Schools Prom 1991

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A Music for Youth Presentation

sponsored by





ROYAL ALBERT HALL MOt\DAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 25th,26th,27th NOVEMBER 1991 Organised for Music for Youth by Westland Associates Limited


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____________________ MARKS&SPENCER ..

Contents Introduction Schools Prom Personalities Programme Notes Concert Programme List of Performers Friends of Music for Youth

Introduction 5

7 9

26/27 37 Back Cover

NATIONAL \tUSIC DAY Sunday 28th June 1992 28 Jun e 1992 ha~ been designated 'National Music Day' by Arts Minister, Tim Renton \'!u ~ ic for Youth is planning to stage two major events to mark this ce lebration of British music路making, they are:

'lET \ IUSIC LIVE ' ORCHESTRA AND CHOIR 2,500 youn g m u "ici an~ and "i nge r" performing 'Let Music Live' by Howard Blake, at a maj or concert in London.

NATIONAL MUSIC DAY PARADE A marching band and drum corps parade through London, involving 7,500 young performers.

During these seventeenth Schools Prom concerts we shall delight in the corporate and individual artistry of our young musicians. We shall realise what school musicians are capable of, given the right conditions and leadership. We shall see how much music can give them and what they can give through music to the community. At the 1987 National Festival of Music for Youth, the then Secretary of State for Education, Kenneth Baker, announced that music would be a part of the new national curriculum. In September 1992, music, for ages 4 to 14 years, is a statutory requirement. For all of us in music education this is an exciting and welcome development. Unfortunately our fears for the future of youth music in Britain have not abated. The dual effects of community charge capping and local management of schools are making serious inroads into the' extended curriculum' . the network of local authority music provision that produces our internationally famous orchestras and choirs. There is an urgent need for greater investment in training and recreational activities for the young. Shaw pointed out almost a century ago, 'even a Philistine will admit the absence of high class recreation means a resort to low class recreation' . Organisations such as the United Kingdom Council for Music Education, the Schools Music Association and the Music Advisers National Association are urging decision makers to find the vital compromise which will allow for continued direct support for corporate music making by local authorities.

Exec utin: Di rector and Producer: Larry Westland CBE School s Prom Director: Janet DingIey Press Oiii.:e r !\..aren Coldrick Stage \lanJlger: Da\ f H2\'th orne Music for Youth Dirt".路 '. Julian Smith, ~ =-~. (W H Smith Group Anthony Sutton (Comm;rciall n:C'~ Denni- \\ dco \ (KodJk ) Jim Bcn G, (\far\...;


Music for Youth will continue its campaign to 'Keep Music Alive in Our Schools' by focusing attention on the energising and healing role that music can play in the lives of young people. We urge you to join with us, our sponsors and friends, in strengthening support for the teachers, school governors and enlightened local authorities who have made Britain 's young musicians the e rl' y of the world. We mu st do our utmo.;t to intluence administration,; which re;;pond more tll rublic rre';';llre than tl' rllblic -e r. ict'


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,,-.,.: Patricia Ro" 2.:; (The Times Edu,.H::~" -.~: .."'So<~ Larry WesUand CBE:' 1 " :'. ' -"t~;or (~Iusic Indt:,~~<路路

directed by C OIl1 'Ji , "'c:: ~.'-.' .'- ;.~ :: ', L ; r.:.: ~ .' H(; Sf lli( f), Music 1I1dustrii' ~ . ~ '" .:.:r: ~: :,; TWit'i Edll catiL}/l171 Supplement an d T1::' \\' H Smith ~ ro ll J-l l7lld slIpported by the Departmel1t of Edit{ itic)1/ l1Iui 5ci1.'lI ( c. S1Ipport is 11150 received frolll tht! Fn:::ud:: Gf .\I1I5ic tor Youth (see list 011 back cover). This page is spo nsored by MARKS & SPEN CER




Schools Prom Personalities Bob Holness, Presenter. As the dreaded doodle-bugs rained down on London's suburbs one night towards the close of the Second World War, a young boy lying huddled beneath his blankets secretly listening to a small crackling radio set could have had no idea that his addiction to radio would one day lead to an acclaimed career in broadcasting. The boy's name was Robert Holness and his career over the last thirty-six years has spanned virtually every aspect of broadcasting in both radio and television . His sheer love and enthusiasm for his work have ensured not only his dual success on both the small screen and the airwaves, but also enduring popularity with old and young alike. Thirty years after making his television debut as host of Granada Television's early game show 'Take a Letter', he is known 10 an average audience of some twelve miJIion viewers as host of Central Television's runaway success, 'Blockbusters', the first quiz show in Britain to air on a daily basis. Bob's special rapport with his eager young competitors and the conSistently cliff-hanging, intelligent nature of the show won 'Blockbusters' the TV Times Readers' Favourite Game Show Award twice and four British Academy Award nominations for Best Children's Programmes. Now into its ninth series, 'Blockbusters' is also regularly voted the 'Best Game Show' by the readers of Britain's national newspapers. Bob Holness has achieved a great deal in his thirty-six year career in radio and television, but he admits to a certain nagging regret. "I would dearly love to have played either the flute or the trombone, my tWo favourite instruinents, and then I could make my own music. Still, there is plenty of time ...! may yet get that done too ... "

Antony Hopkins CBE, Guest Conductor and Presenter. Has been associated with the Schools Prom from the first and has conducted the finale at every one. He has lectured and conducted in many countries and his 'Talking About Music' programme on Radio 4 is now in its thirty-sixth year. He has now owned 56 cars including a light-weight racing Etype Jaguar which would go from 0-100 m.p.h. in 11.5 seconds! The current owner is Japanese and he paid a million pounds for it - sadly not to Antony. In recent years he has become a fanatical golfer and has now played 268 golf courses, as far west as Minneapolis, as far east as Hong Kong and as far south as Adelaide. Scotland remains the northernmost limit, but if he can only get a concert-date in Iceland, perhaps ... Richard Stilgoe, Presenter. Has a wife, an ex-wife, five children, a dog and a concrete mixer. From this you will gather that he is passionate and creative but essentially down to earth. He was born in Camberley and brought up in Liverpool, where he sang 'I Know That My Redeemer Liveth' at St Agnes' Church and 'Rip It Up' at the Cavern. In trying to write a song as good as either of these, he has now written several hundred and played the results on radio's 'Today', 'Stilgoe's Around' and the award-winning 'Hamburger Weekend' and 'Used Notes'; on television's 'Nationwide', 'That's Life', his own series and everyone else's and on stages all over the world. His oneman show has been seen at festivals from Edinburgh to Adelaide. Clients for his bespoke cabaret act include IBM in Rhodes, Butlins in Toronto and H.M. The Queen in Windsor Castle. His twoman show with Peter Skellern ran happily in London's West End and has been seen in Monte Carlo and Madrid.

For Andrew Lloyd Webber he wrote the words for the opening song of 'Cats', all of the words in 'Starlight Express' and every other word in 'Phantom of the Opera'. This has paid for the concrete mixer and enabled him to found the Orpheus Trust, which helps disabled children play and enjoy music. Much of his work is now with children. He is director of the National Youth Music Theatre, for whom he wrote the words and music of 'Bodywork', a musical that takes place inside the human body. This had its premiere at the 1987 Edinburgh Festival and has now been recorded, with Peter Howitt as the Soul, Chas 'n' Dave as the Hair and Lonnie Donegan as the Appendix. He still occasionally sings 'Rip It Up', but now finds 'I Know That My Redeemer Liveth' a bit high. Larry Westland CBE, Founder and Executive Director of Music for Youth. Has directed and produced the Schools Prom since its inception in 1975. He is well-known and respected for his work in youth music, primarily as Director of the National Festival of Music for Youth, which he co-founded in 1970. The National Festival is now the largest event of its kind in Europe and involves over 22,000 young musicians each year. He was awarded a CBE in recognition of his work in youth music. He is involved in many other spheres of acti\'ity for young people, having co-founded the National Choral Competition in 1987, the Barclays Awards, also in 1987 and the British Youth Band Championships in 1978. He was recently im'ited by the Arts Minister, Tim Renlon MP, to serve on the National Music Day Steering Committee. (see page 5).




., COMMERCIAL UNION St. Helen's, 1 Undershaft. London EC3P 30Q

Programme Notes AFRICAN HARP LUTE DUO, LONDON Manager: G Chester Age range of perfonners: 7-18 years Traditional, Retracing Steps (AlIa La Ke) arr. Tunde Jegede Crescent Maya Jobarteh The music of the African Harp is hereditary, passed down through generations from father to son. It is played exclusively in five principal families of the Manding people in The Gambia, Senegal, Guinea and Mali. The makers of this instrument, although never players, always come from within the family circle. Seven-year-old Maya Jobarteh is the first female in her family to play the instrument in a hitherto male-orientated tradition, and she is the youngest perfonner in this country. Maya will be accompanied by Tunde Jegede, whose own ensemble is currently on their 1991 Arts Council National Tour. Retracing Steps (AlIa La Ke) Traditional, arr. Tunde Jegede This is an arrangement by Tunde Jegede of a piece from the classical repertoire. Crescent Maya Jobarteh This piece was composed by the seven-yearold performer, Maya Jobarteh.

COUNTY OF AVON SCHOOLS' ORCHESTRA Conductor: Peter Stark Age range of performers: 13-19 years Malcolm Arnold Symphony No. 5, Op. 74: Con fuoco, Risoluto Pomp & Circumstance March No. 1: Edward EIgar 'Land of Hope and Glory' The County of Avon Schools' Orchestra was formed in 1974 to bring together the best young instrumentalists to play at a high level of perfonnance. Like the County Wind Band, members meet for intensive rehearsals during school holiday periods and most play regularly in one of the twelve Music Centres which meet weekly throughout the school year. The Orchestra has been an excellent ambassador for the County of Avon in its tours abroad, having visited Bennuda, South East Asia, Europe, the Gulf States and Sultanate of Oman and in 1989 New Mexico State in the USA. Their concert in Santa Fe Symphony Hall fonned part of a Festival of British Music sponsored by the Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra. The following quote from a local paper was typical of the many reviews received: ' ...They have organised music in their schools to produce such a

group as this, and the result is that their citizens reap the advantages of education, world fame as a tourist attraction, and simple self-respect for their achievements.' Malcolm Arnold Symphony No. 5, Op. 74: Con fuoco, Risoluto Ma1colm Arnold's 5th symphony was commissioned for the 1961 Cheltenham Festival. He wrote of it, 'Without wishing to sound morbid, the work is filled with memories of friends who all died young; Jack Thurston (clarinettist), Dennis Brain (horn player), David Paltenghi (choreographer) and Gerard Hoffnung (humorist).' He also said that, 'in times of great emotion we speak in cliche s.' The scherzo is deliberately dislocative, with repetitions getting' stuck' and being subjected to extraordinary interjections. It embraces a humorously heavy fugue (Hoffnung?) and, in its central trio section, a jaunty passage that could have stepped out of one of Arnold's many film scores. The finale is made from what might be described as almost commonplace materials - striving trumpet calls, a fife and drum march and an impassioned string tune - but they are treated in alienatory fashion to create a drama of mounting fury. The anger is dissipated by the recall of the slow movement's glorious and comforting melody, eventually taken over by the trumpet. Yet the last chord we hear is a minor one, coloured by a funeral bell. Pomp & Circumstance Edward EIgar March No. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory' The Pomp and Circumstance Marches are a series of five military marches in symphonic form. The first march is now best known because of its link with the words 'Land of Hope and Glory'. This link came about when Elgar used both the words and music in his Coronation Ode to commemorate the Coronation of Edward VII. A hybrid it may be, but it never fails to stir the patriotic fervour associated with it.



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Programme Notes AVON SCHOOLS' SYMPHONIC WIND BAND Conductor: Phillip Scott Age range of performers: 14-20 years Fanfare and National Anthem arr. Andrew Tyrrell Master Humphrey's Clock Malcolm Binney Four Character Studies: Fagin's Ball, Nancy's Lament, Sairey, Bozmania The Avon Schools' Symphonic Wind Band was formed in 1975 to bring together the large number of young and highly talented woodwind and brass players in the County of Avon. Members meet for intensive rehearsals during school holiday periods and most play regularly in one of the twelve Music Centres which meet weekly throughout the school year. The band performs a large repertoire of symphonic wind music and has broadcast on radio and television, including a programme for the BBC in their series, 'Youth Orchestras of the World'. During the Easter holidays this year the band toured the United States of America - the first visit the band has made to the 'home' of wind bands. Concerts were given in Washington, Disneyworld and Atlanta.

