Halotherapy, also known as dry Salt Therapy, is a holistic approach that may eliminate the root of inflammatory respiratory illnesses by destroying bacteria and restoring health and immunity.
Dry salt therapy layered with guided meditation coming together as one for next level relaxation, better breathing, and reduction of stress and anxiety.
Feel relaxed and rested. Benefits include better sleep, detoxification, weight loss, relief from joint pain and sore muscles, clearer and tighter skin, improved appearance of cellulite, and improved circulation.
Full Body Massage (including calf, feet, back, thighs, etc.), Body Type Detection, Health Detection System, Heat, Negative Ion Purification System, and Surround Sound for Meditation. Can be paired with Medical Grade Chromotherapy.
Red light benefits skin texture and tone, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, promoting collagen production, and generally rejuvenating the appearance of skin and hair.
A one-on-one wellness consultation with Ellen Cooper, PhD. Dr. Cooper is a member of the National Wellness Institute where she earned her Resilience and Thriving Facilitation certification.
This color light therapy restores balance to the body by applying color. Each color is associated with a different bodily response. Improves circulation, regulates mood and relieves Seasonal Affective Disorder, relieves pain, decreases inflammation, and accelerates healing.
Packages for individuals or teams, virtual or in-person, focused on stress management, assessment, and mindfulness to build individual and collective resiliency leading to thriving behavior and preventing burnout.
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Ihaven’t had the grandparenting urge yet. I don’t pester my boys with the topic and trust they’ll make that choice for themselves in their own time. However, while reading this month’s Healthy Kids article, I enjoyed exploring the listed resources. It was the first time I bookmarked a website for “someday.” When my children were babies, the internet and Natural Awakenings magazine were also in their infancy. Now parents have so much more information at their fingertips. Making Baby Food at Home [page 28] led me to a world of online resources I haven’t yet had a reason to explore.
In our feature story, Food Trends for 2024 [page 18] we explore how trends are shifting away from fad diets to more balanced eating. This applies not only to baby foods but how people are eating healthier well into their golden years. “In recent years, there’s been a movement away from highly restrictive diets toward more balanced, sustainable eating patterns that emphasize whole foods over highly processed alternatives,” says Melinda Ring, MD. I find this to be true in our house not just for food, but for drinks as well. Fruit flavored water and herbal teas are among our favorites.
With homemade food in mind, we expanded this month’s Conscious Eating section with a seasonal recipe. ‘Neeps and Tatties’ Sheperd’s Pie is a St. Patrick’s Day classic with a plantforward twist [page 27]. For even more recipe inspiration, visit Recipes.my-NA.com.
Also in this issue, we explore Forest Stewardship [page 16] in celebration of International Day of Forests. Find seven herbs to grow, eat and heal in Planting for the Planet [page 22]. Discover tips for how you can help reestablish declining pollinator populations in Pollinator Corridors [page 30]. At my-NA.com you’ll find online exclusives including the latest from workouts to wearables in Emerging Trends in Fitness, simplified steps to repair and restore the gut in Functional Medicine Approach to Colon Health, holistic treatments for kids in Ear Infections and how to foster a unique and rewarding relationship in Snakes as Pets. I hope this food-focused issue helps inspire you to fill your plate with nutritious whole foods.
Here’s to healthy eating in all stages of life,
Kris Urquhart, Publisher
To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at MyNaturalAwakenings.com, email Kris@myNaturalAwakenings.com or call 321-426-0080. Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month.
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Kevin Spooner, Neumi Brand Partner, is pleased to announce that Gordon Crozier, DO, will be a Keynote Speaker at the Neumi USA Regional gathering. The event begins with a reception the evening of Friday, March 8 from 7 to 8 p.m. and continues Saturday, March 9 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando.
Dr. Crozier, Medical Director of the Crozier Clinic, is boardcertified in OB Gyn and Integrative Medicine, certified in stem-cell therapy and peptides and is a pioneer in genetic-based medicine. He will be speaking on restoring health, wellness and skincare on a cellular level along with speakers Dr. Lana Kontos, ND and Neumi founder and New York Times best-selling author, Steven K. Scott.
Glutathione plays a key role in restoring health. Dr. Crozier shares that glutathione is the master antioxidant of the body, affects mental and physical capabilities, drives energy at the mitochondrial level and supports faster cell replication for increased immunity.
In addition to health topics, the event will include networking opportunities and sharing of Neumi success stories. “I invite interested readers to contact me so I can greet them and ensure they get the most from this experience,” says Spooner. “I will provide event guidance and introduce them to the keynote speakers.”
To learn more about this free event and to register, visit bit.ly/neumiorlando. To contact Kevin Spooner, call 912-659-0033. The Rosen Plaza Hotel, 9700 International Drive Orlando. See ad, page 12.
As an expert on Space Coast real estate, realtor Roberta John’s goal is to make the buying and selling process seamless and stress-free for her clients. Most importantly, she wants her clients to find a home that nourishes their soul, finding them a sacred place to call home.
John has been an active member of the beachside community for over a decade. Her passion for real estate started when she began purchasing investment properties with her husband, renovating them, and turning them into successful rental ventures. She then decided to expand her expertise and became a licensed real estate agent to guide people in finding their dream home.
John is part of the successful Baum team at Sotheby’s International Realty. She serves all beachside, Melbourne, West Melbourne, Palm Bay, Suntree and Viera and is fluent in English and Portuguese. “I will give you a luxury experience, no matter your price point,” says John. “Ready to embark on your real estate journey? Contact me to get started!”
For more information, contact Roberta John at 321-576-8496 or John@OneSothebysRealty.com. 301 Ocean Ave, Melbourne Beach. RobertaJohn.com. See ad, page 30.
The 2024 Natural Living Directory will be available next month and is an issue readers will want to keep yearround. This handy reference will be your guide to healthy living and a healthy planet – your natural phone book.
In this popular resource issue, readers can find a practitioner by specialty index. Wellness profiles will provide in-depth information, highlighting the wealth of local health resources in our community that support a healthier, natural path to wellness. Also planned is the natural library section with spotlights that will offer readers a sample of our local authors.
“Each year this issue is transformed into a convenient reference guide to natural health, sustainable living, and healthy choices,” shares publisher Kris Urquhart. “If your business offers related products and services, or you have written a book, make sure you are listed so our readers can find you.”
For advertising information or to submit listings visit NLD.my-NA. com or call 321-426-0080 for details. Deadline for inclusion is March 5. See ad, page 5.
Aquarian Dreams is pleased to announce Kundalini Yoga Workshops in March and ongoing Kundalini yoga classes.
Kriya for a Powerful Center, held Saturday, March 2 at 12 noon, will focus on improving digestive issues which stem from an energy imbalance. Students will strengthen the navel point to stimulate digestion and improve concentration.
Total Body Aura Kriya, will be held on Sunday, March 10 at 2 p.m. when the clocks spring forward for daylight savings time. “This change can leave us tired, irritable and scattered,” says instructor Marilyn Diaz. “This session is designed to rebalance the entire auric circulation.”
The Feminine Restorative, will be held on Saturday, March 23 at 12 noon. During this workshop, regardless of gender, participants will tune into and honor feminine energy through soothing kriya and meditation to create harmony and balance.
Ongoing classes include Kundalini Yoga offered Mondays at 4 p.m. and Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. Also Kundalini Yoga and Healing Gong Meditation is held Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m.
Workshop cost: $25 (early registration: $20). Total Body Aura Kriya cost: $35 (early registration $30) Register for workshops at AquarianDreams.com/ special-events Ongoing yoga classes: $15 or yoga membership (10 classes for $85) Preregister at AquarianDreams.com/weeklyyoga-calendar. For more information, call 321-729-9495. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. (MA50561). See ad, page 3.
Yale (Yoel) R. Smith, MD is accepting new patients at his practice Center for Anti-Aging Aesthetic and Rejuvenation Medicine (CAARM) in Suntree.
Dr. Smith is the only triple board-certified medical doctor practicing Integrative and Functional Medicine on the Space and Treasure Coast and holds an Advanced Metabolic Cardiovascular Certification. He combines Traditional Medicine with Integrative and Functional, Personalized and Precision Lifestyle Medicine.
His primary care practice offers state-of-the-art methods to diagnose and treat heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune disease, sleep disorders, hypertension, chronic fatigue, lipid issues, thyroid disease, stress hormones, erectile dysfunction, gastrointestinal disease, weight loss and toxic molds. “I have had incredible results with the Cleerly technology for heart evaluation,” says Dr. Smith. He also offers IV Chelation Therapy for Atherosclerotic Plaque for Coronary Heart Disease and Heavy Metals. “My goal is to get to the root cause of your condition by listening to you!”
See their patient reviews on Google. To read an account of how Cleerly technology saved one patient’s life, visit myNaturalAwakenings.com/Cleerly. CAARM is located at 6765 N Wickham Rd, Ste C-105, Suntree. For more information or to make an appointment, call 321-421-7111 or visit AntiAgingIM.com. See ad, page 15.
Life Coach Donna McGoff shares that her business name, Living Above The Ordinary, has significant meaning. “We are not meant to be ordinary when we possess the ability to build extraordinary lives,” says McGoff. “Those who live above the ordinary create and enjoy a happy, fulfilling life.”
McGoff coaches women who are stuck or struggle with moving out of the past after divorce. Her five-step process is designed to take them from where they are right now through their personal transformation for the future.
The process begins with Road Through Recovery. It encompasses two steps that help clients find out exactly where they are stuck in the divorce recovery cycle and to create a plan of action to move past it. The third step, Reconnecting With Self, highlights how they are different now than they were before the divorce. Together with McGoff, clients then examine the four pillars of well-being and how to create more harmony and balance among them. The fourth step, Reinventing Self, considers one’s passions, values, and strengths to find a “sweet spot” that answers the question, who do you want to become? The fifth step, Relaunching Self, defines the client’s vision of the future and examines areas for improvement so that vision becomes a reality.
For more information, contact Donna McGoff, M.S., Life Coach at LivingAboveTheOrdinary.com.
Beachside Hyperbaric and Bodywork is accepting new clients. Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) has been used effectively for decades to deal with traumatic injuries including brain, spinal cord and burn injuries. “Currently it has made headlines with its ability to mitigate a majority of long covid and chronic fatigue symptoms as well as being spotlighted in a Tel Aviv University study for anti-aging use due to its ability to boost both collagen and stem cell production,” says owner and founder Andrew Vazquez. “This mHBOT study also demonstrated a measurable reversal in the aging process by increasing telomere length an average of 38%.”
A mild hyperbaric session puts the body under pressure which allows the blood to carry up to 10x more oxygen than normal. This overabundance of oxygen allows other fluids in the body, plasma, brain fluid, and spinal fluid to start transporting oxygen, thus creating a more complete oxygenating effect in the body. “Coupled with a higher-thannormal pressure that removes inflammation and helps push the newly oxygenated fluids into denser areas of tissue, it creates an environment that can stimulate and support the natural healing processes of the body.
“After being diagnosed with tri-compartmental osteoarthritis of the knee almost 15 years ago, mHBOT has been an integral part of keeping my knees healthy and primarily pain-free,” says Vazquez.
Beachside Hyperbaric and Bodywork, 476 A1A, Ste 4A, Satellite Beach. 321-9774509. BeachsideHyperbaric.com. (MA101240, MM44507)
TheFriends of the Thousand Islands, in conjunction with the City of Cocoa Beach and Brevard County’s Environmentally Endangered Lands, is holding the 1st Annual Thousand Islands Fest. A family fun and educational event celebrating the Thousand Islands and the progress being made to heal the Indian River Lagoon.
This green and plastic-free event will be held, at the Cocoa Beach Pool Pavilion on March 16th, 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. It will showcase the beautiful mangrove islands in the Banana River Lagoon. There will be kayak safety demonstrations and Fin Expeditions will provide free waterway tours for the public. Wildside Tours will ferry people to Crawford Island where there will be a Florida Native Plant Tour and Native Flute Playing. Tours are first come, first serve.
Attendees will enjoy three music acts and short presentations by leading organizations who are working together to improve our Lagoon. There will be 16 organizations showcasing how progress is being made to heal our Lagoon with many demonstration projects.
Kid friendly hands-on activities, include a scavenger hunt and meeting rescue wildlife from the Florida Wildlife Hospital. Attendees will also enjoy food trucks (including a vegan food truck), geocaching and a native plant sale.
The Pavilion is located off Minutemen Causeway, adjacent to the Country Club and Pool on the shore of the Banana River Lagoon. For more information, email ThousandIslandsFest@gmail.com.
The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/ Classroom is pleased to announce the I AM THE SOLUTION Natural Health Summit will be held April 6, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The event will bring together world renowned speakers and local experts in natural health and wellness.
“‘I AM’ represents the power within us,” explains McDermott. “Many of us have lost the connection to our intuition and need to trust our own inner voice. The event is designed to help attendees create a new mindset and become their own solution.”
Speakers at the event include internationally recognized expert on nutrition and healing, Joel Fuhrman, MD, who will present Nutritarian Longevity Made Simple. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, will present Surviving the Chronic Pandemic. Jennifer Gramith, ND, brings expertise in cancer, and lymphatic decongestive therapy and attendees can experience a lymphatic massage in her booth. Local experts Renee Hahn, DC., and Brendan Legel will share how to be pain-free naturally.
Attendees can experience the Kombucha Bar, Drug-Free Pain-Relief, Hydrogen and Oxygen Therapies and Frequency Therapy which helps reverse pain and can also be used for a non-surgical face lift. Learn about EMF protection and peruse guilt-free goodies and much more.
Be entered to win two free event tickets by texting your name and code Lilly002 to 407-373-5959. Save $24 with code Lilly002 when registering at WhenYouNeedaFriend. com. Location: Space Coast Health Foundation, 1100 Rockledge Blvd., Rockledge. See ad, page 25.
massage therapist, Jane Coyne, LMT, MMP, MLD-C, has recently announced the grand opening of her second location in Vero Beach. With a strong commitment to wellness and relaxation, Coyne aims to cater to the growing demand for holistic health services in the area.
The new establishment offers the same exemplary services that garnered Coyne a loyal clientele in Viera. From rejuvenating Swedish massage to targeted medical massage therapies, clients can expect a range of personalized treatments tailored to their individual needs.
By expanding to Vero Beach, Coyne seeks to contribute to the community’s well-being by promoting stress relief, medical massage therapy and overall wellness services. “With a team of skilled therapists and a serene ambiance, the new location is poised to become a go-to destination for relaxation and healing.” says Coyne.
