VIERA CLINIC 8043 Spyglass Hill Rd Suite 102 321-757-6899 TITUSVILLE CLINIC 3910 S. Washington Ave Suite 109 321-267-0188 Insurance Accepted “Our approach is designed to achieve optimum health and wellness while respecting a patient’s personal health care preferences.” Primary Care Provider Tanya Schrumpf, APRN, DC • Acupuncture • Acute Illness & Injuries • Chiropractic Care • Chronic ManagementDisease • Covid Management • Diagnostic Testing • Functional Medicine • Massage, Yoga & Meditation • Medical Weight Loss • Men’s & Women’s Health • Naturopathic • Pediatrics • Physical Therapy • Spine & Orthopedics • Sports Medicine • Wellness & Prevention • Wellness Physical & Sports Physicals Now Offering Holistic Medical Weight Loss! Holistic Primary Care for ALL your Healthcare Needs! Choose a primary care provider that cares about every aspect of your well-being. Providing fully integrated primary care, rehabilitation and wellness services from acute illness, injury or chronic disease to anti-aging, wellness and a full line of rehabilitation services. We are proactive about nutrition, lifestyle change, herbal remedies, and personalized medicine with a patient-centered approach.

Publisher CONTACT US Main Office & Advertising: 321-426-0080 Distribution: 321-421-7817 Email: Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4851 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 200 Naples, FL 34103 Publisher/Editor Kris Urquhart Managing Editor Laurie Davey Contributing Writer Julie Peterson Design & Production Courtney Ayers Advertising ConsultantsMainOffice Kris 321-426-0080Urquhart Space Coast Kasey 321-684-9026Knight Treasure Coast Marie 772-444-7739Moceri-DiCanio Webmaster Zach Davey Social Media Amy Hass Distribution Team Sugey ShawnBernalRichterTri-CountyDistribution NATIONAL TEAM CEO/Founder Sharon Bruckman COO/Franchise Sales Joe Dunne Layout & Design Gabrielle W-Perillo Financial Manager Yolanda Shebert Asst. Director of Ops Heather Gibbs Digital Content Director Rachael Oppy National Advertising Lisa Doyle-Mitchell Administrative Assistant Anne-Marie Ryan © 2022 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call if you would like copies placed at your business. To find a location near you visit We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment. SUBSCRIPTIONSAREAVAILABLE: $25 for 12 issues. Call 321-426-0080toorder. HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET SPACE & TREASURE COAST EDITION Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines
In this issue, we offer ideas and tips for inspired living. Drying food is the oldest known method of food preservation. Learn how with Food Dehydration Made Easy [page 24]. In honor of Yoga Awareness Month, you’ll find advice for getting started in How a yoga practice can keep us young in Aging Gracefully [page 26]. For the furry members of the family, discover top supplements for dogs and cats in Healthier Pets [page 28]. And our online exclusives at offer natural strategies to help halt headache pain and wisdom from mind-body physician Lissa Rankin on the mysteries of healing. I hope that this issue inspires you to try a few new lifestyle choices that can support you for a long time to come. Here’s to aging vibrantly!
“No matter which path we follow to aging vibrantly, the most inspiring takeaway is that lifestyle, not genes, determines destiny,” says Marlaina Donato in our feature article Growing Younger: Longevity Strategies That Help Reverse the Aging Process [page 20]. That’s great news. As someone who embraces leafy greens, vegetables, and tasty detox smoothies, I like the idea that my choices can positively contribute to the aging process.
Kris Urquhart,
Danato explains that until recently, age was determined by the year on our birth certificate, but “bio age” is the new number to pay attention to. “Bio age is how fast our bodies are aging, and aging is the main risk factor for all diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and neurodegenerative disorders,” says Kara Fitzgerald, a naturopathic doctor and the author of Younger You: Reduce Your Bio Age and Live Longer, Better. She notes that only 10 to 20 percent of longevity outcomes are genetic. We work with our functional medicine doctor to keep tabs on physical indicators that can help direct our supplements and lifestyle choices. It is reassuring to learn that lifestyle is 80-90% of the longevity equation.
letter from the publisher Choose to Age Vibrantly My husband, Jim, and I are careful about what we eat, we exercise regularly and take our supplements. We accept many of the signs of aging, including a little stubborn weight gain, laugh lines and graying hair. Many of these changes are indicators of a life well lived and signs of earned wisdom. But when it comes to saggy droopy skin, that makes us want to turn back the clock!

This documentary has many amazing testimonials of people you may relate to and gives you valuable information about how the body functions and heals! Also learn about the unique sound wave technology we use. It may change your life! Reserve your seat by calling (321) 622-4447. If the first two bones in your neck are misaligned, communication between the brain and body is interrupted and can cause numerous health problems. Upper Cervical Care focuses on locating and correcting this misalignment to restore 100% nerve transmission from the brain to every part of your body. Our office performs this correction using a precision sound wave percussion adjusting instrument. This procedure offers patients a gentle, painless and precise treatment. Aligned Misaligned Is Your Head on Straight? Dr. Renee Hahn & Dr. Devin Perdue Upper Cervical Chiropractors 1600 W. Eau Gallie Blvd., Ste. 104, Melbourne (321)622-4447 • Please Welcome Dr. Devin Perdue to Our Practice! FREE Showing of “The Power of Upper Cervical” Thursdays, September 22nd and October 20th at 7pm

CONDITIONS TREATED: Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Respiratory, Digestive, Ear, Nose and Throat, Stress.
Scott Brayson, AP, DOM
Accessible Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine We help women return to a balanced state of health by using Oriental Medicine as a comprehensive health care system with health maintenance. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is wellknown for treating pain and stress related conditions effectively. It also helps those suffering from a wide range of conditions.
METHOD: We see patients in the office and via tele-medicine. INSPIRATION: Each day we see women in our community acupuncture clinic, an option that makes the experience easily accessible. It is inspiring to hear their stories and assist them in being able to return to their jobs, often caring for others.
Early-bird Deadline: September 30 • Final Deadline: October 10
SERVICES/OFFERING: Acupuncture, Full Herbal Chinese Pharmacy, Acupressure, Tuina Chinese massage, Cupping.
CLASSES OFFERED: Beginners/all levels, Ashtanga, Hatha, Chair yoga, Meditation. BENEFITS: We help women with increased flexibility, muscles strength and tone, improved energy and vitality, and reduced stress. Yoga has been shown to benefit heart health, sleep, as well as connect you to community.
PATIENT EXPERIENCE: It is very rewarding to help women relieve pain. One woman came to us after 4 weeks of excruciating lower back pain. After just one session the pain was reduced, and her range of motion improved. After the second session she left the clinic with a 90% pain reduction and better range of motion for her lower back. 9874 Oriental Street, Healingtown 321-772-7777 • atstartingProfiles$295
METHOD: In-person and streaming via Facebook. 314 Om Way, Flexcity 321-444-1234
INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE BEACHSIDE FUNCTIONAL & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Alicia Johnston, MD Beachtown, BeachsideIntegrative.net772-321-5555 We help women restore health and find balance with a customized wellness plan. Addressing autoimmune disor ders, hormone imbalance, sleep issues, thyroid issues, diabetes and more. Directorystartinglistingsat$79 Reserve your spot now for early-bird rates! Call 321-426-0080 or visit Be Part of the Natural Awakenings Women’s Wellness Guide Connect with Women You Can Help! This highly anticipated Leader’s in Women’s Wellness feature provides you the opportunity to convey your story, share your uniqueness, and connect with Natural Awakenings readers as they get to know you – the face behind the business. This issue is one that women will treasure and keep as a resource. Ask how to SavingsGET Bonuses!& Ask how to get yours free!
We offer a sanctuary for women to unwind and feel centered. Our calm approach to postures and super consistent approach to teachings, actions and words makes us the go-to yoga studio for mental and physical fitness.

2824 20 Contents Natural Awakenings is a family of 50+ healthy living magazines celebrating 27 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet. HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at, email or call 321-426-0080. Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS All calendar events must be submitted online at: E-mail calendar questions to: Deadline for Calendar: the 10th of the month. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS DEPARTMENTS 8 news briefs 15 health briefs 18 global briefs 24 conscious eating 26 fit body 28 natural pet 31 calendar 36 classifieds 42 directorynatural 20 GROWING YOUNGER Longevity Strategies that Help Reverse the Aging Process 24 FOOD DEHYDRATION MADE EASY Best Ways to Preserve the Harvest 26 AGING GRACEFULLY How a Yoga Practice Keeps Us Young 28 HEALTHIER PETS Top Supplements for Dogs and Cats Online Exclusives Read more at LIVING LIFE IN FULL LISSACOLORRANKIN on the Mysteries of Healing HEADING OFF HEADACHES Natural Strategies Help Halt the Pain CONSUMERISMCONSCIOUS The Rise of Sharing and Reselling LEARNING TO GRIEVE How to Help Children Navigate Through Loss 17 7September 2022

Marlene Potts, Travel Advisor and owner of MCP Destinations, Inc, is ready to help clients cast away the stress of the day. “There are so many destinations open and waiting, whether you want to be pampered and lay on the beach, trade in your stress for an adrenaline rush, or explore caves and bioluminescent waters,” says Potts. Cruise Planners offers pre-packaged and tailor-made vacations at attractive prices always with the client’s interests at heart.
Potts brings experience, continued education and certification, and specialization to her service. Her clients receive personalized attention to the details before, during and after the trip. She provides assistance with rebooking of canceled travel, and exclusive travel insurance options.
advertise in this feature,
news briefs
See ad, page 23. Natural Healthcare Options ConsultationsbyDonationSpecializing in: • All-natural products: tinctures, salves, syrups & capsules • Unique jewelry • Customized herbal & gemstones remedies & teas • Essential oils • Herbal/Nutritional classes • Organic bulk herbs Store Hours: Wed– Fri 10am-5pm Saturday 11am-3pm 321-757-7522 277 N. Babcock St. • Melbourne Cecelia Avitabile Certified Master Herbalist & Nutritional Consultant One Person at a Time! TRANSFORMING LIVES 772-464-3598 • Join Joanne everyWPSL10-11amWednesdayon1590AM for her health and wellness show Joanne’s World of Nutrition as she answers common, and sometimes not so common, questions concerning healthy life-style choices. NutritionJoanne’sWorld and Wellness Center • Supplements • Natural Body Care • Health Coaching • Bio Feedback • Blood Analysis Monday - Friday 10am-4pm Saturday 10am-3pm 101 N. US 1 • FT. PIERCE IN THE HISTORIC ARCADE BUILDING SPECIAL PACKAGE 30 Minute Infrared Sauna 50 Minute Massage 30 Minute Ion Foot Cleanse 30 Minute PEMF Session Pick Three for ONLY $99 MM41822MA16363 Women’s Wellness Guide Coming in November Natural Awakenings is pleased to announce the Women’s Wellness Guide will appear in the November issue. This highly anticipated Leader’s in Women’s Wellness feature will showcase providers of services and products that support a woman’s body, mind and spirit. Eye-catching profiles will convey each provider’s story, share their uniqueness, and connect with those they can help. This issue is one that women will treasure and keep as a resource.
“I like to help my clients make memories and I want them to be able to do that with peace of mind,” says Potts.
“We are excited about this says publisher Kris Urquhart. To call 321-426-0080 or
opportunity to share the face behind the business and connect providers with women looking for health solutions,”
“As an independent agent of Cruise Planners, I can provide everything for your future travel experience whether it is for leisure, business, cultural heritage, or religious personal growth,” says Potts. She can help with domestic and international ocean or river cruises; land and rail travel packages; individual, family and group travel; retreat, church and missions, and destination weddings. She can manage a budget-friendly, mid-range, or luxury vacation – often with value-added benefits and amenities.
“Please be assured, as you travel, your health and safety are our top priority,” say Potts. For more or to learn about their 2022-2023 call 321-890-7410 or visit
com for more information. See ad, page 6. 8 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Vacation Package Specials Available

YOGA • MASSAGE • MEDITATION 321-327-8741 • 240 S. Wickham Rd • West Melbourne • BLISSFUL.ENERGY MM#40260MA#59906 Check out our AERIAL YOGA CLASS Wednesdays at 5:30pm! Bringing the practice of yoga DOWN TO EARTH for all to enjoy! • Heated & Non-heated Classes • Kundalini, Ashtanga & Hatha Yoga • Yin Yoga • Chair Yoga • Restorative Yoga • Meditation • Reiki Healing & Soundbath • Candlelight Meditation Summer Specials! $59 1 month unlimitedofclasses* $99 Bring a buddy! 3 months of unlimited yoga with autopay** $300Buy 3 months & get the fourth free! One special per student * New students only. **2 people, 3 month commitment. Price is per person per month. (772) 224-2444 • 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd. 34952 • • Stuart Thermography offers the most comprehensive thermography experience. Receive a 1 on 1 consultation with Dr. Steve to review overall health and receive a detailed written analysis from a Functional Medicine standpoint. Appointments available Monday – Friday 500 SE Dixie Hwy • Suite 2 • Stuart 772-888-5269 RADIATION FREE • PREVENTATIVE • DIAGNOSTIC SCREENINGS STUART THERMOGRAPHY Early Detection Is Key To Overall Wellness Complete Care Chiropractic and Wellness Center • Breast Imaging • Male & Female Full Body • Neck & Back Pain • Headaches • Area of ConcernMentionThisAd$20OFF Holistic SolutionsProvidesNutritionistDigestive SherryMSHN,Brescia, can relate to those who are suffering from digestive issues. She is a speakernationalnutritionist,holisticandauthor who has studied the relationship between nutrition, digestion, and health for the past 22 years. Her focus on this field of health began out of necessity as she suffered for 15 years with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As a result, she was able to resolve her daily symptoms of gas, bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation. Now she is passionate about helping others with her signature Nutritional & Digestive Health Coaching System. During the sessions, Brescia works individually with clients to address the underlying factors that are contributing to digestive issues. “This is crucial because everyone is different and there are many possible causes and contributing factors behind digestive problems,” explains Brescia. “My coaching is carefully tailored to your specific needs, so we can pave the way for your Duringsuccess!”thesessions, topics will include diet, medications, lifestyle, stress level and more. “All of these play into your digestive and overall health, and we will pinpoint and help you counteract the issues that are preventing you from feeling as good as you should,” says Brescia. Brescia feels her personal experience helps her relate to what her clients are experiencing in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Schedule a free, no-pressure, 30-minute initial consultation by calling 888-724-4366 or visit See ad, page 25. 9September 2022

240 S. Wickham Rd.
Sandalwood Massage & Bodywork by Jane Offers Body Care S
PORT ST LUCIE DOWN TO EARTH YOGA 1649 SE Port St Lucie Blvd. DTE-Yoga.com772-224-2444
A variety of services are offered, including Massage Therapy (Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone), Myofascial Sports Massage, Medical Massage, Red Light Therapy, Cupping Therapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, and Aromatherapy.
Massage and bodywork can provide relief to people of all ages and help address many health conditions. Benefits include reduced stress and anxiety, decreased pain, decreased muscle tension, increased circulation, improved flexibility and joint range, more energy, better sleep, and it even releases endorphins.
SATELLITE BEACH HATHA YOGA WITH MARILYN Pelican Beach Clubhouse 1495 Hwy 321-773-6458A1A
Attendees will enjoy Donna Paloy Aura Paintings, Brittany Morley Tarot Readings, Michelle Sun and Jayne Bates Shamanic Healings and Power Animal Retrieval, Holly Kaner Mediumship Readings and Nicole Feltovic Journey Board
space coast news briefs
Spiritual Center in Melbourne T he Chacana Spiritual Center is pleased to announce their Shamanic Mystic Fair on September 10 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free and there will be 15-minute healings and readings available for $20.
andalwood Massage & Bodywork by Jane offers much more than just a luxury service. “Many are finding that massage therapy is an essential part of a self-care and body wellness routine since there are many health benefits,” says Jane Coyne, LMT, MLD-C. “It is a drug-free, noninvasive, humanistic approach to helping the body heal itself.”
Blissful.Energy321-327-8741 MERRITT ISLAND KULA YOGA STUDIO 230 E Merritt Island Cswy #102
COMMUNITYGUIDE 10 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
JUST BREATHE AERIALS 270 NW Peacock Blvd., Ste 112
The school offers adult and children’s classes covering topics such as sound bowls, art, anxiety, grief, shadow work, Tarot, oracle, and spiritual mentorship, as well as bi-weekly evening Munay Ki classes. They also hold free community events such as moon ceremonies, Despacho ceremonies, and men’s and women’s groups.
Sandalwood Massage & Bodywork by Jane is located at 2251 Town Center Ave., Ste 101, Unit 14, Viera. 772 779-1137. (MA97795) See ad, page 19.
“My passion is helping my clients find balance, in the mind and body,” says Coyne. “It is a privilege to help in the healing process. No matter your goal, massage therapy is sure to help. Invest in your health today.”
“WhileReadings.atour center for the fair, come by and enjoy a cup of hot tea and explore our crystal and smudge shop while learning about our new up and coming classes,” says instructor and Peruvian trained Shaman Shannon Davis.
Shamanic Mystic Fair at The Chacana
The Chacana Spiritual Center is located at 2299-B Sarno Rd in Melbourne. For more information, call 321-610-1698 or visit See ad, page 33.
414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A)

