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since 2010

Hwikyung Girls’ High School

The Hwikyung




Wednesday, August 28, 2013.

43-7, Hwikyung-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel. 02-2245-2307 / Fax. 02-2214-0841

Science Became a Friend!

The Science Day festival was held on April 17th in the gym of Hwikyung Girls’ High School. The first and second-year students of the school all attended this event. The event was composed of a science song contest, stacking cups, heaping up the blocks of wood, and a science nonsense quiz. At first, in the contest of the songs of science, participants were supposed to change the words of original songs into science songs. Also, they should prepare the dance to perform on the stage. The winner was the 1st grade, 7th class. A song, “Grasshopper’s World,” was changed by them into “The Solar System’s world.” Some of their lyrics are “Welcome to the solar system world,” and “I’m Earth. I have water and atmosphere so living creatures can live.” All the students in class 7 showed their

performance with props, such as a star mask and pictures of the solar system. Through these unique words and comic dances, they were the winner! The next competitions were the stacking cups game and the building wood blocks game. In the stacking cups game, the keys were speed and teamwork. In fact, many students collapsed the cups while they erected them. The participants needed to build the cups in a pyramid shape as fast as they could and then quickly return the cups to their original state. The stacking cups game’s winner was the group who stacked cups and sorted them out the fastest. On the other hand, the stacking wood blocks game’s winner was the team who built the blocks the highest. Many students competed fiercely, and finally the 2nd grade, 4th class became the winner in those two games. The participants and winners of the games said that they were so nervous that they could not play the games as they had practiced them, but they could play well because teachers cheered for them, and they could win the bell. All the students enjoyed the festival, and the event gave a chance to feel more familiar with science. This festival was very useful to the students. Kim Woojin (2-9), Gang Minseon (1-12)

Becoming One with Sports Day

On May 15, 2013 Hwikyung Girl’s High School held their Sports Day. Before the start of the sports meeting, students had time to celebrate Teacher’s Day and gave a carnation to thank their teachers. Then, the Blue and White teams sat on opposite sides of the gym. With loud cheers, sports Day started. All students and teachers participated in various games. The first year students games were tug-ofwar and group jump-rope. And the second-year students’ games were running feet of centipede and surfing. And teachers participated in some games, too. Let’s see the main events of this sports meeting.


Tug-of-war Many students can participate in this game at the same time. For encouragement, all students in each class wore their own uniform instead of wearing their school physical education uniform. Power is not always crucial factor for victory. We can see the power of unity of each class through this game. It is the spirit of teamwork that can lead to victory. Teacher and pupil relay This is the highlight of this sports meeting. It received a fervent response and made students feel anxious. This is a game where a team of teachers and pupils run an obstacle race. Park In-woo (Ethics teacher/white team) said, “Very fun and worthwhile. The thing that makes me cheer up was students’ passionate cheer. It makes us feel ‘we are one.’” Lee Byeong-Sun (Chinese classics teacher/blue team) said, “I felt sad because I fell down. It was

Hwikyung News / 1

- Science Became a Friend! - Becoming One with Sports Day

Opinions / 2

- The Difference Between Japan and Germany After the War - Punishment : Violence or Love? - Do You Want to Study Well?

Opinions & Interview / 3

- Teenager’s Historical Awareness - Do You Want to Listen to Her Story?

Science / 4

- The Perfect Man, Is It Possible? - Our Friends on Mars - Shortest but the Strongest

Trends / 5

- No Junk Food, Go Well-Being! - Find Well-Being in Healthy Houses

Features / 6

- Suicide, What Are You? - You Are the Philosopher

Arts & Leisure / 7

- The Maestro Is Back! - Sungnyemun Came Back to Us - Let’s Hit the Road to Cebu!

Environment / 8

- Living Dokdo - Korea Is Becoming an Eco-country ✽Cartoon

feared that my team lost this game because of my fault. But our team won! Thank you for our students and teachers.”

Miss Hwikyung contest Miss Hwikyung contest is the most popular event that many students and teacher anticipated. It is s a contest that only second year students can participate in. One student who represents her class shows off her charms through characterful walking. The winner of the contest is decided after careful consideration by the principle. Jung Jin-sol (2-9), who participated in this contest said, “It was hard because of many outstanding rivals, but it was an interesting experience. I can relieve stress thanks to this contest.” Lee Jieun(2-11), Lee Jihyun(2-9)



The Hwikyung SCOOP

Hwikyung Girls’ High School

The Difference Between Japan and Germany After the War There are many similarities between Japan and Germany in that they both lost World WarⅡ but are now well-off countries. However, they took distinct and different actions regarding their past crimes. First of all, Germany apologized to victims officially and compensated them for the anguish they got physically and mentally during the World WarⅡ. For instance, they paid a substantial amount of money back to many countries such as Norway, Greece, France, Austria, Holland, and so on. They not only made compensation but also punished offenders sternly in its own courts of justice and Nuremberg military tribunals. In the case of Japan, however, the criminals were tried not at its own courts but at International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Japan did not prepare appropriate measures and left the situation as it is. Compensation did not cover damage enacted upon colonies and occupied areas but only extended to their nationals. 14 class-A war criminals are even included in the Yasukuni shrine, which pays tribute to the country’s war dead.

