August 16, 2017

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Nagaland Post

Vol XXVII No. 251

DIMAPUR, wednesday, august 16, 2017 Pages 12 ` 4.00

Kim Jong-Un briefed on Sam Querrey leads old guard Guam missile plan: KCNA into second round at Cincinnati international, Page 9

sports, Page 11

Infotainment, Page 10

PM vows to create a ‘New India’ by 2022

NEW DELHI, AUG 15 (AGENCIES): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday called for a “New India” that will be free of casteism, communalism, terrorism and corruption as he urged those wielding the gun in J&K to join the mainstream so that the Kashmir problem is solved through “embrace”. Addressing the nation from the ramparts of the historic Red Fort on India’s 71st Independence Day, Modi invoked Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, apart from Mahatma Gandhi, while asserting that each Indian had a role to play in the making of a new India by 2022.He said that those born in the 21st century will decide the future of the nation and the year 2018 would be crucial for them in that quest. From January 1, 2018, the millenials would start turning 18 and will then decide the future of the 21st century and shape the vision of a “New India”, he added. “So I invite them to take this opportunity to shape the future of the nation and participate in India’s development.” The Prime Minister said that through collective

efforts, sacrifice and commitment of 125 crore Indians, especially the younger generation, a new India would be created which is secure, prosperous and powerful, and where all Indians are equal. He further went on to warn those indulging in mob violence, saying attacks in the name of “aastha” (faith) was not something to be happy about and won’t be accepted. In a 54-minute speech his fourth from the Red Fort – PM Modi touched upon various topics including demonetisation, black money and corruption and promised to take India ahead “with greater speed”. Cow Vigilantism: Deprecating violence in the name of faith, Modi said: “India is about shanti (peace), ekta (unity) and sadbhavana (harmony). Casteism and communalism will not help the country. There should be no violence in the name of faith. Hospitals cannot be burnt, government properties cannot be destroyed, our cultural heritage cannot be lost. Earlier, it was Quit India now it is Unite India. Everybody should be taken along.”

Narendra Modi addresses during the 71st Independence Day on Tuesday. (PTI)

Black Money & Corruption: Referring to his government’s war against black money and corruption, Modi said this will intensify. He talked about the seizure of benami properties worth over Rs 800 crore that were untouched for a long time. “This has given confidence to the ordinary people that this is a land for the honest. Those who are honest are celebrating. The dishonest have no place to hide.” On demonetisation, he took a jibe at critics who had said “Modi is finished”. But, he said, it had brought back Rs 3 lakh crore into the

banking system. “More than Rs 1.75 lakh crore suspected deposits are under scrutiny and Rs 2 lakh crore in black money has reached banks.” He said 18 lakh people had been identified with assets more than their known sources of income. “Of this, 4.5 lakh people have accepted their fault. Interestingly, one lakh had never heard about income tax.” “I have launched a big war on black money and corruption in the interest of poor and future generations,” he said Terrorism: “There is no question of being soft on terrorism or terrorists. You (terrorists) come to the mainstream... Only mainstream can bring new energy in life,” he said. Unlike last time, Modi made no reference to Pakistan -- or the border row with China. But he said India was not alone in its battle against terror and had the active support of many countries who shared intelligence inputs. He said the world had accepted India’s “might and strength” after the surgical strike against terror launch pads in Pakistan last year. GST: Dealing with the new Goods and Ser-

vices Tax, he said this was brought and implemented in a short span of time, stunning the world. Asserting that GST would bring about transparency, he said removal of checkposts had led to 30 per cent efficiency in goods transport system. Modi said a new hope had replaced hopelessness in India. “The usual attitude of ‘chalta hai, theek hai, chalne do’ (complacency) has been replaced and a new chapter has begun.” Concluding his hourlong speech, the Prime Minister resolved to make India a country where everyone will have full opportunity to grow and which will also be clean, healthy and fulfill the dream of Swaraj. Earlier during the day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hoisted the National Flag. The unfurling of the tricolour was synchronized with the 21 Gun Salute fired by the valiant gunners of the elite 2281 Field Regiment (Ceremonial). Modi also inspected the Guard of Honour at Red Fort and visited the Rajghat to pay floral tribute to the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi.

Clarification to ACAUT’s allegation Centre orders social media to May 2017 and payments made accordingly to the Contractor for the work. The amount was released since the validity of the drawal authority issued during April 2017 had lapsed and funds were not utilized, CE stated. Therefore, the question of drawing the same amount twice as mentioned was incorrect, the CE said. The CE further clarified that although the drawal authority was issued in favour of EE, PWD (R&B), South division, Kohima, the funds were transferred to EE, PWD(R&B), Mon Division. Accordingly, CE said that the payments were released to the contractor by R&B Mon division and not South division. The records were also available in the department and the respective R&B divisions (South division, Kohima and Mon division).

remove Blue Whale game links

DIMAPUR, AUG 15 (NPN): Reacting to the statement by ACAUT, alleging blatant corruption for construction of a single bridge over river Tizit, the Finance department and PWD (R&B) department have stated that the allegations were made without ascertaining the facts. In a rejoinder through the DIPR, Finance department OSD (Gen & Bud), V. Kezo clarified that the first drawal authority with validity date upto 20.04.2017 had lapsed without being drawn as per the decision of the Works & Housing department. The file was subsequently re-submitted to Finance department to re-validate the earlier drawal authority. Accordingly, a fresh drawal authority was issued in May in supercession of the earlier one since it had lapsed without being drawn, Kezo said. Further, Kezo also

clarified that the word ‘nondevelopmental’ is being used now to classify expenditure in the State’s budget following the decision of the Central government in order to do away with the traditional classification of expenditure into ‘Plan’ and ‘Non plan.’ It reflects capital expenditure that has not been allotted to Planning department, he added. However, Kezo said the expenditure in question had been captured in the records as “capital expenditure”, and does not attempt to conceal anything. The Finance department urged ACAUT to first ascertain the correct facts before making such allegations of serious nature In a separate press release, Chief Engineer (CE) PWD (R&B) clarified that the drawal authority for an amount of Rs. 2854.97 lakhs was received from the Finance department during

Scuffle between Indian and Chinese troops

NSCN (K) signing NCA hinges on cross-border agreement

NEW DELHI, AUG 15 (AGENCIES): Concerned over the rise in suicides by children, the Central government has banned “deadly” online Blue Whale Challenge game, in which the final task requires the player to commit suicide. Centre has asked all major social media and communication platforms to “immediately remove” any links pertaining to the game that has led several children around the world, including India, to commit suicide as a final task in the game, and asked for proponents of the fatal and masochistic game to be reported to law enforcement agencies. The Electronics and Information Technology Ministry in an order issued last Friday has asked the heads of Google India, Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Microsoft India

as well as Yahoo India to prevent the dissemination of the Blue Whale Challenge citing “instances of children committing suicide while playing the game.” “The government is concerned about the availability of such games on Internet. It is understood that an administrator of the game uses social media platform to invite/incite children to play this game, which may eventually lead the child to extreme steps for self-inflicting injuries including suicide,” senior director in the ministry Arvind Kumar noted in his order. “You are hereby required to ensure that any such link of this deadly game in its own name or any similar game is immediately removed from your platform. The proponent of this game should be reported to law enforcement agencies,” the order stressed.

NEW DELHI, AUG 15 (AGENCIES): A major scuffle took place between Indian and Chinese soldiers along the Line of Actual Control at eastern Ladakh on Tuesday.

YA N G O N, A U G 1 5 (AGENCIES): Without reaching an agreement that covers the ethnic Naga people in both Myanmar and India, the Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khap(Full report on p-5) lang (NSCN-K) will not sign the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), according to peace negotiator U Kyaw Wan Sein of the NSCN (K), reports The Irrawaddy. “We are not yet ready to sign the NCA, and are still discussing it. Naga people live both in Myanmar and India. And we can’t sign the NCA for only Naga people in Myanmar. It should cover Naga people in both countries, otherwise there is no way we can sign it,” U Kyaw Wan Sein told The Ir“Frankly I don’t know rawaddy. Little is cur rently how long can we have known about the movea government without a ment of the NSCN (K) in party and party without the northwest of Myanmar, a government?” except that the NSCN (K)

Broad-based consultations will help resolve political problem: Zeliang

T.R. Zeliang taking the salute as the 15th Mahila Bn (IRB) pipe band march past the podium durnig the Independence Day celebration in Kohima. (NP)


KOHIMA, AUG 15 (NPN): State chief minister, TR Zeliang, on Tuesday expressed confidence that broad-based consultations with all sections of the society would facilitate resolution of the Naga political problem that was “inclusive, honourable and acceptable to all”. Delivering speech at the main state-level Independence Day function held at the Secretariat Plaza here, Zeliang said the Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA), with the objective for a more substantive contribution of the state, had constituted the Political Affairs Committee (PAC) to vigorously pursue with the government of India for early settlement of the Naga political problem. The chief minister said people were encouraged to witness the proactive steps being taken on the matter in the recent consultations with all the apex Naga civil society organisations including the Nagaland GBs’

Federation. In his fourth Independence Day speech as chief minister, Zeliang said the even as the country, since independence, has taken great strides in all fields, Nagaland has also made significant achievements in many areas with the participation and support of the people. The chief minister, however, admitted that the state was still faced with many problems, which he said needed to be overcome and resolved. He expressed hope that all problems can be resolved through mutual understanding and cooperation with the support of the people. With regard to law and order in the state, the chief minister asserted that the situation has significantly improved, saying the state has remained peaceful during the last one year barring the eruption of mass protests during February this year against conduct of urban local bodies (ULB) polls. He said that the state government has already ini-

tiated remedial measures to resolve contentious issues. On the unprecedented natural calamities caused by heavy rains in many parts of the state, Zeliang said the government was fully seized of the situation and all possible steps were being taken to restore normalcy to the affected areas. On the finance sector, the chief minister, who also holds finance portfolio, said that the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) at current prices has increased to Rs.21,119 crore during 2016-2017 (Advance Estimates), registering an increase of 9.91%. Pointing out that the state did not have adequate resources of its own and had to depend on central funds for development, the chief minister, however, said that the finance department has undertaken e-governance initiatives to enhance efficiency and transparency of tax administration and facilitate better tax services of the citizens. (Cont’d on p-5)

Thousands attend I-Day celebration in Dimapur Staff Reporter

D I M A P U R , AU G 1 5 (NPN): Braving the scorching heat, thousands of people attended Independence Day celebration at DDSC Stadium, Dimapur. The celebration began with the unfurling of the national flag by chief guest -NLA speaker, Dr. Imtiwapang Aier. In his speech, Aier called for public participation and teamwork to resolve the problems and challenges faced by the state. While highlighting various activities taken up by the state government, the NLA speaker admitted that the state still have a long way to go to realize the vision for progress and development for all. However, he was optimistic that with determination and hard work, the goal of peace, progress and prosperity would be achieved. Earlier, Aier inspected the parade contingents. He also inaugurated the exhibi-

tion stalls-cum-sale under the banner of ATMA Dimapur. Department of excise and prohibition Dimapur displayed seized items in one of the stalls. One of the main attraction was “know your army weapons and equipment” displayed by 32 AR HQ-6 Sector. Various stalls were also setup by different SHGs under District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) and Nagaland State Rural Livelihood Mission (NSRLM) Dimapur. Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency (NBDA), district industries centre, Nagaland handloom and handicrafts development cooperation Ltd, Khadi and village industries commission, Dimapur District Legal Service Authority (DDLSA), Nagaland beekeeping and honey mission, Dimul and 173-BN CRPF Dimapur also set up stalls. Highlights of the celebration included entertain-

Dr. Aier taking the salute. (NP)

ment, extravaganza and cultural show by Color Keys and dog show by 173 Bn CRPF. Cultural items were presented by Burkhang cultural society M.Kachari, Chang Cultural troupes, Dimapur, Kuki cultural troupes, Dimapur, Chakhesang cultural troupes, Dimapur and Zeliang cultural troupes Dimapur. In the afternoon, an exhibition football match was played between Dimapur Veterans Football Association and Dimapur District Football Referee Association followed by prize distribution.

NPF Kohima division reacts to 4 MLAs

This is it!


We’re slaves until we get freedom from corruption: Kamal Haasan

A meeting between UPWC and NSCN (K) at Myanmar Peace Center in Yangon. (File photo)

signed a ceasefire agreement with U Thein Sein’s government on April 9, 2012, but has rarely been seen in ongoing peace talks, only taking part as observers. The NSCN (K) participated as an observer to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement -drafting process, but stated it was not interested in signing it. It has instead proposed that a “tripartite dialogue” involving Myanmar, India and the Naga be used to

reach a solution. The current National League for Democracy government’s peace negotiators, led by State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, invited the NSCN (K) to attend the latest 21st Century Panglong peace conferences in August 2016 and May 2017, but it did not attend. U Hla Maung Shwe of the government peace commission told The Irrawaddy: “There was no fighting with the [NSCN (K)] and the Tat-

madaw [Myanmar Army] after 2000. We have smooth relations with them. But, it will take time to talk them into signing NCA.” The NSCN (K) reportedly operates in the areas of Lahe, Leshi, Hkamti and Namyun townships in Sagaing Region. The ethnic Naga in Burma were given a self-administrative zone in Leshi, Lahe and Namyun townships under the military-drafted 2008 Constitution.

DIMAPUR, AUG 15 (NPN): NPF Kohima division while reacting to the four suspended legislators condemning the ultimatum served by the 10th Northern Angami-I A/C youth wing, reminded them to know the fact that nowhere in the constitution of the NPF party mentions about having a parallel office and an “interim president post”. In a press note, NPF Kohima division media cell asked the four legislators as to how the NPF central office under Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu, had come under dispute, when it was the only legitimate office and functioning smoothly without the interference of suspended MLAs. The division reminded the legislators that they were elected through the NPF party and not by their leadership quality, but by the blessing of NPF president, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu and the faithful NPF loyal elector-

ates, whom they have betrayed time and again. As elected leaders, the division said people expected maturity from those legislators who shamelessly shift their loyalty at any given opportunity for their lust for power and self-interest. While stating that it fully understood the desperation and frustration of T.R Zeliang and Rio-led group, the division said it would appreciate if the fallen MLAs desist from using name of the NPF party in vain. “Whether they enjoy majority, or for that matter command 2/3rd of the MLAs, it holds no water,” the division said and reminded the MLAs to stop issuing cheap and misleading statements in the media. Meanwhile, the division has called upon all the suspended MLAs to come back to the party fold headed by Dr. Shürhozelie, when the door was still open for them. K Y M C



Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, august 16, 2017

71st Independence Day celebrated across Nagaland

Mmhonlumo Kikon, Wokha.

E E Pangteang, Mon.

Merentoshi R. Jamir, Mkg.

S. Pangnyu Phom, Longleng.

C. Kipili Sangtam, Kiphire.

G. Kaito Aye, Zunheboto.

Tovihoto Ayemi, Niuland.

Pukhayi, Aghunato.

C.M Chang, Tuensang.

Neiba Kronu, Phek.

Y. Patton, Delhi. (DIPR)

Er. Vikho-o Yhoshü, Chozuba.

Hukavi Zhimomi, Pughoboto.

Deo Nukhu, Pfutsero.

Thomas Ngullie, Bhandari.

Imtilemba Sangtam, Longkhim.

Zhaleo Rio, Medziphema.

Er. Levi Rengma, Tseminyu.

Eshak Konyak, Aboi.

Imtikumzuk, Satakha.

Y.M Yollow, Naginimora.

Dr. Longrineken, Meluri.

Naiba Konyak, Chiephobozou.

Zarenthung Ezung. Peren.

DIMAPUR: The 71st Independence Day was celebrated across Nagaland along with the rest of the country on August 15 with various activities in the districts. The Independence Day was marked by unfurling of national flag, salute from parade contingents and speech read out by all the chief guests for the occasion. WOKHA: The programme in Wokha was held at Wokha local ground with minister of Geology & Mining and Border Affairs, Mhonlumo Kikon as chief guest. While highlighting the various achievements of the state, its people and the departments, Kikon stated, achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the cooperation of the public, calling upon the gathering to join hands in the journey towards development. The celebration was marked by various presentations and performances from Chonben Odyuo & group, folk songs from Wokha Town Lakhuti Women Cultural Troupe, Longsa Epyung Thera Okho, Mount Tiyi College Wokha, and folk dance by students of LMS Wokha. Nepali dance was also presented by Nepali Cultural Troupe Wokha while Adolescent Girls Club(GHS) Wokha performed choreography. On the occasion, progressive farmers of Wokha district were felicitated. Earlier, the tricolour was hoisted in all give rent offices. Feeding of patients was also conducted at Mhondamo Memorial Dist. Hospital, Dr. Motsuo Memorial Fist. Hospital and 28 AR hospital. Various departments and SHGs set up stalls at the venue which was inaugurated by the chief guest. In the evening a football exhibition K


match was also played between DB XI vs Town GB XI. (Correspondent) MON: In Mon, the minister of Rural Development, E E Pangteang was the chief guest on the occasion celebrated at local ground. 22 parade contingents participated. The evening session was graced by deputy commissioner Mon, W. Honje Konyak as the chief guest, where exhibition match was played between the Officers Club and DEF Mon, followed by prize distribution, display of band and beating of retreat by the 6th NAP. TIZIT: In Tizit, the chief guest was parliamentary secretary of Transport and Civil Aviation, P. Paiwang Konyak. National anthem was sung by Holy Angels’ School Tizit. Chief guest took salute from 10 march past contingents. MOKOKCHUNG: The chief guest was parliamentary secretary of Social Welfare, Merentoshi R. Jamir. The march past this year consisted of 13 contingents commanded by Imo Longchar SDPO Mokokchung while the 44 AR and 2nd NAP bands joined as team. The chief guest also gave away the district awards to 26 distinguished personalities of the district. (Correspondent) LONGLENG: In Longleng the day was celebrated at local ground with advisor DUDA & NEPED, S. Pangnyu Phom as the chief guest. The parade was commanded by Lanutemsu Ao, company commander 2nd NAP Longleng. Chief guest also inaugurated an exhibition stalls put up by the ATMA Longleng and other SHGs. (Correspondent) KIPHIRE: In Kiphire the celebration was held at

public ground Kiphire with minister of Power, C. Kipili Sangtam as the chief guest. 14 contigents participated. 12 stalls were setup by different departments and NGOs. (Correspondent) NIULAND: Niuland sub-division was graced by Tovihoto Aye as chief guest. Tovihoto highlighted the activities taken up the department of Irrigation and Flood Control to enhance agricultural food production and improve economic returns of the farming community. Having this objective, the department in line with the flagship scheme, “Har Khet Ko Pani” under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) has been putting effort to create irrigation potential among the farming community, he said. He added that with the intervention of department of soil and water conservation, 924 hectares of land have been treated with soil and water conservation and 144 water harvesting ponds constructed during 2016-17. Parliamentary secretary further said that all these activities would be continued during 2017-18 towards sustainable use of land and water resources. 13 march past contingents participated led by parade commander ABSI Pukhato Sumi. Tovihoto also inaugurated the exhibition stalls set up government departments including self help groups. (Staff Reporter) AGHUNATO: In Aghunato, the chief guest was advisor of Soil & Water Conservation, NSDMA, Pukhayi Sumi. According to DIPR report Pukhayi praised the patriotism of the freedom fighters whose efforts ensured a future to look forward to. Stating about unprecedented natural calamities caused

by heavy rains in the state, he said that government was fully aware of the situation, and possible steps were being taken to restore normalcy to the affected areas. Parade was presented by ‘D’ Coy.8th NAP Agto and several schools. LONGWA: In Longwa, tri-colour flag was raised at the football ground by Captain Nikhil Coy Commander 35 AR post Longwa. (Correspondent) DELHI: Home minister of Nagaland, Y. Patton was chief guest at Nagaland House Delhi. L Khumo Khiamniungam, parliamentary secretary, Land Revenue, Village Guards & Women Resource Development, officials and staff of Nagaland House Delhi and students and citizens of state of Nagaland, residing in Delhi participated on the occassion. KIPHIRE: In Kiphire minister of Power, C. Kipili Sangtam was the chief guest. Referring to the Naga political issue, the chief guest said that the Government of Nagaland was contributing not only as a mere facilitator but to play an instrumental role in resolving the long standing political problem in the state. 14 parade contingents including VG band party participated. TUENSANG: Advisor of Planning and Construction, C M Chang was the chief guest.Total of 16 contingents participated in the march past. District commendation awards were also awarded to seven government employees. Programme concluded with beating of the retreat by Hauhyang Choba Bagpipe Band and 3rd NAP Pipe Band. ZUNHEBOTO: Minister of National Highways and Political Affairs,