Master Humphrey's Clock Malcolm Binney Four Character Studies: Fagin's Ball, Nancy's Lament, Sairey, Bozmania 'Master Humphrey's Clock' was a weekly periodical produced by Charles Dickens who, writing under the pseudonym 'Bos', published this miscellany of articles and short sketches. Ma1colm Binney's suite for wind band was commissioned by the Kent Youth Wind Orchestra and premiered by them in 1988 in the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London. As Dickens lived much of his life in the county of Kent, it seemed appropriate that Ma1colm Binney should draw for inspiration on names invented by one of the county's most famous inhabitants. The band will play the last part of 'Master Humphrey's Clock', Four Character Studies. 'Fagin's Ball', 'Nancy's Lament' and 'Sairey' culminate in 'Bozmania', a blaze of colour, noise and merriment. In this closing movement earlier material combines in an exhilarating fugal finale. Avon Schools' Symphonic Wind Band were proud to give the first performance in the United States of this fine, original work for wind band.

AYLESBURY MUSIC CENTRE DANCE BAND Musical Director: Nicholas Care Age range of performers: 14-21 years arr. Rob McCOIlIJell Just Friends Take the 'A' Train Billy Strayhom,

arr. Rob McConlleil The Aylesbury Music Centre Dance Band (average age 17) is formed from the finest young jazz musicians in the Vale of Aylesbury, the county town of Buckinghamshire. In recent years the band has enjoyed a very exciting and demanding schedule. Following their performance at the 1990 Schools Prom they were invited to play on BBC TV's 'Blue Peter' and were featured on Radio France. More recently they produced a video with Benny Green. Last year their busy concert schedule included appearing with Maynard Ferguson in a concert for the Birmingham International Jazz Festival, recording for BBC local radio and recording their second album, 'Contraband'. In 1990 and 1991 they were awarded the Outstanding Performance Award at the National Festival of Music for Youth and in the same years were runnersup in the BBC Radio 2 Big Band Competition Youth Section. In 1989 they won the title 'Daily Telegraph Young Jazz Band of the Year'. They shared the stage of the London Palladium with John Dankworth, Cleo Laine, Don Lusher, George Chisholm and Mark Nightingale in the Gala Concert of the Soho Jazz Festival. They also featured on Sky TV, played at the BASBWE Conference and the Jazz in Education Festival at the Royal Northern College of Music. In tonight's concert the band are playing two very demanding works. Both are arrangements by the Canadian trombonist Rob McConnell and were originally written for his Grammy-award winning band, 'Boss Brass'.

arr. Rob McCollllell Just Friends Iu-t Friend- i- a hair-rai;;ing ;;howcase for the \\ hl,le band. WIth a uni;;on 'a cappella' ,<?,:tlc'n. a nL'tL'nou;;l~ fnghtening trombone -.:>10 t''\tendoeJ imprO\i;.ed ;.0105 and a ;lZ.Zlm.:; ;;hout choru;; to finish. T~ke the 'A' Train

Billy Strayhorn arr. Rob McConnell

Thi;; piece receives even more radical treatment. ~tcConnell takes the swing standard and turns it into a samba. The famous introduction is played on piano, but with the sax section adding perverted harmonies. The tune is then paraded in a Carnival atmosphere and so the party begins ...








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Musical Director and Accompanist: Arfon Wyn Age range of performers: 12-19 years Y Daith i'r Iwerddon Band Arbennig Dwyfor Goumey to Ireland) Band Arbennig Dwyfor was formed in 1989. There were two main factors in this' special needs' band's formation . Firstly, the need to continue creative musical experiences in the lives of mentally handicapped people once they had left school. Secondly, a vision that came to tutor i\rfon \\'yn whilst listening to Gwynedd Youth Band, of people with special educational needs performing interesting and inspirational creati\'e music (partly comp05ed by the players themseh'es) in an integrated setting. There are always two or three musicians in this band who are pupils from ordinary schools in the same locality as Ysgol Hafod Lon (special school), where this band is based.

Conductor: Paul Ruby Soloists: Edward Benstead, Henry Call ins Age range of performers: 12-18 years Star Lake: March Eric Ball Lightwalk Barrie Gatt Barnet Schools' Brass Band is one of the senior groups of the Barnet Schools' Music Centres, formed in 1975 by the Borough's Music Inspector, Maxwell Pryce. It is currently conducted by Paul Ruby, the Borough's Head of Brass Instrumental Teaching and is a traditional 25-piece brass band, which, over the years, has earned an enviable reputation for the variety of its repertoire and standards of performance.

Since their formation they have performed with numerous orchestras throughout North Wales and were invited to the National Festival of Music for Youth this year. Y Daith i'r Iwerddon Goumey to Ireland)

Band Arbennig Dwyfor

This interesting piece using atmospheric percussion and synthesiser music conveys the story of the band's recent visit to the magical land of Ireland. They set sail from Wales and enjoy the Celtic magic of Eire, before returning home in happiness to their belovd LJl1c1 of Song - hip, hip, hooray for Wales'

The band gives regular concerts and has appeared in all the premier London concert halls and St Albans Cathedral.

Eric Ball Star Lake: March A traditional foot-tapping street march from the pen of one of the brass band movement's most popular composers, Eric Ball. Lightwalk

Barrie Gatt

A modern, 'up-beat' arrangement, based around the spiritual, 'Walk in the Light'.

THE CHOIR OF BEECHWOOD PARK, ST ALBANS Conductor: Bruce Clarke Accompanist: Philip Thome Age range of performers: 10-12 years Three Hungarian Folk Songs: Mtltyas Seiber (words A L Lloyd) 1. The Handsome Butcher 2. Apple, Apple (Handsome Butcher Reprise) 3. The Old Woman Music When Soft Voices Die Charles Wood Show Me the Way arr. Peter Hughes Mack to Go Home Beechwood Park is a preparatory school for boys situated at Markyate, twelve miles north of St Albans The choir was founded in 1966 by the present director of music, Bruce Clarke. Although their main purpose is to enrich chapel services at Beechwood, the choir has sung in all the major London churches, including Westminster Abbey and St Paul's, where they will return in June 1992. The choir has broadcast and been televised, and in 1979 came second to Chetham's School of Music in Thames TV's 'Fanfare for Young Musicians'. In July of this year they received the Outstanding Performance Award in the under-13 section of the National Choral Competition held at the Royal Festival Hall. Sadly, this is not exactly the same choir, as some of its older members have left to go to different schools the age range today is somewhat younger. Three Hungarian Folksongs

Mtityas Seiber (words A L Lloyd)

1. The Handsome Butcher 2. Apple, Apple (Handsome Butcher Reprise) 3. The Old Woman

The three Folksongs of MMyas Seiber are particularly well-known and are arranged for mixed choir as well as treble voices. Matyas Seiber was a pupil of Kodaly, who is responsible for the tremendous emphasis on choral singing in Hungary. Seiber came to he in London in 1935 and promoted the Kodaly method th[()u~h ~!orle\' Cl)llege. London. \tusic When Soft Yoices Die (lw/eo' Wood \\'c'<",': J- rrl+abk be-t known these -= ":' -:,; hi, cnt;r~n mu- ic, although he also .... ;,:~, r : ~~" trJI anJ chamber music. His ,<,:l:" ';, : :n~,,' Wl)rd- by Shelley captures :'":t' t\ ,,,:,,IJVe anJ wistful mood splendidly.

L fu;I~-

Show \te the Wav 10 Go Home

arr. Peier Hughes Mack

Peter Hughes Mack is a talented amateur musician and ex-parent of boys at Beechwood Park. He has arranged a great deal of music for the choir and his effective setting of 'Toot Toot Tootsie Goodbye' served the choir admirably well at the National Choral Competition. This arrangement, written for the choir in 1979, is typical of his relaxed and easy-to-listen-to style.


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Programme Notes BISHOP THOMAS GRANT MARIMBA ENSEMBLE, LONDON Conductor: Andy Leask Soloists: Kirstie Bell, Karen Fonseca Age range of performers: 11-14 years Galloping Comedians Dmitry Kabalevsky, arr. Ruth Jeanne Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring J 5 Bach, arr. Mario Gaetano Ragtime Robin George H Green, arr. Bob Becker Members of the marimba ensemble are all girls from Bishop Thomas Grant R C School, Streatham, London. The ensemble was formed earlv in 1990 and on 3 December of that year they 'were awarded first prize in the Ensemble 1a5 at the Kingston-uponThames Festival ofPerfomling Arts. On 1 July] 991, they received the Outstanding Performance Award in the National Festival of Music for Youth held at the Royal Festival Hall. Since 1982 Andy Leask, their percussion teacher, has formed several successful percussion ensembles, giving performances in all the major concert halls on the South Bank and being invited to take part in the 1985 Schools Prom. In 1988 and 1989 they were privileged to perform for H R H The Princess Royal on three occasions. Andy Leask is also head of percussion at the Centre for Young MUSicians, Pimlico, London. The school is most grateful to J Sainsbury plc, Streatham, for their support and sponsorship.

Dmitry Kabalevsky, arr. Ruth Jeanne This arrangement uses four players, playing three marimbas. It is a fast-moving piece, with players 1 and 2 playing in unison throughout most of the arrangement. Controlled use of dynamics at this lively tempo ensures it to be an everlasting crowdpleaser. J 5 Bach, Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring arr. Mario Gaetano One of J S Bach's most beautiful melodies, skilfully arranged for three marimbas, cello (substituting for bass marimba), glockenspiel, vibraphone and tubular bells. The musical demands of dynamiC control, rhythmic accuracy and 100% concentration at a slow tempo make this a challenging arrangement for the young ensemble. Ragtime Robin George H Green, arr. Bob Becker George Hamilton Green was born in Omaha, Nebraska, on 23 May 1893. At 21 years of age, he was proclaimed 'the greatest xylophone player in the world' . He made hundreds of recordings and his repertoire included over 300 classical transcriptions, all memorised, as well as popular and ragtime melodies. He wrote his own arrangements and was skilled at improvisation. This arrangement of 'Ragtime Robin' is for solo xylophone accompanied by four marimbas. Galloping Comedians

CHELMSFORD COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL PIANO TRIO, ESSEX Tutor: Patricia Beckett Age range of performers: 17 years Fe/ix Mendelssohn Trio in D minor: Malta allegro ed agitato Chelmsford County High School has been a regular supporter of the National Festival of Music for Youth and over the years has been fortunate to have had a septet and string orchestra perform at the Schools Prom. In 1989, Karen, Gill and Anita, members of the same form at school, formed a piano trio, performing successfully in local music festivals and for local music clubs. In 1990 they entered the Chamber Music for Schools Competition and were privileged to play at the finals concert at St John's, Smith Square. Since February of this year, due to injury to Gill's hand, rehearsals and performances have been restricted, so to receive an Outstanding Performance Award at this year's National Festival was the very best medicine and it took many days for the reality to sink in. Trio in D minor: Felix Mendelssohn Malta allegro ed agitato Composed in 1839, the 0 minor trio has enjoyed tremendous popularity, with beautiful melodies and technical fireworks, particularly for the pianist.



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Tutors: David Strange, loyee Rathbone Age range of performers: 13-14 years lohalJlJes Brahms Sonata in E minor, Op. 38: Allegro non troppo Sheida Davis, 13 (cello) and Emma Rivlin, 14 (piano) were in the same class at their primary school, St Christopher's in Hampstead, but now Sheida goes to the City of London School and Emma attends North London Collegiate School. Between them they have won many awards for their playing, and this year as a duo they have been given Outstanding Performance Awards in two national competitions. Sheida started to play the cello at the age of four. Her teacher is Da\'id Strange. She comes from a \\ ell-kno\\ n musical famih : her father is the conductor Sir Colin Da\:is and her elder brothers haw alread~ performed at the Schools Proms.

Musical Directors: Miehelle Oddy/

Conductor: Keith Hewsol1 Age range of performers: 11-18 years Maleolm Arnold Little Suite No. 2

Emma has been playing the piano since she was five. Her teacher is Joyce Rathbone. She also comes from a musical family. Her grandmother is the violin teacher and author, Eta Cohen and her mother is concert violinist, Maureen Smith. Sonata in E minor, Op. 38: lohannes Brahms Allegro non troppo The sonata was written between 1862 and 1865 and is a lyrical, romantic work in which the piano and cello have equal parts. It has a particularly dark, elegiac character, which shows off the expressive and dramatic qualities of both instruments.

