E The Magazine For Tody's Female Executive February 2015 Issue

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The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Big Hearts in Powerful Places We Need More

Off The Grid Boost Your

Cyber Security Homeland Security Expert Shares Updates

Jon Stewart

You Laughed


You Listened

GotCha! The Romance of Aphrodisiacal Essential Oils February 2015

$4.99 USA (CAN $5.99) Female-Exec.com Digital edition included with current subscription Page 1 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The Best Chocolate-wine Matches Ever! Laurie Forster The Wine Coach

Is Your Cell Phone Keeping You From Your Next

Spontaneous Romance?

Catch Up!

It’s Not 1999 anymore, Meet Your

NEW Buyer

NAFE Meeting Schedule Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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© Matrixpictures.co.uk E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 3

She Was Aware -Just Kind And Brave Beyond Measure

Kayla’s Story Coming in the March Issue of E the Magazine for Today’s Female executive Page 4 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Message From the Editor’s Desk


Dramatically Grow Business By Building Loyalty


Elinor Stutz You Laughed But You Listened

Gotcha! A lookat the Brilliance of Jon Stewart.


Big Hearts in Powerful Places. Revealing Facts About Rosie Odonnell.


Catch Up! It’s Not 1999 Meet Your


Powerful Traits of Powerful People By By David Goodman ByDavid DavidGoodman Goodman

By David Goodman Franchise Expert


2014 Photography Finalist

20 By



How Does the Cloud Help Business

38 46

Shawn Sandy Suzanne Casamento: Dating Expert

Is Your Cell Phone Keeping You From Spontaneous Love?


The Romance of Aphrodisiacal Essential Oils


Swiss Olive Galette

By Lewis Huynh BJ Miller Premier Wellness Advocate Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Chef Rich Mancini

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Kieu Hoang Winery


Do You Resonate With Those You Lead?




By The Wine Coach Laurie Forster

By Kirsten Berman

Brenda Williams

114 “Chocolate Match”

Tbhe Evil Lerking Behind Sugar

Consider the Lonely Toothbrush Bruce Wiseman

Off The Grid Boost Your Cyber Security


UNCUBED Conferences 2015

By Anna Corsaro Homeland Security Expert


@Wordswith Boards


What’s your Mindset?

122 By Tadia Rice

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March Speakers

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 7

What is a Female Executive? I am the one that makes the bread, weaves the fabric, creates the peace, negotiates the smiles, shuts it down and wakes it all back up. I am the Swiss Army Knife of mankind. I am the one that gives birth and keeps life goingwhether I have to nudge it with my heart, my mind, my blood or my foot! I keep the bass rhythm of life moving. I am that female that executes the needed, the necessary and the fantastic. I am THAT female executive.

-Althea Ledford

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From the Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Welcome to the February issue of E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive. This month’s theme is Big Hearts in Powerful Places featuring Rosie O’Donnell. But before you get to Rosie, I wanted to discuss a concept musicians and entertainers are well aware of and that is “having real chops”. Several years ago while sitting around the pool with friends the conversation turn to music-specifically Luther Vandross and his rendition of A House is Not A Home. Within that group was my husband Mark Ledford and Danny Wooten. Danny is a hoofer (tap dancer) he brings Gregory Hines to mind when he dances and Mark is a Jazz musician’s-musician. As the group of friends were sitting around talking that particular song, Mark began to whistle it and immediately Danny stood up and began to do a soft shoe to his rendition. It was absolutely incredible, worthy of tears and chills. And that is an example of having chops. Many top sales professionals, speakers, ministers and entertainers have stated, they speak as passionately to 1 person as they do to 20,000. Whether it’s true or not-what they are saying is they give their all every time they get the mic. When you know your stuff, really know it, you don’t need a lot of props-you just need the mic. It’s also been known as fire in the belly, talent and staying hungry. Entertainers cherish the emotional exchange they experience with their audience. It’s what keeps both parties standing in the rain to hear them perform and to give that performance. Case in point, Diana Ross and more recently Jennifer Lopez. These are your consummate professionals. Always have something to share or say if you credit yourself a speaker or presenter. Always have a short lesson ready to go, if you credit yourself as a teacher. Always have words of encouragement if you credit yourself a friend. Have the chops and deliver. And carry bearer bond hugs - whom ever needs one gets one. I hope you enjoy this issue. -Althea Ledford Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Laurie Forster Althea Ledford

The Wine Coach

Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale

Editor and Chief Creative Officer

Brenda Williams

Shawn Shady

Chef Rich Manicini

Business Coach

Suzzanne Casamento: Dating Expert

BJ Miller Premier Wellness Advocate

The Selling Agency

Aldeme Mitchell Creative Director

Kirsten Berman

Bruce Wiseman

Shawn Karol Sandy


Lewis Huynh

Anna Corsaro

Technical Expert

Crisis Expert

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Tadia Rice Global Social Issues Expert

David Goodman Franchise Expert

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 11

You laughed but You Listened

GotCha! Sometimes one of the hardest things to do is tell the truth. And a follow up trick is to get them to listen. Jon Stewart masterfully brings up facts about our social flaws ranging from absurd politics to pointing out senseless social trends. His technique resembles a combination of Groucho Marks, a voice in the wilderness and a cynical history teacher. He’s quick witted and laser sharp in his deliver. After you finish laughing your stuck with the revelation that what he just said made sense and now Page 12 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

you have to actually think about it. Humor has always been a great conductor of information and no one does it better than Jon Steward. So often we see brilliant people, perfectly situated leaving their post to try something new and that is their right and privilege. In this situation, however, who could ever replace him. At a time when we, society, needs to be more aware-on a daily basis, who will fill that role? How many minds will start to dull because they don’t have that Stewart boost every evening.

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And sense his shows are tied to relevant news events, they won't go over well as reruns. And so we have an interesting predicament. In his own words with Rachel Maddow “I

am the Highlander” there’s been a form of me around forever. The comedian who takes political and social concepts and criticizes them. From a haughty, yet ultimately, reckless perch-throwing things.” Jon Stewart’s perception of himself and his actual impact may be at odds. During that same interview with Rachel Maddow, he made the distinction Page 13 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Between Rachel’s type of news and what he does. His comparison simulated Rachel as being on the field playing the game and he was on the sidelines shouting at the game. Which Rachel disagreed with stating she felt they were both in the game. One variable Jon failed to recognize was that if your sideline comments impact the attention and attendance to the game, you are a vey important variable. Jon Stewart has that type of influence on younger America, he’s made the discussion of politics and social issues “cool” and engaging. Full attention and engagement is good for democracy. Social Awareness makes for a better government. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

More Facts about

The Daily Show In 1999, Stewart began hosting The Daily Show on Comedy Central when Craig Kilborn left the show to replace Tom Snyder on The Late Late Show. The show, which has been popular and successful in cable television since Stewart became the host (ratings increased by 400% in 1999), blends humor with the day's top news stories, usually in politics, while simultaneously poking fun at politicians and many newsmakers as well as the news media itself. In an interview on The O'Reilly Factor, Stewart denied the show has any intentional political agenda, saying the goal was "schnicks and giggles." "The same weakness that drove me into comedy also informs my show," meaning that he was uncomfortable talking without hearing the audience laugh. The Daily Show does however inform younger generations of the current world news, and gives this information in a way where it can be informational and comedic. "Stewart does not offer us cynicism for its own sake, but as a playful way to offer the kinds of insights that are not permitted in more serious news formats that slavishly cling to official account of events." Stewart has since hosted almost all airings of the program, except for a few occasions when correspondents such as Stephen Colbert, Rob Corddry, Jason Jones,Steve Carell, subbed for him, and during John Oliver's stint as host during the summer of 2013. Stewart Page 14 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

has won a total of nineteen Emmys for The Daily Show as either a writer or producer. In 2005, The Daily Show and Jon Stewart received a Best Comedy Album Grammy Award for the audio book edition of America (The Book). In 2000 and 2004, the show won two Peabody Awards for its coverage of the presidential elections relevant to those years, called "Indecision 2000" and "Indecision 2004", respectively. The September 20, 2001 show, the first show after the attacks of September 11, 2001, began with no introduction. Before this, the introduction included footage of a fly-in towards the World Trade Center and New York City. The first nine minutes of the show included a tearful Stewart discussing his personal view on the event. His remarks ended as follows: "The view… from my apartment… was the World Trade Center… and now it's gone, and they attacked it. This symbol of American ingenuity, and strength, and labor, and imagination and commerce, and it is gone. But you know what the view is now? The Statue of Liberty. The view from the South of Manhattan is now the Statue of Liberty. You can't beat that." In mid-2002, amid rumors that David Letterman was going to switch from CBS to ABC when his contract ran out, Stewart was rumored as Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

anchorWalter Cronkite, "the most trusted man in America".[45]


replacement on CBS. Ultimately, Letterman renewed his contract with CBS. On the March 9, 2002, episode of Saturday Night Live, hosted by Stewart, a "Weekend Update" sketch poked fun at the situation. In late 2002, ABC offered Stewart his own talk show to air right before Nightline. Stewart's contract with The Daily Show was near expiring, and he expressed strong interest. ABC, however, decided to give another Comedy Central figure, Jimmy Kimmel, the pre-Nightline slot.[ On April 4, 2006, Stewart confronted U.S. Senator John McCain about his decision to appear at Liberty University, an institution founded by Jerry Falwell, whom McCain had previously denounced as one of the "agents of intolerance". In the interchange, Stewart asked McCain, "You're not freaking out on us? Are you freaking out on us, because if you're freaking out and you're going into the crazy base world—are you going into crazy base world?" McCain replied, "I'm afraid so." The clip was played on CNN and created a surge of articles across the blogosphere. In 2007, The Daily Show was involved in former correspondent Stephen Colbert's announcement that he would run for president in 2008. In 2008, Stewart appeared on the news program Democracy Now! A 2008 New York Times story questioned whether he was, in a phrase originally used to describe longtime network news Page 15 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

On April 28, 2009, during a discussion on torture with Clifford May, Stewart expressed his opinion that former President Harry S. Truman was a war criminal for his use of the atomic bomb on Japan during World War II. Moments later, Stewart defended his assertion: "Here's what I think of the atom bombs. I think if you dropped an atom bomb fifteen miles offshore and you said, "The next one's coming and hitting you," then I would think it's okay. To drop it on a city, and kill a hundred thousand people. Yeah. I think that's criminal." On April 30, 2009, Stewart apologized on his program, and stated he did not believe Truman was a war criminal: "The other night we had on Cliff May. He was on, we were discussing torture, back and forth, very spirited discussion, very enjoyable. And I may have mentioned during the discussion we were having that Harry Truman was a war criminal. And right after saying it, I thought to myself that was dumb. And it was dumb. Stupid in fact. So I shouldn't have said that, and I did. So I say right now, no, I don't believe that to be the case. The atomic bomb, a very complicated decision in the context of a horrific war, and I walk that back because it was in my estimation a stupid thing to say. Which, by the way, as it was coming out of your mouth, you ever do that, where you're saying something, and as it's coming out you're like, "What the fuck, nyah?" And it just sat in there for a couple of days, just sitting going, "No, no, he wasn't, and you should really say that out loud on the show." So I am, right now, and, man, ew. Sorry."[ Tracy Morgan appeared on the April 15, 2010 episode of The Daily

Show and coined Stewart with the nickname "Stew Beef". Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

In April 2010, Comedy Central renewed Stewart's contract to host The Daily Show into 2013. Stewart is paid a reported $1.5 million for one season of The Daily Show. According to the Forbes list of Celebrities in 2008, he was earning $14 million a year. On September 16, 2010, Stewart and Stephen Colbert announced a rally for October 30, known as the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. It took place on theNational Mall in Washington, D.C. and attracted an estimated 215,000 participants. In December 2010, Stewart was credited by the White House and other media and political news outlets for bringing awareness of the Republican filibuster on theJames Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act to the public, leading to the ultimate passing of the bill which provides health benefits to first responders whose health has been adversely affected by their work at Ground Zero. On the January 10, 2011 show, Stewart began with a monologue about the shootings in Tucson, AZ. Stewart said that he wished the "ramblings of crazy people didn't in any way resemble how we actually talk to each other on television". Before commercial break, Stewart told viewers that the show would continue as usual the next night. After commercial break, the show featured a rerun of a field piece done by Jason Jones two years earlier. As a result of such high-profile political stands, Stewart is being recognized as a political force rather than merely as a comedian. The New York Times suggested that he is "the modernday equivalent of Edward R. Murrow" and the UK national newspaper The Independent called him the "satirist-in-chief". In March 2013, it was announced that Stewart would be taking a 12-week hiatus from The Daily Show to direct the film Rosewater, based on the book Then They Came for Me by Maziar Bahari. Beginning on June 10, 2013, The Daily Show correspondent John Oliver assumed primary hosting duties during Stewart's break. On September 3, 2013, Stewart returned to host The Daily Show. TV Guide 's annual survey for 2013 star salaries showed that Stewart is the highest-paid late night host, making an estimated $25–30 million per year. On November 18, 2014, Stewart set his sights on Obamacare "architect" MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber and asked Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, who denied knowing Gruber, "can you never not not disappoint us?" Stewart characterizes the deception on the part of Democrats as "pretty slimy." During a taping of the show on February 10, 2015, Stewart announced that he was leaving The Daily Show. Comedy Central President Michele Ganeless confirmed Stewart's retirement with a statement. Dailey Show Data Source :Wikipedia Page 16 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Four Points of View The winners of 2014 YouPic Showcase About YouPic:

YouPic is the place for photography enthusiasts around the world to be inspired, re recognition and improve their photography. By showcasing High Quality photograph giving detailed feedback on each others work, hobby as well as professional photo use YouPic as a place to find high quality inspiration and dramatically improve their raphy skills. The best shots are awarded with exposure, awards and honors. YouPi frequent contests where photographers can win tremendous international exposure winning shots are judged based on composition, technical quality, creativity and co The community and contests are open for everyone who loves photography and wa to improve their skills. Website: www.youpic.com, contest website: www.youpic.com/contest

Philippe Manguin winner of “Forms and Shapes” contest Oct 2014

Philippes YouPic portfolio:

