THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Brothers, It is my distinct pleasure and honor to serve as president of Mu Lambda chapter. This year Mu Lambda will celebrate 95 years of service to the fraternity and the Washington, DC community. As we begin the fraternal year, we should be reminded of our mission – Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy to our communities. I would like to thank the brothers who have been elected or appointed to hold office beside me. Their leadership and support will be invaluable. It is my hope that I will live up to the confidence and trust you placed in me by electing me to lead such a prestigious body. As I sit in my den (see attached pictures of den) preparing my first message to the brotherhood I am guided by past quotes: Humanity – “We must never lose sight of the fact that we must take part in the development, not only of ourselves but of all humanity.” Jewel Charles Henry Chapman, 1931. Fraternity politics – “There is too much politics in this Fraternity.” Jewel Vertner Woodson Tandy, 1937. Maturity - “Being men, we must “put aside childish things” and answer the challenge of qualitative worth to meet the times.” Jewel Vertner Woodson Tandy, 1939 Admitting to mistakes - “Alpha Phi Alpha is made of the spiritual qualities of men. Error lives on the frailties of men. In a democratic society error can be corrected from the inside only.” Jewel Henry Arthur Callis, 1950. Losing Fraternal Focus - “Alpha Phi Alpha now is expandable. We are not necessary for the advancement of human rights in this decade. Indeed, I am not certain we are prepared for the responsibilities of this period. Our interests have become too narrow. Dances and cocktail parties replace discussion of current problems and active participation un community and regional affairs.” Jewel Henry Arthur Callis, 1959. Differences - “We must put service before self and put aside all petty differences and undertake to meet the needs of our race according to the demands of the times.” Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray, 1956. Reclaiming Brothers – “Don’t get discouraged in your personal visits and effort to rehabilitate Brothers who will tell you “yes” in order to get rid of you and then fail to show up. All who are interested in the strayed Brother or Brothers should grasp this opportunity to put Service above Self.” Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray, 1947.
Brother Eddie Neal
President - Mu Lambda Chapter 2018-2019
GETTING TO KNOW BROTHER EDDIE NEAL I joined Mu Lambda in 1993 when C.C. Jones was the president. Over the 25 year period, I remained financial and quietly served in many roles within the chapter. I served approximately five years as the sole food server on the hospitality committee. I served several years as the chapter’s parliamentarian, general counsel, and beautillion chairperson. I was selected as Mu Lambda’s Brother of the Year multiple times. I served as a member of the Beta Mu Lambda Corporation currently the Mu Lambda Foundation. I served previously as Mu Lambda’s president prior to Brothers Lowery (third term) and Grey. Mu Lambda made some accomplishments under my leadership, had some setbacks, but remained steadfast. I have learned from my prior term as president and hope to implement some strategies for future growth of the chapter. Many programs started under my prior administration are still flourishing (Men Who Cook, Black Ice, and Congressional Black Caucus event), which shows it was not about the president but about the brothers and the event. Mu Lambda rose to be the third largest chapter in Alpha, which taught me it is not about the size of the chapter as much as the quality of the brothers in the chapter. I also learned that just as quick as a chapter can grow, it can fall twice as fast. While, I would never accept credit for the successes, I fully accept the failures because a good leader must accept responsibility for the missteps of his organization. I would like for us to take 2018 to celebrate the brothers and focus on serving the community. Since the chapter voted to place a moratorium on intake, it is the opportune time to help Mu Lambda’s newest initiates learn about life in Alpha Phi Alpha and assist them with becoming long term members of Mu Lambda. We will place a lot of focus on reclamation (see attached pictures of Mu Lambda brothers). Not reclaiming brothers just to boost numbers, but reclaiming good brothers who have strayed from the fold and have invested their blood, sweat, tears, and fortunes serving the fraternity. We want to show the good brothers that while some are focusing six to nine months on making brothers, Mu Lambda is spending that time reclaiming those who have already proven they want to belong to Alpha Phi Alpha. I mention my record to show that those who mentored me early in Alpha, taught me that it is about Service before Self, Admit to mistakes, be humane, do not engage in the fraternity politics, address our differences, don’t lose focus of the fraternity’s goal, mature as you age, and work to reclaim Brothers.
