Mary Ward Planet - Vol.22, Issue 2, Spring 2015-2016

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volume 21 || issue 2 || spring edition 2016

Pa c e v s . Pa s s i o n | S e m i Fo r m a l | Po s t - S e c o n d a r y


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Will the Academy Ever Learn? A Home Away from Home Voluntourism: The Truth Behind the Trend TOMs: Changing the World One Step at a Time

LIFE Pressures to Perform The Road to Confidence What It Means to Be a Feminist Your Guide to a Summer Job The Benefits of a Break 2016: Ending at the Start Post-Secondary Decisions What to Do in Your Week Off

COMMUNITY To: The World, Sincerilly: Michael Morales Is That a World Tour or Your Girl’s Tour? Community Wrap-Up When I Grow Up, I Want to Be a Hacker Winter Activity Day Mary Ward Semi-Formal: The Grammys

SPORTS Sports Wrap Up Athlete Highlight: Kyle Lowry Ward’s Newest Member NBA All-Star Weekend 2016 The Sports Industry: More Than Pro Athletes NHL All-Star Weekend 2016


Le bilinguilisme La France frugale? Le prix de la vie en Paris

WACT Netflix if Taking Over Soaring, Flying, Reuniting Neko Atsume-azing Presenting the Oscars History is Happening: Hamiton Review Becoming a Legend Today The Creative Freedom of Children’s Cartoons House of Cards Stands Tall


Code of Ethics

All content © 2015-2016 Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this newspaper, in part or whole, is prohibited without the approval of Planet executive members. The Mary Ward Planet is the official student newspaper of Mary Ward C.S.S. All members of the Mary Ward community may voluntarily contribute to the Planet. Everyone exhibits professionalism and respects one another in all exchanges while keeping Christian values and practices. All submitted articles, layouts, and photography are subject to moderation. Material submitted is subject to approval by the Executive, staff moderators, and administration. All material must positively support the ideas and spirit of Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School. Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School is a self-directed learning centre located at 3200 Kennedy Road that was founded in 1985. It became a member of the CCSDL (Canadian Coalition of Self-Directed Learning) in 1995.

Layout Artists Allegra Fiorino

Andrea Nijmeh

Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun

Bianca Gomba

Serena Singh

Adrienne Dacoco

Kieona George

Don Qarlo Bernardino

Kayleen Dicuangco

Nimmy Ayekun

Julia D’silva

Leanne Cortez

Yanelle Bardhan-Mendonca

John Velasco

Veronica iskander

Nancy Abora-Zei

Joyce Giolagon

Cathy Nguyen

Aiken Chau

Davenand Harrack

Kaitlyn Pontanilla

Cover Design


Coloured Pages


table of contents

editorial editorial

world issues

The Mary Ward Paradox: Pace versus Passion With the rush of the last semester, students seem to be focusing on having units completed rather than learning the material they are being tested on. Mary Ward proudly bears the label ‘selfdirected learning centre’, yet there are still some areas that could be adjusted to better enhance learning rather than students briefly retaining material to pass units. Although this is not an issue exclusive to Mary Ward, the progress markers of our system may create a twisted perspective of what it means to be educated, “[Educators] emphasize success more than learning” said Karen, a grade eleven student. Different factors like T.A. interviews, consultations, work ethics and other things, can lead to some students believing their success as a student is reflected upon their grades rather than their knowledge. “Granted throughout the school year, there needs to be a balance between passion and pace. It’s like balancing your thoughts and emotions” said Mr. Morra. A teacher’s attempt at being encouraging can also be interpreted as added pressure for students, “I think they [teachers] want us to just get it over with, like, ‘you’ve been on this unit forever and you need to get it over with’,” said Nancy, a grade nine student. Looming test expirations or speaking with teachers about a lack of progress in a course may imply that a student should focus on ‘catching up’ rather than actually learning the course material.

for learning in the science department. directed because it’s not been expected of them” said Mr. Rosseel. Most students may be unaware that the 30% cumulative activity present in Mary Ward students are told what they each course does not have to consist need to learn, are forced to stay in an of an exam. The activity could be area at particular times, and are often any other type of project that works expected to maintain the same pace for the student’s learning style and of others. The dilemma is how these demonstrates their understanding policies can be integrated with our of the curriculum. “I would like to see unique system of self-direction. How students say ‘I would like to propose can Mary Ward have structure yet allow this…’. if it’s going to be truly self- students to be independent? directed, then the student has to call that shots” said Mr. Morra. “It’s about students being the architects of their own learning process” said Mr. Mary Ward may have areas to enhance, Notten when asked about the definition but for improvements to be successful, of self-directed learning. students also need be truly selfdirected. Many students enroll at Ward One possible solution is more teacherwith the expectation of a carefree student meetings. “Even though we are education, then they procrastinate for not a traditional high school setting, most of the year and get upset when we can adapt and use some of their their teacher will not cut them some techniques. We could ease more into slack. Students must become more self- self-directed learning” said Veronica, motivated. Having T.A.’s be responsible a grade twelve student. A seemingly for continual completion of units is not never ending annoyance of students a healthy dynamic; students should are condensed consultations, so longer be self-motivated and take initiative. “I meetings with teachers could be a think before the students can be self- benefit. Seeing teachers more often will directed they need to gain skills or tools lead to students having their questions that will allow them to be self-directed. answered. “More questions asked, more Right now, I don’t know if a lot of the units handed in” said a grade eleven students in the school could be self- student.

Another theory to resolve students’ procrastinating is extending unit target dates. “For some, the two weeks are not enough” said Stacy, a grade twelve student. Teachers and administration have sensed Mary Ward’s growing need for increased self-direction and are working on making this a reality in the form of Vision Day. “Vision Day was to give departments an opportunity to look at their programming and look for new ways to integrate or enhance the self-directed learning” explained Mrs. Breen. As a result of Vision Day, teachers are preparing to do a pilot run of the new projects they created within the upcoming school year. Mary Ward is one of few schools that operates with the aim of achieving self-directed learning. Having that kind of education model requires the partnership and teamwork of students and teachers. Through the willingness of its faculty and administrators to try new methods of teaching and listen to the feedback from their students, Ward has the chance of one day achieving true self-directed learning for the benefit of teachers and students alike.

Behavioural patterns some students exhibit may also contribute to rushing when it comes to academics. The constant questions of ‘What unit are you on?’ can lead to a student feeling inferior, which can cause them to rush. Minimal support provided to particular learning styles is also an argument facing in Mary Ward’s self-directed learning. Although our school does try to compensate for these different styles, it may still take longer for certain students to understand the material because of the way they learn. “In terms of visual learners, the textbooks have many diagrams and we have PowerPoints that we put on Edmodo with pictures and diagrams” said Mr. Toth about the opportunities


VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 03


world issues world issues

world issues

Will The Academy Ever Learn? By Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun The Academy Awards, informally known as the Oscars, have been criticized on numerous occasions for its lack of diversity. But with all categories considered, 2016 will be the worst year yet. Despite many promising films featuring people of colour, every nominee for all four acting categories (Best Male/ Female Leading Actor and Supporting Actor) are Caucasian. With box office blockbusters like Creed, Straight Outta Compton, Chi-raq, and Beasts of No Nation, racial prejudice amongst Oscar nominees becomes unmistakable. One might even say that Oscar nominees this year are blindingly white. In the case of the film Creed (a sequel to the legendary Rocky film series), African-American Ryan Coogler both directed the movie and wrote its screenplay. The film also stars a black leading actor, Michael B. Jordan. However, the only nominee from the movie was Sylvester Stallone – a Caucasian man. Straight Outta Compton was nominated for its screenplay alone, which was written by – in the words of Jonathan Herman himself – a “white Jewish gay guy from Connecticut”. To add to all of this, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu and his team were the only

Hispanic filmmakers nominated. These facts may be less shocking if one considers who’s actually voting for each category. In fact, Oscar voters are: 94% white, 73% male, and on average, 63 years-old. Essentially, a bunch of old white men decide who and what gets nominated for an award. Therefore, not only is there a lack of diversity amongst the nominations, the problem lies within the board itself. This year isn’t the first that the Oscars have been accused with favouritism. Everyone is familiar with #OscarsSoWhite, a hashtag that blew up on social media platforms last year. Spike Lee, an African American film director, producer, writer, and actor, expressed his opinion on the matter over Instagram stating, “We cannot support it and [I] mean no disrespect ... But, how is it possible for the second consecutive year all 20 contenders under the acting category are white? And let’s not even get into the other branches … Forty white actors in two years and no flava at all. We can’t act?! WTF!!” Perhaps the most moving statement on the subject comes from Jada Pinkett Smith who said, “Is it time that people of color recognize how much power, influence, that we have amassed, that we no longer need to ask to be invited anywhere? Begging for acknowledgement, or even asking,

diminishes dignity and diminishes power. And we are a dignified people, and we are powerful.” Jada Pinkett Smith, who will not be attending the ceremony this year, continued, “Let’s let the Academy do them, with all grace and love. And let’s do us, differently.” But how important are the Oscars, anyway? Perhaps Jada Pinkett Smith is right and it’s just an awards show. The Oscars are not the end-all be-all of the film industry. Thousands of brilliant films go unrecognised every year by them. If a bunch of old men want to get together every year and announce which films they liked the best, then why not? If the Oscars can’t change, those who watch films can by just ignoring the Oscars! However, problems concerning racial inequality in Hollywood exist outside of the Oscars, as well. It is widely known that the industry has long been dominated by Caucasian people. It’s important that the industry undergoes reform; racial representation is not something to be dismissed. Watching strictly Caucasian actors in lead roles can do a number on little girls’ and boys’ self esteem and contribute to internalised racism. Change is necessary but it will be slow. African-American Academy President, Cheryl Boone Isaacs announced

A2020, which The Hollywood Reporter describes as “a five-year plan to study practices at the Academy with the aim of improving the diversity of its own staff and governance while also bringing new voices into the organization. It is also intended to encourage and to push the industry to examine its hiring practices and to begin to make changes.” Diversity, here, refers to age, gender, race, national origin and point of view. “When it comes to fair and equal representation in our industry, words are are not enough,” Boone explained. “We also have a responsibility to take action, and we have an unique opportunity to do so now.” One thing we know for sure is that the necessary reform will not take place overnight. To look on the bright side of things, at least people are talking about this issue. Throughout the years, the demand for racial equality in Hollywood, and many other aspects of life, has grown stronger and louder. People are starting to recognise their own power, and the influence that a collective group can have over an industry. So - boycott the whitewashed aspects of Hollywood, and support movies with people of colour in them! It may feel like it’s impossible for just one person to make a difference, but together, people have the capacity to make great change.

A Home Away From Home By Lucy Ma

Canada, which has always been noted as the land of dreams and new opportunities, has been living up to its title as of late by offering a helping hand to Syrian refugees late last year. Because of this, many Syrian refugees now have less to fear as they begin a new life in Canada. The refugee crisis began in March 2011 when the government of Syria was torn apart and civil war erupted. In the span of five years since the beginning of the war, nearly 220,000 people have been killed; half of which were believed to be civilians. This drove many civilians to seek out an oasis in the midst of tumultuous war. The need for resettlement grew when Russia began to bomb ISIS targets in Syria in October of 2015. VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 04

However, leaving a war-torn home is easier said than done as most Syrians decided to immigrate after witnessing the death of a loved one due to the violence. Escapees often travelled on foot for miles at night to avoid snipers or being caught by soldiers. The Syrian refugees hoped to seek help by fleeing to nearby countries such as Jordan and Lebanon. Others hoped to find peace by travelling to Europe through Turkey or Greece by way of the Mediterranean Sea. The journeys taken through the Mediterranean were often illegal, dangerous, and involved overcrowded rafts. To avoid being caught without proper paperwork and sent back home, they navigated the waves at night. Not all made it out alive - one such victim of the dangerous circumstances was three year old Alan Kurdi. The photograph of his lifeless body on a Turkish beach and the story of his family considering

Canada as a possible final destination made the Syrian refugee crisis a key topic within our nation.

welcome to the first refugees that arrived in Toronto on December 10, 2015.

