E The Magazine for Today's Female Executive August 2015 issue

Page 1

The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Rockin The “B” You Laughed


You Listened GOTCHA!

A look at the brilliance of John Stewart

Help! She isn’t Me

Protect Your Identity.

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Late Summer

Caroline Herrera, Gail Sorronda, Alena Akhmadullina


$4.99 USA (CAN $5.99) Female-Exec.com Digital edition included with current subscription Page 1 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Self Self--made


Elizabeth Holmes Rocks an even

Bigger Vision.

The White White Shirt A signature Piece For highly independent, thinkers.

Top Brazilian Jazz Artist – Listen to The Best Vocal Tones ever.


Conferences For Summer/fall 2015 Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Your Purpose... It’s Out There There--Go Find it.

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Look Who’s Talking

Yang Lan, Media Mogul, TV host. Yamg Lan is ofter called “the Oprah of China.” The chair of a multiplatform business empire, Yang is pioneering more-open means of communication in the communist nation. Full bio



Ideas worth spreading*

1700+ talks to stir your curiosity www.TED.com Page 4 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Gotcha! A look at the Brilliance of Jon Stewart.

Message From the Editor’s Desk



Rockin The


70 A signature Piece For highly independent, thinkers.



Rethinking Ferguson

By Cynthia Lardner


Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Late Summer

Caroline Herrera, Gail Sorronda, Alena Akhmadullina


You laughed BUT You Listened.

The White Shirt

Elizabeth Holmes Rocks an even Bigger Vision.


Brazillian Jazz Arists The Best Vocals

Blogging Your way to a Brand.


By Tracy Repchuk

58 Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

chocolate ricotta mousse

By Alana Chernila


She is Not Me. By Anna Corsaro &Daniel Djouder

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 5

Seu Jorge

Top Three Brazilian Jazz Artist Click Here & Listen

Page 6 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Hawk & Horse Vineyards


Franchises To Help Retirees Finance the Rest Of Their Lives

By Fredrik Eklund With Bruce Littlefield

116 98

Stress-Free Pairing

The Wine Coach Laurie Forster


Barbara Wiseman

By Barbara Corcoran

Cooperative and Ecology Explained

128 104


Story Secrets Sandra Miller Younger


Summer/Fall Conferences Schedules 2015

Rare Cat Wines


Positioning How a Local Start Up took on a National Brand

by Bruce Wiseman

150 Meeting Calendar

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E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 7

E Magazine congratulates the first two women to graduate US Army Ranger School 2015 Their Were Not Revealed Page 8 Names E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Laurie Forster Althea Ledford

By Tracy Repchuk

The Wine Coach

Sandra Millers Younger Author & Speaker

Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Barbara Wiseman

By Alana Chernila Sharon kazan Harris

President Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization

Cynthia Lardner

Author and Chef

Atty, Social Advocate

RareCat Wines

Aldeme Mitchell Fredrik Eklund Author & Million Dollar listing NY

Daniel Djouder

“Economic and Geopolitical Analyst”

Bruce Wiseman

Creative Director


Anna Corsaro Crisis Expert

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Mitch & Tracy Hawkins Hawk and Horse Vineyards

Barbara Corcoran Author

David Goodman

Franchise Expert & Shark Tank Panalist E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 9

What is a Female Executive? I am the one that makes the bread, weaves the fabric, creates the peace, negotiates the smiles, shuts it down and wakes it all back up. I am the Swiss Army Knife of mankind. I am the one that gives birth and keeps life goingwhether I have to nudge it with my heart, my mind, my blood or my foot! I keep the bass rhythm of life moving. I am that female that executes the needed, the necessary and the fantastic. I am THAT female executive.

-Althea Ledford

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From the Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Welcome to the August Issue of E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive. This month’s theme is Rockin th “B” with Self made Billionaire Elizabeth Holmes and her Bigger Vision. Before we get into this month’s issue, I want to take time and share a life note with you. Sometimes we attempt to assimilate our lives and the people in it, the same way we assimilate business and that is a mistake. As organic and dynamic as life is-the one thing you can be assured of is “All the Pieces Won’t Fit Neatly Together”. People spend years doing the same thing and logically expect a certain outcome. While in reality, they keep getting something else. Your going to love people , that won’t love you back. Your going to loan things to people that will not pay you back, Your going to be kind to people that will not return the kindness. But it’s important to live and speak with the light your carrying. We do a bigger spiritual math than that. Rather than keep track (tit for tat) with other humans, why not do unlimited giving with an unlimited universe (God). People function differently when they are working with a higher, bigger, deeper purpose. It’s as if their very brains expand to put things into perspective. As Barbara Walters says, “Fight the big fight” and don’t bother with the small stuff. Life deals us all a set of oddly shaped cards that don’t always seem to fit. Live with an open heart and play your best pieces always. And remember the pieces won’t all fit (right then), but you must play them anyway.

I hope you enjoy this issue. -Althea Ledford

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E Magazine Pays Tribute To the Extraordinary Life of Free Diving World Champion Natalia Molchanova

She took her last Dive Sunday August 2, 2015 and never returned. Page 12 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Mercedes Benz Fashion Week End of Summer 2015 Caroline Herrera, Gail Sorronda, Alena Akhmadullina

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E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 15

Alena Akhmadullina

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Summer 2015 www.alenaakhmadullina.com

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Gail Sorronda

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a Summer 2015 www.gailsorronda.com

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Caroline Herrera La

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ate Summer 2015 www.carolinaherrera.com

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NHTRC 1 888 373 7888

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Blogging Your Way To Becoming A Brand By Tracy Repchuk Page 24 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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I am often asked ‘How can I get started online with

You can quickly post ideas, interact with people,

little or no money?’ Obviously not the best to way to

share photos, and start to establish yourself as a

begin a business but there is one answer that most


people will tell you and that is to start a blog. The general strategy is to talk to your audience at

A Blog (weB LOG) is a web journal/log where you can quickly talk to your audience without any need for web knowledge. It is as simple as going to Blogger.com Wordpress.com and setting up an account for free. (I recommend Wordpress - despite the fact Blogger is owned by Google because it’s the industry standard.)


every opportunity. Tell them what cool things you have discovered. In essence, it is your way to get personal. These people are possibly your future purchasers, so by letting them know who you are, and that you care, and are here, it allows them to feel connected to you. And an advanced tip is to distribute your posts quickly and easily through mass distribution sites for blogs such as

The better strategy though is to secure a


master domain name

This site lets you get pro-


active in your posts and


instead of waiting for

install Wordpress and place

Google to find you, you

your blog underneath your

push your post to hundreds of sites in minutes, tell-

master domain name.

ing Google you are here and ready for indexing.

(ie.www.TracyRepchuk.com/ blog) This requires about $100 for domain name and hosting and is a little more difficult but in the long run

Now before we get into a blog you may be won-

will get you the Google benefits you crave and need.

dering how does this fit in with social media. The simple answer is it is social media, but unlike

Most importantly though, this is your fastest way to

FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin and the like, if you

get ranked for keywords with Google, and should

build it on your website you benefit from the traffic

become a central depository for all your articles,

and attention. In the case of social media, they

general announcements, and telling visitors what

are getting the rankings. However, both are re-

you are up to so you can help or advise them. The

quired. Social media can feed you blog pros-

best thing is you don't need to be technical.

pects, and you can post your blog link there and double the benefits.

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And lastly, the big question that rarely gets an-

4. Optimize your Blog and take advantage of RSS

swered or addressed is “Why Blog?” Here’s the

(Rich Site Summary) feeding options, social

issue - most people drop blogging because you

bookmark links, Title tags, Meta Tags, Meta De-

feel like you don’t have anyone that is reading your

scription and Meta Keywords. The advanced

blog. Here’s the reality - most people aren’t reading

features of a blog need to be learned and used

your blog but one entity is and that is all that mat-

or else you won’t get the power a blog gives

ters - Google. Your blog is a relationship between


you and Google so that you can be found online, and you can gain authority on your topic. Readers come later.

5. Find authoritative blogs, web sites and portals and outbound link to them. Grab high ranking YouTube videos and do a

Here are some tips to make your Blog a soaring success.

post around them and their message. This gets you content, and links you to something

1. Avoid blog services that do not allow you to use your own do-

that already has a

main name.

jump start on interest.

Make sure you purchase your name as a dot.com (i.e.

6. Format your ar-


chived posts, related

and redirect it to your Blog. That

posts and add Google

helps with the branding. You will

Adsense and affiliate program links and make

notice the actual location is www.TracyRepchuk.com/blog but since that is awkward to say I use a domain name when talking to people. 2. Make your look stand out by customizing it with your picture, product offerings, websites you like, whatever is appropriate for the market and you. Simply select tools from the menu bar and optimize your design. 3. Research and use keywords in your Blog post title, in the body of the post and use anchor text (direct links) when you link to previous posts you’ve made and in your title. This helps rank other pages when Google sees it. Page 28 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

some money. 7. Make sure you are tracking statistics and monitor inbound traffic links. (You can use Google Analytics to do this.) 8. Take advantage of special features such as Podcast and video integration. 9. Post regularly. If you post articles you have written, you aren't necessarily creating new content every day but organizing where it goes. For a personal brand identity blog, daily is always good. If you are trying to become an authoritative blog, anywhere from a few times a week to daily is recommended. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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10. Submit your Blog URL (Universal Resource Locator - i.e. domain name) to search engines. 11. Create and distribute a press release announcing your Blog. Continue to do this for major announcements that you post there as well. PR is an on-going animal, and is critical to the success of any campaign. 12. Join relevant social groups, forums and discussion threads and post comments that are helpful on social media and other appropriate blogs along with a link to your blog. 13. Make a point of finding other industry related blogs or authoritative sites and participate on these too by leaving comments and links. 14. Build a relationship with other bloggers, especially those that link to you. Bloggers are a tight knit community and are willing to help once you establish yourself as a person who is serious about your topic. 15. Mention popular bloggers or people in your niche by name in your Blog, the traffic will help you and serve as a keyword. 16. If you want to make money with your Blog add Google Adsense, Clickbank.com, Amazon or Ebay affiliate integration to your blog and even find products and people you like and add their complementary affiliate product offerings, and you've got double the pleasure for your blog. (I have affiliate products that may work on your site, just ask and I can help you set that up.) A Blog is an easy way to get started quickly for free, plus a jump start to get a good, fast ranking in the search engines versus the normal grind up the Google ladder when starting a new site. Google loves fresh, dynamic, relevant content and if that is what your blog contains, then instead of waiting months for Google to index you, it can be days. So get started and Blog Your Way to Becoming a Brand. Page 30 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

About: Tracy Repchuk, is a 5-Time International Bestselling Author and Online Marketing and Social Media Strategist and speaker. As an award-winning entrepreneur since the age of 19 with over 30 years of business, internet, SEO, and marketing she has helped thousands of clients develop your brand, and launch your message online fast and effectively. In addition she has appeared as a technology specialist in National TV segments with ABC, CBS, FOX, CW, NBC, HGTV San Diego Living, Good Morning New Mexico, CNBC, Report on Business TV, Vegas Inc, USA Today, Forbes, MSN, and over 50 publications, newspapers and magazines, 3 motivational movies, plus hundreds of speaking appearances in over 35 countries. For more information like the above get a copy of her #1 book 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles at: www.Just31Days.com Get Tracy’s gift Instant Online Impact for free at: www.FastActionResults.com Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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You laughed but You Listened

GotCha! Sometimes one of the hardest things to do is tell the truth. And a follow up trick is to get them to listen. Jon Stewart masterfully brings up facts about our social flaws ranging from absurd politics to pointing out senseless social trends. His technique resembles a combination of Groucho Marks, a voice in the wilderness and a cynical history teacher. He’s quick witted and laser sharp in his deliver. After you finish laughing your stuck with the revelation that what he just said made sense and now Page 32 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

you have to actually think about it. Humor has always been a great conductor of information and no one does it better than Jon Steward. So often we see brilliant people, perfectly situated leaving their post to try something new and that is their right and privilege. In this situation, however, who could ever replace him. At a time when we, society, needs to be more aware-on a daily basis, who will fill that role? How many minds will start to dull because they don’t have that Stewart boost every evening.