A Huge Thank You
Brothers in attendance at Mu Lambda’s 2018 Chapter retreat chaired by Vice President Joe Paul on August the 4th 2018. at the Chapter House. The retreat was extremely postitive and appreciated by those present. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Jabari Hawkins Rudy McGann Arthur King Jason Clark Charvis Campbell Garrett Miller Adrian James Gilbert Douglas James Donaldson Jason Jefferson Andre Lucas Joe Paul Ryland Harris LeRoy Lowery Kelvin McClinton Larry Ware
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
Matthew Aaron Chatman Young, II Kobina Yanka Byron Williams, III Antonio King Kellen Moore Paul Cotton Mike Young Tim Fitzgerald Malcolm Carter Marcel Desroches Silas Woods James Isreal Eddie Neal Joseph Gibbs James Harmon Eric Johnson Amos Jackson
Mu Lambda Brothers, Welcome back from the Summer break! September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness, Sexual Health, and Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Below are three articles of interest addressing these topics. Please click on the links or cut and paste into your browser to read the entire articles.
African Americans and Prostate Cancer African American men are at an increased risk for developing prostate cancer over white men and other men of color. One in six African American men will develop prostate cancer in his lifetime. Overall, African American men are 1.7 times more likely to be diagnosed with—and 2.3 times more likely to die from— prostate cancer than white men. African American men are also slightly more likely than white men to be diagnosed with advanced disease. For more information on Prostate Cancer – please visit the link below.
African-Americans still disproportionately affected by HIV African-Americans are still much more likely to be diagnosed with HIV than white Americans. A new paper on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the African-American community shows that despite recent drops in HIV diagnoses across every population in the US, there are still great disparities between ethnic groups. The paper was led by Cato T. Laurencin of the University of Connecticut in the US and is published in Springer’s Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. For more information on Men’s Sexual Health – please click the link below.
Sickle Cell Disease with Special Emphasis to African Americans: An Overview September is sickle cell awareness month which dictated us to write an overview. The term Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) describes a group of inherited red blood cell (erythrocytes) disorders. People with SCD have abnormal haemoglobin, called haemoglobin S or sickle haemoglobin, in their red blood cells. SCD is a serious blood disorder that affects the red blood cells, which use a protein called haemoglobin to transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body [1]. Mutations in the haemoglobin gene cause sickle cell disease. SCD is the most common genetic disorder in the United States with higher frequency in African Americans when compared to other populations. About one in 500 African American babies are born with sickle cell anemia and one in 12 African American people carry the gene for this trait or disease. For more information on Sickle Cell – please click the link below.
UPCOMING MLHWC EVENTS OCTOBER 2018: 7:00-9:00pm - Self Defence WorkShop with Beta Chapter Early-Oct. 2018 : 10:00-1:30pm - Health Fair and Giant Ward 8 w/Delta Sigma Theta (Pending) More information to come - Support Request - Need 8-10 Brothers to Support Oct. 20th 5pm – Light the Night Walk Fund Raiser – Goal $250
Need Brother to support. A link will be sent to Brothers. Nov. 2018 Cancer Survivor Brotherhood Discussion – Thursday Evening Social NEXT MLHWC MEETING – SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2018 Meeting Dates: Locations: Time: Bring: Initial Topics:
3rd Tuesday every month Virtual Conf. Call - 641.715.3630, 129354# 7:00pm – 7:45pm Ideas for healthy activities and service projects. Addressing Brothers questions on Health topics – 1st 10 mins
For more information on MLHWC activities, please contact Bro. Derrick Butts Thank you for your participation and support of the MLHWC!
