Mary Ward Planet Issue 3 2017-2018

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volume || issue || spring edition 2017 volume 2322 || issue 3 ||2 summer 2018

J o u r n a l i s m | R e s o n a t e | N e w s p a p e r Aw a r d s


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Table Of Contents 3







Sports Wrap Up March Madness Fifa World Cup 2018 Bad Rep For Rep Players Raptors Success


NRA Under Fire School Shootings FaceBook Information Scandal Say No to PEDS


LIFE How To Live “ irl” Maintaining Motivation Being Mindful The Muiji Pen Hype Big Fun, Small Budget Hit The Trails Reduce, Reuse, Recycle How to Be a Studious Student



LA PETITE PLANETE Les Prix Junos Francophone Une Revue Sur Film “AMÉLIE”


WACT Simon Says Infinity War Incredibles 2 New Shows On The Block Rhianna Roasts Dealing with E- Waste


CREATIVE SPACES Poetry Photography

COMMUNITY Community Wrap Up 9 to 5 Resonate No Teachers, No Bleachers Robotics Wrap Up WWJD SKILLS Competition Wrap Up




Naomi Fernandes, Sabrina Percy, Anjuli Joachim, Yuki Tam, Naomi Joson, Nimmy Ayekun, Diana Guades, Shandel Jarabejo, Madeleine MacIsaac -Sun, Jamielee Tan COVER PAGE AND COLOURED PAGES BY YUKI TAM All content © 2017-2018 Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this newspaper, in part of whole, is prohibited without the approval of the Planet executive members. The Mary Ward Planet is the official student newspaper of Mary Ward C.S.S. All members of the Mary Ward community may voluntarily contribute to the Planet. Everyone exhibits professionalism and respects one another in all exchanges while keeping Christian values and practices. All submitted articles, layouts, and photography are subject to moderation. Material submitted is subject to approval by the Executive, staff moderators, and administration. All material must positively support the ideas and spirit of Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School is a self-directed learning centre located at 3200 Kennedy Road that was founded in 1985. It became a member of the CCSDL (Canadian Coalition of Self-Directed Learning) in 1995

VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 02

table of contents

editorial editorial

farewell and awards

JOURNALISM: WHAT'S HERE AND WHAT'S NOW In the era of fake news, journalism is a glimmer of hope for humanity. Although exaggerated, this statement rings true for the budding young writers and readers interested and invested in the uncertain future of journalism. Soon, the days of early morning newspaper runs and exciting front page stories will pale in comparison to the ease of pulling out a smartphone to check feeds and trending stories. Technological advances are simultaneously enhancing and destroying publishing, print, and storytelling as society knows it. The state of traditional print, effects of censorship, and the perspective and outlook of young readers and writers will all determine the future of journalism and society’s perception of media. Traditional print and publishing is drifting amidst uncertain conditions. While technology enhances work flow and eases work load, the implications of digital and online media applications take attention and demand away from traditional forms of print. It is not a surprise to most Canadians to find that there are numerous reports of book sales declining rapidly and the newspaper industry seems to mirror these trends. The newspaper publishing industry reported $3.2 billion in operating revenue in 2016, down 19.8% from 2014 (Statistics Canada). It is evident that traditional forms of print are seeing an unsteady future. On the other hand, online forms of media appear to be equally as risky. With the ability to create personal blog pages with the click of a button, the fear of being heard in the oversaturated online stratosphere proves daunting. Young aspiring writers and readers have their hesitations, both about traditional media and about online forms of media. Wondering which form provides more stability, many young people find themselves trapped in a transition period of journalism and storytelling. Jamielee Tan, a grade 12 student enrolled in the grade 12 journalism course shares her perspective, “I actually think I wouldn’t do traditional print, only because I know that people my age are not into that. People who read traditional forms of print tend to be older and its more difficult to write about my own opinions as a young person to an older demographic. My target audience are the people my age. They are online, and there would be more of a conversation

on an online platform.” It is important to note though that traditional print also has an online presence. Newspapers everywhere such as the the Toronto Star, The Telegraph, and The New York Times all have online databases. Most reporters are on a 24hour reporting cycle with new stories and headlines every day. Technology is changing the way journalists write and the way society reads. In the unfortunate era of fake news, these changes may not bode well for sincere writers and reporters. People are now hesitant to trust their media sources. This is due to both the effects of censorship and the effects of oversaturation. “Fake news”

right.” It appears that now is the time more than ever for journalists to find their drive. While navigating the harsh paths of censorship, it is important not to lose sight of the story and reasons for reporting it. In terms of oversaturation, new digital media publications such as Buzzfeed or Vice have prominent presence in the industry. Often overpowering smaller voices, the legitimacy of these publications have been debated for a long time. In a survey issued by the Mary Ward Planet, of 135 people in the Mary Ward community, 65.9% considered digital blogs and digital media publications journalism, while 28.9% are not certain, and 5.2%


a term that bolstered in popularity after Donald Trump’s US Presidential Election was named the 2017 word of the year by Collins Dictionary. James Titcomb and James Carson of The Telegraph called it “one of the greatest threats to democracy, free debate and the Western order.” When society has no faith in its reporters and news outlets, the word journalism itself suddenly diminishes in legitimacy. There are many voices who have yet to be heard and voices which are unfairly louder than others. This dynamic is changing with technological advances however. Traditional print in its glory and rigor may fall short to digital media’s ability to innovatively tackle censorship. Anita Li, an accomplished journalist and now the Director of Communities at Discourse Media, shares her experience with censorship. She says, “It will ruin your reputation and compromises integrity. It’s completely unethical. No job is worth compromising your integrity…. You can never be wrong for standing up for something that’s

consider it not journalism at all. Technological advances have made news reporting possible in a variety of formats including videos, photos, comic explainers, 360 VR, text messaging, social media apps, and podcasts. Anita Li of Discourse Media once again explains her perspective, this time, on whether or not these digital media publications are considered journalism. She says “Journalism involves so much — so yes, absolutely. Millennial focused sites like Buzzfeed, Vice, and Discourse use different approaches to journalism; fact driven writing, written from the perspective of the person. Journalism is evolving in that way with different approaches and formats. People consume in different ways.” With this perspective, perhaps oversaturation is simply conversation and whatever format people want to consume their information, it appears that everyone is simply looking for a good story. In the Mary Ward community, it is evident that people still love a good story. The school newspaper is still a

relevant and exciting publication for most students and staff. In the same survey issued by the Mary Ward Planet, 77% of community members state that they received a copy of the last Mary Ward Planet issue. 14.1% reported that they did not read any articles, 32.6% reported reading one or two, 37% reported reading three or four, and 16.3% of members reported reading five articles or more. The state of the traditional school newspaper at Mary Ward is fortunately not following the downward trend of traditional print elsewhere. It appears as though the community is still eager to support and invest in this creative endeavour. However, the Mary Ward Planet as an entire publication with an average of around 30 articles, has readers that on average read only about 13% of it (Mary Ward Planet). Many in the community, especially the students find the publication difficult and even exhausting to finish. Emmit Tam, a grade 9 student says, “I usually flip first to the fun and games in the back. The visuals definitely make it interesting. After a long school day of reading and writing, the large blocks of black and white text make reading articles in the newspaper much less appealing.” Students are not the only ones that may agree as the fun and games or comics sections of more well known newspapers are also very popular. While this may attest to the possible decreasing attention span of humanity, it may also just mean that people appreciate more light-hearted and positive content amidst dreadful and heartbreaking news stories. There are certainly many factors to consider when discussing the future of journalism and society’s perception of media. From the traditional state of print to censorship and oversaturation, to Mary Ward’s very own community perspective; the future holds a lot of hope. While the journalistic community may not be able to promise positive content, it can perhaps promise a positive attitude. Although writers and readers all recognize a time of important change in the industry, journalists and their supporters must not forget the true and impactful stories left yet to uncover. Being a journalist takes drive, determination, and risktaking. Being a responsible citizen takes awareness, conversation, and action. Together, there is no doubt that a plethora of unique stories, reports, and headlines are in store for the future. VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 03


farewelland and awards farewell awards

My first and last year as a member and exec of the Planet staff was a great and welcome experience. I had a lot of fun this year and I have high hopes for future members of the team!

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been a part of The Planet since I was in grade 10. I joined as the World Issues Editor, and grew into the job of editor-in-chief. Each year has been full of hard work, joy, and learning. Creating the paper was a way for me to connect with the whole student body, and I’m sorry to leave. As I move on to university, I take with me the skills I learned while working on the paper: leadership, communication, collaboration, and much more. For those thinking about joining next year, please do!

world issues

I can’t believe my time at the planet has come to an end! Working with this team has been one of the highlights of my high school career, and I have enjoyed every minute spent writing articles and working on the layouts with this great team of writers. I would like to thank all the readers for supporting the paper, we couldn’t do it without you! This is Sports Editor Anjuli, signing out.

Hi it’s me, Yuki! Starting as the webmaster and finishing up as the art editor, The Planet has brought me a lot of joy, stress, and nothing but the best. Thank you to all our Ms. Powell, Aiken, and Andrea, for teaching me the ropes. And thank you to all the readers and all of the newspaper staff. Late night jams, early morning edits, and last minute revisions have all produced something we should be super proud of! I loved volume 23 of The Mary Ward Planet and I can’t wait to see what volume 24 has in store.

Toronto Star Newspaper Journalism Awards Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun 1st Place: Critical Writing Madeleine’s review of the movie “I, Tonya” focused on the effects of chronic poverty and abuse on the would-be star athlete. Her article can be read in the second issue of the 2017-2018 school year.

By Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun There’s nothing better than being (literally) rewarded after a year of hard work. On May 29th, 2018, newspaper and photo club staff attended the Toronto Star High School Journalism Awards. Since the Star’s Vaughan printing press was shut down two years ago, the event was held at the Toronto Reference Library. Student journalists from as far away as Waterloo attended the gathering to celebrate. Upon arrival, participants were provided with lunch. The library graciously provided gadgets from their innovation hub for students to try out. Mary Ward’s own Anjuli Joachim was interviewed for an article about the event, which can be viewed on the Toronto Star website. Guest speaker Wendy Gillis, a crime reporter for the Star, spoke to her career as a young journalist. Gillis’ story was truly inspiring. She told the audience about how she had created her career in journalism: how one day she had worked up the courage to write for her VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 04

Julia D’Silva Runner up: Editorial Writing Julia’s editorial was featured in the third issue of the 2016-2017 school year. It offered a fresh perspective on the challenges of our generation. MARY WARD STUDENTS POSE FOR A GROUP PHOTO WITH AWARD WINNERS HOLDING THEIR PLAQUES (PHOTO BY JOSHUA MONLEON) university’s newspaper, and eventually became its editor-in-chief. Gillis also discussed how she navigated the stormy waters of crime reporting. It is a job that necessitates emotional vulnerability, fortitude, and openness with both the victim and the reader. The audience was captivated by her words. Shortly after that, the awards were handed out, and the day drew to a close. Award Winners: Please visit to view past issues of The Planet.

