Mary Ward Planet Issue 1 2018-2019

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M e n t a l H e a l t h | N e w Yo r k | Po s t - S e c o n d a r y

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exec team

Volume 24 | Issue 1 | Winter Edition 2018


05WORLD ISSUES Not So Ivy League Peril in Pittsburg Black Mirror IRL Censorship in Saudi Arabia Gun Violence in Toronto Ontario’s New Premier Nuclear Disarmament Pot and Prejudice Mongolia: It’s a Coal World Combating Climate Change Resource Depletion



Le Bossu De Notre Dame Une Lettre de Remerciement au Department de Francais L’Industrie Cinematographie Francaise



table of contents

EDITORIAL Executives 04

Bohemian Rhapsody Hits the Big Screen Riverdale Season 3 Is the New iPhone Worth It? Behind the Screen

Holiday Fun for the Low Gift Giving Survival Guide Have No Fear, Post-Secondary Plans are Here Sleep is for the Strong


Honey of Youth Comic: The Basement Locker Match the Teacher


COMMUNITY FUN AND GAMES M Ward Say What? Ward Takes Manhattan Community Wrap-UP Inside InsPirE Getting to Know Mary Ward



Sports Wrap-Up NF Takes an L Be-leaf It Or Not Shooting for the Stars Making a Racket

12 24

Where Is Dagger Teacher Top 10 Christmas Songs to Add to Your Playlist Dog Illustration

COVER Design Jamie Edghill

Colour pages Jamie Edghill Sabrina Percy Naomi Fernandes


Nimmy Ayekun, Naomi Fernandes, Ina Sugay, Ashling Ayekun, Nia Wilson, Chelsea Bidaisee, Anna Orta, Emmit Tam, Joseph Casciaro, Destiny Amorim-Downie, Sabrina Percy, Jamie Edghill, Shandel Jarabejo, Nicole Taylor, Victoria Zheng, Naomi Joson, Ava Chau.

visit the planet online! All content © 2017-2018 Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this newspaper, in part of whole, is prohibited without the approval of the Planet executive members. The Mary Ward Planet is the official student newspaper of Mary Ward C.S.S. All members of the Mary Ward community may voluntarily contribute to the Planet. Everyone exhibits professionalism and respects one another in all exchanges while keeping Christian values and practices. All submitted articles, layouts, and photography are subject to moderation. Material submitted is subject to approval by the Executive, staff moderators, and administration. All material must positively support the ideas and spirit of Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School is a self-directed learning centre located at 3200 Kennedy Road that was founded in 1985. It became a member of the CCSDL (Canadian Coalition of Self-Directed Learning) in 1995.

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 02

exec team team exec

table of contents


Planet Executives 2018-2019

Shan de Onli l Jarabej ne E ditor o

Emmit Tam Webmaster

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Nicole Creativ Taylor e Spa Editor ces

Ashling Ayekun Junior Editor

Ina Sugay Junior Editor

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Naomi Joson Life Editor

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Ms. P Staff owell Edito r

Sabrina Percy Planet Relations

Ava Chau Junior Art Dire ctor

l Edghil Jamie ector Art Dir

Message From the Editors The planet is back with another stellar issue for you all. We are more than excited to present you with our Winter edition which is filled with art, writing, and design all brought to you by students. This issue really wouldn’t have been possible without our amazing executive team, the advice and guidance from Ms. Powell, and our out of this world Art Director: Jamie Edghill. This year promises to be full of fantastic artwork, current news and tons of surprises. Now it’s your turn! If you have a response to the editorial or any of our articles, let us know by visiting letters to the editor. We would love to hear any comments, questions, or concerns you have!

Letters To The Editor VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 03

editorial editorial

exec team

world issues


Raising awareness about mental health and advocating for positivity at ward Despite the year 2018 coming to an end and Christmas break approaching, students seem to be in high gear; stress levels are high and target dates are on the horizon. This is nothing new to the students at Mary Ward because it seems like everyone is almost always stressed. Students have anxiety from just about everything from handing in units to writing tests. Many people consider this to be part of the Ward experience but could mental health issues at Ward be a more deep-seated issue than we think? All this stress can’t just be part of high school, can it?

school community through different initiatives. Joining clubs and sports teams are also great ways to create a support system.

often influenced by the people around us and joining people with the same interests as you is a great tool. Sports can be great for de-stressing and clubs can provide

Both teachers and students agree that Ward presents its own unique set of challenges and obstacles. Mr. P. Loconte, a former student and current teacher at Ward, says that Ward can create an environment of stress that isn’t found everywhere. When he was a student here, he said that the issue was present, but not nearly as talked about or recognized. After teaching at other schools, he agrees that Ward creates a different type of pressure because it can be so easy to avoid your teachers or units if you want to. However, Mr. Loconte also talked a little about the where students can get help: “There needs to be different nets, your TA first, then guidance, and if those don’t work they can refer you to someone who can help.” There seems to be a consensus that Ward has the necessary resources to support its students but it has to be up to the students to take advantage of them. Chaplain and music teacher, Mr. J. Dabbagh, says that the Chapel is one of the most underutilized spaces in the school; the chapel presents itself as a space for those who need a space for prayer or quiet reflection. As Mr. Dabbagh put it “the chapel is the best place to begin the day being centred and still before the chaos of the day”. Some students think that the school might benefit from a place to de-stress, where students can escape the fast moving environment around them. Clubs like Stop the Stigma also work to create a positive environment in the VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 04

it can be tied to a multitude of different factors. Not only can school play a huge role in being mentally healthy, but also friendships, social media and home life are key factors. While the stigma around mental health is slowly being removed and people can talk about what they are experiencing more freely, many people are unsure where to turn. Although Ward has the resources, many students are unaware of them or just wouldn’t use them. It can be difficult to reach out and ask for help, and it’s not always obvious to other people when something is wrong. A conversation between friends and classmates is a great way to open up the topic but it can’t just stop at discussion. Even with all the resources available, there seems to be a reluctance from many students to reach out. After talking to different students from grade 9 all the way to 12, it seems like most students don’t want to ask for help when they need it. Helene Cuevas, a grade 10 student agreed that it seems as though there are enough resources but most students are reluctant to use them. As a student of Mary Ward there’s a few ways that you can access resources and support if you feel that you need it. If you’re feeling stressed out or upset, talk about it with your TA; they can be a great source of advice or just someone to listen. Your guidance counsellor is also a good person to provide guidance as well as refer you to other resources. If you find yourself in need of greater help or feel that the situation is beyond control don’t be afraid to reach out to your TA, guidance counsellor, or youth worker.

Illustration by Jamie Edghill One grade nine student, Anita Osamede, says that one of her favourite things about Ward was joining the basketball team. She said that by joining she has made friends in older grades who help give her advice when she needs it and that they made her feel part of the community. Mental health is

an outlet for socialization. Isolating yourself when you’re going through a difficult time is never a good coping mechanism; the Ward community is full of people who want to help and it doesn’t take long to find someone. When looking at the issue of mental health, it’s important to remember that

A positive environment for mental health at Ward can only become a reality if everyone ensures that they do their part in removing the stigma about asking for help. Mental health is an important part of personal wellbeing and selfcare shouldn’t take the back seat to units. Without enough attention to the resources Ward has to offer, students are unaware of the help available. Whether through assemblies, posters, or word of mouth, spreading awareness through the community can be a powerful tool in ensuring people know healthy ways to deal with mental health issues.

All responses have been edited for clarity and brevity.


world issues world issues

world issues

PERIL IN PITTSBURGH Mass shooting and related incidents reveal a serious underlying problem in American society

By Victoria Shulman On the morning of October 27th, in the neighbourhood of Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a man murdered eleven Jewish worshippers at the Tree of Life - Or L’Simcha Congregation. The suspect, identified as 46-year-old Robert Bowers, was arrested after exchanging gunfire with police and eventually surrendering.

Two police officers and two members of the SWAT team were wounded in the encounter. After about twenty minutes, he surrendered and was arrested. Bowers was charged with twenty-nine federal crimes, including obstructing the free exercise of religious beliefs and using a firearm to commit murder. In addition, he was charged with multiple state crimes such as aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation, and attempted homicide. These charges could result in the death penalty.

user of Gab, a network that guarantees account holders the freedom of speech. The social platform has become popular with alt-right activists and white supremacists that are not tolerated on other social media sites. Although Bowers had no criminal record previous to the attack, he often shared anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim slurs, sentiments, and conspiracy theories. He also expressed his dislike for US President Donald Trump and posted photos of his own firearm collection.

This and other similar incidents have shone a light on a much more problematic issue in American society, the threat presented by white supremacism. Three days prior to the Pittsburgh shooting, a white male suspect, known to police for having a history of gun-related and domestic violence convictions, attempted to open fire in a predominantly black Baptist Prior to the incident, Bowers took to church in Kentucky. social media to share the following When Bowers came across police message: “I can’t sit by and watch my When he was unsuccessful, suspect while leaving the building, shots were people get slaughtered. Screw your Gregory Bush entered a nearby Kroger exchanged and he attempted to hide. optics, I’m going in.” He was an active and murdered Maurice Stallard. He At around 9:50 AM, the suspect entered the Pittsburgh synagogue, shouting anti-semitic slurs and armed with several weapons, including two handguns and an AR-15 assault rifle. There were around seventy worshippers inside the building at the time. Four minutes later, police were contacted, the FBI was informed, and a SWAT team was dispatched. By that point, Bowers had already killed eleven Jews and harmed two others.

The victims include Joyce Fienberg, 75, Rose Mallinger, 97, Jerry Rabinowitz, 66, Cecil Rosenthal, 59, David Rosenthal, 54, Daniel Stein, 71, Melvin Wax, 87, Irving Younger, 69, Richard Gottfried, 65, Bernice Simon, 84, and Sylvan Simon, 86. Cecil and David Rosenthal were brothers and Sylvan and Bernice Simon were husband and wife.

then shot and killed 67-year-old Vickie Jones while fleeing. Both victims were of African-American descent. This event was closely followed by the tragedy in Pittsburgh. Liberal campaign donor George Soros received a suspicious package in the mail. Secret Service uncovered two more, addressed to former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Additional packages were found addressed to CNN’s New York office and a former CIA director. These packages, mailed by Florida resident Cesar Sayoc, contained pipe bombs,and, although none detonated, they presented a real threat. Sayoc drove a white van that displayed many pro-Trump and antiliberal stickers. All these are hate incidents at their core. Many Americans are left unsettled and concerned about the rise in racism and religious-based prejudice in their country. (For the full version of this article, please visit the blog: mwplanet.

