MAY 2018
THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE April was an eventful month for the chapter. After an exciting chapter meeting to kick off April the Social Chair, Brother Mikael LaRoche put together the chapter’s first open house event on Friday April 13th. The event hosted the Alpha Wives as well as many brothers from the Washington DC area. The following morning, the chapter did a community service event at The Community for the Creative Non Violence event on Saturday, April 14th. Led by neophyte brother Twane Harris and Brother Vice President Joe Paul. Not only did Mu Lambda clean up trash at the shelter but also raised $330 when the initial goal was only 300. The DCNPHC United followed this event for Service event where droves of Alphas including many from Mu Lambda alongside other members of the organizations in the NPHC helped paint fences and benches along the National Mall. We continued doing community Service with our annual March for Babies event where raised $927 and participated in the walk to help raise money to ensure babies and mothers get the best care possible. We ended the month in Hartford Ct for the 86th Eastern Region Convention where we were able to get a fresh dose other renewed Brotherhood. Also, we witnessed our 2017 + 2018 neophytes receive a pin as well as we saw Brother Marcel Desroches receive his 25-year pin. April was a great month, and I can’t wait to see what May brings. Joel Grey Mu Lambda Chapter President Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
Brother Joel A. Gray President - Mu Lambda Chapter 17-18
The Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated had a successful community service event on Saturday, April 14, 2018. The Chapter had an opportunity to provide sandwiches and other resources to the homeless at the Community for Creative Non-Violence in Washington, D.C. A special thank you to the members of the Mu Lambda Chapter Brothers who donated to the event. Without these members the event would not have been successful. Also, thank you to Brothers Bouknight, Burke, Copeland, Dew, Engram, Harris, King, Joseph, Moore, Regis, and AKA soror Nialah Ferrer who were in attendance and able to make this event a huge success. Regards, Twane Harris
BETA | MU LAMBDA THe Brothers Mu Lambda Chapter will like to CONGRATULATE the TEN Beta Neophytes who now add their tenacity and leadership to Howard University’s Campus. They were well recieved by the campus on Friday April 13th 2018. The Sentinels of Ra-Kedet 1. Charles Leroy Rice III 2. Lamel Robertson, Jr. 3. Jonathan G. Willard 4. Roland N. Ridgeway, IV 5. Marquis Taylor 6. Isiah Q. Reed 7. Tyjuan Hubbard 8. Phillip Douglas Jones 9. Kane R. Jackson 10. Eathyn Edwards Congratulations to also go out of the Graduating SENIORS of Beta Chapter. College days swiftly pass but know that your LEGACY lives on brother. Mu Lambda will like to welcome you all to continue your service and advocacy for the Washington DC community by chosing to make Mu Lambda your HOUSE. Onward & Upward Brothers! 5 - B - 16 Johnathan Smith 7 - B - 16 Andre Eken Jr 8 - B - 16 William Anderson 12 - B - 16 Wesley Vaughn 14 - B - 16 Troy Adam Duffie 15 - B - 16 Darrius Scott 17 - B - 16 Richmond E. Hayes (Masters G.W.U) 18 - B - 16 Quentin J. Mansfield 22- B - 16 Brandon Jiles Alexander 24 - B - 16 Nicholas Samuel (Masters) *Brother James E. Harmon III
Mu Lambda Brothers,
Welcome to May which is Arthritis, Food Allergy, Mental Health, and National Physical Fitness Awareness Month. The health topics we share from the MLHWC are to provide in-sight and knowledge about what our family, friends, and love-ones may be going through. Below are articles of interest addressing several subject matters.
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: AN OVERVIEW Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of chronic arthritis that typically occurs in joints on both sides of the body (such as hands, wrists, or knees). This symmetry helps distinguish rheumatoid arthritis from other types of arthritis. In addition to affecting the joints, rheumatoid arthritis may occasionally affect the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, or nerves.