In July 2013, the government of Canada promised to resettle 1,300 refugees. This promise was fulfilled in March 2015, nearly two years after the initial promise. In August 2015, as a part of the Conservative re-election promise, they vowed to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country, while the Liberals promised 25,000 by the end of the year. After the election, the Liberals began the plan of resettling the refugees. However, the Paris attacks triggered many oppositions within the country. On November 24, the Liberal government admitted that they could not fill the quota of resettling 25,000 refugees by the end of the year.

Within the Mary Ward community, many volunteered their time to help with the Songs for Syria concert to bring a family of refugees to Canada. Many also helped with the winter clothing drive in the hopes of helping newcomers adjust to the new environment. Starting from February 16, Mary Ward began to host thirteen refugee children and volunteers with the school board as part of a TCDSB and TDSB program. They received a warm welcome from the Mary Ward community as many volunteered their time to show them around while others extended a welcome to them when they saw them in the halls. Hopefully, the Syrian refugees are adjusting well to life in Canada. After all, it’s rather lucky that they’ve come during such a warm winter!

Many showed support for the arrival of the refugees such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who extended a warm

world issues

world issues world issues


VOLUNTOURISM: THE TRUTH BEHIND THE TREND By Yanelle Bardhan-Mendonca There are many beliefs surrounding what is known as “voluntourism” or volunteering, often for many weeks, in other countries. Some people are all for it, some people support it without any real knowledge on the topic, and others are totally against it. Everybody, no matter their personal views on voluntourism, must realise that with the potential benefits of volunteering abroad comes the possibility of many faults. And while there may be a large number of positive effects, this particular article headlines the negative effects. Voluntourism is a concept that combines volunteering and tourism. It is the name given to wealthy, western volunteer tourists who travel to developing countries to do service work such as building schools or working in orphanages. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg: volunteer tourism can be damaging to the visited economy and communities. It can affect regular tourism, promote saviorism, and can even instigate cultural changes. Many articles create an idealistic depiction of this sector of tourism but there are two sides to every coin and in the case of voluntourism, the pros may not outweigh the cons. Several studies have shown that voluntourism is a more positive alternative to mass tourism,

which involves tens of thousands of people going to a single resort over a period of time. After this practice had been deemed unsustainable, more and more people chose to carry out voluntourism. Despite this, volunteer tourism is not necessarily the right way to go. Instead, many people are making the choice between “bad” and “less bad”, so to speak. Voluntourism has been referred to as “new-age colonialism” by Voluntary Service Overseas and demoted from a great substitute for mass tourism to “poverty tourism” by the Huffington Post. The socio-cultural impact of voluntourism, while thought to be great by many, can excel into an instigation of cultural changes. This can be caused by the demonstration effect and the action of short-term missionaries. A voluntourist group’s organizational staff’s perception of development often consists of seeing results in terms of material things. This is interlinked with the modernization theory that is used to explain the process of modernisation within societies. This reflects upon colonialism in the Middle Ages and beyond, where the colonists decided to uproot the native culture and impose their own societal standards. While voluntourism can be about the volunteer’s personal growth and growth into a global citizen, it can also escalate into saviorism. Wealthy, western tourists take away the muchneeded jobs of local workers by building

their schools and working in their orphanages, resulting in a fair amount of damage to the economy and even personal finance. This shows that the voluntourists b e l i e v e they are, in a way, being a hero to the residents of the host country. Truly, the presence of volunteer labour creates a decrease in employment opportunities for locals, a promotion of dependency to the western voluntourists, and a disruption of local economies. This is a prime example of white saviorism. The volunteers’ lack of skills can hinder the work progress and increase the chance of unsatisfactory work. Think of it like this; if one is not qualified to do it in Canada, why should they be able to do it in another country? Not only that, but voluntourists tend not to involve the locals with the work, causing a neglect of locals’ desire for the tourists being there. Not only is voluntourism very harmful to local workers who are out of jobs due to the work done by visitors, but it is harmful to the local children, the native culture, and the overall economy. Voluntourists waste the time and efforts of the institutions they


travel with because they are continually having to upgrade facilities and security. Vulnerable children who have been abused or abandoned become attached to these tourists as they spend large amounts of time together. This only adds to their trauma when the volunteer tourists go home from their “holiday”. The intercultural experience commenced by volunteer tourists can even lead to a reinforcement of conceptualizations of the developing world and rationalizations of poverty. Voluntourists are not professionals. Social campaigns promote high school students’volunteering abroad, yet these students are untrained in how to build a house, work with children, or aid any kind of development. They would never be allowed to do it here - so why there? These efforts support a form of tourism that promotes harmful and damaging actions and is representative of their untrustworthiness. Voluntourism is not a quintessential service project; it is a trend, and it is a sham.

TOMS: CHANGING THE WORLD ONE STEP AT A TIME By Joyce Giolagon TOMS is known for its comfortable and stylish footwear, but as of 2014, the company has decided to help those in need with every purchase made by customers. Founded in 2006 by Blake Mycoskie in Arlington, Texas, their footwear is based off the design of an Argentine shoe style known as “espadrilles” or “alpargatas.” Their most famous campaign is “One for One”, which entails that when one customer buys a pair of TOMS, the company will provide a pair of shoes for someone in need. According to their website, TOMS has provided 50 million pairs of shoes to less fortunate children.

The company has also reached out with Giving Partners in 13 countries to provide health, education and community development programs. On top of that, TOMS has supported water, safe birth, and bullying prevention services that will help many families and their communities. In case these shoes aren’t your style, don’t worry! The company sells many other products including TOMS Eyeware, which, when purchased, allows a person in need to receive a full eye exam performed by trained medical professionals, as well as receive the treatment required. This includes prescription glasses, sight-saving surgery against cataract and trachoma, and medical treatment for those already experiencing vision problems. The treatment does more than help any

patient physically, but also allows them to regain independence to live their daily. The company has helped restore sight to over 360 thousand people! The TOMS Roasting Co.Coffee also gives 140 litres of clean water, an entire week’s supply, to someone in need. Working with the Giving Partners, the company aims to help create sustainable water systems in seven countries that are also the source of their coffee beans. As of today, TOMS has provided 250 thousand weeks of safe water for someone who truly needs it. TOMS Bags helps deliver necessities and training to provide safe births in all the facilities it’s affiliated with. Infection is the first leading cause of death for mothers and newborns across the

world. However, with the clean birthing conditions they’ve provided, over half a million lives have been saved. When a TOMS StandUp Backpack is bought, training for school staff and counselors is provided in order to prevent and effectively respond against bullying. Bullying response programs means allowing students to receive text line support against emotional crises, as well as resolving incidents for both the bully and the victim. Ultimately, why not treat yourself while still giving back to the community? Support TOMS or even just visit their website to read their stories that will surely inspire you!

VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 05

world issues

life life


Pressures to Perform By Allegra Florino Between school, h o m e w o r k , extracurricular activities, family functions and friends, high school students these days don’t seem to have a lot of down-time. But there are a lot of differing views about how much of this activity comes from over-managing or over-involved parents. It would be rash for any parent with their child’s best interest in mind to ignore the academic status of their son or daughter. But have they gone too far?

We are under huge pressure to succeed, particularly so if we have been extensively disciplined to win our place. Depriving us of a proper childhood by adding the pressure of competing academically at all costs could be the metaphorical straw which breaks the camel’s back. Guiding and supporting us to be happy and stable as we go through our childhoods must be the number one priority. And we all know that a happy child works harder. I am more delighted than anyone when students at school

It’s easy to see how some pressure can be beneficial. If it helps to keep us organized and on track in our studies and extra-curriculars, that’s great. But it’s important that pressure does not come before other, more fundamental parenting responsibilities. If a good foundation of support has been laid, the house of self-esteem is sturdy and not easily huffed, puffed, and blown by windy big bad wolf pressures. Employing a tutor for a child, which only a few years ago would have been seen as an unusual step, is now commonplace for many parents. Children have to be coached extensively – having daily tutoring after school, on weekends and/ or during the holidays – just to scrape through some exams. What hope do we have for surviving the even more rigorous obstacles that lie ahead? There is no doubt that many students struggle once they are within higher education and, in many cases, flounder without the extensive tutoring which they once had to help them keep afloat.

succeed, but I would never want their success to come with such a high cost. Perhaps a broader issue is the fact that when parents become so focused on their child’s achievement, their overall relationship suffers. Parents can be overinvolved in the wrong things, and under involved in the right things. A parent might attend all of our games or recitals, but they’re not necessarily spending the quality time to get to know us – listening to us, joking with us, or even just eating dinner as a family.

These might seem like small things but they’re not. We need to see that we are loved for who we are, not just for what we can do.

Most importantly, is pressuring us to perform in one area or another the best way to help us to achieve the success and happiness they want for us? Because a lot of the time, for all of Perhaps we are pressured because our parents’ best intentions, they may not parents in fact feel pressure from other be so helpful after all. parents. Or maybe it’s because they want to live vicariously through our But what are they really protecting achievements. Or it may simply be that us from? And what message are they they fear we’ll be behind the crowd if giving us about life? Is it failure that they’re not constantly pushing us to they’re shielding us from? Is it this fear keep up. Whatever the case may be, of not always being number one that is as our schedules are filled with team driving them to micromanage our lives? practices, tutoring sessions, extra- They worry about kids constantly being challenged at the highest level. What’s wrong with coasting a bit? No one can be good at everything. It’ll leave some extra time to work on the areas they need to improve. Have we ever stopped to question what the end result of all this involvement is? It’s a generation that can’t do anything on its own. A generation that needs coaches, tutors, mom, and dad to be at the sidelines at all times. A generation that thinks it always needs to be number one at everything and is anxious, nervous, and never satisfied with who PHOTO BY NINOSHKA PAIS they are. A generation that is not hungry curriculars, and music lessons, we need for anything because everything is to ask ourselves whether they’re doing handed to them. it for us. We are being robbed of the opportunity Ultimately, parents have to ask what to grow up and discover ourselves. To they really want for their kids. Do they figure out who we are, what we love, want us to be happy? Do they want us what we excel at, and what we want to feel empowered, to have social lives to excel at. Why not stop protecting us and agency in our life decisions? Are from the world and start preparing us they enabling us to find and pursue our for it, instead? passions? What is their idea of success and is it necessarily one that is right for their child?

The Road to C onfidenc e

By Adrienne Dacoco somewhere. Look at confident people and imitate them. Hold your head up Having a lack high even if you want to look down at of confidence is the floor. Raise your voice even if you tough. Doubts and don’t want to talk at all. Speak your mind criticisms grow into even if you’d rather go unnoticed. Try massive monsters something new even if you want to stay that consume your mind telling you in your comfort zone. Eventually, you’ll that no one likes you, that you’re not realize that you’ve started to develop good enough, and that you’re a failure. your confidence from feigning it. But you can change that. Confidence isn’t an easy thing to attain. It’s a fluid Another way to build confidence is to thing that keeps changing, and you build your self-acceptance. This is a lot need to keep working on it to develop more difficult than faking it and is a it. There are two different ways that you constant battle. This involves changing your mindset and switching it from can try to build your self-confidence. negativity to positivity. It is a lot easier Firstly, fake it til you make it. This said than done, so it’s best to take little may seem like a weird way to get a steps. Try shutting down negative confidence boost but you have to start thoughts as soon as they transpire, give VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 06

yourself pep talks, surround yourself with supportive people, accept that mistakes are okay, and just keep at it. Find a way to reinforce positivity in your life every single day. The more positive your mindset is, the easier it becomes to believe in yourself and the easier it will be to build your confidence.

a battle with acceptance in one way or another; you aren’t alone. It’s tough and it’s always a work in progress but it’s worth it. You will learn to have bigger goals and the confidence you need to achieve them.

