1Mary Ward Planet - Vol.17, Issue 2, Spring 2011-12

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volume 17 | issue 2 | spring edition 2012


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Code of Ethics All content ©2011-2012 Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this newspaper, in part or whole, is prohibited without the approval of The Planet executive members. The Mary Ward Planet is the official student newspaper of Mary Ward C.S.S. All members of the Mary Ward community may voluntarily contribute to the Planet. Everyone exhibits professionalism and respects one another in all exchanges while keeping Christian values and practices. All submitted articles, layouts, and photography are subject to moderation. Material submitted is subject to approval by the Executive, staff moderators, and administration. All material must positively support the ideas and spirit of Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School is a self-directed learning centre located at 3200 Kennedy Road that was founded in 1985. It became a member of the CCSDL (Canadian Coalition of Self-Directed Learning Schools) in 1995.

We would like to congratulate the Planet team on another successful issue. With a talented team of writers, editors, layout designers, and photographers, we strive to produce a newspaper reflective of the amazing student body and staff of Mary Ward. In the editorial “Asbestos”, the Planet team tackles the controversial issue of the sale of a dangerous mineral, outlawed in Canada, to developing countries. In the Sports and Community Wrap-Ups, you can read about the phenomenal accomplishments of our students, clubs, and sports teams. Take a break from your units this March Break to go see a movie, and to read the second issue of the Mary Ward Planet.

Cover Design by Inggrid Wibowo Semi-Formal Collage by Lydia He Winter Activity Collage by Velanie George

Visit the MWPLANET @ http://planet.maryward.ca

editorials EDITORIALS


Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral. It once had many practical applications because of its resistance to fire, rust, and rot. Its durability and versatility made it a popular choice in the construction industry. Among other applications, it was used in insulation, floor and ceiling tiles, and textured wall coatings. The asbestos industry flourished during the industrial revolution. During the early 1900s, asbestos was touted as a “magic” material. Aside from the construction industry, it was also used in everything from fire blankets to artificial snow. Unfortunately, the magic couldn’t last forever. In the mid-1900s, researchers discovered that asbestos fibres had a tendency to stick to the lining of the lungs when inhaled. People who were exposed to asbestos often developed asbestosis, an untreatable lung condition that often resulted in death. Asbestos was also discovered to be carcinogenic. Seeing that it was a dangerous substance, the Canadian government introduced regulations to ban the use of asbestos in many products. Although asbestos is banned in Canada, some Canadian asbestos mines remain in operation today. The mineral is exported to developing countries such as India and Indonesia; countries where asbestos is not regulated. There, it is used as a construction material, and people are often unaware of the danger that it poses. Exporting asbestos is a financially-motivated decision. According to the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database, Canada sent 39.1 million U.S.D. worth of asbestos to India in 2010. The Canadian government continues to permit the mining and exportation of asbestos to developing countries, claiming that it can be mined safely when proper precautions are taken. Asbestos companies, not wishing to be shut down, claim that the material is safe when used properly. Still, these claims are not necessarily true. Asbestos becomes harmful when fibres are released into the air. Although brand new building materials containing asbestos may not release fibres, this does not mean that they will always be safe. Much of the danger of asbestos-based materials comes from the fact that they can be worn down to the point that fibres are exposed. Asbestos-based materials may not seem dangerous at first, but can pose a health risk over time. The Canadian government’s actions are questionable, and indeed hypocritical. Asbestos has been banned in Canada because it is dangerous, but the government still sees fit to export the mineral to countries where regulations are less strict or nonexistent. This is ironic, considering that the Canadian government is paying millions of dollars for the removal of asbestos from the Parliament buildings. Exporting asbestos generates revenue, but it is not ethical. By exporting asbestos, the Canadian government is partially responsible for the exposure of people in developing countries to it. Whether the Canadian government will consider shutting down asbestos mines remains to be seen. For now, unfortunately, the mining and export of this dangerous mineral continues.

VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 03

world issues ISSUES WORLD

By Eumela Nuesca

By Inggrid Wibowo On January 12, the Harper government gave notice that the legality of thousands of same-sex couples from abroad who were married in Canada would be called into question. Despite claiming that same-sex marriage – legal in Canada since 2005 – would not be an issue re-opened under the majority Conservatives’ agenda, the legal about-face ignited a firestorm of controversy. PHOTO CREDIT WWW.STAROBSERVER.COM.AU

The legal turnabout came to light in a Toronto test case launched by a lesbian couple seeking a divorce, in which a Department of Justice lawyer opined that their marriage was never valid because it would not hold legality in their home jurisdictions of England and Florida.

North Koreans mourn the death of the “Dear Leader” Kim Jong-il. The 69-year-old communist president was announced dead by the North Korean state television on December 17, 2012 from a heart attack.

Jong-il’s death is thought to be a result of physical and mental over-work. The KNCA later reported that he had died of “severe myocardial infarction along with a heart attack” at 8:30 A.M. local time.

Speaking in Halifax, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said that he was “not aware of the details [...] This I gather is a case before the courts where Canadian lawyers have taken a particular position based on the law and I will be asking officials to provide me more details.”

The television announcer tried to hold back tears as she reported the sudden death of Kim Jong-il. Her emotions were not an exaggeration of how North Koreans felt. In fact, they were an understatement in comparison to the public displays of grief that followed Kim Jong-il’s death. Videos of North Koreans weeping for their president have since surfaced on the Internet.

Justice Minister Rob Nicholson echoed Harper’s statement. “I want to make it very clear that, in our government’s view, these marriages should be valid. We will change the Civil Marriage Act so that any marriages performed in Canada that aren’t recognized in the couple’s home jurisdiction will be recognized in Canada.

The people of North Korea held Kim Jong-il in high regard. Their libraries are filled with books about the “Dear Leader”, and the walls of buildings are covered with portraits of Kim Jong-il. North Korea has one of the largest military forces in the world. It is estimated to have up to 1.2 million soldiers, with ages ranging from 17-54 in the regular armed forces. However, North Korea is one of the most secluded countries in the world. Cell phones, computers and anything to do with pop culture or foreign media are banned.

“This will apply to all marriages performed in Canada. We have been clear that we have no desire to re-open this issue – both myself and the prime minister consider this debate to be closed.” However, some remain sceptical. Prior to his election in 2006, Harper campaigned for having a free vote for MPs in response to a motion calling on ‘the government to introduce legislation to restore the traditional definition of marriage without affecting civil unions and while respecting existing same-sex marriages’. The motion was PHOTO C REDIT EG NORANC defeated by a margin of 175 to 123. E.BL


Nicholson blamed the ‘legislative gap’ on the previous Liberal government for faulty drafting of the law. In response, Interim Liberal Leader Bob Rae called Nicholson’s claim “[...] preposterous [...] The only gap is the gap between the heads of Conservative cabinet ministers, who have failed to live up to the best and finest traditions of Canada with respect to our traditions of tolerance.” Same-sex marriage in Canada was effectively legalized in 2004. The next year, Canada enacted the Civil Marriage Act, which enshrined the right to same-sex marriage in the law – being the fourth country in the world to do so – under a gender-neutral definition of marriage: “the lawful union of two persons to the exclusion of all others”. Since then, more than 15,000 same-sex marriages have been performed, with approximately a third of them involving foreign couples, reports The Globe and Mail. The Ontario Superior Court will reportedly consider the couple’s divorce application next month. 4 mwplanet VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2




The soldiers serve as guardians, and are trained to torture and kill anyone who disobeys the law. Soldiers are also instructed to send anyone who does not worship Kim Jong-il to a concentration camp. Some critics say that the people of North Korea were forced to show monumental emotion when reacting to the death of Kim Jong-il by the army. Not showing enough grief would result in severe consequence.

Kim Jong-un, the twenty-five-year-old son of Kim Jong-il, is the likely successor of his father’s title and future leader of North Korea. This would be the second hereditary succession in the last remaining totalitarian communist dictatorship, as Kim Jong-il inherited his position from his father, Kim Ilsung.


world issues ISSUES WORLD

By Inggrid Wibowo

By Jercy David On January 1, 2012, many countries on the Eastern seaboard celebrated the start of a new year. The people of Japan however, celebrated on shaking ground as another earthquake hit the country. The earthquake struck near Torishima Island in the Pacific Ocean about 230 miles deep and 370 miles south of Tokyo, according to the Meteorological Agency. The US Geographical Survey gave the quake a preliminary magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter Scale before downgrading it to 6.8. The earthquake did not cause a tsunami.

Liberal MP Justin Trudeau versus Tory Senator Patrick Brazeau: there’s a headliner you never thought you’d see. On March 31, the two partisan politicians will take to the boxing ring at the Hampton Inn Convention Centre. The match – a sparring that reflects the increasingly heated Liberal-Conservative rivalry in the House of Commons – is, in reality, a charity fundraiser for cancer research. Trudeau, truly his father’s son, is a keen boxer who has reportedly followed a training regime since November of last year. Brazeau, Canada’s youngest current senator, has served with the Canadian Forces Maritime Command and holds a second-degree black belt in karate.

Though no immediate damages or injuries were reported, the earthquake did manage to sway buildings in Tokyo. Express trains in northern and central Japan were also suspended for safety checks for a few hours, but resumed later that day.

When asked who she thought would win, grade twelve Mary Ward student Agatha Choy indicated Brazeau. “He looks manlier. And bigger.” In reality, Trudeau stands at 6’0”, while his opponent is 5’9”.

No abnormalities were reported at power plants, including the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in northeast Japan, according to a spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power. Last year on March 11, an earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan. The earthquake triggered powerful tsunami waves and sparked a nuclear crisis, resulting from nuclear meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Thousands of people were left dead or missing by the end of the disaster. The Fukushima Daiichi plant had also been hit by the 2011 March earthquake and tsunami. The New Year’s Day earthquake triggered fear of being quarantined for many residents, though this fear proved to be unfounded.


Though the two politicians come from polar ends of t h e political spectrum, they are similar in more ways than rhyming surnames. Trudeau, 40, and Brazeau, 37, represent the younger voices of their respective parties and have both taken a few hits in their public lives. Trudeau recently came under fire for using inappropriate language in regard to Environment Minister Peter Kent. According to Trudeau, Kent derided NDP MP Megan Leslie for her absence at the COP 17 conference in Durban, a mockery of the government’s refusal to accredit any members of the Opposition to the conference. Trudeau later apologized.


Brazeau was criticized for his intention to serve in the Senate while remaining National Chief of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP), after it was revealed that he would be concurrently collecting two publicly-funded, six-figure salaries. Brazeau later resigned as CAP chief.



