Seven Herbs for the Immune System
Boost Your Immune System Whether or not we are healthy really comes down to just how effective
our immune system is, meaning how capable we are of preventing negative things from entering our inner core, even our life in general. Let us learn to protect ourselves with a little help from nature.
mong commonly grown herbs and vegetables we can find a variety of treasures which are worth eating throughout the entire year, and not only when we’re sick.
The quality of said foods is also very important. If you buy vegetables grown the usual way, treated with synthetic fertilizers and sprays, oftentimes harvested and stored inappropriately, they will have a completely different vitamin and mineral content than vegetables which you have grown yourself or bought from local farmers who grow their crops ecologically. These vegetables are harvested at the right time, meaning they go through a natural process, thanks to which they can form in themselves the materials we need to boost our immunity. If you’re not against uncommon plants, try ginger, which you can easily grow in a pot in your window. So what are the plants that play a major role in strengthening our immune systems?
Always follow the seasons – eat what is currently available at local producers. You can buy many citrus fruits from large commercial plantations during winter, but they are usually of low quality and have likely been treated with synthetic products. Instead, try to focus on crops which can be stored for a longer time, or pickled. Fermented vegetables, garlic, onion, horseradish and other ingredients that can be stored in the pantry or a cold cellar are all great choices.