November 17, 2016

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Nagaland Post

Vol XXVI No. 341

DIMAPUR, thursday, november 17, 2016

Pages 12 ` 4.00

Sushma suffers kidney failure, to undergo transplant at AIIMS

Brazil stays perfect as Messi, Sanchez excel

Russia pulls out from the Intl Criminal Court

national, page 5

sport, Page 11

international, Page 9

Hohos foil govt’s plan on women quota

Correspondent/Staff Reporter

Kohima/DIMAPUR, Nov 16 (NPN): The attempt by the T.R. Zeliang led-DAN government to get the nod from tribal hohos to assent to certain modifications to the Nagaland Municipal Act 2001 failed, as the hohos suspected that the exercise was mainly to get their nod to revoke the 2012 assembly resolution in the house to clear the decks for civic polls with 33% women reservation. The consultative meeting held at the Capital Convention Hall began with state chief secretary Pankaj Kumar making his opening remarks to inform that the meeting was called to discuss the Nagaland Municipal Act 2001 vis-à-vis tax and landholding issues and not about 33% women reservation. However, most of the tribal representatives objected to it and nearly staged a walk-out as they wanted it to also include 33% women reservation issue. Chief minister T.R. Zeliang intervened after which it was agreed to discuss the contentious quota issue. The chief minister focussed on suggestions on is-

T.R. Zeliang with the tribal hoho leaders, legislators and officials after the meeting.(DIPR)

sues of tax and land holdings raised by Ao Senden and also APO to omit or delete the provision for reservation of seat for Schedule Caste. However these were overshadowed by the handling of 33% women reservation by the state government. According to DIPR, on the 33% women reservation, the chief minister said a series of meetings were held with the Naga Mothers’ Association and other women organizations but they have decided to wait for the verdict of the court. It reported that the chief minister reiterated that in view of the 33% reservation for women, unless the peti-

tioner (the women organization) agreed, there was no question of a compromise and therefore, the cabinet decided to agree with the reservation of women. It may be noted that the September 22,2012 assembly resolution tabled by T.R. Zeliang as then minister of parliamentary affairs and introduced by Dr Shürhozelie, then urban development minister, was adopted by the house to make inoperative Clause IX A from the amendment made in 2006 on 33% women reservation. Nagaland Post spoke with prominent members of several tribal hohos over phone and all of them said

they stood firm with regard to both the tax and landholding issues including 33% women reservation. They said the issues needed wider, proper and lengthier deliberations and cannot be rushed otherwise it would result in eroding the principles of tribal customary laws and practices that were welded to Article 371A. Naga Hoho president P. Chuba Ozukum said the Hoho stand was that there should be no reservation but nomination with voting rights. He said such a formula could be worked out for the nod from the assembly only after a wide consultation with all stakeholders in

order to avoid controversies. Ozukum reiterated that NH supported equality of rights among men and women but if the issue infringed Article 371 (A) then the Hoho will have to defend it. The apex bodies at the meeting suggested nomination for women in the civic bodies, while some suggested nomination with voting rights. However, the apex bodies at the same time made their stand clear that they would vehemently oppose any move that would infringe upon Article 371(A), which may arise out of such matter. APO president Dr. Vilhousa Seleyi said the issues could not be discussed properly during the consultative meeting as many issues raised could not be properly addressed. On the 33% women quota Dr. Seleyi said he shared the same opinion with all tribal hohos that there was no difference in status between men and women and therefore, there was no need for any reservation. According to another tribal hoho member, T.R. Zeliang’s stand were less defensive and instead revealed inherent contradictions between his argument on the

33% women reservation and Lotha Hoho PIL. The chief minister defended the government stand to support 33% women reservation since the SLP filed by NMA in the Supreme Court would take a long time and for which the state exchequer would incur heavy expenditure. He also speculated that the apex court’s ruling would be more or less in favour of the Joint Action Committee on Women Reservation (JACWR). Zeliang said this was also the opinion of some “senior lawyers in Delhi”. However, on the issue of fighting the PIL filed by Lotha Hoho on the oil issue, the chief minister said the government has engaged senior Supreme Court lawyers for the case. One of the tribal leaders wanted to know from the chief minister, the difference in fighting the Lotha Hoho PIL by hiring expensive lawyers and then justifying backing out from the case on the 33% women reservation citing heavy legal expenditure. Any court matter would take a long time and definitely money would be spent in the process, the tribal leader said.

Self-regulation important for media, says PM Modi

NEW DELHI, NOV 16 (AGENCIES): Prime Minister Narendra Modi Wednesday said there should be no government interference in the functioning of media but advised self-regulation by making appropriate changes with times, asserting that things will not change from external control. Speaking at an event commemorating the National Press Day and the Golden Jubilee of the Press Council of India, Modi also quoted Mahatma Gandhi to support his assertions seeking self-regulation by the media. “Mahatma Gandhi had said uncontrolled writing can create huge problems but he had also said that external interference would wreak havoc. Controlling it (media) externally cannot be imagined,” he asserted. “Government should not do any interference. It is true that self-introspection is not easy...It is the responsibility of the PCI and those associated with the press to see to it that what appropriate changes you can make with time. Things do not change from external control,” he said. Though (Cont’d on p-5) the Prime Minister did not

Narendra Modi

refer to any specific changes, he said unlike journalists in past when they had ample time to make corrections, now because of the fastpaced nature of electronic and digital media there is no such opportunity now. Modi suggested that issues relating to self-regulation should be seen through the medium of organisations like the Press Council and drawing from the experience of senior people and in the interests of the society. Modi said there should be communication to improve the institutions for which the people should benefit. He also said media should encourage healthy competition like ranking states on their performance in the area of ‘swacchta’ or cleanliness.

No intention to demonetise Rs. 50, 100 notes: Govt

Dr. Shürho’s stand on backdoor Opposition corners Modi govt over note ban in RS appointments terrible: ACAUT

NEW DELHI, NOV 16 (PTI): Seeking to dispel rumours making the rounds, the government today said there is no intention to demonetise Rs 100 and Rs 50 notes. In a series of tweets, the government described as “myth” a rumour that the Prime Minister will again address the nation to declare Rs 50/100 as invalid currency. “Baseless; no intention of cancelling legal tender status of notes of any other denomination,” PIB said in a tweet. It also described as “myth” the contention that cost of demonetisation is more than the benefits. There is no intention to seal bank lockers and freeze gold and diamond jewellery. On complaints that Rs 2,000 notes are of poor quality and colour comes off, the government said there is no need to worry as this is a security feature. “Currency notes have a security feature called intaglio printing. The first test for a genuine currency note is to rub it with a cloth; this creates a turbo-electric effect, transferring the ink colour onto the cloth,” it said. Dismissing the rumour that Rs 2,000 note is fitted with a chip, PIB tweeted that it is just a figment of imagination.

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 6 ( N P N ) : ACAUT Nagaland in a counter rejoinder said that NPF president and DAN chairman Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu’s justification and refusal to admit on the backdoor appointment was terrible, when there has been a staggering 40,000 backdoor appointments made in the past 5-6 years. ACAUT media cell said when one of the ministers have disclosed that there has been an excess of 70,000 employees in the state, Dr. Shürhozelie has refused to use the term “backdoor appointment” instead used deceptive term “contract employees” to gain political mileage. ACAUT contented that the NPF president has the knowledge on the figures of backdoor appointments that included the sons, daughters, and relatives of his party men, ministers, MLAs and his bureaucrats. Therefore, ACAUT asked Dr. Shürhozelie that he being “the torch-bearer of Regionalism”, should voiced out and put an end to such nepotism and favouritism, “of which he was only too vocal against not long time ago”.

This is it!

“What’s so funny, when I said even my credit card declined payments?” K Y M C

But unfortunately, his attempt “to sell the so-called Eligibility Test, now presently employed by the departments to test the suitability of candidates for regularization purpose is sickening”, media cell said. Further, ACAUT alleged that the latest decision of the cabinet to regularize all the contract or backdoor employees who have completed three years of service, “thanks to his letter”, will not only dim the lives of tens of thousands of young people but would put to halt on all developmental works in the state. It therefore, reminded Dr. Shürhozelie on the court ruling, which stated that appointments made purely on personal or political considerations or arbitrarily, meaning “those who come to be appointed by such arbitrary procedure can hardly complain if the termination of their appointment is equally arbitrary”. Since, it has made its’ stand clear it was now up to Dr. Shürhozelie to deal with his own conscience and for which ACAUT will not engage with the NPF patriarch anymore on this subject, media cell said.

