August 5, 2018

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Nagaland Post

Vol XXVIII No. 239

KGPO objects to bail for murder accused D I M A P U R , AU G 4 (NPN): Kuhuboto Ghakhu Public Organisation (KGPO) has strongly objected to granting bail to the accused persons arrested in connection with the murder 15-year-old Kumugha, son of Ahokhe Chishi of Lotovi village, kidnapped for ransom on July 30, 2018. In a representation to the chief judicial magistrate Dimapur, KGPO president, Ghoshito Shohe, and general secretary, Z Ato, strongly condemned the murder and further urged the responsible authority to award exemplary punishment to the perpetrators. Further, KGPO also appealed to the law enforcing agency to put all efforts and spare no means to punish the culprits as deemed fit so as to deter any such act in future. Meanwhile, KGPO has appreciated the efforts made by the police in coordination with the special branch and the public of Kuhuboto area in arresting the perpetrators.

Masterful Mark Sculpting dreams into reality

Eng beat India by 31 runs in 1st Test

Erdogan orders freezing of US Cabinet members’ assets

Sunday Post Supplement

sports, Page 12

international, Page 9

Governor sends SoS to Centre

DIMAPUR, AUG 4 (NPN): Nagaland Governor, PB Acharya, has written to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi apprising him about the recent natural calamity caused by incessant rainfall for the last few weeks and resulting in major disaster, affecting normal life of the people of Nagaland. In his letter, the governor requested the Central government to extend all possible help to Nagaland to overcome the disaster. Acharya informed that state government machineries were making all out efforts to restore damaged infrastructures and relief and rehabilitation. However, the state was unable to address the challenges due to lack of resources, lack of adequate machineries and equipment and also due to poor connectivity. He therefore, requested the Centre to provide much needed to the state. The governor also apprised the prime minister about recent landslides and sinking landmass in many areas, flooding and water logging in the urban areas which also claimed several lives besides causing DIMAPUR, AUG 4 (NPN): destruction to property. Nagaland chief minister, He pointed out that Neiphiu Rio has assured the Nagaland Foothills Road Coordination Committee (NFHRCC) of help to resume construction of ‘Trans Nagaland Road’ (Foothill D I M A P U R , A U G 4 road) which was abandoned (NPN): Nationalist Demodue to financial constraints. cratic Progressive Party NFRCC convenor, Supu Ja- (NDPP) has decided to mir disclosed that Rio made carry out a statewide fund the assurance at the August drive from all rank and file 4 meeting with NFHRCC of the party to contribute tomembers when they appealed wards the Chief Minister’s for Rs. 11.5 crores towards 8 Relief Fund in order to help kms uncut portion. Supu said in the relief and rehabilitain response, Rio after having tion of those people affected fully understood the aspira- by the natural calamities in tions of the Naga public, the state. assured help the committee. This was among sevHe said the contractor of the eral resolutions adopted Doyang bridge area has also during the emergency meetassured to resume the work ing of the NDPP’s Central on war footing. Meanwhile, Executive Board held on NFHRCC expressed deep August 4 along with NDPP appreciation to Rio for his MLAs and chief minister, genuine concern for the Na- Neiphiu Rio, media and gas and for his vision for the communications committee economic uplift of the state. stated in a press note. It was also resolved that the NDPP legislators and all NDPP members, appointed to various govDIMAPUR, AUG 4 (NPN): ernment positions, will conWary about the influx of il- tribute one month’s salary legal migrants to Nagaland towards the Chief Minisfollowing the publication of ter’s Relief Fund. NRC final draft, Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) has called for a consultative meeting with all tribal hohos and civil societies at Tourist lodge Dimapur on Au- D I M A P U R , A U G 4 gust 8 at 11 a.m. In a press (NPN): Drawing attention note, NTC general secretary to the alleged threat by All Nribemo Ngullie said this Nagaland College Students was an open mass media Union (ANCSU) to vaninvitation to all to attend dalise three government the meeting without fail and buildings located within the to send two representatives acquired land of Kohima each for the meeting. Science College (KSC), the Jotsoma Village Council (JVC) Saturday sought to clarify on the historical as well as the legal aspect of the matter. In a press release, JVC chairman Mego Nagi, and secretary, Psüdolhoulie Rino, admitted that certain pockets of the acquired area for KSC had been encroached by certain landowners. They, however, said that the issue was not simply encroaching college land, but much more intense and have wider implications, “I meet all needs- organic which needed to be dealt in vegetables, wild meat. the right perspective without Also petrol when roads ignoring the legalities. are cut off.” JVC pointed out that

CM agrees to help NFHRCC

SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018 Pages 12 ` 5.00

Oil tankers en-route to Kohima cross the critical section of the Peducha-Tsiesema by pass with assistance from PWD labourers and machineries. (Source: NPWD)

many districts were cut off from the rest of the country due to heavy landslides and soil erosion . He said essential infrastructures like power supply lines, communication networks, etc. have also been damaged. Supplies of essential commodities to all the district headquarters including petroleum products have not been possible and stocks are getting depleted, he added. Acharya’s donation for Kiphire: Governor, Acharya, has arranged essential commodities like rice, dal, refined oil, sugar,

tinned milk and tea leaves to be distributed to the needy in Kiphire district, which has been cut off completely from the rest of the State. The essential commodities will be handed over to the District Administration once they reach the targeted destination.

Kiren Rijiju to visit affected areas today

Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Kiren Rijiju, along with team of officers from National Disaster Management Authority, Ministry of Road Transport

NDPP to go on fund drive for relief

NRC issue: NTC calls for consultative meet

In this regard, NDPP has appealed to all concerned to come forward and contribute towards the CM’s Relief Fund so that the Naga family can collectively help each other during this difficult period. “It is time for all sections to show our concerns with deeds in whatever manner possible and share the burden collectively. Let us rise above all differences and supports each other in this hour of crisis,” the party stated. Further, NDPP lauded the state government and all its agencies for their tireless efforts in executing disaster management exercises and for carrying out relief and rehabilitation operations in the affected areas. The NDPP said it appreciated the fact that the state government was alive to the situation and all agencies were on high alert for facing any eventuality

under the given circumstances. The party also expressed its deep appreciation to the Government of India for positively responding to the call of the people of Nagaland by deputing Union minister of state for Home, Kiren Rijiju to take stock of the ground reality. Rijiju will be arriving on August 5 to take stock of the overall situation and review the extent of damages caused by the natural calamities across the state. Meanwhile, NDPP expressed heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved families who lost precious lives during the calamities that took place in different parts of the State. The party also expressed concern towards the citizens whose lives have been disrupted due to landslides and floods that have adversely impacted the State.

& Highways and National Disaster Response Force will visit flood and landslides affected areas of Nagaland on August 5, 2018. Meanwhile, Two IAF Mi 17 helicopters, which could not airborne on Friday due to inclement weather, resumed the Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief (HADR) missions. The IAF choppers have been deployed for assisting State administration in lifting and dropping of essential commodities to landslide-affected districts of Nagaland.

IMD warns of rise in water levels of Dhansiri, Dikhow GU WAHATI, AUG 4 (AGENCIES): India Meteorological Department (IMD) has sent out an alert, warning of further rise in water level in the upper catchment of Dhansiri river due to incessant rains. According to IMD bulletin, the water level is likely to rise by 20-24cm in Golaghat within 10-12 hours and about 20-40 cm in the next 24 hours at Numaligarh. IMD further warned that rainfall in Nagaland could also affect the Dikhow river system, even as the water level of the Brahmaputra has risen sharply and flowing above danger level at Neamatighat. Meanwhile, IMD has issued weather alert that from August 5-8, heavy to very heavy rain is expected in the North Eastern states of Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura.

NEEPCO clarifies on water release DIMAPUR, AUG 4 (NPN): Against the backdrop of allegation from Assam that release of water from Doyang reservoir caused flood, North Eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO) Saturday explained that this was foretold to Assam during the series of meetings and that the release was necessitated due to excess water. NEEPCO senior manager (CC) LA Kharmawphlang pointed out that incessant rainfall in the upper catchment area caused the reservoir water level to increase abruptly since July 25, 2018. Kharmawphlang said water inflow to the Doyang reservoir was more than 600 Cum/Sec since July 27, 2018 and it rose more than 1150 Cum/Sec on July 31, 2018 . This was much higher than the normal range of inflow. Kharmawphlang said this necessitated the NEEPCO to release of excess water by opening the gates at 5:30am on July 27, 2018 to release the excess water in a controlled manner. NEEPCO said excess water beyond the capacity of the reservoir flows to the downstream area, which cannot be absorbed by the reservoir. NEEPCO also in-

formed that information on increase of water level has been shared with the Golaghat District Disaster Management Authority on regular basis as decided in the meeting held on May 17, 2018 at conference hall of DC office, Golaghat. “It is clear that the Doyang Dam cannot absorb the water beyond its capacity at any point of time and rather, Doyang dam did contribute to flood moderation to its present water holding capacity upto EL 324.0 M,” said Kharmawphlang. H o w e ve r, K h a r mawphlang stated that the recent flood in the Golaghat District was due to unprecedented rainfall in the entire catchment of Dhansiri river and that the Doyang catchment was only a part. NEEPCO informed that due to existence of Doyang storage reservoir, the flood peak was getting moderated to the extent the capacity of the reservoir permits. NEEPCO said that Doyang Project authority has been maintaining a close contact with the concerned District administration and information regarding release of excess water through the spillway gate was being

shared well in advance enabling actual flood forecasting. The 3x25 MW Doyang HE Plant in Wokha District of Nagaland was developed by NEEPCO on the river Doyang, one of the tributaries of Brahmaputra. Project comprised of 92 m high rock fill Dam having live storage capacity of 216.5 MCum at EL 324.0 M and intercepting a catchment area of 2606 The entire quantum of power from the plant has been allocated to all seven states of NE Region where Assam has a share allocation of 43.8 %.

Assam police tries to detain plant head

Golaghat police on Saturday reached the Doyang Hydro Electric Project of NEEPCO (North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Ltd) to take the head of plant, P. Das to Golaghat police station for questioning. According to reports, an FIR was lodged by BJP MLA of Khumtai constituency in Golaghat district against NEEPCO’s Doyang Project at Golaghat police station on Friday last, blaming NEEPCO for the current flood devastation in Golaghat district.

(Cont’d on p-7)

ANCSU reminds state govt on NEET D I M A P U R , AU G 4 (NPN): Reminding the state government and responsible department on the selection of candidates for undergoing MBBS, BDS and other professional courses, the All Nagaland College Students’ Union (ANCSU) has affirmed that it would not compromise its earlier demand for verifying the documents of doubtful candidates (non-indigenous) through the electoral voters list of 1963. In a press release, ANCSU president, Katho P Awomi, and vice president & grievances committee chairman, Benjong Longchar, stated that genuine Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland cannot afford to lose any seats allotted to Nagaland state. ANCSU asserted that issuing Indigenous and ST certificates without proper verification was not justi-

fied in any manner. The union pointed out that in the latest prescribed format of Indigenous Inhabitant Certificate issued by the P& AR Department, it has been stated that “the concerned family has been entered in the Electoral Roll published on 5/12/1963 and has been paying house tax prior to 1963 and the family has acquired property and patta prior to 1963.” However, ANCSU said that during the course of verification carried out by the concerned districts administration, some of the doubtful candidates could not be authenticated as Indigenous Inhabitant of Nagaland. Therefore, ANCSU said there was no logical end to accept them as Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland unless the concerned has fulfilled all the above mentioned criteria.

It stated that doubtful candidates could prove themselves genuine Indigenous Inhabitant by producing relevant documents. Further, ANCSU cautioned that anyone claiming seat under Nagaland quota for undergoing the mentioned courses with fake documents would be responsible for any kind of misunderstandings or confrontations in future. The union, therefore, urged the state government to take the matter seriously and not allot seats to the candidates whose parents/ grandparents were not enrolled in E-Roll published on 1963. Meanwhile, ANCSU has also appealed to the state government to initiate stern action against those erring officials for issuing ST and Indigenous Inhabitant Certificate without proper verification of documents.

Jotsoma Village Council clarifies on KSC land encroachment issue NNC (parent body) reacts

This is it!


Jotsoma people donated 50 acres of land free of costs for the setting up of KSC in 1962 when some prominent Naga leaders requested them. Subsequently, JVC said in 1967, government led by L.Lungalang, Zopianga and T. Haralu requested the villagers for more land. The villagers accordingly allowed government to acquire an area of 131.78 acres at a token compensation of 3 paise per sq. ft. JVC clarified that the total land acquired for KSC was 181.78 acres including the donated portion. With improved infrastructures and better communications, JVC said the college area attracted settlers which impelled rampant allotment of land by the authorities to people of their choice. JVC said it had taken up the issue of rampant land allotment with the authorities since 1980s.

In 1986, it said the government issued the first order banning land allotment in government college campuses, but allotment remained unabated. In 1990, JVC said it wrote to government that resulted in the formation of a High Powered Committee led by Prof. T. Chuba, the then Minister (Higher & Technical Education). It said HPC at its meeting held on November 14, 1990 decided “land belonging to Science College shall not be allotted to any organisation/ individuals other than for the purpose of expansion of Science College”. Thereafter, the government issued as many as 9 notifications/OMs banning allotment of government land. Out of those notifications, JVC said as many as five notifications indicated that officials who allotted government land would be held responsible and disci-

plinary proceedings would be initiated against the concerned officials. Despite HPC decision banning allotment of college land and all subsequent notifications, JVC said allotment of land at KSC Jotsoma remained unabated till 2009. Apart from the land allotment to individuals and organisations, JVC said there was inter-departmental allotment of land – firstly to PHED, then to Doodarshan and then for the construction of RCEMPA – in violation of the very intent and purpose for which the land was acquired. JVC said it brought to the notice of the government that unless rampant allotment of land was brought to a stop, land owners may reclaim their land. However, it said allotment of land remained unabated prompting some land owners to take back their land claiming that they

have better title over the land should government allot the land to the public. This claim, though the council does not encourage, is also legally in consonance with the existing law under Sec.8 of the Nagaland Land (Requisition & Acquisition) Act 1965, JVC said. Further, JVC said that it has through a representation dated July 16, 2018 requested the state government to immediately cancel all allotment of land made after HPC decision. It also requested the government to publish the name of all officials who had allotted land in violation of all the notifications & OMs banning allotment of government land and initiate disciplinary action against all the erring officials as notified. C o u n c i l o b s e r ve d that unless actions were taken, any action of eviction against the encroachers

to WC NNPGs statement

D I M A P U R , AU G 4 (NPN): Following the internal issue over leadership within the NNC (parent body), information & publicity wing of the rival group has reacted to the statement of NNPGs WC media cell, alleging that the latter was being controlled by few leaders who were creating more confusions and adding fuel to the issue. NNC (parent body) said it had restrained from exposing the ugly truth but was compelled to do so. NNC clarified that the meeting held on June 6 amongst few individual members-- Z. Royim (acting president without executive power two months ago), Lamso Zeliang, Bamteo Zeliang and Yibang Walling (alias Toshi), was not a CEC meeting and was held without the knowledge of (Cont’d on p-7) the majority of the NNC

parent body with mandate and executive power. Therefore, NNC parent body said that the June 6 meeting was “illegal, invalid and the decision made was null and void and condemned by the NNC parent body once again.” It said that the parent body had denounced and rejected the leadership of Z. Royim, for act of “treason and for betrayal on the Naga historical and political rights under oath” alleging that he had worked with conspirators and compromised leaders. For this, NNC (parent body) claimed that Royim was no more considered the acting president of NNC parent body since the decision was taken by the majority. Further, NNC parent body said Yibang (alias Toshi) Walling of (Cont’d on p-7) K Y M C



Food items seized in Kohima, Jalukie

The Food safety team testing local spices, fruits and other food items inside the FSSAI mobile van on Saturday in Kohima. (NP) Correspondent

KOHIMA, AUG 4 (NPN): Kohima District Food Safety Team seized 37 packets of local chilli powder, found to contain colour additives, and 850 gms of salted dry

fish which tested positive for formalin during its inspection drive carried out at P.R. Hill T. Khel market and Super Market Kohima on Saturday. The team seized 15 packets of local chilli pow-

crime beat

One held on rape charges One person was held on rape charges, committed on August 2 in the outskirts of Kohima, according to a late report. According to police sources, the accused was identified as Zasituo Tsükrü, reported to be in his late 30s and a wrestler from D Khel. Following a complaint, it was reported that the villagers apprehended the accused and handed him over to the police on August 3. A case was registered and it was also learnt that during interrogation the accused confessed to the crime. (Correspondent)

Excise personnel nab 2 in Mon

The excise duty party along with the arrested individuals and the items seized.

der at P.R. hill, 22 packets of local chilli powder sold by local mothers and 850gms of salted dry fish which were reportedly brought from Moreh (Manipur) at Super Market Kohima. At P.R. hill T. Khel mar-

ket, the team tested apples, tomatoes and fresh fish brought from Imphal for preservatives with negative results. The team also tried to test the presence of carbide in fruits at Super Market, however the team said that the fruit dealers/ distributors had gone to their villages two weeks ago and so the tests could not be conducted. The inspection drive team consisted of an analytic enforcement team and a food technician team along with the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India mobile van tested the food items on the spot. The food safety team expressed gratitude to Angami Youth Organization for their presence during the drive and assisting the team. The department informed this correspondent that such inspection drives would continue to be conducted in the coming days for other food items also.

Food Safety inspection conducted at Jalukie town Food Safety Wing under CMO Peren inspected shops selling food items on August 3 led by the District Food Safety Officer, Samlamgwamlie Michui with the help of district administration led by Dobashis and police personnel at Jalukie town. A press release issued by Food Safety Wing under CMO Peren stated that the Food Safety officials inspected various shops and informed the food business operators about the importance of selling safe and wholesome food to its buyers which is, the release said, not only their duty according to the FSSA but also an ethical responsibility. They were told to make sure that the team does not find expired items in their shops. They were also directed to properly label products that had no labels. The food business operators were asked to duly check their own shops, dispose off expired items to avoid seizure and penalties in the future. Large quantities of goods were seized during the inspection, especially cold drinks and cooking oil, which were being sold beyond the “best before” dates. Others items such as masalas and biscuits were also seized but in a lesser quantity. The release stated that the public should also remain aware and check the best before date when they purchase any item from shops. After the inspection, the team took all the seized items and destroyed them in the presence of Food Safety officials.

