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A Music for Youth Presentation sponsored by
MARKS & SPENCER WHSMITH Department for Education Music Industries Association TES The Times Educational Supplement
ROYAL ALBERT HALL MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 23rd, 24th, 25th NOVEMBER 1992 Organised for \1usic for Youth by Westland Associates Limited
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MARKS 4
Contents Introduction
Schools Prom Personalities
Programme Notes
Concert Programme
Friends of Music for Youth
Back Cover
Executive Director and Producer: Larry Westland CBE Schools Prom Director: lanet Dingley Press Officer: Karen Co drick Stage Manager: David Haythome
Music for Youth Directors: Dennis Wilcox, Chairman (Kodak) Nicholas Mann (British Aerospace) Keith Grant (Commercial Union) Jim Benfield (Marks and Spencer) James Coppock ( 1usk Industries Association) Patricia Rowan (The Times Educational Supplement) Dr KC''-: :1 Hawkins (\\ H S:':l:th Group) Larr:' ''':c':!and CBE, Executive Director
Programme Design by [an Marshall Drawings and cover design by Sholto Photographs by Odile Noel Amplification and electric stage piano kindly supplied by Maurice Placquet Limited Pianos kindly supplied by Yamaha Kemble Music (UK) Limited Percussion instruments kindly supplied by Premier Percussion Limited
MUSIC FOR YOUTH is a charity sponsored and directed by B" :':: ; !1 Aerospace, Commercial Union, Kodak, Marks and 5pei :_-~ .., mid The W H Smith Group and supported by tl li! 0.. :路.?rtll7en t for Education, Music Industries .路:' ~; r.__ i!? tiOI7 and TES The Times Educational Supp/cu;,-u:. Slipport is also received from the Friends of Music jlJr y(ll1tlz i5ce list on back cover),
Tonight, as we delight in the excitement and spontaneity of these performances, we should take heart that such wonderful talent abounds in our schools, We should also be glad that early experience of music has been central to educational planning in Britain since the early fifties. We are greatly encouraged that the teaching of music became a statutory requirement, at least, for the ages 4 to 14, in September of this year. Even in this time of rettenchment there are a large number of leaders and decision-makers who are prepared to stand up and be counted when music education comes under the austerity microscope. As the pressure of change in our society intensifies, the need for imagination and sensitivity becomes increasingly important. With our lives becoming more and more subject to technological priorities we need to complement this with the provision of an education that stimulates our children to develop all their senses. Surely the highest goal of any society should be to foster the creative and natural energies of its youth. The Schools Prom is an annual showcase for much of this creativity and is the first and formative platform for many of the country's young musicians, singers and dancers. For more than twenty-one years the National Festival of Music for Youth and the Schools Prom have promoted mUSic-making in British schools. We do this with the backing of some of the country's leading commercial organisations whose support is widely recognised by an enormously enthusiastic and influential audience. Music for Youth's aim is to ensure that all children in the United Kingdom have the opportunity to make music together in the communities in which they live, Each year 25,000 young people aged from four to twenty-one years take part in our festivals and concerts. We hope to increase this figure to 50,000 by 1995. We shall continue to work closely with all national and regional bodies concerned with keeping music alive in our schools and argue the case for enriching the lives of tomorrow's adults. The sponsors of Music for Youth, British Aerospace, Commercial Union, Kodak, Marks & Spencer and The W H Smith Group, all regard their support for music in education as an important contribution to society as a whole and to the communities in which they trade. There really is no limit to the musical imagination of the young or to the standards of excellence they can achieve. This excellence is apparent not only here tonight but in thousands of schools up and down the country. We are sure you will want to join with us in strengthening your support for the teachers, school governors and education officers who have made our young musicians the envy of the world. Larry Westland CBE
Music for Youth Europe's Largest Youth Music Festival Music for Youth's National Festi'Ual and Schools Prom are the first and formative platforms for the young musicians of tomorrow. They greatly enhance the 11Iusical life of the United Kingdom and are the biggest and best t"PeIlts of their kind in the world. SlIpport for Music for Youth is ,cidely recognised by an Cllorl/wlIsll/ elltil!lsiastic mId illflueraial audience. F(lr mMe till111 t .:itlllal Festiml of Music t(lr I',lllth ,HId 7rt",wted grollp music"L.lklll.i: /11 Brit - .000 y(lUIIS people aged frl'm i"la t,' i" ('ur iestil'als and concerts: ,'ur auJzenc("5 e.Tc«J )1).0)) TOWARDS THE lIST CEXIURY
Music for Youth's aim is ft, ensun' tiLl! all .-h,IJrm ill the United Kingdom have the opportumty t,' make mlN,- tl'Set/lt7 in the communities in which thet! I~. By 1995 we intend to Iller:' taking part in MIL ic for Youtll 111.To do this we II1llst expand ollr flatiollll'i.f ri ft'om 28 to 50. We must also increa e the 1111111 NatilmnlFestival of MII ic for YOltfh ft'OI1l 5 to by 1 To do all this and develop our activities in Europe, we need to raise a further £100,000 in sponsorship and corporate donations. Our major funding cQmes from some of Britain 's /eat1111g business corporations but additional funding by corporate membership or donatiolls are vital to OHr wOI'k, especially 011 f1 regional level. You e(m SUPP01't oill' work by becoming a corporate or individual Friend of Music for Youth. CORPORATE FRIENDS Music for Youth depends heavily on donations from Corporate Friends and there are two levels of corporate giving: DONATIONS: £3,500 Benefits Printed credits on back cover of 8,000 Schools Prom programmes and 40,000 Nationa l Festival Enfnj Forms. Free advertisements in Music for Youth programmes. Tickets for all events and a private box at the Schools Prom, Royal Alberf Hall on all th,'ee l1ighfs. DONATION: £1,000 Benefits Listillg ill all MFY programmes. Quarter pare I1dverti ement in all MFY programmes and tickel- or nl et/ellts. IXDIVlDUAL FRIENDS OF MFY .4. "lillilllll11l donation of £100 Bntdits
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Schools Prom Personalities Bob Holness, Presenter. As the dreaded doodle-bugs rained down on London' s suburbs one night towards the close of the Second World War, a young boy lying huddled beneath his blankets secretly listening to a small crackling radio set could Ilave had no idea that his addiction to radio would one day lead to an acclaimed career in broadcasting. The boy's name wa Robert Holness and his care r over the last thirty-seven years has spanned virtually every aspect of broadcasting in both radio and television. His sheer love and enthusiasm for his work have ensured not only his dual success on both the small screen and the airwaves, but also enduring popularity with old and young alike. Thirty-one years after making his television debut as host of Granada Tele\'i 'on's earl\" game show, 'Take a Letter' , he is kn'o wn to an a\'erage audience oi some !weh'e million \'iewers as ho,.! oi Central Television's runawa\' success. 'Blockbusters'. :\ow'into its tenth series. 'Blockbusters' i regu arl \ 'Bes t Game Sho by the r ad t Britain's national newspapers, Bob Holness has achieved a great deal in his thirty-seven year career in radio and television, but he admits to a certain nagging regret. "1 would dearly love to have pfayei3 either the flute or tne trombone, my two favourite instruments, and then 1 could make my own music. Still, there is plenty of time ..J may yet get that done too ..."