N E W D E L H I , N OV 1 6 (IANS): The opposition on Wednesday tried to corner the government in the Rajya Sabha over the demonetisation issue on the first day of the Winter Session of Parliament, accusing it of leaking the information of demonetisation beforehand to a select few and demanded a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) probe into the matter. However, the treasury benches stuck to their guns and asserted that there was no leak and that the move was a “war on corruption”. Speaking on the issue, Deputy Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Anand Sharma termed the move as a “Nadirshahi farman” (autocratic order). Defending the government, Union Urban Development Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu said the hardships faced by the people were “birth pangs” which will ultimately result in happy outcome. Sharma, as also other opposition leaders including Ram

Gopal Yadav, who was recently expelled from the Samajwadi Party, demanded a probe into the “selective leakage” of the demonetisation move. “ N o o r d i n a n c e wa s brought for demonetisation. This is a Nadirshahi farman... Which law gave this government the right to bar me from withdrawing my money from the bank,” Anand Sharma said. Congress leader Pramod Tiwari called the government “Kaliyug ka Bhasmasur” (referring to the mythological demon that could reduce to ashes everything it touched) that would ultimately destroy itself. “No civilised country has done this (demonetisation) in recent times. Only four people have done this. The first three are Muamar Gaddafi of Libya, Mussolini of Italy and Hitler of Germany. The fourth is our Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” Tiwari said as treasury benches erupted in protest. Rejecting the govern-

Governor interacts with govt officials in Tuensang D I M A P U R , N OV 1 6 (NPN): Nagaland governor P.B. Acharya on his second day at Tuensang on Wednesday, toured different places and held interaction with various government officials where he was briefed on the problems faced by people. He was accompanied by parliamentary secretaries Kejong Chang, Toyang Chang, officials of district administration and police, stated DIPR report. In the morning, governor visited Durga temple of Tuensang, where he urged both Hindus and Muslims communities to maintain unity and understanding for peaceful co-existence. He distributed blankets to inmates on his visit to district jail. Acharya also visited GHS Tuensang and enquired on the regularity of teachers and implementation of mid day meal

P.B. Achraya, his wife Kavita along with Kejong Chang, Toyang Chang and officials.

scheme. Nagaland Governor, P.B. Acharya was also briefed on the shortage of man power during his visit to District Hospital Tuensang. Later, at the public meeting at Tuensang village, the governor encour-

aged the people to do away with old mindsets so that the village could be developed by utilizing the abundant natural resources. The governor and his entourage also visited the “Longpang House of Hope” where the secretary of the Eleutheros

Christian Society hosted a special programme. The programme also witnessed the launching of the communitisation of the mid day meal with the signing of MoU between the Government of Nagaland and ECS.

ment’s argument that the November 8 demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes will end the menace of fake currency in India, Ram Gopal Yadav said: “Do you think our enemy countries will wait for two months before they forge new currency notes? They may have already started it.” Yadav also raised the issue of “selective leak” about the new currency, referring to a tweet by Punjab BJP leader Sanjeev Kamboj wherein the latter shared a picture of the new Rs 2,000 note on November 6 -- two days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the demonetisation. CPI-M leader Sitaram Yechury took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi by comparing him to French Queen Marie Antoinette. “It reminds me of Marie Antoinette who during the French Revolution said if they (people) don’t find bread, why don’t they eat cakes. Now, we have Modi Antoinette who

Oil companies to accept old notes till November 24

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 6 (NPN): All three Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies- Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, HPCL, and BPCL, announced that Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes would be accepted till midnight of November 24 on purchase of fuel and related products at all petrol/CNG stations and LPG distributorship across the country. In a press note, State Level Coordinator, Nagaland assured on the continuous and sustained availability of all petroleum products from their outlets. Customers have been asked not to unnecessarily stock petroleum products but purchase quantities to fulfil their immediate/ routine needs only. The coordinator fervently appealed all customers to cooperate in order to ensure smooth transition on the new currency system.

says: ‘If you don’t have paper, use plastic’.” “What is the coverage of your plastic money? Only 2.6 crore of the 130 crore Indians have credit cards. Will that run our economy? More than 80 per cent of our economy is in cash,” said Yechury. As the Left leader raised the issue of “writing off ” of Rs 7,000 crore worth of corporate loans by turning them into Non Performing Assets (NPA) by the State Bank of India, Leader of the House and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley intervened saying by turning loans to NPAs does not mean that the loan seizes to exist. BSP chief Mayawati questioned the government’s preparedness for the demonetisation saying: “The government has said that they spent 10 months preparing for this decision. Ten months was a long time to prepare. If they were serious about it, they would have prepared well for all the problems that people are facing today,” she said.

Essentials arrive Imphal for first time since blockade

Imphal, Nov 16 (IANS): Bringing some relief to the people, over 100 fuel tankers and trucks carrying consumer items arrived here on Wednesday -- the first supply since the November 1 imposition of a United Naga Council (UNC)-sponsored indefinite economic blockade to protest against the Manipur government’s move to create a new district. India Reserve Battalion personnel and Manipur Police commandos escorted 299 trucks and oil tankers on Monday to deliver fuel and consumer items along the 222-km NH 37. Over 1,500 trucks and oil tankers stranded in Assam, Nagaland and border areas of Manipur had converged at Jiribam town in Imphal East district, near the border with Assam. Manipur’s Consumer Affairs, Food and Public

Distribution minister K. Biren and high ranking officials rushed to Assam to hold talks with the drivers and transport agents. Initially, the drivers were reluctant to ply as they were apprehensive of their security, but were finally convinced. “Arrangements were made to provide escort so that trucks and oil tankers could ply,” said Biren. Government sources, however, said they cannot be sure of the frequency of the trips. In the past, the supplies came once a week. Since the blockade, most of the consumer items are not available. On Wednesday, some students seized a hoarded stock of potatoes kept for sale at extortionate prices and sold them to passers-by at Rs 20 a kg. The students said that the drive will continue. K Y M C



National Press Day observed in Dmu

Staff Reporter

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 6 (NPN): Nagaland along with the rest of the country observed the National Press Day with a programme at Elim Hall, DABA, Duncan Bosti here, Wednesday. The programme was organized collectively by Dimapur Press Club, Kohima Press Club and Mokokchung Press Club in collaboration with Directorate of Information and Public Relation (DIPR), Government of Nagaland under the theme “Professional Ethics in Journalism”. Theme speaker of t h e e ve n t , D r A k ü m Longchari, who is also the editor of The Morung Express, said media in Nagaland state was existing in challenging conditions where the government had no opposition; corruption was rampant, widespread, systemic and was supported by culture of impunity and a silent majority. Adding to all these problems was the inadequacy of the basic public infrastructure – the road systems, water, electricity supply, basic health care and quality education – which are all in urgent

Dr Aküm Longchari. (NP) need of sincere intervention, he said were factors contributing to breaking down of social cohesion. He cited that with all these pressing challenges, the ethics and values, standards of professional journalism, there was a need for media practitioners to discuss media in Nagaland and to critically engage in a discourse on professionalism and ethics in journalism through the opportunity provided in the form of the National Press Day. Quoting from a working paper titled, ‘The two professionalisms of journalism: Journalism and the changing context of work’, written by Dr Henrik Örnebring, a Media and Communications professor in Karlstad Uni-

versity, Sweden, which said, “journalists seem to be perpetually concerned with the decline of their occupation. Journalism used to be good, but now it is bad.” Here, Dr Longchari said, Henrik had pointed out that a narrative of decline was at the heart of many journalists’ accounts of journalism which could not be easily discounted. He spoke extensively in four areas which needed to be examined in order to raise the standard of journalism in Nagaland, which included - The competing notions of professionalism: organizational professionalism or occupational professional, Negotiating journalism: between business and vocation, The social role of journalists in these changing times, and A peace lens for journalism. Dr Longchari also asked whether the media in Nagaland could fulfil its critical role and function in a reality where public institutions were failing and the infrastructure was broken. He added that dialogue processes between workers and employers on the different expectations and understandings

KDLSA observes Legal Services Day

in the media houses could improve the working relationship which would in turn strengthen the quality of journalism and the professionalism in the state. He c onc l ude d his speech by asking what were the ethical and professional framework at a time in Nagaland State where truth is suppressed, mercy has been blinded, justice has been kidnapped and peace remains elusive? During the programme DIPR director Limawati Ao gave a speech on the efforts that were taken up by the directorate to ensure the wellbeing of the journalists in the state. Short speeches were given by Tir Yimyim editor Temjen K Jamir and Eastern Mirror executive editor Wapongmeren. Journalists from various parts of the state including staff from DIPR attended the programme which was chaired by Dimapur Press Club general secretary S. Henlly Phom. Invocation was pronounced by DABA youth director Jungshimanen, a special presentation was made by Seyie Keretsü while Kohima Press Club president Xavier Rutsa proposed the vote of thanks.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, november 17, 2016

news in brief Souvenir committee of AYO informs: Souvenir committee of the Angami Youth Organisation (AYO) has requested all concern to contribute article(s) and poem(s) in English or Tenyidie and submit to any of the souvenir committee members on or before November 15. For further information contact convenor Neizokhotuo Belho at 9856038531 and Medo president AYO at 9856558841or email to: UPSC/NPSC orientation prog: Orientation programme on “how to approach civil service’s exam (UPSC/NPSC)”-cum-career guidance would be held at DC’s conference hall, Kohima on November 19 at 10:30 a.m. Civil service aspirants, educated unemployed and college & university students have been encouraged and invited to attend the orientation programme. Resource persons would be Officers from IAS and NCS Cadre. NPF central office bearers’ picnic: Naga People’s Front (NPF) would be organizing its annual picnic on November 19 at Heinambe village, Poilwa (Zalieke, Khonoma road. All the office bearers of NPF central, including the frontals and cells have been asked to attend the programme. Team would leave at 7 a.m from NPF central office Kohima on the appointed day. ANTA Peren unit informs: All Nagaland Taxi Association (ANTA) Peren unit has postponed its annual meeting cum picnic on November 17 to November 27. All the ANTA

