Natural Awakenings S Houston/Galveston February2017

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feel good • live simply • laugh more

Kissed by Kindness How to Keep a Marriage Sweet


Sacred Passage

Conscious Dying as a Transformative Healing Journey

Pearly Whites

Holistic Dentistry Keeps Kids Cavity-Free

February 2017 | South Houston/Galveston Edition |

WARNING: Weight loss that doesn’t work isn’t a bargain at any price. Please read this before you waste another cent on a diet that leaves you hungry, craving and frustrated. Emotionally and physically drained. Being overweight hurts and diets don’t work. So what are you to do?

Most women have more clothes in their closet they can’t fit into than our whole program costs. And, you will never need to go on another diet to fit back into them!

Hypnotic Weight Loss Works There’s a better way to lose weight. It’s hypnotic weight loss. Here’s what a few of my successful clients say...

“In seven weeksI lost 21 pounds and 12.5 inches. My holidays were wonderful.” — Tina K., Friendswood “Major changes in my stress, food and communication with my husband. Thanks!” — Lynette L., Santa Fe “We’ve saved over $2,000 in eating out and I’ve dropped 2 pants sizes in 4 weeks!” — Diana G., Houston “Weight loss with hypnosis is great, and my motivation to exercise is off the scale!”— Yvonne B., Dickinson

Frankly, I could fill up 50 pages of similar statements from people in our community who had results using hypnotic weight loss. Many had given up hope. Now, finally, you have a FREE opportunity to find out if you’re the kind of person who can be accepted into a hypnosis program and experience hypnosis first hand through a hypnotic test with a Master Hypnotist. Plus, we have a Written Service Guarantee. So call now for your

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8:30 AM – 5 PM M O O DY G A R D E N S CONVENTION CENTER G A LV E S TO N I S L A N D, T E X A S CONNIE WATT Vice President of the Justin J. Watt Foundation and mother of Houston Texan J.J. Watt Prominent Physicians from UTMB HEALTH Address topics of health and wellness that are of interest to today’s women WOMEN’S EXPO


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contact us Publisher Roxanne Pirooz


elcome back! How are you doing on your resolutions this year? Are you moving forward, slowly but surely? Or have you already stopped. I am here to remind you that just because you may not have stuck to them, don’t fret, its ok! Even I didn’t go to the gym the first 10 days of the year, but I got back on it, and in a manageable way so I can stick with it. Start again today, a ‘set-back’ is just a ‘set-up’ from the Universe. Get back onto a NEW resolution today, and make it fun with the positive results you are looking for! Send me an email and let me know what temporary setback you experienced so far this year, and what you did to overcome it! Speaking about starting again, don’t you think it’s interesting in the month of love, we have a feature article about transitioning out of this life into the next? It is important to realize, no matter how well we all take care of ourselves, eventually our body will fade and our spirit will move on. Be sure to think about those you may leave behind, and ensure you can give all you can so that they may flourish as they enjoy the life they have left to live. We must all find a way to enjoy this life regardless of what is occurring in our worlds. The better we are, the more energy we have, the more we can give and contribute to improve this world and make it a better place for all living creatures. Life is meant to be good, so let’s make it great for everyone, including ourselves! Love yourself and find someone to love!

Roxanne, Smokey & Bandit

Editorial Manager Sara Blumenfeld Graphic Design & Layout Patrick Floresca Courtney Ayers Accounting Michele Valerio Administrative Manager Pat Delgado Sales & Marketing Roxanne Pirooz Natural Awakenings of Southeast Texas P.O. Box 3603, Houston, TX 77253 Phone: 409-939-8156 Follow us on:

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Natural Awakenings is printed on recyclable paper with soy-based ink.


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healthbriefs globalbriefs healthykids conscious eating inspiration wisewords healingways calendar classifieds resource guide

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.


Kids Do Best with Holistic Dentistry by Linda Sechrist

16 SACRED PASSAGE Conscious Dying as a Transformative Healing Journey


by Linda Sechrist


Easy-Grow Microgreens Are Big on Nutrition by Barbara Pleasant

advertising & submissions HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 409-939-8156 or email Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Email Calendar Events to: Deadline for calendar: the 5th of the month. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit


How to Stay Healthy, Flexible and Strong by Aimee Hughes


by Emily Esfahani Smith




An Interview with Alison Armstrong by April Thompson


Oxygen Therapy Heals a Host of Ills


by Valerie Burke



newsbriefs Relieve Suffering, Promote Peacefulness at Unity Bay Area Houston


Sixteen Hearts Carla Bank Vibrant colors and happy themes enliven the whimsical pop art of Carla Bank, who began drawing with crayons as a little girl and never looked back. “Painting has always been my passion. I became fascinated with art after visiting the Frida Kahlo Museum in my hometown of Mexico City when I was 6 years old,” she says. Bank’s weekend outings and school field trips introduced her to Mexico’s many art museums and famous murals. After she completed graphic design courses in Guadalajara, her art professor selected her to paint murals in establishments around the city. Today, Bank and her family live in Chicago, where the artist works from her home studio. Favorite subjects—cheerful hearts, flowers, candy and pop art signs—light up her acrylic canvases in a riot of radiant hues. “I love to paint with bright colors because it makes everybody happy,” she enthuses. “I just want people not to think for a minute and enjoy the ride.” View the artist’s portfolio at


Southeast Texas

onviolent Communication™ (NVC), also known as Compassionate Communication, is a simple set of language and communication skills developed by Marshall Rosenberg, PhD that help to resolve conflicts, create harmony in relationships, and build lasting peace. With its focus on feelings and universal human needs, the practice of NVC stimulates deeper understanding of ourselves and others and provides a compassionate way to relate to one another. Unity Bay Area Houston hosts a Compassionate Communication practice group every Monday night at 6:30 p.m. (love offering) at 1911 Highway 3 South in League City. The group is led by NVC Practitioner Karen Starz and is open to anyone; no prior experience with NVC is necessary. Because Compassionate Communication is a way of living in the world that relieves suffering and promotes peacefulness, both within oneself and between people, practicing the skills with a group of like-minded people helps make peacefulness the go-to response. Unity Bay Area Houston is dedicated to supporting people in healing and transforming their lives through many avenues. In addition to their Sunday gathering at 10:30 a.m., they offer Spiritual Education courses, yoga, energy movement, meditation, Oneness Blessings, book study groups, and drum circles. For more information about Compassionate Communication, visit or call Karen Starz at 281-910-2921. For all events, visit or call 281-554-2450. See ad, page 24.

Hypnosis Helps with Grieving


rieving can occur for many reasons, from a loved one passing on, to a terminal disease diagnosis, to the loss of a job or relationship. Often it is hard to know where to turn or how to deal with the many aspects of grief. Hypnosis can help. In addition, as part of a conscious dying experience, hypnosis can be used near the end of life to help the person prepare to cross over in a place of serenity. Hypnosis is the art and science of suggestion. Hypnosis for grieving can help with letting go, forgiving, acceptance, and being present in the now. Certified hypnotist Rose Klein says, “We teach the skills necessary to focus on what can be, which is all that can be changed, rather than focusing on the past, which cannot be changed.” Southeast Hypnosis in Friendswood provides hypnosis for a wide variety of issues, including weight loss, stress relief, pain management, smoking cessation, and anger management. To find out if you are a candidate for hypnosis, visit and click on Start Here or call 281-996-8000 for a free consultation. See add, page 2.

Bridging the Gap Between Heaven and Earth


eather Hildebrand is a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Counselor, Angel Therapy Practitioner® and speaker who has worked with thousands of clients. Her specialty is assisting people in transforming their lives, especially when moving through personal loss and change. Whether connecting a client with a deceased loved one, channeling messages from angels and spiritual guides, or providing practical guidance for connecting with one’s highest self, she does so with compassion, clarity and accuracy. When a loved one passes, there is often a feeling of disconnection, like they are gone for good. But the truth is that our loved ones are still very much connected to us and are aware of what is happening in our current life. Heather uses her intuitive gifts to bridge the gap that “seems” to exist and prove that the love shared is still very much alive. This unique and very sacred form of communication not only reconnects people with those they love, but can offer a sense of hope and healing through times of sorrow and grief. Heather is hosting “An Evening With Spirit” on March 2, at 1616 Main Street in downtown Houston, where she will give audience members messages from the Other Side. The event has limited seating, so reserve your space today at eveningwithspirit0317. She is also available for confidential, private sessions. For more information, or to schedule a private session, visit Reserve seats for the event at See ad, page 12.

Neurofeedback May Ease Depression without Medication


eeling depressed can be a normal reaction to loss, life stresses and struggles, or a harmed self-esteem. But when feelings of intense sadness (including feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless) last for weeks or months, and they keep a person from functioning normally, it may indicate clinical depression. This is a serious, but treatable, medical condition. Galveston Brain Changers does not diagnose depression or other disorders, but they use brain mapping to assess the electrical activity of the brain to help determine where and how impaired brain function may be adding to symptoms. This allows them to develop treatment protocols to improve brain function to help the client become more relaxed and focused without medication. This non-invasive method provides lasting results. Owner Dr. Stephanie McClung says, “Brain Changers practices a holistic approach to improved health, and neurofeedback has been scientifically proven to improve brain function by increasing the body’s ability to relax and focus more clearly. Once the brain is more balanced, healthier thinking and behavior can be accessed.” Besides depression, neurofeedback can positively influence symptoms of many other disorders, including anxiety, migraines, and rage or anger issues. It can also improve focus and attention, sleep, feelings of well-being, and academic or athletic performance. For more information, or to schedule a consultation, call 409-300-3117 or visit See ad, page 19.