Regardless, Trudeau and Brazeau have successfully stood their ground in Canadian politics: a boxing ring in its own right. PHOTO BY W WW.SCRAPET V.COM

VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 05

world issues ISSUES WORLD By Alex Cabaj In an attempt to reduce the amount of Internet piracy, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was first brought before the United States House of Representatives, and is now before the House Judiciary Committee. First introduced by House Judiciary Committee Chair Representative Lamar Smith on October 26, 2011, the bill aimed to reduce illegal file-sharing by blocking access to certain websites and by cutting off advertising revenue from websites that violate copyright law. Proponents of the bill claimed that the American film and music industries are losing money due to piracy. According to the Recording Industry Association of America, piracy causes a $2 million loss in wages for American workers. Illegal filesharing has been always been a controversial issue, but workers in the American music and film industries claim that current piracy laws in the United States are not effective. The bill originally planned to block websites by preventing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from resolving the addresses of websites deemed to infringe on copyright laws, using a method known as DNS blocking. If this block had been put in place, typing the URL of a blocked website would not enable one to access it. Nevertheless, so long as the infringing websites were not taken down, it could still be accessed by entering its numerical IP address into a browser’s address bar. If Google were blocked, for example, one could circumvent the block by typing “” instead of “google.ca”. Another method that SOPA could have used was to cut off advertising revenue from websites that it deemed to be infringing on copyright. The companies providing advertisement revenue for the site would be forced to stop sponsoring it without warning. This would be more effective in terms of preventing access to the website, because it would result in the website being taken down. The Stop Online Piracy Act faced controversy for many different reasons. Some claimed that the bill would be too easy to circumvent; DNS blocking could be bypassed by anyone who knew an infringing website’s IP address. Supporters of the bill later revised their stance, claiming that such a method would not be employed. Others believed that SOPA would pose a threat to companies starting up on the Internet. A start-up’s competitor could file a copyright claim against the company’s website. This would force the start-up to spend time in court, and hence lose

money. People would be less inclined to start new companies on the Internet for fear of losing money and facing legal disputes. Others claimed that SOPA would violate the U.S. constitution by restricting freedom of speech. Some protesters believed that once a means to easily block or bring down infringing websites was put in place, more innocuous websites would also be blocked or taken down. Protesters feared that there was potential for websites with user-generated content – social media websites or video streaming services – to be taken down. There was much debate about whether SOPA should be passed. Known supporters of SOPA included the Motion Picture Association of America, the Screen Actors Guild, and the Recording Industry Association of America. Among the opponents of the bill were Google, Facebook, and the Wikimedia Foundation. Over time, certain companies changed their minds about whether to support or oppose the bill. For example, godaddy. com, a domain name provider, changed its stance on SOPA from “for” to “against” in response to a massive boycott of its services. Even U.S. President Barack Obama spoke out on SOPA, claiming that he would not sign the bill in the state that it was presented to him at the time of his statement. He did not denounce the bill entirely, however, and said that he would be open to considering a revised version. In protest of SOPA, on January 18, 2012, many website owners blacked out their websites for the day. Among the websites that shut down or restricted access to their services were Wikipedia, Wordpress. org, and Reddit. Google did not restrict access to its search, but displayed a message expressing its opposition to SOPA on its homepage. The “blackout” helped to raise awareness, and has been referred to as the largest organized Internet protest to date. In the end, the efforts to stop SOPA succeeded. Many of the supporters of SOPA in the U.S. government dropped their support, effectively stopping the bill. They decided to put off further legislation until they could reach a consensus. Several other proposed bills have sprung up in SOPA’s wake, but the Internet community is armed with the resources to negotiate them.

By Angeline Nijmeh Seven weeks later and twenty pounds lighter, Mayor Rob Ford’s “Cut the Waist Challenge” started on a high note.

“I know the city of Toronto will lose more weight than any other city in North America,” said the mayor at his first weigh-in.

Having dropped from his weight of 330 pounds, the mayor believes this is the beginning of a healthier lifestyle. A public weight loss campaign will motivate him to decrease his caloric intake and his waist size. Along with his brother, councillor Doug Ford, the mayor will be weighed in every Monday and has set an ambitious weight-goal of 280 pounds by mid-June.

According to Rob Ford, to keep the weight off, he partakes in jogging, weight-lifting and “eating like a rabbit”. Ford says his diet now consists of salad, tuna, and chicken; impressive for a man who describes himself as “300 pounds of fun”. Regardless of what the critics say, most can agree that Rob Ford is setting a positive example. With Canada’s rising obesity rate, something has to be done to maintain the health of Canadian citizens. It is commendable that Ford is raising awareness on such an important issue by serving as an example to Canadians.

Public weigh-ins are also set to take place for Torontonians willing to join the campaign and get in shape. The Ford brothers have even set up a website where Canadians can sign the pledge to “cut the waist,” in hopes of decreasing Toronto’s obesity rate. PHOTO BY WWW.CITYTV.COM

06 mwplanet VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2

world issues ISSUES WORLD By Shankri Fabrian Environment Minister Peter Kent announced Canada’s withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol in December 2011, while also criticizing Kyoto’s effectiveness in spearheading efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions. After returning to Canada from attending the United Nations’ talks on climate change in Durban, South Africa, Peter Kent declared Canada’s decision to pull out from the Kyoto accord. He said, “Kyoto for Canada is in the past. As such, we are invoking our legal right to formally withdraw.” The Kyoto Protocol was deliberated in the late 1990s, with the support of 141 counties when it went into effect on February 16, 2005, excluding the United States, Australia, and Monaco. India and China agreed to the protocol at the time, as they were considered developing nations and had pardon from emission cuts until the next round. The ultimate goal for the group was to reduce the greenhouse gas emission levels from the amount that was produced in the year 1990.

As part of this agreement, Canada had set goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the end of 2012. However, after the Conservative government was elected in May 2006, efforts to abide the Kyoto accord were forgotten, and the campaigns for protocol vanished. This procrastination caused Canada to fall behind on target dates, ultimately causing the decision to drop out from the agreement. Canada would have faced a penalty of nearly $14 billion for failing to meet goals if it had not dropped out. In addition, Peter Kent asserted that the Kyoto Protocol was not the right way to combat climate change, since it did not include America and China, which produce the highest levels of greenhouse gas emissions. He said, “Kyoto is not the path forward for a global solution to climate change…if anything, it’s an impediment.” Some may see Canada’s withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol as a sign that Canada does not want to help in reducing the high levels of greenhouse gas emissions.

By Carolina Vecchiarelli Where do you want to travel in 2012? How far will you go to see the wonders of the world? What adventures will you embark on this year? To help you decide, here are the top nine destinations of the world for 2012. Coming in at number nine is Orlando, Florida. Although Disneyland is also located in Orlando, tourist guides say that local Orlando is spectacular. The city was transformed into celebrity central in February when it hosted the 61 NBA All-Star Games. The city also comes with beautiful lakes, museums, and scenic neighborhoods. At number eight is Uruguay. Though Uruguay has been sitting below the radar for many tourists, this South American country holds some of the world’s most extraordinary hotels, Playa Vik and Estancia Vik. Tourist guides also recommend the beautiful beaches. Atlantic Canada takes number seven. Although Canada’s Maritime Provinces are beautiful destinations, the spotlight this year will focus on the 100th anniversary of the Titanic. After the ship hit an iceberg on April 12, 1912, three ships from Halifax, Nova Scotia were dispatched to bring back the bodies of the victims. Some of the passengers that were involved in this fatal crash are buried in the city’s cemeteries. Halifax plans to have parades, concerts, and a film festival to mark this anniversary. The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic holds many artifacts from the Titanic.

Chicago takes the number four spot. This city will be in the news as it hosts the 12th World Summit of Noble Peace Laureates in April, as well as the NATO and Group of Eight summits in May. Chicago is also a huge tourist destination filled with museums, major sports teams and fantastic shopping centers. At number three is Myanmar, also known as Burma. According to U.S. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, this country, which has been ruled by a military regime for almost fifty years, may open itself up to tourists. Changes in the country’s system means that tourists who have always wanted to visit this country can start planning their trip, as these alterations are moving quickly. Many travel guides say that the country has multiple authentic sites that are filled with welcoming people. Placing second is the World of the Maya. The ancient civilization that was left behind in the great cities in Mexico and Central America is an unreal experience. If you want to skip the tourist crowds, many travel specialists suggest exploring sites near Comitan, Mexico. The mountainous valleys are secluded and peaceful.

Stealing the number six spot is the Netherlands. The most popular attractions in the Netherlands are the flowers and other plants. The horticultural expo, which is staged only once every ten years, will display the world’s best flowers, plants, trees, fruits and vegetables. This expo runs from April through October. According to travel critiques, this showcase will attract an estimated two million visitors.

Finally, the number one destination in the world is England. Although the royal wedding made the country a major fixation, this year it is hard to keep count of the events that are taking place. Queen Elizabeth will celebrate her sixty years on the throne, and London will host the Summer Olympic Games in July and August, and the Paralympic Games in August and September. There will also be festivals, tours, performances, and exhibitions to mark the 200th birthday of Charles Dickens.

Coming in at number five is St. Vincent and the Grenadines. This tropical paradise is not just one destination, but comes with thirty-two gorgeous Caribbean islands. This paradise is located between St. Lucia and Grenada. This island chain will become more accessible to a wider range of travelers, as a $240,000,000 airport is scheduled to open in St. Vincent.

The one aspect that all of these places share in common is their beauty. These destinations are filled with breathtaking beaches, monuments, centers, sites, and many more tourist attractions. Hopefully you will have the opportunity to visit these places. VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 07

sports SPORTS

PHOTO BY clker.com and atooms.com

By Shamita Sivakumar The London Olympics 2012 are almost here. This summer, London will welcome millions of people to witness an extraordinary event that will bring the world together in one stadium.According to www. london2012.com, the construction progress is going well. The final piece of turf has been laid on the field of play in the Olympic Stadium, marking the completion of the construction of the venue. Construction has also been completed on the Basketball Arena, the Copper Box, the Velodrome, the Aquatics Centre, the Lee Valley White Water Centre, and the International Broadcast Centre. The two-year planting program at the Olympic Park has also been a success.

London Olympics initiatives. The London Olympics have helped the International Inspiration program to achieve its vision of reaching 12 million children and youth around the world by encouraging them to be active through educational campaigns.