has become a fanaticaJ golfer and has now played 288 golf COUIses, as far west as Minneapolis, as far east as Hong Kong and as far south as Adelaide. Finland remains the northern most limit, but if he can only get a concert date in Iceland, perhaps ...
Antony Hopkins CBE, Guest Conductor and Presenter. Has been associated with the Schools Prom from the first and has conducted the finale at every one. He has lectured and conducted in many cow1tries and his 'Talking About Music' programme on Radio 4 is now in its thirty-seventh year. He has now owned 58 cars, including a Ii hH....eight racing E-type Jaguar wKich , ~o from 0 to 100 m.p.h. in 11 .5 The curre.nt owner is Japanese . mill ion pounds for ittony, [11 recent years he
Richard Stilgoe, Presenter. Got into showbusiness via St Agnes Church OlOir in Liverpool, The Cavern Oub and The Cambridge Footlights. That was some time ago. Sin ce then his career has been eventful accompanying one of the Great Train Robbers in a pub, half a song in a West End musical in 1966, cut out of the film of 'Oliver' in 1968, dubbing Paul Michael Glazer's voice in 'Fiddler on the Roof, getting Roland Butcher caught behind-by Mike Gatting and having five children.
Philip Moore, Piano. Is 16 years old and lives in Evesham where he first received piano lessons at the age of 5. Since 1986 he has been studying at Chetham's School of Music, Manchester, where he receives piano tuition from Heather Slade-Lipkin and Rvszard Bakst and is stud ying for A-le\'els in Music, Maths and Ph\'sics. Competition ucces . include the title of 'Young Piaru t i h Y >1 in 1988. Philip \ '3 im'jted to pia . a he Reder European Plano F vaI 0 land in 1989 and was awarded .\\ \ .:ha\·on '\ Qunl: \tu;;.iClar. "i the '\ ea; in 1991 Nriier thi;. \ ear Ph;I T r!a/h~ \tozart> Pla~,' C,'n.:e!1,' :~ B :.a:. K4=,,=, . \\'Itl"! tne N:'t "i En;:i.and 0:-.:!-t~~:;a a:-.J : ~ 1:.;:\ "f ne ... t \'ear he w:1! ri.av l::,z: ':, P:a:-.•' Concerto '0. 1 In E £lat a: :~t.' F~L""> Trade Hall. \tanche-ster. a"l';:'.pa:-:.:~~ bv Chetham's S~mphony Or.::h~tra Philip has also plaved on Dutch radl,'. Welsh television, Granada Tele\'ision and BBC Television'S 'What's That Noise?' On leaving Chetham' s, Philip hopes to study at music college and later pursu a career as a profeSSIOnal soloist.
In the last year he has written and performed 'Who Pays the Piper?' for BBC Radio, winning the Monte Carlo Prize and the Prix Italia, toured Australia and the UK with Peter Skellern, and continued to give solo concerts and cabarets, notably for the Princess of Wales and the Duchess of York. 'Cats', 'Starlight Express' and 'The Phantom of the Opera' (all of which contain his words to a greater or lesser degree) continue to play throughout the world. All thIS has enabled him to take time off to write two new works for children - a musical, 'Brilliant the Dinosaur', given in Chichester CathedraJ i.n July, and a concert piece, The Big Bang', performed by over eighty choirs In aiaof Voices for Hospices. He continues to introduce the Schools Proms and to direct the Orpheus Trust, which has in the past twelve months been involved in workshops and music holidays for people with disabilities all over the British Isles. :\ext \'ear will be spent writing a new British musical which he hopes will be a breakthrough for the form. 1t has a joke in it. Lun' Westland CBE, Founder and
h",,:utl\'e Director of \<tusic for Youth. H~ ~ an produced the Schools I 1 tnception in 19 S. He is well ''Tl and rt.>Spedl!d for his \·..,ork
in y uth mwlC, pnrnarilv a Director of the , 'a' nal I'\-al f \1 ic for Youth, which he co-founded in 1970. The National F uval' now the largest event of i kind in Europe and involves over 25,000 young musicia each year. He is active in many other spheres of activity for yOWlg people, having co-founded the National Choral Competition in 1987, the BarcIays A wards, also in 1987 and the British Youth Band Championships in 1978.