NRG Stadium: Big Game Sustainability


hat a winning team … sustainability and football! NRG Stadium, home to our own Houston Texans and the host site of this year’s biggest game (Super Bowl 51), on Sunday, February 5. This beautiful, and relatively new, state-ofthe-art sports and entertainment venue was constructed with sustainability and environmental impact in mind. Built by NRG, the leading integrated power company in the U.S., the stadium is one of four facilities nestled within the 350-acre NRG Park complex. The park offers numerous sustainable eco-friendly features, including nearly 600 solar panels, four solar panel canopies and an electric vehicle parking area featuring NRG EVgo charging stations. NRG Stadium also has integrated LED field and stadium lighting, making the facility more energy efficient. In fact, it is one of the first professional football venues to install LED field lighting. The NRG company has received several awards for its industry leadership and nationwide “econrg” initiatives, which are fashioned and designed to meet the challenges of climate change, clean air and the protection of natural resources. For more information, visit or

natural awakenings

February 2017


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Kickstart Your Health at Wellness Integration Center

Formerly Underground Pilates & Barre


he Wellness Integration Center in Pearland is pleased to offer the first in a series of healthy eating workshops developed by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine called “Food for Life.” The workshop will be Saturday, February 25 from 2-4 p.m. with a fee of $30. Karoline Mueller, whose own obesity and health concerns led her to the program, will teach “The Power of Your Plate,” sharing information about the four types of plant-based whole foods to eat--vegetables, fruit, beans and grains--and how to prepare them in a healthy way. Jason and Janine Shipman, owners of the Wellness Integration Center, believe that healthy eating is an essential part of well-being, and this class is part of their overall mission to provide whole-body holistic services. “By providing massage, reflexology, yoga, and Reiki, we offer a combination a foundational services for health maintenance and improvement,” Jason says. Janine adds, “We love offering additional workshops and experiences that further enhance our client’s lives.” For more information, to sign up for the workshop, or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 832-294-9640. See CRG page 31.

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Galveston Women’s Conference Celebrates 10th Year


he Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce will host its 10th Annual Celebrating Women: Mind Body Spirit Conference at the Moody Gardens Convention Center. The daylong event will feature keynote speaker Marilu Henner, star of two classic sitcoms, Taxi and Shade, and has starred in more than thirty films, six Broadway shows, nominated for five Golden Globe awards, and is a New York Times bestselling author of over ten books on health, parenting, memory and lifestyle improvement. Other speakers include Connie Watt, Vice President of the Justin J. Watt Foundation and mother of Huston Texan J.J. Watt, and prominent physicians from UTMB addressing women’s health and wellness topics. In addition to speakers, the Vendor Market provides shopping for unique items from local businesses. The day includes continental breakfast, lunch, fitness breaks, complimentary parking, door prizes, official conference gift bag, and complimentary happy hour cocktails with networking opportunities. Follow event developments of #GalvWomensConf by following Facebook. com/GalvestonCelebratingWomen and The event is Thursday April 6th. Tickets are currently on sale, enter code NATX to enter to win a FREE VIP upgrade to your ticket! For more information, visit, or call 409-763-5326. See ad page 3.

The most worthwhile thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others. ~Robert Baden-Powell

natural awakenings

February 2017


Dino Osmic/



nticipating surgery can be stressful, and many patients suffer from preoperative anxiety, which can cause serious health complications such as hypertension, rapid pulse and sugar metabolism changes. Israeli researchers from the University of Haifa have found that complementary medicine, combined with standard use of anti-anxiety drugs prior to entering the operating room, can significantly reduce preoperative anxiety levels and improve outcomes. Researchers divided 360 preoperative patients ages 17 and up into three groups: those receiving standard care for preoperative anxiety; those receiving standard care along with complementary therapy, featuring acupuncture, reflexology, individual guided imagery or a combination of the latter two; and those receiving standard care combined with generic guided imagery via a recording. Anxiety levels were measured preoperatively before and after the intervention on a scale of one to 10, with scores of four or more constituting intermediate or higher-level anxiety. The study found that complementary therapy in combination with standard care produced a 60 percent reduction in anxiety, with the mean score dropping from 5.54 to 2.32. Combining standard care with reflexology and guided imagery provided the best relief, reducing anxiety by an average of 4.22 points. Patients receiving only standard care experienced a slight rise in their average anxiety level.

Fenugreek Eases Menopause Oliver Wilde/


randomized, double-blind study from the Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Research, in Bangalore, India, has found that an extract of fenugreek husk (FHE) called FenuSMART can provide relief from common symptoms of menopause, including night sweats, insomnia, headaches, hot flashes and mood swings. Researchers studied 88 menopausal women between the ages of 45 and 58. Half were given one gram of FHE per day for 90 days while the other half received a placebo. The study measured the impact the supplement had on the subjects’ menopausal symptoms through weekly telephone sessions. At the study’s end, approximately 32 percent of the women in the FHE group reported no hot flashes, while the placebo subjects saw the frequency of theirs reduced from three to five per day to one or two. Additionally, the subjects that took FHE experienced a 57 percent reduction in night sweats, a 68 percent abatement of mood swings, a 75 percent drop in insomnia and 58 percent fewer headaches.


Southeast Texas

Reflexology and Imagery Relieve Preoperative Anxiety

Fortified Foods Cut Into Supplement Use


September 2016 survey from Packaged Facts, a division of Market Research Group, LLC, showed that as much as 20 percent of the U.S. adult population is cutting back on supplement use due to consumption of fortified foods. Despite this trend, nutritional supplement sales nationwide are projected to increase by $1.5 billion in just two years to $16 billion in 2018. Fortified foods contain extra nutrients added by manufacturers such as cereal fortified with iron, milk with added vitamin D and pasta enhanced with folic acid. While the original intent of these additives was to improve nutritional deficiencies in people without access to foods that naturally contain these nutrients, consequences now include an overabundance of particular nutrients for some and poor food choices due to a dependence on fortified foods for others. Ingesting naturally occurring nutrients in unfortified foods allows each nutrient to be absorbed together with the other vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients contained in that food, enabling them to work together within the body, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.

Infants Breathing Bad Air May Suffer as Teens study from the Karolinska Institute of Environmental Medicine, in Stockholm, analyzed data on air pollution exposure and lung function in the first and 15th years of life among 2,415 adolescents in Sweden. The researchers focused on nitrogen oxide in vehicle exhaust and particulate matter from road erosion, using road traffic, topography and weather conditions to classify pollution levels. They compared this data to the level of difficulty the teens experienced getting air through their peripheral airways, termed “resistance”. The study found that breathing problems increased for teenagers each time their exposure as infants to such pollution increased by 10 micrograms per cubic meter, with the strongest association occurring in male subjects with asthma at age 16. The same increase was not present in relation to their exposure to traffic pollution as teenagers. Lead author Erica S. Schultz, Ph.D., says, “An increasing number of studies demonstrate the importance of airway periphery for lung health. It’s concerning that the effect from the first year of life seems to be long-lasting, although we don’t yet know the full clinical implications.”

OF THE MONTH Clove – Syzygium aromaticum


love is a strong pain killer as well as having antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Historically used for toothaches, clove can also be used to treat skin infections, digestive upsets, bad breath, bronchitis and to bring on deep sleep and stimulating dreams. To relieve toothache pain, rub a small amount of clove essential oil on the gums around the affected tooth. Clove will also reduce swelling in the gums. Add cloves to hot tea to soothe the stomach or ease the cough brought on by bronchitis and clear the lungs. For more information, call 832-202-4391, visit See CRG page 31.

Chinese Herbs Lessen Postpartum Blues


study from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, in Beijing, reports that Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) can be an effective treatment for patients with postpartum depression. Traditional Chinese Medicine advocates herbal treatments based on underlying issues. Researchers analyzed data from 47 clinical trials encompassing 3,795 participants between the ages of 18 and 43 suffering from postpartum depression. The study pooled results into three categories: CHM versus placebo, CHM versus routine treatments (antidepressants) and CHM plus routine treatments versus only routine treatments. The study found that using Chinese herbs combined with antidepressants is the most effective approach, noting that CHM is a safe, effective alternative for patients unable or unwilling to take antidepressants.

marilyn barbone/



I’m not interested in my legacy.

