Mary Ward Planet - Vol.22, Issue 3, Summer 2016-2017

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T h e G e n e r a t i o n G a p | E M B O DY | N e w s p a p e r Aw a r d s


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editorial Farewell & awards World issues - No Colour in Colour TV - What has Justin Tru-done? - The Fight For Water - Climate Change Denial - Is Alt-Right Movement Spreading to Canada? - Nosedive - Scarborough Subway or Scarborough Scam? - Can We Trust The News?


Cover Page: Aiken Chau Coloured Pages: Joyce Giolagon & Mary-Anne Buerano

La Petite planète




creative spaces

community - Community Wrap-Up - Robinhood - Emobdy - The Language of Flowers - Graduation Conversation - 12 Things to do Before Grade 12

- Sports Wrap Up - Notte Stelatta - Why are Sports Jerseys so Expensive? - Far From the Finish Line - One Team One Dream

- Les abeilles, s’il vous plait - Le bourgeois gentilhomme - Oh viens, Emmanuel!

life - How to Study for Exams, the Right Way - Have a 6ix Summer - Back-Track to Packing Hacks - Shift into Summer



- Small Bang Theory - Disney IRL - Riverdale - 13 Reasons Why - Coming Clean About Avril Lavigne - Harry Styles’ New Style

- Guns n’ Roses - The Serpent

fun & games - I Need a Vacation! - Ward Students

Layout Designers: Nicole Fernandes, Jamie Edghill, Karen Tseng, Julia D’Silva, Yanelle BardhanMedonca, Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun, Nimmy Ayekun, Andrea Nijmeh, Anjuli Joachim, Mary-Anne Buerano. Naomi Fernandes, Joyce Giolagon, Sabrina Percy, AikenChau, Yuki Tam

All content © 2016-2017 Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this newspaper, in part of whole, is prohibited without the approval of the Planet executive members. The Mary Ward Planet is the official student newspaper of Mary Ward C.S.S. All members of the Mary Ward community may voluntarily contribute to the Planet. Everyone exhibits professionalism and respects one another in all exchanges while keeping Christian values and practices. All submitted articles, layouts, and photography are subject to moderation. Material submitted is subject to approval by the Executive, staff moderators, and administration. All material must positively support the ideas and spirit of Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School is a self-directed learning centre located at 3200 Kennedy Road that was founded in 1985. It became a member of the CCSDL (Canadian Coalition of Self-Directed Learning) in 1995.

VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 02

editorial editorial

table of contents

farewell and awards

Generation Motivation How you—yes, you—can save the world Lamenting the bleakness of the future is practically a rite of passage for teenagers. While baby boomers, generation X, and millennials can’t agree on much, they all share the common teenage experience of dreading the future. What is it about the future that scares teenagers so much? Is it leaving the comfort of high school, or being forced to choose a career path that incites so much teen angst? Do teenagers really have anything to complain about? Every generation will argue that they had it worse than the next. Current high school students, on the cusp between millennials and the relatively unknown generation Z, have grown up hearing relatives tell them how easy they have it. Teenagers know that any sentence beginning with “When I was your age…” or worse, “Back in my day...” will end with a lecture and an attempt to guilt trip an entire generation for their reliance on inventions, institutions and ideas given to them by the last generation.

nate, wish to put off dealing with shortterm issues for as long as they possibly can, waiting until it is absolutely necessary to find solutions to those problems. Imagine those same teens being faced with the monstrous, insurmountable issues of climate change, economic crises, and impending global conflicts. It becomes easy to see why teenagers are so apprehensive about the future, especially in today’s society, where many of those issues are quickly coming to a head. For students who can barely deal with their homework and their post-graduation plans, the idea of walking into such a problematic

them away from diving into the future. Instead, the youth of today should look forward to the future, as dreary as it may seem, because it will provide them with an opportunity unique to their generation: the opportunity to make things better. Baby boomers and generation X have already had their chance to improve the world, and even millennials will not have enough time to cure the world of all of its issues. The reality is that the state of the world will continue to get worse before it can begin to get better. That means that it is the younger generations, like today’s high schoolers, who will be able to use

the future may be terrifying, the results of teenage inaction would be even more terrifying. Teenagers must begin to shift their perspective on the future: it is not something to be dreaded, it is something to look forward to. Imagine all of the innovations and new ideas that this generation will come up with. No matter what your passion is, every teenager possesses within them the power to help improve the world in some small way. As Malala Yousafzai said in her recent address to Canadian Parliament, “You do not have to be as old as the very young Prime Minister

Besides lectures, older generations have also given teens devalued university degrees, a difficult housing and job market, increasing divorce rates, a planet on the verge of destruction, and increasingly tense international relations. Why should today’s teenagers, defined by their dependence on technology and their ‘whatever forever’ attitude, have any motivation to move into a future where things seem to only be getting worse? For today’s high school students, the uncertainty of the future brings with it scores of things to worry about. As teenagers, issues such as divorce rates and the declining housing market may not be top priority, but today’s youth still have many pressing short-term concerns. These include what to do after high school; how to pay for postsecondary education; whether to pursue their passions or choose profitable career paths; and how to maintain or gain friendships after high school, especially in our tech-dominated society. These concerns may seem small in the grand scheme of things, but they contribute to the teenage fear of moving into the future. Teenagers, who are known to procrasti-

Student leaders motivating the next generation of Mary Ward students through OASIS. (KATHRIEL RIVERA)

future is terrifying. The future looks hopeless. There’s no need to be cautiously optimistic about it; things are looking pretty bleak. But the easiest way for teens to rid themselves of their fear of the future is to use that feeling of hopelessness as motivation. Sure, the future is uncertain and the world seems to be headed down a pretty dark path. But teens would be remiss to let that uncertainty frighten

their talents and intelligence to make the world a better place in all aspects. Teens should be motivated to move into the future because they are the only ones capable of improving it for themselves. By thinking that progress is impossible, teenagers stop themselves from moving forward. And when teens stop moving, the whole world will also cease to progress. While walking forward into

Trudeau to be a leader.” The young people that comprise generation Z can all play a part in leading the improvement of the world, no matter how small that part may be or how scared they may be to pursue it. Think of how much better the world will be once this generation finds the motivation to lead it. If that isn’t encouraging enough, think of how satisfying it will be to one day tell the next generation, “Back in my day, we saved the world.” VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 03


farewelland and awards farwell awards

world issues

fa r e w e l l from exec Andrea Nijmeh

Is there life on mars? Let’s hope so because I’m leaving the planet. And with me, I’ll be taking memories, some stressful, but most wonderful. When I first joined the team in grade nine I had no idea what in I was in for, but every year since, newspaper was something I always looked forward to. It’s the exec team members, readers, writers, photographers, artists, and of course Ms Powell who have made the Planet so great. Every year, I am amazed by the work ethic and talent of all the contributors. To the returning team, as well as those leaving with me, I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors, although I don’t doubt you will be successful. Have a fun summer, ace your exams, and enjoy our last issue of this year.

Hi it’s me, Aiken! I’ve had the opportunity to be the art editor of the Mary Ward Planet for the past two years of high school. I initially joined the newspaper team because I wanted to share my art with the community. After working on my first issue and seeing my work published for the school community, I was hooked in. Over time, I also began to discover the importance of learning about the news and voicing community opinions. Even though my writing ability is not the best, I found another way to contribute; through the design and illustration of the paper. Thank you to all the execs for all the memorable/frustrating/worthwhile experiences at the jam sessions, and for always working hard to make each issue more amazing than the last. Readers, Ms. Powell (our newspaper mom), and everyone else that has contributed: without your support, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. Looking forward to see what the Planet does next, don’t let me down!


Nicole Fernandes

Being the Sports Editor of the Mary Ward Planet this year was a great experience and I could not be more grateful. Working with these amazing people to produce three fantastic issues has been one of the biggest highlights of my four years at Ward. I’m continuing my journalistic studies at Ryerson, and writing for The Planet has helped me strengthen and gain confidence in my writing. The Toronto Star award was the icing on the cake! Thanks to the executive team for all the memories and knowledge. Also, thanks to the pizza delivery man and Netflix, who got us through jam sessions! I want to give a huge shoutout and all my thanks to Mrs. Powell. Mrs. P, you were always supportive of my journalistic ambitions and have helped me grow both as a person and as a writer. Thanks for trusting me with the sports section this year, MW! Good luck in the future!

julia d'silva



Salut tout le monde! I cannot believe that the time has come for me to say goodbye to the paper. I am so proud of the work that we have done this year. Being an editor for the Mary Ward Planet for the past three years has been an amazing experience and a great honour. Thank you for allowing me to do my favourite thing: write! Congrats to the Planet Team on another successful year, je suis tellement fière de vous. A bientôt!

I’ve been a part of the MW Planet team for three years now and I can honestly say its been one of the best experiences of my life. Not only did I learn how to work with a team and meet deadlines (something that doesn’t really happen all that often at Ward), I also got the chance to develop skills I never knew I had! All in all, its been quite the learning experience over the years, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Keep on writing, Ward!

I just want to thank everyone on the newspaper team for their support and help this year. This has been an amazing first and last year on The Planet and I have learned so much. I am very appreciative to have been on a team with such talented people. Thanks to Ms. Powell for believing in me and thank you so much everyone for your endless patience and hard work! It’s been real!

3 years ago, I joined The Planet and have been fortunate enough to be a part of such an amazing, well-driven team. To the future writers and returning journalists of The Planet, have fun! And keep sharing stories.


Another Year, Another Sweep!

The Mary Ward Planet Picks Up Eight Toronto Star High School Journalism Awards By Yuki Tam No one understands the hustle like a school newspaper team does. The 21st annual Toronto Star Journalism Awards were held at the Toronto Reference Library on May 29th, 2017. With high schools from the east end to the west, students came for a celebration with their school teams on an early Monday morning to receive recognition for their hard work.

The Mary Ward Planet picked up eight awards at the 2017 Toronto High School Journalism Awards. (VARSHAA RAGURAMAN)

VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 04

“It was pretty fun,” said Natalie Almosa, runner-up in the news photography category, “It was an honour to be awarded after being in the photo club and working hard for three years.” Recipients like Natalie and supporting staff alike were happy to see smiles on everyone’s faces and hear the loud sound of cheering and clapping from an audience. However, the day began with exploring the stations of innovative technology such as virtual reality and robotics that the library had set up. This showed that the Toronto Star encourages young people and their own staff to embrace new technology and step into an undetermined but exciting new time for the press. Participants then awaited for a full luncheon complete with pasta, dip, and beef sliders. The hallways were filled with people, cutlery, and the aroma of delicious food and success. As the crowd settled into their seats,

guest speakers told stories of their own adventures in journalism and reporting and inspired young writers, like the ones from the Planet, to continue their journey in writing and their continuous search for and love of revealing the truth.

The Planet executive team and a few journalism students enjoyed the awards and are looking forward to next year. (VARSHAA RAGURAMAN)

This year, the Planet team received a total of eight awards. In no particular order, Kimberly Vuong won in the Sports Reporting category while Nicole Fernandes won in the Sports Column category. Mary Anne Buerano won in

Feature Photography with Vanessa Daquipil as the runner-up. Claire Lo was runner-up in Sports Photography and Natalie Almosa was runner-up in News Photography. Aiken Chau received runner-up in Illustration and the whole of the Mary Ward Planet received runnerup in Best Electronic Newspaper. “I was surprised that the specific article won,” said Nicole Fernandes, who won in Sports Column and plans on going into sports journalism, “But I looked at it there and it was pretty good. The award gave me some kind reassurance. I was unsure about going to journalism but now I’m a little more confident.” As seen, the Toronto Star Journalism Awards is not only an annual happy celebration but also a way of assuring young journalists and encouraging young writers to continue with their story and their narrative.

farewell and awards

world issues world issues

world issues

What has JustinTru-done ? A closer look at Justin Trudeau’s accomplishments so far. By Anjuli Joachim When it comes to keeping promises, politicians are known to not keep them. Throughout Canada’s political history, Prime Ministers have failed to fulfill what they set out to do or claim to want. From William Lyon Mackenzie King, who promised the people of Quebec that there would be no conscription for World War II, to the numerous Prime Ministers who proved unable to balance the federal budget – unfilled promises are something that Canadians have come to expect. Nonetheless, when current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was campaigning for the Lib-

legislation that would legalize the recreational use of marijuana across the country - legalization that goes into effect in July 2018. Although details are still to come, many Canadians feel that this last action is an important and overdue step towards a progressive future for Canada.

that a more representative electoral system would be more effective, and Trudeau made assertions supporting that idea. This past February, however, Trudeau announced that electoral reform would not be part of the mandate for the Minister of Democratic Institutions, Karina Gould.

