Mary Ward Planet Issue 2 2018-2019

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issue 2

spring edition 2019

D i m i n u t i o n o f P r i n t M e d i a | N e w Yo r k | Po s t - S e c o n d a r y


tableof of contents contents table


Table of Contents Sports






The Unstoppable James Harden Super Bowl 2019

La Petite Planete

World Issue





Creative Spaces

Overcoming Bad Habits Staying Focussed Diversity In Makeup Brands How to Survive May June Rush Self Care 101 March Break on a Budget



Let us Leave Not Just A.M Thoughts Portfolio Season




Netflix Recommendations Apps That Help With School Work Noine! Noine! Golden Globes “Lucifer” Is Back ( The Show Don’t Worry) The Danger of Our Devices




Trop A Gerer: Le Probleme Avec Nous Le Faisons

Democracy or Dictatorship 1 Dollar Beer and Student Tears Anti Gay Purges in Chechyna Out of Service The Real Dangers of Fake News Till Company Shares Do Us Apart Is the Earth’s Refridgerator Still Running Leaving the Burden Behind Surviving R.Kelly




Winter Activity Day Spirit Week Colour Day2019 DECA Provinicials Community Wrap-up





Nicole Taylor Emmit Tam Sabrina Percy Shandel Jarabejo Jamie Edghill

LAYOUT DESIGNERS Naomi Fernandes, Nimmy Ayekun, Ashling Ayekun, Anna Orta, Emmit Tam, Ina Sugay, Sabrin a Percy, Joseph Casciaro, Destiny Amorim Downie, Chelsea Bidasee, Nia Wilson, Jamie Edghill . Illustrations: Nicole Taylor

All content © 2018-2019 Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. All rights reserved. Reproduction

of this newspaper, in part of whole, is prohibited without the approval of the Planet executive members. The Mary Ward Planet is the official student

newspaper of Mary Ward C.S.S. All members of the Mary Ward community may voluntarily contribute to the Planet. Everyone exhibits professionalism and respects one another in all exchanges while keeping Christian values and practices. All submitted articles, layouts, and photography are subject to moderation. Material submitted is subject to approval by the Executive, staff moderators, and administration. All material must positively support the ideas and spirit of Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School is a self-directed learning centre located at 3200 Kennedy Road that was founded in 1985. It became a member of the CCSDL (Canadian Coalition of Self-Directed Learning) in 1995.

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 02

editorial editorial

table of contents


The Diminution of Print Media Is the significance of print media diminishing and how is this affecting the Planet? As the decline of newspapers spreads through society, it brings up concern for our beloved school newspaper. The Mary Ward Planet produces three issues a year, twenty-four pages an issue and for the most part, two articles a page.

real journalists but the internet is a vast place and sometimes it’s hard to find credible sources. With more and more people losing interest in the paper, society is more likely to be given false news, which could Creating a newspaper is a dying art and have many the Planet staff are afraid to die along significant with it. Small, local newspapers around effects the world have been shutting down due to little profit and their inability to make back what they spend. While large newspaper companies have the option of going digital and creating an electronic following, it’s much harder for these smaller prints. Already losing a following and interest of the community, these prints which were once beloved no longer exist. Stated by the Washington Post, “since 2010, thirty percent of all journalism jobs have been lost in Canada, and twentyseven dailies have ceased publishing.” Most people can find the latest news on their devices and so people start to lose interest in newspapers. If people are no longer getting their news from journalists, who have fact-checked and followed the story, where will it come from? With the term “fake news” thrown around a lot these days, people seem to forget the serious issues it poses. Some people are just no longer interested in reading the news and prefer to go on their phones to scroll through the news on social media. The problem with this is that anyone could make something appear like the latest news. Journalists, however, find the facts and verify their work to make sure they give their readers true and current articles. This isn’t to say that online journalists are not

on our daily lives.

Illustration by Jamie Edghill

After sending out a survey to students, only 56% of the students that answered the survey read the newspaper and only 15% read the blog. With those numbers remarkably low, the Planet staff wonder how to stay relevant, and

exciting. The Planet wants to be taken seriously by the school community. A survey sent out to teachers, with only nineteen answers, showed that 10.5% of them read the paper and 15.8% do not encourage their students to read the publication. It’s important that staff and students

feelings in mind, the Planet caters to what is relevant to its intended audience. Although this handful of students are dedicated to producing the best paper possible, do the students, staff and members of the community appreciate the efforts? For a handful of Mary Ward students, the newspaper plays a major role in their school lives. The staff at the Mary Ward Planet dedicate weeks and months to releasing the best paper they can. The design and completion of the Planet is a priority for most of these students; using whatever free class time they have and staying at school for as long as 9 pm, there is no doubt in their minds that the paper is influential. However, these students make up only a small fraction of the Mary Ward community. When the paper is released, it can be really bothersome and disheartening when they’re seen in the recycling bin or cast aside after all the hard work of the Planet staff. Our school newspaper is an important part of Mary Ward. It seems like many schools have dissolved their school newspaper and rely on social media for the latest news. The Mary Ward Planet is committed to bringing the school community reliable, upto-date news on the most recent events in the school and out in the world. As an outlet for information and a way to connect students to bigger issues, the staff at the Planet take their job seriously. But does everyone else?

Now it’s your turn to give back: What do you want to see in the paper? How spread the word and to get do you think the Mary Ward Planet can excited about the happenings of the stay relevant? community. The Planet staff and Email Us At: executive team put in countless hours writing, editing, designing, illustrating and so much more. With a jam session every issue, this team of students is committed to running a tight ship. We would love to hear from you! With student interest and community VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 03


world issues world issues

Democracy or Dictatorship?

Illegitimate President Maduro and opposition battle for leadership By Shandel Jarabejo

movement against the socialist leader has sparked controversy over the Venezuela, home to country’s presidency. the world’s largest oil reserves, was once A number of countries including South America’s the United States, Canada and Brazil wealthiest country and is now spiralling recognize Juan Guiadó as Venezuela’s due to its economic and constitutional president. Meanwhile, Russia and China crisis. Ever since Nicolás Maduro was continue to support Maduro in hopes of sworn into office in 2013, following gaining control over oil resources. Aside Hugo Chavez’s death, Venezuela’s from world leaders supporting one of gross domestic product (GDP) has the two Venezuelan leaders, France, the significantly decreased, the murder rate United Kingdom, Spain and Germany has significantly increased and millions are calling for an election within eight of Venezuelans have fled the country. days. In response to the U.S’s support For years, the South American country for Juan Guiadó, Maduro has severed has been facing an economic collapse the country’s ties with United States leading to undesirable conditions, and declared that any U.S diplomats hyperinflation, violence, massive in Venezuela must leave the country protests, poverty, and food shortages. within 72 hours. The president, Nicolás Maduro, is heavily blamed for the crisis. However, he was The dispute over control has now left re-elected into office on May 2018. The Venezuela with two presidents and an victory is believed to be illegitimate unknown future. If Nicolás Maduro stays due to allegations of bought votes and in power, the people may continue to


only 46.1% of Venezuela’s population voted. The inauguration was initially postponed to January, so Maduro may serve out his first term before entering his second. On January 10th Nicolás Maduro was sworn into office again, amid fraud allegations from the national election, violent clashes, and not to mention the disapproval of most Venezuelans. On January 23rd, just two weeks following the inauguration, opposition leader Juan Guiadó declared himself the acting president due to claims of Maduro’s illegitimacy. Guiadó, the opposition leader and head of the National Assembly invoked an article in Venezuela’s constitution which allows him to assume the power for 30 days if there is no legitimate president. The VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 04

suffer and in fact, the conditions may even worsen. Many will continue to endure financial difficulty as inflation drastically increases, leaving them unable to purchase food and medicine needed. It is also expected that millions of Venezuelans will flee the country to seek better opportunities and living conditions. The constitution may head in a completely different direction if Juan Guaidó assumes the presidency. The country could be steered back to democracy and Venezuela may finally see an end to the economic and constitutional crisis, allowing the country to start over. Whether Nicolás Maduro remains in power or a new president will arise, the citizens of Venezuela need to be put first.

world issues

1 Dollar Beers and Student Tears How Doug Ford’s changes to OSAP will affect Ontarians By Naomi Fernandes

changes to OSAP will hurt students in the long run. $700 dollars seems like an insignificant number when you consider the fact that most students are estimated to pay about $500 to $1000 dollars on just textbooks and course materials.

Anyone who’s planning to take the next steps in education in the form of university and college is probably aware of the massive financial commitment that it takes. The costs can seem never-ending The Ontario PC government claimed and overwhelming, especially for those that many economists said that the left to front the costs with no aid from family. Ontario Student Assistance Program or OSAP for short is a form of government financial assistance which is meant to help students entering post-secondary education in the form of both grants and loans. Recently, however, the Doug Ford government has made changes to OSAP and cut tuition by 10% for students. The new changes the OSAP are intended to make education more accessible for lower and middle-income students but in reality, it does little to ease the commitment that post-secondary education entails. These changes to OSAP include a smaller bracket of families who actually can apply for OSAP grants meaning that households that make $140 000 and under qualify but those who make more than this do not. (They are still eligible for loans, however). Additionally, no person can have more grants than they do loans, meaning that at least half of whatever OSAP gives you has to be in the form of loans. The icing on top of the cake really seems to be the removal of the six-month grace period which students had before. A time where students would not gather any interest on their loans as they looked for a job. While the thought of having tuition cut by 10% seems like a welcome change for many who are burdened by the finances of post-secondary, it too comes with its troubles. The only people who are truly benefit from this 10% cut to tuition are higher-income families who do not qualify for grants anyway. To put this into perspective, if tuition costs about $7000 dollars for your first year, with this cut in tuition prices you would be paying $6300. This cost doesn’t however, include the price of textbooks, residence, and any additional costs you might have. Under the old Liberalera OSAP although tuition might have been higher, you would also receive more money in grants. Although you have to pay less money upfront, these

OSAP introduced by Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government was unsustainable and would send the province into debt. The party claims that these changes will make going to university more accessible for lower-income students. They also claim that the removal of the interest-free portion of the six-month grace period “is to reduce complexity.” Students will still have 6 months until they have to start paying back loans but during this six month period, interest will begin to accumulate. Additionally, student fees will now become optional for students. Student fees typically fund things like oncampus healthcare, walk safe programs, student government, and other clubs and associations. This also includes things like minority student groups, food banks, and school newspapers. These are an integral part of the university experience, however, Doug Ford has cited the change as a result of students “forced into unions”. In an email concerning these changes, Doug Ford said “I think we all know what kind of crazy Marxist nonsense student unions get up to. So, we fixed that. Student union fees are now opt-in.” The PC government claims that there will still be some form of mandatory student fees which include essential services like access to mental healthcare and athletic facilities. Student unions have emerged as some of the loudest opposers of these changes especially because it feels like these changes have underlying motives that don’t involve helping students save money.

world issues

world issues world issues

world issues

Anti-gay Purges in Chechnya Being gay means you might not see another day By Ina Sugay In these past few weeks, about 40 gay men and women have been detained, and at least two have been killed due to Russia’s new crackdown on gay people. Russia decriminalised homosexuality 20 years ago, but people are still threatened and discriminated against because of their sexual orientation.

“We don’t have such people. We don’t have any gays. If there are any take them to Canada. Praise be to God. Take them far away from us. To purify our blood, if there are any here, take them.” In May, world leaders had urged President Vladimir Putin to protect the rights of the LGBT communities in Chechnya, but so far nothing has been done.

