Schools Prom 1984

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~onday, Tuesday, VVednesday 26th, 27th, 28th November 1984

A ~usic for Youth presentation

Parents Performers Promenaders You've already lent us your ears! Various Novello works have been performed at the recent Music for Youth Festival and will be heard here at the Schools Prom Concerts. We are proud of our close association with these events and delighted that they have developed into such major dates in the music calendar.

Borough Green Sevenoaks KentTN158DT Tel : Borough Green (STD 0732) 883261 Showroom, retail sales & mail order: 8 Lower James Street London W1 R 4DN Tel : 01-7348080 Ext: 2368


Introduction From the early records of the Schools Prom it seems that after all the complex planning and inevitable doubts, the first evening 'went like a bang' . Since then the electric atmosphere of an evening at the Proms has remained with each succeeding audience. For those who have been lucky to attend on a number of occasions, the changes in style have been matched

with a variety of guest artists and of visiting international groups. This year in addition we are delighted to be honoured with the presence of H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester at the Wednesday concert. The main element of each programme is always the extreme variety of participants of varying ages and musical experience and it is this which has always produced a wonderful evening of music-making appreciated by all.

During the past 10 years, apart from the many thousands of promenaders and seat holders, there has of course been a vast audience who have been able to enjoy the Proms through the medium of BBC Television and there is no doubt that for many who are unable to get to the Royal Albert Hall, this is the next best thing. Let us hope that the experiences of the past 10 years will propel the organisation well into the next decade . M.H .

Contents Introduction


Larry Westland on Music for Youth


Andrew Peggie on the Schools Prom


Schools Prom Presenters


Concert Programmes Programme Notes

10-11 13

10th Anniversary Messages


Schools Prom Personalities


List of Performers


Friends of Music for Youth

Back Cover

Director and Producer: Larry Wes tla nd Music for Youth Directors: Michael Harris, Chairman (Commercial Cnion Assurance) James D. Cop pock (The Assoda tion ot :Vlusic Industries) Rodney Rycroft (The Rank Organisation) lan Trafford (The Times Educational Supplement)

Music for Youth is a non-profit making company with charitable status, formed to manage and organise the National Festival of Music for Youth and the Schools Prom. Its members are The Association of Music Industries, Commercial Union Assurance, The Rank Organisation and The Times Educational Supplement. AMI is the music trade association w hose members include m usic publishers and manufacturers of musical instruments. It played a founding role in the formation of the National Festival 15 years ago and has continued to provide financial support for the Festival through the years as part of its aim to conb:ibute to the growth of musical appreciation in the United Kingdom. The Schools Prom was launched in 1975 by The Times Educational Supplement and its founding Director was Derek Jewell.

The 1985 National Festival of Music for Youth Regional Auditions Sponsored by W . H. Smith 1 to 31 March National Festival of Music for Youth at the South Bank 12, 13, 14 July

Schools Prom North Free Trade Hall, Manches ter 29, 30 April SJ:lonsored by Hestair Hope. Su pported by the Greater Manchester Council anaMarl<:s & Spencer 1985 Schools Prom Royal Albert Hall- 25,26, 27 November

Schools Prom Organiser: Jean Halford-Thompson Associate Producer: Paul Uden Stage Managers: Dave Haythorne, Mick Mepham The Schools Prom is organised in conjunction with Westland Associates Limited Drawings by John Minnion




Hestair Hope are proud to announce PROPOSED PROGRAMME Hestair Hope have been concerned with dle supply of quality school materials for over 80 years and during that time have responded to the changing needs of the teaching profession In many positive vvays, Musical expression has never needed an outlet more than now and we feel as a company that it is most appropriate to sponsor an event which provides a unique platform for some of the country's most talented young people. "Aldlough the Schools Prom IS seen regularly on BBC television there is nodling quite like the live atmosphere of a Youth Prom. We are delighted that we can achieve our long-term ambition to bring the Schools Prom to a wider audience", So says Larry Westland. Director of Music for Youth. In conjunction with Hestair Hope the organisers of dle Se hools Prom am bringing the Proms to the North this year as part 01 their tenth anniversary celebration, Six hundred of the young musicians aged from 5 to 21 years will be heard at dle Free Trade Hall. Manchester on April 29th and 30th 1985, Suoprmf)(J (;I~



": IM eel :1.1';s'I;路e ~ ;JIII , 0 Kent Schools Symphonic Wind Band o Flat Pavan o Huddersfield Technical College Brass Band o Frodsham Gamelan Orchestra o Stourbridge Schools Wind Band o Scalby School Jau Orchestra o Pheonix (Barrow VI Form College) o Cleveland Youth Orchestra TUESDAY 30 APRIL

o Guildhall School of Music and DramaJunior Brass Band o Newtown High School Girls Choir o Holmfirth High School Boys Choir & Orchestra ,0

Stockport Schools Stagesound

o Orchestral Steel

,, 0

Ludlow School Choir DGrangerown Recorder on Ensemble DWakefield Youth Symphony O,.,-hp,,,,,,,1

Hestair L..I~



by Larry Westland

This is our tenth year of Schools Prom Concerts and every year this introduction becomes increasingly more difficult to write. The event continues to grow and this year between sixteen and seventeen thousand people will fill the auditorium and 1,232 young musicians will have played on the Royal Albert Hall platform. These concerts are the perfect 'endof-year' celebrations for what has been the most successful year ever for Music for Youth. A very substantial increase in entries this year meant that over 20,000 young people took part; from the W. H. Smith-sponsored audition series in March, through the National Festival in July, and now, here, at this marvellous Royal Albert Hall. Our tenth anniversary celebrations are to be extended into 1985 when next April 29 and 30 we shall present Schools Prom North at the Free Trade Hall in Manchester. For many years now we have wanted to make the Schools Prom available to live audiences in different parts of the country and our tenth birthday seemed a perfect reason for doing so. Our main sponsors gave us the goahead for the idea late last year and in May we were joined by educational suppliers Hestair Hope as main sponsors for the northern concerts. Financial support and backing for the venture has also come from the Greater Manchester Council and Marks & Spencer. A celebration is, of course, what the Schools Prom was always meant to be. A celebration of our musical youth and of all its music in all its forms. Most of all they were meant to be fun, fun to be in and fun to attend. For many of the young people here tonight this will be their first taste of 'serious' music. A good number of them will go away feeling that even 'serious' can be enjoyable. They will also be introduced to some very new sounds and, hopefully, some new thinking on those sounds. They will hear that brass bands do much more than oompah; that wind bands don't just play military two-steps; and that twelve year olds can bring much sweetness and spontaneity to string playing. Most important of all they will learn, very vividly, that there is much more to music than four beats to a bar and Top of the Pops. Their new experiences will be enhanced even further by being "'ith so many of their peers, by the sheer range of musical styles and by being played to by people 'of their own size' in an environment where a certain

amount of restlessness is not at all out of place. In our audience too there will be many important people who are vital to the continued growth and health of music in education; decision makers from regional and national government, local councillors, ministers, education officers and businessmen. All of these we hope will see why Britain is still the envy of Europe for the sheer depth of its music-education. We hope too they will continue to foster and actively encourage this great national asset. This year there will be lessons for teachers to learn as well! How to get a mob of football hooligans to join a choir; or what to do with a store room of broken instruments. To be fair, the lads of Holmfirth High School are not quite hooligans - but they were reluctant choristers. They did not, however, reckon on the wily skills of teacher-composer Alan Simmons. He made them an offer they couldn't resist. So they joined the choir and every day is Saturday Afternoon. The boys will show you what we mean on Tuesday and Wednesday. As for those worn out instruments, well the answer is obvious: a) look around the world for some really smashing traditional music; b) get to work on your junk instruments at the woodwork class, and hey presto you've got yourself a real, down to the last detail, Javanese Gamelan Orchestra. Because you come from Frodsham in Cheshire it doesn't mean you can't have a good Gending! Our guests this year reflect Schools Prom's past. One of my best (and most awful) memories of the Schools Prom is the wild applause that greeted a pause in the middle of a demanding passage in the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto; the young violinist, shaken out of his intense concentration, looked at first as if he was in great pain, then with a wide and understanding smile shook his head and there was immediate silence. This masterly control of music and masses was exercised by violinist Nigel Kennedy and we are thrilled to have him back with us this year. With us on all three nights, as he has been on every night of every Schools Prom, is a man whose influence on our work is inestimable. Quite apart from his considerable artistic input we are forever indebted to Antony Hopkins for his many other ideas - such as the use of the central stage. We welcome back to the Schools Prom oboist Nicholas Daniel- was he only seventeen when he made his first appearance here?! Also making a very

welcome return to the Schools Prom is Richard Baker - a familiar friend of promenaders young and old and, through his work for Youth and Music, a friend of young audiences. Atarah Ben-Tovim is with us again on all three nights - now there's someone who has really made music fun. Welcome, too, to one of our greatest and warmest friends, Mr Don Lusher, trombonist extraordinaire we can't wait to hear Don's specially written 'SP84' which he plays with Jazz de Sud on Wednesday. To herald the next decade of Music for Youth we have invited two young artistes who have already captivated large audiences with their abundant talent - Naomi Atherton and Emma Johnson. On Monday Naomi will play the second and third movements of Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 4, KV495. Later in the evening Emma Johnson, this year's BBC Young Musician of the Year, will join the South Glamorgan Youth Orchestra in Weber's Concertino for Clarinet. We do, of course, have another very special guest on Wednesday evening - HRH The Duchess of Gloucester. On behalf of all the performers and organisers we wish Her Royal Highness a warm welcome and hope that she will enjoy herself immensely at this very special Schools Prom. There are so many highlights in these concerts that it is almost impossible to pick any particular ones out. There are one or two performances that I am personally looking forward to with great anticipation. Surrey Schools Sinfonietta playing Stravinsky's Symphonies for Wind Instruments for one; the group Phoenix from Barrow Sixth Form College for another; and those two exciting bands Stockport and Jazz de Sud. We thank our sponsors for making all these fruitful years of the Schools Prom so successful. We also thank our friends at BBC Television Outside Broadcasts, especially producer Ken Griffin, for bringing the Schools Prom to millions of homes through the years . We should like also to thank the staff and management of the Royal Albert Hall. Their support and cooperation is crucial to our success. Our biggest thanks, of course, go to the teachers, the Music Advisers, County Education Officers and the parents for making it all possible in the first place. This Music for Youth vear is not quite over, but the next 'has already begun. We shall look forward to seeing you at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on March 1 for the first of our 1985 Regional Auditions.




EducatIonal Supp ement helping to keep music alive in our schools 6

A Tradition in the Making What makes a tradition? Some would say it is when we no longer remember how and when something began. A story is told of an anthropologist living with an isolated tribe in a remote African rain-forest. Part of his work was making recordings of its social and religious ceremonies. The tribe was happy to perform their songs and dances - all except one song. He was told it was exceedingly old and had great religious significance for the tribe. After many months the anthropologist succeeded in persuading the tribe to record the song for him. To his astonishment they intoned a curious but unmistakable version of 'Oh lllY darling Gementine'. Oearly the tnbe had been visited by another explorer several generations ago, who had taught them the song. The circumstances of its introduction to the tribe were subsequently forgotten by succeeding generations. This year's Schools Prom will involve performers, and doubtless young members of the audience, who were born after the very first Schools Prom was presented in 1975. For them, the experience of participating will quickly become part of tradition. For others, pre-Prom days are probably still fresh in the memory! But whether we regard it already as traditional or innovative, the Schools Prom has, in the ten years of its existence, changed the public's awareness of the fruits of music education in this country. Like 'Oementine' its broader meaning has assumed a value much greater than its initiators might have suspected. Some of those initiators are still involved: Larry Westland, now Director of Music for Youth, has been in charge of production since its inception and The Times Educational Supplement, first and still one of its current sponsors. Indeed the whole idea might be said to have come from Times Newspapers Ltd. Derek Jewell (then Publishing Director, and writer and broadcaster on jazz and popular music) wrote in the programme of the 1975 concert: 1t appears, in away, such an obvious idea: a schools prom. There is now so much good music, in such sparkling diversity of styles, being produ in the schools of Britain, it's surprising that tonight's concert is the first oi what we hope will be man\" .. .' Ten years later, that sparkling diversity of good music shows no signs of diminishing - orchestral,

chamber, jazz, wind and brass musics, folk, early music, choral, music theatre and this year, the Schools Prom's first ever gamelan. Perhaps the healthiest sign that this is above all a living tradition is the combination of old and new appearing each year. Aberdeen's renowned Kincorth Waits and Surrey's equally renowned StoneIeigh Youth Orchestra performed in 1976 and also 1983. Kincorth Waits' first appearance, incidentally, led to an invitation to visit the Soviet Union. Numerous groups up and down the country can already be said to be Schools Prom veterans: Cults Percussion Ensemble, EImwood Steelband, Doncaster Youth Jazz Orchestra, Darlington Youth Brass Band, Long Rirlings School, High Wycombe Music Centre, county wind, percussion and orchestral groups from Surrey, CheImer Valley School, HoImfirth High School, Stockport Schools Stagesound, King Edward VI College (Stourbridge) and many others. But magical performances have often come from the most unexpected quarters. I particularly remember the Oeveland String Quartet's captivating performance of Shostakovich's Third Quartet in 1977, the unique sonorities of Long Ridings Junior School's vast classroom orchestra in 1979, Ocho Rios Steelband's festive exuberance in 1980, the 'West End' production number of Wallace Fields Middle School in 1981, Lady Manners School's brilliant and humorous Teddy Bear's Picnic (on four bassoons of all things) in 1982 and the intense simplicity of the Lakes School's classroom compositions the same year. Last year's high spot for me (and doubtless many others) was Walsh Middle School's stunning version of Jerome Kern's The Way You