As Coyne continues to uphold her reputation for excellence in therapeutic care, the expansion marks a significant milestone in her journey towards fostering health and tranquility for clients in Vero Beach and beyond.
Sandalwood Massage and Bodywork is located at 333 17th St. Suite E, Vero Beach and 2251 Town Center Ave, Ste 101, Unit 20, Viera. For more information, call 772-779-1137 or visit Sandalwood. GlossGenius.com. (MA97795)
Claire Stagg, DDS, is happy to provide new advanced technology in her Health Connections dental practice. “The Multiwave Locked System (MLS) Laser is a revolutionary dental tool that combines two synchronized wavelengths for optimal therapeutic effects,” explains Dr. Stagg. “Unlike traditional dental lasers, the MLS Laser provides simultaneous anti-inflammatory and pain reducing effects, ensuring a faster recovery and less need for pain medication.”
The MLS Laser can be used in TMJ disorders to relax the muscles. In orthodontics it is used to reduce pain associated with tooth movement and enhance bone movement. In periodontal procedures the laser can reduce root sensitivity after treatment and promote the recovery of healthy oral tissues.
“The laser treatment is pain-free, and the reduction of swelling and the spread of infection promotes a faster healing time naturally with shorter recovery time,” says Dr. Stagg.
Health Connections Dentistry, 2120 Highway A1A, Indian Harbour Beach. For more information, call 321-777-2797 or visit SmileProfessionals.com. See ad, page 15.
Alison Wahlstedt is pleased to announce she is accepting new clients in both her Melbourne and Palm Bay locations. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, specializing in Trauma and SomatoEmotional Release. Her modalities include Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki, Raindrop Technique, and Massage.
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle touch method that releases restrictions in membranes and cerebrospinal fluid which surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. “By facilitating the body’s natural and innate healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventative health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and beneficial for people seeking help with a wide range of healthcare challenges and symptoms,” shares Wahlstedt.
Raindrop Technique uses a sequence of nine essential oils that are immune enhancing and high in antioxidants. “The application of oils creates an unfavorable environment for viruses and bacteria,” says Wahlstedt. “Essential oils are known to boost stamina and energy, help with relaxation, and help manage stress.”
After twenty years of teaching elementary school, Wahlstedt became interested in holistic healing as she learned how to relieve her headaches, TMJ, and anxiety with the help of both her holistic doctor and chiropractor. She is excited to share her knowledge with the community so everyone can learn to naturally heal themselves.
Alison Wahlstedt is located at 1600 W Eau Gallie Blvd., Suite 205-E, Melbourne and 5200 Babcock St. NE, Suite 405-A, Palm Bay. For more information, call 321-328-0056 or visit TropicalReiki.com. (MA103645)
Dean Wellness & Body Aesthetics is pleased to introduce their newest team member Haizea Lulich, DNP, ARNP, FNP-BC. A board-certified family Nurse Practitioner, Dr. Lulich’s practice focuses on primary care, preventive and integrative medicine. She is also accepting patients seeking a new primary care practitioner as well as those in need of urgent care or IV therapy. “If you are not feeling well, call the office and we’ll get you in right away with Dr. Lulich,” says Melissa Dean, MD.
Born and raised in Spain, Dr. Lulich graduated from Indian River Charter High School and received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Florida State University. Her passion to care for others led her to graduate with honors and receive both her Master of Science in Nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees at Florida Atlantic University.
“I am beyond excited to be part of the amazing team at Dean Wellness Institute,” says Dr. Lulich. “I can’t wait to help guide you in your health journey.”
Dean Wellness & Body Aesthetics is located at 1345 36th Street, Ste B, Vero Beach. For more information, call 772-567-1500 or visit DeanWellnessInstitute.com. See ad, back cover.
Divine Soul Wellness is hosting a Bingo Fundraiser on Friday, March 8 in honor of loved ones and in recognition of MS Awareness Month. “Please join us in giving back to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, a wonderful organization,” says owner Rachel Stevens. “This cause is one I hold dear to my heart. It enables me to honor my brother-in-law, Phillip Perez, who passed May 2023.”
Your CBD Store PSL and Divine Soul Wellness reached 5 years in business in February. To show their appreciation to the community and to celebrate their accomplishments, they will host a 2-day event in April. “We are excited to share this event with everyone who has been with us every step of the way.”
Divine Soul Wellness is excited to have partnered up with many local artists, vendors, and holistic healers, to continue bringing even more workshops, and health and wellness educational classes. They are now launching Charcuterie and Wine Pairing, Tai Ji Quan/QiGong, Sound Meditations, Deeksha Oneness Blessings, Fundraisers, Art Classes, Private Events, Local Products, Networking and more.
“We look forward to many more years together,” says Stevens. “We are truly honored to be a part of so many lives in making a difference.”
Divine Soul Wellness is located at 2818 SW Port St Lucie Blvd., Port St Lucie. For more information call 954-646-4374 or visit DivineSoulWellness@gmail.com.
Eberly, Angel Intuitive, Angel Reiki Crystal Practitioner and Personal Development Specialist, uses her intuitive gift and thirty years of experience to tap into the Angel’s wisdom to bring her clients clarity, insight and healing.
“Early in childhood, I experienced connections with the unseen world. As with many aspects of childhood, these connections were often sporadic, unfocused, and random,” shares Eberly. “As the years passed, I recognized that this gift enabled me to help others because I could see and identify things that they could not.” To better understand her abilities, Eberly pursued a formal education in intuitive studies and now holds numerous certifications.
Eberly uses Angel, Oracle and Tarot cards to provide readings via Zoom or video chat. She connects with the client’s Guardian Angels to provide understanding and guidance that can assist their decision making from the comfort of their own home. Eberly also offers Angel Guidance Gatherings for parties and corporate events and Angel Reiki Crystal Therapy for energetic healing.
Eberly teaches classes in-person and online, has a monthly Spiritual café for like-minded individuals to discuss all things metaphysical, a Treasure Coast Angel Connection meetup group, a monthly Crystals 101 meetup group and offers free readings every third Friday of the month on her Go with Angels podcast.
For more information, call 561-320-7581 or visit TheUniversesEdge.com.
A study in the journal BMJ Oncology reports a sizable global rise in cancers among adults under 50, with the highest rates found in North America, Australia and Western Europe. Between 1990 and 2019, the incidence of early-onset cancer increased by 79.1 percent, and early-onset cancer deaths rose by 27.7 percent. Of the 29 cancers included in the analysis, nasopharyngeal and prostate cancers showed the fastest upward trend, whereas earlyonset liver cancer exhibited the sharpest decrease. In the U.S., early-onset cancer rates rose 12.8 percent, while the incidence rate of individuals 50 and older declined.
Although the exact reasons for this alarming trend have not yet been identified, the researchers pointed to the following likely culprits as the main causes: dietary risk factors, including eating excessive red meat and sodium and not enough fruits and vegetables; alcohol consumption; and tobacco use.
According to the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, more than 130 Americans die each day from opioid-related drug overdoses. Recognizing that alternative pain management protocols are needed to curtail this ongoing national problem, the state of Minnesota has created a website to identify and promote evidence-based, non-opioid and non-pharmacological options that use complementary and integrative methods.
As reported in the Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine, NoPainMN.org was established to provide userfriendly information, including a description of each modality, video demonstrations of the treatments and links to published research and additional online resources. Minnesota’s website covers a wide range of treatment options, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, psychology, rehabilitative therapies, movement classes like tai chi and qigong, and mind-body therapies such as biofeedback and music therapy. The website also includes a searchable list of more than 17,000 practitioners in the state.
Treating children with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be complex, and parents are looking for complementary and alternative therapies. A paper published in the journal Nutrients evaluated studies regarding the effect of herbal remedies and spices in youngsters with this painful disorder.
The researchers found that iberogast, or STW-5, an herbal remedy containing licorice, peppermint and chamomile, improved symptoms in children with functional gastrointestinal disorders including IBS, and that peppermint oil reduced the severity, duration and frequency of IBS pain. Peppermint oil’s primary benefit in IBS seems to be its antispasmodic effect, although more research is needed to understand its impact on the gut microbiome of pediatric IBS patients. Psyllium was also found to offer effective, short-term relief in children with IBS, but further studies are needed.
Although not yet studied for childhood IBS, remedies found to provide IBS symptom relief for adults are curcumin, the active component of the turmeric spice; fennel in combination with curcumin; and artichoke leaf extract.
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A renewable-energy project in the Brazilian state of Bahia is threatening the Lear’s Macaw, a large, blue-feathered parrot with bright yellow rings around its eyes which, according to American Bird Conservancy, has been brought back from extinction in the past but is still considered endangered, with approximately 1,300 adults in existence.
French-based Voltalia is currently building two wind farms that are expected to produce 99.4 megawatts of power in Bahia. The 28 windturbine towers that have already been erected over shrub-land and thorn forests are located in the daily flight path of the Lear’s Macaw, between where they roost and feed. It is believed that the birds are fatally crashing into the turbines, and that the risk of collision increases at night, even though the turbines have been painted to be more visible.
Ecologists point out that the towers could be moved 100 kilometers away from the Lear’s Macaw habitat to preserve their population while generating the same amount of renewable power. Although construction continues, a Brazilian judge has ordered an environmental impact assessment that considers the welfare of these colorful parrots. Around the world, wind energy projects grew by 9 percent in 2022, according to the latest report from the Global Wind Energy Council, with China, the U.S., Brazil, Germany and Sweden leading with new installations.
The maritime shipping industry contributes around 3 percent of the world’s annual greenhouse gas emissions, and industry leaders are exploring ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save money. One promising innovation is the addition of specialized sails to cargo ships. In a collaboration between Cargill, BAR Technologies, Mitsubishi Corporation and Yara Marine Technologies, a cargo ship was retrofitted with cutting-edge rectangular sails called WindWings that tower nearly 123 feet. By harnessing wind power, the developers hope to save 30 percent in fuel expenditures.
Unlike traditional canvas sails, WindWings are comprised of rigid mechanical panels that rotate and spin based on computer instructions designed to maximize wind usage. The wings fold down to permit the ship to pass under bridges and allow for loading and unloading of cargo. This is one of many steps being taken by the maritime shipping industry to reduce emissions by 50 percent by 2050.
Climbing Mount Everest and standing at the highest point on Earth has long been the pinnacle of human achievement and spirit. However, the trail to the top of the world is being affected by global warming. While glaciers worldwide are melting, ice loss across the Himalayas has been especially rapid due to a rise in temperatures, threatening to disrupt waterways that feed the Indian subcontinent and endangering living conditions for hundreds of millions of people.
At Everest, the Khumbu Glacier and its ice falls serve as the primary route to the top by way of the Everest Base Camp, as well as a source of drinking water for climbers. Growing channels of water are destabilizing the glacier, exposing ice cliffs and creating ponds. In addition, the heat and activity from the hundreds of people living and working at Everest Base Camp are contributing to the decay of the glacier each year.
This glacial destabilization caused the deaths of three sherpas last April as they laid out a path for climbers. The government of Nepal is considering moving the base camp to a spot lower down the mountain, which would make the climb tougher and more dangerous. Changes at Mount Everest also threaten Nepal’s $2.4 billion tourism industry and millions of jobs.
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panning more than 31 percent of our planet’s land, forests produce clean air and fresh water, offer a home to a multitude of plants and animals, and sequester enormous amounts of carbon from the atmosphere. And yet, human activity threatens these natural settings with deforestation, climate change and illegal logging. Here are actions we can take in celebration of International Day of Forests on March 21 and every day to ensure the future of our woodlands.
Support sustainable forestry. When purchasing wood, paper and other forest products, look for those that come from sustainably managed forests or are certified by reputable organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (fsc.org) or BM TRADA (bmtrada.com)
Plant trees. Get those hands dirty and participate in tree planting initiatives with organizations such as the Arbor Day Foundation (ArborDay.org).
Reduce, reuse and recycle. Opt for recycled and eco-friendly products that lessen the demand for new products that may contribute to deforestation. Remember to recycle paper products to conserve valuable forest resources. Go digital. Embrace digital solutions that minimize the need for paper. Store important documents electronically, read e-books instead of printed ones and consider digital alternatives before printing something.
Back sustainable livelihoods. Many communities depend on forests for their livelihoods. Encourage fair trade practices that support sustainable,
forest-based industries, such as those promoting non-timber forest products like honey, nuts, mushrooms, palm oil and maple syrup.
Engage in advocacy. Join local or global organizations dedicated to forest preservation and conservation such as the Rainforest Alliance (Rainforest-Alliance.org), The Nature Conservancy (Nature.org), Sierra Club (SierraClub.org) or Trees Forever (TreesForever.org) Each voice helps shape policies and promotes sustainable practices on a larger scale.
Educate others. Share knowledge about the importance of forests and their challenges. Organize workshops, give talks or simply have conversations with friends and family to raise awareness and inspire action.
Practice responsible tourism. When exploring forested areas, minimize the impact by following designated trails, respecting wildlife habitats, refraining from touching or feeding wild animals and taking trash home.
Support forest restoration initiatives. The Global Restoration Initiative (GRI) works with governments, businesses and communities worldwide to restore degraded forests and bring back life to these vital ecosystems. Consider supporting GRI (wri.org/initiatives/ global-restoration-initiative) or local initiatives like American Forests (AmericanForests.org), Pennsylvania Parks & Forest Foundation (PAParksAndForests.org) and Tree Folks (TreeFolks.org) through donations or volunteer work.
Yang Zhen Siang/Shutterstock.comThe human body enables us to fulfill daily functions and perform unseen feats autonomically. Our hearts beat 100,000 times a day, and our 60,000 miles of blood vessels transport nutrition and oxygen to our tissues and organs so they can do their superhero jobs.
Taking time to eat better, exercise and get more rest feels like a tall order when life keeps us busy, but when we see food, movement and intention as sacred choices instead of Herculean tasks to be postponed, investing in our health can become a joyous endeavor.
Appreciating our arms, legs, eyesight, tastebuds and all of our other amazing physical assets can be a daily spiritual practice that incentivizes us to maintain our corporeal foundation. Research shows that moments of gratitude are catalysts for improvements in the nervous system, including vagal nerve tone, which positively impacts heart rate and blood pressure. For those struggling with chronic pain or
illness, gratitude for what they can do gives them a greater sense of control and uncovers blessings they might have overlooked while dwelling upon limitations.
