Natural Awakenings S Houston / Galveston - AUGUST 2017

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feel good • live simply • laugh more

Complimentary Copy

Cancer-Free Living

Natural Ways to Keep or Regain Your Health


Take a Hike

Escape into Texas Nature


The New View of Autism Focusing on Its Rich Potential


August 2017 | South Houston/Galveston Edition |



love August because it is the best time to enjoy the end of our hot summer. We included a great article this month on hiking and getting out with the family. There are lots of great opportunities right here in Texas, and sharing special outdoor time with family often provides fond life-long memories. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of doing some whitewater rafting in Colorado with my boyfriend, and it was a blast! Enjoying the mountains and incredible views, the areas surrounding Denver, including the Manitou Cliff Dwellings, and just getting out of town awakened my inner child. In fact, I found a mechanical horse like the ones I used to ride outside the grocery store as a child. A quarter bought me a minute back in time! We hope you noticed the many local health and wellness providers we have featured throughout the publication this month. We love to share information with you, our dedicated readers, to let you know where you can find great resources for information, services and events. Our business sponsors make it possible for us to provide such useful information with you freely! So, if you go to anyplace you see here, let the owners or managers there know it is because you saw them in Natural Awakenings! As kids get ready to go back to school, or maybe go for the first time, it’s important for parents to know that schools are required to make accommodations for children with special learning needs to ensure their success in education. Take a look at the Back-to-School Spotlight article, and share it with any friends whose children may be struggling in school. Often what teachers want to quickly write off as bad behavior is really some kind of learning challenge, and we owe it to these kids to help them the best we can to ensure their future! Lastly, I noticed the other day, a baby bird at the foot of a small tree who had fallen out of its nest. I found a large leaf to pick it up (so I wouldn’t touch it), and with the help of a neighbor, was able to get it back into the tree into its nest. I soon saw the bottom of the nest was not stable and was falling out,. Because I was worried, I found the Texas Wildlife Center and called them about the issue. They told me I did the right thing and that if the baby fell out again, to bring it to them in a box and they would try to raise it. Good to know there are resources here that will help our local wildlife, and I wanted to share so you would know too!

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Have a great rest of your summer! Natural Awakenings is printed on recyclable paper with soy-based ink.

Roxanne, Bandit & Smokey


South Houston/Galveston Edition



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marketing & submissions HOW TO MARKET To discuss a marketing campaign with Natural Awakenings, contact us at 409-939-8156 or email Deadline for agreements: the 10th of the month prior to month of publishing.

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Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.




13 DOGS AT WORK Finding the Right Dog for the Job by Sandra Murphy

14 FRESH LOOKS AT AUTISM Focusing on a Child’s Optimal Potential by Linda Sechrist




Caring Rehab Gives Them a Second Chance by Sandra Murphy



20 LIVE CANCER-FREE Natural Ways to Prevent and Heal Cancer by Linda Sechrist


How Changing Your Thinking Changes Everything by April Thompson

26 GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP EP Five Solutions for Sleep Apnea by Lloyd Jenkins


20 28

Escape into Nature with a Day Trip by Marlaina Donato

31 CREATE A LOVE NEST Set Out a Welcome Mat for a Soulmate by Arielle Ford

natural awakenings

August 2017


newsbrief Nutrilicious Health Coaching puts Delicious into Nutrition


Tea Mistress moves into League City Tea House


he Tea Mistress, Amanda Vermillion, has moved her shop to the Tea House Under the Oaks in the historic district of League City. The goal of the Tea House is “to provide grandmaendorsed artisanal cuisine and gourmet teas to our patrons in a contemporary and relaxed atmosphere nestled under a 130-year-old oak tree.” The Tea Mistress’s wide variety of teas, coffees and chocolates provide new depths of flavors and the ability to take them home for further enjoyment. In the heat of summer, tea and coffee drinkers’ thoughts often turn to refreshing cold beverages. The Tea Mistress offers many flavors of iced teas, including black tea, green tea, and herbal varieties (such as Hibiscus Petal and Blood Orange Herb) in convenient tea bags for brewing a quart or a gallon. Flavored sugars and local honey are sweet complements. Organic and non-GMO tea-infused chocolate bars in 15 different delicious flavors add the perfect finishing touch. Visit the Tea Mistress during her Grand Opening month of August, mention Natural Awakenings, and receive 15% off your first purchase of $20 or more in the shop only (offer not valid in the tea room/restaurant). Location: 610 East Main Street, League City. For more information visit, or call 832-7030823. See ad, page 25.


South Houston/Galveston Edition

nflammation in the body is at the root of most disease and discomfort. The over-abundance of sugar and processed food in the standard diet is a main contributor to this. The top anti-inflammatory foods include green leafy vegetables, celery, beets, broccoli, blueberries, wild-caught salmon, walnuts, coconut oil, chia seeds, turmeric, and ginger. Oralia Acosta, owner of Nutrilicious by Oralia (because healthy food can be both nutritious and delicious) personalizes dietary recommendations for each of her clients. Recognizing that everyone is different, she honors and respects the needs of each individual client. She is able to tap into her vast dietary knowledge to create individualized programs, one of the many benefits of working with a health coach. A graduate of the Health Coaching Institute, Acosta helps people listen to their own body and hone in on what it needs instead of following the latest dietary trend. Through her efficient 12-week program, she works with her clients to discover their personal optimal eating style and to change long-held unhealthy habits to those that promote health, happiness and wellbeing, one simple step at a time. Also as a personal wellness chef, she advises clients how to make nutritious food for their particular eating style and time constraints, returning peace, pleasure and joy to eating. For more information or a free 30-minute consultation, call 832-858-4260 or email See CRG, page 34.

Premium Hemp Oil Now Available


atural Living Organic Food Co-op in League City is now offering an increasingly popular supplement, Phytocannabinoid Rich Hemp Extract Oil. This oil is made from medicinal grade industrial hemp organically grown in Colorado and processed only using carbon dioxide (no chemicals), which makes the finished product 100% THC-free (so it is non-psychoactive). The recently discovered endocannabinoid system is a biochemical communication system in the body that plays a crucial role in regulating physiology and mood. Industrial hemp-derived cannabinoids are nonpsychoactive compounds that directly interact with the cannabinoid receptors throughout the body. Extensive preclinical research indicates that these cannabinoids have potent anti-tumoral, antioxidant, anti-spasmodic, anti-psychotic, anti-convulsive, and neuroprotective properties. As with all nutritional supplements, each person should do their own research and consult with their licensed medical provider before use. Location: 219 N Michigan Ave., League City. For more information, visit See CRG, page 34.

Award Winning Home Alkaline Water System Now in Texas


lkaline water is widely believed to assist the body in becoming less acidic and less toxic. This can be very beneficial for those drinking a lot of soda and eating processed food, both very acidic. Research shows that diseases like cancer tend to thrive in an acidic environment. The antioxidant properties of ionized alkaline water may provide free radical protection and boost the immune system. Galveston resident Salvatore Ali, local distributor for the Tyent water system, started using the system after extensive study of the benefits of ionized alkaline water. After drinking this water for a short time, he found his long-standing acid reflux so greatly improved that he could stop taking prescription medication for it. Unlike conventional water, the concentration of molecular hydrogen in ionized water allows the water to be absorbed by the cells more efficiently. Fresh ionized alkaline water is most effective in the first 18-24 hours, which is why home systems are best, for immediate consumption. The Tyent systems have a lifetime warranty. Ali has systems in stock and can deliver them within a day or two. For more information and special offers, call 409-877-6079 or email See ad, page 29.

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~Melody Beattie

natural awakenings

August 2017


Sufficient Sleep Supports Immunity


study from the University of Washington, in Seattle, tested the relationship of immune system functioning to lack of adequate sleep. To rule out genetic factors, which experts say account for 31 to 55 percent of individual sleep patterns, researchers tested blood samples from 11 pairs of adult identical twins (genetic matches) with differing sleep habits. They found that the immune system was depressed in the twin that slept less. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Americans are sleeping 1.5 to two hours less than they did 100 years ago, and more than 30 percent of working people average fewer than six hours a night. Dr. Nathanial Watson, lead author and co-director of the university’s Sleep Medicine Center at Harborview Medical Center, observes, “Seven or more hours of sleep is recommended for optimal health.”

Chinese Fungi Relieve Asthma Suffering


esearchers from Capital Medical University, in Beijing, China, tested the effectiveness of Cordyceps sinensis, a traditional Chinese medicine derived from fungi, on the treatment of patients with moderate-to-severe asthma. They followed 120 subjects, divided into two groups of 60. One group received a capsule containing 1,200 milligrams of Cordyceps sinensis three times daily for three months. The control group was treated with conventional medications. Health-related quality of life was measured, along with the incidence of asthma exacerbation, pulmonary function and inflammation indicators in both groups. The Cordyceps sinesis group reported reduced asthma symptoms, improved lung function, a better inflammatory profile and an overall better quality of life when compared to the conventional treatment group.

Eating Fruit Lowers Cardiac Risk




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Scientists from the University of Oxford and the Chinese Medical Academy studied 500,000 healthy adults in China for seven years, tracking medical records of illnesses and deaths. They found that a 100-gram serving of fruit per day (primarily apples and oranges) reduces the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke by one-third.


South Houston/Galveston Edition

Meditating Raises Spirits More than a Vacation


cientists from the University of California at San Francisco, and Harvard Medical School, in Boston, tested the effect of vacations and meditation on the genes of 64 women between the ages of 30 and 60 that were novice meditators. They all spent six days at the same resort in California. Half participated in a meditation program that included yoga, self-reflection exercises and mantra meditation; the other half did not engage in onsite meditation. The researchers also studied a group of 30 experienced meditators already participating in the resort’s meditation program. Blood sample tests and surveys from all 94 women were conducted at intervals: once right before their stay, once right after, a third one month post-vacation and then 10 months after the trip. All the women displayed significant changes to their molecular network pattern after the six days, with the most substantial genetic changes related to immune function and stress response. One month after the resort experience, all groups continued to display improvements. However, the novice meditators showed fewer symptoms of depression and stress for a significantly longer period than the women not participating in the meditation exercise.

