Africa Mining Insight Jan-Feb 2023

Page 22 AF RI CA MI NI NG I NS I GHT Pg06 Pg12 16 COVER Pg24 Africa’sOwn MiningJournal January-February2023>Issue1.Vol#5 Çlean-in-Place Electrowinning ® Water-based Lubricants For Both Optical bers And Electrical Cables Heavy Minerals Mining GEOSYNTHETICS IN MINING WORKS



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Welcome to another informave edion of Africa's favourite Bi Monthly magazine; bringing you all the latest news about construcon equipment, industrial machinery, mining projects, technologies, investment opportunies you'll want to get your hands on in 2023.

Africa Mining Insight is a marketplace, a communicaon hub and news source for advancing mining Industry businesses in the region. Abundant resources, an advanced mining sector, robust financial systems, a progressive legal framework are the gateway to African markets.

A robust mining sector is broadly understood as a fundamental path to economic growth and development. The key boon of mining is that it absorbs large swaths of workers and places them into producve and decent paying jobs. Throughout history, this exact recipe has transformed the United States, United Kingdom, France, Japan, and Germany into some of the world's wealthiest naons.

However, this narrave seems to exclude many African naons. Despite their manufacturing potenal and promising trajectories, most African countries have remained relavely dearth of factories. This limited industrial development represents a missed opportunity for economic transformaon and quality employment generaon that alleviates poverty

Today, leaders are increasingly realizing that the mining industry is a major factor in helping Africa achieve its goals and successfully reaching the next stage of economic development.

In this edion we will look at Mines and Money Connect London which th will take place on the 25-26 April 2023, being Europe's premier mining investment event, connecng miners with money and investors with opportunity. This issue will also include geosynthec soluons from Naue, Carima's producon and formulaon of water-based lubricants, for the installaon of opcal fibers and electrical cables. Çlean-in-Place Electrowinning from Cadia systems, Redeployable Turnkey Exploraon Camps, air scrap dust control and heavy minerals mining are some of the top headlines.

Thank you to all our authors, subscribers and adversers for helping to shape not only this edion, but also the very fabric of the magazine.

Best regards Goodwill Sibanda

Disclaimer: All material is strictly copyright. The magazine or any part thereof may not be reproduced or adapted without writen permission from the publisher: - Africa Mining Insight welcomes material submied for publicaon but retains the right to edit copy. The views expressed in the publicaon are not considered those of the publisher, which accepts no liability of any nature arising out of or in connecon with the contents of this magazine. While every effort has been taken in compiling this publicaon, the publisher does not give warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of its content. The publisher and the editor cannot accept responsibility for any loss inconvenience & damage that may occur there from.

NAUE Cover Pg06 Pg12 16 COVER Pg24 Africa’ Own MiningJournal January February2023>Issue Vol#5 Çlean-in-Place Electrowinning Water-based Lubricants For Both Optical bers And Electrical Cables Heavy Minerals Mining GEOSYNTHETICS IN MINING WORKS


































Relocatable structures p11

Water-based lubricants P12

Heavy Minerals Mining P24

Solutions for road maintenance p38


Çlean-in-Place Electrowinning

Çlean-in-Place Electrowinning. It's a concept that when you see it in acon seems obvious. But for years the process used in ADR plant goldrooms in gold mines around the world, has involved the removal of individual cathodes from the electrowinning cell by means of overhead gantry to a dedicated wash-bay for recovery of gold sludges.

“It's me consuming, ergonomically demanding on operators and fraught with the potenal for gold sludges loses to the goldroom floor” says Sean Galvin, Engineering Manager at Cadia Systems – a Perth based mining equipment manufacturer

Mr. Galvin was, for over a decade, formerly manager and designer at the Equipment Division of Como Engineers – another Perth based Engineering Consultancy and Equipment manufacturer. Having been responsible for design and commissioning of goldroom equipment and modular eluon systems worldwide, he first hand experienced the short comings of cell cleaning - even on the electrowinning cell designs he had been responsible for

Issues common in goldroom cell cleaning acvies include dealing with heavy lids requiring either counter balances for winches to li open, slow movement of overhead gantry cranes when relocang cathodes or anodes, heavy cathodes which were oen man handled in and out during cleaning processes, and problemac connecons of

cathodes and anodes to the main busbars.

“I remember commissioning a system for Metso in Finland in 2011 on Christmas day” he states, “they were 800 sized cathodes with 40 cathodes over two split cell designs.”

“Aer moving the first few to the wash-bay using the overhead monorail I just gave up”.

Mr Galvin instead proceeded manually hauling the cathodes out of the cell one by one and laying them on top of the remaining anodes and cathodes in the cell. “That was my version of clean-on-top of cell”, he laughs. Cadia Systems specialises in the development of innovave technologies for the gold processing industry. The business has a strong focus on cleanroom style technologies that bring safety improvements for operators. The equipment also has a clear design focus on improving recoveries and opmising performance.

Their proprietary protected EC Clean-in-Place Electrowinning Cell was developed a year aer Mr Galvin started Cadia Systems.

Ulising a novel automated liing mechanism, the cell lis the anodes and cathodes away from the main connecng busbar connecons, allowing the anodes and cathodes to be slid one by one across the cell to provide access to the cathode face for insitu, in-cell washing.

An addional clever addion to the cell designs include a near neutral-pivot, low

weight/high rigidity cell lid. The lid simply slides back with a minimal operator pressure to the front of the lid. For larger cells, which can be as large as 1200mm cathodes in size, the lids are also available with automated opening and closing.

The cells also have front mounted busbars that are located out of the vapour zone to minimise corrosion from ammonia fumes. The busbar contains stud connecons which provide ght inter-busbar connecon ghtness to avoid hot-spot connecons. So no more losing those pesky nuts. A guard protects the busbars when in operaon, but also forms part of an inbuilt keyed locking mechanism for security of the precious metals while in operaon. Anodes are manufactured to provide longer design lifeme, and cathodes can accommodate either mild steel or stainless mesh or more common pre-made pillows.

“The product has really been a great success with clients!” says Mr Galvin, “Goldroom operators love them and site management love the enhanced safety and recovery aspects”

Cadia Systems has also entered a collaborave arrangement with Gekko Systems for the design and supply of modular eluon systems using Cadia's equipment and design experience and Gekko's world-class engineering, manufacturing and support services.




Fluid Systems Africa has recently been appointed as the official partner of Arpol flexible pipe couplings in Africa. Arpol designs and manufactures flexible joints for the connecon and repair of all types of pipes and industries.