It can be a long journey and there isn’t really a stage where you achieve ultimate confidence. But you can build it up and strengthen it. Find what works for you. Confidence constantly fluctuates and is difficult to maintain in a world filled with criticism and high expectations but don’t give up and don’t be discouraged. Everyone goes through PHOTO BY NINOSHKA PAIS


life life


What It Means to Be a Feminist

By Nimmy Ayekun for every dollar a man makes. Similar to the idea of looking through a “one Since the birth of the size fits all” sort of perspective, which is movement in the often that of a white upper class woman, early 1900’s to its re- you only gain a very general and vague emergence in early idea of what the movement actually 2014 pop culture, feminism has been stands for in terms of equality. It can’t be met with a string of controversies and called equality for all women when the rampant discussions. Now that we’re problems specific to each woman are in 2016, the movement has several not being faced or discussed equally. faults that need to be addressed: Unnecessary Slandering of Other Lack of Intersectionality Women The word intersectionality is used Another major issue to be addressed to describe how categorizations within feminism is the unnecessary such as race, class and gender are bashing and putting down of women interconnected social identities that who don’t confine themselves to cannot be separated from one another. similar views of what it means to As a movement meant to empower be a feminist, such as those who all women, mainstream feminism choose to make traditional choices. represents quite the opposite. It Hanna Yusuf, a 22-year-old university tends to group the struggles of all student in London, England makes an women under a single umbrella, thus excellent point of how her choice to invalidating the separate struggles wear a hijab is not oppressive despite of other members of the community. misconceptions. In Islam and many To put it in perspective, let’s take the other cultures and religions, modesty commonly used point of unequal pay is a form of empowerment. The Quran in the workforce. Yes, women are more reveals that women should cover their likely to earn 77 cents for every dollar a hair and their natural beauty, the core male makes in the same position, but no of the idea being that a woman should one talks about how African American be valued more for her intellect rather women are estimated to earn 64 cents than her sexual allure. Liberation is in and Hispanic women make just 54 cents the eyes of the beholder, whether you

choose to completely cover up or wear nothing at all. There is no set guideline as to what constitutes a good feminist and a movement should be focused on uplifting its members, not bringing them down and rejecting them. Slandering other women and bringing them down falsely indicates that women who fit a certain mold are the only ones who deserve to have equal rights.


Ignoring Ignorance While I support the effort of public figures identifying themselves with the movement, many of the widely known feminists seem to be unperceptive celebrities. No one wants to believe that their idol isn’t perfect, and this ideology becomes a problem when celebrity actions start to become detrimental to the cause that claim to stand by or offensive to those within

it. Take Lena Dunham for example; you may know her as a very outspoken selfproclaimed feminist or from her hit comedy television series Girls on HBO. In an interview with the Rolling Stone, she was recorded saying she held more sympathy for “India’s stray dogs” rather than the “poverty stricken people” of the country. However, even in 2016, a subset of feminists remain wildly loyal to her, dismissing her transgressions. In fact, HuffPost Women preemptively declared that they would not “participate in the Lena Dunham backlash,” even praising her “thoughtful” response to criticisms of the overwhelming “whiteness” of Girls. For students, constant exposure to media means a constant exposure to topics and ideas that we may not completely understand. If you were someone who already self-identifies as a feminist or is contemplating whether or not to identify with the beliefs, this article is not meant to portray feminism in a negative light. Believing in feminist ideals and identifying as a feminist isn’t bad. However, it is important to note the biases and issues surrounding the movement in order to create a better and more inclusive understanding of what feminism should be.

YOUR GUIDE TO A SUMMER JOB By Madeleine MacIsaac-Sun

government start as early as January. While it’s true that it can be hard to fit job hunting into your busy schedule, Everybody wants it’s never too early to start looking! to do something You might just miss the perfect job with their summer. opportunity if you wait too long. That something may be travelling, volunteering, attending summer Beef up your resume school, relaxing, or getting a job. Remember, your resume (and cover It’s true, the summer is a great time letter, if required) is your first impression. to achieve that ideal cash flow; As with almost all online job applications, with the obligation of school no your future employers will use your longer looming over you, summer resume to decide whether or not you allows time for both work and play. would be a good employee. Previous work experience, volunteer experience, The question is: how does one and participation in any extracurricular even get a summer job? Well, my activities should all go on your resume. friend, let me take you on a journey. On top of that, any relevant skills should also be listed. In the end, to make the best first impression your resume Start looking early You might be thinking, “Man, there’s should have headings like: Summary tons of time ‘till June! I don’t have to of Qualifications, Work Experience, worry about a job just yet.” However, Education, Volunteer Experience, postings for summer jobs with the Extracurricular Activities, Certifications,

Technical Skills, and Spoken Languages. volunteering or doing some charity work to gain other work experience. If all else fails there’s nothing wrong with picking Ask around It never hurts to ask those you know up a summer school course, hanging out about job opportunities. Who knows with friends, or de-stressing with family – your hockey coach’s wife might – the sky’s the limit. You’ve got a full two manage a grocery store, or your months to yourself, after all! Enjoy it! neighbor might need a new paper route guy or gal. If nothing else, your connections might get you somewhere! Apply to more than one job! Finally, if you really want a job, you’ve got to apply to more than just one position. Realistically, your chances of landing a summer job aren’t great if you’re only applying to two or three jobs. Think of it this way: the more jobs you apply to, the better your chance of getting those dolla dolla billz this summer. Most importantly, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get that job you’re gunning for this summer. There is no way to “waste” a summer. Instead of working, try PHOTO BY NINOSHKA PAIS

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life life

The BenefIts of a break By Veronica Iskander


2016: ENDING AT THE START By John Velasco

gap year, as most people see it, is not an excuse to be lazy. In Eunice’s case, she knows what she wants to do and Often times, when we has done serious research on it, going think of what to do to university/college fairs and taking a after high school we look at pre-requisites. mull over universities and colleges. The one recurring thought is the constant “I already know I want to go into film nagging of time saying things like “you and media. I also know that this field must do this now” and “decide what is very hands-on and dependent on you want, this is your future”. However, networking and getting connections,” thinking this way not only forces you to Eunice said of her chosen career path. act on any uncertainties but also creates a stigma around people who need more As for her plans for her gap year, Eunice time to make these kinds of decisions. said, “Film depends on a variety of skills that I have not really been able to In retrospect, is it not better to know go deep into yet. I want to go into my yourself and make decisions based on education knowing that I have mastered genuine feelings and knowledge rather all the skills I needed beforehand and than making them blindly? Why then also knowing that I will be able to add do people taking gap years get looked on to those. I plan on doing a whole down on? bunch of volunteering to get that hands-on experience I am looking for.” It’s crucial to stop believing that we are limited to only four or five options after Eunice knows that she needs time to this June and that all of them involve focus on just one thing: her plan. It’s her going back to school and having your time to get ahead of the game and learn future decided. The reality of it is, if more about her passions. “I find that you are unsure of what’s next there’s during school, I don’t really have time to no point in wasting money and stress focus solely on the experience because rushing into a decision that you are not I am trying to balance too much at once. comfortable with. I am also planning on going to film festivals and reading up on more of my In order to get a better understanding career as well as brushing up on some of the stigma around gap years and skills,” she said. the reasons people should take them, we interviewed Mary Ward’s very own If you are thinking of taking a gap year, Eunice Addo. Eunice is a current student there is no need to be discouraged. It’s who not only knows she is taking a gap difficult when you don’t get the chance year, but also knows exactly what to do to explain yourself, but you need to with it. remember that this is about you. Take some time to think, and remember that The first question for Eunice was taking a gap years does not mean you why she chose to do a gap year. As a are being lazy or a waste of time. This is note, Eunice already knows that she your life; make it the best it can be for is seriously looking into the film and you. media department and has decided that it is the field for her. Taking the

David Bowie Date of Death: January 10, 2016 From the beginning Cause of Death: Liver Cancer of 2016, we have mourned the deaths David Jones was an English-Born singer, of some truly iconic producer, songwriter, actor and a multicelebrities. It has been a period of tragic instrumentalist. He was one of the most loss to rock and roll and Harry Potter influential musicians in the 20th century, fans alike. Let’s take a look through mostly known for showcasing visionary some of the most beloved faces that and “outlandish” elements throughout passed away thus far: his music. His fame rose by joining the band The Monkees’ Davy Jones in the 60’s, where he decided to change his name to “David Bowie.” Some of his best known albums include Space Oddity, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust, and The Spiders from Mars. His last album, Blackstar, was released on his 69th birthday, two days before he peacefully passed away after an 18 month battle with cancer. Countless celebrities spoke out to mourn for the singer including Paul McCartney, Kanye West, and PHOTO BY CALGARY HERALD Pharrell. Celebrities and fans also paid Natalie Cole tribute with candles and flowers in his Date of Death: Dec 31 2015 hometown of Brixton, London. Cause of Death: Heart Failure brought on by Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (lung disease)



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Although Natalie is not part of the list of deaths of 2016, she was confirmed dead on January 1, 2016. Natalie Cole is known for being the daughter of famous jazz artist Nat King Cole. Like her father, Natalie was in the music industry, rising to success as an R&B artist in the 70s. Some of her best known songs include “This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)”, “Miss You Like Crazy”, and “Inseparable”. In the 90’s, she released a new album called “Unforgettable…with Love” containing covers of standards performed by Nat King Cole including a father/daughter duet. Natalie was a 65 year-old at her death and was eulogized by legendary Grammy winning artists including Stevie Wonder, Lionel Ritchie, Smokey Robinson, David Foster, Angela Basset and Chaka Khan.


Alan Rickman Date of Death: January 14, 2016 Cause of Death: Pancreatic Cancer Alan Rickman was an English born actor who was well known for his role as Professor Severus Snape in the Harry Potter film franchise. His work also included his roles in movies and television shows such as Die Hard, Love Actually, Galaxy Quest, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Rasputin, and the 1978 BBC Television Special, Romeo and Juliet. Actors from the Harry Potter film franchise paid their tributes to Alan, including Daniel Radcliffe who said Alan was one of “the most loyal and most supportive people” while Emma Watson said she was “so lucky” to have gotten to work with him. People from the internet also shared their love for Rickman through numerous tributes to the great actor. He died at the age of 69.


life life


Post-Secondary Decisions WHAT TO DO IN YOUR WEEK OFF By Adrienne Dacoco and Kayleen Dicuangco If someone were to ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up, would you be able to give a confident answer? High school students are bombarded with questions and expectations concerning university or college programs and future career choices. As teenagers, we are pressured into figuring out our entire future after high school and it can be quite scary. These post-secondary decisions could also be very stressful. Here are some tips to help you plan out your post-secondary pathway. Determine your interests and skills See which subjects you find easy, that you don’t mind doing, or the ones that you enjoy. Pay attention to what you like to do in your spare time. This will help you see what fields you should consider. From there, you can narrow it down to a more specific focus to pursue in post-secondary education. Do some research Teachers can be the most helpful resource there is when it comes to advice about post-secondary education. They can help you and give you the encouragement and guidance that you need. There are also several online resources that provide high school students with helpful post-secondary information, such as program requirements and descriptions. MyBlueprint Education

Planner, which all Mary Ward students are familiar with, offers many quizzes to help you understand which career or program suits you the best, as well as a list of numerous careers that you can browse through. Electronic Info (eINFO) is also a very useful resource where students can look through different career opportunities and which programs to take. Be sure to visit the websites of the schools that interest you the most. It would be a good idea to do some research ahead of time even if you are in grade 10 or 11. Time flies faster than you think so it would be a good idea to research and think about this now. Attend university or college fairs & tours University or college fairs provide students with the chance to have a oneon-one discussion with representatives from different schools across Canada. Take advantage of this opportunity and ask questions about what the school has to offer and what opportunities can be available after graduation. These fairs always provide brochures and booklets which also assist in decision making. This year, the Ontario Universities’ Fair is being held on September 23-25 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Campus tours also help a student decide whether the school is the right choice for them. It allows students to get a taste of university or college life, a look inside the buildings, and the overall atmosphere of the school. To book a campus tour visit the websites of schools you are interested in. Gap years are okay Despite what people may think, gap years can actually be beneficial. If you are really stumped on what programs to apply for, what universities to attend, or which career to choose, you can take a year off to really think about it. Taking a year off to make a clear decision is a lot better than applying to a program and dropping out a month later. Do something you love Sometimes we are pressured into becoming something that we don’t want to be. With societal and parental pressures, the future can be a scary thing. But the most important thing is you. What are you passionate about? What do you enjoy? What is something that you can never get tired of? Whatever the answer may be, pursue it! If you end up in a career that you enjoy, you won’t have to work a day in your life. Remember, there are endless possibilities out there.