Anjuli Joachim 1st Place: Sports Writing - Column Anjuli’s moving article “The Future of the Olympics”, which focuses on LGBTQ+ Olympians, can be read in second issue of the 2017-2018 school year. Nicole Fernandes Runner up: Sports Writing - Column Nicole’s article “Far From the Finish Line” was described as a “compelling take on little-known F1 driver Lance Stoll” by the judges. It can be read in the third issue of the 2016-2017 school year.

Dalton Christian 1st Place: Photography - Sports Dalton’s picture was used in the Sports Wrap-up of the second issue of the 2016-2017 school year. It features a swim-team athlete, captured mid butterfly. Anaiah Reyes Runner up: Photography - News Anaiah’s photograph was used in the Community Wrap-up of the second issue of the 2016-2017 school year. It features Ms. Baily, dressed as Mary Ward, interacting with a group of students.


world issues world issues

world issues

NRA UNDER FIRE THE PARKLAND KIDS In the wake of a school shooting, Floridians are rethinking gun laws.

backpacks will be provided for the students for free and metal detectors On February 14, 2018, may soon be installed at the school to a mass shooting ensure that no weapons are entering occurred at Marjory the premises. Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. After this devastating shooting, Florida’s Seventeen people were killed and State Government sensibly decided to seventeen more were fatally injured tighten their gun control laws. The new during the shooting. This incident is now law raised the legal age for buying rifles considered one of the world’s deadliest in Florida from age 18 to 21, but also school massacres. 19-year-old Nikolas allows the training and arming of school Cruz was arrested shortly afterwards as staff. The law also bans bump stocks; being the perpetrator. He was charged devices that raise the firing speed of with 17 counts of premeditated murder semi-automatic rifles. In response the NRA (National Rifle Association) sued and 17 counts of attempted murder. the government; asking the courts to On the 14th, Cruz took a goldfish block the age restriction and prevent coloured Uber car to Marjory Stoneman Florida from enforcing the new law. Douglas High School. He entered the school through the east stairwell of The NRA has always been a big target By Gracy Yan

Youth find ways to empower themselves and create change. By Nimmy Ayekun

Days after the mass shooting at their high school, students Emma Gonzalez, Alex Wind, Jaclyn Corin, David Hoggs, Cameron Kasky and many others took it upon themselves to turn the tragedy they


had faced into a political movement. Their activism spawned numerous walkouts across the country and rallies against gun violence such as March For Our Lives.


building 12 with a rifle inside a black soft case. After exiting the stairwell, he pulled out the rifle he was carrying and began firing. The school entered a lockdown - students took cover in their classrooms, others jumped over fences and escaped to take shelter at a nearby Walmart. For those who knew Cruz personally, they knew that he was fascinated with guns and violence. Even on social media, he posed with many different weapons and kept a semiautomatic rifle in a lockbox in his room. A former classmate of Cruz said that he would sometimes even introduce himself as a “school shooter”.

when it comes to advocating for gun control, and despite the association’s claims that the massacre was not caused by them, companies such as United and Delta airlines, First National Bank, and Enterprise Car rental have ended their discounts for NRA members. Some of them even spoke out on Twitter on reconsidering their relationship with the NRA and taking back their sponsorship of the association. In response, the NRA ‘shot’ back at the corporations saying that the brands will be replaced by other who “recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they want to serve”.

Parents of the students who died and students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School say that they want to give justice for the lives that were taken from the shooting. There is still hope that gun control laws will be tightened and enforced after the boycott of these companies - but maybe it would help if the NRA took a little bit more A letter that was addressed to parents responsibility. about the security changes said that The Police in Florida have yet to offer a motive and are investigating a pattern of disciplinary issues and unnerving behaviour. After this incident, when students returned to school after spring break, they’ll be required by the school district to use clear backpacks and wear identification badges at all times.

media traction. This is something that many of the leaders publicly recognized and drew attention to. This is important because social justice movements tend to erase the struggles of other members fighting for the same cause - take for example how intersectional feminism only recently became an important topic in the fight for female equality

However, despite the overwhelming amount of support they received from celebrities, parents, and people halfway across the world, their work as young activists was not easy. The teens faced backlash from a number of people, ranging from adults accusing them of being child actors to several death threats. In spite of it all, they demonstrated maturity, resilience and perseverance. Their efforts not only provided much needed talk about gun control but also drew attention to the power of student activism. Here are some key takeaways from their efforts: 1. Use Social Media and Not Be a “ Slacktivist” Eventually the hashtag became much more than just a hashtag but a movement too! The neveragain hashtag helped gather both online and in-person support. Thousands of people participated in the national school walkout and thousands more joined the March For Our Lives rally on March 24th. Others organized sibling events across the country as well. 2. It’s important to check your privilege! Gun violence is nothing new to America. So of course there have been efforts in the past to raise awareness about the issue (especially in POC communities), but they have never received much

3. It is POSSIBLE for young people to make a change In just weeks after the students spoke to members of Congress and travelled down to Florida State Capitol, Florida Legislature passed a bill titled the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act. This raised the minimum age for buying firearms to 21, established waiting periods and background checks, barred potentially violent or mentally unhealthy people or those arrested under certain laws from possessing guns. In fact this is probably the most important point, because young people often feel discouraged from standing up for certain issues because they don’t think it is possible to make a change - but it is and the Parkland Kids are just one example. In Flint Michigan, ten year old Mari Copeny continues to advocate for her town’s right to clean, drinkable water which they haven’t had for over 4 years. Many of the freedoms and rights we enjoy today, boil down to young people being at the forefront of the movement. Sometimes it can be daunting to know where to start and how to get involved but it is not always as hard as it is made to be. As young people we should be inspired to work towards a better, brighter future, and why wait? The Parkland kids and generations before us, show us that young people can change and should make change. So join a club, write a letter to your political representatives, tweet with a hashtag! Start now and be the change that you want to see in the world, the way they were the change, they wanted to see. VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 05

world issues

world issues world issues

world issues

THE FACEBOOK INFORMATION SCANDAL Facebook’s shady practices spark debate about what privacy means in the digital world. By Nimmy Aeykun On May 18th, it came to the public’s attention that the data of over 50 million (later updated to 87 million) Facebook users had been harvested by a data mining company called Cambridge Analytica. It started when the parent company of Cambridge Analytica, ( SCL - Strategic Communications Laboratories) was publicly suspended by Facebook in mid-March for failing to delete millions of user data they collected from Facebook users in 2015. This news prompted privacy advocates, lawmakers and many others to question how the information had even ended up with Cambridge

Analytica in the first place. Various sources later confirmed that the company had only been able to obtain the information they had through a loophole in Facebook’s API, which did in fact permit third party developers to collect information from not only users but users’ friends. This meant that even though only 300,000 people used the app in question (thisisyourdigitallife), millions more ended up having their information accessed by the company. To make matters worse, it turned out that Cambridge Analytica had been hired to work Trump’s campaign in 2016 and had been using that information to create psychographic profiles of people and push pro-Trump material on them through countless aggressive Facebook ads. Of course, this created a lot skepticism about

how reliable and trustworthy Facebook actually was. In order to fix the issue, founder Mark Zuckerberg allowed people to download all the information Facebook had stored about them. Unfortunately, this led to users finding out that Facebook had been tracking their phone logs and sms data for years - creating even more outrage. Soon afterwards, FTC launched an investigation, claiming that Facebook had violated a privacy and consent agreement they had made in 2011. Since then Zuckerberg has promised that Facebook would work towards making several adjustments to their site in order to protect user privacy. These changes would include - ensuring that third party developers don’t have access to guest lists of events pages and the contents of messages posted

on theme and only collecting sms and logs on android versions of messenger for only a year before deleting them. Even with all Facebook’s efforts to be better and make up for this security leak, there is no question that the people’s trust in the social media site has been broken. In fact, many experts claim that this scandal has actually changed the way people view and use social media - which is perhaps a good thing. In this day and age, where almost everything is digital it is important that not just people start to take cybersecurity and their online privacy more seriously but big companies like Facebook start making protecting the privacy of their users more of a priority. That being said, maybe this Facebook scandal was just the wake up call that everyone needed.

SAY NO TO P.E.D.’S People are pushing limits in order to get ahead in school and the workplace. By Naomi Fernandes It's no secret to any student that school can be stressful, you have to balance work, friends, family, and a million other responsibilities. For some students, especially in university, this stress can get to be too much and often result in taking drugs such as Adderall or other “study/smart drugs” to get through their academic stresses. Although it seems like a good option for people who have piles and piles of work to get done, most people aren’t aware of all the facts. In fact, the drug has been used over the last 100 years or so for a variety of different reasons and to treat a variety of different ailments. The drug (properly known as amphetamine), was initially created in order help with asthma by synthesizing a substance related to adrenaline. Eventually it was brought back in the 1930s and sold as a brand-name drug called Benzedrine to improve mood, increase vigilance, and boost energy. It was dispensed by the American military during WWII to the soldiers and were known as “go pills”. After the war it was modified and renamed Dexedrine and used to treat depression. Many women took amphetamine for as an appetite suppressor in the form of the diet drug Obetrol, and in the early 1970s around VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 06

10 million adults in the US were taking the drug. The FDA eventually stepped in and regulated the use creating a decline in overall use. Over 20 years later a pharmaceutical executive revisited the drug Obertol and tweaked to formula to create Adderall, a drug aimed at teenagers and children who were diagnosed with ADHD, later on a time release version was released and said to be less addicting and easier to walk away from. Today, amphetamine is more commonly known as Adderall or Ritalin or Modafinil and is used by many more people than the intended audience. Essentially, the drug is meant to help with focus, when someone ingests it everything else is drowned out and the user can concentrate on whatever it is that is in front of them. In recent years especially, university students have used this “study drug” to help them get through last minute cram sessions. However, the issue isn’t limited to just university students, many high school students also take the drug to help them get the grades which they need for the university of their choice. Adderall gives the user seemingly amazing concentration, and can enable them to work for hours without stopping and finish work more efficiently pace. On the surface these effects can be seen to be a godsend for students with multiple large assignments due the

next day, however, the cost is ultimately more than accounted for. Adderall isn’t all finished assignments and great marks though, the side effects of this drug aren’t very well known. Not only is it a gateway drug, leading to much more dangerous substances like heroin and cocaine but since it is considered to be an “upper” (stimulant) many students take “downers” (depressants) like valium to come down from the productivity high which can make the usage into a cycle. It is considered to be a Class 2 drug, more dangerous than Valium but less dangerous than Heroin by the FDA. It can be extremely addicting for those whom it isn’t prescribed to and can lead to serious consequences such as weight loss, nausea, reduced blood flow, reduced appetite, loss of bladder control, and in severe cases it can lead to seizures, heart attacks, and death. With most prescriptions, the dosage is safe, but for students taking the drug in order to accomplish things, they often overdose and put themselves at risk. It's addictive nature can also lead to dependence on the drug to do everything from the most menial tasks and assignments. In previous generations, students would take drugs to check out, but with the intense and competitive environment of university, it can be appealing to students to take something to help

check in. Many students take them as a last resort when they feel they have impossible deadlines. Despite its initial purpose of being a treatment for people with ADHD, the drug is used all around the world from the US to Australia, with several surveys finding that more than half of students were offered these drugs by their final year and around 30% actually using them. Some even go as far as faking symptoms in order to have their own supply and not having to buy them from other students. A lot of students don’t consider it to be cheating either, the demanding process of exams and revision can make some feel like they don’t have anywhere else to turn. Despite all this, there is still a lot more to be said about the culture of PEDs and their effects. Although the thought of deadlines and due dates can scary, it is possible to get through it all without the help of “smart” drugs. In times where can it be seemingly impossible to get through it all, it is a good time to think of alternatives to drugs and remember their side effects. The issue itself can be difficult because it is a relatively new one in a fast changing and competitive world. Not to mention the fact that because the drug is being used like never before it can hard to determine the long term effects. The appeal is obvious but the consequences not so much, the question is: is the large risk worth the potential gain?