The workshop will be led by Ariela Grodner who runs her own Thai massage school in Gainesville and has published nine books on this subject. Students will learn to give an hour-long session on the feet alone, while still affecting the whole body through aware stimulation of the sen lines and marma points. They will utilize both dry and wet massage (with and without oil), as well as, a Thai foot stick to glide the lines and press the points with greater accuracy and precision than the hands alone could provide.
Dr. Boyle provides all the treatments herself. She prides herself on spending time with her patients and understanding their unique goals. She takes a customized approach to explain what can be achieved with non-surgical aesthetic treatments, such as Botox and fillers, microinjections, microneedling, SaltFacial and more. “I’m passionate about ensuring my patients look naturally youthful, well-rested, more lifted, and feel better in their skin,” says Dr. Boyle.
Thai Foot Reflexology Weekend Course in Indialantic
Aquarian Dreams is pleased to host a weekend course in Thai foot reflexology. It will be held on September 17-18 and is open to everyone. Thai foot reflexology is a powerful healing tool that can be implemented on its own, or as an addition to full-body massage; however, no prior massage experience is necessary to be educated in this methodology.
r. Kathleen Dr. Boyle, D.O., is now offering free initial consultations for readers who are looking to rejuvenate their skin at OceanDrive MedSpa in Palm Bay. Since “Dr. Katie” is Board Certified in Family Medicine and Certified in Aesthetic Medicine, she is well equipped to guide her patients in creating a treatment plan that will meet their needs best.
Dr. Boyle has monthly specials that can be found in her ad and on her Natural Awakenings webpage. For September they include $100 off SaltFacials, $10 per unit Botox and Xeomin and $100 off a syringe of filler. “Combine an initial consultation with a monthly special and be on your way to looking and feeling your best,” says Dr. Boyle. OceanDrive MedSpa is located at 1398 Palm Bay Rd N, Palm Bay. For more information or to book a free initial consultation, call 321-676-8194. See ad, page 21.
Location: Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 14 CEUs for massage therapists. For more information, visit Cost: $250. Class size limited, pre-registration recommended. To register, call 321-729-9495 or visit See ad, page 3.
11September 2022
Free Initial Consultation for Skin Rejuvenation

Unity of Melbourne is an inclusive, loving environment that focuses on providing practical tools to live a spiritually centered life. They offer great music, friendly people, and messages that inspire creative ways to deal with the real-life issues we all face daily. Each service includes a short, guided meditation followed by a few minutes of silent contemplation. In addition, there is a Youth Program available each week during the worship service.
Serene Harbor Casino Night
Serene Harbor’s Casino Night 2022 will be held on October 8 from 5 to 9 p.m. at the American Muscle Car Museum in Melbourne. The night’s events will include free food and drinks, fun casino games, a silent auction, and prize packages to be raffled. Admission to the American Muscle Car Museum is included and all guests will have the rare opportunity to see this private collection of over 325+ pristinely maintained classic cars. “Come and join in the fun while supporting our efforts and commitment to helping individuals impacted by domestic violence,” says President and CEO Beverly DeMeyer.
To learn more about Rev. Vernelle or Unity of Melbourne, talk to a friendly greeter on Sunday, visit or visit Unity of Melbourne, 2401 N Harbor City Blvd (US Hwy 1), Melbourne. 321-254-0313 ext 100.
space coast news briefs
Fundraiser Coming in October
Treasure Coast Metaphysical and Holistic Expo Vendors, readers, artists, authors, crystals and much more! October 15 & 16 • 10am-6pm MidFlorida Event Center • 9221 SE Event Center Place • Port St. Lucie Speakers all day, each day, included with daily admission FOOD AVAILABLE ON SITE • FREE PARKIN G • 7 0 BOOTHS $1ONLY2 ADMISSION For discounted admission and more details SpiritFestFL.comvisit: DETECTS INFLAMMATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES, & BREAST HEALTH ThermographySpaceTreasureCoast Non-invasive • Radiation free Painless • Compression free Grantforprogram FREE breast scans. PREVENTION BEFORE DETECTION with ThermographyNOWTHREELOCATIONS: MERRITTMELBOURNEISLANDVEROBEACH USEFUL FOR: Breast Health • Arthritis Skin Concerns • Neck/Back Pain Headaches • Unexplained Pain Autonomic Dysfunction Colon & IssuesGastro-intestinalandmore 321-312-0363 CALL SEPTEMBERFORSPECIAL 12 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
To register for the event, go to or call 321-5372544. American Muscle Car Museum, 3500 Sarno Rd, Melbourne.
Unity Of Melbourne Celebrates New Minister Unity of Melbourne invites you to celebrate their new Senior Minister, Rev. Vernelle Nelson, on Sunday, September 11, at Unity of Melbourne. A reception with cake and coffee will immediately follow the 10:30 am service. “We are excited to explore the opportunities that lie before us, guided by Rev. Vernelle’s spiritual leadership,” says Randy B. Fillmore, Director of Operations. “She has a passion for community involvement and engagement, and we are delighted to introduce her to the Brevard community.”
Serene Harbor has served Brevard County for 30 years, providing emergency shelter, a 24/7 confidential hotline (321-7268282), counseling services, transportation, relocation assistance, support groups, legal advocacy, outreach programs, referrals and assistance programs to survivors of domestic violence

Seeger has been a dedicated provider of holistic health care products and services on the Treasure Coast for 26 years; even hosting a weekly radio show, Joanne’s World of Nutrition, for the past 15 “Ever since Covid hit our products and services are on increasingly higher demand. I can see a shift in people’s understanding of how important managing their own health and wellness is. My goal is to teach how easy implementing healthy lifestyle choices can be and seeing the positive results in customers and clients as the years go by.”
Seeger owner of Joanne’s Nutrition World and Wellness Center is excited to announce her completion of a Health Coaching program. Seeger explains, “Even after all the years I’ve worked in the holistic health and wellness community, this program has increased my insight to a wider range of benefits. I’ve already seen great results with my initial clients and am excited to share my new and ever-growing knowledge with many more.”
Joanne’s Nutrition World and Wellness Center offers supplements, natural body care, biofeedback, blood analysis, and health coaching, as well as, massage, ion foot cleanses, PEMF and infrared sauna sessions. Joanne’s Nutrition World and Wellness Center is located in the old Historic Arcade Building, now known as Kraaz Square, 101 U 1 Ft. Pierce. Listen to Joanne’s World of Nutrition Wednesdays 10-11 a.m. on WPSL AM 1590. 772-464-3598. See ad, page 8.
Frequency Friday sessions are offered from 1 to 2:15 p.m. To view the calendar or book online, visit
Certified Health Coach Offering Individualized Wellness Packages
Frequency Fridays at the Elliot Museum
Rahill shares that sound therapy has ancient roots across the globe and in diverse cultures. “In Australia, for example, aboriginal tribes have used the didgeridoo as a sound healing instrument for over 40,000 years.
Deena Rahill is a Certified Sound Practitioner, member of the Sound Healing Association, and owner of HI Mindfulness Forums. She has been finetuning her craft for many years, resulting in sessions that are a unique experience for each participant.
For more information on individual or group sessions, call 786-488-7782. Sessions are held in the Elliott Museum, 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart.
CLASSES 7 DAYS A WEEK Offering Traditional Yoga & AntiGravity Yoga Aerial • Restorative • Pilates • Vinyasa Gentle • Sculpt • Suspension • and more View classes and sign up at or Mindbody app! New Client Special: One Month Unlimited $79 Many packages & specials available YOGA You’llFlipFor 270 NW Peacock Blvd., Ste 112 • Port St Lucie 772-877-2122 • BE NOTIFIED OF NEW CONTENT! Stay informed and enjoy articles, videos, and giveaways! Sign up for our eNewsletter at Connect with us on myNaturalAwakenings/NASpaceTreasure 13September 2022
Using crystal singing bowls, chimes, gongs, and other ancient sound instruments, Rahill assists participants in shifting their bodies’ energies to a higher, healthier frequency. “I’ve been offering vibrational sound baths at the Elliot Museum on Tuesdays and Sundays for quite some time now,” explains Rahill. “This past July, despite being the Treasure Coast’s usual ‘off season’, it became apparent that I needed to add an additional weekly session to ensure everyone has plenty of space to relax into.”
treasure coast news briefs
The weekly sessions are to encourage a downshift of the nervous system leaving participants relaxed with an overall feeling of contentment and eventually harmony, through a retuning of each individual’s natural frequency.

J ohn Walcott, Master of Medical Qigong, founder of The Cloudwalker Place and The Vero Beach Qigong Society is honored to be a speaker at the National Qigong Association QiTalks. He will present Cultivating a Personal Health Care System: Integrating Qigong into our Grassroots Community on September 8 via Zoom. QiTalks speakers are internationally recognized Qigong Teachers and air the 2 nd Thursday of each month from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. It is free and open to anyone interested in qigong and energetic arts.
Restorative Aerial Yoga Teacher Training in October J ust ato(JBA)AerialsBreatheisexcitedfacilitateYogaTeacherTraining
“This team training will provide you with hands on sequencing, specialized technique, and proper use of the hammock,” explains Lori Aragona, co-owner and instructor at JBA. “The training provides the guidance and tools necessary to instruct a safe, challenging, and balanced Restorative Aerial Yoga class to all levels of students.” Upon completion trainees receive a JBA Aerial Certification. Yoga Alliance will honor CEC 20 hours for this modality. Limited spots are available. To sign up or for more information, call 772-8772122. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd., Ste 112, Port St. Lucie. See ad, page 13.
weekend for certification in Restorative Aerial Yoga. Restorative Aerial Yoga is a modality practiced in the hammock. The sequences focus on rejuvenating the body and mind while balancing the chakras through breath and movement. The hammock is used to help tourniquet and create pressure on joints and parts of the body where participants can work to create space, break up fascia, and release tension through a specialized massage technique.
Awaken Your Intuitive Abilities in New Zoom Series
Tetrault is also continuing her inperson Group Message Circle in Stuart on Wednesday, September 28 at 6:30 p.m. The event is a group experience and Tetrault will channel loved ones for an hour or more. Not everyone receives a personal message, but all will be touched by the spirit people who show up. The event is different each month. Zoom workshop cost: $25. Register
14 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Tess, the Treasure Coast Medium is launching a Spiritual Studies series via Zoom just in time for back-to-school. The series kicks off with the fundamental topic, 7 Key Ways to Awaken Your Intuitive Abilities, on September 14 at 6:30 p.m. This is the first step to nurturing inner guidance awareness, and each experience builds on the next.
“We are all born with a sixth sense and level of awareness. It can be nurtured to expand our consciousness to include other dimensions of reality,” says Tess Tetrault. “The spirit realm is full of Angels and guides that only exist to help us. By awakening this part of us, our life can enfold joyfully for us with guided actions, instead of happening haphazardly and then reacting to what shows up.”
John Walcott Presents at National Qigong Association
The Cloudwalker Place serves the Treasure Coast offering a variety of classes and healing services virtually and in-person in Vero Beach. Many classes are held in the great outdoors embracing the healing effects of nature. Through qigong and tai chi, students learn to efficiently focus the mind and easily relax the body as a whole. To listen, visit and click ‘Register Here’ in the sidebar.$,spaceislimited,FormoreinformationontheTreasureCoastMedium,visit
treasure coast news briefs

15September 2022
1 Eat good fats to lose fat and keep mitochondria healthy. Emerging evidence shows that cancer cells are a result of mutations caused by damage to the mitochondria. Prevention through lifestyle choices is key. Eating healthy fats and limiting harmful fats in the body is a positive step in limiting breast cancer risk.
by Kristen Barry, Ph.D., CTT
Kristen Barry, owner of Space Coast Thermography, helps women monitor breast health with radiation-free and compressionfree thermography. Space Coast Thermography is located at 7125 Turner Rd, Suite 101 in Rockledge (off Suntree Blvd). For more information, call 321-574-9014 or visit
3 Avoid birth control drugs and choose hormone-free options instead. Progestin, found in birth control drugs, can attack the mitochondria of the cell increasing breast cancer risk. Hormone-free IUDs are one such option.
B reast cancer has been on the rise; in fact, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer at some point in their life. The good news is that there are steps women can take to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer. Dr. Susan Wadia-Ellis, author of Busting Breast Cancer, compiled 12 years of research and studies which resulted in five key preventative steps women can take to fight off cancer. These steps help to empower women with the knowledge and information needed to make educated decisions about their own lives. Based on Dr. Ellis’s findings, here are recommendations to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
5 Simple Steps to Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk
health briefshealth briefs
4 Engage alternatives.mammogramMammograms can lead to overdiagnosis and overtreatment with Stage 0/Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS). While made to help detect and fight against breast cancer, mammograms and medication are not designed to prevent it. Choose self-exams, clinical exams, thermography, ultrasound and MRI.
5 Cleanse the brain and body daily With normal aging comes cellular congestion and inflammation. Detoxing the body with probiotics and prebiotics can stimulate digestion, in turn supporting the conversion of food to nutrients to energize cells. In addition, meditation is known to reduce stress which can protect your mitochondria.
2 Keep your vitamin d3 blood level above 60 nanograms per milliliter. This has been shown to decrease yearly breast cancer diagnoses by 80 percent. Checking blood levels can be done by a physician, preferably twice a year.

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health briefs
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DABA, BCASI, AFAAFM, BCABARM is Triple Board Certified and holds an Advanced Metabolic Cardiovascular Certification and offers cutting-edge testing. Dr.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of blindness in older Americans, became less of a threat in 1996 when the national Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) verified that certain nutrients—beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, copper and zinc—slowed its progression. But after other studies showed a link between beta-carotene and lung cancer, it was removed from the formula. Two carotenoids found in the retina—lutein and zeaxanthin— were added, and the formula was rebranded as AREDS2. In a new, 10-year, follow-up study by the National Eye Institute (NEI), AREDS2 was found to reduce late AMD symptoms an additional 20 percent compared to the original formula. “This 10-year data confirms that not only is the new formula safer, it’s actually better at slowing AMD progression,” says Emily Chew, M.D., lead author of the study and director of the NEI Division of Epidemiology Clinical
Revised Supplement Formula Slows Macular Degeneration

Buy Secondhand Clothes
pencils. A little elbow grease and TLC can refurbish old lunchboxes and backpacks—also affording an opportunity to teach kids how to repair and extend the life of items.
This school season, families have an opportunity to make Earth-friendly decisions as they prepare their children for a successful educational experience. These tips balance sustainability against kids’ desires for the coolest, newest gadgets and garments. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Before going to the store to buy new school supplies, search the house for items that can be reused or repurposed, such as half-spent notebooks or last year’s pens and
Kids that have outgrown last year’s threads and are clamoring for a whole new wardrobe can be cheerfully introduced to the burgeoning used clothing market, which is both ecoresponsible and budget-friendly. Resist the temptation to purchase cheap “fast fashion” that too quickly ends up in landfills and pollutes the environment by using toxic dyes, fossil-fuel-derived textiles and other bad chemicals. Donate old clothes instead of throwing them away.
Opt for durable items that are made with recycled or sustainable materials and use minimal packaging. Avoid items made of plastic. Buy used textbooks whenever possible.
Walk or Bike to School
Avoid anything plastic, including single-use water bottles and Ziploc bags. Reusable, stainless steel, food and drink containers, as well as lightweight, reusable bamboo utensils, are ideal. Homemade, whole and bulk foods are healthier and much more Earth-friendly compared to prepackaged snacks that are usually wrapped in plastic and jam-packed with sugar and other unhealthy ingredients.
Back to School with the Planet in Mind eco tip
Buy SchoolEco-FriendlySupplies
If the family lives reasonably close to school, encourage kids to walk or bike. For young children that require supervision, enlist one or more adults to lead a convoy of walking or biking kids. School buses and carpooling are the next best eco-friendly choices. When transporting kids by car, make sure to turn the engine off while waiting in the pick-up or drop-off line. Engine idling is a significant air polluter. Pack a
Model StewardshipEnvironmental Show kids that the family embraces an eco-friendly lifestyle. Kids will watch and learn as their parents regularly bring reusable shopping bags to the store, frequent local small businesses, participate in community cleanup efforts and continually search for innovative ways to safeguard the planet.
17September 2022

Although this will be the first in Australia to use the panels, several projects in Europe have been built with the technology, including the world’s largest wooden skyscraper in Skellefteå, Sweden. “It feels urgent to innovate our building technologies to more sustainable methods,” says Kennon. “Collecting solar is a natural trajectory on our large-scale projects, particularly in locations that have great access to sunlight.”
Architect Pete Kennon says, “These things are possible, and the fact that a building can harness the sunlight from its own skin, it sounds like something you dreamed of, or you saw in a cartoon.” Generating 50 times as much power as a typical home rooftop solar array, the solar skin will save an estimated 77 tons of CO2 emissions each year.
A rooftop solar array and 1,182 solar panels on the sides will adorn an eight-story, $40 million, high-rise planned for West Melbourne, Australia, to provide the office building with most of its power. Avancis, a German firm producing glass panels containing solar cells, will supply the solar skin.
Making changes while shopping at supermarkets, restaurants and with delivery apps can change minds about sustainable options and garner public support.
The Curbside Level 2 EV charging program is available to anyone on a first-come, first-serve basis. The person making the request must own or plan to own an EV within the next 12 months, and their existing address must not offer off-street parking (where they could buy their own). Once a request is made, the utility will evaluate the area and ask for input betheychargers,opposeownerspropertyneighboring50IfEVinstallingbeforeneighborsfromanewcharger.morethanpercentofthewillnotinstalled.
Carbon Labels Cut Environmental Impact of Dining
willthings2030,belowemissionstransportation83percent2008levelsbyandtomakeeasier,theyinstallchargers on local utility poles on demand. Seattle City Light will conduct the project as part of a more extensive portfolio of transportation electrification investments and services to help the utility service area transition to zero-emission electric transportation options. Residents can accomplish some emission reductions with public transit, biking, walking and other options, but many still rely on personal vehicles for some trips.
Neoscapebyrendering global
Psychologist Ann-Katrin Betz and her colleagues at Germany’s University of Würzburg studied the design of restaurant menus and tested how adding carbon labels indicating the greenhouse gas emissions per dish and changing the most prominent menu items to foods with a lower impact on the climate affected the choices people might make when dining out.
When people were given menus with the low-emission option as the default, the share of high-emission choices decreased by an average of 31.7 percent. When given menus with carbon labels, the emissions associated with their dish choices averaged 13.5 percent lower per dish. Combining carbon labels with prominent placing for lowemission options appears to have the greatest effect. Other strategies might include increasing the availability of plant-based options; making them more prominent elsewhere (the meat aisle); and renaming veggie options to make them sound more appealing (slow-roasted, butternut squash and seasonal vegetable lasagna versus vegetarian lasagna). Multiple practices are needed to persuade people to adopt sustainable diets, so all of these methods are just the beginning of a shift away from highemission food by overcoming unconscious barriers.
As people switch to electric vehicles (EV) to reduce their emissions, some homeowners and apartment dwellers without infrastructurechargingare at a disadvantage. The city of Seattle set a goal to reduce
18 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Electric Vehicle Chargers on Utility Poles
Australian Office Building to Feature Solar Facade

