November 16, 2016

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Nagaland Post

Vol XXVI No. 340

Ao Senden officials resign; interim team takes charge

DIMAPUR, wednesday, november 16, 2016

Mohammed Morsi death sentence overturned

Four lakh trucks stranded on highways post note ban: AIMTC

Jackie Chan ‘finally’ wins his first Oscar

international, page 9

national, Page 5

infotainment, Page 10

Oppn to attack govt in Parl demonetisation exercise. Leader of the Congress in the Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad Azad alleged the decision to invalidate Rs 1000/500 currency notes was leaked in advance to some people, including BJP leaders, and called it probably the “biggest scam”. He, however, made it clear after the allparty meeting that his party was not in favour of a roll

Staff Reporter

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 5 (NPN): I����������������� n an unprecedented move, office bearers of the Ao Senden- the apex body of the Ao communitysubmitted their resignations at the Federal Assembly on November 14 and which was accepted by the house. The resignation letters of Imolemba Jamir who was the Senden president and also O.Shilu Jamir the vice president were accepted by the assembly. The Federal Assembly nominated Ongpangkong Range president C.Angang Jamir as interim president and Langpangkong Range president L.Tally Jamir as interim general secretary of the Ao Senden till such time the new executive members assume office. According to a delayed information received here, the Federal Assembly has also directed Naga Hoho president P.Chuba Ozukum, a representative of the Ao Senden, to relinquish the post of Naga Hoho president with immediate effect. According to sources, the developments that unfolded at the Federal Assembly on November 14 were connected with the Rongmei recognition issue which the Senden had raised earlier. Sources said the handing and taking over for the interim body will be completed within six to seven days.

CMO Dmu issues advisory on dengue

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 5 (NPN): Dengue prevention and control measures like foggin are being carried out in all the colonies of Dimapur on rotation, National Vector Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP) under chief medical officer (CMO) Dimapur informed in a press note. In this regard, the CMO Dimapur, Dr. K. Vikato Kinimi, has requested the public to help the department by keeping their residential areas clean and remove any stagnant water inside and around the residents-- from flower pots and vases, unused tyres and any objects collecting stagnant water. CMO Dimapur also advised the people to cover water containers in the kitchen and water tanks and remove water clogged areas in colonies. Further, public have been asked to wear protective clothing such as long sleeves and long pants during the day time. CMO Dimapur said those simple preventive measures could significantly help in preventing and controlling dengue.

This is it!

“I brought you for our anniversary dinner and not for sitting and whatsapping.” K Y M C

Pages 12 ` 4.00

back of demonetisation. Azad insisted that there is no division in opposition ranks and TMC will be “part and parcel” of its joint strategy. Various parties have separately given adjournment notices in Lok Sabha and for suspension of proceedings in Rajya Sabha to discuss the issue and highlight the plight of the common man.

Opposition party members after the all-party meeting. (PTI)

SC refuses to stay demonetisation notification

appeared crumbling under pressure due to demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 bills, a Congress-led opposition went into a huddle to devise ways to pin down the government on the issue. At a meeting of 13 opposition parties including arch rivals TMC and CPI-M, besides BSP, SP, JD-U and DMK, opposition leaders unanimously concluded that it was too early to visit the President on the issue which must first be raised adequately in parliamentary forums. An all-party meeting, which was also attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saw him seek the opposition’s cooperation for

The Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to stay the November 8 government notification demonetising Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 currency and asked the Centre to take immediate measures to alleviate the hardships and sufferings of the traumatised common man who is “forced” to stand in queues to withdraw a little bit of his own hard-earned money. “Tell us, instead of forcing citizens to stand in queues for his own money... and it is traumatic for people to stand in lines for hours doing nothing, why can’t you raise their cash withdrawal limit to a reasonable limit?” Chief Justice T.S. Thakur, who presided over a Bench that comprised Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, questioned the Centre. The Bench asked the Centre to file an affidavit by November 25, 2016, detailing the various measures it can take to lessen the hardship and inconvenience caused to people.

NEW DELHI/KOLKATA/MUMBAI, NOV 15 (PTI): With frustration over the cash crunch mounting, Parliament looks set to witness a firestorm of protest on the issue of demonetisation when it meets for the Winter Session of the Parliament on Wednesday, with a joint opposition having readied itself to put it on the mat. 13 parties led by main opposition Congress resolved to vigorously raise the issue of hardship faced by the common people due to the exercise aimed at squeezing out black money from the system. As ATMs struggled in disgorging cash and banks

Over 25 deaths reported acorss country

Who knew it that the country would come to a standstill within a few hours just after the announcement of demonetisation by PM Modi on November 8. According to reports, there have been more than 25 deaths across the country. These are just the reported deaths, the real number could be more, the reports said.

NPF hits back at NPCC on charges of corruption D I M A P U R , N OV 1 5 (NPN): Rejecting NPCC’s allegations against the DAN government, the NPF media and press bureau said that the Congress party rejected by the people in the State and Centre over series of corruptions was trying to comeback through a media war. However, NPF said that the citizens were not foolish to be swept away by cheap propaganda unleashed by the Congress party, which was rejected thrice by the Naga masses in the Assembly elections. It further reminded NPCC, how T.R. Zeliang achieved the feat in forming the first “Congress Mukt” state in the Northeast. NPF also hit back at the NPCC saying that the “dysfunctional party” talking about corruption of the DAN government by seeking the companionship of the Governor was “something like a hapless drowning man trying to grip a tiny twig against the torrential currents of mighty river”. In a lengthy rejoinder, the NPF media and press bureau said that the Council

of Ministers were accountable to the House, and since there was not a single Congress MLA, the “Congress has no moral right to call the Government through media”. On SSA teachers’ salary, NPF said that the government will stick on its words and will release the salaries by November end. However, it clarified that teachers employed under SSA were to be paid under the centrally sponsored scheme and not from the State exchequer. On this issue, NPF said NPCC cannot blame the government blindly as the “rules applies irrespective of which party runs the Govt”. NPF also rubbished NPCC’s claim and said that Nagaland Legislative Assembly was the forum of Constitutionally-enabled free expression and that the voice of the MLA on the floor cannot be throttled by anyone as it would attract serious action under parliamentary privileges. However, in the absence of opposition, the views of the MLAs were unanimous.

D imapur , N ov 1 5 (NPN): Media Cell in the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) has issued a lengthy rejoinder to the press statement by Independent MLA Thomas Ngullie, (who had also included annexure of assembly proceedings ) regarding the issue of 33% women reservation in ULBs where T.R.Zeliang as then minister in-charge parliamentary affairs had introduced the resolution to make Part IX A inoperative from the NM Act 2006 in 2012. CMO slammed Thomas for “issuing ill-founded allegations distorting both facts and law” on 33% women reservation in ULBs. The CMO said the cabinet on October 3,2016 decided to view the 33% women reservation with a fresh mind and to hold civic polls since solution would not come early. Further, CMO also disclosed that the government would move the state legislative assembly for revocation of the September 22,2012 resolution so that Part IXA with women reservation in ULBs became applicable to Nagaland. (Cont’d on p-5) (Full text on p-6)

NTC explains law commission Governor lauds PM Modi for demonetisation on non-acceptance of UCC Correspondent

DIMAPUR, NOV 15 (NPN): Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) in a representation to Union law commission, cited various reasons on the non-acceptance of Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in the Naga society, which once implemented would have adverse affect on the distinct social, customs and practices of the Nagas. NTC president Lendinoktang Ao and general secretary Nribemo Ngullie also cited various constitutional provisions that give protection to Naga people under Article 371 A, where both Naga men and women in the state remain contended under un-codified social, customs and practices. NTC therefore, urged the chairman of Union law commission to give recommendation to the union government to exclude the State of Nagaland from the purview of UCC so that the inalienable provisions of Article 371A of the Constitution

of India remain undisturbed. The signatories further explained on the Constitution 13th Amendment Act, 1962 which recognised Nagaland as a tribal state, following an agreement arrived in July 1960 between the Govt. of India and the erstwhile Naga People’s Convention. NTC argument was that since Nagas way of life since time immemorial was quite distinct from the people in the mainland, implementation of UCC would be an alien to Nagas. “Such law, if enacted and enforce upon us, our personal and social life shall be subjected to extinction”, NTC said. It may be mentioned that on November 5, at the public disclosure on “uniform civil code”, Naga tribal bodies and civil society organizations entrusted NTC to write to Law Commission on the reason behind non-acceptance of UCC in the state.

KIPHIRE, NOV15 (NPN): Nagaland Governor P.B. Acharya on Tuesday lauded the decision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to pull out Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 currency notes, saying it was an excellent step to washout black money from the country. The demonetisation of Rs. 500 and 1000 notes would usher in changes at the same time keep check and minimize corruption, said Acharya this during his visit to Kiphire along with his wife Kavita Acharya on Tuesday. Acharya said wherever there is insurgency, development remains stalled and this is the wish of Prime Minister Modi to resolve the Naga political issue at the earliest and bring in rapid development in the region. The governor called upon the people of Kiphire district, which has people from various tribes, to be united and to live peacefully. He said Kiphire district was not just rich in mineral resources, but could also become a tourism hotspot in the region. Acharya also visited Kiphire

this, indelible ink marks will be made, like in elections, at the bank cash counters,” he added. Das told the media that the Prime Minister held a second review meeting on demonetisation with officials of the Finance Ministry and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to ascertain why long queues were continuing at banks. Operating instructions will be issued to banks on how to use indelible ink and this process will start in all major cities from Tuesday, he said. At the moment, the daily withdrawal limit from ATMs is Rs 2,500, while for exchange of old notes from bank counters it is Rs 4,500. This apart, the upper limit for weekly withdrawal from bank accounts stands at Rs 24,000. The limit will be reviewed after 15 days. The move to use ink marks came as people across India are struggling to get cash

after standing in long queues outside banks and ATMs to exchange or deposit the large currency notes. T h e g ove r n m e n t ’s move to recall 500 and 1,000 rupee notes, which was aimed at unearthing unaccounted wealth and curbing terror financing, has caused chaos and a cash crunch across the country with people struggling to meet even basic needs. Addressing reports of Jan-Dhan accounts being used by other people to deposit their unaccounted cash, Das said the government has decided to set an upper limit of Rs 50,000 for deposits in these accounts. “Up to Rs 50,000 can be deposited in Jan-Dhan accounts,” he said. Das said the legitimate Jan-Dhan account holders would not be put to any kind of difficulty but the source of deposits above Rs 50,000 into these accounts will be tracked and verified.

Petrol, diesle price cut

NEW DELHI, NOV 15 (PTI): Petrol price was today cut by Rs 1.46 a litre and diesel by Rs 1.53 per litre, reversing the rising trend of the past few weeks. The reduction in rates announced by Indian Oil Corporation, the nation’s biggest fuel retailer, is excluding state levies (VAT) and the actual cut will be higher after considering them.

Dmu police disclaimer Acharya, his wife Kavita and Kipili having MDM with the the school children.

Village Government Primary School and directed the school authorities to provide Mid-Day Meal regularly to the students. He later joined the students for lunch. United Sangtam Students Conference (USSC) who met the Governor also submitted a memorandum citing three point-development programme that was needed-Development of proposed Tizu inland waterway from Longmatra to Avankhu, establishment of Medical institute in Kiphire and Construction of Multi Community centre at

Kiphire. Later, Governor, accompanied by Power minister C. Kipili Sangtam visited District Hospital Kiphire, District Jail Kiphire and had a general meeting at Hopongkyu Memorial Hall, Kiphire. At Hopongkyu, the programme was chaired by DC Kiphire Sedevikho Khro. Short speeches were delivered by C. Kipili Sangtam, Hd. GB Kiphire town, Sepithong Sangtam and executive chairman Justin Khatomong T while vote of thanks was delivered by USLP vice president K. Tsilise Sangtam.

Indelible ink to prevent multiple cash exchanges Unscrupulous elements New Delhi, Nov 15 (IANS): The government on Tuesday declared that banks will use indelible ink marks -- as is done to prevent bogus voting -- to prevent people from making multiple cash exchanges after the demonetisation of highvalue currency notes. The move, which comes a week after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s surprise decision to invalidate 500 and 1,000 rupee notes, is also aimed at preventing large queues at banks and stop people from exchanging more than the permissible limit of money. “The reason for long queues at banks is that the same people keep coming again and again. We have received reports that many people are trying to convert black money into white and have organised groups of people and sending them to exchange money,” Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das said. “To prevent

Govt to undo 2012 house resolution for civic polls

SBI opens facility to dispense cash D I M A P U R , N OV 1 5 (NPN): With queues getting longer at banks and cash drying up fast at ATMs following demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs.1000, SBI Regional office, Dimapur Region on Tuesday launched mobile point of sale (PoS) at Super Market, Dimapur. In a press note, SBI regional business office, asst. general manager, Thangboi Lunkim, said SBI customers having ATM cards were given cash of Rs.2000 in denomination of Rs.2000, Rs.100 and Rs.10. “This step is taken to make customer more convenient outside the premises of the branch,” said Lunkim. He said Cash@ POS machine dispensed minimum Rs.100 and maximum of Rs.2000 per card per day, adding that total amount of Rs. 2 lakh was paid to around 200 customers.

harassing traders: MCCI

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 5 (NPN): Mokokchung Chamber of Commerce and Industries (MCCI) said various “unscrupulous elements” taking advantage of demonetization of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes and the surge in the sale of calendars, raffles and tickets were harassing the business community in Mokokchung. MCCI president Tsukti Longkumer and general secretary Limalenden Longkumer said with the demonetization of currency notes, there has been acute shortage of change in the market. However, it said despite the cooperative steps taken by the business community in circulating as much change as possible, there were certain individuals harassing its members. MCCI has also banned sale on calendars, raffles and tickets of any kind on the business establishments

in the market without prior information as this activities caused distress to the business community. According to MCCI, these items were sold to the business community by “means of coercion in most cases”. Therefore, MCCI cautioned that it would remain firm to defend its rights, and in case of any harassment by such unscrupulous elements, business community have been asked to contact-- 9436006062, 9436439707, 9436016099, 9436605461 or 9436442800. Further, MCCI asked its office bearers not to involve into any “fund raising committee” initiated by various entities without any prior consultation. MCCI also asked the members of the business community to remain vigil in view of the mushrooming non-banking financial institutions in Mokokchung.

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 5 (NPN): Drawing attention to messages circulating in the social media, that the deputy commissioner of police/SP has been authorised to grant relaxation for withdrawal of money upto Rs. 5 lakhs for marriages etc., Dimapur Police has refuted it saying no such provision or authorization was issued. Addl. DCP & PRO termed such information as false and misleading and also cautioned citizens against spreading such “mischievous rumours”. Police also warned that those involved would be liable and prosecuted under the law.

IMA sit-in stir today

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 5 (NPN): Nagaland branch of Indian Medical Association (IMA) would join all the 30 state branches and 1765 local branches of IMA in holding a 2-hour dharna as part of “Stop National Medical Commission (NMC) Satyagraha” on November 16 from 11am. The protest is against the government’s proposal to dissolve the existing Medical Council of India and replace it with NMC. In a joint statement, IMA state president, Dr. A B Choudhury, IMA Dimapur Branch president Dr. D R Sharma, Kohima branch president Dr. Kezeivito Keditsu, and Mokokchung branch secretary Dr. Aonugotok, said Ayurvedcs, Homeopaths and others would get registration in modern medicine through Schedule IV of NMC. “We will give 6 weeks to the government to meet our demands or we will be forced to take further course of action,” they said. K Y M C


Induction trg prog on DoPT

ADC Wokha, Hotolu Swu speaking at the induction training programme for new employees at DC conference hall. (DPRO Wokha)

DIMAPUR: Inaugural function of the 12-day Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) sponsored induction training programme for the newly recruited Group-B & C state government employees of Wokha district began on November 15 at DC’s conference hall, Wokha with ADC, Wokha Hotolu Swu as the guest of honour. According to DIPR report, Hotolu appealed to the trainees to be attentive and try to gain maximum benefit and to disseminate

information to fellow staff and friends to carry out their assigned task effectively. Course co-coordinator for ITP, Wokha district, Dr.Rongsen Longkumer said, employees were still following the old trends in spite of numerous changes taking place in terms of technology. In order to bring about changes in the citizens delivery system such programmes were organised to sensitise the employees, he said. The training was organised by Administrative Training In-

stitute, Nagaland Kohima in collaboration with district administration. Various topics would be covered during the 12 day training programme. The resource persons for the training are, Thungchanbemo Tungoe SDO (C) Ralan, Imliakum EAC Aitepyong, Zhavituou asstt. professor Mt. Tiyi College Wokha, Libemo asstt. professor MTC, Johnny Patton PGT, GHSS, Wokha and chief Team Metamorphosis Thungdemo Kyong as motivational speaker.

