The KnoWEwell Collaborative with benefits for all in the Regenerative Whole Health ecosystem. Get Started and Explore for FREE Receive 50% off your first year. Individuals apply: Practitioners apply: ACHIEVE THIER LIVING Learn. Engage. Connect. Heal. WELL NAPA40221 NAPA40221P

Atlantic Oral Surgery Center HHHHH “Dr. Ponquinette and his team are exceptional. ... Not only is Dr. P a talented surgeon but he offers advanced technolo gy that no one else has (ie- cold laser, PRF, and ozone.) ... Since my surgery, I’ve finally been able to regain my health. It’s amaz ing how quickly the body can bounce back once an infection is finally removed.” — Molly G. We do differently.things At Atlantic Oral Surgery Center, we embrace homeopathy, laser/light therapy, ozone therapy, supplementation and more to provide a higher caliber of care to our patients.•Autogenous Blood Products (PRF) • Ceramic (Metal-Free) Implants • Homeopathy • Laser/Light Therapy • Ozone (O3 Super-Charged Oxygen) 21 N. Gilbert St., Ste 210, Tinton Falls, NJ Dr. Justin Ponquinette, DMD and board certified, practices the full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery including full mouth rehabilitation. We can also diagnose and treat facial pain, facial injuries, TMJ disorders, remove wisdom teeth, and perform a full range of dental implant and bone grafting procedures. Our staff is trained in assisting with I.V. sedation within our state of the art office setting. We offer methods to promote/ provide oral health while respecting and embracing the body’s ability to heal itself.

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ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS 9 THE HEALTH HAZARDS OF MOLD 13 LIVING LIFE IN FULL COLOR 14 GROWING YOUNGER Longevity Strategies that Help Reverse the Aging Process 17 SOS: HELP FOR OUR BRAINS 18 HEADING OFF HEADACHES Natural Strategies Help Halt the Pain 20 LEARNING TO GRIEVE How to Help Children Navigate Through Loss 22 AGING GRACEFULLY How a Yoga Practice Keeps Us Young 2213 Natural Awakenings is a family of 50+ healthy living magazines celebrating 27 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet. Contents DEPARTMENTS 6 news briefs 8 health briefs 10 global briefs 13 inspiration 18 healing ways 20 healthy kids 22 fit body 24 yoga corner 26 crossword 27 calendar 28 directory 14 1820
4 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition
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During the last 10 years, we worked through starting up the new business, worked through Sandy and, most recently, through our very own pandemic. We have experienced all the ups and downs of the business world, the stressors, and the joys during this journey.
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Throughout all this, our most valuable asset has been our readers, who have shown us remarkable loyalty as have our advertisers. Naturally, our gratitude list is long. To our loyal readers, advertisers, distributors and distribution locations, and a tribe of others, we want to thank you for your support. To our New Jersey layout person (Kathy), graphic artist (Kathy), and editor (Kathy), along with a host of support staff (past and present), we want to take this opportunity to say thank you. We would never have accomplished all that we have without you. Thank you for all you have done for us. We hope we have contributed to your life. Dream Big. & Asta
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5September 2022
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T he September issue in your hands represents our 10th anniversary. That milestone makes me want to thank the entire universe as we are beyond words in gratitude for what we have been gifted. Our first printed issue of Natural Awakenings Central New Jersey hit the stands in September 2012, though the publication had been around since 2005, I believe. For us all the gods, spirits, and universal forces lined up and dropped this magazine at our feet. We were close to broke, and almost broken. I was 68 years old, with little hope of meaningful employment, and a nine-year-old son. But, as we have learned in life, the future is hard to predict so never be surprised by what life is about to,life changing is what happened. Spiritually, emotionally, financially—everything changed for the good through purchasing Natural Awakenings. The gifts that poured forth to us are immeasurable in so many ways. The people we have met, the friendships that have developed, and the work itself has made many marks on our soul. I love the fact that we have been involved in helping people—through content, introduction, and networking the mission we believe is so Weimportant.wanted to help people grow, to broadcast a message of good, to contribute to expanding awareness and education while promoting community. We hoped our magazine could be that voice on your shoulder, that pleasant reminder that may pop into your head to “see the good” in everything, everyone we meet, every situation we encounter, and to ask of everyone to try harder to take care of yourself, your families, our planet, to be a better person, and to spread peace.
Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines
publisher letter Celebrating 10 Years with Natural Awakenings

Spiritual Direction
6 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition
Sharon Reese Chud, AFMC, and founder of SRC Diet and Wellness, shares “Mainstream medicine doesn’t recognize the effect toxicity may have on the body. Symptoms such as brain fog, confusion, heightened states of anxiety, joint pain, numbness, tremors, chronic pain, and chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia pain, and weight loss resistance may all be caused by a toxin overload. That’s where functional medicine comes in.” Chud is a certified functional medicine practitioner, certified detox and toxicity specialist, and nutrition counselor. She uses inexpensive functional medicine testing to help identify toxins such as mold, Lyme, parasites, neurotoxins, mercury, lead, food allergies, and hidden infections that inhibit natural healing. Once areas of toxicity are identified, she uses a 6-step detoxifica tion program to help restore health. Clients are seen remotely on Zoom. In additional to reason able fees, Chud offers a free 20-minute consultation to discuss symptoms, and testing and treatment options.
Sessions occur every 2-4 weeks via Zoom for one hour. First session is complimentary. Subsequent sessions are $50. For more information, call 267-415-6168 or email laurenphelps@ Online, please visit SpiritualDirectionWithLauren or
Sharon Reese Chud
Circle of Miracles Ministries, Inc., is a 501c2 church dedicated to lovingly provide a safe place for connection with the Divine as it flows within the individual, and as it is shared and held as sacred by the community. Recognizing that there are many paths to All That Is, they practice acceptance and generosity as they share and learn from each other’s journeys.
The Ancient Practice of
Spiritual direction (also known as spiritual companion ship or friendship) is an ancient contem plative practice of lovingly accompany ing another as they explore their inner life. Lauren Phelps is a spiritual director who creates a safe, welcoming and non-judgmental space where people of all ages and backgrounds can explore their spirituality and discover deeper meaning in their lives. Phelps’ eclectic background of study is multi-faith and em braces those of all spiritual traditions or no particular tradi tion. She has also practiced meditation, primarily in the Insight meditation tradition, for over 30 years. As a certified mindful ness meditation leader, she can provide one-on-one meditation instruction and guidance both within the spiritual direction context and as a standalone offering to individuals and groups.
See listing, page 31.
Open House at the School of Divine Ministry
An accurate diagnosis for those who suffer from a miscellany of symptoms can prove elusive to West ern medicine’s mechanistic approach.
Location: Yardley. For more information, call/text 215-680-2354, email and visit or See ad, page 11.
The Toxic Connection to Chronic Illness
Since 1995, Circle of Miracles Ministries, an inclusive spiritual community grounded in love, harmony and peace, has gradu ated over 150 students through its School of Divine Ministry. Those inspired to enroll often do so for self-inquiry or to study world religions; while others take the training for a specific reason, only to discover unexpected revelations. Ordination allows ministers to share their gifts and training in many ways. Some have healing prac tices, some have wedding ministries, some conduct rites of passage, others have taken their ministries into prisons, retirement communities, nursing homes, and into churches. Students are now being interviewed for the school’s new 18-month program which begins October 14. The program meets twice a month in person and twice online. An Open House will be held from 7-8:30 p.m. on September 8 for those interested in learning more about the program.
Location: 10 Beulah Rd., New Britain. For more information contact Rev. Glenda Smith at 267-218-4254 (cell) or email ministryschool@ or visit
news briefs

