Mary Ward Planet Issue 3 2018-2019

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#strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for our rights #strike for


#we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts #we can’t afFORD these cuts

E d u c a t i o n | Fa c a d e | B a s k e r v i l l e

tableof of contents contents table




Table of Contents





farewells and awards

Sports wrap up la liga academy raptors then vs now



la petite planete

World issues

SNC Lavlin Scandal The Carbon Tax PC Government Changes Why You Shoud Vote Anti AntiVax Canada's Deadly Epidemic Revamp Your Wardrobe


Alexa! Write my french article Quebec Religious symbols ban


Once in a lifetime Ward goes green how ward has changed facade Baskerville: a sherlock holmes mystery student artist spotlight athlete spotlight community wrap-up




doodles by teachers digital artworks colour page designer

EMMit Tam cover designer

jamie edghill

23 Creative Space

life Retro Trends Coming back Declassified senior year survival guide

Game of Thrones Throwback Teen Movies How Problematic Is Your Fave? Leaving Neverland Marvel Movie Timeline Captain Marvel Breaks Box Office Records The Evolution of the Cellphone Fading Technology

layout designers Naomi Fernandes, Nimmy Ayekun, Ashling Ayekun, Anna Orta, Emmit Tam, Ina Sugay, Sabrin a Percy, Joseph Casciaro, Destiny Amorim Downie, Chelsea Bidasee, Nia Wilson, Jamie Edghill.

All content Š 2018-2019 Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this newspaper, in part of whole, is prohibited without the approval of the Planet executive members. The Mary Ward Planet is the official student newspaper of Mary Ward C.S.S. All members of the Mary Ward community may voluntarily contribute to the Planet. Everyone exhibits professionalism and respects one another in all exchanges while keeping Christian values and practices. All submitted articles, layouts, and photography are subject to moderation. Material submitted is subject to approval by the Executive, staff moderators, and administration. All material must positively support the ideas and spirit of Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School is a self-directed learning centre located at 3200 Kennedy Road that was founded in 1985. It became a member of the CCSDL (Canadian Coalition of Self-Directed Learning) in 1995.

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 02

table of contents

editorial editorial


Qualified for the Job If you’ve ever applied for a job, you’ll know that the requirements can sometimes be quite extensive. Asking for 3 years of experience for an entrylevel retail position is ironic.

of Education as he is in the role of Parliamentary Assistant. He is 21 years old and is currently enrolled as a political science student at Brock University. However, the standout fact about Oosterhof is that he was homeschooled It seems like every second title in the and never actually attended public news is about the drastic changes that school. Doug Ford and his government are making to the province. The recent cuts It doesn’t seem like it’s too much to ask for and changes to education have been elected officials to work in areas where a hot topic in the news and especially they have the needed experience. Many in schools. From changing the class people, without being in the classroom sizes, the sex education curriculum and or educational system regularly, do banning cellphones in class, students, not know what is actually going on in teachers, and parents alike have classrooms criticized the direction in which Ford is going. Especially concerning to many is the fact that the person in charge of the provinces’ education has little experience with the education system itself. Doug Ford’s educational history is somewhat unclear, with some sources stating that he did graduate high school while others stating that he did not. Although it is not a prerequisite for a politician to have specific educational requirements, it is concerning to think that these politicians making choices which will impact some thirteen million Ontarians had a barely adequate high school education. To make matters worse, those directly in control of the education system in Ontario also have little to no experience in education. Lisa Thompson, the current minister of education, previously worked in agricultural areas and served the party in areas concerning the environment. She received a degree in consumer economics from the University of Guelph. As the minister of education, she is largely responsible for the changes and cuts being made to education. It is confusing to think that someone with no actual experience with education is now directing the entire province’s education system. Assisting Lisa Thompson is Sam Oosterhof, a name which you may or may not know. He is one of the youngest people ever elected in Ontario, at the age of 19 in his riding. He holds the second highest position after the Minister

adequately Although this policy is not heavily enforced it exists and isn’t much different than what the Ford government is Ironically, some of the changes being planning. It raises the question of why made, like making students take up to they would create this policy. Those four of their courses online, are supposed affected by the changes feel however, to be modernizing the classroom. At the it was created in order to distract from same time, cellphones are now being the cuts made to autism funding which banned from class. However, cell phone caused a serious amount of uproar. policies already currently exist in most These cuts involved reducing funding schools. For example, Mary Ward’s own for the families of children with autism. cell phone policy states that students cannot use their personal devices unless One of the major talking points of the they are for educational purposes. conservative government has been Additionally, it states that they must be about how they launched the largest stored away and on silent mode during public consultation on education in school hours. August 2018. Except, the fact remains that the largest and most significant changes made to education had nothing to do with the survey and phone calls about education. The public was not consulted on things like cutting autism funding or teachers losing their jobs. and therefore cannot address the issues.

Both Ford and Thompson have claimed that the protests on behalf of both students and teachers were simply a union organized move and went so far as to claim that students were “union pawns.” Obviously this government doesn’t seem to believe in the idea of students having their own voice and being politically empowered. Even following changes to student unions in universities, Ford claimed that student unions were a hotbed for “marxist nonsense.” How can people who have never worked in education or received a full public education direct the provinces education system? These cuts will only negatively impact future generations of students. Making cuts is one way in which the government can keep the population uneducated and snuff out opportunity to further empower young minds. In two to three years, the students impacted by these cuts will be eligible to vote and are unlikely to forget what the Ford government has done.


VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 03


farewell from grads farewell

world issues






It’s been such an honour working on The Planet for the past four years, especially since I knew that I wanted to be a part of the newspaper from when I came to the open house in grade 8 and I was first exposed to the amazing talent of the planet staff. It makes me so sad to say goodbye and if you look closely my tears are on each and every issue. However, I am extremely overjoyed to stop working with my worst enemy: Naomi Fernandes.


The last three years on The Planet have been great. I can’t believe how fast time has flown, and now we are at our final issue! I’m going to miss all of the late-night jam sessions, brainstorming meetings, and stressful hours spent making layouts. I am so happy to be able to say that I was a part of such an amazing student-led newspaper for three years, and I will remember the memories we made here in comm-tech for years. I hope that our team continues to create more great articles in the future, and I hope that my fellow grads have a great time, postWard.

My last two years at Mary Ward were highlighted by being a part of the Mary Ward Planet. Starting off as a writer in grade 11 and becoming the sports editor in grade 12 was such a great experience. I will always look back at The Planet as one of my favourite parts of high school.

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 04




The Mary Ward Planet has been a big part of my life since grade 10. I’ve spent countless hours designing layouts, eating pizza and goofing around with the team. Our jam sessions were an out of this world kind of fun! I have loved every single minute of being part of this team, and am so thankful for the opportunities for growth and learning my time here has given me. The Planet was my place to escape and I will miss it dearly. While in orbit, I fell in love with journalism, layout design and editorial illustration. If time travel was real, I’d go back in time and join in grade nine just to have that one extra year and do it all over again. Hopefully my path and The planets will meet again from across the Milky Way. Thank you exec team for all you do and the wonderful friendships that have come along the way. A special thanks goes out to Ms. Powell who always encourages me to reach for the stars, without your help I would just be stranded on the moon. Well, that’s it folks! It’s time to blast off to new adventures!







I joined The Planet three years ago after being too scared to join in grade nine. I can definitely say that I do not regret my decision in joining. The last three years have been a blast, from every jam session and last minute edit. While I’m happy I was a part of it, I’m sad to be leaving and especially sad that I will no longer be working with my best friend: Nimmy Ayekun

w orl d iss u es

S N C- L a v ali n Sca ndal

w orlddiss iss u ueses w orl

W h at tr o u bl e h as t h e bi g e n gi n e eri n g g ott e n i nt o a g ai n B y A n n a Ort a As t h e S N C- L a v ali n s c a n d al c o nti n u es t o u nr a v el i n t h e f a c e of h e at e d p oliti c al c o ntr o v ers y, all p arti es i n v ol v e d ar e fi n di n g t h e ms el v es t a n gl e d a m o n gst all e g ati o ns of c orr u pti o n, i nt erf er e n c e, a n d fr a u d. A r e c e nt st at e m e nt fr o m t h e el e cti o ns c o m missi o n er of C a n a d a, Y v es C ôt é, r e a ffir ms t h e Pri m e Mi nist er’s o ffi c e h as n ot i nt erf er e d wit h t h e pr os e c uti o n pr o c ess of S N C- L a v ali n. H o w e v er, s o m e a d diti o n al i nf or m ati o n l e a v es m a n y li k e M P Pi err e P oili e vr e u n c o n vi n c e d. B a c k i n 2 0 1 5, t h e C a n a di a n- b as e d e n gi n e eri n g gi a nt w as c h ar g e d wit h c orr u pti o n a n d fr a u d b y t h e R o y al C a n a di a n M o u nt e d P oli c e ( R C M P) aft er att e m pti n g t o bri b e f or m er Li b y a n Pri m e Mi nist er, M u a m m ar G a d d a fi a n d ot h er Li b y a n o ffi ci als a n all e g e d $ 4 8 milli o n t o g ai n c o ntr a cts i n t h e c o u ntr y. M a n y of t h es e c o m p a ni es w er e als o d efr a u d e d of $ 1 3 0 milli o n b y t h e s a m e o ffi ci als. If pr os e c ut e d, t h e g o v er n m e nt will pr o hi bit t h e c o m p a n y fr o m g ai ni n g a n d bi d di n g o n f e d er al pr oj e cts f or t h e n e xt t e n y e ars, pl a ci n g t h e m i n a w e a k e n e d fi n a n ci al st at e. D es pit e t h eir gl o b al s u c c ess, t his is n ot t h e first ti m e t h at S N C- L a v ali n h as s h o w n t h e w orl d t h at t h e y ar e d e e pl y c orr u pt e d. T h e y h a v e alr e a d y b e e n c h ar g e d wit h m o n e y l a u n d eri n g a n d fr a u d, m a ki n g t his m ost r e c e nt s c a n d al n ot hi n g o ut of t h e or di n ar y.


T h e Li b er al g o v er n m e nt, o n t h e ot h er h a n d, is f a ci n g s e v er e r e p er c ussi o ns a n d b a c kl as h as a r es ult of t h eir s u p p os e d i nt erf er e n c e wit h t h e c as e. T h e i ntr o d u cti o n of t h e c h a n g es t o t h e Cri mi n al C o d e i n 2 0 1 8 t hr o u g h Bill C- 7 4 a ct e d as t h e b e gi n ni n g of t h e Li b er al’s d o w n w ar d s pir al. A c c us ati o ns of S N C- L a v ali n l o b b yi n g t o g et t h e bill p ass e d, i n or d er t o gi v e t h e ms el v es a n o p p ort u nit y t o si g n a “r e m e di ati o n a gr e e m e nt” i nst e a d of t a ki n g t h e c as e t o tri al, w ors e n e d t h e sit u ati o n f or b ot h p arti es. W h e n t h e a gr e e m e nt pr o visi o ns