Programme Notes ARMAGEDDON, HARLlNGTON UPPER SCHOOL, BEDFORDSHlRE Head of Music and Tutor: Mark Phillips Age range of performers: 16 years Angel Dressed in Black Nick Mailing orr. Leigh Coppock Too Cruel NI.ck Mailing, arr. Leigh Coppock The music department at- Harlington provides students with a range of activities including-chOirs, orchestras, bands, jazz groups and chamber ensembles. Annageddon is one of a number of student rock bands who rehearse in school a.nd perform in the termly school rock concerts. All four members are in the Lower Sixth and studying for Music A-level. They have appeared on Radio Bedfordshire and BBC 'Look East' and have written the songs thev ' are perform in at the Schoo Prom
AYLESBURY MUSIC CENTRE DANCE BAND Musical Director: Nicholas Care Soloist: Mark Annstrong Age range of performers: 11-21 years Chuck Mangione Feels So Good Purple Porpoise Parkway Tom Kubis This year has been very exciting for the band and has included an appearance on 'Blue Peter', two broadcasts for Radio 2, a debut appearance at the Stables in Wavendon and several performances at the Royal Festival Hall. They also won the 1992 BBC Radio 2 National Big Band Competition Youth Section. Feels So Good Chuck Mangione Chuck \1angione has extended considerably the popularity of the 拢lugel horn through his original compositions. 'Feels So Good' is the title track from an album which ~Id owr two million copies. It IS b.L<.ed on catch\' melodic I.J.nes iniu..<.ed "1 th ne h iazz 113 \'ours and marinated \\;th~路 Latm :\mencan rh\thms. Purple Porpoise P.ukw~y Tom Kubis is a successful West Coast sax player and band leader in the L:SA whose arrangements are played by bands all over the world . 'Purple Porpoise Parkway' is a 'red hot' samba that really 'cooks'!
BENDY CAT, THOMAS MILLS HIGH SCHOOL, FRAMLlNGHAM, SUFFOLK Director of Music: Richard Hanley Band Leader: Robert Updegraff Age range of performers: 12-16 years Miles Davis All Blues Fourteen different S1:0ups rehearse regularly at Thomas Mills High School induding the orchestra, choir, wind band, string group and chamber ensembles. Bendy Cat was formed only nine months ago. 'All Blues' was first featured on the album 'Kind of Blue'. Davis arrived at the recording studio with sketches on which he had been working for six months and the recording was made without rehearsal. The riff is a variation of another Davis song, 'Milestones'. BIRMINGHAM SCHOOLS' CONCERT ORCHESTRA Conductor: Robert Vivian Leader: Michael Vickers Soloists: Abigail Parker, Laura Speirs :\ge range of performers: 11-18 years Where Eagles Dare Ron Goodwind I Know Him So Well Anderson/Ulvasus, arr. Gregory Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom John Williams The members of BSCO are drawn from schools in the Birmingham area and rehearse weekly. The orchestra performs regularly in the West Midlands and enables the members to experience a wide range of music-making. Their programme opens with the theme music to the film 'Where Eagles Dare' and is followed by a purely ordlestral arrangement of '1 Know Him So WeU' from the show 'Chess'. They finish with 'Indiana Jones' from the pen of John Williams.
-=-,-_ 0)
WHATEVER THE TEMPO MAY YOUR PERFORMANCE BE OUTSTANDING BRITISH AEROSFJ.CE Warwick House, PO Box 87, Farnborough Aerosoace Ce-:'e Farnborough, Hants GU14 6YLJ
Musical Director: Andy Leask
Tutor: Patricia Beckett
Head of Music: Peter Clayton
Age range of performers: 13-15 years La Bamba arr. W L Cahn Flight of the Bumble Bee Rimsky-Korsakov, arr. G Peters Fluffy Ruffles G H Green, arr. W L Cahn The members of the ensemble are all pupils at Bishop Thomas Grant School in Streatham. They have appeared at three previous Schools Proms. Earlier this year they provided foyer music at the Royal Festival Hall following a performance gh'en by percussionist Evelyn Glennie. Jrr I\" L C,,;:'; La Bamba
Age range of performers: 16-18 years
Age range of performers: 17 years Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, Op. 49: Finale - Allegro assai Felix Mendelssohn appassionato The trio was formed at the end of 1991 and has achieved outstanding success in its first year. The trio has concentrated on performing works from the 19th century, repertoire that is well suited to their sound and style of playing. Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, Op. 49: Finale - Allegro assai. appassionato Felix Mendelssohn Schumann described this work as "the master trio of the present era". It is full of vigour and power but never fails to maintain its form and texture. Mendelssohn was not only a brilliant pianist but also a fine violinist and violist, abilities that show themselves in the quality of writing for each of the instruments in the trio.
This is arranged for four marimbas \\lth congas, timbales and guiro ,uFFhin~ the Mexican rh~ thm underneath the S~l1(l'pated introduction pla~'ed b~ the first manmha. Flight of the Bumble Bee RI"!"'"J-;;''';..rl;..':路 .IIT. G P,-:c'TThis well-known \irtuoso showpiece is arranged for solo xylophone, five marimbas and cello.
Deux Interludes Jacques Ibert Two of the flute trio, Pippa and Karen have just moved on to University to study Music and Natural Sciences respectively. Helen.is still at school and is a pianist, trombonist, \'iolinist and county hockey player. Deux Interludes Jacques Ibert It is not always easy to find music for flute, yiolin and piano, but the Ibert pieces have proved popular with both performers and audience alike. Written in 1946 as music for a stage play, the piano part was originally written for harp or harpsichord. The first interlude is quiet and reflective, the second faster with a distinct Spanish influence.
Fluffy Ruffles G H Green, arr. W L Ca/Ill This is an arrangement of a solo xylophone piece in ragtime style by virtuoso xylophone player George Hamilton Green, who was born in Nebraska in 1893. At 21 years of age he was proclaimed "the greatest xylophone player in the world".
MUSIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION The Music Industries Association, MIA, is a trade association of manufacturers and distributors of musical instruments and accessories.