Arpol flexible couplings connect pipes beer, faster, safer and at a lower overall cost than convenonal systems.

Our Scope of Supply

Arpol was founded in 1976 in Barcelona and specialises in design and manufacturing of flexible couplings for all types of pipes and applicaons.

We supply a wide range of couplings for many applicaons. Our size range is 48mm to 3000mm and pressures from PN16 up to 1300mm, and PN10 up to 2000mm

Some of the sectors that put their trust in our flexible couplings are water purificaon and treatment plants, chemical industry, power staons, domesc installaons, civil

construcon and engineering, mining, and boling plants. But they are not all, as we connue to seek out new sectors where we can be of assistance.

In many cases, new pipelines involve pipe materials that are different from the previously installed pipes, and can create diameter differences that even though minimal, can become an inconvenience when old and new lines are to be connected.

Arpol couplings can be used to repair any point of the line, but also to connect dismantling pipes to different hydraulic pieces (valves, pumps, etc.) as well as different material pipes.

Arpol couplings are a great soluon to connect different diameters and make them the most reliable tool for hydraulic sealing. All Arpol couplings allow certain tolerance to solve common old-line problems like angular deflecons, pipe separaons, selement correcons, rough surfaces etc.

Quality is our guarantee. Our mission is to offer our customers the best possible soluon to the problem they face. To us every project is unique, and we do our best to offer the flexible coupling that best meets the customer's needs. Our products are guaranteed by the constant quality inspecon they undergo in our Barcelona factory

Soluons are our identy.

We aach great importance to our R&D&I department. Our goal has always been to offer soluons to the challenges that arise in the market. The world evolves and we evolve with it, so we are in a constant process of innovaon.

“Because connecng maers” is not just a slogan, it is a way of working. We take the me to listen to and understand the individual needs of all our customers.

We are present in more than 40 countries, and we aim to be in many more including Africa.


Mines and Money Connect

Europe's premier mining investment event, connecng miners with money and investors with opportunity

Long Event Descripon:

Mines and Money Connect returns to London for the second year running aer high demand, providing a space for global mining leaders to connect with acve investors, soluon providers and innovators.

From 25 - 26 April 2023, the event will bring together 700+ aendees, including 80+ mining companies, and 400+ investors, for two days of unparalleled networking, high-class content and deal-making.

This event aims to shape the investment landscape in mining for 2023 and beyond. CEOs from junior mining corporates will join investors in face-to-face meengs to share their latest projects, highlighng key reasons to invest. See who is exhibing here

The 70+ speakers will talk in various formats from inmate fireside chats, to project spotlights, mining pitch bales and panel sessions. Expect to take away aconable insights you can deliver to your team to help deliver your business objecves. The key topics covered throughout the two-day program include what's next for the energy transion, government policy on crical minerals and implicaons for the mining field, new thinking in ECG, and sustainability and metal prices in 2023. View the program speakers here and .

Across two days, there are thousands of opportunies to network, brainstorm, and share knowledge, providing the perfect plaorm to obtain invaluable new business contacts, connect with the industry's leading figureheads and explore new ideas.

Meengs are at the heart of what we do. To ensure your me is maximised onsite, there is an AI-driven meeng planner, allowing you to pre-schedule all of your meengs, depending on your needs. Find out more here

There are a number of ways to get involved with Mines and Money Connect. Contact a member of the team at to discuss your parcipaon or register for your pass here

For more informaon on the event, visit the event website here or contact

Quick reference links and informaon

Dates: 25 – 26 April 2023

Locaon: County Hall, London, SE1


Ticket Link:



LinkedIn: hps://

Twier: hps://

YouTube: hps://

Facebook: hps://

Short Event Descripon:

Mines and Money Connect returns to London for the second year running aer high demand, providing a space for global mining leaders to connect with acve investors, soluon providers and innovators.

From 25 - 26 April 2023, the event will bring together 700+ aendees, including 80+ mining companies, and 400+ investors, for two days of unparalleled networking, high-class content and deal-making.

This event aims to shape the investment landscape in mining for 2023 and beyond. CEOs from junior mining corporates will join investors in face-to-face meengs to share their latest projects, highlighng key reasons to invest. See who is exhibing here

There are a number of ways to get involved with Mines and Money Connect. Contact a member of the team at to discuss your parcipaon or register for your pass here

Plain Text Event Descripon:

Mines and Money Connect returns to London for the second year running aer high demand, providing a space for global mining leaders to connect with acve investors, soluon providers and innovators.

From 25 - 26 April 2023, the event will bring together 700+ aendees, including 80+ mining companies, and 400+ investors, for two days of unparalleled networking, high-class content and deal-making.

This event aims to shape the investment landscape in mining for 2023 and beyond. CEOs from junior mining corporates will join investors in face-to-face meengs to share their latest projects, highlighng key reasons to invest.

The 70+ speakers will talk in various formats from inmate fireside chats to project spotlights, mining pitch bales and panel sessions. Expect to take away aconable insights you can deliver to your team to help deliver your business objecves. The key topics covered throughout the two-day program include what's next for the energy transion, government policy on crical minerals and implicaons for the mining field, new thinking in ECG, and sustainability and metal prices in 2023. Across two days, there are thousands of opportunies to network, brainstorm, and share knowledge, providing the perfect plaorm to obtain invaluable new business contacts, connect with the industry's leading figureheads and explore new ideas.

Meengs are at the heart of what we do. To ensure your me is maximised onsite, there is an AI-driven meeng planner, allowing you to pre-schedule all of your meengs, depending on your needs.

There are a number of ways to get involved with Mines and Money Connect. Contact a member of the team at to discuss your parcipaon.

Mining-Events 10

Relocatable structures that adapt to your excavation needs

Due to the modular design, our Redeployable Turnkey Exploraon Camps can be easily dismantled and rebuilt at another locaon. This means they are the ideal soluon for exploraon camps. They can be used on a temporary or semi-permanent basis and can even be extended or reduced in size. They feature so roofs with a choice of hard or so sides, adaptability makes it simple to remodel our enclosures when required to meet your operaonal needs.

hps:// ut-us

Reduced civil works for increased profitability

Since our Redeployable Turnkey Exploraon Camp buildings are anchored to the ground via stakes, they do not require foundaons and can be installed quickly with reduced civil works and ground preparaon. When you need soluons fast to meet strict operaonal melines, our structures offer you the

advantage of efficient project scheduling and process profitability

Access in remote locaons - Composite Base Rig Mats

Rent, lease of purchase heavy-duty, an-skid access mats and other temporary roadway soluons that transform rough, so, or unstable ground condions into stable and weatherproof surfaces. Install our composite mats to easily transport specialized service vehicles and components, or create a staging and storage area for equipment, mobile offices, or trailers. F3 Group, hps:// offers mang soluons for any

construcon work site, climate, or terrain with weight-bearing capacies of up to 1000 psi. The mats are made of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) with specialized fillers for strength, plus UV and an-stac addives to withstand the rigors of heavy construcon.

