Mary Ward Planet Issue 2 2017-2018

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volume 23 || issue 1 || winter edition 2017

Conditional Zeros | Killarney | Climate Change


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exec team

Table of Contents 03






World Issues

Sports Wrap Up Playing Football is a No -Brainer Starquarterback Packing, Packers Panicking Commemorating an MLB Legend Giancario Stanton’s MLB Trade


Behind the Scenes: Harvey Weinstein The War On Drugs This Year’s Brutal Hurricane Season The Link Between Climate Change and Natural disasters



LA Petite Planete

Quebecois vs. Metropolitaine Les Traditions de Noël pour Les CanadiensFrançais contre les Canadiens Une Entrevue Avec M.Mallot Le Carnaval de Québec



Have you seen it? Even Stranger Things The Annual Apple Hype Twitter Boycott

Studing Effectively Christmas Buying Guide Portfolio Pointers How to Make Friends 101





Creative Spaces

The Cycle Feelings of Winter The End

Community Wrap -Up The Importance of Social Justice Clubs Stratford Trip 2017 The Fear of Getting Involved College Strikes


Fargo Season Three Tis The Season to Be Binging

Art Logo Contest Photography

FUN and Games

Crossword Comic






All content © 2017-2018 Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this newspaper, in part of whole, is prohibited without the approval of the Planet executive members. The Mary Ward Planet is the official student newspaper of Mary Ward C.S.S. All members of the Mary Ward community may voluntarily contribute to the Planet. Everyone exhibits professionalism and respects one another in all exchanges while keeping Christian values and practices. All submitted articles, layouts, and photography are subject to moderation. Material submitted is subject to approval by the Executive, staff moderators, and administration. All material must positively support the ideas and spirit of Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School is a self-directed learning centre located at 3200 Kennedy Road that was founded in 1985. It became a member of the CCSDL (Canadian Coalition of Self-Directed Learning) in 1995.

VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 02

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table of contents


Planet Executive MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR I am so excited to be this year’s editor-in-chief. This is my third year on this amazing team, so I like to think that I know what I’m doing. We hope to bring you new surprises, knowledge, and laughs. I would like to take this opportunity to shout out a few people who made this issue possible: Ms. Powell, Ms. Breen, Ms. Magee, our exec team, every one of our writers and contributors, and the readers. Your continued support has always motivated us. We truly appreciate your readership. On behalf of the entire Planet team, I hope you enjoy this issue and have a fantastic winter break!

Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun Editor-In-Chief

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! -Madeleine

Yuki Tam

Shandel Jarebejo

Naomi Joson

Naomi Fernandes

Art Editor

Community Editor

Junior Editor

Life Editor

Diana Guades Junior Editor

Alyssa Bravo WACT Editor

Nimmy Ayekun

Anjuli Joachim Sports Editor

World Issues Editor

Jamie Edghill

Sabrina Percy

Creative Spaces



Nicole Powell

Now it’s your turn! If you have a response to the editorial or any of our articles, let us know by visiting We would love to hear any comments, questions, or concerns you have. Looking forward to hearing your voice!

Staff Advisor

VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 03

exec team

editorial editorial

world issues

Conditional Zeros Are Not Our Heros

Why it may be time to rethink the widely debated policy Mary Ward has always been home to a plethora of unique concepts related to self-directed learning: target dates, seminar schedules, teacher advisors, and fast-tracking, to name a few. Perhaps one of the most distinctive concepts is the conditional zero, given to most students who are behind the recommended unit submission schedule. Two times a year, before report card distribution, many students are confronted with a temporary mark of zero put into the grading system for incomplete units. As it stands, the conditional zero policy hinders selfdirected learning instead of aiding it.

whether there were any extenuating circumstances, and whether the addition of a conditional zero would properly motivate the student to work harder. However, it was decided that it would be best if subject teachers put in conditional zeroes. Many believed it is a more logical process as teachers see the students in their areas, mark the students’ work, and are able to gauge effort in a specific course. As well, if teacher advisors were to be the arbiters of conditional zeros, the policy may have negative impacts on the TA and student relationship, affecting the TA system which has become a core component of the Mary Ward experience. This idea The original concept behind conditional gave way to the system in place today. zeroes is slightly different than what it is today. The Mary Ward community The merit to the conditional zeros was in need of a solution to a recurring policy is undeniable. It can be a problem within the system: it used powerful tool for both communication to be possible to fail a course with a and motivation. In a survey conducted passing average. For instance, a student of six teachers from a variety of might have handed in four units in four departments including Arts, Canadian months of school, and achieved good and World Studies, Science, and Math, grades. Then, the student may not have 100% of surveyed teachers have seen done any work in the course for the rest their students or advisees motivated by of the school year due to Mary Ward’s the use of conditional zeros. J. Notten, leniency with deadlines. Of course, it an arts teacher here at Mary Ward would have been impossible to pass interpreted the policy’s value: “Our the student, because they only had belief at Mary Ward, is that students are four out of eighteen units completed. eligible and empowered to go at their Thus, the student would fail the course own pace. But that doesn’t mean that with a passing average or potentially we will allow them or treat lightly the an extremely good mark. Naturally, this fact that they may go at a pace below was a confusing situation for parents: if their ability”. Similarly, J. Buck, a science their child had such good marks, how teacher, stated that he sees his students could they have failed the course? This hand in units after conditional zeroes confusion stems from the fact that are issued and believes them to be an many parents are only reading the essential motivator. Since the zeroes courses’ running averages and not the issued are temporary, he recognizes number of units completed. them as a good compromise between the teachers and the students. In As a result of this, the conditional zero addition, receiving a conditional zero policy was introduced. The zeros were can serve as an important lesson in intended to clearly communicate time management, as well as a way of underperformance in a course to the preparing students for the more rigid parent, and serve as a wake-up call to systems outside of the self-directed the student. That much remains the learning environment. same. The key difference between the initial concept and the system that In contrast to these positive aspects exists now lies in its implementation: of the policy, the implementation of the original proposal suggested conditional zeroes currently reflect a that teacher advisors be the arbiter one-size-fits-all solution to the original of conditional zeros. Through TA problem. It is important to note that interviews, teacher advisors would be the self-directed learning system is not able to evaluate their advisees’ academic founded on one-size-fits-all principles. J. pace and performance: whether or Notten explains,“Self-directed learning not they were working at a good pace, is messy, it’s hard, and it’s labourVOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 04

intensive … The ‘okay everybody’ thing is easy and it’s neat and tidy but it’s not self-directed learning ... Everything about what we stand for is not about a group dynamic, it’s about the individual dynamic.” The selfdirected learning program provided at Mary Ward is undoubtedly unique and the conditional zero policy does not improve this environment. Negative reinforcement through conditional zeroes does not always create healthy, motivational stress in student’s lives. Shirley Lin, a grade 12 student shares her opinion: “It only motivates us [senior students] because we’re in final year and we need those marks for university applications.” As a matter of fact, in a survey of 66 students (12.1% of students from ninth grade, 36.4% from tenth grade, 19.7% from eleventh grade, and 28.8% from twelfth grade) only 52.5% of students recognize conditional zeros as motivation to complete school work. While implementing conditional zeroes achieves some positive results, almost half of students are not motivated by them. Results are seen from applying the conditional zero policy, but the end may not justify the means. Daily scheduled classes also achieve results - which is what conventional schools do. The conditional zero policy does not improve the self-directed learning environment offered here at Mary Ward; instead, it pulls the school away from its unique roots. Perhaps what hinders the self-directed learning environment is not the policy itself, but its implementation. However, its current system of implementation contradicts the very foundations of self-directed learning. The TA, who knows the advisee on a personal level, is in a much better position to assign conditional zeroes than the subject teacher. A student may be more comfortable telling their TA about extenuating circumstances than a subject teacher, and TAs have a better idea of what truly motivates their advisees. The zeros are only meant to motivate students which would benefit from the added pressure, the ones that have been showing consistent effort in their courses but just need a little more time, the students that understand the reasoning behind receiving a zero.

However, the implementation of zeros do not appear to reflect this value. In the same survey of 66 Mary Ward students, 16.7% of students believe that conditional zeros are automatically registered into the system by a computer. This is a surprising number of students that do not know teachers manually input the zeroes. This suggests the policy is not being applied in a way which considers the individual circumstances and efforts of students. In addition, conditional zeros are praised for giving students an arbitrary deadline at a school where deadlines are not emphasized. They move students along in course work and are meant to encourage students to continue in their studies. The zeroes provide a time frame to work with, but do not always correlate with a student’s own schedule. At Mary Ward, students work with their own deadlines and their own goals, as students are taught to work for their own learning. Zeroes should not take away from this important lesson. A. Magee, principal of Mary Ward, informs that a lot of work has been done to advocate conditional zeros as a tool rather than a penalty. In fact, Magee has sent emails before report card distribution dates in order to remind staff about the purpose of this policy, providing information and guidelines on the appropriate implementation of conditional zeros. Although this work does not go unappreciated. However, in many cases, the implementation of the policy seen today by students differs greatly from the policy’s purpose; a case-by-case, empathetic, and positive encouraging factor in student life. Conditional zeroes will continue to be a well-utilised tool within the school community for the foreseeable future. For some students, they remain a source of healthy motivation. Although the Mary Ward staff has revisited this policy multiple times, it may be time for the Mary Ward community, together with student and parents, to review its implementation and policy. Mary Ward’s unique independent learning system calls for unique solutions. Mary Ward is constantly changing for the better: perhaps it is time to reflect, find new solutions or revise old ones, and change yet again.