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And sense his shows are tied to relevant news events, they won't go over well as reruns. And so we have an interesting predicament. In his own words with Rachel Maddow “I

am the Highlander” there’s been a form of me around forever. The comedian who takes political and social concepts and criticizes them. From a haughty, yet ultimately, reckless perch-throwing things.” Jon Stewart’s perception of himself and his actual impact may be at odds. During that same interview with Rachel Maddow, he made the distinction Page 33 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Between Rachel’s type of news and what he does. His comparison simulated Rachel as being on the field playing the game and he was on the sidelines shouting at the game. Which Rachel disagreed with stating she felt they were both in the game. One variable Jon failed to recognize was that if your sideline comments impact the attention and attendance to the game, you are a vey important variable. Jon Stewart has that type of influence on younger America, he’s made the discussion of politics and social issues “cool” and engaging. Full attention and engagement is good for democracy. Social Awareness makes for a better government. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

More Facts about

The Daily Show In 1999, Stewart began hosting The Daily Show on Comedy Central when Craig Kilborn left the show to replace Tom Snyder on The Late Late Show. The show, which has been popular and successful in cable television since Stewart became the host (ratings increased by 400% in 1999), blends humor with the day's top news stories, usually in politics, while simultaneously poking fun at politicians and many newsmakers as well as the news media itself. In an interview on The O'Reilly Factor, Stewart denied the show has any intentional political agenda, saying the goal was "schnicks and giggles." "The same weakness that drove me into comedy also informs my show," meaning that he was uncomfortable talking without hearing the audience laugh. The Daily Show does however inform younger generations of the current world news, and gives this information in a way where it can be informational and comedic. "Stewart does not offer us cynicism for its own sake, but as a playful way to offer the kinds of insights that are not permitted in more serious news formats that slavishly cling to official account of events." Stewart has since hosted almost all airings of the program, except for a few occasions when correspondents such as Stephen Colbert, Rob Corddry, Jason Jones,Steve Carell, subbed for him, and during John Oliver's stint as host during the summer of 2013. Stewart Page 34 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

has won a total of nineteen Emmys for The Daily Show as either a writer or producer. In 2005, The Daily Show and Jon Stewart received a Best Comedy Album Grammy Award for the audio book edition of America (The Book). In 2000 and 2004, the show won two Peabody Awards for its coverage of the presidential elections relevant to those years, called "Indecision 2000" and "Indecision 2004", respectively. The September 20, 2001 show, the first show after the attacks of September 11, 2001, began with no introduction. Before this, the introduction included footage of a fly-in towards the World Trade Center and New York City. The first nine minutes of the show included a tearful Stewart discussing his personal view on the event. His remarks ended as follows: "The view… from my apartment… was the World Trade Center… and now it's gone, and they attacked it. This symbol of American ingenuity, and strength, and labor, and imagination and commerce, and it is gone. But you know what the view is now? The Statue of Liberty. The view from the South of Manhattan is now the Statue of Liberty. You can't beat that." In mid-2002, amid rumors that David Letterman was going to switch from CBS to ABC when his contract ran out, Stewart was rumored as Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

anchorWalter Cronkite, "the most trusted man in America".[45]


replacement on CBS. Ultimately, Letterman renewed his contract with CBS. On the March 9, 2002, episode of Saturday Night Live, hosted by Stewart, a "Weekend Update" sketch poked fun at the situation. In late 2002, ABC offered Stewart his own talk show to air right before Nightline. Stewart's contract with The Daily Show was near expiring, and he expressed strong interest. ABC, however, decided to give another Comedy Central figure, Jimmy Kimmel, the pre-Nightline slot.[ On April 4, 2006, Stewart confronted U.S. Senator John McCain about his decision to appear at Liberty University, an institution founded by Jerry Falwell, whom McCain had previously denounced as one of the "agents of intolerance". In the interchange, Stewart asked McCain, "You're not freaking out on us? Are you freaking out on us, because if you're freaking out and you're going into the crazy base world—are you going into crazy base world?" McCain replied, "I'm afraid so." The clip was played on CNN and created a surge of articles across the blogosphere. In 2007, The Daily Show was involved in former correspondent Stephen Colbert's announcement that he would run for president in 2008. In 2008, Stewart appeared on the news program Democracy Now! A 2008 New York Times story questioned whether he was, in a phrase originally used to describe longtime network news Page 35 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

On April 28, 2009, during a discussion on torture with Clifford May, Stewart expressed his opinion that former President Harry S. Truman was a war criminal for his use of the atomic bomb on Japan during World War II. Moments later, Stewart defended his assertion: "Here's what I think of the atom bombs. I think if you dropped an atom bomb fifteen miles offshore and you said, "The next one's coming and hitting you," then I would think it's okay. To drop it on a city, and kill a hundred thousand people. Yeah. I think that's criminal." On April 30, 2009, Stewart apologized on his program, and stated he did not believe Truman was a war criminal: "The other night we had on Cliff May. He was on, we were discussing torture, back and forth, very spirited discussion, very enjoyable. And I may have mentioned during the discussion we were having that Harry Truman was a war criminal. And right after saying it, I thought to myself that was dumb. And it was dumb. Stupid in fact. So I shouldn't have said that, and I did. So I say right now, no, I don't believe that to be the case. The atomic bomb, a very complicated decision in the context of a horrific war, and I walk that back because it was in my estimation a stupid thing to say. Which, by the way, as it was coming out of your mouth, you ever do that, where you're saying something, and as it's coming out you're like, "What the fuck, nyah?" And it just sat in there for a couple of days, just sitting going, "No, no, he wasn't, and you should really say that out loud on the show." So I am, right now, and, man, ew. Sorry."[ Tracy Morgan appeared on the April 15, 2010 episode of The Daily

Show and coined Stewart with the nickname "Stew Beef". Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

In April 2010, Comedy Central renewed Stewart's contract to host The Daily Show into 2013. Stewart is paid a reported $1.5 million for one season of The Daily Show. According to the Forbes list of Celebrities in 2008, he was earning $14 million a year. On September 16, 2010, Stewart and Stephen Colbert announced a rally for October 30, known as the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. It took place on theNational Mall in Washington, D.C. and attracted an estimated 215,000 participants. In December 2010, Stewart was credited by the White House and other media and political news outlets for bringing awareness of the Republican filibuster on theJames Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act to the public, leading to the ultimate passing of the bill which provides health benefits to first responders whose health has been adversely affected by their work at Ground Zero. On the January 10, 2011 show, Stewart began with a monologue about the shootings in Tucson, AZ. Stewart said that he wished the "ramblings of crazy people didn't in any way resemble how we actually talk to each other on television". Before commercial break, Stewart told viewers that the show would continue as usual the next night. After commercial break, the show featured a rerun of a field piece done by Jason Jones two years earlier. As a result of such high-profile political stands, Stewart is being recognized as a political force rather than merely as a comedian. The New York Times suggested that he is "the modernday equivalent of Edward R. Murrow" and the UK national newspaper The Independent called him the "satirist-in-chief". In March 2013, it was announced that Stewart would be taking a 12-week hiatus from The Daily Show to direct the film Rosewater, based on the book Then They Came for Me by Maziar Bahari. Beginning on June 10, 2013, The Daily Show correspondent John Oliver assumed primary hosting duties during Stewart's break. On September 3, 2013, Stewart returned to host The Daily Show. TV Guide 's annual survey for 2013 star salaries showed that Stewart is the highest-paid late night host, making an estimated $25–30 million per year. On November 18, 2014, Stewart set his sights on Obamacare "architect" MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber and asked Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, who denied knowing Gruber, "can you never not not disappoint us?" Stewart characterizes the deception on the part of Democrats as "pretty slimy." During a taping of the show on February 10, 2015, Stewart announced that he was leaving The Daily Show. Comedy Central President Michele Ganeless confirmed Stewart's retirement with a statement. Dailey Show Data Source :Wikipedia Page 36 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Look Who’s Talking



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Women Thrive Worldwide advocates for change at the U.S. and global levels so that women and men can share equally in the enjoyment of opportunities, economic prosperity, voice, and freedom from fear and violence.

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We ground our work in the realities of women living in poverty, partner with locally based organizations, and create powerful coalitions to advance the interests of the women and girls we serve.


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Rockin The “B” Self-made


Elizabeth Holmes Rocks an even

Bigger Vision.

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Elizabeth Holmes Theranos Chairman, CEO and Founder Elizabeth founded Theranos in 2003 with the mission to make actionable health information accessible to people everywhere at the time it matters, enabling early detection and intervention of disease, and empowering individuals with information to live the lives they want to live. Elizabeth left Stanford University's School of Engineering to build Theranos around her patents and belief that access to health information is a basic human right. For the last decade, she has led the company from concept to reality, enabling a new paradigm of consumer health and prevention.

Theranos' breakthrough advancements have made it possible to quickly process the full range of laboratory tests from a few drops of blood - instead of numerous tubes - and at unprecedented low costs, and are now directly accessible to people and their physicians through Theranos Wellness Centers opening nationwide. Elizabeth led the passing of the first law in our nation's history to give individuals the explicit right to direct access laboratory testing. The law was based on a draft she wrote, enfranchising 7 million Arizonan's, facilitating engagement with and protection of physicians, and creating a model for other states across the country to shift toward preventative care, individual empowerment and price transparency. Page 41 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Elizabeth was asked by the White House to serve as a United States Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship. She is the youngest person to be awarded the Horatio Alger Award, and was named one of the TIME 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2015. She has an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University and is a board member of the Harvard Medical School Board of fellows.

Theranos innovative Marketing Strategy Theramos has incorporated a brilliant marketing strategy of key partnerships, collaborations and aligning with nationally relevant issues-Affordable Health Care. Theramos has also ignored the gatekeepers and gone directly to the public with an affordable product.

“She’s upsetting the Applecart by taken it directly to the consumer. We need more innovators and business visionaries like this”. Theramos is ushering in a new business model. A combination of balancing social benefit, trimming the fat and optimizing the end user’s experience.

Her vision is bigger than this immediate success. Elizabeth is not concerned about traditional testing procedures, long time institutional protocol, she’s designed and implemented something better. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

“we believe access to actionable health Information is a basic human right.” Elizabeth Holmes, CEO and Founder

With each press release Theramos demonstrates it’s intention to collaborate, facilitate and move the delivery of medical services into the future.

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The Theranos Benefit Unparallel Transparency You wouldn't go to a grocery store that didn't have price tags. Why should getting a blood test be any different? At Theranos our prices are always online and available. They are a fraction of other labs. And if you have insurance they are often less than the co-pay. It's all part of making lab testing as accessible as possible.

The Theranos process starts with two simple steps 1st you get a lab order and then 2 you get tested. Theramos provides tests for over 250 different types of blood tests. See https://www.theranos.com/test -menu for Test Menu. Page 44 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Smaller samples are just the beginning. The technology and processes we've developed allow us to use dramatically smaller samples than are traditionally used. While charging dramatically less. Opening up a world of possibilities for physicians and patients alike.

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From diagnose to theranos. The new paradigm The current health care paradigm is one in which diagnosis often takes place after symptoms are already present, and diseases have begun to progress. We're committed to changing that. We're pioneering a new paradigm in which lab testing is accessible and affordable for everyone. When cost is no longer a consideration and people no longer have to be symptomatic in order to get a test. Meaning your patients can get the tests they need, and you can get the information you need, early and in time for therapy to be effective. Page 45 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Think Big Your Purpose is Out There...