AfterWindHurricane-ResilientTurbinesModeledPalmTrees posehurricanesAtlanticrisks to renewable energy wind turbines, and researchers at the University of oftheendowedPao,models.moredevelopingBoulderColorado-areresilientLucythePalmerchairinDepartmentElectrical,Computer and Energy Engineering, says, “We are very much bio-inspired by palm trees, which can survive these hurricane conditions.” Traditional upwind turbine blades face into the wind, so the blades must be stiff, which requires more material and increases cost. Blades on downwind rotors face away from the wind, with less chance of hitting the tower when the winds pick up, so they can be lighter and more flexible, requiring less material. Downwind blades can also bend, instead of break, like palm trees do.
Over the last six years, Pao’s team, in conjunction with collaborators at the University of Virginia, the University of Texas at Dallas, the Colorado School of Mines and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, have collaborated to develop the Segmented Ultralight Morphing Rotor turbine, a twobladed, downwind rotor, to test the concept in action. The researchers found that their turbine performed consistently and efficiently during periods of peak wind gusts. Mandar Phadnis, lead author of a study in Proceedings of the 2022 American Control Conference, says, “The blades are manufactured to be lightweight and very flexible, so they can align with the wind loads.”
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19September 2022

Age Is Not Just a Number
Researchers are now understanding what factors can turn on positive gene expressions and turn off those that may activate life-threatening diseases.
“Bio age is how fast our bodies are aging, and aging is the main risk factor for all diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and neurodegenerative
Until recently, age was determined by the year on our birth certificate, but “bio age” is the new number to pay attention to. It might not only predict health outcomes down the road, but also add years to our lives. In groundbreaking work in 2017, anti-aging researcher Steven Horvath at the University of California, Los Angeles, used algorithms to calculate biological age on the basis of how extensively our genome is modified by a process called DNA methylation.
Functional medicine, with its focus on the biology-based root causes of disease, is also a rising star in the arena of age reversal. No matter which path we follow to aging vibrantly, the most inspiring takeaway is that lifestyle, not genes, determines destiny. “On average in the United States, the last 16 years of life are spent with multiple diagnoses and on multiple medications. We are giving our hard-earned money to pharmacies, hospitals and nursing facilities,” says Kara Fitzgerald, a naturopathic doctor in Newtown, Connecticut, and the author of Younger You: Reduce Your Bio Age and Live Longer, Better. She and other researchers contrast “lifespan”, the years from birth to death, to “healthspan”, the years spent in good health free of age-related disease and disability. “Lifespan is not necessarily healthspan, and we can change that,” she says.
contrastwerkstatt/ 20 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Longevity, a human quest through the ages, is now a hot topic among scientific researchers that assert there has never been a better time to maximize our potential for metabolic renewal. Biological age—the state of our health at the cellular level—is in the spotlight, as are the anti-aging benefits of science-supported phytonutrients, cell-rejuvenating foods and safe, non-surgical, stem cell procedures.

The results, published last year in the journal Aging, showed that three years of bio age were reduced in the target group in just eight weeks compared to the control group. “What we eat, our stress load and our response to it, the quality of the air we breathe and if we exercise are all drivers or reducers of our bio age. Knowing this, we absolutely need to take responsibility for our lives,” says Fitzgerald. This bio age reversal is good news when we look at the grim statistics. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Cancer Society, approximately 610,000 people die of heart disease in this country each year and more than 600,000 Americans are predicted to succumb to cancer this year alone. Molecular Magic Harvard genetics professor David Sinclair, author of the seminal Lifespan: Why We Age—And Why We Don’t Have To, discovered antioxidant-rich resveratrol in grapes in 2003. Since then, he and other researchers have found additional compounds with the ability to activate longevity pathways. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD, or B3), a coenzyme involved in many metabolic processes essential to life, has been shown to rejuvenate aging mice, increasing energy-producing mitochondria in the cells and fortifying muscle mass. The body makes less NAD as we age, but research suggests that intermittent fasting, exercise and heat saunas can stimulate this youth-preserving molecule. NADboosting supplements are also on the market, but consuming foods like naturally fermented sauerkraut, raw milk, nutritional yeast and pumpkin seeds is also a good strategy.
Kathleen Boyle,
disorders,” says Fitzgerald, noting that only 10 to 20 percent of longevity outcomes are genetic. Fitzgerald and her team drove this point home with the first randomized, controlled study on the power of lifestyle and diet to turn back the biological age clock. Based upon functional medicine, the program enrolled 18 healthy men between ages 50 and 72 in a target group and 20 in a control group. Those in the target group ate a nutrient-rich diet, slept seven hours a night, practiced relaxation techniques and took supplemental probiotics and phytonutrients. They ate only between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., exercised for at least 30 minutes five days a week, avoided sweets and consumed two cups of dark, leafy, greens and three cups each of cruciferous vegetables and colorful vegetables daily, as well as six ounces of animal protein.
DO Board-Certified in Family Medicine Certified in Aesthetic Medicine Dr. Katie will work with you using a personalized approach to determine which of the latest, non-surgical, aesthetic treatment options will rejuvenate your skin and return your youthful glow for a natural result. Facials • Fillers • Microinjections • Microneedling Collagen Induction Therapy • and more Find out what approach is right for you! Book your FREE initial consultation and save with this month’s specials. Do You Have Wrinkles, Loss of Volume, Sagging Skin? 1398 Palm Bay Rd N • Palm Bay • 321-676-8194 I want every patient to feel and look their best! -Dr. Katie THIS MONTH’S SPECIALS • $100 off SaltFacial • $10 per unit Botox & Xeomin • $100 off a Syringe of Filler 21September 2022

The Trifecta of Acid, Inflammation and Stress
SIRT6, an enzyme in close relationship with NAD and responsible for many molecular anti-aging processes, including DNA repair, is abundant in seaweeds, especially the strain Fucus vesiculosus, commonly known as bladder wrack. Research published in the journal Marine Drugs in 2017 indicates bladder wrack’s anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral properties, as well as its potential to protect the liver and normalize high blood sugar and blood pressure.
Fisetin, a powerful flavonoid found in certain foods like strawberries, peaches, apples, persimmons, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers, rivals ever-beneficial quercetin. Research published last year in the European Journal of Pharmacology cites fisetin’s numerous potential benefits for neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and vascular dementia.
Eating to reduce inflammation is key, and there is power on our plates when we add some of Fitzgerald’s longevity boosters like turmeric, green tea, shitake mushrooms, wild-caught salmon, eggs, liver and sunflower seeds. A study last year in Experimental No matter which path we follow to aging vibrantly, the most inspiring takeaway is that lifestyle, not genes, determines destiny.
Handmade: Soaps • Salves • Lotions Teas • Tinctures Custom Herbal Formulations Private Consultations and More... Hours: 11am-6pm • 11am-4pmTuesday-Friday•Saturday Celebrating 23 Years with Traditional Herbalism Ongoing Classes ..........................................Available Joanna Helms, BA, RH (AHG) Registered Herbalist American Herbalist Guild 321-779-4647 1300 Pinetree Dr, Suite 3 • Indian Harbour Beach A n O A sis f O r Y O ur W ell -B eing Check out our specials posted weekly at: Have a Happy & Safe Labor Day! 10% OFF For military, active duty, first responders and retired. Thank you for your service. 22 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Fitzgerald concurs, “Excessive inflammation—an imbalanced immune response—accelerates the aging process, and it increases with stress. Stress is the gasoline on the fire of aging.”
“Uric acid levels above 5.5 milligrams per decilitre trigger the body to raise the blood pressure, increase the blood sugar, become insulin-resistant and increase the formation and storage of body fat,” he says. “Central to regaining metabolic health and reducing risk for metabolic conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, coronary artery disease and Type 2 diabetes is reining in uric acid.”
Chronic, unmanaged stress is a major factor in physical and mental decline due to elevated levels of cortisol. “Stress threatens the health and diversity of our gut bacteria, leading to increased gut permeability, a central mechanism underlying widespread inflammation, which is the cornerstone of all chronic degenerative conditions,” says Perlmutter. “Those conditions as a category are ranked by the World Health Organization as the number one cause of death on our planet today.”
Chronic systemic inflammation is now understood to be the physiological springboard for most diseases ranging from cancer to depression, but its connection to uric acid is critical in producing free radicals that accelerate aging. “Unfortunately, most doctors look upon uric acid solely as a risk marker for gout. We now recognize that uric acid serves as a powerful signal in the body to prepare for food and water scarcity,” says neurologist David Perlmutter, author of The New York Times bestseller Grain Brain and the recent Drop Acid, a guide to lowering uric acid in the body.

In the daily survival game, the body’s stem cells generate specialized cells to replace those throughout the body that are damaged and dying. This ongoing repair process slows down as we advance in years, but cutting-edge procedures offer new hope for conditions ranging from arthritis to age-related brain fog.
Marlaina Donato is an author, composer and painter. Connect at
Radical WithoutRenewalSurgery
“While stem cell treatment has been quite effective, it is important to remember that avoiding chemicals in the environment, exercising vigorously and maintaining a low BMI [body mass index] are clearly the most important factors in good health,” advises Prodromos.
23September 2022
“Stem cells improve DNA methylation and telomere length, and result in a reduced physiologic age compared to your chronologic age,” says Chadwick Prodromos, a Chicago-based, boardcertified orthopedic surgeon and the founder of the Prodromos Stem Cell Institute, in Antigua. “Joint replacements are offered quite liberally nowadays, but most of our patients with severe arthritis who were offered joint replacements do well in our care without them for virtually any joint in the body.” Prodromos and his team combine umbilical cord-derived stem cell treatment (non-embryonic/fetal) with specially selected nutritional supplements and in some patients, platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acid injections.
Even with exciting advances in the promotion of long life, experts are unanimous in stressing that going into our golden years disease-free begins and ends with individual lifestyle choices, starting with what we put in our mouths. “Diet is the most critical variable in terms of our metabolic destiny. It’s been said that a person can’t exercise away a poor diet, and there’s great wisdom in this statement,” says Perlmutter.
Discover the World with Great Vacation Packages! Ask about our September specials, such as: AMA Waterways free air or 20% savings on all 2022 Europe or Asia cruises! Expires 9/30/22 Begin Your Adventure Today! Call MARLENE321.890.7410POTTS,OWNERMCPDestinationsInc.commarlene.potts@cruiseplanners.commarlene.potts/7792 FLST# 39068 • CST# 2034468-50 • HST# TAR-7058 • WAST# 603-399-504 Gerontology reported that the amino acid L-theanine, found particularly in green tea, reduced oxidative stress, liver degeneration and inflammatory responses in aging rats.

Unlike other food preservation methods such as canning or fermenting, dehydrating food does not require lots of special equipment, tools or skill. “Dehydrating food is super easy to do,” says Carole Cancler, the Hawaii-based author of the Complete Dehydrator Cookbook. “Drying food is more forgiving. You can’t make a lot of mistakes. Canning, if you do it wrong, can make everyone in your family sick.” The only caveat, Cancler says, is that food not thoroughly dried will get moldy. In humid environments, dehydrated foods must be kept tightly sealed to keep out moisture and prevent mold from forming.
Sliced strawberries, chopped onions or celery are good foods for beginners. “People tend to throw those foods away a lot. They buy them and don’t use it all up before they spoil. Dehydrate leftover strawberries for snacks and dehydrate vegetables to use in soups or stews,” Cancler suggests.
rying food is the oldest known method of food preservation. Middle and Far Eastern cultures have used the sun and wind to dry foods since 12,000 B.C., according to the National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP). Today, the easy availability of food dehydrators offers a convenient way to preserve the fall harvest.
Many types of food can be dehydrated, including fruit, veggies, meat, fish, herbs and nuts. “It’s easier to say what can’t be dehydrated,” Cancler says. “The general rule is you don’t want to dehydrate food that has a high fat content, such as fatty meats or avocados.” They go rancid quickly during storage. While there are dehydrated, high-fat foods sold commercially such as cheese, peanut butter and eggs, these are processed using special equipment and techniques that can’t be copied in a home kitchen.
Getting Started
When using a dehydrator, Skinner advises, turn it on to the appropriate setting and lay the food in a single layer on the trays provided, then let the dehydrator run for a few hours. She usually turns food halfway through to prevent sticking.
Sheila Julson is a freelance writer and regular contributor to Natural Awakenings magazines throughout the country.
When done correctly, dehydrating food is a safe method for maintaining its original state, says Tracey Brigman, NCHFP associate director and University of Georgia clinical assistant professor. “Dehydrators remove the water content in foods, resulting in a low risk of bacteria and spoilage.”
Starter model home food dehydrators, often found at resale stores or rummage sales, can be purchased for about $50. Some have adjustable temperature settings for different kinds of foods. When purchased new, most food dehydrators include recipe booklets.
Almost Anything Can be Dehydrated
Julia Skinner, founder and director of, an online fermentation and food history company, adds that when foods are dehydrated, they shrink and therefore take up less storage space. “They’re great to pack for traveling or for small kitchens. Dehydrating can also concentrate some flavors, such as with dried tomatoes.”
She says that ideal temperatures are 125 to 135 degrees, but most standard ovens only go as low as 170 degrees, which is too warm to dehydrate fruits or vegetables. “Then you must do wacky things like prop the door open to cool down the oven.” The exception, she says, is jerky: “It must be dried at a higher temperature, and lowerend food dehydrator models don’t get hot enough.”
Sun-drying foods outdoors is risky, Brigman cautions, due to varied weather conditions. In addition, insects and air pollution have to be considered. “For safety reasons, consumers should really purchase a food dehydrator. While it may be a high cost when you begin dehydrating, if you are a serious food preserver, it will save you money in the long term,” she says.
conscious eating Food Dehydration Made Easy
Cancler says that in some cases an oven can be used to dehydrate food, but it isn’t the most cost-effective method. “I don’t recommend continued use of the oven, because depending on where you live and the type or size of food being dried, drying can take anywhere from eight to 36 hours. Running an electric or gas range for that long uses a lot of energy.”
24 Space & Treasure Coast Edition

Fresh herbs of choice (basil, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme and dill are all good candidates) String (such as cotton baker’s twine) Rinse off the fresh herbs and pat them dry. Tie the herbs by the stems in small bunches. Hang them upside-down indoors and out of direct sunlight. Depending on the type of herb, they will take several days to a week or longer to dry. When dry, crush herbs with a mortar and pestle or in a clean coffee grinder. Store in glass jars with tight-fitting lids.
Source: National Center for Home Food Preservation
Remove trays from dehydrator when purée is dry, with no sticky areas (about 10 hours—this will be highly dependent on the relative humidity of the drying room). Test for dryness by touching gently in several places near the center of leather; no indentation should be evident. Peel leather from trays while still warm. Leave the second tray on the dehydrator while peeling the first leather, or re-warm leathers slightly in the dehydrator if they cool too much prior to peeling. Cut into quarters, lay on a piece of clean parchment paper about 1 to 2 inches longer at each end of the leather and roll into fruit leather rolls. When cool, twist the ends of the parchment paper tightly to close. Store fruit rolls in an airtight container for short-term storage, up to about 1 month. Leathers should be stored in a cool, dark dry place. For longer storage up to one year, place tightly wrapped rolls in the freezer.
FIND MORE RECIPES ONLINE Cook up some goodness with Advanced Proficiency Rated Activator Methods Chiropractor Treatment for: Headaches • Neck Pain • Back Pain Sciatica • Arm Pain • Leg Pain Nicolai L Hansen BS, DC Rockledge • 321-247-0445 Sherry can help you: • Address all the underlying factors behind your digestive misery. • Review your diet, medications, lifestyle, stress level and much more. • Pinpoint and counteract issues preventing you from feeling as good as you should. • Carefully tailor a plan to your specific needs. Sherry Brescia understands digestive issues from personal IBS experience! She also helps with acid reflux / GERD , diverticulitis , colitis , Crohn’s , constipation , leaky gut , gas and bloating too. Sherry Brescia, MSHN, Holistic Nutritionist, Author and Digestive Health Expert. Say GOODBYE to DIGESTIVE ISSUES! Get help from someone who knows how you feel. 888-724-4366 • Schedule a FREE, no-pressure, 30-minute Initial Consult and jump start your path to success. 25September 2022
4 cups mango purée (from about 4 large, unripe mangoes) 1 cup clover honey ½ tsp ground cinnamon ¼ tsp ground nutmeg ¼ tsp ground cloves Preheat electric dehydrator to 140° F. Wash and peel mangoes, chop roughly into chunks. Purée in blender until smooth. Pass purée through a food mill or sieve; discard any coarse fiber extracted in food mill. Add honey and spices to the purée and mix thoroughly. Lightly spray two fruit roll tray liners from an electric dehydrator with vegetable oil cooking spray. Spread mango mixture evenly to ¼-inch thickness on the trays. Position fruit roll liners on dryer trays and place in dehydrator. Dry continuously for about 10 hours. Maintain dehydrator air temperature steadily at 140° F. (Monitor the dehydrator air temperature periodically with a thermometer.)

n 1967, Tao Porchon-Lynch left a successful Hollywood career as a model and actress to become a full-time yogi in her 50s. At age 87, she added ballroom dancing to her list of passions and at 93, she landed in the Guinness World Records as the oldest yoga teacher on the planet. She continued to teach a weekly yoga class just days before her death at age 101. “I love seeing students realize what is possible,” Porchon-Lynch said in an interview, and her words are an added incentive to reap the many benefits of a regular yoga practice at any age.
According to a 2016 study of 227 participants reported in the journal Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, just 12 minutes of daily gentle yoga over 10 years improved bone mineral density in the spine and upper legs. About four in five participants had osteoporosis or osteopenia (low bone density), indicating that yoga is a good strategy for the 10 million Americans over the age of 50 with osteoporosis and the 44 million with osteopenia.
Whether it involves getting down on a mat or practicing modified poses with the use of a chair, yoga helps us to stay nimble, manage stress, reduce symptoms of depression and tame high blood pressure. Yoga has been around for thousands of years for good reason, and health organizations like the Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center are now recommending the healing modality for a better quality of life. Ancient Moves for Modern Life “What I learned is that we need four essential physical skills to navigate through life as we age—strength, flexibility, balance and agility—and we get that from yoga. We can find independence in our everyday life, and we don’t need a vigorous yoga class to do that,” says Ruth Pipitone, a gentle yoga instructor at various studios and senior centers in Northeastern Pennsylvania. For those that only associate the practice with youthful bodies and hip yoga gear, yoga is a full-spectrum practice. “Anyone can do yoga—gentle yoga, chair yoga and even wheelchair yoga.”
fit body Aging Gracefully
26 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
For Terecita “Ti” Blair, yoga offered a new way of life after a catastrophic automobile accident in 2009. The Denverbased trauma and resilience educator and 2017 SilverSneakers Instructor of the Year says, “Virtually any style or type of yoga can appeal and work well for you today, but not tomorrow. Therefore real ‘yoga’ is about adaptability, and yes, those of us with compromised joints, immune systems, pain, disability and illness can absolutely benefit from yoga.”
Those with conditions ranging from cancer to Parkinson’s disease can reap benefits from an appropriate yoga environment. In 2021, a meta-analysis of 12 studies published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that yoga can increase muscle strength, mobility, balance and lower body flexibility in mature adults. An older study from Temple University showed that Iyengar yoga can improve balance and prevent falls in women over 65 years old.