In 2017, in southern Russia, more than 100 gay men were rounded up and tortured, and some killed. As of December 2018, this has been an ongoing issue. Dozens of gay (or those presumed to be gay) men and women GATHER IN SAINT PETERSBURGH (PHOTO VIA have been tormented and injured PROTESTERS WIKIPEDIA by Chechen authorities. The Head of Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, has According to the head of the Russian denied any accusations of this brutal LGBT Network, Igor Kochetkov, “The crackdown. In an HBO interview, he said: information sources reported that the

new wave of detentions started at the end of December 2018. Moreover, now we know that there are a few places where people suspected of being homosexual are detained. One of them is the police office of Zavodskoy district of Grozny. Once again, it proves that the law enforcement officers commit all the detentions, tortures and murders.” He also stated that “the local police make every effort to prevent victims from leaving the region or applying to courts in the future. They take away documents, they threaten victims with criminal proceedings against them or their loved ones, and force them to sign blank forms.” A witness that fled the 2017 mass arrests told CNN that hundreds of gay men were being rounded up and brought to at least three detention centres where they were tortured and left in deplorable conditions. Recent victims have said

that the mistreatment has gotten worse. The officers rape them with electric shock sticks, and men are forced to wear women’s attire while being called women’s names. One survivor said, “They did not feed us. Sometimes they gave us some water, dirty water left over from mopping. They gave us clean water only for prayer.” These purges have increased international criticism of Russia, primarily due to their record of interfering with gay rights, despite its decriminalisation 20 years ago. They have disrupted gay pride marches and passed laws against gay ‘propaganda’. Since the imprisonments in 2017, the Russian LGBT Network has been working to support the victims. They have evacuated 150 people from Chechnya, and around 130 have found asylum outside of Russia.

Out of Service The longest shutdown in U.S. history By Ina Sugay At midnight (EST) on Saturday, December 22, 2018, the longest government shutdown in American history began. The President and Congress couldn’t agree on a spending plan for the next year before the deadline, so they ceased several government operations, resulting in the shutdown. President Trump’s prime campaign promise from 2016 was that he would build a wall at their southern border to protect America from illegal immigrants. He requested $5.7 billion to build a steel border wall and Democrats refused. On December 21, the Senate approved a bill that would fully fund the government. Instead of the wall, they decided to spend $1.3 billion on border security, but Trump said he would veto that bill and continued to insist that they needed this border wall.


Around the third week of the shutdown, during his first address from the Oval Office, Donald Trump called the flow of migrants across the Southern border a “humanitarian and security crisis,” and asked Democrats to support the wall to end the government shutdown. However, according to a factsheet from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), “most of these individuals are trying to enter the U.S. by air,” proving that building a border wall won’t help the ‘crisis’. Furthermore, according to analysts, due to late payments and other operational costs, by the end of January, the government shutdown will have cost even more than the wall itself. During a meeting with Democratic leaders, Trump stated that he would be “proud to shutdown the government for border security,” admitting to the fact that he was willing to closedown the government if he doesn’t get what he wants. Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer, responded to Trump’s address by saying: “We don’t govern by tempertantrum. No president should pound the table and demand he gets his way or else the government shuts down, hurting millions of Americans who are treated as leverage.” As Schumer said, millions of Americans have been affected by this situation. Government programs affected include commerce, interior, agriculture, transportation, state, justice, treasury,

homeland security, and housing and urban development. More than 800,000 federal workers (about 380,000 furloughed and 420,000 working without pay) have not received their paychecks since the shutdown began. Some don’t have enough money to feed themselves and their families, pay bills, or get their medications. CNN Political Commentator Nina Turner says “The only pressure point for him is what impacts him directly. But he doesn’t care about people not being able to feed themselves and their families. He doesn’t care that 70 percent of this economy is a consumer-based economy. So you


know this—he hasn’t suffered materially a day in his life.” Fortunately, a bill that ensures federal workers who have been furloughed or are working without pay will receive back their wages has been signed. However, this shutdown doesn’t just affect Americans. Food inspections in the U.S. have been put on hold, putting at risk the safety of agricultural products,

and tourists have lost access to national parks and government museums. Additionally, there will likely be delays with shipping, airports, tax refunds and tax ruling. Recently Trump has dropped signs indicating that he might make this government shutdown a problem in next year’s presidential election. He declared in a tweet: “It is becoming more and more obvious that the Radical Democrats are a Party of open borders and crime. They want nothing to do with the major Humanitarian crisis on our Southern Border.” Hopefully, he won’t make this an even bigger problem by interfering with the 2020 elections, but it has become quite clear that Trump will go to great measures to get what he wants. On January 25, 2019, Trump signed a short-term spending bill to reopen the government for three weeks. This bill did not include the $5.7 billion requested for the border wall. Three ways this shutdown could be put to an end are if: Trump caves on the idea of the border wall, Democrats agree to fund for partor all-of the wall, or if Trump declares a national emergency on the ‘crisis’ at the southern border. This shutdown affects people everywhere and hopefully, some sort of compromise can be made so that the government can reopen. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 05

world issues

world issues world issues

world issues

The Real Dangers of Fake News Why being informed in the “age of information” has never been harder

By Naomi Fernandes We live in an era of constant motion. As our society develops and grows faster than ever before, it means that the way of life for one generation is entirely foreign to the next. With this fast-paced and unrelenting stream of information, the medium that which media is presented to us has to change; some would argue that the newspaper is a relic of time. Today, it’s a safe bet to say that most people inform themselves through social media platforms like Twitter compared to the past method of tuning into the 6 o’clock news on TV. However, in the past, you could probably trust your favourite news channel or newspaper to give you an accurate report of world news and politics. According to an article by the Telegraph “Every day the average person produces six newspapers worth of information compared with just two and a half pages 24 years ago – nearly a 200-fold increase.“ With this information, however, comes

the dangers of “fake news”. Maybe you’ve heard the term being used by Donald Trump as he condemns news outlets like CNN for being biased against him. It also, however, refers to the real fake news that is often shared in the form of sensationalized headlines through mediums like Twitter and Facebook. It can also be difficult for us to understand how fake news can be measured because this is a relatively new issue. In the past, getting the same amount of reads on an article that is false would have been impossible. In one study, the first of its kind, done by MIT, researchers found that the rate which fake news headlines would be shared was six times faster than actual truths. This is concerning for a number of reasons, obviously the fact that fake news is, as the name suggests, fake, but it can also have concerning effects on politics. Donald Trump, for

example, denounces the media as fake news to delegitimize his critics and feed into the image he has set up for his supporters as being a champion of the people. While it’s true that some media outlets have a particular political bias, it’s also dangerous for politicians to be waging a so-called “war on media”. The media is the average person’s look into the world of politics, especially because most of us cannot be present at every event. Journalists are not as Trump would suggest “disgusting”, “crooked”, or “the enemy of the American people” but instead informants of the public. By creating hostility towards journalists, Trump has effectively given his supporters the idea that his word and the word of those he approves are the only truths. It’s not just people like Trump either, at home, Doug Ford has recently shared his criticisms

of the media. His approach is a little different though, “Ford Nation Now” is a news broadcast that was dedicated to Doug Ford and that followed his campaign. While it’s not wrong for Doug Ford to have someone following his broadcast, the face of the broadcast Lyndsey Vanstone was reportedly not employed by the premier’s office but actually through the PC Caucus Services. This is a tax-payer funded branch of Ontario’s Legislative assembly. This use of tax-payer money to support a partisan news broadcast is in the vein of fake news because it’s not really news, it’s a one-sided following of the political campaign. The PC party should instead fund something like this through money raised by campaigning. Selfpromotion has no place in the news, its propaganda not reporting. This isn’t to say that the media shouldn’t be held to a standard of criticism, it’s just meant to make readers think about the news they read. On the one hand, media tends to sensationalize headlines and news for a few clicks but it’s wrong for people in power to criticize the press for reporting about them in an unflattering light.

‘Till Company Shares Do Us Part CEO Jeff Bezos’ divorce and the future of his company By Anna Orta After 25 years of marriage, Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos’ decision to divorce rattled tabloids and Amazon investors. The couple jointly announced their plans for divorce on January 9, 2019, via Twitter, sharing that it was a rational decision that they reached after a trial separation period. Although they have stated their desire to remain friends, those owning stocks in Bezos’ company, Amazon, continue to watch the situation unfold with a wary eye. As this divorce now means that the future remains uncertain for the company and its workers. The division of assets is one of the main worries of the general public. According to Washington’s marital property laws the “community property”, referring to almost all possessions obtained during a marriage, is subject to equal division when divorce occurs. About 79 million Amazon shares owned by Bezos would VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 06

be divided between he and his former spouse, however, it is very likely he will instead elect to maintain the voting rights and stock in Amazon’s shares instead of other assets. Considered one of the most liquid stocks traded

the stock market, the future of Amazon’s workers and the development of two new offices in New York City and Arlington, Virginia faces significant concerns. Over the past few years, there has been an influx of negative reports


in the United States, if any shares were to be sold the market would not be significantly impacted, instead, its weight in indexes like the S&P 500 could increase. Unlike the financial stability of

regarding workplace conditions and the treatment of workers. From reports of timed bathroom breaks, inadequate ventilation systems, and constant surveillance, and more, making the list

of complaints long. Employees have stated that Amazon’s atmosphere is “grueling and depressing” and follows an “intense company culture”. Politicians such as Bernie Sanders have taken it upon themselves to publically call out Bezos for the inadequate benefits and pay. “Once a small shopping site operating out of a garage in Seattle, Amazon is now slated to account for 50 percent of American e-commerce sales by 2019. As it reigns, it can’t ignore glaring inconsistencies, like how it easily earns billions while its workers complain of not being able to earn a decent living. And whether or not Amazon wants to address it, this conversation about inequality inevitably will involve Bezos,” said Sanders. With the relationship between Amazon and its workers worsening in some areas, as well as the new changes to the CEO, Jeff Bezos, lifestyle, and the possible changes in the stock market, there isn’t a lot of room for error. If everything stops being executed as well as it has, the fate of Amazon could be in danger.

world issues

world issues world issues

world issues

Is Earth’s Refrigerator Running? How thawing permafrost in the Arctic has become the world’s next big climate change issue

By Sabrina Percy In light of the many climate change concerns being addressed in recent news, we have begun to experience a sort of “snowball effect” of harmful issues happening in several regions of the world. One small snowflake that has recently added itself to this accumulating global problem is the issue of thawing permafrost in the Arctic. Permafrost, a type of frozen ground that can range from reaching a few metres deep to thousands of feet deep, and covering areas as big as the Arctic tundra, has recently begun to thaw. Since permafrost covers approximately 9 million square miles of the northern hemisphere, it is indisputable that this is a large and growing issue.


The Arctic has been warming up twice as fast, and with this heat comes a rise in below-ground temperatures. As the permafrost warms up and thaws, it will begin to release various components that it once stored, and have the potential to impact the climate, landscape, and human health. The thawing of permafrost can possibly let out a huge can of environmentallydetrimental worms. One of the components in permafrost is greenhouses gases, some of them being carbon dioxide and methane. These gases came from years of decomposition of dead plants and animals. The microbes responsible for decomposing these bodies would usually go to work, but the decomposition process is halted as the plant and animal material are stuck underground, frozen in a layer of permafrost. Permafrost does such a great job of containing these greenhouse gases that it holds almost twice as much carbon than what is currently in the atmosphere. As the permafrost thaws, the microbes are able to decompose these materials and greenhouse gases are released from the permafrost into the atmosphere. Recent studies predict that 120 gigatons of carbon could be released from the permafrost by the

year 2100. In addition to that, the permafrost layer holds other dangerous components that could impact human health. On top of methane and carbon dioxide, permafrost is also a vessel for mercury. Mercury is a neurotoxin, meaning that it is damaging to nerve tissue, and can poison the kidneys and nervous system. As permafrost layers thaw, mercury can enter streams and water supplies.


Permafrost also poses major landscape issues. As ice has a larger volume than water, once the permafrost thaws, there will be large caved in areas of the ground. In cases such as Siberia, the ground has collapsed in about 280 feet deep. This is another big threat that will affect the structure of communities that are built on permafrost.

