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letter from the publisher Grateful for this Woman’s Wellness
Irecently received a call from my doctor giving me an “all clear” on my annual scans. It’s that time of year again, and I’m proud to say that after a multi-year hiatus, I’m back on the wagon. These annual checkups also serve as a motivating reminder to make healthy lifestyle choices that keep me feeling my best. Regular exercise, massages, and a healthy home-cooked diet are the foundational pillars that help to manage my stress and keep my energy level optimal.
“Eating foods that are fresh, whole, simple and organic when available fuels good gut bacteria and eliminates the toxins found in packaged foods such as hydrogenated vegetable oils, preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, taste enhancers and sugars that can upset the proper balance in the gut,” says Kimberly Whittle in The Gut-Brain Connection [page 32]. I have experienced these benefits first-hand after following the advice of my functional medicine doctor to reign in how often we eat meals outside the home.
It’s important to have a team of health professionals to rely on for guidance. To help you find practitioners that can assist you on your health journey, we have included the Women’s Wellness Guide in this issue [page 17]. Peruse the practitioner profiles and get to know the people behind the business. These professionals can assist you with your lifestyle choices and getting to the root cause of any symptoms that may be holding your back. Bookmark this guide at for easy reference.
Also in this issue, discover how to turn anxiety into positive action in our feature article Staying Serene in Turbulent Times [page 28]. Learn where PFAS are lurking and how to avoid exposure in Manmade Compounds Pose Lasting Threat to Our Health [page 14]. And with a nod to this month of thanksgiving, we reflect on the power of perspective and the benefits of acknowledging what we are grateful for each day [page 27].
I’d like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for my family, friends, colleagues, our natural health community, and readers of this publication. I am so thankful to have you all in my life. Enjoy your gathering of family and friends and sharing love and gratitude.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kris Urquhart, Publisher
Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines
16 17 32 Contents 28 HOW
To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at, email or call 321-426-0080. Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL
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Healing Gong Experience at Aquarian Dreams
Dreams is pleased to announce weekly gong meditation classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 4 p.m. led by teacher and Sound Therapist, Marilyn Diaz. “A healing gong meditation balances and aligns your chakras, and clears your aura (electromagnetic field), allowing you to shine brighter and feel lighter,” says Diaz.
Gongs are ancient, high frequency instruments re-emerging as modern healing tools. “The healing vibrations of the gong have quantifiable effects on the human body,” explains Diaz. “The many overtones of the gong create a symphonic resonance, matching the vibration of each individual cell in the body.”
The gong’s healing can promote meditative alpha and theta brainwave states, affect the cellular level, tone the vagus nerve, regenerate the parasympathetic nervous system, increase relaxation, help with emotional release, reduce pain, enhance creativity, foster present moment awareness, heighten intuition, and improve sleep.
Marilyn Diaz is a licensed massage therapist, (MA50561) Registered Yoga Teacher RYT-200 and has experience as a Reiki Practitioner. Her holistic background also includes Thai Yoga and Vibrational Sound Healing. She also offers private Gong Healings and workshops.
Cost: $12.00 or Yoga Membership (10 classes for $75). Call 321-729-9495 or pre-register online at AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. See ad, page 3.
Atlantic Way Chiropractic Opens for Pediatric, Prenatal and Whole Family Care
After over five years of practicing family chiropractic on the Space Coast, Dr. Leslie Ryan is excited to announce the opening of her own practice on December 5 in the heart of Melbourne. Dr. Ryan is a board-certified chiropractor with an additional 400+ hours of specialized training in pediatric and prenatal chiropractic through the International Chiropractic Association.
“Chiropractic care can help all ages not only relieve symptoms like headaches, neck and back pain, and sciatica, but also increase wellness in various aspects of their lives,” explains Dr. Ryan. “Little ones can feel relief from constipation, allergies, sleep disturbances, chronic ear infections, reflux, and even bedwetting. Prenatal care aims to keep the body and pelvis in optimal alignment to decrease pain, labor time, and medical interventions as well as keeping the baby in the best position in utero. Increased flexibility, better sleeping, decreased stress, improved digestion are all benefits for Mom!”
In addition to different chiropractic adjusting techniques from newborn to adult, Dr. Ryan also provides muscle release, Kinesiology taping, and extremity adjusting depending on the patient’s particular needs.
For an opening month special, enjoy 50% off the first visit, which includes an initial consultation, and exam, as well as an adjustment (a $150 value), through the end of December. For more information, visit or email Atlantic Way Chiropractic, 2074 Meadowlane Ave, Melbourne.
Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals Holiday Open House
Joanna Helms, Registered Herbalist and owner of Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals, is excited to announce their annual Holiday Open House on Saturday, December 10 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“It is with heartfelt thanks for 23 years of herbal traditions in the community that we invite you to celebrate with us at our open house,” says Helms.
This fun-filled event will celebrate herbal health and wellness. Enjoy the Open House and delight your taste buds with samples of handcrafted treats including Herbal Culinary Spice creations, organic chocolates, Joanna’s Jolt Energy Balls, cheese ball mixes, Seasonal Wassil, Kava-nog and more. Mama Jo’s offers many unique handmade and formulated gifts perfect for any occasion including delicious tea blends, culinary spices, tinctures, essential oils, bath salts and scrubs, lotions, soaps, clothing, Dr. Hauschka make-up, unique tea pots and accessories, jewelry, and soy candles.
“Come enjoy the holiday fun,” invites Helms. “We look forward to sharing in thankfulness and celebration of another year serving our community.”
Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals is located at 1300 Pine Tree Drive, Suite 3, Indian Harbour Beach. Visit for upcoming classes. For more information, call 321-779-4647. See ad, page 31.
news briefs
6 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Intuitive Chi/Qi Flow Readings
Available in Merritt Island
Stephanie Parker, owner of Advanced Skincare
Wellness, is offering Intuitive Chi/Qi Readings. Chi/Qi is vital universal life force energy. It flows through every living thing. “When in balance, Chi/Qi flows like a gentle wave, never changing speed or direction, never stopping or hesitating, and always cycling back to flow again,” says Parker. “But when life’s stresses
Friday Savings at Scented Dragon Scented Dragon is excited to announce their annual Thanksgiving Weekend discounts, beginning Black Friday at all three stores: the original on US 1 in Port St. Lucie, on Second Street in downtown Ft. Pierce, and in the Treasure Coast Mall in Jensen Beach. “We love this time of year! It’s when we get to kick-off the holiday season and show our customers NOVEMBER: Reversing your Inner Age with Peptides and Cofactors Explore therapies that reverse cellular damage and make you younger inside and out. Dripwith the Doc Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for event dates and details. radiantlyhealthydriplounge radiantly_healthy_drip_lounge 321.243.1859 IV THERAPY Series Topics that can improve your health and everyday life 7November 2022
Integrative Holistic Healing for Women offered at Nurturing Sol Healing Arts
Heather Leah Boreske, owner of Nurturing Sol Healing Arts, is honored to be offering integrative whole body healing modalities for women in Rockledge. Boreske empowers women to live in a more sustainable way that energizes them in body, mind, and spirit. Her services include assisted lymphatic drainage, maya abdominal massage, craniosacral therapy, energy medicine, biofeedback, ionic footbaths, and detox protocols. She also offers self-care retreats as a way to support women in reconnecting with their body by teaching womb massage and preventative healthcare practices.
Over the past two decades, Boreske has expanded her knowledge of the human body, the role the mind and emotions play in physical illness, and the healing of the spirit. “All modalities complement each other and are imperative to overall health and wellbeing,” explains Boreske. Her passion is helping her clients dive deeper into their healing journey and address not only the physical body, but also the mental and emotional through different forms of bioenergetic healing. “I absolutely love supporting my clients to find their way back to true health and getting to the root cause of chronic issues so they can heal on all levels, especially those who are experiencing, or recovering from chronic illness.”
Heather Leah Boreske, BA, LMT, (MA90143) is located at Nurturing Sol Healing Arts, 5595 Schenck Ave., Suite 8, Rockledge. For more information, call 941-248-9127 or visit
news briefs Stuart Thermography offers the most comprehensive thermography experience. Receive a 1 on 1 consultation with Dr. Steve to review overall health and receive a detailed written analysis from a Functional Medicine standpoint. Appointments available Monday – Friday 500 SE Dixie Hwy • Suite 2 • Stuart 772-888-5269 RADIATION FREE • PREVENTATIVE • DIAGNOSTIC SCREENINGS STUART THERMOGRAPHY Early Detection Is Key To Overall Wellness Complete Care Chiropractic and Wellness Center • Breast Imaging • Male & Female Full Body • Neck & Back Pain • Headaches • Area of Concern Mention This Ad $20 OFF YOGA • MASSAGE • MEDITATION 321-327-8741 • 240 S. Wickham Rd • West Melbourne • BLISSFUL.ENERGY MA#59906 MM#40260 Check out our AERIAL YOGA CLASS Wednesdays at 5:30pm!
8 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
This documentary has many amazing testimonials of people you may relate to and gives you valuable information about how the body functions and heals! Also learn about the unique sound wave technology we use. It may change your life! Reserve your seat by calling (321) 622-4447. If the first two bones in your neck are misaligned, communication between the brain and body is interrupted and can cause numerous health problems. Upper Cervical Care focuses on locating and correcting this misalignment to restore 100% nerve transmission from the brain to every part of your body. Our office performs this correction using a precision sound wave percussion adjusting instrument. This procedure offers patients a gentle, painless and precise treatment. Aligned Misaligned Is Your Head on Straight? Dr. Renee Hahn & Dr. Devin Perdue Upper Cervical Chiropractors 1600 W. Eau Gallie Blvd., Ste. 104, Melbourne (321)622-4447 • Please Welcome Dr. Devin Perdue to Our Practice! FREE Showing of “The Power of Upper Cervical” Thursdays, November 17th and December 15 th at 7pm
Fruit and Vitamin B6 May Relieve Anxiety and Depression
The best strategy to stay upbeat may be to reach for the fruit bowl, suggests a new study comparing the habits and mental states of 428 people published in the British Journal of Nutrition. Researchers at the UK’s Aston University found that the more often people ate fruit, the lower they scored for depression and the higher for mental well-being. The frequency of fruit consumption seemed to be more important to psychological health than the total amount consumed. People that ate savory snacks such as potato chips, which are low in nutrients, were more likely to report more frequent memory lapses and greater levels of anxiety and depression. The researchers found no connection between eating vegetables and psychological health. Nutrients can be lost during cooking. “As we are more likely to eat fruit raw, this could potentially explain its stronger influence on our psychological health,” says lead author Nicola-Jayne Tuck.
In another study, researchers from the UK’s University of Reading gave 478 young adults either high doses of vitamins B6 or B12 or a placebo. After one month, they found that 100 milligrams of the B6 (about 50 times the recommended daily allowance) significantly boosted gamma aminobutyric acid, which inhibits excitatory impulses in the brain, and reduced self-reported anxiety and depression levels. B12 had no such effects.
Different Fibers Produce Different Results
Although high-fiber diets reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular disease, the latest research from Stanford University indicates that not all fibers are equal in their effect on different species of probiotics in the intestines. Arabinoxylan, which is common in whole grains, was found to reduce cholesterol naturally and was easier to digest than long-chain inulin, which is found in onions, chicory root and Jerusalem artichokes. Commonly used for weight-loss products, inulin was linked to a modest decrease in inflammation markers and an increase in Bifidobacterium, a “good” gut microbe; however, at high doses it increased inflammation and raised the possibility of liver damage.
Marek Studzinski/
health briefs
10 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Stretching and Balance Exercises Can Avert Mental Decline
To protect against memory loss, simple stretching and balance exercises work as well as hard-driving aerobics, concludes a new study from Wake Forest University. The study enrolled 296 sedentary older adults with mild cognitive decline such as forgetting dates, keys and names. Those that performed simple stretching routines for 120 to 150 minutes per week experienced no memory decline in a year’s time, as measured by cognitive tests and brain scans that showed no shrinkage. These results matched the outcome of people that did moderate-intensity aerobic training on treadmills or stationary bikes four times a week, striving for about 30 to 40 minutes of a heightened heart rate. A control group of equally matched people that did not exercise did decline cognitively. The people that exercised were supervised by trainers at local YMCAs, which may have helped them stay motivated, say the researchers.
Longevity Diet Involves Fasting, Too
After reviewing hundreds of studies on nutrition, diseases and longevity in laboratory animals and humans, the optimal diet for longevity has “lots of legumes, whole grains and vegetables; some fish; no red meat or processed meat and very low white meat; low sugar and refined grains; good levels of nuts and olive oil, and some dark chocolate,” reports University of Southern California gerontology professor Valter Longo. According to the literature review he and others authored for Cell, a day’s meals should ideally occur within a window of 11 to 12 hours, allowing for a daily period of fasting. A five-day fast or fast-mimicking diet every three to four months was also suggested to help reduce insulin resistance, blood pressure and other risk factors for those with increased disease risks.
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logo3in1/ 11November 2022
global briefs Google Downplays Flight Emissions
The world’s biggest search engine has taken a key driver of global warming out of the carbon calculator embedded in the company’s Google Flights search tool, making journeys appear to have much less impact on the environment than before. Dr. Doug Parr, chief scientist of Greenpeace, says, “Google has airbrushed a huge chunk of the aviation industry’s climate impacts from its pages.”
With Google hosting nine out of every 10 online searches, this could have wide repercussions for people’s travel decisions. In July, the search engine decided to exclude all the global warming impacts of flying except CO2 following consultations with its industry partners.
Kit Brennan, a founder of Thrust Carbon, a UK company that helps businesses reduce the effect their travel has on the climate, fears consumers could come to believe that non-CO2 impacts on the climate are not relevant in the longer term, despite the science that contradicts this view. That would mean up to 1.5 percent of the warming caused by human activity would be ignored, and the pressure on airlines to reduce their emissions would be cut accordingly. Some experts say Google’s calculations now represent just over half of the real impact of flights on the climate.
Concrete Made with Rubber Refuse
Concrete consists of water, cement and an aggregate such as sand or gravel. The aggregate has to be mined from the ground, and is now in short supply in many parts of the world, while discarded tires can be partially recycled, but are often burned or relegated to landfills.
Attempts to replace some of the aggregate used in concrete with crumbled, used tires has been stymied by a bonding problem because pores in the rubber fill with water when the concrete is first mixed, and become empty holes as the water evaporates and the concrete sets.
As reported in the journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling, scientists at Australia’s RMIT University have produced goodquality concrete in which all of the aggregate has been replaced with tire particles. They started with wet concrete in which all the aggregate is comprised of tire particles, then placed it in special steel molds as it set to place pressure on the concrete, compressing the particles and the pores within.
Once the concrete dried and set, the cement had bonded much better to the tire particles. When compared to previous 100-percent tire-aggregate concrete produced by conventional means, the preloaded concrete exhibited 97 percent, 59 percent and 20 percent increases in compressive, flexural and tensile strength, respectively.
Natural Healthcare Options Consultations by DonationSpecializing in: • All-natural products: tinctures, salves, syrups & capsules • Unique jewelry • Customized herbal & gemstones remedies & teas • Essential oils • Herbal/Nutritional classes • Organic bulk herbs Store Hours: Wed– Fri 10am-5pm Saturday 11am-3pm 321-757-7522 277 N. Babcock St. • Melbourne Cecelia Avitabile Certified Master Herbalist & Nutritional Consultant One Person at a Time! TRANSFORMING LIVES 772-464-3598 • Join Joanne every Wednesday 10-11am on WPSL 1590 AM for her health and wellness show Joanne’s World of Nutrition as she answers common, and sometimes not so common, questions concerning healthy life-style choices. Joanne’s Nutrition World and Wellness Center • Supplements • Natural Body Care • Health Coaching • Bio Feedback • Blood Analysis Monday - Friday 10am-4pm Saturday 10am-3pm 101 N. US 1 • FT. PIERCE IN THE HISTORIC ARCADE BUILDING SPECIAL PACKAGE 30 Minute Infrared Sauna 50 Minute Massage 30 Minute Ion Foot Cleanse 30 Minute PEMF Session Pick Three for ONLY $99 MA16363 MM41822
linagaga/ 12 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Alliance for Incinerator
20 states have
evidence that most facilities actually incinerate the plastic they receive.
industry, as represented by the American Chemistry Council, has been lobbying for state-level legislation to promote “chemical recycling”, a process that critics say is recycling in name only. Their goal is to reclassify chemical recycling as a manufacturing process, rather than waste disposal, with more lenient regulations concerning pollution and hazardous waste.
GAIA Policy and Research Coordinator and author of the report Tok Oyewole says, “These facilities are in actuality waste-to-toxic-oil plants, processing plastic to turn it into a subpar and polluting fuel.” The report calls for federal regulation to crack down on the plastic industry’s misinformation and affirm chemical recycling’s status as a waste management process.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is considering whether chemical recycling should be regulated under Section 129 of the Clean Air Act, which would define chemical recycling processes as incineration, potentially short-circuiting the petrochemical industry’s state legislative strategy, although Oyewole says it’s unclear whether the agency’s determination would override existing state legislation.