Look Tonight. Obvious idea it may have been, but few in 1975 could have reckoned with the practical problems of presenting a dozen or so diverse groups in the same concert on a stage designed primarily for large symphony orchestras and massed choirs. It is a tribute to both organisers and the groups themselves that it no longer seems ludicrous, not to say lunatic, to listen in succession to a brass band, choir, chamber ensemble, string group, recorder orchestra, jazz big band, accordion band and symphony orchestra all in the same programme. Tradition might make it accepted, but it doesn't make it any easier. The Schools Prom is probably unique in

by Andrew Peggie

that the audience has no idea what to expect. And the young people who make up the majority of the audience show considerable courage in exposing themselves to a range of musical styles they might not normally have any time for. All this and the size of the place and the TV cameras and the banner-waving supporters must combine to make it an experience of special and memorable qualities for the performers. Visible responsibility for the smooth running of a prom concert falls on the Presenters. That many have returned more than once and have become enthused by the spirit of the Proms, in spite of their unenviable task 'ÂŁranting' the whole occasion, must augur well for the future. The inimitable Antony Hopkins must by now consider himself thoroughly part of the Schools Prom tradition - he has presented and conducted at every concert since the first in 1975. Over the years the concerts have introduced a number of special guests, many of whom have also returned as enthusiastic supporters of all that the Proms stand for. Their contributions have undoubtedly helped add a further dimension to the developing tradition: there can be no greater endorsement of an ensemble's musical ability than its providing the accompaniment to a top soloist. In 1982 that enthusiasm boiled over when Kenny Baker, Don Lusher and Nigel Kennedy, together with the drummer of the Doncaster Jazz Orchestra, got together for a surprise performance of Uzdy Be Good. Supporters can be counted not only among the guests on-stage but among the many companies whose financial help is vital to the success of the Schools Prom. Their names all appear elsewhere in the programme, but particular mention should be made of The Association of Music Industries, Commercial Union Assurance, The Rank Organisation, and The Times Educational Supplement, whose partnership in Music for Youth has done much to establish the tradition and consolidate for the future. Many people will already know that the Schools Prom rests on a much larger and even more varied youth music festival, the National Festival of Music for Youth. In a sense, the Schools Prom grew out of a particularly successful National Festival in 1974. Until 1982, however, it was, strictly

continued on page 47





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• f

Schools Prom Presenters Richard Baker, OBE, Presenter was educated at Kilburn Grammar School and Peterhouse, Cambridge, where he gained an Honours Degree in History and Modern Languages. He served for three and a half years in the Royai Navy during World War II and was, for a brief period, a teacher and an actor before joining the BBC in 1950. For three years he was an announcer on the Third Programme (now Radio 3). In 1954 his was the first voice to be heard on the new BBC Television News, and from that time his work as a television newsreader was the mainstay of his career until his retirement, from news-reading, at the end of 1982. On leaving the News he became the presenter of BBC TV's 'Omnibus' and he has continued to participate in a number of other radio and television programmes. Since 1970 he has had his own current affairs programme on Radio 4 - 'Start the Week with Richard Baker', and also introduced the weekly record programme, These You Have Loved' for five years (1972-1977); he now has his own weekly record programmes 'Baker's Dozen' and 'Richard Baker'. He is also the main presenter of Radio 4' s new weekly programme 'Rollercoaster'. He is a regular panellist on 'Face the Music' on BBC2 and introduces many other musical programmes, including the Last Night of the Proms and the New Year's Day Concert from Vienna. He is the author of six books: 'Here is the News' (Leslie Frewin) 1966; 'The Terror of Tobermory' (W.H. AlIen) 1972; 'The Magic of Music' (Hamish Hamilton, and paperback by Sphere Books) 1975; 'Dry Ginger' (W H Allen) 1977; 'Richard Baker's Music Guide' (David & Charles) 1979; and 'Mozart' (Thames & Hudson) 1982. He is married with two sons, and lives in Hertfordshire. In 1976 he was awarded the OBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours for services to broadcasting; in 1979 he received the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws at Strathclyde University.

Atarah Ben-Tovim, MBE, Presenter, was a child prodigy - by the time she was seventeen she had played in public almost the entire repertoire for the flute. She held the position of Principal Flautist with a number of orchestras including the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, this position making her both one of the youngest and one of the first female principals in any major orchestra. Atarah has been very active in the field of musical education concentrating particularly on the musical welfare of the young. Her musical educational show, Atarah's Band, has worked live to more than two million children and she has produced a number of publications. The latest, 'The Right Instrument For Your Child' is due for publication by Gollancz in March 1985.

Antony Hopkins, CBE, Guest Conductor and Presenter, has been associated with the Schools Prom from the first and has conducted the finale at every one. He has lectured and conducted in many countries and his 'Talking About Music' programme on Radio 3 is now in its 31st year. His book 'Understanding Music' won the Yorkshire Post award as the best music book of the year, and has now been issued in paperback. His book on the Beethoven symphonies has also been reprinted recently as a paperback while other publications include 'Sounds of Music', a book about the orchestra, and his highly entertaining autobiography 'Beating Time' . His recent book of scandalous poems about musicians, 'Music-amusings', is guaranteed to make you laugh. Another work of his, 'John & the Magic Music Man' , makes a perfect introduction to the orchestra for young children; Antony Hopkins wrote the words and music, conducts it and narrates it. Is this a record? Yes, it is on Unicorn RHS 360! His latest book (his 15th!) came out this month. It's called the 'Concertgoer's Companion' and could help your teacher get you through your '0' levels.

Richard Bake!


Monday 26th November


NORWICH STUDENTS' ORCHESTRA Conductor: John Burdett Soloist: Naomi Atherton Fanfare and National Anthem March from 'Things to Come: Horn Concerto No. 4, K. 495 (2nd and 3rd movements)


FLAT PAVAN Bransle Quatre Bransles Now Oh Now I Needs Must Part Fine Knacks for Ladies La Volta


Charles Wood Antony Hopkins arr. Charles Clauson

SURREY SCHOOLS' SINFONIETTA Conductor: Zoltan Lukacs Symphonies for Wind Instruments (1920)


W. Mozart

WALSH MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR Director: David Victor-Smith The Ride of the Witch The Lord's Prayer Bamba


P. W. Arthur Bliss

I. Stravinsky

after Susato Dowland Dowland after Praetorius


Conductor: Roy Heartfield Divertimento No. 1, K. 136 (movements) W. Mozart Simple Symphony (Frolicsome Benjamin Britten Finale)


Land of Hope and Glory Dear Land of Hope, thy hope is crowned, God make thee mightier yet! On Sov'ran brows, beloved, renowned, Once more thy crown is set. Thine equal laws, by Freedom gained, Have ruled thee well and long; By Freedom gained, by Truth maintained, Thine Empire shall be strong.

Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Free, How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee? Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set; God who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet, God who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet. Repeat chorus Thy fame is ancient as the days, As Ocean large and wide; A pride that dares, and heeds not praise, A stern and silent pride. Not that false joy that dreams content With what our sires have won; The blood a hero sire hath spent; Still nerves a hero son.

Repeat chorus twice, as before. Smoking is not allowed in the auditorium. The use of cameras and tape recorders is strictly forbidden.


STOURBRIDGE SCHOOLS' WIND BAND Musical Director: Janet Bradley Jesus Christ Superstar Instant Concert

Andrew Llayd Webber arr. R. O'Brien Harold L. Waiters

INTERVAL - 20 MINUTES (Warning bells will sound 5 minutes before the end of the interval)


SCALBY SCHOOL JAZZ ORCHESTRA Musical Director: Tony Turner Gospel John The Pink Panther Santa Anna




left Steinberg Henry Mancini lack Cortner

FRODSHAM GAMELAN ORCHESTRA Director: Norman Davies Soloist: Sara Jones Gending Awan Mas (1984)

/onathan Clark, Sorelle Kane and traditional Javanese sources

THE GOULD QUINTET String Quintet in G Minor, K. 516 (Finale)

W. Mozart

SOUTH GLAMORGAN YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Frank Kelleher Soloist: Emma /ohnson Concertino for Clarinet Berceuse and Finale from 'The Firebird Suite' Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 'Land of Hope and Glory'

Carl Maria von Weber 1. Stravinsky

Edward Elgar

Wednesday 28th November

Tuesday 27th November




Conductor: John Clark Fanfare and National Anthem Songs of the Quay Star Wars


Circus Suite (Slapstick)


Country Gardens

arr. A. W. Benoy Henry Mancini arr. Gannaway arr. A. W. Benoy


Conductor: Anthony Knight The Willow Pattern



Tricia's Tune McGinty's Lore


BOURNEMOUTH & POOLE COLLEGE STRING QUARTET Tutor: Donald Riddell String Quartet in C Minor, Op. 110, No. 8 (3rd movement)


Alan Simmons

HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: John Westcombe Soloist: Nicholas Daniel Introduction, Theme and Variations Hummel Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op. 64 (4th movement) Tchaikovsky Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 Edward Elgar 'Land of Hope and Glory'

1 f J

arr. Peter McGarr

(Warning bells will sound 5 minutes before the end of the interval)


JAZZ DE SUO Musical Director: Bob Jenkins Soloist: Don Lusher Lulworth Cove (from the Wessex Suite) SP84 Birdland

8. 9.

Mike Hatchard Don Lusher Jose! Zawinul

TOWER BRASS ENSEMBLE Quintet (1st movement) La Cumparsita

Malcolm Arnold Rodriguez arr. Komtanek

HOLMFIRTH HIGH SCHOOL BOYS' CHOIR & ORCHESTRA Conductor: Alan Simmons Saturday Afternoon

10. Shostakovich

HOLMFIRTH HIGH SCHOOL BOYS' CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA Conductor: Alan Simmons Saturday Afternoon


Bill Connor Arthur Johnson arr. Bill Connor Bill Connor Bill Connor

Bizet Ravel Offenbach


STOCKPORT SCHOOLS' STAGESOUND Musical Director: Bill Con nor Opening Pennies from Heaven


ORCHESTRAL STEEL Directorrrutor: Peter McGarr Overture from Carmen Bolero Can Can - from 'Orpheus in the Underworld'

(Warning bells will sound 5 minutes before the end of the interval)


Anthony Knight Libretto: Joanna Knight

THE DA VIS QUARTET Tutor: Sheila Nelson String Quartet in G Major, Op. 64 No. 4 (Finale)

Anthony Hedges Don Lusher


Fisher Tull


CORBY BEANFIELD SCHOOL BAND Conductor: Don Manning Soloist: Don Lusher Overture 'Saturday Market' Cameo for Trombone

Gareth Wood Oscar Brown Jnr arr. Ollie McFarland Zoltan Kodaly

GUILDFORD PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE Conductor: William Kitto Sonatina for Percussion

PHOENIX (BARROW SIXTH FORM COLLEGE) Musical Director: Stephanie Ferguson After the Goldrush Neil Young l arr. Lesley True Love David Essex f Harris Country Colours Pete Stretch arr. Len Davey


Egyetem, Begyetem


arr. Paul Hart Goff Richards John Williams arr. Ray Farr Stuart Johnson

NEWTOWN HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' GROUP Conductor: Jayne Davies Gloria Brown Baby

S. Bach

Conductor: Eric Phillips Symphony No. 8 in B Minor 'Unfinished' (1st movement) Schubert



GRANGETOWN RECORDER ENSEMBLE Tutor: Bob Mason German Suite Charade



Conductor: Jeffrey Vaughan Martin Fanfare and National Anthem arr. Gordon Jacob Nott'num Town Alan Street Athletic Festival March Prokofiev

Conductor: Peter Watmough Concerto in D Minor for two violins and orchestra



Alan Simmons

CITY OF SHEFFIELD YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Michael Brewer Soloist: Nigel Kennedy Festival Overture Shostakovich Carmen Fantasy Sarasate Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 'Land of Hope and Glory' Edward Elgar

Welmnr Upright Piano and WiIliam de Blaise Harpsichord kindly supplied by Mr Dudley Orbell of Whelpdale, Maxwell & Codd Lld Premier drums kindly supplied by Mr Roger Horrobin of Premier Percussion Limited Percussion instruments kindly supplied by Mr Barry Moorhouse of F & H Percussion Lld Zildjian cymbals kindly supplied by FCN Music Lld Ro/and amplification kindly supplied by Roland (UK) Limited PA kindly supplied by Mr Robin lones of R G lones (Morden) Limited ill association with Bose (UK) Limited





Tutor: Donald Riddell String Quartet in C Minor, Op. 110 No. 8 Shostakovich (3rd movement)

Conductor: Don Manning Soloist: Don Lusher Overture 'Saturday Market' Anthony Hedges Cameo for Trombone Don Lusher

Bournemouth & Poole College has offered a foundation music course since 1971 and students are required to take part in ensemble work, choral singing and to play in the Wessex Youth Orchestra which the college organises. In a normal session the college has two string quartets, a brass ensemble and several woodwind groups. This quartet was formed in October 1983 and the members rehearsed for two hours each week during term. Two have now moved on to the Royal College of Music. String Quartet in C Minor, Op. 110 No. 8 (3rd movement) - Shostakovich Dmitri Shostakovich used classical forms throughout his composing life and his string quartets show clarity of form, a mildly dissonant language and a naturally lyric expressiveness. Quartet No. 8 (1960) is a profound work which is now firmly established in the concert repertoire.

Beanfield Comprehensive School takes its name from the Beanfield Estate situated in Corby Northants. The School Band was formed in 1971 and is well known and supported in the Corby area helping to raise money through its concerts for various charities and organisations. In the past six years the band has progressed from the Fourth to the Second Sections路in National Contesting, winning on its way two Midland and one National Championships. The present Band with an average age of fourteen years is known as the 'A' Band, the players having graduated through the school 'e' and 'B' Bands. The Band is very proud that a number of its former members have graduated into the music teaching profession and many others undertaken a musical career in military bands.

Cameo for Trombone - Don Lusher This piece is a short profile of both the performer and the trombone as a solo instrument, showing off both sides of their character - Allegro Brillante and Adagio con Dolore.

FLAT PAVAN Sransle Quatre Bransles Now Oh Now I Needs Must Part Fine Knacks for Ladies La Volta

after Susato Dowland Dowland after Praetorius

Flat Pavan is a group of young musicians from Glasgow Arts Centre, part of Strathclyde Regional Education Department. They play 400-year-old light music on instruments appropriate to the period. The youngest musician is still at primary school, the oldest has just started university . The programme of late fifteenth and early sixteenth century music consists of two songs and two dances. The songs are by John Dowland and the dances were popular at the same time. 'La VoIta' in particular is found in many settings and arrangements.

Overture 'Saturday Market' - Anthony Hedges Saturday Market was a test piece for the 1982 Butlin's Youth Brass Band Championships. It is written in one extended movement and the nature of the piece is that of a lively allegro which is maintained throughout. The music is full of syncopated and lively rhythms creating an exciting, colourful and imaginative description of Saturday Market.

Bournemouth and Poole College String Quartet

Flat Pavan

Corby Beanfield School Ba"d



THE COMPLETE RECORDER FAMILY 1954-1984 Infants Play the Whole Family of Aulos Recorders

30YEARS ON! In 1969 Aulas descant recorders first came to England although Aulas had been manufacturing recorders since 1954. Fletcher Coppock and Newman Ltd., the importers and exclusive U.K. distributors were concerned with finding out whether these new recorders would be acceptable to the music teachers in our schools. In those days (here was a music education publication called "Living Music" edited by a public relations expert called Dick Sadleir. This paper was very popular among the leachers who respected Dick Sadleir's ideas. The magazine was, in effect, a public relations publication for Ihe music industry, Dick Sadleir was an enthusiast for anything associated with music education, so it was natural that FCN called on him to find some way of testing the new Aulas recorders before they went 10 the dealers. Dick Sadleir asked the Music Adviser of the London Borough of Havering, Norman Dannatt, if the recorders could be tested in one of the schools in the Borough, and Mr. Dannatt arranged for the test to take place in Rainham Junior School. The music teacher there, Derek Lindo, is a well known recorder recitalist.