world issues world issues

world issues

Behind The Scenes: Harvey Weinstein The recent scandals surrounding Hollywood elites sheds light on a growing issue of sexual assult By Nimmy Ayekun In early October of this year, the New York Times released anarticle chronicling Harvey Weinstein’s long history of sexual misconduct and assault. Almost immediately as the news broke, people from both inside and outside Hollywood flooded social media sites to condemn his actions. In the weeks that followed, his wife, fashion designer Georgina Chapman, announced plans to file for divorce and Weinstein was fired from his own production company (Weinstein Company). Moreover, Weinstein’s BAFTA membership was suspended and he was kicked out of the Academy. The disturbing news not only generated a great amount of disgust, shock, and a considerable amount of questions including; “ I didn’t know Harvey was capable of this.”“How did these stories remain a secret for so long?” “Why didn’t these women come forward sooner?”. Despite, the fact that Harvey Weinstein had established himself as an advocate for female empowerment and rights, and did not fit the stereotype of sleazy Hollywood producer - does not mean that he couldn’t be guilty of these accusations. However, there were those who did not believe the allegations were true. Harvey Weinstein was

revered in Hollywood for his work in film. A lot of his movies were credited for launching the careers of many up and coming actors, and over the course of his career he had accumulated 300 Oscar nominations on projects he worked on, of which he won about 81 He was a man with a lot of power and a lot of influence within in the industry - and this made many women feel trapped when it came to situations involving him. Ashley Judd - was one of the first women to come forward with allegations against Weinstein. In her Interview with the Times revealed that when she was working on the movie, “ Kiss the Girls” Weinstein had lured her to his hotel room under the impression that they were going to have a business breakfast meeting about the movie. When Judd arrived, however, she was surprised to meet Weinstein in a bathrobe. According to her, the meeting started to become very awkward as the producer asked her questions about whether she would like to give him a massage or if she would like to watch him shower. Even when she firmly denied his requests, Judd said the producer remained quite persistent. A lot of the other allegations and claims had the same story. It seems as though Weinstein would invite women to meet with him under the guise of discussing a

possible movie role or business related topic, (sometimes having an an female employee accompany them for a while and then asking the employee to leave), before making unwanted sexual advances. However more often than not, Weinstein’s behaviour extended beyond just trying to cajole his victims into sexual favours. There were countless others in which Weinstein had groped women or forced them to engage in sexual activities that they did not consent to. When questioned about why they didn’t come forward sooner the number one answer was guilt. A lot of these women in their interviews and statements recalled feeling guilty and ashamed about what had happened, like it was somehow their fault. Others feared that their claims wouldn’t be taken seriously and that they wouldn’t be able to work again if they came forward. Even when women did confront Weinstein they were often bullied into settlements actress Rose McGowan said Weinstein’s team threatened her when she came to them about being raped and insisted that she would be blacklisted in the industry. A criminal lawyer even advised her that it would be best not to take the case to court because it would be unlikely for her to win. Weinstein’s behaviour was treated like an open secret in Hollywood for several years.

Dozens of employees, from assistants to top executives and other actors, said they knew about it but only a handful of people ever confronted him. During, the 2013 Oscar Ceremony Seth Macfarlane attempted to when he was joined by Emma Stone to announce the nominees for best supporting actress and said “Congratulations, you no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein.” He later revealed that this joke was an intentional jab at Weinstein who had sexually harassed his friend and co-star, Jessica Barth, but it was ultimately brushed off as just a joke. In the wake of this controversy, more and more prominent figures in Hollywood like comedian Louis CK and actor Kevin Spacey have also been accused of sexual assault and/or harassment. These incidents are a wake up call to just about everybody, exposing the toxic culture and stigma surrounding sexual assault. The fact that individuals like Weinstein feel that they can abuse other people in this way but also that these victims feel that they have to deal with the trauma associated with this type of assault in silenceis appalling. Hopefully the discussion doesn’t end here and more action is taken to ensure to that these types of things do not happen in the future.

War on drugs A look at how Filipino president Rodrigo Duterte’s “War on Drugs” has impacted the country. By Diana Guades After taking office on June 30, 2016, Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte began to lead a controversial and lethal “War Against Drugs” in the Philippines. He urged citizens to “Slaughter them all,” an order many police officers and vigilantes seriously followed, and continue to do so. By “them,” President Duterte is referring to any person suspected of dealing and/or using drugs. His extreme policies on drugs have already led to more than 13,000 deaths, and numerous other horrifying tragedies.

wrapped in packing tape, while others have been found with cardboard signs claiming the deceased to have been a dealer or user. One antidrug operation called “Project Tokhang” (meaning knock and plead in Cebuano), resulted in more than 35,600 arrests. In wealthy neighbourhoods, police officers may politely knock on doors and hand out pamphlets regarding the consequences of drug use, whereas in poorer neighbourhoods, officers are often known for picking suspects off the street, going through background checks, making arrests and in certain cases, shooting to kill.

Following Duterte’s election, hundreds Since the start of the Drug War, bodies of thousands of addicts have on the streets have been found surrendered to the police, resulting in

in police cases when the suspect resists that people killed as a result of the war arrest and consequently is killed; it on drugs did not resist arrest. translates to “resisted or fought back” Recently, President Duterte has opened a large-scale rehabilitation centre with 10,000 beds to house about 700,000 patients. The DDB (Dangerous Drugs Board), a government body that devises strategies and policies on federal programs, has announced that they will launch a new campaign advocating for a “softer approach” to drug users. Nevertheless, the actions of police PROTESTERS CALL FOR END OF KILLINGS. PHOTO VIA PHOTO CREDIT.COM and vigilantes must be meticulously monitored to prevent more needless There have been countless cases where deaths and causing the shadow of a death was reported as Nanlaban and mourning to grow darker over the had contradicting witness accounts. In Philippines. a recent poll, 54% of Filipinos believe VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 05

world issues

world issues world issues

A recap of the natural disasters of this year By Nimmy Ayekun Due to differences in air and surface water temperatures, tropical storms began to form in the Atlantic between late summer and early fall. This period of time is commonly referred to as Hurricane Season. Scientists initially predicted that there would be below average activity during this year’s hurricane season, but that was in April. By May, NOMA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association) forecasted a 45% chance for an above average season, one that would likely consist of 11 named Storms, of which 5 - 9 would be hurricanes and 2- 4 major hurricanes. Unfortunately, NOMA’s predictions were correct, and many areas in the Atlantic and Caribbean this year were ravaged by multiple storms, most notably - Harvey, Irma and Maria.

September 9th, the hurricane hit Antigua, Barbuda, St.Martin, Anguilla, St.Kitts, Nevis, the US Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands, as well as the Dominican Republic, Turks & Caicos and Cuba; causing major damage and devastation in many of the locations. By September 10th the hurricane hit the Florida Keys as a Category 4 storm, destroying a quarter of houses and leaving 60% severely damaged, before hitting Naples, Florida and North Florida.


How we can link two environmental topics to each other By Sabrina Percy In recent months, a series of natural disasters hit parts of the USA, Puerto Rico, Western Canada and other countries around the world. In response to both the scale and devastation caused by these events, the debate on climate change and whether or not it is linked to these disasters has once again become a popular discussion.

Hurricane Maria Maria struck the US territory of Puerto Rico as a Category 4 Hurricane in the middle of September, making it the first hurricane to directly impact the island in 85 years. After it hit, the entire country’s population of 2 million people were left without power. During its peak it also caused numerous fatalities and damage across the north eastern caribbean and is on record as the

become infrequent and category 3, 4, and 5 hurricanes become more likely. Lastly, rises in overall temperature will cause more forest fires. In fact in recent years, forest fires have burned six times more area and lasted five times longer than before. The increase in the earth’s temperature causes moisture to be drawn out from soil, making it drier. Dry soils are much more likely to start fires, and resulting in greater frequency. The series of forest fires that lasted for the first weeks of August



Hurricane Harvey Harvey began as a tropical storm about 250 miles east of Barbados and eventually strengthened into a hurricane before hitting landfall between Port Aransas and Port O Connor, Texas. This made it the first Category 4 hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Hurricane Charley in 2004. Over the next week, it stalled over land creating extreme flooding in Texas before making a second landfall near Cameron Louisiana. Within a six day period Harvey reportedly dumped an estimated 27 trillion gallons of rain over both Texas and Louisiana - setting a record for the most tropical rainfall over the USA. Hurricane Irma On August 31st Hurricane Irma formed about 420 miles west of Cabo Verde Islands, and quickly evolved into Category 5 hurricane within a matter of days. Between September 6th and VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 06

tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane. It began as a tropical storm and rapidly intensified due to environmental conditions when it was approaching the islands. Homes were flooded, infrastructure was destroyed and people died, Even weeks later many victims still suffer from the damage. The aftermath of Hurricane Harvey left 60,000 people displaced in Florida, and 10,000 in Puerto Rico, (which was hit by multiple storms), citizens are without power, adequate food supply or clean drinking water. While there has been a large outpouring of monetary and other relief there is still a long way to go before normal life can be restored to the victims of these tragedies. The severity of this hurricane season in addition to the magnitude of devastation it caused, not only calls for a greater discussion on climate change and for people to come together to help those in need.

Like most questions concerning climate change, the answer isn’t simple. What is known for sure is that even though climate change may not be the direct cause of intensified hurricanes, tropical storms, and other natural disasters, it has definitely impacted the environment. One element of the environment that climate change has contributed to is a rise in sea levels. Sea levels have risen around half a foot in the last century. The results of this are higher risks of flooding and storm surges. Storm surges are a type of coastal flood meaning they put coastal regions at risk. The flooding in Texas this September from the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey is a good example of the extensive damage coastal flooding can cause. Rising sea temperatures are another effect of climate change that will increase the severity of natural disasters. This is because the higher sea temperatures will cause more evaporation and more rain. The higher levels of precipitation and denser air will then result in an increase in size, duration, and intensity of tropical storms and hurricanes. Meaning that category 1 and 2 hurricanes will

in western Canada and the US are a recent example of the damage that rise in overall temperature has done to forests. In addition, droughts and stronger heat waves are due to drier soils as well.


