E The Magazine for Today's Female Executive Februrary 2016 Issue.

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The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

This is Our Time

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Spring 2016 DAKS Brunello Cucinelli

DuBai Social Rules For an Oasis

She’s A VET!

Resources for FemaleVets February 2016

$7.99 USA (CAN $6.99) Female Female--Exec.com Digital edition included with current subscription Page 1 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

A Sit Down With Betty Spence President of NAFE

It’s Time to Raise Your Periscope Pregnant Women and Their Tablets BEFORE & AFTER

What Brought Me Back from Dealth’s Door

Photo: Amy Hart

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She had the Courage to profile plainly laid truths about our social behavior in light of such opposing odds. E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive honors

Harper Lee

Author of To Kill a Marking Bird. Page 2 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Look Who’s Talking Rita Pierson

Every Kid Needs a Champion

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Rita F. Pierson, a professional educator since 1972, taught elementary school, junior high and special education. She was a counselor, a testing coordinator and an assistant principal. In each of these roles, she brought a special energy to the role — a desire to get to know her students, show them how much they matter and support them in their growth, even if it was modest. She died in June 2013.



Ideas worth spreading*

1700+ talks to stir your curiosity www.TED.com Page 4 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Message From the Editor’s Desk

Provides a Strong Return on Investment.

By Danielle Joworski

The Pregnant Woman and her Tablets By Coach Allison

18 Mercedes Benz Fashion Week DAKS Brunello Cucinelli Zuhair Murad



This is Our Tme A Sit Down with Betty Spence

30 By Tracy Repchuk

Russell + Hazel

By Dr. Julie Wright

50 Percent of the Blame, 100% of the Responsibility

She’s A Vet! Featuring

Luz Rebollar

Voice is it Time


to Dignify Yours.

Women & Transition




It’s Time to Raise Your Periscope




International Summit Women

of Global Change

Before &


What Brought Me Back from Death’s Door By Cheryl Hughley

A new series by Linda Rossetti Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 5

Unbelievable Success Stories of Girls in Central Asia

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Certified Sustainable Farming


Artificial Intelligence

Real, Surreal and Scary

116 Chef

Rich Mancini

120 Dubai Social Rules in the Oasis

By Anna Corsaro & Daniel Djouder



Barbara Wiseman


Orison Swett Marden

Thula, Thula The Baby Rhino



We’ve Got it All Here at

The most interesting Man in the World by Bruce Wiseman


130 Designs By Lashan


Jeanne Theohoris

By: Cynthia

Chocolate Caramel Toffee Crunch Cake


Addiction Doesn’t Discriminate

NAFE 190

Conferences Schedules 2016

By Sir Charles Cary for Today’s Female Executive E The Magazine

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Page 7

The Next United States Supreme

This Seat Matters Page 8 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Court Justice.

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Subscribe and Connect Click directly on icons to link or copy links below & paste into your browser.

Althea Ledford, Editor

Chef Rich Mancini

Jelena Ostrovska Blog Expert Agency

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Daniel Djouder

Economic and Geopolitical Analyst” Page 10 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Laura Brin HER: Hope, Educate.Rise

Corelean Chavis

Author and Health Advocate

Barbara Wiseman

President Lawrence Anthony Earth Organiza-

Cynthia Lardner Atty, Social Advocate

By Danielle Joworski

Author and Health Advo-

Sir Charles Cary

Coach Allison

Alina Estrada

Change Management Specialists

Crisis Expert

Social Media Expert

By Dr. Julie Wright Author an d Co-Founder to The Wright Founda-

Shellie Hunt

Founder: Women of Global Change.

Sheila A. Caruso NAFE Orange County Director

Author and Health Advocate

Anna Corsaro

Tracy Repchuk

David Goodman

Linda Rossetti Author and Speaker.

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Franchise Expert

Marilyn Harris

E The Magazine for Today’sVeteran’s Female Executive Page 11 Advocate

We Hold These Truths Truths... ... Stay Informed, Stay Diligent -Vote. https://www.usa.gov/register https://www.usa.gov/register--to to--vote

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What is a Female Executive? I am the one that makes the bread, weaves the fabric, creates the peace, negotiates the smiles, shuts it down and wakes it all back up. I am the Swiss Army Knife of mankind. I am the one that gives birth and keeps life goingwhether I have to nudge it with my heart, my mind, my blood or my foot! I keep the bass rhythm of life moving. I am that female that executes the needed, the necessary and the fantastic. I am THAT female executive.

-Althea Ledford

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From the Editor and Chief Creative Officer

As women, we carry on the progressive agendas of all those that went before us from education, to empowerment in every aspect of our lives. We are also creating the launch pad for the women that are to follow. Today, some countries honor and promote women’s rights and have made progress to the point that most major issues, surrounding women’s rights are a normal part of the social fabric. While in other countries women are still plagued with the same levels of oppression that existed for several hundred years. With the onset of global connectivity women have an opportunity to make change and global improvements like never before. We can show up and make a difference in the lives of other women halfway around the world by simply sharing and networking our solutions together.

This is our time This week here in the United States , Supreme Court Justice Scalia died. His untimely departure further polarized many of the issue still sitting in the supreme court , such as Immigration, abortion, birth control, Unions, redistricting, affirmative action and the fate of the earth (climate change).. As we move forward we are reminded of how necessary it is to guard and protect our hard won rights seeing at any time it could be at risk off being taken away. We’ll know we’ve made permanent progress when the entire concept of women’s rights are no longer an issue but an everyday occurrence. I hope you enjoy this issue.

-Althea Ledford Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive Page 15

Coming This March Featuring Unique Wines From Italy Hosted by Katarina Anderson PhD

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Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Spring Summer 2016

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Also Featuring: Brunello Cucinelli Zuhair Murad Page 19 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Brumello Cucinelli

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Zuhair Murad

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If you’re an Organization If your Organization wants to earn money.

If you want value added benefits for your members.

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It’s Time to

Probably by now you are wondering if you will ever be able to keep up to date with the latest and greatest social media platforms, and once again there is a new contender vying for your limited bandwidth. Periscope is one of the fastest growing social media platforms on the internet. It hit 1,000,000 subscribers in 10 days. As an add-on to Twitter, it is a powerful broadcasting tool allowing people to instantly broadcast a message and connect with an audience. Page 30 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

It’s the fastest, easiest way to share and watch live video broadcasts from your mobile phone. Did you know that eighty percent of Twitter visitors use mobile devices to visit the website on a daily basis? And with over 40 years of video being watched on it every day, it’s sure to become a stable part of your promotional efforts. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

o Raise Your

By Tracy Repchuk

Here is their mission statement - We use the power of creativity to help brands build enduring love and loyalty. Kind of puts the purpose in perspective, yet Periscope has become so much more than that.

Okay so what’s so great about Periscope. 1) Periscope is an actual example of how live video chat is changing the way that

Page 31 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

businesses reach their target markets quickly and easily. 2) It integrates to Twitter giving you access to your followers and an audience immediately that is mobile savvy and video hungry. 3) Great for engaging with customers, prospects and anyone who wants to check out what you have to say. Profile your products, services or just talk about some element of the company and it’s brand. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

4) It’s easy to use - once you get set up, you just hit Start Broadcast and start talking. Your grandma could even handle this one. 5) The videos last only 24 hours online which results result in people engaging and responding quickly before it’s gone. However, you can save to your camera and upload to YouTube later for further use quickly and easily, plus use add-ons such as katch.me to manage and store. This helps with building FAQ videos, and a gallery for prospects and customers to reference. 6) It increases transparency between a company and it’s market. This increases trust, improves customer interaction, makes you appear more genuine and availability to answer live questions face to face can lead to more sales, faster. 7) Show the love and monitor interaction via Hearts. This feature lets you send virtual hearts in real time. Getting more hearts means you’re audience is engaged and in agreement. You may know from this the perfect time to introduce a close into the conversation.

9) Allows you to become a journalist on the ground. Capture the good, the bad and the motivational and bring to light events, people, places and things that need to be known. I did one from my favorite Dry Cleaners and I did one live from China when the Beijing celebration was happening that shut down the city. (and yes, Twitter isn’t allowed in China) 10) Last but not least, it’s free. So what are the cons of Periscope. It’s addictive. if you thought you could lose time on Facebook, watch out after spreading some hearts on the latest broadcast you may realize that a full hour has gone by. It’s live so anything can happen or be said, so if you’re sensitive you may just have to be selective with what you watch. But if you’re ready to dive in here are a few links to help you out; Grab the necessary apps you need at iTunes or Android; www.periscope.com

8) Easy global reach. Anyone with a Twitter account anywhere in the world can watch your latest Periscope broadcast either live or in the streaming area. Page 32 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

You can catch the latest streams on your phone by downloading the app or visiting https://www.periscope.tv/ and www.Twitter.com Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

About: Tracy Repchuk, is a 5-Time International Bestselling Author and Online Marketing and Social Media Strategist and speaker. As an award-winning entrepreneur since the age of 19 with over 30 years of business, internet, SEO, and marketing she has helped thousands of clients develop your brand, and launch your message online fast and effectively. In addition she has appeared as a technology specialist in National TV segments with ABC, CBS, FOX, CW, NBC, HGTV San Diego Living, Good Morning New Mexico, CNBC, Report on Business TV, Vegas Inc, USA Today, Forbes, MSN, and over 50 publications, newspapers and magazines, 3 motivational movies, plus hundreds of speaking appearances in over 35 countries. Get Tracy’s eBook Instant Online Impact - How Your Brand, Websites and Social Media Work Together for free at: www.FastActionResults.com

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Transition A New Series by Linda Rossetti Based on her New Book Women & Transition

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Part 4

VOICE: IS IT TIME TO DIGNIFY YOURS? Page 37 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Why don’t we use our Voices? "People don't really care what it says," offered one courageous participant in response to my question.

"Why don't we use our voices?" I asked a room of young women. They joined me for a breakout session at a Saturday leadership conference in Boston in early February. To a one these ladies were intelligent and engaged and hopeful. Page 38 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Wow. Her comment hung in the room for a moment. Everyone seemed to be acknowledging this horrendous truth. How present is your voice? For the past four years I've conducted research on women and transition. I've found voice everywhere in my travels. Because of this frequency I am now curious about the connection between our actions and our voices. Here is how I think about the two: Transition occurs - very often - when what holds value or meaning to us begins to shift. A sudden change in health status can trigger a transition. So too, a marriage. Countless events or feelings - like boredom - can serve as triggers to transition. For my friends last weekend upcoming college graduations served as their triggers. Here's the rub - triggers don't guarantee an action. They simple deposit us at the opportunity for action. The decision to act is entirely our own. But what about the voice side of the equation? At its simplest I've come to believe that voice directs our actions.or feelings - like boredom - can serve as Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

triggers to transition. For my friends last weekend upcoming college graduations served as their triggers. Here's the rub - triggers don't guarantee an action. They simple deposit us at the opportunity for action. The decision to act is entirely our own. But what about the voice side of the equation? At its simplest I've come to believe that voice directs our actions. Voice is the unfiltered expression of who we are. Missing from our voice should be things like expectations of what we should or could do. It is simply who we are. Core. Authentic. True. The tricky element to voice is that the world steps in and challenges our ability to hear it. Lots of influences join this fray: exhaustion; demands on our time; emotions; expectations of those around us; and our own internal self-judgment. All these factors can conspire to mute our voices. Page 39 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Was my breakout session comrade correct? Should we add to the list of influences on voice this notion of what others think? I found a potential answer to that question when I listened to an interview with a not-for-profit leader, Jacqueline Novogratz, on an NPR TED Radio Hour. She introduced a perspective on voice taken from those who live with extreme poverty. She said of the women she observed that after a while “it’s really hard to say what you mean mostly because people never really ask you and when they do, you don’t think they really want to know the truth.” In transition - as in every day of our lives - we want your voice. Your truth. I recall the moment that I learned how isolating our truth can be. It was during a conversation with a grad school classmate of mine with whom I hadn't spoken in years. We needed to catch up before starting on the objective of our call. After he told me about what he was up to I spent a few minutes Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

bringing him up to speed on the exciting portfolio of projects that I had underway. These included working with female-led start-ups, serving on the Board of Trustees of a $1.5 billion health-care company, and authoring a blog, a precursor to my book, Women and Transition. This portfolio had taken years to assemble. It was the most tangible example to date of my transition. I was thrilled about it and very energized.

choose, that could and should be enough - regardless of the reactions of colleagues, friends, and family members. It was my voice. My truth. My core. Unfinished but far from unrecognizable. As 2016 I hope that at a minimum you bring your awareness to your voice. Even if you hear only a whisper imagine what you'd do if you chose to dignify it?

I learned that if I believed in the value of what I choose, that could and should be enough -

As soon as I stopped talking, he said, “So you’re a stay-at-home mom?” I was speechless. And angry. Time has allowed me to think differently about that call. He unknowingly gave me a gift. His remark was so insulting that it pushed me to realize that it didn't matter. I learned that if I believed in the value of what I Page 40 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Want more? For a video on voice and transition watch: Here Linda Rossetti is the author of Women & Transition: Reinventing Work and Life and a regular contributor to E. She holds an MBA from Harvard and serves as Managing Director of Golden Seeds, LLC. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Meet Linda Rossetti Author & Advocate of Women & Transition

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Linda Rossetti focuses on women’s development through research, advocacy and writing. She also serves as Managing Director for Golden Seeds, LLC, an angel capital network for women -led entrepreneurial businesses. She previously served as Executive Vice President for Human Resources and Administration for Iron Mountain; Board and Compensation Committee member for Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates; and CEO of EMaven, Inc., a venture capital backed tech start-up that was sold to Perot Systems, Inc., now Dell Corporation. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a B.A. from Simmons College.

Women & Transition serves as a cornerstone to a broader effort spearheaded by Rossetti to build the capacity for transition in women. Rossetti argues that in order for women’s progress to accelerate the capacity for transition needs to be developed in women in parallel to renewed policy and programmatic efforts designed to address the cultural, governmental and workplace barriers that exist today for women and a growing but small number of men who hold care roles.

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The Pregnant Woman and her Tablets How to Reduce The Health Risks of EMR The First in a new Series called Life-Work by Coach Allison Author of Life Work Balance and Burn Out Prevention.

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The other day I saw a pregnant woman watching a movie on her tablet placed on her belly. This was one of those things that I, a cancer survivor and holistic health/ lifestyle coach, see and tell myself that I really need to do more to share my battle-tested knowledge. This is my understood mission after all, and why my life was spared from a deathbed. So it is my duty to share this: a close correlation between some of our most beloved possessions and some of the most serious health risks in our society. Our mobile devices and radiation. The global culture has changed by leaps and bounds in the last century by a brilliant invention called electricity. It’s a beautiful thing. It really is a modern-day miracle. Who would have thought that a pregnant woman could place her own personal portable movie theater on her belly and watch a film of her choice? It’s also a phone, a camera, an encyclopedia, a scanner, a heartrate monitor, and pretty much anything you want it to be. So easy, convenient, and affordable. We love these amazing supercomputers that fit in our pockets or purses. We keep and organize our lives in them and carry them with us at all times. We love them all too much. And this seems to be an irreversible trend. These tablets, cell phones, and all other electronic devices that we love, emit radiation. Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is everywhere and, in this 21st century, there isn’t much we can do to make it go away. One thing that most people don’t realize, or don’t want to believe, is that EMR is harmful. Radiation is harmful! Yes, it’s the same radiation (of x-rays) that pregnant women should avoid, to prevent possible birth defects. Yes, it’s the same radiation used to kill cancer, the abnormal cells that grow fast without dying. That’s how lethal radiation can be.