NNC/GDRN (N/A) clarifies

Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, november 16, 2016

news in brief Select committee meeting on Lokayukta Bill 2015: Parliamentary secretary and chairman of the select committee on the Nagaland Lokayukta Bill, 2015, Er. Levi Rengma has convened a meeting on November 16 at 11 a.m in the assembly committee room. All the select committee members have been requested to attend the meeting without fail. BAC session to be held: Business Advisory Committee (BAC) held a meeting on November 11 in the Assembly committee room under the chairmanship of Speaker Nagaland Legislative Assembly, Chotisuh Sazo and finalized the provisional programme for the ensuing 14th Session of the 12th Assembly. Committee decided to have two-day session from November 22 to 24. SCERT capacity building prog: Director of SCERT Nagaland has informed that a 4 day capacity building programme would be conducted for the DEO’s/DDEO’s/ SDEO’s/asst./ deputy directors of School Education from November 22 to 25 under the establishment of State Institute of Educational Management and Training (SIEMAT), SCERT, Kohima Nagaland. All the officers have been requested to report to the training centre on November 22 by 9 a.m for registration. Mass social work at Dzüvürü colony: Dzüvürü colony, a ward under Kohima conducted mass social work as a drive for Smart City jointly with Dzüvürü Youth Organisation (DYO), colony panchayat and sanitation committee on November 14. Minister of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Dr Neikiesalie Nicky Kire representing Kohima town also provided painting materials for beautification for the colony. President of DYO, Meyiesa Phinyo has informed that around 400 people took part in the daylong mass social work. CSPB informs: Consumer Society Purana Bazaar (CSPB) has informed eligible household of Purana Bazaar (East Dimapur) Area would be entitled to receive food grains every month under Targeted Public Distribution System (NFSA). Society has also informed that per head every house hold

would get Rice 4kgs @ Rs 3/- and wheat 1kg @ Rs 2/- per kg and the ration card holder may draw his/her monthly entitlements of essential commodities on instalment basis. Village FPS have been requested to display the information of the retail issue price fixed in the prominent place of the FPS outlet along with the name of the authority for redressal of grievances/ contact no, designation and address, lodging complaint in respect to quality and quantity of essential commodities under TPDS. Lost and found: PAN card belonging to Bipeno Tsopoe has been found in Kohima town on November 15. The rightful owner may come and collect from the office of Nagaland post Kohima bureau old NST. ANTA raising day: All Nagaland Taxi Association (ANTA) headquarter Kohima would hold its raising day cum annual picnic on November 18 at Tsiesema Basa ground. ANTA has requested all the taxi owners and drivers to attend the programme. In this regard ANTA informed that no taxi would be plying in town from 6 a.m till 6 p.m except for attending programme. Defaulters would be penalized as per the norms and regulation of the association. Art ensemble programme: Directorate of Art and culture (Art wing) would be organizing

Art ensemble under the theme “explore” to bring together artists from varied disciplines to facilitate interactions and to exhibit their works on November 17 at directorate of Art and Culture (Art wing ) Kohima. PKE meeting at Wokha: All concerned

have been informed that there would be a meeting regarding formation of Potina Kup Ekhung (PKE), Wokha town at CMHS chapel hall on November 19 at 9 a.m. All concerned citizens of Potina Kup (Meshangpen-Pyotchu) residing at Wokha town have been requested to attend positively. SBAK-NM executive council meeting: Sumi Baptist Akükühoü Küqhakülu Nito Mount (SBAK-NM) has convened its executive council meeting on November 18 at mission centre Nito Mount, Zunheboto. All the concern council members have been asked to attend the meeting. DGU general meeting: Dimapur Gorkha Union (DGU) has convened a general meeting on November 19 at Gorkha community hall, Padumpukhuri Dimapur. All the advisors, office bearers and CEC members have been asked to attend the meeting.

Acknowle dge me nt

DIMAPUR: With reference to the news item published on November 15 under the heading “NNC/GDRN (N/A) terminate members” the three members namely Sakhrie Angami, Hovito Sumi and Lashito Sumi clarified that they belong to GDRN, NNC (NA) and NNC/ GDRN (N/A) had no authority to encroach upon the other set up and terminate their services.


e the family members of Miss Vilokali Zhimomi Reigning Miss Sumi 2016 express our profound happiness and convey our heartiest gratitude to Mrs. Kitoli Naje, President STH, Nagaland, Mrs. Vihuli, President WSTH, Miss Sumi Organizing Committee, judges, friends and well-wishers for their support. We extend our special thanks to her God mothers Mrs. Tokhuli A. Ayeh, President Zbto. STH and Mrs. Boholi H. Awomi, Gen. Secy. Zbto. STH for providing financial, physical and prayer support throughout the entire event. May the Almighty Lord bless you all with good health and long life. Forever indebted to your kind generosity Mr. Tokiho Zhimo & family




MoH Jt. secy visits ITC Pangsha

DIMAPUR: Joint decretary (Incharge of North East) ministry of Home, Satyandra Garg visited International Trade Centre (ITC) Pangsha with parliamentary secretary of VG & Women Development, Khumo on November 12. According to DIPR report, a brief meeting was held with Khiamniungam Tribal Council (KTC) and citizens of Pangsha village where Satyandra assured to enhance the salary of VGs and expressed his concern on the demands of the ENPO. While expressing gratitude to the citizens of Pangsha for their cooperation and welcome, he called upon the citizens to strengthen unity and understanding for the interest of the country. Ex-minister, Pongom who shared the history of first VG creation at Pangsha also highlighted about the loyalty of its people to the GoI.





Y M C Poll Q.: Will Donald Trump keep all his election campaign pledges? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––




Next poll

Q: By not speaking out,

have Hillary and Obama supported the anti-Trump protests in the US?  Yes very clearly  No not needed  Can’t say


(Temperature in ºC)

Max Min

Agartala Sunny and pleasant

29 18


Mostly sunny and pleasant

Guwahati Hazy sunshine Imphal

Nice with sunshine

Itanagar Hazy sun

26 14 31 17 27 12 27 14


Mostly sunny and pleasant

22 10


Mostly sunny and pleasant

23 12

Dimapur Mostly sunny and beautiful

28 16

Mostly sunny and pleasant

24 9


Tuensang Cooler with sunshine Wokha

Kilomi village, cleanest Mock drill on community survival conducted at Mkg village under Pughoboto


Yes, he means 29% what he says. No, he’ll have to readjust in 54% order to take all on board 17% Can’t say

18 8

Mostly sunny and not as warm 22 16

Zunheboto Mostly sunny and pleasant

22 7



Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Neichute Doulo handling over the certificate and cheque to the village council chairman of Kilomi on November 15. (DIPR)

DIMAPUR: Kilomi village was declared as the cleanest village for the year 2016 under Pughoboto sub-division and awarded rupees five lakhs under the LADF 201617 on the second day of Thuwu-ni 3rd edition. Guest of honour, CEO Entrepreneurs Associates Neichute Doulo gave away the certificate and cheque to the village council chairman in the presence of minister R&B Y.Vikheho Swu at the local ground on November 15. According to DIPR report, minister who was also the convenor of the festival said this journey began in 2014 to re-discover, reclaim and revive our cultural heritage in the truest sense. It is to equip ourselves in order to cope with the demands of the times and to adapt ourselves with the fast changing world. He also

apprised young educated Pughoboto entrepreneurs that there would be a need to balance between traditional practices of self-sufficiency to that of modern methods of surplus produce. Keeping in mind the importance of organic system of farming, he urged them to adopt the same as our forefathers had practiced in the olden days. He also expressed his happiness as the Nagaland Entrepreneurs’ Association (NEA) was keen to work hand in hand with the people of Pughoboto. He proposed to intensify and take up new initiatives under Thuwu-ni Pughoboto in 2017. He also extended his thanks to Kavili Swu for introducing Nagaland Designers’ Association to Pughoboto besides Gloria Tep, Ketholeno Kense, Guru Rew-

ben Mashangva and other participants. Guest of honour, said that economy was self-sufficient in the past but unfortunately we are now living under subsistence agriculture. Therefore, he encouraged the people to change their mindset and urged them not to depend only on the government but to struggle and sweat themselves for better avenues. He also assured to assist the people of Pughoboto. Yanpvuo Kikon who introduced the cycle race to the people of Pughoboto appreciated the minister for taking initiative and organising such event. In race, Isamul from Shillong lifted the 1st prize with cups and a cash of Rs. 30000/-. Alemba, Kohima and Raj Kaushal from Himachal Pradesh awarded Rs. 20000/, and 10000/- as second and third respectively.

MOKOKCHUNG, NOV 2 (NPN): A mock drill on community survival from earthquake, fire and landslide was demonstrated, Tuesday, at Dilong ward community hall by the personnel of the Civil Defence & Home Guards (SDRF) under district commandant, Watilemba. The personnel of the SDRF demonstrated immediate measures to be taken up by the people during District Commandant Watilemba along with SDRF personnel and others. natural calamities or disasthanked the department ducting the demonstration. professional help, to face ters, on first aid before the arrival of professional help. of Civil Defence &Home He said, it was always bet- disasters. The mock drill beThe mock drill was carried Guards (SDRF) for con- ter to be prepared, through gun with prayer by Imola. out on uses of triangular & roll bandages, basic life support CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation), foreign body airway obstruction chocking (FBAO), trauma case patient/unconscious patient with suspected head, neck and spinal injury, splinting, emergency method of rescue and rescue rope knotting. Earlier, while delivering the welcome note, the chairman of Dilong ward Yimden, I Tia Soyah

NLSF appeals for Law College



A press note by NLSF president, Imlibem Lemtur and info & publicity secretary, Roland Zeliang stated that the officials of NU responded that the establishment of a Government Law College was required in the state which would automatically lead to set-

ting up of a law department at NU. Federation also discussed and highlighted the grievances faced by the law students of Nagaland. It also stated that the officials of NU had assured to take up those matters seriously at the earliest.


DIMAPUR: Nagaland Law Students’ Federation (NLSF) in its meeting with the vice-chancellor (acting) and officials of Nagaland University on November 10 proposed to the university to set up an interim arrangement/body pending to 13th Finance Commission.




Low denomination notes running out of stock in Mnp

Assam Pavilion inaugurated at IITF, 2016

Guwahati, Nov 15 (PTI): The Assam Pavilion was inaugurated at the India International Trade Fair (IITF), 2016 in New Delhi by Additional Chief Secretary (Industries and Commerce Department) Ravi Capoor yesterday. The pavilion with the theme and logo of ‘Digital Assam’ was showcasing various e-initiatives like Ease of Doing Business, NRC up-dation, e-district, Community Service Centres, Land Records, e-procurement and Call Analysis and Tracking System, an official release said here today. This year, 13 government departments/ agencies, 44 MSME units and four handmade organic tea producers have participated in the Assam Pavilion. ‘Assam Day’ will be celebrated on November 22 at Pragati Maidan’s Lal Chowk Theatre, the release added.


I M P H A L , N ov 1 5 : Mapithel Dam Affected Villagers Organisation (MDAVO), JAC Mapithel Dam Downstream Affected People (MDDAP) and Centre for Research and Advocacy, Manipur (CRAM) Tuesday raised strong objection to Manipur government’s alleged plan to commission the much controversial Mapithel dam of the Thoubal Multipurpose Hydroelectric Project by the end of current year 2016. The commissioning plan for Mapithel dam is despite its enormous scale of social and environmental impacts and procedural violations of human rights based development and the continued failure and serious underperformance of previously commissioned mega dams in Manipur. State chief minister O Ibobi recently announced that Mapithel dam of the Thoubal Multipur pose Hydroelectric Project was ready for commission.

While voicing their objection, the affected people alleged that government was planning to commission without completing key infrastructures of the project such as power generation, water supply and irrigation facilities, etc. “The plan to commission Mapithel Dam is also despite the absence of a comprehensive downstream impact assessment and in the absence of any plan for rehabilitation and alternative livelihood for communities in downstream areas,” convener of JACMDDAP Yumlembam Thouna said. So, there was no reason to cause undue suffering to villagers by commissioning Mapithel Dam, he added while addressing a news conference held at Manipur Press Club, Imphal. Thouna alleged that blocking of Thoubal river water commenced from January 2015 without detailed impact assessment and comprehensive rehabilitation and resettle-

Assam Regiment platinum jubilee begins in Meghalaya


Shillong, Nov 15: The Assam Regiment, an infantry regiment of the Indian Army, on Tuesday began its four-day Platinum Jubilee celebrations at its regimental centre here in Meghalaya. On Wednesday, Chief of the Army Staff General Dalbir Singh will be addressing the soldiers of the Assam Regiment and dedicate the war memorial here at Happy Valley. The greeting ‘Tagda Raho’ will ring across the picturesque Happy Valley in Shillong as former commanding officers get together with retired and serving ‘Rhinos’ -- as the troops call themselves -- during the celebrations. The regimental greeting ‘Tagda Raho’ (Stay Fit) was first introduced by Late Major General S.C. Barbora, who was commanding officer of the regiment in the 1960s. General Dalbir Singh will be accompanied by Deputy Chief of the Army staff Lt. Gen. Subrata Saha, who is the Colonel Commandant of the regiment, besides General Officer Commanding in Chief of

Eastern Command Lt. Gen. Praveen Bakshi and Army Commander, Central Command, Lt. Gen. B.S. Negi. The four-day celebrations would include presentation of colours to four of the newly-raised Battalions of Assam Regiment, dedication of War Memorial, commemoration of the raising, battalion get-together, Sainik Sammelan and inauguration of a museum, Defence Spokesman Group Captain Amit Mahajan said. The Assam Regiment was raised on June 15, 1941 in Shillong by Lieutenant Colonel Ross Howman at the Governor’s House of the undivided Assam. The House is the present day Raj Bhavan in Meghalaya’s capital Shillong. “The regiment was raised to meet demands from the undivided state of Assam and to counter the threat of Japanese invasion. It was baptism by fire for the regiment. The Assam Regiment fought a battle at Jessami and participated in the epic defence of Kohima and capture of Aradura (Nagaland),” Mahajan said. The regiment was adjudged the best marching contingent in the services

category during Republic Day Parade 2016. The contingent, comprising 149 soldiers from the seven north eastern states, was led by Lt Aditya Bisht. The Assam Regiment has the unique distinction of winning six battle honours and theatre honour of Myanmar during the Second World War and also had the distinction of winning Battle honour of

Chhamb and theatre honour of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947-48 and again in 1971, Mahajan said. After Independence, the Assam Regiment has participated in all the wars India has fought against Pakistan and against China. The soldiers of the regiment were also inducted in the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) in Sri Lanka and UN Peace Keeping Force in

Cambodia. The regiment has now raised 15 regular units, three Rashtriya Rifles units, three infantry battalions of the Territorial Army, two Ecological Battalions of the Territorial Army and two battalion of Arunachal Scouts. Three battalions of the regiment also acquitted themselves admirably at Siachen Glacier, the highest battlefield of the world.

BUS ROUTE FOR REVIVAL & HEALING FESTIVAL Date: 17th – 20th November, 2016. Venue: State Stadium, Near DC Court.

BUS 1. Starting point from Chumukedima, 2nd Gate NAP, via Green Park junction, Agri Expo Junction, Padumpukhuri Gate Junction, Purana Bazar BOH, Burma Camp Junction, Khermahal Junction, Police Point, to Venue. BUS 2. Starting point from Refferal Hospital, via Agri Expo Junction, Padumpukhuri Gate Junction, Purana Bazar BOH, Burma Camp Junction, Khermahal Junction, Police Point, to Venue. BUS 3. Starting point from Khushiabill ground, via Zion Hospital, via Purana Bazar, New Life Bible College Junction, Burma Camp Junction, Khermahal Junction, Police Point, to Venue. BUS 4. Starting point from Logos College, Sovima. Via Zoological Park, Thilixu junction near 32 Assam Rifle Camp, via Valley View Sumi Baptist Church, Via Spirit of Faith Church, Half Nagarjan Junction, via Burma Camp to Venue. BUS 5. Starting point from Thahekhu Gate, via Signal Bosti, near Maple Tree School to Venue. BUS 6. Starting point from Nagaland Gate, Burma Camp, Super Market, Flyover below, via Duncan Bosti Junction to Venue. BUS 7. Starting point from St John School near Nagaland Gate, via Sub Jail Junction, via to Venue. BUS 8. Starting point from Kachari Gaon, via Kashiram, Orential to Venue. BUS 9. Starting point from Toluvi Baptist Church via, Purana Bazar B, AO Church via Purana Bazar A, to Venue BUS 10. Starting point from Lama Bosti, via Borlingri via to Venue

For Further Information Call: Pastor Ejing 9856857770, Pastor David 9856001312


Agartala, Nov 15 (IANS): Datamohan Jamatia was reinstated by the Tripura High Court a year after he was removed as law secretary for allegedly making “derogatory remarks” about the judiciary, an official said here on Tuesday. The official said that the Tripura High Court’s Registrar General Satya Gopal Chattopadhyay in a notification late Monday transferred Jamatia as the Legal Remembrancer and Law Department Secretary from district and sessions judge of Unakoti district. Acting Legal Remembrancer and Law Secretary A.K.Nath has been transferred to Unakoti district as district and sessions judge. The official said that the court in November 2015 removed Jamatia and transferred as the district and sessions judge of Unakoti district for making the alleged “derogatory remark” about the judiciary in an official note to Chief Minister Manik Sarkar. The tussle between the high court and the state government kicked off after the court had issued the notification transferring Jamatia as district and sessions judge of Unakoti district. Law Minister Chakraborty, in his letter to the then chief justice Deepak Gupta, expressed the state government’s inability to relieve Jamatia as law secretary as he was looking after important cases pending in the Supreme Court and elections to the local bodies in Tripura.

