Natural Awakenings Boston February 2012

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feel good • live simply • laugh more


Special Edition

YOUR HEALTHY MIND Ways to Boost Brain Power

Alpha and Beta Balancing Books to Fall in Love With Resolving Conflicts

February 2012 | SE Middlesex County | natural awakenings

February 2012



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contents 5

5 newsbriefs 12 healthbriefs 13 globalbriefs 15 ecotip


16 community


22 healthykids 26 inspiration 28 healingways


32 calendarof events

advertising & submissions

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

16 COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT Nina Manolson: Helping Moms Help Themselves by Kim Childs


How to Keep the Mind Young and Memory Sharp by Lisa Marshall



Balance Your Alphas and Betas by Kim Childs


Five Ways to Aid Development by Lisa Marshall


24 REDUCING TOXIC OVERLOAD how to advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 617-906-0232 or email Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. Editorial submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to: publisher@ Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month. calendar submissions Visit for guidelines and to submit entries. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit


by Judith Mabel



Embracing Imperfections in Relationships by Arielle Ford





Resolving Conflict Benefits Mind and Body by Lisa Shumate



IN LOVE WITH natural awakenings

February 2012




ast month witnessed my initiation into the 36th Annual Penguin Plunge for the benefit of Rhode Island Special Olympics in South County. Brrrr… I never imagined what an incredibly invigorating experience it could be to dive into 43 degree water from an air temperature of 50. I admit to some initial trepidation, but had little choice in joining other hearty souls after my brother, Rick’s loving granddaughters, Emily and Payton, gave me “the look.” I couldn’t say no to these intrepid fundraisers and now look forward to participating annually with many other family members in memory of Rick, a veteran Penguin for 34 years. I’ll take less convincing next year; I’ll just pray for temps of 50 again next New Year’s Day! The unseasonably warm weather has likewise brought out some fat squirrels to play. They have the chubbiest cheeks I’ve ever seen, with dragging bellies to match as they scamper along our backyard fence. Meanwhile, I’m viewing photos shared by friends on Facebook showing budding trees, convertibles on road trips with tops down and joggers decked out in shorts and T-shirts. It appears everyone is taking full advantage of the warm weather and sunshine. Perhaps the grey skies of Old Man Winter will have caught up with us by the time you read this, but you won’t catch me complaining. This month we bring attention to practical habits that work to keep our minds healthy and functioning well. I am particularly fascinated by what Diana White of Boston Brain Works has to say about a new scientific approach using Brain Wave Optimization (BWO). In “Want a Better Brain? Balance Your Alphas and Betas,” by Kim Childs, she explains how the therapy can help people that have a difficult time attempting to relax and meditate (page 21). In “How a Brain Grows,” by Lisa Marshall on page 22, we learn five ways to help foster the healthy development of young brains without subscribing to the myths set forth by certain marketing campaigns. Like me, you may be both surprised and encouraged by the simple things that parents can do to foster healthy brain development in children. May we all make the most of every season and live it to the fullest. Before we know it, the shiny-faced daffodils will be breaking through the inevitable snows ahead. Feel good, live simply, laugh more always,

Maisie Raftery, Publisher

contact us Publisher/Editor Maisie Raftery Editors Karen Adams S. Alison Chabonais Kim Childs Writers Kim Childs Ulrike Dettling, LMFT Judith Mabel, Ph.D. Design & Production Stephen Blancett Kim Cerne Zina Cochran Helene Leininger Sales Donna Markussen 781-354-4075 P.O. Box 1149 Brookline, MA 02446 Phone: 617-906-0232 Fax: 877-907-1406 © 2012 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

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Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.


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newsbriefs The Artist’s Way Workshop Explores Creative and Artful Living


n February 11, Kim Childs will present an Introduction to The Artist’s Way from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at The Arlington Center, in Arlington. The workshop features exercises and explorations based on the book The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, by Julia Cameron. Childs says that this workshop and her upcoming spring intensives on The Artist’s Way are for anyone wishing to revisit, expand or Kim Childs explore their creativity. “People sometimes think they have to be an artist to do this work, but it’s really about living as creatively and authentically as you can, and making life your canvas,” says Childs. “Many people have tried working through the book on their own, but most have greater success with group support.” The fee for the introductory workshop is $18; participants can register by calling 781-316-0282 or visiting Childs is also offering a free introductory teleclass on February 16 from 7 to 8 p.m. for those who wish to know more about The Artist’s Way. For more information, visit artistsway.html. The Arlington Center is located at 369 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington. To contact Kim Childs, call 617-640-3813 or visit

Winter Herbal Classes for Better Health


adelon Hope, director of the Boston School of Herbal Studies, announces a program of weekly herbal classes for the winter. The series begins with “Healing Depression with Herbs and Food” on February 9, followed by “Heart/Mind Integration” and “Mushroom Medicine” on February 16 and 23. Classes to be offered later in the winter include “How to Reduce Pain,” “Chakra Healing with Herbs” and “Healthy Gums and Teeth.” “These classes will help people make informed choices about how to stay healthy,” says Hope. “The focus is on gentle herbs and healthy food, and students in the ‘Healing Depression’ class will learn about herbal sedatives, mood elevators and tonics that can help them to feel more emotionally resilient.” The Boston School of Herbal Studies is also offering an Apprenticeship Program that begins April 21 and meets one weekend a month through October. Apprenticeship students learn to identify local medicinal plants, harvest herbs and make teas, tinctures, salves, oils, poultices, herbal baths and herbal sprays.

To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. ~Buddha

The Boston School of Herbal Studies is located at 12 Pelham Terr., Arlington. For more information, call 781-646-6319 or visit See ad on page 19. natural awakenings

February 2012


newsbriefs The Greater Boston Detox Plan


udith Mabel, Ph.D., RD, of Nutrition Boston, in Brookline, presents The Greater Boston Detox Plan on four Tuesdays, beginning February 21, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Mabel says the workshop is for those who want to lose weight, gain strength or eliminate toxic symptoms. “Conditions that may respond to a detox include chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivities,” she says. “And parents can use detox protocols to help their kids with asthma, autism, ADHD and allergies.” The Greater Boston Detox Plan consists of an Judith Mabel introduction; a goal-setting session, during which participants receive meal plans, supplements and a lecture on the modified elimination diet and the food/mood connection; a session on ways to overcome obstacles, endure healing crises and reintroduce foods; and a class on ‘life after detox,’ with an emphasis on diet versus lifestyle. The cost for the program is $199 plus any recommended supplements. Mabel notes that some insurance plans may cover the program fee but not the supplements. Nutrition Boston is located at 1051 Beacon St., Brookline. For more information, call 617-232-3073 or visit See ad on page 23.

Every Body Pilates Offers Workshop with Irene Dowd


For information, call 617-906-0232


very Body Pilates, in Belmont, will host a weekend workshop with anatomist, dancer and movement-imagery pioneer Irene Dowd on March 10 and 11. Dowd will present her workshop, “Our Dynamic Pelvis,” on the musculo­skeletal anatomy of the lower trunk, pelvis and hip joints. Students will experience the movement possibilities of the pelvis and discover the most effective muscular-use strategies. “This will be a Pilates-based exploration of the many ways in which our pelvis functions to both enhance the freedom of our limbs and the stability of our core,” says studio owner Kirsten deFrees. Every Body Pilates is also offering Redcord suspension exercise lessons for both groups and individuals and will soon feature Redcord education for movement professionals. “Redcord has two vertical suspension points, which allows 360 degrees of mobility to build greater strength in multiple planes of movement,” says deFrees. “These exercises can isolate and stimulate impaired neuromuscular connections and create balance between muscular and joint systems.” Redcord can be useful for chronic pain, injury recovery and athleticperformance enhancement. Every Body Pilates is located at 50 Leonard St., Ste. 2A, in Belmont. For more information, call 617-484-3311 or visit

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natural awakenings

February 2012


newsbriefs Shamballa Reiki I Class in Brighton

M David Helfand and Anna Kreimer

Yoga Retreats in the Comfort of Home


avid Helfand, founder of Conscious Being Yoga, announces in-home yoga retreats for anyone who wants to practice deep relaxation at home or in the office. Each retreat is open to as many people as the student requests, but the recommended maximum is five students. Retreats are typically six hours long and customized to meet the yoga and health goals of each student. Natural Awakenings readers who organize a retreat may bring a friend for free. Helfand says at-home yoga retreats allow students to practice relaxation skills where they live. “I realized one day that the people who really need to relax are the ones who can’t put their lives on hold,” Helfand says. “That is why I started offering these retreats in students’ homes. And the beauty is that when you study something in your home, your environment becomes the reminder to relax.” Helfand adds that his retreats reduce the stress of locating and driving to yoga studios, arranging child care and juggling schedules. During the retreat, Helfand and his staff will assess options within the house that best support a continued yoga practice. For more information, call 802-3718745 or visit


imi Rhys, LMT, of Phoenix Healing Arts will present a class on Shamballa Reiki I on February 19, from 1 to 3:30 p.m., in Brighton. The $50 fee includes materials and a Reiki attunement; a deposit is required to hold a place in the class. Rhys, a Shamballa master healer teacher who has been teaching and practicing since 2002, says Shamballa is a higherenergy level of Reiki than Usui, which is more Mimi Rhys, LMT commonly known. “The healing abilities you acquire when you are taught Shamballa are as powerful as any other Reiki, but they are only a byproduct,” Rhys explains. “The major purpose of attunement is to allow the student to bring in higher energies that will help enhance the spiritual evolution and wholeness of the world.” Rhys says that Shamballa students help heal the earth while walking on it from their very first attunement, and become part of the path of tikkun olam, which means “repairing the world” in Hebrew. Shamballa classes require less time and money than traditional Reiki classes, which enables more people to become attuned. Shamballa Reiki also can be combined with any other healing modality. For more information, call 617-413-7174 or visit See ad on page 29.

Time Management from a Spiritual Perspective


am Kristan will present a workshop on exploring and practicing time management from a spiritual perspective on February 4, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Theosophical Society, in Arlington. Kristan will help participants find relief from time-management ills such as distractibility, procrastination and feeling overworked/overwhelmed while offering hands-on practices and new insights to help them “play their day,” moment by moment. Pam Kristan “This pioneering way of managing time isn’t about ‘more plus faster equals better,’” says Kristan. “Instead, it works at a deeper level on root issues of attention, boundaries and choices—the ABCs of a new way.” Kristan says the workshop will function as a lab in which students can practice as they learn and see how managing time can be a spiritual practice in itself that keeps them grounded in reality while open to possibility. “The time-management challenges we face are unprecedented in the history of life on the planet,” she says. “We need to acknowledge this fact with grace and good cheer, in the face of the impossibility of doing it all.” The Theosophical Society is located at 21 Maple St., Arlington. For more information, call 617-522-4956 or visit

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newsbriefs Try 15 Days of Fearless Living


oard-certified holistic health coach Dillan DiGiovanni, of Somerville, will present her 15 Days of Fearless Living program, beginning February 1. The free, online program will offer participants daily readings and challenges via email, inspiring them to overcome blocks and see what they can accomplish by stepping outside their comfort zones. Challenges will include cooking new foods, abstaining from refined sugar for a day and creating a list of ideal qualities in a life partner. DiGiovanni and other participants will provide support via a forum for sharing triumphs and fears. “Fear is a universal human experience and something we can all relate to,” says DiGiovanni. “I’ve overcome many fears, including addressing truths about my identity and starting my own business. We actualize our potential when we cast aside our fears and limiting beliefs and do the thing we think we cannot do.” DiGiovanni specializes in supporting LGBTQ people and their families through her practice, Savor Your Existence Integrative Health. For more information and to register for the Fearless Living program, call 617-5102534 or visit