NOT So Ivy League Asian- American students sue Harvard By Sabrina Percy Behind the scenes of Harvard, one of the most sought-after universities in North America, there is an underlying issue of discrimination against Asian-American students. A group of these students decided to take a stand, and initially filed a lawsuit against Harvard in 2014. They claim that Harvard places a cap on the number of qualified Asian American students in order to make space for less qualified students of other races. According to the Justice Department, who recently sided with the students, Harvard has indeed been using race to consider admission for over 45 years. Many other universites are making a change to consider socio economic status instead of race in order to give more students an oppertunity, however, this is clearly not the case with Harvard.

The Justice Department states, “The record evidence demonstrates that Harvard’s race-based admissions process significantly disadvantages Asian-American applicants compared to applicants of other racial groups -including both white applicants and applicants from other racial minority groups”. The department also argued that Harvard does not provide enough information about how race factors into their descions. This issue has been ongoing for decades, and Harvard’s response was highly anticipated. Harvard replied to the group of students and the Justice Department, stating, “Harvard does not discriminate against applicants from any group, and will continue to vigorously defend the legal right of every college and university to consider race as one factor among many in college admissions, which the

Supreme Court has consistently upheld for more than 40 years.” According to Harvard, legitimate methods were used to create a student population of 23% Asian-American students, 15% African-American students, 12% Hispanic students, 2% Native-American students, and 48% white students.

education, is now being questioned. Some civil rights leaders have said that this stance undermines the importance of affirmative action as a tool for providing minorities with opportunities. This lawsuit has the potential to affect the diversity in other elite universities and in the case of affirmative action. However, Trump’s administration spiked an interest in the affirmative action case, and it has since been debated on whether or not Asian-American students are now being used as a prop for the advancement of said case.

Whether Trump’s administration is using Asian-American students as a prop to end affirmative action or not, there is no HARVARD IS ONE OF THE MOST PRESTIGOUS AND COMPETEIVE UNIVERSTIES IN NORTH AMERICA. doubt that Harvard (and possibly a few PHOTO VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS other Ivy League schools) have placed Affirmative action, once considered an unjust standard concerning the a positive method used for minority admission of Asian-American students. students who have previously faced discrimination to reach a higher VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 05

world issues

world issues world issues

Censorship in Saudi Arabia How the Saudi Arabian government is limiting free speech By Anna Orta Censorship in Saudi Arabia has become a dominant force, eliminating basic human rights and maintaining oppressors in power. Ranging from control over social media and limiting free speech to public executions over supposed terrorist threats, a state-run story controls the lives of those living in the Arab nations.

This has created a systems where activists and journalists, like Khashoggi, can disappear entirely. Even citizens that re-post, reblog, or share anything that defames Saudi Arabia are fined high sums and face prison sentences as well.

The recent news of journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, has heightened and brought to light more than ever before the true intentions of the Arab government. In attempts to regulate the international criticism of their political rule, there have been attempts at slandering western countries, removing aid for Arabian students studying there, and expelling ambassadors. Yet, this only further revealed the deeply-rooted corruption that has been present since the end of King Salman’s rule.



The heavily monitored online life of all citizens in Saudi Arabia allow inhuman punishments to go unseen by other countries or human rights organizations like Amnesty International. Saudi law criminalizes opposition and the expression of civil rights, promising executions and beheadings to those that participate in protests and speak against religion or the nation. Saudi Arabia needs to see a new change of power, similar to the one it had before the crown prince gained power. A platform where Arabian people can be informed and voices can be heard without having to face the overwhelming fear of death or imprisonment, has to be created. With this knowledge within their grasp, a new liberated society can flourish.

Since coming to power, the crown prince, Mohammed Bin Salman has further limited free speech, especially against the subjects of religion, royal affairs, and the government, to controlling any public debate on these new reforms. His government has gone as far as having appointed editors to locate pieces written against his reforms with the purpose of banning writers, closing down their news offices or websites, and at times, imprisoning them.


VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 06

world issues

Black Mirror IRL How this show is influencing China

By Don Qarlo Bernadino Black Mirror is one of Netflix’s best, most provocative shows on television. If you do not already know, the show is an anthology series tackling different high tech inventions that seem like a great idea on the outside but have darkly twisted consequences as the episodes go on. Concepts like installing a tracker device on your child, a service that replicates a deceased lover, or more current storylines like a teenager being blackmailed online after being caught on camera doing something intimate. These stories show a dark outlook on the future of technology and how it can negatively control our daily lives. The show’s themes and ideas are so real that some have happened in real life. Black Mirror’s third season opens with an episode about social media, something almost all of us use and are familiar with. The story is about a woman named Lacie Pound who is obsessed with boosting up her social media score. This is because, in this Black Mirror world, social media scores and rankings are currency - they are what determine how you rank in the class system in society: the higher your social media score, the more wealthy and rich you become. Lacie wants to move into a new apartment but she has to have a 4.5 score, so she tries to get a higher credit by being as superficial as possible to get others to like her and rate her better. Social ranking is earned by how people you meet in everyday life ‘rate’ you. If people like you, chances are they will give you a five-star rating on social media, boosting up your score. If you have an unpleasant encounter with someone, they can give you a one or two-star rating, lowering your score. This type of system now exists in China, where an app called Zhima Credit tracks what citizens are doing from their purchases, pastimes, behaviour and even their mistakes. Those with a higher rating, for example, will be allowed to rent a car and those with the lowest scores risk getting banned from most forms of travel. Journalist Mara Hvistendahl wrote an article on Wired detailing her experience with the Zhima Credit. When she signed up, her lack of transaction history got her a low score which affected her access to certain perks. To rent a bike, you had to scan a QR code to unlock the bike from its parking and pay only 15 cents. With her low score, however, she had

to deposit $30 before she could even scan. She could not get free hotel stays or free umbrella rentals either due to her score. She then discovered that Zhima Credit has five major categories that factor into the score. One of them is connections, which looks at the type of car you drive, where you work, where you went to school. Then there is the behaviour connection, which analyzes your consumer life and everyday actions. Mara became obsessed with checking her score and boosting it up, so she asked a 30-year-old illustrator named Chen Chen, with a really high score, her tips on reaching a high Zhima Credit. She says that the system checks what type of friends you have, friends with high credit means better scores for you, whereas friends with low credit mean worse scores. She reveals the use of chat rooms, which are used by those with decent scores to seek out high scorers to boost out their ratings. When it comes to friends now with the Zhima credit, people only want to associate with those that have a good credit and unfriend those that do not. What makes this concept twisted is that your whole life revolves around a facade. In order to have a good reputation with people, you need to remain as pleasant and happy as possible. Social media is all about presenting the good parts of your life, the parts that people want to see. People do not want to see pain, anger, frustration, impatience or any negative emotion. In order for Lacie to get a higher score, she needs to be ‘presentable’ at all times. She practises her smile in front of the mirror, posting nice pictures of things she’s eating (even if she hates the taste) and sucks up to those who have a higher credit. This parallels Mara’s story, she becomes desperate to boost up her credit score in order to spend less and get better perks. Just like Lacie, she gets help from those with an already high score to boost up her own score. What both Mara and Lacie discover is that people only want to be ‘friends’ with you if they get something out of it. They are both in need of things they can not afford, so they are forced to participate in the system. The systems presented in both Black Mirror and in China show the extremity of what happens when social media becomes a currency, how it forces those within the system to pretend and although we can look at these systems and criticize how dangerous and unstable they are, how different are they from the world in which we currently live?

world issues

world issues world issues

world issues

Nuclear Disarmament

Gun Violence in Toronto

North Korea finally makes the move to denuclearize

What are politicans doing to prevent gun violence in Toronto?

By Anna Orta As 2018 comes to an end, increased pressure and sanctions by the United States on North Korea has derailed nuclear disarmament progress and further postponed the second summit. Despite President Trump’s enthusiasm towards achievements made after the first summit in Singapore on June 12 , 2018, recent claims to strengthen the nuclear arsenal in North Korea have once again raised tensions between the two countries. A statement released by the North Korean Foreign Ministry voiced their stance on the situation. “The U.S. thinks that its oft-repeated ‘sanctions and pressure’ leads to ‘denuclearization.’ We cannot help laughing at such a foolish idea,” they explained. After closing nuclear testing grounds and suspending ballistic and nuclear missile tests, they believe it is only fair if the United States reciprocates their efforts. Responses from Korea’s major economic influencers, China and Russia, have been similar. “It is necessary that the denuclearization go step by step with parallel actions by the international community,” said Russia’s deputy U.N ambassador, Dmitry Polyansky. “We are talking about easing sanctions pressure through the U.N. Security Council, as well as the removal of unilateral U.S. sanctions.” The U.S seems to believe that China and Russia, countries with strong economic, commercial, and political relations with North Korea, only have their best interests at heart

when supporting Korea in the nuclear disarmament discussions. This is due to recent reports of assistance with sanction evasions and the continuation of trade, despite the new laws put into place. Remaining persistent, the U.S refuses to ease sanctions and give headway to Korean. “We continue to reiterate we can’t do one thing until we see North Korea respond to their promise to denuclearize,” said U.S security ambassador Haley. “We have to see some sort of action. And so until that action happens, the Security Council is going to hold tight.” These opposing views from American and Korean officials have currently hindered all possible advancements. With no specific dates or agreements set in place to move denuclearization talks along, all that remains are threats between the nations and skepticism from the general public and experts following the issue. “At the summit, Trump and Kim agreed to work toward denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, without describing when and how it would occur,” stated a panel of experts on international relations, reaffirming that if this develops the same way it has previously, no agreement will ever be reached. The future of nuclear disarmament depends on whether North Korea and the United States put aside their pride and make equal efforts at ending the long overdue nuclear tensions.