M/A, actively funds and supports: THE NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF MUSIC FOR YOUTH
THE SCHOOLS PROM THE MUSIC CONSULTANCY PROJECT based at the University of Reading THE UK COUNCIL FOR MUSIC EDUCATION AND TRAINING M/A supports: THE UK MUSIC SHOWS 192 organised by Music Maker Exhibitions Ltd
Music Industry"
Further information from:
MIA, 7 The Avenue, Datchet, Slough, Berks SL3 9DH 14
Programme Notes ERROGIE CONSORT, GLASGOW Musical Director: Dr Richard Tedstone Leader: Linda Love Age range of performers: 12-20 years Suite of Bransles Pierre Phalese Ungaresca Pierre Phalese The Errogie Consort started at Glasgow Arts Centre. When the Centre was closed the group was taken on by Strathclyde Regional Council as part of the Strathclyde Early Music Group, together with a madrigal section, recorder groups and another instrumental group. The Consort is hoping to play in Iceland next year. FARNHAM YOUTH CHOIR Conductor: Dapid Victor-Smith Accompanist: Jllliil Fremuln Age range of performers: 10-16 wars Siya Hambe trlz.f :\mn The Water of Tyne Qrr. Stllllm Can't Help Lovin' Oat Man Jerome Krnr. arr. David Victor-Smith The Farnham Youth Choir was founded in 1984. There are now three choirs in the organisation - this is the main group. There are fifty members (a convenient coach load!) who come from over twenty schools in a fifteen-mile radius of Farnham. The choir can be seen in January on television in the 'Choir of the Year Competition'. Their first song tonight is an African song meaning "We are marching in the light of God". The Water of Tyne' is a delicate North Country folk song and they end with a well-known song from 'Showboat'.
DE FERRERS HIGH SCHOOL WIND BAND, BURTON-ON-TRENT, DERBYSHIRE Musical Director: Philip Marshall Age range of performers: 11-18 years Count Basie Salute arr. John Higgins Out of Africa John Barry,
arr. Yohan de Meij Tequila Chuck Rio The Wind Band is now in its twenty-third year and is the longest existing group of any kind within the school. There are many other musical groups at the school including the Brass Band, Wind Octet, Tuba Quartet and String Orchestra. Count Basie Salute arr. John Higgins Three Count Basie standards, 'April in Paris', 'L'il Darlin" and 'Jumpin' at the Woodside' are rolled into one to give a good contrast of speed and mood. John Barry, Out of Africa
arr. Yohan de Meij This piece has a lovely broad tune depicting the open spaces of the African continent, rather different from John Barry's more famous lames Bond scores. Tequila Chuck Rio This 19505 hit has a Latin American beat and is suitable for audience participation, both ",;th feet and, of course, voices in shouting 'Tequila!' at the appropriate moments!
GRANGETOWN RECORDER TRIO, MIDDLESBROUGH Tutor: Bob Mason Age range of performers: 11 years J5 Bach The Tudalsack My Goddess Celia G Munro Gavotte William Boyce To All Ye Ladies Now on Land Dr Calcot The members of the trio are the oldest children in the Grangetown Recorder Ensemble, which has been representing Teeside at the National Festival of Music for Youth since 1983. Tonight's programme consists of various short dances and airs combined to make a baroque suite. Following the tradition first established in 1983, the children will be announcing the details of their programme.
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Programme Notes GREAT OAKLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL, HARWICH, ESSEX Musical Director: Howard Ling Age range of performers: 9-12 years How the Rabbits Discovered the Ash Grove
Class One (Improvised Variations)
There are 70 children in Great Oakley Primary School, 25 of whom learn to play the violin, while the others play recorders and percussion instruments. The theme of their piece comes from a story written by year 5 pupil, Jennifer Deex. It is in 5 movementsRabbits' Games, The Field of Death, Discussion, The Ash Grove and Rabbits' Games (reprise). The instruments on which the children perform include a jingle stick, tea chest bass, clapper board, tuned milk bottles and a tractor phone, which is based on a football rattle, as well as percussion instruments, \iolins and a cello
Conductor: Alun F Williams
Conductor: Nigel Beetles Assistant: fan Peak
Fanfare and National Anthem Folk Festival
arr. Cordon Jacob Dmitri Shostakovich, arr. Snell Carl Davis, arr. Ray Farr
Galaxies The Band was first formed in the late 1950s and about 300 young players are auditioned annually by the brass tutors of the County Music Service. This year seven members were successful in gaining places with the National Youth Brass Band of Wales and one with the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain. Folk Festival Dmitri Shostakovich,
arr. Snell This is from the film music to the Gadfly and is a representation of a holiday scene, bubbling owr with the fun of the fair. Galaxies eni Da,路is. ,nr. Rall Farr
Age range of performers: 13-18 years Take the' A' Train Billy Strayhorn Summer Samba Mark Taylor Storm Warning Harry South The band was formed 14 years ago and is one of eight ensembles within the Harrogate Music Centre which is run by the North Yorkshire County Council. The band provides the opportunity for students to play jazz and develop improvisation skills. Their programme includes an exciting uptempo arrangement of the jazz classic 'Take the 'A' Train', a Latin number and a powerful rock number, 'Storm Warning'.
:\merican composer Carl Da\is draws on his \-ast e'-perience oi wTltmg film and T\" music to portra~路 the many aspects oi space in this 1985 Yorkshire Imperial Band Commi..'5ion.
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Program:me Notes HARROW SCHOOLS' STEEL ORCHESTRA Tutor: Denis Joseph Band Manager: Susan Marritt Age range of performers: 13-18 years The Girl from Ipanema/Desafinado
Antonio Carlos Jobin Brazil Ary Barroso The Whitmore High School Steel Band was formed in 1986 as a result of the school's involvement in a borough-Wide muJticultural music project. The band changed its name when it became aIflliated to the Harrow School of Young Musicians in 1991. The band has appeared at numerous local fHes, weddings and Caribbean evenings and have also been seen on the television programmes 'Into Music' and 'Record Breakers'. Their programme consists of a Bossa 1 ol'a style medley followed by a UI'ely d' co _tyle arra ngement of 'Brazi'!路.