Page 46 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Here are some of the more prominent biological effects of EMR: • Genetic mutation • Cancer (yes, mammograms cause breast cancer 1 . Choose ultrasound or thermography instead) • Cellular / molecular • Behavioral changes • Nervous system / brain Blood-brain barrier permeability Calcium efflux • Cardiovascular • Sleeping disorders • Hormonal disturbance • Immune system • Metabolic effects • Autoimmunity  Fertility impairment  Interpersonal effects (due to imbalance in the brain)  Impaired learning Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

You mobile devices are certainly not the same as the radiation medical procedures, but the health risk can be just as damaging, or worse, over time. There are three components to these negative effects: 1. Quantity Radiation from your electronic devices are obviously much weaker in strength than the radiation therapy made to kill cancer and the x-rays that take images through your body. This low level EMR also comes from cell towers, radios, and anything that runs by electricity. It is everywhere. 2. Duration X-ray is a flick in a fraction of a second. Even the oncologic radiation therapy treatment is usually done in less than 30 seconds. The radiation exposure in these medical procedures is strong but very quick. The radiation exposure from your electronic devices, however, is nonstop, everyday of your life. The EMR damages inevitably accumulate. Page 47 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

3. Proximity This is the most threatening factor. Most people keep their mobile devices on them at all times. They never keep their devices more than 2 to 3 feet away from their bodies, ever, even when they sleep. The health risk is the greatest when the radiation is in direct contact with the body. The closer it is physically placed, the greater the harm – texting, swiping, placing the phone on your ear, placing it on your lap between your texts and calls, carrying it in your pocket, simply holding it in your hand, etc. So let’s go back to the pregnant woman I saw. No, she was not getting an x-ray, but the tablet was placed on her belly that had a baby inside, probably for the entire duration of the movie that she was watching! And I imagine this was not the first time or the last time that she used her belly to hold her tablet or her phone. This is an extremely unhealthy habit. But I’m certain that she didn’t know, didn’t even give it a second thought, as a mother would not deliberately hurt her unborn child. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Keep your mobile devices away from your body as much as possible. What I find tragic about this topic is that even when people know about the dangers of EMR, they ignore them. There are three major reasons why EMR health risks are not taken seriously: 1. We love the devices that emit EMR 2. The damage to the human body is painless – no immediate reason to worry 3. Electronic devices are a big lucrative business that makes the world go around, and there are no public campaigns to warn or inform the users But we’re not without alarming information. There have been thousands of studies on the health risks of EMR in the past decade or so. Unfortunately, they are not the large “main stream” government-funded studies so they don’t always make the headlines for the general public. In 2006, Dr. Lennart Hardell, a Swedish oncologist and professor, published that those who begin using cell phones heavily before age 20 have four to five times more risk of brain cancer by their late 20s, compare to those with minimal cell phone exposure. 2 Human brains don’t fully develop till about 20 years old, so young people are especially susceptible. 3 They are also the age group that is most fascinated by the electronic devices that emit EMR. In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared cell phones a Class B Carcinogen. The expert panel ruled that there was “some evidence” that regular cell phone use increased the risk of two types of tumors – brain tumors (gliomas) and acoustic neuromas. 4 Tablets have since entered the market and pose the same threat as cell phones, but only bigger. It’s a bigger machine. So you see why I freaked out about that pregnant woman! My story of EMR began with my radiation treatment for my extremely aggressive breast cancer. Unlike the information I received prior to the treatments, radiation was NOT painless – it felt like a thousand needles poking my chest all at once. Although each treatment lasted only about 15 seconds, Page 48 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

the total of 25 treatments left me with a severe burn and blisters that didn’t heal for several months.

Then in my post -cancer life, I quickly became aware of my new, extreme sensitivity to frequencies. It literally makes me ill and sick to my stomach when there’s a lot of it (computer stores, any big crowd where everyone has at least one mobile device on them). Once I was sitting next to a young lady with a smart phone on her lap. I could literally feel the overwhelming amount of radiation flowing out of that phone of hers. Before I chose to get up and move to a different seat, I told her that I was sensitive to EMR and that there was an unusual amount shooting out of her phone. “Oh, that’s because it’s broken,” she said. “This back panel of the battery compartment is loose.” Radiation can travel through objects, so the phone clearly had more problems than the loose panel. I told her that. She was so impressed that I could point out her phone, of all the phones that were nearby, and knew that it was broken. She looked to be in her late 20’s or early 30’s, so I mentioned I was health/lifestyle coach and let her know that she’d want to avoid keeping her phone on her lap so close to her lower abdomen, since she was still in her child-bearing years. Anyway, I searched for a couple of years for a solution to my radiation sensitivity, as I struggled to enjoy Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

This solution is a chip made with Molecular Resonance Effect Technology (MRET) 6 which neutralizes the EMR from electronic devices. Blood and thermal tests have shown that the neutralization blocks cell damage in the user’s body. 5 These chips are called Cell Guards. Place one on the back of your cell phone. If you use a phone cover, put it on the cover – the chip should not be blocked. I like the “sliver” model, since it is flat and easier to keep on the phone. They work for 12 months. If you get a new phone in that time, get a new chip for it. Peeling it off from one phone and taping it onto a different phone does not work. http://giawellness.com/healthcoachallison/ products/terra-gia/cell-guard/ I also recommend Universal Guard, which works on other electronic devices such as laptops, routers, TVs, microwaves, etc. They work for 36 months. the modern conveniences that emit EMR. I found numerous claims on how to mitigate or reduce the EMR, but none of them could really explain how that could be done. EMR is painless, therefore the remedy is painless as well, which opens up a wide range of opportunities for scams. How would you know if it’s really working? It’s not like taking a pill for your headache, being pain-free in 30 minutes and knowing that the pill worked. I was confident that I would sense the difference if the EMR was reduced around me, but I wasn’t about to pay for all the “miracle” products in order to find out. So I kept on searching for a logical explanation... because I was not about to give up my mobile devices! A couple of months ago I found a solution. I read its technical publications 5 and they made sense to me. And oh, I should mention that before cancer and my current career in health/lifestyle coaching, I worked as a licensed engineer for almost 20 years. I love studying technical stuff. And I can tell you that the technology behind this invention is solid. Page 49 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

http://giawellness.com/healthcoachallison/products/ terra-gia/universal-guard/ Yes, these chips work! Now I can use my smart phone without feeling ill or weak. I can work on my laptop with the router nearby without feeling dizzy or nauseated. They are making a huge difference in my life. Cell Guards and Universal Guards using MRET technology are the only patented invention of its kind. US Patent # US6369399 Followers of my blog 7 and publications 8 know that I have never promoted or recommended a particular brand of any product (do you know how many vendors come to me with their diet pills and protein powders and ask me to endorse them). I am sharing this one because I know these chips protect me from the harmful effects of EMR and will do the same for others. And I don’t want another pregnant woman to use her belly as a tablet holder without knowing how to protect herself and her unborn baby from EMR. Not on my watch. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Meet Coach Allison, CHC Author, Speaker, Health and Lifestyle Coach, Certified in Integrative Nutrition and Corporate Wellness. www.HealthCoachAllison.com

For additional references and information on this topic, please go to www.HealthCoachAllison.com/ pages/contact-us

DISCLAIMER: A Health/lifestyle Coach is a mentor and guide who has been trained in holistic health to help attain sustainable lifestyle changes. Coach Allison is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, nutritionist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional, and that any advice given in this article is not meant to take the place of advice by these professionals. Coach Allison accepts no responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of the information Page 50 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

and recommendation she shares. Each reader of this article understands that the information received should not be seen as medical or nursing advice. Implementation must be personalized as the reader sees fit.

About Coach Allison Coach Allison is a health and lifestyle coach, certified in Integrative Nutrition and Corporate Wellness. She is also a professional speaker, bestselling author, and cancer survivor. After her victory over cancer, she became a health coach to share her battle-tested knowledge on selfawareness and holistic health. Having lived a crazy busy corporate life herself, Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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she understands the challenges and demands of the life in the fast lane. She helps busy professionals and entrepreneurs find energy and mental clarity so they can get more done in less time. The focus of her coaching practice is on life-work balance and burnout prevention, for the optimal wellbeing and performance. She insists that life-work balance is possible, whereas work-life balance is a false hope. Changing the order of the words “life” and “work” implies self-caring mentality, which is often forgotten when the busy lifestyle demands more than 24 hours in a day. This is especially true for women, with innate desire to place others’ needs before their own. Putting life before work means taking care of yourself Page 51 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

first so that you can be at your best in everything you do, including work. All choices and actions in one’s lifestyle affect health which, in turn, crafts the lifestyle. Coach Allison helps her clients connect the dots between health factors that do not seem related at first – diet and relationships, boundaries and sleep, expectations and wardrobe, weight management and time, and so many more. Only when these connections are clearly understood, can the lifestyle truly improve in sustainable transformation. Coach Allison offers individual coaching, group coaching and online coaching. She loves to laugh, celebrate life, and praise the accomplishments of those around her.

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A Sit Down With Betty Spence Ph.D. President of NAFE

Betty Spence, Ph.D., is a speaker and author who has spent over 20 years as an advocate for women’s leadership in the private and public sectors. She is an expert on sponsorship, women on corporate boards, women in executive leadership, and women in public office. For 15 years, Betty has served as President of the National Association for Female Executives (NAFE), Page 56 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

the nation’s largest association for women professionals and business owners that provides education, networking, and public advocacy. In addition, she consults with organizations on the advancement of women, conducts leadership workshops, and implements sponsorship initiatives.

Betty created and chairs the NAFE Roundtable of senior corporate Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Over the years, have you noticed trends with Female Executives? Click to Listen

What is your vision for Women in the future? Click to Listen

Growing up, what was your greatest influence or motivator motivator?? Click to Listen

women, a coalition of women executives committed to creating and implementing initiatives to advance women leaders. She started the annual list of the “NAFE Top Companies for Executive Women,” a benchmark for corporations on women’s advancement that emphasizes women in profit-and-loss (P&L) positions as the Page 57 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The author of Be Your Own Mentor (Random House, 2001), Betty interviewed over 35 successful women executives about their leadership and compiled diverse success strategies for up-and-coming women that remains one of the top-selling business books on Amazon. She holds a Ph.D. in English and began her career as an academic teaching women’s studies and literature. February, 2016

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Women Thrive Worldwide advocates for change at the U.S. and global levels so that women and men can share equally in the enjoyment of opportunities, economic prosperity, voice, and freedom from fear and violence.

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We ground our work in the realities of women living in poverty, partner with locally based organizations, and create powerful coalitions to advance the interests of the women and girls we serve.


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5 Steps to Building an Expert Empire From Scratch I just finished reading Brendon Burchard’s book called “The Millionaire Messenger“. And I’m sharing my biggest takeaways from the book that I got. Today I wanted to share with you the real meat of the book, which ishow to build an expert empire aka your own business from scratch based on the knowledge that you have or which you can acquire. It doesn’t matter what niche you are in, whether it is health & wellness, finances, relationship advice, gardening, sports, you can always teach the information that you have to others. This is how an expert empire can be built. There are 5 steps that an expert empire consists of, which I talk about in the video below.

1.Create a Low-Priced InfoProduct The very first step you need to take is to create some type of product that is priced very low. In the Page 70 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

online marketing we also call it a TripWire. It can be priced at about $7 to $47, which allows you to fund your advertising campaigns. This product also helps you build your list of customers aka buyers. Getting leads is great, but getting buyers is better.

Remember, a buyer is a buyer is a buyer. And no, it’s not a typo.

a buyer is a buyer is a buyer.

Brendon says it can be priced at about $20 to $200. It really depends on the value that you put into your information product. That’s how you decide on the price. Your product can be either physical, or a digital one. It’s totally up to you to decide. It can be a book or some type of cheat sheet that you can ship to your customers, and have them only cover the shipping (it also makes them buyers). Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

2.Create a Low-Priced Subscription Program

3.Create a Mid-Tier InfoProduct That’s the product that will range from $200 to $999

Residual income is what everybody is striving to build. You can’t just work every single month to get more and more customers. You will find it exhausting. That’s why you need to have a continuity program in place, or a subscription where your customers will pay you monthly fee to access

(because products that start from $1,000 are considered high-tier or high-ticket). Again, think about your subject that you wanna master. If you’re in online marketing, it can be blogging, it can be video marketing, it can be SEO, it can be mindset training. Whatever it is that you can legitimately teach to people, work on it.

your training that you provide. This can be any topic. You can talk about blogging, social media, or whatever industry that you’re in. With your subscription you can get very creative. You can deliver training on a particular subject every month. You can do weekly or biweekly or even monthly live trainings or hangouts with your customers. You can even have a paid physical newsletter that you would ship every month to your subscribers.

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Creating that kind of product also great for your branding and positioning. And I believe, you should create your own product when you already have created results in a certain area. In the video above I talk about this in more details, so feel free to watch it to get a better idea of a mid-tier product.

4.Create a High-Tier Multiday Seminar This step is a little bit advanced, and not everybody is ready to do that. However, that’s something you can absolutely consider doing down the line. Usually Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

events are from 2 to 4 days. You can invite other experts to come to your live event and speak. You either pay them to speak, or you let them promote their products to your audience. The prices for every event are different. It always depends on the host of the event, and the speakers that are presenting. Usually there’s a general admission for the event, and a VIP upgrade, where you can hang out more with the speakers, and get all kinds of bonuses. Again, if you’re not ready to create your own live events, you can promote affiliate events, and get paid for promotion too. The next event I’m attending isLive the Dream 7, which is gonna be in Austin, and you cancheck it out here or on the sidebar of my blog. 5.Create a High-Priced Coaching Program This can be either a private coaching (which takes more of your personal time), or a group coaching program (which is more leveraged). It’s totally up to you how you structure your coaching, it can be a 90 day coaching with you, it can be 6or 12-month program. I wouldn’t recommend doing 12-month coaching straight away. Start with 90 days, and see how it works out. And then you can scale. What Brendon talks about in the book when it comes to building your expert empire, 1-on-1 coaching is good in the beginning, when you charge per hour. But you cannot scale this. Eventual Page 72 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

ly once you grow your customer base, you will be on the phone with your clients all the time. You won’t have time for anything else. That’s why group coaching is way better, and you can create bonuses for your clients, like a monthly 60 minute call or something like this. In the video above I discuss that in details. Did you enjoy this post? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented and share. Jelena Ostrovska Skype: helen_ostrov Email: jelena@jelenaostrovska.com

“I help entrepreneurs create a successful brand online using social media & blogging.” P.S. Does You Upline Have a Step-by-Step Blueprint For Your ONLINE Marketing Success? If Not, Check This Out (Unless You Already Got Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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Changing Lives Shellie Hunt Founder & President

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Ment Mentooring

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Retur Returnn On Invest Investment ment The First in a new Series by Danielle Joworski,