Another issue that can jeopardize human health is the release of anthrax. Similar to the containment of carbon dioxide and methane, permafrost can preserve bacteria and viruses for long amounts of time, due to its anaerobic nature. Due to this effective preservation process, bacteria and viruses reaching almost 1.5 million years old can potentially be released. As time has progressed, we could have possibly already lost any immune defenses against the ancient bacteria, which leaves us vulnerable. This process has already shown its’ early signs. In August 2016, 72 people in Siberia became sick from an anthrax outbreak, and one twelve-year-old boy died. The anthrax outbreak came from dead animal bodies that were infected with the disease many years ago and were once trapped in the permafrost. The thawing permafrost released the bacteria from these animals and infected the surrounding community through their water supply. Permafrost has acted as a huge deepfreezer for bacteria, greenhouse gases, and other harmful substances, keeping these issues at bay. As permafrost thaws, human health, the climate, and the Arctic landscape can be compromised. Unfortunately, the power is running out for the Earth’s giant freezer, and we need to act quickly.

Leaving the Burden Behind Why it’s time to get real about climate change

By Sabrina Percy As global average temperatures continue to rise and show no signs of slowing down, it might finally be time for the whole world to consider the future. We have definitely been warned about what will happen if we continue down this path of environmental devastation. However, how big are the repercussions going to be? What can we expect our generation to have to face, and how far into the future have scientists considered? If nothing is done now then, future generations will be left to pay the price. This has led climate change to not only be an environmental issue, but also a human rights issue as well.

Many scientists have proposed that the future of the Earth will be very different from today. For example, in 2050 the Earth’s temperature will continue to rise, and the intensity of heat waves, storms, and patterns of rainfall or snowfall will increase. In Africa, populations are predicted to grow at a fast rate, and droughts will plague large areas. In Northern Europe, the winters will become warmer, and the storms will


increase in intensity. Coastal regions will will need to work hard to keep these also begin to erode due to the increase threatened populations safe; possibly by redistributing resources. in sea levels. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that in 2100 if we continue to emit the same amount of greenhouse gases, then global temperatures will rise to about five degrees higher than they are today. Similar to the forecast of 2050, droughts, heat waves and hurricanes will become more intense. As these issues arise, our generation and future generations will mainly be concerned with populations that are most vulnerable to climate change issues. For example, countries with high populations of poverty will be the most susceptible to extreme weather conditions. Future generations


As important as the environmental side of climate change is, we should also focus on the ethical issues of leaving a mess behind for our children to clean up. It is essential that we take the steps now, so that we are better prepared for the future. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 07

world issues

world issues issues world


Surviving R Kelly Ignorance and bias keeps girls within danger’s grasp

By Nia Wilson For the past two decades the selfproclaimed Pied Piper of R&B, Robert Kelly, professionally known as simply, R. Kelly, has allegedly been running an abusive sex cult. From 1994 to 2019 there have been multiple allegations of sexual, domestic, and emotional abuse, as well as pedophilia made against him. However, he has never been declared guilty, preventing justice from being served in favour of the victims. When Lifetime debuted the sixpart docuseries, “Surviving R. Kelly”, revealing his alarming history during January of 2019, it ignited various debates and set the stage for some important movements. This situation has become quite multilayered as it deals with racial issues, the lack of intersectionality within feminism, the resemblance of R. Kelly’s manipulation to the toxicity experienced within some romantic relationships and controversy sparked on the possibility to separate the art from the person. When considering the charges of child pornography from June 2008, we must acknowledge the fact that the jury was racially disproportionate which directly correlates to how he managed to be acquitted though he was facing fourteen charges. One member of the jury admitted in the documentary that he did not believe the accusers due to their visual appearance. This raises the


that some women are still unable to share their troubling experiences without being judged and shamed. It is even more disturbing that many self-proclaimed activists are blatantly neglecting the racial elements attached to these cases. For instance, Jeannie Mai, a co-host on a talk show “The Real”, has been an advocate for sex trafficking for years and when this topic was mentioned on the show, she used it to spread awareness about her cause but refused to acknowledge the issue of race that plays a huge role in this situation. By enticing girls with aspirations of making it in the music industry, he was

being destroyed because their livelihood depended on R. Kelly’s career. Even the general public made no collective effort to stand together and protest the singer’s horrible actions. The situation is also quite different from the public reaction of Chris Brown and Rihanna’s domestic violence case. Chris Brown’s music is indisputably considered more mainstream than R. Kelly’s, capturing the interest of a larger and very different audience. Instead, Kelly’s outrageous actions were ignored causing a very different outcome for the survivors of his abuse. Beyond that, his entirely too loyal fan


able to gain their trust through false promises. At such an impressionable stage of one’s life, having your favourite singer take interest in you is bound to impair judgement. This is not to shift blame onto the women, as it was completely R. Kelly’s manipulative actions at fault. Lisa Van Allen, a survivor of R. Kelly, has been vocal about the methods Kelly used in his abuse. Like many predators, he preyed on girls with a history of abuse. In Chicago, it is commonly known that R. Kelly would often linger around high schools in an attempt to “pick up” girls. There have been numerous allegations since 1994 and we must acknowledge that the vast majority of the accusers have been underage.

concern that Black children are often assumed to be less credible simply because of how they look. It’s important to examine how R. Kelly used this to his advantage. As an R&B artist his audience lies predominantly within the Black community, therefore the girls he It is also important to consider why coerced reflected this, aiding in allowing nobody has done anything about R. him to not be held accountable. Kelly’s preposterous behaviour, even though it has been common knowledge The ignorance towards these facts is a for the past twenty years. Yet, no one prime example of the exclusion of Black actively made an effort to ensure he women within the feminist movement. was culpable. Those close to the singer In the time of #MeToo, it’s terrifying remained silent as women’s lives were VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 08

base has been adamant that we must separate the artist from the person, remaining purposely oblivious to the fact that the art continues to allow the person to commit severe crimes against women. In fact a Spotify music rep


that we as humans, must overcome in order to realize that both talent and evil can coexist within one person. The docuseries had a far greater result than most expected. A series intended to educate and raise awareness has actually led to the arrest of R. Kelly on the 22nd of February in 2019. He was indicted on ten counts of aggravated sexual abuse which is a class 2 felony. The charges involve four women all of whom are alleged victims of his abuse. Hours after he was charged, Kelly was placed in handcuffs and taken to a Chicago jail. In the indictment, Kelly is accused of performing sexual acts with three children older than thirteen but younger than seventeen. There is no description of age for one of the four alleged victims. According to the charges, Kelly used force and/or threat of force. A newly found video has been submitted to the State’s Attorney’s office by attorney Michael Avenatti. “This tape leaves no question as to whether R. Kelly is guilty of multiple sexual, illegal acts against a 14-year-old girl,” Michael told reporters on February 22nd. The


confirmed that R.Kelly’s music streams actually went up 16 % following the documentary’s release. By supporting that, we as a society have subconsciously leveraged talent above humanity. He is simultaneously a musical genius, a serial rapist and a pedophile. While we may recognize his many musical contributions, it is imperative that we also mention how much harm he’s doneThere is a cognitive dissonance

footage shows R. Kelly allegedly having sex with a girl who in the video refers to her body parts as being fourteen-yearsold. R.Kelly’s attorney, Steve Greenburg, claims that “Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx succumbed to public pressure” and is adamant that his client is innocent. If he is convicted, R. Kelly will face seven years in prison for each count of abuse, so we can only hope that justice will be served.

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life life

Overcoming Bad Habits Three tips to help improve your work habits By Nimmy Ayekun It’s half way through the year, and let’s be honest, you have probably completely given up on your New Year’s resolutions, whether it be a new fitness goal or maintaining a better sleep schedule. Or maybe now you’re struggling to keep up with promises you made during your last TA interview, like coming to school on time, or working instead of hall-walking. Either way don’t beat yourself up about it because the truth is, overcoming bad habits is difficult they take time, and let’s face it stepping out of your comfort zone is not an easy thing to do.

changes will become much easier to start and maintain. Award yourself for your progress. Nothing says a job well done as good as a reward, and they might encourage to reach your goals. So in other words, if

However, just because bad habits are hard to break doesn’t mean you can’t PLANNING OUT WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO DO (PHOTO BY MILLICENT at least try, and with these tips be rest AMURAO) assured that this process will be 10 times easier, just in case you do decide you know you’re the the type of person to give it another shot. who likes to get rewarded for a good job, then do just that. Set monthly, weekly and daily goals for yourself and reward yourself with your progress. This can be as simple as buying a cookie from the vending machines or a couple of new Nikes. Although one is definitely easier on the pockets than the other, so choose accordingly.


Take it Slow Change doesn’t happen instantly, so the best way to overcome bad habits is by taking things one step at a time. For instance, if your plan for this year was to start eating healthier, adhering to a strict diet of let’s say yogurt and celery might seem like a good idea at first, but drastically changing the way you eat overnight probably isn’t the best idea. Instead, start by making small changes to your diet, like switching out juice for water or replacing one or two snacks a day with a couple of healthier options. Once you get comfortable with all these small changes, making more drastic

Choose a substitute for your bad habit Most bad habits serve a purpose, which is why sometimes replacing them with a better habit is a more effective way to get rid of them. For example, if you are addicted to picking up your phone every time you do work, try replacing this habit with something a little more productive. So if you absolutely need a break, take a small walk or write a to do list or if you are the type of person who tends to binge eat when they get stressed, exercise instead! Hopefully these few tips help you jumpstart your journey to overcoming a bad habit, because even though it’s hard it’s never too late to start becoming a better you. It just takes time and a little bit of dedication!


Staying Focused Tips on how to stay on task

By Anna Orta With the dread of conditional zeros, early exams, and the quickly approaching May-June rush all students, especially year-long procrastinators, are having to confront reality. Although running away from responsibilities can seem preferable over an occasional existential crisis, the need to avoid summer school is as strong as ever. During times like these, staying concentrated on work is what draws the line between enjoyable summer vacation and another month of all-nighters.

Divide Each Activity Into Smaller Tasks It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do. When dealing with large projects break up the information into smaller activities. This will make it easier to find a place to start and ultimately improve productivity. Taking short ten minute breaks after completing one large set of tasks is recommended to avoid slowly burning out.

Avoid Multitasking Trying to multitask often has our minds jumping around, trying to remember and do everything correctly. Instead of completing one task efficiently, small Here are a couple of tips on how to stay chunks from different areas are being focused while working on units: worked on, delaying the pace at which a specific activity is achieved. By limiting Plan Your Day the Night Before Planning what you are going to work on, hand in, ask for help, and when it’s going to be accomplished is essential when it comes to saving time and helping you focus on important tasks. Creating a habit of setting up your day the night before diminishes the number of decisions that need to be made, preventing you from getting sidetracked and wasting time on MALE AND FEMALE STUDENT WATCHING NETFLIX (PHOTO BY MILLICENT unimportant details. Using an agenda AMURAO) or making a list are ways of helping you organize your day. yourself to one thing at a time, you can concentrate on only what you have to Find a Suitable Study Area do at the current moment. Finding a practical area suited to your needs is an essential part of having a Limit the Use of Social Media While successful study session. For some, a Working quiet area with little influx of people is Social media can go from being a source preferable, while others favour places of fun and entertainment to an anchor with a steady stream of background weighing you down. Another good step noise. Regardless of where you find the to staying focussed is to limit or remove most enjoyable, having a flat surface to distractions when working. If you are work on and a comfortable place to sit concentrated and your phone keeps are two of the key elements to staying beeping you will be faced with the focussed. Not having to worry about decision and temptation of whether to your surroundings or whether or not answer or not. When studying, put your you have enough space allows the mind phone on vibrate or turn it off. to focus on the task at hand. While these tips may help to some extent, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone learns in different ways. Some benefit from lists and colourcoded notebooks, while others require constant breaks in between long periods of focus. Before you start planning your life around something a newspaper said, take a moment and consider what’s most effective for you. Once that has been clarified, give turning off your phone a shot the results might surprise you. STUDENTS WORKNG ON UNITS (PHOTO BY MILLICENT AMURAO)


VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 09

life life


DIVERSITY IN MAKEUP BRANDS Makeup made for all skin tones

By Naomi Joson While the beauty industry has been on the rise within the past few years, so has the awareness of inclusivity and diversity. Makeup brands have been criticized by consumers for failing to create products that will cater towards a wide range of skin shades and undertones. This criticism is prevalent within the beauty community on YouTube, as various beauty vloggers pay close attention to the shade range availability of various products, especially foundation.