Aircra landing mats

Rent, lease of purchase aircra landing mats for all remote projects, reduced civil works by installing Redeployable landing mats available in Composite or Aluminium. The Pro Aero mats are modular in design and can be moved from site to site.

hps:// -aero-mat/ 11

Water-based lubricants for both optical bers and electrical cables

Who we are

Carima is a leading company on the European market in the producon and formulaon of water-based lubricants, for the installaon of opcal fibers and electrical cables.

Carima is a chemical company located in Gessate, near Milan (Italy), which has always tried to sasfy its customers with innovave products and short delivery mes, in a connuous process of quality assessment and improvement.

Our philosophy

We support our customers by producing various types of lubricants that meet the working methods of each installer. For example, if a technician has always worked with a gel lubricant, Carima will make sure to provide him with the most correct gel for his needs. We don't want to change the habits of technical installers, on the contrary we want to help them in their daily acvies. We can offer an opmal soluon for every request.

All our products are Made in Italy and, through a qualified industrial process, they are a guarantee of opmal performances in all sectors: industrial, civil and construcon. Sll with regard to our awareness of the environment that surrounds us, we take all the energy we need from the sun; numerous photovoltaic panels have been installed on our roofs in order to give energy to our daily work.

We also care a lot about the environment: that's why all our products are water-based and do not contain petroleum derivaves. Furthermore, all the electricity that CARIMA needs comes from the sun. For transparency,

the producon data of our photovoltaic system is updated in real me every 15 minutes on our website at the link hp://

Carima produces and sells different products: Slips and lubricants

Specific slips and lubricants for laying electric cables and opcal fibers such as GLISS® F, GLISS® GEL, GLISS® W, or S LUB 20, S LUB 100XL, etc. They allow to reduce the fricon generated during installaon operaons of cables and fibers in pipelines

Electrical insulaon products

Mono and bi-component products for electrical insulaon, such as SOFT SIL GEL 32, SOFT GUM, etc.

Solvents and cleaners

Solvents and detergents for removing plugging grease (jelly) from cables and for cleaning the fibers before splicing, such as FO Cleaner, Biosol 19

Spray Products

Technical spray products and water-based marking paints for usual work operaons, such as IDRO SPRAY, etc.


Various accessories for a beer and simpler use and applicaon of our products, such as Duct Cleaner, ICE Melng, Mass effect etc…

Special Products

Chemical products developed, produced and sold by us for special needs, Green Glass, solar and photovoltaic panel cleaner, silicone and PAG-based greases, etc.

Why so many products?

Why do you need so many different types of slips and lubricants to solve a seemingly simple problem?

The answer is simple and precise Carima is able to offer the best soluons for every need. To do this, it supports the customer by producing various types of products to sasfy the "modus operandi" of each installer

So if a technician has always worked with a gel product, Carima will certainly have the right gel product in its wide range for him. Carima does not want to change the installaon technician's work habits, but to help him in his daily acvies.


The producon lines are able to package the various products from the 100ml tube, up to the 1000kg IBC, passing through 500ml and 1lt boles, 5, 10, 20 and 25 liter tanks and buckets also including 50 liter drums, 100 and 200lt.

Special packaging requested by customers is possible.

Mining- Solutions

Manufacturer of “Made in Italy” lubricants and anti-friction agents for fibre optic cables and power cables.


OUR PRODUCTS INCLUDE: SLIPS AND LUBRICANTS GLISS F GLISS GEL GLISS W S LUB 20 S LUB 100XL ELECTRICAL INSULATION PRODUCTS SOFT SIL GEL 32 SOFT GUM SOLVENTS AND CLEANERS FO CLEANER BIOSOL 19 SPRAY PRODUCTS IDRO SPRAY ACCESSORIES Duct Cleaner Ice Melting Mass Effect SPECIAL PRODUCTS Silicone PAG-based greases email: Tel: +39 (0)2 9538 4225 Cerficaons CARIMA is an ISO 9001 cerfied company We have biodegradable and IEEE 1210 cerfied products scan for web ® ® ®
is a leading company on the European market in the production and formulation of water-based lubricants, for the installation of optical
and electrical cables.

Mitigate Arc-Flash Hazards With Today's Arc-Flash Protection Technology

With the use of electrical equipment comes the real risk of arc-flash incidents. Recent advancements in arc-flash migaon technology now enable mines around the world to cost-effecvely migate arc-flash hazards to protect both personnel and equipment. One pulp and paper customer recently reduced their arc-flash incident energy by more than 90% by using a highspeed arc-flash migaon soluon from Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) that included feeder protecon relays with opcal sensors.

However, when making capital investments, the sporadic nature of arc-flash events can cloud the issue. When everything is working properly, it's easy to take arc-flash safety for granted. You're not alone if you somemes wonder if arc-flash dangers are overstated when months or even years pass without incident.

This was the case for an electrical engineer at a North American mining operaon who always wondered if the investment he was making in arc-flash technology would pay off One Monday morning, upon returning to inspect the plant's new switchgear installaon, he learned that an arc-flash event had occurred over the weekend. However, as he surveyed the affected

switchgear, he noced that only a small layer of dust covered the equipment. The power protecon scheme from SEL had operated correctly, and provided event informaon that enabled them to understand what had occurred. Knowing the potenal havoc that an arc-flash event could have caused, the lack of damage surprised the engineer “What was humbling was that the unexpected happened,” said the engineer, “…and [the relays] protected our equipment from potenally devastang damage.”

The primary objecve of installing arc-flash protecon equipment at the mine had been to ensure worker safety. But, the protecon scheme also protected the mine's newly installed switchgear and prevented an expensive disrupon to the mine's operaons.