By Nimmy Ayekun In August, Doug Ford announced that the Ontario Government would give the City of Toronto 25 million dollars (over the next 4 years) to combat gun violence. In the wake of several gun-related incidents such as the tragic Danforth shooting and the shooting at York dale Mall, many people might view this proposal as a step in the right direction. However, after looking at how the funding is going to be used, one can only wonder if Doug Ford and other politicians are slightly misguided in their approach. About 18 million of the 25 million dollars Ford promised is going to go towards “investigative, digital and analytical services” for policing gang activity, considering that Doug Ford expressed support for TAVIS during his run for Premier, this could put marginalized communities at risk. TAVIS (Toronto Violence Intervention Strategy), was initially founded by the Toronto Police Department after a similar gun violence epidemic in 2005. The strategy involved deploying 4 teams of 18 officers into at-risk priority neighborhoods, however, these teams repeatedly came under fire for targeting/harassing visible ethnic minorities, leading to the eventual disbandment of TAVIS in 2017.

When Bill Blair and David Miller (the mayor at the time) were tasked with addressing what was dubbed the ”Summer of The Gun” in 2005, they too believed that increasing police presence and carding would help absolve gun violence, but this only created tension between the police and the members of the communities they were policing. Furthermore, the spike in gun-related incidents this year has not been in priority areas but rather in area 52 division neighborhoods such as Kensington, University and Richmond, but it doesn’t seem as though this is where any “policing of gang activity” and “ extra police presence” will occur. Now that is not to say that police cannot be involved in the problem-solving process but if Doug Ford and Toronto City Council believe that gun violence in Toronto is gang-related, then they should do more to steer youth at risk out of gangs, instead of making them feel targeted. Over the last couple of months, John Tory has also proposed allocating funding to community initiatives and creating a ban on handguns. Compared to Doug Ford’s “tough on crime,” approach, John Tory’s response to the situation shows slightly more understanding of how poverty and gun violence are interrelated. After all, is Toronto really willing to spend 25 million dollars every 4 years tackling the same issue when they can just address the root cause of the problem?

Ontario’s New Premier

Ontario faces a series of controversial changes as Doug Ford comes into power By Nia Wilson Many Canadians have found themselves caught up in American politics following the election of Donald Trump, back home, they elected their own controversial leader. Doug Ford, brother of former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, was elected on June of 2018. He is the first Progressive Conservative candidate to be elected after fifteen years of Liberal power. Many citizens and politicians agree the main reason for his win has to do with the province’s dissatisfaction with Kathleen Wynne. She won the election back in 2013, becoming Ontario’s first female Premier. However, during the

to discontinue the sexual education curriculum created by the liberal government. The newly appointed Minister of Education, Lisa Thompson, announced on July 11, 2018 that the Ontario government would revoke the changes implemented in the sexeducation curriculum by the Liberals in 2015. This could be harmful for The rapid changes in provincial laws, our youth’s education as the current friction between cities and people, curriculum has been around since 1998. have left many unsatisfied with Ford’s leadership. His support of pro-life Late in July of 2018, Premier Ford organizations that violate women’s proposed Bill 5. This act reduced the rights such as Campaign Life Coalition, number of members in the Toronto (CLC), a movement aimed at enforcing city council from 47 to 25. Superior pro-life beliefs through politics, have Court Justice Edward Belobaba ruled changed the public’s perspective of him. against the act only to have Ford invoke The CLC played a large role in swinging the notwithstanding clause, which the election in his favour. In return for allows political leaders to disregard their support, the coalition requested legislature that they disagree with. course of her political journey, she lost the majority of her supporters, leading to the PC Party’s win. A main concern and factor in Wynne’s loss was the heightening prices of hydro. This paired with other seemingly minor factors caused voters to find her out of touch with the everyday Ontario citizen.

Use of the “notwithstanding clause” is quite rare and caused an uproar in the media especially due to the upcoming municipal election. Doug Ford’s election in some ways mirrors that of Donald Trump’s, but on a smaller scale. Similar to threats directed at Hillary Clinton during the presidential election, Ford supporters bombarded Wynne with complaints and chants telling the government to “lock her up”. Negative comments against Ford have also popped up, calling him sexist and misogynistic for his treatment of female reporters. The fate of Ontario is unclear if it continues to follow the same path it has so far.

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 07

world issues

world issues issues world

world issues

Mongolia: It’s a Coal WOrld

Air pollution in Mongolia is at an all time high, and its effects on health are devastating By Sabrina Percy

Halfway across the world, the people of Mongolia’s capital, Ulaanbaatar are struggling due to a lack of clean air, one of the fundamentals of life. In comparison to the official WHO guideline for air pollution levels, Mongolia’s air pollution is at a level around 133 times higher. In order to understand how pollution levels could even reach this magnitude, and how the most


vulnerable of Mongolia’s population are being affected, the root of this problem must be discovered. The city of Ulaanbaatar is the source of this mass pollution. Due to a shift in Mongolia’s political economy setting and poor soil conditions, many farmers living in the countryside have moved into the city for better living conditions and a stable income. This population shift, in 2015, lead to 45.7% of Mongolia’s population living in Ulaanbaatar alone. While Mongolian citizens who reside in the countryside are experiencing financial issues linked to crop failures, those living in the

Government is trying to include this vaccine into their National Immunization Programme budget. If this plan works, children under the age of 1 can receive three doses of PCV13 in order to combat pneumonia. Air pollution has As a solution to their problem, coal also been linked to bronchitis, asthma, was established as the main source of reduced foetal growth, impaired cognitive heating for Ulaanbaatar. However, coal development and reduced lung function. is an extremely insufficient and nonrenewable heating source. Burning coal Another way that the Mongolian has had direct effects on human health, Government could help would particularly on the health of those with be to target the root cause, as weaker immune systems, such as infants. previously mentioned. Using coal as a main heating source for a highly Pneumonia has now become the populated and dense area is bound leading cause of infant mortality in to have negative effects. If real Mongolia, with 435 recorded deaths change is expected, then the first for children under the age of 5 in 2015. step would be for the government As the evidence shows, the youngest to consider alternative, sustainable populations of Mongolia are being heating sources such as biomass or affected the most. geothermal heating.

city are impacted by air pollution in a different way. The bustling city of Ulaanbaatar is known as the coldest capital in the world, which presented Mongolian citizens with the issue of heating.

Air pollution inflames the lining of the lungs, which then results in pneumonia. The vaccine 13-valent PCV is commonly used to treat pneumococcal bacteria. Due to its effectiveness, the Mongolian

In order to break this harmful cycle, Mongolia’s government needs to reconsider many of their energy sources as well as their healthcare system.

Pot and PRejudice Racism behind the criminalization and decriminalization of Cannabis

By Naomi Joson

Nevertheless, these record suspensions are at that high rates of cannabis related charges least a year away from being processed as the and police carding occurred within poor As of October 17th, standard processing time is 6 to 12 months. and diverse neighborhoods. As well, their 2018, recreational 2017 investigation found that black people cannabis became legal The lack of timeline for these record were three times more likely to be arrested for use and purchase suspensions demonstrates the for cannabis possession than their white from licensed vendors. Depending on the government’s lack of priority for repairing counterparts. These occurrences are not province or territory, those 18 or 19 years the lives of those impacted by the limited to Toronto: a 2015 to early 2017 Vice of age can legally purchase, possess, and criminalization. Because these record News investigation found that Indigenous smoke cannabis with certain limitations. In suspensions will be extremely beneficial to people in Regina were almost nine-times Ontario, the legal age to buy cannabis is 19 those impacted by the stigma of cannabis, more likely to be arrested for cannabis years; smoking is only permitted in private Canadians want a set plan. A report from possession than their white counterparts, residences and possession in public is CBC news asked Public Safety Minister while black people were five times more likely. limited to 30 grams while there are no limits Ralph Goodale why the government did at home. not draft a bill to pardon cannabis related University of Toronto criminology professor convictions despite the legalization date Scot Wortley stated that there is very little Bill C-45 legalizing recreational cannabis being known for months. He stated that evidence to imply that Black people use drugs fails to provide amnesty for those the government did not want to pursue at a higher rate. To assume that one race uses previously convicted and incarcerated for such a regime until the prohibition was cannabis significantly more than another is possession. The people of colour, especially officially lifted. prejudiced. A criminal record for cannabis black and those belonging to Indigenous possession means that people are denied communities who were primarily targeted While recreational Cannabis has been jobs, housing, and permission to travel. As during the prohibition, continue to possess decriminalized, it is important to recognize such, people of colour are heavily impacted criminal records or remain imprisoned the racist elements in its past criminalization as it perpetuates racial stereotypes. An article without any timeline for their pardon. The and how it may be perpetuated with from the Huffington Post concluded that government says they are working on Bill C-45. The heavy police surveillance the demonization of cannabis is rooted in its pardoning those who were charged with of low-socioeconomic neighbourhoods association with people of colour. The article possession during its prohibition. have resulted in the disproportionate stated that in 1922, Emily Murphy, most representation of minorities charged and commonly known for her work in the Persons They promise to disregard the $631 fee convicted for cannabis-related offences. A Case, published a book The Black Candle, and waiting period for a record suspension. 2003 to 2010 study by the Toronto Star found which perpetuated this racialized drug VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 08

war. She associated “non-white men” with drug use and the corruption of the white race and propagated anti-Chinese sentiment that promoted the fear of nonwhite drug users. In 1923, Cannabis was included in the Confidential Restricted List of the Narcotics Drug Act Amendment Bill despite no debate about whether it is a dangerous drug. During this time post-war society was extremely morally conservative. The prohibition of alcohol was ongoing, and thus people did not bother to objectively consider the harm of certain substances.The Huffington Post article further concluded that this criminalization of cannabis was used to uphold white people in positions of power by associating the substance to people of colour. Predominantly people of colour who were prosecuted for cannabis related crimes remain incarcerated while rich, primarily white, people benefit off this almost 6 billion dollar market. This injustice could be rectified by provisions for the immediate release and pardon for those incarcerated for cannabis offences. While the Liberal government aims to promote justice with Bill C-45, they must not neglect the crucial aspect of amnesty.

world issues

world issues issues world


Resource Depletion Consequences of resource depletion prove to alter living conditions, leaving society with much to do if the problem is to be resolved By Ashling Ayekun Recently, there has a been a spike in articles and posts claiming the depletion of earth’s resources will end the world, but is how much of this is true, if any at all? The human race has been using natural resources for centuries, so why is there a concern with how much we use? Perhaps the current unsustainable rate of resource consumption has us worried about our living conditions; that we will not have enough to live as comfortably as we have before. Earth’s resources only sustain 2 billion people at the current demand, yet the world’s population is well over 7 billion and growing. The definition of resource depletion is when a high demand and increased usage causes non-renewable and renewable resources to become scarce.

