E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive
2015 Planning Column Planning and Logistics Contributing Expert Ellen Springer Column Name (TBD) Topic: Financial Lifestyle
E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive
2015 Planning
Table of Contents
About E Magazine Where We’re Going in 2015! New column Features Your column specifications Cost & Additional Information
YouTube and Television
Digital Celebrity Collaborations
This Year E Magazine will implement more column features and benefits to our readers. For example:
Direct links to vendor sites, and related material Related articles and videos. Some of you have already seen this feature while others are just starting to use this feature. Scan able code links. A reader can point their cell phone Conference to the square and be linked diCollaborations rectly to the writers, sponsors or 5-Star Vendors vendors story, blog or site from Social Media their cell phone or tablet. This gives the readers to ability to share their information from anywhere and to anywhere. Great for event promotion. Current news, events and videos. Those of you that write for current issues, E magazine will feature segment news as it comes in. For example: The Bill Cosby issue, the stalling of E Magazine is nationally distributed with internanext years budget, a significant evolution in tional distribution in 5 other countries. technology or science. Now those stories can be features on the segment page and get marThe writers and contributors range from best sellketed throughout our reading audience without ing authors, counselors, professionals, television waiting for next months issue. experts, teachers, executives, business owners, Web site advertising. Writers of infomercials lifestyle experts and women of all faith. can be included with the advertisers on our web sites. E Magazine has impressions to readership conversions of 5 to 6%. The average is 2 to 3%. Press Releases for immediate issue and circulation. Any writers with newsworthy material will E Magazine will boost it’s social media search be it break through concepts, global updates, engine advertising to front page and topic spetechnology break throughs are encourage to cific categories. This can represent over 20 milaccompany those stories with a press release. lion impressions per month with combined search The Press releases should be in a standard forengines such as AOL, yahoo and Google plus. mat. Inquire with the editor for further informaWithin each of these individual search engine, E tion. Magazine will lead in the categories of business, Hard Copy Yes it’s true E Magazine has technology, design, global issues, lifestyle. started the move towards making beautifulE Magazine has dedicated readers which read hard copies avaialbe for those readers that and re read articles for months of prior issues. want to fold the pages. More on that to come in This means the readers value and retain the inthe near future. formation presented by these writers.
About E the Magazine for Today’s Female Executive
Where We’re Going in 2015!
Column Specifications
Format and components The financial lifestyle column, and it’s Youtube counterpart will address issues with visual ads, diagrams, descriptive solutions and lists of resources. The interviewed contributor Ellen Springer will provider further resources form her own video library , publications and resources. Each colum will have embedded links to other written material, workshop solutions and upcoming events to assist women with major life decisions and their subsequent finances. Each article will carry a disclaimer regarding seeking professional financial.
Column & Content Description This column will address the financial aspect of Complex life issues many women face. Often women, of all professional backgrounds, are hindered from moving forward for lack of information. This column will candidly address issues such as divorce, starting a business, dealing with the financial crisis, spending addictions and managing finances in abusive relationships. Professional women and business owners usually have to ‘keep up appearances” and suffer in silence so they don’t appear to be out of control. This column will offer helpful advice for real life situations. Financial advice for women is never simply addition and subtraction. It’s complex and usually considers everyone else before the person (the woman) making the decisions.
Going to the next step with E Magazine. Value and Benefit It is a definite goal of E Magazine to get 7 to 10 million impressions per quarter, across all of the combined search engines. This will translate into 600,000 new readers per quarter. This translates into revenues for the magazine, participating partners and contributors. How valuable is it? Martha Stewart has 2 million readers and she charges 187K per page n advertising. This is what it takes to garner those advertising revenues. E magazine has the quality, content and is on track to rival some of the top publications on the market for this specific target group. E Magazine is working directly with Yahoo, AOL and Google Plus to place the magazine not only on the front page of search engines but on the front page of segment news, topics, media and articles.
Hard Costs to the Magazine As we know advertising and marketing campaigns are a big ticket items for most top level brands. E Magazine’s monthly costs in the beginning is ranging from 3 to 5k per each of the 3 search engines. This will eventually reach costs of 10 to 15k per month per each of the current search engines. Here is a breakdown of the hard cost to this set up. Which we’ve already started Yahoo, AOL and Google plus advertising formatting. The design and formatting of the Financial Lifestyles web page on the magazine’s site. The format and design of the segment video for the youtube channel. This cost in month 2 and 3 include set up and the ongoing social media marketing cost as well. Month #1 $2,110 Month #2 $1,440 Month #3 $1,440 If you were to get these services directly, that cost would be well over 10,000 initially plus the ongoing social media fees. Working with E Magazine, we are able to work together for maximum national exposure. “The Goal of this Column is to remove fear and replace it with tools to handle tough or challenging situations.”