Oral Healthier
Acompromised mouth can become a quality of life issue. Atlantic Oral Surgery Center offers methods to promote/provide oral health while respecting and embracing the body’s ability to heal itself. Traditional oral surgery relies on the placement of me tallic implants which prove detrimental to one’s systemic well-being. The center offers metal-free alternatives and in corporates homeopathy supplementa tion and laser/light therapy to assuage the recovery period and minimize the need for antibiotics and opioids. Treat ments may also include autogenous blood products (PRF) and ozone (O3 super-charged oxygen). This allows for a higher caliber of care for patients. Founder Dr. Justin Ponquinette, DMD, is board certified and practices the scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery including full mouth reha bilitation. Services include diagnoses and treatments for facial pain, facial injuries, TMJ disorders, removal of wisdom teeth plus a full range of dental implant and bone
Surgery with
Location: 21 N. Gilbert St., Ste 210, Tinton Falls, NJ. For more information, call 732-747-0993, email Info@Atlantic or visit AtlanticOral See ad, page 3.
open five days per week and offers competitive fees. Call today to speak with their informative and approach able staff about your oral care needs.
Did you know that you can read more at our health and global briefs?
7September 2022 Hypnosis Counseling Center 28 Mine Street, Flemington 43 Tamarack Circle, Princeton • sales motivation Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life! Eliminate problems like Stress, Smoking or Overeating ... Forever! Private & Group Counseling Corporate Programs Available • stress management • smoking • self esteem • insomnia • fear/anxiety • confidence • weight loss • panic attacks • migraines • sales motivation • sports improvement • public speaking • behavior modification • study habits • test taking ... and more! Barry Wolfson, M.S., has 35 years of proven success. Call Today! HypnosisCounselingCenter.com908-303-7767 In Person or Virtual Appointments Available A FAN

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of blindness in older Americans, became less of a threat in 1996 when the national Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) verified that certain nutrients— beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, copper and zinc—slowed its progression. But after other studies showed a link between beta-carotene and lung cancer, it was removed from the for mula. Two carotenoids found in the retina—lutein and zeaxanthin—were added, and the formula was rebranded as AREDS2. In a new, 10-year, follow-up study by the National Eye Institute (NEI), AREDS2 was found to reduce late AMD symptoms an additional 20 percent compared to the original formula. “This 10year data confirms that not only is the new formula safer, it’s actually better at slowing AMD progression,” says Emily Chew, M.D., lead author of the study and director of the NEI Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Application.
An enlarged prostate, known as benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), afflicts half of men by age 60 and 90 percent of men by age 85. Although it isn’t cancerous, treatment can involve medications and surgery. European doctors often prescribe the herb nettle root, and Iranian researchers tested its effectiveness in a study that divided 80 BPH patients into two groups. One was given 300 mil ligrams of nettle root extract twice a day for eight weeks; the other group received a placebo. The researchers found the nettle root significantly improved urinary frequency, urinary urgency and night urination compared with the placebo group. It was not effective in modifying prostate volume, the feeling of incomplete emptying, intermittency, urine stream and straining.
8 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition Directory Advertisersof Atlantic Oral Surgery Center 3 Center for Natural Healing 25 David Winston's Center for Herbal Studies 25 Full Circle Energy Therapies 13 Green Meadow Burial 11 Hypnosis Counseling Center 7 Journey to the Self 29 LanapKnoWEwell&Implant Center of Pennsylvania 12 MediCalm 23 Ojaya 31 RegeneSpine 32 Sharon Reese Chud 11 Step Into Joy Healing Arts 21 The Hair for Life Center 12 The Hemp Oil Store 19 Well of Life Center 16 Whole Body Yoga Studio 24 Thank you for being part of our community! Let our advertisers know you saw them in Natural Awakenings! health briefs
Fermented Dairy Helps Sidestep Depression
Sales of fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir have been steadily rising in the U.S., and a new study from Australia’s Deakin University might ac celerate that trend. Researchers examined 24 years of nutritional and health data from 2,603 Finnish men between 42 and 60 years old. They found that men that ranked in the top third of consumption of nonfermented dairy products such as milk and cream had double the risk of depression, while those in the top third of consumption of fermented dairy products like kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream and butter milk enjoyed a 45 percent reduced risk of depression.
Nettle Root Improves Prostate Symptoms
Revised Supplement Formula Slows Macular Degeneration

9September 2022 Mold is a biotoxin that can cause chronic illness. While mostly found in wet and damp buildings and homes, or ones recently flooded, it can also be found in new homes if wood for building has been piled outside and gotten wet in rainy weather. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) 24% of homes and buildings in the US in 2022 have mold toxicity. Other sources have recorded between 50% and 70% of homes are toxic with mold infestations. This can cause a myriad of health problems for those living or working in these structures. General symptoms may include asthma, acute bronchitis, sinuse congestion/infection, and cognitive impairments such as difficulty with memory, retention of new information, finding the word you’re looking for and brain fog. Shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, and headaches are also prevalent. Chronic fatigue, weakness, static shocks, muscle twitching, vertigo, and tremors are often seen. There can be sudden changes in mood and weight gain or loss. There might be a heightened sense of anxiety that is not usual. This is especially challenging for those who fall into the 25%27% of the general population that have one of 9 extra genes on their HLA chromosome. In the presence of mold or other bio toxins such as Lyme for 72 hours or more, this gene activates and that is the defect. The immune system starts cranking out and the brain gets inflamed. Often they become very sick. Extreme fa tigue can lead to becoming bed ridden with chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS). The gene trigger may partly explain why people living or working in the same environment respond so differently. The good news is this activation can be reversed. Functional medicine treatment protocols usually begin with anti-inflammatories to reduce swelling in the brain. Then the detective work begins. Inexpensive testing to identify specific my cotoxins ensure the correct targeted binder is used in treatment, along with anti-fungals in nose and gut. Other body systems may be affected by the mold toxins and need to be tested and correct ed, such as hormonal, the digestive system, nervous system, etc. Testing for parasites in the gut may be called for because parasites may hide the mold from treatment. This comprehensive and holistic approach results in removing hindrances to your body’s natural ability to heal itself and restore health and well-being.
The Health Hazards of Mold
Sharon Reese Chud, AFMC, is a functional medicine practitioner, nutritionist and toxity/detox specialist. She offers a free 20-minute initial consultation. For more information, call/text 215-680-2354, or email Visit or SRCDietAnd See ad, page 11. by Sharon Reese Chud