101 N US Hwy 1 • #128 • Downtown Ft. Pierce 716-523-3380 • Your Healing Salon and Spa Introducing REIKI BLOWOUTS Immerse yourself in Essential Oil Aromatherapy while receiving a Reiki Scalp Massage with Organic products and finishing with a beautiful Blowout and Style BALAYAGERELAX & HEALREIKI FACIALSWEDDINGS Indulge yourself by enjoying a Spa Pedi while your hair processes for a true head-to-toe experience! We want you to walk out feeling Kick Ass Beautiful Services by appointment 1051 Eber Blvd. • Suite 102 • Melbourne So you can find the Root Cause of your health issues and get Natural Solutions! NATURAL HEALTHCARE FOR ALL AGES: Designed Clinical Nutrition using Nutrition Response Testing®, Chiropractic, PEMF Therapy, & ChiroThin Dr Supervised Weight Loss Program. CALL 321-728-1387 TODAY for a Health Evaluation to see how we can help YOU! WE LISTEN AND CARE Visit our website for an initial visit coupon. Plastic Recycling Hoax Revealed According to a new report ( Recycling ) from the nonprofit Global
Alternatives (GAIA),
passed bills
exempt chemical recycling facilities from waste management
despite significant
The petrochemical
tanvi sharma/ 13November 2022
green living
by Sheryl DeVore
ago, environmental groups urged the banning of what are known as forever chemicals, which have been linked to cancer, compromised immune systems and hormonal imbalances, among other health issues. Today, although some of these man-made per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are being phased out, there’s still much to worry about.
“These chemicals are everywhere–in products, in our homes, in our drinking water. They’re even coming down in rain,” says Mike Schade, director of the Mind the Store program of ToxicFree Future (ToxicFreeFuture. org), a national nonprofit based in Seattle. “This is a growing public health crisis.”
A recent Environmental Working Group ( report says that 200 million Americans are likely drinking water contaminated with PFAS, and that these chemicals are even more toxic than once thought. In June, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established new health advisories for these chemicals, warning about the toxicity of even lower amounts in water. The EPA is offering $1 billion in grants initially and $5 billion over time to help remove them from drinking water. Recent research has also shown PFAS detected in sludge used as fertilizer in home gardens. “We need action at all levels of government,” Schade says. “We need states to step up. We need Congress to step up. We need big companies to step up and consumers to take action.”
Origin of PFAS
Since the late 1940s, forever chemicals have been manufactured for use in products such as nonstick cookware; waterproof, waterresistant and stain-resistant textiles; dental floss; and food packaging, such as microwave popcorn bags and fast-food containers.
Firefighters also use foam that contains the chemicals. “Production and disposal of these chemicals is leading to the contamination of drinking water supplies and surface water bodies all across the country,” Schade says. “It’s a huge issue, especially in the Great Lakes.”
“We’re talking about more than 9,000 chemicals,” says Susie Dai, Ph.D., a leading PFAS researcher and an associate professor of plant pathology and microbiology at Texas A&M University.
“Because they contain one of the strongest chemical bonds, the carbon-fluorine bond, they are very stable. That makes it difficult for the chemicals to break down and easy for them to accumulate in the environment.”
Several years ago, chemical companies began manufacturing what they deem are less-toxic PFAS. They’re known as either short-chain or alternative PFAS, and include chemicals named GenX and PFBS. “The more that scientists study this very large class of chemicals, the more that scientists find the replacement chemicals are likely just as toxic,” Schade says. The EPA June health advisories include these two new PFAS.
Meanwhile, as public concern grows, 11 states have banned PFAS in food packaging, and Congress is considering a similar ban, says Schade. Whole Foods Market has stopped using the chemicals in food packaging, and Keen, an outdoor shoe brand, has phased out use of PFAS in their products.
In February, Toxic-Free Future sent rain jackets, hiking pants, cloth napkins, bedding and other products marked as stain- or water-resistant to independent labs for analysis. “Seventy-two percent of them contained forever chemicals,” Schade says. Some of these products are manufactured by recreational equipment company REI, which Toxic-Free is urging consumers to write to, asking it to end the practice.
NorGal/ 14 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
In July, Columbia Sportswear received petitions with 48,000 signatures from the Natural Resources Defense Council and other environmental organizations urging the company to eliminate PFAS from its products. Although it has begun taking steps, Columbia has yet to set a timeline or define PFAS sustainability standards.
“We can minimize the threat of PFAS contamination by turning off the tap on their use,” says Paloma Paez-Coombe, an associate of Environment Illinois, which participated in the petition drive.
of the best ways we can do that is by getting a major brand like Columbia Sportswear to publicly lead the way.”
These actions, however, won’t fix the problem of PFAS already in drinking water. Dai and other researchers have created a new bioremediation technology using plant-based material and fungi that could clean places where forever chemicals have been disposed. She hopes a similar concept can be applied to PFAScontaminated drinking water.
Northwestern University researchers published a paper in August in Science showing PFAS can be destroyed using somewhat harmless chemicals called sodium hydroxide, which is the lye used to make soap, and dimethyl sulfoxide, a medicine for bladder issues. Dai says that before these new approaches, the only way to break down PFAS was to expose them to high temperatures in an incinerator, but that is costly and still introduces harmful chemicals into the environment.
Meanwhile, the Delaware-based chemical company Chemours, a spinoff of Dupont that manufactures PFAS, has filed a lawsuit against the EPA saying the agency’s most recent health advisory regarding PFAS is based on flawed science. Chemours is the same
n Choose textiles and carpeting without water- and stain-repellency.
n Avoid food with greaseproof packaging, such as microwave popcorn.
n Stay away from personal care products with perfluor, polyfluor or PTFE on the label.
n Choose PFAS-free products, some of which are listed at
n Contact businesses to ask them to stop selling products that contain PFAS.
n Reach out to legislators to urge the passage of laws to ban PFAS unless their use is essential.
Sources: Toxic-Free Future, Green Science Policy Institute and Environment Illinois.
company that has been ordered to pay a $12 million fine to the state of North Carolina after contaminating waterways with PFAS. Schade surmises, “This is an issue that should be of concern to every American, especially when these chemicals are linked to health problems that are on the rise in our communities.”
Sheryl DeVore has written six books on science, health and nature, as well as health and environmental stories for national and regional publications. Read more at
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15November 2022
M any alpine ski resorts are going more and more green, enabling enthusiasts to reduce their impact on the planet while enjoying the winter sport. Here’s some eco-information, as well as money-saving tips:
As detailed on, the latest Vermont Ski Areas Energy Savings Impact Report from Efficiency Vermont revealed that 13 state ski areas have completed 668 projects since 2000, including “low-energy snowguns, compressed air right-sizing, lift terminal heater controls, thermal shells and many other systems and improvements.”
Last year, Taos Ski Valley, in New Mexico, treated 245 acres of high mortality spruce and fir trees to help restore the forest ecosystem and diverted 10,287 pounds of waste from landfill to compost, equaling a CO2 reduction of approximately 3.2 megatons. Park City and Deer Valley, in Utah, have partnered with nearby districts to source power from an 80-megawatt solar farm. Vail Resorts, encompassing more than 40 ski areas, continues its EpicPromise program with the goal of zero net emissions, zero waste to landfills and zero operating impact on land and ecosystems by 2030 (
Skiers at Big Sky Resort (BigSkyResort. com), in Montana, can minimize their carbon footprint by offsetting their trip with partner Tradewater, a Chicago company that facilitates lowering greenhouse gas emissions. All of the resort’s lift operations have been running carbon-free since March 2020, and ongoing efficiency projects include upgrading hotel thermostats and increasing the use of solar power.
Wear sustainable brands. Patagonia, The North Face and Cotopaxi are some of the brands that make ski jackets from recycled materials. Also, instead of buying new, consider patching up an old jacket if it has a tear.
Take a pass. Many individual ski resorts and associations offer lift ticket passes. Tips on making the best choice for individual or family needs can be found at It’s a popular trend: The National Ski Areas Association ( reports season passes now make up more than half of all lift ticket sales.
Group together. Gather family and friends in one car. Also, local ski clubs, sporting goods retailers and parks and recreation departments often organize group trips by chartering buses and arranging for discounted lift tickets. Warm-weather ski clubs arrange for flights to ski resorts. Making new friends along the way is a nice bonus.
Leave a clean path. Don’t leave any plastic water or sports drink containers or power bar wrappers on the snow.
Gorilla/ eco tip
PLANET-FRIENDLY WAYS TO HIT THE SLOPES Advanced Proficiency Rated Activator Methods Chiropractor Treatment for: Headaches • Neck Pain • Back Pain Sciatica • Arm Pain • Leg Pain Nicolai L Hansen BS, DC Rockledge • 321-247-0445 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Proven effective for COVID-19 and its long haulers, anti-aging, cognitive fog, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and treatments for physical & concussive trauma. Oxygen Rescue Care Centers of America 525 NE 3rd Ave, Ste 107, Delray Beach, FL 33444 call for appointment: 561-819-0412
16 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Welcome to the Women's Wellness Guide
This month we are honored to highlight practitioners that support women’s health. The compassionate professionals among these pages assist women in creating enjoyable healthy lifestyles by addressing how to take care of ourselves – mind, body, and soul. On the following pages you can get to know the faces behind the businesses that provide these therapies. You’ll not only find what services they provide but also what inspires them and the impact they make on their patients’ lives.
We invite you to read, share and save this section. Follow the Women’s Wellness practitioners on social media and consider their services when you, your friends and family are seeking a health professional. We are grateful for all they do to support the women in our community!
Whileboth men and women can have various health issues, some affect women differently and more commonly. For example, women have higher heart attack deaths than men; and depression, anxiety and osteoarthritis are more frequent among female patients. Furthermore, women bear exclusive health concerns, such as some breast cancers, cervical cancer, pregnancy and a host of conditions surrounding menopause. Here we take a look at some of the natural therapies available to support optimal health and wellness.
Anti-aging therapies include platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and laser vascular renewal and laser hair removal. PRP is created from a patient’s own blood sample and is commonly used to speed healing for joint injuries as it triggers cell and tissue reproduction. This stimulation of rapid cell growth is also beneficial as a natural treatment to rejuvenate the skin. Using microneedling, PRP reduces acne scars, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles. Laser vascular renewal improves the overall color, tone and texture of skin, giving it a clearer, smoother and more youthful look. The procedure works well for spider veins, rosacea and other blood vessel inflammations that cause facial redness and enlarged pores. It can also remove benign moles, skin tags and visible vessels on the rest of the body. Laser hair removal permanently removes unwanted hair on the face or body after four to six treatments by selectively targeting melanin in hair follicles with bright flashes of light. The pigment absorbs the light energy and destroys the hair.
Coaching can support a woman’s ability to focus on self-care, positive mindset, and personal growth. Coaches often employ mindfulness techniques, energy work, journaling, goal setting, and accountability in group and/or individual settings. A coach aims to help their client with self-reflection, enhance work-life balance, and gain clarity on their life goals. Resolving stress can directly impact overall health and wellness.
17Women's Wellness Guide
Chiropractic care is based on the premise that proper structural alignment permits free flow of nerve activity in the body. When spinal vertebrae are out of alignment, they put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves radiating from it, potentially leading to diminished function and illness. Misalignment can be caused by physical trauma, poor posture, and stress. The chiropractor seeks to analyze and correct these misalignments through spinal manipulation or adjustment with the goal to help the body naturally heal, as well as increase functionality.
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hand-on technique that uses a light touch to assist the release of the body’s connective tissue (fascia) and to examine the movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system. Relieving tension and harmonizing with a natural rhythm in the central nervous system promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity.
Functional medicine seeks to find how and why an illness occurs and to restore health by addressing the root causes of disease and treating the person as opposed to treating the symptoms. A woman may seek a functional medicine practitioner for preventative care, which often begins with learning how her body is functioning through measurement of organ and system function, hormones, inflammatory markers, and vitamin levels. When an issue or imbalance is found early, disease can often be prevented by proactively addressing the imbalance through diet and lifestyle adjustments. When symptoms are already present, such as in a hormone imbalance that may be causing hot flashes, poor sleep, weight gain or fatigue, the most natural methods are used first. Functional medical practitioners always work holistically, taking into consideration the full picture of a woman’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and then tailors treatment plans to the individual in order to remove the source of illness.
Herbalists address the whole person by focusing on the underlying causes and restoring balance to the body using customized herbs based on a client consultation and history. Medicinal herbs, roots, barks, flowers, leaves, and fungi can be blended into specific formulations and made into teas, tinctures, oils and other herbal products to create a personal herbal therapy plan to support overall health.
Holistic Dentistry regards the mouth as a microcosm of the entire body. The oral structures and the whole body are seen as a unit. Holistic dentistry often incorporates such methods as ozone therapy, biocompatibility testing and nutritional counseling. Specially trained holistic dentists address TMJ, jaw pain, sleep apnea, and other breathing disorders. Most holistic dentists emphasize wellness and preventive care, while avoiding and often recommending the removal of silver-mercury fillings.
IV Therapy delivers a liquid saline solution containing vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream through a needle. Because it is delivered intravenously, it is more bioavailable and faster acting than a supplement that is swallowed and must travel through the digestive system. IV therapy businesses typically offer a ‘menu’ of options for hydration, energy, boosting immunity or increasing metabolism, among others, but prescription treatments can be ordered by doctors to provide relief for conditions such as allergies, depression, anxiety, depression, fatigue, fibromyalgia and more. There are also combinations such as vitamin C and glutathione that offer the antiaging benefits of lightening the skin, reducing age spots and providing a healthy glow.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
is a gentle, non-invasive, whole-body massage that encourages the natural drainage of the lymph through light pressure and rhythmic circular movements to stimulate lymph flow. Sessions are a relaxing way to release blockages and assist the natural circulation required for the elimination of metabolic waste, excess fluids, and bacteria from the body. Blockage or damage within the system may lead to conditions like edema, acne, inflammation, arthritis, and sinusitis.
Neurofeedback: Involves direct training of brain function. Using computer processing to capture electrical activity in the brain, an individual can reward the brain with positive feedback, changing its activity to desired, more appropriate patterns. Gradually, the brain learns and remembers how to exhibit only the good patterns.
Yoga can benefit individuals of every age and physical condition. The regular practice of yoga has been proved to enhance flexibility, strength, stamina, and concentration. Using a combination of asanas, or postures, and breathing techniques, yoga works to induce deep relaxation and reduce stress, tone the body and organs, increase vitality, and improve circulation and energy flow. Uplifting and meditative, yoga can be applied as a spiritual practice as well.
Deborah DeMarta, MD, FACS,
The Institute of Health & Wellness
Dr. DeMarta is dedicated to helping women achieve success at preventing age-related diseases and to restore balance to the body which may be due to hormonal fluctuations, nutritional deficiencies, or toxin exposure. She also helps women restore a youthful glow through her anti-aging services including skin care, sexual health, and facial procedures.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Anti-aging, Functional and Regenerative Medicine, Hormone Replacement, Medical Aesthetics, Nutritional Testing, IV Vitamin Therapy, IV Chelation, Micro Laser Peels, Cosmetic Surgery, Surgical Aesthetics, Body Contouring, Fat Reduction, Botox fillers and more.
CONDITIONS TREATED: Hormonal imbalance, thyroid disorders, diabetes, and other autoimmune conditions, nutritional imbalances and micronutrient deficiencies, food allergies and sensitivities, digestive issues, weight gain, vaginal laxity, fecal and urinary incontinence, skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles, rosacea, sun damage, and more.
METHOD: Complimentary 15-minute initial consult to explore options. Dr. DeMarta develops personalized treatment plans for each patient.
INSPIRATION: “It brings me great joy to see patients achieve their optimal health, wellness, and restorative beauty.”
PATIENT EXPERIENCE: “One of the most personally rewarding experiences was helping a woman regain typical bladder function restoring a normal lifestyle. She suffered from incontinence issues as a result of damage to the pudendal nerves during childbirth. The condition caused her to use the bathroom frequently making workdays and social situations challenging. She had tried all the traditional options to no avail. She completed a 6-week course of treatments with the BTL Emsella, which is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles simply by sitting on the device fully clothed. As a result, she is now able to go several hours without relieving her bladder. Her colleagues were duly impressed when they realized she had sat through an event without leaving every 30-minutes.”
BACKGROUND: Dr. DeMarta is a top-notch, boardcertified General, Cosmetic and Colorectal Surgeon (Diplomate of the Board). She specializes in Functional Medicine, Integrative Medicine, and Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine and is academically and Cleveland Clinic trained. She was selected for inclusion the Trademark Women of Distinction 2018 Honors Edition for her dedication, leadership, and professional excellence.
19Women's Wellness Guide
218 SW Atlanta Ave, Stuart 772-539-9556 •
Melissa Dean, MD
Dean Wellness Institute
Dr. Melissa Dean has over 30 years of experience applying the functional medicine model. As a pioneer in this field, she understands the importance of assessing the hormonal, nutritional, physical activity, detox pathways, emotional and spiritual health in patients to promote a healthy aging process.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Holistic Primary Care, Preventative Medicine, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Nutritional Guidance/Testing for healthy detox and increasing immune function, Aesthetics (PDO Threads, Microneedling, HA Fillers, neuro-muscular blockers), PRP and Stem Cell Therapy, IV Therapy (Vitamin C/Nutritional, Ozone, PC, Chelation).
CONDITIONS TREATED: Perimenopausal/Menopausal, Weight Gain, Insomnia, Diabetes, Hair Loss, Thyroid Disorder, Low Energy, Decreased Libido.
METHOD: In-person patient appointments.
