Natural Awakenings Boston November 2011

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HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET feel good live simply laugh more


Creating a New Economy

Fairness for People & the Planet

Shop Smart

Keep Dollars Working in Local Communities

Our Worst Fitness Habits Six Roadblocks to Sidestep

Good Dog!

Positive Training Yields Fast Results

November 2011 | 1

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contents 5

5 newsbriefs 12 healthbriefs 14 globalbriefs

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

16 greenliving 17 ecotip

18 community



19 healingways


25 inspiration 26 fitbody 28 naturalpet 32 calendarof events

advertising & submissions how to advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 617-906-0232 or email Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. Editorial submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to: publisher@ Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month. calendar submissions Visit for guidelines and to submit entries. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit


Keep Dollars Working in Local Communities by Linda Sechrist

18 Community Spotlight Johnson Compounding & Wellness Center 16

by Kim Childs


TO YOU Mood-Boosting Health Tips by Kim Childs


HAPPINESS: THE NEW ECONOMY Changing the Rules to

Benefit America’s People by John de Graaf and Linda Sechrist


25 10 STEPS TO

ABUNDANCE by Carolyn Blakeslee


FITNESS HABITS Six Roadblocks to Sidestep by Tosca Reno



Positive Training Yields Fast Results by Sandra Murphy natural awakenings

November 2011




aving just returned from the Natural Awakenings Publishers Conference at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York, I’m filled with fresh excitement for the possibilities this incredible family of well-intentioned entrepreneurs are bringing to communities across the United States and Puerto Rico. Working tirelessly with one another, contributors, distributors and advertisers, we offer positive messages that help more than 3.5 million readers enhance their quality of life. Collaborating with all these people committed to having a positive impact on our global community puts the world into better perspective. Early in the conference, the word “overwhelmed” popped up for several of us, especially solo publishers without business partners or full-time staff. But by the end of the meeting, I realized that I sometimes create my own feeling of being overwhelmed by anticipating what still needs to be done rather than staying consciously focused on the present task. This change in outlook has opened up encouraging possibilities and brought lightness to the myriad of to-dos I tackle each day; I feel more clear and efficient when I relax and let the work flow. If anxieties creep in, I now stop to take a few deep belly breaths and bring myself back to the present moment and what needs to be done right now. With the holidays approaching, I’m happy to bring this awareness to maintaining a more resolute calm to whatever the day brings; it’s so attuned to what we explore in these pages each month. We kick off the season with helpful tips from some local healthy living practitioners, in “Happy Holidays to You, Mood-Boosting Tips,” on page 19, by Kim Childs. Our feature article this month explores the “Economics of Happiness,” in which co-authors John de Graaf and Linda Sechrist pose the question: Why not learn ways to work less and enjoy it more; spend more time with our friends and families; consume, pollute, destroy and owe less; and live better, longer and more meaningfully? Internalizing such insights can grant us a whole new lease on life (page 20). In “Proper Eating Fuels and Enhances Workouts,” on page 27, Jay Krawczyk, of Vitality Personal Fitness, in Newton, explains which eating habits work to support healthy nutrition and weight control and boost energy. Another helpful article, on page 31, focuses on the benefits of positive dog training, which anyone can apply, courtesy of local experts, Bette Yip, Joanne Lekas and Liz Shaw. Wishing you the desire and ability to seize every opportunity to make the most of every moment. Happy Thanksgiving and peace,

contact us Publisher/Editor Maisie Raftery Editors Karen Adams S. Alison Chabonais Kim Childs Writers Kim Childs Jay Krawczyk Eric Packer Design & Production Stephen Blancett Kim Cerne Zina Cochran Helene Leininger Sales Shelly 781-258-6748 P.O. Box 1149 Brookline, MA 02446 Phone: 617-906-0232 Fax: 877-907-1406 © 2011 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

Maisie Raftery, Publisher

SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $25 (for 12 issues) to the above address.

Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.


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newsbriefs Free Wellness Program for Parents Helps ‘Make Healthy Happen’


ina Manolson, a Somerville-based health coach, family wellness expert and mom, is launching a free three-part video and teleclass called “How to Make Healthy Happen in Your Family: Feeding Your Kids in a World That Doesn’t.” The program will provide parents with recipes, health tips, understanding and support to “make healthy happen” in their families. “Parents are always struggling with how to feed their kids healthy food in the face of a busy lifestyle and a junk-food society,” Manolson says. It’s a challenge, she says, because even when parents offer nutritious choices at home, kids are constantly being offered junk food at school, activities and events, and the advertising is everyNina Manolson where. “But you can make delicious and nutritious food that everyone will love, without spending hours in the kitchen,” Manolson says. She adds that learning which foods cause children to be tired or moody, and why, is essential to making positive changes for everyone. “You can raise kids who love healthy food,” she says. For more information or to sign up, call Nina Manolson at 617-771-5121, email or visit See ad on page 17.

Natural Awakenings Publishers Gather at Annual Conference


atural Awakenings publishers from throughout the nation came together from October 2 to 5 for the annual publishers’ conference, held this year at the Omega Institute, near Rhinebeck, New York. Nearly 50 publishers attended the event, which began with remarks from Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. (NAPC) founder and CEO Sharon Bruckman. “We’re here to support each other, sharing our hearts and energy to lift our magazines and communities to a higher level,” Bruckman said. Topics covered included using editorial and online coupons to support the growth of holistic, green businesses; the Natural Awakenings web store that is launching in November; and the Natural Awakenings Network card, a nationwide health services and green products discount network being implemented in cities around the U.S. “Coming together to celebrate the connection that Natural Awakenings publishers share and the amazing family we have formed reminds me of our commitment to building a better world together,” said New York City Publisher Tina Woods. Natural Awakenings magazines are part of a nationwide franchise, each locally owned and operated. Launched by Bruckman in 1994 with a single magazine in Naples, Florida, the magazine has grown to become one of the largest free, local healthy lifestyle publications in the world, and currently serves more than 3.5 million readers in 86 cities across the U.S. and Puerto Rico. For more information on the Natural Awakenings Network card, online coupons or the Natural Awakenings web store, email For information about owning a franchise, visit

Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant. ~Robert Louis Stevenson

natural awakenings

November 2011


newsbriefs Free Webinar on PTSD and the Brain

O Holiday Open House at Plum Island Soap Company


lum Island Soap Company in Newburyport will hold its 13th annual open house on December 10. Visitors will have the opportunity to sample products, watch demos, socialize and enjoy complimentary refreshments from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. “It’s the one day of the year when we give our customers an all-access pass into every area of the tiny cottage factory where we create and package our amazing, natural products,” says owner Michele Diodati. “It’s a fun-filled and relaxing day of eating, shopping and good, old-fashioned merrymaking.” Diodati says visitors to the open house can enjoy shopping for the holidays in a stress-free, relaxing environment while sipping champagne, sampling products and perhaps even getting a mini-massage. The Plum Island Soap Company is open every day from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., offering soap, body butters and oils, foot scrubs, bath products and more for people of all ages. It also carries all-natural dog products. The Plum Island Soap Company is located at 205 Northern Blvd. in Newburyport. For more information, call 978-465-0238 or visit See ad on page 11.


n November 16, Boston Brain Works and Brain State Technologies are offering a free webinar on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) entitled “PTSD: How to Put Your Brain Back in Charge.” The webinar will explore the causes of PTSD and the ways in which it affects the brain. “When the brain becomes unbalanced, the body follows and vice versa,” says Diana Fay White of Boston Brain Works. “PTSD doesn’t just affect military personnel. Car accidents, childhood traumas and even bad breakups can trigger it, and chances are that you or someone you know is suffering from its symptoms right now.” Boston Brain Works, one of 150 worldwide affiliates of Brain State Technologies, offers free consultations for improved emotional and mental well-being, as well as brain-wave optimization sessions. For more information about the webinar and to register, call 978-854-5214 or email For more information about Boston Brain Works, visit See ad on page 9.

Bootstrap Compost Offering Free Week of Service


ootstrap Compost, in Jamaica Plain, is offering a week of free compost pickup service to new subscribers this month. Bootstrap, which provides residential food-scrap collection service in communities throughout Greater Boston, gives each subscriber a five-gallon bucket, compostable liner and lid. Clients then leave their buckets full of organic material (such as fruits, vegetables, coffee grinds and eggshells) outside their homes on a designated day. Bootstrap will pick up the full bucket, leave a clean one and return every week, Taylor Ashbrook every other week or the following month, based on individual needs. Rates are $32 per month for weekly visits, $18 for twice-monthly service and $10 for once-monthly service. The free week for new subscribers offer expires on November 30. Bootstrap Compost, which is owned and operated by longtime Jamaica Plain resident Andy Brooks, makes deliveries via bike, pickup truck and MBTA. “We wanted to keep organic assets out of landfills and give households a reliable and consistent means to see food waste put to productive use,” says Brooks. “In turn, all active subscribers receive five gallons of usable compost every 15 weeks, and the rest is donated to community garden projects in J.P. and Roxbury.” For more information or to enroll, call Bootstrap Compost at 617-642-1979, email or visit

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newsbriefs Presentation Explains Emotional Intelligence


n November 11, intuitive writer Gloria B. Von Keller will speak about new developments in the field of emotional intelligence at the Theosophical Society in Arlington. The presentation will be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. and the cost is $10. Von Keller says attendees will gain new insights about their potential as both emotional and intellectual beings, and learn about the different aspects of emotions and how that knowledge can be empowering. “Exploring emotional intelligence is just a part of a process of discovering who we Gloria B. Von Keller are and what kinds of stuff we’re made of,” Von Keller says. “History indicates that we are still learning more about ourselves and our potential as human beings, and I strongly suspect that we are more intelligent than we think we are.” The presentation also will cover the five elements of emotional intelligence as described by psychologists John Meyer, Daniel Goleman and Peter Salovey. “There are benefits that come with recognizing and understanding the intelligence of our emotions and how they can empower and enhance our lives,” says Von Keller, who also will introduce participants to the “Life Empowerment Formula.”

The Theosophical Society is located at 21 Maple St. in Arlington. For more information, call 401-578-2412 or 781-648-0101 or email

Free Integrated Relaxation Class in West Newton


eina Lovelace, formerly of Samadhi Integral, has opened a private practice to offer massage, bodywork and integrated relaxation and is offering a free, introductory integrated relaxation class. It will begin on November 3 at 5:15 p.m. and will be held upstairs at L’Aroma Café, in West Newton. The class, which runs for four consecutive Thursdays (excluding Thanksgiving), is suitable for participants of all levels and can be performed in a chair or lying down. “This class is perfect for beginners and those who say ‘I can’t meditate,’” says Lovelace. “Integrated relaxation, also known as yoga nidra, or yogic sleep, is a simple and profound approach to stress reduction and total relaxation.” Lovelace says that those who regularly practice integrated relaxation experience more energy, better sleep, enhanced immunity, increased concentration, reduced anxiety and relief from chronic pain. L’Aroma Café and Bakery is located at 15 Spencer St. in West Newton. For more information, call 843-345-3620 or visit natural awakenings

November 2011


Coming in December

newsbriefs Rhythm Rave for Women Rocks Boston on 11/11/11


Uplifting Humanity Simple ideas to celebrate the holidays and create peace in our hearts. Read about it in Natural Awakenings’ December edition

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hythm Rave, a Women’s Dance and Drum Weekend, will come to Boston November 11 through 13 at the DoubleTree Suites Boston Hotel. The weekend event features professional dance and percussion instructors who will teach and facilitate “playshops” for all participants of all levels from Friday afternoon to Sunday. The teaching lineup includes Edwina Lee Tyler, Ubaka Hill, Annagret Baier, Liz Nania and Madison Orange. “’Work’ is too serious a word to describe the drumming and dance sessions we’ve planned at Rhythm Rave, so we’re calling them ‘playshops’ instead,” says organizer Shelly Cullen. The playshops take place all weekend, with community dinners and dance parties on Friday and Saturday nights. There also is a Sunday brunch, variety show, drum and dance jam, artisan and craft vendors and a swap table for those who want to sell or trade used instruments. The weekend registration price of $185 covers all playshops, parties, entertainment and Saturday’s community dinner. Other pricing options are available for single events and discounted accommodations are available at the DoubleTree Suites Boston for women who use the code “Rhythm Rave.” The DoubleTree Suites Boston Hotel is located at 400 Soldiers Field Rd. in Boston. For more information and to register for Rhythm Rave, visit ShellyCullen. com (click on the Rhythm Rave Logo and scroll down).