New Website for Rowe PT in Newton Center


owe Physical Therapy, in Newton Center, is celebrating the launch of its redesigned website, The site is full of up-to-date information about the 25-year practice and includes Rowe’s treatment philosophy, services and approaches, specialized techniques, staff information and client testimonials. “Visitors can look forward to regular updates to our ‘In the News’ page with educational articles and other helpful information on health and healing,” says president Cindy Rowe. “And periodic newsletters will keep people informed of these updates and happenings via email if they sign up for this service on the new site.” Rowe Physical Therapy and Associates was established in 1986 by a team of holistic physical and occupational therapists with many years of experience and expertise in hands-on manual therapy. The Wellness Care Program offers clients preventive and maintenance care, individualized yoga instruction, and additional care that insurance companies may not consider medically necessary but may be beneficial for healing. Rowe Physical Therapy is located at 1400 Centre St., Ste. 104, Newton Center. For more information, call 617-244-4462 or visit See ad on page 19. natural awakenings

February 2012


newsbriefs Acupuncture Together Expands Hours and Welcomes New Practitioner

A Book Outlines Holistic Approach to Living Well


ellness coach and yoga therapist Denny Richard announces the publication of his new book, Mirror/Mirror: A Holistic Approach to Living Well. Richard says that his book is intended to educate and enlighten readers about how the things they do to their bodies and environments greatly affect their minds and emotions. “Life out there is just a mirror reflecting the life inside,” says Richard, referring to the book’s title. “I hope my readers begin to understand that the world we see reflects who we are, and that we are the ones who can make a difference in these troubled times.” Richard adds that his book speaks to the notion of cause and effect, or what he calls “a karmic reaction/return that we must become aware of in order to grow as a society.” Mirror/Mirror is available for sale online at and and Richard will soon be releasing an e-book version as well. A former senior analyst for a corporate treasury in Boston, Richard is now an Oregonbased inspirational speaker who covers such topics as empowerment, happiness and concepts of the mind. He will donate 10 percent of all book sale proceeds to organizations that support those living with HIV/AIDS. For more information, call 971-5338622 or visit 10

cupuncture Together, in Cambridge, is pleased to announce a newly expanded schedule and the addition of Jess Butler, Lic. Ac., to the practice. Butler earned a master of acupuncture and Oriental medicine degree from the New England School of Acupuncture. Her clinical experience includes treating patients at Jess Butler the Dimock Community Health Center in Roxbury and the Boston Medical Center Pediatric Outpatient Clinic. Butler also has a private practice in Jamaica Plain. Acupuncture Together is now open on Monday from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. It is also open Tuesday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Treatments are offered on a sliding-fee scale of $35 to $55 for first visits and $20 to $40 for follow-up visits. Acupuncture Together is located at 2464 Massachusetts Ave., Ste. 20, Cambridge. For more information, call 617-499-9993 or visit

Win a Week for Two at Farm of Life in Costa Rica


wo lucky winners will enjoy a week-long stay at a much-loved boutique health retreat in Costa Rica, sponsored by Natural Awakenings and Farm of Life (Finca de Vida). Secluded high in the cooling mountains above Dominical with views of the Pacific Ocean, Farm of Life offers yoga classes, health counseling, educational retreats, a wide variety of area activities, and a delicious raw food menu featuring fresh produce from their permaculture garden. The property features spring-fed pools, an organic farm, mountainside yoga deck with sunset views of the Pacific Ocean, an inviting common house, and delightful hilltop cottages and cabins. The prize includes shared accommodations for two, ground transportation to and from the San José airport, nightly dinners, and use of the communal kitchen and the farm’s fruits and vegetables to prepare your own breakfast and lunches. Winners will also enjoy health coaching, yoga sessions, two waterfall hikes, a beach excursion, permaculture farm tour, and tour of Manuel Antonio National Park. The best part is simply relaxing in this very special mountain retreat with like-minded international guests while learning how to create a healthier lifestyle. Owners Jody and Brian Calvi have a well-deserved reputation for attentive, loving service and skillful health counseling devoted to helping guests explore the inner world of personal health while enjoying the peaceful, healing and inspirational natural surroundings. To enter, visit NaturalAwakeningsMag/contests/farmoflife. To learn more about Farm of Life, visit and by googling tripadvisor farm of life.

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newsbriefs The Madrona Tree Serves Up Healthful Food in Arlington


ocated in the heart of Arlington Center, The Madrona Tree serves healthful food from local producers. Diners can enjoy a burger made with hormone- and antibioticfree beef or chicken, a Lebanese wrap with homemade hummus, organic hand-cut fries and homemade cookies or a milkshake for dessert. Owner Tanya Abraham named the café after a favorite tree found on the West Coast, and she borrowed recipes from her Lebanese grandparents. Today, Abraham’s practices fit well with contemporary “green” consciousness. “We believe that everyone deserves to eat food that is fresh and free of added chemicals, hormones and pesticides, and we believe in eating food from local farmers and producers who use sustainable and humane practices,” she says. “It’s not just better for humans, animals, the environment and local economies; it tastes better.” Madrona Tree staff members sort and recycle waste, recycle cooking oil for biofuel and use as many ecofriendly products as possible, from compostable takeout containers to energy-efficient light bulbs. Chairs at The Madrona Tree come from thrift stores, and the dishes belonged to a restaurant that Abraham’s grandfather once owned. The Madrona Tree is located at 315 Broadway, Arlington. For more information, call 781-859-5551 or visit natural awakenings

February 2012



Seaweed Loves the Heart

Meditation Boosts Brain Power S


niversity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers first discovered that specific regions in the brains of long-term meditators were larger and contained more gray matter than those of a non-meditating control group; that was in 2009. Now, a follow-up study by the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging suggests people that meditate regularly also display stronger neuronal connections between brain regions and less age-related atrophy (shrinkage) in all areas of the brain. The study comprised 27 active meditation practitioners (average age 52) and 27 control subjects, matched by age and sex. The number of years of meditation ranged from five to 46 and included various styles. Using a type of brain imaging known as diffusion tensor imaging, or DTI—a new imaging mode that provides insights into the structural connectivity of the brain—the researchers found that long-term meditators have white matter fibers that are either more numerous, more dense or more insulated, throughout the brain. Although such tissue tends to decline with age, the study suggests that it can be preserved through active meditation practices. Researcher Eileen Luders remarks, “If practiced regularly and over years, meditation may slow down aging-related brain atrophy, perhaps by positively affecting the immune system. Meditation appears to be a powerful mental exercise with the potential to change the physical structure of the brain.”

Regular Bedtimes Make Kids Smarter


ccording to research presented at the 24th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, children that get adequate sleep score higher on a range of developmental assessments. The researchers emphasized that having a regular bedtime was the most consistent predictor of positive developmental outcomes at 4 years of age. Scores for receptive and expressive language skills, awareness of soundword structure, literacy and early math abilities were higher in children whose parents maintained rules about going to bed at a prescribed time. Having an earlier bedtime further supported higher scores for most developmental measures. The study involved a nationally representative sample of approximately 8,000 children that completed a direct assessment at 4 years of age. They were part of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort. Source: American Academy of Sleep Medicine


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ome relish seaweed, while others eye it with culinary suspicion. Now an article in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reports that many scientists have identified seaweed as a rich, potential source of heart-healthy food ingredients. A review of nearly 100 studies shows that seaweed and other microalgae could rival milk products as sources of important bioactive peptides. Maria Hayes, Ph.D., and her colleagues at the Teagasc Food Research Centre, in Dublin, Ireland, concluded that certain seaweed proteins work just like the bioactive peptides in milk products to reduce blood pressure, almost like angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor drugs. Thus, they could be used as ingredients in functional foods like soups and health beverages to provide nutrition, while offering medicinal effects in treating or preventing heart disease. Seaweeds are a neglected alternative source of these bioactive peptides in this country, the researchers state, noting its popularity in other cultures. Varieties of seaweed are known as nori in Japan, dulse in coastal parts of Europe and limu palahalaha in native Hawaiian cuisine. In addition, notes Hayes, “Seaweeds are a known source of essential fatty acids, which are thought to reduce thrombosis and atherosclerosis—factors important in the reduction of the risk of heart disease.”

globalbriefs Big Book

Encyclopedia of Life Update The second edition of the Smithsonian Institution’s free, online collaborative Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) is now easier to use. It also has been vastly expanded, offering information on more than one-third of all known species on Earth, including hundreds of thousands of images and videos. With the updated format, users can easily find species of interest; create personal collections of photos and information; find or upload pictures, videos and sounds; and share comments, questions and expertise with users worldwide that share similar interests. seeks to become a microscope in reverse, helping users to discern large-scale patterns. By aggregating for analysis information on Earth’s estimated 1.9 million known species, scientists say EOL could, for example, help map vectors of human disease; reveal mysteries behind longevity; suggest substitute plant pollinators for a swelling list of places where honeybees no longer provide the function; and foster strategies to slow the spread of invasive species. All EOL information is available for reuse and is licensed under Creative Commons and other Open Access free licenses.

Crucial Shareware Open Hardware Addresses Environmental Problems

The concept of open hardware, like open software, aims to freely share all the necessary knowledge for building usable electronic devices, and participants range from innovative students to the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Protei, a worldwide collective of technology students, has designed an autonomous, mini-sailboat drone to ply the ocean and mop up oil spills, gather information on marine life in crisis, and clean up floating plastic trash. The Protei boats were originally designed to respond to the BP 2010 Gulf oil spill crisis. Trailing oil-absorbing booms, the drones can sail even in a storm to help with cleanup, unlike conventional ships concerned with crew safety. Similarly, collaborating volunteers in Japan responded to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant 2011 meltdown by building stationary and mobile radiation monitors. Source: Scientific American

natural awakenings

February 2012


Coming in March

globalbriefs Natural Wonders

Virgin Forests are Irreplaceable

Changing the Way America Eats Natural Awakenings’

Analysis by an international team of researchers of more than 100 studies comparing wildlife in forests that had been modified with those that had not confirms the crucial role that virgin forests play in conserving the natural world. The researchers conclude in the journal Nature that, “When it comes to maintaining tropical biodiversity, there is no substitute for primary forests.” The worldwide meta-study found that most species, notably birds, do much better in virgin tracts than in areas that have been cleared for agriculture, plantations or agro-forestry or selectively logged for certain types of trees. In all but the latter, the overall impact on biodiversity was marked. In all cases, the variety of plants and animals was depleted more severely than the sheer number of organisms present. Surprisingly, total mammal populations may do better under some kinds of forest modification, although this may be because opportunistic animals such as rats multiply even as the diversity of mammals drops. Birds, insects and plants experience an unequivocal loss. The study addresses how best to specifically preserve nature across the tropics, where most human population growth and rapid development is occurring. It compares the effects of “land-sharing”, where farming and other development enables wildlife to share the same space, and “land-sparing”, which provides entitlement areas to wildlife while humans use other segments as intensely as they like. Source: BBC News

Food & Garden issue explores fresh ways to eat well on a budget.