Josh McCann/



Buzzing RoboBees

Best Selling Author, Tom Bird, Leads New Authors to Write Their Books and Get Them Published

Tiny Robots Seen as Tech Fix for Reduced Bee Population Harvard University researchers led by engineering professor Robert Wood have introduced the first RoboBees—bee-sized robots that can ascend and hover in midair while tethered to a power supply. The project is a breakthrough in the field of microaerial vehicles. It has previously been impossible to pack all the components onto such a tiny workable robot framework and keep it lightweight enough to fly. The researchers believe that within 10 years, RoboBees could artificially pollinate a field of crops, a critical development if the commercial pollination industry cannot recover from the severe bee losses of the past decade. Source: Science

Tea Time


Citizen Scientists Needed for Carbon Storage Experiment Australian scientists have launched a project to bury tens of thousands of teabags in wetlands around the world to discover how efficient different kinds of wetlands are at capturing and storing carbon dioxide. Already, more than 500 citizen scientists are involved on every continent but Antarctica. The bags will be monitored over a threeyear period, and then dug up and measured at intervals of three months, six months and each year after that. Wetlands are important for carbon capture and storage, a process known as carbon sequestration, holding up to 50 times as much carbon as a comparable area in a rainforest; some are better than others. There are hundreds of thousands of wetlands around the world, and a standardized technique for monitoring the carbon sink is needed for accurate comparison—but monitoring devices can be expensive to install. Faster decay of the tea inside the bag means more carbon is being released into the atmosphere, while a slower rate means the soil is holding the carbon. Once researchers can establish which wetlands are most effective at carbon sequestration, work can begin on protecting and restoring them, and ensuring they are not disrupted. Volunteers that contact will receive a kit containing teabags and information on how to bury them.


om Bird will bring an opportunity for participants to write their book in a weekend during a retreat September 14 through 16, in Houston. The Tom Bird Method blends a comprehensive and holistic support system that opens participants to a free-flowing mental, physical, emotional and spiritual state called The Divine Author Within. Like a world-class athlete in the zone, great writers that dramatically affect their readers write in a similar state. When writing is embraced as an innate art form, supported and flowing naturally, The Divine Author Within state works for anyone, from those with a preformed idea to those that do not believe they are very good writers. Bird states, “Common literary education and training focuses exclusively on left-brain intellectualism. This overly critical perspective thwarts what would otherwise be a beautiful and natural process. The frustrated writer is then born. Admittedly, all writers, like all human beings, have their insecurities.” Many would-be writers are desperate for help, which allows the Tom Bird Method to be a kind of literary midwife. Eighty-one percent of people feel they have a book inside them and are drawn to write for healing, transformation and the release of their divine potential, and they will receive complete support during the retreat. Regardless of where they are on the spectrum of their writing journey, they will release their earthly message of humor, insight, healing or entertainment by finally penning a book. This proven curriculum will lead attendees not only to the completion of their book in a weekend, but to the ability to get the book professionally published and potentially onto a best-seller list within a few months afterward. The Tom Bird Method programs are meant to flow, so participants feel ready to take the next step. Complimentary introduction classes are available. For more information, visit To register for the retreat, phone 928-821-6946. See ad, page 2. natural awakenings

August 2017



Chiropractic House Calls Now Available T

ired of driving to and waiting in a doctor’s office? Lauren Martin, DC, is now offering in-home chiropractic care in the Pearland, Friendswood, Clear Lake, and League City areas. Dr. Martin specializes in treatment of children and pregnant women, having attained certification from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association following her chiropractic degree from the Texas Chiropractic College. The benefit of in-home care, especially for moms with kids, is the huge convenience, as well as the care being rendered in a comfortable and familiar environment. The outcome can be realized more quickly because there is none of the stress typically associated with going to the doctor. Martin also provides unique assessments that are only possible in a house call practice, such as evaluation of proper baby wearing technique, breast feeding positions for optimal spinal health for mom and baby, general ergonomic evaluation, evaluation of sleeping positions for optimal health, and nutritional evaluation or other lifestyle factors that may interfere with health and wellness. Chiropractic care focuses on correcting interference in the spine so that

the body’s natural ability to maintain health prevails. Chiropractic care for children is a gentle and effective way to care for and protect their developing spine and nervous system. Depending on where the nerves are irritated, spinal adjustment can lead to less colic or acid reflux, better sleeping, less bed wetting,

better digestion, fewer ear aches, reduced allergy and asthma symptoms, and improved concentration. “It is far better to rebalance the body than to take medication to mask symptoms,” Martin says. Research has shown that 95% of newborns have restriction in their neck from the delivery process, so chiropractic care is beneficial to give newborns the best start. In fact, chiropractic care for mom during pregnancy is important for the mother’s comfort and the baby’s growth and development. Martin is trained in a specific technique, called the Webster technique, to identify and treat subluxation, or misalignment, in the pelvis of pregnant women through gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments. Emerging research supports that women who undergo chiropractic care throughout the duration of their pregnancy experience less pain during pregnancy, shorter labor time and faster recovery! Every new patient receives a 15-minute complementary phone consultation with the doctor to answer any questions and ensure that chiropractic care is right for them. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call 832-895-1114, email, or visit See ad, page 7.

EARN 1% CASH BACK with your ACU of Texas MasterCard® natural awakenings

August 2017


Minerva Studio/


undergo rigorous testing to demonstrate good behavior in court. Handlers work on long downs and stays, including hand signals.” Dory recently accompanied an 8-year-old girl testifying against her father; he had killed his wife in front of her two years before.

Public Ambassadors

Finding the Right Dog for the Job by Sandra Murphy


very dog needs a meaningful job. Like us, some need help figuring out what they want to be when they grow up; others choose their own specialty. With imagination and experimentation, even a problem pooch can became an unexpected blessing.

Comforting Companions A 7-year-old hound and canine-style Houdini named Gumby was adopted seven times, surrendered to the shelter eight times and thrice became a stray. An unprecedented 11 return trips to the Charleston Animal Society, in South Carolina, convinced the staff he prefers shelter life. Now his self-appointed job is comforting and helping new arrivals adjust to their temporary home. Dentist April Patterson owns Dr. Patty’s Dental Boutique and Spa, in Fort Lauderdale. After attending a local Humane Society fashion show, she returned to her office with Oliver, a four-pound Pomeranian mix of undetermined age. This cutie’s job is to steady nervous patients. “It wasn’t planned,” says Patterson. “Oliver will bark nonstop when left alone, but being one of the staff makes him happy. Meeting Oliver is part of our hiring process.” Dory, a yellow Labrador certified therapy dog, is approved by the San Diego district attorney’s office to offer aid in court when a victim or witness testifies in front of the defendant. “Dory was the first court support dog in California and the city’s first of five dog and handler teams,” says Kathleen Lam, a retired attorney and dog handler. “The dogs

Special Rescue Teams Mas, a water-loving Newfoundland, redefines “rescue dog”. The Scuola Italiana Cani Salvataggio, or Italian School of Rescue Dogs, is the largest national organization in Italy to train dogs and handlers for water rescue. Helicopters can often reach a swimmer in distress more quickly than a boat. The dog jumps out Dory, the first court support to circle the victim until dog in California. they can grab her harness before swimming to shore or a human partner. Mas, the first certified water rescue operative recognized by Italy, France and Switzerland port authorities and coast guards, went on to train her successors. Bloodhounds are renowned for their super sniffers. Lou, a nine-year K9 veteran, on Pennsylvania’s West York Borough Police Department force, ultimately applied for retirement, passing the harness to Prince, a 3-month-old bloodhound. Prince was sworn in by District Judge Jennifer J.P. Clancy in her Spring Garden Township courtroom. The ceremony emphasizes a K9’s status in the community and within law enforcement. Paired with Officer Scott Musselman for eight months of training, the duo will work with the Missing Child Task Force. Connect with freelance writer Sandra Murphy at natural awakenings

August 2017


courtesy of Kathleen Lam

Dogs at Work

Deemed “too large to sell,” Bert, a chocolate Pomeranian, wound up in an Oklahoma shelter. Kathy Grayson, owner of The Hole, a New York City art gallery, saw his photo on and fell in love. She immediately traveled to adopt him. Bert, whom she characterizes as quiet, refined and perfectly suited to the art world, loves being at the gallery and has attended art fairs in major U.S. cities. Follow Bert’s adventures via “Edie, a boxer mix puppy, started training as an assistance dog, but her personality proved better suited to the hospitality industry,” says Julie Abramovic Kunes, public relations manager for the Fairmont Hotel, in Berkeley, California. Kunes’ Edie was hired by the Fairmont Pittsburgh Hotel in 2011, before making the career move west with her in 2017. A former shelter dog, Edie greets visitors as a community ambassador.


Fresh Looks at Autism Focusing on a Child’s Optimal Potential

chekart /

by Linda Sechrist


new paradigm shift regarding autism spectrum disorder (ASD) centers on evolving beliefs about the possibilities for those living with autism, as well as the unimagined brilliance they possess and their need for supportive help. Everyone can benefit from the results of hands-on research and experience by parents and caregivers that are finding nontraditional ways to help special needs children deal with issues related to emotional and cognitive detachment and isolation. Momentum for this major shift in perspective is fueled by young adults that are telling their encouraging stories online and in books such as Carly Fleishman’s Carly’s Voice. Parents of the one in 45 children diagnosed with ASD know that their lifetime commitment requires extraordinary courage, perseverance, patience, determination, emotional strength, outside-the-box thinking and unconditional love. These parental characteristics are most cited by those that have mastered related developmental disorders, which they now regard as gifts, because they are thriving. Dr. Andrea Libutti, author of Awakened by Autism: Embracing Autism, Self, and Hope for a New World, offers her insights for understanding the multifaceted


South Houston/Galveston Edition

nature of autism and the need for a personalized plan for healing. Janice Vedrode, a special needs coach, consultant and child advocate in Saginaw, Michigan, founded Spectrum Speaks and writes at to inform parents about numerous issues regarding ASD. “Because I live in a town that didn’t have an existing support group for parents with ASD children, I took it upon myself to get the ball rolling and advise parents that they need to build a dream team—doctors, therapists, special needs teachers, spiritual community, friends and family—that will make sure their child succeeds and lives a happy and successful life,” says Vedrode. Wanting to help both their own two sons with developmental disabilities and others, Boaz and Minerva Santiago, residents of Pembroke Pines, Florida, became early trailblazers ushering in the self-employment movement for special needs individuals. Their Picasso Einstein online educational platform at has launched the #JobCreators Bootcamp Training for parents and professionals and the #JobCreators Integration Program that collaborates with organizations, financial institutions and government agencies.

