The Mu Lambda Torch - 95th Charter Anniversary Edition

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The Mu Lambda Torch October 2018 The Excellence & Service Edition

THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Brothers, Mu Lambda turned 95 on October 1st – what an accomplishment. So much has happened that I don’t know where to start. I guess I should start with your reclamation efforts – Brother Tim Fitzgerald and his team have reclaimed 11 brothers this fraternal year. The chapter voted in June to have a two year moratorium on intake, but it just made Brother Fitzgerald step up his game. Brother Fitzgerald should not have to do this alone. If you know good brothers with a positive attitude tell them Mu Lambda will welcome them with open arms. Brothers I don’t want to mislead you, Mu Lambda is not interested in increasing its numbers. Mu Lambda is interested in reclaiming brothers who want to do the work of Alpha and leave the nonsense behind. We celebrated our sixth successful Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) affair where we had approximately 900 more people in attendance than last year. We had 4314 people register. 1224 from Alpha Phi Alpha; 465 from Alpha Kappa Alpha; 319 from Delta Sigma Theta; 45 from Sigma Gamma Rho; 37 from Zeta Phi Beta; 103 from Kappa Alpha Psi; 53 from Omega Psi Phi; 35 from Phi Beta Sigma; 6 from Iota Phi Theta; and 2027 not affiliated with any fraternity or sorority. Mu Lambda does not sponsor the CBC event solely for the purpose of partying. We sponsor the event at no cost to the attendees to network, interact with CBC members, discuss the concerns of the CBC, and raise awareness in our community. Because there is a mid-term election in November, we decided to do voter awareness. We posed two questions to all who registered: Are you aware of the November midterm elections and are you registered to vote. 3059 indicated they were aware of the midterm elections, 1196 preferred not to answer, and 59 indicated they were unaware of the midterm elections. 3113 indicated they were registered to vote, 1160 preferred not to answer, and 41 indicated they were not registered to vote. Mu Lambda is always appreciative of the work of Brother Michael Collins and the tireless efforts of Congressman John Lewis, who attends every year. Congressman Lewis does more than merely attend, he engages all who approach him. He shakes hands and walks all four floors of the venue. Mu Lambda can never give enough thanks to Congressman Lewis. During Mu Lambda’s 95 years, Mu Lambda has been fortunate enough to own three houses. According to data received from general headquarters, there are 706 chapters in Alpha, 44 alumni chapters have a house, 6 chapters in the Eastern Region have a house, two chapters in the MAAC have a house, and Mu Lambda is the only chapter in Washington, DC that owns a house. Brothers give the Mu Lambda Foundation board a difficult time, where they should be thanking the board. The board has handled the house perfectly – the payments are timely, the utilities have never been disconnected, and the property is valued at over $2,000,000. While some brothers are debating whether the chapter should participate in parties to raise $1,000 to $3,000, the foundation board has grown the value of the house more than two thousand (2,000) percent. The board did not stop there. Included in this issue of the Torch are the plans showing how our meeting space is being expanded to accommodate more brothers. Just when you think they are done, they are preparing for phase two – Lambda Mews.