While brands face scrutiny for having a limited shade range, brands that exhibit a diverse shade range receive immense praise from the public, which translates to higher sales. When Fenty Beauty, a makeup brand by singer-songwriter Rihanna, launched in September 2017, products sold quickly with deeper foundation shades being sold the most. The Pro Filt’r foundation was one of the first foundation lines that was inclusive towards dark-skinned people of colour. It gave people of colour enough variety of shades and undertones to find a proper match. The company reportedly made $100 million within the first 40 days of its launch. The Fenty launch was a monumental occasion for people of colour who, for years, struggled to find their proper foundation shades in makeup stores. Since the Fenty launch, brands have been under pressure to expand their shade range to cater to deeper skin tones and provide consistent options for undertones. This has been called the Fenty-effect. The issue of diversity is not limited to whether a brand has a wide variety of foundation shades, but also matters when it comes to the marketing of a company. Huda Beauty has been under scrutiny by various Beauty vloggers, including Jackie Aina, for not including men and dark-skinned women in their makeup advertising, VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 10

particularly on Instagram. While Huda’s products cater towards a wide range of shades and undertones, the intentions of the company are under scrutiny. During a video in November 2018, when Aina reviewed the Huda Faux Filter Foundation, Aina stated that she has “a hard time distinguishing when someone really truly does celebrate diversity and when they are pandering.” There are instances when brands attempt to appeal to consumers by announcing a high number of shades within a foundation line before its launch. This happened in the summer of 2018 when Beauty Blender, a company notorious for their makeup sponges, announced a foundation line with 32 different shades. While the shade range seemed like it would cater towards shade diversity, the foundation line provided very few options within the dark to deep shade range. Meanwhile, the foundation provided many perhaps too many shades within the light to medium shade range. Following the backlash, the brand stated that they intended to release darker shades. In December 2018, Beauty Blender released 8 new deeper shades. Various YouTubers have spoken out against the Beauty Blender foundation, including Jeffree Star. YouTube influencers stated that dark-skinned people of colour should not be viewed as an afterthought when creating foundation shades; an initial launch should include shades that would cater towards all people.


While there are brands that have yet to learn from the Fenty-effect, there are brands that have already included a wide variety of foundation shades in their initial launches. Colour Pop’s No Filter Foundation that launched in 2018 included 42 shades and Morphe’s Fluidity Foundation that launched early 2019 included 60 shades. No person should feel disappointed that a makeup product is not sold in their shade because their skin is too dark. Ensuring that there are enough shades for all people on the melanin spectrum to find their match is important and creates inclusivity within the world of beauty.


HOW TO AVOID THE MAY-JUNE RUSH Surviving the most stressful time of the year By Naomi Joson The months of May and June are the most stressful months of the year for Mary Ward students. Many are pulling all-nighters and rushing to submit their final units to finish their courses, to reach summer school status, or to reach carry-over status. On top of that, students are studying for their final exams that will happen soon after the unit 17 target date.

overnight trips or vacations which will keep you from being productive. 3. Be realistic No, you cannot start and finish those three units in one night. The whole idea of avoiding the May-June rush is working in moderation everyday from September so you don’t have to cram to finish multiple units a day. Don’t write down in your agenda that you will start and finish three units when you know you can only realistically finish one.


However, here are some ways in which 4. Take advantage of Christmas Break you can avoid the rush: and March Break While it is important to take a break 1. Stay consistent with target dates from school and stress during the break, This is basic Mary Ward common-sense. Christmas and March breaks are perfect There is a reason why there are target opportunity to catch up on some units, dates as they guide you throughout especially if you are extremely behind. the school year telling you where you After Christmas break, you are allowed should be at with each of your courses. to hand in two units per course, which While it is okay and understandable can be extremely beneficial and either to fall behind from time to time, you put you on track, or ahead in your should not fall behind more than two courses. units. It is easy to fall behind, but it is more difficult to get back on track. Many students going into each new school year think they have all the time in the world to finish all their units in all their courses by June. This mentality causes them to slack off and inevitably get caught in the May-June rush. Staying on track from the get-go and PLAN AHEAD AND USE YOUR AGENDA. (PHOTO BY MILLICENT AMURAO) maintaining this status 2. Plan ahead Your agenda is your best friend, don’t neglect it. Don’t just write in it, forget about it, and claim that you use it. Use it to make sure you’re doing enough work per day to meet the target dates. A useful tip is to write down how many hours you anticipate you will work on each unit and indicate when in the day you will work on it. Also, take into consideration units that will need more time to complete and units that can be completed easily in a day. Take into account any big events, such as

5. Take advantage of free units Most courses offer quest units in the form of trips, guest speakers, or seminars in which completion is based on attendance. Rather than taking the free unit and neglecting work from the course for a week or two, work on the next unit in that course. Feel free to use these tips in the remaining weeks leading up to the rush and in next school year! Good luck and happy unit-grinding!


life life

Self Care 101 The true meaning of self care By Samantha Mendes can often help the situation because most people overthink their issues and You may have seen assume that they are bigger than they self-care threads are. Also don’t pay too much attention telling you to put on to things that you hear from other a facemask or drink people, as it could negatively affect youwater to clear your skin. Society’s view instead do what you feel is morally right of self-care is just paying attention to in every situation you come across. your image and trying out the newest products meant to cover all the flaws Your physical health is also critical and we believe we have. However, the true a significant component of self-care. meaning of self-care is entirely different Making sure that your body has enough than what the Twitter threads make it food to function is, and while stuffing out to be. Self-care is about taking the ourselves with unhealthy foods is nice time to maintain a healthy happiness it isn’t the way to go. The best thing level, which targets our physical, to do is grab something beneficial for mental, and emotional health. your body because you’ll feel better in the long run. When we eat unhealthy For instance, we all have moments foods, we eventually end up feeling where we feel pressured to do sluggish, since there aren’t nutrients in something for another person even the food designed to keep us feeling though we are exhausted, whether it good. Additionally, the amount of sleep be physically, mentally, or emotionally, we get is critical because it can leave us but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t feeling refreshed and happier. all obligated to cancel plans and take a moment to kick back and relax. In other In other words, there are many different words, once in a while do something for types of self-care that we can choose, yourself, such as take a walk, listen to that address various issues in our music you love or read a book. Everyone lives. Some of these are sensory and has busy lives, and we might not always emotional and others that are spiritual, have the time or think it’s necessary, physical, and social. Sensory selfbut every so often we must think of our care helps to calm our minds and put wellbeing and set aside some time just ourselves at peace. Emotional self-care for ourselves. means to not disregard our feelings and own our emotions. Spiritual self-care is Self-care is also about knowing what is not just about our relationship with right for you and keeping in mind your God but is also about getting to know limits. A relationship that you may have our values and learning about what with someone, which always leaves you is important to us. Physical self care is annoyed, can push you to your limit, taking care of the wellbeing of your and you shouldn’t just sit back. Instead, bodily needs. Lastly, social self-care try to work out your conflict with that is about your connection with other person in a positive way and you’ll feel people. We all must incorporate these your stress deteriorate. Changing your categories into our lives to achieve attitude and having a positive mindset happiness.


March Break on a Budget Four ways to enjoy the break without breaking the bank


By Ashling Ayekun March break can be a pleasant time away from school and all of its stresses but it can also be quite expensive. However, you don’t have to spend a fortune on a luxury vacation over the break to have a good instagrammable-time. Listed below are several ways for you and your family and friends to enjoy the break right here in the GTA without emptying your bank accounts. 1. Art Gallery Of Ontario: If you’re looking to embrace your artistic side over the break, then a trip to the AGO, located in Downtown Toronto, is perfect for you. General admission prices are all under $20, and as a student, if you come in after 3 pm from Tuesday to Friday during the school year, you can get in for free! All you need to do is bring your valid student ID and present it at the front desk. 2. St. Patrick’s Day Parade: Get festive, dress up with your friends, and have a lively time at Toronto’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 11, starting from St. George Station moving all the way down to Nathan Phillips Square.


3. Movies: Going to the movies has always been a cheap and entertaining way to spend your time. Here are some movies that are coming out this March to look forward to Us (thriller- March 14), Captain Marvel (superhero- March 6), Fighting With My Family (comedy - March 1) and Five Feet Apart (romance- March 15)


4. Eat Out: We seem to turn to food for almost every occasion one can think of. Going to a restaurant is a classical way to enjoy a night out with your loved ones. Eating at these unique Toronto-based restaurants can turn a simple meal into one unforgettable experience: O.Noir (620 Church Street)- An unusual dining experience in complete darkness, forcing you to depend solely on your taste buds Robo Sushi (865 York Mills)- Enjoy a variety of sushi brought to you by your personal “Butlertron” robot waiter. Mustafa Turkish Pizza (866 Wilson Ave)Try some Turkish style pizza in this cave themed restaurant. Now you have four more things to add to your March Break bucket list and remember that what matters most is not how lavish or expensive the experience is, but the beautiful people you choose to share it with and the memories you make together. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 11

community community



Winter Activity Day


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By Naomi Fernandes Winter brings with it many things that are less than exciting; shoveling, ice, and slush. For Ward students however, winter means that Winter Activity Day is coming. On February 1st 2019, students were able to enjoy a variety of activities, from ice fishing to arcade games, there really was something for everyone. Winter Activity Day gave students a much needed break from school and allowed everyone to have some fun.








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Spirit Week By Anna Orta Another year, another successful spirit week, for the 01s that is. From groupings of twins to those sporting red, blue, white, or green the halls of Mary Ward were always blazing with spirit. This year’s themes were Tropical Tuesday, Retro Wednesday, Twin Thursday, and the favourite Rep Your Grade Day. Although, what mattered most was winning points for your grade. Every day consisted of some new pictures, relevant to the theme, that needed to be sent to your grade’s representatives. One picture was worth one point and it took no time for students to start taking boomerangs and pictures, most of the time, with anyone they could find as the end of the week approached. The pep rally proved to be the time where each grade, some more desperate for points than others, fought for extra points before the results were announced at the end of the day. It was no shock the grade 12s refused to end their final spirit week with a loss, as they came first! They were followed by the grade 11s, then third was surprisingly the grade 9s, and in the last place were the grade 10s. Better luck to everyone next year.


VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet



community community

[COLOUR|DAY|2019] Exploring colour theory By Ashley Chung On Monday, January 21st, the grade nine art students explored colour theory in a oneday immersive event that took place in the art room, organized by Mrs Largo and Mr Notten. They chose a topic related to colour theory and developed a project to explore that idea. Here’s a handful of some of the concepts that the students covered and the creative ways they used to display their findings! Synesthesia: Hear the Colours Chromesthesia, or sound-to-colour synesthesia, is a type of synesthesia in which sounds automatically and involuntarily evoke an experience of color. In this project, the creators let visitors listen to three pieces of music on the piano and had them decide what kind of emotion the song incited. Visitors confirmed their thoughts by putting a coloured bead into a container that resonated with the song playing.

the word meant (each word said a colour different than the actual colour it appeared to be), which is known as the Stroop colour and word test. Then, they let visitors view images that were painted to represent the opposite emotion of the colour they appeared

Imagery can change the way a colour is conveyed and perceived by our brains. In this project, the creators let people say the colour of the words that they saw in order, rather than read what VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 14

DECA PROVINCIALS One of the most memorable years for Mary Ward’s DECA team By Gracy Yan On Thursday, February 7th to Saturday, February 9th, the Mary Ward DECA Chapter competed at the DECA Provincial competition at the Sheraton Centre Hotel along with 1500 other members from all across Ontario.


to be. For example, a sad image was displayed along with the colour yellow, because yellow often represents positive, joyful feelings.