KENT YOUTH WIND ORCHESTRA Director/Conductor: Alan Hutt
Musical Director: Islwyn Evans
Manager: Phill Hyde
Harpist: Carys Roberts
Age range of performers: 13-18 years
Folk Dancer: Aron Davies Age range of performers: 15-18 years
Fanfare & National Anthem Overture: Saturnalia
arr. Cordon Jacob Malcolm Binney
The Wind Orchestra was formed in 1976 to give talented wind, brass and percussion players the opportunity to extend their playing at County level. It has made regular broadcasts on radio and television and performed with well-known soloists such as Evelvn Glennie. The Wind Orchestra regularly commissions new works and has gil"en first performances of works bl' \Ialcolm Binnel' \Ief\"\"n Cooke. Buxton Orr and Cordon lac,,1:-
Owrture: Satumalia C('mmlS~lOnt.'J
h' the \\ ind Orchestra . Satumalta \\ a~ comr1ett.'J in ~rrin搂! 1'N2. The tItle describes the ancient Roman festil'al of Saturn, a time of "unrestrained mem'making" and a predecessor of our Christmas-tide. The music is \'ery descriptive of the excitement of the Roman festivities and is characterised by a strong sense of direction, pulsating accompaniments and an unrelenting tempo.
Welsh Not
Traditional Welsh tunes
La Cappella are named after a well-known Swedish vocal ensemble from Uppsala directed by Robert Sund. They aim to emulate the high standards set by this ensemble performing repertoire ranging from jazz to classical music. 'Welsh Not' is a kaleidoscopic view of Welsh culture. There are five parts: Rhosymedre (hymn tune), arr. C Roberts, Clychau'r Cantre ('penillion'), arr. G Mitford, Ar Lan Y Mar (folk song), arr. I hans, Deryn Y Bwn (folk song), arr. B Hughes, Derwydd/Deio/Rachel Han (folk dance), arr. I Evans.
Monday, 23 November 1. KENT YOUTH WIND ORCHESTRA Director/Conductor: A/an Hutt Fanfare and National Anthem Overture: Saturnalia
arr. Gordon Jacob Malcolm Binney
Conductor: David Victor-Smith Siya Hambe The Water of Tyne Can't Help Lovin' Oat Man
trad. African arr. Neaum Jerome Kern, arr. David Victor-Smith
).., /.11
Tutor: Bob Mason The Tudalsack ~1y Goddess Celia Gavotte To All Ye Ladies Now on Land
J S Bach GMunro William Boyce Dr Calcot
ConJ uc:,';. H lllli,iz Drummond Simple S\'mphony: Sentimental Saraband 5. ST JOHVS
Benjamin Britten SCHOOL, Gravesend, Kent
\1usica ! D:~,':: . ~ . '.:,: \\',zr;l'ick-Stone Drumming Part ~
Steve Reich
ConduclL>r: ., "',-" . Ron Goodwind Where Eagles Dare I Know Him So Well .-\lIlierson/Uivasus, arr. Gregory Indiana Jones and the Tern F:" 0: Doom John Williams
INTERVAL - 25 MIXUTf5 (warning bells will Sc.1Und .5 "lIr.~
7. HARROGATE )OLTH J VJ OI\CHESTl,\ Conductor: Nigt'i K',>' Take the' A' Train Summer Samba Storm Warning
Billy Strayhorn Mark Taylor Harry South
8. ARMAGEDDO' Hr:::-:r.o;:; L rper School, Bedfordshire Headoi\!t.::<.:~.: ~_路路
..'... .
Angel Dressed in B~" Too Cruel
'\-ick Mailing, arr. Leigh Coppock Nick Mailing, arr. Leigh Coppock
9. HARRo\\ SCHOOL S STUL ORCHESTRA Tute';: ~,~:: . .,~. The Girl fro.m IF~~m..l De-safinado Brazil 10. BE'D'! D:~t-;: .路 ~;
c.\ T
Thomas ~fills High School, Framlingham, Suffolk
.:. ': .':: :.:j
Miles Davis
All Blues
Land of Hope and Glory Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the free, How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee? Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set; God who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet, God who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet. Smoking is not allowed in the auditorium. The use of cameras and tape recorders is strictly forbidden. 20
Antonio Carlos Jobin Ary Barroso
11 . SLRRE'a (OL,n YOUTH ORCHESTRA ~Iarche SI~\e.
Pomp 6. Circumstance March No. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory'
Peter I/ych Tchaikovsky Edward Elgar
Wednesday, 25 November
Tuesday, 24 November 1. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY YOUTH CONCERT BAND Conductor: Alan Suttie Fanfare and National Anthem Second Suite for Military Band: Final movement Festive Overture
Gustav Hoist Omitri SJlOstakovich
Conductor: Jean Stanley-Jones Mari Lwyd My Boy Billy Hava Nagila
Gmce Irillialll" arr. Gcr,ll.1 Cyk"hlltt art. .\ fm. ri,',' G,'Upw:
Tutor: Patricia Beckett Deux Interludes
3. WOT 2, Homefield School, Sutton, Surrey \Iusical Director: lain Carnegie Miche! Legrand, arr. Jail1 Carnegie Windmills of Your Mind Jonathan RossfBoogie Down Steve Nieve/AI Jarreau/
Mic/we! Omartian, arr. lain Carnegie
5. OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Richard Hallam Soloist: Philip Moore Piano Concerto No. 1 in Eb major: Allegro maestoso. Tempo giusto
Franz Liszt
INTERVAL - 25 MINUTES (warning bells will sound 5 minutes before the end of the interval)
James van Heusell, arr. Oee Barton Bob Mintzer
Musical Director: Or Richard Tedstone Suite of Bransles Ungaresca
Pierre Phalese Pierre Phalese
8. PAl\TO,\IC ALL STARS STEEL ORCHESTRA, Stockport, Cheshire
Musicai D:r,路::,l, Conductor: Scott Sinkler Dead or Ali\ e trad. Bohemian Rhar'-Od\ Freddie Mercury, arr. Scott Sinkler
arr. WL Cahn Rimsky-Korsakov, arr. G Peters G H Green, arr. WL Cahn
Flight of the Burr.:-:t 5n
Fluffy Ruffles (l 1:'
Conductor: RI,';~;': : . Symphony 1\0. 6 ir. 6 =-::-':'1" 0 ;' -~ (Pathetique): All~:c> =-: :: 路' ..... f Pomp & Circum;tr. ~t 'u.:::- ,: 'Land of Hope an': C : : ~.