Gluten-Free Bakery Offers Sweets Without Wheat


omething Sweet Without Wheat is a gluten-free, family-owned bakery in Woburn founded by sisters Christine Penney and Sandy Federico in 2010. On November 19, visitors can sample their all-natural, gluten-free pizza, breads, cookies and pies at Henry’s Market, in Beverly, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. “We live a wheat-free and gluten-free life for our families’ better health,” says Penney. “We want others to be able to have the same wonderful, healthy choices.” Penney says she suffered from stomach problems throughout her life. When doctors discovered she had ulcerative colitis, she tried medications and diet changes before finding relief by going gluten-free. After family members and friends raved about her gluten-free baked goods, she and Federico began selling them in August 2010. Henry’s Market is located at 588 Cabot St. in Beverly. For more information, call 781-281-2003 or email

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newsbriefs Artist Market Returns to The Burren for Unique Holiday Shopping


or the second year in a row, the Saturday Local Artist Market (SLAM) at The Burren in Somerville offers local artists a place to show and sell their work while giving visitors an opportunity to find a variety of art and handmade goods for holiday giving. Items for sale include paintings, photographs, jewelry, soaps, glass, textiles, ceramics and artisan foods. Organizer Mary Keane says, “SLAM is a free, fun activity that supports our local community of artists, and it gives shoppers a chance to browse and buy some unique holiday gifts.” This year’s SLAM dates are December 3, 10 and 17. Admission is free. The Burren is located at 247 Elm St. in Davis Square, Somerville. For more information, call 617-246-5651 or visit Burren. com/SLAM.html.

Arlington Mosaic Studio Now Open on Friday Nights


osaic Oasis Studio and Supply ,in Arlington, will open its doors on Friday nights for the months of November and December to give people a chance to create handmade mosaic gifts for the holidays. “There is a trend toward handmade gifts in which the receiver is given a one-of-a-kind gift while the giver benefits, too,” says co-owner Suzanne Baratta Owayda. “The person making the gift has the pleasure of learning a new skill, being in a cheerful studio with other mosaic artists and exploring the creative talent that is found in each one of us.” Mosaic Oasis sells handmade mosaic jewelry and art in addition to offering customers a place to learn the ancient art of mosaics in workshops and lessons. “These special Friday nights are fun at the Oasis,” says Baratta Owayda. “People get to discover hidden artistic abilities and turn holiday stress into gifts that will be cherished forever.” The studio is regularly open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mosaic Oasis Studio and Supply is located at 1189-B Massachusetts Ave. in Arlington. For more information, call 781-3161667 or visit natural awakenings

November 2011


newsbriefs Community Investment Notes Support Wider Economic Growth

T Marisa Fanelli

Free Acupuncture Sessions on Sundays in Wayland


ealing Point Therapeutics, in Wayland, is offering free acupuncture sessions to first-time clients every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sessions are by appointment only, and those interested are advised to book at least a week in advance. Owner Marisa Fanelli says her goal in offering the free treatments is to educate people about this healing practice. “Most people associate acupuncture with scary needles that are only useful for chronic pain conditions,” she says. “They don’t realize that the needles are thinner than a hair, and that acupuncture can be used to treat everything from asthma to G.I. issues.” Fanelli says that even a half-hour session of acupuncture will yield noticeable results, and that many patients report improved sleep, digestion and mood after a treatment. “There are so many people out there who can benefit from this type of medicine, but they simply don’t realize it,” says Fanelli. “New patients are always surprised at how different acupuncture is from their expectations. Most find it almost painless, and many say it’s more relaxing than a massage.” Healing Point Therapeutics is located at 185 Commonwealth Rd. in Wayland. For more information, call 877-433-1554 or visit


he Progressive Asset Management Group (PAM Group) office in Wellesley is offering Community Investment Notes to support economic development locally, regionally and internationally. PAM Group is offering the notes, which are underwritten by the Calvert Foundation, through its broker dealer, Financial West Group. The notes have a minimum investment of $1,000. Maturity periods are from one to five years and interest rates range from 0.5 to 2 percent. Clients can allocate their investments to a desired geographic location, such as the Boston Community Loan Fund, or to predetermined groups, including Habitat for Humanity and the National Peace Corps. Programs supported include small business loans, microlending, job training and housing development in both urban and rural communities. Eric Packer, a PAM Group investment advisor with more than 18 years of experience, says that community investing allows people to earn modest interest while supporting economic growth for others. “The only reason I’m still in this business as an advisor is because I personally believe that what I do is truly helping to make a difference,” Packer says PAM Group, a member of FINRA/SIPC, is the Socially Responsible Division of Financial West Group. The Calvert Foundation is a nonprofit created by the Calvert Group, a socially responsible investment company. Eric Packer’s office is located at 177 Worcester St. in Wellesley. For more information, call 781-239-1187, email or visit

Nonprofit Helps Parents with Vaccine Issues


accine Free, a nonprofit organization in Watertown, is available to help families and students with immunization decisions by providing research and counseling. Jamie Murphy, author of the book What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization, is co-founder of the nonprofit organization. “The mission of Vaccine Free is to educate parents and other individuals about the dangers of vaccines,” says Murphy, who has been involved with the issue for more than 20 years and gives presentations on the subject. “Most people Jamie Murphy call us for help securing a religious exemption for their minor child,” he says. “In most cases, but not all, we can help.” Murphy notes that, by the time a child in Massachusetts reaches the 7th grade, he or she will have received 19 doses of vaccine. All vaccines have a mixture of toxic chemicals, he says, including aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury and antibiotics. Vaccine Free is located at 12 Lloyd Rd., Ste. 3, in Watertown. For more information, call 617-780-1754 or visit

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New Practitioners at Rowe Physical Therapy


ynthia Rowe, P.T., is pleased to welcome two associates to Rowe Physical Therapy, in Newton: Angela Weiss, M.S.P.T., and Jeff Goldman, M.P.T. Weiss received a Bachelor of Science degree in physical therapy in 1988 at Texas Women’s University and a master’s degree in applied anatomy and physiology at Boston University’s Sargent College in 1994. Weiss says she enjoys collaborating with other therapists and getting to the root cause of clients’ problems. “I want to help them do things that they’d only dreamed of doing prior to treatment,” she says. Goldman is a former business student who graduated with a master’s degree in physical therapy from Northwestern University in 1994. He worked in a variety of acute, sub-acute and orthopedic settings before deciding to focus on outpatient orthopedic physical therapy. Before coming to Rowe, Goldman worked for 10 years in a private practice where he developed his specialty as an expert manual therapist. “I’m so grateful that Angela and Jeff are joining our team of therapists,” says Rowe. “They have many years of experience as manual therapists and they share the Rowe PT philosophy of true holistic, quality care with individualized, one-on-one attention in private treatment rooms.” Rowe Physical Therapy and Associates is located at 1400 Centre St., Ste. 104, in Newton Centre. For more information, call 617-244-4462 or visit natural awakenings

November 2011



Taking Steps Against Diabetes


ovember is National Diabetes Awareness Month, a reminder that by taking the necessary steps, many Americans can prevent incurring the disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 79 million of us have pre-diabetes and may develop diabetes later in life. New research suggests that inactivity, along with an overly refined diet, impairs the body’s control of blood sugar levels and may play a key role in the development of Type 2 diabetes. “We now have evidence that physical activity is an important part of the daily maintenance of glucose levels,” advises John Thyfault, Ph.D., an assistant professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia, whose new study monitored the activity levels and diets of healthy and moderately active young adults. He concluded that, “Even in the short term, reducing daily activity and ceasing regular exercise causes acute changes in the body associated with diabetes, which can occur before weight gain and the development of obesity.” The CDC reports that 25 percent of Americans have inactive lifestyles, taking fewer than 5,000 steps a day, instead of a recommended 10,000 steps. Seventyfive percent do not meet the weekly exercise recommendations of 150 minutes of moderate activity, combined with a muscle-strengthening activity twice a week. While regular exercise is crucial in preventing the disease, so is diet. Research led by scientist Patrice Carter, at the University of Leicester, in England, has found that cutting down on high-fat, high-sugar foods and refined grains while eating more green leafy vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Her study, published online in the British Medical Journal, states that an extra serving of green leafy vegetables a day can reduce the risk of diabetes by 14 percent.

Dish Up Some Pecan Pie


ho doesn’t relish a slice of pecan pie for Thanksgiving dessert? New research from Loma Linda University (LLU) demonstrates that naturally occurring antioxidants in pecans may help contribute to heart health and disease prevention. Earlier LLU research showed that a pecan-enriched diet lowered levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) by 16.5 percent. Both studies were published in the Journal of Nutrition.


Happier and Healthier at Work


UK study from the University of Exeter confirms good news: Employees that have a say in the design and layout of their workspace are happier and healthier. But that’s not all—they also become up to 32 percent more productive.

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Shop for Gifts in Pleasant Surroundings


ecent research underscores what common sense tells us, that moods, emotions and feelings influence the quality of people’s decisions. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research confirms that when shoppers are in a positive mood, they make quicker and more consistent judgments than unhappy consumers. The study’s authors manipulated participants’ moods by showing them pictures of likable objects (puppies) or unpleasant images (diseased feet) or asking them to recall pleasant or unpleasant events from the past. Next, the participants viewed individual pictures of a common object they might consider buying. Finally, they chose from a random list of evaluative adjectives, both positive and negative. Individuals in a positive state of mind not only responded more quickly to the adjectives, they also responded more consistently. For example, if they reported liking an object, they were less likely to respond later that they disliked it. “These results have implications for how we navigate our world,” the researchers reported. “The decisions we make about liking or disliking objects around us are fundamental to which things we approach and which things we avoid.” The bottom line for retailers: Being aware of and avoiding factors that can induce negative moods—such as abrasive salespeople and unwelcoming shopping environments—can help ring up more sales.

Photo: Jessa Johnson/City Life Wellness


Universal Prosperity

A Peaceful Perspective Occupies Wall Street The Occupy Wall Street movement has succeeded in spotlighting the growing economic gap between sectors of the American populace, yet the grassroots protest is also being criticized for its lack of clear demands and goals. A more focused approach, grounded in more positive intention, is being led by the New York Meditation Mob. From June to August this year, the group held daily meditations in front of the New York Stock Exchange, creating a patch of calmness and peace along an otherwise busy sidewalk. Organizer Anthony Finno says, “Our intention was for [embracing] conscious prosperity, and to practice acceptance and tolerance on Wall Street.” A week into the Occupy Wall Street movement, New York Med Mob organizers remobilized for a meditation flash mob at the park where the occupation was taking place. Meditations continue to take place there twice a week. The Med Mob movement facilitates meditation flash mobs in public places around the world. Their mission is to foster an environment in which people from all religions, worldviews and experience levels unite in meditation. A global meditation flash mob is scheduled for November 11 (Tinyurl. com/44jrp8x). Communities around the world are encouraged to participate; events already are planned in Austin, Texas; Los Angeles; New York City; Orlando; and Paris. For more information, visit or or Occupy

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November 2011


globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all. November is Native American Heritage Month lists celebrations.