By Nimmy Ayekun After months of countless assignments, units, and stress, March Break is definitely something we’ve all been looking forward to. It’s a time to relax and kick back. There are plenty of options for things to do during this break, but if you’re still at a bit of a loss for where to start, here are some ideas that can help you in making the most out of your March Break. Head Downtown Toronto is one of Canada’s top tourist destinations, and for good reason. There is an abundance of activities as well as sites and attractions available in the city’s core. There is definitely something for everyone. If you’re an art lover, you might like the idea of taking a tour of Toronto’s graffiti art scene on Graffiti Alley. Graffiti Alley is Toronto’s only public space scene where graffiti is completely legal and you can gain better insight into Toronto’s amazing street art. You might also consider visiting the Art Gallery of Ontario,


one of Canada’s most prominent art museums. The museum consists of over 5,000 works in about 110 galleries.. Or maybe you prefer graphic novels. Toronto’s Comic Con is also happening this March Break from March 18-20 so make sure to plan ahead and get your tickets if you want to attend. Additionally, lots of attractions tend to offer student discounts, so do a bit of digging and search for what you like. Try Out New Hobbies Considering new hobbies is a great way to battle boredom and possibly discover interests you wouldn’t have known you had otherwise. This could

be anything from yoga or meditation, reading a book, to pursuing photography. You may even want to try brushing up activities that you may have had to push aside during the school year. Check Out some New Restaurants and Cafes Hanging out with friends, or wanting a family friendly activity? Toronto’s cuisine is about as diverse and interesting as Toronto itself. With the amount of food trends this season, there is bound to be something different and interesting around every corner. Some places that I would recommend however include: Dlish Cupcakes- a cupcakery located near Queen West. This cupcakery is often voted as Toronto’s best and is quite known for their red velvet option, so make sure to try one if you get a chance. Pizzeria Libretto- a great pizza place and again a local favorite, or try checking out Salad King if you’re interested in a great selection of tasty and inexpensive ethnic Thai food (watch out however since this place tends to be a little busy). See a Movie While it may be simple, a movie is still always a great go-to idea for something fun and inexpensive. There are lots of great titles and selections coming out in the month of March including the third installation of the much beloved Divergent series: Allegiant. Volunteer This break is a great opportunity to get your volunteer hours out of the way and possibly bulk up your resume. The City of Toronto runs a large number of day camps during the break that would appreciate some extra volunteers. You can also inquire about similar opportunities at your local church or the Toronto Public Library. Work On Units I know, I know, school is probably the last thing you want to think about during March Break but if you are looking to kill some time you might want to try being productive. You can use this time to catch up on units you’ve been avoiding or getting ahead on units to come. However, plan accordingly and don’t let working on units consume your whole break. Take time out to do other things and remember to have fun!

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community community


To: The World, Sincerilly: Michael Morales By Kieona George It is unfortunate to know most adults will spend their life searching for something they have possessed all along. Few will realize their potential and recognize what happens in their life is within their control. Thankfully, Mary Ward is home to someone who knows that now: Michael Morales. In an interview, we discussed music, the strength it takes to believe in yourself, and the Now.

and fear, it’s all in your own head. It takes the right frame of mind to get over things like that, self-doubt especially. You have all these people in the world that are trying to tell you you can’t do something. But what do they know? How are you going to tell me that I can’t be successful if you’ve never taken that path?” Right now, students probably only know risk as letting a test expire. But owning up to the responsibility of having your future in your own hand like Morales is a true test of courage. “I think it’s important that we take risks because whether you succeed or whether you fail, you’re going to grow, you’re going to progress, and you’re going to move forward. I think it’s the people who don’t take risks that are the people who don’t move forward in life, they stay still.”

“I want to be the person that inspires someone to make a change in somebody else’s life,” says Morales. “I think too many people want to just go straight to university or college just because their parents want to tell them to go. I know who I am and I know where I can excel, especially with what I do. I excel more when I’m out into the “Obviously I want to be successful, world.” but at the same time success is all perspective. Right now I believe I’m Morales has begun a budding music successful. Right now I believe that career with a sound that most people I’m doing great things. That’s my would classify as R&B and hip hop. His perspective and right now I’m content... album Sincerilly comes out very soon. because it’s not about everybody,” says Morales. “So far, it’s a beautiful sounding album and I’m really excited for it. It’s going to Morales definitely plans on progressing, sound unlike anything that I have ever “You can’t get somewhere you’ve posted in my whole life. It’s different…” never been if you aren’t willing to says Morales. do something you’ve never done.” Stepping outside of your comfort Just like making a career in pro sports, zone is one of the things Morales rapping is an industry where only one recommends to anyone trying to move in a million prove successful. Michael forward. does not doubt his own abilities, “For me, it takes a lot. Like procrastination “What kept me going and what always

“I have nobody to prove it to except myself,” Michael explains. And prove it he will with his album Sincerilly, composed of songs about various life struggles including depression, having a teenage mother, and growing up in poverty. “When you listen to it you’re going to hear so many stories about my life. You’re going to know a lot about me Morales uses his music as an outlet to after. But you’re also going to know a lot release his own thoughts and emotions about yourself.” and to help other people release theirs, “What I want to do with my music is His upcoming debut album will be give them that outlet, to really confront available during release in April on their emotions and be like ‘You know Soundcloud. “I’m working with a bunch what? You don’t have to hide that you’re of different people to put it on different not perfect. You don’t have to hide places. I don’t want to speak on it yet but you can follow my Instagram, Twitter, anything’.” Soundcloud, and Facebook. All of it’s As Morales says, whether you are trying there if you search Michael Q Morales.” to become an artist or trying to succeed at something no one has tried before, With a great message comes the people will try to tell you that you responsibility of telling others so they cannot. “It’s what you choose to plan for may also realize their truth. But this is yourself. I can’t be depending on others a responsibility, I think, that Morales to believe in me. I believe in myself, handles gracefully. that’s all that matters.” says Morales. keeps me going is how my words affect people. I’ve had shows where I’ve had people crying after a spoken word piece or after a song. I can see the tears fall from their eyes. I’m honestly more than grateful to be that person who is the medium between them and that healing process.”


Is that a world tour or your girl’s tour? By Joyce Giolagon If you are an avid Twitter user you have probably heard of Norm Kelly. Professionally, he is known as the City of Toronto Councillor for Ward 40. To others on social media, he is favoured for his humour and trash-talk against rapper Meek Mill. His hatred was ignited through his love of the famous Canadian rapper, Drake. In the summer of 2015, Drake released two diss tracks against Meek Mill known as “Charged Up” and “Back to Back” in response to Meek Mill’s allegations of Drake having a ‘ghostwriter’. Many people, including Kelly, were VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 10


disappointed with Meek Mill’s response to Drake and Kelly was not shy to tweet this to the world. On January 16, Kelly tweeted a picture of himself handing over a paper with the letter ‘L’ written on it to Meek Mill. This ‘L’ was used to symbolize someone “taking the loss”, implying Meek Mill lost against Drake.

If that was not bad enough, Kelly tweeted a picture of Meek Mill holding stacks of money with the caption “When your girl lets you take pics with her money” the next day. Kelly was implying that Meek Mill’s success was solely because of his relationship with his girlfriend, Nicki Minaj’s, success. Yikes. With all this newfound popularity, Kelly has been effectively tweeting about his love for Drake, his album Views of the 6, and the Toronto Raptors. Kelly is also selling beanies with the text “We the Norm” in a spoof of the Raptor’s famous motto “We the North.” Kelly’s Twitter account has received controversial reactions. Many find humour in his tweets, but others think that this 74-year-old man is taking things too

far and negatively representing Toronto. Decide whether you want to laugh or cringe in embarrassment for yourself by following his account @norm on Twitter.



community community



It’s now 2016 and a new year means new memories! Catch up on the exciting events of the first couple of months by reading this short recap: OKOF Week From January 11 to January 17, OKOF continued to promote social justice for students, focusing on mental illnesses and the negative stigma sometimes associated with them. Copies of “Amanda’s Story (Age 17)” were handed out, in which a teenage girl expressed her journey with depression and how she was able to find resolve by asking for help. Also as part of OKOF week, Denise Lawee visited Mary Ward to speak to the students about Mental Health on February 12. Denise is the team

leader of Delisle Youth Services, an organization focused on reaching out to teens and helping them cope with mental disorders. Denise spoke on various mental health topics including depression, anxiety and mood disorders as well as the various services available to help teens. She encouraged students to be open and speak about mental health as well as seek help for themselves and others who face these struggles. The students had the opportunity to ask questions and get advice from Denise, who has worked with teens for over fifteen years.

Tuesday involved Crazy Sock Day where students showcased their ridiculous socks and then played Are you Smarter than a SAC Member? Wednesday was Tinfoil Day and students were asked to use their creativity to make accessories using only tinfoil. During lunch, students were given the opportunity to sing their favourite songs in karaoke. On Thursday, SAC hosted Tropical Day and students showed off their tropical outfits in the cold after an unexpected fire alarm. Lunchtime consisted of watching The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in the cafetorium.

To end off the week, students repped their grade with grade 9s reppin’ PHOTO BY NINOSHKA PAIS green, grade 10s reppin’ white, grade 11s reppin’ blue, and grade 12s reppin’ red. The cafetorium was packed with For students taking the grade 10 religion students as each grade fought to win in course, several retreat dates were held a game of Shrinking Island. A big thanks where they visited Good Shepherd, a to SAC for such a successful Spirit Week! charity that provides necessities for the homeless or vulnerable. Students were Stay tuned to the Planet while the last assigned several different jobs including months of school trickle along as you serving food, helping set-up living will not want to forget our upcoming accommodations, organizing the food spring and summer events! storage, and fixing beds.

The main focus of the OKOF members was to reach out and hopefully make a difference in at least one person’s life. Gr. 10 Religion Retreats ESP Open Mic On February 3, ESP also hosted their Open Mic, a widely anticipated event during lunch in the library. Many students were able to exhibit their talents through the use of music or poetry. If you have not been to an Open Mic yet,w keep an eye out or be bold and sign up for upcoming ones! Mary Ward’s Birthday On January 23, Mary Ward celebrated its namesake’s birthday. Students from TAs spent their Friday morning preparing birthday cakes in commemoration


which were later entered into the annual cake contest. The results of the contest were as following: Mr. Candiotto in first place, Mr. Rossi in second, and Mrs. Ventura in third. The rest of the afternoon was spent eating delicious birthday cake. Yum.

SAC Spirit Week From February 22-26, Mary Ward participated in this year’s Spirit Week. To start off on Monday, students were asked to wear excessive accessories and in the cafetorium, a dance off was hosted. PHOTO BY NATALIE ALMOSA


Plague” was actually who inspired him through the respect, power, and money he acquired and by hacking the planet! Panin dreamed of being that highly respected in his field, being able to work the way he wanted, and getting paid for it like “The Plague”.