INSPIRATION: As a female practitioner, Dr. Dean realized that women were underserved. “A paternalistic medical model has no idea how to treat the aging female. My patient population (largely female) pushed me to challenge myself and the traditional medical model to adequately treat them.”
PATIENT EXPERIENCE: “Patients that have been prescribed antidepressants often come to me thinking they have a mental health issue. It is a great feeling to see the relief in a patient’s eyes when I explain that their issue is actually hormonal, common, and fixable.”
1345 36th Street, Ste B, Vero Beach 772-567-1500 •
Rebecca Hunton, MD
Radiantly Healthy MD
The Radiantly Healthy MD team is committed to helping you find answers to your complex health questions. Rebecca Hunton, MD, along with Lisa Johnson, PA, and Kati Forholt, NP, start with an in-depth analysis of your health history from birth, then combine traditional medicine and natural options to create an individual plan to help women optimize their health and vitality.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Functional and Integrative Medicine, IV Vitamin Therapy drip lounge. Anti-aging protocols including analysis of genomics, lifestyle, cognitive status, body composition, laboratory and imaging results to take a ‘deep dive’ into each patient’s unique status.
CONDITIONS TREATED: Solutions for conditions that are not solved by a traditional approach including fatigue, hormone imbalances, mood swings and depression, insomnia, and weight gain.
METHOD: In-person and via tele-medicine.
INSPIRATION: “We are women owned, women staffed, and are inspired every day by our patients’ willingness and eagerness to make lifelong changes and take control of their health. There is no bigger reward than watching them regain their vitality.”
PATIENT EXPERIENCE: “Dr. Hunton received a dozen yellow roses from the patient’s very thankful husband. He wished to express his gratitude for giving him his wife back. She had struggled with depression, mood swings, and weight gain without resolution from other medical professionals.” 150 5th Avenue, Ste A, Indialantic 321-254-6803 •
Tanya Schrumpf, APRN, DC
Holistic Primary Care of Brevard
Holistic Primary Care of Brevard in Melbourne and Titusville offers comprehensive, affordable, wellnesscentered health care. Their team works with patients holistically, using all modalities available, to get patients off medication and to create a healthy lifestyle. Each patient’s needs are met with a customized plan that integrates the specialty services all under one roof, coordinating care for optimal health and wellness.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Insurance covered services include Primary care, Same Day Sick Appointments, Well Women Exams, Functional Medicine, EKG and Cardiovascular Risk Assessment, Medical Weight Loss, Medication Management, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic Care, Medical Massage, Acupuncture, Medical Marijuana, Herbal Medicine, Mental Health Counseling, Yoga, and more.
CONDITIONS TREATED: Addressing all aspects of a woman’s health needs from acute illness and injury to anti-aging, hormone balancing, wellness, and a full line of rehabilitation services. Providers get to know patients individually and work with them personally from the time of hot flashes, sleepless nights, illness or chronic disease through optimum health and wellness. A Functional Medicine approach is utilized to develop a treatment plan for women that can restore balance and revitalize their health.
METHOD: In-person and tele-medicine appointments.
INSPIRATION: “Losing my father to cancer when I was in college was life changing and shaped my future. Although he was an OBGYN and my mom a nurse, I felt traditional western medicine failed him and there had to be more. I vowed never to accept that drugs and the traditional style of care were the only options and have worked daily ever since to dig deeper to uncover the root cause of disease and illness.”
PATIENT EXPERIENCE: “We often provide women’s health care to generations within a single family. It’s incredible when you can provide Grandma with her Medicare Wellness Exam and Balance Training after a fall, treat Mom for her hormone balancing and thyroid condition, Auntie for Medical Weight Loss and fertility, and daughter for her pediatric care and sports injury all under one roof.”
BACKGROUND: Dr Schrumpf was born, raised, trained, and practiced in Southern California. Attended UC San Diego and Southern California Health Sciences before relocating to Florida. Received her APRN degree from Simmons University in Boston, MA.
8043 Spyglass Hill Rd, Ste 201, Melbourne, 321-757-6899 1861 S. Washington Ave, Ste 109, Titusville, 321-267-0188
21Women's Wellness Guide
Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals
Joanna Helms, Registered Herbalist-AHG, BA
Helms, Registered Herbalist and Professional Member of the American Herbalist Guild (AHG) with 28 years of clinical experience, created Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals. A local herb store where women can enjoy the welcoming atmosphere, sample herbal tea, and enjoy the historical experience of herbalism. She helps women nourish their bodies through the wisdom, art, and science of plants to support healing, balance, and wellness.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Personalized one-one consultations. Trained staff assists with selection of professionally formulated, ready-made herbal options specific for a woman’s needs.
CONDITIONS RELEASED: Each concern or condition of life may be supported, nourished, or improved through herbal medicine.
METHOD: Personalized service in the retail apothecary and one-to-one consultations. The customer experience is customized to each person’s concerns.
INSPIRATION: “I am inspired by nature, and the love of people, family, and plants. I find joy in the healing impacts of plants and experiencing an individual’s wellness goals surfacing through herbal medicine.”
CLIENT EXPERIENCE: “Feedback from women benefiting from herbs and hormonal balances: All my hot flashes are gone after a few months; Oh my gosh, we drank your tea and became pregnant in three months; My PMS irritability was released.”
1300 Pinetree Drive, Indian Harbour Beach 321-779-4647
Claire Stagg DDS, MS, FAACP
Health Connections Dentistry
Claire Stagg helps women achieve whole-body health through holistic dentistry. She emphasizes that the signs and symptoms in the mouth are deeply connected with the state of the rest of the body, and that the state of the body profoundly affects the teeth and mouth.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Natural dental care options for all ages that promote balance, symmetry and proper development of the face and airways, via functional orthopedics, resolution of pain, full dental reconstruction, dentures, and problem bites.
CONDITIONS TREATED: Connecting rejuvenating, mercury-free smiles with the relief of TMJ, snoring and sleep apnea. Craniofacial development integrating sound principles of biomechanics with proper bone, muscle and tongue function.
In-person visits and customized treatment plans.
“The patients that come to our office after they’ve tried everything else. I love to sleuth things out, connect their issues and reverse engineer their downward spiral of dis-ease. My additional and multifaceted training helps me to see them already well.”
PATIENT EXPERIENCE: “An ex-snoring wife who now sleeps in the same bed as her husband. Children initially pre-programmed for jaw surgery at 18 whose parents researched instead a conservative developmental approach to grow their faces and airways resulting in beautiful and confident adults.”
2120 Highway A1A, Indian Harbour Beach 321-777-2797 •
Women are blessed with nurturing souls who know no limit. This makes it hard to set boundaries and we often end up drained or sick. Maya Anjelou says: “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” will show you how to balance care of your mind, body, and spirit unapologetically.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Coaching sessions featuring easy yoga poses, positive psychology exercises, mindfulness techniques, energy work and tarot card readings. Growth workshops that can be attended individually or in a group setting. Learn to manifest your goals with the help of vision jars, let go of attachments and limiting beliefs with purposeful journaling, and perform rituals to cleanse your space and level up your positive energy.
BENEFITS: “We believe in the Hermetic Principle of Polarity and we choose to focus on the positive side of that spectrum. What you pay attention to is what ultimately grows. We use Martin Seligman’s Character Strengths and Virtues manual to overcome any mental, emotional, or physical obstacle in your life. Together, we will identify your strengths and how to use them to your advantage.”
METHOD: In-person and virtually.
INSPIRATION: From A Course in Miracles: Illness is some form of external searching. Health is inner peace. “Healing comes from a place of deep gratitude, trust, and intention. Be ruthless with your shadow, don’t be afraid of it, confront it. When you feel shame, guilt, and anger blind your mind, let your spirit observe those emotions. Let them wash over you while you forgive and love yourself unconditionally. If the pain comes from another, remember the way someone else reacts to you has more to do with their own experiences and pain than with you. You are but a mirror.”
CLIENT EXPERIENCE: “One of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had was while coaching a client suffering from nightmares, depression, anxiety, and gastrointestinal issues. While working together on an exercise that asked the question: What’s one thing you do that makes you feel energized? She answered: “Coaching sessions with you!””
Fully bilingual (English and Spanish).
top of her class at Daytona State College and holds certifications in Positive Psychology and Jungian Tarot Card
23Women's Wellness Guide
Reading. Melbourne • 321-402-3422
Dr Brian Walsh
CARE Natural Wellness Center
Dr. Walsh believes in a wholistic approach to women’s health using diet, lifestyle, stress management, supplementation, and chiropractic care to bring balance to body, mind, and spirit. He uses Nutrition Response Testing and bloodwork to identify the cause of the problems and creates an individualized healing program.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Nutrition Response Testing, Diet and Lifestyle Coaching, Chiropractic adjustments and Rehabilitation exercises, ChiroThin Physician Supervised Weight Loss, and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy.
CONDITIONS TREATED: Hot flashes/night sweats, menstrual irregularities, pain, dry hair and skin, weight gain and many other symptoms.
METHOD: In-office services implementing their Personalized Health Improvement Program.
INSPIRATION: “Based on my own dramatic health changes using diet, supplementation, and lifestyle changes, I knew I could help the sick and suffering that were dissatisfied with the symptom treatment model of traditional medicine.”
PATIENT EXPERIENCE: “A patient came to me with headaches, cramps, abdominal pain, no menstrual cycle, no energy, overweight, skin blemishes, and back issues. She often caught colds and couldn’t sleep. After implementing her Personalized Health Improvement Plan, her menstrual cycle returned, she lost 56 pounds, and all her other symptoms resolved. She shares that she feels like a new energetic person.” 1051 Eber Blvd., Ste 102, Melbourne 321-728-1387
Dr. Leslie Ryan
Atlantic Way Chiropractic
Chiropractic care not only helps a women’s body naturally heal to decrease symptoms but also to increase functionality. Dr. Ryan helps females relieve the stress their musculoskeletal systems are under before, during and after the birth process.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Chiropractic adjustments, pediatric chiropractic, prenatal chiropractic care, extremity adjusting, instrument assisted muscle release, Kinesiology taping.
CONDITIONS TREATED: Pain including neck, back, pubic bone, hip, wrist and hand; headaches, round ligament aches, heartburn and digestive issues, sleeping issues, reduced stress, improved flexibility, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, VBAC, optimal fetal position, decreased labor time and birth interventions, and more.
METHOD: In-person. 2074 Meadowlane Avenue, Melbourne
Ann Hollenbeck, LMT PuraVida
With 30 years of experience, PuraVida helps women return to a balanced state by proudly sharing their knowledge of touch to bring about total body wellness. Trained in a variety of advanced therapeutic techniques and holistic bodywork, they specialize in custom sessions.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Specializing in CranioSacral Therapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Young Living Raindrop Therapy. (MA13364)
BENEFITS: Helping woman of all ages increase flexibility, pain reduction, energy balancing, and general well-being helping the body remember a deeper level of function.
METHOD: In-person services as they are “hands on” therapists. By appointment only.
3127 Ocean Drive, Vero Beach 772-633-7521
Marly Jones
Harmony Neurofeedback
Marly Jones helps women to gain clarity, balance, and synchronization in their brain health. Neuroscientists have discovered neuroplasticity, which means the brain can be re-wired to recover from trauma, chronic illnesses, injury, and a dysregulated stress response. Brain training supports the body in allowing it to heal itself.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Brain training with NeurOptimal Dynamical Neurofeedback. Vagal Neuro-Stimulation to regulate and tone the vagus nerve through a gentle microcurrent process. Nutrition and Brain Health Coaching.
BENEFITS: Many people experience a calmed stress response (assisting anxiety/depression); reduced pain and brain fog; improved focus, sleep, relationships, motivation, and energy.
METHOD: In-person training sessions, home rentals and sales. Remote brain health coaching.
INSPIRATION: “I suffered from chronic Lyme disease, mold illness, fibromyalgia, and anxiety issues. Doctors, diets, medication, supplements, and healing modalities all helped but brain training helped most in recovery. To process grief after my father’s death, I chose to focus on brain training –which was transformative.”
PATIENT EXPERIENCE: “A client shared that she has been suffering for many years with anxiety and an injury related to psychiatric drugs. After brain training, it was the first time she could remember feeling normal. I was so moved that I wept.”
1300 Pinetree Dr, Suite 9, Indian Harbour Beach 321-405-2795 •
Jules McDonald
Yoga Bliss
At Yoga Bliss, their highly knowledgeable instructors provide a variety of classes, workshops and private sessions aiding women, of various life stages, in the cultivation of habits that encourage peace of mind, mental and hormonal balance, stamina, flexibility and inner harmony.
CLASSES OFFERED: All Levels: Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Heated Power, Therapeutic, Aerial, Kids and Teens, Meditation, Workshops, Teacher Training.
BENEFITS: Yoga activates the energy chakras giving women strength to navigate the various physiological and psychological changes encountered in the various stages of life including childhood, puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
METHOD: In-person and online classes.
157 N Orlando Ave, Ste 102 Cocoa Beach 321-613-3625
25Women's Wellness Guide
Bookmark this Guide! Call on these practitioners to support your health journey.
Brian P. Walsh, DC
1051 Eber Blvd, Ste 102 Melbourne, 321-728-1387
Natural healthcare including Designed Clinical Nutrition using Nutrition Re sponse Testing, ChiroThin Doctor Super vised Weight Loss Program, Chiropractic Care, PEMF Therapy, CranioSacral Ther apy, thermography, massage services, homeopathics and other natural products.
Connected Spine Satellite Beach, 646-483-4739
First-class pregnancy care & energy flow chiropractic. Kids & memory care patients love Dr. Suzanne-immediate results. PEMF, foot detox, concussion care. Network Spinal Chiropractic as seen on GOOP lab.
Health Connections Massage & Colon Hydrotherapy Melbourne, 321-480-8654
Stop fearing the aging process and get proactive. Spend 5% of your efforts to stay healthy to avoid spending 100% getting healthy. Weekend appoint ments available. (MA8163, MM4010)
Comprehensive Mercury Free Dental Care for the Whole Family Indian Harbour Beach, 321-777-2797
Whole body connections and antiaging Dentistry advanced non-surgical TMJ, snoring and sleep breathing dis orders therapy, head, neck and facial pain treatment, non-extraction ortho dontics, smile makeovers and dentistry for pa tients with multiple chemical sensitivities.
dōTERRA Alisha Connor Melbourne, 321-426-5392
Essential Oils used is based on indi vidual’s needs. Benefits include bet ter rest, more vitality, mental clarity, increased mobility, and balanced hormone systems. Private/group ap pointments available.
1300 Pinetree Drive, Ste 3 Indian Harbour Beach, 321-779-4647
One-on-one consultations addressing a wide range of women’s health is sues. Trained staff to help you choose from professionally formulated, clini cally derived, ready-made herbal op tions specific for women’s needs.
LISSA CORDOVA Instagram: 321-402-3422,
Mind, body and spirit coaching ses sions centered on Positive Psychol ogy; Tarot Card Readings; Growth Workshops focusing on self-care and the creation of sacred space.
Rachel Stevens - Reiki Practitioner 954-646-4374, IG @DivineSoul_Wellness 2818 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd, PSL
A safe and nurturing space to empow er women on their life’s path, offering life mentoring Reiki sessions, work shops, meditation, jewelry, crystals, organic CBD, and private events.
Clinics in Viera & Titusville, 321-757-6899
Fully Integrated Primary Care & Wellness
Fully integrated Primary Care and Family Practice - injury and illness, chronic disease, anti-aging, functional medicine, physical therapy, chiroprac tic and more. Same-day sick appoint ments. Insurance accepted.
Dean Wellness Institute Premiere Center for Regenerative Medicine Vero Beach, 772-567-1500
Age Management, Weight Loss, Pre ventative Medicine, Andropause, Bi oidentical Hormone Replacement, Lifestyle Management, Vitamin Evalu ation, Nutrition and many other inte grative therapies.
Institute of Health & Wellness 218 SW Atlanta Ave Stuart, 772-539-9556
Anti-aging, Functional and Regenera tive Medicine, Hormone Replacement, Medical Aesthetics, Nutritional Testing, IV Vitamin Therapy, Micro Laser Peels, Surgical Aesthetics, Body Contouring, Fat Reduction, Botox fillers and more.
Rebecca Hunton, MD
150 Fifth Ave, Ste A Indialantic, 321-806-7436
Are you ready to be Radiantly Healthy? Our providers offer Integra tive/Functional Medicine solutions to address women’s health challenges and healthy aging by combining both traditional and natural options.
Sebastian, 772-581-2746 Wildflower-Iridology
Over 20 years’ experience as an Iridologist/ Sclerologist. Iris and Sclera (whites) mark ings reveal where toxins/congestion are oc curring inside the body through Eye photos.
6375 N. Wickham Road, Ste 101 Melbourne, 321-465-7986
Offering 18 Lifestyle IV drips such as time machine, powerpack and flu fighter. Health support drips like High C and chelation. 797 USP compliant compounding on-site. Also featuring Food Inflamma tion Testing, red light therapy and halo infrared sauna.
1300 Pinetree Drive, Ste 9 Indian Harbour Beach, 321-405-2795
It’s important for women to include brain training in their self-care. It’s a power ful way to holistically support the body’s natural healing and optimal function.
1255 37th St, Ste B
Vero Beach, 772-228-6882
Holistic regenerative medicine using PRP (platelet rich plasma) for arthritis, injuries, tendinitis, aesthetics (face and skin rejuvena tion aka “Vampire Facial”) and hair regen eration ($150 off during November). Also, medical marijuana certification and IV vitamin therapy.