Optic Colour Mixing: Coloured Shadows When you shine different coloured lights on a white surface, the light reflecting from that spot to your eyes is called an additive mixture (mixing by overlapping). By placing something over these lights, coloured shadows appear. In this project, the creators let visitors into a dark area, where they projected red, green and blue lights HEAR THE COLOURS (PHOTO BY ASHLEY CHUNG) onto a white screen. Visitors were Colours and Emotions: Paint by allowed to move in front of these lights, Emotions which created shadows of different We sometimes associate colours with colour combinations, depending on emotions, because of culture and which lights were turned on at the time. personal experiences. In this project, the creators let visitors paint a portion Attention to Colour: Colours in of a portrait, based on what passion Advertising they thought was being conveyed in Advertisements often use colour to a specific section of the painting. On convey messages to viewers related the side was a guide to help visitors to their announcement, product or choose a colour (red representing service. In this project, the creators anger, passion love and danger, blue showed visitors a montage of ads, representing trust, sadness, loyalty, etc.) asking them to name the ones that Perception of Colour: The Stroop stood out to them. The most memorable Effect advertisements were the ones that were of the visitor’s interest and that included bright colours. Then, they explained how certain products are advertised in certain colours, because they convey an emotion to the audience (e.g. red can often be found in commercials promoting sales or clearances, because it conveys a sense of emergency). ASSOCIATING EMOTIONS WITH COLOURS (PHOTO BY ASHLEY CHUNG)


All in all, the students did a great job in showcasing their art pieces, and it will be interesting to see what these talented artists have in store for the up and coming art show. #FACADE2K19

The Mary Ward DECA Chapter was fortunate enough to bring 52 delegates to attend this year’s Provincial competition. On Thursday, February 7th, the chapter arrived at the Sheraton Centre Hotel bursting with energy and anticipation for what the rest of the

of our members were up and at 8am to write their final exam and others were up at 9am to attend their award ceremony. The first round of awards took place at 9am-11am. The second round took place from 1pm-3pm and the third was from 4pm-6pm.


Our chapter was fortunate enough to bring home a few medals. A huge congratulations to the award winners: Matthew Chin, Andy Feng, Erin Rebello, Adena Marshall, Dexter Floreza, Sashini Mahadurage, Ashley Lin, and Rachel Deng. Four of the qualifiers; Matthew Chin, Andy Feng, Erin Rebello, and Dexter Floreza are now moving on to compete on the International Stage at MARY WARD WAS ABLE TO BRING 52 DELEGATES (PHOTO BY MS.VENTURA) the International Career Development weekend had in store. Conference held in Orlando, Florida. On Friday morning, competitions The best of luck goes out to them! started as early 9am. Some of our members were up all night practicing This year being DECA Ontario’s 40th their role plays and studying hard, all anniversary, Mary Ward was fortuitous in preparation for their time to impress enough to have such a huge turnout. their judge. Those who participated It is definitely one of Mary Ward DECA’s in an individual event had to partake most memorable years. With a total


in two roleplays and those in teams and writtens participated in one. Throughout the extremely busy day, our members kept their energy high and presented each roleplay with all of their effort and business knowledge. Saturday was our last and final day, but the hustle doesn’t stop there. Some

number of 52 members going to provincials, this is the largest group that we’ve ever taken in Mary Ward DECA history. Thanks to the support and commitment of the members, executive team, and teacher advisors, we were able to build a solid foundation for the future generations of Mary Ward DECA.


community community


Community Wrap-Up A review of all the events that took place this winter

By Nia Wilson

January 23rd: Mary Ward’s Birthday

February 14th: Valentine’s Day

Since we’ve returned to school from our far too short Christmas Break, lots of exciting things have happened! Take a look to see what’s been going on in our community: January 16th: Grade Ten Phys Ed Snowtubing Trip IN HONOUR OF MARY WARD’S BIRTHDAY, TA GROUPS DECORATED CAKES (PHOTO BY )

For the week of our namesakes’ birthday, the Mary Ward community held activities to celebrate. Mary Ward, a nun from the 16th century was recognized for her actions and how they’ve inspired us. TA groups baked and decorated cakes that were entered into a contest.


Grade Ten Phys Ed students attended February 1st: Winter Activity Day a snow tubing trip for a unit. They were supervised by Phys Ed teachers including Mr. Kennedy, Ms. Peets, Ms. Sersanti and Mr. Harrison.

We celebrated love throughout our school as cute pink hearts were placed across the third floor by the Student Council with each student’s name on it. Also, the Best Buddies Club sold Crush sodas with the theme “Crush4Crush” with the intention that students would buy a Crush for someone special. The soda was then delivered to the recipients during morning TA.

January 14th-18th: Our Kids’ Our Future Week

February 19th: Black History Month Assembly



In line with Mary Ward tradition, staff and students alike spent the day away from BLACK HISTORY MONTH PRESENTATION INCLUDED A DRAMATISATION school participating in fun activities of THE OF VIOLA DESMOND’S LIFE (PHOTO BY JAKE GIMMY) OKOF LEADERS HANDING OUT SUNFLOWER PETALS (PHOTO BY IYAH DE their choosing. Some of these activities JESUS) included bowling, scavenger hunts, In celebration of Black History, Mary OKOF held events throughout the week volunteering, and even SkyZone. Ward held an assembly to honour Viola to educate our community and raise Desmond as a prominent Black figure awareness about Gun Violence which February 12th: Snow Day in Canadian history. The assembly also is their focus this year. They chose acted as a way to educate the staff and this topic in response to the multiple For the first time in eight years, the students about Viola’s contributions. shootings that occurred in ours and Toronto Catholic District School Board We collectively acknowledge the dark surrounding communities within had a Snow Day. When extreme weather history that Canada has and that is often such a short span of time. Each day of conditions were deemed too dangerous, swept under the rug. Actors performed OKOF week followed a different theme: all TCDSB schools and buses were closed a dramatized reenactment of the Causes, Effects, Teens, Government, and much to the student’s excitement. discrimination that Black-Canadians, Programs from Monday to Friday. The specifically Viola Desmond, faced in the group offered various activities during past. This presentation, paired with the lunch and provided TA groups with daily informative speeches throughout activities as well. The Sunflower Project the month was a nice way to celebrate was presented to staff and students as Black History Month. a way to allow our community to share our thoughts and experiences regarding February 19th-20th: SAC Spirit Week gun violence. The Zero Gun Violence Movement came to present some The Student Council held events and information about their organization. themed days all week to spark spirit within our community. Tuesday was TRYING TO MAKE THEIR WAY THROUGH THE SNOW (PHOTO BY NICHOLAS KERR) “Tropical Tuesday” where we were able

to wear tropically themed accessories over our uniform and there was an open mic in the cafeteria during lunch. Wednesday was “Retro Day” so we were encouraged to wear a throwback outfit inspired by the 70s, 80s, 90s, or the 00s. On Wednesday there was also a dance-off at lunch. Thursday, deemed “Twin Thursday” people dressed alike in classic twin fashion and SAC held a trivia game during lunch. To wrap-up the festivities on Friday, we had “Rep Your Grade Day” where everyone was wearing the respective colour assigned to their grade while the staff wore purple. Grade Nines were green, Tens were white, Elevens were blue, and the Twelves were red. The entire week was a competition of sorts in which each grade was competing to see who has the most spirit. Points were collected based on posts to the Instagram accounts of each grade. In the end, the Grade Twelves reigned superior and won!




VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 15

sports sports



SPORTS WRAP-UP What were the results of our Wolverines this winter season By Joseph Casciaro JuniorBoys Basketball Record: 1-13 Coaches: A. Carabine, Da Costa, Tharshan

all the way to the city finals, where they amazingly defeated Saint John Paul II to take home the gold medal! We congratulate the girls on this out of this world season!

Senior Boys Basketball Record: 3-11 The Junior Boys Basketball team was Coaches: Tuccito, Vecchiarelli, Bregar a group of boys that never gave up and had so much heart. They gave

Allen, but they should still be proud of a very smooth running season and their silver medals. We congratulate the everyone worked very hard at practices girls for all their hard-work! to keep getting better. A special shout out goes to Kenichi Zhang for his great performance and for his OFSAA Varsity Co-Ed Ski and Snowboard qualification. The coaches are very Team proud of him and wish him the best of Coaches: Adourian, Kennedy luck! Varsity Co-Ed Swim Team Coaches: Coleman, Hayes, Carabine



everything they had, and although they may not have gotten the results they hoped for, not once did they hang their heads. They enjoyed the opportunity to play basketball and had fun at all times. Coach Carabine is very proud of the team’s hard work and it is known these boys will work hard to get better and come back better next year.

The senior boys gave it everything throughout this long and difficult season. They never backed down from any teams and battled hard. They may have not got the outcome they were looking for, but they should be proud of their efforts. The grade elevens can use what they learned from the grade twelve’s to come back next year better than ever.

Senior Girls Volleyball Junior Girls Volleyball Record: 12-2 Silver Medals Record: 7-2 Gold Medals Coaches: Emer, Wong Coaches: Loconte, Sahlani The Junior Girls Volleyball team was almost unstoppable all season long! They had great chemistry and leadership all season, the team looked


The Senior Girls Volleyball team also had an amazing season, just like the junior girls. They played well together, and used their past experiences playin to create great chemistry. The season went very well and they steam rolled through MARY WARD PLAYER SERVES THE BALL (PHOTO BY JONATHAN CHO) the regular season, suffering only one as though they were made to play defeat, and advanced to the city finals. together. There hard work took them Unfortunately, they did lose to Bishop VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 16


The ski and snowboard team had a great turn out this year, bringing eleven athletes to compete at the tournament, the most they have had in years. It was

Ward’s Varsity swim team competed in the TDCAAs at Etobicoke Olympium. The entire team worked hard and came out with some very great results. The best went to Emily Chong, who placed second in the 50 free, and 1st in both the 100 freestyle and 100-metre individual medley, and she will be going to OFSAA.