Math students in grades ten to twelve filed into the cafetorium on Monday, Feb 1 to listen to the Math TED Talk with speaker Panin Kusi Achampong. The movie inspired Panin and his friends to imitate the hackers on television by The hour began with a clip from the 90s writing their own virus. It was simple, movie Hackers. The relevance? A first or as simple as a virus could be. When look at what inspired Panin to participate people logged into their computers, in the computer science/software the screen was taken over. “Gotcha!” industry. In the clip, a hacker named would flash in all types of colours and Joey Pardilla attempted to download a every time the person hit a button or garbage file from a company to prove tried to escape, more would show up his skills. To stop him, “The Plague”, a until the whole screen was covered. hacker from the company, is called in to Pac Man would then appear and eat all work. the “Gotcha!” messages on a repetitive loop. That day, Panin and his friends felt You may be thinking Panin found an powerful and in control. Panin realized interest in the underdog but “The the computer software industry was

something he was definitely going to enjoy. After being rejected by his top two universities, Panin went to the University of Western Ontario for computer science. “You don’t know how many smarter people are out there,” Panin said of his Western University classmates, “There was a girl sitting in my class and I’m thinking, ‘Oh her dad must be a teacher’. We ended up talking and she said that she’s a student. Guess how old she was? Fifteen.”

his craft, “I wanted to solve tedious tasks with software. Computers weren’t my passion. I love to solve problems.” Even when Panin saw his mother taking class attendance with paper, he thought of the idea of doing it online to make it easier to transfer and collect.

The audience roared with surprise at hearing this, “She told me that her and her brother were home schooled and took college prep courses. Her brother was nine. She was in my Calculus course and doing better than me.”

“With a computer, you’re free to be in any industry,” said Panin.

To Panin, computers are just tools to achieve greater things and believes getting into computer programming is a good career choice because every job involves technology.

This has been the second Math TED Talk at Mary Ward. Through these presentations, students are meant to learn more about careers in math-related Now a software developer, Panin studies and hear of experiences in postexplained what he wanted to do with secondary education and beyond. VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 11


community community


Winter Activity Day By Nimmy Ayekun Winter Activity Day (WAD) was held on February 5th and was a day where students had the opportunity to partake in several different activities organized by our wonderful teachers and staff. These ranged from ice skating downtown at Nathan Phillips Square, to joining a fun-filled scavenger hunt at Vaughan Mills. Other activities included jumping on trampolines at Sky Zone, hiphop dancing, 3-on3 basketball, and “Winter Zen.” Winter Activity Day is, and always will be, one of the school’s beloved unique traditions; not only does it offer us a chance to become closer to those in our school community, but we also get the experience of trying something new.


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community community




By Bianca Gomba To say this year’s semi-formal was semi-amazing is a huge understatement. The Grammys, the theme decided for 2016, was a spectacular hit and sold out in the first two weeks alone. A huge thank you also goes out to the teachers who supervised the event. However, the biggest thank you of all goes to a certain group of dedicated students. From decorating the hall to ensuring everyone had a good time, we give our love to Student Council for an unforgettable night at The Grammys!


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sports sports


SPORTS WRAP UP By Daveanand Harack Jr. Girls’ Volleyball Coaches: Mr. Emer, Mr. Adourian and Mr. Toth Record: 12 wins 1 loss During their season games, the Junior Girls’ Volleyball Team was undefeated, earning them a spot in the playoffs. At playoffs, the girls once again played exceptionally, making it all the way to the TCDAA finals.

Sr. Girls’ Volleyball Coach: Mr. Dever Record: 4 wins 6 losses The Senior Girls’ Volleyball team had an excellent season that claimed them a spot in the playoffs. At playoffs, the girls played well making it all the way to semi-finals. Unfortunately, the girls lost, but an enjoyable season was had by all.

Sr. Boys’ Basketball Coaches: Ms. Reid and Mr. Rossi Record: 4 wins 4 losses The talent and sportsmanship of the Senior Boys’ basketball team lead them to playoffs where they played well and gave it their all, but unfortunately did not advance.


and Sabrina Percy who won bronze in the 50 metre back. Two students made Varsity Swim Team Coaches: Mr. Cuschieri, Ms. Mac and it to OFSAA: Heidi Escobal in the 50 metre butterfly and Chris Mullrooney in Ms. Davies the 50 metre breaststroke. Both will be competing at OFSAA from March 8th to 9th.



They competed in the finals on Wednesday February 24th at Ryerson University, where despite their best efforts, they unfortunately lost. They placed 2nd overall, bringing home silver medals. Congratulations on your amazing season and good luck next year!

Jr. Boys’ Basketball Coach: Mr. McAlpine Record: 2 wins 8 losses The Junior Boys’ Basketball team played well in all of their games. Unfortunately, the boys did not advance to playoffs. but despite this, there are many players on the team who show great promise for the future of Ward Basketball. Good luck next year boys!


On Thurs Feb 11th, the Varsity Swim Team competed in the TDCAA meet, earning several medals in the process. The medal winners were Paul Mullrooney who won silver and bronze in the 100 metre breaststroke and 200m freestyle, Chris Mullrooney who won gold in the 50 metre breaststroke,


Varsity Curling Coach: Ms. Zidar The curling team competed on February 22nd and 23rd, earning 3rd place overall. Great season and good luck next year!

ATHLETE HIGHLIGHT: KYLE LOWRY By Daniel Santiago During this NBA season of 2015-2016, all are probably aware of how well the Raptors are playing. The team is ranked 1st in the Atlantic Division and in the Eastern Conference Division, they place second. Behind all the progress and success is a player who has led them through the battle: 29-year-old point guard Kyle Lowry. Lowry began his professional career when he was selected as the 24th overall pick by the Memphis Grizzlies in the 2006 NBA Draft. In the three seasons he spent with the team, his progress as a player was hit-and-miss. During the 2009 NBA Draft deadline, Lowry was traded by the Grizzlies to the Houston Rockets. In the four seasons he played with the Rockets, his overall performance improved. He also set some milestones in his career with the team - his first triple double (28 points, 10 assists and 11 rebounds) in a win against the Utah Jazz during the 2010-11 season, and being named the VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 14

Western Conference Player of the Week since 2008. In the season of 2014-15, for the first time. he became the team’s all-time leader in triple-doubles and was the second Raptor to be named the Eastern Conference Player of the Month. He became a starter for the Eastern Conference team in the 2015 NBA AllStar Game, making him only the third Raptor to be voted as a starter. The Raptors celebrated another franchise achievement of 49 wins, 33 losses, and once again made it into the playoffs even if they were eliminated again in the first round.


By July 11, 2012, Lowry was traded by Houston to the Toronto Raptors and things got better for both himself and his team. In the 2012-13 season, he led Toronto to a franchise-best record of 48 wins, 34 losses and brought the Raptors to the playoffs for the first time

month of January. The two also led the Raptors to an impressive franchiserecord of 11 straight wins during this ongoing season.

Kyle Lowry has come along away in his NBA career; he has improved his abilities as a player but also refined the team he is currently playing with. Before he was brought into the Raptors, the team’s top players had been traded to other teams, and were at the bottom of the division. When Lowry arrived, however, the glory of the team was restored. The fact that the team is performing In the present season of 2015-16, well under his direction in the ongoing Lowry’s guidance of the Raptors and season gives us a sense of pride, as their his capability as a player upgraded from performance reflects upon our city. the last season. He scored a career-high of 41 points, scoring 6 three-pointers Whenever fans of the sport from the against the Golden State Warriors in whole world encounter or hear about Dec. 5, 2015. In a match-up against the the Raptors win, they know our city’s Brooklyn Nets on Jan.18, he scored a amazing basketball team. Surely, Lowry career-high of 7 three-pointers made in will continue managing the Raptors a single game. Again, he was confirmed successfully and hopefully they would as a starter for the Eastern Conference go as far as to winning the Eastern team at the 2016 NBA All-Star Game. Conference Division title or maybe, just Lowry, along with fellow Raptor DeMar maybe, the Finals championship. Derozan, were declared co-winners of the Eastern Conference Players for the WE THE NORTH!


sports sports


WARD’s Newest Member By Leanne Cortez In October 2015, the Ward Athletic Council (WAC) surprised the Mary Ward community by announcing we would be getting a school mascot. The announcement for Mary Ward, which has never had a mascot, could not have come at a better time. It was a great way to lift school spirits; even the idea of it brought excitement to many students.

By the new year, WAC could wait no longer to get their school a mascot. They turned to Mr. Notten and the Art Department who offered to make the costume themselves. On behalf of WAC, Ms. Sersanti said,“We thank Mr. Notten for his time and effort in making the mascot and embodying what it should present.”

their meetings, WAC narrowed the list down to the best five choices: Dagger, Wrex, Winston, Willy, and Wacky. They tweeted the following reasoning behind each name and let the school vote for their favourite:

announcement... Dagger!

What a long journey it has been for our mascot. It started with an idea, then a face, then a name. However, it is not over for Dagger just yet! Be sure to catch him at home games and upcoming school 1) Dagger: In honor of Mr. D’Agostino, events like the Rumble in the Den. one of Mary Ward’s longest serving teachers and coaches. 2) Wacky: Because the Ward Athletic Council is WAC-ky and so is this mascot. 3) Willy: Because sports are all about WILL power. The team with more WILL is usually the team with more wins. 4) Winston: Because this mascot is going to help us get a TON of WINS. 5) Wrex: Because when our mascot is out there, we are going to wreck the competition.”

The mascot was finally revealed on Tuesday, February 16 during the 7th annual Phys. Ed. Fair where the grade ten students cheered him on as he stepped onto the stage. For the rest of To pay for the costs, WAC held a ‘Rep the day, the mascot and the members of Your Team Day’ fundraiser on October WAC went around the school bringing 20 where students paid $2 to wear any spirit to the students and staff. sports team’s jersey, sweater, or shirt. On that day, WAC was able to raise half Although the mascot may have looked the cost of the mascot costume. To raise great, he was still nameless. To solve the rest of the money, WAC continued to this, WAC turned to the Mary Ward fundraise by selling snacks after school community to come up with ideas. The reception was massive as they received On Friday February 19, WAC announced and at sporting events. numerous name suggestions. During the winning name on the morning


NBA ALL STAR WEEKEND 2016 By Daveanand Harrack This year, the 65th NBA All-Star Weekend was hosted in our city, Toronto. The festivities lasted from Friday, February 12th to Sunday February14th and included the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game sponsored by Mountain Dew and the BBVA Compass Rising Stars Challenge. February 13th featured an NBA All-Star practice, as well as the State Farm All-Star Saturday Night events such as the Taco Bell Skills Challenge, the Foot Locker Three-Point Contest, and the Verizon Slam Dunk. To close the weekend, the 65th NBA AllStar game was held on February 14th. The All-Star Celebrity game consisted of Team Canada, coached by Drake, versus Team U.S.A., coached by Kevin Hart. Some Canadian players included HGTV’s Property Brothers, Drew and Jonathan Scott, Arcade Fire’s Win Butler, professional tennis player Milos Raonic and Tracy McGrady - an American who was qualified to play due to being a former Toronto Raptor. Comedian Kevin Hart abandoned his coaching duties in the third quarter during Friday’s game to join the players on the court, leaving Detroit Pistons player Andre Drummond to presume his

coaching duties. Win Butler was named The second event was the Foot Locker the game’s M.V.P. after scoring 15 points, Three-Point Contest held on Saturday. leading Canada to a 74-64 victory. The participants were: defending champion Stephen Curry of the Golden In the BBVA Compass Rising Stars State Warriors, James Harden of the Challenge that took place Friday, it Houston Rockets, Klay Thompson of the was Team U.S.A. versus the rest of the Golden State Warriors, Khris Middleton world. Team U.S.A. came out on top of the Milwaukee Bucks, Kyle Lowry of with a final score of 157-154. Minnesota the Toronto Raptors, JJ Redick of the Timberwolves player, Zach LaVine, was Los Angeles Clippers, CJ McCollum of named the M.V.P. in this game with final the Portland Trail Blazers, and Devin stats of 30 points, seven rebounds and Booker of the Phoenix Suns. In the four assists. This year marks the second championship round, the final three year a Timberwolves player was named contestants included Devin Booker M.V.P. of the BBVA Challenge after and Golden State’s “Splash Brothers” Andrew Wiggins earned the honour as Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson. In last year’s M.V.P. the final round, Devin Booker earned 16 points, Stephen Curry got 23 points and The State Farm All-Star Saturday Night Klay Thompson finished with a winning Events were extremely entertaining 25 points. to watch. The first event was the Taco Bell Skills Challenge. The participants The third and final event of Saturday were: defending champion Patrick night was the Verizon Slam Dunk. The Beverley of the Houston Rockets, participants this year were defending DeMarcus Cousins of the Sacramento champion Zach LaVine of the Minnesota Kings, Draymond Green of the Golden Timberwolves, Aaron Gordon of the State Warriors, Anthony Davis of the Orlando Magic, Will Barton of the New Orleans Pelicans, CJ McCollum of Denver Nuggets, and Andre Drummond the Portland Trail Blazers, Karl-Anthony of the Detroit Pistons. The final round Towns of the Minnesota Timberwolves, saw Aaron Gordon facing off against Isaiah Thomas of the Boston Celtics, defending champion Zach LeVine. and Jordan Clarkson of the Los Angeles These two put on an amazing show, Lakers. The final two contestants in the attempting a variety of wild and epic competition were Karl-Anthony crazy dunks. In the end, Zach LaVine Towns and Isaiah Thomas with Towns successfully defended his title. winning the trophy in the end.