Despite all the news-grabbing headlines of campaign promises achieved throughout the year, there are many others by Justin Trudeau have been forgotten. Worse yet are those promises which Trudeau has flip-flopped, angering many people who originally supported the Liberal Party because of these promises.

Another set of significant campaign promises by the Liberal Party was to only have deficits of less than $10 billion in each of the first three years of their mandate, while at the same time reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio each year and balance the budget in the final year of their 4-year term. And yet the Liberals' inaugural budget projects deficits for at least five years, totalling 113 billion dollars, including an almost 30 billion dollar deficit this year alone. Perhaps the promise which would affect the lives of Canadian teenagers the most is the one surrounding climate change. It is widely accepted by scientists and the general public alike that rising global temperatures is a direct of result of pollution and is causing nearly irreversible changes to the planet’s climate. During the campaign, Trudeau promised to minimize the carbon footprint of the nation and reduce Canada’s impact on rising global temperatures. Despite this, Ottawa gave a green light to Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline and Enbridge's Line 3 pipeline. Each of these pipelines were fiercely protested by climate change experts and First Nations’ groups. The immediate impact of the pipelines on the environment during construction, as well as the long term environmen-

Justin Trudeau at political conference. ( THE NATIONAL POST)

eral Party in the fall of 2015, he made more than 200 election promises to the people of Canada. He appealed to Canada’s younger generation, giving them hope for a more progressive country. His promises to legalize marijuana, reform the electoral system, and have a gender-balanced cabinet were just the tip of the iceberg. Now, a year and a half after his sweeping victory, here’s a look at his main campaign promises and how close (if at all) he’s come to keeping them. With just over a year in office, Trudeau has managed to deliver on a number of his campaign promises. Immediately after securing a majority in Parliament, Trudeau fulfilled his campaign promise of having the first gender-balanced cabinet in Canadian history. When asked by a reporter about the reasoning for this decision, Trudeau shrugged and stated,“because it’s 2015”. A simple yet iconic assertion. In 2016 he restored the long-form census that was distributed to Canadians, in order to collect important data that accurately reflects the population of Canada and can be used to create impactful legislation. Moreover, the Liberal Party quite recently announced the introduction of

One of the largest and most newsworthy promises then-candidate Trudeau made during his campaign was his vow to reform the electoral system in Canada. The current first past the post system can allow a party to gain total control of Parliament while only having the support of even less than 30% of the entire population. Many people felt

tal effects of transporting thousands of tonnes of oil across the Canadian west coast will affect generations to come. It is the teenagers of today and those younger stil who will suffer the impact of this the most; There is a real risk that the younger generations will live in a world where global temperatures bring permanent, negative changes to the world as we know it. The approval of these pipelines may just be the most disastrous broken campaign promise Trudeau has committed. It is an understatement to say that these are the only broken campaign promises for the current Liberal government. Additional examples include: ‘the federal government will make bigleague investments into public transit’ - that hasn’t happened. Or, ‘We will repeal elements of controversial ‘anti-terrorism’ Bill C – 51’ - that bill is still very much the law. And finally, ‘Indigenous people will be granted the right to veto projects affecting reserves’ – absolutely no change on that front. It is clear that while Mr. Trudeau has kept a number of his campaign promises, he has also broken many others since his election in 2015. As high school students across the country become eligible to vote, it is important for them to carefully analyze the campaign promises party leaders make. In the upcoming municipal, provincial, and federal elections, it is time for the next generation of voters to be informed and carefully use their voting rights to help choose the leaders of tomorrow.

The House of Commons of Parliament Building, Ottawa. (WANGKUN JIA)

VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 05

world issues

world issues world issues

THE FIGHT FOR WATER What happens to the thousands of families in Somalia as ongoing drought worsens? By Nimmy Ayekun On average Canadians use 365 liters of water a day. That is an appalling number to think about when you compare it to the global average of at least 20 liters a day and even more appalling when you consider the average in Somalia of only 6 liters per capita per day. For the last 2 years Somalia, the country has been suffering from severe droughts. Since many of it’s citizens farmers rely on rainfall rather than irrigation to maintain their crops, no water often times means no means of growing food and dying livestock. With little hope for rainfall again this season UN officials strongly believes that the nation is at high risk for famine.

estimates that 6.2 million Somalis are now in need of food assistance, double the amount of people that were in need in 2009 and many experts are worried that current conditions are pointing to a famine like the one that occurred in 2011, in which 260,000 people died over a 2 month period. Fortunately, the United Nations and several other organizations are currently stepping forward and taking it upon themselves to donate food supplies and assistances to areas in the region to offset the possibility of crisis that scale happening again. However while the UN has requested about 4.4 billion dollars by July to help combat the spread of hunger in Yemen, Northeast Nigeria, South Sudan and Somalia, as of April they have only

world issues

Climate Change Denial Republicans return with alternative facts. By Andrea Nijmeh When Americans voted Donald Trump into office, they expected change. However in terms of his environmental policy, the only thing that’s going to be changing is the climate. Trump has made it clear that he denies the existence of climate change, stating on twitter that, “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”

Trump has made it very clear that he doesn’t believe in climate change. (POLITIFACT)

In 2009, almost 2.3 million Somalis were in need of food assistance. (ILLYAS AHMED)

Already stories of mothers who have either lost their children to malnutrition and dehydration or have had to walk several kilometers to visit clinics and receive medical attention for disease outbreaks stemming from a lack of water/proper nutrition, to families leaving their homes to go seek refuge in other parts of the country or prioritizing who amongst them is going to eat after days of no food to communities being forced to sell off their assets to be able to afford food, that is in many cases too expensive to afford. This is not the first time this will happen. A similar incident like this occurred and garnered international attention in 2009 because not only was slightly under half of the population malnourished but almost 3.2 million Somalis were in need of food assistance. At that time, that drought was considered the largest major catastrophe of its kind to happen in the area. Today, the UN VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 06

received 984 milliondollars. Without enough international funding, the epidemic UN officials say the epidemic will only be expected to grow despite their efforts. There is also the issue of various terrorist groups being present in some of these areas, inhibiting the proper distribution of food supplies. In particular, many Somalis are faced with Al - Shabaab, a prominent Islamic extremist group known to have strong ties to Al- Qaeda. The group has been blocking roads to various humanitarian groups and stealing supplies. Unfortunately, until more can be done to reduce the suffering of those affected by this drought the fate of many people living Somali remains unsure. This ongoing crisis’ surrounding water in Somalia and neighboring countries is a reminder that water scarcity, unfair wealth distribution, and violence remain very real issues in our society and need to be addressed internationally.

This claim has received criticism from scientists across the globe who are stating that climate change is not a belief but an observation. American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator Neil DeGrasse Tyson is known for his outspokenness on such issues in which he often says that science is not political. “When politicians start analyzing the science, I don’t know what to say at that point,” Tyson said in an interview on CNN in 2014. “Are we going to wait until the coastlines get redrawn as the glaciers melt off of Antarctica and Greenland?”

in science and do not debate with the climate scientists directly, but instead fixate on the media, the general public and politicians in the hopes of delaying action climate change. The motive behind the delays is due to the fact that the majority of climate change deniers receive significant funding from coal and oil companies. In 1999, a coalition of coal and utility companies launched a disinformation campaign designed by a public relations firm to create the Information Council on the Environment (ICE), their goal was to “reposition global warming as theory rather than fact,” a statement that was leaked from strategy papers developed by a polling firm used by the public relations company that managed the ICE campaign. Although some level of debate can be useful when addressing major social problems, society must eventually move forward and begin addressing the issue. Trump failing to take climate change seriously threatens to deepen and prolong the skepticism that already exists in western political life. If the Trump administration continues to please the false claim that global warming is a hoax, not caused by humans, or not a pressing issue, then many Republican voters and conservative supporters around the

But who are civilians choosing to listen to? Scientists such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson, who dedicate their lives to researching the issue, or a business reality star turned president and his council, who profit greatly from the fossil fuel industry. It is said that in 2016 alone, the oil and gas industry gave more than $53 million to the Republican Party. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or IPCC is one of the largest groups of international scientists ever assembled to study a scientific issue, consisting of more than 2,500 scientists from over 130 countries. The IPCC concluded that most of the warming that has been observed over the past 50 years is due to human activities and Its findings have been publicly endorsed by the national academies of science of all G-8 nations. Those who deny climate change generally do not have a background

One effect of climate change - melting glaciers. (INHABIT.CA)

world will follow their lead. In order for global citizens to take action and slow climate change, they must challenge claims and focus on voting for a candidate and party whose policies acknowledge aiding climate change and creating a more sustainable environment for the future. Simply changing a few light bulbs won’t help end climate change, there needs to be in a change in politicians.

world issues

world issues world issues

world issues

Is the Alt –Right Movement Spreading To Canada?


Is Canada As Accepting As We Think It Is?

Is There Any Hope For Liberal Party In The 2018 Ontario Provincial Election with Kathleen Wynne as Leader ?

By Nimmy Ayekun Originally used to describe very tight conservative ideologies, the term alt - right was appropriated by white supremacist

2016, there were posters found with the words “Make Canada Great Again,” (a popular slogan used during Donald Trump’s campaign) at Mcgill University. In November, there were flyers that read “ Tired of anti-white propaganda” littered around the school’s campus.

Opposition to the alt right movement gather to condemn it. ( QUARTZ)

Richard Spencer and has since been used to describe a loose group of people with similar beliefs to him. In other words white nationalist, Islamophobic, sexist, Homophobic, anti-Semitic views. Unfortunately, following Trump’s political debut and surprising win in the 2016 United States’ Presidential election, there seems to have been a drastic increase in the number of people with extreme right-wing beliefs in the center of American politics, media and the streets. As Canadians we turn towards our neighbors to the south and shake our heads, considering how much we as nation pride ourselves on upholding values such as diversity, peace and acceptance. However as we denounce the rise of the right wing populist movement in the United States, is there a possibility that the same thing is stirring within our own borders. The truth is Canada as a country is not as many might think, immune to the effect of what is looking like the normalization of hate and intolerance taking place in America. It is true that alt- rightism does not exist the same way in Canada that it does in the states; It is not as organized, it is not as big, and it is not as strong, which is a good thing. However it exists and there have been several instances in the last few months that strongly point towards its presence. Take for example the abundance of alt - right posters, flyers and other types of paraphernalia that made it’s way onto different university campuses across Canada late last year. In December of

By Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun There’s no denying that Kathleen Wynne has been a polarising figure amongst Ontarians. Rising hydro prices and numerous scandals have done her no favours in terms of popularity: her approval rating has dropped to 12%, 4% lower than in December. This comes as no surprise - the drop is actually part of a larger trend that began in fall 2014. “We tend to see premiers offering up their resignations or quitting politics when their approval levels get to this point,” said Shachi Kurl, the polling firm’s executive director. The primary reason that this hasn’t happened yet is because she continues to have the support of her caucus. Despite her apparent unpopularity, Wynne has stated that she intends to stay on as provincial Liberal leader during the 2018 election. It is currently extremely unlikely that she will win, given her abysmal approval rating.

Last but not least in early september flyers with xenophobic messages such as “ F**K YOUR TURBAN” were put up by a group of students at the University of Alberta. Even more sickening, in January of this year there was a despicable mosque shooting in Montreal, which left not just the families of victims devastated but the whole county. The attack was believed to have been carried out by a man described to But why, exactly, is Wynne quite so unhave islamophobic and sexist views. popular? Rising hydro bills seem to be at the heart of the matter. Polls have Canadian politics are even starting to unearthed the general feeling among lean a little farther in that type of di- Ontarians that she is out of touch with rection. Kellie Leitch, who is running regular people with regular issues. This for Conservative Party Leader recently proposed an idea to have screening of all immigrants for Canadian values. Although it may not seem like an inappropriate suggestion outright it is important to note that racist and white supremacist messages are often Kathleen Wynne continues to seem more and more like rebranded so that they are construed an unlikely winner for next years political race (FRANK as somewhat socially acceptable. In GUNN / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO) other words, what Leitch proposed as immigration screening really says is “ I think Canadian values are being threat- sentiment is obviously tied to the bills ened by influx of new immigrants, one pays: some struggle to make ends and something needs to be done to meet for basic necessities. “We don’t stop the destruction of western ideals have to pretend she understands the ” Leitch and her team know without a situation people are in, because she doubt that they have an audience for absolutely does, but we do have to this message otherwise they wouldn’t show that she understands,” a senior be using it as part of her campaign. advisor to Wynne stated. Although the Whether intended to or not, her prop- recently released budget cuts down osition also rationalizes the growing the cost of hydro in the short term, Onbelief that Canadians of European de- tarians remain cynical, as leaked data scent should fear becoming oppressed predicts that the cost of electricity will minorities in their own “country ” which continue to rise at unreasonable rates. is not really their own to begin to with.