B o k a jan, N ov 1 5 : Khatkhati Police arrested three car lifters and recovered a stolen TATA Zest car bearing a fake Haryana registration number The car was heading towards Nagaland and on inspecting the documents, the registration number was found to be fake. The three arrested persons were identified as Rajendra Kumar, Sabon Ram and Niraj Yadav. Interestingly, Rajendra happens to be a notorious car lifter who has been arrested many times in the past. During interrogation, the trio confessed to have lifted the car from Rajasthan. Earlier this month, a tipper truck, which was reported stolen from Barniyat in Meghalaya, was also recovered. “Each vehicle moving past the check-post is thoroughly checked for documents and the lifters must have probably vacated the vehicle out of the fear of being caught,” said Khatkhati Police Station Officer In-charge Dipak Bora.

Organisations object commission of Mapithel dam

All buses will leave the starting point at 2:00 PM sharp.




The Thsuruhu Students' Union (TKK) would like to congratulate Er. Kahuto on being promoted to Additional Chief Engineer, R&B and Mr. Phushika V. Aomi on being appointed as Press Officer to Chief Minister, Government of Nagaland. The Union further wishes and prays that the Almighty God bless you abundantly and bring more success in your future endeavours'. Kivigho Zhimo President, TKK

Linoka V. General Secretary, TKK

Hello, Tubelight (Avi) Many many Happy returns of the day, congratulation you have earn one more wrinkle on your face. May God bless you and may all your dreams come true. Enjoy the moments. Always yours Labo. Dear Princess Ruth, On your special day I just want you to know that you are always remembered by me in a very special way. You are always in my prayers and I wish the best for you this birthday. Happy birthday to you dear one..!! From- Abhijit (CID)


By Regd. No 2538/16, Dt. 15/11/2016 Declares that, T. Chichanbemo Kikon T. Chichanbemo Lotha T.C. Lotha Refers to same and one person.

NOTARY PUBLIC Dimapur : Nagaland



Regd. No. 730/16 Dt. 8/11/16 I, Shri. Surje Bahadur Ale Magar of B' Coy 45 Assam Rifle bearing No. G/163277H, Rank WO/GD, solemnly declare that my name, wife name & daughter name is inadvertently entered as Surje Bahadur Magar, wife name as Lalmaya and daughter name as Chandramaya in my service records, which is incorrect. From today my name shall be known as Surje Bahadur Ale Magar, my wife Lalmaya Kepchhaki Magar and my daughter name as Chandramaya Ale Magar in all my official and correspondence documents. DP-9204

DECLARATION OF RESIGNATION Date : 10th November, 2016

This is to bring to the knowledge of everyone concerned that I have resigned from the post of General Secretary, Nagaland Pradesh Mahila Congress. It is also to be clear that this declaration be considered official. Ethiel Konngam


Whereas Smti Rebica wife of Late Toshika Achumi of Lazami village has applied for the issue of Succession Certificate under the Indian Succession Act, 1925 in order to claim family pension and bank Account etc of her husband, who expired on 05-11-2016. Therefore, public are hereby asked to file claims/objection if any within 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of this notice. Namang Sepong Chang Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil), Pughoboto, Nagaland K-4177

Y. Denngan Avennoho Phom Deputy Commissioner Longleng : Nagaland


were facing water scarcity, loss of livelihood sources and survival threat due to the possible dam break, he added. Thouna further said that the move to commission Mapithel Dam despite multifaceted violation manifest the undemocratic and forceful nature of the government. Considering the threats and the livelihood of the people affected by the dam, MDAVO, JACMDDAP and CRAM reiterated that state IFCD should stop commissioning the project until and unless the impending issues were resolved. Forced inauguration of the dam will invite unwanted incident which the state government should give serious concern, he warned.


Dated Longleng the 2nd Nov. 2016

Whereas, Smti. C. Chamei Phom of Pongching Village has applied for issue of Succession Certificate to Operate/Draw/Transfer/Withdraw the debts & securities in respect of Late Shri. Yemten Phom, who expired on 29th September 2016. Now therefore, public are hereby asked to file claims/ objection, if any, within one month from the date of issue of this notice. DP-9214

ment plan of the affected villagers. Since then, the affected people were facing enormous hardship both in upstream and downstream areas, he added. The dam has led to inundation of residential areas, schools, churches, agriculture land, forest areas of more than 2000 hectares in Chadong, Louphung, Ramrei, Riha, Thoyee villages and other inhabited areas nearby. The commissioning of the project by simply closing up the shutter gates, black topping roads etc for inauguration is a complete mockery, he said. B e s i d e s, t h e p e o ple living in the downstream villages such as Itham, Moirangpural, Tumukhong, Nongdam, Louphong and Maphou






Whereas Smti Veducholu, w/o Lt. Kedungulo P/Helper E.E PWD (housing) Deptt. of Tese Colony Pfutsero Town has applied for issue of succession Certificate under the Indian Succession Act 1925 to draw the service benefits, family pension etc. belonging to Late Kedungulo P/Helper E.E PWD (Housing) Deptt. of Tese Colony Pfutsero Town, who expired 12-04-2016. Therefore, notice is hereby issued inviting any claims and objections from the public pertaining to the above mentioned property and the same to be submitted to the office of the Additional Deputy Commissioner Pfutsero, within a period of 30 days from issue of this notice. In the event of this office not receiving any claims and objection within the stipulated time, succession certificate will be issued to the applicant as prayed for. Additional Deputy Commissioner, Pfutsero K-4176


We would like to congratulate Miss. Penile Achumi, D/o Mr. Vitoshe Achumi and Mrs. Zhetoli Achumi for representing Thahekhu Village in the Miss Sumi 2016 organizes jointly by - Sumi Totimi Hoho and Western Sumi Totimi Hoho and winning the coveted title of 1st runners up along with sub title-Miss flawless skin-and bringing laurels to the Village. We wish her success in her future endeavours. Thahekhu Sumi Totimi Hoho Thahekhu Ghami Kiphimi Kuqhakulu VDB (Women) Thahekhu Village Council

We the Interdenominational Christian Prayer Fellowship Kenuozou Kohima would like to extend our deepest gratitude to those persons who had supported us financially for the Gospel tour to Siliguri, West Bengal from 29th Oct to 31st Oct 2016. We pray that the Almighty God will bless your kind contribution. 1. Shri Khriehu Liezietsu Parl. Secy Youth 8. Shri Kenlu Hemang, Contractor. Resource & Sport, Music Task Force & 9. Christian Revival Prayer & Healing Centre Lottery. K.N.Z 2. Shri K.G Himb, Addl Director R.D Rtd 10. Shri Neihusa Nakro, Jt. Secy. Kohima. 11. Shri Ruokuo Usou, B.D.O. 3. Shri Pollen Tep, Addl Director D.E Kohima. 12. Shri Inavi Chishi, K.N.Z. 4. Shri Sorie Raman, Proprietor M.H.H.S.S 13. Shri Khrei-o Angami, K.N.Z K.N.Z 14. Smti Peteno Lotha, K.N.Z. 5. Shri Wenkong Konyak, Addl. Secy. 15. Shri Kiyevi Wotsa, K.N.Z 6. Shri J.G. Lorin, D.I.O. Kohima. 16. Shri Kiyexe Achumi, K.N.Z 7. Shri Theja-o Sekhose, Block Chairman Kma. 17. Shri Chongsen Chang, K.N.Z


HC reinstates ex Tripura law secy

ATMs started dispensing cash to the public on November 12 and 13 after the arrival of Rs 107 crore on November 11. Efforts were on to enhance facilities like cash exchange, deposit and withdrawal through bank accounts and dispensing cash through ATMs to ease inconvenience faced by the public, the source maintained. Only Rs.100 notes were issued through the ATMs in the state even as Rs.2,000 notes have arrived in Imphal. The Rs.2000 notes were being dispensed to the public through the bank branches only like in other parts of the country. On the other hand, a whopping 100 crore worth of Rs.1000 and Rs.500 notes was deposited in different SBI branches across the state till Sunday, the source added.

3 car lifters arrested from Khatkhati

Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, november 16, 2016


IMPHAL, Nov 15: Inconveniences caused by the withdrawal of Rs.1000 and Rs.500 notes has worsened in the state as almost all the ATM booths in Imphal remained close for the day on Tuesday. With low denomination currency notes running out of stock in the banks, bank authority have sought additional Rs 304 crore from RBI for the state. With no certainty for the arrival of consignment, the banks are likely to be closed for public in the coming days. The SBI head office in Imphal suspended dispensing money through its ATMs, a highly reliable source from the bank official said. Cash has dried up in almost all its branches in Imphal and other towns in valley areas. It was reported that

ATM booths were not functioning for the whole day as cash was running out of stock in the banks, particularly in the State Bank of India in Imphal. People who were in queue at the ATM booths had to return home with disappointment as the booths remained shut. SBI source said that the bank had stopped refilling cash in its ATMs due to exhaustion of crisp Rs.100 notes and delay in getting clearance from Mumbai on fitting new Rs 2000 notes in ATMs. People could not exchange old of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes with lower currency bills due to exhaustion of cash in most of the branches. Of the total 74 ATMs, only 19 resumed operation on November 11 after Centre announced scrapping of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 currency notes. The remaining





India, Israel boost defence ties

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin after a joint press statement at Hyderabad House, in New Delhi on Tuesday. (PTI)

our values,” Rivlin said. The two sides inked two pacts to strengthen cooperation in agriculture and water resources management sectors. Talking about security cooperation, the Prime Minister said the two sides agreed to “intensify cooperation to combat the forces of extremism and radicalisation that threaten all peace-loving nations. We also prioritised practical and specific engagement such as in the cyber domain.” He said both sides recognised that terrorism is a global challenge that knows no boundaries and has extensive links with other forms of organised crime. Referring to Israel’s expertise in micro-irrigation in drought-prone areas, the Prime Minister said and water management and conservation, and collaboration in scientific research were identified as areas for priority engagement. He said both sides agreed that the current trajectory of the Indian economy has opened up many promising opportunities for Israeli companies which can

NPF hits back at NPCC on charges of corruption

(Form p-1)

NPF made its position clear that the ratification of GST Bill by Nagaland has no nexus to article 371A (1) (a) of the Constitution of India, and therefore cannot be comparable to Jammu and Kashmir, which have a separate constitution . Instead, NPF asked Congress, why it was making outrageous statements and demands, when it had failed to raise its voice on the eve of Assembly session for GST ratification. On holding of civic polls with women reservation, NPF said that the decision of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly to amend the Nagaland Municipal Act in 2006 to provide women reservation was unanimous. However, due to opposition from the tribal bodies, municipal elections with

33% reservation for women could not be held. But state government has decided to go ahead with women reservation and conduct the polls in accordance with the provisions of our own State Act, NPF said. With regard to CM’s qualification issue, NPF advised NPCC not the drag the issue since the matter was subjudice. It clarified that Manipur MLA’s case decided by Supreme Court recently has no application to T.R. Zeliang, since the issue was an election petition and what was decided by the Peren JMRC in the Zeliang’s case was not an election petition, but a complaint under section 125A etc., of the Representation of the People Act. Further, NPF said it welcomed those affected by any “feature of mal governance” to come forward

with “tangible and verifiable evidence”, so that the issues would be taken up and resolved. Therefore, NPF asked NPCC to come through a “process of evidence, trial and tangible results so that public interests are promoted and precious time of the Party and the Government is not wasted in communiqués like this”.

On the issue of deplorable condition of National Highway from Tizit to Mon, raised by Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs during his recent visit to Eastern Nagaland, the NPF said that the “Joint Secretary from the Centre deserves utmost gratitude of the Nagas”, in case he takes up the issue with centre.

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 5 (NPN): Network of Nagaland Drugs and AIDS Organisation (NNagaDAO) has appreciated and expressed gratitude to Lok Sabha MP, Neiphiu Rio, for his concern over HIV and programmes in the state and providing political leadership to resolve the backlog issue with the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO). In a press release, NNagaDAO president, Abou Mere, said that the MP had written to Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Jagat Prakash Nadda, on November 14 2016, to intervene so as to avoid setbacks in executing HIV programmes in the state. During his consecutive terms as chief minister of Nagaland and the chairman state AIDS council, the organisation said Rio extended his fullest cooperation in dealing with HIV and AIDS programmes. It said he played a key role ensuring an effective and successful implementation of HIV programmes, strived for the welfare of the key populations and to ensure a brighter future for Nagaland. NNagaDAO further expressed its gratitude to Rio for maintaining the demeanour of a true leader. Meanwhile, NNagaDAO president also expressed its full confidence on the leadership of chief minister, TR Zeliang, that he would stand up for the right of its citizen and take all necessary and possible actions to ensure that the pending fund for HIV and AIDS programmes from NACO was released at the earliest.

Four lakh trucks stranded on highways post note ban: AIMTC

Hundreds of trucks parked at APMC Truck Terminal after slow down of market at APMC in Navi Mumai on Tuesday. (PTI)

NEW DELHI, NOV 15 (PTI): Stating that around four lakh trucks are stranded in various parts of the country, the apex transporters body AIMTC on Tuesday demanded immediate increasing of cash withdrawal limit from ATMs and banks to avoid crisis. All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC), claiming to have 93 lakh truckers, 50 lakh buses and tourist taxi and cab operators under its fold, said at least eight lakh drivers and conductors were severely impacted in the wake of delegalizing of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes. “Our about 4 lakh trucks are stranded across India with about 8 lakh drivers and conductors severely hit. The sudden ban on higher denomination notes have made them stand in long queques before banks in different parts. The withdrawal limit is minuscule with ATMs at many places not working and paralysing the transport business,”


The Election Commission of India has initiated an online survey for Overseas Indian Citizens to assess their level of awareness about the registration and voting process and to gather opinion about their voting preferences. An online competition is also part of the initiative to engage with the target population and seek their contribution to the cause 'Every Indian Vote Counts'.

Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Nagaland, Kohima Contact (Toll Free) : 1950 No.NL/SVEEP/GEN-1/2015-16/Pt dated 10th November 2016

No respite from long queues at banks, ATMs

Dated: 15th Nov. 2016


Sealed tenders are invited from the appropriate class of empanelled Electrical Contractors under Nagaland University for the under mentioned work. Earnest Cost of Estimated Sl. Money Tender Completion N/Work Amount No. Deposit document time (`) (`) (`) 1. Construction of 54,55,700.00 1,09,115.00 1,500.00 12(twelve) Health Centre months at NU, Kohima Campus [NU/ ENGG/KMA224/2016-3041]. 2


davp 17112/11/0132/1617

cash based. This implies Rs 1,194 crore is required on a daily basis by the transport sector for its operations. As per the finance Act section - 6D(d) of IT Act, Rs 35,000 per truck per trip cash is allowed for en route expenses. A small operator having 10 trucks would require up to Rs 3,50,000 cash per day to tide over his requirement, which is unsustainable under the present cap,” it said. With acute liquidity and financial crunch, the transportation services are poised to come to a standstill, Wadhwa said. He also said exportimports of the country was likely to be hit due to disruption in movement of vehicles to and from the ports. Besides, transporting raw materials to the industries and finished goods to the distribution centres would also get affected.


All the Alumni/Ex-Students of Public College of Commerce, Dimapur are requested to attend the ALUMNI MEET on 19th November, 2016 at 09:30 AM in the college premises. They are also requested to register their names through SMS or by calling Mr. Ranjit Paul at +91-9862560486 on or before 17th November, 2016. Principal


The survey runs through the month of November–December 2016 while the online competition will run through the month of November.


NEW DELHI, NOV 15 (PTI): People in large numbers started queuing up outside ATMs and banks since early morning today to withdraw valid currency notes from vending machines and exchange demonetised bills. While banks remained closed yesterday on account of Guru Nanak Jayanti in many parts of the country, cash-starved customers again were disappointed today with most of the ATMs running out of the cash. Even at some ATMs which had cash were facing server issues, making people wait in the queue frustrated. Many households are running out of even piggybank money saved by their children for meeting essential daily provisions. Banks’ infrastructure is unable to handle the huge rush resulting in long serpentine queue where average waiting time is 4 hours, especially for exchange.

AIMTC president Bhim Wadhwa said. Demanding immediate increasing of withdrawal limits, Wadhwa warned that essential supplies like milk, vegetables, fruits and medicines would be impacted. The drivers and tourists who are en route do not have ample cash in hand and are starving on the highways with no help coming from any quarter, he said. “The road transport fraternity of India is facing its worst crisis with the banning of higher denomination notes,” he said, adding, this despite transport being the highest taxpayer to the exchequer. AIMTC said that in the last fiscal, contribution of the Road transport to GDP was 4.8 per cent, which amounted to Rs 5,44,800 crore annually or Rs 1,492 crore per day. “Eighty per cent of the transport operations cost is

Construction of 29,79,455.00 59,590.00 1,000.00 12(twelve) Shopping Complex months at NU, Kohima Campus [NU/ ENGG/KMA224/2016-3041].