NSCN (IM) informs bar/lounge owners DIMAPUR: In a “strict notification,” the NSCN/ GPRN has once again directed the bar/lounge owners in and around Dimapur to close down by 11 p.m. A press release by CAO UT-1 NSCN(IM), Rangkamong Anar warned of stern action against defaulters. CAO also warned that strict action will be taken against shops “tampering the MRP” fixed by the companies or town councils. CAO stated it will strictly check tampering of weighing scales and sale of expired items. Further, the release stated the notification will come into effect right after publication and has sought cooperation from all concerned.

members have been requested to cooperate and bear the inconveniences. ANTA Wokha unit informs: All Nagaland Taxi Association (ANTA) Wokha unit has informed that there would be no taxi services on November 18 on account of its “raising day cum annual picnic”. Members have been requested to attend the programme at Santsuphen area at 7 a.m positively. ANTA Wokha unit president, Renbomo Humtsoe has also warned all commercial vehicles (taxi) not to ply within its jurisdiction on November 18 from 6 a.m to 6 p.m. It stated that defaulters would be penalized as per association rules & regulation. BJP 6TH Tening mandal executive meet held: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) 6th Tening mandal held an executive meeting cum-induction programme under the direction of district president, Huzantadbo Meriamai on the November 15 at BJP district office, Jalukie and inducted following wings of kisan morcha, yuva morcha, st morcha, mahila morcha and minority morcha. GHSS Chukitong jubilee steering committee meet: Government Higher Secondary School (GHSS) Chukitong has convened a jubilee steering committee meeting on November 19 at 10 a.m at the school chapel. All alumni of GHSS Chukitong willing to share ideas in the school’s 75 years jubilee celebration to contact 8729999359 / 9436438977 for more information. NVA emergency executive meeting: Nagaland Veterinarians Association

(NVA) Kohima has convened an emergency executive meeting on November 19 at 10 a.m at the conference hall of directorate of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services Kohima. All the concern officials are asked to attend the meeting. NH&HDC Ltd Dmu to organize ‘national handloom expo’: Nagaland Handloom & Handicrafts Development Corporation (NH&HDC) Ltd Dimapur would be organizing a “national handloom expo” at Boarding Field, Sivasagar, Assam from December 2 to 15, sponsored by the office of the development commissioner handlooms, Ministry of Textiles, GoI, New Delhi. Criteria for participants, all levels of NER handloom cooperative societies, corporation/ federations/ Self Help Groups (SHG)/ JLGs of NER engaged in handloom production, non-government organization engaged in handloom and fulfilling the norms laid by CAPART, weaver entrepreneurs of NER engaged in handloom weaving, Sant kabir awardees, national awardees, state awardees & outstanding weavers, consotia/producer companies and SPVs of handloom clusters, members registered with Handloom Export Promotion Council (HEPC) & agencies registered under handloom mark. All interested participants within & outside the state may apply to the project cell, NHHDC Ltd., Half Nagarjan, Dimapur, on or before November 28 during the office hour. The stall would be provided free of cost with lumpsum assistance to the participants.

Union minister attends Kala Utsav

Disaster management training held

DIMAPUR: Home Guards & Civil Defence Zunheboto organized a Disaster Management Training Programme at Suruhuto Town on November 15 with a view to proParticipants and officials at the Legal Services Day programme. mote awareness on disaster and its management. The training team was led by district commandant DIMAPUR: Kohima District Legal Ser- Rovilato Mor in his speech said that signifvice s Authority (KDLSA) observed Legal icance of law is important in everyday life HG & CD Zunheboto Y.Khenito Chishi. Services Day cum prize distribution of and also for the welfare of every citizen. Essay competition at D. C conference hall, The purpose of having this legal serKohima on November 9. vice was to create maximum awareness DIMAPUR: Commissioner and secretary, Nagaland In a press note by chief judicial mag- program in the context of social and eco- Legislative Assembly Secretariat, N. Benjamin Newmai istrate and secretary Mezivolu T. Therieh, nomic for the citizens he added. has informed that car passes and official gallery passes KDLSA panel lawyer Sunjib Rana spoke In the essay competition the 1st po- for the 14th session of the 12th Nagaland Legislative Ason the topic “Importance of Legal Ser- sition was bagged by Phyopenthung of sembly (NLA) to be held on November 22 and 24 would vices Authority”. Capital College, 2nd position Krecheni be issued from November 18 onwards. He said the movement was first Krechena of Model Christian College, 3rd Ministers/advisers (cabinet status)/ parliamentary started in France in the year 1851 and this position Athungbeni W. Shitiri of Model secretaries and AHODs have been informed to collect the service/movement was mainly given to Christian College, Adidong Longkumer passes from the special secretary (Home Department), prisoners of war. Since 1952 the Govern- of Sazolie College and Wonchano of Civil Secretariat Kohima. ment of India started to stress, but only in Model Christian College 4th and 5th posiLikewise, HODs/media could collect the same from the year 1987 the Legal Services Author- tion respectively. Reception Counter Gate No-1, NLA Secretariat. ity Act was enacted, however, only on Earlier the programme was chaired MLAs/P.S/P.A and other departments have been November 9, 1995 the Act was fully estab- by KDLSA Panel Lawyer Temsu Wall- directed to collect the passes from Reception Counter lished and it was a land mark day in the ing and welcome address was delivered Gate No-II, NLA Secretariat. Indian Judiciary System he added. by Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench Further, all concerned have been informed to collect DC and ex. officio member KDLSA Retainer Lawyer V. Ashu Theyo. the passes in advance to avoid eleventh hour rush.

Car, gallery passes for 14th NLA session

Trg of teachers on common mental illnesses in children DIMAPUR: Dimapur district mental health programme organised a oneday training of teachers on common mental illnesses in children on November 15 at Dimapur district hospital chapel hall. Nodal Officer, District Mental Health Program Dimapur, as resource person presented the etiology and range of childhood psychological disorders. He stated that a teacher was an applied scientist and by scientifically identifying the cause for poor performance and remedying the cause, a teacher could help children with learning disorder. He also informed that in today’s age of technology, a new disorder of internet gaming was affecting a lot of children. Other resource person include Awheno, clinical psychologist, Nimhanu, psychiatric social worker, Kezhano, psychiatric nurse and Rubeca, community nurse and they oriented the trainees on the various mental illnesses in children. Earlier in the programme, Dr. C. Tetseo, Nodal Officer NTCP Dimapur delivered the welcome speech and the programme was chaired by Allo. K


District agri office building inaugurated

Parliamentary secretary of Agriculture Dr. Benjongliba Aier with other officials after inaugurating the new office building. (DPRO Peren)

DIMAPUR: New building of district agriculture office was inaugurated on November 16 at new district Hq. Peren by parliamentary secretary of Agriculture, Dr. Benjongliba Aier as the chief guest. According to DIPR report, Dr. Benjongliba said that it was a red letter day for the farmers of Peren district, while congratulating the departmental officers and staff for keen initiative in constructing thenew

building. He also remarked that Peren district would be the most beautiful district due to its fertile soil and climatic condition, adding that it had the potential to be one of the most economically viable districts in the state. Agriculture secretary Chumremo A. Odyuo urged the officers and staff to be sincere and regular in their duties. SDO (C) Peren, Robin lauded the efforts of the department for

the successful completion of the construction. Short speeches were also delivered by the president of Zeliang Baudi and KukiInpi. Chief guest unveiled the monolith. A brief report on the construction of new building was given by Er. Achakbou. Cultural dance was performed by Kejanglwa village while the vote of thanks was proposed by DAO Peren Atoi Sema in the programme chaired by director, Rongseninla.

NSCN/GPRN welcomes home comers DIMAPUR: The NSCN/ GPRN on Wednesday welcomed to its fold two NSCN (R) kilonsers namely kilo kilonser Thepuvezo Keyho and kilonser Zaremo Murry along with their followers. MIP NSCN/GPRN through a press note welcomed the new members “who have joined the NSCN with unreserved vow to strengthen for Naga unity and early solution under the collective leadership.” NSCN/GPRN stated that peace and unity among the Nagas could be achieved through joining hands rather than sitting under different political names. It also asserted that “NSCN/GPRN with its vision and hope is the only authentic organization that could deliver the IndoNaga solution.” F u r t h e r, N S C N / GPRN appealed “to all the Naga brothers from other political organisations to come together and strengthen the ongoing political talks for early solution.”

Teachers and students participants at the Kala Utsav.

DIMAPUR: 37 students along with 4 teacher-escorts representing Nagaland are currently participating at the national level Kala Utsav from November 14 to 19 at NCC training centre Delhi. The team is led by Kelhikha Kenye with Atozhe, Lipiri Sangtam and Imlamongla

as teacher-escorts. The students are participating in visual arts, theatre, dance and traditional music. The inaugural function was graced by minister MHRD, Prakash Javedkar, as the chief guest on November 15. The second national Kala Utsav is con-

ducted by the NCERT with the support of MHRD. The Kala Utsav is conducted to encourage and incorporate traditional art in education and also foster unity and peace. This year 1780 participants are participating in the national Kala Utsav competition.