Fairer Trade

B Corps Aim to Right the System Traditional business models have recently experienced many manmade traumas, including the housing/banking industry collapse, world recession, nuclear pollution in Japan, the BP Gulf oil spill and the Massey Energy Company coal mining deaths in West Virginia. The conventional response is that smarter regulation is needed to prevent such crises in the future, but a growing number of business analysts say the problems go deeper, and a new kind of corporate legal structure is needed that requires companies to operate for the good of society, not just for their shareholders. These new entities, called B Corporations (the B is for benefit), are growing in number, having been adopted so far in Maryland, New Jersey, Vermont and Virginia. According to B Lab, the nonprofit behind the concept, “Our vision is simple, yet ambitious: to create a new sector of the economy that uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. It will be comprised of a new type of corporation—the B Corporation—that meets rigorous and independent standards of social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency.” Jay Coen Gilbert, a B Lab co-founder, says, “We can’t have a new economy unless we have a new type of corporation. Corporate law actually works against sustainability.” Its certification effort helps consumers identify truly responsible companies. It also works with private equity investors to help them make better-informed investment decisions. Ultimately, it is pushing for new laws to, “…redefine fiduciary duty and hold companies accountable to create a material positive impact on society and the environment, as measured by an independent, transparent, third-party standard.” Source:


SE Middlesex County |

Community Currency Private Mints on the Upswing

A local currency movement is again emerging as a way to focus business capital, especially consumer spending, on community economies. BerkShares illustrate the phenomenon. First issued in 2006 in the southern Berkshires region of Massachusetts, more than 2 million of these paper notes are currently in circulation. One hundred BerkShares can be purchased for $95 at one of five local banks and exchanged at participating merchants with the same purchasing value as U.S. dollars. The program provides consumers an incentive to keep the notes active and shop and dine locally in the 400 neighborhood businesses that accept them. “At the moment, we’re a very sophisticated ‘buy local’ program,” says Susan Witt, co-founder and administrator of BerkShares, Inc., “but the potential to move to an independent currency is built in.” Networking is key. Some local currency success stories include New York’s Ithaca Hours, North Carolina’s Plenty and Wisconsin’s Madison Hours, but others have not survived, despite sometimes extensive marketing support. BerkShares continue to represent a relatively small part of the region’s local economy. Witt says: “In the short term, it’s about educating people about local economies. In the long term, it’s transforming the institution of money. We’re not there yet. But everyone knows what BerkShares are.” Source: Adapted from E/The Environmental Magazine. natural awakenings

November 2011



T R SHOP SMA Keep Dollars Working in Local Communities by Linda Sechrist


oday, Americans can tap into one of the best bargains around by voting to support our local and regional economies. By shifting our shopping to locally owned and operated retailers and service providers, we help create and retain area jobs, support community commerce and build valuable relationships and social connections within our community. With every local purchase, we leave the store enriched, having deepened both community social capital and genuine wealth. Imagine the joy of knowing that your purchase contributes to the dentist supplying braces for the local grocer’s kids, the local insurance agent’s mortgage payment, the local banker’s roof repair and the local roofer’s dinner— all of them friends and neighbors. The list of benefits—from shoring up local home values to ensuring access to local produce—keeps expanding as your dollars continue to circulate within the community. Yet, finding a fuller range of locally made items at locally owned stores will continue to be challenging until shoppers demand it. One way to begin aligning purchases with your 16

values is by patronizing stores that offer socially responsible and fair trade items. Shaktari Belew, author of Honoring All Life: A Practical Guide to Exploring a New Reality, explains how purchasing goods and services can actually create local community wealth for all if they are specifically designed for that outcome. “When items are designed to be created and sold locally, everyone involved benefits, from the suppliers that obtain the raw materials through those that manufacture, sell and buy the finished item. Even the environment benefits.” Belew encourages our learning as much as possible about purchases. “Once people are aware of the two vital concepts of localization and design, they will be better able to scrutinize purchases,” advises this designer and wholesystems thinker who focuses on resilient community design. As a Transition workshop leader and one of the primary designers of the Community Engagement Process for Unified Field Corporation’s whole-systems/ quadruple bottom line financial model, this Oregon resident tries to follow her

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own advice. “The Cradle to Cradle C2C certification helps,” she says. The C2C program is an eco-label authorized by McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry, co-founded in 1995 by William McDonough, the author of Cradle to Cradle. The certification process assesses a product’s safety to humans and the environment, plus its potential for future life cycles. The “program focuses on using safe materials that can be disassembled and recycled for another purpose or composted as biological nutrients. To date, hundreds of items, from building materials, bedding and linens, baby care and haircare products to personal and household cleaning products, have been C2C certified. If you plan to ship gifts long distances this gift-giving season, why not use the first C2C-certified consumer product—a U.S. Postal Service packing box? It exemplifies how a complex good design makes a product people- and planet-friendly. All 60 of the product’s boxes, decals and labels, involving 1,400 component materials, had to be certified, but the benefits are big: reduced costs for handling waste and disposing of hazardous materials; plus, the receiver may easily recycle the item with a free conscience. “Imagine a closed-loop market system in which any number of items made from finite resources such as glass, paper, steel, plastic and cloth are designed to be reused in a near-endless cycle,” says Belew. “Imagine a world of goods designed for easy repair and maintenance, rather than obsolescence.” Belew, the designer of Will’s Bills, a form of complementary currency, also recommends buying items that have long-term reusability specific to our needs. “My daughter loves a particular curry sauce, which comes in a little glass jar with a screw-top lid,” she relates. Rather than recycle the jars, the family reuses them for storing small things at home. “They’re also the perfect size for single servings,” she says. Sometimes, just a simple shift in perspective can change an item from trash to treasure. Linda Sechrist is an editor of Natural Awakenings community magazines.

ecotip Green Greetings

The Medium is the Message with Holiday Cards Even with the advent of email, texting, smart phones and animated web greetings, the traditional paper holiday greeting card, wishing recipients a “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Hanukkah” or simply “Happy Holidays,” still holds a place in our hearts as a way to send, receive, display and even file forever a treasured memento. Raw People. com reports that 300,000 trees are consumed each year in the making of some 2 billion holiday cards, but appealing alternatives are coming to the rescue. Purchasing cards made of recycled paper is the easiest way to save some lumber. Look for a local card retailer that is big on labels signifying use of 100 percent recycled content, postconsumer waste and vegetable inks. More unusual options include tree-free paper made from sugar cane and plantable cards with embedded seeds. Nonprofit and conservationoriented organizations can fill in the gaps. (Tinyurl. com/3arz7ms) works with scores of them and offers online visitors a legend of icons that explains the environmental and charitable benefits of each one. The Sierra Club (Tinyurl. com/3wven48), America’s oldest and largest grassroots environmental organization, offers holiday designs printed in the United States with soy-based inks on recycled paper. The Greenpeace Natural Collection (Tinyurl. com/4xwabus) also offers eco-friendly cards. To reduce a card’s carbon footprint to the bare minimum, with the only transport required that expended by the post office to deliver it, make it

yourself. One option is to take old received cards, creatively paint over the original addressee’s name and reuse it. No envelope? Just write on the back of the clean front panel and cut it off to create a holiday postcard. Sites such as ( offer attractive suggestions for making original greeting cards from recycled materials. All that’s needed are a few household

items like paper bags, pencil, pen, ruler, tape, glue and crayons; professional art supplies are not required. Fun stamping dies can be fashioned from a potato. Even sewing skills can come into play to craft one-of-a-kind cards that will be warmly received and cherished for years to come. Source: Adapted from

natural awakenings

November 2011


communityspotlight Johnson Compounding & Wellness Center – Customizing Prescriptions, Empowering People by Kim Childs


n the mid-1800s, Johnson Drug opened its doors to residents in and around Waltham. In 2008 the business became Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center, under the leadership of co-owners Steve and Diane Bernardi. Today, this compounding pharmacy and wellness center offers customized prescriptions, nutritional supplements, medical supplies and naturopathic consultations to those who seek improved health and well-being. Natural Awakenings visited with pharmacist Steve Bernardi to learn more about the work that he loves.

What is unique about a compoundingonly pharmacy? Everything is custom-made for the patient, as opposed to a one-sizefits-all approach. Drug companies cannot possibly make medications in the correct size and strength for each individual, so that’s where compounding pharmacies come in. Drug doses are typically based on body weight, for example, but people weigh all different amounts. A doctor may know that a certain drug is not available in the desired strength for a particular patient, so he or she writes a prescription for us to compound. We put a lot of medications into trans-dermal forms for rubbing into the skin, which means you get the benefits of the drug without the side effects, in many instances. So if you have bad arthritis, you can use one of our pain creams right on your knees, whereas if you took that same drug by mouth you could have liver and kidney problems. It’s also more effective because you’re applying medication directly to the problem areas. What are some of the most common prescriptions you’re seeing these days? Hormone-replacement therapy for women and men is the number one thing that we see, followed by adult drugs compounded for children. I recently filled prescriptions for a onemonth-old child with a heart condition, for example. Most cardiac drugs are not made in strengths suitable for children, so we take the drug and 18

make it into a liquid form at a safe strength and dosage for the child. We also have long-acting forms of thyroid medications that are not commercially available, mixing the medication with ingredients that make it dissolve more slowly in the body for a prolonged effect. Additionally, we offer dye-free medications for people who are chemically sensitive and preservativefree eye drops for those who cannot use the conventional products. There are also some vaginal issues out there today, like vulvodynia (pain in the vulva), that aren’t always best addressed with conventional medications. We make formulas in special petroleum-free and paraben-free bases, so they don’t irritate. Customers who are chemically sensitive or allergic to certain ingredients in medications report great improvement in their conditions and better quality of life with our formulas. What else do you offer at Johnson Compounding and Wellness? Our naturopathic physician, Dr. Gary Kracoff, does consultations with people on the spot or by appointment, and a lot of people have had very good results with him. He’s an expert in homeopathy, and we feel that a person’s homeopathic constitutional is often the missing link in treatments, especially when it’s out of balance. During a consultation, Dr. Kracoff will do a health assessment to determine a person’s homeopathic constitutional

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and discuss supplements, dietary suggestions and exercise methods with the patient. How did you become a compounding pharmacist? I wanted to be a teacher in high school, but there didn’t seem to be many teaching jobs at the time. I was also working in a pharmacy where a co-worker told me that his relative went to pharmacy school and was teaching in a college. I fell in love with pharmacy—and my future wife, Diane—while getting my graduate education and now I teach people every day about how to properly use medications and take better care of their health. What are your top five recommendations? We always tell people that if you can only afford to take one supplement, it should be omega-3 fish oil. Additionally, we recommend probiotics, liverdetoxification formulas, antioxidants and a good multivitamin. Most of us also need a diet with more protein and much less sugar, refined carbohydrates and bad fats. And digestive enzymes are a good idea as we get older, too. Steve Bernardi is co-owner and Vice President of Pharmacy at Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center, located at 577 Main St. in Waltham. For more information, call 781-8933870 or visit NaturalCompounder. com. See ad on page 7.


HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU Mood-Boosting Health Tips by Kim Childs


appy though they can be, the holidays can leave some folks feeling overstuffed, overcommitted and especially in colder regions, grappling with winter blues. The good news is that the holiday season can be a happier and healthier time with a few strategies, supplements and herbs in hand.

Eat, Drink… and be Mindful “Many of us get down during the dark winter months, so we fight the darkness with festivities and foods that we think will pick us up,” says nutritionist Judith Mabel, Ph.D., of Brookline, Massachusetts. “But most holiday foods don’t succeed because like alcohol, they bring your mood up briefly and then bring it down.” During the holidays, Mabel advises her clients to keep exercising for better brain function and mood, to avoid sugar when possible and to reduce hunger before parties by eating snacks like nuts, seeds, fruit and cheese or soup. “It’s also important to eat a high-fiber, low-glycemic breakfast in the morning such as eggs, whole grain cereals or yogurt,” adds Mabel. “That keeps you from consuming too many calories during the day.” Mabel recommends bringing healthy offerings to gatherings, like hummus or eggplant dip with whole grain crackers or a platter of crudités. “If you

are going to splurge, dark chocolate that is at least 60 percent cocoa is a good choice,” she says. “It can lower blood sugar and it has healthy flavonoids and theobromine, which is a mood booster. It does have some caffeine, however, so be aware if you are sensitive.” To counteract wintertime vitamin D deficiency, which is linked to depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), Mabel suggests Vitamin D3 supplementation in the range of 1,000 to 2,000 IU daily. Fish oils and B vitamins also make her list of mood boosters year-round.

Herbal Help When it comes to managing stressful situations, Bonnie Rogers, a clinical herbalist in Briarcliff, New York, recommends a natural approach to calm nerves. “Nettles help to balance the adrenals,” she says. “It’s a tonic herb that you could use every day of your life, and it delivers calcium to your system.” Rogers recommends covering ½ to ¾ cup of loose nettles with boiling water in a jar and letting the herbs “drink” a bit before topping them off with more boiling water. Allow the mixture to sit for at least four hours (or overnight) to release the vitamins and minerals, and then strain the tea and drink it cold or hot, storing leftovers in the refrigerator. “In the winter, I add a tablespoon of elderberries, which are antiviral,”

says Rogers. “Sometimes I also add a quarter cup of oat straw, which helps to balance the nervous system; letting the mixture steep releases its magnesium, which relaxes the body.” Rose petal tea can be a quick fix for anxiety, notes Rogers, who also likes rose glycerite from a dropper bottle. “I often give my herbal students a drop without telling them what it is,” Rogers reports. “When I ask them what it feels like, almost everybody says, ‘I feel like my shoulders relaxed and my heart opened.’” Motherwort tincture is another aid for reducing anxiety, she adds, and skullcap helps with insomnia and racing thoughts. For those coping with SAD but not on medication, Rogers suggests a combination of St. John’s Wort and lemon balm. “A simple lemon balm tea is wonderfully relaxing, and it helps with digestion.” Rogers adds that tulsi, the ayurvedic name for holy basil, also helps the body to manage stress and comes in tea bags for convenience.