Bumble bees can fly in cooler temperatures and lower light levels than many other bees, helping to pollinate crops worth $3 billion annually in the U.S., including tomatoes, peppers and cranberries.
The Western bumble bee, once easily spotted in Cali fornia, could not be found in a recent survey led by the University of CaliforniaRiverside (UCR). The first statewide census of Cali fornia bumble bees in 40 years found several other species absent, as well. UCR entomologist Hollis Woodard’s research group collected bees from 17 sites representing six different ecosystems previously known to host a large variety of bumble bees, as documented in the journal Eco logy and Evolution. One of the missing species, the Western bumble bee, is an important pollinator of wild plants and crops. “We didn’t find it, even once,” says Woodard. This study was an effort to document changes in bumble bee populations across large geographic areas in Califor nia since the last one in the 1980s. Smaller-scale studies have documented significant declines in bumble bee pop ulations around the world due to climate change, develop ment of wild habitat and the use of bee-killing pesticides, so it is important to have data that documents bee health.
A rooftop solar array and 1,182 solar panels on the sides will adorn an eight-story, $40 million, high-rise planned for West Melbourne, Australia, to provide the office building with most of its power. Avancis, a German firm producing glass panels containing solar cells, will supply the solar skin. Architect Pete Kennon says, “These things are possible, and the fact that a building can harness the sunlight from its own skin, it sounds like something you dreamed of, or you saw in a cartoon.” Generating 50 times as much power as a typical home rooftop solar array, the solar skin will save an esti mated 77 tons of CO2 emissions each year. Although this will be the first in Australia to use the panels, several projects in Europe have been built with the technology, including the world’s largest wooden sky scraper in Skellefteå, Sweden. “It feels urgent to innovate our building technologies to more sustainable methods,” says Kennon. “Collecting solar is a natural trajectory on our large-scale projects, particularly in locations that have great access to sunlight.”
10 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition Neoscapebyrendering global SeattlebriefsProviding
As people switch to electric vehicles (EV) to reduce their emissions, some homeowners and apartment dwell ers without installthings2030,belowemissionsreduceofdisadvantage.infrastructurechargingareataThecitySeattlesetagoaltotransportation83percent2008levelsbyandtomakeeasier,theywillchargersonlo cal utility poles on demand. Seattle City Light will conduct the project as part of a more extensive portfolio of trans portation electrification investments and services to help the utility service area transition to zero-emission electric transportation options. Residents can accomplish some emission reductions with public transit, biking, walking and other options, but many still rely on personal vehicles for some trips.
Electric Vehicle Chargers on Utility Poles
The Curbside Level 2 EV charging program is available to anyone on a first-come, first-serve basis. The person making the request must own or plan to own an EV within the next 12 months, and their ex isting address must not offer off-street parking (where they could buy their own). Once a request is made, the utility will evaluate the area and ask for input betheychargersposeownerspropertyneighboring50IfEVstallingbeforeneighborsfrominanewcharger.morethanpercentofopthe,willnotinstalled.
Australian Office Building to Feature Solar Facade
Common California Bumble Bees Go Missing

11September 2022 Return to the natural Cycle of Life – to nourish soil, green a meadow and live on! At Green Meadow, we believe that death is no mere end. In our natural, green cemetery, it’s a continuation, part of the great Cycle of Life – of death and rebirth, regeneration and decay – that turns to make all life possible. To schedule a tour or for more information contact Ed Vogrins: 610-868-4840 | 1121 Graham Street • Fountain Hill, PA 18015 Sharon Reese Chud, AFMC SRC Diet and Wellness Functional Medicine Practitioner : Nutritionist Toxity & Detox Specialist 215-680-2354 call/text | Call/Text Today For Your Free 20-Minute Initial Consultation. “[I had] fatigue, brain fog, skin rashes, breathing issues, daily headaches, anxiety, weight gain, muscle twitching. ... Luckily I found Sharon. She ran the right tests and diagnosed me with mold illness. I followed her instructions and every single symptom is gone. ... Sharon gave me my life back.” — Krystan H. Could your chronic illness be due to toxins? It’s Time to Feel Good Again To identify specific toxins, functional medicine testing kits are sent to clients by two labs that test for the following: Mold • Lyme • Neurotoxins • Mercury • Lead Parasites • Food Allergies • Hidden Infections Sharon then uses a 6-step detoxification process to remove toxins that hinder natural healing within the body. Sharon Reese Chud, AFMC, inexpensively tests and treats toxicity to help free clients from the misery of chronic disfunction. Zoom appts and remote functional testing are available.

12 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition The Hair for Life Ctr The Hair for Life Center Regain A Full Head Of Hair! without Needling, Injectables or Lasers 163 Engle St., Bldg 4A, Englewood, NJ Call 201-731-3530 Today to Reserve Your Free Private Consultation If you’ve tried other approaches to regain your hair and been disappointed with the results, visit us today for a free consultation. before after We can guarantee you a full, beautiful head of hair in 2 to 3 hours! Results last up to 3 years. Over 30 years experience helping women with hair loss. Unresolved oral inflammation contributes to systemic disease and illness. Dental risk factors remain one of the most overlooked aspects of health and wellness. The Lanap & Implant Center has utilized an integrative biohealth methodology for accurate diagnosis and treatment for over 25 years. • LANAP single-visit laser gum regeneration • TMJ, complex case diagnosis • IV sedation Our solutions include: • Biocompatibility testing, health risk assessment • Incisionless, same-day tooth replacements utilizing titanium or zirconia implants • Donor less stem cell gum grafting We incorporate acupuncture, laser bio stimulation, reflexology, massage, oral detoxification, nutrition and homeopathy for optimal outcomes. Expertise Doctors Trust, Experience & Comfort Patients Love.

inspiration Living Life in Full Color by Marlaina Donato
Do you need energetic support on your healing journey?
As adults, too often we are barely aware of our lives stuck in grayscale, but if we look deep inside, we long to be the brave red rose in a black-and-white world. Sometimes it takes something drastic, like being faced with a terminal illness, to throw off the shackles of, “What would they think?” and follow our own brand of bliss. Hopefully, most of us can make that decision without such a drastic wake-up call.
~Jodi Livon
September 2022
IG: fullcircleenergy FB: fullcircleenergytherapies Full EnergyCircleTherapiesDeepHealingisOurRight.Calltodayforfreeconsult.GivingNewMeaningtoHeadintheClouds,FeetontheGround.FeaturedServices
Personalized Energy sessions (In person and distance for people & pets) Group Facilitated Breathwork, Sound Healing Transformation Coach
As children, it was in our nature to live out loud. We sang offkey, belly-laughed and showed off our blueberry-stained tongues. Somewhere between grade school and adolescence, we learned to swim with the social current, content to blend in for comfort.
Here’s to living in full color, come what may.
This heart-centered approach helps empower individuals to gently peel back layers so they may radiate their true essence and vibrationally align with the life they deserve.
Marlaina Donato is an author, composer and painter. Connect at Feel the love; see the light.
Lori Hoff Energy Practitioner, Teacher
Coach 1105
In many parts of the world, nature saves her best for last and pulls out all the stops. She dresses the trees in unapologetic glory, inviting us to live more boldly before it’s too late, and to express the passions we’ve held in for dear life. If we are wise, we will fol low our bliss, whether it’s painting that wall in a color that might compromise resale value or dusting off the violin we set aside after high school. Autumn gives us much-needed permission to let our hair down, let our locks go silver or feisty red, let our souls blow in the wind and come in for dinner a little late and disheveled. What parts of ourselves do we hold inside for fear of stand ing out a little too much? What would we wear if we defied fickle trends? How would we love if we realized that there is nothing more important than embodying love?
ature concludes each day with a fiery mural, never again to be exactly duplicated and missed if we look away for a moment too long. “What color is in a picture, enthu siasm is in life,” said Vincent van Gogh, and to live with passion is to live life in full color.
Mohite/Pexels.comMadhuri & Taylorsville Rd., Washington PA