world issues

life life


Take some time to unplug and simply enjoy life. By Diana Guades According to The Washington Post, “Teens spend nearly nine hours every day consuming media.” This may not come as a surprise to most people, phones are addictive. When we spend countless hours in front of a screen, it can be difficult to think of activities to do when we aren’t using our devices. However, it is important to “unplug” once in a while. Here are some activities to help you get started: Read a Book No, not an e-book. When reading electronic books, you may get distracted by notifications or run out of battery. However, with a tangible, physical book, you get immersed in the entire experience. The feel of the pages, the smell of the paper, and no glaringly bright screen. The Toronto Public Library is the largest public library system in Canada. Reach your local branch and register for a library card, or simply spend a day exploring books in the library. Talk to Friends and Family Being able to instantly communicate with people without having to actually see them is a great technological

achievement. Nevertheless, there’s nothing like talking to people faceto-face. Perhaps you like hearing someone’s voice, seeing the gestures they make while they talk, or maybe their very presence improves your mood. You may be able to text and call your loved ones with the push of a button, but not even Facetime can fully capture the feeling of a juicy conversation in person. Play an Instrument Who says that you need Youtube or Spotify to listen to good music? Playing an instrument or learning to play an instrument is not only beneficial to your ears, but to your life as well. Studies show that music reduces stress and stimulates creativity, while learning to play an instrument develops multitasking skills and exercises your brain. Instruments can be expensive, so you might want to opt for more affordable options. One example is the recorder, which can be found at almost all dollar stores. Another option could be to share an instrument with your friends by pooling all your money together. If all else fails, you do have your lovely voice. Write or draw Writing and drawing don’t have to be exclusive to school work. Compared to typing, writing can be much more

immersive and satisfying since you’re physically writing and shaping the letters. With drawing, you have more control compared to drawing with a tablet. When you write or draw with a pen or pencil against paper, instead of only seeing your creations, you can feel them and keep them with you. Go on an Adventure As Helen Keller once said, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” You may find a “daring adventure” in an intriguing book or in your neighbourhood or in an art gallery. The beauty of an adventure is that you never know where it’ll take you. Learning something new in an exciting way is always worth exploring. With many studies exposing the dangerous addiction to electronic devices, unplugging is more necessary than ever. Not only would your quality of life improve, but so would your health. Do you use your phone before sleeping? Well, a study published in 2015 stated that the amount of caffeine in a double espresso has less of an effect on sleep schedules than bright light exposure at night. Drinking a double espresso before bed would seem ridiculous to most people. Nevertheless, mostx of us probably scroll through social media or watch one last Youtube video right


before we go to sleep. As well as sleep deprivation, extreme use in phones has been linked to “text neck,” the pain you may be feeling in your back and neck because of hunching over your phone. According to, text neck might even lead to “chronic problems due to early onset of arthritis in the neck.” Before you pick up that phone, consider everything else you could be doing.

How to avoid entering a summer slump. By Naomi Fernandes After a long year of hard work at school, summer feels like a fitting reward. At first, sleeping in, eating when you feel like, and binge watching tv are all on the list of ideal summer activities. Unfortunately, this schedule can become tiring and demotivating, perhaps leaving you longing to go back to school by mid-July. In order to combat these feelings of laziness and demotivation, here are some ways which you can motivate yourself and get the most out of your summer. Set an Alarm This is probably the last thing you want to do, which is why it's first on the list. Summer can be the time which people catch on sleep and not wake up until

4pm. This is great for the first week or so, but soon it can quickly feel that the entire day is gone and you’re left feeling unaccomplished. Set an alarm for a reasonable time, preferably not before 8am and not after 1pm, just make sure that it is a time which you can be consistent with. Go out with Friends Don’t let your friends become stranger over the course of two months, visit them, tell them to visit you, meet up somewhere or just facetime. Make the most of the uninterrupted time that you have with your friends. Get a Job A job is a good way to earn money and fill the hours, and also gives your summertime some structure. Not only this but, a job is a good way to gain experience for your resume.

Having a job can give you a sense of accomplishment and also is a good way to keep your mind occupied.


Make a List This is a really effective way for you to have a purpose for everyday and also a way for you to accomplish things you have been putting off. It can be a driving factor for each day and a good way to set a schedule.

Learn a New Skill Summer gives time for new opportunities including the opportunity to learn a new skill. This is the time for you to do something you have always wanted to and spend time doing what you love. Not only does this give you a reason not to wake up at 4pm everyday; it also gives you motivation to keep a schedule. The summer presents itself as two months of potential but it’s up to you to take the time to make the most of it. By using these tips and finding ways to keep yourself occupied summer doesn’t have to be boring. Falling into the cycle of waking up past noon and binge watching tv can be easy but with a little bit of effort and dedication you can have a productive and relaxing summer. VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 07

world issues

life life


Being Mindful Everything you need to know about mindfulness meditation. By Naomi Fernandez At this point in the year, it’s pretty clear that school can be a stressful mess. Trying to finish the year without zeroes, a good mark, to graduate, and/or make it to summer school can all add a lot of worry and pressure on oneself. While cursing yourself for not doing units might seem like a good stress reliever, there are more effective ways to deal with the stress of May-June rush. Mindfulness meditation is just one way you can relieve your

Are MUJI pens worth it?

to wander or drift to other thoughts, slowly bring your attention back to your breathing. When you finish think about how you feel afterwards and take some time to notice your surroundings. If it’s your first time with mindfulness, it can be a bit hard to keep a constant focus but really try to work your way along each time you practice it. It seems simple enough to practice, but it can also leave you wondering what it really does for your body and mind. Studies have shown that it can be a useful tool for coping with stress and anxiety


By Shandel Jarabejo


end-of-year frustrations. It’s simple and doesn’t require any extra equipment or knowledge. It’s extremely popular for several reasons, especially because of its unique approach which is more specific to today’s fast-paced world. The first question most people would probably ask when it comes to mindfulness is how to do it. It’s fairly simple: set aside some time, observe the present moment, and focus on your present state. When you are sitting, make sure you’re in a comfortable position and that you aren’t too stiff or too loose. You don’t need to close your eyes instead, focus your vision on one thing and try not to look around too much. You shouldn’t be looking at something distracting either, which can take away from the experience. Relax and focus on breathing, noting when you breathe in and out. If you find your mind starting VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 08

and even improves cognitive skills. While some people debate that there isn’t any really scientific and conclusive benefit to mindfulness meditation, it can be a deeply personal thing and an escape from the otherwise busy society we live in. The practice is rooted in Buddhism theory and was popularized in the 1970s as an alternative for treating difficult conditions. There’s a variety of reasons that people practice mindfulness. Despite the conflicting research on the topic, it can be a very useful in helping to alleviate stress. If you are feeling extremely stressed and like everything is happening at once, try mindfulness meditation for a while and it might be a helpful tool. Remember that it take everyone some time to get used to and while the results might not be immediate it can definitely help with relieving some stress in the long run.

Recently, the Japanese lifestyle retail chain MUJI has gained a lot of popularity and hype for it’s stationary, especially with the opening of its third location in Toronto at Scarborough Town Centre. MUJI is perhaps most popular for their gel pens which come in a variety of colours ranging from the standard blue and black to pink, orange, green and so many more options. The pens also differ in tip sizes from 0.7mm to 0.25mm. Almost every stationary lover or who writes often, will promise you that MUJI pens are some of the best. MUJI pens have become a necessity for many, but why are they so popular?

3. The Quality MUJI gel pens have become known for their quality. Many claim that these pens are some of the smoothest on the market.The ink flows consistently with minimal pressure when being used which allows you to write easily.The pens do not bleed or leave streaks on your hands. MUJI claims that their pens use a mechanism which prevents ink from flowing in the wrong direction and causing breaks in your writing and ink leakage. The lightweight feel of MUJI pens and smooth plastic gives off an expensive and high quality look.

1. The Design Like many things, we are immediately drawn to purchase an item for its appearance or design. For many, the simplicity of the design of MUJI pens is very attractive and aesthetically pleasing. The sleek look of translucent matte plastic and a metal tip gives the pen an expensive and high quality look. STUDENT MAKES STUDY NOTES USING MUJI PENS The design of the pen definitely catches (PHOTO BY KATHRIEL RIVERA) the eyes of those who love the minimal look. There’s no doubt that MUJI pens have become one of the most raved about 2. The Price stationary items on the market. Many MUJI gel pens cost about $1.50 each. people have bought them because of Although $1.50 seems to be a lot for a the pen’s design, price, quality or simply pen, it is not that expensive compared just to see what the hype is all about. to similar pens. The price of the pens is Will this hype continue on for years to also considered to be affordable for a come or will the hype soon die? pen made in Japan.


life life


BIG FUN, small BUDGET Don’t let money get in the way of having a fantastic summer! By Shandel Jarabejo Summer vacation is the perfect time kick back, relax, and go out with friends and family. Planning activities can sometimes be frustrating when you’re on a budget or have no idea what to do. If you don’t know what to do or if you’re trying to save up, don’t worry there are quite a few free and fun activities to do in the city! Here are six free activities to do in the 6ix: Explore Toronto’s Parks and Gardens Need an escape from all the boring scenes of building? Try taking a walk around places like High Park, the Toronto Islands, Toronto Botanical Gardens and Edward Gardens and view all the gorgeous nature scenes. There you’ll find a gorgeous variety of flowers, plants and trees that make the perfect subject or background for photos. Why not have a picnic while you’re at it? Watch Movies Downtown Between July and September, many areas in the city offer free screenings

of a variety of movies such as documentaries, comedies, classics, musical and shorts during the evening. Places like Harbourfront, Trinity Bellwoods Park, Yonge-Dundas Square and Christie Pits Park host the public to view movies for all, while enjoying Toronto’s scenery. Just grab a chair, snacks, and company and come down to enjoy the event. Be sure to watch for the screening times and dates.

events which take place every summer and of course admission is free. Just be prepared for the weather and get ready join in on the fun.