Brother Eddie Neal

President - Mu Lambda Chapter 2018-2019

Lambda Mews is the multi-million dollar building project to take place on the vacant lots adjacent to the house. The board is full of forward thinkers. Rather than continuing to give $1,000 to $15,000, our Mu Lambda Foundation Board is working on a plan to assist our youth with approximately $400,000 in scholarships per year. So the next time you hear an Alpha brother make a negative remark about our chapter or the Mu Lambda Foundation, give them the facts. Tell them what Mu Lambda is doing. Brothers sometimes present alternative facts for their self-serving agendas. One brother recently said Mu Lambda acts like an island. Notwithstanding the countless Alpha brothers who attend the annual CBC event, Mu Lambda kicked off its 95th Charter Day Celebration with community service of cleaning the streets of the District of Columbia. It concluded the day with a BBQ, with over 200 people in attendance. Brothers from 10 other chapters were in attendance (Delta Lambda, Omicron Lambda Alpha, Omicron Eta Lambda, Beta, Eta Eta Lambda, Gamma Iota, Xi Alpha Lambda, Pi Upsilon Lambda, Iota Upsilon Lambda, and Kappa XI Lambda), where a good time was had by all. Brother LaRoche and his committee knows how to organize an event. A brother recently told me there is nothing wrong with a little friendly competition in Alpha. I vehemently disagree. There is too much competition in Alpha. Mu Lambda is a subsidiary of the General Organization and exists only because of the General Organization. I believe that Alpha chapters exist to follow the lead of the General President and carry out his directives at a local level. Maybe I am naïve, but while I am president that is the way I plan to have Mu Lambda operate. Our youth are our future. Notwithstanding the scholarship initiative of the Mu Lambda Foundation, Brother Tony Wilson has done a phenomenal job with our Beta brothers. During the last chapter meeting it was reported that Beta had the highest GPA in the Eastern Region – that includes higher than the Ivy League Schools (Cornell, Brown, Princeton, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, Columbia, and Harvard.) In no way am I downplaying the academic excellence of other undergraduate brothers, I am merely highlighting the great work of Brother Wilson and the Beta brothers. Do not forget to attend the sessions to work with Brother Campbell and his committee as we mentor the young men at Hart Middle School. In order to sustain Mu Lambda’s future, Mu Lambda must continue to be forward thinking and look at economic development. One of Mu Lambda’s past presidents, Brother, Vincent Orange, is the President and CEO of the DC Chamber of Commerce. Brother Lowery, representing the Mu Lambda Foundation, and me representing the chapter, will be attending two Chamber of Commerce events to advance the platform of our respective groups – October 5th, The State of the District and Region Conference and October 19th, DC Chamber of Commerce 80th Anniversary Gala. As I digress, I need to remind you of the Charter Day festivities. The celebration started Saturday, September 29th, with the clean the block, clean the house, and BBQ. Monday, October 1st, the brothers participated in a brotherhood smoke at the house. Tuesday, October 2nd, the brothers taught self-defense to 96 women at Howard University in an event co-sponsored by the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha – Alpha Chapter. Thursday, October 4th, we will meet for our October chapter meeting, take a chapter photo, sing some good ole Alpha songs and fellowship with one another. Friday, October 5th, we will attend the play Turn Me Loose – the story about our brother, Dick Gregory. Saturday, October 6th, we will recognize 35 brothers with 25 years but less than 50 years in the fraternity; nine brothers with 50 years but less than 60 years; 13 brothers with 60 years but less than 70 years; two brothers with 70 years but less than 75 years; and one brother with 75 years in the fraternity. I am honored to be amongst a distinctive body of brothers with such wisdom and longevity in the fraternity. Sunday, October 7th, we will convene at Brother McGriff’s church for some prayer to help us through the rest of our 95th year. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I am looking forward to Brother McGriff’s sermon.

Being president of Mu Lambda is never a walk in the park – I am looking forward to worshipping with my brothers and their families. We must understand that we are a body of adult men. While we may not like the decision of the body, we all took an oath that we would adhere to the will of the body. If we speak negatively about the fraternity and the chapter, why should an outsider think anything positive about us. I ask that we govern ourselves and protect the house of Alpha as well as the $2,000,000 house of Mu Lambda. In closing, I need all brothers to pay their dues as soon as possible. Brother Neal President good ole Alpha songs and fellowship with one another. Friday, October 5th, we will attend the play Turn Me Loose – the story about our brother, Dick Gregory. Saturday, October 6th, we will recognize 35 brothers with 25 years but less than 50 years in the fraternity; nine brothers with 50 years but less than 60 years; 13 brothers with 60 years but less than 70 years; two brothers with 70 years but less than 75 years; and one brother with 75 years in the fraternity. I am honored to be amongst a distinctive body of brothers with such wisdom and longevity in the fraternity. Sunday, October 7th, we will convene at Brother McGriff’s church for some prayer to help us through the rest of our 95th year. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I am looking forward to Brother McGriff’s sermon. Being president of Mu Lambda is never a walk in the park – I am looking forward to worshipping with my brothers and their families. We must understand that we are a body of adult men. While we may not like the decision of the body, we all took an oath that we would adhere to the will of the body. If we speak negatively about the fraternity and the chapter, why should an outsider think anything positive about us. I ask that we govern ourselves and protect the house of Alpha as well as the $2,000,000 house of Mu Lambda. In closing, I need all brothers to pay their dues as soon as possible. Brother Neal President