I made up a word: ‘live-acy.’ I’m more interested in living. ~John Glenn

natural awakenings

February 2017


Free Fuel

News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Hydrogen Conversion From Water Making Gains

Veggie Tales leungchopan/

Plants Communicate with Sound A recent study from the University of Western Australia has found that plants regularly react to and emit sounds through a series of clicks produced by their roots, and that such interflora communication may be essential to their survival. Evolutionary biologist Monica Gagliano, who made the discovery, listened to the roots of young corn plants and found that they regularly produced sounds in the range of 220Hz, a frequency audible to the human ear. Plants have been shown to influence each other in many ways through nanomechanical oscillations on a molecular scale. Gagliano remarks, “Scientists also know that plants use volatile chemicals to communicate with each other.” Another biological research team under the direction of Professor Olaf Kruse, Ph.D., scientific director of the Center for Biotechnology at Germany’s Bielefeld University, has shown that green algae not only engages in photosynthesis, but also has an alternative source of energy: It can draw it from other plants (Nature Communications). Gagliano comments, “Considering that entire forests are all interconnected by networks of fungi, maybe plants are using fungi the way we use the Internet.”

Repurposed Pallets


Texas Company Turns Wood Waste into Furniture Nearly 2 billion wooden pallets are currently in circulation in the U.S., consuming around 50 percent of the country’s annual hardwood harvest and representing more than 90 percent of the world’s shipping waste. PalletSmart, in Fort Worth, Texas, has been making furniture, home decor and custom projects out of repurposed pallets and other reclaimed material since 2012. Company co-founder John Zaskoda says, “As with any business, we are looking to grow, but want to be smart about it. For now, we are staying put, taking custom residential and commercial orders and producing top-notch furniture.” He sees the endeavor as proof that with hard work and consistency it’s possible to make trash into treasure. Source:


Southeast Texas

Scientists at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm, report that they have finally unlocked a major barrier to exploiting a renewable energy source through extracting pure hydrogen from water. Because the best-performing catalysts for electrochemical oxidation, or “water splitting”, are expensive precious metals, the research team led by KTH Professor Licheng Sun developed molecular catalysts for water oxidation with an efficiency approaching that of natural photosynthesis comprising common, abundant elements, all of which could help change the economics of large-scale hydrogen fuel production. Meanwhile, Daniel Nocera, a professor of energy at Harvard University, and Pamela Silver, a professor of biochemistry and systems biology at Harvard Medical School, have co-created a system that uses solar energy to split water molecules and hydrogen-eating bacteria to produce liquid fuels. Their paper, whose lead authors include post-doctoral fellow Chong Liu and graduate student Brendan Colón, was recently published in Science. “This is a true artificial photosynthesis system,” says Nocera. “Previously, people were using artificial photosynthesis for water-splitting, but this is a true A-to-Z system, and we’ve greatly exceeded the efficiency of photosynthesis in nature.”



Bevan Young/

Fungus Among Us Genetically Altered Mushrooms Approved for Consumption


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Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) is a new method of editing genomes of farm animals and food crops. White button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) that have been genetically modified to delay the natural browning process are the first CRISPRedited organisms to receive approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Yinong Yang, a plant pathologist from Penn State University, crafted the modified mushrooms by targeting the family of genes responsible for the browning effect seen in produce when sliced and exposed to oxygen. Yang was able to reduce the browning enzyme’s work by 30 percent and was granted approval from the USDA because no foreign or altered DNA was integrated into the mushroom genome. The department only assesses whether there’s a risk that the new modified variety of an organism could become a weed or “pest” to other plants. The mushrooms may still be subject to Food and Drug Administration or Environmental Protection Agency regulations. The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine are in discussions about developing a new set of rules for the biotech industry in the next five to 10 years.

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February 2017


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Kids Do Best with Holistic Dentistry by Linda Sechrist

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Southeast Texas

ccording to a 2012 New York Times story, “Preschoolers in Surgery for a Mouthful of Cavities,” more dentists nationwide are recommending that children be administered general anesthesia at hospitals due to the severity of decay. Such extensive dental work on children is largely preventable. Wise parents encourage their children to develop healthy habits such as brushing teeth at least twice a day; eating fewer sugary snacks and brushing afterwards; limiting fruit juice intake to four ounces a day; and sucking on bacteria-killing xylitol lollipops. Such a routine combined with an initial dentist visit by their first birthday can reduce dental costs, including hospital treatment for extreme decay that can cost thousands of dollars. Other ways to reduce the too-common incidence of six to 10 childhood cavities include breastfeeding only until baby teeth erupt; avoiding transmission of an anaerobic oral bacteria carried in saliva that’s the leading cause of tooth

decay; early interceptive treatment to avoid crowding of teeth; and consulting a nutritionist.

Breastfeeding Andie Pearson, a doctor of dental medicine and owner of Gaimed Dental Spa, in Wilmette, Illinois, tells mothers that in the descent through the birth canal, their baby ingests the bacteria necessary to digest breast milk. As teeth later emerge, their gut bacteria also become able to digest solid food. “By the time a child has all 20 baby teeth, between 18 and 30 months, they no longer have the microbial ecology for digesting breast milk and should be weaned. Researchers from the University of CaliforniaBerkeley have found that the more frequently a mother breastfed her child beyond the second birthday during the day, the greater the child’s risk of severe early tooth decay,” says Pearson. Development of facial muscles and bone structure is dependent on chewing and gnawing. “Teething rings facilitate chewing that builds stronger

teeth and creates better alignment,” she explains. If childhood tooth growth is delayed, Pearson often suggests a chiropractic adjustment if all other developmental areas are normal. “It can help the body relax so that teeth erupt naturally,” she advises.

Mouth-to-Mouth Susan Maples, a doctor of dental surgery and owner of Total Health Dentistry, in Holt, Michigan, notes that Streptococcus mutans is the leading reason children are hospitalized today. “Cavities are formed when the rate of decay of the teeth caused by the lactic acid produced by the bacteria exceeds the rate of repair initiated by the phosphate and calcium ions in saliva,” she explains. The unwanted bacteria is transmitted through saliva, which is why adults should avoid licking spoons or tasting foods before offering them to children between the ages of 1 and 3. “This type of bacteria thrives on sugar, so children shouldn’t have lots of sugary drinks and sweet treats,” says Maples. Mouth kissing presents a similar risk.

Early Intervention Kris Kammer, a doctor of dental surgery and owner of Gums of Steel Oral Hygiene Transformation, in Middleton, Wisconsin, learned early in his career to avoid mercury amalgam fillings and early extractions of bicuspids for orthodontic purposes, and that xylitol reduces buildup of plaque bacterial biofilm on teeth. A study published in the Journal of Dental Research, supported by findings of a metastudy appearing in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry “shows that regular use of xylitol over six months significantly reduces the Streptococcus mutans population,” he says. He also suggests early interceptive treatments which can be performed by general dentists. “Parents don’t need to wait for children’s teeth to come in crooked and crowded. These issues can be addressed with a removable appliance that expands the arch in the roof dome, influences bone growth and makes room for incoming teeth,” says Kammer. Early proper diet may also help prevent

crowding of teeth as well as malocclusion, or misalignment of upper and lower teeth, according to Pearson.

Role Modeling “Parents play a pivotal role in their children’s dental hygiene. They influence how their children care for their teeth, behave in the dentist’s office and feel about dental visits,” advises Pentti Nupponen, a doctor of dental medicine and owner of the Halifax Center for Holistic & Cosmetic Dentistry, in Halifax, Pennsylvania. Children should be made familiar with dentistry and taught that they are responsible for their dental hygiene from around age 1. Nupponen explains his gentle method: “I encourage mothers to bring their children along for dental appointments so that they can watch me from their mother’s lap. Generally, by the time they are alone in my chair, they aren’t frightened.” Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at

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natural awakenings

February 2017


PASSAGE Conscious Dying as a Transformative Healing Journey by Linda Sechrist


hen properly viewed, the thresholds of all of life’s transitional moments can be both emotionally and spiritually rewarding. Whether it involves marriage or birth, job loss or illness, gleaning insight from the experience can yield fresh perspective on how to live life more fully today, if we remain mindful and lovingly attentive through the process. Like birth, death is a transition we can wisely prepare for. In recent years, compassionate individuals and grassroots movements have emerged to help us conduct ourselves, heal and grow from losing a loved one or face our own passing. An increasing number of initiatives support a new model in palliative care that treats death not as a failure, but an expected aspect of


Southeast Texas

the human experience. Each in its own way advocates for a grace-filled passage supported by dignified, caring and compassionate practices.