Attend Festivals Joining in on the festivities is always a great way to have a great time and get closer with the community or even learn something new. Festivals such as the Scotiabank Caribbean festival, TD Jazz Fest and Buskerfest are all great

Go to a Concert Enjoy the view of Toronto’s waterfront while listening to music by heading down to the Toronto Music Garden. Starting on June 28th until September 16th, free concerts which last for around one hour, will be played on Thursdays at 7pm and on Sundays at 4pm. A total of 18 concerts will be played featuring a variety of musical styles and artists. Make sure to get there early as the benches and shade are limited. Check Out Art Events If you love art, then check out the

free art shows and events happening throughout the summer. Head on down to the 57th Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition at Nathan Phillips square to see the artwork of many artists. From July 6th to 8th, there will be tons of booths for to see and even purchase original pieces from outstanding artists. Luminato is another fantastic art event which takes place all over the city. This event offers some free performances of a range of plays, dance, music and so much more!


Toronto offers a wide range of fun and free activities to do during summer vacation.Try exploring the city’s parks, attend events and festivals or even watch movies outdoors. Remember you can always have a great time in the 6ix, even on a budget!

HIT THE TRAILS Stay fit this summer by hopping on a bicycle.

By Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun Although it may have taken a while, summer has finally arrived in Toronto. What better way to celebrate the warm weather than with a bike ride? Although Toronto’s network of bike lanes could use some work, the city has some great scenic bike paths for cyclists to enjoy. Waterfront Trails Toronto’s waterfront bike path can be separated into Etobicoke, Toronto, and Scarborough. Etobicoke’s route runs through residential streets, with some stretches on Lake Shore Blvd. The Toronto portion is mostly off-road trail, making it a safer bet than most. Scarborough’s is varied, with a mix of both, as well as a hillaya section at the Scarborough Bluffs. Enjoy the calming blue of Lake Ontario as you cycle on by. Toronto Islands Catch a ferry to the Toronto Islands this summer and enjoy a refreshing ride.

Cycle around the island and enjoy the breathtaking Toronto skyline. Although the trail is crowded with tourists on the weekends, the weekdays offer some peace and quiet. High Park High Park is one of Toronto’s largest parks, and it offers some great bike routes. It is composed of off trail roads, paved walkways, and a wooden board walk, all of which offer an amazing nature ride. Wilket Creek Park This large park is home to a 2km bike trail, with the Toronto Botanical Garden en route. The path feeds into the Tommy Thompson trail. Tommy Thompson Park Enjoy a spectacular view of the skyline from a vantage point in nature. Although this trail is only open on the weekends, it’s worth checking out for its views. Don Valley Trails This 10 km route is mostly made of off


road paths and dusty trails. It leads you through a variety of different parks, and eventually connects to The Waterfront path. Just getting around Scarborough can be easy, too. The city has recently constructed several asphalt bike paths in hydro corridors, the locations of which can be found on Google

Maps. The city also plans to create a 16 kilometre long vertical park, with a bike path running its length. The park, dubbed “The Meadoway”, would connect the Don River Ravine to Rouge National Urban Park. It is supposed to be completed over a period of seven years. So “Don” a helmet and explore and don’t forget to be safe! VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 09

life life


REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE Learn to live simply for the sake of the planet and yourself. By Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun

Bulk Barn, bring a clean container along and fill that up instead.

The effects of climate change are becoming ever more apparent. Extreme and unpredictable weather is now commonplace, with people being displaced worldwide due to flooding and other natural disasters. As consumers, it’s important to be conscientious and aware of how our specific choices affect the environment. If you’re feeling the need to go green, try living by the three R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle.

4. Drink tap water or filtered water from reusable bottles rather than bottled water. In Toronto, tap water is just as good as bottled water. Bottled water is bad for both people and the environment. Companies such as Nestle buy potable water near vulnerable populations, diverting clean water away from people who really need it. In the Pakistani community of Bhati Dilwan, Nestle dug huge wells that deprive the locals of clean water.

1. Choose wisely when purchasing. Buy the best quality you can, repair and maintain items, and try to buy used or refurbished instead of new. Although the most inexpensive items may be appealing, they probably won’t last that long, which rings especially true for clothing.

5. Use reusable dishes and utensils and cloth towels and napkins instead of single-use products. Reusable utensils go a long way in reducing waste. If you buy lunch at school every day, consider bringing your own utensils along. Over the course of a whole year, a huge difference can be made.

2. Sell, give away or donate items instead of throwing them away. It’s just like the old saying goes: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. You can use services like Kijiji or Carousell to sell unwanted stuff, and perhaps buy some new things! If no one wants to buy the item, donate it. 3. Shop with reusable shopping bags and containers. This doesn’t only include shopping bags, but produce bags as well. The plastic bags for fruit and vegetables at the grocery store can be replaced with reusable ones found for a low cost on Amazon. When shopping for snacks at

6. Avoid wasting food. About 40% of the food we purchase winds up in a landfill, which is a huge waste of resources. In order to minimize food waste, think about creating a rough meal plan. Buy food for specific recipes, instead of just grabbing random things at the grocery store. These small steps are a great way to start reducing your carbon footprint. The less people consume, the better it is for the environment. The more individuals that decide to live the three R’s, the larger the impact of positive change.


VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 10


how to be a studious student Exam season doesn’t always have to be stressful. By Naomi Fernandes

sometimes it doesn’t help you as much as it does them. Prioritize your own Exams are fast grades over others because in the end approaching for most you are responsible for yourself and not and that naturally the mistakes of other people. brings with it stress. It can be difficult to Friends tackle the necessary evil known as Despite the above tip, friends can be a studying. For many people, the idea of good resource for studying especially going through all your course material if it's in courses where you don’t from the full year can be stressful. fully understand something which Especially for those who are new to they might. Create study groups and exams or those who need exams to share resources but just make sure bring up their mark or pass a course. you actually get some studying done Here are a few ways you can effectively instead of talking the whole time. An study to make sure you can ace your even better way to reinforce what you exams. have learned is to teach other people Create a Schedule about it instead of testing yourself, so When doing this, it's important to try that if you’re not sure where to start. consider your goals. Make sure you also know what subjects require more time and effort in order to get the grades you want. Keep track of how much time you have as well, and create a list of all the things you need to review be it diagrams of a cell or how to balance an equation, give yourself enough time to understand memorize concepts. Divide your week into study blocks and make sure you take plenty of breaks. Sleep! This one is really obvious, all your studying goes to waste if you don’t have the energy to write an exam or understand what your reading. Get at least 8 hours of sleep before your exams and even on the days in between exams. Don’t pull an all nighter just to A STUDENT IS WRITING NOTES FOR UNIT WORK feel drowsy and disoriented during the (PHOTO BY KATHRIEL RIVERA) exam. Organize Having a clear workspace is one of the most important things when you are Use All Your Resources studying alone. Things can quickly get Textbooks, notes, units, quizlets, the cluttered and having 10 other useless list can go on and on but the main items on your desk can be distracting. point is that using all the resources Put away anything that might distract you have available is the best use of you including your phone, have all the your time. The internet is a great place materials you need beforehand so that to look for clarification for topics you your space is a clean and distraction don’t understand or aren’t sure of. Make free. sure you really take the time needed to do some extra practice problems Hopefully, with these tips you are able for courses like math which might to make the most of your exam study require you to refresh your brain from time and do your best possible work. September. It doesn’t make sense to It's important to take some time for have a resource available if you don’t yourself as well and make sure that you use it. don’t let all the exam stress take a toll on yourself. Study well and good luck Worry About Yourself on exams! While it can be great to help others study and lend friends your notes,

community community



Community Wrap-Up The last hectic months of the school year.

By Naomi Joson The last trimester of the school year is keeping the Mary Ward community on their toes as students are frantically trying to complete and submit their final units, as per the MayJune rush, and staff are occupied with the plethora of marking remaining. Ward H2O& The Loretto Sisters Visit

Staff and students collectively exceeded their initial target and raised over to $8000. This was achieved through numerous civvies day, independent donations, and donations from clubs including Our Kids Our Future, Gay Straight Alliance, Gender Justice, and the Angel Foundation. On May 30th, the community welcomed visitors from all over the world, as individuals from the Mary Ward Foundation and the Loretto

Toronto was unexpectedly hit with heavy rainfall and an ice storm from Saturday April 14th to Monday 16th. 12 centimeters of ice pellets accumulated across the area, and wind gusts were as intense as 96 kilometres per hour near the Billy Bishop Airport. All school busses across the GTA have been cancelled on the Monday of, as well many school boards have closed down their schools in regards to safety. The Toronto Catholic District School Board have decided to keep their schools open for the day, resulting in backlash by many students over social media. International Day of Pink

In response to the tragedy of the Humboldt Broncos bus crash which resulted in the deaths of 16 individuals, the Mary Community displayed solidarity by wearing hockey jerseys and green shirts the Thursday following the incident. Mary Ward Victories Several victories have been celebrated in the community as skillful students participated in various competitions. Student Hazel Barredo won gold in landscaping design and Yuki Tam achieved siver in graphic design during the Skills Ontario competition early May. In addition, grade nine student Ryan Dick was selected for the Harriet Brooks Internship at Ryerson where high school students are given an opportunity to learn from professions in STEM fields, as well as volunteer for them. Spring Concert



Sisters visited Canada. Although staff and students were occupied with endof-the-year business, the community pulled through and were enthusiastic to welcome these individuals from different walks of life- some were students in high school and some were educators in their respective countries. OASIS leaders gave the visitors a tour around the school during the morning, in which the visitors learned about the unique self-directed program Mary Ward offers, as well as the different facilities the school provides. Before lunch, the guests gathered in the library to learn about the social justice clubs of Mary Ward. Ice Storm in April


As per annual tradition, Mary Ward’s Gay-Straight-Alliance Club sold pink t-shirts and buttons in support of International Day of Pink on April 11th. Pink shirts were worn to take a stand against bullying, especially against homophobic and transphobic bullying, and to celebrate diversity. The day began in 2007 in Central Kings Rural High School in Nova Scotia after two students witnessed a boy being bullied for wearing a pink shirt. They encouraged the entire school to wear pink shirts the following day to show support. Ward Supports Humboldt


As part of an initiative that was introduced during the school’s Easter liturgy, the Mary Ward community as a whole has taken upon a project, referred as WARD H2O. The aim was to raise $6500 to help create access to clean drinking water in Tanzania.