However, the main event of the weekend was the 65th All-Star game held on February 14th. The final score lead to a Western Conference win by a score of 196-173. Although both teams scored higher than the previous record of 163, Paul George was just a single point shy of achieving the all-time record of 42 points while Russell Westbrook won the M.V.P. title for a second year in a row as he finished with 31 points. Kobe’s final All-Star game was also recognized throughout the night as both the Toronto crowd and both AllStar teams cheered him on during his video tribute played. He also received momentous send-off from Magic Johnson. Drake also paid personal tribute by wearing a custom made AllStar game jacket with Kobe patches. The Western Conference honored the occasion by sending Kobe out to do the jump at center court against Lebron. For the first time in 65 years, the NBA All Star Weekend was held outside of the United States, with our city as its host. Toronto was well deserved of the spotlight, celebrity appearances, and the attention of millions of sports fans that came along with NBA All Star Weekend.

VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 15


sports sports

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The Sports Industry: More Than PRO ATHLETES By Andrea Nijmeh It is a dream for many young athletes or sports fans to one day compete in the Olympics, hit the major leagues, or to hear their name called at the NBA draft. However, this is merely a dream when we consider the harsh reality of how narrow the playing field is for those who make their careers as professional athletes. Luckily, there are more ways than ever before to incorporate your love for sports into your day-to-day job. Professionals such as event planners, psychologists, and even statisticians are finding jobs within the sports industry.

Physical Therapist: Physical therapists help patients to manage their pain and recover from sickness, injuries, and surgeries through rehabilitation. Sports physical therapist provide care to athletes who are recovering from injuries or long-term illness. Part of the job is diagnosing the patient, implementing a treatment plan, and essentially teaching the athlete how to move their body again, post-injury.

Sports Photographer: A photojournalist takes photographs of people, places, and events for media purposes. A sports photographer is a photojournalist who specializes in sporting events. They are responsible for documenting the game, match, or other Statistician: sporting event by capturing action If you’re interested in mathematics shots that can be used to accompany and sports this is the career for articles or take the lead in print and you. As portrayed in Bennet Miller’s online media venues. “Moneyball”, statisticians are the people responsible for pooling information Sports Psychologist: and drawing conclusions. In the sports Sports psychologists exist to ensure a industry, statisticians are required to healthy relationship between the mind collect and analyze data regarding and the body. everything from simple stat-keeping to A sports psychologist works with designing surveys and interpreting that athletes, to help them enhance their information to assist with recruitment personal performance by teaching and drafting. methods of goal-setting. Clinical sports psychologists combine the teaching

strategies from psychology with therapy methods to assist patients who suffer from mental health problems such as depression, eating disorders, or jobrelated stresses such as performance anxiety, poor self-esteem, and burnout.

exercise or nutrition classes and offer one-on-one training sessions.

If you are looking for a career that will satisfy your desire to be near the action in the sports world but are not quite eligible to become a professional athlete Sporting Event Planner: yourself don’t be discouraged. There are In the world of sports, an event planner many sports-related careers out there organizes and is involved with all that are suitable for you! aspects of hosting sporting events as well as promoting the event itself. Event Fitness Directors: coordinators, meet with the team or Fitness directors oversee all aspects and athlete representatives and discuss all operations of gyms and health clubs. event needs. This includes arranging They are responsible for handling all transportation, organizing the schedule, of the health-related administration acquiring appropriate security and of their facility including establishing accommodation for media, and schedules for personal training sessions handling any audio-visual equipment or developing incentive programs for needs. their clients. They research and purchase safe and fun equipment while creating Fitness Directors: health and athletic programs for their Fitness directors oversee all aspects and centres. Fitness directors may also teach operations of gyms and health clubs. exercise or nutrition classes and offer They are responsible for handling all one-on-one training sessions. of the health-related administration of their facility including establishing If you are looking for a career that will schedules for personal training sessions satisfy your desire to be near the action or developing incentive programs for in the sports world but are not quite their clients. They research and purchase eligible to become a professional athlete safe and fun equipment while creating yourself don’t be discouraged. There are health and athletic programs for their many sports-related careers out there centres. Fitness directors may also teach that are suitable for you.

NHL ALL-STAR WEEKEND 2016 By Daveanand Harack soon scored to even it out. In the end, a late goal by P. K. Subban helped the This year, the NHL All- Atlantic Division win the game with a Star Weekend was final score of 4-3. This game was decided held in Nashville and in 2 periods, contrary to the normal had a new all-star 3 periods, because of the 3 vs. 3 rules game format. The teams were divided and meant that the Atlantic Division by each division: the Atlantic and would move on to represent the Eastern Metropolitan divisions represented Conference in the final game. the Eastern Conference and the Pacific and Central divisions represented the The second game between the Pacific Western Conference. Contrary to a Division and the Central Division of the regular seasoned game of 5 vs. 5, this Western Conference was very intense. new format would be 3 vs. 3. The All-Stars were putting on a show in The winner of the first set of games this game to achieve a combined fifteen decided which team would represent goals by its end. The teams were scoring the Eastern Conference and Western back and forth. The first team to get Conference in the final game.The winner on the board was the Central Division. of this final game would win one million However twenty seconds later, in his first dollars. All-Star game ever, John Scott would score one of his two goals. The last few The first game for the Eastern Conference minutes of the ten minute period was between the Atlantic Division and the back and forth scoring. By the end of the Metropolitan Division was fast and first period, the score was 3-3. During furious. The first team to score was the the second period, the Pacific Division Metropolitan Division. But that lead did scored four in a row, making the score not last for long as the Atlantic Division 7-3. These goals included All-Star M.V.P.

Scott Hall’s second goal and both of Daniel Sedin’s two goals. The Central Division got a small spark and scored two in a row to make the game 7-5. However, the Pacific Division kept on firing back and scored two more goals to make it 9-5. The last goal was scored by the Central Division for a 9-6 finish. The final game had team Atlantic representing the Eastern Conference and Team Pacific representing the Western Conference. This game was very close. Both teams had amazing

defence, offence and goalies. The two teams were so evenly matched that no goals were scored in the first period. The only goal of the game came about three minutes and forty seconds into the second period and was scored by the Pacific Division’s Corey Perry. The final score was 1-0 and the Pacific Division would win the All-Star Game. As M.V.P., Pacific Division captain John Scott won a 2016 Honda Pilot and accepted the one million dollar cheque on behalf of his team.


VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 16

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Le bilinguisme : benefique ou blase? Par Julia D’Silva Si vous êtes un étudiant de français, vous avez déjà entendu dire que le bilinguisme vous aiderez dans l’avenir. On l’entend si fréquemment que parfois on se demande : est-ce que ça pourrait être vrai? La réponse est oui. La capacité de parler couramment en français et anglais est un grand avantage dans la force du travail canadienne. Beaucoup de gens pensent que le bilinguisme vous aiderez seulement si vous travaillez pour le gouvernement du Canada, mais il y a plusieurs industries qui veulent des employés bilingue, comme les secteurs de santé, d’éducation, de tourisme et d’autres. Cependant, c’est aussi vrai que le gouvernement canadien est le principal employeur au Canada, surtout dans le service public. La plupart des travaux dans le service public du Canada obligent les travailleurs d’être complètement bilingues. Le marché du travail canadien est très compétitif, alors c’est difficile pour des jeunes canadiens d’obtenir du travail. Le bilinguisme vous donne un avantage sur les autres qui

cherchent du travail. Les employeurs commencent à regarder les aptitudes que les employés potentiels peuvent amener au travail, et la connaissance des langues officielles est vraiment utile dans une multitude des emplois. En 2011, il y avait seulement 5.8 millions de personnes au Canada qui était totalement bilingue, selon Statistique Canada. Même si c’est un peu décevant, ça veut dire que le bilinguisme serait beaucoup plus impressionnant aux employeurs, car c’est une aptitude rare. C’est vraiment une bonne idée de continuer vos études de français dans l’école secondaire et au-delà. Chaque université au Canada offre des cours en français, et il y a aussi des universités bilingues, comme l’Université Laurentienne et l’Université d’Ottawa, qui est la plus grande université bilingue au monde. Alors, allez-y et continuez à apprendre le français, une langue belle et utile!


La France frugale? Par Marla Miranda La vie en France est un rêve pour beaucoup de gens; des belles lumières luisent autour les villes, tout le monde erre dans les petites rues, des structures historiques fièrement debout et entourent le pays. Sa capitale nationale est la ville de lumières et d’amour. Elle a le meilleur vin rouge à Bordeaux. Il y a beaucoup de villages ruraux avec les beaux paysages naturels et la culture très unique et fascinant, comme à Espelette. La cuisine extraordinaire et la mode des Français sont très attirantes aussi. Elles donnent d’autres bonnes raisons de vouloir vivre en France. Ces choses sont tellement merveilleuses, mais, comme les autres choses dans ce monde, ils viennent avec un coût. Le coût de la vie en France est, pour la plupart, plus cher que la vie au Canada. Selon un site de statistiques,, les prix à la consommation sont 18.65% plus, les prix d’épiceries sont 9.88% plus et les prix des restaurants sont 25.12% plus en France. De l’autre côté, les prix pour louer et les prix pour l’électricité sont moins. En bas il y a un tableau qui

montre les prix des coûts des besoins quotidiens aussi les prix des autres Euro

Dollar Canadien

Gaz pour le chauffage et le poêle








$32.73 plus le coût d’appels

Gaz pour l’automobile (par litre)



Taxi (pour kilomètre)



Frais d’Internet à large bande






Billet pour le cinéma



Repas dans un restaurant



Lait (une litre)



Riz (une kilogramme)



choses que les personnes achètent: Le revenu moyen d’une citoyen Français, selon OECD: Better Life Index, gagne €28 799, ou $39 454.63 CAN par an. Tandis que le revenu moyen d’une citoyen Canadien, selon The Toronto Star, est $48,636! Cette différence de revenu sûrement modifie la manière dont les gens vivent. Mais en dépit de cette différence, les Français reçoivent les avantages pour la santé aussi, comme les Canadiens, qui aident sûrement dans leur vie quotidienne.