Check It Out: Chris-Varney-Talk KerryMagroTalk “If you focus on pursuing a business for your child for the sake of their independence, you won’t get caught up in only the business and money aspects. Self-employment allows even greatly impaired individuals the maximum opportunity to experience independence, not just in the present, but for the rest of their lives,” explains Boaz. He cites an example of a young boy with an avid interest in folding clothing. His parents learned how to create a meaningful job for him by creating a simple small laundry business from the family garage. Although at the beginning he was only asked to fold clothing (which he already expressed interest in), his father now accompanies him around the neighborhood to pass out business cards and promote his service. Being in business has helped him grow as a

person. “Begin by assuming your child is competent and make it possible for them to follow their passion and create a future they can be proud of,” advises Boaz. Shining lights are leading the way. With her father’s help, Carly Fleishman, diagnosed at the age of 2 with nonverbal severe autism, wrote a book by striking one computer key at a time that described living in a mind and body afflicted with this condition. Still nonverbal, she hosts a YouTube radio show on which she interviews celebrities via a device that turns keystrokes into verbal language. Kerry Magro, with Autism Speaks, a research and advocacy organization, answered the question, “What Happens to Children with Autism When They Become Adults?” in his TEDx talk, one of his many media ventures. Chris Varney, an “I can” advocate for children’s rights, won rave reviews for his TEDx talk, “My Unstoppable Mother Proved the Experts Wrong.” Such powerful stories specifically relate how parents, grandparents and helpful friends forged networks that freed them and their afflicted children of the inhibiting stigma of autism and enabled them to realize their full-

est potential. A bedrock philosophy in supporting ASD and other special needs children is to assume they are competent and learn to see them through God’s lens, rather than the lens of the world. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at

Local Autism Resources University of Houston-Clear Lake Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities (typing www is required) 281-283-3452 Clear Lake Children’s Center 281-407-5658 Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Contact via website 800-373-0011

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natural awakenings

August 2017



Help for Injured Wildlife Caring Rehab Gives Them a Second Chance Margaret M Stewart/

by Sandra Murphy


eeing lost, injured or orphaned animals is heartbreaking, but unless a wild animal is in immediate danger from prey or traffic, it’s best to wait and observe. Mothers forage for food and return to the babies intermittently. If in doubt, call a wildlife rehabber for advice. “Rehabilitators are trained, tested, licensed, take continuing education courses and file annual reports. All care provided must meet government standards,” explains wildlife rehabilitator Regina Whitman, of Queen Creek, Arizona, via her Desert Cry Wildlife website. She rehabs rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, baby javelina and coyote pups. The Dan & Dianne May Wildlife Rehabilitation Center at Lee’s-McRae College, in Banner Elk, North Carolina, is the only college program in the U.S. that allows students to work hands-on with veterinarians in the rehab center. “We see native species of reptiles, raptors, songbirds and mammals like eastern gray squirrels,” says Jenna Glaski, a program senior mentor. “When fawns and bobcats are orphaned, it’s usually because the mother has been hit by a car or shot.” In the Georgetown area, South Carolina Coastal Animal Rescue and


South Houston/Galveston Edition

Educational Sanctuary (SC-CARES) rehabbers care for injured wildlife and other animals. Miss Belle—a doe that was trapped in fencing and temporarily paralyzed trying to get free—received physical therapy and is expected to make a full recovery. Founded in 2004 by Kevin Barton and Linda Schrader, the Wildlife Center of Venice, serves Sarasota and Charlotte counties. Its five acres offers hutches, barns, habitats for squirrels and raccoons, an aviary and a pond for waterfowl. In 2015, volunteers rescued eight striped skunks. Because these mammals are slow and have poor eyesight, wide roads are especially hazardous as they move through diminishing habitat. Skunks eat insects, grubs, rodents, moles and snakes. Paul and Gloria Halesworth specialize in hummingbirds at Wild Wing Rehab Hummers & Songbirds, in Ahwatukee, Arizona. “Hummingbird babies require a special formula we import from Europe. A body temperature of 105 degrees causes casual rescuers to think they’re overheated. They pant like dogs if too hot; otherwise, they’re okay,” Paul says. If a nest is found on the ground, reaffix it in a tree. “Duct tape

works,� he notes. “Mom will find them.� Released birds are taken to the Desert Botanical Garden, in Phoenix. Rehabbing owls costs significantly more, up to $800 from hatchling to release. The Halesworths refer owls to another rehabber that annually cares for about 500 owls. In Fort Gratiot, Michigan, Back 2 the Wild Rehab rescues all kinds of wild animals. In February, two geese were stuck in a frozen river. Firefighters freed the birds and rehabbers checked them for frostbite. One goose died, but the other was released after the next storm passed through. The Snowdon Wildlife Sanctuary, near McCall, Idaho, accepts orphaned bear cubs. Tapping into three decades of research reported by program supervisor Jeff Rohlman, they are vetted and put into a two-acre enclosure to learn to live in the wild until they are old enough for release. Most arrive undernourished and dehydrated; if separated from their mother, they don’t know how to feed themselves or when to hibernate. Dreamcatcher Wild Horse & Burro Sanctuary, in Ravendale, California, doesn’t release rehabbed guests—it provides a lifetime home to roam 1,000 acres in family packs to find their own food and water. Public lands are leased to ranchers for grazing, compelling competition for food between livestock and wild animals, so this is a safer option; the sanctuary also advocates protection of resident mountain lions, badgers, coyotes, hawks and eagles. Barry and Maureen Genzlinger, founders of the Vermont Bat Center, in Milton, have rescued and released more than 125 bats since Barry became a licensed bat rehabilitator for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department in 2013. “We have one bat that lost 95 percent of the skin on a wing,� he says. “After three months, most of it has grown back. In two more months, it should be fine, just in time to hibernate.� Bats can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour. While some are considered a nuisance, each rescued animal has a place in the overall eco-system. Following the good Samaritan rule allows casual rescuers to keep an animal only long enough to safely transport it to a rehabilitator. Rescue operations always need volunteers to donate time or money to help the cause. For creatures, staying with a healing friend can help but there’s no place like home. Connect with freelance writer Sandra Murphy at


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August 2017



Brainwave Optimization Helps Brain Reset


traumatic event, such as a scary diagnosis or sudden loss of a loved one, leaves an imprint in the brain that causes heightened feelings of anxiety and the holding of the body in tension and hyper-alertness. The nervous system responds with feelings of overwhelm and lack of capability to deal with the particular situation, as well as with life in general. All this energetic activity drains the body’s resources that should be fully employed to help the body heal. Terry Conrad, owner of Island Brainworks in Galveston, has witnessed many clients experience tremendous relief, relaxation, and peacefulness following Brainwave Optimization sessions. These sessions allow the brain to recognize the present imbalance caused by the physical and/or emotional stress and return to a state of optimal functioning. How does it work? As the client sits comfortably in a recliner, readonly, non-invasive EEG sensors are placed on the scalp covering 64 areas of the brain. These sensors read the brain rhythms with great precision and feed them into specialized software which translates the brainwave data into audible sounds. These sounds are engineered to perfectly resonate with the client’s current brain frequencies, and are played back to the brain via ear buds (Acoustic Mirroring in real time). With this information, the brain

recognizes imbalances in hemispheric symmetry or frequency relationships, and then self-organizes its rhythms into its own unique balanced state. Most clients relax so much during the session that they fall asleep. The benefits of deep relaxation allowing the whole being to reset itself are well documented. In this state, the brain can release old or stuck patterns. Clients report better sleep, release of chronic stress, improvement in cognitive difficulties and learning challenges, and reduced addictive tendencies. The Foundational Series, a set of seven two-hour sessions that begin the balancing process, consists of gathering information about the current brain activity along with the first Brainwave Optimization. Typically, the remaining sessions are accomplished over a three to four day period, with each session focusing on a different area that was out of balance, with the goal of allowing the greatest possible amount of rebalancing. The brain and body have extraordinary ability to heal themselves. Unlike the nervous system, the brain does not have a feedback loop. Some people use awareness as a feedback loop for the brain, recognizing that something is off and undertaking a contemplative practice such as meditation or yoga to produce a general state of peacefulness. Brainwave Optimization is using Acoustic Mirroring


South Houston/Galveston Edition

as a feedback loop, and this more precise information allows the brain to make more comprehensive changes. The best part of Brainwave Optimization is that it requires no conscious effort on the part of the client, and the effects are cumulative. Each session builds on the previous ones as the brain resets itself and builds new neural pathways. Even months later, evidence of positive change suggests that these more balanced pathways are allowing the brain to function in a more optimal state. Often, family members report welcomed changes in behavior that the client is unaware of because the behavior just feels like the new normal. Brainwave Optimization is for more than just trauma relief. It is also very helpful for children. Research shows that children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD have way too much low frequency activity in the frontal lobes. Through the Acoustic Mirroring process, the brain is made aware of this and can then rebalance itself. Sessions for children are typically shorter.

In addition to sessions at Island Brainworks, another way of receiving ongoing benefits of Brainwave Optimization is via the BRAINtellect 2 (B-2) device. The B-2 system includes a headband (with sensors at the frontal lobes and temporal lobes), a wireless tablet containing the proprietary software, and ear buds to play back the Acoustic Mirroring tones. Two to four 2-hour sessions can be done in the office, and then additional sessions of from 4 to 20 minutes done at home with the B2 system. Whether trauma or stress, attention challenges, or just wanting to function at a higher level at work, school, or sports, Brainwave Optimization is a unique and valuable tool. For more information or to schedule your consultation, call 409-5997268 or visit See ad, page 15.