B. Sc., BEd in Adult Education (ADED) International Best Best--Selling and Author of The ATHENA Prodigies: Empowering women Empowering Girls Page 83 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Employee growth and development is a cornerstone to a successful business, and investing in people does not need to be seen as a financial draw as expertise and knowledge is pre-existing within any organization. Knowledge, when shared and valued amongst employees can become one of the most critical investments that a company can make in its employees, and can be made by investing in the time and fruition of relationships; through the creation or enhancement of a workplace mentoring program. Statistics show that employees are changing jobs frequently. The median tenure of employees between the ages of 25 – 35 years is approximately 3.2 years and the average person is deemed to be changing their job 12 times across their career (http://jobsearch.about.com/od/ careerdevelopment/qt/stay-at-a-job.htm). When investment in the dispersion of knowledge is not made and it becomes lost through means such as career changes or retirements, there is a financial loss attributed to the employee but also to the information and knowledge held by the employee. When employees leave their workplace, they leave their files behind but they take with them sometimes invaluable information and in some instances, information that only they possessed. Most companies have a formal process for backing up computer files and creating retention periods for paper records, the tangible information that we like to have at our fingertips, but not all companies utilize a formal process to protect or back-up the intellectual knowledge held by their

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the knowledge of their employees it is equitable to losing historical data. The benefits of mentoring extend well beyond the transfer and retaining of intellectual property. Development and growth of the knowledge, skills and behaviors of employees engaged in the mentoring relationship (a ‘dyad’) can have positive impact on motivation, productivity and perceived sense of value in the workplace that can drive into the core of the business and its results. For women, there is the potential additional benefit of increasing their social capital when mentored by high-status leaders. Although much of the focus is on the needs and results of the individual whom is the mentee in a dyad, there are four benefactors when formal mentoring programs are incorporated into the workplace; the mentee, the mentor, colleagues and peers of both members of the dyad and the business. Mentees are typically individuals that have less experience in a workplace, and have been identified as someone that would benefit from the guidance and role modeling of a senior employee who has particular knowledge and traits that could enhance the mentees personal and professional development. The benefits that mentoring provides to mentees are related to the knowledge and skills as well as the emotional support that they acquire from their mentor. Mentoring provides mentees with the opportunity to acquire skills that they do not possess or hone in and improve on skills that with finessing can take their performance to the next level. Maybe they need to learn how to analyze results from a software program to improve their research skills or need to finetune their technical writing abilities or learn how to be confident making decisions. Whatever key or essential skills and behaviors the mentee needs to develop or improve on they can learn it through the transfer of information

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and role modeling from the mentor. The emotional support provided to the mentee can provide the confidence needed to practice and gain a particular skill and minimize the lag time associated with learning the new skill. Support can also become a motivator for the mentee to create a desire to do well and achieve results as research shows that employees with mentors are more engaged in their workplace which can have a positive impact on productivity (http:// www.esdc.gc.ca/en/essential_skills/tools/ mentoring.page). For mentees whom are women, mentoring can have an additional benefit of increasing their social capital within an organization. Research indicates that as the mentoring relationship grows, so does its visibility and association of the mentee with the mentor across an organization. Women with high-status mentors, more than men, gain more visibility within their workplace and as a result increase their ability network with business partners (http://phys.org/news/2015-10-workplace -benefit-female-employees-men.html). Page 85 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The increase in social capital has the positive benefit of mentees having greater access and availability to a breadth of knowledge to provide answers, solutions or assistance when problem solving or decision making. For individuals whom are selected or volunteer to be mentors they typically possess the knowledge, skills, behaviors and embrace the company culture that the company wants to see exemplified (http:// smallbusiness.chron.com/importance-developingmentoring-program-31386.html). Being recognized as a mentor has a positive placement on their tenure and experience and can result in the mentor having a sense that the company values their contributions over the years and that they are recognized as an expert. Being a mentor provides individuals with the opportunity to share the knowledge and experience that they have to help in the development, growth and success of somebody else. By relying on a number of soft-skills in order to emotionally support the needs of the mentee, mentors have the opportunity to flex and display their range of leadership and Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

communication skills as they listen, question, challenge, provide feedback and support their mentee. When mentees achieve their goals, there is a direct correlation to the mentor also feeling a sense of pride in that they played a formative role in the accomplishments and success of their mentee. This sense of pride can grow a mentors desire to continue to support the mentee for a long duration or want to grow the reach of their assistance and share their knowledge as a mentor to others. Peers and colleagues of mentors and mentees benefit from their relationship as the growth of each individual can have a ripple effect of knowledge, skills and behaviors trickling to others. As a mentor is open and willing to share their knowledge with a mentee, that behavior can be reciprocated by the mentee and the newly acquired knowledge extended to others through informal learning methods or by the mentee changing roles and building on their experience and becoming a mentor. The establishment of the mentoring relationship, especially with the mentor and mentee are from different departments, is a visual representation that the company values collaboration, including inter-departmental (http:// smallbusiness.chron.com/benefits-corporatementoring-66061.html). This is a strong signal to employees that perceived silos of knowledge have actual application in other departments and fields and can open up the channels of communication and foster relationships across departments. When employees are engaged and motivated, the results are often seen in increased productivity and less wasted product, lost time or efficiencies. Productivity can be due to a mentee agreeing to working more hours when an emergency arises or volunteering to work on project teams to apply what they have learned by their mentor. It can also be cost savings sustained as a result of the mentees increased confidence which in-turn allows them to make more effective decisions resulting in less mistakes or errors. Engagement can also increase employee morale and staff retention as employees have the perception Page 86 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

that the company is investing in them and that they are valued (http://smallbusiness.chron.com/ importance-developing-mentoring-program31386.html). Where mentoring could be of value is in relation to the growing Millennial population in the workforce. Millennials bring new energy, innovation and a different perspective on work desires and limitations, but depending on their age or tenure at a company they may have limited experience or knowledge, knowledge that exists within the Baby Boomer and Generation X co-horts. With accessibility to this knowledge quickly dwindling as Boomers retire and employees are changing roles every few years, being able to harness and share information between employees is critical to the future efficiencies of an organization and personal development of its employees. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

expectations, regardless of whether a mentoring program is being established or is mature, can identify what gaps exist, where more data or research is needed and when external resources may be required to support in the development of a mentoring program or gain expertise in a specific area identified as an opportunity area. Mentoring is a rich investment in the upskilling and development of employees and is a long-term investment in the retention of the intellectual property of the business. Care should be taken to ensure that mentoring programs are established to create value and longterm results for the company in order to protect its most valuable assets; people and knowledge. When experience is shared with mentees and learning is supported by mentors, the lag time associated with an employee becoming proficient or consciously competent in a particular skill is significantly reduced. Companies that are able to successfully transfer knowledge, skills, behaviors and culture across its employees will be in a much stronger position to problem-solve, be innovative, manage downtime and make more effective and efficient decisions. Employees will also be more engaged in their own development and motivated to achieve business results. For those organizations that want to develop a formal mentoring program, or improve upon an existing one, goals and expectations need to be defined. What are the desired outcomes? Is there a holistic skill that all mentees need to develop or will skill development be specific to each dyad? What are the expectations? What is the selection criteria? What training is needed? Will dyads be made up of persons in the same or different departments? How are results going to be measured? At what frequency should dyads provide feedback on the program? What is the duration of the program? How is mentoring going to be different than training or can it complement existing training programs? Defining goals and expectations will provide the foundation for a mentoring program. A gap assessment performed against goals and

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With workplace statistics citing a trend for employees to change careers frequently across their lifetime, retention of employees and their intellectual knowledge are worth investing in. Mentoring offers companies a broad return on their investments that can have a positive impact on business results from building collaborative relationships and increasing an employees perceived sense of value to increased motivation and produc-

The outcome of an effective mentoring program is that through the sharing of knowledge and expertise, the breadth of employees operating at higher levels of proficiency and skill increases, providing a finantivity.

cial gain to companies through productivity and not loss, setting companies and their employees up for long-term growth and success. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

About Danielle Joworski B. Sc., BEd - ADED Danielle Joworski holds has woven elements of writing throughout her career as a leader and educator. In 2015, she made the decision to be authentic to her true calling and resigned from her corporate life to spend more time with her family and nurture her dream to write. Her first book, The ATHENA Prodigies: Empowering Women Empowering Girls, was an international best-seller and represented her own journey of empowerment. As an adult educator and trainer she is an advocate of using critical reflection as a powerful learning tool and uses it to mentor others. Her writing focuses on empowering women by sharing lessons from her own professional experiences across different industries and leadership positions while working full-time as a wife and Mom. Danielle focuses her time on growing her knowledge by pursuing a Master’s degree and giving back to her community by volunteering for causes that support the empowerment of girls and bring attention to mental health. To discover more about Danielle, you can visit her website at: http://www.daniellejoworski.com. Page 88 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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in Your Relationship: 50 Percent o 100% of the Responsibility Part of the Heart of the Fight Series by Dr. Judith Wright Page 90 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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of the Blame, based on her new book. Page 91 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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En Enggage!

Listen as Dr. Wright Talks About Engage!

50 Percent of the Blame, 100% of the Responsibility Want to have engaging, meaningful, successful relationships in your career and in your personal life? In our January issue, we looked at the 7 Rules of Engagement for Fighting Fair and Loving Well. This month, we’re digging into two very important rules that go together:

Rule #3 – No one gets more than 50 percent of the blame. Rule #4 – You each get 100 percent responsibility for your happiness and satisfaction. These two rules for creating thriving relationships are game changers. If you did nothing else but focused on these two areas in your career and personal relationships, you’d see dramatically different results.

Rule #3: No one gets more than 50 percent of the blame. Like it or not, we all play a part in any dynamic of our relationship; it takes two to tango! You may start an argument, but your partner or friend may be the one who responded counterproductively, exacerbating the situation. You are always a participant in the drama or upset, even if the other person is working something through. Page 92 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Maybe you fail to communicate what you want, or actively bait you’re the other person, or don’t set limits, or nag rather than constructively act. Maybe the other person engages does those things. No matter who starts the argument or makes a situation difficult, you and your partner are a part of a system, and whatever happens in the relationship, you both have a part in it. So, when you find yourself wanting to put the full blame on the other person, remind yourself that the highest percentage of blame you can assign for any situation is 50 percent. Think that sounds too hard to do? One of our students, a grade-school teacher, taught these rules in his classroom. He reported that his third -and fourth-grade students were applying the 50 percent rule in their arguments. For example, one student while fighting would say, “I am never going to play this game!” or “I will never be your friend.” But then it would bother her all day. She practiced taking 50 percent of the responsibility for the problem and then responded differently. “Yeah, I did do that.” And the other student says, “I know, I did some of that too.” They both took 50 percent, resolved their fight, and made friends again. If third and fourth graders can master this skill, it seems only Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

reasonable that we’d be willing to try it out in the boardroom and the bedroom! Taking 50 percent sets the stage for the next rule of engagement.

Rule #4: You each get 100 percent responsibility for your happiness and satisfaction. It is not anyone else’s responsibility to make you happy. It is yours alone (though of course we should support our partners and friends). If you want something different, it is up to you to make it happen. What do you yearn for? What is it that you truly want? How do you want your relationship to be? What outcome do you desire? You want him to be more attentive or to take more responsibility for household chores, to do her share of the project at the office— what can you do about that? You want her to stop spending so much money—what are you going to do about that? Ready for a powerful hint? Nagging, blaming, and complaining are not what it takes to change things and to make you happy. All of these are irresponsible actions. Go back to Rule #3 and look more closely at where you need to take responsibility for your part of the relationship. Then inventory what you would need to be satisfied ad happy. I have a staff member who works for me, a professional executive, who spent years being disappointed at birthdays and anniversaries, because her husband really never understood her, never knew what she wanted. She interpreted that to mean that he clearly didn’t care enough about her or he would respond differently. When she learned this rule about taking 100% responsibility for her experience, she completely changed how she behaved. Rather than expecting him to read her mind, she would tell him what she wanted. She would think it through and give him ideas. She would make wish lists of gift ideas and really vision for what would feel good each year in being celebrated. And surprise! She is now satisfied and happy with how he celebrates her anniversaries. He didn’t have an “aha” moment. Page 93 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Instead, she took responsibility for her own happiness and educated him. She was then delighted to discover that he really did want to please her, but didn’t know how. Imagine taking 100% responsibility for your satisfaction and happiness in all your relationships. What could be possible? Now remember, it probably took you months or years to become you and for the relationship dynamics to develop. So it is unrealistic to expect change to happen immediately. Battle strategies involve campaigns, not single conversations. Progress is made by persistence and priorities, not single actions. Continually share your yearnings and engage fully and responsibly to develop more clarity, understanding, and movement. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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She’s A Vet A New Series Featuring Female Vets, Opportunities and Resources. Hosted By Marylyn Harris. Page 99 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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She’s A Vet Featuring Luz Rebollar in the Houston VA Regional Office. During her sixteen- year tenure with AMVETS she helped thousands of veterans obtain their disability benefits. AMVETS recognized her dedication and leadership abilities and promoted her to Regional Service Director, where she supervised all the AMVETS Service Offices west of the Mississippi River. She became the first female, first Hispanic and youngest person to serve in this capacity. Her dedication to help veterans led her to create The Scuttlebutt, Houston's only veteran newspaper. Houston is home to the second largest veteran population and the largest female- veteran population in the country. The Scuttlebutt is a free newspapers dedicated to honoring veterans, educate them about local resources and benefits they are entitled to, and giving veterans a voice that they otherwise would not have. The Scuttlebutt has a circulation of 15,000 and is distributed to over 150 sites in eight Texas counties. Luz holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Houston, where she graduated Cum Laude.

Luz Rebollar is a naturalized citizen who grew up in Houston, always appreciating the opportunities this country had given her. Upon graduating high school, she joined the United States Navy. She served stateside, as an aviation support equipment technician, stationed in NATTC Pensacola. Upon her separation she became a National Service Officer for AMVETS, a national veterans service organization, Page 100 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The Scuttlebutt is the only free local publication that serves veterans and their supporters in Houston and surrounding areas. If you are a veteran organization leader we'd love to hear about you and how you help veterans. If you are a veteran, we'd love to let our readers know about your service and offer you a copy of The Scuttlebutt. If you are interested in advertising opportunities, we appreciate your help in funding local veteran news. The Department of Veteran Affairs estimates 500,000 veterans (and their families) call Houston ( Harris & surrounding counties) home. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Featuring Female Vets, Opportunities and Resources.

Business Resources for Women Veterans The Women Veterans Business Center www.WomenVeteransBusinessCenter.org Twitter - @WomenVetsBiz Facebook and Linkedin Groups – Women Veterans Business Center https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3262839 https://www.facebook.com/WVBC.org/? fref=ts The Women Veterans Business Center was created in 2010 to meet the unmet needs of Women Veterans Business Owners. The Center hosts outreach events (online and at locations throughout the US) to educate and empower Women Veterans and Military Families to start and grow Veteran-Owned Businesses.

TUCK School of Business Minority Business Programs at DARTMOUTH COLLEGE http://exec.tuck.dartmouth.edu/programs/ minority-programs The TUCK School of Business is the oldest US Business School, driving minority business education for over 35 years. Tuck’s minority business education programs are committed to help you adjust your business strategy and refine your operations if you are to survive, prosper, and grow to scale.

National Veteran Owned Business Association (NaVOBA) Woman VETREPRENEUR of the Year Program http://www.navoba.com/ NaVOBA unites the nation’s 3 million businesses owned by military veterans by providing a single voice to advocate for important issues. Buy Veteran is a national campaign spearheaded by the National Veteran-Owned Business Association (NaVOBA) to bring the Page 101 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

success and momentum of the National Veteran Business Movement to all of America’s 3 million veteranowned businesses. In 1999, the federal government passed Public Law 106-50 that set a mandate to award 3 percent of all federal contract and subcontract dollars to service-disabled veteran-owned businesses.