ANDMSA Zbto unit supports central office

DIMAPUR: All Nagaland District Ministerial Service Association (ANDMSA) Zunheboto unit while endorsing the ultimatum served to the state government by its central office against the 3 point charter of demands, also lamented the “silence and ignorance of the government on such genuine cause”. ANDMSA Zbto unit further warned that it would consent to any course of ac-

tion as directed by the central body, should the government fail to accept the demands and further urged all concerned to cooperate during the clarion call. The unit has also convened a general meeting of all ministerial staffs under Zbto district on November 21 at 10 a.m in the Zunheboto town hall. Respective DDOs have been requested to detail at least two concerned staff to the meeting without fail.

Awareness on rabies conducted in Phek

DIMAPUR: District Surveillance Unit (DSU) Integrated Disease Surveillance Program (IDSP) Phek conducted a school level awareness programme on National Rabies Control Program (NRCP) from November 4-10 at Bishop Abraham Memorial school, Christian Home school, Royal Foundation school, Christian Mission High school and Kiddies Corner school Phek respectively. During the programme, resource person epidemiologist IDSP Phek, Dr.Limatoshi sensitized the students through power point presentation on the infectious viral disease of rabies and it source of Infection. He also spoke on the

Officials, teachers and Students at the awareness programme.

symptoms of rabies and the do’s and don’ts if bitten by a rapid dog. The resource person also highlighted the students on the categories of wound and the preventive measures of rabies. Further the students were given awareness on how to behave around dogs as children are more

likely to be bitten by dogs than adults. Altogether 420 students were sensitized on rabies. Leaflets on rabies were distributed to all the students and teachers. The programme was attended by data manager IDSP Phek and district media officer Phek.

Nagaland Bar Association condoles

DIMAPUR: Nagaland Bar Association (NBA) has expressed deep shock by the sudden and untimely demise of late Justice N. Chaudhury, Judge, Gauhati High Court, and the executive chairman, Nagaland State Legal Services Authority, who was also the former Portfolio Judge of the Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench. NBA in a condolence note by presi-

dent Tali Ao and general secretary, V. Hukavi Zhimomi stated that the legal fraternity in the state recollected his association with the Bar as an exceptional Judge worthy to be engraved in the annals of the judicial history of the state. NBA further conveyed deepest condolence to Mrs. Panchali Chaudhury and her family and share the grief and sorrow. It also pray that the departed soul rest in peace. K

Y M C Poll Q.: By not speaking out, have Hillary and Obama supported the anti-Trump protests in the US? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


UCTM celebrates 25th foundation Day

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Yes very clearly 77% No not needed 14% 9% Can’t say

Next poll

Q: Is demonetisation sign

of more sinister actions to follow in future?  Yes absolutely  No speculative  Can’t say


(Temperature in ºC)

Max Min

Agartala Sunny and pleasant

30 17


Mostly sunny and nice

Guwahati Hazy sunshine Imphal

Sunny and pleasant

26 14 29 14 27 11

Itanagar Sunny and not as ward

26 14


Beautiful and sunshine

22 5


Mostly sunny and pleasant

23 10

Dimapur Sunny and beautiful Mkg

Mostly sunny and pleasant

21 14 24 9

Tuensang Abundant sunshine and cooler 18 6 Wokha

Sunny and cooler but pleasant 22 15

Zunheboto Sunny and delightful

22 7

(Inset left): Guest speaker, Dr. Dean Carlson sharing God message. (Inset Right):Kuholi Chishi realsing souvenir, UCTM book Wedenesday. Discipleship Bible College Dimapur presenting special praise. (NP) Staff Reporter

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 6 (NPN): 25th foundation day of the United College of Theology and Missions (UCTM) Dimapur was celebrated Wednesday, at its college campus under the theme “Till all nations hear”. Speaking as guest of honour at the programme, additional director of Higher Education Kuholi Chishi lauded the college

for reaching out to their dreams and coming this far. Releasing the souvenir, UCTM book and exhorting the gathering, Chishi congratulated UCTM and writers of the souvenir saying that “it is an inspiration that people have received from God to write and to bring it out in the form of book for generation to come, It is not only for today but it would be treasure for life time which cannot

NEISSR study tour to Guwahati

Students of NEISSR during the visit to Central Jail, Guwahati. DIMAPUR: North East Institute of Social Science and Research (NEISSR) organized ten-day study tour to Guwahati for the second year students of Master of Social Work from November 1-10. The major objective of the tour was to make the students familiar with the different approaches and

strategies adopted by the civil societies for the well being of the underprivileged population. During the tour students were exposed to different setting of developmental works carried out by regional, national and international organizations. The trainees also wit-

nessed different kinds of services such as supportive education, legal assistance and protection, healthcare, shelter for the homeless children, vocational courses for youth, awareness programs, etc. provided by the NGOs. Altogether the trainees visited 18 regional, national and international organizations.

CFC Christian life prog held

RFS Phek holds parents’ day

DIMAPUR: Couples for Christ (CFC) conducted Christian Life Program ( C LP ) a t C hrist King Church, Parish Hall, Kohima village, led by Bro Mengukhrietuo Marcus, CFC Chapter Head Nagaland and CFC Nagaland State coordinator from November 12 to 13. U n d e r t h e m o t t o, “families in the holy spirit renewing the face of the earth” CFC) is a movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life and to take the basic message of Christianity and to proclaim it anew. CFC has three specific objectives: Individual renewal to bring individuals

to a stronger rela¬tionship with God by discovering and living more fully the power and gifts they received through the Holy Spirit; Family renewal to renew commitment to one another and to their Christian family life; Church renewal where individual families are renewed and form a network of equally committed Christian families which not only support one another but also strengthen the Church of which they are members. CFC also has its family ministries, Kids for Christ ministry, Youth for Christ ministry, Singles for Christ ministry, Handmaids of the Lord ministry and Servants of the Lord.

9 Assam Rifles organises free medical camp

DIMAPUR: 9 Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ 5 Sector Assam Rifles organised a free Medical Camp at Bright Morning Star Children Home, Kohima on November 9. Medical team under CMO Dr. N Sandhyarani of 9 Assam Rifles conducted the medical camp, wherein children and the staff of Children Home were treated. Children were screened for various ailments of throat, ear, eyes chest etc. Vision test, blood and routine urine test were also conducted and de-worming was also done for all the children. Apart from providing medical assistance, basic knowledge on health education including precaution from common viral diseases was also imparted. K




Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, November 17, 2016

DIMAPUR: Parents’ day celebration of Royal Foundation School, Phek town was held at Phek town hall on November 12 with Phek SDEO Neichulo-u Thuzu as the chief guest. According to DIPR report, chief guest said that in order to make children successful, they needed nurturing at young age and at the right time by the parents and teachers. Director of Royal Foundation School, Dr. K.Hoshi thanked the parents for cooperation and support for the betterment of the school. He hoped that the school would start upto higher secondar y school by next year. Keeping in mind the importance of computer knowledge, he said that information technology needed to be emphasized for the betterment of the school and urged all the parents to come forward and give cooperation. Nuvesayi Edward Hoshi invoked God’s blessing while welcome address was delivered by Daihrü Luckson, headmaster RFS. Special numbers were also presented during the programme. Vote of thanks was proposed by Pompi Lemtur.

be bought”. Saying that Nagas have come a long way from oral to writing tradition, she encouraged the students to take up the skill of writing and make efforts to write mighty thoughts so that they could immortalize themselves for the glory of God and share His blessing. “Living word of God is an example in itself, all great things have been recorded in the word of God, the mighty book of Bible”

Meeting on clean electoral roll

DIMAPUR: Meeting with all political parties was held with the electoral observer & commissioner & secretary of Justice & Law, M. Patton on November 16 at Phek district headquarter. According to DIPR report, Patton said communication gap should not be there while enrolling their names and called upon them to be aware about when to enrol and delete names. He also called upon them to co-operate for betterment of society in order to have a clean electoral roll. He said that revision of electoral roll was not for deletion or inclusion but everyone had every right to enrol their names however, double enrolment should be avoided for clean electoral roll and urged upon the gathering to be a part of this venture. Earlier, the meeting was attended by DC & AEO Phek Murohu Chotso, ADC & ERO, Kuko Mero, AEO & ERO Thurr Olivi, SDO (C) Vekusheyi Rhakho and all the representative parties of Phek district.

she added. Meanwhile, OC International (USA) president Dr. Dean Carlson as guest speaker shared the message of God to the gathering extracting from the book of Psalms 16. He congratulated UCTM for having come this far but they still had far to go and as they look forward for the next 25 years, may God’s blessings shower upon UCTM. He also hoped that many thousands of new UCTM student graduates would be raised up to be trained and be send out to the places where Christ has planned for them. In this way they would move the world to dance with melody of the Lord and His scripture would reign forever till all ends worship Him. The programme highlighted presentation of Halleluyah chorus by UCTM choir and special praise by Discipleship Bible College (DBC), Dimapur. Earlier, monolith was unveiled by minister Dr Dean Carlson, welcome address was delivered by UCTM, president Reverend Dr. P. Dozo, greetings was delivered by missionary at large Reverend Dr. T Alemmeren, thanksgiving prayer was pronounced by NMM director Rev. Andrew Semp.