Keep Sleep, Water on the Holiday List Getting adequate sleep during the holidays is essential to fortifying the body and keeping the mind clear, says Dillan DiGiovanni, a certified holistic health coach in Somerville, Massachusetts. “It helps everything. More sleep equals greater energy and less need for caffeine and sugar.” DiGiovanni adds that a glass of warm water with lemon juice in the morning can lift fatigue and irritability, while cleansing the digestive organs. “Drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day helps with detoxification yearround,” she says, “and it curbs appetite during a season of overindulgence.” DiGiovanni further counsels people to limit alcohol, a depressant that disrupts sleep and dehydrates the body, and to guard against holiday overspending and overcommitting in the name of fun. Connect with Judith Mabel at (see ad on page 15) and Bonnie Rogers at RadiantHealthForLife. com. Visit Dillan DiGiovanni at Savor Kim Childs is a writer in Boston. Connect at

natural awakenings

November 2011


Economics of Happiness:

The New Economy

Changing the Rules to Benefit America’s People

by John de Graaf and Linda Sechrist

government is to promote, among other things, the general welfare of the people. Americans are able to achieve a better life, as we’ve proved many times in the past, benefiting mightily as a result of forward steps ranging from democracy, women’s suffrage and civil rights to inventive technological leadership. Although history shows that this has been accomplished primarily by changing national policies, any new economy delivering improved well-being is first brought about largely by active citizens that choose to invest more time in building a nation that reflects increasingly enlightened values. Everyone’s quality of life—from today’s parents to future generations of great-grandchildren—depends upon individuals collectively working to build a new economy based on the concept of genuine wealth. In his award-winning book, Economics of Happiness: Building Genuine Wealth, ecological economist Mark Anielski explains this new and practical approach grounded in what people value most, which he states is: “Love, meaningful relationships, happiness, joy, freedom, sufficiency, justice and peace”—qualities of life far more vital than blind economic growth and material possessions.

Most Americans are facing their most significant economic challenges in generations. From the hardships of unemployment to the perils of mounting debt, worry about the health of a national economy that depends on consumerism and market success dominates our conversation. But have we asked what Preferred Measure the economy is really for? of Progress


ince the Second World War, we have been assured that more economic growth is good for us. But is it? By any measure, the U.S. economy, in its pursuit of constant growth, is in dire need of critical life support. Too many people have lost jobs, homes, scholarships and retirement savings, along with peace of mind, in the face of complex uncertainties. Those individuals that have jobs are earning less in real income than in 2001, even though they spend more hours working and commuting than previous generations. We’ve had enough of the official mantra: Work more, enjoy less, pollute more, eat toxic foods and suffer illnesses, all for the sake of increasing the gross domestic product. Why not learn ways to work less and enjoy it more; spend more time with our friends and families; consume, pollute, destroy 20

and owe less; and live better, longer and more meaningfully? To do all this, we need fresh solutions that engage America’s people in redefining goals for the economy (what we want from it) as opposed to the economy’s goals (what it demands from us).

An Economy Based on Quality of Life

Although an economy based on a high quality of life that makes people happy may sound revolutionary, Thomas Jefferson, the third U.S. president, enshrined the pursuit of happiness as a human right when he drafted our Declaration of Independence. Jefferson emphasized that America’s government was, “to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible for the general mass of those associated under it.” Likewise, the Constitution of the United States declares that

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To determine whether our economy promotes the greatest good or the happiness of the American people, we need to understand what makes us happy and how economic policies enhance or thwart our pursuit of happiness; we also need a better instrument of economic measurement than the gross domestic product (GDP). The GDP counts remedial and defensive expenditures for pollution, accidents, war, crime and sickness as positives, rather than deducting these costs. GDP also discounts the value of contributions such as natural resources and ecosystem services, improvement in quality of life, unpaid domestic work, volunteer work, good health and social connection. Anielski, in concert with economic experts such as Charles Eisenstein, author of Sacred Economics, Hazel Henderson, author of Ethical Markets,

and Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, recommends that economic policies aim to boost societal welfare, rather than GDP. All agree that a new indicator of well-being, such as the U.S. Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), could be used to more accurately measure economic progress.

The Science of Happiness

A respected “science of happiness,” pioneered by University of Illinois positive psychologist Edward Diener, Ph.D., dubbed Dr. Happiness, and other researchers, has existed for more than a decade. The study of what makes people happy and life fulfilling repeatedly demonstrates that the economic route to happiness does not consist of endlessly widening the superhighway of accumulation. Rather, it resides in a host of personal values that are closer to our hearts, as illustrated by the Himalayan nation of Bhutan (population: about 700,000). For many years, Bhutan has measured its general well-being—as the people themselves subjectively report it—using a Gross National Happiness (GNH) index. Its government bases policy decisions on how they might effect the kind of happiness associated with contentment, family, community, spirituality, education, compatibility with nature and good physical health. After years of primary research, the Bhutanese have identified nine domains for assessing happiness: psychological well-being, physical health, time use (work-life balance), community vitality and social connection, education, cultural preservation and diversity, environmental sustainability, good governance and material well-being. In 2004, the first annual International Conference on Gross National Happiness was held in Bhutan. Hundreds of government representatives, scholars and other thought leaders from more than 40 nations gathered to explore the possibility of making GNH the true indicator of a country’s health and quality of life. As of 2011, a non-binding resolution by the United Nations General Assembly urges that countries now measure their health and happiness, as well as wealth. Sixtysix countries backed it.

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November 2011


Tools to Navigate the New Economy New Economics Foundation: The Great Transition Browse Transition_0.pdf. This independent think-and-do-tank inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being. The Economics of Happiness: Building Genuine Wealth Author Mark Anielski maps how to measure genuine wealth and create flourishing economies grounded in people’s well-being. Transition United States: Transition Towns Participants in this vibrant, grassroots movement seek to build community resilience in the face of challenges such as high oil prices, climate change and economic crises. Sustainable Seattle: The Happiness Initiative Founders provide tools to comprehensively assess well-being, involve citizens and inspire people, organizations and policymakers to take action. World Café: Real Conversations for a Better World This application of powerful social technology helps engage people in conversations that matter, offering an effective antidote to society’s fast-paced fragmentation and lack of connection. Living Economies Forum: Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth “The old economy of greed and domination is dying. A new economy of life and partnership is struggling to be born. The outcome is ours to choose.” ~ Author David Korten 22

Measuring Americans’ Life Satisfaction

Seattle, Washington, the first U.S. city to implement a measurement of life satisfaction, is parlaying Bhutan’s indicators—psychological well-being, physical health, work/time balance, education and capacity building, cultural vitality and access to arts and culture, environmental quality and access to nature, apt governance and material well-being—as part of its own Sustainable Seattle Happiness Initiative. Spearheaded by Sustainable Seattle Executive Director Laura Musikanski and her team with encouragement by City Council President Richard Conlin, it may become America’s first GNH city. Initial survey results, intended to spark conversations that matter, will be discussed at future town meetings in Seattle neighborhoods and used to recommend policies for consideration by the city council. Repeating the survey every couple of years will reveal progress. Interest in a similar Happiness Initiative is growing in cities and towns from coast to coast, such as Napa, California; Bowling Green, Kentucky; Duluth, Minnesota; Santa Fe and Roswell, New Mexico; Bellevue, Nebraska; Portland, Oregon; and Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Some 100 colleges and universities also are beginning to apply the Happiness Initiative survey.

How to Become Happier

To improve our own well-being within any economy, we need to attend to our security, social connections and the way we balance our time. Choosing to live with less stuff and lighter debt supports a better life with less income but more time, lower stress and better health. As individuals, we can: n Focus more on matters of family and community and on building trust. n Devote less attention to maximizing incomes and more attention to acts of generosity. n Ask our employers for more time off instead of higher pay. In our local communities, we can find ways to design more relationshipfriendly places such as farmers’ markets,

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where shoppers tend to engage in many more conversations than in supermarket aisles (Worldwatch Institute). In cities, we can call for public and private spaces that facilitate social connection, instead of discouraging it via urban sprawl. Ecological economist Dave Batker, co-author of What’s the Economy for Anyway? (film clip at Tinyurl. com/3tc9dlk), believes that moving forward requires greater citizen involvement in the shaping of democracy, laws and our collective future. By ditching pundits and talking with neighbors, city by city and town by town, citizens throughout the United States are moving to do this using newly learned techniques such as those offered by Open Space Technology, World Café, Transition Towns, Sustainable Cities, The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences’ Worldview Literacy Project. In St. Petersburg, Florida, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and other places, citizens are cultivating a stronger sense of community with real discussions about local issues and economic goals. They aim to arrive at a clear-eyed view of what citizens really want from the economy. In St. Petersburg, the culmination of Sharon Joy Kleitsch’s 10-year effort to build a flourishing community through helpful workshops on timely subjects, meaningful conversations and aligning constructive partnerships is reaching a crescendo this month at Beyond Sustainability: Ecosystems, Economics, and Education, the Institute

of Florida Studies’ 36th annual conference, at Hillsborough Community College ( Kleitsch remarks, “I show up, pay attention and listen for opportunities where my connections with policy makers, educators, nonprofits and community activists can help convene people in meaningful conversations that can make a difference in building a resilient community.” In Oklahoma City, Sustainable OKC, a volunteer organization working towards community sustainability at the crossroads of business, environment and social justice, frequently partners with the city’s Office of Sustainability, the CommonWealth Urban Farms project and the Oklahoma Food Cooperative ( The grassroots organization advocates shopping locally and sustainably. Jennifer Alig, Sustainable OKC president, is consistently delighted by the growing number of residents that don’t just attend events such as movie screenings of The Economics of Happiness, but also show up to plant food

to feed the hungry and join Commonwealth Urban Farms work parties to feed neighborhoods using the products of thriving urban farms on vacant city lots. Alig notes, “After events, we sometimes use Open Space Technology to talk about topics that people are passionate about and willing to invest their time in.” The kind of society that makes for health, happiness, true prosperity and sustainability is one with strong local economies and flourishing communities that includes many activities provided by local nonprofits. It’s one characterized by:

n Salary differences that are not vast n Citizens building a better world together We intuitively know what is required to create such a society, starting in our own community. What we need is the determination to make sure the economy serves us; rules that benefit all of the people; a commitment to widespread quality of life, social justice and sustainability; and the political will to make good change happen.

n Circumstances in which buyers know sellers

John de Graaf, media and outreach director for the Happiness Initiative, speaks nationally on overwork and overconsumption in America. He recently co-authored What’s the Economy for, Anyway? – Why It’s Time to Stop Chasing Growth and Start Pursuing Happiness, with David Batker. He is also co-author of Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic. Fifteen of his documentaries have aired on PBS.

n Businesspeople that sponsor and volunteer for local activities

Linda Sechrist writes and edits for Natural Awakenings.

n Local small businesses and banking n Farmers’ markets and urban gardens n Urban designs that favor shared walks instead of isolated commutes n Public spaces for social interaction

Create a Personal Plan that Works How do we keep our personal economy strong and contribute to the kind of world we want to live in? How do we walk the vital path of local sustainability in every part of our life—including work, investing and buying necessities? Mark Anielski, author of The Economics of Happiness: Building Genuine Wealth, explains five ways to take action that are worth exploring. Investments Move the majority of money reserves out of the stock market and into community banks that loan money in their neighborhoods. Eliminate debts in order to have more discretionary income and ultimately, more time to pursue the things that make life worthwhile. Work Join up with and pursue clients that are contributing to all of their stakeholders and the environment in positive ways.