Linda Phillips Soloist: Stella Weinor Age range of performers: 7-11 years The Secret Diary of Connie Kominsky There are over 100 children taking part in this performance. The group is open to all- it reflects the wealth of cultures within the school (there were 30 languages spoken here at the last count). Many of the children taking part are in the very early stages of learning English, but they pick up the songs and dances very quickly. This type of activity is good for integrating all children and for building confidence. The children have worked wry hard and are delighted with their progre,;,; ,0 fa r. They are' ambassadors' for Haringey and clearly show all the bright and positiw aspects of life in the Borough. The Secret Diary . of Connie KominskvThe piece illustrates life as a teenager in the 1950s. It was devised by Linda Phillips (class teacher) and Michelle Oddy (head teacher), who created the movements and dances as well as linking the songs. 'Connie' begins by telling us about her poor school report - 'What a wonderful world it would be'. Then she describes the end of term and the anguish of parting from her boyfriend - 'Breaking up is hard to do', 'Sealed with a kiss', 'It might as well rain until September'. However, Connie's birthday is looming and she hopes to see her boyfriend at the party - 'It's my party'. Things don't turn out quite as expected and Connie is left with an unrequited love - 'I only want to be with you' . The children dress in '50s costumes, and hand-jive, boogie and rock 'n' roll their way through the songs, which are all old favourites and are guaranteed to have you singing along and tapping your feet.

Egglescliffe School is an 11-18 comprehensive in the county of Cleveland. Over 1000 pupils attend the school and because music plays an important part in the life of the school, many of the pupils play musical instruments. The main activities are the brass band, choir and orchestra and each group rehearses at least once each day of the school week. The three groups have all taken part in the National Festival of Music for Youth in consecutive years since 1988, the most successful year being 1990, when all the school's groups were invited to perform. The school orchestra was formed in 1981, numbering 17 musicians. It has grown from strength to strength, now boasting a membership of 60 musicians. Little Suite No. 2 Malcolm Arnold The work was commissioned by Alan Fluck in 1963 for the Farnham Festivals and Arnold composed it with a youth orchestra in mind. It is a fascinating piece for a school orchestra to perform, as it offers interesting and challenging passages for the whole orchestra. It features skilfully written parts, espeCially for the brass section. The three movements show clear changes of mood and style, the last movement being almost in a jazz style. This begins with an exciting percussion introduction which then sets the mood for the other sections of the orchestra. The ending is fast and furious. Malcolm Arnold celebrates his 70th birthday this year and this event has created new interest in his works, especially his symphonies.


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KPMGJ Peat Marwick

Programme Notes EXETER SCHOOL AND ST MARGARET'S SCHOOL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Conductor: Simon Foxall Leader: Anne Bass Age range of performers: 12-18 years Fanfare and National Anthem arr. Antolly le Fleming Symphony No. 8 in B minor Franz Schubert (Unfinished): Allegro moderato This is one of four orchestras containing pupils from these two neighbouring schools. As there are also several bands and choirs, time for rehearsal is limited to one lunch time a week, though there are extra practices for special occasions. The schools have recently been involved in several competitions, including Sainsbury's Choir of the Year Competition. Chamber groups from the two schools have played in the finals concerts of the Chamber Music Competition for Schools at St John's, Smith Square in each of the last four years. Earlier this year the orchestra was taught by members of the Bournemouth Sinfonietta during a three day residency of the orchestra at Exeter School, which culminated in a performance of Haydn's 'Creation' in Exeter Cathedral.

FARNHAM YOUTH CHOIR Conductor: David Victor-Smith Accompanist: Ju/ia Freeman Age range of performers: 10-16 years Marvin Hamlisch, The Way We Were

arr. Cassey Hymns to the Rig Veda: To Agni Gustav Hoist David and Gillian Victor-Smith founded the Farnham Youth Choir in 1984. Since then, the choir has maintained a very high standard, appearing twice in the televised rounds of the Sainsbury's Choir of the Year Competition, appearing in a concert in the Royal Festival Hall and receiving four awards in the National Festival of Music for Youth. The choir has travelled abroad to Germany and France and next May will be the guest of the town of Arolsen in Germany, giving a concert during their annual Baroque Festival. David Victor-Smith is Head of Music at Farnham College. Farnham Youth Choir first sing one of their favourites - 'The Way We Were'. This is followed by 'To Agni', an impassioned plea to a pagan God to bring down fire!

FARNHAM YOUTH TRAINING CHOIR Conductor: Catherine Watts Accompanist: David Victor-Smith Age range of performers: 9-12 years Joshua Fight de arr. Phyllis Tate Battle ob Jerico The Goslings Frederick Bridge Farnham Youth Training Choir was formed in 1989 and is conducted by Catherine Watts. Children aged 9 can audition for the choir, and many move on to join the main choir when they are ready to and can accept the level of commitment necessary. The main choir rehearses for one and a half hours per week and the training choir for one hour and once each month the choirs meet for a joint rehearsal so that some repertoire is learnt by both choirs. Catherine Watts teaches singing and is director of St Thomas-on-the-Bourne boys choir. Farnham Youth Training Choir start with a rousing arrangement of the spiritual 'Joshua', followed by Frederick Bridge's amusing song 'The Goslings'.

Symphony No. 8 in B minor Franz Schubert (Unfinished): Allegro moderato In the early 1820s Schubert underwent something of a crisis in symphonic writing. T wo other attempts at writing a complete symph ony produced only fragmentary result ,;. Although th e eighth symphony also remains incomplt:' k the two e'\isting movements are complete in e\ er. ":eL1il and represent an intensely poetl': ":1'eC: . ' 1 !n hi:, orchestral writing. The fanfare which lTe~, - ::- <.- ,-.-~~ : nJ, been specially writkn ' ,~ :f-i' __ .. r :". Antony le F1eming.


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Programme Notes FELSEN, TELFORD TutorsiManagers: Tone Higley/John Leedam Assistant: Avtar Sandhu Age range of performers: 16-19 years Hold on to Your Love Keep Your Cool

Fe/sen Fe/sen

Telford band Felsen was formed in March 1988 and rehearse regularly at Real To Reel Studios, where they have made all their recordings. They were overwhelmed to receive the Outstanding Performance Award in the New Music category at the National Festival of Music for Youth, as it is the first time in the Festival's 20 year history that a rock band has received this prestigious award. Recently they have appeared on BBC TV and performed live on local radio and at numerous venues throughout the country. Felsen play mostly their own material and tonight they are performing two of their numbers. Hold on to Your Love


The inspiration for this original Felsen song came from the breakdown of a relationship. Keep Your Cool


This is a faster number, inspired by arguments within the group itself, proving that bad times can be used to good advantage. During this number audience participation will be encouraged!



Musical Director: Sandy Smith Conductor: Kathleen Stokes Soloist: Ian Shires Age range of performers: 9-19 years Muskrat Ramble R Gilbert & 'Kid' Ory Sugar Blues Clarence Williams,

Musical Director: Bob Mason Age range of performers: 8-12 years Elizabethan Suite: Now is the Month of Maying Thomas Morley AIlOIl Go From my Window William ByI'd John, Come Kiss Me Now Thomas Ford Since First I Saw Your Face Traditiollal All In a Garden Green arr. Brian BOllsor Jingle Bells

arr. Alan Morrison Euday L Bowman, arr. Jack Peberdy Duke Ellington, Irving Mills, Albany Bigard, arr' Edrich Sieberl Jerry Herman, arr. JH Howe

Twelfth Street Rag Mood Indigo

Hello Dolly

The Youth Brass Band is, at present, the topmost group in the Gawthorpe Brass '85 organisation, although a senior band is to be formed in 1992. Members progress from a Mother and Toddlers' Music Club to the Music Funshop for under Ss, the Music Workshop for 5 to 7 year olds, the Brass Beginners' class, the Learner Group, the Junior (or Training) Band and the Youth Band. 1991 has been the most successful year to date, with the Youth Band winning first prize in two local music festivals, gaining third place in the Yorkshire Area Finals of the National Brass Band Championships and performing, as did the Music Funshop and Workshop groups, in the National Festival of Music for Youth. The Youth Band received the Vincent Bach Award for an Outstanding Performance.

All the children in the ensemble are past or present pupils of Grangetown Primary School, which is situated in an inner urban area of Cleveland, close to the North East coast. The group meets at lunchtime and after school to practise and is financially selfsupporting. The children of Grangetown have been regular visitors to Music for Youth events since 1983 and have been presented with an award on each occasion. The present ensemble consists of some very experienced players, who have performed their music in Australia and Finland. The youngest, however, are experiencing the nervous excitement of their first Prom. Tonight's programme consists of five Elizabethan tunes announced and played in the inimitable Grangetown style. The children are then looking forward exactly one month with their favourite tune - 'Jingle Bells'.

All Gawthorpe's pieces have a 1920s feel to them. 'Muskrat Ramble' opens the programme with a brisk march. This is followed by 'Sugar Blues', featuring a trumpet solo which was much frowned upon when the piece was first written. The sound produced by using a wah-wah mute was very different to the pure jazz noise favoured at the time. T\\'elfth Street Rag' is a showcase for three :, :-net". one of the few brass band pieces ':,,:;,':cj in this \\'ay. In complete contrast to , '" : - :- lfx ,I": ciJ"ic. \!ood Indigo', fol. "" ,: :- '. :"';1' !L, Dc'II}路. which feature:; in .. ' .... ,.:~.. '., ~~. ':':;;f1; or the cornet


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Programme Notes HEMEL HEMPSTEAD SCHOOL WIND BAND Conductor: Carry Firth Age range of performers: 12-18 years Concert Prelude Philip Sparke Anything Goes Cole Porter,

arr. Paul fennings Theme from The Muppets fim Henson/ Sam Pottle, arr. Frank Cofield The Wind Band is one of several ensembles that meet each week out of school hours. These include four bands, four choirs and three orchestras. The Music Department is situated a quarter of a mile from the main school buildings in a converted farm house which was built in 1586 and renovated during the past ten years or so. In addition to the large ensembles there are several chamber groups. The Band is still quite young and with only two players leaving this year, development should be maintained in the future. Apart from a school concert each term, the Band takes part in regional and national music festivals and makes an important contribution to the community by playing charity concerts and visiting Homes for the Elderly at Christmas. Tonight's concert is the Band's first appearance at the Schools Prom and, indeed, the Royal Albert Hall. Concert Prelude Philip Sparke This work has become standard repertoire and is very enjoyable to perform. With its complex rhythmic patterns, the middle section is quite challenging. The work begins and ends with a fanfare. Anything Goes

Colt路 Porter, arr Palll !cllllillg,

KALlNKA, MANCHESTER Musical Director: Brian Hulme Age range of performers: 12-19 years Faun Waltz V V Andreyev Gusachok Russian traditional The Kalinka ensemble was founded some seven years ago and is formed from students at Manchester schools and colleges who are learning Russian folk dance, or who have lessons on Russian traditional instruments. They have a varied repertoire of song, dance and instrumental pieces which feature all the main Russian folk instruments: fretted instruments like the balalaika and domra, wind instruments like the zhaleika(traditionally played by shepherds),dulcimers (the ancient gusli used by the old Russian minstrels), various traditional percussion instruments (such as spoons) and the Russian accordion.

LONDON FUSION ORCHESTRA Director: [an Carr Age range of performers: 14-21 years The Fullness Tim Vine The Blue Meeny David Mial1 The London Fusion Orchestra has been brought together from Weekend Arts College's Advanced Jazz Music class. This class has enabled these young musicians to experience in a practical way the roots of music - the blues in all shapes and forms, standard tunes as vehicles for improvisation and the compositions of key musicians such as Duke Elhngton and Miles Davis. Where possible, students are encouraged to compose their own pieces and structures for improvisation. They are trained and directed by lan Carr, one of Europe's leading jazz musicians and composers. Tim Ville The Fullness

Kalinka benefits from the close ties forged with Russian colleagues and students in St Petersburg (Manchester's twin city), who regularly visit to teach and perform. Faun Waltz V V Andreyev

This funky and intense piece was written by a member of LFO, Tim Vine. It is unusual in that the rhythm section plays four beats to the bar against the horn section's three beats, resolving together at the end.

V V Andreyev is known as the founder of the modern balalaika orchestra . He also standardized the sizes of the various instruments and improved their construction, quality and tuning. 'Faun Waltz' features all the instruments in the ensemble. Gusachok Russian traditional

The Blue Meeny

David Miall

This is a longer and more structured piece, written by another LFO member, David Mian. The piece passes through a variety of key signatures, but its style is always light and easy.

The title of this piece translates as 'The Goose Dance'. The dance is from the Smolensk region of Western Russia and traditionally, the boys are the geese and the girls the gooseherds. The dance depicts the efforts of the goooseherds to round the geese up! The piece features the zhaleika, a wind instrument made from a cow's horn.

Written in the thirties show style. thi5 arrangement by Paul JenningS is featured in the opening scene from 'Indiana Jone~ and the Temple of Doom'. Theme from The Muppets

fim Hell501L Sam Pottle, arr. Frank Cofield

What can we say - you all know it so well!