Construction of 6,42,300.00 12,850.00 500.00 03(three) Toe wall, Cross months drain and Road side drain at Approach road to C/Block, Quarter No. 12 & 13 at NU, Lumami [NU/ ENGG/M-61/ CBlock/H. No. 12(T-IV)-3040] Tender documents can be had from the Engineering Section, Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami on working days upto 22nd November 2016. Sealed tender should be submitted addressed to the Registrar, Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami on or before 23rd November 2016(upto 2:00 P.M.). The cost of Tender document (non-refundable) is to be deposited through NU Challan. EMD from any Nationalized Bank through Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque and IPO worth `10/- (Rupees Ten) only addressed in favour of Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami should also be accompanied along with the Tender. Nagaland University reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason(s), whatsoever. T. Lanusosang Registrar DC-2545


Apropos the news item “ST. JOHN’S SCHOOL, TUENSANG ALUMNI” published on 14 Nov. 2016, the corrected contact numbers are Tsachola : 8974753655/9436819055 and Nzano : 7085174098/9436201548, the inadvertent error is regretted.


ists,” he said. Noting that Rivlin’s visit has given a “crucial push” to efforts to build new pillars in bilateral ties, Modi said both sides noted the strength of the growing defence partnership and agreed on the need to make it “more broadbased” through production and manufacturing partnerships. India is Israel’s largest buyer of military hardware and the latter has been supplying various weapons systems, missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles over the last few years but the transactions have largely remained behind the curtains. The two sides inked two pacts to strengthen cooperation in agriculture and water resources management sectors. Referring to growing collaboration between the two countries, particularly in defence sector, Rivlin, the first Israeli President to visit India in two decades, said his country is ready to “make in India and make with India”. He also asserting that nothing can justify terrorism. “We stand together in defending our people and

scale up their tie-ups with our India’s flagship schemes like Make in India, Digital India, Skill India, and Smart Cities. “Indian and Israeli companies can also work together in high-technology manufacturing, and services sectors. Make in India and as President Rivlin told me in our discussion, Make with India can generate jobs and benefit both geographies. Our partnership can generate jobs and benefit both geographies,” he said. Modi said India was also grateful to Israel for its “clear support” to India’s bid for permanent membership in a reformed UN Security Council. On people-to-people ties, the Prime Minister said the 2000-year old Jewish community in India represents a thriving link to this past, adding people of the two countries were “biggest strength and the biggest beneficiaries” of the strong Indo-Israel partnership. “Two-and-a-half decades of our friendship has brought rich dividends for both our nations. It has also strengthened voices of peace, stability and democracy globally. Your visit provides an opportunity to break new ground and shape new contours of our partnership,” Modi said. In his remarks, Rivlin hoped Modi will visit Israel soon. There were indications that Modi may visit Tel Aviv in first part of 2017 which will be 25th year of formal diplomatic ties between the two countries. India had established “full” diplomatic relationship with Israel in 1992 though it had recognised the country in 1950.

NNagaDAO lauds Rio’s concern for HIV & AIDS progs


NEW DELHI, NOV 15 (PTI): Reflecting their growing proximity, India and Israel today decided to further “broad-base” their already close defence partnership and intensify cooperation in combating radicalisation and extremism, while calling upon global community to act tough against terror networks and States harbouring them. The two countries also agreed to deepen their cooperation in a variety of areas including trade and investment, agriculture, water resources and cyber crime during extensive talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, who is on his first visit to India. Giving gist of his talks with the Israeli leader, Modi, in a media statement, said people of both countries were constantly threatened by forces of terrorism and extremism and both sides agreed to intensify cooperation in combating them effectively, particularly having “practical and specific” engagement such as in the cyber domain. “We recognize that terrorism is a global challenge, knows no boundaries and has extensive links with other forms of organized crime,” he said. In an obvious reference to Pakistan, the Prime Minister said, “Regrettably, one of the countries of its origin and spread is in India’s neighbourhood. “We agreed that the international community must act with resolve and determination against terror networks and States that harbour them. Failure to act and silence of speech only encourages the terror-



Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, november 16, 2016

No. NU/ENGG/ELECT/M-67/2014-3042

Dated: 15th Nov. 2016

NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tenders are invited from the appropriate class of empanelled Electrical Contractors under Nagaland University for the under mentioned work. Earnest Cost of Estimated Sl. Money Tender Completion N/Work Amount No. Deposit document time (`) (`) (`) 1. Electrification of 2,84,380.00 5,690.00 500.00 1(One) the Department month of Mass Communication and Hindi at NU, Lumami. Tender documents can be had from the Engineering Section, Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami on working days upto 22nd November 2016. Sealed tender should be submitted addressed to the Registrar, Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami on or before 23rd November 2016(upto 2:00 P.M.). The cost of Tender document (non-refundable) is to be deposited through NU Challan. EMD from any Nationalized Bank through Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque and IPO worth `10/- (Rupees Ten) only addressed in favour of Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami should also be accompanied along with the Tender. Nagaland University reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason(s), whatsoever. T. Lanusosang Registrar DC-2544



Nagaland Post


Vol. XXVI NO. 340 Dimapur, Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Paint it black

week after the Modi government used its now favourite word - “surgical strike”- to launch a lighting ban on 500 and 1000 denomination notes on November 8 which came into effect midnight; Indians across the nation, are still struggling to meet their day to day needs as banks have run out of the new denomination notes-500 and 2000. The government has attempted to justify its lightning strike as a means to “eliminate black money” while it had done nothing to get its hands on the several lakh crores of black money stashed in banks abroad. Banks across India face an abnormal situation as employees are unable to meet the demand for new currency notes because the government had not assessed the requirement and stocked the same in the vaults. Ordinary people who frequent banks for transactions have been hardest hit. The government had added another bizarre condition where an account holder can only withdraw Rs.10,000 in a day and Rs. 20,000 in a week. People who deal with huge purchases to run their legitimate businesses can no longer pay either in cash or cheques and so their business have suffered. Even people who travel have suffered immensely due to cash limit imposed on withdrawal. Many shops have also suffered huge losses since customers don’t have cash. The list of various people in various strata of society is endless but one thing is clear-their suffering has nothing to do with “eliminating “ black money”. The motive behind the lightning “surgical strike’ has less to do with “eliminating black money” since, except for a few thousand; the remaining 120 crore people of India don’t have black money. Most are salaried people and farmers while many others don’t even have enough money to meet their needs. BJP party president Amit Shah insisted the move was against black money and therefore those who opposed the move were supporting the black money hoarders and drug dealers. People across India have been victimised by the collateral damage from the “surgical strike” even if many, in good faith, supported the government’s effort to crack down on black money. Lines outside ATMs and banks continue to be long and many are having difficulty paying for crucial services like treatment at hospitals. According to media reports, the move to replace some currency notes printed before 2005 had been taken two years ago by the RBI. However, then RBI governor Raghuram Rajan had been cautious to maintain that it was not for demonetisation but only to replace certain notes which had fewer security features. Probably, the decision for demonetisation was clinched by a select few running the entire government at the centre and which was also not well liked by those within the BJP. Straight talking and fiercely independent BJP MP from Karol Bagh Menakshi Lekhi wasn’t quite convinced with the black money stuff . She told media on November 11, that it would not make any huge dent excepting having terrible impact on the lives of ordinary people. She went so far as to claim that the demonetisation was a ruse to distract people from the actual black money accounts abroad and instead make 65% of people in India suffer. Modi now has asked people to give him another 50 days to straighten up the mess but that will still not undo the tremendous suffering people had to bear.

DailyDevotion “What Is That to You?” Peter…said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “…what is that to you? You follow Me.” —John 21:21-22 One of the hardest lessons to learn comes from our stubborn refusal to refrain from interfering in other people’s lives. It takes a long time to realize the danger of being an amateur providence, that is, interfering with God’s plan for others. You see someone suffering and say, “He will not suffer, and I will make sure that he doesn’t.” You put your hand right in front of God’s permissive will to stop it, and then God says, “What is that to you?” Is there stagnation in your spiritual life? Don’t allow it to continue, but get into God’s presence and find out the reason for it. You will possibly find it is because you have been interfering in the life of another— proposing things you had no right to propose, or advising when you had no right to advise. When you do have to give advice to another person, God will advise through you with the direct understanding of His Spirit. Your part is to maintain the right relationship with God so that His discernment can come through you continually for the purpose of blessing someone else. Most of us live only within the level of consciousness— consciously serving and consciously devoted to God. This shows immaturity and the fact that we’re not yet living the real Christian life. Maturity is produced in the life of a child of God on the unconscious level, until we become so totally surrendered to God that we are not even aware of being used by Him. When we are consciously aware of being used as broken bread and poured-out wine, we have yet another level to reach— a level where all awareness of ourselves and of what God is doing through us is completely eliminated. A saint is never consciously a saint— a saint is consciously dependent on God.


How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~ Anne Frank

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, November 16, 2016


CMO reacts to statement on women reservation

ertain statements of Honorable MLA Thomas Ngullie who has been issuing ill-founded allegations distorting both facts and law on the issue of reservation for women in Urban Local Bodies need to be replied to, not as much as to counter him, but to place on record facts and legal position for consumption of common man. Mr. Ngullie has made it appear that the Chief Minister had unilaterally set aside the Resolution passed by the Nagaland Legislative Assembly when the Cabinet decided on 3rd October, 2016 to hold elections to the ULBs with 33% reservations for women, which is far from the truth. Mr Ngullie has, in his hurry to hurl unfounded allegations against the Chief Minister, and to please those powers-that-be who are actually taking pot-shots from his shoulders, conveniently forgotten several crucial facts, some of which require to be answered in public interest. 1. The Naga Mothers’ Association first knocked the doors of Gauhati High Court against the State for not providing women reservation in ULBs. The High Court ordered women reservation to be provided and consequently, the State Government under the former Chief Minister, made, in 2006, express provisions (sections 23A and 23B) in the Municipal Act, 2001, for reservation for women. 2. However, civil societies and tribal bodies raised hue and cry over the issue of 33% reservation for women and elections to the ULBs could not be held. The Naga Mothers’ Association under the aegis of Joint Action Committee for Women Reservation (JACWR) approached the Gauhati High Court in 2011, and the Court, while disposing of the Writ Petition on October 21, 2011, directed to hold elections to ULBs “and to complete the entire process on or before January 20, 2012.” The Court also directed that the Administrators might “continue to perform and discharge such duties until elections are held in terms of this judgment and order” thereby, effectively legitimizing non-conduct of elections thus far. On the request of the Rio Administration, the time for conducting elections was extended till March, 2012. 3. However, the State Government under Mr. Rio, appealed against the judgment of the Single Judge order before the Division Bench which directed the State to “resurvey the Act and to examine the applicability of Part IXA of the Constitution of India to the State of Nagaland”. The High Court granted a period of six weeks for completion of the

exercise. Thus, the Article 371A Committee of the Assembly under Shri Yitachu examined the Part IXA of the Constitution of India and recommended for a resolution to be adopted by the Assembly stopping application of Part IXA of Constitution to Nagaland. The Assembly, under the former Chief Minister, accordingly adopted the resolution on September 22, 2012. The present Chief Minister, under the persuasion of the then Chief Minister, echoed the latter’s voice in the House while participating in the debate on the said Resolution. That is how, the elections to municipal bodies could not be conducted by the Rio Administration for more than a decade. 4. The Order of the Division Bench of the Gauhati High Court as aforesaid was challenged by the JACWR in the Supreme Court by a Special Leave Petition. Later through a Writ Petition, the JACWR also challenged the validity of the Resolution adopted by the Nagaland Assembly exempting the State from Part IXA of the Constitution. 5. The Supreme Court, on April 5, 2016, granted leave for the said SLP and also stayed the implementation of the order of the Division Bench of Gauhati High Court as aforesaid. Though the Supreme Court had granted leave to the SLP, the regular hearing on the SLP and the Writ Petition may possibly take years. 6. The non-conduct of elections to ULBs for more than a decade because of the stance of the former Chief Minister has resulted in three damages to the State: (1) denial of democratic rights of Nagas for self-rule at local levels; (2) denial of central funds to the municipal bodies for local development (3) vexatious litigation with avoidable legal costs. 7. As the solution to the dispute will not come timely, the present Government thought it appropriate to review the entire situation with a fresh mind. Accordingly, on 3rd October, 2016, the State Cabinet decided to conduct polls to ULB with women reservation. Such a decision was taken in 2006 by the then Chief Minister also which could not be carried into reality. 8. Tribal organizations have been called for a consultative meet on November 16, 2016 where their views and opinions will be recorded and necessary actions would be taken to incorporate what will be the best for a cohesive, workable and beneficial policy in the days to come. A few amendments to the Nagaland Municipal Act are being contemplated so that the letter and spirit of Article 371-A (1) (a) are

stoutly defended . The Government will also move the House for revocation of the Resolution dated September 22, 2012 so that Part IXA with women reservation in municipalities becomes applicable to Nagaland. 9. Our views on gender equality must be not only progressive but appear to be progressive. That the Naga women are scarce in the electoral space is a reality. When a Constitutional provision nudges them to compulsorily find a place in electoral positions in the municipalities, any opposition to it, shall have, with no option, to be deemed as an obstruction to gender equality. 33% reservation for women in Municipalities is well within the labyrinth of Naga customary life and law that accords women gender equity. 10. The present Government’s efforts are to conduct the Municipal polls in total compliance with the Constitutional provisions, so that vexatious litigations are obviated along with costs and also peace, amity and concord are promoted between both sexes in the matter of representation in municipal bodies. 11. Shri Thomas Ngullie is gently reminded that all these la affaire against women reservation in ULBs happened during the regime of the former Chief Minister. The present Chief Minister is totally committed both to the Constitution and to the unique position of Nagas and Nagaland under our Constitution. Though the Chief Minister echoed once his leader’s voice in 2012 in the House, he is not disentitled to revise his views and opinions on review. Even higher courts change their opinion when matters come for their review. Accordingly, the Government feels that Naga customs do not suffer with women reservation but the gender equity under their customs gets better expressed. The process towards this thus commenced with the State Cabinet’s decision on 3rd October, 2016, to be followed up by consultations with Hohos, revocation of Assembly resolution, amendment of the Municipal Act, if absolutely necessary, and conduct of municipal polls in total accordance with the Constitution of India and in concord with the customs of the Nagas wherein gender equity and democratic aspirations are ingrained. 12. It is appealed to one and all for forging unity amongst sexes, views and opinions on this issue, so that our mothers and sisters are catapulted to electoral offices in Municipalities in the true spirit of our traditions and customs. Issued by Media Cell, Chief Minister’s Office, Nagaland


Change in Nagaland?

he average Americans wanted change of a World that cared only for the Billionaires and the Global Corporate. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton –the American Presidential Candidatesboth promised “CHANGE” for America. However, Americans were tired of the Political & Administrative Bag Pack Hillary Clinton carried. Mr. Trump on the other hand had a clean Slate and most rural Americans and the elderly preferred a clean Slate with no bag pack of past Politics. Nagaland is tired of the System that caters only to greedy politicians and some ‘self-styled Patriots’ enjoying extorted Tax Money from the Citizens. Nagaland is also fed up of the fear of the Barrel of the Gun on its brow. No one would oppose CHANGE in Nagaland but the State did not and would not know how to change. Nagaland would prefer someone with a clean political Slate like Trump, but the Society is nowhere near it. Nagaland has become so subservient to the NSCN (IM) Gun Culture that searching for a independently Fearless Free Mind today is like searching for a Needle in a Stack of Rice Stalks. Such a Society is incapable of producing independent Free Mind. All the political VIPs of Nagaland has become like Old Wine turned Sour. The System of Governance has gone so corrupted that even the Chief Minister with his Cabinet cannot clean it now. It has become like a Forest Fire Hunters have set to flush the Animals out of the Ravine to shoot them as they come out but the Fire has gone too big and wild now that the Hunters themselves alone cannot put it out now. The State Government does not appear have the sterner Stuff of what it requires to change the System of governance in Nagaland they themselves have corrupted. We have seen them all, all these years: “Mene, Mene, Takel, Parsin”. It now appears only a strong COLLECTIVE PUBLIC OPINION PRESSURE ALONE can change Nagaland. Towards this, the FIRST requirement for Nagaland is the creation of a strong collective combined NTC, CNTC, ENPO and other not purchasable NGOs and Tribal Hoho, all strongly supporting the ACAUT. The ACAUT appears adroit, UNPURCHASABLE, it has criticized Village Councils, tribal Hohos and the Government for flouting the Interest of the Public; it has exposed the misdeeds of the People in Power. To d ay, D E M O C R AT I C ELECTION alone is the only way to change the old Master in Nagaland. Therefore, the SECOND requirement is to purify the corrupted DEMOCRATIC ELECTION in the State. Foolishly and naively, the Naga has totally corrupted Democratic Election. The Church and its Organizations preach for Clean