G.Kaito Aye was the chief guest. He dwelt on the Naga political issue stating that with the objective for a more substantive contribution of the state, not only as a mere facilitator, but to play an instrumental role in resolving political problem, the Nagaland Legislative Assembly has constituted the Political Affairs Committee to vigorously pursue with the Government of India for early settlement of the Naga political problem. The Minister was confident that such broad based consultations with all sections of society will facilitate resolution of our political problem- one that is inclusive, honourable and acceptable to all. Around 19 parade contingents took part. PHEK: Minister of Environment & Forest, Climate Change, Neiba Kronu was the chief guest. 20 march past contingents participated. A special “sanitation song” was presented by Baptist Mission High School, Phek. Programme concluded with beating of the retreat by 22nd Assam Rifles. CHOZUBA: Parliamentary secretary of Mechanical Engineering, NSMDC, Er. Vikho-o Yhoshu was the chief guest. Parade inspection was done by OC, PS Chozuba followed by Rashtriya salute. ABOI: Chief guest was parliamentary secretary of Art & Culture, Eshak Konyak. Parade contingents comprising of 10 contingents was led by Noknyie DEF. PUGHOBOTO: Parliamentary secretary of Jails, Science & Technology & chairman NKVIB, Hukavi Zhimomi was the chief guest. Chief guest also inaugurated the exhibition stalls put up by different

departments. SHAMATOR: Parliamentary secretary of NRE, Fire & Emergency Services, Toyang Chang was the chief guest. Eight parade contingents took part. PFUTSERO: Advisor, Higher education and NBHM, Deo Nukhu was the chief guest. Nine parade contingents led by parade commander ABSI R. Lotha and Second-in-Command, Havildar Zenusu Chakhesang took part in the parade. BHANDARI: Parliamentary secretary, Technical Education, N. Thomas Ngullie was the chief guest. He stated that Nagaland was presently witnessing unprecedented natural calamities caused by heavy rains in many parts of the state and assured that the government was taking all possible steps to restore normalcy to the affected areas. 5 parade contingents was led by ABSI, Terio Lotha. LONGKHIM: Minister of Cooperation, R & R and chairman MARCOFED, Imtilemba Sangtam was the chief guest. Eight parade contingents participated in the parade. MEDZIPHEMA: Parliamentary secretary of Municipal Affairs, Zhaleo Rio was the chief guest. Ten (10) contingents took part in the march past led by parade commander Inspector, Imiri Amer, Commissioner of Police Office (DEF) Dimapur. TSEMINYU: Parliamentary secretary of Housing, Er. Levi Rengma as chief guest took rastriya salute from nine parade contingents led by commander ABSI, Shonyelo Rengma and 2nd i/c Hav. Khatsuvu. National anthem was presented by the Students of Christian School Tseminyu.

TOBU: Parliamentary secretary of Labour & Employment and Skill Development, Dr. Neiphrezo Keditsu was the chief guest. 12 parade contingents participated at the parade. TAMLU: Parliamentary secretary of Land Resource and Excise, B. S. Nganlang was the chief guest and took salute from 2nd NAP. NAGINIMORA: Parliamentary secretary of Agriculture, Y. M. Yollow was the chief guest and took salute from 10 parade contingents. SATAKHA: Parliamentary secretary of IPR and SIRD, Imtikumzuk as the chief guest took salute from 14 parade contingents. The chief guest inaugurated the stalls put up departments and SHGs. TENING: Parliamentary secretary of Sericulture and Home Guards & Civil Defence, Namri Nchang was the chief guest. M E LU R I : Pa r l i a mentary Secretary, IT & C and chairman DAN, Dr Longirineken was the chief guest and took salute from 11 parade contingents led by ABSI, Thuweswuyi Luruo. SANIS: SDO (C) Sanis, Ruopsokuotuo Noudi graced the occasion as the chief guest. National anthem was sung by students of Government High School Sanis. ATOIZU: ADC Atoizu, Arikumba was the chief guest. Altogether there were seven parade contingents led by Nivixu L Kinimi, ABSI 8 NAP Akuluto. THONOKNYU: The national flag was unfurled at SDO (Civil) office campus by Dobashi, Tuchiba. NOKLAK: Additional deputy commissioner, Noklak, Thsuvisie Phoji was the chief guest and

took salute from 10 parade contingents. P U N G RO : C h i e f guest, Samuel Thyug SDO (C) took the salute from 7 contingents. CHANGTONGYA: SDO (C) Changtongya, Chumlamo Humtsoe (NCS) was the chief guest. He also presented meritorious certificate to Dr. Wapang, MO, Community Health Centre, Changtongya for his outstanding service rendered to the public under the sub Division. CHEN: SDO (C) Chen, T. Moa Lemtor took Rashtriya salute from NVG, Chen Hq. National anthem was sung by Government High School, Chen Town. RALAN: SDO (C) Ralan, ThungchabemoTungo was the chief guest and took salute from the Police District Executive Force. National anthem was sung by 12th IRB (F) Coy. CHIEPHOBOZOU: Advisor, NBDA, State Lotteries, Naiba Konyak was the chief guest. SEYOCHUNG: Parliamentary secretary of Economic and Statistics, SCERT, Er. Kropol Vitsu as the chief guest and took salute from parade contingents. MANGKOLEMBA: In Mangkolemba, additional deputy commissioner Mangkolemba, T. Imtiwapang unfurled the national flag and took the salute from 7 (seven) parade contingents. PEREN: Deputy Commissioner, Zarenthung Ezung was the chief guest and took Rashtriya salute from six contingents led by parade commander L.S Kikon. WOZHURO: In Wozhuro EAC circle there was hoisting of the national flag in all government offices and schools in the area. K

Y M C Poll Q.: Is India free from the yokes of communalism and intolerance? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


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Yes. No. Can’t say.


9% 89% 2%

Next poll

Q: With the recent white

wash of Sri Lanka, is India today the best?  Yes.  No.  Can’t say.


(Temperature in ºC)

Max Min

Agartala Clouds with a thunderstorms 31 26 Aizawl

A heavy morning thunderstorm 26 21

Guwahati Cloudy with showers

32 31

Cloudy with a stray t-storm

27 25

Itanagar Cloudy with a stray t-storm

28 26

Shillong Cloudy, a t-storm in spots

23 20



Cloudy with a heavy t-storm

23 21

Dimapur Cloudy with a thunderstorms 30 27 Mkg

Cloudy, a t-storm in spots

26 23

Tuensang Some rain and a thunderstorm 21 19 Wokha

Cloudy with a thunderstorm

Zunheboto Couple of thunderstorm

26 23 23 20



Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, august 16, 2017

Legal literacy booklet released in Tenyidie

Shifting for DMC dumping site

DIMAPUR: Joint emergency meeting of Sangpangtu colony and A. Mao colony under United North Block ‘B’ Dimapur has resolved to extend full co-operation and whole hearted support to the Sunrise colony and UNB-Naga colony effort for the shifting of the DMC dumping site. In a joint press note by Khalie Angami, I. Sungti Ao of Sangpangtu colony, Komuo Loso John and I. Senti Jamir of A Mao colony stated that meeting was held on August 13 at the residence of I. Saku Pongen, A. Mao Colony in connection with the shifting of DMC dumping site. It also stated that it had made the resolution since the issue involved was Justice L.S Jamir with KDLSA principal district and session judge Y. Maong- of health hazard, affecting kaba Imchen, jailor district jail Kohima, Sunny Keppen, and jail inmates. all the residents of the said DIMAPUR: Legal liter- 1.50 Lakh to victims and of arrested person was two colonies. acy booklets translated in the next of kin under the presented by panel lawyers Tenyidie was released by Nagaland Victim Com- and para legal volunteers judge of Guwahati High pensation Scheme, 2012. of KDLSA. DIMAPUR: Wokha Circle Court and executive chairPrincipal district and It may be mentioned Students’ Union (WCSU) man of Nagaland State session judge and chair- that for availing the victim has informed that it would Legal Services Author- man KDLSA, Y. Maong- compensation, panel law- be verifying Non-Local ity (NSLSA), justice L.S kaba Imchen led the first yers/para legal volunteers Registration Card (NLCR) Jamir on August 15, with session. identify the victims and for the current year 2017 at the inmates of District The translated book- an application is submit- the office of LSU staring Jail Kohima organized lets were on senior citizens ted either to chief judicial from August 23 to 25, from by the Kohima District act, motor vehicle act, magistrate or district and 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Legal Services Authority prohibition of smoking, session judge for recomAll the concer ned (KDLSA) at District Jail constitution provision for mendation under the Na- NLCR holders Non- residKohima. women, legal aid and legal galand victim compensa- ing within Wokha district Justice L.S Jamir said services and state govern- tion scheme 2012. have been requested to that the booklets would go ment schemes. Earlier, panel lawyer verify their Non-Local Rega long way in educating During the awareness KDLSA Hisinlo Himb istration Card within the those who were not versed programme, the gathering chaired the programme stipulated date and time, with acts and provisions. was enthralled through and vote of thanks was de- failing which stringent acJudge also awarded mon- a special song by the jail livered by jailor district jail tion would be necessitated etary compensation of Rs. inmates. Play on rights Kohima, Sunny Keppen. as per the provision of law.

DDCC submits memorandum to DC Dmu

DIMAPUR: Dimapur District Congress Committee (DDCC) has drawn the attention of deputy commissioner Dimapur to the pathetic state of road condition in Dimapur, in a memorandum submitted to DC on August 14. DDCC president, Kughato S Aye on behalf of all the party workers in a memorandum to the deputy commissioner, Dimapur stated that “repairing jobs of filling those craters with stones and muds are just a futile exercise” with no sign of state government taking concrete action to address

the situation at hand. DDCC in the memorandum focused on the present condition of “deplorable roads” which has made life miserable for people without any sigh of relief. It stated that the roads in and around Dimapur town have “become even worse than river beds while the earlier pot holes have given way to huge craters”. DDCC requested the DC that as head of the district to intervene and alleviate the sufferings of the public before matter went out of control. It fur-

Zakiesato ward, Dimapur conducts cleanliness drive

WCSU informs

ther urged the DC to take undertake the following at the earliest: direct the concern department to stop cosmetic repair of roads with stones and mud; appraise the state government of the urgent requirement in pulling every available resource to repair the roads within the next fortnight; restrict movement of heavy transport vehicles specially multi axle trucks, majority of which are carrying more than the prescribed pay load and regulate the flow of traffic and punish the errant drivers with fine on the spot.

FLOP informs

DIMAPUR: Members of Forum of Landowners Patadars (FLOP) whose lands are under army occupation (Dimapur) have been requested to immediately update their membership. FLOP general secretary, K. Thong informed that for updating one may contact Dr. L A Kikon (EM), JK Hospital, near West Police Station, Dimapur at 9436004911 and Vizolie Mepfu-o (EM), Tin Pati, Kohima at 8974452812.

LSU meeting

Residents of Zakiesato colony, Dimapur. DIMAPUR: The residents of Zakiesato colony, ward-2, Dimapur undertook a cleanliness drive in the colony on August 13. In a press note, Khehoto Achumi stated that, Zakiesato colony under the project “A Better Dimapur” organized by Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) had conducted the cleanliness drive under the supervision of chairman Zakiesato colony, Kevi Zakiesato and GB Zakiesato colony, Zupemo Lotha.

DIMAPUR: The Lotha Students Union (LSU) has convened consultative meeting with tribunal, senior, former executive and LSU executive on August 20, 11 a.m at LSU Office chamber. All the concern former leaders and seniors have been requested to attend the meeting positively.

New Jalukie road cut off due to heavy rain 4 receive Governor’s award 2017 CM presents awards on Independence Day

DIMAPUR: The road to New Jalukie had been completely cut off due to heavy downpour and flood which had occurred recently. In this regard, the new Jalukie village council (NJVC) chairman, village disaster management committee(VDMC) chairman, and village disaster core committee (VDCC) members in a press note expressed regret over the heavy rain that washed away the culverts, hume pipes and a suspension bridge at the village that kept the usual life of the people at stake. The new Jalukie village council also informed all public to bear with the present road condition and urged the concern authority for immediate restoration of the cut-off road. Damaged road and exposing a hume pipe.

DIMAPUR: Four persons from the state received the Governor’s Award for distinction in the fields of Art, Music and Literature 2017 on the occasion on 71st Independence Day celebration at Raj Bhavan, Kohima on Tuesday. The award consists of trophy, Rs. one lakh each and a citation was handed over to the winners by Nagaland governor P.B. Acharya, stated a DIPR report. Acharya while congratulating the winnersKaro Trakha, T.Manli Konyak, Guru Sangyusang Pongen and Guru Shiromong Anar, said that “we should continue to march ahead to strengthen peace, progress and prosperity”. He called upon everyone to honour those who have distinguished themselves in the field of art, music and literature. He further said that the awardees have excelled well and hoped that they would continue to be role models for the upcoming artistes and musicians.

LFHSS Dimapur organises seminar on BEES

Students of LFHSS at the BEES seminar. DIMAPUR: A seminar on Behavioral Enhancement and Engagement Strategies (BEES) was organised for the grade-XII students at Livingstone Foundation Hr. Sec. School (LFHSS), auditorium, Dimapur on August 14. According to a press note from LFHSS, research scholar, Research and DeK


velopment Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Fr. Joe Mariadhas (Joseph Mariadhas) was the resource person for the intervention programme. Fr. Joe Mariadhas said that “through interventions we accomplish amazing feats when the appropriate strategies are implemented to improve the behavior in gen-

eral”. He said that positive changes to the behavior of students could improve the academic outcomes at any grade level. The session consisted of bringing self awareness, self esteem and realising the potential and power of students. The session also included PPTs and motivational videos. The

programme had interactive sessions, input and group activities. The programme was attended by the administrator of LFHSS, Arthur Edwards, academic head, Prabhat Mandal, and some teachers. Earlier, the programme started with introduction and welcome speech delivered by Arthur Edwards.

Chief Minister, T.R. Zeliang also congratulated the four awardees stating that the prestigious Governor’s Award was instituted in the year 2003 by the then Governor Shyamal Dutta in order to recognise and honour eminent practitioner, teacher, promoters of art, music and literature in the State. Since then, he said that the government has been identifying and honouring the talented artist, writer and creative minds through a competitive selection process. Zeliang said so far 71 eminent personalities have been conferred the award since its inception in 2003. The four awardees for distinction in the field of Art, Music and Literature- Karo trakha (art- film maker) from Phek district, T. Manli Konyak (art handicraft) from Mon district, Guru Sangyusang Pongen (music) from Mokokchung district and Guru Shiromong Anar (music) from Tuensang district.

SAM organises free medical camp at Chumukedima DIMAPUR: Free medical check-up camp was conducted for the public of Chumukedima at Gonyu Memorial School, Chumukedima, by Shree Agarwal Mahashaba (SAM) on August 13. A press note by SAM secretary, Uma Shankar Mhashaba stated that doctors of Dimapur rendered their services to the patients along with cooperation from citizens of Chumukedima. Public leaders also visited the camp and appreciated the work of SAM. Altogether 317 patients were examined and provided medicines at free cost. SAM also extended its gratitude to public and doctors Dr. D. R. Sharma, Dr S. M. Agarwal, Dr. Deepak Jain, Dr. Sunil Sethi, Dr. Flora, Dr. Bijay Sethi and Dr. Anil Patni. SAM would be organising such free medical camps even in the near future for welfare of citizens.

DIMAPUR: On the occasion of 71st Independence Day celebration at Secretariat Plaza, Kohima, various awards were given out to some meritorious personalities. The awards were presented by chief minister T.R. Zeliang. Following are the awardees:

Governor’s Gold Medal awardees as announced on Independence Day, 2017: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Imlimadong Chang, UBSI, DEF, Tuensang. Sukho Movi, UDC, Nagaland University, Kohima Campus. Er. Namheu Khate, SDO (Electrical) No-I, Dimapur. Dr. Hovithal N. Sothu, Dy. Director (Training) ATI, Kohima. Jongponglemba, Range Forest Officer, Officer in charge, Singphan Wildlife Sanctuary. 6. Sendenyu Community Biodiversity &Wildlife Conservation Committee, Sendenyu village, Tseminyu Sub-Division.

Governor’s Gold Medal awardees as announced on Republic Day, 2017: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Albert Ngullie, Jt. Director, Directorate of Land Resources, Nagaland, Kohima. P. Ajung Amer, Sr. Treasury Officer, Kohima (North)Treasury. Limathung Lotha, UBI, DEF, Mokokchung. N. Rasietho Kajiri, P.A to DC, Phek. Regina Razousenuo, Lieutenant (NCC), St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama. T. Bendangsenla, Asst. office. Supdt. office of the DG Prisons, Nagaland.

Governor’s Gold Medal awardees earlier announced on Independence Day, 2016: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Awa Lorin, ACEO, Office of the CEO, Nagaland, Kohima. R. Ekongthung Lotha, Asst. Director & Nodal Officer, Adult Edu. Dte. of School Education. Team Metamorphosis, NGO, Wokha. Dr. Zasekuolie Chusi, Nodal Officer, Dte. of Veterinary & A.H. Imlitoshi, Jr. Er. (Electrical), Transmission Division, Kohima. R. Vikram Ezung, NPS, S.P, Tuensang. Shouka Kakheto, NPS, Addl. DCP, Dimapur. Tekasosang Jamir, NPS, Dy.S.P (Traffic), Kohima. Wennyei Konyak, NCS, ADC, Pungro. K. Mhathung Tsanglao, NCS, ADC, Noklak, Tuensang.

Governor’s Commendation Certificate awardees as announced on Independence Day, 2017 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Tingbem Thomsong, UBI, Int. Esst. I/C Women Police Station, Dimapur. R. Lichanbemo Kikon, Accountant, Office of the ADC, Bhandari, Wokha. Lidemo Lotha, D.B Grade-II, Office of the Border Magistrate, Merapani, Wokha. Y. Bichamo Khuvung, SDO-II, PWD(H), New Capital Complex Division. Z. James Sema, NPS, Asst Commandant, 10th NAP(IR) Bn. Ketoukhrielie Metha, NPS, Asst .Commandant, 10th NAP(IR) Bn. Levinuo Nyumi, UBSI, DEF, Kohima. Alan Kelekrietuo,ASI, DEF, Kohima. Sato Sangma, Driver, Directorate of Home Guards & Civil Defence, Ko hima. Vizonyu Liezie, Dy. Director (Agri.) & District Agriculture Officer, Ko hima. Moayanger Longchar, Peon, Nagaland House, Shillong. Kumar Karki, Duftry, Directorate of Art & Culture, Kohima. Dr. I. Amenla, Jt. Director, State Agri Expo, 4th Mile, Dimapur. K. Shudang Phom, DB Grade-I, Office of the Dy. Commissioner, Long leng.

Governor’s Commendation Certificate awardees as announced on Republic Day, 2017: 1. R. Muthsodang Sangtam, DB Grade-I, EAC Office, Longmatra, Kiphire.

President’s Fire Service Medal for Gallantry announced on Independence Day, 2015: 1.

Zeneilie Kire, Driver Constable, Fire Station, Kohima.

President’s Police Medal for Meritorious Service announced on Republic Day, 2015: 1 2 3

Philip Humtsoe Lotha, DIGP (IR) North, Kohima. Lakha Koza, Commandant, 8th NAP Bn, Zunheboto. Pelhouneio Angami, UBC, DEF, Kohima.

President’s Police Medal for Meritorious Service announced on Independence Day, 2015: 1. Imtiakum Pongen, Asst.Principal, NPTS, Nagaland 2. Chotsase Sangtam, Asst. Commandant, 10th NAP Bn (IR) Zhadima.

President’s Police Medal for Meritorious Service announced on Republic Day, 2016: 1. 2. 3.

Aotangdi Ao, ABI, 10th NAP Bn (IR), Zhadima. Vikiqhe Sumi, ABI, 8th NAP Bn, Naltoqa. Kepfelhou Chakhesang, Havildar, DEF, Kohima.