Although rise in sea levels, sea temperature, and in overall temperature has not created a big enough influence on natural disasters today, they are predicted to become a main influence on the intensity of future natural disasters. As the earth’s temperature continues to rise we will be seeing the consequences of these factors much more frequently and visibly. Addressing the issue of climate change is more critical than ever, now that physical risks are becoming more common and more people’s lives are at risk.

world issues

life life


It’s the Thought that Counts A guide to buying Christmas gifts for your loved ones.

By Madeline Santana

Steele for a spa treatment. Some popular items include butterball bath bomb and mask of magnaminty face mask. As Christmas quickly Makeup and/or makeup gift sets approaches and If they wear makeup, they’ll love lipstick, holiday festivities come eyeshadow, and everything in-between. to a start, so does the If you are unsure of what makeup to get, season of giving. It is that time of the drop by any Sephora location and ask year where stores are packed with gift for assistance or purchase any of their sets and people hustling and bustling makeup gift sets. looking for the perfect gift. In order to Candles make this time of year somewhat easier, After a long day at work or school, it here is the ultimate Christmas gift guide. is nice to light a scented candle and Whether you are looking for a present unwind. Purchase a festive one for extra for your parents or that special someone, brownie points – they are bound to love you are bound to find something to gift. it! Jewellery Perfume Whether it is a set of rings or a dainty If you are struggling to purchase necklace, jewellery can be a very special something for a special someone in your gift. To make it even more unique, life, perfume is always a great option. custom-made jewellery is also an Another good idea is to get perfume in option. For example, a name necklace. a set with a matching body lotion and There are various online stores available shower gel. Some popular fragrances where you can customize the perfect are Viktor&Rolf Flower Bomb and Dior piece of jewellery. J’adore. As those are on the pricey side, a Gift cards to their favourite stores more affordable option would be scents If you really don’t know what to from Victoria Secret or Bath and Body purchase, gift cards are always a great Works. option. Just make sure it is a gift card Anything from Lush they will actually use. From bath bombs to face masks, Lush is Festive pajamas a great place to buy a couple of goodies Who doesn’t love to be cozy and warm

during the cold winter season? Spice it up a bit with some festive designs and you’ve got the perfect Christmas gift. Flowers Simply a classic… and that’s a wrap! Cologne Cologne is another great option. Some popular fragrances are Fierce by Abercrombie and Fitch and Obsession by Calvin Klein. A watch If they are always asking for the time then this is definitely the perfect gift for them. If not, this is still a great present as it serves the purpose of telling time, but is also a great way to accessorize. A wallet Wallets are an essential, so if they are in need of a new wallet or would simply like a new one, they are sure to appreciate this gift. Favourite sports team jersey If they have a favourite sports team, they are sure to love a jersey or any merchandise to represent that team. Gift basket containing their favourite snacks, candies, etc. A gift basket with their favourite goodies inside may seem like a plain gift but if you wrap it nicely, they are sure to love it!

Socks Socks are always a must and there are so many different types to choose from, so it is impossible to go wrong! Nike elite socks are a great idea as they are a popular option for both athletic and non-athletic people. Concert or sports game tickets This is a great gift because not only do you gift them with an experience of a lifetime but you can also purchase a ticket for yourself and enjoy it with them! Talk about a win-win situation. Homemade coupons A somewhat cheesy gift that they are sure to enjoy are homemade coupons. This can include things like giving a massage or making breakfast. Templates can be found online or you can make your own from scratch. It may seem difficult to find the perfect gift now. However, this list proves that there are lot of options and that the perfect gift is out there somewhere; you just have to keep looking. Happy gifting!

Memorizing vs. Learning How to actually study for tests and exams. By Shandel Jarabejo

study. Always work in an area that is organized, quiet and away from any Anyone who goes to distractions. You need to be able to school understands focus and concentrate on what you are the pain of studying doing. for tests and exams. It`s time consuming, Never study on your bed. Although it stressful, and boring, however, studying might be the most comfortable place in plays a crucial part in preparing for a test your home, it is your worst enemy when and receiving a good mark. Sometimes studying since you could fall asleep. after all that reading and memorizing, Instead, work in areas such as your we blank out right when we are writing kitchen table or at a desk. the test. It is especially frustrating when you have spent countless hours Never study last minute. Doing this studying and you forget all of it. This will cause you even more stress and type of frustration can be the result of can contribute to a lack of sleep which many factors, one of which could be affects your performance and memory. ineffective studying habits. To prevent You should study for a minimum of this from happening, here are some three to five days before the test. Use habits you could follow to help you the first few days to study hard and study effectively. use the last just to review before the test. Having more time allows you to The environment you choose to study take your time and understanding the in is extremely important. It impacts material better. your productiveness and how well you

Study in small amounts of time instead of one long session prior to writing the test. Review your notes, read texts, memorize definitions, etc. for twenty five to thirty minutes at a time and take short breaks in between. You’ll tire yourself out if you study for hours on end without any rest. It has also been scientifically proven that your brain can retain more information over multiple, short, and repetitive sessions compared to one long study session, therefore, you should never study for long periods of time. To avoid endless studying, you should set a goal for each session. Pick one lesson or concept to study during each session. Let’s say you need to study for a French test. Try reviewing French verb conjugations one day and memorize the irregular verbs the next day. Don’t forget to spend more time studying on the concepts you have more difficulty with. Setting goals and prioritizing will

ensure that you understand the material in depth. Before writing the test make sure that you understand the key concepts and the lessons you have studied. Try teaching the material to another student to test your understanding. If you are able to do so, you understand what you have learned. Another way is to ask somebody to quiz you or do any practice tests. Remember that the purpose of studying is to understand and review a subject and not just memorizing. Even though studying can be stressful and tiring, it guarantees better results on a test or an exam. It allows you to review and get a better understanding of a concept before a test. Keep in mind that factors such as the area you choose or how long you study for impacts you. Use your time wisely and use these tips to study. Good luck and ace that test! VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 07


How to make Friends 101

life life

Your Three-Step Guide to Make Friends Easily By Shandel Jarabejo Whether you are new student or not, having friends is important. Friendship has a huge impact on your life and well-being; they can relieve stress and make high school much more enjoyable. Most importantly friends keep you company and they’re always there when you need to talk. Making friends isn’t as easy as it was in the early years of elementary school. You could simply ask someone to be your friend and that person would gladly say yes. That’s how many of us have made our friends as young children. Now, developing friendships takes more time and effort than simply asking a person to be your friend. It’s especially hard if you’re not a social butterfly or an extrovert. Here are 3 ways to make new friends.


(1)Be outgoing! Start a conversation with someone in your class or someone sitting beside you. Talk about little things such as the weather, the news, your work or even compliment the person. Remember little conversations can turn into ones that are inter esting and deep as long as you try. If you want to befriend a person, have frequent conversations with them and learn abo ut their personality, interests, hobbies, favourite things and so on. Try to find a common interest between you two since that can help you carry on conversations and develop a friendship (2)Get involved. If making small talk with someone isn’t your cup of tea, get involved in your school. Clubs, teams and school events such as fundraisers and dances are great ways to meet and interact with people. You automatically have a conversationVOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 08

worthy topic. Ask someone in the club, team or someone at the event why they chose to participate or why they became a member of the club or team. Teams, clubs and school events give you the opportunity to be social, to connect with others and make friends.


(3)Show genuine interest. To make friends, you should show the person that you are interested in befriending them. You are more likely to become friends with someone if you show interest in them. If you are constantly asking the person questions and allowing them to speak and talk about themselves, the person will notice that you want to become friends and they will carry on your conversation. However if you`re not paying much attention to what the person has to say, they will lose interest in the conversation. Be sure to make eye contact and listen to the person when trying to befriend someone.


Making friends can be difficult. Friendship takes time and lots of effort. Don`t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and talk to the people around you. Join clubs, teams and get involved to meet new people. Be kind, social, patient and show interest. Remember: to make friends, you must be friendly!


Portfolio Pointers Four Tips to Improve Your Portfolio By Yuki Tam For Mary Ward’s seniors, every single thing in this school year builds. The stress, the workload, and the fear all build. However, the dreams, the anticipation, and the excitement all build as well. For art students, one of the most important things to build this year is a portfolio. Every art student understands its importance. A portfolio displays your technical skill, your conceptual thinking, and is a large part of what determines your admission to your program of choice. The Planet has some basic and simple pointers on how art students can get started building their portfolio.

and be relevant examples of what you can do in the field you have chosen. (3)Range Pieces that may not have anything to do with your program can still be a great asset. For example, including a photo piece in an illustration portfolio can demonstrate technological understanding on top of drawing skills exhibited in other pieces. Do not be afraid to include pieces that may not directly relate to your program. Show off your range of abilities and that you can do even more than they ask for.

(1)High Quality Photos Many schools now offer online portfolio submission. If this is your situation, ensure that your online portfolio contains only the highest quality photos. Photographing your pieces and uploading them online is the new way to communicate and apply. Ensure that you are giving your artwork accurate representation.



Building a portfolio can be an intimidating task. There is no easy way to do it and there is no specific formula. That is because a portfolio reflects an individual. Individuals are not specific; everyone is a little different. The portfolio should reflect this. You must make sure it represents you and that it stays true to who you are as an artist. At the end of the day, stay honest, stay creative, and stay unique.

(2)Curate According to Your Program There are so many programs to choose from in post-secondary education that reflect the diversity of the creative world. Whether you apply to animation, illustration, graphic design, photography, creative communications management, or fashion design, your portfolio should be specific. An animation portfolio will not look like a graphic design portfolio and a graphic design portfolio will not look like a fashion design portfolio. You are the curator - choose your pieces wisely. They should meet any requirements specific for your program

(4)Only The Best Only your best is worth putting into your portfolio. If you are not in love with one of your pieces, think twice about including it. Your portfolio should represent the best of the best in your collection. It needs to accurately reflect your current skill and thinking. Pieces you are passionate and happy about will be your strongest.


community community



community wrap-up An overview of the recent events at Mary Ward.