Organizations condemn kidnap & murder

DIMAPUR: Several organizations have condemned the kidnap and subsequent murder of a 15 year old boy Lotovi village. WSH: The Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) has condemned the murder of Kumugha Chishi, a fifteen year old innocent boy, son of chairman Lotovi village council, who was kidnapped for ransom and then murdered. In a press release, WSH general secretary Vikato K. Achumi stated that WSH has demanded punishment of the highest degree for the perpetrators with no leniency. The Hoho mentioned that “our compassion and forgiving spirit has only harvested more boldness and more crimes which have been taken for granted by

some anti-socials from our community and immigrants residing in our land”. It said that a time had come to set things straight in the right perspective and a befitting action shall be taken in due course of time. The WSH further warned that anyone bailing out the accused would be doing so at their own risk. WSYF condemns, directs units: Western Sumi Youth Front (WSYF) has condemned the barbaric act of the kidnap and murder of the 15 years old boy from Lotovi village by “the gangster which is an alien culture being used in our society today.” A condemnation note from WSYF president Mughavi Awomi and general secretary Bohoi K

Yeptho urged the law enforcing agencies to deal with all the culprits in the strongest possible manner so that these acts are not repeated in the society. It also appealed to the higher authorities to not grant bail, “rather they deserve the highest capital punishment,” it stated. The youth front also acknowledged Dimapur police for timely arrest of the. WSYF also promised its full support to the police and authorities as and when required. Also, as per a directive from Western Sumi Hoho, all the units of WSYF have been asked to be alert at all strategic points under Western Sumi Area in regard to the NRC issue. It further asked that any report or information be conveyed to

the WSYF office for necessary action by contacting the WSYF general secretary at 9856220700. TSUD condemns: Tenyimi Students' Union Dimapur (TSUD) has vehemently condemned the kidnapping and brutal murder of, Kumugha Chishi on July 30 at Lotovi village. A condemnation issued by TSUD President, Azo Wetsah and information & publicity secretary Pechesin Bukh appealed to the administration, law enforcing agencies and Special investigation Team to award the murderers befitting punishment as per law. It also stated that such acts of lawless killing should be condemned by all. TSUD further conveyed its condolences to the bereaved families.

An Excise duty party, headed by Yohan asst. inspector Excise, Akho constable, Yongmeth constable and Wanpo lady constable in their routine checking between Mon to Sonari road, apprehended two persons along with 30 grams of brown sugar, 205 capsules of spasmo proxyvon, three tablets of nitrosun and 17 pieces of opium in their possession on August 3. According to a press release issued by H Phuton Konyak, superintendent of Excise Mon, the accused were identified as Nokton Konyak, S/O Apon Konyak and Minsan Konyak S/O Alem Konyak. The arrested individuals were forwarded to district court Mon. Essential commodities for affected victims being BJYM Nagaland and BJYM Dimapur district gave relief

Tuli police arrest murder accused

unloaded from a helicopter in Tenning under Peren materials to flood affected victims at Chungaizeng and district. (DIPR) Ragailong Colony, Burma Camp on August 1.

Tuli Police under Mokokchung district on August 4, apprehended one person identified as Tridev Koch alias Bulbul, s/o Bohon Ram Koch, of Jumping Gain village of South West Back Hills, Meghalaya in connection with the murder of a businessman from Mishing gaon of Halwating Assam on July 20, at 8th Mile Tuli. Police said that the murder took place in the wee hours and the reason for the murder was suspected to be illicit relationship The accused in police custody. with one married lady. After the murder, the culprit fled from Tuli and was hiding at Betoni Pati Gaon under Merapani division Assam. However, Tuli police managed to arrest the culprit and he has been has been forwarded to judicial custody.

HASSU on NEET DIMAPUR: Highway Area Sumi Students Union (HASSU) in a press release from its president, Abovi Awomi and GS, Mughaka Chishi has appealed to the Higher and Technical (H&T) department to re-verify indigenous inhabitant certificates (IICs) of the following candidates of the recently conducted NEET Exam 2018-- Sl. No. 7, Sl. No. 38, Sl. No. 46 and BDS Sl. No. 4.

Efforts to clear Wokha roads continue DIMAPUR: Under Executive Engineer (R&B) Baghty division road clearance for major land slides have been going on for the past one week. According to the Department of Information and Public Relations (DIPR), the works are being carried out at different blocked locations and the roads are now becoming

motor-able. JCBs were deployed and pressed to work along with departmental staff to expedite the clearance. Doyang-Okotso road clearance from August 2 was supervised by Er. Zanao, JE. On August 3, during the clearance work at Sanis-Moilan road, departmental staff were assisted by village council

MSU members call on gov; submit representation

Kohima police crime reports On July 31 at around 12 p.m, Kohima police personnel manning and conducting routine checking of vehicles at Peducha Police Check Gate, detained a total of 26 persons who were proceeding to Imphal in two Tata Wingers without Inner Line Permits (ILPs). A press release from additional superintendent of police & PRO, Kohima stated that in this connection, a case was registered and the accused forwarded to court. On August 2 at around 6:50 p.m, Kohima Police personnel, while conducting MVCP at Khuzama Village, intercepted one Maruti 800 B/R No. NL01C-9884 and recovered 204 bottles of beer and 82 bottles of Mc. Dowell’s Rum. Two occupants of the vehicle were arrested and identified as Elizabeth (40 yrs) and Ch Amol (25 yrs). On the same day 90 bottles of beer, 71 bottles of Rum and 48 bottles of Vodka were recovered from a Maruti Alto, B/R. No. MN06L-7492, and police arrested Ester (29 yrs) and the driver Bijoy Subha (38 yrs). Accordingly, cases under NLPT Act were registered for further investigation. K




members from the adjoining villages. Work is still going on at Sanis-Moilan road under the supervision of Er. M. Simon Humtsoe, SDO PWD & R&B, Sanis Sub division. EE R&B, Er. Mhathung Kikon stated that the road clearing work at Sanis-Lakhuti-AkukMekukla has also started from August 4.

Governor Acharya with Mimi Students Union office bearers on August 3 at Raj Bhavan.

DIMAPUR: Mimi students’ union (MSU) representatives on Friday called on Nagaland governor, P.B Acharya, at Raj Bhavan Kohima and submitted a representation for the welfare of the populace living along the international boundary. According to a Raj Bhavan statement, the MSU members led by its president, Apong, while submitting the representation to the gov-

ernor stated that equal importance should be given to all villages under the Aspirational District program. The student leaders also thanked the Centre for selection of Kiphire district as aspirational district and expressed hoped that the district would be at par with other districts in the days ahead. They also highlighted that the International Trade Centre at Mimi

was yet to take off in spite of it being selected for establishment of ITC along with Longwa, Pangsha and Avangkhu. Further, MSU members lamented that NST bus service from Pungro town to Mimi village was inaugurated on November 1, 2000, but the buses have not been plying till date. The student leaders also sought the support of the governor in inviting various NGOs and human resource development to sensitize the people living in the area on improvement of rural economy. The governor urged the student body members to also play a proactive role in developing their area. He said that there were various central and state government schemes and welfare programs for the benefit of the rural people. In this regard, the governor encouraged them to take time and visit villages in their area and identify beneficiaries for all round development.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018

news in Brief NGBF coordination meeting: Nagaland GB Federation (NGBF) has informed all District GBs Associations (DGBFs) to send five representatives from each district to participate in a coordination meeting invited by Ministry of Kilo Affairs, GPRN on August 10, 11 a.m. at Hotel Saramati, Dimapur. NSBSG 2nd & final basic course for scout master & guide captain: Nagaland State Bharat Scouts and Guides (NSBSG) state headquarters training team will be conducting its 2nd and final basic course for scout masters and guide captains for the year 2018, tentatively from September 11-17. Anyone who is an Indian citizen and has completed 18 years of age with a minimum educational qualification of 12th standard passed can apply for the said course. For more queries, one may contact or WhatsApp the state training commissioner (Scouts), R. Albert Solo at 7005288486. ADC & ERO Dimapur convenes meeting: Additional Deputy Commissioner and Electoral Registration Officer (ADC & ERO) Dimapur, Albert Ezung, has convened a meeting on August 6, 1 p.m. at the conference hall of the Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur. All assistant electoral registration officers & supervisory officers of Dimapur district have been informed to attend the meeting. IVRC emergency meeting: Industrial Village Razhiiphe Council (IVRC) has convened an emergency meeting on August 7, 1 p.m. at the residence of its ex-chairman and present advisor, T.L Angami. All concerned village council members as well as leaders of all its frontal units, women, GBs and village vigilance have been requested to attend the meeting. EUUN informs: Educated Unemployed Union of Nagaland (EUUN) coordination committee Dimapur held an emergency meeting on August 4, pertaining to the various social evil practices i.e. issuing illegal fake certificates and documents by institutes and academies. In a press release, EUUN president H Pito Yeptho stated that the union in the interest of the educated and unemployment youth will be checking for immoral practices and activities in institutes and academies in and around Dimapur. It cautioned that strict necessary action would be initiated against defaulters as per the law. MCVC emergency meet: Maraju Monitoring-&Vigilance Committee (MCVC) has convened an emergency meeting on August 6, 11 a.m. at LTC hall. All frontal organisations of the Lotha and MCVC members have been requested to attend the meeting. Dimapur AEROs and supervisory officers meeting: Additional Deputy Commissioner and Electoral Registration Officer, Dimapur, Albert Ezung has informed all Assistant Electoral Registration Officers & Supervisory Officers of Dimapur District that there will be a meeting at the conference hall of the Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur on August 6, 1 p.m. Therefore, all concerned have been informed to attend the meeting without fail. (DIPR) Noklak SDPDB meeting: ADC Noklak, Theodore Yanthan has informed to all members that the SubDivisional Planning and Development Board (SDPDB) meeting of Noklak Sub-Division for the month of August, will be held on August 8 at Khiamniungan Tribal Council Hall (ADC Office Complex) at 11 a.m. All the concerned members of SDPDB, Noklak subdivision have been requested to attend the meeting without fail. (DIPR) DPDB Phek meeting postponed: As per the instruction of the chairman DPDB Phek and in view of Independence Day Celebration on August 15, the Phek DPDB meeting for the month of August stands postponed. The schedule for the meeting will be released after consultation with the chairman DPDB, Phek. All the members have been requested to take note. (DIPR) Tuensang DPDB meeting: The Tuensang District Planning & Development Board (DPDB) meeting for the month of August will to be held on August 10, 11 a.m at the Deputy Commissioner’s Conference Hall. All the DPDB members have been requested to attend the meeting. NSCN (I-M) recovers: The Union Territory-I authority has recovered a two wheeler (bike), Bajaj Pulsar 150cc, black/blue in color, bearing Chasis number MD2A11C20FCH83939 and Engine number DHZCFH58294. The rightful owner has been asked to come and claim the recovered bike by producing proper documents at the UT-I office during office hours within one week from the date of publication of this news. The UT-I Secretary may be contacted at 8014620571. Lost & found: A smart card of Scorpio bearing registration number- NL10 8155 has been found near the railway tracks in Dimapur on August 3. The rightful owner may contact 7085615586.

YTC conveys condolences

DIMAPUR: Yimchungrü Tribal Council (YTC) has expressed sadness on learning of the loss of several school children last week who drowned in Dzüchrü river at different locations, under Kohima district and in Aghunato, under Zunheboto district.In a condolence message, information and publicity secretary Mathew K Janger on behalf of the YTC also expressed gratitude to all localities, Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority (NSDMA) for tracing the dead bodies in time through thick and thin conditions. Further YTC also conveyed its condolences on the loss of children's lives and prayed to almighty God for eternal peace of the departed souls.

Sodzulhou Youth Organization conducted a surprise checking drive at businesses within its jurisdiction, on August 3. Several expired food items and medicine were seized during the drive and the organization warned all the shops to not sell expired goods. K





Nagaland Post, Dimapur SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018 Poll Q.: Shouldn’t the govt of Nagaland declare a natural calamity in the state? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––



Yes No Can’t say


55% 40% 5%

Next poll

Nagaland hold a meeting with legislators and NGOs over NRC?  Yes  No  Can’t say


(Temperature in ºC)

Max Min

Agartala Cloudy, a shower

31 26

Cloudy, showers

27 21

Guwahati Couple of thunderstorms

33 26

Cloudy, a t-storm in the area

28 21

Itanagar A stray a.m. t-storm; cloudy

31 24


Afternoon shower

24 19


A shower and t-storm around

25 19


Dimapur Overcast, a t-storm in spots Mkg

31 24

Cloudy, heavy thunderstorms 26 19

Tuensang Some rain and a thunderstorms 21 16

Cloudy, a shower or t-storm

26 22

Zunheboto A shower and t-storm around

24 18


Kiphire roads: ktdssu appeals


Q: Should the govt of


KASU, Admin ferry students in Kiphire

DC Peren on mass social work DIMAPUR: In view of the forthcoming August 15 Independence Day Celebration, S. Tainiu, DC, Peren has notified that there will be a mass Social Work on August 8. A DIPR report said that all head of offices under Peren District have been directed to ensure strict compliance and attendance of all staff. All have been directed to assemble at the assigned location at 9 without fail. All the departments have also been requested to mobilize all available resources like machineries, tools and implements at their disposal and also arrange necessary refreshments for their respective departments on the said date. SDO (C) Sadar has been entrusted with collecting attendance from all departments. Failure on the part of any departmental staff of non-participation will be viewed seriously and action will be initiated.

(L-R) EAC Longmatra, KASU president and the NH executive engineer at the worst landslide between Meluri and Kiphire. One batch of students sent out of Kiphire on Saturday. (NP)

Correspondent KIPHIRE, AUG 4 (NPN): Kiphire Area Student’s Union (KASU), with the support of the District Administration Kiphire, is making painstaking efforts for students stuck in Kiphire due to the landslides. Students on their vacations in Kiphire were sent to Kohima and Dimapur in administrative vehicles today. Kiphire district has been completely cut off for almost a week owing to heavy landslides in multiple places recently following heavy rains. Talking to this correspondent, KASU president, Isaac Tsalembi stated that the union on learning of the grievances of students who were studying outside Kiphire and were stuck in Kiphire called for a meeting on Friday through a social media group. Around 40 students who study outside

Kiphire in different colleges and universities turned up for a meeting at the Kiphire DC’s office and shared their problem. According to Issac, most of them have their college exam in next few days. The KASU president said that with the help of the administration, they managed to send some students back to Kohima and Dimapur today. He added that out of the ones sent today, some were sick patients and some were candidates for competitive exams in Kohima. Efforts are on to send all who are stuck in Kiphire in phases through alternative means if the road block continues. KASU President also stated that with the help of NH-202 officials the road is likely to be completed by the coming week however if the road blockage continues, shortage of essential commodities and fuel may hit Kiphire more. He also

appealed to Nagaland government to prioritize early restoration of the Kiphire road. EAC Longmatra, Sangpangchang Longkumer who also spoke to this correspondent said that the National Highway officials led by Executive Engineer NH-202 are on the spot to complete the restoration work as soon as possible. Longkumer guided the students up to Meluri and visited the landslide areas today. On the issue of students being stuck, the EAC disclosed that he had personally spoken to taxi drivers in Kiphire to see if they could drop off the students but they were reluctant considering the risk to their vehicles due to the landslides. EAC Longmatra also expressed his appreciation to the administration from Meluri, Pfutsero and Khezakono for assisting

them with proper information about the road conditions in their respective jurisdictions while sending the students. It may be mentioned that Kiphire district has been totally cut off from the state capital since July 30. A landslide first occurred in NH-202 on the night of July 29 where the road to Tuensang was cut off. This was followed by major landslides in many areas near Meluri. Kiphire is also connected by Zunheboto district in the west however the bridge at Tsutha River connecting Agunato Town and Seyochung Town was washed away by strong currents in 2015 leaving that road cut off as well. The restoration work is going on in all landslide areas but it may take some days, depending on the weather, before heavy vehicles can use them.

The Kiphire Tuensang District Sumi Students’ Union (KTDSSU) has sought the government’s intervention into the blockage of roads at Kiphire district. A press release from KTDSSU president Bothuka Yepthomi said that the blockages had left Kiphire almost isolated from all the nearby districts except for a few roads. The release specified the PWD road via Phsami (Kiphire district)-Huker to Aghunato town under Zunheboto district. It said that with the onset of the monsoon, the road had become almost impossible to use. This road being the only lifeline left, the union has beseeched the government and the concerned department to make temporary arrangements to repair the road immediately keeping in mind that any delay in the process would only victimize the general public and student community until normalcy is restored. The union also expressed its gratitude to the commander 15th Border Road Force (BRTF) for bringing the necessary sanction to restore the bridge at River Tsutha which had fallen in the year 2015. It also asked the organization to speed up the repair of the road that connects Kiphire district to Zunheboto district via Seyochung town.

3 Wokha DC office, hospital and schools tobacco free

DIMAPUR: District Tobacco Control Cell (DTCC), District Level Coordination Committee (DLCC), district Level Enforcement Squad & Flying Squad (DLES& FS) and NTCP Wokha during its quarterly meeting on August 2 at DC’s Conference Hall has identified Deputy Commissioner Office, Dr. M. M. District Hospital and various schools in Wokha town to be declared Tobacco Free Zones. A DIPR report said that the meeting was chaired by chairman DTCC & DLCC, NTCP & DC Wokha, Dr. Manazir Jeelani Samoon. While highlighting the activities of the district to-

bacco control cell in the district Dr. Meribeni Odyuo, sr. dental surgeon & DNO, NTCP Wokha, said that the committee was organising a poster and slogan competition on tobacco awareness at various schools in Wokha town. During the meeting the committee also discussed the strict implementation measures to ban sale of tobacco and tobacco related products to school children. The committee decided that the second phase of the inspection of shopkeepers in and around schools premises to check sale of tobacco products will be carried out by the district flying squad team.

Janata Dal (United) president and chairman NEEC, NSN Lotha; JDU (U) secretary general, KC Tyagiji; and national secretary & coordinator NEEC, Afaque Ahmed Khan, met Home Minister, Rajnath Singh on August 3 at New Delhi and submitted a representation on an early solution to the Naga issue.

WFD organises capacity building program

On July 31, “Nukkar natak/street drama - Terrorist attack at SHA” was staged at “Spring Valley school” Dimapur Nagaland in connection with CISF Golden Jubilee.

DIMAPUR: Wokha Forest Division (WFD) organised a capacity building program for teachers-in-charge and students of eco-clubs under National Green Corps Wokha on July 31 at Forest Colony Community Hall Wokha. A press release by the department stated that around 40 schools from Wokha Town, Chukitong Range and Nyiro Range attended the program. The roles and responsibilities of the teachers-incharge as well as that of the students were highlighted by the DFO Wokha, Zuthunglo Patton. She encouraged them to motivate the students to care for the environment by engaging them in activities related to the environment. Zuthunglo reminded the teachers-in-charge to submit the reports of all activities carried out by the Eco-clubs on time along with proper photographs

DFO Wokha and staff of Wokha Range along with teachers-in-charge and students of Eco-clubs under National Green Corps, Wokha. (NP)

knowledge and conservation of species. The students were encouraged to participate wholeheartedly in all activities conducted by their schools and were also briefed on Dos and Don’ts so as to contribute as individuals towards a healthy, hygienic and clean environment. They were briefed on reducing, reusing and recycling plastic and general awareness on

civic sense as well as forest and wildlife conservation. A special skit was presented by the field staff of Wokha Range portraying a typical childhood scene. The program which began with invocation by Zurenthung Lotha and a welcome address by Phyobemo Lotha ended with vote of thanks by Myingthungo Yanthan and benediction by Mhonchumo Lotha.