Le prix de la vie en Paris Par John Velasco

Paris est connue comme la ville d’amour et la ville de la lumière. Toronto est connue pour notre diversité et la ville la plus urbaine du Canada. On va comparer les deux villes, Paris et Toronto et on va découvrir quelle ville est la plus abordable. Les statistiques sont basées sur le site-web, Quand ça vient avec la nourriture, Paris est 26% plus chère qu’ici à Toronto, particulierement McDonald’s. Un “Big Mac” coûte $5.85 ici au Canada, mais ça coûte €6.10 ($9.26) à Paris. À Paris, on peut trouver les desserts qu’on ne peut pas trouver ici à Toronto, comme les macarons, qui viennent dans une boîte de six avec des différentes saveurs pour €4.50 ($6). Les produits dans l’épicerie sont généralement plus chers à Paris

qu’ici à Toronto, comme les pommes, les œufs, les tomates et les boissons gazeuses. Quelques produits sont aussi plus chers à Toronto qu’à Paris. Par exemple, le riz coûte $3.35 à Toronto, mais ça coûte €1.80 ($2.20) à Paris. Le logement à Paris est 53% plus cher qu’ici à Toronto. Savez-vous qu’avec un million de dollars, vous pouvez obtenir 450 pieds carrés d’espace à Paris? Un appartement avec une chambre à Toronto coûte $1496. Le logement à Paris est 53% plus cher qu’ici à Toronto. Savez-vous qu’avec $1 million, vous pouvez obtenir 450 pieds carrés d’espace à Paris? Le loyer dans un appartement d’une chambre à Toronto est $1496. À Paris ça coûte 9.55% de plus. Un appartement de trois chambres coûte 27.66% plus à Paris. Le chauffage, le gaz et l’électricité c’est plus cher aussi à Paris, mais la seule chose qui n’est pas

plus chère est l’internet! Ça coûte plus à Toronto : $53/mois pour 8MB. À Paris c’est €26 ($40) par mois. Les vêtements sont 56% plus chers à Paris encore. Un prix moyen d’un jean avec les chausseurs du cuir, c’est seulement $137 ici à Toronto et c’est $143 à Paris. Les voitures sont plus chères aussi à Paris, et ça vient avec le prix plus cher avec le stationnement et les billets, etc. C’est plus difficile d’en acheter. Mais, le transport c’est plus bon marché que le TTC. Le passe annuel du TTC c’est environ $140, mais là, c’est €69 ($105). Alors, c’est plus abordable de prendre le métro qu’une voiture à Paris. Aussi, un billet simple rouge du TTC est le même prix pour les billets blancs de carton dans le métro Paris. Le loisir est encore plus cher là, comme l’abonnement de la gym, mais c’est presque la même pour le cinéma, environ $15 par une personne.

Finalement, le soin de toi-même est la seule catégorie qui est bon marché à Paris qu’ici à Toronto. Une visite chez le docteur privé est $51 à Toronto, mais seulement €25 ($38) à Paris. Il y a le soin de la santé gratuit au Canada, mais aussi en France. Ils ont combiné les fonds du gouvernement et le secteur privé pour tout le monde d’avoir un soin de santé viable. De plus, le gouvernement paye les billets d’hôpitaux des citoyens français. Finalement, Toronto est plus abordable que Paris. Dans la plupart des catégories, Paris est toujours plus chère, donc pas seulement Paris, mais la France c’est un pays qui a un coût de la vie élevé.

VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 17

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NETFLIX IS TAKING OVER By Serena Singh Nowadays, almost everyone is streaming on Netflix. But have you ever thought about the effect it has on the television or the film industry? If we can get everything for $7.99 a month, why bother paying for expensive television channels or buying movies? Unfortunately for these industries, a lot of consumers have had these same thoughts. Recently, the television industry has undergone some serious changes to compete with streaming services on Netflix. One major change is the sudden expansion of on-demand channels and programs. Television stations were also forced to make their content more widely available through apps and websites. While these changes were good for stemming the loss, they didn’t completely stop consumers from turning to Netflix. Netflix also pulled business from the television industry by poaching script writers and showrunners. While the television industry limits script writers by having them run their ideas by the network, Netflix allows them to pursue their own visions without having to gain approval. Netflix also offers contracts for an entire season or two instead of relying on the results of the pilots to see whether or not the series should continue. Some notable shows that came from this unique operational style are Orange is the New Black, House of

Cards, and Daredevil. Among those struggling in the television industry are the giants of the generation such as Rogers and Bell. In order to compete with the growing popularity of Netflix, both have unveiled their own streaming services for their

a correlation between the decline of customers paying for cable packages and a rise of customers paying the monthly fees for Netflix.

In retaliation for this sale theft, the movie industry has been forced to evolve after years of staying the same. One way they are doing this is improving the cinema experience: better food, a greater Netflix is not only destroying the variety of drinks, and more comfortable television industry, it is likewise seats. This can be seen in new theatre affecting the film industry. In movie additions such as the 100+ fountain drink varieties, new concession stands, and D-Box seat experience available in many theatres. The film industry is also considering getting rid of the ads before the movies.


subscribers. Rogers has created Shomi while Bell has made CraveTV. Unfortunately, these new services alone were not enough to compete with Netflix, either. Rogers had to open its Shomi service up to non-subscribers and Bell quickly followed by allowing non-subscribers to purchase its CraveTV service. Though this has been a draw for some consumers, it is unlikely to put Rogers or Bell above their newest competitor. These endeavors, combined with some other factors, such as the growing trend of binge-watching, are responsible for

theatres, a person has to pay expensive prices to only watch a single movie. Many consumers have realized that waiting for the movie to be released on Netflix allows for cheaper costs and unlimited viewings. Additionally, Netflix is taking away physical media in DVD and Blu-ray sales as more consumers realize the inefficiency of buying a movie on DVD or Blu-ray when it is already readily available on Netflix and offers the same unlimited access.

Another way the film industry is trying to hold onto its customers is through a points system such as Timeplay. This points systems allows for opportunities to see free movies, get free food, and to play fun games against live players for points. This point system has been employed for a while and has been a big part of the reason why some still return to the cinema to watch the newest releases. Despite these brilliant efforts, the movie industry is still falling behind as Netflix monopolizes the television and film industries. This monopolization has also caused a fall in revenues for both industries as they lose customers to Netflix. It is very likely that this trend of barely hanging on while Netflix remains on top will continue for a long time to come. The world better start preparing because the Netflix invasion has begun and it will not be stopped easily. Get your Internet connection ready!

Soaring, Flying, ReUNITING By Kayleen Dicuangco An entire decade had passed since the first High School Musical (HSM) movie premiered on January 20, 2006 before the cast reunited for a special anniversary broadcasted on the Disney Channel. The reunion brought back heart-felt memories for most teenagers or young adults, who remember watching HSM as it aired on a Friday night on the Family Channel’s Popcorn Pix ten years ago. Actors Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel, Corbin Bleu and Monique Coleman sat down to reminisce about their time on the VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 18

Disney TV movie. The cast took part in some games, trivia, and a round of “Finish the Lyrics” as they chatted about the unforgettable memories they had during filming. “My heart is just bursting at the seams. It’s just so crazy that it was ten years ago,” Hudgens revealed. “To come back into this room and to see everyone again, we’re all part of this together. We made this incredible magic happen together,” said Bleu. HSM’s very own Zac Efron did not attend the taping for the special that aired last month. Many fans seem to be disappointed by his absence but he did leave a video message in honour of

the 10-year anniversary and expressed, “I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be there in person but I’m with you all in spirit.” “My favourite scene from the movie has to be ’We’re All in This Together’. The unity with the whole cast in that moment was just really, really fun. I’ll never forget that memory. It’s embedded in my mind as one of the most beautiful days of my entire life,” said Efron. Nonetheless, this reunion is what many of the HSM fans, who are probably in high school themselves, have been waiting for.


“We have tons of other friends but they don’t understand what we’ve been a part of. It’s like this connection between all of us,” Tisdale stated. While the cast is all grown up, time won't prevent this group from supporting each other in Hollywood! Once a wildcat, always a wildcat, even ten years later.


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Neko AtsumE-AZING Presenting the Oscars By DonQarlo Bernardino

This was a very controversial year for the Oscars as they received a lot of backlash for their lack of diversity in their nominees.

man to ever win an Oscar.

In fact, there have been 11 other winners who have also been apart of the LGBTQ community to date. Regardless of his mistake, it was clear Smith really just wanted to show support to the LGBTQ community.

Chris Rock, the host of the award ceremony, was not shy in discussing this backlash. Throughout the night, he discussed these racial issues and the problem with the structure of the academy through his comedy. IMAGE BY THE VERGE Adding both insight and humour By Aiken Chau Looking at its subreddit, fans are regarding the issues, Rock did not take PHOTO BY VANITY FAIR actively posting fanart, sharing pictures a specific side but criticized both sides equally. Overall, Smith was not pleased with Have you seen your of their cat collections, and discussing even winning the prestigious award. friends staring at their what items to use in order to get special Although Rock agreed there is a Not only did he not like his winning phones while swiping cats. Visibly, it can be seen that Nekolack of diversity in the industry, he song, “Writings on the Wall”, but he also through pictures of Atsume has developed its very own cult acknowledged those disappointed in told BBC he had a terrible time making cartoon cats or refilling bowls of virtual following. the diversity aren’t protesting against and singing the song. cat food? If so, they must be playing Neko-Atsume! If you’ve ever tried out the game, you the Oscars because they have actual can’t deny there’s a certain appeal to its things to worry about in. He also Possibly the biggest news of the The premise of this Japanese app, simplicity that keeps you coming back. recognized the lack of diversity is evening was the winner of the Best present not just in the nominees, but in Actor award, Leonardo DiCaprio. After meaning “Kitty Collector”, is simple. You buy cat toys that range from regular “It’s less time consuming in comparison the academy and Hollywood industry in six nominations and many critically acclaimed films under his belt, this win balls and socks, to more interesting to other games but I can still have fun. general. was very much anticipated by DiCaprio items such as cardboard cafes or stoves, Also it feeds my need for a real life cat Aside from Rock’s comedic commentary and fans alike. And what a fitting win it and leave them out in your backyard by giving virtual cats for me to love,” on the controversy surrounding the was as The Revenant, the film that finally with a bowl of cat food. You then wait explains Anika. ceremony, Lady Gaga gave an emotional earned DiCaprio his first Oscar, saw him for cats who leave you some fish to show up. This fish acts as the in-game Sarah, who is another avid user of the and moving performance of her song suffering through excruciatingly harsh currency, which you use to buy new app says, “I like cats but I’m allergic in “Till it Happens to You.” At the end of winter climates and being mauled by a her performance, Gaga had sexual bear. toys to attract even more cats. real life, so that’s why I play.” assault survivors come on stage with There are also special cats which only Cats seem to be a likable trend in today’s ‘Not your fault’ written on their arms. DiCaprio’s acceptance speech was a appear when certain items are placed society, and the app gives people a way The performance was so powerful that bit more successful as he used it to in your backyard such as Guy Furry and to both procrastinate and take care of many of those watching, whether in the shed light on the controversial issue of Tubbs, a chef cat who makes pizza or ice cats without all the commitment. What audience or at home, were brought to climate change. cream sundae whenever he visits and a makes it so great is the high reward - tears. Regardless of the controversy that chubby cat that eats up all your cat food low time factor. You don’t need to invest Sam Smith also provided audiences occurred before and during the respectively. too much time into the app, but it’s extremely satisfying when cats come to with a memorable experience, but not ceremony, Rock was able to keep the quite for the right reasons. His reaction atmosphere comedic and celebratory. You can’t really interact with the cats visit. to winning an Oscar for best original Maybe his critique of the industry and or play with them. But you can watch them frolic in your yard-turned-cat On the other hand, some people just song was earnest and brave but a little its structure can even motivate the heaven and take an occasional picture. don’t get what’s so great about Neko- misinformed. In his speech, he made it academy to make some necessary At first glance, it’s not so much a game. Atsume, “I’ve seen a friend with actual clear he believed he was the first gay changes before next year’s show! Rather, it is a simulator of cats fiddling cats at her feet play the game instead of with objects. petting the real thing. I just don’t get it,” argues Allegra. If that’s all there is to this ‘game’, then why is it so popular? Neko-Atsume has To most people, there’s an inner squeal recently gone viral in Internet culture, of happiness when you open up your and a number of students in the Mary app and see your virtual cats greeting Ward community have been spotted you after a long day of work. Nekochecking up on their cats, as well. The Atsume might be a waste of time, but game has been downloaded over more importantly, it’s a fun waste of one million times and has even won a time. Game Developers Choice Award for its outstanding game design. If you haven’t already, you can download Neko-Atsume on your Android or iPhone and experience it firsthand for PHOTO BY VANITY FAIR yourself to see what all the rage is about. VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 19


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By Denise DeGuzman viewed as boring but Hamilton literally and figuratively brings colour back The smash hit musical into history. The cast is loaded with Hamilton has taken talented people of colour taking centre the world of theatre by storm, having been seen by a star-studded audience from Barack Obama to Beyoncé – it’s no wonder everyone is talking about it. Hamilton is a musical about the orphaned immigrant man on America’s ten dollar bill, Alexander Hamilton. A name barely recognizable to many, Hamilton was among the founding fathers and founded the national bank. In the words of Lin-Manuel Miranda, the genius behind Hamilton and the lead of the musical, it is, “The story of America then, told by America now.” This is accomplished by integrating hip-hop influences and rap battles where formal debates would have been, making history more accessible and exciting for the modern generation.