U.S. Small Business Administration - Office of Veterans Business Development https://www.sba.gov/offices/headquarters/ovbd The Office of Veterans Business Development's mission is to maximize the availability, applicability and usability of all administration small business programs for Veterans, Service -Disabled Veterans, Reserve Component Members, and their Dependents or Survivors.

Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University: Veteran Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship (V-WISE) Program Entreprenurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities Program Boots to Business (with U.S. Small Business Administration) http://vets.syr.edu/ The IVMF is the first interdisciplinary national institute in higher education focused on the social, economic, education and policy issues impacting veterans and their families post-service. Through our focus on veteran-facing programming, research and policy, employment and employer support, and community engagement, the institute provides in-depth analysis of the challenges facing the veteran community, captures best practices and serves as a forum to facilitate new partnerships and strong relationships between the individuals and organizations committed to making a difference for veterans and military families. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

She’s A Vet Business Resources for Women Veterans INC Military Entrepreneurs Program Patriot Bootcamps www.patriotbootcamp.org Patriot Boot Camp (PBC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on a mission to equip active duty military members, Veterans, and their spouses with the education, resources, and community needed to be successful technology entrepreneurs. The objective of PBC is to provide military members, Veterans, and spouses with access to mentors and training to help them innovate and build the next generation of high-growth, scaleable and impactful companies. Patriot Boot Camp leverages a nationwide network of business and startup community thought leaders to more effectively guide entrepreneurs in bridging the gap between military service and entrepreneurial life.

American Corporate Partners (ACP) Mentorship Program for Veterans http://www.acp-usa.org/mission-history American Corporate Partners (ACP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting veterans in their transition from the armed services to the civilian workforce. With the help of business professionals nationwide, ACP offers veterans tools for long-term career development through mentoring, career counseling, and networking opportunities.

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www.inc.com/military-entreprenuers A resource for veterans, service members, and military spouses to start, run, and grow their own businesses.

Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce National Center for Veterans Institute for Procurement http://www.montgomerycountychamber.com/ foundation/veteran-institute-procurement VIP is a 3-day, 27-hour comprehensive certification program for veteran businesses to increase their ability to win government contracts by establishing best business practices. An initiative of the Montgomery County Chamber Community Foundation (MCCCF), VIP is designed by the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce.

Oklahoma State University Veterans Entrepreneurship Program http://riata.okstate.edu/veterans The VEP is designed around two central elements: a) focused, practical training in the tools and skills of new venture creation and growth, reflecting issues unique to disability and public benefits programs; and b) the establishment of a support structure for graduates of the program.

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Featuring Female Vets, Opportunities and Resources.

Let’s Meet Our Column Host Host--Marylyn Harris

Marilyn Harris, is a true Champion for women, leading thousands of Veteran and other women into elevation today into their own expansions and elevations both personally and professionally, by providing resources and education for women business owners. Marilyn’s unique strength manifested from her foundation of challenging her own PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) into a National Movement for other Veteran Women. Leadership is born from challenge, and Marylyn magnetizes to this word, in every accomplishment she has challenged another layer of support behind women around the Nation. Marilyn initially began her foundation of leadership and strength in her own service in the Military, as a former Medic and Certified Vocational Nurse in the U.S. Army from 1981- 1992. She served a Tour of Duty in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm & Desert Shield. Her experiences and observations in the Page 103 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Military, elevated her beyond her own personal or professional career focus. Upon her growth in her education and Graduating with her Master’s Degree in Nursing and her MBA, she as well grew in her expansions in Graduating from several Prestigious Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Programs. Boot Camp for Veterans with Disabilities (EBV), Oklahoma State University Veterans Entrepreneurship Program (VEP), VWISE set out to make a difference for other Military Veteran Women, as also a National Ambassador for the Veteran Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship Program. Marilyn is courageously candid about the challenges she along with other women met with daily in her Military service including emotional control, sexual harassment or the reality of a silent code on sexual misconduct or even sexual assault within the larger Military infrastructure of higher chains of Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

She’s A Vet command. In her early years of service, the internal routine, for many women who did not comply with the sexual pressure, many times led for women to actually be Court Martialed or simply lowered in ranks or out casted by their male peers in a mental health brandishing to even a Dishonorable Discharge. To face extreme adversity and discounted violations is in itself a woman’s greatest test, but to Champion one’s experiences and support other women on the vast level that Marilyn has initiated, reflects on her depth of moral integrity. It was not enough for Marylyn Harris to accept the Military Silent Code in her days of service, and upon her return to the public sector after her service, she had to address her own Military Sexual Trauma and PTSD issues by regularly attending Combat Woman Support Groups. In any roads of violation, elevation can manifest a purpose and growth for thousands of other women. Marylyn returned to her Nursing career and growth in her own Home Health Consultant business while continuing in education, yet she was always aware there was a need to manifest a change, an elevation and support behind Veteran Women. In 2009, Marylyn researched with many colleagues, in realization Veteran Women in our Country were missing supportive alliances in growing their own economic stability and wealth generating companies after leaving the Military. In her devotion to synergy, Center, designed to assist the growth of potential of thousands of women

Page 104 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Marylyn launched the Nation’s first and only Women Veterans’ Business More than 30,000 women veterans in her local Houston office and eventually over 191,000 across the entire state of Texas received support in their own needs to actualize their economic growth in success in their developments of their own businesses. The Mission of the Women Veterans Business Center (WVBC), located in Houston, TX is to educate and empower women veterans, and their families who together work towards empowerment of women veterans after post-Military challenges many face, including potential PTSD, unemployment, depression or even mental illness or homelessness without the support behind their recovery and economic growth. Marylyn Harris only fittingly as a “Champion” and one that elevates “Change” in her daily support behind over two hundred thousand veteran women, was met with a very surprising phone call which appeared on her Caller ID, as “White House,” in a day, like no other she will never forget. She received a call from the White House, with invitation with her family to receive her “Champion of Change Award.” She had been nominated without her knowledge, and elected the recipient of this Honorable Award in 2013, meeting President Obama and the First Lady. Marylyn continues to be Honored with various Awards and was recognized as a Veteran Business Champion of the Year for five- state Small Business Administration Region VI. In 2014, she received the Distinguished Alumni Award from UT Health School of Nursing in Houston and is today Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Featuring Female Vets, Opportunities and Resources.

still growing, in her devotion to obtain her PHd in Nursing. There is no limitation of supportive growth for veteran women who connect to Marylyn Harris, who is one of the most approachable and nurturing leaders for women today. As she concludes, “we all need one another and we must stay connected as women to truly align our resources for extended educational workshops, speaker events and unique elevations to address the needs of women today. It’s when we don’t stay connected in trust is when we don’t do well.” If anyone can mentor women into growth and education, Marylyn Harris only reaches higher until she has moved thousands of other women with her up the “mountain of empowerment in collaborative teamwork and business accomplishments.” Marylyn shared, “Women will grow not only economically, but in our relationships, our health and wellness, our choices and our challenges, as we sincerely support one another and can then even address issues like health care conflicts for women or other challenges as a team.” For a little tiny town in Houston, to start a Resource

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Center in three short years to be recognized at the White House is inspiration for the potential of what is possible as Marylyn’s also a mom, and both her son and daughter supported her donating at Trade Shows and events and because of this work to serve as a Youth Board Member for WVBC, both of her children, received Scholarships in their Colleges for their service. If “challenge” were the name of a “mountain,” we know that Marylyn would be climbing the mountain to Mt Everest leading many women up the mountain with her to the top of the mountain. ~Francesca “Indigo” Jacobs

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Before & By Cheryl Hughley


What Bro

My name is Cheryl Hughley and I live in Bakersfield, Ca. Recently I was introduced and started using Purium products and have had life changing results. To better understand why I am so excited , let me tell you about the many health challenges I have endured. I haven't always made the best choices in my life concerning my health. As a young adult, I worked in fast food industry for 10 years and consumed “fast foods” on a daily basis; not a good choice. I also became an emotional eater due to all the turmoil and strife in my life. I didn't realize at the time how it would affect my health. Here's how it started: My mother and other family members were diagnosed with Lupus. I decided that it was important for me to be take the Lupus tests as well. My Lupus test came back positive. In 2004 with the stresses of life, work and food; I had my first bout with Lupus. My physician personally called me at my home because of the severity of my health.

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ought Me Back From Death’s Door After meeting with my doctor, I was told to drive directly to the hospital (2 hours from my home). During my eleven day hospital stay, I had four blood transfusion, a bone marrow and a lymphatic tumor removed and as a result of the medication (steroids) I developed Type 2 Diabetes. In 2009, unfortunately I had my 2nd challenge with Lupus. Again I was hospitalized, this time for six days. I had a plasma and blood transfusion and had four rounds of Chemotherapy adding more toxins in to my body. I was unable to work for more than 6 months while my body tried to recover from the treatment. Of all the health challenges, 2014 was the most severe. What I thought was a simple Hernia turned out to be inThat was the first flamed lymphatic tumors throughout the in- time in my life I side of my body. My Physician told my to get had a Physician my affairs in order, that ask if he could I should prepare for the worst. That was the first pray over my life. I time in my life I had a Physician ask if he could pray over my life. I was directed to go straight to the E.R. Where

I spent about eight or nine days. I had to

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have more blood transfusions and another tumor removed. My body went through so much trauma I couldn't walk, bathe or even feed myself because my body was so swollen. I was diagnosed with Hemolytic Anemia to add to the my long list of medical problems. When I was discharged from the hospital, I was sent home with about 25 pills to take daily and was scheduled to start Chemotherapy once again. As I began my treatment my body rejected the Chemo and I returned to the hospital. I then had to endure an I.V. In my arm for about three months which limited my life's activities. I couldn't go outside because the sun burned my skin that left blisters all over my body. The damage to my body both physically and emotionally has been tremendous. I never stop believing that I could be healthy; I just did not have a plan. In 2008. I met Coralean Chavis. From the first day we met, Coralean encouraged me to take better care of myself and to make better food choices. Coralean shared several products with me and the products seem to help. I was not consistent with the programs and quickly reverted back

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to old eating habits (the root of the my health challenges). I believe Coralean first told me about Purium after she completed her 10 day Body Transformation in December 2014. She sent me her website and ask me to review the program. I DID NOT! I really didn't see much of Coralean in 2015 until May. She ask me if I would help her with a project and that it would take a couple of days. Already knowing that Coralean would have something to say about my weight, I knocked on her door and she did not disappoint me. That evening we went out and enjoyed dinner. The next morning; my life changed. Coralean announced we were going to do the 10 Day Transformation and I had my first green drink. For the next ten days all I had to do was OPEN my mouth. 10 days later, I lost 21 pounds. The same week I had a previously scheduled doctors' appointment. After my exam, because my A1C levels were lower; the Doctor decided that I no longer need to take insulin. He also made the determination that the high blood pressure medication was no longer needed. I was overcome with emotion and the first person I called was Coralean. I was excited about the weight loss; however, getting off the Meds gave me the motivation to continue with the Purium 20 Day Continuation program. Two weeks later, I had an appointment with my Rheumatologist. After that exam, my Doctor decided to take me off my Lupus medication. Shortly thereafter, I had an appointment with my Primary Care Physician. She was impressed with the weight loss (40 lbs), the condition of my skin and feet. She said “Whatever you're doing;keep doing it.” I shared a brochure and Coralean's website with her. Page 110 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

After this life changing experience, I KNEW that my testimony could help so many and Yes, I became a Purium retailer. Everyday and Everywhere I go I share this amazing Product. I'm excited about the financial opportunity; however, my goal is to touch as many as I can that suffer with autoimmune health challenges.

Purium is changing my life and I am forever grateful! Click Here

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Cuvaison Brand Overview Established in 1969, Cuvaison produces Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grown exclusively on its estate vineyard in the heart of the world-renown region of Carneros in Napa Valley. Cooled by fog from the San Pablo Bay, the rolling hills of this certified sustainable estate has produced distinctive Chardonnay and Pinot Noir for over 30 years. Page 112 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Dedicated to a philosophy of producing vineyard-driven wines, Cuvaison employs block by block farming methods and a hand-crafted vineyard-to-bottle winemaking approach. The resulting wines are balanced and complex, showcasing the distinctive characteristics of this cool climate estate. Cuvaison is part of Cuvaison Estate Wines, the family-owned Napa Valley vintner which also farms Brandlin Vineyard, a Napa Valley estate on Mt. Veeder. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Certified Sustainable Farming "At Cuvaison, we are compelled to reduce our winery's impact on the environment. Going solar and being certified Napa Green are only a few initiatives which support what we are trying to achieve. Because there is a shared concern from the staff as well, we turn to our organization and grassroots networks with our staff, their family and friends to find ways of creating change from within." – Jay Schuppert, President

2012 Estate Syrah Just a superb year for Syrah from a cool climate vineyard. An axiom of winemaking is to grow varieties on the edge of where they will ripen. The soils and climate of our Carneros Estate provide the challenges required to tame the prolific Syrah vine and sharpen the characteristics that define this variety. Add in a long, cool growing season like 2012 and you have the makings of an excellent vintage. Our 2012 bottling boasts a full range of Syrahesque qualities; gamey, peppery, bacon-fat, mesquite, lavender and rosemary notes backed with brambly cherry, boysenberry and blackberry fruit. The palate is full-bodied with rich, jammy fruit, a touch of anise seed and long, silky tannins. - Winemaker, Steven Rogstad See more at: http:// shop.cuvaisonestatewines.com

2014 Vin Gris of Pinot Noir Our 2014 Vin Gris of Pinot Noir is quite bright and fresh, with a lovely bouquet of jasmine & wild strawberries backed by cherry and raspberry fruit on the palate with a nice lime and red plum accent on the finish. A delightful sipping wine to enjoy as an aperitif or with casual summer fare. See more at: http://shop.cuvaisonestatewines.com Page 113 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Cuvaison Estate Ser

The Cuvaison Estate Cha blends of distinct vineyard the-art winery in Carneros Steve Rogstad, brings its balanced and complex wi Carneros estate.


Cuvaison Estate Chardonnay Carneros Napa Our Estate Chardonnay is a carefully crafted blend of wines from 44 distinct blocks in our Carneros estate vineyard. Each block is vinified separately, using classic yet minimal winemaking techniques such as barrel fermentation, French oak aging and partial malolactic fermentation, all in harmony with the vintage. When blended, the Estate Chardonnay gracefully reflects the layered characteristics of Chardonnay to be found across our estate. Page 114 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

A light filled space by waves of viney stunning architect indoor and outdoo ings.

1221 Duhig Road CA 94559 Phone: (707) 942

Hours: Open Daily 10 a.m Last seated tastin

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ardonnay and Pinot Noir are 100% estate grown wines, d blocks that have been vinified separately in our state-ofs. Each block, nurtured by hand and selected by Winemaker s own distinctive character to the final blend. The results are ines that showcase the distinctive characteristics of our


e surrounded yards and ture, offering or seated tast-

d, Napa,


m. - 5 p.m. ng at 4 p.m.

Cuvaison Estate Pinot Noir Carneros Napa Our Estate Pinot Noir is a carefully crafted blend of wines from 20 distinct blocks in our Carneros estate vineyard. Each block is vinified separately, using gentle winemaking techniques such as open top fermentation, gentle punchdowns, basket pressing and French oak aging designed to preserve the wine’s delicacy and freshness. As a blend, the Estate Pinot Noir eloquently expresses the terroir to be found across our Carneros estate.