Why was there a difference in the actions among these defeated axis powers post- World WarⅡ? First of all, in case of Germany, it was under occupation of the United States, France, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union after the war. On the other hand, Japan was solely under the United States’ occupation. For that reason, Germany had been forced to put the criminals on trial and to pay countries back and form trade relationships with them. On the other hand, Japan established friendly relations only with the united states instead of other Asia countries. Second, Japan and Germany showed contrasting political positions. In the case of Germany, politicians have been silent about the questioning of fault, but at some points it took the attitude of bearing the burden of the past guilt. Auschwitz, which was used as a Nazi death camp, created a reflective atmosphere of German society while Japan created a consciousness of suffering by the atomic bombs and war. Because of the previous factors, Japan was not held accountable for its actions to the

degree that Germany was, and the repercussions of it play out even to this day. The Korean-Japan diplomatic relationship has been significantly damaged by endless disputes, such as the conflict over Dokdo, the distortion of history, and the lack of recognition and compensation for Korean sex slaves. Even though there have been constant cultural interchanges between Korea and Japan, most Koreans still have some kind of antipathy towards Japan. We, as victims during their colonial rule, are entitled to be compensated for the suffering that they inflicted on us physically and mentally. To solve these problems, Japan needs to behave properly as an internationally advanced country and should stop distorting the history and arguing for the dominium of Dokdo. Moreover, they should sincerely apologize for the sex slaves. I wish international relationship between Japan and Korea to get better with the endeavor of Japan.

Jeong Eunju(3-8)

Punishment :

Violence or Love?

Do You Want to Study Well?

Not long ago, a student was hit by his teacher with a bat and a drumstick over the course of 10 months. According to the police investigation, the teacher stated that he had punished the student for the purpose of education. However, the police made the conclusion that the teacher committed a crime because the teacher’s punishment was violent under the mask of education and the student was heavily wounded. Today, these serious punishments occur in school. But teachers called their actions “punishments of love” and justify their violence. Does school punishment really have a beneficial effect? Our mind interacts with our body. For example, we cross our arms to relieve our surprised mind or blink our eyes when tears come out. Also, the expression “a rush of blood to the head”is physical proof because when we get angry, blood rushes to our head. This phenomenon also can be discovered when we suffer punishment. If we are punished, we feel sickness at first, but then we feel repulsed and defiant towards our attacker in our mind. And then the thought about violence is bigger than the one about punishment of love. But teachers hit their students to lead them to the right way and they also think of their punishment as reasonable. Then, what should teachers do? If they want to change their students, teachers have to admonish students without hurting their pride. Punishment that does not hurt students’ pride can guide them onto the right path, but punishment that hurts them doesn’t have any educational effect. Especially, punishment on the head, face, and cheeks does not get rid of unwanted behavior but rather aggravates situations.

Do you want to study well? Then, improve your concentration! They say, “studying is the race against time.” However, grades depend on how concentrated you are on your studies. Studying is not a race against time, but a race against concentration. So here are five tips to enhance your concentration.

Choi Aram (1-7), Gang Minseon (1-12)

1. Set clear, specific goals and determine what you have to do to meet those goals. Most people set a difficult goal to achieve and give it up easily. Your goals should have a realistic possibility. Write down your goals on paper, and it’ll help you to give shape to your goals. 2. Explain the parts you have difficulty memorizing to others as if you were a teacher. If you have hard parts to memorize, then explain them to your friends. It will help you memorize the information because explanation is the verbal expression with which you can systematize the points well. So you can understand and memorize them more easily. 3. Rest. Taking a break is not wasting time, but earning time, because you can refresh your brain. It’s important rest regularly. But, of course, don’t take it too much time, since too much rest can disturb your flow of studying. 4. Get obstacles out of the way. Cell phones, TVs, and computers are the typical examples of distractions when you study. If you set your mind to avoid them, it isn’t that hard to do. 5. Prepare for class and read the previous lesson’s notes. If you review previous lessons, you can easily concentrate on the next class without the smallest strain. According to Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve, the stronger the memory, the better a person is able to recall. Therefore, you should review repeatedly to have a strong memory. Raise your power of concentration to the top and your dreams will come true! You can do it! Kim Min-nyung (1-2), Hong Jungmin (1-3)