Profound Shift The Conscious Dying Institute, in Boulder, Colorado, aims to restore death and dying to its natural place in the sacred circle of life. Its end-of-life literacy curriculum and certificate training programs are helping to create a new, wisdombased culture of healing teachers and end-of-life doulas that serve among the frontline caregivers and companions providing the comfort people want and need most. Founded by Tarron Estes, a healing artist, poet, Caritas coach and transformational learning educator, the institute is grounded in love, spiritual


openness, compassion and a universal field of consciousness. “Training is open to nurses, physicians, clinicians, caregivers, family members, healthcare teams and anyone else interested in exploring what it means to die consciously,” says Estes. It attends to the provider’s inner awakening and helps them strengthen their ability to give spiritual, emotional, physical and practical care to anyone, helping to relieve pain, regardless of diagnosis. “Rather than curative care, it’s all about seeking to increase precious, meaningful moments, a sense of spiritual sanctity, beauty, interconnectedness and appreciation of life for the families and patients they serve. An end-of-life doula at bedside assures that families and loved ones can focus on what is most important,” explains Estes, who believes that our true nature lives within us as an unblemished jewel. Helping individuals become comfortable talking about death is the work of Dr. Karen Wyatt, of Dillon, Colorado, founder of the End of Life University, an online interview series with end-of-life care experts. She provides a trustworthy loving environment in monthly death cafés. The author of What Really Matters: 7 Lessons for Living from the Stories of Dying expands the conversation through related articles and podcasts at Death cafés benefit from Wyatt’s experience as a hospice doctor. “There is never an agenda. Of the 10 to 12 people that generally join in, one is always a new caller, recently awakened to the idea of conscious dying or their own mortality. They’re seeking information and someone to talk to because family and friends aren’t interested. Some already embracing their mortality wish to explore their thoughts with others. Some callers join just to listen,” advises Wyatt. Because death in the West has become a commercialized, medical event with funeral home packages the norm, Wyatt recommends the National Home Funeral Alliance to those interested in a deeper understanding of options and resources for a gentler model. The nonprofit, grassroots movement and its members, such as Sacred Crossings, in Los Angeles, seek to restore the lost

Exploring the Mystery For more than 40 years, philosopher, psychologist and physician Raymond Moody’s life work has been acknowledging the mysteries and validating the unexplainable events at the end of life. His seminal bestseller Life After Life appeared in 1975. Lisa Smartt’s mentorship by Moody led them to co-found She’s also authored Words at the Threshold, a study of the nonsensical, metaphorical and paradoxical language and visions of the dying. Moody and Smartt agree that by better understanding the unique language patterns related to end of life we can share more deeply and build bridges with our beloveds throughout the dying process. “When we do so, we offer greater support to the dying and ameliorate our own experience of loss as they cross the threshold,” remarks Smartt. Like William Peters, founder of the Shared Crossings Project, in Santa Barbara, California, they caution that compassionate etiquette during events at death is important. “Assume that levels of awareness exist in the dying so that our energy and presence are felt and our voices heard,” advises Moody. “Respect your words and actions, regardless of the person’s state of consciousness. Be a compassionate listener and validate their vision. Don’t pretend to intellectualize or explain anything.”

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art and healing ritual of a home funeral by preserving the rights of families to provide home after-death care. Supporting and educating interested families is the mission of Sacred Crossings founder Rev. Olivia Rosemarie Bareham. The certified death midwife and home funeral guide draws from her experiences as an auxiliary nurse and hospice volunteer to assist families with end-of-life planning, death midwifery and arrangements for an at-home vigil and funeral, as well as cremation and burial choices. “We also offer sacred singing to help ease a loved one’s transition. Music by a bedside soloist or choir before, during and after death can be deeply relaxing and comforting, and even provide pain relief,” advises Bareham.

“Sometimes no matter how many advance care conversations have taken place, discord can dismantle the best laid plans. It requires the tough work of compassionate communications. Friends and families need to remember that this is the patient’s end-of-life experience, not theirs. It is possible to find peace in the midst of conflict, understanding that the one leaving overwhelmingly wishes for a peaceful passing, including peace within the family.” The Death Over Dinner initiative, founded by Michael Hebb in 2013, has been hosted by groups in more than 20 countries to help people engage in conversations on “how we want to die”—the most vital and costly discussion Americans aren’t having (

We rediscover that in order to die well, we must live well. Dying gracefully is the result of a mindful, Practical Plans The American Institute of Certified Public day-to-day journey—a Accountants and its 360 Degrees of culmination of informed Financial Literacy program offer a free choices, honest discussions downloadable national Guide to Financial Decisions: Implementing an End-of-Life and deference to the Plan at It includes basic descriptions of issues hallowed fragility of that arise as we age beyond retirement nature’s life-death cycles. and details the critical documents ~William Rosa Dianne Gray, president and executive director of the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation, also owns Hospice and Healthcare Communications. “The dying often wish to leave here surrounded by peace and harmony. They choose to let go of contentiousness and often wish family members would do the same, which is facilitated by mapping out Advance Directives according to the final wishes of the patient,” says Gray. Questions she frequently addresses in public talks and Death Over Dinner party conversations include: the necessity of finishing unfinished business; bringing closure to unresolved relationship issues; finding words to express our compassion; soothing the sense of impending loss; and managing to take only love with us to the other side, yet leave enough of it behind to help loved ones through their grieving process. She cautions that no matter how well we plan for death, things don’t always go as planned.

needed for the individual, dependents, property, assets, estate planning, wills and trusts. It also addresses issues related to advance, treatment and do-notresuscitate directives, insurance, types of funerals and costs, and Social Security, Medicare and veterans’ benefits. Guidelines suggest consulting with a certified public accountant or personal financial planning specialist. The latest innovation is the blessing of a living funeral, a celebration of life while the honoree is present to hear the eulogies, praises and farewells before they depart. provides a downloadable Five Wishes document, a popular advance directive, or living will that covers personal, spiritual, medical and legal aspects. It’s easy to use and can serve as a family guide to prompt conversations about personal care preferences in the event of serious illness. New York Times journalist Mark Leibovich wrote about how Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy chose to spend his final weeks in pursuit of a “good ending.” As death approached,

natural awakenings

February 2017


Writing Our Legacy by Linda Sechrist

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n their books Caring for the Dying and Having the Last Say, authors Henry FerskoWeiss and Alan Gelb, respectively, advocate reviewing our life and writing a short narrative to explore its value as we approach our final act of Earth’s play. Processing experiences from the past and what they mean at this juncture presents us an opportunity to achieve greater clarity and integrate them in a positive way in our life story. According to Fersko-Weiss, it has the power to reduce depression, increase life satisfaction, promote acceptance of self and enhance integrity of spirit, no matter what phase of life we are in. The harvesting of life experiences should reflect our true humanity—flaws and all—and what we’ve learned through mistakes and failures, as well as triumphs. Conveying a compelling mythic family story, values we’ve lived by and our embrace of meaningful relationships will help the people we know understand that, for all its difficulties and complexities, life is worth living. Our narrative, whether recorded as an essay or scripted video, becomes an act of praise for the gift of the life we’ve led, imperfect as it may have been. It can also serve as a potential keepsake that passes along life lessons and values from one generation to another. Gelb suggests that summing up what’s most important to us in 500 to 1,000 words can be an experience to savor and enjoy at a reflective time in life, an opportunity to capture our legacy and even serve as our own eulogy. When we want a loved one no longer here to feel near to us and hear them one last time, it’s a way for them to literally have the last say, he adds.

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As many as 80 percent of us say we want to die at home. ~CNN Kennedy told friends that he wanted to take stock of his life and enjoy the gift of his remaining days with the people he loved most. As a result, he continued enjoying his morning ritual of reading newspapers while drinking coffee, playing with his dogs, watching James Bond movies with his wife and holding family dinners and sing-alongs near nightly. He reveled in his bedside view of Nantucket Sound, sailed when he could and ate lots of his favorite ice cream. His mantra was, “Every day is a gift.” “As our time winds down, we all seek comfort in simple pleasures—companionship, everyday routines, the taste of good food, the warmth of sunlight on our faces,” remarks Boston’s Dr. Atul Gawande in Being Mortal. “If we strive in our final months for independence, companionship, mindful attention, dignity, wisdom, joy, love and freedom from pain, we have the power to make those days less miserable, confusing and frightening.” In these many ways, we can manage to gently embrace and tenderly navigate life’s final transition with grace and love. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at

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Conscious Living By Sara Blumenfeld


he best way to ensure conscious dying is by practicing conscious living. Because none of us know when we will exit this life experience, being present in the moment, doing what we enjoy, and conveying love to those important to us should be a daily priority.

Here are 10 ways to practice conscious living daily.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Establish rituals that bring your attention to the present moment and connect you with your spirit and with Source Energy.

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Create a list of the feelings you want to predominantly experience, such as love, joy, wonder, satisfaction, freedom, fulfillment, contentment. Become consciously aware of things in your life that bring these feelings, and then do more of those things.

Behavior Disorders

Find or create reasons to laugh every day.


Regenerate the temple that is your body through healthy eating, yoga, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic care, etc..


Deliberately perform at least one act of kindness per day.


Forgive yourself, forgive your past, forgive others. Better yet, give up judging people or circumstances as wrong in the first place.


Focus on what you desire, rather than on what you think is missing, and focus on feelings more than on things. Where your attention goes, energy flows and circumstances are created that carry the energy of what you are focusing on.


Make a list, often called a bucket list, of everything you would love to do with no regard to the limiting circumstances you think prevent you from doing them. We are here to expand the universe by living life to the fullest. Do it now!


Tell your family members, especially the ones you live with, how much you love them daily. Give attention only to the behaviors that you find pleasing and speak your appreciation often.


Love yourself. Look for only the good in yourself and acknowledge with appreciation just how amazing you are.

You chose this life at this time in this place. Your purpose here is to create, and by practicing conscious living, you create that which blesses both you and others. Sara Blumenfeld is a spiritual coach, certified Infinite Possibilities trainer, and HealthRHYTHMS drum circle facilitator in the Clear Lake area. Connect at or See ad, page 13.