After the games, the new park created for the Olympics will be connected with the Thames Estuary to the south and the Hertfordshire countryside to the north. The canals and waterways of the River Lea will be cleaned and widened, and the natural flood plan will be restored to provide a new wetland. The park will be planted with native species of plants and habitated with animals to crePHOTO BY Mediabistro.com ate a home for wildlife in the middle of the city. The sport facilities will be used for community purposes, sports clubs, and elite athletes. It has been an exciting wait for many London citizens. The official website states Thousands of new jobs will be created due to this park. that Europeans are getting involved in a multitude of ways to help to prepare for the Olympics. Twenty-two thousand schools and colleges are participating in

By Alex De Pompa Canadian freestyle skier Sarah Burke died on January 19, 2012, in a hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah, after sustaining injuries from a skiing accident on January 10. She was 29 years old. She fell after completing a Flat Spin 450 jump during a training run at an event sponsored by Monster Energy Drink at the Park City Mountain resort. She ruptured her vertebral artery from the fall. Peter Judge, the CEO of Canada’s freestyle ski team, said that the injury was the result of a “freak accident” from a trick well within Burke’s capabilities. Emergency personnel responded and administered CPR. She was taken to hospital and put on life support. Burke was placed in a medically-induced coma, with therapeutic hypothermia initiated to protect her brain. Burke had surgery on January 11 to repair the torn artery. The vertebral artery is one of the most important blood vessels in the body, as it provides blood to the brain stem which controls the breathing and heart functions. Doctors say that the severe brain injury, a massive intercranial hemorrhage, caused Burke to go into cardiac arrest. Tests after the operation revealed that the lack of oxygen and blood had caused irreversible damage to her brain, and proved to be fatal. She died at 9:22 A.M. In accordance with Burke’s wishes, her organs and tissues will be donated to save the lives of others. Burke had been a dedicated skier all of her life. She started skiing when she was five years old, in Midland, Ontario. As a teenager, she was a moguls skier and competed for Team Ontario. She switched to freestyle, and won the half-pipe competition at the 2001 U.S. Open. She became a champion half-pipe athlete, winning six Winter X Games gold medals. At the time of her death, she had been practising to defend her title in the 2011 Winter X Games, which were held in January in Aspen, Colorado. Burke was the first woman to land a 1080-degree spin, three full rotations, in competition. She won the world championship in 2005, and was ESPY’s 08 mwplanet VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2

Best Female Action Sports Athlete in 2007. Burke was the most decorated female freestyle skier in history, and a pioneer in a male-dominated sport. She successfully lobbied the International Olympic Committee to have the women’s freestyle half-pipe event included in the program for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. Burke was a favourite for the gold medal. Burke’s agent Michael Spencer set up a website with the intention of raising money to pay for her medical care, which cost over $200,000. The website http://www.giveforward.com/sarahburke raised over $250,000. Donations will now be used to set up a foundation in Burke’s honour. She fell on the same half-pipe where snowboarder Kevin Pearce sustained a brain injury during a training accident on December 31, 2009. In 2009, Burke broke a vertebra in her back after landing awkwardly while competing in women’s slope-style at the X Games, another event that she had successfully lobbied. “I've been doing this for long time, eleven years,” she said in a 2010 interview. “I’ve been very lucky with the injuries I’ve had. It’s part of the game. Everybody gets hurt. Looking back on it, I’d probably do the exact same thing again.” Burke leaves behind her parents, Jan and Gordon, sister Anna, and husband and fellow half-pipe skier, Rory Bushfield. The two wed on September 25, 2010. In a ski channel documentary on Burke and Bushfield, Burke spoke about her love for the mountains and for skiing. “That’s where we’re happiest... It’s where we met, it’s where we play, we live...” Interrupting Burke, Bushfield said, “And hopefully where we’ll die.” Burke ominously echoed his sentiment, “and where we’ll die.” Burke was a trailblazer and inspiring athlete who broke records and pushed for the equal treatment of men and women in major sporting events.

sports SPORTS



By Nairy Khodabakhshian As most of Mary Ward’s winter sports teams have not yet finished their seasons, the following is a summary of the teams that have completed their season. Mr. Kennedy, coach of the Ski and Snowboard team, shared that Ryen Smart has qualified for OFSAA by coming in 10th place with a time of 30.43 seconds, which was the fastest of his two times. This year, the team had eight male snowboarders, but no females. The team also had four skiers, only one of which was male. Mr. Kennedy shared that despite not having a lot of snow, the team was dedicated to two practices per week for the month of January. Their tournament was held at Moonstone Snow Valley. Mr. Kennedy was pleased with the outcome and everyone’s effort. When interviewed about the Varsity Swim Team, Ms. Davies stated that their season started in November and they had one practice meet right before Christmas break. The TDCAA meet was held in Etobicoke on February 8. Anker Gonsalves and Emil Co made it to OFSAA, which will take place on March 6 and 7. The Midget Boys’ relay team earned two bronze medals and the Junior Boys’ relay team earned one bronze medal. Coaches Hayes, Petrasek, and Davies were proud of the team’s successes. “A special thanks and farewell to our graduating athletes – we wish you all the best in your future endeavors,” said Ms. Davies. The Senior Boys’ Basketball Team was coached by Ms. Weathers and cocoach Mr. Rossi. Ms. Weathers said that they had many returning players who fought hard through every game. Though the boys played well, they lost to Redmond in the quarter finals. “Special shout-outs go to the grade 12s who stuck by the team throughout all four years of their high school experience – you guys will be missed!” said Ms. Weathers. The final team that completed their full season as a winter sports team was the Junior Boys’ Basketball Team. In an interview, Coach Ms. Reid described the great season the boys had. The team experienced a rough start to the season, as they lost two games. However, they managed to come back with six straight wins, building their momentum. The season had a tough layout, as the boys had



to face their biggest competitor at the end. Ms. Reid shared that the boys all contributed and worked hard in order to be a successful team. They all motivated each other and ended the season at 7-7. It was a great season and Ms. Reid is excited to see what next year has in store. When interviewing Ms. Zidar, she shared the following: “This year, we had quite a large team, 44 members to be exact. The coaches were myself, Mrs. Ste. Croix, and Mr. Laconte. In the TCDAA competition, our competitive boys team won a bronze medal. This team consisted of Anthony Duen, Robert Colona, Michael Leoini, and Nicholas Tseng. Our boy’s recreational team won TCDAA gold. This team consisted of 4 boys: Michael Balano, Marc Balano, Adam Gloweinka, and Josh Samuel. Although none of the teams moved on to OFSAA, all the coaches are incredibly proud of all the members. Congrats to all!” The Junior Girls’ Volleyball team has had an amazing and exciting season. With five wins and three losses during the regular season, coach Mrs. Powell comments that the team this year had some great players for an equally great team. The girls’ team made it to the TCDAA Triple A Finals, where Powell says the team “dominated playoffs”, earning them a gold medal. As a farewell for the season, she says, “I’m so proud of all the hard work the girls accomplished this season! Good luck to the tenth grade students who will be moving on to hopefully play on the senior team next year, - you will be missed, and I’m looking forward to the potential the team has for next year!” The Junior Girls were not the only volleyball team to do well this season; the Senior Girls had a very good season as well. With eight wins to one loss, Mr. Dever, coach of the team, says that this year’s team had “the most potential”. The girls did very well in tournaments, finishing in third place in the National Capital Invitational tournament hosted in Ottawa. He comments that the girls also had the potential to make it into OFSAA this year, though events conflicted with tournament dates for some players. Nonetheless, Coach Dever says that he is proud of the girls’ team this season. Congratulations to all of the teams for their hard effort – your work has not gone unnoticed. Best of luck to the teams who have yet to finish their season, and to all those who will be competing in OFSAA.

VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 09

community COMMUNITY By Carolina Vecchiarelli The Disney’s Royal Kingdom semi-formal event, which was proudly presented by Ward’s Student Council, was a blast. The February 10 dance took place at the Scarborough Banquet and Convention Centre. The delicious food and great music helped to make the night a success. Semi-Formal 2012 kicked off with Mary Ward students arriving at the spectacular venue in their finest attire. The glistening chandeliers, elegant staircases, and decorations made the night memorable. Shannon Mundy, a grade eleven student says, “The venue was my favourite part of the night!” Once the appetizers were gone and students had finished greeting and taking pictures with one another, everyone was ready to take their seats. While students and staff waited for their dinner, students were able to tweet live about the night on the live twitter feeds that were set up. Due to the amount of tables, the wait to receive dinner was long, but worthwhile. The buffet-style dinner consisted of salad, rice, potatoes, chicken, pulled pork, vegetables, and more. Although everyone was full from dinner, students still had room for ice cream. After students ate their dinner, it was time to dance to the rhythm of “Pynx Productions”. With the fog, multi-coloured strobe lights, and the amazing DJ that played and remixed popular songs, the dance floor was filled with Ward students busting out their moves. Chanel Kennedy, Student Council’s grade 11 Rep says, “A lot of work was put into making this night the most enjoyable for both students and staff. Even though it is all over, the night was a huge success.”

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As the clock struck eleven, Ward students and staff were upset that the night had to end, but overall the evening was awesome. Thanks to Student Council for organizing this Royal Kingdom event, and all of the staff who supervised.

By Alex De Pompa A joint-initiative outdoor construction project between Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School students and seniors from the L’Amoreaux area was awarded a $7000 grant from Lowe’s. Construction technology and environmental club GreenQuest students worked with seniors to create and maintain a pesticidefree vegetable garden behind the L’Amoreaux Community Centre. With the grant, they plan to put a fence around the garden and build benches for seniors to sit.

untapped knowledge into gardening, while teenagers have the energy to dig, plant, and apply this knowledge,” said Ms. Saran.

The project is lead by Mary Ward construction technology teacher David Emer, and science teacher Kathy Saran, who is also a co-ordinator of GreenQuest. Grade 11 and 12 construction students worked with GreenQuest and environmental science students to create the garden in 2010. Students planted vegetables in the garden, and seniors from the community centre took care of the garden during the summer.

The project incorporates the school pillars of community, culture, and caring. Project co-ordinators hope the project will inspire students to go into the construction field and volunteer to help to better their communities in the future. Students will learn masonry, and improve their woodworking and construction skills.

To receive the grant, Mr. Emer wrote a proposal and Saran and four students wrote letters to Lowe’s in support of the project. They had previously written a proposal in 2010, but it had not been approved. On November 28, 2011, they were informed through e-mail that they had been awarded the grant. The educational grant is funded through a partnership between Lowe’s, Skills/Compétences Canada, and Toolbox for Education. It is given to schools that try to better their local community through a construction project. The grant is valued at up to $10,000. Grade 11 and 12 construction students began to build the fence and two benches in December 2011. They plan to finish in March 2012, so that they can dig posts and install the fence. The benches will be installed in April. Students and seniors from the community centre will plant vegetables in the garden in May. Ms. Saran and Mr. Emer hope to achieve a strong sense of community through the project. “The cross-generational partnership will benefit both seniors at the community centre and adolescents. Many of the senior citizens have 10 mwplanet VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2

“The passive physical exercise will benefit the seniors’ health during the summer months when they tend for the garden, and the fruits of their labour will teach students the importance of small-scale farming and healthy eating.”