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Green Laundry List

Use Cold Water and Eco-Wise Detergents Mom may have said that hot water washes best, but don’t give cold-water detergents the cold shoulder—today’s new products deliver clean laundry that’s easy on the pocketbook and the planet. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, an average American family annually washes nearly 400 loads of laundry. Because heating the water accounts for 90 percent of the energy used by a washing machine, using only hot or warm water in a top-loading electric washer annually produces an average 2,407 pounds of CO2 pollution—equivalent to two cross-country flights. Many conventional cold-water detergents still contain toxic chemicals that when drained, end up in waterways, creating a host of environmental woes and exposing wildlife to endocrine disruptors. For both clean and green clothes, buy biodegradable laundry detergents made with plant oils and other natural ingredients that are free of phosphates, bleach and surfactants such as petroleum-based nonylphenol ethoxylates, or NPE. Kinder to the planet, greener choices are also gentler on the skin. Consumers concerned about killing bacteria, dust mites and other allergens may be tempted to turn on the hot water tap for sheets, linens and underwear, but Philip Tierno, Jr., Ph.D., a professor of microbiology and pathology at the New York University School of Medicine, says that most of the hot water people use is not hot enough anyway. “You need water that’s between 140 and 150 degrees to kill germs,” he advises. Tierno, author of The Secret Life of Germs, notes that the sun is one of nature’s most efficient germ killers, so letting clothes dry outdoors is a good eco-option. “The ultraviolet radiation kills germs,” he advises, “and it’s just as effective as bleach.” Natural disinfectants that can be added during rinsing include white vinegar (one-half cup per load); grapefruit seed extract (one teaspoon); tea tree oil (two teaspoons); and lavender or peppermint essential oil (a few drops), which also imparts a fresh fragrance. Find more tips on the Sierra Club’s website at, plus eco-wise products including pre-wash treatments, non-chlorine bleach and laundry liquids at Natural Awakenings’ online store,

natural awakenings

February 2012


communityspotlight Nina Manolson: Helping Moms Help Themselves by Kim Childs


ina Manolson was exposed to holistic health practices early in life by her mother. As an adult, Manolson left a stressful career in television to live and train at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, in Stockbridge, where she became a massage therapist and yoga teacher. Believing that her clients needed more than physical help, Manolson earned a master’s degree in counseling psychology and later became a certified holistic health coach. Today Manolson is a wife and mother of two who focuses her coaching practice on family well-being through her Smokin’ Hot Mom and Healthy Yummy Kids programs. Natural Awakenings wanted to learn about her strategies for stressed out moms. What kinds of challenges are your clients bringing to you? Today’s moms are incredibly busy trying to run families, get their kids where they need to be, manage a household and work in or out of the home. The expectations on these women can be overwhelming and, as mothers try to arrange both the big picture for their family’s future and the day-to-day tasks, their own needs get lost. They may have a “to do” list that’s miles long, but they’re not on it. Add to that the fact that today’s families are more fragmented, so that circle of support with grandparents and aunts and so forth is not available to lots of moms. The saddest thing about all this is that women start to ask, “What’s wrong with me?” They also may seek to “reward” themselves with food at the end of the day in the absence of someone telling them they’re doing a good job. Unfortunately, the foods they often choose end up making them


Nina Manolson

feel worse about themselves, so it’s a vicious cycle. How do you help them? The last thing I want to do is add to their task list, so I give them small chunks of self-care that are easily digestible in a busy life. The other thing is to be a source of support for moms with phone calls, teleclasses, and private and group coaching. My Smokin’ Hot Mom program is a seven-step process that teaches them to put themselves first, make time for their own success, eat nutritious foods that energize them, practice self-compassion and mindfulness, ask for the support that they need and reconnect to their own sense of fun and sensuality. My background allows me to work with them on changing their

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mindsets, their eating habits and their lifestyles. What are some of the changes you recommend? On the mindset level I may have them practice statements such as “May I love myself completely just the way I am,” because we’re all so hard on ourselves. I also ask moms to make a list of things that really bring them pleasure in everyday life, because when you want to take care of yourself quickly you need to refer to something. Sometimes it’s things they’re already doing but they’re just doing them so darned fast; for instance, moms love being with their kids but their minds are often somewhere else when they’re with them. On the food level, it’s really back to basics with more greens, and one of the things I encourage moms to do is to drink green smoothies for energy. Most of the moms I work with are exhausted, and that’s the easiest way to get your energy back. I also teach them how to make delicious, sweet treats that are healthy for them, which benefits the whole family and relates to my Healthy Yummy Kids work. I’ve just written an ebook called Feed Your Kids Well in a World that Doesn’t, which is available on or my website, Finally, I brainstorm with mothers about what kinds of support they need, where they can get it and how to ask for it. I also help them get realistic about the expectations they set for themselves. How do you walk your talk, given all that’s on your own plate? I’ve really worked my seven steps and the ones that work best for me include taming my expectations, getting support, having self-care routines in place and keeping those appointments with myself, just as I’d keep an appointment with a friend. I remind myself of the old adage, “If mom is happy, everybody’s happy.” For more information, call 617-7715121 or visit or Nina Manolson’s Radiant and Luminous programs for busy moms begin on March 7. See ad on page 21.

Yoga, Pilates & Fitness Directory

Yoga Instructors


Conscious Being Yoga

Watertown Shawn’s Studio

Your Home or Office 802-371-8745

103 Morse St 617-393-3535

Yoga Studios

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Cambridge Art & Soul Yoga

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91 Hampshire St 617-395-4227

Personal Training

Watertown Inner Strength Studios

Newton Engin Wellness Coaching

309 Main St 617-924-0111

1400 Centre St, Ste 104 617-823-0464

West Roxbury Inner Strength Studios

Vitality Personal Fitness

1524 VFW Pkwy 617-477-3315

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February 2012


The good news: Such fates are far from inevitable.

“People seem to expect that as soon as we start to need reading glasses, we should also expect some of these cognitive issues to arise, but it does not need to be that way,” says Naples, Florida-based Neurology Doctor David Perlmutter, co-author of Power up Your Brain. “You can absolutely do things early on in life and throughout your lifetime that work to maintain the bulk and function of the brain.”

Here’s how:

Stay lean. It may seem counterintuitive, but mounting evidence suggests that in order to grow a bigger brain, many of us should be eating less. “The key to the brain maintaining and even regenerating itself is the activation of a set of genes that code for a protein called brain

A Brain-Building Blueprint

How to Keep the Mind Young and Memory Sharp by Lisa Marshall

“Have you seen my keys?” “Now, why did I come in here?” “Her name is on the tip of my tongue.” If you catch yourself uttering such phrases, listen up:


emory generally starts to decline in our 30s, as the brain shrinks with age. One of the first and most prominent signs is that ‘tip of the tongue’ phenomenon,” advises neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt, Ph.D., co-author of Welcome to Your Brain. Studies show that the adult brain can shrink as much as one-half to 1 percent annually in midlife, as neurons in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus wither and the branches between them thin. Add hormonal changes, which can starve gray matter of nour-


ishing estrogen and progesterone; less-than-stellar cardiovascular health, which tends to limit blood flow to the brain; and a gummy protein called amyloid plaque, which can hamper neuronal function; and cognitive decline may be exacerbated. Already, one in five people older than 65 suffer from “mild cognitive impairment” (persistent memory problems severe enough to be noticeable by others). According to the Alzheimer’s Association, if we live to age 90, as many as half of us could ultimately be diagnosed with that disease.

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derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),” explains Perlmutter. “BDNF is significantly enhanced in people that simply cut down their calorie consumption.” Several animal and human studies support this conclusion. One 2009 study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, divided 50 men and women age 50 and older into three groups that slashed calorie intake by 20 percent, 30 percent and not at all. After three months, the groups that restricted their calories saw their verbal memory scores jump by more than 20 percent. Perlmutter notes that just being overweight in the prime of life can promote excess inflammation and free radical production—two enemies of a healthy brain. A 2005 study of 10,000 men and women conducted by researchers at Kaiser Permanente found that people that were obese in their early 40s had a 74 percent increased risk of developing dementia later in life.

“Just a 25 percent reduction in calories over one month’s time can have a profound effect on boosting memory,” Perlmutter notes. Eat a brain-building diet. Aside from cutting calories, experts say it’s critical to load up on foods that boost neurogenesis (the development of new brain cells) and stall brain atrophy. Eating more fish (or omega-3 supplements), adding fruits and vegetables and cutting back on refined carbohydrates do just that, advises Dr. Christiane Northrup, obstetrician, gynecologist and author of Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom. “The brain is mostly made up of omega-3 fats, and many women, in particular, are lacking them in their diet,” she observes. Perlmutter notes that supplementing one’s intake of omega-3 fatty acid DHA, present in fatty fish and marine algae, has been shown to switch on the genes that jumpstart BDNF production. DHA is also anti-inflammatory and promotes healthy blood flow to the brain. But people shouldn’t wait too long to load up on it. One 2010 trial of 485 healthy adults with mild memory complaints found that those who took 900 milligrams per day of algae-based DHA supplements for six months made significantly fewer errors on memory tests than they had at the study’s onset. Another study by the National Institute on Aging, however, found that DHA supplementation had little impact on patients once severe dementia had set in. So, sooner is better. Healthy fats aside, dark-colored fruits such as blackberries, blueberries and plums are all rich with antioxidants, substances known to scavenge cell-damaging free radicals in the brain. Also, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and broccoli sprouts contain a powerful compound called sulforaphane, believed to boost the body’s own production of antioxidants. One famous 2005 study followed 13,388 women over several decades, and found that those that ate the most cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens stayed mentally sharp for far longer than those that ate the least. New research from Rush University, in Chicago, further suggests that a deficiency of natural awakenings

February 2012


B12, found in fish, liver, milk and eggs, may hasten brain shrinkage as previously functioning cells die off. Overloading on refined carbohydrates like white flour, pasta and potatoes carries a similar result. “Elevated blood sugar can destroy the brain,” advises Perlmutter, pointing to a 2005 study in the journal Neurology, which linked accelerated brain shrinkage with elevated blood sugar. Prevent hormonal havoc. Ebbing hormones can also have a measurable impact on our ability to recall words and follow through on tasks, says Hawaii naturopathic physician Laurie Steelsmith, author of Natural Choices for Women’s Health. One 2009 University of California study of 2,362 women between the ages of 42 and 52 found that 60 percent suffered memory and mentalprocessing problems. “I hear about it almost every day from women in my practice,” comments Steelsmith. “They’re trying to find the word for, say, ‘garlic’ or ‘pen,’ and it just won’t come to them. It can be very frustrating.”

Steelsmith notes that estrogen plays a critical role in influencing verbal and spatial memory and fine motor skills and bolstering the blood-brain barrier to keep toxins out. Meanwhile, progesterone acts on the same brain receptors that Valium does, promoting calm and aiding sleep. In the days immediately prior to menstruation, when estrogen and progesterone levels are low, or once women begin to approach menopause and they stay low, the brain feels it. In an ideal world, the adrenal glands kick in to pick up where the ovaries leave off—producing sex hormones. “But women that are stressed out or not nourishing themselves tend to experience adrenal fatigue, so their adrenals are not able to act as a secondary source of hormones,” says Steelsmith. For ovulating women, she recommends taking 100 to 175 milligrams (mg) daily of the herb Rhodiola rosea during the second half of the menstrual cycle to support fatigued adrenal glands and ward off hormone-related brain fog. If the condition occurs only for a few days before a menstrual period, and is accompanied by tender breasts, lack of sleep and heavy monthly bleeding, the problem may be low progesterone. For that, try the herb chaste tree berry during the second half of the menstrual cycle, or consider a low dose, over-the-counter progesterone cream, says Northrup. For post-menopausal women, she recommends taking up to 50 mg per day of pregnenolone, an adrenal hormone that the body naturally converts into estrogen and progesterone. (While pregnenolone is available over

the counter, Steelsmith suggests that women have a naturopath first test their hormone levels in order to determine an appropriate dose.) Or, older men and women experiencing age-related memory loss can try a soy-based nutritional supplement called phosphatidylserine (PS), which is believed to bolster cell-to-cell communication and levels of the memoryboosting neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Exercise mind and body. Aamodt notes that a common cause of cognitive decline is the accumulation of clogged blood vessels in the brain that choke off blood and oxygen. Thus, “Regular exercise is the single most useful thing you can do to maintain your cognitive abilities later in life,” she says. Recent studies by researchers at the University of Illinois and elsewhere have shown that as little as 45 minutes of aerobic exercise, three times per week, may not only stall age-related brain atrophy in the elderly, but even help regenerate parts of the brain that have withered. “There is no medication on the planet that can do that,” says Perlmutter. Brain exercise is helpful, as well. Exposure to new experiences prompts the brain to literally lay down new neuronal networks, becoming stronger. A 2009 Mayo Clinic study found that of 1,300 people ages 70 to 89, those that had regularly engaged in mentally challenging activities in their 50s and 60s (such as playing games, quilting, building model airplanes, or learning a new language or instrument) were 40 percent less likely to suffer memory problems. The key, advise the experts, is not to stick with the same crossword puzzle for years. Instead, try something new. As Steelsmith puts it: “Use it or lose it.” Lisa Marshall is a freelance health writer headquartered near Boulder, CO. Connect at


