Africa Agriculture Insight Jan-Feb 2021

Page 10

Farming- Solutions

Futureco Bioscience invests in biocontrol solutions in Africa

Agriculture is, and will remain for years to come,

needs. Addi onally, compliance with a number of

the main driver of economic development in

complex requirements covered by plant

already authorized in various countries on the

Africa. Hor cultural crops as corn, maize, wool,

protec on product legisla on makes this process

American con nent.

co on, tobacco, tea, coffee, sugar cane, nuts,

not available to all companies. Created in 2004

The ac ve substance of the bioinsec cide

seeds, grapes, orchards and cut flowers are

and based in Olèrdola (Barcelona), Futureco

NOFLY®, based on the entomopathogenic fungus

important sources of both cash and nutri on.

Bioscience is an agro-biotechnology company

Paecilomyces fumosoroseus strain FE 990, has

Insect pests and diseases, however, can reduce

dedicated to research and innova on in crop

been authorized in Europe in 2013 and registered,

yields by up to 80% and farmers o en resort to

protec on and nutri on products. Characterized

for the first me in Africa, in Kenya in 2014 (under

using chemical pes cide to mi gate the problem. Given the concerns posed by pes cides and their long term nega ve effects, already visible in the environment, the use of biological products is high on the list of near-term ac vi es iden fied in ac on plans both na onal and regional level in Africa. Moreover, while the Food and Agriculture Organiza on of the United Na ons (FAO) emphasizes the need of alterna ves to pes cides, the markets for African products exporta on, especially Europe, require compliance with strict maximum residue limit (MRL) standards, pushing African farmers to adopt clean solu ons. The issue to overcome remains the limited access to informa on and the products availability that, even for biological control products that are already present in the market, varies greatly between countries. The development of biocontrol products requires specific skills and competencies, con nuous innova on in technology and logis c and marke ng strategy focused on specific customer

since its crea on by an ecological and sustainable

the brand name PACYLOS®). Registered in

approach, and a focus on regenera ve

Morocco in 2018, it is in the registra on process in

agriculture, the company is dis nguished by its in

Senegal, Mali and Ivory Coast and it is already

house organiza on. Research, development and

approved for its use in several European

manufacture of its products happen en rely in its

countries, USA and La n America. The use of

own headquarters from which the products are

NOFLY® is recommended for the control of

marketed globally. Futureco Bioscience,

different species of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci,

following its goals of increasing its horizon and

Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Aleurodicus

promo ng a culture of sustainable and

dispersus, Lecanoideus floxisimus) and thrips

e nv i ro n m e n t- r e s p e c u l a g r i c u l t u r e , i s

(Frankliniella occidentalis). Nevertheless, several

determined to push forward the current market

field trials carried out in Kenya (2013), Ivory Coast

of their clean products (bioes mulants and

(2018) and Mali (2017-18) showed that NOFLY® is

biocontrol) in Africa.

able to control also aphids in beans, the co on

BESTCURE®, a biofungicide-biobactericide based

bollworm Helicoverpa armígera, the co on leaf

on a botanical extract of citrus species, was the

roller Haritalodes derogata, the sucking pest

first biopes cide of the company Futureco

Jacobiella fascialis and the spiny bollworm Earias

Bioscience marketed in Africa. Ini ally registered

sp. in co on.

in South Africa in 2012 for the control of grey

Avoiding the indiscriminate use of broad-

mold (Botry s cinerea) in vines, and black rot

spectrum insec cides that can wipe out pests'

(Xanthomonas camprestris) in tomatoes. More

natural enemies in Africa is possible, and should

crops and diseases (Xanthomonas arboricola in

be a priority: Futureco Bioscience products are

Prunus and Alternaria in tomato) were later

the natural way to do it.

included in its authoriza on. The product is


currently being registered in Morocco and is

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