SHG best financial intermediary system: NSRLM MD Imna Along visits Mount Tiyi College

NSBSG annual Rajya Puraskar ceremony

Kohima Old Age Home, Meriema observed its 13th foundation day on August 1 with the residents, staff and its advisor, Kevinurhieno Seyie. The program was initiated by managing director, Neithonuo Liegise while Kevinurhieno spoke during the occasion.

Mission director NSRLM, Athel O. Lotha inaugurating the EYF on Friday at Morashen Hall, Old Riphyim Village, Wokha. (NP)

Correspondent WOKHA, AUG 4 (NPN): Additional secretary, RD and mission director (MD), Nagaland State Rural Livelihoods Mission (NSRLM), Athel O. Lotha on Friday said Self Help Group (SHG) movement was considered one of the best intermediary financial systems that transcend simple financial intermediation, which additionally K Y M C

helps in organising livelihood and non-financial services as well as social services in accordance with self-help principles. Lotha was speaking as the main speaker at the inauguration program of Englan Yingsung Federation (EYF), established under the aegis of NSRLM here at Old Riphyim village on Friday. While congratulating the stakeholders and NSR-

LM staff on networking the Englan Range SHGs into a cluster federation, the first in Wokha district, Lotha remarked ‘federations’ were promoted to take up agendas that were beyond the scope of individual SHGs and to achieve sustainability. She challenged the EYF to pledge to strive for providing greater space, voice and resources for the poor. “Remember that

alone we cannot achieve much, but together we can achieve more than we bargain for,” Lotha added. Lotha further encouraged the EYF to promote livelihoods collectives, producers, cooperatives, companies for deriving economies of scale, backward and forward linkages, and access to information, credit technology, markets etc. Also speaking on the occasion, chief operating officer (COO) NSRLM, M. Rollan Lotha highlighted the various components under NSRLM and the potential for growth with support from the mission which could benefit the community in future. EAC Englan and DPO DRDA Wokha also addressed the gathering. An ‘Impact Story’ on how SHGs rescued her from abject poverty was shared by Phyobeni Yanthan. The inauguration function was followed by display and sales of SHGs products. It may be mentioned that EYF is a conglomeration of 560 households, 66 SHGs and 7 VLOs from 8 villages under Englan Range Wokha.

DIMAPUR: Minister of Higher and Technical Education, Temjen Imna Along and his official entourage accompanied by officials of the district administration and led by the Deputy Commissioner of Wokha, Dr. Manazir Jeelani, Wokha SP, Manoj Kumar and BJP party workers, paid a visit to Mount Tiyi College (MTC), on July 30. A press release from MTC Wokha stated that the minister in his address reminded the students to not forget their dreams and aspirations and those of their parents, community, village and above all, the dreams and aspirations of the Naga people. The minister regretted that the state was spending approximately rupees 2000 crores for students studying outside the state but was unwilling to spend even 10 crores for the students studying in Nagaland. Temjen Imna appreciated the students for their decision to study in MTC, in their own land, because they understood their parents’ problems. The minister specially

in the prescribed format. She also asked them to fill out the Eco-club Biodiversity Register which was expected to encourage students to understand nature better. The teacher-in-charge were also asked to form a baseline data for future management strategies required for sustainable utilization of biodiversity as well as to serve as a means to record traditional

Dimapur: Nagaland State Bharat Scouts and Guides (NSBSG) will be organising its annual Rajya Puraskar ceremony 2018 (Governor’s Award ceremony) on August 7, 11 a.m. at Durbar Hall, Raj Bhavan Kohima. Governor of Nagaland, P.B Acharya, who is also the chief patron of NSBSG, will give away the award badges and certificates to the Scouts and Guides who have already qualified for the same. All the state officials of NSBSG and the invitees Temjen Imna inspecting the college with principal, Dr. have been requested to attend the award ceremony Apeni Lotha and other officials. thanked the non-Lotha faculty who were not trying to get attached to Kohima, Dimapur or somewhere else, but were rather serving the community of the district where they have been posted. While appreciating the dynamic leadership of the principal, Dr. Apeni Lotha, he sought the cooperation of the students and staff and requested them to not lose the dream of moulding the future of the people. K Y M C



Nagaland Post, Dimapur SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018

Tripura to fill up 9,424 posts NRC list: No genuine citizens Assam flood toll rises to 43 under new recruitment policy

Villagers use a boat to cross flood affected area after monsoon rainfall, in Golaghat, Assam on Saturday. (PTI)

Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Darrang, Golaghat, Sivasagar and Charaideo districts. Till yesterday, around 87,000 people were affected in the six districts. As per the ASDMA report today, Golaghat is the worst affected with over 91,000 sufferers, followed by Lakhimpur with almost 6,000 people affected in the deluge. A Golaghat district official said heavy landslide has formed an artificial lake on upstream of Doyang river and the situation may worsen if it breaches, which will bring more water to Doyang and Dhansiri rivers. Currently, 163 villages

are under water across the state and 10,991 hectares of crop areas have been damaged, the ASDMA report said. The authorities are running 132 relief camps and distribution centres in five districts, where 23,504 people have taken shelter. Currently, the Brahmaputra river at Nimatighat in Jorhat, Dhansiri river at Golaghat town and Numaligarh in Golaghat and Jia Bharali river at NT Road Crossing in Sonitpur are flowing above the danger mark, the ASDMA said. Massive erosions have also been witnessed at some places of Chirang district, it said.

2 more FIRs registered against Mamata in Assam

Manipur observes Integrity Day

G u wa h at i , Au g 4 (PTI): Two more FIRs have been registered in Assam against West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and members of a TMC delegation, which went to Silchar, for allegedly creating disturbances on the basis of religion, a senior police official said Saturday. A total of five FIRs have been registered against Banerjee in Assam since the publication of the NRC final draft on July 30. Two police complaints were also filed against Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal in West Bengal yesterday. Police said effigies of Banerjee, who is opposing the NRC in Assam, were burnt and protests held against her across Assam during the day. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central) Ranjan Bhuyan said the two FIRs were registered at Guwahati and Silchar for allegedly creating disturbances on the basis of religion. One FIR was registered at the Geetanagar police station here on the basis of a complaint by the Assam Public Works’ Dhrubajyoti Talukdar last night and the other at the Udharband police station at Cachar today by a policewoman,

who was injured during an alleged scuffle with the visiting TMC members at the Silchar airport, he said. A police officer the first FIR has been registered against Banerjee and the eight-member TMC team under the Indian Penal Code sections 120B (criminal conspiracy), 153A (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language) and 298 (uttering words with deliberate intent to wound the religious feelings of any person). The FIR at Cachar was registered for violating Section 144, which was in place then and attacking a public servant on duty, he said. On August 2, one FIR each was registered against Banerjee at Panbazar and Basistha here and at North Lakhimpur police station for her alleged “instigating remarks” that threatened the unity of the country and her “attempt to create unrest” in Assam. Following it, Banerjee had said in Kolkata, “We know we are living in a super emergency. There is no democracy in the country. I am not scared. I speak for the people. They (BJP) can lodge millions of FIRs against me, I do not care.”


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IMPHAL, Aug 4: The 21st Manipuri Integrity Day, organized by All Manipur United Clubs Organization (AMUCO), was observed Saturday with a call for unity to fight division of people on communal line. Floral tributes were offered to the people who sacrificed their live to safeguard the integrity of the state at the state integrity pillar in Imphal. Speaking at the function, AMUCO president Ph Devan said “efforts to disintegrate the unity of the people are on internally” even as national leaders have repeatedly assured that the territorial boundary of Manipur will not be compromised as a result of the Centre-NSCN(IM) peace talks. “We don’t have any objection on Centre’s agreeing granting of any status, may be special status, independent, hosting two different flags and more sovereignty to Nagaland,” said Devan. But the people will fight tooth and nail if there is any attempt to redraw the boundary map of the state, he said.

Addl. Deputy Commissioner Dimapur : Nagaland.



No. Judl – 47/2017-18/ / Whereas Smti. Mhonsali, wife of Late Shri. Chonzamo Lotha, a permanent resident of Wokha Town has applied for issue of Succession Certificate to enable her to draw all dues and benefits pertaining to PPO No. NL/1554 and to draw SBI AC No.11766525969 in favour of her deceased husband Late Shri. Chonzamo Lotha, who expired on 19/07/2018. Now, therefore, public and relatives are hereby asked to file claims/ objections if any, within 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of this notice. No claims/ objections will be entertained after the cutoff date and Succession Certificate shall be issued. K. Mhathung Tsanglao Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Wokha, Nagaland WC-126 K Y M C

Tura, Aug 4 (PTI): A member of the National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB) was allegedly beaten to death by a mob at Baringgre in East Garo Hills district, police said Saturday. Aita Boro, who escaped police firing in an encounter at Tarasin yesterday, reached the village under the Rongjeng police station and was caught by locals, Superintendent of Police R Momin said. Soon, a mob gathered around him and allegedly beat him to death, he said. A member of the NDFB was killed in an encounter with police at Tarasin yesterday.

G u wa h at i , Au g 4 (PTI): The people, who have cases pending against them in the Foreigners Tribunal, will not find a place in the final National Register of Citizens (NRC), but no genuine Indian citizens will be left out, NRC statecoordinator Prateek Hajela said Saturday. He said names of some “foreigners” have entered the NRC final draft published on July 30 as they concealed the fact that they had cases pending against them in the Foreigners’ Tribunal. Besides, many have t we a k e d t h e i r n a m e s, changed addresses and even changed their identities, he said. “The names of people whose cases are pending in the Foreigners Tribunal will have no place in the final list,” Hajela told PTI here. The NRC in Assam is being prepared under the supervision of the Supreme Court and the completed draft was published on July 30, in which the names of 2.89 crore residents have been included out of the 3.29 crore applicants. The names of 40 lakh applicants have been excluded from the

No. LLG/JUD/SUC/2009-10/250

Students, teachers and staff of Manipur University during the relay-hunger strike. Correspondent

IMPHAL, Aug 4: Police Saturday dismantled makeshift site where students, teachers and staff of Manipur University were staging relay-hunger strike as part of their demand to remove vice chancellor Prof AP Pandey. An active member of Manipur University Student’s Union (MUSU) was also arrested Friday night in the series of police action against the agitating students, teachers and staff of the Manipur University. The police action against the striking groups came up as they continued their agitation despite chief minister’s appeal to suspend the agitations and allow normal function of

Dated Longleng the 02.08.2018






Dated, Zhadima the 02nd August 2018

No.100724 Constable TINUTEMJEN AO S/o Lt. Tekajang 'E'/Coy 10th NAP Bn(IR) Zhadima, Nagaland.

Sub : FINAL CALLING NOTICE No.100724 Constable Tinutemjen Ao, S/o Lt. Tekajang, VillageChanki, PO/PS-Mokokchung, Dist-Mokokchung is found absent from Government bonafide duty w.e.f 18/06/18. Whereas, 3(Three) Calling Notices has been issued to you through concerned P.S but you failed to report back for duty. Whereas it is notified that last opportunity is given to No.100724 Constable Tinutemjen Ao to report back to undersigned within 7(seven) days from the date of publication of this final calling notice, failing which you will be dismissed from service from the date of your absence and deserter without further notice.


People have been allowed to submit new sets of documents to prove their legacy and they can provide old, new or mixed set of old and new documents for the purpose, the state coordinator said. Hajela said three kinds of errors have been detected in the draft NRC - wrong exclusion, for which claims can be filed; wrong inclusion, for which objections can be filed; and mis-spelt names and wrong addresses. People can apply online for the corrections and it has been synchronised with the August 30-September 28 period for applications, claim and objections, he added. “The NRC has been a mammoth exercise and the first draft cannot be perfect but we are committed to ensure an error-free final list,” the state coordinator added. The Union Home Ministry is currently preparing the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for handling the claims and objections. The SOP will be submitted in the Supreme Court on August 16, following which the apex court will fix the future course of action, he said.

persons displaced from Assam

Whereas, Smti. Mongnyu Phom of Yongshei Village/town has applied for issue of Succession Certificate to operate/draw/transfer/ withdraw the debts & Securities in respect of Late Shri. Lt. O. Longjai Phom (Teacher) who expired on 10-06-2018. Now therefore, public are hereby asked to file claims/objections, if any within one month from the date of issue of this notice. (John Tsulise Sangtam) Deputy Commissioner, Longleng : Nagaland. DP-5748


final draft. On August 2, an official had said the names of 200 suspected foreigners belonging to 39 families had made it to the NRC draft that was released in Morigaon district. He said the matter was detected during the printing process of the draft in the district. Hajela Saturday said, “We will continue to track the cases pending in the Foreigners’ Tribunal and if the tribunal declares them as foreigners, their names will not be included.” At the same time, the names of all Indians will be included in the final list, he added. “This is a continuous process and the law allows me to remove all discrepancies or errors and ensure the publication of an error and foreigner-free final NRC,” Hajela said. People whose names did not figure in the complete draft can file claims, objections and re-apply between August 30 and September 28. “We will take up each case, conduct hearings and clear or dispose the names according to the documents submitted,” he said.

MU crisis: protest site dismantled Mnp steps up vigilance against


In the Court of Albert Ezung Additional Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur, Nagaland


NDFB member beaten to death in M’laya

will be left out, says Hajela


NOTICE INVITING OTHER CLAIMENTS TO REPRESENTATION TO COME FORWARD (SECTION 375 OF THE INDIAN SUCCESSION ACT 1925) Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate of Late Kavishe Zhimomi Deceased, has been filed by Smti. Kekashe relation wife R/o. H.No. 163 Hollohon Vill. Dimapur to draw his/her family Pension, Bank Acct etc, who expired on 23-7-18. Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate of the said deceased, may if he/she so desire may appear in this Court within 30 days, on the said day of 2/9/18. Given under the hand and seal of the Court this 1 day of 8/18.

IPFT government headed by Chief Minister Biplab Deb imposed embargo on all ongoing recruitment processes on March 10, the very next day after it assumed office, citing grounds for review. Restriction on recruitments has been revoked recently. We sent a letter to TPSC to conduct recruitment procedure for 182 Assistant Professors. Recruitment would also be done in over 9,000 other posts in different government departments, Nath said. The minister also said the previous Left Front government withheld recruitment in over 8,000 posts though many of them were notified by TPSC. Many of them were sanctioned by the finance department as well, he added.

Commandant 10th NAP Bn (India Reserve) Zhadima, Nagaland

the varsity. Members of striking MUSU, MUTA and MUSA were on relay-hunger strike since July 10 after the authority concerned failed remove Prof AP Pandey as vice chancellor of the university. Po l i c e r e p o r t e d ly dismantled the makeshift protest site few minutes ahead of commencement of the day’s relay-hunger strike citing that the Imphal West district magistrate had already imposed prohibitions under section 144 (2) of CrPC 144 since Friday afternoon. However even after the makeshift site was dismantled, the striking students, teachers and staff continued their hunger strike at a fresh site inside

the MU campus. Meanwhile, the agitating students, teachers and staff have threatened to intensify their ongoing agitations after police picked one of the members of the striking Manipur University Student’s Union on Friday night. Police are yet to disclose the reason behind picking the MUSU member, Khagemba Meitei but the striking groups speculated that it was related with state government’s effort to sabotage the ongoing agitations. They alleged the detained member was leading a team in erasing hoardings displaying government achievements on the streets at various places as part of the ongoing agitation.

Imp h a l , A u g 4 (IANS): In compliance with the Union Home Minister’s directive, the M a n i p u r g ove r n m e n t has stepped up vigilance against persons who will be displaced in Assam following the NRC’s publication, officials said on Saturday. Director General of Police L.M. Khaute, has instructed police stations in the border districts to screen all suspicious persons entering Manipur. “All police stations in this district are alerted. We have formed five teams to be on the lookout of suspicious persons entering or leaving Manipur,” S. Ibomcha, Superintendent of Police or border district Tengoupal, said. The police are handicapped by non-availability of modern gadgets with the result that the Aadhaar cards and other documents cannot be examined to see if they are genuine. “ D ay a n d n i g h t ,

police are patrolling the routes the migrants may use. Some boats are used to patrol along the Jiri river,” Moirangthem Mobi, Superintendent of Police of Jiribam district bordering Silchar district in Assam, said. Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, who also holds home portfolio, said most of the persons whose names cannot be included in the National Register of Citizens (NRC) of Assam will try to come to Manipur. He had already instructed the Jiribam Police to be on alert and additional forces had been rushed. Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System have also started checking persons who are entering Manipur. Recently, police dismantled over ten bamboo bridges across the Jiri river used by the illegal migrants while sneaking into Manipur.




Date 03/08/2018


The Chümoukedima Village Council do hereby informs all Land/Plot holder’s under Chümoukedima Village and Chümoukedima Town jurisdiction, who could not register their land due to any difficulty or problems, that an extension/grace period of one week shall be given (i.e. from 20th Aug. to 24th Aug 2018). Therefore plot holders who could not register their plot during normal registration drive are asked to do the needful within the extended/grace period. Any plot holders failing to register their land during the given period, the village council shall not entertain any grievances or request for any reason whatsoever. N.B. Chümoukedima Village Area Date : 20th to 24th August 2018 Venue : Chümoukedima Village Council Hall Time : 9:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m. Chümoukedima Town Area (All wards to be included during the extended registration period) Date : 20th to 24th August 2018 Venue : TTKC Hall (Near Chümoukedima Town Local Ground Ward-6) Time : 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.