By Naomi Joson Mary Ward’s 2017/2018 first half of the school year got off to a great start, with many different events occurring. Here’s what happened over the past few months in our community:

October 23-27 Waste Reduction Week During the week, Green Quest held events to encourage people to live environmentally friendly. Members went around the school and properly sorted the garbage in the bins. As well, the club gave out cut up fruits and vegetables, such as lemons and cucumber, for anyone who brought in a reusable water bottle so they may have flavoured water. Finally, they held their annual raffle for a TTC metropass in which students brought in their bus transfers, which were used as raffle tickets.

October 2-4 Sandbanks Trip PPL4O1 and PLF4O1 students supervised by Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Harrison, Ms. Peets, and Mr. Loconte, spent three days and two nights in Sandbanks Provincial Park. Much time was spent hiking and exploring the outdoors and leadership students organized activities October 25-29 Killarney Trip and games.

to give senior students information regarding post-secondary education opportunities. Students were able to roam around and ask representatives their own questions about the school and their programs.

civvies day, after school bake sale, and a rafiki making session. The club raised roughly $1240 during their week which is almost halfway from their goal of $2500. Proceeds go towards providing clean water in the Philippines.

November 6-10 Gay-Straight Alliance Week Mary Ward’s Gay-Straight Alliance celebrated their 6th birthday on the Tuesday. Club events included taking the rainbow pledge and TA activities. The club also led in the week’s prayers and reflections, with a focus on LGBTQ+ issues.

November 17 DECA Regionals MaryWard’s DECA members participated in regionals at the Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute. They competed in teams of two or individually in various categories, from Entrepreneurship to Principles of Finance. They were given 10 minutes to present their knowledge and solutions of case studies, using their businessNovember 9-11 savvy knowledge, innovation, and Ottawa Trip communication skills. In the end, some Grade 10 History students went on students received awards and were their annual overnight trip to Ottawa placed in the Top Ten. accompanied by Ms. Schwan, Ms. December 4-12 McAndrew, and Mr. Coleman. The group was taken on a tour around Parliament Hill and the House of Commons and visited museums.


October 12-13 Teen Ranch Grade 11 Phys-Ed students spent two days and one night at Teen Ranch, a camp in Caledon, Ontario, supervised by Ms. Sersanti, Mr. Kennedy, and Mr. McAlpine. Students participated in activities such as horse back riding, hiking, and swinging. October 23 Academic Awards Night During the evening, Mary Ward students and their parents attended a ceremony where students were given awards for their academic achievements.


Senior Art students, along with Mr. Notten, Ms. Powell, and Ms. Arturi, spent five days and four nights in Killarney Provincial Park where they followed the path of the Group of Seven. The group slept in yurts and participated in various activities such as hiking, painting in nature, taking photographs, and listening to an Aboriginal speaker. November 1 College/University Fair Representatives of various colleges and universities set up booths in the gym



November 7 Honour Roll Breakfast Students who achieved honour roll status for the 2016-2017 school year were invited to the cafetorium during period one where they were served breakfast. Pictures and names of the honourees were presented on a slideshow and pins were handed out.

Santa Photos TAs and students were given the opportunity to have their Santa photos taken at school, organized by the photo club. This year, photos were taken in the auxiliary caf.



December 6 Montreal Massacre Memorial Gender Justice led in the morning’ prayer and reflection and held a viewing of “Polytechnique”- a film that recalls the tragic events of the Montreal Massacre. The day prior, the club sold STUDENTS ENJOYED A COMPLIMENTARY BREAKFAST. PHOTO BY JASMINE AYOUB buttons and cupcakes, and proceeds November 13-17 went to the Red Door Shelter. A huge Free the Children Week thank you goes out to all of the Gender Free The Children held events Justice members who led the memorial. throughout the week including a VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 09

community community



The Importance of Social Justice Clubs Why Mary Ward’s social justice clubs are an integral part of creating safe spaces in our community By Jamie Edghill

a collaborative and safe environment. Through these clubs, students go Social justice clubs beyond their academic courses, and play a tremendous role are preparing for what the world is like in keeping the school beyond school. It is important that clubs community up to date on worldly events and social issues outside and inside our school. They also keep students informed on issues that may affect them or their future. These clubs allow students to have a platform to use their voices and become better activists, enabling them to stand up for their beliefs and teach them how to GENDER JUSTICE HAVING A MEETING PHOTO VIA MS. ARTURI empower and educate others. like these exist and that as young people who are potential leaders in the future, At Mary Ward there are social justice students are educated on social issues clubs within the school community, and human rights. Students should get including: Gender Justice, Free the a chance to know what is happening Children, Gay-Straight Alliance, Green around them; it’s a great learning Quest and Our Kids Our Future. These opportunity for not just students but clubs give students a safe space to also for the whole community. These discuss topics of concern and an opportunity to share opinions within These clubs and many others not only

clubs and many others not only create an environment for students to discuss their opinions and learn from one another, but teach the community the importance of human decency and human rights. As a school community, students can always strive for a better understanding of others and of ourselves. It is important that we learn about how human rights are violated around world. Students should learn and and be empowered to change the injustices they witness and face. These clubs are an opportunity to make people aware of how privileged they are to be in such an accepting community, and how lucky they are to have such highclass facilities and access to knowledge. We can use the knowledge these clubs provide to better understand of the issues within our community and how to solve them. By recognizing the issues within the halls, students acknowledge


that they can always do more to better our school environment. Social Justice clubs are an important part of the Mary Ward community and play a strong role in uniting students as one voice. Students can see the effect these clubs have in the school when they see the rainbow flag hung in the hall, when the students carbon footprint is measured, when facts are read on the P.A. and when students mobilize in support of one another in protest. Teaching students to stand strong against those who try to violate human rights is extremely important. Social justice clubs bring the community closer together and they never stop working to make everyone feel safe within the school.

Stratford Trip 2017 A recap of the annual senior trip to Stratford By Alyssa Bravo After the Thanksgiving long weekend, Mary Ward’s senior drama and theatre production students embarked on their annual trip to Stratford, Ontario accompanied by teachers Mr. Dalton, Ms. Tsang-Lee, and Ms. Cormier. Students had the opportunity to see five productions of the Stratford Festival’s

viewing plays, students were able to explore Stratford, which Mr. Dalton said it was an “opportunity to explore smalltown Ontario.” Students and teachers enjoyed meals at various restaurants unique to Stratford - specifically the likes of Bentley’s and Boomers. They also visited various landmarks, such as the Avon River and the statue of William Shakespeare outside the Festival Theatre. Students were especially


The first day, students and teachers went to the fun and family-friendly Treasure Island, as well as Tartuffe, a modern revamp of Molière’s French satire. The second day was much more musically-oriented, with the opera HMS Pinafore and the classic Guys and Dolls. The trip was finalized with Shakespeare’s timeless Romeo and Juliet. Students had differing opinions on which was their most favourite and which was their least favourite, but all

agreed that each show was wonderfully performed and entertaining. Overall, this year’s trip to Stratford, Ontario was yet another exciting and memorable experience for all who participated. Mr. Dalton said that the trip was “both entertaining and educational”, as well as “a real treat for the senior students” who are left with new knowledge, inspiration and many memories to share and cherish.


2017 season and educate themselves keen to see the five shows chosen for on the processes both on and off stage. them, all of which were a wide variety in storytelling, characters, and sets. “I There were numerous activities that would say that hat one of the beauties kept students occupied throughout of Stratford is the repertory company,” the trip’s three day span. In addition to Mr. Dalton said “Many of the actors are VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 10



community community

Ontario College Strikes Longest collegiate strike in Ontario leaves many out of school


The FEar OF Getting involved Four tips to overcome your fear of getting involved

By Naomi Fernandes freedom” over course content, delivery During the month of November, colleges all over Ontario were closed due to strikes by the college faculty. This came after months of bargaining between union representatives and college management. Neither party would give in to the demands of the other side, resulting in the longest strike Ontario colleges had ever experienced. The strike began on October 15th 2017 and ended on November 19th 2017; it left 500 000 students unable to attend classes, and extended many students’ semesters into January. After the latest set of negotiations failed on Nov. 6, the College Employer Council bypassed the Ontario Public Service Employee Union bargaining team and called on Ontario’s Labour Relations Board to force the OPSEU members to vote on the most recent offer.


The reason for the strike centred on a few large issues, including job security and academic freedom for more than 12 000 faculty. Faculty included professors, instructors, counsellors, and librarians. OPSEU also wanted more full time jobs opened up and better job security for those whose contract only extended to 15 weeks, meaning their contract must be renewed every three months.

and student evaluations. This is a very important issue because the union says faculty are faced with administrators who overturn failing marks given by professors when students complain and change course content to save money. They are seeking the type of academic control enjoyed by many university professors at other educational institutions.

By Naomi Joson Many students, especially those in grade nine, struggle to get themselves involved in extracurricular activities in school- whether it’s clubs, sports, or community events. Fear is inevitable when it comes to new, unfamiliar territory, but, once you conquer it, the results are rewarding. Not only can you add something to your resume, but you also create new connections, gain experiences, and grow as a person. Here are some ways to help overcome your fear of getting involved at school:


As of late November, there was not any official government intervention, however, several MPPs have urged the Wynne government to take action. MPP Peggy Sattler says “These students are experiencing skyrocketing rates of anxiety and depression with few resources on campus to assist them, they are being forced to turn down job offers and are worried [about] how they will be able to support themselves”. Some good news for students is that as a result of a separate bargaining agreement, students are able to get a refund for the lost tuition up to $500. However, many people feel this is inadequate and that the students should be refunded dollar for dollar. The Liberal government forced a back to work bill through the provincial government with the support of the Conservative party. While many of the students did return for a content-condensed and slightly longer semester, others were unable to complete the semester and dropped out, costing colleges millions in tuition money. While the official end of the semester for these professors was supposed to be on the 15th of December, they have yet to be given an updated schedule and are not being paid overtime.