c a m e i nt o f ull f or c e a n d S N C w as d e ni e d t h eir r e q u est t o e nt er n e g oti ati o ns, Tr u d e a u’s ai d es all e g e dl y pr ess ur e d att or n e y g e n er al at t h e ti m e, J o d y Wils o n- R a y b o ul d, t o i nt er v e n e wit h t h e pr os e c uti o n’s d e cisi o n. Alt h o u g h t his w as fir ml y d e ni e d b y Tr u d e a u w h o c all e d t h e i nf or m ati o n “f als e”, G er al d B utt’s, f or m er s e ni or p oliti c al a d vis or, and Wils o n- R a y b o ul d’s r esi g n ati o n s e e m t o pr o v e ot h er wis e. Wils o n- R a y b o ul d c o n fir m e d in fr o nt of t h e H o us e of C o m m o ns j usti c e c o m mitt e e a n d t h e et hi cs c o m missi o n er, aft er h er s oli cit or- cli e nt pri vil e g es a n d c a bi n et c o n fi d e nti alit y w er e w ai v e d, t h at s h e f a c e d c o nst a nt pr ess ur e t o o bt ai n a n a gr e e m e nt f or S N C- L a v ali n. T o s u p p ort h er cl ai m, a 1 7- mi n ut e p h o n e c all r e c or di n g b et w e e n h er a n d Mi c h a el W er ni c k, Cl er k of t h e Pri v y C o u n cil, w as pr es e nt e d t o t h e c o m mitt e e. W er ni c k c o ul d b e h e ar d s a yi n g t h at Tr u d e a u w as i nsist e nt o n g etti n g a D ef err e d Pr os e c uti o n A gr e e m e nt ( D P A) f or S N CL a v ali n, wit hi n t h e l e g al b o u n d ari es. T o o nl y m a k e m att ers w ors e f or t h e Li b er als, t h e r es ults of a r e c e nt i n v esti g ati o ns h a v e s h o w n t h at b et w e e n 2 0 0 4 t o 2 0 0 9, a t ot al of 1 8 f or m er S N C- L a v ali n dir e ct ors, e m pl o y e es, and t h eir f a mili es c o ntri b ut e d $ 1 1 0 0 0 0 t o t h e Li b er al P art y of C a n a d a. S o m e of t h es e d o n ati o ns w er e dir e ct e d t o w ar ds p art y l e a d ers hi p c a m p ai g ns a n d t o ri di n g ass o ci ati o ns i n Q u e b e c. Aft er e n c o ur a gi n g m e m b ers t o d o n at e, S N C c o m p e ns at e d t h eir e m pl o y e es wit h b o n us c h e q u es d o u bl e t h e q u a ntit y t h e y h a d gi v e n - a n a cti o n stri ctl y g oi n g a g ai nst t h e C a n a d a El e cti o ns A ct. Si mil arl y t o Tr u d e a u’s d e ni al of cl ai ms d e ali n g wit h Wils o n- R a y b o ul d, h e p u bli cl y a n n o u n c e d t h e c urr e nt Li b er als w o ul d n ot a c c e pt t h at t y p e of m o n e y. Wit h the p oliti c al c o ntr o v ers y o c c urri n g, S N C- L a v ali n is o n c e a g ai n att e m pti n g t o a p p e al t o t h e j u d g e’s r uli n g. M e a n w hil e, t h e pr os e c uti o n h as m oti o n e d t o pr e v e nt t h e c o m p a n y fr o m r e a d mitti n g ol d i nf or m ati o n. If t h e m oti o n g o es t hr o u g h, S N C- L a v ali n will h a v e t o st art a g ai n fr o m s q u ar e o n e a n d ris k d a m a gi n g t h e c o m p a n y’s i m a g e a n d d e al wit h fi n a n ci al r e p er c ussi o ns, a n d f or t h e Li b er als, t his s c a n d al c o ul d m e a n l osi n g t h e f e d er al el e cti o n.

w orl d iss u es

T h e F e d er al C ar b o n Ta x

T h e n e w c ar b o n t a x f a c es c o ntr o v ers y wit hi n f o ur t ar g et pr o vi n c es B y S a bri n a P er c y O n A pril 1st, 2 0 1 9, a f e d er al c ar b o n t a x w as i m pl e m e nt e d i n f o ur C a n a di a n pr o vi n c es, h o w e v er, t his w as n o A pril f o ol’s j o k e. T h e pri c e p ut o n c ar b o n w as a v er y r e al o n e, a n d it’s i m pl e m e nt ati o n will bri n g h o p es of r e d u ci n g o ur c ar b o n e missi o ns b y ar o u n d 5 0 t o 6 0 milli o n t o n n es i n t h e n e xt t hr e e y e ars. I n D e c e m b er of 2 0 1 5, t h e P aris cli m at e a gr e e m e nt w as cr e at e d a n d C a n a d a a gr e e d t o r e a c h c ert ai n r e d u cti o n t ar g ets. I n or d er t o r e a c h t h e a gr e e m e nt’s g o al of li miti n g gl o b al cli m at e c h a n g e t o w ell b el o w 2 d e gr e es C elsi us. As a r es ult, O nt ari o, M a nit o b a, N e w Br u ns wi c k a n d S as k at c h e w a n w er e t ar g et e d as pr o vi n c es i n n e e d of r e d u ci n g t h eir c ar b o n e missi o ns, w hi c h is w h y J usti n Tr u d e a u i ntr o d u c e d t h e “c ar b o n t a x.” T h e f e d er al c ar b o n t a x will c ost O nt ari a ns 4. 4. c e nts m or e p er litr e i n 2 0 1 9, a n d 1 1 c e nts m or e p er litr e i n 2 0 2 2.

fi n e d u p t o $ 5 0 0 a d a y, $ 1 0 0 0 a d a y if it is a r e p e at e d o ff e n c e. W h at h as n ot b e e n dis c uss e d, h o w e v er, is t h e Cli m at e A cti o n I n c e nti v e R e b at e t h at f e d er al Li b er als s a y will all o w 8 0 % of C a n a di a ns t o r e c ei v e m or e m o n e y fr o m t h e r e b at e t h a n t h e y l ost t hr o u g h t h e t a x. T h e F e d er al g o v er n m e nt h as pr o mis e d t o r et ur n e v er y d oll ar l ost i n t h e c ar b o n t a x, b a c k t o t h e p e o pl e i n t h e t ar g et pr o vi n c es. F or e x a m pl e, i n O nt ari o t h e a v er a g e h o us e ( w hi c h w as d e fi n e d as b ei n g ar o u n d 2. 6 p e o pl e, b ut c a n v ar y) will r e c ei v e ar o u n d $ 3 0 0 p er y e ar. T his pri c e c a n v ar y, d e p e n di n g o n t h e n u m b er of p e o pl e i n t h e h o us e h ol d, a n d will i n cr e as e i n r es p o ns e t o t h e c ar b o n t a x o v er t h e n e xt f e w y e ars.

T h e f o ur pr o vi n ci al g o v er n m e nts u n d er t h e n e w pl a n w er e, as e x p e ct e d, a g ai nst it. T h e f e d er al c o ns er v ati v e C( PA RH SO TA RO EVIR AE SF PLI OC NK SIR)B L E F O R L A R G E A M O U N T S O F C A R B O N E MI S SI O N S p art y als o v oi c e d t h eir c o n c er n f or s m all b usi n ess es a n d c o ns u m ers. Alt h o u g h t h e c ar b o n t a x will h el p t o D o u g F or d h as s h o w n his o w n c o n c er n r e d u c e e missi o ns a lit er al “t o n n e”, t h er e a b o ut b ei n g tr a ns p ar e nt a b o ut t h e ar e still m a n y o p p osi n g ar g u m e nts.

T R U D E A U DI S C U S S E S T H E C A R B O N T A X A T A P R E S S C O N F E R E N C E ( P H O T O B Y N A T H A N D E N E T T E )

t a x cr e ati v el y t hr o u g h a n e w sti c k er c a m p ai g n. T h e F e d er al C ar b o n T a x Tr a ns p ar e n c y A ct r e q uir es sti c k ers s h o wi n g t h e c osts of c ar b o n o v er t h e n e xt t hr e e y e ars t o b e dis pl a y e d at all g as p u m ps i n O nt ari o. G as st ati o ns t h at d o n ot dis pl a y t h e sti c k er c a n b e

F or d is s e e ki n g tr a ns p ar e n c y, b ut at t h e s a m e ti m e, m a n y s u p p ort ers of t h e pl a n s e e t h e c ar b o n t a x as t h e b est pl a n a v ail a bl e t o r e d u c e o ur gr e e n h o us e g as e missi o ns.

V O L U M E 2 4 / I S S U E 3 m w pl a n et


world issues

world issues world issues

world issues

PC GOVERNMENT CHANGES TO EDUCATION Changes proposed by the PC government and their possible impact on education By Ina Sugay By now, people are certainly aware of the education changes the Progressive Conservative (PC) government has made to Ontario’s education system. There have been many proposed changes, but the ones that can have the most significant effects on our education include the increase of class sizes, the loss of thousands of teachers, mandatory eLearning, changes to the math curriculum, and banning cellphones. But how much will these changes affect us and will they actually improve student performance to the degree the PC government claims?

teachers retire, their teaching position will not be replaced, reducing future job opportunities for individuals studying to be teachers and part-time teachers waiting for full-time positions. Despite Thompson’s claim that “not one teacher will lose their jobs”, in recent weeks a grade 5 teacher from Brantford, Ontario, has been tracking the cuts to education throughout the province and revealed that close to 2,000 teacher job cuts have occurred so far.

rather than inquiry-based learning. Or in the words of Doug Ford, students need to “get back to the basics.” Which is a valid claim, as in 2017-2018, only 49% of Grade 6 students were at or above the province’s math standards. However, according to Kyle Ferguson from Cedarville University’s School of Education, students still benefit from inquiry-based learning because it allows them to make connections and apply their knowledge to the task at hand instead of solely focusing on how the

According to Education Minister Lisa Thompson, larger class sizes make students more “resilient,” but there is very little evidence to prove this. She has also stated that “Ontario high schools have one of the lowest student-to-teacher ratios in Canada.” This has been proven to be true by several sources, but what Thompson was trying to prove with this statement was that other provinces are doing better with larger class sizes and that Ontario should follow suit.



Under PC leadership, class sizes are expected to increase from 23 to 24 students in grades 4 to 8, and from 22 to 28 students in grades 9 to 12. As a result, many people are worried about the thousands of teaching positions that will be lost once these changes come into effect. The PC government plans to save about $851 million by increasing class sizes. According to a memo from the Ministry of Education, about 3,475 full-time teaching positions will be lost over the course of four school years starting this fall. Thompson said that there will be “no involuntary job losses” and that “not one teacher - not one will lose their jobs because of our classsize strategy.” Teaching positions will be lost through attrition because as VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 06

In an attempt to ‘modernize’ classes, the PC government has also proposed that all secondary school students must take four mandatory eLearning classes - one every year starting in the 2020-2021 school year. eLearning has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, it promotes active and independent learning, it is time and location flexible and it is cheap as long as you have access to a device that can connect to the internet. On the other hand, visual learners might not succeed in eLearning classes the same way they might succeed in regular school. Furthermore, students can not receive immediate feedback from their instructors, and last but not least online courses can potentially result in frustration and confusion. Though eLearning can be convenient, it is neither a practical substitute for the classroom or a suitable system for everyone. The PC government has also suggested making changes to the math curriculum so that it focuses on the fundamentals

teachers tell them to do it. One of the most dreadful changes for Ontario’s youth is the ban of cellphones. According to the PC government, banning cellphones will help students “focus on their learning.” “Ontario students need to be able to focus on learning - not their cellphones”, Thompson wrote, “By banning cellphone use that distracts from learning, we are helping students to focus on acquiring the foundational skills they need like reading, writing and math.” Education experts say this ban will likely be ineffective as well as almost impossible to enforce. What’s more is that there is not enough evidence to confirm Lisa Thompson’s claims, and although cellphones can distract students, most schools already have policies in place that address the appropriate use of these electronics. If this ban on electronics does somehow succeed then it takes away teaching opportunities for teachers to teach their

students appropriate and inappropriate use of electronics and how to safely use this modern technology. On April 4, 2019 thousands of students walked out of their schools protesting the new education plans and hoping that their voices would be heard. Natalie Moore, a Grade 12 student from Listowel District Secondary School, started the movement by coming up with the idea of a walkout. The news quickly spread on Instagram with the hashtag #StudentsSayNo and in the end, over 700 schools participated in the event. Thousands of students protested the changes to the sex-ed curriculum, the increase in class sizes, and many grade 12 students specifically walked out due to the changes to OSAP loans. These changes to our education have certainly concerned teachers and students at Mary Ward as well. When asked for her opinion, Grade 12 student and Student Council President, Jessalyn George said, “I think that the PC government has proven that their intentions aren’t for the students because they have made financial decisions to provide funding for areas that don’t seem as necessary and critical as our youth’s education, such as horse racing and logo changes”. Our English teacher, Mr. McAlpine also specifically addressed the fund cuts and the increase in class sizes. “I have serious concerns about some of the plans moving forward,’’ he said, “I think students need a lot of support and by cutting funds and increasing class sizes, teachers might have difficulty helping students on an individual level.” It is not only teachers and students, but people all across Ontario who have vehement opinions on the changes the PC government has made to our education. Voices want to be heard and changes that benefit us and our education need to be made.


world issues

world issues world issues


Why the anti-vax movenment is doing more harm than good By Nimmy Ayekun

which are sustained by easy access to misinformation. For instance, while rumours that vaccines cause developmental disorders or contain harmful toxins have long since been disproven celebrities such as Kat Von D continue to suggest otherwise to their millions and millions of followers. In actuality vaccines help to eliminate diseases by building up immune resistance. For example, when an individual is given the chickenpox vaccine, they are exposed to several dead antigens. Their body then recognizes these antigens as intruders, but because these antigens are dead it is impossible for that individual to contract the disease. Instead their bodies develop antigens to fight it, allowing them to become immune in the process.