Know This Before Your Special Needs Child Heads Back to School By Pat Freeze, Special Education Advocate


he thing I hear most from parents is, “I trusted the school,” or “I thought we were all working together for my child.” Those are very nice thoughts, but all too often parents discover they are not on the same team as the school. Sometimes parents discover this when they let emotions get away from them and discover they can be arrested for trespassing on school property. Sometimes parents find themselves reported to CPS after a particularly contentious meeting with school personnel. It is very easy to get into an adversarial relationship with the school when you expect your child’s special needs to be met. Here are some tips that might prevent misunderstandings. If your child is already receiving special education services: Keep a copy of all their complete educational records, maintain a contact logs, journals. Record every conversation, meeting, or contact with the school personnel in your contact log. Communicate with the school ONLY in writing. If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen. Read your child›s IEP (individualized education program). Make sure you understand what services, accommodations and/or modifications the school agreed to provide.

1 2 3 4


If your child is diagnosed with Autism, make sure the ARD committee reviewed the Autism Supplement. It is required.


Meet (before school starts if possible) with your child›s teacher. Provide a copy of your child›s IEP to each of his teachers. Get confirmation from each teacher of the date they received the IEP. Do not depend on the school to provide your child’s IEP to the teachers.

If your child is not receiving services and you suspect your child has a disability, you should notify the school and ask for an evaluation. Schools are required to evaluate all students suspected of a disability. The school will perform a Full Individual Evaluation (FIE). The school has 45 days from the day you sign the consent to complete the evaluation. When the evaluation is complete, you will meet with the school (called an ARD meeting) to discuss the evaluation and determine if your child qualifies for special education services. I advise parents never to go alone to an ARD meeting. If you do not have an advocate, you should take a friend, neighbor, or relative to help you listen and take notes. If your child

qualifies, the ARD committee (which includes you) will discuss your child’s present level of academic and functional performance, create academic and/or functional goals for your child, and agree on accommodations and/ or modifications that will address your child’s needs and enable them to make progress. You will also discuss the least restrictive environment in which your child can be successful. At the end of the ARD meeting, you will be asked to sign and either agree or disagree. Before special education services can begin, you must agree to services being provided. However, you DO NOT have to sign immediately. You can ask for time to review the IEP. At subsequent ARD meetings, if you DO NOT agree with the decisions made at the ARD, you will be offered a 10-day reconvene. If you do not agree after the 10-day reconvene, the school may implement the program without your permission. Stay calm, stay organized, know your rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and never go to a meeting alone. For more information, call 281-7330422, or visit See ad, page 7 and CRG page 34.

natural awakenings

August 2017


LIVE CANCER-FREE Natural Ways to Prevent and Heal Cancer by Linda Sechrist


Determined to become free of the chronic lymphocytic leukemia that had defined his life for 20 years, Sabin, who lives near Washington, D.C., appointed himself the subject of his own research experiment. He subsequently became a poster child for the remedial synergy of biological individuality, a whole systems approach to integrative oncology and self-induced healing through lifestyle and supplement interventions. Sabin now

dedicates his business development firm, FON Consulting, to advancing integrative medicine as the new standard of care. His mission is to open minds to the idea that knowledge, empowerment and self-efficacy are our best allies against a life-limiting diagnosis, and we can do much to help the healing process. Writing to Joe Biden regarding the vice president’s Cancer Moonshot initiative, he candidly describes America’s present cancer-friendly environment. “The public has become conditioned to existing in a broken food chain that remains in disrepair due to misguided farming subsidies [and] untested or otherwise questionable chemicals (many of which are banned in other countries) that are present in the water we drink, the air we breathe, food we consume and products we use. Current therapies or those in the drug pipeline won’t improve the 50/50 odds of developing cancer. What will have the greatest impact are consumer education toward powerful lifestyle changes and access to the building blocks of basic health.”


ictorious warriors against cancer are speaking to other patients about their journeys of recovery and healing. Two who regularly speak to physicians, as well, are Glenn Sabin, author of n of 1: One Man’s Harvarddocumented Remission of Incurable Cancer Using Only Natural Methods, and Kathy Mydlach-Bero, author of EAT: An Unconventional Decade in the Life of a Cancer Patient. Their stories demonstrate the healing effectiveness of healthy lifestyle measures still widely categorized as prevention.

Whole Life Triumphs

South Houston/Galveston Edition

combat harmful growth of new blood cells, and the benefits of growing and eating foods containing angiogenesisinhibiting compounds that oppose such growth and so work to prevent, improve and avert recurrences of chronic disease. “Cancer hijacks the angiogenesis process triggered by inflammation and keeps it permanently activated to ensure that cancerous cells receive a dedicated, uninterrupted blood supply,” explains Mydlach-Bero. For three years, she largely consumed only items from the list of angiogenesis-inhibiting foods now posted at These include green tea, strawberries, blackberries, red tart cherries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, grapefruit, lemons, tomatoes, cinnamon, purple potatoes, kale, grape seed oil and pomegranate. In 2008, she completely replaced both the drugs to combat the side effects of chemo and radiation and a long-term medication for preventing recurrence with healthful foods. Her physicians were admittedly uncomfortable with her decision to combine chemotherapy and radiation treatments with “food as medicine”,


Mydlach-Bero made her remarkable recovery from rare and unrelated aggressive Stage 4 inflammatory breast cancer and a high-grade tumor in her head and neck. To tell her story, the resident of Delafield, Wisconsin, relied on her 18 journals as a surrogate memory to chronicle a 10-year journey of courageous exploration, self-evolution, self-advocacy and self-transformation that connected her with her healing potential. Then the mother of two young daughters, Mydlach-Bero rejected a 21-month prognosis in 2005, along with the notion that disease and medicine would determine her fate. Defying the odds, she applied what she learned from research regarding Avastin, a pharmaceutical created to

reiki, prayer, meditation, mindfulness and supplement intervention. But that didn’t deter her. To awaken others to the practicality of food as medicine, she founded NuGenesis Farm, in Pewaukee, a nonprofit modeled after her home practice.

Prevention is Paramount

courtesy of, all rights reserved

Pioneering physicians and researchers agree with Sabin and Myldach-Bero that comprehensive prevention, the key to solving the cancer epidemic, is missing from conventional medicine. Leading voices include Dr. Andrew Weil, founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the College of Medicine, University of Arizona (AzCIM), in Tucson; Dr. Carlos M. Garcia, founder of Utopia Wellness, near Tampa, Florida; advocate Susan Silberstein, Ph.D., founder of, in Richboro, Pennsylvania; and Ajay Goel, Ph.D., director of the Center for Epigenetics, Cancer Prevention and Cancer Genomics at Baylor University Medical Center’s Research Institute, in Dallas. Weil pioneered the earliest efforts to develop a comprehensive curriculum in evidence-based integrative medicine and the field of integrative oncology. “We’ve known for nearly 15 years that inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases. Since

2012 scientific evidence has proven that a healthy lifestyle and an antiinflammatory diet can influence various cancers,” says Weil. His curriculum for health professionals and the general public was the first to cite the role of a nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory diet in cancer prevention and treatment. “Health professionals graduate armed with a better understanding of the complex interactions between cancer, gut microbiome and nutrition,” advises Weil, whose paradigm inspires his chain of True Food Kitchen restaurants. It includes lots of fruits and vegetables, small amounts of non-GMO whole or cracked grains, al dente pasta,

Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Food Pyramid Source:

healthy fats and plant-based proteins from legumes, nuts and seafood as well as poultry and lean, antibioticfree grass-fed meats, cheese and eggs. Plus he likes organic white, green and oolong teas, fresh herbs and spices, up to two glasses of red wine a day (less for women; possibly none for those at high-risk for breast cancer), and dark chocolate for antioxidant polyphenols. For a different point of view, also condsider Dr. Mercola’s food pyramid (, which shows vegatables and healthy fats as the base, with grass-fed organic meat and poultry and wild Alaskan salmon above that, followed by organic fruits, and topped with very small amounts of grains and sugars. Always do your own research and make informed decisions with the assistance of your healthcare team. Integrative Oncology, authored by Weil and Dr. Donald I. Abrams, an integrative oncologist, is mandatory reading for AzCIM students that learn to use complementary interventions in prevention and conventional cancer care. Subjects such as antioxidants, cannabinoids, energy medicine, mind-body medicine, music and expressive art therapies are covered, as well as naturopathic oncology, plus the roles that community and spirituality play in prevention and treatment.

We’ve known for nearly 15 years that inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases. ~Andrew Weil

natural awakenings

August 2017




onventional cancer treatments often produce unpleasant side effects. Massage and acupuncture are excellent complementary therapies for obtaining relief. According to, acupuncture is a recognized complimentary therapy. The main use is to control symptoms of cancer and conventional therapy, including pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, weight loss, anxiety and depression, insomnia, dry mouth and hot flashes, nerve problems, and gastrointestinal issues. Acupuncturist Clint McCallum, owner of Hooked on Acupuncture in Galveston, says “What I do is invaluable in the case of someone fighting cancer, with all that entails.” In addition to the list of symptoms above, he has found acupuncture and Chinese herbs to be very helpful in dealing with the stress and loss of energy produced by conventional treatments. (see ad, page 25) Massage Therapist Jason Shipman, owner of Wellness Integration Center in Pearland, says that his clients with cancer have told him that his massages helped them to relax, at a time when being anxious and overwhelmed was their norm. It helped them feel more positive about their body, when everything else in their life was telling them they needed to fight. Since most of Shipman’s massages last two hours, it also provides time for his clients to share things they have felt unable to share with anyone else. This helps them feel heard and rebuilds hope. Although research shows that massage of muscle and soft tissue does not spread cancer cells, Shipman still insists each client get clearance from their medical doctor. (see CRG, page 35)


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Goel’s 20-year career in cancer prevention research has produced a wealth of related articles. Among his findings, he advises, “Curcumin, a yellow compound extracted from turmeric, has become a gold standard for prevention and the natural treatment of many chronic health conditions, including colon cancer. It targets cancer stem cells, disrupts cancer cell communication, triggers cancer cell death and helps to prevent cancerous mutations to cells. It’s also been shown to improve the efficacy of conventional treatments including fewer adverse effects.” He recommends only taking turmeric products with BCM-95 percent active curcuminoids.