While millions of cells in the body die every day, millions more take their place. We are walking wonders of physiological orchestration, and this alone deserves our highest respect and commitment to our well-being. Here are a few inspirations for the journey.
• With a daily prayer, thank the body for its wonders and efforts. Be specific by acknowledging distinct areas like the heart, brain and skin, as well as different functions such as breathing, hearing and seeing.
• Think of the gym, treadmill, yoga studio or hiking trail as sacred spaces.
• Consider better food choices as divine offerings to the body’s temple.
• Make the act of food shopping a mindful activity.
• Tune into the body for five-to-10-minute intervals to acknowledge its beauty and accomplishments.
• Please the senses with nontoxic aromas, soft organic fabrics and splashes of beauty.
• Befriend any body part that is disliked or has been ignored.
Marlaina Donato is a body-mind-spirit author, visionary artist and composer. Connect at BluefireStudio.art.
Few factors are as important to overall wellness as our diet. Besides taste and nutritional value, food preferences are influenced by convenience, availability, cost and personal values. Trends are shifting away from fad diets to more balanced eating, as people across generations are focused on living healthier well into their golden years. Equally as urgent is a demand for more sustainable products and manufacturing practices as consumers become increasingly aware of the impact their food choices have on the planet.
Dr. Melinda Ring is the executive
director of the Osher Center for Integrative Health at Northwestern University, in Chicago. As a leading center for integrative medicine, their team helps patients achieve optimal health through innovative, wholeperson care. Ring says that personalized nutrition, plant-forward diets and longevity protocols are overtaking older trends like low-carbohydrate or high-fat fads.
“In recent years, there’s been a movement away from highly restrictive diets toward more balanced, sustainable eating patterns that emphasize whole foods over highly processed alternatives,” says Ring. “Interest
in local food sources is growing, driven by concerns about sustainability and food quality. While the pandemic highlighted concerns about access to healthy food for all, busy lifestyles continue to make convenience a key factor influencing food choices.”
Ring cites nutritional psychiatry as a burgeoning field. “Emerging research suggests a link between diet and mental health, with diets rich in fruits, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids potentially benefiting mood and cognitive function,” she explains. Ring adds that there is an increasing focus on incorporating protein for overall health, as well as personalized nutrition, in which advances in genomics and biotechnology are used to tailor dietary recommendations to individual genetic, lifestyle and health factors.
Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN, is a New York Times bestselling author and nationally recognized health expert. Her latest book, Everyday Snack Tray, outlines fun, flavorful and nutrient-dense charcuterie boards for every occasion. She asserts that members of Generation Z—those born in the late 1990s and early 2000s—are driving many of the current shifts in food and beverage choices.
“The sober movement is rapidly gaining
momentum, with an influx of mocktails, non-alcoholic beer and zero-proof wines on the market,” she explains. “People in their 30s and older are realizing that alcohol interrupts their sleep and are looking for other ways to relax at night. They’re also moving away from caffeine, which has a long half-life, so while the body may feel tired at night, the brain is still triggered. Fast-casual restaurants and cafes have increased their selection of fruit-forward, caffeine-free drinks, and a new all-natural brew called figgee, made from ground figs, is emerging online.”
Zoomers tend to be more conscious of the connection between their food decisions and impacts on the planet, which explains why they are more likely to choose and demand sustainably grown and packaged products. “This generation is drawn to brands that have carbon buy-back programs or help sequester nitrogen in their manufacturing,” says Largeman-Roth. “While we’ve seen an influx of meat alternatives in the past, there’s starting to be a pushback against the ones with long ingredient lists that are highly processed. Rubi protein made from lemna, or duckweed [a free-floating, aquatic plant], is gaining popularity as a plant-based protein alternative. It contains nine essential amino acids and uses 10 times less water to grow than soybeans and 100 times less water than beef. And, people are turning to the root system of mushrooms, instead of the caps, as a higher protein source. Their versatility makes them ideal for nuggets, jerky and
other substantial snacks.”
Consumers are looking for foods that can help regulate blood sugar, especially as more of the population is concerned about pre-diabetes. “People are continuing to choose nuts, beans and other highprotein boosts to refuel after a workout or in-between meals,” Largeman-Roth points out. “Products such as Good Measure bars, made of almonds, peanuts and pumpkin seeds, are emerging as nutrient-rich and satisfying snacks. Consumers also realize how important fiber is for gut optimization, skin quality and mental health. Perhaps most top-of-mind in a post-pandemic world, it’s vital for immune health, as well. Overall, people of all ages want products that make them feel better and fit into their lifestyle. A lot of boxes have to be checked for people to try a new product, and food manufacturers are stepping up.”
Perhaps taking a cue from the younger generation, members of Generation X—Americans born between 1965 and 1980—are pioneering a new approach to healthy aging to help them thrive in their diverse lifestyles. According to the global market research company Mintel, aging concerns that were once considered taboo, such as menopause, are now being openly discussed.
“The new focus for our aging society will be an extended healthspan—the period of life spent in good health,” says Mintel Principal Analyst Jolene Ng. “This is an important shift, as population aging is a defining global trend of our time. By 2030, one in six
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Petarpeople in the world will be aged 60 years and older, according to the World Health Organization. Brands need to consider the various nutritional, physical and mental health needs for middle-aged and older adults. Opportunities to improve healthspan include maintaining brain function with age and functional health solutions for common problems like disrupted sleep.”
Increasingly, Gen Xers aged 44 to 58 prioritize sleep as a tool for improving overall physical and emotional health. “Research has shown that total sleep time, sleep efficiency and deep sleep decrease with age,” says Ng. “Brands are focusing on innovating products with nutrients such as fiber or
botanicals like lavender that can improve sleep quality. Products such as Bardo’s Calm snacks, which contain lemon balm and thyme, are emerging as a snack option for Gen Xers who are interested in trying food that supports relaxation.”
Many consumers are part of the “sandwich generation”, a term used to describe people in their 30s or 40s that are raising children while also caring for aging parents. Ng notes that brands are adjusting product lineups and marketing campaigns to address the specific requirements of these families. She expects to see more services like Magic Kitchen, which, she explains, is “a meal kit service that offers
a range of healthy, dietitian-designed meals for families with different health needs, including seniors. Their objective is to bring families together during dinnertime, while respecting the specific dietary needs of individuals within the family unit. Brands also can help ease the stress and strain on these compound caregivers by offering convenience products and helpful tools for themselves and the loved ones they care for.”
Historically, food and beverages have been a source of great pleasure and social interaction, and Mintel Food & Drink Director David Faulkner envisions this as a continuing trend. “Just as we saw during COVID-19, food and drink will be the go-to source of comfort for consumers, delivering precious moments of joy,” he says. “It will be all the more relevant during the worsening climate crisis for food and drink companies to position pleasurable products as necessities, not as guilty self-indulgences.”
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings. Connect at CarrieJacksonWrites.com.
Growing herbs at home has myriad benefits, enhancing health, boosting flavor and saving money while supporting local ecosystems. Home growing not only provides fresh herbs for cooking needs, but also offers access to easy and affordable natural remedies that can soothe common ailments.
“There is nothing like having your own fresh herbs in home-cooked meals. You can also dry and prep your own herbs for winter. Herbs retain more fragrance and vibrant color when you dry and process your own,” says Nadine Clopton, an herbalist who serves as regenerative education program manager for Rodale Institute.
Clopton likes to grow medicinal herbs like holy basil, as well as culinary herbs like rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano and basil, which serve as both nutrition and medicine. “They have minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, and are deeply supportive of different systems in the body,” says Clopton, who maintains a small deck herb garden in her Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, apartment.
A home herb garden boasts multiple environmental benefits, reducing our carbon footprint by eliminating the miles most herbs travel to reach the local grocery store, and eliminating pesticide use, if grown organically. Herbs are also great for attracting pollinators like bees, birds and butterflies to support a balanced and healthy ecosystem.
“Rosemary is a multifaceted herb high in calcium,” says Linda Conroy, an herbalist, farmer and herb educator in Albion, Wisconsin. She uses it in topical lotions for pain relief, makes rosemary-infused salt for a flavor-booster and incorporates this pungent herb into her homemade feta cheese. Rosemary has been shown to enhance cognition and memory. It is also a natural mosquito repellant, making it a great addition to summer patios.
Sage is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and as a natural treatment for sore throats and coughs. “This easyto-grow perennial also helps attract pollinators,” says Conroy.
Dandelion is an excellent detoxifier that can help cleanse the liver and promote healthy digestion. “Every part of the dandelion is edible; it’s really a powerful, supportive herb. There are so many herbs like dandelion that grow wild around us, asking for our awareness and acknowledgment,” Clopton remarks.
Thyme has powerful antimicrobial properties that can help fend off bacterial infections. “It’s also antispasmodic and a natural expectorant, making it an excellent addition to cough remedies, which can save money compared to over-the-counter treatments,” Conroy advises.
Lemon balm is a natural stress reducer that can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. “I love growing lemon balm and holy basil together,” says Clopton. “They act like a natural mosquito repellent, in addition to all their medicinal and culinary benefits.”
Chamomile is an essential herb for relaxation and digestion. Regular consumption of chamomile tea can help reduce anxiety and promote restful sleep. Conroy also uses this herb for topical applications like lotions, body washes, foot baths and even eyewashes to soothe sore, irritated eyes.
Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help fight infections. The bulb is also known to reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. “Garlic, chives and other plants in the allium family are all important immune-system boosters,” says Conroy.
For first-time growers, an herb garden may sound intimidating, but with patience and care, it can flourish even in small, indoor spaces. Conroy recommends trying chives, as they are easy to sprout and thrive in a box or pot. She also suggests starting by growing just one herb at a time.
While Conroy grows her herbs from seed in her own greenhouse, it is perfectly acceptable to buy plants that already have a head start. Clopton suggests plants like lemon balm because it is easy to root from a cutting. She also recommends supplementing soil with organic compost to give plants an extra boost, and making sure growing containers have good drainage.
Adding herbs to an outdoor garden or indoor space is an easy way to shrink our carbon footprint and support pollinators for the good of the planet, all the while saving on groceries. Start small with an herb garden and enjoy the numerous health and other benefits herbs offer.
April Thompson is a Washington, D.C., freelance writer covering food, travel, sustainability and spirituality topics. Learn more at AprilWrites.com.
"Like so many families, I have been deeply affected by Alzheimer's, so I was thrilled to become a part of this film when I realized that there's hope, and it's not just a death sentence."- Michael Bublé
This herbal infusion contains essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B, C and E, potassium, calcium, zinc and iron. A longer steep time maximizes the vitamins and minerals extracted from the herbs. This tea offers a great way to add some additional nourishment to the day.
Milky oats or oatstraw (avena sativa)
Spearmint or peppermint
Red clover flowers
Red raspberry leaves
Dr. Dale Bredesen
New York Times
Bestselling author of The End of Alzheimer’s
Now available on KnoWEwell.com.
Combine equal parts of the organic dried herbs in a bowl. To make a cup of nourishing tea, use 1 tablespoon of the herb mixture per 8 ounces of hot water and steep covered for 15 minutes. For a more concentrated herbal infusion, steep for a few hours or overnight.
Recipe courtesy of Nadine Clopton. Before consuming any herbal remedies, consult with a doctor or pharmacist for possible interactions with prescription medications or preexisting health conditions.
This tea includes a class of herbs referred to in herbalism as nervines, which work to support and nourish the nervous system and relieve anxiety. While sipping this elegant infusion, visualize the herbs gently smoothing over any frayed nerves with a cleansing wave of calm.
Lemon balm
Tulsi (holy basil)
Milky oats or oatstraw (avena sativa)
Rose petals
Combine equal parts of the organic dried herbs in a bowl. To make a cup of soothing tea, use 1 tablespoon of the herb mixture per 8 ounces of hot water. Steep covered for 10 minutes.
Recipe courtesy of Nadine Clopton. Before consuming any herbal remedies, consult with a doctor or pharmacist for possible interactions with prescription medications or preexisting health conditions.
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1 onion, sliced thin
3 medium tomatoes, chopped
1 Tbsp ghee
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp dried, powdered turmeric
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp paprika
5-8 eggs
Cilantro as garnish
Sauté onions and tomatoes in ghee until soft. Add in spices and adjust to taste. Crack 5 to 8 eggs, add them to the sauté and cover. Wait until the yolk and whites are almost set and stir. Garnish with fresh cilantro.
Copyright © 2017 Madiha M. Saeed, from her book
The Holistic Rx: Your Guide to Healing Chronic Inflammation and Disease, published by Rowman & Littlefield. All rights reserved.
St. Patrick’s Day wouldn’t be the same without shepherd’s pie. For so many years, lamb or beef was practically a requirement in this traditional dish. Those choosing not to eat meat may have had to improvise on many classic holiday dishes. But that’s all changing. Now there are more and more recipes for plant-forward meals for events of all kinds including the celebration of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.
In this new plant-based recipe, lentils are the key to a savory shepherd’s pie, as they get simmered low and slow in a “jammy” tomato broth. The traditional topping of mashed potatoes also gets a new plant-forward twist with creamy and nutritious turnips blended in with the spuds.
Potatoes and turnips—or “neeps and tatties”, as the customary Scottish side dish is called— is a delicious blend of flavor and nutrition. Potatoes are full of health benefits. Not only do they provide fiber, they are high in potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, niacin, folate and vitamins B6 and C. Turnips provide potassium, magnesium, fiber, iron, calcium and vitamins B6, C and D. What’s more, with their soft and delicate yet vibrant hues of lavender, turnips add a delight to food shopping and presentation. Their brilliant natural colors are not on any man-made color wheel.
From bright-red bell peppers to cheerful yellow corn kernels, there’s plenty of color in the filling of this shepherd’s pie. This recipe also includes the traditional shepherd’s pie vegetable mix of peas, beans and carrots. If available, fresh pearl onions are a perfect addition. Add other favorite vegetables like chopped fresh sweet potato, butternut squash or fennel for even more flavorful and nutritional goodness. Cumin, dry ground mustard, paprika or other favorite seasonings add depth to the flavor complexity.
Using a large star-tipped pastry bag to pipe the neeps and tatties onto the vegetable and lentil base in star-shaped dollops adds interest when serving. The little potato and turnip puffs cover the top of the shepherd’s pie almost like tater tots on a casserole.
A sprinkle of tiny leaves of fresh thyme on top adds bits of flavor and a fresh pop of green color.
