sustainable mental health and overall wellness. Our areas of expertise include working in various settings ranging from community mental health, College Counseling Center, as well as private practice with transition-age youth, working professionals, LGBTQ+, First Generation Immigration and families

im LL ca to

ap fo h

co a

Visit the “Contact Us” tab to schedule a 15 minute consultation. MAY 2019



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Contact us at

MAY 2019


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Message from the Editor

BRO. KENNETH A. WILLIAMS EDITOR OF THE TORCH QUOTE FOR THIS ISSUE! The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. - Ezekiel 25:17




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Support Your Foundation. The mission of the Mu Lambda Foundation, Incorporated, a non-profit 501c(3) organization, is service to mankind, the promotion of scholarship, and the enhancement of knowledge and achievement of males of all ages. Leading this mission is Mu Lambda Foundation’s vision to create an environment and opportunities for males to reach their full potential while discharging their responsiblities to their families, friends, and the global/civic society. This is done while upholding the highest moral, legal, and ethical standards of manhood.

Foundation Board LeRoy Lowery, III President Juan H. Powell Vice President Chatman Young Treasurer Ryle Bell, D.D.S. Malcolm Carter Albert Cheek, D.D.S. O. Jackson Cole, Ph.D. Hon. Horace G. Dawson, Jr., Ph.D. A. Gilbert Douglass, Esq. William A. Hawkins, Jr., Ph.D. Kenneth F. Holbert, Esq. Rev. Lloyd T. McGriff, D.Min. John A. Wilson 2405 First Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 MAY 2019


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ANOTHER WAY TO SUPPORT YOUR FOUNDATION What is AmazonSmile? AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from over one million organizations to support. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. The purchase price is the amount paid for the item minus any rebates and excluding shipping & handling, gift-wrapping fees, taxes, or service charges. From time to time, we may offer special, limited time promotions that increase the donation amount on one or more products or services or provide for additional donations to charitable organizations. Special terms and restrictions may apply. Please see the relevant promotion for complete details. Can I use my existing account on AmazonSmile? Yes, you use the same account on and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same. On 1. 2. 3.

your computer: launch your internet browser and go to Log into with your Amazon account information. Select Mu Lambda Foundation as your charitable choice. Everytime you make a eligible purchase a portion will go to the Foundation.

On your cellphone 1. If you have the Amazon App installed you should remove it. To do this, tap and hold the app icon until it starts to jiggle. Tap the cross at the top left of the icon and confirm that you want to delete it. Don’t worry, this will not delete your Amazon account or any of your settings. 2. Now from your cellphone internet browser go to 3. Once there Tap the ‘share’ button at the bottom of the screen. 4. Tap the ‘Add to Home Screen’ icon. You may need to swipe to the left on iPhone to see this or scroll down on Android. 5. You will now have an Amazon Smile icon on your home screen which will replace your previous Amazon App.

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PROLOGUE • • • •

Beta-Mu Lambda Corporation - precursor Henry Arthur Callis Fund – charitable arm Mu Lambda Foundation, Inc – 501(c)3, 1994 Past activities include – Black and Gold Ball, Beautillion, Henry Arthur Callis Academy, Project Alpha, DC Food Bank, etc. • Current BOD – 13 members • Scholarships provided ~ $310,000

PROSPECTIVE • • • • • •

Broker scholarship awards – ten-fold increase Expand H. A. Callis Academy and Project Alpha to additional schools Serve House of Ruth Increase income from CFC, MWC, CBC, grants Develop property Ask Brothers to reclaim others /pay dues/ support fundraisers

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MAY 2019


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WE NEED YOUR HELP! Greetings Brothers, Welcome to the first Annual Mu Lambda “BATTLE OF THE BROTHERS FUNDS CHALLENGE!” On behalf of our Chapter President, we are excited about your participation in this event and look forward to crowning the winning team. In an effort to provide support, this brotherly competition will help raise funds for our Mu Lambda Foundation. Brothers will build teams embarking on a four-month challenge to raise a minimum goal of $5,000 per team. The team raising the most money will win the Funds Challenge Championship. Teams We will have twelve teams vying to be crowned “FUNDS CHALLENGE CHAMPION!” • • • • •

Each team will have a team captain, a max of ten brothers (including the team captain and bonus member), with a minimum of seven brothers. Each team will select a bonus team member from the Foundation and that member will be responsible for raising a minimum of $1,000. The $1,000 will count towards your team’s goal. Each member will be selected in order by the team captain. Team captains will select in the order determined by a lottery. Since this is about brotherhood, fundraising and fun, team captains can trade with another team captain.