While the general cause for resource depletion can be narrowed down to the increasing of global population, there are other influencing factors. Activities that occur on a large scale, overexploit and damage our resources, such as deforestation, water pollution, loss of biodiversity, and the mining of crude oils and minerals also play a large role.

Overconsumption and insufficient time to replenish 45+ billion tones of resources that have been extracted so far, puts our future at risk. Although some studies and written pieces claim “There is Only 33 Years Left On Earth”, in actuality it is hard to predict the exact time we will completely run out of resources. In the meantime, there are a variety of actions many companies, organizations, and cities can do to help decrease their own ecological footprint. Some include:

3. Help preserve trees and forests by replanting trees that have been/are to be cut down. Companies can also find ways to incorporate less paper into their work environment.

4. Cities can put forward an initiative to harvest rainwater for use later on in the year, as reusing water helps stop the overexploitation of water resources. Unlike what some studies claim, the Earth may have longer than thirty-three years, but it is necessary to use our time wisely and correct the damage caused 1. Responsibly use alternative power by resource exploitation. sources that are bio-friendly and   renewable, such as solar and wind energy.

2. Before releasing industrial wastes and sewages into water bodies, have These reckless actions lead to climate it treated to avoid contaminating/ change and natural calamities, greatly polluting the water and its inhabitants impacting many communities with with toxic and harmful substances. situations like wildfires or floods. BORDER OF INDIGENOUS LAND IN CACHOEIRA SECA SEES THE EFFECTS OF DEFORESTATION. PHOTO VIA DANIEL BETRA.


Combating Climate Change Three simple lifestyle tips that can help stop climate change By Chelsea Bidaisee

with a crisis that could end the world. on meat, while seemingly impractical, Fortunately, it’s not too late to help, makes sense as livestock are responsible According to a recent however it will require a group effort. for 18% of the world’s carbon emissions. UN report there are This is more than cars, planes, and all twelve years remaining other forms of transport combined. to decrease emissions in order to keep climate change 2. Stop making excuses within a certain range before it results Does this sound like you?: “I feel lazy, in worldwide catastrophic damage. I don’t want to walk.” Depending on Considering that the effects of climate where we go, transportation may not change have been in the making for be necessary. Not all of us can walk decades, twelve years may as well be LOCAL CONTRIBUTOR TO EMMISION LEVELS IN THE UK. PHOTO VIA or take the bus, but sometimes just UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. nothing. a five minute walk can make all the difference. As students we often do None of us are strangers to climate Here are some simple things anyone can not get enough exercise, so consider it change. We’ve been brought up do to help. Keep in mind that all actions a win-win situation. Walking could be learning about the harmful effects of have consequences, although it’s up to considered the easiest form of exercise, greenhouse gas emissions and how you whether they’re positive or negative so no excuses. they deplete the ozone layer, but now ones. this common information has become 3. Cut down on the plastic our greatest enemy. To many of us, this 1. Eat organic whenever possible If you’re like me, at home you probably was a deal-with-it-later problem, not Becoming vegetarian or vegan isn’t an have a plastic bag that’s filled with even one that would directly impact our lives. option for everyone, however cutting more plastic bags. You might even have Yet when we reach our late twenties, we down on meat and eating organically half-finished water bottles scattered will find ourselves surrounded by the grown foods does help. Not only is it all over your house. Every minute a consequences of the issue we pushed good for you, but food grown without million of those plastic bottles are used aside. The biggest problem in our lives synthetic fertilizers, made from the by- and improperly disposed of. Plastic is should be figuring out what we want to products of refined oil, help reduce one of the most frequent hazards that do with it or our purpose, not dealing carbon emissions. As for cutting back harm sea animals such as turtles, as

well as contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. You might not think much of it, but you’re constantly contributing to the Earth’s environmental decline. When you go out shopping, try and use reusable bags and water bottles instead of disposable ones.


There’s no need to completely change our lifestyle, but merely making a few small adjustments can have an overall positive impact on the environment. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 09

world issues

life life

Holiday Fun for the Low Things to do over the holidays without breaking the bank By Shandel Jarabejo Christmas, the best holiday of the year is just around the corner! It is the time for bonding with family, jolliness, sweater weather, feasting, and gift giving. However, Christmas is also one of the priciest holidays of the year. After spending all that money on gifts for friends and family, it can be a struggle to find an activity to do on a tight budget. Luckily, there are many budget friendly activities and events taking place in the Toronto area during the holiday season. Here are five things to do over the holidays that won’t break the bank: Have a Photoshoot The holiday season is a fantastic time to have a photoshoot. All the flashy lights, snow and beautiful displays will make your photos look much more interesting. Just grab your friends, a camera, and head down to a local park or even downtown to snap some Instagram-worthy photos. Having a photoshoot is not only a great opportunity to unleash your inner model or photographer, but also a great excuse to explore the city. Binge-Watch Movies The holiday season isn’t complete without watching Christmas movies. On days when you want to stay cozy and warm at home, binge watch some holiday movies while munching on snacks or drinking hot chocolate. Invite some friends over or gather your family to watch some Christmas classics such as “Home Alone”, “Elf”, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, “The Polar Express” and “A Christmas Carol”. Don’t stress if you don’t have a Netflix account, you can always borrow movies from the library for free.


VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 10

Skate at Nathan Phillips Square Skating is a winter must, so why not bring your friends and family down to Nathan Phillips Square. Every winter, this large water fountain in front of City Hall transforms into an outdoor skating rink open for all throughout the winter season. The rink is open to the public everyday from 10am to 10pm starting from late November to March. Don’t stress if you don’t have a pair of skates, you can rent a pair along with a helmet. See the Holiday Lights Displays There’s nothing more festive than bright holiday lights during the Christmas season. All over the city, there are several light displays open to the public for free at the Toronto Light Festival, the Spectacle of Lights, Nathan-Phillips Square, Yonge-Dundas Square, Casa Loma and at the Eaton Centre. These displays showcase mesmerizing bright lights which are also perfect for pictures.


Gift Giving Survival Guide Gift giving tips that will ease your holiday stress.


By Dominique Del Castillo With the holiday season just around the corner, I’m sure you could use some tips on how to survive this stressful, but jolly time of year! During all of the fun holiday festivities, we can often get stressed and overwhelmed by the various events taking place. It’s important to remember to calm down and relax every now and then.


Visit The Toronto Christmas Market From November 15th to December 23rd, the Toronto Christmas Market located at the Distillery District, will be open every Tuesday-Sunday. Admission is free during the week and until 5pm on Friday, however there is a $6 fee on the weekends. The Christmas Market offers a wide selection of vendors selling delicious treats, festive decorations and ornaments, clothing and so much more. It is the perfect place to dine in and eat some scrumptious food, drink hot beverages, take photos and even shop for gifts for your loved ones. Christmas is truly one of the best holidays, however it can also be an expensive holiday. Having a photoshoot, watching movies, skating, visiting the light displays and the Toronto Christmas Market are all a few examples of budget-friendly things to do over the holidays. Staying on a budget isn’t so difficult as there are various affordable events and activities to do in Toronto.

Remember that your gift doesn’t always have to be store-bought; you can always create a gift for your friend. For example, if the recipient is a fan of the television show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. you can draw them a picture of the different characters. You don’t have to be an artist or a handyman to make someone a nice present. There are other ways to make gifts, for example, if your friend likes music, you can make them a playlist full of their favourite songs.

What stresses me out the most is finding the perfect Christmas gift for my friends and family. We all know that finding the right present for someone is a challenge. Of course, you can always ask them what they want- and, if you’re really lucky, they’ll tell you exactly what they want. However, this makes it THE WRAPPING ADDS A SPECIAL TOUCH TO YOUR GIFT somewhat impersonal. So, I’m going to DECORATING PHOTO VIA FLICKR take a little bit of stress out of the task and tell you how to find the perfect Your gift doesn’t even have to be present. material. You can use some of your talents to give them an equally as To come up with ideas, make a list of all wonderful gift or experience. If you the interests of the person and things can play an instrument or sing, you can that define who they are. Ask yourself perform a song for your friend. If you’re what that person needs in their day to an amazing linguist, then you can write day life; something that they will enjoy your friend a poem, or a nice letter, and get a lot of use out of. Keeping telling them how much you appreciate that list in mind, take a look at these them. Speaking of that- writing a nice suggestions. card to go along with your gift can make it even more special. You can try to relate the gift to an event or experience. For example, if There are many different ways to give a your friend really likes anime, then you gift to someone you love, so be creative can invite them over for a marathon of with it. Find a way to make it heartfelt their favourite anime. If someone likes and special, and add a personal touch. animals, then you can take a visit to Though, always keep in mind that your local animal shelter or pet store to someone who loves you will love and see some animals. The possibilities are appreciate your gift, no matter what. endless!

life life



Have No Fear, Post Secondary Plans Are Here! Preparing for post-secondary

By Naomi Fernandes

As a child, the thought of graduating grade 8 was so far away. It felt like the years dragged on and that weeks of colouring pages and book reports would never end. Eventually, though, grade 8 came and went and then high school started, once again in grade 9, it seemed like grade 12 was a whole different world. Each year that’s gone by, the months have gone by faster and faster and here I am sitting and writing about preparing for life after high school - to seven-yearold me, this was a day I thought would never come! However, I can’t freeze time and growing up is part of life, so, to help ease the process, here are some tips on how you can prepare to take the next big steps.

not just what your parents or anyone the campus and the classes but also else wants you to do. you see the student body and learn a bit more about the environment you Spend some time researching. might be in. It's also a good way to see By this point, if you’re considering how transportation and distance might university or college, you’ve probably affect your choice, maybe a 3-hour drive thought a little bit or a lot about where is not what you thought it would be. you want to go. If not, it's probably a Open days are also a good way for you good time to start. The internet is a to see the area around the university or vast place and finding information is college. never more than a google search away. Resources like My Blueprint or einfo can be a good place to start.