As he reflected on the calamity that had been avoided, the engineer felt fortunate to have incorporated arc-flash migaon technology from SEL for many years throughout his facility. Regardless of how rarely arc-flash events occur, given the potenal consequences, it is crical to be prepared. For this engineer, protecng personnel, equipment, and ongoing operaons proved to be a solid investment. For further details about this customer and his arc-flash

protecon scheme, please read the SEL customer case study at hps:// -Stories/Mining-Arc-Flash/ SEL understands that it's crical for mines to stay up and running, and we design our soluons to help ensure reliable and connuous power for mining operaons around the world. You don't have to experience an arc-flash event firsthand to understand the severe consequences that can occur. To learn more about SEL's arc-flash migaon soluons, visit\soluons\arc flashsoluons

14 Mining- Tech

Geosynthetics in mining works

The use of geosynthecs in mining operaons grows annually as mining companies focus on the technical and economic advantages of geosynthecs. In this regard, Naue can

· support the economic extracon of valuable resources in heap leaching,

· offer engineering soluons for mine waste and water management in tailings facilies,

· provide sealing, drainage, filtraon or separaon materials for all kinds of ponds or mine remediaon of old mining operaons,

· deliver reinforcement and stabilisaon products and systems for embankments, haul and access roads or steep slopes and walls.

This means that our polymeric materials enable more efficient barriers, stronger access roads, space-saving and safety-enhancing retaining structures and much more. But mining projects are oen sensive to the environment and are located in remote areas. Therefore, our geosynthecs can not only offer cost and me savings but also reduce the environmental impact (carbon footprint, energy consumpon) on most projects involving geotechnical work compared to convenonal methods.

® Our HDPE geomembranes Naue Carbofol are extremely durable with a great cost-benefit rao. And in parallel, they are an important line of defence to protect the environment. The applicaon of our reinforcement and stabilisaon


® products Naue Secugrid and Naue Combigrid results in a reduced need for quality engineered fill material for sub-base reinforcement. Our ® geosynthec clay liner Naue Bentofix or mulcomponent GCL Bentofix X can replace clay

In both cases, the transport costs to the site will be

reduced, and the speed of construcon will be increased. To sum up, the costs of construcon materials such as aggregates or concrete, construcon me and environmental impact will be reduced significantly

You can use our geosynthecs individually or combined as an intelligent system soluon. They are built to last for long-term usage when properly designed and installed. Naue can provide

· engineering, specificaon and design support,

· soware tools (for base courses, slopes and walls or working plaorms),

· tesng (e.g., shear box tesng, leachate tesng),

· training and supervision,

· installaon.

Design and specificaon of the soluon should be carried out as early as possible within the scheme's development and guided by appropriate ground invesgaon.

For example, heap leaching. Without queson, heap leach has become an enormous driver of the growth of mining operaons wordwide. 25 years ago, only about 3% of copper and gold supplies were produced through heap leaching. Today, the volume surpasses 30% annually. Valuable chalcopyrite copper, previously not considered economical in heap leach development, is now heap leached, as is nickel laterite, uranium, and even rare earths. Heap leach stacks can be up to 200m, as operaons look to prove site yield more quickly. Heap leaching accomplishes this – but only with the containment support of geosynthecs. Geomembranes and geosynthec clay liners (GCLs) are used in lining system soluons as heap leach pad liners, pregnant soluon trench liners,

processing pits, onsite water storage, “raincoat” covers over ore stacks to shed stormwater – rather than dilute the leach heap soluon – and onsite wastewater management. Geomembranes are not all that mining sites require. Nonwoven geotexles provide long-term, robust protecon of and friconal stability for geomembranes on difficult terrain and in tall ore stack scenarios.

The second example is TSF. When an ore's valuable deposit is extracted, what remains of the ore is waste. Oen, it is a high percentage of the ore handled at the mine. Potenally contaminated from the extracon process or containing environmentally harmful components, tailings must be isolated to prevent long-term environmental damage. As mine sites increase in size, the engineering needed to properly contain the volume of tailings has intensified. This scaling up of containment frequently requires not just lining systems but reinforcement and sealing systems for perimeter berms on tailings pond. Weaker, earthen-only berms are at risk of saturaon, erosion and failure.

Furthermore, the increasing depth of tailings storage ponds requires a stronger containment engineering design. With the environmental security of the site relying on these environmental protecon systems, the geosynthecs selected must be trusted. Here, geosynthec soluons ® include our HDPE geomembrane Carbofol , our GCLs Bentofix and Bentofix X, our nonwoven geotexle Secutex and our reinforcing geogrids Secugrid and Combigrid

Naue has more than 50 years of experience in geosynthecs development, producon and installaon. We can be your single point of contact to find a proper soluon for your geotechnical challenges in your mining projects.

Mining-Tech 16

NORD's nsd tupH surface and corrosion protection system

BMG's range of NORD aluminium drives is available with the nsd tupH (Sealed Surface Conversion System) ancorrosion treatment, which has been developed by NORD DRIVESYSTEMS, for improved process reliability in extreme environmental condions and for hygienically crical applicaons.

“NORD's nsd tupH surface and corrosion protecon system, which is resistant to acids and alkalis, is a highly efficient ancorrosion treatment for gear units, smooth motors, frequency inverters and motor starters in washdown-opmised cast aluminium housings,” explains Derrick Louw, NORD product specialist, Electromechanical Division, BMG.

“BMG's NORD nsd tupH drive units are a robust alternave to painted geared motors or Stainless Steel versions. The nsd tupH catalyc surface treatment process permanently bonds a high hardness layer to the aluminium substrate, to offer the same corrosionresistance as Stainless Steel. Advantages include extended surface life, a substanally lower mass, improved

installaon opons and cost efficiency

“NORD's easy-to-clean surface treatment is not a coang like a paint layer, that can detach or flake off. This durable protecve layer offers opmum protecon against scratching, blistering and the penetraon of corrosion, even if the unit is damaged. This surface conversion system is highly resistant to extreme environments and aggressive cleaning chemicals, even under high pressure washdown condions.”

NORD drives with nsd tupH comply with FDA Title 21 CFR 175.300 and for this reason are suitable for food applicaons. They have been successfully tested according to ASTM D714 (blistering), ASTM D610-08 (corrosion), ASTM D1654-08 according to DIN EN ISO 2409 (scratching), ASTM B117-09 according to DIN EN ISO 9227 (salt spray test) and ASTM D3170 (Gravelometer). In addion, resistance to common cleaning agents, which are used in the food industry, has been confirmed in tests.

All DIN and standard components for BMG's NORD nsd tupH aluminium drive

units, including drive shas, are made from Stainless Steel. Fan-less smooth motors, which run quietly, do not spread germs. They are available as synchronous and asynchronous motors and comply with efficiency classes IE2 and IE3 (asynchronous motors) and IE4 (synchronous motors).