Page 20

www.youpic.com/photographer/PhilippeMANGUIN Winning shot: “Vulcania" Link to the shot: youpic.com/image/2134779 At the age of 15 years, Philippe Manguin did his first photographic click. Trainee photographer at a French tv channel “France 2 french”, then Assistant Photographer in Paris with Claude IVERNE, he always kept photography as a breath of fresh air. It is now 13 years since he an amateur and later as a professional photographer. It is not a coinc stories and legends. Under the charm of this place, he resumed the ous nature, wild and preserved from the rhythm of the city. “Between Broceliande (a legendary forest in France), the Emerald coast, steep changing nature but are always sublime. Through his lens, he now w those who do not have the opportunity to access such wealth. He tra E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

eceive hy and ographers r photogic runs e. The ontent. ant

e returned to Brittany, the land of his origin, in order to pursue his passion - first as cidence that he settled in the forests of Broceliande, inspired by its landscape, its habit of taking images on a very generous playground. Its visual evoke a mysterin earth, sea and sky, Brittany is a box that allows one to wonder”, says Philippe. p slopes of the handles designed by Finistères Morbihan - his images evoke a wants to reveal and share unique moments and enchantments he witnesses with acksPage the 21 lights ephemeral to keep track of what one sees onlySubscription once. You can find his E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Marjo Laitakari winner of “Vacation Contest “ Aug 2014 Marjos YouPic portfolio: www.youpic.com/ photographer/marjolaitakari Winning shot: “Aldeyjarfoss” (a waterfall in Iceland) Link to the shot: https://youpic.com/ image/1817782 Page 22 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Marjo Laitakari is an amateur photographer from Espoo, Finland. She has a background in traditional art mostly from landscape painting, but created her career in IT. Marjo bought her first DSLR in 2007 and found herself always to be the one standing behind the lens. She participated in her first photography course in September 2012 and during that course she really found her love for photography. The course teacher who also is a professional photographer has stayed as her mentor ever since. She has completed many different photography courses from landscape to studio and strives to learn as much as possible from the art. Landscape photography is closest to her heart and she loves to combine her passion for nature and travelling by creating beautiful landscape images. You can see more of Marjos work in her YouPic portfolio. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Originally a musician and singer-songwriter from Los Angeles, Vincent moved to NYC in the fall of 2011. Inspired by the move and new surroundings and with musical writer’s block he decided to take photography classes in the beginning of 2014 to explore a new medium and see if it would cause him to think and see differently. He became obsessed and dove into this new world with practice and fervour. After figuring out his camera and a ton of techniques in his toolbox,Vincent discovered photography as a conceptual and painterly form. Page 23 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Vincent Minor winner of “Capture the Emotion” contest Sept 2014 Vincents YouPic portfolio: www.youpic.com/ photographer/vincentminor Winning shot: “Morning Wilt” Link to the shot: youpic.com/image/2092500 Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Vincent Minor Continued... He discovered other photographers were storytelling through an image and it inspired him to do his own. As Vincent progress into this next year developing his style, he haas many more stories he is excited to share. See the rest of his work in his portfolio on YouPic.

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Felipe Jaramillo Winner of the Halloween Contest Nov 2014 Felipes YouPic portfolio: www.youpic.com/ photographer/Flippermood Winning shot: “We are all freaks” Link to the shot: youpic.com/image/2278976 It all started when Felipe came across an abyss of loneliness - he had to tie something up to avoid falling into despair and to express what he felt. "My pictures are the unspoken words" - he says. Felipe is a 19 year-old artist. He consider himself a conceptual photographer even though he also practices a little of everything in photography and still learning new things. See more of Felipes work in his portfolio on YouPic. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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How Does The Cloud Help Business? Lewis Huynh

The cloud, the cloud, the cloud. Everywhere we turn someone touts being “in the cloud,” moving “to the cloud,” or creating their own cloud. But what the heck is the cloud? Over the last few decades data has become “the” major commodity. Whether we shrink hard drives and make them increasingly dense, or we cluster tens of hundreds of servers together to make it useful, data drives business. As a result, the housing, storing, accessing, processing, and analyzing of data has become one of the greatest goals of technology. But we find ourselves constantly running out of power, or space, or cooling…or it is simply no longer economically feasible for us to use the traditional models of datacenters. In the simplest terms, the cloud is an abstraction of servers, storage devices and hard drives, backup Page 26 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

appliances and catalogs of media, and network devices and miles of cabling. It is the idea that your server room or your datacenter is all at once within your control, and yet nowhere to be found. It is data as water vapor, and well…infrastructure as clouds. It is the collection of multiple datacenters across the globe to act as one virtual datacenter. As a consumer, the distinction is a little easier to grasp. Your personal files, music, and documents exist on the internet invisible to you, but always accessible by you. You can log into anyone’s computer and get to your email. With a few settings changes, you can stream your music anywhere. You can share photos and videos with friends and family. Your world is effectively…everywhere. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

As a business, using the cloud is a little bit murky. Why? We could have our own private cloud by aggregating multiple datacenters that we own or lease, throwing on top of this physical layer software that helps us achieve ubiquity. We could rent or lease chunks of someone else’s cloud. Or we could simply interact with services offered through someone else’s cloud, effectively uploading our data and business logic. Or we could use any combination of the same. To make things more tangible, let’s imagine that we are a small business with seed capital. Through some study and research, we have concluded that rather than buying our own servers and computer infrastructure, we are going to leverage someone else’s cloud. There is of course a premium associated with leasing someone else’s infrastructure and services. A small business can now hire a small core staff of diversified IT professionals who are savvy with multiple technologies. This core team can accomplish the same results of what it used to take several dedicated staff. Even more so, the invisible return on investment is the efficiency achieved through the cloud framework that encourages repeatability rather than rework. As well, there is a reduction of staffing overhead that would otherwise be required to manage the mundane tasks of purchasing and installing servers, along with the inherent low-level administration of the servers. There are many players on the market, providing everything from a basic server, to everything “and” the kitchen sink. Familiar names are Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Rackspace. For this article I will Page 27 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

focus on one of the biggest players in the market: Amazon. Or properly, Amazon Web Services. Amazon Web Services (AWS) has done to datacenters, server and network infrastructures, what Amazon did to shopping: abstract the storefront making it possible to shop from anywhere, to everywhere, and for anything. Need a web server? No problem. Need a database server? No problem. Need your own private network? No problem. Need a data analytics platform? No problem. In fact, AWS released an onslaught of new services, or improved services, and announced it to the world at its Las Vegas “re:Invent” event back in November 2014. Let’s take a look at a few of them and see how they can help a business. Depending on a company’s size and market, a common concern is regulatory compliance. This typically manifests on the legal and financial side, but with certain data content, it can include your information services, technology, and security. Beginning your technology approach with basic practices such as documented server procedures, Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

security guidelines, and software code management can go a long way to meeting requirements and mitigating risks. To capture server procedures such as installation, post-installation configuration, and ongoing configuration, AWS offers a preview of its Config service. Systems, changes, resources, and user actions can all be captured for audits and offered as conveyance of processes being fulfilled. A process area that is often conjoined with this is what has become known as the Software Development Lifecycle (SDL). Common questions include where the code is kept, who has access to it, how it is protected, and how it is checked for security before being deployed as production code are common. Using AWS’ CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline creates a clear audit trail can be presented. CodeCommit serves as the singular storage silo of code, providing a method by which multiple Page 28 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

revisions can exist and be available to developers. It also provides a lockdown mechanism allowing only the right people the ability to read, retrieve, or update the code. CodePipeline gives the software an opportunity to “bake in” through smoke tests, staging tests, and security tests. And finally, CodeDeploy is the gateway to production, allowing for easy automation of rolling out, and rolling back, code. As mentioned earlier in the article, a key benefit of AWS is the efficient use of staff resources to focus on non-mundane tasks, and instead devote time and energy to moving the company’s technology forward. One way that this can be accomplished is through the creation of patterns and templates, for both servers and applications, which can be deployed. For applications there is a new Amazon

EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) Container Service allowing technology staff to drop the application into any number of Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

servers for scalability or availability purposes. The traditional model of a company maintaining its own datacenter, datacenter staff, infrastructure, and entry-level system administrators is no longer the only way for a company to have a competitive technology foothold. Through players such as Amazon and its AWS services, small to middle-sized companies are able to obtain the same economies of scale of bigger companies when needed, and otherwise reduce the overhead that accompanies infrastructure: power, cooling, footprint, and management. I hope that this light article has helped to elucidate some of your cloud questions and also paint a picture of how companies are using the cloud to move their business forward.

A little about myself... I’m a selfprescribed computer geek, former sponsored skateboarder, hacker, and phone phreaker who went straight with 10 years of volunteering and tutoring in the inner-city. I spent time with the homeless, and taught guitar to children. Now I have taken my life experiences and love for technology to new projects and people. By parlaying an enlightening 5 years at university and as many in the semiconductor industry as an Engineer, I have had the fortune of applying all of that knowledge and experience to large and small companies alike. Now I am looking to share some of those thoughts to a wider audience. If you have additional questions that I might be able to answer, you can send them to ask.lthuynh@icloud.com. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Big Hearts in Powerful Places We Need More

A Closer Look at the Heart Of

Rosie O’Donnell Page 32 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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The biggest part of Rosie O’ Donnell has nothing to do with what happens in front of the camera. She’s a powerhouse Mogul behind the camera. Changing the lives of children, Victims and the voiceless.

Rosie lost her mom when she was 11 years old to breast cancer.

It’s very possible that-this tragedy caused her to be highly sensitive to the hearts of children, feeling powerless and understanding extreme loss as a child. She’s mentioned in several interviews that she had a need for approval by the parents of her friends, her teachers and the adults around her. Moving forward, she has obviously grown up to be a very genuine, big hearted , baby

whisperer person. Nobody is a better judge of character than animals and small children. They pay attention and pick up on your intention and it’s usually an instant assessment. The term “baby whisperer” is used to describe Rosie because she has the gift of being able to calm babys and small children anywhere, including the grocery store. Page 33 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Her Career reads like Who;’s Who in the entertainment industry. With 35 television shows to her credit, 23 films and several awards in theatre and radio including a Tony and 2 Grammys. In most of these situations where there is no script, Rosie’s conversation migrates towards issues of fairness, humanity, supporting and helping people especially children. When faced directly with issues requiring a “truth to power” stand. She steps up, speaks the truth to power even if on camera. Rosie will consistently take the position she feels convicted to take and damns the consequences. She’s admitted and apologized sometimes for her choice of words or how her intentions were perceived. But she demonstrates where her heart and focus is. Next, we take a look at what she does behind the scenes for children, the voiceless and humanity. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Over her career, O'Donnell has developed a reputation for raising funds and her own philanthropy to charitable causes. In May 1996, Warner Books advanced O'Donnell $3 million to write a memoir. She used the money to seed her For All Kids Foundation to help institute national standards for day care across the country. Since 1997, Rosie's For All Kids Foundation, overseen by Elizabeth Birch, has awarded more than $22 million in Early Childhood Care and Education program grants to over 900 nonprofit organizations. On October 30, 2006, she was honored by the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.] "It's our privilege to be honoring and hosting Rosie," said NYSPCC president David Stack in a statement. "Her

Rosie's for All Kids Foundation has awarded more than $22 million in grants to over 1,400 child-related organizations, and that's just one of her many impressive activities on behalf of children." Page 34 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

In November 2006, Nightline aired a video report about the opening of The Children's Plaza and Family Center in Renaissance Village, a FEMA trailer park in Louisiana. This was an emergency response initiative of Rosie's For All Kids Foundation with the help of many local nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses, all efforts were to assist the families displaced by Hurricane Katrina. San Francisco public relations firm Fineman Associates awarded top prize to Procter & Gamble's designation of O'Donnell as "unkissable" in a promotion for Scopemouthwash on the 1997 annual list of the nation's worst public relations blunders. In response to the promotion, O'Donnell partnered with Warner–Lambert's competitor Listerine who donated bottles of mouthwash to the studio audience and donated $1,000 to charity every time a hosted guest would kiss her in exchange for O'Donnell promoting their product. On occasion, the guests would offer multiple kisses and People reported O'Donnell "smooched her way to more than $350,000." In 2003, O'Donnell and Kelli O'Donnell collaborated with Artistic Director Lori Klinger to create Rosie's Broadway Kids, dedicated to providing free instruction in music and dance to New York City public schools or students. Rosie's

Broadway Kids serves more than 4,500 teachers, students, and their family members at 21 schools. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Currently programs are in Harlem, Midtown West, Chelsea, Lower East Side, East Village, and Chinatown. All net profits from O'Donnell's 2007 book Celebrity Detox are also being donated to Rosie's Broadway Kids. In December 2006, at a one-night charity event on the Norwegian Pearl cruise ship, Elizabeth Birch, executive director for the Rosie's For All Kids Foundation, confirmed that $50 million from O'Donnell's five-year contract were donated in an irrevocable trust to charity. She is also reported to have contributed several hundred thousand dollars for rehabilitation therapies for war veterans who have lost limbs in Iraq and Afghanistan wars. in Louisiana. This was an emergency response initiative of Rosie's For All Kids Foundation with the help of many local nonprofit organizations and forprofit businesses, all efforts were to assist the families displaced by Hurricane Katrina. San Francisco public relations firm Fineman Associates awarded top prize to Procter & Gamble's designation of O'Donnell as "unkissable" in a promotion for Scopemouthwash on the 1997 annual list of the nation's worst public relations blunders. In response to the promotion, O'Donnell partnered with Warner–Lambert's competitor Listerine who donated bottles of mouthwash to the studio audience and donated $1,000 to charity

every time a hosted guest would kiss her in exchange for O'Donnell promoting their product. On occasion, the guests would offer multiple kisses and People reported O'Donnell "smooched her way to more than $350,000."

On The Tyra Banks Show, Banks brought up to O'Donnell that people don't realize that O'Donnell has given more than $100 million to charity. In May 2007, O'Donnell and Pogo.com announced a joint-effort to raise money for Rosie's All Kids Foundation. EA, which owns Pogo.com, committed $30,000 and more money can be raised based on the amount of playing time people spend on certain games. They also held a sweepstakes in which winners get to fly to New York and meet O'Donnell and attend a charity function as her guest. During the summer of 2007, O'Donnell was a guest on the multi-artist True Colors Tour, which traveled through 15 cities in the United States and Canada. The tour, sponsored by the gay cable channel Logo, began on June 8, 2007. Hosted by comedian Margaret Cho and headlined by Cyndi Lauper, the tour also included Debbie Harry, Erasure, The Gossip, Rufus Wainwright, The Dresden Dolls, The MisShapes, Indigo Girls, The Cliks and other special guests. Profits from the tour helped to benefit the Human Rights Campaign as well as PFLAG and The Matthew Shepard Foundation. She appeared again on True Colors Tour 2008.