Hwikyung Girls’ High School

Opinions & Interview

The Hwikyung SCOOP


Teenager’s Historical Awareness Lately, SBS revealed the results of ❹ Should Korean history be need to learn.” On the final question, ❺ What do you think about a survey about teenagers’ historical 80% of students answered, “Make mandatory in school? comfort women? awareness and it became a big issue. Japan regret their mistake,” and only Let bygones be bygones for The result of the survey showed that concord between the two countries 6% of them answered, “Let bygones be We don’t need to learn it different opinion teenagers’ historical awareness is bygones for concord between the two 4% 14% seriously low. We wondered how many countries.” The rest of the students 6% We must make We must learn it students know about the Korean wrote different opinions. Most of the Japan regret history. So we surveyed our school’ opinions pointed out Japan’s fault. 80% 96% their mistake. s 1st and 2nd grade students to find Even though there were students at out. Hwikyung who had little knowledge Hyunjong, Sukjong. Regarding the first question We gave a survey to 200 students attending or no interest in history, unexpectedly, more than and second question, more than half the students Hwikyung Girls’ High School about Korean history to a half of them had a basic knowledge of history got the right answers, “Sungnyemun” and check their awareness. We asked the students to fill in and cultural heritage. Additionally, based on the “Heunginjimun” respectively. For the question a questionnaire. Here is the content of the questions: response that history is a necessary subject and regarding Korean history curriculum, while most their reactions to Japanese historical distortions, students answered, “We must learn,” only 4% ❶ What is Korea’s No.1 national treasure? most teenagers think history is important. To ❷ What is Korea’s No.1 treasure? of students thought, “We don’t need to learn.” conclude, it was shown that students take up a ❸ Order the following kings: Likewise, regarding the comfort woman issue, positive attitude on history awareness. - Hyojong- Hyunjong the opinion of “We must make Japan regret their While historical awareness of Korean teenagers - Sukjong mistake” was chosen more than the other opinion, becomes more significant in situations of ❹ Should Korean history be mandatory in school? “Let bygones be bygones for concord between the neighboring countries’ distortions of history, some -We must learn it two countries.” students may have no knowledge or the wrong -We don’t need to learn it As a result, for the first question 60% of information about Korean history. However, as a ❺ What do you think about comfort women? students answered “Sungnyemun (Namdaemun)” result of the survey Hwikyung Girls’ High School -We must make Japan regret their mistake. and about second question 70% of students students participated in, it is found that a number - Let bygones be bygones for concord answered “Heunginjimun (Dongdaemun).” 86% of teens are interested in history after Japan had between the two countries. of students surveyed knew the answer for the distorted history. In conclusion, we hope that - different opinion third question. For the fourth question, almost many students will learn our history accurately all students answered, “We must learn,” and Unexpectedly the question that the largest by constant interest and look forward to seeing a 17% of students answered, “We should learn students got right was the third question. 86% good future. selectively.” 4% of students thought, “We don’t Kim Miriam(2-6), Lee Jihyun(2-9), Choi Suji(2-11) of students knew the correct order: Hyojong,

Do You Want to Listen to Her Story? A graduate of Hwikyung Girls’ High School and current Yonsei University student, Ji Jeong-eun, 20, was a unique student who always got 100s in all subjects in her high school. She studied hard for three years and succeeded in attaining her goal, entering Yonsei University. So I want to listen to her story about her school life and how to study, especially English. Do you want to listen to her story? Hwihyun: Good afternoon. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me today. Jeongeun: Good afternoon. It’s my pleasure. H: I wonder how your school life was in your third year? J: It was very very tiring. Whenever the midterms and finals came, I was very nervous because I really wanted to get high scores in all subjects. But I had too many things on my hands besides studying, such as thinking about what university I could attend or what subject I should major in. With those anxieties, I was stressed out. But, fortunately, I had many friends to talk to about the tiring things. Thanks to them, I could stand right. H: I know... I’m not in the third grade, but I can understand how you felt. Then, second question! I know that you were a good student whose grades were perfect. How could you get such good grades? J: I was studying in Hyung-sul class where many

top students were studying together with a special program, but, after some time, I stopped it. Although I had reasons I quit at that time, I felt anxious about studying alone without any help from teachers or peers. But in order to overcome this anxiety, I had to make my plan of action. First, I started making notes regularly, and tried to save time to be spent on study. Also, I applied different study methods to different subjects. For example, I reviewed EBS English books many times until I almost memorized them. Moreover, I watched American drama without subtitles, which was very effective for listening comprehension. H: WOW. You seem to have spent much time on English. Anyway, now you are a new university student, how is your school life? J: I am satisfied with my school life. Almost all the students in my school seem to enjoy their lives as well as study very hard. University culture including lots of festivals has made me excited and happy. H: Oh... I want to go there, university! I envy you! Then, what should I do to enter the university? J: Umm... If you think your grade is not that good, just focus on studying hard. The scores of the subjects are the most important factor for the entrance of university. Do not try to do various activities first just for being admitted by universities without study. But if you think

your grade has been good so far, and need other activities you are interested in, find the information about them on the internet. You can save a lot of time. H: Okay~ the last question! You are a graduate of Hwikyung. What would you like to say to your juniors? J: Y ou might think that only the special-purpose high school students, like foreign language high school students or science high school students, can survive and succeed. But this is not true. Actually, it is very difficult to get good grades at such high schools, but if only you study hard in our school, you will have advantages, that is, you can get higher scores rather easily. Hwikyung is a good school and you should be proud of our school. You are very fortunate to come to our school. So don’t give up and study hard. H: T hank you for taking time. I envy you and you are my role model. I hope to see you again! Thank you~ J: You’re welcome. Thank you for having me! Interviewee: Ji Jeongeun (Freshman, Yonsei University) Interviewer: Yoo Hwihyun (2-3)