President’s Home Guards & Civil Defence Medal for Meritorious Service announced on Republic Day, 2017: 1.

Vikiho K. Sema, Chief Instructor, Chief Instructor, CTI, Dimapur. K




I-Day celebrated peacefully amid boycotts, general strikes in Mnp

Manipur CM N Biren inspecting guard of honour during the Independence Day in Imphal on Tuesday. (NP) Correspondent

IMPHAL, Aug 15: Country’s 71st Independence Day was Tuesday celebrated in Manipur amidst heavy security deployment in view of general strike call given by revolutionary organizations. Chief minister N Biren Singh unfurled the national flag at the parade ground of 1st Manipur Rifles Battalion here after inspecting guard of honour. Altogether 44 contingents took part in the march-past competition of the celebration. The chief minister

later decorated two police officers with President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service and presented Police Medal for Meritorious Service to 20 other personnel. He also presented Police Trophy for Community Service and Police Trophy for Anti-Drug Campaign for the first time. The award included a trophy, a cash reward of Rs 20,000 and a chief minister’s commendation certificate. In his address on the occasion, the chief minister appealed the people of the state to cooperate with the government in maintaining

peace in the region while asserting that “We need the support of the people to go forward together for progress and development.” Asserting that violence will bring no solution, Singh said that finding ways to resolve any problem or issue through talks was the best and civilized way of settling any issue. He appealed to the public to put in collective effort to make Manipur a peaceful and strong state having egalitarian development. Though Manipur had achieved many milestones

of development being a part of the vast and strong India in the past 70 years, the state still needs to work hard to enhance the its economy and connectivity infrastructures, communication and conditions of children and women etc. He said that government has a firm commitment to bring equal development in all parts of the state to regain emotional integrity between hill and valley. On the other hand, normal life was severely hit owing to the general strike called by various underground groups including CorCom, a conglomerate of six major armed groups of the state as part of boycott of the Independence Day of India. Streets in Imphal city wore a deserted look as vehicles stayed of the road. Business and commercial activities across the state, particularly in Imphal was brought to a grinding halt. Revolutionary groups operating in the Northeast region had given a general strike call from 1 am till 6.30 pm this evening as part of boycotting the celebration of Independence Day of India in the region. No untoward incident related was reported during the general strike hour, police said.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, august 16, 2017

11 injured in BJP-CPI (M) clash AGARTALA, Aug 15 (Agencies): At least 11 persons were injured in a clash between BJP and CPI-M in Pratapgarh area over dispute during distribution of relief materials among the flood victim. The administration has made extra deployment in the area while advising both parties to refrain from interfering each other. According to police sources, unrest triggered at Pratapgarh High School, last evening where a relief camp was set up for the flood-affected people. The BJP supporters went to distribute relief materials to the victims when CPI-M cadres allegedly prevented them and later during the clash at least five BJP supporters were injured in the attack. H o w e v e r, C P I - M MLA Ramu Das alleged that, “BJP supporters attacked their supporters in a pre-planned manner to

create unrest in the area. The BJP supporters who went to distribute relief to the victims abused the Left Front government and raised slogan, which CPI-M workers protested. At least six CPI-M volunteers were injured in BJP attack.” Meanwhile, BJP state general secretary Pratima Bhowmik alleged that CPI-M cadres prevented their workers when they went to distribute relief materials to the victims and then suddenly restored unprovoked attack on them that left as many as five of their workers injured severely.She further alleged that CPI-M cadres have been teasing BJP supporters and leaders whoever had gone to relief distribution since beginning of the flood last week. They not only teased, but also disturbed the process and threatened the marooned people not to accept relief from BJP.

3rd Birthday Anniversary (Khemtula Imsong) Kilem, today is the most beautiful day as you were gifted to us by God. As you grow older to see you more beautiful and wiser each year. Today we celebrate you birthday, May our almighty God guide and protect you with good health. Success and long life. “ Happy Birthday” With love & best wishes, Odi Akum, Parents Relatives. Despite our arguments, you are still the most important person in my life. Happy BIRTHDAY. Sister! Your Loving Brother, Longli Phom Happy Birthday to our dearest Nana (Imnatula) As you celebrate your 2nd birthday today (16th Aug’17) we give thanks to our Almighty God for bringing you thus far. May God bless and guide you always. Always with love, Azao, Awao & all your loved ones.

Crime against women, children matter of concern: Sangma Correspondent

Shillong, Aug 15: Chief Minister Mukul Sangma on Tuesday admitted that crime against women and children have become a matter of concern, even as he called upon the people to join hands to maintain peace. After unfurling the Indian flag and taking the salute at an Independence Day parade here, the chief

minister urged the parents and guardians to devote quality time to counsel their children and wards and inculcate in them high moral, ethical and social values to enable them to evolve as worthy citizens. “Crimes against women and children have become a matter of concern and the State Government has taken several steps including preventive measures to deal with this prob-

lem,” Sangma said. He said women police stations have been established in seven districts and the creation of Women Police Stations in the remaining four Districts is under consideration. The chief minister noted that the overall internal security scenario in the State has improved with the launching of successful counter insurgency operations against the militant

and terrorist groups by the State Police and Central Paramilitary Forces. “The anti national elements have suffered serious setbacks leading to large scale arrests, surrender of militants as well as recovery of huge cache of arms and ammunitions. Attempts to float a new militant outfit by some misguided youth were foiled in successful operations by the Police,” he said.

3 Manipur terrorists arrested in Delhi Silt, sand carried by rivers NEW DELHI, Aug 15 (IANS): Three members of a Manipur-based banned terror outfit, including its self-styled commander-inchief, have been arrested in Delhi, police said on Monday. Kangleipak Communist Party (People’s War Group) chief Laishram Ranjit Meitei, 45, Khumanthem Naobicha Singh, 36, and Thoidam Chaothoi, 30, were arrested from near the Inter-State Bus Terminus in

north Delhi on Sunday evening, Deputy Commissioner of Police Pramod Kushwah said. A laptop, a tablet, two mobile phones and extortion letters were seized from the men who the police said were looking for a safe hideout in Delhi after their hideout on the India-Nepal border was busted by security forces. “They target schools, businessmen and owners of oil tankers to extort money

for funding their terror activities,” the officer said. Police said Meitei had revealed during questioning his involvement in terror activities and other crimes in Manipur. He was earlier arrested by Manipur Police but was on the run for the past five years, during which he stayed in Nepal for three years, police said. Kushwah said they were probing the real motive of the three arrested terrorists for visiting Delhi.

Arunachal has traversed a long causing Assam floods: Sonowal journey from NEFA, says Khandu

Guwahati, Aug 15 (PTI): Celebrating 71st Independence Day amid devastating flood across the state, Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal today said the main cause of the havoc created by Brahmaputra river is silt and sand carried by rivers from other states. “The root cause of Brahmaputra’s flood is large amount of silt and sand carried by the rivers from neighbouring states,” Sonowal said after hoisting the national flag at the official ceremony here. The river bed of Brahmaputra is rising gradually and reducing its water carrying capacity, he said. “The prime cause of increasing silt and sand carried by rain water is deforestation in the neighbouring states. We have apprised the prime minister of the matter during his recent Guwahati Personnel of BSF, Guwahati Frontier, dance and hold aloft the Indian flag visit,” he said. Sonowal said during the 71st Independence Day celebrations at the Veterinary College that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has assured him of Playground in Guwahati on Tuesday. (PTI)

his full support and cooperation towards finding a lasting solution to the problem by taking up the matter with the neighbouring states. The deluge has caused massive damage in different parts of the state and has claimed lives of many persons, besides affecting the wildlife, Sonowal said. The state government is extending all help in providing relief and rehabilitation to the sufferers and is committed to take up the restoration wok in a timebound manner, he said. The chief minister said the revenue collection has increased 21.6 per cent to Rs 15,620 crore in the last fiscal from Rs 12,848 crore in 2015-16. “The plan expenditure has increased to 64.46 per cent in 2016-17 against only 37 per cent in 2015-16. Similarly, total fund released from the state exchequer in 2016-17 was Rs 53,562 crore against Rs 39,805 crore in 2015-16,” he said.

NLUP brought economic devp in Mizoram: CM

‘Sikkim people unpaid soldiers of the country’

Aizawl, Aug 15 (PTI): Independence Day was celebrated in Mizoram with gaiety and enthusiasm amid tight security today with Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla asserting that the New Land Use Policy (NLUP) has brought development in the state. Addressing the people at the Assam Rifles ground here after unfurling the National Tricolour on the occasion of the 71st Independence Day, Lal Thanhawla denied the allegations by some critics that NLUP was a failure. “I would like to remind the critics of NLUP that several long gestation crops like orange, areca nut, rubber and others need seven to eight years to yield results for sustenance of the beneficiaries,” he said. The chief aim of the NLUP, the flagship programme of Lal Thanhawla government for the past nine years, is to develop and provide all farmers of the state suitable, permanent and stable trades. The chief minister said that as per the Economic

Lal Thanhawla Survey report 2015-16, production of rice had gone up by 31.54 per cent in spite of reduction of ‘jhum’ (slash and burn method of shifting cultivation) area by about 40 per cent. He also claimed that there was a phenomenal increase in production of broom grass by more than 22 times. “When NLUP started, production of input supply was less than five per cent in almost all sectors,” he said, adding that by the end of 2015-16, most of the sectors have achieved self-sufficiency in quality input supply which was a highly commendable achievement. Outlining the state government’s achievements, Lal Thanhawla said that the 60

megawatt Tuirial hydel project would be commissioned during this year. He said that Mizoram continued to be one of the most peaceful states in the country as concerted efforts to maintain peace by the law enforcement agencies, the NGOs, the churches and the general public. Lal Thanhawla also read out the pledge for building a New India by 2022, which would be clean, free of poverty, corruption, terrorism, communalism and casteism and wished that that secularism be included in it as it has become extremely important in the present situation. Meanwhile, celebrations at Saitual town was cancelled due to a bandh called to press for a separate state and Deputy Speaker R Lalrinawma who was to unfurl the national flag had to return to Aizawl. The bandh in the town and nearby villages was called by Saitual District Implementing Demand Committee (SDIDC) for a separate Saitul district, which was sanctioned in a cabinet meeting in 2008.

IIM Shillong celebrates I-Day Dimapur, Aug 15 (NPN): Indian Institute of Management, Shillong celebrated Independence Day with exuberance on Tuesday. The event witnessed march past by the security officials of IIM Shillong, followed by hoisting of the national flag and a rendering of the national anthem. Dr. Amitabha De, director, IIM Shillong, in the presence of faculty members and students in attendance, talked about empowering students to take the institute and the nation to new heights by incorporating a deeper sense of responsibility. Talking about the path that is ahead, the director said, “The future of the nation rests upon analyzing where we stand today and where we envision ourselves to be”. “We have been bestowed upon a rich legacy and now it is our prerogative to nurture and strive to take India forwar,” said a student present at the ceremony.

Gangtok, Aug 15 (PTI): Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Chamling Tuesday said its people are like “unpaid soldiers” defending the motherland and hit out at the West Bengal government for their “suffering” due to the ongoing Gorkhaland agitation. “Sikkim’s location states how strategic it is to the unity and integrity of the nation ... Our people are like unpaid soldiers defending our motherland. Unbounded peace and harmony for people living in the border states are great assets for the nation,” he said unfurling the National Flag here on the occasion of Independence Day. “... I am pleased to say that the state government of Sikkim and every Sikkimese citizen are solidly behind the central government to safeguard the integrity and sovereignty of our great nation,” he added. Speaking on the ongoing Gorkhaland agitation, which has hit Sikkim, Chamling said it is common knowledge that the state has been suffering for the last


Itanagar, Aug 15: Arunachal Pradesh has traversed a long journey from the days of North-East Frontier Agency (NEFA) to being a union territory and now completing three decades of our existence as a state of the Indian Union, Chief Minister Pema Khandu said on Tuesday. However, he said for reasons of history, the tribesmen have remained deprived of the fruits of development. “The challenges of geography have further aggravated the problems. People living in remote rural areas have braved adverse weather conditions and have shown remarkable resilience,” he said after unfurling the Tricolour and taking the salute at the Independence Day parade here. He noted that Arunachal Pradesh has shared

33 years due to it as Sikkim remains totally cut-off and isolated when bandhs are called by political parties in Bengal. “This is almost as a re-run to the past incidents. Sikkim has been mercilessly trapped between the renewed agitation demanding Gorkhaland in the Darjeeling, Doars and Siliguri region and the unrelenting West Bengal government insensitive to the plight and suffering being faced by Sikkim and its people,” Chamling said. As a result Sikkimese people have been denied the right to free movement, safety and security, he claimed and added that the loss incurred by the state is more than Rs 60,000 crore. During last year 33 years of the Gorkhaland agitation over 5000 Sikkim registered vehicles have been damaged or torched and 50 people - drivers and passengers have lost their lives, he said. Chamling made announcements like increasing the minimum daily wages for workers to Rs 300, construction of one old age

Pema Khandu a special relationship with the armed forces, who have stood by us in times of adversity and times of prosperity. “We have also seen armed aggression from across the borders and our land has been witness to an armed conflict between nations in which hundreds of brave soldiers laid down their lives,” the Chief Minister said. China and India fought a brief war in 1962 when the Chinese entered Arunachal Pradesh and

home in each of the four districts, pension for farmers aged 50 years and above for those who are solely dependent on agriculture. He said district collectors will make a list of ‘sukumbasis’ (people who do not have land in Sikkim) and by 2018 they will be provided land for construction of houses, which would be done by the government. He asked that unutilised government lands be identified and the report submitted to the government within 3 months for the purpose. Lachung and Lachen in remote North Sikkim district would be developed as a garden of rhododendrons, all government buildings would be made disabledfriendly with provision for ramps and public participation and involvement would be ensured in the implementation of all government programmes. “Now our goal is to become India’s first kutcha house free state by 2018, the first poverty free state, the first smart city state and the first carbon neutral state,” he added.

unilaterally declared a ceasefire after withdrawing to the McMahon Line. “Each time we have reached out to them for support, they (armed forces) have gone beyond the call of duty to help us,” Khandu said, as he paid homage to the brave Indian Air Force pilots and their support staff who gave a supreme sacrifice in evacuating the people of our state who were trapped in zones of landslides and floods. Highlighting the achievements and priorities of his government to bring about sustainable development in the state, the Chief Minister said that development mantra can be fully implemented only when there is universal peace and harmony in the state. “We will have zero tolerance towards disruptive and divisive forces and called upon the people to participate in the growth of the state,” he said.

NSCN/GPRN condemns raid D imap u r , Au g 1 5 (NPN): The NSCN/GPRN has Tuesday condemned the combine raid conducted by troops of 23 AR and 14 Sikh Regiment on the Zeilad Zeliangrong Region office “when GoI and the Nagas are so close from the final solution at the highest level that is also on the joyful day of Nagalim Independence Day.” It demanded that the arrested regional staff along with the confiscated arms, office files and other related matters be immediately released through the Ceasefire Monitoring Cell Office in order to avoid chaotic environment. Meanwhile, NSCN/GPRN has extended its gratitude to the Rongmei Council, Liangmei Council, Zalengrong Union, ZLR Boudi, TML, ZRL Meipui Phuam as well as the Public of the Longmai, Awangkhul, Khongsang, Raengpang and Nungba for their timely intervention. “Their courage and selfless sacrifice again reaffirmed that Nagas’ political problem is a national issue,” stated NSCN/GPRN in a press note.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, august 16, 2017



Indian, Chinese troops exchange sweets on I- Day

Petrol pumps lack functional toilet: Survey

Bihar floods: 56 dead; 69.81 L affected

A view of flood hit Araria district of Bihar. PATNA, AUG 15 (AGENCIES): The death toll in Bihar flood has risen to 56 as 69.81 lakh people have been hit by inundation in 13 districts of the state. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Tuesday made second aerial survey of the flood-hit areas. Special secretary in the state disaster management department Anirudh Kumar said Araria accounted for 20 flood deaths, West Champaran - 9, Kisanganj - 8, Sitamarhi - 5, Madhepura - 4, East Champaran, Darbhanga and Madhubani - 3 each and Sheohar - 1. He said 69.81 lakh peo-

ple are in the grip of floods which has engulfed 98 blocks and 1,070 panchayats in the state. The number of affected districts went up to 13 with Muzaffarpur being the latest addition. Flood waters submerged the district today. The special secretary said 1.61 lakh people have been evacuated and taken to safer places. Out of them, 85,949 have been put up in 343 relief camps in different places. The chief minister made his second aerial survey of flood-hit areas since yesterday. Accompanied by chief secretary Anjani

Kumar Singh, he surveyed Darbhanga and other regions. Earlier in the day, addressing the Independence Day programme here, the CM expressed concern over the ‘grim flood situation’ and assured the victims that the government would do everything to ensure relief and rescue operations. The flood situation caused by incessant rains in Nepal and some districts of north Bihar is grim. The rivers in north Bihar are flowing above the danger level and have caused immense loss and damage, he said.

The government will leave no stone unturned to help the flood victims, Nitish Kumar said and thanked Prime Minister+ Narendra Modi for promptly sending the NDRF and Army to the affected areas. Principal Secretary of Disaster Management department Pratyay Amrit made another aerial survey of the flood-hit areas. Amrit, who has been coordinating relief and rehabilitation operation round-the-clock, said that community kitchen has been started in camps for flood victims. East Central Railway (ECR) chief public relations officer Rajesh Kumar said that no train is going beyond Katihar towards the north east+ as flood waters have inundated the railway tracks. A report from Katihar said that railway bridge number 133 in Barsoi-Kisanganj section of Katihar division of North East Frontier Railway has been badly damaged in flood. Soil under the track of the bridge has caved in, it said. The ECR CPRO said that along with cancellation of 33 trains yesterday, Demu service between Samastipur and Raxual and the GayaKamakhya Express were cancelled today due to the floods.

Gangtok, AUG 15 (AGENCIES): There was no ceremonial meeting between officers of the Indian and Chinese armies on the Independence Day on Tuesday at the strategic Nathula border amid the continued standoff at Doklam, but personnel from two sides exchanged sweets. The Army and ITBP personnel took part in the informal exchange of sweets at Nathula, barely 25 km from Doklam where the two armies are face-to-face for over two months now, Army sources said. Earlier, a ceremonial meeting used to take place between the two sides on India’s Independence Day which was attended by officers of the Chinese Army. The Army also celebrated the occasion by distributing sweets to the local people. Sikkim shares international borders with China, Nepal and Bhutan. It shares a 220.7 km border with China, 95.6 km with Nepal and 32 km with Bhutan, and is connected to the country through a narrow 27 km stretch of land known as the ‘chicken’s neck’. Speaking at the day’s main function in Gangtok, Chief Minister Pawan K Chamling said the state’s location shows its strategic importance for the unity and integrity of the nation.