The Breath of Now
She has taught groups of people, some in wheelchairs and hospital beds, and she “still experienced the entire room shift when breathing together. As long as we are able to consciously notice breath, we can do yoga.” No matter how many trips we take around the sun, tapping into the life force can give us a new perspective. “I use asana (yoga poses) to examine my thoughts and feelings and to find introspection to examine what is happening with myself physically, as well as mentally and emotionally,” says Pipitone.
n Classes are not always billed as “Yoga Over 50” or “Senior” classes. They may be called “Gentle Yoga” or “Yoga Basics,” and participants certainly do not have to be of a certain age to benefit from a deliberate and slower-paced approach. Call local yoga studios to inquire about classes that involve longer warm-ups and a less-intense physical practice.
27September 2022
Stay Connected with your favorite natural health events! It is more important than ever tostay connected with our communityand support a healthy lifestyle. Natural Awakenings’ Online Calendar is the go-to resource to find local and virtual myNaturalAwakenings.comevents.
Beth Spindler, author of Yoga Therapy for Fear, is a featured presenter for Yoga International, leads retreats worldwide and has more than four decades of experience using yoga as a healing modality.
In essence, we deepen as we age, and yoga can meet us on a multidimensional level. “Yoga does not have to mean poses. Possibilities are infinite, and adaptations are unlimited, based upon our needs,” says Blair.
Blair, who specializes in helping others to find emotional equilibrium after trauma, concurs: “The nervous system is symbiotic with the breath, and vice versa. A long, deep inhale and a long, slow exhale can act as an immediate elixir for the nervous system to recognize that, in that moment, we are okay.”
n Warm-ups are probably the most important part of a practice, especially for a more mature body; stiffer joints may take more time to relax, and a fast-paced class is less likely to offer that. Make sure to do warm-ups as part of a home practice, too.
“You become more mindful of what you need to carry with you and what you don’t need to carry with you.”
The keystone of all yoga practice is working with the breath, an action that is naturally compromised by just getting out of bed and into the day’s challenges. “Most adults breathe from their chest. That’s where we activate the stress response of fight, flight or freeze. We need to use the lower lungs, too, so we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system to find calm,” says Pipitone
Connect with Maya Whitman at
A regular yoga practice can support better sleep habits, improve flexibility, increase energy and reduce chronic pain. Do some homework and choose an appropriate class rather andfitnessatshowingthanupthelocalcenterhopingto land in the right one. n Keep it gentle and slow when diagnosed with low bone density or a back, knee or hip condition. Look for a slowerpaced class with a well-trained teacher or yoga therapist that can provide a variety of options. Not every yoga teacher is trained to address osteoporosis, joint replacement or overall muscle stiffness. In a live class, a well-trained teacher can watch for unhealthy knee placement or will notice if someone is holding their breath in a pose.

TOP FOR DOGS AND CATS by Shawn Messonnier natural pet
Healthier Pets
Digestive enzymes are used in supplemental form to improve or increase digestion and nutrient absorption. They can be derived from pancreatic, plant or microbial sources such as bacteria or fungi. Enzymes are important especially when the animal’s digestive processes become exhausted or inefficient, such as during periods of stress or such gastrointestinal diseases as acute gastroenteritis, pancreatitis or either liver or inflammatory bowel disease.
he market for pet products is awash with supplements, so it’s not surprising that it can be challenging to figure out what a dog or cat really needs. The foundation of any healthcare program for dogs and cats, regardless of age and breed, is a healthy diet, well-chosen and appropriate supplements, minimal vaccines and medications, and veterinary check-ups. Basic helpful additions to a pet diet include a vitamin-mineral product, an enzyme and probiotic combination, and a fatty acid. For older animals, a choline supplement may delay the onset of cognitive disorder. Any tweaking of diet and supplements should follow regular testing that may diagnose a disease in its early stages. Here’s an overview of the top basic supplements every dog or cat should have. Vitamins, Minerals and Joint Support
Fatty Acids
Enzymes and Probiotics
To provide immune and antioxidant support, and to bolster digestion, skin and coat health and overall wellness, a basic supplement should contain vitamins and minerals as well as small amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin for joint support.
Probiotics are living, healthy bacteria and yeasts, many of which are a part of a dog’s or cat’s microbiome. They can assist with healing in a variety of ways, including producing healthy fatty acids; decreasing the attachment of harmful bacteria and yeasts to the intestinal walls; increasing antibody production; supporting immunity; restoring healthy GI flora; and reducing inflammation.
A good fatty acid fish oil supplement is also important. There are many brands on the market; some offer the flexibility of being administered either as a liquid (pump) or gel capsule. Phytoplankton, which serves as a food source for fish, is the source of the active ingredients docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Fish oil tends to be derived from cold-water fish rich in EPA and DHA such as wild (not farmed) salmon, mackerel, sardines and herring.
As a result, probiotics are useful for treating dogs and cats with a variety of medical problems, including leaky gut syndrome, acute non-specific gastroenteritis, antibiotic or other medication-induced diarrhea, allergies, stress, obesity, neurodegenerative disorders, high cholesterol levels, inflammatory and irritable bowel disorders, and GI and parasite infestations. Probiotics may also be helpful for middle-aged and older dogs and cats, because GI microbial diversity diminishes with aging.
Enzymes may also be helpful for cancer, allergies and arthritis.
28 Space & Treasure Coast Edition

Under the guidance of a holistic or integrative veterinarian, supplements can add to a dog’s or cat’s health and longevity.
Shawn Messonnier, DVM, owner of Paws & Claws Animal Hospital and Holistic Pet Center, in Plano, Texas, is the author of several books on veterinary medicine.
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This is beneficial for the treatment of heart disease and may reduce atherosclerosis, thrombosis (blood clots), coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, heart failure, sudden cardiac death and stroke. Due to its antiinflammatory effects, fish oil is often used for dogs and cats for the treatment of skin problems, arthritis and cancer, along with heart, inflammatory bowel, autoimmune and kidney diseases. It may reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in cancer patients, decrease cancer growth and metastasis, and reduce wasting in undernourished animals. Choline For dogs and cats 5 years old and up, a choline (phosphatidylcholine) supplement addresses aging changes that affect the brain and can lead to cognitive disorder. Choline is a component of several major phospholipids that are critical for normal cell membrane structure and function. The body uses it to maintain water balance; to control cell growth and gene expression; as a component of lung surfactant; and most importantly, to produce the major nerve transmitter acetylcholine. It may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering homocysteine levels. Choline is used to treat high cholesterol, improve memory and protect the liver. It may prevent fatty liver syndrome (especially in diabetics), help prevent or treat cognitive disorder and support liver function. It may reduce insulin requirements in diabetics and can reduce seizure frequency. Supplements other than these can be used as needed, based on the results of diagnostic testing and regular veterinary health exams. Under the guidance of a holistic or integrative veterinarian, supplements can add to a dog’s or cat’s health and longevity.

OJAYA makes you strong from the inside — so you can get out there to do something even greater. Closely guarded for generations, these classic secrets of the OJAYA “Armor” technique are now revealed to you on our exquisitely beautiful videos — produced with love in the Earthborn Rainforest. Learn OJAYA on our site — start now free. yourself — with an Armor of Clear, Calm Energy ... The Online Self-Paced “Armor”CourseMeditation in just 10-20 minutes.
PROFOUNDLY easier and far more potent than guided meditations, mindful practices, or any tedious efforts to “watch your breath,” the ancient OJAYA Deep Meditation “Armor” technique quickly settles you down into a calm state of deep, blissful, rejuvenating rest. It’s totally effortless, and so powerful that you do not need to meditate long hours. Just 10-20 minutes attacks and dissolves the deep roots of anxiety, lethargy and stress. Brain fog evaporates and your vital energies get recharged in mere minutes — the perfect antidote to the fatigue and frenzy of life in the real world , , , and a rare ancient beauty secret for healthy youthful aging
OJAYA Deep Meditation — the Ancient Anti-Stress, Anti-Anxiety Meditation . . . for Healthy, Youthful Aging OJAYA is the first and only method that I can actually feel the effects when I meditate. — Zoe Hoover,Gordon,Alabama ★★★★★ — not-for-profit School of OJAYA Deep Meditation in the Earthborn Rainforest / US Tel. 641-472-3300 your core inner strength at:

Full Moon Ocean Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Full moon meditation is powerful for releasing things from your life, old negative emotions and thinking, and transformation. Session begins with a Crystal and Tibetan bowl meditation and if weather per mits will go across street to the ocean for silent meditation under the moon. Bring a mat or towel. Led by Anthony Profeta. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic.
Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra with Soundscape – 5:30-7:30pm. Combining the healing properties of sound (singing bowls, chimes, voice, etc.) with Restorative Yoga. Time to allow your body, mind, and spirit to rest, rejuvenate, and re-energize. With the use of props (bolsters, a blanket, and blocks), your body is cradled and supported so that you can completely relax into each pose and ending with Guided Rest Yoga Nidra. All levels welcome. Please bring your own mat and blanket. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. Aquarian
Initiation Rites to Become a Shaman – 11am-6pm. This class is appropriate for everyone beginners to advanced. It helps with all paths and walks of life to have a deeper understanding of your divinity. It strengthens your current modalities and empowers you in any job you have to become the most healed version of yourself. $111 per person, per class. Cha cana Spiritual Center, 2299-B Sarno Rd, Melbourne. 321-610-1698. DEADLINE: All listings must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Calendar events must be submitted online at: Our online calendar is always at your fingertips! Find local events and search for classes at: 321-591-4457
46 North Brevard Ave • Cocoa Beach NourishSundariYogaStudio.comYourPhysical,Emotional,Spiritual&MentalSelf! Offering a variety of yoga styles Amrit • Hatha Vinyasa • Yin Sivananda • Stretch & Restore Drop-in: $10 10 Class Pass: $85 Monthly Events: Guided Meditation Gongs & Sound Healing Crystals Bowls • Kirtan Cliff Shuler Auctioneers & Liquidators, Inc AB#9 Shuler & Shuler Real Estate Auctioneers, Inc. – Debbie Shuler, Lic RE Broker Serving Brevard County & Florida for over 42 years. 321-267-8563 • AUCTIONONLINE Office: 422 Julia St, soldfor@soldfor.comTitusville ENDS SEPT 13 • 6PM LIVE PREVIEW Thursday, Sept 8 • 9-11am at 313 Wilson Ave, Titusville See website for additional preview dates & locations. See website for details on a 1970 ROLLS ROYCE PORT ST. JOHN HOME and other auction items including: Real Estate, Swarovski Crystal, Cars and much more! 31September 2022
Pleiadian Soul Connection Ceremony – 6-9pm. Connect in Ceremony within the physical realm underneath the night sky and connect even deeper with your star family on a soul level! Lauren will be taking us on a Galactic Journey under the starlit sky so we may seamlessly traverse the constellations and connect with our Pleiadian Star Families within this ornate ceremony. $45 per person. The Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B, Sarno Rd., Melbourne. 321-610-1698.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Unity Celebration – 11am. Reception to welcome new Senior Minister Rev. Vernelle Nelson following 10:30am service. Unity of Melbourne is an inclusive, loving environment that focuses on providing practical tools to live a spiritually centered life. Unity of Mel bourne 2401 N. Harbor City Blvd (US 1) Melbourne.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 Reiki 1 Certification Course – 11am-6pm. Reiki 1 with Usui/Holy Fire lll consists of an Attunement/Placement given to the student and teaching by Usui, recognized worldwide. Holy Fire energy is a more refined source of higher consciousness that empowers the energies of the symbols and techniques used in Usui and Karuna Reiki. Topics covered: How Reiki works, The Holy Fire, Chakra functioning and balancing and more. 7 CEU’s for Yoga Alliance teachers. Maria Banas is a certified Reiki Master-Teacher. $160 (book included). Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Ram Mantra: Mantra Chant and Yoga Flow –5:30-7pm. This mantra instills confidence and pro motes peace and harmony. After a brief yoga flow to warm up the body, we chant 108 times, and visualize ourselves surrendering to our inner consciousness and stillness. Led by Leah Dubois. A short medita tion to absorb and process closes the workshop. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Shamanic Mystic Fair Sept 10 – 11am-5pm. We will have 15min reading & healings for $20. Donna Paloy - Aura Paintings Brittany Morley - Tarot Read ings Michelle Sun &; Jayne Bates- Shamanic Healings & Power Animal Retrieval Holly Kaner - Me diumship Readings Nicole Feltovic - Journey Board Readings. Free Admission. The Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B, Sarno Rd., Melbourne. 321-610-1698. Reiki 2 Certification Course – 11am-6pm. Reiki Level II / Usui/Holy Fire III is designed with the inten tion for the student to create a deeper commitment to healing themselves and others. Topics covered: 3 of the 4 primary symbols, Hand positions for healing, Distance healing techniques, Using crystals with Reiki and more. Instructor Maria Banas is a certified Reiki Master Teacher. 7 CEU’s for Yoga Alliance teachers. Please bring a yoga mat or pillow. $185. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
calendar of events SPACE COAST EVENTS
Good Vibrations: Sound Bath Healing Medita tion – 5:30-7pm. During his sound bath meditations, Meditation Teacher Anthony Profeta uses Crystal & Himalayan Singing Bowls, and other instruments to create an environment & experience that will wash away your stress, break loose energy blocks within your energetic system, and allow you to enter a state of relax ation & healing. Please bring a yoga mat or pillow. $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.