Melbourne, Merritt Island, Vero Beach 321-312-0363
Thermography sees inflammation in the body, early detection of breast disease, dysfunction of heart, lungs, digestive system, colon, thyroid, vascular system, muscles, joints and more.
Gratitude is Good Medicine
by Madiha Saeed
Stress, work and family routines can trap us in a pattern of negative thinking that feeds on itself and creates stress and unhappiness. With our internal and external worlds being bombarded these days with negativity, being optimistic is more important now than ever before.
Gratitude is not just a feel-good word. It is an emotion expressing appreciation for what one has—a universal concept in nearly all of the world’s spiritual traditions. Practicing gratitude daily is proven to have actual physiological consequences. It helps lower inflammatory markers, influences epigenetics, improves the immune system and even helps the heart, adding years to life.
Optimism has been found to correlate positively with life satisfaction and selfesteem. “Heartfelt” emotions like gratitude, love and caring produce coherent brain waves radiating to every cell of the body, as shown by technology that measures changes in heart rhythm variation and coherence.
Our subconscious governs 90 percent of our thoughts and actions. It shapes our every behavior. But the subconscious mind is nothing other than neural pathways that have been established in the brain as a result of past beliefs and conditioning. Our subconscious does no thinking of its own, but rather relies on our perception of the world around us, interpreting verbal and nonverbal cues.
When we consciously turn negativity to positivity from the inside-out, the neural pathway associated with negativity will take time to come down fully, so it is critical to practice gratitude regularly. Upon waking in the morning, say 10 things that you are grateful for. Keep a gratitude journal. Put sticky notes all over the house with gratitude messages—on photos, light fixtures, fans, exercise equipment—to create a zone of subliminal positivity.
Remember that our perspective can reflect either our pain or our power. That choice is in our hands. Know what you are grateful for each day.
Madiha Saeed, M.D., ABIHM, is the bestselling author of The Holistic RX, an international speaker, founder of and director of education for KnoWEwell.
27Women's Wellness Guide inspiration
by Ronica O’Hara
In this day and age, we have good reason to toss and turn in our beds at night. As our nation faces climate catastrophes, acrid politics, stubborn inflation, unpredictable virus variants and hot-button issues like abortion and guns, there’s good reason our collective anxiety levels are at a high pitch. A recent Yale survey found that 70 percent of Americans report being anxious or depressed about global warming, and a Penn State survey this year found that 84 percent of us
say we are “extremely worried” or “very worried” about where the country is headed. Researchers are coining new terms: “polycrisis”, for complex, cascading crises in interacting systems, and “pre-traumatic stress disorder”, when fear of an outcome makes it as good as real to our psyches.
“It’s easy for people to feel overwhelmed now, feeling there are breakdowns and threats on many fronts. People can wonder ‘Where do I even start?’ and feel powerless and hopeless and numb,” says psychiatrist Janet Lewis, M.D., a founder of the nationwide Climate Psychiatry Alliance and a University of Rochester clinical assistant professor of psychiatry. “We are part of a complex system that is moving into new ways of functioning, but there’s no way of predicting ahead of time exactly what all the features of the new ways of operating will be. That makes it impossible for us to wrap our minds around everything that is happening.”
28 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Still, she adds, “We are also by definition part of the system, and therefore have a responsibility to do what we can. We can’t sit on the sidelines and merely hope that things transform in good directions. The situation being so serious also means that what we do now is really important.”
To move from anxiety into effective action, mental health experts advise several strategies: taking a wider perspective, building resilience through self-care and taking individual steps to make a collective difference. As the Dalai Lama encourages, “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito!”
Taking a Wider Perspective
News reports almost always sound dire—just like the amygdala of our brains, journalists often see their function as focusing on threats to alert us to dangers. “Still, if you take the long view of history, we are much better off than we were 200 years ago or
neuropsychologist Barbara Easterlin, of Jackson, Wyoming, an expert on eco-anxiety who is on the steering committee of the Climate Psychology Alliance of North America. “Doing just one thing to help the planet consistently helps defeat anxiety.”
Taking action moves us into our power—as 15-year-old Greta Thunberg demonstrated by holding a sign outside the Swedish parliament. Personal actions matter because numbers add up. Only 25 percent of individuals in a social group need to make a shift before significant social change follows, conclude researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science that analyzed a decade of societal changes in voting, health, technology and finance. Once a group reaches that tipping point, it can trigger a change in the rest of society, says study author Damon Centola, Ph.D., author of Change: How to Make Big Things Happen.
1,000 years ago, but it took many years to make those changes,” counsels Robert L. Leahy, Ph.D., director of the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy and author of the bestselling The Worry Cure and the upcoming If Only.
“We never know if something is hopeless until we have all the data, and we seldom have all the data,” he says. “And when it comes to political emotions, many of the predictions that are made by the ‘talking heads’ in media never come true.”
Leahy counsels patience: “Social change does not come about by one person doing something. That usually comes about by a long process of millions of people changing their attitudes and changing their behavior. Small efforts can be made on a daily basis that move this slow process forward. We need to take a longer view, rather than expect immediate change.”
In this ongoing process, anxiety has its rightful place. “Anxiety makes us look around, figure out solutions and act. This can absolutely be turned into something positive,” says
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Building Resilience with Self-Care
Fears about the shape of the planet and nation are often piled on top of our everyday living anxieties about family and finances, which can induce emotional overload. “We all have a ‘zone of resilience’ or ‘window of tolerance’, outside of which we become more reactive, less able to function effectively. But it is not fixed. We can learn tools to expand it and cultivate the capacity to be with more,” says Easterlin.
Therapy can be a part of that process by challenging us to examine “the mental narratives that can exacerbate distress,” says Leslie Davenport, a climate psychology consultant and author of Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change. It’s important to find a therapist, she says, that “validates that your feelings are a normal response to an existential crisis.” She has helped develop new programs at the American Psychology Association and the California Institute of Integral Studies to train therapists in treating eco-anxiety. For low-cost online support, the Good Grief Network offers a 10-step, 10-week program to help process personal anxiety and grief about climate change. People are also sitting down to share their distress at climate cafes, small local gatherings springing up across the country and globe, including some online.
Getting enough sleep, eating healthy and exercising are also key self-care strategies. When anxiety strikes, psychologists advise shifting attention from the head to the body, using such approaches as mindful breathing, dancing and grounding. Meditation, easily accessed these days through apps like Calm and Headspace, helps us to enter into what religious and spiritual teachings call “the still point within.”
Rather than “doomscrolling” when anxiety mounts, cutting back our media use can significantly lower stress levels, studies
show. Wise media strategies include choosing well-established, credible news sources; reading rather than watching the news to lower its emotional impact; limiting news intake to 10 minutes once or twice a day; taking a “news fast” on occasion; and passing up sources that incessantly feed fury.
On the other hand, it’s essential to find sources for hope, an emotion important in recovery from anxiety disorders, according to a study in Behavior Therapy. Googling “good news on climate change” will bring up articles about alternative energy growth, new super-enzymes that eat plastic rubbish and black rhinos coming back from the brink of extinction. Although dystopic books abound, others offer hope, such as Drawdown, with its sensible, scaled-down strategies to stop global warming by 2050.
Moving into Action
Virtually no one can take on all the problems of the nation and globe at once—and the good news is that unless we hold high public office, we don’t have to. Instead, “In taking action, focus on what you are good at, what your sphere of influence might be,” advises Lewis. “What are you most heartbroken over? Get involved in that and allow yourself to feel really good about what you’re doing and other people are doing.”
By narrowing our focus, we can hone in on an issue and figure out our part in its solution. “We need a broad range of collective action for transformation,” says Davenport. “For climate change, a teacher could bring social-emotional learning to climate education into the classroom or start an after school ‘green club’; an artist could use their creative medium to communicate about climate in a moving way that could engage others; a nurse could create a waste-reduction initiative within a medical setting. These
30 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
efforts all have ripple effects and help to elevate each other.”
In one recent study, people were found to consume less energy if they believed their neighbors did so and personally cared about conservation. Our neighborhoods are the place to take the small, meaningful steps that address the “crisis of connection” underlying rancorous national crises, says New York Times columnist David Brooks. He advocates “radical mutuality”, saying, “Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone.” Through simple actions like having casual conversations around town, pitching in to help a family in crisis, bringing a salad to a block party, tutoring a child or holding a civic post, we build the warm relational bonds that strengthen communities. As we meet others that feel as strongly as we do about our issues, our numbers start building and collective action can unfold.
“Independent of political beliefs, many people can find common values such as wanting safety for their families, a clean environment with clean waterways and recreation in natural environments,” says Easterlin.
That, in turn, helps lower our distress. A recent Yale study found that eco-anxiety was linked to depression only among students not involved in group activities; those engaged in collective action such as being part of an environmental group, working in a letter-writing campaign or going to events or protests did not spiral downward emotionally. “Personal transformation and social transformation happen simultaneously. When you reach out and build community, you nourish yourself,” Brooks says.
As Thunberg has put it: “When I’m taking action, I don’t feel like I am helpless and that things are hopeless, because then I feel like I’m doing everything I can. And that gives me very much hope, especially to see all the other people all around the world, the activists, who are taking action and who are fighting for their present and for their future.”
Health writer Ronica O’Hara can be reached at
Mama Jo’s Celebrates 23 Years of Herbal Tradition You are Invited: Saturday, December 10th • 11am-4pm 1300 PINE TREE DRIVE, SUITE 3 • INDIAN HARBOUR BEACH • 321-779-4647 Join us to celebrate another year of Herbalism! We continue throughout the year to encourage a herbal lifestyle. Our trained staff is looking forward to helping you with our beneficial medicinals to prevent, support and strengthen vibrant health. Delight your taste buds with samples of our handcrafted treats: Herbal Culinary Spice Creations • Organic Chocolates Joanna’s Jolt Energy Balls • Cheese Ball Mixes Seasonal Wassil • Kava-nog • Much more ENJOY HOLIDAY SHOPPING AT MAMA JO’S FEATURING YOUR FAVORITE HANDMADE PRODUCTS AND MANY OTHER UNIQUE SPECIALTY GIFTS! Delicious Tea Blends • Culinary Spices • Tinctures • Essential Oils • Bath Salts & Scrubs • Lotions • Soaps Clothing • Dr. Hauschka Make-Up • Unique Tea Pots & Accessories • Jewelry • Soy Candles • Much More Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas! NOVEMBER & DECEMBER SPECIALS will be posted weekly atour Facebook page:Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals THANK YOU FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS! A heartfelt thanks, we wish you the blessings of herbal health this joyful season! Joanna Helms, BA, RH (AHG) Registered Herbalist American Herbalist Guild Benefits: • Lower blood pressure • Increase flexibility • Reduce stress • Calm mind • Improve circulation Hatha Yoga with Marilyn Mon. & Wed. 6:30-7:45 pm Pelican Beach Club House Call Satellite Beach Recreation Dept • 321-773-6458 31November 2022
The Gut-Brain Connection
by Kimberly B. Whittle
We’ve all heard the phrase, “You are what you eat,” but the connection is more than just physical because food impacts our mood, too. During the last decade, there have been an increasing number of studies exploring what’s called the gut-brain axis and the role that microorganisms in the gut play in mental health conditions like anxiety, stress, depression and other disorders.
Depression is a leading cause of disability in the U.S. and worldwide. There are longheld views in medicine that depression is caused by imbalances in brain levels of serotonin—the neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating mood and other functions like digestion and sleep. These beliefs resulted in decades of extensive use of antidepressants, most of which boost serotonin in the brain.
However, research by University College London, published in July in the journal Molecular Psychology, found “no consistent evidence of there being an association between serotonin and depression, and no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations.”
Michael Gershon, M.D., a Columbia University professor of pathology and cell biology, and author of The Second Brain, has explained to psychologists that “scientists were shocked to learn” that about 90 percent of serotonin is not created in the brain, but is actually produced in the gut and carried from there to the brain, not the other way around. This relationship is called the gut-brain axis.
A recent literature review of 26 studies suggests that imbalances in gut bacteria can disrupt the two-way communication along the gut-brain axis, leading to depression and other psychiatric issues.
conscious eating
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Photo courtesy of Michelle Demuth-Bibb
Gut Health Equals Mental Health
“Gut health is extremely important for mental health,” says Bhavna Barmi, Ph.D., a senior clinical psychologist, relationship therapist and founder of the New Delhi-based Happiness Studio. “The traditional belief that only psychiatry and talk therapy can treat mental health has widened to include lifestyle and food, too.”
“The truth is that our food is the primary contributor of the quality and diversity of bacteria in the microbiome,” says Ishi Khosla, a clinical nutritionist and president of the Celiac Society of India. “There is an intricate relationship between the gut and the brain.” Food sensitivities, alcohol and highly processed, refined and sugary foods can lead to a lower diversity of good bacteria and increases in bad bacteria in the gut, which can trigger gut inflammation and unfavorable health conditions.
Most mood-related disorders start with inflammation of the brain as a response to inflammation in the gut. “Certain foods, like gluten, can cause an inflammatory response in the gut. Over time, sensitivities to gluten and other foods can lead to a ‘leaky gut’, an impairment of the gut lining that lets toxins into the bloodstream. Often, if it remains unresolved, it leads to mood-related disorders and other chronic health conditions,” says Khosla.
Clinical nutritionists and other practitioners use biochemical markers and food sensitivity tests to help identify food ingredients that trigger inflammation in patients. However, if a leaky gut is present, a food sensitivity test may not be very accurate. As Tom O’Bryan, DC, chief health officer of KnoWEwell, explains in his bestselling book The Autoimmune Fix, “When you have a leaky gut, a practitioner may do a 90-food testing panel that comes back sensitive to 20 or 25 different foods. And then the patient exclaims, ‘Oh my God, that’s everything I eat.’ Well, of course it is, because your immune system is doing what it is supposed to do—protecting you from toxins. Once the inflammation in the gut is reduced through the elimination of wheat and other offensive foods, and the implementation of a personalized diet and protocol to heal the gut [takes place], the same food testing panel will correctly identify those few ingredients to permanently avoid.”
Mood-Lifting Foods
Kelly Brogan, M.D., a holistic psychiatrist and author of The New York Times bestsellers A Mind of Your Own and Own Your Self, as well as co-editor of the landmark textbook Integrative Therapies for Depression, recommends making three dietary changes to lift mood:
n Eliminate processed foods and food toxins
n Add whole foods, good fats and therapeutic foods
n Add fermented foods
Eating foods that are fresh, whole, simple and organic when available fuels good gut bacteria and eliminates the toxins found in packaged foods such as hydrogenated vegetable oils, preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, taste enhancers and sugars that can upset the proper balance in the gut.
A powerful mood regulator is the omega-3 fatty acid found in such cold-water fish as salmon and trout or taken as a dietary supplement. These fatty acids regulate neurotransmission and gene expression, act as antioxidants and have potent anti-inflammatory properties. Good fats from pasture-raised meats, wild fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil and grass-fed ghee also contribute to mood regulation.
“Resetting the gut through good bacteria in probiotics and feeding the good bacteria with prebiotics is a powerful tool to fight mood disorders,” says Khosla. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, pickles (truly fermented, not just cured in vinegar), kimchi and coconut kefir are natural sources of probiotics. They are delicious and easy to make at home.
A 2018 University of Toronto study in the World Journal of Psychiatry identified 12 nutrients to prevent and treat depressive disorders and found that the following foods had the highest levels of those beneficial nutrients: bivalves such as oysters and mussels; various sea foods such as octopus, crab and tuna; organ meats; leafy greens; lettuces; fresh herbs; peppers; and cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli.
Choosing what to eat is complex and affected by culture, cost, environment and taste preferences. Dietary changes can be difficult and take time, and those suffering from mood swings, depression or anxiety have additional challenges in making changes. Nutritionists advise starting small by incorporating one or two foods rich in beneficial nutrients and eliminating a highly processed or packaged food or two. Focus on incorporating a rainbow of red, yellow, orange and green foods into meals. “Food therapy to improve mood is inexpensive, free of side effects and can begin to show results within days,” says Khosla.
In view of the gut-brain axis, says Barmi, “It is imperative that from this point on, nutritionists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists work together for holistic care of the client to lead to maximum benefit.”
Kimberly B. Whittle is the CEO of KnoWEwell, the Regenerative Whole Health Hub online solution for health and well-being. Visit
33November 2022
½ cup quinoa
1 medium beetroot, grated
10-12 fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped
¼ cup fresh cilantro
2 Tbsp shelled pistachios, roasted
2 Tbsp golden raisins
1 cup water
2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
3 Tbsp lemon juice, adjust to taste
2 cloves garlic, adjust to taste
½ tsp roasted cumin powder
Salt and ground black pepper to taste
Honey to taste
Rinse quinoa and add to a pot. Add water and cook uncovered for around 15 minutes or until all the water is evaporated. Cover
the pan and switch off the stove. Keep covered for 5 minutes, remove lid and fluff cooked quinoa with a fork. Set aside to cool.
In a bowl, mix all dressing ingredients and set aside. Place cooled quinoa, grated beets, pistachios, raisins and chopped herbs in a large bowl. Pour the dressing, toss well. Serve cold.
Recipe courtesy of Ishi Khosla.