The Liberals’ new budget is said to be the first one balanced in many years. It plans to increase funding for health care, cool the housing market, and

Many Ontarians remain skeptical about Wynne’s progress as Premier ( NATIONALOBSERVER)

invest in infrastructure. The recently released plan to raise minimum wage was not well-received all around, and the province continues to up public services with new OSAP policies, free pharmacare for youth, and much more. Despite the provincial government’s claims, it is projected that the province is diving deeper into debt, instead of digging itself. Solutions to this would involve raising taxes, cutting services, or selling another of the province’s assets (one recalls the hydro one fiasco). Many people are calling for the elimination of arbitrary services in order to reduce debt. There have been positives and there have been negatives with Wynne in power. One poll suggests that the Liberal party would simply do better without Wynne as a leader. “There comes a point with governments when there may be little they can do to change circumstances, particularly after a party has been in power for a long time,” said Kurl. The 2018 provincial election will be turbulent, and only time will tell if Wynne will stay on as leader.

Kathleen Wynnes liberal caucus supports her as she addresses other liberals and party donors (STEVE RUSSEL/TORONTO STAR)

VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 07

world issues

world issues issues world


CAN WE TRUST THE NEWS? The proposed extension superimposed onto the current system. (SCARBOROUGHSUBWAYEXTENSION.CA)

Scarborough Subway or Scarborough Scam? Proposed extension beginning to seem slightly unlikely amidst recent criticisms By Nimmy Ayekun Anyone living in Scarborough that is familiar with the TTC will be able to tell you about the RT’s countless issues and what a pain it can be to ride. More recently, an inspection of the line resulted in the discovery of a corrosion problem that could apparently cause catastrophic structural failures if not addressed soon, further emphasized the delays and difficulties plaguing the RT. There is no doubt that the outdated transportation system is in dire need of repair. The RT was constructed in 1985 and is not even the oldest part of the subway system. Unlike other parts of the system in our city, the RT has not had any major improvement or revitalization efforts since it was created. So of course there was a lot of excitement when Toronto’s City Council announced that they would be approving an extension of the Bloor Danforth Line north to Scarborough Centre Station. The extension would require the RT to be replaced and it would eliminate the need to transfer at Kennedy Station, making travel ten times easier for many riders. Following the release of the plans for the project, however, there was much heavy criticisms and the cause for celebration may be short lived. It seems one of the major concerns that may prevent the plan from fully being implemented, is the extremely high cost. Right now, the expansion is expected to cost around 3.35 billion dollars but since the estimate is based on very little design work, there is a possibility that the price point will increase in the future. There is also the concern that the projected budget is going to interfere with the funds for the Eglinton LRT which is already under construction. Moreover, the municipal government cannot support VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 08

the cost of the project, and so the project will require financial support from all three levels of government: Municipal, Provincial, and Federal. The seemingly endless debate on whether or not the extension is even worth pursuing is another cause for concern. There are people both in favour of and against the project. According to an article written in the Toronto Star, City Councilor Glenn De Baeremaeker says that ridership on the extension is projected to be about 64,000 people ( in 2031). This is an estimated figure based on the number of people who get on and off at the Scarborough Town Centre; in comparison to other station usage along the subway system, that would make the extension the third busiest. Those opposed to the line have been quick to point out that when compared to other 6 kilometer section tunnels, the Scarborough Subway extension would actually see the least amount of riders. They go on to say that based on estimates, the line would not even reach the minimum subway threshold capacity of 15,000 people during rush hour. Several city counselors and advocates who oppose the extension have suggested that the money used to support this project should instead go towards creating less expensive LRT(Light Rail Transit) lines that would reach low-income neighborhoods in Scarborough. Late mayor Rob Ford had intended to do this very thing with the Eglinton LRT that is currently being built, while current mayor John Tory remains adamant that the revised network plan is the right thing to do. Question remains whether Tory’s conviction is enough for the people he needs to support the project, or if the plan for the extension is going to be stopped right in its tracks by those who disagree.

A comprehensive look at the fine line between news and entertainment. By Ofelia Hung Traditionally, news outlets like FOX and CNN have been seen as reliable suppliers of information, known to cover local and international topics, and it’s no secret that these news channels are biasedFOX news in particular at the forefront of this accusation. However, over time, news broadcasters have become not only preference publishing machines, but cheap television as well. Many news broadcasters have been suffering from a decline in popularity, although this is debatable due to the jump in viewers as a result of the U.S. election coverage, and over time, formats of news shows have changed to entice viewers. FOX news and other channels have been known to be biased and over time CNN has grown to represent being the go-to neutral news outlet. However, with their format changes, CNN can be now summarized as a constant debate. This does help make CNN more neutral as a news outlet, but several other (smaller) news outlets have spoken and written articles on how CNN’s constant debate format is a reflection of the sports channel, ESPN. Especially around the election, CNN often hosted debates in which several guests well versed in their views. They debated over topics about views on the LGBTQ+ community, in which avid supporters of opposing sides on this topic would come onto CNN and argue over the topic. Yet, one can clearly see that these “debates” are more like quarrels, as it often ended with each side trying to yell over the other in attempt to get their message out. To see such actions on a news outlet makes one wonder about the legitimacy of the facts presented and the professionalism that may be lacking when viewing these topics. ESPN is known to have first broadcasted this format of having hosts debate over players and sports trades, but those now hosting on CNN end up much more gruesome, reminiscent of the arguments we may have had with our parents when we were younger.

The current president of CNN, Jeff Zucker, has a past in entertainment television, rather than experience in journalism. Ever since becoming president in 2013, CNN has become more of a sales pitch, not covering nitty-gritty details and more about head to head fights. And with all of the crosstalk in these debates, even listening and understanding what is being said is a struggle, due to three or four people

Should news companies such as FOX, CNN, ESPN and more be trusted? (POLITICALHAZE.COM)

always talking at once. And this is not just CNN. FOX has been known to be majorly biased and BBC has been known to take shortcuts to mislead people. Although BBC has been seen as the lesser evil, it is common practice to use words like “so called” to get away with saying worse, but not correct things- they are able to be “correct” when saying ‘the so called Islamic State’, although there is no such “state”. BBC is much more sneaky with their wording and agreements with policiations to bring coverage first when hit with a new turn of events. BBC works legally, but very sneakily. We are then faced with many questions and a sense of mistrust. Can we still trust these traditionally most reliable news sources? And this often influences many to avoid thinking about news and staying informed- because if you want to be properly informed and make your own opinion, there’s no one place to find the answer like how one may have traditionally seen it. However, even being aware of the change from news outlets to news distributors with reality TV sprinkled to spice it up gives us more context on how the news is being delivered to us, and hopefully, will help us interpret the news in the most truthful and unbiased form.

life life


How To Study For Exams, the Right Way


Having trouble studying? Try some of these techniques! By Anjuli Joachim and Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun It’s that time of year once again. Everyone knows that exam season is coming when May approaches, and yet many fail to prepare enough. Some even fail to prepare at all! It’s true that studying can be extremely difficult. Many people seem to catch themselves re-reading the same sentence over and over again, or have difficulty remembering what they studied just minutes before. In order to efficiently study for exams coming right around the corner, here are a few study tips to help you be prepared and be successful. The first step is to organize your studying space. Now, some people use this as an excuse to avoid doing actual studying by spending lots of time making sure everything is just right. Remember that your desk doesn’t have to be perfectly organized, but do make sure you have everything you need for your study session. This includes pens, highlighters, paper, and possibly a glass of water. Once this is set up remove all possible distractions from your immediate vicinity. Seriously, put your phone in another room, your grades will thank you. The next step is to find a studying technique that works best for you. Visual learners may find it helpful to create flowcharts and diagrams to arrange information so that a quick glance allows them to retain it. Other types of learners may use other techniques, such as bullet points or tables to neatly organize important facts and formulas. Apps like quizlet allow you to make virtual flashcards for free, which you can then view on your phone or on your computer for convenience and test your knowledge. Don’t just read your notes! Try reading them aloud or rewriting them by hand. It is incredibly easy to just go on autopilot and tune out while reading or typing out notes. Writing notes by

hand has been shown to be a much more effective way for studying and enforcing important concepts. Use colourful pens to draw your attention: try pink for definition, green for concepts, and blue for examples. When using highlighters, try not to go overboard. Highlighting everything is the same as highlighting nothing: use them only on keywords and phrases. To really prepare yourself for the exam, do practice application questions. Often, the application questions are what really matters on the exam, and weigh more than simple definition or short-answer questions. This is especially important for Math and Science courses. If you are writing an English exam, try doing a practice essay. Pretend like you’re actually in an exam room when you’re doing this: don’t look at your phone, computer, or textbook. When you’re done, assess your answers and work on your weaknesses. Contrary to popular belief, cramming does not actually work all that well. Studies show that to truly comprehend something, you need to be exposed to it for a longer period of time than just one night. Make sure to start studying at least a week in advance of the exam: this way, you won’t be panicking the night before. In addition, it’s hard to retain information if you are studying it for several hours straight. Give yourself a ten-minute break for every hour of studying; you will find it is much more effective than an uninterrupted studying marathon. Some people divide their study time into increments, switching subjects every other hour or half hour. Finally, when the day of the exam arrives, it’s important to be at your absolute best. Sleep at a reasonable hour the night before, stay hydrated (but not too hydrated – there’s no time for bathroom breaks during an exam), and eat a good breakfast. With these tips you will be better prepared for what can be daunting final exams. In the end, when it comes down to it, you can only do your best, and your best is always good enough.


Have a 6ix Summer Fun things to do in Toronto this summer!

By Sabrina Percy During the summer break, you seem to have all the time in the world, but nothing to do. It’s become a routine. You start your break with high hopes and a lot of plans, but as September quickly approaches, you begin to realize that none of the items on your summer checklist have been marked off. The next thing you know, July passes and you’ve barely left the house. You can blame this on the fact that you have no money, but this is no excuse. There are many things that you can do in Toronto that are cheap and interesting at the same time. Here are a few cheap suggestions on what to do to keep yourself busy this summer break to avoid these situationsv. The first suggestion on this summer’s checklist is Centre Island, but more specifically, the real-life labyrinth that has been recently renewed on the island. Ferry costs to Centre Island may not be free, but entrance into the cool labyrinth that seems to be right out of the pages of a fantasy book is. This maze is called the William Meany Maze, and it’s a great place to stop by if you already had plans to visit Centre Island. Afterwards you could always enjoy a picnic with your friends! Next on the list of cheap summer thrills is the beach and/or the pool. This one seems pretty obvious as a summer activity, but it’s an essential to summer fun that needs to be included. The Donald B Summerville pool is a mix of both beach and pool, and it’s free. It’s a rooftop pool right on Woodbine beach that is the better alternative for those

of us that can’t handle the cold waters or bothersome seagulls but who still want to enjoy a nice day on the beach. Although it’s not completely original, spending a day downtown is always a nice way to pass the day. You can visit neighborhoods like Kensington Market, or just stroll down the blocks and find a bunch of cool stores. Going downtown is a pretty basic idea, but it can still be fun and relatively cheap. Another inexpensive addition to the summer bucket list is outdoor festivals and carnivals. Many festivals and carnivals take place in Toronto during the summer, and they come with ferris wheels, food trucks, and funnel cakes. Toronto holds à variety of cool festivals like the Taste of Lawrence and the Big on Bloor festivals. However, these are just two examples of the many festivals and carnivals that Toronto has to offer during the summer. Sticking with the theme of outdoor entertainment, another thing to do this summer is to go to an outdoor concert. Like festivals and carnivals, Toronto hosts many free outdoor concerts during the summer that anyone can attend. Some examples of this are Indie Fridays at Yonge-Dundas square and the beaches jazz fest. The music ranges from hip hop, reggae, latin or soul, so all types of music-lovers can enjoy the great music. This is just a sampling of what you can put on your summer bucket list for 2017. There are surely many more cool and inexpensive things to do this summer, just go out and look for them. Enjoy the break!