The Hwikyung SCOOP

Hwikyung Girls’ High School

The Perfect Man, Is It Possible? Do you know the movie, “Gattaca ?” This movie tells the story about the near future where we can create a perfect human being before they are born through gene combination. It describes the inequality and discrimination that can exist, and extremely expresses some innate quality of humanity that can’t be changed in spite of the efforts of the distorted section of society that decides the desirable characteristics of the “perfect human being.” These situations are formed from one technology, which is “Trans-humanism.” Trans-humanism is the intellectual and cultural movement that improves the mental or physical nature along with the abilities of a person. This defined the human conditions like disorders, suffering, disease, aging, and death as unnecessary and undesirable. Trans-humanism

is based on the idea that we can go beyond our biological fate or limits of our given evolution by using the means of science and technology. Socalled Trans-humanists who favor this opinion thought the current human species’ appearance to be in the early stages of the evolution, and not the ultimate form. These people, of course, are not always unconditionally positive about this indiscreet improvement. They suggest that we should consider potential dangers or various ethical issues according to the application of these technologies. Then, what is the perspective from society? There are two points of view. The positive view is the following: all sorts of social problems are beginning to come to the fore due to an aging society and the fact that the non-economically active population is larger than economically active population. So many anticipate that Trans-humanism can bring about an enormous improvement as it leads to major innovation of

industrial structure, and as a result, the day of our dreams will arrive. But there is also the negative view. People who object to transhumanism say that introducing a rational decision to the birth process of life is the scariest thing possible. This rational decision is more dangerous than commercialization or technology. It removes contingency from life, which is the problem. There are two things that imbue life with significance: all men must die and are subject to chance. If we remove these two things, the meaning of the life and death disappear. People who can’t choose are in a predicament like in the movie “Gattaca .” In other words, the choice becomes the obligation. And perhaps, social pressure will be enormous to people who don’t choose the best babies. We can’t decide whether this technology is right just now, but keep in mind that it is the problem that we must think about.

Sun Minji (3-3), Woo Sungkyung (3-5)

Our Friends on Mars There was a girl and she was an orphan. She was part of a family of only three members: the girl and two twin robots. She loved the robots so much that she thanked God every day, saying, “Thanks for the spirit and this opportunity.” So she named the robots “Sprit” and “Opportunity.” Unfortunately, before long she had to be parted from them. And she became alone again. Sprit and Opportunity are the twin exploration robots of Mars. They were made for searching for traces of water and living things on the planet. And they were only family of the poor orphan girl. They journeyed to Mars and landed on the barren land. They had to send pictures to people on Earth. They kept taking pictures. They once had fallen in a huge crater and were almost destroyed. Though their wheels were broken and their system

was damaged, they rebooted themselves 66 times and kept performing their duty. The professionals at NASA said, “Spirit and Opportunity were supposed to die in 3 months because of the dust on their solar generator. The girl prayed every day for their safety. Did God hear the poor girl’s prayer? Spirit and Opportunity lived much more than 3 months. In 2009, 5 years after they had landed on Mars, Sprit fell into a deep sand slope. And it could never get out of there. Many people were sad, especially the orphan girl, so they campaigned to save Spirit. But it was no use and NASA announced the death of Spirit. But Spirit kept sending pictures until he was completely exhausted and died alone on the strange land. However, Opportunity is still living alone on

Mars. Its wheels are worn down and its joints are broken, but he has sent pictures for 8 years. And he is even upgrading himself. When the girl looks at the sky, she is always thinking about her twin brothers, Spirit and Opportunity. They have sent a lot of data. When you look at the night sky, don’t forget our precious friends on Mars, Spirit and Opportunity.

Park Heejin (1-12), Kim Jeonkyong (2-12)

Shortest but the Strongest In the 17th century, many mathematicians researched the Cycloid Curve to explain force and movement mathematically. At that time, there were many frequent arguments between mathematicians who established mathematical principles, and Cycloid Curve was one of them. The Cycloid Curve was often called ‘The Geometric Helen’ or ‘The Apple of Discord’ because of the myth relating to Helen of Troy’s beauty that caused the Trojan War. To understand the Cycloid Curve, we should know acceleration first. Acceleration is the speed’s variation per one second. Acceleration can be seen

when we walk down steep hills. It’s because as the slope gets steeper, our bodies tend to go forward. By this phenomenon, we may think acceleration becomes higher when the slope gets steeper all the time. However, it doesn’t make sense when there are various curves and the starting line and ending line is same. For example, when we roll the ball on the curve, the ball rolls fast at first but it will arrive late because the ending line is decided. And also, the straight line isn’t fast either because it can’t get any acceleration. No curve can be faster than the Cycloid Curve. Thus, the Cycloid Curve is also called ‘the shortest but the strongest falling curve.’