The music department held their annual spring concert with the theme The Colours of Spring on May 17th. The junior band performed several songs, including This is Me from The Greatest Showman, and the senior band played melodies from the musical La La Land and Michael Jackson. In addition, vocal students performed a female empowerment song called Warrior by Kim Baryluk. Post concert, the grade 12 students showed their appreciation for music teacher Mr. Carabine, and gifted him a coffee maker as a token of their gratitude. VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 11

community community



9 TO 5 10

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By Jaimie Edghill From April 19th to 21st, Mary Ward’s Dramatic Arts Department put on their annual production. This year’s show, 9 to 5: The Musical (with lyrics by Dolly Parton and book by Patricia Resnick), was a creative take on the 1980 movie of the same name. With three amazing performances, the cast, crew, and band were able to tell the story of women in a workplace dealing with sexual harassment and gender inequality. The musical, staged with elaborate sets created by the construction tech students and painted by the cast and crew, allowed the viewer a full office” experience.”


In an abuse of power, the character of Franklin Hart displayed the actions of “a sexiest, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot.” Protagonists Violet Newstead, Doralee Rhodes and Judy Bernly stepped up on behalf of all their fellow secretaries and fought back against the inequalities at the office. The three strong women were truly the stars of the production, but as anyone in the cast would tell you, it takes a village or in this case, an entire office - to run a show. The stunning, entertaining outcome was result of months of rehearsals and much preparation by Mr. Dalton, Mr. Carabine, Ms. Cormier, Mr. Chau, and the show’s cast, crew and band. Congratulations and a job well done to everyone who worked hard to achieve the success of 9 to 5!








community community



The 26th annual Mary Ward Art and Tech Show graced the hallways of the school basement May 7th to May 11th, featuring student work in a variety of mediums. With a new theme each year, the 2018 show’s theme was “Resonate”. Its gala opening on the first night was a resounding success: people both in and outside of the Mary Ward community came to show their love and support. The event displayed works in fine arts, media arts, manufacturing and construction technology, robotics, video and film, photography, and computer and tech design. As well, for the first time, work from MIDI, musical instrument digital interface. The show opened its doors at $5 for a week long pass and also offered educational tours for surrounding elementary and secondary schools. The classrooms were completely transformed into gallery spaces full of gallery walls, interactive installations, and an art market with student vendors. The show is curated with the hard work of staff and Arts Administration, a group of students enrolled in the interdisciplinary course IDC 4U5.

Nicole Parcon, grade 12 student and arts administration member said about the show, “Overall, I think the art administration team was really successful in reaching our set goals for Resonate. All these years I’ve admired the art show as an outside viewer and finally getting to learn the ropes of designing an art show was unforgettable.” With similar feelings of joy, pride, and satisfaction, Mary Ward students from all grades seized the incredible opportunities the event provides.



Rafael Goldchain, Faculty of Animation Arts and Design at Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning said about the show, “Students are incredibly engaged and the work shows experimentation, creativity, risk taking, enjoyment of art making and art historical awareness.” The show is at the core a selfdirected and student-led event.


People came to support the courageous venture and left amazed. This school event has become an amazing tradition. From the art students to the parents of the math students, the entire Mary Ward community came together to enjoy a wonderful week of skill and creativity.


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VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 13


community community

No Teachers? No Bleachers.


Wolverines Robotics

A summary of the Robotic’s Team’s season.

The community’s perspective on the struggle to find school coaches. By Yuki Tam The brawn might need some brains to get out of this dilemma. Everyone in the education system understands the struggle to find school coaches. Playing sports and being on a school team is an essential element to the picture perfect high school experience. Plus, it’s good for your health. It’s an issue that both students and teachers are talking about and here’s what they have to say.

replace equipment if the given budget proves itself insufficient, and those with younger children have to pay for child care. Many teachers live far away from their workplace and find the commute as well as the increasing liability concerns discouraging. Peets also adds, “New teachers used to really get involved because it was a benefit to them to prove themselves valuable to the community of the school… The system has changed for hiring, it has more to do with seniority. There’s no longer as much of a drive to do it.”

The good news is that both students and teachers generally seem to understand each other. Dylan Reyes, runner on the Mary Ward Track team and self-titled team “goofball” speaks sincerely on the topic. Saying that he understands how younger teachers are starting families, educators themselves are working towards higher levels of education, and that our beloved teaching staff simply have their own lives, he says, “The cost of living is higher, and people are working harder — both students and teachers. The world is complex and it gets harder to traverse. Not everything is straightforward. ” A complex situation indeed, the culture of coaching needs a real kick. Though, teacher Ryan Kennedy, coach of rugby 7’s, rugby 15’s, and badminton shares some positivity, “I generally do it [coach] because I do love it. I think you develop relationships with students that you don’t otherwise develop. I would say especially at Mary Ward because you’re not in a classroom The unfortunate reality is that students situation.” are already missing out. Each year, students find it more and more difficult Everyone is going to need to lend a to find teachers willing to supervise helping hand if this situation is going to their extracurriculars. Teachers are change for the better. To the students, not compensated for coaching, it’s all please keep petitioning for the sports volunteer work. Time is used up by you love and keep being dedicated. coaching after school and on school To the teachers, please keep trying. days, for tournaments, which could To anyone else that might be able to possibly hinder a teacher’s teaching. provide support, please do. (Even if it Meghan Peets, teacher and coach of means writing a well researched article rugby 7’s, rugby 15’s, and swimming, for the school newspaper without also explains, “It’s really hard to run joining a single sports team in your a program by yourself. If you had entire high school career.) Perhaps what someone to manage the paperwork or we need is an attitude adjustment; collect the fees, that would be helpful.” celebrating what we have and being Besides the obvious parts of training excited for what comes next. There can’t and instructing, preparing lineups, be bleachers if there are no teachers. and planning practices, coaching can Someone has to change the culture of cost the staff as well. Coaches usually coaching and it can start with you. pay for their own transportation, VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 14 The first thing to note is that most students genuinely love school teams and understand the significance of participating. Matthew Valencia, a grade 12 student and veteran of the Mary Ward badminton team says, “Joining a sport allows you to make friends, get a glimpse of what it feels like to be a part of something bigger than yourself.” Similarly, Martin Formeloza, a grade 12 student says, “Playing sports helps me calm down and relieves stress. It brings people together.” Sports increase student interest in the school community and the physical activity involved improves health. According to the U.S. National Association for Sports and Phys. Ed., only one in three children are physically active everyday. Opportunities are taken away from students when sports teams don’t exist and they miss out on some remarkable experiences.


By Diana Guades Mary Ward’s Robotics team had an accomplished year to show for their hard work. Their gigantic robot, Tall Boi, earned the team a final ranking of 33 in the region of Ontario. Overall, they competed in three tournaments, starting with the FIRST Robotics Competition in February, going all the way to the provincial competition. The team was very close to being in the top 30 in the region to qualify for the World Championship in Detroit, USA.

scale. A point is earned every second for the team the switch favours. In addition, teams can also access various power ups and mini scales with the cubes. For 30 seconds at the beginning of a game, the robots follow a pre-written line of code - this is called the autonomous period. At the end of a game, all the robots attempt to climb onto a suspended bar attached to the scale while being a certain height above the ground. All this is done through the skills of the team, sophisticated programming and stellar robots.

In the first event at Ryerson, the Wolverines fell into last place due to technical malfunctions. Despite this, Tall Boi made it to the semifinals where the team finished in fifth place overall. In the second district event, the Wolverines traveled to Western University where they stayed overnight in London, Ontario. As a result of their efficiency and hard work, they achieved second place. Finally, in the Hershey Centre in Mississauga, the Wolverines ranked tenth, but unfortunately lost in the quarterfinals.

Tall Boi was built for the purpose of climbing and putting cubes onto scales for competitions. During the autonomous periods, Tall Boi successfully fulfilled its purpose and put cubes on its team’s switch - a task many other teams struggled with. To improve Tall Boi’s speed and agility, members drilled numerous holes into its frame which effectively reduced its weight.

Teams can improve their rank by advancing in tournaments. Each tournament is made up of games where two teams, each team consisting of three schools, battle to gain control over a “switch”, which is a giant scale. Control over the switch is gained by placing cubes on their respective side of the

The entire team contributed to the mechanical work and programming for Tall Boi, however, it could not have been accomplished without the contributions of team members, Khalil Balde, Thomas and Ryan Dick who played an integral part in the design and engineering of the robot. As well, the construction of Tall Boi would not have been possible without the guidance of Mr. Emer and his father, support from parents of the team and the generous sponsors.

community community



WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? How one of Mary Ward’s newest clubs is helping out in the community

By Naomi Joson Towards the middle of this 2018 school year a new club emerged in the Mary Ward community out of the blue, catching students’ attention with the plethora of posters displayed throughout the hallways. Called “What Would Jesus Do”, a popular Christian motto, many grew curious as to what the club is actually about. Because the name itself indicates an association with Christianity, many initially speculated it is a religious club. Christian values are indeed the core of the club’s initiatives as their motive is to follow Jesus’ teachings: to serve and love one another just as he had

done. They aim to improve the lives of those around them by living according to Christ’s teachings and exemplifying it through the works of their club. Hence, the club aims to help the most

of help, as well as the unborn. The club came to be after a student, David Antao, approached music teacher, Mr. Dabbagh with a list on a scrap piece of paper. “It was a list of


vulnerable in society, including the homeless, the elderly, veterans in need

things I realized no club in the school was doing, which as a Catholic school

we ought to be doing. The amount of things was surprising considering we boast having a “club for everything”,” Antao stated. Mr. Dabbagh was strongly in favour of the idea and assisted with forming the club. As well, student Jo Ortiz, played a large role in the founding and marketing of “What Would Jesus Do”. Despite a small starting, the club grew to 25 consistent members by the third meeting. Street patrol is a project the club is to pursue late May. It involves delivering sandwiches to the homeless and in the process, making them feel respected and a valued human being. The club anticipates to expand their efforts next school year given a larger time frame.

Skills Canada 2018 A recap of this year’s Skills Canada competition

By Jamie Edghill On Friday March 2nd, several of Mary Ward’s students participated in the annual TCDSB Skills Competition at various locations. The event is aimed to encourage youth participation in the world of trade skills and technologies. The skills competition hosted by the TCDSB is the qualifying round to see who will become part of team TCDSB and go on to compete in the provincial level at Skills Ontario in May. The day consisted of several different competition and was filled with lots of fun and friendly competition. Mary Ward had many talented students who competed.