The strike’s impact was wide-ranging; it disrupted classes, impacted work and vacation plans, and resulted in lost tuition money. More than 60 000 students created a petition online demanding that they recieve refunds for their tuition money because of this strike. Many professors have commented on students concerns and say that they too share them, nonetheless they feel that going on strike is necessary. This strike affected Canadian college students and professors, as well as Even though the Employer Council many international students who were agreed on most of the issues the union also forced to leave before the semester was fighting for, the union still urged ended because of pre-determined travel its members to vote against the offer dates. Both sides have 90 days since the as it did not meet the union’s request official end of the strike (November 17, that professors have more “academic 2017) to come up with a final resolution.

become overwhelmed, distracted , and/or prefer to hang out with their friends. It is best to begin with joining one or two clubs or sports. To put things into perspective, you are only sacrificing one or two lunches or days after school per week. (3) Explore your options During the beginning of the year, many clubs and sports hold information meetings. It is encouraged that you attend as much of them as possible, even if you are not initially interested. Once you attend one or two meetings however, you are not automatically trapped into the club. You may stop attending meetings with no hassle. As well, several clubs such as GSA, Gender Justice, and Pen & Paper welcome new members throughout the year. It’s never too late to be involved! (4) Just do it! If you’re debating on whether you should join a club, sport, or event, here is your answer: go for it! Regardless of your prior experience, it never hurts to try as you will never know what works for you. This is high school; it is your opportunity to try different things and be active. Many adults regret not being


(1) Involve existing friends, but open up to new people Joining new clubs and sports with at least one familiar face allows yout to feel more at ease. But joining something in which you know nobody provides the opportunity to expand your social circle. Obviously, this isn’t going to happen within one meeting or practice, but perseverance is key. Refrain from staying alone in a corner and surround yourself with the crowd. Staying in the middle of the group not only makes you feel more included, but it also influences you to participate more actively. Once you begin creating small talk, ask about why they joined, what grade they are in, find a common interest, or possibly exchange Instagram handles. (2) Start off small and work your way up Many students come into high school with expectations of joining a wide variety of clubs and sports. However, once everything beings rolling, they


as involved in high school- don’t let yourself become one of them. Go on and make the most of the remaining years you have in high school. At Mary Ward, we are so privileged to have a variety of opportunities available for us- it’s all just a matter of stepping out of our comfort zone and taking it. VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 11


community community


Oasis Oasis By Diana Guades Once again Mary Ward’s amazing staff and senior students have done a tremendous job at welcoming new grade nines through OASIS. On September 28th and 29th, students in grade nine participated in numerous community-building activities that took place at school and Camp Robin Hood. OASIS, short for Operation: Achieve Success in School, is an annual program exclusive to Mary Ward that allows the new “niners” to make connections with older students and fellow peers. Each grade nine student was placed in a team led by trained senior students who also have experienced the insecurities of entering high school. The bonds and friendships formed within OASIS continue to last until graduation, and sometimes even long after. Grade nine students first met their team leaders and group members on the afternoon of September 21st. Through ice-breaker games that were sometimes awkward, and catchy cheers, students in each team quickly got to know each other. The real festivities began a week later with a sleepover at school and Camp Robin Hood. On the first day, each team, representing a different superhero and colour, went all out wearing vibrant bandanas and face paint. They participated in lots of fast paced games and activities. Students and staff finished off the day by gathering in the cafeteria to reflect. There, students watched and discussed two important videos. The first of which was about a father and son who participated in a marathon; they demonstrated true strength and loyalty, and exemplified the importance of gratitude. The second video featured a time lapse of grade 11 religion-art students painting their rendition of Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night.” By bedtime, most students were exhausted and immediately fell asleep, however, others couldn’t resist talking long and late into the night. The next morning, any trace of fatigue was soon erased by the crashing chants of each team. After breakfast, all OASIS students and staff headed to Camp Robin Hood. There, each grade nine student added a star to the Starry Night painting. Participants also wrote a letter to their future selves about their hopes, dreams and expectations. Both the painting and letters will be brought back on their Graduation Day in 2021. Despite rain showers up at Camp Robin Hood, all OASIS participants were still able to attend activities such as West African Drumming, the human ladder and of course, more icebreakers.



In a school as independent as Mary Ward, it can be difficult to meet and socialize with people outside of your social group. Since many aspects of Mary Ward is new and unfamiliar to grade nines, many become overwhelmed. OASIS has allowed many grade nines to mingle with students they had never met, particularly students in senior grades. As a result students in grade nine were extremely thankful to the OASIS leaders, Mary Ward staff supervisors and the staff at Camp Robin Hood for all the memories.




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4 5

by Max Claveria and Anaiah Reyes

In mid October, thirty-seven senior art students travelled to Killarney Provincial Park, following in the footsteps of the Group of Seven, seven famous painters known their efforts in the conservation of the park. After a five-hour bus ride up north, students of all fields of art were given opportunities to utilise their talents through filmmaking, landscape painting, and photography, all accompanied by art teachers J. Notten, N. Powell, and M. Arturi. Daily tasks such as cleaning and cooking, were divided amongst the students in their respective“yurt groups”of which they would remain in for the duration of the trip. Students were also given opportunities to hike up various mountain ranges, including the famous“Granite Ridge”and“The Crack”, and participate in traditional camping activities such roasting marshmallows around nightly campfires. “It was great to be away from the city and explore nature.” says David Sutton, a senior art student. In acknowledgement of Killarney’s indigenous roots, guest speaker Will Morin, was invited to speak to the park’s native history and culture. “The guest speaker was very inspiring,” says Yuki Tam, a grade 12 student, “It was an eye-opening experience, and it was amazing to learn about the indigenous culture.” After the five-day trip, students found themselves with a new appreciation for the great outdoors, strengthened friendships, and experiences they will never forget. VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 13


sports sports


SPORTS WRAP-UP A look at Mary Ward’s thriving athletic community By Anjuli Joachim

Varsity Girls Basketball Coach: Rossi and Ventura

Senior Boys Volleyball Coaches: Harrison and Sersanti

Wins and Losses: 2-4

Junior Boys Flag Football Coaches: Loconte and Walker




Wins and Losses: 3-2 The girls varsity basketball team had yet another exceptional season. They were able to rally against a number of high level teams to bring their overall record of three wins and only two losses. Despite their best efforts they were unable to beat St. Joe’s College in the quarter-finals, but we can not wait to witness the success of the team next season.

Wins and Losses: 2-2 Another great season for Junior Boys Flag Football. Under the leadership of coaches Loconte and Walker, the team had a great season with a solid record of two wins and two losses. Their loss in the quarter final match will only further motivate them for next year! Girls Field Hockey Coaches: Visconti and Ignatius Junior Girls Flag Football Coach: Adourian


This was the team’s most successful year yet; making it to the TCDAA playoffs for the first time in Mary Ward’s Ultimate Frisbee history. Coach Breen was incredibly proud of the team’s effort and improvement this year. They truly embodied the Spirit of the Game!

Wins and Losses: 4-2 Cross Country The senior boys volleyball team played Coaches: McAndrew, an exceptional season this year. The Carabine direction of coaches Harrison and Sersanti brought the team to new heights, shown in their extraordinary record of four wins to two losses and their defeat of CHAT in the quarterfinals. They progressed to semi’s, where unfortunately they were defeated by Charbonnel. Overall it was a fantastic season, so a huge congrats to all the players and coaches!





Wins and Losses: lost all games This season was one of great improvement for the junior girls flag team. Regardless of their record, the girls of the team enhanced their skills which will make this year’s varsity girls flag football team one to watch!

Wins and Losses: 0-5 Despite the girls disappointing overall record, it was truly a year of improvement. Each team member gave their all each and every game whether they played in the rain, shine, or subzero temperatures. Coaches Visconti and Ignatius are proud of the team, and look forward to another great season with the returning players.


Ultimate Frisbee Coach: Breen

Once again it was a great year for the Mary Ward Cross Country team. The team persevered through runs in the mud, ditches and over hills, in order to improve their fitness. Notable runners include Daniela Diaz and Shalana. Great job, runners!


VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 14



sports sports

PLAYING FOOTBALL IS A NO-BRAINER Startling statistics show the prescence of brain damage in the NFL By Anjuli Joachim As football season gets underway, players and fans will be counting yards, wins and losses. But beneath all the excitement lies a more chilling statistic. New findings on the game’s potential


to cause brain damage in players has some questioning their love for all things football. Researchers at Boston University reported in July that the degenerative brain disease known as CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) was diagnosed in 99% of 111 deceased NFL

Some may say that these numbers only indicate that there is a risk of brain damage solely for those involved in major league football – not individuals who play recreationally. However, another study conducted by United States National Library of Medicine revealed that players ages 9 through 12, on average, incurred 240 head impacts, with some as high as 585, in just a single season of practices and games. All of this research has led to some changes in the sport of football across North America. The NFL top health and safety official has recently acknowledged a link between football and CTE, and the league has begun to steer children away from playing the sport in its regular form, encouraging safer tackling methods and promoting flag football. Additionally, the NFL has pledged 100 million dollars to research in areas related to neuroscience. These


STAR-QUARTERBACK PACKING, PACKERS PANICKING Star quarterback Aaron Rodgers takes a major hit By Joseph Casciaro The Green Bay Packers have been an elite team in the NFL for many years. The main reason why they have been so dominant is because of their leading quarterback, Aaron Rodgers. However, a few weeks ago while playing the Minnesota Vikings, Rodgers broke his collarbone. This left the team and everyone in Green Bay apprehensive for the season. With an injury like this it is likely that he is out for the whole year, leaving the Packers chances for success uncertain. The 2017 season began like any other season for the past five years for the Green Bay Packers - all due to Aaron Rodgers. They were on fire coming out of the gate, starting the season at 4-1, and Rodgers was pinpoint perfect as always.


are major steps in the right direction for a league which had once declared in 1994 that ‘concussions are part of the profession, an occupational risk.’ HALL OF FAMER JUNIOR SEAU WAS DIAGNOSED WITH CTE FOLLOWING HIS 2012 SUICIDE. PHOTO VIA STEPHEN DUNN/GETTY IMAGES

players whose brains were donated for research. Startling numbers for a preliminary study. The scientists also compared the diagnosis to the information they received from the families of the participants of the study. These family members provided information regarding the player’s health long after their time as professional NFL players. Among the participants who had severe CTE, 85 percent had signs of dementia, almost 90 percent had behavioral symptoms, and 95 percent had symptoms of cognitive impairment.