95 Years of Excellence

A Huge Thank You



Mu Lambda will be celebrating 95 years of existence on Monday, October 1, 2018. To honor our great accomplishment we have the following in store for the brothers: We will kick off our charter day celebration starting Saturday, September 29th. We be cleaning the block, cleaning the house, and ending the day with a fraternal barbeque. The chapter meeting will take place Thursday, October 4th, where we will take a chapter picture on the front steps of the house. Friday, October 5th, Brother Joe Paul will be hosting a First Friday’s event at the house. There will be a community service event associated with the event that he will announce sometime in the future. Saturday, October 6th, there will be a charter day lunch at Howard University School of Law cafeteria. Brother Charvis Campbell and his committee are preparing a grand affair. There is a nominal charge of $25 per attendee (including those being honored) to offset the cost of the event. East State Street Jazz Band will provide the musical sounds. The event is for all brothers, family and friends. Brothers are encouraged to get their tickets early because we are expected to sell out quickly. We held a similar event at the house for the 91st anniversary and sold out quickly.

The following brothers will be honored Note: If you are a brother with 25 years or more in the fraternity and your name is not listed, please contact Brother Fitzgerald so we can look into the matter):

25 years but less than 50 years in Alpha 1. Ronald Braxton 2. Lucius Brown 3. Derrick Butts 4. Anthony Campbell 5. Malcolm Carter 6. Louis Cook, III 7. Paul Cotton 8. Marcel Desroches, Jr. 9. Samuel Fulwood 10. Vincent Gadsden 11. Joseph Gibbs 12. James Greer 13. Rylan Harris 14. William Hawkins, Jr. 15. Malcolm Jackson 16. Clinton Jones, III 17. Drew Love 18. LeRoy Lowery, III 19. Patrick Major 20. Kelvin McClinton 21. James McDonald 22. Lloyd McGriff 23. Eddie Neal 24. Vincent Orange, Sr. 25. Sean Perkins 26. Juan Powell 27. Raoul Scott, Jr. 28. Charles Smith, II 29. Samuel Thornton, III 30. Walter Whitley 31. James Wilson 32. John Wilson

50 years but less than 60 years 1. Clyde Blassengale 2. O.J. Cole, Jr. 3. Ronald Flowers 4. Louis Ford 5. Tyrone Mitchell 6. Vernon Oakes 7. Robert Richardson 8. William Thomas 9. Lee Tyler 60 years but less than 70 years 1. Franklin Ampy 2. Sylvester Booker 3. Wiley Bowling, Jr. 4. James Donaldson 5. Richard English 6. Elbert Gadsden 7. Rudolph Harris 8. Curtis Hunigan 9. Willie McGee 10. Talmadge Roberts 11. Rudolph Scipio 12. Lavert Seabron 13. Fred Valentine 70 years but less than 75 years 1. Horace Dawson, Jr. 2. Garnett Wood 75 years 1. Kenneth Holbert

In addition to honoring the brothers in front of their family and friends, Mu Lambda will also be making its first induction into Mu Lambda’s Hall of fame. Sunday, October 7th, Mu Lambda will continue its Charter Day celebration with a morning of worship at 11 am at Galilee Baptist Church, 2101 Shadyside Avenue, Suitland, Maryland with Mu Lambda’s own Reverend Dr. Lloyd T. McGriff. Brothers, family and friends are invited to attend. Mu Lambda is chartering a bus or two to the Eastern Region Convention in Albany, New York. The convention is Thursday, April 25th through Sunday, the 28th. The round trip cost is $150 per person. The trip includes the bus taking us to Cornell and Ithaca to see the sites that most have read about in the history book. Payment plans will be available. Brothers, family, and friends are welcome to ride. All brothers being honored with 25 to 75 years are encouraged to attend for a wonderful time of fellowship.


Saturday, May 4th 2019 Mu Lambda will host its Black and Gold gala. Tickets will be reasonably priced, with all proceeds going to the Mu Lambda Foundation. It is an excellent opportunity to celebrate Mothers’ Day a week in advance. The planning committee is working to make this one of the best galas in honor of our 95 years of existence. It is estimated we will have 600 people in attendance. Each brother is being asked to sell or purchase a modest four tickets each. The Mu Lambda Foundation board members are being asked to sell a modest 10 tickets each.



Brothers, Welcome to Fall 2018! October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and National Bullying Prevention Month. Below are three articles of interest addressing these topics. Please click on the links or cut and paste into your browser to read the entire articles. Call to Action – In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the ML HWC would Like ALL Brothers to wear something PINK to the Oct. 4th chapter meeting.