The Communications and Technology department sent many students to the competition at George Brown College. Under the TV and Video Competition category, Joshua James Julien and Karl De la Cruz competed as a team through tough competition. In the Photography category Mary Ward sent some of their finest photographers to compete against 14 other students - Jamie Edghill who was a first time participant, tied for second, Kathriel Rivera placed third and Deion Squires Rouse who placed seventh. Jamielee Tan competed against four other schools, in the Graphic Design Presentation and placed third overall. Elizher Luz competed in the Graphic Design Studio Production and placed third overall. In 2D animation, Mackenzie Miranda and LJ Ramos


competed for the first time and places fifth overall. Yuki Tam who competed in the Graphic Design Studio Production, and the team of Hannah Clemente and Jeremy Reyes who competed in the 2D animation, placed first overall in their respective category and qualified for the provincial competition in May.

On the TCDSB Skills Canada competing team, Mary Ward sent eight students. At the provincial level competition that took place on May 8 at the Toronto Congress Centre, Ben Flynn (welding), Natasha Machilig (florist design), Claudia Dioneda (job interview), Hannah Clemente and Jeremy Reyes


Similarly the Mary Ward Construction and Technology Department sent students to various TCDSB qualifying competitions. In the Welding Competition, Mary Ward sent three students; Jeffrey Leung and Jessica Cho Ah Ying. Ben Flynn placed second in welding at Humber College, qualifying for provincials. Kathlyn Luz who came first in Cabinet Making, qualifying for provincials. As well as Brandon Tsus and Gio Tenco who competed in team carpentry and placed second.

(2D animation) and Kathlyn Luz (cabinet making) competed to the best of their ability, representing Mary Ward and the school board. A special congratulations to Hazel Barredo who won gold for Landscape Design and Yuki Tam who came second in Graphic Design Studio Production. Congratulations goes out to all of the students who participated in these competitions, showing true talent and making the Mary Ward community proud. VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 15

sports sports



SPORTS WRAP UP How did the Wolverines fare this season? By Anjuli Joachim Varsity Curling Coaches: Zidar, Ste. Croix, Mak

Varsity Table Tennis Coaches: Notten, Kennedy

Junior Boys’ Volleyball Coaches: Harrison, Sersanti Record: 4-1


Once again, the Mary Ward table tennis team had a fantastic season. At the TDCAA Table Tennis Tournament, Mary Ward competed alongside three other schools. They placed second overall. Congratulations Wolverines! THE MARY WARD CURLING TEAM PLAYS AGAINST BISHOP ALLEN. (PHOTO BY DANIELLA COLANGELO)

The curling team had a good overall season this year. The curling team had a good overall season this year. At the TDCAA Curling Championships, Mary Ward played with great skill, winning one of their games. As a result they did not continue to playoffs, but they made the school proud. The coaches would like to thank the players for their amazing dedication to the sport. Varsity Cricket Coach: Titus


The cricket team is made of seasoned players and returning members. Notable players this season are newcomers Rachel Deng and Lorenzo Luis Correa David who hit a six and two wickets responsectively. Well done! Varsity Badminton Coach: R. Kennedy The Mary Ward badminton team had a good season this year! Cynthia Wang and Rachel Deng placed first in girls doubles, and progressed to OFSAA. The team had a very good show at the tournament overall and Coach Kennedy would like to congratulate all members on a successful season. VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 16

Varsity Girls’ Soccer Coaches: Rossi, Gintoli, Ventura, Emer Record: 3-1


The boys had a fantastic season! The finished the regular season with an amazing overall record of four wins and one loss, and progressed all the way to TDCAA finals. Congrats to the boys for placing second overall in Toronto! Best of luck next year! Varsity Boys’ Rugby 15s Coach: R. Kennedy, Peets Record: 0-5


The girls Varsity Soccer team sought to return to OFSAA for the second year in a row, marking their return with a stunning 6-0 lead over Cardinal Newman in an exhibition game. They progressed through the season with a record of 3-1, losing only to Senator O'Connor. Unfortunately the girls lost in quarter finals to Bishop Allen in shootouts. Senior Boys’ Soccer Coaches: DeRose, Lena, Veccharelli Record: 1-1-4


Mary Ward's senior boys won one game in their regular season, tied one, and lost four. In playoffs the boys fought hard but sadly lost and did not progress to semi's. Still, this is an improvement from last year and we wish them the best of luck in their next season.


The Varsity Boys Rugby team played with great heart, and tried their hardest against experienced teams throughout the season. As a result the boys gained important skills and techniques that will surely help their season next year. Girls Rugby’ 15s Coach: R. Kennedy, Peets Record: 0-4 Despite an unfortnate record the Girls Rugby team showed dedication and commitment to the team throughout the season. The coaches look forward to next season with returning players, and wish those leaving the best in their future endeavours. Track & Field Coach: Coleman As always the Mary Ward track and field team has an incredibly successful season. Many members progresssed to Toronto Metro’s, including the senior girls relay, who placed 3rd overall. We want to congratulate the team on their accomplishments and wish those going to OFSAA the best of luck!


So far the boys have had a great season, and will continue to play against other teams in the upcoming weeks. The Mary Ward community is there to support! Varsity Girls’ Softball Coach: Zidar, Ireland, Bullock Overall the team had a great season. With a strong overall record, the team ended their season with a very close loss to Nortre Dame (5-4). This year the team says goodbye to many senior members, and thanks them for their commitment to the team over the years. Varsity Girls Flag Football Coaches: Adourian, Vec, Pardines Record: 2-3


The varsity girls flag team was able to secure a solid record of 2-3. Sadly the team lost in the quarter final match against R.H. King and did not move on to semi-finals. Grade 11 player Noor Qureshi says that the team had an amazing season in which all the players bonded and improved together. Next year’s team looks promising!


sports sports


BAD REP FOR REP PLAYERS? Are rep players committed to school teams? By Joseph Cascairo

School sports are things that so many students take pride in playing and so many teachers take pride in coaching. It is an opportunity for students to showcase their skills and have some good fun. However, there has always been the big question about allowing rep players on these school teams since one has to wonder about their commitment to the school team. The most important part of a school team from the perspective of most school coaches is commitment. Any coach wants a team full of players that are willing to consistently show their commitment by showing up to every practice and never missing a game. Which is really why rep players may not be the best option for a school team, as they have too many commitments. Mary Ward soccer coach, Mr. Rossi, says, “Yes, if I find a player with a lot of rep experience does not show enough effort or work hard enough I do not want them on my team. I would prefer a player who may not have too much experience or not as much skill, but works twice as hard and shows a lot of commitment.“ This shows that as a

coach at Mary Ward, his worries are about creating the most dedicated team. He is not looking for the best talent because he would rather build skill in an inexperienced player with a lot commitment, than just relying on rep players. A team is building chemistry with teammates and knowing how to play as a cohesive unit. Individual talent will not get a team anywhere; it is about the process of being a real team. Mr. Rossi also says, “Give everyone a fair chance because to win championships you do not only need talent, but you also need chemistry and that is more important than individual talent.” Any coach will most definitely respect the rep players, because playing at that level does prove that they have a higher level of skill. Mary Ward coach Mr. Candiotto talked about any team he has coached, “Yes, they do get automatic spots because they will have more skill, however, school coaching is about sending a message and as fast as player gets put on a team if they do not show commitment they can be removed.” They cannot expect any special privileges, according to Mr. Candiotto, “You cannot have separate rules for separate players because in that situation rep players will say they

had a rep practice last night so they do not have to come to the school practice. You can have all the skill in the world, but my teams are always about hard work and commitment.” Rep players need to have the same values as any other player and they need to give as much as any other player. Rep players may possibly even have to give more, structuring themselves as leaders and helping the new players. It is up to them to know what being a team is and helping grow the team into championship contenders. Mrs. Ventura, another teacher-coach, says, “For any team I have coached here at Mary Ward, the rep players have always showed so much commitment and worked very hard. They have become great role models for other members of the team that are still learning.” One has to be on another level as those rep players; there needs to be obvious signs of commitment, leadership, and one’s skill should be quite advanced. A rep player can take it into their hands to train and teach young players and make them into stars. There will always be the questions of rep players showing commitment, but it is for sure that they will be great individual athletes. In that situation

is where the coaches are put under pressure because they have to wonder if it is more about being fair or winning banners and going to OFSAA. On the subject of being a championship contender Mrs. Ventura says, “OFSAA is always nice and banners look good, but for us it is all about the students and we’d like to give equal opportunity. Sometimes we base our decisions on what’s right for the players and the team instead of the intended victory. The victories are nice but it is about team play.” This is a common value among all the coaches at Mary Ward: they want to see a team build together and put in the time to get better. They are looking to win a championship with a team that constantly put in the effort and time. If a championship is won with a bunch of rep players that never came to a practice, nothing was truly earned. School sports are all about the commitment and you need to prove to your peers, coaches, and school that you want to be a key member of the team. As long as someone is willing to learn and grow as a team, it really does not matter if they are a rep player, house league, or you never played the sport a day in your life. As long as there is commitment, there will be success.

FIFA WORLD CUP 2018 Controversy plagues Russia before the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

By Anjuli Joachim

According to a FIFA statistic from 2001, over 240 million people play soccer at an amateur level each year in more than 200 countries. It comes as no surprise then that the FIFA World Cup is one of the most-watched sporting events in history, with a record-breaking one billion people tuning into the 2014 World Cup final between Germany and Argentina. The viewership expectations for this year are no different. Soccer fans (or football for the majority of the world) need not wait a minute longer. The long-anticipated arrival of the 2018 FIFA World Cup is almost over. On June 14th, the opening ceremonies of the World Cup will commence in Russia, bringing together 32 teams


from all over the world. However, this year’s FIFA tournament, like most World Cups, does not come without controversy.

Controversy first arose during the bidding process over eight years ago. The twenty-two-member FIFA Executive Committee convened in Zürich on December 2nd, 2010 to vote to select the hosts of the tournament. Russia won the right to host during the second round of bidding, but allegations of bribery and corruption immediately followed. These allegations garnered international attention, but they soon dissipated as the allegations could not be proven. Additionally, following the announcement that Russia would host FIFA 2018, Dr. Rafał Pankowski, head of the UEFA (Union of European Football Administrations) accused the Russian Football Union of downplaying racist chants in stadiums. During previous international tournaments in Russia,

spectators have frequently yelled ‘monkey chants’ at black players, as well as other derogatory terminology. In 2013, Ivory Coast national team member Yaya Toure called for black players to boycott the 2018 World Cup until action is taken by Russia to combat racism in their stadiums. As of May 2018 however, no official action has been taken by the government or FIFA governing bodies. Despite these controversies, Russia will continue to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup as scheduled, taking place in just a few weeks. Millions of fans around the world wait in great anticipation, and millions of others wait with disapproval. In the coming weeks, the world waits with bated breath for the next World Cup champion, and the next World Cup controversy. VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 17


sports sports

RAPTORS CAPTURE SUCCESS The Toronto Raptors’ strong bench players carry star players to victory.

petite planète

Mlb Kickoff The start of the MLB season is a hit!