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Programme Notes THE LUKACS TRIO, WOKING Tutor: ZoItan Lukacs Age range of performers: 16-18 years Cinq Pieces en Trio: Jacques Ibert Allegro vivo, Andantino, Allegro assai, Allegro quasi marziale The Woking Sinfonietta trio was entered for the National Festival by its coach, Mr Zoltan Lukacs. Sadly, Mr Lukacs died very suddenly, before the results of the regional round were known. The trio went on to receive an Outstanding Performance Award in the Chamber Music class and in recognition of the dedicated work of its coach, decided to continue to play together as a wind trio under his name. Mr Lukacs had worked tirelessly for several years on behalf of the young musicians of Surrey. His enthusiasm for 20th century music enabled his groups to attempt the most ambitious and challenging repertoire and, as a professional player himself, he was able to develop in them high standards of performance. All three members of the Lukacs trio play in the Surrey County Youth Orchestra and in the Guildford Sinfonia. Jackie is in the sixth form at Guildford High School for Girls and Alex and lain are at the Royal Grammar School, Guildford.

Jacques Ibert Cinq Pieces en Trio: Allegro vivo, Andantino, Allegro assai, Allegro quasi marziale Ibert's Cinq Pieces are typical of the excellent woodwind writing of French composers of his time: sophisticated, witty, rhythmic, colourful and always exceedingly wellwritten for each instrument. The trio will play four of the five contrasting pieces which make up the set.

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY -;. YOUTH ORCHESTRA ~ Conductor: Malcolm Tyler Age range of performers: 13-19 years The Sorcerer's Apprentice Paul Dukas Pomp & Circumstance Edward EIgar March No. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory' The orchestra was formed in 1974. It rehearses each Saturday morning during school term time and some of its members travel 30 miles to each rehearsal. Membership of the orchestra comes only after a strict audition. Each year the orchestra gives a number of concerts in Northampton and also works with a large choir, which gives it experience in major choral works. Concert tours are regularly arranged - the orchestra has been to Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Czechoslovakia and hopes to go to Canada next. It has won awards at an International Youth Music Festival in Vienna and Belgium.

Pomp & Circumstance March No. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory'

Edward EIgar

The Pomp and Circumstance marches form a series of five military marches for orchestra, four of which date from between 1901 and 1907 and the last from 1930. The celebrated patriotic words of A C Benson were added later to the first march in D major for a special Gala performance given to commemorate the Coronation of King Edward VII.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice Paul Dukas Xo one who has seen the wonderful Disney film, 'Fantasia', can fail to be familiar with the story of the Sorcerer's Apprentice, which tells of the magician who leaves his home having instructed his apprentice to clean the place up. Using a spell the lad tells the broom to fetch water and clean the house. However, he doesn't know the magic word for 'stop'! Only the return of the Sorcerer prevents a total deluge and the broom whimpers back into the corner. The last phrase of the music indicates a well-deserved kick in the pants for the apprentice! The story is actually a very ancient one, coming originally from a Greek author around AD 120 and passing on to us through the German poet, Goethe.


Monday, 25 November

Let Music Live Let Music Live The language of the soul The science of emotion The art that makes us whole Let sound the woodwinds Let sing the strings Let roar the brasses Let pound the drums Let Music Live The language of the soul The science of emotion The art that makes us whole Let singers sing Let players play Let live all music MUSIC!!! @ Howard Blake May 1991

1. THE RADCLIFFE ROLLERS STEEL BAND, Milton Keynes Director: Neil Davison Fanfare and National Anthem arr. Charles Ives Romance and Party Len 'Boogsie' Sharpe, arr. Richard Murphy Suite No. 2: Badinerie JS Bach, arr. Richard Murphy Pan Woman Ray Holman 2. FARNHAM YOUTH TRAINING CHOIR Conductor: Catherine Watts Joshua Fight de Battle ob Jerico arr. Phyllis Tate The Goslings Frederick Bridge FARNHAM YOUTH CHOIR Conductor: David Victor-Smith The Way We Were Marvin Hamlisch, arr. Cassey Hymns to the Rig Veda: To Agni Custav Hoist 3. THE LUKACS TRIO, Woking Tutor: Zoltan Lukacs Cinq Pieces en Trio: Jacques Ibert Allegro vivo, Andantino, Allegro assai, Allegro quasi marziale 4. HEMEL HEMPSTEAD SCHOOL WIND BAND Conductor: Carry Firth Concert Prelude Philip Sparke Anything Goes Cole Porter, arr. Paul Jennings Theme from The Muppets Jim Henson/Sam Pott/e, arr. Frank Cofield 5. GRANGETOWN RECORDER ENSEMBLE, Middlesbrough Musical Director: Bob Mason Elizabethan Suite: Now is the Month of Maying Thomas Morlelj Go From my Window AIIOIl John, Come Kiss Me Now lVillialll Bun! Since First I Saw Your Face Th,l1lW" Ford All in a Garden Green Tradiliollal Jingle Bells arr. Briall BOlIsor 6. GA WTHORPE BRASS '85, Ossett, West Yorkshire Conductor: fulfhlct'll Stoke" Soloist: Jail Shirt'" Muskrat Ramble R Cilbert & 'Kid' Ory Sugar Blues Clarence Williams, arr. Alall Morrison Twelfth Street Rag Euday L Bowman, arr. Jack Peberdy Mood Indigo Duke Ellington, Irving Mills, Albany Bigard, Hello Dolly

arr. Edrich Sieberl Jerry Herman, arr. JH Howe

INTERVAL - 25 MINUTES (warning bells will sound 5 minutes before the end of the interval)

Land of Hope and Glory Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the free, How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee? Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set; God who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet, God who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet. Smoking is not allowed in the auditorium. The use of cameras and tape recorders is strictly forbidden.


7. AYLESBURY MUSIC CENTRE DANCE BAND Musical Director: Nicholas Care Just Friends arr. Rob McConnell Take the 'A' Train Billy Slrayhorn, arr. Rob McConnell 8. THE SWORDS OF MODA LING, Northampton Musical Director: Alan Suttie Swords of Moda Ling Cordon Peters Tijuana Samba Alan Brand 9. DOWN LANE JUNIOR SCHOOL, Haringey Musical Directors: Michclle Oddy/Linda Phillips Soloist: Stella Weillor The Secret Diary of Connie Kominsky 10. KALINKA, Manchester Musical Director: Briall Hulme Faun Waltz V V Andreyev Gusachok Russian lraditional 11. STONELEIGH YOUTH ORCHESTRA, London Musical Director: Adrian Brown Co-Leaders: Tisla Banerjee/Antonia Cviic Symphony No. 5, Op. 47: Allegro non troppo Dmitri Shostakovich Pomp & Circumstance March No. 1: Edward Elgal' 'Land of Hope and Glory'

Wednesday, 27 November

Tuesday, 26 November


1. AVON SCHOOLS' SYMPHONIC WIND BAND Conductor: Phillip Scott Fanfare and National Anthem Master Humphrey's Clock Four Character Studies: Fagin's Ball, Nancy's Lament, Sairey, Bozmania

arr. Andrew Tyrrell Malcolm Binney

Lajos Bdrdos Mansel Thomas arr. William Smith

3. SHEIDA DA VIS AND EMMA RIVLlN, London Tutors: David Strange, foyce Rathbone Sonata in E minor, Op. 38: Allegro non troppo

fohannes Bralznls

Conductor: Keith Hewson Little Suite No. 2

3. BAND ARBENNIG DWYFOR, Pwllheli, Gwynedd Musical Director: Arfon Wyn Y Daith i'r Iwerddon (Journey to Ireland)

Band Arbennig Dwyfor

Manager: G Chester Retracing Steps (Alia La Ke)

Traditional, arr. Tunde }egede Maya }obarteh

Crescent 6. OXFORDSHIRE YOUTH CHAMBER CHOIR Conductors: Anna Haxworth, Peter Hunt

Lothar Voigtlander

Vivamus mea Lesbia


Antony Hopkins Howard Blake

Early One Morning Let Music Live

INTERVAL - 25 MINUTES (warning bells will sound 5 minutes before the end of the interval) 8. LONDON FUSIO~ ORCHESTRA Director: fan Carr The Fullness The Blue Meeny

Punita Gupta

5. THE CHOIR OF BEECHWOOD PARK, St AIbans Conductor: Bruce Clarke Three Hungarian Folk Songs:


Mtitytis Seiber (words A L Lloyd)

1. The Handsome Butcher 2. Apple, Apple (Handsome Butcher Reprise) 3. The Old Woman Music When Soft Voices Die Show Me the Way to Go Home

Charles Wood arr. Peter Hughes Mack

6. YSGOL GLANAETHWY, Bangor, Gwynedd Tutors: Cefin Roberts/Rhian Roberts Soloist: Dylan Eurig Heno (Memory) Gwario (Another Op'nin) Arian (Money, Money) Pe bae nhw ngweld i nawr (If They Could See Me Now) Moliannwn

Alldrew Lloyd Webber Cole Porter John Kander Cy Coleman Welsh folk song

INTERVAL - 25 MINUTES (warning bells will sound 5 minutes before the end of the interval) 7. SCARBOROUGH SIXTH FORM COLLEGE JAZZ ORCHESTRA

Tim Vine DavidMian London

Musical Director: Hugh Penny Punctuate Georgia on my Mind Whirly Bird

Bob Lowden Hoagy Carmichael, arr. Nestico Neal Hefti, arr. Nestico


Conductor: Palll RIII'1J

Soloists: Edward Bfn~路t(.~.f .~路!~7::-......- _.:">

Eric Ball Barric Gott

Star Lake: March Lightwalk 10. FELSEN, Telford Tutors/Managers: Tone

Felix Mendelssohll

Musical Director: PlInita Gupta Kalawadi Rag

.\Ialcolm Arnold


Tutor: Patricia Beckett Trio in D minor: Molto allegro ed agitato




arr. Antony le Fleming Franz Schubert


2. SOUTH GLAMORGAN YOUTH CHOIR Musical Director: Helena Braithwaite Cantemus CenninAur Ride the Chariot

Conductor: Simon Foxall Fanfare and National Anthem Symphony No. 8 in B minor (Unfinished): Allegro moderato


Conductor: Andy Leask Soloists: Kirstie Bell, Karen Fonseca Galloping Comedians Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring Ragtime Robin

i:;;I: ~.,i;-:

Dmitry Kabalevsky, arr. Ruth }emme } S Bach, arr. Mario Gaetano Ge01-gc H Greell, an. Bob Becker

Hold on to Your Love



Keep Your Cool


Conductor: John Parsons Holberg Suite: Air and Prelude

11. COUNTY OF AVON SCHOOLS' ORCHESTll-\ Conductor: Peter Stark Symphony No. 5, Op. 74: Con fuoco, Risoluto Pomp & Circumstance March No. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory'

Edvard Grieg

10. POOLE GRAMMAR STOMPERS ~Iusical Director: SttfJhcn Grcgsoll South Rampart Street Parade Baudac/Haggart, ayr. Paramor/Gold Liven' Stable Blues Lee/Lopez/Nunez, arr. Paramor Washington and Lee Swing Robbins/Allen/Sheafe, ayr. Paul Severson

11. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Malcolm Tyler The Sorcerer's Apprentice Pomp & Circumstance March No.1: 'Land of Hope and Glory'

Paul Dulms Edward EIgar


Programme Notes OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Richard Hallam Orchestral Manager: Stephen lanes Age range of performers: 14-21 years Antony Hopkins Early One Morning Let Music Live Howard Blake The Oxfordshire County Youth Orchestra is the senior of three youth orchestras run by the Oxfordshire County Council Music Service. Founded in 1968, the orchestra draws students up to the age of 21 from all over Oxfordshire, although the majority of players are still at school. Since 1988, the orchestra has met each year for a three-day non-residential course during the Christmas holiday, a four-day residential course (out of Oxfordshire) during the Easter holiday and a summer concert tour. The orchestra has been on successful tours in Austria, France and the Channel Islands and this year visited Germany, where it performed three concerts. The final concert was an open air performance in Bonn Market Square, where they played to over 1000 people as part of the Bonn Festival. The orchestra has performed three times at the Royal Festival Hall and tonight is its fourth appearance at the Schools Prom. Early One Morning Antony Hopkins 'Early One Morning' i a cantata for mezzosoprano solo, male speaker, female chorus and orchestra. It tells the thoughts .of a woman lying awake early in the morning she recalls her schooldays, her first love, marriage and the birth of her child. The excerpt to be performed tonight is called 'School' and describes the woman's school companions and teachers, assembly, lessons and playtime. Let Music Live Howard Blake 'Let Music Live' was written especially for the 21st National Festival of Music for Youth by Roward Blake. The first performance was given on 6 July, Keep Music Alive In Our Schools Day, by an orchestra and choir of 1500 young musicians, conducted by Simon Rattle.