It’s typical to hear kids say that they don’t want to go to the doctor’s but for their parents to encourage it, well that’s a little more unusual. However, it is the devastating reality of the dangerous anti-vaccination movement that is spreading across the nation and posing a threat to the lives of Canadians everywhere. For instance, according to CTV news, around 287,000 Canadian kids born between 2010 and 2017 have not received their vaccine for measles, and almost coincidentally the Public Health Agency of Canada has reported nearly 39 outbreaks of the disease in the past year. Measles is a highly infectious respiratory disease that can lead to pneumonia or more serious lifelong damages such as loss of brain function, Vaccines are also important because not deafness, or death. everyone is healthy enough to receive one, and this includes children and adults with impaired immune systems, elderly people, individuals with HIV and those undergoing chemotherapy, but even they stand to benefit from this controversial issue due to what is known as “herd immunity.” This is a form of immunity that occurs when a high percentage of a population Is immune to a highly infectious disease. This type of immunity is effective VACCINES HELP ELIMINATE DISEASES BY BUILDING IMMUNE RESISTANCE (PHOT O BY SABRINA PERCY) because when a large number of Now consider that there are not only individuals are immune to a disease 287,000 unvaccinated Canadian the possibility of that disease spreading children but 21.1 million unvaccinated becomes very slim. However, it appears children worldwide. These statistics as though human herd immunity is become even more frightening. In slowly crumbling. With other measles fact the anti-vaxxing movement has outbreaks occurring across the world, become such an epidemic that as of in addition to the reemergence of 2019, the Word Health Organizations diseases such as “the black plague,” has it listed as one of the top 10 threats one can only hope that these highly to Global Health. That is not to say that infectious disease scares will spur a a major obstruction to vaccine is, but much needed health education reform those who actively choose to not get in Canada. Despite the government’s the vaccine are very much part of the efforts to discourage anti-vaxxing, problem. it seems that they are struggling to keep up with more enticing resources. Part of this anti-vaccination movement *Cough, cough Facebook and Twitter.* is because of social media propaganda and false celebrity testimonies,


world issues

Why you should vote! 7 reasons that will have you running to the polls

By Naomi Fernandes cuts, climate change, etc… you care about politics. Politics is not just Be it toppings on people in suits discussing international a pizza, student relations and the state of the economy, council, or the Prime it includes students protesting and Minister, voting has workers striking. There’s no excuse an important role in everyone’s life. not to be educated. The internet is an In October 2019, the federal election amazing resource for people to find will be happening and it always seems information. Finding information about like one important group doesn’t political campaigns from a reliable participate. In 2011, youth aged 18-24 source isn’t difficult and you can find only had about a 39% voter turnout out how an election will impact the compared to adults aged 65-74 having things that matter to you the most with a 75% turnout. ease.


Based on the endless Instagram stories and petitions about saving the environment, it’s safe to say that young people care about the issues that are going on; maybe just not enough.

It is your right. Although this reason is on every list, voting really is your right. Take advantage of something that belongs to you, even if you don’t think it will make a difference. People did fight for your right to vote, and exercising For many students, this upcoming this right is doing justice to those that election will be the first that they are came before you. able to vote in and choosing the right candidate is important. However, if It’s a part of being a better activist and you’re not convinced why you should citizen. Your single vote is unlikely to vote here are some things that you decide the fate of the election. However, might not have considered. voting presents itself as an extremely valuable opportunity to become Voting Impacts YOU! Voting ensures more involved in your community, that the issues that matter to you will activism, and even your country. Civic be considered. Even though elections responsibilities do not start and end at seem to have little impact on you right the polling stations; you have to make now, they will impact you over the next an effort to create change and voting four years and it’s important to look out is just one of those responsibilities. Do for your future self. Issues like climate your part to make others aware of the change, employment, and education issues that politicians are talking about, are all impacted by your political after all, an educated public is far more choices. powerful than an ignorant public. Voting is a better option than signing a petition. Once you vote, you won’t have your inbox flooded with emails guilt tripping you into saving the blind homeless Hungarian earthworms. Everyone is political. Like it or not, everyone is political in some way or the other, regardless if you think that politics don’t matter. If you had any type of feelings about OSAP changes, the carbon tax, education cuts, healthcare

Voting is an integral part of being an involved citizen and is a great way to start involving yourself in politics. When you go out to vote you are working with your community to address its needs and looking out for the future of your country. Go out and vote! And you won’t have to read any more of these articles if you go out and vote. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 07

world issues

world issues issues world

Canada's deadly epidemic The ongoing opioid crisis By Nia Wilson

be prescribed painkillers for an injury or medical issue and that they will become There is currently an addicted, eventually using it to dull opioid crisis in Canada. psychological pain. According to the government, close to A leading cause of this epidemic is the eleven Canadians die decision made in 1996 to make opioids every day from opioid-related incidents; more widely available. Up until that this is an increase from the seven daily point, opioids were prescribed mainly to deaths reported in 2016, a year in which terminally ill cancer patients and those at least 2 458 people died due to the with chronic pain. However, in 1996, use of opioids. The rising number of Health Canada approved OxyContin—a overdoses and deaths as a result of brand-name version of oxycodone—to opioids has been deemed a public treat moderate to severe pain in all types health emergency as well as a tragic of patients. The drug was promoted and epidemic. compared against other painkillers on


The opioid crisis is the result of a rapid increase in dangerous health issues revolving around prescription opioids and the illegal drug fentanyl, which is a drug that is fifty to a hundred times more potent than morphine. Opioids are drugs that have been designed to replicate the pain-reducing properties of opium. Prescribed painkillers such as morphine, oxycodone, or hydrocodone and illegal drugs such as heroin or illicitly made fentanyl alike are categorized as opioids. Morphine and codeine are derived naturally from opium poppy plants. Heroin is an illegal drug synthesized from morphine. Hydrocodone and oxycodone are semi-synthetic opioids developed in a lab using a combination of natural and synthetic ingredients. Fentanyl is a completely synthetic opioid that was initially created as a surgical anesthetic. The clinical term for opioid addiction is opioid use disorder. The most common purpose of opioids is to ease pain, both mental and physical. Often people will VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 08

the market for its unique time-release formula. The pill was designed to be ingested and digested over twelve hours. Sales representatives at Purdue Pharma—the company that developed OxyContin—encouraged doctors to increase the prescription of opioids by pushing the sentiment that OxyContin had a lower potential for abuse and dependence than alternative, faster acting pain relievers. Shortly after, OxyContin began to be prescribed for everything from minor issues like backaches to fibromyalgia. The drug then became the most popular, longlasting painkiller in Canada for the next decade, and in the 2000s, reports of addiction and overdose skyrocketed. However, this isn’t a situation that affects just a few Canadians; it is a dangerous pestilence that can take any one of our lives, or even the lives our close families and friends, which is why it is imperative that new standards and regulations are introduced along with programs and efforts directed towards destigmatizing the disorder so as to correct the issue and save lives.


Revamp your WarDrobe Ways to spice up your look By Ashling Ayekun It can become quite difficult and expensive to keep up with the latest fashion trends and maintain a closet of clothes that you’ll actually wear. That being said, there are plenty of ways to turn the clothes that you were about to throw out into some fashionable pieces, and perhaps your new favourite items to wear. Here are a few simple and quick ways to revamp your wardrobe and give your clothes a second life!

loosely fitting, a pencil/marker, and a pair of scissors. 1. Once again, try on your shirt and look in the mirror to mark exactly where you would like to cut. 2. Lay the shirt down on a flat and clutter free surface, and cut a straight line; it’s as simple as that! Now you have a new chic shirt!

Ripped Jeans Ripped jeans are not only cute and versatile, but are also perfect for the summer weather, making them a great addition to your closet. They can be made at home with a few simple items: a pair of old jeans, scissors, tweezers, a pencil, and a full-length mirror. After you have chosen the jeans you would like to rip and have gathered your supplies, put the jeans on and while looking into a mirror and use a pencil to mark out where you would like to cut and distress. 1. Lay down the jeans on a flat and clutter-free surface. To make the holes, simply cut out the pieces of the jean you have marked and begin to pull at the thread with your tweezers to get a frayed look. 2. To create the distressed appearance, cut straight horizontal lines where you have marked and begin pulling at the thread. Continue to do this to your liking and try on the jeans in between cuts to ensure it looks just right!


Personlized Denim Jackets With some inexpensive fabric paint and a few paint brushes from your local craft store, you can easily transform any denim clothing piece you own and make it original and unique. Not very artistic? Don’t worry, you can always use a stencil to help create the perfect design. For some extra flare, you can also buy some iron-on patches and give your denim jacket a vintage/retro makeover.

Graphic Tees There is no need to spend $25+ on a graphic t-shirt from Urban Outfitters when you can create your own for a much lower price at home, and have fun while doing it! The materials you Crop Top will need include: an old plain t-shirt Just like ripped jeans, crop tops are (preferably white), an iron, a pair of ideal for sunny and hot days, and are scissors, iron-on transfer paper, and a even easier to make! All you need is printer. an old t-shirt, preferably oversized and


life life

world issues



By Naomi Joson As a grade twelve student at Mary Ward who has had a relatively successful four years at the school, I would like to think that I am somewhat qualified to be delivering advice to younger students. While learning from firsthand experiences is often how students navigate the treacherous four years of high school, listening to the advice of upperclassmen has provided me new insight and has prevented me from making big mistakes. Here are a few of the many pieces of advice that I collected over my four years at Ward: Participate in major school events Participating in school events is not “uncool.” Contrary to popular belief, and doing so can often result in lasting memories that you can reminisce on in 20 years. Attending the school play, art shows, and school music concerts, as well as participating in spirit week are a few things you should do at least once (although preferably every year) at Mary Ward.

Participate in extracurriculars Not only will participating in extracurriculars allow you to find new interests and expand on your skills, but it will also allow you to make new friends who share similar interests as you. An added benefit of being involved in your school community is that it looks good on a resume or scholarship application. Overall, grades nine and ten are the perfect years to join in as many clubs and sports as you want. Starting out early in your high school career for competitive extracurriculars such as sports or DECA will give you time to grow your skills in your remaining years at Ward. However, leaving all your extracurricular participation to the end of your high school experience might leave you regretting that you did not get involved in grade nine. Spend time with your friends As the last few weeks of my high school career is coming to an end, I can wholeheartedly confirm that the four years of high school go by quick. That being said, the time you spend with the important people you meet and grow with over these four years is precious.