Broad-based consultations will help resolve political problem: Zeliang (From p-1) Despite general slowdown of the economy in the country, Zeliang said the taxes department had collected Rs. 434 crores (provisional) during 2016-17, surpassing the budget target of Rs. 414 crores with a growth rate of 18.13%. He pointed out that revenue of Rs. 14.20 crore was earned through state lotteries against the target of Rs. 13.00 crore. With the advent of the GST regime from July 1, 2017, the chief minister said it was expected to improve the overall efficiency of the taxation system. He also informed that the state government, despite acute resource constraints, has decided to adopt the 7th Central Pay Commission Recommendations. In the agriculture sector, Zeliang said the agriculture department during 2017-18 aimed to achieve 7.44 lakh metric tons of food-grain production with a growth rate target of 6.5 % and a productivity level of 2,438 kg per hectare keeping in view the goal of achieving ‘Food for All’ by 2025. In the education sector, Zeliang said that with the declaration of the year 2017 as the ‘Year of Research’, the SCERT has begun six research and survey studies during the current year. He said development of textbooks for classes IV and V under Naga Heritage Studies has also been initiated. Under the health sector, Zeliang said the health and family welfare department has taken up several initiatives under the National Health Mission including major upgradation of community health centres, primary health centres, sub centres, two model delivery room and five accident and trauma centres at the district hospitals of Dimapur, Kiphire, Kohima, Mon and Tuensang to provide emergency medical services. He also said that the department was rolling out Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendra (PMBJK) in various health facilities starting with the district hospitals, where low cost quality generic medicines would be sold. In the infrastructure sector, the chief minister said pointed out that in addition to the 1547km of National Highways in the state, six roads covering a total length of 845km have been accorded ‘in principle’ approval for declaration as National Highway by

the centre. He disclosed that construction of two lane bridges at Tsüsangra and Doyang on NH-02 were expected to be completed by 2017 and 2018 respectively. Zeliang also said that two laning of NH-2 from Botsa to Wokha (via Tseminyu) covering 32.4km and two laning of NH-2 from Yisemyung to Unger covering 17.0km would commence shortly. Further, he said that improvement of NH 29 within Dimapur and Kohima city totalling to 28km have been sanctioned and works would be taken up soon. He informed that MoRTH has sanctioned Rs.323.15 crore for the proposed Capital bypass road from Dimapur to Kohima via Niuland covering 34.17 kilometers. The chief minister said this would serve as an alternate route between Dimapur and Kohima. In this regard, he appealed to the land owners and village councils of the areas to cooperate with the government and contractors in order to ensure good roads and timely completion of project. Land resources department: The chief minister said that through the initiatives of land resources department 15,800 hectares of rubber plantation with 69.52 lakh standing trees have been developed in the state. Out of these, he said 16.72 lakh trees were currently being tapped, generating annual earnings of Rs. 69.12 crore and providing employment to 7,600 youth in rural areas. To establish export marketing linkage, he said the department has signed a memorandum of agreement on June 22 with ‘Naga Coffee Pvt. Ltd.’ assuring coffee growers in the state to buy their produce at international prices. Irrigation & Flood Control (I&FC) department: I&FC department is working to create irrigation potential under the flagship scheme “Har Khet Ko Pani” under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) for increase in agricultural food production and improving the economic returns of the farming community. Soil & water conservation department: A total of 924 hectares of land have been treated with soil and water conservation interventions and 144 water harvesting ponds constructed during 2016-17. Veterinary department: For enhancement in productivity of meat, milk and eggs, the

genetic improvement through infusion of superior germplasm is being taken up. To promote dair ying, 6,200 doses of frozen straws from the USA and 35,000 doses from Gujarat, including artificial insemination kits, have been procured under the National Programme on Bovine Breeding. Fisheries department: Besides implementing the scheme “Blue Revolution -- Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries” from 201617, the department is also pursuing construction of new ponds/tanks and rejuvenation of urban/semi-urban/rural lakes/tanks for fish culture. Forest: A memorandum of understanding (MoU) for implementation of the Nagaland Forest Management Project through funding from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been signed between the Government of India and Japan on January 30, 2017 for an amount of Rs. 533.00 crores. The project will be taken up in 185 villages for mitigation of jhum cultivation. Higher education: 19 colleges have acquired accreditation from the NAAC under the mandatory requirement for assessment and accreditation prescribed by the UGC. Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) four components are being implemented including infrastructure development in all the 15 government colleges. Yo u t h r e s o u r c e a n d sports: The chief minister acknowledged the performance of Naga youth in the sphere of sports activities and said that the state government intends to commemorate the 100th birth anniversary of Dr. T. Ao in a befitting manner in 2018. Year of Constr uction Workers (YoCW) 2016-17: Focus is being given for reskilling and skill up-gradation of 550 workers in all the districts. Nine districts have been covered so far and a total of 460 candidates have been trained. Transport: The Nagaland state transport has introduced two new bus services – TizitNokyan-Tizit and ZunhebotoSatoi-Zunheboto. New helipads at Satoi, Tizit, Wokha and Phek are likely to become operational during the current financial year 2017-18. Socio-economic services: With the implementation of National Food Security Act, BPL beneficiaries are being provided 5kgs of rice per eligible beneficiary at a highly

subsidized rate of Rs. 3/- per kg. The Act covered the existing Antyodaya Anna Yojana beneficiaries by providing 35 kgs of rice per household per month @ Rs. 3/- per kg. The state has 2.37 lakh ration card holders under Priority Households (PH) covering 11.94 lakh persons and 47,500 ration card holders covering 2.10 lakh persons under AAY. Power sector: The department is implementing IT enabled projects in nine towns in Kohima, Dimapur, Chumukedima, Phek, Wokha, Mokokchung, Tuensang, Mon and Zunheboto to provide customer friendly services in areas of billing, payment and redressal of grievances. D U DA : D e p a r t m e n t of Underdeveloped Areas (DUDA) is taking up infrastructural upgradation projects in underdeveloped areas in Mon, Tuensang, Longleng and Kiphire Districts and also in six other underdeveloped areas, Peren and Tening in Peren District, Bhandari in Wokha district, Meluri in Phek District and Aghunato and Satoi in Zunheboto District. Border Area Development Programme aims at bridging the critical gaps for socioeconomic upliftment in the Indo-Myanmar border areas under Mon, Tuensang and Phek districts with a budget allocation of Rs. 25 crores. Meanwhile, reminding of the state government’s ‘Vision 2030’, the chief minister called for making concerted efforts to spur steady growth of state economy and to bring the state at par with the rest of the country. Earlier, the chief minister unfurled the tri-colour and took salute from 27 marching contingents. The main attraction of the celebration was the arms drill by 15th Nagaland Armed Police Mahila Battalion and dance display by Nagaland Adolescent Girls Club, besides cultural performance by different Naga tribes. The chief minister also released the Nagaland State Human Development Report and handed over the President’s police medal for meritorious services to eight personnel, one President’s Home Guards and Civil Defence medal and one President’s Fire Service medal. He also handed over the Governor’s gold medal to 16 individuals. MP Lok Sabha Neiphiu Rio, a host of legislators, senior government officials, students and others attended the celebration.

Survey conducted by LocalCircles, which had over 40,000 participants from more than 175 districts, 65% of the respondents said it was tough for them to locate the toilet at fuel stations. NEW DELHI, AUG 15 (AGENCIES): Majority of the citizens had difficulty in finding a functional toilet at petrol pumps and only one fifth of them found the toilets open for all, an online survey by a community social media platform has found. Nearly one-third said customers could access the toilets only after making a request since those were locked. According to the survey conducted by LocalCircles, which had over 40,000 participants from more than 175 districts, 65% of the respondents said it was tough for them to locate the toilet at fuel stations in the past one year. “In response, 29% said they have generally not

Govt to make 20 universities ‘world class’: PM Modi New Delhi, Aug 15 (IANS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said his government plans to invest Rs 1,000 crore to transform 20 universities into “world class” educational institutions. In his Independence Day address from the ramparts of the historic Red Fort here, Modi said the government had taken an important step “to grant the universities freedom from restrictions to make them world class universities”. “We have asked 20 universities to decide their own destiny. The government will not interfere in their functioning. Besides, the government is willing to provide funds up to Rs 1,000 crore,” Modi said. “We have appealed to them and I am confident that the education institutions of our country will certainly come forward and make it a success.” He added that the government had set up six IITs, seven new IIMs and eight new IIITs over the last three years. “We have also done the groundwork for linking education with job opportunities,” he said.

been able to find one, 21% said they have mostly been able to find one and 36% said they have been able to find it at some pumps,” the findings mentioned. The community social media platform said that the survey was commissioned after one of the member in the group shared a picture of a pump in the Lutyens Delhi, which had only one toilet for males. “The post led to a widespread debate about lack of functional toilets at petrol pumps and how should they work ideally,” it said. Responding to a question about the access to toilets at petrol pumps whenever they found one, 32% said people got access after they requested for

it, while 27% said it was accessible only to customers. Barely one-fifth of the respondents said it was accessible for all. 95% respondents said every petrol pump should have separate functional toilets for men and women. Many women participating in the survey said while some pumps have both men and women’s toilets, very few women’s toilets are functional. 95% respondents said every petrol pump should have separate functional toilets for men and women. Many women participating in the survey said while some pumps have both men and women’s toilets, very few women’s toilets are functional.

Scuffle between Indian and Chinese troops in Ladakh NEW DELHI, AUG 15 (AGENCIES): A major scuffle, which included stone-pelting, took place between Indian and Chinese soldiers along the Line of Actual Control at eastern Ladakh in the western sector on Tuesday even as the tense troop stand-off in Doklam area in the eastern sector remains locked in a stalemate. Sources said the confrontation between the rival soldiers took place on the north bank of the Pangong Tso (Tso means lake) in eastern Ladakh, two-thirds of which is controlled by China as it extends from Tibet to India, early on Tuesday morning. “There was a scuffle between the two sides, which included some stone-pelting as well, after Indian soldiers blocked two attempts by People’s Liberation Army troops to enter Indian territory at the Finger-4 and Finger-5 areas early in the morning,” said a source. “Personnel from both sides received some injuries in the stone-pelting. The rival troops later pulled back from the confrontation site after banner drills to defuse the situation,” he added. But the Army, on being contacted, refused to say anything once again. The PLA soldiers continue to needle Indian forces in all the three sectors of the 4,057km LAC -- western (Ladakh), middle (Uttarakhand, Himachal)

and eastern (Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh) - in the backdrop of both sides having militarily reinforced their positions due to the Dokalm standoff near the Sikkim-BhutanTibet tri-junction, as reported by TOI earlier. Eastern Ladakh, in particular, has emerged as a major flashpoint between the two armies, especially in the areas of Chumarr, Depsang and Pangong Tso, over the last several years. Located at an altitude of 13,900feet across the Changla Pass, Pangong Tso is a 134-km long brackish lake in which both armies have also deployed armed boats against each other. There are boat, motorised and foot-patrol transgressions on a regular basis in the area. The region became an even bigger flashpoint when, during the 1999 Kargil conflict with Pakistan, China even constructed a “track” right up to the lake’s southern bank. On the eastern front, China remains adamant about Indian troops unilaterally withdrawing from the ongoing face-off in the Doklam area, which is actually Bhutanese territory but coveted by China. The Doklam imbroglio, of course, is different from the usual transgressions across the LAC since it is located in a third country (Bhutan), and India has reinforced its military posture near the tri-junction in the face of escalating rhetoric from China.

Left Front forms four km-long human chain

Thousands of Left Front activists in the morning of Independence Day formed Human chain all over the state in sign of togetherness against anarchy. 7 Kolkata, Aug 15 (IANS) Taking an oath to preserve the country’s unity, secularism and democratic rights, West Bengal Left Front leaders and activists on Tuesday formed a four kilometer-long human chain here on the occasion of the country’s 71st Independence Day. CPI-M General Secretary Sitaram Yechury participated in the programme, along with Left Front Chairman Biman Bose, CPI-M state Secretary Surjya Kanta Mishra, his CPI counterpart Probodh Panda, top leaders of the RSP and the

Forward Bloc and thousands of other Left activists. The human chain stretched from central Kolkata’s Raja Subodh Mullick Square to Park Circus Seven Point crossing in the south. The participants read out an oath pledging to protect the country from the forces of communalism and divisive forces as also “US imperialism”. Claiming that the foundational pillars of the Indian Constitution had come under “severe strain” since the BJP-led NDA government’s ascendancy to power in 2014, Yechury said

the nation should focus on eradicating the threats to its democracy. “The four pillars upon which this Constitution rests are secular democracy, federalism, social justice and economic self-reliance. Each one of these has come under severe strain since the 2014 general elections and the ushering in of the present BJP-led NDA government,” Yechury said. “We focus here on the threats to our secular democracy,” he added. The Left Front organised similar human chains in the districts as well.



Nagaland Post Vol. XXVII NO. 251 Dimapur, wednesday, August 16, 2017


Corruptible lot

ince the past few months ACAUT Nagaland as well as other organisations have exposed open loot of funds meant for providing services to the public from replies received through filing of RTI and it will not be a surprise if the massive defalcation of funds so far reported happens to be only the tip of the iceberg. There was the Rs.20 crore alleged massive fraud committed under the R&B department during 2016 and 2016 in various working divisions. The same amount was released on two occasions for the same works under the same divisions. The reports in the newspapers were not rebutted as yet. Again there was another alleged scam of Rs.19.42 crore involving the 2.5 km road stretch from city tower junction to DC court junction. However the fact is that except for the works done during 2015, there was no work since 2016 on the same stretch. In the latest alleged scam ACAUT has reported that the finance department had released Rs.57,09,00,000 in 2016 and 2017 for construction of a single bridge over Tizit river on the Mon-Tizit road. The first instalment of Rs.28,54,97,000 was released on April 17 valid till April 20 under the head ‘non-developmental’ for construction of the bridge. Again another amount of Rs.28,54,97,000 was allowed to be drawn on April 20. That means two equal amounts were drawn for the same work totalling Rs.57,09,94,000 state ACAUT. What was shocking according to ACAUT was that the amount was for the project under the EE PWD (R&B) Mon but drawal authority was issued in favour of EE PWD(R&B) Kohima South Division. As per the money drawn, it would appear that work was completed but ACAUT again pointed out that an amount of Rs.12,51,90,000 was released on October 20,2016 against construction of a 34.00 mm long steel concrete composite bridge over Tikang on Mon-Tizit road. The release of pending bill would overshoot to more than Rs.12 crore to the tune of several hundred crore rupees. ACAUT has demanded details of those official involved in the scam and the firms supposedly beneficiaries of the payments. This only proves again that today, institutionalized corruption has become so deep rooted in the government. Unfortunately despite such looting going on, people have become insensitive to it. Corruption has been growing at geometric proportion where a few thousand crore rupees each year falls into the hands of the corrupt bureaucrats, politicians, businessmen and middlemen. Nagaland, like few of the states where corruption of the worst magnitude plagues the entire strata of society; the issue of tackling corruption has not translated into impartial investigation and prosecution. Corruption exists in some form or the other with individuals. It would be well to understand that corruption has become the biggest wrecker of Naga society. There is need to be very concerned about the seriousness of problems and threats posed by corruption to the stability and security of societies and how it is undermining the institutions and values of democracy, ethical values and justice and jeopardizing sustainable development and the rule of law. It is surprising that people are not demanding answers from their elected representatives as to why no probe has ever been ordered to unearth facts and expose those offenders.

DailyDevotion The Evidence of the New Birth You must be born again. —John 3:7

The answer to Nicodemus’ question, “How can a man be born when he is old?” is: Only when he is willing to die to everything in his life, including his rights, his virtues, and his religion, and becomes willing to receive into himself a new life that he has never before experienced (John 3:4). This new life exhibits itself in our conscious repentance and through our unconscious holiness. “But as many as received Him…” (John 1:12). Is my knowledge of Jesus the result of my own internal spiritual perception, or is it only what I have learned through listening to others? Is there something in my life that unites me with the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior? My spiritual history must have as its underlying foundation a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ. To be born again means that I see Jesus. “…unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God ” (John 3:3). Am I seeking only for the evidence of God’s kingdom, or am I actually recognizing His absolute sovereign control? The new birth gives me a new power of vision by which I begin to discern God’s control. His sovereignty was there all the time, but with God being true to His nature, I could not see it until I received His very nature myself. “Whoever has been born of God does not sin…” (1 John 3:9). Am I seeking to stop sinning or have I actually stopped? To be born of God means that I have His supernatural power to stop sinning. The Bible never asks, “Should a Christian sin?” The Bible emphatically states that a Christian must not sin. The work of the new birth is being effective in us when we do not commit sin. It is not merely that we have the power not to sin, but that we have actually stopped sinning. Yet 1 John 3:9 does not mean that we cannotsin— it simply means that if we will obey the life of God in us, that we do not have to sin.


For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nagaland Post, Dimapur

wednesday, August 16, 2017


71 Naga Independence Day speeches (Speech by Gen. (Retd.) Viyalie Metha kedahge FGN) My dear Countrymen, I on behalf of the Federal Government of Nagaland and on behalf of the Naga Nation once again give thanks to Almighty God whose faithfulness had sustained our Nation and our rights as a Nation through another arduous year in the hands of unceasing Indian occupational forces. As we arrive at this auspicious occasion of our National Day again, we remember our ancestors and our past leaders who through their dedication and sacrifices have sustained Nagaland as a sovereign nation till today. We owe our respect and honor to all those heroes who laid down their lives in defense of Nagaland. They shall be remembered in all the annals of our history. I also extend my heartfelt gratitude to all our present national workers who through their dedication and sacrifices have upheld our national right till date. On an occasion like this, a nation should be celebrating its Independence Day in pomp and gaiety, but for Nagaland, ever since the declaration of her independence on August 14, 1947 we have been suffering from the hands of overwhelming Indian occupational armed forces in our land. India thinks it has inherited Nagaland from the British; but the fact was, Nagaland was never a British subject. As a result Nagaland declared her own independence on August 14, 1947. India was granted independence by her British rulers a day after Nagaland declared its independence. Therefore, India has no right to occupy Nagaland by force. The case between India and Nagaland is a case of invasion and war perpetrated by India upon Nagaland. India sent its armed forces into Nagaland and started war with Nagas by 1954 and the Nagas have been fighting a war in defence of their country. The war was temporarily suspended with an International cease-fire agreement signed between the Government of India and the Federal Government of Nagaland which came into effect on September 6, 1964. Federal Government of Nagaland is upholding the cease-fire till today. But India on her part unilaterally abrogated the ceasefire in the year 1972 and has continued its war against a tiny Nation, like Nagaland. In course of its nationhood for over 70 years, India had exposed its own greed over Nagaland through the power of its armed forces under a total ban of access to Nagaland by foreigners and the Media in the past and partial ban even today. Of late, India started rampant exploitation of mineral wealth in Nagaland. Over and above, this has introduced its nefarious agenda of divide and rule policy with money power to create misunderstanding amongst the Naga people. As a result, India is conniving with few pseudo Naga nationalists attempting to make another settlement on the lines of the 16 Point Agreement of 1960. But whatsoever the case may be, the truth that the Nagas are not Indians and Nagaland is not Indian territory will prevail in the end. From the beginning, Naga leaders made their position very clear and plain which was also taken by some Indian leaders, like Mahatma Gandhi. Nagas wanted India to be good neighbors, not enemies. Therefore, it is high time to take the bold step which would be honorable for India and good for Nagaland. But until such a day dawns, all Nagas must together rally under its declared independence of August 14, 1947 and the National Plebiscite of May 16, 1951. May God bless Nagaland. Kuknalim.