Rosie O’Donnell is an example of Big Hearts in Powerful Places. Charitable Information Source: Wikipedia

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It’s not 1999 Meet Your NEW Client Shawn Sandy

How did you buy your last car? Did you drive to every lot in town to see what they had to offer? Did you listen to every sales guy or gal tell you what makes and models were available with bells and whistles and give you their “best offer” run around? Of course you didn’t. Because unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 15 years, your first course of action to buy anything is the internet.

We are living in the age of the customer and the CUSTOMER Experience.

Technology, the internet and social media has totally flipped the way we buy. We all like to act as modern consumers. However, we’ve not quite gotten the hang of how to be Modern Sellers. Most business owners and sales professionals revert back to tablet and chisel when it comes to selling in our own businesses. Especially in Business to Business channels that have had historically strong sales processes.

The internet gives us tremendous power to gather information and intel. The research we perform contributes nearly all of our criteria for our decision making process. Researching a car, we’d investigate the Manufacturer and Models, Features and Product Details, Near by Dealerships, Price/ Financing, Reviews, Recommendations and more.

Seller’s roles have changed requiring different skills and different tools. Modern buyers and customers and want Modern Partnerships with their suppliers and vendors. Technology has driven changes in what people expect and even demand from companies and people with whom they do business. Naturally then, most businesses start with the technology to change how they interact

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Our demand for Authenticity in relationships acts as a Gatekeeper for Trust.

with potential customers, but the first place to begin understanding, reflecting and meeting the demands of modern consumers is with your culture – your operational mindset and value systems.

We can sniff out inauthentic, fake people. Being an authentic person and an authentic business should seem effortless. Be YOU, right? It’s actually not so easy when you start to wear a lot of hats in your business or try to be all things to all people to grow

It’s easy to focus on the technical details or mechanical features but points of differentiation are now attributed to more soft skills and intangibles: Customer Experience, Trust and Advocacy.


These buying differentiators have forged a new paradigm in the Buyer/Seller relationship. They’re not rules or principals of running a business; they are consumer demands that build confidence in relationships. The 4 Tenets of Modern Buyers: Authenticity, Transparency, Responsiveness and Collaboration.

Show up as You. You are not a product, a business or a technology. YOU are a human being. Professional does not equate to being impersonal so share your character and personality with your colleagues and clients. Having flaws and quirks {as everyone does} makes you authentic.

The 4 Tenets of Modern Buyers: The 4 Tenets are about removing barriers in business to elevate trust. Elevating trust decreases our perception of risk and makes decisions to do business with you easier. “Yes” comes from trust. Without it, everything else is “no.” Adopt a culture to reflect consumer demands and adapt behaviors that deliver customer experiences.

1. Be Authentic. Have you ever had a chat with someone and you walked away with your “Spidey Sense” screaming that the conversation and/or the person was completely full of it? Or did you have the feeling that what they “said” was not in alignment with their intentions or actions? Page 39 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Increase your Authenticity:

Do What you Say. Keep your agreements and commitments. If you can’t, own it and negotiate a new agreement. People have been burned and disappointment comes from unmet expectations so it is imperative to trust that you Do What You Say you will do. Share & Engage. Empathizing with someone is what makes you human. Sharing relevant stories and struggles with customers helps them identify their own problems. Technical details and features don’t compel people to action like a good story can. Own your Point of View. Having an opinion derived from experience and expertise is one of the most valuable things customers want from people Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

with whom they do business. Own your POV, voice it, share it and let people understand how your unique perspective can benefit them.

Be Transparent. Consumers now, demand to see what’s behind the company curtain. They are not fooled by the Great Oz; they want access and visibility to understand everything about your business – from who sits on your Board of Directors to your position on fair wages and employee benefits. This great age of Transparency leaves little room for ambiguity amongst consumers. People are either going to love you for what you are, or they might hate you for it. Being vague, general or common is the “dead zone” of limbo for a business or a brand. Page 40 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

We want to know for what and for whom you stand for so that we, as consumers, can decide if we support and endorse your values and align them with ours. With the great mountain of options in any product or category now, if customers are ambivalent about you, your business doesn’t exist, it’s not generating advocates or compelling consumers.

Increase your Transparency: Eliminate Mystery. If we don’t understand what is going to happen, what to expect or what the outcome will be, our sense of RISK is high and we pull back from the choice. Transparency helps lower the risk, elevating trust and giving people more confidence in choosing you or your business. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Share your Values and Vision. Make it easier for people to like you because they are like you or want to be like you. Buyers are comforted knowing they share the same values with someone or a business. It says, “What’s important to me is important to you.” Understanding the principals and vision driving a company makes it easier to lower perceived risk of choosing you.

Be Clear With Expectations and Results. Consumers are wary about product claims and grand promises. It’s okay if you don’t have the right solution or product. Being up front and candid earns way more respect and potential business or referrals than selling the shoe that doesn’t fit. Clearly Communicate Processes. We love the “open kitchen” concept because we want to see exactly what is happening with our food. It’s comforting to track the progress of a package so we’ll know precisely when it will arrive. These features give us a measurable feeling of control. When we comprehend the processes and it meets our expectations of what is going to happen, we’re much more satisfied with our total experience and purchase. And that’s how you build advocates.

their customers before, during and after sale or service. Reactive businesses are missing big pieces of the customer puzzle if they are waiting for contact, problems or sales to interact with customers. Modern Consumers are expecting their experiences to be more comprehensive and interactive than just their point of sale or buying experience. Measure how meaningful your experiences are as buyers and turn around and apply those to see how Responsive you are to your current and potential customers.

Increase your Responsiveness: Be Accessible. Can customers contact you to ask questions? Are you visible and accessible in the same “channels” that your customers use? Look inside and outside your business and to create opportunities to invite collaboration, partnerships, ideas and suggestions. Technology is great but we all want access to live humans with real answers, empathy and experience.

Be Accountable. Customers’ expectations are that you will meet the promises you make. However, when you drop the ball or break customer’s trust, be upfront and respond quickly to acknowledge and fix the problem. “Own” your mistakes and turn problems into opportunities.

Be Responsive.

Meet People Where They Are. Buyers

Being “Responsive” is entirely different than being “Reactive”. Responsive businesses leverage tools and technology to engage and interact with

come in to your business with varied levels of knowledge and education. Understand where your customer is in their search and decision making and know how to help them buy from that point.

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Don’t assume, don’t use industry jargon, and don’t start from the beginning. Ask or uncover where your customer is on their journey and then meet them there through their preferred communication channels.

Be A Part of Their World. Buyers don’t use your products or services in a vacuum. Your business is generally going to be a piece of the puzzle for their big picture. If you sell commercial ovens, you need to know what’s happening in the entire restaurant industry. If you’re in retail and sell high end glasses frames, what trends will your customers be wearing? Knowing what, how, when, why and with whom your customers will be using your product can help you be more valuable in their buying experience.

Collaborate No one really wants out of the box solutions anymore. For most purchases, buyers can spec out options and details from their research online and from reviews. By offering partnerships and collaboration with customers, you can distance yourself from being “commoditized” and compared in the “apples to apples” check list. Standardizing processes is a smart idea however, standardizing Customers is not. Collaboration during your relationship goes a long way to elevating Trust with your customers and when you elevate Trust, you’re lowering the perception of Risk. Risk is the heaviest factor when we make decisions. We weigh what are we risking when we try something new, buy something expensive, switch vendors or hire someone. Page 42 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Increase your Collaboration: Be Part of the Total Solution. Business does not exist in a vacuum. Operating as if your product or service stands alone, independent in its use, purchased in a silo, is short sighted. Much like Solving the Bigger Problem, taking into consideration the other products, people and problems encountered upstream and downstream from where your customer connects with you gives you more opportunities to collaborate and customize your partnership. Solve the Bigger Problems. Knowing that a client needs a website is much different than understanding how the website drives revenue opportunities for their business. Contribute solutions that drive the Big Picture outcomes and approach your relationship as a partner to get to those results. By keeping focus on the Bigger Problem, you keep the customers’ objectives clear and at the forefront of your actions. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Ask & Share Insight & Knowledge. Brilliant brands are leveraging customer collaboration at great competitive advantage. By reaching out to existing customers to get feedback on products, people and processes, these brands are leveraging customer lead innovation, realizing strategic cost reductions and building brand loyalty with customers who are contributing to make their products and experiences better. Many companies are also building customer communities where people discuss the products and share their insight with each other. These insights are “listened” to and great companies engage in these communities with real people – humanizing their brand and again, increasing trust and building advocates.

Bring More to the Party – Products, Resources & Expertise. Being

Moving beyond the technical details and features of your business and connecting with your potential buyers in a real, human and valuable way is what modern consumers are demanding. Authentic, Transparent, Responsive and Collaborative businesses have the power to build the strongest customer relationships and deliver inspiring customer experiences.

EXPERIENCE is the influencer of the CUSTOMER ADVOCATE. Put your “buyer” glasses on and look at your own business with the filters and expectations you have as a modern consumer. Work to lower risk and elevate trust. Remove the barriers between you and your customers to truly earn those relationships, deliver great customer experiences and grow your business with raving customer advocates.

an advocate and consultant for your customers means you know when to reach beyond your own expertise and leverage other products, experience and resources. Working with other departments, operational specialists, technicians, other vendors and even competitors – collaborating to bring more resources and expertise to your project, to your customers and to your results can be a hugely successful way to elevate Trust and lower risk.

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The Magazine for today’s Female Executive

Shawn Karol Sandy With nearly two decades of Sales and Business Development experience, Shawn built The Selling Agency and uses her cheeky and bold observations to articulate and coach businesses to become Selling Organizations that WOW the Modern Consumer. Shawn steers companies to unify and strengthen their sales efforts by engaging and directing ALL their resources to be customer and opportunity focused. Using her own experiences leading Sales, Operations and Production collaboration to win customers, Shawn understands that the company that plays together wins together. “Selling” takes more than just the Sales Team and in order to neutralize competition and ignite revenue growth, organizational change is critical. Through a mix of Keynotes, Coaching and her weekly newsletter, The Pipeline, she’s out to “overthrow Stats Quo” and transform Selling by giving businesses and sales pros real, actionable strategies to generate revenue. Learn more about engaging Shawn to coach, speak, challenge your organizational leaders or give your strategy a kick in the pants.http:// www.TheSellingAgency.com/Speaker/ Sign up for The Pipeline Newsletter for weekly Sales, Leadership and Business Development insights: The Pipeline Signup

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Is Your Celll Phone Keeping You From Your Next Sponteneous Romance? From the “Having it All Series”- Suzanne Casamento: Dating Expert

You have it all. You've soared up the corporate ladder. You have a lovely home, the car you always wanted, and you're finally about to take that trip to Greece you've been dreaming about since you were 14 - by yourself. How is it, that many times, the women who "have it all," have a hard time with the love part? Some say, "I'm too busy to date," or "My career comes first." Others say, "Men are intimated by powerful women." Do any of these phrases sound familiar? Have you heard your friends (or yourself) say them? Stories like these are only true if we believe them. If you believe that love is not as important as your career or that men are intimidated by you, you’re going to put out vibes that convey that message to other people. And those people will believe it too. Page 46 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

If you’ve been afraid to date or unhappy with your lovelife, ask yourself, “What story have I been telling myself?” Sometimes it takes some digging to figure it all out. Discovering where your story comes from can be painful, but the payoff is unlocking a lot of the reasons we do the things we do. When I was a child, my household could be explosive. My father had a serious temper and when he went off, I was afraid. From night to night, we never knew if he'd come home and be happy to see us or if he'd detonate over some little thing like his dinner not being hot enough. To avoid that, I became a fervent reader, which ultimately, was a great gift that led me to become a Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

writer. By hiding in my bedroom or my treehouse and reading, far away from the drama, I figured out how to become invisible. My parents divorced when I was 10. When it fit in his schedule, my father showed up for visits, often very late. I struggled to get his attention. All of these factors are part of my story. So, as a result, throughout my 20's, I asked for little and accepted what I got from men. If they showed up late or not at all, I didn't make a fuss. I was comfortable being invisible. Whatever they wanted was what happened, because that was what I knew and was comfortable with. My resulting belief was that I was only good enough for a man to acknowledge and be with whenever it was convenient for him. My feelings in situations like that were familiarity and comfort. Therefore when I dated someone who treated me marginally well, my story was that he was good enough - even when he wasn't. So, whether your story is "I don't have time for a relationship," or "This person is good enough," if you're not experiencing reciprocal, healthy, nourishing love, your story is probably a lie. Why not take this opportunity to ask yourself, "What story am I telling myself?" Then dare to rewrite it. Remember, your story is yours. Only you can change it. While Valentine's Day looms and the world is splashed with red roses and pink heart reminders everywhere, now is the perfect time to re-write your story and set some goals for your journey to find love. You don't need to create a high-risk, short-term, grand results-oriented plan. When you've been used Page 47 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

it can take some time to expand and adjust to a new operating plan. So, start by taking smalls steps like these:

Go out. You’re never going to meet the man of your dreams if you don’t leave the office. And if every time you go out, it's for a work dinner or a meeting over cocktails, it's time to make a shift. Start attending events that are purely social. Go for no reason other than to have fun.

Put your phone away. One key to meeting singles is to put your phone down long enough to Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

notice them. Think about it. How are you going to meet the man of your dreams if you're busy emailing your boss? We've gotten used to using our phones as a crutch. When we wait for our lunch order, we check the Nasdaq. When our friends are late meeting us for dinner, we work until they get there. But what if you didn't? What if you put your phone away and forced yourself to take a look around. What do you think you might see? Who do you think you might meet? Beyond being a distraction, your phone is a manblocker. When you stare at it, you practically wear a sign that says, "Do not talk to me." What man is going to want to approach someone who is clearly busy? No one. So even if you don't see him, but he sees you, he's still not going to approach. And being approachable is key to dating. Last, but certainly not least, if you are interacting with someone, do not play with your phone. Page 48 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Checking your phone, texting or emailing will give a guy the vibe that you are not interested in dating him. Plus, it's rude. No one wants to date someone who is rude. Work can wait. You may not think so now, but once you practice, you'll be a champ at ditching your phone.

Make eye contact and smile. No one is going to approach a grump. Plus, you feel and look more confident when you make eye contact and smile. Dating is a lot like marketing. You are the product. You have to show potential customers why they would want to spend time with you. Starting with confident eye contact and a warm smile is an excellent start. It's also important to show positive body language. This may sound like a no-brainer, but sometimes we don't realize we're putting out negative Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

vibes. Simple things like a hand on a hip, or arms crossed over your chest or slumped shoulders can say things about you that you may not want other people to hear.