Typical applicaons for NORD drives with nsd tupH surface treatment, include the food and beverage industry, boling and canning plants, water treatment and sewage plants, as well as offshore and onshore applicaons. This range is suitable for use in any plant that requires a washdown aer producon.

The NORD range, which is assembled locally by BMG according to stringent internaonal quality and safety specificaons, has earned recognion by the local market for reliability, high efficiency, reduced noise levels, extended service life and minimal maintenance requirements.

20 Mining-Solutions

Airscrape dust control bulk handling

New to the range of bulk handling systems from BLTWORLD, is the contact-free AirScrape® conveyor belt skirng system, which significantly reduces material spill, dust formaon and explosion hazards at transfer points and other crical secons in the conveyor chain.

Because this system hovers freely above the conveyor belt, skirt fricon and belt damage is eliminated and service life is extended.

“The AirScrape system - which encompasses inward facing, hardened-steel diagonal blades - operates according to a new principle where it hovers 1-2 mm, on the le and right side above the conveyor belt. These blades deflect larger parcles inwards, while using the airflow of the conveyor belt and conveyed material to create an inward sucon, flowing any dust and fine parcles back into the product flow,” explains Ken Mouritzen, managing director, BLTWORLD. “Through these diagonally fied plates and the speed of the running belt, air is drawn from the outside inwards. As a result, neither the dust nor material can escape.

“Convenonal skirng is pressed against a

conveyor belt to keep dust and material in the middle of the belt, but aer a period, wear of the skirng and belt can be so severe, that material and dust escapes. Material spillage at transfer points needs to be removed and regular maintenance of belt skirng and transfer points is necessary “With the AirScrape dust-free and contactfree, side sealing system for belt conveyors, there is no skirt contact and therefore no belt wear or damage. Motor power requirements are reduced as there is no belt-skirt fricon and because there is connuous skirng with no gaps, product loss is minimal.

“Studies show, that even three years aer installaon and with connuous use in harsh condions, the AirScrape system hardly shows any signs of wear. Operaonal costs are also reduced because there is no need for spillage collecon, regular maintenance, or replacement parts.”

This system is available in pairs of le and right hand 2 m, inter-connectable pieces, to form any required length and is available in two different base widths of 90 mm and 60 mm, to suit various belt widths and chute sizes. For flexibility on site, this system is

completely extendable.

AirScrape is fied using spacers, floang the blades just above the belt and is aached to the outside of the chute by ulising exisng skirt clamps or a simple bolt and nut system. It is longitudinally adjustable to follow the contours of conveyor belt rollers and the belt trough angle.

This durable system consists of nonflammable and an-stac Polyurethane materials and blades made from Hardox/ Stainless Steel. FDA-approved materials are also available for specific conveyor handling applicaons.

This system - designed and manufactured in Germany by ScapeTec Trading, to the highest quality standards – is available from BLTWORLD throughout Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands. The BLTWORLD team provides an assessment and soluons service for planning and implemenng each project. Correct installaon of suitable equipment, ensures cost efficiency, opmum performance and safety, reduced risk of breakdown and extended service life of the conveyor system.

Mining-Tech 22

Heavy Minerals Mining

Africa is a connent richly endowed with a variety of economically viable mineral deposits. The connued discoveries of these mineral deposits have made the connent a beehive of acvity in the recent past with mulnaonal mining companies seeking to have a piece of the pie.

Heavy Minerals Mining is one of the numerous exploraon acvies currently being undertaken on the connent. They are called heavy minerals because they have a

density greater than 2.9 g/cm3. 75 percent of the world's tanium is produced from heavy mineral sands. Various African countries have huge deposits of this mineral with South Africa being the second largest producer of tanium and zircon in the world aer Australia.

Kenya will see its first bulk shipment of tanium minerals come online in January 2014 from Base Titanium's Kwale project while other countries like Namibia,

Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Gambia and Mauritania also have heavy mineral potenal.

Heavy mineral sands are an accumulaon of valuable minerals, normally called placer deposits, formed by gravity separaon during sedimentary processes.

Upon deposing of sand on the coastline by waves heavy minerals are concentrated as backwash carries some of the lighter minerals back to sea. Onshore winds which

Mining- Solutions

preferenally blow lighter grains inland somemes lead to higher concentraons of heavy minerals at the front of coastal dunes and as a result strandlines, old fossil shorelines, can now be found a lile distance inland. Heavy mineral sands are an important source of tanium, rare earth elements, thorium, zirconium and tungsten and industrial minerals such as diamond, sapphire, garnet and occasionally gemstones.


Heavy minerals have vital economic applicaons. Even though the strength and chemical inertness of tanium allows it to be used in defense, medical and aerospace industries more than 95 per cent of total tanium supply is for pigment producon. Zircon is used in TV screens due to its ability

to absorb X-rays. Its hardness, high melng point and low expansion coefficient when heated enables it to be used in foundry sand and as an abrasive.

It is also used as a source of zirconia for the chemical industry in adhesives, anperspirants, catalysts, aqueous polymers, gelan hardening and dyes. Zircon is also used mostly in the ceramics industry to glaze finishes of les, crockery and bathware for durability and resistance to discoloraon.

As a metal Zirconium is fairly so, malleable and easily worked. Its high density and high melng point makes it suitable to be used in modern superconductors. The oxide is also used in fuel cells, transducers in audio equipment and oxygen sensors. In the paper coang industry, Zr-carbonate acts as an

insolubilizer while in texles potassium hexafluorozirconate acts as a flame retardant.


Heavy mineral mining has both economic and social benefits to the host countries. Mining of these minerals creates employment for thousands of cizenry. This significantly improves the social status of the people in the third world countries. It also leads to development of various infrastructure projects such as roads, ports, dams e.t.c. An ideal example of how these mining acvies can benefit the local people and play an important role in advancing the naonal economy well beyond the life of the mining operaon is Base's Kwale project in Kenya. 25 Heavy minerals mining

Contract mining offers edge in depressed market

There is a direct correlaon between the market size of contract mining and the commodies cycle/prices and investment paerns in capital projects Historically, mining was a highly protected industry and had a low propensity for outsourcing, but more operaons are being outsourced across Africa, says global consultant and adviser Deloie.

This is owing to mines not having access to robust mining systems and processes, experse and the ability to control the enre mining value chain, liming the realisaon of a project's operaonal potenal, asserts Deloie associate director Mahendra Dedasaniya. “There is a direct correlaon between the market size of contract mining and the commodies cycle/prices and investment paerns in capital projects.