Congratulations to the Jr Girls’ Volleyball Team for Winning Gold!


sports sports

THE UNSTOPPABLE JAMES HARDEN Mind-blowing performances by the 29 year old ball player By Joseph Casciaro James Harden has been on an offensive tear recently, scoring thirty-plus points in twenty-three straight games. He has taken his game to the next level and is continuously thriving every game. At about halfway through the season, James Harden is averaging a career-high 36.3 points per game. However, over this 23 game streak he amazingly is averaging 42.7 points per game. Over that streak, he has scored forty or more points in fourteen games, fifty or more points in four games, and his highest point total is an astonishing sixty-one points. Harden and the Rockets went into Madison Square Garden to take on the New York Knicks, and Harden caught fire. He shot 45% from the field and achieved a new career high

On that night, twenty-two out of his sixtyone points came from the free-throw line, which is not surprising considering the fact that this amount of free throws has become a regular thing for James Harden. Over the season Harden has taken an average of 13 free throws per game, which is more than any other player in the league. He has become so un-guardable that defenders seem to be left with no option but to foul him. Harden is no doubt an unstoppable force


SUPER BOWL 2019 New England Patriots vs Los Angeles Rams By Joseph Casciaro The New England Patriots continued their years of dominance when they were able to overcome the Los Angeles Rams and win Super Bowl 53, and now they are tied with the Pittsburgh Steelers for most Super Bowl wins with six franchise Championships. Tom Brady continues to prove every single year why he is the greatest quarterback ever to step foot on a field. No other quarterback can do what he does and when the ball is

run that team like nobody else could, and without his leadership they would not be where they are today. Belichick also has the most Super Bowls among all coaches, with six. Teamed with Brady, they have created a dynasty and a team that will be looked back on for many years. Even though this Super Bowl may not have been the most entertaining, it still served a purpose. It was a game filled with great defence, which caused the two offenses to have no way of getting going. There were amazingly 14 punts in the entire game, so the two offenses


in the NBA and is managing to singlehandedly lead the Rockets to a playoff run. Over his 23 game scoring streak, the Houston Rockets have a record of seventeen wins and six losses. Prior to this streak, the Rockets started the season with twelve wins and fourteen losses, looking the weakest they had in years. Taking this into account, it is fair to say the Rockets have to give thanks to James Harden and his high levels of play. JAMES HARDEN (PHOTO VIA WIKIPEDIA) Harden has single-handedly created a championship contender of sixty-one points, as previously within the Houston Rockets and mentioned. The Knicks had no answer has become the biggest offensive in the whole league. for Harden, and he outscored everyone threat else on his own team put together.


in his hands the world witnesses greatness. He is at the top of the mountain, and he has more Super Bowls than any other player in history.

were not able to get the first downs necessary. This game also happened to be one of the lowest scoring Super Bowls in history, with a score of just 13-3. There may not have been much With this most recent win, Brady is theatrics, but the Patriots team and now at six Championships, and he fans were still able to leave happy. claims he still has a few seasons of play left in him. In other words, when Something that is almost a yearly it is all said and done, Brady may routine, “The biggest commotion kicks put this record entirely out of reach. up when owner Robert Kraft walks in with a box of vintage Cuban cigars, one There must also be some credit for each player. He had bought them given to perhaps the greatest coach for last year’s Super Bowl but didn’t in NFL history, Bill Belichick. He can have occasion to crack the case open. However, he held onto them, knowing the Pats would come back around to the reality they know best: the one where they win.” (Sports Illustrated) Throughout the whole organization, the team is expected to win every year.


The New England Patriots have been a dangerous powerhouse in the NFL for the more significant part of the last seventeen years, and if this team stays together, we should expect no change anytime soon. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 17

la petite planete la petite planete


Trop À Gérer

Le problème avec le processus post-secondaire

Grâce à ce processus, je me rend compte des préalables très exigeantes des écoles postsecondaires. Certaines institutions réduisent vos chances d’admission si votre moyenne est inférieure à quatrevingt-dix et les autres exigent que vous preniez tous les cours de sciences et de mathématiques qui existent. En outre, la concurrence des autres élèves rend le processus encore plus difficiles à suivre. En ligne, vous trouverez de nombreux forums où les élèves de partout au Canada discutent leurs moyennes et leurs activités parascolaires. J’ai tout vu; des moyennes courantes de quatrevingt-dix-neuf, des ceintures noires en taekwondo, des prix spéciaux, et des centaines d’heures à faire du bénévolat

Nous le Faisons Tous Comment contrôler la procrastination

Par Aidan Carino Pour de nombreux élèves à l’école secondaire catholique Mary Ward, l’obscurité imminente des demandes et des offerts d’études postsecondaires est arrivée. Le stress lié au choix des écoles, à la soumission des unités et au maintien de moyennes incroyablement élevées marque la fin de nos carrières mouvementée à l’école secondaire.

petite planète

Par Cheryl K


et dans des clubs. À mon avis, c’est important de tenir compte que pas tout ce qu’on voit sur l’internet est réel. Et même si un bon nombre de candidats peuvent sembler plus qualifiés, c’est crucial pour notre santé mentale de se rappeler que chaque personne devrait être fière de ses propres réalisations. Chacun est digne d’un avenir incroyable. Et à la fin de la journée, votre bien-être est plus important que les unités, alors n’oubliez pas de faire des pauses et de vous prendre soin. Je sais qu’en tant que Ward Wolverines nous savons une chose ou deux sur les dates d’échéance, alors remettons ces unités et impressionnons ces collèges et universités!

rendormir et je reporte le travail au mercredi et au jeudi soir. Quand je La procrastination fais cela, je me sens très stressée et n’est pas étrangère la qualité de mon travail n’est pas à la plupart des très bonne non plus. élèves de Mary Ward. Il est tout à fait typique que Les gens ont tendance à tergiverser les étudiants attendent jusqu’à la parce qu’ils ont peur de l’échec dernière minute pour commencer où manque la concentration. Je une tâche importante. Les facteurs crois que les élèves de Mary Ward négatifs de la procrastination sont ressentent toutes ces choses en bien connus par notre école. Dans les raison du programme d’autogestion. nuits qui précèdent les dates cibles, Comme nous n’avons pas de “dates les dates limites de l’université ou la d’échéance”, c’est facile de retarder bousculade de mai-juin, nous nous les choses jusqu’à ce qu’il soit précipitons pour finir nos unités. nécessaire de le faire. Surtout pour Nous sommes pris de panique et les étudiants plus âgés, la peur de de stress. Plus nous attendons, plus l’échec et le désir que chaque unité nous avons du travail à faire et alors soit parfaite est encore plus intense. la qualité de nos notes diminue. Nous pouvons le voir dans l’article Chaque fois que nous constatons d’Aidan Carino. que quelque chose est difficile, il est courant de le remettre à plus tard Avec le stress et la peur de ne jusqu’à ce qu’il soit nécessaire pour pas avoir de bonnes notes, terminer la tâche. nous constatons que nous procrastinations davantage, mais Il m’arrive parfois de m’asseoir à mon nous pouvons tout surmonter la bureau d’une heure raisonnable avec procrastination en reconnaissant et toutes mes unités prêtes à travailler, en comprenant pourquoi nous le mais de prendre la décision de me faisons. La procrastination ne nous réveiller à 3 h du matin au lieu. S’il contrôle pas, nous contrôlons la est tôt dans la semaine, je vais me procrastination.

Le Tremblement de Terre qui a Secoué Haïti Comment Haïti a récupéré, neuf années plus tard

Par Katelyn Bulka

plages en un lieu touristique tel qu’il a commencé à construire des hôtels. Mais, Avant le tremblement nous savons bien que tout cette progrès de terre en 2010, Haïti était détruit avec le tremblement de était déjà dans un etat terre. fragile. Haïti a toujours été considérée comme l’une des nations les plus pauvres des Amériques, avant et après le tremblement de terre. Haïti n’était pas prête pour cette événement, PHOTO VIA WIKIPEDIA avant 2010, ils étaient très vulnérables à Le tremblement de terre s’est produit à ce type de catastrophe. 16h53, à environ 25 kilomètres au sudDurant les années 2001 à 2007, les ouest de la capitale haïtienne, Port-aucyclones tropicaux et les inondations Prince. Le choc initial a enregistré une ont fait plus de 18 000 morts et 132 magnitude de 7,0 et a été rapidement 000 personnes sans abri. Après,la suivi par deux répliques de magnitudes catastrophe, la tempête tropicale Fay et 5,9 et 5,5. Haïti n’avait pas été touché les ouragans Gustav, Hanna et Ike ont par un tremblement de terre d’une telle frappé le pays en un mois. On pense que ampleur depuis le 18ème siècle. Les presque deux à trois millions d’Haïtiens géologues ont déclaré que la cause du étaient déjà en situation d’insécurité séisme était le mouvement de la plaque alimentaire, 22% de la population tectonique des Caraïbes vers l’est le long souffrait de malnutrition chronique du système de faille de décrochement et 9,1% de malnutrition aiguë. Avant Enriquillo-Plantain Garden (EPG). Il n’y ce désastre, Haïti a commencé à a pas beaucoup de temps et d’argent transformer ses beaux paysages et ses à consacrer à la prévention et à la VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 18

préparation de ces situations.

Bien que nous ayons vu beaucoup de victimes à la fois des habitants et des touristes, les visiteurs ont eu plus de chance. En raison de son statut de pays d’origine étrangère, beaucoup d’entre eux ont pu prendre un vol de l’aéroport de Port-au-Prince. De nombreuses compagnies aériennes ont également permis aux clients de réserver leurs vols sans frais supplémentaires lorsqu’ils voyagent dans les pays touchés par le séisme. Certains aéroports dominicains sont également utilisés comme base de transit pour les vols de secours à Haïti, apportant ainsi les fournitures nécessaires pour aider ce pays à sortir d’un État si fragile. De nombreux bateaux et navires de croisière ont également été utilisés dans le but d’apporter des secours au désastre.

Au total, 230 000 personnes ont été tuées. 300 000 autres ont été blessés. Plus de 600 000 personnes ont quitté Portau-Prince pour rester avec des familles en dehors de la capitale. Le séisme a déplacé 1,5 million de personnes. Des camps de fortune sont apparus pour les abriter. Au total, le séisme a touché 20% des 10,4 millions d’habitants du pays. Le tremblement de terre a causé entre 7,8 et 8,5 milliards de dollars de dommages. Le tremblement de terre a endommagé l’aéroport principal, la plupart des ports et presque toutes les routes pavées. Il a endommagé 294 383 maisons, en détruisant 106 000 d’entre elles. Il a secoué ou détruit soixante pour cent des bâtiments gouvernementaux de la ville. Chaque fois qu’Haïti a tenté de se reconstruire après le tremblement de De nos jours, neuf années plus tard, le terre, ils ont été frappés par une autre pays d’Haïti est quand-même affronter par les dommages de l’ouragan. Mais tragédie. bien que ce soit un travail en cours, Haïti Les touristes qui visitent Haïti pendant le continuera à se soulever contre cette tremblement de terre ont eu plus d’aide. catastrophe naturelle.

petite planète

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netflix recommendations Your guide to the latest must-watch, binge-worthy shows By and according to Joe, she tries too hard DonQarlo Bernardino to fit in with her friends by putting up an unnecessary facade. On top of that With the stress of she is also burdened by family issues units, university/ and boyfriends that go in and out of college deadlines and her life and never seems to be able to the overall responsibilities we have concentrate on her passion for writing. in our daily lives, there should be at least some time to relax, and what It satirizes cliched romance films and better way to decompress than with has a sprinkle of humour throughout, Netflix. The streaming service has but you have to binge watch to find seen a jump in both original content out what all the hype is about. “You” and subscribers, and with critically currently has one season with 10 acclaimed movies, original series and episodes each an hour long and season an even wider selection of anime, there 2 premiers in 2019. is something on the streaming site for everybody. That being said, if you are Ratings: 92% Rotten Tomatoes, stuck on what to watch next, no fear! 7.9/10 IMDb Here are 4 shows you should consider adding to your list. Bojack Horseman You


“You” was originally a Lifetime series before being picked up by Netflix, and has since skyrocketed in popularity, becoming the #1 most popular show on the movie/TV website IMDB. The show follows charming, deceiving and smart bookstore manager Joe Goldberg after he meets the beautiful aspiring writer Guinevere Beck. After their chance encounter, Joe becomes obsessed with Beck and begins relentlessly stalking her around New York. What is so inventive about “You” is how it paints Joe as a semi anti-hero. While you’re watching the show, you begin to understand Joe’s intentions and even root for him. Yes, you might begin to fall for the stalker yourself, and this is all thanks to Joe narrating the story from his POV and actor Penn Badgley’s amazing performance. His purpose for loving Beck is that he feels like he knows how to fix her. In the show Beck’s life is kind of a mess, she has friends who manipulate her, ( one of them is played by Shay Mitchell),

relationships and his overall happiness. to a younger audience, it has dark elements and a complex storyline that This mix of comedy and drama make will entertain older audiences. A Series for a compelling show that goes above Of Unfortunate Events has ended with and beyond expectations of an adult three seasons and 23 episodes. animated series. It poses themes about how our pasts can affect who we are Ratings: 96% Rotten Tomatoes, 7.9 as people, success vs. art and so much IMDb more. Bojack Horseman currently has five seasons with 12 episodes each and Black Mirror: Bandersnatch and Black half an hour long. Season 6 is expected sometime in 2019. Ratings: 92% 8.5/10 IMDb