G u wa h at i , Au g 4 (PTI): The flood situation in Assam deteriorated Saturday with two more deaths reported in Sivasagar district, taking the toll to 43, while nearly 1.1 lakh people remain affected across six districts in the state. According to the Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA), two persons lost their lives in flood-related incidents at Sonari revenue circle of Sivasagar. With this, the total number of persons losing their lives in the two waves of flood this year in different parts of the state rose to 43. The ASDMA said over 1.09 lakh people are affected at present in

Ag a rta l a , Au g 4 (PTI): The Tripura government Saturday said it will fill up 9,424 vacant posts in different departments soon by strictly adhering to the new employment policy it introduced after coming to power in March this year. Minister for Education and Law, Ratan Lal Nath said Tripura’s Council of Ministers introduced a fair recruitment policy replacing the old flawed one to provide jobs to the deserving candidates alone. We would strictly adhere to the new employment policy of the state. All new appointments would be made through examinations conducted by the Tripura Public Service Commission (TPSC), he told reporters here yesterday. The BJP-

(Mhasiletuo Visezo) Secretary Chümoukedima Village Council

(Razouvotuo Chatsu) Chairman Chümoukedima Village Council MOBILE : 9436013379

Nagamese Baptist Churches Association (NBCA) Administrative office building, Kuda Village, Dimapur was dedicated on 3rd August 2018, by Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho, General Secretary, NBCC. In his dedicatory speech Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho appreciated the Churches of NBCA and NBCA staff for successful completion of NBCA administrative office building and encouraged the Church leaders and NBCA staff to work more harder to be a channel to share the Gospel message of love to all sojourner of the beautiful people travelling with us, he further urged the NBCA churches to be more faithful and dedicated Evangelists in order to reach out the unreached. Executive Secretary NBCA Rev. R. Meren Jamir expressed thankfulness to God for His mighty works in many ways throughout the construction and also extends his gratefulness to all individuals, churches and associations who had supported financially, materially and in constant prayers. Rev. Baulei Phom gave brief construction report and also pronounced vote of thanks to all who supported towards the construction and also people those who have attended the dedication program. Others who took part in the program were Shri. Savi Liegise, land Donor, Shri. Nchumpemo Pastor and President NBCA, Rev. C. Bendang Jamir Pastor, Shri Heque Pamai Pastor, special song was presented by Burma Camp Nagamese Baptist Church and about 250 members from special invitees and 77 NBCA Churches were attended the Program. DP-5748

NBCA Staff K Y M C


Nagaland Post, Dimapur SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018



Dated Kohima, the 3rd August 2018


While thanking all the Government Departments / Directorate Offices for willingly accepting the most basic form of e-Governance tools (Aadhaar based Biometric Attendance System, Social Media, Websites), the usage status are being published to encourage both Government Departments and citizens to promote e-Governance related activities in the State. For any assistance / clarification the following officers may be contacted :- Biometric Attendance : Er. Asono Mor, Senior Program Officer (9862668288) and Er. Samuel Terieng, Program Officer (9862690039), Social Media : Er. Chura Katiry., Senior Program Officer (9436001376), Websites : Er. Daniel Krocha, Deputy Director (9436005854). (K. D Vizo) CEO, NSeGS and Commissioner & Secretary, IT & C

Status of Social Media, Website and Biometric attendance system in Government Departments/ Directorate Offices Sl No

Social Media

Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System




Art & Culture



Employment & Skill Development

domain created as skillingnagaland.dept skillingnagala1

BAS installed



NBSE Nagaland


BAS installed


School Education DoSENagaland/ DoSENagaland

BAS installed



domain created as pages/Fishery-departmentnagaland/449698938474983


BAS installed Industries-and-CommerceNagaland-144394519732285/ industrykoh



Department of art and culture nagaland

Department of art and culture nagaland

BAS installed


Industries & Commerce


Information Technology and Communication


BAS installed





BAS installed




dipr.nagaland DiprNagaland

BAS installed

BAS installed

Resources BAS installed 10 Youth & Sports kohima 11 12 13 14

Planning & Co ordination planningcoordination.nagaland.5 PlanningDeptN

Justice & Law

domain created as justiceandlaw.nagaland. nagaland.7 SecretaryLaw jfinancenagaland

@FinanceNagaland HomeDepartmentNagaland/ HomeCommrNL

Finance Department Home Department


P & AR


Power nagaland.3


Electrical Inspectorate

under Power department

under Power department



http://agriculture. Department-of-AgricultureNagaland-226680178103192





Legal Metrology 21 & Consumer Protection www.evaluation.nagaland. Domain Created as

http://www. 22 Municipal Affairs municipalaffairsnagaland. com/ (FOR WEBSITE MIGRATION 23 NSMDC THEY WILL VISIT THIS WEEK)

25 26

Soil & Water Conservation


Veterinary & Animal Husbandry




State Lotteries



Directorate of Nagaland State Lotteries Department of Under Developed Area

Election Department

Environment, 32 Forest & Climate Change

under Power department

division under Power Dept

Pwd Nagaland

http://www.snwc.nagaland. 853376838164396/

Directorate of Economics and Statistics

BAS installed


BAS installed andnagaland

BAS installed BAS installed StatsEco

BAS installed



BAS installed

Department of Envirinent Forest and Climate change


BAS installed

Nagaland State Information Commission



BAS installed


NRE nagaland

DNRE Nagaland

BAS installed



Nagaland police,PHQ

Nagaland police

BAS installed

Raj Bhavan Kohima

Raj Bhavan Kohima @KohimaRaj

Raj Bhavan

BAS installed

Social Welfare

Very low 38 Very low

Very low


Defence and 39 Civil Home Guards

Twitter socialwelfare.nagaland


Contact details of Nodal Officer


BAS installed

Mr. Michael Zaren- 9436005126

Very low

Nagaland tourism


BAS installed


BAS installed /HealthandfamilyWelfare/

Health & Family Welfare

BAS installed

& Family 40 Health Welfare


BAS installed



Horticulture Nagaland


BAS installed


Irrigation and Flood Control

ifcd Nagaland


BAS installed






BAS installed

Er.Samuel Terieng, Program Officer, 9862690039 High Mr.Moalong 9862121901, Very low Designation - Reader Ms.Kevizayieno 8787447082 Very low Designation - Joint Director Mr.Avira Pusa, 7642905710 Very low LDA Computer Asst,


Land Resource Development of-land-Resources186493378185125/


BAS installed





BAS installed



Public health engineering Department,Nagaland


BAS installed


Rural Development rd_nagaland

BAS installed


Science and Technology dstnagaland

BAS installed




BAS installed


State Resource Centre for Women (SCRW) srcwnagaland/ nld_srcw

BAS installed


Technical Education

Technicaleducation Nagaland


BAS installed


Transport Commissioner

tpdnagaland tptnagaland

BAS installed


Urban Development



BAS installed



Vigilance Commission

Very low


Women Resource Development

Very low






Very low

Very low

Medium Mr.Sunep 8132918737


Mr. Athungo Lotha 9402680543, Sr.Comp Programmer Medium Medium Mr. Vechovo Tetseo 8974624064 Designation- Senior Research Officer Er.Moa Aier S.E (REVENUE) 9436003989

Mr. Moaseng-9436435933

BAS installed



Aadhar Based Biometric Attendance System Higher-Education-Nagaland574314982937508/

BAS installed

BAS installed




BAS installed


Higher Education

BAS installed

BAS installed


Social Media

Sl No


Directorate of Nagaland State Lotteries

BAS installed



Mr. Bendangyapang 9436400516 Research Officer Mr.Chiden Yaden, Jt. Director 9436006334, Name - Menguzelie 9402831264 Mr.Kekhrielhoutuo Nakhro 9436000947 Mr.Sani Pongen 9436005542 Rulanthung Ezung 9774477756 Sub divisional Fishery Office Er. Asenla Walling 9612162697 Designation-Asst Engineer

Mr. L.HANGSINGH JT.DIRECTOR (NeGPA) 9436015201 Mr.BOKATO HESSO ARCS 9436430533 Mr. KHRIENGUU THEVO EVALUATION INSPECTOR 9862827456 Mr. Temjenmenla Jamir UDA 8794017134 Ms. KEVILENO SOLO ASST. DIRECTOR 9612891552 Mr. SENTIMOA MANAGER 9436005465 Mr. JONGPONGTOSHI ASST. DIRECTOR 9436001571 Er. Awan Konyak 9077878402 HETOHO SWU DEPUTY DIRECTOR 9436642207 Dr. CHUBASANGLA DY. DIRECTOR 8974596983 Nodal Officer Nchungti Shitiri Contact number 8258950672. BAS installed

Director PSTY



BAS installed DirectorPSTY

Public Works & Housing (PWD) DOPN_Nagaland NSMDCLTD


Economics and Statistics

Part of civil secretariate BAS

Nagaland State Mineral Development Cooperation Ltd




https://www.facebook. com/pages/RCSNagalandRCS_Nagaland Kohima/148846691907998 https://www.facebook. com/pages/Government of-Nagaland-Evaluationevaluation_dept Department/666743210072283 https://www.facebook. com/pages/Lmcp-Govt LMCP_1968 Nagaland/426509484088859 Municipal-Affairs-Department- municipalaffairsdepartment GoN-605990216422605/

Printing & Stationary

Part civil secretariate BAS Part civil secretariate BAS Part civil secretariate BAS Part civil secretariate BAS

Contact details of Nodal Officer

Mr. Renbenthung Ngully Dy Director 8729880289 Ms. Ketousie 9436062658 Mr. Supongnukshi, 7085191522 Mr. Chumbemo computer programmer 9436078407 Mr. Zabu 9774002437 Mr. Joseph hesso 9436012686 Mr. Kevi Kisa Senior Accountant 9436001895 of-Rural-Development-Nagaland349856061720520/ dstnagaland.kohima.? of-sericulture-Nagaland185363352085979/

letter submitted to keep on hold letter submitted to keep on social media creation for vigilance hold social media creation dept for vigilance dept KMA.NGL/ of.taxes.nagaland

Geology & Mining


Food and Civil Supplies


Very low

Very low

Very low

domain created as


BAS Installed


BAS Installed


BAS Installed

Geology Mining

Geology & Mining, NL

BAS Installed Government-of-NagalandDepartment-of-Food-CivilSupplies-223680314886470/


BAS Installed


domain created as pages/Directorate-of-ExciseNagaland/149564701888203


BAS Installed


Land Records and Survey


BAS Installed



www. pages/nst-nagaland-statetransport/211760995692850


BAS installed


SIRD BAS installed 366562830190213


Nagaland Legislative Assembly

Domain created as Nagaland-Legislative-Assembly140251359932140/


BAS installed


Treasuries and Accounts

Already under Finance Department nagaland


BAS installed HomeDepartmentNagaland/ HomeCommrNL

BAS installed


Very low

Very low

Very low Very low Low


BAS installed

67 Commissioner's Nagaland

Very low Very low

Border affairs

Under Commissioners office

Under Commissioners office

Division under Under Commissioners office Commissioners office


Under Commissioners office

Under Commissioners office

Division under Under Commissioners office Commissioners office

Village Guards Under Commissioners office

Under Commissioners office

Division under Under Commissioners office Commissioners office

Very low

Ms. Neteno 9436005008 Mr.Viyielo Duolo, Asst Director, 9436005008 Mr. Moa 8837299225 Dr. Nyanthung Kikon 9436010127 Mr. Tol Pucho 9436404391 Mr. Jerry Patton 9862899813 Er. Wapangnaro Imchen 9615338842 Er. Vikeheto Naki 9774002526 Mr. Botovi 9436000856 Mr. Vikepelie 9436017898 Mr. Atoi Hesso 9436001457 Ms. Tsibino Nagi 9612699536 Ms. Naro , Senior Technical Officer 9436000635 Mr. Alem Kumzuk 9436078824 Mr. Lanutemjen 9774236539 Mr. Kekhrieketoulie Rupreo 9436001378

High High Very low Medium Very low Very low High Very low Very low Very low Very low Very low Medium

Very low

Very low Very low

Mr. Petevilie Khatsu, Asst Director 9436017924 Mr. Limatoshi 8787402076 Chonben Odyuo, Asst Research Officer 7005303732 Er.Moa, Deputy Director, 9436612591 Mr. Sanen, IT Officer, 9862849006, Mr. Newmai Asingbow, 9856084075, Geologist, Mr. Jungshi, 9856893307/9089740309, Inspector, Mr. Limatemsu Changkiri, Inspector of excise, 7005169957 Phone No: - 03862 248059 Mr. Khunenchu Magh, Deputy Director, 9436832646 Mr. Limasunep Jamir, Joint GM, 9436436077,

Very low High

Very low Very low Very low Very low

Very low

Very low

Very low

Very low

Mr. Nicholas 9856070770 Very low Mr Suuto , Assistant Programmer . 9612979697, Very low Mr R.N Lama, Jt Director, 9436435215,

Very low

Very low


Prison prisons groups/340724276324490/


BAS installed

Mr. C.Lwngnyei Konyak_ RO(Planning) 9436070731

Very low

Very low


Rajya Sainik Board

Domain created as

https://www.facebook. com/Rajyasainikboard212761416186232/


BAS installed

Mr. Rajeev Dong 8258023928




Relief and Rehabilitation


BAS installed


Fire and Engineering Services groups/1544086175829430/


BAS installed


Parliamentary affairs in/dpa Nagaland-Legislative-Assembly140251359932140/


Part of secretariate biometric

Very low

Medium High Very low

Medium Mr.Ginboi Haokip 8787799613

Very low




Nagaland Post Vol. XXVIII NO. 239 Dimapur, SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018

Monsoon viral diseases


ven before the monsoon rains have ebbed to signal the start of outbreak of fatal pathogens such as Dengue and Chikungunya- there are already around a dozen confirmed cases of Dengue in Dimapur area alone. Usually, the viral disease resurges by September to October. In India Dengue and Chikungunya have made much headway across the states. Dengue is transmitted by the bite of an infected female Aedes Aegypti mosquito. The mosquito becomes infected when it feeds on the blood of a person infected with the virus. After about one week, the mosquito can then transmit the virus while biting a healthy person. According to the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) in 2017 itself the total number of dengue cases reported in India was 1,53,635. Dengue claimed 137 lives in 2014, 220 in 2015, 245 in 2016 and 226 in 2017. By July this year, 30 have died of the disease. It is expected that the situation could be worse this year due to incessant rains. This vector-borne disease has reached alarming proportions in Kerala, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal including New Delhi. The symptoms of Dengue include: flu-like symptoms that can last for two to seven days. Dengue fever usually occurs after an incubation period of 4-10 days after the bite of the infected mosquito. High Fever (40°C/ 104°F) is usually accompanied by at least two of the following symptoms: headaches, pain behind eyes, nausea, vomiting, swollen glands, joint, bone or muscle pains and rash. According to medical reports, there are four(4) serotypes of the virus that causes dengue such as - DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4. Infection with one strain will provide life-time protection only against that particular strain. However, it is still possible to become infected by other strains and develop into severe dengue. There is no vaccine or specific medication for dengue fever. Patients are advised rest and to drink plenty of fluids. Paracetamol can be taken to bring down fever and reduce joint pains. Doctors have cautioned patients against taking aspirin or ibuprofen should as these could increase the risk of bleeding. Another rapidly spreading disease is Chikungunya , a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. It causes fever and severe joint pain. Other symptoms include muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue and rash. The disease is caused by an RNA virus that belongs to the alphavirus genus of the family Togaviridae. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), Chikungunya shares some clinical signs with dengue, and can be misdiagnosed in areas where dengue is common. In recent years, there is evidence that mutations have become more common. Like malarial causing Anopheles mosquito, which has gradually mutated to develop resistance to anti-malaria pesticides, there are also fears that a gene mutation of the dengue virus may be taking place. In 2003, researchers identified eight mutations in dengue virus type 4. This is bad news since it would indicate that such viral diseases will be eluding human efforts to nullify their fatal potency. After the Ebola outbreak, the medical world discovered in 2014 that the pathogen had undergone 395 mutations between 2014 to 2016. The only way to eradicate dengue is to deny the Aedes mosquito its breeding places and this demands a simple act of clean environment where there is no place for accumulation of stagnant water and other measures.

DailyDevotion The Brave Friendship of God He took the twelve aside… —Luke 18:31 Oh, the bravery of God in trusting us! Do you say, “But He has been unwise to choose me, because there is nothing good in me and I have no value”? That is exactly why He chose you. As long as you think that you are of value to Him He cannot choose you, because you have purposes of your own to serve. But if you will allow Him to take you to the end of your own self-sufficiency, then He can choose you to go with Him “to Jerusalem” (Luke 18:31). And that will mean the fulfillment of purposes which He does not discuss with you. We tend to say that because a person has natural ability, he will make a good Christian. It is not a matter of our equipment, but a matter of our poverty; not of what we bring with us, but of what God puts into us; not a matter of natural virtues, of strength of character, of knowledge, or of experience— all of that is of no avail in this concern. The only thing of value is being taken into the compelling purpose of God and being made His friends (see 1 Corinthians 1:26-31). God’s friendship is with people who know their poverty. He can accomplish nothing with the person who thinks that he is of use to God. As Christians we are not here for our own purpose at all— we are here for the purpose of God, and the two are not the same. We do not know what God’s compelling purpose is, but whatever happens, we must maintain our relationship with Him. We must never allow anything to damage our relationship with God, but if something does damage it, we must take the time to make it right again. The most important aspect of Christianity is not the work we do, but the relationship we maintain and the surrounding influence and qualities produced by that relationship. That is all God asks us to give our attention to, and it is the one thing that is continually under attack.


Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. ~ Carl Sagan

Nagaland Post, Dimapur SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018


Misinterpreted theological Musing over hornbill festival studies in Naga society H


ot every Naga knows the meaning of ‘theology’. Theology simply means “the process of seeking normative answers to questions of truth/ meaning, goodness/ practice, evil, suffering, redemption, and beauty in specific contexts.”(Lynch.2005). Another simple terms is, ‘theos’ means ‘God’ and ‘ology’ refers to ‘logo’ meaning ‘word’ in Greek. Thus, theology literally means ‘the study of God’ (Michael Patton. 2005). Similarly, common people understand the study of theology is to learn more about God in theological institutions, colleges and universities. With this understanding of theological studies, every weak and sick human being hopes that each broken life can be transformed or rebuild through searching God. There is no error in attaining such understanding among the Nagas that studying the word of God is one of the processes of finding remedies to heal the broken life. However, there is a problem in choosing a person to send for theological studies among the Nagas. Common understanding of theological studies among the Nagas is the offering of one of the many children in the family. If theological studies are based on this understanding, in practice, most of the Naga families stand paradox to the teaching of the Bible. The Bible which for Christians believed to be the Holy Book of the Word of God clearly portrays the true meaning of offering. Genesis 4: 4 “And Abel brought the best, the choicest parts of the FIRSTBORN of his flock and of their fat portions. Genesis 8:20 “Then Noah built alter to the Lord and took some of every CLEAN animal and some of every CLEAN bird. Exodus 23: 19 “For the three annual festivals, Moses tells the people, “The BEST of the first fruits of your ground you shall bring into the house of the Lord your God.” In addition, Deuteronomy 16:17 “They shall not appear before the Lord empty handed. Every man shall give as he is ABLE.” John 3:16 “For