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Photo by: Matthew Millman

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Chef Rich Mancini Twitter Twitter-- troy_glass Instagram Instagram-- troyglass Snap chat.Troy_glass Page 116 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Charred Corm Panzanella The classic Italian bread salad, panzanella, uses stale or toasted bread in place of lettuce. In this Latin-accented version, the cubes of bread mingle with tomatoes, charred corn, serrano chiles and cilantro.

  

seeded and thinly sliced 1 medium onion, diced ¼ cup fresh cilantro, chopped



    

4 ounces whole-grain countrystyle boule without crusts, cut into 1-inch dice (3 cups) 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 
Kosher salt 4 ripe tomatoes, chopped and juices reserved 1 clove garlic, minced 2 tablespoons olive oil
3 cups fresh corn kernels 1 serrano chile, stemmed,

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Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Spread the bread out on a rimmed baking sheet and toast until golden brown, about 10 minutes. Let cool. Put the vinegar, ¼ teaspoon salt, the tomatoes and their juices and the garlic in a large bowl and toss together. Set aside. Heat the oil in a large skillet over high heat. Add the corn and spread in a single layer. Cook until blackened in spots, about 3 minutes. Add the chiles and onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned and crisp -tender, about 2 minutes. Transfer the mixture to the bowl with the tomatoes. Add the bread to the bowl and gently stir together; season with salt. Stir in the cilantro and serve. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Chocolate Caramel Toffee Crunch Cake DIRECTIONS Prepare and bake cake in a 9×13″ baking pan as directed on back of cake mix. Let cake cool. Using a fork, poke holes all over the top of the cake.


Mix together the sweetened condensed milk and caramel topping and pour all over the cake, letting it sink down into the holes. Spread whipped topping over the caramel layer and sprinkle with crushed Heath bars.

1 package German Chocolate cake mix  Ingredients called for on cake mix (eggs, oil, water, etc)  1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk  1 jar caramel ice cream topping Special Thanks To  1 (8 oz) container frozen Gillian Larson, and the Reality Rally Chefs whipped topping, thawed For Event Tickets and (Cool Whip) More information Visit  4-6 Heath candy bars, crushed www.realityrally.com (I have also seen Heath bits over on the baking aisle by the Page 118 E The Magazine Today’swould Female Executive Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html chocolate chips-forthose 

Preorder now: Amazon pre-order link |B&N pre-order link |Powell’s pre-order link Page 119 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Social Rules in th

By Anna Corsaro & Daniel Djouder Page 120 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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he Oasis

© 2013 RENO SARADZIO ... Page 121 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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is known as

one of the cities of world



"Miracle Garden" being an outstanding example, with flowers that bloom throughout the year. In recent years this city has reached a popularity



those of NY and London, also taking the lead in the number of nationalities present on its




about 200, comparable in this perhaps only to Hong Kong. Many


from every corner of the planet every day decide to leave for this new “El Dorado” and for some of them it represents the

“Last Land of Opportunity"

level. If you are among those people who dream of they've al-

Dubai and you decided to take on this new chal-

ways dreamed of. High salaries and excellent ca-

lenge and relocate there or in another area of the

reer opportunities await those who come from

UAE, then I recommend you save this article on

Oceania or the West, but things are very different

your laptop and to reread it every so often when

for those arriving from countries like the Philip-

you will be on site, to keep in mind especially what

pines, Bangladesh and other countries with

you should not do and to avoid getting in trouble in

weaker economic conditions.

this 24-carat desert.

Dubai has been able to develop in a short time and it continues to grow impressively, while man-

Oh yes, every rose has its thorn and Dubai has

aging to keep criminality numbers at at very low

some that could be extremely cutting, especially

Page 122 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Do You Need a Drink ? The difference between Muslim and Non-Muslim residents is that the latter have the possibility to drink alcohol at home or alternatively in clubs and hotels that are licensed to sell alcohol. However, in order to do so, two conditions apply. First, one has to be over 21 and then it's essential to obtain a license for the consumption of alcohol, which is valid exclusively on the territory of the Emirate that issued it. In Dubai it is a crime to drink or being intoxicated in public areas. Even if you are only in transit toward other destinations you can be legally arrested if you are under the influence. As a general rule, remember to never carry more than 2 liters (66 oz.) of liquors and 2 liters of when entering the UAE WARNING: do not carry any amount of alcohol when arriving at the airport of Sharjah. for women. Many often only consider that Dubai is an ultra modern destination, but its also a land with its identity and traditions, where the Islamic law is in force. It is said, for good reason, that

it is impor-

tant to adapt to and to respect the customs and laws of the places you visit or where you go to live. I suggest that you abide by their rules to the letter. That if one day you do not want to leave

In-flight drinking could land you in jail “Committing an offense in the UAE while under the influence on land, water or even air could land you in big trouble”http://gulfnews.com/

from there a day bringing back with you a bad memory. Page 123 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Zero Tolerance For Drugs If Dubai is very strict about alcohol, their policy against drugs is even harsher. Even traces of drugs on a person may amount to a charge for possession, with sentences between 4 and 15 years, going up to the death sentences for more serious offenses. Also traces found in the blood are considered as possession. It’s worthy of note that also poppy seed are considered narcotics. Similarly to alcohol, if you are a passenger in transit and have even only minimal traces of drugs with you, you are likely to trigger the excellent security apparatus and be arrested. Before you get ready to leave for Dubai make sure check this link before packing your baggage http://www.uaeinteract.com/ travel/drug.asp. It contains a list of controlled medical sub-

“ In 2007, an 18-year-old Egyptian boy who smoked a cigarette containing marijuana a day before he flew to the UAE and was jailed in the emirate of Fujairah for four years. ”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/

stances. Be extra careful that you are not carrying any of those compounds or that you are complying with all legal requirement if you need to take a medicament belonging to this list. Page 124 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Road Accidents Nationwide traffic laws carry severe penalties for many infractions. In the UAE, driving after using alcohol is severely punished.

The penalties include imprisonment and heavy fines and, for Muslims (even those with U.S. citizenship), lashings. People who are involved in an accident in which another Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Offensive Behavior Even if you get irritated, strive to maintain your composure and avoid any impolite action that may be elicited in the spur of the moment. This means no swearing and no rude gestures whatsoever, in person or online. Be aware that for an infraction you could be subject to jail or deportation. For this reason it is recommended to be very formal and measured when you are dealing with officials, especially the police.

Dress Code Your clothing must appropriated for the local standard of decency, which may very well be far different from what you are used to in the U.S.A. Concerning women, they cannot wear anything tight, transparent, above the knee or that leaves their stomach, shoulders or back exposed. Men should wear T-shirts at all times and avoid shorts. Swimming suits are admissible only at the beach or swimming pools. person is injured will automatically go to jail until the injured person is released from the hospital. If you are going to drive make absolutely sure that you comply with every and each traffic rule at all times, since for any infraction you can get not only fines, but also "black points", which, if accumulated, can lead to a suspension of your driving license or more severe punishment.

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Female travelers and workers are particularly vulnerable to sexual assaults due to the fact that Dubai and the UAE apply the Shari'a, therefore no one can be prosecuted for rape and related offenses without FOUR MALE witnesses.

Relationships Outside Marriage Having sex before marriage or same-sex relationships are illegal under any circumstance. Please, note that Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

this prohibition is absolute and your previous situation with your partner in the United States, for example cohabitation or same-sex marriage, won't bear any weight. Penalties include detention and fines. After serving a sentence completely you will be deported. This situation is particularly excruciating whenever there is an public element involved, for example if a woman becomes pregnant outside marriage. All people that may have to deal with aspects of the pregnancy and the birth will try to determine if the relationship is legal. For example, doctors can and will ask for a marriage certificate when administering ultrasounds or other exams. They may also look into the date of marriage and conception and see if they check out. A similar situation is encountered when requesting a birth certificate, since it's impossible to obtain one without presenting a marriage certificate.

Marte Deborah Dalelv is a Norwegian woman who had been raped in March 2013 and instead of receiving help and protection she was jailed with charges of drinking alcohol and having sexual intercourse outside of marriage. She was sentenced to 16 months of prison, 3 more than those received by the man who raped her. Page 126 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Dalelv claims that when calling the emergency services the Dubai police allegedly asked her: "Are you sure you called the police because you just didn't like it?'' It doesn't end there, though. Following these facts, Wissam Al Mana, who is notably a billionaire and married to Janet Jackson, terminated Dalelv's employment, who at that time was working for one of his companies. Mr. Al Mana wrote the following in the letter he personally signed: Dear Ms. Dalelv, Further to the suspension letter notified to you on 20th March 2013, we hereby inform you that you employment Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Ramadan Time Ramadan is an important month of the Islamic calendar, as it is believed that that's when the Qur’an was first revealed to Mohammed. In the West the month of Ramadan is traditionally with the idea of fasting, which takes place from sunrise to sunset every day. However, foreigners must realize that food is not the only thing forbidden during a day of Ramadan, but also drinking, smoking and tobacco in general, and even gum chewing.

"All residents have to respect the month of Ramadan- which means adopting the rules in public places during daylight hours."

“A British man was jailed

with Al Mana Interiors W.L.L. is terminated for misconduct and breach of your employment duties, effective immediately. As mentioned is the suspension letter dated 20th March 2013, your employment agreement is termination due to your unacceptable and improper behavior during your last business trip in Dubai, which has resulted in your arrest by the Police Authorities in UAE. The full and final settlement of any outstanding benefits can be discussed wih Mr. XXXX XXXXXX. At the same time, you are requested to hand in any company property given to you on account of company work. The present letter has been given in accordance with article 61 of the Qatar Labour Law no 14 of (2004), and a copy of which will be submitted to the Labour Department, for their records. Sincerely, Wissam Al Mana Managing Director Page 127 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

for one month for drinking alcohol in Ramadan, and fined $544 (AED2,000) for denting the bonnet of a taxi, Gulf News reports.” Now that you know the rules and you are ready to go, please be aware that Dubai is an architectural miracle, a vertical city blossomed from the desert, one of the best destinations to enjoy the sun all year round and bask on golden beaches. And also souks and traditional markets, the largest shopping centers in the world and themed water parks to swim with the dolphins. From the desert to the sea, from shopping to skiing, Dubai offers everything modern cities can only dream of ... Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Anna Corsaro


She is a Multilingual Senior Crisis and Homeland Security Advisor, with several years at the service of Governments and Corporations. She is the Managing Director for Hemeis Consulting and her company provides Advice and Training in: Management Consulting | Crisis Prevention | Intelligence Analysis | Counter-Espionage | Counter-Terrorism | Criminal Organizations | Man-Made Disasters | Corporate Crime | Union Strike and Negotiation | Crisis Communication | Crisis of Malevolence | Post-Conflict Recovery | Seminars | Workshops | Conference | Keynote Speeches Keep in touch with Anna: E-mail:annacorsaro@hemeisconsulting.com LinkedIn: AnnaCorsaro Twitter: @AnnaCorsaroAdv

Daniel Djouder

Daniel Djouder

He is a Multilingual Economic and Geopolitical Analyst who works as a team-member for Hemeis Consulting. He holds an MA in Law and Economics with honors, an MA in International Relations and a Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Security, Geopolitics and Intelligence. He writes articles for Geopolitical Monitor Intelligence Corp., The Daily Journalist, and Forbes. Keep in touch with Daniel: Email: danieldjouder@hemeisconsulting.com LinkedIn: Daniel Djouder Twitter: @DanielDjouder

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“I ONLY WANTED TO WEAR JEWELRY THAT FELT SACRED, POWERFUL & HEALING.” Just a decade ago, Actress/Jewelry Designer/ Crystal Specialist, LaShan, set out on a personal journey to uncover accessories and adornments that were not only authentic works of art, but also had some greater connection to the Human Spirit and her strong sense of Individuality. It was harder than she anticipated! LaShan researched the Healing Properties and Origins of semi-precious stones & Crystals. Her Travels took her to Australia,Bali and to the renowned and spiritual & artistic communities of Taos & Santa Fe, New Mexico. “I just knew that I was going to find something Magical, but the only pieces that I fell in love with were hanging around the necks of Native American Indians and were not for sale. I was even forbidden to handle some because of their sacred beliefs.”

Facebook: LASHAN HOUSE Twitter: @BYLASHAN Instagram:BYLASHAN

Immediately after returning to her native home in Venice, California, art history major, teacher, and fashion Model turned actor, LaShan began designing/creating. She quickly built a reputation for creating bold one-of-a-kind statement pieces infused with Turquoise,Pearls, Crystals & Semi Precious Stones, Silver & Copper from India, China, Tibet, Africa, Indonesia and Arizona. Her Jewelry has adorned celebrities such as Cher, Beyonce, Halle Berry, Sigourney Weaver,India Arie, Lexi Ainsworth, Jamie Anderson, Teena Marie, Carrie Ann Moss,Venus Williams and Alyssa Milano. Her creations have been Published is various Magazines such as: Essence, Regard,The Stylist Handbook, OC Live, Giusippina, Afro Style, Paper Cut & Litrof.

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Unbelievable Success Stories of Girls in Central Asia

Shakeela: Photos by Erik Petersen

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By Laura Brin Change is coming to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. Change does not come from imposed democracy, new technology, or embittered war. Lasting change comes from young women and girls who are allowed the opportunity to go to school. Change comes from women who can use education to improve the health of villages, teach families to read, and inspire new leaders. This education is the same education our great grandmothers and great-great grandmothers fought for over one hundred years ago. Today women in Central Asia are fighting this same battle with tougher odds and higher stakes. Women living in the countries served by Central Asia Institute (CAI) and HER: Hope. Educate. Rise. are the first warriors on the front lines, changing their own lives and the lives of their children and communities. HER is a social fundraising program that supports the efforts of CAI to bring education and literacy Page 137 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

opportunities to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. For over twenty years CAI has operated under the notion that education is key to achieving peace, and that peace can be achieved by educating one child at a time. Success stories of women changing their lives and their communities are snowballing. One educated woman touches dozens of lives and creates a ripple effect far beyond her village. Here are two inspiring examples that show how change evolves from educating women.

Shakeela In the Thalley Valley northwest of Khapalu, Pakistan dozens of women died each year from complications of childbirth. These women struggled alone without help from a midwife or doctor trained to prevent infection, diagnose problems or mitigate common birthing issues. Shakeela, the first female graduate of the CAIsupported Hushe Community School, has changed Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

changed the fate of women in this valley. After graduation she received a CAI scholarship for higher education in Lahore where she learned the skills to become a health practitioner and midwife. Shakeela is now employed as a government health worker in the Thalley Valley. She has had a drastic impact on the fate of pregnant women, bringing health care and hope. “Mostly my work is to give help delivering babies, sometimes in my clinic, sometimes home delivery,” she said. “I cover 16 villages— the whole valley. There’s no phone, no taxi, nothing. Just convey word people to people. Mostly people are coming after midnight. The main problem with delivery cases at night-time is that it is hard to get there. Usually I have to walk two to three hours.”

Naseem Parveen

Shakeela always makes the journey. In her first 18 months on the job she delivered 180 babies. Despite arduous travel, grinding poverty, and a lack of resources, only two women lost their lives during childbirth.

Something her mother could never dream of for herself but constantly dreamed of for Shakeela. The opportunities don’t stop in the Thalley Valley. She and her husband hope to move to the capital city of Khapalu, where she can work in a real hospital with access to doctors, transportation and better pay.