The Cycloid Curve can be seen in our lives easily. When we ride a bike with a light bulb attached to the back wheel, the curve which draws light is the Cycloid Curve. Slides in playgrounds or swimming pools are also Cycloid Curves. We can feel the thrilling speed without special tools when we ride these slides. In nature, owls draw a Cycloid Curve when they snatch prey from the ground. And the ends of fish scales are also this curve. Moreover, our ancestors applied the Cycloid Curve to rapidly drop the raindrops from the roofs of wooden traditional houses. They already knew this gorgeous and charming mathematical principle, the Cycloid Curve. Cho Wonhee(1-8)


Hwikyung Girls’ High School

The Hwikyung SCOOP


No Junk Food, Go Well-Being! Currently in the United States, children’s health is a point of major concern. According to the U.S. Public Health Service statistics, 32% of teenagers in the United States, roughly 25 million people are overweight or obese(38% of Hispanic youth, 36% of black youth, 29% of white youth.) Researchers say they have identified a risk factor for childhood obesity: school lunch. A study of more than 1,000 sixth graders in several schools in Michigan found that those who regularly had the school lunch were 29% more likely to be obese than those who brought lunch from home. In fact, in school, many children are eating meals of quality similar to lousy airline food, which is a kind of junk food. In addition, American students were generally dissatisfied with their food. According to a comparison of school lunch dissatisfaction between Korean and American students, 62% of Koreans and 65% of Americans were not satisfied with the taste of the food, and 69% of Koreans and 73% of Americans were dissatisfied by the diversity of the menu. Although the difference of statistics between the two countries is insignificant, it can be said that there is a difference in dissatisfaction level between the countries: American students were generally more dissatisfied than Korean students. The U.S. government has announced new standards for healthy and satisfactory school

lunches for children across the country. Regarding this, Michelle Obama said, “When we send our kids to school, we expect that they won’t be eating the kind of fatty, salty, sugary foods that we try

to keep them from eating at home. We want the food they get at school to be the same kind of food we would serve at our own kitchen tables.” She launched a health campaign, “Let’s Move,” to fight against child obesity, and is also trying hard to change lunch menus in school. Moreover, the “Child Nutrition Act,” which is made to provide children over one million people with school meals for free or at a low price, is planned to offer ecofriendly food in school meals and invest $10 billion over the next ten years. In particular, for the eradication of junk food and childhood obesity,

the government said that they will manage both the legal restrictions as well as the administrative work in order for meals in school to be fresh and to use healthy food products. And based on interviews with some students and school staff, healthful school foodservice changes in the cafeteria and snack bar were acceptable to the staff and students. If Korea emphasizes the image of Korean food, which is considered worldwide to be healthy food, then it seems to be an opportunity for Korean food to become a major part of school meals in America, adjusting to the change of school foodservice under the government’s leadership. First, it is important to promote our food to the U.S. Measures to raise the diversity and the quality of food are necessary to prevent junk food in school. Our country needs to let the Americans appreciate Korean well-being food as a likely solution to their problem, promoting our healthy food culture. Also, we must strive hard to study the kinds of Korean food that can be served in school lunches. It is needed to highlight the well-being concept and develop Korean set menus including the characteristics of U.S. meals, which is simple and easy to eat. If so, it can be a good opportunity to publicize superior and healthful Korean food globally, depending on the change of the American school lunch. Kim Miriam (2-6)

Find Well-Being in Healthy Houses A house isn’t merely the place we live in. It is not only the place where one can freely show off his or her individuality and sense of aesthetics, but also a safety zone where one feels the most secure and comfortable. Having read the book Architecture Medicine , I want to add one more thing to it: a house is the critical factor that affects one’s well-being and health. Several factors that keep us physically healthy are certainly important as well, but what I want to emphasize in this article are the factors that keep us ‘mentally’ healthy. Then, how can we make our houses ‘healthy’? First of all, since positive stimuli to one’s brain enrich one’s life, your home should activate your brain in a variety of ways, especially by visual elements. For example, having your wall painted orange will bring visual signals that will stimulate

your myelencephalon, the part of your brain responsible for processing data. Putting up art pieces on the wall or along the stairs will also activate your brain every time you pass the wall or use the stairs. On top of that, you should be aware that the house structures definitely affect one’s emotions and personalities on a subconscious level. We get affected without realizing a bit of it. According to the research, there were certain similarities between the houses of criminals; the house structures themselves made people feel depressed, sensitive and isolated. Thus, you should avoid the structures that might break off family relationships or isolate a member from the whole family. A house should only bring positive effects to people living there or, at least, never harm them in any way. There is a saying, “There is no place like home.” The house should be a place which one always feels like returning to. It should be the most heartwarming place that welcomes every family member and brings emotional stability and family bonds. Take a look around your house. Is your house ‘healthy’?