Think about what really matters. Post-secondary is a really big step, you’ve essentially taken your first steps into the “real world” or at least your first real steps out of high school. When choosing a university or college, things outside of your program matter a lot too. Factors, like staying at home STUDENTS THROWING THEIR GRADUATION CAPS INTO THE AIR or going away, need to be considered, PHOTO BY MARK RAMSEY What do you enjoy? what’s residence life going to be like, This is an important question. Teenagers what are the clubs and sports teams like, Gap years are cool too. are constantly asked questions about do you prefer a big city or small town, or There’s a lot of pressure to decide right what they want to do, but most people the reputation of an institution. away what you want to do for the rest don’t even know what they like to do of your life. Taking a gap year might be when asked. To answer the question, Open days count! a good idea if you don’t know exactly take some time to figure out what you An open day is probably the best way what you want to do yet. It's a great enjoy doing, something that genuinely to know if a university is right for you. opportunity to take some time off and makes you feel interested and engaged, By visiting, you not only get a feel for figure stuff out, maybe work for a while

- and if you can, do some travelling. It's totally fine not to know exactly what you want to know at the age of 16 or 17. Try to relax a bit. Post-secondary is daunting, the thought of having to make your own choices in education, even after going to a selfdirected school, can be stressful. Make sure you talk to those around about what you enjoy doing and get some advice about your choices if you’re not sure. The degree you get does not determine your entire future, many people go into a career with high hopes but find out that there are different paths they enjoy more. You would be surprised what some people study and where they really end up working. Try to focus on things that make you happy and that you know you like right now. Hopefully, this provided a little bit more direction for your life, if not, don’t worry! There are still many more resources you can access, for instance, your TA and guidance counsellor are always there for support and guidance. Not knowing what you want to do right now is normal, most people are in the same boat and it's just part of being a teenager.

Sleep is for the Strong Fixing your sleep schedule

By Rachel Sy

If you’re too tired to do units or find going to morning TA difficult, your sleep schedule might be off-track! To work and perform well during the day, an average teenager should get 8-10 hour of sleep. Not getting enough sleep can affect your ability to concentrate, listen, learn, solve problems, and remember information. It can also lower metabolism, increase vulnerability to acne, pimples and illnesses, and make you more irritable. A study has shown that the percentage of teenagers that sleep 8 ½ hours on school nights is a shallow 15%, and there’s no doubt that these percentages are applicable to Mary Ward students. Getting your sleep schedule on track is important, but how to do it? One thing you can start on is setting a wake-up

time and a bedtime. Though bedtimes seem ‘childish’, it helps to set a consistent sleep schedule because it allows your body to adjust and be able to fall asleep more easily at this time. Also, by doing a nightly routine before sleeping, your body will learn when it is time to go to bed. This nightly routine can involve things you might do in the morning that can be otherwise done at night, like taking showers, brushing your teeth, washing your face, or preparing school materials and outfits so that you are more free in the morning.


For a better sleep schedule we must also keep in mind activities that we should avoid doing before bedtime. Things to avoid a few hours before bedtime include eating, drinking, exercising, and using technology. Also, try to not leave homework for the last minute, and though the temptation of phones is strong, it’s a lot easier to sleep without them than with them. Even if you think using vitamins, pills, drinks, or caffeine will help you keep up with your Zs, nothing beats a good sleep. In fact, caffeine before bed will hurt your sleep, so make sure to avoid consuming it at night. Naps are great, and they can help energize you and make work more productive, but you have to make sure you’re napping right! Keep naps between 15-40 minutes and avoid napping close to bedtime. This way, your sleep schedule won’t be disrupted

and you can still feel energized all day! Sleep is just as important as eating, so it’s important to make sure we’re getting enough of it. Remember, the next time you find yourself dozing off in class, you might want to check your sleep schedule.


VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 11

community community







oasis 2018 M-Ward ... SAY WHAT? By Leah Mascarenhas It’s that time of the season, where you can hear the early morning dance practices, feel the excitement and see the chaos that leads to Mary Ward’s annual OASIS weekend. The best and brightest students chosen in grade 11 and 12, did a marvellous job welcoming new grade nines through OASIS activities. On September 28th and 29th, the vast Mary Ward students participated in numerous team-building activities within the school and Camp Robin Hood. Every grade 9 student was placed in a team of approximately 18 people including, 4-5 committed and trained senior students. With the help of ice-breaker games, cheers, interaction with other teams, the grade 9’s were off to a great start for life at Mary Ward. The friendships formed between the new students and the Ward veterans will continue throughout the school year.



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community community



ward takes manhattan 2k18 By Naomi Joson



From October 22nd to 27th, students from the Art and Comm Tech Departments spent their Senior Art Trip in Manhattan exploring the art and culture of the big city. They were supervised by teachers Mr. Notten, Ms. Powell, Mr. Emer, Ms. Fortura, and Ms. Arturi and were led by a remarkable Tour Guide, Brett Brownlee. Days were jam-packed, leaving students exhausted every night. The group departed school Monday night and travelled through the night and arrived in the big city in the morning. Throughout the trip, they explored numerous art galleries in the city, including the Museum of Art and Design, The Metropolitan Museum, and The Museum of Modern Art. They had the opportunity to see famous artworks including Starry Night by Van Gogh, as well as current works such as sculptures from feminist artist Sarah Lucas. Their days were filled with walking and sightseeing. They had the opportunity to visit numerous famous New York destinations including Times Square, the Rockefeller Centre, and Central Park. As well, they had the opportunity to get a spectacular view of the city at night at the Top of the Rock in the Rockefeller Centre. Dinners were spent in numerous popular restaurants including The Hard Rock Cafe and Planet Hollywood. In addition to sightseeing and being in art galleries, the group also watched the hit Broadway musical, Wicked at the Gershwin Theatre and an Off-Broadway Play, The Other Josh Cohen, on opening night. They left Saturday morning after visiting the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine and finally arrived back in Scarborough that night. The group enjoyed their time in New York and students anticipate using their experiences in the Big Apple as inspiration for their works in this year’s art show, Facade.





VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 13

community community



Community wrap-up The school year is off to a busy start. By Nia Wilson

that were recognized had excelled above average in specific subjects The beginning of throughout the 2017/2018 school the school year year. in the Mary Ward community was quite eventful, with lots of new staff and a fresh start, here is what went down: September 27-28: OASIS


November 5-9: Alliance Week


The Grade 10 History students went on the annual Ottawa Trip supervised by Mrs. McAndrew, Mrs. Schwan and Mr. Coleman. They stayed in a hotel in Quebec for one November 5: Honour Roll night and visited Parliament Hill, the Breakfast House of Commons and museums during the day. The group went on the spooky Ghost and the Gallows Haunted Walk of Ottawa where they visited death row and the gallows inside the Old Carleton County Jail. At the Canadian Museum of History, STUDENTS GETTING FOOD AT THE HONOUR ROLL BREAKFAST PHOTO BY NICHOLAS KERR they travelled through a thousand Gay-Straight Students who achieved Honour years of Canadian history. Roll status based on their academic success in the 2017/2018 school year November 12-15: Free the Children were invited to a breakfast where they Week were celebrated and acknowledged Free The Children held events for their work. Honour Roll students throughout the week to raise money earned an average of 80% overall for their cause. These activities throughout the last year. included a bake sale and a civvies day among others. The club has selected Ecuador and the Pillar of Health organizations as the focus for fundraising this year.

The grade nines participated in the infamous OASIS experience where they played games, made friends and learned more about the school. They slept overnight at Mary Ward GSA CELBERATING THEIR 6TH BIRTHDAY PHOTO BY JAMIE EDGHILL and went on to visit Camp Robin Hood the next morning where their Mary Ward’s Gay-Straight Alliance adventures continued. used this week to educate our students about the LGBTQ+ issues. October 15-19: Waste Reduction The club led and provided activities Week for TAs to participate in. The week Members of the initiative Green consisted of important reflections, Quest held a series of events that buttons in support of the movement aimed to inspire and encourage and the Rainbow Pledge. GSA held us to live more environmentally a civvies day raising over $1000 and friendly. This year, the group’s decorated the halls with informative focus was on the circular economy, posters to raise awareness about textiles, celebrating champions appropriate language and other and innovators, plastic and food information regarding the LGBTQ+ waste. Green Quest partnered with community. Diabetes Canada and Value Village in encouraging the staff and students to donate used clothes, diverting the textiles out of the landfills and benefiting those in need. October 22: Awards Night Mary Ward students and their parents/guardians were invited to attend a ceremony in which students were rewarded for their academic achievements. At the ceremony, Dr. Engalla, Ms. Flazzola, Ms. Visconti and Ms. Rayman presented and organized the awards. The students VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 14


The funds that were raised have been donated to Supporting Our Youth, an organization directed at building support systems for LGBTQ+ youth.


November 7: College/University Fair Representatives from almost thirty colleges and universities from Toronto and the surrounding area visited Mary Ward to educate the senior students on their postsecondary options. The students had the opportunity to ask as many questions as they needed and were given information on a wide range of programs. By offering the fair at Mary Ward, it was more accessible to the students and parents alike. November 8-9: Ottawa Trip



The Advent Service projects were introduced through an assembly. Each TA group was asked to select a project to contribute to and/or participate in. The options for this year were the Shoebox Project, the Loretto Sisters, donations to the St. Felix Centre for the Homeless, TA 33’s feeding the hungry, the Angel Foundation, and providing grocery gift cards to those who need them. By embracing the Season of Advent, we see Catholic values in action in our community.


community community


inside inspire The InsPirE program is not just about elite academic success

By Emmit Tam Depending on who you ask, InsPirE students are the smartest people ever, or kids with special needs, or just average students. The definition of an InsPirE student isn’t clear among the Mary Ward community, and a lot of us wonder what really goes on in that ‘room’ in the basement. After wandering the halls of Mary Ward, the Planet took a few minutes to interview some non-InsPirE students. The responses from people outside the program are vastly different: ”A special program for people that have a learning disability” says Jun Kim about the InsPirE program. Ryan Johku says that the program is for “people who are smart, and they inspire people to think differently.”

But, what does the InsPirE program actually do? I wouldn’t blame anyone who asked this because I asked myself this question and I’m in the InsPirE program. I thought that the InsPirE program was for kids who were labelled as “gifted” based on a standardized test, and because of their performance on that test, they show more potential for excelling in specific fields like verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and more. It doesn’t mean that someone is especially smart in all fields, however, many gifted students do perform better when given the challenge. Many of my peers in the program are not sure, like Lucas San Juan who said, “Basically, just a room to do work,” and Justin Reyes who said, “I think it just privileges that people with different thought process than other people. More critical thinking.”