6. YSGOL GLANAETHWY, Bangor, Gwynedd Tutors: Cefin and Rhian Roberts Branwen
Welsh folk tale
(warning bells will sound 5 minutes before the end of the interval)
r LaMusicaIDIr,-:: Bamba
5. COLCHESTER ROYAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL PIANO TRIO, Essex Head of Music: Peter Clayton Piano Trio No. 1 in 0 minor, Op. 49: Finale -Allegro assai appassionato Felix Melldelssohl1
6. NORWICH STUDENTS' JAZZ ORCHESTRA Musical Director: Oave Amis Here's That Rainy Day Latin Dance
STOKE BRL'SWICK SCHOOL CHOIR, East Grinstead, Sussex Conductllr: ) IIl' B,niyr Bel1jamin Britten Adamlay Y Bounden tmd. arr. Gwyn Arch All My Trials Imd. arr. Brian Trant The Riddle Song Imd. arr. Brian Trant The Gospel Train's a'Cumin' .l,
Musical Director: Ni~cl E 1\',',';:, Pop Looks Bach ~i!" F,1!:t,y': , ,m . Or K 1\'ilb,ISOIl March Paraphrase (\1en of Harlechl Ed,mrd Gamtlll, arr. 0 Wriglzt Tritsch Tralsch Polka Jllhtlllll Stralls5, arr. Goff Richards
1. GWENT COUNTY YOUTH BRASS BAND Conductor: Alun F Williams Fanfare and National Anthem arr. Gordon Jacob Omitri Shostakovich, arr. Snell Folk Festival Galaxies Carl Oavis, arr. Ray Farr 2. GREAT OAKLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL, Harwich, Essex Musical Director: Howard Ling How the Rabbits Discovered the Class One (Improvised Variations) Ash Grove
p,'ler Ilycll Tchaikovsky Ed,card EIgar
7. AYLESBURY MUSIC CENTRE DANCE BAND Musical Director: Nick Care Feels So Good Purple Porpoise Parkway 8. LA CAPPELLA, Llandysul, Dyfed Musical Director: lslwyn Evans Welsh Not
Chuck Mangiolle Tom Kubis
Traditional Welsh tUlles
9. DE FERRERS HIGH SCHOOL WIND BAND, Burton-on-Trent, Derbyshire Musical Director: Philip Marshall Count Basie Salute an. Johll Higgills Out of Africa John Barry, arr. Yohall de Mei; Chllck Rio Tequila 10. NORTON'S HOT SEVEN, Ashford, Kent Musical Director: John R Hall Indiana Buddy Bolden's Blues Tiger Rag
11. THAMES V ALE YOUTH ORCHESTRA Musical Director: Mic/we! Slillloll Capriccio Italien, Op. 45 Pomp & Circumstance March '\0. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory'
MCOl1llllld ,111.1 Hmlcl/ tr:zd.
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Peat Marwick
Programme Notes NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY YOUTH CONCERT BAND Conductor: Alan Suttie Coaches: John Greaves, Lyndon Hilling Age range of performers: 14-18 years Fanfare and National Anthem Second Suite for Military Band: Final movement Gustav Hoist Festive Overture Omitri Shostakovich The Band was formed in 1977 and is at present making plans for a trip to Norway. It has received the top award at the Boose\' and Hawkes National Concert Band Festh'al for the last four years. Their first piece is one of the most well-known in the band repertoire and combines a dance rh\路thm \dth the tune 'Greensleeves'. Shostako-\ich;; Fe-;;the Overture demonstrates well the .:omf',-.;.er;; ability to write a long su~tained mekldi.: line combined with a pulsating rh\ihmi.: d:.\'t?
NORTON'S HOT SEVEN, ASHFORD, KENT Musical Director: John R Hall Age range of performers: 18 years Indiana McOonald and Hanley Buddy Bolden's Blues tmd. Tiger Rag La Rocca/Shields Norton's Hot Seven began at Norton Knatchbull School in Ashford. All the members have since left school, but the band continues to perform. The band has enjoyed considerable success in the last few years, performing in the Schools Proms and the Daily Telegraph 'Young Jazz '90' Festival and working with Digby Fairweather and John Surman. The Hot Seven has appeared on n ', recorded an album and toured in Europe_ All the solo and chorus work is improvised in the traditional manner - the band does not play from printed music!
NORWICH STUDENTS' JAZZ ORCHESTRA Director: Oave Amis Age range of performers: 13-21 years Here's That Rainy Day Latin Dance
James van Heusen, arr. Oee Barton Bob Mintzer
The NSJO was formed in 1986 to develop the jazz and improvisation skills of young musicians and provide them with the opportunity to play together. Workshops led by well-known performers are annual events, vital to the development of the orchestra. The NSJO has successfully participated in many events including the National Festival of Music for. Youth and the Daily Telegraph Young Jazz Competition. Their first piece takes a creative approach to a written arrangement and has contrasting quiet passages and dramatic brass climaxes. They finish with a salsa piece with a Puerto Rican influence, exciting rhythms and Latin jazz solos.