For many' years, Mrs Mumford the music teacher at Towers Infants School, Hornchurch, has encouraged her pupils to play the recorder from their first days in the school. Her enthusiasm has inspired her young charges to learn to play their instruments properly from the start. Everything has been done correctly, breathing, tongueing and reading of notation. So quickly and efficientfy do the children learn that Mrs Mumford soon found that they were able to cope with the treble and sopranino recorders in addition to the descants. At the suggestion of her Music Adviser, Mrs Mumford tried one or two children on the Aulas tenor recorder. The children were naturally chosen for their wide fin~er span. They easily took to the tenor recorders. Now Mrs Mumford had a full ensemble playing their lIttle tune with full harmony. For some time she had also been teaching her pupils to play Orff instruments. She is very fortunate in having a most supportive headmistress, Mrs Grimwood, who has bought her a good selection of Sonar Orff instruments. The combination of Aulas recorders and Sonar Orff instruments, played so beautifully by the young children encouraged MI5 Mumford to enter for the National Festival of Music for Youth and to everyone's delight they were selected to perform at the A1bert Hall in the Schools' Prom. They played their Aulos recorders, Sonor Orff instraments, the new Handchimes and danced and sang. Their performance brought the house down) All the other young people in the audience cheered them to the echo. When the new Aulas Bass recorder first appeared on the market, Mrs Mumford offered to tlV it with her children. but with some trepidation. She need not have worried! Within toree days. one of her pupils. Claire Dykes, aged six, (that is her in the picture), was playlng it confidently. Now the children play the whole Family of Aulas recorders ... When the children played in the National Festival of Music for Youth the adjudicators wrote:.Lovely use of instruments - plenty of variety and interest - superb. Delicate recorder playing - terrific soloist. Musical performance - Ihey were really listening 10 each olher .... If you were 10 go to Towers Infants School you would soon find out why their music is so good. But you would have to get there early in the mornmg. The children are there. long before the lessons start. to join Mrs Mumford in music making. With such enthusiasm. headmistress. teacher and children, how can they do anything but succeed?

Twelve Aulas recorders were given to twelve children who were good players. and they were asked to play a tune on their own recorders (a mixed bag) and then on the new Aulas descants. There was no doubt that the Aulas recorders sounded better, with a more homogeneous sound, and the children also found them easier to play and certainly preferred them . Derek Undo then hid behind the piano and played his own. expensive. wooden recorder, fo llQwed by the same tune on an Aulas, none of the children could tell which was which. The other teachers, Norman Dannatt and Dick Sadleir also found it difficult to differentiate between the recorders.

One Aulas recorder was Ihen given to a class of boys, who were invited re try and break it, They had such fun. tbrowing it against a wall. jumping on 11 and hitting an old table with it (of course. their teacher told them that Ihis was exceptional procedure and not 10 be encouraged as the normal course of events!). Eventually a tiny piece of the white decoration broke off the bottom of the recorder - and that was the sole amount of damage it sustained! On the strength of t!:is try-out. FCN decided to put the Aulas recorders on the market and therest is history ... Almost immediately they caught on and were sold to schools all over the country.

The best name in Recorders costs so little Settle for nothing less _..

Programme Notes THE DAVIS QUARTET Tutor: Shei/a Nelson String Quartet in G Major, Op. 64 No. 4 (Finale) - Haydn The Davis Quartet is a fairly recent combination of old colleagues from Sheila Nelson's groups at Cromwell Avenue, Highgate. In spite of fiercely argumentative rehearsals, mostly unsupervised, they remain close friends and take every opportunity of making music together. String Quartet in G Major, Op. 64 No. 4 (Finale) - Haydn The piece The Davis Quartet are to perform is very much 'music for friends', a cheerful finale in which the delicate interplay of parts puts all members on an equal footing.

FRODSHAM GAMELAN ORCHESTRA Director: Norman Davies Soloist: Sara Jones Gending Awan Mas (1984) Jonathan C/ark, Sorelle Kane and traditional Javanese sources Frodsham Gamelan Orchestra was formed in 1983 by Norman Davies who has been teaching Javanese music in Cheshire and Merseyside since 1979 when the A.S.K.1. Gamelan of Surakarta first visited Britain. The Frodsham Group is one of three under his direction in the North West and it is special in that the instruments have been made by the pupils themselves from junk and re-made classroom instruments. All pupils at Frodsham High study Javanese music for six weeks annually - not simply as an exercise in ethnic music but because the music allows all members of a class to perform, each at his own level. This is because each instrument requires its own particular graded level of technical competence. Gending Awan Mas (1984) - Jonathan Clark, Sorelle Kane and traditional Javanese sources A gending is a suite of pieces played without a break. After a GANGSARAN to announce the start of a performance the male dancers perform the sword dance

BANDAYUDO to the music of SINGONEBAH and BlMA KURA. After this the music passes through a PATETAN (mode changing piece) and a BAWA (a melismatic vocal solo) which leads into the Ladrang SANG GARUDA (composed by members of the group) used here to accompany the female dance called RANTOYAH. The gending concludes with an excited KEBAR and a vigorous BUBARAN.

THE GOULD QUINTET Tutor: Shei/a Nelson String Quintet in G Minor, K. 516 (Finale) - W. Mozart The Gould Quintet is a mixture of old friends from Sheila Nelson's Sunday evening group at Cromwell Avenue, Highgate. The group was awarded a Highly Commended certificate at last year's National Festival and were delighted to receive the Maurice Jacobson Award this year. String Quintet in G Minor, K. 516 (Finale) - W. Mozart The finale of Mozart's G Minor quintet is a taxing but very rewarding piece to perform, giving considerable scope to all the members but requiring exceptional skill from the first violin to convey Mozart's magical combination of light-heartedness and seriousness.

Davis Quartet

Frodsham Gamelan Orchestra

Gould Quintet


Programme Notes GRANGETOWN RECORDER ENSEMBLE Tutor: Bob Mason German Suite Charade Country Gardens

arr. A. w. Benoy Henry Mancini arr. Gannaway arr. A. W. Benoy

Grangetown Recorder Ensemble consists of past and present members of the Grangetown Primary School, Cleveland, who meet to make music after school. The Head Teacher, Mrs M. A. Oakley, welcomes the ex-pupils to the school and has provided the necessary resources to enable the children to continue as a very close-knit group. The ensemble has enjoyed a very active programme over the past two years and has attended many local and national festivals, the highlight being its appearance in the 1983 Schools Prom. Last year's group is joined tonight by two young players making their Royal Albert Hall debut; they are conspicuous by their height!

GUILDHALL SCHOOL OF MUSIC & DRAMA: JUNIOR BRASS BAND Conductor: John Clark Fanfare and National Anthem Songs of the Quay Star Wars

arr. Paul Hart Goff Richards John Williams arr. Ray Farr

Circus Suite (Slapstick)

Stuart Johnson

The Guildhall Junior Brass Band forms a central part of the Brass Band Course run by the Guildhall School of Music and Drama's Junior Music Department. The band is made up of young players between the ages of 10 and 18, drawn from many parts of England. The Junior Brass Band Course, the only one of its kind in the south of England, meets on Saturdays during term time. The band rehearses for an hour and a half each week and is conducted by John Clark who took over as head of the Brass Course from David Evans in 1982. Since then the band has appeared in the City of London Festival and played at all the major Concert Halls in London. It has appeared many times on BBC Television and recorded for Radio 3's 'Bandstand' programme. Press coverage has been considerable and includes an article on the Junior Department in 'The Young Observer'. Fanfare and National Anthem

GUILDFORD PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE Conductor: William Kitto Sonatina for Percussion

Fisher Tull

The Guildford Percussion Ensemble was formed in 1978 by their conductor William Kitto, who is also Percussion Tutor for Surrey County Council. The Ensemble meets once a week in Guildford to rehearse a variety of percussion music. The Ensemble was awarded the coveted Silver Jubilee Award at the National Festival of Music for Youth in 1982 and also performed at the Schools Prom that year. As members of the Surrey County Youth Orchestra, they toured Austria this summer. Sonatina for Percussion

Fisher Tull

This work opens in sonata form, the theme being introduced by wood block, then tambourine, followed by temple blocks and finally bongos. A special feature of this work is in the middle section. Each member has an interesting cadenza accompanied by a background of percussion sounds played freely without regard for tempo. Towards the end the timpaniSt's skill is stretched as the rhythm becomes very complex with cross metres!


arr. Paul Hart

Specially commissioned by the Guildhall School of Music and Drama Junior Department for the opening of the last night of the Schools Prom 1984. Paul Hart is recognised as one of Europe' s foremost musician/composer/arrangers. He is probably best known as featured musician with Cleo Laine and John Dankworth. Songs of the Quay

Star Wars. It is possibly John Williams's most exciting film score to date . In this arrangement Ray Farr has used the musical themes of the Rebel Spaceship, Luke Skywalker, Ben Kenobi, Princess Leia, and the Fanfare 'Down the throne room'.


Goff Richards

This lively composition is based on two Northumbrian folk songs, The Keel Row and Maa Bonny Lad. After a short introduction we are launched into a fast and furious 12/8 section with The Keel Row first heard on cornets, horns and baritones. The section gathers momentum until it is abruptly stopped. The tubas and solo euphonium lead us into a beautiful slow section based on Maa -Bonny Lad. After the solo cornet obbligato we return to a quicker section with Richards using The Keel Row first in a Calypso style and then in a South American idiom. The piece ends with a reprise of the introduction. Songs of the Quay was commissioned by Carreras Rothmans Ltd for the 1980 Rothmans Brass in Concert Championship.

HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: John Westcombe Soloist: Nicholas Daniel Introduction, Theme and Variations Hummel Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op. 64 (4th movement) Tchaikovsky Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 'Land of Hope and Glory' Edward Elgar HCYO is one of five central activities under the direction of the county Music Adviser and is underpinned by strong area orchestras which have themselves participated in the National Festival of Music for Youth in earlier years. There is frequent contact with eminent instrumentalists who coach sectional rehearsals; great benefit was had from Leonard Hirsch's Chief Conductorship for 15 years until 1980, and Vernon Handley and Meredith Davies have been guest conductors recently. Two BBC recordings have been made this year, and many programmes have been given (some for international charities) in the major London concert venues. The orchestra was the first from a Local Education Authority to play in the Barbican Hall, on that occasion under the inspiring direction of Antony Hopkins who returned to conduct two concerts in September of this year, including the symphony, part of which is heard tonight. Introduction, Theme and Variations - Hummel Hummel was an infant prodigy, and, after tuition by Mozart, became an international concert pianist and conductor of Court Orchestras in Eisenstadt, Stuttgart and Weimar. His output as a composer was substantial, and apart from the many work~ involving the piano, his reputation rests mainly on the Trumpet Concerto and the work heard tonight. The 'Theme and Variations' are in clearly definable sections, giving the soloist admirable opportunity for display.

Star Wars - John Williams arr. Ray Farr

Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op. 64 (4th movement) - Tchaikovsky

Everyone is familiar with the music from

The first four of Tchaikovsky's symphonies were composed during the decade 1867-77.

Eleven years were to separate the Fifth from its immediate predecessor. Tchaikovsky conducted its first performance in November in St Petersburg, following it up with another in Prague; but though the public liked it, the critics gave it a cool reception. The four movements of the work are linked by a recurring theme heard at the outset in the clarinets and in varied guises thereafter. The poignancy of the main theme of the second movement is set against the waltz-like third movement and the triumphant march of the last. The immense popularity of this symphony must be due to its tunefulness, forceful orchestration and heavy undercurrent of Romantic emotion. Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 'Land of Hope and Glory' Edward EIgar The Pomp and Circumstance marches form a series of five military marches for orchestra, four of which date from between 1901 and 1907 and the last from 1930. The celebrated patriotic words of A. C. Benson (see page 10) were added later to the first march in 0 Major for a special Gala Performance given to commemorate the Coronation of Edward VII.

HOLMFIRTH HIGH SCHOOL BOYS' CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA Conductortrutor: Alan Simmons Saturday Afternoon Alan Simmons Holmfirth High School in West Yorkshire supports a large number of musical groups, two of which, the orchestra and choir, are featured in tonight's performance. The school places great importance on performing contemporary works, many of which are written especially for its musicians. Saturday Afternoon -

counterpoint. There are four choruses in the song which work together contrapuntally with unison verses between to carry the narrative. Each time the chorus is sung another part is added so that finally it is in four parts. The choir is accompanied by the school orchestra, whose role is more than simply to accompany.

A/an Simmons

Saturday Afternoon was written in direct response to a plea from many teachers for music which would encourage the average boy to sing. It was designed to have an attractive subject (football) and plenty of humour, as well as a reasonably demanding musical content. The choir is a real cross-section of 'average' schoolboys. Some members have choral experience but the majority have none. Alan Si.rnmons wanted to include part singing, and knowing that singers with little expel'ience are much happier with tunes than haIlllonies, he decided to write

Holmfirth High School

Grangetown Recorder Ensemble

Guildford Percussion Ensemble

Guildhall School of Music & Drama Junior Brass Balld

Hertfordshire County Youth Orchestra


1984 A BUSY YEAR FOR SCHOOLS PROMMERS ... In March this year, W.H. Smith were pleased to sponsor your regional auditions, beginning at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on London's South Bank, and in Aberystwyth, Barnet, Bedford, Bedworth, Birmingham, Brighton, Colchester, Derby, Exeter, Glasgow, Guildford, Leeds (twice), Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Penge, S1. Helens, Southampton, Stafford, Stourbridge, Swindon and Wakefield. We enjoyed the National Festival at the South Bank in July. Congratulations on getting to the Albert Hall! We'll be with you again in the regions in March 1985.


Programme Notes JAZZ DE SUD

SP84--Don Lusher

Musical Director: Bob Jenkins Soloist: Don Lusher Lulworth Cove (from the Wessex Suite) Mike Hatchard SP84 Don Lusher Birdland Josef Zawinul

This piece is dedicated to everyone connected wHh this wonderful happening, both performers and organisers.

Jazz de Sud is an independent Bournemouth-based orchestra. Its raison d'~tre is to give young musicians in and around the area an opportunity of playing a form of music which is not readily available. One problem the orchestra faces is the lack of 'player availability'. 'It's very difficult to tell a player that he or she is needed for rehearsal, when they have been given the opportunity to play a solo part in a youth symphony orchestra or brass band concert: It is for this and other reasons that Jim Smart is actively seeking sponsorship; his aim is to establish a music centre cat.ering for jazz and its support music. His concern is that too many youngsters are denied the joy of music making because of certain views on the musical validity of jazz and 'pop' music. Lulworth Cove (from the Wessex Suite}-Mike Hatchard Lulworth Cove received its first public performance at the 1984 National Festival of Music for Youth and is part of the Wessex Suite specially written for Jazz de Sud. The piece is a fine example of 'state of the art' big-band composition by one of this country's most talented musicians. Commencing with five sustained chords, the work's bitonal element is immediately established and is prevalent throughout. The composer's classical training is reflected in the impressionistic hannonies which are developed and linger with the listener long after the final note nas been played.

spent 17 exhilarating days touring Austria, Yugoslavia and Germany, during which time they gave 13 concerts to delighted and enthusiastic audiences. Nott'num Town-Alan Street

Birdland-Josef Zawinul Birdland in its short life has become a big band classic. Jazz de Sud play this piece at a tempo much faster than the composer intended, simply because they prefer to do so. Such is one of the great freedoms of jazz.