Here are a few tips for making ‘healthy’ houses : 1. The fragrance of citrus fruits has relaxing effects. 2. Blue is an effective color for jaundice* and arthritis remedies. 3. Do not put anything with dark images in your bedroom. 4. Having some stairs in the house stimulates your brain. 5. Put a mirror in the front entrance and it can relieve one’s stress. 6. A void the structures of the houses that might bring stress or ruin family relationships. Instead, make your house an optimal place for relaxing and relieving stress. - Toilets should not be right beside the front entrance. -K eeping the living room tidy makes a happy family. -H aving a heater in the living room will bring warmth and calm the whole family. *jaundice: yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes due to the abnormal pigments in the blood

Paek Seonah(3-2)



The Hwikyung SCOOP

Hwikyung Girls’ High School

Suicide, What Are You? There are a lot of people in Korea. Trend in Suicide Rate They are all different. They live (Person) different lives. Their last moment 30 in the lives is also different. However, it seems that some people 20 take the same last moment in their lives. Can you find out any common 10 feature in the following people: Choi Jin-sil,Choi Jin-young, 0 Park Yong-ha, Jang Jay-yun, 1983 1991 1999 2007 UooJong-hwuan? They ended their Source : Statistics Korea lives by themselves, suicide. Every end their lives by themselves since they feel day, ten Koreans commit suicide mentally empty from losing their jobs, and regardless of their occupation such as students, social status. Like this, there are many reasons actors, and employees. Now, I am curious why of suicide. But the ultimate reason is that they people commit suicide. believe they are too weak to maintain their lives Students choose suicide because of depression and that death is the only way of escape. caused by poor grades, or because they are Recently, the suicide rate has increased bullied in school. Some actors commit suicide rapidly in Korea but the existing solution is because they think that they fell from the people’ only to focus on finding out the websites that s favor and will soon be forgotten. Employees

encouraged and promote suicide and punish them. Unfortunately, it cannot keep up with the increasing the rate of suicide. In order to decrease the rate of suicide, we need to approach its primary causes with active prevention. We need to add free counseling services that inform people that suicide is not the way to solve their problems of life. We should also learn how to recognize suicide-warning signs. Thus, we can notice who is at risk for attempting suicide and stop their wrong decision. I strongly believe that we live in a society where we respect each other. If we are continuously concerned about the people around us and endeavor together to prevent their suicide attempts, our society will be better it is than now. The suicide rate will be also decrease as we wish. Jin Minah (3-6)

You Are the Philosopher “I think therefore I am.” “Even if the world ends tomorrow, I will plant an apple tree today.” Have you heard of these sayings? These golden sayings are what have been left by philosophers Descartes and Spinoza, respectively. Then, do you know the other thoughts from them? Maybe there are quite a few people who have scarcely read the word “philosopher” or “thought” when they frown their faces unconsciously and being captured by the urge to stop reading this article. All behavior like this comes from the prejudice that philosophy is so hard that we can’t even understand a word at all. Unlike your preconception, however, philosophy pervades deeply in your life. Let’s find the examples of living philosophy from the western philosophers Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein. Herein lies an idea that emphasizes the importance of our lives themselves. Enten-Eller (Either A or B ), the book written by Kierkegaard to criticize Hegel’s thought, “both A and B ,” describes philosophy of life. First of all, let’s take a look at Hegel’s thought. He said that all the things in the world are under the control of this fundamental principle. According to Hegel, the event of slipping over the floor in the morning or getting slapped by a superior at the company is not that unfortunate because all creations, both A and B , go together well. However, Kierkegarrd has a different opinion. He believed that the thing we have to focus on is not the likes of a

fundamental principle, but the rather on what he calls the “lives of ourselves.” In other words, the autonomous choice we make of either A or B will create our own lives. This thinking shows well how much emphasis philosophy has on our reality. Let’s suppose that you are asked what you’d do if you won the lotto. You will consider the question quite seriously. “What should I do with that much money? Should I buy fine houses and cars with it or invest it in stocks?” Unlike your present worries, we already know this is just an unnecessary and idle fancy because you haven’t won the lotto yet! Similar to those who worried about something that hasn’t come true, Wittgenstein thought philosophy had made the same mistake. That is, we have to separate what we can think of logically from what we can’t. This attitude is the guiding star for the people who waste their time thinking about worthless things.