8 Week Introduction to Qigong – 6:30-8pm. More than a class, this series covers an entire qigong sys tem including theory, practices and tools. Qigong is the world’s #1 longevity practice and oldest energy art. This series gives all the tools to develop your own personal practice including numerous videos and handouts. Sept. 22-Nov 10. $105 full series, $15 drop-in. Blissful.Energy, 240 S. Wickham Rd, West Melbourne. 321-327-8741.
Sound Intention: Yantras, Mantras; Sacred Ge ometry & Sacred Sounds – 5:30-7:30pm. Practice gentle yoga, Pranayama, set an intention for our practice. Meditate on sacred geometric patterns or Yantras combined with Mantras, sacred sounds, to intensify the vibration of the meditation. Benefits of chanting mantras include Focus the mind; Relax the body; Improve our mood; Achieve our potential; Flourish with creative expression; Experience peace in the present; Raise your vibration; Connect to the divine. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495. AquarianDreams. com/special-events.
Plant Based Nutrition, Chakra Yoga & Reiki Healing – 1-5:30pm. Learn important holistic heal ing remedies available to incorporate into your daily life. The chakra energy system will be described in depth, which helps shed light on how energy block ages can create health issues. A Yoga Practice for the Chakras follows with The Ocean of Holy Love Ex perience. The day culminates with Holy Fire Healing Experience. Led by Maria Banas and Maria Ulbricht. $110 (pre-paid in advance $85). Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic.
$250. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic.
Sacred Sound Immersion Meditation with Crys tal Bowls – 5:30-7pm. Immerse in the healing, bal ancing, relaxing sound waves of the crystal bowls, Tibetan bells, ancient mantras and drum. Sound has a profound power to focus the active mind and to clear and balance the body, allowing you to relax, detach and connect to the divine bliss within. Susan has been using sacred sound to facilitate meditation practice for over 20 years. Very helpful for begin ners and healing for all. $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic.
32 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Deeksha Healing: The Oneness Blessing with Crystal Bowl Meditation – 5:30-7pm. Includes powerful mantra and crystal bowl meditation and Deeksha Blessing, which is a transfer of energy to initiate higher states of consciousness. Brings a shift in perception resulting in clarity and spontaneous feelings of love, joy, peace and inner silence, dis solving negative life patterns and releasing cellular and energetic level traumas facilitating healing with Maria Banas. Bring yoga mat or pillow. $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-7299495.
Trance Meditation for Higher Consciousness
– 5:30-6:45pm. A group meditation session for accessing higher levels of consciousness. Bruce’s background includes: spiritual counseling, astrol ogy (since 1971), hypnotherapy, eastern mysticism, and he apprenticed with well-known spiritual healer, Karmu. Bruce has appeared on The Discov ery Channel, was interviewed on “Meetings with Remarkable People”, and was a frequent speaker at the United Nations. For more information about Bruce, visit $20. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321729-9495.
Thai Yoga Massage Weekend Course – 10am-5pm. Learn to give an hour-long session on the feet alone, while still affecting the whole body through aware stimulation of the sen lines and marma points. Uti lizing both dry and wet massage (with and without oil) as well as a Thai foot stick, to glide the lines and press the points with greater accuracy and pre cision then the hands alone could provide. No prior massage experience required. All are welcome. Led by Ariela Grodner for more information visit Bod 14 CEU’s for Massage therapists. Sunday 10am-5pm. Class size will be limited, and pre-registration is recommended. Please bring yoga mat & blanket. Register online or call 321-729-9495.
New Moon Crystal Bowl Meditation – 5:30-7pm. The Tibetan Meditation Masters say that a New Moon is the perfect time to get in touch with our Higher Self. This is a meditative journey of heal ing, relaxation, & connection. The Crystal Bowls will be played during the entire meditation. Bring yoga mat or pillow. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Reiki 3 / Advanced Reiki Certification Course –11am-6pm. Holy Fire II, Reiki III/Advance Reiki certification and meditation. The student receives the Master Reiki Symbol to be included with the three previous symbols received in Level II. Topics: Reiki and Spirit release, Spiritual protection, World Peace and Crystal Grids and more. Instructor Maria Banas. Bring a yoga mat. $235. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic.
Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra with Soundscape – 5:30-7:30pm. Combining the healing properties of sound (singing bowls, chimes, voice, etc.) with Restorative Yoga. Time to allow your body, mind, and spirit to rest, rejuvenate, and re-energize. With the use of props (bolsters, a blanket, and blocks), your body is cradled and supported so that you can com
Surround Sound: Immersive Sound Healing Expe rience – 6-8pm. The sounds & frequencies of singing bowls and other sound healing tools will help to shift you into the more relaxed brain wave states of alpha & theta; while leaving your physical, mental, and emotional bodies feeling restored, refreshed, and fully aligned. Led by Leah and Anthony. $55. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Healing Reiki Journey: Healing the Inner Child –5:30-7pm. A Reiki journey is a technique we use with the intention to obtain spiritual and inner guidance, information, healing, and empowerment from higher sources of consciousness. The inner child is an expres sion of your child self and your lived experiences of all life stages. Acknowledge your inner child by recogniz ing and accepting things that caused childhood pain and understanding their impact. Led by Maria Banas. Bring: yoga mat or pillow. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic.
Spiritual Intuitive Development and Healing Course – 7-8:30pm. The 8-week course teaches spiritual independence and helps build a strong foun dation to prepare for the more advanced practices. Teachings include: Techniques for balancing the Chakras, Techniques for Reading the Aura, Spirit Guides, Past Life Regression technique, Intuitive Development and more. Cheri Hart is a professional clairvoyant, a Medical Intuitive, and a Certified Master-Healer. Bring a journal and pen. $250 (in cludes handouts & mentoring). Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic.
Kundalini Yoga, Meditation & Deep Gong Healing – 11am-1pm. Class focuses on releasing unconscious patterns and realigning with truth and includes meditation and gong relaxation. Creates deep relaxation and clears the mind; Immediately reduces stress and anxiety; Stimulates circulation and the glandular system and improves function and more. Bring a mat and or blanket. Led by Jessica Martin. $30 or prepaid in advance $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic. 321729-9495.
Journey to Sacred Forms & Shapes– 6-7pm. In this class you will take a guided shamanic journey with Donna Paloy, Shamanic Practitioner, Licensed Coun selor, and Artist. In this journey you will be offered the opportunity to explore the upper world and work with guides to locate a sacred form or shape that wants to help you. $35 per person. The Chacana Spiritual Center, 2299-B, Sarno Rd., Melbourne. 321-610-1698.
Thirsty Third Thursday – 5-8pm. Relax with The Avenue in Central Park at our Thirsty 3rd Thursday. There will be live music, complimentary snacks, and a free drink. The event is free and suitable for all ages. You must check-in with your Invite at The Avenue tent to receive your complimentary drink ticket. Sign up at and receive your Invite by the Tuesday beforehand. Free. Avenues Shopping, 2261 Town Center Ave, Ste 113, Melbourne. Calm Your Anxiety – 7-8pm. You don’t have to spend your time being stressed and anxious. Learn how you can achieve a calmer, balanced state of mind the natural way, without drugs. Dr Walsh speaks at CARE Natural Wellness Center, 1051 Eber Blvd, Suite 102, Melbourne. Free but call 321-728-1387 to register.
pletely relax into each pose and ending with Guided Rest Yoga Nidra. All levels welcome. Please bring your own mat and blanket. $25. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic.
space coast save
5-month course meets monthly for a day of ceremony, healing and
The first step on the Shaman’s journey is the Munay Ki Rites. Munay Ki is a Peruvian word that means Love in Action. This class can be the initial step in a Shamanic Apprenticeship or an experience to enhance and transform your daily life. As a Munay Ki Student you will: Enhance your spiritual gifts Heal wounds of the past Transform your energy field enabling a new body that ages, heals and dies differently. This covering rites of Munay Ki.
Explore the World of SHAMANISM
Admission to the American Muscle Car Museum
Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher Certification Course – 5:30-9pm. Combines both Advanced Reiki Training {ART} / Reiki III, and Reiki Master Train ing. You will be able to initiate students into all levels of Reiki including full Reiki Master Teachers. Taught as the Usui/ Holy Fire III style of Reiki combination. Led by Maria Banas. (Required: Reiki 1 & Reiki II certifications). Saturday 11am - 6pm, Sunday 12:30 - 5:30pm. (Discount rate for Maria Banas’ former Reiki 3 graduates: $579). Register online or call. $825 or $775 pre-paid in advance. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 13th Annual Landscaping with Florida Na tives Tour – 9am. Tour and observe and explore wonderful native plant landscapes at a variety of locations. This year there are six homes, one large commercial space, one public space, and one Brevard County Environmentally Endangered Lands site available for you to tour and learn about Florida native plants. Native plants are important to preserve our wildlife, pollinators and local heritage as well as requiring much less maintenance, water, and fertilizer, which benefits our local environment and the Indian River La goon. Conradina is the local chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society. $10. Purchase tickets on Eventbrite.
Discover Healing Tools & Community Connection at THE CHACANA SPIRITUAL CENTER CRYSTAL & GIFT SHOP Crystals • ReikiJewelrySmudge&PeruvianShamanicTools SHAMANIC SCHOOL Adult & Children’s Classes: Sounds Bowls • Art • Anxiety Death Doula • Tarot Spiritual Mentorship FREE EVENTSCOMMUNITY Moon Men’sDespachoCeremoniesCeremonies&Women’sGroups CALL 321-610-1698 or VISIT to learn more and register for classes. 2299-B Sarno Road • Melbourne Shamanic Healings Available NEXT STARTSSERIESOCT9 33September 2022
Empower Your Life • Find Your Path
Become the most healed version of yourself.
“Come and join in the fun while supporting our efforts and commitment to helping individuals impacted by domestic violence,” says President and CEO Beverly DeMeyer. Serene Harbor has served Brevard County for 30 years, providing emergency shelter, a 24/7 confidential hotline (321-726-8282), counseling services, transporta tion, relocation assistance, support groups, legal advocacy, outreach programs, referrals and assis tance programs to survivors of domestic violence To register for the event, go to Events or call 321-537-2544. . $100. American Muscle Car Museum, 3500 Sarno, Melboune.
the 9 ceremonial
the date
Running Wild 5K – 7:30am-Noon. Race benefitting Florida Wildlife Hospital., a nonprofit organization dedicated to Florida’s native wildlife in need. Also seeking race sponsorships. Register at $25 - $28. 321-254-8843. Wickham Park 2500 Parkway Dr. Melbourne. Serene Harbor’s Casino Night 2022 – 5-9pm. Includes free food and drinks, fun casino games, a silent auction, and prize packages to be raffled.

Healthy U Series: A Series of Conversations. – 6:30-8pm. Presented by Gretchen Raziela, Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner (civilian), Port St. Lucie Police Department. Identify what bullying is and what motivates the action; recognize the various ways bullying is implemented and the resulting mental health impacts for the bullied; develop an action plan to stop the activity and engage healing resources. Sessions are free, and available in-person at the Community Center, 2195 SE Airoso Blvd., Port St. Lucie, 772-878-2277. Free. Port St. Lucie Community Center, 2195 SE Airoso Blvd, Port St. Lucie.
34 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 & SEPTEMBER 17 Kids Yoga at the Gardens – 10-10:45am. Fun and engaging class for children of all ages and their fami lies. The instructor aims to teach kids about their so cial and emotional development, using breath-work and movement to teach children about themselves. Classes are $5 per child and limited to 15 children per class. Parents do not need to register but must be present. Also, on September 17. $5 per child. Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens, 2410 SE Westmoreland, Port St. Lucie. 772-337-1959.
Mentored By Nature – 10-11:30am. Join us every other Thursday at 10AM as we sit and go within to travel to unseen realms and practice the art of turning knowledge into wisdom. It is here, in this space, that you can begin to dream a new world into being. $45. Herbs & Owls: Herbal Consults, Classes & Herb Shop - Jupiter, FL, 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
Mentored By Nature – 10-11:30am. Join us every other Thursday as we practice going within to the sound of the sacred drum. Journey to unseen realms and practice the art of turning knowledge into wisdom. It is here, in this space, that you be come the visionary of your own life. $45. Herbs & Owls: Herbal Consults, Classes & Herb Shop, 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
Intro to Tarot Part 1 & 2 – 6:30-8:30pm. Have you always wanted to understand the difference between Tarot and Oracle cards. Join us for this 2-part workshop. Learn the basics on Tarot card meanings, what do Tarot cards repre sent. Oracle card guides and messages. Which deck would best suit you. Wednesdays Sept 14 & 21. $20 per person. Divine Soul Wellness, 2818 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd, Port St. Lucie. 954-646-4374.
7 Key ways to Awaken your Intuitive Abilities – 6:308pm. Are you aware of inner guidance and would like to learn how to trust it and take action? Have you had experiences of synchronicity that cannot be explained but proved to be very beneficial? Then this is the class for you! Allow Tess to teach you how to increase your radar and use this guidance for grace and ease. $25.
Spirit Speaks With Medium Beth Lynch –6-8pm. Beth Lynch is an intuitive consultant, medium, author and founder of Inner Light Teachings. Her group sessions are each unique; prepare for an evening of inspiration, connection, and channeled messages from your loved ones in Spirit. Facilitated by HI Mindfulness Forums. $ 45 pp. Elliot Museum, 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart.
Healthy U Series: A Series of Conversations. –6:30-8pm. Presented by Anne Posey, LMHC, NCC, Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital Behavioral Health Center. Become knowledgeable on statistics related to suicide; understand the risk factors related to suicide; develop three strategies for talking with some one who might be contemplating suicide. Sessions are free, and available in-person at the Community Center, 2195 SE Airoso Blvd., Port St. Lucie, 772-878-2277. Free. Port St. Lucie Community Center, 2195 SE Airoso Blvd, Port St. Lucie.
Bewitched & Hocus Pocus Costume Party – 6:30-8:30pm. Join us for a 2-part series of some Magical Fun. Part 1 Bewitched: Bring out your “Witchy” side with Magical Crafting, Love Magik Red Witches Salt Ritual Candles. Part 2 on Saturday October 29 Dress up in your favorite Hocus Pocus costume and enjoy- herbs, potions, brews, treats. Follow your broomsticks to Divine Soul Wellness located in Port St Lucie $25. Please reserve your space by calling/texting Rachel Stevens @954-646-4374 or email Divi $25 . Divine Soul Wellness, 2818 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd, Port St. Lucie. 954-646-4374.
Special Service of Prayer, Music, Meditation and Message – 7pm. Our theme this year is “Holding the High Watch.” The affirmation to help each of us live out this theme in our own life is: “I pray with an elevated mind and open heart, seeing the best and knowing all is well.” Free. Unity of Fort Pierce, 3414 Sunrise Blvd, Fort Pierce. 772-4612272.
Spirit Fest: Metaphysical and Holistic Fair – 10am-5:30pm. Enjoy 70 booths with vendors, practitioners, intuitive readers, artists, and demonstrations. Something for everyone. Speakers throughout both days on a variety of topics. Entrance fee: Vendor opportunities still available. $12. Children 12 & under free. MID FLORIDA Credit Union Event Center 9221 SE Civic Center Place, Port Saint Lucie.
Sound of Soul Event – 11am-noon. It will be an online zoom, or teleconferencing event .. Please join us to Experience HU, the Sound of Soul. Chanting the word HU can bring peace, calm, expanded awareness. After an inspirational quote, we chant the word HU for twenty minutes followed by a time of silent contemplation then a spiritual dis cussion. The Zoom link/ dial-in information will be sent to those that RSVP to by September 10th. Free. Heroes of Love and Light – Noon-1:30pm. Join us for our Candlelight Reiki Healing Circle in remem brance of 911 and our loved ones. We will start with a guided heart healing meditation, reiki energy healing, closing with affirmations of gratitude. Love donation. Facilitated by Divine Soul Wellness in Port St Lucie. Please reserve your space by calling/texting Rachel Stevens @954-646-4374 or email DivineSoulWell Love donation. Divine Soul Well ness, 2818 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd, Port St. Lucie. 954-646-4374.
Aerial Restorative Yoga Teacher Training – 10am-4pm. Explore the evolution of yoga into 3-dimen sional space. This body, mind, spirit course provides everything you need to instruct a safe and challenging Aerial Restorative Yoga class to students of all levels. Every asana, vinyasa sequence, and aerial hammock technique is taught with clear progressions. This class allows you to present multiple distinct, flowing Aerial Restorative Yoga classes. Limited spots available, sign up today! . Call for pricing. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Ste 112, Port St. Lucie. 772-877-2122.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Benefits of Self-Healing 111 – 6:30-8:30pm. Curi ous on how to bring your mind, body and soul to a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being, and raise your positive vibrations? Join us for an educational basic overview on the benefits of Meditation, Chakra Alignment and Reiki Energy Healing. Facilitated by Divine Soul Wellness in Port St Lucie. Please re serve your space by calling/texting Rachel Stevens @954-646-4374 or email DivineSoulWellness@ . $10. Divine Soul Wellness, 2818 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd, Port St. Lucie. 954-646-4374.
Healthy U Series: A Series of Conversations. – 6:30-8pm. Presented by Anne Posey, LMHC, NCC, with Cleveland Clinic Indian River County Behavioral Health Center. Become knowledgeable on statistics related to depression; learn 3 risk factors for depression and related symptoms; learn 3 treatment options for depression. Sessions are free, and available in-person at the Community Center, 2195 SE Airoso Blvd., Port St. Lucie, 772-878-2277. treasure coast save the date
Flower Essence Chakra Meditation – 10:3011:15am. Treat yourself to the healing benefits of a Flower Essence Guided Meditation where you’ll experience the subtle energies of flower essences as you are guided through a grounding and relaxing meditation. You’ll leave feeling rooted, relaxed and re freshed. $25. Herbs & Owls: Herbal Consults, Classes & Herb Shop – Jupiter 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Hello from Heaven Group Message Circle – 6:308pm. Allow Tess, the Treasure Coast Medium to con nect you to the world of spirit. Learn about the signs that your loved ones leave you. Get answers to your most important questions regarding your life now. Tess will channel your loved ones and pets no longer in the physical. Not everyone may receive a message but everyone will be touched by the overwhelming vibration of Love that is always present. . $45. p/p cash. Northgate Plaza, 611 SW Federal Hwy, Suite K-1, Stuart.
Intro to Herbal Medicine – Noon-1pm. Curious about herbalism? Come discover what herbal medicine is, how herbs are used, and ways to select helpful herbs. You’ll also discover how vibrational flower essences and earth-based practices fit into a holistic health model that aims to address the whole person. Free. Herbs & Owls: Herbal Consults, Classes & Herb Shop - Jupiter 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Mentored By Nature – 10-11:30am. Join us every other Thursday at 10AM as we sit and go within to travel to unseen realms and practice the art of turning knowledge into wisdom. In this space, that you can begin to dream a new world into being. To become the visionary of your own life. $45. Herbs & Owls: Herbal Consults, Classes & Herb Shop – Jupiter 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
DRUMTUESDAYSFRIDAYS&REIKICIRCLES• Tuesday and Friday Night Reiki and Drum Circles • Workshops and Readings INSPIRATION • GUIDANCE • TEACHERS • TOOLS THE METAPHYSICALCOAST’STREASUREPREMIERHUB Candles • Sage • Incense • Oils Orbs • Astrology • Stones & Crystals • Tarot • Books Singing Bowls • Dream Catchers • Jewelry • Tapestries • Gifts 6993 Hancock Dr. Port St. Lucie, 772-877-210234952 127 N. 2nd St. Ft. Pierce, 772-302-381434950 3186 NW Federal Hwy Jensen Beach, 772-208-559234957 Deborah A. DeMarta, MD Pelvic Floor physio is the first line of defense for: • Urinary Incontinence • Postpartum Weakened Muscles • Sexual Health (Men & Women) • Erectile KegelscomparableeffectivelyDysfunctionstimulatespelvicfloormuscles,to11,000inonetreatment. 3 Fully-clothed 3 Non-invasive 3 No downtime 3 FDA-approved “With EMsella, I can jump, laugh, sneeze & run, without the fear of leaking.” INSTITUTE OF HEALTH & WELLNESS 218 SW Atlanta Avenue • Stuart, FL Located on the water in beautiful downtown Historic Stuart 772-539-9556 • 35September 2022
Qi Gong – 10:30-11:15am. Qi Gong is known for its many health benefits for body, mind and spirit. It promotes an overall sense of well-being, vital ity and inner calm through a system of coordinated slow-flowing movements, breathing and meditation. It cultivates and balances Qi/chi (life- energy) in the body. $25. Herbs & Owls: Herbal Consults, Classes & Herb Shop – Jupiter 725 N. Highway A1A, D-103, Jupiter. 561-768-9005.
ECK Light and Sound Service – 4-5pm. An ECK Light and Sound Service online is a celebration of God’s love for Soul: usually a HU chant, a guest speaker, uplifting music and discussions. Each service lasts about an hour and is designed to help individuals have their own experience with the creative spiritual life force, the Light and Sound of God. People of all backgrounds and beliefs are welcome. Please RSVP by September 24 to receive the information to attend: 772-223-1188 or at . Free.