Customized Protocols Considering each individual’s biological individuality as a Petri dish, Garcia’s studies help achieve an anti-cancer life. He advises, “There is no ‘one size fits all’ medical protocol box for cancer treatment. Customized modifications to lifestyle and diet are required because food nutrients directly impact the mechanisms by which cancer cells grow and spread. The right nutrition can reverse a compromised immune system, which research shows is a major contributor to the development of cancer.” Whether for improvement or prevention, Garcia’s patient protocols always begin with a comprehensive evaluation appointment to learn about the individual he is treating. For cancer patients, his two-phase, eight-week program involves immune-enhancing therapies followed by immunotherapy aimed to de-cloak the camouflaged protein coating of wily cancer cells so the body’s immune system can identify and destroy them.

Mind/Body Detox To maintain good health, Judy Seeger, a doctor of naturopathy near Fort Lauderdale, Florida, recommends a regular detoxification regimen to cleanse environmental and product toxins and toxic emotions. Through experience, she has learned that individuals living with cancer need to substantially support their abnormally functioning elimination system to rid it of dead proteins from destroyed cancer cells and chemotherapy drugs that are overtaxing the immune system. “Clearing out toxic, stressful emotions that produce acid, weaken the

immune system and create an environment for cancer to propagate is essential,” says Seeger. “Fulfilling the body’s requirement for an ongoing healthy nutritional plan that maintains a healing alkaline environment reduces both the risk of a cancer as well as recurrence.” She has observed that when an individual’s healing process has stalled despite their doing all the right things to improve their biochemistry, it’s frequently because they haven’t done an emotional detox and lack feeling a spiritual connection to something larger than themselves. Silberstein categorizes cancer as epidemic. She speaks regularly regarding preventing cancer and its recurrence at medical and nursing schools, continuing oncology nursing education programs and universities. “What is needed more than new treatment research is public education regarding the true causes of cancer and continuing education credits in lifestyle training for medical professionals,” she says. Silberstein’s nonprofit organization provides online holistic cancer coach training for health professionals as well as research-based education and counseling on how to prevent, cope with and beat cancer through immune-boosting holistic approaches. The list of books authored by cancer survivors continues to grow, offering helpful insight into how individuals are negotiating the challenges of their healing journey. Two recent books, Surviving the Storm: A Workbook for Telling Your Cancer Story, by Psychotherapist Cheryl Krauter, and Cancer Survivorship Coping Tools: We’ll Get You Through This, by Barbara Tako, are particularly helpful regarding the onslaught of toxic feelings and emotions that stress the mind and

body—fear, anger, isolation, anxiety, depression and uncertainty, as well as loss and grief. Emphasizing the need for individuals diagnosed with cancer to tell their stories, the authors encourage keeping a journal. The act of getting thoughts and experiences out of the mind and onto paper supports emotional cleansing. “It’s important to share the real story of the emotional storm that is cancer, as well as the ravages of its treatments and invisible, but lingering side effects; to tell the tale of the cancer survivor who is moving from patient to person; and to explore and discover who you are after having faced down your mortality,” Krauter counsels.

Changed Paradigm Results of the Human Genome Project, as well as the work of Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., stem cell biologist and author of The Biology of Belief, and other epigenetic researchers support the point that “environmental signals” that directly affect our DNA expression include our thoughts, emotions, belief system, exposure to sunlight, exercise and everything we put into our body. Such new science shatters the idea that we are victims of our genes and environment. It shines light on the fact that we have tremendous power to shape and direct our own physical health. Our entire lifestyle is pivotal. Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at



n Internet search for “natural cancer cures” provides enough reading material to last for weeks. It is important to pay attention to what resonates with the heart and intuition. Here are just a few to consider. Best-selling author Louise Hay wrote a book in 1984 that still serves as a bible for many, entitled You Can Heal Your Life. She explains that all bodily conditions have an underlying spiritual or emotional cause. The book contains a long list of conditions and symptoms, the probable energetic cause of each, and an affirmation to rebalance that energy to its natural state of wellness. The energetic causes of cancer include long-time resentment, unforgiveness, or deep grief eating away at the person spiritually, just as cancer eats away at the body physically. One of the affirmations she suggests is, “I lovingly forgive and release all the past.” She offers a CD to help with this at Even though summer is winding down, grilling food is still prevalent and can introduce unexpected cancer-causing substances, which can

be greatly lessened with the right food preparation. Chiropractor and Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Josh Axe offers specific advice at The combination of creatine and sugar that occur naturally in meat produce toxic compounds when cooked at high temperature, or when charred (burned). Adding sugary sauces, like bar-b-que sauce, just makes it worse. Some of his suggestions include cooking meat low and slow, using a vinegar based sauce (such as turmeric garlic sauce), and marinating the meat prior to grilling. offers a video series featuring 131 experts sharing ways to prevent and beat cancer. Among the hundreds of articles on their website, one explains how the essential oil frankincense (also known as boswellia) contains a unique compound that scientists have determined is a “sworn enemy of cancer.” It is thought to influence genes to promote healing. Dr. Axe also weighs in on frankincense, stating many other ways it impacts health, such as boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation.

The Road Th R to God: The Adventure of a Lifetime A Weekend Seminar Presented by ECKANKAR August 11–13, 2017, North Houston Texas members T membe bers of Eckanka Eckankar—5IF 1BUI PG 4QJSJUVBM 'SFFEPN—invite adventurous spiritual seekers to join with them for a weekend of outstanding outs speakers and panels, workshops, small group discussions, inspiring creative arts, and programs for children, child youth, and families. Guest Speaker & Workshop Presenter: Rodney Jones, renowned jazz guitarist, music professor, songwriter, producer, and prominent international speaker on spiritual subjects. Where: Hyatt Regency North Houston, 425 North Sam Houston Pkwy E, Houston, TX 77060 Drop in for specific events or stay all weekend! Free for non-member guests.

Questions? Visit w w w. T h e R o a d To G o d . o r g or call 1-888 I AM SOUL Presented by the Texas Satsang Society, Inc., A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR.

natural awakenings

August 2017



ELLEN LANGER How Changing Your Thinking Changes Everything by April Thompson


or 40 years, Social Psychologist Ellen Langer has conducted pioneering research on the power of our minds to shape health and well-being. Langer’s work demonstrates that changing what we think and believe can transform not only our experiences, but also our bodies—a once-radical idea now common among neuroscientists. Her unconventional experiments often involve mind tricks: taking elders’ subjective thoughts back 20 years to reverse objective metrics of aging; fostering weight loss in a group of hotel maids by simply suggesting that their jobs qualify as exercise; and even changing blood sugar levels in diabetics by speeding up or slowing down perceived time during a video game session. Affectionately dubbed the “Mother of Mindfulness”, Langer was the first female professor to earn tenure in Harvard University’s psychology department. A prolific writer and scientist, she has authored more than 200 related articles and 11 books, including Mindfulness; The Power of Mindful Learning; On Becoming an Artist: Reinventing Yourself Through Mindful Creativity; and Counterclockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility. Langer lives, paints, works and observes the world from Cambridge, Massachusetts. Learn more at

heads, wondering if that answer was right or if we responded quickly enough, we exit learning mode and enter mindlessness, where no learning can really take place. Part of what makes travel exciting, for example, is that we are primed to experience new things and pay attention to them, but actually, newness surrounds us at all times, no matter where we are. What makes us mindless is the mistaken notion of already knowing, when everything is always changing.

What techniques, with or without meditation, can we adopt to change our mindset and mental habits to reduce stress and increase health and happiness?

All learning is mindful; the only way to learn is by noticing new things. When we stop observing and get into our

Most mindlessness occurs by default, rather than design. If we all realized that through mindfulness we could look better, feel better, be better received and do better things—all claims that are supported by scientific research—it wouldn’t be hard to choose. Meditation is essentially a tool to lead you to the simple act of intentional noticing, but many routes lead to that destination. One way to learn mindfully is to learn conditionally; to see the world as “it would seem that” and “could be”, which is very different than “it is.” If we recognized that evaluations occur in our heads rather than the external world, much of our stress would dissipate. Negativity and stress are typically a result of mindless


What is mindful learning, and how can we best practice it?

South Houston/Galveston Edition

ruminations about negative things we think are inevitable. If we simply ask ourselves why the dreaded event might not occur, we’d be less stressed. Next, if we ask ourselves how it may actually be a good thing if it does happen, again stress would diminish.

How do the mental constructs we attach to our experiences affect outcomes of health and well-being? Mental constructs are positions we consider as accepted certainties. When a physician makes a diagnosis, most people take it as a certainty and behave accordingly. Assuming that pain, decline or failure is inevitable can cause an individual to give up hope of complete recovery. But science only suggests probabilities, and if we understand this, we’ll go to work on a solution. We have a tremendous amount of control over our health that goes untapped. Placebos are today’s strongest medications demonstrating this fact. Initially, placebos were frowned upon by the pharmaceutical industry because a drug couldn’t be brought to market if a placebo was just as effective. When someone gives you a pill and you get better not because of the pill, but because of your beliefs about it, you realize that what stands in the way of healing is your own mindset.

How have you seen these principles play out in your own life? My fascination with the ability of our mind to change our health began when my mother’s diagnosed metastasized breast cancer disappeared, a fact the medical world could not explain. Since then, my own prognosis related to a smashed ankle from a Beth Israel teaching hospital physician with the Harvard Medical School, stating that I would always walk with a limp and never play tennis again, has been completely overturned. My mission coming out of these two experiences is to determine how we can apply our mental capacities to increase control of our health and well-being. Connect with freelance writer April Thompson, in Washington, D.C., at

MAKE TWO LISTS On one list identify the grievances, disrespects and bad breaks: 4 People who don’t like you. 4 Deals that went wrong. 4 Unfair expectations. 4 Bad situations. 4 Unfortunate outcomes. 4 Unfairness. It’s all legitimate, it’s all real. Don’t hold back. On the other list, write down the privileges, advantages and opportunities you have: 4 The places where you get the benefit of the doubt. 4 Your leverage and momentum. 4 The things you see that others don’t. 4 What’s working and what has worked. 4 The resources you can tap. 4 The things you know. 4 People who trust you. Now, take one list and put it in a drawer. Take the other list and tape it up on your bathroom mirror. Read the list in the drawer once a month or once a year, just to remind you that it’s safe and sound. Read the other list every day. The daily list will determine what you notice, how you interpret what you see and the story you tell yourself about what’s happening and what will happen. You get to pick which list goes where. Picking your list is possibly the most important thing you’ll do all day. (Business Genius Seth Godin’s June 17, 2017 blog, natural awakenings

August 2017



Sleep on Either Side Lying on the back encourages throat muscles to close up and the tongue to fall toward the back of the throat. Shifting onto one side reduces this discomfort and potential apnea episodes. Using one pillow beneath the head allows the neck to rest at a more natural angle, rather than pushing the chin toward the chest, which restricts the airway.