Manage your time wisely Mary Ward’s self-directed learning system allows for one to easily waste time during the school day. While it may seem “cool” to hall walk, scroll through Instagram or watch Netflix rather than doing units, you are cutting more time from after school and weekends to do units. As well, this repeated habit of wasting time at school makes you more prone to summer schooling, carrying over, taking zeros or failing courses.

okay to have no idea as to what you want to do post-secondary. Some students decide to take a year off to work and decide what they want to do, while some students apply for an undeclared major and decide what they want to do while in post-secondary. With that being said, don’t feel pressured to go to university either, as lots of kids go to college too! So just focus on whatever post-secondary path is right for you. Overall, it is better to take your time to decide what you want to do rather than Take advantage of free food forcing a degree upon yourself simply As a grade 12 student who is about to because of peers, family, or societal be spending thousands of dollars for pressure. post-secondary, saving money is very important. The Breakfast Club at school Establish positive relations with your provides free food every morning, teachers including fruits and vegetables, muffins, While being on good terms with your and milk, which will allow you to have teachers will allow you to find it easier a healthy light breakfast or snacks to approach them for help and thus throughout the day. make your high school experience more enjoyable, it is also beneficial for Post-secondary education isn’t an those seeking recommendation letters end-all-be-all for scholarships or job opportunities. It In October of my grade 12 year, is also a great way to enrich both your intense conversations began regarding learning and high school experience, post secondary education- there are and establishing positive relationships deadlines, applications, and program with your teachers helps you realize that requirements to worry about. However, they are human too! it is important to remember that it is

Blast from the Past Retro trends that are making a comeback

By Shandel Jarabejo tiny butterfly clips are a few favourites. However, those oversized clips and Twenty Nineteen barrettes with pearls seem to be the seems to be the year most on trend. These hair accessories we’re going back can range from a variety of price points, in time rather than depending on where you purchase jumping ahead. them. Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, M Seeing as anything from vintage style Boutique and your local Dollarama are photography to retro gaming consoles just a few of the retailers that carry these and devices, and of course fashion are trendy hair accessories. making a resurgence. From head to toe, Cargo Pants trends from the 2000s, 90’s and even the 80’s are once again coming back, and here are some to watch out for: Hair Clips and Barrettes



All over social media sites such as Instagram, several influencers and fashion icons can be seen rocking hair clips and barrettes, a childhood hair accessory for many. Bright neons, pastels, neutrals-coloured clips and even

Also known as Utility Pants, Cargo Pants are back from the 90’s and have become a staple for the spring-time. Khloe Kardashian, Rihanna and Hailey Bieber are a few celebrities who have rocked these pants. Both fast fashion retailers and well-known fashion houses have caught onto this trend, offering various styles in colours ranging from your essential black, olive green to bright

Tie-Dye Some might heavily associate it with camp, but tie-dye is on the list of trends making a resurgence in 2019. Utilizing bright eye-catching colours tie-dye can be seen on any piece of clothing or fashion such as shirts, pants, hoodies and jackets. Check out any fast fashion stores to get in on this look or even do it yourself at home for an affordable price. Neon Just like back in the 80’s, sporting bright shades of yellow, pink or green, was in style. This trend made a comeback during early winter 2019 ever since celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner have been seen these items on social media. Fanny packs have definitely come back The neon trend is often incorporated for all the right reasons; versatility, in outfits with accessories such as functionality and most importantly handbags, sunglasses, shoes or hats, style. however, some choose to go out rocking neon from head to toe. For a bold fashionable statement, try adding some neon into your closet! colours and camo. Chains and belts are usually paired with Cargo Pants along with chunky sneakers. Fanny Packs Fanny packs are a no brainer when it comes to retro trends. Once considered the ultimate dad accessory or stereotypical American tourist staple, fanny packs are having their moment all over again. This trendy bag can be fairly small, only capable of holding a few essentials such as money, a phone and or maybe even earphones. Along with other retro trends, fanny packs are usually worn on one shoulder crossing across the chest rather than on the waist like back then.

All in all, if you want to feel on trend it might be time to take a trip back in time!


VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 09


life life


Once in a Lifetime

How Mr. Notten has helped shape the Mary Ward community By Jamie Edghill There are no words to describe Mr. Notten, but in this short article I shall try. Mr. Notten has been working at Mary Ward for 31 years, watching the school and community flourish around him, while always finding ways to help it grow. Notten is not only an exceptional teacher, but an amazing artist, a wonderful colleague, and a kind, caring and inspiring person. There is no way to adequately thank Notten for all he has done for the Mary Ward community however, for the few who have not had the pleasure of getting to know the man, here are some of the reasons he is so great.

they make.” Notten said in an interview last week. Notten approaches selfdirected learning in a way which allows the student to have the freedom to be everything they want to be, while building a support structure which allows for independence. This comes with respecting each individual and their unique style of learning, and personality. “I think the most important thing is to respect the individual and to get to know the individual/student and to care for the student and to understand them and then allowing them, giving them the freedom to be everything that they can be. And I think it transcends any department.” The compassion he shows for his students goes beyond the square confines of a classroom, as he always takes the time to get to know his students and support them whichever way he can. Coming up with creative ways to blend students favourite subjects together for quest opportunities and deeper learning, like the DaVinci Code Math-Art-Science Grade 10 project.

Not only does Notten love to share his passion for art with his students, he uses teaching as an opportunity to help kids grow, while trying to help them reach their full potential. As an art teacher, Notten does whatever he can to help expand creativity as far as it can reach, while finding ways to push open the doors to even bigger ideas. “I When asked what his plans are for when love that I can be part of that process, he retires, he responded, “Sleep in a tent and witness the incredible things that more often, if I can, ride my bike more

often… and make more art if I can, with no pressure or expectation that I have to create something big or incredible or to be shown by anybody, I just want to make it.” Notten embodies the definition of an artist, and finds ways to transfer his creativity into everything he does. Not only does Notten teach his students techniques when it comes to art, but he shows by example. When asked what inspires him as an artist he explained, “What doesn’t inspire me as an artist, like I am inspired by memory, I’m inspired by watching the news and becoming concerned about things, I’m inspired by meeting new people everyday and trying to understand them better. I’m inspired by what other artists do and I just love looking at art constantly and did I mention I like sleeping in a tent because that inspires me too, getting out in the wilderness and living off the land very much inspires me.” With more time to focus on art, Notten explained he has a bunch of art projects on the go, “The biggest one being a giant Nuit Blanche installation that will be shown in October, 2019 at Fort York (Toronto) and that’s a big project that is supported and funded by the city which

is really wonderful, but then I have some smaller projects that I’m very interested in as well. Some sculptures that merge for example stain-glass windows with football helmets.” Notten found ways beyond the classroom to share his artwork with students. His commitment to learning and advancing his art, is one of the many reasons so many students find him inspiring. Most students after graduation, remember the teachers that got to know them, the teachers who fought in their corner, and the teachers who always believed in them. Notten is one of those teachers that no student could ever forget. Thank you Mr. Notten, for taking the time to get to know your students, for taking the extra step to make their learning exceptional and for reminding each and everyone of us that we matter. And a special congratulations to Mr. Notten as it was just announced that he won TSU Teacher of the Year. . Fun fact: Mr. Notten’s favourite song is Once in a Lifetime by Talking Heads.

Ward Goes Green A look into Mary Ward’s new green industry program

By Sabrina Percy It’s no secret that in recent years, the environment has suffered from the repercussions that have been caused by reckless and unsustainable human behaviour. Whether it’s the rise of sea levels, the presence of microplastics in sea animals and birds, or the average increase in global climates, the signs of a lack of sustainability are all around us. While it is very important for us to talk about these issues, what is needed more is solid action, which is exactly what teachers like Mr. De Rose are doing. This year Mr. DeRose, took matters into his own hands. He noticed the damage that we have done to the environment. When asked about why green industries are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society. Mr. De Rose responded with, “Humans are detrimental to the Earth. We are destroying it slowly but surely, and if we don’t take proactive measures, and be responsible for ourselves, instead of throwing garbage on the floor, or not being sustainable, it VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 10

will affect our future and your kids and that there is a straight path right to my kids alike. All over the world.” university or college. The small cohort of green industry students from this year This green industry course teaches accomplished many different projects students about the importance such as pruning trees, painting murals, of taking a greener approach in building a chicken coop, and planting manufacturing and production. As vegetables that will be sold at a farmer’s Mr. De Rose describes it “construction market next year. Andrew Zhang, one of is going green, lumber is going Mr. De Rose’s green industry students, green, manufacturing is going green; says, “My favourite part of the year was everything is going green.” The course’s building the chicken coop, because we purpose is to introduce students to the just started from nothing, got a few various pathways of green industries: pieces of wood, and boom now chickens landscaping, forestry, horticulture, live in there.” hydroponics and more. The best part about the green industry course is that it is bringing our community together, by teaching, but our community as a whole that we need to take action to live more sustainably. Furthermore he adds, “The main purpose of this green industry course is to educate our community, our students, and our school as a whole, that will help protect our environment, compliment our environment, and also show students pathways that are new to THE OUTDOOR ECO CLASSROOM, MADE BY GREEN INDUSTRY STUDENTS. (PHOTO BY PHOTO CLUB) the world”. The course follows students through their high-school experience, As part of a culminating project this year with courses in grades 10 (THJ 201), the green industry and manufacturing 11 (THJ 3M1) and 12 (THJ 4M1), so students even used their knowledge

to create an outdoor space known as the “eco classroom”. Located near the baseball diamond, the eco classroom consists of large handcrafted desks, plants, and a greenhouse. What’s more is that it is available for use by not just students at Mary Ward, but also by those in the community. In addition to all of their projects and the beautiful new outdoor classroom, the green industry course is also hoping to achieve platinum status as an EcoSchool with the help of greenquest. Each school has an eco-rating, and they have an agenda that tracks their energy use, production of waste, and participation in initiatives. By creating the ecoclassroom and working with greenquest around the school, Mr. De Rose says that he hopes Mary Ward will reach platinum status and be recognized by Ontario EcoSchools. Although the green industry course has only one year under its belt, Mr. De Rose and his class have achieved so much, and their work is a great example of how schools can implement sustainable practices into their curriculum.

community community



How Has Mary Ward Changed The Planet took some time to interview students turned teachers to see just how much Ward has changed By Nimmy Ayekun Mary Ward is one of the very few selfdirected schools in the province, and over the years, this alternative schooling system has undergone a plethora of revisions, which begs the question how exactly has Ward changed? Well, to find out how The Planet decided to ditch the books and learn straight from the source. Yes that’s right we sat down with some of your favourite students turned teachers and talked to them about everything! Ranging from what Ward was like when they were here to how they decided to come back. So please sit down, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy this trip down memory lane. What was the uniform like? MALOTT: White shirt, navy striped tie, sweater or a vest and grey pants POWELL: White blouses, socks all the way up, girls also used to wear the boy’s tie. They were really strict though too, we all had to have our shirts tucked. WEATHERS: There were restrictions on when you could wear certain items. Golf shirts only after May 1st before October, white collared shirts vests, cardigans, white golf shirts, tie, all black dress shoes, that kind of thing. What was the schedule like? MALOTT: 8:40 am and 2:35 pm and it wasn’t self-directed. POWELL: Monday classes - Every Monday was a scheduled day which we flipped between a Day 1 and 2. There were 5 periods in a Monday schedule and 4 periods in our regular. WEATHERS: No day 1-10, a scheduled day every Monday. When I was a junior I went to all my classes every day but when I was a senior I was in the OAC room (229) or the aux caf 24/7. LOCONTE: It changed from grade 9 onwards. Like for instance, it used to be scheduled days every Monday but then scheduled days became less and less. There were also no Day 1-10. Regular days were just called day 0’s, and scheduled days were just

called Day 1 and 2. How would you spend your day? LOCONTE: I would spend 4 periods in inspire and 1 period in band, except it was called Focus back then. I think there were lots of different teachers, sort of how Bozek and Hayes rotate, but with a different set of teachers. You also didn’t have to be gifted to be in Focus, some students took an aptitude test to get in. SAHLANI: There was this place called the Honda Ride Centre. You could rent dirt bikes and ride up and down. So me and my friend would go almost every lunch and come back to TA check in covered in like you know dirt, but apart from that a lot of my time was also spent hanging out with teachers that I liked. BOZEK: I never took any arts or music, oh well I took drama one year that was fun but I spent most of my time in religion, math, or science, but mostly religion because that is where my TA was. What are some of the department policies that have changed? SAHLANI: I can’t really answer that question. Maybe I just really wasn’t aware of them. There was probably no bags in science… yeah I can say that. BOZEK: Is no bags in the library still a thing? Favourite Department and why? POWELL: Oh well here (comm tech). We didn’t have a lot of computers. So I did photography. I was also in the darkroom, or working on the newspaper. We had to lay it out all manually. WEATHERS: Phys ed because my TA was there. SAHLANI: English all the way. It was the strongest subject I had, and of course Len Dalton and Maureen Collie taught in there and so I would just hang out with them, almost as much as I hung out with my friends. What made you come back to Mary Ward to teach? MALOTT: It was by luck, I had just returned back to Ontario from Quebec and ran into an old teacher

and the rest was history. In fact this September marks 20 years at Ward. POWELL: When I left, I went to Ryerson for photography, and I was running my own business on the side. I actually fell into teaching by accident. I started at Marshall McLuhan, but then I said to myself that I need to get back to Mary Ward. At that time even, my youngest sister was still going here. I really believed in the self-directed learning and I think it is the right way for education to go. I want to keep working on that, and making it better. I think it is an important way to learn and teach. LOCONTE: Regardless of whether you have a great TA or not, I think that the TA program is super important and I saw myself as being a good TA, and so yeah I kind of missed that at Libermann and wanted to come back. BOZEK: I had a lot of positive teacher influence in my life as a student, and it made me want to have that type of influence on other students. So I was always drawn to Mary Ward for that reason but also because in comparison to the school I taught at before Ward was just such a much more warm and welcoming place.

and they tell me about all these great conversations they have over the internet, but it’s not the same thing during the morning, but back when I was in my TA we talked about everything, we laughed, we cried. We went through high school as a cammodery, as a unit.