(Elaboration on peace process by Rh. Raising, convener, steering committee, NSCN (I-M) 70 years ago, the Naga people declared their independence on this day, the 14th of August 1947, but sadly government of India did not recognize it. Self declaration of independence is not enough; it must be recognized by others, particularly by the aggressor state. A village which is not recognized by an established court is just a hamlet or a colony. Nagalim must be a recognized entity. In their tireless efforts to get recognition of their state, the Naga leaders met Mahatma Gandhi, the father of Indian nation, where he stated, “The Nagas have every right to be independent.” He was followed by C. Rajagopalachar, the first Governor General of free India, who too recognized the sovereign right of the Nagas to independence. On the eve of the formation of Union of India, the Constituent Assembly of India invited the Nagas to join the Union of India, but it was rejected outrightly by the Nagas. In support of the stand, NNC (Naga National Council) the then political organization of the Naga people under the leadership of A. Z. Phizo, conducted a plebiscite on the 16th of May 1951, in which 99.9% of the people voted in favor of sovereign independent Nagalim. Unfortunately, the political battle was turned into that of military by Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India. He arrogantly stated, “I will never allow the Nagas to be independent even if heaven falls into pieces and rivers run red with blood.” Accordingly, he poured Indian army into Nagalim to subjugate the Nagas and bringing them in the ambit of Union of India by sheer military force. His government unleashed reign of terror in Nagalim where Indian armed forces committed horrible crimes against the Naga people. Nevertheless, the Naga people stood their ground. With an eye to dampen the spirit of Naga nationalism and perpetually divide the Nagas, his government made a bogus agreement called the 16-point agreement in 1963 with a few Naga bureaucrats. It was however, rejected by the people. Realizing that the government of India had made the agreement with the wrong people, it initiated peace process through the mediation of Nagaland Baptist Church Council and signed a cease-fire agreement with the Naga government on the 6th of September 1964, even before the ink of the 16-point agreement ran dry. However, the two parties could not arrive at any tangible agreement on the negotiating table on account of rigid stands taken by both sides. In the mean time, Mr. R. Suisa, a Tatar, tabled a personal proposal for a kind of solution without foregoing the principle called as ‘the Suisa proposal,’ but it was rejected by the Tatar

Hoho to be regretted later. In the last round of talks in 1967, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India too proposed to solve the problem on the basis of Suisa’s proposal. It was again turned down. Thus, the Nagas missed the first bus. Mr. Jayaprakash Narayan MP a renowned Gandhian stated, “It is far better for India to have friendly Nagas on its frontier than hostile Nagas forcibly kept within the Union of India.” In its another attempt to murder the history of the Naga nation, the government of India created the worst kind of human rights situation in Nagalim by deploying hundreds of thousands troops. Under such circumstances the infamous Shillong Accord was made to sign on the 11th of November 1975. It was however, rejected by the Naga national assembly under the leadership of Isak Chishi Swu and Th. Muivah. The Shillong Accord reduced the edifice of the Naga resistance movement into rubbles. It was the leadership of Isak and Muivah that save the nation from the treacherous accord under the banner of NSCN. Three Months after the signing of the Shillong Accord Mrs. Indira Gandhi sent one of her trusted agents to our collective leadership with a message for having dialogues with them on the basis of ‘Suisa’s proposal.’ In early part of 1980s feelers for political talks were sent by Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s government consecutively for 5 times, but unfortunately talks could not be concretized on account of her assassination in 1984. In 1990, Rajiv Gandhi sent a message to our leaders through Mr. Srivastava the then IB Director for political talks. Late Mr. Angelus P. Shimrah and I were assigned to meet him. Srivastava conveyed the message from Rajiv Gandhi for dialogue with the NSCN leadership if he returned to power. Rajiv Gandhi wanted to finish the work left by his late mother. He also assured us that Rajiv Gandhi would return to power. Unfortunately, Rajiv Gandhi was also assassinated during his election campaigns. NSCN planned to fight the enemies from three prongs – military front, diplomatic front and prayer band. Apart from military confrontation, NSCN leadership sent groups of its cadres for diplomatic mission abroad covering countries in five continents. Our collective leadership got NSCN admitted to UNPO on the 23rd of January 1993. UNPO in its General Assembly recognized the sovereign right of the Nagas to independence. In 1994, our collective leadership attended United Nations human rights meeting where the honorable Secretary General, Bhutos Bhutos Ghali stated, “There is human right situation in Nagaland.” Late Mr. Angelus and I were assigned for political campaign in U.S.A. Prayer support of the Churches and political support

of the people of America was immense: - 24 Congressmen and Senators from United State of America extended their fullest support to the Nagas in written. Jimmy Carter, the former President of the USA wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh and the Ato Kilonser of the Nagas stating, “I encourage you to move ahead with your conversations to present an acceptable solution that will assure the rights of the Nagas and the security of India.” Support of the Washingtonbased Lawyers committee for human rights, PILPG (Public International Law and Policy Group) USA and International Relation Committee were outstanding. Moral support of the Society for Threatened Peoples, a strong organization in Germany, continuous support of KWIA from Belgium, support of the European Parliament, Forum for Asia in Bangkok, AIPP (Asia indigenous peoples Pact), Other Media from Delhi, Idasa from South Africa, Geneva Call, PNSD (Parliamentarians for National Self-determination) London, NISC ( Naga International Support Centre) Netherlands and its coordination offices in South Korea, Germany, and UK, Constant support of KREDDHA from Netherlands, Individual well wishers and steadfast support of the Civil Societies in Nagalim are highly commendable. The political supports from some well wisher countries including Netherlands are quite laudable. Continuous prayer support of all the Churches in Nagalim and abroad is remarkable. Thus, the international political campaigns of the NSCN have a great impact on the mind of the Indian authorities in Delhi. Consequently, feelers from Chief Minister, Governor and Ministry of Home Affairs, government of India came for political talks. However, our collective leadership rejected them all on the ground that talks should be held only at the Prime Ministerial level. Finally, ‘olive branch’ from the Prime Minister office for peace process was sent to our leaders. Therefore, talks with Mr. P. V. Narasimha Rao, the then Prime Minister of India was held in Paris on the 12th of June 1995. It was mutually agreed between the government of India and NSCN that talks would be held on three terms: talks without condition, talks at the Prime Ministerial level and talks in third countries. Mr. H. D. Deve Gowda succeeded Mr. P. V. Narasimha Rao. He was also fully committed to working out an honorable solution to the Indo-Naga political problem. After series of talks between the two parties the ceasefire agreement was signed and declared on the 1st of August 1997. The honorable Prime Minister of India Mr. IK. Gujral announced it in the Indian Parliament whereas our honorable Yaruiwo Mr. Isak Chishi Swu announced it in the UNPO Gen-

A brief response to ‘conspiracy behind the toppling game’


he matter pertaining to the NPF crisis is of two different issues – one within the NPF Legislature Party and the other by the party outside the Assembly. The NPF legislators and the party functionaries must know the history about how elections have taken place in Nagaland from the First to the Twelfth General Assembly Elections after we attained Statehood. The NPF party which was then the United Democratic Front secured a majority of 35 elected Members in the Fourth General Assembly Elections held in 1977. In 1982, the then NNDP could secure 24 seats, and in 1987, the NNDP won only 18 seats. In 1989, the so-called NPC won 24 seats which decreased to 17 in the next elections held in 1993. The NPF party did not contest in the 1998 General Assembly Elections and the party was derecognized by the Election Commission of India. In 2003, the NPF managed to win 19 seats and increased its tally to 26 after

7 Congress MLAs joined the NPF. In the Twelfth General Assembly elections in 2013, the NPF secured an overwhelming and absolute majority of 38 under the leadership of Hon’ble MP Lok Sabha and Interim President, NPF Shri Neiphiu Rio. After the NPF won 19 seats in 2003, Shri Neiphiu Rio asked three of us namely Shri TR Zeliang, Shri Kaito Aye and we to join him and make up the number of NPF. In that arrangement, we met Shri Neiphiu Rio and as he asked us to work together, we agreed to join hands with him to strengthen his position and leadership where Shri CM Chang, the present Hon’ble Advisor, Planning was the witness. Subsequently, 7 of us joined the NPF party and the number of NPF MLAs in the House increased to 26. After that, some of the other parties like JD (U) and Samata Party joined the NPF which then secured majority on its own. After this majority was secured, it was Dr.

Shurhozelie, who along with others, planned to dislodge the erstwhile INC MLAs who joined the NPF. Dr Shurhozelie and his group also asked the then Finance Minister Shri Kewekhape Therie to present a White Paper on the grant of Rs.365 Crores given by the former Prime Minister of India, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee as peace bonus. Accordingly, Shri K. Therie presented the White Paper and a meeting was held in the State Banquet Hall but Dr Shurhozelie and group created an excuse on that issue and expelled Shri K Therie from the NPF party. Again, when elections to both the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament were due, Dr. Shurhozelie hatched another plot and forced Shri W. Wangyuh Konyak and Shri TR Zeliang to go for the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha elections respectively and they left for Delhi out of compulsion. In 2007, Dr. Shurhozelie again connived with original NPF members and on 4th October 2007, he

along with around 9 Members met the then Chief Minister Shri Neiphiu Rio to have me dropped from the Ministry. That is how, and because of which, I resigned from the Cabinet on 27thNovember, 2007 and left the party. When the NPF crisis surfaced in January 2015, it was the Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri TR Zeliang who asked for the support of the 8 INC MLAs. The meeting was arranged by him and first, four of us namely Shri SI Jamir, Shri TR Zeliang, Shri KG Kenye (present MP Rajya Sabha) and myself met in Forest Colony, Kohima at the residence of the present Hon’ble Speaker. Shri KG Kenye knows what discussions we had in that very first meeting. This was followed by a second meeting later at the same place and the four of us were joined by Dr. Shurhozelie. (To be concluded...) (Tokheho Yepthomi), Minister, Parliamentary Affairs.

eral Assembly in The Hague, Netherlands. Former Prime Minister of India, Mr. V. P. Singh and Chandra Shekhar extended their fullest support to the peace process. On the 11th of July 2002, government of India and NSCN made a historic agreement, where GoI recognizes the unique history and situation of the Nagas. It was during the time of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. On the question of cease-fire area coverage, he clearly stated, “Wherever there is fighting there is cease-fire. Cease-fire is everywhere.” Dr. Manmohan Singh, the then Prime Minister of India and the Congress President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi are among those leaders who are also deeply committed to the Indo-Naga peace process. It was during their time that non-paper was tabled in the formal talks. Dr. Manmohan Singh went even to the extent of saying, “Solution outside the box.” He also said that he would go ‘the extra mile’ for finding honorable solution. On the 3rd of August 2015, honorable Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi made a big name in history when he declared the historic Framework Agreement signed between the GoI and NSCN as two entities. This Framework Agreement is based on the unique history of the Nagas. Our genesis is in our history; our identity is in our history; our culture and custom are in our history; our land is in our history; our people are in our history and our future is in our history. We will perish when our history is murdered. We must therefore, defend our history at all times and at all costs. Basing on the universal principle of democracy that ‘sovereignty lies with the people,’ it is mutually agreed that sovereignty of the Nagas lies with the Naga people and sovereignty of India lies with the Indian people as well. However, for bringing an honorable solution, peace and progress in the land the two peoples shall co-exist as two entities sharing sovereign power in some areas. Interdependent relationship among peoples and nations is the law, not choice. India and Nagalim are also interrelated. No lasting solution to any problem or dispute between contending parties has ever been brought about by force in history. All problems are solved by mutual agreement and consent through dialogue. To settle our issue with India, an agreement with India is indispensable. This Framework Agreement will be the beginning of a new relationship between India and the Nagas. We need India in many ways as much as India needs us. I convey the good will of our people to all our neighboring peoples and nations. The Framework Agreement was signed on the 3rdAugust of 2015 through the grace of the Lord and the wise statesmanship of leaders of the two peoples, which will certainly open the ‘Era of the Nagas.’ Kuknalim.

Reader’s Post Sir,

Wolves out there

In the afternoon of 15 Aug I got a call from this number +917368004576, claiming to be an SBI official. The whole conversation was in Hindi. He said I have to verify my account or my SBI account will be closed. I have not yet linked Aardaar to my account so I reckoned this to be the case. He asked for my ATM card 19 digit number. I gave the number and immediately I got an SMS from DM-SBPAYU. He was in a hurry to get the 6 digit one time password. The SMS read....(password changed) 455122 is your one time password for online purchase of Rs 9800.00 at Ola Money-Zipcash thru State Bank Debit Card ending XXX...2122. Dont share this with anyone. Actually he didn’t want me to read the whole message, he was interrupting me and was in a hurry to get the 6 digit password. It was very clear that he was a cheat. If I was careless and did not take time to read the whole text message I could have easily lost nearly 10,000 rupees. Or if it was someone who couldn’t read and understand the text, could have lost some hard earned money. Be careful, there are wolves out there. Narola, Burma Camp.

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.



Nagaland Post, Dimapur

wednesday, august 16, 2017

71st Independence Day celebrated across Nagaland

Dimapur Chamber of Commerce & Industries Inner Wheel club of Dimapur .

Muslim Council Dimapur.

Dimapur District Citizen Forum.

IRCS, Dimapur.

Rotary Club, Kohima.

Kohima Press Club.

opment (NABARD) and Nagaland State Cooperative Bank (NStCB) jointly celebrated 71st Independence Day at the premises of NStCB, Dimapur. KPC: Kohima Press Club (KPC) visited the district jail Kohima and donated books, magazines and some essential food items to the inmates.Bbrief programme was held with the prison authorities and 78 inmates, wherein, KPC president, Xavier Rutsa highlighted the purpose of the visit. DPC: Dimapur Press Club (DPC) on Tuesday visited the Central Jail Dimapur and distributed essential items and refreshments to the inmates and jail officials. DPC president Moa Longkumer highlighted the purpose of the visit and encouraged the jail inmates to retrospect over their prison term, restore their lives constructively and not to make their past lives be a barrier for their future. RCK: Rotary Club, Kohima (RCK) along with the rotractors visited Naga Hospital Kohima, Oking Researcher Clinic and Hospital, and Medicare Clinic at Kohima city. The club distributed biscuits, soft

Rejoinder to Mkg Sumo drivers union DIMAPUR, AUG 15 (NPN): A rejoinder has been issued with regard to the statement by the Sumo Drivers Union Mokokchung over alleged assault on one of its member. In a press note, one Takosenla of Upper PWD colony Kohima and owner of Travellers Inn, claimed that on August 3 night one Supongnungsang, a Sumo driver of Mokokchung– Kohima, jumped over the gate and entered her residential premises with an intention to assault and beat up one David Patton, a THC, IGP (INT) of PHQ, Kohima, who was one of the paying guest at the Inn. She alleged that the person created nuisance and disturbed the entire neighbourhood and disap-

peared from the scene. Takosenla said since she was out of station that night, she persuaded David not to file an FIR but to explore ways to amicably settle the matter. On August 4, the owner said she spoke to the driver over phone and decided to talk about the matter after she reached Kohima. Takosenla claimed that when they met on August 12 to discuss the matter at a Sumo counter, the driver allegedly hit her with a chair on the neck and back. Seeing this, she said that some male bystanders intervened and slapped him. She claimed that she did not know those persons and had never instigated them in any manner.

Due to the assault, Takosenla said she was currently undergoing intensive treatment. She however alleged that the driver twisted and concocted the story and misled the Mokokchung Sumo Drivers’ Union. Though the union had summoned her on August 14, Takosenla said she declined through letter stating that she was innocent on the matter. In this regard, Takosenal urged upon the Mokokchung Sumo Drivers’ Union to ascertain facts that led to the incident and hoped that the union would act reasonably, fairly and sensibly. She said the entire locality witnessed the incident and could testify on the matter.

drinks, snacks, soft food for all the patients as well as for the doctors and nurses. SSP: Sainik School Punglwa (SSP), Nagaland celebrated the day at its school campus, with officiating principal Lt. Col M. Keran Meitei as chief guest. Sainik School contingent consisting of thirty two cadets took part in parade held at District HQ Peren. WDLSA: Wokha District Legal Service Authority (WDLSA) celebrated the day with a stall to create mass legal awareness at local ground Wokha. Minister of Geology and Mining, Border Affairs, Mmholumo Kikon as chief guest inaugurated the stall and released the literacy booklets to be distributed free to the mass people. WDLSA visited the Fondling Harbour Children’s Home, Wokha and held a brief programme with the inmates. DBHSS: Don Bosco Higher Secondary School (DBHSS), Dimapur celebrated the day at its school campus with hoisting of

the flag was by Rev. Fr. CT Varghese (Rector). Students of higher secondary section organized a community service and visited rail colony, new market and reached out to 7 people. The students provided snacks and drinks and interacted with them. CBS & KCK: Cherry Blossoms School with the Kerala Club of Kohima visited the differently able children. The differently abled children performed national anthem in sign language along with action songs. Kumar, president of Kerela Club shared about the club activities and distributed snacks item to all the gathering. NCSU: The Nagaland Contractors’ & Suppliers’ Union (NCSU) Head Office Kohima led by its president Pele Khezhie along with 30 members visited Bright Morning Star Home Children at Perizie. Speaking to the children, the NCSU president challenged them to be strong in trusting God and courageous to their

Wokha District Legal Service Authority.

Dimapur Bengali Students Union.

goal. GC: The Green Caravan - Market Linkage for farmers and small time producers managed by Zynorique Initiatives Society visited Kohima Old Age Home, Meriema. The Green Caravan team held a prayer meeting and donated essential commodities to the society. NPF central youth wing: NPF Central Youth Wing led by its president N. Vihoshe Swu and working president Kohima division Kesoneilie Theunuo visited the Kohima Orphanage & Destitute Home. They donated food items to the children. The charity fund was mobilised during the devotional service organised by the Naga People’s Front on August 13 at Governor Bhavan Kohima. DBSU: Dimapur Bengali Students Union (DBSU) today observed the day in the premise of Dayanand Vidya Niketan ST Boys Hostel, Purana Bazar. NPF minority wing president Bishnu Bhattacha-

rjee appealed to students to walk in the path of truth, integrity with perseverance which would surely shower true meaning of freedom, peace and also strengthen brotherhood among all. TOAHDCC & URB: Tribal Old Age Home cum Day Care Centre (TOAHDCC) in collaboration with United Royal Bikers (URB), Dimapur organised a one day social outing programme at youth oasis centre, Eralibil on August 15. URR donated four wall fans towards the centre and entertained the senior citizens with different fun filled activities. Altogether, 22 old age member’s along with well wishers and member’s of URR attended the programme. DPC: The Dimapur Press Club (DPC) on Tuesday visited the Central Jail Dimapur and distributed essential items and refresh-

ments to the inmates and jail officials. DPC president Moa Longkumer highlighted the purpose of the visit and encouraged the jail inmates to retrospect over their prison term, restore their lives constructively and not to make their past lives be a barrier for their future. DPC former general secretary Paudi Rentta also challenged the inmates to transform their lives and lead a positive life. NABARD & NStCB: National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and Nagaland State Cooperative Bank (NStCB) jointly celebrated 71st Independence day at the premises of NStCB, Dimapur. The national flag was unfurled by general manager, NABARD, RO, Nagaland, S.K.Dhumal followed by singing of national anthem.


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NAPO appeals for peace DIMAPUR, AUG 15 (NPN): Northern Angami Public Organisation (NAPO) has expressed serious concern over tense situation between NPF groups at Bayavü area, Kohima and appealed peace and restraint. In a press note, NAPO president, Neiyalie Pfüsenuo urged 10 Northern Angami-I NPF youth wing and T.R. Zeliang & Rio led group to resolve the internal issue through understanding and avoid any unwanted situation that would disturb the peaceful living people of the area. “Let good sense and peace prevail and tranquillity be maintained,” NAPO appealed.



bers visited the Prodigal’s Home at Fellowship Colony and donated rice, vegetables, potatoes and eggs to the home. CCK: Classic Club, Kohima (CCK) along with spastic centre members & management faculty during contributed some eatable items and cash to the centre. GPPK: Gorkha Public Panchayat, Kohima (GPPK) visited leprosy colony, Kohima on August 15 and distributed food items and other eatables to the patients. DDCF: Members of Dimapur District Citizen Forum (DDCF) visited Wondang-Ki Charitable Foundation on August 15. They presented food items and cash to the orphans and establishment. IRCS Dimapur: Indian Red Cross Society, Dimapur District Branch visited Bethesda Youth Welfare Center, Circular Road, Dimapur handed over rice, dal, milk powder, potato, tea etc to Longshi, program officer in front of the inmates of the youth center. NABARD & NStCB: National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Devel-

NPF central youth wing.

Sainik School Punglwa.


DIMAPUR: To mark the 71st Independence Day celebration various organisations carried out social service in Nagaland on August 15. BAN: Business Association of Nagas (BAN) visited Nagaland orphanage home, Diphupar and distributed various items and eatables donated by BAN members to the children. BAN members shared words of encouragement and the children presented special numbers. DCCI: Members of District Chamber of Commerce and Industries (DCCI) visited Sharon Home for Hope located at Burma Camp and distributed food packets, fruits, biscuits, sweets, etc to around 45 students of the orphanage. IWCD: Inner Wheel club of Dimapur (IWCD) celebrated ID with the inmates of central jail, where they distributed fruits to all the inmates and staff of the jail. The club also donated sports and game items like carrom board, badminton rackets, volleyball, chess, Chinese chequers etc for the inmates. MCD: Muslim Council Dimapur (MCD) mem-

Green Caravan.

Gorkha Public Panchayat, Kohima.




Classic Club, Kohima.