The first movement suggests the medieval castle which is built on rock, high above the city. In the second movement the composer imagines the strolling couples by the river bank, whilst in the final movement he depicts the hustle and bustle of the ancient Goose Fair which dates back to 1284.


Athletic Festival March-Prokofiev One of six splendid marches for Wind Band, that is typically Russian in its flavour and speed.

Conductor: Jeffrey Vaughan Martin Fanfare and National Anthem arr. Gordon Jacob Nott'num Town Alan Street i) At the Castle ii) By the Trent iii) Goose Fair Athletic Festival March Prokofiev


Opportunities for young musicians at County level have been expanded in recent years to include the Kent Schools' Symphonic Wind Band, the Kent Youth Choir and the Kent Percussion Ensemble. These groups further enhance the enviable reputation in music making established initially by the Kent County Youth Orchestra which has recently celebrated its 21st birthday.

Conductor: Anthony Knight The Willow Pattern Anthony Knight Libretto: Joanna Knight

The 82 players of the Kent Schools' Symphonic Wind Band (formed in 1976) range in age from 13 to 19 and meet regularly during the holidays for residential courses. They were pleased in 1982 to give the first performance of a double concerto for clarinet and trumpet by Gordon Jacob in Canterbury Cathedral.

Ludlow School is a rural comprehensive of just over 1,000 pupils and a catchment area of over 400 square miles. Music plays a vital part in the school curriculum and every child has the opportunity to participate in, and appreciate, many forms of music making. In 1983 the school brass band took part in the National Festival of Music for Youth at the Royal Festival Hall; this year it is the turn of the choir. The choir has only recently been formed, numbering thirty-eight pupils with six percussionists and four dancers. The National Festival of Music for Youth was their first experience of public performance other than school concerts given in, and around, Ludlow.

In 1982, the KSSWB toured Germany and Switzerland, and in August this year they

The Willow Pattern-Anthony Knight Libretto: Joanna Knight This work was especially written for the choir to perform at the National Festival of Music for Youth. The choir tells simply, in oriental style, the legend of the Willow Pattern through a combination of voices, movement and percussion. Whether the Willow Pattern plate illustrates the story, or the story was first told to illustrate the plate, is not known.

Jazz de Slld

Kent Schoo ls' Symphonic Wind Ba'ld

Ludlow High School


Programme Notes NEWTOWN HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' GROUP Conductor: Jayne Davies Gloria Gareth Wood Brown Baby Oscar Brown Inr arr. Ollie McFarland Egyetem, Begyetem Zoltdn Koddly Newtown is a busy mid-Wales market town which has undergone substantial development in recent years. The local comprehensive school serves a wide area and many of its pupils come from a farming background. The Girls' Group, made up of girls throughout the school from 11 to 18 years of age, has taken part in numerous concerts and has won many prizes in national and international competitions. It has also featured on radio and television. Highlights of the Group's history include winning the Open Folksong Party Competition at the Llangollen International Eisteddfod, 1979, with an additional award for the best performance of the day; taking third place in the United Kingdom School Choirs Competition 1979; winning the radio competition for Welsh School Choirs 1982 (second prize 1984) and receiving an 'Outstanding Performance Award' at the National Festival of Music for Youth earlier this year.

Gloria-Gareth Wood Gareth Wood, a young Welsh composer, is becoming increasingly well known for his compositions in the field of orchestral and brass band music. The 'Gloria' (one of his rare choral pieces) was specially commissioned a few years ago for the Hafren Ladies Choir, Newtown, also conducted by Jayne Davies. 'Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth Peace, Good will to all men.'

The Norwich Students' Orchestra is organised by Norfolk Local Education Authority. It meets weekly during term and is for advanced orchestral musicians of school age who can attend Norwich-based rehearsals. The NSO benefits from regular sectional coaching by county peripatetics. Entry is by audition, and the autumn term is usually spent on general repertoire and orchestral training. January is the start of rehearsals for the major spring concerts before the disbandment of the NSO during '0' and 'A' levels, when remaining members prepare chamber concerts for performances in Norwich Cathedral. Recent symphony concerts have included Nielsen's Symphony No. 1; Brahms' Serenade in D, and the Shostakovich Second Piano Concerto. March from 'Things to Come'-Arthur Bliss Sir Arthur Bliss wrote the music for the film of H. G. Wells' 'Things to Come' in 1935. The 'March' is not a celebration of victory nor heroism, rather a reflection of the pulse and hysteria of war, and the inevitability of tragedy. Horn Concerto No. 4, K. 495--W. Mozart (ii) Andante-Romanza (iii) Allegro Vivace Mozart wrote all four horn concertos in the 1780s and for one player, Joseph Leutgeb, who became friendly with the Mozart family in 1763 and enjoyed comradeship with the composer until Mozart's death. The fourth concerto was finished in June 1786, two months after 'Figaro', and contains perhaps the best known movement of the horn repertoire.

An arrangement of a Hungarian dancing song by one of the world's most important collectors of folk music, Zoltan Kodaly. Hippity, Hoppity, gaily dance!

NORWICH STUDENTS' ORCHESTRA Conductor: John Burdett Soloist: Naomi Atherton Fanfare and National Anthem March from 'Things to Come' Horn Concerto No. 4, K. 495 (2nd and 3rd movements)



Arthur Bliss W. Mozart

Bolero-Ravel arr. Peter McGarr 'Bolero' was first peformed as a ballet in Paris, in 1928, to the following story: 'The scene is a tavern in Andalusia. A woman dances on a table, first with slow swaying movements; then more excitedly. One by one the watching gypsies are aroused and surround the table. The dance becomes more violent until the stage is a swirling mass of bodies and the woman is thrown from one man to another. Jealousy creeps in. Knives are drawn, and the men close in ... but the woman is rescued by her partner.' Can Can - from 'Orpheus in the Underworld' Offenbach arr. Peter McGarr The 'Can Can' was originally entitled 'Galop infernal' and bore no resemblance to the dance associated with the Moulin Rouge in the 1890's. In 'Orpheus' it was in fact a bacchanal danced by both men and women dressed in wild costume.

PHOENIX (BARROW SIXTH FORM COLLEGE) Musical Director: Stephanie Ferguson

Country Colours

An item from Oscar Brown Jnr's 'Joy', a socalled 'Musical Come-Together', arrangement.

Egyetem, Begyetem-Zoltdn Koddly

The overture creates the atmosphere of toreadors entering the arena for the bullfight. Speaking of the work to a friend, Bizet remarked, 'I have written a work that is all clarity and vivaCity, full of colour and melody ... come along, I think you will like it!'

After the Goldrush True Love

Brown Baby-Oscar Brown Inr arr. Ollie McFarland

A mother looks down at the sleeping child in her arms, wishfully thinking of the future.

Overture from Carmen- Bizet arr. Peter McGarr

ORCHESTRAL STEEL Directorrrutor: Peter McGarr Overture from Carmen Bizet arr. Bolero Ravel f Peter Can Can - from Offenbach J McGarr 'Orpheus in the Underworld' Orchestral Steel is based at Seymour Road Junior School in Clayton, which is situated in an inner urban area of Manchester. They have performed extensively throughout the North West and in 1980 won the Minority Arts Advisory Service Trophy (North West). In 1981 they were finalists in Thames Television's 'Fanfare for Young Musicians' and in 1983 were featured with the Halle Orchestra at the Free Trade Hall in an arrangement of 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy'. The children' s ages range from 8 to 11 years old and their repertoire consists of classic, calypso and contemporary music.


Neil Young ~'Sl David Essex J H arns ~ Peter Stretch arr. Len Davey

The close-harmony group Phoenix was formed in September 1983 when its members were all students at Barrow Sixth Form College. Although two of the girls have now left college, the group continues to meet and perform, often with a great deal of travel involved in order to rehearse. Phoenix specialise in light folk/jazz numbers, which are mostly arranged by their guitarist Lesley Harris. They also perform their own compositions. In the last 12 months, they have broadcast frequently for BBC Local Radio. After the Goldrush-Neil Young arr. Lesley Harris True Love--David Essex arr. Lesley Harris These are unusual arrangements of the original versions, displaying a variety of vocal techniques. Country Colours--Pete Stretch arr. Len Davey This was written and arranged for the girls by two teachers from a local school. It is one of the most outstanding numbers in the group's repertoire.

SCALBY SCHOOL JAZZ ORCHESTRA Musical Director: Tony Turner Gospel John left Steinberg The Pink Panther Henry Mancini Santa Anna Jack CartneT Scalby School serves a wide rural catchment area of well over 100 square miles to the north and west of Scarborough, North Yorkshire. Reorganised along comprehensive lines in 1973 the school has 1050 boys and girls aged from 11 to 16.

Music plays an important part in the life of the school and its community. A large percentage of the pupils participate enthusiastically in the instrumental and choral activities of the school, which include two choirs, wind band, orchestra, jazz orchestra and guitar, recorder and percussion ensembles. The Scalby School Wind Band was formed in 1980 and has

already become well known in North Yorkshire for its concert performances and festival successes. The Jazz Orchestra was formed last Christmas to give members of the wind band an extra musical experience and in this short space of time has become a popular addition to the many concerts given by the Scalby School musicians. In addition to his work at the school Tony Turner also conducts the North Yorkshire E.A.S.Y. Band, the wind band/jazz orchestra of the Scarborough Music Centre, which appeared in last year's Schools Prom and in the National Festival of Music for Youth on four occasions. Four members of the Scalby School Jazz Orchestra are also members of the E.A.S.Y. band.

The Pink Panther-Henry Mancini A modem classic with a chance for some audience participation! Santa Anna-fack Cortner The band's favourite piece - jazz rock with plenty of exciting work for soloists and band.

Gospel John-feft Steinberg Featured on record by the legendary trumpeter Maynard Ferguson this band arrangement demands precise section work throughout.

Nwton High School Girls Group

Norwich Students' Orchestra


Orchestral Steel

Sealby School Jazz Orchestra


In this, our Special Year, we are delighted • to contInue our support for

The Schools Prom 22

Programme Notes CITY OF SHEFFIELD YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Michael Brewer Soloist: Nigel Kennedy Festival Overture Shostakovich Carmen Fantasy Sarasate Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 'Land of Hope and Glory' Edward Elgar The City of Sheffield Youth Orchestra and Choir were originally founded as a joint unit by the Authority's Musical Adviser Carl Brownfug, in 1980. The Orchestra, whose first conductor was Christopher Fry and whose tutors have included such distinguished names as Martin Milner, Denis Simons and Kerry Camden, first appeared with the Choir in the 1982 National Festival of Music for Youth and at the Schools Prom. Since then it has appeared with international soloists such as John Lill and Anna Markland, has played in Switzerland and Gemtany, broadcast on radio and TV, and given man.y concerts in London and the North of England. It is hoped to take the orchestra to Russia in 1985 when they will visit Sheffield's twin city - Donetsk. The 90-strong orchestra is the pinnacle of a pyramid of six graded orchestras which rehearse weekly at the Langsett Music Centre in Sheffield. Because many of its members are students, it meets only three times a year during the school and college vacations for intensive rehearsal courses followed by one or more concerts. It has been honoured by being invited to perform in next year's Sheffield Philharmonic Concerts Series which normally only includes professional orchestras of international standing. The Orchestra's present conductor, Michael Brewer, is Director of Music at the famous Chetham's School of Music in Manchester

and he appears tonight by kind permission of the Headmaster and Governors. He has become well known in recent years as a conductor of both choral and orchestral music and has undertaken tours in both North and South America and in Europe. Festival Overture -


Written in 1954 for the thirty-seventh anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Shostakovich's Festival Overture has transcended the 'special occasion piece' barrier to become one of his most often performed works. Outgoing in nature, it combines a brilliance of orchestration with tunes and rhythm grandiose yet direct. A stately opening, heralded by a brass fanfare, leads to the first subject in sprightly style in the woodwind. Fanfares return. Strings, both pizzicato and arco, play their part. (Pizzicato with snare-drum make a splendidly piquant effect.) More brass fanfares usher in a coda bustling with energy. Carmen Fantasy -


The Spanish virtuoso violinist Pablo de Sarasate wrote fantsasies on themes taken from several well known operas. The Carmen Fantasy was written in 1883 and provides a vehicle for technical brilliance and beautiful tone - both of which the composer possessed in abundance. Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 'Land of Hope and Glory' Edward Elgar The Pomp and Circumstance marches form a series of five military marches for orchestra, four of which date from between 1901 and 1907 and the last from 1930. The celebrated patriotic words of A. C. Benson (see page 10) were added later to the first march in D Major for a special Gala Performance given to commemorate the Coronation of Edward VII.

SURREY SCHOOLS' SINFONIETTA Conductor: Zoltan Lukacs Symphonies for Wind Instruments (1920) I. Stravinsky The group was established in 1984 as the successor to the Abinger Hammer Ensemble to provide wider opportunities to members of Surrey County Youth Orchestra for playing chamber music. The aim is to include many twentieth-century works and, in particular, compositions for Wind ensembles. The Abinger Hammer Ensemble was invited to perform at the National Festival in 1981 and again in 1982 and 1983. In 1984, members of this augmented group, the Sinfonietta, formed into eight smaller ensembles, four of whom reached the National Festival and one was awarded an 'Outstanding Performance' in the open Wind Band category. The conductor, Zoltan Lukacs, is the County's bassoon tutor. Symphonies for Wind Instruments (1920) - 1. Stravinsky Not a Symphony in the formal sense Stravinsky explains, 'there are various short sections, a kind of litanies, in close tempo relations, succeeding one another, some rhythmic dialogues between separated woodwind instruments - this whole peculiar structure required a special title'. Stravinsky completed the orchestration in 1920 but was always dissatisfied with it, never publishing the score. However, in deliberately choosing the original version rather than the more often played revised version of 1947, the aim is to offer the listener the composer's more authentic instrumentation without any of the subsequent changes (made under commercial pressure?). With constantly changing tempo and time signature, it provides the players with one of the ultimate tests in rhythmic discipline and control.


of Sheffield Youth Orchestra

SUITt?Y Schools' Sinfonietta


Programme Notes SOUTH GLAMORGAN YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Frank Kelleher Soloist: Emma Johnson Concertino for Clarinet Carl Maria von Weber Berceuse and Finale from 'The Firebird Suite' 1. Stravinsky Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 'Land of Edward Elgar Hope and Glory' The South Glamorgan Youth Orchestra was formed in 1975 following the creation of the new County. Rehearsals are held in Cardiff at the Welsh College of Music and Drama and at twice-yearly residential courses. The County Council offers a number of instrumental scholarships tenable at the College and there are now Junior, Transitional, Schools and Chamber Orchestras meeting weekly in addition to the County Brass Bands, Wind Bands and Youth Choirs. Since 1980 the Orchestra, through a strong Parent Association, has raised over ÂŁ20,000 towards visits abroad. Highly successful exchanges with the Stuttgarter Musikschule and Jugendorchester Ahrensburg (Hamburg) have resulted in standing ovations, impressive reviews and broadcasts on German radio. The Orchestra has a very large current repertoire and consistently includes works by contemporary composers in its programmes. Alun Hoddinott has taken a special interest in the Orchestra and has invited them to perform for several years at the Cardiff Festival. His 'Quodlibet on Welsh Nursery Tunes' was written for and premiered by them in 1983. Chamber ensembles from within the Orchestra have also distinguished themselves in national competitions, including the National Chamber Music Competition for Schools (the Quodlibet Ensemble), the Schools Prom (Tower Brass Ensemble) and the National Eisteddfod of Wales (Wind Quintet). Flautist Justine Phillips and violist Elenid Owen are the winners of the first two T.S.B. All Wales, Young Musician of the Year' Awards, while three members, oboist Christopher Cowie, violinist Nicholas Ban and timpanist Christopher Thomas have won places in the European CoIhmllnity Youth Orchestra. Frank Kelleher has conducted and coached many youth orchestras and chamber ensembles at home and abroad. Early interest in the piano and organ complement his main specialism as a clarinettist. Prizes include a Convocation Award from the University of London of which he is a graduate. Following studies with Gervase de Peyer, his professional experience as a soloist, in chamber music and orchestrally, includes many broadcasts. He represents Wales on the Council and Executive of the Incorporated Society of Musicians and is Head of Wind Instruments at the Welsh College of Music and Drama.