Advisory by health & family welfare department


God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. “ The preceding texts have two significant acts of those who give offering to God. First, it refers to the offering of the first and the best of anything from where and what a person takes for offering. The first and the best refer to the purest and wholehearted expression to God with no greed and reservation. It signifies that every first and good thing should be given to God and the remaining is kept for own. Second significant indication is the giving of the only one though it may be the best in the family or the only hope of the family. The Old Testament theology of fearing and loving God is narrated in the book of Genesis where Abraham sacrifices his only and the best son as the sign of true love and faith in God (Moberly. 2005). Forgetting the theology of giving, faith and love, the offering/giving of many Nagas to God is misleading in the context of sending people for theological studies. Indeed, not all good people who are sent for theological studies bear good fruit. Similarly, not all drug addicts and alcoholics who are sent for theological studies bear bad fruit. However, many Naga parents believe that sending drug addicts, dropouts and alcoholics for theological studies would transform them and become reborn in Christ. In this act, the theology of offering the best and the first, to God remains invisible. It paradoxically appears that for the love and fears of God, they give the worst and spoiled ones. Will God transform the spoiled ones as He accepts it as the best offering of those families? If God transforms them, it may be done in favor of the lost ones, not in favor of those who send them for theological studies. The relevance of offering the spoiled ones to God in the field of theological studies is widely known. People often generalize that theological institutions are full of drug addicts/ alcoholics; in response, there

are moments when these students prove the authenticity of the people’s statement, in act of indulging in drug and alcohol throughout theological studies. This emerges negative image of theological institutions and its studies. This repercussion indicates the misinterpretation of theological studies by many Nagas, moreover, they have failed to identify the difference between rehabilitation centre and theological institutions. Theological institution is a place to train students based on their conviction to study about divinity, academic and non-academic disciplines to further train and remind the lay people as well as among the theological graduates. In addition, it becomes a place for parents to offer their best child to God. It symbolizes the act of spiritualized aim of the parents that out of many, one is given to God through theological studies. Eventually, the theological graduates engage in church ministry and other Christian religious activities. In such aim of offering and sacrifice, the agenda of purity emerges as the fundamental goal of the people. How pure is the child who is sent for theological studies? Pure in this context is a figure of speech which symbolizes the good child. It is the expression of human passion and feelings to God divinely who would not reject what He deserves to receive from the people. In such misinterpretation of theological studies among many Nagas, it is perhaps the responsibilities of the intellectual Nagas in general to impart the true knowledge of theological studies to produce more intellectual theological graduates in academic and non-academic disciplines. Similarly to identify a suitable place to rehabilitate the young people who indulge in drug and other intoxication. This initiative will broadly enhance the people to identify right place for right people to earn a suitable life transforming education. Dr. Lemwang Chuhwanglim, Researcher, Mon Town, (

ornbill Festival is a major event in the yearly Calendar of the state. Since it is making an impact to the society it would be healthy for us to debate the merit and demerit of the event. I would like to submit my observations here for people to ponder, though it may not be new to many. The festival usually begins with the blessing of the Priest or elderly animist to demonstrate the ancient Naga practices. It has revived some animistic practices e.g. performing the religious ceremonies, listening to the village elder chanting ancient prayer of blessings, etc. It may be just an act because people who practice animism in real life are minimal in number now. The point is whether we really want God to bless us. If it is an act God cannot be fooled. If it is real we have the danger of going back to spirit worship/ appeasement which God Jehovah detests. We should not be confused with tradition that enrich our lives and tradition that ensnares us. Some traditional practices which our forefathers handed down to us are good. Like respect for elders, hospitality- not letting visitors go without tasting something, and protection of people (even insects) who seek shelter from us. Our forefathers are also hard working, honest, and it is shameful for them to depend on others without any contribution on their side. These are things we need to emulate. However, it is sad to see that we tend to imitate the evil practices in the name of tradition. We think that tradition is incomplete without rice beer (zutho). Traditionalists try to project zutho as the main item of our traditional food. To drinkers this is an attraction. Young people want to experiment and get initiated in drinking through this mildly put ‘rice beer’ which is an intoxicant. They started for fun, got hooked and move on to other hard drinks and finally get addicted. The accidents, fights, violence and immoral activities are mainly due to alcohol. We talk about peace and development. Can development come without the participation of the youth? Can peace come without responsible young people? Peace and development cannot come without a healthy society. If we are knowingly leading our youth to evil practices we cannot expect a healthy society. Hornbill festival may be a time for fun and pleasure but sadly

it’s not being done with decency. Young people (not so young people too, we are told) seek pleasure through alcohol and sexual activities. Young girls got pregnant and spoil their lives for a short time of pleasure and live in shame. Rock Concert is a main event and draw huge crowd. It is also a time where many indecent and ugly activities go on, leaving unsightly and shameful things behind. The Rock Concert during the recent Hornbill Festival drew an estimated crowd of 20,000 people. In contrast the Gospel concert (Bob fits) attracts a crowd of a thousand or so. The indication shows that our minds are more on worldly things than the things of God. The distribution of condom is an admission that immoral activities increases during the festivals. This, in spite of Nagaland being a Christian majority state. Hornbill Festival may have been launched with good intentions. There are many good reasons why the festival should be there. Bringing our people together as one family is one. Celebrating the blessing of God upon our lives is another. Reviving traditions which are healthy, enjoyable, and beneficial to our social life is another reason. Attracting tourists and exposing ourselves positively to the world may be another good reason. Encouraging entrepreneurship too is a good thing. However, the question is, ‘Are these positive points being achieved? Is there more negative impacts then the positive ones?’ Today many parents are reluctant to take their family to the festival because of the negative image it has created. Why can’t a Christian majority state bring out a Festival that is different? Why bring all the worldly programmes which lead to immoral activities just to attract people? Why can’t we have a Festival that promotes traditional values minus unchristian practices which we have discarded for a better life in Christ. Isn’t it time to rethink, re-plan, and redirect this mega event for the good of our society? Remove all the programmes that tend to bring unwanted elements. Bring new ideas; programmes the children can enjoy and learn, programmes where the whole family can enjoy together with decency. Of course, there are many good programmes already there for which we acknowledge the effort of the organisers. Avilie Punyü, New Market Kohima

Swachha Bharat Mission: Dream of Economic Prosperity


n the era of global warming and climate change, everyone is striving towards a clean and safe India. “A clean India would be the best tribute India could pay to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150 birth anniversary in 2019” - said our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi as he launched the Swachh Bharat Mission at Rajpath in New Delhi on 2nd October, 2014. Swachh Bharat Mission was launched throughout length and breadth of the country as a national movement. On the Contrary, prior to this historical movement we Indians were mostly confined in cleaning our own houses, religious places and educational institutions. We Indians were not much concerned about cleaning our surroundings, streets, lanes, parks or other public places. On the other hand, sustainable water resources are essential to human health, environmental sustainability and economic prosperity. This vital resource is under threat, making it crucial to address the challenges related to water, sanitation and hygiene for populations and water related ecosystems. However the campaign of clean India movement is the biggest step taken ever as a cleanliness drive till date but also as the big challenge not only of the Government but also of each and every citizen of our Country interms of determination for effective implementation through comprehensive planning and strategy, responsibility to carry out the task to reach the goal through proper monitoring , sensitivity to acquire habit specially from grass root level through appropriate training and management, innovation of new technologies to make it more cost effective and economic etc. despite of various hurdles.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “Sanitation is more important than independence”. He made cleanliness and sanitation an integral part of the Gandhian way of living. It is essential for everyone to learn about cleanliness, hygiene, sanitation and about the various disease that are caused due to poor hygienic conditions. The habits learnt at young age get embedded into one’s personality. Even if we inculcate certain habits like washing hands before meals, regular brushing of teeth and bathing from a young age, we are not bothered about cleanliness of public places. “The pursuit of cleanliness can be an economic activity, contributing to GDP growth, reduction in health care costs and a source of employment” - in the wards of Hon’ble Prime Minister – Shri Narendra Modi. The World Bank estimated that the lack of sanitation costs India over 6% of gross domestic product (GDP). But a recent study by UNICEF on the economic impact of sanitation has estimated that an open defecation free village, each family saves over Rs. 50,000 per year on account of avoided medical costs, time savings and lives saved. Additionally there is a huge potential of generating wealth from waste through goods solid and liquid resource management. The study also concluded that the economic benefits of sanitation per household outweigh the cumulative investment (Government spends plus other modes of financing including household contribution) by 4.7 times over a 10 years period. According to experts, some of the key areas of impact of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan are health, tourism, rural development and foreign investment. It is observed that the bigger limitation to promote tourism is cleanliness because foreign tourists are particular about

hygiene and cleanliness. Swachh Bharat Mission will help to create employment through tourism. Besides employment tourism will help to bring foreign money to India which will also boost Indians GDP. Practice of open defecation puts at the risk of disease like cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid etc. Unhygienic condition is one of the majorcause of diseases. According to a recent study by World Health

Organisation (WHO), due to lack of cleanliness and hygienic condition there is a loss of Rs. 6500 every year to each Indian. Where asSwachh Bharat Mission tries to plug their loss and help to ease the burden on existing health care facilities which will help to boost our Indian economy. (To be concluded) Amit Sengupta, GHSS, Diphupar - A, Dimapur, (

he Directorate of Health & Family Welfare has issued advisory in view of the current heavy and incessant rain. And has the tendency to cause contamination of water and food sources thereby triggering outbreak of food/water borne diseases. Do’s 1. Use only boiled water for drinking 2. Get drinking water from safe source 3. Wash hands with soap and water i) Before eating food ii) Before feeding your child iii) Before cooking meals iv) After using the toilets 4. Prevent flies from getting to food and eatables Sir, 5. Keep food and drinkThe citizens of Diphupar area are very disappointed with the ing water always covered power department as when it rains we don’t receive electricity when 6. Avoid drinking wathe rest of the area in Dimapur receives. I want to question the electric ter from ponds, lakes, and department why does the power have to be shut down when it rains? It streams, if however you have is said that a rain is a kind of shower of blessing but for Diphuparians, to depend on this source, puit is shower of darkness. By the grace of God we have the biggest hospital (CIHSR) in rify by using bleaching powder Northeast located at Diphupar area and it is where the patients from or boiling all over the country comes for treatment and when it should receive a Don’t good amount of electricity it gets black out when the rest of the area in 1. Eat stale food and othDimapur get lit up and for the past days i.e 31st July and 1st of August, er eatables left in the open its continuing to receive no electricity for the whole night. This is not 2. Throw garbage near the first case, before the electricity was so irregular, but then somehow the water sources it gets improved and we were hoping, it would get better but instead it 3. Allow surface water to is getting worst. By the good leadership of Tovihoto Ayemi, minister of get into the well Power has brought a new transformer for feeding the electricity to the 4. Pass stools in the citizens of Dimapur, so that we are no more bounded by the darkness, open but it is the unfit workers of electric department that we are receiving 5. Go for self medicathe darkness instead of light. The higher authority must look into the tion matter and take stern action and such power house workers whether be In the event of any illit a light man or the electrical engineer should be discharged from their ness, seek medical help from work as when they cannot carry out what they are assigned to do, why the nearest health facility. should the government keep them when there are so many eligible to For further enquiry, contake their place. We the people and the government of Nagaland, it is tact the office of the Chief time to open up our eyes and see what changes we must do to make a Medical Officer/ Medical better and brighter Nagaland. Superintendent. Hokato Ayemi, concerned citizen, Diphupar village (DIPR) Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.

Reader’s Post

Appeal to chief engineer Power Deptt, Kohima


(L-R) CPI (M) leader Sitaram Yechury, TMC leader Dinesh Trivedi, Loktantrik Janata Dal leader Sharad Yadav, Congress President Rahul Gandhi, (PTI)

the coming days”. “India is saying that what has happened in the last four years, we do not like. When India makes up its mind, then no one can stand before it,” he said. Tejashwi Yadav, who targeted Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar over the alleged rape incident at the shelter home in Muzaffarpur, demanded a probe monitored by the Supreme Court. The Bihar government has handed over the case to the CBI. Demanding justice for the girls of the shelter home, who were allegedly sexually exploited, Yadav said the accused should be given exemplary punishment and steps be taken to ensure this does not happen again. Recalling the Nirbhaya incident in Delhi, Kejriwal said fast track courts should be set to to give death sentence to the accused for such heinous crime. “I demand that this case be probe in three

months and the accused be hanged,” he said. The Delhi chief minister alleged that the accused have connections with influential people. Yechury alleged anarchy is being sheltered by governments in BJP-ruled states. “We need to change this government....the slogan of ‘beti bachao is now ‘save beti from BJP’,” he said. Sharad Yadav said that these crime have taken place under the nose of the JDU-BJP government and demanded “a Supreme Court monitored probe conducted by the CBI”. He also said that a national commission should be set up to probe such crimes across the country, including Bihar. “The BJP is not saving the daughters of the country. It is instead busy saving cows,” he said.

DCW asks Nitish on steps taken for victims

Delhi Commission for Women chairperson

Cong to take on Modi in corruption case New Delhi, Aug 4 (PTI): The Congress today decided to take on the Narendra Modi Government on the issue of corruption by launching a public campaign that will highlight the bank scams, Rafale deal and the “bad” state of the economy. The decision was taken at a meeting of the Congress Working Committee chaired by party chief Rahul Gandhi where the leaders also chalked out a strategy on the crucial issue of Assam’s National Register of Citizens (NRC). The meeting of the working committee, the party’s highest decision making body, was attended by top party leaders including former prime minister Manmohan Singh, A K Antony, Ghulam Nabi Aza, Mallikarjun Kharge, Ahmed Patel and Ashok Gehlot. However, former party president Sonia Gandhi was unable to attend the meeting. This is the second meeting of the newly constituted CWC under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi. The opposition party decided to go all

out in highlighting the issue of corruption both inside and outside Parliament. Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala said after the meeting that the party will launch a public campaign or ‘Jan Andolan, details of which will be chalked out in the coming days in consultation with state units and leaders. “The CWC met today. As a team, we discussed the political situation in the country and the huge opportunity for the Congress to highlight issues of corruption and failure of the government to provide jobs to our youth. Thank you to all those who attended today’s meeting,” Gandhi said on Twitter. The party intends to corner the government on media reports which quoted Antiguan authorities as saying that Indian agencies had no adverse information against Mehul Choksi when the Caribbean country conducted a background check on the PNB scam accused before granting him citizenship in 2017.

Don’t politicise NRC, urges Rajnath

New Delhi, Aug 4 (AGENCIES): In the longterm, Goods and Services Tax (GST) slabs may come down to three, in addition to the exempted category, Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Adviser to the Finance Ministry, today said. The three slabs could be a low of 5 per cent, a central 15 per cent (merging 12 per cent and 18 per cent slabs that exist now) and a top rate of 25 per cent, he said here at an interactive session organised by the Bharat Chamber of Commerce.

the Ministry of Home Affairs. “If they are still not satisfied, people can appeal to the foreigners’ tribunal,” Singh told reporters on the sidelines of an event organised by Gramin Bank of Aryavrat here. On banks operating in rural areas, the minister said they are the backbone of the country’s banking system and help in increasing the quantum of faith among the poor in financial institutions. “India is no longer a weak country, and is being counted as a strong nation. The world now views India with respect,” he said.

New Delhi, Aug 4 (PTI): With the onset of monsoon, dengue has affected over 14,000 people across the country and claimed the lives of 30 people till July 22 this year, according to data from a government body. According to National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) under the Union Health Ministry, 14,233 cases have been reported across the country. In Kerala, 2,897 cases have been detected till July 22 while the disease claimed the lives of 21 people, the highest in the country till now. In Karnataka, around 1,903 cases have already been reported. There was no death reported in the state. In 2017, the disease had affected around 1,88,401 people and claimed 325 lives across the country. In Delhi, till July this year, 90 cases of dengue have been reported although there has been no death, according to the NVBDCP data. Union Health Minister J P Nadda had reviewed the reparatory activities with the principal secretaries of 20 high-burden states, including Delhi, on April 27. Nadda had also written to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal recently, stressing the need for initiating actions to implement preventive and control measures to check spread of dengue and other vector-borne diseases.

New Delhi, Aug 4 (PTI): Three high court chief justices were appointed to the Supreme Court today, taking the total number of judges in the apex court to 25. Notifications announcing the appointments of Uttarakhand High Court Chief Justice KM Joseph, Madras HC Chief Justice Indira Banerjee and Orissa HC Chief Justice Vineet Saran to the Supreme Court were issued today. Their warrants of appointment were signed by President Ram Nath Kovind last night. Justice Joseph’s elevation to the apex court ended a protracted stand-off between the government and the judiciary. The number of judges in the top court



(From p-1) Ao region was found guilty and expelled with immediate effect from the parent body for breaching his oath of allegiance and violating the NNC norms and procedures. It accused Walling of enticing Z. Royim to attend the June 6 meeting. NNC parent body also alleged that Yibang lacked proper sense to take part in the high level talks, but was made the co-convenor by WC leaders in place of “V. Nagi, general secretary and co-convener of WC, NNPGs who was and is mandated and chosen by the people.” NNC parent body reaffirmed the co-convenorship bestowed upon V. Nagi during the meeting of NNPGs, Nagaland GBs Federation and CNTC convened by Nagaland Tribes Council. Therefore, it said “the decision cannot be altered or changed by someone’s will and wishes of conspiracy and destructive works.” NNC parent body cautioned the leaders involved, to not mislead the Nagas and all concerned with concocted and unrealistic propaganda of conspired and destructive connivance, but to uphold the integrity and respect the mandated decision that was taken on May 8-10 and declared on May 16, 2018 on the occasion of Naga National Plebiscite Day.

Jotsoma Village Council clarifies on KSC land...

(From p-1) without cancellation of illegal allotment orders/pattas or any simultaneous action of evicting occupants of illegal allotments along with the so-called encroachers would create law and order problems. JVC affirmed that it was ready to cooperate with the government to the extent of taking the full responsibility to let landowners return back the land to the college for future development as agreed in 1967, should government cancel and evict all those who were allotted land illegally and in contravention of HPC decision and notifications & OMs banning government land allotment. Meanwhile, JVC has asserted that act of vandalism as proposed by ANCSU within the jurisdiction of Jotsoma village, even to the extent of breaking a single window pane or pelting a stone on the buildings mentioned by them, would be taken as an insult and direct challenge to the village and action would be taken against the perpetrators of such actions individually as per Naga customary practice.

(L-R) Justices Indira Banerjee, Vineet Saran and K.M. Joseph. (file)

ZION HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE Dr. NILO Z. KIBA, visiting Consultant from Guwahati will be available for consultation everyday upto 18th August 2018. Patient with Neck Pain, Backache + Leg pain (PIVD/Slipped Disc/ Sciatica) Musculoskeletal pain, etc. may cantact the Doctor in the following Mobile No. 9435309019 & 8787513863 for enquiry/Appointment.

NNC (parent body) reacts to WC NNPGs statement

Justice Joseph among three appointed as SC judges


GST slabs may reduce to 3 in long-term: Sanyal

of NRC, as the issue of NRC is an issue of national interest. People of Assam were demanding it for a long time, and their demands have been fulfilled. “Some people are trying to create fears, but I feel that there is no need for anyone to feel afraid. This is only the draft NRC for Assam. People will get time to settle claims and objections,” he said. The process of claims and objections to the NRC will start on August 30 and continue for a month, and if required NRC authorities may extend the period by another month -- till October 30, according to

Dengue claims 30 lives; over 14000 people affected

New Delhi, Aug 4 (PTI): Major Leetul Gogoi, who was detained by police in a Srinagar hotel after he was seen with a local woman in May, may face punitive action as a Court of Inquiry ordered by the Army into the incident is likely to indict him in the case, official sources said here. They said the CoI has found that he violated the Army’s rule against developing relationship with a local woman in a conflict zone and breaching the standard operating procedure of staying away from place of duty. The sources said the findings of the CoI are being placed before the top brass of the Srinagarbased XV corps for approval following which charges against Gogoi may be slapped under relevant sections of the Army Act. On May 23, Gogoi was detained by police following an altercation at the hotel in Srinagar where he was allegedly trying to enter with an 18-year-old woman. Days later, the Army had ordered the CoI into the incident after Army chief Gen Bipin Rawat said in Pahalgam that exemplary punishment would be given to Gogoi if he was found guilty of “any offence”.