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eta brain waves are the ones that people use while going about daily activities such as planning, speaking and problem solving. During meditation and relaxation, there’s a natural shift from beta to alpha brain waves in most people, which benefits their physical, mental and emotional well-being. But Diana White, owner and master technologist at Boston Brain Works, in Peabody, says this shift can be difficult for many of her clients. “EEG (electroencephalography) readings show that even though the clients are resting comfortably with their eyes closed and report feeling relaxed, their beta waves are still firing away,” White says. “It’s like they are stuck in high gear, and this manifests as hypervigilance, excess worry and a range of sleeping issues.” White advises people with overactive minds to try sitting or guided meditation, or a gentle yoga practice, to relax and induce the alpha state. If that’s too difficult, White recommends Brain Wave Optimization (BWO) to balance the brain and amplify the alpha waves. “The alpha state opens the door to the subconscious and helps you tap in to your innate wisdom,” she says. “Alpha waves are a reservoir of energy for your brain and they can be a buffer against emotional reactivity.” The more alpha waves are amplified, the easier it becomes for the brain to return to that state, White adds. “This helps people become more resilient and responsive and less reactive in life,” she says, noting that green tea, which contains the amino acid L-theanine, also stimulates the production of alpha brain waves. BWO assessments are conducted with EEG readings to give technicians a map of the brain that reveals wave amplitudes and frequencies in each lobe. “From there the technician can see the imbalances and ask clients if they are having certain issues that correlate to the imbalances,” says White. “For instance, low frequencies in the frontal brain lobes will cause a foggy approach to thinking.” To balance and harmonize brain waves, technicians place sensors on the client’s head to monitor frequencies.

Want a Better Brain? Balance Your Alphas and Betas by Kim Childs

Salvatore Vuono


A computer then mirrors those frequencies, converting them to tones that allow the brain to see its own imbalances and correct them. Each session runs about 90 minutes, during which clients perform exercises such as visualizations. The treatment can require 10 initial sessions, after which clients abstain from drugs and alcohol, drink extra water and eat extra protein for several weeks, while new neural pathways are growing. White says that people with brain injuries and disorders may need to repeat the process. Others come

in to resolve sleep issues, anxiety and memory problems. White herself experienced the latter before trying BWO. “I was a computer programmer having problems with my memory before I found this method,” she recalls. “Afterward, my memory came back, my mind got quieter and I became a happier and calmer person.” Boston Brain Works is located at 194 Newbury St., in Peabody. For more information, call 978-854-5214 or visit See ad on page 19.

natural awakenings

February 2012



HOW A BRAIN GROWS Five Ways to Aid Development by Lisa Marshall

Parents that believe playing Beethoven for their infant, investing in educational videos for their toddler or forcing schoolage youngsters to sit still and study for hours will help them to build a better brain have another “think” coming.


eople are anxious to do everything they can to improve their child’s intelligence, yet many are focusing their energy in places where they are not getting the best payoff for it,” says neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt, Ph.D., co-author of Welcome to Your Child’s Brain: How the Mind Grows from Conception to College. In their new book, Aamodt and Princeton University Neuroscience Professor Sam Wang try to dispel what they believe are many myths that have led


parents to worry too much about the influence they can have on a child’s cognitive development and in some cases, have led to doing more harm than good. Aamodt says that genetics and thousands of years of human evolution have already exerted a heavy influence on a child’s developmental future before he or she is born. In the absence of abuse and neglect, and with good nutrition and a stimulating environment, a child’s brain “raises itself” in many ways, the authors maintain.

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Meanwhile, they argue that there is little scientific evidence showing that factors like birth order and exposure to classical music and educational videos have an impact on cognitive development. “Children come ‘out of the box’ with individual temperaments that strongly influence the possible paths they can take through life,” Aamodt observes. “Most parents believe that they can have a bigger influence on their child’s personalities than they actually do. They should relax and enjoy their kids more.” The authors offer these scientifically backed tips for parents and caregivers to influence a child’s developing brain: Don’t stress during pregnancy. “The hormones produced in the mother’s body during stressful times can cross over into the placenta, exposing the child. If it’s a chronic condition, it can lead to problems with brain development,” counsels Aamodt. One 2008 review paper from Harvard Medical School led researchers to conclude that babies born to stressed mothers are more likely to suffer from autism spectrum disorders. Others, from researchers in Canada and the UK, found that women that endure natural disasters while pregnant are more likely to have babies that suffer from schizophrenia, decreased IQ and depression. Animal research has repeatedly demonstrated that babies of stressed mothers often grow up with touchy stressresponse systems. Switch off the baby videos. University of Washington researchers have found that baby educational videos, like Baby Einstein and Brainy Baby fail to boost language skills and may actually slow acquisition of vocabulary. “For every hour per day spent watching baby DVDs and videos, infants understood an average of six to eight fewer words than infants that did not watch them,” the report said. Other research by the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that exposure to action-packed videos may increase the risk of development of attention disorders. “Babies are wired to learn from other people, and every period of time they are not interacting

with people because they are watching TV interferes with that face-to-face interaction,” says Aamodt. Teach a second language. Bilingual children consistently outperform single-language speakers in tests of executive brain function (a measure of organizational and planning skills) and tend to be better at making choices and understanding other people’s perspectives, Aamodt says. “The very first act of speech for a bilingual person is picking which language to use, and you do that based on your understanding of the other person’s perspective.” Aamodt recommends exposing youngsters to a second language in infancy—if possible, just by speaking to them in a different language—and exploring more formal instruction before the age of 8. Foster self-control. “Ultimately, parents can make the biggest difference in their child’s adult quality of life by promoting self-control,” Aamodt says. Recent research published in the journal Science and elsewhere suggests that children with greater self-control (meaning they can resist temptation, stay on task and control their own behavior) achieve greater success in school, the workplace and their personal lives. “Preschool children’s ability to resist temptation is a much better predictor of academic success than their IQ scores,” Aamodt notes. She recommends engaging and progressively more challenging tasks. “You want to stretch the child just a little; get them to do something a little bit hard, but that they can succeed at if they concentrate.” Encourage study breaks. “Some very old science tells us that to learn effectively, you need to take breaks and allow your brain to consolidate what you have already learned before you go back and try to learn some more,” says Aamodt. “If you study a total of an hour, you will learn twice as much if you break it up into two 30-minute spans.” Hooray for recess. Lisa Marshall is a freelance health writer headquartered near Boulder, CO. Connect at natural awakenings

February 2012


Reducing Toxic Overload for Better Health by Judith Mabel, RD, Ph.D.


ost people are concerned about the effects of toxins in their lives, with good reason. Some fear the pesticides and chemicals used in food production, while others worry about air pollution, household cleaners, heavy metals, such as lead and mercury, and other environmental threats. Functional medicine nutrition research has revealed connections between toxins and specific health problems, including a correlation between toxicity and the current obesity epidemic. Common symptoms of toxic overload are changes in mood and energy level and alterations


in weight, appetite and bowel function. Conditions associated with toxicity include chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivities. Others partly connected to toxicity are infertility and miscarriages, acne, metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis. Children do not have the same metabolic ability that adults do to carry out the detoxification processes, so they are at a higher risk and need greater protection from harmful materials. Childhood problems such as asthma, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and

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allergies can be helped tremendously by careful detoxing under an expert’s care. Sweat glands are part of the body’s detoxification process because they excrete heavy metals as well as drugs and organic compounds. When detoxification occurs, a person may produce more sweat than usual during activities such as exercise. Most people have between 2 and 4 million sweat glands to do this work, but people with a large amount of toxins in their systems tend not to sweat because the body shuts down the glands as a protective measure. This results in an inability to detoxify among those who need it the most. Adults lose their ability to detoxify with age. At any stage in life, it’s important to follow a core food plan containing a healthy distribution of macronutrients (proteins and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Foods and supplements that can help remove toxins from the body naturally are essential fatty acids (omega-3), magnesium (in seeds, whole grains and nuts), flavonoids (in colorful, antioxidant rich foods), fiber and probiotics. Treatment plans for those with

toxic overload involve blending diet and supplement recommendations. Many people with large toxic loads lose weight without trying when they go through a liver cleanse process or oral chelation (if they have heavy metals in their system). This is because the removal of these toxins frees up tissues to release stored fat. Detoxification programs are therefore beneficial in many ways, not the least of which is improved health and greater immunity. Judith Mabel is a functional medicine nutritionist based on Brookline. For more information, call 617-232-3073 or visit See ad on page 23.

Love is the

flower you’ve got to let grow. ~John Lennon

natural awakenings

February 2012


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WABI SABI LOVE Embracing Imperfections in Relationships by Arielle Ford


he ancient Japanese friend and partner—during art form of Wabi Sabi the good, the bad and We shift our honors all things old, everything in-between. choices from weathered, worn and imIt starts when we “what I want,” permanent by perceiving shift our perception the beauty in imperfecand see our mate’s to what is tions. It discovers grace behavior through a ultimately in things modest, humble gentler and kinder and unconventional. lens of mutual respect best for the Wabi Sabi love is the and lightheartedness. relationship. art and practice of appreResearch by Psychologist ciating the quirks and imSandra Murray, Ph.D., at the perfections in our self and our University of Buffalo, reveals partner. Listening with our heart, that donning “rose-colored glasses” we come to see with it, too. and idealizing our partner leads to Discerning the hidden dance more happiness and satisfaction in between partners brings emotional a relationship, and that the happiest maturity to our relationships as we shift couples focus on what’s right. In what our focus from what’s wrong to what’s is known as the Pygmalion effect, the right. This new, true view deeply bonds greater the expectation placed upon us and is a key to everlasting love—and people, the better they perform. any harmonious relationship. Keeping an open heart and mind Spiritual teacher David Deida also prepares us to receive our partner’s counsels, “Practicing love often best expectations and highest level of means… surrendering all hold on the caring, even if it might seem different familiar act you call ‘me.’” By choosing than what we expect. When we choose to turn everyday conflict into comto lovingly accept each other, let go of passion, we cultivate a more loving issues and apologize for any wrongdorelationship through humor, listening, ing, it transforms the relationship. intimacy and generosity, even when Overall, we better appreciate someone is acting out, refusing to listen the bigger picture and go from being or shutting down. annoyed to enjoyed! Acceptance and its counterpart, understanding, are crucial to achieving Bestselling author Arielle Ford is a relationship harmony. It’s the highleader in the personal growth and est form of love and, like most things contemporary spirituality movement. worth striving for, requires patience, Her new release is Wabi Sabi Love commitment, personal responsibility, ( Subscribe to a playfulness and practice. Imagine how free Soulmate Secret newsletter at great it is to feel loved all the time by a