Concertino for Clarinet - Carl Maria von Weber This work was written for H. W. Barmann whom Weber met in Munich in 1811 and subsequently accompanied on several concert tours. Weber wrote four major works for Barmann and in all of them exploited to the full the instrument's expressiveness, flexibility and wide range. After a slow introduction in C minor the main theme and its variations are in Eb major. A short adagio follows and the work ends with a finale based again on a variant of the main theme. Berceuse and Finale from 'The Firebird Suite' - I. Stravinsky The ballet 'The Firebird' is based upon an old Russian fairy tale. 1h~~ music begins with a lullaby where the Firebird hypnotises a grotesque throng of slaves, freaks and monsters into a deep sleep following a frenzied dance. The wonderful transformation scene which follows signifies the dissolving of the ogre's palace, the awakening of bewitched knights of stone and the wedding of the prince and princess.

The band first appeared in 1979 at the National Festival of Music for Youth and subsequently appeared at the Schools Prom, and this year will make their fifth appearance at the Royal Albert Hall.

Their musical director is Bill Connor who joined Stagesound last year and he has injected his own unique style of music into the repertoire which you can appreciate in today's programme.

Opening -

Bill Con nor

Originally the theme tune for Granada TV's arts programme 'Celebration' the version here was arranged for Stagesound in 1981. It was subsequently 'borrowed' and has been used as the band's opener ever since ... the composer followed later.

Pennies from Heaven -

Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 'Land of Hope and Glory' Edward Elgar The Coronation of Edward VII in 1902 prompted Elgar to write the 'Pomp and Circumstance' marches. The first two were played for the first time at the Promenade concert of October 22nd, 1901 and the D major march, with its tune of such breadth and majesty, has been closely associated with the 'Proms' ever since. The Schools Prom continues this tradition, long may it continue. The words of A. C. Benson, which were added later for a special Gala Performance to commemorate the Coronation of Edward VII, are given on page 10.

STOCKPORT SCHOOLS' STAGESOUND Musical Director: Bill Con nor Opening - Bill Con nor Pennies from Heaven Arthur Johnson arr. Bill Con nor Trida's Tune Bill Connor McGinty's Lore Bill Con nor Stagesound was formed in 1977 under the auspices of the education division of Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council to provide an outlet for young musicians from Stockport and the surrounding area who wished to play big band and orchestral jazz. The traditional swing band line-up has been augmented by strings and woodwind producing an extra dimension to the music and giving experience for the young players contrasting with their more classical music.

ArthuT Johnson arr. Bill Con nor

Bill Connor's arrangement of this well known standard takes us through the sections of the orchestra in turn; finally the tune that we all know springs into life, with a few diversions en route.

Trida's Tune -

Bill Connor

Ostinato piano supporting solo flute. The haunting tune is mirrored by unison strings coloured along the way by flutes and clarinets soon to be jOined by solo alto sax steering us through to the central section where a combination of synthesiser and vocal sounds envelop a series of restless chords. The drum kit kicks us on to another plane only to return to the opening melody, this time with unison voices . The piece was written 'in memory of a lovely lady'.

McGinty's Lore -

Bill Con nor

McGinty awaits the bus surrounded by sheep, moors, clouds (of the scudding variety) and many a boulder, one of which he is lying against. Waiting, he is aware of diving, twittering skylarks which become an irritation to him. He detests the countryside - sheep have no capacity for alcohol and skylarks don't count. McGinty awash, adrift in the bounty-hunting, womanising muddle of the world, akimbo in the dance of dreams ... begorra.

STOURBRIDGE SCHOOLS' WIND BAND Musical Director: lanet Bradley Jesus ChIist Superstar Andrew Lloyd Instant Concert

Webber arr. R. O'Brien Harold L. Waiters

The Stourbridge Schools' Wind Band provides an outlet for young musicians from the Stourbridge area of the

Metropolitan Borough of Dudley and is supported by the Education Authority and a Parents' Association. The Band was formed seven years ago by the highly successful peripatetic service, which operates in the area and has been conducted by Mrs Janet Bradley since 1978. There are apprOximately 60 young and enthusiastic musicians, aged between 9 and 13 years, who rehearse once a week. The

membership is constantly changing, with more advanced players progressing into senior Authority Orchestras and Wind Bands.

This is the first year that they have taken part in any major event although in the past they have performed locally at concerts, fetes and for charitable organisations.

South Glamorgan Youth Orchestra

Slourbridge Schools' Wind Band


10th Anniversary Schools Prom I am delighted to be able to congratulate the Schools Prom on the occasion of its Tenth Anniversary. I find nothing more encouraging than the sound and the sight of my young colleagues making music together. I am quite certain that we can safely entrust the future to these young people who have already given such convincing proof of their self-discipline and their dedication to excellence. Their youth and energy, their very British team-spiritedness, are a continuing inspiration to their older colleagues.

All music whether ancient or modem and all musicians whether active or passive start with youth and youthful aspirations . It is immensely encouraging to see the fruitful work of the National Festival of Music for Youth and the Schools Prom receiving public acclaim of a calibre which I have always feared was reserved for the old and eminent. Long may its breadth of interests and enthusiastic motivation continue. Christopher Hogwood Director The Academy of Ancient Music

Yehudi Menuhin, Hon. KBE

I have the highest admiration for the standard of musicianship maintained by the many musically gifted young people of today. It gives me much pleasure to send them my best wishes for this year' s Schoo~s Prom. Sir Lennox Berkeley, CBE, Hon. RAM

The Schools Prom is an event from which virtually every concert series in the world could learn a lesson. The lesson? That good music of all kinds, well and enthusiastically performed and in close juxtaposition whatever the style, can both capture the hearts of an audience and make a real contribution to the world of creative music-making. Cleo Laine, OBE and John Dankworth, CBE, FRAM

On behalf of The Times Educational Supplement, founding sponsor of the Schools Prom, I am delighted to send a message of greeting. In ten years the Schools Prom has achieved a lasting place in the youth music calendar. The blend of high standards - often breath-takingly high - and infectious enthusiasm, has established an instant tradition. Long may it continue. Stuart Mac1ure Editor The Times Educational Supplement

The last thirty years or so have brought nothing less than a revolution in the standard of music-making by the young, and the Schools Prom demonstrates just what the young are doing for music in Britain today. It's amazing, but it's not miraculous. It happens because there are wonderful teachers as well as talented pupils, and my great hope is that despite cuts in education, they will be allowed to go on doing their job in the future. Long live the Schools Prom, and the school music-making which is its lifeblood. Richard Baker, OBE


Congratulations to the Schools Prom on reaching its tenth year. These concerts probably do more than any other to demonstrate to large audiences the variety and quality of our instrumental teaching in all kinds of schools. It is an achievement that cannot be matched anywhere else in the world, and we should all feel proud of it. John Hosier Principal Guildhall School of Music and Drama

In the 10th Anniversary year, we at Commercial Union extend our best wishes to the Schools Prom. It has been our pleasure to be associated as a major sponsor for the past seven years and we are delighted that in this period so many young people have been encouraged to develop their musical ability and appreciation. Good luck for the next decade. A. B. Marshall Chairman Commercial Union Assurance

It gives me great pleasure to send my own best wishes and those of the Royal Academy of Music to the Schools Prom on the occasion of its tenth birthday. The success of the Schools Prom reflects the burgeoning standards in performance and appreciation of music in our schools and in society at large. The organisers are to be congratulated on this important contribution to our country's musical well-being. David Lumsden, . Principal Royal Academy of Music

In a grey world the Schools Prom is a positive symbol of all that is finest among young people. All too frequently the press - acting on the outmoded, misguided axiom that Bad news is Good news - maligns youth for the majority' s misdoings . As the antidote, let the world open its ears to the joyous young sounds in the Royal Albert Hall and it will discover the real truth, the message of hope and youthful vision and aspiration that the Schools Prom proclaims. Although the last thirty-five years have seen a revolution in young people's music-making, there is much to be done. Let's hope the Schools Prom will show that even in an underfunded educational system it is not always just a matter of money! We all at Youth & Music salute the Schools Prom and wish Larry Westland and his team, the myriad of teachers and organisers but, above all, the musicians, the very happiest of occasions. Alan Fluck Youth & Music

The Schools Prom has become an important event in the musical calendar, reflecting the high standard of music achieved in this country' s schools. On behalf of the Royal College of Music I send best wishes for this year's concert, being the tenth in the series. Sir David Willcocks, CBE, MC Director Royal College of Music

The Schools Prom has become a National Institution with International acclaim. To my knowledge there is nothing to compare with it and we an the envy of the world of Youth Music. I am proud to have been associated with the Schools Prom from its inception. Cyril Gee President The Association of Music Industries (AMI Managing Director Belwin Mills Music Limited


The Schools Prom is a great climax to Music for Youth's annual series of events. Congratulations to all concerned, and a very happy tenth birthday. We love being involved at the beginning of every season, when we set the ball rolling by sponsoring the regional auditions. Julian Smith External Affairs Director W. H. Smith & Son Ltd

developing their interest and involvement in music beyond their school years . Our hope is that in turn they will encourage and inspire others to strive for similar musical goals, and that the Schools Prom and Music for Youth will continue to accomplish their great aim to 'Keep Music Alive in our Schools'.

Making music is always fun, however painful the results. But the greatest pleasure comes from learning how to do it properly. Once again the Schools Prom has come round, bringing reward for the hours spent in solo practice and ensemble rehearsal. Good luck to every young musician involved! Steve Race, FRAM, FRSA

Sir Patrick Meaney Chairman, The Rank Organisation

Flourishing school and youth music are essential for our continued national musical life. The contribution made by Larry Westland and the invigorating and exciting Schools Prom is enormous. Congratulations and may this be the first of many decades. Nicholas Cleobury

My congratulations to all concerned on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Schools Prom. To either perform, or to listen, or even just to take note of Larry Westland and his team, so in command of the situation, is a very interesting experience. I am both honoured and thrilled to be connected with it once again. Best wishes to you all. Don Lusher

The Tenth Anniversary of the Schools Prom is an occasion for celebration and congratulation. My warmest good wishes go to those who have raised the standard of music in our schools and provided the joy and achievement of participating in music making. I hope I can continue for many years my own small contribution of support for this wonderful work. The Baroness Phillips, JP H.M. Lord Lieutenant of Greater London

The Rank Organisation is pleased to be associated with both the Schools Prom and the National Fe~cival of Music for Youth. I am glad, therefore, to take this opportunity to express our admiration and congratulations to the organisers and to wish continuing success to all concerned in these excellent events. The programmes and the auditions from which participants are selected enable young musicians throughout Britain to fulfil their talents and achieve their highest standards in indi\'idual performances as well as

Hair-raising it may be, but playing in the Schools Prom is like playing nowhere else! Every good wish to everyone involved, especially to Larry Westland, and let's hope we can all continue to enjoy this unique musical event for many years to come. Good Luck!

Happy Birthday - Schools Prom! You are one of the most exciting events in the musical calendar, and a vibrant, starry symbol of Music for Youth. John Denison, CBE

Nick Daniel

Co-presenting the 1983 Schools Prom was for me an inspiring experience: introducing the best to the best. On the platform - an amazing range of music performed by children and young people from all backgrounds helped by the sustained hard work of devoted teachers and conductors. In the hall - also the best kind of audience. Everyone from eight to eighty years of age involved in music and able to appreciate and understand musical points in a way to delight any professional presenter of music. And backstage, too, the best. An organisation small in numbers but great in heart and vision, devoted likewise to developing in the most appropriate way - by performing - the young talent which will enrich Britain' s musical future.

It gives me great pleasure to send good wishes and congratulations to all concerned with the Schools Prom at this important landmark in its highly successful history. John Manduell, CBE Principal Royal Northern College of Music

The staff and students of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama join in sending all good wishes to those participating in this year's Schools Prom. We are confident that it will be a tremendous success. PhiIil? Ledger PrinCIpal Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama

Atarah Ben-Tovim

Greetings and best wishes for continued success in the speCially \'aluable field of Music for Youth - the need for which obviously increases and (one hopes) becomes increasingly obvious. Meredith Davies Principal Trinity College of Music

All I can say is that when I did the Schools Prom in 1982 it was one of the greatest sensations I've ever experienced. What a tremendous thing it is getting all those talented young people together and opening the public's eyes. The atmosphere at a Schools Prom is unique. Kenny Baker


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Programme Notes SOLIHULL SIXTH FORM COLLEGE STRING ORCHESTRA Conductor: Ray Heartfield Oivertimento No. 1 in 0, K. 136 (movements) W. Mozart Simple Symphony (Frolicsome Finale) Benjamin Britten A great deal of the music-making at Solihull Sixth Form College centres around a wide variety of chamber ensembles. The members of the string chamber orchestra came together at the beginning of this year although most of them had played together previously in other chamber groups as well as the Solihull Youth Orchestra and Solihull Sinfonia. Oivertimento No. 1 in 0, K. 136 (Andante, Presto) - W. Mozart One of three Divertimenti written in 1772 in Salzburg. Simple Symphony (Frolicsome Finale) -'- Benjamin Britten The last movement of the well-known Simple Symphony Op. 4 written in 1934, in which Benjamin Britten makes use of some early piano pieces and songs. In the finale we hear material from his Piano Sonata No. 9 (1926) and a Song (1925).