Amid current market condions, many mining operaons have started to consider outsourcing part of or all their operaons to the best contractor to achieve the best

cost and producvity possible,” Dedasaniya comments. He notes that using contractbased mining services is a strategic, longterm decision and must be integrated into a mining company's business and operaonal strategy to achieve the best possible outcome.

Contract mining is used not only to implement rapid strategic change but also to assist in providing a compeve edge in the global market, Dedasaniya points out. He illustrates that many mining companies in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, the Democrac Republic of Congo and Zambia have outsourced their mining operaons, such as Kimberley Diamonds, Kalagadi Manganese and Langer Heinrich, as well as the zinc mines of Black Mountain.

The decision to outsource is normally based on operaonal cost, capital efficiency, flexibility, relaonship and competency, as well as the owner's current status in terms of the age of the fleet, required skills availability, producvity,

overhead cost, the type of mining operaons and the mining method employed, Dedasaniya adds.

Contract Criteria

He emphasises that, when considering outsourcing mining services, it is important to weigh the organisaon's opons in terms of the type of contract, selecon of the right contractor and the measurable output requirements while balancing socioeconomic consideraons. The selecon of a contractor should be based on their past safety stascs, alignment with business and corporate strategy, shared values and cultural fit, as well as understanding the potenal risks associated with contract mining and the probability of migang these risks based on actual requirements.

He puts forward that selecng the right business partner, in terms of the type and form of contract, will result in defining balanced commercial terms involving the

26 Mining-Tech
Technofast's EziTite Hydraulic Head Nut being installed on a gyratory crusher

incenve of shared benefits between owner and contractor and flexibility with regard to changing the contract scope. In terms of output control, Dedasaniya says defining the mining company's objecves and goals in terms of outsourcing plays an important role in ensuring that the contractor will be able to perform accordingly. He notes that by defining the dependencies that other operaons could have on a contractor's performance and how to reduce this reliance when output is at risk, will also assist in preparing recovery plans. “Once you enter into a contract, it's very difficult to exit without disturbing operaons. It is, therefore, of great importance to chose the right business partner who shares a company's values and envisions the same end goal,” he declares.

Outsource Models

Dedasaniya asserts that there are various models available when selecng contractors that will best meet the requirements of a project and those of a company. These models can be idenfied as full outsourcing or paral outsourcing models, he says, explaining that full outsourcing includes all project needs such

as equipment, labour, materials and infrastructure. Paral outsourcing is when the equipment and infrastructure is supplied by the owner, with the contractor supplying labour and, at mes, maintaining equipment.


Dedasaniya notes that, if outsourced mining is not part of a business's operaonal plans, it could result in the cost of mining being higher by as much as 15% to 20%, adding that there could also be a loss of intellectual property since there is no connuity in knowledge, which ulmately affects the decision-making process. Therefore, should the contract be prematurely terminated, the enre operaons cycle will be disrupted, resulng in revenue loss. He also notes that an inadequately defined scope and responsibility matrix leads to conflict and unhealthy relaons between the pares, affecng the targeted outcome of the outsourcing business case.


Dedasaniya highlights that, when contract criteria are met and the best model has been selected for an operaon, outsourcing

has many advantages, such as the achievement of producon targets within budget and on schedule. Addionally, he says contracts can also be structured to allow for operaonal costs to be converted from fixed costs into variable costs during mes of low producon volumes, reducing the risk of negave profit margins.

“The mining environment has an influence on many variables, such as ground condions and market condions, which somemes erodes the business case; however, outsourcing provides flexibility and scalability in [a mining company's] model to meet ever-changing producon requirements, resulng in a smooth transion between mining methods such as openpit to underground mining.”

Dedasaniya points out that the effecve use of resources and the deputaon of a subject-maer expert from one operaon to another is also an added advantage. “Outsourcing should emphasise and create bonds and networking in an organisaon to ensure it achieves the best possible producon at the pre-agreed producon cost, while achieving higher capital efficiency and flexibility [at] mining operaons,” concludes Dedasaniya.

Contract mining offers edge in depressed market 27

Machine health monitoring at customers' fingertips with SKF Enlight QuickCollect

Bearings and rotaon specialist, SKF, is empowering customers to monitor machine health without the need for extensive training or diagnosc experse through its innovave Enlight QuickCollect.

Designed to make it easy to collect and interpret valuable machine data, SKF Enlight QuickCollect is helping customers to opmise their rotang equipment performance.

Previously, in order to collect machine and process data customers needed expensive equipment and had to depend on in-house experse to understand the data and diagnose machine problems effecvely. The SKF Enlight QuickCollect makes it easy for customers to get started and its entrylevel setup costs means that the capital expenditure is eliminated. As an affordable addion to the maintenance program, customers can collect valuable machine data and inspect and process this data swily and simply

This advanced innovaon combines a user-friendly SKF QuickCollect Sensor with mobile SKF QuickCollect apps to simplify inspecon, process and machine health data collecon and analysis. By ulising the sensor and the apps, customers can easily start checking the 'on the spot' condion of their rotang machinery. In addion to rapid and effortless idenficaon of machine condion, this soluon assists customers to also capture, share and store inspecon as well as process machine health data across the company

The simple and rugged SKF QuickCollect handheld sensor monitors a wide array of issues relang to vibraon and temperature. The sensor transmits data wirelessly to an app on a mobile device, providing instant machine diagnoscs with the ability to store and share data for further analysis.

Customers can upgrade from the SKF QuickCollect app which delivers entry level, on-the-spot analysis, to the SKF DataCollect app to receive extended diagnosc capabilies, more detailed, colour-coded machine condion feedback based on ISO standards, customised forms for collecng all types of inspecon and process data as well as guided measurement support.

The SKF DataCollect app also delivers customised forms to collect a wide range of useful data from around the customer's facility. In addion to machine monitoring, operaons employees can perform visual inspecons guided by instrucons and record informaon such as pressures, lows, lubricaon levels, etc. Instrucons can also be provided for operators to clean and inspect equipment and to tell them when

and how to seek help when needed. This type of inspecon data is invaluable to complement customers' maintenance programmes and can also be ulised to automate support for acvies such as plant safety and EHS audits, environmental /quality/air leak inspecons, equipment checks and lubricaon rounds. SKF QuickCollect assists the workforce to monitor plant machinery as limited training and no specialist skills are required.