START A CAREER YOU CAN BE PASSION ATE ABOUT. Publish your own Natural Awaken ings magazine. Home based business complete with comprehensive training and support system. New franchises are available or purchase a magazine that is currently publishing. Call 239-530-1377 or visit
Yin Yoga – 12:30-1:45pm. Yin Yoga with Marilyn allows a gentle opening of the body using props to support the pose held for 4-5 minutes. Reiki Healing will be offered to each student during the class and end with the meditative sound bath with crystal bowls. All Levels. Please bring your own mat. $12 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit:,414N.MiramarAve.(HwyA1A),321-729-9495.
TREASURE COAST Barre Above – 8:30am. Join Mary Gucciardo for Barre Above, a new addition to her 2 weekday classes, this class will focus more on releasing tight muscles and preparing for the week ahead $19 drop in or packages available at Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444.
DENTAL ASSISTANT. Holistic-minded dental assistant needed in high-tech office. Radiol ogy, tech savvy, and computer skills needed for clinical with light administrative duties. Willing to learn and pick-up new skills quickly is required. Certification, Expanded Functions, and/or Orth odontic experience preferred, but willing to train.
Evening Hatha Yoga – 6-7:15pm. End your Monday on a blissful note. Peaceful flowing yoga to relax the body and mind. $10 drop in or 10 classes for $85. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-591-4457.
DONATIONS NEEDED FOR WILD FLORIDA RESCUE (WFR) – WFR provides safe and compassionate emergency first response service for wildlife in need of urgent medical attention. They operate on the generosity of our community. Visit to donate, “adopt” an animal (virtually), or to set your amazon smile charity to WFR. 321-821-7881.
FOR SALE. Currently publishing Westchester/Put nam/Dutchess NY edition of Natural Awakenings. Find more information about purchasing this exist ing franchise at
Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach – 10-11am. Join us for our Sunday Celebration Service and be blessed by a morning of spiritual insight, inspiration, fellowship, and community. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there. Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beach, 950 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach. 772-562-1133.
All Levels Warm Vinyasa Flow – 10am. A gently heated room helps to loosen the muscles to help you expand your postures and work more deeply. In our flow classes you will find breath work, meditation and asana (postures) It is a moving meditation where you are en couraged to focus on your breath and proper alignment as we move and flow together. All-levels classes are tailored for every student. $19 drop in or packages available at Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAREER OPPORTUNITY . The CAPRA nationally accredited Port St. Lucie Parks & Recreation Department is seeking energetic, customer service-oriented candidates to serve the community part-time in our two fitness centers, located at the Community Center on Airoso Blvd. and the MIDFLORIDA Event Center on US1. Serious candidates should have at least one year of experience in fitness and be able to acquire their Personal Training Certification 90 days from hire. For more information about this position, please visit:
Location: Indian Harbour Beach. Email resume to
classifieds 36 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
Gentle Hatha Yoga – 11am-12pm. Traditional yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation to bring back balance and healing to body, mind and spirit. Accessible to all ages and body types. Led by Cindy. Please bring your own mat. $12 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit:,414N.MiramarAve.(HwyA1A),321-729-9495.
Sound Practitioner for more information or sign up on the website: 786-488-7782.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Can you spare two hours a week to deliver meals to Brevard’s most frail seniors? The work is very rewarding and only you can put a smile on the face of those seniors who are homebound. If interested, please call the Meals on Wheels office at 321-639-8770.
SPACE COAST Yoga in the Village – 10-11am. Yoga has been known to cause health and happiness. We’ll touch on all the major muscle groups with internal focus and deeper awareness, also we can work on any area that may be of concern to you on that day. Our full schedule and discount packages are available online at or for more information call 321-544-8541. $15. The Zen Room, 631 Brevard Ave, Suite C, Cocoa Village.
Sunday Sound Healing at The Elliott Museum – 2-3pm. Explore the benefits of sound vibration of gongs, crystal bowls, chimes and drums on our physical and emotional well-being. Participants are asked to lie down or sit (request a chair) and are taken on a journey of resonating sounds, altering their brain waves frequencies and allowing for healing to occur. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket, and pillow; and wear comfortable clothes. Contact Deena Rahill Certified on going DEADLINE:events All listings must be received by the 10th of the month prior to publication. Calendar events must be submitted online at: Our online calendar is always at your fingertips! Find local events and search for classes at:
ORGANIC HERBAL INFUSION TEAS - Get Targeted Herbal Teas For The Liver, Kidney, Lymph/Blood, Pancreas, Prostate, Appendix & More. 954-459-1134.
TREASURE COAST Warm Vinyasa - 6am. Participate in this challenging and dynamic flow, combining breath with movement to awaken strength, concentration, energy and bal ance in a fun atmosphere as we quickly transition from one pose to the next, all-in tune with your breath. Open to students of all levels. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Set 112, Port St Lu cie. 772-877-2122. Book online at JustBreatheAeri or through the MindBody App. Unheated Hatha Flow Yoga - 8:15-9:15am. This gentle practice involves breath, body, and mind. Breathing, yoga poses and meditation to relieve stress
Children’s Yoga (age 3 & up) – 2-3pm. This positive and fun class includes traditional yoga, conscious games, affirmation songs, peaceful breathing tech niques, leading to a relaxing guided meditation. Mari lyn Diaz is a certified Kidding Around Yoga (KAY) teacher and a Hatha Yoga instructor registered with Yoga Alliance Please bring your own mat. $12 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit:,414N.MiramarAve.(HwyA1A),321-729-9495.
Unity of Ft Pierce – 10am. Positive path for spiritual living, inclusive community, inspiring holistic spirit-led living. Rev. Janice Cary uses stories, scripture and ancient wisdom teachings, meditation and music to support peo ple to live an empowered life. Uni-tot program teaches children self-esteem and life skills to thrive. In the sanc tuary or the service can be viewed through VIRTUAL OPTION: Facebook Live Stream at fortpierce/. Unity of Ft. Pierce 3414 Sunrise Blvd. Fort Pierce. 772-461-2272.
DENTAL ADMINISTRATIVE FRONT DESK CLERICAL PATIENT COORDINATOR. Holistic mindset/lifestyle and/or willing to learn a holistic approach to whole-body dental care. Administrative duties include running the office fi nancials, insurance research and claims follow-up, keeping patient accounts current. Light market ing duties. Dental experience and knowledge of Dentrix preferred, but willing to train. Location: Indian Harbour Beach. Email resume to PR@
$30. 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart.
and support healthy habits. Led by Michelle Redlein. $19 drop in or packages available at Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444. Qigong Level 1 – 9-10am. A healing workout. Held Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Environmental Learning Center 255 Live Oak Dr, Vero Beach. Call 772-589-5050, Visit sign up. Mem bership discounts available. Chair Yoga – 10-11am. For seniors and those with limited mobility. Enjoy stretching for relaxation and ease of movement with Lana. Chair yoga is helpful for those who find it difficult to get up and down off the floor. $5 per class Unity of Port St Lucie, 8645 US Hwy 1, Port St. Lucie. 845-489-7976. Zoom Qigong– 10:30-11:30am. Held on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Call 772-4536449, Email or visit to sign up. Discounted class packages available. Chair Yoga – 3-4pm. Relax and stretch using contempo rary yoga styles. Call Yogi Kathleen at 203-232.9763 to register. $10 per class. Unity of Fort Pierce, 3414 Sunrise Blvd, Ft. Pierce. 772-461-2272. Monday Yoga at The Botanical Gardens – 6-7pm. Using the principals of Yoga Asana, Instructor Dale Johnson helps students learn to move more freely and with less pain. Class focuses on alignment, stillness, concentration, breath, and lightness. Please bring yoga mat, water, and towel. Members Free, Non-Members $10. Registration required at Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens, 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd., Port St. Lucie. A Course in Miracles Study Group – 7-8:15pm. Join us in our sanctuary and experience the miracle of a shift in perception. Everyone is invited, newcomers welcome. Bring your book or we have some to share. (Love-Offering appreciated). In person. Facilitated by Kathryn Joy. Unity of Fort Pierce, 3414 Sunrise Blvd, Ft. Pierce. 772-461-2272.
Vinyasa Yoga Flow – 5:30-6:30pm. Create Strength and flexibility with Shelly, Flow to let go! $10 drop in or 10 classes for $85. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-591-4457.
Beginner Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. Flow at a slow pace and explore the foundation yoga postures with a focus on alignment, safety and modifications to a moving soundtrack of music. Straps, blocks & wedges pro vided. Drop ins $16, class cards, packages and new student special available. Kula Yoga, 230 E. Merritt
Intermediate Qigong and Tai Chi – 9-10am. A healing workout. Held Tuesdays and Thursdays at Environmental Learning Center 255 Live Oak Dr, Vero Beach. Call 772-589-5050, Visit DiscoverELC. org sign up. Membership discounts available. Life Raft – 2-4pm. A low-cost fitness program specifi cally designed for individuals in substance use disorder recovery programs. Offered in an open and welcoming environment for those seeking physical, social and mental well-being while in recovery. $10 per month. For more information call 772-807-4499. Located in the Hu mana Fitness & Wellness Center at the MidFlorida Event Center, 9221 SE Event Center Place, PSL. CityofPSL. com/government/department/parks-recreation/fitness
Kundalini, Healing & Meditation – 12:30-1:30pm. A blend of beginners Kundalini awakening Kriyas, energy clearing meditations and a range of breath ing techniques are used quiet the mind. Yoga mantra music is used to encourage an uplift in being. Led by Leah Dubois. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 Classes for $75). To preregister visit:,414N.MiramarAve.(HwyA1A),321-729-9495.
tuesday SPACE COAST Yoga for Beginners – 11am-12pm. Support and instruction about foundation poses, proper alignment in the poses, breathing techniques and meditation. Provides the tools you need to walk into any yoga class and feel comfortable with Leah DuBois. Please bring your own mat. $12 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
a 37September 2022 Hatha Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. Multi-level class for beginners and intermediates. Led by Ellen Cameron whose experience allows her to modify asana to the students’ ability, so they get the benefits of the practice without strain. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit:,414N.MiramarAve.(HwyA1A),321-729-9495.
Island Cswy, Ste 102, Merritt Island. 321-978-5116.
Tune-up Tuesday at The Elliott Museum – 2-3pm. Participate in sound vibrational experience with gongs, crystal bowls, chimes and drums. During this one-hour session, participants lie down on mats or sit (request

Gentle Vinyasa with Healing Gong – 4-5pm. Gentle flowing vinyasa yoga sequences to warm up the body, focusing on alignment, strength, balance, and flex ibility. The Healing Gong Meditation will help you to relax as it bathes you in healing vibrations of sound.
TREASURE COAST Tai Chi in the Gardens – 9-10am. Session inspired by Moving For Better Balance will assist participants to improve balance, confidence, concentration and peace of mind. The PSL Botanical Garden setting is an added bonus. Beginners to advance welcome.
Enjoy the vibrational impact of Gongs and Alchemy
Yin Yoga – 12:30-1:45pm. Yin Yoga is a profound, meditative approach to yoga with a physical focus on accessing the connective tissue and fascia and regulating the flow of energy in the body. Please bring your own mat. Led by Leah Dubois. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit:,414N.MiramarAve.(HwyA1A),321-729-9495.
Fly for $15 7:45pm. Beginners and beyond engage yourself in zero compression inversions to create en hanced blood flow to your upper extremities, spine and cranium with a friend. This class introduces you to the Aerial Hammock and allows you to explore the dreams of flight and principles of trust through aerial yoga poses. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Set 112, Port St Lucie. 772-877-2122. Book online at Just or through the MindBody App. wednesday
chair) and are bathed head to toe in sound vibration. Please bring a yoga mat, pillow, and blanket; and wear comfortable clothes. Contact Deena Rahill Certified Sound Practitioner, for more information or sign up directly on the website:, 786-4887782 $30. 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart.
Gongs and Sound Healing – 6:30-7:30pm. 4th Wed.
jewelry or zippers allowed in the hammocks. $20. Blissful.Energy, 240 S. Wickham Rd, West Mel bourne. 321-327-8741. Blissful.Energy. Hatha Yoga – 6:30-7:45pm. With Marilyn. This gentle form of yoga combines physical well-being and balances body, mind, and spirit using guided yoga pos tures, stretching, and breathing. Bring your own mat. $5 per class, paid at door. Pelican Beach Clubhouse, 1495 Hwy A1A, Satellite Beach. 321-773-6458.
Members $5, Non-Members $10. Registration required at Port St. Lucie Bo tanical Gardens, 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd., Port St. Lucie.
Drum Circle – 6-7pm. Come be a part of this Commu nity Rhythm Experience. Our circle will assist you to raise your personal vibration and release inner blocks. We offer a judgement free environment, and all are welcome. Donation. Scented Dragon 6992 Hancock Dr. Port St. Lucie. 772-877-2102.
Reiki Meditation Circle - 7-8pm. Experience our Reiki Meditation Circle for an hour of peace, comfort, and harmony. Feel yourself shift into a peaceful place. Practitioners welcome. Donation. Scented Dragon, 6993 Hancock Drive Port Saint Lucie. 772-877-2102.
Led by Marilyn Diaz. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
Kids Aerial Yoga – 4:15-5:15pm. Ages 6-12 will love hanging in the air and swinging in this fun aerial for kids’ class. Parents are welcomed to stay and watch or support their child. Second child and beyond are 50% off with the code “Sibling”. Let’s keep these kids active. Look for Family packages including classes and services for parents. $20. Blissful.Energy, 240 S. Wickham Rd, West Melbourne. 321-327-8741. Blissful.Energy. Aerial Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. This is a high energy class that will be using an Aerial Hammock that is meant to warm the muscles, stretch them out then finally relax in a meditative state. Please wear workout clothes, no
SPACE COAST Yoga for Beginners – 11am-12pm. Support and in struction about foundation poses, proper alignment in the poses, breathing techniques and meditation. Pro vides the tools you need to walk into any yoga class and feel comfortable with Cindy Jovanovich. Please bring your own mat. $12 or Yoga Memberships (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495.
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Restorative / Yin Yoga – 7pm. Restorative yoga class includes mellow movements, long-held postures often supported with props such as blankets and blocks, and a general atmosphere of ease and calm. Yin yoga practice, stretch into deep layers of the body through long-held poses that put a small, deliberate amount of stress on the body. $18 per class or 3 for $30 New student special. The Yogi Bar, 1706 Berglund Ln #102, Viera. 321-294-7040.
Crystal Bowls. Lying down or sitting let go and let heal ing sounds fill your body and senses moving you to a state of relaxation where healing can be facilitated. Led by Joyce and Jill. $15. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-591-4457.