The inconsistency in what people think the InsPirE program is and does cause a lot of instances where “InsPirE” students were blown off as being a genius and their hard work wasn’t validated because of the title Inspire. A person who is very against this stigma is Anguz Zhang. “I worked really hard and I was able to fast-track a lot of my courses, but once people found out I was in the InsPirE program, all the congratulatory words were taken back. They blew off my hard work because ‘it’s expected from an InsPirE student,’ and that really ticks me off.” But that’s not what an InsPirE student is. Not every Inspire student is a genius in everything they do. An InsPirE student is not a flawless student. They were determined to be “gifted” from a test they did when they were in the fourth grade.

But the InsPirE program has to exist for some purpose. According to Ms. Bozek, an InsPirE teacher, the InsPirE program is where a “student is able to analyze and critically and creatively think about the world around them and perceive connection over and above what’s simply presented.” It is a program that helps nurture their way of thinking and brings out their potential. A room where like-minded people can interact and share a workspace. An InsPirE student can be misunderstood because of the stigma around that title. It doesn’t mean they’re the smartest, or geniuses, or, on the other hand, slower than any other student. It’s for kids with special educational needs to help nurture their different ways of thinking and further improve their cognitive skills. That’s what InsPirE really means.

Getting to Know Mary Ward Interviewing the newest additions to the Mary Ward Community

By Naomi Fernandes English at UofT. This school year welcomes a dashing group of new teachers joining the Mary Ward community. For a brief introduction, interview questions were asked to the new MW teachers by means of getting to know about their personal insights and philosophy regarding teaching and education. Q1: Why did you decide to become a teacher? Q2: What is your philosophy in teaching? Describe your work values. Q3: Where did you go to school? What did you study? Q4: What were your jobs before teaching? Q5: Favourite artist or song? Q6: Currently watching or favourite movie? Q7: Dream vacation spot? Q8: One thing people don’t know about you. Ms. Elona Harnum Q1:“I was one of those kids who would put on my mom’s shoes and play teacher to a class full of barbies and teddy bears. But as I grew older, I realized that I love people, I love to create and I love to inspire others.” Q3: She studied religious education and

Q4: Her very first job was at Aritzia and she later worked at an Audi dealership and then became a teacher. Q5: She likes Latin music, reggaeton, soca, and house music. Q6: This Is Us because “she loves love” and could not pick a favourite movie if you asked her. Q7: She loves Europe, and recently went to Malta. Q8: She is a brunette! Ms. Maria Tbanjajian Q1: “While I was in university studying Physics and Chemistry, I was working as a part-time tutor with high school students. I remember I had the opportunity to take a student aside and help her with a particular difficult physics concept that she was having trouble understanding. When she got the answer right, something “clicked” in me and I knew I wanted to enter the education field after university.” Q2: “I think that I am morally obligated to enter the classroom with only the highest expectations for each and every one of my students. All children are unique have something special that they can bring to their own education. It’s my job to help students express themselves, accept themselves, embrace the differences of others, and, through dedication, perseverance and

hard work, rise to the occasion.” Q3: She studied physics and chemistry as a Bachelor of Science, did her Bachelors of Education at Trent. Q4: She was only ever a teacher. Q5: The classic oldies, a fan of Abba. Q6: She likes stand up comedy, and a big Jon Oliver fan. Q7: In the past, she’s travelled to Europe and especially loves France. Q8: She is afraid of heights. Mr. Michael Bregar Q1: “Enjoyed the positive experiences I had as a student.” Q2: “Democracy in education. Education is a partnership, a joint venture involving choice and mutual collaboration between all. Each of us is a learner, learning from one another.” Mr. Joshua Buck Q3: He studied life sciences, biology, and psychology at UofT, then went to teachers college at York for a year after a number of other job ventures. Q4: He initially did some lab work and then hospital work, and then taught English in Japan for 3 years, and then came back to go to teachers college. Q5: Likes Disney music, duets with his wife include Love is an Open Door and his go-to karaoke is A Whole New World. Also likes indie music and was a big fan of rap in high school.

Q6: Thinks that The Wire is the best show of all time and can quote directly, favourite comedy is arrested development, and also a Game of Thrones fan. Q7: He has done crazy stuff, volcano, jungle trek, scuba diving, and up next on the bucket list is to swim with whale sharks. Q8: He has an unusually long wingspan. Mr. Michael D’Addario Q3: He studied network security at Centennial. Q4: He was a communication coordinator. Q5: A rock fan, has been listening to a lot of queen in preparation to see Bohemian Rhapsody. (Check out the review on page 20) Q6: The Haunting of Hill House that is currently on Netflix, and has too many other choices to name. Q7: Has been to Amalfi Coast in Italy. Q8: During the summer did the edge walk, yet is scared of heights New teachers should not feel a welcoming vibe just in faculty lounges, but in the larger student community, too. Let us greet them as they start to ignite the imagination of future innovators, influence the lenses of creative thinkers, praise students’ efforts and instill a love of learning in our lives.

VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 15

sports sports



SPORTS WRAP-UP How did the Wolverines compete this fall season?

Junior Boys Soccer Coaches: Vecchiarelli, Varsity Boys’ Rugby 7s DeSilva, A. Carabine Coaches: Kennedy, Record: 0-6 Peets Record: 0-3 The Varsity boys’ rugby team played with a lot of heart and determination in every single one of their games. They went up against many schools with a lot of experience, but still did their best and learned a lot. They will come back next year with even more experience under their belt and give it another shot. By Joseph Casciaro

Grade 9 Girls Flag Football D’Addario, Coach: Adourian Record: 1-3

Senior Boys Volleyball Coaches: Sersanti, Harrison Record: 5-3



The boys soccer team was under new leadership this season, as they were coached by a new teacher with three grade eleven student helpers. They worked hard and tried their best in every game. With first-time coaches and a lot of new players, they learned a lot and can come back next year even stronger.

The boys volleyball team had a very Cross Country great season and they finished the Coaches: Hayes, M. Carabine regular season 2nd overall and with a record of five wins and two losses. Unfortunately, they were eliminated in the quarterfinals, but this team showed a great amount of skill and hard work. Varsity Girls Field Hockey Coaches: Visconti, CunninghamReimann Record: 0-4-1

Mary Ward’s tennis team had one player shine this season: Vincent Simone (Grade 10). Vincent is the TDCAA Senior Boy’s Single Champion and we wish him the best of luck at OFSAA in the spring. Varsity Girls Basketball Coaches: Rossi, Ventura, Gintoli Record: 13-1


The grade 9 girls flag football team was a great first team for all the grade 9 girls to join. They all got to know each other and they also played with a lot of heart. Despite not getting the best results, this team served a greater purpose. Varisty Co-Ed Golf Coach: Emer The golf team brought two members to their first meeting, Bronson Chin in grade ten and Aiden Ennis in grade nine. They both put forth their best effort and despite neither of these boys advancing they showed hard work and determination. Mr. Emer would like to congratulate both boys on a great season!


This varsity girls’ basketball team was one of the best basketball teams Mary Ward has ever seen. They tore the house down all year long, going undefeated and not losing until the TCDSB finals. They looked unstoppable and they never really had trouble with any team. They should not feel bad about losing in the finals since St. Joseph’s College was a very worthy competitor. The Mary Ward Community is extremely proud of all this team accomplished.

Varsity Girls Rugby 7s Coaches: Peets, Kennedy Record: 0-2 The girls rugby 7s team has shown great improvement every year and this year was no different. They worked very hard, playing with such heart against much more experienced schools. We know they will return next year improving once again and hopefully get even better results. Varsity Co-Ed Tennis Coach: Simone


The girls field hockey team played very hard all season, but unfortunately did not get the results they were looking for. They can treat this season as a learning experience and take the experience to improve themselves. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 16

The cross-country team gave it their best effort in their first meet, all showing so much heart and determination. Despite no runners advancing to the next meeting, they all did their best and represented Mary Ward very well.



sports sports


Be-leaf It Or Not The Toronto Maple Leafs might have a shot at the Stanley Cup By Joseph Casciaro It has been a very long time since Toronto has had a hockey team with the star power they have today. Led by Auston Matthews and John Tavares, they are off to a great start and finally have a team that is capable of winning a Stanley Cup. The Maple Leafs are one of, if not the best, offensive teams in the entire NHL. An offense that includes Auston Matthews, John Tavares, Mitch Marner, Nazem Kadri, Patrick Marleau, and so many more. John Tavares is the most recent acquisition and he has really propelled the Leafs into Stanley Cup contention. The one-two combination of Matthews and Tavares is one of the best duos in the league and you can only imagine what kind of numbers this duo will put up. However, the biggest weakness of this team is their defence. They lack a strong defenceman in their top six and that has to be a big concern. They don’t have guys on their blue line with the capabilities of stopping the top offensive weapons in the league.

Sadly, they have begun to stumble slightly as the season has progressed, as the player who led them to their torrid start has been plagued by an injury. Matthews was hit in a game and dislocated his right shoulder, causing him to miss four weeks of action. The Leafs are missing their superstar and their offense took a hit missing their main goal-scorer.


At this point the best scenario may just be to trade Nylander for a top defender before they lose him for nothing. So many teams would be willing to give up so much for a player with Nylander’s skill. With the Leaf’s dire need for a defenseman, it seems very smart to flip Nylander.

the first player in NHL history to get 16 points in 7 games. He was absolutely unstoppable and looked like he was in mid-season form. With that kind of playout of Matthews, the Leafs started the season 8-3 and were atop the league.


How the NFL lost Colin Kapernick to a bigger cause By Jamie Edghill

In 2016 Colin Kaepernick was the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. At a time of grievance and injustices within the U.S and rising racial tension between the police and people of colour; Kaepernick in solidarity and act of protest, kneeled during the national anthem. It was a decision that changed Another missing piece is William the face of activism within sports and Nylander, who is a restricted free agent later, Kaepernick’s career in the NFL. and has been unable to agree on a

contract with the team. He has been They started the season on a complete a key part of their team over the last tear, led by Auston Matthews. two seasons and he and Matthews on Matthews was able to pocket 10 goals one line have always worked so well his first 6 games and was together. Due to the inability to agree on a deal, we may never see Nylander in a Leafs jersey again.