Juan Nel/


3 Get a Good Night’s Sleep Five Solutions for Sleep Apnea by Lloyd Jenkins


n estimated 18 million people in the U.S. suffer from some form of sleep apnea. From the Greek expression for “want of breath,” sleep apnea causes cessation of breathing during the night. Bouts usually last from 10 to 30 seconds and can occur from just a few times to several hundred. The main cause is the throat muscles becoming too relaxed during sleep and constricting the airway. Two out of four people with the condition do not even realize they are sleep deprived due to apnea, and thus are at greater risk of suffering from both short-term ailments such as migraines or extreme fatigue, and long-term effects that include stroke and heart disease.


Lose Weight via Diet and Exercise Most people find the problem clears up or is greatly improved when they lose weight. One of the easiest and healthiest ways is eating only fruit from morning until noon, and then eating healthy, nutritious meals for lunch and dinner. Avoid processed, sugar-laden and deep-fried foods. Exercise at least four times a week. Doing moderate exercise for just 40 minutes has been shown to significantly reduce sleep apnea (Sleep journal). Use a medicine ball to follow a trainer tutorial at A mini-trampoline also offers a safe and effective workout. A brisk 20-to-30-minute daily walk is a must for better sleep.

Vitamins D and C Almost everyone is deficient in vitamin D, even many in sunny regions, reports Dr. Joseph Mercola in his report, The Amazing Wonder Nutrient. Wisely managed sun exposure supplies vitamin D—no more than 20 minutes a day, 10 minutes on each side—without suntan lotion. Alternatively, a high-dose of a quality vitamin D supplement measuring 5,000 international units is adequate, but always take it along with vitamin K2, which helps the body process calcium properly to avoid overdose problems. Our body does not store vitamin C, so we need at least 2,000 milligrams daily to maintain good health. A study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine found that vitamin C can reduce damage caused by sleep apnea. High-content foods include bell peppers, dark leafy greens, kiwi fruit, broccoli, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peas and papayas.


Magnesium, the Master Mineral From 70 to 80 percent of mankind is deficient in magnesium, which has been connected with prevention of degenerative diseases and mental health and is often the missing mineral in an individual’s wellness equation, according to Enviromedica’s Ancient Minerals. It also regulates muscle function, including those in the upper throat inColon Hydrotherapy has many beneficial health effects.

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Ask about our Alternative Method to that Pre-Colonoscopy Cleanse


volved with apnea. Organic foods and farmers’ market offerings may have higher levels of magnesium, especially those packed with green chlorophyll. Liquid chlorophyll is available in most health stores. Start by drinking one glass (250 milliliters) per day for a week, and then take two tablespoons daily. Spinach, chard, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, kefir, almonds, black beans, avocados, figs, bananas and dark chocolate (avoid brands with white sugar) are good sources.


Helpful Natural Medicines n Just before bedtime, consume one teaspoon of olive oil (or organic honey) combined with three drops of lavender essential oil. n Supplement with serotonin precursor 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan), which complements magnesium. n One of the best pure sources of omega-3—a top remedy for sleep apnea by protecting cells from stress— is krill oil (Alternative Medicine Review). Sleep apnea causes long-term oxidative stress and puts severe demands on the body, which is thought to deplete omega-3 levels. Lloyd Jenkins is a certified naturopath native to Canada and owner of the Budwig Cancer Clinic, in Malaga, Spain. He’s the author of seven books and many articles on treating common diseases using natural therapies.

The Proper Pillow by Randy Kambic


he right natural pillow is a key component to restful sleep. In fact, pillow comfort and support are as critical to good sleep as the proper mattress. According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) (, 91 percent of Americans say that a good pillow is key to their sleep quality. Investing in a high-quality, supportive pillow can be transformative, both personally and professionally. The RAND Corporation calculates that poor sleep among U.S. workers annually costs the U.S. economy some $411 billion. Replace old, worn-out pillows. Pillows can harbor dust mites and their excrement, dead skin cells and bacteria that can exacerbate allergy symptoms. If a pillow is clumping, losing support or yellowing, replace it, says Michelle Fishberg, co-founder of sleep wellness company Slumbr ( “Quality, properly sourced, down and feather pillows can be comfortable for those that like classic, soft pillows. Buckwheat and natural latex pillows each have unique qualities promoting better sleep. Buckwheat is therapeutic for back pain, all-natural and hypoallergenic, and reduces snoring for some,” advises Fishberg.

Pillow care. The NSF suggests using pillow as well as mattress protectors; PureCare mattress ( is their official source including a range of down pillows and its MiteTight protector. Organic cotton covers are kind to people and the planet. likewise advises using a protective cover to extend pillow life. Don’t dry clean pillows, because chemicals and heat can do damage. A down pillow can be washed, but it’s best to have it professionally cleaned by a down specialist every three to four years. Or wash them at home no more than twice a year on the delicate cycle, alone in a large or commercial washing machine, to avoid breaking down the down’s natural oils and structure. Latex pillows can be occasionally hand-washed with mild detergent and air-dried flat. Don’t wash buckwheat pillows—if the hulls get wet, pour them into a fine mesh bag and air-dry them in the sun.

natural awakenings

August 2017


with a Day Trip by Marlaina Donato


o many, hiking means long-distance treks through forests or backpacking remote terrain. “In reality, it’s more about getting out into green areas close to home,” says Wesley Trimble, of the American Hiking Society. “It’s about immersion in nature.” Day hiking can be easily tailored to personal preferences and interests. “Excellent apps and websites list and describe trails in your area or community. We have a database on our site that’s helpful,” says Trimble ( He’s personally high on old rail lines that have been converted to wide, accessible paths (

A Trail for Everyone Whatever our location, age or fitness level, a hike can provide opportunities for calming solitude or connecting with people we care about. Individuals with disabilities can also get outdoors at accommodating trails such as those at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, in Delaware. There’s always something to be learned in identifying wildlife and plants. “Families can enjoy time walking outdoors together in ways impossible in other settings,” observes Verna Gates, founder of Fresh Air Family, a Birmingham, Alabama, outdoor activities educational foundation. “Nature aids in well-being in many ways.” She points to studies cited at NatureAndForest that reveal how trees emit enzymes into the air that help improve our emotional and physical health. “When I lost a child, the only place I found solace was in nature. Sitting in a patch of wildflowers truly brought me back to living,” recalls Gates.


South Houston/Galveston Edition

Marlaina Donato is a freelance writer, author and multimedia artist. Connect at

Hiking in nature is a ready way to reset frazzled nerves.

Olga Danylenko/

Syda Productions/

TAKE A HIKE Escape into Nature

Following a lovely trail, much like inspired cooking, is as intriguing and delightful as we wish it to be. From wildflower paths to wine country trails, the great outdoors invites exploration of woodlands, glens, forests, mountain valleys, coastal areas, bayous, deserts and other terrain. Experienced daytrippers recommend revisiting favorite trails in specific seasons. “I love being in the natural world, be it New Jersey, Florida or Alaska. Every trail offers surprises,” marvels distance hiker Craig Romano ( As the author of several day hike guidebooks, he’s seen firsthand how, “Every part of the country offers different perspectives and forms of beauty. The greatest biological diversity in our country is found in the Great Smoky Mountains, where the rhododendrons are breathtaking in spring.” The world’s largest mapped cave system is in Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave National Park. Hiking to observe other subterranean wonders in Indiana or Virginia’s Natural Bridge Caverns is no less exhilarating than walking Alabama’s covered bridge trail or painter Georgia O’Keeffe’s Ghost Ranch country, in New Mexico. The Appalachian Trail, running between Maine and Georgia, attracts thousands of adventurous long-distance trekkers, but such trails also offer sections ideal for day hikes. Geomagnetic points in Arizona’s vortex region or America’s Stonehenge, in New Hampshire, afford unusual destinations. The wonders of California’s Sonoma County include Planet Walk, a scale model path that illustrates our solar system. The Crater of Diamonds State Park, in Arkansas, is the only place in the world where hikers can dig for diamonds and keep what they find, although quartz diamond sites (semiprecious stones less hard than diamonds) can be accessed at other U.S. locales. Coastal walks lead to discovering sea glass and shells. Arboretums in urban areas offer trails flush with local flora. Joining or starting a hiking club based on common interests is one way to go. “One of our guidebook series encourages outdoor enthusiasts to explore the natural world in their immediate backyards. This approach especially appeals to families, first-time trail users and athletes looking for a quick nature fix after work,” offers Helen Cherullo, publisher of Mountaineers Books (, a nonprofit committed to conservation and sustainable lifestyles. Wherever we venture, take nothing but pictures and leave nature untouched. Cherullo reminds us, “Connecting people to treasured natural landscapes leads to active engagement to preserve these places for future generations. The future of public lands—owned by every American citizen—is literally in our hands.” They deserve our vote.