Create a personal business plan with a goal of income sufficiency—having just enough income to meet the basic needs for a good life. Live with one vehicle, rather than two, and ride a bike to places where friends gather. Volunteering Get involved in community activities, such as participating in the local town council, neighborhood association and service groups. Purchases Buy local whenever possible. Choose the local pharmacy instead of the big chain, the farmers’ market rather than a multi-state supermarket. Examine each purchase and consider its ramifications. Avoid buying clothes that need to be dry-cleaned and patronize green cleaners that do not use toxic chemicals. Buy goods in the local economy, so that dollars remain in the community. Purchase from locally owned

businesses that employ neighbors and other locals. While material possessions and luxuries are nice, having too many means too much routine maintenance, fixing things and dusting. Once we’ve reached a “maintenance stage” of life, a time when most material needs have been realized, direct energy and funds to maintaining the integrity of the home (built capital). The payoff includes more time for passions outside of work and more time with friends, family and neighbors. Philanthropy Offset part of the family’s ecological footprint by donating to organizations that supply clean power or plant trees. Assist the community’s poor and homeless by applying available time, talent and treasure. Source: Adapted from The Economics of Happiness, by Mark Anielski.

natural awakenings

November 2011


Making a Difference with Your Investments by Eric Packer


he economic turbulence of the last few years has led to significant stagnation within domestic and global markets, and the trend continues. Many people are pulling their money out of the stock market and mutual funds and reallocating their capital to savings accounts, CDs and Treasury bonds. As Americans cope with these seismic economic changes, many also are asking, “Where, exactly, is my money being invested, and how is it affecting the world in which I live?” Investment portfolios can be a means for social change and activism. By investing primarily in sustainable and responsible corporations, citizens can encourage irresponsible com-

panies to change harmful business practices. Faced with losing investors, corporations such as the large energy companies, big-box retailers, major defense companies, tobacco firms and producers of genetically modified food may be forced to adopt practices that lead to a more sustainable economic environment. There are many effective options for concerned and conscientious investors. Socially and Environmentally Responsible Investing (SRI)—also known as Green, Sustainable and Value-Based Investing—is a powerful way to make a difference in society and maintain a stable financial portfolio. There are more than 120 SRI mutual funds,

including those that allocate funds for community-development initiatives. This allows investors to have a diversified, well-balanced portfolio, based on their personalized risk tolerance and investment time frame, while feeling better about where their money is going. The reallocation of capital from less responsive and problematic corporations to more responsible companies that support their workers and the community at large means that funds will be invested and used in wiser and more effective ways. Families can save for college by investing in SRI-focused 529 college saving plans instead of traditional college funds. Individuals also can loan money to community foundations and receive yearly interest while supporting local and regional development. These nonprofit investments options offer excellent alternatives to CDs and Treasury bonds. Banking with local credit unions, supporting regional cooperative businesses and making charitable gifts through giving funds are other ways to ensure that capital is being used to encourage a healthy and sustainable economy. Eric Packer is an investment advisor at Progressive Asset Management Group (PAM Group), the Socially Responsible Division of Financial West Group. His office is located at 177 Worcester St., in Wellesley. For more information, call 781-239-1187, email EPacker@fwg. com or visit Image courtesy of Scott Chan &


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Steps to Abundance

by Carolyn Blakeslee Make a list of what you why listen to anyone else’s Take mental desire. List your desires— self-limiting negativity? snapshots of not wants or needs, which Step away with kindness. imply lack of, rather than good times and Select news sources careabundance of, something. tell yourself, fully and set a time limit. By saying/thinking/writing, only thoughtful, “I desire [this] or some“Remember this.” Read responsible journalism, thing even better now which doesn’t include manifesting for the good most TV news. You’ll avoid wasting of all concerned,” you create room for time on nasty stories that engender negeven greater possibilities. ative feelings and harmful physiological Remember a situation of abundance. responses. You’ll feel better for it. If you catch yourself wallowing in a bad memory or engaging in “stinkin’ Have the proverbial “attitude of gratithinkin’,” call up a contrasting memory tude.” Count your blessings. Think in which you felt rich, beautiful, acoften of all the good in your life. Say complished, capable—whatever state “Thank you,” more than once a day. of being you desire. Contemplate the areas of your life that are working well; take those skills and Align with your passions. By taking even apply them to what you would like to a small step toward a passion or goal improve. that nurtures you, you will feel cleaner, clearer and more energetic, thus openExpress gratitude. Thank others freing the way for progress. God has a plan quently, with thank-you cards, expresfor your life and His deep desire for His sive emails, gestures of encouragement creation—you—is for you to flourish. and smiles. People always appreciate Look forward. List your most cherished dreams and immediate intentions. Better yet, pull pictures from a past happy time and cut out magazine pictures that represent the good things you desire in your future, and then paste them in a journal or on a poster board to refer to during moments of reflection. Streamline your life continually. Let go of situations and clutter that don’t support your aspirations. Spend time with positive people. Don’t believe naysayers. You are working to overcome your own limiting beliefs, so

kindness and good manners, especially when civility seems in short supply. Smile! When you answer the phone, put a smile on your face and in your voice. Welcome people into your life, even if it’s just for that moment. Allow them to feel your warmth. When you catch yourself frowning with concentration during a task, pause to lift your brows, pull back your face and smile! Carolyn Blakeslee publishes the North Central Florida edition of Natural Awakenings (NaturalAwakeningsncfl. com).

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natural awakenings

November 2011



Under-training. Once you’re dressed and ready to sweat, commit to giving it your all for the next 30 to 60 minutes. Just going through the motions doesn’t do much for the body and makes it easy for boredom to creep in. You owe this time to yourself—you deserve it—so make sure you give it your all.



Daydreaming. You can develop a laser-sharp focus by actively involving your mind in every pose, set, rep and step—thinking about how your body moves, how the muscles engage, which muscle or muscles you’re using and correct form. Mindfulness adds up to a better workout and faster results. So forget about the laundry, the kids’ schedules and that afternoon conference call, turn off the TV and stay 100 percent in the moment.

Our Worst Fitness Habits Six Roadblocks to Sidestep by Tosca Reno


e all know that working out is beneficial. But how you work out makes all the difference in staying safe, seeing better results and keeping your body balanced. Here’s how to make sure you aren’t sabotaging a good workout.


Bad form. Correct form is your safety net. Once you compromise the way you do a move, you’re no longer getting the greatest benefits from the exercise, and you’re seriously increasing your risk of getting hurt. Even if it means, for example, lightening up the amount of resistance, follow the correct form for the best results.



Over-training. Don’t expect that you are going to dive right in and pound your body into its best shape ever overnight. Not only will this all-or-nothing approach cause burnout, but you also risk injury and will give up on yourself, because this is an unreasonable expectation. Instead, you need to gradually build up your muscles so they get the most effective and efficient workout possible. More doesn’t always mean better, faster results. Remember, rest is good for the body. Take days off between training to repair and rebuild or if you’re training daily, don’t work the same muscle groups back-to-back.

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Staying with a few exercises you know. Your muscles love being challenged, so if you just stick to the same routine, they’ll eventually adapt and won’t have to work as hard to do the same moves. But if you change the exercises and even the order you do them in, you ensure that muscles don’t get too efficient with any single routine. Not only is this better for toning, but it also helps your mind stay focused and engaged.


Holding your breath. Regular steady breathing has many benefits: Proper inhalations and exhalations can help you power through moves, keep lactic acid (a byproduct that builds up in the muscles during exertion) at bay and help maintain a steady heart rate. A full breath delivers the maximum amount of oxygen to the blood, which in turn delivers more energy to the working muscles. Tosca Reno is the co-author of Your Best Body Now, excerpted here with permission from Harlequin Books S.A.

Proper Eating Fuels and Enhances Workouts by Jay Krawczyk


o matter how much time people spend working out, their efforts will be counterproductive without proper eating habits. The body requires fuel not only to function, but also to build and maintain muscle. The following practices will support most workout goals and boost overall energy. Eat a good breakfast to jump-start metabolism. The body’s metabolism is at its fastest in the morning, so it stands to reason that the food consumed for breakfast will be used pretty quickly. It’s therefore best to consume most carbohydrates in the morning and shift to more protein-based foods later in the day. Good breakfast choices include oatmeal, Cream of Wheat cereal, plain yogurt, fruit, granola, eggs and egg whites and natural, whole-grain cereals. Fats and essential minerals can be consumed during other meals and snacks throughout the day. In general, it’s a good idea to eat small meals spaced apart every few hours. Eat 30 to 60 minutes before working out. This fuels the body and prevents a drop in blood sugar, known as hypoglycemia, which triggers the body to crave sugar and often leads to overeating. Half of a whole-wheat bagel with natural peanut butter is a nice source of carbohydrates, protein and fats. Fruits, such as bananas or pineapple chunks, offer a quick energy boost and supply other important minerals, but, depending on the exercise, fruits alone may not be enough. Oatmeal, lentils and almonds and other nuts also can be eaten before a workout. Portion size will vary depending on the individual, but avoiding heavy meals is the general rule. Eat after exercising to rebuild and

replenish. The body always will be working hard to break down the food it receives, but it has an optimum “workout window” for using nutrients. Eating some form of protein 30 to 60 minutes after a workout helps to rebuild the damaged muscles and ensure that your efforts are not wasted. Chicken, fish and lean cuts of red meat are excellent sources of protein. Because your body relies on carbohydrates or glycogen stores for energy, it’s equally important to replenish lost reserves after workouts. Choose complex carbohydrates

found in such foods as sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal or whole-wheat breads. If time is an issue, whey protein and waxy maize powders are great substitutes. Finally, stay hydrated all day by drinking plenty of filtered water. Jay Krawczyk is a master trainer at Vitality Personal Fitness, located at 118 Needham St. in Newton. For more information, call 508-441-8333 or visit See ad on page 14.

natural awakenings

November 2011



GOOD D G! Positive Training Yields Fast Results by Sandra Murphy

Dogs love to learn and live to please at every age. Teaching a pet good manners, social skills and YouTube-worthy tricks are great ways to build a bond and have fun, too.


hen a fearful or shy dog associates a new situation with good things, the dog blooms. I love to see it,” says Victoria Stilwell, of Animal Planet’s It’s Me or the Dog. “It’s the basis for positive reinforcement training.” Stilwell explains that her method, known as Positive Dog Training, is all about spotting and rewarding the behavior you like as it happens. “Thus, the good behavior is likely to repeat, encouraging the dog to learn to live in a human world successfully.” Each dog has his own idea of the best reward— some favor toys, some work for food, others simply want approval. Training doesn’t have to be timeconsuming, repetitive homework. Once you and your dog learn the basics, you can do short sessions. 28

Wholistic Dog Training, in San Diego. “Four commands—sit, down, wait and come—will get you started. You can do mini-training sessions throughout the day, such as ‘sit’ for breakfast or dinner, ‘come’ when called, ‘wait’ before going out the door, and ‘down’ during television programs. Continue practicing during commercials.” “How my service dog, Hunter, figured out what I needed and how to help me, I don’t know, but I have great respect for the intellectual abilities of dogs. Training is a way of opening communication; just like with a human, you can never be sure where the conversation will take you,” remarks M. Shirley Chong, a professional clicker trainer in Grinnell, Iowa. “Positive training lets a dog be your friend, not a boot camp soldier obeying orders,” advises Patricia McConnell, Ph.D., a certified applied animal behaviorist in Black Earth, Wisconsin, and author of multiple titles, including The Other End of the Leash. “When he exhibits new behaviors, capture them, add a cue and give them a cute name. Always, the basis of the best tricks happens when the dog offers his own ideas.” Pat Miller, of Peaceable Paws, in Fairplay, Maryland, also respects an animal as a thinking partner, “You get to see them figure out how things

The Clicker Method A click of a small noisemaker used in training lets the dog know when he’s just done the right thing. As soon as we see the behavior, we’ll click faster than our brains can tell our mouths to say, “Good dog!” For example, to train “Watch me,” sit down with your dog, the clicker and some tiny treats. If he focuses on the treats or looks away, do nothing. If he glances at you, click and toss him a treat. A few click/treats later, your dog will figure out he did something to make the reward happen. Be prepared, because that thought will be followed by a very deliberate look at your face. After that, training will move at high speed. “Work on the basics first,” counsels psychologist Linda Michaels, owner of

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“Dogs like to obey. It gives them security.” ~ James Herriot, author, All Creatures Great and Small

“For me, a house or an apartment becomes a home when you add one set of four legs, a happy tail, and that indescribable measure of love that we call a dog.” ~ Roger Caras, president emeritus, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals work,” she says. Miller, who serves as the training editor for Whole Dog Journal, has trained dogs, cats, horses and a pot-bellied pig. She’s particularly pleased to have transformed a terrier, previously deemed unadoptable by a shelter because of his biting, into a happy, stable patron of New York’s Central Park. Positive dog training literally saved his life.