Home commissioner holds meeting on free medical camp DIMAPUR: Home commissioner, Abhijit Sinha had convened a meeting with different departments and discussed the work assignment for holding of free medical camps in the office chamber of Home Commissioner on November 16. DIPR informed that a team of 51 medical people including 36 doctors from Maharashtra would be visiting the state from November 25 to December 1 for conducting free medical camps in the districts of Mon, Mokokchung, Wokha, Peren, Dimapur and Kohima under the initiative of gover nor, P.B. Acharya. During the

Home commissioner, Abhijit Sinha, IAS holding meeting with different departments on free medical camp at Kohima on November 16. (DIPR) camps, free medicines, free medical advice and conducting cancer detection camps would be provided for the larger sections of the society.

Representatives from h o m e c o m m i s s i o n e r, transport, health & family welfare, IPR, Raj Bhavan secretariat attended the meeting.

Zutovi ghami celebrated Ahuna festival with parliamentary secretary of Irrigation and Flood Control, Jacob Zhimomi as chief guest. Cultural activities presented by cultural troupes and interesting chain of youth performing imunopi sujo sujo were the highlights of the festival.

APM organizes ‘Academic Excellence Award’

Awardees with the Aoli Pongen Mungdang officials. DIMAPUR: Aoli Pongen Mungdang (APM) organized its first “Academic Excellence Award” ceremony with the theme “Honour of an outstanding achiever” at Molu Ki, Kohima on November 14 for HSLC 2016 toppers from Pongen clan with agriculture production commissioner (APC) & commissioner secretary (agriculture), T. Imkonglemba

Ao as guest speaker. Speaking on the occasion, T. Imkonglemba Ao encouraged the students to discover the gifts God had given to them and to pursue their goals accordingly. He asserted that students could become outstanding by learning and training with hard work in the institutes where they study.

He further urged them to seek God and be humble in everything they do. The guest speaker congratulated the recipients and their parents for their outstanding success. He also gave away the award comprising of Rs. 10,000 and a certificate. Recipients of the first Aoli Pongen Mungdang “Academic Excellence Award” were Subolemla

Pongener (Aliba) 14th rank and Arenjungla Pongen (Chuchuyimlang) 16th rank. The award ceremony was chaired by Er. T. Yanger Ao, word of challenge was delivered by Rongsenwati, exhortation by Dr. Sashi Aier, congratulatory note by Talilemzung Pongen. Vote of thanks was proposed by Imonenba Pongener.

Kohima DPDB day out at Phriebazü

DC & vice chairman of DPDB Rovilatuo Mor and KVC chairman, Medoselhou Keretsü along with Kohima DPDB members during its day out and annual get together. (DIPR) DIMAPUR: Kohima District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) held its day out and annual gettogether at Medical College site, Phriebazü, Kohima village on November 15. According to DIPR report, DC and vice chairman of DPDB Kohima in his exhortation stated that DPDB forum was a potential platform for every district officers and requested all the members to take full advantage of the platform and take active role in its activities. He said that the departmental presentation in the forum enables various departments to create awareness on its activities among the members and the society as well and fur-

ther hoped that this would strengthen and make more effective to carry out its activities in respective areas. DC also appraised the members that smoking in public places would be strictly prohibited and requested the members for active participation in creating awareness so as to transform our city into a real smokeless city. Monthly DPDB meeting for the month of November was also held under the chairmanship of Rovilatuo Mor. The meeting reviewed the last meeting minutes and deliberated on various agendas. The meeting also decided to approve eight applicants for new registration of society

which were verified by the concerned verifying officers to the government. Various Adoption Committees were entrusted to present its report in the next DPDB Meeting. Earlier the program was chaired by additional DC, Lithrongla Tongpi who also delivered the welcome address while Phezoucha Baptist Church pastor, Keduoneituo Yhome invoked God’s blessing, short speech by Kohima village Council chairman, Medoselhou Keretsü Kruyie Pienyü, Cultural Vibrant from P. Khel Kohima village presented a folk song and vote of thanks was delivered by DPRO Kohima, Ruopfulenuo Mepfhüo. K




Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, november 17, 2016

Zeliangrong sports body appeals UNC to lift economic blockade


IMPHAL, Nov 16: A Zeliangrong based sports body Wednesday joined the chorus appealing the United

Naga Council (UNC) to lift the economic blockade imposed on the national highways in Manipur. In a statement, Zeliangrong Football Association

expressed its strong resentment to the indefinite economic blockade called by the United Naga Council on the national highways and said that the blockade

has put the entire population of the state in a pathetic condition. “The price high has become secondary but the shortage of essential com-

modities has become the talk of the time or in other word out of stock is mere than the price rice or costlier,” it said. The shortage of fuel has

compelled to stop the school van service which in turn forcing to close down the schools. This will disturb the current academic session. “Essential commodities, in

needed life saving drugs etc is running out of stock both in hills and valley district as a whole”, the association added. While reiterating its appeal to UNC to suspend

the blockade, the association urged to agitating body to find other means or ways to protest and press in pressing to fulfil their demands from the government.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, november 17, 2016

Job creation sevenyear low: President

Rahul granted bail in RSS case BHIWANDI (THANE), NOV 16 (PTI): Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi was today granted bail by a local court in a defamation case over his alleged comment against RSS on Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination. Coming out after the proceedings in the court, a combative Rahul asserted he would carry on with his fight for the ideology of the Father of the Nation and win that battle. “I have come to the court to fight for Gandhiji’s ideology,” he told a gathering of Congress supporters outside the Bhiwandi magistrate court, after being granted bail in the defamation case filed by a local RSS functionary over an election speech made by the Congress leader in 2014. “On the one hand is the ideology of freedom and on other is the ideology of slavery. Those I am fighting against want to bend India so that they can rule the country,” he said.

fast replacing men, there is a need to have a look at a paradigm shift. “From ‘brain drain’, we must shift to abundance of ‘brain rain’, as many successful Indian professionals working abroad are keen to come back, excited by the opportunities unfolding in a changing India. “With adequate thrust on internationalisation of our institutions, we can develop ‘brain networks’,” Mukherjee said, addressing the second visitor’s conference at Rashtrapati Bhavan. The President said educational institutions must have a harmonious and peaceful environment. “There have been incidences of student unrest in our institutions in recent past. Our campuses must have a harmonious and peaceful environment for students to pursue higher studies and research. Vicechancellors and directors must deal with any unpleasant situation with sagacity. “They must take help of all well-wishers including inspired teachers, who by the dint of their wisdom, conviction and conduct, can inspire confidence among students and have a calming influence. The concerned administrative ministries must also facilitate the academic leaders.” he said. Mukherjee also launched the national student startup policy which aims to create one lakh technology based student start-ups and a million employment opportunities within the next 10 years. The President said the global rankings of our higher educational institutions belie

our economic prowess. He said to attract bright students with limited means, a support base comprising options like deferred and variable fees and incomecontingent loans will be necessary. Mukherjee said the challenge to attain global standards for our higher education system is two-fold. “We need our established institutions to graduate into world-class centers of learning. At the same time, we need new institutions to take-off successfully, overcoming the nascent-stage hurdles. Some of the new institutions have been set up in remote areas of the country. They hold great promise to spur the development of their regions. “They can be the bridge to build local capacity for teaching and learning. Necessary assistance, both financial and administrative, must be at their disposal to see that these institutions start functioning at full capacity,” he said. The President said the road to becoming world-class institutions is through the trinity of talent, resources and management. The conference was attended by Prakash Javadekar, Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Ashok Gajapathi Raju Pusapati, Union Minister of Civil Aviation, Mahendra Nath Pandey, Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Secretary to the President, Omita Paul and Prof Anil D Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education besides heads of academic institutions.


Sushma suffers kidney failure, to undergo transplant at AIIMS

Hohos foil govt’s plan on women quota

Sushma Swaraj

NEW DELHI, NOV 16 (PTI): External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj was admitted to the AIIMS due to kidney failure and underwent tests for a transplant, but the doctors said the procedure may take some time as a donor was yet to be found. Swaraj took to twitter to inform about her health condition. “Friends: This is to update you on my health. “I am in AIIMS because of kidney failure. Presently, I am on dialysis. I am undergoing tests for a kidney transplant. Lord Krishna will bless,” she tweeted this morning. Doctors at the hospital said since a suitable donor was yet to be found, the transplant would not be conducted immediately. “Since a donor from her immediate family is not available right now, the kidney transplant might take some more time. The search for a suitable donor is on. Meanwhile, she is on maintenance dialysis (as and when required),” said sources. Swaraj has been allowed to go home today but she will be back at AIIMS tomorrow, the sources said. 64-year-old Swaraj, who has been in and out of the hospital for last few months,

was admitted to AIIMS on November 7. A team of doctors comprising Dr Sandip Mahajan, professor (Nephrology), Nikhil Tandon, HOD (Endocrinology), Dr Randeep Guleria, HOD (Pulmonary Medicine) and Balram Airan, Chief of the Cardio Thoracic Centre are treating her. After Swaraj tweeted about her health, there was a flood of get well soon wishes from politicians as also people from a cross section of society. Some even offered to donate a kidney to her. “Respected @ SushmaSwaraj ma’am. My blood group is B Positive. I will be happy to donate my kidney to you, if needed. God bless,” tweeted Rahul Verma. Many saw her announcement as setting new standards of transparency as politicians usually are not forthcoming about divulging details of their health condition. “@SushmaSwaraj sets yet another benchmark. In terms of being honest about health issues. This is truly a new India as it should be,” tweeted marketing expert Suhel Seth. Politicians cutting across party lines including Congress leader Ambika Soni, National Conference’s Omar Abdullah, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Union Ministers Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and Jayant Sinha and Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje wished Swaraj speedy recovery. “Very sorry to hear about your health problems @SushmaSwaraj ji. My father went through the same so I know how you & the family must feel,” Abdullah tweeted.