Joanne’s World of Nutrition – 10-11am. Listen to ra dio station WPSL AM 1590 every Wednesday morning to learn about holistic health and wellness with Joanne owner of Nutrition World in Ft. Pierce who has 30 plus years of expertise.
yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495. Hatha Yoga – 5:30-6:45pm. Come enjoy this structured yoga class ( sivananda style) with traditional and new poses to help maintain health and balance in our body, mind and emotions. This class is for all levels. Led by Jimmie. $10 drop in or 10 classes for $85. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-5914457.
Warm Vinyasa – 6am. A challenging and dynamic flow that combines breath with movement, encouraging students to step outside their comfort zone and expand body and mind. Open to students of all levels who want to move a little faster and break a sweat. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Set 112, Port St Lu cie. 772-877-2122. Book online at JustBreatheAerials. com or through the MindBody App. Zumba Class – 12:30-1:20pm. Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That’s exactly what the Zumba program is all about. It’s an exhilarating, effective, east-tofollow, Latin inspired, calorie burning, dance fitness party that’s moving millions of people towards joy and health. Instructor, Suzy. Port St. Lucie, Community Center, 2195 SE Airoso Blvd., 772-878-2277.
Dr. Chris Edwards Dr. Rob Brown Dr. Haley Freymiller SERVICES • One-Visit Dental Crowns • Dental Implants • Laser Dentistry • Cosmetic Smile Design • Safe Mercury Filling Removal • Ozone Therapy • Periodontal Treatment • Minimally Invasive Dentistry TechnologyState-of-Usingthe-Art 5445 VILLAGE DR | SUITE 100 VIERA, FL 32955 smiledesigncenter.us321.751.7775 Innovative & ComprehensiveBiologicalDentistry 39September 2022
Aerial Yoga Mix - 10am. Upbeat, high-energy rep etitions, strength building, and intense stretching all within the Aerial Hammock. May include Suspen sion, Aerial, Airbarre, Pilates and/or Restorative Aerial Yoga. Get ready to sweat and feel amazing. Healing, cocoon session closes session. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Ste 112, Port St Lu cie. 772-877-2122. Book online at JustBreatheAerials. com or through the MindBody App. Insight Meditation – 11-11:30am. Holding meditations with Rev. Janice in our sanctuary or join via Zoom with meeting ID of 772-461-2272. Love Offerings appreci ated. Unity of Fort Pierce, 3414 Sunrise Blvd. Fort Pierce. 772-461-2272. Gentle Yoga Class - 2-3pm. Stretch, laugh and release. Class will evolve as we figure out together how bendy each participant is on an individual basis and what we need add to our practice to improve our flexibility using a combination of chair and mat poses. $10. Led by Merry Jones from InHervision and held at Spark of the Divine, 1780 Old Dixie Hwy, Vero Beach. For more information email or call 518-860-4400. All-Levels Warm Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 6:30-7:45pm. A gently heated room helps to loosen the muscles to help you expand your postures and work more deeply. Mov ing meditation with breath focus and proper alignment as the class flows together. Tailored for all levels. Led by Ashley Lynn. $19 drop in or packages available at Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444.
thursday SPACE COAST Gentle Yoga– 11-Noon. Gentle multi-level Hatha Yoga class. Uses variety of breath techniques, targeted poses and relaxation methods. Led by KP. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495. Kundalini, Healing & Meditation – 12:30-1:30pm. A blend of beginners Kundalini awakening Kriyas, energy clearing meditations and a range of breathing techniques are used quiet the mind. Yoga mantra music is used to encourage an uplift in being. Led by Leah Dubois. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 Classes for $75). To preregister visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495. Fitness for Seniors and Caregivers – 1-2pm. Learn the benefits of well-being with Fitness every Thursday. Led by Polly, a certified Silver Sneakers instructor and personal trainer and heart transplant recipient. Sponsored in part by Aging Matters in Bre vard & CarePlus Health Plans. Free. Class size limited Held at Sunflower House 777 E Merritt Island Cswy, Merritt Island. 321345-1715. Hatha Yoga - 5:15-6:15pm. Traditional multi-level class to bring you back to a place of peace, oneness, and your true self. Recommended for beginners and intermediates. Led by Leah Dubois. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit:
Gentle Yoga – 2-3pm. Increase strength, flexibility, bal ance and overall fitness in this one-hour class. This is a fun class, please do not feel intimidated. We will work at your level. Whether you are 20 or 70 you will have a great experience. Come try one of our classes and meet new friends! Please bring a yoga mat if you have one and dress in comfortable clothes. Led by Merry from InHerVision. $15. Way of Life Shotokan Karate of Florida, 11628 US 1, Sebastian.
TREASURE COAST Yoga in the Village – 10-11am. Yoga has been known to cause health and happiness. We’ll touch on all the major muscle groups with internal focus and deeper awareness, also we can work on any area that may be of concern to you on that day. Our full schedule and discount packages are available online at or for more information call 321-544-8541. $15. The Zen Room, 631 Brevard Ave, Suite C, Cocoa Village.
The outpatient Delray Beach facility of fers an effective combination of HBOT and physical therapy. Their hyperbaric chambers are clear acrylic, preventing claustrophobia. Chambers include an entertainment center.
HBOT has proven effective for COVID-19 and its long haulers, anti-aging issues like cognitive fog, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. It also treats people who’ve ex perienced physical and concussive trauma. “It can return these veterans to their families free of PTSD and other injuries,” says Raymond Crallé, a Registered Physical Therapist who leads the team. “We can help people who think their golden years aren’t so golden.”
friday SPACE COAST Ashtanga with Mundo Love – 9am. Led by Jessica. $18 per class or 3 for $30, New student special. The Yogi Bar Studio, 1706 Berglund Ln, #102, Viera.
Contact Oxygen Rescue Care Centers of America, 525 NE 3rd Ave, Ste 107, Delray Beach, FL 33444, 561-819-0412.
TREASURE COAST Unheated Hatha Flow Yoga - 8-9am. This gentle practice involves breath, body, and mind. Breathing, yoga poses and meditation to relieve stress and sup port healthy habits. Led by Alex Vetterlein. $19 drop in or packages available at Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444.
saturday SPACE COAST Hatha Vinyasa Yoga – 9-10:15am. Let your Soul Shine with health and happiness! Come find the peace ful union amongst body, mind, breath and spirit. $10 drop in or 10 classes for $85. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-591-4457.
Yin Yoga 10:45am. Join us for a quiet, meditative session with long, deep holding of passive poses. Using mindful muscle relaxation, yin postures target the con nective tissue nourishing joints, ligaments, and fascia pro moting the healthy flow of chi. Just Breathe Aerials, 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Set 112, Port St Lucie. 772-877-2122.
Book online at or through the MindBody App. Frequency Friday at The Elliott Museum – 1-2:15pm. Session fuses vibrations and unique frequencies of each ancient sacred instrument. Attending sessions can assist in managing stress and increasing resil ience through activating the body’s electromagnetic intelligence, creating a shift in the subconscious to a higher frequency. Please bring a yoga mat, pillow, and blanket; and wear comfortable clothes. Contact Deena Rahill Certified Sound Practitioner, for more information or sign up directly on the website: Sound, 786-488-7782 $33. Elliott Museum 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart. Community Love Donation Flow with Yoga – 6-7pm. All are welcome. This gentle practice involves breath, body, and mind. Breathing, yoga poses and meditation to relieve stress and support healthy habits. Led by teacher trainee Keri Postol. Suggested $8 donation. Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. 772-224-2444. Drum Circle – 6-7pm. Come be a part of this Com munity Rhythm Experience. Our circle will assist you to raise your personal vibration and release in ner blocks. We offer a judgement free environment, and all are welcome. Donation. Scented Dragon 6992 Hancock Dr. Port St. Lucie. 772-877-2102. Reiki Meditation Circle – 7-8pm. Experience our Reiki Meditation Circle for an hour of peace, comfort, and harmony. Feel yourself shift into a peaceful place. Practitioner’s welcome. Donation. Scented Dragon, 6993 Hancock Drive Port Saint Lucie. 772-877-2102. Reiki Circle -7-8pm. Experience the healing of this intense energy as it is focused on you by a trained Reiki Master. Facilitated by Reiki Master Trish Gable who is a very strong channel of this healing One of the best-kept secrets in medicine is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Here, you breathe pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber. Injured or damaged cells replicate using an eightfold increase in a patient’s own stem cells during this treatment. The pressure pushes oxygen into the plasma to reach injured areas any where in the body.
ADVERTORIAL energy. Unity of Fort Pierce, 3414 Sunrise Blvd. Fort Pierce. 772-461-2272.
Life Raft – 2-4pm. A low-cost fitness program specifically designed for individuals in substance use disorder recovery programs. Offered in an open and welcoming environment for those seek ing physical, social and mental well-being while in recovery. $10 per month. For more information call 772-807-4499. Located in the Humana Fitness & Wellness Center at the MidFlorida Event Center, 9221 SE Event Center Place, PSL. government/department/parks-recreation/ Walking Qigong – 9 -10am. Held at Environmental Learni--ng Center, 255 Live Oak Drive, Vero Beach Call 772-589-5050, Visit sign up. Membership discounts available.
Yin Yoga with Crystal Bowls – 12:30-1:30pm. Yin Yoga is a profound, meditative approach to yoga with a physical focus on accessing the connective tissue and fascia and regulating the flow of energy in the body. Led by Cindy Jovanovich. Please bring your own mat. $12 or yoga membership (10 classes for $75). To preregister visit: AquarianDreams. com/weekly-yoga-calendar. Aquarian Dreams, 414 N. Miramar Ave. (Hwy A1A), Indialantic. 321-729-9495. TREASURE COAST Tai Chi – 10:30-11:30am. Held in sanctuary. $10 per class or $50 for 6. For more information email Unity of Fort Pierce 3414 Sunrise Blvd. Ft. Pierce. 772-461-2272.
Qigong Infused Yoga – 9:15-10:30am. Qigong Infused Yoga, taught by Jill, is a fusion of gentle Yoga and Qigong combined to offer the benefits of both ancient healing arts practices. It is tranquil, beneficial and powerful mind-body practice that relieves physical, mental and emotional tension ef fectively. $10 drop-in or 10 classes for $85. Sundari Yoga Studio, 46 North Brevard Ave, Cocoa Beach. 321-591-4457.
Blankets and pillows keep users comfortable. Professionally trained staff are HBOT proficient in safety procedures. “There are 14 Medicare and insurance-approved conditions. We also treat stroke patients, professional athletes, and others seeking wellness goals,” says Crallé. Crallé has been involved in the breakthrough use of HBOT and in many published studies. He has worked with children and adults and participated in an HBOT study for Veterans. Crallé was recognized by his peers as a pioneer in the field of hyperbaric medicine.
Saturday Downtown Ft. Pierce Famers’ Mar ket – 8am-12pm. Downtown Ft. Pierce Farmers Market has over 70 friendly vendors offering a diverse selection of foods, exotic plants, spices, local produce and much more. Rain or shine. Live music, fresh food and right on the river; make it your Saturday morning tradition. Free. Riverfront Downtown Ft. Pierce 101 Melody Lane, Ft. Pierce.
40 Space & Treasure Coast Edition

Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the science teams. He placed millions of viruses on a copper surface. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched it.”
“Is it supposed to work that fast?”
VirusColdsFluvariantsSinustroubleColdsoresFeverblistersCankersoresStrepthroat Night stuffiness Morning
“It saved me last holidays. The kids all got sick, but not me.”
Hundreds of studies confirm copper kills viruses and bacteria almost instantly just by touch.
Nature’s Virus Killer Copper can stop a virus before it starts
By Doug Cornell
After his first success with it, he asked relatives and friends to try it. They all said it worked, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market. Soon hundreds of people had tried it. 99% said copper worked if they used it right away at the first sign of germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat.
Go to or call toll-freeBuy1-888-411-6114.once,useforever.
“I am shocked! My sinus cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.”
The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made a smooth copper probe with a tip to fit in the bottom of the nostril, where viruses collect. When he felt a tickle in his nose like a cold about to start, he rubbed the copper gently in his nose for worked!”seconds.60“It
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That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about viruses and bacteria, but now we do.
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Longtime users say they haven’t been sick in years. They have less stress, less medical costs, and more time to enjoyCustomerslife. report using copper against:Thehandle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on fingers and hands after you touch things other people have touched.
The EPA says copper works just as well when tarnished.
Iyear.coldsgetIhappened.never“Theexclaimed.hecoldusedto2-3badeveryNowusemy device whenever I feel a sign I am about to get sick.” He hasn’t had a cold in 10 years.
Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast. Now thousands of people are using it against viruses and bacteria that cause illness. Colds and many misery.andtheythemyoumultiply.nosegetwhenillnessesotherstartvirusesinyourandIfdon’tstopearly,spreadcause
CopperZap® is made in the USA of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. Price $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA30.
Statements are not intended as product health claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
New research: Copper kills viruses in seconds. ADVERTORIAL
“The antimicrobial activity of copper is well established.” National Institutes of Health.Scientists say copper’s high conductance disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys it in seconds.TheEPA recommended hospitals use copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives.
“Sixteen flights, not a sniffle!”

Explore the Ancient Mystery School traditions, teachings and healing meth ods. Trained teachers and healers pro vide classes and personalized healing sessions including emotional cord cut ting. See ad, page 22.
We offer a wide variety of divination tools to en hance your Spiritual Jour ney including: Crystals, gemstones, jewelry, singing bowls, books, tarot, candles, salt lamps, sage, incense, oils, statuary, altar items & much more! Curbside pickup, ship ping, and phone orders available.
Kris Urquhart, my-NA.com321-426-0080Kris@my-NA.comPublisher
CHILDREN’S HEALTHCARE OF BREVARD Margaret Witzleb, MSN, ARNP 2351 W. Eau Gallie Blvd, Ste 4 Melbourne, 321-775-0477
42 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
PORT ST. BOTANICALLUCIEGARDENS 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd. Port St. Lucie, 772-337-1959
Providing a safe space to gain clarity, manage inner conflicts, anxiety, guilt, finding your authentic self, healing from within, reconnect with/develop your innate gifts.
Natural Awakenings is your multimedia resource for natural and eco-friendly living. Visit us online for monthly issues, exclusive con tent, recipes, offers and podcasts. Join our email list and never miss a thing. Reaching over 75,000 loyal readers each month and thousands more digitally.
Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupunc ture, Micro Needling, LED Thera py, Herbal Therapy, Homeopathic Therapy, Vitamin Injection Therapy, Cupping, Massage and Nutrition. Michelle Connell, AP, DOM, can help you overcome pain and balance your body to maintain health.
COUNSELING ATLANTEAN HEALING ARTS 1680 Highway A1A, Ste 4 Satellite Beach, AtlanteanHealingArts.com321-543-8882
Memberships - Surround yourself in the peace and beauty of nature. Bamboo, bromeli ad, butterfly, succulent, orchid, native plant gardens and more. Perfect ven ue for weddings or your next event.
Clow Chiropractic has been provid ing a full spectrum of natural health care for over 38 years. Services include chiropractic adjustments, nutritional support, functional medicine, massage (MM2166), physiotherapy, and rehab.
AFFORDABLE, QUALITY pediatric health care offering both alternative and traditional choices for your child’s health, regardless of im munization or insurance status. Home-birthed infants welcome!
Brian P. Walsh, DC 1051 Eber Blvd, Ste 102 Melbourne, CareWellnessFL.com321-728-1387
PORT ST. LUCIE’S PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FB:ParksPSL.com772-878-2277PortSt.Lucie Parks & Recreation Award winning programs, ongoing mental health series, fitness classes for all ages. Memberships. PSL Commu nity Center and Humana Fitness & Wellness Cen ter at the MIDFLORIDA Event Center.
HEALTHY HEALING ACUPUNCTURE & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 1395 N. Courtenay Pkwy, Ste 202 Merritt Island, HealthyHealingClinic.com321-252-3720
CHIROPRACTIC CLOW CHIROPRACTIC 145 Palm Bay Rd NE, Ste 120 West Melbourne, ClowChiropractic.com321-725-8778
Natural healthcare for all ages including Designed Clinical Nu trition using Nutrition Response Testing, ChiroThin Doctor Su pervised Weight Loss Program, Chiropractic Care, PEMF Thera py, CranioSacral Therapy, thermography, massage services, homeopathics and other natural products. See ad, page 38.
UPPER HEALTHCERVICALCENTER 1600 W. Eau Gallie Blvd, Ste 104 Melbourne, UpperCervicalCare.com321-622-4447
Dr. Renee Hahn, Upper Cervical Chi ropractor, offers relief from a variety of conditions including Allergies, Fibromyalgia, Back Pain, Mi graines, sleep disorders and more. See ad, page 5. the natural directory Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in The Natural Directory email to request our media kit. COACHING: INTUITIVE CORNELIA GILBERT LLC Transformative 321-504-8188CorneliaGilbert.comCoaching

HEALING SPACE KICK ASS BEAUTY SALON AND SPA 101 N. US 1, Ft. Pierce, IG:KABKickAssBeauty.com716-523-3380KickAssBeauty
DIANE KINGSLEY, RD LDN 333 17th St, Ste W Vero Beach, SimpleHealthOptions.com772-228-6778
Your Healing Salon & Spa specializing in organic prod ucts for hair and skin care.
Vitamins, supplements, homeopathic, health and beauty, and specialty items. Large selection of natural, organic, and gluten-free foods. Rubix Café with limited seating.
Diane Kingsley is a Licensed and Reg istered Dietitian with over 20 years’ experience. Her nutritional counseling is an individualized whole-body ap proach. Telehealth available. Most in surances accepted.
DATING REVOLUTION DATING Kelly Leary, M.S. Clinical Psychology 5090 PGA Blvd, Ste 208, Palm Beach Gardens 561-630-XOXO (9696) 772-932-HERE
Experience the positive energy of customized ther apeutic Reiki facials, pedis and Emotional Code.
NATURE’S MARKET 701 S. Apollo Blvd Melbourne, NaturesMarket@cfl.rr.com321-724-6923
43September 2022
Find a Farmer’s Market near you in the Natural Awaken ings Farmers Market Guide. Support your health and com munity by shopping local. Bookmark the web page for easy access.
CLAIRE STAGG, DDS, PA Comprehensive Mercury Free Dental Care for the Whole Family Indian Harbour Beach, SmileProfessionals.com321-777-2797
Whole body connections and anti-aging Dentistry advanced non-surgical TMJ, snoring and sleep breathing disorders therapy, head, neck and facial pain treatment, non-extraction orthodontics, smile makeovers and dentistry for patients with multiple chemical sensitivities. See ad, page 16.
FACIALS & SKIN CARE MASSAGES WITH PURPOSE AND SKIN CARE Ginger Taylor, LE, LMT Melbourne/Palm Bay MassagesWithPurpose.com321-480-9986
A local CSA farm, offering beyond organically raised grass-fed/grass-finished An gus beef, Berkshire pork, Katahdin lamb, chicken eggs, raw cow and goat milk, vegetables, and more.
1:1 consults to help you resolve diges tive issues with a customized plan. Ad dress IBS, bloating, constipation, Diabe tes, acid reflux & GERD, leaky gut and more. See ad, page 25.
Advanced, Personalized care: Organic Lymphatic facials, Plant-based Stem Cell facials, Infused Oxygen Lifts, Pig mentation & Dark Spot Lightening fa cials, Acne Facials, Designer Anti-Aging Peels & Lifts, Dermaplaning, Microdermabrasion, MicroNeedling, and Teeth Whitening. You will leave feeling & looking younger and rejuvenated!
Innovative, comprehensive, biologic dentistry. Mercury safe removal, high tech office, low radia tion digital x-rays. Lasers-no shot, no drill. Ozone therapy. See ad, page 39.
NUTRITION SMART 464 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd Port St Lucie, 772 NutritionSmart.com323-2222 Your neighborhood natural organic grocery, vita mins, and juice bar. Committed to providing the community with products necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Free weekly in-store classes.
VITALITY WELLNESS AND NUTRITION CENTER Christi Buck, RDN, LD, CLT-Owner/Founder Helping health-minded, self-empow ered women finally end their life long digestive issues by finding the missing pieces to their health puzzle so they can feel vibrant again.
DREAM CONSULTANTS MERRY JONES, RPSGT, CRT, RYT 200 Reiki Master & Yoga Instructor Merry@InHerVision.net518-860-4400 Guidance and healing along your spiri tual path. Improve balance and flexibility, address pain and create quality sleep pat terns. Yoga, breathwork, dream Interpre tation, energy healing. Private and groups.
EYE & VISION CARE SYLVIE MORIN, DOM 1727 N. Atlantic Ave Cocoa Beach, NaturalHelpForEyes.com321-785-3330
Dr. Chris Edwards Dr. Rob Brown Dr. Haley Freymiller Viera, SDICFL.com321-751-7775
FLORIDA FIELDS TO FORKS, CSA 1200 Corey Rd Malabar, FloridaFieldsToForks.com321-229-5288
Attention: Single, divorced, and wid owed readers! This award-winning matchmaking firm has 31 years of experience bringing quality singles together. Their clientele ranges from young professionals to seniors from South Flori da through the Treasure Coast. If you would like to find love offline — call today to book your pri vate consultation.
MicroAcupuncture48 is known to help with: Dry Eye, Cataract, Glau coma, Macular Degeneration, Dia betic Retinopathy, Retinitis Pigmen tosa, Eye Stroke/Occlusions and more. Schedule your complimentary consultation!
DIGESTION SOLUTIONS HOLISTIC BLENDS Sherry Brescia, MSHN, Holistic Nutritionist HolisticBlends.com888-724-4366

