Africa Agriculture Insight Jan-Feb 2021

Page 24

Farming- Solutions

Perry Opens New Office & Training Facility In Uganda

Perry of Oakley Ltd., a Bri sh company with a

March 2021.

the theories behind post harvest technology.

73 year heritage in the design, manufacture

The aim of the facility is to provide hands on

David Perry said “Since my early visits to

and installa on of grain handling, drying and

training for customers' employees in the

Uganda and Sub Saharan Africa as a whole I

storage equipment, is pleased to announce

professional opera on of grain handling and

have been excited by the agricultural

the establishment of Perry East Africa Ltd,

storage facili es. It will also give the

prospects in these countries and we look

with registered offices in Kampala, Uganda.

opportunity for poten al customers to view

forward to not only being able to promote

This will complement its exis ng Africa office,

their products and even spend me with the

our products at the training facility but to

Perry Africa Ltd., registered in South Africa.

operators before they make purchasing

also enhance the overall post harvest

This is a clear indica on of the importance


knowledge in Uganda and East Africa as me

Perry of Oakley Ltd., through its interna onal

It is intended that the training will be without

goes on”.

subsidiary Perry Engineering Services Ltd.,

charge, as an indica on of Perry's

Perrys look forward to working with their

places on the ever-expanding African market.

commitment to enhance the post harvest

exis ng partners and customers as they grow

David Perry, the third-genera on owner and

knowledge base in Uganda and East Africa as

in East Africa.

Managing Director of Perry of Oakley Ltd., is

a whole, which means that as soon as a

pleased to announce that Perry East Africa

customer receives their Perry equipment

For further informa on please contact

will be opening a training facility in Uganda in

they are already experienced in its use and


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