AT BA RCLAYS WE LIKE TO TAKE AN INTEREST IN THE COMMUNITY Putting money to work is our business and one of our priorities is making a large contribution to the needs of the community, including the young, elderly and those who are disabled, disadvantaged or unemployed. We are one of the largest corporate contnbutors to the community and intend to remain so. This year Barclays will again support a wideranging programme of communlt\" JCtlntle5 including charities and employment
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Progratnme Notes OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Richard Hallam
Musical Director / Conductor: Scott Sinkler
Musical Director: John Warwick-Stone
Soloist: Philip Moore Age range of performers: 12-21 years
Age range of performers: 12-18 years
Age range of performers: 11-15 years
trad, Freddie Mercury, arr. Scott Sinkler Pan tonic ...1,.11 Stars was formed in 1985 to pro\'ide steel music experience for the children of Stockport and surrounding area'.The\· haw travelled extensively and ,: :x 't'ared on teleyision in Britain and abroad. l;,~i r \!usical Director, Scott Sinkler, has ~1 t't':' in\'lll\'ed \"ith steel music since the age - : l ; ~;~( I'll' peces the\' \,'il! be performing
St John's Comprehensive School has always enjoyed performing non-mainstream music and currently specialises in minimalist scores and the works of composers such as Steve Reich and Philip Glass. The majority of the performers were new to the group last September when they entered the school at the age of 11. Many had never played an instrument before.
Piano Concerto ~o. 1 in Eb major: Allegro maestoso. Tempo giusto Franz Liszt Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74 (Pathetique): Allegro moHo vivace Peter Ilych Tcl1l1ikovsklj Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory' EdlL'nrd E!\'(iI' The Orchestra was formed in 1968 Jm; i.:' :11" senior of three orchestras orgJni,c"~ ~O'" Oxfordshire Countv \lu5ic 5l'~\· :(~. '("~' are currentlv 12-i n{em~'c ~ , ,' n,' :", Oi(:·,r-: r.:, is hoping to' \'i,;: CI'~: :' _iO ·t,··.. ' .... '.: . '.' ~ follO\,'ing ;i~ e ir t (-·.:~ o 0 ' ; ~.T : c' .\" -,, • .•..•
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Dead or Alive Bohemian Rhapsody
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Piano Concerto '\0. 1 in Eb major. Allegro maestoso. Tempo giusto Fnll:: L-::
The earliest sketches for the first piano concerto date from the end of the 1830s, when Liszt began his meteoric rise to fame as a virtuoso concert pianist. The full version was completed in 1849 and Liszt revised both his piano concertos on several occasions, succeeding in combining the piano's tonal colour with the orchestra in many varied and interesting ways. Common to both concertos is the fact that a single theme binds all the sections together, taking a variety of forms. Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74 (Pathetique): Allegro moHo vivace Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky Written in 1893, Tchaikovsky considered his 5ixth symphony to be the best work he had " ,·-: tten. The third movement is a scherzo:l:,·, :~ " ,'\'ement with one main theme first .. 'l,e oboe and brass. This is taken up , ,0' ~ :~uments against a pizzicato ... The movement moves towards il P i? '
Pomr l~ ~, 'Land O~; ~ -
.-\'Se ran:;e I..)i ?erfl)rTI1e:-5: : !< o ~ c:: F:-Mari Lwyd G'·.,",· \\r,r:i"W< My Boy Billy lilT. Geml.! Cy.~, i: Ll :: Hava Nagila lilT. Mallrice Goldll/lllI Since its inception in 1973, St David's School Girls' Choir has enjoyed considerable competitive and concert success. The choir consists of 50 singers who are auditioned from the school Training Choir of some 120 voices. Great emphasis is placed on vocal technique and communication. The choir has a busy concert schedule and has performed in most of the major concert halls in Great Britain. The choir broadcasts regularly on TV and radio and has an enviable reputation for commissioning and performing contemporary Welsh music.
Drumming Part 2
Steve Reich
Steve Reich The group is playing a six-minute excerpt irom a composition which lasts about an haUL It is based on an eight-note pattern reI'eated in the marimbas. The complexity and interest comes from the fact that the \'':!'i l l,r:' marimba parts play the pattern .,t;':: ), 5t (1I1e another in a canon or round - a Tt'crmi'1ut' \,'hich Ste\'e Reich calls 'phasing'. There can be as mal1\' as five phased patterns pla\'ing at am' one time. The voices copy the sound of the marimbas and sing short patterns selected from the marimba parts. Drumming Part 2
1.:-"111. ·-,~ ,tance
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March No. 1: EdwardElgar . \hrches are a - i:' o\'mphonic
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THORN EMI is a talented internatiowol ~_.r on a grand scole. We operate in aver 100 markets in 38 countrie, and _ploy _ e than 51,000 people oround the world .