African Americans Communities and Domestic Violence Black and Hispanic couples are two to three times more likely to report male-to-female and female-to-male partner violence than white couples, and alcohol plays a role in the increased risk of violence, especially among black couples. It is probably not surprising that statistics concerning intimate partner violence vary widely from study to study and from year to year. Interpersonal violence is not a topic that either the victim nor the perpetrator is eager to reveal. It can be embarrassing for both to talk about outside the household. For more information on Domestic Violence – please visit the link below:

African-American Women and Breast Cancer

While overall rates of breast cancer in black and white women are about the same, black women are 20% to 40% more likely to die from breast cancer. The reason for this disparity is likely due to several factors, including genetics, the biology of the cancer, and differences in healthcare. Because black women have higher breast cancer mortality rates than white women, the American College of Radiology and the Society of Breast Imaging have recommended that black women be added to groups considered at high risk for breast cancer. This is the first time black women have been classified as a high-risk group. For more information on Black Women and Breast Cancer – please visitthe link below.

The Black Community Must Come to Terms with the Problem of Bullying October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Bullying among and against Black youth poses a continual problem to our community as both victim and the aggressor. As reported last year, 8-year-old Jordan Jackson was told, “You need to go back to the cotton farm,” by a young white boy on a playground last year as Jordan and his younger sister waited for their parents at Spanish Lake Primary School in Geismar, Louisiana. The racist outburst came after Jordan, asked a group to stop throwing mulch at him and his 4-year-old sister, J’Niaha. Jordan was subsequently pushed down multiple times and body slammed at least twice, suffering a broken arm and a concussion, which has evolved into post-concussion syndrome. For more information on Bullying – please visit the link below.

Heart Healthy Recipes Asiago Chicken Pasta with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Spinach Prep Time: 20 Mins | Cook Time: 20 mins | Total Time: 40 mins

Ingredients • 8 oz penne pasta (use gluten free brown rice penne, for gluten free version) • 1/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes with oil 2 tablespoons • 1 lb chicken breast sliced in half, chopped • 3 garlic cloves minced • 1/4 teaspoon paprika • 1 cup half and half and more - (half milk - half cream to form a lighter cream) • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1 cup Asiago cheese shredded • 2 cups spinach fresh Instructions 1. Cook pasta according to package instructions. Drain, rinse. 2. Use sun-dried tomatoes in oil - if the sun-dried tomatoes are too big, chop them into smaller bites. 3. Heat sun-dried tomatoes (cut them) in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and chopped garlic on medium heat. Add chopped chicken breast to the sun-dried tomatoes and oil - generously season the chicken in the skillet with salt and paprika. Cook chicken until it’s cooked through completely. 4. To the same skillet with chicken and sun-dried tomatoes, add 1 cup of half and half and 1/4 teaspoon salt - bring to boil. Add 1/2 cup of grated Asiago cheese (half of what the recipe calls for) and stir for about 30 seconds to melt the cheese. Reduce the heat from boil to medium and continue stirring to make sure all cheese melts. At this point, if the sauce is too thin, gradually add the remaining 1/2 of Asiago cheese on medium heat, constantly stirring all around the skillet. 5. If the sauce gets too thick, add another 1/3 cup of half and half and stir. 6. Taste the sauce - if 1/4 teaspoon salt was not enough, add more. 7. Add cooked and drained pasta to the sauce. Add spinach, mix everything cover with the lid and let the pasta sit to allow spinach to wilt, on low simmer. After spinach has wilted, stir everything together to combine, taste and add more salt, if needed.


7:00-8:30pm Self-defense Workshop with Alpha Chapter – AKA’s at Howard Univ. Cook Hall Club Room (Confirmed)

Oct. 20, 2018 5pm – Light the Night Walk Fund Raiser – Goal $250

Need Brothers to support. A link will be sent to Brothers after Chapter meeting.

Nov. 8, 2018

7:00-8:30pm Self-defense Workshop with Beta Chapter – at Howard Univ. (Location - TBD) (Pending) Need Brothers to support.

Nov. 29, 2018 Let’s Talk Health - Brotherhood Discussion – Thursday Evening Social Mu Lambda House (Pending) Need Brothers to support.

NEXT MLHWC MEETING – OCTOBER 16TH, 2018 Meeting Dates: Locations: Time: Bring: Initial Topics:

4th Thursday - (usually 3rd Tuesday every month) Virtual Conf. Call - 641.715.3630, 129354# 6:45 pm – 7:45pm Ideas for healthy activities and service projects. Addressing Brothers questions on Health topics – 1st 10 mins

For more information on MLHWC activities, please contact Bro. Derrick Butts Thank you for your participation and support of the MLHWC!