Heart Healthy Recipes Coming to the October. Torch
Mu Lambda sponsored this young man for the Leadership Development Institute held at UMBC. Samuel Christian Clarke attended the Alpha Phi Alpha Leadership Institute in June 2018. He has been in the DC Public School System since age four. He is an upcoming junior at Thurgood Marshall Academy Public Charter High School (TMA). Samuel plays flag football for TMA. He plans to run track this year for TMA. He and his classmate received approval to start a video gaming club where they compete in tournaments for scholarship prizes. Samuel has also participated in the Chess Club and the mentoring program at TMA. Since June of 2017, Samuel has worked with the DC Metropolitan Police Department’s S.T.A.R.S. program under the Marion Barry Summer Youth Employment Program. The program teaches life skills and encourages the students and the police department to build a positive relationship. Samuel has provided community service for a Wider Circle, TMA Math Academy, United Planning Organization, Hands on Heart CPR Training at TMA, and other organizations. Samuel’s major is History. He plans to pursue college to become either a historian, attorney, or politician. He wants to experience the Greek life and has not decided whether he wants to follow in his father’s footsteps and join Kappa Alpha Psi or another fraternity.
Mu Lambda will be celebrating 95 years of existence on Monday, October 1, 2018. To honor our great accomplishment we have the following in store for the brothers: We will kick off our charter day celebration starting Saturday, September 29th. We be cleaning the block, cleaning the house, and ending the day with a fraternal barbeque. The chapter meeting will take place Thursday, October 4th, where we will take a chapter picture on the front steps of the house. Friday, October 5th, Brother Joe Paul will be hosting a First Friday’s event at the house. There will be a community service event associated with the event that he will announce sometime in the future. Saturday, October 6th, there will be a charter day lunch at Howard University School of Law cafeteria. Brother Charvis Campbell and his committee are preparing a grand affair. There is a nominal charge of $25 per attendee (including those being honored) to offset the cost of the event. East State Street Jazz Band will provide the musical sounds. The event is for all brothers, family and friends. Brothers are encouraged to get their tickets early because we are expected to sell out quickly. We held a similar event at the house for the 91st anniversary and sold out quickly.
The following brothers will be honored Note: If you are a brother with 25 years or more in the fraternity and your name is not listed, please contact Brother Fitzgerald so we can look into the matter):
25 years but less than 50 years in Alpha 1. Ronald Braxton 2. Lucius Brown 3. Derrick Butts 4. Anthony Campbell 5. Malcolm Carter 6. Louis Cook, III 7. Paul Cotton 8. Marcel Desroches, Jr. 9. Samuel Fulwood 10. Vincent Gadsden 11. Joseph Gibbs 12. James Greer 13. Rylan Harris 14. William Hawkins, Jr. 15. Malcolm Jackson 16. Clinton Jones, III 17. Drew Love 18. LeRoy Lowery, III 19. Patrick Major 20. Kelvin McClinton 21. James McDonald 22. Lloyd McGriff 23. Eddie Neal 24. Vincent Orange, Sr. 25. Sean Perkins 26. Juan Powell 27. Raoul Scott, Jr. 28. Charles Smith, II 29. Samuel Thornton, III 30. Walter Whitley 31. James Wilson 32. John Wilson
50 years but less than 60 years 1. Clyde Blassengale 2. O.J. Cole, Jr. 3. Ronald Flowers 4. Louis Ford 5. Tyrone Mitchell 6. Vernon Oakes 7. Robert Richardson 8. William Thomas 9. Lee Tyler 60 years but less than 70 years 1. Franklin Ampy 2. Sylvester Booker 3. Wiley Bowling, Jr. 4. James Donaldson 5. Richard English 6. Elbert Gadsden 7. Rudolph Harris 8. Curtis Hunigan 9. Willie McGee 10. Talmadge Roberts 11. Rudolph Scipio 12. Lavert Seabron 13. Fred Valentine 70 years but less than 75 years 1. Horace Dawson, Jr. 2. Garnett Wood 75 years 1. Kenneth Holbert
In addition to honoring the brothers in front of their family and friends, Mu Lambda will also be making its first induction into Mu Lambda’s Hall of fame. Sunday, October 7th, Mu Lambda will continue its Charter Day celebration with a morning of worship at 11 am at Galilee Baptist Church, 2101 Shadyside Avenue, Suitland, Maryland with Mu Lambda’s own Reverend Dr. Lloyd T. McGriff. Brothers, family and friends are invited to attend. Mu Lambda is chartering a bus or two to the Eastern Region Convention in Albany, New York. The convention is Thursday, April 25th through Sunday, the 28th. The round trip cost is $150 per person. The trip includes the bus taking us to Cornell and Ithaca to see the sites that most have read about in the history book. Payment plans will be available. Brothers, family, and friends are welcome to ride. All brothers being honored with 25 to 75 years are encouraged to attend for a wonderful time of fellowship.