Students chilling out (MARY-ANNE BUERANO)

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life life



Packing HACKS

Five fun tips to help you prepare for your next vacation. By Yuki Tam With summer vacation just days away, The Planet knows that Ward students might be becoming world travellers. Perhaps one student is going to the Bahamas, another to Italy, or Spain, or China. Perhaps the destination this summer is the Eiffel Tower, or the Leaning Tower, or the Tokyo Tower. Maybe even just the Skylon Tower in Niagara Falls. The world is your oyster. No matter where Ward students are going there is always the one daunting task— packing. When suitcases are never as big as they need to be or when zippers just aren’t working, The Planet is here to help.

unnecessary. Travel bottles help save a lot of space when it comes to toiletries. Plus, they are extremely easy to find. Soaps and lotion bottles are bulky and are heavy as well, adding to a luggage’s overall weight. Bringing sample sizes is simply just travelling smarter. Packing tip #4— Bring plastic bags: Bringing plastic bags, whether they be garbage bags or grocery bags can be extremely helpful. They can be used to organize souvenirs or the dirty laundry. They may also come in handy if the need arises to waterproof any items during the vacation. For some people, investing in a dry bag can be a good idea, especially if the trip is a camping trip. Dry bags help keep items sealed

Properly packing for a trip will brace you for all the adventures you may have in store on your summer get away. (MARY-ANNE BUERANO)

Packing tip #1— Use your shoe space: When bringing shoes in your luggage, save space by stuffing items inside them. Try putting extra socks inside or a small bag of toiletries inside them. You’ll be surprised at the amount of items you can fit inside your shoes and how big your feet are. Packing tip #2— Roll everything you can: Instead of folding clothes or laying everything flat in your luggage, rolling clothing items can also save a lot of space! Towels and t-shirts are the easiest items to roll. Fold them into a rectangle and then roll them up into a cylinder shape. If you need a visual on how to roll other items of clothing try searching up “army roll” or “army fold” online. Packing tip #3— Invest in travel bottles: This may seem like a travel essential for some, however, for others, it may seem VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 10


Shift into Summer Three steps to aid you in getting a job this summer. By Anjuli Joachim With the end of the school year just around the corner, many employers are looking to fill their summer positions right now. Whether you are looking to save money to pay for university tuition, or looking to spend it all immediately after getting your pay cheque by getting food with friends, you’ll need some advice in order to land that perfect (or even moderately acceptable) summer job. 1. Find Your Way Into the Hidden Job Market Let’s start by acknowledging the good ol’ use of nepotism, i.e. the practice among employers of favouring relatives and friends, often expressed by giving them jobs. Not everyone has family or a family friend who is a boss capable of hiring, but the first step to finding a summer job is tapping into this hidden job market. Start your search by asking family and friends if they know anyone who is looking to hire a student. You may just be lucky enough to land an interview as a result of your connection with the boss – even if they may be your cousins, friends, niece’s, uncle’s, brother-in-law. 2. Clean Up Your Social Media With the age of social media reaching its peak, it’s understandable that

an interviewer seeing, or, just make that stuff private. Better yet, maybe start to consider what you are posting, and avoid posting things you wouldn’t want your grandma to see. 3. Write an Effective Resume and Cover Letter This is a crucial step to finding a job. Everyone basically knows that you need a resume in order to apply for a job, but there are some ways that you can make yours stand out amongst the rest. First, try and address your cover letter to the employer that will be reading it. This shows that you took the time to research the company as well as the person doing the hiring, as initiative is a quality that many employers look for. Also, keep out irrelevant details. I’m sure your vacation to Florida was beautiful but there is no need to explain how the terrible passenger next to you who wanted BOTH armrests made you more “willing to compromise”. Keep it short, simple, and to the point. Lastly, make sure your resume is up to date, and make sure that you have a few references on there for them to contact. These steps will not guarantee that you will be able to get a job this summer, but they will greatly improve your chances of getting one. A good resume is certainly a keypoint, as well as having connections and a good presence (online and offline). Even if you don’t end up with a summer job,

and can be found at most camping stores. Packing tip #5— Put the fancier clothing items on top: To prevent a silk blouse, fancy shirt, or perhaps a tuxedo from creasing in the suitcase, try laying them flat at the very top. If the item is too large, carefully tuck the edges around the edge of the suitcase. This will keep most of the clothing item crease-free and the traveller looking suave. There it is, Mary Ward! Hopefully, these packing hacks can help you enjoy your vacation. When planning a plane ride, a car ride, or a cruise, the last thing you want is to worry about your luggage. It’s not a test so don’t stress, packing is easy with practice.

Game-changing career opportunities are everywhere. (MARY-ANNE BUERANO)

employers are turning to potential employees’ public Twitter accounts as a method of background checking. Your private Instagram may be safe, but any public account which anyone can see is easily traceable. A helpful tip is to either delete anything you do not want

you can spend your time volunteering - which is a very worthy cause. It will also add experience to your resume for future years. So try them out, your bank account will thank you.


community community


Community Wrap-UP By Jamie Edghill March 12-23, Band Trip to SpainThis year the Senior Band took a two week trip to Spain. They spent three nights in Barcelona, two nights in Alicante, two nights in Seville and three nights in Madrid, for a total trip of ten nights twelve days. On their adventure they played five concerts in schools, and one concert in a church. The band got to visit many of Spain’s big attractions such as Camp Nou stadium, home of the professional soccer tea, Barcelona and La Sagrada Familia a cathedral in Barcelona. The trip was an unforgettable experience for the Band.

Athletic Council and Safe Schools Team celebrate at SAC Club Appreciation Day (MACKENZY MIRANDA)

March 28, SAC Club Appreciation DaySAC celebrated school spirit with a lovely period one presentation. All clubs from around the school joined in the caf to celebrate their forged sense of community. SAC printed out certificates for each and every student to show their

gratitude for commitment. SAC came in clutch with juice boxes and cake to fuel everyone’s busy Mary Ward life. A special thanks to SAC, all club members of the school and teacher supervisors. April 12, Day of Pink- Every year on the second Wednesday of April, Day of Pink is celebrated all around Canada. This year Mary Ward’s GSA showed their support of the antibullying campaign by making pink shirts that were sold, which read “Day of Pink because we believe in diversity.” The proceeds of the shirt sales went to Insert here. Many students choose to stand up against homophobia, transphobia and bullying by wearing a pink shirt on uniform bottoms. April 24- May 1, Deca Internationals- Mary Ward’s DECA chapter (a business club which helps ward students develop business skills) sent three students accompanied by Ms. Ventura to California to compete in DECA internationals. Akien Chau, Nathan Lam, and Yu Juan Lin both spent two days competing in a rigorous completion; giving pitches, taking test and promoting business. They had two days of practice and workshops before two days of competition. Between their business works, they had time to visit Hollywood Blvd. and Disney land. A special congratulation goes to Aiken Chau for finishing top 10.

May 12-14, Oasis Camp Olympia33 of Mary Ward’s amazing leaders went on a fun educational adventure. The Oasis team set out on Friday May 12, to represent Ward Camp Olympia, a leadership camp run by the school board. At the camp Oasis leaders had the opportunity to meet other student leaders, and learn how to be a better leader. They participated in fun team building exercises such as capture the flag and of course Camp O’s famous Lip Sync competition. The students also had the opportunity to participate in fun activities such as a paint war, a dance and a cheer competition. Mary Ward Oasis leaders brought home an award for best cheer. That’s what we call Mary Ward spirit! May 18, Spring Concert-

names were said and a speech was given to say farewell. It was a bitter sweet night for the graduates as it would be the last time they played at Mary Ward. The Graduates from senior band would like to thank Mr. Carabine for a great four years.

Freshmen run the annual Wolverine Run (DALTON CHRISTIAN)

June 2, Wolverine Run- Mary Ward Tradition continues; grade 9 phys. Ed students took place in the annual Wolverine run! The students race a path layedout for them behind the school, into the forest, and around the pond. Students from all grades go out to support the grade 9s and cheer them on.

Graduates of the Senior Band play their last Mary Ward concert (VARSHAA RAGURAMAN)

The junior, intermediate, stage, senior band, and choir played their last concert of the year and sang their hearts out. The graduates from the senior band were given a rose as a sign of gratitude for their excellence and commitment to music. Their

The Senior Band explores Spain in the Music Department’s biannual international music tour (LIAN CHO AND CHRISTIAN NICADO)

Mary Ward Gr. 9 students participate in annual run (DALTON CHRISTIAN)

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community community


ROBINHOOD By Julia D’Silva On April 27 and 28, 2017, the Mary Ward dramatic arts department presented their annual theatrical production. This year, the show they performed was The Pantomime Adventures of Robin Hood. The show, written in the style of a British pantomime, was a creative and comedic retelling of the classic story of Robin Hood, with some audience participation and modern songs thrown in for a fun twist. Characters included Robin Hood, the Sheriff of Nottingham, Maid Marian, Nanny Nora, and Grabit and Dash, the comedic relief. The pantomime was the result of months of preparation by Mr. Dalton, Mr. Chau, Ms. Cormier, and the show’s cast and crew. Thanks to the support of everyone who came to watch, the show was a huge success. Congratulations to everyone who worked hard on Robin Hood!

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community community


Embody By Andrea Nijmeh From May 8th - 12th the Mary Ward visual arts and tech departments held their annual show with over eight hundred student artists representing nearly forty courses. The theme of the show was Embody, a term the students were encouraged to draw inspiration from when creating their work. According to the art teachers of Mary Ward, this topic was chosen because it allows students to explore their own identity in a positive way. Ms. Powell explains, “Embody encourages our students to embrace who they are through things that they care about. It’s an extremely relevant idea in today’s social and political world.” The works displayed throughout the show ranged from sculptures, paintings, drawings, construction pieces, and much

more. The grade twelve arts administration team planned the show since early September and lead the logo competition, organized stage performance, created a floor pan and curated thousands of works of art. New implementations to the show this year included a market place where students were encouraged to sell various handmade items such as stickers, pins and prints. Another new feature of the show was art battles which were timed live painting competitions in which the public could compete in. As per usual, the art show did not fail to impress, exhibiting art of all disciplines created by talented students. Embody ignited creativity in the young individuals and allowed them to have a platform to showcase their abilities. For a recap of the show, visit or follow @MWEmbody on twitter.

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community community


The Language of Flowers Different types of flowers, different meanings! By Kimberly Vuong Sometimes words are not enough to convey one’s thoughts and feelings, as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Flowers have a large range of use and can be given on any occasion. To some that may not know, every flower has their own unique meaning which varies through each culture. Here is a guide to help you choose the right flowers for each occasion. When choosing a type of flower, it is important to remember that the colour plays a part of what it symbolizes. Some flowers that come in a variety of colours are lilies and hyacinths. Lilies generally symbolize refined beauty and the colours; white, yellow, and orange stand for purity, passion, and hatred respectively. For hyacinths, blue represents constancy, purple for forgiveness, white for loveliness, yellow

for jealousy, and pink or red for play. With a large range of colours to choose from, there is definitely one to set the mood. To show love, red roses have always been the typical go-to flower. To change things up a little, try gardenias, jasmines, asters, or campanulas. A good way to confess your love is to gift a gardenia which means “you are lovely”. Jasmines are associated with love and are prominent in Hinduism. Asters are seen as talismans for love and represent patience. One can show their dedication and respect for their lover’s pace of the relationship through offering this flower. Campanulas, also known as bellflowers, symbolize unwavering love, obedience, and honesty. This flower can prove one’s faithfulness to their significant other who they have been with for a long time. Graduation is slowly approaching and many students on that day will be seen

holding flowers gifted to them from loved ones. A good flower to present to them is a lei of yellow orchids. Leis are a wreath that congratulate and represent the arrival or leaving of an individual. Yellow orchids symbolize new beginnings. Together they represent a new step for a graduating student as they proceed to adulthood. Like a flower, everything and everyone strives to live life to the fullest before they move on. Many individuals may grieve over their loss and in sad times. Azaleas are good offerings as they mean “take care of yourself”. To express feelings of heartache, a good flower is the red carnation. A widely popular flower for loss is the chrysanthemum, which symbolizes good spirits. It can be used to show your wishes of cheering the person up. In China, Japan, and Korea they are used to show misery and in some parts of Europe they symbolize death.

Not only are flowers useful for conveying messages, they also have benefits towards one’s overall health. Research has proven that just the appearance and smell of flowers can soothe people. They can energize, relax, and overall put people in a better mood. Patients at a hospital require less pain medication and cognitive performances are better for office workers if flowers are present in the environment. For the sake of the happiness of a person, sometimes the price of flowers can be overlooked. Flowers are suitable for any occasion and can convey thoughts and feelings to loved ones. When gifting flowers, it is important to keep the colour and type of flower in mind. One’s culture and religion also makes a difference in meaning. The language of flowers can be as powerful as any action when thought is put into it.