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Top Brazilian Jazz Artist Sample THE BEST Tone, Quailty and Vocal Interpretations in the Business

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Simone Bittencourt de Oliveira For more information about Simone visit http://simonepedacos.com/ Page 50 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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She spills her soul on stage. Click the youtube links below and listen

Her music career began when a close friend and guitar teacher Elodir Barontini invited her to sing at a dinner with Odeon´s marketing manager. At the end of this encounter, specially scheduled for her performance, came an offer of a contract to record not one but four albums at once. Her eponymous debut album [2] was recorded in October 1972 at low cost and with a few musicians, conducted by José Briamonte. This inaugural edition circulated only among friends, relatives and artists; ten years later it would be re-edited and with a different cover. On March 20, 1973, Simone was launched for the press in a closed meeting at the Hilton Hotel in São Paulo; later on she would appear for the first time ever on a TV program, for 'TV Bandeirantes'. This was followed by another show on Mixturação [3] (director/producer Walter Silva, April 1973), a TV Record program where she was one of the promising new talents. Thus success gradually took place.

tour in Europe, starting with a presentation at the Olympiain Paris.[4] This tour was organized by Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, [5] regarded as one of the most important Record producers in Brazil. They performed at Olympia, Madison Square Garden in New York, Belgium and Canada with great success, launching two albums – Brasil Export 73 e Festa Brasil [6] - both produced by Hermínio Bello, who would also produce the next two albums,Quatro paredes and Gotas d´água, the last with Milton Nascimento´s production.[7] Source Wikipedia

A previous sportswoman who had already met success was now a stage presence, supported by her family – her father, an operaamateur singer, and her mother, a pianist, from whom she received a great stimulus. Before becoming familiar to the Brazilian audience, she was one of those invited to participate in an international Page 51 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Seu Jorge Click Here & Listen Page 52 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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One of the best male vocals in the world at this point in time.

Seu Jorge (born June 8, 1970; Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈsew ˈʒɔʁʒi]) is a Brazilian musician, singer/ songwriter and actor. Born Jorge Mário da Silva, he was raised in a favela in what is now known as the city of Belford Roxo, near Rio de Janeiro. When he was 19, he became homeless and remained homeless for three years; nonetheless, his musical talent flourished when he was living in the streets and he became known in the favelas. He is considered by many a renewer of Brazilian popsamba. Seu Jorge cites samba schools, and American soul singer Stevie Wonder as major musical influences.[2] Jorge is also known for his role as Page 53 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Knockout Ned in the 2002 film City of God. His work has notably received praise from several of his fellow musicians such as Beck and David Bowie.

Treat your self to an afternoon and listen to his body of work.


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Ivan Lins Page 54 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Listen to one of the most beautiful songs and vocal interpretations you’ll ever hear. Guarde Nos Olhos - Ivan Lins & Jorge Vercilo

Ivan Guimarães Lins (born June 16, 1945) is a Latin Grammywinning Brazilian musician. He has been an active performer and songwriter of Brazilian popular music (MPB) andjazz for over 30 years. His first hit, “Madalena,” was recorded by Elis Regina in 1970. Beyond his own performance of his compositions, Simone is a notable and respectedinterpreter. His 1989 hit song "Love Dance" is one of the most re-recorded songs in musical history. Testifying to Lins's importance as a composer is the frequency with which tribute albums and new covers of his compositions appear. His jazz classics have been recorded by many notable international artists including Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald, Barbra Streisand, Quincy Jones, George Benson, the Manhattan Transfer, Diane Schuur, Carmen McRae, Nancy Wilson, Eliane Elias, Patti Austin, Sting, Page 55 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Toots Thielemans, Take 6, Lee Ritenour, David Benoit, Carlos do Carmo, Mark Murphy, Dave Grusin, Sérgio Mendes,Michael Bublé, Jane Monheit and Shirley Horn, among countless others.

To Listen to more of Ivan’s body of work enter Ivan Lins in Youtube. He’s got volumes of music with every name in the business.

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Our Humans Humanity Making a Difference.

Meet Dr. Pedro Jose Greer Click & Listen (3 mins) to this Social Giant share his story about Our Humans.

INNOVATOR: Dr. Pedro José Greer, Miami’s pioneering physician of the people Source NBC Latino by Alessandra Hickson, @aphickson Dr. Pedro José Greer, Jr. is an American physician best known for his dedication to taking medicine out of the hospital and into the streets and commu-

at the Florida International University School of Medicine. Dr. Greer has medical students go out with teams, including social workers, to understand patients in the context of their environment. He is founder of the Camillus Health Concern, a Catholic charity sponsored by the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, which delivers health services to thousands of homeless people in Miami-Dade

nities where people least obtain medical care. He is Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and Chair of the Department of Humanities, Health and Society

County, and the St. John Bosco Clinic, which serves disadvantaged people in Little Havana. He was awarded a MacArthur “genius grant”in 1993 and was awarded the Presidential Medal of

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Freedom in 2009. He has been a board member of the American charity for the homeless, Comic Relief and believes his greatest accomplishment is “convincing my wife to marry me.”

“He’s Hungry Too” A 6 Year old homeless child is teaching us what we’re suppose to do. Think About somebody else.

hookers, alcoholics, runaways, or people who have simply lost their way. His story is also the story of all the people whose lives he has changed forever, and it proves that hope exists for every person, no matter how dire his or her circumstances.

Click & Listen

Waking Up In America Dr. Pedro Jose, Author "Waking Up in America" is the compelling, inspirational autobiography of a man who has emerged as a pioneer in the field of caring for the growing population of impoverished and homeless Americans and as a force for social change. Dr. Pedro Jose Greer, the son of Cuban immigrants, has traveled from the trash-littered, drug-infested streets of one of America's toughest neighborhoods to the offices of corporate and political power brokers. Throughout his odyssey, he has become known for his tireless efforts to bring health care to society's "untouchables" -- homeless drug addicts, Page 57 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Available on

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HELP! She is NOT Me By Anna Corsaro and Daniel Djouder

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“Criminals look at identity theft and say only 1 in 700 criminals gets convicted of it. And they look at check forgery and they know that for every 1,400 forgers arrested, only about 123 get convicted and about 26 go to jail. So the rewards are great, but the risks are very slim. I know that's one of the reasons that make it very popular.� Frank Abagnale Abagnale's life story provided the inspiration for the feature film Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo Dicaprio as Abagnale.

If you're not among the millions of people whose identity has been stolen, it is time for you to take real steps to limit the risk that you may ever find yourself joining that unlucky crowd. Unfortunately, there is still no 100% foolproof way to prevent ID theft, but that does not mean you shouldn't do anything in your power to make the criminals' job as difficult as possible. Nowadays, the methods employed to steal personal information are no longer a secret to the general public, yet we often forget or even plainly disregard to take adequate measures, often times

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because we are pressed by everyday concerns. And yes, since time is never enough for everything and anything, eventually we have to make a choice and give up on certain things. But, and wrongly so,

we give up too often on security, assuming that

is not a priority because it does not yield us profits. Certainly, it is true that security in itself apparently does not put money into our pockets, but have you ever searched to get an idea of how much money and time regaining possession of your identity could cost you? Even worse, identities aren't stolen exclusively to appropriate the assets of another person.

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These crimes are also committed to carry out other crimes using the stolen identity as a screen. Thus, you may find yourself in the situation of being deprived of the most precious thing for you in this world: your


rules of protection against identity theft, hoping this will turn to be as handy for you as it is for me. Don't forget, criminals are always looking for new creative ways to defraud people, so you should make sure to stay constantly updated on new

In fact, identity thieves have a long list of scams and frauds they resort to: credit and debit cards, checks, medical insurances, cable and satellite television services; gas, water, and electric services; Internet connections, home mortgages, rental housing; boat, car, and other forms of financing and loans; government benefits; employment and immigration. On top of that, they will also use stolen identities to evade arrest or to trick the police. I put together an ID

Theft Defense

Handbook with the main up-to-date Page 61 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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protection systems. Always keep in mind "If you do not protect yourself no one will do it for you." I can guarantee that if you refer back to my HANDBOOK and you try to put it into practice for a few days, then you will start to apply the concepts automatically and they will quickly become a natural thing to do without even thinking about it.

ID THEFT DEFENSE HANDBOOK 1 - Social Security Number (SSN) Be aware that in the private sector the only ones who can ask for your SSN, or that of one of your family members – and only in order to fulfill legal obligations arising from the relationship you have with them – are: – Financial Institutions – Employers No one besides them has currently the need or right to ask for your SSN. Page 62 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

If someone else requests your social security – some companies still have a habit to do so without really having the need nor the right – then you are entirely entitled to ask back why they need this information, how it will be employed and what would be the consequences of your refusal. If you are not 100% sure that they have a legitimate claim, then do not give them your SSN and call for information: the Social Security Administration or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-IDTHEFT.

2 - Credit Reports Once a year you are entitled to a FREE annual credit report from each one of the three major credit reporting agencies at: www.AnnualCreditReport.com. Do not forget to ask for it by phone or via email, since it is crucial to verify that everything checks out. If you want to stay on the safe though, you should purchase a membership service to monitor your credit reports. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

For any question you can call the three credit reporting agencies at: Equifax (800) 525-6285 Experian (888) 397-3742 TransUnion (800) 680-7289

3 - Your Wallet Do not put your medical care card and credit and debit cards that you do not need that day in your wallet. About the SSN, just memorize the number, you don't need to bring the actual card with you. Keep everything in a safe place along with your documents containing your PII (Personal Identifiable Information). Do not leave anything lying around the house or the office.

4 - Bin Raiders and Document Shredding Identity thieves may search through your garbage. Bills, bank and credit Page 63 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

card statements, personal letters, CVs, medical prescriptions, magazines received by mail, all of them contain valuable personal information that can be used to steal your identity. Use a shredder to break in microfragments all documents that you do not want to fall in the hands of a stranger, including those on a digital media such as: floppy disks, CDs and DVDs.

5 - Relocation and Change of Address ID thieves can retrieve a large amount of information about you if after a relocation you forgot to communicate the change of address to the USPS. When relocating, make sure that all your mail is forwarded to your new address. Important cliff: even if you are not relocating you run a similar risk when you are away from your home for long periods. In those cases you should request a vacation hold through the official USPS website for the time of your absence. You can also call them at (800) 238-3150. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

6 - Social Media No matter how many bizarre stories we hear about people being scammed on the social media, all the world is in a race to put online as much as they can about their personal lives. Well, let me be forthright on this point, any sensitive data you decide to put on your social media profiles is at your own risk. Common information found on public profiles such as education history, dates of birth or work details are very valuable information to steal someone's identity. Also, if possible, you should avoid to sign up to any website for old classmates or other similar services.

7 - Skimming A textbook example of when this typically occurs is that of a shop assistant or waiter who copies the data of your credit card when you make a purchase. Then they could use this information or sell it to others. Similarly to phishing, skimming can also be used to the purpose of only collecting information and using the credit card fraudulently without actually stealing your identity. You should pay with your credit card only if you can follow the transaction right in front Page 64 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

of you. If for some reason the operation was repeated more than once, ask for all the receipts and take them with you at home, but do not leave them to the operator.

8 - Phishing This term refers to the theft of information by email. Malicious users send out speculative emails requesting your personal information and claiming to be an employee of a bank, a credit card company or other popular organizations with which you could actually have relationships. Usually the email requires you to use a link to access a section on the institution’s site and insert your personal details, pleading security reasons or in order for you to collect prize money, receive technological goods, restore expired passwords, etc. Always check the portion of the sender's email address after (at) sign. Make sure it is the same as the institution they say they represent. Never click on a link inside an email you received, but rather open your browser and type the official address of the institution or go through a search engine. The only good reason to click a link Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Magic!- “RUDE” Parody-corporate Version http://youtu.be/j4WvsJQhJxQ

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received via email is if you have registered on a website and you were waiting for a registration confirmation. For example, a popular phishing attempt involves email messages of individuals posing as IRS officials. Know that the IRS does not send its communications via email. If you find a message in your inbox claiming to be originating from them, then report it to phishing@irs.gov. If you receive a phone call from someone impersonating an IRS agent, do not give them any information, hang up and report the incident to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration at 1-800366-4484 or online at IRS Impersonation Scam Reporting.