Talk to strangers. If you spot someone you find attractive, say “Hi.” What’s the worst that could happen? He might reject you. Sure, rejection can be scary. But what if you try to not take it personally? Think about rejection in a corporate framework. What if you present an idea to your team and they come back to you and say they don't like it? How do you handle that? Most likely, by trying another angle, right? Then you move on. What if you look at dating rejection the same way? If while waiting in line for your morning latte, you say, "Hi," to the man next you, and he responds rudely or not at all, don't take it personally. Just know you don’t want to date that guy anyway. Be thankful he showed you who he is right away, and move on.

Be brave. Don’t make excuses about why you can’t flirt or date or why you’re not comfortable about approaching someone. Forget the story you've been telling yourself and focus on your new story about how you're ready, even excited, about finding love.

Then just go for it. Chat with people at the gym, at church, and at the coffee shop. The more people you talk to, the more Page 49 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

connections you will make and the higher probability that you’ll hit it off. Or they might have a friend they want to introduce you to. Even if those connections don’t lead to dates, they might lead to new friends and more fun. Lastly, make a point to say, “Yes” to every event you get invited to. You never know who will be there.

Suzanne Casamento is a dating expert, writer and speaker and the creator of FantasyDatingGame.com. Her mission is to empower singles to take chances, build confidence and find love. She launched Fantasy Dating after getting tired of hearing her single girlfriends complain about their boring love-lives. Since then, they have all dared to date. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html


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THE ROMANCE OF APHRODISIACAL ESSENTIAL OILS B.J. Miller – Premier Wellness Advocate 323.209.8130 consultbj1@aol.com

Fragrances and aromas have been used throughout time (remember Queen Cleopatra!) for romance, love and seduction. The Greeks and other cultures learned from the Egyptians exactly how to use aromatic oils to increase passion, and this expertise quickly spread across the ancient world. Now modern science is re-discovering what lovers and the sensually aware have always known – that smell is a powerful stimulant that affects our emotions and our memories, our well-being, and even our destinies. Page 52 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Although essential oils (the extremely concentrated 100% natural steam-distilled or coldpressed extraction “life force” or “immune system” of plants, trees or bark) have many therapeutic properties, most people don’t realize that certain essential oils are also aphrodisiacs. An aphrodisiac essential oil has the potential to induce love and romance, so it is a great mood setter for a wedding proposal, a special romantic occasion or a Valentine’s Day dinner.

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WHAT IS AN APHRODISIAC? An aphrodisiac is a substance that enhances or stimulates passion and sexual arousal. Substances, including essential oils, that are considered aphrodisiacs can help dissipate the physical, psychological or emotional barriers to sexual desire or arousal. For instance, an

aphrodisiac may help with one or more of the following: a physical ailment, reducing stress, calming anxiety, energizing the body and mind, uplifting mood, easing depression and appealing to the senses.

HOW DO THEY WORK? One of the quickest ways in which the aroma of an essential oil can have an effect on the body is by inhalation through the nose, because the nose has direct contact with the brain. When you inhale an essential oil, the smell wafts up the nasal cavity to a primitive yet complex area of the brain called the Limbic System which is then stimulated, and this is the part of the brain where memory, hormones, moods and emotions are governed. The inhala-

tion of an aroma triggers varying emotional and physical responses in people. Inhalation of the aroma of a doTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade aphrodisiacal essential oil can be a powerful way to excite the portions of the brain responsible for sexual desire, potentially bringing about feelings of euphoria, strong emotions Page 53 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

and pleasurable sensations, all of which can enrich a romantic evening.doTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade aphrodisiacal essential oils are versatile and can be used in various ways such as to scent sheets and pillowcases, in the bath, as massage oils, as perfume and to scent a room. Let’s focus in on both the diffusion of and massages using aphrodisiacal essential oils for a libido boost for you and your partner.

THE ROMANTIC GIFT OF MASSAGE Show your affection by giving your partner the gift of a massage with Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade aphrodisiac essential oils! It can be totally romantic, exotic or just plain fun. Create a Romantic Massage oil by mixing doTERRA’s Fractionated Coconut Oil (see next page) with a few drops of Ylang Ylang. Many other aphrodisiac

essential oils can also be used in the same way to set the mood, including Sandalwood, Blend for Women, Cinnamon, Ginger, Bergamot, Patchouli, Black Pepper, Wild Orange, Rosemary, Bergamot, Clary Sage and Vetiver. This list is not all-inclusive. Remember that the definition of an aphrodisiac is a substance that enhances or helps stimulate passion and sexual arousal. Any Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oil that you find sensually stimulating can act as an aphrodisiac for you. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

1) Ylang Ylang:

Used for centuries in religious and wedding ceremonies, is considered to be the most powerful aphrodisiac. In Indonesia, it has been used in both the past and present to cover the beds of newlywed couples on their wedding night. When used aromatically, it can influence sexual energy and enhance relationships. Extracted from the star-shaped flowers of the tall, tropical and exotic Ylang Ylang tree, it fires up the libido and increases attraction. doTERRA Ylang Page 54 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Ylang is from Madagascar and has a powerful floralbalsamic aroma which is quite sweet, rich and spicy. You can also dab it on your temple, neck or wrists for a sweet and floral perfume, drop it into a warm Epsom Salt bath for relaxation and rub one drop nightly on your feet.

2) Bergamot:

doTERRA’s Bergamot comes from Italy and is calming, removes anxiety and is known to “put women in the mood”. You can also Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

combine with distilled water in a spray bottle and spray on bed linens.

3) Black Pepper: doTERRA’s Black Pepper is from India and boosts energy and stamina, fires up the libido and increases attraction. You can also apply to the bottom of the feet. *

4) Blend for Women (a unique blend of Patchouli, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Rose, Jasmine, Cinnamon Bark, Cistus, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Cocoa Bean Extract and Vanilla Bean Extract). Once applied, the scent changes as it mingles with your own individual scent to enhance the essence that is all your own. This exquisite love potion blend works harmoniously with an individual’s own chemistry to create an appealing aroma. Used for balancing hormones, enhancing aura of beauty, femininity and allure and opening the heart. It is most definitely an aphrodisiac as it contains Patchouli, Sandalwood, Rose, Jasmine, Cinnamon, Vetiver and Ylang Ylang, which are all aphrodisiacal oils! You can also wear everyday as a chemical-free, all-natural perfume by applying on temples, neck or wrists.

5) Cinnamon:

Historically, Cinnamon was so popular, it was the main reason behind the occupation of Ceylon, first by the Portuguese, then the Dutch and then the British. It has been produced in Sri Lanka for over 2,000 years. Ancient writings reflect that using Cinnamon in the home and wearing on the edges of clothes attracts wealth and abundance. Besides being a flavoring in many recipes, it has great medicinal properties. doTERRA Cinnamon is of the family Laureaceae, is grown in Indonesia and distilled from the bark of the tree. It is said to be an aphrodisiac for many people. Since Cinnamon is both an emotional and physical stimulant, its benefits can be enjoyed in a number of ways. As a bath oil (only a small amount since it is very strong, i.e. hot), it can invigorate and help uplift. It is best to dilute Cinnamon oil, about 1 drop to 40 – 50 drops of doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil, before applying on the skin. ** Page 55 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

6) Clary Sage: Soothes nervous tension and lightens the mood. *

7) Ginger:

The Romans used to put Ginger oil in their wine to help influence physical love. Stimulates circulation, boosts fertility, helps impotency, relaxes the digestive system and muscles, and may put the body in a relaxed state. doTERRA Ginger is from Sri Lanka and has a very heady, sweet, spicy-woody, warm scent. You can also ingest 1-2 drops.

8) Patchouli:

Introduced into Europe from the Far East in the 1800s. Patchouli essential oil has a very recognizable rich musky-sweet, earthy fragrance. doTERRA’s Patchouli essential oil from Indonesia comes from the oil distilled from the Pogostemon Cablin species that produces the best essential oil, and has a noticeably different odor than inferior oils. It is also helpful for treating sexual problems such as impotency, loss of libido and interest in sex, erectile problems and frigidity. Used as an incense in the hippie era of the 1960s, use Patchouli oil to recapture the ‘60’s decade of free love!

9) Rosemary: doTERRA’s Rosemary comes from Morocco and heightens sensations, increases blood flow, improves circulation and increases sensitivity to touch. You can also take 1 drop internally.**

10) Sandalwood:

Highly valued for centuries, this ancient oil was traditionally used as an incense in religious ceremonies and for enhancing meditation because of its relaxing properties. It has a very earthy, soft, sweet, balsamic and woody aroma that can enhance mood. Supports male arousal, enhances physical sensuality, relieves nervous tension and induces a state of calmness. You can also massage on feet or drop into a warm Epsom Salt bath for relaxation. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

11) Vetiver: doTERRA’s Vetiver is from Haiti and can help improve the libido and arouse sexual feelings. An aphrodisiac that has traditionally been mixed with sorbets or drinks to enhance libido.*

12) Wild Orange: doTERRA’s Wild Orange is from the Dominican Republic and overcomes shyness and increases attraction. Use in full body massage with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil. Systematic use (e.g. one drop nightly on your feet) can help with problems such as frigidity, erectile problems, impotence, loss of interest in sex, and decreased libido.

APHRODISIAC MASSAGE BLEND 4 drops of doTERRA Bergamot 4 drops of doTERRA Ylang Ylang 4 drops of doTERRA Sandalwood 3 drops of doTERRA Wild Orange 3 drops of doTERRA Rosemary** 2 drops of doTERRA Ginger 2 drops of doTERRA Black Pepper* Add these seven sexy essential oils to 4 ounces of doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil for a delightful massage oil. Mix and store in a glass bottle.

Massage Oils make fantastic personalized gifts for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays or any other special occasion.

If giving as a gift, you can create a label or gift-tag that identifies the type of massage oil and ingredients.

Here are a couple of massage blends to try:

Note: Use extreme caution when using spicier, sensitizing oils such as black pepper, cinnamon, ginger and rosemary in any blends that will come into direct contact with your skin, especially in sensitive areas. They must be diluted extremely well.

ROMANCE MASSAGE BLEND 2 drops of doTERRA Clary Sage* 2 drops of doTERRA Bergamot 2 drops of doTERRA Ylang Ylang 1 tablespoon of doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil Page 56 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

doTERRA FRACTIONATED COCONUT OIL “Fractionated” means that the fat and impurities have been removed so there is no smell; it won’t interfere with the aromatic properties of any Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

essential oil. It’s a fantastic carrier oil as it won’t go rancid, it won’t stain clothing and it has a very high capacity to moisturize the skin without feeling greasy. Contact me to receive the wholesale price of $12.00. Tip: Fractionated Coconut Oil is the best 100% Natural Lubricant!

DIFFUSING APHRODISIAC ESSENTIAL OILS As what we smell can affect the way we feel, think, and behave, why not diffuse some romantic essential oils so that you can breathe in their aromatic benefits in a relaxing mist not only on Valentine’s Day but any time you want to create a romantic atmosphere? Outside of Cinnamon (see below note), you can diffuse all of the doTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade aphrodisiac essential oils we have been discussing: 1) Ylang Ylang 2) Bergamot 3) Black Pepper 4) Whisper 5) Cinnamon (diffuse with caution; it may irritate the nasal membranes if it is inhaled directly from a diffuser) 6) Clary Sage 7) Ginger 8) Patchouli 9) Rosemary 10) Sandalwood 11) Vetiver 12) Wild Orange Experiment and come up with your own combinations of aphrodisiac essential oils to diffuse! Contact me so I can help you decide whether a diffuser that works for one and one-half, four, eight hours or indefinitely is best for your purposes. Page 57 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

They are all easy-to-use and effective. Three of them use water, atomizing essential oils along with water into ion particles and active oxygen ions, which are more easily absorbed by the body. One of them preserves the natural essence and complete therapeutic benefits of essential oils without using water – you simply attach the essential oil bottle to its side.

SELF-LOVE You don’t have to be in love with a romantic partner to practice self-love. The way in which we can best share our love with others, and attract that perfect romantic love, is to first love and honor ourselves. Choose the essential oils from the list that most resonate with you. Apply to the bottom of your feet, the back of your neck, behind your ears, on your wrists, or all of the above…three times each day. Do this for a minimum of seven days and notice the difference in how you feel, as well as how people respond to you. Say this daily affirmation aloud each morning and night: “I love myself unconditionally and accept myself as I am”. In conclusion, essential oils that have aphrodisiac properties are great for romance and self-love. Whatever the occasion, or simply on a daily basis, you can use them to add a little bit of spice and enhance the spirit of love. Contact me so that I can help you both select and purchase your doTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade aphrodisiacal essential oils at the best price so that you can set the right mood for love of self and others sooner rather than later. Here’s to extending the romance of February throughout the entire year!

B.J. Miller Premier Wellness Advocate 323.209.8130 consultbj1@aol.com http://mydoterra.com/bjmiller

Click Here For Free Consultation * Pregnant women should use with caution and dilute heavily. ** Pregnant women should avoid. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html


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Dramatical Grow Business by Building Loyalty By Elinor Stutz

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to visit business parks and knock on doors potentially pursuing 50+ offices, in person, each working day. The newer method, but equally time consuming, is that of social media. It has drastically changed the sales playground by turning the sales funnel upside down. Instead of pursuing a high number of prospects each and every day, the opposite strategy is used, that of client attraction. Social media also enabled the possibility of attracting unprecedented numbers upon sharing valuable content your audience needs, wants and desires. In particular, by using multiple-platforms and including links to the other platforms you use on a regular basis, you will greatly increase the numbers attracted to you. No matter which model you prefer to use to reach many prospects, the sales motto, “it’s a numbers game”, rings loud and true. BUT what if you could increase the percentage of business wins with the numbers achieved? Even better, what if you could reduce the need to reach so many prospects per day, increase the percentage of sales, and have more free time? Wouldn’t this be the picture of the perfect world? Aspiring to be an entrepreneur is a difficult undertaking, and striving to become successful might be the most agonizing work of all. However, adapting specific sales techniques and strategies will ease some of the pain and enable an improved progression toward your achievement of goals.

Numbers The method in which you find new prospective clients depends upon your preferred style. For example, some prefer using the phone to call 100+ companies per day. Others are visuals who prefer Page 62 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

This is where specific sales strategy comes into play, make life a bit easier, and will more speedily get you to goal. It may not be a perfect world but it certainly plays out a whole lot better.