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Psychotherapeutic Reiki Helps with Emotional Wellness by Ulrike Dettling, LMFT


sychotherapeutic Reiki, a term coined by psychologist Richard Curtin, is an effective addition to talk psychotherapy for treating mood disorders. The practice goes beyond a standard Reiki treatment in that it’s more interactive and requires the skill of a trained mental-health professional. While it’s no substitute for psychotherapy, medications or supplements, the additional use of psychotherapeutic Reiki can help clients move through emotional distress more quickly. Research by Adina Goldman Shore, Ph.D., also documents the positive, long-term effect of Reiki in treating depression. Psychotherapeutic Reiki gently discharges trauma from the cellular consciousness of the body without requiring the person to remember or relive the traumatic experience. Thus, Reiki can release emotional blocks and trauma faster and more easily than talk psychotherapy alone. During a treatment, the practitioner works to clear and balance the client’s energy field and employs positive healing statements and Reiki symbols to reprogram the cellular consciousness. The additional use of the Reiki master symbol breaks through armoring around the heart center, thus opening the client to giving and receiving love. Most clients feel safe during Reiki treatments, as they are fully clothed and experience only non-invasive touch or no touch at all. Some people experience more joy and aliveness after just one session. For others it’s a subtler experience that may require more treatments. Clients often report feeling unconditional love, acceptance and support during the treatment, and many say that they sleep well for several nights afterward. People also may smile and feel much lighter in spirit after a session, an effect that can last for hours or even days. For long-lasting results, the changes in a person’s energy field must be combined with changes in core belief structures. Otherwise, clients may unconsciously re-create the same energy imbalances within a week or two after the treatment. Cognitive integration of the Reiki experience in talk psychotherapy is therefore an important follow-up. Ulrike Dettling is a licensed marriage and family therapist and Reiki master with Arlington Reiki Associates, located at 366 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington. For more information, call 781648-9334 or visit

Dr. Iveta Iontcheva-Barehmi DMD, MS, D.Sc. Dr. Iontcheva-Barehmi is an accomplished dentist and specialist in Periodontics and Implants. She has a firm belief that our bodies are very intelligent. All the body organs and systems are interconnected and related to each other (the teeth and the mouth are part of and related to the whole body). Our bodies are perfect self-sustainable systems, capable of self-healing and self-regeneration. Dr. Iontcheva-Barehmi has expertise in the areas of Biological, Physiological Dentistry and Integrative Periodontal Medicine and Implants, Lasers and Energy Medicine. Miracle Bite Tabs™ (MBT) Miracle Bite Tabs™ (MBT) and and Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) are used to treat Dental Distress Syndrome. Your teeth and jaws are an extension of your brain and spinal cord. Any imbalances caused by improper alignment of the jaw can play a major role in pain syndromes and chronic diseases. Head and Neck Pain Management Scenar, a non-invasive treatment device, is the only real time biofeedback device that will find what is wrong with your body and stimulate self-healing through electro stimulation and “conversation” with the control systems of the body (CNS Integrative Periodontal Medicine-Periodontal Spa The majority of the dental and periodontal procedures in Dr. Iontcheva-Barehmi’s office are laser assisted. She has Biolase MD, the most versatile laser, which can be utilized to work with the gums and the teeth, implants and root canals. The discomfort is minimal to none and the healing is speededup. The procedures are often combined with a low level laser and Scenar, which give additional boost to the healing and removing discomfort.

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natural awakenings

February 2012




GET ALONG? Resolving conflict benefits mind and body. by Lisa Shumate


significant amount of wearand-tear on the body comes from prolonged unresolved conflict—from not letting go, holding grudges and reliving situations over and over in your head,” says Raj Dhasi, a Toronto-based conflict management consultant who specializes in the physiological impacts of conflict. “But if conflict happens and my mindset is: ‘I can handle this. We can work through this,’ that is phenomenally beneficial for the brain and body.” Dhasi explains that when faced with any conflict— whether it’s an angry boss, disgruntled neighbor, political opponent or untidy teen in the house—our limbic system responds swiftly by igniting a cascade of stress hormones


like adrenaline and cortisol and spiking our heart rate and blood pressure. Meanwhile, our prefrontal cortex—the part of the brain responsible for thinking things through and putting the brakes on emotional, irrational behaviors—begins to slowly light up. The fundamental problem is that in the race to mount a response, the limbic system often wins, prompting us to greet conflict impulsively by raising our voice and saying things we later regret before our rational brain has time to step in. On the flip side, many of us avoid conflict altogether, harboring discontent in such a way that we feel powerless or even threatened. Making matters worse, our fightor-flight response never quite goes away, says Gary

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Harper, author of The Joy of Conflict Resolution: Transforming Victims, Villains and Heroes in the Workplace and at Home. “More people are stressed out by not dealing with a conflict than with dealing with it,” Harper observes. “If you deal with it in the moment, it allows you to let it go.”

Pause, Breathe, Consider Harper advises that one way to deal with conflict on the spot is to pause and give our more rational side a chance to arrive at a solution. “Before you react, slow down, take a deep breath and listen to your inner dialogue,” he says. “In that deep breath, you might realize that you need five minutes [to consider a response].” If you still remain in attack mode, it might not be the best time to respond. He adds that while no conflict should be avoided altogether, careful consideration might lead us to conclude that some battles aren’t worth fighting. Ask yourself: How important is this person to me? How important is this issue to me? “If neither is vital to you, save your energy for a better use. If the issue is not important, but the relationship is, it’s okay to accommodate or give in sometimes,” he says.

Be Direct and Follow-Up Some conflicts are worth confronting. Then, Barbara Pachter, a business communications consultant and author of The Power of Positive Confrontation, offers what she calls the WAC approach for dealing with most cases of work and family conflict. W: Ask yourself: What is really bothering me? “A lot of times, people don’t do this. They just say, ‘This person is a jerk,’ rather than specifying the problem.” A: Ask them for a solution. “We often complain, but we don’t identify a solution,” she says. “Determine what is going to solve the problem for you and ask for it.” C: Check in. “Turn it over to the other person and ask for their response. Inquire: ‘Is this possible? What do you think?’” All the while, stay curious about the other person’s perspective, suggests

Harper. “We tend to see ourselves as the innocent victim, or we go into hero mode and tend to see the other person as the villain,” he says. “Of course, the other person is doing the same thing, and that makes collaboration tough.” Instead, ask sincere questions—and really listen.

Agree to Disagree Terrie McCants, coordinator of the conflict resolution program at Kansas State University, notes that in some cases, especially when deeply held values such as politics or faith are involved, resolving conflict isn’t necessarily about reaching an agreement. “You cannot negotiate people’s values. Sometimes, these are things that people are willing to lie down and die for,” she says. “Instead, sometimes you might need to agree to disagree.” In the end, whether the conflict is a minor disagreement at home, a workplace quarrel or a complicated political dispute, the process of properly working through it can leave both parties feeling stronger and improve their communities. “Conflict forces you to problem-solve collaboratively and come up with options and elegant solutions,” she explains. “If handled well, it can add brilliant things to your life.” Lisa Shumate is a freelance writer in Boulder, CO.

natural awakenings

February 2012


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hocolates and flowers are lovely tokens of affection for Valentine’s Day, but how about giving someone more knowledge, adventure and inspiration this year? Since beloved books always make wonderful presents, Natural Awakenings asked its staff members about their favorite reads. “I love Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen,” says publisher Maisie Raftery. “It’s a powerful reminder of how history is held by our elders, and a reminder to respect and learn from those who have lived full lives.” Raftery also recommends Mirror/Mirror, by Denny Richard, a new book intended to help readers understand that the lives they lead are mirror reflections of what’s going on inside them. “This book is a fun read, and packed with simple approaches to living each day to its fullest and healthiest,” says Raftery. Editor Karen Adams votes for So Long, See You Tomorrow, by William Maxwell. “This beautiful novel embraces so much human emotion and drama that it’s hard to believe it’s so short,” she says. “It portrays life in a small, rural Illinois town and the unlikely friendship between two lonely boys whose lives are touched by sorrow.” Adams also loves Women Who Run with the Wolves, by Clarissa Pinkola Estes. “I dip into this book often,” she says. “It explains so many things about women’s lives, and the many undercurrents of passion and mystery that we all feel but may have lost touch with.” Donna Markussen is an account executive who raves about Almost Isn’t Good Enough, a book proclaiming the power of individuals to relieve human suffering by Wayne Elsey, founder and CEO of Soles4Souls. “I bought several copies of this powerful book for friends and family,” Markussen says. “For each one sold, 10 pairs of shoes are donated to those in need.” She also recommends The Gift of Fear, by Gavin De Becker. “This book will help you to trust your gut feelings with confidence, and the results may be life-saving,” she says. “My all-time breakthrough book is John Hargreaves’ The Christian Science Revolution in Thought,” says national editor S. Alison Chabonais. “This eloquent teacher clearly articulates

Books to

Fall in Love With

the absolute truth of universal consciousness and divine being. I’ve been a student of advanced practical metaphysics for decades, and this book helped me to finally discern the essence of the kingdom of God within.” Calendar editor Colleen Elias loves The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein. “It’s short and simple, while conveying a powerful message about the happiness of giving,” she says, adding that she’s equally passionate about The Shack, by William Paul Young. “It touched me deep in my soul and reminded me that faith is a very real, very tangible way of life.” The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, tops the list for copyeditor/proofreader Randy Kambic. “It’s such a vivid look at the ‘Lost Generation’ of the 1920s,” he says. “I think it set the stage for the Great Depression that followed.” Kambic also loves Lincoln, by Gore Vidal.

“Vidal captures Abraham Lincoln’s private thoughts and words throughout his presidency, taking the reader behind the scenes to show the humor, sadness, political cunning, and determination that made up Lincoln’s complex nature.” Writer and editor Kim Childs says her life was changed by The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, by Julia Cameron. “It’s for anyone who wants to live more authentically and creatively, and it led me to my current career of guiding others in this powerful work,” says Childs. “On the fiction side, I adore Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand, by Helen Simonson,” she adds. “It’s a sweet and surprising story about risking everything for love.” For more information on the Artist’s Way, visit, or email

natural awakenings

February 2012


calendarofevents All Calendar events for the March issue must be received by February 10th and adhere to our guidelines. Visit for guidelines and to submit entries. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Women’s Self-Care Working Group – 7-9pm. Explore how to be nurtured and nourished and how to fit this into a busy schedule. Includes time for sharing with the group as well as time for instruction. $25 suggested donation. CommonWealth Center for Herbal Medicine, 25 Saint Mary’s Court, Brookline. 617-750-5274. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Create A Personal Website – 1-3pm. Learn how to create a website using the free Google Sites facility, including how to add text, documents, pictures, music, sound, blogs and more. Bring your own laptop with internet connectivity. $82. The Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 42 Brattle St, Cambridge. 617-547-6789. Naturopathic Medicine and You – 5:306:30pm. Learn the philosophy behind disease, health and wellness and the role of natural medicine in the 21st century. Gain awareness of simple, everyday ways to improve health with a natural, safe approach. Groton Wellness Medical Center, 493-495 Main St, Groton. 978-449-9919. Art Marketing Kit 101 – 5:45-7:45pm. Learn how to package and present yourself as an artist. Develop a plan for creating presentation packages populated with effective print and electronic materials tailored for various segments of the art market. $106. The Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 42 Brattle St, Cambridge. 617-5476789. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Vegan Baking – 10am-1pm. Satisfy the sweet tooth in this hands-on baking class while creating delectable, healthy treats including muffins,

Mark Your Calendar HERBAL TRAINING SATURDAY, MARCH 17 Herbal Medicine Apprenticeship Program – A complete course in practical herbal medicine for beginning to intermediate students. Meets one weekend a month, March through November. Learn to care for yourself, family, and friends with natural medicines, and gain a solid foundation for further training as a professional clinical herbalist. $1,300/130 hrs of instruction and all materials. CommonWealth Center for Herbal Medicine, 25 Saint Mary’s Ct, Brookline. 617-750-5274.