There are a limited number of organisaons that hold a large body of inhouse experse on preventave maintenance, rotang equipment performance opmisaon and root cause analysis. SKF Enlight QuickCollect provides a soluon to this dilemma as SKF DataCollect also gives customers the ability to connect with SKF expert remote services with access to SKF's industry-leading diagnosc personnel and resources. In the event of customers requiring advanced support such as automated diagnoscs for example, they can conveniently connect directly with SKF remote diagnosc services giving them access to worldleading machine and bearing performance analysts – industry-leading experse and benchmark data at the customers' fingerps.

Mining- Solutions

Collision avoidance and navigation support with 2D LiDAR scanner technology

From electric liing trucks and order pickers to tugs and mobile transport plaorms, warehouses are benefing from SICK Automaon's2D LiDAR sensors. These sensors from the TiM series ensure collision-free manoeuvring and precise measurement data fornavigaon.

To enable transport and picking vehicles to operate autonomously they must be protected against collisions and equipped with the opon for self-navigaon. SICK's TiM 2D LiDAR sensors sasfy requirements for integraon capacity, course-plong and roung, obstacle detecon, and cater to safety-related applicaons.

The 2D LiDAR sensors in the TiM series are designed for quick and simple plug-and-play integraon,with a design that takes shock and vibraon resistance and ambient light immunity into account. All 2D LiDAR products

feature innovave HDDM technology which enables both mobile and staonary obstacles to be reliably detected. Detecon is reliable regardless of material, surface structures, colour or lighng. Eye-safe infrared light and High Definion Distance Measurement (HDDM) technology were designed, developed and patented by SICK.

SICK Automaon's TiM range offers applicaon-orientated soluons that meet key device-related requirements. The Tim1xx weighs just 90 grams and requires only 2.2W of power. This compact, energy efficient model delivers long, interrupon-free operaon. The TiM361S is safety-cerfied in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1:2015 and is the perfect combinaon of measurement performance and funconal safety. Operang in the safety range from 0.05cm to 4m, it has up to 48 independent monitoring fields and

as many monitoring scenarios and protecve field geometries can be set up as needed.The compact TiM5xx has a height of only 86 millimetres making it ideal for object detecon, posion detecon and navigaon in confined installaon spaces with a working range up to 25m. These are just a few examples from SICK's wide range of 2D LiDAR scanner opons.

The world of autonomous-mobile intralogiscs requires intelligent sensors that are able to deliver real-me navigaonal and environmental informaon to self-driving vehicles, plaorms and robots.SICK's 2D LiDAR Sensors in the TiM range deliver precision, reliability and speed to effecvely support navigaon and posion determinaon data and consistently avoid collisions.

Mining- Tech 30

IF “GREED” WAS THE BUZZWORD 20 YEARS AGO, one could argue that today it is “choice.” In choice, there is power

When our founder, Jerry Dyess, had the vision for Choose Energy, his goal was to demysfy the ulies business for the average consumer. Quite simply, energy is a commodity and a need. And, the more choices, the beer it is for everyone involved. Tradional retail companies have long thrived by providing consumers with opons. The proliferaon of online marketplaces has given consumers the ability to make smart choices and save money on everything from car insurance to healthcare. However, unl recently, consumers didn't have a choice when it came to energy – one of the few things that they literally can't live without. In states where energy deregulaon is becoming more and more prevalent as it has in other countries, many of the consumers in these states either do not know that they have opons, and if they are aware, they likely do not know what or how to choose. That is where the power of the energy marketplace comes in.

At Choose Energy, we not only provide the online plaorm to purchase the commodity

of energy, but we act as a connector and facilitator, allowing customers to compare and shop for their electric, natural gas and other energy providers. Energy marketplaces provide consumers the ability to see all of the energy supplier's offers in one convenient place so they can compare one offer with another, side by side. Oen these same consumers receive offers from energy companies that sound like a good deal but there is no way for them to compare the costs or the benefits with alternave opons. We help them find the right place and the right planwhether they are looking for a fixed plan, a shorerm opon, cost savings or a greener choice. Finally, the consumer doesn't have to blindly pay their energy bill and feel like they have no choice when it comes to the provider who keeps their lights and their heat on.

We also help the energy suppliers communicate their services through a trustworthy plaorm so they can aract and retain the right consumers. Suppliers now are compeng for the customer's business, which puts the consumer in the driver's seat. Energy marketplaces benefit the consumer

and the provider, by offering services such as comparison, transparency, ease of enrollment and strong customer service while guiding consumers through the decision-making process of comparing and/or switching suppliers. Imagine 20 years ago – even 10 –being able to go online and shop for energy needs. We are currently in eight deregulated electricity states and just announced in January that we have expanded into six deregulated natural gas states, with plans to launch our services in three more states this month.

Educaon is a key factor in the expansion of energy choices and the deregulaon process. In deregulated energy states in the United States (in which more than half the U.S. populaon lives), once consumers were given a choice in energy providers, they may have found themselves overwhelmed with monthly mail inserts, door hangers, or mullevel markeng agents ringing doorbells and phones. These channels were the only opon the energy companies had – but now retail energy suppliers are reviewing their markeng budget allocaons and realizing that the changes in regulaon have brought new opons and new markeng channels,

Mining- Solutions
Since energy is a commodity and a need, more choices are better for all parties in the industry

which benefit them.

This complexity behind the energy sales and markeng processes create confusion for the consumer, and is the reason that educaon is paramount. In addion, educaon varies by market. For example, Texas, Pennsylvania, Conneccut and Illinois have reached greater than 50 percent deregulated electricity market adopon over the past few years. There is currently more educaon in these deregulated states on electricity opons, so we are building on that awareness to inform consumers that natural gas choices are also available. One of the great things about Choose Energy is that people can switch electricity and natural gas in one place, at one me (in states where available).

With this winter's energy bills substanally higher due to the much-reported “Polar

Vortex” and other weather extremes across the country – consumers are paying more aenon to their energy bills.

Many states are also experiencing rate hike announcements, so we expect more and more consumers to take control of their energy opons. Choose Energy is growing over 100 percent a year in all of our markets. While cost is important, energy choices aren't limited to price. Some consumers have made the decision to change providers because they want a renewable plan as part of the “green movement.” Unl fairly recently, renewable choices were challenging for consumers to access. Today, up to 20 percent of Choose Energy's customers have chosen offerings that come from renewable sources. While not always the least expensive, it is perfect for those who are commied to

making environmentally conscious shopping decisions.