Age Is Not Just a Number
Until recently, age was determined by the year on our birth certificate, but “bio age” is the new number to pay attention to. It might not only predict health outcomes down the road, but also add years to our lives. In groundbreak ing work in 2017, anti-aging researcher Steven Horvath at the University of California, Los Angeles, used algorithms to calculate biological age on the basis of how extensively our genome is modified by a process called DNA methylation. Researchers are now understanding what factors can turn on positive gene expressions and turn off those that may activate life-threatening diseases.
ongevity, a human quest through the ages, is now a hot topic among scientific researchers that assert there has never been a better time to maximize our potential for metabolic renewal. Biological age—the state of our health at the cellular level—is in the spotlight, as are the anti-aging benefits of science-supported phyto nutrients, cell-rejuvenating foods and safe, non-surgical, stem cell procedures. Functional medicine, with its focus on the biologybased root causes of disease, is also a rising star in the arena of ageNoreversal.matter which path we follow to aging vibrantly, the most inspiring takeaway is that lifestyle, not genes, deter mines destiny. “On average in the United States, the last 16 years of life are spent with multiple diagnoses and on multiple medications. We are giving our hard-earned money to phar macies, hospitals and nursing facilities,” says Kara Fitzgerald, a naturopathic doctor in Newtown, Connecticut, and the author of Younger You: Reduce Your Bio Age and Live Longer, Better. She and other researchers contrast “lifespan”, the years from birth to death, to “healthspan”, the years spent in good health free of age-related disease and disability. “Lifespan is not necessarily healthspan, and we can change that,” she says.
14 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition L
“Bio age is how fast our bodies are aging, and aging is the main risk factor for all diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, de

Molecular Magic Harvard genetics professor David Sinclair, author of the seminal Lifespan: Why We Age—And Why We Don’t Have To, discovered antioxidant-rich resveratrol in grapes in 2003. Since then, he and other researchers have found additional compounds with the ability to activate longevity pathways. Nicotinamide adenine di nucleotide (NAD, or B3), a coenzyme involved in many metabolic processes essential to life, has been shown to rejuvenate aging mice, increasing energy-producing mitochondria in the cells and fortifying muscle mass. The body makes less NAD as we age, but research suggests that intermittent fasting, exercise and heat sau nas can stimulate this youth-preserving molecule. NAD-boosting supplements are also on the market, but consuming foods like naturally fermented sauerkraut, raw milk, nutritional yeast and pumpkin seeds is also a good strategy.
last year in the European Journal of Pharmacology cites fisetin’s nu merous potential benefits for neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and vascular dementia.
The Trifecta of Acid, Inflammation and Stress
Chronic, unmanaged stress is a major factor in physical and mental decline due to elevated levels of cortisol. “Stress threatens
SIRT6, an enzyme in close relationship with NAD and respon sible for many molecular anti-aging processes, including DNA repair, is abundant in seaweeds, especially the strain Fucus vesi culosus, commonly known as bladder wrack. Research published in the journal Marine Drugs in 2017 indicates bladder wrack’s anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral properties, as well as its potential to protect the liver and normalize high blood sugar and bloodFisetin,pressure.apowerful flavonoid found in certain foods like strawberries, peaches, apples, persimmons, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers, rivals ever-beneficial quercetin. Research published
The results, published last year in the journal Aging, showed that three years of bio age were reduced in the target group in just eight weeks compared to the control group. “What we eat, our stress load and our response to it, the quality of the air we breathe and if we exercise are all drivers or reducers of our bio age. Know ing this, we absolutely need to take responsibility for our lives,” saysThisFitzgerald.bioagereversal is good news when we look at the grim statistics. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Cancer Society, approximately 610,000 people die of heart disease in this country each year and more than 600,000 Americans are predicted to succumb to cancer this year alone.
15September 2022 michaeljung/ mentia and neurodegenerative disorders,” says Fitzgerald, noting that only 10 to 20 percent of longevity outcomes are genetic. Fitzgerald and her team drove this point home with the first randomized, controlled study on the power of lifestyle and diet to turn back the biological age clock. Based upon functional medicine, the program enrolled 18 healthy men between ages 50 and 72 in a target group and 20 in a control group. Those in the target group ate a nutrient-rich diet, slept seven hours a night, practiced relaxation techniques and took supplemental probiot ics and phytonutrients. They ate only between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., exercised for at least 30 minutes five days a week, avoided sweets and consumed two cups of dark, leafy, greens and three cups each of cruciferous vegetables and colorful vegetables daily, as well as six ounces of animal protein.
Chronic systemic inflammation is now understood to be the physi ological springboard for most diseases ranging from cancer to de pression, but its connection to uric acid is critical in producing free radicals that accelerate aging. “Unfortunately, most doctors look upon uric acid solely as a risk marker for gout. We now recognize that uric acid serves as a powerful signal in the body to prepare for food and water scarcity,” says neurologist David Perlmutter, author of The New York Times bestseller Grain Brain and the recent Drop Acid, a guide to lowering uric acid in the body. “Uric acid levels above 5.5 milligrams per decilitre trigger the body to raise the blood pressure, increase the blood sugar, become insulin-resistant and increase the formation and storage of body fat,” he says. “Cen tral to regaining metabolic health and reducing risk for metabolic conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, coronary artery disease and Type 2 diabetes is reining in uric acid.”

in years, but cutting-edge procedures offer new hope for condi tions ranging from arthritis to age-related brain fog. “Stem cells improve DNA methylation and telomere length, and result in a reduced physiologic age compared to your chronologic age,” says Chadwick Prodromos, a Chicago-based, board-certified orthopedic surgeon and the founder of the Prodromos Stem Cell Institute, in Antigua. “Joint replacements are offered quite liber ally nowadays, but most of our patients with severe arthritis who were offered joint replacements do well in our care without them for virtually any joint in the body.” Prodromos and his team com bine umbilical cord-derived stem cell treatment (non-embryonic/ fetal) with specially selected nutritional supplements and in some patients, platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acid injections.
Marlaina Donato is an author, composer and painter. Connect at
In the daily survival game, the body’s stem cells generate special ized cells to replace those throughout the body that are damaged and dying. This ongoing repair process slows down as we advance No matter which path we follow to aging vibrantly, the most inspiring takeaway is that lifestyle, not genes, determines destiny.
16 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition the health and diversity of our gut bacteria, leading to increased gut permeability, a central mechanism underlying widespread inflammation, which is the cornerstone of all chronic degenera tive conditions,” says Perlmutter. “Those conditions as a category are ranked by the World Health Organization as the number one cause of death on our planet today.” Fitzgerald concurs, “Excessive inflammation—an imbalanced immune response—accelerates the aging process, and it increases with stress. Stress is the gasoline on the fire of aging.” Eating to reduce inflammation is key, and there is power on our plates when we add some of Fitzgerald’s longevity boosters like turmeric, green tea, shitake mushrooms, wild-caught salmon, eggs, liver and sunflower seeds. A study last year in Experimental Gerontology reported that the amino acid L-theanine, found par ticularly in green tea, reduced oxidative stress, liver degeneration and inflammatory responses in aging rats.
Well of Life CenterBrain fog, trauma, ADD? Can you improve your brain function? YES!!
BIT does not diagnose, treat or cure Make your or your child’s life better & easier!
Radical Renewal Without Surgery
Even with exciting advances in the promotion of long life, ex perts are unanimous in stressing that going into our golden years disease-free begins and ends with individual lifestyle choices, starting with what we put in our mouths. “Diet is the most critical variable in terms of our metabolic destiny. It’s been said that a person can’t exercise away a poor diet, and there’s great wisdom in this statement,” says Perlmutter.
Well of Life Center, 201 Farm Lane, Doylestown, PA, is based on the belief that the body has an incredible ability to heal itself. You learn to understand what is going on, what is causing distress, and how you can put your health back in balance naturally. Only location in PA for BIT! • 215-340-3930
“While stem cell treatment has been quite effective, it is important to remember that avoiding chemicals in the environment, exercising vigorously and maintaining a low BMI [body mass index] are clearly the most important factors in good health,” advises Prodromos.
Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique (BIT), a cutting-edge technique, uses non-invasive kinesiology, physiology, and acupressure to improve the functioning of your brain. BIT addresses issues that make learning, and often life itself, hard. The 80 step protocol is a natural, drug-free alternative proven to resolve learning difficulties. This non-invasive technique offers child or adult a soothing and relaxing experience that relieves stress while delivering a permanent change in your performance. BIT improves (but not limited to) the way you think, function, behave and feel by addressing scientifically recognized areas and functions of the brain like speech centers, limbic system, memory, math, reading, writing, comprehension, puzzles, creativity, gestalt skill, logic, organizing, emotional attitudes, and more!
PTSD is a serious health concern in today’s society. New or old trauma: BIT can access the limbic system of the brain where emotions are stored. BIT can release the trauma so that clients experience relief, permanently, from the issues that bind them. OCD, phobias, stress, social anxiety, chemo brain can be improved. BIT improves the “wiring” of the brain so you can think clearly. Its main function is to take stress out of the brain, so clients often report a more calm and peaceful state of mind and lower stress levels. Benefits include better sleep, more thorough relaxation, increased enjoyment in all activities and ability to think through things logically, with greater insight and clarity. (BIT can not reverse Alzheimer’s) September 2022: First 5 contacts for BIT get first hour session for $30. Mention Natural Awakenings for discount.