Lu c k n ow, Au g 4 (PTI): Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh today said there should be no politics over the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam as it was an issue of national interest. Singh also reiterated that this was not the final NRC, but a draft and adequate time would be given to settle all claims and objections. The NRC, a list of Assam citizens, was published on July 30 with the names of over 40 lakh residents of the state not being included in it. “I think there should be no politics on the issue

Swati Maliwal today wrote to Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, asking him of the steps being taken by his government to ensure wellbeing of the girls who were allegedly sexually assaulted at a shelter home in Muzaffarpur. She asked if the girls were being sent to school or if they are being given counselling. She also asked Kumar to ensure that the girls are not pressured in to changing their statements. In Muzzaffarpur, a case of alleged sexual assault of 34 minor girls living in a shelter home came to light. Medical examinations confirmed that 34 out of the 42 shelter home inmates were sexually exploited, police have said. The owner of the shelter home, run by NGO ‘Seva Sankalp Evam Vikas Samiti’, Brajesh Thakur, is the main accused in the case. The issue was first highlighted in an audit report submitted by the Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS), Mumbai, to Bihar’s Social Welfare Department in April. Maliwal asked Kumar about the fate of the girls who were allegedly sexually assaulted and steps taken by his government to ensure wellbeing of the 34 girls.

(From p-1) IIn this regard, Golaghat police team led by one DSP reportedly picked up P. Das for questioning but was stopped on the way towards Bhandari by Nagaland police personnel. State police sources said that Assam police failed to produce relevant documents authorizing them to take P. Das into custody for taking his statement. The local police was also not informed about taking Das for questioning, sources said. In this regard, Das was taken to Bhandari police station after which Assam police served summon to Das and was released after recording his statement. In his statement to Bhandari police station, Das said the Assam police team had requested him to show around the DHEP site. Das was informed that he was required to come to Golaghat police station in connection with a case. However, Das refused to do so without the knowledge of higher authorities. Das had stated that the plant had followed all necessary safety measures and issued advisories to all villages downstream—Nagaland and Assam through the district administration before the release of water from Doyang dam.

after the fresh appointments has gone up to 25. There would still be six vacancies though. Justice Banerjee would become an eight woman judge in the history of the Supreme Court. Justice Banerjee was appointed as a judge of the Calcutta High Court on February 5, 2002 and was transferred to Delhi HC on August 8, 2016. She was elevated as Chief Justice of Madras HC on April 5, 2017 and has been functioning there since then. She stands at serial number 4 in the combined seniority of high court Judges on all-India basis. Justice Saran was appointed as a judge in the Allahabad High Court on February 14, 2002 and was transferred to the Karnataka


High Court on February 16, 2015. He was elevated as the Chief Justice of Orissa High Court on February 26, 2016 and has been functioning there since then. He stands at serial number 5 in the combined seniority of high court judges on all-

India basis. Justice Joseph’s name was recommended for appointment as a judge of the Supreme Court by the collegium headed by Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra on January 10. On April 30, the government had returned the recommendation for reconsideration on the grounds that he lacked seniority. The executive had also pointed out that several high courts remain unrepresented and Justice Joseph’s elevation would be against the principle of regional representation. His parent high court is the Kerala HC. Justice Joseph had struck down the imposition of President’s rule in Uttarakhand in 2016 after the dismissal of a Congress government led by Harish Rawat.


POST VACANCY 1. Science Teacher B.Sc(PCM) : 1 POST 2. Interview date : 10th August 2018, at 10:00 am 3. Contact Number : 9862874224 / 9774178005


New Delhi, Aug 4 (PTI): In a show of unity, leaders of a number of opposition parties including Congress chief Rahul Gandhi joined the RJD in a massive protest at Jantar Mantar here over the alleged rape of young girls at a shelter home in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur and demanded that Chief Minister Nitish Kumar take immediate action against the accused. Prominent leaders who joined the protest included Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, RJD’s Tejashwi Yadav and Misa Bharti, CPI-M’s Sitaram Yechury, CPI’s D Raja and Atul Kumar Anjan, Loktantrik Janata Dal leader Sharad Yadav and TMC’s Dinesh Trivedi. Addressing the protesters, opposition leaders attacked the BJP and the JD(U) and demanded stringent punishment against those involved in such heinous crimes. Congress president Rahul Gandhi said if Nitish Kumar is ashamed of the rape incident, he should immediately act against the culprits. “We stand with the women of India, we stand with the girls and their families who suffered in this shelter home,” he said. The Congress chief said on one side is the ideology of the BJP and the RSS and on the other is the entire country and “this will be seen in

NEEPCO clarifies on water release


Near Sumi Baptist Church, Purana Bazar • A visiting UROLOGIST, available every 2nd & 4th Saturdays. • Next Visit : 11/08/2018 For Details, contact : 03862-224041/8794987931


Oppn-RJD rally over Bihar shelter home

Major Gogoi to be indicted by Army CoI



Nagaland Post, Dimapur SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018


GST cash backs for cashless payments

Su doku

No. 2596 Yesterday’s solution No. 2595

summer basic wear that are comfortable and wearable with rayon, cotton and stretchable fabrics.

Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) here. Describing CAs aa the architects of the country’s financial system, Chand said “More competent this professional community becomes, stronger will be our financial system”. The key to such rapid progress is generation of large scale employment and this employment in


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Across 1 Curmudgeon has to get over repair (10) 7 Repress courage under pressure, initially (6,2) 8 Look after male at home with daughter (4) 9 Proportion in the grip of lethal force (4) 10 No actor is involved in this film! (7) 12 Showing concern about desecration (11) 14 Alien working in forge (7) 16 Girl embracing first of regular soldiers (4) 19 Busy worker going to river for a drink (4) 20 Go round fish in road (8) 21 Parts of helmets made from thin scraps? (10) 1 Fool with hard material (5) 2 Bird coming from Dartmoor to Lancashire (7) 3 Look for adherent of religion, say (4) 4 A paper edited before editor turned up (8) 5 A heavenly body has to arrive on time (5) 6 Sunk at the end of round one (6) 11 Monarchs meet heavyweight in Jamaica (8) 12 Cannibal leader is very fond of spice (6) 13 Roman general - one with a tight hold, we hear (7) 15 Electrical connection in lair (5) 17 Couples getting approval inside and outside (5) 18 Worry about moving into empty flat (4)

this phase of growth of the country will come in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector. He said NALCO has taken steps to set up aluminium park at Angul in Odisha

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Officers Hill Kohima







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Land with Building


which will work on a cashless model. Under it, NALCO will provide raw material and purchase finished products from the MSMEs making them viable in the long term, he said.


Bhubaneswar, Aug 4 (PTI): India is set to emerge as the third largest economy of the world with a quantum jump in its GDP by 2030, CMD of aluminium major NALCO, Tapan Kumar Chand has said. “India is fast emerging as the youngest nation in the world with more than 65 per cent of its population in the working group,” Chand said. If the demographic dividend is properly cultivated, then the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth will be in double digit with a quantum jump, the NALCO CMD said. He was addressing a meeting of Chartered Accountants (CA) from across the country yesterday during the National CA Conference, organised by Professional Development Committee, Institute of



Liyingbeni said that her clients are mostly working people. Therefore, her designs are a collection of


New Delhi, Aug 4 (PTI): Rising for the second straight day, gold prices gained Rs 65 to reach Rs 30,550 per 10 grams at the bullion market Saturday on sustained buying by local jewellers amid a firm trend overseas. Silver followed suit and reclaimed the Rs 39,000mark by jumping Rs 250 to Rs 39,100 per kg due to increased offtake by industrial units and coin makers. Marketmen said sentiment was bolstered after gold bounced in global markets, as a weak US jobs data pushed the dollar lower. Increased buying by local jewellers to meet the rising demand at the domestic spot market too fulled the uptrend, they said. Globally, gold rose 0.51 per cent to USD 1,213.30 an ounce and silver gained 0.62 per cent to USD 15.38 an ounce in New York in yesterday’s trade. In the national capital, gold of 99.9 per cent and 99.5 per cent purity rose Rs 65 each to Rs 30,550 and Rs 30,400 per 10 grams, respectively.

No. 3570 Yesterday’s solution No. 3569

Liyingbeni (L) with others at the boutique store. (NP)

‘India poised for quantum GDP growth by 2030’

Gold extends gains; silver tops Rs 39k

No.8951 Yesterday’s solution No. 8950

D I M A P U R , AU G 4 (NPN): Liying, a boutique store was officially inaugurated Saturday, at ADC court, Dimapur. The store, which houses a collection of Liyingbeni Odyuo’s designs, was dedicated by Lotha Baptist Church Dimapur (LBCD) pastor, Zanao Mozhu. Narrating her journey, Liyingbeni, who started her career from the kitchen with one tailor, said that her designs were initially marketed through other stores in Kohima and Dimapur. Now she has 17 employees working to deliver ready products and to reach out to as many people as possible. On the challenges faced by local designers, she said, “everyone has their opinion but it depends on how we reach out by delivering exceptional work.” She further pointed out that “Nagas as fashionable people and fashion has lots of scope in Nagaland.”


0.3% in constant currency to $2.02 billion in the first quarter of this fiscal, had forecast a marginal rise in numbers for the second quarter. The lawsuit was filed in December last year by the American unit of British energy utility major National Grid Plc and it claimed damages amounting to $ 140 million and additional costs related to an enterprise resource planning for back office system implementation project. “National Grid has been a valued customer of Wipro for over a decade and both organizations have had a mutually beneficial relationship over the years. We believe that this settlement will be commercially beneficial for us and will help us remain focused on growth,” said Wipro.

Staff Reporter



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at Lerie Colony, Kohima Attached to National Highway 45 x 140 ft



Bengaluru, Aug 4 (Agencies): Wipro said it has effected a settlement of the lawsuit filed by National Grid US for $75 million (Rs. 499 crore), which would impact its July-September results. The company, India’s third largest software services exporter, said this settlement is for the release of all claims under the lawsuit with National Grid US I n this regard, a Stipulation of Discontinuance of the lawsuit has been filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, said Wipro in a filing to the exchange. “The settlement has been effected for an amount of US$ 75 million and is without admission of liability or wrongdoing of any kind by the parties,” said the company in its statement. Wipro, which grew

are the processes which are destabilising the smaller players,” Badal said. The next meeting of the GST Council will be held on September 28-29 in Goa. Meanwhile, tax experts welcomed the council’s decision to offer GST cash backs on pilot basis, highlighting that it would not have a significant impact on revenue. “It is good that the government is planning to do a pilot for only limited number of users and not for all digital payments, which was initially contemplated. It will also mean that revenue impact of this decision would not be very significant,” PWC Partner and Indirect Tax Leader Pratik Jain said. EY Tax Partner Abhishek Jain said, “The incentivising of digital payments would help in maintaining a better database by the Government and tracking the footprint of various taxpayers.”


Wipro to settle US lawsuit for $75 million

small businesses with turnover of up to Rs 1.5 crore were exempt from excise duty. “While on one side there are big businesses who give more taxes, but then on the other side there are small businesses who are large in number, who gives employment. Both have to be given importance. “Rule should not be such that we brainstorm for those who give more tax to government, and small business just continue to pay taxes,” Sisodia said, adding the GST Council will work out a framework to support MSMEs. Punjab Finance Minister Manpreet Singh Badal said small and medium enterprises provide 70-80 per cent employment in the country, but they were suffering huge losses. “What has been decided is that GoM within next six weeks will give a report on how do we enable industries to compete and what


Apple is first $1 tn listed US company Los Angeles, Aug 4 (Agencies): Apple Inc became the first $1 trillion publicly listed U.S. company crowning a decade-long rise fueled by its ubiquitous iPhone that transformed it from a niche player in personal computers into a global powerhouse spanning entertainment and communications. The tech company’s stock jumped 2.8 percent to as high as $207.05, bringing its gain to about 9 percent since Tuesday when it reported June-quarter results above expectations and said it bought back $20 billion of its own shares. Started in the garage of co-founder Steve Jobs in 1976, Apple has pushed its revenue beyond the economic outputs of Portugal, New Zealand and other countries. The Silicon Valley stalwart’s stock has surged more than 50,000 percent since its 1980 initial public offering, dwarfing the S&P 500’s approximately 2,000-percent increase during the same almost four decades.

sector. Other members of the ministers’ panel are Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi, Assam Finance Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, Kerala Finance Minister Thomas Isaac and Punjab Finance Minister Manpreet Singh Badal. Simultaneously, the law and procedure as well as rates related issues for the MSME sector would be considered in detail by the law committee and the Fitment Committee comprising central and state tax officers. They will give their recommendations to the GoM, Goyal said. The ministerial panel is expected to finalise its report within six weeks. On the issues faced by MSMEs, Sisodia said ever since the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been rolled out, there were concerns of the sector. In the pre-GST regime,


decided to undertake a pilot project. A broad framework has been worked out so that users of Rupay debit card, BHIM, Aadhaar, UPI, USSD transactions can be given the incentives because these are mostly used by poor people,” Goyal said. A group of ministers under Bihar deputy chief minister Sushil Modi, had yesterday worked out the cash back mechanism and had assessed that the revenue loss on account of it would be Rs 1,000 crore annually. “The Council has decided to prepare the software and backend for this (cash back incentive) and whichever state volunteers for it, the pilot can be run in that state itself and impact on revenue can be assessed,” Goyal said. The GST Council also set up a six-member panel of ministers under Minister of State for Finance Shiv Pratap Shukla to look into the issues of the MSME

‘Liying’ boutique store opens in Dmu


New Delhi, Aug 4 (PTI): The GST Council Saturday cleared a proposal to offer cash backs to consumers on trial basis for digital payments through Rupay cards, BHIM app and UPI system to promote cashless transactions in rural and semi-urban areas. Volunteer states would roll out incentives on pilot basis for digital payments, and the GSTN, the IT backbone of the GST network, and the National Payments Corporation of India will develop a system soon for the same, Finance Minister Piyush Goyal told reporters after the GST Council meeting here. Once implemented, customers making payments through Rupay card and BHIM UPI, would get a cash back of 20 per cent of the total GST amount, subject to a maximum limit of Rs 100, Goyal said ,while terming the move as a step towards formalisation of the economy. “We have

Nagaland Post, Dimapur SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018



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LAND FOR SALE Land measuring 8 Bighas at Khushiabill located 100 meters away from the proposed 4 lane for sale at the rate of Rs. 100 per sq. ft. Price (Nego) DP-5759

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Nagaland Post, Dimapur SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018

1 killed, 220injured in Gaza protest

GAZA, Aug 4 (Agencies): Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian and wounded at least 220 others at protests along the Gaza border on Friday, Gaza health officials said, as diplomats sought to secure a durable ceasefire deal. Over four months of weekly Friday border protests that began on March 30 have reduced in intensity lately but organisers have vowed they would continue until Israel lifts economic sanctions on the coastal enclave. The Israeli military said troops had responded with “riot dispersal means” and had operated “according to standard operating procedures,” a term that refers to the use of accurate live fire, after some Gazans broke through the border fence and attacked troops with firebombs and an explosive device. It said some 8,000 Gazans had participated in the protests at five locations along the border. A Gaza hospital official said of the 220 hurt, 90 suffered wounds as a result of the live fire. The dead was a 25-year-old man. At least 156 Palestinians have been killed in

Death toll in Laos dam collapse reaches 30 Vientiane, Aug 4 (IANS): The death toll in the flooding caused by a dam collapse in southern Laos has climbed to 30 after the recovery of four more bodies, rescue authorities said on Saturday. Rescuers retrieved a body from Ban Mai Village and three from South Thahin Village, said Phalom Linthong, deputy director general of the General Political Department. Among the four bodies retrieved, two were of children. Mai and Thahintai were among the six most severely-affected villages in the flooding. Phalom said that the rescue work still relied on man power and authorities faced the risk of sinking into the deep mud now covering the disasterhit area. Ounla Xayasith, deputy governor of Attapeu Province, said a rescue team with advanced equipment will join the Lao military personnel in the rescue operation starting from Sunday. At least 101 people still remain missing, according to figures released by authorities.

Palestinian protesters escape from teargas fired by Israeli troops during a protest at the Gaza Strip's border with Israel on Friday. (AP/PTI)

the protests and one Israeli soldier was shot dead by a sniper in Gaza. Israel has lost tracts of farmland and forests to fires set by kites and helium balloons laden with incendiary material and flown over from Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cancelled a trip to Colombia next week, his office said, and is due to consult with top ministers on Sunday on proposals to end the tensions, Israeli media has reported. Some top ranking Hamas officials arrived in Gaza from Egypt late on Thursday to discuss the pos-

sible deal but no details have been given. The delegation included the group’s deputy chief, Saleh al-Arouri, exiled by Israel in 2010. “The delegation will (consult) ... over issues of concern for the Palestinian people, foremost in achieving the national reconciliation and ending the Gaza blockade,” Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said before the delegation arrived. More than two million Palestinians are packed into the narrow strip which suffers deep economic hardship. Israel withdrew its troops and settlers from

Gaza in 2005, but maintains tight control of its land and sea borders, citing security concerns over Hamas and other militant groups. Egypt also restricts movement in and out of Gaza on its border. Israel, the United States and other Western countries regard Hamas as a terrorist organization. Israel and Hamas have fought three wars since 2008, the last of them in 2014. On Sunday, Nickolay Mladenov, the U.N. special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, said on Twitter that he held “productive meetings” with Egyptian officials in efforts to de-escalate Gaza tensions and resolve humanitarian issues. “The devil is always in the details but we are #movingforward in the interest of #peace,” Mladenov said. Israeli media said Israel was seeking a long-term commitment from Hamas to end the protests and halt the launch of the incendiary balloons and kites that have destroyed thousands of acres of farmland and forests, in exchange for lifting restrictions on the passage of goods and travel for Gaza.

Russia-US cooperation on Syria confirmed M O SC O W, A u g 4 (Agencies): Russia’s Defence Ministr y confirmed on Saturday that it had proposed cooperating with the United States on Syrian refugees and de-mining in a letter sent to the top U.S. general in July. The proposals on refugees concerned a refugee camp in Rukban, the ministry said in a statement. In the letter, Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian military’s General Staff, said Moscow was ready to discuss with Damascus safety guarantees for refugees stranded at Rukban, as well as creating conditions for their return home. Rukban lies within a 55 km so-called de-confliction zone set up by the United States to ensure the safety of its garrison close to the Iraqi-Syrian border. “A proposal was also made to coordinate humanitarian de-mining, including in Raqqa, and other priority humanitarian issues,” the Russian ministry said. Reuters reported the letter on Friday, citing a U.S. government memo.