9 - RFID Cards and Passports It is possible to steal data from credit cards, IDs and passports which contain RFID chips. This operation can be carried out with electronic scanners or even mobile phones. Criminals need to stay near your purse or wallet for almost 30 seconds to collect all the information on the card, so if you find yourself wondering why someone is hovering their cellphone over your purse then the likely reason is that they are trying to electronically pickpocket you. There is an ongoing debate about how to defend against this type of attack. Page 66 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

For example, there's a urban legend floating around stating that: "If you have two cards with RFID chips in your wallet, the scanner cannot read them because the information from each one gets mixed up and cancels each other out.� Be careful because that is completely wrong, they can still read both cards. You may also read on the Internet that aluminum foil can protect your cards and your passport, but this is only partially correct. Aluminum foil can reduce the transmission range, so that the e-pickpocket Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

replace your cards with ones without the RFID system. It will cost a few dollars, but perhaps you will be less stressed. Unfortunately, this last option is not available for passports.

10 - Electronics Old computers and mobile devices contain a wealth of information for identity thieves. If you want to get rid of old electronic equipment it is best to erase the memory and then to permanently damage the device – i.e. you should smash them with a hammer. Incidentally, it is also a good way to blow off some steam, so if you happen to be stressed you may want to look if you have any old device you don't need anymore!

11 - Constant Awareness

will have to get closer to your wallet to a distance of about two inches to be able to steal your data. I advise you to be careful if you hold your cards on you, especially in crowded places. Also, if you hold them in your purse, pay attention to where you leave it in public places and at work. Do not trust anyone ever! There are also special envelopes and containers for sale that prevent the transmission of data, but you should select the quality ones during your purchase. If you want to be absolutely sure that at least your credit card information can't be stolen, then you just need to ask your bank to Page 67 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Every morning when I turn on my computer the first thing I do is to check my bank accounts to make sure everything is in order. You should do it too. If you can't go through this routine every day then make sure to do it at least once a week. You may also want to regularly check with your medical insurance provider that no one has taken advantage of their services in your place.

12 - Prescreened Credit and Insurance Offers Consumer Credit Reporting Companies report your name to be put in lists to be used for firm offers of credit or insurance, the so called preapproved or prescreened offers. It is your right as a consumer to opt-out of this process for 5 years or permanently. It is a good idea to take advantage of this option as you don't want your details to be communicated to third parties. Keep in mind that this will stop only offers coming from companies that use the prescreened lists, but it won't bear any effects on those that don't. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

You will find all the information you need on: http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/ To opt out you can visit www.optoutprescreen.com or call tollfree 1-888-5-OPT-OUT. 13 - Identity Theft Insurance Make an insurance to protect your identity. This does not mean, of course, that if you get insured then you can ignore all the other precautions, just as like having an alarm system to protect your home does not mean you can leave your doors and windows open. Below you will find some selected insurance providers with a wide range of products to choose from according to your needs: https://secure.identityforce.com/ http://www.idwatchdog.com/ https://www.trustedid.com/ http://www.invisus.com/ http://www.protectmyid.co.uk/ 14 - Cyber Identity In case you were wondering, I haven't forgotten about the protection of your Cyber Identity, but for that I refer you to my article appeared on the February issue of the magazine and titled: “OFF THE GRID Boost Your Cyber Security." I would like to reiterate that there is no way to protect yourself 100%. Therefore, in the case someone manages to get a hold of your identity, do not feel guilty, do not feel ashamed, and above all react and react quickly. Go to the following site and ask for help from one of the federal agencies according to the specificity of your case: http://www.businessidtheft.org/Resources/ FederalResources/tabid/102/Default.aspx Page 68 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

If you still have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Anna Corsaro She is a Multilingual Senior Crisis and Homeland Security Advisor, with several years at the service of Governments and Corporations. Her Consultant Group and she provide Advice and Training in: Crisis Prevention | Intelligence Analysis | Counter-Espionage | Counter-Terrorism | Criminal Organizations | Man-Made Disasters | Corporate Crime | Union Strike and Negotiation | Crisis Communication | Crisis of Malevolence | Post-Conflict Recovery | Seminars | Workshops | Conference | Keynote Speeches Keep in touch with Anna: E-mail: anna.corsaro@aol.com LinkedIn: AnnaCorsaro Twitter: @AnnaCorsaroAdv

Daniel Djouder He is a Multilingual Economic and Geopolitical Analyst who works as teammember for Anna Corsaro’s Consultant Group. He holds an MA in Law and Economics with honors, an MA in International Relations and a Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Security, Geopolitics and Intelligence. He writes articles for Geopolitical Monitor Intelligence Corp., The Daily Journalist, and Forbes. Keep in touch with Daniel: Email: danieldjouder@gmail.com LinkedIn: Daniel Djouder Twitter: @DanielDjouder Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

This could Be You!

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The White Shirt For the Empowered, Outspoken, Creative Women, The White Shirt may be the Ultimate Clue to an Independent Thinker.

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Crispy, bright, white and starched, cuffs, collars and countless creative buttoning patterns, the white shirt is the ultimate power statement. We all have them and wear them occasionally during the summer with jeans or when we’re feeling especially free spirited. But, there is a particular type of women that consistently wears a crispy white shirt.

She may have dozens of variations in cuffs, collars, sleeves, baggy or fit but there is a definite “type” of personal power going on with this type of woman.

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Here are four well known women Diane

Keaton, Whoopi Goldberg, Katherine Hepburn and Caroline Herrera. These women all wear “The

White Shirt”

Amazingly enough they all have similar characteristics in their careers and lives.

Take a look!    

  

Page 73 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Free spirited In charge Non conformist While independent in their own thoughts, they respect everyone’s right to think independently as well. Ahead of their peers Big hearts Loyal to a fault Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

They make their own fashion statements

They refuse to be controlled by the opinions of others. They

speak their truth even if it occasionally step on toes while doing it.


intent is never malicious.


are not afraid to support the underdog if they feel the cause is worthy.

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When everybody is herding in a popular direction, they will access a situation based on their own internal compass and they fiercely defend the right to do so.

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If you asked them why they love their crispy white shirts, their answer would probably be based on how their favorite shirts make them feel. These

women are all very comfortable in their own skin as people.

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Briya inspires compassion through fashion by making fun, fa

concerned global citizens and dedicated change-makers to t their full potential in underprivileg

With the purchase of each Briya bag, you will be providing employment and other essential resources needed stricken communities

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ashionable purses and bags that allow adventurous spirits, travel in style while also helping women and children reach ged regions around the world.

school supplies, uniforms, textbooks, vocational training, d to empower women or children living in povertys across the globe.

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i k

n i h

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s u

e F

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t e R

By: Cynthia M. Lardner

Introduction It was August 9, 2014 when 18year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael

Brown was not and never will be a statistic. He had a family and friends. He was a young man just embarking upon the journey we call adulthood. No doubt he had hopes and dreams as to what the future might bring. At the time of his death Michael Brown was unarmed. Michael Brown was also African-American. He was Black. “At the time of the shooting…only three of the 53 Ferguson officers were black, while 67 percent of the city’s 21,000 residents are black [i]”. Page 78 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Unlike 1954, when the United States Supreme Court issued its landmark school desegregation opinion in Brown v. The Board of Education prompting widespread divisiveness and even violence, Michael Brown’s death hascreated unity. From the very beginning, countless unnamed citizens have come together demanding that our Nation’s Constitution be upheld. Human rights are, for the first time, triumphing over deepseated historical racial and religious biases. The unequivocal message being sent by the majority of citizens in the world’s most revered democratized nation is that we are no longer willing to complacently accept flagrant civil rights violations. For months after Michael Brown’s demise the world stood waiting, anticipating the United States would continue as the beacon democracy by holding Subscription link of www.female-exec.com/s.html

in American history by having laid the foundation for organized and peaceful protests spanning the continent to take place that same evening, which were widely publicized only minutes after the decision was made public. This did not satiate the public. The gap between the majority position collectively espoused and the grand jury, with the later having been crafted by our founder’s to reflect the majority, is immense. The energy created by what was most certainly a historical event was and remains almost a year later electrifying. It is the catalyst shocking us back to a mode of ‘conscious’ or deliberate thinking, characterized by corroboration and cooperation.

Mayhem Collides With Reason: The Intervening Months The protests that began im-

the police officer, a public servant, accountable for what was not only a senseless death breaching our Constitution but also an act that may have contravened international human rights treatises to which the United States is a signatory [ii]. The global spotlight was now firmly fixated on the United States as a federal grand jury deliberated whether to return an indictment against the police officer responsible for Michael Brown’s death. Michael Brown gave the World hope. On November 24, 2014, the grand jury failed to issue an indictment against the police officer. Contemporaneous with the issuance of this unfortunate opinion, our Nation expressed its dissatisfaction through the many protests convened. Organizers, de facto defenders of the public trust and true had anticipated Page 79 peacekeepers, E The Magazine for Today’s Femalethis Executive

mediately after Michael Brown’s death have continued without pause. Unlike Nigeria, where we all seem to have forgotten about the “bringing the girls back”, this time the majority was and is insistent that elected officials honor the trust bestowed upon them through the electorate process. Our voices are projected by the media. And, yes, since Michael Brown’s death, other incidents of un-redressed police brutality have peppered the news, such as New York City’s Carter shooting, and

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the Cleveland case. However, the media has all but ignored similar instances of police brutality, including similar and rampant racial profiling in Brasil,

and China’s persecution of Ilham Tohti, a Muslim scholar whose only crime was his advocacy on behalf of the Muslim people in a remote Chinese province. It remains that Ferguson has held the media’s attention making it the case by which we can all learn from. And learn we must as our Humanity has never before been so desperate for peace. he girls back”, this time the majority was and is insistent that elected officials honor the trust bestowed upon them through the electorate process.

by Hugh “Buck” Davis, an esteemed and fearless attorney who has dedicated his life to championing the rights of the underdog. His success, for many, would be measured in terms of the number of “wins” but, to me, he is a success because he has always spoken the truth, oftentimes taking cases no one else would touch. For the last decade, I have often visited with him at his offices; classic and strong like him, constructed of marble, granite and mahogany. Some time ago, Mr. Davis refer-

Seemingly Senseless A his-

enced a police brutality case he had been

torical review of cases involving police brutality, racism and civil rights violations reflects that not only has our government dishonored our trust but also that we, as citizens, do not openly speak the truth to our leadership, with our primary mode of communication being our right to vote [iii].

C. Scozzari, an African-American man fa-

handling for the brother of William tally shot at close range by Clare Michigan Police Chief Dwayne Miedzianowski.

In considering what has transpired, I was reminded of a federal civil rights action brought

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According the federal district court: Scozzari was a hermit and had not allowed anyone, not even family, to enter his cabin in years… While Scozzari loved to collect knives and hatchets, he had no police record, and…had never… engage in any threatening behavior. Scozzari would not talk to people, he only “grunted.” …. [E]verybody in the department knew Scozzari… … He had been forced out of his cabin without a warrant, raising constitutional issues. The officers “attempted to kick in his door and order him out of his cabin in order to arrest him [iv]”. “Aside from being schizophrenic, William Scozzari was blind in one eye and hard of hearing, court records show. He stood 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighed 113 pounds and was known in the community as a recluse who wore a winter coat in the summer and walked around town with his boots untied [v].”