The numerous studies have not only confirmed the link between the NFL and CTE, but also that steps can be taken to prevent this brain damage from occurring. Leading researcher Dr. McKee at Boston University has stated that, “It certainly can be prevented, and that’s why we really need to understand how much exposure to head trauma and what type of head trauma the body can sustain.” Further research must be conducted in order to fully understand the complex issue of brain damage related to head injuries sustained while playing football and how to prevent and treat this problem. One thing is certain, it is no longer debatable whether or not there is an issue in football – there is one, and it needs to be addressed.


Green Bay is a team that relies on their offense, and without Rodgers that offense would be nothing. Rodgers is able to take any wide receiver or tight end you could think of and make them elite because of his skill. An article in Sports Illustrated stated,, “Not only were they the clear favourite in the division, but with Rodgers at the height of his game, they were also the class of the NFC.” It seemed as though we might have been seeing the year of the Packers, and many anticipated their triumphant return to the Super Bowl. That was all until Week 6 of the season when their success came to a screeching halt, as Aaron Rodgers hit the ground clutching at his shoulder. Minnesota Vikings lineman, Anthony Barr, landed a strong and clean hit on Rodgers as he

was throwing a pass. It was the drive he took into that ground that broke his collarbone and ever since he landed on that grass, the Green Bay season changed completely. With Rodgers being the heart and soul of the Packers, going down injured left the city of Green Bay in shock and disarray. In fact, ever since that injury Green Bay has not been able to win a single game and they are currently in the midst of a two game losing streak. Their whole season is in a downwards spiral. According to a Sports Illustrated article, “Hundley has great mobility, and enjoys the same great weapons that Rodgers helped turned into stars, but Mike McCarthy will have his hands full tailoring the Packers’ offense to his new starter’s strengths.” Based on their past two losses, Green Bay may have to say goodbye to any playoff hopes. Without Rodgers, it seems that the Packers will have little success. Not only does Rodgers’ injury affect the real life Packers, but it also affects a lot of fantasy team owners. Considering Aaron Rodgers is one of and if not the best quarterback in the NFL, so when fantasy team owners have to choose their teams he is always a popular pick. With Rodgers no longer playing this season; any fantasy team having Rodgers as their quarterback will now likely go into frenzy. So many fantasy teams will have to find a replacement as soon as possible, but no one will be able to replace Aaron Rodgers. The future of the Green Bay Packer is in big jeopardy. With their franchise player, Aaron Rodgers gone for the season the team is fairly close to hopeless and may just have to wait for next year to have any success again.


VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 15


sports sports

Remembering the major highlights of Roy Halladay’s life By Joseph Casciaro license he purchased a plane, an Icon A5, however, he was an extremely On November 7th inexperienced pilot. His lack of , 2017 the baseball experience likely led to the crash in world suffered a the Gulf of Mexico that caused his tragic loss, as all star death. pitcher and future hall of famer, Roy Halladay, passed away. He crashed With a tragic loss like this the his own plane into the Gulf of Mexico baseball world will never be the due to a lack of piloting experience. same, Halladay was an influential persona in baseball and his death


Roy Halladay was one of the greatest pitchers to ever play the game of baseball. Most notably, he led the Toronto Blue Jays and Philadelphia Phillies to many great seasons. Halladay finished his career with a 3.38 earned run average, which is much better than most pitchers. He has two CY Young awards and an 8-time all-star.

was both unfortunate and left a legacy that the baseball world will never forget.

During his prime, Halladay’s best days as a player came as a member of the Toronto Blue Jays, and arguably it is in Toronto where he had the most influence, as he spent so much of his career here. On MLB Opening Day 2018, the Toronto Blue Jays will After retirement, Halladay became honour the late Roy Halladay and his a licensed pilot. After getting the contributions to the sport.


VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 16

petite planète

This MLB player’s switch from the Marlins to the Yankees By Joseph Casciaro

reality of possibly being considered one of the worst teams in the league On December 9th, for many years to come while the the Miami Marlins new players develop skills. and New York Yankees shook up However, the Yankees had a the baseball world with a trade, completely different mindset. By changing the landscape of the MLB making this trade, they alert the - Giancarlo Stanton is on his way out league that they are on their way of Miami and on his way to New York. to greater success - the Yankees are This may signify the reshaping of the going all in and heading for a World Miami Marlins and the high hopes of Series. As a team, they hope to rid the New York Yankees. of all their struggles and prepare to take the league by storm. Filling The effects of the trade can be every need they may have as a team, looked at as very one-sided and the Yankees wish to show everyone beneficial for the Yankees. However, in the Marlins’ case, positive outcomes remain questionable due to some unproven players. The final trade became Giancarlo Stanton for Starlin Castro, Jorge Guzman, and Jose Devers. Stanton has proved himself as one of - if not the best - slugger in the MLB. He has enjoyed his last season with a total of 59 home runs, solidifying his MVP status. These numbers were previously unheard of and thus they created a legendary season. We have yet to see whether or not the Miami got enough back for Stanton. Castro is a solid second baseman, but he is nowhere near Stanton in the offensive categories. On top of that, the other two players are gambles: both young prospects with hopeful futures, but there are is no guarantee they will live up to Stanton’s success.


that they are the team of the future.

With Stanton now wearing the pin stripes of the New York Yankees, they are now an offensive-centric team. The heart of the Yankees batting order is now Giancarlo Stanton, Aaron Judge, and Gary Sanchez; three of the best home run hitters in the league. The three men combined is a guaranteed threat that any pitcher would not want to face; the power in this lineup is There are big changes coming for unheard of. The Yankees have really the Miami Marlins - they are officially put the league on watch creating a beginning their rebuild. They have super-team like this. come to realize they just do not have a team with enough skill to win This trade does not come without a championship. They went with the issues. The Yankees have Stanton most hopeful scenario: their best signed onto a contract worth $295 player for the future of the team. The million dollars (though he will be hope to restart the franchise begins paid $265 million). Putting all of their with recruiting great, young players. money into Stanton will cause the This must have been hard on the impossibility to bring in new players executives of the Marlins, knowing for a long time. But even without they have not yet created a winning bringing in any more players, they team. They are forced to face the are truly set with an amazing team.

la petite planète la petite planète


petite planète

Comment des traditions de Noel comparent dans Canada Les différences entre les langues québécoise et métropolitaine Par Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé pourquoi le français que nous apprenons à l’école est si différent du français parlé au Québec? Bien que le français québécois et le français métropolitain soient mutuellement intelligibles aux locuteurs natifs, ceux qui sont en FSL peuvent avoir du mal à comprendre le premier.

entre les Canadiens français et les Canadiens anglophones s’est accrue. Les affaires étaient principalement en anglais, forçant les Canadiens français à emprunter des mots anglais pour des choses qui n’étaient pas dans leur vocabulaire. Beaucoup de ces mots anglais provenaient des secteurs de la fabrication, du commerce, du droit et du gouvernement.

Par Sabrina Percy

La musique de Noël est très similaire dans le deux cultures, parce que des Le Noël est une Canadien francophones chantent la temps de l’année version traduit, mais, il y a des chansons quand nous célébrons purement pour des notre traditions avec nos amis et famille. Pour le plus des Canadien francophones. Par exemple, le canadiens, le Noël signifie une fête chanson, “Dans nos vieilles maisons”, est pour la naissance de Jésus-Christ. une distincte tradition québécois. Cependant, Canada a beaucoup des Comme des chansons, les histoires autres traditions que sont influencés de Noël sont traduisent. Les histoires par des cultures différentes. La comme “Rodolphe le Renne au Nez distinction entre la culture canadienne Rouge” et “Comment le Grinch a Volé et la culture franco-canadienne est Noël” sont traduisent, mais il y a des considérablement grande. histoires qui sont surtout dans la

Les langues québécoise et métropolitaine ont des accents et des intonations différents, comme l’anglais britannique et l’anglais canadien. Le Québécois utilise beaucoup d’idoles, de mots et de références culturelles que le français métropolitain n’a pas. C’est le plus évident dans le discours québécois informel. Cependant, leur grammaire reste très similaire. Voici quelques différences clés entre les deux:

Le contexte historique est important dans cette situation. Le colon français s’est d’abord installé au Canada (Nouvelle-France) au 16e siècle, et a continué à le faire jusqu’au 18e siècle. Ils ont apporté avec eux le français classique et d’autres dialectes français. La gouvernement britannique a rapidement isolé les colonies françaises au Canada, particulièrement celles de la région du Québec. Au fil du temps, le Comprendre





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français standard s’est développé avec des influences européennes tandis que le québécois s’est développé avec des influences anglaises.


du temps. Pour améliorer votre français québécois, essayez d’écouter la radio québécoise, de regarder la télévision québécoise ou de chercher la signification de certains idiomes Au cours des années 1800, l’interaction québécois. Bonne chance!