If they are able to flip Nylander for a top-two defenseman and get Matthews back at 100% then the team will be true contenders. With their star-power handling the offense and a big body holding down the blue line, this team will be a big problem for opposing teams in the many years to come. A long 51 years has gone by since Toronto last saw a Stanley Cup, but with the team they have now, this may just be the year.

the 2018 NFL seasons, Nike released an advertisement for the 30th anniversary of their “Just Do It” campaign starring Kaepernick. On Monday September 3rd, 2018, Kaepernick tweeted a black and white photo of himself along with the caption “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.” People and athletes such as Serena Williams praised the ad, and believed it was a step in the right direction for Nike. However, there was also a lot of criticism, evidently by white Trump supporters. The racism which exploded on Twitter and on other media sources was frightening. With hashtag #BoycottNike and #JustBurnIt trending on Twitter, it is evident that racism is still alive and flourishing in America, and around the world.

The full two minute commercial narrated by Kaepernick was later unveiled on his Twitter account on September 5th, 2018. This commercial featured athletes of colour, and narrated the stories of their COLIN KAPERNICK DURING SUPERBOWL GAME experience, and the racism these athletes PHOTO VIA WIKIPEDIA face, the extra hurdles they must jump, Kaepernick felt that he could not stand and the obstacles constantly put in their with pride for a national anthem which path. Featuring Serena Williams’s story honours a country that still fosters the and the success of other athletes, the oppression of black people and people commercial shared a message of hope of colour, and made a direct “protest to and perseverance. Nike’s support of this police shootings of African-American movement and solidarity shown by an and other social injustices faced by black overwhelming amount of people is a step people in the United States.” in the right direction. However, the road to equity and the end of systemic racism At the end of the 2016 season, Kaepernick is a long one that goes well beyond the was a free agent looking to sign with sports world. another team or renew his contract with the 49ers. 2016 was the last season that Kaepernick played in the NFL. Shocking some, but not others, was that this possible end to his football career came shortly after his outward frustrations with racism in America. Kaepernick and many alike believed that he was not offered a job because of his activism; Kaepernick claims he was ‘snuffed’ out of the league for showing his opinion and standing, while in this case kneeling, for human rights. This is not something new to people of colour; losing jobs or being forced into silence by a capitalist, white run organization has become part of the racist American system. Faced by the issues he spoke so strongly about, Kaepernick was not going to be silenced or discouraged from doing what he believed was right. Amongst the uproar, just days before the first game of


VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 17


sports sports

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A summary of the team’s success this season

It’s time to talk about sexism in sport By Nimmy Ayekun Imagine this, you are a well-decorated athlete, master of your craft, record breaker, world champion, and some may even say the greatest in the history of your sport. You are about to play another championship in your career.


By Joseph Casciaro

and to give their team the best possible outcomes. If one of the girls had an off Mary Ward put game, they always knew another one of together a girl’s varsity the girls would step up. basketball team this school year that will A member of the team in grade twelve, be remembered in the history books Kaléah Smith stated, “The bond and for many years to come. They had a connection between my teammates season for the record books finishing and I, was very strong and full of respect the season with thirteen wins and only and love for each other. How well we one loss. worked on the court was just a portrayal of how strong we were.” They were a lot Led by coaches Mr. Rossi and Mrs. more than just a basketball team; there Ventura the team played every game was a sisterly connection amongst the with such dominance and maturity. The team. girls looked like they had been playing together for years, they had such chemistry and these coaches created a powerhouse of a team. “The team had great team work, great communication, and their chemistry was just through the roof that is what gave them their success,” stated Mr. MARY WARD’S VARSITY GIRLS’ BASKETBALL TEAM IN ACTION Rossi. The team had all the keys to PHOTO BY MICHELLA RIVERA success and that all began with their leadership. With the great leadership, skill, and teamwork the team had an undefeated It took them no time to really take off, regular season. They carried that into and the girls were playing at a top the playoffs and had no problems in the level from the first game of the season. quarter and senior finals. With that they The team had no trouble steamrolling were in the championship game. through every single team and did not even seem to have any real troubles Sadly, the girls did come up short until they were deep in the playoffs. in the finals to St. Joseph’s College. However, these girls have nothing to be All the girls played with amazing skill ashamed of as they lost to a very worthy and looked like the gift of basketball competitor and they had an amazing came natural to them. Players including: season. Kyla Basa, Kaléah Smith, Sydney Sherwood, and Jyrah Manuyag were A girl’s basketball team with this level just a few of the athletes bringing the of skill has not been seen at Mary Ward team to the next level. The basketball IQ and the way the girls represented the was through the roof on the court every school was impeccable. This team will single game. be talked about for a long time and every girl on the team should be so The girls not only were teammates, proud of what they accomplished. We but they created a bond like a family. congratulate the team on this great Through all their success they knew they season and cannot wait to see what this could rely on each other for support team can do next year! VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 18

At first, the game is going smoothly, you are in the lead, and it looks like you actually might win. Then out of nowhere, the referee calls you out for cheating. Cheating? You cannot believe your ears, you have never cheated in your life. Upset, you grab your racket and tell the referee what’s on your mind but this only results in another penalty point. The game is about to end, you have lost your lead, and angrily blame the referee for your loss. Even though


The first violation was for receiving coaching during the match, which Williams’ coach Patrick Mouratoglou later admitted too, but Serena insisted was a false accusation. The second violation was for breaking her racket, and the third violation was for verbally abusing the umpire, who Serena called a “thief” and a “liar.” Following the incident, Serena said she felt discriminated against because of her sex, and this is when things in the media started to really become blown out of proportion.

Several reporters called Serena’s vocalness selfish and even fellow tennis player Caroline Garcia told news outlets that Serena’s actions were uncalled for, SERENA WILLIAMS AT THE 2013 US OPEN but even if that is the case it is still hard PHOTO VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS to deny that Serena Williams has a very you have never lashed out like this in good point. Male athletes get to act your career, even though other players like this all the time, without facing the have behaved similarly, if not worse, same repercussions. not soon after the game newspaper and media publications waste no time Take, for example, Nejov Dobrack. in smearing your name, publishing During the 2018 US French Open, racist cartoons and calling you a brat. It he broke his racket in a fit of rage, doesn’t seem fair does it? but this incident did not garner any negative media attention while Serena’s However, this is exactly what happened “outburst” did. Now that is not to say that to Serena Williams’s during the 2018 athletes acting up is something to write US Open Singles Women’s Final. Serena home about, but the sheer discrepancy Williams was almost on her way to between the way these situations are winning her 24th World Championship, handled is definitely something that but after receiving 3 code violations, needs to be addressed. Famous tennis lost, giving the win to Naomi Osaka. player and advocate Billie Jean King when coming to Serena’s defense said this “ When a woman is emotional she is hysterical and penalized for it.” When a man does the same he’s outspoken and there are no repercussions.” Not only do these words capture the essence of the situation but also expose the situations and daily sexism which women face. Whether it be in sports, daily life, school, and work women are held to different, sexist standards than men. NAOMI OSAKA FOLLOWING HER VICTORY AT THE 2018 US OPEN PHOTO VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

petite planète

petite planète la lapetite planète

Une Lettre de Remerciement au Département de Français Merci aux professeurs de français

Par Destiny AmorimDownie À l’approche des fêtes de fin d’année, les étudiants de français souhaitent remercier le département du français pour tout ce qu’ils font; votre gentillesse, votre patience et votre dur labeur ne vont pas inaperçus. Pour vous montrer à quel point nous sommes reconnaissants de votre soutien, voici quelques mots de remerciement de la part de certains de vos étudiants.

Vous êtes une bouée de sauvetage. - Cheryl, 12e année Un grand remerciement à Mme. Maljian de m’avoir permis d’être un meuble en 307. - Destiny, 12e année Je ne suis pas une étudiante de français, mais merci quand-même. - Racheal, 12e année

Merci pour votre aide toutes ces années. Je ne serais pas où je suis aujourd’hui sans vos encouragements. Merci de m’aider à réussir. Ce n’est pas - Grace, 12e année toujours facile, mais vous le rendez toujours amusant. Votre passion pour Merci à M. Mallot pour sa gentillesse. le Français est inspirante. Shoutout à M. - Tyai, 12e année Mallot pour être l’homme le plus gentil avec les meilleures sucettes! Grâce au département du français, - Noor, 12eme année nous avons la chance d’apprendre une langue qui nous aidera à bâtir un avenir Un grand merci au département du bien meilleur, peu importe notre choix français, ainsi qu’aux professeurs de de carrière. Je vous remercie. français. Vous nous avez tous poussés à - Robert, 12e année parler français et à faire de notre mieux. Pour ça, nous sommes reconnaissants. Merci pour m’enseigner à pro pos de la - Magdalena, 11e année culture et la langue française! - Marilyn, 11e année Le department du français est non seulement un department. C’est une Merci beaucoup pour votre aide et famille; une maison. votre passion pour le français, chaque - Joan, 12e année fois que je consulte je me souviens pourquoi je continue à étudier la Merci pour me pousser à vouloir langue. continuer le français! - Sashini, 12e année -Lisan, 12e année Merci beaucoup de m’avoir donné Merci à Mme. Reid pour me faire sentir l’occasion de non seulement apprendre comme une partie de la classe même la langue française, mais aussi d’aimer quand mon français n’est pas aussi bon la culture! que les autres. - Lauren, 12e année - Aidan, 12e année Merci de nous avoir présenté de Merci à M. Coleman de m’avoir permis nouveaux jeux et d’avoir rendu la classe de remettre quatre unités après l’école amusante! afin que je puisse suivre des cours d’été. - Jasmine, 11e année



L’Industrie Cinématographique Française Les films francais les plus récents qui valent la peine d’être visionnés

traversent de nombreux problèmes et Par Antonette Delos éprouvent les sentiments d’une relation Reyes maternelle. La Promesse de l’Aube est réconfortante et pourtant très drôle. Comme le Français est la langue maternelle Le Drame d’environ 7 millions de Canadiens, Jusqu’à la Garde est un film dramatique il n’est impératif que nous en tawnt qui a participé au 74ème festival du film que Canadiens soutenons l’industrie de Venise et a remporté le prestigieux cinématographique étrangère. Voici prix Silver Lion. Le film suit une famille quatre films français qui méritent d’être dans une bataille pour la garde après visionnés cette année. un divorce compliqué. Le film traite d’un sujet mature, ce qui en fait une La Comedie histoire émouvante capable de vous La première grande comédie française faire pleurer. s’appelle Le Sens de la Fête. Gagnant de la meilleure comédie française en Une Film Biographique 2017, l’histoire raconte un homme qui Barbara est un drame biographique sur s’appelle Max, un traiteur et organisateur la sensationnelle chanteuse française d’événements. Max a participé à des des années 1960. Le film est unique et centaines de fêtes, mais va avoir son incroyable. Le film étudie qui Barbara plus grand défi en tirant un mariage était en tant qu’artiste à travers toutes grandiose. Ce film est hilarant et unique ses plates-formes artistiques. Le film avec plusieurs perspectives qui nous montre également des images réelles permet de voir comment les Français et des clips de Barbara. Tout en tout, elle organisent des soirées de manière était une icône française nationale qui amusante. Une autre film de comédie est vraiment honorée à travers ce film. s’appelle La Promesse de l’Aube. Ce film a une distribution talentueuse et très Au fil des ans, l’industrie acclamée. La promesse de l’Aube est à cinématographique française a produit propos d’un homme qui s’appelle Gray de nombreux grands films. Ces quatre et sa mère russo juive. Les deux formes mentionnés ne sont qu’un petit groupe une relation extrêmement étroite et d’une très longue liste. Maintenant, parfois malsaine. Gray et sa mère assurez-vous de les regarder vous-même.