Business Association of Nagas


GST improves business efficiency by 30%: PM


Again after the crisis, growth dropped because investment dropped. Today, there is no investment taking place. So, unless investment is jacked up, it is difficult to accelerate growth,” he said. India holds great promise, at a time when advanced economies are struggling with low growth and deflation, but growth in the country is “not inevitable”, he said. “Today, we are growing at seven plus per cent. But, that growth has a very narrow base...There is no investment taking place. Exports are quite muted. Inflation is low. But, inflation is low because of low oil prices and low food prices. Low food prices because of the good monsoon. Rupee is steady of course. “But, rupee is steady because of FII inflows. The most important worry for us today is that investment is not taking place,” he said. Some spoke highly about India’s growth, before the global financial crisis when the country clocked a growth of nine per cent, but the high growth rate did not continue, he said. Job creation on a large scale would happen in the

manufacturing and not in agriculture or services sector, he added. “…In order to get the elephant (Indian economy is often compared with an elephant) to dance..., the first thing we should do is invest in manufacturing. Because, manufacturing …is key to creating jobs,” added the former RBI Governor. The main thing “everybody pointed out” when the NDA government completed three years in office was its alleged failure to deliver on massive job creation though what was witnessed was “not a jobless growth”, he said. “Two things everybody has pointed out. Two things that the government has failed on or not delivered on. Two things.Jobs and (addressing) agriculture distress. “So, creating jobs is something that the government has not done as well as it should have. It is not a jobless growth. But, the number of jobs created with seven per cent growth, I think has been less than adequate. That’s the reason the Prime Minister talks about Make in India, Start Up India, Stand Up India etc,” he said.

Wilful defaulters owe Rs 92K cr to banks 3 lakh shell companies uncovered: Modi

No. 8605 Yesterday’s solution No. 8604

No. 3224 Yesterday’s solution No. 3223

No. 2050 Yesterday’s solution No. 2049




Across 1 Baseball player reverses cap (8) 6 One in prison for fraud? (3) 9 Length of series (5) 10 Rescue Ali knocked out in fight (4,3) 11 Just seen after month in part of London (7) 13 Units deployed in an African capital (5) 14 Trapper holding broken toy? Wait for it! (3,3) 15 Dancing bear is somewhere in the Balkans (6) 19 Rise for bear (5) 21 Obscure thing is made visible (2,5) 22 Missionary getting a position with the French (7) 23 Open wide to swallow a bit of ripe fruit (5) 24 Shelter for backward swimmer (3) 25 Tea’s gone off - but that was a long time ago (5,3) Down 2 Shrink any salt shaker? (7) 3 Family taking part (3) 4 Sleeveless coat provided, thanks to poet (6) 5 Blunt, to no avail (9) 6 Hit on the head with old coin (5) 7 Small school raised paper money (5) 8 Copper has last word about shrewdness (6) 12 Coats need woven yarns (9) 16 Major report reveals theory of origin (3,4) 17 The man composing a song (6) 18 In Arctic ice, Roman consul renowned for eloquence (6) 19 Poles suffer under slowcoach (5) 20 An opening, we hear, for worship (5) 23 Letter to order a horse? (3)

New Delhi, Aug 15 (IANS): More than three lakh “shell companies” set up to facilitate generation of black money have been unearthed by the government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday. “The drive against black money has led to the discovery of many shell companies. Following demonetisation, over three lakh companies have been


found which are nothing but shell companies,” Modi said in his speech here on the occasion of Independence Day. “Of these, the registrations of 175,000 companies have been cancelled,” he said. Highlighting the enormity of the black money menace, Modi said up to 400 bogus firms were found to be operating from a single

address. Last week, stock markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) imposed trade restrictions on 331 firms suspected of being shell companies. SWEAT SLIM BELT Flat your tummy with Sweat Slim Belt. No Medicine, no exercise only use "SWEAT SLIM BELT" & get attractive body shape. MRP. Rs. 3200/offer price only Rs. 1999/-


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made it clear that promoter of the defaulting company cannot escape from his responsibility even if he is not a whole time director. As per earlier guidelines, a bank couldn’t label a non- whole-time director of a company as a wilful defaulter unless there was conclusive evidence that the individual was aware of the wilful default by the company and had not objected to it.



filed FIR (First Information Report) in 1,914 cases with outstanding loans of Rs 32,484 crore. During 2016-17, 27 public sector banks, including SBI and its five associates have written off Rs 81,683 crore, the highest in the last five fiscals. The amount was 41 per cent higher than that in the previous fiscal. SBI and its erstwhile associates alone have written off Rs 27,574 crore nonperforming assets (NPAs) in 2016-17, according to the RBI data on “write offs” done by public sector banks. SBI merged its five associate banks with itself from April 1 2017. Gross NPAs of the public sector banks rose to Rs 6.41 lakh crore at the end of March 2017 as against Rs 5.02 lakh crore a year ago. In order to check incidences of wilful default, RBI has tightened the norms and



NEW DELHI, Aug 15 (PTI): Public sector banks have reported 20 per cent jump in the outstanding loans by nearly 9,000 wilful defaulters who collectively owed to lenders more than 92,000 crore at the end of March this year. The outstanding loans by wilful defaulters rose to Rs 92,376 crore at the end of financial year 2016-17, as against Rs 76,685 crore at the end of March 2016, registering a jump of 20.4 per cent. At the same time, there has been close to 10 per cent increase in number of wilful defaulters on annual basis. The number of wilful defaulters increased to 8,915 at the end of March as against 8,167 in the previous fiscal, according to data collated by the Finance Ministry. Out of 8,915 cases of wilful defaults, banks have

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Hyderabad, Aug 15 (PTI): Investments, especially in the manufacturing sector, is the key to ensure sustained growth in the country, former RBI Governor D Subba Rao has said. “I am sure all of you have read about economic survey that was presented to the Parliament last week. What the economic survey said was that in a situation where you have such low real investment, low export volume, low credit growth, you cannot sustain seven plus per cent growth. “So, if you ask me give a one word answer to what should be done to get India to continue to grow, I would say investment,” he said. Subba Rao was speaking at a meeting jointly organised last night by the Rotary Clubs of Hyderabad and the Federation of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FTAPCCI). Investment and growth rate have a strong correlation, he said. “When we grew at nine plus per cent before the global financial crisis from 2003 to 2008, there was very high investment.

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‘Yes to protect bank secrecy in Switzerland’. Earlier, some private bank groups in Switzerland had opposed the pact, but the government decided to go ahead with this framework after putting in place necessary data protection and confidentiality clauses. A draft memorandum has been ratified by the Swiss Federal council for implementing the automatic information exchange framework with India, which is expected to come into force from next year. India has been pressing for long to have such a pact amid a widespread perception about Swiss banks being among the most-favoured for stashing of suspected black money.

way back in 2000, the government gave the telecom corporation permission to provide all types of Telegraph services that were being offered by the two erstwhile departments. DTS had the permit for technology neutral cellular services but had not started providing mobile operations. Further, the terms and conditions of the licence were to be outlined in due course after the recommendations from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). “...the licence/permission granted to erstwhile DTS on February 29, 2000 were letter of intent to be converted into licence, subject to fulfilment of conditions precedent, viz finalisation of terms and conditions by licensor on recommendations of TRAI and obtaining separate licences for utilisation of spectrum from WPC etc which finally could get converted into licence only on March 21, 2003,” BSNL said in a letter to the Telecom Department. WPC is Communications Ministry’s Wireless Planning and Coordination wing.


BERNE/NEW DELHI, Aug 15 (PTI): The Swiss People’s Party (SVP), a populist political party in Switzerland, has opposed automatic exchange of banking information with India and 10 other countries. The opposition by SVP, which is known as a national-conservative and right-wing populist political party, is in sharp contrast to the official position of the Swiss government which has cited strong Indian data protection laws for agreeing to include India among jurisdictions for the automatic exchange of information (AEOI) on financial matters. It is one of the largest parties in the Federal Assembly and late last year it had supported a campaign,

New Delhi, Aug 15 (PTI): After MTNL, stateowned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has written to the government to extend the validity of its cellular licence and spectrum for two more years till 2022, according to a top official. “We were given licence in 2000 subject to finalisation of terms and conditions by licensor on recommendations of TRAI, and the first rollout was done in 2002. Therefore, the licence’s effective date should be from 2002 for a period of 20 years...that is, up to 2022,” BSNL Chairman Anupam Shrivastava told . He said BSNL’s request for extension pertains to all its circles. As of now, the licence is valid until 2020. BSNL operates telephony services across India except two circles of Mumbai and Delhi. Its mobile subscriber base is close to 10 crore and it has a market share of 8.7 per cent. When BSNL took over the business of the then Departments of Telecom Services (DTS) and Telecom Operations (DTO)

Investments key to ensure growth in the country: Subba Rao


Swiss party opposes black money pact with India

cle. Some find it astonishing that GST has been rolled out in such a vast country in such short span of time,” he said. He said in initiatives like GST, ease of doing business and cleanliness drive, the Centre and states have worked shoulder to shoulder to make them a success. He said the steps taken by the government will benefit the country and with GST the country will benefit. Modi said there was a time when the Centre and states used to fight over allocation of urea and kerosene. The Central government, he said, had a “big brother” approach towards the states. But all this is a thing of past with increased urea production in last three years and alternate LPG and natural gas usage cutting down kerosene demand, he said. “Since I have myself been a Chief Minister for long, I know that states are important for the growth of a country. I understand the importance of chief ministers and state governments.

BSNL seeks 2-year extension for mobile licence validity


such a big change has happened,” he said. The biggest tax reform since Independence, GST was rolled out from July 1. The new indirect tax regime has subsumed over a dozen state and central levies like excise duty, service tax and VAT, and has replaced them with four tier tax structure of 5, 12, 18 and 28 per cent for goods and services across the country. GST has removed inter-state barriers to convert India into a single market where goods and services can flow seamlessly. State border check posts scrutinised material and location-based tax compliance, resulting in delays in delivery of goods and cause environment pollution as trucks queue up for clearance. Modi said crores of people are behind the success of GST and the implementation of the new indirect tax regime is an example of the benefits that can be reaped if there is cooperative federalism in place between the Centre and states. “Technology is a mira-

Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, august 16, 2017


New Delhi, Aug 15 (PTI): The abolition of inter-state check posts after the implementation of GST has reduced time for movement of goods by 30 per cent and saved thousands of crores of rupees, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Tuesday. The Goods and Services Tax, which unified more than a dozen central and state levies, is a result of cooperative federalism and its smooth rollout from July 1 has increased efficiencies of business, he said. Addressing the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the occasion of 71st Independence Day, Modi said technology has made the rollout smooth in a short span on time. “ Tr u c k s ( c a r r y i n g goods) are saving 30 per cent (travel) time post GST as check posts have been removed. This has helped save thousands of crores of rupees and more importantly time,” he said. Business efficiency, he said, has increased. “Efficiency has increased in transport sector by 30 per cent and because of GST



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Mattis warns of risk of war if N Korea fires at US soil

Kim Jong Un inspects plans to target Guam in a missile strike.

as it committed provocations after introducing huge nuclear strategic equipment into the vicinity of the peninsula”, he was quoted as saying by KCNA. He urged the US to “stop at once arrogant provocations” against the North and not provoke it any longer. North Korea’s military said last week that it would finalise by mid-August its detailed plan to test-fire four intermediaterange ballistic missiles in an “enveloping fire” around Guam and report it to its leader for approval. Tensions have been mounting since the North tested two intercontinental ballistic missile tests last month, which appeared to

Indonesia police uncover alleged plot to bomb presidential palace

Anti terror policemen stand beside goods seized from a house of suspected Islamist militants in Bandung, West Java province, August 15, 2017.

J A K A RTA , AU G 1 5 (AGENCIES): Indonesian police on Tuesday arrested five suspected Islamist militants and seized chemicals near the capital, Jakarta, that they said were being used to make bombs for attacks on the presidential palace at the end of August, reports Reuters. Two of the five, a husband and wife, had been deported from Hong Kong for allegedly spreading radical ideology and the group had studied bomb-making techniques through a website run by an Indonesian believed to be fighting with

Islamic State in Syria, police said. Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslimmajority nation, has seen a series of small-scale attacks inspired by Islamic State, but most have been amateurishly planned and executed, using basic homemade weapons that have caused few deaths and minimal damage. Police have been concerned about suspected militants getting more sophisticated after twin pressure cooker bombs killed three police at a Jakarta bus station in May.

bring much of the US within range. Responding to the tests, US President Donald Trump warned Pyongyang of “fire and fury like the world has never seen”. The North in turn threatened to test-fire its missiles towards the US Pacific island of Guam. The war of words has sparked global alarm, with world leaders including Chinese President Xi Jinping urging calm on both sides. South Korean President Moon Jae-In also waded in on yesterday, calling for calm in the standoff with North Korea, saying there should never be another war on the peninsula.

TEHRAN, AUG 15 (AFP): President Hassan Rouhani warned today that Iran could abandon its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers within hours if the United States keeps on imposing new sanctions. In a speech to parliament, he also hit out at US counterpart Donald Trump saying that he had shown the world that Washington was “not a good partner”. Rouhani’s comments come with the nuclear deal under mounting pressure after Tehran carried out missile tests and strikes, and Washington imposed new sanctions -- with each accusing the other of violating the spirit of the agreement. Rouhani warned that Iran was ready to walk out of the deal, which saw the lifting of most international sanctions in return for curbs on its nuclear programme, if Washington persisted. “The failed experience of sanctions and coercion brought their previous administrations to the negotiating table,” Rouhani said in the televised address. “If they want to go back to that experience,

Egypt archeologists have discovered three ancient tombs containing sarcophagi in the south of the country.

and six burial holes, including one for “the burial of a small child”. Clay fragments found at the site “date the tombs between the 27th Dynasty (founded in 525 BC) and the Greco-Roman era (between 332 BC and the fourth century),” the statement said. The discovery “suggests that the area was a great cemetery for a long span of time,” it quoted Ashmawy as saying. In one of the three tombs, excavators found

Taliban ‘open letter’ to Trump urges U.S. to leave Afghanistan

KATHMANDU, AUG 15 (PTI): The death toll from widespread flooding and landslides in Nepal today climbed to 115 with nearly 40 people still unaccounted for and over six million affected by incessant rainfall across the Himalayan country. Most of the displaced, living in temporary shelters for the past three days, were yet to receive relief supplies in the flood-hit interior areas, the Kathmandu Post reported. More than 2,800 houses have been completely destroyed. Normal life in parts of Nepal has been hit and a large number of people have been displaced due to flooding and landslides. Authorities recovered seven bodies from the “no man’s land” near the floodhit Biratnagar–Jogbani border with India today and the death toll has hit 115, Home Ministry sources said. “A committee has been formed under Home Minister Janardan Sharma to ascertain the extent of the loss. The chief secretary and secretaries of 12 ministries are members of the committee,” home ministr y spokesman Ram Krishna Subedi said. The ministry said that the Nepal government has accelerated rescue and relief operations.

stan. “The war situation in Afghanistan is far worse than you realize!” the statement said, while arguing that the only thing preventing the insurgents from seizing major cities was a fear of causing civilian casualties. The statement also took aim at generals, who the Taliban said “are concealing the real statistics of your dead and crippled” soldiers. “We have noticed that you have understood the errors of your predecessors and have resolved to thoroughly rethink your new strategy in Afghanistan,” the letter said. “A number of warmongering congressmen and generals in Afghanistan are pressing you to protract the war in Afghanistan because they seek to preserve their military privileges.” The senior U.S. commander in Afghanistan, General John Nicholson, has requested several thousand additional troops to act as advisers to the struggling Afghan security forces. Powerful voices in the U.S. government, including Republican Senator John McCain, have also called for an “enduring” U.S. military presence in Afghanistan.

Iran can quit nuke deal if US keeps adding sanctions: Rouhani

Egypt discovers three millennia-old tombs CAIRO, AUG 15 (AGENCIES): Egypt archaeologists have discovered three ancient tombs containing sarcophagi in the south of the country in a cemetery dating back about 2,000 years, the antiquities ministry said on Tuesday, reports AFP. The tombs excavated in the Al-Kamin al-Sahrawi area in Minya province south of Cairo were in burial grounds constructed some time between the 27th Dynasty and the Greco-Roman period, the ministry said in a statement. The team found “a collection of sarcophagi of different shapes and sizes, as well as clay fragments,” the statement quoted Ayman Ashmawy, head of the ministry’s Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Sector, as saying. One of the tombs, which was reached through a shaft carved in rock, contained four sarcophagi each sculpted to depict a human face Another tomb held the remains of two sarcophagi

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has warned that an attack by North Korea against the United States could quickly escalate into war, and said the military would try to shoot down any missile that threatened Guam. North Korea last week said it was drawing up plans to test-fire four missiles that would fly toward Guam but splash into the sea before hitting the small US Pacific island territory, after President Donald Trump promised to meet ongoing threats from Pyongyang with “fire and fury.” “If they fire at the United States, it could escalate into war very quickly,” Mattis told Pentagon reporters yesterday. Mattis’s comments came after he and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said America has “no interest” in regime change in Pyongyang or the accelerated reunification of the two Koreas, and stressed the importance of a diplomatic solution to the crisis. The defense chief said the Pentagon is able to tell “within moments” where North Korea’s missiles are headed, and said the United States would try to shoot down anything that threatened America.

Nepal flood death toll hits 115; six million affected

bones believed to be the remains of “men, women and children of different ages”, Ali al-Bakry, head of the mission, was quoted as saying in the statement. This shows that “these tombs were part of a large cemetery for a large city and not a military garrisons as some suggest,” he said. This work follows previous excavation at the site, which began in 2015. “Works are underway in order to reveal more secrets,” the statement said.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, bottom, speaks during a session of parliament, in Tehran, Aug. 15, 2017 (AP/PTI)

FILE -- U.S. troops walk outside their base in Uruzgan province, Afghanistan July 7, 2017.

KABUL, AUG 15 (agencies): The United States should withdraw all its troops from Afghanistan and stop listening to “stooges” in Kabul, the Taliban warned in an open letter to U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday, reports Reuters. The Trump administration is working to finalize a regional strategy that could include nearly 4,000 additional U.S. troops, part of a NATO-led coalition, that have been requested by commanders in the country. That plan has faced scepticism in the White House, where Trump and several top aides have criticized years of American military intervention and foreign aid. “Previous experiences

have shown that sending more troops to Afghanistan will not result in anything other than further destruction of American military and economical might,” the Taliban said in the English-language letter released to media and addressed to Trump. The Taliban, seeking to restore Islamic rule, have been waging an increasingly violent insurgency against the Western-backed Afghan government since losing power in a U.S.-led military operation in 2001. In the lengthy statement, the Taliban criticized the Afghan government as “stooges”, “lying corrupt leaders” and “repulsive sellouts” who are providing Washington with overly optimistic “rosy pictures” of the situation in Afghani-

Nine dead as UN bases come under twin attack in Mali

3,000 firefighters combat raging wildfires in Portugal

B A M A KO, AU G 1 5 (AFP): Gunmen attacked two United Nations bases in Mali, killing a peacekeeper, a contractor and seven Malians, the UN said, in the latest attacks on its presence in the country. The peacekeeper and a Malian soldier were killed in an attack in the early morning in Douentza, in the central region of Mopti, according to a statement from the UN mission in the country, known by the acronym MINUSMA. Hours later, six men toting guns and grenades drove up to the entrance of the UN mission’s camp in Timbuktu in northwestern Mali, the UN announced in a separate statement. They opened fire on Malian UN security guards, killing five of them, as well as a policeman and a civilian contractor whose nationality was not specified, the UN said in a separate statement. A UN source told AFP six guards had been killed, but the statement said one was wounded but had not died.