cakes, cookies and other vegan delights. $78. The Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 42 Brattle St, Cambridge. 617-547-6789. Prenatal Yoga Teacher Certification – Feb 4 & 5. 10am-2pm. For teachers of any style or anyone involved with pregnant women who want to teach a safe and effective prenatal yoga class. $125/ early registration, $140. Open Doors Yoga Studio, 65 Washington St, Weymouth. 781-843-8224. Awakening in Time: Practical Time Mgmt For Those On A Spiritual Path: A Retreat – 10am3:30pm. An introductory lecture and hands-on retreat. Gain helpful insights and delve into root issues of Attention, Boundaries and Choices, the ABCs of managing time. $80. Theosophical Society, 21 Maple St, Arlington. 617-926-4155. Some Like It Hot Chili Cook-off – 1-3pm. Enjoy samples of chili from some of Harvard Square’s hottest restaurants while enjoying musical entertainment. Free. Harvard Square, Cambridge. 617-491-3434. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5 Intro to Shiatsu – 9am-6pm. Learn to use finger, hand and elbow pressure, stretches and other techniques to adjust the body’s physical structure and activate client’s innate self-healing mechanisms to help ward off illness and maintain good health. $160. Cortiva Institute, 103 Morse St, Watertown. 617-668-2000. Reiki I – 10am-5pm. Learn a profound and gentle way to deepen healing sessions including lessons on what Reiki is, the history of Reiki, traditional and non-traditional hand positions, self healing techniques, the basic Chakra system and more. $125. Sacred Circle Healing, 96 Longwood Ave, Ste 2, Brookline. 781-412-4325. Reiki 2 Certification Class – 10am-6pm. Learn how to send long-distance healing to your loved ones, to situation and to the earth. Obtain increased healing capability and learn mental and emotional healing with three sacred symbols and their associated healing techniques. Pre-requisite: Reiki I Certification Training. $300. Arlington Reiki Associates, 366 Mass Ave, Ste 304, Arlington. 781-648-9334. What to Do With Your Winter CSA – 1:303:30pm. Practical tips on how to get the most out of a winter CSA. Learn the basics of roasting and stewing some of the regular veggies in a winter CSA. $30, $27/friends of the farm. Newton Community Farm, 303 Nahanton St, Newton. 617-916-9655. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Creative Arts for Cancer – 6:30-8pm. A creative group for anyone who has been touched by cancer or is in any stage of treatment. Basic art supplies will be available. Donations welcome. Center for Cancer

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Support & Education, 180 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington. 781-648-0312. Moon Meditations with Carolyn Romano – 6:45-7:30pm. Gather in a circle to meditate while the full moon provides significant energetic support to releasing what no longer serves. Free. Theosophical Society, 21 Maple St, Arlington. 617-926-4155. 9,000 Needles & Community Acupuncture: The Calmest Revolution Ever Staged – 7pm. Two moving and heartwarming films followed by a brief Q&A session. $9. Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville. 617-499-9993. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Make Herbed Wines & Cordials – 7-9pm. Learn to make herbal wines and cordials just in time for Valentine’s Day. Make a bunch together; get samples to taste, a host of recipes and more. $25. CommonWealth Center for Herbal Medicine, 25 Saint Mary’s Court, Brookline. 617-750-5274. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Go Green Program for Preschoolers – 1:302:30pm. A talk about the importance of trees in Israel and how recycling helps the earth. Participant’s green thumbs will get dirty with some indoor gardening. Free. Solomon Schechter Day School, 60 Stein Cir, Newton Center. 617964-7765. Healing Depression with Herbs and Food – 6:30-9:30pm. Find out about herbal sedatives, mood elevators and tonics and how to use them to feel more vital and resilient. Leave class with information about herbal protocols to enhance well being. $25. The Boston School of Herbal Studies, 12 Pelham Terrace, Arlington. 781-6466319. Children with Special Needs Workshop – 7-8:30pm. Free workshop, for parents and teachers, on Brain Mapping and drug-free approaches for the treatment of ADD, Autism and other special needs. Wellesley Free Library, 530 Washington St, Wellesley. 781-444-9115. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 14th Lovin’ The Square – This year’s Valentine’s event will feature fabulous food and drinks from Harvard Square’s restaurants, romantic and fun deals from our retailers and a variety of funky, cozy and entertaining things to do. For more information see website. Harvard Square, Cambridge. 617-491-3434. Unifying Science and Spirituality – 7:30-9pm. Explore the relationship between spirit and science, consciousness and matter, normal and paranormal. $10. Theosophical Society, 21 Maple St, Arlington. 617-926-4155. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Walking in a Winter Wonderland – 9:3011:30am. An arborist leads a guided winter tree walk from the farm to Nahanton Park focusing on identifying local tree species during the winter months. $5/person, $12/family of 4. Newton Community Farm, 303 Nahanton St, Newton. 617-916-9655.

Introduction to The Artist’s Way – 2-3:30pm. Join Kim Childs for an introduction to, The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, using exercises from this popular book to inspire your creativity, whether or not you call yourself an artist. $18. The Arlington Center, 369 Mass Ave, Arlington. 617-640-3813. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 5th Annual TeenLife LIVE! Community Service Fair & Expo – 12-4pm. Meet with representatives from over 50 non-profits from Greater Boston who welcome the involvement or middle and/or high school students. Free. The Mall at Chestnut Hill, 199 Boylston St, Chestnut Hill. 617-277-5120. Chinese New Year in Harvard Square – 1-4pm. As usual, Massachusetts Ave will be festooned with red and gold lanterns hanging from iron lampposts in preparation for the grand annual Chinese New Year procession through Harvard Square at 1:30pm. Free. Harvard Square, Cambridge. 617-491-3434. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Mercury Toxicity and Detoxification – 2:154:15pm. Learn how mercury toxicity affects health, why mercury affects some individuals more than others, how to live mercury free, and the mercury detox process. Groton Wellness Medical Center, 493-495 Main St, Groton. 978449-9919. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Women, Wealth & Wisdom – 7:15-9:15pm. 8-wk series, 2nd Tues each month. Gather with other women in a nurturing environment to explore wealth beyond the numbers. Discover a new way of being and living a wealthy life.

Explore and befriend limiting beliefs and expand the capacity to manifest your heart’s desire. $300. Samadhi Integral Life Practice Center, 796 Beacon St, Newton Centre. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Free Intro Telecast On The Artist’s Way – 7-8pm. Kim Childs hosts a free telecast on The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity to preview her spring 2012 workshops. See website for more information. 617-640-3813. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Winter Campfire – Thru Feb 19. A weekend of live music featuring many different performers and a variety of music styles. Club Passim, 47 Palmer St, Cambridge. 617-492-7679. For details: The Alexander Techniques For Stress Management – 11am-1pm. Hands-on workshop for increasing well-being and learning to relieve and manage stress. Learn to conquer habits, release tension, improve posture and reduce stress. $50/one, $80/two. Brookline Village, 33A Harvard St, Brookline. 617-359-7841. Herbal Stress Management Class – 1-5pm. Learn safe, holistic strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety. $75. CommonWealth Center for Herbal Medicine, 25 Saint Mary’s Court, Brookline. 617750-5274. Thai Yoga For Partners – 3-5pm. Learn Thai yoga basics to exchange with a partner and leave totally relaxed. No yoga experience required. $50/ one, $80/two. Brookline Village, 33A Harvard St, Brookline. 617-359-7841.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Reiki Clinic – 1:30-4:30pm. An opportunity for clients to receive a half-hour Reiki treatment at an introductory rate. Reiki is a healing method for reducing stress, relieving pain and facilitating healing on all levels. By appointment only. $10/clients, free/practitioners. Arlington Reiki Associates, 366 Mass Ave, Ste 304, Arlington. 781-648-9334. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Newton Community Farm CSA Enrollment – General enrollment; first come, first served until Community Supported Agriculture participant list is full. Newton Community Farm, 303 Nahanton St, Newton. 617-916-9655. For more info: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 BodyTalk Fundamentals – Feb 23-26. 9am6pm. Foundational course for the BodyTalk System, a simple and effective holistic therapy that allows the body’s energy system to be resynchronized to operate as nature intended. Receive a professional manual, snacks and after class support. $1,200. New England School of Acupuncture, 150 California St, Newton. 617600-7191. Greening the Greenhouse – 12-1pm. An indepth look at how sustainable organic stewardship is shaping how Mount Auburn considers and completes projects at the greenhouse. Learn about plant care, pest management, potting mix creation, rainwater harvesting and more. Free. Mount Auburn Cemetery, 580 Mount Auburn St, Cambridge. 617-607-1983. Mushroom Medicine – 6:30-9:30pm. Learn

natural awakenings

February 2012


how to use medicinal mushrooms to address a variety of challenging dis-ease states. Also learn how to identify and make medicine from the most researched and powerfully healing mushrooms used today. $25. The Boston School of Herbal Studies, 12 Pelham Terrace, Arlington. 781-6466319. Laughter Yoga for Health and Relaxation – 7:30-8:45pm. A fun, health-supporting class which incorporates interactive laughter exercises with breathing, stretching and self-massage. $10. Theosophical Society, 21 Maple St, Arlington. 617-926-4155. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24

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Rays of Life: The Energy and Qualities of the Seven Rays – 7:30-9pm. Lecture will take a look at The Seven Ray energy qualities, and how they impacts skills, acumen, likes, dislikes, learning, communication styles and more. $15. Theosophical Society, 21 Maple St, Arlington. 617-926-4155. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Puppets Perform Magical Music Review – 11am, 1pm & 3pm. Wayne Martin Puppets free puppet show will take place near Carter’s in Watertown Mall. Watertown Mall, 550 Arsenal St, Watertown. 617-926-4968. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Clinical Sports Massage: Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Dysfunction – 9am-5pm. Learn the pathology, assessment, treatment and self-care of the shoulder region with specific focus on the glenohumeral joint and rotator cuff musculature. $140. Cortiva Institute, 103 Morse St, Watertown. 617-668-2000.

classifieds employment opportunities AD SALES REP – Natural Awakenings is now accepting resumes for full-commission experienced Ad Sales Reps in Southeastern Middlesex County including: Cambridge, Somerville, Arlington, Belmont, Watertown, Waltham, and Newton. Strong organizational and people skills, computer/database experience necessary. Must be a self-starter. We’re positive people looking for positive associates who are focused on healthy living and a healthy planet to reach like-minded practitioners and businesses, and help grow their client base. Flexible schedule with great earning potential, only you set the limit on your potential. Email cover letter and resume to: Publisher@Natural SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE. STARSEED SANCTUARY AND RETREAT CENTER – In western MA is seeking a building and grounds steward skilled in carpentry, electrical, plumbing, and maintenance; someone seeking to deepen their spiritual and nature connection and to live sustainably on the land. Position offers housing, a stipend based on experience, some meals, and opportunity

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Free Introduction To Reiki – 10am-12pm. Meet the Reiki master teachers Ulrike and Denis Dettling Kalthofer. Listen to a lecture about Reiki and its history, experience a 20-min guided imagery and relaxation, and get questions about Reiki answered. Pre-registration required; space limited. Free. Arlington Reiki Associates, 366 Mass Ave, Ste 304, Arlington. 781-648-9334. Reiki I Certification Class – 10am-6pm. Learn a complete method of accessing healing energy including the hand positions and the channelopening attunements. Practice giving a complete Reiki treatment and receive one. $150. Arlington Reiki Associates, 366 Mass Ave, Ste 304, Arlington. 781-648-9334. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Breast Thermography Appointments – 9am5pm. Breast Thermography with Anne Barker BSN, RN, LMT, CTT. Breast Cancer Screening without radiation. Due to limited availability, booking your appointment in advanceis highly recommended. Please call with any questions or concerns. Groton Wellness Medical Center, 493-495 Main St, Groton. 978-449-9919. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29 How To Make Natural Cleaning Products – 7:30-9pm. Inexpensive, easy, and non-toxic. Bring two old empty spray bottles, and one jar or container. $20. Groton Wellness Medical Center, 493-495 Main St, Groton. 978-449-9919.

to attend programs. Contact Satyena Ananda at

FOR RENT/lease SEMINAR ROOM – Perfect location for your wellness seminar or training class. Seated classroom for 30-50 people or massage table classroom for 10-12 tables. Friday, Saturday, or Sunday only. Free parking or walk from Watertown Square. New England School of Acupuncture. Call Steve: 617-558-1788 x 375. TWO ROOMS FOR RENT OR LEASE – In a holistic therapy practice located within Sollievo Massage & Bodywork, North Cambridge. 617-354-3082.