Rules We must protect the chapter and foundation’s brand, so a set of rules will be established for the challenge. •

The only rule at this time is the fundraising must be legal and in good taste.



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TEAM CAPTAIN: _________________________________________ BONUS MEMBER: _________________________________________ Team Member Names

Email Address





































MAY 2019


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Upcoming Events Thursday, May 2nd Saturday, May 4th Tuesday, May 7th Saturday, May 11th Sunday, May 12th Tuesday, May 14th Wednesday, May 15th Thursday, May 16th Saturday, May 18th Tuesday, May 21st Saturday, May 25th Tuesday, May 28th Saturday, June 1st Tuesday, June 4th Thursday, June 6th Saturday, June 8th Tuesday, June 11th Saturday, June 15 Sunday, June 16th Tuesday, June 18th Wednesday, June 19th Thursday, June 20th-23rd Tuesday, June 25th Tuesday, July 2nd Thursday, July 4th Tuesday, July 9th Tuesday, July 16th Wednesday, July 17th Thursday, July 18th Saturday, July 20th Tuesday, July 23rd Wednesday, July 24-28th Tuesday, July 30th Tuesday, August 6th Saturday, August 10th Tuesday, August 13th Thursday, August 15th Saturday, August 17th Tuesday, August 20th Wednesday, August 21st Saturday, August 24th Tuesday, August 27th Tuesday, September 3rd

Chapter meeting March for Babies Alpha Wives Card Party Project Alpha at Hart MS Mu Lambda Literary Society Dinner at House of Ruth Mother’s Day Project Alpha at Hart Middle School Mu Lambda Literary Society Callis Academy at Ballou High School Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Alpha Active Joint Health and Wellness Event for Hart and Ballou Project Alpha at Hart MS Mu Lambda Literary Society AARP Drivers Safety DC PanHellenic Council meeting Mu Lambda Literary Society Lunch with the senior brothers Dinner at House of Ruth Project Alpha at Hart MS Literary Society Chapter meeting Alpha Wives meeting Literary Society Juneteenth Celebration Father’s Day Literary Society Executive Board meeting Leadership Development Institute Literary Society DC PanHellenic Council meeting Literary Society Fourth of July Literary Society Literary Society Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Dinner at House of Ruth Literary Society General Convention Literary Society Literary Society Dinner at House of Ruth Literary Society Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Nathaniel Allison Murray Brotherhood Brunch Literary Society Executive Board meeting Chapter retreat Literary Society Literary Society

Thursday, September 5th Saturday, September 7th Tuesday, September 10th Wednesday, September 11th Saturday, September 14th Tuesday, September 17th Wednesday, September 18th Thursday, September 19th Tuesday, September 24th Saturday, September 28th Tuesday, October 1st Thursday, October 3rd Saturday, October 5th Tuesday, October 8th Saturday, October 12th Tuesday, October 15th Wednesday, October 16th Thursday, October 17th Tuesday, October 22nd Tuesday, October 29th Saturday, November 2nd Tuesday, November 5th Thursday, November 7th Saturday, November 9th Monday, November 11th Tuesday, November 12th Wednesday, November 20th Thursday, November 21st Saturday, November 23rd Tuesday, November 26th Thursday, November 28th Wednesday, December 4th Thursday, December 5th Saturday, December 7th Saturday, December 14th Wednesday, December 18th Thursday, December 19th Friday, December 20th Saturday, December 21st Tuesday, December 24th Wednesday, December 25th

Chapter meeting Dinner at House of Ruth Literary Society Congressional Black Caucus Social at “The Park” Alpha Wives meeting Alpha Move at Carter Barron Park Literary Society Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Literary Society DC PanHellenic Council meeting Clean the Block Mu Lambda turns 96 Mu Lambda Brotherhood Smoke and Literary Society Chapter meeting Charter Day Brunch Literary Society Alpha Wives meeting Dinner at House of Ruth Literary Society Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Literary Society DC PanHellenic Council meeting Literary Society MAAC Conference Literary Society Chapter meeting Alpha Wives meeting Veterans Day Literary Society Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Dinner at House of Ruth DC PanHellenic Council meeting Happy Thanksgiving Alpha Phi Alpha turns 113 Chapter meeting MAAC Breakfast Wreath Laying Ceremony for Brother Nathaniel A. Murray Wreath Laying Ceremony for Brother Robert H. Ogle Mu Lambda’s 96th Anniversary Founders Day banquet Alpha Wives meeting Executive Board meeting Mu Lambda Foundation Board meeting Mu Lambda Health and Wellness Committee meeting Deliver holiday baskets to families Dinner at House of Ruth DC PanHellenic Council meeting Merry Christmas

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