Others are searching for the best price or a way to manage their budgets, removing the risk of energy price increases. The typical consumer in a deregulated market can save as much as much 25 percent on their yearly energy bill.

This is truly a game changer for the ulies business. Deregulaon has provided people with the ability to choose energy providers. With the plaorm to pair the consumer with the provider based on their individual needs down to the details of region, climate, psychographics, demographics, economics and priories – energy marketplaces have the power to personalize that choice. 33
and a need
Since energy is a commodity

Antiwear Coatings

With over 20 years of experience in the field, EGI Industries has a department that specializes in automated applicaon of thermal coangs to extend the life of crical industrial mechanical parts. EGI Industries serves various types of industries at all stages from prototyping to high-volume parts producon. EGI Industries acquired an ultra modern thermal spray system that builds coangs with exceponal properes. We are equipped with a metallography laboratory to

conduct process analysis to ensure quality consistency, and reliability

In addion, EGI Industries', services are based on internal and external R&D to create, improve and develop processes that serve to provide soluons tailored to the needs of each and every client. It is also one way in which we respect one of our biggest corporate values: being open to innovaon. With machining and finishing, EGI Industries offers turnkey soluons for all of your failing,

and wearing parts inside your equipment. Our process is quite unique. Clients in various industries mostly all experience parts and equipment failures such as valves, pumps, air locks, shas and so forth; all of which could not withstand either the chemicals being used, temperature or abrasive materials they are in contact with. Replacing parts, and equipment is extremely costly and not forgeng the crical and expensive downme that is incurred.

Mining- Solutions


Valves/Pumps are an example, which are commonly found in mine sites all around the world. Certain makes and models can cost within the range of tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. These name brand valves do not always have an-wear coangs, which is needed to withstand the abrasive chemicals passing through. We rebuild all makes, models, and sizes for valves/pump housings and other components back to the original manufacturers' specificaons at a fracon of the cost for a new replacement. Our warrantee backs all of our parts and work.

As soluon experts, our goals are to produce the longest lasng parts with exceponal quality. We customize every gear, pinion, and gearbox internals with the best steeltreatments currently available. We cerfy every gear and gearbox refurbishment/upgrade with test bench reports and include a warranty to our clients assuring them they're well taken care of. We teach our clients that many gears may look similar; however, looks are deceiving to the untrained eye. Gear steel quality, origin of the steel, treatments perhaps used, chemical composion before and aer treatments, and overall strength all are ponderous factors to

be considered when bearing in mind the reliability of your gears inside your crucial equipment. Higher quality generally means higher price-per-item. Clients looking only at price sasfying their budget numbers unfortunately discover catastrophic and/or even premature failure that ends up cosng the plant numerous hours or days of costly downme. This unacceptable predicament is one we simply cannot stand for and we will do everything in our power to prevent our clients from falling vicm to it. It may be simple and fast to cut corners and produce inferior components; however, at EGI, you will never need to worry about that; guaranteed.

We are a direct OEM factory which manufactures directly for you the end user. We have all available machinery to build your requirements. We design, and build in

accordance to approved drawings.

1. Spare parts commonly for the mining industry such as mills, crushers, mine hoisters, and mobile equipment such as excavators, cranes and dozers.

2. Spare parts for wellhead equipment found in the oil and gas industry, such as semi-finished Stabilizers and BOP bodies.

3. Design and manufacture whatever your requirements call for. Our engineering department will work with you and your team to gather all the crical details and build accordingly.

4. Forging & Casng, Machining, Heat Treatment service are offered.
TODAY'S PRODUCTSATYESTERDAY’S PRICES +27(0)118022301 | | Anwear coangs 35

Fibertex geosynthetic solutions for road maintenance

Fibertex geosynthec soluons for road maintenance, include Fibertex AM-2, which is a flexible needle punched nonwoven paving fabric. This robust product, was specifically developed by Fibertex, for African road engineering condions.

“The funcons of Fibertex AM-2 are twofold: To avoid reflecve cracking of new asphalt. This material is used to prevent the propagaon of cracking from an old pavement surface being transferred into a new re-sealed surface - stress relief,” says Lionel Kistan, export sales manager, Fibertex South Africa –manufacturers of geosynthec products.

“The second funcon of Fibertex AM-2 is to protect the subsoil from water intrusion and thereby loss of bearing capacity. In this case it is used to create an impermeable membrane layer – a seal - to prevent the ingress of surface water into road layer works through exisng cracks in the pavement.

“When water saturates the load bearing layers under a road surface, the bearing capacity of such layers reduce and crack formaons could eventually propagate and lead to pothole formaon under the dynamic loads of heavy traffic.

“This membrane also act as a Stress

Absorbing Membrane Interlayer (SAMI) to prevent surface stress cracking by absorbing stresses imposed by differenal loads.”

The Fibertex AM-2 system can be applied mechanically for large volume installaons, as well as manually in cases where narrow width installaons are required. By using Fibertex AM-2 paving fabric in road maintenance projects, future maintenance cycles can be reduced; full road rehabilitaon projects can be postponed and pavement life can be extended, which means substanal cost savings.

Addionally, when using Fibertex F-grade geotexles in a basal separaon applicaon below the road prism, the road design can be adjusted to decrease the thickness of load bearing layers, while sll maintaining or even increasing its load bearing capacity. This results in a more cost effecve design. Alternavely, without the use of a separaon fabric in weak subgrade condions, punching of engineered aggregate into the weak subgrade could occur, as well as ingress of the below subgrade into the engineered fill material. As a result, the bearing capacity of the base course could be reduced over me, which could lead to basal failure of the road. Virgin PP geotexles have a high level of chemical stability over a wide pH range and are thus suitable for applicaon in most civil engineering environmental condions. This characterisc ensures its durability, where product failure might not only impact on project cost, but could have a long term environmental impact.

Fibertex UV stabilised virgin PP geotexles are the only nonwoven geotexles produced in Africa with cerficaon for durability of over 100 years, in accordance with the latest EN standards.

This range of environmentally-friendly geosynthec materials encompasses nonwoven and woven geotexles, gabions and maresses, drainage pipes and fings and erosion control and cellular confinement soluons. The company also supplies soil reinforcement and stabilisaon products, including geogrids and geocells, as well as geosynthec clay liners (GCL) and geomembranes (GMB) that can be used as part of composite lining systems in waste containment soluons.

Fibertex South Africa's team of experts from branches in KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and the Western Cape offers a technical advisory and support service, to ensure correct specificaon of durable and safe materials for every project.

38 Mining- Solutions 39

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