Election unceasingly but it does not appear to have the magic wand. The leaders fear to rebuke the devil, the liars, and all kinds of tricksters, the dishonest, and the perverters of justice in the Rich and the Powerful and others. The Church leaders often seem to place maintenance the comfortable position they have with the entire World in a higher priority than the strict dispensation of justice in the Gospel of Christ. This is particularly because most Pastors in Nagaland are very Young theological lightweight Graduates without Traditional Customary Influence of venerable Elders have in the Society. The young Theologians give beautiful Sermons from the Pulpit but do not have the gut to rebuke the erring Tribal Organizations, Village Councils or the Organizations in the Society gone astray from everything that is right. One of the greatest weaknesses of the Church for correction of the Naga Society, are its Leader’s inability to deliver hard Justice of the Gospel of Christ. Peter rebuked Anania & Safira and Paul told Elyma the Sorcerer in the Court of the Proconsul in Cyprus at Phaphos -“You are a child of the devil and enemy of every thing that is right. You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery.” Jesus told Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me”. Democracy is more precious than the human niceties is in the Church; it is much, much weightier than the Pastor’s Friendliness with his Deacons or his good friendship with the Chairman of the Church Managing Board. Democracy is the demonstration of the Essence of the Ten Commandments. Democratic Election Rules are extensions of the Ten Commandments. The 11 Apostles of Jesus Christ actually initiated the Modern Secret Casting of Votes for the Election of the 12th Apostle. Democratic Election System grew from the Christian Ethics and Christian Morality. God selects, but humbler Beings like Man Elects from among their own Kind. Election is the Christian Ethos; No Christian worth his Faith dares violate Democratic Election Rules of the Land. The ACAUT is not out to uproot the NSCN (IM) Government, it is not against any Chief Minister or Politicians in the Government. It is not out to seize the Government in the next Election. The ACAUT is out only to uproot Deceit in the Governance; to expose Liars, Profiteers, the Greedy and correct the Injustice in the Land. Nobody needs fear ACAUT. Every Citizens or Organizations of Nagaland, Indigenous or not, even with love of beautiful Nagaland as small as a mustard seed, need to support ACAUT if he/she wants Change In Nagaland. Thepfulhouvi Solo. I F S (RR -68), Principal Secretary, Retd, Nagaland

Rejoinder to ‘The illegal formation of the NSCN’


(Published in some sections of news paper by Kaka D.Iralu)

efore giving the supportive write up to the book of W. Shapwon “The illegal formation of the NSCN”, FGN Kilonser Kaka D. Iralu should have read the book thoroughly. In his own forward to the book, his self confession that young Naga generations refused to accept his self justification of the notorious Shillong Accord, itself is self explanatory. Shapwon underestimated the young Naga generations. They simply put, they are wise enough to understand that the FGN and NNC leaders sold off the Naga national rights when they accepted Indian constitution on their own volition (political suicide) and surrendering of thousands of arms (military suicide). Again in his same book W. Shapwon has clearly written on page 6 that NNC/FGN leaders decided to save the Naga nation by accepting Indian constitution on their own volition and by surrendering all the arms. What more is there to justify Shillong Accord and the NNC/FGN. If W. Shapwon or Kilonser Kaka D. Iralu are real patriots as they always project themselves to be, then

both should be extremely grateful to the NSCN for salvaging the Naga national rights. The root of the matter is who stands and fights for the issue of the Nagas, not who fights for NNC. The question is who are the standard bearers, not who are NNC or NSCN. What is NNC if it stops fighting for the issue of the Nagas? What is the meaning of being a member of NNC if it is no longer the standard bearer? Histor y knows the Naga people had done a great work under the leadership of NNC. But after the signing of the infamous Shillong Accord in 1975, NNC became a divided house- those who supported the Shillong Accord and those who condemned the Accord. Exactly, NNC president A.Z. Phizo was in London by that time, vice president Imkong Meren was in jail and general secretary Th. Muivah was in Beijing. As the Accord was signed with the endorsement of the home authorities, ‘The Good Will Mission Abroad’ led by the then General Secretary Th. Muivah wrote letters to the President A.Z. Phizo

stating that we are going home and convene a national Hoho to condemn the traitorous Shillong Accord. All the people are looking up to you with the expectation that condemnation statement from the President would come out. Accordingly, Th. Muivah, the General Secretary, NNC convened a national assembly and held at Suphao, where the Shillong Accord was condemned as a sell out. Since president Phizo was in London and vice president Imkong Meren was in jail, the general secretary, Th. Muivah was the only authority at home to convene the national Assembly. The Yehzabo says that convening the national assembly by one of the incumbent office bearers is mandatory. But surprisingly, no statement had ever come out from the president A. Z. Phizo. Consequently, national workers were sharply divided into two campsthose who supported the Shillong Accord and those who condemned it. The former toppled the government through military coup d’état in 1978. The military junta went even to the extend of usurping

the office of NNC. Finally, fighting broke out between the two camps resulting in the death of many workers from both sides. In January 1980, an emergency national workers meeting was held at Nokba where the murder of NNC by the pro-Shillong Accord NNC was widely discussed. The Naga politics does not end with NNC. NNC was made for the Nagas and not vice versa. NNC failed to uphold the principle of the Nagas, which called for formation of a new organization. Liberation of a people without an organization is a wishful thinking. Therefore, a national assembly was held at Tonu where the National Socialist Council of Nagalim was formed and declared on 30th January 1980 by the national assembly. Where was Mr. Kaka D. Iralu when the nation was placed in the danger of subjugation by the aggressors through the traitorous Shillong Accord? Where was he when NSCN fought against the enemies of all shades in the east and west for decades? Where was he when NSCN leadership lobbied for international support in Europe, USA,

Asia, Australia and Africa? Where was he when NSCN leadership advocated for the cause of the Nagas in the human rights meetings of the UN? Where was he when NSCN and Government of India signed cease-fire agreement in 1997? Where was he when government of India and NSCN signed the historic ‘Framework

Agreement’? Does he know that NNC has been derecognized by the sympathizer countries? Doesn’t he know that NSCN is recognized by the GoI and the world? For your kind information, NSCN is a recognized entity. NSCN is for the Naga people and it will be in years to come. Issued by: MIP

Reader’s Post

Make India an unemployment free nation


I appreciate the efforts of the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi to stopping the black money in the nation in the country. It is a bold decision taken by the Indian Prime Minister. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has ended a major setback of the country which was slowing destroying the nation, and this should also people who accept bribes and other corrupt people in the country. The Prime Minister must now look into making India an Unemployment free nation. there are many unemployed people in the nation, who are in search of employment and due unemployment, many are taking up to criminal activities and due to unemployment have developed suicidal tendencies and are even committing suicides. There is a need to create more employment openings not just for the trained and educated people but also for the uneducated people. Cajetan Peter D’souza, Pantnagar, Mumbai

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.



‘Children’s Day’ celebrated across Nagaland

Withee Bible College celebrates Ahuna festival

kakuto G. Shohe along with others at the festival.

DIMAPUR: Withee Bible College (WBC) Dimapur celebrated Ahuna festival on November 14 with general secretary, central NPF Nagaland, Kakuto G. Shohe as the Ahuna father. Kakuto G. Shohe appreciated the unity, integrity and rich multi culture of Withee Bible College. He pointed out that the unity was visible through

varied cultural performances and encouraged the audience that this unity should take us a very long way in life. He also said that studying theology was not just being in Bible college but about making history, by being faithful to God and faithful to teachers’ with full commitment and hard work.

He expressed that theologians were called by God and deserved respect. He reminded the students that they were the hope of the community and family and prestige of their churches. He asked them to uphold truth and honesty as any mistake done by them would cause great pain to the family and church, he added. The Ahuna festival cel-

ebration began with invocation by pastor Tangkhul Baptist Church, Darogajan, Rev. Judson, while welcome address and introduction was given by founder WBC, Rev. Dr. Vikheshe Chishi. The celebration witnessed traditional attire show followed by Ahuna act of war dance, Ayekuzu le, Konyak folk dance, display of head hunting, Thigha le and display of cooking Ahuna rice. More display of spear kick, Puxa kuxu and bamboo climbing was the attraction of the show. The celebration was moderated by lecturer, Akaholi Yeptho and general secretary, Kheholi Chishi. Vote of thanks was proposed by general secretary, Kheholi Chishi and benediction was pronounced by academic dean Ekonthung.

NPCC/KDCC condole demise of late Medose Richa DIMAPUR: NPCC president, K. Therie led condolences for late Medose Richa, president of 14 Southern Angami ACCC and former village council chairman Jakhama, who died on November 15 at Kohima. In a condolence Therie described late Medose as hardcore Congress supporter, dedicated party worker, sincere in executing the tasks he had been entrusted. It also stated that late Medose

was affable and jolly in nature with a special concern for society and a strong proponent of environment protection and climate change. Therie stated that in his demise, the Congress party had lost a leader with a promising future. Therie on behalf of all rank and file of the Congress party conveyed heartfelt condolences to his children and relatives. It also prayed that Almighty God comfort

and console the family through this dark hour. Similar message of condolence was also conveyed to the family by Kohima District Congress Committee (KDCC) where it stated that the party had lost a strong leader which would be difficult to fill. KDCC further conveyed condolences to the bereaved family and prayed for the departed soul to rest in peace.

NPF 59 AC condoles Correspondent

Justice H. K. Sema condoles

On the occasion of Children’s Day, St. Mary’s Hr. Sec. School, Nyamo Lotha Road, Dimapur, celebrated the Day by organising ‘Fancy Dress Competition’ in its School Auditorium.

DIMAPUR: Justice H. K. Sema in a condolence message has expressed deep sadness at the untimely demise of late justice Chaudhury, sitting judge of Gauhati High Court, the High Court of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh on November 12 at Gauhati. Sema said Chaudhury was a young promising judge dispensing equitable justice with erudite knowledge of law. In his death the nation in general and Gauhati High Court in particular have lost a young promising judge of good repute, he added. On his behalf and family H.K. Sema conveyed heartfelt condolence to the members of the bereaved family and pray that the de- Children of Rajeshwari Karuna School, Tuli during children’s day celebration. Teachers enthralled the students with song, dance, recreation etc. parted soul rest in peace.


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KIPHIRE: The Naga People’s Front (NPF) 59 A/C (Seyochung-Sitimi) has expressed its deepest condolence at the demise of secretary NPF central and former president of erstwhile Tuensang District Students’ Federation ( TDSF), Licho Thonger who passed away on November 13 at Dimapur after prolonged illness. In a condolence message, president NPF 59 AC, S. Tsathrise Sangtam described him as a man of principle who supported Eastern Nagas particularly Sangtams and Kiphire district. President NPF 59 stated that his contribution to the NPF was witnessed by the general public and he would always be remembered for his good deeds. It also stated that late Licho Thonger’s demise has created a vacuum which would be difficult to fill again. While, expressing its condolences to the bereaved family members it also prayed for the departed soul to rest in peace.

NOKLAK: Holy Angels School, Noklak, Tuensang celebrated Children’s day at town hall with Coy Cdr, C Coy, 15 Assam Rifles Maj Ashish Pareek as chief guest. Cultural performances and prizes were distributed to students for excellence in sports and extra-curricular activities. School principal Joseph K V thanked C Coy, 15 Assam Rifles for their support and assistance to the school and also thanked Assam Rifles in general for their extra-ordinary service Academy celebrated Children’s Day by visiting Sinai Education Centre and to the nation and reiterated Hope distributing school bags and stationaries to the children. that “Assam Rifles” are indeed “Friends of the Hill People”. WOKHA: 28 Assam Rif les celebrated children’s day with the children of Government Middle School, Government Primary School and English Baptist Mission School, Elumyo village. The soldiers organised a pipe band display followed by weapons and equipments display and the children were taken around the campus of the unit headquarter.


ended by distribution of cakes & sweets to the children. Mary proposed the vote of thanks. SCS CHESSORE: Sangto Christian school (SCS) Chessore celebrated Children’s Day at Kiussoru village Baptist Church. Altogether 1050 people including parents and students attended the programme. Short message was delivered by CTSU chairman, Lumri Kips motivating and encouraging the children, stating education was the all round development and a key to every success. SCS assistant headmaster K. Z. Akhum briefed on the significance of day with a nutshell biography of PT jawaharlal Nehru and his educational reforms. Programme was chaired by SCS AT Asang, invocation prayer was pronounced KVBC ex pastor, Rev Kumkiuba and special prayer for the children was pronounced by KVBC pastor, Doki Allen and benediction was pronounced by deacon, Yinsoba.

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dents to join the army for a fulfilling career. The staff and the students of Mount Zion School also expressed profound gratitude and appreciation to Major Vikuto Assumi and his team for the kind and generous gesture towards the students of the school. CHAVARA HOME: In Chavara Home altogether 92 children participated in the programme from the neighbourhood, graced by assistant medical superindent, Dr. Belho of district civil hospital Dimapur. Sr. Agie welcomed the chief guest and all the participants to the programme. The children displayed various items to mark the day. Kasheli and friends gave children’s day message. The chief guest in his message advised the children to have aim in life and work hard to reach that aim. He also distributed prizes to the winners of various competitions organized prior to the children’s day celebration. The programme was


Va r i o u s c o m p e t i tions were held among the Anganwadi Children. A panel of judges declared the results and awarded prizes to the winners. In Bible recitation first position went to ICDS project Chiephobozou, second to ICDS project Jakhama and third to ICDS project Tseminyu. In national anthem first position went to Chiephobozou, second to Jakhama and third to Tseminyu. Folk dance first position went to Tseminyu, second to Jakhama and third to Chiephobozou. MZS: Staff and students of Mount Zion School Kushiabill celebrated the day with music, games and distribution of prizes to the winners of the various competitions held during the current academic year. F Company 32 Assam Rifles, led by Major Vikuto Assumi provided sumptuous breakfast to all the staff and the students. He exhorted the students to have determination to achieve one’s aim. He also encouraged the stu-


DIMAPUR: Children’s day was celebrated at Highland Park Kohima on November 14, organised by the department of Social Welfare in which children from the 5 ICDS-Projects under Kohima district actively participated. Director, Social Welfare Merangtsungba Aier stressed upon the significance and importance of children’s day. He conveyed his greetings to the children. A special song was presented by Kevivor Meru and also by the Anganwadi children. Speech was delivered by the special invitee chairperson, NSCW Dr. Temsula Ao. She exhorted the children to be always grateful to God for His blessings. Acknowledging the gifts of God, she urged them to be disciplined, to work hard, and respect the elders and their knowledge. While reminding the parents to take proper care of their children, she urged upon the parents to build up the children who were the future for a better Nagaland.



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# 8974879718/9856124324


Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, nOVEMBER 16, 2016

Apropos the news item, "Rev Joshua Zimik. Pastor, Tangkhul Baptist Church, Diphupar" Should be read as Rev Joshua Zimik, Mission Coordinator. MBC Error is deeply regarded. DP-2176


of Land at just Rs. 7/- per sq. ft. Highway attached to New D.C Office, Peren : Nagaland


For clean drinking water at Kohima @ Rs. 1000 for 2000 liters of water Contact: 8575269215

A-One Driving Corner D.C Court Junction


SWEAT SLIM BELT Flat your tummy with Sweat Slim Belt. No Medicine, no exercise, only use "HOT SHAPER" & get attractive body shape. MRP. Rs. 2999/- offer price only Rs. 1599/- Buy 1 get 1 free. For booking order Dimapur : 8259017318 Kohima : 9862905826 DP-9187

Contact : 8132908305 8257835961



at Dierhezo Market opposite to UBC Kohima. Contact for further details +91 8014115050

Around 30-35 Acres







(Between 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M).


Ph. No : 9402814151

PRINTING MACHINE HELPER for Night Shift Contact : 03862-248267


Rs. 2,10,000 (Nego) In Excellent Condition


Ford Fiesta Diesel ZXI 2009 Oct.

at Kejanglwa Village

CONTACT : 9862908792

Contact : 9402819156 8414071834



Regd-C.V.C/Per No. SHG-13116 1st Prize : 154 2nd Prize : 199 3rd Prize : 212 Consolation Prizes : 226, 033, 038, 254, 237, 218, 161, 022, 135, 082. Winner may claim their prize within 7 days from the date of published, for more information contact No : 9856512234/9856550645.


1 Prize : 1430 2nd Prize : 0001 3rd Prize : 0499 Consolation Prizes : 1789, 1942, 1036, 0473, 0126, 1777, 1699, 0778, 1819, 1417 DP-9219 st


Residential Site Permit belonging to Yanan Konyak, S/o Zannai P/No 26/MON/82 Date 01/09/82. Finder contact : 9862951547



LAND FOR SALE 100 X 75 with RCC Bldg +Brick boundary

Padumpukhuri (Dmp) near Rengma Baptist Church Rs. 38.00 Lakhs (Fixed) Genuine buyer only Contact :7085190769

FOR SALE Land Measuring : 345600 sq. ft.

Near Hokheze Resort, 5 kms from Vihokhu Village Contact : 9436238571


at Model Colony, Purana Bazaar No earth filling required Rs. 230 per sq. ft. (Nego) Contact : 7085169449


Finder contact : 8119072600

at Naga United Village 13 Bighas Dry Land Rs. 150 Sq. Ft. No Broker Contact : 8575231926



Residential Site Permit

belonging to Tinglei Konyak, S/o Yanan

P/No. 59/MON/85 LR-2-20/81.