Personal Brand The definition of a dynamic business is the combination of repeat business, referrals and testimonials. I refer to this as the Smooth Sale. Recognizing the intricacies of your personal brand, Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

and being able to adeptly communicate who you are and how your serve your clientele is essential for building a returning and referring clientele. Your personal brand is what you bring to the table and is the power behind building loyalty. Your personal brand begins with your principles for doing business, where you will draw the line in the sand to withdraw from conducting business, and the level of integrity you bring to the table. The second piece of your personal brand is your unique approach to business. In reality, there is no competition. This is because we each posses a unique DNA. Because of one’s special DNA no two people think exactly the same nor do they deliver service exactly the same way. Your style becomes your differentiator from everyone else in your field. Once you recognize the similarities between you and those in your field along with your differentiators, and are able to succinctly communicate these (without bad-mouthing the competition) to your prospective clientele, you will have formulated an aspect of business development that is essential to your success.

Examples of Differentiators: Taking the immediate sale and running versus working to develop a long-term relationship Those who disappear when problems arise versus your working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible

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Your first priority is not selling your highest margin product but instead you focus on client need. At this juncture, you are more adept at communicating all that you stand for and the value-add you bring to your clientele. The value-add is not just the service you provide but the added customer care and appreciation added to the mix.

Qualify and Match As salespeople and entrepreneurs become more seasoned, they recognize that time is better spent pursuing or attracting an improved matched clientele. The qualify and match relate back to your personal brand and interests. As you are about to seriously consider partnering with others, joining groups, and accepting clients, consider whether their priorities and level of ethics mirror yours. Another perspective to consider is if you understand their business and the industry they are in, and are you interested in what they do? This line of qualifying and matching the type of clientele you will accept adds greatly to your credibility. The high level of credibility generates trust that leads to loyalty. As this is experienced the enjoyment of work dramatically increases. It is the enjoyment that will motivate you to continue learning and communicating with wider audiences. As these elements are communicated by you and seen in you they evolve into developing good word of mouth and a viral brand. It becomes your branding program and will serve to further attract a wider ranging clientele.

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As one begins to embrace this sales related methodology, your percentage of converting prospective clients into new clients will increase.

Mindset To further build trust and loyalty, you are encouraged to change vocabulary from “prospect” to “potential friend”. Simply changing your mindset in this regard lessens the initial tension between all parties because it relaxes the conversation. Treat those you meet as if they are potential new friends. Inquire as to the person’s personal goals as well as business goals. Should you hear about children or hobbies, lead with questions inquiring further about them. People love talking about their private lives. You become a confidante when you take an active interest in the subject matter that is precious to them. As that portion of the conversation slows down, bring the dialogue back to business.

Effective Sales Strategies 1. Two-way conversation The traditional sales method is “telling-selling”. This is boring at best and prospective clients lose interest quickly unless they are completely dependent upon what you have, and only if you are the only provider in the universe. This is highly unlikely, so the next best step is to question, Page 64 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

listen and clarify what is being said. In your own words, your conversation should begin with, “What caught your attention to spend time with me today?” The reason for a similar question upfront is that it eliminates the proverbial “just looking” that eliminates truth and commitment upfront.

Their perspective first The question suggested above, gives way to your potential friend providing their perspective on the situation first. You get to hear about their problems and associated problems as you begin to question further. This is how you will learn the truth about why you are there and gain insight as to how you may potentially help resolve their issues. Asking for clarification on any words you do not understand will increase trust and add to your credibility.

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Buy-ins to make a sale The buy-in refers to mini agreements. As you progress through the conversation, you will hear pronouncements of what your friend believes will be helpful. You might even ask, “Do you agree…?” As agreements slowly unfold, 3-5 are the magic number as the total almost ensures the sale. Toward the end of your initial meeting, make it abundantly clear how you work to your clients’ interests, swiftly resolve issues and keep in touch after the fact. End this portion of the conversation with one last buy-in similar to: “Do I sound like the type of vendor with whom you would prefer to do business?” As a side note, it would be ridiculous for the other person to say, no, a Yes should be heard loud and clear assuming the prior portion of the meeting was well conducted.

Close vs. Conclusion Your choice of vocabulary may present nuances that will shed a different light on the very same subject matter. Just as it was suggested to substitute the word “prospect” with “friend”, it is advisable to substitute the word “close” with “conclusion”. The word “close” implies the end or the closing of a door instead of the better scenario; that of opening more doors for additional business that is inclusive of testimonials and referrals. Page 65 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Fear of failure Circling back to mindset, failure does not exists if you view what did not work well as a learning ex-

perience. As long as lessons are learned, and you are willing to implement new ideas that have an improved chance for succeeding, you have won. It is those who stay behind thinking that it’s of no use to continue who truly fail. There is absolutely nothing to fear. Knowing that if your put your best foot forward every single day, committed to learning, and although it may feel as if you are in a dark tunnel, you will soon walk toward a bright light to experience a better day.

Aftermath Being in business requires a continued dedication to learning. After each sale, whether favorable or not, replay the entire conversation in your mind. Analyze where you may improve the next time, which areas require more study. Strengthen weaknesses to convert to strengths, and eventually become strong and adept in all phases of business development. For the successful moments, discover how you might leverage those. Each element of success can always be polished and adapted to new ideas, projects, and services. Doing so will multiply the success element in your possession and greatly increase client success. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Loyalty The one factor that will greatly enhance your business development effort is loyalty. Clients need to see loyalty provided by you, and in turn, you will experience it coming from your clientele. But a number of stages are to be adhered to first, in order to achieve having others show their loyalty to you. http://youtu.be/ B8UMA8pN10U - Building Lifetime Clients

Trust For those long-term sales, mini tests may be thrown your way to see how you handle difficult situations. Passing the test, the trust is achieved and business begins to flow your way.

Twosided Loyalty The businessperson who views the original sale as their duty to keep the client informed of updates to the services, and who checks in regularly to see how the current service is performing, is seen as being loyal to her clients. In so doing, this is the businessperson who builds client loyalty in return.

Relationships In seeking new clients, the prospective list of many possibilities is enormous needing to be pared down with strict qualification. It is senseless to squander time with ill-matched possibilities. Once you have reasonably qualified those you wish to approach, the next step is to reach out with a reason as to why their time might be well spent in speaking with you. Your initial communication is essential for putting it on the right footing. Throughout the initial conversation through the years, working to build relationships with your clientele becomes highly rewarding on many levels. You actually do become good friends. But the relationship doesn’t stop there. Instead, your business and friendship develop into partnerships on projects, mastermind care, and providing referrals for one another. You arrive at a lifetime relationship with your previous prospective client. Page 66 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

A good example is that of the businessperson who resolves problems as quickly as possible, apologizes for the inconvenience, and delivers beyond expectations. In exchange for excellence in customer care, that person becomes “the go-to provider”. No competitor is able to get a foot in the door. This is the definition of true client loyalty. Every new item to be added is purchased from the one business provider who truly cares. Why would a client seek out a “go-to” vendor? Should they recognize the vendor is dependable and delivers as promised, the need to interview many suppliers for future needs diminishes. This is a huge time-saver, and allows the decision makers to focus and deliver on their own ROI. Loyalty attracts and develops business opportunities The two-sided loyalty improves everyone’s ROI. In the process, a returning and referring clientele is born that leads to the Smooth Sale! Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, delivers inspirational keynotes at conferences and authored two books: The International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, and community service led to the writing of her second best-selling book, “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.” CEO World Magazine named Stutz as one of “The brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter” while both Inside View and Open View Labs designated her as a Top Sales Influencer. Stutz contributed to Microsoft e-books, her blog is distributed among companies, and articles appeared in AllBusiness.com and U.S. News and World Report. Her sales seminar was filmed for Eduson.TV headquartered in Russia. Stutz consults and speaks worldwide.

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3 Easy Franchises That Can Evoke Your Inner Power

Franchise Forum by: David Goodman Founder and CEO of Franchise Biz Consulting

Welcome to Franchise Forum. Power is a wonderful thing to possess. Most people dream about harnessing the power other’s exhibit and seem to own. However, power is more a state of mind than a physical possession. Employing a simple algebraic equation, you remember, if A=B and B=C then A=C; Therefore if power is a state of mind and every human being on this planet has a mind; then anyone can possess power if they can achieve that state of mind. But, of course the real question is how does one achieve that elusive state of mind… pretty tricky, huh? Just as a side bar, thank you Mrs. Kirk (my 9th grade algebra teacher) for making me do all those seemingly useless and redundant algebraic exercises. I am finally putting that knowledge to use!

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Powerful Traits of Powerful People

If you were to study very powerful people you would probably see a few common traits. 1. They know they are powerful because everyone around the thinks they are. (I feel powerful, therefore I am powerful!) 2. They exude intelligence and confidence. 3. They help others achieve success, b health, etc, and in turn those recipients reinforce t their benefactor has power. 4. They usually have m money than the surrounding body of people they a themselves with. 5. They are well educated…at lea their associated field. These traits are typically fam we all have seen people who exhibit them. Interest ingly enough franchises do evoke those identical types of “modes operandi”, that being “operating mode”, if you will. Here is what I mean. People feel that the franchise owner is powerful because he/sh becomes the trainer for his/her crew. They are acknowledged to have superior knowledge because went to school, had training, or both to become int aware of the internal mechanisms needed to make ness a success. They have been schooled by indu perts and armed with a package of continuous sup training zthat can insure success. The typical fran has power to help their employees grow and attain success in their own right. Many franchisees beco wealthy by learning the secret of growth within the sphere of business by simply duplicating what Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

others have shown them. All in all, owning a franchise can evoke all this and more.

Shake Off Self Doubt and Become Powerful

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Let’s go back to the basic premise outlined in the first paragraph; power cannot be exhibited unless it is felt. A woman called me and said that she had a daughter, Mona, who was failing in college not because she could not do the work but most likely because she had no direction or purpose. I spent three, one hour sessions on the phone with

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Mona until I felt I had a firm grasp on what direction she would like to go. Normally, this procedure would only take about an hour. Mona was an exceptional case. She was plagued with self doubt and low self esteem. I knew that whatever she finally settled on it would have to be a business that gave her not only long term success but a service that would give her instant gratification. I found the perfect franchise for her.

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 69

type of electronic hand held apparatus, the concept of an ever exploding market, and the system for growth and success what better business could be

Digital Doc is now franchising its cell phone and electronic repair centers. Digital Doc is seeking franchisees nationwide and specializes in the repair of cell phones, smartphones, tablets, iPods, laptops, desktops, cameras and other electronic devices. Digital Doc offers franchisees a low cost business opportunity in a surging market Digital Doc offers franchisees the ability to join a surging mobile technology market even if they don’t possess a technology background. There is an average of 1.5 cell phones per person in the US. In addition, tablet sales are expected to grow by an astounding 65% in 2013. Digital Doc Franchising has started on the ground floor with very little competition. This will provide Digital Doc franchisees a great opportunity to establish themselves as the go-to repair center in their markets. What could be a better opportunity for Mona? With the training to repair every available? I have always said there really is a franchise perfect for everyone. You just need that trained, professional eye to find it.

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Can Franchises Uncover a Dormant and Powerful Personality? Barbara De Angelis, PH.D, is one of the most influential teachers of our time in the field of relationships. I love her quote,” No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.” I am so sorry that she did not add that this all could be done by buying a franchise! Of course I am joking. But then again, Shakespeare said, “Many a true word is spoken in jest.” And what could be more empowering than being exposed to a system that gives you the power of learning from mistakes made by others, with the end result being an entrée to a blueprint for a system of proven success? That is what a franchise does and that is why I am so passionate about franchises. Franchises can uncover a powerful personality that has been dormant. I have an ideal story that exemplifies that concept. I was at a grocery checkout line and being a very nosey person… however, I choose to think of myself as just “

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aware of my surroundings”, I overheard a woman in front of me complaining to her friend who was behind me (of course I was privy to the entire conversation!) The very well dressed middle aged woman said that her husband had just passed a few months ago and bequeathed her with a tidy sum. However, she was afraid that it would not last her through her mid-sixty’s and what was she to do? Sharon, married right out of high school, raised 2 sets of identical twins and now this seemingly untenable circumstance! I gave her my card and told her that I may have a solution. I told her that, “I say that because I have helped others in that same predicament”. She took my card and about a week later she called me. I learned that she had no real experience and she felt that she had no skills. And to the untrained eye, that might have been so. However, I did learn two very important traits. 1. She was a wiz at cleaning the house. And, 2. She was a wiz mainly due to the fact that she managed a crew of 4. Yep, you guessed it… her kids!

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The Cleaning Authority offers franchisees innovative and sophisticated methods to develop large, successful residential cleaning businesses. Business owners implement an ambitious and effective customer acquisition program. This program, through employee management and client satisfaction systems, drives their cash based, residual income model. The Cleaning Authority’s business model combines simple business fundamentals with solid systems, and an unprecedented support infrastructure, towards tremendous income potential. TCA opportunity offers a great ROI, consistent annuity based revenue and a wonderful life-style flexibility. This is a Monday thru Friday business, with few to no weekends or holidays. Per unit sales average better than $1,100,000 annually. Now, please don’t be disillusioned, this franchise boasts of close to 80% of their franchisees have MBA’S. This is not a cleaning job. It is a management and marketing franchise business opportunity. Neverthe-less, Sharon’s skill at handling

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Billionaires Recognize the Power that Passion and Energy Produce “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” –Opra Winfrey. That is exactly what really fuels your power. It is your passion. I would venture to guess that every person who wields and exudes power is actually expressing their passion for a particular central thing. Something that they feel destined to do, almost to the point of abandon. That is what makes people successful and powerful. The hook is where does one find that burning desire still magma-tized in one’s psyche? Some are very lucky and through life’s routine something automatically clicks and they take off. But for most of us there needs to be an external catalyst. A franchise consultant could be that trigger, flame, or switch, the one that makes everything clear. Here is Janice’s story: Janice was lost. She had 3 small kids and an ailing mother to take care of. She was not college educated but she felt that there had to be something out there that she could be a part of. She needed help. Initially, I found her some years ago. She was doing pet sitting. However, now she could not even do that due to the fact that her mom was allergic. She was quite emotionally down. I knew her so I really did not need to go through the normal routine of questions and answers. I put her in touch with a company that allowed her to work from home in a franchise that has 1500 franchisees, been around since 1994, has multiple money streams and is willing to give a money back guarantee if she was not satisfied! Page 72 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

ABS is a home-based medical billing business opportunity that includes all the software to provide billing and many other services to doctors. Also included are over 2,000 marketing pieces, a semicustom website, 5 days of Live Training in Dallas, Texas, and unlimited, lifetime support. We are the only opportunity in our market that offers a 100% money back guarantee during our week of Live Training.  Healthcare is an industry that is recession resistant  Government regulations have caused a huge demand for our services  Doctors get financial government assistance for adopting our systems  100% Money Back Guarantee  Make a six-figure income with only a handful of clients  Very flexible and scalable business model Of course, that type of business could boost the self-esteem and create a feeling of power for anyone. It certainly made a difference for Janice.