Graduation Conversation An interview with Ward’s 2017 graduation speakers. By Julia D’Silva As per Mary Ward tradition, three grade twelve students were voted by their peers to be the class valedictorian, salutatorian, and prayer reader at the graduation ceremony on June 29. They will each have to write a speech or prayer, and then address their classmates at graduation. Read the following interview to learn a bit more about the students who will be representing the senior class on graduation day! How did you feel when you learned that your peers had voted you to be valedictorian, salutatorian, and prayer reader? Jan Marchan, valedictorian: I was feeling pretty excited since I’m a fan of writing and doing speeches, but I also felt nervous knowing what a great responsibility this is. I am so happy to have even received this honour, and I hope that I can make my class proud. Roshan Mendonca, salutatorian: When I heard I was voted by my VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 14

peers to be salutatorian I was greatly humbled and honoured. I cannot wait to contribute to our graduation ceremony! Mary-Anne Buerano, prayer reader: I was completely surprised and humbled. I am strongly rooted in faith, but I never thought our grade would think that I would be a good representative of our faith, and for that I am extremely grateful. What comes to mind when you think about graduation? How do you feel about graduating? Jan: When I think of graduation, I feel a great sense of accomplishment. I think about how I am both sad and happy about finishing high school and leaving. Roshan: When I think of graduation I begin to think of all the great friendships and memories I have made in the past four years. Mary-Anne: I love Ward. The community has shaped who I am as a person and I can’t imagine not being a part of this school. I’m sad to leave, but excited to see what else I can do

outside of Ward. Has it been difficult to prepare for the graduation ceremony? Jan: It has been difficult preparing and writing the speech. There are four years and so much in those four years that I have to cover! Roshan: Yes, like all great Mary Ward students I like to ‘take my time’. Mary-Anne: Writing a prayer for our grads isn’t difficult—it’s just a matter of summarizing everything I wish and pray for our grads into one prayer. I pray the best for all of them, and it’s difficult to finish only because I don’t want this year to end.

Mary-Anne: I plan on spending as much time as possible with friends before the summer ends. I am attending Ryerson in the fall for Graphics Communications Management. Sum up your experience at Mary Ward in one word. Jan: Unique. Roshan: Insightful. Mary-Anne: Home.

What are your post-graduation plans? Jan: I plan on doing work over the summer. More importantly, I plan on relaxing, although I’m not exactly sure how. However, I know for sure that I’ll need it, since I’m going to UTSC for Computer Science in the fall. Roshan: Over the summer I will be working and then next year I will be attending Carleton University.

Mary-Anne, Jan, and Roshan will be the 2017 graduation speakers. (NATALIE ALMOSA)


community community


The Language of Flowers Different types of flowers, different meanings! By Kimberly Vuong Sometimes words are not enough to convey one’s thoughts and feelings, as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Flowers have a large range of use and can be given on any occasion. To some that may not know, every flower has their own unique meaning which varies through each culture. Here is a guide to help you choose the right flowers for each occasion. When choosing a type of flower, it is important to remember that the colour plays a part of what it symbolizes. Some flowers that come in a variety of colours are lilies and hyacinths. Lilies generally symbolize refined beauty and the colours; white, yellow, and orange stand for purity, passion, and hatred respectively. For hyacinths, blue represents constancy, purple for forgiveness, white for loveliness, yellow

for jealousy, and pink or red for play. With a large range of colours to choose from, there is definitely one to set the mood. To show love, red roses have always been the typical go-to flower. To change things up a little, try gardenias, jasmines, asters, or campanulas. A good way to confess your love is to gift a gardenia which means “you are lovely”. Jasmines are associated with love and are prominent in Hinduism. Asters are seen as talismans for love and represent patience. One can show their dedication and respect for their lover’s pace of the relationship through offering this flower. Campanulas, also known as bellflowers, symbolize unwavering love, obedience, and honesty. This flower can prove one’s faithfulness to their significant other who they have been with for a long time. Graduation is slowly approaching and many students on that day will be seen

holding flowers gifted to them from loved ones. A good flower to present to them is a lei of yellow orchids. Leis are a wreath that congratulate and represent the arrival or leaving of an individual. Yellow orchids symbolize new beginnings. Together they represent a new step for a graduating student as they proceed to adulthood. Like a flower, everything and everyone strives to live life to the fullest before they move on. Many individuals may grieve over their loss and in sad times. Azaleas are good offerings as they mean “take care of yourself”. To express feelings of heartache, a good flower is the red carnation. A widely popular flower for loss is the chrysanthemum, which symbolizes good spirits. It can be used to show your wishes of cheering the person up. In China, Japan, and Korea they are used to show misery and in some parts of Europe they symbolize death.

Not only are flowers useful for conveying messages, they also have benefits towards one’s overall health. Research has proven that just the appearance and smell of flowers can soothe people. They can energize, relax, and overall put people in a better mood. Patients at a hospital require less pain medication and cognitive performances are better for office workers if flowers are present in the environment. For the sake of the happiness of a person, sometimes the price of flowers can be overlooked. Flowers are suitable for any occasion and can convey thoughts and feelings to loved ones. When gifting flowers, it is important to keep the colour and type of flower in mind. One’s culture and religion also makes a difference in meaning. The language of flowers can be as powerful as any action when thought is put into it.

Graduation Conversation An interview with Ward’s 2017 graduation speakers. By Julia D’Silva As per Mary Ward tradition, three grade twelve students were voted by their peers to be the class valedictorian, salutatorian, and prayer reader at the graduation ceremony on June 29. They will each have to write a speech or prayer, and then address their classmates at graduation. Read the following interview to learn a bit more about the students who will be representing the senior class on graduation day! How did you feel when you learned that your peers had voted you to be valedictorian, salutatorian, and prayer reader? Jan Marchan, valedictorian: I was feeling pretty excited since I’m a fan of writing and doing speeches, but I also felt nervous knowing what a great responsibility this is. I am so happy to have even received this honour, and I hope that I can make my class proud. Roshan Mendonca, salutatorian: When I heard I was voted by my VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 14

peers to be salutatorian I was greatly humbled and honoured. I cannot wait to contribute to our graduation ceremony! Mary-Anne Buerano, prayer reader: I was completely surprised and humbled. I am strongly rooted in faith, but I never thought our grade would think that I would be a good representative of our faith, and for that I am extremely grateful. What comes to mind when you think about graduation? How do you feel about graduating? Jan: When I think of graduation, I feel a great sense of accomplishment. I think about how I am both sad and happy about finishing high school and leaving. Roshan: When I think of graduation I begin to think of all the great friendships and memories I have made in the past four years. Mary-Anne: I love Ward. The community has shaped who I am as a person and I can’t imagine not being a part of this school. I’m sad to leave, but excited to see what else I can do

outside of Ward. Has it been difficult to prepare for the graduation ceremony? Jan: It has been difficult preparing and writing the speech. There are four years and so much in those four years that I have to cover! Roshan: Yes, like all great Mary Ward students I like to ‘take my time’. Mary-Anne: Writing a prayer for our grads isn’t difficult—it’s just a matter of summarizing everything I wish and pray for our grads into one prayer. I pray the best for all of them, and it’s difficult to finish only because I don’t want this year to end.

Mary-Anne: I plan on spending as much time as possible with friends before the summer ends. I am attending Ryerson in the fall for Graphics Communications Management. Sum up your experience at Mary Ward in one word. Jan: Unique. Roshan: Insightful. Mary-Anne: Home.

What are your post-graduation plans? Jan: I plan on doing work over the summer. More importantly, I plan on relaxing, although I’m not exactly sure how. However, I know for sure that I’ll need it, since I’m going to UTSC for Computer Science in the fall. Roshan: Over the summer I will be working and then next year I will be attending Carleton University.

Mary-Anne, Jan, and Roshan will be the 2017 graduation speakers. (NATALIE ALMOSA)


community community


12 Things to do before grade 12 Here are twelve interesting Mary Ward adventures to experience before you graduate. By Nicole Fernandes Mary Ward can be stressful at times, but there are opportunities, events, and little things that come together to shape our high school experience. From mid-period trips to the cafeteria to dancing the night away at semi, doing a little bit of everything will surely make for great memories to remember when you look back at your days at Ward. Here are 12 things to do before graduation!

most vivid memories from high school. Even if you only go once, semi-formal is a great experience and it’s a good foreshadow of the events that will unfold at prom! 3. Determine What Your Favourite Area to Work in Is Over the course of four years, it’s almost guaranteed that you will identify the one de-partment that you love working in. Whether it’s your favourite lab bench in science or the cubicles in English, there will surely be one spot that you can refer to as yours.

1. Go Somewhere Different Every Year For Winter Activity Day. Winter Activity Day marks the exact halfway point of the school year. It’s a day that is dedicated to having fun with friends through an activity of your choice. There are many activities available, both at and away from school. These include skating, snowboard-ing, billiards, and much more. Before graduating,

4. Determine Who Your Favourite Teacher Is There are many great teachers at Mary Ward, but there will always be one that you’ve grown close to. It might be your TA, guidance counsellor, or subject teacher. It might even be a teacher who is your coach or club supervisor, even though you take no courses with them.


5. Try to Go to the Art Show Every Year Every year, the basement of Mary Ward transforms into an extravagant art show. This year’s theme was Embody and show consisted of over 800 students’ work. The show starts in the art department and weaves its way through design and communications. It then continues in tech and the video studio, and ends in tech design. For a low price of $5, students get full week pass to the beautiful work on display. Be sure to check out the art show at least once. It’s a staple

try to do a different activity every year! This will result in more experiences and memories for you and your friends to look back on. 2. Go to Semi-Formal at Least One Time Semi-formal is your ticket to a unitfree night full of dancing, eating, and just having a good time. Presented by SAC, semi is a way to stray away from all the stress that’s go-ing on. Filled with good entertainment and music, semiformal is bound to be on of your

in the Mary Ward community!

provide the audience with a night full of laughter and great 6. Go on a Trip Abroad. entertainment. Be sure to watch High school is full of many the play at least one time in your opportunities, and one of the big four years. The students never fail ones is trips abroad. Art, music to put on a great per-formance! and religion are just a few of the

The Mary Ward community comes together during the annual Christmas assembly (NATALIE ALMOSA)

10. Attend the Christmas or Spring Concert At Least Once The music department at Mary Ward puts on two annual concerts: one during winter and one during spring. Featuring both instrumental 7. Join a Club and/or Sport Every and vocals, the concert showcases Year. the talented individuals at Mary Clubs and sports are a great way to Ward that work hard to put meet and interact with new people. together two amazing con-certs. They’re also a great way to express your interests and work with others 11. Attend a Ward Sports Game as a team. These extracurric-ulars will Once a Year (At Least) help you gain new team skills that Sports games are one of the many will be useful during you educational events at Ward that bring the jour-ney and life in general. They community together. Mary Ward is also might prove to be important a busy place, but taking a couple on university applica-tions! hours out of your day to support a team won’t hurt. The den comes 8. Attend the Christmas Assembly alive when students cheer on the Every Year Wolverines, which only emphasizes The Christmas assembly happens the closeness of the Mary Ward annually at Mary Ward. The assembly community. Try going to a game takes place on the last day of school of any sport at least once a year to before the winter break. Presented show support for your Wolverines! by the drama department, the assembly is guaranteed to make you 12. Go to Prom laugh and emphasize the Christmas To cap off your high school journey, spirit. It also showcases the talent going to prom is almost a must. of many students, who perform You only get to go to prom once throughout the assembly. It’s an in your life, so don’t skip out on it! event that you don’t want to miss. Your four years of hard work comes to an end and prom is the place 9. See the School Play at Least to celebrate. It’s an event where One Time you get to cerebrate with all the Every year, the drama department friends you’ve made, enjoy good and Mary Ward students work food and music, and conclude tirelessly to put on a spectacular your last year of high school. It production. From regular plays will be an event that you’ll love to musicals, the school play will looking back at, so don’t miss out! many departments that have yearly trips to the United States and Europe. Though these trips are more on the expensive side, they are definitely worth the price.

VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 15

sports sports



SPORTS WRAP UP How Did Your Wolverines Do? By Nicole Fernades Varsity Curling Coaches: Zidar, Ste. Croix, Mak The curling team had a good overall season this year. At the TDCAA Curling Championships, Mary Ward “D” made it to the girls bronze medal match, where they fell to Bishop Allen “C”. Mary Ward “3” made it to the boys bronze medal match and also fell, this time to Chaminade. Still, it was a good season and all members should be proud. The trio of coaches would like to thank all team members for their efforts this season. Varsity Cricket Coach: Titus The cricket team had two tournaments this year. They won their second tournament with an impressive comeback. Overall, it was a good season for the Mary Ward cricket team. Coach Titus would like to congratulate all team members on their tournament victory! Varsity Badminton Coach: R. Kennedy The Mary Ward badminton team had a good season this year! At he TDCAA Badminton Tournament at Humber College, Mary Ward finished third overall with 23 points. In the BANTAM Tournament, Danlei Marcelino placed first in girls singles. In the Junior Tournament, Irena Singareya and Ryan Chen placed first in their respective categories, and Cynthia Wang and Rachel Deng placed first in girls doubles. In the Senior Tournament, Ryan Chen placed first in boys singles. The team had a very good show at the tournament and Coach Kennedy would like to congratulate all members on a successful season. Varsity Table Tennis Coach: Notten Once again, the Mary Ward table tennis team had a good season. At the TDCAA Table Tennis Tournament, Mary Ward competed alongside three other schools. They placed second overall. Notable mentions go to Gracie Yan and Cynthia Wong for placing second in Junior Ladies Doubles, and Stanley Wong and Miko Man for placing first in Senior Mens Doubles. Coach Notten would like to thank all members for their hard work this season and congratulate them on their achievements. Varsity Girls’ Soccer VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 16

Coaches: Rossi, Gintoli, Ventura, Emer Record: 2-2-0 | Playoffs: 2-0 | OFSAA: 2-2 (as of 07/06/17) The varsity girls’ soccer team had an outstanding season this year. To read more about the girls’ achievements, turn to page 18! Senior Boys’ Soccer Coaches: DeRose, Lena, Veccharelli Record: 3-0-3 | Playoffs: 1-1 The senior boys’ soccer team won three games in the regular season which saw them finish fourth in their tier. They advanced to the playoffs and won their quarter-final game, but fell short in the semis. Still, this was a huge improvement from last season and the boys should be proud. The coaches would like to congratulate the boys on a great season! Varsity Girls’ Flag Football Coaches: Adourian, M. Kennedy Record: 2-3 | Playoffs: 1-1

This was a learning season for the varsity boys’ rugby 15s. Although they didn’t win any games, the boys showed good effort on the field and developed their skills well. The boys picked up a little more experience under their belt as well, seeing as many were new to the sport. The coaches would like to thank the boys for their continuous efforts this season.

It was a learning season for the varsity boy’s rugby 15s team. (KATHRIEL RIVERA)

Junior Boys’ Volleyball Record: 6-2 | Playoffs: 1-1 Coaches: Sersanti, MacIsaac, Harrison Mary Ward’s junior boys’ volleyball team had an exceptional season. They managed five wins which saw them finish second in their tier. Though they lost in the semi-finals, the boys still completed a fine season. The coaches would like to express their thanks to the team and congratulate them on a very successful season.

bers of the track team for their efforts this season and congratulate everyone of their achievements at the meet. Varsity Dragonboat Coaches: Torossian, M. Kennedy Mary Ward’s two dragonboat teams raced on Sunday June 4th. Riptide consisted of all rookies, while Cyclone consisted of returning and experienced members. Riptide finished 2nd in their first 500 metre race which saw them move up a division. Although they didn’t do as well in the second race 500 metre race, Cyclone didn’t place high either. This saw Riptide move up a division and Cyclone move down one. The next race is on June 17th— good luck! Varsity Boys’ Softball Coaches: Harrison, Walker, Dever Record: 2-4 The varsity boys’ softball team pulled off two wins this season. Although they didn’t make the playoffs, the boys showed good character and team work throughout the season. All coaches would like to thank the boys for their hard work and determination.

The girls made it all the way to the semi-finals before falling to Senator O’Connor. (NATALIE ALMOSA)

The varsity girls’ flag football team had a good run this season. They pulled off two wins, both by a score of 34-0! They advanced to the playoffs and shrugged off Wexford CI 8-0. Unfortunately, the girls lost in the semi-finals by a close score of 7-6. This was still a good run for the team and the coaches would like to thank all the girls for their great determination and efforts this season. Girls Rugby’ 15s Coaches: R. Kennedy, Peets Record: 1-2 | Playoffs: 0-1 Though the varsity girls’ rugby 15s team only managed one win this season, it was a dominant one over St. Basils. Since there were only four teams in their division, the playoffs started at the semi-final rounds. The girls fell to Senator O’Connor but it was still a good run. Both coaches would like to congratulate the girls on their season and express their thanks to the team. Varsity Boys’ Rugby 15s Coaches: R. Kennedy, Peets Record: 0-6

The senior boys’ softball team didn’t make the playoffs, but still managed two wins during the season. (NATALIE ALMOSA)

The junior boys’ volleyball team won five games in the regular season and finished 2nd in their tier. (ALLEN TUMBAGA)

Varsity Track & Field Coaches: Coleman It was another great season for Mary Ward’s track and field team. At the TDCAA Track & Field meet, there were a number of athletes who performed well. Notable mentions go to Rommel Barbieto for placing 4th in Midget Mens 100 Metre Dash and 7th in the Midget Mens 200 Metre Dash, Josiah Firku for placing 4th in both the Midget Mens 1500 Meter Run and the Midget Mens 3000 Meter Run, and Matthew Pidlubny for placing 3rd in both the Junior Mens 200 Meter Dash and the Junior Mens 400 Meter Dash. Coach Coleman would like to thank all mem-

Varsity Girls’ Softball Coaches: Zidar, Ireland, Bullock Record: 4-0 The varsity girls’ softball team went undefeated in their regular season! They played four games and came out with four wins. Their tournament takes place on Thursday June 8th— good luck girls!

Mary Ward’s varsity girls’ softball team went undefeated this season. (KATHRIEL RIVERA)

sports sports


Notte Stelatta 22 year old skating superstar breaks own record at World Championships By Kimberly Vuong Yuzuru Hanyu, the reigning world champion from Japan once again made history with a new world record. Trained by Canadians, Brian Orser and Tracy Wilson in Toronto, Canada, the young skater aimed to regain his world title at the 2017 World Championships and did exactly that. The event took place in Helsinki Finland at the Hartwall arena on March 29, 2017 with skaters from all over the world. Hanyu has risen to be one of the most talented skaters in all of history. Known for his breath taking programs with splendid technical scores he is close to being unbeatable. With hopesto regain the World title he lost to fellow Clicked Club athlete, Javier Fernandez (Spain), for 2 seasons in a row, Hanyu performed his short program “Let’s go Crazy” by Prince choreographed by Canadian, Jeffrey Buttle. He started off well landing his quad loop but poorly landed his quad salchow leaving him with a technical score of 52.04 which resulted in his placement of 5th place. After his short program, Hanyu spoke with reporter, PJ, and said “Before my salchow, I was a little nervous to do it. You know I have more chance in the free program so I’m doing my best”. After claiming he would do his best, he proceeded to entice the audience with a completely clean free program!

With no misses at all he earned 223.20 points after the free which placed him in 1st. After the addition of the short and free program scores, Hanyu claimed the 2017 World title with a total score of 321.59! A new world record broken by the athlete that holds the top 3 best combined scores! Hanyu has constantly amazed the world obtaining and breaking his own multiple world records. As one of Orser’s best pupil’s Hanyu brings hope to all his fans and country the ability to claim the Olym-


Why are SportS Jerseys so Expensive? The history of sport jerseys By Alyssa Bravo The transcendence of jersey-wearing is a near cultural phenomenon considering its long-overlooked absurdity. Around the globe, fans of professional major league sports teams would easily and quickly swap their everyday attire for that of which matches their favourite athletes’ uniform. However, absurdities definitely acknowledged within mer-

Today, in North America alone, the NFL generates approximately $1.2 billion US every year while the NBA earns $900 million US in jersey sales. When a team or a league makes an alteration to a jersey, businesses take into account the importance of creating and selling a new product. Big sports fans are so often willing to pay whatever amount on things associated with their favourite teams. Contrary to popular belief, raw materi-

Hanyu is known for his breathtaking programs and outstanding techincal scores (IVAN SEKRETAREV)

pic title for a 2nd time. Truly, just like the name of his free program, Hanyu has become a legend. To end the 2016-2017 figure skating season, Hanyu has been chosen to repr resent Japan at the World Team Trophy. Once again he will go against his rival, the 3 time world champion, Patrick Chan. Will he assist Japan in claiming gold this year or will the Canadians obtain a place on the podium? Make sure to check out the competition on April 20, 2017 airing from Japan!

Yuzuru Hanyu skates for gold at the World Championship (THE JAPAN TIMES)

Varsity Girls’ Flag Football girls repping their jerseys (NATALIE ALMOSA)

chandising mainly coincide with the expenses of jerseys. In the sporting goods business, these pieces of merchandise are referred to as “retail jerseys.” The history behind it dates back to the 1970s, when sporting goods shops were also the primary uniform and equipment providers to local high schools. With access to the materials required, these shops were able to jury-rig replica jerseys to paying customers.

als and labouring have little to do with the numbers on a jersey’s price tag. The more accurate reasons behind it all are licensing and popular demand. When you purchase a jersey, you are paying for the distribution company, sponsorship, the sports league it is endorsing, and the particular athlete’s name. This especially goes for a situation in which a team reaches an impressive feat, such as making the playoffs. Many people can agree that jersey prices are unreasonable because of a jersey’s stylistic minimalism. To them, it’s simply a shirt with someone’s name on it. However, in today’s society wherein authenticity is valued in superficiality, others prefer to flaunt what they can get. Yet sports fans will first and foremost proudly show their loyalty to their favourite team.

The NBA makes $900 milion US in jersey sales (BASKETBALJERSEYWORLD.COM)

VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 17


sports sports

petite planète

FAR FROM THE FINISH LINE Lance Stroll’s Impressive Racing Career at Age 18 By Nicole Fernandes When thinking about Canadian professional race car drivers, Jacques Villeneuve is a name that might come to mind. Villeneuve is one of Canada’s most notable racers, and the last one to race in a Formula One grid back in 2006. He had success at the European Grand Prix in 1996 and the Luxembourg Grand Prix the following year.

grade to train, with the hopes of making racing his full-time career. Since then, Stroll has gone on to win the Italian Formula 4 Championship, the Toyota Racing Series and the European

debut in Australia, was the youngest driver present and the second-youngest driver to ever race in Formula One. Unfortunately, the Montrealer did not finish the race due to brake failure.

Due to his billionaire father, critics have been skeptical about Stroll’s career. Some believe that he is only where he is because of his big man, who reportedly bought Williams to ensure that Lance would race in Formula One. Stroll, though, has silenced the critics with his performances, racing his way to three championships during the years of 2014-2016. “Money doesn’t buy wins,” he said. “It buys opportunities. And then you know, you can have all the money in the world and be last place, but that is not what I have proven. I have won many championships.”

Now the future of Canadian racing rests in the hands of 18-year-old Lance Stroll, who made his F1 debut this year. In fact, the racer-turnedanalyst Villeneuve said, “I’m normally not positive with young kids coming into F1 but I’m very positive with him.” Stroll was born in Montreal, Québec, to a wealthy family. His father, Lawrence Stroll, is a billionaire investor and a collector of vintage Ferraris. Stroll grew up watching races with his father and got into go-kart racing at the very young age of five. He was just 11 years old and participating in a go-kart series when a scout for the Ferrari team approached his father with a business card, telling him Lance had talent. Lance moved to Italy when he was still in the sixth

brake failure. “It’s a shame for Lance, who put in a good first drive with some overtakes in his first race in Formula One, so it is a shame that he then had to retire with a brake failure,” Lowe said. “Clearly that’s an issue we need to get on top for the races to come and make sure we don’t have a repeat.”

Stroll’s father, pictured above, is very supportive of Lance’s racing career and reportedly bought Williams in order to secure his son a spot on their team. (JAMES GASPEROTTI)

Formula 3 Series all in span of three years. He got his qualifying F1 licence before his regular road licence. In November 2016, Williams Martini Racing announced that Stroll would be racing on their team for the 2017 Formula One season. He made his F1

However, there were still many positives to take from the race. He was running as high as 13th place before his brakes failed on him. He had no problem hitting top speeds and enjoyed the overall experience on his debut. Paddy Lowe, Williams chief technical officer, was disappointed with the

Indeed, he has proven that money does not buy talent. It is clear that Lance Stroll was destined to have a career in racing. The Canadian rookie is showing good signs of a bright future and just needs some more experience under his belt. The checkered flag won’t be waving anytime soon on Lance Stroll’s career.

ONE TEAM ONE DREAM Mary Ward’s Girls Varsity Soccer Team’s Impressive Season

By Jamie Edghill Mary Ward’s Girls Varsity Soccer team is the dream team that every student has always wanted to be part of. Last Year the girls won their division, lighting the

The team wins the indoor TCDAA indoor championship. (MR. SHERWOOD)

fire which lead to more wins. This year the girls started out strong in the indoor TCDAA indoor soccer league. This league consisted of 3 tournaments like VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 18

days, where the team played a total of 10 games finishing with a record or; 7 wins, 2 loses, and 1 tie. The girls finished 4th in round robin, but pulled through to beat St. Joseph College School in the

to beat St. Joseph College School in the quarter finals (4-1) and Michael Power in the semi-finals (2-1) in overtime. This secured the girls spot at OFSAA. There they played the best teams in Ontario. They won 2 of their 4 games to finish third in their pool which sent them home. After OFSAA, they played their final game against University of Toronto

son to Mr. Parlato, who was a retired teacher that came back to coach every year. He will be missed, but the soccer magic will live on. The Girls Varsity Soc-

Semi-final game against Michael Power, Anjuli Joachimis is taking a throw inl. (MALIQUE STONE)

Quarter Final game against St. Joseph College School, Kennedy Sherwood is going for the ball. (KATHRIEL RIVERA)

semi-finales (3-1) and Michael Power (3-0) in the finals. The girls continued working hard to prepare for their outdoor season. Their outdoor record was not as nice, finishing 2nd in their round robin, with a record of 2 wins, no loses and two ties. The team pulled through

cer team has done the school proud. The soccer team would like to thank Coaches, Rossi, Emer, Gintoli, and Ventura for their continued support. They would also like to wish the best to Kennedy Sherwood, and thank her for a great four years on the team.