Rotten Tomatoes,


Mirror series In our world of technology, “Black Mirror” is more relevant than ever. The ‘A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS’ STARS NEIL PATRICK HARRIS AS show is an anthology series, meaning COUNT OLAF ( PHOTO VIA NETFLIX) A Series of Unfortunate Events every episode contains its own story Based on the immensely popular book with the main theme focusing on the series, this story was initially adapted dangers of technology. The concepts into a movie covering the first 3 books are limitless from out there inventions of the series, however, it was not like a service technologically recreating successful enough to continue. It was deceased loved ones (season 2 episode ‘BOJACK HORSEMAN’ STARS THE VOICES OF WILL ARNETT AMY SEDARIS ALISON BRIE ( PHOTO VIA NETFLIX) not until 2017 that Netflix set out to 1), to dark tales of online blackmail that This adult animated comedy featuring adapt all the books over the course of could happen today (season 3 episode anthropomorphic animals follows three seasons. 3). a once famous TV actor Bojack Horseman who is washed up and living The show follows the Baudelaire Bandersnatch takes the concept of in Hollywood. siblings, whose parents tragically died technology to a whole new level. in a fire. They are sent to multiple Instead of watching how the story The first season follows him and his caregivers, the first and worst one unfolds, throughout the episode it is other friends, agent Princess Carolyn, being the evil Count Olaf who is played you who controlled the decisions of his friend who sleeps on his couch magnificently by Neil Patrick Harris. the main character. The film plays like Todd Chavez and best friend Mr. Throughout the series, Count Olaf is out a choose your own adventure video Peanutbutter, as we navigate through to steal the Baudelaire orphans’ fortune game where you have two choices their personal lives. Bojack hires while they try to find out whether their which you have to decide on the main journalist Diane Nguyen to ghostwrite parents are alive or not and the secrets character. These decisions can go from his highly demanded memoir. From they have kept from their children. choosing which cereal our character there the series delves into the world of should eat to whether or not he should celebrity and it’s characters. What is so great about the show is that commit murder. The story follows a with every season the show gets better programmer named Stefan who is What makes the show so unique is and better. The story gets bigger and making a fantasy novel into the next big that it manages to be both depressing more complex, the characters evolve video game. The movie asks questions and funny. It is littered with great pop and the presentation of the world gets about whether we are really in control culture references, satirizing celebrity even more addicting to watch season of our own lives just like how Stefan life and the facade beneath it. Yet there after season. To me, that’s a sign of a has no control over his. With about 16 is a poignancy in each of the characters. great show. It does not lose its steam different endings this one should keep Princess Carolyn is a workaholic but it draws you in instead. By season you very entertained. Black Mirror putting others above herself. Diane is 3 I felt a personal connection to almost currently has 4 seasons. First season uncertain of who she wants to be as every character since I have been with three episodes, second season she does not know what she wants in following the story for almost 3 years. It with four episodes, seasons three and her career, changing her mind about is so impressive how big and complex four both with 6 episodes. All an hour her relationships and is cynical about the world and its story becomes. long. Season five expected sometime her own happiness. Bojack suffers from 2019. a bad childhood, which leads him to Ratings: 86% Rotten Tomatoes, 8.9 make poor decisions that affect his Although the book series is marketed IMDb VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 19


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Apps That Help With School Work Why do math when you have Desmos By Ashling Ayekun You may often find yourself spending a lot of your time on your phone or laptop using apps like Instagram, Netflix, Twitter, and Youtube, especially when you’re supposed to be studying or doing units in order to meet the next target date. For this reason, personal devices and any applications associated with them are painted as being nothing but a negative distraction and to blame for falling behind with our school work. Although this is true in some instances, that is not always the case. There are many apps and websites that can be easily accessed and or downloaded on your phone or laptop that can help you finish those units you’re so worried about, five of which are listed below. 1. While you’re struggling to read the required text for one of your assignments that is filled with words you don’t understand, it can be a nuisance to flip back and forth between the pages of a dictionary. With the dictionary app, you

can learn the meaning of an unfamiliar word within seconds by simply typing it in and pressing search. This app can also be used as a thesaurus, ideal for those times when you catch yourself using the same bland words. 2. Grammarly As its name suggests, Grammarly corrects any grammar mistakes, checks your spelling, and even helps detect any plagiarism. This can be a lifesaver when it comes to submitting any written work, like university applications, essays, or even just emails to teachers.

6. Headspace Constantly being distraught over target dates, tests, exams, units, and other nonschool related things can be exceedingly strenuous on one’s mind. Headspace makes sure that in the business of your day you take some time 4. Tiny Cards to relax and recharge by participating in From the creators of Duolingo, the well- their guided meditation exercises. known language teaching app comes Tiny Cards. Tiny Cards provides flashcards to help you memorize information on several subjects by choosing from their numerous topics or creating your own stacks, making studying much more enjoyable and easier. 7. Flora

5. Desmos Graphing calculators are quite expensive but are also an essential tool when it comes to completing perplexing math equations. Desmos is an online graphing calculator available for Android and iOS 3.Toronto Public Library Looking for credible resources for an that helps you graph those equations essay, research paper, ISP - well, look without having to spend anything at all. no further because Academic OneFile is the tool for you! With this fantastic online resource, you can access to fulltext scholarly articles on topics ranging from general sciences, and all you need is your library card.

If you still can’t manage to focus on your work and stay away from those apps that cause a distraction, try the app Flora, which “plants a seed” that grows the more you stay off your phone, but dies as soon as you fail and give in. Next time you’re in need of a way to conveniently get through your homework, you can turn to these apps to get the help get the job done, all one download away.

Noine! Noine! Cool cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt

By Destiny Amorim-Downie Just one day after getting dropped by Fox, Brooklyn NineNine has been picked up by NBC for a sixth season. Brooklyn Nine-Nine was picked up by the network after fans of the show exhibited their outrage to the news of it’s cancellation; many turning to Twitter with their disappointment. Alongside the fans were celebrities such as Chrissy Teigen and The Backstreet Boys, many calling for an overturn of the cancellation. The hit sitcom stars former SNL cast member Andy Samberg alongside the hilarious Chelsea Peretti, Terry Crews, Stephanie Beatriz, Joe Truglio and Melissa Fumero. The show follows a team of diverting detectives in the New York City Police Department who are VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 20

faced with new challenging dynamics when put under the ruling of a new commanding officer. The show has been praised for its inclusivity and diversity. According to Dana Walden, Chairman and CEO at Fox Television, the decision to cancel the beloved show was due to scheduling conflicts, saying “We wanted to give Bob’s Burgers an opportunity to have a plum time period and really grow. It really limited the opportunities to schedule Brooklyn.” NBC has called Brooklyn Nine-Nine it’s ‘rightful home’ and ‘one of the smartest, funniest, and best-cast comedies in a long time. Now that the network has gained acquisition of the nine-nine, the fans can expect mild cursing and the loss of a cherished cast-member Chelsea Peretti who plays Gina Linetti. Besides these changes, the show will continue to be the same chucklesome sitcom we all know and love.


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Golden Globe Awards A brief recap of this year’s major award ceremony

By Kristina Abbarian

perfected their craft over the years. In 2014, Samberg took home the Globe for Best Actor as his role as Jake Peralta in Brooklyn Nine-Nine. This year at the Globes, Sandra won the award for Best Actress in a Drama TV Series for her breathtaking role in Killing Eve. This put her in the position to become the first Asian woman to receive multiple Golden Globes.

The highly anticipated 76th Golden Globe Awards took place on January 6, 2019. Being the first major awards show of the year, the Golden Globes sets the tone for the rest of award season. All eyes were on the nominees and winners of the Globes this year, as the voting for Oscar nominations opened up just a few days As the night went on, we got to see after. tears shed, speeches shared, and awards given out. Many were surprised The 2019 Golden Globes was truly a by the nominees of each category, and night to remember. There was so much even more so by the winners of said representation and diversity in the nominations. A Star is Born is the widely entertainment industry this year, which acclaimed film directed by Bradley was truly reflected in the nominations Cooper starring himself and Lady Gaga. and awards. With so much chaos and The film only managed to snag one out energy, as expected by having all of of the five Golden Globe Nominations Hollywood talent under one roof for the they had that night, the award being night, there is just so much to talk about Best Original Song. This, unsurprisingly, for one recap of the big event. had many shocked, as people expected to see more wins. Bohemian Rhapsody To start off the night with a bang also took the world by storm, winning came the dynamic duo, Andy Samberg both awards it was nominated for, and Sandra Oh, the hosts for this Best Motion Picture - Drama and Best year’s Golden Globe Awards. Both are Performance by an Actor in Motion amazing established actors who have Picture, which Rami Malek got to accept.

The award was his first win of the night and his third Golden Globe nomination. Malek even got the opportunity to thank two of the actual members of Queen, who showed up for the big night. Another amazing film that definitely deserved the spotlight this year was Crazy Rich Asians. The movie did a fantastic job with Asian representation in mainstream media, which is rarely ever seen in Hollywood. The film, featuring a full Asian cast, went on to receive two nominations, one being for Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy and Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy Motion Picture (for the lead actress, Constance Wu). Sadly, Crazy Rich Asians did not go on to receive any awards, although it was still a huge night for the film. Black Panther was also another highly praised film of 2018. The movie broke records that year, all while further having great representation. It was deservingly nominated for Best Motion Picture - Drama and Original Score but did not receive the awards that night. 2019’s Golden Globe Awards proved to be a huge year for women in

Hollywood, as well. Carol Burnett became the first recipient of the ‘Carol Burnett Award,’ the Golden Globes’ lifetime achievement award. Burnett is an American comedian whose career has spanned over seven decades. That night, Steve Carell stepped up to present the award, highlighting the best moments of Carol Burnett’s career. She was the first woman to accomplish many things in the industry. During her acceptance speech, Burnett expressed her never-ending love for television and why she got into the industry in the first place. Inspiring and charismatic, Carol Burnett made the stage her own that night. Many other women, including Sandra Oh, Glenn Close and Regina King, recited their tear-jerking speeches while also inspiring many people out there to pursue their passions. The 2019 Golden Globe Awards will not be so easily forgettable. We got to see many new amazing films and shows hit the big screen and television. The Golden Globes was a great kick-off for the award season to showcase and shine the spotlight on old and new faces, and to show the world what Hollywood was about.