THE OXFORDSHIRE YOUTH CHAMBER CHOIR Conductors: Anna Haxworth, Peter Hunt Age range of performers: 15-20 years Lothar Voigtlander Vivamus mea Lesbia Early One Morning Antony Hapkins Let Music Live Howard Blake The Oxfordshire Youth Chamber Choir was formed in 1986 as a response to the lack of a high quality county-based choir, doing for voices what tlle county orchestras do for instrumentalists. Entry is by teacher recommendation and over the years the choir has always drawn from sixteen or so Oxfordshire schools, in both sectors. Within a year of forming, it was fortunate to gain a highly commended place in the first Department of Education and Science Choral Competition at the Royal Festival Hall in LondoD, which then earned it a place in the 1987 Schools Prom at the Royal Albert Hall. Since then it has continued to impress li teners with its youthful sound and ambitious programmes containing contemporary works, which have featured in many concerts and on radio. The sopranos and altos have also recorded a professional tape to accompany a mu ic publication. In 1988 the choir visited ilie Europa Cantat festival in Hungary, representing the U.K., and visited a maller fe tival in Portugal in 1989. Earlier this year the choir successfully raised ÂŁ10,000 to attend another Europa Cantat festival in Spain this summer. With a generous Carnegie award, the will be establishing a deVelopment programme for 1992.

Lothar Voigtlander Vivamus mea Lesbia A resident of East Berlin, Voigtlander is now a freelance composer and conductof, having studied composition at the Leipzig Conservatory. He has been a member of, and has conducted, several choirs throughout Germany. 'Vivamus mea Lesbia', written in 1975, is a challenging setting of words by Catullus, which in essence are an appeal to Lesbia to enjoy life, and love whilst there is time - free from care. It divides into several sections: Vivamus mea Lesbia .....Let us live, Lesbia Nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux ..... Sunlight is with us for a short time Da mi basia mille (spoken) ..... Give me a thousand kisses The composer sent this piece to the choir after its success in the Department of Education and Science Choral Competition with an earlier work, 'The Neighbour's Garden'.


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Programme Notes THE PENROSE STRING ORCHESTRA, NEWBURY, BERKSHIRE Conductor: Johll Parsolls Age range of performers: 12-19 years Holberg Suite: Edvard Grieg Air and Prelude The Penrose String Orchestra was formed by John Parsons under the auspices of the West Berkshire Music Centre in 1986. It aims to fulfil the need of promising young string players in the area to perform works from the string repertoire to a high standard. Since its formation, the orchestra has given an increasing number of performances in the area, playing regularly in the Newbury Summer FestivaL In 1989 the orchestra was highly commended for its performance in the National Festival of Music for Youth. Holberg Suite: Edmrd Crieg Air and Prelude Grieg's masterpiece, the Holberg Suite, displays a unique combination of baroque musical rhetoric and his own individual musical language. The haunting and melodic air forms the heart of the work and has a beautiful middle section in the major key. The prelude is an exciting movement, rhythmic, flamboyant and memorable.

POOLE GRAMMAR STOMPERS Musical Director: Stephen Cregsoll Age range of performers: 16-18 years South Rampart Baudac/Haggart, Street Parade Livery Stable Blues Washington and Lee Swing

arr. Paramor/Gold Lee/Lopez/N Ullez, arr. Paramor

THE RADCLIFFE ROLLERS STEEL BAND, MILTON KEYNES Musical Director: Neil Davisoll Age range of performers: 12-19 years Fanfare and arr. Charles Ives National Anthem Lell 'Boogsie' Sharpe, Romance and Party Suite No. 2: Badinerie

Robbins/Alle/1/Sheaje, arr. Paul Seversoll

The first public appearance of the Poole Grammar Stompers was at a school jazz concert in 1983. Since then, although membership of the band has changed almost annually, they have maintained an exuberant style of performing trad. jazz. Recent performances by the band have included venues as diverse as a gathering of the local judiciary, a Blue Flag ceremony on Sandbanks Promenade, a trade fair in Cherbourg and, eschewing political bias, local Conservative and Labour Clubs! At rehearsals they play standard jazz favourites, with each player trying his hand at improvised solos. Being a small ensemble, every player's contribution is vital, from the dependable bass tuba of Brett Challis to the 'chase those black notes' solos of pianist N eil Bottomley. Tonight they perform two classics framing the novelty number 'Livery Stable Blues'.

arr. Richard Murphy J5 Bach, arr. Richard Murphy Ray Holmall

Pan Woman The Radcliffe Rollers are based at Radcliffe School, Wolverton. They were formed in March 1985 and gave their first performance six weeks later. It was a resounding success no one in Milton Keynes had ever heard a band quite like them! In spring 1986, the Rollers won their heat of BBC 1's 'Saturday Supers tore Search for a Superstar' Talent Contest, in which they were eventually placed third. Following this, they were invited to perform in the 1987 'Children in Need' AppeaL In the years since their inception, the Rollers have performed at The Royal Show, the National Steelband Festival, the National Festival of Music for Youth and numerous other events. The standard achieved still remains at a consistently high level, due in no small way to the talents of its teacher, who is also responsible for the arrangements of their music, Richard Murphy. The band has been sponsored by Wolverton Motor Company Ltd since its inception. Romance and Party Lell 'Boogsie' Sharpe,

arr. Richard MlIrphy The vast majority of music played by steelbands consists of arrangements. However, this piece was written especially for 'pan' by one of Trinidad's leading composers and steelband exponents. Suite No. 2: Badinerie ] 5 Bach,

arr. Richard MlIrphy This arrangement displays the tremendous range of subtleties of which pan is capable. It also requires considerable technique from the tenor players. Pan Woman Ray Holmall This piece is a calypso, which originates from Trinidad . It is, in fact. intended to include words which praise the \'irtues of a woman who likes steelband or ' pan' as it is more correctl~ known. Calypsos are widely arran,::ed ior pan as they afford many L'ppurtumties for the arranger to develop meluJic. harmonic and rhythmic ideas from the anginal tune. This often leads to very e\acting technical demands being made on the performers. This piece is no exception!





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Programme Notes SCARBOROUGH SIXTH FORM COLLEGE JAZZ ORCHESTRA Musical Director: Hugh Penny Age range of performers: 16-18 years Bob Lowden Punctuate Georgia on My Mind Hoagy Carmichael, Whirly Bird

arr. Nestico Neal Hefti, arr. Nestico

The college draws students from a large area of the N E Yorkshire coast, from Whitby to Filey and has about 700 students. Music is important in the college - as well as the jazz orchestra there is a symphony orchestra, a choir and many smaller ensembles. Rock music also figures strongly and a number of former student rock musicians are now in successful bands. Several members of the band are now students at music colleges and universities. The jazz orchestra has appeared in three National Festival finals and won the Yorkshire TV area of The Daily Telegraph Jazz Competition twice. Punctuate Bob Lo,1'd,'/1 This is a punchy, funky number with solos for Adam Carpenter (guitar) and David Wright (trombone). Georgia on My Mind Hoagy Carmichael,

arr. Nestico Sammy Nestico has penned this arrangement of the beautiful ballad. It features as lead alto, Neil Pennock.

Neal Hefti, arr, Nestico Whirly Bird This is a real steaming feature for the saxes, written for Count Basie in the late '50s. It has solos for Pete James (piano) and Stuart Ellerker (tenor).

SITAR ENSEMBLE - RAG AUR TAL, BRENT Musical Director: Pun ita Cupta Tabla Tutor: Yosef Ali Khan Age range of performers: 13-17 years Kalawadi Rag Punita Cupta Sitar Ensemble - Rag Aur Tal consists of nine pupils who are learning Indian music in their schools in the London Borough of Brent. Eight of the pupils are 13-14 years old, while one is 17 years old. The London Borough of Brent is one of the few London Boroughs who have done something practical as far as multi-cultural education is concerned . The teaching of Indian music in Brent was introduced in September 1988 when Punita Gupta, disciple of sitar maestro Ravi Shankar, joined Brent Music Service as Development Officer for Indian Music and Dance. Indian music is now taught in 13 junior schools and 5 secondary schools in Brent. An evening is also run, where pupils are able to learn and practise Indian music and dance. Participants in this group have been learning Indian music for 2-3 years. Gurjit Singh, who plays tabla in the group, has been learning for :; years_They ha\ e taken part in a number of local music iesti vals. Kalawadi Rag

PIll/ita Cupta

The group will play a piece based on an evening rag, using sitar. tabla and tanpura. The sitar is a melody instrument. the tabla is a percussion instrument and the tanpura provides the drone which is an essential part of Indian classical music.

SOUTH GLAMORGAN YOUTH CHOIR Musical Director: He!ena Braithwaite Accompanist: Janice Ball Age range of performers: 15-21 years Cantemus Lajos Bill'dos Cennin Aur Manse! Thomas Ride the Chariot arr. William Smith The choir was formed in 1979 by the newly appointed music adviser, Helena Braithwaite. It now boasts 120 members and is based in Cardiff, the Welsh capital. It is the senior of the three county choirs, giving choral training from 7 to 21 years of age. The choir broadcasts on television and radio, performing regularly with the BBC Welsh Orchestra, as well as The Halle and London symphony orchestras. They have premiered works by the major Welsh composers and their repertoire includes most of the famous choral works of the 19th and 20th centuries. Since 1981, the choir has visited Hungary, Malta, America, Canada, Russia and Israel. In 1988, they won the coveted first prize in the youth choral competition at the Llangollen International Eisteddfod and in July they received the Outstanding Performance Award in the National Choral Competition at the National Festival of Music for Youth. Cantemus Lajos Bardos Bardos was a pupil of Kodaly. He was concerned with the development of choral music both for young people and adults and wrote a large number of choral works for Hungarian choirs. 'Cantemus' is a vocal fanfare in praise of singing and is written in Latin. Cennin Aur Mansel Thomas The words are a Welsh translation of the poem, 'Fair Daffodils' by Robert Herrick. The daffodil is the emblem of Wales and in this beautiful setting the poet laments that the fair daffodil, like man, fades so quickly. Mansel Thomas was the Head of Music, BBC Wales.

arr. William Smith Ride the Chariot An energetic arrangement of a spiritual.


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Programme Notes STONELEIGH YOUTH ORCHESTRA, LONDON Musical Director: Adrian Brown Age range of performers: 10-21 years Symphony No. 5, Op. 47: Dmitri Shostakovich Allegro non troppo

an orchestra item was accorded a double encore'. Years later, Elgar referred to the 'Land of Hope and Glory' melody as a 'tune that comes once in a lifetime'.

Pomp & Circumstance March No. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory'


Edward Elgar

Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra is an independent youth orchestra and registered charity, which was founded in 1944 and administered solely by a committee of volunteers chosen from members' parents. It has developed into an orchestra of high musical achievement and under the musical direction of Adrian Brown, performs concerts to a professional standard at venues such as the Thorndike Theatre, Leatherhead, the Queen Elizabeth Hall and the Royal Festival Hall, London. It has toured in Edinburgh, York, Vichy, Salzburg and Sweden. The orchestra has won a number of awards, including the inaugural Novello Award for Youth Orchestras. This year, after an intensive drive to raise ÂŁ47,000 in 10 months, the orchestra was able to accept an invitation to go to the Soviet Union this August. The tour was extremely successful and enjoyable, with two wellreceived concerts in Leningrad. Next year the orchestra plans to visit Salzburg and Vienna, with a tour of North America in its sights which will, of course, demand heavy fundraising efforts again on the orchestra members. Symphony No. 5, Op. 47: Dmitri Shostakovich Allegro non troppo In 1936, Shostakovich's opera, 'Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk', was condemned as 'Chaos instead of music' for its dissonance and explic'itness, in a notorious Pravda editorial. This had far-reaching consequences for Shostakovich and for Soviet music. At the time, Shostakovich was working on his Fourth Symphony, but he soon realised that it was stylistically very similar to 'Lady Macbeth' - in the prevailing climate it was the wrong work at the wrong time. He withdrew it and produced instead his Fifth Symphony (1937), titled' a SO\'iet artist's reply to just criticism'. The symphony was written in a clearer, more direct and melodic manner - its sense of grandeur and nobility fitted more closely with the socialist ideals of the time. Pomp & Circumstance March No. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory' This march, now firmly associated with the Last Night of the Proms, was compos-ed in 1901. Referring to the tune in the trio s-ection, Elgar said to one of his 'Enigma' friends, 'Dorabella', 'I've got a tune that will knock 'em flat' . Its success at the London premiere under Henry Wood was frantic: 'the audience simply rose and yelled - the only time in the history of the Promenade concerts that

Musical Director: Alan Suttie Age range of performers: 15-18 years Swords of Moda Ling Cordon Peters Tijuana Samba Alan Brand Originally formed in 1987 by its present director, Alan Suttie, only two members survive from the first Northamptonshire County Youth Percussion Ensemble and after this concert they too move on to college. Having gained a Highly Commended Performance Award at last vear's :\ational Festival of ~1usic for Youth: the\" considered the name of the group somethi~g of a mouthful, so the title of the composition for this year's Festival was adopted instead. The ensemble consists of percussion players from the top county groups (youth orchestra, concert band) and rehearses once a week during school term. Swords of Moda Ling Cordon Peters The piece was written in 1966 and dedicated to the composer's teacher, Bernard Rogers, Head of Composition at the Eastman School of Music. Peters uses some of the stylistic traits of his teacher and the title is a play on words - the piece is modal in tonality. Tijuana Samba

YSGOL GLANAETHWY, BANGOR, GWYNEDD Tutors: Cefin Roberts/Rhian Roberts Soloist: Dwlan Evrig Age range of performers: 9-12 years Andrew Lloyd Webber Heno (Memory) Gwario (Another Op'nin) Cole Porter Arian (Money, Money) John Kander Pe bae nhw ngweld i nawr Cy Coleman (If They Could See Me Now) Moliannwn Welsh folk song Ysgol Glanaethwy is a drama school established to offer training in theatrical skills and techniques. As well as aiming to stage theatrical performances, two choirs have been formed. Both junior and senior choirs have competed in local and the national Eisteddfod and in the National Festival of Music for Youth. Ysgol Glanaethwy works solely through the medium of Welsh and strives to strengthen Welsh culture, tradition and language and hopes to contribute in the long run towards the development of the Welsh theatre. 'Arian', which means 'money', tells the story of a tramp who dreams of better things in life. We see him being tempted by gamblers, entertainers and by affluence. He becomes involved in the madness of spending and sings 'If They Could See Me Now'. In his dream he also discovers the negative side of money and awakens to realise that companionship and love are much more important than greed and wealth.