Saturday, May 4th 2019 Mu Lambda will host its Black and Gold gala. Tickets will be reasonably priced, with all proceeds going to the Mu Lambda Foundation. It is an excellent opportunity to celebrate Mothers’ Day a week in advance. The planning committee is working to make this one of the best galas in honor of our 95 years of existence. It is estimated we will have 600 people in attendance. Each brother is being asked to sell or purchase a modest four tickets each. The Mu Lambda Foundation board members are being asked to sell a modest 10 tickets each.
For the Good of the BROTHERHOOD
SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS Bro. Brian Halliburton - 2nd Bro. Christopher Carter - 4th Bro. Ezra Merritt - 4th Bro. Matthew Aaron - 5th Bro . Vedoster Ingram 5th Bro. Nathaniel Laney - 10th Bro. Eddie Neal - 12th Bro. Earl Fitzhugh - 12th Bro. Benjamin Holman 12th Bro. William A. Hawkins Jr. - 15th Bro. Nick Jones - 15th Bro. TImothy Fitzgerald - 16th Bro. Garrett Miller -16th Bro. Jonathan Butler - 20th Bro. Paul Cotton - 22nd Bro. Cornell Kinard - 24th Bro. Mikael E. LaRoche - 26th
The Alpha Wives of Washington D.C. Inc Alpha Wives Meet every 2nd Saturday - Noon @ 2405 1st St. NW
NEXT MEETING, SATURDAY 8th SEPTEMBER 2018 If your wife is intested in participating, Contact: Mrs Ligaya Jackson - Vice President of AWDC :
DC NPHC Next DC NPHC Meeting – *** Tentative September Meeting will be hosted by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Tentative Location Mu Lambda Foundation House
(Actual location will be mailed out closer to the date.)
2017-2018 Executive Board of Mu Lambda President: Eddie Neal Vice President: Joe Paul Recording Secretary:
Jason Jefferson
Corresponding Secretary:
Timothy Fitzgerald
Financial Secretary:
Chatman Young
Treasurer: Michael Young Chaplain: William “Tony” Hawkins Historian:
Silas J Woods
Intake Coordinator:
Andre Lucas
Assoc. Editor/Sphinx:
Garrett Miller
Dir. Educational Activities:
Charvis Campbell
Sergeant-at-Arms: Frank King Parliamentarian: Byron L. Williams Web Master: Mark Jones Editor of the Torch:
Mikael LaRoche
Member at Large
LeRoy Lowery III
General Counsel
Brent Radcliffe
Social Chair Mikael LaRoche
TENTATIVE CHAPTER MEETING DATES 2018 - 2019 (Every 1st Thursday of the Month)*
Mu Lambda Foundation House 2405 1st St. NW, Washington DC 20059
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th 2018 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th 2018 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st 2018 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th 2018 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, JANUARY 3rd 2019 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th 2019 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, MARCH 7th 2019 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, APRIL 4th 2019 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, MAY 2nd 2019 - 7:06pm THURSDAY, JUNE 6th 2019 - 7:06pm
/mulambda1906 @mulambda1923