By Joseph Cascario The Toronto Raptors have been a successful team for quite some time now, but they always tend to hit a roadblock during playoffs. 2018 has shown some different signs, however, and the Raptors have been on a roll like Toronto has never seen before. They were able to put together the greatest season in the history of this team, finishing the season with a 59-23 record and amazingly only losing 7 games on Home court. Their two superstars, Demar DeRozan and Kyle Lowry, who averaged 23 points and 16 points respectively, were leading them. The Raptors had their superstars playing at a high level, but the real surprise was their bench. The “bench mob” seemed to be unstoppable, being made up of Fred VanVleet, Delon Wright, Jakob Poetl, Pascal Siakam, and CJ Miles. Those five players were able to lead the league in bench scoring and they carried themselves as true superstars. It was the players standing out that really shocked the world, as VanVleet and Wright both went from being two benchwarmers to being the two strongest bench players

on the team. Once those two players were on the court the whole dynamic of the game changed. It is quite rare to see two young semi-inexperienced players getting playing time in such critical situations, but that seems to be where the success came from. The Raptors traditionally have not had the strongest bench and that hurt them quite a bit in the past; that is when most of the games fell through their fingers in the past few seasons as their bench just could not work together. Having a bad bench also hurt players like DeRozan and Lowry since they were forced to play so much more making them physically drained. But this year with the star power of the starting line up and on the bench the Raptors finished a top the eastern conference ahead of teams like the Boston Celtics and Cleveland Cavaliers. They also finished 2nd in the league overall, overcoming the Golden State Warriors. This team was like no Raptors team we have ever seen before, and it now all comes down to the playoffs. With home court advantage and some consistent play this may be the Raptors year. The world will see if the Toronto Raptors finally have what it takes to bring an NBA title North of the border.


VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 18


By Joseph Cascario The 2018 MLB season has officially begun and there has already been so much to enjoy. In just the first few weeks of the season we have some up and coming teams taking the league by storm and some players really bursting out of their shell. The two hottest teams to start out this season are the Boston Red Sox with a record of 20-7 and the Arizona Diamondbacks with a 19-8 record. These two teams seem unstoppable as they have been clicking on all the right levels.

This season in particular has shown the abilities of many individual players. There are the usual players that are thriving like Manny Machado, Mike Trout, and Mookie Betts; but there have also been some surprises. Players like Jed Lowrie, Didi Gregorious, and Mitch Haniger are absolutely on fire.

To begin the year Jed Lowrie is batting .339, with six home runs, and twentyseven runs batted in. Gregorious is batting .340, with ten home runs, and thirty runs batted in. Then there is Haniger batting .309, with ten home runs, and twenty-seven runs batted in. All three of these players are putting up MVP like numbers and have been hitting The Red Sox have already had two very everything possible. If they are able large win streaks in the first two months to continue at this pace we may have of the season, a nine-game win streak three future superstars on our hands. and then an eight-game win streak not long after. They have the perfect mix MLB fans are also talking about two of strong bats and masterful pitching, very young pitchers who are steaming leaving teams all around the league hot, Sean Manaea and Reynaldo López, struggling to match their skill and ability. These two young men have been

untouchable, both holding earned run averages below 2 and having very low walks and hits per innings. They have looked like two seasoned veterans and are growing into true MLB aces. Sean Manaea has been great in all his starts so far, but there is one start that really sticks out. On April 21st Manaea was able to no-hit the hottest team in baseball, the Boston Red Sox. He threw an absolute gem and a game that Not all teams are doing as well. In will be remembered for a long time. previous years The Nationals have been a consistently good team, being led by Overall it is clear that the 2018 MLB superstar, Bryce Harper. However, after season is off to a very great start and starting the season very hot, they have every baseball fan has thoroughly completely fallen from the limelight enjoyed these first two months. If and are struggling to shut down this pace and level of play continues, lineups and put together some wins. the world should be getting a The Diamondbacks have also been on quite the roll as they have won nine straight series. They may not be the biggest and most powerful team; but they have started with amazing situational hitting. They have been able to get the great hits and their pitching has been wonderful, weaving their ways through lineups non-stop.

very great six months of baseball.


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Les Prix Junos Francophones et le prix est décerné à...


UNE REVUE SUR LE FILM “AMÉLIE” “J’aime bien repérer le petit détail que personne ne verra jamais” -Amélie par Sabrina Percy «Amélie» est un film français populaire sorti en 2001. Le film suit la protagoniste, Amélie, jouée par Audrey Tautou. Amélie est une jeune femme excentrique qui aime être «la bonne fée» pour ses amies, et qui devient rapidement la marionnettiste du film. Avec l’aide de son vieil ami, M. Dufayel, Amélie change la vie des autres personnages.


par Sabrina Percy Beaucoup de gens ne savent pas qu’il existe une catégorie française dans les prix Juno. Cependant, cette catégorie est pleine d’artistes canadiens-français talentueux dans l’industrie de la musique. Bien que les prix Juno ont commencé en 1970, cette catégorie n'a pas été créée jusqu'à 1992. De 1992 à 2002, cette catégorie a été appelée «L'album Francophone le Plus Vendu», mais maintenant, elle s’appelle «L'album Francophone de L'année».


Les prix Juno de cette année étaient en mars, et ont été animés par Michael Bublé. Les noms populaires comme Shawn Mendes, Daniel Caesar et Tory Lanez ont gagné des prix, mais pour la catégorie francophone, Daniel Bélanger a remporté le prix pour son album «Paloma». Les




ont été Klo Pelgag, pour son album «L’etoile thoracique», Alex Nevsky pour son album «Nos Eldorados», Patrice Michaud, pour son album «Almanach», Pierre Lapointe, pour son album «La science du coeur», et Daniel Bélanger pour «Paloma». Quelques gagnants précédents de «L’Album Francophone de L'Année» sont Laurence Nerbonne, Jean Leloup, Jimmy Hunt et Céline Dion. C’est le troisième prix pour Daniel Bélanger dans cette catégorie. Il l’a aussi gagné en 2003 et 2008. Le seul autre artiste qui à l’avoir gagné plus de fois que Daniel Bélanger est Céline Dion, qui l’a gagné quatre fois. Son style poprock lui a gagné 175,000 ventes et plus de 900,000 écoutes sur Spotify.

Par exemple, Amelie aide son père, qui est très misérable. Il ne quitte jamais sa maison, et passe tout son temps à décorer la tombe de la mère d'Amélie. Lucien, un autre personnage, travaille au magasin des produits locaux. Il est tyrannisé par son patron. Gina est la collègue d'Amélie, qui est énervée par son ex petit ami, Joseph. Georgette, le collègue à Amélie, et Joseph, sont tous les deux seuls et veulent trouver l’amour. Hipolito est un écrivain qui tire le diable par la queue. Il espère que son travail sera reconnu un jour. M. Dufayel à du mal à finir sa peinture. Il peint la même version d’une peinture de Renoir depuis 20 ans, et il doit briser ce cycle. Nino Quincampoix est l’amour d'Amélie, et a des passe-temps étranges. Il devient obsédé, et part chasser une fille mystérieuse qui lui laisse des indices.

Pendant ce temps, Amélie a aussi un conflit avec elle-même. Elle se distrait avec les conflits d’autres personnes, en s’imposant dans leurs vies. Son amie, M. Dufayel l’aide à surmonter ses peurs. À la fin du film, tous les procédés d'Amélie s’unissent magnifiquement pour créer plusieurs fins heureuses, pour tous les personnages ainsi qu’Amélie.


Le film est léger et très drôle. Le réalisateur, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, a un style de tournage très unique. Le film a un atmosphère excentrique et fantaisiste, comme si nous vivions dans l’esprit étrange d'Amélie. M. Jeunet utilise de gros plans et des scènes complexes qui nous rappellent des styles de Wes Anderson et Edgar Wright. Si vous aimez les films comme «The Grand Budapest Hotel» ou «Charlie and The Chocolate Factory» de Tim Burton, vous apprécierez le charme de «Amélie».

L’album de Bélanger est décrit comme «solaire et magnétique» et «musiques intenses portées par des guitares électriques mordantes». Son album précédent, «Rêver Mieux», est un album certifié platine, et Bélanger est très populaire dans le genre pop-rock chez les Québécois.

Bien que cette catégorie a seulement 15 ans, elle a crédité beaucoup d’artistes talentueux comme Daniel Bélanger. Les prix Juno crédite les artistes de la musique R&B, pop, soul, classique et francophone, et les artistes de danse et du film. Tous les genres de musique canadiens sont appréciés et reconnus, et nous pouvons remercier les prix Juno année pour cela.


VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 19

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SIMON SAYS Praise for Greg Berlanti’s coming-of-age comedy “Love, Simon” By Yuki Tam The new Greg Berlanti film Love, Simon received critical acclaim and praise from young people for its love story that’s heartfelt, authentic, and unapologetically gay. Based own Becky Albertalli’s novel, the film features highschooler Simon Spier who has one big secret — he’s not straight. The story surrounds his teenage tendencies, a


mysterious online relationship, and his coming-out. It premiered March 16th and stared young actors including Nick Robinson, Katherine Langford, and Keiynan Lonsdale. A top film choice for the March Break, students were eager to get a glimpse into Simon’s world. However, they weren’t the only ones. Celebrities like Kristen Bell, Neil Patrick Harris, and Matt Bomer, are buying-out theatres screening Love, Simon in support of the story. Their intention is to have as many people see the film as possible. Celebrities like top critic Peter Travers of Rolling Stone calls the the piece an “exuberant gift, a John Hughes movie for audiences who just got woke”. Critic Brian Lowry of CNN adds, “the story’s lightness is, in a sense, the source of its charm.” This rom-com took the internet by storm with young people assembling on social media to embrace, defend, and celebrate the piece. Love,

Simon actor Keiynan Lonsdale, who happens to identify as bisexual, said to Entertainment Tonight, “It’s a celebration because you’ve been through that journey... You’ve been through enough pain. You can smile now, you can breathe, you can exhale, as they say. So I think that’s an important thing for Greg to have audiences feel.” For young people, the story is not revolutionary because it features gay characters or because it centres around the topic of sexuality. This film is innovative because of how it normalizes gender fluidity and being part of the LGBTQ+ community. This is simply because identifying as something other than cisgender is normal, it always has been. The film’s innovation stems from the fact that it tries to convey exactly how conventional and typical this story should be. Recently, Hollywood is certainly in support of positive LGBTQ+ content. Call Me By Your Name, directed by

Luca Guadagnino is another incredible film which happens to feature a gay love story. It won an academy award for Best Writing Adapted Screenplay. Additionally, Love, Simon male-lead Nick Robinson spoke about his brother coming out during its filming. On Ellen, he said, “one of the best things that came out of this movie is just being able to talk to him and I think that’s the strength of a film like this, it starts conversation.”


Avengers Infinity War Behind the success of Marvel’s most recent movie.