Blueberries contain compounds that increase beneficial bacteria in the gut, as well as antioxidant properties that are remarkable at protecting our brain. In fact, consuming 1 cup of blueberries per day for three years gets our brain working as well as it did 11 years earlier. Bananas are high in pectin, which helps to normalize movements of the large intestine. Look for gelatin powders from pastured animals.
1-1½ cups water
½ cup coconut milk
1-2 frozen bananas
1 cup frozen blueberries
2 Tbsp ground flaxseed
1 Tbsp unflavored gelatin powder
1 Tbsp high-quality fish oil
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1-3 scoops L-glutamine powder (optional)
In a blender, combine the water, coconut milk, bananas, blueberries, flaxseeds, gelatin powder, fish oil, cinnamon and L-glutamine powder (if using). Blend until smooth. Add more water for a thinner smoothie, if desired. Serve immediately or pour into ice-pop molds and freeze for a sweet treat later on.
Recipe courtesy of Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN, from his book The Autoimmune Fix
mariemilyphotos/ 34 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Therapy for headaches, TMJ/ jaw pain and
avocado oil
baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 cup blueberries
Preheat the oven to 350 ° F. In a large bowl, combine all the dry ingredients— almond flour, baking soda and salt— and whisk well. In a separate smaller bowl, combine the wet ingredients— eggs, honey and avocado oil—and blend until smooth.
Then pour the wet ingredients
combined. Fold in blueberries. Line cup muffin tin with paper liners and pour in batter. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.
Recipe courtesy of Madiha Saeed, M.D., ABIHM.
Yale (Yoel)
Pixel-Shot/ Christian/
cups almond flour 6 eggs ½ cup honey
into the dry ingredients
mix until thoroughly
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12 Quick Fixes for Anxiety
by Ronica O’Hara
Itis an all-too-human experience to have anxiety—feeling fear or apprehension about what might happen. A survival mechanism for our species, it can easily get out of hand in times of uncertainty, morphing from a timely signal to a crippling, chronic condition. Happily, mental health professionals have found many useful anti-anxiety strategies to ease us through difficult moments.
Breathe Deeply
“Controlling your breathing is a fantastic hack to help you move out of a stress/ anxiety response state. It’s important to try different breathing techniques to figure out which ones work for you,” says Krista Jordan, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in Austin, Texas. Many
options exist such as breathing slowly into the belly; inhaling through the nose for a count of four, holding the breath for a count of seven and exhaling through the mouth for a count of eight; slowing the breath so that the in and out breaths equalize; and placing mindful attention on our breathing until 10 breaths are completed.
Tap with the Fingers Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a five-minute approach using two fingers to tap on specific points of the head and chest in a certain sequence. In one 5,000-person study, 76 percent of participants found anxiety relief after three EFT sessions, while only 51 percent experienced relief after 15 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy.
“EFT sends a calming signal to the brain that reduces your anxiety, which allows for newfound thinking and solutions,” says Colorado Springs therapist Dana C. Avey. Simple instructions can be found online and in YouTube videos.
Write It Off with Journaling
Whether it’s a three-page brain dump in the morning, a frantic scribbling on paper in a stressful moment or a nightly ritual in a bound journal, writing out anxious thoughts helps clarify worries and puts things into perspective, research shows. Seattle spinal surgeon David Hanscom, a chronic pain expert and author of Back in Control, counsels writing down in longhand whatever is on the mind using graphic and descriptive language twice a day for 10 to 30 minutes, and then promptly tearing it up to let the thoughts go.
Meditate Mindfully
Many soothing types of meditation can be tried out on apps like Calm, InsightTimer and Headspace, but the best-studied approach for anxiety is mindfulness, which involves focusing on the breath and body sensations while letting distracting thoughts float by. A 2017 Australian study found that just 10 minutes of daily mindful meditation can help prevent the mind from wandering and is particularly effective for repetitive, anxious thoughts. “Just be clear that having a constant stream of thoughts is fine and part of the process. It’s sadly ironic that people turn to meditation to help with anxiety, and then get anxious that they are doing it wrong,” advises Jordan.
Move the Body in Nature
According to the Harvard Health Letter, “Just a single bout of exercise can ease anxiety when it strikes ” Studies have proven the value of everything from aerobics to swimming and yoga, and it’s even better if exercising can be done outdoors, because decades of research have found that being amidst the sights, sounds and scents of natural settings lowers anxiety markers.
healing ways
36 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
In a recent study, walking without using a smartphone or another electronic device in urban settings just two hours a week reduced cortisol levels 21 percent in 20 minutes, “which helps to reduce the medical effects of stress, including chronic inflammation, GI disorders and heart problems,” says Santa Barbara-based John La Puma, M.D., cofounder of the ChefMD health media brand and creator of, a free, anti-anxiety walking program.
Say a Favorite Prayer
Making a deep spiritual connection—an age-old anxiety solution—can involve praying or for example, reading psalms, saying a rosary, chanting a mantra or reading sacred scripture. Eric Almeida, a mental health practitioner in Bernardston, Massachusetts, recommends the Serenity Prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” He says, “It doesn’t matter if you believe in God, the wisdom is useful nonetheless.”
Chill Out
“Sip cold water, hold ice cubes, take a cold shower, blast the AC in your face. Our body and mind are very connected, so if you can’t cool down your mind, cool down your temperature,” advises San Diego-based marriage and family therapist Sarah O’Leary. Some people find the opposite works: taking a long, hot bath infused with essential oils like bergamot, frankincense and lavender.
Get Rooted
Stand barefoot in grass or dirt while breathing deeply or imagine the roots of trees growing from the soles of the feet deep into the earth. “This helps ‘ground’ you or ‘root’ you, and can help you find steadiness rather than getting lost in anxiety,” says mindfulness trainer and author Joy Rains of Bethesda, Maryland.
Soothe with Supplements
Boston integrative medicine physician
Sarika Arora, M.D., of the Women’s Health Network, recommends vitamins B5, B6 and B12 to improve cellular energy, lower cortisol and restore equilibrium to the nervous system; magnesium to support
balanced metabolism and increase feelings of calm; L-theanine, found in green tea, to lower stress hormone levels; eleuthero (Siberian ginseng) to limit excess cortisol; and vitamin E to support hormone production and stress recovery.
Be with the Anxiety Tyler Read, the San Francisco-based owner of Personal Trainer Pioneer, decided to bite the bullet by using the tools of dialectical behavior therapy to put himself into anxiety-producing public places. “Instead of convincing myself that I was at peace or not nervous, I accepted that I was nervous. I gave myself permission to shake, sweat and feel nauseous; at times, I acknowledged that I felt like I was dying. And by permitting myself to be nervous, the anxiety decreased over time,” he says.
Move to Music
Relaxing music can be as effective as medication in altering brain function, research suggests, especially if the rhythm is 60 beats per minute, which encourages the slow brainwaves associated with hypnotic or meditative states. Dancing to upbeat music like no one is watching can also chase worries away. Holistic psychotherapist Kellie Kirksey, Ph.D., of Youngstown, Ohio, suggests shaking to a favorite song: “Begin by shaking out the hands while holding the thought, ‘I let go.’ If shaking the hands feels good, add in shaking one leg at a time. Shake the whole body while imagining yourself releasing the tension stored in your muscles.”
Bond with an Animal Merely petting a dog or cat releases the feelgood bonding hormone oxytocin into our system. “Animals speak to you in a nonverbal communication, so the interactions require you to be present and to feel. Both allow for a meditative experience that is tremendously impactful for reducing anxiety,” says Shannon Dolan, an Austin, Texas, nutritional therapist and horse owner. “If you don’t have your own pet, look up equine therapy in your area, go to a local dog shelter, spend time with a friend’s dog or travel out to a petting zoo, where you can experience the healing power of animals.”
Health writer Ronica O’Hara can be reached at
46 North Brevard Ave. 321-591-4457
600 N. US Hwy 1, Ste 602
414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A) 321-795-9495
240 S. Wickham Rd. 321-327-8741
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1649 SE Port St Lucie Blvd. 772-224-2444
270 NW Peacock Blvd., Ste 112 772-877-2122
HATHA YOGA WITH MARILYN Pelican Beach Clubhouse 1495 Hwy A1A 321-773-6458
YOGA SHALA AND WELLNESS CENTER 2855 S Hopkins Ave. 321-749-9642
COMMUNITY GUIDE 37November 2022
Good Vibrations: Sound Bath Healing Medita tion – 5:30-7pm. During his sound bath medita tions, Meditation Teacher Anthony Profeta uses Crystal & Himalayan Singing Bowls, and other instruments to create an environment & experience that will wash away your stress, break loose energy blocks within your energetic system, and allow you to enter into a state of relaxation & healing. Please bring a yoga mat or pillow. $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Find Your Balance: Mini Wellness Sessions –11am-7pm. Pick one or more services at a special discounted rate: Vibroacoustic Sound Table, ZYTO Wellness Scan, Mini Lymphatic Face Lift, Farinfrared Sauna blanket, Mini Sound Bowl Session, Mini Reiki Energy Healing, Intuitive Chi/Qi Flow
Reading, Intuitive Chakra Blockage Reading, Au ricular Therapy (3 Master Points), Lower Leg & Foot Stress Relief. $25 each. Limited time-slots - by appointment only. Call or text for appointment. $25 each. Advanced Skincare and Wellness, 2425 N Courtenay Pkwy, Suite 1, Merritt Island. 321-5067005.
Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra with Soundscape – 5:30-7:30pm. Combining the healing properties of sound (singing bowls, chimes, voice, etc.) with Re storative Yoga. Time to allow your body, mind, and spirit to rest, rejuvenate, and re-energize. With the use of props (bolsters, a blanket, and blocks), your body is cradled and supported so that you can com pletely relax into each pose and ending with Guided Rest Yoga Nidra. All levels welcome. Please bring your own mat and blanket. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
The Rite of the Womb Ceremony – 6-7:30pm. The Rite of the Womb is an initiation given by lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering and they want us to remember that we did not come to suffer,
space coast save the date
Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals Holiday Open House – 11am-4pm. Enjoy the Open House and delight your taste buds with samples of handcrafted treats including Herbal Culinary Spice creations, or ganic chocolates, Joanna’s Jolt Energy Balls, cheese ball mixes, Seasonal Wassil, Kava-nog and more. Offering many unique gifts perfect for the holidays including delicious tea blends, culinary spices, tinc tures, essential oils, bath salts and scrubs, lotions, soaps, clothing, Dr. Hauschka make-up, unique tea pots and accessories, jewelry, and soy candles. Free. Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals, 1300 Pinetree Drive, Suite 3, Indian Harbour Beach. 321-779-4647.
Find Your Balance: Mini Wellness Sessions –11am-7pm. Pick one or more services at a special discounted rate: Vibroacoustic Sound Table, ZYTO Wellness Scan, Mini Lymphatic Face Lift, Farinfrared Sauna blanket, Mini Sound Bowl Session, Mini Reiki Energy Healing, Intuitive Chi/Qi Flow Reading, Intuitive Chakra Blockage Reading, Auricular Therapy (3 Master Points), Lower Leg & Foot Stress Relief. $25 each. Limited time-slots - by appointment only. Call or text for appointment. $25 each. Advanced Skincare and Wellness, 2425 N Courtenay Pkwy, Suite 1, Merritt Island. 321-5067005.
calendar of events
All listings must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Calendar events must be submitted online at:
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fingertips! Find local events and search for classes at:
39November 2022
but to be powerful creatresses. $30 per person. The Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B, Sarno Rd., Mel bourne. 321-610-1698.
Kundalini Weekend Training for Yoga Teachers “The Elemental Yogi” – 11am-2pm. A Kundalini Yoga Training for Yoga Teachers (6 CEU hrs) incor porating the Five Elements into your yoga practice through the wisdom of Ayurveda. In this six hour training we will use Kundalini movement, pranayam, and meditation to access these elements and apply them consciously into our practice and our teaching. Jessica Martin is a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor. $300 or prepaid in advance $250. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Astrology Workshop (Intermediate): Transits & Aspects – 3-5:30pm. In this intermediate-level work shop, we will take a closer look at transits, aspects of outer planets, and how to make sense of challenging charts. Bring your own natal chart and any other charts you are interested in exploring. If you need, call in advance with your birth data and Bruce will have your own chart prepared for the workshop. For more information about Bruce, visit $35. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Flowing FUNdamentals – 9:30am-noon. Yoga teach ers and students welcome to join Jules McDonald and Rita Smith as they teach this fun and educational way to practice the relationship between Ayurveda and Yoga; an energetic partnership of spiritual, physical, and psychological well-being. Feel how the dynamic flow of physical movements of vinyasa yoga is inter connected to the internal flow within as you connect with your body, mind, and breath. $25. Yoga Bliss Studio, 157 N. Orlando Ave, Unit 102, Cocoa Beach. 321-613-3625.
Surround Sound: Immersive Sound Healing Ex perience – 6:30-8:30pm. Himalayan singing bowls and other sound healing tools - such as tuning forks & chimes - will be played around your body and placed on you as well, thereby providing an opportunity for a relaxing and rejuvenating “sound massage.” Aroma therapy oils will be diffused to add to a deeper state pf relaxation. The sounds & frequencies will help to shift you into the more relaxed brain wave states of alpha & theta; leaving your physical, mental, and emotional bodies feeling restored, refreshed, and fully aligned. Led by Anthony. $55. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Trance Meditation for Higher Consciousness – 5:30-6:45pm. A group meditation session for accessing higher levels of consciousness. Bruce’s background includes spiritual counseling, astrology (since 1971), hypnotherapy, eastern mysticism, and he apprenticed with well-known spiritual healer, Karmu. For more information about Bruce, visit BruceOrion. com. $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. special-events.
Aerial Restorative – 7-8pm. Eden will be guid ing you through 5 to 7 different postures that will restore the body and mind. These poses will offer your mind and body to sink into the supporting
hammock and melt the tension away. You are able to ask your instructor for a customized class just for your body type. $20.00. Blissful.Energy, 240 S. Wickham Rd, West Melbourne. 321-327-8741. Blissful.Energy.
Full Moon Ocean Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Full moon meditation is powerful for releasing things from your life, old negative emotions and thinking, and transformation. Session begins with a Crystal and Tibetan bowl meditation and if weather permits will go across street to the ocean for silent meditation under the moon. Bring a mat or towel. Led by Anthony Profeta. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams. com/special-events.
Sound Intention: Mantras and Gong Healing –5:30-7pm. Using the breath to still the mind, gentle movements to relax the body, and chant a mantra before an extended relaxation with the cosmic vibra tions of the Gong to align the energetic & physical body. Led by Marilyn Diaz. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Fix Your Gut, Save Your Life – 7-8pm. During this event, you will learn strategies to improve your gut health, immune function, response to stress and more! Dr. Brian Walsh speaks at CARE Natural Wellness Center, 1051 Eber Blvd., Suite 102, Melbourne in the Glenwood Plaza. Free but call 321-728-1387 to register.
Find Your Balance: Mini Wellness Sessions –11am-7pm. Pick one or more services at a special discounted rate: Vibroacoustic Sound Table, ZYTO Wellness Scan, Mini Lymphatic Face Lift, Far-infrared Sauna blanket, Mini Sound Bowl Session, Mini Reiki Energy Healing, Intuitive Chi/Qi Flow Reading, In tuitive Chakra Blockage Reading, Auricular Therapy (3 Master Points), Lower Leg & Foot Stress Relief. $25 each. Limited time-slots - by appointment only. Call or text for appointment. $25 each. Advanced Skincare and Wellness, 2425 N Courtenay Pkwy, Suite 1, Merritt Island. 321-506-7005. AdvancedSkincareAndWellness.
Sacred Sound Immersion Meditation with Crystal Bowls – 5:30-7pm. Immerse in the healing, balanc ing, relaxing sound waves of the crystal bowls, Tibetan bells, ancient mantras and drum. Sound has a profound power to focus the active mind and to clear and balance the body, allowing you to relax, detach and connect to the divine bliss within. Susan has been using sacred sound to facilitate meditation practice for over 20 years. Very helpful for begin ners and healing for all . $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Gong Portal Immersion – 7-9pm. Join us for an exceptional night of intentional tea, breathwork and healing through sound, reiki, craniosacral therapy and energy balancing to harness this portal of abundance. Featuring Trisha Schmalhofer, Onda Fedi, Eden Shaw and Bry Ulrick. . $100 energy exchange. SoulVines, 1915 S. Babcock St, Suite 105, Melbourne. 321-3278855. Jeanne loves sharing a yoga practice that connects the body, breath, and spirit so that our true nature of peace and love continues to shine from within and send light all around us. 321-591-4457 46 North Brevard Ave • Cocoa Beach The light is within. It is already there. Take your time to see it. – Swami Satchidananda Join Jeanne for Hatha Yoga: Saturdays - 9am Sundays - 9:30am Mondays - 6pm coming in the december issue UPLIFTING HUMANITY 40 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Sound Intention: Yantras, Mantras; Sacred Geometry & Sacred Sounds – 11am-1pm. In this workshop we will practice gentle yoga, Pranayama, set an intention for our practice. We will meditate on sacred geometric patterns or Yantras combined with Mantras, sacred sounds, to intensify the vibra tion of the meditation. Benefits of chanting mantras include Focus the mind; Relax the body; Improve our mood; Achieve our potential; Flourish with creative expression; Experience peace in the present; Raise your vibration; Connect to the divine. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-7299495.