The plot is also inclusive of females by depicting empowered women, namely through the dedication and loyalty of Elizabeth Hamilton who made her own

Such showcasing of people of colour and women in roles showing them as more than weak and objectified is so important and is surely one of the reasons why this musical is so celebrated. Not only is Hamilton changing the game onstage, it’s also changing the game in the field of interacting with fans. People line up by the hundreds outside the Richard Rogers Theatre to partake in the Ham4Ham lottery, where fans enter their names for a chance to get tickets for ten dollars. This is a drastically reduced price from the 300+ dollars they usually cost. To pass the time, Miranda also teams up with various cast members and artists in a show for the fans at the stage-door. So even if they don’t score the prized tickets, they still had a great time.

Check out the entire album full of songs from the musical that is available to stage, portraying historical figures, and mark by establishing the first orphanage listen to for free on Spotify and or the numerous Ham4Hams that have been Nowadays, youth are often disinterested reclaiming this part of history that is in New York. uploaded to YouTube. If you do I promise in history because they feel as if they often overlooked. your world will never be the same. have no connection to it. It is often PHOTO BY JOAN MARCUS

Becoming a Legend Today By Serena Singh

Raymond (Franz Drameh). Raymond is an ordinary high schooler until he is exposed to radiation that turns him into Firestorm, a nuclear-powered superhero. Kendra Sanders (Ciara Renée) is the latest reincarnation of Chay-Ara, better known as Hawkgirl, who is still trying to remember thousands of years of memories.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel back in time? To see the future? To see how important your life is and what you achieved? In D.C.’s Legends of Tomorrow, several heroes jump at the chance, some more eagerly than others, but they may not like what Carter Hall (Falk Hentschel) is the latest Hawkman, also known as Khufu, fighting they learn. for his love. Leonard Snart (Wentworth Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) is a ruthless Black Miller) is a criminal who uses a stolen Canary trying to change her feathers cryogenic gun as Captain Cold. Mick after a near-death experience. Ray Rory (Dominic Purcell) is Snart’s partner Palmer (Brandon Routh) is a scientist in crime who uses a heat gun as the trying to leave his mark on the world infamous Heat Wave. as the Atom, a superhero that can shrink down to microscopic size. Dr. This band of misfits is brought together Martin Stein (Victor Garber) is an aging by Timelord, Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill), professor longing for one last adventure, who travels on a futuristic time ship a dream that seems attainable after called the “Waverider” with his team; all he is accidentally exposed to radiation to stop a near-immortal enemy, Vandal along with his partner Ronald ‘Ronnie’ Savage (Casper Crump), before he can VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 20

realize his dreams of world domination. This team of heroes and villains was told that they were going to be hailed as legends in the future because of their glorious reputations. But in order to protect the timeline, Rip Hunter must choose the people who will have the least impact on the timeline and the ones who are worth next to nothing in


the future. But the group won’t let that happen as they will to overcome fate and make a name for themselves. D.C’s Legends of Tomorrow is their story; a story of becoming the legends they were promised they would be and they want to do it in the most dramatic way possible: by saving the world.

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creative spaces

The Creative Freedom of Cartoons By DonQarlo Bernardino

Now, kid’s shows are able to appeal to kids with their beautiful and colourful animation while tackling important themes and issues that attract adults. It has gone from showing hintingly gay characters in Steven Universe to presenting political issues in Avatar, Legend of Korra,and Adventure Time. These shows aren’t even that overly complex; they are simple in character designs and focus more on backgrounds, characterization, and story.

Children’s cartoons have always had a special place in my heart. Growing up, I was the youngest child with much older siblings and busy parents. To me, television was almost like a friend. It was my escape when I was young and continues to impact me to this day; cartoons especially. You may be asking yourself, “Cartoons? Really? Are they still relevant? Aren’t those for kids?” But keep reading because I am here to answer all of these questions. In recent years, there have been cartoons that have not only been better than older cartoons, but better than recent movies or live action TV shows. The most popular recent cartoons like Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, and Rick and Morty have pushed the boundaries of the normality of kid’s shows. Back in the early days, the industry aimed cartoons to kids because they


could be more exaggerated and expressive like children themselves. They also started to branch off from just cartoons and began focusing more on selling merchandise.

Cartoons nowadays are able to present their themes with subtlety without overdoing the story. Simple ideas like in Steven Universe and metaphors

in Avatar and Legend of Korra are all complex but only when you look deeper into it. Bending in the Last Airbender represents power shown in good and bad ways; Steven Universe packs a bunch of different themes and characters in just 11 minutes; and South Park and The Simpsons parodies everything that goes on in society. The creativeness of cartoons comes from the ability to use imagination; not everything has to be realistic. In fact, there are a whole bunch of cartoons that you can watch that are emotional, creative, different, and entertaining all at the same time.

However, around the 1990s, cartoons became more intelligent and emotional in shows like Batman the Animated series, X-Men, and The Simpsons. These are shows that adults can enjoy with their kids instead of only being made to entertain the latter.


By Edy Tatomir

“For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy. There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted” – Frank Underwood.

is extraordinary, the characters are phenomenal, and the writing is no exception. It’s difficult to find any flaws.

an episode, you’d know his impeccable delivery can give you chills – mostly

That’s not to say that Wright doesn’t do the same. Claire Underwood is everything you’d expect in a politician’s wife. She’s amicable, supportive, and brilliant, but she’s also what you wouldn’t expect – vindictive, dangerous, and maybe even a criminal. Together, this match seemingly made in heaven aid and abet each other in unthinkable crimes in order to claw their way to the top.

Into politics? Corruption? Demoralization? Questionable ethics or lack thereof? If so, then I would strongly suggest you check out House of Cards. When congressman Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) is betrayed by his counterparts in the White House, him and his equally conniving wife, Claire (Robin Wright), must work together to exact revenge on those who’ve deceived them and climb the political ladder. Now in it’s fourth season, House of Cards remains one of Netflix’s smartest and most powerful shows. The acting


Spacey makes his mark on this show with his exceptional performance season after season. He can make you feel the emotions he expresses because that’s the kind of power he has on screen. If you’ve ever watched

wants and he makes that abundantly clear.


because of the way he talks to us. He will look you dead in the eye through the camera and give you an eerie glare, smirk, or unforgettable words to live by. Spacey’s character is willing to do anything, even murder, to get what he

This political drama will surely keep you on the edge of your seat as you watch the Underwoods rise to power and then struggle to maintain it. After all, power is only more superior than money as long as it lasts. The problem is, it never lasts. The new season premiered on March 4th with all episodes currently available to stream on Netflix. VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 21


creative spaces creative spaces

creative spaces


By Joselyn Wong

Synchronicity is ever present for the eyes to see 500 years ago a life was planned for you and me No relation or cause Mere Accident Quite Miraculous This type of thought deserves a pause. To think that Slowly but surely Things might always guaranteed to fall place And work out the way that they did The moments that led to The people you meet, or the people you’ve met The places you visit, and the ones you have not been to yet Is more than coincidence? And in fact Years in the making

I hear you sing About your gifted Apollo Burning, blinding, bright. Neglecting I, the solemn Artemis Of the sombre studded night. Look how he spreads, His tendrils of warmth and Light to horizons above, You praise, while I only sink, disappearing, Into deep dead seas unloved. You say, come watch the ocean with me, So you can simply gaze and see His rising crest of glimmering, glittering waves, But never I, the steepened trough, Forever on dark, dreary days. What else can I say, but that I will Always be behind his every step? Trying to catch up but only, To trace his sandy signatures On the beach, tired and lonely. When we go to nature’s sights, you think All the trees greet him, latching on To harmonies that flow from his mouth. But with my words, sputtered and raw They cower, screaming of discontent, uncouth. Do you ever hear my heart-wrenching calls? And you answer with your back, hearing only him, Seeing only him, the one bright star in the sky. But I…I eclipse all. My only light streaking from tears I cry.



Shrouded in his presence, You forget your only girl, As if it had been written by Nyx last. That I’d always be following. Behind. A shadow To the echo of his past.

By Nimmy Ayekun Spring is here It’s very clear The trees are green Budding flowers begin to appear Frost melts Winter chills are gone The atmosphere is begins to glow so bright The sky might do without a light And Days are longer than before PHOTO BY NINOSHKA PAIS



There once was a target date called unit eight It did not tolerate those students who were late It came and passed The students worked fast The end results weren’t all so great

Unit nine means half way through the year This means that we are almost there Imagine the summer Without units as a bummer Soon May June rush will be here

By Lucy Ma

VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 22

By Lucy Ma

creative spaces

creative spaces creative spaces

fun and games


By Aiken Chau

WINNERS FOR ART SHOW LOGO COMPETITION By Bianca Gomba After weeks of submissions and judging, the logo for this year’s art show has been decided. The official logo was designed by Cian Hrabi, with the t-shirt design created by Anaiah Reyes. Congratulations to the two winners and thank you to those who entered!

By Cian Hrabi

By Anaiah Reyes

By Bianca Gomba

VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 23

funand and games fun games

creative spaces


Happy Easter! Spot the Difference is back with cats and patterns! Find the five differences and message us at to win! Yes, the prize will be a vectorized image of your face. Good luck and have fun!

By Kayleen Dicuangco





Group projects can be hard for everyone if you don’t loosen up on the reigns. Try to incorporate everyone’s ideas to make the final result spectacular. Remember, compromise is key. Now is the time for your practicality to kick into overdrive. With so many units and to-do dates around the corner you need to start prioritizing your life so you can finish on time. Good weather can make you less productive as you spend more and more time outdoores. However, remember that regardless of the sunshine, your units still need to be done. Focus more on your studies and dedicate yourself. You’re passionate about the subjects you love and your grades show it. While you enjoy these subjects don’t forget to keep an eye on your other courses to achieve high marks in every single one of them.

VOLUME 21 / ISSUE 2 mwplanet 24


Friendships are an important aspect of life; one which can’t be neglected. Try reaching out to your friends and lending a compassionate hand if they’re in need. Ward can be stressful so remember to help others while you can.


Putting off important tests because of nerves isn’t going to help you. Hunker down and do some studying. Once you feel confident take it and feel relieved knowing you’ve completed one more unit.


You made a plan and stuck with it to finish units on time to be on target. Reward yourself for that hard work by taking some time to do something you enjoy. But don’t forget to go back to those units.


You’ve managed to stay disciplined and focused on units these past few weeks and you’ve got the grades to prove it. Reward yourself with some down time before you get back to work.





With deadlines fast approaching you may be finding yourself more irritable around your friends. Take some time out for yourself to de-stress and relax before diving back into your units with a clear, level head. Put your creativity to work and consult with one of your teachers about a quest unit. This way you’ll be able to fulfill your passions and help stay on top of your units. Stress can bring out the worst in busy students. To help combat any negative side effects, help your friends finish their units and strengthen your friendship in the process.

You love in every around you levels rise, and finish

to find the humour situation, and those appreciate it. As stress try to keep smiling things off positively.

By Victoria Castrucci

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