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Mr. Scozzari was fatally wounded by multiple bullets fired by Chief Miedzianowski, who chose not to retreat or make any attempt to otherwise subdue Mr. Scozzari, but elected to take a human life. After years of pretrial proceedings, the case went to trial. The jury that returned an unfavorable verdict, just as the grand jury in Michael Brown’s case failed to return an indictment. “Times They Are A Changing” Trying to understand, I have asked myself “why”. This is what I know for sure. While most public officials want to “do good” there are those who are, for whatever reason, incapable of honoring the trust with which they have been bestowed. To hold those breaching our trust accountable, we have a system of “checks and balances”. Enforcement of that system is the responsibility of each and every one of us. To this end, we have failed to be ‘

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conscious’ and, as such, we have, up until now, collectively failed. The majority has only been willing to use its voice when anonymity can be preserved. If, however, there is any personal risk, fear holds sway. We have been conditioned to respond to that which we fear rather than to act consistent with what we know is right. We fear losing our family, friends, homes, jobs and all the other things that we categorize as the “good life”.So, when called upon to defend and demand justice we shirk from our responsibility as citizens to publicly speak the truth. We do so not out of acquiescence but because to do so jeopardizes our own personal freedom rendering us complacent victims of our own fear. This fear is not something we are born into but something that we are taught and that we, in turn, teach. Fear is generated by being seated as a grand jury member or juror in a high profile civil rights case as those citizens are called upon to hold accountable officials ‘in their backgrounds’ accountable; officials having membership in the entities having the potential to deprive them and their loved ones of the ‘good life’. “The reality is that no group of countries has any grounds for complacency about its own human rights performance and no group of

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countries does itself justice by automatically slipping into the “victim” mode,” stated Nobel Laureate Kofi Annan. This is what happened in Ferguson. The grand jury was to have honored the majority’s needs, wants and desires to dwell in a harmonious, respectful and peaceful society consistent with our Constitution. The members of that grand jury were expected to return an indictment. The grand jury failed to do so because they were conditioned so that fear, not reason, held sway. The same was true in Mr. Scozzari’s case. “We the People” are now delivering a powerful message to those guilty of malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance that continued human rights violations will no longer be tolerated. We are beginning to heed our instinctual inner voice.

Doing Right Ferguson represents a shift to conscious thinking. “You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings,” suggested the late author Pearl S. Buck Thus, while Michael Brown’s death may have been senseless ‘consciousness is now driving the universe’ as it represents the first police

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brutality case in which a majority has come together and taken a strong and unified collective position. In that sense, perhaps we might reconceptualize Ferguson as a victory. “When there is a terrible problem, when thinking and the behavior has taken us to a place which is malignant, which is even maladaptive for our survival, there is also something in us which is programmed to correct the system [vi]”, reflected spiritualist Marianne Williamson. When those universal laws kick-in and we participate in conscious self-correction, we move from fear-based thinking to love-based thinking. This shift is occurring. In response to widespread public outcry, the United States Department of Justice launched an investigation into the practices, policies and procedures of the Ferguson Police Department (FPD). In March 2015, it released a report that the FPD had engaged in misconduct by having engaged in an unconstitutional ‘pattern and practice’ of discriminatory conduct. It has been characterized as, “a scathing report that cited racial bias and profiling in Ferguson policing and a profit-driven municipal court system that frequently targeted blacks [vii].”A statement was issued this past week by the FPD that it was proactively working to create a more diverse police force representing the community’s demographic make-up. There has been citizen response as to

The primary tool that ‘We the People’ possess is our Constitutional right to vote. We choose our leaders. There is no fear of reprisal in the electorate process. “[F]inally persuading the 50 million Americans who do not vote that by not voting they make it possible for people who do not agree with them, do not support their aspirations, to call the shots [ix],” stated Hillary Clinton at a recent public forum held just outside of Ferguson We need to continue moving forward as a unified Nation, respectful of differences and trusting in one another to defend and demand freedom for those whom it has been or could be denied. “Words like freedom, justice, democracy are not common concepts; on the contrary, they are rare. People are not born knowing what these are. It takes enormous and, above all, individual effort to arrive at the respect for other people that these words imply,” wrote the late African-American author and playwright James Baldwin. Sadly, there has remained some divisiveness. Across the country, but again, with the spotlight on Ferguson, there have been continued acts of violence against person and property. The most recent report was that, “Vandals have targeted monuments dedicated to the leaders and soldiers of the Confederacy, painting the slogan “Black lives matter” on memorials in a half-dozen states where the landmarks stand tall in parks and outside government buildings [x].”\

police conduct. A local group has spearheaded an effort to join a national initiative that all police officers be required to wear cameras while on duty thus creating an accurate record of what transpires during interactions [viii].

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Mrs. Clinton expounded, “Despite our best efforts and our highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished. We can’t hide from hard truths about race and justice. We have to name them, own them and change them” [xi].

The reality is that all lives matter. In the words of former President Jimmy Carter: We will have an unchallenged, open, panoramic opportunity on a global scale to demonstrate the finest aspects of what we know in this country: peace, freedom, democracy, human rights, benevolent sharing, love, the easing of human suffering. Is that going to be our list of priorities or not?

About the Author Cynthia M. Lardner holds a journalism degree, she is a licensed attorney and trained as a clinical therapist. Her philosophy is to collectively influence conscious global thinking understanding that everything and everyone is subject to change given the right circumstances; Standard Theory or Theory of Everything. This paper is dedicated to my friend, teacher and mentor Hugh “Buck” Davis. References Available Upon Request.

The Most Powerful Voice.

Is the one in your own head. Page 85 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Open meetings anyone can attend! Of course we want you to join NAFE! .

To Pre Register for the Spring/Summer Speakers GoTo www.NAFELosAngeles.com:

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chocolate ricotta mousse By Alana Chernila

Ingredients Amounts      

3 ounces dark chocolate 1 pound ricotta cheese (see note, above) 1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1 Tablespoon honey 1 cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon maple syrup

Method: Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. You can fit a metal bowl over a pot of water. Just make sure that there is no space between the two. Page 88 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Method Continued: Put about an inch of water in the pot and bring to a simmer. Do not let it boil. Fit the bowl on top, and put the chocolate inside of the bowl. Stir the chocolate until it is fully melted. Combine the melted chocolate, ricotta, vanilla, and honey in the food processor. Process until it is smooth, about 30 seconds. Beat the heavy cream with the maple syrup until holds soft peaks. Refrigerate if necessary (see not above). Serve in little cups, topped with whipped cream. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Our History Hawk and Horse Vineyards was really the dream of owners, David Boies, Mitch and Tracy Hawkins. Their love of wine and of California’s North Coast wine growing region drove Them to seek out a unique property Page 92 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

that would support a vineyard of world class distinction. In 1982, after exhaustive searching they purchased what was then known as the historic El Roble Grande Ranch in Lower Lake, California. At that time, El Roble Grande was a rather run-down abandoned horse breeding facility situated on 900 acres of wilderness. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Their vision of perfect growing conditions, such as rich soil, fresh water and clean air, transcended preconceived notions about county affiliations. They saw the high elevation sites, red volcanic soils, on-site water sources, pristine air and the rugged natural beauty of this most special place, and realized this was a land of great potential. They saw the opportunity to create something very unique and authentic from this wild land and that vision has now come to fruition. Page 93 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Mitch and Tracey Hawkins took over the daily operations of the ranch in 1999 and began to plan the vineyard. The vines were planted in 2001 and the first release, the 2004, was met with an International Gold Medal. It was important to the family that they maintain the original feel of the property. Lake County is still Cowboy country and Hawk and Horse Vineyards takes advantage of a local work force of young men and women – true cowboys and girls who understand the value of a good day’s work. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

2010 'Latigo' Cabernet Sauvignon Dessert Wine - 375 ml $45/bottle - $540/case This is a dessert wine made in the port style; harvested late and fortified with alembic Brandy. Beautiful dark amber-red jewel tones with deep sultry aromas of ripe roses, delicate smoke and cocoa. Flavors of smooth, rich, black chocolate cherries, pipe tobacco, currants and caramel delight the palate. Balanced tannins and acidity lend structure. Scented and intensely concentrated; perfect as an after dinner drink or sip with your favorite chocolate! Cigar lover’s delight! Gold Medal, 92 Points, Exceptional - International Eco-Friendly Wine Challenge Best Dessert Wine - International Eco-Friendly Wine Challenge

The rustic elegance of El Roble Grande has been maintained in the development of Hawk and Horse Vineyards. The tasting room is in a part of the former horse trainer’s residence and is kept as a tack room with antique saddles, tack and memorabilia from the property’s storied past. The horse pastures now house a handful of American Saddlebred and American Quarter Horses which the family uses to ride the fence line and for play at amateur rodeo events. Some of the pasture land is also home to Scottish Highlander Cattle which provide Page 94 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

2010 Cabernet Sauvignon

$65/bottle - $780/case This is one of our most elegant vintages to date. With long hang time and cooler temperatures this vintage developed layers of complexity and subtlety. Show ing lively, saturated, bright garnet red in the glass; perfumed with notes of cedar ripe roses and nutmeg. Starts out soft and elegant offering notes of Bing cherry, black fruit, sweet leather and co coa. Finish is long, lush and velvety. Softly integrated tannins provide structure and offer longevity. This wine is beautifully balanced. Pair with grilled New York steaks or your favorite dark chocolate. 98 Points - Platinum, Best in Class, Best of Show - Sommeliers’ Challenge International Wine Competition Gold Medal - Denver International Wine Competition Gold Medal - Indy International Wine Competition the necessary elements of the biodynamic farming used in the growing of Hawk and Horse Vineyards wine. The majority of vineyard preparations are made on site – compost and manure are vital ingredients. The vineyard is also home to a large number of Red-Tail Hawks who help keep rodent populations in check. A visit to Hawk and Horse Vineyards is a step back to the gracious ranching life and familybased hospitality of a bygone era. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Tracey Hawkins

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Tracey was born in Fullerton, California on July 22nd, 1964. She grew up in Sonoma County, California, where, from a young age, she helped in the family's restaurant. Growing up in California's wine country, wine was a natural part of life. When the family purchased the 1,300 acre Lower Lake property which is now home to Hawk and Horse Vineyards, Tracey immediately resonated with the land and its rugged beauty. Regular visits evolved and she and Mitch eventually began running the ranch and developing Hawk and Horse Vineyards with the support of their family. Tracey and Mitch work closely together in all aspects of wine production, from farming and harvest decisions to winemaking and cooperage. Tracey serves as Executive Winemaker, liaising with the winery's Consulting Winemakers and is involved in all the substantive winemaking decisions. She has had the opportunity to work with and be mentored by some of the finest winemakers in the industry. Before starting Hawk and Horse Vineyards, Tracey worked in the wine industry for six years in sales and marketing. Tracey holds a degree in Creative Writing, summa cum laude, from San Francisco State University. She has also studied wine making through U.C. Davis and wine marketing at Sonoma State University. In her spare time, Tracey enjoys spending time with her children, cooking, and writing poetry. She also competes in amateur rodeo and gymkhana events. Mitch and Tracey have three children whom they raise in close relationship to the land and the business they so love.

707.481 6941

Mitch tracey@hawkandhorsev and ineyards.com Tracey Hawkins 13048 Hwy 29, Lower Lake, CA 95457

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Laurie Forster The Wine Coach

Laurie Forster , The Wine Coach is one of the country’s leading wine experts whose mission is to demystify wine one glass at a time. The queen of wine edutainment, she is also the author of the award-winning book, The Sipping Point and a regular guest on TV and

Top 8 Wine Apps by Wine Enthusiast magazine. She partners with her better half Chef Michael Forster to create The Wine Coach Club.

For more info on The Wine Coach: www.TheWineCoach.com

radio shows across the country. Laurie’s specialty is delivering unique corporate keynotes, teambuilding events and group tasting seminars for corporate leaders such as MetLife, LG, Microsoft and the US Chamber of Commerce.

For FREE secrets to make wine easy and FUN!:

Laurie’s radio show The Sipping Point can be heard every week on WBAL or in her free App The Wine Coach which was rated one of the

Join The Wine Coach® Wine Club:

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Stress Free Pairings Does the thought of selecting wines for your next party or business dinner make you feel queasy? You are not alone. Many people find choosing wine a stressful task, but it does not have to be. Think of wine as an

The wine and food should work together NOT overpower each other.

ingredient in the recipe for a particular dish, not an independent beverage. When selecting a wine it should taste as good or better when enjoyed with that dish as it does alone. The following guidelines help narrow your choices and create stress free pairings.