What is the state of your brain? Do you write off memory loss and forgetfulness as a sign of aging? Yet there are plenty of people in their 90s who are sharp as ever and also younger people struggling with brain fog, memory and such. What is going on? What can we do? This discussion here just scratches the surface, but gives you direc tion for more research and action—help for your brain! Let’s turn to some doctors. Dr. Perl mutter and Dr. Dresden are doing ground-breaking work in the brain arena. They talk about Alzheimer’s as type 3 diabetes! They tell us that our brain needs healthy fats and cholesterol. So what has been the effect of the low fat, high sugar and carbohydrate diets of the last 40-50 years? ADD, ADHD, autism, learning dif ficulties, dementia and Alzheimer’s are on the rise; no one can argue with that. In the near future, it has been said, half of people who reach age 85 will have dementia or Alzheimer’s! Clearly areas of concern, yet help is on the way. What do they say? Dr. Perlmutter’s newly revised edition of his wildly successful Grain Brain has been educating people about the brain for two or so decades.
— Advertorial —
Dr. Dresden has published a book, How to Reverse Alzheimer’s. A bold statement indeed! Dr. Perlmutter and Dr. Dresden provide practical information and hope as well. Their books are vital to learning about brain health. Dr. Dresden sees deteriora tion of brain health as due to inflammation (from infection, diet or other); lack of sufficient supportive nutrients, hormones, and such (brain and body chemistry); and thirdly, toxic substances such as metals or microbes produced by mold toxicity or other. Genetics can play a part but do not have to be a determinant. Detoxing may be necessary. Diet of course plays a big part, either nourishing the brain or adding to cognitive decline. These doctors tell us how sugar and gluten play huge roles in declin ing brain health. Read their books for the full story and for help for your brain! What else can we do? Another factor in brain decline is STRESS: life stress, emotional stress and trauma for example. Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique (BIT—a proven technique, developed 30 years ago) reduces stress in your brain and body so that your cognitive function improves, even develops cognitive func tions that were struggles long ago in school! Brain connections are strengthened and new ones generated! When you get the obstacles out of the brain, the brain will workAdditionally,better. supplements can help the brain, but it is best to be under the care of a holistic health practitioner to take exactly what your brain needs, especially when detoxing is needed. Nutritional Response Testing (NRT) and Autonomic Response Testing (ART) give you indi vidual protocols designed just for you, via muscle testing. The Well of Life Center, in Doylestown, provides BIT, ART NRT and other supportive services.
Know anyone with Chemo brain? Yes, that is what doctors call it, yet they offer no help. The author of this article has directly experienced chemo brain and also recovery with a good diet, supplements from ART and Brain Integration Technique! A brain was lost and was found.
provide information about Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique. Information on Nutritional Response Testing (NRT) and Autonomic Response Testing (ART) can be found at: nutrition. All these services are available at the Well of Life Center in Doylestown. They can help your brain today!
Lisa Childs, BASW, spent years in social work focused on helping those affected by child abuse and neglect, autistic children and adults, emotionally challenged teens and more. She is Certified in Crossinology® Integration Technique, Applied Physiology, Advanced Brain Integration and Muscle Re-activation. Currently, she practices BIT at Well of Life Center in Doylestown.
Location: 201 Farm Lane, Doylestown. For information, call 215-340-3930 or visit See ad, page 16. by Lisa Childs
17September 2022
Help for Our Brains!
Additional resources: Books by Gary Taube are also very educational about diet. and

According to Alexander Feoktistov, M.D., Ph.D., founder of the Synergy Integrative Headache Center, in Chicago, many headaches are caused by some form of stress. “Both physical and emotional stress can manifest with headaches. These are often triggered by
changes in a routine or schedule, which throws the body’s regulatory rhythm off. Skipping meals, varying your sleep pat terns and exercising inconsistently can all confuse the body and lead to a headache, varying in intensity from dull and distract ing to severe and debilitating,” he explains.
There are more than 150 types of headaches, with the most common being tension, mi graine and cluster. Migraine attacks, which according to the Migraine Research Founda tion affect 12 percent of people in the U.S., are about three times more common in women than in men. Classic symptoms, which can be mild to severe, include throbbing or pound ing pain located in the sinuses, forehead, back of the head or one of the temples.
Heading Off Headaches
18 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition healing ways
The Mind-Body Connection
eadaches are one of the most common pain conditions in the world. According to the Cleveland Clinic, up to 75 percent of adults have had a headache in the past year. While symptoms vary in scope and intensity, understanding the un derlying cause of a headache can lead to better treatment outcomes. Most headaches can be treated holistically, and lifestyle modifications can be key to lasting relief.
Triggers Migraine can be triggered by changes in the weather, fatigue, stress, anxiety, insufficient sleep, dehydration and hormonal changes, according to the American Migraine Foun dation. Headaches can also be provoked by certain allergens, such as cigarette smoke, exposure to harsh chemicals in cleaning or beauty products, mold, dust, caffeine, alcohol and fermented foods.
While not completely understood, mental stress and anxiety can also be a trigger. “The mind-body connection is fierce,” says Christina P. Kantzavelos, a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in chronic illness and pain at Begin Within Today, in San Diego. “It’s important to keep in mind that pain literally originates in the brain. I use a Constructed Aware ness approach with clients and bring cu riosity to the pain they are experiencing, Most headaches can be modificationsandholistically,treatedlifestylecanbekeytolastingrelief.