“The fund allows construction students to apply the skills they learn in a classroom setting in a real-life construction environment,” said Emer. “Students will benefit their community by building a functional project that can be used by seniors.” Part of the budget of the grant will go towards buying a cement-mixer and tile saw. Mr. Emer said, “These pieces of equipment can then be used in other construction projects, improving the scope and range of students’ skills.” Students will also gain knowledge of sustainable agriculture, specifically how to maintain an organic garden. “We will be able to share our crops with senior citizens, and plan to expand our current garden facilities to further benefit Mary Ward,” said Wayne Yeung, a grade 12 student and co-president of GreenQuest. The community centre garden fence and benches project will provide lasting improvements to the school and community. Seniors with multiple exceptionalities will use the fresh produce in the community centre kitchen. The project will be a priceless experience for the people of the community.

community COMMUNITY

By Fionna Chui and Rowena Rollon Between a charity dance event, a provincial-wide high school business competition, and a social justice conference in Montreal, the Mary Ward community has participated in many activities in less than three months, proving a busy beginning to 2012. Students Abigail Gregorio, Nicole Cuevas, and Matthew Fontanilla took initiative this Valentine’s Day by selling roses for The Humane Society. The roses were bought and delivered to any person of the buyer’s choosing. “We chose to donate to the Humane Society, as most people donate their money to organizations that help people, so organizations that help animals are less recognized,” Gregorio commented. “I felt that it was very successful, and now that we know how it is like, we are going to change some things to make sure it is more profitable next year.” Adrenalyn competed at Toronto’s Best High School Dance Crew 3.0 and placed 1st in the east Division on January 14, qualifying them for finals. On February 9, Adrenalyn participated in “The Miracle Movement”, a charity event held at Marshall McLuhan, where proceeds and non-perishable canned goods were donated to The Good Shepherd. On February 17, Adrenalyn, along with Ms. Tsang-Lee’s dance class, participated in the annual Dance Festival hosted at Cardinal Carter. “Through the addition of new members and the many past and upcoming events and competitions, Adrenalyn will grow even further to reach our full potential, as well as becoming an even closer family through the love of dance,” commented Adrenalyn member Randell Rivera. On January 19, Best Buddies had their first bake sale fundraiser, and raised $250, which went towards the cost of their events. They also held a Cupcake/Card Decorating event on February 9, and a Bowling Night at Club 300 on February 16. On March 3, in honour of Best Buddies Month, Chapters/Indigo held an event called, “Read All About It”, where each buddy pair received a $20 gift card to purchase books. “We are one of the biggest and most efficient Best Buddies chapters in the GTA, and received the 2011 National Chapter Recognition Award for our Mary Ward chapter,” said co-president, Alita Fernandez. “The participation of all volunteers, student buddies, and Mr. Adourian is the driving force for such a successful chapter!” The Debate Club participated in a tournament on February 25. They also held a school-wide advertising campaign to spread word about the club. Shannon Cabrio, one of the competitors on the team, said, “Thanks to the ad campaign, we have gotten a great response from great new members.” On February 13 and 14, over 60 Mary Ward students participated at the Provincial DECA (Demonstrating Excellence, Celebrating Achievement) competition, facing other high school students across the nation. Over 10% of all Mary Ward participants won a medal in either oral or written exams. Grade twelve student Fawn Rasquinha placed 5th in her category, qualifying her for the International Career Development Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. Isabel Ng-Lai, one of the executive members, said, “We had the largest DECA Provincals competition this year with over 5200 people competing, and I speak on behalf of the entire executive team when I say that I am extremely proud of everyone for competing and representing Mary Ward!” Recently, Empowered Student Partnership (ESP) won a SpeakUp grant that went towards the Hip Hop Immunity Event on February 29, a showcase for Stop the Stigma. Another Express Yourself session will also be taking place in March. “We are extremely proud of Hip Hop Immunity, and what we have accomplished

this year,” said Leilani Samocino, president of ESP. Free the Children (FTC) held their annual Free the Children week from February 6 to February 10. Events in this week included a bake sale, a Vow of Silence, and a silent protest. A display was also put up in the foyer to raise awareness about the East African Famine, which was the focus of the week. The club also went to National We Day in Montreal from February 29 to March 2, in which club members were given ideas on how to promote social justice activism on both a local and international level, as well as being given the chance to meet renowned social justice leaders like Spencer West. Caitlin Chang, co-leader of FTC, said, “I think that it has been a good three months. I feel like there was more initiative, particularly from the younger members, and especially during Free the Children Week. It was refreshing!” GreenQuest has been preparing for EarthWeek, which is happening from April 18th to the 26th. The group also applied for a few grants which will go toward the community garden, as well as Earth Week. The Milk bag Project is running quite smoothly with the help of students cutting and crocheting milk bags at lunch. The club also launched a Twitter page (@GreenQuestMW) to update students and teachers on club events. Alex Cabaj, co-president of the club said, “All of us at GreenQuest are hard at work getting ready for Earth Week. This one is sure to be a blast!” In collaboration with FTC and Our Kids, Our Future, the Gender Justice Committee (GJC) launched the Have a Heart campaign on February 14 to raise awareness about the educational apartheid against Aboriginal children. With a similar cause in mind, they held the annual Gender Justice week from March 5 to 9, educating the student body and collecting funds through different events like a chocolate sale. “The week was full of education, excitement, and effective ways to raise awareness and fun for Aboriginal healthcare, which is currently not up to par,” said Natasha Richichi-Fried, co-leader of GJC. From January to the beginning of February, the Student Activity Council (SAC) had been busy preparing for the Semi Formal: Disney’s Royal Kingdom on February 10. During Valentine’s Day, SAC also posted every student’s name on hearts around the school. Mary Ward students also showed their spirit during SAC’s Spirit Week from February 27 to March 2. Keith Diaz, co-president of SAC, said, “It has definitely been a struggle to co-ordinate and carry out all these activities, but it was worth it. We were able to push through and focus on the greatly desired goal of providing the entire Mary Ward community with more fun than what a McDonald’s PlayPlace can offer!” THINKFast, a 25-hour famine event, will be taking place at the school from March 22 to 23. “I was a participant of THINKFast two years ago and enjoyed it, and I was disappointed when there was not one last year,” said Angeli Marteja, lead organizer of the event. “I later found out it had to be student-led, so I talked to some of my friends, and got started on it.” The event will include an overnight stay at the school packed with games and calming activities, and aims to raise awareness and funds in support of sustainable agriculture in the Global South. “25 hours is not much when you compare it to what these farmers are going through. Hopefully, it helps them get a better future,” Marteja commented. Though there are only approximately 50 days of school left, Mary Ward is sure to host many more activities. Be on the lookout for more club and community events after March Break. VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 11


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community COMMUNITY

r e t n i w ivity t c a day february 3rd

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la petite planète PLANETE LA PETITE

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la petite planète PLANETE LA PETITE mêmes difficultés que vous avez avec la langue française et ils savent comment vous aider. Mlle. Reid dit que notre programme de français est très bon. « Vous avez plus de possibilités que d’autres écoles. » Elle dit que notre laboratoire d’écoute présente d’excellentes opportunités, parce qu’elle pense que nous sommes la seule école au sein du conseil catholique qui a un labo d’écoute. Mlle. Reid est une très bonne enseignante, et les étudiants de Mary Ward l’apprécient beaucoup. Par Shamita Sivakumar Mlle. Reid est un professeur de français très athlétique qui enseigne à Mary Ward. Elle enseigne l’histoire et la religion pour les élèves de FEF ainsi que le français pour tous les niveaux. Elle n’est pas seulement un professeur extraordinaire en français; elle est aussi une entraîneuse de basket-ball pour l’équipe de basket-ball de garçons junior. La petite planète l’a interrogé et voici ce qu’elle a dit à propos d’elle-même et de sa carrière. Si elle pouvait se décrire en trois mots, elle dirait «athlétique, gentille et serviable», ce qui est certainement vrai si on considère ses talents et ses actions. Mlle. Reid a déclaré que, en dehors de l’enseignement et du sport, elle aime lire. Le dernier livre qu’elle avait beaucoup apprécié est « The Help ». Mlle. Reid aime aussi passer du temps avec sa famille et ses amis. Mlle. Reid a parlé de son expérience au secondaire. Elle a dit: «J’ai adoré l’école secondaire! » Elle a fait tous les sports qu’elle pouvait, et elle a vraiment apprécié son expérience à O’Connor. Mlle. Re id dit : “C’était un bel environnement diversifié où j’ai pu rencontrer beaucoup de gens. » Elle a fait ceci en participant aux sports et en s’adhérent aux clubs. Un club auquel elle s’est adhérée est Crimestoppers, un club qui sert pour faire de l’école un environnement plus sûr. Mlle. Reid est un merveilleux professeur de français, alors nous lui avons demandé des questions au sujet de son programme d’études secondaires français. Le programme de français à Senator O’Connor est excellent, mais Mlle. Reid a vraiment apprécié le programme de son école élémentaire qui lui a aidé a découvrir son amour pour le français. Quand La petite planète a demandé à Mlle. Reid qu’est-ce qu’elle choisirait si elle devait choisir entre le français et le sport, elle a répondu en disant « Oh mon Dieu! » Mlle. Reid aime le sport et le français également et elle ne peut pas imaginer un choisir entre eux. Elle est une athlète avec un amour véritable pour la langue française. Mlle. Reid est une excellente enseignante. Elle trouve que c’est gratifiant d’enseigner aux élèves qui ne savent pas que quand ils comprendront finalement ce qu’ils apprennent, « c’est comme gagner à la loterie. » Nous avons demandé à Mlle. Reid qu’est-ce qu’elle veut dire aux étudiants qui ont envie d’arrêter leurs études en français. Elle a répondu qu’il ne faut pas arrêter d’étudier la langue française. Pour avoir du succès en français, elle a conseillé de faire des consultations avec les enseignants. Il y a des enseignants qui ont vécu les

Par Andrew Lau J’ai fait l’expérience avec beaucoup de technologie récemment. Je me souviens de mon enfance, quand je me traînais toujours à quatre pattes et mon vocabulaire était enfantin. Chez moi, il y avait beaucoup de jouets et maman devait me surveiller pour assurer ma sécurité. Elle a quitté son travail pour dévouer son temps à s’occuper de moi. À ce temps, j’avais un ordinateur et je jouais fréquemment aux jeux électroniques. De plus, j’avais un autre ordinateur portable éducationnel avec lequel je m’étais préparé pour ma scolarité. Mes symptômes d’autisme ont commencé à être visibles au primaire. Je ne pouvais pas me contrôler et j’avais un mauvais tempérament et les professeurs ne pouvaient pas m’aider. Alors, quand je suis rentré au jardin, on m’a mis dans une classe avec un programme spécialisé. Au début de la première année, j’ai eu une aide-enseignante pour m’aider à m’intégrer au programme régulier. En ce temps-là, le 21e siècle n’était pas développé et la seule forme de technologie chez moi était l’ordinateur. Les changements ont commencé quand ma famille a décidé de faire des rénovations à la maison. Beaucoup de choses ont été remplacées et l’intérieur de ma maison a changé énormément. Il n’y avait plus de jouets, mais la technologie moderne. En ce qui concerne mon comportement, je m’étais calmé et je n’avais plus de crises de fureur comme au début de ma scolarisation. Mes problèmes auditifs ont inquiété ma mère pendant ma transition au secondaire. Le monde digital était bien développé et tout le monde voulait posséder les derniers gadgets. Une visite à ma nouvelle école m’a donné l’impression immédiate de l’impact de la technologie dans mon éducation. Mon utilisation de l’ordinateur a augmenté considérablement au secondaire. Depuis, mon intérêt dans le monde du sport a commencé et j’espérais qu’un jour je pourrais être un joueur de base-ball professionnel! Sérieusement, j’aimais lire des brochures et j’ai convaincu mes parents d’acheter de la haute technologie, pour m’intégrer au village global. Maman a dit que si tous mes problèmes de comportement disparaissaient, elle me donnerait l’encouragement en m’achetant un téléviseur en HD. Mon vieux téléviseur existe depuis mon enfance. Ma liste de vœux continue à s’ajouter, mais quand tous mes désires seront comblés, qui sait? C’est moi seul qui peux changer ma vie. Quand le faire? … Aujourd’hui.