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ongoingcalendar All Calendar events for the March issue must be received by February 10th and adhere to our guidelines. Visit for guidelines and to submit entries.

Bring A Buddy Massage – Mon-Thurs, thru Mar 22. 1:45pm, 3pm or 4:15pm. Bring a buddy to the afternoon clinic and both receive massages. Surprise your valentine. $40/2 massages. Cortiva Institute, 103 Morse St, Watertown. 617-6682000. Life in the Extreme Deep Exhibit – Thru June 2012. 9am-5pm. A photographic exhibit which showcases stunning deep-sea photographs by scientists. $9/seniors, $7/students, $6/ages 3-18, Free/under 3. Harvard Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford St, Cambridge. 617-495-3045. The Glass Flowers – Thru Mar 2012. 9am-5pm. The Ware Collection of glass models of plants. Amazingly realistic models of plant species painstakingly crafted in glass from 1886-1936 by father and son German glass artists, Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka. Free with museum admission. Harvard Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford St, Cambridge. 617-495-3045.

Yoga with Jennifer Krier – Thru Apr 1. 9:3011am. Slow flow Vinyasa class designed in the elemental yoga tradition. Focuses on developing and using core awareness and strength, increasing flexibility to deepen mind-body connection. All levels welcome. $150/10 wks, $80/5 wks, $17/ class. Every Body Pilates, 50 Leonard St, Ste 2A, Belmont. 617-484-3311. Yoga Class – 11am-12:15pm. Join a great group for an all levels yoga class in a cozy and spiritual studio. $17. Pipal Leaf Yoga, 945 Great Plain Ave, Needham. Glassblowing Family Experience – 1-2pm. Enjoy a glassblowing demonstration with the family. A truly unique experience. $15/person. Make pendants for only $10 more per person. Diablo Glass School, 123 Terrace St, Boston. 617442-7444.

Community Acupuncture – Thru Dec 31. Also Wed & Fri. By appointment. Affordable care for a healthy community. Acupuncture in a shared space, rather than private rooms enabling lower cost. Fees based on sliding scale system with the patient deciding what they are comfortable paying based on the sliding scale. Green Tea Yoga, 10 Colonial Rd, Salem. 781-269-2287.

Men’s Redcord Class – 6:30-7am. A doublesuspension training system using the instability of the cords to condition the entire body. A great and intense workout. $20/drop-in, $90/5 classes, $170/10 classes. Every Body Pilates, 50 Leonard St, Ste 2A, Belmont. 617-484-3311. Gentle Therapeutic Yoga – 12:30pm. Be immersed in healing, community and ease with the Anusara principles of alignment. Free. Steeped in Grace, 223 Concord Ave, Cambridge. Core Fundamentals – 12:30-1:30pm. Also Wed, 12:30-1:30pm. Learn how to effectively use free weights, your body weight, resistance tubing and cable exercises to unleash your body’s natural confidence and power. $20/first class. Vitality Personal Fitness, 118 Needham St, Newton. 617620-3585. Vital Strength – 5:30-6:30pm. Also Wed, 7-8am & Fri, 5-6pm. Olympic lifting, dumbbells, kettlebells and cables. Pure strength training to build vital muscle mass. $20/first class. Vitality Personal Fitness, 118 Needham St, Newton. 617620-3585. Puppy Classes – 6:30-7:45pm. Next 5-wk session starts Feb 27. Positive training for dogs and their people. Learn how to communicate with your puppy clearly and consistently to get the behavior you want and help them learn. $150/5 wks. Pampered Pooch, 125 Beech St, Belmont. 617448-7447. Corpbasics’ Perfect Lines – 6:45-7:15pm. A class for conditioning and stretching and interval training isolating the thighs, hips, glutes and core. $100/10 classes, $60/5 classes, $15/drop-in. Corpbasics Fitness & Training Club, 73 Bow St, Somerville. 617-628-8400. Revolution Rising Radio Show – 7-8pm. A fun and entertaining internet radio show which focuses on cutting-edge health topics such as nutrition, alternative medicine, vaccination and spirituality. Free. WNTN Radio, 143 Rumford Ave, Newton. 617-780-1754. or Jam’n Cardio Kix – 7:15-8:15pm. A martial arts fitness class that puts several musical patterns together into routines performed continuously to develop cardiovascular fitness, agility and quickness. $100/10 classes, $60/5 classes, $15/dropin. Corpbasics Fitness & Training Club, 73 Bow St, Somerville. 617-628-8400. Hatha Yoga at Gallery 263 – 7:15-8:30pm. Increase flexibility, strength and balance. Relax and recharge mind and spirit. Intelligent sequencing and attention to alignment which will challenge all levels. Emphasizes correct alignment within a flowing sequence that will leave you feeling strengthened and energized. $10. 263 Pearl St, Cambridgeport. 617-459-9817.

MoneyMoves TeleConnections – 8-9pm. 2nd Mon. Discussions which will dive deeply into many facets of financial fitness from a practical as well as reflective perspective encouraging growth in money-savvy and self-awareness. Free. For details:

Get Primal – 5:30-6:30am. Shape up with the seven primal patterns of movement: squat, lunge, push, pull, bend, twist, and gait. This 8-exercise functional circuit will bolster your fitness and is a great addition to any athlete’s workout routine. $20/first class. Vitality Personal Fitness, 118 Needham St, Newton. 617-620-3585. Yoga Flow Anusara Style – 9:30-11am. Using the anusara-inspired method, Diana CullumDugan leads a class through yoga poses that open the heart. Explore a deeper experience by way of balanced energy and optimal alignment. $18/ drop-in, $14/student/senior. Samadhi Integral Yoga Center, 796 Beacon St, Newton. 617-3932200. Kettlebell 101 – 2-3pm. Learn how to use the latest workout rage. Learn the proper technique for kettlebell exercises such as the Turkish get up, the swing, the clean, the windmill, the clean and press, the snatch and more. $20/first class. Vitality Personal Fitness, 118 Needham St, Newton. 617620-3585. Reiki Healing Circle for Women on a Healing Journey with Cancer – 2-4pm. Once a month. Women trained in Reiki and at various stages in their healing journey come together to support each other. Uplifting, life affirming and healing. $35. Arlington Reiki Associates, 366 Mass Ave, Ste 304, Arlington. 781-648-9334. Yoga for Beginners – 4:30-5:30pm. A yoga class for all levels emphasizing breathing and techniques to increase strength, flexibility and balance. $10 suggested donation. First Presbyterian Church, 34 Alder St, Waltham. 781893-3087. Zumba Toning – 6:30-7:30pm. Benefit mentally, emotionally and physically from the dance workout that has caused such a sensation all over the world. $100/10 classes, $12/walk-in. Corpbasics Fitness & Training Club, 73 Bow St, Somerville. 617-968-1695. Wellness Coaching Clinic – 6:30-8pm. A strength-based coaching approach to help build a personal wellness plan, including specific goals and creative strategies to overcome the obstacles to living a healthy lifestyle. Session 1 on Tues, session 2 on Weds. $65/two sessions. Rowe Physical Therapy, 1400 Centre St, St 104, Newton Center. 617-823-0464. Zumba Dance Yourself Fit – 7-8pm. Also Wed. A fitness program that combines high energy and motivating music with fun, effective and easy-tofollow moves. Open to all fitness levels. $12/drop in, $90/10 classes. Waltham Zumba, 8 Common St, Waltham. 978-761-2769.

natural awakenings

February 2012


Main St, Ste 339, Waltham. 617-750-8599. Nia with Maria Skinner – 8-9am. Nia is the first cardio workout to combine martial arts, dance, and healing arts. An evolutionary approach to fitness and self-healing in a body. An acclaimed practice for over 25 years which is based on the science of the body. A fun, creative pathway to health and well-being, regardless of age or physical condition. $16/drop in, $60/5 consecutive classes. Groton Wellness Medical Center, 493-495 Main St, Groton. 978-449-9919. GrotonWellness. com. Introduction to Meditation Course – Thru Mar 21. 7-9:30pm. A 5-wk introductory course presenting basic information and techniques relating to meditation. Can be followed by another course focusing on mantra meditation. $120. Advaita Meditation Center, 28 Worcester Ln, Waltham. 781-647-0020. Meditation Evenings – 7-8:30pm. Come to meditate and take part in a discussion. Both beginners and experienced meditators welcome; instruction provided for those who need it. Refreshments provided. Suggested donation $15. Advaita Meditation Center, 28 Worcester Ln, Waltham. 781-647-0020. Dance Freedom – 7:30-10:30pm. Not held Feb 22. The oldest continually running weekly barefoot dance in the world. Live DJ music, a great workout, lots of fun and lots of interesting people to meet. Recharge and renew in a joyous, positive, drug- and alcohol-free environment. $10$20 sliding scale. First Congregational Church, 11 Garden St, Cambridge, MA. 617-312-3039.

Vital TRX Cross – 6-6:55am. Also Sat, 9-9:55am. A revolutionary method of leveraged bodyweight exercise, which allows you to safely perform hundreds of functional exercises that build power, strength, flexibility, balance, mobility, and prevent injuries. $20/first class. Vitality Personal Fitness, 118 Needham St, Newton. 617-620-3585. VitalityPersonalFitness. com. Anusara Inspired Yoga – Thru Sept 13. 9:3011am. Explore Anusara’s Universal Principles of Alignment to awaken, align, and move into an uplifted state of being. See rates on website. Samadhi Yoga Studio, 796 Beacon St, Newton Center. 617-243-0034. Yoga Class – 11am-12:15pm. Join a great group for an all levels yoga class in a cozy and spiritual studio. $17. Pipal Leaf Yoga, 945 Great Plain Ave, Needham. Hatha Yoga Class – 7-8pm. Suitable for all levels, beginners welcome. Bring a towel and water and a mat if you have one. Mats available for use if needed. $15/drop-in, $104/8 wks. A Pilates Fitness and Yoga Studio, 681


Somerville Road Runners Night 4.13 Miler – 7:15-8:15pm. It may be snowing. It may be raining. The SRR Thursday night run will happen every week, no matter what. Free. Casey’s, 171 Broadway, Somerville. Thursday-Night-Race. Observatory Night – 7:30-9:30pm. 3rd Thurs. A non-technical lecture and telescopic observing from the observatory roof if weather permits. Free. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St, Cambridge. 617-4957461.