Explorers’ Heaven


Where to Hike Texas! Texas has a treasure trove of hiking locations, with diverse terrain and over 70 state and national parks. Here are 14 of the most epic hiking areas. 4 Big Bend National Park (southwest Texas) 4 Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge (Marble Falls, near Austin) 4 Big Thicket National Reserve (near Kountze) 4 Pedernales Falls State Park, including Wolf Mountain Trail (between Austin and San Antonio) 4 Guadalupe Mountains National Park (near El Paso) 4 Enchanted Rock (near Fredericksburg) 4 Lost Maples State National Area (west of San Antonio) 4 Davy Crockett National Forest (between Houston and Dallas) 4 McKinney Roughs Nature Park (near Bastrop) 4 Palo Duro Canyon (near Amarillo) 4 Seminol Canyon State Park (west Texas/Mexico border) 4 Garner State Park (west of San Antonio) 4 Colorado Bend State Park (northwest of Austin) 4 Sam Houston National Forest (near Huntsville)

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natural awakenings

August 2017


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Natalia Klenova/



Set Out a Welcome Mat for a Soulmate by Arielle Ford


ust as we need to create space in our daily schedule to nurture a new relationship, we must create space in our home to welcome in new love. It’s called “feathering the nest”. Think about the first time that our soulmate will walk into our home—what they will they see, smell and feel. Even an inviting, cozy environment may need an upgrade. The underlying vibration or feeling of a place reflects the home’s energy. Whatever has happened there since its beginning, including arguments, illnesses or times of loneliness, have all left an unseen layer of negative energy. You could say that the walls “talk”. To begin preparing our home to welcome a mate, first remove the clutter. Piles of magazines, stacks of unshelved books and excessive furnishings are blocking and keeping in old energy and preventing good, clean new energy from flowing. Be sure to remove all photographs and souvenirs that are reminders of past lovers; throw them away or put them in a box away from your home. These daily, unconscious memory triggers keep you stuck in the past. Clearing everything out is like putting out a cosmic welcome mat to the Universe that we are now ready, willing and available to receive new love. Next, it’s time to dispel the unseen energies. The fastest, easiest method is the Native American technique of smudging. The smoke will purify the space. Light a piece of white sage on a

small plate and when it is smoking (not flaming) run the smoke up, down and around every room, closet, door and window frame throughout the entire home. Alternatively, on a sunny day, open all the doors and windows and, applying a broom and imagination, sweep out the old energies. Just as nature abhors a vacuum and calls in matter to fill the empty space, so making space in our home assists in calling in love. Consciously create “space” by placing an empty nightstand on “their” side of the bed, plus have at least one empty dresser drawer waiting for them. Create inviting space in a closet and clear a shelf in a bathroom cabinet. If we have a two-car garage and have been parking in the middle, pick a side and begin only parking on “our side”. The most essential ingredient to “feathering the nest” is a strong intention to remove any old, outdated, limiting or negative energies that may be preventing love from finding its way to our door. Once free from unwanted clutter and obstructions, it becomes our sanctuary of vibrant, attractive energy. Arielle Ford is the author of 11 books, including Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate and The Soulmate Secret: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction. Her latest, Inkspirations: Love By Design, is a transformational coloring book. She lives in La Jolla, CA. Learn more at natural awakenings

August 2017


calendarofevents NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 5th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Standard listings are $18 and Expanded listings are $32. Please submit in formats shown below to We reserve the right to edit for readability and word count. No phone calls or faxed listings accepted.



NASA ARES – 2:30-3:30pm. For children ages 8 - 18. Want to learn about meteorites and NASA missions? This event will include hands-on activities and games about meteorites and meteorite research, NASA astromaterials missions, and NASA ARES. Free. Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library, 16616 Diana Ln., Houston. 832-927-5420.

Boots & BBQ – 5:30-7:30pm. Boots, class and a little sass is what you will find at this event! Dine under the giant oaks on the historic Stringfellow Orchards estate and enjoy a Texas-sized menu of barbecue prepared by Lighthouse Charity Team. Grab your partner and dance along to great country music, or just grab a barbecue plate to go. $25. Stringfellow Orchards, 7902 Hwy. 6, Hitchcock. 409-256-3822 or 409-763-1691.

Build and Make – Balloon Cars! – 4:30-6pm. Vroom, Vroom! Teen and tweens come learn how to build and air powered race car. Free. Evelyn Meador Branch Library, 2400 N. Myer Ave. Seabrook. 281-474-9142.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 6 Awesome Alligators - 12–4pm. Designed to inspire families to get outside and to foster an appreciation for ABNC and our natural world, we will focus on alligators and how awesome and important they are to our ecosystem. Free admission is offered anytime between noon and 4pm. Front gates lock at 5pm. Armand Bayou Nature Center, 8500 Bay Area Blvd, Pasadena.

MONDAY, AUGUST 7 Young Living – 7pm. Beauty Doesn’t Have to be TOXIC and full of chemicals! Learn basics of natural skincare and make-up. Free. Spring Creek BBQ, 2710 Gulf Freeway (League City). 979-429-DROP. Summer Art Camp: End of Summer Extravaganza Aug. 4-11. AM, PM, and FULL DAY options available. K-8th grade children express ideas through creative masterpieces, weekly themes, & guided instruction. Children explore & learn new techniques for a wide variety of media! All supplies included. Starting at $135. (Coupon Code: NAW2017 = $25 off). Art & Kustom Kreations’ Studio, 2837 Miller Ranch Rd., #113, Pearland. 281.741.7671. Register: Campscui.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 12 Galveston Sand Crab 5/10K/Kid’s Beach Mile – 8:30pm. Benefitting the Galveston Island Humane Society, event starts and finishes at East Beach in Apfel Park. Run entirely on sand, the Sand Crab is a fantastic way to get a little exercise under the stars on Galveston Beach at night, have a few beers & other refreshments while listening to great music with other runners on a summer night. $20 & up. Apfel Park, 1923 Boddeker Rd., Galveston.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 13 Back to School Splash – 12:30-6pm. Enjoy free refreshments while saying farewell to summer. Bring your friends and family and have a blast at the pool for the last time in 2017! Free. Bob S. Owen Municipal Pool, 919 Bayou Dr., Alvin. 281-388-4352

TUESDAY, AUGUST 15 Open Gym – 11am-12pm. Trampolines, pits, slides, trapeze, tree houses, and lots of playing space. Get introduced to our facility with no obligation as well as lots of fun time for current students. Our great instructors are eager to help, encouraging parent participation! $6-$10. AcroSports, 1800 W. Nasa Blvd. Friendswood. 281-332-4496.


South Houston/Galveston Edition

FRIDAY, AUGUST 18 Intro to the Pottery Wheel – 6:30-8:30pm. Each participant will work with approximately 2 lbs. of clay and will complete one project such as a dessert plate, small bowl, or vase. $30. Don’s Pottery Shop – Gander Studio, 407 S. Gordon St., Alvin. 281-686-2057.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 Adaptive Recreation: YOGA – 10am. Learn Classical Hatha Yoga, mastery of breath and much more. 10 yrs. & up. Free. Westside Event Center, 2150 Country Place Parkway, Pearland. Please RSVP to lissa.giacco@txh. or call 281-526-8967x2. 2nd Annual Adult Spelling Bee - 12pm. Enrich your vocabulary while having fun with friends. No elimination; win by points earned. For ages 18 and up. Contact the reference desk to register and pick up practice words. Friendswood Library, 416 S. Friendswood Dr., Friendswood. 281-482-7135.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 South Shore Harbour Wine Dinner – 7pm. Make plans to join us and enjoy these sumptuous meals featuring avantgarde cuisine and brilliantly paired wines. $79 Plus Tax & Gratuity. South Shore Harbour Resort & Conference Center, 2500 South Shore Blvd, League City. 281-334-1000.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 25 Drum Circle and Labyrinth Walk – 7-8:30pm. Theme: Conscious Creation. Drums provided, or bring your own. No experience necessary. Labyrinth walk follows, weather permitting. Unity Bay Area Houston, 1911 Hwy 3 South, League City. Love donation ($10$15 suggested). 512-659-6694

SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 Pearland Wine & Food Festival – 11am-7pm. Visitors can sample Texas wines from 10 Texas wineries, shop among 30+ vendors and savor lots of food & music. Pearland Town Center Event Pavilion, 11200 Broadway St., Pearland. Shrimp Boil & Dance – 6pm. Be a part of this end of summer spectacular event. Enjoy lots of food, entertainment and dancing! $25 & up. Nessler Center, 1800 5th Avenue North, Texas City. 409-935-1408.

MONDAY, AUGUST 28 GBASMA – 6:30-8:30pm. Come meet The Galveston Bay Area Scale Modelers Association (GBASMA), which is a chartered member of the International Plastic Modelers Society (IPMS). This club meeting will be held to present each other’s current projects, share new modeling techniques, answer modeling questions and promote the hobby. Free. Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch Library, 16616 Diana Ln., Houston. 832-927-5420.

ongoingevents sunday


Yoga Nidra – 7pm. Opening with a soft flow of yoga asanas to prepare the body and mind for the deep, guided meditation of Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep), this practice serves to calm the restless mind and deepen conscious awareness. Bring towel and mat. $15/drop-in. The Yoga Haven, 2507 Market St, Galveston. 409-770-9995.

Oneness Blessing Meditation – 6:30-8pm. Visit for a unique experience that brings each person into a closer connection with one another and God. Unity Bay Area Houston, 1911 Hwy 3 S League City. 281-554-2450.

monday Yoga 101 – 5:30-6:45pm. With Kathleen. Foundational hatha yoga for students new to yoga or returning to practice. Fine tune basic skills that will deepen your understanding and enjoyment of the practice of yoga. Bring towel and mat. $15/drop-in. The Yoga Haven, 2507 Market St, Galveston. 409-770-9995.

tuesday Senior Tuesday – All day. On Tuesdays, anyone 65 years and up can visit Moody Gardens for $5/ attraction per senior. Restrictions may apply. Moody Gardens, 1 Hope Blvd, Galveston. 800-582-4673. Details: Meditation – 9:30-10:30am. Unity Bay Area Houston, 1911 Hwy 3 S, League City. 281-554-2450.

saturday Vinyasa Yoga – 10am. A dynamic flow class using surya namaskar (sun salutations) as a thread woven throughout the practice. This dynamically paced series builds internal heat, strength, stamina, focus and flexibility. Prior yoga experience is recommended. Bring towel and mat. $15/drop-in. The Yoga Haven, 2507 Market St, Galveston. 409770-9995.

looking ahead 2017 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 The Daily News Press Run – 5:30am. Run, walk, or jog in the 5th annual Daily News Press Run to support the Newspapers in Education program. Featuring certified Galveston Causeway courses, Kid’s 1K, vendor booths, food, drinks, snacks, moonwalks, music, a costume contest and much more, this race is fun for everyone! The Daily News Building, 8522 Teichman Road, Galveston. 409-683-5200. Kemah Boardwalk Mustang Car Show – 8am-3pm. If you’re a car lover you’ll love this Mustang-only Car Show at Kemah Boardwalk. See over 120 Mustangs, watch the award ceremony and enjoy live music. All proceeds go to Still Creek Boys & Girls Ranch. More categories this year, more trophies! Goodie Bag for first 120 entries. $30. Kemah Boardwalk, 215 Kipp Ave., Kemah. 281-5358100.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 iFest – 11am. A perfect pick for a weekend getaway join us in celebrating our global heritage with music, food and family fun. iFest provides performing and visual arts scholarships to local students. $5. Pearland Town Center, 11200 Broadway St., Pearland. 281-993-8817.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 The Toughest 10 – 7:30am. Flat and easy on the Kemah Boardwalk and the “Tough” part – 4 passes (2 complete loops) over the Kemah/Seabrook Bridge. Then, it’s downhill (not really) to the finish! All finishers will receive a medal and ice cream will be waiting at the finish line. Charity for The Bridge over Troubled Waters. Kemah Boardwalk, 215 Kipp Ave., Kemah.


wednesday Small Dog Socialization – 7:30-8:15pm. Bring in small dogs to have fun and socialize. Gimme a Bark, 101 E Edgewood Dr, Friendswood. 281-482-1911.