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WACT/lifestyles WACT/lifestyles

By Angeli Marteja “The circus arrives without warning…”This is the opening line to Erin Morgenstern’s debut novel, The Night Circus, and is often echoed by many Rêveurs, the circus’s self-proclaimed aficionados, around the world. Le Cirque des Rêves (The Circus of Dreams) serves as the arena for two young magicians, Celia and Marco, participating in a competition of magical skill. Set up by their rivaling mentors, the rules and goals of the challenge remain unclear, as they perform for the circus patrons and for each other. Le Cirque des Rêves is an appropriate title for this experience. Morgenstern writes with such vivid detail and description that the reader will feel that he or she is strolling through the circus’s black and white tents, marvelling at displays that can only be attributed to magic or dreams. Beginning in a neo-Victorian setting, Le Cirque des Rêves travels from city to city, only opening its mysterious gates from nightfall to just before sunrise. Celia and Marco create the circus’s displays by demonstrating their magical creativity and capability. For example, Marco creates an eternal Ice Garden, and Celia creates a Tree of Wishes. What is most enchanting, however, is Morgenstern’s skill with weaving words together. However, The Night Circus will not appeal to all readers. Morgenstern focuses on describing the scenery, costumes, and especially the moods of the setting to create a rich ambience. While the novel’s premise is the competition between Celia and Marco and their fierce duels of wit and magic, the story actually focuses on the conflicting romance between the two magicians. As a result of this, the plot is slow and may turn some readers off. With her immense attention to detail, Morgenstern takes a long time to build up the plot and conflict. Another criticism is the inherent confusion in the ageless state of the circus, which rapidly switches between time and countries. I often found it necessary to flip back to the beginning of the chapter for a reminder of the current location of the circus. The Night Circus favours lucid descriptions to a page-turning plot. Erin Morgenstern’s mastery of characterization is captivating. The complex romance between Celia and Marco, the detailed atmosphere, and the wonder of the circus patrons create a powerful story. Her words are just as magic as the people and events she’s describing. Plot-wise, The Night Circus can even be compared to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, but you won’t be as frustrated with these starcrossed lovers as much as you were with the classic couple. For those who enjoy highly descriptive books and the beauty of magic, The Night Circus is an excellent choice.


By Andrea Carandang

With society’s reliance on technology increasing daily, it is no surprise that portable e-book readers are becoming more popular. More people are purchasing eReaders or downloading apps to read e-books. Owning an eReader has its advantages. It allows one to be able to carry many books on the go. Some eReaders, such as the Kobo and the Sony Reader, use SD cards to hold more books. With Wi-Fi, one can also purchase books, newspapers, or magazines at any time. The technology of e-ink causes the pages to look like a normal book, reducing the strain on the reader’s eyes. The font size can also be increased or decreased, allowing readers with visual impairments to use eReaders. Most eReaders accept the .epub or .pdf formats, which are the two most popular file formats for eBooks. eBooks cost less than actual books, and are also ecofriendly because they do not use paper. However, owning an eReader also has its disadvantages. An eReader can cost anywhere from $80 to $200, depending on the brand. The battery life is also limited, considering that turning more pages consumes more energy. Not all eReaders use the e-ink technology, and instead use LCD screens, which can strain one’s eyes. Losing an eReader also means losing all of the books that you have purchased. Moreover, not all eReaders accept books in .epub format, and use other formats for their books, limiting the owner’s selection. A reader can choose to purchase a device that is specifically designed for reading e-Books, such as the Kobo eReader Wireless, or a device that has other uses, such as an iPod Touch. The Kobo Wireless eReader is priced at $109.99 and comes with 100 pre-loaded classics. Some of the classics included are Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. The Kobo has a memory of 1 GB, which can carry up to 1,000 books. In addition, the device can carry up to 10,000 books with a 32 GB SD card. An iPod touch can cost between $199.99 and $399.99, depending on its memory, and does not come with any preloaded books. However, an iPod Touch can also be used to listen to music, play games, and access social networking sites. The prices of eBooks for both pieces of technology are the same, but Kobo often sends discount codes to people on its mailing list, which can reduce the price of certain eBooks by 20% to 25% percent. The appearances of the two different eReaders also varies. The Kobo Wireless eReaders use e-ink technology, which gives the user the ability to read books in direct sunlight while using less battery. However, it is only available in black and white. On the other hand, the iPod touch has an LCD screen, which makes it harder to read in direct sunlight, and uses more battery. The iPod Touch has a backlight, which allows one to read in the dark, but it uses a lot of battery power.

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16 mwplanet VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2

As an owner of a Kobo Wireless eReader, I think that the Kobo is better than the iPod Touch when it comes to reading e-books. Reading on a Kobo is easier on the eyes, and the screen of the Kobo is larger that of the iPod Touch. Owning a Kobo has allowed me to carry hundreds of books anywhere I go without having to worry about straining my eyes because of poor lighting. The Kobo eReader is a great investment for those who enjoy reading.

WACT/lifestyles WACT/lifestyles leaves no breathing room for the listener.


The album opens with the haunting Only If For A Night, which sets the tone and themes of the entire album: “But you came over me like some holy rite / And alBy Alex De Pompa though I was burning / You’re the only light / Only if for a night”. The song details a dream Welch had, in which her deceased grandmother visited her and told her to focus on her career, emphasizing a mind-body duality and the dichotomy of British indie pop band Florence and the Machine released their second studio light and dark. album Ceremonials on October 28, 2011 through Island Records. An ambitious work that amalgamates several genres to create a haunting, cohesive record, CerNever Let Me Go is a stunning record, with sparse production and oceanic and emonials is one of the strongest albums of the year. soothing vocals. All This And Heaven Too is a flawless, graceful track that shows a more vulnerable side of Welch. Welch described the record as “chamber soul”, a mixture of soul music and chamber pop. While her 2009 debut Lungs feels thrown-together and uneven, CeremoOn No Light, No Light, Welch lets the quality of the lyrics slide to introduce a comnials is unified and balanced. Lungs was recorded over a period of four years, and plex rhyme scheme: “No light, no light in your bright blue eyes / I never knew serves more as a scrapbook of Florence’s life and ideas than an artistic statement. daylight could be so violent / Revelation in the light of day / You can’t choose what Welch discovered her signature sound – turbulent ballads, powerful drumbeats, stays and what fades away”. purring harps, and gothic chorales – halfway through Lungs, on songs Dog Days Are Over and Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up). Ceremonials is the artistic and spiritual deAnother standout on the album is the tribal-music-inspired Heartlines, which helps scendent of that sound, amplified and tweaked to create a fluid and emotionally to uplift the less dynamic second half of the album. The excessive and gloomresonant album far better than her debut. indulgent Seven Devils is largely responsible for the lull. In comparison, the heavy Breaking Down manages to escape this oppressive feel due to its creative subject Ceremonials was not the original title of the album. Welch initially considered “The matter: the monster under the bed. Chronicles of Science” and “Violence”. With most of her family entering the medical field, Welch was fixated on science. The influence comes through on songs Leave My Body ends the album with ornate orchestration and subtle vocal runs, Spectrum, which uses prisms and light as a metaphor for love, and Strangeness fading away with echoes as if Welch’s voice finally broke free of its physical conAnd Charm, exclusive to the deluxe edition of the album, which is named after tainer. two flavours of quarks. Emotional intensity, ambivalence, and chaos permeate the album. Ceremonials is an album born of conflict, emerging from Welch’s hopeless With Ceremonials, Welch has succeeded in a creating an ambitious and poignant romanticism and her obsession with melodramatic tales of love and death. album, which transcends the gloom and tragedy in every song with the knowledge that she will triumph over her fears and demons. In the end, Welch decided on Ceremonials because she equated the act of performance with exorcism and absolution, and ekstasis. The album, with its baroque opera influences and heavy reliance on choirs, has an intimate feel, and Welch’s devotion to her music and sound is almost religious. Welch titled her previous album Lungs because she personified music to the human body, with the vocals as the lungs and the drums as the heartbeat. The metaphor is apt, as Welch does have a phenomenal pair of lungs. With soaring vocals and seismic belts, Welch’s voice easily manoeuvres through waves of sound, peaking like a skyscraper over the music, especially in the tour de force Shake It Out, the sonic successor of Dog Days Are Over. She has the voice of a volcano, able to transition between quiet, melodic whispers to eruptive gales of joy, and anguish. This is most noticeable on the anthemic What The Water Gave Me. Though she occasionally resorts to wailing on Spectrum, her vocals are kept, for the most part, in check with greater control and dexterity than on Lungs. When she does sing with her characteristic free abandon, like in Lover to Lover, the feeling is euphoric and transcendent. She also sings in her head voice more, deftly switching between soft and light coos to substantial and bright riffs. The arrangement of the songs is filled with heavy orchestration and multiple vocal-layering. Producer Paul Epworth created a beautiful ambiance for the album, weaving genres faultlessly. Water is a recurring motif throughout the lyrics of the album, and this is paralleled by the presentation of the songs, which flow into one another seamlessly. However, with multiple five-minute long songs within an hour of Welch’s powerful vocals and chorale background, the album becomes unrelenting and tiring. Welch may, in fact, have the lungs of a machine, as she

By Makasha Armstrong The world got a little bit sassier on January 7, 2012, when a new addition entered the family of music royalties Beyoncé Knowles and Jay-Z. Blue Ivy Carter was born by a caesarean section in a luxurious private wing of the Lenox Hill hospital in Manhattan. Despite the confusion over their daughter’s name, Beyoncé has stated that it is indeed Blue Ivy Carter, not Ivy Blue Carter. The couple chose the name in reference to the family’s accomplishments. The name “Blue” is a tribute to Jay-Z’s favorite colour and successful album, The Blueprint. The name “Ivy” was chosen because of the significance of the number four, written as “iv” in Roman numerals. Beyoncé and Jay-Z were both born on the fourth day of the month, and were married on April 4, 2008. 4 is also the title of Beyoncé’s most recent album. It is no surprise that Beyoncé is giving her little princess the world. She bought the baby a gold-plated crib and rocking horse, as well as a crystal-encrusted bathtub. Destined to be a major superstar, Blue Ivy has already appeared on the Billboard charts with the release of Jay-Z’s track Glory. Jay-Z raps inspirational lyrics of how much happiness Blue Ivy brings to his family, and about his and Beyoncé’s struggles to have a child, including a previous miscarriage. Blue Ivy cries at the end of the song, and so was credited on the record as “B.I.C.”. At two days old, she became the youngest person ever to appear on a Billboard chart when Glory debuted at number 74 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. As the daughter of Jay-Z and Beyoncé, the world is sure to see Blue Ivy in the spotlight soon. She is among the next generation of celebrities. Congratulations to Beyoncé and Jay-Z for the wonderful addition to their family. VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 17

WACT/Lifestyles WACT/Lifestyles By Genina Bustamante

porary society.