$1000 Offer to My Readers Now, I know that buying a franchise needs money and/or good credit. And if there is no way to borrow it or to obtain it, I would like to help. I will offer a gift to my readership family. Anyone who calls me at: 818 578 8706 or Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

emails me the name, phone number and email address of a person who they know may be truly interested in buying a franchise and through my efforts they become and franchisee, I will send that referral person a $1,000 referral fee. You can refer anyone in your family or in your circle of friends. I will be happy to work with as many qualified referrals as you can send me. It is that simple. I hope I can give $1,000’s of dollars to people who can save up to buy a franchise and put the power of being a franchise owner within their reach.

Franchise Biz Consulting, LLC Professionally Find A Fabulous Franchise...Free! David Goodman Office 818 578 8706 Cell 856 287 0303 Email Address: david@franchisebizconsulting.com Website: http://www.franchisebizconsulting.com If you are truly serious about taking the control of your life out of the hands of others and finally seizing your own destiny, please call me. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Watch David Tell Us About The Top 3 Franchise with Low Cost Entry

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Support the American Heart Association www.heart.org

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Special Thanks To Gillian Larson, and the Reality Rally Chefs For Event Tickets and More information Visit www.realityrally.com

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Swiss Olive Galette By Chef Richard Mancini

servings 4 , , , , , , ,

Ingredients 

 

 

 

1/2 15 ounce package rolled refrigerated unbaked pie crust (1 crust) 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 cup finely chopped leeks (white part only) 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh fennel 3/4 cup coarsely chopped kalamata olives 1 tablespoon snipped fresh thyme 4 ounces Gruyere cheese, shredded (1 cup) Snipped fresh fennel tops (optional)

Procedure: 1. Allow pie crust to stand at room temperature according to package directions. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside. Roll pastry into an 11-inch circle on prepared baking sheet. 2. In a medium skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Cook leeks and fennel in hot oil for 5 to 6 minutes or until tender but not brown. Remove from heat. Stir in olives and thyme. Cool slightly. 3. Spread mixture in the center of the pastry, leaving a 1-1/2-inch rim uncovered on the edge. Fold uncovered pasty up over filling. Top with cheese. 4. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until pastry is golden. If desired, sprinkle with snipped fennel tops. Cut into wedges and serve warm. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Make Ahead Tip Prepare as directed through step 3. Cover and chill for up to 24 hours. Continue as directed in step 4.

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Kieu Hoang Winery Kieu Hoang’s journey to find KH good -healthy cells to improve quality of life Mr. Kieu Hoang is an American citizen, originally from Vietnam. He is the current CEO of RAAS, Inc (USA) and Vice Chairman of Shanghai RAAS Blood Products, China. Since 2010 Mr. Kieu Hoang has focused his research in areas of wellness that improve the quality of life. Through his studies on different foods and plants, he has come across numerous findings. Studying Red wine in particular caught his attention.

In his research he found that good healthy cells did not just exist in human plasma but also in red wine; he found that a small grape has 5000 more genes than a human being. His findings and passion for wellness led him to travel to the world famous Napa Valley, California and work with experts, including renowned winemaker Charles Hendricks to establish the Kieu Hoang Winery.

With 38 years of experience in his field, Mr. Hoang uses state of the art technology to apply a controlled temperature, low PH, clean class and sophisticated fermentation to present the world with the Exclusive Kieu Hoang Wines.

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Chocolate Pairings By Laurie Forster, The Wine Coach® Chances are you are going to be indulging in some chocolate this Cupid’s Day, whether from your Valentine or that you bought to treat yourself. This might lead you to the question, “What wine should I pair with my chocolate hearts and truffles? It’s important to note that a good pairing will depend on the type of chocolate you’re savoring. Overall, you want to match bolder, darker chocolates with bigger wines and lighter, sweeter chocolates, like white or milk, with lighter wines. In my opinion, sweet and fortified wines work better with chocolate than dry wines. Before you start writing letters to disagree with me—I do acknowledge that there are some dry red wines, like Cabernet or Zinfandel that can work wonderfully. Here are my suggested pairings for dark, milk and white chocolate. All you need to do is invite the right person and add some love.

Dark There are actually several great choices when choosing a perfect partner for dark chocolate. One of

Brachetto d’Acqui from the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy. Made primarily from the Brachetto grape, this red sparkling dessert wine has intense raspberry flavors with the perfect amount of sweetness for dark chocolate. Think of it

my favorites is

also act to cleanse your palate before each new bite of dark chocolate. The traditional favorite of chocolate lovers is Port and I especially like

Tawny Port with chocolate. Tawny Ports are known for their dark rich flavors of raisins, toffee, caramel and nuts, which happen to all be great toppings for chocolate. These ports are named after their tawny color, which is obtained by aging the wine in oak. True Port wines are fortified wines from Portugal (called Porto), but great Tawny Port-style wines are made in Australia, the United States and South Africa. Another fortified wine that is a great partner with dark

Banyuls. This dessert wine is made from the red grape, Grenache, in the Roussillon chocolate is

region of southern France. Like port, this wine is fortified with a distilled spirit made from grapes. This fortification takes place before fermentation is complete which leaves residual sugar (i.e. sweetness) in the wine. With a rich texture and flavors of raisins, plums, mocha and black cherries, this is the perfect partner to dark

as a raspberry sauce for your chocolate. The bubbles Page 82 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Milk & White

are sweet and full bodied with the aromas of rose petal, ginger and orange as well as raisins.

White and milk chocolate require more delicate pairings. These are sweeter chocolates and don’t work with dry wines like dark chocolate does. One of my favorite pairings for these types of chocolates is

This Valentine’s Day, no matter whether you are going out or staying in, there is a wine to sip with your favorite chocolate indulgence. Just take into consideration the type of chocolate when choosing the right partner in order to ensure that the two comple-

Moscato d’Asti. Semisparkling or frizzante, this sweet white bubbly is made from the Moscato Bianco grape in Piedmont Italy, just like its red relative Brachetto. Perfumed floral aromas mix with flavors of ripe peach and pear. Moscato’s acidity keeps it from seeming too sweet and is a nice contrast to the creaminess of these chocolates. Also, due to its having a lower alcohol content than most wines (5-7%), it’s a great choice for the end of a meal. Another great partner for white or milk chocolate is a fortified Muscat wine. There are some great

Beaumes de Venise and Muscat de Riveslates which are the classic standards. New world countries make French examples such as

their own versions of these Muscat based dessert wines, including South Africa, California and Australia. In Australia, they call dessert wines, like Muscats, “stickies” referring to their full, rich consistency. I especially like the Australian Muscats coming from the Rutherglen region because they are not only delicious but also a good value. Muscats

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Just like for every person there is a soul mate; for every chocolate there is the right wine.

ment each other.

Try this pairing for White Chocolate… Ceretto Santo Stefano Moscato d’Asti (Piedmont, Italy) Capitalize on the Moscato craze! Fruity, Fizzy and aromatic, this Moscato will make them as giddy as their first crush. Delicious with every sip and only 5.5% alcohol, this is a great lunch or brunch wine, too. Pair with your white chocolate treats for a heavenly combination.

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Try these pairings for Dark Chocolate… Banfi Rosa Regale Brachetto d’Acqui (Piedmont, Italy) One whiff of the Banfi Brachetto brings images of roses and raspberries to mind. This sweet sparkler has a clean finish that is perfect for chocolate. The acidity of this wine also makes it a good paring for spicy Asian dishes or salads with berry vinaigrettes.

Warre’s “Otima” 20 year Tawny Port (Portugal)

Try this pairing for Milk Chocolate… Yalumba Museum Muscat (Australia) Made from the red and pink varieties of Muscat, this “sticky” from Yalumba is the perfect sip with milk chocolate. Yalumba is one of the oldest family run wineries in Australia and delivers great value across all its wines. This sweet Muscat is amber in color with ginger and orange aromas and a touch of rose petal.

Aged for 20 years in seasoned oak barrels, this tawny port has perfectly balanced tannins and acids making each sip bright and elegant. Flavors of nuts and raisins make it a great match for chocolate mousse or choco-

Domaine de la Rectorie Banyuls (Roussillon, France) Made from slightly raisinated Grenache grapes, this is a definite soul mate for chocolate! This fortified wine is a great crossover for people who already know and love ruby Port. The Domaine de la Rectorie Banyuls is full and smooth with flavors of red berries and a touch of spice.

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Laurie Forster

The Wine Coach is one of the country’s leading wine experts whose mission is to demystify wine one glass at a time. The queen of wine edutainment, she is also the author of the award-winning book, The Sipping Point and a regular guest on TV and radio shows across the country. Laurie’s specialty is delivering unique corporate keynotes, teambuilding events and group tasting seminars for corporate leaders such as MetLife, LG, Microsoft and the US Chamber of Commerce. Laurie’s radio show The Sipping Point can be heard every week on WBAL or in her free App The Wine Coach which was rated one of the Top 8 Wine Apps by Wine Enthusiast magazine. She partners with her better half Chef Michael Forster to create The Wine Coach Club.

The Sipping Point

With over 125 pages of wine essentials along with stunning photos, The Sipping Point is the perfect book for you or any wine lover on your list!


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Cutting boards sit on our countertop, so why not make cutting boards more useful and more fun to look at? In 2011, we began by cutting words like “chop”, “slice” and “dice” into some left over butcher block to make these cool cutting boards and gave them as holiday gifts to our family. Our cutting boards were such a huge hit, our interest was piqued. Would others like them, too? They did and Words with Boards was born. Before we knew it, our arsenal of personalitydriven cutting boards were flying off the shelves at farmers’ markets and trade shows. Today, they’re available in Botiques, retail shops throughout the U.S. Page 87 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

We’ve selected the best wood we can find to create a long-lasting showpiece fitting for the kitchen countertop. Mike designs the artwork and hand-cuts each letter or image, then Kim takes over: hand-sanding and oiling each piece with food-grade mineral oil. We often work with clients to develop custom boards to reflect their personality. Recently our cutting boards have been sold at Martha Stewart American Made Ebay Store. We feel proud to bring our fun, fresh clean designed Cutting Boards, to Martha Stewart American Made and be in such talented Artisans who take pride in being made in the USA.

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Do You Resonate With Those You Lead? Brenda Williams

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Hope. Mindfulness. Renewal. Relationship management. These terms may sound like the elements of a marriage encounter, but they are also at the heart of the emerging concept of “resonant leadership.” The term resonant leader was originally popularized by the book titled Primal Leadership, written by Daniel Goleman, father of the concept of emotional intelligence, along with emotional intelligence researchers Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee. In that book, they argued that an organization responds to the energy and enthusiasm of its leader. If the leader expresses a positive attitude, an organization tends to thrive; if a leader spreads negative emotions, the organization struggles. In their next book, Resonant Leadership: Renewing Yourself and Connecting with Others Through Mindfulness, Hope, and Compassion, Boyatzis and McKee came up with surprising recommendations for what it takes to achieve and sustain resonant leadership—not just corporate management, but leadership within any kind of organization, family, social group, including what they call “leadership around your own life.”

Leadership as Relationship In their new work, Boyatzis and McKee describe the resonant leader as one who has developed the emotional intelligence to connect with and sustain relationships with his or her team in order to be able to manage the emotional content of the organization. As Boyatzis puts it, “Leaders who can create resonance are people who either intuitively understand or have worked hard to develop emotional

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intelligence—namely, the competencies of selfawareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. In addition to knowing and managing themselves well, emotionally intelligent leaders manage others’ emotions and build strong, trusting relationships.”

A great leader, he says, is not a person, “it’s a relationship.” Battling the Sacrifice Syndrome Sustaining this level of resonant leadership can be challenging. Added to the normal stress of leadership is a growing list of demands—both internal and external—placed on leaders these days. Trying to meet these demands with more and more time and energy, without attending to themselves, leaders can slip into what Boyatzis and McKee call the “sacrifice syndrome.” The sacrifice syndrome is a vicious cycle in which the stress of sustaining a leadership role—whether resonant or not—coupled with some unexpected problems or crises, starts someone down a path of burnout. There are numerous physical manifestations, including gastrointestinal disorders, high blood pressure and a weakened immune system. But more importantly for the leader, burnout leads to dissonance, not resonance. Retaining the ability to resonate with your organization requires particular attention to three areas: • Mindfulness. This critical skill deals with maintaining awareness not only of what is going on inside yourself, but also to what is going on around you. Boyatzis and Page 90 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

McKee are open-minded about the path to mindfulness, from cognitive psychology to Buddhism. Their suggestions include meditation, prayer, exercise, music and being in nature. • Hope. The authors define hope as determining a plan of action based on clearly articulated goals, believing the goals can be met and eventually reaching them with a sense of wellbeing. Hope can be a profound source of positive thoughts and emotions, and, through the contagiousness of emotions, in our organizations as well. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

it—and the use of evaluation tools such as 360-degree feedback, in which you receive input not only from your bosses but also your peers and subordinates. Such techniques are particularly important to ward off the sacrifice syndrome because the accumulation of stress can blunt our ability to see ourselves clearly and identify what may be going wrong.

“Contrary to popular belief,” Boyatzis and McKee write, “it is not change itself that is so hard; what is hard is being honest with ourselves, looking at ourselves with no filters and admitting that we need to change.”

• Compassion. Resonance, ultimately, requires caring about other people; in that sense, it depends fundamentally upon our capacity for compassion. By caring enough about people to try to figure out who they are and why they behave the way they do, the dissonant defenses of prejudice and pre-judgment are replaced with the resonant qualities of understanding and tolerance. The Importance of Self-Assessment Boyatzis and McKee advocate executive coaching—giving it as well as receiving Page 91 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Brenda Williams is a well-respected, Board Certified Coach who has provided consulting and coaching to individuals and businesses for over 25 years. Her focus is on leadership development and emotional intelligence, creating a Self Mastery System that leads to progressive communication skills and extraordinary relationships. She helps individuals and organizations make critical changes in their behavior, mindset and skills — leading to Laser Focused Results and Transformational Change.

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Off The Grid

Boost your Cyber Security Anna Corsaro Homeland Security Expert

If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don't understand the problems and you don't understand the technology.� Bruce Schneier ( IT expert ) Page 94 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Even the largest multinationals often show how they have not fully realized that investing in information security is no longer something avoidable. The Digital Era dictates new rules which must be respected if you want your business - be it small, medium or large - to have a future. In 2014 hackers reaped 7 million victims among business companies, including big names such as:

JPMorgan Chase

with 76 million checking accounts were compromised. Ebay personal information of at least 233 million users were stolen.