Plant Based Nutrition Workshop – 2-4pm. Learn to move into plant-based eating in whatever capacity that fits your lifestyle. You’ll gain new insights on plantbased nutrition, including the decades of research behind plant-based diets, why your body might be holding onto fat (and how to change it), which supple ments are essential, what foods carry the most healing properties, and new recipes to try at home. Includes is a week’s supply of original plant-based recipes. Led by Maria Ulbricht. $50 (pre-paid in advance $35). Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Crystal & Stone Healing with Crystal Grids & Reiki – 1-4pm. Explore and learn how to activate crystals, stones, and healing grids to amplify our intentions and manifest positive changes in our lives. During the workshop we will create the following 3 separate grids: Abundance Crystal Grid- Flower of Life Template; Personal Healing Grid- Star of David Template; Metratron’s Cube for Chakra Balancing. Grid Templates & handouts included. Crystals & gemstones will be available for purchase at Aquarian Dreams. Led by Maria Banas. $65 (or $49 early pre-paid registration). Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
A Healing Journey through Grief – 5:30-7pm. Join Angela Solomon, RN, medicine woman on a healing journey to help release the daily stressors of grief from loss. We will create tools for coping and release our grief through ceremony and meditation techniques. $35 Per person. The Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B, Sarno Rd., Melbourne. 321-6101698.
New Munay Ki Series- Angelic Tribe – 10am-5pm. This is a series of 5 classes held once a month for 5 months. This class is available Online and InPerson. $111 per person, per class. Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B Sarno Rd, Melbourne. 321-610-1698.
Find Your Balance: Mini Wellness Sessions –11am-7pm. Pick one or more services at a special discounted rate: Vibroacoustic Sound Table, ZYTO Wellness Scan, Mini Lymphatic Face Lift, Far-infrared Sauna blanket, Mini Sound Bowl Session, Mini Reiki Energy Healing, Intuitive Chi/Qi Flow Reading, In tuitive Chakra Blockage Reading, Auricular Therapy (3 Master Points), Lower Leg & Foot Stress Relief. $25 each. Limited time-slots - by appointment only. Call or text for appointment. $25 each. Advanced
Explore the World of SHAMANISM
Empower Your Life • Find Your
The first step on the Shaman’s journey is the Munay Ki Rites. Munay Ki is a Peruvian word that means Love in Action. This class can be the initial step in a Shamanic Apprenticeship or an
and transform
As a Munay Ki Student
daily life.
Path Become the most healed version of yourself.
experience to enhance
you will: Enhance your spiritual gifts Heal wounds of the past Transform your energy field enabling a new body that ages, heals and
5-month course meets monthly for a day of ceremony, healing and covering the 9 ceremonial rites of Munay Ki. Discover Healing Tools & Community Connection at THE CHACANA SPIRITUAL CENTER CRYSTAL & GIFT SHOP Crystals • Smudge Jewelry Reiki & Peruvian Shamanic Tools SHAMANIC SCHOOL Adult & Children’s Classes: Sounds Bowls • Art • Anxiety Death Doula • Tarot Spiritual Mentorship FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS Moon Ceremonies Despacho Ceremonies Men’s & Women’s Groups CALL 321-610-1698 or VISIT to learn more and register for classes. 2299-B Sarno Road • Melbourne Shamanic Healings Available SHAMANIC MYSTIC FAIR NOV 26 41November 2022
Skincare and Wellness, 2425 N Courtenay Pkwy, Suite 1, Merritt Island. 321-506-7005. AdvancedSkincareAndWellness.
Warm Power Vinyasa Flow – 7:30-8:30pm. Get your heart pumping as you flow to the music and create positive energy. This class is flowy and sweet yet strong and challenging-enough to keep you en gaged; bringing awareness to your physical practice, moving with intention with each transition. Hosted by Jules McDonald. $18. Yoga Bliss Studio, 157 N. Orlando Ave, Unit 102, Cocoa Beach. 321-613-3625. .
Deeksha Healing: The Oneness Blessing with Crystal Bowl Meditation – 5:30-7pm. Includes powerful mantra and crystal bowl meditation and Deeksha Blessing, which is a transfer of energy to initiate higher states of consciousness. Brings a shift in perception resulting in clarity and spontaneous feelings of love, joy, peace and inner silence, dis solving negative life patterns and releasing cellular and energetic level traumas facilitating healing with Maria Banas. Bring yoga mat or pillow. $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-7299495.
Shamanic Mystic Fair – 11am-5pm. We will have 15min reading & healings for $20. Donna PaloyAura Paintings Brittany Morley - Tarot Readings Michelle Sun & Jayne Bates- Shamanic Healings & Power Animal Retrieval Holly Kaner - Mediumship Readings Nicole Feltovic - Journey Board Readings. Free Admission. The Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B, Sarno Rd., Melbourne. 321-610-1698.
Stress Detox and Oneness Deeksha Initiation – 11am6:30pm. Learn 5 ancient meditative arts drawn from the mystic traditions of India to dissolve some of the crucial problems that our minds and bodies throw up on our path to well-being, love and achievement. You will be initiated as a Oneness Deeksha giver (Optional) and you will be able to share it with your family and friends. If you have already been initiated this will increase the Power of the Blessing Sunday hours 1-5pm. $189. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra with Soundscape – 5:30-7:30pm. Combining the healing properties of sound (singing bowls, chimes, voice, etc.) with Restor ative Yoga. Time to allow your body, mind, and spirit to rest, rejuvenate, and re-energize. With the use of props (bolsters, a blanket, and blocks), your body is cradled and supported so that you can completely relax into each pose and ending with Guided Rest Yoga Nidra. All levels welcome. Please bring your own mat and blanket. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Thai Restorative Yoga – 7-8:30pm. This class is an hour and a half of being instructed into different restorative positions, letting the yoga instructor and massage therapist applying pressure to further your stretching and relaxing experience. $20. Blissful. Energy, 240 S. Wickham Rd, West Melbourne. 321327-8741. Blissful.Energy.
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Qi Gong w/Linda Z. Smith – 10:30-11:15am. Qi Gong is known for its many health benefits for body, mind and spirit. It promotes an overall sense of wellbeing, vitality and inner calm through a system of coordinated slow-flowing movements, breathing and meditation.It cultivates and balances Qi/chi (life- ener gy) in the body. $25. Herbs & Owls: Herbal Consults, Classes & Herb Shop 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
Free Intro to Herbal Medicine – Noon-1pm. Curi ous about herbalism? Come discover what herbal medicine is, how herbs are used, and ways to select helpful herbs. You’ll also discover how vibrational flower essences and earth-based practices fit into a holistic health model that aims to address the whole person. Free. Herbs & Owls: Herbal Consults, Classes & Herb Shop 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
Labyrinth Walk and Guided Meditation –5-5:45pm. Your monthly opportunity for a wonder fully uplifting yet relaxing Labyrinth Walk combined with Guided Meditation. You can walk the Unity Labyrinth as a tool for spiritual awakening or to relax and let go. It is an ancient symbol and tool for prayer and meditation. The Labyrinth offers a way to quiet our minds, open our hearts and turn to God for guid ance. Labyrinth is open to the public from dawn to dusk, seven days a week. love offering. Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach, 950 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach. 772-562-1133.
Flower Essence Guided Meditation – 9:30-10:15am. Treat yourself to the healing benefits of a Flower Es sence Guided Meditation where you’ll experience the subtle energies of flower essences as you are guided through a grounding and relaxing meditation. You’ll leave feeling rooted, relaxed and refreshed. $25. Herbs & Owls: Herbal Consults, Classes & Herb Shop 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
Private Session with Medium Beth Lynch – 11am. Beth Lynch is a Spiritual Medium, Teacher & Author; her private sessions allow for sacred & natural com munications and attune participants to the love & presence of those crossed over. Search Beth on You Tube for meditation videos & podcasts. 30-60 minute sessions available. Price varies. Spark of Divine, LLC Metaphysical Shop and Healing Center, 1789 Old Dixie Hwy, Vero Beach. 772-257-6499. bethlynchmedium444.
Sound of Soul Event – 11am-noon. It will be an online zoom, or teleconferencing event. Please join us to Experience HU, the Sound of Soul. Chanting the word HU can bring peace, calm, expanded aware ness. After an inspirational quote, we chant the word HU for twenty minutes followed by a time of silent contemplation then a spiritual discussion. Free. The Zoom link/ dial-in information will be sent to those that RSVP to by November 12.
Inviting More Soul to Inhabit Your Body with Kumari and Dr. Suzanne • 9am-1pm
In this unique, intimate in-person “playshop” you’ll discover how to align mind, heart, and body through practices of chanting, meditation, sound healing, somatic awareness, energy alchemy techniques; PLUS receive hands-on gentle chiropractic integration and Reiki energy healing with 2 Master Healers. As you release old patterns constricting your life force causing discomfort, and create more spaciousness and flow, you can ultimately embody your Soul-full Self and experience more ease, joy, and expansion.
More info or register at Sebastian
treasure coast save the date
Full Moon Sound Healing – 6-7pm. Every month’s full moon is unique in what it brings into your life. Each has a story to tell, a meaning behind its name, and a unique affect. Fortunately, with a little lunar knowledge, and sound vibrational you can make the most of its energies. Full Moon.For more information, call or text Deena Rahill 786-488-7782. $36. Elliot Musuem, 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart.
Spirit Speaks “Healing for the Holidays” With Medium Beth Lynch – 6-8pm. The holiday season is even more challenging when we miss loved ones who have crossed over. As their physical presence is no longer with us, their Spirit lives on. Prepare for an evening of inspiration, connection, and channeled messages from your loved ones in Spirit. For more information contact Deena Rahill. $45. The Elliott Museum, 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart. 772-225-1961.
Qi Gong w/Linda Z. Smith – 10:30-11:15am. Qi Gong is known for its many health benefits for body, mind and spirit. It promotes an overall sense of well-being, vitality and inner calm through a system of coordinated slow-flowing movements, breathing and meditation. $25. Herbs & Owls: Herbal Consults, Classes & Herb Shop 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
ECK Light and Sound Service – 11am. An ECK Light and Sound Service “Dream Insight for Our Lives Today” is a celebration of God’s love for Soul. There will be a HU chant, a guest speaker, creative arts. Each service lasts about an hour and is designed
to help individuals have their own experience with the creative spiritual life force, the Light and Sound of God. People of all backgrounds and beliefs are welcome. Free. 772-223-1188.
New World Health Q & A with Dr. Darell Wolfe – 6-8pm. Known as the “Doc of Detox” – join Dr. Wolfe for two special evenings on Emotional (part 1) and Physical (part 2) Health & Healing. Together, the Whole Life Coach and Wolfe Non-Surgical programs are ‘the game-changer” of healthcare today. Free. Please register at Limited space. For more information, call or text Deena Rahill 786-488-7782. The Elliott Museum, 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart.
Stay Connected with your favorite natural health events! It is more important than ever to stay con nected with our community and support a healthy lifestyle. Natural Awakenings’ Online Calendar is the go-to resource to find local and virtual events. 43November 2022
on going events
TOR. Holistic mindset/lifestyle and/or willing to learn a holistic approach to whole-body den tal care. Administrative duties include running the office financials, insurance research and claims follow-up, keeping patient accounts cur rent. Light marketing duties. Dental experience and knowledge of Dentrix preferred, but willing to train. Location: Indian Harbour Beach. Email resume to
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FOR SALE. Currently publishing Westchester/Put nam/Dutchess NY edition of Natural Awakenings. Find more information about purchasing this exist ing franchise at
DONATIONS NEEDED FOR WILD FLORI DA RESCUE (WFR) – WFR provides safe and compassionate emergency first response service for wildlife in need of urgent medical attention. They operate on the generosity of our commu nity. Visit to donate, “adopt” an animal (virtually), or to set your amazon smile charity to WFR. 321-821-7881.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Can you spare two hours a week to deliver meals to Brevard’s most frail seniors? The work is very rewarding and only you can put a smile on the face of those seniors who are homebound. If inter ested, please call the Meals on Wheels office at 321-639-8770.
ORGANIC HERBAL INFUSION TEAS - Get Targeted Herbal Teas For The Liver, Kidney, Lymph/Blood, Pancreas, Prostate, Appendix & More. 954-459-1134.
DEADLINE: All listings must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Calendar events must be submitted online at:
Yoga in the Village – 10-11am. Yoga has been known to cause health and happiness. We’ll touch on all the major muscle groups with internal focus and deeper awareness, also we can work on any area that may be of concern to you on that day. Our full schedule and discount packages are available online at or for more information call 321-544-8541. $15. The Zen Room, 631 Brevard Ave, Suite C, Cocoa Village.
Floating Sound Meditation – 5:30-6:30pm. 4th Sun. A sound meditation, from either a gong or singing bowls, that is sure to create a blissful vibe in your soul. We will hang in hammocks while the gong or singing bowls will be played to access your greatest meditation state. $25. Blissful.Energy, 240 S. Wickham Rd, West Melbourne. 321-327-8741. Blissful.Energy.
Barre Above – 8:15am. Join Mary Gucciardo for Barre Above, a new addition to her 2 weekday classes, this class will focus more on releasing tight muscles and preparing for the week ahead $19 drop in or packages available at Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444.
All Levels Warm Vinyasa Flow – 9:30am. A gently heated room helps to loosen the muscles to help you expand your postures and work more deeply. In our flow classes you will find breath work, meditation and asana (postures) It is a moving meditation where you are encouraged to focus on your breath and proper align ment as we move and flow together. All-levels classes are tailored for every student. Led by Gina Baldo. $19 drop in or packages available at Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444.
Unity of Ft Pierce – 10am. Positive path for spiritual living, inclusive community, inspiring holistic spirit-led living. Rev. Janice Cary uses stories, scripture and ancient wisdom teachings, meditation and music to support peo ple to live an empowered life. Uni-tot program teaches children self-esteem and life skills to thrive. In the sanc tuary or the service can be viewed through VIRTUAL OPTION: Facebook Live Stream at fortpierce/. Unity of Ft. Pierce 3414 Sunrise Blvd. Fort Pierce. 772-461-2272.
Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach – 10-11am. Join us for our Sunday Celebration Service and be blessed by a morning of spiritual insight, inspiration, fellowship, and community. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there. Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach, 950 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach. 772-562-1133.
Sunday Sound Healing at The Elliott Museum –2-3pm. Explore the benefits of sound vibration of gongs, crystal bowls, chimes and drums on our physical and emotional well-being. Participants are asked to lie down or sit (request a chair) and are taken on a journey of resonating sounds, altering their brain waves frequencies and allowing for healing to occur. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket, and pillow; and wear comfortable clothes. Contact Deena Rahill Certified Sound Practitioner for more information or sign up on the website: SoundVibra 786-488-7782. $30. 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart.
Gentle Hatha Yoga – 11am-12pm. Traditional yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation to bring back balance and healing to body, mind and spirit. Accessible to all ages and body types. Led by Cindy. Please bring your own mat. $12 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Yin Yoga – 12:30-1:45pm. Yin Yoga with Marilyn allows a gentle opening of the body using props to support the pose held for 4-5 minutes. Reiki Heal ing will be offered to each student during the class and end with the meditative sound bath with Tibetan bowls. All Levels. Please bring your own mat. $12 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Family Yoga (ages 2 & up) – 2-3pm. A happy, fun class for parent and child to practice together to bring calm, peace, grounding & connection. Child-friendly language is used to guide visualization, breathing, poses, and meditation. Marilyn Diaz is a certified Kidding Around Yoga (KAY) teacher Please bring your own mat. $12 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Children’s Yoga (ages 3 & up) – 4-5pm. This positive and fun class includes traditional yoga, con scious games, affirmation songs, peaceful breathing techniques, leading to a relaxing guided meditation. Marilyn Diaz is a certified Kidding Around Yoga (KAY) teacher and a Hatha Yoga instructor registered with Yoga Alliance. Parents are required to stay on the premises with their child for duration of class. Please bring your own mat. $12 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Our online calendar is always at your fingertips!
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classifieds 44 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Evening Hatha Yoga – 6-7:15pm. End your Monday on a blissful note. Peaceful flowing yoga to relax the body and mind with Jeanne. $10 drop in or 10 classes for $85. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-591-4457.
Qigong Level 1 – 9-10am. A healing workout. Held Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Environmental Learning Center 255 Live Oak Dr, Vero Beach. Call 772-589-5050, Visit sign up. Mem bership discounts available.
Chair Yoga – 10-11am. For seniors and those with limited mobility. Enjoy stretching for relaxation and ease of movement with Lana. Chair yoga is helpful for those who find it difficult to get up and down off the floor. $5 per class Unity of Port St Lucie, 8645 US Hwy 1, Port St. Lucie. 845-489-7976.
Zoom Qigong– 10:30-11:30am. Held on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Call 772-4536449, Email or visit to sign up. Discounted class packages available.
Monday Yoga at The Botanical Gardens – 6-7pm. Using the principals of Yoga Asana, Instructor Dale Johnson helps students learn to move more freely and with less pain. Class focuses on alignment, stillness, concentration, breath, and lightness. Please bring yoga mat, water, and towel. Members Free, Non-Members $10. Registration required at Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens, 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd., Port St. Lucie.
Yoga for Beginners – 11am-12pm. The student will return the body to a natural state of health and ease through the practice of gentle postures (asanas), breath technology (pranayama), relaxation (savasana) with sound healing, and meditation with Marilyn Diaz. Please bring your own mat. $12 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: Aquari Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indial antic. 321-729-9495.