When I first heard that BBC was planning a Sherlock Holmes adaptation set in modern London, I have to admit that I was sceptical; the premise sounded more like fan-fiction, which I had no interest in. As Sherlock himself would say: “Wrong! Wrong!”

Everything that ought to be in a Holmes adaptation is here: the deductions, the friendship, and Holmes’s wicked arch-nemesis, Moriarty. With clever dialogue, sharp characterization, drama, action, and humour, Sherlock is not just a direct lift from the classic stories. It’s enjoyable to see how Sherlock and John tackle such challenges as bombs, fussy landladies, and snipers, while essentially just being two men who live in a flat together. Part of the show’s appeal lies in watching how Sherlock and John get along with each another. With Cumberbatch’s presence and flair for drama, and Freeman’s subtle yet superb acting and brilliant comedic timing, no-one will be disappointed with the performances in this show. Even the minor characters shine in their own way.

BBC’s Sherlock is a contemporary take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s original stories from 1887. Benedict Cumberbatch takes on the role of the iconic detective with Martin Freeman as his friend, Dr. John Watson. The original Holmes, with his bohemian lifestyle and eccentric taste, was the modern man of Vi c t o r i a n England. This convinced co-creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss (both of Doctor Who fame) to adapt Sherlock to the present day. They tweaked a few details to accommodate the changes from the 1800s to modern day London: handsome cabs became black cabs, and Holmes’s cocaine use is only implied, as he originally battled a smoking habit. Holmes’s homeless network, as well as Watson’s brief stint as a military doctor from Afghanistan, easily transition to contem-

The use of modern technology not only assists Sherlock in his cases, but also places his genius in a fresh perspective. The cases flow faster through text messages and video feeds. In addition, John keeps a blog to document their cases—a nod to the original Watson, who recounts their adventures through his personal accounts. For any purists or enthusiasts, the show is rife with sometimes overt and cheeky references to the stories. Sherlock consists of two seasons with three ninety-minute episodes each. A third season is expected sometime next year. Everyone from the casual viewer to the faithful fan will appreciate the attention to detail in this series. Moffat and Gatiss have truly graced our televisions with a labour of love. I highly recommend the show to everyone. My only criticism is that there should be more episodes. Viewers have plenty of time to come up with their own theories on what kinds of adventures the doctor and detective will get themselves into next. Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot. Happy sleuthing!

able Lord Eddard Stark; Mark Addy as the drunk King Robert Baratheon; Lena Headley as the scheming Queen Cersei Lannister; and television newGame of Thrones, written and produced by David Benioff and D. B. comer Emilia Clarke, the exiled princess Daenerys Targaryen, the mother to Weiss, is an American medieval fantasy television series created by HBO. dragons. The child actors were remarkably strong given the maturity reThe show is based upon Geroge R. R. Martin’s bestselling fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire, an epic tale of war and the pursuit of power. Time quired to perform the roles, especially Maisie Williams as the wilful Arya magazine has dubbed Martin “The American Tolkien”, and the book series Stark. Thrones has exceptional storytelling, strong writing, and exemplary has sold more than fifteen million copies worldwide. With top-notch acting, directing, and visuals, the television adaptation of the series will soon acting. The storyline is given life by the compelling and well-drawn characters and the high production value. The visuals and scenery are stunemulate the success of its print predecessor. ning, combined with gorgeous costumes and the beautiful landscape The show is set in the fictional land of the Seven Kingdoms of Northern Ireland. No other show on television resembles Game of Westeros, where seasons can last decades. Magic is kept in Of Thrones in terms of its visual quality: the sets, props, and costhe background, but mythical beasts such as dragons and diretumes all blended to create a stunningly real and well-realized wolves, abnormally large wolves, take the forefront. The landworld. scape and history of Westeros was inspired by the geography David Benioff and D. B. Weiss worked closely with Martin to of England, British culture, and the War of the Roses. Game of keep the show faithful to the books, and have done an exThrones follows a mass of feuding families who struggle to cellent job. gain control of the realm. Thrones balances the complexity of the storyline Thrones first aired on April 17, 2011, and was picked with excellent pacing and well-choreographed fight up for a second season only two days later, on April 19, scenes. However, with the large cast of characters and 2011. The first season averaged 2.51 million viewers each intricate back story, the dialogue is sometimes dragged episode. and laboured to give history lessons on Westeros, The ten-part series was nominated for 13 Emthough the writers do manage to include the informys, including Outstanding Drama Series. It won Outmation without slowing the pace of the show. standing Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for Peter Game of Thrones will likely be HBO’s next maDinklage, and Outstanding Main Title Design. Withjor franchise. The show is remarkably faithful to out question, the main title design of the series was the book series, and is the best book-to-screen electrifying, and Dinklage’s portrayal of the dwarf adaptation currently on television. If Weiss and Tyrion Lannister was outstanding, capturing the Benioff continue to deliver such high quality work, the show will win a character of the sarcastic dwarf with bravado. Other notable actors include Sean Benn, who plays the honour- horde of awards – and it will deserve each one. The second season of Game Of Thrones airs April 1. 18 mwplanet VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2 By Alex De Pompa


By Roma Romirez


Have you ever wanted the chance to re-create yourself in a world of sorcery and swords? Play Skyrim. Have you ever wanted a re-definition of role-playing games? Play Skyrim. Have you ever wanted the ability to control every single move your avatar makes in a game? Enter the world of Skyrim, where one can get lost in a virtual reality land that takes thirty minutes to cross in real time. Venture into the vast populace of ogres, dragons, thieves and assassins. Cross tundra, climb mountains, and even marry someone in the process. Guaranteed to take hours, even months, of one’s time, Skyrim will keep players’ all-powerful and all-conquering inner warrior or sorcerer, happy. Since the release of The Elder Scrolls’s fifth installment to the series, Skyrim has been the talk of every die-hard RPG fan. Whether it’s slaying dragons on an X-Box, marrying an NPC (non-playable character) on a PS3, or learning a complete shout (“Fus-Ro-Dah”), there is always something to be done in the world of Skyrim.

Set in the northern part of old Tamriel, Skyrim continues the series’ themes of sorcery and war craft. No other game will deliver the experience of shaping one’s destiny like Skyrim. The massive map not only renders graphic animation vividly realistic, but also comes equipped with thousands of monsters to fight and characters to meet. In the game, players create their characters based upon how they want them to look. The game offers ten different races, each offering their own special abilities. Each race is granted a percentage of resistance and a spell that they can conjure once a day. For example, Nords, who have the battle cry ability, have a 50% resistance to frost. Players can choose to follow either the Imperials or the Storm Cloaks, though the beauty of Skyrim is that, unlike other RPGs, players are not limited to the parameters of a certain character. Skyrim enables players to build their own fantasy hero or anti-hero. Unlike Grand Theft Auto 4, where a player is set as Niko and must go on a set series of missions, Skyrim offers the flexibility to choose to follow the central plot or deviate from it. A player’s character can join a Mage guild, cast lightening storms, or conjure a frost atronach – all while avoiding the main story line. Skyrim is the highest form of fantasy RPG to date. However, the game features lengthy loading periods and the character’s hair pixelates when running too fast. As well, there is no MMO aspect and allies and NPCs can be accidentally killed. However, these downfalls can be overlooked. Overall, Skyrim is a fantastic game, and has received glowing reviews from players around the world.

Tiny Tower Author: Makasha Armstrong

Temple Run

Many people have been talking about this game, and it’s about time more people start playing it. Temple Run is an addictive game. However, the pictures on the App Store will not tell players enough about this exciting, adrenaline-inducing game unless they download it. It has the basic controls: swipe up to jump, swipe down to slide, swipe left or right to move, as well as physically tilting the phone to collect more coins while running away from “temple guardians”. However, as players run, the speed increases and obstacles become more frequent. It strains the player’s mind — and fingers — trying to keep their character from falling, burning, being trapped, or even hitting a tree. It gets more challenging the longer it is played, and players will find themselves aiming to beat their high scores each time they open this game.

Striving to establish your own multi-industrial building? Then Tiny Tower is the game for you. At first, players start with a cute two-storey building, but as more “Bitizens” move in and they earn more money, more floors are added to their tower and it eventually grows into an all-purpose structure. Players can build restaurants, dentist offices, toy stores, glass studios, and comedy clubs. This game does not require players to be connected to the Internet, allowing the freedom to play it wherever and whenever. Though there are in-game purchases, players do not need to use real money to buy them. Instead, they can use the game currency “Tower Bux”. VIPs also help players improve their tower along the way, granting perks that make managing businesses easier. Like real people, Bitizens have their own social networking site, “Bitbook”. Tiny Tower gives players the feeling of owning a real high-rise building with real tenants.