I, Thochingu T Nyuthe, am applying for duplicate copy of HSSLC Marksheet as I have lost it. Name: Thochingu T Nyuthe F/Name: Tsumatho Nyuthe Roll. No : 1650487 Regd. No : 1450268 School : Govt. Hr. Sec. School Meluri K-4186

Land measuring 6800 Sq. Ft. along with Assam type building (5 Rooms) and separate RCC Kitchen nearby Padumpukhuri Ao Church @ Rs. 30,00,000/(Slightly Negotiable) Genuine Buyers may contact : 8256937092/9862964502

LAND FOR SALE at Seithekema 'A'

85 Bighas Rs. 10 per sq. ft.


Across 1 Grate a little fruit (4) 3 Attempt by Heather to get accommodation for horses (8) 9 Believe a bird (7) 10 Saw how old notice is? (5) 11 Items collected for poor little children (5) 12 This country sounds like one in a hurry (6) 14 Reformed - after kicking over the traces? (6) 16 Boat in which to start off? (6) 19 Scottish children I found in food stores (6) 21 Pot plant (5) 24 A team apart (5) 25 Room containing ancient bag (7) 26 Joy making Sue paler (8) 27 Raise back (4) Down 1 Herb’s girl (8) 2 Set off a sudden involuntary movement (5) 4 Do they pull tall buildings? (6) 5 Pigs or snakes crossing river (5) 6 Language - one with a Latin derivation (7) 7 Some meagre winnings may be increased (4) 8 They secure 150 snakes (6) 13 A famous artist - one making music (8) 15 Cup from church seen by Wonderland girl (7) 17 Financial backers in good spirits (6) 18 A girl who takes the right part (6) 20 Some dancing bobbins (5) 22 A king, held in reverence, is vigilant (5) 23 Find fault with fish (4)


Contact : 7085286145 LAND FOR SALE

24 – 28 Bighas

Rs. 5,00,000/- lakhs per Bigha at Nihoto Village towards Bakala Nadi Opp. Eralibil. Contact : 8413004456 No Brokers


Contact : 8259807152



JOB JOB JOB We are seeking young people with good writing skills Minimum Qualification : Graduate Salary 15,000 per month Location : Nagaland Send resume to :


at Xekiye Village 1 Pura Panikheti Near Khehokhu Village Rate : 5.5 lakhs (Nego) Contact : 8729919173 8014535628 DP-9224

LAND FOR SALE Near Zion Hospital

Purana Bazar (A) Rs. 270 per sq. ft. First Come First Serve No earth filling required (Negotiable) Contact : 8575654464 8415969424/8575662483


No. 1784 Yesterday’s solution No. 1783

# 03862/225088

Initiatives Society Kohima, Richard Belho in his brief address said the aim of the project was to generate self employment. Belho said the project will not end just with the training but would continue with follow up and take the youth forward. Training would be imparted on electronics, hospitality, plumping, electrical and house wiring, sketching and wood carving, tourism guide, packing and labelling, jam and pickle packing, bamboo products, organic farming and food production, breakfast and tiffin making, haircutting, piggery and poultry. The intake capacity of trainees in all the categories is 20 each. Training for sketching and wood carving would be conducted for four days, two days for packaging and labelling, six days for haircutting and two days for piggery and poultry.

LAND FOR SALE 5 Puras at Seithekiema "A" Rs. 30/- Sq. Ft. (Negotiable) No Broker Contact : 8974932144


No. 2957 Yesterday’s solution No. 2956

Colour : S. Silver Model : 2007 Price : 1,75,000

in a hospital canteen. Free Food & Lodging Contact : 9856467575


No. 8337 Yesterday’s solution No. 8336







(W.B. registered) Price 1.5 lakhs Contact no. 9436811259



Alto LXI 2007

2006 model NL- 01 registered Price: 2.3 Lakhs (Slightly negotiable) Contact no: 9774468896/8014951359

Model : 2005 ZXI N. Registration Price : 2.20 Negotiable Contact : 9436004204


Scorpio CRDe




Contact No : 8730078444

Model : 2008, Run : 47,349 km NL Regd., Price - 3 lakhs (Nego) Contact : 9436054582



KOHIMA, NOV 15 (NPN): Department of Youth Resource and Sports in collaboration with Kohima Village Students Union (KVSU) launched skill development programme at Kohima village council hall on Tuesday. The training will be conducted by Zynorique initiative society. The objective of the programme is to make the youths employable and also improve local entrepreneurship. The programme will also aim to create opportunities, space and scope for the development of the talents. The training would provide training, support and guidance for all occupations both traditional and modern. CEO Entrepreneur Associate, Neichute Doulo graced the occasion as chief guest and officially launched the programme. Director Zynorique


Fresher/Experienced for Pmnt. Mgmt Posts Qual. : 10 to Graduate Age : 18 to 26 Income : 5000 - 17500 - 35000 PM Attractive Bonus with Promotions ! Contact with Bio-Data Kohima : 8131911553 Zunheboto : 7421825869 Wokha : 8794879269

Location : Dimapur. Contact : 7005294649



Qual. : 10 to Graduate Age : 18 - 30 Income : 5000 - 17500-35000 PM Free Lodging First come first basis Contact with Bio-Data Dimapur : 9615828074 Tuensang : 8414830135 Mon : 9856445757 Jalukie : 7421953239

Govt. Regd. Co Requires 78 M/F


ISO Cert. Co. Requires 78 M/F for Pmnt Post



Urgent requirement for hair dresser for reputed unisex salon



Model : 2011, Regd. NL Price : 2,70,000 (Nego) Contact : 9774715799

Bolero SLX 2011 NL Van 2012 ML


KVSU launches skill development programme





Britannia Road Master Roller MFG Year 2013 Rs. 8,00,000/Contact : 8413004456


NEW DELHI, Nov 15 (PTI): Gold and jewellery establishments in the national capital remained closed for the 5th day today after the Income Tax Department conducted surveys following reports of alleged profiteering and tax evasion by traders and other operators in reported conversion of demonetised notes. The survey operations were carried out on November 10 in at least four locations in Delhi-NCR region, including Dariba Kalan, Chandni Chowk and Karol Bagh. Most jewellery houses have been closed since November 11 in the national capital. According to the sources, the officials of Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence (DGCEI), an arm under the Finance Ministry, has sent notices to these jewellers seeking details of the gold sales.


Su doku

Overall, the food inflation basket showed moderation with inflation at 4.34 per cent in October, as against 5.75 per cent in September. The inflation print for manufactured articles read at 2.67 per cent in October compared to 2.48 per cent in the previous month.

Jewellers shut shops for 5th day after IT survey



Pulses inflation continued to rule high at 21.80 per cent in October, according to the Commerce Ministry data. Potato, a daily consumable vegetable, witnessed maximum inflationary pressure at 60.58 per cent. Inflation in fruits rose 6.45 per cent during the month.


New Delhi, Nov 15 (PTI): In the second consecutive month of decline, wholesale inflation eased to 3.39 per cent in October as food articles, led by vegetables, witnessed softening of prices. The wholesale price-based inflation, reflecting the annual rate of price rise, in September stood at 3.57 per cent. In October 2015, WPI inflation was (-)3.70 per cent. Wholesale Price Index (WPI) inflation in vegetables witnessed deflationary pressures and was recorded at (-)9.97 per cent in October. Inflation in this category had scaled a high of 28.45 per cent in July. This was aided by inflation data for onion, which was at (-)65.97 per cent.



WPI inflation dips to 3.39% in Oct

range of job grades across various industry sectors. It is designed to provide companies with guidance for their annual salary forecasting for the year ahead. The industries covered include technology, financial services, pharmaceutical and health sciences, chemical, energy and natural resources, media, retail, construction and engineering, transportation and consumer goods. The Willis Towers Watson report shows that with tighter salary increase budgets, organisations very discernibly prioritise their top performers. Similar to trends in the Asia Pacific region, the report indicates that in India, 38% of the budget for salary increases goes to the top performers. Another 34% is shared by above average performers while the remaining 28% of the budget goes to average performers. Sharing his perspective on the findings, Sambhav Rakyan, data services practice leader, Asia Pacific, Willis Towers Watson, said, “The data clearly shows a greater emphasis on rewarding high performers rather than across-the-board increases for all workers. Without such differentiation, companies will face pressure in attracting and retaining talent, especially for in-demand areas.


pro-growth policies would boost inflation and push interest rates higher. The broader markets too remained under pressure, with the BSE small-cap index slumping 4.67 per cent and the mid-cap 3.91 per cent. However, when all the sectors fared poorly, only BSE IT index managed to keep its head up, logging gains of 0.30 per cent. This uptick was fuelled by buying in Wipro, TCS and Infosys, rising by up to 1.27 per cent. Tata Motors was the biggest loser from the Sensex pack on the day -- sinking 9.88 per cent to Rs 457.25 after the company’s standalone net loss widened to Rs 631 crore in the September quarter. Meanwhile, foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) sold shares worth a net Rs 1,493.27 crore last Friday, as per provisional data. Other Asian markets also finished lower as Japan’s Nikkei fell by 0.03 per cent while Shanghai Composite was down 0.11 per cent. European stocks, however, were a shade higher in their early deals as the US dollar stood at an 11-month high. Key indices in the UK, France and Germany rose by up to 0.88 per cent.


The NSE Nifty fell sharply by 187.85 points, or 2.26 per cent, to 8,108.45, its lowest closing since June 27 when it settled at 8,094.70. Intra-day, it cracked below the 8,100-mark to hit a low of 8,093.20. Persistent capital outflows from EMs amid all major Asian currencies declining against the US dollar since Trump’s shock win in the US presidential election on November 8 was another factor behind the big plunge on the domestic bourses. For the second consecutive month of decline, wholesale inflation eased to 3.39 per cent in October, data showed today. Meanwhile, government data released on Friday showed that industrial production grew a meagre 0.7 per cent in September, mainly due to poor show by manufacturing and mining sectors coupled with decline in capital goods output. Both the stock exchanges, BSE and NSE, remained closed yesterday on account of Guru Nanak Jayanti. Malaysia’s ringgit and South Korea’s won lost at least 2.8 percent each. A gauge of the greenback erased its losses this year as US Treasury yields surged on speculation that Trump’s

C H E N NA I , N ov 1 5 (Agencies): Salaries in India are projected to rise 10% in 2017, same as the actual increase in 2016, according to the 2016 Salary Budget Planning (Q3) Report released by leading global advisory, broking and solutions company Willis Towers Watson. When compared to developed and key emerging markets in the region, India’s 2017 projected salary increases are the highest. Indonesia at 9%, Sri Lanka at 8.9%, China at 7% and the Philippines at 6.4% are the other countries that make up the top five in this group. Salaries in developed markets such as the US and the UK are projected to increase in the range of 3%. Salaries were projected to rise 10.8% in 2016, but in reality they rose just 10% the second time below projected increases since 2015. If that pattern continues in 2017, Indian employees could see a single digit salary increase for the first time since 2011. The report also shows that once average inflation for India of 5.7% is taken into account, the projected increase in real terms for 2017 will be 4.3%, down by a fraction from 4.4% in 2016. The report looks at a


Mumbai, Nov 15 (PTI): Markets took another blow today as the Sensex plunged over 514 points to end at nearly 6-month low of 26,305 while the Nifty cracked below 8,200 mark on concerns about outflows amid surging US yields and the dollar gathering more steam. Currency market was hit hard, with the rupee down 57 paise to a fivemonth low of 67.82 against the US currency during the day. Sentiment continued to be weighed down by the government’s move last week to withdraw high-value currency notes and disappointing quarterly earnings by some more blue-chip companies, brokers said. In a surprise move, the government had banned Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes in a bid to curb black money. The Sensex opened lower at 26,809.61 and dropped further before ending down 514.19 points, or 1.92 per cent, at 26,304.63, a level last seen on May 25. It had lost 698.86 points on Friday on worries that US President-elect’s Donald Trump’s impending reforms may spark outflows from emerging markets (EMs).

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, november 16, 2016

India will see 10% salary hike in 2017, survey says


Sensex at 6-mth low; bleeds 514 pts on fund outflows




Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, November 16, 2016

Hundreds of people take arms against Afghan Taliban

Mohammed Morsi death sentence overturned

Mohammed Morsi

Hundreds of villagers have reportedly taken up arms against militants in a remote Afghan province. Kabul, Nov 15 (IANS): “We have been fed up tacks on the southern part Hundreds of Afghan people with the Taliban’s harsh of Saripul provincial capihave taken up arms against interpretation of Islam and tal, the Saripul city early Taliban in the northern their despotic policies,” this morning but fled after Jowzjan province after another pro-government suffering casualties. They the fundamentalist rebel armed commander, Sahib left behind nine dead bodgroup intensified its armed Khan, told Xinhua. ies, including of two key activities in the neighbourHe warned the armed commanders, Gul Hamid ing Saripul and Faryab insurgents to either lay and Mabariz,” an official provinces. down arms or face dire said. “Several hundred peo- consequences of the peoFifteen more militants ple gathered in Faizabad ple’s wrath. have been injured and spodistrict of Jowzjan province Taliban militants in radic fighting between sethis afternoon and vowed their recent onslaught have curity forces and Taliban to support government captured some villages fighters is going on in some forces in the war against in parts of Faizabad and villages on the outskirt Taliban rebels,” Xinhua Ghormach district and of the provincial capital news agency quoted a pro- have set ablaze several the Saripul city, 360 km government armed man as houses, according to lo- north of Kabul, the official saying. cals. added. He said the people Even scores of women He also confirmed have bought arms and am- have taken up arms in parts that six security personnel munition with their own of Jowzjan province to have been killed or injured money to fight Taliban fight the Taliban over the in the fighting. insurgents, and “the rem- past couple of months. Taliban militants, edy to eliminate Taliban T h e a r m e d r e b e l who are active in parts of rebels is mobilising people group in its latest offensive Saripul province, have not against the hardliner group against government inter- commented. and backing government ests launched coordinated Meanwhile, observers forces”. attacks in the southern believe that the Taliban Ta l i b a n m i l i t a n t s part of Jowzjan’s neigh- militants would intensifighting the government to bouring Saripul province fy activities to gain more regain power, according to early Tuesday, triggering ground and consolidate locals, have killed innocent fighting. their grip ahead of snowcivilians, destroyed schools “Taliban militants fall in the mountainous and ruined health clinics. launched coordinated at- country.

PO & Dist. Phek- 797108, Nagaland


The Phek Village Council held its consultative meeting with all the frontal bodies on 14th of November 2016 at Phek Village Community Hall. Whereas, the house resolved to reaffirm its earlier resolution of Phek Village Council dated Phek the 23rd March 2016. Whereas, the council acknowledged the leadership of Shri Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu. Now, therefore, the council resolved to unanimously give its fullest support to the sitting MLA Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu for the forthcoming State Assembly Election. The Village Council further resolved that whoever violates the resolution of the village, the party/person concerned will be held fully responsible should any untoward incidences occur within the village jurisdiction. VEPICHI KEYHO Secy. Phek Village Council

CHIVOZO SOHO Chairman, Phek Village Council


VEKHOPU VENUH President, Phekmi Collegiate Forum

VEKUPA VENUH President, Phek Village Youth Organization


OZO VENUH President, Phek Student Union

VEKHOZOLU SOHO President, Phek Village Mothers Association


CAIRO, NOV 15 (Agencies): Egypt’s highest court of appeal has overturned death sentences against ousted President Mohammed Morsi and five other Muslim Brotherhood leaders. The Court of Cassation ordered that the six men face a retrial in connection with a mass prison break during the 2011 uprising against Hosni Mubarak. Twenty-one life sentences for other Brotherhood members were overturned. Morsi was elected president in 2012 but was removed by the military a year later after protests against his rule. Although he is no longer at risk of execution, Morsi is serving three lengthy prison sentences relating to other convictions. Morsi and more than 100 other people were sentenced to death in May 2015 after being convicted of colluding with foreign militants - from the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas and Lebanon’s Shia Islamist Hezbollah movement - to organise a mass prison break. Morsi was being held at Wadi Natroun prison in January 2011 when armed men overcame the guards, freeing thousands of inmates. He and his co-defendants, including the Brotherhood’s general guide Mohammed Badie, were also found guilty of the murder and kidnapping of guards, damaging and setting fire to prison buildings and looting the prison’s weapons depot.

AFFIDAVIT I, Miss Rütuono Neikha aged about 21 years, D/o Mr. Vizokhol Neikha resident of Chumukedima Ward No-5, Dimapur, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as follows :1. That, I am a bonafide and law abiding citizen of India hailing from Angami (Naga) tribe of Nagaland. 2. That, my actual and correct name is Rütuono Neikha however in all my educational and official documents my name is inadvertently entered/ recorded as Rutuno Neikha. 3. That, the names Rütuono Neikha and Rutuno Neikha are of one and same person i.e. my name. 4. That, henceforth my correct name Rütuono Neikha will be used in all my educational and official documents. 5. That, this affidavit is sworn solely for the purpose of declaring that my actual and correct name is Rütuono Neikha however in all my educational and official documents my name is inadvertently entered/recorded as Rutuno Neikha and further to declare that henceforth my correct name Rütuono Neikha will be used in all my educational and official documents. 6. That, the contents from para 1 to 5 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed therein. Deponent Sworn before me. Regd. No. 1776/16 Dated : 27/9/16 Notary Public DP-9213


The Yondon Youth Association Pangti is extremely honored and takes immense pride in congratulating Mr. Jenithung Shitiri who is a former member and executive, also the advisor to the Y.Y.A.P. presently, for being elected as the Village Council Chairman Pangti. The Association is optimistic and pose a huge confidence in your capability, the exuberant and enthusiastic faculties you inherently possessed. And we believe that you would execute your task more competently and rather fairly without differentiating 'the blacks and the whites'. The Association also would like to thank and congratulate the Goan Buras and the Village Councils for their wisdom and in-depth understanding in choosing a dynamic leader, who is capable of taking the village towards the glorious horizon. It is the fervent prayer of the Association that the Almighty grant you all a good life and brighter wisdom to lead and take the Pangtians ahead in all fronts with ever forward march. Gen. Secy.,Y.Y.A.P President, Y.Y.A.P Rendemo Ngullie Mhonjan Ngullie





Michelle Obama ‘ape in heels’ post causes outrage

New York, NOV 15 (Agencies): A racist Facebook post about Michelle Obama has caused a major controversy involving a town mayor in the US state of West Virginia. Pamela Ramsey Taylor, who runs a local nonprofit group in Clay County, referred to the first lady as an “ape”. “It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified first lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a Ape in heels,” she said. Local mayor Beverly Whaling responded with “just made my day Pam”. Ms Whaling is mayor of the town of Clay, which has a population of just 491. It has no African American residents, according to the 2010 census. In Clay County as a whole, more than 98% of its 9,000 residents are white. Despite the small population in the region, the controversial Facebook post spread across United States

and international media outlets. A petition calling for both women to be sacked has collected more than 85,000 signatures. The Washington Post and New York Daily News reported that Ms Taylor was removed from her position on Monday. She told local news outlet WSAZ, which first carried the story, that she acknowledged her Facebook post could be “interpreted as racist, but in no way was intended to be”, and that she was expressing a personal opinion on attractiveness, not the colour of a person’s skin. She told the news station she was considering legal action for slander against unnamed individuals. The Clay County Development group, of which Ms Taylor is the director, is partly funded through state and federal grants, and the group provides services to elderly and low-income residents.