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Easy-Grow Microgreens Are Big on Nutrition by Barbara Pleasant


ast, fun to grow and packed with flavor and nutrition, tender young microgreens can go from seed to table in as little as a week. Close cousins to edible sprouts, microgreens are grown in potting soil or seed-starting mixes instead of plain water. They customarily grow beyond the sprout stage until they have produced a true leaf or two. After that, harvesting is a simple matter of snipping off fresh greens. “You don’t need a green thumb to grow microgreens, only patience and persistence,” says Mark Mathew Braunstein, in Old Saybrook, Connecticut, author of Microgreen Garden. Even first-timers can expect good results. For example, the thin shoots grown from popcorn taste like a more vibrant form of sweet corn, and pea shoots work well in wraps, salads and virtually any Asian dish. Like high-fiber wheatgrass, “Microgreens are great for juicing, either by themselves or mixed with other veggies,” says Rita Galchus (aka Sprout Lady Rita), proprietor of The Sprout House, in Lake Katrine, New York, which sells organic seeds for microgreens and sprouts. “You can add a handful of microgreens to a smoothie to ramp up the nutrition without changing its taste or texture,” she notes.

planting list. Scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Quality Laboratory, in Beltsville, Maryland, tested the nutritional properties of 25 microgreens; red cabbage, cilantro, garnet amaranth and green daikon radish had the highest concentrations of vitamin C, carotenoids, and vitamins K and E, respectively. Microgreens generally provide three times as much nutrition per weight as the same food eaten in its mature state. “People underestimate the intense flavor of microgreens and might try planting mustard greens or radish varieties even if they don’t like spicy flavors,” say Elizabeth Millard, an organic farmer in Northfield, Minnesota, and author of Indoor Kitchen Gardening. For beginners, large seeds that sprout quickly such as sunflowers, buckwheat and snow peas are good choices because they produce big, robust sprouts with mild flavor. Many people also grow microgreens for their pets. “Cats tend to prefer mild, sweet-tasting microgreens such as red clover, alfalfa and flax seed,” advises Galchus. “They also love grasses grown from hard wheat, whole barley and rye. Cats cannot digest the grass, but use it to bring up indigestible matter that might be lodged in their stomachs.”

Good Picks

Clean Greens

The seeds of dozens of plants from alfalfa to wheat can be grown as microgreens. If seeking to maximize nutrition, put red cabbage and cilantro on the

Microgreens grow so fast that there’s little time for them to run into trouble. Commercial growers use large trays, but home gardeners can also use pretty cof-

fee mugs or tofu boxes rescued from the recycling bin. Drainage holes in the container bottoms work well when growing beets or other slow-sprouting seeds, but are less important for fast-growing sunflowers or wheat. Work only with organic seeds. Seeds sold for sprouting or bulk grains from a local health food store cost much less than the larger, robust seeds produced for gardening. Soak seeds in water overnight to jump-start germination. Place an inch or so of potting soil or seed-starting mix in the container, and then scatter the plump seeds on top. “A common beginner’s error is to sow seeds too thickly,” says Braunstein. Sown seeds should not touch each other, with most spaced about one-quarter-inch apart. Spritz with water and cover with a plate or plastic wrap. At the first signs of sprouting, water and move the pot to a sunny spot near a bright window or within two inches of a bright grow light. Dribble in small amounts of water to maintain moisture over the next few days. To harvest, cut in bunches about one-half inch above the soil line. Microgreens store well in the refrigerator for a couple of days, but are best eaten fresh. For both beginners and experienced gardeners, growing microgreens provides a close-up look at seed germination, one of nature’s miracles. Award-winning garden writer Barbara Pleasant’s new book Homegrown Pantry: A Gardener’s Guide to Selecting the Best Varieties & Planting the Perfect Amounts for What You Want to Eat Year Round, will be out next month from Storey Publishing.

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February 2017



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How to Stay Healthy, Flexible and Strong


hen thinking about the best forms of exercise as we enter midlife and beyond, we should first clarify some myths and preconceptions,” says Michael Spitzer, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, biochemist, fitness expert and author of Fitness at 40, 50, 60 and Beyond. “In our society, there’s a mindset that once we pass our 40th year, it’s all downhill from there. Our metabolism slows and we gain weight, lose mobility and flexibility, deal with more aches and pains, experience shortness of breath and the list goes on.” According to Spitzer, this all can happen, but it’s more of a self-fulfilling prophecy than destiny. “Research with older people at both rehabilitation and nursing centers tells us that the human body wasn’t designed to begin a major decline in function until age 70, barring major illness or accidents along the way. Most of individual decline is due to lifestyle choices, not nature’s plan.” Spitzer teaches his clients that weight training is essential for every age group. “After age 30, most people lose between 0.5 to 1 percent of lean muscle fiber per year, which directly affects the basal metabolic rate. Much like a car engine, the more lean muscle mass

we have, the more energy our ‘engine’ uses, even when idling. If not prevented, by age 50, for example, we may have lost as much as 20 percent of the lean muscle fiber we had when we were 30.” He also recommends regular cardiovascular exercise. “Do a good round of cardio inside your target heart rate zone for 30 minutes at least three times a week. It’s vital for lung and heart health, the primary benefit of cardio exercise as opposed to just burning calories.” “For those in their 40s, I recommend high-intensity interval training such as burst training, along with a mind-body practice like power yoga or budokon,” says Nelson Pahl, of Northfield, Minnesota, managing editor of Longevity Times. “Vinyasa yoga, tai chi and cycling are ideal during our 50s, while hatha yoga, tai chi, or qigong and hiking work well in our 60s.” “Most of my clients are 70 and up,” notes Gwyneth Jones, an active aging specialist at the Carriage Club, in Kansas City, Missouri, who also trains physical therapists, rehabilitation specialists and movement educators. “They enjoy mixing up their daily exercise routines and look forward

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to the support and encouragement of their classmates. Discussions include lighthearted wordplay and questions about anatomy and physiology.” Pahl urges everyone at every age, “Consume only whole foods, always.” He rarely drinks alcohol and begins every day with yoga and qigong. “Also, be sure to stay well hydrated,” adds Jones. “This will keep your joints healthy, skin clear and moist, digestion more efficient and detoxification of organ systems more effective. Add fresh lemon if you like.” Physical fitness is only one aspect of aging gracefully. Spiritual growth lifts and lightens any mental and emotional load, while supporting physical well-being. Spitzer also recommends, “Reading, learning to play a musical instrument, crafting activities, computer strategy games or doing other

activities that require concentration or new problem-solving skills; all help the mind stay tuned up and sharp.” It’s always healthy to break out of normal routines and comfort zones, venture into new worlds, volunteer and do what makes our heart soar. Jones advises, “Choose activities that feel good, refreshing, include people you enjoy, and are done in pleasant environments. Don’t forget to revel in sunshine or a good book on a rainy day. Listen to music, play music, sing and dance every day.” Maturity brings benefits we can embrace with delight when we bring loving attention and happy novelty to life.

Put your heart,

mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. ~Swami Sivananda

Aimee Hughes, a freelance writer in Kansas City, MO, is a doctor of naturopathy and consultant for the Yandara Yoga Institute. Connect at

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February 2017




KISSED BY KINDNESS by Emily Esfahani Smith


sychologist Ty Tashiro reports in The Science of Happily Ever After that only three in 10 couples remain in healthy, happy marriages. Psychologist John Gottman, in New York City, has studied couples for four decades seeking to understand successful relationships. He and his psychologist wife, Julie, founded The Gottman Institute that helps couples build and maintain loving, healthy relationships based on scientific studies. Using data from his Love Lab at the University of Washington, John separated thousands of couples into two groups: masters (still happy after six years) and disasters (separated or chronically unhappy in their marriages). One of Gottman’s studies watched 130 newlywed vacationing couples and found that partners regularly made bids


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for connection, requesting responses from their mate. Choices to “turn toward” or “turn away” revealed the level of engagement and respect in the relationship. Couples that divorced within six years had shown “turn toward” bids a third of the time while couples still together responded to their partner’s emotional need nine times out of 10. An integral element is the spirit couples bring to the relationship: kindness and generosity or contempt, criticism and hostility. “There’s a key habit of mind that the masters have,” Gottman explains. “They are scanning the social environment for things they can appreciate and express thanks for. Disasters are scanning for partners’ mistakes.” People focused on criticizing miss 50 percent of positive things their partners are doing and see negativity when it’s

absent. Deliberately ignoring their partner or responding minimally to opportunities for small moments of emotional connection devalues and kills a relationship. Kindness, conversely, glues couples together, making each partner feel cared for, understood, validated and loved. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers found that the more someone receives or witnesses kindness, the more they will be kind themselves, creating upward spirals of love and generosity. Practicing kindness during a fight is vital. Letting contempt and aggression spiral out of control during a conflict can inflict irrevocable damage. “Kindness doesn’t mean that we don’t express anger,” Julie explains, “But it informs how we choose to express it. You can either throw spears or explain why you’re hurt and angry, which is the kinder path.” Kindness can also solidify the backbone of a relationship by being generous about our partner’s intention and avoiding misinterpreting what’s motivating their behavior. “Even if it’s executed poorly, appreciate the intent,” Tashiro advises. Clearly, if we want to have a stable, healthy relationship, exercise kindness early and often and let a spirit of generosity guide happy years together. Emily Esfahani Smith is the author of The Power of Meaning: Crafting a Life That Matters. Connect at EmilyEsfahaniSmith. com or on Twitter @emesfahanismith.