TOWER BRASS ENSEMBLE Quintet (1st movement) La Cumparsita

Malcolm Arnold Rodriguez arr. Komtanek

Founded in 1983, the Tower Brass Ensemble formed itself from principal members of the South Glamorgan Youth Orchestra. The ensemble rehearses without conductor or tutor, and takes every opportunity to perform in public, often for charity. Providing their own music, the repertoire of the ensemble is extensive, encompassing many styles from baroque to modem jazz. Individually the players have also gained success. All possess scholarships to the Welsh College of Music and Drama, and the TBE contains members of the National Youth Orchestra and Brass Band of Wales. Quintet (Allegro) - Malcolm Arnold Quintet was written in 1961 for the Philip Jones brass ensemble. It has since become standard repertoire in the world of brass quintet. La Cumparsita - Rodriguez arr. Komtanek La Cumparsita is a transcription of a Latin American dance, the Tango. Its style is rhythmic and precise.

WALSH MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR Director: David Victor-Smith The Ride of the Witch Charles Wood The Lord's Prayer Antony Hopkins Bamba arr. Charles Clauson

Walsh Middle School is situated on the SurreylHants border and draws its 250 pupils from the area around Ash and Aldershot. The choir was formed by its present Director when the school was opened in 1973 and it has grown steadily ~ reputation since then. This year marks therr second consecutive appearance at the Schools Prom. Although Walsh Middle School supports a thriving brass group (finalists at the National Festival in 1983), most of the choir members do not have the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument. But they do make full use of their voices! Membership of the choir, which is by audition each September, has provided the children with experiences and opportunities rarely enjoyed by their peers. After their performance here last year, the presenter Antony Hopkins expressed a wish to hear this choir singing his setting of the Lord's Prayer. This gentle unison arrangement provides the centre-piece of their programme tonight. Before it they sing the atmospheric 'Ride of the Witch', written as a canon and with quite a menacing flavour. In complete contrast, their programme ends with a Walsh Choir favourite - the Spanish frivolity 'Bamba'. This song gives an opportunity for some extra instrumental accompaniment and, indeed, for you the audience to help 'Keep the beat'!

Tower Brass Ensemble

Solihull Sixth Form College String Orchestra

Walsh Middle School


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Programme Notes WHIT CHURCH HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA Conductor: Eric Phillips Symphony No. 8 in B Minor 'Unfinished' (1st movement) Schubert Whitchurch High School, Cardiff, is one of the largest comprehensive schools in Wales with over 2000 pupils. Music flourishes at the School which has three orchestras, two choirs, a wind band, brass band and a rock group, as well as smaller ensembles. The Music Department has four full-time members of staff. Peripatetic instrumental teachers visit the School each week. The School gives, on average, three concerts each year at different venues in the Cardiff area. Many of the orchestra's members also belong to the South Glamorgan Youth Orchestra. A number also play with the National Youth Orchestra of Wales, the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain, the European Community Youth Orchestra and Pro Corda, the National Association for Young String Players. Symphony No. 8 in B Minor 'Unfinished' (Allegro moderato) - Schubert Schubert began writing his Symphony in B Minor in 1822, but after composing two

movements and starting on a third, he apparently laid the Symphony aside, thinking he could not continue it despite the fact that he was at the peak of his creative strength at this time. Today the two movements seem wonderfully complete in themselves, the perfect balance between contrasted moods. The 'Unfinished' Symphony is scored for the standard classical orchestra with the addition of three trombones. From the very beginning of the first movement (Allegro moderato), dramatic tension and lyrical ease are placed in telling juxtaposition.

THE WINCHMORE HILL STRING ORCHESTRA Conductor: Peter Watmough Concerto in D Minor for two violins and orchestra J. S. Bach The Winchrnore Hill String Orchestra meets at weekends to give a further dimension to the experience of string playing. There are also frequent rehearsals for a senior orchestra and various chamber groups. They are all maintained from support given by the parents.

chosen then as many different pupils as possible are encouraged to enjoy the opportunity of taking the lead through a series of rehearsals. The players are used to working with cassette tapes to organise and focus their learning for a given piece. Most of them use the 'New End' practice support cassettes when preparing for examinations. Concerto in D Minor for two violins and orchestra


S. Bach

This concerto comes from the period when Bach was Capellrneister to the Prince of Anhalt-Cothen and it is modelled on the concertos of Torelli, Corelli and Vivaldi. Soloists in the Baroque concerto are very much part of the orchestra, as in this first movement, where they emerge primarily to give contrast to the sonorities. The beautiful second movement is very much in the Italian style of intricately ornamenting a solo line and supporting it with a bass ostinato.

Music studied by the various groups is usually used as a basis for individual lessons and it is selected with this purpose in mind. When a concerto type piece is

Whitchurch High School

Tlte Winchmore Hill String Orchestra



Schools Prom Personalities Larry Westland, Director and Producer, is well known for his work in youth music, notably as Director of the National Festival of Music for Youth, which he founded in 1971 with the backing of The Association of Music Industries. In 14 years the Festival has grown into the most comprehensive youth music festival in Europe. The Festival embraces all forms of instrumental music and this year over 20,000 young musicians took part. He has produced the Schools Prom since it began in 1975. He is Executive Director of Music for Youth, a charity which has been formed by The Association of Music Industries, Commercial Union Assurance, The Rank Organisation and The Times Educational Supplement. He is General Administrator of the British Yout,h Band Championships which he founded in 1978 in conjunction with the British Youth Band Association. He is also Director of the Festival of Choirs held at the Royal Festival Hall in conjunction with the National Association of Choirs.

Ulrry West land

Don Lusher, Guest musician, was born in Peterborough and started learning the trombone at the age of 6 with his father. He also played comet, euphonium and drums. In 1942 he joined the Royal Artillery and after the war became a member of The Polar Stars. After a period out of work, he was engaged by Joe Daniels, then by Lou Preager at the Hammersmith Palais. Other musicians he has played with include Jack Parnell, Ted Heath, Henry Mancini, as well as touring with Frank Sinatra on many occasions. In addition to his studio work he now runs the Don Lusher Big Band, the Don Lusher Trombone Ensemble and was chosen to direct the re-formed Ted Heath band. He undertakes many solo engagements, particularly in the brass band movement. In 1976 Don was voted Musician of the Year by the BBC Jazz Society, and in 1979, 1982, 1983 and 1984 attended the International Trombone Association Workshop held in Nashville, USA to give master classes and recitals. His taste in music is very wide 'Anything so long as it's good,' says Don!

Don Lusher

NigeI Kennedy, Guest musician, is Britain's foremost young violinist. He was chosen by the BBC as the subject of a five-year documentary on the development of a solOist, which culminated in his Festival Hall debut with the Philharmonia Orchestra and Riccardo Muti in 1977. Since then he has appeared with all the major British orchestras under such conductors as Vladimir Ashkenazy, Sir Charles Groves, Vernon Handley, James Loughran, Yehudi Menuhin, Riccardo Muti, Sir John Pritchard and Simon Rattle. He has appeared at all the leading UK festivals and many in Europe, including the Stresa and Lucerne Festivals with the Philharmonia and Ashkenazy, Gstaad, Berlin and at Lockenhaus with Gidon Kremer. In 1980 he made his debut with the Berlin Philharmonic. Performances in Germany and Spain, and tours to the Soviet Union, Australia, New Zealand and the Far East are planned for 1985, and later that year he will make his first major tour of the United States. He is also well known in the jazz field, and has given concerts with Stephane Grappelli, including at Carnegie Hall and Edinburgh, and has his own jazz group. He is considered to be Britain's leading proponent of the violin works of Elgar and Walton, and has recently recorded both the Elgar Sonata with Peter Pettinger for Chandos Records, and the Elgar Concerto with the London Philharmonic Orchestra under Vernon Handley for EMI!Eminence.

Nigel Kennedy


Schools Prom Personalities Nicholas Daniel, Guest musician, was born in 1962. He first took up music singing in a church choir and then the piano at the age of seven. In 1972 he became a chorister at Salisbury Cathedral where he started to learn the oboe under Irene Pragnell. In 1975 he became a student at The Purcell School in Harrow. Whilst at The Purcell School he studied the oboe first with Sophia McKenna, next George Caird and then Janet Craxton, and was awarded a Gold medal for the highest marks in the country for the Associated Board Grade VIII examination.

In January 1984 Nicholas Daniel and Julius Drake gave their London debut recital at The Purcell Room, of which the Daily Telegraph wrote: ' ... the outstanding young oboist Nicholas Daniel who in a programme rich in unfamiliar yet rewarding items showed a remarkable technical adroitness, catholicity of taste and expressive insight.'

Emma was 18 last May while in Geneva representing Britain in the European Young Musician of the Year Competition where she won the Bronze Award, playing with the Orchestra of the Suisse Romande conducted by Horst Stein for an audience of over 20 million television viewers.

In 1980 Nicholas Daniel won the BBC 'Young Musician of the Year' competition and as a result of this he was offered solo and recital engagements all over Great Britain, playing with many of the most famous British orchestras. On leaving school Nicholas attended The Royal Academy of Music continuing his studies under Janet Craxton, until her sudden death, and then under Celia Nicklin.

Emma has been studying the clarinet since she was 9 years old with John Brightwell and also studies with Sidney Fell of the Royal College of Music.. She has been a member of the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain, and won various cups and awards for her playing.

In 1982 Nicholas performed Michae1 Beikeley's Oboe Concerto at the Queen Elizabeth HaU, London with the Southern Pro Arte Orchestra, and gave the first performance of Robert Spearing's Oboe Concerto which was written for him.

Since becoming 'Young Musician of the Year' she has had many professional engagements including: a concert for Radio 2 with the BBC Radio Orchestra broadcast live from the Royal Festival Hall, a solo

Nicholas Daniel


Emma Johnson, Guest musician, the 1984 BBC Television 'Young Musician of the Year', achieved a great popular success with her pe.rformance of a previously little known work, Crusell's Garinet Concerto in F Minor, which she played with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Bryden Thomson.

Emma Johnson

appearance on Independent Television, a concert with the Ulster Symphony Orchestra in Belfast Opera House, and numerous concerts and recitals throughout Britain. She has also been asked to play in Monte Carlo, Finland and Vienna. Emma has taken part in the National Festival of Music for Youth for at least 5 consecutive years, both as a member of Bromley Schools' Wind Band and as a member of John Brightwell's Clarinet Choir, and also in various small groups.

Naomi Atherton, Guest musician, is 18 years old and comes from Bradford in West Yorkshire. She is a full-time student at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester where she studies the horn with Michael Purton.

Although not from a musical family, she showed an early interest in music, and learned to play the recroder at the age of 6, taking up the piano shortly afterwards. When she was introduced to the horn at the age of 8 she declared she had found 'her instrument'. Before going to college she played with the National Children's Orchestra, the Bradford Brass Consort, the Leeds Youth Orchestra, and also toured in Florida with an Opera Company. Although only in her first year at music college she already plays first horn with the RNCM Wind Ensemble and the RNCM Symphony Orchestra.

Ken Griffin, Television Producer, started his musical training as a chorister at The Chapel Royal. At the age of 14 he joined the Army as a Band Boy with the King's Regiment (Liverpool). Some years later, after further studies at The Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Hall, he joined the Coldstream Guards Band. In 1966, after 20 years in the Army, Ken Griffin joined BBC Television as a Production Assistant and became a Producer some 5 years later. Now, as an Executive Producer in Television Outside Broadcasts, he is responSible for a variety of programmes ranging from Beauty Contests, Brass Band Competitions and the Variety Club Awards to World Dancing Championships and the Schools Prom, with which he has been associated since 1975.

Naomi has won numerous prizes at music festivals and her success as winner of the Brass Section in the 1984 BBC-TV 'Young Musician of the Year' competition has led to many invitations to take part in recitals and play concertos.

Naomi Atherton

Ken Grif fin


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Tutor: Donald Riddell Age range of performers: 17-18 years

Director: Norman Davies Assisting Staff: 5. Rigby, W. Peers Age range of performers: 11-16 years

Gillian Foster Nancy Dorey Colin Dowland Reuben Hart


CORBY BEANFIELD SCHOOL BAND Conductor: Don Manning Age range of performers: 12-17 years Solo Comets Lesley Craighead Valerie McNicol Tracey Hegarty Karen Masters Soprano Comet Tracey Webster Repiano Comet Emma Jones 2nd Comets Roy Pittendriegh !an McBride 3rd Comets Steven Tew Valerie Griffiths Amanda Gilson Flugel Horn Jane Harper Solo Horn Sandra Malley 1st Horn Debbie Beech 2nd Horn Glenda Leech

1st Baritone Fiona Anderson

Jonathan Clark Alison Kay Penny Argust Liam Femyhough Karl Dolan Michael Double Cathy Ditchfield Claire Edwards Suzanne Ewart Catherine Prisk Phil Collins Julie Cowin Kathy Ashall Ben Winder Sorelle Kane

Singers Sara Jones (solo) Mark Sullivan Mark Smith Mansoor Hassan Andrew Collins Dancers Siobhan Brady Julie Speedy Gary Barlow !an Shepherd Andrea Lewis

2nd Baritone Carolyn Carter 1st Trombone Mairi Morykit 2nd Trombone Helen Tait Bass Trombone NeU Morris Euphoniums Louise Jackson Lisa Wright EEb Basses Alec Pun Julie McEwan Gary MeCool

BBb Basses Leslie Pun John Cronin Percussion Bettina Lindsay Graham Cowe William Muir


Tutor: 5heila Nelson Age range of performers: 16--18 years Kavus Davis Kyra Humphreys Kurosh Davis Robert Max

Clio Could Mark McEvoy Kavus Davis Ania U11mann Robert Max

GRANGETOvv.N RECORDER ENSEMBLE Tutor: Bob Mason Age range of performers: 9--12 years Susan Bell Michelle King Anita Harding Tina Currie Sharon Rayson Marie Bruin

Janet Eddon Andria Binns Gary Tyennan Amanda Lawrence Sharon Mucklow Lynn Parsons

Tutor: William Kitto Age range of performers: 15-17 years Simon Connel David Lodge Graharn Reader Jonathan Savage

Simoll Smith;

Age range of performers: 11-1 5 \'ears Rosina Alunad Yvonne Callaghan Caroline Davidson Sally Jacobs Harriet Jones

Angela Lo\'e Unda Lo\'e Laura \litcheU Irnogen Preston \Luy Ann Tedstone

EuphoniumlBaritone D. Darley E, Grayson

F. Timms Percussion T. Ades D . Grist C. James S. Willcox

Conductor: John Westcornbe Age range of performers: 15-21 years

Conductor: John Clark Tutors: Comet: Paul Cosh, Andrew Mitchell,

Tutors: Jenny Ahmad, Rub r;; Tcd>tcme. Mike Watts

Tenor Horns F. Aitken K. Davies J. Day-Lewis R. Hall p, Nunnery S. Upton




Flugel Horn R. Nunnery

A. Nelson J. Rolinson M. Wheatley A. Whiteman S. Wilson Trombones A. Aitken M. Kearsey S. Kempster A. Newman D. Watson Basses M. Grayson S. Gregory A. Hobbs C. Ludwig