Michelle Obama

In a statement given to the Washington Post, Mayor Whaling said: “My comment was not intended to be racist at all” and apologised for the comment “getting out of hand.” “I was referring to my day being made for change in the White House! I am truly sorry for any hard feeling this may have caused! Those who know me know that I’m not of any way racist!” she said. Owens Brown, director of the National Association for the Advancement of Col-

ored People West Virginia chapter, said it was “unfortunate that people still have these racist undertones”. “Unfortunately, this is a reality that we are dealing with in America today. There’s no place for these types of attitudes in our state.” West Virginia Democratic Party Chairwoman Belinda Biafore issued an apology to Michelle Obama “on behalf of my fellow Mountaineers”, referring to a nickname for inhabitants of the state.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Organizers of Miss Sumi 2016 would like to express deepest gratitude to the following persons and organizations for their generous contributions in cash and kind thereby enabling successful conduct of the beauty pageant. Owing to the overwhelming number of contributions from various areas, it has become difficult to personally thank you all. However, all your generous contributions have been properly taken note of and we pray to the Almighty to continue showering abundant blessings upon all of you. 1. 2.

Chief Guest, Ino. Inoli Vikheho Y. Swu, Hon’ble Minister, Roads & Bridges Ino. Inoli Moses Yepthomi, Prop. Acacia Hotel Dimapur for sponsoring accommodation.

Title Sponsors 1. Ino. Inoli Caleb P. Shohe 2. Ino. Inoli Khehovi Achumi, DPO, DRDA, Zbto 3. Ino. Inoli Ghovishe Kiba, Class 1 Contractor

Rs 1 Lakh Miss Sumi 2016 Rs. 75,000/- 1st Runners Up Rs. 50,000/- 2nd Runners Up

Gift Hampers 1. Miss Sumi 2016 Shri Anil, Digital Electronics, Dimapur Inoli Khegholi, Ismeet Enterprise, Dimapur 2. 1st Runners Up 3. 2nd Runners Up Shri Sanjay Sethi, World of Titan, Dimapur 4. Nagaland Online Skin Care, Dimapur for other Gift Hampers. Sub-titles 1. Miss Perfect Ten 2. Best Traditional Attire 3. Best Ramp Walk 4. Miss Fluent Sumi 5. Best Etiquette 6. Miss Flawless Skin 7. Miss Congeniality 8. Miss Beautiful Skin 9. Miss Radiant Hair 10. Miss Photogenic

Ino. Inoli Kheto Kinimi, Ex-Minister Ino. Inoli Tokuho Neho Suhoi, GB Suhoi Ino. Inoli Lukheto Sumi, Dy. Secy, Finance, Kohima Ino. Inoli Kakheho Yeptho, Fin. Secy, WSH Ino. Inoli Andrew Ahoto, Admin. LFHSS, Thahekhu Ino. Inoli Toniho Zhimomi Ino. Inoli Akato Zhimo, Class 1 Contractor Ino. Inoli Hokito Jakhalu, Kohima Ino. Inoli P. Yekhevi Zhimomi, Shokhuvi Ino. Inoli Robin Zhimomi, Kiyeto

Donors 1. Ino. Inoli Kuhoyi Zhimomi, CEO Khadi, Chumukedima 2. Ino. Inoli Khekaho Aye, Sr. Accounts Officer, F&CS 3. Ino. Inoli Tohoshe Awomi PS to Minister, PHED, Purana Bazaar 4. Dr. Major Mughavi Sema 5. Ino. Inoli Ghushito Zhimomi, Class 1 Contractor, Chumukedima 6. Er. & Inoli Tsashika Wotsa, Addl CE Kohima 7. Ino. Inoli H. Atokhe Aye, Thahekhu, CEO, DMC 8. Ino. Inoli Niholu Aye, Thahekhu 9. Ino. Inoli Tohuka Sumi, Prop. Hyundai, Purana Bazaar 10. Ino. Inoli Ikato Swu, Dimapur 11. Er. & Inoli Hukato Assumi, EE Industries & Commerce, Chekiye 12. Ino. Inoli Jekheto Zhimomi, Retd Director 13. Ino. Inoli Kahuto Zhimomi, SE PWD Kohima 14. Ino. Inoli Hukheto L. Chophy, GB Lhomithi 15. Er. Inoli Atovi Kiba, Addl CE NST 16. Ino. Inoli Ato Yepthomi, Prop. Breeze Restaurant 17. Ino Inoli Ihoto Shohe, Class 1 Contractor, Mishikito 18. Er. & Inoli Atoho Achumi, EE Electrical, Zbto 19. Ino. Inoli Yekhuvi Achumi, Thahekhu 20. Ino. Inoli Choudhary, Businessman, Dimapur 21. Er. & Inoli N. Ghokuto Assumi, Retd SE Dimapur 22. Ino. Inoli Khekuto Khulu, IAS Retd Addl Chief Secy, Purana Bazaar 23. Ino. Inoli Zheito Chophy, Ex-President SKK 24. Ino. Inoli Israel Xuivi, Dy. SP, DEF, Kohima 25. Er. & Inoli Khetovi Assumi, Dimapur 26. Dr. & Inoli Kheshito Zhimomi, MS Zbto 27. Ino. Inoli Vikaho GB Zbto 28. Ino Huskha Yeptho, Former President, SH 29. Ino. Inoli Vihuto Asumi, G/Secy SH Hosting Lunch & Dinner 1. Inoli Amitoli Tovihoto Aye 2. Inoli Tozheli Hovuto Shikhu 3. Inoli Kiholi 4. Inoli Bokali Akuto Wotsa 5. Inoli Akitoli Debu Roy 6. Ilina Jacob Zhimomi, Thilixu 7. Inoli Kughali Hokivi Chishi 8. Avino Kasheto Yepthomi

Amount Rs. 50,000/Rs. 50,000/Rs. 50,000/Rs. 25,000/Rs. 25,000/Rs. 25,000/Rs. 20,000/Rs. 20,000/Rs. 20,000/Rs. 20,000/Rs. 20,000/Rs. 20,000/Rs. 10,000/Rs. 10,000/Rs. 10,000/Rs. 10,000/Rs. 10,000/Rs. 10,000/Rs. 10,000/Rs. 10,000/Rs. 10,000/Rs. 10,000/Rs. 10,000/Rs. 5,000/Rs. 5,000/Rs. 5,000/Rs. 5,000/Rs. 5,000/Rs. 5,000/-

(3rd Nov 2016) (4th Nov 2016) (4th Nov 2016) (5th Nov 2016) (5th Nov 2016) (5th Nov 2016) (6th Nov 2016) (7th Nov 2016)

Contribution Towards Catering Committee 1. Inoli Zhetoli Toniho Achumi 2. Inoli Nisheli Jonathan Yeptho 3. Western Sumi Hoho 4. Inoli Vishili Atomi Swu 5. Inoli Kheholi Hokishe Assumi 6. Ino. Inoli Vihuto Yeptho, President WSKH 7. Ino. Inoli Azheto Zhimomi Ex-MLA 8. Ino. Inoli Mughato Aye, State Coach 9. Thoshili Vihuto Awomi (Material contribution)

Rs. 50,000/Rs. 30,000/Rs. 30,000/Rs. 30,000/Rs. 20,000/Rs. 20,000/Rs. 25,000/Rs. 5,000/-

Contribution Towards Advertisement 1. H. Atokhe Aye, CEO, DMC 2. Thungbemo Patton, EAC, Chumukedima 3. Khetoshe (George) Aye, Prop. City Cable 4. Media Partners: Nagaland Post and The Morung Express The Organizers also thank all units/areas under WSTH, Niuland STH and Councils for the reception at Niuland Town. Special thanks go to Kuhoi Zhimo and Andrew Ahoto from Transport Committee for arranging transportation throughout the event. Our gratitude goes to Ino Hozheto GB Zuheshe for allowing the contestants and Organizing Committee to visit his farm. We thank Ino Isawoto Zhimo GB Nikhekhu for guiding the visit to Niuland. We also thank the speakers, resource persons and leaders for conducting counselling sessions. Last but not the least, the Organizers thank the Host and Hostess and all the volunteers for the success of the event.



Kitoli Naje President Sumi Totimi Hoho

Vihuli S. Zhimomi President Western Sumi Totimi Hoho



Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, November 16, 2016

CM releases multi-lingual Jackie Chan ‘finally’ wins his first Oscar music video on peace W N

agaland chief minister, T.R. Zeliang Tuesday released a multi-lingual music video on peace titled ‘As One’ produced and managed by Voice of Nagaland (VON), at his residential office in Kohima. The video was released in the presence of VON members led by its managing director Zangzang Zeliang. The music video, a first of its kind, has renowned singers from almost all the tribes of the state, singing in their own respective dialects. The objective of the video was to project a united Nagaland which is also home to numerous communities from mainland India, a member of the VON said. The video also features chief minister T.R. Zeliang and Nagaland Governor P.B. Acharya with various

Nagaland CM T.R. Zeliang, releasing the multilingual music video at his residential office on Tuesday. VON MD Zangzang Zeliang (R). (NP) groups. The video also portrayed a message of unity and peace through music and traditional costumes which were worn by the scores of singers present in the video. A press release from the CMO stated that Ze-

liang expressed his satisfaction over the project undertaken by the team to create such harmonious message to the people through collective, beautiful and colourful voices of talented Naga people showing their united voice in a cho-

rus for love of peace. Zeliang said VON has aimed to bridge the communal disparities among the people of Nagaland and in that effort the CM and the Governor had also showed support by being part of the project. The project is aimed to promote and circulate through ever y possible means to reach out to mass disseminating the message of peace, the press note said. The team thanked the chief minister for his support and assured to further propagate the message of peace through their God given talents. VON said the video would be a reminder that all was not lost and there still was a chance for peace in our land. VON team of advisors included Asigwale Zeliang, Sandeep and KK Paul. (Aneila Seyie Keretsü)

hen Jackie Chan saw an Oscar at Sylvester Stallone’s house 23 years ago, he said that was the moment he decided he wanted one. On Saturday at the annual Governors Awards, the Chinese actor and martial arts star finally received his little gold statuette, an honorary Oscar for his decades of work in film. “After 56 years in the film industry, making more than 200 films, after so many bones, finally,” Chan, 62, quipped at the star-studded gala dinner while holding his Oscar. The actor recalled watching the ceremony with his parents and his father always asking him why he didn’t have Hollywood’s top accolade despite having made so many movies. He praised his hometown Hong Kong for making him “proud to be Chinese,” and thanked his fans, saying they were the reason “I continue to make movies, jumping through windows, kick-

ing and punching, breaking my bones.” The actor was introduced by his ‘Rush Hour’ co-star Chris Tucker, actress Michelle Yeoh and Tom Hanks, who referred to him as “Jackie ‘Chantastic’ Chan.” Hanks said it was especially gratifying to be able to acknowledge Chan’s work because martial arts and

action comedy films were two genres often overlooked during awards season. The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, hosts of the annual ceremony, also bestowed honorary Oscars on British film editor Anne V. Coates, casting director Lynn Stalmaster and prolific documentarian Frederick Wiseman.

Nominees of the 8th Music Awards of Nagaland 2016


his year has seen an unprecedented number of entries to the Music Awards of Nagaland. Out of more than 50 entries received, the following 41 entries have been nominated in various genres for the 8th edition of the Awards: GOSPEL Dahil Pfithu “Give me love” recorded at Clef Ensemble Kezia Semy “Walk in”, DKs Entertainment Studio Muno Shiu “Rise and walk”, Jam Studio 11 Samuel Thabah “Its only love”, Aseu Chadi (Home Studio) Saronthung Kikon “Blessing to everyone” Aseu Chadi (Home Studio) Powerfaith “John 3:16”, Element Indie Records

Total cash prize of Rs. 60,000 Calling all interested gospel bands of Nagaland to come and participate


GOSPEL (Local dialects) Ato Nienu “Jihovah medo” recorded at Aseu Chadi (Home Studio) Mayangtsa (Lolenmayang) “Tongpangji akoktsu”, Wave Recordings Mkg Temsümongba Ozüküm “Pa aitdakjang”, Sound Wave Studio The chord “Harie!”, Tutu Studio, Dmr


ROCK (SOFT/ ALTERNATIVE) Green Apple “Worth special” recorded at Clef Ensemble Made in July “Got a bad feeling”, Element Indie Records Technicolors “Like a fool”, Clef Ensemble The Shuffles “Trust”, Dezo’s Home Production, Kma Tiawati “Sometimes”, Tribes Music & Media Lab Virie and Zaza “Down that road”, Jam Studio 11 Virie and Zaza feat. Nourhe “5 minutes from now”, The Recurrent Mayangtsa Mayangtsa Powerfaith

ROCK (METAL/ HEAVY) “Ku meimla”, Wave Recordings Mkg “Nukmerem”, Wave Recordings Mkg “Release”, Jam Studio 11

POP (SOLO) Along Jamir “There for you” recorded at Imdong Ajem Studio Ato Nienu “I miss you”, Aseu Chadi (Home Studio) Kubanglung Pamei “Spotlight”, Element Indie Records Muno Shiu “Like the stars”, Black and White Studio Ruokuo “Will never see you again”, Home Studio Senti Longchar (DK) “Just for you”, Clef Ensemble Virie “My summer”, Jam Studio 11 POP (HINDI & LOCAL DIALECTS) Hentick Konyak “Teri yaadein”, recorded at Music Bakery Joseph Konyak “Kaisa Nasha”, Music Bakery Studio Mayangtsa “Tesayur”, Wave Recordings Mkg POP (DUO OR GROUP) Made in July “Got a bad feeling” recorded at Element Indie Records Manacle free “Not enough”, Clef Ensemble The Gluttones “Superhero”, Jam Studio 11 90s charisma “Start all over”, Clef Ensemble Buhiu B. Lam feat Choir & Rongtiben Lkr “Love for our world” Tribes Music & Media Lab Lee Mekhe The Spotlight feat. Liko Phom Kennedy Chiru

HIP HOP/ RAP “Lights” recorded at Element Indie Records “Archer queen”, Tribes Music & Media Lab “You’re my everything”, DKs Entertainment Home Studio

INSTRUMENTAL/ EDM Toshimoa Jamir “Getting into it” recorded at Jam Studio 11 Mayangtsa “Floating elsewhere”, Wave Recordings Mkg Whoops! Here we are “Love biscuit”, Home Studio Awards will be presented to the best song in each category as decided by the panel of judges. However, the ‘Song of the Year’ Award will be decided through likes and shares on the MAN Facebook Page and views on the MAN Youtube Channel. Further, awards will also be given away in technical categories such as Best Music Video, Best Songwriter, Best Video Director, Best Sound Engineer, Best Producer in addition to the Trailblazer and Patron awards. Dates and timings for telecasts will be announced soon. The video compiling and editing is being done by Cinescope, DImapur and the songs will soon be available for viewing and download on the Music Awards of Nagaland Youtube channel and Facebook page. K



DC-2540 K



Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, november 16, 2016

SA thrash Australia in 2nd Test AIFF asks clubs to nominate

footballers for U-17 WC trials New Delhi, Nov 15 (IANS): The All India Football Federation (AIFF) on Tuesday announced the organisation of three scouting camps under its director Abhishek Yadav in its quest to unearth talent ahead of the U-17 football World Cup, to be hosted by India next year. The AIFF has asked all the 55 clubs playing in the ongoing U-16 Youth League to nominate three players for camps where they would be further scrutinised for the present U-17 National Team. Yadav, also the Chief Operating Officer of the U-17 World Cup,

brought Australia’s downfall, as the last eight Aussie wickets fell within a span of just 32 runs. The two sides will now head to Adelaide for the third Test to be played from November 24 to 28. Having lost five matches on the trot now, Smith hailed the African bowlers and conceded that his side needs to work on their weak areas before the third game. “Credit to South Africa, the way they bowled was magnificent. Stick with us, we are working hard, and we will have to be a little bit more resilient. South Africa hit good areas and I don’t think I scored for the first 11 overs in the day. They challenged our defences,” captain Smith said at the post-match presser. “We have been outplayed in the first two Tests, we have lost the last five Test matches. We will have to play better cricket in Adelaide.” “We will have to find ways to get this Australian

team over the line. This series is gone now. We’re going to work hard and play a lot better cricket in Adelaide,” he added. Visiting skipper Faf du Plessis said he was proud of his team’s performance and are eyeing to complete a 3-0 whitewash of the Kangaroos in their own den. “Sure, it’s a special performance. Yesterday we were exceptional, we made sure we were relentless. I am so happy for Abbott, he sits out most of the time with the great bowlers we have. I am chuffed he got a six-for and won a massive game of cricket for us,” he said. “Australia is one of the toughest places to come and win. I am just proud of the way the team is moving forward. We are looking to go for places that may have seemed unlikely.” Brief Scores: Australia 85, 161 (David Warner 45, Usman Khawaja 64, Kyle Abbot 6/77, Kasago Rabada 4/34) vs South Africa 326.

ing scouting programme. “We have already seen a jump in the numbers in participating teams this season. It rightly indicates the positivity amongst the clubs and academies towards grassroots development. Now this scouting programme will further aid our U-17 World Cup campaign,” he said. Yadav said they will have a rigorous camp to unearth the best available talent. “After having a look at the players we will zero down on the possible talent and if a particular player fits in, it will be a bonus.”