Par exemple, pour des canadiens, le Noël est célèbre par mange de la dinde avec des canneberge et de la purée, et une boisson traditionnelle est le lait de poule. Sur le jour de Noël, nos amis et la famille se réunissent et ils parlent pendant le repas. Dans la culture francocanadienne, la tourtière et le ragoût de patte sont souvent mangent et la bûche de Noël est mangé pour le dessert, mais c’est celebre sur la veille de Noël, ou sur “la revellion”. La réveillon est un festin dans la culture franco-canadienne que n’est pas courant dans la culture canadienne. Un autre exemple de la différence entre les cultures est Père Noël. Similaire à Père Noël dans la culture canadienne, des Canadien francophones aiment ce vieil homme enjoué, mais un autre personnage qui est célèbre est la fée des étoiles. La fée des étoiles est une personnage de Noël similaire à Mère Noël.


culture des franco-canadiennes. “La Chasse-Galerie” est une histoire francocanadienne au sujet d’une malédiction sur le matin de Noël. Il y a beaucoup des différences, étant donné que tous les deux cultures sont dans le même pays. Les Canadiens et les Canadiens francophones célèbrent le Noël avec les différents nourritures, les personnages, les chansons, et les histoires. Beaucoup de ces traditions prenaient de France et vos traditions françaises, mais ils ont changé un petit peu. En conclusion, la différence entre les traditions de Noël des Canadiens et des Canadiens francophones montrent que Canada est comme une grande couette avec beaucoup des cultures et vos traditions ont cousu dans ça, et c’est pourquoi le Canada est très divers. Partager cette diversité est ce qui fait le Canada unique. Les traditions des Canadiens francophones sont une partie de l’héritage de Canada. VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 17

petite planète

la petite planète la petite planète


Une Entrevue Avec M. Mallot L’un des plus grands anciens de Ward

par Sabrina Percy M. Mallot est une I.A. a Mary Ward qui aussi allait à Mary Ward quand l’école a ouvert. J’ai conduit une entrevue avec lui a voir comment Mary Ward à changé avec le temps.

de «Tin Can Years», Mary Ward était une école secondaire traditionnelle.

Q6. Préférez-vous le français ou A7.Si je ne travaillais pas ici, je pense l’anglais? Pourquoi? que j’aurais aimé travailler caché A6. J’aime les deux langues! dans les cantons de l’Est du Québec.

Q3. Quelle est votre partie préférée Q7. Si vous ne travaillez pas au Mary Merci à M. Mallot pour aidé avec de Mary Ward? A3. Mon truc préféré à travailler ici Ward, ou travailleriez-vous? cette interview! sont les étudiants!

Q4. En tant qu’un ancien élève, quels sont vos conseils actuels pour les Q1. Depuis combien de temps étudiants de Mary Ward? A4. Restez concentré! Ne vous travaillez-vous ici, à Mary Ward? A1. Enseptembre dernier j’ai relâchez pas! Profitez de ces années commencé mes 18 années scolaires parce qu’elles volent trop vite. Q2. Comment était Mary Ward différent quand tu allais la versus maintenant? A2. Quand j’étais étudiant pendant les années

Q5. Depuis combien de temps parlez-vous français? A5. Je fais un effort pour parler français autant que possible. M.MALLOT AVEC SES AMIS. PHOTO PAR M.MALLOT

Le Carnaval de Québec Une tradition québécoise intemporelle

par Sofia Olaizola

de glace. Une activité traditionnelle transformée en parc d’attractions est la course de canoë à glace. Dans d’hiver avec diverses activités pour Avec la neige et la cette course, les équipes traversent les familles. température qui le fleuve Saint-Laurent. Une autre activité amusante c’est le tombent, nous savons que les Le Carnaval de Québec accueil aussi bain de neige. Vous vous demandez festivités d’hiver arrivent bientôt! une compétition internationale de probablement, un bain de neige? Une de ces festivités est le Carnaval sculpture de neige. Des sculpteurs Qu’est-ce que c’est? Eh bien, laissezde Québec! C’est le plus grand de partout autour du Canada et du moi vous dire que c’est exactement festival d’hiver au monde, un festival monde tentent de créer un chef- ce à quoi vous pensez: les gens qui est célébré chaque année depuis d’œuvre de neige et de glace. Ces en maillot de bain rejoignent sculptures transforment le parc de Bonhomme pour rouler et jouer 1955. Êtes-vous intéressés? l’Amérique-Française en musée! dans la neige. Vous pourriez vous Ce festival a lieu au Québec à la fin Les Plaines d’Abraham est un parc demander, bonhomme? Qui est-ce? de janvier jusqu’à mi-février. Les public et est ouvert aux activités attractions les plus célèbres de ce de loisir pour tout le monde. Ces festival sont les défilés qui ont lieu activités comprennent des sentiers durant la nuit et même pendant la de raquette et de ski de fond. journée. Ces défilés traversent la ville Durant le Carnaval, une partie des décorés de lumières et de sculptures plaines autour de la Citadelle est


VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 18


Le Bonhomme de Carnaval est la mascotte du Carnaval, en d’autres termes, il est le visage de Carnaval. Presque toutes les festivités de Carnaval tournent autour du Bonhomme. Il est un grand bonhomme de neige qui porte une casquette rouge, des boutons noirs et une ceinture fléchée. Beaucoup des festivités se déroulent dans le célèbre palais de glace de Québec. Ce palais sert aussi comme un hôtel où les gens qui viennent au Québec pour le Carnaval peuvent rester. Les soirées de danse ont lieu dehors du palais de glace. Le meilleur temps de manger aux restaurants au Québec est durant la saison du Carnaval. La raison est que les restaurants de Québec offrent aux clients un menu spécial à un prix fixe tout au long du Carnaval. Ce menu inclut un apéritif, une soupe ou salade, un plat principal et un dessert! Le Carnaval de Québec est une tradition fièrement canadienne pleine d’activités amusantes! Alors, prenez le temps de vos horaires chargés d’unités, de clubs et de sports et convainquez votre famille de faire un voyage au Québec pour faire partie des festivities!

petite planète

wact wact


HAVE YOU SEEN IT? A successful remake of a cult classic By Naomi Fernandes Stephen King’s IT has been a longtime favourite for both fans of the book and the 1990’s miniseries. Naturally, when word got out about a remake, people were hyped. Considering its box office performance, it would be an understatement to say the movie was very successful. IT, directed by Andrés Muschietti, is now the highest grossing horror film of all time, bringing in a jaw-dropping $653.9 million worldwide. The movie earned mostly positive reviews, with a rating of 85% from Rotten Tomatoes and a 7.9/10 from IMDb.

shows like Stranger Things. IT also drew upon inspiration from 80s classics like The Goonies and Poltergeist. The movie managed to maintain a storyline which was compelling enough to keep you on the edge of your seat, but not so complicated that viewers would feel lost. THE GANG RETURNS! PHOTO VIA NETFLIX

Understandably, IT is a film which gets somewhat lost in translation from book to movie. Cramming a 1000-page novel into a two-hour long movie is quite the feat. The real standout of this movie - in comparison to many of the gory, boring horror films that film companies continue to produce - was the story. Although somewhat lacking in certain

EVEN STRANGER THINGS Was the hit show’s second season as good as the first? By Naomi Joson The hype surrounding the Netflix Original Series Stranger Things has resurfaced following the release of season two on October 27th, 2017. Set in the 1980s, things indeed become stranger in Hawkins, Indiana after Will Byer’s rescue from the Upside Down.


The story follows a group of teenagers who have just finished school for the summer of 1989, in the small town of Derry, Maine. The group of friends are united by encounters with a mysterious, ancient demon, which most commonly takes the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown and reappears every 27 years. They soon discover that Pennywise (Bill Skarsgård), is preying on the local children and become determined to save them. The group consists of Beverly Marsh (Sophia Lillis), Bill Denbrough (Jaeden Lieberher), Ben Hanscom (Jeremy Ray Taylor), Stanley Uris (Wyatt Oleff ), and Eddie Kaspbrak (Jack Dylan Grazer), and a few others. The movie received overwhelmingly positive reviews that especially praised the talented cast of children. The film itself manages to create a convincing and realistic setting, truly pulling the viewers in with well-thought out visuals. Many felt that the film was reminiscent of King’s other novels and films, especially Stand By Me and also drew in fans of

areas of character development especially with Chosen Jacobs’ Mike Hanlon, whose character was somewhat tokenized (despite playing an important role in the book) - the cast truly made the film. At times, the movie lacked a truly anxiety-inducing scary undertone, but Bill Skarsgård played a very unique and creepy Pennywise (albeit through heavy usage of CGI). The character of Richie Tozier (Finn Wolfhard) provided comedic relief and helped to bring together important themes in the movie, which are sometimes neglected in the genre. Although the movie was filled with jump scares rather than genuinely frightening scenes, it certainly made good use of character fears and themes. Despite a few downfalls, Muschietti managed to deliver a well done remake with a great cast. The adaptation quickly became a fan favourite, and will probably remain that way for a long time. Although there is no confirmed sequel yet, the first movie has set the bar high for any future remakes.

The events of season two take place several months after the happenings of season one. Answers are revealed, yet more questions arise as we learn more about the persisting supernatural forces and suspicious experiments in the series. Plot twists emerge regarding Eleven’s significance and Will’s health and mysterious abilities. Remaining characters attempt to return to their normal lives, but are still left with the emotional and psychological scars left from the events of season one. While the main cast returned, fans are also

introduced to several new characters - Max (Sadie Sink), Billy (Dacre Montgomery), Dr. Owens (Paul Reiser), Bob Newby (Sean Astin), and Murray Bauman (Brett Gelman). Just as with the previous season, Stranger Things 2 received generally positive reviews. According to Rotten Tomatoes, critics rated the season an average 7.8/10 while audiences gave a rating of an average 4.6/5. Although Netflix does not release their viewer count, Nilsen - a data measurement company - claims that 15.8 million people viewed the first episode and 4.6 million viewed all nine episodes, within the first three days. It is confirmed by co-creators Matt and Ross Duffer that a third, as well as a fourth, season are in the works. The possibility of a fifth season is revealed by producer Shawn Levy. Season three is expected to be released late 2018 or early 2019.