(From p-1) Another tribal hoho leader further pointed out that both PIL on oil and 33% quota imbroglio raised by various organizations/ government was in connection with Article 371(A). He said when the government was literally against Lotha Hoho’s PIL-- citing reasons that it (PIL) would weaken Article 371(A); what was its stand on 33% women reservation, when majority of the tribal bodies were voicing its concern that women quota would have ramifications on Art. 371(A)?. One of them pointed out that the government was over keen to give up the 33% women reservation case mainly due to the fund (over Rs.200 crore) that it would get from the centre if it held poll to ULBs. He also cited parlia-

M U M BA I , N OV 1 6 (IANS): Mumbai North BJP MP Gopal Shetty on Wednesday faced opposition flak after his comment on deaths of people in bank queues - “kuchh pane ke liye, kuchh khona padta hai.” Shetty made the remark when he was asked to speak on the deaths of some persons who joined long queues outside banks or ATMs to exchange the demonetised Rs 500-Rs 1000 currency or make withdrawals. “Every year, 3,500 commuters die on railway tracks, five lakh people are killed in road accidents, many more die in terror attacks and other incidents, but nobody speaks about them. For gaining something, you have to lose something,” Shetty told a private news channel. The opposition pounced on the lawmaker terming his statement as “insensitive” and divorced from the ground realities of the huge suffering experienced by the common citizens

mentary secretary, Geology & Mining, Dr. Imtiwapang’s statement cautioning people that the verdict on PIL may go against Article 371(A). Now, which way would the government like to exercise its wisdom, he wondered. On one side they say they are spending too much money fighting in the court and on the other hand the government is ready to fight tooth and nail (PIL on oil filed by Lotha Hoho) by hiring expensive lawyers. The tribal leaders said if the so called “Consultative meeting on Municipal Act, 2011” was held as an eye wash just before the upcoming Assembly Session to make it look as if all was well, the government would be wrong, as no one would allow the tribal bodies/ stakeholders to be taken for a ride. A senior tribal hoho leader also disclosed that if

the government attempted to go ahead with an assembly resolution to push through civic polls with 33% women reservation, then the hohos will not remain silent. One of the vocal members claimed that many were not given adequate time as the entire process was sought to be steam rolled. “This cannot be called a consultative meet as the very word consultation was not present throughout” he said. Those who spoke include members of the Naga Hoho, ENPO, Ao Senden, APO, Konyak Union, Chakhesang Public Organization, Lotha Hoho and Rengma Hoho and among the legislators PHE minister Tokheho Yepthomi. However, Zeliangrong Baudi Nagaland, Sumi Hoho and Pochury Hoho representatives were not present.

Nearly 40 deaths attributed to note ban

NEW DELHI, NOV 16 (IANS): Nearly 40 deaths -- including suicides, cardiac arrests in long queues, hospital casualties and a murder in a fit of rage -- in the past few days have been attributed to demonetisation. The move has caused a huge cash crunch in the country and turned life upside down for the lower middle class and poor families in India. Eleven people have died in Uttar Pradesh, most due to cardiac attacks since Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 8 night announced the recall of 500- and 1,000-rupee notes, rendering them illegal. Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Gujarat reported three deaths each while two persons each have died in Telangana, Bihar, Mumbai, Kerala and Karantaka. Seven persons have died in Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and West Bengal, put together. In Odisha, a two-year-old, suffering from high fever, died after an auto-rickshaw driver refused the family a ride because it didn’t have lower denomination notes to pay for fare. The deaths in Uttar Pradesh include seven due to cardiac arrests and

BJP MP mocks deaths in bank queues, faces flak

two suicides in the past one week. A farmer in Bulandshahr allegedly hanged himself in his hosue on Sunday after he failed to exchange his old currency notes. The police said he was to marry off his daughter on December 4 and had visited a bank to exchange his old notes but could not do so because of the surging crowds. Two minors were also reported to have died in the state after their parents failed to arrange lower denomination notes for their treatments in hospitals. The hospitals denied the charges. The consequences of demonetisation have also claimed three lives in Jharkhand. Police sources said two died on Wednesday and one on Tuesday. Ramchandra Paswan died afer standing in a crushing queue for more than four hours at a State Bank of India branch in Mohammadganj. In another incident, 70year-old Lakshmi died of shock over the death of his 20-year-old grandson Lavkush in Bokaro district. Lavkush died on Tuesday night as the economic condition of the family had worsened. His father, a daily wage worker, was unable to get work in the past few days.


across the country. Lashing out at Shetty, Congress spokesperson Sachin Sawant demanded action against the MP for his remarks which he said added “salt to the wounds” of the people spending so many hours daily in long queues.


The written result of the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2016 has been declared by the Commission and the same is available on the Commission's Website ( MOBILE PHONES ARE BANNED IN THE CAMPUS OF UPSC EXAMINATION HALLS davp 10621/14/0015/1617 Appx 'A' to 25043/DGBR/SWK/Taggi Br/04/E8 Dated 08 Nov. 2016


Director General Border Roads Organisation on behalf of the Chief Engineer (P) Sewak C/o 99 APO invites tender from the eligible contractors at CPP web site https://eprocure. (Manual bids shall not be accepted) for the following work :Particular of work K-4198


HEADQUARTERS 137 WORKS ENGINEERS, C/O 99 APO HQ 137, Works Engineers, C/O 99 APO on behalf of president of India invites online item rate/percentage rate/Lump bids on single stage two cover bid system for the following work:1. Name of work : SUPPLY OF WATER CHEMICAL FOR WATER TREATMENT AT ZAKHAMA AND CHAKABAMA MIL STN. 2. Estimated cost : 13.38 Lakhs (Rupees thirteen lakhs thirty eight thousand only) 3. Period of completion : 06 (Six) months 4. Tender ID : 2016_MES_94861_1 5. Fil No. : 8094/E8 Tele/Fax: 03862-249225 Email: & DC-2555


HEADQUARTERS 137 WORKS ENGINEERS, C/O 99 APO HQ 137, Works Engineers, C/O 99 APO on behalf of president of India invites online item rate/percentage rate/Lump bids on single stage two cover bid system for the following work:1. Name of work : REPAIR/MAINT/IMPROVEMENT OF OHT, ELECTRIC POLES, POLE PAINTING, UG CABLES, LT PANEL AND ALLIED CONNECTED WORKS AT ZAKHAMA MIL STN. 2. Estimated cost : 13.72 Lakhs (Rupees thirteen lakhs seventy two thousand only) 3. Period of completion : 06 (Six) months 4. Tender ID : 2016_MES_94860_1 5. Fil No. : 8093/E8 Tele/Fax: 03862-249225 Email: & DC-2554

Details of tender documents (a) Cost of tender : (a) Cost : ` 2000.00 ` 340.95 Lacs (b) Availability : (b) Period of : On or after 18 months 21 Nov 2016 completion (c) Earnest money : (c) Submission : On or Up to ` 3.21 Lacs 1500 hrs on 21 Dec 2016. Cost & Time of work

1. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF 40 MTR SPAN STEEL SUPER STRUCTURE (THROUGH TYPE) MAJOR PERMANENT BRIDGE ON OPEN FOUNDATION OVER RIVER TAGGI AT KM 25.050 ON ROAD MONLU N G WA U N D E R 1 5 BRTF PROJECT SEWAK IN NAGALAND STATE. Note- Full notice of tender, any change in above details, tender document (including eligibility criteria) and other details may be obtained from Central Public Procurement Portal https://eprocure. Tenderers are advised to follow the instructions provided in the 'Instructions to Bidders' for e-submission of the bids through Central Public Procurement Portal https:// For any queries, please contact on telephone 011 - 25686914/25686876 Fax 011-25696026 DAVP 37102/11/0560/1617