By Alyssa Bravo The third installment in The Avengers film series as well as the nineteenth Marvel Cinematic Universe film proved to be a juggernaut even prior to its release. Numerous fan sites such as Fandago suggested that Avengers: Infinity War would be the biggest movie of 2018, with the high anticipation that surrounded it. Upon its release, the film grossed over $630 million worldwide on its opening weekend, beating out The Fate of the Furious as well as Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures’ own Star Wars: The Force Awakens for the biggest opening weekend of all time. So what might have contributed to the success of the franchise’s latest installment? Much of it is undoubtedly fueled by its cast of likeable characters played by Hollywood A-listers — Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man, VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 20

Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange, Zoe Saldana as Gamora, etc. Marvel Studios even managed to secure Bradley Cooper as the talking raccoon Rocket and Vin Diesel as the talking tree Groot. Infinity War manages to juggle different arcs and storylines, pulling strong performances and emotional growth from actors who have portrayed their characters in these past several years of the franchise’s success. As it is with the movie-making process, these strong performances only benefit from the crew behind the camera. Screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely as well as co-directors Anthony and Joe Russo (four of whom were also behind the last two Captain America films) respect fans’ knowledge by maintaining character motivation while also challenging them with greater stakes. By assembling and disassembling unforgettable team-ups


against antagonist Thanos — whom Josh Brolin convincingly plays as a villain who believes that he is the “good guy” — fans are given Marvel Cinematic Universe’s most colourful, comedic, yet sombre and dark film to date.

Infinity War balances comedy, suspense, action and drama, offering entertainment to casual viewers and especially hardcore fans.


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new shows on the block

Our favourite superhero family returns for a sequel.

Watch out for these binge-worthy television shows!

By Kayla Relleve and who revolutionizes both the high Kendrick Monreal school and its town when he selects the controversial musical The past few months Spring Awakening as their yearly of 2018 that have production. This show features stars passed have already such as Auli’i Cravalho (of Moana been host to many fame), and Josh Radnor (Ted Mosby blockbuster hits such from How I Met Your Mother), who as Black Panther, headline the cast listings as Lilette, Avengers: Infinity the female lead for the show, and Mr. War, and Love, Mazzuchelli, Stanton High’s theatre Simon. But under all the Hollywood director, respectively. Rise premiered glamour are entertaining television on March 13th. shows that also deserve a place in the spotlight, especially for the 3. Cloak and Dagger “INCREDIBLES 2” FEATURES THE SAME LOVABLE FAMILY AS “INCREDIBLES” DID. (PHOTO VIA DISNEY upcoming summer. Here are four Over the last ten years, the Marvel MOVIES) television series to keep an eye out Cinematic Universe has had the there is no doubt that the highly- for: By Alyssa Bravo pleasure of building a world so anticipated sequel will be a massive believable that a World War II veteran After Pixar’s The success. and a raccoon can be trigger-happy Incredibles was first together to mow down waves of released in 2004, The sequel is set to follow ideas that faceless goons and no audience audiences of children director Brad Bird claims “didn’t fit” member would even question and adults alike were demanding into the first film. The new story will it. Cloak and Dagger is the next a sequel. In the fourteen years that focus on Helen Parr/Elastigirl (voiced addition to this universe, although have passed since then, several by Holly Hunter) as she continues taking its place with the likes of superhero films have been released, to fight crime and campaign for the Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke spawning large blockbuster return of “supers” while Bob Parr/ 13 REASONS WHY SEASON 2 ADVERTISEMENT ) Cage. Cloak and Dagger features franchises like Christopher Nolan’s Mr. Incredible (voiced by Craig T. PHOTO VIA WHATCULTURE) two teens (played by Olivia Holt and Dark Knight trilogy and the ever- Nelson) stays home and cares for 1.13 Reasons Why (Season 2) Aubrey Joseph) as they develop their growing Marvel Cinematic Universe. their children Violet (Sarah Vowell), newfound light and shadow powers, When Disney officially announced Dash (Huck Milner), and Jack Jack, As if the first season of this as well as a romantic relationship. the production of Incredibles 2 in discovering the baby’s superpowers controversial Netflix original series The show premieres June 7th on March 2014, many were skeptical, in the process. The film will also wasn’t massive enough, the online Freeform. due in part to the prevalence of other feature the return of memorable streaming service announced the superhero franchises. However, now characters such as Frozone (Samuel debut date for the second season, 4.Stranger Things (Season 4) that the general public is prepped L. Jackson), The Underminer (John which is set to premiere on May Many people have already been for the film’s release in June 2018, Ratzenberger), and Edna Mode (Brad 18th. 13 Reasons Why follows Clay anticipating the release of the third Bird). Jensen, a high school teenager, who season since season two premiered discovers cassette tapes recorded by on Halloween 2017. The series is The first Incredibles movie has his friend, Hannah Baker, who has set in Hawkins, Indiana in the early become a cult classic. There are recently committed suicide. Each 1980s and follows the lives of a many quotes from the film that tape details the thirteen reasons young group of individuals who are permanently ingrained into as to why Hannah decided to end cross paths with paranormal activity pop culture, such as Frozone’s her own life, as well as detailed and the supernatural. The premiere ever-relevant “Honey, where is my instructions on what to do with the date hasn’t been set for the third supersuit?!” Much of the younger tapes. The second season explores season of the Netflix series, but can audience in 2004 are now grown the aftermath of Hannah Baker’s be anticipated to debut late this year up and old enough to understand death, as well as the character’s or early next year. the more adult-oriented jokes of the plans to keep the truth of Hannah’s original. It is this audience that will be death hidden. This list features just a fraction of able to enjoy the upcoming sequel the television shows guaranteed on a deeper level, considering the 2.Rise to entertain a variety of audiences. original film’s role in many people’s Fans of Glee and Friday Night Lights Despite being just a selected few, childhoods. Incredibles 2 is set to be rejoice! This hit new musical series by these shows are set to be huge released on June 15th, 2018. NBC is about a high school theatre successes this summer. THE INCREDIBLES 2 MOVIE POSTER. (PHOTO VIA DISNEY MOVIES) director in Stanton, Pennsylvania VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 21

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Dealing with E-Waste

RIHANNA PROTESTS SNAPCHAT Rihanna slams company for domestic violence ad. By Alyssa Bravo On March 15th, 2018, Rihanna took to her Instagram page to publicly shame Snapchat for posting an advertisement of the game Would You Rather that perpetuated domestic violence. The advertisement featured options to either “Slap Rihanna” or “Punch Chris Brown,” making a thinly-veiled reference to Brown’s conviction of physically

appeared on our service. We are so sorry we made the terrible mistake of allowing it through our review process. We are investigating how that happened so that we can make sure it never happens again.” Despite this response, the stock price of the application’s parent company, Snap Inc., fell by more than 4%. According to the company, the advertiser responsible for the offensive ad was blocked from the application.

creative spaces

A look into the dark side of new technology. By Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun Although technology has a lot to offer to the world, there are two sides to every coin. The exponentially increasing demand for new tech goes hand in hand with an exponentially increasing amount of waste being generated. Many of the materials that go into making these gadgets are completely wasted once it is thrown out. The amount of waste this creates is gargantuan.

being replaced even sooner - every two years. Tech giants aren’t necessarily doing anything to help the amount of waste being created by their products. While many offer refurbishment programs that involve elements of recycling, their supply chain continues to be wasteful in ways that consumers often don’t even know about. Most notably, Apple admitted to slowing down older-generation iPhones around the release time of a newer one in order to encourage people to upgrade.


assaulting Rihanna when they were dating back in 2009. Snapchat apologized and pulled the advertisement from its application, claiming that “the advert was reviewed and approved in error, as it violates our advertising guidelines.” Rihanna quickly refused the social media platform’s apology, releasing a statement on her Instagram story, saying: “You spent money to animate something that would intentionally bring shame to [domestic violence] victims and made a joke of it!!! This isn’t about my personal feelings, [because] I don’t have much of them...but all the women, children and men that have been victims of [domestic violence] in the past and especially the ones who haven’t made it out let us down! Shame on you. Throw the whole app-oligy away.” Snapchat then responded to the pop singer’s comments: “This advertisement THE “WOULD YOU RATHER” AD RECEIVED MAJOR BACKLASH ON SOCIAL MEDIA. (PHOTO VIA @ is disgusting and never should have THEROYCEMANN ON TWITTER) VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 22


The heavy metals in the machinery can damage the surrounding environment, not to mention the fuel that was needed to create the machine. Unfortunately, it is now common to replace electronics every three years, with cell phones

Electronics simply aren’t built to last anymore, and this is reflected in their performance. However, solutions do exist. Consumers found that simply replacing the lithium-ion battery found in iPhones solved a majority of performance issues. Sometimes upgrading the individual parts of a computer that are broken or outdated can be less expensive and wasteful than just buying a completely new one.

Most of the change to resolve this issue needs to occur on an individual level. Thinking critically about the technology that one buys and throws out can go a long way – “do I really need a new laptop, or do I just want a new one?” If a phone or laptop has really met the ACCORDING TO THE EPA, ONLY 12.5% OF E-WASTE end of its life, make sure to bring it to a recycling station. IS RECYCLED. (PHOTO VIA WASTE MANAGEMENT REVIEW)

creative spaces

creative spaces creative spaces


fun and games

PHOTOGRAPHY By Kathriel Rivera

Remembering By Hannah Mendoza I was elated and filled with the very hope to lull myself to sleep, Knowing I’d be curled in where I find most comfort. This was the one thing getting me through the day That seemingly sucked all the life in me. I open my palms and reach deep intending to fill them. They were cold empty, cold as ice. It was the one thing I had so desired, yet could not attain Because my palms were cool. Cold, empty. Being a few minutes, feeling like hours. The cold filling my palms Entering my face. Then to my arms, legs. Still, it blew my hair out of its place, exposing my neck to its chill. Wind seeping through my two legs that squirmed every time it hit them. My eyes stuck on a haze, quiet. But everything else of me, unsteady, jittery. The monstrous wind continued with its breath upon me. The time only got slower. Regret. Agony and anguish. Had I saw and seen the value of such insignificant thing, Its wee value could not even conform to my frozen palm’s size. Yet it was all I thought and wished. I was as forlorn as a lost sheep. A sheep that knows and sees its home, But has not the privilege to enter. The thought of rest and luxury seemed to have ceased a thought. A wall. Who knew a man’s enemy could be the thing that makes a home a home. Thin, yet was the one thing standing against one man’s ambition. I stood, still standing. I must be fastened on a muse. Round and round having no thought Of destination. Then there It was: ‘If I had only remembered my keys.’

ARTWORK Digital Artwork By Amanda Nika

“647” Watercolour By Elizher Luz

Illustration By Jamie Edghill VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 23

creative spaces

funand and games fun games

fun and games

Spot the Difference By Jamie Edghil l


VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 24


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