Transforming the Way Women Relate to Men An Interview with Alison Armstrong by April Thompson


or 25 years, relationship expert Alison Armstrong has worked to evolve society by changing the way women relate to men. Her yearning to understand the opposite sex was born from personal challenges, including a failed marriage in her 20s. She began studying men on her own, at the age of 30, beginning with the question, “What if men are responding to women?” What started out as a personal inquiry has become a lifelong pursuit and she’s shared her findings with millions of men and women worldwide. Armstrong, co-founder and CEO of PAX Programs, addresses gender differences, sexuality and relationships. She has written three books, including The Queen’s Code, and speaks to interpersonal insights through workshops, webinars and teleclasses, including free recordings and articles at Armstrong and her second husband have been happily married for 23 years and now live in Colorado.

Which core differences between men and women cause everyday misunderstandings? The biggest source of mischief is denying that differences exist at all. Both men and women tend to assume that each is a version of the other, which creates significant misunderstandings. We interact with our partners by doing

provide us. For him, there needs to be a reward equal to or greater than the energy he’ll have to expend. Years ago, I described to my husband in colorful detail the experience of falling into the toilet in the middle of the night; he took it upon himself to make sure that never again happens to the women he loves.

What’s the secret to navigating partners’ differing needs and drives for physical intimacy?

or saying what works for us. When that doesn’t get the response we’re expecting, we usually draw incorrect conclusions and act in counterproductive ways. For example, men and women relate to feelings differently. Women often make life decisions based on their feelings about something or someone. To men, who tend to rely on facts and set aside feelings, this approach can seem irrational, and relating to women as irrational has predictably bad outcomes.

The secret is to stop leaving our sex lives to the whims of biology, or making decisions based on whether we “feel like it.” Waiting for a time when both partners feel like it, the kids are at Grandma’s and we’re not too tired leads to sex happening too rarely. Delicious sexual partnerships begin when we decide to stop waiting and instead work on creating the circumstances that put us in the mood. One example is learning to offer “dessert”. Using the desire for food as a metaphor for the desire for sex, we’re often trying to eat together when only one partner is hungry. But dessert sounds delicious anytime; examples might be massage or kissing or other physical activities. Find out what reliably perks up a partner’s interest and put that on the menu.

Where does a couple best start to heal the communication divide?

How can a woman satisfy a man’s desire to provide without sacrificing her independence?

The most powerful thing men and women can do is to address misunderstandings with openness and curiosity rather than assuming we know why our partner did or said something. We should ask ourselves, “What if there’s a good reason for that?” Don’t assume that what’s true for her is also true for him, and vice versa. Once a couple chooses to give each other the benefit of the doubt, a few simple changes can further open up communication. Saying “I need” instead of “I want” will make a huge difference. Because being “needy” is considered unattractive, women avoid this word, not realizing that it connects with a man’s instinct to provide. When asking for something, it’s important to say what it would

American culture tells women that being low-maintenance matters most. Yet, when we allow our partners to fulfill our needs, it can help us unlock our own greatness, as well as theirs. Men are driven to provide for their loved ones and denying them such opportunities takes away their life’s pursuit, which can be emasculating. By asking for what we need, women create opportunities for partnership, satisfaction and fulfillment for both partners. When we allow the men in our life to contribute to us and learn to receive graciously, we discover that it doesn’t diminish our power. Connect with freelance writer April Thompson, of Washington, D.C., at

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February 2017




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by Valerie Burke


s safe and trusted as hyperbaric (high pressure) oxygen therapy, ozone therapy also harnesses the healing power of oxygen. Since the 1950s, its popularity has increased around the world. Today, more than 45,000 physicians in 50 countries administer ozone therapy to address ailments ranging from endodontic infections and herniated disk pain to arterial plaque and Lyme disease. According to the American Academy of Ozonotherapy, the widespread medical use of ozone began in Germany and has since spread across Europe as an alternative treatment for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The academy notes that allopathic physicians caution against ozone therapy largely due to misinformation and a lack of understanding regarding its efficacy, side effects, expense and safety, even though published international studies as well as U.S. clinical trials have shown it can be used instead of more expensive and dangerous methods such as surgery or pharmaceuticals. Therapeutic ozone has a sound safety record and no toxic effects have been observed from proper clinical use (Journal of the American Medical Association). Occasional reported side effects are slight

weakness, dizziness or drowsiness for short periods of time during or after treatment. Rare allergic skin reactions like nettle rash are possible with local applications, although occurrences are mild and quick to resolve. Ozone is an oxidant. Ozone therapy, like exercise, creates health benefits by delivering measured doses of oxidative stress that activate the body’s internal antioxidant systems. The primary natural enzyme in ozone therapy is superoxide dismutase, which stimulates another enzyme called telomerase that keeps DNA young by maintaining the telomere at the end of each DNA strand. A study from Cuba’s University of Havana of herniated disc patients found that ozone therapy provided both oxidative protection and pain relief. Such properties make medical ozone therapy a safe and effective treatment for many infections. It’s been shown to be particularly effective for sinus and endodontic infections (Iranian Endodonics Journal), osteonecrosis of the jaw, ear infections, hepatitis (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine), cystitis, HIV, intestinal and blood infections and Lyme disease. Staff of the Sophia Health Institute, in Woodinville, Washington, report remarkably fast results treating such chronic complex infections by

Sebastian Kaulitzki/

Thanks to these local businesses, you can pick up a complimentary copy of 1DWXUDO $ZDNHQLQJV in South Houston, Galveston County, Brazoria County and Matagorda County. They include coffee shops, grocery stores, health food stores, yoga & Pilates studios, gyms, healing centers, vitamin shops and more! Below are a few locations where you can find us:

Oxygen Therapy Heals a Host of Ills

following intensive intravenous (IV) ozone protocols, with individualized systemic support. Ozonotherapy is a prime treatment for infections, especially viral. Leading experts in oxidative therapy Dr. Robert Rowen, who practices in Santa Rosa, California, and Dr. Howard Robins, director of The Healing Center, in New York City, had good success administering treatment during the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone. In addition to many patients helped, “It’s been reported that ozone therapy rapidly cured five patients with Ebola during the outbreak,� says Rowen. Ozone therapy is now used to relieve arthritis, neuropathy, degenerative joint and disk disease, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. A pilot study led by the Universidad de Granada, Spain, saw improvement in the physical and depressive symptoms of fibromyalgia. “Ozone is also effective in treating osteoarthritic knees and, via injection, arthritic hips,� says Rowen. Other individuals describe their experiences of overcoming various diseases using ozone therapy at RobertRowenMD/videos. One of the most impressive evidence-based applications is relief from the pain of herniated disks, particularly lumbar. More than one meta-analysis deemed ozone treatment an effective and extremely safe procedure, with pain and functional outcomes equal to or better than surgery and far lower complication rates (less than 0.1 percent), along with significantly shorter recovery times (Pain Physician; American Journal of Neuroradiology). According to the Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine, oxygen/ ozone therapy used in dentistry offers three fundamental forms of applications to treat oral tissue—ozonated water, ozonated olive oil and oxygen/ozone gas. Ozonated water and olive oil have proved to be an ideal delivery system. Non-toxic and simple to generate, ozone therapy is coming of age as a viable option for both the treatment and prevention of illnesses. Valerie Burke is a freelance health writer in Olympia, Washington, versed in integrative medicine with a master’s degree in nursing science.

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February 2017


looking ahead 2017 THURSDAY, MARCH 2 “An Evening with Spirit” – 7-9pm. Join in an evening of love, laughter and tears as Heather demystifies the myths and misconceptions of mediumship and channels messages of love and encouragement from loved ones on the other side. Limited Seating. Register at Holiday Inn Downtown Houston, 1616 Main St, Houston.

SATURDAY, MARCH 4 SHP Causeway FunD Run/Walk – 7:45am. UTMB Health and the School of Health Professions (SHP) hosting this event benefitting SHP student scholarships. We invite you to participate to help provide scholarships for the many talented students in the SHP. $10-40. Galveston County Daily News, 8522 Teichman Rd., Galveston. 409-772-3006. Annual Fishing Extravaganza – 10am. Join neighbors and friends for this family friendly event where hundreds of fish will be placed in the city pool & you will have a chance to catch them. Take home what you catch, fileting will be offered for a fee. Catch a ‘tagged’ fish & win a prize! $6-10. League City Municipal Pool, 450 West Walker, League City. 281-554-1180.