Match “like weights”

match the weight of the wine with the weight of the food— Specifically,

light fare with lighter bodied, more delicate wines, and fuller bodied wines with bigger foods. This is one of the food and wine concepts that is most intuitive. Most of us wouldn't think to

order a light, fruity Sauvignon Blanc with a fillet mignon. Con-

versely, a glass of hearty Cabernet Sauvignon doesn’t go well with a delicate seafood salad. Think of a boxing match—would you put a heavyweight in the

Think of your pairing strategy— Contrast or complement? We have all heard the sayings "opposites attract," or the converse, complementary partners make the best matches." Sound like relationship advice? Well it is, but these rules also create successful food and wine pairings. Contrasting uses diverse flavors to enhance the differences;

whereas complementary matches flavors to enhance the similarities. Think of a seafood dish in a creamy sauce. You could complement it with a rich, mellow white like Chardonnay or contrast it with a crisper white like Pinot

ring with a featherweight?

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Stress Free Pairings Continued...

Salt needs Acid Acid in wine is that tangy or sour sensation you get on your tongue. That pucker factor is found in crisp wines like Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling and Albariño to name a few. Salty foods

neutralize or soften acidity in a wine and need to be paired with higher acid wines.

Most meals should have at least moderate acidity. If the dish is particularly salty or briny, e.g., oysters, crabs, pickled items, etc.—look for crisp or high acid wines.

Fats Soften Tannins Tannins are naturally astringent substances found in grape skins, as well as other foods like walnuts. Tannins are perceived in our mouths as a sense of dryness.

Reds with firmer tannins are a natural pairing with a fattier dish like red meat,

Page 100 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

cheese or stew. Try a Cabernet Sauvignon with a bite of steak and notice how the tannins soften in your wine. Bold reds pair nicely with heartier dishes—Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Malbec or Syrah.

Sweet with Spicy

Fruity or sweeter wines tone down spicy foods, whereas high alcohol, dry wines intensify the heat of spices. If you are serving spicy cuisine you need to find wines that are fruity and even a bit sweet to counteract.

Whites that work with spicy food include lush whites like Riesling,

Viognier, Gewürztraminer or Sauvignon Blanc. Reds that pair nicely with spicy dishes include fruity, lower tannin wines such as Beaujolais, Pinot Noir or Shiraz. In the end wine pairing is subject to personal taste.

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Chances are you and your dinner mates won’t always agree on what the best pairing is for each course but these rules can simplify selecting wine pairings. Next time you entertain you can concentrate on the most important pairing—


Laurie for your next corporate, client or fundraising event! More Info:


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enjoying time with your guests!

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The Sipping Point

discussing the best wines to enjoy or avoid depending on your health ailments. Got allergies, headaches or want to lose weight--Watch

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is written in Laurie's down to earth, practical style. Whether you are a wine novice or a seasoned enthusiast, you'll love this book. With over 125 pages of wine essentials along with stunning photos, The Sipping Point is the perfect book for you or any wine lover on your list!

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Owner, Sharon Kazan Harris tells her story. We knew early on that our goal was to make EXQUISITE wines marked by complexity and regal balance, something truly beautiful and a little hard to come by: in short something of a ‘rare cat’, truly a rare beauty. Our name reflects both our goal of making a fine wine as well as our passion for exquisite wines. Our wines have a dual perspective, combining world-class terroir in Napa with the influence of palate and technique from Bordeaux. I have a rare perspective of being the only American women making wine in Napa who studied (in French) in Bordeaux.... Page 104 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


Why RARECAT Seminars are fun, entertaining and educational and have been used by top corporations for customer acquisition and retention, executive skill, team building, networking and fundraising.

Seminars Don’t Give Up the Wine List Tasting Like a Sommelier What to Pour for Any Occasion Focus: Varietal Napa vs Bordeaux Food and Wine Pairing The Art of Aromas Winemaker Dinners Winemaker in Residence Blending Workshop Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

R A R E C AT O L D TOLL ROAD CABERNET SAUVIGNON 2010 Ratings A sexy, open-knit, round, generous red wine from the Old Toll hillside vineyard in Calistoga, the 2010 cabernet sauvignon offers lots of black currant and black cherry fruit intermixed with a notion of new saddle leather. This rich, full throttle Cabernet possesses some dusty tannins, but they are more than adequately compensated for by the wine’s extravagant fruit. Wine Advocate, Issue #209.

Winemaker Notes A beautiful, elegant vintage, this big hillside cabernet sauvignon has deep inky black color, soft yet powerful tannins, with classic Old Toll characters of blackberries, mint, leather and wet stone. 89% cabernet sauvignon (6 clones) blended with 11% cabernet franc and petit verdot. 2010 was a low yield vintage, only 176 cases plus magnums of RARECAT Old Toll cabernet were produced.

Food Pairing Notes RARECAT Old Toll Cabernet pairs beautifully with duck, steak, wild mushroom confit, lamb and brebis cheese.

R A R E C AT R O S É RARECAT Rosé is meant to be utterly delicious and bring great happiness to those beautiful days spent with friends. It was late spring 1983 when I fell in love with rosé. My first sip was at lunch in a tiny restaurant in St. Tropez with friends. We were spending a week at a villa on the sea there. We were feasting on bouillabaisse; I remember the black and white photo of Brigitte Bardot on the wall. RARECAT Rosé has been created to be a rosé with a pedigree, a lyrical expression of Grenache with a touch of Viognier. Pink-salmon in color, aromatic and elegant, this wine offers citrus blossom, pink grapefruit and lavender. Lively acidity makes RARECAT Rosé a perfect partner with shrimp, salmon or almost any appetizer, whether you’re at lunch with friends or at the ocean. This wine is meant to be utterly delicious and bring great happiness to those beautiful days spent with friends.

R A R E C AT B E A U C H A R L E S C H A R D O N N AY 2 0 1 0 Tasting Notes The nose has exotic ginger root, spicy, pear, pineapple and lemon curd backed by hint of minerality. The mouth feel reminds ones of a great crème brule’ flavor, with a creamy yet lively texture. The color is a beautiful gold. Vineyard Notes The R.CAT Beau Charles Chardonnay 2010 is sourced from the famous Heintz Vineyard located west of the City of Occidental, California. Charles Heintz’s Russian River Valley vineyard is dry farmed with old, gnarly vines, which products truly outstanding fruit. The vineyard is planted on AXR rootstock with clay soils and the vines are 6 x 5 foot spacing with vertical shoot positioning. The site is positioned with an east-west exposure. The vines see many passes during the growing season to remove less than desirable fruit. The end result is beautiful Chardonnay clusters, moderate in size and packed with true flavors of intense varietal character. Production Notes The R.CAT Beau Charles Chardonnay was whole-cluster pressed and the juice was chilled at 50F for 24 hours. The racked juice was moved to 1 year old French oak barrels for a long, slow, cool fermentation.

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Sharon Kazan Harris Founder of RARECAT Wines & RARACAT Professional.


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THE LOVE OF WINE BEGAN IN BORDEAUX... It was during a junior year abroad in France where Sharon spent a year at the Universite de Bordeaux. As a student she was taken under the wing of the wife of the University’s president, which in short is how she found herself, at age 20, being taken on a personal tour of Chateau Haut Brion, producer of one of the greatest wines in the world. The tour was led by the legendary Monsieur Delmas (Senior) himself, who kindly let her taste the renowned 1982 vintage out of the barrel, followed by the 1966. That moment changed her life, and sealed her interest in wine and the Bordeaux region itself. After hard work in publishing and technology, and several years later, in 2004 with two young children in tow, Sharon applied and was accepted to the famous DUAD program (the Diplome Universitaire d’Aptitude a la Degustation des Vins) offered through the University of Bordeaux’s Oenology department. The DUAD is an intensive year long program that takes four years of oenology and condenses it into one compacted year. Two years later, armed with a remarkable Bordeaux experience, Sharon returned to the States and moved to Napa Valley. Although she lives in the Napa Valley and was born and raised in California, her love of wine really is a shared experience between Napa and Bordeaux.

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Contact Information Phone 707-968-5031 Page 106 EEmail The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Sharon@rarecatwines.com

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3 “Money Machine” Franchises To Help Retirees Finance the Rest Of Their Lives.

Written by: David Goodman Founder of Franchise Biz Consulting, LLC * www.franchisebizconsulting.com

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Welcome to Franchise Forum. My name is David Goodman. I am the Founder and CEO of Franchise Biz Consulting. I have helped many people become proud franchise owners throughout the years, however, one of the most rewarding categories of people I love to help are the ready to retire or the already retied individual. Typically they come to me because they were laid off or forced to retire or simply have not sufficiently prepared for retirement and now they find that their money will not last their expected longevity.

What To Do With The Money Question Of Retirement? Most of my candidates who find themselves in this precarious and unsettling circumstance have a few options. They can drastically downsize or move in with a relative. Many look to the stock market by way of a trained professional to invest properly. Those selected financial planners will do their best, never-the-less, I find that many of them say to me in confidence that it is really too late. This is something one needs to prepare for when they are 26 not 66. There are few other options except for one shining bright star… Own a business and let it become your personal stock market. You can own 100% of the stock, run it yourself, be in charge of the profits and take pride in knowing that in the “Encore of Your Life”, you have finally taken the reins and control your own destiny. Of course those statements beg the question, what business and how, what, where, when, etc.? If you are asking yourself those questions then it makes perfect sense to own a Franchise. Just as an example, I will give my readers one of my own personal experiences.

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How I Answered the Money Problem Of Retirement. I was 30 years old and I decided that I did not want to work for anyone. That concept came as a lightning bolt after a few years working for a major manufacturing company. Being a sales associate, I felt that I was doing well and making a very fair living. In 1975 my income was about $50,000 a year. But I noticed that my salary was based totally on sales. If I sold nothing, I received nothing. Thankfully, my sales were normally higher than the expectation and in those cases, if I sold over my quota, I would get a nominal bonus. However, in the ensuing year that bonus would be predicated on the new dollar volume which I had set the previous year. In addition, my territory was cut due to the rational that, if one person could do so well, then it only stands to reason that the territory is too much for one person to handle; two people should do twice as well. This escalating bonus structure and territory slaughter made me step back and look at the big picture. The big picture was saying, “If I want to control my own life, I simply need to run my own business”. The problem with that thought is I had no idea where to start. I really, had nowhere to go and no one to guide me. I did my home work and after two and a half years I chose to buy a franchise. It turns out that franchises were built with me in mind.

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They would give me the training in all aspects of the business and they follow up with constant support. Wow, a business in a box. That would be perfect for me. I bought a Dunkin’ Donuts Shop. I did exactly what they told me and followed the system in every detail. To my pleasant surprise, my store became the number one ranked Dunkin’ Donuts Shop in the country! Oh, by the way, I hate to cook or bake and I am diabetic! I simply looked at the business part of the franchise and I theorized that it would be a great opportunity. By the way, if memory serves me correctly, I did almost $120,000 in 25 cent donuts my first month! As a short side bar, I am told that the top stores now do that in two weeks or less! I sold the business by the time I reached 35 years old and retired. Of course I found out very quickly retireing at 35 years old needed a lot more money then I had acquired. Without going into that “New Beginning Chapter” of my life and to spare my readers from gory details, let me simply note that at my current juncture at age 68, I have found that being a franchise consultant is extremely rewarding. I love what I do for my candidates. It probably is what I should have done from the beginning of my career not at the “Encore of my life”.

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Even Being Brain Dead This One Could Be A Money Machine! Now let’s get to the “nitty-gritty”. One of the most rewarding and fun franchises that I have in my directory is one that allows the owner to have a money making machine. This one, in my humble opinion is just that! I am not talking about a business that will produce money whenever you turn on the machine, that is a fantasy and if anyone tells you they have such a thing, please call me first, because I have a bridge I want to sell you! This is a legitimate business that is as close to a “no brainer” as one that I could come up with:

This is a Business in a Box. It is designed to be installed by the franchise professionals in any high foot traffic shopping mall. Then open the cash register and get ready for business! At Island of Treats customers are able to mix and match anything they please and best of all - everything is the same price; Just pay based on the weight of the bag. Island of Treats designed their patent pending retail display unit focusing on providing the franchise operator ease of assembly and convenient daily operation. The kiosk features a built-in selfcontained commissary plumbing system and a "plug and play" electrical setup. Unbelievable!