6th Annual Mother Son Summer Blast – 6-8pm. Mothers and sons (5-12) team up to play Outdoor Modern Warfare Laser Tag! Enjoy dinner and some competitive fun. Put your game face on and leave the skirts at home! $20 per person, tickets must be purchased in advance. National Oak Park, 118 S. Magnolia, Alvin. 281-388-4299.

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Natural Match On Our Newly Upgraded Website

We invite you to join and experience a truly conscious, loving, dating environment with amazing members. Summer is here; be proactive by joining today. Your natural match is waiting to meet you!

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August 2017


communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email or call 409-939-8156. ACUPUNCTURE HOOKED ON ACUPUNCTURE Clint McCallum, LAc 2505 Market St, Galveston 409-241-3199 Hooked on Acupuncture community clinic in Galveston is a healing place that is affordable, welcoming, nurturing, inspiring and educational. We heal with acupuncture and herbs. See ad, page 25.

ALKALINE WATER TEXAS WATER Salvatore Ali, Tyent Authorized Dealer 409-877-6079 Want to FEEL GREAT every day? Anti-oxidant water is now available at the touch of a button. “The most important advancement in health care since the invention of penicillin.” – Dr. William Kelley. Call today for more information! 409-877-6079. See ad, page 29.



Courtney Sparks, Independent Advisor Texas City & Surrounding Areas 325-245-6900, p

Specializing in reducing symptoms of many disorders by improving the brain & body’s ability to relax utilizing neurofeedback and Christian counseling. Our goal is to help our clients achieve improved physical, emotional, and spiritual health. See ad, page 16.

Our quality beauty & home cleaning products are crafted with organic ingredients, made here in the USA! No harmful ingredients, parabens or fragrances used – safe for pregnant moms & babies. Fun home parties! Contact me for this month’s promotions!



DRUMMING TOGETHER Sara Blumenfeld, Facilitator League City & Surrounding Areas 512-659-6694 Customized theme-based Drum Circles for your group or business using the researchbacked HealthRHYTHMS® protocol. Contact Sara to explore the benefits and possibilities of this unique and powerful experience! See ad, page 27.


Dr. Donna Sanders 350 FM 517 W, Dickinson 281-337-3337

Special Education Advocate League City & Surrounding Areas 281-733-0422

GAIGHER CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Dr. Luciano Gaigher 1120 E NASA Pkwy #106, Clear Lake 281-333-5770 For 30 years, Dr. Gaigher has helped countless individuals relieve pain and address multiple health issues. Experience the benefits of his vast experience, and his caring and calm demeanor. If you are looking for personalized attention and comprehensive care on a budget, call now for a consultation (insurance accepted). See ad, page 26.


South Houston/Galveston Edition


Dr. Stephanie McClung 3607 Broadway Ave, Galveston 409-300-3117


We use the most current techniques with gentle chiropractic care to alleviate pain and ailments throughout the body. Stop by to learn more about natural solutions to your common health problems. See ad, page 25.


I work with parents of special needs children to help them get the educational services their children need. I can guide parents through the confusing process and make suretheir voices are heard in ARD meetings. See ad, page 7.

FITNESS STUDIO BAY AREA PILATES TX 607 S Friendswood Dr, Suite 21, Friendswood 281-797-6442 Underground Pilates& Barre is a fitness studio implementing the equipment and techniques of Joseph Pilates and Total Barre™. It is a fully equipped studio, offering private, semi-private and small group classes with our certified instructors. See ad, page 17.

NUTRILICIOUS Oralia Acosta, CHC League City & Surrounding Areas 832-858-4260 Are you a woman who is going through menopause, or perimenopause, and have you lost your way? I can show you how to regain your footing, your energy and follow a clear path. Call me for a FREE 30-min consult!

HEALTH & WELLNESS SUPPLEMENTS PLEXUS WORLDWIDE Mandy Merritt Independent Ambassador #1294857 832-819-6875 Do you struggle to lose weight? Feeling tired, rundown? Constantly sick, migraines, leaky gut, etc? Plexus products are all-natural & work by addressing the root causes: blood sugar, inflammation and gut health. New clients: mention Natural Awakenings for a special discount. See ad, page 29.

HEALTH FOOD STORE NATURAL LIVING ORGANIC CO-OP 219 N Michigan Ave, League City 832-632-2937 SE Texas’s ONLY 100% GMO Free Organic Food Co-op. Offering the community locally grown produce, dry goods and free-range meats. Allergen-free baked goods and bulk herbs. Come in to learn more! OPEN: Mon, Tues 11a-2p; Wed, Thurs 9a-6p; Fri 9a-7p; Sat 9a-4p (closed Sun).

HEALTHY WATER WATERTREE BY THE BAY 3538 E NASA Parkway, Seabrook 281-917-1316 Offering great tasting alkaline water with optimum filtration – like nature with no electricity or chemicals. Pure H2O with good minerals reintroduced. Also providing hydrogen water, refill stations, portable solutions and home filtration equipment (reverse osmosis & chlorine removal). See ad, page 17.

HOLISTIC CENTER ISLAND BRAINWORKS, LLC Brainwave Optimization® 2220 Post Office St, Galveston 713-299-2277/409-599-7268



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Brainwave Optimization ® (BWO) is science-based, effective and holistic; a noninv asive method of achieving brain balance and harmony. By es acting like a mirror to brain t to n , d isla n patterns, BWO allows the brain to auto-correct itself with individually tailored real-time methodology for brainwave activity using EEG technology. Appointments only. See ad, page 15. rainwork s db

HYPNOSIS SOUTHEAST HYPNOSIS CENTER Dr. Rose Klein 607 S Friendswood Dr #1, Friendswood 281-996-8000 Southeast Hypnosis Center has helped thousands of people make positive changes in their lives through personalized one-on-one hypnosis sessions to stop smoking, lose weight, improve confidence and reduce stress. Call for free hypnosis interview. See ad, page 3.

WELLNESS INTEGRATION CENTER 5517 West Broadway St, Suite D, Pearland 832-294-9640 or We l l n e s s c e n t e r featuring massage and yoga, and offering reflexology and reiki. We strive to provide our community healing services to support individual wellness needs. Book online any time at WellnessIC. com. New clients: mention Natural Awakenings for a special discount.

Certified Life Coach Friendswood & Surrounding Areas 281-732-1134; I am a certified life coach here to guide you in your life’s journey. Finding your life’s direction, better health, working through spiritual issues or whatever you are struggling with, I assist you in tapping into your inner power & inner voice. FREE Discovery session for first time clients & 25% off sessions this summer!

2507 Market St, Galveston 409-770-9995 For 10 years offering the path of yoga for vibrant body, awakened mind and open heart, the studio provides an inspiring environment for yoga classes. Daily classes for students of all levels; special workshops and events offered. See ad, page 7.


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Heather Hildebrand 1120 Nasa Parkway, Ste 220A, Clear Lake 409-457-4375

Facebook page

I am a Psychic Medium, Angel Therapy Practitioner, Speaker & Spiritual Counselor. I help people work through life transitions, whether connecting with a deceased loved one, channeling messages from their angels or through my teachings and workshops. Set up an appointment through my website. See ad, page 14.

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and events.

Natural Awakenings and we’ll alert you of upcoming happenings

BAYOU ROLFING Phillip McLain, Certified Rolfer 1002 Gemini St, Ste 225k, Houston 281-910-4782 Enhance your posture and release muscle tension by experiencing this unique massage technique which works on connective tissue to release, realign and balance the whole body. Call today for a consultation & mention Natural Awakenings!




YOGA AFRO YOGA Pearland & Friendswood 281-451-1676 Explore ways to feel easeful in your own body using breath and gentle deliberate movement as your tools. Private and small group sessions serve all ages: athletes, veterans, seniors, pre/postsurgery, families, and pre/post-natal. Call for more information.

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natural awakenings

August 2017





Graceful Aging plus: Yoga Readers R ead are Seeking These Providers & Services: Natural Healthcare Practitioners • Functional Medicine Repurposing/Life Coaches • Advocacy & Peer Groups Financial Planning • Community Banks • Spiritual Practices Activities & Exercise Facilities • Multi-Genre Cultural Venues Mentor Programs • Natural Cosmetics • Organic Foods Herbs/Supplements • Yoga Apparel & Gear • Yoga Classes Yoga Events ... and this hiss iiss ju just ust st a p partial arti ar tiial llist! tial ist! is t!

Transformative Travel plus: p lus: Chiropractic Chiropractic Readers are Seeking These Providers & Services: Transformative Travel Companies • Natural Habitat Adventures Self-Discovery Vacations • Personal Growth Retreats Adventure Tour Groups • Spiritual Pilgrimages • Travel Outfitters General, Advanced & Sports Chiropractors Integrative & Natural Healthcare Providers ... and this is just a partial list!

Diabetes Prevention & Reversal plus: Silent Retreats Readers are Seeking These Providers & Services: Fitness/Health Clubs • Functional Medicine Practitioners Herbalists • Hormone-Free Meats & Dairy • Integrative Physicians Nutrition Therapists • Organic/Non-GMO/Sugar-Free Foods Weight-Loss Centers • Wellness Coaches • Yoga/Tai Chi/Qigong Classes Eco-Retreats • Spas • Spiritual Centers • Spiritual Healing Practitioners ... and this is just a partial list!

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