Yield: 12 servings
2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
4 cloves fresh garlic, chopped
1 cup pearl onions, peeled and left whole
5-oz tomato paste (or 1 tube)
½ tsp pink Himalayan sea salt
½ tsp freshly ground multicolor peppercorns
1 cup corn, frozen or cut from a cob
1 cup frozen or fresh peas
1 cup carrots, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 cup frozen French-cut green beans
2 large red bell peppers, trimmed and chopped
½ cup fennel bulb, trimmed and chopped
2 cups lentils, uncooked
2½ cups vegetable broth
¼ tsp cumin powder
¼ tsp dry ground mustard
¼ tsp paprika
2 small turnips
3 medium russet potatoes
2 Tbsp vegan butter
Preheat the oven to 350° F.
In a large (15-inch) cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat, heat the olive oil.
Add the onions and garlic and sauté them until they are just lightly browned, about 2 minutes. Add the tomato paste. Add all of the vegetables except the turnips and potatoes. Stir the ingredients in the skillet until they are covered with the tomato paste. Add the salt and pepper.
Add the broth and lentils and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat a little and add the cumin, dry ground mustard and paprika. Simmer until the lentils become tender, about 35-40 minutes. Stir occasionally.
While the base is simmering, make the neeps and tatties. In a large pot over high heat, boil the turnips and potatoes until they are tender when pierced with a fork, about 20 minutes.
When the turnips and potatoes are fork-tender, drain them and set them aside to cool. When they are cool enough to touch, peel and chop them into 1-inch pieces.
Add the vegan butter. Using a potato masher, mash the turnips and potatoes together with the vegan butter until the mixture is well blended.
Using a large star-tipped pastry bag, pipe the neeps and tatties onto the vegetable and lentil base in a pretty, inviting pattern of star-shaped dollops.
Bake in the oven until the tops of the potatoes are browned, about 40-45 minutes.
Veronica Hinke is an author, speaker, journalist, coach and expert on early 20th-century drinking, dining and style. She is the author of The Last Night on the Titanic: Unsinkable Drinking, Dining and Style; Titanic: The Official Cookbook; Harry Potter: Afternoon Tea Magic; and The Great Gatsby Cooking and Entertainment Guide. Learn more at FoodStringer.com.
Like many processed convenience foods, commercial baby food soared in popularity in the post-WWII era as parents spent less time in the kitchen. As 21st-century parents return to their roots and reject industrial creations in lieu of wholesome, scratch-made fare of varied flavors and textures, they want the same for their babies and toddlers.
Dora Babić Cikoš holds a Ph.D., in nutritional science. She and her sister, Ana Weinstein, formed the U.K.-based Creative Nourish resource as a guide for parents that care about their children’s nutrition. Babić Cikoš notes that commercial baby food often consists of artificial preservatives and food colorings which are not beneficial for babies just starting to eat solid food. By making baby food from scratch, preferably with organic ingredients, she explains that parents can minimize exposure to pesticides and
unnecessary substances, as well as expand their children’s palates so that they have a smaller chance of becoming picky eaters.
“Store-bought baby food often concentrates on a few foods as the main ingredients and builds different jars and/ or pouches around it, causing the food to be almost always in puree form and of a similar taste,” she advises. “Children that eat homemade baby food, especially if it is adapted for them from the foods that the family also eats for their meal, are exposed to different foods, tastes, textures, spices and ways of serving food.”
Registered Dietitian Amy Reed, the spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), notes that the practice of infant feeding is one of many factors affecting how a child develops. In infancy, this may include when solids and textures are introduced, along with genetics and parental feeding styles.
The academy suggests homemade baby food as a way to offer more variety to little ones’ diets. Parents can choose from an assortment of fruits and vegetables in the produce section, and frozen veggies and canned fruits can be added to homemade baby food to help expose babies to a variety of flavors.
Reed says, “If a family chooses to make their own baby food, they can control the ingredients and individualize it. Baby food that is pureed is typically offered at around 6 months of age. Textures should be offered to babies before they are 9 months of age. A delay in texture introduction can be associated with feeding difficulties.”
A food processor, blender or immersion blender allows parents to quickly puree most fruits and vegetables. Softer fruits like peaches can be pureed without cooking,
Parents can choose from an assortment of fruits and vegetables in the produce section, and frozen veggies and canned fruits can be added to homemade baby food to help expose babies to a variety of flavors.
while vegetables such as carrots or sweet potatoes can be baked or broiled. Steaming helps retain the most nutrients. Puree the foods in a blender or food processor and slowly add water if necessary, to make them easier for the baby to eat and digest.
Making baby food allows parents to get creative and add more flavorful, nutritious foods such as pureed kale to a butternut squash recipe. Parents can also manage sugars and salt or add a dash of nutmeg, cinnamon, thyme or milder spices and seasonings for extra flavor.
“Homemade baby food does not have to be complicated, because you are not preparing a five-course meal for your baby,” says Babić Cikoš. “Just giving them the same food you are eating and cooking for the rest of the family minus the added salt, sweetener, honey or milk, and pureeing or cutting things differently for your baby.”
She notes that price comparisons between homemade baby food and commercial baby food might show that store-bought baby food is more expensive. In addition, homemade baby food can be stored in Mason jars or reusable containers, which cuts down on disposable packaging.
For parents just starting to introduce solid food to their baby, Dora Babić Cikoš, of Creative Nourish advises these purees can offer babies a sample to help decipher what they will or won’t like: CreativeNourish. com/21-homemade-baby-food-recipes.
For babies and older kids, this three-ingredient healthy pancake mix takes minutes to prepare and is good for baby-led weaning: CreativeNourish.com/banana-chia-pancakes.
Green Living mammals. “Virtually every ecosystem on Earth that contains flowering plants depends on animal pollinators,” says Kim Eierman, author of The Pollinator Victory Garden: Win the War on Pollinator Decline with Ecological Gardening. “Many are keystone species in the ecosystems where they occur. If a keystone species becomes extinct or vanishes, that ecosystem fundamentally changes, and not for the better.”
Awell-known Chinese proverb says, “The flapping of the wings of a butterfly can be felt on the other side of the world,” poetically reminding us that small actions can produce large effects. When it comes to the world’s disappearing pollinators, the modest steps we take today can generate life-saving results tomorrow.
According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), “Pollinators provide vital benefits to people and wildlife, keeping animals and plants that we depend on thriving while bringing us food and supporting the economy.” Almost 90 percent
of flowering plants depend entirely or in part on animal pollination, and yet, the FWS reports that pollinator populations are on the decline. One way to support these important species is to create a pollinator corridor—a pesticide-free, native-plant zone that provides food and shelter for indigenous pollinators.
While the word pollinator may conjure up images of butterflies and bees, the category is much broader and includes birds, bats, lizards, moths, flies, beetles, wasps and some small
From apples, melons and potatoes to almonds, coffee and cocoa, the food we eat is not available without pollination. Losing just one pollinator can have a significant impact. Without bees, fruit and nut trees produce fewer and smaller crops, if any. Of the top 100 edible flowering crops, 80 are pollinated by honeybees.
“Every ecosystem is dependent on pollinators to maintain healthy environmental balances in global food webs,” explains Jen McDonald, the founder of Garden Girls, a Houston-based company that designs and installs home landscapes. “Pollinators don’t make food just for us, but also for livestock and virtually all other living things. Many plants that require pollination are also needed for shade habitats for birds, insects and small animals.”
The decline in pollinators is attributed to a loss of feeding and nesting habitats that occurs when native plants are replaced by non-native grasses, farmlands and urban landscapes. Pesticides, chemicals, parasites, non-native species, new diseases and climate change are also modern-day threats. Monarch butterflies are considered vulnerable to extinction. Nearly one in four bees (347 native species) are at increased risk of extinction. More than half of the 154 North American bat species are at severe risk of population decline.
The good news is that when native plants are re-introduced, pollinators return. “Abundant, diverse pollinators ensure fertile, resilient landscapes and secure food systems for communities, and backyard gardens can restore numbers that strengthen regional plant reproduction,” says Kiersten Rankel, a botanist for Greg, an app that helps people optimize their plant-growing efforts.
To get started, select a strip of land, rooftop, wall or yard that supports pollinators, including their migration, foraging and overwintering. Next, pick native and flowering plant species for the space. Perennials require less maintenance, as they come back each year. Start small. Even a few potted plants or a converted curb strip can have a big impact. Avoid using pesticides and herbicides. Beyond flowers, be sure to also include shrubs, twigs, rotting logs, branches, vines, ground cover and bare gravel. Determine if it is helpful or harmful to remove leaves from the ground in the fall and reduce or eliminate mowing practices, especially on roadsides or curbs.
To make a bigger impact, talk with neighbors and community members to create a larger corridor. Consider working with local schools, colleges, nature-focused nonprofits, government officials that oversee parks and city planning, nurseries and farmers. The more people that are involved and invested in the corridor, the higher the odds of its continuing success.
Create a map to see the full footprint of the corridor; fill any gaps and remove invasive plant species. Include a wide diversity of native plants to serve pollinators at each stage of their life cycles. The Wild Seed Project suggests having at least 10 pollinator-friendly plants to support them year-round with continuous blooms and shelter.
An example of a giant pollinator corridor is Project Wingspan, located in the Midwest and Great Lakes region. The people behind this program are striving to create 18,000 acres of high-quality habitat to support local wildlife and pollinators. On a smaller scale, the town of Orleans, Massachusetts, is working to ensure their entire community is pollinator friendly.
There has never been a better time to start or join a pollinator corridor. Those efforts could be the flap of a butterfly’s wing that changes the future for these vital creatures.
Kelcie Ottoes is a content writer for sustainable businesses, specializing in blog posts, case studies and white papers.
Three-Month Planner
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DEADLINE: All listings must be received by the 8th of the month prior to publication. Calendar events must be submitted online at: MyNaturalAwakenings.com.
Tuesday, March 19
Learn How to Heal Your Inner LandscapeZoom Training – 11am-12:30pm. After experiencing any life trauma, there are three strategies you can incorporate into your life putting you on the path to healing. Join Coach Donna, and learn how to change your perspective, thinking, and attitude so that you can open your mind to the possibility of overriding conflicted feelings and emotions and begin to focus on validating hopes, dreams, and vision for a better future. Zoom link will be sent upon RSVP to Donna@LivingAboveTheOrdinary.com.
Mondays, March 4March 25
Virtual Inner Light Awareness Series –7-8:30pm. Learn how to slow thoughts, relax and connect to your Highest Self, the intuitive, creative, compassionate & self-loving Self. Great refresher for Inner Light Practitioners & all energy healing modalities. Ready to learn how to take time for you? Even if these terms are new to you, this program will connect you to live the life you deserve. Register by calling 888-2714487 or email InnerLight444@gmail.com. Varies. Linktr.ee/bethlynchmedium444.
Sunday, March 10
Sound of Soul Event – 11am-noon. It will be an online zoom, or teleconferencing event. Please join us to Experience HU, the Sound of Soul. Chanting the word HU can bring peace, calm, and expanded awareness. After an inspirational quote, we chant the word HU for twenty minutes followed by a time of silent contemplation then a spiritual discussion. The Zoom link/ dial-in information will be sent to those that RSVP to eck-Florida.org by March 9. Free. eck-Florida.org.
Saturday, March 30
Free Intro to Herbal Medicine Live on Zoom – Noon-12:45pm. Discover what herbal medicine is, how herbs are used, and ways to select helpful herbs also how vibrational flower essences and earth-based practices fit into a holistic health model. Free. Sign up at HerbsAndOwls.com/classes. Herbs & Owls: Herbs Shop, 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
Friday, March 1
Sacred Sound Meditation with Crystal Bowls – 5:30-6:45pm. Immerse in the healing, balancing, relaxing sound waves of the crystal bowls, Tibetan bells, ancient mantras and drum. Led by Susan Rizzo. $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Saturday, March 2
Downtown Melbourne Botanical Festival –8am-4pm. Free family-friendly event with garden sculptures, flowers, plants, garden-themed art, food and more. Visit the Native Butterfly Flowers Nursery table to learn about implementing sound native landscaping practices using Florida native plants. 1900 Building S. Harbor City Blvd, Downtown Melbourne. NativeButterflyFlowers.com
Kundalini Yoga Workshop: Kriya for a Powerful Center – Noon-1:30pm. Discover how to develop the power of your navel center through a series of exercises (asanas), hand seals (mudras) and breathwork (pranayam). Led by Katherine “KP” Perez. $25 or prepaid in advance $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-7299495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra with Soundscape – 3-4:30pm. Combining the healing properties of sound (singing bowls, chimes) with Restorative Yoga. With the use of props (bolsters, a blanket, and blocks), your body is cradled and supported so that you can completely relax into each pose and ending with Guided Rest Yoga Nidra. All levels welcome. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
The Power of Collective Intent – 5-6pm. Focusing our collective intention to facilitate the healing of others, both emotional and physical, and improving life situations. Using synchronized visualization techniques, as well as the system of synchronizing focused intention developed by “The Power Of 8”. Led by Bruce Orion. Donation. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Garden Club by the Sea Pollinator Fair – 11am4pm. Family-friendly, food trucks, vendors and more. Visit the Native Butterfly Flowers Nursery booth and choose from many species of Florida native wildflowers, shrubs and trees. Create a butterfly garden in your yard and help the environment using Florida native plants. Free. Nance Park, 201 N. Miramar Ave (A1A), Indialantic. NativeButterflyFlowers.com
SATURDAY, MARCH 16 • 1-3:30pm
Looking Within: Discover 7 Principles Leading to Hope, Peace and Joy Learn why and how to find peace within during a chaotic era.
• Discover how to make a deep Creator connection. Use journaling and cleansing energy meditation to clear deeply seated beliefs standing in your way.
• Build your life on the 7 Principles to find hope, peace & joy.