Kundalini Yoga & Healing Gong Meditation –12:30-1:45pm. Every class will outline a specific set of yoga movements “Kriyas” to release energy blocks, energize the nervous system, and focus the mind, resulting in a transformative experience. Feel and enjoy the healing vibrations of the Gong as they wash over you during relaxation pose. Led by Marilyn Diaz. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 Classes for $75). To preregister visit: Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Beginner Yoga – 4-5:15pm. Flow at a slow pace and explore the foundation yoga postures with a focus on alignment, safety and modifications to a moving soundtrack of music. Straps, blocks & wedges pro vided. Drop ins $16, class cards, packages and new student special available. Kula Yoga, 230 E. Merritt Island Cswy, Ste 102, Merritt Island. 321-978-5116.
TUESDAYSDRUMFRIDAYS & CIRCLESREIKI 6993 Hancock Dr. Port St. Lucie, 34952 772-877-2102 127 N. 2nd St. Ft. Pierce, 34950 772-302-3814 3186 NW Federal Hwy Jensen Beach, 34957 772-208-5592 BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND SPECIALS INSPIRATION • GUIDANCE • TEACHERS • TOOLS THE TREASURE COAST’S PREMIER METAPHYSICAL HUB We Offer Tools to Guide You On Your Life’s Path So You Can Fulfill Your Soul’s Purpose Candles • Sage Incense • Oils • Orbs Stones & Crystals Astrology • Tarot • Books Singing Bowls • Dream Catchers Jewelry • Tapestries • Gifts Bringing the practice of yoga DOWN TO EARTH for all to enjoy! • Heated & Non-heated Classes • Kundalini, Ashtanga & Hatha Yoga • Yin Yoga • Chair Yoga • Restorative Yoga • Meditation • Reiki Healing & Soundbath • Candlelight Meditation Fall Specials! $79 1 month of unlimited classes* $99 Bring a buddy! 3 months of unlimited yoga with autopay** $300Buy 3 months & get the fourth free! One special per student * New students only. **2 people, 3 month commitment. Price is per person per month. (772) 224-2444 • 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd. 34952 • • 45November 2022
Gong Healing Meditation – 4-5pm. Guided medita tion with gong healing. The deep vibrations and high frequencies of the Symphonic Gong is “cosmic nutri tion” for all parts of you — physical, energetic, emo tional, mental, spiritual. A healing Gong meditation balances and aligns your Chakras, clears your Aura or electromagnetic field allowing you to shine brighter and feel lighter. Led by Marilyn Diaz. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 Classes for $75). To preregister visit: weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Hatha Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. Multi-level class for begin ners and intermediates. Hatha Yoga is a gentle tradi tional yoga practice which integrates breathing exercises (pranayama) with yoga postures (asanas), mantras, deep relaxation (savasana), and meditation. Led by Marilyn. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Warm Vinyasa Slow Flow – 5:30-6:30pm. Relax while Shelly guides you gently from one posture to the next. Feel your body stretching and strengthening and releasing any tension in your body and mind. $10 drop in or 10 classes for $85. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-591-4457.
Intermediate Qigong and Tai Chi – 9-10am. A healing workout. Held Tuesdays and Thursdays at Environmental Learning Center 255 Live Oak Dr, Vero Beach. Call 772-589-5050, Visit DiscoverELC. org sign up. Membership discounts available.
Gentle Slow Flow Yoga – 11am-noon. Geared specifi cally for those new to yoga or interested in a gentle practice. Class utilizes simple flowing sequences to warm up the body, as well as gentle, slower paced movements focusing on alignment, strength, balance, and flexibility. No experience or flexibility required. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Set 112, Port St Lucie. 772-877-2122. Book online at Just or through the MindBody App. Yin Yoga – 11.30am. A non-heated practice visiting the yin space of life and the body. Holding gentle postures supported by bolsters and blocks allow the muscles and connective tissues to open, release and relax. Great in conjunction with more strenuous practices of yoga, athletes of all kinds and every body. Led by Julie Sanchez. $19 drop in or packages available at Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444.
Tune-up Tuesday at The Elliott Museum – 2-3pm. Participate in sound vibrational experience with gongs, crystal bowls, chimes and drums. During this one-hour session, participants lie down on mats or sit (request a chair) and are bathed head to toe in sound vibration. Please bring a yoga mat, pillow, and blanket; and wear comfortable clothes. Contact Deena Rahill Certified Sound Practitioner, for more information or sign up directly on the website: SoundVibration. net, 786-488-7782 $30. 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart.
Drum Circle – 6-7pm. Come be a part of this Commu nity Rhythm Experience. Our circle will assist you to raise your personal vibration and release inner blocks. We offer a judgement free environment, and all are welcome. Donation. Scented Dragon 6992 Hancock Dr. Port St. Lucie. 772-877-2102.
Reiki Meditation Circle - 7-8pm. Experience our Reiki Meditation Circle for an hour of peace, comfort, and harmony. Feel yourself shift into a peaceful place. Practitioners welcome. Donation. Scented Dragon, 6993 Hancock Drive Port Saint Lucie. 772-877-2102.
Gentle Vinyasa with Healing Gong – 4-5pm. Gentle flowing vinyasa yoga sequences to warm up the body, focusing on alignment, strength, balance, and flex ibility. The Healing Gong Meditation will help you to relax as it bathes you in healing vibrations of sound. Led by Marilyn Diaz. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Kids Aerial Yoga – 4:15-5pm. Ages 6-12 will love hanging in the air and swinging in this fun aerial for kids’ class. Parents are welcome to stay and watch or drop them off. Second child and beyond are 50% off with the code “Sibling”. Let’s keep these kids active. Family packages available including classes and ser vices for parents. $20. Blissful.Energy, 240 S. Wickham Rd, West Melbourne. 321-327-8741. Blissful.Energy.
Yoga Therapeutics – 4:30-5:40pm. Pam weaves a varied sequence of breathwork, tapping, stretches, standing shapes, short flows and many stress alleviating techniques. Prepare to be lightheartedly guided using breath, alignment and anatomy. Her cue’s will help you remain present so that each expression is felt com pletely. Suitable for all bodies. $10 drop in or 10 classes
46 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
for $85. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-591-4457.
Aerial Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. This is a high energy class that will be using an Aerial Hammock that is meant to warm the muscles, stretch them out then finally relax in a meditative state. Please wear workout clothes, no jewelry or zippers allowed in the hammocks. $20. Blissful.Energy, 240 S. Wickham Rd, West Melbourne. 321-327-8741. Blissful.Energy.
Hatha Yoga – 6:30-7:45pm. With Marilyn. This gentle form of yoga combines physical well-being and bal ances body, mind, and spirit using guided yoga pos tures, stretching, and breathing. Bring your own mat. $5 per class, paid at door. Pelican Beach Clubhouse, 1495 Hwy A1A, Satellite Beach. 321-773-6458.
Gongs and Sound Healing – 6:30-7:30pm. 4th Wed. Take in the vibrational impact of gongs and alchemy Crystal bowls. Relaxing and letting go while lying down or sitting. Also, if you choose you can have vibrational bowls placed on your body and gently tapped plus experiencing tunning forks and crystals to help clear and rejuvenate you. $15-$20. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-591-4457.
Aerial Fitness – 6-7am. This class will allow you to workout while learning the basics that go along with our technique. Learn how to safely invert and work-out at the same time. Building strength while enduring very low impact will help to strengthen balance, tone and trust the Hammock. Everything you need to take it to the next level. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Set 112, Port St Lucie. 772-877-2122. Book online at or through the MindBody App.
Tai Chi in the Gardens – 9-10am. Session inspired by Moving For Better Balance will assist participants to improve balance, confidence, concentration and peace of mind. The PSL Botanical Garden setting is an added bonus. Beginners to advance welcome. Members $5, Non-Members $10. Registration required at PSLBG. org/TaiChi. Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens, 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd., Port St. Lucie.
Joanne’s World of Nutrition – 10-11am. Listen to ra dio station WPSL AM 1590 every Wednesday morning to learn about holistic health and wellness with Joanne owner of Nutrition World in Ft. Pierce who has 30 plus years of expertise.
All-Levels Warm Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 6:30-7:45pm. A gently heated room helps to loosen the muscles to help you expand your postures and work more deeply. Moving meditation with breath focus and proper align ment as the class flows together. Tailored for all levels. Led by Gina Baldo. $19 drop in or packages available at Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444.
Gentle Yoga– 11-Noon. KP gives specific verbal cues as well as physically demonstrates the poses (asanas). She offers hands-on alignments and yoga props to help the student physically access the poses. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
An expanded selection of items to promote gratitude, abundance & positive energy as we approach the holiday season of gifting! Crystals • Gemstones • Jewelry • Salt Lamps • Singing Bowls • Books Tarot • Candles • Incense • Oils • Herbs • Sage • Divination Tools Statuary • Altar Items • World Clothing • Belly Dance Accessories Henna • Tapestries • Peace-Promoting Items • Faeries • & Much More! 321-952-6789 780 WEST NEW HAVEN AVE • MELBOURNE Tuesday-Saturday • 10am-5:30pm Enchanted Gifts for the Mind, Body and Soul Brightest Blessings of Thanks and Giving! FLST# 39068 CST# 2034468-50 HST# TAR-7058 WAST# 603-399-504 MARLENE POTTS, OWNER 321-890-7410 marlene.potts/7792 FABULOUS PORTS | EXOTIC DESTINATIONS GOURMET DINING | GREAT ENTERTAINMENT INDULGENT ESCAPES AZAMARA CLUB CRUISES | REGENT SEVEN SEAS CRUISES SEABOURN | CRYSTAL CRUISES | CUNARD | OCEANIA CRUISES SILVERSEA CRUISES | UNIWORLD | AND MORE 47November 2022
Animal Flow – 11am-12:15pm. An innovative fitness program that combines quadrupedal &; ground-based movements incorporating elements from various movements practices. A fun, challenging workout that emphasizes multi- planar, fluid movement & can be used as a standalone workout or can be integrated into existing fitness routines. $8 Drop in. Kula Yoga, 230 E. Merritt Island Cswy, Ste 102, Merritt Island. 321-9785116.
Yoga for Beginners – 11am-Noon. KP gives specific verbal cues as well as physically demonstrates the poses (asanas). She offers hands-on alignments and yoga props to help the student physically access the poses. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Kundalini Yoga – 12:30-1:30pm. Class is comprised of three parts: an opening chant (known as “tuning in”) followed by a brief warm-up for your spine, a kriya (which is a sequence of postures paired with breathing techniques), and a closing meditation or song. The practice of Kundalini yoga can help release old patterns and habits and deepen your spiritual practice. Led by KP. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 Classes for $75). To preregister visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Gong Healing Meditation – 4-5pm. Guided medita tion with gong healing. The deep vibrations and high frequencies of the Symphonic Gong is “cosmic nutri tion” for all parts of you — physical, energetic, emo tional, mental, spiritual. A healing Gong meditation balances and aligns your Chakras, clears your Aura or electromagnetic field allowing you to shine brighter and feel lighter. Led by Marilyn Diaz. Please bring
your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 Classes for $75). To preregister visit: weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Hatha Yoga – 5:15-6:15pm. Multi-level class for begin ners and intermediates. Hatha Yoga is a gentle tradi tional yoga practice which integrates breathing exercises (pranayama) with yoga postures (asanas), mantras, deep relaxation (savasana), and meditation. Led by Marilyn. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Sivananda Yoga – 5:30-6:45pm. Sivananda Yoga is a classical style of hatha yoga. This sequence of 12 basic asanas is practiced so that each asana prepares you for the next. This class is created for all levels with modi fications. Taught by Jimmie. $10 drop in or 10 classes for $85. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-591-4457.
Hatha Yoga – 5:30-6:45pm. Come enjoy this struc tured yoga class ( sivananda style) with traditional and new poses to help maintain health and balance in our body, mind and emotions. This class is for all levels. Led by Jimmie. $10 drop in or 10 classes for $85. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-591-4457.
8 Week Introduction to Qigong – 6:30-8pm. This series covers an entire qigong system including theory, practices and tools. This series gives all the tools to develop your own personal practice including numerous videos and handouts. Runs through Nov 10. $105 full series, $15 drop-in. Blissful.Energy, 240 S. Wickham Rd, West Melbourne. 321-327-8741.
All-Levels Warm Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 9:30am. A gently heated room helps to loosen the muscles to help you expand your postures and work more deeply. Mov ing meditation with breath focus and proper alignment as the class flows together. Tailored for all levels. Led by Carlos DeBarros. $19 drop in or packages available at Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444.
Aerial Restorative Yoga – 11:15am-12:15pm. This ses sion focuses on self-rejuvenation. In this class there are no inversions, and the hammocks are low to the ground. We use deep breathing through slow moving stretches, manipulating the hammock for benefits of a deep mas sage to break up fascia, opening up the hips and spine, releasing stress and tension in all joints and muscles. We begin and end the class with mindful meditation. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, # 112, Port St Lucie. 772-877-2122. Book online at JustBreatheAeri or through the MindBody App.
Gentle Hatha Yoga – 11am-12pm. Traditional yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation to bring back balance and healing to body, mind and spirit. Accessible to all ages and body types. Led by Cindy. Please bring your own mat. $12 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
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Yin Yoga with Crystal Bowls – 12:30-1:30pm. Yin Yoga is a profound, meditative approach to yoga with a physical focus on accessing the connective tissue and fascia and regulating the flow of energy in the body. Led by Cindy Jovanovich. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Strength Training - 8:30-9:30am. Come work it out and sweat for this strong, boot camp session. Using multiple props to build strength and endurance, creating lean muscle mass and overall body transformation. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Set 112, Port St Lucie. 772-877-2122. Book online at JustBreatheAeri or through the MindBody App.
Frequency Friday at The Elliott Museum –1-2:15pm. Session fuses vibrations and unique fre quencies of each ancient sacred instrument. Attending sessions can assist in managing stress and increasing resilience through activating the body’s electromag netic intelligence, creating a shift in the subconscious to a higher frequency. Please bring a yoga mat, pillow, and blanket; and wear comfortable clothes. Contact Deena Rahill Certified Sound Practitioner, for more information or sign up directly on the website: Sound, 786-488-7782 $33. Elliott Museum 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart.
Drum Circle – 6-7pm. Come be a part of this Com munity Rhythm Experience. Our circle will assist you to raise your personal vibration and release in ner blocks. We offer a judgement free environment, and all are welcome. Donation. Scented Dragon 6992 Hancock Dr. Port St. Lucie. 772-877-2102.
Reiki Meditation Circle – 7-8pm. Experience our Reiki Meditation Circle for an hour of peace, comfort, and harmony. Feel yourself shift into a peaceful place. Practitioner’s welcome. Donation. Scented Dragon, 6993 Hancock Drive Port Saint Lucie. 772-877-2102.
Adventures in Yoga – 10-11am. Emilie will focus on certain muscle groups and their connections to the rest of the body. She warms the body up with strengthening poses then stretches the muscles out with relaxing pas sive and active stretches. Explore what yoga can do for you through these amazing adventures. $15. Blissful. Energy, 240 S. Wickham Rd, West Melbourne. 321327-8741. Blissful.Energy.
Yoga in the Village – 10-11am. Yoga has been known to cause health and happiness. We’ll touch on all the major muscle groups with internal focus and deeper awareness, also we can work on any area that may be of concern to you on that day. Our full schedule and discount packages are available online at or for more information call 321-544-8541. $15. The Zen Room, 631 Brevard Ave, Suite C, Cocoa Village.
Saturday Downtown Ft. Pierce Famers’ Market –8am-12pm. Downtown Ft. Pierce Farmers Market has over 70 friendly vendors offering a diverse selection of foods, exotic plants, spices, local produce and much more. Rain or shine. Live music, fresh food and right
on the river; make it your Saturday morning tradition. Free. Riverfront Downtown Ft. Pierce 101 Melody Lane, Ft. Pierce.
Walking Qigong – 9 -10am. Held at Environmental Learning Center, 255 Live Oak Drive, Vero Beach Call 772-589-5050, Visit sign up. Membership discounts available.
Kundalini Yoga – 9:15am. This practice involves breath, body, and mind. Totally different from other yoga modali ties this practice incorporates more breath work, chanting and ancient repetitive movements to awaken the energy of the mind and body quickly leaving you awake and focused with a smile on your face. Led by Cathy Nevin. $19 drop in or packages available at Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444.
Aerial Yoga – 9:30-10:30am. Explore poses to strength en trust to master the many flips and tricks Aerial Yoga introduces. Deep breathing through movements for optimal benefits of inversions and stretches. Inversions are held longer, and stretches are deeper. Holding poses to acquire balance and strength can be the challenge your body needs. Minimal impact to joints and bones provided by support of the hammock at all times. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Set 112, Port St Lucie. 772-877-2122. Book online at or through the MindBody App.
All-Levels Warm Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 4:30pm. A gently heated room helps to loosen the muscles to help you expand your postures and work more deeply. Mov ing meditation with breath focus and proper alignment as the class flows together. Tailored for all levels. Led by Rachel. $19 drop in or packages available at DTE-Yoga. com. Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444.