Home Depot details of 56 million customers were

The computer expert team of the institute had not noticed anything unusual until the criminals sent an email asking for a ransom in exchange for the stolen database. The interesting news is that 28% of the perpetrators were employees, former employees or external suppliers of the companies. The main point to take home is that relying on security experts is essential, but it is not enough to protect your business. A combination of security technology and safety procedures is the most effective path to minimize your cyber exposure.

retrieved by the attackers.

And last, but not least, one of the most incredible and bizarre stories comes right

from the European Central Bank, where hackers stole the credentials to access the portal and the database containing the details of events held at the Euro Tower, along with the personal information of participants. Page 96 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Disaster Recovery Beyond Back-Ups It's clear Sony didn't have a proper plan in place to ensure the necessary technology was available to employees following the attack, says Alan Berman, president and CEO of the Disaster Recovery Institute, commenting on the most Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

famous cyber attack of 2014. If a company as big as Sony could be damaged to a great extent, it's all the more reason for all organizations to plan ahead and prepare for negative events and to ensure business continuity. An effective Disaster Recovery (DR) solution provides protection for your cyber assets, improves your business resilience, and makes it easier to overcome critical contingencies. Once upon a time periodic back-ups alone were thought to be enough to achieve these goals, but experienced showed many companies overestimated their chances, mostly because this approach tends not to be tested on a regular basis. Too often organizations found themselves unable to recover crucial data and operative systems, even though they had been diligently saving redundant copies of their hard drives' content. Even worse, when they are actually able to restore their systems through their back-up facility, they may discover the hard truth that even for systems of medium complexity the process may take very long, a period during which their business is basically forced to a stop. Therefore, it is paramount to implement specific strategies for DR, if you want to ensure that your business can continue through a cyber crisis. Server virtualization has definitely changed the landscape of DR and medium-to-small companies can now rely on cloud-based infrastructures to accomplish this task. A good solution is to implement a virtualized internal server and to purchase the appropriate cloud-based extensions of this system. Page 97 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

It doesn't mean that you have to relinquish your back-up system, but having multiple layers of resilience is always advisable. This makes DR way more manageable, but you will still need to choose your cloud provider carefully.

These are some guidelines to get you started: 

Focus on maximum compatibility and specialization. You need a cloud provider that offers the same type of virtualization environment you use in your system. Besides, look for someone that offers advanced features for the product you want, as not all providers display an even range of services across the different environments.

Establish what type of extension you need. Your goal is to obtain the services that best suit your DR model.

Privacy is essential. Ideally your cloud provider must have an effective privacy policy. Remember that you are trusting them with your critical systems and data, so demand maximum protection. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Implement your new system progressively, move one step at a time and test every new feature thoroughly before adding another.

Prepare for the worst-case scenario. Nothing is like the real thing, when a disaster happens you want to be able to rely on your DR infrastructure. The only way to be sure that it actually works is to perform regular recovery tests and try to push the limits of your system..

Passwords, So Misunderstood So Undervalued! Astonishingly enough, passwords are still the weak link in the security chain. If your passwords are not

the sensitive information of your business will be wasted (See the Case Study: 5-Star Hotel, 1-Star Passwords). The basic rules to create a password are very often disregarded, but I am going to show you why it's a terrible idea. Let's have a look at what makes a good password first. Ideally, there must be nothing connecting the owner to their password. Secondly, you should choose a string longer than eight characters and it should include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and at least three special characters. Examples of good ones:

Va,bH?5<G7 -3iH:eW<9 1Q9a.)t!D To crack a password like the ones above a malicious user would need something like 200,000 centuries (yes, that's not a typo, it’s really a hundred years times two hundred thousand!)

Visit this site to test the effectiveness of your password, you will be amazed!!!

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But it's not enough .... keeping your passwords secret is just as important as making them impossible to guess. - DO NOT tell anyone your password. Remember that the main purpose for which a password is used is to ensure that no one else can use your resources or do so in your name. - DO NOT write down your passwords, or at least don't keep them in any place where it could be read easily, especially close to your computer.  DO NOT let anyone peek what you type on the keyboard when entering your password.

Case Study: 5-Star Hotel, 1-Star Passwords Problem

The author and her consultant group were contacted by the owner of a famous hotel in Spain, because some personal information of habitual customers had been compromised. The owner needed to find out discreetly where the security breach took place, without alerting either the customers or the staff, then to define the best strategy to address the problem avoiding leaking the news. At the beginning, an audit of the internal staff was conducted - to determine who had access to the data - along with a basic assessment of computer security. Almost immediately it was discovered that to access the system the employees were using a single password that was easy to guess, composed simply by the hotel name followed by the current year. For example, this year their password would have looked like "Hotel2015". Both the owner and the management were aware of the situation, without realizing the dangers of such practice. Besides, due to the lack of individual security procedures, when typing the password none of the staff was concerned with not being observed by a third party. On top on that, to make

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sure that all the staff knew the password – interns included – they had written it on a notebook containing useful numbers which was accessible to all personnel and was being kept at the reception. The company had not bought any insurance coverage for cyber liability, but fortunately they did not incur in any damage claims.

Solution The strategy chosen by the team - in agreement with the owner - was to appoint a cyber security expert for a thorough examination of the computer system, who later made sure to overhaul it to fix its vulnerabilities. Concerning the password, the system was changed in order to make it require that each user chose a word that met the security criteria enforced by the system itself, including setting a new password at six-month intervals. At the same time, the team proceeded to draft a manual of security procedures and designed initial training courses tailored to the company's need, to educate the staff to the value and importance of security in the business. Last, the team recommended to keep the security features of the computer system updated, to provide refresh courses on security to the personnel, and to buy insurance coverage adequate to the cyber risks faced by their business. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Getting Covered Using Cyber Insurance Buying a cyber liability insurance might be confusing when approached for the first time, and for a couple of very important reasons. Indeed, the nature of the risk itself is very fluid and constantly changing, and so is the range of available policies. The first step is to have clear in mind the main types of risks covered by cyber liability insurances. The areas you can get coverage for are several: Hardware - any kind of malfunctions of the physical infrastructures of your network. This may include anything from repair costs, substitution of irreparable equipment, and compensation for interruption of service

can be covered for example: web defacement, denial of service, ransomware and more sophisticated techniques. Of course, the list goes one and evolves hand in hand with the ever changing technology.

Case Study: The Importance of Having a Good Cyber Insurance The hacking of Sony’s PlayStation Network 2011 Sony suffered a data breach in 2011, 77 million accounts and 12 million credit card numbers were compromised. Sony could not claim any compensation from Zurich American Insurance Company with which it had stipulated a policy for Cyber Liability Coverage.

Software failure - problems falling into this area do not arise from malicious attacks. The coverage is similar to that of hardware failures.

Since the breach was caused by third-party hackers, Zurich American was not obliged to reimburse Sony, given that the insurance only covered actions taken by Sony itself.

Network Security - This is the broadest category that can be broken down further. Data breach is the most important subcategory. Remember that data can be compromised not only as a consequence of an attack, but also for negligence or by chance. That's an important detail to remember when selecting your policy. Other type of attacks

The company reported costs of $171 million as a result of the attack, but estimates including other overheads go as high as $250 million.

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Nearly two years after the accident, the British Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) fined Sony explaining that what happened "was something that could have been avoided." Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Tips and Tricks to Choose the Right Policy With that in mind you can now zoom in on the specific needs of your business and assess what areas of your activity will profit from the coverage. But there is more. Not all insurances are made equal and when selecting the best policy there are some nuances you should pay attention to. For this reason, check out the list of 10 tips to choose the best policy for your business.

The hacking of Sony Picture’s Servers 2014 A huge amount of data, several terabytes, were stolen, which include years of email exchanges of the executives of Sony Pictures, passwords, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers of 47 thousand employees, but also contracts, salaries, images and even some film in full. It is to early to define a definitive assessment of the total costs of the attack, but current figures are of about $100 million, which could include computer repair or replacement, steps to prevent a future attack and lost productivity while operations were disrupted. Early in January 2015 Sony CEO Mike Lynton had declared that the email systems were still expected to be restored within a week and that the computer network may took up to six weeks. Page 101 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

1. Invest in security in order to lower your risks and premiums - and concurrently seek for possible discounts. With the market of cyber policies being so dynamic, new bargains come up every day, so look for and seize those opportunities. 2. Insure your past as well as your past. Yes, you can actually be covered for previous incidents - the socalled retroactive coverage - as long as they were unknown at the time of the stipulation of the policy. Note: if your business has just started out, then you might not need this provision. 3. Double check your policy limit, but don't stop just there, watch out for sublimits and deductibles too. Make sure not to underestimate the economic amount of damage covered in relation to the exposure of your business (see the case study “The Importance of Having a Good Cyber Insurance”). 4. Request coverage for your liability linked to faults of third parties with which you entertain business relations. 5. Credit card data are so sensitive that they are in a class of risk of their own. If you handle this kind of information be extra sure that your insurance covers all the sources of claims related to this particular subject. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

6. Not all incidents concerning data are security breaches. If you have read the section about Disaster Recovery, then you may want to seek coverage for simple data loss. 7. Don't overlook your already subscribed policies, as some areas of coverage might overlap. Try to avoid redundancies unless you benefit from particular conditions. 8. Get coverage for incidents related to the usage of personal devices of your employees, especially mobile ones, even if your organization does not actively promote a Bring-Your-Own-Device policy (BYOD). 9. Don't forget the power of bargaining. If you think you have found the right policy, but there are still one or two details that you would like to change, remember that you have the right to negotiate better provisions, so use it at your advantage. 10. Stay away from policies with vague wording and unclear provisions, especially concerning causes of exclusion of liability. Those often lead to loose interpretations of the contract, refusals to cover the damage, litigation, and generally speaking money and time loss for your business.

Of course, these guidelines are not the beall and and-all. In an imperfect world it is impossible to attain perfect protection for your IT resources. Yet, this is not a quest for perfection, but to devise the best possible solutions to improve the resilience of your organization, the continuity of your business, and to facilitate the recovery process when a disaster happens.



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Anna Corsaro is a Senior Crisis and Homeland Security Advisor, whose clients are Corporations and Governments, which are in need of knowledge and solutions to prevent and respond to crisis situations. She is multilingual, a member of ASIS International, and she holds a Master's Degree in Economics, a Postgraduate in Hotel Management with several Courses and Certificates including, but not limited to, Conflict Analysis, Negotiation, and Disaster Management. For any inquires please contact her at anna.corsaro@aol.com Page 102 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive


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What’s Your Mind Set? By Tadia Rice

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What does it take to shift your mindset: your set of beliefs; your outlook on life; your mental attitude; the way you think that determines your behavior?

Decades of research on success and achievement reveals that there are two mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. People with fixed mindsets believe that their basic qualities, like intelligence or talent, cannot be changed. These types of people spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They believe that talent alone creates success—without effort. Have you ever wondered why brains and talent don’t always bring success? Have you ever witnessed how brains and talent can stand in the way of success?

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To succeed you need to have a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Brains and talent are just a starting point. The growth mindset possesses a love of learning, and a resilience that is essential for accomplishment. All great people have the qualities of a growth mindset. And I believe that each one of us can too. A growth mindset fosters motivation and productivity, and also enhances relationships because shift is constantly happening! People with a growth mindset have developed an internal monologue that is focused on the positive. If something goes wrong they say to themselves, “What can I learn from this?” “How can I improve?” “How can I help my partner do this better?” A growth mindset allows you to see your qualities as traits that can be developed through dedicated effort and education, and I don’t necessarily mean formal education but life-long learning. No one has ever accomplished great things without years of practice and learning. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Why do some people have a growth mindset yet others have fixed mindsets? Experts agree that it’s not nature vs. nurture, nor genes vs. environment. Scientists now realize that people have more capacity for life-long learning and brain development than ever known before. Although we’re born with different temperaments and aptitudes, it is experience, training, and personal effort takes each individual the rest of the way. So that is why it’s not always the people who start out the smartest who end up the smartest.

they better prove they have a healthy dose of them. Think about it, do you know anyone that seems to have one consuming goal of proving themselves - in their careers - in their relationships? Every situation calls for a confirmation of their intelligence, personality, or character. Every situation is evaluated: Will I succeed or fail? Will I look smart or dumb? Will I be accepted or rejected? Will I feel like a winner or a loser? In a society that values intelligence, personality, and character, the fixed mindset becomes an impediment to change. The fixed mindset does not serving anyone well.

I’m sure we all know someone who has a fixed mindset. They believe their qualities are carved in stone and unchangeable. You see them behaving with an urgency to prove themselves, over and over because when a fixed mindset keeps them clinging to the belief that they have only a certain amount of intelligence, a certain personality, and a certain moral character. So it is logical then that

Research has shown that the view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life. It determines whether you become the person you want to be; whether you commit to and accomplish the things you value. It boils down to the simple belief that we have the power to transform our psychology and, as a result, our lives. With a growth mindset you can cultivate your basic qualities through effort and experience.

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problem solver rather than dwelling on the situation. Everyone hit s a bump but if you see it as a process toward your success you can make it. Second, if you hit a setback learn from it and try again. Be preparedopportunity can knock at any time. Be ready for that breakthrough moment. Reinventing yourself is a journey, it doesn’t happen overnight. Remember to celebrate the small victories and learn from the roadblocks along the way.

A growth mindset creates a passion for learning. Why waste time proving over and over how great you are, when you could be getting better? Why hide deficiencies instead of overcoming them? Why look for friends or partners who will just shore up your self-esteem instead of ones who will also challenge you to grow? And why seek out the tried and true, instead of experiences that will stretch you? The passion for stretching yourself, and sticking to it - especially when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives. There are a few simple and powerful steps to begin changing your mindset. First, as you approach a challenge take on the challenge wholeheartedly. Staying positive allows you to remain focused on the big picture instead of being derailed by details. Look at the obstacle as a problem that absolutely has to be solved and then become your own Page 108 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Third, as you face criticism hear the criticism and act on it. Consider the reputation of the person who is criticizing you. If it’s destructive criticism targeting your personal beliefs and convictions it’s a personal attack. Stay calm, and don't engage. If the criticism is constructive remind yourself that successful people make more mistakes than unsuccessful people do. Don't let mistakes weigh you down. Remember to be patient with yourself, learn from the difficulties and move on. You CAN become your own motivator. Insure that your mindset eliminates internal negative language. Your intelligence and talent, traits and behaviors, all of these can be developed and cultivated through dedicated effort. Lastly, RECOGNIZE THAT YOU HAVE A CHOICE. How you interpret challenges, setbacks, and criticism is your choice. You can interpret them in a fixed mindset or you can interpret them in a growth mindset that will innovate your strategies, maximize your effort, stretch yourself, and expand your abilities. The only limits are the ones you impose, so push yourself and watch what happens! Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Magic!- “RUDE” Parody-corporate Version http://youtu.be/j4WvsJQhJxQ

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The Evil Lurking Behind Sugar

America in the last 30 years has watched obesity double in children and quadruple in adults.