2nd Death Anniversary

South African teammates celebrate with South Africa’s Kagiso Rabada, second right, after took the wicket of Australia’s Callum Ferguson during their cricket test match in Hobart, Australia, Tuesday. (AP/PTI)

Hobart, Nov 15 (IANS): Inspired by a disciplined bowling effort, South Africa thrashed Australia by an innings and 80 runs to take an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-Test cricket series at the Bellerive Oval here on Tuesday. Proteas pacer Kyle Abbot scalped six wickets in the hosts’ second essay as batting nightmares continued to haunt Australia, who were skittled out for a meagre 161. Abbot was well supported by youngster Kagiso Rabada, who chipped in with four wickets as only three of the home batsmen -David Warner (45), Usman Khawaja (64) and skipper Steve Smith (31) -- managed to reach the double figures. Resuming the day at 121/2, Khawaja’s 121-ball resistance ended in the morning session when Abbot forced him to play an edge behind, which stumper Quinton de Kock grabbed with ease. Khawaja’s dismissal

believes these three scouting programmes will help to find more talent who might eventually represent India. “It gives us an opportunity to see the three best Players of respective Teams playing in the League,” he said, as per www.the-aiff. com. “With the advent of the U-15 Youth League, we tapped on to more talents last year. Now this scouting programme will definitely churn out more talents ahead of the World Cup, which is less than 12 months away from now.” he said. I-League CEO Sunando Dhar also sounded optimistic about the forthcom-

11 MGHOS Church felicitates Kerala Police football team

D i m a p u r , N ov 1 5 (NPN): MGOS Church felicitated Kerala Police football team at the Church on November 13 in a public meeting. During the meeting, chief celebrant H.G. Mathews Mar Theodosius highlighted their achievements. He also felicitated Footballer I.M.Vijayan (Ar juna award winner

and former Indian football team player) and C.V.Pappachan. Fr.P.s.Varghese, Vicar welcomed the team, while chief celebrant for the feast His Grace Mathews Mar Theodosius (Arch Bishop of Idukki, Kerala) expressed special gratitude for their visit to the Church in connection with the feast of Saint Gregorios of Parumala.



1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY of our beloved

Lt. Ketosel Tetso (Asebo)

Loving, Wife, children & family


FIRST DEATH ANNIVERSARY Late Mr. S. Meren Pongen Asangma

Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life.


Asebo.... It has been a year since you left us for your heavenly abode, but our mind still talks to you, our hearts still looks for you. We will always remember you and the sweet memories we shared together in silent tears. We miss you a lot...

1st Thessalonians 4:16 DP-9217

Dear Meren, Stars are uncountable but you are the 'POLE STAR'. Your good deeds had been a source of inspiration, strength, comfort and blessing to us. Your presence we miss, your memories we treasure, loving you always, forgetting you never. Loving wife, parents, sisters & relatives

16th Nov. 2015

Family members & relatives




OF OUR BELOVED DAUGHTER LT. PITOLI. I. ZHIMOMI (08.01.2013 – 09.10.2016)


Born -11-08-1962 – Died -10-11-2016

We the bereaved family members express our heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation to all those who stood by us at the sudden demise of my beloved husband Lt. Kasheto Khulu, son of Late Yenito Khulu, of Naghuto Old village, who expired on 10/11/2016. May the good Lord bless every individual, churches, unions, well wishers, Police Wireless Department Zunheboto. We deeply regret our inability to thank each and everyone of you by word and names. DP-9218


Loving wife, son, daughters and relatives.





Two years ago, on this very day, the 16th Nov. 2014, you left us for your heavenly abode. It is not easy to accept your absence and we miss you so much every single day in silent tears. The words - advices that you instilled in us influenced and made us determined to be strong and brave today. Mom, you'll always be in our hearts as our guiding soul. DP-9194 K Y M C

Loving husband & children

The Lord sent us a miracle the day she was born, our precious Apipi was truly a gift from God, so perfect and so very special and life had so much more meaning to us. Apipi spent her three years and ten months, on this earth bringing smile and being loved by each and everyone who came across her. She had to fight to make through each day but with her beautiful smile and adorable eye, we could never know just how hard she was fighting and pushing to get stronger. The Lord always knows the best for us, we have been praying for a healing for our sweet angel and our Lord God truly healed her and took her home, where there is no tears, no illness and no pain, rest sweetly in His arms our precious angel, we miss you dearly. We the parents of Lt. Pitoli. I. Zhimomi, wish to thank all the well wishers, who stood by us during her prolonged illness and at the demise. Your sympathy and kind act will be remembered with great affection and gratitude. God bless you all. With love. Mom, dad and bro (Angukabo) DP-9227

We the bereaved family and relatives of Late Rev. Homithi Zhimo would like to express our profound and heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual, families, friends, neighbours, churches, organizations and well wishers who stood and supported us physically, financially, materially and with ceasing prayer at the sudden demise of our beloved on 07/11/2016. We regret our inability to mention each and every individual but pray that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Your good deeds and love shown to us will be cherished and remembered now and always. DP-9210

Loving wife, children and relatives



Chennaiyin FC halt ISL losing run

Players of chennaiyin FC and FC Pune city fight for the ball during their match on Tuesday.

C h e nna i , N ov 1 5 (Agencies): Chennaiyin bounced back from a five-match winless run with a comfortable 2-0 win against an uninspired FC Pune City side at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in

Chennai, and jump to the fifth spot in the Indian Super League table, trailing behind Atletico de Kolkata only on goal difference. Close to the half-time whistle, Jeje Lalpekhlua scored his third goal of the

campaign, finishing off a superb team effort with a header. Five minutes on the other side of the break, Davide Succi doubled his side’s lead, also from a header, getting on the end of a first-rate cross from Raphael Augusto. The home side took control of possession as Pune decided to play the waiting game and possibly use Eugeneson Lyngdoh’s pace on the flanks. The plan backfired spectacularly as Chennaiyin grew in confidence with the ball at their feet. Pune, however, did well to keep Jeje and Co. at bay for much of the first half. It was an excellent team display of one-touch passing that put the defending champions in the lead: Jerry Lalrinzuala crossed from the left, Hans Mulder from the edge of the box volleyed across the face of goal, and a backpedaling Succi lobbed it in the path of Jeje who

headed the ball home. After the half-time whistle, there was a sign of a Pune fightback as Jonathan Lucca’s deflected shot had Chennaiyin keeper Karanjit Singh scrambling to push the ball away from goal. Two minutes later, Chennaiyin doubled their lead with a quality counter-attack. The everimpressive Augusto cut in from the right to curl the ball to Succi at the far post who gladly buried it past Edel Bete. Chennaiyin cleverly slowed the tempo of the game down in the middle of the park, just when Pune were starting their transitions. There were very few attempts on goal at both ends as a jaded Pune attack hardly made the Chennaiyin defence sweat; Bernard Mendy and his backline had an excellent day. Pune slipped to sixth in the table.

33rd KGSA annual meet concludes

Kuhuboto Ghakhu Sports Association football champions Luzheto team with the trophy.

defender while Homka of Luzheto team bagged the best keeper award. Players who scored hat-tricks were Anato of Ghokito team, Abel of Luzheto team and Inito of Tokugha tea. In men’s volleyball, Hoito team emerged as the champion, while Khehokhu team and Kughato team bagged the 1st runners-up and 2nd runnersup. In women’s volleyball, Ahozhe team took the championship while Hoito team and Ghokito team bagged the 1st runners-up and 2nd runners-up. Atovi of Khehokhu team and Vinikali of Hoito team were adjudged the best player in men’s and women’s category respectively. In badminton,

Naga players excel in tennis

Pukhato team won the men’s championship title and Showuba Old (C) bagged the runners-up. Showuba Old and Pukhato team emerged as the women’s badminton winner and runners-up respectively. Meanwhile, the association has thanked the donors, namely; Kuhuboto Ghaku Kukami Kukhakulu, Lhosheli Neho Memorial Trophy and Xekiye Memorial Trophy. The association also thanked Khezheto Rochill of Lotovi village; L Honito Swu, head GB Lotovi village; Mughahito Zhimo, class I contractor; Alex Yeptho of Lozheto village; Mughato Aye, state coach and Kuhuboto Adhoc Town Committee for the financial assistance.

KL Rahul in India squad for 2nd Test New Delhi, Nov 15 (PTI): Fit-again opener K L Rahul was today added to India’s squad for the second cricket Test against England starting November 17 in Visakhapatnam. “The All India Senior Selection Committee has decided to add India batsman KL Rahul to the Indian squad ahead of the second Test of the Paytm Test Series - 2016 between India and England to be played at Vizag from November 17, 2016,� BCCI Secretary Ajay Shirke said in a statement. The BCCI said Rahul has fully recovered from his right hamstring injury and would be joining the squad today. Rahul is currently playing in the Ranji Trophy for Karnataka and scored 76 off 85 balls and 106 off 132 balls against Rajasthan in an ongoing match. Rahul’s addition to the squad is a clear indication that veteran Gautam Gambhir will have to sit out after a poor Test match in Rajkot, where he scored 29 and 0.

Kohima volleyball tournament from Nov 17

Kohima, Nov 15 (NPN): The 4th Kohima district volleyball tournament, men’s and women’s will be held on November 17 and 18 at the hockey ground, IG Stadium. KDVA has informed that there will be mass social work on November 16 at the hockey ground, IG Stadium starting at 9 am. All the KDVA members and all committee members have been requested to attend the social work. The association

D i m a p u r , N ov 1 5 (NPN): The 33rd annual meet of Kuhuboto Ghakhu Sports Association (KGSA) concluded on November 12 at Khughovi village, Kuhuboto. K.Hokishe Assumi, managing director, Nagaland Handloom Handicraft Development Corporation, Dimapur graced the closing function as the guest of honour. Luzheto team emerged as the champions in men’s football. Tokugha team and Ahozhe team bagged the 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up respectively. Inito of Tokugha team was adjudged as the best player of the tournament. He was also the highest scorer with 7 goals. Vinato of Tokugha team was awarded the best

Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, november 16, 2016


Cycling expedition team flagged-off D i m a p u r , N ov 1 5 (NPN): To commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of 1 Air Formation Signal Regiment, a cycling expedition team was flagged off by AOC-in-C, Western Air Command, Air Marshal SB Deo PVSM, AVSM, VM, VSM & ADC from Western Air Command Headquarters on November 15. The expedition is aimed at inculcating the spirit of adventure amongst all ranks and to spread awareness on the advantages of cycling on health and in reducing pollution. The team consisting of one Officer, two JCOs and nine other ranks (OR) will traverse approximately 1100 km by road. The expedition is led by Capt. Sandeep Chauhan.

has also informed all team managers and coaches to report at the venue at 2:00 pm and get more details of the tournament. The season ticket, player card and car passes which were issued earlier stand valid for the tournament. The opening ceremony will be graced by Rovilatuo Mor, DC Kohima as the chief guest on November 17. All the participating teams have been requested to attend the inaugural program.

Kuki United FC thrash Young Creepers

Players of Chedema FC (white) and Street Hawk’s FC tussle for the ball during their match on Tuesday. (NP)


Kohima, Nov 15 (NPN): Kuki United FC, Yhome FC, Renegades FC and Street Hawk’s FC registered wins on Tuesday matches in the ongoing 22nd Classic Cup played at Kohima local ground. Kuki United FC thrashed Young Creepers by 6-0 in the first match. Elminhao (7) opened the account for Kuki United FC in 12th minute. Seiginmang (15) scored 2nd, 3rd and 4th goal in 15th, 19th and 22nd minutes respectively and completed hat-trick. After the breather, Kuki United FC continued the attack. And within no time, the fifth goal came for KUFC in the 33rd minute through the boots of Khaigin (15). With no openings to score a face saving goal, the hapless Young Creepers had to resort to a defensive game. Despite their defen-

sive strategy, Kuki United FC with their skills managed to score one more goal to make it 6-0. The sixth goal was scored by Lamminlen in the 47th minute. Thangminlal was booked for unsporting behavior during the match. In second match, Yhome FC edged past Chiiziema FC by a lone goal. The only goal of the match was scored by Vilhoubeituo Yhom (15) in the 13th minute. A desperate ChĂźziema FC gave all their efforts to equalize the goal; however, a strong defence thwarted all attempts. Roko Neinu (12) of Yhome FC was shown yellow card for foul play. In third match, Renegades FC defeated GariCiko Gariphema by 1-0. The solitary and winning goal netted from the boot of Aneilie Kire (92) came in the 30th minute of the match. The energetic players of Gari-Ciko Gariphema failed

to net the equalizer till the final whistle. Zakiebeituo (8) of Gari-Ciko Gariphema and Joseph (10), Aneilie Kire (92) and Viketoukho (3) from Renegades FC were shown yellow card. In the last match of the day, Street Hawk’s FC downed Chedema FC by 1-0. Despite several attempts, both teams failed to break the dead-lock in the first half of the match. After the lemon break, Mhasivotuo (7) of Street Hawk’s FC netted the much awaited and winning goal in 60th minute. Neikedozo (9) and Vikuotulie (7) of Chedema FC and Gobin (14) of Street Hawk’s FC were cautioned for unsporting behavior. Today’s matches Pre-quarters 1st match: 1:00 pm Barak FC Vs Lerie Youth FC 2nd match: 2:30 pm Tyrants FC Vs Addax FC


Assam Police book last quarter finals berth D i m a p u r , N ov 1 5 ( N P N ) : A s s a m Po l i c e clinched the last remaining quarter finals berth on the ultimate day of league rounds in the 65th BN Mullik All India Police Football Championship 2016. The north eastern team in Group G defeated Maharashtra Police by a score of 2-1 in an exciting do-or-die match for the two teams. They will meet Assam Rifles in the knock out stage which will be played on Wednesday. In the other matches today, Lakshadweep Police defeated CISF 2-0 in Group A. ITBP blanked Andhra Pradesh Police 3-0 in the last Group B encounter while

Players of Assam and Maharashtra during their match on Tuesday.

Sikkim Police outplayed Chandigarh Police by a similar margin in Group C. Arunachal Police and RPF played out a 1-1 draw in Group D. Tripura Police also drew 3-3 with Chhattisgarh Police in Group E. Bihar Police dominated

over Gujarat Police with a 5-1 win in Group F while Delhi Police and Meghalaya Police played out a goalless draw in Group H. Today’s matches Quarter Final Punjab Vs CRPF (8:00 AM at 1st NAP Ground)

BSF Vs Jammu & Kashmir (8:00 AM at NAPTC Stadium) Assam Rifles Vs Assam (2:00 PM at 1st NAP Ground) Mizoram Vs Meghalaya (2:00 PM at NAPTC Stadium)



1DWLRQDO 7DOHQW ² 6HDUFK 1XUWXUH 1761 ),1$/ &$// )25 6&+22/ 7($0 (175,(6 Keneisezotuo Whuorie receiving the Indo-Bhutan Tennis Friendship trophy.

Dimapur, Nov 15 (NPN): Keneisezotuo Whuorie won both singles and doubles titles at the Indo-Bhutan Tennis Friendship tournament held at Thimpu from November 6 to 13. He defeated Neeraj Choudhary 6-4, 6-3 in the finals and partnered with Pinak Chou to win the doubles 6-3, 6-2. In a different tournament, Vilasier Khate, Metba Phom and Lenien Jamir clean sweeped the 4th Northeast Open held

at Imphal, Manipur from November 9-13. Vilasier won his hat-trick in the tournament to defend his title for the 3rd time in the singles category beating Lalmachuana from Mizoram 6-1, 6-2. He partnered with Metba Phom to win the doubles 6-1, 7-6 to defeat Manipur top seeds Brojen and Lelenjeet Singh. Lenien Jamir completed the sweep by clinching the Ladies singles title 6-3, 6-2.

SGSA meeting on November 16 Dimapur, Nov 15 (NPN): Sumi Games and Sports Association (SGSA) has convened a meeting on November 16, 10:30 am at the banker’s residence at Diphupar. Therefore, all the officer bearers have been requested to attend the meeting without fail.




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