VOLUME 23/ ISSUE 1 mwplanet 19

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The Annual Apple Hype Is the iPhone X really worth your money?


twitter boycott

How #WomenBoycottTwitter is revolutionizing social media activism. By Gracy Yan Circulating in the news recently was the controversy surrounding the many women who have spoken out about their experiences of sexual abuse by major Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein. Many celebrities have come forward to support the women who were brave enough to come forward. Celebrities including actress Rose McGowan took to social media to show her support.

In response to the ban, many other celebrities took to Twitter and expressed that Twitter’s policies don’t seem to be fairly enforced across other Twitter users. Women decided to start boycotting Twitter for Rose McGowan and to draw attention to the fact the site fails to support the victims of harassment. Their protest brought light to the fact that accounts like McGowan’s - who show support for victims - are being banned, but accounts like President Donald Trump’s are seemingly never blocked or banned. Twitter has ruled out blocking


By Shandel Jarabejo Apple’s 10th anniversary phone iPhone X is Apple’s most revolutionary phone yet. The iPhone X has been all over the news and on social media for the past few weeks. People just can’t stop raving about Apple’s newest launch. The iPhone X has a completely unique and ambitious design. It is equipped with the A11 Bionic Chip, a dual camera and many more stunning new features, all for a hefty price of $1,400. But is the iPhone X really worth your money? For some die-hard Apple fans, paying this amount is definitely worth the money. These buyers are after the newest design and technology from Apple. The design and software of the iPhone X are noticeably different from the previous iPhones. First of all, the famous home button is excluded from Apple’s 10th anniversary phone. Secondly, it has a 5.8 inch OLED display. The display is even larger than the iPhone 8 Plus, making it the largest screen Apple has ever made.Thirdly, the iPhone X uses the A11 Bionic chip. This chip is known to be the fastest among all the chips created for cell phones. Due to the absence of the home button, Apple has also introduced Face ID. Apple claims that the iPhone X projects over 30,000 invisible dots onto your face to map out your unique features and the depth of your face. Face ID allows you to unlock your iPhone X to unlock and use Apple Pay. The amazing dual camera on the back is another great feature of the iPhone VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 20

X. The iPhone X has a 12 MP wide angle camera, wide colour capture, 4K video recording, Quad-LED true tone flash and portrait mode to make your selfies even better. Lastly, the only feature that sets the iPhone X apart from its competitors is the Animojis. This is a distinct feature that allows you to create videos as some popular emojis. Other iPhone users cannot do the same and Android users will only receive an audio video. However, not all tech-fanatics and enthusiasts agree that the iPhone X is worth $1,400. Although the iPhone X features some of Apple’s latest and best technology, Apple’s technology is quite behind compared to other companies such as OnePlus and Samsung. Larger and OLED displays, dual cameras, 4K video recording, facial recognition and wireless charging have been introduced by other companies way before Apple. Phones with all the new features of the iPhone X have already been created such as the OnePlus 5t. The phones with the same technology cost less than the iPhone X. The quality of these features are as good or even better than the iPhone X. Most of these phones will cost you about $500 or more depending on which device you decide to purchase. Therefore, why pay more for the same features?


Through Twitter, McGowan shared information about the Harvey Weinstein affairs and voicing her support for the many women who were affected. McGowan also called out other alleged male A-list celebrity predators, such as Ben Affleck. After a tweet telling Affleck to “f**k-off,” McGowan was quietly banned from Twitter. Fans only learned of this when she posted a screenshot on Instagram saying that access to her Twitter account was “limited” for violating the platform’s rules.

Trump’s account because his posts are “newsworthy”. Actor Paul Feig in turn tweeted out how support shown on social media is banned, but threatening to wipe out another country is allowed to remain. The hashtag: “#WomenBoycottTwitter” was created in order to invite men and women across the world who use Twitter to join the protest and boycott Twitter for a day or more in order to “damage” the platform and create awareness.

The iPhone X is worth the price tag for some, while others disagree. It may be Apple’s most high-tech and innovative iPhone, but it is also the most expensive. Are we, the consumers, really paying $1,400 for the newest technology - or are we paying for the brand? ROSE MCGOWANIS AN AMERICAN ACTRESS, MODEL, AND SINGER. PHOTO VIA GETTY IMAGES

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Fargo Season Three Learn more about FX’s masterful new series

creative spaces

‘Tis the Season to be Binging Films worth binge watching this holiday season By Alyssa Bravo


By Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun In light of many lacklustre sequels, spin-offs, and followups to successful movies, FX’s series Fargo did not seem promising. The film on which the show is based was directed by Joel and Ethan Coen, and premiered in 1996 to rave reviews and many accolades from critics. Series director Noah Hawley certainly had big shoes to fill. Fortunately, when the first season aired in 2014 reception was overwhelmingly positive. The third season opened to a similarly positive reaction, with Hawley presenting yet another intricate plot for the audience to dissect.

Emmit (also Ewan McGregor), and Ray’s girlfriend Nikki (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). In an attempt to create a better life for himself and his girlfriend, Ray steals a valuable vintage stamp from his brother Emmit. This exacerbates existing animosity between the two and sets off a chain reaction involving organised crime, violence, and multiple murders. The sinister plot is juxtaposed with the serene northern background and quirky Minnesotan accents, creating the absurdity necessary for the black comedy genre.

Fargo’s visual appeal and soundtrack only add to the show’s excellence. Filmed in and around Calgary, Alberta, many episodes feature shots of Canada’s vast wintry landscape. The soundtrack, composed by Jeff Russo, is The original Fargo was a black comedy incredibly unique. It plays perfectly on turned crime drama. The film focused the moods of the audience, creating a on several criminal events occurring in a full experience and rich experience. fictional version of the town of Fargo in North Dakota. It was gory in nature, but With its elegant soundtrack, thoughtful masterful in execution. Hawley draws visual composition, complex characters, upon similar themes and northern and engaging storylines, Fargo is some backdrops, but does not use the same of the highest quality TV out there. characters or storylines. Each season Unfortunately, a fourth season is not is set in a separate time period and currently in the works as the show is follows a different plot. However, they on an extended hiatus. In June 2017, are interconnected and share several Hawley stated “I always agreed with FX that the only reason to do another Fargo characters between them. is if the creative is there,”. However, there Season three, set in 2010, focuses on is still hope: he went on to say “We’re probation officer Ray Stussy (Ewan looking at [a fourth season] three years McGregor), his successful older brother from now”.

decides to celebrate it with the rest of his town. The dark fantasy and comedy Many of us share is not only appropriate in the Christmas the same passion time; many enjoy it around Halloween for Christmas music, as well. television specials, and films in and around the season. John Hughes’ Home Alone films are Christmas time is often the best time considered modern holiday classics. of the year to simply cozy up at home The films star Macaulay Culkin as with a movie. Here are a few Holiday Kevin McCallister, a young boy films for you to enjoy. who is accidentally left behind by his vacationing family around the Frank Capra’s classic It’s a Wonderful Christmas season and must contend Life is a holiday staple. The film follows with two dim-witted criminals. Though a man who has devoted much of his life some favour the original over the to helping others rather than following sequel or vice versa, both films are his dreams, resulting in his imminent equally lauded for its timeless slapstick suicide on Christmas Eve. However, he is comedy appropriate for viewers of all visited by a guardian angel, who shows ages. him how many lives he has touched and how different people would be if Other holiday films - A Christmas Carol, he had never been born. Although the How the Grinch Stole Christmas, The film first premiered in 1946, its positive, Polar Express, The Santa Clause 1,2 family-centric theme has remained and 3 - are also especially well-loved relevant for many. for its family-friendly themes. Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas is perhaps the most unique of all holiday-themed films. The stop-motion feature follows Jack Skellington, a resident from Halloween Town who stumbles into Christmas Town. Awed by strange holiday, he

The holiday season comes with various traditions in different families. Thankfully, our generation has been blessed with access to various classics we might’ve seen in our childhood that we continue to view with our friends and family today.


VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 21


creative spaces creative spaces

The Cycle By Julliana Santos

creative spaces

Feelings of Winter By Pen and Paper 2017

Said the fire to the flame, Said the water to the rain, Why are we here,to what extent? ‘Til the shadows out are bent? Said the flame unto the sea, both of them, in harmony: “from me to you, and you to I, dare we reach out to the sky?” Said the sky unto the fire, “Bring the water ever higher, lift him up into my grasp, let him in my cold touch last. Said the fire to the sky, “If I will then he may die.” Said the sky unto the flame, “If he dies, he lives again.” So the fire, with her tears, lifts him up despite her fears. So the rain, in the sky’s hands falls alone unto the lands. Said the flame unto the fire, As the rain once more rose higher: “Now the shadows will return, Now, we may no longer burn.” Said the night unto the day, Said the sky, the clouds now grey, “The flame will chase, the water run, the oceans bow down to the sun.”

VOLUME 23 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 22

Feelings of Winter And as we approach that time of year, There is something that brews within, Something joyous, something grand, Filled with singing, filled with hymns. And as the radio carols on, The music draws me in, We feast with our families and gather together, And bake gingerbread cookies to put in a tin. Wrapping the tree with lights brings us together like nothing else, The snows falls throughout the streets, And the streets embrace the snows, And the children befriend the fallen crystals. ~Pen and Paper, 2017

THE END By Pen and Paper 2017

Oh, how I’ll miss you all, You’ve helped me stand so tall, Through metaphors and similes, we’ve made castles, Words work wonders while Our poems created sprawling lands of black and white, Through tears and ink, Each so different, yet we are linked.

creative spaces creative spaces

creative spaces

fun and games

RESONATE logo design contest winners

By Trisha Reyes, Grade 9

By Antonio Mendoza, Grade 10

Photography Cat by Jamie Edghill

Caution by Deion Squires-Roue Untitled by Noelle Montoya

Untitled by Nicholas Kerr

VOLUME 23/ ISSUE 1 mwplanet 23

creative spaces

funand and games fun games

fun and games


by Mackenzy Miranda


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