What was your favourite part of the old Mary Ward system? MALOTT: It was small and intimate, in my first year of grade 9 there were 150 students. When we were in grade 10, grade 9’s came in and each year a new grade was added on. WEATHERS: Early dismissal on Friday, just joking, more scheduled days (not weekly, but just more often, because you know it gave a sense of community. Even if you were really behind, you would always know that you could get something finished during scheduled class. LOCONTE: The old Mary Ward system, oh boy.. What am I going to tell you. Well, it was really flawed to be honest. The program is a lot better now, like people definitely cried a lot more back then, the stress was terrible. BOZEK: More social interaction in person because right now, while there is some social interaction it’s all online, like I talk to my TA members

FUN FACTS - Mr McAlpines dad taught and coached Ms.Weathers -Test Authorizations used to be 15 days long - Mr. Notten was a teacher when Mr. Malott was at school - Mr. Loconte’s dad taught both Mr.Carabines - Mrs. Powell teaches in her old TA room

How did you decide to come to Ward? POWELL: I only came here for my last year because I went to an allFrench school and wanted to brush up on my English, haha. That and the amazing art and photography program are what drew me here. LOCONTE: My dad taught at Brebeuf and I went to go see a play there once; everybody called me little Loconte … so yeah I wasn’t going there. Ward was also walking distance, so that’s another reason. SAHLANI: I initially wrote OCS on my application form. But on the day of right before I gave it to my teacher I crossed that out and wrote Mary Ward. I had friends going to both, but I thought that the friends going to Mary Ward would be less likely to get me into trouble than the friends going O’Connor.

Overall, we learned that the Mary Ward has definitely grown in a positive direction, but that perhaps there are some old policies worth revisiting? For instance, what would the world be like now if we reverted back to weekly scheduled days or if we had senior room like they did back when Weathers was in school. Who knows? But maybe we’ll find out next issue, so stay tuned. Planet out.

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 11


community community


By Cass Cascone From May 6-10, the Mary Ward community and all visitors were treated to one of the biggest Art/Tech shows ever; both literally and creatively. This year’s theme of ‘Facade’ allowed our Art and Technology students to explore the worlds behind their masks through up close and personal installations and art pieces. Whether it was through painting, sculpting, building, or designing, our talented and insightful young creators did not disappoint to put on a vulnerable and unique show. Visitors enjoyed the talents of our Fa-Stage, and the screening of short films in the video studio. Without doubt, none of this could have been done without our amazing Arts Administration team who put in tremendous amounts of effort and time to put on one of the most memorable Art shows in Mary Ward history. Thank you to Mr. Notten, who gave us motivation to put on the best last show for him, and for working day and night to help us achieve our vision.

Photos by Ritzi Pinili

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 12

community community



WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? By Jamie Edghill



The Mary Ward Dramatic Arts Department put on an amazing production of Ken Ludwig’s Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery, a comedic retelling of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles. With a total of five performances from April 2nd5th, two of which were open to the public, the fantastic cast and crew put on a remarkable production. The show came to life with the amazing sets designed by Mr. Notten, constructed by Mr. Emer and his grade 10 construction class, and painted with help from grade 9 art students. The stunning show would not have come to be without the hard work of Director Mr. Tuccitto, Technical Director Mr. Chau, Stage Managers Ms. Weathers and Ms. Cormier, Costume/ Wardrobe and Concessions by Ms. Raymond, Photography and Graphic Design by Ms. Powell, and Front of House by Mrs. Ventura and of course the incredible cast and crew.


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VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 13


community community


Student athlete spotlight: Kyla basa A closer look at Mary Ward ‘s star athlete: Kyla Basa

By Joseph Casciaro

a star on each team and she is always her and it shows, which is why she is depended on to take her peers to the such a amazing athlete and girl.” Mary Ward is a school next level. that has so many amazing athletes, and However, Kyla remains humble and we would like to put a knows that she could not have gotten spotlight on basketball, volleyball, and as far as she has on her own. She told flag football superstar, Kyla Basa. Kyla is The Planet, “I have been very fortunate a grade 11 student here at Ward and has enough to be blessed with very talented been competing since she started here teammates; some of which are the best in grade 9. athletes I have ever worked along side of. Their high level of play gives me the drive to be better every day. I aspire to have the same impact on other people KYLA BASA LAUGHING WITH TEAMMATES (PHOTO BY JONATHAN CHO) the way my teammates have impacted Just as much as she appreciates her me.” The bond she creates with her teammates, her teammates appreciate teammates are what allows her to and respect her. They know how much continue to get better, and with their skill and leadership Kyla brings to the KYLA BASA LOOKING FOR A PASS (PHOTO BY MICHELLE RIVERA) motivation and help she knows the sky table. Kyla credits one of her coaches, Kyla is a natural born leader and takes is the limit. Kevin Sheriff, for her success and talks initiative to lead her teammates to about what an inspiration he has been success. She has been a key member of One of her teammates from the to her. every team she has joined and leaves a basketball and football team, Kaléah strong impact. Her skill and merit is well Smith, had this to say about Kyla: “Kyla is “I have many people that have impacted known all throughout the school. a very influential teammate and player my career as an athlete but there is one mainly because of her focus. When it’s person that continues to inspire me She has competed on the girl’s volleyball game time she is nothing but focused everyday. Kevin Sheriff is one of my team, varsity girl’s basketball team, and on the main task. She makes a mistake, coaches that has been along side of me varsity girl’s flag football team in each of she brushes it off and puts her energy for about six years now. He has coached her years in high school. Kyla has been back on winning. She doesn’t let it affect me all throughout my elementary

school and club volleyball years. He has taught me many great skills but most importantly, I learned to be a leader through him. He has pushed me to work harder and to always have positive attitude and encouragement towards my coaches and teammates on and off the court.” Mary Ward is extremely lucky to have such a talented athlete in their school, and is so proud of the way she represents the Wolverines. Kyla also made a comment about representing Ward when she competes: “For me, being an athlete at Mary Ward means getting to play the sports I am very passionate about with the people that I love. When I am playing, I am proud to be wearing a Mary Ward jersey and representing an amazing school.” Kyla Basa keeps on improving and with next year being her final year at Mary Ward, we cannot wait to see what she will bring to the table for her final run. She is such a key piece of Mary Ward’s athletic community and may very well be one of the best athletes to ever wear a Wolverines jersey.

Student Artist Spotlight: Jacqueline Sugianto A deeper look at Mary Ward’s amazing dancer: Jacqueline Sugianto

By Shandel Jarabejo

Q: When did you start dancing? A: I started dancing when I was three At such a unique years old. However, I began training school like Mary Ward, more seriously when I joined Canada’s you’re bound to meet National Ballet School at the age of 11. students with cool hobbies and interest, ranging from the Q: Why did you start dancing? Who or arts to academics! Grade 10 student, what inspired you to do so? Jacqueline Sugianto is one of the many A: I started dancing because of my talented students here at Mary Ward. family. My mom is a ballet teacher and Besides dedicating her time on units, my sisters were training professionally Sugianto is passionate for dance and at the time so, to be honest, my future participates in prestigious competitions. was predestined. She is a recipient of various awards for dance and has even collaborated with Q: How often do you train/practice? a dance-wear company, so to find out A: I normally train six days a week. It’s more about Suiganto and her love for usually 3-4 hours of ballet and repertoire dance, the Planet decided to ask her a every day and maybe some additional few questions. contemporary/choreography/hiphop classes on the side.


VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 14

Q: What do you love most about dance? A: The musicality. Just the feeling of using movement to express a melody or rhythm is like nothing else. Also, the story/expression you get to give to the audience is a bonus. Q: In what ways has dance shaped you to be the person you are today? A: Through dance, I’ve realized that hard work is what will make you successful. It’s great to be talented or have a perfectly proportioned body, but if you don’t work hard, you will fall behind everyone who does. Also, appreciate everything that you have been given.

Q: Do you plan on pursuing dance in the future? A: That’s the plan. I’m hoping to have a career as a professional dancer in a ballet company. Q: What do you think your life would be like without dance? A: Boring, but a lot less stressful. I would find school a lot more enjoyable and would be able to join clubs and teams, so that’s a plus. Q: How do you manage to balance school work and dance? A: I really don’t do this well. Since I leave Mary Ward at lunch every day, I miss a lot of time for consultations, tests, field trips, etc. I crawl by with all-nighters but it’s not healthy. Let’s just say my TA is constantly stressed about me. Sorry, Mr. Wong.

Q: What’s one thing you wish people knew about Ballet or dance in general? A: When a dancer stands on her “tippytoes” we’re not just using our feet. Our Q: When did you start competing? pointe shoes are crafted to support What are some of your achievements in our arch and foot, so though we need dance? strength in our ankles, we’re not using Although being a student requires a A: I started competing when I was brute force alone. lot of dedication, that doesn’t mean around six years old. Recently, I became you have to give up your hobbies or the Top soloist for “Hit The Floor” Q: Any tips or advice on how to be a whatever you’re passionate about. Like winning 1st and 3rd place overall. I’ve good dancer? Suiganto, passion can lead to success also become the 2020 Face of Fever A: Have self-discipline. Listen to those and maybe even a career. Dance Championships so I get to do a who want to help you, but in the end, photoshoot for their organization in your success is solely dependant on July. your effort. And, don’t take yourself too seriously.

community community

Community Wrap-Up community

By Nia Wilson

The final weeks of school here at Mary Ward have been quite eventful. With the start of the infamous May-June Rush, we’ve all been scrambling wildly to finish and submit units in time for the fast-approaching due dates! Nonetheless there were still many great events that took place to keep the community thriving!


April 30th to May 3rd - Theatrical Asian garments. Each morning on the Production announcements one Asian-Canadian leader was highlighted. In the Family Studies department, people were able to participate in making dishes native to Asia. Henna was also available throughout the month. May 6th to May 10th - Art Show


guides at the show in order to obtain quest units for applicable courses. Be sure to check out the full page spread in this issue. May 14th - SAC Elections Students in grades 9-11 assembled to hear the speeches of potential SAC candidates for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. Weeks leading up to the day, candidates developed campaigns in efforts to encourage their peers to vote for them. After each candidate presented their speech, students returned to TA to vote on who they thought should represent them on Student Council. Later, the results were released and the new SAC members were congratulated.

The drama department of Mary Ward performed their theatrical rendition of Baskerville. After working tirelessly for THE ANNUAL ART SHOW WAS CALLED FACADE (PHOTO BY RITZL) months, it was quite the show. Be sure to check out the full page spread in this The annual art show was a success, May 27th - Wolverine Run issue for details and highlights. especially with it being Mr. Notten’s final year at our school. Students in the Art and Tech departments worked towards A GUEST SPEAKER CAME IN TO TALK ABOUT THE ISSUE OF HOMOPHOBIA (PHOTO BY MS. POWELL)

The Mary Ward community participated in the International Day of Pink to protest bullying and exclusion. Students and teachers alike sported an item of pink to stand in unison with victims of bullying. April 23rd to April 26th - Earth Week




Events were held throughout the week by Greenquest to encourage our community to be more environmentallyfriendly and preserve our planet. A civvies day was held during this week to raise money in support of environmental initiatives.

wrapping up any projects to ensure the show was filled with the best of Mary Ward. There was live music and booths run by student entrepreneurs that sold everything from t-shirts to handmade jewellery. Guests were able to travel through the school and experience all STUDENTS AND TEACHERS COLLABORATED TO PUT ON AN AMAZING the great work. Some pieces were even SHOW (PHOTO BY JONATHAN CHO-AH-YING ) available for sale. Students were also Throughout the month of May, Mary able to act as security guards and tour Ward observed Asian-Canadian Heritage Month in order to acknowledge and recognize the contributions of Asian people to Canada. There was a fashion show which some teachers participated in sporting traditional

Grade nines participated in the annual Wolverine Run in which they ran a long distance for their final gym units. Many students of other grades went out to show their support and witness the youngest members of Mary Ward carry on this tradition.





VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 15


sports sports


Sports Wrap-Up How did the Wolverines compete this Spring

By Joseph Casciaro Coaches: Sersanti, Harrison, and Sahlani Esprit, and the grade 9 boys 4x100m relay team of Andy Feng, Bryan Oquindo, The Mary Ward The Mary Ward Junior Boy’s Volleyball Brian Liao, and Kaleb Mendiola. Wolverines concluded Team made their school proud this on another very season and showed what it means Girl’s Varsity Soccer (0-5) impressive spring to be an amazing team. They played Coaches: Sersanti and Ragell season. Every team put forth their best with great skill all season long and The Mary Ward Varsity Girl’s Soccer effort and made our school very proud! did not lose a game until the finals. team went through some adjustments In every sport from rugby to soccer, They should not be disappointed this season, and took the season as a the Wolverines did an amazing job with the results, but instead be proud chance to improve. They played hard all and all the amazing athletes we have of what they accomplished and throughout the year and never backed here at Mary Ward showed their skill. wear their silver medals with pride. down from any challenges. You could see improvements from the team every time they stepped on to the field, and Boy’s Rugby 15s (0-4) Track and Field next year could be their chance to show Coaches: Coleman and Athill Coaches: Kennedy and Peets The Varsity Boys Rugby 15s team After 7 months of training, Mary everyone what they are capable of. displayed another season of heart and Ward’s Track & Field team competed dedication. They worked hard through fiercely at this year’s TDCAA T&F Varsity Girl’s Flag Football (4-3) the whole season, and treated every Championship meet on May 23-24. Coaches: Adourian, Vecchiarelli, game as a learning experience. With Huge congratulations goes out to Tuccitto rugby still being such a new sport all those who competed; Mr. Athill The Varsity Girl’s Flag Football team has at Mary Ward, it is impressive to see and Mr. Coleman are very proud of started out on another great season; the talent the team has to grow on. your performances. Special shout out they have been playing with great They never gave up and will come to all those who qualified for Metro skill all season. Led by their very three back next season even stronger. championships: Aaron Osamudiamen, knowledgeable coaches, they have Junior Boy’s Volleyball (8-1, Silver Medal) Angel Tofalusi, Ashling Ayekun, Trinity been able to advance all the way to the



VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 16


semi-finals. Unfortunately, they came up short in the semi-finals, to a very worthy competitor, in RH King. Congratulations to all the girls on advancing that far and better luck next season! Varsity Girl’s Softball (4-2-1) Coaches: Bullock, Zidar Mary Ward’s Girl’s Softball team has been proving themselves as strong contenders each and every game. The girls have found the perfect balance to have strong pitching, defense, and offense. With hard work they have qualified for playoffs, unfortunately they came up short in their first playoff game. The girls should be proud of their hard work and ability to reach the playoffs. Everyone here at The Planet would like to congratulate every athlete that competed on an amazing season and we look forwad to next year!




sports sports

Raps in 6ix How the Raptors made Canadian sports history By Joseph Casciaro The date was May 20th, 2001 and the Toronto Raptors led by Vince Carter were locking horns with the Allen Iverson led Philadelphia 76ers in the second round of the playoffs. It was game seven and the Milwaukee Bucks were waiting to find out who they would be playing in the next round. Game seven was a very close game with Iverson and Carter neck and neck the entire time. Iverson would finish with 21 points and Carter would finish right behind him with 20 points. However, everything that happened before the final minute of the game was practically forgotten. The score was 88-87 in favour of the 76ers, but the Raptors had possession to close the game.

back and forth. Neither team was able to pull ahead and the fans were on the edge of their seats the entire time. So, just like last time the game would come down to the final minute. The Raptors had a 1-point lead with just less than 10 seconds remaining, and Leonard would step to the free-throw line for 2 shots. He sunk the first shot, but unfortunately missed the second shot allowing for the 76ers to head out on fast break that ended with Jimmy Butler making a layup to tie the game with 4.2 seconds remaining. Now, the Raptors had the perfect chance to re-write history and once again take that final shot. Not a single person in the arena was in their seat and the Raptors in-bounded the ball. Of course, the ball went into Leonard’s hand. He would dribble to the corner and had Joel Embiid draped over him. He ended up in front of the Raptors and let out a prayer, shooting a fading jumper with Embiid’s hand in his face.


The ball would go into Carter’s hands, he pump-faked, lost his defender, and there it was, a wide-open shot. Carter threw up the shot and the buzzer sounded, the arena went silent, until you heard the clank of the ball hitting the back of the rim and falling out. Carter could not make the shot and the Raptors season was over. Now we fastforward eighteen-years into the future. The day is now May 12th, 2019 and the Kawhi Leonard led Toronto Raptors are matched up with the Joel Embiid led Philadelphia 76ers in the second-round of this years playoffs. The Raptors were looking to re-write history in this playoff match-up and finally overcome the 76ers to reach the Eastern Conference Finals, where once again just like 2001, the Milwaukee Bucks were already waiting.


The arena was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. The ball bounced on the rim once, twice, a third time, and then it would hit for a fourth time and fall right into the basket. The arena erupted and the usual stone-faced Leonard would let out a scream like nobody has seen before as he was swarmed by his teammates to celebrate. That was it, the Toronto Raptors were off to the Eastern Conference Finals, and Leonard was able to make the biggest shot in Raptors history.

It was a very long 18 years, but it has all changed now and thanks to Leonard the Raptors were able to continue their path in the NBA Playoffs. With that shot he just strengthened the argument that he very well may be the best player to ever wear a Raptor’s jersey, and that This game was no different than the basket will always be remembered as game 18 years ago. It was a true nail ‘The Shot.’ biter, very low scoring and constantly


La Liga Academy La Liga soccer league and Inspiratus Sports team up By Joseph Casciaro

opportunity to compete against top La Liga youth clubs and have professional The premier young experience.” Canadian soccer players of Toronto will finally be getting the opportunity they rarely ever receive. La Liga soccer league will be teaming up with Inspiratus Sports to create the first ever La Liga Academy in Canada. The CEO of La Liga North America, Boris Gartner, had this to say about this new academy, “The world of La Liga in the past 10 years or so at an international level has been amazing and the amount of attention we get in this side of the world to La Liga has been outstanding and that is why about 7 months ago in August last year we launched a joint venture La Liga and Inspiratus sports to actually try and develop even more the North American market.” La Liga has finally realized how much attention they have in North America and want to cater to the popular market, and give an equal chance to children outside of Spain. This academy will be starting up in late May and will be open to all boys and girls aged 4-18. To start off, the academy will work out of Downsview Park, Croatian Club Karlovac, Paramount Fine Foods Centre, and Canlan Sportsplex, giving these young Canadians the training necessary to take their skills to the highest potential possible. Additionally, Head coaches who are UEFA-Pro Certified La Liga coaches from Spain will do all the training to help make this possible. These coaches will be priming these young soccer players and showing them what it takes for them to make it to the professional league. The main focus of skill development will be ball possession, short passing, player movement, technical skills, decisionmaking, teamwork, strategizing, and communication which are the key elements in the art of soccer.


This will be a destination for the players that have phenomenal potential. Since everyone in the HPC will be handpicked, there will be no charge for these athletes and La Liga will provide all the necessities. For the regular academy, the athletes will be required to pay for their training and then these players will be evaluated and those who are well above the rest will be offered a spot in the La Liga HPC. Both soccer players and fans in Toronto are ecstatic, including Kevin Moniz, coach of the Hamilton Football Club who says, “I think that this league coming here brings great opportunity for kids regardless of where they’re playing now at the club level, at the academy level. I think at the end of the day it is going to open up doors for kids that don’t have a pathway to go in Europe, I think that the European soccer is far ahead than where we are here in North America and I think it’s going to give the kids an opportunity doing this whole academy and experience and like we said they’ll get to do the higher level soccer and I think it will give them the opportunity to go to Europe and give them a chance to do what hasn’t been done here in Canada which is open the doors for our Canadian players that can compete at the highest level if given the opportunity to train properly.”

Even a coach from Canada, who may be losing their players to this academy, is excited for this opportunity. He knows that he cannot offer what La Liga can and is ecstatic to see the young soccer stars of Canada potentially go farther than they could ever go playing for a Inspiratus Sports CEO, Hussein Murad, Canadian club team. talked on the High Performance Center (HPC) saying, “We will be selecting La Liga Academy will be a great the top players from the development opportunity for young and aspiring teams and the best teams to join athletes and nothing but success is the highly acclaimed La Liga High- expected from this grand innovation. Performance Center…and those top Canada may finally be seeing their kids will get the opportunity to travel to young soccer players make it to the big Spain every summer of every year and time and get the opportunities they participate in the La Liga HPC… also the have earned. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 17

sports sports


Le Projet de Loi 21: L’Interdiction des Symboles Religieux au QuÉbec Le loi de gouvernement Legault controversé Par Shandel Jarabejo ne

Au début de l’année, le premier du Québec François Legault et son gouvernement ont introduit un nouveau loi controversé qui interdit la représentation des symboles religieux au Québec. Ce nouveau idée du gouvernement québécois s’appelle « le Projet de Loi 21 » et plusieurs ne sont pas contents avec ses conditions et effets.

sont pas le problème. Le gouvernement Legault propose que le projet de Loi 21 se concentre sur « la neutralité religieuse de l’État et l’égalité de tous les citoyens et citoyennes ». Legault assure aux Québécois que ce changement unifiera tous. Plusieurs ont exprimé leurs concernes avec cet idée du gouvernement québécois, car ce nouveau loi peut violer quelques rites et libertés de la Charte Canadienne, qui protège l’expression et la liberté religieuse.

Le projet de Loi 21 s’affecte plusieurs occupations dans le secteur publique comme les policiers, les enseignants, les gardiens de prison, les juges et les persécuteurs et persécutrices d’Etat. Même les personnes qui travaillent au secteur légal de province comme les ministres de justices, les avocats légaux de province et plus, ne sont pas exemptés de nouveau loi. Si le projet de Loi 21 entrerait en vigueur, tous les travailleurs du secteur publique ne pourraient pas porter des symboles religieux comme le turban, le kippa et même l’hijab.

Les organisations de défense des droits civils comme le Conseil National des Musulmanes Canadiens, ont fait connaître les concernés de racism et de la discrimination qu’ils ont reçus. Leila Nasr, une travailleuse avec le Conseil National des Musulmanes Canadiens, a dit « Malheureusement, ce que le gouvernement de Québec fait à ce moment nous pensons est ils avaient les conversations de nous, mais pas avec nous. »


Ce nouveau loi n’est pas entièrement strict; il y a quelques exceptions ce qu’on appelle « les échappatoires ». Ceux qui ont besoin de couvrir leur visage pour les raisons médicaux ou handicaps, peuvent continuer à porter une couche. La même règle s’applique aux travailleurs qui utilisent les couches pour accomplir leurs travails. De plus, il y a un clause de grand père qui exempte certains occupations, s’ils restent avec la même position et l’employeur. Le projet de Loi 21 semble à discriminer les symboles religieux, mais les symboles eux-mêmes VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 18

petite planète

Alexa! Écrivez Mon Article en Français! L’assistance virtuelle Alexa maintenant parle le français québécois Par Aidan Carino

Bonne nouvelle tout le monde: Alexa parle maintenant le français canadien. En septembre 2018, Amazon a donné quelques milliers d’Echo’s au Québécois. En fait, le français canadien se diffère du français en France. Alexa, l’assistante virtuelle d’Amazon, a été envoyée au Québec pour apprendre les subtilités du français canadien, de l’accent distinctif aux expressions “joual” et au méli-mélo linguistique appelé “franglais”. D’après une interview avec City News, Nicolas Maynard, l’homme responsable d’Alexa au Canada, enseigner à l’assistante virtuelle de comprendre le français était difficile en raison de la complexité de la langue et d’un vocabulaire différent selon les régions. Pour bien l’adapter à un public canadien-français, il fallait s’assurer qu’il comprendrait les questions posées en utilisant la prononciation locale. Par exemple,

générales de chaque région et est en mesure de répondre à des questions sur la culture et la politique. Par exemple, vous pouvez demander à Alexa de réciter le poème “Le Vaisseau d’Or” du célèbre écrivain québécois Émile Nelligan. L’Alexa canadienne-française a aussi un répertoire de plaisanteries québécoises qu’elle peut raconter.