Retraining/Renaming Bad Behaviors

cope with newness is a huge benefit for any animal.” Sandra Murphy is a freelance writer at StLouisFreelanceWriter@mindspring. com. Connect with positive trainers: Victoria Stilwell,; Linda Michaels,; Pat Miller,; M. Shirley Chong,; Patricia McConnell,; Cara Shannon,

With patience and know-how, jumping up on people can turn into dancing the conga. Grumbly growling noises can turn into “Whisper,” or “Tell me a secret.” Excessive barking can be interpreted as bored whining: “There’s nothing to do!” Or, your pet could be answering another dog that you can’t hear. Changes in weather also can make a dog anxious and vocal. Of course, he may just want attention. If you find the reason, it’s easier to find the cure. Is a dog shy or fearful? “Don’t put him in a situation beyond his comfort zone,” counsels Cara Shannon, an expert in curbing aggressive dog behavior in Austin, Texas. “Let him observe from a safe distance, but not interact, perhaps watching his surroundings with you from inside the car.” She also relates the story of a fearful foster dog that learned nose work (scent discrimination) and can find a small vial of essential oil hidden in a room. “The praise she receives gives her confidence to try other new things,” observes Shannon. Stilwell remarks, “Learning to natural awakenings

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Area Dog Trainers Accentuate the

“Pawsitive” by Kim Childs


he Boston area abounds with dog trainers who use positive methods to improve pet behavior. Liz Shaw of Magical Mutt, in Somerville, says it’s important to “accentuate the pawsitive” every day. “Even when you’re not formally training, you can open new lines of communication by remembering to tell your dog what he or she is already doing right,” says Shaw. “Whenever you see behavior you like, from a calm greeting to curling up for a nap while you eat, reward it with treats, play or affection, and your dog is more likely to do it again.” Shaw says this method reduces the likelihood that dogs will repeat unwanted behavior. “You and your dog will be less frustrated and happier, and focusing on all the good things your dog does is much more fun.” Bette Yip of Picture Perfect Pets, in Arlington, says that leashes, crates and baby gates can be used to prevent a dog from repeating undesirable behavior until it is trained. “When you’re not home to give your puppy well-timed feedback for chewing on electrical wires or furniture, keep her in a puppy-proofed room or crate with appropriate chew toys to keep her away from the forbidden items,” Yip advises. When it comes to preventing dogs from jumping up on people, Yip says the issue is more complicated. “Sometimes it’s cute when a dog jumps up, but not always, and it’s tough for dogs to learn complex rules,” she says. She suggests that owners teach their dogs to jump up only on cue, while training those nearby to walk away or ignore the dog if it jumps up uninvited. “Step on the leash to anchor your dog around humans who don’t yet know the rules,” she adds. Joanne Lekas, CPDT-KA, of Happy Dog Training, in Waltham, wants clients to understand and honor the ways in which puppies learn and promote the conditions that best support that learning. Lekas says the key factors that determine a puppy’s ability to grasp new concepts are location, distractions and distance. “When in a familiar room, it’s easy for your puppy to learn,” she says. “When there are no distractions, it’s easy for your puppy to focus on you, and, when you’re close to your puppy, it’s easier for him to pay attention.” If any one of these conditions changes, adds Lekas, the puppy may “drop back a grade or two.” It’s then up to the owner to stay calm and train at a level that allows the puppy to be successful again.

To connect with Liz Shaw, call 617-628-8862 or visit For more information on Picture Perfect Pets, contact Bette Yip at 617-966-4240 or visit BetteYip. com. See ad on page 29. Contact Joanne Lekas at 617-448-7447 or visit See ad on page 29. natural awakenings

November 2011


calendarofevents All Calendar events for the December issue must be received by November 10th and adhere to our guidelines. Visit for guidelines and to submit entries.

Women in Business Networking Breakfast – 7:30-9am. Join Dr. Elizabeth Rafferty, Director of Breast Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital for this networking opportunity. $20. Embassy Suites Boston/Waltham, 550 Winter St, Waltham. 781-890-9097.

Artis Talk – 6-8pm. Lectures by and conversations with some of today’s most thought-provoking artists. Artistic practice is an essential form of intellectual inquiry and cultural critique. Free. Harvard Art Museums Arthur M. Sackler Museum, 485 Broadway, Cambridge. 617-495-9400. Sauce Making – Also Nov 30. 6-8:30pm. Spend an evening in the kitchen with Chef Jason exploring the world of four types of pasta sauces: olive oil, tomato, cream and pesto. $50. Dave’s Fresh Pasta, 81 Holland St, Somerville. 617-623-0867. Columbus: The Four Voyages – 7-9pm. Author Laurence Bergreen retraces the voyages of Christopher Columbus, placing the 15th-century explorer into the context of the Age of Discovery. Free. Cambridge Forum, First Parish, 3 Church St, Cambridge. 617-495-2727. Home(town) Security – 7-9pm. Majora Carter shares inspirational lessons of how to bring out the best in surrounding communities. Majora’s firm specializes in advanced urban agriculture job creation and food distribution systems. $15. Museum of Science, Science Park, Boston. 617-723-2500.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Flu Clinic – 9-11am. Watertown Health Department will be offering influenza vaccine

to residents 55 and over. Free. Senior Center, 31 Marshall St, Watertown. 617-972-6446. CI.Watertown.MA.US. Pasta Making – Also Nov 16. 6-8:30pm. Learn to make fresh pasta at home with ease. A hands-on pasta making class on basic dough technique, cutting pasta and quick ravioli making. $50. Dave’s Fresh Pasta, 81 Holland St, Somerville. 617-6230867.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Elemental Transformation: The 118 Messages for Personal and Planetary Healing from the 118 Elements of the Periodic Table – 12-2pm. Author Barbara Allys Brandt gives an interactive presentation about the 118 Messages for Personal and Planetary Healing. $1. Fox Library, Massachusetts Ave, Arlington.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Waltham City-Wide Spelling Bee – 6:30pm. Waltham Partnership for Youth old-fashioned spelling bee. Watch teams of adult spellers compete or show off your spelling skills in the audience challenge. Free. McDevitt Middle School, 75 Church St, Waltham. 781-314-3031. Cheese Making – 7-9pm. Learn how to make ricotta and mozzarella cheese. Learn about required equipment, supplies and procedures and take samples home to enjoy. $27/Friends of Farm, $30/general. Newton Community Farm, 303 Nahanton St, Newton. 617-916-9655. Newton

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Fall Orchid Sale – Nov 4-6. 10am-4pm. Hundreds of orchid plants for sale, including many hard to find varieties. Visit the greenhouses and enjoy gorgeous floral colors, shapes and scents. Free. Lyman Estate Greenhouses, 185 Lyman St, Waltham. 781-891-1985. Michelle Lougee & Mary Sherman Exhibition – 5-8pm. Tactile woven sea forms inspired by microscopic ocean creatures and a piece which takes painting out of wall-bound constraints into the realm of space, sound and the social sphere. Free. Boston Sculptors Gallery, 486 Harrison Ave, Boston. 617-482-7781.


Junior Creative Crafts – 2:30-3:30pm. Glue, paint, color, cut, sprinkle, make a mess. Meet new friends and create special works of art to treasure for a life-time. Encourages creativity and teaches children to be proud of their accomplishments. $30/residents, $40/non-residents. Hosmer School, 1 Concord Rd, Watertown. 617-972-6495.


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A Mexican Mole Dinner – 6:30-9:30pm. Learn to cook a dinner centered around the Mexican kitchen, combining chicken, pumpkin seeds, chiles, tomatillos, cilantro and spices as well as some side dishes. $59. Cambridge Center for Adult Education, 42 Brattle St, Cambridge. 617547-6789. Shake Your Soul Dance Event – 7:30-9:30pm. Embody joy, power, freedom, strength and grace in a guided movement and dance experience with powerful healing energies and molecules of emotion living in the body’s cells. $45. Samadhi, 796 Beacon St, Newton Center. 617-243-0034.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Greening the School Conference – 8:30am3pm. Four workshop sessions on composting and healthy soils, gardening at the school, natural resource conservation and healthy local foods. $50. Clay Center for Science and Technology at the Dexter and Southfield Schools, 20 Newton St, Brookline. Waltham Mills Artist Association Open Studios – Nov 5 & 6. 12-6pm, Sat; 12-5pm, Sun. Visitors are invited to walk through more than 80 artists’ studios, meet the artists and view and buy their work. Free. Waltham Mills, 144 Moody St, Waltham. Fall Wine Fest – 12-10pm. Celebrate Fall and taste wines of the world. See web site for pricing. Cyclorama, Boston Center for the Arts, 539 Tremont St, Boston. Yoga for Healing – 2-4:30pm. An all-level workshop accompanied by the healing music of Christine Tulis. Ethereal harp compositions will dissolve away tensions in body and mind. An inner journey into peace, stillness and self healing. $25. Queen Screw & Manufacturing Co, 60 Farwell St, Waltham. 781-609-2497. Tri Yoga Master Class: The Art of Integration – 2:30-5pm. Investigate the art and science of Anusara Loops and Spirals, how energy moves through the body and how to engage muscle energy and organic energy to align with the highest potential. $35/pre-registration, $40/day of. Samadhi, 796 Beacon St, Newton Center. 617243-0034. Kirtan – 7-9pm. Claim inner authority through direct experience of source energy with Dave Russell. Feel totally adequate, worthy and enough. Use chants to experience the place inside that is totally in the moment. $15. Samadhi, 796 Beacon St, Newton Center. 617-243-0034.

Center for Cancer Bowlathon – 7-10pm. Help raise funds to benefit the center. A cross between a costume party, bowling night and fundraising event. Center for Cancer Support & Education, 180 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington. 781-648-0312.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Body Mechanics – 9am-5pm. Learn to employ good body mechanics and self-care techniques to avoid occupational injury, stress and burnout as a massage therapist. Enhance body awareness by improving body alignment while doing massage and during daily living activities. $140. Cortiva Institute, 103 Morse St, Watertown. 617-6682000. Boys & Girls Club 5K Road Race – 10am. 8th annual road race. Watertown Boys & Girls Club, 25 Whites Ave, Watertown. $20/advance, $25/day of. 617-926-0968.

Mark Your Calendar SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 Open House: Plum Island Soap Company – 11am-7pm. Come one, come all, come have a ball! Celebrate the season with the staff of the Plum Island Soap Company with a cup of cheer, yummy snacks and holiday merry making. Complimentary product sampling, massage by the minute from a local masseuse, raffles, and wonderful gift ideas. Plum Island Soap Company, 205 Northern Blvd, Newburyport. 978-465-0238.



Ultimate Bootcamp – An exciting outdoor, fullbody conditioning fitness program designed to challenge, tone and trim the body in four intense weeks. Offered in Arlington, Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, Newton & Watertown. For details & pricing:

Solar Energy 101 – 7pm. A free informational seminar on solar energy. Marblehead Public Library, 235 Pleasant St, Marblehead. 781-3733263.

Overcoming Bad Habits & Addictions – 7-8pm. Learn about the core reasons why addictions happen using a psychological, emotional and spiritual approach and receive practical steps to overcome bad habits and addictions. $8. The Center of Light, 85 Edgell Rd, Framingham. 617-990-7411. Nutrition to Support a Healthy Female Body – 7-9pm. Discussion covering specific foods, supplements and herbs that encourage female hormones to function optimally. $35. Newton Community Education, 457 Walnut St, Newton. 781-237-8505.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Creative Arts for Cancer – 6:30-8pm. A creative group for anyone who has been touched by cancer or is in any stage of treatment. Basic art supplies will be available. Donations welcome. Center for Cancer Support & Education, 180 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington. 781-648-0312.