The Family Walking Program – 9:30am. Take a healthy walk through the mall in a safe, climate controlled environment for both parent and child. Spend time with other parents while your children make new friends and learn the benefits of regular exercise. Meet near Carter’s. Watertown Mall, 550 Arsenal St, Watertown. 617-926-4968. Health Lecture Series – 10am. First Fri. An informative discussion for parents and caregivers on a variety of parent- and child-related topics such as: nutrition, behavior, community resources and more. Held in the Old Country Buffet. Watertown Mall, 550 Arsenal St, Watertown. 617926-4968. Blood Pressure Screenings – 10am-12pm. Free blood pressure screenings on the 1st Fri each month in front of the Old Country Buffet. Watertown Mall, 550 Arsenal St, Watertown. 617926-4968. Free Basic Beading Class – 11:30am-12:30pm. A great opportunity to get started in beading. Learn the difference between different beads, stringing materials and findings. Free. Life’s A Bead, 404 Trapelo Rd, Belmont. 617-489-7222. Free Rolfing Sessions for Veterans – Thru Apr 13. 3-8pm. 2nd Fri. A hands-on participatory approach to rebalancing the body which is helpful for healing from physical and psychological trauma. By appointment only. Free. Boston Body Balance, 2557 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge. 617-308-7104. Second Fridays Free – 5-8pm. Free evening at the MIT Museum on the 2nd Fri each month. Mingle with friends in the unique galleries and see some of the latest research coming out of MIT. MIT Museum, 265 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge. 617-253-5927. Jam’n Java Open Mic and Coffeehouse – 6:309pm. 1st Fri. Sign up to play, or come and listen to talented local performers. Free. Jam’n Java, 594 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington. ArlOpenMic. Glass Beadmaking – 6:30-9:30pm. An evening of glass, friends and wine. Spend 3 hrs in one of

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our studios to experience an introductory taste of working with hot glass in glassblowing and bead making. $75. Diablo Glass School, 123 Terrace St, Boston. 617-442-7444. DiabloGlassSchool. com. Friday Night Cooking Series – 6:30-9:30pm. Join us for a night of conversation, anecdotes and fun, and a detailed cooking demonstration. See website for specifics by week. $61. Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 56 Brattle St, Cambridge. Practical Discussion Philosophy Group – 7-9pm. 10 sessions with Louis Panico. Designed for thoughtful individuals seeking to understand themselves and life. Topics include the practice of attention and stillness for living in the present moment and the proper use of the mind. $90. Theosophical Society, 21 Maple St, Arlington. 617-926-4155. Journey of Divorce Base Camp – Thru Mar 8. 7:15-9pm. No class Feb 23. 6-wk workshop series for those divorcing or newly divorced. Topics addressed include nurturing yourself, grief and loss, getting unstuck, dealing with anger and sadness, and improving communications with your ex. $295/6 wks. One Journey Consulting, One Pequot Rd, Wayland. 508-276-1764.

Saturday Morning Yoga – 7-8:30am. Gentle beginner-level yoga class held in a sunlit room in a lovely historic house led by trained instructor, Keith Herndon. Advaita Meditation Center, 28 Worcester Ln, Waltham. 781-647-0020. Yoga Class – 7:30-8:45am. Stop by for a slowpaced, conscious flow through a morning yoga series. Afterwards, walk around the studio to see the events and offerings within this community. $18. Samadhi Integral Studio, 796 Beacon St, Newton Centre. Broga II Power – 10-10:45am. High energy, Broga flow class. Good for those ready for a great workout. Familiarity with Broga or yoga recommended but not required. $100/10 classes, $15/drop-in. The Center for Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville. 617-207-9374. Zumba – 11am-12pm. Benefit mentally, emotionally and physically from the dance workout that has caused such a sensation all over the world. $100/10 classes, $12/ walk-in. Corpbasics Fitness & Training Club, 73 Bow St, Somerville. 617-968-1695. Broga I Chill – 12-12:45pm. Energetic, fun, challenging but set to a chill, accessible pace. Perfect for Broga or yoga newbies or those interested in focusing on fundamentals. $100/10 classes, $15/drop-in. The Center for Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville. 617-2079374.

communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit.


2464 Massachusetts Ave, Ste 420 Cambridge, 02140 617-499-9993 Affordable acupuncture, excellent care. Dozens of conditions treated safely and effectively in a comfortable community room. Sliding scale for everyone. $35-55 first visit, $20-40 follow-up.


150 California St, Newton MA 02458 617-558-1788 NESA is the first school of acupuncture in the U.S. and provides a rigorous acupuncture education along with affordable health care to the community. See ad page 13.


978-854-5214 Our clients understand that their brain controls their life. A balanced brain allows them to experience liberating self-regulation. Love life again. Join us. See ad page 19.


Successful relationships create successful businesses. Offering client communications, web and creative services, and organizational strategies for holistic health and personal growth practitioners. See ad page 25.

compounding & wellness pharmacy JOHNSON COMPOUNDING AND WELLNESS CENTER Stephen Bernardi 577 Main St, Waltham, MA 02452 781-893-3870 Fax: 781-899-1172

JCWC is the only sterile and non-sterile PCAB-accredited pharmacy in Massachusetts. In addition to our compounding service, we offer a full range of nutritional supplements, natural products, homeopathic remedies and home health care equipment. See ad page 9.

creativity coaching THE ARTIST’S WAY


Dr. David Oliver, DC 1280 Centre St, Ste 210, Newton Centre 617-641-9999 Specializing in spinal manipulation, trigger point therapy and chiropractic rehab; providing our patients with long-term results. Therapeutic massage also available. All major insurances accepted. See ad page 23.


Kim Childs 617-640-3813

Kim coaches groups and individuals in the life-changing practices and principles of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Spring groups begin the week of March 5.

dentist DR. IVETA IONTCHEVA-BAREHMI DMD, MS, D.SC. 1842 Beacon St, Ste 302, Brookline, MA 617-868-1516

Julie Burke, DC 617-964-3332

We are an integrative holistic wellness center. Our caring team consists of chiropractors specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, massage therapists and Shiatsu and Reiki practitioners. See ad page 7.

Dr. Iontcheva-Barehmi is an accomplished dentist and specialist in Periodontics and Implants with a holistic approach to medicine and dentistry. To schedule your comprehensive exam and share the excitement of a healthy smile, call: 617-868-1516. See ad page 27.


978-877-6122 Build your own health and wellness business. As a successful entrepreneur, I’ll teach you how to manifest success and achieve your personal and professional dreams. See ad page 25.

natural awakenings

February 2012


GROTON WELLNESS – MEDICAL, DENTAL, SPA, BISTRO 493-495 Main St Groton, Ma 01450 978-449-9919

Our specialization, healthfocused dentistry, enables us to consider you, our patient, as a whole person, not merely a “dental case.” Therefore, we have the unique opportunity to evaluate every patient, and develop every treatment, procedure and protocol, from an individualized holistic standpoint. We will make recommendations to improve not only your dental health, but your overall health as well. See ad page 15.


19 Chestnut St, Arlington, MA 02474 781-643-2344 Fax: 781-641-3483 Our practice centers on your comfort, your convenience, and on dental excellence, always. We believe everything we do here should enhance your lifestyle and your health. See ad back cover.


As a wellness service of Canis major Herbals, we now offer dog walking in the Davis Sq, Somerville area. Visit Experienced. Responsible. Insured.

HERBS COMMONWEALTH CENTER FOR HERBAL MEDICINE Katja Swift & Ryn Midura 25 Saint Mary’s Court, Brookline, MA 617-750-5274

holistic bodywork BARBARA GOSSELIN, PT

393 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA 781-507-4226 I’m a Physical Therapist with 20+ years experience helping people recover from pain using gentle, effective Bodywork techniques including Craniosacral Therapy and Fascial Mobilization. See ad page 24.


Cecile Raynor Certified Alexander Technique Teacher; Certified Thai Yoga Therapist 617-359-7841 Learn to relieve body tension and manage the stress in your life. Improve your posture without any holding. Learn mind/body tools for personal growth. See ad page 33.


Lexington, MA 781-862-8000 Tamar Myers, in practice since 1992, offers comprehensive bodywork. Her expertise in a wide variety of modalities allows her to design sessions unique to each individual’s needs.


126 Prospect St, Cambridge MA 781-412-4325 Experience a deep sense of Self and true healing from the heart. Daniel offers Reiki and Infant Massage classes, Crystal Healing, Reiki treatments, and massage.

Personalized, comprehensive consultations with experienced herbalists. Whether it’s the flu or a chronic illness, or simply to build greater vitality, herbal medicine can help. See ad page 29.


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SOLLIEVO MASSAGE & BODYWORK 2285 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02140 617-354-3082

A therapeutic massage and acupuncture practice specializing in chronic pain, injuries and stress reduction. We are a group of seasoned therapists with combined expertise in various bodywork treatments and approaches. Visit our website for pricing and promotions. Blue Cross & Aetna discounts available. See ad page 20.

holistic health coach NINA MANOLSON, MA, LMT, CHC Certified Health Coach Smokin’ Hot Mom Mentor & Family Wellness Expert 617-771-5121

Nina helps busy moms prioritize themselves so that they look and feel their very best. She also teaches families how to make the shift to healthier eating habits. Free get-acquainted session available. See ad page 21.


Jamie Murphy 617-780-1754 • We are a nonprofit dedicated to educating parents about the dangers of vaccines. Services include: personalized counseling, research, consulting and public speaking. Listen to Revolution Rising (Internet radio) every Monday evening at 7pm with host Jamie Murphy. Guest interviews, alternative medicine topics. Go to, click on “Listen Live.”

integrative therapy BODYMIND RESOURCING

Alison Shaw APRN, LMT, CEH 393 Massachusetts Ave Arlington, MA 02474 781-646-0686 An innovative blend of body-centered counseling, integrative bodywork and energy medicine to uncover and release body-mind patterns that limit your life and health. See ad page 29.

integrative veterinary medical care MASH MAIN ST ANIMAL SERVICES OF HOPKINTON Margo Roman, DVM 72 W Main St, Hopkinton, MA 01748 508-435-4077

A full-service integrative veterinary clinic offering caring and healthful options and modalities like acupuncture, functional nutrition, homeopathy, chiropractic, herbs, ozone therapy, surgery and dentistry. See ad page 29.

music lessons IN HOME MUSIC LESSONS Johan Narsjo 617-968-3646

Guitar, Bass and Piano lessons for all levels and ages. Study in your home with an experienced teacher. Personalized lesson plans with a focus on creative expression utilizing a variety of contemporary and traditional techniques. Learn how to maximize the practice time available to you by finding the perfect balance. See ad page 33.

nutritional supplements MONA VIE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR Dawn McGee 781-308-3071

Providing products and personalized services dedicated to helping you improve your health. Serving New England and 18 countries around the world.

CHRISTABETH INGOLD, RP, CHC 369 Mass Ave, Arlington, MA 02474

Experience the healing energy Reiki offers physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Christabeth also offers holistic health coaching, guiding you on a wellness journey exploring your relationship with life and food.


physical therapy CAMBRIDGE PHYSICAL THERAPY & SPORTS MEDICINE 1000A Cambridge St. Cambridge, 02141 617-492-6600

Specializing in outpatient orthopedic rehabilitation and treatment of sports, dance and work injuries. We also treat computer/musician overuse injuries, carpal tunnel, and injuries from motor vehicle accidents. See ad page 33.


1400 Centre St, Ste 104, Newton Centre 617-244-4462

Rowe Physical Therapy is a team of competent PTs and OTs with many years of expertise in Manual Therapy. As holistic practitioners, they treat body, mind and spirit. See ad page 19.


Jazmine Fox-Stern 617-308-7104

Rolfing Structural Integration is a hands-on, participatory approach to rebalancing the body. Reduce aches, pains, and injuries. Increase energy and grace. Improve athletic performance.

Want to reach readers who are health and wellness focused?



Kate Genovese has been a registered nurse for more than 30 years and is a Reiki Master. Reiki is a gentle form of handson healing that benefits people of any age. Sessions available in the comfort of your home or at Kate’s office. See ad page 5.

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natural awakenings

February 2012



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