Tutor: 5heila Nelson Age range of performers: 15-17 years


K. Bennion N . Betts D. Bland T. Bradley P. Brown R. Draper G . Lewis K. Lusher G. Moorhouse B. Morrison A. Wi1lis R. Young

Hom: Peter Civil; Trombone: Leon Taylor; Percussion: 5ean Hoopcr; Tuba: WaYlle Faram Age range of performers: 1~19 years Soprano Comet S. Hickson Comets \:, Anderson J. Beadon

Violins Rebecca Atkinson Fiona Breckenridge Rosemary Brown Lara Carter Angus Davidson Cella Goodwin Philippa Hanson Susan Hedger Peter Hill Simon Howard NicoIa Jones Paul Lewis Nancy Lioyd Clare March Julia Martin Heidi Meister Jane Penrose Colette Quinn William Spencer Caroline Stafford Violas Liz Atkinson Denise Carr Cella Cole Richard Guthrie Joanna Woodcock Emily Wylie Cellos Kathryn Baines Ann-Marie Boyd Sally Daniell Katherine Green Jeremy Lake Joanna Hitchin Helen Leek Double Basses Adrian Barton Steven Higgs Janet Cropton

Flutes Ruth Fowler RosaIind Johnson Kay Risley Oboes Fiona Burman Peter Dyke Janet Moran Clarinets Malcohn Pritchard Arnanda Walker Bassoons Jeremy Meeharn Caroline Middleton Diana Pawsey Horns Roger Moring Kevin Pritchard Beth Randell Derek Wilson Trumpets Michael Childs NichoIas Hillyard Jeremy Loukes Trombones Liz Todd Mark Townend Tuba Richard CoIlings Percussion Susan Bentley Michael Payne Mark Walker


List of Perfonners HOLMFIRTH HIGH SCHOOL BOYS' CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA Conductorrrutor: Alan Simmons Age range of performers: 11-16 years Choir Peter Alibone Nicholas Allen Craig Bailey Praser Braughan Andrew Bright Marc Bull Andrew Cullen Jason Czerwik Matthew Day Matthew Dixon James Ellerton John Ellerton Michael Elviss Richard Ewart Gareth Gibson Jonathan Griffin Martin Griffin Adrian Hall Gregory Hall Damon Heppenstall Jeremy Horn Matthew Jackson Wayne Jessop Glynn Knapton Craig Lacey Bevan Laycock David Lee Simon Lee Gary Maude David Morris Gavin McDonald Michael McEwan Nigel McEwan Stuart McKay Christopher Mitchell Tim Parkin Jason Peel Andrew Penman Paul Roberts Neal Roberts Jonathan Roberts Michael Roberts Kenny Roberts Peter Scrimshaw Mark Shuttleworth Philip Scadden Michael Smith David Sykes Peter Spencer Matthew Stowell Matthew Taylor Darren Thurtle Matthew Temperton Jullan Turner Steven Turner Craig Whitehead Paul White

Orchestra Strings Jackie AUt Francis Beardsell Joanne Dodson Natalle Murray Julle Bradshaw Christopher Bamford Richard Tinsdeall Rachel Joynson Kate Irving Adam Brothers Rebecca North Rebecca Osborne Catherine Ellis Penelope Garrood Francesca Parnell Angeline Beamont Emma Jones Susan Middleton Jayne Fleming Susan Crabtree Heather Jackson Kay Wimpenny Alison Verity Helen Peasley Mark Tunmore Leo Keely Woodwind Georgina Kenworthy Anne Armitage Caroline Haigh Catherine Hollis Nadine Simmons Mark Appleyard Janine Denton Caroline Moulson Amanda Jane Lees Kate Boardman Samantha Tual Anna Dunford Joanna Hobson Kimberley Appleyard Maria Hall Ann Parkin Helen Stainthorpe Kate Lockwood Alison Smith Ann Dewsbury Esther Collard Helen Shaw Trudie Bell Jill Midwood Brass Martin John Craig lbbotson Percussion Jonathan Hinchcliffe Piano Paul Bamford

JAZZ DE SUO Musical Director: Bob Jenkins Concert Musical Directors: Paul Stacey, Ian Wood Age range of performers: 12-20 years Piano Simon Hunt Vibes Simon Allen Drums Matthew Senior Auxiliary Percussion Gareth Roberts Guitar Paul Stacey Bass Garry Phillips Trumpets/Flugels ran Wood Tim Hayward Paul Edmonds Peter Monk Chris Saggs Alto Saxophone/ Flute/Piccolo Aaron Smart Alto Saxophone Andrew Scott Tenor Saxophones Barry Pitfield Beverley Ridout Baritone Saxophone Sarah Lane Trombones Dave Smallwood Lorraine Kerley Mark Penny Robert Monk Calvin Bishop

KENT SCHOOLS' SYMPHONIC WIND BAND Conductor: Jeffrey Vauglum Martin Tutors: Eunice Hotton , Philip Cull, Sally Kirby, Roger Marshall, Alun Cook, Linda Kronman, Keith Woodger, Kevin KayBradl!!!) , Sieve Seeds, ChristopiJer Newport , Frederick Howl1'Ian , Kttthy Hall Age range of perfonners: Up to 19 Piccolos Pamela Heritage Joanne Coles Flutes Craig Chambers Jane Norton Hilary Crockford Pamela Heritage Viki Faithful Angela Snarey Joanne Coles Susannah Pod more Joanna Joslin Christopher Bundy Oboes Melanie Smoker Judith Boniface Rupert Ward Nicholas Loveland Cor Anglais Judith Boniface Clarinets Sarah Loveday Philip Whelan Susan Janes Rosemary Pirie Michael Weare Amanda Paterson Lynne Bancroft Heather Tipton Bridgett Neale Paul GiIford Suzi Faithful Allyson Stocker Nicola Best Louise Matthews Ruth Perry Louise Nash Alison Moore Julle Driscol Clare Donovan Sara Bond Katherine Peake Alto Clarinets David Cox Johanna Miskin Bass Clarinets Jeremy Shoobridge Jacqueline Bell

Alto Saxophones Robert Buckland Anna Hankey Tenor Saxophone Zoe Hinchliffe Bassoons Rosemary Cleave David Harrison Rebecca Menday Matthew Chase French Horns Karl Christmas Graham Andrews Tracy Davis Quentin Hutchinson Naomi Norris NeiI Atkinson Cornets Rosemary Scales Paul Kitchen Peta Anderson Harvey Smoker Vincent Francis Nicholas Pye Trumpets Fraser Harris Robert Sneddon Peter Hards Glenn Chambers Trombones Allce Kinloch Stuart 'Haddow Andrew Althorp Roger Dibbens Phillip Hyde Stephen Taylor Euphoniums Allson Morgan Richard Davies Richard Long Tubas Paul Cavey Michael Taylor Robert Miller Hazel Smith PercussionfTimpani Hermione Long lan Collins Julle Dyer David Widdicombe Jonathan Vincent Pippa Jones


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List of Perfonners LUDLOW SCHOOL CHOIR Tutors: Anthony Knight, Joanna Knight , loan Wise Make Up and Costume: Sheila and Ceraldine Rose Age range of performers: 12-16 years Choir Shln Harris Emma Wise Joanna Moore Wendy Barnett Joan Richards Leonora Dodd Kirsty Williams Penny Lovatt Carol Wilding Clare Powell Lynne Watkins Maddy Speed Helen Lewis Lara Furniss Julie Cordingley Judith O'Donavon Joanne Benton Joanne Ellis Catherine Ewins Catherine Rees Amy Mumford Vicky Sinc1air Charlotte Evans Sharron Jackson Jo Basten Katy Mountford Debbie Clee Kirn Edwards Margaret Taylor Kirn Nicholas Suzanne Colett Ruth Starnes

Percussion Isabel Kydd Katie Moses Sarah Holland Debbie Venables Tamsin Hooten Hannah Tudge Rosalind Taylor Movement Annabelle Oldfield Alice Hooten Alison Kydd Erica Waite

NEWTOWN HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' GROUP Tutors: Derek Davies , Pat Bums Conductor: Jayne Davies Accompanist: TTevor Hughes Age range of performers: 11-18 years Kirsty Brennan Judith Cound Julia Morgan Melissa Rothwell Debbie Knowles Jenny Orrells Suzanne Edwards Gail Kent Alison Pryce Sarah Hunt Sian Morgan Nichola Jones Helen Evans Sarah Roderick Helen Jones Fiona McArthur Gwen Davies Alex Jenkins Sharon Lowe Emma Jones Zoe Thomas Alison Lowe Susan Lowe Carys Jerman Kathleen Washington Jenny Morris Denise Jones Michelle Pratt Lisa Colloby Samantha Williams Pamela Evans Eira Owen Fiona Small Anne Evans Nadine Kynaston Sarah Morgan Wendy Dransfield Sarah Jones Hayley Morris Joanne Williams Stephanie Thomas Clare Mason Rhian Davies Alison Owen Eryl Jerman Nicolette Lewis Kirn Lewis Joy Marie Kent Nick\, Knowles Heather Davies Jennifer Lewis Rach-ael Tonks Rache l Jones Vanessa Owen Teresa ~Iorgan



Conductor: John Burdett Tutors: Julie Champeney, Paul C/arke, Angus Honeyman , Harry Thornton, Barry Wright Age range of performers: 12-18 years

Musical Director: Stephanie Ferguson Age range of performers: 17-18 years

Violins Jane Ashbee Penny Bain Jeremy Bradley Alan Brind Eleanor Capp Julian Chilvers Mary Clarke Ruth Clarke Lisa Cooke Rachel Darling Helen Downes Sarah Edwards Mark Finch Clare Green Elizabeth Haddon Christopher Harrup Christopher Heather John Ingham Peter Johns Rachel McManus Rachel Mockridge Sean O'Kane Benjarnin Payne Natalie Russell Andrew Storey Joanna West Ann Woolley Violas Robert Black Clare Brind Joanna Darling Sian Evans Nancy Fraser AVID MacDonald Claire Osborne CellosfBasses Mary Bridges Bridget Brind Rachel Capp Jessica Farnham Caroline Furniss Rachel Hulse Daniel Ivens Jenny Matthew Caroline Perrement Martin Robinson Martin Storey Sarah Vincent

Flutes Katy Bycroft Margaret Crafer Meryl Dempsey Mary Everitt Julian Landymore Oboes Sarah Burbridge Lucy Holdom Poppy Miller Rosalyn Tipple Clarinets Clare Akhurst Andrew Cullum Catherine Haddon Judith Osborne Bassoons Kirn Buxton Susan Lister Catherine Snook Maria Wooltorton Horns Rachael CurtissTooley Joanna Ede Abigail lnness Chris Salt Trumpets Jeremy Hills Julian Kirk Nick Lewis Trombones Jonathan Cooke Michael Kent-Davies Chris Miles Brian White TimpaniJPercussion Sirnon Inness Sarah Mason Amanda May

Lesley Harris Diane Loughlin Elaine Pears Debbie Pollock

SCALBY SCHOOL JAZZ ORCHESTRA Musical Director: Tony Turner Age range of performers: 11-16 years Alto Saxophones Karen Bolland Danielle Eades Bronwen Taylor Tenor Saxophones Bruce Dickinson Peter Shaw Baritone Saxophone Caroline Ellerker Flutes David Shaw Catherine Knowles Clarinets Susan East Victoria Hall Trumpets Helen Hitchcock Emma Whittaker Rebecca Tingay Alastair Bridge Ruth Miller Dale Moulding Michael Lynskey Sarah Stephenson

French Horn James Tingay Trombones Nicola Marshall Carolyn Smith Mark Penny Geoff Newiss Anne Wright Keyboards Gareth Taylor Jirn Dickinson Guitars Daniel Rourke Bruce Dickinson Bass Guitar Nina Chryssafi Percussion Andrew Moloney N uala Barrett Elizabeth Sneddon Katie Jowsey

ORCHESTRAL STEEL (SEYMOUR ROAD JUNIOR SCHOOL) Director Tutor: Peter McCarr Age range of performers: 8-11 years Lee Ainscough Cia ir \\' ainwrigh t Paula Hough Lisa Jo Park LesJey Carrington Tracy Reid

Tracey Hannan Karen Hough Claire Melior Danny Carrnichael Kelly Clayton Darren Rathmill



List of Perfonners CITY OF SHEFFIELD YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Michael Brewer Administrator: David Greenlees Orchestra Manager: Wendy Wessely Age range of performers: 13--21 years Violins Paul Warburton Anthony Banks Andrew Barber Susannah Barley Richard Barron Roger Barron Joanne Beever Catrin Blank !an Brownhill Sarah Fielding Ruth Harris Ruth Headridge Angela Hill Claire Hollocks Loma Latham Andrew Long Jane Osbome Rachel Porteous Elizabeth Porteous Elizabeth Ramsbottom Andrew Roberts Helen Robson Lisa RoIlin Hazel Sewell Julian Smith Elizabeth Stacey Bridget Stansfield Helen Thorpe Joy Warburton David Woodhouse Violas Ben Ashton Susan Calderbank Neil Davis Susanna Gowland Catherine Osbome Rachel Robson Michael Safo David Worrall Katherine Wren Cellos James Banbury Matthew Barley Jane Blank Carol Church Jane Eastwood Rachel Lewis Sally Maitlis Phyllis Moxam Kathryn Payton Robert Read Judith Robinson Heather Sewell

Double Basses Adam Barley Philip Hensher Mark Longson Michael McClean Catherine Needham Flutes Jill Robinson Alison Smith Patrick Snook Tracey Stewart Oboes Penelope Johnson Paula Robson Susan Sharp Clarinets Karen Betley Gillian Read Alison Rose Alison Wilkinson Bassoons Sarah Kirkaldy Allison Murphy Helena Robinson Horns Andrew Kilpatrick Alexandra Murphy Matthew Pollitt Elizabeth Price Richard Swift Trumpets Jeremy Klemz Martyn Thomas Nicholas Ward Trombones Andrew Digby Neal Pawley Bass Trombone Chris Fower Tuba Derek Scoins Percussion James Barrott Tim Bradshaw Alison Camplejohn Ben Daglish Deborah Watson

SOLIHULL SIXTH FORM COLLEGE STRING ORCHESTRA Conductor: Ray Heartfield Age range of performers: 16-19 years Violins Deborah Smith Sarah Steele John Chapple Carolyn Burr Karen Jeffries Fiona McIntyre Cathryn Pay Rebecca Lovegrove

Violas Jane Edwards Amanda Bluglass Cellos Jill Heartfield Catherine Lingham Double Bass Ann Smith