Angry Birds

When people hear “Angry Birds”, they think of red avian creatures that eliminate green pig heads. This game is deceptively simple. Angry Birds is not just about catapulting and launching red birds with a slingshot – it’s about strategy. Different kinds of birds have different abilities, and the objective is to use them effectively. The player must be aware of other deciding factors, such as blocks of wood that can be hit to destroy the green pig heads’ defence, or platform support beams that can be destroyed to cause enemies to fall to destruction. There are numerous ways to wipe out enemies, but players will want to use the least number of “ammunition” to complete the level in order to get the highest possible score. Since players can fling the birds through the air randomly and still hit something, this makes this game addictive and can satisfy your boredom for hours. PHOTO CREDIT: ROVIO GAMES


WACT/lifestyles WACT/lifestyles

By Alex De Pompa Internet sensation and self-styled “gangster Nancy Sinatra” Lana Del Rey’s January 14 performance on Saturday Night Live was met with unnecessary antagonism and gleeful disparagement. The 25-year-old singer faced a barrage of hateful comments about her singing abilities, financial background, lips, and adoption of a stage name. Her performance was almost universally panned, with some critics calling it the “worst” in SNL history. Del Rey came into the public eye at the end of 2011, when her music video for her first single, Video Games, became a sleeper hit. She was hailed as an evocative new talent, but also met opposition, predominantly from the hipster community. The singer managed to attain a slot on SNL, becoming one of the few artists in history who have sung on the venue before the release of a debut album. The performance, which consisted of songs Video Games and Blue Jeans, received primarily negative reviews. In a personal e-mail, NBC’s Brian Williams called Del Rey a “Brooklyn hipster” and “the least-experienced musical guest in the show’s history”. Juliette Lewis tweeted that the performance was “like watching a 12 yearold [sic] in their bedroom when theyre [sic] pretending to sing”. Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton tweeted “#DontBuyTheHype”. Del Rey also had defenders, notably comedian Whitney Cummings and Daniel Radcliffe, who guest-hosted that episode of SNL. “It was unfortunate that people seemed to turn on her so quickly,” Radcliffe said at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts nominations. “I also think people are making it about things other than the performance... If you read what people are saying about her online, it’s all about her past and her family and stuff that’s nobody else’s business. I don’t think [the performance] warranted anywhere near that reaction.” Radcliffe was referring to hostile bloggers who called Del Rey “inauthentic” because she comes from a wealthy family. She is the daughter of millionaire domain investor Rob Grant. However, many renowned performers have come from wealth. Norah Jones came from money, as does the 11-year-old Willow Smith, daughter of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. Neither received abuse for their family backgrounds. The bloggers’ criticisms are also unfounded. Del Rey left her home at age seventeen to move to New York without the financial support of her parents. She lived in a trailer park for several years. Bloggers also targeted Del Rey because she had a previous album on an independent label that was unsuccessful. The album, Lana Del Rey A.K.A. Lizzy Grant, was available on iTunes for a few months before being taken down. Del Rey is not the first artist to have had a previous unsuccessful album taken off of the market while developing a persona. Canadian rock singer Alanis Morisette was once known as teen dance-pop singer Alanis, of dance albums Alanis and Now Is The Time fame, before she released Jagged Little Pill. Pop singer and chart-topper Katy Perry used to go by her birth name, Katy Hudson, and released an unsuccessful self-titled gospel-rock album in 2001. Though it seemed to escape the bloggers’ notice, part of what constitutes being an artist is reinventing oneself. Madonna and Cher are two examples: their longevity and success is due to their ability to change their musical styles through an infusion of different genres and personas. Lana Del Rey’s stint as Lizzy Grant is nothing unusual, yet many seem to have taken offence at her stage name. Del Rey has spoken openly that she strives to develop a specific aesthetic, and that she used the name ‘Lana Del Rey’, which brings to mind retro Hollywood glamour, as a reference point for the music. Many other artists have used stage names and have not received nearly as much vitriol, perhaps with the exception of Lady Gaga, born Stefani Germanotta. Norah Jones’s real name is Geethali Shankar, and pop-rock singer P!nk was born Alecia Moore. Bob Dylan was originally Robert Zimmerman, and Queen frontman Freddie Mercury was born Farrokh Bulsara. David Bowie’s real last name is Jones. Other performers who have changed their names include Prince, Queen Latifah, Marilyn Manson, Alicia Keys, Elton John, Miley Cyrus, and the list continues. Outside of the music industry, in literature, many writers have adopted a nom de plume. Charles Dodgson wrote under the name of Lewis Carroll, and Samuel Langhorne Clemens used the alias Mark Twain. Eric Blair adopted the pseudonym George Orwell, and David Handler, author of A Series of Unfortunate Events, publishes work under the name Lemony Snicket. The idea that a pseudonym or stage name makes one inauthentic is infantile. A person does not have the opportunity to choose his or her birth name, and

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choosing a new name for one’s public identity is perfectly understandable. Many bloggers refuse to call the singer ‘Lana Del Rey’, instead writing ‘Elizabeth Grant’ condescendingly. What gives anyone the right to define another human being? What if her name was ‘Leon Del Rey’? Would people still have been so aggressive in their attacks? Most likely not. If it were a male singer, no one would care about the name, the parents, the voice, or the looks. There is a subtle undercurrent of sexism in our society, most obvious in the treatment of pop singers. Pop music is indicative of wider cultural themes, and unfortunately, it seems that sexism is alive and well. Female singers are subject to more abuse and higher standards than their male counterparts, especially in regard to their physical appearance and sex appeal. With the success of Del Rey’s music came allegations that she had had lip injections. Del Rey has vehemently denied these rumours, asserting instead that she pouts when she sings. Even if Del Rey did have injections, they are not permanent and will fade over time. It is her body, and she has the right to do whatever she wants to do to it. Del Rey also dyed her hair from blonde to auburn. This constitutes as changing her appearance – albeit temporarily, once again – so why does no one criticize her for that? Lana Del Rey inspires so much hate because she is not yet a confident performer. She was noticeably nervous and shaking while on SNL. She swayed, played with her hair, and did not seem to know what to do with her hands. Her performance was attacked on the basis of her stage presence. But even before Del Rey had taken the stage, bloggers and critics were sharpening their claws to tear her down. She stepped onto the stage knowing that she was a rabbit in the headlights – and the cars sped towards her. Del Rey is far from the worst performer to have ever taken the SNL stage. There have been innumerable one-hit wonders, long-haired, mumbling or screaming boy bands with vaguely gothic undertones on SNL, who have staggered through songs in a daze. It was too early for Del Rey to sing on SNL. With all of the internet buzz surrounding Del Rey, her record label must have thought that securing a high-profile gig like SNL would help to alleviate the doubts of critics. This failed, though the performance did not deserve the backlash it received. Del Rey should not have performed on SNL because her music is not standard pop music, and she is not a traditional mainstream artist. Her music is an obituary and cynical farewell to bygone America, reminiscent of the disillusionment of suburbia extrapolated to contemporary time. Her album, Born to Die, is a haunting masterpiece with heavy orchestration and a distinctive sound influenced by the blues, rock, and hip hop. Del Rey, who considers herself a writer first, relies on well-crafted lyrics to tell a story, changing the tone and timbre of her voice frequently within records. Although her vocals were shaky, Del Rey did sing live; she did not use pitch correction programs like AutoTune or lip-synch. Regardless of whether one thinks she is a good singer, it takes courage to perform in front of millions who are praying for your failure. Insecurities about performing can be overcome in time and with experience. One performance is hardly testament to the skill or long-range success of an artist. Many critics, bloggers, and viewers pre-judged and attacked Del Rey before actually listening to her music. Her vocals on Video Games were not far from the studio version of the song, though Blue Jeans was a poor performance. However, if the viewer had never heard her music before, he or she would question the divergent vocals. It was startling how quickly people turned against Del Rey, following common opinion rather than giving her a chance and deciding whether they liked her music themselves. NBC’s Brian Williams later apologized for his statement that Del Rey was “the least-experienced musical guest in the show’s history”, saying that he had never intended the comment to be made public. Juliette Lewis deleted her original tweet about Del Rey’s performance, replacing it the next day with a tweet saying that “I woke up singing a @LanaDelRey song!Such [sic] great haunting melodies! Regardless of my own taste LIVE she’s a #FreshandYummy songwriter. Period [sic]”. Perez Hilton tweeted “ # D o n t B u yT h e H y p e ”. What he should have tweeted was “#DontBuyTheHate”. Lana Del Rey was prejudged by critics and bloggers who called her “inauthetic” based upon everything besides her music. Few people actually listened to her songs; most simply regurgitated the opinions of others. Del Rey is a talented young singer, with a captivating perspective and aesthetic. Though it was too early for her to perform on SNL, discarding her merits on the basis on one performance is absurd. Her February 2 performance on The David Letterman Show and her February 14 performance on Jimmy Kimmel Live were far better than the SNL performance, and will hopefully redeem her in the eyes of critics. Lana Del Rey may face controversy early in her career, but she will rise above it to attain the success and recognition as an artist that she deserves.

WACT/lifestyles WACT/Lifestyles By Nairy Khodabakhshian

As a student taking three science courses and spending most of my time in the science department at school, it is no surprise that watching a show involving medical emergencies is one of my favourite ways to spend my Sunday afternoons. I had always been a fan of medical shows, but Untold Stories of The ER took everything to a whole new level. Untold Stories of the ER, which airs on TLC, features the dramatic stories of real-life trips to the emergency room. These stories are told by the doctors who worked on the patients, the patient’s family and friends, and, in most cases, the patients themselves. It gives people a first-hand view of the case and the emotions tied to it. These stories, no matter how unusual or humorous, never fail to be life-changing experiences for me, a loyal viewer. The directors of the show always get your heart pumping as they re-enact the events with perfect medical accuracy. This show is a great testament to medical heroes who, by following their instincts, manage to save lives in cases where all hope was lost. Most situations are ones that are never taught in medical school. Doctors must improvise based upon their accumulated knowledge. In almost all of the cases, the doctors have one shot to save lives, while all circumstances are against them. This show, although dramatic and graphic, never fails to make me realize how thankful I am for the health I have and the medical advancements made by doctors. As I sit in my room and watch the stories of people who faced death come closer with every second, I realize how truly remarkable the human body is. Sure, the doctors play a crucial role in saving these people’s lives, but the determination of these victims to survive is something that I cannot describe. Seeing what these people had to PHOTO CREDIT www.zap2it.com face to be where they are today makes me realize that I, too, want to be like those doctors – I want to be able to give people a second chance to make them truly appreciate everything life has to offer. Untold Stories of the ER is not only educational, but a great eye-opener as well. Living in a first-world country, we tend to take our health and medical resources for granted. This show makes me realize how hard doctors have to work to save lives with the minimum amount of time and negative circumstances they are given. Victims usually escape with little or no injuries compared to those with which they originally came into the emergency room. It’s an amazing thing to see. Untold Stories of the ER encourages me that, although it is a lot of work, the medical field offers a truly rewarding future. Knowing that you are the reason for someone’s second chance at life is something beyond any amount of words can explain. Seeing the smiles of the victims and their families makes the entire journey worthwhile, and is a pride that no one can take away.