Along with delivering the valley’s babies, she also treats wounds, diagnoses and cures pneumonia and high blood pressure, and consults with women on postnatal care and family planning.

When the villagers heard of this plan, they protested the loss of their healthcare worker. She has improved the lives of hundreds of families, so she’s shelved her plans for now.

Shakeela is paid $150 per month plus housing, a steady job with the certainty of a future.

“This work is for the human cause,” she explained.

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Naseem Parveen Many CAI schools serve rural communities that are isolated in mountainous terrain. Abject poverty, family and tribal traditions, and harsh conditions make survival the main priority and leave little room for education. Naseem Parveen grew up in Gulmit, Gogal, Pakistan a village on the Hunza River. Her parents are both deaf and non -verbal and are subsistence farmers who grow a small amount of wheat and raise livestock to survive. Despite her parents’ disabilities and lack of education, they encouraged their daughter to attend school to create a better future. Though they rarely pulled her out of school to work in the fields, she still struggled to pay fees and buy uniforms. Naseem walked a tightrope of financial burden and education until disaster struck in 2010. Just before starting her 10th year of education the mountains unleashed a horrific landslide. It washed a neighboring village into the Hunza River, which blocked the flow of water, flooded the region and wiped out the school she attended. “There was a big disaster in our region when the Attabad village fell down and blocked the Hunza River,” she said. “The water covered all of our land and house. There was a darkness in our lives. We couldn’t continue our education. Even survival was difficult for us. My future was looking dark.” When Naseem thought the battle was lost, CAI stepped in to fund a new school and the supplies students would need to attend. She finished her year 10 in a tent school, which changed her life’s direction. Page 139 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

“Since that day I thought that if I could complete my education, I will start teaching, help my parents, and help my brothers to continue their education,” she said. After graduation she applied for and received a scholarship that allowed her to move to a woman’s hostel just outside Islamabad, Pakistan where she attended college and completed a degree in sociology with an emphases in education and Arabic. While education increases the chances for women to earn a paycheck, the opportunities for work can be difficult to find. Needy communities may not have the ability to hire more teachers. CAI created an internship program to solve both problems. The program allows new teachers to gain experience through a six-month internship and provides rural communities with trained teachers to serve their children. “I started teaching just after I finished my exam paper in April 2014,” said Naseem. “This area is more remote than the area where from I belong, but the school is good and there are so many students. But all of them are studying free of tension because CAI is supporting them fully: fees, books, and other requirements.” After her internship she returned to school through another CAI scholarship to complete a master’s (class 16) degree. Through her work as a teacher, Naseem is doing more than providing herself with a better future. She is a new role model for the young girls she teaches. Most of her students have parents who are uneducated and illiterate. Naseem provides these young girls a new vision for their lives and a reason to continue learning. CAI provides opportunities for these Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

girls to pursue a new dream and a better future. These bright tales in a land facing so many struggles are inspiring, but finding resources to help these students can be daunting. Fortunately, CAI knows that change happens one region, one school, one project, and one child at a time. With HER, CAI has created a movement to fund girls’ education and empower communities in Central Asia through social fundraising. Through this network, people can create their own ripple effect, one project at a time. With 100 percent of funds raised going directly to the programs in Central Asia, HER fundraising campaigns allow donors to connect deeply with the people and communities they serve. HER fundraising programs are customizable for each individual’s goals and interests. If your athletic prowess and competitive side push you to lung-busting feats try a Race, Run or Ride for HER program. Ask your friends and family to donate for every mile you crush or time you beat. Maybe the thought of your feet pounding pavement sounds like torture, but your palate is your passion. Host a Dine for HER dinner with friends and help women like Shakeela and Naseem create brighter futures for themselves and their communities.

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You can Create for HER, Celebrate for HER, Fundraise at Work for HER or Start Something for HER. Through your passions, friendships, and creativity you can inspire change and impart peace in these remote and impoverished communities. No matter how much you raise, every dollar makes a difference. Through our programs, $50 pays for girls like Shakeela and Naseem to attend school for a year. If your fundraiser brings in $100 you can give a community important medical supplies. If you reach $1000 you will pay for one teacher’s yearly salary. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

There is no minimum amount to raise, no cost to you, and nothing to lose. There is a lot to gain for women and girls in Central Asia and their communities. Join the HER community with a fundraiser for something you already love to do, and help train a replacement for Shakeela so she can continue training and work at a real hospital in Kapalu. Start Something for HER to help Naseem finish her masters degree and inspire more children to get an education. Through HER you can create change that will affect the entire world.

Learn more about HER: Hope. Educate. Rise. on our website: www.forHER.org

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Human Rights

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Artificial Intelligenc Real, Surreal and Scary

By: Cynthia M. Lardner Page 144 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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You awake one morning to find your brain has another lobe functioning. Invisible, this auxiliary lobe answers your questions with information beyond the realm of your own memory, suggests plausible courses of action, and asks questions that help bring out relevant facts. You quickly come to rely on the new lobe so much that you stop wondering how it works. You just use it. This is the dream of artificial intelligence. — BYTE, April 1985 Artificial intelligence (AI) is based on the premise that human intelligence "…can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it." Artificial intelligence is not so artificial. AI is being actively deployed by the private and public sectors in our modern day world. This begets questions about the ethos of AI applications and the lack of national and international regulations protecting against abuses.

Historical Context By the middle of the 1960s, AI research in the United States (U.S.) was already heavily funded by the Department of Defense (DoD). By 1985, the AI market exceeded a billion dollars. In the 1990s and early 21st century, public sector AI successes took place behind the scenes while private sector development vacillated. That has changed. Today, according to Eric Horvitz “"over a quarter of all attention and resources" at Microsoft Research alone are focused on artificial intelligence.”

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With nanotechnology advances, A but self-replicating: Just a few y ago, artificial intelligence was starved for funding, rife wi skepticism, and distingu not by its achievemen by its perennial disap ments. Now machin have the capability learn, build things, questions, and yes harm people.

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Today, AI is used in tics, data mining, cal diagnosis, m operations, and enforcement surve operations. Perhaps the best popular application was when IBM’s su computer Watson wo Jeopardy! . The next best exampl text-to-speech program by physicist and Professor Stephen ing, who suffers from Amyotrophic L Sclerosis. The updated program up which he relies was a corrobo

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effort between Intel and SwiftKey. Their combined technology is preprogrammed to learn “how the professor thinks and suggests the words he might want to use next.” This, in turn, subliminally suggests actions, with the program learning from each prior user action. This is all based upon triggering specific neural networks. Microsoft Chief Research Scientist Christopher Bishop stated, “Recreating the cognitive capabilities of the brain in an artificial system is a tantalizing challenge, and a successful solution will represent one of the most profound inventions of all time.” These features distinguish AI from the generic predictive text programs that are commonly uploaded on to smartphones. That being said, user specific AI programs are being used in smartphones. They can be covertly installed and even monitored by drones. This writer has firsthand knowledge of this AI application with the research for this paper having been completed on AI program installed on her IPhone 6.

Research and Development Most AI research is focused on developing technologies to benefit society. Areas of focus include making Page 147 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

battlefields safer, preventing accidents and reducing medical errors. AI is a vast multi-disciplinary area encompassing all of the computer sciences, mathematics, traditional and artificial psychology, linguistics, data analytics, the neurosciences, anthropology, history, and even philosophy. The ontology or ‘fund of knowledge’ required to implement AI includes an extensive and malleable knowledge about the world. AI programs need to apply this knowledge bank to objects, properties, categories and relationships between objects, events, states and time; cause and effect; specific knowledge about the end user; and many other domains. This wealth of data is employed in developing specific AI algorithms: [These algorithms are] designed to make high-stakes decisions in real time. The real innovation is that these algorithms emulate the human brain, amplifying its capabilities through the instantaneous collaboration of a network of intelligent systems that could be able to learn from their experience. The greatest challenge is the quest to achieving the point where science Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

can or, for that matter, will confirm that AI reasoning mimics general intelligence. This raises ethical issues as to who or what is in control. Once deployed, AI is supposed to be closely monitored and controlled by a set of statistical checks and balances, the most notable of which are:  Validity: ensure that the AI system maintains a normal behavior that does not contradict the requirements defined in the design phase.  Control: how to enable human control over an AI system after it begins to operate, for example to change requirements.  Reliability: The reliability of predictions made by AI systems. There can be both passive and active human monitoring. This applies to the smartphone example above. Microsoft Research’s Chief Eric Horvitz stated he believed that “…intelligent machines could achieve consciousness.” “

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The question then becomes whether two intelligences can co-exist. If our past and present history is any indication…the future doesn't bode well,” rued physics professor Marcelo Gleiser.

Critics and Supporters A team of Oxford University researchers recently issued a scathing report: Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be possessing huge potential to deliberately work towards extinction of the human race. Though, synthetic biology and nanotechnology along with AI could be possibly be an answer to many existing problems however if used in wrong way it could probably be the worst tool against humanity. Last year, following upgrades to his own AI system, Professor Hawking gave an interview to BBC discussing the pros and cons of AI. Professor Hawking explained that success in AI development would be the “biggest event in human history” and, further, that human beings could not underestimate the risks. "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race" as it "It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate," predicted Professor Hawking. This same concern has been articulated over and over again by other industry experts. Consider, for instance, the foreboding words of Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla Motors, SpaceX and Solar City, spoken at the 2014 MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics Department’s Centennial Symposium:

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those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn't work out. Physicist Louis Del Monte agreed, stating that, “The concern I’m raising is that the machines will view us as an unpredictable and dangerous species.” British inventor Clive Sinclair has opined that “artificial intelligence will doom mankind,” as "Once you start to make machines that are rivaling and surpassing humans with intelligence, it's going to be very difficult for us to survive. It's just an inevitability." Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates expressed his concern: I am in the camp that is concerned about super intelligence. First the machines will do a lot of jobs for us and not be super intelligent. That should be positive if we manage it well. A few decades after that though the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern. I agree with Elon Musk and some others on this and don't understand why some people are not concerned. There is cause for concern. The DoD’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is now funding several AI projects which “…could potentially equip governments with the most powerful weapon possible: mind control (Emphasis Added).” Mr. Horvitz disagreed, stating, "There have been concerns about the long-term prospect that we lose control of certain kinds of intelligences. I fundamentally don't think that's going to happen. I think that we will be very proactive in terms of how we field AI systems, and that in the end we'll be able to get incredible benefits from machine intelligence in all realms of life, from science to education to economics to daily life." The Pentagon has refused to publicly comment.

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Fielding AI Anticipated problems stem from the thrust of current research, as well as the scant information government sources have released to the general public. The problems are two-fold: civilian use that is harmful or used in a manner violating human rights, and use of AI as an autonomous military weapon. The primary problem with civilian use was aptly described by security expert, Barnaby Jack, of IOActive: [A] vulnerability of biotechnological systems, which raises concerns that BCI technologies may also potentially be vulnerable and expose an individual's´ brain to hacking, manipulation and control by third parties. If the brain can control computer systems and computer systems are able to detect and distinguish brain patterns, then this ultimately means that the human brain can potentially be controlled by computer software (Emphasis Added) . An example was given in a recent media analysis: Imagine surveillance technologies with the capacity of a human brain. Imagine surveillance technologies capable of remembering your activity, analyzing it, correlating it to other facts and/or activities, and of predicting outcomes; and now imagine such technology used to spy on us. That example is not unfounded as is reflected in Oxford University’s recent study: Intelligent systems are able to “perceive” the surrounding environment and act to maximize their chances of success. For this reason the “extreme intelligences … are difficult to control and would probably act to boost their own intelligence and acquire maximal resources for almost all initial Artificial Intelligence motivations.” An example of unbridled civilian usage is a DoD DARPA project involving the coordinated use of CCTV traffic cameras for surveillance purposes.

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AI is designed to automatically, if not instantaneously, process the video feed extrapolating not only license plate identification but, the identity of the drivers vis-à-vis facial recognition software. This DARPA AI program can further distinguish between ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ behavior. The problem is that abnormal and normal behavior is a value judgment contingent upon a host of uncontrollable variables. Essentially, we are entrusting a computer to hunt people down autonomously. If the DoD has taken this program abroad, then the number of cameras involved numbers in the millions. The potentiality for error and, ergo, civil rights abuses is vast. As Prof. Selman of Cornell University stated, “That’s a bit scary.” The United States, followed by China, leads in developing AI for military purposes. The most pressing concern is the development of autonomous weapons. The DoD has long been interested in AI believing it the path to reducing operating and human costs. One DoD application is early mental health intervention, especially for combat-induced

Traumatic Stress Disorder. Research has established that individuals are more likely to be candid Hawking and Mr. Del Monte are amongst those about their emotional well-being when ‘being analyzed’ by a computer. As to long-term outcomes, the Director of National Intelligence, under which all of these agencies discussed herein fall, has not released any statistics. The Pentagon’s website indicates that “artificialintelligence projects are being pursued to provide the U.S. military with "increasingly intelligent assistance."

The Need for Regulation There are two areas mandating national and international governance: use in civilian surveillance and as a military armament. Professor calling for legislative controls, if not foreign treatises, governing AI usage. Mr. Del Monte opined: Today there’s no legislation regarding how much intelligence a machine can have, how interconnected it


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Oren Etzioni, chief executive officer of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Seattle; Toby Walsh, professor of artificial intelligence at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, can be. If that continues, look at the exponential trend. We will reach the singularity in the timeframe most experts predict. From that point on you’re going to see that the top species will no longer be humans, but machines. “For the sake of humanity, a letter was published Monday [July 28, 2015] by Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, more than 7,000 tech watchers and luminaries, and 1,000 artificial intelligence researchers; it urged the world’s militaries to stop pursuing ever-more-autonomous robotic weapons”. If any major military power pushes ahead with (artificial intelligence) weapon development, a global arms race is virtually inevitable, and the endpoint of this technological trajectory is obvious: Autonomous weapons will become the Kalashnikovs of tomorrow [the Russian assault rifle in use around the world]. Unlike nuclear weapons, they require no costly or hard-to-obtain raw materials, so they will become ubiquitous and cheap for all significant military powers to mass-produce. The letter was signed by well-respected experts in the field including: Professor Stephen Hawking;

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Australia, One articulated concern is that autonomous weapons can be deployed search and destroy targets. The military maintains that there is some human and at Australia's Centre of Excellence for Information Communication Technologies; and Bart Selman, computer science professor at Cornell University. control over autonomous drones but the human element is de mininis with what control that does exist rapidly diminishing. A Redditor wrote that, "This technology you are developing sounds at its essence like the centralization of knowledge intake. Ergo, whomever controls this will control what information people make their own.” The day prior Mr. Musk sent the following tweet asking humanity to come together to sign a petition opposing to military AI armament:

Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 7/27/15, 9:41 PM If you’re against a military AI arms race, please sign this open letter: tinyurl.com/awletter "The time for society to discuss this issue is right now. It's not tomorrow," implored Mr. Etzioni

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About The Author Cynthia Lardner. J.D., M.A. cynthiamlardner@gmail.com Cynthia M. Lardner holds a journalism degree, she is a licensed attorney and trained as a clinical therapist. Her philosophy is to collectively influence conscious global thinking understanding that everything and everyone is subject to change given the right circumstances; Standard Theory or Theory of Everything. Ms. Lardner has accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn, as well as accounts under the pseudonym of Deveroux Cleary, and is globally ranked in the top 1% of all account holders for her outreach and influence. Having just relocated to Den Hague or The Hague, she is currently looking for a challenging position that will fully utilize her collective skill set.