SOUTH GLAMORGAN YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Frank Kelleher Tutors: Woodwind: Ruth Watt; Brass: John Leach; Percussion: Eric Phillips; Strings: Jeffery L1UlJd; ViOlins: Mark Roberts, Caryn Hocking; Violas: Geoffrey York; Cellos: Kllthryn Thomas; Basses: Mary Myers Orchestral Secretary: Barbara Owen Assistant Secretary: John Ewart Jones Age range of performers: 13--21 years Violins Simon Ashton Helen Clissold Caitlin Constable Elisabeth Cottam Matthew Cottam Helen Davies Ruth Davies Emyr Evans Suzanne Fish Mary Gauci Julie Riggins Ruth Hills Elizabeth Hopkins Catherine Houghton Nerys Howe Jayne Hughes Ruth Humphrey Nigel Hurley David Ingram Craig lnnes Fraser lnnes Catrin Jones Debbie Keyser Bethan Morgan David Morgan Elenid Owen Anita Priddle Susan Rees Karen Thomas Sian Williams Jayne Williams Violas Step hen Banbury Nicholas BaIT Sian Bevan Clare Ford Sheena Islam Andrew Martin Elen ap Robert David Sherry Neil Symmonds

Cellos Gareth Blake Claire Constable Huw Davies Rachel Ford Sion Lewis Louise Martin Clare Parkholm Sarah Pepperell Tim Perkins Double Basses Joanna Brind Ashley Frampton Hannah Griffiths Elizabeth Humphrey John Pill Flutes and Piccolo Vivienne Braithwaite Ceri Phillips Justine Phillips Rhian Smith Oboes and Cor Anglais Sian Ball Christopher Cowie Helen Husband Angela Johns Rhiannon LloydJones Clarinets Julie Britton Ffion Jenkins Naomi Ramanaden Julian Wiggins Bassoons Edwin Massey Julia Thomas Helen Cotter Organ Stephen Johns

Horns Kim Darbey Stephen Jackson Julie Jones Paul Neate Trumpets Antony Keams Philip Kerby Michael Linsky Roger Moorcraft Timothy Vinal! Graham Worth Trombones Paul Bostock Elaine Moorcraft David Short Timothy Spear Sian Thomas Justin Thorogood

Tuba Philip Stead Harps Lynne Basset Lisa Evans Huw Richards TimpaniJPercussion Jonathan Cave Giles Davies Paul Doolan Kevin Moorcraft Christopher Thomas

STOCKPORT SCHOOLS' STAGE SOUND Musical Director: Bill Connor Age range of performers: 15-20 years Saxophones Derek Nash Peter Jones Peter Hoeden Robert Jinks Helen Curry Trombones Melvyn Howard Andrew Allcock Michael Barlow Laurence Sassoon Jonathan Adams Trumpets PhilipSwain Simon Coates Andrew Mooney Adrian Cragg Kevin Howard Keyboards Simon Brookes David Bradford Guitars David Cartwright Robbie Medina Drums David Healey

Percussion Susie Williams Flutes Joanne Wilson Caroline Sargeant Nicola Jenkins Clarinets Diana Scourfield Howard Woolley Kay Browning Violins Melanie Clark Helen Boxal! Alison Fields Rosalind Coward Joanne Lea Paula Truman Comelia Czirok Daniel Barber Vicki Leeman Cellos Judith Lea Ian Johnstone Ruth Townsley


Many of the young string players you will see here tonight started their musical careers with an instrument from Stentor, the premier supplier of orchestral stringed instruments in Britain. 'Stentor' strings and rosin have been known to orchestral players since 1895 and today you will find something from Stentor in every orchestra, be it professional, amateur or student. Famous makers such as Grunert, Sandner, Koberling, Voigt, Paulus, Riedl, Knoll, Uebel, Bazin send their instruments and bows to Stentor from all over the world, and some of these instruments are made from our own stocks of fine tonewoods and makers' materials. This total involvement enables us to continually work to raise the standard of student instruments; for example, 'Stentor Student' violins made to our own high specifications are available in six sizes for around ÂŁ40 and 'Andreas Zeller' cellos for around ÂŁ250.

Ask for full details of the complete service from Stentor, including 'Dogal', 'Red-o-Ray', 'Golden Spiral' and 'Stentor' strings, at your usual music shop, or write to the address below.

THE PURCELL SCHOOL The Purcell School is the only specialist music school in Greater London; it is coeducational and takes pupils of 9 - 18, providing a good general education with special music training and opportunities for talented musicians.

Some bursaries are available for candidates with exceptional ability. For further details, please contact: The School Administrator, THE PURCELL SCHOOL, Mount Park Road, Harrow OD the Hill, Middlesex HAl 3JS Tel: 01-422 1284

SCHOLARSHIP applications must be received by 1 December 1984. AUDITIONS will be held at the school on 16 and 17 February 1985.


List of Performers STOURBRIDGE SCHOOLS' WIND BAND Musical Director: lanet Bradley Age range of performers: 9-13 years Flutes Joanne Cartwright Anne Clark Sarah Hodnett Anna Stockton Jane Jones Ruth George Rachael Miliar Alison McKay Melissa Wyld Rebecca Banks Gall Stevens Jackie Steele Clarinets Juliet Ecclestone Usa Heathcote Deborah Stevens Usa Biddlestone Emma Woodward Christopher Darby Nina Hodnett Wendy Jones Tina Jones Oboes Kate Husselbee Matthew Perks Julie Kendrick Richard Banks Catherine Banks Saxophones Karen Hale Nicola Yates Comets Richard EIlis Steven Pearson Sarah Jones RachelBevan Tom Chisholm Elizabeth Davies Claire Homer Jamie Jones Nathan Cresswell

Flugal Horn Simon Hodgetts French Horns Fiona McKay Simon Hallowell Jeremy Bailes Charmian Hubbard Matthew Snedker Tenor Horns Katy Hill Lynn Newton Trombones Matthew Carless Paul Boden Adam Hubbard Euphoniums Adrian Hallowell Nicholas Woodruff Matthew Oakley Helen Terry . Tubas Sharon Dyche David Johnson Bassoons Elizabeth Harrison Loma Harrison Percussion Adrian Kelley Andrea Willott Helen Pearson Rebecca Payne

SURREY SCHOOLS' SINFONIETTA Conductor: Zoltan Lukacs Age range of performers: 13-19 years Flutes Katy Bircher Elizabeth Spooner Kate Howard Alto Flute Obbligato Emily Beynon Oboes Vanessa Maberle\' Claire Morley , Cor Anglais Katherine Ault Clarinets Barbara WyIlie Robert Ault Michelle Ronayne

Bassethom Obbligato Liz Caton Bassoons Graham Jackson Andrew Chenery Penny Coulthard Amanda Knight Contra Bassoon Catherine Fisher Horns Step hen \Iorton Ernma Palmer Rachel Fowler Christopher \\'eeks

Trumpets Lindsay Mams Ailsa Palmer Mark Burton

Trombones Duncan Reynell Andrew Oakley Bass Trombone Madelaine Mundy Tuba Susan Rookes

TOWER BRASS ENSEMBLE Age range of performers: 17 years Adrian Jackson Michael Linsky Stephen Jackson Justin Thorogood Philip Stead

WALSH MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR Director: David Victor-Smith Age range of performers: 8-12 years

Lucy Amos Joanne HoIlis Susan Jackson Rebecca Atkins Heidi Austin Melanie Kay Nathan BarbercKebby CIaire Kinge Amanda Bramley Leon Lampard ran Brown Ross Lampard Jonathan Brown Joanne Lelliott Samantha LeIliott Debbie Bush Sharon Birkenshaw Joanna Marler Susan Myall Cindy Coates Mandy Coates Caroline Pugh Elaine Conn Nikki Redfern Rachel Cox Louise Shinn Simon Connolly Claire Simpson Melanie Creary Usa Traylen Alison Demers Katherine Wells Nicola Wilson Simon EIliott Samantha Wllson Zoe Farish Lucy Hamblin Michelle Winwright Usa Hamilton Usa Wright Janet HoIlis


Conductor: Eric Phillips Tutors: Jeffrey Uoyd, Sylvia lanes,

Knthryn Morgan, Ruth Watt, lohn Leach, Tony Tasty Age range of performers: 12-18 years First Violins Ruth Hills (Leader) Helen Clissold Jenny Hughes suzanne Fish Elizabeth Hopkins Catherine Houghton Em\'! E\'ans EliZabeth Cottam Da\'id Ingram

Second Violins Matthew Cottam stephen Best Lisa Evans Carys David Eurwen Williams sean Condon Karen Trigg sarah Lees stephen Morgan Jonathan Hill Susan Houghton

Violas Nicholas Barr stephen Banbury Stephen James Hugh SuIlivan Cellos Huw Davies Kathryn Howard Richard Wiegold Helen McAdie Kathryn Thomas Double Basses John Pill Hannah Griffiths Mary Myers Flutes Rhian Smith Karen Hoskins Elizabeth Chater Nicholas Jarman Christopher Morgan Joanne Evans Helen Whitcombe sarah Phillips Oboes sian Ball Julie Roberts

Clarinets Jayne Edwards Fiona Williams Lorraine Sherriff Lucy Griffiths Bassoons Edwin Massey Julia Thomas Horns Step hen Jackson Elizabeth Richards John Burgess Rachael Thomas Kaye Williams Trumpets Louise Parker Paul Davies Joanne Tinsley Catherine Mitchell Trombones Justin Thorogood Louise Banbury Adrian Gibbons Timpani Catherine Collins


Teacher/Conductor: Peter Watmough Age range of performers: 9-16 years Soloists Violas sarah Shaw First Movement Jane Guivado Victoria Arlidge Tracey Sirnmons Nicola Day Second Movement simon Griffiths Sonya Brazier simon Blendis Daniel Leetch Alan Williams Alison Beaumont Violins Cellos Tanya Grossfield saul Hillman Clare Williams Paul Blendis Jonathan Hill Joanna Beaumont Richard Parry Katie Brett sarah Colley Sarah Harding Terrence Lobo sian Holt Julia Roberts Celina Girling Juliet Williams Double Bass Russell Davis Sara-Jane Griffiths Julian Wayne Emma Harvey Lucy Shaw Kat~arine ,Brearly Harpsichord Yams Christophedes James Blendis Katherine Watmough Victoria Beaumont Collin Gates Andrew Kinnear Jennifer North Jayne Brazier


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A Tradition speaking, a separate event - though not in the eyes of the participants whose ambitions clearly extended from the Regional Auditions, to the National Festival in July and ultimately to the AIbert Hall in November! Two years ago, organisers and sponsors recognised tradition in the making and agreed to link the events officially in the form of a registered charity known as Music for Youth. T.he Schools Prom has now become the pIoper climax of a youth music festival which begins at over twenty regional venues throughout the country in March presented by W. H . Smith, continues with three concentrated days of music making at the South Bank Concert Halls in July and ends at the Royal Albert Hall in November - this year involving some 20,000 young performers in over 700 groups. It is



the Making continued

undoubtably the biggest youth music event in Europe and is unique in the world! A further dimension to this great festival will be added in April 1985 when performers from the 1984 event will appear in Manchester's Free Trade Hall at Schools Prom North. Sponsorship from the educational suppliers Hestair Hope and the Greater Manchester Council has made this new venture possible. We should not be taken in by the numbers game, however. Quality is as important as quantity, and after ten years of the Schools Prom there seems to be no limit to the standard of performance and breadth of musical imagination of young people. Tradition is valuable when it expresses and reflects important concerns among

the people who maintain it. The Schools Prom sums up all that is important and valuable in education through music. But they also affect the progress of music education - by presenting the best of every facet of music teaching they show what can be done and act as encouragement to others. There are several instances of Schools Prom appearances transforming the provision for music education in a school or local authority. For many of the young participants the origins of the Schools Prom may already be shrouded in mystery, but let's hope that its message will always come across loud and clear: KEEP MUSIC ALIVE IN OUR SCHOOLS!

Wells Cathedral School WELLS, SOMERSET Co-educational 650 pupils 330 boarders ages 7-18

Specialist Music Course YOUNG MUSICIANS OF OUTSTANDING TALENT A specialist music course providing intensive individual tuition, chamber ensembles, orchestras and choirs, integrated into a balanced and flexible academic curriculum. ASSISTANCE WITH FEES Many local authorities have helped those selected. The Department of Education and Science is assisting with the fees of a number of places. AUDITIONS At Wells on a Saturday in February for entry in the following September. Normal ages of entry 9-14. A few places for outstanding VIth form candidates.

For f urther details write or telephone The Head Master. Wells Cathedral School, Wells Somerset, BA5 2SZ. Telephone 0749 72117. 47




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AT1\\~ Royal Festival Hall Queen Elizabeth Hall Purcell Room 12 : 13 : 14 July 1985

A Music for Youth Presentation Sponsored by: The Association of Music Industries Commercial Union Assurance The Rank Organisation The Times Educational Supplement Regional Audition Series sponsored by W H Smith

YOUNG MUSIC S! We have a summer school just for you! Youth Orchestras Course (12-19 years) Junior Symphony Orchestra (10-16 years) Young Recorder Players (12-1 7 years) Clarinet Choir (14-19 years) Young Pianists (14-19 years) at Queen Ethelburga's School, Harrogate in August 1985 Write to the address below to be placed on the Mailing List for a colour folder with full details, ready January 1985. (Please enclose 13p stamp)

FESTIVALS HOUSE SUMMER SCHOOLS 198 Park Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SKIl 6UD





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Boosey and Hawkes' good name for supplying the finest quality instruments to the world's top musicians is a proud legacy from being a world leader for well over a century. In addition to this reputation at the highest level of playing, Boo ey and Hawkes has a range of quality products to suit every musician's need - beginner, student, keen amateur and professional. Take for example, the choice of stringed instruments available. The Schroetter range caters for the beginner, with classical designs executed in high quality traditional materials; whilst Paesold violins, hand made in our factory in Germany, meet the more rigorous demands of the more serious student. And individually crafted masterpieces from Reinhold Schnabl, winner of many awards at international competitions including Kassel and Cremona, provide fulfilment up to the most discriminating virtuoso standards.

As far as woodwind is concerned, the immense influence of August Buffet on their manufacture is legendary - and is firmly stamped on every Buffet Crampon product we produce. It is an example of the original being quite simply the best, since Buffet have been unri valled in the market for nearly two hundred years. We are similarly pre-eminent in brass, with our Besson Sovereign range tried, tested and endorsed against the best that the competition can offer. Other products in the Boosey and Hawkes lineup, like the Emperor Flute, have led the student market for generations. The Schreiber ranges of double reed instruments combine musicianship and craftsmanship in an unbeatable combination; built by perfectionists for perfectionists. Our customers are discriminating muscians who seek the ultimate in flexibility, intonation and evenness of scale that can only be attained through experience; and we have a full 150 years of it.

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COMMANDS PERFORMANCE Schroetter Violins from £115; Besson Trumpets from £229; Regent Clarinets from £195.50; Emperor Flutes from £219; Schreiber Oboes from £368. For free literature send a stamped addressed envelope to: Boosey and Hawkes Limited (Dept. SP1) Deansbrook Road. Edgware. Middx HAS 9BB.

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