Presenter: Pat Heydlauff, Author of Conversations with Thoth $55 per person. Location: Spark of Divine, 1789 Old Dixie Hwy, Vero Beach
To register: email EnergyDesign@PatHeydlauff.com or call Spark of Divine 772-257-6499
The 7 Chakras: Spiritual Yoga & Breathwork –12:30-2pm. Through yoga, with the help of prana flowing between the Root chakra ascending to the Crown chakra, we begin our Spiritual journey. Led by KP and a special guest. $30 ($25 pre-paid early registration). Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Sacred Cacao Ceremony – 4-6:30pm. Cacao is known for its physical and energetic heart opening properties. Helps visualize your goals, reveal underlying passions and life purpose, Includes soul guided journey meditation with crystal and Tibetan bowl sound healing, 2 cups of cacao. Led by Cindy Jovanovich and Sun Zander. $70. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Mystic Monday – 6-7:30pm. A blend of spiritual consciousness, powerful healing experiences, and personal mystical guidance. Includes healing vibrations of Crystal Bowls, tuning forks, Tibetan Sound Healing Bowls, personal healing from master healer Maria Banas and a clairvoyant message from professional intuitive, Cheri Hart. Prepare one personal or spiritual question. $35. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Trance to Transformation Experience – 5:307pm. Learn how to quickly access the trance states and be guided to higher states and learn to return to those states with ease. Led by Bruce Orion, more information on him at BruceOrion.com. $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Group Past Life Regression – 6-8:30pm. Craig Costello will use regression hypnotherapy to gently guide participants in their own journey to the past where they will explore and discover their past lives. Participants may bring an intention or question that they would like insights on, or they may allow their higher self to guide them on their journey. $45. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Information Night. March 7th at 7pm. Call to RSVP.
• Allergies & Asthma
• Digestive Disorders
• Fibromyalgia
• Headaches
• High Blood Pressure
• Hyperactivity
EPIC is a very specific, cutting-edge form of natural health care that focuses on the top two bones in your neck. The brainstem passes through these two bones and is responsible for transmitting nerve impulses from the brain to every part of your body. If one of the top two bones becomes misaligned, even slightly, it can distort or interrupt the nerve messages from reaching their final destination and symptoms may appear. Our EPIC doctors take very specific X-rays to determine the exact degree of the bone misalignment and our unique sound wave technology is utilized to correct the upper cervical misalignments.
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• And Many More
Neumi Training and Networking Opportunity – 9am-5pm. Enhance your Neumi journey with advanced training, exclusive networking, and learn about the business opportunity and product lineup. Keynote speakers are Steven K Scott (Founder) & Bordon Crozier, DO. Open to all. Free. Reception held on Friday March 8 from 7-8pm. Free. Rosen Plaza Hotel, 9700 International Drive, Orlando. bit.ly/neumiorlando
Leu Gardens Plant Sale – 8am-5pm. Shop directly from the growers. Visit the Native Butterfly Flowers Nursery booth and choose from over 250 species of Florida native wildflowers, shrubs and trees. Create a butterfly garden in your yard and help the environment using Florida native plants. Free, donations accepted. Harry P Leu Gardens, 1920 Forest Ave, Orlando. NativeButterflyFlowers.com
Introduction to Western Herbalism – 9:30am1:30pm. The course is a 6-month, on-site program meeting Saturdays. An introduction to both Western Herbalism and Chinese Theory as they apply to the body systems. It consists of lectures and hands-on experience. Participants may register for the entire course or for individual classes. For more information or to reserve your space, call 321-779-4647. Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals 1300 Pinetree Drive, Indian Harbour Beach.
Reiki 3 / Advanced Reiki Certification Course – 11am-6pm. Holy Fire II, Reiki III/Advance Reiki certification and meditation. The student receives the Master Reiki Symbol to be included with the three previous symbols received in Level II. Topics: Reiki and Spirit release, Spiritual protection, World Peace and Crystal Grids and more. Instructor Maria Banas. $250 (book included). Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Lightworker Community Sunday Circle –10am. An hour of Universal Inspiration, Higher Consciousness, Meditation, Healing & Devotional Chants. Facilitated by Cheri Hart, speaker: Susan Rizzo, music: Craig Costello, meditation: Marilyn Diaz. (Second Sunday of every month) Pre-registration recommended. Donation $10-$20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Sacred Sound Meditation Crystal Bowls Immersion – 11:30am-1pm. Immerse in the healing, balancing, relaxing sound waves of the crystal bowls, Tibetan bells, ancient mantras and drum. Led by Susan Rizzo. $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Kundalini Yoga Workshop: Total Body Aura Kriya – 2-4pm. Relax with a deep gong meditation that offers a sense of security and activates your self-healing capacities. Bring your beautiful energy, yoga mat, water, and props for a most comfortable savasana with Katherine “KP” Perez & Marilyn Diaz. $35 or prepaid in advance $30. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Past Life Regression Hypnosis with Future Life Adventure – 5-7pm. Enter hypnosis to bring your past life memories from here on Earth or elsewhere to the surface. Then adventure to a future life that is waiting for you to explore. The possibilities you will discover about who you have been and who you will become are infinite. $40 per person. Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B Sarno Rd, Melbourne. 321-610-1698. ChacanaCenter.com/classes
The Mysteries of the Thyroid Revealed –7-8pm. Learn more about the functions of the thyroid gland and what other glands support its purpose, as well as natural tips for improving and maintaining the health of your thyroid. Presented by Dr. Brian Walsh. Free but call
Included in your scan is a one on one consultation with Dr. Zanfini to discus any finding & treatment plans. We are a one stop shop healing Mecca for all of your health needs!
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321-728-1387 to register. Care Natural Wellness Center, 1051 Eber Blvd, Suite 102, Melbourne. CareWellnessFL.com
Introduction to Basic Chinese Theory –9:30am-1:30pm. The course is a 6-month, onsite program meeting Saturdays. An introduction to both Western Herbalism and Chinese Theory as they apply to the body systems. It consists of lectures and hands-on experience. Participants may register for the entire course or for individual classes. For more information or to reserve your space, call 321-779-4647. Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals 1300 Pinetree Drive, Indian Harbour Beach.
Annual Thousand Islands Fest – 10:30am6pm. Island Boat & Kayak tours, music, kid activities, Lagoon restoration hands-on demos, lagoon expert talks, scavenger hunt, geocaching, native plants, food trucks, beer & wine and more. Music all day by Aquanuts, Honey Miller & Mark Nathan. Cocoa Beach Pool Pavilion 4800 Tom Warriner Blvd Cocoa Beach. FriendsOfTheThousandIslands.org
Tarot and Oracle Workshop – 6:30-8pm. In this monthly workshop, you can read for yourself or other tarot & oracle enthusiasts in a sacred space. We will Learn or review popular tarot spreads, explore and discuss the meaning of tarot cards, learn tarot journal prompts, and affirmations, and share your favorite tarot and oracle decks! $25. Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B Sarno Rd, Melbourne. 321-610-1698. ChacanaCenter.com/classes
Back Pain Relief that Works – 6:30-7:30pm. Learn the most effective ways to relieve back pain. Attendees will learn the causes of back pain, how to resolve back pain using herbs, Korean Hand Therapy, and Egoscue posture exercises. Free. All attendees will receive a free sample of our Muscle and Joint. Attendees, please bring comfortable clothes and shoes. For more information call 321-501-8624. Fitness Therapy Studio 320 N. Atlantic Ave 8A Cocoa Beach.
Space Coast Save the Date
Saturday, April 6
I AM THE SOLUTION - 9am-6pm. Attendees will receive swag bags and find candles, natural makeup, chiropractic, natural pain-relief patches, Norwex natural cleaning products, crystals and much more. Speakers include Joel Fuhrman, MD, Thomas E Levy, MD, JD, Jennifer Gramith, ND, Lillian Mc Dermott, CLC on tricks covering lymphedema to balancing the diet with micro and macro nutrients. Save $24 with code lilly002. Space Coast Health Foundation 1100 Rockledge Blvd, Rockledge. Register at WhenYouNeedaFriend.com
Saturday, April 6 & Sunday, April 7
Spring Fever in The Garden –9am-5pm. Sunday 10am-4pm. Kid zone with kid’s activities, entertainment and vendors. Visit the Native Butterfly Flowers Nursery booth and choose from over 250 species of Florida native wildflowers, shrubs and trees. Create a butterfly garden in your yard and help the environment using Florida native plants. Free. Downtown Winter Garden
Peru Spiritual Retreat – Join head teachers as we facilitate Cosmic Journeys and Ceremonies and teach self-healing from a spiritual perspective in sacred destinations. Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B Sarno Rd, Melbourne. 321-610-1698. For more information visit ChacanaCenter.com/retreats
Florida Friendly Landscape Seminar –8:30am-2pm. Learn about the Indian River Lagoon, soil health, tips and tricks for caring for native plants. Visit the Native Butterfly Flowers Nursery booth and choose from many species of Florida native wildflowers, shrubs and trees. Create a butterfly garden in your yard and help the environment using Florida native plants. Free. Melbourne Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd, Melbourne. NativeButterflyFlowers.com
Heart & Circulatory System (Fire) – 9:30am1:30pm. The course is a 6-month, on-site program meeting Saturdays. An introduction to both Western Herbalism and Chinese Theory as they apply to the body systems. It consists of lectures and hands-on experience. Participants may register for the entire course or for individual classes. For more information or to reserve your space, call 321-779-4647. Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals 1300 Pinetree Drive, Indian Harbour Beach.
Energy Medicine Yoga – 3-5pm. Move the body through classic yoga postures that are interwoven with ancient traditional healing modalities including working with the meridian system, tapping, self-massage, holds to calm and regulate the body’s stress responses, and much more. Led by Brittany Travis. $25 or $20 early pre-paid discount. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
The Power of Collective Intent – 5-6pm. Focusing our collective intention to facilitate the healing of others, both emotional and physical, and improving life situations. Using synchronized visualization techniques, as well as the system of synchronizing focused intention developed by “The Power Of 8”. Led by Bruce Orion. Donation. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
7 Chakra Sound Bath – 6:30-7:30pm. Harmonize your being and prepare to immerse
yourself in the healing frequencies of the seven chakras and the soothing chants of Buddhist tradition. Awaken your senses, align your energy, and elevate your consciousness in this sacred gathering of sound and spirit. $25 per person. Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B Sarno Rd, Melbourne. 321-610-1698. ChacanaCenter.com/classes
Reiki I - Introduction to Reiki – 10am-1:30pm. Reiki is an empowering practice that enables you to embody your divine attunement with the Spiritual World and the Energetic Healing that is abundant around you. Join us, as we dive deep into the ancient healing practice of Reiki. $111 per person. Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B Sarno Rd, Melbourne. 321-610-1698. ChacanaCenter.com/classes
Friends of the World Gathering – Noon-4pm. Visit the Native Butterfly Flowers Nursery booth and choose from many species of Florida native wildflowers, shrubs and trees. Create a butterfly garden in your yard and help the environment using Florida native plants. Free. Yogashakti Mission, 3895 Hield Rd NW, Palm Bay. NativeButterflyFlowers.com
Plant Based Nutrition Workshop – 2:304:30pm. Gain new insights on plant-based nutrition, including the research behind plant-based diets, why your body might be holding onto fat (and how to change it) and more. Includes is a week’s supply of original plant-based recipes. Led by Maria Ulbricht. $50 (pre-paid in advance $35). Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Monday, March 25
Balance the Earth Elements Within – 5:307pm. A High-Frequency Reiki Sound Bath Immersion. Master-healer Maria Banas will use Reiki, sound and vibrations with the intention to release layers of tension stored in the physical and energy body, bringing a deep sense of
relaxation and healing. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Wednesday, March 27
Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra with Soundscape – 5:30-7pm. Combining the healing properties of sound (singing bowls, chimes) with Restorative Yoga. With the use of props (bolsters, a blanket, and blocks), your body is cradled and supported so that you can completely relax into each pose and ending with Guided Rest Yoga Nidra. All levels welcome. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Thursday, March 28
No (Broken) Bones about it – 11am. Monthly Education Series designed to help you get the most out of your Health & Wellness planning. Program held 4th Thursday of each month. Presented by Care Plus Health Plans, Omni Health Care and Helping Seniors of Brevard. Free. Senior Resource Center, 1344 S. Apollo Blvd., Suite 2-C, Melbourne.
Holy Love 3: Reiki Healing with Vibrational Sound Meditation – 5:30-7pm. Experience a sound bath with crystal bowls, gong, drum and other instruments, leaving you feeling relaxed, happy, energized and balanced. Led by Maria Banas. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Root Chakra Healing Meditation – 7-8pm. Ground yourself in vibrational alignment with abundance and security with Root Chakra Healing by medicine man Andrew Rubio. This guided meditation will help you to anchor yourself in strength, safety, and security while promoting abundance, presence, and peace. $25 per person. Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B Sarno Rd, Melbourne. 321-610-1698. ChacanaCenter.com/classes
Saturday, March 30
Reiki 2 Certification Course – 11am-6pm. Reiki Level II / Usui/Holy Fire III is designed with the intention for the student to create a deeper commitment to healing themselves and others. Maria Banas is a certified Reiki Master Teacher. $185. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
Full Moon Ocean Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Powerful for releasing things from your life, old negative emotions and thinking, and transformation. Includes a Crystal and Tibetan bowl meditation and if weather permits will cross street to the ocean for silent meditation under the moon. Led by Anthony Profeta. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams.com/special-events
START A CAREER YOU CAN BE PASSIONATE ABOUT. Publish your own Natural Awakenings magazine. Home-based business complete with comprehensive training and support system. New franchises are available or purchase a magazine that is currently publishing. For more information, visit Corp.NaturalAwakenings.com
AFFORDABLE HOME CLEANING. Marina uses natural products, is dependable, friendly and loves to clean. Call for rates: 321-432-2688.
DONATIONS NEEDED FOR WILD FLORIDA RESCUE (WFR) – WFR provides safe and compassionate emergency first response service for wildlife in need of urgent medical attention. They operate on the generosity of our community and are in need of an ambulance. Visit WildFloirdaRescue.org to donate to their Go Fund Me drive or to set your amazon smile charity to WFR. 321-821-7881.
DONATIONS NEEDED FOR CENTRAL BREVARD HUMANE SOCIETY – The Merritt Island Adoption Center and CBHS Shelter is in need of donations like Purina Cat, Kitten and Puppy Chow, canned food (kittens, puppies, cats and dogs), kitten formula (KMR), dog and cat toys, paper towels, mops and buckets, laundry detergent, trash bags and white copy paper. All donated items can be brought to the Brevard Humane Society in Cocoa or the Merritt Island Adoption Center. See their wishlist on Amazon or Chewy by visiting BrevardHumaneSocity.org. 321-6363343 Cocoa: ext 201. Merritt Island: ext. 214.
THE DAILY BREAD SOUP KITCHEN ACCEPTING DONATIONS – Men and women’s clothing, personal care products, sunscreen, first aid, sheets, blankets, towels and more. Visit DailyBreadInc.org for a list of needed supplies and to view their amazon wishlist. Donations may be dropped off at the kitchen, 815 East Fee Avenue, Melbourne, Monday - Friday, 8:30am-1:30pm or Saturday 8-11:30am. 321-723-1060.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Can you spare two hours a week to deliver meals to Brevard’s most frail seniors? The work is very rewarding and only you can put a smile on the face of those seniors who are homebound. Other volunteer opportunities include kitchen and admin work. If interested, please call the Meals on Wheels office at 321-639-8770 or visit AgingMattersBrevard.org.
HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE TREASURE COAST VOLUNTEERS – Join the pack of volunteers ages 12 to 92 providing cat care, dog walking, community event and admin support, mobile adoptions, pet therapy and humane education, and thrift store support. Visit hstc1.org to complete an application form or view their donation wish list.
Friday, March 1
Free Intro to Herbal Medicine – Noon-1pm. Discover what herbal medicine is, how herbs are used, and ways to select helpful herbs also how vibrational flower essences and earth-based practices fit into a holistic health model. Free. Herbs & Owls: Herbs Shop, 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005. HerbsAndOwls.com/classes
Saturday, March 2
Creative Charcuterie Board & Wine Pairing – 5-7pm. Sample 6 different Wine Blends while creating your own Charcuterie Board- A beautiful food display you get to take. Presented by Wicked Wines-One Hope & Creative Charcuterie LLC. Cost $115 pp. May book via Eventbrite, Venmo @Rachel-Stevens-105 or Zelle. Must reserve in advance-limited spaces. Email: DivineSoulWellness@gmail.com or call/ text Rachel 954-646-4374. $115. Divine Soul Wellness, 2818 SW Port St Lucie Blvd, Port St Lucie. DivineSoulWellness.com
Monday, March 4
Meditation in the Mermaid room of Harmony Lounge – 7-8pm. Monday meditation is open to all ages and levels. Group meditation is the only way one will find peace and create a peaceful world. $10. p/p donation. Harmony Music Lounge, 116 Ave A, Marina Way, Fort Pierce.
Tuesdays, March 5 & 12
Moving for Better Balance Tai Ji Quan & Qigong – 6-7pm. Experience the Basic 5 Element Movements, Fall Prevention, Improved Balance, Better Body Alignment, Circular Moving Motion, Increased Muscle Strength. Perfect for any age, beginners to advanced. Led by Dave & Julie Sanchez. Cost $15pp. May book via Eventbrite, Venmo @Rachel-Stevens-105 or Zelle. Must reserve in advance-limited spaces. Email: DivineSoulWellness@gmail.com or call/ text Rachel 954-646-4374. Divine Soul Wellness, 2818 SW Port St Lucie Blvd, Port St Lucie. DivineSoulWellness.com.
Tuesdays, March 5 & 26
Guided Meditation – 9:30-11am. Relax your mind and body in a guided meditation class lead by Gina Kearney. Classes include guided imagery, vibrational flower essences and sound therapy to deeply restore energy, sense of well-being and connection. $55 for each class. Herbs & Owls: Herbs Shop, 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005. HerbsAndOwls.com/classes
Wednesday, March 6
Floating on Sound – 7:30-8:30pm. A “Sound Bath” Meditation is all about energy, frequency and vibration. Meditation teacher, Anthony Profeta, uses the sounds of Crystal Bowls, Himalayan Singing Bowls, and other instruments to wash away our stress, fill us with inner peace, and allow us the opportunity to bring the healing to your body, mind, and soul. $40 advance and $45 walk-in. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Ste 112, Port St. Lucie. 772-8772122. JustBreatheAerials.com
Friday, March 8
Speaking to Heaven with Joseph Lobrutto –6pm. Joseph has been a guiding light for countless individuals navigating the mourning process after losing loved ones. He accomplishes this by delivering messages that affirm love, instill hope, and radiate joy from the departed souls. Cost $50. at the Elliott Museum-Stuart 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart. Tickets at SoundVibration.net. Giving Back & Bingo – 7-9pm. Our Bingo for a Cause Fundraiser will be in memory of Phil Perez. Proceeds and donations will be going to The National MS Society. Enjoy, Raffle Tickets, Food, Drinks, Music & Prizes. Donations for Prizes are being accepted. Bingo cards will be $3 each or 2 for $5. May book via Eventbrite, Venmo @RachelStevens-105 or Zelle. Must reserve in advancelimited spaces. Email: DivineSoulWellness@ gmail.com or call/text Rachel 954-646-4374. Divine Soul Wellness, 2818 SW Port St Lucie Blvd, Port St Lucie. DivineSoulWellness.com
Friday, March 9
Psychic Fair – Noon-5pm. Discounted Angel readings available with Karin Maynard Eberly: 15-min $35, 30-min $65, 45-min $85, 60-min $100. Karin will connect to your Angels and Guides to provide insight and clarity. Jamar Enlightenment Center 4595 Northlake Blvd., Ste 107 & 111, Palm Beach Gardens.
Sunday, March 10
Sound of Soul Event – 11am-noon. It will be an online zoom, or teleconferencing event. Please join us to Experience HU, the Sound of Soul. Chanting the word HU can bring peace, calm, and expanded awareness. After an inspirational quote, we chant the word HU for twenty minutes followed by a time of silent contemplation then a spiritual discussion. The Zoom link/ dialin information will be sent to those that RSVP to eck-Florida.org by March 9. Free. eck-Florida.org.
Weddings & More Wedding Expo – 2-5pm. Tour the many areas of our campus for weddings, commitment ceremonies, vow renewals, and more. To register to attend, email Weddings@ UnityofVero.org or register in person on the day of the event. Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach, 950 43rd Ave, Vero Beach. 772-562-1133. New Moon Sound Meditation – 5-6:30pm. Dave Sanchez will guide you into a deep meditative state surrounded by the sounds of Bowls, Gongs, Tuning Forks, Drums, & Chimes. Releasing unwanted negative energy, lowering stress & anxiety, enhancing mindfulness. Cost $25 PP May book via Eventbrite, Venmo @Rachel-Stevens-105 or Zelle. Must reserve in advance-limited spaces. Email: DivineSoulWellness@gmail.com or call/text Rachel 954646-4374. Divine Soul Wellness 2818 SW Port St Lucie Blvd. PSL. DivineSoulWellness.com
Reiki Energy Healing Circle – 6:30-7:30pm. Beginning with a guided meditation to facilitate deep relaxation and comfort; aromatherapy, candles, and crystals or stones may be utilized for additional holistic benefits. Open and closing sharing. Cost $15pp. May book via Eventbrite, Venmo @Rachel-Stevens-105 or Zelle. Must reserve in advance-limited spaces. Email: DivineSoulWellness@gmail.com or call/text Rachel 954-646-4374. Divine Soul Wellness 2818 SW Port St Lucie Blvd. PSL. $15. DivineSoulWellness.com
Celebration Party & Customer Appreciation Day – We are grateful to all of Our Friends, Family and Clients. Friday from 4-7pm party with us, Music, Food, Drinks, and Giveaways. Saturday Customer Appreciation Day! Enjoy Discounts, Baked Goods, Spin the Wheel and so much more from 12-4pm. Divine Soul Wellness 2818 SW Port St Lucie Blvd. PSL. Please email, call or text for additional information. DivineSoulWellness@gmail.com. 954-646-4374.
Budding Herbalist Program – 10am-1pm. Learn to confidently select and use herbs for yourself and your family while deepening your connection with the plants, nature and your beautiful Self. $695. Sign up at HerbsAndOwls.com/classes. Herbs & Owls: Herbs Shop, 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
Crystal Grids for Luck and Manifestation Workshop – 6:30-8:30pm. Do you love crystals? Learn how to make a crystal grid for good luck, good health and manifestation. Participants will learn to utilize crystals in general and personalized instruction for their own grid. This class is suitable for beginner to intermediate participants. Led by Certified Crystal Energy Guide and Angel intuitive Karin Maynard Eberly. Cost $40 or $35 if preregistered by March 12). Jamar Enlightenment Center 4595 Northlake Blvd., Ste 107 & 111, Palm Beach Gardens.
Friday, March 15
Channeling, Psychic Reading, Meditation, IL – 11am-3pm. In-person channeling, psychic medium readings, meditations and Inner
Light Healing sessions with Beth Lynch. Private and group sessions available. Walk-ins welcome. Appointments available. Offered every 2nd Friday. Varies. Spark of Divine, LLC Metaphysical Shop and Healing Center, 1789 Old Dixie Hwy, Vero Beach. 772-257-6499. Linktr.ee/bethlynchmedium444.
Saturday, March 16
Looking Within: Discover 7 Principles Leading to Hope, Peace and Joy - 1-3:30pm. Learn why and how to find peace, Use journaling and cleansing energy meditation to clear deeply seated beliefs standing in your way and more. $55. Led by Pat Heydlauff. Reserve by calling 772-257-6499 or email EnergyDesign@PatHeydlauff.com. Spark of Divine 1989 Old Dixie Hwy, Vero
Sunday, March 17
ECK Light and Sound Service – 11am-noon.
“Gratitude, the Secret of Divine Love” A celebration of God’s love for Soul. Including a HU chant, a guest speaker, creative arts. Each service lasts about an hour and is designed to help individuals have their own experience with the creative spiritual life force, the Light and Sound of God. All people are welcome. Free. Eckankar Center of the Treasure Coast, 541 SE Central Parkway, Stuart. 772-223-1188. eck-Florida.org.
Harnessing the Power of Sugar Full Moon –6-7:30pm. Sound therapy helps you transform your brain waves leading into a profoundly restorative state, which activates the body’s self-healing system, igniting your creativity, increases your intuition, obtain a deep relaxation and so many more benefits. The Elliott Museum, 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart. 772-2251961. SoundVibration.net.
Cecilia St. King in Concert – 7-9pm. Awardwinning, international recording artist Cecilia St. King is a charismatic Inner Peace Troubadour who performs original songs with positive spiritual messages. Translating The Ageless Wisdom Teachings into song, she wraps captivating vocals around Philosophy. Blending American roots music, that merges rock, blues, folk, spirituals, and just a hint of Jazz. Her concerts offer a powerful antidote to turmoil in our current times. $35. Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach, 950 43rd Ave, Vero Beach. 772562-1133. UnityofVero.org.
Our online calendar is always at your fingertips!
DEADLINE: All listings must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Calendar events must be submitted online at: MyNaturalAwakenings.com.
Live & Give Dynamic Hatha Charity Yoga – 10-11am. 100% of donations go to a different charity monthly. March’s charity is The DOCK, Dorcas Outreach Center for Kids. (NeighboorUpBrevard.org/the-dock). Donation amount of your choice. No reservations required. Live and Give Charity Yoga at Harness Up Fitness, 1868 Rockledge Blvd. (US1 next to the newly rebuilt Publix, Rockledge. Questions), text or call Julie at 321-626-7494.
Sunday Prayer, Meditation and Energy Healing Service – 9-10am. Join us Sundays from 9am to 10am in the Chapel for Meditation and Energy Healing before our Sunday Celebration Service at 10am. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there! Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach, 950 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach. 772-562-1133. UnityofVero.org.
Sunday Celebration Service – 10-11am. Join our Ministers in the Sanctuary as they offer practical spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there! Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach, 950 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach. 772-562-1133. UnityofVero.org.
Labyrinth Walk and Guided Meditation – 4:50-5:40pm. 1st Sun. Your First Sunday monthly opportunity for a wonderfully uplifting yet relaxing Labyrinth Walk combined with Guided Meditation. Labyrinth is open to the public from dawn to dusk, seven days a week. love offering. Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach, 950 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach. 772-562-1133. UnityofVero.org.
Gentle Hatha Yoga – 11am-12pm. Traditional yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation. Accessible to all ages and body types. Led by Cindy. $15 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Yoga for Vibrant Health – 12:30-1:30pm. Asanas, breath work, and guided meditation are combined to increase potentially stagnant blood flow, physical and mental stamina, and a deep sense of consciousness. Led by Maria Ulbricht. $15 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Kundalini Yoga – 4-5pm. KP sequentially guides you through kriyas, each of which are a specific sequence of yogic techniques and meditations to create a specific result in consciousness. Kundalini yoga is designed to balance the glandular system and revitalize the nervous systems. $15 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar.
Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Hatha Yoga – 6:30-7:45pm. With Marilyn. This gentle form of yoga combines physical wellbeing and balances body, mind, and spirit using guided yoga postures, stretching, and breathing. Bring your own mat. $5 per class, paid at door. Pelican Beach Clubhouse, 1495 Hwy A1A, Satellite Beach. 321-773-6458.
Gentle Yoga with Modifications - 9:45am. For beginners and level 2. This gentle yoga with modifications is a class that anyone can do. It is customized to the students in attendance. Bring your own mat. $5. Unity of Port St Lucie, 8645 US Hwy 1, Port St. Lucie. 845-489-7976.
Airbarre Fusion – 10-10:50am. A fitness technique that transfers dance conditioning exercises at the ballet barre to the hammock to develop strength, length and grace while realigning the body. Book online at JustBreatheAerials.com. Call for pricing. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Ste 112, Port St. Lucie. 772-877-2122.
Chair Yoga – 11am. For seniors and those with limited mobility. Enjoy stretching for relaxation and ease of movement with Lana. Chair yoga is helpful for those who find it difficult to get up and down off the floor. $5 per class Unity of Port St Lucie, 8645 US Hwy 1, Port St. Lucie. 845-489-7976.
Yoga for Beginners – 11am-12pm. Learn foundational postures, proper alignment and the use of props. The practice of gentle postures (asanas), breath technology (pranayama), relaxation (savasana) with sound healing, and meditation with Marilyn Diaz. $15 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Kundalini Yoga & Healing Gong Meditation –12:30-1:45pm. A specific set of yoga movements “Kriyas” to release energy blocks, energize the nervous system, and focus the mind with the healing vibrations of the Gong. All levels. Led by Marilyn Diaz. $15 or yoga membership (10 Classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321729-9495.
Mindful Yoga – 4-5pm. Strengthening, building flexibility, and meditation through movement, mixing in qi gong and psychology, classes act as a cleanse of body, mind, and spirit. All levels. Led by Johnny Powell. $15 or yoga membership (10 Classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Hatha Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. Multi-level class for beginners and intermediates. As a registered nurse Ellen’s knowledge of anatomy & physiology allows her to modify asanas to her student’s ability so they get the benefits of practice without the strain. $15 or yoga membership (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar.
Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Healing Qigong – 11-12am. Beginners practice starts with Ji Ben Gong foundational and joint mobility exercises. In addition, focusing on the sequence of the Baduanjin eight pieces of silk brocade. Book online at JustBreatheAerials. com or through the MindBody App. Call for pricing. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Ste 112, Port St. Lucie. 772-877-2122.