HOW RACE AND BACKGROUND DIFFERS ASTHMA, FOOD ALLERGY RATES How the microbial environment affects susceptibility to asthma or food allergy has become a primary area of modern allergy focus‌.. African Americans in particular have a 2.5-fold greater chance for developing asthma and a 1.8-fold greater chance for developing eczema, but ironically have a lower chance of receiving a FA diagnosis compared to white children.
Mahdavinia examined differences in healthcare management in African Americans versus white residents. Approximately 50% are on Medicaid, as compared to just 10% of white residents. Analysis of food sensitivities revealed that individuals with egg or dairy allergies were much more likely to be asthmatic than those without these sensitivities. Other sensitivities did not correlate with susceptibility to asthma. Consistent with this observation, the race with the greatest susceptibility to asthma — African Americans — also have the higher likelihood for egg or dairy food allergies amongst the 3 examined races. Link:
Mental Health Through the Lens of African Americans The National Alliance on Mental Health reports that “although anyone can develop a mental health problem, African Americans sometimes experience more severe forms of mental health conditions due to unmet needs and other barriers.” According to the Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, African Americans are 20% more likely to experience serious mental health problems than the general population. Issues such as discrimination, past trauma – often passed from generation to generation unless nipped in the bud, poverty, violence and the pressures of being sole providers – can exacerbate depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Link: /bellletstalk-2018-eyes-black-person
African American Men’s Perspectives on Promoting Physical Activity: “We’re Not That Difficult to Figure out!” African American men report poorer health than do White men and have significantly greater odds for developing chronic diseases partly because of limited physical activity. Understanding how to encourage healthy behaviors among African American men will be critical in the development of effective physical activity messages and programs. Guided by principles of cultural sensitivity and social marketing, this research examined middle-aged and older African American men’s recommended strategies for promoting physical activity to African American men of their age. Link:
LAST MONTHS’ MLHWC EVENTS April 28, 2018 – 10:00am – 1:00pm Delta’s Health and Wellness Fair at the SE Giant, Thank you to our VP – Bro. Joe. Paul and other Mu Lambda Brothers for supporting the Delta Alumnae Health and Wellness Fair and making it a SUCCESS!.
UPCOMING MLHWC EVENTS May 19, 2018 - 7:30-10:00am - 2nd Annual Alpha Move Event 5K Run/Walk and 10 to 20-mile Cycling from the Carter Baron Parking Lot – Close to Colorado Ave. NW More information to come - Support Request - Need 8-10 Brothers to Support – Free June 30, 2018 - 7:00-10:30am 6th Annual HBCU 5K Run/2K Walk on HBCU Community Day – More information to follow Support Request - Need 5-6 Brothers to Support
NEXT MLHWC MEETING – MAY 15, 2018 Meeting Dates: Locations: Time: Bring: Initial Topics:
3rd Tuesday every month Virtual Conf. Call - 641.715.3630, 129354# 7:00pm – 7:45pm Ideas for healthy activities and service projects. Addressing Brothers questions on Health topics – 1st 10 mins
For more information on MLHWC activities, please contact Bro. Derrick Butts Thank you for your participation and support of the MLHWC!
Another SUMMER SIZZLER is upon us! #MENWHOCOOK is one of Mu Lambda’s PREMIER events 2018 will be the same. For 2018, Men who cook partners our beloved Mu Lambda Chapter with the Pearl Elegance Foundation - Of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated’s Prince Georges County Chapter; Psi Epsilon Omega Chapter. Tickets have already been flying!!! The call is for us brothers to STEP UP and SHOW OUT! Sign up to become a chef today! Your home-made reciepe may be the show stopper that wins first prize. Tickets are available at - Get yours before they are all GONE!