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Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization's Baby Rhino Orphanage at Thula Thula Lawrence Anthony’s Thula Thula Receives Baby Rhino Orphan. This First New Arrival is Rather Large by Tree Trunk Standards! Above you can see one of our first new arrivals playing with a tree trunk. This baby lost his mom to poachers and is just beginning to recover from the traumatic experience. The goal with all orphans is to Rescue, Rehabilitate and Return to the Wild. The care of these Rhino’s is a 24/7 job, requiring expertise, patience and love. One of the many tragic fallouts of the poaching crisis is the orphaned young rhinos that are left behind once the mothers have been killed. A rhino calf depends entirely on its mother for food and protection from predators. Losing its mother in infancy often has a deadly outcome for the calf. Our Mission: To reverse the decline of the plant and animal kingdoms and our environment through education and cooperative action. Because None Survive Alone. Page 154 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Our work not only addresses endangered species like Rhinos and Elephants, but also focuses on promoting and implementing effective technologies for removing chemical pollutants from Earth’s waters, a major situation threatening marine creatures and all life on earth. Stay in touch with us by subscribing to our newsletters, blogs and educational materials at: SUBSCRIBE Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

A message from the International President: Barbara Wiseman Hello! Welcome to our on-going environmental news column in EMag! We are going to utilize this wonderful opportunity to present interesting educational information so that you can play an even bigger part in preserving and protecting Earth’s waters and all life through the daily choices you make. We want to bring practical information to you. We are not about spreading bad or scary news, but about spreading constructive news and information. Yes, we talk about the problems, but, also, about technologically sound and easy-to-implement remedies and answers. We want to actively engage with you, and other likeminded groups and organizations, to multiply those who are beneficially influencing the direction of our society’s culture, and to promote practical and realistic environmental solutions. When I co-founded The Earth Organization with Dr. Lawrence Anthony, we wanted to bring a new brand of environmentalism to the world described under a term we coined: Cooperative Ecology ™.

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The Most Interesting Man In The World By Bruce Wiseman

I was 18 and researching which university I should attend when I stumbled across that most trusted source of information for male adolescents at the time… Playboy Magazine. It’s true. If I ever run for public office, you can leak this to the press. While some of my more intelligent classmates knew exactly where they were headed in life, I, frankly, didn’t have clue. As one of America’s most inspirational philosophers, Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Page 156 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

And so I did. As I cast about for ideas, Playboy published an article ranking the top 10 party schools in America. Arizona State was #1. But San Jose State, a mere hour’s drive from my home, was #2. Bingo. The school lived up to its name and, may the gods forgive me, I did what I could to push it to #1. I have grandchildren now so the details will have to await my autobiography, if I ever write one, but there is one vignette that may be of interest. On Spring break of my junior year, four fraternity brothers and I piled into a dilapidated ’55 Cadillac with a fractured Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

grill and one blinking headlight, and headed south of the border. Everyone was either a board surfer or body surfer. We crossed into Northern Mexico at Mexicali. From there we headed to the West Coast and then due South. When we got to Mazatlan, which was not the tourist destination it is today, we staked out a plot of ground in a park 50 yards from the beach. A Mexican kid would come by in the morning, sell us some fresh oranges and then shinny up a coconut tree and knock down some coconuts. We would machete the tops off of the coconuts and enjoy the meat and milk and the oranges for breakfast. There was a palm frond covered cantina right on the beach in front of us. We would surf all day, break in the afternoon for fuel at the cantina – tacos and beer – and head into town after the sun melted into the Pacific. The beer drinking carried over into the night. The nightlife in Mazatlan in those days was like something out of a Sergio Leone movie. Let’s call it…rustic. It was in these seedy saloons, where I was introduced to a slender, dark companion – the dusky colored Mexican beer named Dos Equis. I liked the pungent flavor and even then, perhaps as a harbinger of things to come, I liked the brand itself. We later traveled South to San Blas, lived on the beach next to an Indian village, spent a night in a hotel full of bats and scorpions and eventually headed back to San Jose; sandal wearing, brown bodied surfers. It was a cool look in those days. The hedonistic days faded when I began taking school more seriously and eventually taught at San Jose State. Beer and study for graduate school exams did not mix. While I saw the Dos Equis brand occasionally over the following ades

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years, I hadn’t really paid it any attention for decades. So it has been a real delight and a trip down memory lane to come across the brand from a professional point of view and marvel at one of the most creative ad campaigns I have ever seen. Look what happens when creativity is brought to bear on in depth market research. Dos Equis, is now the top selling imported dark beer in the United States. But it hasn’t always been that way, not by a long shot. How did this happen? It started with market research – a lot of it. According to the ad agency (Euro RSCG), the research revealed “…that the greatest fear of young, male bar goers is to be thought of as boring.” The agency’s account director, Mary Perhach, noted, “We had a tremendous amount of research that showed us….Drinkers wanted to be seen by their friends, and by ladies as interesting.” So what did EURO and Heineken (the owners of the brand) do with this research? Take a look. There is a 30 second commercial here. And if you want to enjoy some advertising genius, click the others right below it. http://adage.com/lp/top15/ #mostinteresting. In fact, there are dozens of these spots all over the Net. This is advertising brilliance built from the foundation of deep market research that found a single “Button” among beer drinkers – they did not want to be seen as boring.

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The result? Dos Equis soared from being a second tier beverage player, to the #1 imported dark beer in America. I say, long live the Most Interesting Man in the World….Because when it was his time to go, he told God he’d take a rain check. Oh, and if you want to become the most interesting brand in the world, give us a call. We have the research team and creative associates that can propel your brand to the top of its category.

Bruce Wiseman

Positioning creates “want” for your product and drives sales. Best, Bruce Bruce Wiseman President & CEO On Target Research www.ontargetresearch.com Bruce@brucewiseman.net Interested? Call us. 818-397-1401

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Magic!- “RUDE” Parody-corporate Version http://youtu.be/j4WvsJQhJxQ

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Addiction Doesn’t Discrimin By Sir Charles Cary Page 160 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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It has been said that experience is the best

Now we can discuss addiction for hours, and we

teacher! I’m probably one of a few people that

can read hundreds of case files or books about ad-

would openly be willing to admit, that those words are fortunately and unfortunately true. In this one shot deal of life we live and die by our experiences. You’d think that because human beings are supposed to be the most intelligent species that our personal development would equal our personal wellness.

diction, but the bottom line is that addiction does not discriminate. It does not matter what your age is, what your race is, what your social status is or what you economic feasibility is. Society has show us (unfortunately) that there is favor for the classes, but when drugs infiltrate our communities and a declaration of epidemic proportion is declared...that is proof that addiction does

Addiction is something very real and when

not discriminate. Many of our professionals are ad-

you think about it there may be a specific im-

dicts. I'm talking about law enforcement, firemen,

age in your mind. Is that image of a run down

politicians, athletes, actors, and musicians.

tenement apartment building, or a neighbor-

The causes for addiction vary. It depends on

hood in the inner-city anywhere USA? There

stressors, pressures, convictions and conditions.

was a time when I viewed things the same

We're all wired differently, but we all have needs

way until I became an actual part of that visual image that people imagine. Substance abuse is a multimillion if not billion dollar in-

that may not always be met. It's bad enough that in our daily lives these pressures can be damaging and undermining to our life's purpose. What makes it worse is...we're not even safe in the virtual world.

dustry. The major focus is

There are more ways that we succumb to addic-

illegal drugs. We see

tive behaviors, and in those ways, there isn't dis-

and hear so much

crimination either. I'm talking about social media.

about it, but we

Think about it...how many times do you go online

rarely hear about

to check your facebook, your twitter, your Insta-

treatment unless you're looking at a reality show, a talk show or at 1:00 - 2:00 in the morning there may be a commercial promoting some type of treatment center. I understand how alarming this

may be. For well over 20 years I was caught in the grips of addiction. The only drug that I didn't do was intravenous drugs (of any type). Page 163 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

gram or others? In fact do you check your email on your phone frequently, your text messages, your game console? These are more examples of how addictions do not discriminate. Todays problems have evolved into a world wide phenomena and although some of these issues aren't as detrimental or life threatening that are not to be taken lightly. As the saying goes...everything good to you does not have to be good for you! Learn more about our personal development programs or coaching options.

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Sir Charles Cary – Change Management Strategist

Sir Charles Cary is the only change management strategist in the USA that shows people how to design a life of uncertainty into a life of defining moments. He uses a customized program titled 7 defining steps to the cure 4 your business and existence! His keynotes, trainings, breakout seminars and coaching sessions have allowed him to reach people in a personalized yet, unique manner. If your organization needs a shift in morale, customer service, professionalism, or challenges and achievements‌Charles certifications and experience speak to his ability to add value to your needs. Charles has faced environmental and life threatening challenges and proven that in spite of it all you can have success! As an Amazon Best Seller and with vast experience in training, presenting and facilitating (including ION TV, CBS, NBC, ABC, WHUR Radio, The Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, and Detroit), Charles Cary has become a well-known professional speaker and coach to professionals at all levels. Affectionately known as Sir Charles, many private companies and non-profits have benefited from his insightful, intuitive, and powerful keynotes and trainings.

Briya inspires compassion

As a change management professional Charles places emphasis on defining and executing clear processes to meeting objectives. He creates an opportunity to see, hear, and explore what actually works and what makes the difference to create a winning team and a winning environment.

low adventurous spirits, con while also helping women a

For the past 17 years Charles has not only transformed his own life, but he's helped transition the lives of many others from around the country. As a Transformational Leadership Professional he's been instrumental with government employees, community, non-profits, private companies, and youth organizations (in the New York tri-state, and youth in the DC metropolitan areas).

With the purchase of each vocational training, emplo children liv

Homeland Security, and The Service Quality Institute have certified Charles; In addition he's also been a member of Toastmasters since 1998, and The National Speakers Association since 2006. Page 164 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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n through fashion by making fun, fashionable purses and bags that alncerned global citizens and dedicated change-makers to travel in style and children reach their full potential in underprivileged regions around the world.

Briya bag, you will be providing school supplies, uniforms, textbooks, oyment and other essential resources needed to empower women or ving in poverty-stricken communities across the globe.

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Page 167 E Theto Magazine for Today’s FemaleBy: Executive Paths a Healthy Lifestyle Alina

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Presenting a corrective to the popular notion of Rosa Parks as the quiet seamstress who, with a single act, birthed the modern civil rights movement, Theoharis provides a revealing window into Parks’s politics and years of activism. She shows readers how this civil rights movement radical sought—for more than a half a century—to expose and eradicate the American racial-caste system in jobs, schools, public services, and criminal justice. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Editorial Review The national narrative on Parks is that of a reluctant champion of civil rights whose single action was refusing to move to the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955. Historian Theoharis offers a complex portrait of a forceful, determined woman who had long been active before the boycott she inspired and who had an even longer career in civil rights afterward. The image of a quiet seamstress who undermined Jim Crow minimizes Parks’ stature as an activist and obscures continued injustice and inequality, Theoharis argues. Drawing on a decade of research, the Page 175 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

historian chronicles Parks’ personal journey to resistance, her work in the South challenging segregation and promoting voter registration, and her continued efforts in Detroit to address racial restrictions that had ostensibly been resolved by civil rights legislation. Theoharis details the cost of the bus boycott to Parks and her family, including decades of death threats; her strong admiration for radical black activists; and the controversies that continue to surround the disposition of her archival material as factions fight to claim rights to her iconic image. -Vanessa Bush Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html


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Miracle of Right Thought SWETT MARDEN The author believes that there is no habit which will bring so much of value to the life as that of always carrying an optimistic, hopeful attitude of really expecting that things are going to turn out well with us and not ill, that we are going to succeed and not fail, are going to be happy and not miserable. He points out that most people neutralize a large part of their efforts because their mental attitude does not correspond with their endeavor, so that although working for one thing, they are really expecting something else, and what we expect, we tend to get; that there is no philosophy or science by which an individual can arrive at the success goal when they are facing the other way, when every step they take is on the road to failure, when they talk like a failure, act like a failure, for prosperity begins in the mind and is impossible while the mental attitude is hostile to it. No one can become prosperous while they really expect or half expect to be always poor, for holding the poverty-thought keeps them in touch with poverty-producing conditions. The author tries to show the person who has been groping blindly after a mysterious, misunderstood God, thought to dwell in some far-off realm, that God is right

Page 177 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

inside of them, nearer to them than hands and feet, closer than their heartbeat or breath, and that they literally live, move, and have their being in Him; that man is mighty or weak, successful or unsuccessful, harmonious or discordant, in proportion to the complete- ness of his conscious oneness with the Power that made him, heals his wounds and hurts, and sustains him every minute of his existence; that there is but one creative prin- ciple running through the universe, one life, one truth, one reality; that this power is di- vinely beneficent, that we are a necessary, inseparable part of this great principle- current which is running God-ward. The book teaches that everybody ought to be happier than the happiest of us are now; that our lives were intended to be infinitely richer and more abundant than at present; that we should have plenty of everything which is good for us; that the lack of anything which is really necessary and desirable does not fit the constitution of any right -living human being, and that we shorten our lives very materially through our own false think- ing, our bad living, and our oldage convictions, and that to be happy and attain the highest efficiency, one must harmonize with the best, the highest thing in them. Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

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We’ve Got it All Here at


National Association of Female Executive

Nafe is the largest global network for women with thousands of members. They recently celebrated their 42nd anniversary, headquartered in New York they have many affiliate networks across the country.

About NAFE

Would a group of women sharing their dreams…supporting, encouraging and Page 180 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

mentoring you, be beneficial at this time of your life. Nafe offers great benefits to members, and the annual membership is only $39.00 go to www.nafe.com and check out all the wonderful benefits, Information on the Southern CA networks can be found at www.wrnafe.com The network meeting Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

From the Desk of Sheila A. Caruso, NAFE Central Orange County Director I have been a Nafe member for ten years and a Nafe Director for two years. I love Nafe; Nafe to me is a community of women that come together and help each other grow both personally and professionally. All of our Nafe Directors are amazing and we are really like Sisters.


I have grown a lot being a part of Nafe, as it’s an organization that makes you think outside the box and encourages you to step out, step out and soar to greatness. Normally this column is written by our Nafe Global Director Robbie Motter, but this month we thought it would be great to feature Ms. Robbie Motter who for 19 years has been serving Nafe and all of us. I was honored recently to attend a Riverside Women’s Club Nafe meeting with 13 other Service Awards over the years from the President of the United States for her over 4,000 hours of volunteer work each year, YWCA Women of Achievement Award, LA Business Journal Women Making a Difference award, SBA Women of the Year award and so many others. Robbie says “what I do is my love of making a difference it’s not about getting awards, but it’s always nice to be appreciated by others.”

fees are $10.00 for Nafe Members and $15.00 for guests then you pay the restaurant direct for your meal. like eating right now? Using this simple technique, my choices changed to a healthier fare. Instead of a cheese tuna melt, coke, and french fries, I’d glance through

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Robbie and Senator Jeff Stone and California Senate Award Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Meet oone ne of our

NAFE Women breast cancer awareness, heart disease, and diet and exercise.