L’évolution technologique rend que la technique peut s’adapter à son environnement. Il n’a fallu que quelques mois à Alexa pour apprendre la langue unique du Canada français. Maintenant... combien de temps faudra-t-il à la

Bien que François Legault soutien que la plupart les Québécois et Québécoises sont en accord, il est évident que ce n’est pas le cas. Une commission de scolaire, Le Conseil Scolaire Anglais de Montréal, a suivi les traces de Fédération autonome de l’Enseignement; en adoptant un motion qui s’oppose à ce loi potentiel. Le conseil scolaire de dispute que le projet de loi 21 compris les valeurs de conseil de diversité, de l’acceptation, de respect et finalement la tolérance. On estime que le projet de loi 21 qui interdit la représentation religieuse au vue de publique, deviendra probablement un loi, malgré de la critique et concernés de plusieurs. Le parti de Legault fait la majorité de l’Assemblé National, ce qui augmente leur chances, mais cela ne signifie pas que ce loi potential n’aurait pas de changements. Peu ce qui arrive, ceux les plus affectés doivent être consultés avant d’officier le projet de loi 21.


la prononciation des mots anglais au Québec est beaucoup plus proche de la wprononciation anglaise qu’en France. L’Alexa canadienne-française possède des connaissances

technique d’apprendre à réparer les effets du changement climatique? Alexa ! Achète-moi des pailles en métal d’Amazon !


wact wact


Throwback Teen Movies OUR WATCH HAS ENDED

Teen movies from the 80s and 90s B y D o n Q a r l o shout’ in a parade, breaking the fourth Bernadino wall and trying to run back home before his parents do. The Breakfast Club One of if not the most Although Broderick as Ferris steals the beloved teen movie of show, the supporting cast is just as all time, ever since its release in 1985. memorable and relatable as well. Ferris’ Most of you might already know the sister Jeanie, is looked down upon as plot, five students with seemingly being rude or a killjoy as she tries to different personalities, friend groups, get Ferris in trouble. Yet through the and popularity levels all end up in film she gets one of the best character Saturday detention. Throughout the development arcs. She goes from course of one day they begin to form cynical and annoyed of her brother to a bond that makes them relate to each being more lighthearted and fun. Ferris’ other in a way that they never expected. best friend Cameron ends up being the emotional crutch of the movie. The The Breakfast Club is iconic to this day school principal, Ed Rooney is the main and there’s a reason it made waves in antagonist of the movie, as he tries to the 80s. Judd Nelson’s charming, bad prove Ferris guilty of skipping school, boy, criminal character John Bender, which leads to amazing comedic fist pumping the air in the films most moments. memorable shot. The chase scene between vice principal Mr. Vernon Clueless and the five teens. The romances that The story centers on rich teen Cher, who unfold between the characters. That helps out her new friend Tai (played by one emotional, gut wrenching scene the late Brittany Murphy) to become that we all know and cry about. The just as popular as her. Along the way teens opening up about their feelings Cher also struggles to find true love behind the facade hits an emotional in the process. The movie is endlessly truth that resonates with everyone no quotable due to a career defining matter who you are. performance from Alicia Silverstone as Cher. Her character is loveable and So many moments stick with us charming. Compared to any other because the film is still relatable to this iconic teen movie character, none have day. Each character represents a high been able to match the fashion of Cher. school stereotype, and although it may look outdated and cheesy, these Her character has a surprising amount stereotypes are prominent in high of development throughout the movie school culture. There is a character here as well. As she tries to boost Tai’s for everyone, whether it’s the criminal, popularity through trying to control Molly Ringwald’s the princess, Emilio who she hangs out with, how she Estevez’s the athlete, Anthony Michael dresses and how to behave, Tai starts Hall’s the brain, and Ally Sheedy’s basket to become an unlikable character that case character. The film was directed by Cher realizes she created. She begins prominent director John Hughes who to understand how she has no right to created some of the most iconic teen control how others want to live their films of all time. The Breakfast Club feels life. Tai also goes through character like an 80’s John Hughes film, with a growth, understanding how she wants memorable, soundtrack, humour, and to fit in high school and trying to find heart. her true identity. This is while constantly tripping, falling and almost getting Ferris Bueller’s Day Off herself killed in one scene, which will Ferris Bueller, another John Hughes film, have you dying of laughter but also is not as emotionally gut wrenching and charmed by her character. while leans towards more comedy and a simpler plot, still has all the elements The only problematic aspect of this that makes it another memorable staple movie comes at the very end, which in the teen genre. The story follows I will not spoil if you have not already Ferris Bueller, played to perfection by seen it. Who Cher ends up being with at Matthew Broderick, who pretends to be the end is debatable as to it being the sick to his parents and spend a whole right choice. Depending on how you day going on wild adventures with his view it, you may be satisfied, or you may best friend and girlfriend. There are be disgusted and say: “Ugh! As if.” many memorable scenes that stick with you, Ferris and his friends going to an art gallery, Ferris singing in ‘twist and

*sadly hums the theme song* By Chelsea Bidaisee

Bran becomes King of the *Six* Kingdoms meaning the Starks now officially rule all of Westeros. The underdogs become the champions and again, while this should feel rewarding, it just doesn’t. Probably because the Starks only shared one scene with dialogue from everyone and after seven season of fighting to get back to each other, go their separate ways.

With Game of Thrones all wrapped up, it’s time to look back and evaluate the narratives that have been building up for the past seven seasons. It’s time to say goodbye to a show that has changed us as a society and that will live on for decades. If it wasn’t already obvious, this will contain major and I mean, major Season 8 was full of deaths but none spoilers. shocked us more than the death of Daenerys Targaryen at the hand of Jon Snow. Kit Harington himself was horrified by it. While many narratives of this season suffered from a poor execution, I’d like to argue that this has been long coming. Dany, just like the Starks, started out as an underdog, but, with her dragons, she rises in power. A major theme from the show has been THE FINAL SEASON FOR “GAME OF THRONES” WAS RELEASED IN APRIL what power does and what it makes (PHOTO VIA 99 DESIGNS) you. Some people argue that her ending The finale has brought about was a case of gross misogyny because many conflicting feelings, namely Dany is a woman with ambition and disappointment. The build up to what got murdered for it. However, that isn’t should have been shocking events was the case. She was murdered because practically non existent. It was held back she had just burned down a city full so that the events would provide shock, of innocents and had no intention of and they did, but it felt hollow with stopping there. little to no foreshadowing. But the bad writing aside, we can all agree that the cast and crew put their hearts into this and the visuals were stunning especially in episode three if you managed to see anything. The ending and obvious Starbucks cups aside, let’s focus on the positives. Sansa Stark becomes Queen in the North, fulfilling her brother Robb Stark’s dream of an independent North, and her own dream of becoming the hero she always wished for. Arya stays true to herself and travels west of Westeros. And while that’s great and all, Arya’s about to find out the earth is a sphere and will end up in Essos which I guess is still an adventure.



Her iconic line of ‘breaking the wheel’ was essentially useless because she intended to put herself on top anyway. She may have started with good intentions, but her drive for power through cruel methods is what got her killed. Jon has now become a kinslayer and was exiled to the Night’s Watch which I’m not really sure exists anymore and serves no purpose. With the wall down, Unsullied and Dothraki off to Essos, the land beyond could technically be Sansa’s because the freefolk weren’t officially given them. Meaning Sansa could pardon Jon which we all know she would. The possibility of this isn’t clear but it’s nice to dream. Here’s to hoping GRRM manages to finish the series and fix Thrones on time. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 19


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Retro Rewind Old shows to rewatch and binge

By Emmit Tam

the characters well and it never seems that there is truly a side character. This GREYS ANATOMY hilarious show will bring you laughs, This longest running tears and the want for more stories medical TV drama about this Paper Company. follows interns at a hospital. They strive to become surgeons FRIENDS while dealing with obstacles that life Friends is a sitcom that revolves around throws at them. Meredith Grey, a young 6 New Yorkers trying to figure out love and aspiring intern, meets other interns and life. Joey, Chandler, Phoebe, Ross, while they learn to tackle love and life. Rachel, and Monica are adults trying to Having to deal with professional and figure out their careers and romantic personal problems with her fellow lives. All of these characters are in and surgeons. Grey’s Anatomy is 16 seasons out of relationships with each other or long, and still running, making it a other people. These relationships add a little bit of hilarity at the same time. This definite binge worth show. show is one of the most popular shows of its time because of the memorable THE OFFICE A genius sitcom, The Office, follows characters, interesting stories, and Dunder Mifflin a struggling paper unpredictable events thrown at these supply company and it’s employees. average New Yorkers. Michael Scott, the regional manager of the Scranton Branch, is an animated CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA character who, through trying to be In this supernatural horror web show we comedic, is constantly causing problems follow Sabrina Spellman, a half human and annoying his workers. The constant and half witch teenager who begins antics between Dwight Schrute and her dark education while trying to live a Jim Helpert will leave you laughing out double life. She must protect her friends loud. Not only is the office a comedy but and family on her mortal side from the also brings romance onto the screen. evil forces and threat from her witchThe Office makes sure that you know all side.

GILMORE GIRLS Lorelai Gilmore has a difficult relationship with her upper-class parents who disapprove of her life choices because she had gotten pregnant at 16 and has ran away from home. Lorelai now owns a bed and breakfast in Connecticut with her best friend and chef of the restaurant, Sooki. Rory Gilmore, Lorelai’s daughter, has grown into a clever and ambitious young adult who strives to attend a top university. But her daughter’s dreams are put at risk because of Lorelai’s financial state, causing her to ask her parents for help. Tension continues to rise for the rest of the show. PRETTY LITTLE LIARS Pretty Little Liars is a Crime Fiction following Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, Emily Fields, and Alison DiLaurenti. The group had a sleepover at Spencer’s family barn, got drunk and started to tell dark secrets about themselves. They pass out and when they wake up Alison and Spencer are missing. After Alison goes missing, the group slowly drifts apart as their group leader is gone. One year later when all of them have gone separate ways, they all started getting messages

from a blackmailer only known as “-A” with secrets that only Alison would know. The only suspect is Alison until the group finds Alison’s dead body in her backyard. This thrilling crime show will put you on the edge of your seat and wondering what will happen next. ONCE UPON A TIME This series takes place in the fictional seaside town of Storybrooke, Maine. But all the residents of this town are all actual characters from various fairy tales that all have their minds robbed by the Evil Queen Regina who obtained the powerful spell from Rumplestiltskin. The residents of the town are unaware of their aging selves because of the curse and their only hopes are with Emma Swan, daughter of Snow White, and Prince Charming who were transported to Storybrooke through the Enchanted Forest before they could be cursed. The story follows these two characters as they try to restore the memories of these fairy tale characters. With characters you know and love, this show is interesting to all who like a good spin on old fairy tales.

Your Fave is Problematic What does it mean to separate art from the artists?

By Nimmy Ayekun

shouldn’t we be more susceptive to the idea that people can change? But that doesn’t mean that every celebrity mishap deserves to be easily overlooked - especially if the offence is sexual assault or domestic abuse. Which begs the question where do we draw the line? As by continuing to support the artwork but not the artists, in some ways aren’t we saying that it is okay to do bad things, just as long as you can sing? Act? Direct? Rap?

We all love good music but what happens when our favourite artist does something terrible? Or when an actor we really like is caught in an implicating situation? Do we stand by them or tweet #cancelled in response? Can’t decide? Well, you’re not the only one. It seems that whether or not we should remain loyal to our favourite celebrities despite their scandals, has become an ongoing and Who knows? But in light of the recent debate, and as with any debate there James Charles scandal, this popular are always two sides worth examining. dilemma has once again flooded social media discourse. The drama all began On one hand songs or movies don’t when 37 year old beauty influencer, Tati hurt anyone, in fact their purpose is the Westbrook, uploaded a teary eyed video opposite, and individuals who believe to her Instagram page about fakeness in “separating art from the artist,” have in the industry and although she did pointed out that celebrities like people, not call out James Charles directly it make mistakes. Which is right, in this didn’t take long for fans to connect day and age, it has become incredibly the dots, as prior to the post James easy for social media vigilantes to Charles and Tati Westbrook had been unearth nasty tweets from a celebrities long time collaborators, and the upload past, but the truth of the matter is that in question came shortly after Charles in order for us to progress as a society uploaded a paid promotion for Sugar VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 20

Bear Vitamins, a direct competitor of Charles explained his side of the story, Tati’s brand - Halo Beauty. the tone on social media quickly changed. Twitter users began to tweet Tati Westbrook then released a 43 minute in support of James and once again his video detailing the ins and outs of her follower count increased. tumultuous relationship with James Charles. The video titled - Bye Sister Overall, the whole situation is just (a play on nickname given by James another example of how celebrity Charles to his fans) discussed many scandals like this force us as social different issues at length, ranging from media users to choose where our James Charles tendency to leech off of morals lie. One cannot deny that James others to Tati’s role as a mentor to him, Charles is a talented makeup artist, and but it was Tati’s comments on Charles’ his inappropriate behaviour is potent inappropriate behaviour with “straight in many of his videos, however the men,” that really struck a cord with the “receipts” from his video say otherwise. internet. Many viewers applauded What is more concerning is how users Tati for addressing James Charles side with a veteran content creator who “longstanding predatory behaviour.” essentially used her platform to talk Yet other’s were quick to condemn Tati down to a 19 year old. Others have even for even speaking on the matter due pointed out that the outrage expressed to her affiliation with Jeffree Star - a over this social media debacle is content creator with a dark social media fairly unnecessary when there is so history, and, well, James Charles lost a much more going on in the world considerable amount of subscribers/ and they have a point. Problematic followers in the process. or unproblematic, maybe we should reconsider even talking about our faves However, following the release of his so much anyways. second apology video in which James