Semi-final game against Michael Power, Sydney Sherwood is seen running with the ball. (MALIQUE STONE)

High School where they unfortunately lost 1-0. The team dedicated their sea-

petite planète la lapetite planète



Les abeilles,, s’il vous plait! Pourquoi on doit sauver les abeilles par Maribella Ditta Vous probablement savez que les abeilles sont en voie de disparition. Ils pollinisent plus que 80% de toutes les plantes à fleures, et aussi 70 sur 100 principales cultures vivrières humaines. Les abeilles aussi pollinisent les récoltes des haricots et trèfle, qui sont utilisées pour nourrir des vaches et d’autre bétail. La pollinisation mondiale annuelle des cultures par les abeilles est estimée à 170 milliards de dollars. Selon l’organisation alimentaire et agricole des nations unies, entre US $ 235 milliards et US $ 577 milliards de dollars dans la production alimentaire mondiale annuelle repose sur les contributions directes des pollinisateurs. Sans des abeilles, nous n’aurons pas des pommes, amandes, bluets, cerises, avocats, concombres, oignions, et pamplemousse pour nom-

mer quelques exemples. Donc, il n’y a aucun doute que les abeilles sont un aspect très important de nos vies.

Aux États Unis, une espèce d’abeille est en voie de disparition. Le « Bumblebee rembourré rouillé » est un des espèces les plus commun, et il est très important pour l’économie. Cette espèce est

Critique d’une pièce de théâtre

Il y a quelques semaines, je suis allé avec ma classe de Français et nous avons regardé la pièce de “Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme” de Molière. Dans cette pièce, Molière se moque d’un riche bourgeois qui veut imiter le comportement et le genre de vie des nobles. Riche bourgeois, M. Jourdain entend acquérir les manières des gens de qualité. Il décide de commander un nouvel habit plus conforme à sa nouvelle condition et se lance dans l’apprentissage des armes, de la danse, de la musique et de la phi-

Une copie de la piece par Molière (HENRI WETSTEIN)

losophie, autant de choses qui lui paraissent indispensables à sa condition de

gentilhomme. M. Jourdain est très étrange et drôle dans son désespoir d’être mieux. La pièce également fournit un bon équilibre avec les opinions de Mme Jourdain qui est plus rationnelle et représentait le point de vue du public. L’histoire reflète encore la société d’aujourd’hui bien qu’elle a été écrite en 1670. Un homme veut se faire passer pour ce qu’il n’est pas, un gentilhomme en l’occurrence, et se laisse avoir par des personnes qui profitent de sa fortune. Une pièce drôle que j’ai le plaisir à voir jouer sur scène! Le théâtre a utilisé des costumes et leurs différentes voix pour définir la scène et les thèmes de la pièce. Ce que j’ai aimé de la pièce, c’est qu’il a parlé de pourquoi il était mauvais de prétendre être quelqu’un que vous n’êtes pas et les conséquences qui suivront. La chose intéressante et géniale est que Molière a réussi à expliquer cela de manière amusante et engageante. J’ai bien aimé que la pièce était aussi facile à suivre pour quelqu’un qui ne parle pas le français parfait.

sont pas une priorité pour le gouvernement. Qu’est ce que va se passer quand il n’y a plus d’abeilles pour polliniser nos récoltes? Qu’est ce qu’on va manger? Pensez à ça quand vous voyez une abeille dans la maison et vous voulez la tuer. Si vous voyez une abeille sur le plancher, pas morte, mais immobile, vous pouvez mettre de sucre dans un petit peu d’eau et le mettre à côté de lui. Vous pouvez sauver une vie, et peut être la planete. SAVEZ-VOUS? muniquent Les abeilles com nse! entre eux par la da

Les abeilles sont en voie de la disparition! (DANI VINCEK)

Le bourgeois gentilhomme par Angeli Figurado

un de 700 espèces qui sont en voie d’extinction en Amérique du Nord. Quand Barack Obama était président

d’États Unis, il a placé de protection sur l’espèce, mais le nouveau président, Donald Trump, a enlevé ces protections. On peut clairement voir que ces membres importants d’écosystème ne

ière ne Les abeilles ouvr aines! vivent que 6 sem

OH VIENS, EMMANUEL! Le nouveau président de la France par Julia D’Silva Le 7 mai, 2017, Emmanuel Macron a gagné l’élection présidentielle de la France pour devenir le plus jeune président dans l’histoire du pays. Après une campagne électorale très intéressante, le centriste Macron a battu Marine Le Pen, une politicienne de droite. Son slogan de la campagne était Ensemble, la France! », ce qui représente bien ses politiques. Macron a fait campagne sur son appui de l’immigration et l’Union européenne et a condamné le colonialisme français dans l’Afrique. Comme Justin Trudeau au Canada, Macron est jeune et représente la revitalisation de la politique quotidienne. Dans l’ère de Trump et Brexit, ses idées centristes, qui ne sont pas trop radicaux, lui ont gagné beaucoup d’appui des gens qui ont peur pour le futur de la France. Son adversaire dans l’élection était Marine Le Pen, une politicienne qui a été fréquemment comparée à Donald Trump. Son slogan de la campagne était « Choisir la France ». Le Pen fait partie du groupe politique super conservateur le Front National. Au passé, le groupe, dirige par le père de Le Pen,

était associe au racisme et même le nazisme. Les idées sur lesquelles Le Pen a fait campagne sont dire c t e m e n t opposes à celles de MaL’affiche de campagne de Macron cron. Le Pen (EN MARCHE!) est contre l’immigration, veut que la France s’enlève de l’Union européenne et a appuyé les ‘valeurs françaises’, une façon acceptable de dire qu’elle veut que la France soit seulement pour les Français. La race entre les deux candidats était proche au commencement, mais à la fin Macron a gagné avec 66 % des votes. Dans son discours de remerciement, Macron a dit qu’il allait défendre l’Europe et battre le terrorisme. On va voir pendant les cinq prochaines années s’il est capable de respecter les promesses qu’il a faits aux Français. Le destin du pays reste dans ses mains ; s’il échoue, c’est possible que la France aille avoir un Président Le Pen en 2022. VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 19

petite planète

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Small Bang Theory

The upcoming Big Bang Theory spin-off “Sheldon” has fans excited and talking By Serena Singh Recently, word on the street has had it that there will be a new addition to the Big Bang Theory family: a special spinoff simply titled “Young Sheldon.”This prequel is said to focus on the childhood of mathematical genius Sheldon Cooper, a role made famous by Jim Parsons in the original sitcom. Though yet unconfirmed, Variety reports that inside sources say the spinoff is expected to get 13 episodes in its first season. Both CBS and Warner Bros. Television declined to comment in regards to the project, insiders reveal that the sitcom, which has yet to form an official pilot, already has designs for its cast. After all, who better to play a child prodigy who began college at 11 and earned a Ph.D. at 16 than a child prodigy himself? Rumour has it that Iain Armitage, on-screen son of Shailene Woodley in HBO’s “Big Little Lies”, is being eyed for the coveted role of young Sheldon Cooper. A tiny triple-threat, Armitage has built up quite the resume for himself, as recently showcased on Steve Harvey’s NBC show “Little Big Shots”. He has had a guest role on “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” and has built up a following on YouTube as a theatre critic, virtually becoming a viral internet star! All remaining doubts about the quality of the spinoff will prove to be unfounded as, to maintain the same quality of comedy, Sheldon is said to be

co-written by Big Bang Theory creator Chuck Lorre. According to Variety, Lorre will be an executive producer alongside Bill Prady, Jim Parsons (yes, we mean the actor!), and “Big Bang” showrunner Steve Molaro, who wrote the pilot script. All in all, fans new and old are sure to love and enjoy the newest companion to the classic sitcom! In fact, the recent release of the “Young Sheldon” official trailer has done nothing but prove the up-andcoming show’s potential. With 22 million views and counting, according to CBS, the trailer has been a definite hit with fans of all ages since its debut on the network’s Upfront presentation in New York City on May 17.

Disney IRL

Disney is pumping out live action remakes of your favourite animated films By Naomi Fernandes Disney movies hold a special place in every child’s heart, no matter you age, where you are from, or who you are watching a Disney movie is always enjoyable. Considering the years of success, with animated feature films and adaptations of fairy tale classics such as Cinderella, Disney has always been known to bring a sense of magic and wonder to their viewers, reeling in audiences young and old alike. In the past few years, Disney has started to remake many of their classic movies into live action films like Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast and The Jungle Book with many more on their way. These live action remakes have

Lily James, Helena Bonham Carter, and Cate Blanchett, the movie was highly praised for its humorous script. Disney remakes aren’t the only thing that Disney has planned they also are looking at spinoffs, following the footsteps of movies like Maleficent, Disney has plans for a movie called Cruella which will focus on Cruella De Vil. The movie is said to give an insight into the character of the villain from 101 Dalmatians and her backstory with Emma Stone taking the title role. Possibly one of the largest attractions of these movies is use of CGI and new technology. Many of the Disney remakes are praised for the special effects which truly bring these movies to life. Animation is one thing, but

The trailer promises a series full of the same type and quality of comedy that fans enjoy in the original sitcom. However similar humour-wise, “Young Sheldon” appears to lack the same laugh-track iconic of “The Big Bang Theory” and follows a single camera format, giving fans a refreshing stylistic change from the original. This type of change, however, is not to be feared as it takes nothing away from the comedic value of the show; only giving it a unique quirk, like the boy genius it follows. Emma Watson and Dan Stevens star in the new Disney live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast (DISNEY)

Looking forward to the new show yet? No need to worry, “Young Sheldon” will air on CBS during a special time period on Monday, September 25 (8:30-9 PM, ET/PT). After which it will move to its regular Thursday time slot on November 2, following “The Big Bang Theory” at 8:30-9 PM, ET/PT. So, don’t forget to mark your calendars and save the date; a new sitcom classic is on its way!

Iain Armitage will be portraying Jim Parson’s character, Sheldon, as a child (MICHAEL BUCKNER)

VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 20


been highly received and anticipated, with Disney looking to remake movies such as Mulan, Aladdin, The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Snow White, and many other classics in the future. The immense popularity of these live action remakes is very much due in part to the casting of these movies, with recognizable and talented actors Disney checks all the boxes for accurate and genuine characters. The movie Beauty and the Beast, starring the likes of Emma Watson, Luke Evans, and Ian McKellen, reeled in almost 1 billion dollars and surpassed the original animated 1991 movie. Remakes of these movies allows for exploration of new themes further in depth. In movies such as the Jungle Book, there was much more of a chance to explore new aspects of the plot and have further character development. These Disney remakes allow for a new and fresh update, tailoring their movies to slightly different audiences. In 2015 Disney released Cinderella, starring

seeing your favourite characters as real people complete with stunning costumes and lifelike scenery sets these movies apart from the rest. While Disney is enjoying the immense success of these remakes, many fans are disappointed by the continuous cycle of creating remakes. Some people feel as though the story should be an exact replica of the original story while others feel as though seeing the same movie twice really isn’t worth it, and would prefer for a new update. Many feel as though Disney needs to focus more on creating original content rather than recreating old content in an effort for more money. Needless to say, Disney has a bright looking future with their newest releases, and the high anticipation of future movie remakes. Although they still have a long way to go in releasing these movies, a lot can be expected from seeing your childhood favourites in a whole new way.