NEW DELHI, NOV 16 (PTI): President Pranab Mukherjee today cautioned that a scenario opposite to job creation can spell disaster in the country. Addressing a conference of heads of educational institutions, he said job creation figures were the lowest in past seven years and jobs creation is a priority. Citing incidents of student unrest in institutions, the President emphasised upon a harmonious and peaceful environment for students to pursue higher studies and asked government departments concerned to facilitate academic leaders. Mukherjee said country’s institutions must become magnets for talent by shifting from “brain drain” to “brain rain”. “In India, we have enough talent. With the largest population of the young, we are poised to leverage a low dependency ratio. But that depends on the productivity of the population in the working age bracket. If there are enough jobs in the country, there will be content, refinement and perfection. An opposite scenario can spell disaster. “The restlessness and frustration of youth manifests in unrest and upheaval. Let us not allow such a situation to appear on our horizon. We must turn our evolving demographic configuration into strength. For that, adequate job creation is a priority. The job creation figures of 1.35 lakh in 2015, which is the lowest in seven years, are not encouraging,” the President said. He said with machines





Nagaland Post

Between The Lines

Vol. XXVI NO. 341 Dimapur, thursday, November 17, 2016

Thinking about things


hether or not our politicians, or to be precise, those who remote-control everything in Nagaland, realize, people have grown weary of their games which have made a mess of things by the overuse of “clever politics” and “ideas that sound good”. Very few politicians speak sense while a majority parrot their speeches with little understanding of what their bureaucrats tell them. Most are at home with the run of the mill which can be described as demagoguery that seeks to blend the emotion with notion; no matter what it translates in reality. In the realm of politicians; after all politics is the art of manipulation. Opinions and views work in tandem to create the balancing options of exposing society to the weather of concepts. Even in politics, the ideology of war for peace or destroying for buildinghave strong roots in the concept of re-inventing a conceptual vision. Much has been witnessed in Nagaland during the past decades over the protracted Naga political issue or, as some would prefer to use the term , the “political problem”. Thus, it may be said that the seeking solution has become an issue for the problem. And what should be done over the issue remains the problem. While elected representatives deliberate, it appears that the art of statecraft has, as usual, given way to the platitude over the people’s desire. Decision making process, at least in the context of Nagaland and which involve social issues, have to be traversed along the path of consultation. However, consultations cannot be held without first informing what the issue is and highlighting the same before the event. It should not also be an occasion to seek “immediate consensus” since such exercises turn out to the manipulative and cause long lasting problems. However, there is also a need to understand that there are unseen things, such as ‘silence’. This silence comes not because there is no sound but because society has been muted and is only trying to come out of that. Differences of opinions used to be silenced and this inward growth has led to problems. When attempts are made for symptomatic treatment, then only makes the disease worse. People may be politically mature if seen from the evolution of politics through the decades. However, like seasons, the evolutionary thoughts have taken different opinions as elements which have been exposed as either relevant and irrelevant. Political leaders have to shape in to the needs of a society that has lived through much of that rhetoric and demagoguery of the decades and there are hardly anymore takers for non-performers. Society can only be called as such if it has reached a level where understanding and concerns are at almost the same level. What may be required is a recognition that it is time to jettison some issues that have retarded the progress. It does not in any way diminish the strength of one’s own conviction that a particular viewpoint is the correct one in diagnosing the ailment. In the end, it’s all in the mind where the force of public reasoning offers some measure of insurance. The time and opportunity is for looking at alternative options for intellectual synthesis towards a free and progressive society that all seek to achieve.

DailyDevotion Still Human!

…whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. —1 Corinthians 10:31 In the Scriptures, the great miracle of the incarnation slips into the ordinary life of a child; the great miracle of the transfiguration fades into the demonpossessed valley below; the glory of the resurrection descends into a breakfast on the seashore. This is not an anticlimax, but a great revelation of God. We have a tendency to look for wonder in our experience, and we mistake heroic actions for real heroes. It’s one thing to go through a crisis grandly, yet quite another to go through every day glorifying God when there is no witness, no limelight, and no one paying even the remotest attention to us. If we are not looking for halos, we at least want something that will make people say, “What a wonderful man of prayer he is!” or, “What a great woman of devotion she is!” If you are properly devoted to the Lord Jesus, you have reached the lofty height where no one would ever notice you personally. All that is noticed is the power of God coming through you all the time. We want to be able to say, “Oh, I have had a wonderful call from God!” But to do even the most humbling tasks to the glory of God takes the Almighty God Incarnate working in us. To be utterly unnoticeable requires God’s Spirit in us making us absolutely humanly His. The true test of a saint’s life is not successfulness but faithfulness on the human level of life. We tend to set up success in Christian work as our purpose, but our purpose should be to display the glory of God in human life, to live a life “hidden with Christ in God” in our everyday human conditions (Colossians 3:3). Our human relationships are the very conditions in which the ideal life of God should be exhibited.


It’s better to be perfectly useful than uselessly perfect. ~ Dr. Idel Dreimer


hen the country’s mood is the right, you cannot expect it to vote for Hillary Clinton who represents the left-ofthe-centre if not the left. Donald Trump’s victory is an assertion of the white who constitute nearly 63 per cent and still have the phobia of being a minority. It is an unfortunate thinking but one cannot write it off because that is what America is today. Once again, the thesis of isolation is coming to the fore. There have been a substantial number of people in America who believe that they should go it alone and not bother about what the rest of the world feels about them. But this thought has not captured America at the White House. The outgoing President, Barrack Obama, had two terms although he represented the non-whites. The policy of isolation has been tried before in the country but the people have come back to a secular policy, which has recognized the constitution more than the minority or the majority. President Abraham Lincoln was a Republican but he has gone down in the his-

tory as the most acceptable personality by the minority as well. Donald Trump has, no doubt, outlandish views on Muslims but he is bound to be influenced by the realities of the world. America cannot afford to have an anti-Muslim policy and still expect trade with the middle-east and other Muslim countries. The realities of economics are bound to guide the person at the White House. In a country where unemployment is the main problem, the promise to give jobs has an appeal. The young voters have been very much influenced by this call because they are in the market to seek job. They have heeded to Donald Trump because he, compared to Hillary Clinton, represents that sentiment. She is seen to support continuity. If Hillary Clinton had won and had deal with a Republican Congress, she would have moved towards the middle as her husband did after the Republican Revolution of 1994. Hillary is regarded as more liberal than Bill Clinton on economic issues. On foreign policy, it is likely that

Trump triumphs

a Democratic victory would have been added during have led to more interna- the last six years. The budtional cooperation than a Re- get deficit was reduced by publican victory. Democrats three-fourths, according to a are generally more interested transcript of his speech. No in promoting multilateral so- doubt, Obama had helped lutions and diplomacy than turn the economy around by Re p u b l i regulating the cans, illusfinancial secKuldip Nayar trated by tor in order to the Obama Administration’s help prevent a new finanagreement with Iran, which cial crisis. However, the the Republican candidates major disappointment of denounce. But in more ways his regime was his own than one, the presidential admission of not succeedelection of 2016 was a ref- ing in bridging the divide erendum on the eight years between the parties. He had of President Obama. When hoped to be the person to he launched his campaign in unite the country, but the 2007, Obama was an untried nation had ended up even candidate who hoped to be more divided than under a transformative president President George W. Bush. the way Franklin Roosevelt In addition, the economic and Ronald Reagan had inequality had remained a been, arguably the two most major challenge. significant presidents of A president is both a the 1900s. However, there head of state and cabinet are diverging views on his leader. President Obama can achievement, particularly point to significant legislaafter his final State of the tive success and economic Union Address. President progress as a cabinet leader, Obama tried arguing why his but not everyone sees him as presidency had been success- a great head of state. As for ful. He pointed out that 14 Hillary Clinton, their view million new jobs were cre- was more or less similar ated during his presidency. because she was bound to These included 900,000 pursue her predecessor’s jobs in manufacturing that policy. On the other hand,

Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, November 17, 2016

many voters saw Trump as a patriotic person with gravitas who could be a great head of state, in spite of his arrogant behavior at times and big ego. Widespread anger at the federal government is another key factor that helps explain Trump’s support. Trump generally receives a lot of support because he is an outsider who is not a politician. For instance, the entrance polls showed that a majority were angry and dissatisfied with Democrats. Trump is skeptical of free trade and China’s currency manipulation, and he wants to bring jobs back to America. Trump is a fighter and a successful businessman who understands the economy, many voters feel. Trump, a billionaire, gets credit for using his own money instead of relying on rich donors to private political action committees formed to back presidential candidates. Many people like that Trump is not beholden to anyone and that the Trump campaign has not spent large amounts of money on negative advertisements. In an incisive and persuasive New York Times commentary, Steve



he State of Nagaland was created out of the 16-Points Memorandum submitted to Govt. of India (GOI) by Naga Peoples’ Convention (NPC) in 1960. The incorporation of the Memorandum’s protective clauses in Art 371(A) of the Constitution of India satisfied the NPC and thus the creation of Nagaland as the 16th State in the Union of India was accepted 53 years ago. Nevertheless, NNC rejected the offer of Statehood and went against NPC to the extent of killing its President late Dr. Imkongliba Ao. Thus, the creation of Statehood failed to bring lasting peace as the Naga National Movement continues till today. All through these years, the Art 371(A) remains to be the icon for debates mostly amongst the Nagas both for and inadvertently or intentionally against it. Of late, it reappeared in local papers dated 12.11.2016 with the comment from Dr. Imtiwapang, Parliamentary Secy. for Geology and Mining under the caption “PIL a threat on Art 371(A)”. As I sifted through the brief article, I understood his contention that the PIL (he did not name Lotha Hoho) filed by Lotha Hoho against Nagaland Petroleum and Natural Gas (NPNG) Rules & Regulations of 2012 had subsequently attracted the counter affidavit filed at Kohima Bench of Guwahati High Court by Union Petroleum ministry, GOI, against the same NPNG Rules and Regulations. Yet, to pass the buck to Lotha Hoho is like the question as to whether the egg or the hen comes first. Would Lotha Hoho file PIL against the said Rules had it not been found defective and threat to fundamental rights of the indigenous people of Nagaland? It is common knowledge that Lotha Hoho’s PIL was not against Art 371(A) but against those clauses in the NPNG Rules found detrimental to provisions in Art 371(A). Had the exploration of oil by MOGPL not been stalled, it would have become an item of NSDZ being in operation. Kudos to Lotha Hoho. Specifically, the Lotha Hoho’s irk against the NPNG Rules of 2012 is both the question of making the Govt. of Nagaland as one of the landowners in Rule 4(3) and also the shoddy mechanism of sharing profit accrued out of