Le Bossu de Notre Dame

Pourquoi la fameuse histoire est Plus Pertinente que Jamais

Par Aidan Carino, Cheryl K. Cette année, la classe de 12e année de Mme. Reid a lu Le Bossu de NotreDame par Victor Hugo. Le roman raconte l’histoire de Quasimodo, le sonneur de la cathédrale NotreDame qui est persécuté pour son apparence peu conventionnelle. Dans Le Bossu de Notre-Dame, le thème de l’importance de la beauté externe et de la superficialité dans la société est mentionné à plusieurs reprises. Quasimodo est jugé, ainsi que traité différemment en fonction de son apparence extérieure. Mme. Reid et la classe de 12e année ont remarqué à quel point cette question gêne encore dans la société d’aujourd’hui. On peut dire sans risque

de se tromper que nous vivons dans une culture dominée par la vanité. Partout où nous regardons, normes irréalistes de la beauté sont plâtrés dans les publicités, les films, les médias sociaux, etc. Comment sommes-nous censés avoir confiance en nous quand la société accorde une si grande importance à la superficialité? Nous croyons que nous ne pouvons pas laisser notre dialogue intérieur tourner autour de nos propres insécurités physiques. Pendant les moments d’insécurité, nous devons vivre nos vérités peu importe comment les autres nous perçoivent. Nous devons comprendre que la beauté ne se limite pas à l’apparence physique; la beauté est basés sur la résilience, le travail dur, et la compassion humaine. Au bout du compte, nous devons tous convenir que l’apparence physique n’a pas autant d’importance que nous le pensons car elle ne donne aucune indication du vrai caractère d’une personne. La vanité n’est aussi puissante que ce que nous laissons être. VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 19

wact wact


creative spaces

Is The iPhone X Worth It?

Behind the Screen

Taking a closer look at Apple’s new product

Inside the life of controversial internet star Jake Paul

By Gracy Yan All these years, no one could have ever imagined that a cell phone would ever cost over $1000, but the past couple of years has proved otherwise. A year after the release of Apple’s new iPhone 8 and iPhone X, Apple has released not one, not two, but three new iPhones that cost a fortune and are making the internet go crazy. Now, the key question is: are the new iPhones really worth emptying your wallet?

of the screen) is much wider than the Xs models. Although there are some notable differences between the Xr and the Xs model, the Xr still has facial recognition, dual sim slots, and water resistance, and it comes in a 6.1in display which is smaller than the iPhone Xs max, but larger than the iPhone Xs.

However, many of the features that Apple has suddenly came out with these past couple of years have all been inspired by Android phones that are being sold for significantly cheaper than the iPhone. When Apple introduced the face unlock, it broke the internet, Starting with the Xs, it looks pretty but some don’t realize that this along much the same as last years release with many other features aren’t new. of the iPhone X. It has the same 5.8in They’ve been hiding in the Android


display, facial recognition, dual 12MP wide-angle and telephoto camera, wireless charging, OLED displays, and sadly, but not surprisingly, still no headphone jack. Only this time, Apple came out with a golden colour, water resistant of 2 meters deep for 30 minutes, and a dual sim set up. This phone has a starting price of $1 379 for a 64gb before tax. The new Xs max has the exact same features, but with a 6.5in displays, and the 64gb model costs $1 519 before tax. Remember the iPhone 5c? How it was essentially the “budget” phone that Apple had created for their (at the time) new iPhone 5 and 5s phones. Similarly, this year along with the release of the iPhone Xs and Xs max, Apple released the iPhone Xr. Starting at $1 029 before tax for the 64gb model, the phone comes in six different colours: yellow, coral, blue, product red, white, and black. The reason why these phones are WAY cheaper than the two Xs models is because Apple swapped the OLED screens for a cheaper LCD one, their stainless steel case for aluminium, the dual camera for a single one, and if you look closely the bezel (outer rim

phones. Some phones such as the OnePlus 6T might arguably be better than the iPhone for roughly half the price, starting at $719. The face unlock is quicker, battery life is longer, charge is quicker with the quick charge power brick (one of the fastest charging bricks out there), dual camera, smaller notch, and it includes fingerprint unlock as well. The truth as to why these phones are so expensive is because Apple makes a gross margin of about 64% per iPhone sold. In other words, these phones are not physically worth the price that they’re sold for, but somehow people don’t care and still continue to buy them. Once you get used to an Apple phone, it’s hard to switch to any other type of phone. Although these phones are ridiculously overpriced, you can’t help but feel pretty good when you hold one of their sleek designs. Whether they’re worth over $1.5k is for you to decide, because in this day and age, everyone’s life is on their phone. For some, the choosing the wrong phone can mean choosing the wrong lifestyle.


By Samatha Mendes

during his Youtube career. This series could possibly resolve or worsen these After a long wait, conflicts, especially his feuds between Shane Dawson has former Team 10 members. Shane goes finally released a series based on the mind of Jake Paul. The series is situated around the question, “Is Jake Paul a sociopath?” During the series, Shane Dawson has admitted that he shouldn’t be giving Jake Paul a platform, however his life has been an interesting story that many of his fans have requested to hear about. Shane Dawson goes quite in depth into Jake Paul’s past, his family life, as well JAKE PAUL (RIGHT) PICTURED WITH FELLOW YOUTUBER ALFIE DEYES (LEFT) as the former members of ‘Team 10’: AT THE WEB SUMMIT 2016. PHOTO VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Tessa Brooks, the Martinez twins, Nick Crompton, and many more. Throughout as far as bringing in therapist, Kati the series, Shane gives insight on Jake’s Morton, to diagnose Jake Paul. Although relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Alissa he has displayed many symptoms of a Violet, which was the source of a lot of sociopath, she believes that Jake Paul controversy. isn’t a sociopath. She has received lots of backlash with many saying that she previously falsely diagnosed Jake Paul and tried to make him look bad.


The documentary brings to light the character of the viner turned Youtube sensation: Jake Paul. Jake Paul explains the motives behind his videos and clears up some confusion associated with his name. Although Jake’s actions aren’t the smartest, at some point the blame gets thrown at Jake Paul’s brother, Logan Paul, and their father. Shane interviewed Jake on many of his past negative incidents and to give a different perspective of the events. The new perspective has swayed his viewers’ thoughts and left many wondering, “Should we feel bad for Jake Paul?” Jake Paul has made many enemies

The Jake Paul series is not just about Jake Paul, but about the tactics of many YouTubers, and their methods for getting views. In The Mind of Jake Paul, Kati Morton suggests that Logan Paul was a sociopath, which received some negative reactions from Logan Paul himself. Shane said he wasn’t trying to mess up Jake’s relationship, yet he allowed Kati to call Logan a sociopath. Shane Dawson has a way of making others feel sympathy for the people that he’s interviewing. Many people hated Jake Paul, but by the final part, The Secrets of Jake Paul, Shane finds a way to make his viewers sympathise for one of the most hated Youtubers. The mind of Jake Paul is a compelling and eye-opening documentary that changes your perspective on not just Jake Paul, but the people around you.

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creative spaces

Honey of Youth By Hannah Pendon

Come hither, youngish lad Fill the empty void That whirls through thousands Of uncertainties Of tight confusion Of countless possibilities Having young liberties Through the field of hostilities On such a disability To those who do not know How to walk forward With their capable feet

Come hither, youngish lass Breath in freedom To pluck out thy parent’s thorn From your throat that Had been keeping you silent And cut the strings Of you puppet masters To become your own Come hither, blossoming flower Let me teach you to learn things You will learn that smiles Are one of the most easiest things to

do But one of the most difficult things to purify You will learn things that you’ve always wanted to learn And things that your eyes and ears wouldn’t welcome You will learn how to play, how to be serious How to love, how to destroy How to be busy, how to search peace amidst being busy How to remember

The moment your boat Becomes steady and still At harmony with the usual winds Of wrinkled skin Of white hairs Of no more adrenaline Youngish lads and lasses, Preserve thy honey of youth



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creative spaces creative spaces

fun and games


VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 23

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creative spaces

Where is Dagger

Top 10 Chrstmas Songs to Add to Your Playlist 1. Silent Night by Mariah Carey 2. All I Want For Chistmas Is You by Mariah Carey 3. O Holy Night by Mariah Carey 4. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) by Mariah Carey 5. Miss You Most (At Christmas Time) by Mariah Carey 6. Joy to the World by Mariah Carey 7. Jesus Born on This Day by Mariah Carey 8. Santa Clause Is Comin’ to Town by Mariah Carey 9. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing/ Gloria (In Excelsis Deo) by Mariah Carey 10. Jesus Oh What a Wonderful Child by Mariah Carey (All of these song can be found in Mariah Carey’s “Merry Christmas” 1994 album. Enjoy!) VOLUME 24 / ISSUE 1 mwplanet 24

fun and games

By Nicole Taylor

Dog Illustration by Grace Yee

By Mackenzy Miranda


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