Bread from Scratch – 7-9pm. Using a no-knead method, learn how to make a dough sponge that you keep in your refrigerator for up to 2 weeks for fresh, crusty bread any time. $27/Friends of Farm, $30/general. Newton Community Farm, 303 Nahanton St, Newton. 617-916-9655. Newton

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Flu Clinic – 9-11am. Watertown Health Department will be offering influenza vaccine to residents 18 and over. Free. Watertown Housing Authority, 55 Waverly Ave, Watertown. 617-9726446. CI.Watertown.MA.US. Ladies Night – 5:30-8pm. An evening of shopping and relaxation. Plenty of vendors, free services, great food and wine. Free. Groton Wellness, 495 Main St, Groton. 978-449-9919. Groton

Center, 900 Boylston St, Boston. 617-954-2000. Rhythm Rave Boston – Nov 11-13. Professional dance and percussion instructors from across the country teach and facilitate workshops throughout the weekend for beginners to advanced. $185 plus lodging. Double Tree Guest Suites, 400 Soldiers Field Rd, Boston.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 F.A.S.T. Scar Tissue Release – 9am-6pm. Course designed to enlighten attendees on Fascia. Focused on the physiological and psychological effects of scar tissue and adhesions. Learn an 8-step approach to manual release of adhesions. $160. Cortiva Institute, 103 Morse St, Watertown. 617-668-2000. Somerville Winter Farmers’ Market – 10am2pm. Vendors, musicians, children’s activities and more. The Center for Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville. 617-718-2191. Mind and Body Stress Management – 10am6pm. Three workshops introducing the basics of meditation, nutrition, safe exercising and other ways to support optimal health. $50/session, $125/all three. Brookline Village 33A Harvard St, Brookline. 617-325-0114. Brighton Arts & Crafts Fair – 11am-4pm. Indoor fair with hand-made arts, fine arts and crafts of all types. Brighton-Allston Heritage Museum, 20 Chestnut Hill Ave, Boston. 617-935-1436. Pet Tech First Aid and CPR Training – 12pm. Learn the essential information needed for pet first aid and CPR. A perfect class for dog walkers and caretakers. $109. Fenway Bark, 88 Black Falcon Ave, Ste 188, Boston. 617-507-8271. Breathwork Class – 2-4pm. Work with the breath for inner opening and connecting with spiritual dimensions. Old physical and emotional patterns become clear with consciously directed breath. $35. The Arlington Center, 369 Mass Ave,

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Boston Antiquarian Book Fair – Nov 11-13. See website for times. An opportunity to view rare books, maps, autographs and prints. $15/ Fri-Sun, $8/Sat or Sun only. Hynes Convention

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November 2011


Arlington. 781-316-0282. InnerArtsCalendar. Radius Ensemble presents Parfait – 8-10pm. Sheer entertainment and Parisian chic with an elegantly enjoyable piano trio from Mozart. Out of this world pieces to accompany six abstract films. $10-20. Edward M. Pickman Concert Hall, Longy School of Music, 27 Garden St, Cambridge. 617792-7234.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Introduction to Craniosacral Techniques II – 9am-6pm. Explore the craniosacral system and learn helpful massage techniques. Participants will be able to incorporate these techniques into their massage sessions or use them separately. $160. Cortiva Institute, 103 Morse St, Watertown. 617-668-2000.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Puppy Classes – 6:30-7:45pm. New Puppy Classes start every 6 wks. Positive Training for dogs and their people. Learn how to communicate with your puppy clearly and consistently to get the behavior you want and help them learn. $150/5-wk session. Pampered Pooch, 125 Beech St, Belmont. Happy Dog Behavior Training, Joanne Lekas: 617-448-7447. Attracting a Romantic Partner Who Shares Your Spirituality – 7-8pm. Learn how to find someone who shares the same love for God and spirituality. $8. The Center of Light, 85 Edgell Rd, Framingham. 617-990-7411. LightLecture



Residential Energy Seminar – 7:30pm. Join Sunlight Solar Energy and Doug Sacra of Maple Hill Architects for a seminar on home energy efficiency and solar energy. Free. Wayland Public Library, 5 Concord Rd, Wayland, MA. 781-3733263.

Green That Means Something – 10:30am. Session will provide tools to help evaluate whether projects are part of the solution to environmental degradation and resource depletion or whether they continue to be part of the problem. Seaport World Trade Center, 200 Seaport Blvd, Boston. 877-732-7678.


Observatory Night – 7:30-8:30pm. Astronomy lecture followed by viewing through telescopes. Free. Phillips Auditorium, 60 Garden St, Cambridge. 617-495-7461.

Build Boston Conference – Nov 16-18. Largest regional event for the design and construction industry in the country. Offers distinct tracks that are timely, technically advanced and relevant. Seaport World Trade Center, 200 Seaport Blvd, Boston. 617-556-0057. Flu Clinic – 10am-12pm. Watertown Health Department will be offering influenza vaccine to residents 18 and over. Free. Hellenic Cultural Center, 25 Bigelow Ave, Watertown. 617-972-6446. CI.Watertown.MA.US. Scrapbooking – 7-8:30pm. A beginner’s lesson led by an experienced scrapbooker. Bring 3-5 pictures to make your first page and everything else supplied. All levels welcome. Expert help, scrapbooking equipment and new ideas available. If already scrapbook, bring supplies and work on current project. Free. Watertown Free Public Library, Lucia Mastrangelo Rm, 123 Main St, Watertown. 617-972-6431. Pauli Stern: PStern@

World Peace: Practices of the Mystics – 7:309:30pm. Join Mother Clare Watts as she describes the practices of the mystics that help bring peace to the Earth. $25 suggested donation. The Center of Light, 85 Edgell Rd, Framingham. 617-9907411.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Cooking for Wellbeing – Nov 18-20. Learn to cook nourishing traditional food. See website for daily topics, schedule and pricing. 978-449-9919. Groton Wellness, 495 Main St, Groton. 978-4499919. Beginning Orchid Growing – 10am-12pm. Learn the essentials of growing orchids including media, light, water, temperature, fertilization, selection and repotting. $30. Lyman Estate Greenhouses, 185 Lyman St, Waltham. 781-8911985. Purity and the Link to Happiness – 10am2pm. An introduction to the subtleties that raise consciousness and increase awareness of life. Awaken to a new reality that will bring peace and happiness. Lunch provided. $35 suggested donation. The Center of Light, 85 Edgell Rd, Framingham. 617-990-7411. Somerville Winter Farmers’ Market – 10am2pm. Vendors, musicians, children’s activities and more. The Center for Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Av, Somerville. 617-718-2191. Yin Yoga: Relaxing into Ease – 2:30-5:30pm. Explore the full implications of relaxation. Be ushered into conditioned points of resistance opening up to a dimension of authenticity and ease. Yin Yoga restores and maintains the natural mobility of the joints. $50. Samadhi, 796 Beacon St, Newton Center. 617-243-0034. Samadhi

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Gobble Gobble Gobble 4 Miler – 9am. One of the top 100 New England races 2003-2010. Fast and mostly flat, arrows at all turns and milemarkers. $27. Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates parking garage, 40 Holland St, Somerville.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Conscious Movie: Bag It – 7-9pm. A documentary about plastic bags which evolved into a wholesale investigation into plastics and their effect on our waterways, oceans and bodies. Donations accepted. The Center of Light, 85 Edgell Rd, Framingham. 617-990-7411. LightLecture


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ongoingcalendar All Calendar events for the December issue must be received by November 10th and adhere to our guidelines. Visit for guidelines and to submit entries.

The Glass Flowers – Thru Mar 2012. 9am-5pm. The Ware Collection of glass models of plants. Amazingly realistic models of plant species painstakingly crafted in glass from 1886-1936 by father and son German glass artists, Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka. Free with museum admission. Harvard Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford St, Cambridge. 617-495-3045. HMNH.Harvard. edu. Gore Place Farm Stand – 7am-7pm, Wed-Sat. Fresh produce; lamb: grass-fed, antibiotic and hormone free; eggs: antibiotic and cage free. Located next to the Farmer’s Cottage, Gore Place.

Charles Square Farmers’ Market – Thru Nov 20. 10am-3pm. Also Fri, 12-6pm. Everything offer is from New England farms: fresh, organic produce, cut flowers, flower bedding, herb and tomato plants, and baked goods. Charles Hotel Courtyard, 1 Bennett St, Cambridge. Facebook. com/CambridgeFarmersMarkets. Glassblowing Family Experience – 1-2pm. Enjoy a glassblowing demonstration with the family. A truly unique experience. $15/person. Make pendants for only $10 more per person. Diablo Glass School, 123 Terrace St, Boston. 617-4427444. Restorative Yoga – Thru Dec 18. 4-6:30pm. 2nd & 4th Sun. Intended for those experiencing stress, insomnia, fatigue, sickness, injuries or seeking a quiet, centering respite. $35. Art & Soul, 91 Hampshire St, Cambridge. 617-395-4227. Art

Kettle Bell 101 – Thru Dec 1. 5:30-6:30am. Also Tues, 12-12:55pm. Learn how to use the latest workout rage. Learn the proper technique for kettlebell exercises such as the Turkish get up, the swing, the clean, the windmill, the clean and press, the snatch and more. $20. Vitality Personal Fitness, 118 Needham St, Newton. 617-620-3585. Central Square Farmers’ Market – Thru Nov 21. 12-6pm. City Parking Lot #5, Bishop Allen Dr & Norfolk St, Cambridge. MassFarmers Gentle Therapeutic Yoga – 12:30pm. Be immersed in healing, community and ease with the Anusara principles of alignment. Free. Steeped in Grace, 223 Concord Ave, Cambridge. Steeped Core Fundamentals – 12:30-1:25pm. Learn how to effectively use free weights, your body weight, resistance tubing and cable exercises to unleash your body’s natural confidence and power. $20. Vitality Personal Fitness, 118 Needham St, Newton. 617-620-3585. Jam’n Java Open Mic & Coffeehouse – 6:309pm. First Mon. Sign up to play, or come and listen to talented local performers. Free. Jam’n Java, 594 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington. ArlOpenMic. Classes on Natural Medicine – Thru Nov 7. 7-9pm. Every two weeks. Natural medicine classes on detox and health, naturopathic medicine, healthy female hormones, food for moods, supplements and herbs for health immune system. $30. Newton North High School, Rm 226, Walnut St, Newton. 781-237-8505. Upcoming-Events.htm. Jam’n Cardio Kix – 7:15-8:15pm. A martial art fitness class that puts several musical patterns together in to routines performed continuously to de-

velop cardiovascular fitness, agility and quickness. $15. Corpbasics Fitness & Training Club, 73 Bow St, Somerville. 617-628-8400. Hatha Yoga at Gallery 263 – 7:15-8:30pm. Increase flexibility, strength and balance. Relax and recharge mind and spirit. Intelligent sequencing and attention to alignment which will challenge all levels. Emphasizes correct alignment within a flowing sequence that will leave you feeling strengthened and energized. $10. 263 Pearl St, Cambridgeport. 617-459-9817. Watertown Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation – 7:30pm. Also Wed. Discover the benefits of implementing daily meditations. Free. Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace, 75 Common St, Watertown. 617-926-1230.

Get Primal – Thru Dec 1. 5:30-6:30am. Shape up with the seven primal patterns of movement: squat, lunge, push, pull, bend, twist, and gait. This 8-exercise functional circuit will bolster your fitness and is a great addition to any athlete’s workout routine. $20. Vitality Personal Fitness, 118 Needham St, Newton. 617-620-3585. Yoga Flow Anusara Style – Thru Dec 27. 9:3011am. Using the Anusara-inspired method, Diana Cullum-Dugan leads a class through yoga poses that open the heart. Explore a deeper experience by way of balanced energy and optimal alignment. $18/drop-in, $14/student/senior. Samadhi Integral Yoga Center, 796 Beacon St, Newton. 617-393-2200. Yoga for Beginners – 4:30-5:30pm. A yoga class for all levels emphasizing breathing and techniques to increase strength, flexibility and balance. $10 suggested donation. First Presbyterian Church, 34 Alder St, Waltham. 781-893-3087. Vinyasa Yoga – 7-8pm. A style that synchronizes breath and movement. Be instructed to move from one pose to the next on an inhale or an exhale. Learn proper alignment and how to breathe while gaining strength from the inside and out. $14/drop in, $60/5 consecutive classes. Groton Wellness Medical Center, 493-495 Main St, Groton. 978-449-9919.

natural awakenings

November 2011


Nia with Maria Skinner – 8-9am. Nia is the first cardio workout to combine martial arts, dance, and healing arts. An evolutionary approach to fitness and self-healing in a body. An acclaimed practice for over 25 years which is based on the science of the body. A fun, creative pathway to health and wellbeing, regardless of age or physical condition. $16/drop in, $60/5 consecutive classes. Groton Wellness Medical Center, 493-495 Main St, Groton. 978-449-9919. Davis Square Farmers’ Market – Thru Nov 23. 12-6pm. Plump tomatoes, sweet corn and juicy peaches are not the only farm goodies you’ll find (in season) at this weekly farmers’ market. All manner of natural foods and product vendors. Day St & Herbert St, Somerville. 781-893-8222. Maum Meditation Introduction Seminar – 7-8pm. Also 3-4pm, Sat. Purpose is to bring people out of the false mind world that they are living in that includes stress, anxiety, loneliness, etc, all sorts of pain and burden. Subtracting all these false mind elements can remove the source of all these disturbances and live much better. Even one’s body will become healthier. Maum Meditation, 50 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington. 617-272-6358. Meditation Evenings – Thru Dec 14. 7-8:30pm. Come to meditate and take part in a discussion. Both beginners and experienced meditators welcome; instruction provided for those who need it. Refreshments provided. Suggested donation $15. Advaita Meditation Center, 28 Worcester Ln, Waltham. 781-647-0020.

Vital TRX Cross – Thru Dec 1. 6-6:55am. Also Sat, 9-9:55am. A revolutionary method of leveraged bodyweight exercise, which allows you to safely perform hundreds of functional exercises that build power, strength, flexibility, balance, mobility, and prevent injuries. $20. Vitality Personal Fitness, 118 Needham St, Newton. 617-620-3585.