Alan Brand

Written by another American, this piece, like 'Swords', uses a mass of tuned percussion (but no piano) with some doubling on Latin instrumertts.


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SPECIALIST MCSICI.-\NS AT ETON COLLEGE Eton College offers unri\-alled conditions and facilities for musicians. Careful arrangements are made for the curriculum of each specialist musician, to give time during the school day for his lessons and practice. The team of eight full-time staff and thirty-six visiting teachers is supplemented by many distinguished visitors who give master classes, talks and recitals. The large number and high quality of musicians at present in the school has enabled the First Orchestra to giw performances of such works as Brahms' 2nd Symphony, Bernstien's Symphonic Dances from West Side Story and Rachma-ninov's 3rd Piano Concerto. A total of 200 boys sing in the big school choir. The College Chapel Choir have recently visited France, America, Israel and the Arabian Gulf, and made two commercial records and two private cassettes, singing while at school for two or three choral services a week. At present five members of the school play in the National Youth Orchestra. In the last five years twenty-one boys have gained choral and organ scholarships to Oxford and Cambridge, this year including the organ scholarships at bqth Christ Church, Oxford and King's College, Cambridge. Last year three of our organ pupils passed their ARCO diploma, taking between them, six out of the seven prizes and this year one of them has gone on to gain his FRCO with the top prize. The school possesses six pipe organs. In addition to these musical facilities, music specialists take full advantage of Eton's outstanding academic teaching. In order to ensure that these opportunities are not denied to any deserving musician of high calibre, the scholarship fund has recently been increased to offer boys eight major scholarships per year. In cases of need all Eton scholarships can be supplemented up to the value of the whole school fee. Boys should be under Fourteen on 1st September of the year of entry.

If you wish to inspect the work of the department, please write for a Music Diary to: Ralph Allwood Precentor and Director of Music Eton College Windsor Berks SL4 6EW An informal preliminary audition and tour of the school may also be arranged.

List of Performers AFRICAN HARP LUTE DUO, LONDON Manager: G Chester

Tuba Alastair Stewart

Tunde Jegede Maya Jobarteh

Percussion Jonathan Hopes

COUNTY OF AVON SCHOOLS' ORCHESTRA Conductor: Peter Stark Director: Brian Snail! Tutors: Kathryn Hardman (strings), Phillip Scott (woodwind), Nigel Mainard (brass), Andrew Tyrrell (percussion) 1st Violin Alice Barcla y Alison Black* Catherine Buswel! Katharine Chappel! Katharine Davenport Helen Everest John Harrison Saffron Kiddy Ruth Lord* Alyna Pereira Nicola Perry DuncanReid LucyWadge Benjamin Winters 2nd Violin Helen Barnes Leonie Bowden Joanne Boyd Robin Buswel! Alison Calvert Andrew Coombs Helen Greenhalgh HelenPem' Louisa Ree~ Derek Revill Wendhy Sierra' Lucy Watson Sharon Wilkie Allan Williams

I. ,

Viola Fiona Bales Kate Crossthwaite Hazel Farrow Charlotte FraIl ley Anna Limburn James Slater Simon Tandree Sara Trenchard' Susanne WhitbyStrevens Richard Whitehead Cello Christopher Barrett Sarah Calvert Julian Clarke Anna Edwards Sophle Evans Rebecca Griffin Kristian Hibberd Jonathan Morrissey Sarah Murray

Claire Nash Jane Rugrnan* Neil Shorney Racheol Sierra Joy Stanford Sam Wa tson Double Bass Sarah Kem'on Beatrice L~vegrove Clare Ring Nicolas Stunt Peter Tyler Ian Watson* Harp Ruth Kenyon Celeste Richard Baker Flute Georgina Barke Lucy Goldring Lisa Savage Oboe :\lkki ~Iarsh \'lctona ~Iatthe\\'s :\lcc,lJ. ~Iorton Clarinet Gilhan Ht'n,iBI\ James ~Iarcht'''' Claire Rowlan.i Bassoon Lucv Mavheld :-\eif i\'el~'son Claire Wadsworth Horn SkI t'n \!!',c" Clrt' Bb,;.:<,!" Kart'n c'nC':' Katnna ~1,G~l: r Gregor: PhllhroTrumpet Sam Barrett Damian Bradlel' Elizabeth FranklinKitchen Daniel Newel! Trombone Andrew Derrick Timothy Fry Anthony Williams

Paul Ingram James Morley Justin Woodward * denotes principal

AVON SCHOOLS' SYMPHONIC WIND BAND Conductor: Phillip Scott Director: Brian Snary Tutors: David Kellllard, David Thomas, CaI'ole Timms, Andrcll' Tyrrcll Flute Hannah Con\\'ay LuC\' Goldring Louise lames Loulse ~lilb Lorna Poole Sall v Roberts Iohn Smith (piccolo) Sarah Watson Lucv Whitfield Eb Clarinet Suzanne Burge Bb Clarinet Jackie Cahill Debbie Dring Sharon Gaskin Andrea Lowe MaxineMann James Marchese Laura Mitchelson Rachel Norton Alto Clarinet Laura Flowerdew Bass Clarinet Claire Moulder Sally Norman Contra Alto Clarinet Andrew Keenan Oboe Emill' lohn '\ lkkI ~ larsh ,c'~ an~lais)

\ k"tc'na ~Iatthews :'l~a TI ler B4Ssoon ~:<'


C.J.Il CbI '\"Il '\<'w:'c'n le,"" :,h<,\ IIn Clal~t' '\\ Jj,wc)rth

Alto Saxophone Dt: r.I '" Whl le Tenor Saxophone DIane Bird Baritone Saxophone Alison Bailel'

Horn Clare Blagden Emma Evans Samantha Gaudion Katie Goldsmith lulian Taylor \'ictoria \\'al!ington Trumpet Comet :\athan Bn'ant ~Iatthe\\' Coster Richard Hatchett Kirsty Hel!on Pippa Jenkins Justin Lewis Sarah Vice Amy Wiseman Trombone Andrew Burns Nicola Cherry Tim Fry Roger Sans om Anthony Williams Bass Trombone James Dolling Nigel Willis

AYLESBURY MUSIC CENTRE DANCE BAND Director: Nicholas Care Tutor: Katharine Gifford Alto Saxophone Jo Butler Richard Dalton Harriet Storey Melanie van-Aurich

Rachel Kemp Steve Kitchen

Tenor Saxophone Tina Davenport Leo Green Sam Sharp

Trombone Robert Downing Peter Flamman Mark Hampson Andrew Prendergast Matthew Quick Philip Seagrove

Baritone Saxophone Katharine Power

Bass Alan Coughlan

Trumpet Mark Armstrong Steve Coughlan Gabriel Garrick John Hutchinson

Drums James Keen Piano Simon Ashford

BAND ARBENNIG DWYFOR, PWLLHELI, GWYNEDD Musical Director and Accompanist: Arfon Wyl! Performers Delyth Mai Davies Eirwen Davies DylanJones Emyr Arthur Jones Robin Jones Stephen Jones Maxwel! Lewis

Karl Varnham Delyth Williams Susan Williams Integrated Musicians Catrin El!is Tudur Jones Ruth Stanton

Euphonium Simon Fry David Reynolds

BARNET SCHOOLS' BRASS BAND Conductor: Paul Ruby Tutor: David Milsted

Tuba Paul James Nathan Riley Alastair Stewart Andrew Visser

Soprano Comet Sonya Smith Solo Comet Henry Collins Alex Meadows Andrew Pearce Matthew Pearce Richard Smith Repieno Comet Melissa Gartside Second Comet Michael Lane Third Comet Nigel Arkwright Piers Martin FlugelHom Edward Benstead Solo Horn Shi-Farn Ling First Horn Nicola Bryant

String Bass Stephen Goldsmith :\icolas Stunt Peter Tyler Percussion Dominic Beer Giles Hicks ~Iatthew Rich Craig Stott ~Iark Taylor

Second Horn Andrew Harris First Baritone Andrew Miller Second Baritone Claire Gould First Trombone Nicholas Martin Second Trombone Robert Dowel! Bass Trombone Aron Schneider Eb Bass Matthew Elms Leon Perry Bb Bass Simon Appleman David Milsted Percussion Graeme Martin




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Hon. President: Sir Yehudi Menuhin, OM, KBE The National Club for all young musicians (beginners to grade 8) with a magazine full of fun, challenge, news, information and help children and their parents - plus all the latest news on workshops courses and exams. Discover that there is life after scales! There's a welcome pack for each new member, including membership card, Club sticker, instrument stickers, manuscript notebook and pencil! Advisory Pane'

John Drurrmond. ControIfK B9C ROOo 3. Edmord RYet. Principal. Welsh College of Music and Drama Sk'Dovtd Lumsden. Prlndpal. Royci Academy of Mu!Ic. DetW Mor1a. Head of Music. BBC Television . Mchael Goug1 Motthews. DIrector. Royci CoIege of Music. lan Horsbrugh. Prlnclpd. ~ School of Mu!Ic and Drama. Phillp Ledger. Prlncipol. Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. V1vlenne Price. Director. Not/ord ~·s Orchestra. Rodney Slatford. Head of School of Stmgs. Royal Ncxthem College of Music. RonaId 9Tith. DnK:tOf. Assodated 80ad of ffle Royci Schools of M.tsic.