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Progra 111111e Notes SHREWSBURY SCHOOL STRING ORCHESTRA Conductor: Hamish Drummond Age range of performers: 12-19 years Simple Symphony: Sentimental Saraband Benjamin Britten The String Orchestra rehearses weekly and consists of boys from Shrewsbury School and girls invited to join from local schools. The Orchestra performs regularly in local concerts and has toured Scotland, Italy, France, Germany and Norway. Simple Symphony: Sentimental Saraband Benjamin Brittell The Simple Symphony is based entirelv on material from works which the composer wrote between the ages of 9 and 12. In the Sentimental Saraband he uses his Suite '\0, 3 for piano, composed in 1925 and the \\ alu for piano, composed in 1923,
STOKE BRUNSWICK SCHOOL CHOIR, EAST GRINSTEAD, SUSSEX Conductor: Sue Barber Accompanist: Sue Harvey Adam Lay Y Bounden Benjamin Britten All My Trials trad. arr. Gwyn Arch The Riddle Song trad. arr. Brian Trant The Gospel Train's a'Cumin'
trad. arr. Brian Trant Stoke Brunswick School Choir is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music and the children wear robes for Sunday Chapel Services. They have regular lessons in musicianship based on the Kodaly \1ethod of music training, In Mav 1991 the choir performed the UK premiere of the children's opera The Shi\'ering King'. by the Hungarian composer Elizabeth Szcimi in the :\rtaud Theatre London, This ewnt was Nrt c'! the British Kc-.jah :\cadem\' s Wth '-\nrm ersar.' .:eleb~a :: c':cS and was'ic,llowed by a tnr to Hur.ยง:a~' :c' ;:-artC1~te !n an International ChOIT Fe-s::\'ai
SURREY COUNTY YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Keith Willis Age range of performers: 13-18 years Marche Slave Op. 31 Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory' Edward EIgar The orchestra in its present form was established in 1967. The aim of the orchestra has always been to provide orchestral training and experience of a high standard for gifted young mstr wntmtalists. Many SCYO members continue their C!l[eers in the music profession, some as soloists and others as members of leading orchestras both here and abroad. Marche Slave Op. 31 Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky This march of 1876 was written in a mood of intense patriotic fervour for a concert in aid of soldiers wounded in conflict between Russia and Turkey. It is based on South Slavonic tunes, beginning in funereal mood and, after brief statements of the Russian โ ข 'ational Anthem, ending triu mphantly. Li e the 1 L O\'erture, which tIle composer described as ha \in little artistic worth, the 'Aarch ~ re aroused much patriotic mth Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1: 'land of Hope and Glory' Edward Elgar nu march was composed in 1901. Ref mng to the tune in the trio section, Elgar said one of hi 'Enigma' fri ends, 'Dorabella', ~ I ' \'e "ot a tune that will knock 'em - knock 'em Hat". The march was played at a London Promenade concert in the same vear conducted by Henry Wood. The march was indeed a knock-out, the audience calling for three encores.
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Programtne Notes THAMES VALE YOUTH ORCHESTRA Conductor: Michael Stinton Age range of performers: 13-18 years Capriccio Italien, Op.45 Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory' Edward EIgar The Orchestra was formed in 1969 and draws its members from 25 state and independent schools around Abingdon, Oxfordshire. TVYO now operates as a elffinanced youth orchestra and is rUll by 'Thames Vale Music Trust', a registered charity. Capriccio Italien, Op. 45 Peter I1ych TChllii:c';"(-Y
Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1: 'Land of Hope and Glory' Edward EIgar The Pomp and Circumstance marches form a series of .five military marches for orchestra, four of which date from between 1901 and 1907 and the last from 1930. The celebrated patriotic words of A C Benson were added to the first march in D major for a Gala performance to commemorate the Coronation of King Edward VIL
TREDEGAR YOUTH BRASS BAND, GWENT Musical Director: Nigel E Weeks Age range of performers: 11-18 years Pop Looks Bach Sam Fonteyn, arr. Or K Wilkinson March Paraphrase (Men of Harlech) Edward German, arr. 0 Wright Tritsch Tratsch Polka Johann Strauss, arr. Gaff Richards Tll'degar Youth Brass Band was first formed m I 70 10 provide a flow of players for the nior Tredegar To\\'I1 BaJ1d. Smce then they ha,' gone from trength to stren th, winrun many prestigiou awards sllch as the a~ nal \ 'outh Champi hiF of Great Bntam Velsh Ei5!eddtod and hein run nersup in the fiT5t European Champlo hIp< . WOT 2. HO\fEFIELD SCHOOL, SLTIO~, SLRRE'I \Iusical Director: [.Ii': (.1 n :"li Age range of pertormeT5: W-14 \"eaT5 Windmills of Your Mind ,\fidld Legwld. arr. laill Cllmt'git' Jonathan RosslBoogie Down Stct'e Nict'ej Al Jarreau/Michael Omartian, arr. lain Camegie Wot 2 was formed in November 1991 after the success of the previous school group, 'Jazz or Wot', which won the 12 and under category of the Daily Telegraph Young Jazz '91 Competition. Wot 2's soprano sax player, Adrian Butler, won the 'Outstanding Soloist' Award in the same event at the age of 9! Two other members, Brian O'Donovan (vibraphone) and Matthew Hawkins (drums) have been playing for less than a year, while Tim Howells (alto sax) and John Elliott (piano/ trumpet) have both won music scholarships to St John's School, Lea therhead.
YSGOL GLANAETHWY, BANGOR, GWYNEDD Tutors: Cefin Roberts, Rhian Roberts Age range of performers: 8-12 years Branwen Welsh folk tale Ysgol Glimaethwy was established in 1990 and has had a very successful and hectic two years. They appeared at the National Festival of MUSIC for Youth in 1991 and 1992, the Barclays Awards in 1991 and at the Schools Proms in London and in Cardiff. They also won major awards at the National Eisteddfodau in Wales. Branwen Welsh folk tale The tale begins in North Wal~ where the Welsh see a host of ships making towards them from Ireland. They fear the Irish bring war and are relieved when they realise that the King of Ireland has come to askior Branwen's hand iJ1marriage. Branwen's ~nl brother gin~s his consent. The celebrati n are marred by the evil deeds of Efnisien. Branwen's half-brother, who has not been im'ited to the wedding. Branwen and the King set sail for Ireland, but Branwen is ill-treated bv her husband and sen a m ge by ome starlings to her rolher a king for help. Bendigeidfran saves h- isler by literally becoming a bridge to enable his men to cross over to Ireland.
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Club Ltd. TO • {us
cheque far £15 made out to the Children.'s Music I .: • Rlchm ond, Surrey, TW9 1BR.
- a cheque fo r £1 5 (indusive of postage and packing) to gazlne and ONE membership pack. ind ud e six bi-monthly issu Name ................. ......... .................. __ .. ____ ge ....... ........ Phone no . ..................... .............. ........ .. .. Address ................................. ______ .. _............... .................. ........................... ........ ......... ......... .. ..... ........... .... ... .................................... _ _ . Postcode .............................. .............. .......... .................. . lnstrument(s) ..... .... ................. _. . ............. ................ ............................. ..... ........ ..... .. ............. . FAMILIES -To receive mem berstup . (or other children in family, write their names, a~es and instruments and add £2.00 for e~ch child to your cheque,