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‘Captain Marvel’ Breaks Box Office Records Marvel’s first female-led superhero film

By Ina Sugay

The film follows the events that led up to Carol becoming Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel’s her journey as she uncovers the truth groundbreaking debut about her past. has made it one of the most successful movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film made $153 million in North America and $455 million worldwide making it the most successful opening weekend of any female-led movie. ‘Captain Marvel’ broke several box office records including having the seventhCAROL DANVERS’ HAND SIGN (PHOTO VIA MARVEL ENTERTAINMENT) largest debut in North America, the second-biggest domestic debut of a Although Captain Marvel is a fictitious new character and the sixth-biggest character, her impact on the modern world is very much real. As for many opening weekend of all time. years, movies with female superheroes For those who aren’t too familiar with as the main character have been Captain Marvel, she is a former Air Force looked down upon due to common pilot and intelligence agent named Hollywood misconceptions and sexism. Carol Danvers who was exposed to However, according to Jeff Bock, a box a powerful alien device giving her office analyst with Exhibitor Relations extraordinary powers and turning her “‘Captain Marvel’ shuts the door on into a combination of human and Kree that conversation. It slams it, in fact. (an advanced soldierly alien species). Female superhero films of the past like

‘Catwoman’ and ‘Elektra’ were bad films that’s all we have to say about them. You look at ‘Wonder Woman’ and ‘Captain Marvel’, they are good films put together by strong creative teams. That’s the difference. “However, while it is true that Marvel has a remarkably inventive team, it might just be that today’s audience is more intrigued by characters who break down barriers and put an end to social myths. Diversity is becoming more and more appealing to audiences worldwide; sex, race and sexuality no longer matter, or as Disney’s president of distribution, Cathleen Taff puts it, diversity gives everyone an opportunity to “see themselves as superheroes.” Besides being inspirational, there are certainly many more impressive aspects of the film. For one, the actors are phenomenal - Brie Larson (Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel) and Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) make quite the hilarious duo in this movie, and secondly, the storyline is incredibly impressive.

Throughout the movie, I was personally awestruck by the genius of Marvel as the studio did such an excellent job at not only highlighting the parts of Carol Danvers that made her human but also the pieces of her personality that made her a superhero. in such a creative and talented manner. Overall, “Captain Marvel” deserves to be called a success, and it is definitely a must see for those dying to witness an empowering female lead in action.


MARV EL MOVIE T HROW BACK WARNING: A lot of spoilers ahead

By Ina Sugay

Rogers’ plane crashes tragically and he is presumed dead. But he awakes 70 years Almost eleven years later and is approached by Nick Fury to after the first Iron Man be the first avenger. movie was released, Endgame came out in The Avengers (2012) theatres marking the end and beginning Nick Fury recruits six people for “the of a new era. But before we talk about Avengers Initiative”: Iron Man, Captain Endgame, let’s briefly look back at some America, Black Widow, the Hulk, of the movies of the Marvel Cinematic Hawkeye and Thor. When Loki, Thor’s Universe that played a significant role in brother, uses the Tesseract and attacks the “Infinity Saga”. New York City with an army of alien species called Chitauri, Fury assembles Iron Man (2008) the Avengers. Fury’s superiors launch The first movie of the MCU that a nuclear missile towards the city and introduced the “playboy, billionaire, Tony redirects it, destroying the Chitauri philanthropist”, Tony Stark and his fleet. The leader of the Chitauri survives journey to becoming Iron Man. After and reports to Thanos, the Mad Titan, revealing to the world at a press that they were defeated. conference that he is Iron Man, S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury approaches Thor: The Dark World (2013) him about “the Avengers Initiative”. We are introduced to the reality stone (or the Aether). Thor’s Lover, Dr. Jane Captain America: The First Avenger Foster is infected by the stone and as she (2011) arrives on Asgard the Dark Elf Malekeith We are introduced to Steve Rogers (also awakens and kills Thor’s mother while known as Captain America), who is the trying to kill Jane. Malekeith is eventually result of a “super-soldier” experiment defeated and the Aether is given to a conducted in World War II. We are also man named The Collector to keep the introduced to an infinity stone - the reality and space stone separated. space stone (or the Tesseract) - which is in possession of Nazi officer Johann Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Schmidt, who later turns into Red Skull. The Avengers retrieve the mind stone

from a Hydra base which Tony Stark and Bruce Banner use to (accidentally) create a psychotic Artificial Intelligence named Ultron who believes that the only way to save the world is genocide. Captain America: Civil War (2016) As a result of the havoc caused in Age of Ultron, the U.S. government demands to set rules for the Avengers. The Avengers have different opinions causing discordance between the heroes and resulting in the civil war. At the end of the movie, Tony finds out that Captain’s friend from the war, Bucky Barnes, was the one that murdered his parents, ruining their friendship and further separating the Avengers. Doctor Strange (2016) We are introduced to Doctor Strange and the power of the time stone. We are also briefly shown the quantum realm from one of Strange’s mentors, the Ancient One. Avengers: Infinity War (2018) In this movie we lose a bunch of our favourite characters to a psychotic grape. Thanos has appeared here and there throughout the movies; he believes that wiping out half of a species’ population will help create balance in the universe.

He succeeds when he collects all six infinity stones and snaps our favourite characters from existence. Antman and the Wasp (2018) This movie provided us with a more indepth description of the quantum realm. We find out from the end-credit scene that Ant-Man is trapped in the quantum realm, which plays a significant role in Endgame. Captain Marvel (2019) We are introduced to the human-Kree hybrid, Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel who worked with Nick Fury and was the inspiration for “the Avengers Initiative”. Endgame (2019) This movie truly made Marvel fans go through numerous emotions in the span of three hours. From getting excited when Captain America could wield Mjolnir to sobbing over Tony’s death, Endgame was certainly one emotional roller coaster. With the unfortunate death of Stan Lee and several of our favourite Marvel characters, an era has truly ended. But a new line of movies and a new saga is definitely on its way. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 21

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nostalgia Evolution of the Cell Phone field trip How we evolved from a brick to sleek multitaskers

A look back into the technology of yesterday


By Emmit Tam Technology surrounds us everywhere we go nowadays. The phone in your pocket, the computer or laptop at home with the latest operating system, or even the bus stop advertisements on the streets. Whether we acknowledge it or not, technology is an intergral part of our lives. But what about the early 2000s? Where advertisements that were large screens were scarce, everyone wore a watch, and not everyone had a touchscreen phone in their pockets. Let’s take a look at some technology that we may have forgotten about.

Landline Honourable Mention

The landline used to be the quickest and most reliable way to reach someone when they were at home. When I was younger and didn’t have a phone yet, my parents would call the home phone to check on my siblings and I, essentially it’s purpose for existing. Many homes have since dropped the landline because of the introduction to cellular phones. In 2004, only 59% of Canada’s population had cell phones, but since then about 88% of Canada’s population owns a wireless cell phone. The phone in your pocket doesn’t require to be plugged in at all times and is usually always on us making the invention of the landline near obsolete. Although many Canadians MP3 Players (iPod) still own a landline, it is having a steady MP3 players were the greatest way to be decline in subscriptions. anti-social on the bus in the early 2000s. The 1st Generation iPod, the iPod shuffle Nintendo DS and Dell’s DJ Ditty are all examples The Nintendo DS was released in 2004 of outdated MP3 players. These small and still holds so many great memories compact devices would be your easiest for me. The DS included two screens, way to download and listen to music the bottom one being touch screen on the go. Most MP3 players back then intended to be used with the stylus. It had up to 40GB of storage, which was a had more traditional buttons, a D-Pad, lot, even for phones today, but it would and shoulder buttons, and front-facing only be filled with music. No longer did speakers. This handheld device also had people have to carry around a separate WiFi capabilities, but getting it to connect MP3 player to store all their songs along to the WiFi was a pain. The Nintendo DS with a phone, it could all be put into one! came with loads of classic games that I’m sure many of you have fond memories of Windows XP playing: Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver, Windows XP, I can still hear that start New Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart DS, sound. Produced by Microsoft, Windows Kirby, Nintendogs and the list goes on! XP was released in 2001 and got a lot Being able to play videogames wherever of good reviews. Critics noticed higher I wanted, that was the coolest thing as a speeds and better performance for their 7-year-old. computers. Microsoft has come a long way from developing their Operating Technology has definitely come a long Systems. Windows 10 is now out and is a way in a very short amount of time. It’s better Windows XP. Faster, looks cleaner, often nice to look back at how it used and a ton of new features. But of course to be and feel nostalgic from childhood with time comes improvement and memories of being intrigued by tech efficiency. that seemed advanced at the time.

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 22

By Anna Orta

Cell phones have become standard pieces of technology that keep us entertained, connected to the world and in touch with the majority of our consumer needs. Nothing about facial recognition or talking to someone thousands of miles away seems revolutionary anymore but what about the times when merely having a portable phone felt futuristic. Like humans, cell phones have evolved over time. Although instead of getting less hairy they have gotten smaller and more multipurpose.

of the iPhone or other smartphones, as of 2018 they have slowly climbed their way back into style. Media influencers like Rihanna and Kim Kardashian to make their retro outfits complete began using these phones again. In response, companies have begun to market flip phones and “dumbphones” that have no connection to the internet to students and other consumers. The next major advancement was the introduction of cameras and other features such as on-screen keyboards and apps. Moving away from singlepurposed phones, portable devices with options that made taking pictures with friends or going on the internet became the main focus. Everything was about accessibility and size. This shift in mentality is what led to one of the most revolutionary advances in technology. Companies decided to develop products that would remove the need for home phones, fax machines, cameras, or computers, instead, all of those features would be combined into one. Over the course of several years, phones like the Nokia 7650, the J-SH04, and other variations were released to the public. Although it was not until the release of Apple’s iPhone in 2007 that these goals were met.

Motorola engineer, Martin Cooper made the first call from a mobile phone 46 years ago on the streets of New York. With a DynaTAC that weighed about a kilogram in hand, Martin Cooper marked a new chapter in history. Following this discovery, a wide range of new and improved phones with more additional features than the previous reached the international market. Not only did this change the way we viewed technology, but also society’s response to it. Smartphones, cameras, computers, and laptops have become the heart of modern culture, a culture that was brought into existence Today, we live dependant on our phones by a mobile phone most of us would to do practically everything in our lives. call “prehistoric” if seen today. Playing games, binge-watching shows, looking through social media, listening While Motorola’s DynaTAC took the to music, or even paying with it are title of “first phone”, flip phones took just some of the everyday things we pop culture by storm. The idea was do. We have come a long way from the introduced in the late 1980s and practically indestructible Nokia 3310 became popular in the 90s. Everywhere and are only getting more advanced as you turned, a celebrity or your favourite, the years go by. Who knows what the cool uncle could be seen with one of future has in store for us. In the distant these in hand. In shows like Friends or future, Apple might invent a product movies like Clueless, characters showed that lets us communicate telepathically, off new trendy technology and waved fulfilling our dreams or nightmares of them around as a symbol of their status. living in those futuristic science fiction Although the trend started to die off in communities. the early 2000s with the introduction


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fun and games

WHATS YOUR FAVOURITE CHIDHOOD CARTOON? Guess the cartoon and the teacher who drew it! answers are at the bottom of the page.









Graphic Artwork By Christy Bas

By Cass Cascone

By Jamie Edghill

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 23

A. Mr. Candiotto: Ren and Stumpy B. Cushieri: “Physics Class” C. Ms. Baily: The Simpsons D. Mr. Moullot: Hong Kong Phooey E. Ms. Weathers: “Blue Jays” F. Mr. Laconte: Care Bears G. Mr. Wong: Garfield H. Ms. Zabana: Tom and Jerry

creative spaces


funand and games fun games

By Mackenzy Miranda

fun and games

Pool Time By Grace Yee

Comic by Rachel Sy

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 24

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