You will understand that philosophy is not hard or a hollow field from those examples. It is rather so concealed inside our lives that we often don’t even recognize it. But from sunrise when we wake up to sunset when we go to sleep, melting into life is philosophy itself. We can judge the value of all things by living philosophy, investigating ourselves thoroughly, and completing oneself. In other words, philosophy works as a gift and privilege for humans who have reason unlike the beast. It is the only way to put a period of perfection for our lives. However, there are people in this world who can’t see the light of philosophy, regarding it as a trivial subject and as nothing but a memorization of many philosophers. I want to say a word to them. Your life itself is philosophy and when you realize that, you can see the philosopher inside you.

Choi Jeongyoon (3-13)

Arts & Leisure

Hwikyung Girls’ High School

The Hwikyung SCOOP


The Maestro Is Back! Cho Yongpil has newly released a 19th album entitled “Hello ” after a ten-year hiatus. The pre-released song “Bounce ” went to the top of the Billboard K-pop chart and the title track of the new album “Hello ” also peaked at No.1 on the chart. Even the sales of LP album hit stores selling 200,000 copies. His album is becoming very popular and getting a lot of attention. That is not because of his reputation but because of his new trendy music. When the album was released, people were very surprised to say that “Cho Yongpil, a 63-year-old singer, could make this kind of sound.” Overall he made a change in his new album, using modern rock and electronic sounds. In fact, while he brought this change there was an embarrassing situation when he asked Korean songwriters to make his songs. However, they were terribly afraid and made serious music because the person who would

sing their song is Cho Yongpil. So he found other songwriters who didn’t know who he was. As a result, he got much lighter music. He picked 6 songs among 400-600 songs. Also, Cho Yongpil was involved in every process of producing the album and even recorded songs again 2-3 times. This effort makes him the “King of Music”and his album No.1. Cho Yongpil’s new album, “Hello ”, is being loved by all ages; the middle-aged as well as teens and those in their 20’s and 30’s enjoy his new music. The comeback of the “maestro” made the middle-aged get excited because there were no other singers who had satisfied their taste of music so far. And also this new album includes the latest music trends so that teens and 20year-old can understand and empathized with it. Cho Yongpil is a living legend of music and the musician who quickly accepted the latest music trend at the same time. And his

constantly changing and developing attitude motivates lots of other musicians to make better music.

Choi Suji(2-11), Kim Min-nyung(1-2)

Sungnyemun Came Back to Us At last, the renovation of the first National Treasure of Korea, Sungnyemun, has been completed. Sungnyemun has been repaired many times. At first, Sungnyemun was fixed because it was located too low. Since then, many parts of it like tilts, doors, and colors have needed to be repaired and restored. It was even disjointed in 1963. Like this, Sungnyemun has experienced a lot of damage, so Koreans feel bad about this treasure. After Sungnyemun was burned in 2008, Koreans were in pain for 5 years and three months. About 25 billion won and 30,000 people were involved in the restoration project. Master architects, carpenters, and historians were deployed to rebuild Sungnyemun, which has torched by an old man

who was disgruntled with the land compensation. Modern methods and tools were strictly excluded. They worked with traditional methods and materials, used traditional “dancheong” wood coloring instead of artificial paint, and made an

effort to use as much of the surviving original timber as possible. The walls on both sides of the gate, which were demolished during the colonial era, were rebuilt close to their original shape. 12 closed-circuit television cameras and 140 sprinklers are installed in Sungnyemun as to not repeat the same mistakes. The Cultural Heritage Administration held a ceremony at Gwanghwamun Square on May 4 at 2 p.m. The ceremony was held under the name “Sungnyemun, a New Door of Culture Wide Open.” Thousands of people congregated to celebrate its reopening. Sungnyemun will be open to visitors every day except Mondays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Lee Jieun(2-11), Oh Jeongmin(1-11)

Let’s Hit the Road to Cebu!

Have you ever heard of Cebu? I traveled to Cebu, which is located in the center of the Philippines last winter vacation. It was so impressive that I wanted to share my exciting journey with you. When I arrived at the Cebu International Airport, the first thing that greeted me was the hot weather. Cebu is in the subtropical climate zone, so it was very hot and humid. As soon as I came out of the airport, I went by taxi to the hotel I booked in advance and slept for the rest of the day.

The next day, I had breakfast and arrived at the beach, which was so beautiful and clean, to do some leisure activities. The weather was perfect for scuba diving. I felt somewhat scared at first, but I became more and more excited for scuba diving. I could see many beautiful fish under the sea and I felt as if I were in another world. Just picture yourself scuba diving in a sea full of the most colorful fish! After scuba diving, l visited a Filipino market and bought some sweet mangoes and a pair of traditional sandals. On the last day, I went to the harbor and took a ship for snorkeling. I wore a snorkel, a tool of swimming, and enjoyed swimming in the sea with my family. The sea was so crystal clear. After snorkeling, I was dog-tired and hungry as a bear too, so I ate some seafood such as

lobster and shrimp for lunch. To relieve my exhaustion, I went to Noha Stone and Spa where I got a massage. It made me feel much better. With this trip, I really came to like Cebu because it is very clean and offers a good place to rest for me. When you feel depressed and tired, I recommend that you to come to Cebu and relax your body. Then, you will get unforgettable memories in your life, the chance to communicate with Filipinos, and do many things at a lower price than in Korea.

