Sustainability Report 2020

Page 88

Equality and diversity The Museo Nacional ThyssenBornemisza maintains a firm commitment to equality and diversity, as outlined in its Code of Values and Conduct, integrated into the Concilia Plan. This commitment takes on various forms: in the management of HR, in obtaining the Universal Accessibility certification (First Public Museum to obtain this certification) and in the Museum’s diverse artistic offer. In this sense, the Museum has a series of equality measures in place: •P rotocol for the prevention, treatment and elimination of both workplace and sexual harassment •E qual pay •E qual opportunities in training •N on-discriminatory hiring Participation in conferences on diversity: • “ Diversity and Inclusion” conference by the Más Familia Foundation • I nformative seminar “Report on Innodiversity” by the Alares Foundation at the Instituto de Empresa •O nline conference “Cultural Management in Cultural Diversity” by the Diversidad Foundation •A nnual online event by the Diversidad Foundation •W ebinar “Equality Plan for Companies: Do You Meet the New Requirements?” by the Más Familia Foundation


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