19September 2022 including headaches. What thoughts and emotions are coming up when they focus on the pain?” she says. “Physical symptoms are often the manifestation or tangible evidence of what is going on in your unconscious mind. Our bodies become stronger or weaker, depending on our emotional state. Fear, self-criticism and invalidating the self can be the root of a headache.”
Supplements Help Nutritional supplements can also be helpful, Renee says. “Increas ing nutrients such as magnesium, coenzyme Q-10 and riboflavin can help minimize pain. Before stocking up on supplements, be sure to consult with a holistic practitioner to make sure you are making the wisest and safest selections for you. Many nutrients can be found in common foods like dark chocolate, leafy greens, seeds and nuts, meat, fatty fish and legumes.”
Try Acupuncture or Acupressure Evidence suggests that acupuncture is effective in relieving the pain of headaches by changing the flow of energy, increasing blood circulation, releasing endorphins and relaxing muscles. Acupressure and other techniques can be done anywhere, says chiropractor and acupuncturist Michele Renee, director of integrative care at Northwestern Health Sciences University, in Bloomington, Minnesota. “The best acupressure point for head aches is the soft skin in-between the thumb and pointer finger. Massage it for 20 to 30 seconds at a time to relieve pain or hold it for 10 seconds,” she says. “Migraines are caused by vascular dilation in the head, so I recommend putting your hands and feet in hot water or taking a bath to stimulate blood flow away from the head to the rest of the body.”
Good Practices Feoktistov recommends that patients experiencing headaches start with lifestyle modifications and over-the-counter meds such as ibuprofen. “Practice good sleep hygiene, stay hydrated by drinking water and minimizing caffeine, and introduce medita tion as a way of focusing on what’s physically and emotionally going on in your body,” he says. “If headaches disrupt your daily routine, are severe or frequent and/or poorly controlled with overthe-counter medications, it’s time to seek help from a headache specialist or other medical professional who can work with you on a path to healing.”
Renee also suggests maintaining a regular exercise routine to ward off headaches. “The less active someone is, the tighter their muscles are and the more likely they will experience headaches. Make sure to get out for a walk every day, or try running to keep the body and mind moving. Yoga is another great activity as a mindfulness practice that decreases stress and also keeps the body moving to eliminate tension.”
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine. Connect at
Don’t Forget Exercise

A dults often want to shield children from suffering, but that isn’t always possible or advisable. Loss and grief are natural parts of life. Acknowledging and express ing uncomfortable feelings are necessary lessons in being human, and while there is no right way to grieve, adults can provide gentle guideposts. Most importantly, kids need to know that they aren’t alone as they process complicated emotions and inte grate lessons of empathy and acceptance.
by Sandra Yeyati
“At first, Joey misses his yellow balloon all of the time, then he misses it most of the time, then a lot of the time and then just some of the time, and the color slowly comes back into his world. At the end, when he says, ‘I still miss you, but when ever I see the sun, I’ll feel you with me,’ that’s when the color has shadow, light and range, because when you go through a profound loss and feel your feelings, you can see the world with greater depth and empathy for those around you.”
The beginning pages of My Yellow Balloon are rendered in full color to illustrate Joey’ s innocence. He has never known pain. After he loses the balloon, the ensuing pages turn black-and-white. “Loss is disorienting. I wanted to give kids that visceral under standing that it feels like the whole world turns upside-down and you just have to sit there helpless and watch your balloon float away—watch your life as you knew it get ting away from you,” Papageorge says.
In My Yellow Balloon, an award-winning children’s picture book, a little boy named Joey comes to love the lemon-colored balloon he receives at a carnival. Tied to his wrist, it isn’t just Joey’s favorite toy, it also becomes a loyal companion through many fun adventures.
One day, the string slips off his wrist and Joey’s best friend flies away, catapulting him on a journey through grief. “The yellow balloon is a metaphor for all kinds of losses—divorce, death, grade school graduation,” explains the book’s author and certified grief worker Tiffany Papageorge. “We think of loss as the death of a person, but loss can also be any change, transition or disappoint ment—big or small. The older we get, the more we shake them off, but some disap pointments can feel big in the moment, especially for little kids.”
20 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition healthy kids
Learning to Grieve
According to Papageorge, her book is intended to serve as a roadmap through grief that parents and kids can read to gether. “It’s important to acknowledge and

Equine Gestalt Coaching Intuitive Reiki validate the pain a child is experiencing,” she says. “When a toddler throws a tan trum at the store, instead of ignoring them or telling them to stop it, say ‘I know you’re disappointed and sad. I understand that; it doesn’t feel good. I’m here with you.’ Some thing magical happens when anyone at any age is acknowledged and understood.”
According to Brittany Collins, an educa tor, curriculum designer and author of Learning from Loss: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Supporting Grieving Stu dents, “Grief elicits a fight-or-flight stress response, and chronic exposure to high levels of stress hormones can have deleteri ous effects on development, especially in adolescents when the prefrontal cortex is still in development. At the same time, neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to grow, change and adapt at any point in life, is also at play. So, adolescence is a wonder ful moment to introduce teens to coping strategies they can use throughout their life, whether that’s mindfulness, different types of emotional regulations, storytelling activities, meditation, journaling or yoga.”
GestaltProfessionalLifeCoach&ReikiMaster (267)
Sandra Yeyati, J.D., is a professional writer and editor. Reach her at
Expressive writing (journaling using emotion words) promotes regulation of the nervous system, which in turn lowers that stress response and creates physiological relief, Collins notes, adding, “Scientific data suggests that the metacognition involved in identifying feelings and writing feel ing-based words in narratives improves immune and liver function, elicits higher quality-of-life scores and improves psycho logicalWhenwell-being.”welosealoved one, we lose what psychologists call hidden regulators—sen sory facets that subconsciously make us feel that things are okay in the world. It could be the sound of a parent’s car pulling into the driveway after work or the smell of a loved one’s cologne. Collins says that teachers and parents can counterbalance a destabilizing loss by introducing routine and predictability in children’s schedules, perhaps starting class the same way every day with a five-minute free-write, or sched uling regular visits with a special mentor or relative every Saturday. Kids come to rely on such anchors in times of stress, upheaval and loss.
21September 2022 You Are Not Broken! You have the power to heal and You don’t have to do it alone. Step Into Joy Healing Arts LLC A journey of self-discovery and healing
Collins suggests that caring adults shift their mindset away from being a savior, because grief is not something to be fixed or solved, and instead serve as a facili tator of connection. “Think about what form of outlet might resonate with young people and shift the onus away from one adult being the person that says and does the right thing, and instead wrapping a community around them for support,” she says. Helpful resources include mental health professionals; youth engagement programs where kids experiencing loss can share and learn from each other; and activities that offer release and friendship, such as theater, dance, sports or Adultsmusic.should resist the temptation to jump in and assume they know what’s best for a grieving child, Col lins counsels. “Ask open-ended questions like, ‘What would be most helpful to you in this moment?’ or, ‘What makes you feel calm or connected?’ Find ways to inspire introspection and reflection without telling young people that we know the answer.” Making space to remember a lost loved one or to honor something we’ve lost can be healing for both kids and adults. Collins suggests that we ask kids how they’d like to memorialize a loss, preferably in community. Maybe they want to plant a tree in honor of someone’s memory or create a fundraiser for a cause that the loved one cared about.
Joan Summers Trauma
Ultimately, the greatest gift we can give grieving children is our presence. According to Collins, one of the best predictors of adjustment is a psychological concept called “per ceived support availability.” Letting young people know that we’re thinking about them and that we’re there if and when they need us can go a long way.
Gestalt Life Coaching