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List of Performers THE CHOIR OF BEECHWOOD PARK, ST ALBANS Conductor: Bruee Clarke Accompanist: Philip Thorne Ist Trebles Graham Conlon Ambrose Dudley Gareth Graham CyrusMody Timothy Price Nicholas Saner Simon Smith 2nd Trebles Torn Burridge Joseph Dyke Torn Jones Anthony Macpherson James Smith Sam Stockley Mark Todd

1st Altos Henry Law Graham Livesey Oliver Penny Adam Simpson William Skidmore Andrew Thompson 2nd Altos Ben Combes James Hughes Nicholas Johns Hugh Sturrock Ben Tett William Western

BISHOP THOMAS GRANT MARIMBA ENSEMBLE, LONDON Conductor: Andy Leask Kirstie Bell Sarah Cushing Sarah Dicker Karen Fonseca

Vicki Gluck Ayse Hodgkinson Dolores Pomares

CHELMSFORD COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL PIANO TRIO, ESSEX Tutor: Patrieia Beckett Gillian Arnos Anita d' Attellis

Karen Chisholm

Richard Cox Jane Davis Martyn Dawson Shafiq Esmail ZakFairley Gemma Fisher Sara Gallaher Anthony Gibson Durrell Glynn Lauren Gutteridge Arnal Hassan Amin Hassan Asma Jama Hassan Tariq Halawa Richard Hawkins Sara Hawksworth Leon Henry Louise Hudson Mark Hussain EIsa Humh Kelechi 'Ijomanta Mertun llhan ~adine Jones AYijit Jugessur Krystal Karrnondy Mahmmoud Kassar Michelle Knight Monique Knight Richard Knight Haroulla Kouri DelroyLee Michelle Lynch Leon McAskie Niall McAskie Kelly Ann McCartney Andre McCurvin David McMillan Michael McPherson Tiyajana Makha Marlon Matticks Leighanne Mendrys Margarita Michael Jacqueline Morgan Gita Naran RaviNaran

AbdiNasir Deniz Niazi Jamie Nicholson Hakan Ozbehun Oznur Ozdemir Abhilasha Patel Ami Patel Jay Patel Komal Patel Norma Jane Patrick Hanh Pham Thuy Pham Sophia Piper Shiella Poliah Ann Quach Dawn Raymond Monika Ritchie Shirlev Ritchie Sama~tha Rose Carl Savill Stacev Savers Lawrence Schroeder Christopher Shako Lisa Shellev Joel Spenc~ Maria Socratous Krystelle Stephen Ben Strutt Jenny Stoughton Jason Sullivan Jessica Swift Aaron Talbot Sophie Tattingham Ruya Ulusoy Stella Weinor Torubinbo Weinor Anne Wheatle Anthoni Wheatle Morgan WhiteleyHaskins Faith Williams Kenneth Willmont Anthony Woodroofe Usa Wright Hulya Yildiz Chereen Young

Viola Susan McDonald Elaine Siddle Usa Smith Unda Wilson Cello Martin Ayers John Dickson Jane Green Julie Smith Suzanne Smith NealWade Double Bass Jane Bailey Elizabeth Greenwood Joanne Hoolway Flute Tina Bum Allegra Hopkinson Suzanne Lawson Eleanor Meeking Susannah Wood Clarinet Laura Hird Sarah Lawson David Plews Suzanne Scott KSnaith

Bassoon Alexandra Meekine French Horn Alison Carr Zoe Rowden Trumpet David Coulthard NeilHewson Sally Levell Jolyon Matthews Trombone Andrew Laird Jonathan Megson Philip Spencer Tuba Colin Cooper Percussion Paul Bowker Robin Dawson Martyn Plews Andrew Wilkinson

SHEIDA DA VIS AND EMMA RIVLIN, LONDON Tutors: Dat,id Strange, loyee Rathbone Sheida Davis

Emma Rivlin

DOWN LANE JUNIOR SCHOOL, HARINGEY Musical Directors: Miehelle Oddv Li dol Ph::":::" Soloist: Stella Weinor • Hodan Abdilahi Autumn Abebrese. Audrey Adjei Dwaine Alexandre Colleen AlIen Iona Alien Deborah Awosunle Shereen Beckett Meraz Begum

Serife Bogazkaya Austin Bolaky Natalie Boxall Aishaleen Brightly John Burke Daniel Carey Ali Cemal Jennifer Christian Samuel Chukwukere

EGGLESCLIFFE SCHOOL ORCHESTRA, CLEVELAND Conductor: Keith Hewson Leader: Claire Wilson 1st Violin L\'Ime Downs Ciaire Fulton lackie Graham Katherine Greenwood \"ictoria Hart Beth \iarshall

:\atasha Peeris Kirsty Rigg Hannah Spencer Adam Watson Claire Wilson

2nd Violin Janice Downs Judith Eastham GUY Emmerson Christopher Greenwood Ruth Ingram Sarah Ingram Susan Jenrungs Emma Lindsa\' Lucy \fartin Haiel Trotter Joseph Watson <


String Players could you bring a Cup Final crowd to its feet at Wembley one day and win a standing ovation at the Albert Hall the next? As a Musician in the Royal Marines Band Service, the answer is quite definitely Yes. For though our biennial outing to the Cup Final at Wembley is always a memorable performance, those same Musicians could as well turn their hands to a Mozart symphony, a selection from Top of the Pops, or a clarinet quintet after a State Dinner aboard the Royal Yacht Britannia. They are probably the most versatile group of professional musicians in the world. That's because the training produces Musicians with a broad knowledge of music, not just instrumental technicians. Training includes taking in orchestral concerts, ballet and opera. Every Musician is trained on two

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If you'd like to learn more about becoming a Musician in the Royal Marines Band Service, contact any Royal Navy and Royal Marines Careers Information Office (in the phone book under 'Naval Establishments') or telephone (for the cost of a local call),

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List of Performers EXETER SCHOOL AND ST MARGARET'S SCHOOL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Conductor: Simon Foxall Leader: Anne Bass 1st Violin Anne Bass Kate Burrough Erica Ford Abigail Macartney PeterMiln Richard Pash Torn Penn Judy Shipway Joachirn Stanley Patrick Wood 2nd Violin Christy Baker Sop hie Bradford Lucy Cargill Julian Foxall Jane Gordon Louisa Groom Sarah Hill Caryslrwin Alexei Janssen Laura Kilby Orlando Le Fieming Rebecca Redstone Oliver Robinson Charlotte Wade Viola Ben Crawford Justin Cross Alison Nethsingha Claire Stradling Alastair Usher Cello Finella Balfour-Paul Waiter Burrough Nicola Davies John Ford Greta H6pkins Cressida Moger David Mossop Torn Panton Ellen Rufev lan Stephens Laura Stuttard Neil Thome Nicholas \\'(,stcott

Gareth Evans Stephanie Wickison Harp Jenny Hill Flute Salv Bennett Zara Brabyn Sarah Hall (piccolo) James Hogg Jacinta Paskell Oboe Anna Rufey Rachel White Clarinet Jonathan Bashforth Sirnon Bryant James Cole Maria Davies Bassoon Naomi Osborne Laura Robinson Horn Geneva Swainger Paul Yates Trumpet Matthew Cockburn Chrissie Foale Richard Oates Trombone Giles Corby Tim Hampshire Caroline Jacob Tuba Nicholas Dolling Timpani Damian Edwards Percussion Susannah Burch Michael Howe Adam Onyett Bonita Partridge l~';.ic a \\'aJlwork

Double Bass Piers Buchanan

Rebecca Dale Kitty Deane Frances Denny LucyDenny Clive Drummond Victoria Dudman Katherine Elliott Seth Freeman Victoria Haycocks William Heathcote Naomi Hilliar Paul Hilliar Juliette Hobson Suzannah Holt Caroline Hughes Torn Jakeway Christopher Jenkins Timothy Jenkins

FARNHAM YOUTH TRAINING CHOIR Conductor: Catherine Watts Accompanist: Julia Freeman Erica Alexander Rachel Atkinson Juliette Blightrnan Louise Blightrnan Zoe Bragg Sarah Brinton Emma Buckingham Wendy Butterworth Suzannah Cary William Collinson Lucy Corkhill Emma Cousins Rebeccah Davis Sarah Louise Davison Rosie Dee Charlotte Dyson Isobel Drummond Robin Frampton James Graham Caroline Hobson

Timothy Atkins Cindy Belcher Kerry Belcher Katy Boddington Becky Butterworth

Carly Holmes Peta Howell William Jakeway Ellen Miller Alastair Noakes Nicola Jasinskyj Elena Pike Nicola Pike Amanda Rolph Heather Ross Anna Saville Robert Smith Amanda Stone Anna Tabbush Freya Tabbush Joy Tilston Melanie Webb Robin Whittleton Jessica Wilks Rebecca Wood Rachel Woolstone

GAWTHORPE BRASS '85, OSSETI, WEST YORKSHIRE Musical Director: Sandy Smith Conductor: Knthleen Stokes Comet Jasmine Ali Helen Canning Joanne Carr Sarah Elsworth Samantha Fox Holly Fraser Sally Hague Geraint Rees (soprano) Gavin Robottom Richard Rowe lan Shires Nicholas Torr Horn Ellen Fox Lyndsay Goodall Joanne Rewinski Heather Thomson Kristina Waite Euphonium Matthew Gibson

Baritone David Darby Rachel Elsworth Michael Howley Trombone Adrian Benson NaomiCoe lan Gledhill Duncan Lockwood Bass Neal Carter Torn Coe Richard Gardner Phillip Matthews Matthew Sheard Percussion Sam Coe Phillip Gardner James Oldroyd

GRANGETOWN RECORDER ENSEMBLE, MIDDLESBROUGH Musical Director: Bob Mason Joanne Akerman Hannah Boocock Joanne Boocock Stacy Bradley Lisa Caswell Charlene Dalton Rebecca Godney Lianne Hodkinson Shiralee Jones

Amanda Johns Emma Kenned\' He!en Lancaster Sallv-:\nne O'Brien Monica Prest ~tichae! Simms (hen'! Stub!e\ ,1 oannt' Tt'mkt' Leannt' Tt'mkt'

FELSEN, TELFORD TutorslManagers: Tone Higley, John Leedam Assistant: Avtar Sandhll lead \' ocals R..l ,':.:! \",chL' !"<-)n

Kevboards \lark \\'n,;ht Guiw


H~::-'. ~!~.:r

FARNHAM YOUTH CHOIR Conductor: David Victor-Smith Accompanist: Julia Freeman

Abigail Jones Emma Kennedy SaliyMay Emily Moore Benjamin Noakes Hannah Phillips Alison Picken Rachael Pike Step hen Ratcliffe Katy Schmit Helena Schmit Timothy Sidford Sarah Skoglund LucyTaylor Jessica Victor-Smith Oliver Victor-Smith Elizabeth West Jonathan Wood

.='. S:.l:::-:"

Bass Guiw :\nj~ \"J.:nL)!b

Lucy Cleland Sop hie Cooper Melissa Corkhill Camilla Cowling Rosamund Cresswell












Patron: HRH The I>vk of Kffll KG PmidmJ.· Sir


.\frnulun O.\f. KBE Pnnopal: PhiI.p jones CBE


Applications are invited for entry in September 1992 Closing date for undergraduates: 10 February 1992 (auditions in March/April 1992) Closing date for postgraduates: 20 January 1992 (auditions in February 1992) Applications are particularly welcome for places in VIOLA, DOUBLE BASS, HORN, TUBA, BASSOON, and ORGAN. For course details and application form contact the Registrar, Trinity College of Music, 11-13 Mandeville Place, London W1M 6AQ. Tel: 071-935 5773 44

List of Performers HEMEL HEMPSTEAD SCHOOL WIND BAND Conductor: Carry Firth Flute Joanna Green Jessica Paine Kirsty Price Katie Taunton Oboe Lucy Read Thomas Woodd Esther Wordley Clarinet Nick Ablett Robert Dale HelenGreen Suzanne Hart Amy Horsfall Joanne Moore Bass Clarinet Emily Gamester Alto Saxophone Catherine Adams Darren Cook Mark Davies BarryHahn lain Marsh

TrevorHahn Alex Watson Baritone Saxophone Claire Phillips Trumpet Daniel Cuell Stefanie Cuell Jenny Key lan Kirby Penny Moss GregNew French Horn Claire Longhurst Tim Osborn-Jones Trombone lan Davies Kevin Rogers Tuba Peter Blackett Percussion Rufus Frowde George Jeffries NeilKirby

LONDON FUSION ORCHESTRA Director: [an Carr Trumpet DavidMian

Guitar Darius van Helfetein

Soprano/ Tenor Saxophone Claudio Galaes

Bass Monty Joseph

Flute / Tenor Saxophone RickyMian

Drums Fedja Franklin Percussion Philip Harper

Alto Saxophone ChukuModu

Flute Mara Harrison James Scarrot Emma Walton Oboe Tamsin Cadman Helen Lofthouse Cass Pateman Clarinet Sam Beeker HowardClay Josephine Dilworth

Keyboards Tim Vine

THE WKACS TRIO, WOKING Tutor: Zoltan Lukacs Oboe Alex Curtis

Bass Alistair Hamilton EmmaHenry Alison Samways Stephen Watts

Bassoon Jonathan Crowe Emilie Ficek William Grainger

Horn Simon Dunkley Jon Gibson James Halstead Ann MacMahon Abigail Ray David Vintiner Trumpet Mark Chivers Laura Dipple Nick Heaney Trombone Jon Lloyd Bradley Turnbull Mark Watts Percussion JamesAnsell Simon Maltby Carotine Metealfe Harp Rowena Bass

Bassoon lain Jolly

Clarinet Jackie Jones

Tenor Saxophone Jake Burdess NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Malcolm Tyler KALINKA, MANCHESTER Musical Director: Brian Hulme Rebecca Apps Gemma Bainbridge Paul Baker Sean Baker Dean Berington Caroline Bove Lynnette Casey Suranga Chandratillake Tracv Clarke KeU~ Cundle Be~adette Fam I Tim Good Donna Griffe Rebecca !mber HelenKean Paula Kershaw Richard Lapington Michelle Mee Carotine Methuen Kelly O'Connor Fiona Octigan Nicola Oliver Helen O'Neil Cassandra Queeley

Paul Rafferty David Scott Patricia Seex PaulShelley Gemma Sheridan Catherine Sidebotham Nicola Southern Daniel Talbot Matthew Woodcock Annie Wright Helen Young