Gentle Yoga – 11am-Noon. Gentle Hatha Yoga uses traditional yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation to bring back balance and healing to body, mind and spirit. This peaceful multi-level class is accessible to all ages and body types. Teacher: Dena Armstrong. $15 or yoga membership (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Hatha Yoga – 12:30-1:30pm. Multi-level class for beginners and intermediates. As a registered nurse Ellen’s knowledge of anatomy & physiology allows her to modify asanas to her student’s ability so they get the benefits of practice without the strain. $15 or yoga membership (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yogacalendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Yin Yoga Flow with Crystal Bowls – 4-5pm. Allows a gentle opening of the body using props to support the yoga pose held for 4-5 minutes. Ends with crystal bowl sound bath. All Levels. Led by Marilyn Diaz. $15 or yoga membership (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Reiki Sound Bath Meditation – 6-7pm. 1st Wed. Experience healing reiki energy while being immersed into the soothing sound of crystal sound bowls, chimes, and rain sticks for a relaxing, rejuvenating experience of deep healing. Space is limited, register online at Thespace-CB.com/ rent or call/text 321-698-7807 to reserve your spot. $20. The Space Next Door, 126 N Orlando Ave, Cocoa Beach. LauraScottHealing.com.
Hatha Yoga – 6:30-7:45pm. With Marilyn. This gentle form of yoga combines physical wellbeing and balances body, mind, and spirit using guided yoga postures, stretching, and breathing. Bring your own mat. $5 per class, paid at door. Pelican Beach Clubhouse, 1495 Hwy A1A, Satellite Beach. 321-773-6458.
Initial visit includes:
• Detailed body composition analysis, diet plan, health coaching
• First semaglutide injection or prescription for other weight loss medication
• MIC +Fat-burning injection
• Medication review
• Diet assessment
• Lab work for food sensitivity, hormones, and gut testing, if needed
Four weekly visits which include weigh-ins, body composition analysis, health coaching and MIC + injection.
• Self-injections weekly with semaglutide
• FDA approved GLP 1 agonist
• Studies show 15% body weight loss
• Reduces appetite & cravings
• Improves insulin resistance
After five weeks:
Follow-up visits every other week for weigh-in and body composition analysis, health coaching and MIC + injection.
Tai Chi for Better Balance – 9-10am. Members can enjoy these classes for $5 per class and Non-Friends Members are $10 per class. Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens, 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd., Port St. Lucie. 772-337-1959. Registration required: PSLBG.org events page.
Joanne’s World of Nutrition – 10-11am. Listen to radio station WPSL AM 1590 every Wednesday morning to learn about holistic health and wellness with Joanne, owner of Nutrition World in Ft. Pierce, who has 30 plus years of expertise. JoannesNutritionWorld.com.
Yoga for Beginners – 11am-Noon. KP gives specific verbal cues as well as physically demonstrates the poses (asanas) and offers hands-on alignments and yoga props to help the student physically access the poses. $15 or yoga membership (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar.
Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Kundalini Yoga – 12:30-1:30pm. Primary focus is on the movement and transformation of energy as you flow through various pranayama, mudra, meditation and asana techniques. Led by KP. $15 or yoga membership (10 Classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar.
Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Crystal Bowl Meditation – 4-5pm. Begin with an intention and breath work to still the mind and relax the body. The Crystal Bowl meditation includes the ethereal sounds of the monochord, an ancient healing instrument, Koshi chimes, and the meditative Tibetan singing bowls to nourish your spirit. Led by Marilyn Diaz. $15 or yoga membership (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Multi-Level Hatha Yoga – 5:15-6:15pm. Connect the body, mind, and soul through energy, breath work (pranayama), poses (asanas) and meditation. For beginners and intermediate students. Led by Marilyn Diaz. $15 or yoga membership (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/ weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Strength Training – 9-9:50am. Come work it out and sweat for this strong boot camp session. Using multiple props to build strength and endurance, creating lean muscle mass and overall body transformation. Book online at JustBreatheAerials.com or through the MindBody App. Call for pricing. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Ste 112, Port St. Lucie. 772-877-2122. JustBreatheAerials.com.
Bereavement Support Group – 4:30-6pm. A group for those currently within a grieving process. We offer conscious listening and
caring support. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there. Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach, 950 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach. 772-562-1133. UnityofVero.org.
Yoga for the Healthy Aging in the Gardens – 5-6pm. The classes will be held on the promenade at sunset. Members can enjoy these classes for $5 per class and Non-Friends Members are $10 per class. Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens, 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd., Port St. Lucie. 772-337-1959. Registration required: PSLBG.org events page.
Gentle Hatha Yoga – 11am-12pm. Traditional yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation to bring back balance and healing to body, mind and spirit. All ages and body types. Led by Cindy. Please bring your own mat. $15 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Yin Yoga with Crystal Bowls – 12:30-1:30pm. A profound, meditative approach to yoga with a physical focus on accessing the connective tissue and fascia and regulating the flow of energy in the body. Led by Johnny or Roxy. $15 or yoga membership (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Reiki Sound Bath for Complementary Cancer Care of Brevard – 3-4pm. 1st Fri. This event is open for anyone impacted by cancerpatients, survivors, caregivers, regardless of diagnosis type, prognosis, or location of treatment. Experience healing reiki energy and be immersed into the soothing sound of crystal sound bowls, chimes, and rain sticks for a relaxing, rejuvenating experience of deeper healing and peace. Space is limited, register online at CompCancerCare.org/events to reserve your spot. Located at The Space Next Door, 126 N Orlando Ave, Cocoa Beach. Laura Scott Holistic Healing. LauraScottHealing.com.
Kids Yoga (5-10) – 3-3:45pm. Playful introduction to the practice of yoga and mindfulness. Practicing Breath, Balance, Focus, Flexibility, Strength, Confidence and Connection. Parents are welcome to participate. Led by Debra Walden Thornton. $15 or yoga membership (10 classes for $85). To pre-register visit: AquarianDreams.com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Downtown Melbourne Farmers Market –10am-2pm. Local fresh foods, produce, food trucks, plants, artisans and crafters. Free. Riverview Park 2301 Irwin Street, Melbourne. 321-759-3713.
Saturday Downtown Ft. Pierce Famers’ Market – 8am-12pm. Downtown Ft. Pierce Farmers Market has over 70 friendly vendors offering a diverse selection of foods, exotic plants, spices, local produce and much more. Rain or shine. Live music, fresh food and right on the river; make it your Saturday morning tradition. Free. Riverfront Downtown Ft. Pierce 101 Melody Lane, Ft. Pierce. FortPierceFarmersMarket.com.
Hot Iron Yoga – 8:15-9:15am. Intense full body workout utilizing dumbbells for upper body weight training exercises, while performing a series of power yoga poses for the core and lower body strength. Book online at JustBreatheAerials.com. Call for pricing. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Ste 112, Port St. Lucie. 772-877-2122.
Green Team – 3:30-5pm. Meets each last Saturday of the month at 3:30pm. In alignment with Unity Worldwide Ministries EarthCare Program. Mission: To foster awareness of our spiritual oneness with the Earth and to promote active care of all creation. Open to all. Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach, 950 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach. 772-562-1133. UnityofVero.org.
Saturday Sound Healing Series – 6-7:30pm. Embark on a sound healing journey, exploring different themed healing experiences each week. Be bathed in sound vibration and reach a deep state of relaxation that will balance, strengthen and calm the mind. For details and to register visit SoundVibration.net. The Elliott Museum 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart.
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community.
To submit your listing to be included in The Natural Directory, visit Directory.my-NA.com
1395 N. Courtenay Pkwy, Ste 202 Merritt Island, 321-252-3720
Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Micro Needling, LED Therapy, Herbal Therapy, Homeopathic Therapy, Vitamin Injection Therapy, Cupping, Massage and Nutrition. Michelle Connell, AP, DOM, can help you overcome pain and balance your body to maintain health.
Kris Urquhart, Publisher
Natural Awakenings is your multimedia resource for natural and eco-friendly living. Visit us online for monthly issues, exclusive content, recipes, offers and podcasts. Join our email list and never miss a thing. Reaching over 75,000 loyal readers each month and thousands more digitally.
Brian P. Walsh, DC
1051 Eber Blvd, Ste 102 Melbourne, 321-728-1387
Natural healthcare for all ages including Designed Clinical Nutrition using Nutrition Response Testing, ChiroThin Doctor Supervised Weight Loss Program, Chiropractic Care, PEMF Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, thermography, massage services, homeopathics and other natural products. See ad, page 20.
Angel Intuitive, Angel Reiki Crystal therapy and Coach 561-320-7581
Certified Angel Guide. Allow the Angels to assist your personal development through intuitive readings and Angel Reiki Crystal sessions. Private and Corporate Events. Phone, online or in-person.
Botanical Gardens
2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd.
Port St. Lucie, 772-337-1959
Memberships - pslg.org
Surround yourself in the peace and beauty of nature. Bamboo, bromeliad, butterfly, succulent, orchid, native plant gardens and more. Perfect venue for weddings or your next event.
Margaret Witzleb, MSN, ARNP 2351 W. Eau Gallie Blvd, Ste 4 Melbourne, 321-775-0477
AFFORDABLE, QUALITY pediatric health care offering both alternative and traditional choices for your child’s health, regardless of immunization or insurance status. Homebirthed infants welcome!
Natural Solutions with Dr. Ruth 321-351-4516
Dr. Ruth Rodriguez, board-certified Osteopathic Pediatrician conducts pediatric consultations with parents through phone or zoom calls. Well-child concierge yearly membership and tele-medicine like sickchild consultations also available.
Leslie Ryan, DC Alberto Rodriguez, DC 20 E Melbourne Ave, Ste 103A Melbourne, 321-400-6282
Whole family wellness and chiropractic care, with a focus on pediatric and prenatal wellness, functional movement, and athletic performance. Manual adjusting techniques, activator, muscle release and KT tape.
1803 N Wickham Rd Melbourne, 321-259-8250
Based on an individualized health plan, Dr. Sharma incorporates chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, nutraceuticals, photoceutical cryotherapy, detoxification, postural fitness programs, infrared therapy, and lymphatic drainage.
145 Palm Bay Rd NE, Ste 120 West Melbourne, 321-725-8778
Clow Chiropractic has been providing a full spectrum of natural healthcare for over 38 years. Services include chiropractic adjustments, nutritional support, functional medicine, massage (MM2166), physiotherapy, and rehab.
Your Family Chiropractor
520 E. New Haven Ave Melbourne, 321-722-5846
7720 N Wickham Rd, #103 Melbourne, 321-622-4832
Exceptional Chiropractic Experience for Newborns, Pregnant Moms and Families: Websters Technique, Low-back pain, Advanced Infant Cranial Adjusting, Colic, Earaches, Infant Constipation and much more. See ad, page 41.
1600 W. Eau Gallie Blvd, Ste 104
Melbourne, 321-622-4447
Dr. Renee Hahn, Upper Cervical Chiropractor, offers relief from a variety of conditions including Allergies, Fibromyalgia, Back Pain, Migraines, sleep disorders and more. See ad, page 33.
Melbourne, 321-480-8654
CHOOSE HEALTH! Colon health management through irrigation and hydration since 1988, using a closed system with purified water in a safe, professional environment. (MA8163)
1600 W Eau Gallie Blvd Suite 205-E, Melbourne 5200 Babcock St NE Suite 405-A, Palm Bay 321-328-0056, TropicalReiki.com
Gentle touch! Release restrictions and improve function of the central nervous system. Shown to help with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, PTSD, migraines, TMJ, autism, and more. (MA103645)
780 W. New Haven Ave Melbourne 321-952-6789
We offer a wide variety of divination tools to enhance your Spiritual Journey including Crystals, gemstones, jewelry, singing bowls, books, tarot, candles, salt lamps, sage, incense, oils, statuary, altar items & much more! Curbside pickup, shipping, and phone orders available.
Kelly Leary, M.S. Clinical Psychology 5090 PGA Blvd, Ste 208, Palm Beach Gardens 561-630-XOXO (9696)
772-932-HERE (4373)
Attention: Single, divorced, and widowed readers! This awardwinning matchmaking firm has 31 years of experience bringing quality singles together. Their clientele ranges from young professionals to seniors from South Florida through the Treasure Coast. If you would like to find love offline — call today to book your private consultation.
Dr. Chris Edwards
Dr. Rob Brown
Dr. Haley Freymiller Viera, 321-751-7775 SDICFL.com
Innovative, comprehensive, bio-logic dentistry. Mercury safe removal, high tech office, low radiation digital xrays. Lasers-no shot, no drill. Ozone therapy. See ad, page 23.
Comprehensive Mercury Free Dental Care for the Whole Family
Indian Harbour Beach, 321-777-2797
Whole body connections and antiaging Dentistry advanced nonsurgical TMJ, snoring and sleep breathing disorders therapy, head, neck and facial pain treatment, non-extraction orthodontics, smile makeovers and dentistry for patients with multiple chemical sensitivities. See ad, page 15.
CorneliaGilbert.com 321-504-8188
Providing individualized transformative healing modalities, Cornelia is a Usui/Reiki Master, and Soul Realignment® Practitioner focusing on balancing mind/body/soul. Schedule your first FREE consultation.
126 North Orlando Ave Suite D Cocoa Beach, 321-698-7807
Experience deeper levels of soulhealing by going within. Laura uses a combination of somatic therapy, reiki, sound therapy and massage customized to your needs. (MA99670)
Alisha Connor
Melbourne, 321-426-5392
Essential Oils used are based on individual’s needs. Benefits include better rest, more vitality, mental clarity, increased mobility, and balanced hormone systems. Private/ group appointments available.
1727 N. Atlantic Ave
Cocoa Beach, 321-785-3330
MicroAcupuncture48 is known to help with: Dry Eye, Cataract, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Eye Stroke/Occlusions and more. Schedule your complimentary consultation!
150 Coconut Dr., Ste 211
Indialantic, 321-375-4397
Holistic skincare using slowcrafted raw whole plant-based products. Offering a unique blend of holistic and modern modalities including Gua Sha and Qi Beauty™.
Melbourne/Palm Bay
Specialized Master Esthetician offering Luxurious skincare pampering that makes a difference: Gua Sha Lymphatics, Brightening, Resurfacing, Blemish cleansing, Microneedling, Microcurrent Face-Lifts, Dermaplaning, and Anti-Aging Organic and Clinical Lifts & Peels. You deserve to look younger and feel rejuvenated!