LITTLE SEA APOTHECARY & SPA Boutique and Skin Care 115 S. Miramar Ave., Indialantic 321-848-1087
Moved to Hobe Sound. Great selection of organic foods and supplements. Peggy’s Brand Vitamins, Supplements and Herbals in-store or online. Drive thru pickup and area delivery available.
ORGANIC FOOD CENTER 862 N. Miramar Ave Indialantic, OrganicFoodCenter.com321-724-2383
ELIZABETH L CAMPBELL, BCH CI, MNLP, CTH 611 SW Federal Highway, Ste K-1 Stuart, Elizabeth@TranceformU.com772-215-2985
Fully integrated Primary Care and Family Practice - injury and illness, chronic disease, anti-aging, func tional medicine, physical therapy, chiropractic and more. Same-day sick appoint ments. Insurance accepted. See ad, page 2.
Divine Healing, Well ness Education, Medita tion, Reiki Circles, Mindful Yoga, Sound-bath Healing, Crystals, Chakra Balancing, Local Jewelry, Art, Candles & Soaps, USDA Organic CBD. Available for private events.
Lori Burke, Cert. Clinical Hypnotherapist Viera, LoriBurkeHypnosis.com321-652-1039
THE HERB CORNER 277 N. Babcock St Melbourne, HerbCorner.net321-757-7522
44 Space & Treasure Coast Edition
SUNSHINE HEALTH FOOD & WELLNESS CENTER 2916 S. Washington Ave Titusville, 321-269-4848 Find us on Facebook Providing nutritional health counseling in a truly holistic fashion by offering massage, cholesterol testing, food detox, essential oils, blood typing along with vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopath ics and natural foods.
SUNSEED FOOD CO-OP 6615 N. Atlantic Ave (A1A) Cape Canaveral, SunseedFoodCoop.com321-784-0930
Offering Private Herbal Consults, Flow er Essence Therapy and Herbal & Sha manism classes. Visit our Herb Shop with 200+ herbs, barks, flowers & roots plus, tinctures, oils, crystals & more!
HERBAL PRODUCTS LILY’S HERBS & MORE Online & Renningers Flea Market. Antiques & Unique Vintage Market LilysHerbs.comMelbourne We specialize in natural and organic herbal blends: teas; hand-poured bees wax candles; vegan, organic and spe cialty soaps; Happy Fizzy bath bombs and Yummy Honey! Fri, Sat & Sun 9am-4pm.
Natural & Organic grocery with wide selection of vitamins and supplements. Organic café with fresh wheat grass, vegetable juices and smoothies, vegan and gluten-free soups, sandwiches and salads.
Fully Integrated Primary Care & HolisticPrimaryCareBrevard.comWellness
Organic and allergy-friendly groceries, fresh pro duce, bulk foods, all-natural supplements, organic smoothies, power bowls, organic wines and glu ten-free/specialty beers. Knowledgeable staff onhand ready to assist.
PEGGY’S NATURAL FOODS 10471 SE Federal Hwy Hobe Sound, PeggysNaturalFoods.com772-286-1401
HERBS & OWLS Gina Kearney RH (AHG), Clinical Herbalist 725 N. Hwy. A1A, D-103 Jupiter, herbsandowls.com561-768-9005
MAMA JO’S SUNSHINE HERBALS 1300 Pinetree Drive, Ste 3 Indian Harbour Beach, 321-779-4647 Enjoy a cup of complementary tea in the relaxing atmosphere of herbs and handmade herbal delights. Bulk Herbs, Handmade Products, Consultations, Classes, and Supplies. Teas, tinctures, lotions, soaps, facial products, salves, and more. See ad, page 22.
Start Living a Life You Love! Free your self from hostility, fears, resentment; Overcome limiting thoughts and behav iors; Adopt healthy habits; Improve re lationships. (IAIH Certified CHt/CCHt/ CTHt #7596890).
PARADISE HEALTH & NUTRITION Suntree, 321-242-6040 West Melbourne, 321-722-1440 Palm Bay, ParadiseHealthDirect.tflmag.com321-729-8311
INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE MELISSA DEAN, MD Dean Wellness Institute Premiere Center for Regenerative Medicine Vero Beach, 772-567-1500 Age Management, Weight Loss, Preven tative Medicine, Andropause, Bioiden tical Hormone Replacement, Lifestyle Management, Vitamin Evaluation, Nu trition and many other integrative thera pies. See ad, back cover.
Combining the best of Hypnosis, Neu roLinguistics (NLP) and ThetaHealing to create rapid and lasting changes at the subconscious level. Results appear in body, mind, and spirit. From small concerns to serious trauma, from motivation to spir ituality, subconscious changes positively affect all aspects of life. Practicing here in Stuart since 2003.
Mind, Body, Soul. Unique boutique of fering handmade gifts inspired by the sea with an attached holistic spa, Or ganic Bath & Body, Natural Remedies, Beachwear, Herbs, Candles, Crystals.
HYPNOSIS BREVARD HYPNOSIS JC Jones, CH, LMT, NGH, IAHP Indian Harbour Beach, 321-775-5797
DIVINE SOUL WELLNESS 2818 SW Port St Lucie Blvd Port St Lucie, DivineSoulWellness.com954-646-4374
Community-owned, Not-for-Profit Co-op founded in 1974. Largest selection of vitamins & herbs in Brevard. Organic produce and much more. Open Mon-Sat 9-7 & Sun 10-6.
Advanced hypnosis system proven around the world to resolve almost any issue for lasting change, even when ev erything else might’ve failed. Dissolve unwanted habits. Transform your life. (NGH #78668).
Bulk Herbs, Herbal Certification Course and other herbal classes. Essential oils, handmade salves and lotions, customized herbal blends and private con sultations. See ad, page 8.

We offer a wide variety of divination tools to en hance your Spiritual Jour ney including: Crystals, gemstones, jewelry, singing bowls, books, tarot, candles, salt lamps, sage, incense, oils, statuary, altar items & much more! Curbside pickup, ship ping, and phone orders available.
DEBORAH A. DEMARTA, MD, FACS, InstituteFAARFMofHealth & Wellness 218 SW Atlanta Ave Stuart, InstituteHealthWellness.com772-539-9556
MEDICAL MARIJUANA SIKORA INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 1255 37th St, Ste B Vero Beach, SikoraMedical.com772-228-6882
Dedicated IV vitamin and nutri ent therapies Center. IV therapy used for sport performance, stress reduction, migraines, Fibromyal gia, chronic fatigue syndrome, skin rejuvenation, memory, and much more. LIFE COACHES
VITALIFTS 4865 N. Wickham Rd, Ste 105 Melbourne, Vitalifts.com321-425-2111
Specializing in Deep Tissue and Trigger Point Therapeutic Mas sage. Individual and group Yoga sessions. Serving Jensen Beach and surrounding cities for over 10 years.
RADIANTLY HEALTHY MD Rebecca Hunton, MD 150 Fifth Ave, Ste A Indialantic, DrHunton.com321-806-7436 Are you Radiantly Healthy? We offer Integrative/Functional Medicine so lutions to address health challenges and healthy aging! We combine both traditional and natural options in cluding medical marijuana certification. See ad, page 11.
THE DRIPBaR 6375 N. Wickham Road, Ste 101 Melbourne, TheDripBar.com321-465-7986
Offering 18 Lifestyle IV drips such as time machine, powerpack and flu fighter. Health support drips like High C and chelation. 797 USP compliant compounding on-site. Also featuring Food Inflammation Testing, red light therapy and halo infrared sauna.
My passion is helping my clients find balance - in mind and body. Massage can reduce pain, muscle tension and stress, increase circulation and much more. MA97795. See ad, page 19.
YALE (YOEL) R. SMITH, MD, DABA, BCASI, AFAAFM, BCABARM Center for Anti-Aging Aesthetic and Rejuvenation Medicine 321-421-7111, AntiAgingIM.comViera
SCENTED DRAGON Port St. Lucie, 772-877-2102 Ft. Pierce, 772-302-3814 Jensen Beach, 772-208-5592 Treasure Coast’s premier metaphysi cal store, now with three locations. Incense, crystals, stones, sage, can dles, jewelry, workshops & more. Daily Readers and knowledgeable staff always on hand. Open 7 days. See ad, page 35.
TRANSPERSONAL LIFE COACH Elizabeth MyChildhoodGettingOverIt.com585-313-6668,
DANIELLE DEMPSEY, LMT Melbourne/Palm321-431-8280 Bay Integrative massage therapy customized to your specific needs, including: Thera peutic/Deep Tissue, Tabletop Thai and Pregnancy Massage. Hot stones, infra red lights, and aromatherapy are always complimentary. (MA91001)
MASSAGE THERAPY CHAD TAYLOR, LMT, GINGER TAYLOR, LMT, VERONICA YOUNG, LMT Melbourne/Palm Bay MassagesWithPurpose.com321-480-9986
OHANA TREE MASSAGE AND YOGA 1044 NE Jensen Beach Blvd Jensen Beach, OhanaTreeMassageandYoga.com888-229-7255
IV THERAPY RADIANTLY HEALTHY DRIP LOUNGE 150 Fifth Ave, Ste B Indialantic, Delivering vital nutri ents, IV Therapy benefits people with Chronic Fa tigue, Depression, Mi graines/Tension Head aches, Allergies, IBS, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune Disease, Athletic Recovery, Viral/ Bacterial Infections, and Common Cold/Flu. See ad, page 11.
Dr. Alita Gonsalves Sikora offers a holis tic approach to traditional Physical Medi cine and Rehabilitation with acupuncture, medical marijuana, bioidentical hormone therapy, weight loss and PRP injections for joints, hair loss, and facial rejuvenation.
45September 2022
Anti-Aging, Functional and Regenera tive Medicine. Colorectal Surgery and Functional GI, hormone replacement, food allergy and nutritional testing, IV vitamin therapy, heavy metals testing, medical aesthetics, THERMIva vaginal rejuvena tion, ThermiSmooth skin tightening, HALO skin resurfacing, BBL BroadBand Light skin therapy, laser hair removal, Botox and fillers, skin care, weight loss. See ad, page 35.
You are more than your diagnosis. Let’s explore how your mind, body, and soul can work together to create balance and peace in your life.
Hypertension, diabetes, mold/Lyme, sleep issues, hypothyroidism, erectile dysfunction, heart attack prevention, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, food allergies, congestive heart failure, G.I. issues and more. See ad, page 16.
Advanced, Medical, Inte grative therapists offering: Massage Therapy (deep tis sue, prenatal, sports stretch ing), Craniosacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, Micro-Current Ad vanced Pain Management, Gentle Scar Release, Thai Massage, Reflexology, and Total Body Balanc ing; helping clients transition towards a better life. MM35261, MA75423, MA93522, MA99848
SANDALWOOD MASSAGE & BODYWORK BY JANE 2251 Town Center Ave., Ste 101, Unit 14 Viera, Sandalwood.GlossGenius.com772-779-1137

TESS, THE TREASURE COAST MEDIUM Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master, Past Life Regressions By appointment: TreasureCoastMedium.comTessTheHealer@gmail.com772-200-0016 Are you grieving the loss of a loved one and need closure? Did you miss the chance to say ‘Goodbye’? Or are you in need of divine guid ance about your career, love life, or finances? Allow the Angels to help you make the right decisions. Learn how to cultivate your own intuition through classes offered in spiri tual development.
Coming into service through a spiritual awakening, Mary offers: Reflexology, Reiki, and Reconnec tive Healing. Her work has been described as “miraculous.” Distance and in person sessions.
Classes in person/online: qigong, Tai Chi, self-defense. Instructor certi fication, distance healing, acupres sure. Rare therapeutic qigong forms for COPD, immune system deficien cies, anxiety disorders, parkinsonism, diabetes and CVA.
STUART FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE CENTER Dr. Leon Gonyo, D.C., F.I.A.M.A. 6094 SE Federal Hwy, StuartFamilyChiro.com772-781-0192 relief with using
no surgery, shots, or dangerous addictive medications,
NEUROFEEDBACK HARMONY NEUROFEEDBACK 1300 Pinetree Drive, Ste 9 Indian Harbour Beach, HarmonyNeurofeedback.com321-405-2795
Holistic regenerative medicine using PRP (platelet rich plasma) for arthri tis, tendinitis, aesthetics (face and skin rejuvenation aka “Vampire Fa cial”) and hair regeneration. Enhance sexual health with PRP, bioidentical hormones, shockwave therapy, and peptides. IV vitamin and NAD therapy to reverse aging. Stem cell Therapy, Exosomes, Shockwave, acupuncture, Perineural injections for osteoarthritis and mus culoskeletal pain.
SOUND HEALING CERTIFIED PRACTITIONERSOUND Deena Rahill, 786-488-7782 825 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart Experience a blissful journey of sound, lights and vibration. Gongs, drums, chimes, and singing bowls can alter brainwave frequencies and allow for healing. Group or private sessions available.
ReikiUsui/Tibetan/KarunaMasterTeacher, Certified Angelologist and Mesa Carrier, Angel Heal ing Therapist/Reader and Teacher offers Healing, Spiritual Counseling, Cord Cutting, Divine Soul Readings and more. Helping you move into alignment with your divinity. Find your purpose.
PRP & STEM THERAPYCELL SIKORA INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 1255 37th St, Ste B Vero Beach, SikoraMedical.com772-228-6882
SPARK OF DIVINE, LLC METAPHYSICAL SHOP AND HEALING CENTER 1789 Old Dixie Highway Vero Beach, SparkofDivine.com772-257-6499
Virtual and Phone Vero Beach, BethVargasHealing.com772-538-6211
RECONNECTIVEHEALING MARY ‘DIVINE’ DISANO Now401-263-8828inPortSt. DivinelyTouched.comLucie
Spark offers classes, healings, read ers, yoga & much more. We carry a variety of crystals, jewelry, books, sage & many other metaphysical gifts and tools.
Neurofeedback has helped with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Stress, Emotional Dis tress, PTSD, Behavioral Issues, Mood issues, Pain, Lyme, Headaches, Concus sion, TBI and a variety of other issues.
PSYCHICSMEDIUMS& BETH LYNCH, MEDIUM, AUTHOR Intuitive Counselor, Educator 888-271-4487, Spiritual Medium, Meditation Teach er & Author. Graduate of Arthur Fords School of Mediumship; Mark Irelands Prestigious Medium Certified, and 25 years’ experience teaching Spiritual principals for healing.
Serving Treasure Coast, Vero Beach In person & virtual, TheCloudWalker.com772-453-6449
low level laser therapy and acupuncture to reverse nerve damage. 100% Noninvasive. Free evaluation. PODCASTS NATURAL INSPIRATIONS PODCAST Produced by Natural Awakenings Listen: Each episode features conversations with local natural health experts on the Space and Treasure Coast help ing you to make lifestyle choices to enhance your wellbeing. Find local businesses with ease at DIRECTORY 46 Space & Treasure Coast Edition

Join us 10 am. for our Sunday Celebration Service and be blessed by a morning of spiri tual insight, inspiration, fellowship, and commu nity. All are welcome!
SCENTED DRAGON US 1 Port St Lucie,772-877-2102 Downtown Ft Pierce, 772-301-3814 Jensen Beach Mall, 772-208-5592 Freyja Spellman is an intuitive em path and clairvoyant. She is skilled in reading the Tarot, Animal Spirits, and Intuitive Animal Communications. Sessions available through Scented Dragon. See ad, page 35.
Finest thermal screening available on the Treasure Coast since 2001. Man age breast health with Thermal breast screening providing insight into ways of staying healthy and not just detect ing disease or dysfunction. Upper body and full body screening also available. Offering affordable screening packages including reports, images, and optional flash drive. See ad, page 9.
A positive, practical approach to living life on Purpose. Services 10 a.m. in our sanctuary (social distancing & masks). Facebook livestream at Face See ad, page 27.
FDA approved radiation-free Breast and Full Body Screenings. Highest quality images in Brevard County. MD report and all images (4-ways) included. Af fordable and Grants available.
THERMOGRAPHY OF BREVARD Melbourne, Merritt Island, Vero Beach ThermographyofBrevard.com321-312-0363
JUST BREATHE AERIALS 270 NW Peacock Blvd, Ste 112 Port St. Lucie, JustBreatheAerials.com772-877-2122
DR. MATT PARKER, DVM, CVA, CVMMP, VMRT Holistic Veterinary House-Calls Stuart, Palm City, Hobe Sound & Jupiter House-Calls, dogs and cats. Most treatment plans include a combi nation of: Whole-Foods/Nutrition, Herbs, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Massage, Rehab Exercises, En ergy Healing—based on individual needs.
STUART THERMOGRAPHY Dr. Steven Zanfini Stuart, CompleteCareTC.com772-781-5353
UNITY OF FORT PIERCE 3414 Sunrise Blvd. Fort Pierce, UnityOfFortPierce.com772-461-2272
Offering tradition al and AntiGravity yoga. Whether in a hammock or on a mat, join us for a Restorative, Pilates, Vinyasa or Gentle class. Yoga Teacher Training. See ad, page 13.
SPACE COAST THERMOGRAPHY Dr. Kristen Rockledge/Suntree,Barry SpaceCoastThermography.com321-574-9014
coming in the october issue HEALTHY PLANET 47September 2022
UNITY SPIRITUAL CENTER OF VERO BEACH 950 43rd Ave Vero Beach, UnityOfVero.org772-562-1133
Thermography sees inflammation in the body, early detection of breast disease, dys function of heart, lungs, digestive system, colon, thyroid, vascular system, muscles, joints and more. See ad, page 12.
WELLNESS CENTERS BREVARD ACUPUNCTURE & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 1978 US 1 BrevardAIM.comRockledge,#107321-802-1046 Our unique Holistic approach combines Acupuncture, Therapeutic Massage, Nutrition & Supplementation, and De toxification medicine to reduce inflam mation, restore health and treat illness es. Find your balance. YOGA HATHA YOGA WITH MARILYN Pelican Beach Clubhouse 1495 Highway A1A Satellite Beach, 321-773-6458 Balance your Body, Mind & Spirit with Hatha Yoga. Gentle, guided yoga postures with Stretching, Deep Breathing, and Relaxation. $5 per class through Sat ellite Recreation Department. See ad, page 19.

Dean Wellness Institute has been serving Vero Beach, Florida, and the surrounding areas for over 20 years. We work closely with our patients to improve their quality of life as they age. Our focus is getting the root cause of health issues, rather than treating just the symptom. We provide the most up-to-date information in an integrative manner that empowers each patient to be their healthiest. Melissa Dean, MD, MMB Anti-Aging Medicine Master’s Metabolic Medicine Catherine Cheries, P.A. 772-567-1500 • 1345 36th St, Suite B • Vero Beach, FL 32960 • Services Offered: • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men and Women • Body Contouring with Emsculpt Neo • Aesthetic Treatments u PDO Threads, ThermiSmooth, PRP, Facials, Botox/Dysport, Fillers • PRP Therapies (including Hair Restoration) • Preventative Medicine • Advanced Laboratory Testing • IV Wellness Therapy • Sexual Health and Wellness u O-Shot/P-Shot, Emsella, ThermiVA CertificatesGiftAvailable Utilize the Power of Regenerative Medicine to Restore Health Naturally! Microneedling just got even better. While the summer sun is winding down, our recently upgraded device will have your skin glowing like you've never seen before. FDA CLEARED MICRONEEDLING SYSTEM