TECH THAT COSTS ONES AND ZEROS Affordable tech for students

By Emmit Tam

ensures protection against overheating, price. The Uproars allow up to 10 metres overcurrent, and overvoltage. Find this of connectivity from your device, charging from Mini USB to USB. The As students of the product at your local Best Buy! 40mm neodymium drivers inside these 21st Century, we are all blessed to have Tile-Mate Bluetooth Item Tracker - headphones ensure great sound quality, strong bass and precise highs. The technologies that $24.99 make our lives a lot easier. Here is a list of The Tile Mate Bluetooth item tracker inside is padded with Synthetic Leather cool tech, that might make your school is a device that you can attach to your so there’s no problem wearing them for year less stressful. This is a list of devices keys, bag, or anything you tend to lose, those long study sessions, especially that might be helpful in your everyday and be able to track it with your phone. with the Noise Isolation that these Using the Tile app, you can make the headphones bring. You can find these life. Tile Mate ring, making you able to hear Headphones at a Best Buy near you. Cobble Pro Wireless Qi Quick Charge - where your keys ran off to. Not only that $18.99 but if you lost your phone but have the School/Travel Backpack - $28.99 on The Cobble Pro Wireless Charger is a Tile, you can press the button on the Tile Amazon mat that allows you to wirelessly charge to ring your phone. This item is a must This affordable school bag by Vnork is a your phone by placing the back of your pick-up for days where you just can’t great modest way to carry around your device onto the mat. Before you head find anything on your way out of the units, textbooks, and laptop. With plenty to bed, just place your phone on the house. You can find the Tile Mate at Best of storage space, a built-in USB adapter for easy phone charging, and plenty of mat, and you can quickly grab your Buy. pockets this bag can be slung over your phone on your way out. The charger is compatible with Fast Charge Devices Skullcandy Uproar On-Ear Sound shoulder and always ready for your day (10W) and Standard Charge Devices Isolating Wireless Headphones - $39.99 at school. The adjustable straps and (5W). The LED indicating the battery Wirelessly listening to your music is the breathable mesh backing allows a charge is noticeable, but will not emit the new way to jam out during private comfortable commute to school and enough light to intrude your sleep. work periods. This pair of headphones moving to and from departments. This The Cobble Pro Wireless charger also ensure great sound at a relatively low bag is great for students and for travel.

This is a great pick-up for those who want to put a bit more tech into their life. Anker Soundcore 2 Portable Bluetooth Speaker - $39.99 on Amazon This powerful, lightweight speaker is for those days where you’re hanging out with your friends after school and just need a little boost from your music. The price sits a little high but anything from Anker ensures great quality. With a 5200 mAh Li-on battery it gives you a full day’s worth of jamming out to your favourite tunes. The advanced Digital Signal Processor ensures pounding bass and zero distortion at any volume and is also outdoors proof: safe against rain, dust, snow, and spills. You can toss it in your bag with no problem because this device is only 0.76 pounds! No matter where you are or what you’re playing, this speaker gives you the immersive sound that you need.

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 21


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creative spaces

Lucifer is Back (The show, don’t worry) Brought back by Netflix, fans are desperate to see what happens next in season 4

By Chelsea Bidaisee Despite its questionable name, Lucifer is a comedy series which follows the devil himself on a vacation from his duties where he takes up residence as a nightclub owner in L.A, enjoying all Earth has to offer. After witnessing a murder in his own nightclub, he makes it his mission to catch the criminal responsible and clashes with the LAPD, namely Detective Chloe Decker (Lauren German), a homicide detective who appears resistant to his ability to draw out people’s desires. Intrigued by her resilience and inherent goodness, Lucifer (Tom Ellis) offers to work the case with her and to their surprise, they make a good team. Though the show was cancelled in May of 2018, Netflix picked it up after fans stormed Twitter with the hashtag “Save Lucifer” which is kind of funnily ironic. But it worked, and the series was renewed for a fourth season, but only with 10 episodes. It will be interesting to see how the writers have packed the aftershocks of last season’s major reveal plus the introduction of a new biblical character in such a short amount of time, not to mention the two episode special that was never resolved. If a crime-fighting devil with a British accent wasn’t enough to convince you to watch, then consider the romance

aspect. Chloe and Lucifer make a formidable fighting duo and share an undeniable spark. Between their witty banter and stubbornness when it comes to protecting each other, they may very well be one of T.V’s most anticipated couples. But it isn’t all romance. There’s always a real element of danger, packed with action, mystery and a little redemption along the way. However, if you’re not caught up on season one, then stop here! With only 13 episodes, season one makes for a quick watch, I promise you won’t regret it. Now onto the spoilers. Season one ends with the drama between Chloe and Malcolm coming to a head when he kidnaps her daughter, Trixie, and uses her to persuade Chloe to return his money. This ensues in an epic showdown in which Lucifer is fatally wounded and dies. With the revelation that being near Chloe allows him to be vulnerable, he charges in to save her despite knowing this. We see him beginning to truly care about her, and with his dying breath, he pleads with God to protect her and offers to return to Hell in exchange. God obliges and restores Lucifer’s abilities and they kill Malcolm. With his father’s end of the bargain completed, Lucifer finds himself back in Hell, or in other words right back where he started. To his surprise, God’s mission for him is something much more challenging; finding a soul which has escaped from Hell. That soul being none other than his mother. That brings

us to the end of the first season. If you haven’t started season two yet, then I advise you not to continue reading this! With shocking twists and turns, it’s worth watching. No season of Lucifer is complete without a new celestial being arriving to shake things up. The goddess of all creation or more commonly known as God’s wife awakes in a human body, one of a recent murder victim; Charlotte Richards (Tricia Helfer), a defense attorney and prominent sinner. She finds Lucifer and convinces him and his brother, Amenadiel (D.B Woodside), to try and force their way into Heaven. We see Lucifer juggling his double lives between his family and the LAPD all the while managing to fit in a good one liner or two every so often. Season two covers everything from yoga cults to a sword with a thirst for vengeance. This season is arguably the best in the show’s history. A shocking reveal comes when Amenadiel meets Chloe’s mother and remembers God sending him to bless a couple with a child, that being Chloe. Lucifer and Chloe meeting was no accident and was predestined by God, which angers Lucifer into confronting Chloe who as usual has no idea what he’s talking about. In the last episode we see Lucifer use Azrael’s blade to tear into the world and send his mother through. The real Charlotte Richards wakes up without any memory of the last few months and is here to stay. As if sending your own mother through a portal through time and space weren’t

weird enough, just as Lucifer is about to reveal himself to Chloe, he, get this, is knocked out and awakes in desert with his wings intact once more! The last we saw of them, Maze, his demon/friend/ Hell’s best torturer sawed them off. Looks like Lucifer has a powerful enemy. With Lucifer’s mom out, season three introduces a well-known biblical character, the first murderer himself. Major spoilers ahead! Cain (Tom Welling) still walks the earth and is posing as Lieutenant Marcus Pierce of the LAPD. On top of that, a new threat has emerged. A con man known as the Sinnerman is out for Lucifer and seemingly knows his true nature. Once again, Lucifer must balance his separate lives all while Chloe grows more agitated with his behavior and refusal to tell her the truth. Meanwhile their romantic relationship isn’t doing so well. In fact, Pierce and Chloe get together in his scheme to get her to remove his mark so he can finally die. However, just as she’s about to confess her love, he scraps the plan when he realizes he doesn’t want to hurt her. When the Sinner Man’s identity is revealed to be Cain, an epic showdown ensues between Lucifer, Chloe, and Cain. It ends with Cain being killed at last and Chloe witnessing Lucifer’s devil face, finally seeing him. With this reveal, fans have been impatient for season 4, understandably so.

The Dangers of Our Devices Our phones can be more harmful to us than we think By Ina Sugay

away “because they might interfere with the equipment a little bit”. She placed the phones away from reach but close enough for them to hear incoming notifications and calls. Dr. Cheever sent text messages and called their phone

We often hear adults saying that we are way too addicted to our phones. But experts are, in fact, warning that excessive time on your phone could cause severe feelings of anxiety, stress and fatigue. Research has found that people who are always fixated on their phones and the internet seem to be damaging their brains, resulting in STUDENT USING MOBILE DEVICES (PHOTO BY MILLICENT AMURAO) number so that their phones would go chemical imbalances. off while she used her equipment to Dr. Nancy Cheever studied the measure their stress levels. The outcome relationship between cellphone use and from her original experiment and from anxiety at California State University and the demonstration both showed that stated that “The more people use their each subject became more anxious as phone, the more anxious they are about they heard the notifications coming using their phone”. Dr. Cheever proposes from their phone. that our devices keep us in a constant state of anxiety and the only way to Psychotherapist and author of the book relieve ourselves of that anxiety is by The Power of Off, Nancy Colier said, “My checking them. She demonstrated her experience in talking to teenagers is if it’s experiment for ABC News with journalist ‘My heart rate is higher’ versus ‘I have a T.J.Holmes and two other teenage girls. social life’, they’re going to choose social For the experiment, she told her subjects life. But the way we’re living doesn’t that she will need to put their phones actually serve our deeper well-being. All VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 22

of this attention to technology, and the mind, and thoughts is coming at a great expense to other aspects of what… human beings need to be well fed.” Another recent study measured levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is a neurotransmitter that suppresses or reduces the activity of neurons or nerve cells. The study showed that there was an abnormal ratio of GABA to another important neurotransmitter in the brains of people addicted to their phones and/or the internet. According to the Korea University professor, Hyung Suk Seo, these changes could affect how the brain processes information and emotions. Not only do professionals and experts have thoughts on this matter, but so do the teachers and students at our school. Grade 9 student, Karla Balatbat said, “I think that phones and the internet could cause anxiety and stress because of cyber-bullying as well”. Our Science teacher, Mr. Buck, read an article by The Globe and Mail called Your Smartphone is Making You Stupid, Antisocial and

Unhealthy. So Why Can’t You Put it Down?!. The article spoke about how it takes you 30 minutes to fully focus on something and “if your phone is constantly going off, then it definitely makes it more difficult to concentrate”, says Mr. Buck. Our Music teacher, Mr. Carabine had a lot to say about this issue. When asked for his opinion, he said, “Phones are amazing. You can answer any question you have without having to go to the library or look in an encyclopedia. Anxiety can come from the need to respond to all messages immediately. School and after-school life are not separated anymore because of the idea that you constantly have to be ‘on’. This produces anxiety in people since you need to be constantly near your device because you always feel like you need to respond. It’s just a consistent distraction from friends, family, school and work. We’re always online. Phones are very helpful but there’s for sure a dark side.” Although cell phones and the internet have had a revolutionary impact on our modern world, they can be more dangerous to us than we might think.

creative spaces creative spaces


Let Us Leave

fun and games

Portfolio Season By: Diva Hidalgo Luna

A pArody on Frozen's "Let it Go" By Destiny Amorim-Downie

The sorrow grows bright in the classroom tonight Not a smile to be seen A kingdom of aggravation And it looks like quarantine The clock is ticking like the eagerness inside Couldn’t keep us in, heaven knows you’ve tried Don’t let them look, don’t let them see Be the good kid you always have to be Conceal, don’t squeal, don’t let them know Swell, they see you go By Annie Hsiung Let us leave, let us leave Can’t keep us here anymore Let us leave, let us leave, Turn away and slam the door I don’t care if they chase me there Let the school bell ring Control always bothered me anyway It’s funny how a minute makes everything so different And the walls that once controlled me can’t keep me here at all It’s time to leave to take a nap To no more tests and no more traps No right, no wrong, no rules for me I’m free Let us leave, let us leave I am one with the public transit Let us leave, let us leave I’m going to miss my bus Here I’m strand and here I pray

Let the swarm rage on Control always bothered me anyway


grey By Juliana Santos

What does grey look like, sound like, smell, taste, or feel? A vacant feeling in your chest Like the life of the multiverse would forever crawl forward, sluggish, never a Spark of flame or interest. Dull. Chewing a spoonful of texture-less, tasteless mush Dark White

By Julienne Joven

Flowing gently, silky shining, The afterlife between heaven and hell, Limbo – the eternal void between being and nothing, where good and evil fade into an amorphous nil. Sniffing smoke, a nostalgic aroma from the kitchen door The rush of traffic And TV static. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 23

creative spaces

funand and games fun games



By Victoria Zheng

2. the dreaded dates 4. transition 6 . OKOF event 7. a time for reflection 8. most spirit 10. choosing our future 12. January 23 13 . black history month


1. get double the amount of units after the break ___

3. gowns and suits 5. international women’s day 9. a treat for your lover 11. winter opportunities



VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 24

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