“What I learned is that we need four essential physical skills to navigate through life as we age—strength, flexibility, balance and agility—and we get that from yoga. We can find independence in our everyday life, and we don’t need a vigorous yoga class to do that,” says Ruth Pipitone, a gentle yoga instructor at various stu dios and senior centers in Northeastern Pennsylvania. For those that only associate the practice with youthful bodies and hip yoga gear, yoga is a full-spectrum practice. “Anyone can do yoga— gentle yoga, chair yoga and even wheelchair yoga.”
PeopleImages/ I
22 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition fit body Aging Gracefully
n 1967, Tao Porchon-Lynch left a successful Hollywood career as a model and actress to become a full-time yogi in her 50s. At age 87, she added ballroom dancing to her list of passions and at 93, she landed in the Guinness World Records as the oldest yoga teacher on the planet. She continued to teach a weekly yoga class just days before her death at age 101. “I love seeing students realize what is possible,” Porchon-Lynch said in an interview, and her words are an added incentive to reap the many benefits of a regular yoga practice at any age.
Whether it involves getting down on a mat or practicing modi fied poses with the use of a chair, yoga helps us to stay nimble, manage stress, reduce symptoms of depression and tame high blood pressure. Yoga has been around for thousands of years for good reason, and health organizations like the Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center are now recommending the healing modality for a better quality of life.
by Maya Whitman
Ancient Moves for Modern Life
According to a 2016 study of 227 participants reported in the journal Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, just 12 minutes of daily gentle yoga over 10 years improved bone mineral density in the spine and upper legs. About four in five participants had osteo porosis or osteopenia (low bone density), indicating that yoga is a good strategy for the 10 million Americans over the age of 50 with osteoporosis and the 44 million with osteopenia.
For Terecita “Ti” Blair, yoga offered a new way of life after a catastrophic automobile accident in 2009. The Denver-based trauma and resilience educator and 2017 SilverSneakers Instruc tor of the Year says, “Virtually any style or type of yoga can appeal and work well for you today, but not tomorrow. Therefore real ‘yoga’ is about adaptability, and yes, those of us with compromised

23September 2022
Helping Patients Benefit from New & Evolving
Due to COVID-19 we are only offering statewide telephone consultations at this time 24 Veteran's Square Media, PA 19063 312 W State St #203 Kennett Square, PA 19348 230 Sugartown Rd #20 Wayne, PA 19087 joints, immune systems, pain, disability and illness can absolutely benefit from yoga.” Those with conditions ranging from cancer to Parkinson’s dis ease can reap benefits from an appropriate yoga environment. In 2021, a meta-analysis of 12 studies published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that yoga can increase muscle strength, mobility, balance and lower body flexibility in mature adults. An older study from Temple University showed that Iyengar yoga can improve balance and prevent falls in women over 65 years old.
The Breath of Now
The keystone of all yoga practice is working with the breath, an action that is naturally compromised by just getting out of bed and into the day’s challenges. “Most adults breathe from their chest. That’s where we activate the stress response of fight, flight or freeze. We need to use the lower lungs, too, so we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system to find calm,” says Pipitone. Blair, who specializes in helping others to find emotional equilibrium after trauma, concurs: “The nervous system is sym biotic with the breath, and vice versa. A long, deep inhale and a long, slow exhale can act as an immediate elixir for the nervous system to recognize that, in that moment, we are okay.” She has taught groups of people, some in wheelchairs and hospital beds, and she “still experienced the entire room shift when breathing together. As long as we are able to consciously notice breath, we can do yoga.” No matter how many trips we take around the sun, tapping into the life force can give us a new perspective. “I use asana (yoga poses) to examine my thoughts and feelings and to find introspec tion to examine what is happening with myself physically, as well as mentally and emotionally,” says Pipitone. “You become more mindful of what you need to carry with you and what you don’t need to carry with you.” In essence, we deepen as we age, and yoga can meet us on a multidimensional level. “Yoga does not have to mean poses. Pos sibilities are infinite, and adaptations are unlimited, based upon our needs,” says Blair. Connect with Maya Whitman at
Now available with Pennsylvania's compassionate medical marijuana legislation, we offer statewide medical marijuana consultation and certification as well as holistic medicine services.

Nicole Zornitzer, ERYT 1000, yoga therapist, founder of Niyama Yoga & Wellness Shala, located in Randolph, New Jersey; Upper Lake Mohawk in Sparta, New Jersey; Roseland, New Jersey; and Delray Beach in Florida.
Whole Body Yoga Studio north wales
by Nicole Zornitzer
24 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition Yoga Corner
peace breathenamaste
Wading In Slowly
Many years ago, I was introduced to the works of Stephen Levine, an ac claimed author, poet and teacher best known for his work on death and dying, through his book A Year to Live. It focused on finding the moments in each day to be appreciative and grateful for the one life we are given. I read my second Levine book, Healing Into Life and Death, during my own RYT 300 Hour Teacher Training 13 years ago, and again about one month ago while preparing for my next incoming group of students to train with me for their Advanced Thera peutic Yoga Degree. It felt as if it had been waiting all these years for me to find it for the second time. When I opened my dusty book from 13 years ago, I felt as if I was opening a trea sure box. I felt connected to the smell, the texture, the weight of the book. I brought this book on a backpacking trip and read it under a full moon in a tent with a headlamp attached to my body. I felt a connection that I don’t often feel with a tangible item. That first night, in the moonlight, I got as far as page 13. And this is what I read: “There are many ways this work can be used. It can be read like a book, not unlike passively sitting on a riverbank listening to the rippling waters, or one can go swimming in it, actively participating in it as a healing process. Indeed, there is a story about an intellectual youth who felt he could learn everything from books. He read about the stars and became an astronomer, he read about his tory and became a historian, he read about swimming and drowned. Some things we can learn only by wading in slowly, from the direct experience of the ‘ocean of being’ lap ping against our body. To enter this process directly is to participate in the healing we took birth for, is to become fully alive.
The secret of healing is there’s no secret at all. Healing is an open book. You are not on page 13.” This introduction affected me on a visceral level. I could feel my veins pulsating, I could sense the energy shifting in my body, I could smell the scent of hope in my future. I realized in that very moment, that I have wasted many years of my life living for tomorrow instead of today, creating story lines that never came to fruition, placing expectations on others that were unrealistic and most importantly avoiding my own internal healing process and tending to my own heart. Along this journey of helping others, I forgot about the most important person of all, me To heal is a journey and to find the courage to heal has been the most challenging aspect of healing for me. Healing into death, bequests us all to heal into life. At the moment of death, we should all be able to reflect upon this life, and all it has brought us with sincere gratitude. As I heal my own heart, I realize that my vulner ability will help others do the same. We are all humans, just being and I suspect we all are trying our best.
103 E Walnut

25September 2022 CHRONIC HEALTH ISSUES? “In my 37 years of experience, I can assure you that your chronic health symptoms exist because some unresolved mechanical, emotional or nutritional stress is placing undue influence on the body and preventing your ability to heal. Once the cause is identified, the treatment becomes obvious, and healing can begin.” – Dr. Griffin Center for Natural Healing 252 W. Swamp Rd., Suite 26 Doylestown, PA Check out my website at Dr. Jeffrey L. Griffin, DC Doctor of Chiropractic •Internal Health Specialist Fellow Chiropractic Pediatrics•Certified Enzyme Therapist Start Your Healing Journey Today! Call 215-348- 2115 for your FREE Courtesy Consultation. Specializing in Chronic & Difficult Cases Of the spine, digestive health and more! NEW PATIENTS WELCOME • NEW PATIENTS WELCOME • NEW PATIENTS WELCOME