FRIDAY, MARCH 17 Blanket Bingo – 6-8pm. Don’t miss the family fun, so pack a picnic, bring your blanket and get ready for some live BINGO action. $1. National Oak Park, 118 S Magnolia, Alvin.

calendarofevents NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 5th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Standard listings are $18 and Expanded listings are $32. Please submit in formats shown below to We reserve the right to edit for readability and word count. No phone calls or faxed listings accepted.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Father Daughter Dance – 6:30-9:30pm. Dancing, dining and plenty of fun. Professional photographer will be available. Registration fees $55-82.50. Hometown Heroes Park, 1001 E League City Pkwy, League City. 281-554-1180.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Surfside Beach Marathon – 8am. The only marathon and half marathon in the US run entirely on a beach! Starts as the sun rises over the water and follows the public beach to San Luis pass, then returns. The entire course is on the firm, smooth sand - great for running. Non-competitive division for walkers at 6:45am. $15-75. Surfside Beach, 2211 Bluewater Highway, Freeport. Seniorfest – 9am-12pm. Vendors providing information regarding Senior’s health, living & entertainment, BINGO sponsored by the Lake Jackson Seniors Commission & Lunch (sponsored by Brazosport Rotary). Free to all Seniors 55 & over. Lake Jackson Civic Center, 333 Hwy 332, Lake Jackson. 979-415-2600. Mainland Mardi Gras Fun Parade Run – 11:40am. As a participant in this fun run, you will be part of & start of, the Mardi Gras Mainland Parade! Run, walk, stroll, or roll past tailgaters galore along Texas City’s most celebrated route! Dress up, throw beads! Skates, bikes & strollers welcome. Free. Showboat Pavilion, 416 6th Ave N., Texas City. Poofy Organics Open House – 2-5pm. Felicia Hunt invites you to come as you are & sample great organic body care, hair care, cosmetic & home products. Enjoy light food & refreshments. Contact Felicia at 832-226-6967 or for more information.

SATURDAY, MARCH 25 Paws In The Park – 10am-4pm. The event includes the H-E-B Plus! Pet & Owner Fun Run followed by the national Dock Diving competition. Come enjoy the day with your furry friend, watch demonstrations such as: flyball, US Dog Disc Nationals, agility, obedience, mingle with your local pet related businesses, and more. Free. Veterans Sports Complex, 4141 Bailey Road, Pearland. Handbags and Gladrags – 11:30am-1pm. Ladies’ luncheon & purse auction sponsored by Angleton Alumni Association to raise money for AHS scholarships. Vintage, novelty & gently used designer purses in silent auction. Nancy Gayle will be the guest speaker. $20. The Pavilion, 1800 North Downing Road, Angleton.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5 Sundays In Nature: National Mammal - Bison – 12pm. Free admission day to the Nature Center. Designed to inspire families to get outside & foster an appreciation for ABNC & our natural world.We focus on a different topic each month. Free. Armand Bayou Nature Center, 8500 Bay Area Blvd, Pasadena. 281-474-2551.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Girls Just Want to Have Fun! – 7pm. Oils and Romance Just in time for Valentine’s Day. We’ll discuss hormones, libido & more, in a dignified way. Contact Melissa Vaughan for more information or to schedule a personal meeting or class in your area. Alvin Public Library, 105 South Gordon St, Alvin. 979-429-DROP.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Clear Creek 5K & KidsK – 7:15am. We invite you to join us at the Egret Bay campus for the 2nd Annual Clear Creek 5K (Run or Walk!). This year the Clear Creek 5


Southeast Texas

will be joined by Ainsley’s Angels who aims to build awareness about America’s special needs community through inclusion in all aspects of life. $10-25. Clear Creek Community Church, Egret Bay Campus, 999 N FM 270, League City. GPoore@ClearCreek.Org. FREE BOOK DISCUSSION: The Call of Soul – 3-4:30pm. “Your heart opens to love because the teachings of ECK are about receiving God ’s love. When you begin receiving God’s love, that is the way to spiritual freedom.” Free & Open to the public, every 2nd Saturday. Rosenberg Library, 2310 Sealy Street, 4th Floor, Board Room Galveston. 1-800-LOVE-GOD. Friendswood Daddy Daughter Dance – 6-8:30pm. Special dinner and dancing. Friendswood High School Cafeteria, 702 Greenbriar Dr., Friendswood. For more details, call 281-996-3220.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Everyday Uses for Essential Oils – 2:30pm. We’ll go over essential oil basics & do an optional Make-n-Take. Bring $8 to use our oils & supplies to make sweet smelling foaming hand soap & allergy relief nasal inhaler. Contact Melissa Vaughan for more information or to schedule a personal meeting or class in your area. Café Express, 19443 Gulf Freeway, Webster. 979-429DROP. Valentine’s Dinner Cooking Class - 1:30-3:30pm. Join chef Steph in making Exploration Green Salad, Mussels in white wine & sliced garlic, Petite filet with thyme au jus, Parmesan cappellini & seared asparagus, and tiramisu! BYOB or wine. $40 per person, $60 per couple. Clear Lake City Recreation and Community Center, 16511 Diana Lane, Houston. 281-488-0360.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Drum Circle: Healthy Happy Body – 7:30pm. At the beginning of a new year, our thoughts turn to new beginnings and fresh intentions to take care of our bodies. This HealthRHYTHMS drum circle will focus on appreciation of our amazing bodies. Drums provided, or bring your own. No experience necessary. $10 per person. Wellness Integration Center, 5517 W. Broadway, Suite D, Pearland. 512-659-6694.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 106th Mardi Gras Galveston – Feb 17-28. A unique Mardi Gras experience expected to draw 350K+ attendees for 30+ concerts, 22 parades, 20 balcony parties and several elegant masked balls. Galveston.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 First Annual Matagorda Bay Birdfest – Feb 18-19. 8am. Speakers, birding tours, kayak tours, Palacios

parade of birds & youth bird art program. Benefitting The Palacios Pavilion. 3101 14th Street, Palacios. Diva Dash 5K & Lil’ Princess Girls Run – 8am12pm. Show off your inner diva & join us for this women-only event that’s as much about fun as it is about competition! There will be lots of tutus and tiaras. $12-40. Pearland Town Center, 11200 Broadway Street, Pearland.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Drum Circle: Communicating With Your Body – 7pm. In this HealthRHYTHMS Drum Circle we will focus on ways to communicate with our bodies to maintain optimal well-being and balance. Drums provided, or bring your own. No experience necessary. Natural Living Food Co-Op, 219 N. Michigan Ave., League City. $10 in advance, $12 at the door. 512-659-6694.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 FREE BOOK DISCUSSION: The Call of Soul – 7-8:30pm. “Your heart opens to love because the teachings of ECK are about receiving God ’s love. When you begin receiving God’s love, that is the way to spiritual freedom.” Free & Open to the public, every 4th Thursday. Rosenberg Library, 2310 Sealy Street, 2nd Floor, McCullough Room, Galveston. 1-800-LOVE-GOD.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Drum Circle: Connecting Body, Mind and Spirit – 7pm. In this stressful world, we can often feel disconnected and lack clarity. This HealthRHYTHMS Drum Circle will focus on connecting all aspects of self to allow for maximum manifesting and creation. Drums provided, or bring your own. No experience necessary. Unity Bay Area Houston, 1911 Hwy 3 S., League City. Love donation. 512-659-6694.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Pearland 5K Cancer Prevention Run/Walk – 7:30am. This has become a family event where both the young and old can participate. Lots of food & other activities. $35-300. Silverlake Elementary School Park, 2550 County Road 90 Silverlake, Pearland. Clear Lake Gem and Mineral Show – Feb 25-26. 10am. Learn about rare fossils, rocks, and exquisite gems! Watch demonstrations of lapidary – the art of cutting, polishing, and engraving precious stones. Enjoy shopping with over 30 vendors offering books, tools, mineral and fossil specimens, jewelry, & more. $3-7. Pasadena Convention Center, 7902 Fairmont Pkwy., Pasadena. 281-487-4331. Daddy Daughter Date Night “One Night in Paris” – 6-8pm. A magical experience for Daddy’s & their Daughter’s, they will never forget. Enjoy a photo booth, DJ, dessert, & various games/activities. Registration required by Wednesday, Feb. 15 online at or at the Recreation Center & Natatorium. Space limited. Registration codes: couples $30 - 6542, Additional Sibling $10 – 6543. Recreation Center and Natatorium, 4141 Bailey Road, Pearland.

ongoingevents sunday


Galveston’s Own Farmers’ Market – 9am-1pm. Offering locally grown produce, prepared foods and edible farm products. 2508 Postoffice, Galveston. 832-819-1561. Info:

Small Dog Socialization – 7:30-8:15pm. Bring in small dogs to have fun and socialize. Gimme a Bark, 101 E Edgewood Dr, Friendswood. 281482-1911.

Yoga Nidra – 7pm. Opening with a soft flow of yoga asanas to prepare the body and mind for the deep, guided meditation of Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep), this practice serves to calm the restless mind and deepen conscious awareness. Bring towel and mat. $15/ drop-in. The Yoga Haven, 2507 Market St, Galveston. 409-770-9995.


monday Yoga 101 – 5:30-6:45pm. With Kathleen. Foundational hatha yoga for students new to yoga or returning to practice. Fine tune basic skills that will deepen your understanding and enjoyment of the practice of yoga. Bring towel and mat. $15/drop-in. The Yoga Haven, 2507 Market St, Galveston. 409-770-9995.

tuesday Senior Tuesday – All day. On Tuesdays, anyone 65 years and up can visit Moody Gardens for $5/attraction per senior. Restrictions may apply. Moody Gardens, 1 Hope Blvd, Galveston. 800-582-4673. Details: Meditation – 9:30-10:30am. Unity Bay Area Houston, 1911 Hwy 3 S, League City. 281-554-2450.