LISBON, AUG 15 (agen- ling a second large fire also cies): Around 3,000 fire- in the interior of the counfighters in Portugal were try. struggling to put out more RTP showed images than 150 wildfires raging of smoke rising as fires adacross the country Tuesday, vanced through wooded as persistent hot and dry hills, threatening the villagweather stoked the flames, es of Ferreira do Zezere and officials said. Macedo de Cavaleiros. In one case, around Civil Protection Agen800 firefighters supported cy spokeswoman Patricia by air units were concen- Gaspar said Tuesday that trating on extinguishing a 55 people had been injured, large blaze near the central including four with serious town of Vila dei Rei, reports injuries, by fires in Portugal AP. since Aug. 9. Portuguese public teleGaspar also said that vision RTP showed images firefighters would get no of towering flames illumi- relief from the weather. She nating the night which by said temperatures were morning had left large forecast to rise in the interiswathes of scorched forest or of the country, where near the town, where au- they could reach 40 C (104 thorities evacuated 112 F). Portugal has been espepeople Monday. cially hard hit by wildfires Another 300 firefight- this year because of a wideHaq was responding ers were focused on control- spread drought. to a question on India’s plans to deport Rohingyas from Myanmar regardless of whether they are registered as UN refugees or Achumi Kughuko kaku (2011) mpe lono not. Haq said UN princiyephe keu, Sukuphakepu/shikithekepu aghi ples of non-refoulement aye pesu October atsala 15.10.2017 zuuno applies in this case. Acaqhou aje tsupua keqho lau hekutsu penike cording the these principles, no nation shall expel or reaqhalo pithi tsu ani. turn a refugee in any manner to territories where his Vika Achumi 9862583473 life or freedom would be Pukhaxu Achumi 9436430588 DP-8144 threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a par- BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES WOKHA ticular social group or poFELICITATES litical opinion. We the Wokha District Bharat When asked which Scouts & Guides warmly congratulate agency would convey this Mr. Lishan E. Tsopoe (Scout), Son of message to India, Haq said Shri. Edward Tsopoe of Cistus School, the first point of contact Wokha for making our District proud by will be through the UN receiving Jamboree Award from among High Commissioner for the 73 participants of Nagaland State Refugees. BS & G during 17th National Jamboree Rijiju had said that 2016-17 held at Mysore, Karnataka. according to available data, The Organization further wishes him a bright future in more than 14,000 Rohing- the days to come. yas, registered with the T. Mhonbemo Kikon (H. Orenpomo Ngullie) UNHCR, are presently DTC(S) BS&G DOC(S) BS&G Wokha, Nagaland Wokha, Nagaland staying in India.

definitely in a short time -not weeks or months, but in the scale of hours and days -- we will return to our previous situation very much

more stronger,” he said. Rouhani said Trump had shown he was an unreliable partner not just for Iran but for US allies.

Afghan forces recapture IS ‘massacre’ village

Concerned about India’s plans to deport Rohingyas: UN chief

MAZAR-I-SHARIF (AFGHANISTAN), AUG 15 (AFP): Afghan forces have recaptured a remote village where Taliban and Islamic State fighters allegedly massacred dozens of civilians earlier this month, officials said today. Militants killed about 50 men, women and children in Mirzawalang, a mainly Shiite village in Sayad district of northern Sar-e Pul province, on August 5 after overrunning a government-backed militia, according to officials and residents. A spokesman for the Afghan National Army’s northern military corps said troops had retaken the village following several days of intense fighting that left at least 50 insurgents dead. “Our forces are in full control of the village and are searching for Taliban mines and booby traps,” Nasratullah Jamshidi told AFP.

U N I T E D NAT I O N S, AUG 15 (PTI): UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is concerned about India’s plans to deport Rohing ya refugees from Myanmar, his spokesperson has said, underlining that refugees should not be returned to countries where they fear persecution once they are registered. Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju had told parliament last week that the central government had directed state authorities to identify and deport illegal immigrants, including Rohingyas, who face persecution in the Buddhist-majority Myanmar. “Obviously, we have our concerns about the treatment of refugees. Once refugees are registered, they are not to be returned back to countries where they fear persecution,” Guterres’ deputy spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters here yesterday.

A firefighter works to fight a wildfire on a slope outside the town of Ferreira do Zezere, near Vila de Rei, central Portugal, Aug. 14 2017.



Kim Jong-Un briefed on Guam missile plan: KCNA

S E O U L / WA S H I N G TON, AUG 15 (AFP): North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has been briefed on a plan to fire missiles near Guam but hinted that he would hold off on the launch, Pyongyang’s state media said today. Kim “examined the plan for a long time” and “discussed it” with commanding officers yesterday during his inspection of the command of the Strategic Force in charge of the North’s missile units, according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). He said that “the US imperialists caught the noose around their necks due to their reckless military confrontation racket”. But Kim hinted he would hold off on the plan to test-fire missiles towards the US Pacific island territor y, saying he would “watch a little more the foolish and stupid conduct of the Yankees spending a hard time of every minute of their miserable lot”. “In order to defuse the tensions and prevent the dangerous military conflict on the Korean peninsula, it is necessary for the US to make a proper option first and show it through action,



Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, August 16, 2017



Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, August 16, 2017

‘Elvis On Tour: The NMC collaborates with DTP Exhibition’ set to open Social media flooded with I-Day greetings in London this year to ease traffic congestion S


Nagaland Motorcycle Club members along with Dimapur Traffic Police personnel.


dding a higher notch in their effort to make Dimapur a better place, Nagaland Motorcycle Club (NMC) has teamed up with Dimapur Traffic Police (DTP) to ease the traffic congestion in the city. Coinciding with the 71st Independence Day, NMC organized a ride under the theme ‘Ride for City’s Pride’ which culminated with an interaction at the Traffic Control Zone-I near Dimapur Railway Station. NMC donated 20 fabricated road signs to DTP which will help in guiding motorists and pedestrians to have a smoother flow while commuting in and around the city.

During the interaction, DTP personnel thanked NMC for the noble gesture and hoped that the donated items would go a long way in easing the terrible problem faced by the city folks. NMC also offered its hand to help out in manning the traffic along side DTP personnel as the latter had said it was facing problem due to shortage of manpower. NMC said it was willing to depute its members to man vehicular movements at various strategic points as and when DTP calls on the group for help. Speaking to Nagaland Post, a leader of the club said NMC organizes char-

ity works coinciding with major events like Independence Day, Republic Day etc. He said the ‘Ride for City’s Pride’ was their first initiative in collaborating with the traffic police. He added that since its inception in 2010, NMC has both been participating actively and contributing generously towards making Dimapur a friendlier city. The member also said that the group would be helping DTP in educating the citizens on various ways which will ease the traffic as that was one major hurdle the citizens were facing on a daily basis. (Staff Reporter)

new exhibition exploring Elvis Presley‘s life on the road is set to open in London later this year. ‘Elvis on Tour: The Exhibition’, is set to open at The O2 in November and will provide fans with a never before seen glimpse of The King’s life on tour in the 1970’s. Among the main attractions are some of Elvis’ most recognisable jumpsuits and guitars that he played on tour – including a Gretzsch Country Gentleman guitar that he used in Las Vegas in 1969. It will also feature exclusive interviews with Elvis’ touring band for the first time ever, providing an insight into playing with one of the most iconic musicians of all time. The exhibition, which is set to open on November 3, comes after 2014’s ‘Elvis At The 02’ which saw over 200,000 visitors through its doors. Priscilla Presley said: “To have a second exhibition dedicated to Elvis opening in London is remarkable. We were overwhelmed by the huge numbers, who were not onlyfans but people who were curious to learn more about Elvis, who visited the last exhibition at The O2. Elvis was beloved by his fans and they also meant the world to him.

ocial media on Tuesday was flooded with greetings and congratulatory messages on the occasion of the country’s 71st Independence Day, with Google celebrating the day with a beautiful doodle. The Google doodle design shows the Parliament House and the Ashoka Chakra, flanked by two peacocks, in the colours of the Indian national flag. The three colours -saffron, white and green -- of the Indian flag were visible everywhere on various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Facebook showed Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the list of topics that have recently become popular in its “trending” column with Independence Day as one of the most relevant topics being discussed. People uploaded pictures with flags in their hands, printed on their clothes or painted on their

faces. Women paired up their suits and ‘dupattas’ to make a replica of the national flag. People also shared congratulatory messages, greeting cards, and very artistic GIFs (graphics interchange format) on WhatsApp. Celebrities also came up on the various platforms to convey their messages on the occasion. Many

of them uploaded their own pictures wearing the tricolour or holding the Indian flag. Sports celebrities who used social media on the occasion included Virender Sehwag, Saina Nehwal, Dipa Karmakar and Gautam Gambhir. Bollywood celebrities like Priyanka Chopra, Aditi Rao Hydari, Sonakshi Sinha, Priyanka Chopra,

Purab Kohli, Preity Zinta, Shraddha Kapoor and Varun Dhawan, Anil Kapoor, Karishma Kapoor also posted their greetings. Four countries, namely South Korea, Congo, Bahrain and Liechtenstein, mark their Independence Day on the same day as India on August 15. Hence, the #independenceday hashtag was quite popular.

We’re slaves until we get freedom from corruption: Kamal Haasan


ell-known actor Kamal Haasan on Tuesday said Indians cannot attain true freedom until they are freed of the scourge of corruption. “Till there is no freedom from corr uption, we are still slaves. Those who dare and vow for a new freedom movement...

come and we will win,” Kamal Haasan said in a tweet. In another tweet, the actor said: “My aim is a better Tamil Nadu. Who dares to strengthen my voice? DMK, AIADMK and parties are tools to help. If those tools are blunt, find others.” why no one called for resHe also questioned ignation of the Chief Min-

ister in Tamil Nadu on the issue of mishaps and corruption in the state. Without naming anyone, he said in a tweet: “If one state’s CM (Chief Minister) should resign for a mishap and corruption under his government, how come no party calls for resignation in TN? Enough crimes done.”

Slash named Gibson’s first-ever Imsong releases Amber Heard pokes fun at Australian single ‘Since’ deputy PM over citizenship Global Brand Ambassador

G (Top L-R) Alobo Naga and Chumukedima Sumi Baptist Church choir. (Bottom L-R) Hopong Naga and a group of girls performing a choreography during the music fest held at Chumukedima Sumi Baptist Church. The event saw youths taking part in singing and choreography competition. Judges for the competition included Ikavi Zhimo, Onen Nenty and Aneila Seyie Keretsü. Guest band during the evening concert was Testify.

Adam Lambert opens up on touring with Queen


dam Lambert spoke to ET Canada about having mighty big platform shoes to fill as the lead singer in Queen. The 35-year-old began touring with Queen co-founders Brian May and Roger Taylor in 2012, three years after they first performed together during a 2009 episode of “American Idol”, the hit TV show that propelled

Lambert to stardom. Speaking about stepping in for one of the greatest rock singers to ever live, Freddie Mercury — who died in 1991 of AIDS at the age of 45 — Lambert said: “The first time, the first couple of months, actually, were terrifying — because I thought, ‘There’s no way I should be doing this.’ And I had the confidence of the band and they were really lovely about it.”

i b s o n B r a n d s, the world’s leading music lifestyle company, announces it has appointed guitar superstar Slash as Global Brand Ambassador, the first such designation in the company’s history. As part of the new role with Gibson, Slash is developing new products with three of its celebrated guitar brands, Gibson Custom, Gibson and Epiphone. Details of new products and exclusive content will be announced beginning later this month. Throughout his career, Slash has embodied Gibson’s values of quality, prestige and innovation and has brought the indelible sound and style of Gibson guitars to new heights of popularity and recognition over the last thirty years.

“We are thrilled to recognize Slash as Gibson’s first Global Brand Ambassador,” said Henry Juszkiewicz, chairman and CEO of Gibson Brands. “Slash embodies the characteristics of creativity, passion and excellence that are so closely aligned with Gibson and we are very proud of the friendship and mutual success we have shared together for over thirty years. We are also very excited about the future products we will be announcing soon.” “It’s an honor to be Gibson’s first Global Brand Ambassador,” said Slash. “I’ve been working with Gibson since the early days of my professional career and playing Gibson guitars since before that. I’m proud of the creative relationship we’ve developed over the years.”


oaakum Imsong, a solo artiste from Dimapur has released a single titled ‘Since’ in indigenous Naga music portal Indihut. The song, written by Imsong is a collaborative work with Alem Jamir, former member of Regeneration, who also arranged the song. While the song was mixed and mastered by Sosang Longkumer. The song is a rock ballad with a strong piano accompaniment to the powerful vocals by Imsong with an exciting string arrangement in the background. The lyrics talk about the unbreakable emotional attachment between two lovers which creates a sense of independence from other people. The picture for the song was taken by Lima Jamir at La Partum Picture.


hen Australian Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce was revealed to be a New Zealand dual citizen on Monday - possibly in violation of constitutional rules - social media users joked about what Amber Heard and Johnny Depp might think. The actors were famously targeted by Joyce for breaking rules of their own: failing to declare their dogs, Pistol and Boo, to Australian officials in 2015. Joyce had threatened to have the dogs put down, prompting Heard and Depp to release a stilted apology video for defying the biosecurity laws of Australia - which they called “a wonderful island”. The saga made headlines around the world and was widely enjoyed online, where it was dubbed the #WarOnTerrier. So it was probably no surprise that Joyce’s citizenship snafu - which is bound

for Australia’s High Court - generated clamour of its own. During the debate over the dogs, Joyce stressed that the actors would not receive special treatment because of their high profile, and must obey the law. “The consequences of a disease outbreak could have been terrifying,” he wrote when sharing the pair’s apology video on his Facebook page. Last year, Heard avoided a conviction after pleading guilty to making a false statement on her immigration card. On Tuesday, she chimed in on Joyce’s difficulty - to effectively have the last laugh. “When @Barnaby_ Joyce said “no one is above the law” I didn’t realize he meant New Zealand law ...” she tweeted. Her tweets were well shared, receiving both applause and criticism. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Joyce has not responded.

Tweets can signal health issues Now ‘The Walking Dead’ creator


he way people express their opinions and emotions on microblogging site Twitter may signal the rise of influenza, depression or other health issues in a specific area, an analysis of millions of anonymous tweets has revealed. “Opinions and emotions are present in every tweet, regardless of whether the user is talking about their health,” said lead author Svitlana Volkova, a data scientist at the US Department of Energy’s K


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Washington. “Like a digital heartbeat, we’re finding how changes in this behaviour relate to health trends in a community,” Volkova added, in the report published in the journal EPJ Data Science. It takes health workers weeks to discover influenza trends the traditional way: By monitoring how many sick people visit clinics. However, by discovering trends in real time, social media could be the game-changing solution public health workers have been looking for, the researchers said.

and producers are suing AMC


he creator and producers of ‘The Walking Dead‘ are now suing AMC for potentially billions , claiming they’ve kept “the lion’s share” of profits made by the hit show. The latest drama and controversy comes after a for mer show-r unner slammed AMC for “fucking up my show” in a series

of damning emails. Now, a lawsuit filed yesterday at Los Angeles Superior Court shows that show creator Robert Kirkman along with producers Gale Anne Hurd, Glen Mazzara and David Alpert are suing AMC for a string of charges, including breaching their contract. “This case arises from a

major entertainment conglomerate’s failure to honor its contractual obligations to the creative people — the ‘talent,’ in industry jargon — behind the wildly successful, and hugely profitable, longrunning television series The Walking Dead,” the lawsuit reads: “The defendant AMC Entities exploited their vertically integrated corporate structure to combine both the production and the exhibition of TWD, which allowed AMC to keep the lion’s share of the series’ enormous profits for itself and not share it with the Plaintiffs, as required by their contracts.”

The Bricks Field Owner’s Union, Dimapur, President, Pikuto K. Kiho and his colleagues, Legal Advisors Asungbe and Rokuovi Thorie donated a Refrigerator for storing medicine to Referral Hospital, Police Complex, Chumukedima on 15 August 2017. (Nagaland Bricks kiln Union renamed as The Bricks Field Owner’s Union. DP-8226



Sam Querrey leads old guard into second round at Cincinnati

Sam Querrey returns a shot to Stefan Kozlov during their match.

ist Querrey, 29, was barely tested by his 19-year-old wildcard opponent in the 51minute match during which he dropped only four points on serve and did not even face one break point. “Went out there and just kind of put my head down and went to work, and played a really solid match

from start to finish. It felt good,” said Querrey, who since Wimbledon has won a tournament in Mexico and reached the Montreal third round. Querrey will next face the winner of Tuesday’s clash between Dutchman Robin Haase and France’s Adrian Mannarino.

Exhibition football Ashwin joins Worcestershire county D ON, Au g 1 5 match organised LON (Agencies): Indian

D i m a p u r , Au g 1 5 (NPN): An Exhibition football match was played between the Kohima Veteran team and IGS girls team as part of Independence Day celebration. The match was won by Kohima Veteran team by four goals to nil. Chief Secretary, Nagaland, Pankaj Kumar IAS gave away prizes to the best parade contingents. Under armed category, 3rd AR Bn was adjudged the best parade contingent while 93rdBn BSF came second. Under the unarmed parade contingents, the first place was bagged by 1st Nagaland Air Sqn (FLG) NCC and second position by 1st Nagaland Girls Bn (SW) NCC. Under the school students’ contingents, the first place was bagged by Regimental School, Thizama and second by St. John’s School, Kohima. The programme also witnessed band display by Nagaland Police Brass band, Pipe band of 9 Assam rifles and 15th Mahila Bn, (IRB) Pipe band. The programme concluded with beating of the retreat.

spinner Ravichandran Ashwin will play for Worcestershire for the rest of their County Championship campaign, it was revealed on Tuesday. The 30-year-old -- who took 17 wickets on the recent tour of Sri Lanka as India completed their first three-Test series sweep on foreign soil on Monday -- will replace Australian John Hastings as the county’s overseas player in a coup for the second-tier side. The county will hope Ashwin, ranked number three in the bowler’s Test world rankings and second in the all-rounder lists, propels them to promotion in their final four matches. Ashwin will be the first Indian player to play for Worcestershire since Zaheer Khan resurrected his international career after a superb season with them in 2006. “Ravi is a fantastic international cricketer who is currently in terrific form

Ravichandran Ashwin

with his game,” purred Worcestershire’s chief executive Steve Rhodes in a statement released by the club. “He is ranked in the top three as a bowler in Test cricket, is a wonderful all-rounder who can bat six and scores hundreds in Test cricket. “It is unlucky for John Hastings with his injury but Ravi is a wonderful cricketer for us to have at a crucial point in our season. It is a really important last few games in the Championship and to have someone of his class is a huge boost for the club.” Ashwin has taken 286 wickets in 51 Tests, including five wickets in an innings on 26 occasions, 150 ODI wickets and 52 in T20Is.

Nery claims WBC bantamweight title

Mexico’s Luis Nery celebrates after defeating Japanese champion Shinsuke Yamanaka in their WBC world bantamweight title boxing match in Kyoto. (AP/PTI)

K Y OTO , A u g 1 5 (Agencies): Shinsuke Yamanaka suffered his first pro defeat on Tuesday, losing his WBC bantamweight crown in a fourthround technical knockout to Mexico’s Luis Nery. Yamanaka, making his 13th title defense, was staggered in the fourth K Y M C

round, and his trainer threw in the towel with 29 seconds left in the round at Shimadzu Arena Kyoto. “When we first started, I didn’t think he was such a tough opponent, and I was able to land some lefts,” Yamanaka said. In a battle of southpaws, the 22-year-old Nery,

the top-ranked challenger, appeared to have the slight edge after two rounds. Yamanaka launched some serious forays in the third, but could not do any meaningful damage. When the 34-year-old champ went on the attack in the fourth, he walked into a couple of Nery lefts. The blows appeared to stun Yamanaka, who stopped offering up any defense, and Nery unleashed one combination after another until the fight was stopped. “In the fourth round, I thought I was OK, but I was getting hit a lot and that worried my corner,” Yamanaka said. “I want to apologize for not being able to meet expectations.” Yamanaka’s record fell to 27-1-2, while the new champ improved to 24-0 with 18 wins by knockout. “I was successful in dodging his left,” Nery said. “But his jabs were stronger than I expected.” “Now I’ve realized my dream of becoming world champion, and I’m overjoyed. This was the toughest fight of my career.” Had Yamanaka won his 13th world title fight, he would have moved into a tie for the Japanese record with Yoko Gushiken and current WBA flyweight champion Kazuto Ioka. “He fell one short,” Gushiken said. “I so wanted him to win. Yamanaka is such a wonderful human being, and all along, he’s been having good fights.”

Ivo Karlovic, who at 38 is one of the oldest players on the ATP Tour, enjoyed a 6-3 3-6 7-5 win over Czech 24-year-old Jiri Vesely while Italy’s Fabio Fognini, 30, held off Russian youngster Daniil Medvedev 7-6(5) 6-4. In keeping with the trend of veterans beating youngsters, Spain’s Feliciano Lopez, 35, beat 21-year-old South Korean Chung Hyeon 7-6(5), 6-1. Unseeded Frenchman Richard Gasquet enjoyed a 6-4, 6-4 win over John Patrick Smith of Australia to set up a second-round clash with Rafa Nadal, who is already assured of returning to world number one next week for the first time since 2014. Spain’s Fernando Verdasco, 33, however, was not as fortunate as he dropped his first round encounter with slightly younger German Mischa Zverev 6-4 6-4.