Robbie Motter

Global Coordinator National Association Of Female Executives Nafe members where Robbie was one of the Women being honored. The event was put on by the Riverside Women’s Club with member Reatha Reedus who is a member of the Menifee, CA Nafe group in charge along with her daughter Dr. Desiree Reedus who is a Cardiologist with a VA Hospital in Indiana. It was a Doctors Corner event which in edition to honoring Robbie and another Woman Marilyn Watson who is the cofounder of Michelle’s Place a breast cancer resource center in Temecula, CA. In it’s 15 years has provided emotional support, educational seminars, financial assistance and low-cost diagnostic services to about 10,000 local women. The business was named after Watson’s daughter, Michelle, who died from breast cancer. This event also had presenters from the Doctor’s Corner which allows UC Medical students to give community lectures based on health issues, in an effort to help students learn about the process of being a doctor and how to interact with students. This Doctor’s corner was started by Dr. Desiree Reedus and Reatha Reedus her mother for the Riverside Women’s Club. This event deatured presentations from medical students Ariana Ramirez, Karen Medina, Ann Yufa, Deema Akari and Sireena Sy, which talked about Page 182 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Robbie and Marilyn were presented with six beautiful individual awards, One from US Senator Barbara Boxer, one from US Senator Diane Feinstein, One from CA Senators, Mike Morrell, Jeff Stone and Richard Roth, and a proclamation from the Board of Supervisors of Riverside CA. Over the years Robbie has received many hundreds of awards, Congressional, Senatorial and from the CA Assembly including the Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellow Award, Women Making History Lasting Legacy Award, Four Call to Service Awards over the years from the President of the United States for her over 4,000 hours of volunteer work each year, YWCA Women of Achievement Award, LA Business Journal Women Making a Difference award, SBA Women of the Year award and so many others. Robbie says “what I do is my love of making a difference it’s not about getting awards, but it’s always nice to be appreciated by others.” Robbie was selected because of all the work she has done the last 30 years of her life helping and mentoring women all over the country, Alison Eccleston, president of the Riverside Women’s Club, said:Robbie is really strong in supporting

Left to right CeCe Alvarado, Robbie Motter, Assemblyman Chuck Washington, Joan E Wakeland, Jean Olexa, Yolanda Smith, Sheila Caruso, Nicole Farrell Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

women’s achievement and letting them know that they are in charge of their destiny and that they can do anything that that they want it’s up to them.” Robbie is also a Cancer survivor so she felt honored to also receive the awards with Marilyn Watson whose organizaLeft to right Robbie Motter and tion was also there CeCe Alvarado for Robbie when she completed her breast cancer surgery. Robbie did not let that surgery stop her, two days after her mastectomy she was running a board meeting and has not stopped since. She was thrilled that many of her Nafe members showed up to see her get the awards, but was really surprised that she received so many in one day as she thought it was just going to be a Women’s Club Award.

I first met Robbie at a Nafe conference in Manhattan Beach years ago, a friend invited me to attend, which I loved and not long after that joined Nafe and have loved meeting all the wonderful women that have been a part of Nafe. California alone has 18 Nafe networks, go to www.wrnafe.com and you can see where all the Nafe networks are and make an effort to visit one and learn about this wonderful community of women. Robbie has been a mentor to me for years which has helped me grow into the woman I am today, in addition to running a Nafe network I am an Avon representative/Unit Leader and she constantly encourages me in my business and also buys many things from me as well as tells others about my business and then they become my customers. I have seen her encourage so many to go for their dream and she tells us there is no such thing as I can’t and she is right, we can do whatever it is we want it’s totally up to each of us. As we run our Nafe meetings she encourages us to have our members tell everyone there how they can help us, and once that request comes out its like magic Page 183 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

someone there knows someone or something that you just asked for. She loves to connect people, when she meets someone she thinks “who needs to connect with this person.” I was just recently with her when she was with a very famous Hollywood dress designer and immediately she though of introducing her to Althea Ledford our Los Angeles Director and the Editor of this magazine, and it just happened that while we were in Hollywood the next day was Althea’s Birthday so she invited her to join us for dinner and also invited Amal of Beverly Hills to join us and introduced them at dinner and it was like magic as it always is, they clicked and Althea was looking for an International person to write about and Amal is from Morocco and has offices in Beverly Hills and Dubai so watch for the April Issue and you will see the beautiful story that will unfold about this women who Left to right Dr Desiree Reedus Robbie also introand Robbie Motter. Dr Desiree duced me to. Robbie Reedus presented the awards just has that magic of from the US Senators. knowing who she knows and who she needs to introduce them to.

NAFE Think Outside the Box! Click and Watch the Video What’s New at NAFE

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Join NAFE at any of these WestCoast Networks

Come and join us at one of these monthly Nafe affiliate meetings: Please contact the Director of the network below. Any Nafe questions you may contact me Robbie Motter Nafe Global Coordinator at 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com. As a member you will join one of the networks but you may attend any of the network meetings each month as they all offer great networking opportunities. ARIZONA Phoenix Impact for Enterprising Women – A Nafe affiliate network contact director Joan Howard 602725-3246 email joanhoward@cox.net website www.impactforenterprisingwomen.com CALIFORNIA Bakersfield Nafe meets the 2nd Thursday starting in January 2016 at Mimi’s Café 4025 California Avenue, Bakersfield, Director Cheryl Hughley Phone 661-421-5861 Email Cheryl_hughley@yahoo.com U Tube Video coming soon Bel Air (coming soon) Director LaDonna Roberts 323-806-3433 email ladonnaroberts@gmail.com U Tube Video coming soon

Coastal Nafe Network Meets 3rd Thursday at 11:00 am at, Ramano's Macaroni Grill 12380 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach, CA 90740 Director Lynne Martin, 714-357-4159 email lynneCmartin@gmail.com http://www.meetup.com/wwwnafecoastal-com/ U Tube Video coming soon Los Angeles Nafe Network Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 pm at Marie Callendar’s 5773 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90232 . website is www.nafelosangeles.com Director Althea Ledford, 310-990-9496, email allyledo@aol.comPlease check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/RkSuoZaGrJc Menifee Nafe Network meets the 2nd Wed 11:30 am, Merna’s Café & Grill (formerly Boston Billie’s Restaurant ) 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, Ca. Contact Director Robbie Motter, NAFE Global Coordinator 951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/ cjbvurl Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/ HspfWnbAI4w

Central Orange County Nafe meets the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 pm, at Coco’s Restaurant 14971 Holt Avenue, Tustin, CA, Director, Sheila A Caruso, 949 -330-0927 email sheilaacaruso@gmail.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/fj2iy3x5i9E

Murrieta Nafe Network meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 12:00 noon at R J’s Sizzling Steak House 41401 Kalima Street, Murrieta, CA Contact Director Robbie Motter,951-255-9200 or email rmotter@aol.com Menifee/.Murrieta Meetup page http://tinyurl.com/cjbvurl Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=WmClfV9VcMA

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North San Diego County Nafe Network (Carlsbad/Vista/San Marcos) Coming in January 2016 contact Director Luz Paez 951-966-8277 email marketingwithluzpaez@gmail.com U Tube Video coming soon Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Connector meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm Mimi's Cafe 10909 Foothill Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730. Contact Director Vivian Haire, Rancho Cucamonga Nafe Connector Phone 951-380-0211 or email vvnhaire@yahoo.com U Tube Video coming soon Riverside Nafe Connector meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm Canyon Crest Winery 5225 Canyon Crest Drive #7a Riverside, CA 92507 contact Joan Wakeland Director 909-7217648 or email joanewakeland@gmail.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/vQT80UAUm-k San Fernando Valley, starting in January , contact Director Carol Pilkington 661-3134578 or email carol@carolpilkington.com for more information U Tube Video coming soon San Francisco/Bay Area Network 4th Thursday 6:15 PM Call Director for meeting location. Director Stone Love Cell 510 565 4425Home office 510 972 0528 or emailStonelove@stoneologys.com Meet up Page http://www.meetup.com/SAN-FRANCISCO-BAYAREA-NAFE/events/225941823/ U Tube Video coming soon South Bay Nafe Network, meets 4th Tuesday 6:30 pm @ Cozymel’s Mexican Restaurant 2171 Rosecrans Ave Manhattan Beach, Ca 90245 contact Director Alina Estrada 562-313-1190 or email info@nafesouthbay.com join us on Meetup.com/southbay-nafe-network www.nafesouthbay.com Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/1V83aqOxEWk

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South Orange County Nafe Network Morning Coffee meeting, 2nd Wednesday of each month, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Microsoft Store, 578 The Shops at Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA (Upstairs in mall) For information and/or to RSVP Contact Director Mikki St Germain, 949-429-3438 or St.Germain.Mikki@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/nafe.soc U Tube Video Coming soon Ventura County Nafe Network, meets 3rd Wednesday 11:45 AM at Mimi’s Café, 400 N Moorpark Road Thousand Oaks, Ca 91360 Contact Director Sheryl Tash 805-794-4005 or email sheryldtash@gmail.com Meet up page: http:// www.meetup.com/members/159937202/ Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/OZqKdhKUf5o Wildomar Nafe Network meets 4th Thursday 6:00 PM D’Canters Restaurant 32100 Clinton Keith Road, Wildomar, CA Contact Director Robbie Motter Nafe Regional Coordinator 951-255-920 or email rmotter@aol.com http://www.meetup.com/MenifeeMurrieta-Wildomar-Nafe-networks/ events/224726252/ Please check out this networks u tube video to meet the director of this network and to learn more about the network https://youtu.be/ okj-UzaTbM4 COLORADO Denver Coming soon contact Director Nancy.i.gaines@gmail.com 314) 378-1611

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Join NAFE at any of these East Coast Networks

DC Washington DC Greater Washington DC Women’s Network, Mary Greene, Executive Director 202=5808884, email gwwenet@gwwn.org Website www.gwwwn.org meets Sept thru June GEORGIA Atlanta Nafe Atlanta Network, Executive Director, Lisadouglas 404-913nafe email contactus@nafeatlanta.com ILLINOIS Chicago Coming soon Zsyke Tusa Director, 331-212 -0585 email ztusa@ecologicsolutions.com INDIANA Indianapolis Nafe Women in Networking (WIN) Mary Aurtrey, Director 317-894-942` or 317413-719 email m.aurtrey@sbcglobal.net Co Director Lotti McCallistor 317-905-3666 e,ail bes10@iquest.net meets 1st Wednesday each month at 11:30-12:30 at Defense Finance & Accounting Services (DFAS) Center 8899 E 56th Street Indianapolis. IN 46249 Check out their Utube Video Page 186 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

LOUISIANA Gretna Women on the Go, Director Rose Mary Ceasar, 504-366-6889 email rosemarycadam@bellsouth,net, regular meetings 1st Monday of the month 7:00 pm MARYLAND Baltimore Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate Network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com, meetings at 1300 Mercantile Lane Ste 100 Largo Maryland 20774 Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net Facebook page www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Howard County Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com contact director for meeting location Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Pikesville Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate network , Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com Denise Laws, Co-Director 443-527-7403 contact director for meeting location Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com Prince George’s County Celebrate Greatness Nafe Affiliate Network Stephanie Popular Director 443-857-1549 email stephaniepopular@gmail.com contact director for meeting location Wendy Dorcy Marketing Director 405-6936059 Kenya Battle Community liaison krbattle@verizon.net, Robin Worrell-Thorne, Women Empowerment Facilitator/ Coordinator rworrellthorne@comcast.net www.facebook.com/ celebrategreatnessnow, www.celebrategreatnessradio.com

Page 187 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

MICHIGAN Detroit Women Empowering Leadership & Legacy (WELL) Director Donna Stallings 313-999-2211 email donna@syncfoundation.com. Contact Director for meeting location and time. MISSOURI St Louis The Professional Women’s Alliance STL, Director Ninoska Clarkin 314-991-6144 NEW JERSEY Northern New Jersey Professional Women New Jersey, Dee Marshall, Director 862-218-0076 email nafenewjersey@gmail.com NEW YORK New York City, Roxanne Natale, Director 917 -952-0681 cell, 646-647-2148 work, email rnatale@ewsnyc.com North Carolina Nafe North Carolina, Director Michele Rogers, 919-621-3310 Email nafenorthcarolina@gmail.com website is www.nafenc.com Utube video https://youtu.be/snLmjMtGS7A PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh Women Interactive Network WINN< Director Dawn Pomaybo 412-963-6311 email info@Winpitt.org SOUTH CAROLINA Coming Soon, contact Director Jayne Jordan 843-532-1123, email ladyjj2u@gmail.com

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ttremont@silotechgroup.com President-elect: Tracy Cifone, trc@SSACPA.com VP of Events: Jacqueline Jackson, Jacqueline.jackson@utsa.org 210-458-2483 VP of Membership: Brooke Lanie, brooke.lanie@utsa.edu, 210-458-4288 VP of Sponsorship, Aaron Sams, aaron@samscct.com, 210-788-1034 VP of Marketing, Chris Slowey, sloweyrcpoa@yahoo.com, 210-569-0953 VP of Finance, Natasha Robles, nrobles@silotechgroup.com, 210-5690953 Secretary, Trudy Pape, tpape@cbharper.com, 210-396-1879 TEXAS Dallas P-31 Women Inc, Contact Connie Mitchell 214-404-6462 Midland Successful Women’s Alliance, Diector Mary Elena Duron 432-978-2009 San Antonio WELEAD (Women Executives Leading Empowering And Developing) www.weleadsa.org Meets at Flemings Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar 2nd Wednesday of every month 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM Alamo Quarry Market, 255 E Basse Rd. San Antonio, TX 78209 President: Tiffany Tremont, ttremont@silotechgroup.com, 210-569-0953 Page 188 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

Waco Women’s Information Network, Max Nolen Director 254-717-5188 max_nolan@us.aflac.com E The Magazine for Today's Female Executives edited by Althea Ledo who runs the LA Nafe Nework has 4 pages dedicated to Nafe so be sure and send her your news. allyledo@aol.com and mark in subject News or even stories for Nafe section. Here is the website for the Magazine www.female-exec.com Also send news to Paula Damiano for the Nafe E Newsletter her email is pauladamiano@hotmail.com We are always looking for more individuals to step to the plate to start additional Nafe networks contact Robbie Motter, Nafe Global Coordinator, rmotter@aol.com or 951-255-9200

Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Page 189 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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2016 Spring/Summer Conferences Women Business Technology Social Media

Source CIO.com


Feb 21-25, 2016


Mar 23-24, 2016

E Tail

Feb 22-25, 2016


Mar 30Apr 1, 2016


Feb 29Mar 4, 2016


Apr 4-8, 2016


Mar 11-15, 2016

IEEE International

Apr 4-8, 2016


Mar 21-23, 2016

Social Media Marketing

Apr 17-19, 2016

Agenda 16

Mar 21-23, 2016

New Media Expo Apr 18-21, 2016

Page 190 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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Association of writers and writing Programs Conference. Mar 31-April 2, 2016

NAFE Top Companies for Executive Women 2016 Mar 17 2016

Forbes Women’s Summit May 11-12, 2016

TED Women-TBA Barrons Conferences Mar 21-23, 2016 The LA Ultimate Women’s Expo May 21-22, 2016 E Metrics Summit San Francisco, CA

Apr 3-6, 2016

The Mobile Innovation Apr 13-14, 2016 2016 The Clute Institute Apr 24-28, 2016 Washington D.C. Ad World Bologna, It

Apr 14-16, 2016

Digital Book World

Mar 7-9, 2016

Page 191 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

The San Francisco Ultimate Women’s Expo Oct 1-2, 2016

Stay Tuned This list is updated Subscription link www.female-exec.com/s.html

Coming Soon E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive-Mobile.

Get news, articles and updates for Female Executives on-the-go.... Page 192 E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

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