Here are some of the top weight gain culprits:

children today are not just a little ‘heavy’, the children today are obese; 39% of them in fact, ages 6-19. Which

means that over 1/3 of our children have a much higher chance of obesity following them into adulthood.

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Sugar Corn syrup High fructose corn syrup Refined flour Processed foods Maltose Sucrose Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Unfortunately most of what is on that list is also in much of what we eat and in what our children are eating. Sugar is empty calories devoid of any vitamins and minerals and highly refined; leaving the brain feeling drowsy, foggy headed, cranky or depressed. To understand why that is, you need to understand how sugar and corn syrup affect the body. There are two sides to sugar glucose and fructose.

What is Fructose & Glucose Glucose is converted straight to energy and used by the whole body, enabling it to function properly. Glucose, found in legumes, vegetables, fruits and healthy grains, contains fiber, which allows for a slow release of sugar into the bloodstream. By making it harder for your body to digest, in essence, it is creating a natural form of time-released energy. Your brain uses 10% of the total glucose metabolized and requires twice the energy, in comparison to the rest of the body. Which means, as a busy, professional woman utilizing her mental capabilities to full capacity everyday; the glucose needs to be constantly refueled to maintain concentration, focus and memory. Fructose is also found in fruits and healthy foods but at a lower consistency than glucose. Where it becomes extremely dangerous and problematic, is in sugary, over-processed foods filled with empty calories; containing little to no nutritional value. When fructose is released into the bloodstream, it goes in fast and hits the body like crack. You’ll most likely experience a spike of energy right away, but the eventual crash is never far behind.

Sugar Effects on the Body & Brain One reason is because as the fructose hits your bloodstream, the pancreas quickly starts to release high amounts of insulin, resulting in the cells pulling all available glucose in the body to store for a later time and then dips. Page 111 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

This causes your brain to panic or crash and can take hours to fully recuperate back to normal. Fructose is your basic everyday bottom feeder, giving nothing but taking everything; forcing the body to pull key vitamins and minerals from everywhere it can to eliminate the sugar and regulate the blood back to normal. The liver is the only organ that is able to break down fructose and eliminate most of it as waste. During the day as your bad sugar intake increases, the liver is overwhelmed by the influx of fructose and cannot break it down. It then rereleases the excess back into the bloodstream to find pockets in the body and store as fat. Having a problem losing that unwanted belly weight or fitting into your favorite jeans? Fatty acid pockets due to a poor or low fat diet may be the reason you are having such a problem. Some say that High Fructose Corn Syrup is not different from table sugar, but the name should give it away; Fructose = Waste. In order to make HFCS, which has a sweeter taste, a large portion of the glucose from corn syrup is transformed into fructose. Companies discovered it in the 1970’s and decided to replace the sucrose (table sugar) they were using in products with HFCS because it was sweeter and cheaper. Researchers at Princeton University in 2010, conducted a sugar experiment using rats. The rats were broken down into groups and each fed a different type of sweetener. The ones given HFCS, gained 300% more weight over the ones fed regular table sugar.

"When rats are drinking high-fructose corn syrup at levels well below those in soda pop, they're becoming obese - every single one, across the board. Even when rats are fed a high-fat diet, you don't see this; they don't all gain extra weight."

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Fructose + High Fructose Corn Syrup = Obesity,

There is a correlation between high consumptions of HFCS leading to obesity and increasing the chance type 2 diabetes development. The that is simple enough.

goal is to eliminate the products containing these ingredients completely from your lifestyle; this is harder said than done. Once you start making a habit of reading labels you will realize that HFSC is in most of the food around us. Once the ‘food’ aspect is removed from our food, there is nothing left but fillers, sugars, flavoring and chemicals, running havoc on our systems. A poor diet high in sugary foods is linked to diabetes, kidney and liver disease, thyroid issues and stroke.

Can Sugar Be Addictive? On average, people are consuming 22 teaspoons of sugar per day; the recommended daily supply for women is 9. This is a very important question to be asking, considering sugar, not only is in practically everything we eat, but is consumed in such massively large quantities. Food companies have become our drug dealers; pumping sugar, additives and high fructose corn syrup in our breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Over the last 40 years we have seen an alarming rise in obesity, heart and autoimmune diseases, cancer and diabetes 1 & 2. To say there is no correlation here is simply ignoring the facts. You are what you eat; are you addicted to sugary foods? If given the choice between a fresh juicy ripened peach or a double decker fudge brownie, which would you be more apt to choose? There has been a long-standing controversy whether it is possible to be addicted to sugar or not. The culprit responsible for all this uproar is a Page 112 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

neurotransmitter called dopamine and is released in the reward center of the brain. It’s function, in the broadest terms, is to inhibit or to excite. Dopamine is responsible for mood, pleasure, learning, sleep, depression, behavior and it has a highly motivating reward system; strong enough to lure unwitting victims back with less to offer each time. This is where the controversy lies; addictive drugs and food use the same reward system eliciting similar responses. Caffeine, also affected by same area, has addictive qualities with withdrawal, similar to drugs, so why not If we take into account that yes, sugar is addictive; you then need to take into account, there

will be symptoms of withdrawal as you are adopting a healthier lifestyle. Irritation, headaches, sleeplessness, lethargy, and cravings, are some of the possibilities you may encounter. Minimize the sugar withdrawal by supplying the body with enough good fats, proteins and fiber rich glucose to balance blood sugar and nourish the body at the same time. This is one of the keys to success for changing a habit successfully; if you deprive the body of something, you need to replace it with something else. People tend to focus on one component of becoming healthy like, giving up salt, reducing sugar or becoming a vegetarian; to the detriment of the rest of the body. Going to the source (your diet) to deal with the root of the problem (overall nutrition) is how the problem is solved and a plan created. Attack the issue as a whole, cleaning out the old oil and bringing in the new. http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/ S26/91/22K07/ Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Consider the Lonely Toothbrush By Bruce Wiseman: President &CEO on Target Research www.ontargetresearch.com 1-818-397-1401

It took Christopher Columbus 5 weeks to sail across the Atlantic in the summer of 1492.

Not quite a Princess Cruise Line vacation, but they made landfall on the Bahamas. The casinos hadn’t been built yet, but, hey, there are worse places to land. Not many people know that Chris made that trip four times over the following decade. The third trip was undertaken in May of 1498. And while he was racking up another bucket of Amex miles for his third Caribbean vacation (or brownie points with the Queen), another development of historical proportions occurred on the other side of the planet Emperor Hongzhi of the Ming Dynasty in China Page 114 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

patented the toothbrush. The device was made of hogback bristles set into a piece of bone or bamboo. Ouch. Three hundred years later, French dentists caught on to the idea and promoted the use of the toothbrush.

Here is a picture of a silver handled, horse hair, toothbrush made for Emperor Napoleon about 1795. Notice the “N” on the handle. The idea really took hold in the twentieth century and today there are 4.2 billion toothbrushes planet wide. (Imagine what the royalties would have been for Hongzhi).

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To give a point of comparison that also shines a marketing light on the explosion of mobile communication in the last decade – 4.8 billion people own mobile phones. And in case the marketing ramifications of this little factoid didn’t get your attention, not only are 48% of emails opened on a mobile device these days, but 51% - more than half - of visits to retail websites are conducted with a mobile device.

Copyright © 2015 Concentric Order, All rights reserved. On Target Research

Our mailing address is: Concentric Order PO Box 6160 Altadena, CA 91003

https://litmus.com/blog/48-of-emails-are-opened -on-mobile-gmail-opens-down-20-since-tabs http://www.mobilecommercedaily.com/mobile-shoppingofficially-trumps-desktop-report Do we have to say it? If you haven’t optimized your website for mobile devices, may we suggest that you do that... like, yesterday. If you don’t have someone who can do that for you, we can provide that service. Even more importantly, if your website visitors are not instantly greeted with properly surveyed hot buttons… well...2015 is not going to be as prosperous as it could Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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www.woundedwarr Page 116 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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riorproject.org Page 117 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Highlights from LA UNCUBED January 30th at the Annenberg Community

5+ startups

ees and 2 d n e tt a + 0 0 4 t n e v pletely sold out e


LA Uncubed took over the Annenberg Community Beach House on Friday, January 30th to connect a sold out crowd of creaters in tech, design, and business with LA's fastest-growing startups. Attendees enjoyed live art, snow cones, and drinks while meeting with companies such as Tinder, Media Temple, Bottlenose, and 25 more. The day also featured exclusive skills classes and discussions with company founders, CEOs, and VPs of Engineering. In an interview with Uncubed's Chris Johnson, Whisper CEO and Co-Founder Michael Heyward

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discussed his companies incredible growth, dark secrets on Whisper and whether or not putting socks in the freezer is an actual cold remedy (as suggested by a Whisper user). SpaceX's VP of Software Engineering Jinnah Hosein walked the standing room-only crowd through SpaceX's engineering process and how they're relentlessly trying to inject innovation into the aerospace build process. Uncubed connects you with exciting companies through content, conferences, classes and jobs and will be returning to LA this summer.

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Q&A with Whisper's CEO and Co-Founder Michael Heyward (moderated by Discussion w/ SpaceX VP of Software Uncubed CEO Chris Johnson)

Jinnah Hosein about how SpaceX is built

Lukas Silwka of Grindr Speaks Nicolle Richards of Fullscreen Speaks Page 119 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Join NAFE at any of these Southern California Networks Nafe is the largest global network for women with thousands of members. They recently celebrated their 42nd anniversary, headquartered in New York they have many affiliate networks across the country. Would a group of women sharing their dreams…supporting, encouraging and mentoring you, be beneficial at this time of your life. Nafe offers great benefits to members, and the annual membership is only $39.00 go to www.nafe.com and check out all the wonderful benefits and information on Southern CA networks at www.wrnafe.com Meeting fees are $10.00 for Nafe Members and $15.00 for guests. As the Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator I invite YOU to join us at one of our monthly NAFE meetings, we also have several new networks soon to start, so get on the list so you can be invited to the kickoff meetings. It’s made up of entrepreneurs, small business owners, corporate executives and women working for companies or even women starting a business. Come and join us at one of these monthly Nafe affiliate meetings: Please contact the Director of the network below. Any Nafe questions you may contact me Robbie Motter Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator at 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com. Also another opportunity is to sign up on the network you are interested in joining meetup page, this gives you added exposure Nafe also has a Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter page and the Western Region Nafe also has a facebook page so those locations are also added benefits for our Global Nafe members. As a member you will join one of the networks but you may attend any of the network meetings each month as they all offer great networking opportunities. Carlsbad Nafe Affiliate Network is on hiatus. Contact Robbie Motter Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator 951-255-9200 or rmotter@aol.com to be on the list to be invited to the new meeting we are looking to relocate this network to a North Corridor San Diego location. Coastal Nafe Network Meets 3rd Thursday at 11:30 am at Marie Callender's 12489 Seal Beach Blvd Seal Beach, Ca , Director Bobbi Tomsovic 714-492-9262 email btomsovic@yahoo.com Corona/Eastvale/.Norco/Chino Hills/Riverside Nafe Network Meets 1 st Monday at 6:30 pm at Marie Callender’s 160 E Rincon Street, Corona, Ca, Director Grace Jeon 626-487-7181 email gracewithclass@gmail.com Corona Meetup page is http://tinyurl.com/l55gkbk Irvine/Costa Mesa Nafe Affiliate Network Meets 4th Tuesday, 6:00 pm Call for new Meeting Location and date network will again start up, contact Rael Hall, Director at 949=284-6996, email rael@innerwisdomsolutions.com, Irvine/.Costa Mesa meetup page is http://tinyurl.com/nw7b658 https://www.facebook.com/pages/IrvineCosta-Mesa-NAFE/1423017751287137?ref=hl

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Los Angeles Nafe Affiliate Network Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:00 pm at Rush Street Restaurant, 9546 West Washington Boulevard, Culver City, Calif 90232(310) 837-9546 Director, Althea Ledford, 310-990-9496, email allyledo@aol.com Menifee Nafe Network, Lunch meets the 2nd Wed 11:30 am, Boston Billie’s Restaurant 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, Ca. Contact Robbie Motter, NAFE Western Regional Coordinator & Director of this network 951-2559200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http:// tinyurl.com/cjbvurl Menifee Nafe Network Dinner meets the 4th Thursday of the month at 5:30 pm at Boston Billie’s Restaurant 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, CA. Contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator & Director of this network 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl Murrieta Nafe Network meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon at R J’s Sizzling Steak House 41401 Kalima Street, Murrieta, CA Contact Robbie Motter, Director 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl North Orange County Nafe Network meets the 2nd Monday 11:30am at Marie Callender's 5711 East La Palma Ave Anaheim Hills. Ca 92807. Off the 91 Freeway at Imperial and LaPalma Contact Sheila A Caruso, Director 949-330-0927 email sheilaacaruso@gmail.com NOC meetup page is http://tinyurl.com/d6rcdzu Palm Springs, Coming soon, contact Robbie Motter 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com to get your name on the list to be invited to the new network Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Affiliate Network meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at Carrows Restaurant 11669 Foothill Blvd Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730. Cross St: Carrows is Between Mayten and Masi Dr. Banquet Room on left of greeter/cash register area. contact Luz Garcia Pennock, Director 909-463-8480 luz@happilyworking.com Riverside Nafe Coming in the new year Joan Wakeland Director 909-7217648 or email joanewakeland@gmail.com South Orange County Nafe Affiliate network meets the 1st Thursday 6:30 pm at Sarducci’s 26701 Verdugo, San Juan Capistrano, CA Contact Mikki StGermain, Director 949-429-3438 or St.Germain.Mikki@gmail.com Ventura County Nafe Affilate Network, meets 3rd Wednesday 12:00 noon at Mimi’s Café, 400 N Moorpark Road Thousand Oaks, Ca 91320, Contact Director Sheryl Tash 805-794-4005 or email sheryldtash@gmail.com We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks in the Southern CA area, contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200 Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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