Wes Brown joins Kerala Blasters Kochi, Aug 15 (Agencies): Indian Super League’s Kerala Blasters have signed former Manchester United defender Wes Brown ahead of the 2017-18 season, the Kochi-based franchise said on Tuesday. The 37-year-old was a free agent after making five appearances for Blackburn Rovers in the English Championship last season. “Hello India, Happy Independence day! I’m coming soon to the exciting Indian Super League to play for Kerala Blasters,” Brown tweeted, shortly after Kerala made the announcement. A United academy product, Brown made 362 appearances for the firstteam between 1998 and 2011, winning five Premier League titles and two Champions League trophies. Brown, a former England international, will link up with Kerala’s new head coach Rene Meulensteen, who worked with the him during his time at Old Trafford.

Sturridge set for Palace return L o n d o n, Au g 1 5 (Agencies): Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge is set to return to action in Saturday’s Premier League match against Crystal Palace at Anfield. The 27-year-old was left out of the Liverpool squad that has travelled to Germany to take on Hoffenheim in Tuesday’s Champions League playoff, but Reds’ manager Jurgen Klopp expects him to be fit to face Frank de Boer’s Eagles at the weekend. The England forward has been out of action for the past two weeks after suffering a thigh injury when scoring against Bayern Munich in the Audi Cup on 1 August. “He is in a good way,” Klopp said at his pre-match press conference. “We had a talk this morning and he was really close, he looked good yesterday. Two more sessions and he will be available for the weekend.”

Zidane angered by five-game Ronaldo ban M A D RI D, A u g 1 5 (Agencies): Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane expressed his anger on Tuesday at a five-game ban handed to Cristiano Ronaldo for pushing a referee after being sent-off against Barcelona in the Spanish Super Cup. Madrid hold a 3-1 first leg lead going into the second leg against their fierce rivals on Wednesday (2100 GMT), but will have to do without Ronaldo. The World Player of the Year was controversially shown a second yellow card for diving on Sunday and handed an extra fourgame ban for a light push on referee Ricardo de Burgos Bengoetxea after being shown the 10th red card of his career. “We are very annoyed,” said Zidane. “When you look at everything that happened, to think Cristiano won’t play five games with us... it is infuriating.” Madrid’s appeal against the red card, which could reduce the ban from five games to four, will be held before the game on

Zinedine Zidane

Wednesday. “The (appeals) committee will meet and I hope they look well upon it,” added Zidane. “Cristiano is annoyed because he wants to play and when he doesn’t play, he isn’t happy.” Ronaldo was on the field for just 24 actionpacked minutes on Sunday as he was only introduced as a second-half substitute after a curtailed pre-season due to his participation in the Confederations Cup with Portugal. He made a huge impact with a stunning strike to put Madrid into a 2-1 lead 10 minutes from time, but

unwisely picked up his first yellow card for removing his shirt in celebration. And two minutes later he was dismissed as he fell inside the area under pressure from Samuel Umtiti. “Cristiano’s ban is excessive,” added Madrid defender Dani Carvajal. “It is a frustrating feeling for him. Hopefully the committee will reduce it by a few games.” Should Ronaldo’s appeal not be upheld, he will miss Madrid’s first four La Liga games of the season against Deportivo la Coruna, Valencia, Levante and Real Sociedad.

Schalke, Berlin advance in German Cup B e r l i n, Au g 1 5 (IANS): Schalke secured their progression with a 2-0 victory over BFC Dynamo, while Hertha Berlin carved out a 2-0 win at Hansa Rostock in the first round in the German Cup football tournament. Schalke on Monday booked their berth for the second round as Yevhen Konoplyanka provided a brace to edge lower league side BFC Dynamo, reports Xinhua news agency. The visitors had a good start but were unable to break the deadlock against resilient Dynamo, who almost shocked the top-flight team with the opener in the 38th minute but Matthias Steinborn failed to beat Schalke goalkeeper Ralf Faehrmann in a one-on-one. The hosts created another promising chance after the break as David Kamm Al-Azzawe tested Faehrmann with a dangerous header in the 51st minute.


“Those who lead many in righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever” Daniel 12:3

Born : 08-03-1951 – Died : 08-08-2017 We the bereaved family members would like to express our profound gratitude to those who supported and comforted us through prayers, materials and financial assistance during his sickness and at the untimely demise of Lt. Tsenyimo Kikon, who left for his heavenly abode on 08-08-17. Our heartfelt appreciation to:1. Shri Y. Patton, Home Minister. 2. Dr. Nicky Kire, Minister Road and Bridges 3. Shri. Amenba Yaden, Parliamentary Secretary, Industries and Commerce NIDC 4. Mr and Mrs Tsolow Ovung 5. Doctors and Nurses of Bethal Hospital Kohima 6. Apollo International Hospital Guwahati 7. Kohima Lotha Baptist Church 8. Kohima Kikon Okho 9. Forest Colony Yankho Ekhum 10. Mewibogei Union ,Kohima 11. Mewibogei Youth Wing Kohima 12. Mewibogei Youth Fellowship Kohima 13. Mewibogei Combine Fellowship Kohima 14. Forest Colony Youth Organisation 15. Agri/Forest Women Prayer Fellowship 16. Seluku Village Council 17. Seluku Baptist Ekhumkho Eloe Okho 18. Seluku Fellowship Kohima 19. Seluku Hapoe Evan Ekhung 20. Seluku Yamo Dimapur Tona Chumukedima Khumshum Fellowship 21. Molungyimsen Baptist Arogo 22. Kohima Molungyimsen Fellowship 23. Dimapur Molungyimsen Senso Telongjem 24. Father Abraham Goup 25. Limangba Zunga Kohima 26. The 38th Batch Forest Guard Trainees 27. All individuals, friends, neighbours, villagers, relatives and well wishers. We regret our inability to mention each and every individuals but it is our humble prayer that Almighty God bless you all abundantly for your kind and good deeds. Loving wife, sons, daughter, family members and relatives K-2609

Yevhen Konoplyanka score twice as Schalke beat BFC Dynamo in the German Cup.

As the match progressed, Schalke took over and punished Dynamo’s wastefulness after Konoplyanka completed a fast break from 15 metres in the 78th minute. Schalke kept it coming and doubled the lead

to make the game safe as Konoplyanka wrapped up his brace following another counter-attack in the dying minutes of the game. Elsewhere, Hertha Berlin secured their berth for the next round after overcoming lower league

club Hansa Rostock 2-0. Her tha needed 86 minutes to break the deadlock as Mitchel Weiser capitalised on a corner to volley home the 1-0 lead before Vedad Ibisevic sealed the deal in the closing period.


Through this column, we the bereaved family members would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation to all individuals, friends, neighbours, churches, organizations and well-wishers who stood by us physically, spiritually, financially and materially and shared our grief and sorrow at the sad and sudden demise of our beloved LT. NENTILO WOCH on 11th August 2017. Though we are unable to thank each and everyone of you individually, it is our prayer that the Almighty God bless you all abundantly. DP-8227

Loving parents, brothers, sisters and relatives.


Remembering you fondly on this day. You may be physically gone but in our hearts and minds you are always with us. You continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Your love has left an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by your constant love and blessing. DP-8218

wednesday, august 16, 2017

Cincinnati, Aug 15 (Agencies): American 15th seed Sam Querrey cruised into the second round of the Cincinnati Open with a routine 6-3, 6-0 win over compatriot Stefan Kozlov on Monday on a day when the old guard dominated the younger players. Wimbledon semi-final-



Nagaland Post, Dimapur

Loving husband, children, in laws, grandchildren & relatives K Y M C


KFL: Addax FC beat Ziekezou

Players of Forerunners FC (white) and New market FC vie for the ball during their match. (NP).


Kohima, Aug 15 (NPN): Addax FC beat Ziekezou FC by 3-1 in the 2nd round of the ongoing Kohima Football League (KFL) organized by Kohima Town Club (KTC) at Kohima local ground on Tuesday. In the first match of the day, Shiirhosiil Zhotso (9) of Addax FC shocked his opponent by opening the account in 3rd minute of the play. However, the equalizer goal came through the boot of H. Tinyek Konyak (8) in 17th minute. The second goal for Addax FC was netted by Khriekethozo Keretsii (23) in 23rd minutes to end the first half 2-1. After the lemon

break, both the team came back with better strategy, however could not score any goal until in the added time. Imlongchaba (10) scored the 3rd goal that sealed victory for Addax FC. In the second match of the day, Forerunners SC and New Market FC ended the match with 1-1 draw and each team got one point each. Kenienguzo (13) of Forerunners SC scored the first goal of the match in 20th minute. On numerous occasions both the teams missed the target and the much awaited equalizer goal came through the boot of Chisie Nyusou (9) in 44th minute just before lemon break. After the breather,

both the teams failed to score any goal and ended with 1-1 draw. M e a n w h i l e , Longshebemo Tungoe (17) of New Market FC was awarded yellow card for foul play while Akhum (7) of Forerunners’ SC was awarded red card. President of Nagaland Football Association and proprietor, Mezhiir Higher Secondary School Kohima P . Atuo Mezhiir Sekhose was the match patron. Today’s matches 1st Match: 1:00 pm Ziekezou SC Vs Forerunners’ FC 2nd Match: 3:00 pm Nagabazar FC Vs Addax FC

sports ‘Prepare for Tokyo Olympics as national mission’

New Delhi, Aug 15 (IANS): President Ram Nath Kovind said on Monday that Tokyo Olympics in 2020 offer an opportunity to raise the country’s standing in the worlds eyes and the people should absorb themselves for the next three years in the “national mission”. In his address to the nation on the eve of 71st Independence Day, the President said the citizens and children of India whether living at home or abroad - must ask themselves how they can add to the country’s pride. “The Tokyo Olympics of 2020 offer another opportunity for us to raise our standing in the world’s eyes. Over the coming three years, we should absorb ourselves in this national mission,” he said. “Over the coming three years, we should absorb ourselves in this national mission. Government agencies, sports bodies and business enterprises need to join hands to identify and support our talented sportspersons and provide them world-class training facilities - so that they can be even more successful in Tokyo,” he added.

Indian beat Netherlands 2-1; win hockey series

Mandeep Singh in action against the Netherlands.

AMSTERDAM, Aug 15(PTI): Gurjant Singh and Mandeep Singh scored a goal apiece as a resolute Indian men’s hockey team overcame world No. 4 The Netherlands 2-1 in an exciting encounter here. Led by Manpreet Singh, the team on Monday featured nine players from the junior team, but still beat an experienced Netherlands squad through goals from Gurjant (4th minute) and Mandeep (51). India, thus, won the

two-match series 2-0. India straightaway sought to put pressure on the home team and the positive intent worked as they drew first blood through a penalty corner awarded in the fourth minute. While it was Varun Kumar who attempted the dragflick which was padded away by the Dutch keeper, Gurjant was quick to pick up the rebound and work his reverse stick magic to put the ball high up into the net and score his first international goal

for the men’s side. India continued the strong attack as they made forays into the striking circle. Armaan Qureshi made a great attempt to take India’s lead to 2-0 with a shot on goal but it went slightly wide. Though the Dutch tried to make amends when they won a penalty corner in the early minutes of the second quarter, the flick was brilliantly saved by India goalkeeper Akash Chikte. That didn’t deter the Dutch side who at-

tempted a full press and even put India under pressure by winning three more PCs, but they could not make the opportunities count with Chikte staying up to the challenge. With a 1-0 lead, the third quarter saw the Netherlands make desperate attempts to come back into the game but India absorbed the pressure well, only to execute a stronger defensive structure that kept the Dutch from scoring. The final 15 minutes saw India increase their intensity in attack with Gurjant winning a PC, but it was saved. The following minute saw Sumit win a PC for India, and this time they tried a different variation that worked like magic with striker Mandeep deflecting into the goal to double India’s lead to 2-0. Soon after, the Dutch won a PC but debutant goalkeeper Suraj Karkera was up to the task to defend. With final three minutes remaining, Dutch forwards made three strong shots on goal but an alert Karkera kept them from converting. However, Saander de Wijn through a PC scored in the 58th minute but that didn’t stop India from walking away with a 2-1 win.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, august 16, 2017

Dhawan, KL Rahul achieve career-best rankings DUBAI, Aug 15 (PTI): K L Rahul broke into the top10 at 9th, while Shikhar Dhawan also attained a career-high position of 28th in the latest ICC Test rankings after India’s cleansweep of Sri Lanka in a three-match series. Left-hander Dhawan, who top-scored with 119 in the final Test in Pallekele, has moved up 10 places to 28th position after India won inside three days on Monday. This was the Delhi batsman’s second century in three Tests as he finished with 358 runs and was named player of the series. Rahul has moved up two positions to equal his career-best ninth position after a contribution of 85 in the opening stand of 188 that came in under 40 overs. Rahul thus equalled his career-best ninth rank attained in July this year but the present tally of 761 ratings points is his highest till date. Allrounder Hardik Pandya’s 96-ball knock of 108 has seen him gain 45 positions to reach a careerbest 68th rank among batsmen, while pace bowlers Mohammad Shami (up one place to 19th position)

USSC half marathon held Dimapur, Aug 15 (NPN): The United Sangtam Students’ Conference (USSC) organized a half marathon under the theme “Clean Election Run” on August 14 at Kiphire Hq. More than seventy students from different schools and colleges took part in the marathon. Student ambassador for clean election of the district, Apila delivered a short speech on the theme. Inaqhe, president Baptist Pastors’ Fellowship invoked God’s blessing and the half marathon was flagged off by deputy commissioner of Kiphire Sedevikho Khro. The prizes to the winners were given away by Ben Longkumer, SP Kiphire and Mezivolu T. Therieh, Chief Judicial Magistrate (NJS) Kiphire.

NSCA (NIS) meeting Dimapur, Aug 15 (NPN): The Nagaland Sports Coaches Association (NIS) general meeting will be held on August 18 at 10.00 am at IG Stadium, Kohima. Therefore, all members have been requested to attend the meeting positively.

Shikhar Dhawan

and Umesh Yadav (up one place up to a career- best 21st position) have gained among bowlers. There was good news for chinaman bowlers too as India’s Kuldeep Yadav and Sri Lanka’s Lakshan Sandakan have made rapid strides. Kuldeep, coming in for Ravindra Jadeja, has moved up 29 slots to 58th place after returning with figures of four for 40 and one for 56, while Sandakan’s haul of five for 132 has helped him gain 16

Karolina Pliskova

could claim the top spot. “Nothing has changed. I have a big responsibility. I’ll do everything as I have before,” Pliskova said. “I do think it’s a huge thing but I don’t want to do anything just because of the rankings.

Simona Halep

I don’t try to behave differently. I try not to see the pressure.” Pliskova has won titles this year at Brisbane, Doha and Eastbourne but anything short of a repeat gives Halep a chance to reach

number one by winning the title. “To be number one in the world is a big thing. It shows you have been consistent. You have won the place. If I deserve the place, for sure I will win it,” Halep

said. The Romanian however remains haunted by a French Open finals loss to Jelena Ostapenko in which she was up a set and a break before squandering a chance at her first Grand Slam title and number one. “I still have bad dreams about that,” Halep said. “I still suffer.” She’s also trying to forget a 6-1, 6-1 loss to Svitolina in the Toronto semifinals, one for which she apologized to spectators on Monday. “I was really disappointed. It was a horror match for me,” Halep said. “I couldn’t feel the ball. I can’t say I wasn’t ready to play. It never happened to me before, not like that.” Svitolina, 22, has won titles this year in Taiwan, Dubai, Istanbul, Rome and Toronto. She credits Dubai with inspiration but improved in her Canada title run last week. “The title in Dubai really gave me that push.

places to reach 57th position. In the list for allrounders, Jadeja has lost the top slot to Bangladesh’s Shakib Al Hassan after missing the Pallekele Test owing to a one-match suspension after accumulating six demerit points inside a 24-month period. Jadeja has slipped one point behind Shakib’s tally of 431 points but remains at the top of the bowling rankings. Top-ranked India and seventh-placed Sri Lanka have retained their positions in the team rankings

with India gaining two points to reach 125 points, increasing its lead over South Africa to 15 points. Meanwhile, England hosts the West Indies for a three-Test series starting Thursday, which it may have to win in order to remain in third position, depending on the results of a two- Test series between Bangladesh and Australia that starts later this month but ends earlier on 8 September. Australia will go up to 101 points if it wins the series 2-0.

Buffon, Messi, Ronaldo in UEFA’s best player short list

Gianluigi Buffon

Lionel Messi

Cristiano Ronaldo

Mad r id, A u g 1 5 (IANS): Italian goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus), Argentine forward Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona) and Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid) made the cut for the short list of three candidates for the Best Player in Europe Award, UEFA announced on Tuesday. The three nominees were chosen in a vote held by the 80 coaches of the teams that participated in the group stage of the Champions League and the Europa League as well as 55 sports journalists from each of the member

associations of UEFA, reports Efe news agency. Coaches were not allowed to vote for their own players. The extended nominees list also included, ranked by the number of votes: Luka Modric (R. Madrid), Toni Kroos (R. Madrid), Paulo Dybala (Juventus), Sergio Ramos (R. Madrid), Kylian Mbappé (Monaco), Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich) and Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Manchester United). The winner is set to be announced during the draw for the group stage of the Champions League,

to be held in Monaco on Aug 24. To choose the short list candidates for the Best Women’s Player in Europe, the coaches of the 16 teams participating in women’s Euro 2017 and the eight quarterfinalist teams of the women’s Champions League also cast their votes. The women players who have got the most votes were Denmark’s Pernille Harder (VfL Wolfsburg and Linkopings FC), Germany’s Dzsenifer Marozsan (Olympique Lyon) and the Netherlands’ Lieke Martens (FC Rosengard and Barcelona).

Pliskova, Halep lead five-woman fight for No. 1 CINCINNATI, Aug 15 (Agencies): With sidelined Serena Williams about to have a baby, five players have a chance to grab the world number one ranking at this week’s US Open tuneup event in Cincinnati. Williams, a 23-time Grand Slam champion who announced her pregnancy and the end of her season in April, owned the top spot for 186 consecutive weeks through last September, matching Steffi Graf for an Open Era record, and traded the spot with Germany’s Angelique Kerber earlier this year. Defending Cincinnati champion Karolina Pliskova took over the top spot five weeks ago but will lose points from her title run, opening the door for rivals to overtake her. Romania’s secondranked Simona Hale p, world number three Kerber, Ukraine’s fourth-rated Elina Svitolina and fifth-ranked Dane Caroline Wozniacki

K L Rahul

I played great,” Svitolina said. “But this tournament in Toronto showed me I can go there not playing my best and fight back and still be able to win the title. It’s one more step in a good direction.” Svitolina’s hot season has inspired her to aim big. “It’s very special. It gives me more energy to go for more,” Svitolina said. She needs a title and Pliskova out before the semifinals to reach number one. “I know this but I try not to put so much pressure on myself. Of course to be number one is a goal of mine. The important thing is to play well,” Svitolina said. “I know it’s very close for everyone. I’d prefer to play well at big tournaments. Then the ranking will be there.” Kerber and Wozniacki need Pliskova to crash out in her opening match to have a chance at number one this week.

Federer pulls out of Cincinnati; Nadal to be new World No.1

Basel, Aug 15 (IANS): Swiss tennis legend Roger Federer has pulled out of the Western & Southern Open in Cincinnati, Ohio, due to a back problem, making Spain’s Rafael Nadal the World No.1 when the rankings come out on August 21 regardless of how far he advances at the event. “I am very sorry to pull out of the Western & Southern Open as I always enjoy playing there,” Federer said in a statement on Monday. Britain’s Andy Murray, the current World No.1, also decided to skip the Masters 1000 tournament in Cincinnati, reports Efe. On Sunday, German rising star Alexander Zverev handed Federer a rare loss in the 2017 season, rolling to a 6-3, 6-4 win over the Swiss star in the final of the Rogers Cup in Montreal. “Cincinnati has some of the best fans in the world and I am sorry I will miss them. Unfortunately, I tweaked

Roger Federer

my back in Montreal and I need to rest this week,” Federer, a seven-time champion at the Western & Southern Open, said. The 36-year-old Federer, winner of a record 19 Grand Slam titles, has turned back the clock in 2017 with major titles at both the Australian Open and Wimbledon. Nadal, who has 15 Grand Slam singles titles under his belt and won his record 10th French Open title on June 11, will be the top-ranked player in the world for the first time since July 2014.

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