Congratulations Mu Lambda Spring 2018
1. Kendall Frost - Break1ng Point 2. Jeremy Triplett - Dnoces 3. Ted Joesph - Toussaint 4. Glorie Chiza - Corporal Punishment 5. Twane Harris - No Excuses 6. Rodney Dew II - Dew DilIgenCE 7. Antonio King - Disciple Klump 8. Stanton Burke - ZombiePHied 9. Matthew Aaron - PHinal Draft
For the Good of the “HOOD” Congratulations to Brother. Larry Ware and his Wife Deanna Ware on their one year Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Brother Marcel J Desroches Jr. 30th ALPHAiversary on May 22nd (Kappa Delta Spr ‘88)
BROTHERS ON THE MOVE - Bro. Frederick Engram is a Spring 2003 initiate of the Alpha
Omicron Chapter seated at Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, N.C. Bro. Engram has been a member of the Mu Lambda chapter since December of 2012. While a member he has served in several capacities, Programs Chair and Mu Lambda Pharaohs step-master. While serving as programs chair Bro. Engram assisted Bro. Blair Matthews (Beta Spring 2011) in the successful return of the B2B youth conference held at Howard University in the fall of 2013. Due to his diligent work in the chapter Bro. Engram was awarded the Mu Lambda C.C. House Man of Merit award in 2014. Bro. Engram was also responsible for the reclamation of several brothers in the Washington, D.C. area. Professionally Bro. Engram serves in the role of Manager, Graduate Recruitment Communications at American University. In this role he is responsible for the oversight of graduate enrollment of all 5 of American Universities colleges/schools. His initiatives include creating opportunities for African American students to attain graduate level education. He published an article on Blavity. com entitled 7 Tips For Navigating The Graduate School Admissions Process. The article provides tips for applying to graduate school, and how to negotiate admissions offers. He is also a fulltime Doctoral student at Northeastern University, where he will be completing coursework this summer. His research is based in Institutional and Systemic Racism, and How It Affects African American Students at PWI’s. His first published scholarly work is due out this Fall 2018. Notable accomplishments: Nominee Outstanding Graduate StudentNortheastern University Spring 2018
School of Public Affairs AwardAmerican University Spring 2018
Kappa Delta PiInternational Honor Society in Education Inductee Spring 2018 FD (Fredrick Douglass) 200 Nominee- American University 2018
HBCU Alumni of the Year Award Nominee -2018 Johnson C. Smith University- Alumni Spotlight Fall 2017
You can also catch Bro. Engram on TMZ monthly offering hysterical quips about all things related to both politics and popular culture.
The Alpha Wives of Washington D.C. Inc, hosted their annual Scholarship Card Party and Brunch at the Navy Yard on Saturday 14th April 2014. The event was attended by 100 participants and Alpha Brothers alike. 3 Scholarships were awarded to local seniors heading to University. The scholarships were well recieved and the event provided a magnificant afternoon for friends of old and new to share in board games, card party favorites and gifts. This fundraiser was an extreme success. Cheers to the Wives who came together to make this event possible! Alpha Wives Meet every 2nd Saturday - Noon @ 2405 1st St. NW
DC NPHC Tuesday, May 22nd Next DC NPHC Meeting – Hosted by Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Sigma Chapter
(Actual location will be mailed out closer to the date.)
2017-2018 Executive Board of Mu Lambda President:
Joel Grey
Vice President:
Joe Paul
Recording Secretary:
Rashid Darden
Corresponding Secretary:
Timothy Fitzgerald
Financial Secretary:
Chatman Young
Michael Young
William “Tony� Hawkins
Stanton Burke
Intake Coordinator:
Jason Clark
Assoc. Editor/Sphinx:
Kenny Regis
Dir. Educational Activities:
Charvis Campbell
Mark Kevin Jones
Byron L. Williams
Kendall Frost
Web Master:
DeAngelo Copeland
Editor of the Torch:
Mikael LaRoche
Member at Large
Eddie Neal
Social Chair
Mikael LaRoche
Immediate past president:
Leroy Lowery III
/mulambda1906 @mulambda1923