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13 REASONS WHY What the Netflix original got right, and what it got terribly wrong. By Nimmy Ayekun Netflix probably expected the show to be popular, but maybe not to be as successful as it was. When 13 Reasons Why was released earlier this spring, this Netflix original was based on a novel of the same name and had everybody from teenagers to adults glued to their screens watching. The fact that it took on some pretty heavy subject matter made it no surprise that a lot of viewers had a mixed reaction when watching the show. Creating a teen show that tackles important issues is not a simple task; here is a list of what the creators got very right and very wrong with the show.. 1.Targeted a not completely ready teen audience. The writers and producers behind 13 Reasons Why said that one of the main objectives for the show was to raise awareness throughout the series about adolescent issues such as depression, bullying, and rape. They may have fallen short, however, as many people construed the main character (Hannah Baker) as being melodramatic. That perception further perpetuates the stigma that already exists around mental illness and suicide. Writers made a mistake in having other characters like Hannah Baker’s friends constantly discredit what she was saying. By not telling the story more from Hannah’s point of view they also missed the opportunity to give an accurate depiction of what living with depression is like. 2. Ignored advice from medical professionals that they brought on set to consult about what they should and should not include. The writers and producers of the show made another grave mistake when including graphic and disturbing scenes in an attempt to get viewers to connect more with the storyline. These additional scenes did not make the show any better but instead made viewers uncomfortable. Most importantly, producers,directors and writers were warned not to include scenes that were considered overly graphic or disturbing because it could potentially trigger viewers. There were no warning signs that indicated these scenes would be in the show and for



making big noise The CW’s Newest Show ‘Riverdale’ Is Making Headlines

someone struggling with suicidal tendencies or who has been a victim of sexual assault those shows would be especially troubling to watch. 3. Dragged on the story Arguably the series was unnecessarily drawn out. Other than wanting to see who was on the next tape there was not much incentive to keep watching. Between each tape there was still a large amount of unnecessary filler. Writer’s attempt to dramatise and add suspense to a story about suicide, resulted in a sub plot that essentially glorified the idea of every man for themselves. On the flipside... 4. It did bring the discussion of suicide to the forefront of the media for a while. Even though the series’ plot may not have tackled the issue of suicide well, it did open the door for the topic to be discussed. In wake of its release, more and more healthcare professionals came forward and addressed certain topics in more depth that the show brought up and may not have adequately touched upon. 5. Had a Diverse Cast By having a diverse cast the show also stands out for doing what many high school teen dramas often fail to do (even if they all looked too old to actually be in high school). The POC (persons of colour) characters in the show were not stuck in stereotyped roles like the sassy black friend or nerdy asian girl and for the most part had their own storyline. 6. It explores the other character plotlines well. Many people who have read the novel realize that the show places more emphasis on how the people on Hannah’s tape react to what she said about them than the the novel did. A change which may not be the best thing. Fortunately writers were able to make sure these characters had well developed storylines that intertwined perfectly with the main plot. 13 Reasons Why is coming back for a second season so it will be interesting to see if the creator's plan fix some of these wrongs, leave them as they are, or add more to the list.

CW’s Riverdale made big headlines this year and got renewed for a second season. (THE CW NETWORK)

By Naomi Fernandes The world of Archie Andrews and friends has always been an iconic symbol of American culture. No matter what era, since its debut in 1939 Archie has always been a fan favourite, and the new show is no exception. The show “Riverdale” aired its first episode on January 26, 2017 on The CW, garnering positive reviews with an 8/10 on IMBd and 89% on Rotten Tomatoes. Already renewed for a second season, “Riverdale” is quickly becoming very popular show. The quiet and friendly town of Riverdale gets a complete upheaval, reimagining the characters as you’ve never seen before. The show starts with the death of Jason Blossom (Trevor Stones), the twin brother of Cheryl Blossom (Madelaine Petsch), after further investigation his death is ruled as a murder leaving the town shaken. The show follows the characters of Archie Andrews (KJ Apa), Betty Cooper (Lili Reinhart), Veronica Lodge (Camila Mendes), Jughead Jones (Cole Sprouse), and many others including the parents of the teens.

Riverdale covered a lot of important topics and themes including racism, sexism, and friendship. (The CW Network)

The show also touches upon many important social issues including racism and sexism and classism. In one episode a group of girls talk about the issue of slut shaming and double standards, they also bring culprits to justice

and making sure that girls can find support and trust in each other. Racism is also an important issue, for instance Josie and The Pussycats is an all-black girl band, and they comment on how is was harder for them to be successful, Josie’s mother also talks about how it was more difficult for her to be elected and how she had to be twice as good as anyone else running for mayor. The show also highlights the classism in the show, in more than one instance class causes a divide between families and creates social complications. There are also many important themes in the show about family bonds, friendship, healthy relationships, corruption, and deceit. The topic of family is a central issue and causes many of the main conflicts throughout the series. Family bonds are probably the most important part of the show, the primary conflict is between the Blossom and Cooper families which intertwines with many of the other plot lines. Another important topic is corruption which isn’t always talked about in teen shows, there is a lot of talk about how money is a very important in getting what you want. The town sheriff is very close friends with the Blossom family which ends up being a motivating factor in the investigation of Jason Blossom’s murder. The show is not without criticism, however. Many people feel that it doesn’t live up to the hype and doesn’t really accomplish what it is setting out to do. For some, the show feels too similar to many of the other teen soaps. Overall the show has mostly positive reviews and has been well received by the target audience. It’s safe to say that it will be very interesting to see how Riverdale will progress. VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 21


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Harry Styles' New Style Reviewing Harry Styles’ debut solo album

By Julia D’Silva On May 12, 2017, Harry Styles satiated the millions of One Direction fans who had been anxiously awaiting new music by releasing his self-titled debut album. The former 1D bandmate had teased the album with singles ‘Sign of the Times’ and ‘Sweet Creature’, as well as a performance of ‘Ever Since New York’ on Saturday Night Live. Harry Styles, which was evidently inspired by seventies rock and Britpop, is a huge departure from One Direction boyband pop music. If Styles’ goal was to distance himself from his boy band days while maintaining a sound that would satisfy his dedicated fans, he definitely succeeded. Harry Styles’ debut solo album cements the artist’s status as a genuine musician, giving fans a taste of his personal style while remaining true to the charm and catchiness of his One Direction days.

It is easy to identify the artists that have influenced Styles while listening to Harry Styles. He pays homage to classic bands of the seventies such as The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, and David Bowie, and mid-90s Britpop artists like Oasis and The Stone Roses are also clear influences. The variety and scope of styles explored through the album’s ten tracks call to mind seventies rock albums; Styles switches from pure rock to soft ballads and back again with an ease Mick Jagger would admire. Styles’ ability to adapt is crucial as he transitions from teen pop star to serious rocker. Standout songs of Harry Styles include ‘Sign of the Times’, ‘Kiwi’, and ‘Two Ghosts’. All three are incredibly stylistically different: ‘Sign of the Times’ is a power ballad reminiscent of Elton John and David Bowie; ‘Kiwi’ is a suggestive rock song that is completely removed from One Direction’s saccharine pop; and ‘Two Ghosts’ is a soft, nostalgic ballad. Harry Styles had big shoes to

Harry Styles performing on Saturday Night Live, his first solo performance. (WILL HEATH/NBC)

fill with his debut album, and with a generally positive critical reception, it appears as though he has lived up to the expectations set for him by his time in One Direction. While fans continue to search the album for Taylor Swift

references and a deeper meaning, Harry Styles’ message is clear: delivered from the cradle of One Direction, Harry Styles has arrived in his own right.

Coming Clean About Avril Lavigne Has Avril Lavigne been replaced by a lookalike? By Madeline SteeleSantana Throughout the years, the media has uncovered various events and situations in history that invoke conspiracy, known as conspiracy theories. In recent news, it has been said that Avril Lavigne, Canadian singer-songwriter and actress, has been dead since 2003. Allegedly, Avril was replaced by a look-a-like named Melissa Vandella. After the immense success of her album, “Let Go,” in 2002, Lavigne started to face the pressures of fame. Up until the point of her rise in fame she lived a normal life, so when that all changed so suddenly she found it difficult to handle. Instead of having to deal with paparazzi, she hired a looka-like to do it for her. Her look-alike would walk the streets of Los Angeles and pose for the paparazzi in her place. An unknown source even says that Lavigne and Vandella thought that it would be a fun idea to teach Vandella how to sing and act like Lavigne. VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 22

In 2003, Lavigne’s grandfather passed away and she fell into a deep depression. He was her best friend and biggest supporter, so when she lost him it was like she lost a part of herself. Her sadness was so great that she would

in her room for weeks and write music. Sources have even said that Avril had threatened and attempted to kill herself several times before. It is said that she eventually succeeded by hanging herself in late 2003.

Spot the difference? Avril Lavigne in 2003 and again in 2013. (RICHARD DREW/ASSOCIATED PRESS, OWEN SWEENEY/ASSOCIATED PRESS)

end up crying during stage performances and interviews. It even got to the point where she would lock herself

At the time, Lavigne’s music was very popular as she reached the peak in her career. In order to avoid letting the

news of her death get into the media, Vandella came into the picture. Using her skills in acting and singing like Lavigne, Vandella took over Lavigne’s career. In 2007, Vandella released her first album as Lavigne called “The Best Damn Thing.” Lavigne’s new look, style, and sound did not go unnoticed. Fans even began to notice that her birthmarks were gone. Soon, the theory of Lavigne being dead and replaced by a doppelganger arose. When Vandella was questioned about it in an interview she seemed shaky and nervous, playing the theory off as a joke. After the interview, she performed a song stumbling on not only her words, but also on her feet. Since then, there have been many speculations on Lavigne, from the change in eye shape, to the change in her accent, it seems that the media is slowly uncovering the death of Avril Lavigne.


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fun and games

Guns n’ Roses


By Andrea Nijmeh I come from a country known for war and suffering, a land where olive trees grow in mine fields, where to exist is to resist. The death of my people don’t make front page news, there’s no hashtag trending - their support is long over due. America doesn’t care about our toil; our lives are worth less to them than oil. An apple fell on Newton and he discovered the law of gravity. Hundreds of bombs fell on Palestine and no one discovered the law of humanity. Kids are shot down like bowling pins, drones overhead are a causality. We’re not talking about water, when we talk about the dead sea.

Conscription exists for all Israeli citizens who are 18, the same age as me. At coffee shops girls sit carrying Uzis like handbags, nails painted, hidden in combat boots, the colours of the Israeli flag. An apartheid walls stands 25 feet high, a poor attempt to pacify. Used as a canvas, graffitied in protest by artists like Banksy, But a wall has two sides and neither one is free. In the middle east the abuse to westerner’s ears is just old news. “If violence in your country is just a regularity why do we still need to show solidarity?” I learned that there is a limit to how wide someone’s arms can open.

By Nicole Marron In a world where I’ve had to learn the difference between the bang of gunshots and the boom of fireworks, I’m thankful I don’t reside where it’s no guessing game (some poor souls have never even heard of the latter) They look up to the sky, not for the luxury of a bright spectacle of colour, but for any semblance of hope and for shooting stars they pray won’t be there.

But even on the loudest nights following the darkest days, you can hear soft whispers of wonder, questioning those who’d rather hold guns than hands and wishes on the stars that do fall, asking to help them to always remember that tulips and roses are lighter than guns and blades.

The Serpent By Fritz Manguerra Oh basilisk, How dare you bask in your mischievous glory! How dare you attack me while I am naked! Where I lay on the grass vulnerable And stunned at your malicious intent. You slither close to me Your forked tongue slides into my ear A tainted kiss. As you hiss and cackle, You tell me lies That you’d hope for me to hear. When I think that my torture is over You come back for more. You bare big baskets of apples A mesmerizingly sweet scent. Beg me to taste their beauty.

I was hungry, Like the fool that I was, I bit into the apple Only to find it rotten at the core. You cackle because you made me eat it out of spite. Instead of playing the hunter I have become the hunted. You have placed me into a trance By a melodic pungi that only Indian charmers have mastered. The beauty of these notes mask your tasks of evil And you have placed me in a trance. I fall to the ground, paralyzed. That’s when you strike And slithery slimy scales across my body. Gone was my body and soul that has been cleansed in the water.

Now tainted by your sin.

Your scales wrap around my rib cage, a muculent girdle. Waiting until my eyes turn as black as your cold heart. You will swallow my flesh whole Where I will lie in eternal suffering Inside the belly of the beast.


VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 3 mwplanet 23

funand and games fun games

creative spaces


By Aiken Chau

It’s not only students who are looking forward to the end of the school year... teachers need a break too! After a long school year filled with marking, lesson plans, and seminars, it’s time to relax! Match each Mary Ward teacher with their dream vacation spots for the summer. A) hiking in the Dolomite mountains of Italy while eating parmesan cheese

Ms. Largo

B) bike at Gros Morne National Park and Fogo Island in Newfoundland C) go road tripping in Spain and visit the Gibraltar cliffs


D) spend time at the family cottage E) explore Croatia and visit UNESCO World Heritage sites such as Diocletian’s Palace



F) attend the 57th Venice Biennale G) fly to Bora Bora and go hang gliding over the crystal clear waters


H) travel around Europe to explore, photograph and relax I) climb a volcano in Hawaii J) sitting on beach in Thailand with the cool summer breeze blowing by

By Aiken Chau

VOLUME 22 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 24

Ms. POWELL Ms. MACisaac


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