Jeon Daseul (2-6)



The Hwikyung SCOOP

Hwikyung Girls’ High School

Living Dokdo

When talking about Dokdo, most people just think about the territorial dispute but we have to think about its environmental features. So we are going to explain about Dokdo’s ecosystem, underground resources, and climate. First, Dokdo is a herring fishery, because warm and cold currents meet in this area. One is North Korea Cold Water Current and the other is Kuroshio Warm Current. So Dokdo has abundant fish, including cold current fish and warm current fish. The fish’s species are various. Dokdo has not only various fish but also many creatures. For example, Dokdo is a migratory bird’s harbor and rest spot of their migration route. So we can study that creature’s origin of life and its dispersion. In

Dokdo, there are many natural monuments. Such as *black-tailed-seagulls,*black wood pigeons and so on. In addition there are many rare species and endangered species. Second, Dokdo has a new renewable energy, called *methane hydrate. The deposits of methane hydrate around Dokdo are nearly about 60 million tons. Carbon is one of the largest reasons for global warming. But methane hydrate does not emit Carbon. It means that methane hydrate is a clean energy. Methane hydrate will gain more and more focus from the world, because we are now using energy like coal and oil but they are becoming exhausted. Methane hydrate is in the spotlight as an alternative energy source. Last is Dokdo’s climate. Dokdo’s weather, on average, 12 is cool degrees and *oceanic climate affected by warm current. All year long, it is usually foggy, so we see only a clear day and we can see Dokdo from Ulleung-do for an average of 2 months a year. Also Dokdo has lots of rain; it has rainy days for more than 150 days in a year. Although Dokdo has heavy snow in winter, it doesn’t settle snow owing to its above zero weather. So far we investigated Dokdo’s ecosystem.

Korea Is Becoming an Eco-country Today, the world’s environmental pollution problem is getting worse and worse. Eco-city, the ideal form of a modern city, is drawing attention. Eco-city means more than being an eco-friendly city and affects big changes in people’s lifestyles. It does not only have the effect of natural conservation but also provides financial benefit and pleasant lives for citizens. Therefore many cities are trying to change themselves into an eco-city. Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden, can be a good model for an eco-city. According to Reader’s Digest , Stockholm was ranked as world’ s most livable city in 2007. The reasons for the ranking are based on the factors of eco-cities: pleasant living, convenient housing, and natural surroundings. Stockholm consists of 30% green area and another 30% waterway. It provides nice scenery and clear air. In addition, this beautiful city has many policies that decrease pollution. Road pricing is one of them. Since 2007, this city has collected a tax from people driving cars during peak hours. If they use electric cars, the tax is exempt. This policy has made a great effect.

The market share of cars that use renewable energy has reached 40%. Over the past few years, the number of bicycles has increased by 75% in Stockholm. As a result, Stockholm saves a lot of energy. How about Korea? Korea’s energy efficiency was low, so we cannot avoid the blame for wasting fuel at home and on the road, as well as in corporations. Then, let’s learn about Korea’s plan to become an eco-city. The Korean government enforced lots of policies. For example, the Korean government lent some money to the enterprises that tried to develop clean energy and renewable products. Also for citizens, the government gave free parking and huge tax breaks for the hybrid and electric vehicles. Recently, many countries have been planning to establish various environmental policies, and increase national competitiveness through ecosystem improvements. Korea is one of them. But Korea has a weakness in ecological technology. Therefore, we have to cooperate more with developed countries to reduce the technological gap.


Kim Minjung (2-4) Song Dohee(1-12)

Editor-in-Chief : Lee Soojin Copy Editor : Michelle Peralta Student Editor : Yoo Hwihyun Contributors : ● 1st grader - P ark Heejin, Song Dohee, Gang Minseon, Choi Aram, Cho Wonhee, ●

Kim Min-nyung, Hong Jungmin, Oh Jeongmin 2nd grader - K im Jeonkyong, Kim Minjung, Kim Woojin, Yoo Hwihyun, Lee Jieun, Lee Jihyun, Choi Suji, Kim Miriam, Jeon Daseul 3rd grader - Sun Minji, Woo Sungkyung, Jin Minah, Choi Jeongyoon, Paek Seonah, Jeong Eunju

Dokdo has a lot of environmental value, so we should try to preserve it. * M ethane hydrate : 메탄 하이드레이트 black-tailed-seagulls : 괭이갈매기 black wood pigeon : 흑 비둘기 oceanic climate : 해양성기후

Kim Minjung(2-4), Kim Woojin(2-9)

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