Sherry can help you: • Address all the underlying factors behind your digestive misery. • Review your diet, medications, lifestyle, stress level and much more. • Pinpoint and counteract issues preventing you from feeling as good as you should. • Carefully tailor a plan to your specific needs. Sherry Brescia understands digestive issues from personal IBS experience! She also helps with acid reflux / GERD , diverticulitis , colitis , Crohn’s , constipation , leaky gut , gas and bloating too. Sherry Brescia, MSHN, Holistic Nutritionist, Author and Digestive Health Expert. Say GOODBYE to DIGESTIVE ISSUES! Get help from someone who knows how you feel. 888-724-4366 • Schedule a FREE, no-pressure, 30-minute Initial Consult and jump start your path to success. RELIEF FOR GENITAL HERPES Straight from Nature To order visit: *Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated. 35% of American adults have genital herpes. While there is not currently a cure, you can find comfort and relief from symptoms naturally. This pain-relief homeopathic cream is formulated with soothing all-natural ingredients eliminating worry of skin irritation from harsh chemicals. • Soothing All-Natural Plant-Based Formula • Fast Relief for pain, itching, tingling & swelling • No chemicals • Affordable Stock up now for relief when you need it! 49November 2022
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CLOW CHIROPRACTIC 145 Palm Bay Rd NE, Ste 120 West Melbourne, 321-725-8778
Clow Chiropractic has been provid ing a full spectrum of natural health care for over 38 years. Services include chiropractic adjustments, nutritional support, functional medi cine, massage (MM2166), physiotherapy, and rehab.
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Space & Treasure Coast
Find a Farmer’s Market near you in the Natural Awaken ings Farmers Market Guide. Support your health and com munity by shopping local. Bookmark the web page for easy access.
Malabar, 321-229-5288
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51November 2022
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Gina Kearney RH (AHG), Clinical Herbalist 725 N. Hwy. A1A, D-103 Jupiter, 561-768-9005
Offering Private Herbal Consults, Flow er Essence Therapy and Herbal & Sha manism classes. Visit our Herb Shop with 200+ herbs, barks, flowers & roots plus, tinctures, oils, crystals & more! See ad, page 8.
1300 Pinetree Drive, Ste 3 Indian Harbour Beach, 321-779-4647
Enjoy a cup of complementary tea in the relaxing atmosphere of herbs and handmade herbal delights. Bulk Herbs, Handmade Products, Consultations, Classes, and Supplies. Teas, tinctures, lotions, soaps, facial products, salves, and more. See ad, page 31.
277 N. Babcock St Melbourne, 321-757-7522
Bulk Herbs, Herbal Certification Course and other herbal classes. Essential oils, handmade salves and lotions, customized herbal blends and private con sultations. See ad, page 12.
LILLY’S HERBS & MORE 407 5th Ave Indialantic, 321-517-4372
All vegan café. Soaps, beeswax can dles, and herbs. Specializing in organic coffee, teas, and smoothies. Breakfast and lunch. Bakery items and soups, salads, and sandwiches. Check website for hours.
2818 SW Port St Lucie Blvd Port St Lucie, 954-646-4374
Divine Healing, Wellness Education, Meditation, Reiki Circles, Mindful Yoga, Sound-bath Heal ing, Crystals, Chakra Balancing, Local Jewelry, Art, Candles & Soaps, USDA Organic CBD. Available for private events.
Clinics in Viera & Titusville, 321-757-6899
Fully Integrated Primary Care & Wellness
Fully integrated Primary Care and Family Practice - injury and illness, chronic disease, anti-aging, func tional medicine, physical therapy, chiropractic and more. Same-day sick appoint ments. Insurance accepted. See ad, page 2.
Indian Harbour Beach, 321-775-5797
Advanced hypnosis system proven around the world to resolve almost any issue for lasting change, even when everything else might’ve failed. Dissolve unwanted hab its. Transform your life. (NGH #78668).
Lori Burke, Cert. Clinical Hypnotherapist Viera, 321-652-1039
Start Living a Life You Love! Free your self from hostility, fears, resentment; Overcome limiting thoughts and behav iors; Adopt healthy habits; Improve re lationships. (IAIH Certified CHt/CCHt/ CTHt #7596890).
611 SW Federal Highway, Ste K-1 Stuart, 772-215-2985
Combining the best of Hypnosis, Neu roLinguistics (NLP) and ThetaHealing to create rapid and lasting changes at the subconscious level. Results appear in body, mind, and spirit. From small concerns to serious trauma, from motivation to spir ituality, subconscious changes positively affect all aspects of life. Practicing here in Stuart since 2003.
Dean Wellness Institute
Premiere Center for Regenerative Medicine Vero Beach, 772-567-1500
Age Management, Weight Loss, Preven tative Medicine, Andropause, Bioiden tical Hormone Replacement, Lifestyle Management, Vitamin Evaluation, Nu trition and many other integrative thera pies. See ad, back cover.
52 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Institute of Health & Wellness
218 SW Atlanta Ave Stuart, 772-539-9556
Anti-Aging, Functional and Regenera tive Medicine. Colorectal Surgery and Functional GI, hormone replacement, food allergy and nutritional testing, IV vitamin therapy, heavy metals testing, medical aesthetics, THERMIva vaginal rejuvena tion, ThermiSmooth skin tightening, HALO skin resurfacing, BBL BroadBand Light skin therapy, laser hair removal, Botox and fillers, skin care, weight loss. See ad, page 15.
Rebecca Hunton, MD
150 Fifth Ave, Ste A Indialantic, 321-806-7436
Are you Radiantly Healthy? We offer Integrative/Functional Medicine solu tions to address health challenges and healthy aging! We combine both tra ditional and natural options including medical marijuana certification. See ad, page 7.
Center for Anti-Aging Aesthetic and Rejuvenation Medicine 321-421-7111, Viera
Hypertension, diabetes, mold/Lyme, sleep issues, hypothyroidism, erectile dysfunction, heart attack prevention, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, food allergies, congestive heart failure, G.I. issues and more. See ad, page 35.
150 Fifth Ave, Ste B
Indialantic, 321-243-1859
Delivering vital nutrients, IV Therapy benefits people with Chronic Fatigue, De pression, Migraines/Tension Headaches, Allergies, IBS, Cardiovascular Dis ease, Autoimmune Disease, Athletic Recovery, Viral/Bacterial Infections, and Common Cold/Flu. See ad, page 7.
6375 N. Wickham Road, Ste 101 Melbourne, 321-465-7986
Offering 18 Lifestyle IV drips such as time machine, powerpack and flu fighter. Health support drips like High C and chelation. 797 USP compliant compounding on-site. Also featur ing Food Inflammation Testing, red light therapy and halo infrared sauna.
4865 N. Wickham Rd, Ste 105 Melbourne, 321-425-2111
Dedicated IV vitamin and nutri ent therapies Center. IV therapy used for sport performance, stress reduction, migraines, Fi bromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, skin reju venation, memory, and much more.
Authorized USA Distributor/
Intricate, unique, elegant & affordable. Recycled Rubber Jewelry designed by artists in Brazil. Precisely laser cut. Lifelong pieces; durable, wear in shower, pool, or beach. Wholesale, retail.
TRANSPERSONAL LIFE COACH Elizabeth Papp-Stinson 585-313-6668,
You are more than your diagnosis. Let’s explore how your mind, body, and soul can work together to create balance and peace in your life.
Heather Leah, BA, LMT
The Viera Business Center 5595 Schenck Ave, Ste 8 Rockledge, 941-248-9127
State of the art Assisted Lymphatic Ther apy. Holistic solution to boost immune system; help relieve lymphedema, postsurgical scarring, inflammation, chronic health issues & more. Additional mo dalities offered. (MA90143, MM17447)
Melbourne/Palm Bay 321-480-9986
Advanced Integrative Medical Massage Therapists offering: Craniosacral Therapy, Lym phatic Drainage Therapy, MicroCurrent Pain Management, Gentle Scar Release, Thai Massage, Thai Foot Massage, Reflexology, Deep Tis sue Massage, Sports Stretching, and Prenatal Mas sage; helping clients transition towards a better life. MM35261, MA75423, MA93522, MA99848.
Melbourne/Palm Bay
Integrative massage therapy customized to your specific needs, including: Ther apeutic/Deep Tissue, Tabletop Thai and Pregnancy Massage. Hot stones, infra red lights, and aromatherapy are always complimentary. (MA91001)
1044 NE Jensen Beach Blvd
Jensen Beach, 888-229-7255
Specializing in Deep Tissue and Trigger Point Therapeutic Massage. Individual and group Yoga sessions. Serving Jensen Beach and surround ing cities for over 10 years.
2251 Town Center Ave., Ste 101, Unit 14 Viera, 772-779-1137
My passion is helping my clients find balance - in mind and body. Massage can reduce pain, muscle tension and stress, increase circulation and much more. MA97795.
1255 37th St, Ste B Vero Beach, 772-228-6882
Dr. Alita Gonsalves Sikora offers a holis tic approach to traditional Physical Medi cine and Rehabilitation with acupuncture, medical marijuana, bioidentical hormone therapy, weight loss and PRP injections for joints, hair loss, and facial rejuvenation.
53November 2022
780 W. New Haven Ave Melbourne 321-952-6789
We offer a wide vari ety of divination tools to enhance your Spiri tual Journey includ ing: Crystals, gemstones, jewelry, singing bowls, books, tarot, candles, salt lamps, sage, incense, oils, statuary, altar items & much more! Curbside pickup, shipping, and phone orders available. See ad, page 47.
Port St. Lucie, 772-877-2102 Ft. Pierce, 772-302-3814 Jensen Beach, 772-208-5592
Treasure Coast’s premier meta physical store, now with three lo cations. Incense, crystals, stones, sage, candles, jewelry, workshops & more. Daily Readers and knowl edgeable staff always on hand. Open 7 days. See ad, page 45.
1789 Old Dixie Highway Vero Beach, 772-257-6499
Spark offers classes, healings, readers, yoga & much more. We carry a variety of crystals, jew elry, books, sage & many other metaphysical gifts and tools.
1300 Pinetree Drive, Ste 9 Indian Harbour Beach, 321-405-2795
Neurofeedback has helped with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Stress, Emo tional Distress, PTSD, Behavioral Is sues, Mood issues, Pain, Lyme, Head aches, Concussion, TBI and a variety of other issues.
Dr. Leon Gonyo, D.C., F.I.A.M.A. 6094 SE Federal Hwy, 772-781-0193
Lasting relief with no surgery, shots, or dangerous addictive medications, using low level laser therapy and acupuncture to reverse nerve damage. 100% Noninvasive. Free evaluation.
Produced by Natural Awakenings Listen: Subscribe: myNaturalAwakenings
Each episode features conversations with local natural health experts on the Space and Treasure Coast help ing you to make lifestyle choices to enhance your wellbeing.
SIKORA INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 1255 37th St, Ste B Vero Beach, 772-228-6882
Holistic regenerative medicine using PRP (platelet rich plasma) for arthri tis, tendinitis, aesthetics (face and skin rejuvenation aka “Vampire Fa cial”) and hair regeneration. Enhance sexual health with PRP, bioidentical hormones, shockwave therapy, and peptides. IV vitamin and NAD therapy to reverse aging. Stem cell Therapy, Exosomes, Shockwave, acupuncture, Perineural injections for osteoarthritis and mus culoskeletal pain.
Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master, Past Life Regressions
By appointment: 772-200-0016
Are you grieving the loss of a loved one and need closure? Did you miss the chance to say ‘Goodbye’? Or are you in need of divine guidance about your career, love life, or finances? Allow the Angels to help you make the right decisions. Learn how to cultivate your own intuition through classes offered in spiritual development.
Serving Treasure Coast, Vero Beach
In person & virtual, 772-453-6449
Classes in person/online: qigong, Tai Chi, self-defense. Instructor certifica tion, distance healing, acupressure. Rare therapeutic qigong forms for COPD, im mune system deficiencies, anxiety disor ders, parkinsonism, diabetes and CVA.
Now in Port St. Lucie
Mary is author of Divinely Touched: Transform Your Life, that chronicles her healing journey through metaphys ics and her spiritual awakening. She has degrees in medical technology, Re flexology, Reiki, and Reconnective Healing. Her healings have been described as “miraculous.” Call for a distance or in person session.
BETH LYNCH, MEDIUM, AUTHOR Intuitive Counselor, Educator 888-271-4487,
Spiritual Medium, Meditation Teacher & Author. Graduate of Arthur Fords School of Mediumship; Mark Irelands Prestigious Medium Certified, and 25 years’ experience teaching Spiritual principals for healing.
Virtual and Phone
Vero Beach, 772-538-6211
Usui/Tibetan/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Angelologist and Mesa Car rier, Angel Healing Thera pist/Reader and Teacher offers Healing, Spiritual Counseling, Cord Cutting, Divine Soul Readings and more. Helping you move into alignment with your divinity. Find your purpose.
54 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Stephanie Parker, CL Usui Reiki Master 2425 N Courtenay Pkwy, Ste 1
Merritt Island 321-506-7005
Non-invasive Protocols: Lymphatic Face Lift, Deep Clean/Acne, Mandeliclear Skin Brightening, Dermaplaning, Mi croneedling with Plant-based Stem Cells & Oxygen Plasma, Holistic Headache/ Sinus Relief, Skin Imperfection Removal. Reiki with Intuitive Chakra & Chi/Qi Flow Readings, Vi broacoustic Sound Table and more. See ad, page 10.
Muffy Charles, Master Herbalist & Clinical Nutritionist 213-632-9480
Clean, safe, and chemical free options for everyday use to aid in healing Eczema, Psoriasis, Anxiety, Insomnia, Headaches and more, often caused by hidden chemicals.
Deena Rahill, 786-488-7782
825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart
Experience a blissful journey of sound, lights and vibration. Gongs, drums, chimes, and singing bowls can alter brain wave frequencies and allow for healing. Group or private sessions available.
Sound and Vibrational Healing
Jonell Perez, Port St. Lucie, 954-832-6790
Immerse yourself in self-healing, utilizing sound to lift your vibration. Attune mind, body and soul. Relax ation, stress reduction, and balance. Private and group sessions.
UNITY SPIRITUAL CENTER OF VERO BEACH 950 43rd Ave Vero Beach, 772-562-1133
Join us 10 am. for our Sunday Celebration Service and be blessed by a morning of spiritu al insight, inspiration, fellowship, and community. All are welcome!
US 1 Port St Lucie,772-877-2102
Downtown Ft Pierce, 772-301-3814
Jensen Beach Mall, 772-208-5592
Freyja Spellman is an intuitive empath and clairvoyant. She is skilled in read ing the Tarot, Animal Spirits, and Intui tive Animal Communications. Sessions available through Scented Dragon. See ad, page 45.
Dr. Kristen Barry Rockledge/Suntree, 321-574-9014
FDA approved radiation-free Breast and Full Body Screenings. Highest quality images in Brevard County. MD report and all images (4-ways) included. Af fordable and Grants available.
Dr. Steven Zanfini Stuart, 772-781-5353
Finest thermal screening available on the Treasure Coast since 2001. Manage breast health with Thermal breast screen ing providing insight into ways of stay ing healthy and not just detecting disease or dysfunction. Upper body and full body screen ing also available. Offering affordable screening packages including reports, images, and optional flash drive. See ad, page 8.
Melbourne, Merritt Island, Vero Beach 321-312-0363
Thermography sees inflammation in the body, early detection of breast disease, dysfunction of heart, lungs, digestive system, colon, thyroid, vascular system, muscles, joints and more.
Holistic Veterinary House-Calls Stuart, Palm City, Hobe Sound & Jupiter
House-Calls, dogs and cats. Most treatment plans include a combination of: Whole-Foods/ Nutrition, Herbs, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Massage, Rehab Exercises, Energy Healing— based on individual needs.
HATHA YOGA WITH MARILYN Pelican Beach Clubhouse 1495 Highway A1A Satellite Beach, 321-773-6458
Balance your Body, Mind & Spirit with Ha tha Yoga. Gentle, guided yoga postures with Stretching, Deep Breathing, and Relaxation. $5 per class through Satellite Recreation Depart ment. See ad, page 31.
270 NW Peacock Blvd, Ste 112 Port St. Lucie, 772-877-2122
Offering tradition al and AntiGravity yoga. Whether in a hammock or on a mat, join us for a Restorative, Pilates, Vinyasa or Gentle class. Yoga Teacher Training. See ad, page 15.
Find local businesses with ease at DIRECTORY 55November 2022
Dean Wellness Institute has been serving Vero Beach, Florida, and the surrounding areas for over 20 years. We work closely with our patients to improve their quality of life as they age. Our focus is getting the root cause of health issues, rather than treating just the symptom. We provide the most up-to-date
in an integrative manner that empowers each patient to be their healthiest.
Melissa Dean, MD, MMB Anti-Aging Medicine
Master’s Metabolic Medicine
Catherine Cheries, P.A.
772-567-1500 • 1345 36th St, Suite B • Vero Beach, FL 32960 • Services Offered: • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men and Women • Body Contouring with Emsculpt Neo • Aesthetic Treatments u PDO Threads, ThermiSmooth, PRP, Facials, Botox/Dysport, Fillers • PRP Therapies (including Hair Restoration) • Preventative Medicine • Advanced Laboratory Testing • IV Wellness Therapy • Sexual Health and Wellness u O-Shot/P-Shot, Emsella, ThermiVA Gift Certificates Available Utilize the Power of Regenerative Medicine to Restore Health Naturally! LESS -30% Fat MORE+25% Muscle MAKE TODAY LEG DAY