By Jercy David Katy Perry and Russell Brand turned heads with their sudden marriage. Both viewed as wild pop stars, the two surprised the world with their wedding in India on October 23, 2010. The couple then toned down their party lives and began living a seemingly quaint life together. However, it seems like Brand is now “the one that got away”, because the California Girl and the British comedian have split. After 14 months of marriage, singer Katy Perry and actor Russell Brand have filed for divorce, which is expected to be finalized on July 14, as California law requires that couples wait at least six months after filing before their divorce can be finalized. Russell Brand filed for the divorce in L.A. Superior court, citing “irreconcilable differences” on December 30, 2011. After news about the divorce circulated, Brand released the following statement: “Sadly, Katy and I are ending our marriage. I’ll always adore her and I know we’ll remain friends.” The divorce documents say there are “community property assets”, which indicates that there was not a prenuptial agreement. However, sources indicate that Brand has refused to take the estimated $20 million that is his by law, half of what Perry made during their marriage. Sources say that the couple’s marriage had been in trouble for several weeks. Over the Christmas holidays, the two spent time apart from each other. Perry was spotted in Hawaii while Brand was photographed in England. Neither were seen wearing their wedding rings. Though there are many reports that Katy Perry wants to keep the media out of their divorce, other sources state otherwise. Some sources claim that Perry is not upset over the divorce, and when questioned about the end of her marriage, she replied, “It worked out just fine for both of our careers. I’m a bigger star now, PHOTO CREDIT www.marieclaire.com and so is he!” However, perhaps the Teenage Dream singer should start worrying, as there are reports of Russell Brand writing a book on their marriage, claiming to “tell his side of the divorce”. Brand wrote a memoir titled My Booky Wook back in 2007, which was followed by My Booky Wook: This Time It’s Personal in 2010. The third book is reported to cover Russell’s married life and may reveal the reasons behind breakdown of the marriage. Brand’s representative has denied that Brand is writing a third memoir on the subject. Not even a month earlier, Brand denied rumours of him and Katy breaking up. In December, he said on Ellen that, “I’m really happily married […] I’m married to Katy. Perpetually, until death do us part was the pledge. I’m still alive.” Russell is still alive, however, and having a divorce 14 months after a wedding does not constitute a happy marriage to most people. At least Brand and Perry lasted a full 11 months longer than Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 21


John Carter (in theatres March 9, 2012) An action-adventure movie set on the exotic planet Barsoom (Mars) that can be viewed in thrilling 3D or IMAX 3D. John Carter (Taylor Kitsch) is a war-weary, former military captain who is mysteriously transported to Mars. While there, he becomes involved in a war with the various inhabitants of the planet. Carter soon becomes the only hope for war-ridden Barsoom’s survival. The film is based upon Edgar Rice Bourroughs’ eleven-volume Barsoom series. By Samantha Quinto March Break promises a large amount of free time that will inevitably involve doing units, although most students would rather enjoy the school-free days with their own choice activities. One of those activities could be watching the newest blockbuster, or planning a cinematic outing with friends. Here are ten movies to watch out for during March Break. Five will be released in theatres, and five will be available in stores. They are arranged in order of release.


Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (in theatres March 2, 2012) This animated adventure is sure to warm hearts and bring back memories of childhood. To win the affection of Audrey (Taylor Swift), twelve-year-old Ted (Zac Efron) seeks to find a real tree. Ted learns about the guardian of the forest, the Lorax (Danny DeVito), from the Once-ler (Ed Helms). Ted sets out to remind his town about the importance of nature, while the wealthy mayor of Thneed-Ville, O’Hare (Rob Riggle), tries to stop him. Available in 3D/2D theatres and IMAX 3D.


Footloose (on DVD March 6, 2012) Up for some dancing? Ren MacCormack (Kenny Wormald) moves from Boston to a small town called Bomont where loud music and dancing are strictly prohibited. Unable to stand the ban, Ren challenges the rule and livens up the otherwise dreary town. He falls in love with the minister’s daughter, Ariel (Julianne Hough), in the process. PHOTO CREDITS WWW.GUARDIAN.CO.UK

Immortals (on DVD March 6, 2012) Immortals will satisfy your thirst for a thrilling action movie. The cruel King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) storms across Greece with his murderous army to find a deadly weapon that has the power to annihilate humanity. The God Zeus (Luke Evans) chooses a mortal named Theseus (Henry Cavill) to fight back against King Hyperion in order to save mankind. Other stars include Kellan Lutz as Poseidon and Freida Pinto as Phaedra.


Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (in theatres February 10, 2012) The sequel to 2008’s Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D, this follow-up is filled with the same unreal environments and exciting action. Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson) receives a distress signal from a mysterious island inhabited with strange life forms, deadly traps and hidden secrets. Upon discovering that the island is connected to Sean’s missing grandfather, he sets out on a journey with his new stepfather (Dwayne Johnson) to rescue his lost relative. Along for the ride is High School Musical’s Vanessa Hudgens as tour guide Kailani.


Like Crazy (on DVD March 6, 2012) For those waiting for The Hunger Games, here is a preview of Jennifer Lawrence on the big screen. In Like Crazy, she stars as a young British woman in a long-distance relationship with American Jacob (Anton Yelchin), who she met in college. The movie centres on the challenges they face when together and when they are apart from each other.


Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (in theatres February 17, 2012) The Ghost Rider is back in this sequel to the 2007 movie. Nicholas Cage returns as Johnny Blaze, the Ghost Rider struggling to suppress his curse. While hiding out in Eastern Europe, Blaze is invited to take on The Devil (Ciaran Hinds), whose plan is to possess his mortal son’s body. Other stars include Christopher Lambert as Methodius, a warrior monk set on finding Blaze’s location, and Johnny Whitworth, who plays The Devil’s criminal recruit, Blackout.


Jack and Jill (on DVD March 6, 2012) A comedy that is sure to give some laughs. Adam Sandler stars as Jack, a family man whose twin sister Jill (also played by Sandler) comes and visits for Thanksgiving and refuses to leave. Jill’s presence leads to humorous misadventures. Also starring Katie Holmes as Jack’s wife, Erin, and Al Pacino as himself.


The Hunger Games (in theatres March 23, 2012) The highly anticipated adaptation to Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games focuses on Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence), a sixteen-year-old girl who comes from a poor territory in the post-apocalyptic North America. Katniss volunteers in place of her sister to fight in The Hunger Games, a deadly televised battle between twenty-four competitors, in which only one person can survive. The film also stars Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark, Katniss’s district partner, and Liam Hemsworth as Gale Hawthorne, Katniss’s best friend. 22 mwplanet VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2

Happy Feet Two (on DVD March 13, 2012) The animated sequel to Happy Feet returns with more dancing and more penguins. Mumble (Elijah Wood), a talented tap-dancing penguin and his partner, Gloria (singer P!nk), now have a son of their own, Erik (Elizabeth Daily). Erik struggles to figure out his talents in the Emperor Penguin world, while there are also new dangers lurking in the corners of his home, Antarctica. All the penguins must work – and dance – together in order to save themselves. The film also stars Brad Pitt as Will the Krill, and Sofia Vergara as Carmen.

creative spaces Creative Spaces


By Rowena Rollon She wishes she were articulate. She wishes she had the ability to intertwine words together into logical phrases, to transform something ordinary into something extraordinary, and to make humans feel emotions. The words are gnawing through her veins, searching for an escape route, crawling their way out of the corners of her mind, until— Thunder cracks outside her window. A flame from a torch flickers in the distance. Raindrops patter on what little paper she has left. The night is ruined. The words scream in defeat. She yells in agony. This is how she writes.

IX Under Pillows By Kendra Geniza

The task is due at midnight, and she complains. Her aspirations to one day become a writer—to have the motivation of a writer—slowly dissipate, as she follows her inclination of procrastination. The level of difficulty is too formidable for her still developing mindset. She wishes for something easier. But life is never easy. It is a complicated mess of emotions, a splatter of different colours. Where? There, on the easel, where it becomes too clamorous for the regular. It remains unseen, as eyes divert to lovelier, whimsical things. Despite this, she, with her weapon mightier than a sword, gathers her courage and walks to the easel that beckons to her. She dissects the colours, fragment by fragment, the hues and shades staining her fingertips. Minutes pass, and she slithers away into the moonlit, starless night. The rattling of pen touching paper is enough to ease her spirits. The words scream in triumph. Music escapes from her lips.


This is how she writes.

By Sarah Quinto Once, when she was young—so they say—the wind swept her into the ocean foam. Waves crashed, and the little girl was lost on an April day. Two seconds ago, before she called the ocean home, her toes were grits of sand by the ocean shore; toddler legs eager for the sweep of cool water on sunburnt skin. Two seconds now, wet curls, three bobby pins, two pink bows, sink to the bottom, matted with seaweed and saltwater; dark eyes closed against the pounding of the tide. Two seconds more, and she would’ve been gone, would’ve tasted salt in her lungs, and fancied blood in her mouth. She would’ve clawed for the sky, and, finding none, would’ve heard the ocean whisper soft and slow in her ear, like a mother to her child. A hushed caress: no words, no breaths, no gasps. Toddler legs were nothing to greedy nips and tugs groping feeble feet. The blackness—so soon—comes knocking for a child so young, and she struggles—heart pounding, lips open, eyes wide shut—and there’s nothing for new hands to grasp and climb, but still she wrestles the brackish water. She can almost taste the sun and sand and heat. But this fight is merciless, and what soul can go against a force as timeless as the tide? She is tired of feeling, of fleeing. Little girl, so young, so sick, so helpless. Then strange arms, strange eyes, a strange mouth, called her back, tore her from the grip of the chokehold. She felt the sun nip at her rough-smooth skin, and the ocean she swallowed whole drift out of her shell-blue mouth; fragile, numb. Felt the warmth of her newly borrowed life, and felt the taunt of the weightless waves at her back, underneath the grit of the sand.

Under pillows, soft like plums, And duvet covers reminiscent of flaming tongues I lay. I gripe and search in the abysmal night Of what might be the remnants of my past shell. Where words used to be (dark and wet, a bit like leftover thoughts) Silence now resounds. I hate to wake up tonight, knowing that The things I so want to say are gone. Vanished, like smoke, in between the cracks of the alphabet. Ideas that were once bulletproof Are as vulnerable as a child, fresh from the womb. And these ideas cry and wail and despair Over the tiniest things Like, ‘where does this noun go?’ Or ‘does this metaphor fit anywhere?’ No matter how many rolled up Clumps of blue-lined snow I throw, The right words will never leave me (they do, but they mean nothing to me). I forge on and this resilient desire To breathe again Becomes the wind beating at my sails. It bites against my pores – demanding That my dreams push forth. This is a voyage I can’t avoid. I travel the seven seas and out Come the colours and the rhythms And the hymns I have never heard before. Here I am now, with words falling off my fingertips, embers crackling off the flame. The letters ignite my path; I am warm again.

The Ballad of the Hope(less) by Georgia Dominguez

The wind blew through her hair. A meticulous thought, A face so fair. But there she sits; her brown eyes closed. Her hands held together, Deep in emotions only she would know. Spared for a minute within her own mess.

She was lost; too far from being dauntless. There she sits; outside looking in. A single tear rolling down her chin. A loving memory burnt to the ground, Like fireworks lighting the town. But there she sits; silent with woe Deep in thoughts only she would know. VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 23

fun and AND games GAMES FUN

Abigail Galindez

Preheat oven to 400째F and prepare a baking sheet. Beat butter and brown sugar together until well blended. Beat in egg and vanilla. In a separate bowl, mix flour, baking soda, and salt. Blend in butter mixture and then stir in chocolate chips. Scoop about a tablespoon of the dough onto your prepared baking sheet. Bake for 6-8 minutes. Transfer to cool for at least 5 minutes.

Lydia He

24 mwplanet VOLUME 17 / ISSUE 2

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