A Huge Thank You TO THE BROTHERS WHO SUPPORTED “DEFEND YOURSELF” A Strong Showing of 7 Brtothers came out last Tuesday evening on the campus of Howard University to the #STOPTHEVIOLENCE - Defend Yourself - Self Defence Workshop Hosted by the Sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. ALPHA CHAPTER

Service in Our Community

SATURDAY MORNING On Saturday September 29, Brother LaRoche made a call to action for the chapter. In light of our 95th Charter Day Anniversary, It was an important notion for the chapter to go out into the community and show its force in numbers. There is no better place to start this community work than HOME. It took 4 hours of elbow grease, sweat and tears but the effects are transformative. The Weeds and Shrubs on the property line were cleaned and trimmed, Interior of the house polished which lead into a perfect evening for a BBQ and invitation to celebrate. Special thanks to Bro Fitzgerald and Neal for co-ordinating Cleaning Efforts & to all the members who brought their tools and time to the chapter clean up.



A NOW STAPLE EVENT - Our annual chapter cookout was WELL ATTENDED and SUPPORTED!

THE HOUSE A LONG AWAITED PROJECT : LAMBDA MEWS It is with great pleasure that we share with the brotherhood the FIRST PHASE of the long anticipated renovation project for the Mu Lambda Foundation House. Take a look, as we share the proposals for construction. This First PHASE, will immediately affect the Basement, Sunroom and Outdoor Stair Well of the house. We look forward to seeing this project come to life!

The Alpha Wives of Washington D.C. Inc Alpha Wives Meet every 2nd Saturday - Noon @ 2405 1st St. NW

NEXT MEETING: SATURDAY, 12th OCTOBER, 2018 If your wife is intested in participating, Contact: Mrs Ligaya Jackson - Vice President of AWDC :

DC NPHC Next DC NPHC Meeting October Meeting will be hosted by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. at the MU LAMBDA FOUNDATION HOUSE TUESDAY OCTOBER 23rd 2018

2017-2018 Executive Board of Mu Lambda President:

Eddie Neal

Vice President:

Joe Paul

Recording Secretary:

Jason Jefferson

Corresponding Secretary:

Timothy Fitzgerald

Financial Secretary:

Chatman Young


Michael Young


William “Tony” Hawkins


Silas J Woods

Intake Coordinator:

Andre Lucas

Assoc. Editor/Sphinx:

Garrett Miller

Dir. Educational Activities:

Charvis Campbell


Frank King


Byron L. Williams

Web Master:

Mark Jones

Editor of the Torch:

Mikael LaRoche

Member at Large

LeRoy Lowery III

General Counsel

Brent Radcliffe

Social Chair

Mikael LaRoche


Howard U. Homecoming Tailgate SATURDAY, 27th OCTOBER, 2018

• • • • • • • •

Health Screenings Food & Drinks Entertainment Prizes and Giveaways Physical Fitness Activities Fun Activities for Kids Blood Drive Teen Talk and more!

Health Don’t Take it For Granted Saturday, October 27, 2018, 10am - 2pm

Annapolis Middle School | 1399 Forest Drive, Annapolis, MD 21403

Sponsored by: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Eta Eta Lambda Chapter

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Rho Zeta Chapter

In partnership with the Anne Arundel County National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. and the Anne Arundel County Board of Education

For more information: Dexter Moore at

great, serve.

Everybody can be because everybody can


Present the 44th Annual

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. M E M O R I A L B R E A K F A S T DATE: Sunday, January 13, 2019

Seating begins at 8 a.m. The program begins promptly at 8:30 a.m.

LOCATION: Martin’s West 6817 Dogwood Road Baltimore, MD 21244 TICKET:

Adults: $70

Children: $35

(under 12 years old)

TICKET INFO: Ernest L. Jackson email:

The breakfast serves as the major fundraiser for The Alpha Foundation of Howard County, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization

TENTATIVE CHAPTER MEETING DATES 2018 - 2019 (Every 1st Thursday of the Month)*

Mu Lambda Foundation House 2405 1st St. NW, Washington DC 20059

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th 2018 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th 2018 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st 2018 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th 2018 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, JANUARY 3rd 2019 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th 2019 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, MARCH 7th 2019 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, APRIL 4th 2019 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, MAY 2nd 2019 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, JUNE 6th 2019 - 7:06pm


/mulambda1906 @mulambda1923

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