26 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition Crossword Puzzle Look for clues in the articles in this month’s edition You can find the answers to this month’s puzzle by visiting this CROSSWORDmonth’sPUZZLEsponsoredby: Across 1 Way to avoid the costs of excess consumerism 4 Shocked breaths 7 Restrain 8 Bladderwrack, for example 9 Salon concern 10 Signal in the body to prepare for food and water scarcity, 2 words 13 Tint of color 14 Possessive pronoun 16 Sea plant 17 Temperature controls, briefly 19 Snack 21 That’s it! 22 Depart 25 Method of sharing equipment needed for occasional repairs and odd jobs, 2 words 29 Satisfied 30 Extremely small 31 Equipment used to dry foods as a preserving technique with low risk of bacteria and spoilage Down 1 Like goods in thrift stores 2 The A in NAD (coenzyme involved in many metabolic processes essential to life) 3 Pen’s fluid 4 Take a quick look 5 Treatment that replaces damaged and dying cells, 2 words 6 Depressed 8 “The gasoline on the fire of aging” per the naturopathic doctor Kara Fitzgerald 11 Snap-_____ flower 12 Indian dish made with stewed legumes 15 It’s used to reduce swellings 18 Heat related prefix 20 Stock 23 Type of bread 24 Rainbow shapes 25 Golf equipment 26 Was in front 27 Breathable gas mixture 28 Time period, for short 29 Doctor’s title letters 21 N. Gilbert St., Ste 210, Tinton Falls, NJ info@atlanticoralsurgery.com732-747-0993AtlanticOralSurgery.comSeead,pagex.

Self-Care Day! – 5-6:45pm. Enjoy 30 minutes each of Reflexology, Reiki, and Thai Massage with our wonderful healing healers. Two start times available - 5pm or 7pm. $125. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E. Walnut St., North Wales.
Reiki Share – 7-9pm. A collaborative event where all participate in the healing of each other. Reiki Masters Jen and Jenni will invite the Reiki energy in, and then have everyone join the session. $25. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E. Walnut St., North Wales.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:30pm; Virtual. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis –6:30-7:30pm. Eliminate the craving for tobacco while minimizing discomfort. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. Shed unwanted pounds and keep them off in a safe, effective program. Better Sleep with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:30pm. Imagine leaving life’s cares and worries behind at the end of each day. $60 each session. Sponsored by Hypnosis Counseling Center. For more information, contact Barry at 908-303-7767, or
All calendar events for the October 2022 issue must be received by September 10 and adhere to our guidelines. To submit, visit or email for submission form.
Wine & Paint 6pm. Grab a friend (or two) and your favorite libation for an evening of art and conversation. Follow along with the steps provided by Berks Nature’s painting instructor or let nature’s inspiration guide you through a painting of one of Pennsylvania’s native wildflowers. Berks Nature will provide all the materials you need to walk away with your own artistic masterpiece! All skill levels are welcome – BYOB. Starting at $20.00 - $30.00. Berks Nature The Nature Place, 575 St. Bernadine St, Reading. 610-3724992. wineandpaint/
Holistic Health & Healing Expo – 11am-5pm. With more than 100 leading-edge thinkers and practitioners demonstrating their products and services, you’re sure to come away with new ideas for leading a more inspired and healthy life. Expect to peruse beautiful handmade items such as lotions, candles and personal care products. Informative workshops and yummy—and, yes, healthy—food and treats will also be available! So, plan on spending the whole day! Free event. The Westin Mount Laurel Hotel, 555 Fellowship Rd, Mount Laurel.
Restorative Yoga & Sound Healing – 1-3pm. Join us for a blissful afternoon of live sound healing including gongs, crystal sound bowls, and bells, while being led in a luxurious restorative yoga practice accompanied by essential oils. $45. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E. Walnut St., North Wales.
Beginner Yoga 101 – 6:30-7:45pm; 3-week series. Learn step-by-step yoga poses and breathing techniques. We will break down the fundamentals of postures and give you options to modify the poses to feel comfortable in your body. . $120. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E. Walnut St., North Wales.
ongoing YogaSUNDAYinthe Park – 10-11am. 3rd Sun. Join us for a four class Summer Yoga Series at The Nature Place led by Bonnie Showalter of Yoga Unlimited! $20 per class, $60 for 4 class series. The Nature Place Berks Nature, 575 St. Bernadine St, Reading. 610-3724992. in-the-park.summeryogaseries/
27September 2022 SEPTEMBER 2022 daily & ongoing
Reiki II Certification & Attunement – 11am5pm. Opens the chakras and increases energy flow in your body. Learn how to perform a distance reiki session & become qualified to apply Reiki energy to people as clients. . $150 + $35 Materials Fee. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E. Walnut St., North Wales. 215661-0510. Workshops.

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founded on the belief that the body has an incredible ability to heal itself. We find the underlying causes of each problem and teach your body how to truly heal it holistically. See ad, page 16
Dr. Justin Ponquinette, DMD, NMD, IBDM 21 N Gilbert St, Ste 210, Tinton Falls, NJ
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methods to promote/provide and health while respecting and embracing the body’s ability to heal itself. See ad, page 3
One of the world's most accomplished centers for periodontal and implant care, which integrates wellness services into their therapeutic approach.
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“Is it supposed to work that fast?” “One of the best presents ever.” “Sixteen flights, not a sniffle!” “Cold sores gone!”
device whenever I feel a sign I am about to get sick.” He hasn’t had a cold in 10 years. After his first success with it, he asked relatives and friends to try it. They all said it worked, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market.
Users say: “It works! I love it!” “I can’t believe how good my nose feels.”
“It saved me last holidays. The kids all got sick, but not me.” “I am shocked! My sinus cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.” “Best sleep I’ve had in years!”
30 Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition
New research: Copper kills viruses in seconds. ADVERTORIAL can stop a virus before it starts
CopperZap® is made in the USA of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. Price $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA30. Go to or call toll-freeBuy1-888-411-6114.once,useforever.
By Doug Cornell
VirusColdsFluvariantsSinustroubleColdsoresFeverblistersCankersoresStrepthroat Night stuffiness Morning
Statements are not intended as product health claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Hundreds of studies confirm copper kills viruses and bacteria almost instantly just by touch.
“The antimicrobial activity of copper is well established.” National Institutes of Health.Scientists say copper’s high conductance disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys it in seconds.TheEPA recommended hospitals use copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives. The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made a smooth copper probe with a tip to fit in the bottom of the nostril, where viruses collect. When he felt a tickle in his nose like a cold about to start, he rubbed the copper gently in his nose for worked!”seconds.60“It
Soon hundreds of people had tried it. 99% said copper worked if they used it right away at the first sign of germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat.
Nature’s Virus Killer Copper
Copper Zap
Longtime users say they haven’t been sick in years. They have less stress, less medical costs, and more time to enjoyCustomerslife. report using copper
The EPA says copper works just as well when tarnished. Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the science teams. He placed millions of viruses on a copper surface. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched it.”
Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast. Now thousands of people are using it against viruses and bacteria that cause illness. Colds and many misery.andtheythemyoumultiply.nosegetwhenillnessesotherstartvirusesinyourandIfdon’tstopearly,spreadcause
That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about viruses and bacteria, but now we do.
against:Thehandle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on fingers and hands after you touch things other people have touched.

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