Oneness Blessing Meditation – 6:30-8pm. Visit for a unique experience that brings each person into a closer connection with one another and God. Unity Bay Area Houston, 1911 Hwy 3 S League City. 281-554-2450.

saturday Clear Lake Shores Farmers’ Market – 9am1pm. A nonprofit outlet operated by volunteers offering locally grown fruit, vegetables and other homemade products. Texas certified farmers’ market. 1020 Marina Bay Dr, Clear Lake Shores. Vinyasa Yoga – 10am. A dynamic flow class using surya namaskar (sun salutations) as a thread woven throughout the practice. This dynamically paced series builds internal heat, strength, stamina, focus and flexibility. Prior yoga experience is recommended. Bring towel and mat. $15/drop-in. The Yoga Haven, 2507 Market St, Galveston. 409-770-9995.

classifieds Fee for classifieds is a minimum charge of $30 for the first 30 words and $1 for each additional word. To place an ad, email

OPPORTUNITIES RELATIONSHIP MANAGER: LAKE JACKSON/ANGLETON/BAY CITY – Do you enjoy & love this magazine, or know someone who does? We are growing & looking for support in the Lake Jackson/Angleton/Bay City areas. Flexible hours. Part time with base pay & growth potential. Email to set up a phone appointment. LOOKING FOR DRIVERS – We looking for drivers in your area to help readers find this magazine. Drop off copies ONE day a month during the week to local businesses. Must have a driver’s license, car and valid insurance. Positive attitude preferred. Email your name, phone number & area you live to

SPACE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE SPACE? – Market your available rooms or space for rent here to individuals reading this magazine, looking for space to grow. Email for more information.

natural awakenings

February 2017


communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email to request our media kit ACUPUNCTURE




Clint McCallum, LAc 2505 Market St, Galveston 409-241-3199

Dr. Stephanie McClung 3607 Broadway Ave, Galveston 409-300-3117

Hooked on Acupuncture community clinic in Galveston is a healing place that is affordable, welcoming, nurturing, inspiring and educational. We heal with acupuncture and herbs. See ad, page 24.

Specializing in reducing symptoms of many disorders by improving the brain & body’s ability to relax utilizing neurofeedback and Christian counseling. Our goal is to help our clients achieve improved physical, emotional, and spiritual health. See ad, page 19.



SUZIE Q Spiritual Reader & Medium Galveston & Brazoria Counties 832-790-7888, Referred to as the Book of Life, the Akashic Records are your soul records. A consultation offers deep levels of understanding & guidance, supporting you in living life from your authentic essence. Call now to learn more!


Who says ORGANIC needs to be boring or expensive? ALL gluten and cruelty-free, nonGMO, most offerings USDA Organic. 500+ products made in the USA for women, men, kids, babies, & home. Contact me for a free catalog.

Dr. Donna Sanders 350 FM 517 W, Dickinson 281-337-3337

See ad, page 23.


Southeast Texas

Offering commercial grade household streamers for deep cleaning WITHOUT toxic fumes or chemicals. Lots of before/after pictures on our FB page, call now for a FREE in-home demo!

HEALTH & WELLNESS SUPPLEMENTS PLEXUS WORLDWIDE Mandy Merritt Independent Ambassador #1294857 832-819-6875

Customized theme-based Drum Circles for your group or business using the researchbacked HealthRHYTHMS® protocol. Contact Sara to explore the benefits and possibilities of this unique and powerful experience! See ad, page 13.

I get paid to buy health improving supplements from myself, and you can too! Plexus offers the best compensation plan in the industry with quality, proven products. Be on a team with supportive, experienced leaders who will give you the tools you need to succeed! New clients: mention Natural Awakenings for a special discount. See ad, page 11.

EDUCATION PAT FREEZE Special Education Advocate League City & Surrounding Areas 281-733-0422 I work with parents of special needs children to help them get the educational services their children need. I can guide parents through the confusing process and make sure their voices are heard in ARD meetings.

HEALTH FOOD STORE HEALTH FOOD COTTAGE 1840 7th Street, Bay City 979-245-3833 Offering supplements, wellness products, specialty foods including gluten free and vegan options. Our experienced staff can help you find the RIGHT wellness products. Mention Natural Awakenings for 10% off Tuesdays!

FITNESS STUDIO BAY AREA PILATES TX 607 S Friendswood Dr, Suite 21, Friendswood 281-797-6442

We use the most current techniques with gentle chiropractic care to alleviate pain and ailments throughout the body. Stop by to learn more about natural solutions to your common health problems.

1021 61st Street, Galveston 281-546-3725

Sara Blumenfeld, Facilitator League City & Surrounding Areas 512-659-6694




POOFY ORGANICS WITH ORGANIC FELECIA Felecia Hunt, Independent Consultant League City 832-226-6957,


Underground Pilates& Barre is a fitness studio implementing the equipment and techniques of Joseph Pilates and Total Barre™. It is a fully equipped studio, offering private, semi-private and small group classes with our certified instructors. See ad, page 9.

NATURAL LIVING ORGANIC CO-OP 219 N Michigan Ave, League City 832-632-2937 SE Texas’s ONLY 100% GMO Free Organic Food Co-op. Offering the community locally grown produce, dry goods and free-range meats. Allergen-free baked goods and bulk herbs. Come in to learn more! OPEN: Mon, Tues 11a-2p; Wed, Thurs 9a-6p; Fri 9a-7p; Sat 9a-4p (closed Sun).

HEALTHY WATER WATERTREE BY THE BAY 3538 E NASA Parkway, Seabrook 281-917-1316 Offering great tasting alkaline water with optimum filtration – like nature with no electricity or chemicals. Pure H2O with good minerals reintroduced. Also providing hydrogen water, refill stations, portable solutions and home filtration equipment (reverse osmosis & chlorine removal). See ad, page 27.

HERBALIST THE HERBALIST JOURNAL Susie Lyons Pearland 832-202-4391 Natural health and skin care products (Old South Essentials), classes on herbs, plant medicine and essential oils. Get your body in balance – naturally. See column, page 11.





5517 West Broadway St, Suite D, Pearland 832-294-9640

Pearland & Friendswood 281-451-1676

We l l n e s s c e n t e r featuring massage and yoga, and offering reflexology and reiki. We strive to provide our community healing services to support individual wellness needs. Book online any time at New clients: mention Natural Awakenings for a special discount.

Explore ways to feel easeful in your own body using breath and gentle deliberate movement as your tools. Private and small group sessions serve all ages: athletes, veterans, seniors, pre/ post-surgery, families, and pre/ post-natal. Call for more information.



HEAVEN KNOWS Heather Hildebrand 1120 Nasa Parkway, Ste 220A, Clear Lake 409-457-4375 I am a Psychic Medium, Angel Therapy Practitioner, Speaker & Spiritual Counselor. I help people work through life transitions, whether connecting with a deceased loved one, channeling messages from their angels or through my teachings and workshops. Set up an appointment through my website. See ad, page 12.

2507 Market St, Galveston 409-770-9995 For 10 years offering the path of yoga for vibrant body, awakened mind and open heart, the studio provides an inspiring environment for yoga classes. Daily classes for students of all levels; special workshops and events offered. See ad, page 27.

HOLISTIC CENTER ISLAND BRAINWORKS, LLC Brainwave Optimization® 2220 Post Office St, Galveston 713-299-2277/409-599-7268



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Brainwave Optimization ® (BWO) is science-based, effective and holistic; a noninv asive method of achieving brain balance and harmony. By es acting like a mirror to brain t to n , isla n d patterns, BWO allows the brain to auto-correct itself with individually tailored real-time methodology for brainwave activity using EEG technology. Appointments only. See ad, page 15. rainwork s db

HYPNOSIS SOUTHEAST HYPNOSIS CENTER Dr. Rose Klein 607 S Friendswood Dr #1, Friendswood 281-996-8000 Southeast Hypnosis Center has helped thousands of people make positive changes in their lives through personalized one-on-one hypnosis sessions to stop smoking, lose weight, improve confidence and reduce stress. Call for free hypnosis interview. See ad, page 2.

ROLFING STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION BAYOU ROLFING Phillip McLain, Certified Rolfer 1002 Gemini St, Houston 281-910-4782 Enhance your posture and release muscle tension by experiencing this unique massage technique which works on connective tissue to release, realign and balance the whole body. Call today for a consultation & mention Natural Awakenings!

Follow our Facebook page Natural Awakenings of Southeast Texas and we'll alert you of upcoming happenings and events.

SPORTS NUTRITION NUTRISHOP PEARLAND 5038 W Broadway, Pearland 713-436-5444 Our goal is to offer the most competitive prices for the most effective, highquality sports nutrition & supplements, weight loss, and vitamin products. NUTRISHOP’S mission is to help you succeed in all your health and fitness goals and aspirations. Free IN-Body Analysis Test! See ad, page 13.

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natural awakenings

February 2017



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