Anusara Inspired Yoga – 9:30-11am. Explore Anusara’s Universal Principles of Alignment to awaken, align, and move into an uplifted state of being. Samadhi Yoga Studio, 796 Beacon St, Newton Center. 617-243-0034. SteepedInGrace. com. Reiki Healing Circle for Women on a Healing Journey with Cancer – 4-6pm. Once a month. Women trained in Reiki and at various stages in their healing journey come together to support each other. Uplifting, life affirming and healing. $35. Arlington Reiki Associates, 366 Mass Ave, Ste 304, Arlington. 781-648-9334. Arlington Integrated Relaxation and Yoga Nidra – Thru Dec 1. 5:15pm. Designed for individuals with no yoga or meditation experience. Learn tools for reducing stress and stress related illness. Free. L’Aroma Café, 15 Spencer St, W Newton. 843345-3620. Journey of Divorce Base Camp – Thru Nov 3. 5:30-7:15pm. 6-wk workshop series for those divorcing or newly divorced. Topics addressed include nurturing yourself, grief and loss, getting unstuck, dealing with anger and sadness, and improving communications with your ex. One Journey Consulting, 75 Claypit Hill Rd, Wayland. 508-276-1764. Dental Anxiety Workshop – 6-8pm. Once a month. One in three people suffer from moderate to severe anxiety when faced with dental treatment. Learn a wonderful and effective method of calming all the different aspects of dental anxiety with Sam McCartin, CEMP. Free. Groton Wellness, 495 Main St, Groton. 978-449-9919. Zumba Rumba Thursdays – 6:30-7:30pm. Benefit mentally, emotionally and physically from the dance workout that has caused such a sensation all over the world. $12/class. Corpbasics Fitness & Training Club, 73 Bow St, Somerville. 617968-1695. Hatha Yoga Class – 7-8pm. Suitable for all levels, beginners welcome. Bring a towel and water and a mat if have one. Mats available if needed. $15/drop-in, $104/8 wks. A Pilates Fitness and Yoga Studio, 681 Main St, Ste 339, Waltham. 617-750-8599. Somerville Road Runners Night: 4.13 Miler – 7:15-8:15pm. It may be snowing. It may be raining. The SRR Thursday night run will happen

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every week, no matter what. Free. Casey’s, 171 Broadway, Somerville.

Second Fridays Free – Free evening at the MIT Museum on the 2nd Fri each month. Mingle with friends in the unique galleries and see some of the latest research coming out of MIT. MIT Museum, 265 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge. 617-2535927. The Family Walking Program – 9:30am. Take a healthy walk through the mall in a safe, climate controlled environment for both parent and child. Spend time with other parents while children make new friends and learn the benefits of regular exercise. Meet near Carter’s. Watertown Mall, 550 Arsenal St, Watertown. 617-926-4968. Health Lecture Series – 10am. An informative discussion for parents and caregivers on a variety of parent and child related topics such as: nutrition, behavior, community resources and more. Held in the Old Country Buffet. Watertown Mall, 550 Arsenal St, Watertown. 617-926-4968. Blood Pressure Screenings – 10am-12pm. Free blood pressure screenings on the first Fri of every month in front of the Old Country Buffet. Watertown Mall, 550 Arsenal St, Watertown. 617-9264968. Charles Square Farmers’ Market – Thru Nov 18. 12-6pm. See Sun listing. Charles Hotel Courtyard, 1 Bennett St, Cambridge. CambridgeFarmersMarkets Orthopedic Massage Certification Course – Thru Dec 11. 5-9pm. Also Sun, 9am-5pm. Comprehensive course of study in the effective assessment and treatment of orthopedic conditions. $900. Cortiva Institute, 103 Morse St, Watertown. 617-668-2000. Glass Beadmaking – 6:30pm. An evening of glass, friends and wine. Spend three hours in one of our studios to experience an introductory taste of working with hot glass in glassblowing and bead making. $75. Diablo Glass School, 123 Terrace St, Boston. 617-442-7444. DiabloGlass

communityresourceguide Saturday Morning Yoga – Thru Dec 17. 7-8:30am. No class on Nov 19. Gentle beginner level yoga class held in a sun-lit room in a lovely historic house led by trained instructor, Keith Herndon. Advaita Meditation Center, 28 Worcester Ln, Waltham. 781-647-0020. Advaita Broga Yoga – 10-11am. A yoga class geared for men, but open to all. Strong, energetic, and challenging, it uses traditional yoga postures and fitness movements for an amazing workout. Less flexibility intensive than other forms of yoga, broga teaches to men’s natural physical strengths such as upper body and core muscle groups. $15. The Center for Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville. 617-207-9374. Maum Meditation Introduction Seminar – 3-4pm. See Wed listing. Maum Meditation, 50 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington. 617-272-6358. Introduction to Raja Yoga Meditation – 4:30pm. Also Sun. Discover the benefits of implementing daily meditations. Free. Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace, 75 Common St, Watertown. 617-926-1230.

classifieds BUSINESS Opportunities CURRENTLY PUBLISHING NATURAL AWAKENINGS MAGAZINES – For sale in Birmingham, AL; North Central FL; Lexington, KY; Santa Fe, NM; Cincinnati, OH; Tulsa, OK; Northeast PA; Columbia, SC; Southwest VA. Call for details 239-530-1377.

employment opportunities AD SALES REP – Natural Awakenings is now accepting resumes for full-commission experienced Ad Sales Reps in Southeastern Middlesex County including: Cambridge, Somerville, Arlington, Belmont, Watertown, Waltham, and Newton. Strong organizational and people skills, computer/database experience necessary. Must be a self-starter. We’re positive people looking for positive associates who are focused on healthy living and a healthy planet to reach like-minded practitioners and businesses, and help grow their client base. Flexible schedule with great earning potential, only you set the limit on your potential. Email cover letter and resume to: Publisher@ SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE.

FOR RENT/lease

Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit.





2464 Massachusetts Ave, Ste 420 Cambridge, 02140 617-499-9993

Dr. David Oliver, DC 1280 Centre St, Ste 210, Newton Centre 617-641-9999

Affordable acupuncture, excellent care. Dozens of conditions treated safely and effectively in a comfortable community room. Sliding scale for everyone. $35-55 first visit, $20-40 follow-up.


Effective, gentle, compassionate healthcare for optimal health and wellness. Treatment for stress, mood, pain, injuries, headaches, immunity, digestion, women’s health, fertility, pregnancy, and preventative care.



Specializing in spinal manipulation, trigger point therapy and chiropractic rehab; providing our patients with long term results. Therapeutic massage also available. All major insurances accepted. See ad page 27.


We are an integrative holistic wellness center. Our caring team consists of chiropractors specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, massage therapists and Shiatsu and Reiki practitioners. See ad page 2.

compounding & wellness pharmacy JOHNSON COMPOUNDING AND WELLNESS CENTER

Our clients understand that their brain controls their life. A balanced brain allows them to experience liberating self-regulation. Love life again. Join us. See ad page 9.

Stephen Bernardi 577 Main St, Waltham, MA 02452 781-893-3870 Fax: 781-899-1172

JCWC is the only sterile and non-sterile PCAB-accredited pharmacy in Massachusetts. In addition to our compounding service, we offer a full range of nutritional supplements, natural products, homeopathic remedies and home health care equipment. See ad page 7.

TWO ROOMS FOR RENT OR LEASE – In a holistic therapy practice located within Sollievo Massage & Bodywork, North Cambridge. 617-354-3082.

natural awakenings

November 2011


creativity coaching THE ARTIST’S WAY Kim Childs 617-640-3813

Kim coaches groups and individuals in the life-changing practices and principles of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Group intensives offered each spring and fall.

dentist GROTON WELLNESS – MEDICAL, DENTAL, SPA, BISTRO 493-495 Main St Groton, Ma 01450 978-449-9919

Our specialization, healthfocused dentistry, enables us to consider you, our patient, as a whole person, not merely a “dental case.” Therefore, we have the unique opportunity to evaluate every patient, and develop every treatment, procedure and protocol, from an individualized holistic standpoint. We will make recommendations to improve not only your dental health, but your overall health as well. See ad page 33.


19 Chestnut St, Arlington, MA 02474 781-643-2344 Fax: 781-641-3483 Our Practice centers on your comfort, your convenience, and on dental excellence, always. We believe everything we do here should enhance your lifestyle and your health. See ad back cover.

healthy home ENERGY CONSERVATION DESIGN Peter Brooks 617-833-0087

holistic bodywork BARBARA GOSSELIN, PT

393 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA 781-507-4226 I’m a Physical Therapist with 20+ years experience helping people recover from pain using gentle, effective Bodywork techniques including Craniosacral Therapy and Fascial Mobilization. See ad page 15.


Cecile Raynor Certified Alexander Technique Teacher; Certified Thai Yoga Therapist 617-359-7841 Learn to relieve body tension and manage the stress in your life. Improve your posture without any holding. Learn mind/body tools for personal growth. See ad page 36.

NINA MANOLSON, MA, LMT, CHC Certified Health Coach Smokin’ Hot Mom Mentor & Family Wellness Expert 617-771-5121

Nina helps busy moms prioritize themselves so that they look and feel their very best. She also teaches families how to make the shift to healthier eating habits. Free get acquainted session available. See ad page 17.


Nancy Anderson 617-501-9241 Helping to bring dogs back to wellness using medicinal herbalism for health conditions and Tail Hikes for exercise. See Canis for more info. See ad page 29.


Lexington, MA 781-862-8000 Tamar Myers, in practice since 1992, offers comprehensive bodywork. Her expertise in a wide variety of modalities allows her to design sessions unique to each individual’s needs.


126 Prospect St, Cambridge MA 781-412-4325 Experience a deep sense of Self and true healing from the heart. Daniel offers Reiki and Infant Massage classes, Crystal Healing, Reiki treatments, and massage.

A home consultation will: Reduce your carbon footprint and save energy; Increase comfort and air quality through diagnostic testing, air sealing and insulation.


holistic health coach

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Jamie Murphy 617-780-1754 • We are a non-profit dedicated to educating parents about the dangers of vaccines. Services include: personalized counseling, research, consulting and public speaking.

integrative therapy BODYMIND RESOURCING

Alison Shaw APRN, LMT, CEH 393 Massachusetts Ave Arlington, MA 02474 781-646-0686 An innovative blend of body-centered counseling, integrative bodywork and energy medicine to uncover and release body-mind patterns that limit your life and health. See ad page 21.

integrative veterinary medical care MASH MAIN ST ANIMAL SERVICES OF HOPKINTON Margo Roman & Deborah Grady 72 W Main St, Hopkinton, MA 01748 508-435-4077 508-435-4204 Fax: 508-435-5533

A full-service integrative veterinary clinic offering caring and healthful options and modalities like acupuncture, functional nutrition, homeopathy, chiropractic, herbs, ozone therapy, surgery and dentistry. See ad page 31.

music lessons IN HOME MUSIC LESSONS Johan Narsjo 617-968-3646

Guitar, Bass and Piano lessons for all levels and ages. Study in your home with an experienced teacher. Personalized lesson plans with a focus on creative expression utilizing a variety of contemporary and traditional techniques. Learn how to maximize the practice time available to you by finding the perfect balance. See ad page 35.

natural hair care FUTURA BELEZA

617-930-2179 Spazzolla Professionale is a keratin smoothing system 100% free of harsh chemicals. Made for professional salons only. Distributed in the USA exclusively by Futura Beleza,Inc. See ad page 5.

nutritional supplements MONA VIE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR Dawn McGee 781-308-3071

Providing products and personalized services dedicated to helping you improve your health. Serving New England and 18 countries around the world.

ing Works Toge h t y the er r Ev

physical therapy/ sports medicine CAMBRIDGE PHYSICAL THERAPY & SPORTS MEDICINE 1000A Cambridge St. Cambridge, 02141 617-492-6600

Specializing in outpatient orthopedic rehabilitation and treatment of sports, dance and work injuries. We also treat computer/musician overuse injuries, carpal tunnel, and injuries from motor vehicle accidents. See ad page 31.


Steffi Shapiro, RYT 500 62 Mt Auburn St., Watertown, MA 02472 617-923-1440 Relax, re-energize, re-vitalize; listening to your body and doing what feels best. Yoga classes for all ages, from prenatal to elders. “Elder-Yoga” video available.

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617-906-0232 publisher@ natural awakenings

November 2011



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