1st Violin Emily Barford Fiona Brice Anna Burrows Bridgit Clark Maria Dolley Catherine Gothard Samantha Jane Catherine Leech Philippa Maconochie Colette Schrier Elizabeth Siddon Clare Smith Richard Smith Edward Thornhill Rachel Tomtinson Jane Whitehurst 2nd Violin :\lexandra Baird D3\id Clarke Curtis ~.a:-3h

Hadland _\nna Hall Sarnantiu Hen.: Amy \

Peter ~ lorgan Cherry MortimerHampson Jessica Padden HelenPope Julia Richards

Melanie Sanders Teresa Skalinski Rachel Stalker Carotine Stratten Viola Nicola Bunce Angela Burns Stephen Cave Sarah Hill Suzanne Jolley Carolyn Journeaux Heather Skalinski Sarah Tibbs Cello Sarah Barford Melanie Hoddle Andrea Jaekson Simon Johnson Esther Le\-erett Beckv Le\\is Philip \Ianiield Kate Penn Eliza~ th


L-..*",I ~lffipson Robert Starkey lame-; Tate Ben Till Helen Turton Joanna WooUey


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OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Richard Hallam Orchestral Manager and Administrator: Slephen lones Co-Leaders: Craig laruis/Emma Mitchell Coaches: Leslet) White, Sue Hallam (violin), Marion Crombie (viola), Tom Morter (cello), Avril I ' (d bl b V\ vm ou e ass), lanet lay m,lIe), Wendy Marks (oboe), Doug La1llb (clarinet), 10 Sheltol1 (bassoon), Paul Willet (ham), A'like Skill (brass), ') 5ue La wrel1ce (perWSSlO/l Violin Helen Arthur KeithAxon Joanna Beecham Lynn Betteridge Andrew Bettle Matthew Bevan Frances Bourne Josephine Bradshaw Mary Clarke Imogen Crawley Jane Dickinson Mark Dickinson Sop hie Farmer Kirsty Flower LucyFlower Deborah GrenvilleJones AlexHarper Hannah Harper Victoria Hollis Jonathan Holmes Lyn Honeyball Craig Jan'is Ceri Jones Mark Jordan Julia Kitching Laura Lord Ben Luh'ens Emma Mitchell Nozuko Mngxitama Rosamund Noli Margaret Reeves Claire Rich Michael Simmonds Lee Spencer Jennifer Thomas \!ark \\':;rn <,r :\nnJ ·'\· '-:': :. . i ~:­ Bamar\ ".\ c-: -

Shona i\,Ilha ::> ~ Emma Wilson Viola Judith Clarke Rebecca Crowley Andrew Dudman Joanna Gill Clare Guard Laura Kidd Karen Laver Daniel Munt Jonathan Perry Madeleine Reeves Helen Ryan Sarah Smale Catherine Wilson

Cello Rosalind Bateman 5tt'phanie Clarke Bt'th Collin Kathrm Dea n Rachel Dudnul1 Ann Ferrier Elizabeth Gra\' Rachel Hirst Alexander L'Estrange Jenny Reed Jonathan Sale Patricia Saxon Graham Simons Maria White Jennifer Wilson Double Bass Amy Berrington Elizabeth Crowley Ruth Francis Nicola O'Toole Jennifer Wilson Harp Philippa Lee Piano / Organ Thomas Hill Flute Elizabeth Da\'e\' Sandra Gound;e\' Naomi Hillman " HelenJones Sarah Waddup Sarah Williams Oboe Maggie Boyd Carolyn Chaplin ~'~,'h e n Crowson l~ - F'~ i · ne tt

Clan ne: :\rl';l;: ~ : ', ", "

Hannah :;;; . , . Dominic FfaT1 ~' Patricia Gouna f~, Emily Johns • Hilary Rudd Bassoon Emma Chaplin Philip Saxon Nina Sparrowhawk Frances Starr

French Horn Henry CampbellJones Robert Fox Donna Hedges Mark O'Toole Catherine Whalley Trumpet Samantha Ford Daniel Francis David Jeeves Vicky Newell Stuart Prower Simon SturgeonClegg Paul Thomas

Trombone Jonathan Hamel Ewan McMorris Benjamin Piling Ben Prentice Tuba Lucy Haigh

Viola Rosina Morrison Catriona Reeves Richard Rowntree Evlyn Santer Alexandra Welch Cello


Jennifer Barrett Thomas Brownlie

Stephen Gibson Matthew Lord Alastair Mitchell David Rugman

OXFORDSHIRE YOUTH CHAMBER CHOIR CClnJuctl'[S: :11:1!!l HnYicorth, Pctcr HUllt Soprano Clare Dt'nton Carohne Gill Rachel Leech ElIen Morgan-Jo nes Ruth Oreschnick Julie Stone Anna Waterer Karen Widdowson Catherine Wilson Jennifer Wilson Alto Belinda Burnard Joanna Gill Sop hie Hamwee MeganJones Judith Parker Kate Sutton Anna Widdowson Tenor Paul de Newtown

Andrew Friedhoff Richard Manley ,\ndrew Purcell lames Sherwood Sand\' Small Paul Standen Andre\\' Stone Paul Tyack Bass Richard Allison Andrew Cobb Dominic Franks Andrew Jarvis David Litt Anthony Oliver Jonathan Sale Richard Scroggie Andrew Sharp Step hen Wil\cox David Yapp

The clroir acknowledges a special Cal'llegie UK Trust Award ill recognition of excellence and achievemellt,


Stephanie Hunneman Elizabeth Russell Karen Skyrme Christopher Tay ton Nicola Wilson Double Bass James Scott

POOLE GRAMMAR STOMPERS Musical Director: Stephell Gregsol1 Clarinet Richard Peters

Tuba Brett Challis

Trumpet Andrew Cotton

Piano Neil Bottomley

Saxophone Ben Dalton

Drums Jonathan Westrup

Trombone Thor Mitchell THE RADCLlFFE ROLLERS STEEL BAND, MILTON KEYNES Director: Neil Davisoll Tutor and Arranger: Richard MlIIphy JasonAddy EmilyBell Chris Blackbum LucyBowden Stuart Cheetham Max Deveson Jenny Dunne Ben Emissah Hannah Emissah Jane Gosney Rachel Hammersiey Marette John

Guy Jones Sally Kyd Dawn McMorrOl\' Tara McMorro\\' Tammy Oxby Claire Rivers Hannah Robimon Dawn Rogerson Quv Tien Dee Vine Lama \\',llkef Emma \\'hc,, :ie',

SCARBOROUGH SIXTH FOR\I COLLECE JAZZ ORCHESTRA Musical Director: H II\!: '~ 'ii. Saxophone Jane Bateman Catherine Bradle\ Stuart Ellerker ' Duncan \lcln :', :'. :\eil Penn o,~ 5arah \\"ar,; ,\lln~Ll", ; :-t " ', [md', ':



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List of Performers SITAR ENSEMBLE - RAG AUR TAL, BRENT Musical Director and Composer: Punila Gupla Tabla Tutor: Yosuf Ali Khan

Daniel Powell Nicholas Taylor HuwThomas

Sitar NeelGovind Versha Govind Sonal Limbani Kajal Patel Mita Patel

STONELEIGH YOUTH ORCHESTRA, LONDON Musical Director: Adrian Brown Chairman: Christine Blake Orchestral Manager: Dudley Davies Co-Leaders: Tista Banerjee/Antonia Cviic

Tanpura Shaleen Mitha Anita Trivedi Tabla Gurjit Singh Jasbir Singh

SOUTH GLAMORGAN YOUTH CHOIR Musical Director and Conductor:

Helena Braithwaite Accompanist: lanice Ball Tutors: Allison Hughcs, Iona lones Librarian: Robert Cornelius Costume: Gill Edwards Choir Manager: Michael Howells Choir Administrator: Steve Bowden Soprano Hawys Ball AnnaClode Carmen Cowling Rachel Edwards Margaret Evans Harriet Griffith Elizabeth Hewett Sarah Jenkins Kathryn Jones Lisa Jones Elizabeth Kiteher Judith Lock Rebecca Long Emma McTiffen Eleanor Mason Rachel Matthews Eirlys Michael Caroline Munn Sarah Parry Justine Platts Ellen Purse Fay Roberts Donna Routlev Nia Rowlands' Helen Spargo Janine Sully Janine Thomas Catherine Wilton Alto Jenny AIden Julie Baish Lucy Case SianChick Kathryn Corrick Claire Dwyer Laura Evans Rebecca Fowler Melanie Gray AndreaJohn SiwanKemp Ruth Loveluck

Julie Lunn Bethan Miles Claire O'Brien Suzanne Radcliffe Emily Thomas Nia Thomas Zoe Walker Sara Weale DawnWilson C1aire Winters Tenor Dylan Adams Steffan Adams Richard Alden Matthew Collins Timothy Clode Rhidian Davies Alan Jones Anthony Jones Geraint L10yd HuwLloyd Anthony Morgan Step hen Mullan Thomas Poole Carl White Bass Edward Bowen Paul Col1ins Robert Cr.路er Owen Da~ies Andrew Green Jonathan Harris Stuart Hem Christopher Howells Dylan Hughes Anthony James Paul Jones BemardKane Aydin Kurt-Elli HuwLoaring Gwydion Lyn David Morgan

1st Violin Lauren Abbott Alex Afia !ngrid Aldersea Tista Banerjee Katie Bignold Raehel Croft Antonia Cviie Oaire Hall Kathryn Lawes Alexander Postlethwaite Madeleine Reardon Francoise Robinson Laura Samuel Mithran Samuel Craig Stratton Harriet Sutcliffe Sophie de Verteuil Simon Wookey 2nd Violin Harriet AlIan Natasha Armstrong Emily Bamford Cecilia Barrett Louise Camby Alexia Cammish Annabel Collon Katie Evers Oliver Heath Sally James Katie Knight Kelly McCusker Nadine Nicolin Eleanor Richardson Jennie Richardson Helena Ruinard Debbie Sevitt Anna-Caroline Starkey Viola Jethro Armstrong Raehel Collon Susie Dillon Stephen Gilchrist lohn lames Beth Lueas Donna ~IcKe\itt ~lichael Summers CeUo Jonathan Brigden Catherine Collon Tracy Fitzgerald Karen Hide-Prince

Geraint Trehame James Waiters David Wheeler

NaomiLing Angela Males LauraMoody Myoung-Joo Rhee Naomi Samuel Stephen Summers Bass Chenali WickramaSekera Harp Sian Davies Flute Gail Cargill Daniel Capps CarlO'Shea Philip Sweeting Caroline Wyatt Oboe Mark Adami Rachel Griffiths Ben Jennings Nicholas Peacock Clarinet Karen Fotherby KarenKeay Debbie Scantlin Paul Stevens Simon Stewart Bassoon Cindy Adami Horn Helen Hasted PeterSimek Daniel Smith Rustam Stolkin Jessamy Taylor Adam Waters Trumpet Lisa Heming Jo-Anne Naish Kevin O'Nei1\ Patrick Parker Robin Smith Trombone Jonathan Cooper Peter Farrant Tuba ~tatthew FuUer Percussion Halder

THE SWORDS OF MODA LING, NORTHAMPTON Director: Alan Suttie JamesAnsell Aaron Brown Ben Greenaway Adrian McKenzie Simon Maltby

Caroline Metcalfe Paul Roberts Matthew Smith Matthew Turner

YSGOL GLANAETHWY, BANGOR, GWYNEDD Tutors: Cefin Roberts, Rhian Roberts Elin Aaron Lois Bevan Gareth Birkett Rhian Blythe Cathryn Daniel Branwen Davies Emyr Prys Davies HywynEdem RhysMeurig Edwards Meleri Haf Ellis Meinir Eluned Non Eluned Dylan Eurig Bethan Evans Nia Evans BethanFon Heledd Fychan HuwGethin Gwyneth Glyn Mirain Haf Angela Hardy Llinos Mererid Hughes NiaHughes Owain Hughes Gwenan Humphreys Ceri Jones Edward E Jones Gwawr Angharad Jones ManonJones Sian Jones Sian Louise Bethan Mair Catrin Meurig Ellen Morgan Ruth Oliver CarylOwen

Catrin Eleri Owen HuwOwens Iwan L1yr Owens Sian Peacock Bethan Perkins Rhodri Pritchard Llio Prydderch Meilir Rhun Guto Roberts Hywel Roberts Sioned Roberts Eleri Robinson Ellen Robinson Ann Taylor Sarah Thomas Steffan Hedd Thomas Caryl Vaughan Sioned Vaughan Bethan Williams Delyth Williams Lowri Williams Sioned Pari Williams MariWyn Lowri Wynn


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