"Business in a box" Assembled and ready to open in under eight hours  We do not mark-up the candy.  We allow the operator to go to local suppliers and buy them directly.  Patent-pending intellectual property provides protection to those who want a secure investment. To learn more about this opportunity please call David Goodman at 856 287 0303. Or, visit us at ww.FranchiseBizConsulting.com Page 112 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Offer A Product That Is A Basic Need To All People. Next on the agenda is another business that has a ground swell of appeal. Also, in my opinion, this one has a lot of punch with a minimal amount of time and effort. It is another, money making machine (MMM). Once again, my definition of a MMM is: once you get it up and running, it just requires maintenance and very little management. When I was a young man actually let’s go back even further, when I was in the pre teen era of my life, I remember with crystal clarity that feeling of thirst after playing basketball in the hot sun on a lazy summer’s day. The best thing to do was to go to one of the homes in the neighborhood and turn on the outdoor water faucet and take a few long swigs. The water was warm but I felt it was safe to drink. However, in today’s world that comfort simply would not be there. Firstly, the neighbor would not be so friendly as to allow you to drink from their outdoor spigot. And secondly, the water may not be safe to drink. That is why water vending machines are gaining in popularity.

There are numerous advantages to being involved in the vending machine business. The icing on the cake is that it is possible to reap those benefits quickly. Vending machines are a convenience for customers, especially vending machines that offer variety and accessibility. Credit-card acceptance and healthier food options are helping to keep this business poised for longevity. The use of credit cards actually increases revenues by 15-30%. Our Water Vending Machines (WaterStations® portfolio of 12 provide an enormous opportunity for building owners, fitness and health food stores, hotels, municipalities/local government, military, educational schools/colleges and independent companies to provide a valuable service to their customers or the community while making recurring and growing revenue. There are many side benefits, too – environmental protection, health and wellness Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

improvements, lower cost of water and increased availability of water. WaterStation® Technology has the largest portfolio of water vending machines on the planet that can be located in over 86 vertical markets. To learn more about this opportunity please call David Goodman at 856 287 0303. Or, visit us at www.FranchiseBizConsulting.com

Another Business In A Box. There are a few categories of businesses that are fueled by need and not want. This next business fits into that grouping. What does one do when they need a short term loan or the means of getting a payday advance? This franchise caters to a demographic in which over 150 million Americans fit into. The franchise is perfect for a person who needs immediate cash flow. The franchise prides itself in finding currently running mom and pop businesses for their potential franchisees, then

scooping them up, rebuilding and rebranding them, thusly affording the new franchisee with immediate cash flow! FFC is the closest thing to owning a neighborhood branch bank. We have a bank look and feel, and we offer a full menu of financial services to the "un-banked" or "under-banked" customer, typically a middle-income working family. Our services include check cashing, money orders, wire transfer, electronic bill payment, tax-preparation services, short-term loans, and a low to middle income mortgage program. We are located in attractive suburban strip centers close to the customer's home or work. To learn more about

this opportunity please call David Goodman at 856 287 0303. Or, visit us at www.FranchiseBizConsulting.com Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Ultimate Business Opportunity… Absolutely No Investment Required!! Of course there are some individuals who simply cannot even put together 10 K to get their business aspirations off the ground. And to those individuals or anyone looking to supplement their income, I have a special bonus program specifically designed for all my “E” magazine readers. I will personally send you a check for up to $2,000 for anyone who sends me contact information (name, address, phone number and email address) of anyone who is interested in a franchise and through my efforts becomes a franchisee. Of course there are certain restrictions. Please call for further details. GOOD FRANCHISE HUNTING!

Franchise Biz Consulting, LLC Professionally Find A Fabulous Franchise...Free!

David Goodman Office 818 578 8706 Cell 856 287 0303 Email Address: david@franchisebizconsulting.com Website: http://www.franchisebizconsulting.com If you are truly serious about taking the control of your life out of the hands of others and finally seizing your own destiny, please call me.

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E Magazine invites all it’s readers to check out a great Magazine called

‘The Dirt on Organic Gardening”

The Dirt on Organic Gardening is an American magazine that covers the growing movement in urban organic gardening. As the top digital info source for urban home gardeners, its articles range from simple step-bystep for the novice to articles for established gardeners.


to thank Su Falcon, Editor in Chief for allowing us to rerun this great Article.

Click Here

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STORY SECR Five Steps to Crystallize Your Purpose and Revolutionize Your Business with the Power of Your Own Stories

By Sandra Millers Younger Page 128 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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At first I couldn’t make sense of the orange light flooding our bedroom, or my husband’s shouting. It was three in the morning. Why was he waking me? In another instant, I understood. Outside our windows, on the other side of the California canyon we called home, the mountain was on fire. I scrambled out of bed and started throwing on jeans and a t-shirt.

“Oh my God! What do we do?” “Don’t panic,” Bob said, but his voice sounded forced. We grabbed our dogs, our cockatiel and a laundry basket of photos and negatives, and stuffed ourselves into the closest car, my little sports coupe. At the top of the driveway, we took a last look at our home and then drove away amid firelight and swirling embers. Within seconds we hit a wall of smoke, so dense I couldn’t see the road. It was narrow and steep, cut into the side of a mountain. I didn’t want to drive off the edge. At that exact moment, a bobcat jumped out of the surrounding brush and into my headlights, then dashed off into the smoke, running straight ahead of me. Somehow I knew to follow it. After what seemed forever, we punched through a curtain of flames into clear night. Like waking up from a nightmare, I thought. But it was all too real. Our home—and more than 2,200 others—were gone. Even worse, 15 people—12 of them our canyon neighbors—never made it to safety.

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I knew from the first that I had to tell the story of the Cedar Fire, still the biggest wildfire in California’s recorded history. How could I not? I was a journalist, a storyteller, who’d come out of the worst part of the worst fire anyone could remember. So in the years that followed, as we rebuilt our home and rebooted our lives, I gathered dozens of stories from fire fighters, survivors, and victims’ families. Piece by piece, I wove them all together, along with my own experience, to tell the whole story of the Cedar Fire. Then I found an agent, who found a publisher—and after 38 years in journalism, I became a first-time, best-selling author. Great stories can do that. They can crystallize your purpose. They can inspire you to dream bigger dreams. They can motivate you to achieve more than ever before. And they can revolutionize your business, no matter what kind of business you’re in. That’s what I call Story Power! And that’s why now, as founder and chief story strategist at Strategic Story Solutions, I’m passionate about helping others unlock the personal and professional power of their stories—and use them to change the world.

Why Are Stories So Powerful? Always begin presentations with your signature story. That’s what I teach my clients— transformational speakers, entrepreneurs, corporate and organizational leaders. Stories like the one I’ve just told you, stories that explain your passion to serve.

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But when I speak to groups about Story Power, I often do the opposite, opening instead with the usual laundry list of credentials—my title, my university degrees, my years of experience, my writing credits. Then I ask them to jot down the answers to three questions: On a scale of 1-10, how well do you feel you know me? How much do you like me? How much do you trust me? Only then do I tell my signature story, repeat my experiment, and invite them to compare their numbers, which invariably shoot up. Suddenly, just because I’ve told them my story, a group of people I’ve never met feel that they know, like and trust me. That’s Story Power, I tell them. It’s immediate; it’s measurable; and it’s lasting. We really shouldn’t be surprised that stories wield so much influence in our hearts and minds. From cave paintings to Facebook posts, we humans have always depended on narratives to communicate and connect with one another, to share our knowledge, advance our points of view, and pass our collective wisdom from one generation to the next. Simply put, stories serve as our cultural currency. Now we know why. Using advanced brain imaging, researchers have found that a well-told story actually changes our brain chemistry, causing emotional and physical responses. It takes us into the action with the characters. We empathize with them; we feel whatever they feel. This of course explains why we tend to squirm in our seats while watching a thriller or horror movie, and why we wipe our eyes during the “good parts” of a sweet romance or epic tragedy. In contrast to this whole-brain response to stories, only the brain’s center of logic lights up in reaction to facts and figures, charts and graphs. Which isn’t enough to carry a persuasive argument. Again thanks to recent brain studies, we now know that we all base our decisions primarily on emotion, and then back them up with logic—not the other way around!

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Storytelling for Business No wonder so many businesses are rediscovering the persuasive power of storytelling in leadership and strategic planning; marketing and sales; employee development and team-building; customer service and client education. Super savvy companies, including Ben & Jerry’s, Zappos, Facebook and Tom’s Shoes, have turned to story-branding. For example: By publicizing the company’s unique practice of donating a pair of shoes for each pair sold, Tom’s has built a dynamite brand story. “People don’t just wear our shoes,” explains Blake Mycoskie, the company’s founder and CEO, “they tell our story.” Advertising offers an obvious showcase for business storytelling, especially now that technological advances have given us ways to avoid intrusive ads. We seldom have to read, watch or listen to anything that doesn’t interest us anymore. Instead, the click of a mouse or fast-forward button whisks us away in search of something more to our liking. Ad agencies have figured out that today’s consumers will only tolerate content that actually appeals to them. And they also realize that people can’t resist a good story any more than a dog can walk past

a bone, or a cat can ignore a laser dot. As author Christina Baldwin puts it: “We

live in story like a fish lives in water.” Budweiser brewer Anheuser Busch, with its clever Clydesdale Superbowl commercials, isn’t the only global firm to discover “Story Power.” Nike, Volkswagen, Intel, Coke, AT&T, Procter and Gamble, and Toshiba, to name a very few, have all turned to storytelling in branding, marketing and advertising. In fact, for the last several years, nearly every television commercial honored with a Clio award—the Oscar of TV advertising—has told a story. Another clue to the widespread adoption of storytelling for business is the growing frequency of articles on the subject in prestigious business publications like Forbes, Fortune and the Harvard Business Review. Written for business owners, executives and managers, these pieces document the power of stories in leadership, team-building, motivation and performance. Proving the point, some of the most successful business leaders of our time, including Steve Jobs, Sheryl Sandberg and Richard Branson, have used storytelling to persuasive and profitable advantage. Best-selling business author Tom Peters underscores the wisdom of their approach. “The best leaders,” he says, “almost without exception and at every level, are master us-

ers of stories and symbols.”

What’s Your Story? And yet most companies haven’t even plugged into their “Story Power.” Author and serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk goes so far as to say “Storytelling is by far the most underrated skill in business.”

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So how can you unlock the personal and professional power of your stories? Start with the five-step system I’ve developed for my clients. It’s called the Story POWER Process™.

Step 1: PINPOINT your signature story. Whether consulting with my clients in groups or 1-to-1 coaching sessions, I always start by asking a few key questions that help uncover important pieces of their signature story, the story that explains why they do what they do! It’s wonderful how many of my clients tell me the resulting big-picture view of their lives gives them greater clarity of purpose, greater focus on their ideal clients, and even greater peace about painful twists and turns in their lives. So here are those illuminating questions: 1. What three problems in the world would you most like to solve? 2. Who are the three most influential people in your life, whether positive or negative, living or dead, and why? 3. What are the three most significant tipping points in your life so far? Now it’s time to connect the dots. Which of your three top problems does your business address? What lessons learned from your major influencers relate to your business? What tipping points relate to your business? And perhaps most importantly, how does all this relate to the needs and experiences of your ideal clients?

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Step 2: ORGANIZE your story into a narrative arc—the structure scientifically proven to create an emotional response in readers and listeners. Researcher Paul Zak has shown that a story told in a roller-coaster curve of rising and falling action with a crisis in the middle, actually changes our brain chemistry, producing cortisol, the stress hormone, as the conflict escalates, and oxytocin, the bonding hormone, as solutions emerge following the tipping point.