18 killed in Russia helicopter crash Moscow, Aug 4 (AFP): Moscow today said 18 people were killed when a helicopter crashed on its way to an oil station in northern Siberia in the early hours of Saturday morning. The Russian Transport Ministry said the Mi-8 helicopter carrying three crew members and 15 passengers crashed when it collided with machinery carried by another helicopter soon after take-off. It added that the second helicopter landed safely and that the accident took place in “normal” weather conditions. “The first take-off was carried out by a Mi-8 with an external cargo suspension without passengers on board, the second take-off was performed with passengers who were workers on shifts at the oil station,” the ministry said in a statement. “According to preliminary information, the Mi-8 carrying passengers for reasons unknown collided with the external suspension of the second helicopter after take-off. As a result it fell, was destroyed and burned,” it added. “Three crew members and 15 passengers died.” The helicopter was operated by Russian national airline Utair, which has its head

Imran may take oath as Pak PM on Aug 14

Islamabad, Aug 4 (PTI): Imran Khan, who is set to become Pakistan’s new Prime Minister, may take oath of the office on the country’s Independence Day on August 14, a media report said Saturday. Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) emerged as the single largest party in the July 25 elections, winning 116 National Assembly seats out of the contested 270 parliamentary constituencies. Earlier on July 30, Khan, 65, had expressed his desire to take the oath of Prime Minister on August 11, as his party announced that it had acquired enough seats in the lower house through coalition talks to form a majority government. “It is my and caretaker prime minister retired Justice Nasirul Mulk’s desire that the oath-taking of the new prime minister should take place on August 14,” caretaker Law Minister Ali Zafar told Dawn yesterday. Unveiling a tentative schedule of the National Assembly formation, the minister said the Election

1.67 mn votes rejected in Pakistan polls

Imran Khan

Commission of Pakistan (ECP) was already on board as it was engaged in making necessary arrangements required to hold the prime minister’s election on the desired date. Zafar said a fresh session of the assembly could be called on August on 11 or 12. “If it is held on August 11, the election of the prime minister can take place on Augst 14 and on the same day President Mamnoon Hussain can administer the oath to the new prime minister,” he added. Zafar elaborated that if the National Assembly (NA) session was held on August 11, the same day the new members would be

administered the oath. He said that after printing of ballot papers for the elections of the NA speaker and deputy speaker, their elections could take place on August 13 and the next day the election of the prime minister could be held. However, if the National Assembly session was called on August 12, the election of the prime minister would be held on August 15, he added. “We wanted that the new prime minister should take his oath on Independence Day so that the new government can start its functioning with full national fervour and commitment to bring progress to the country,” he said.

A total of 1.67 million votes cast across Pakistan in the 2018 general election were rejected, which was 11.7 per cent more than that of the 1.5 million ballots discarded in the 2013 polls, according to an independent election watchdog report. A ballot is rejected from the count if it does not clearly show which candidate has been marked by the voter or more than one candidate have been marked. As per the Election Commission of Pakistan, there were over 100 million registered voters but only about 51 per cent exercised their franchises. The Free and Fair Elections Network (FAFEN) report released on Friday was based on its monitoring of the entire polling process in the four provinces of Pakistan as well as the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT). The report stated that the number of ballots rejected from the count is more than double than that in the 2013 elections in the ICT region

20 killed in China flood

Beijing, Aug 4 (PTI): Twenty people were killed and eight others went missing as torrential rains triggered flood in northwest China, state-run media reported Saturday. Over 8,700 houses, farmland, roads, railway lines and power and telecommunication facilities were damaged in the floods that have wreaked havoc in China since early this week. While 20 people died this week in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, eight remained missing after heavy downpours hit Qincheng Township in Hami on July 31, Xinhua news agency said. The floods triggered a partial breach of a reservoir, as the floodwater flowing into the reservoir reached 1,848 cubic metres per second, tripling the maximum of 537 cubic metres per second designed to withstand the worst flood in 300 years.

Smoke rises from the spot where a Russian helicopter crashed shortly after takeoff in Vankor.

office in Khanty Mansiysk airport in western Siberia. In a statement issued on its website, Utair said the crash took place at 05:43 Moscow time (0243 GMT) after taking off from a helipad at the Vankor oil and gas field, in the Turuhansk district of the Krasnoyarsk region. The oil field is operated by Russian national oil company Rosneft through its subsidiary Vankorneft. Utair said the helicopter was made in Russia in 2010. It added that the pilot was born in 1985 and was trained at the Omsk Aviation School in southwestern Siberia. “He flew 5,990 hours,

2,300 of which he was the helicopter commander,” Utair’s statement said. The airline said it sent its specialists to the site of the crash. Russia’s transport ministry said it created a commission to investigate the crash and that the vice director of the Federal Air Transport Agency was on his way to the site. The country’s Investigative Committee said it opened a criminal investigation into the crash. Accidents involving helicopters and small planes are frequent in Siberia and far eastern Russia, where air transport is commonly used to cover vast distances.

Erdogan orders freezing of US Cabinet members’ assets

I s t a n b u l , Au g 4 (IANS): Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday announced retaliatory sanctions against members of the US government amid a diplomatic row over a jailed American pastor and said he ordered the freezing of assets of two US ministers, presumably the Attorney General and Homeland Security Secretary. During a speech at the Congress for the ruling Justice and Development Party’s women’s organization in Ankara, Erdogan said that he was responding to the sanctions imposed by US President Donald Trump’s administration over the case of Pastor Andew Brunson, imprisoned in Turkey on charges of terrorism since 2016. “I have told my colleagues to start the process of freezing the assets of the

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

American ‘Justice Minister’ and ‘Interior Minister’ if they have any,” Erdogan was cited as saying by Efe news. The equivalent to the Justice and Interior Ministers in the US Cabinet are Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, respectively. “The US’ latest measure against Turkey is completely disrespectful,” Erdogan added.

Singapore, Aug 4 (AFP): North Korea Saturday said the US was acting with “alarming” impatience on the issue of denuclearisation, after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stressed the need to maintain full sanctions pressure on Pyongyang. The contrasting comments at a security forum in Singapore came after a new UN report showed Pyongyang was continuing with its nuclear and missile programmes and evading sanctions through ship-toship oil transfers. At historic talks with President Donald Trump in June, North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un signed up to a vague commitment to “denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula” - a far cry from long-standing US demands for complete, verifiable and irreversible disarmament. While US officials have publicly been optimistic about the agreement, Pyongyang appears to have made little substantial progress and Washington has become concerned that some UN member states are easing sanctions. At the ASEAN Regional Forum, North Korea’s K Y M C


N Korea slams ‘alarming’ US behaviour

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (L) greets North Korea's Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho at the 25th ASEAN Regional Forum Retreat in Singapore. (AP/PTI)

Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho criticised US impatience on denuclearisation. “What is alarming, however, is the insistent moves manifested within the US to go back to the old, far from its leader’s intention,” he said, according to a statement. Since the June agreement, Pyongyang had taken “goodwill measures”, including a halt on nuclear and missile tests and “dismantling a nuclear test ground”, he said. “However, the United States, instead of responding to these measures, is raising its voice louder for maintaining the sanctions against the DPRK,” he said, using the initials of the North’s official name.

“As long as the US does not show in practice its strong will to remove our concerns, there will be no case whereby we will move forward first unilaterally,” Ri added. Earlier at the same forum, Pompeo said he was emphasizing “the importance of maintaining diplomatic and economic pressure on North Korea” but also said that he was “optimistic” about the prospects for progress when it came to North Korean denuclearisation. At yesterday’s meeting, the US delegation also delivered a letter from Trump intended for Kim, by passing it to Ri, said the State Department.





Lotha chipo yulo na Deputy Chief Minister emhayio ji tsukona Shri. Z. Nrio Patton Elumyo jina Potsow montso pia Shri. Yanthungo Patton ji harishia vanthokvü ka to randania Chekalong chumkachi vayio ji tsukona Lotha Eramoe jiang naha Shri. Nrio Patton ji montso piala. Shri. Yanthungo Patton jo longzhu shi esia Nagatsu poni chung-chunga vanthokvü kato eramoe okho naha ni randania la. WC-127

NO.HR/GEN-1/INTRV/2017-18/1890-94 Dated Kohima the 4th August 2018 Applications are invited from eligible Local/Indigenous Candidates for filling up of 15 (fifteen) posts of Horticulture Extension Assistant (HEA) under the Department of Horticulture, Nagaland in the manner prescribed below :1. Educational Qualification : Graduate in B.Sc Horticulture/Agriculture from any recognized University. 2. Scale of Pay : Pay Matrix of Level 5, ROP 2017 3. Age Limit : Minimum 21 years and maximum 35 years as on 30th Sept. 2018. 4. Reservation of Vacancies : Reservation policy issued by the Government from time to time shall be applied for Backward Tribes. 5. Applications should be supported with self attested copies of Age Proof Certificate/Indigenous Certificate/Schedule Tribe Certificate/Unemployment Certificate/ Educational Qualification Certificate and marksheet from HSLC onwards to be submitted in person or through registered post, addressed to the Director of Horticulture, Nagaland, Kohima. 6. Candidates are required to bring all documents in original at the time of Interview for scrutiny. 7. Incomplete documents, including unsigned applications if any and applications including those sent through registered post received after the closing date shall be summarily rejected. 8. Last date of submission of applications is on 24th August. DC-1415

(Dr. R. Elithung Lotha) Director of Horticulture, Nagaland, Kohima K Y M C



Jano Nyekha releases music video ‘My Day’

‘Rogue’ extrasolar planetary-mass object detected

Nagaland Post, Dimapur SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018

Sunita Williams named by NASA for human spaceflight


Jano Nyekha (3 from L) with her parents and Jano presenting a song during the event. members of M-Table.


the completion of a music video when the artiste has to support, promote and look for the best avenues where the song would reach out to maximum consumers. Citing examples of how international artistes were churning in revenues from their songs by touring, music sales, publishing, streaming etc. Kikon said the most recent highest earners in the last fiscal were U2 (Rs 372 cr) followed by Garth Brooks (Rs 357 cr), Metallica (Rs 295 cr) and Bruno Mars (Rs 278 cr). He added that online promotion could help an artiste reach to the masses but it was live shows that would do the real earning. Kikon encouraged artistes to perform live shows as much as possible

which, in the long run, would help the artiste in gaining more experiences all the while increasing their market value. Regretting of how artistes in Nagaland were fading into obscurity because of their ego, he said, artistes should learn when to seek help and work in coordination with others. “Naga artistes want to be composers, producers, songwriters, editors, creative directors, marketing managers, booking agent altogether but this does not work,” Kikon said. He advised the gathered artistes to focus their attention on their strength and outsource the rest to others who were equally talented in different areas and not try to do everything by themselves and be like one-man-army.

Kikon further added that artistes should acknowledge that their talents were God given and that they should use it wisely. Earlier the event was hosted by Vecülu Rhakho while Faithway Church pastor Aba Khesoh said the invocation. Abalü Kikon said the prayers for the song release. Dream Magnificent, a band from School of Music Dimapur performed one of their songs Jano’s father Apoi Nyekha offered the benediction. It may be mentioned here that in 2017, Jano was awarded by India’s biggest Indie awards-Radio City FM Freedom Awards, held at Hard Rock Cafe, Mumbai for her song ‘Aahoh’ under the Best Folk Fusion category. (Staff Reporter)


ndian-origin astronaut S u n i t a Wi l l i a m s i s among the nine astronauts named by NASA on Friday for its first human spaceflight programme since the retirement of the space shuttle in 2011. The astronauts will fly on spacecarft developed by SpaceX and Boeing as part of the the US space agency’s Commercial Crew programme to send humans to the International Space Station (ISS) on private US spacecraft. Williams has been named for the Boeing programme to the ISS, the first test flight scheduled to take place in the middle of 2019. “For the first time since 2011, we are on the brink of launching American astronauts on American rockets from American soil,” NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said while announcing the names of the astronauts. In 2014, Boeing and SpaceX were awarded a combined $6.8 billion in contracts from NASA to

develop spacecraft capable of flying crews to the space station, The Washington Post reported. NASA on Thursday confirmed a delay in the first piloted flights of Boeing and SpaceX. SpaceX is targeting November 2018 for Crew Dragon’s first uncrewed demonstration mission (Demo-1), three months later than the previous schedule released by NASA early this year. The crewed demonstration flight, with two astronauts on board, will follow in April 2019, four months later than previously announced. Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner, on the other hand, will likely perform two crucial test flights next year, instead of this year as planned. Each test flight will provide data on the performance of the rockets, spacecraft, ground systems, and operations to ensure the systems are safe to fly astronauts. The crew for Boeing’s Crew Flight Test and SpaceX’s Demo-2 flights will each include at least a flight commander and pilot aboard to test out the systems. After successful completion of the flight tests with crew, NASA will review flight data to verify the systems meet the agency’s safety and performance certification requirements and are ready to begin regular servicing missions to the space station, the US space agency said. (IANS)


s your teenage daughter addicted to photo editing applications such as Snapchat to get that flawless look for the perfect selfie? Beware, it can take a toll on her self-esteem and trigger body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), warn researchers, including one of an Indian-origin. BDD is a mental illness involving an excessive preoccupation with a perceived flaw in appearance, often characterised by people adopting unhealthy lengths to hide their imperfections. It has affected around two per cent of the population. This can include engaging in repetitive behaviour like skin picking, visiting dermatologists or plastic surgeons, hoping to change their appearance. “A new phenomenon called ‘Snapchat dysmorphia’ has popped up, where patients are seeking out surgery to help them appear like the filtered versions of themselves,” said Neelam Vashi, from the Boston University in Massachusetts, US. “Filtered selfies can make people lose touch with reality, creating the expectation that we are supposed to look perfectly primped all the time,” she added, in the paper published in the journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery Viewpoint. (IANS)


ano Nyekha, a folk fusion singer from Dimapur who shot to fame with her debut single ‘Aahoh’ in 2015 has released her fifth single music video ‘My Day’ at School of Music Dimapur on Saturday. The video was released by M-Table during a small event at the School of Music Dimapur premises in Naga United Village, Dimapur. In a short speech, MTable convenor, Yanren Kikon said with the advent of technology, music industry had become easily accessible but at the same time it had also opened the doors to numerous competitors. Dwelling on the music making process which consumes a lot of time and resources, Kikon said the real work starts only after

stronomers have detected a possible “rogue” planetarymass object with a surprisingly powerful magnetic field travelling through space unaccompanied by any parent star. The extrasolar object, about a dozen times more massive than Jupiter, is located some 20 light-years from Earth, showed the findings made using the US National Science Foundation’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) telescope. “This object is right at the boundary between a planet and a brown dwarf, or ‘failed star,’ and is giving us some surprises that can potentially help us understand magnetic processes on both stars and planets,” said Melodie Kao from Arizona State University in the US. Kao led this study while a graduate student at California Institute of Technology (Caltech). The strange object, called SIMP J01365663+0933473, has a magnetic field more than 200 times stronger than Jupiter’s, according to the study published in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. The object was originally detected in 2016 as one of five brown dwarfs the scientists studied with the VLA to gain new knowledge about magnetic fields and the mechanisms by which some of the coolest such objects can produce strong radio emission. (IANS)

Study find risks of flawless selfie obsession



Silicon Valley Classic

Sakkari shocks Venus Williams

Greece’s Maria Sakkari shake hands with Venus Williams after winning the match during the Silicon Valley Classic tennis tournament in San Jose, Calif.

Los Angeles, Aug 4 (Agencies): Greece’s Maria Sakkari delivered one of the biggest upsets of her career at the WTA San Jose tournament on Friday, ousting former seven-time Grand Slam champion Venus Williams in a straight sets shocker. The 23-year-old Sakkari saved two set points in the second set en route to a 6-4, 7-6 (7/2) victory over the former world number one, punching her ticket to the semi-finals where she will face another unseeded player, Danielle Collins. World No.49 Sakkari needed one hour and 43



Nagaland Post, Dimapur SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018

minutes to dispatch Williams as she has rolled through her first three matches at this event without dropping a set. Sakkari converted six of her eight break points in the match, and hammered 21 winners, three more than the 38-year-old Williams. “I was ready for the match, compared to the last times I played against her. I was ready for a battle and ready to play against Venus Williams,” said Sakkari. Williams, who has won this event twice in 2000 and 2002, made a

whopping 43 unforced errors. Venus’ defeat follows the shocking upset three days ago of her sister Serena, who suffered the most lopsided loss of her career, 6-1, 6-0 to Johanna Konta in round one. Between the two of them, the Williams sisters committed 68 unforced errors in their elimination games. American Collins moved into the semi-finals after her opponent, former World No.1 Victoria Azarenka, retired midway through the second set due to a back injury.

S a k k a r i ’s m o t h e r Angeliki Kanellopoulou was also a top 50 ranked WTA player back in the late 1980s. Fourth-seeded Elise Mertens ended the giant-killing run of Konta to set up the other semifinal clash with fifth-seeded Mihaela Buzarnescu. Belgium’s Mertens emerged from a tight match with a 7-6 (7/4), 6-3 victory over Konta. Mertens broke Konta at love when she served for the opening set, and saved two set points before forcing the tiebreaker. After dropping her serve in the opening game of the second, Mertens won four games in a row and wouldn’t trail again. “I just played pointby-point, because anything can happen,” Mertens said. “I believed in myself because it was just one break and I was really happy that I took the first set.” Mertens reached the semi-finals of the Australian Open in January, but she and Romania’s Buzarnescu will both be battling to reach a first premier level final. Buzarnescu, who beat Australia’s Ajla Tomljanovic 6-1, 7-5, fell to Mertens in the final in Hobart in January.

I wanted to stay at Chelsea: Morata Lo n d o n, Au g 4 (Agencies): Chelsea forward Alvaro Morata says he wanted to stay despite interest from elsewhere. Having welcomed twin boys into the world last week, Morata now wants to improve on his debut season at Stamford Bridge. Morata only managed 11 Premier League goals last season after his big-money move from Real Madrid and was the subject of transfer speculation over the summer. But new Chelsea head coach Maurizio Sarri says he has faith in the forward and Morata himself is in upbeat mood. He told the Daily Mirror, “A lot of things have changed in our lives and the only thing I have in my head now is to score, score, score! Then to come back home and stay with my babies and my wife. The easiest thing would have been to leave Chelsea this year. I could have gone back to Italy. My wife is Italian, it is one hour to her home. I could have gone back to Spain, I had a lot of offers. More money.” “But I want to fight. I have had low pressure, because I had already played in Italy and Spain and done good things. But I decided to stay here, I wanted to.” Chelsea take on Manchester City in the Community Shield on Sunday.

Throttle Thrust III concludes

PWD minister Tongpang Ozukum with the winners of Throttle Thrust III.

D i m a p u r , Au g 4 (NPN): Alem I Jamir clinched the overall winner title of the Throttle Thrust III which concluded Friday with the TT3 Autocross at Longkhum village local playground. The event was organised by Spearhead Motorsport. Imlikumzuk Imsong was named the rookie of the year while Tongmeshin Longkumer was adjudged the most promising driver. In the Below 1300cc, A l e m I Ja m i r ( Te a m AMAM) emerged as the winner while Lima Im-

song (Team Spearhead) and Lima Jamir (NAC) bagged the second and third position respectively. In the Above 1300cc, Ro u k u o b e i t u o Ke n s e (NAC) took the first position, Kevin Puro (NAC) secured the second position and Sandeep Sharma (Delhi) came in third position. K a m a l e s h ( Te a m NSAM) emerged as the winner in SUV category while Sandeep Sharma (Delhi) and Roukuobeituo Kense (NAC) bagged the second and third place respectively.