Space & Treasure Coast
Find a Farmer’s Market near you in the Natural Awakenings Farmers Market Guide. Support your health and community by shopping local. Bookmark the web page for easy access.
1200 Corey Rd
Malabar, 321-229-5288
A local CSA farm, offering beyond organically raised grass-fed/grass-finished Angus beef, Berkshire pork, Katahdin lamb, chicken eggs, raw cow and goat milk, vegetables, and more.
96 Willard Street, Studio 203 Cocoa, 321-305-4510
Experience Halotherapy, Infrared Sauna, Red Light Therapy, Professional Chromotherapy, and 360 Body Chair Massages, to help with inflammation, respiratory, and restoration of health and immunity. See ad, page 2.
464 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd
Port St Lucie, 772 323-2222
Your neighborhood natural organic grocery, vitamins, and juice bar. Committed to providing the community with products necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Free weekly in-store classes.
862 N. Miramar Ave
Indialantic, 321-724-2383
Natural & Organic grocery with wide selection of vitamins and supplements. Organic café with fresh wheat grass, vegetable juices and smoothies, vegan and gluten-free soups, sandwiches and salads.
Suntree, 321-242-6040
West Melbourne, 321-722-1440 Palm Bay, 321-729-8311
Organic and allergy-friendly groceries, fresh produce, bulk foods, all-natural supplements, organic smoothies, power bowls, organic wines and gluten-free/specialty beers. Knowledgeable staff on-hand ready to assist.
10471 SE Federal Hwy
Hobe Sound, 772-286-1401
Great selection of organic foods and supplements. Peggy’s Brand Vitamins, Supplements and Herbals in-store or online. Drive thru pickup and area delivery available.
6615 N. Atlantic Ave (A1A)
Cape Canaveral, 321-784-0930
Community-owned, Not-for-Profit Co-op founded in 1974. Largest selection of vitamins & herbs in Brevard. Organic produce and much more. Open Mon-Sat 9-7 & Sun 10-6.
2916 S. Washington Ave
Titusville, 321-269-4848
Find us on Facebook
Providing nutritional health counseling in a truly holistic fashion by offering massage, cholesterol testing, foot detox, essential oils, blood typing along with vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathics and natural foods.
Joanne Seeger, 101 N US 1, Ste 118 & 120 Ft. Pierce, 772-464-3598
Everything for a healthy lifestyle under one roof. Vitamins, supplements, skincare, essential oils, infrared sauna, massage, PEMF therapy, ion foot cleanse, individual counseling and more.
12 N Brevard Ave
Cocoa Beach, 321-613-3755
Gift and specialty herb shop offering herbal consultations, custom formulas, handcrafted herbal products, olive oils & vinegars, tinctures, essential oils, local honey and beeswax candles.
Gina Kearney RH (AHG), Clinical Herbalist 725 N. Hwy. A1A, D-103 Jupiter, 561-768-9005
Offering Private Herbal Consults, Flower Essence Therapy and Herbal & Shamanism classes. Visit our Herb Shop with 200+ herbs, barks, flowers & roots plus, tinctures, oils, crystals & more! See ad, page 13.
1300 Pinetree Drive, Ste 3 Indian Harbour Beach, 321-779-4647
Enjoy a cup of complementary tea in the relaxing atmosphere of herbs and handmade herbal delights. Bulk Herbs, Handmade Products, Consultations, Classes, and Supplies. Teas, tinctures, lotions, soaps, facial products, salves, and more. See ad, page 31.
277 N. Babcock St Melbourne, 321-757-7522
Bulk Herbs, Herbal Certification Course and other herbal classes. Essential oils, handmade salves and lotions, customized herbal blends and private consultations. See ad, page 20.
2818 SW Port St Lucie Blvd
Port St Lucie, 954-646-4374
Divine Healing, Wellness Education, Meditation, Reiki Circles, Mindful Yoga, Sound-bath Healing, Crystals, Chakra Balancing, Local Jewelry, Art, Candles & Soaps, USDA Organic CBD. Available for private events.
Clinics in Viera & Titusville, 321-757-6899
Fully Integrated Primary Care & Wellness
Fully integrated Primary Care and Family Practice - injury and illness, chronic disease, anti-aging, functional medicine, physical therapy, chiropractic and more. Same-day sick appointments. Insurance accepted. See ad, page 21.
476 Hwy A1A Ste. 4A
Satellite Beach, 321-977-4509
Boost oxygen levels over 300%! Hyperbaric Therapy can help heart, stroke, chemotherapy recovery, autism, addiction, tendonitis, sports injuries, autoimmune disease & more. Specialty bodywork & Graston! (MA101240, MM44507)
Lori Burke, Cert. Clinical Hypnotherapist Viera, 321-652-1039
Start Living a Life You Love! Free yourself from hostility, fears, resentment; Overcome limiting thoughts and behaviors; Adopt healthy habits; Improve relationships. (IAIH Certified CHt/CCHt/CTHt #7596890).
Stuart, 772-215-2985
Combining the best of Hypnosis, NeuroLinguistics (NLP) and ThetaHealing to create rapid and lasting changes at the subconscious level. Results appear in body, mind, and spirit. From small concerns to serious trauma, from motivation to spirituality, subconscious changes positively affect all aspects of life. Telehealth services only. In Stuart since 2003.
Dean Wellness Institute
Premiere Center for Regenerative Medicine Vero Beach, 772-567-1500
Age Management, Weight Loss, Preventative Medicine, Andropause, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement, Lifestyle Management, Vitamin Evaluation, Nutrition and many other integrative therapies. See ad, back cover.
Institute of Health & Wellness
218 SW Atlanta Ave
Stuart, 772-539-9556
Anti-Aging, Functional and Regenerative Medicine. Colorectal Surgery and Functional GI, hormone replacement, food allergy and nutritional testing, IV vitamin therapy, heavy metals testing, medical aesthetics, THERMIva vaginal rejuvenation, ThermiSmooth skin tightening, HALO skin resurfacing, BBL BroadBand Light skin therapy, laser hair removal, Botox and fillers, skin care, weight loss. See ad, page 13.
Rebecca Hunton, MD
417 Fifth Ave, Ste 101 A Indialantic, 321-806-7436
Are you Radiantly Healthy? We offer Integrative/Functional Medicine solutions to address health challenges and healthy aging! We combine both traditional and natural options including medical marijuana certification. See ad, page 37.
Center for Anti-Aging Aesthetic and Rejuvenation Medicine
321-421-7111, Viera
Hypertension, diabetes, mold/Lyme, sleep issues, hypothyroidism, erectile dysfunction, heart attack prevention, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, food allergies, congestive heart failure, G.I. issues and more. See ads, page 15.
150 Fifth Ave, Ste B
Indialantic, 321-243-1859
Delivering vital nutrients, IV Therapy benefits people with Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Migraines/ Tension Headaches, Allergies, IBS, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune Disease, Athletic Recovery, Viral/Bacterial Infections, and Common Cold/Flu. See ad, page 37.
6375 N. Wickham Road, Ste 101 Melbourne, 321-465-7986
Offering 18 Lifestyle IV drips such as time machine, powerpack and flu fighter. Health support drips like High C and chelation. 797 USP compliant compounding on-site. Also featuring Food Inflammation Testing, red light therapy and halo infrared sauna. See ad, page 25.
Donna McGoff, M.S., Life Coach Jensen Beach, 401-662-2707
It’s my passion helping women break up with the past after divorce by creating a relationship of believing, building, becoming their vision for the future.
Melbourne/Palm Bay
Advanced Therapist serving Brevard County for 10+ years with Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy; a gentle technique for treating lymphedema, post-surgical swelling & scaring, detoxification, edema reduction, and more. Also offering Ultrasonic Cavitation Sculpting to smooth troubled areas. (MA75423)
2251 Town Center Ave, Ste 101, Unit 20 Viera, 772-779-1137
My passion is helping my clients find balance - in mind and body. Massage can reduce pain, muscle tension and stress, increase circulation and much more. (MA97795)
Melbourne/Palm Bay 321-480-9986
Advanced Integrative Therapists offering: Craniosacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, Ultrasonic Cavitation Sculpting, Micro-Current Pain Management, Gentle Scar Release, Thai Foot Massage, Reflexology, Medical Massage, Therapeutic Stretching, and Prenatal Massage; Helping clients transition towards a better life. (MM35261)
1600 W. Eau Gallie Blvd, Ste 203
Melbourne, 321-987-0041
We go beyond ordinary massages and facials tackling chronic pain and uplevel skin. A resultsoriented spa experience with expert therapists. Appointments 7 days a week.
1255 37th St, Ste B
Vero Beach, 772-228-6882
Dr. Alita Gonsalves Sikora offers a holistic approach to traditional Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with acupuncture, medical marijuana, bioidentical hormone therapy, weight loss and PRP injections for joints, hair loss, and facial rejuvenation. See ad, page 39.
780 W. New Haven Ave
Melbourne 321-952-6789
We offer a wide variety of divination tools to enhance your Spiritual Journey including: Crystals, gemstones, jewelry, singing bowls, books, tarot, candles, salt lamps, sage, incense, oils, statuary, altar items & much more! Curbside pickup, shipping, and phone orders available.
10774 S US Hwy 1, Port St Lucie, 772-207-5208
816 SW US Hwy 1, Stuart, 772-254-5072
Social: @MysticalTreasures888
Discover a world of enchantment at our store, offering a captivating array of metaphysical treasures, including crystals, sage, incense, jewelry, books, and more - perfect gifts for all. See ad, page 38.
Port St. Lucie, 772-877-2102
Ft. Pierce, 772-302-3814
Jensen Beach, 772-208-5592
Treasure Coast’s premier metaphysical store, now with three locations. Incense, crystals, stones, sage, candles, jewelry, workshops & more. Daily Readers and knowledgeable staff always on hand. Open 7 days.
1789 Old Dixie Highway
Vero Beach, 772-257-6499
Spark offers classes, healings, readers, yoga & much more. We carry a variety of crystals, jewelry, books, sage & many other metaphysical gifts and tools.
1300 Pinetree Drive, Ste 9 Indian Harbour Beach, 321-405-2795
Neurofeedback has helped with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Stress, Emotional Distress, PTSD, Behavioral Issues, Mood issues, Pain, Lyme, Headaches, Concussion, TBI and a variety of other issues.
Serving the Space Coast 321-378-1231
Home & body products without harsh chemicals & ecofriendly packaging. We deliver in your bottle or ours. Real. Reused. Delivered.
1255 37th St, Ste B Vero Beach, 772-228-6882
Holistic regenerative medicine using PRP (platelet rich plasma) for arthritis, tendinitis, aesthetics (face and skin rejuvenation aka “Vampire Facial”) and hair regeneration. Enhance sexual health with PRP, bioidentical hormones, shockwave therapy, and peptides. IV vitamin and NAD therapy to reverse aging. Stem cell Therapy, Exosomes, Shockwave, acupuncture, Perineural injections for osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal pain. See ad, page 39.
Intuitive Counselor, Educator 888-271-4487, InnerLight444@gmail.com
Spiritual Medium, Meditation Teacher & Author. Graduate of Arthur Fords School of Mediumship; Mark Irelands Prestigious Medium Certified, and 25 years’ experience teaching Spiritual principals for healing.
Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master, Past Life Regressions
By appointment: 772-200-0016
Are you grieving the loss of a loved one and need closure? Did you miss the chance to say ‘Goodbye’? Or are you in need of divine guidance about your career, love life, or finances? Allow the Angels to help you make the right decisions. Learn how to cultivate your own intuition through classes offered in spiritual development.
1600 W Eau Gallie Blvd Suite 205-E, Melbourne 5200 Babcock St NE Suite 405-A, Palm Bay 321-328-0056, TropicalReiki.com
Nine Young Living essential oils massaged on feet and spine, using various techniques including tuning forks. Naturally align the body and mind. Promotes emotional release. (MA103645)
MARY ‘DIVINE’ DISANO 401-263-8828
Now in Port St. Lucie DivinelyTouched.com
Mary is author of Divinely Touched: Transform Your Life, that chronicles her healing journey through metaphysics and her spiritual awakening. She has degrees in medical technology, Reflexology, Reiki, and Reconnective Healing. Her healings have been described as “miraculous.” Call for a distance or in person session.
Virtual and Phone
Vero Beach, 772-538-6211
Usui/Tibetan/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Angelologist and Mesa Carrier, Angel Healing Therapist/Reader and Teacher offers Healing, Spiritual Counseling, Cord Cutting, Divine Soul Readings and more. Helping you move into alignment with your divinity. Find your purpose.
Deena Rahill, 786-488-7782
825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart
Experience a blissful journey of sound, lights and vibration. Gongs, drums, chimes, and singing bowls can alter brainwave frequencies and allow for healing. Group or private sessions available.
950 43rd Ave
Vero Beach, 772-562-1133
Join us 10am Sundays for our Celebration Service and 9am for our Meditation Service. Be blessed by a morning of spiritual insight, inspiration, fellowship, and community. See ad, page 17.
Scented Dragon, 772-877-2102
6993 Hancock Dr, Port St Lucie LifeWave.com/1776047
Activate Stem Cell rejuvenation through this cutting-edge Phototherapy. Small patches worn daily can promote relief of some common aging challenges. Hosting Saturday 1pm informational meetings.
Dr. Steven Zanfini
Stuart, 772-888-5269
Finest thermal screening available on the Treasure Coast since 2001. Manage breast health with Thermal breast screening providing insight into ways of staying healthy and not just detecting disease or dysfunction. Upper body and full body screening also available. Offering affordable screening packages including reports, images, and optional flash drive. See ad, page 34.
Melbourne, Merritt Island, Vero Beach Ft. Pierce, 321-312-0363
Thermography sees inflammation in the body, early detection of breast disease, dysfunction of heart, lungs, digestive system, colon, thyroid, vascular system, muscles, joints and more.
Pelican Beach Clubhouse
1495 Highway A1A
Satellite Beach, 321-773-6458
Balance your Body, Mind & Spirit with Hatha Yoga. Gentle, guided yoga postures with Stretching, Deep Breathing, and Relaxation. $5 per class through Satellite Recreation Department.
270 NW Peacock Blvd, Ste 112 Port St. Lucie, 772-877-2122
Offering both traditional Mat Yoga and Aerial yoga. Join us for a Gentle, Restorative, Vinyasa, and Aerial Class 7 days a week. See ad, page 14.
at mynaturalawakenings.com/businesses