Step 3: WEAVE your signature story into the fabric of your business—your signature speech, your marketing and positioning, your long-term planning, your employee collaborations, your leadership and development efforts, your corporate culture. Refer to your story in advertising, press releases, and community outreach projects. Once you’ve nailed your signature story, there’s no more powerful message to share with your target clients and customers, so push it out there every way you can.

Step 4. ESTABLISH a portfolio of “sticky” stories that help people remember key factors— product benefits, teaching points, organizational values.

Step 5. RECOGNIZE, collect and craft your most powerful client success stories, stories about the positive experiences of people who achieved success with your help and methods. The trick comes in choosing the right testimonials and crafting them into memorable nuggets that prove the value of your work So what’s your story? The story that explains who you are? The story behind your passion to serve the world? The story that can effortlessly connect you to your perfect clients? Whatever it is, wherever it may be hiding, there’s a story inside you. It’s deep. It’s powerful. And the world is waiting to hear it.

Biography Sandra Millers Younger grew up in the South where people still swap stories over fried chicken, apple pie and sweet tea. At the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and at Syracuse University, where she earned degrees in English and journalism, Sandra studied stories— what makes the great ones great, how to find them, and how to share them in powerful ways that make a difference in the world. She’s since told thousands of stories as a journalist, culminating in her

The Fire Outside My Window: A Survivor Tells the True Story of California's Epic Cedar Fire. Sandra and her 2013 book,

husband, Bob, were featured in the March 2015 NBC Dateline special, Escape: The Great California Fire, telling their own story of survival against all odds. Now, as master story strategist at Strategic Story Solutions, Sandra helps business owners and executives leverage the meaning, message and mission in their own stories to achieve greater business success and global impact. Connect with Sandra, download a special gift, and apply for a complimentary Story Strategy Session at


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Positioning How a Local Start Up took on a National Brand

By Bruce Wiseman

There is a new positioning in town. But it has a back story. I live in a little community called Toluca Lake. It is adjacent to Burbank and is surrounded by the entertainment industry. Accordingly, many artists live here as have many before them. Bob

Hope’s home (now for sale) is a block and a half down the street and everyone from Frank Sinatra, W.C. Fields and Bing Crosby had homes here. So did Emilia Earhart. Ronald and Nancy Reagan had their wedding reception here at friend William Holden’s place. Page 137 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Many of today’s entertainers followed suit. Miley Cyrus is a few blocks away. Denzel moved, but Jack Black, Andy Garcia, Hillary Duff and Zac Efron and lots of others hang here.

It’s no surprise because you can throw a rock and hit Warner Brothers studios. Universal is up on the hill, Disney is just down the street. NBC is here as well, though, sadly, The Tonight Show has moved to New York. Still, Leno still drives his exotic cars along the back streets of town.

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The main drag running through Toluca Lake is Riverside Drive. At the East end of this little community of creativity is what is probably the most famous single burger joint in the country – the original Bob’s Big Boy. Built in 1949, and named after the first doublepatty burger, Bob’s still has car-hops on weekends and every Friday afternoon and evening their parking lot is filled with classic cars – everything from ’55 Chevys to 32 deuce coupes. The place looks like the parking lot of my old high school. The Beatles had burgers there in ’65. Really. Starbucks is right next to Bob’s – so close that when I’m in there enjoying some soft

scrambled eggs topped with parmesan cheese at 3:00 am writing one of these articles, I can pick up the wi-fi signal from next door.But Bob’s Big Boy isn’t the story here. Neither is Starbucks. Adjacent to Starbucks is the new kid in town. It’s called RAWkin Juice (www.rawkinjuice.com) I drove by it a few times after it opened. There is a Robeks two blocks down Riverside, and my first thought was “how does a new, stand-alone, juice boutique compete with a national brand like Robeks?” I was curious and finally went in. Once inside, the difference was obvious: everything is raw and organic. They have a very focused offering: organic fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, salads…and desserts. For one thing, Robeks fruits and veggies are not organic. But that is not the point of the article. The point is the clever positioning RAWkin Juice uses for the brand. Remember, positioning ties your product or service to something already in the mind.

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RAWkin Juice ties their products to music – the “Good Vibrations” one gets from organic juices and smoothies are tied to the good vibrations of music. They have a positioning image of a guitar (made of fruits and vegetables). And look how cleverly their copy forwards their position.

Vibrations of Life Tune up your system Live, organic, farmfresh raw vegetables and fruits have natural vibrational frequencies. They can be destroyed by heat, speed or hard processes. RAWkin’ Juice protects and preserves the source of plant energy transferring its fresh vibrations to you. And

RAWkin’ Juice is… like music for your body, mind and spirit
. When you listen to music, vibrations enter your ear and go into your brain. The frequency of music affects how you feel. Fresh, raw plants also produce vibrations that resonate with your internal system. And

“We make “music” for your mouth.” Their menu is titled “Fresh Vibrations” and all of the menu items have funky names tied to music. Take a look. (you have to go to the main site

www.rawkinjuice.com and then click the menu icon.)

And of course Rawkin is a very clever play on “Rockin’”.

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I talked to one of the partners when I went in. He said they had been inundated with business from the stu-



dios. No surprise. Filming - TV or movies – requires long, demanding hours. These drinks have a seriously healthy kick to them. I had a “Hemp Notes” – hemp seeds, mango, banana, kale, parsley, dates, spirulina, chorella, spring water – and wasn’t hungry for the rest of the day. The owners are intending to open 10 of these around LA. Properly managed, they should be a stunning success; they have a first -class product and a great brand riding on a clever position.

How about you? Does your brand have a position? If not, we can help you create one.

Positioning creates “want” for your product and drives sales. Best, Bruce Bruce Wiseman President & CEO On Target Research www.ontargetresearch.com Bruce@brucewiseman.net Interested? Call us. 818-397-1401 Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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If you would like assistance with your donation, please contact Donor Services at (212) 763-5779, MondayFriday from 9am - 5pm EST or email us at donations@newyork.msf.org.

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Star of the hit BRA The nation’s #1 real estate broker and star of Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing New York shares his secrets for superstar success and getting what you want out of life—no matter who you are or what you do. Ten years ago, Fredrik Eklund moved to New York City from his native Sweden with nothing but a pair of worn-out sneakers and a dream: to make it big in the city that never sleeps. Since then, he’s become the top seller in the most competitive real estate market on the planet, brokering multimillion-dollar deals for celebrities, selling out properties all over the city, and charming audiences around the world as one of the stars of the hit Bravo series Million Dollar Listing New York. Now, for the first time, Fredrik shares his secrets so that anyone can find success doing what they love. According to Fredrik, even if you don’t consider yourself a salesperson, you’ve been in sales your whole life because every day you are selling your most important asset: yourself. Whenever you influAvailable of Amazon ence, persuade or convince someone to give you something in exchange Page 144 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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AVO show Million Dollar Listing New York for what you’ve got—whether it’s a luxury home, a great idea at work, or your profile on Match.com—you are selling. And if you know how to sell the right way, you can live your dream. That is what The Sell is all about. Blending personal stories, hilarious anecdotes, and the expertise he’s gained from his meteoric rise, Fredrik has written the modern guide on becoming successful, a book that tells you how to recognize and cultivate your true talents and make the ultimate sell. From the importance of being

your most authentic self to looking like a million bucks even if you don’t have a million bucks (yet!), he shows how intangible factors like personality and charm can get you noticed and make you shine. He also shares his tips and tricks for preparing, persuading, and negotiating so that in any of life’s dealings, you’ll come out a winner. Whether you work on Wall Street or at Wal-Mart, aim to become the top seller at your company or want to impress a first date, The Sell will help you have more personal and professional success, lead a rich and fulfilling life, and have fun along the way.

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About Barbara Barbara Corcoran’s credentials include straight D’s in high school and college and twenty jobs by the time she turned twenty-three. It was her next job that would make her one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country when she took a $1000 loan to start The Corcoran Group. As one of the “Sharks” on ABC’s hit TV show, SHARK TANK, Barbara has ponied up her own money and invested in twenty-two businesses, competing to make those deals for all to see, then shepherding them to success.

Her newest book, SHARK TALES, takes you behind the scenes of her life and business and her ‘seen on TV’ venture capitalism. Barbara is famously brash and blunt, bold and courageous, and a brilliant identifier of opportunity and talent (often invisible to others).

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Barbara's Other Publications

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2015 Summer Conferences Women Business Technology Social Media

SEAT Consortium

July 19-22, 2015


International Start-up Festival Montreal ,Canada

July 9-12, 2015


Blogher Conference

July 24-26, 2015


B2B Marketing Forum

Oct 21-23, 2015


Virtual Conference Series

Aug 14, 2015

http://vc.marketingprofs.com/ strategy0815/

Mozcon Seattle, WA

July 14-16, 2015


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This list is updated monthly

WSJ.D Oct 19-21, 2015 http://wsjdconference.wsj.com/

Content Marketing World September 8-11, 2015 www.contentmarketingworld.com/

Incite Summit September 18-19, 2015 http://www.incite-group.com/ Techweek Sept 14-20, 2015 Nov 9-15, 2015 http://techweek.com/ INBOUND Tech and Marketing September 9-11, 2015 Inspired

Oct 18-21, 2015


Fortune The Most Powerful Women

Oct 12-14, 2015

http://www.fortuneconferences.com/ most-powerful-women-summit-2015/

Grace Hopper

Oct 14-16, 2015


Business innovation Factory

Sept 16-17, 2015


World Business Conf

Oct 7-8, 2015


Sustainable Brand

Nov 16-18, 2015


POP Tech

Oct 22-24, 2015


Celebration of Women in Computing.

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Join NAFE at any of these Southern California Networks Nafe is the largest global network for women with over 66,000 members and recently celebrated its 42nd anniversary, they are headquartered in New York with affiliate networks across the country. Would a group of women sharing their dreams, supporting, encouraging and mentoring you, be beneficial at this time of your life. Nafe offers great benefits to members, and the annual membership is only $30.00 go to www.nafe.com and check out all the wonderful benefits. As the Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator I invite YOU to join us at one of our monthly NAFE meetings. Our networks are made up of entrepreneurs, small business owners, corporate executives and women working for companies or even women starting a business. As a member you will join one of the networks but you may attend any of the network meetings each month as they all offer great networking opportunities. Coastal Nafe Network Meets 3rd Thursday at 11:30 am at Call Director Bobbi Tomsovic 714-492-9262 email btomsovic@yahoo.com for new location

Los Angeles Nafe Network Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 pm at Marie Calendar's Restaurant 5773 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90232 323-937-7952 Director Althea Ledford, 310-990-9496, email allyledo@aol.com

Menifee Nafe Network, Lunch meets the 2nd Wed 11:30 am, Merna’s Café & Grill 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, Ca. Contact Robbie Motter, NAFE Western Regional Coordinator & Director of this network 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl Page 150 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Murrieta Nafe Network meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon at R J’s Sizzling Steak House 41401 Kalima Street, Murrieta, CA Contact Robbie Motter, Director 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl

Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Network meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at The Wine Tailor 8916 Foothill Blvd, Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730. (Corner of Vineyard & Foothill ). contact joanwakefield@gmail.com Director

Riverside Nafe Network Joan Wakeland Director Riverside Nafe Group, Director Joan E Wakeland, email joanewakeland@gmail.com, phone 909-721-7648 Group meets the 2nd Tuesday at The Canyon Crest Winery 5225 Canyon Crest Dr #7A Riverside, CA 92507 or email joanewakeland@gmail.com

South Orange County Nafe network meets the 1st Thursday 6:30 pm at Sarducci’s 26701 Verdugo, San Juan Capistrano, CA Contact Mikki StGermain, Director 949-429-3438 or St.Germain.Mikki@gmail.com

Ventura County Nafe Network, meets 3rd Wednesday 12:00 noon at Mimi’s Café, 400 N Moorpark Road Thousand Oaks, Ca 91320, Contact Director Sheryl Tash 805-7944005 or email sheryldtash@gmail.com

Please contact the Director of the Network you are interested in, and also please RSVP for meetings. We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks in the Southern CA area, contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200 We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks in the Southern CA area, contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200

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