Barca agree deal to Kohima Football League-2 sign Bayern’s Vidal Vanguard FC, New Market FC register wins Kohima, Aug 4 (NPN): Vanguard FC Tseminyu and New Market FC registered wins at the ongoing Kohima Football League -2 on Saturday. In the first match, Vanguard FC Tseminyu defeated Khriekesa FC Meriema by 3-1. Ruokuovolie Phewhuo opened the scoring for Khriekesa FC in the 44th minute. After the breather, Vanguard FC Tseminyu found the first equalizer from the boot of Mathew Kezhose in the 58th minute. Vanguard FC captain Yhunshalo Kemp scored the second goal through a penalty in the 64th minute and Arturo Vidal the third goal was scored by Barcelona, Aug 4 always led the big games Sinlo Kent in 90+2nd min(IANS): FC Bayern Mu- and we could always trust nich have issued a state- him,” Rummenigge said. ment confirming the transVidal himself said on fer of Chilean international the Bayern Munich webArturo Vidal to FC Barce- site: “Thanks to Bayern lona. and all the fans. I enjoyed K a r l - H e i n z Ru m - my stay in Munich very menigge the president much. I want to thank the of the reigning German club for giving me another league champion, thanked chance to take on a new the veteran Chile star “for challenge in Barcelona.” three great years”. The 31-year-old Chil“Arturo Vidal leaves ean played 124 games for Bayern and moves to the Bayern. He scored 22 goals Spanish top flight with and gave 18 assists. immediate effect for BarArturo Vidal, who celona. Both clubs agreed has won the league (Italian to the transfer this Friday and German) since 2012 night,” the Bavarian club said late on Friday, reports without interruption, is Barcelona’s fourth signing EFE news agency. Vidal, who joined this season after the recruitBayern from Juventus in ment of French defender the summer of 2015, had a Clément Lenglet (Sevilla), contract with the reigning Brazilian forward Malcom German champions until Filipe Silva de Oliveira (Girondins Bordeaux) and June 30, 2019. “On behalf of Bayern, Brazilian midfielder ArI’d like to thank Arthur thur Melo (Gremio Porto for three great years. He’s Alegre). DP-5741

State Open Badminton C’ship from Aug 9 Kohima, Aug 4 (NPN): The Nagaland Badminton Association (NBA) and Phek District Badminton Association (PDBA) have re-fixed the schedule for the 42nd Inter District & State Open Badminton Championship from August 9-12. The event will be hosted by PDBA at MultiPurpose Indoor Stadium, Pfutsero. K Y M C

New Market FC defeated Twenty XI FC Viswema by a solitary goal. The winning goal of the match was scored by Salu Kulim through a free-kick in the 6th minute. With the win, New market FC are in third position with 9 points. Kethozhapu Meru of New Market FC and Kevithuto Rhetso of Twenty XI FC were cautioned for foul play in the field. Er.Atho-o Kesiezie from GIS Department was the match patron on Saturday. Monday’s matches 1st Match: 12:00 noon A Kohima Football League match in progress on Saturday. Ziekiezou FC Vs ute to seal the match 3-1. With the win, Vanguard FC Sechii Zubza Kenanthong Kath of are fourth on the points table 2nd match: 2:00 pm Vanguard FC was cautioned with 8 points. United 16 FC Vs for unsporting behaviour. In the second match, Khriekesa FC Meriema

Born on March 1911 – Died on 5th August 2017

“If we live, we live to the Lord; And if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” Romans 14:8 It's been a year since you left for your eternal home yet your sweet memories will always be treasured in our hearts. DP-5756

Loving Family members.

“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. May the name of the Lord be praised”. Job 1:21

Through this column, we the bereaved family members of LATE VINOLE CHAYA would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to each and every individual, neighbours, churches and organizations who stood by us physically, financially, materially and through prayers at the sudden demise of our beloved grandmother on 22/07/2018. Words are inadequate and unable to express our gratitude to each and every individual but it is our sincere LT. VINOLE CHAYA prayer that our Almighty God bless Died on 22-07-2018 (111 years) every individual abundantly and your good deeds shall always be treasured in our hearts. K-2310


Loving children, in-law, grandchildren & great grandchildren. Born : 12/04/1951 – Died : 01/08/2018

Through this esteemed column, we the bereaved family members of Lt. Kanan Sangma, Hd. G.B. Dubagaon Village would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who stood by us during all thick and thin and offering, comforting us through financial, physical, mental and spiritual acts at the demise on 01/08/18. We however, on our part regret our inability to thank each and every one of you individually but we pray that our merciful heavenly Father bless all the well wishers abundantly. We also specially thank : 1. Shri. Azheto Zhimomi, Hon'ble MLA, 3 Dmr III A/C 2. Shri. Pangyu Phom, Minister (H & FW). 3. Shri. Hojei Swu (Kilonser GPRN NSCN) 4. NGTC (Nagaland Garo Tribal Council). 5. NGSU (Nagaland Garo Students' Union) 6. Garo G.B Union 7. Village Council & G.B's Dubagaon. 8. Village Council & G.B's Ekranipathar 9. Village Council & G.B's Eralibill 10. Village Council & G.B's K. Hollohon. 11. Village Council & G.B's Samaguri. 12. Sangma Mahari (Union Dimapur) 13. Doctors & staff Faith Hospital. 14. Joint Council 'DEEHA' 15. Teaching Staff & Students of Shepherd School, Dubagaon. 16. All the SHG Dubagaon Village. 17. Shri. Shikiho Zhimo, Chairman (DEF Sumi Community) 18. Shri. Newto K. Zhimo. 19. Shri. N. Meren Yaden. 20. Villagers of Dubagaon.

The NWA is saddened by sudden demise of Lt. Chosanyi Rose, former President CWA on 30th July 2018 at his residence Pfutsero. An able Sports administrator and wrestler, he was the President of CWA for 2 tenures during which he had contributed immensely towards the promotion of wrestling. The Wrestling fraternity has lost a great soul and the vacuum created will be difficult to fill up. At this time of sorrow, the wrestling fraternity shares the grief and sorrows with the deceased family. May his soul rest in peace. NAGALAND WRSETLING ASSOCIATION

Mr. Tsilise Sangtam







A total of 50 participants from Nagaland, Assam, Meghalaya and Delhi competed in the competition. Earlier, PWD minister, Tongpang Ozukum lauded the Spearhead Motorsport for the initiative to bring peace and unity amongst varied people through motorsport. While welcoming the participants from outside the state, the minister, who was also the chief patron, said that Nagas are peace loving and hospitable people who embrace sports and music with passion.



Loving wife, sons, daughter & family members K Y M C



Nagaland Post, Dimapur SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2018

Eng beat India by 31 runs in 1st Test Sindhu to face Marin in final Badminton World Championships

England’s Ben Stokes, without cap, celebrates with teammates the dismissal of India’s Mohammed Shami during the fourth day of the first test cricket match between England and India at Edgbaston in Birmingham, England, Saturday, (AP/PTI)

The second Test begins at Lord’s on August 9. The sun was out at Edgbaston but the ball was doing enough to trouble the batsmen. India got off to a poor start as Dinesh Karthik (20) fell on the sixth ball of the day, caught at second slip off Anderson. It brought Pandya to the crease, but Kohli was not yet ready to farm strike and trusted his partner. It meant that Pandya hogged majority of the deliveries early in their partnership, but the skipper didn’t

mind. Kohli only faced six balls in the first 15 minutes of play, but Pandya grew in confidence as the duo put on 29 runs for the seventh wicket as he struck some lusty blows off Broad. The skipper reached his 17th Test half-century off 88 balls. Thanks to those boundaries off Pandya, the bowling changes came and they worked for England. In the 47th over then, Stokes trapped Kohli lbw as the batsman moved too far forward and across to

Wushu coaching camp concludes

LS passes National Sports University bill

Birmingham, Aug 4 (PTI): India suffered a heartbreaking 31-run loss to England as skipper Virat Kohli’s heroics went in vain amid yet another abject batting capitulation in a riveting opening Test at the Edgbaston Saturday. It was virtually Kohli versus England and when the Indian captain was trapped lbw off Ben Stokes in the 47th over, the absorbing game was only heading the home team’s way. Resuming on overnight 110 for five, India folded up for 162 in 54.2

overs despite Kohli’s combative 51 off 93 balls and Hardik Pandya’s 31. All-rounder Stokes (4-40) came to the party on the morning of day four by removing Kohli and Mohammad Shami in the same over. James Anderson (2-50) and Stuart Broad (2-43) took a brace each as England drew first blood in what promises to be an engrossing five-match series. The Indian bowlers did their job in both the innings but the batsmen, with the exception of Kohli, let the team down again.

Participants of the Wushu summer coaching camp with their certificates.

Staff Reporter

D IMA P UR , AUG 4 (NPN): The three-week free Wushu summer coaching camp, organized by Wushu Association Dimapur (WAD), from July 16 to August 6, at Government Higher Secondary School, Dimapur concluded on Saturday. Altogether, 25 participated in the camp. The

participants were given certificate during the culmination programme by SAI, STC Dimapur centre incharge, CH Naba Singh. Activities such as self defence, fitness, washu and boxing were the highlights of the camp. Dimapur District Wushu Association president, Neizo Khusoh said that it was first summer coaching camp organized

particularly for Dimapur district. The youngest participants of the camp were of age eight and nine years. He also informed that regular classes will start from August 6. SAI, STC Dimapur centre incharge, CH Naba Singh, while briefing about the importance of Wushu said that such initiative should be taken up even in the days to come.

New Delhi, Aug 4 (IANS): The Lok Sabha on Friday passed the National Sports University bill, 2017, which seeks to establish a National Sports University in Manipur to promote sports education. The bill seeks to establish a National Sports University located in Manipur to promote sports education in the areas of sports sciences, sports technology, sports management, and sports coaching. It will function as a national training centre for select sports disciplines. It may also establish campuses and study centres in other parts of the country. “This will establish a first-of-its-kind National Sports University in Manipur. This is a major step towards bringing to reality Prime Narendra Modi’s vision of developing a world class 360° sports ecosystem in India,” said Minister of State (independent charge) for Youth Affairs and Sports Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore.

Accept Real offer: Courtois’ agent to Chelsea Lo n d o n, Au g 4 (Agencies): Thibaut Courtois’ agent has pleaded with Chelsea to allow the goalkeeper to join Real Madrid this summer. Chelsea will not resume talks with Real over a deal for the Belgium international, who has one year left on his contract, until they find a suitable replacement. The 26-year-old, who has previously said “all options are open”, is said to be valued at £32m by Madrid but Courtois’ agent Christophe Henrotay says Chelsea should show some compassion. “I have been reading everywhere that Chelsea are saying it is up to Thibaut, but he has made it clear to the club that the best option for him is to move to Madrid,” Henrotay said. “For him this is a big decision because he wants to be near his family, and there is an offer in place for Chelsea to accept.” Chelsea boss Maurizio Sarri admitted he was un-

Thibaut Courtois

sure of Courtois’ future but the Italian is optimistic of retaining his services. “At the moment Courtois is the goalkeeper of Chelsea,” Sarri said, ahead of the club’s Community Shield clash against Manchester City on Sunday. “I don’t know in the future. It depends on the

club, it depends especially on him, but I hope Courtois will be our goalkeeper.” Henrotay also denied money is a motivating factor in Courtois’ desire to seek a new challenge. “We have seen suggestions that it is about money, and it is true he could get an increase with a move,” he added.

“But he has turned down a better offer elsewhere because this is more than a financial decision. Throughout this it has important for everyone to be reasonable, and the buying club has come up with a reasonable offer for a player who has one year left on his contract when they know they could sign him without a fee in 12 months.” “Chelsea could get a fair fee for him now and sign a replacement. Or they would still have to sign a replacement next summer, but without getting a fee for Thibaut. It is understandable people might be upset because he wants to leave the club, we accept that.” “But this is a human decision based on someone wanting to be close to his children - and that is a reasonable thing too.” Courtois is due back for pre-season training on Monday, with Chelsea opening their Premier League campaign away against Huddersfield on Saturday.

counter the incoming delivery. The skipper did check for DRS review but it went in England’s favour. Surprisingly, Shami (0) came out to bat next and Stokes made it a double blow in four balls as the batsman was caught behind. Ishant Sharma (11), who has a county halfcentury this summer, came down as low as number ten, and looked more comfortable than Shami immediately. Two fours off his blade meant that England had to rethink their plans once again. Adil Rashid (1-9) then was brought on after the drinks break and for the second time in this Test, he trapped Sharma lbw with a googly. At nine down, it was but a matter of time even as Pandya tried to stay at the wicket and fight until the very end. He tried rotating strike with Umesh Yadav and attacked Rashid as well. But Stokes managed to nick out the edge England wanted. Pandya was caught at first slip to signal India’s defeat in a seesawing Test. Brief scores: England: 287 & 180 vs India: 274 & 162 (Virat Kohli 51, Hardik Pandya 31; Ben Stokes 4/40).

Nanjing, Aug 4 (PTI): Olympic silver medallist P V Sindhu continued her incredible run of form in the World Championships, earning a second successive final spot after seeing off Japan’s Akane Yamaguchi at the women’s singles semifinals here Saturday. World number three Sindhu notched up a superb 21-16 24-22 win over world number two Yamaguchi in a 55-minute hard-fought match. The 23-year-old from Hyderabad will face Olympic champion and former two-time gold medallist Carolina Marin of Spain on Sunday. Marin had robbed Sindhu off a gold medal at the Rio Olympics after defeating the Indian in the summit clash. Overall, Marin has a 6-5 advantage over Sindhu, who had beaten the Spaniard in their last encounter at the Malaysia Open in June. Marin beat Chinese eighth seed He Bingjiao 1321 21-16 21-13 to make her third World Championship final. Sindhu looked a bit nervous and took time to get into the groove, resulting in Yamaguchi racing away to a 5-0 lead. At 4-8, Sindhu reeled off five straight points to grab a 9-8 lead. At 10-12, Sindhu rode on eight straight points to reach 18-12. How-

P V Sindhu

ever, she went out twice and also sent the shuttle long once to allow Yamaguchi make a recovery. However, the Indian eventually grabbed four game points after capitalising on a weak return from the Japanese and converted it immediately when Yamaguchi faltered at the forecourt. Just like the opening game, Sindhu again lagged 2-6 initially in the second game, before the Indian managed to reduce the gap to 7-8. But after Sindhu went out Yamaguchi unleashed a whipping cross court smash and one at the back court to move to the interval with a 11-7 advantage. The Japanese extended the lead to 14-9 with two precise smashes. But she went long thrice after that and Sindhu too found the

net twice. It was 16-12 advantage for Yamaguchi at that point. Sindhu then scripted an incredible recovery from 1219, reeling off eight straight points to grab one match point. Yamaguchi saved one before holding a game point herself. However, the Japanese goofed up during the serve to squander her advantage. After another intense rally, Yamaguchi went long to hand over Sindhu a second match point but what ensued next was the longest rally of the contest, comprising 41 shots, which ended with Sindhu hitting wide. However, Yamaguchi hit wide again to gift Sindhu her third match point and this time she converted it after the Japanese went wide again.

Zverev enters Washington Open semis Washington, Aug 4 (Agencies): Defending champion Alexander Zverev outlasted Japan’s Kei Nishikori 3-6, 6-1, 6-4 on Friday to reach the ATP Washington Open semifinals while three-time Grand Slam champion Andy Murray withdrew citing fatigue. G e r m a n y ’s t h i r d ranked Zverev, seeking his fifth final of the season and third title of the year after Munich and Madrid, dispatched seventh-seed Nishikori, the 2015 champion, as he did in last year’s Washington semifinals. “I felt like I had the more powerful shot,” Zverev said. “That worked out well in most of the rallies for me. It was a good high-level match.” Zverev booked a semifinal against 10th-seeded Greek 19-year-old Stefanos Tsitsipas, who eliminated Belgian third seed David Goffin 6-3, 6-4 in just 74 minutes. “I’m super happy I got this win in two sets and saved some energy,” Tsitsi-

Oil India awards Rs 20 lakh to sprinter Hima Das

Guwahati, Aug 4 (PTI): Hima Das, the first Indian to win a gold medal in a tract event at the World Junior Athletics Championships in 2018, has been awarded a grant of Rs 20 lakh by Oil India Ltd. The public sector oil major’s CMD Utpal Bora told reporters here Saturday that the financial aid was being given to the champion sprinter, hailing from Assam, to help her prepare for upcoming tournaments, including the Olympics. Das clinched the top spot in the women’s 400m final race at the IAAF World Under-20 Athletics Championships in Finland last month. Bora also said a scholarship of Rs 17,000 per month was being paid to sports persons from Assam, including 2018 Under-19 Cricket World Cup squad member Riyan Parag and promising table tennis player Trisha Gogoi, to help them participate in tournaments.

Alexander Zverev, of Germany, returns the ball against Kei Nishikori, of Japan, during the Citi Open tennis tournament in Washington.

pas said. “I was serving very well. Confidence plays a very important role in my game so getting early breaks was super important.” Australian Alex De Minaur, another 19-yearold, reached the semifinals by walkover when Murray withdrew, citing fatigue from the three grueling three-set wins that kept him on the court more than

eight hours in total. Mur ray, who also withdrew from next week’s Toronto Masters event, was in only his third event back and first hardcourt event since March 2017 at Indian Wells after an 11-month layoff with a hip injury. “I’m exhausted after playing so much over the last four days, having not competed on the hard courts for 18 months,” Murray said.

The 31-year-old Scotsman, a former world number one now ranked 832, broke down in tears after a 3:02 a.m. Friday finish to his third match, the latest finish in the event’s 50-year history. De Minaur will next play either Russian 16th seed Andrey Rublev or American Denis Kudla, whose match was postponed by a fifth consecutive day of rain.

Arambam inaugurates OFS in Kohima Correspondent

KOHIMA, AUG 4 (NPN): Eight time body builder World Champion (6 Gold, 1 silver, 1 Bronze), Arambam Boby Singh Saturday inaugurated Oriental Fitness and Spa (OFS) at the de Oriental Grand. The world champion in his brief address shared his aspiration to support Nagas in building bodies. N a g a s h ave g o o d physique, said Singh and added that Nagaland having a proper fitness training centre was one of his dreams. He also suggested organizing an event preferably after the Asian Championship in October so that he could return and be a part of the event to encourage the youngsters. The body builder from Manipur also said that would go the extra mile to encourage and promote the game. Singh also displayed his fitness skills after the Arambam Boby Singh displaying his body at Kohima on inaugural function. Saturday. (NP)

Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Fax: 225366,, Adm.& Advertisement :248267 Fax: 248500 Kohima: 2290567, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 K Y M C


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