Battering Art 371(A)

oil exploration. The Rules and Regulations, in my layman’s understanding, lack clarity on the nature of royalty which both the State Govt. and the land owners deserve to be compensated. Also, to make State Govt. of Nagaland as land owner is a complete contrary to Naga tradition that the individuals, communities within a Village or the Village as a whole are the absolute landowners of lands in Nagaland but not State Govt. Whereas, over the years I came across how both Govt. of Nagaland and organisations have had battered Art 371(A) as to the extent of undermining it or harmed it through misuse as I can recollect few of such instances. 1. Firstly, the Naga Mothers Association represented by its Joint Action Committee on 33% Women Reser vation in Town Councils submitted a representation to Chief Minister of Nagaland on 19.3.2012 in which it asserted that the 73rd and 74th Amendment(s) of Indian Constitution had superseded Art 371(A). Are Naga women of Nagaland satisfied with the decimation or removal of Art 371(A) if they are allowed to become Councillors in small towns under reservation? 2. Secondly, quoting from Jonas Yanthan’s article appeared in Nagaland Page dated 7.6.2016 that the Chief Secretary of Govt. of Nagaland officially declared that “Nagas are owners of land but their ownership is only the top soil...Underneath resources belong to the Govt.” in a consultative meeting on ‘Transfer of land and its resources’ held at Kisama sometime during 2010 in which all tribal Hohos, Naga lawyers and elected representatives attended. Reportedly known that hardly anyone raised a voice against it. What a distortion! The statement had hidden agenda with intent to impose NPNG Rules on Nagaland for personal profit. This is how the State Govt. protects Art 371(A). 3. Thirdly, quoting the comment of Justice (Retd) Zelre Angami who spoke in a seminar on Art 371(A) visa vis NPNG Rules of 2012 organised by Kohima Bar Association at Kohima which appeared in Nagaland Post on 5.11.2013. The retired Justice ‘said that serious questions may be raised as to the effect of the regulations, which has not been made by following the legislation

procedures laid down in the Constitution of India’. This is how the NPNG Rules of 2012 remains controversial and challengeable in relation to Art 371(A). Whereas, the then Union Minister Dr. Mahesh Joshi in-charge of Petroleum and Natural Gas under UPA replied to Unstarred Question No.2423(c) on 10.3.2011 in Lok Sabha as to ‘whether gas extracted on the land in areas’ have claimed by some States to be their properties? To which the reply runs “In this regard, Ministry of Law and Justice, GOI is of the opinion that the term ‘land and its resources’ in Art 371(A) would include mineral oil and their resources and the State of Nagaland would have the power to frame its own laws regarding ownership and transfer of such land and resources under Art 371(A).” Secondly, a resolution was adopted by Nagaland State Assembly on July 26, 2010 on Petroleum and Natural Gas exploration in the State of Nagaland in the light of Art 371(A). To this resolution, the Solicitor General of India Gopal Subramanium had given his observation in favour of the State of Nagaland on 18.2.2011. Being conscious of space sharing, quoting the observation is avoided here. Nevertheless, Nagas should not be surprised to learn that the Union Petroleum Ministry, GOI has become the No.8 respondent to Lotha Hoho’s PIL and challenging the constitutional validity of Art 371(A) under which whether the State Assembly of Nagaland has power to make laws relating to use of land and its resources. And I recollect few historical instances of how the people of Nagaland were mistreated by GOI in the past. Worst is the present that BJP leaders talked about review of Art 370 for Jammu & Kashmir and now the contemplation of the enforcement of Uniform Civil Code. Firstly, the 9-Point agreement between NNC and Governor Hydari on behalf of GOI in 1947 was unilaterally abrogated by GOI. Secondly, Nagaland was placed under External Affairs Minister, GOI as per No.2 of 16-Points Memorandum of 1960 was unilaterally reviewed after 9 years by GOI in 1972. Thirdly, as per No.12 of 16-Points Memorandum, ‘the reserved forests that

were transferred out of Naga areas’ and placed under Assam were to be returned to Nagaland remains undone even after elapse of 53 years of Statehood. GOI has no interest to sincerely handle this issue due to which Nagaland remains to be the only un-demarcated State out of 29. Fourthly, as per No.11 (i)&(ii) how to fund Nagaland was agreed. The GOI once again unilaterally nullified the funding pattern after 26 years in 1989. As per the maxim ‘history repeats itself ’, the history may repeat even in the case of Art 371(A) pertaining to counter affidavit being filed by Union Petroleum Ministry. Taking advantage of the situation, the BJP Govt. may try its best to decimate the power of Nagaland Assembly under Art 371(A). Of course, to emasculate the power of authority enshrined in Art 371(A) needs amendment with the approval of two-third majority of MPs in both Houses of Parliament. Nevertheless, to my belief, any court judgement in favour of the affidavit in question may become the point for reference in near future. Consequentially, in near future any attempt of GOI to scrap or emasculate the authority vested in Art 371(A) will automatically strain the relationship between Nagaland and the Union of India. In other words, once the Art 371(A) is placed in jeopardy at the instance of GOI, the question as to whether Nagaland’s integration with the Union of India is not desirable will arise. The GOI is contemplating to legislate Uniform Civil Code in the name of giving equal treatment to all. Side by side, Art 371(A) is the eyesore and envy to many asking questions as to why the status of States within the Union vary from one another. Meanwhile, the law makers in Nagaland may have to get down to their task and ratify those self infringing clauses or provisions in any of the framed rules which directly or indirectly impede the vibrancy of Art 371(A). I hope the law makers are ready to promptly react appropriately to Law Commission of India trying to promulgate Uniform Civil Code in the country including Nagaland. Also, the NMA may have to retract the statement that had dented on the Article 371(A). Z. Lohe


Inskeep compares the New York real estate magnate to President Andrew Jackson of the 1820s and 1830s. Trump attracts a particularly large group of supporters in the disadvantaged Appalachia region, as Jackson did. Jackson was a populist who did well among a diverse group of people and was tough on Indians the way Trump wants to punish illegal immigrants. However, the unfortunate fallout is that America would cease to have active interest in what happens in the world. For example, the complete withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan would give a free run to the ISIS which represents a radical form of Islam. Even the Taliban are not relevant. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is conscious of this but he has to move according to the wishes of the army which believes that the Taliban are required to fight the radicals. This is probably the time when both India and Pakistan can have a joint front to fight for the people in the region. This would be good for the two countries and also for the world.

NSCN (K) responds to Hokato Vusshe

t is not the desire of the NSCN/GPRN to engage in mudslinging however, the record need to be set straight. If Mr. Hokato Vusshe wishes to contest the truth, he must explain several episodes of sabotage and anti-NSCN conspiracies he masterminded in collaboration with Indian Security Agencies. The residents of New Colony, Zunheboto bears witness to the fact that in a broad day light, the Commanders and jawans of Assam Rifles met Hokato at the residence of former Chairman, Sumi Region, GPRN and he personally took the initiative in handing over to Assam Rifles all the official records, files and registers and various sensitive information pertaining to every Sumi National workers under the Sumi Region of NSCN/GPRN. With huge amount of cash received from the Indian Security Agencies, Mr. Hokato Vusshe campaigned for several weeks in Zunheboto and offered cash to many NSCN/GPRN families and persuaded them to convince their husband and sons to defect to Khehoi Camp by promising them even more cash rewards in the event of defection. Taking exception to this offensive activities of Mr. H. Vusshe,a senior Naga Army officer personally called up Sumi Hoho Executive, registered our protest and also appealed to Sumi Hoho to restrain Hokato Vusshe from defiantly collaborating with Assam Rifles against NSCN/GPRN lest unnecessary factional clash erupts in Zunheboto District. If such connivance with Assam Rifles is not anti-National, Hokato must then provide appropriate definition as to what it was all about. If all his financial records has been audited and cleared as claimed, how does he explain for Crores of Rupees he made away with while defecting? He must also remember that on the pretext of having picnic at the riverside he invited more than twenty cadres and while eating lunch, Hokato’s Lieutenant cocked the rifle and informed the comrades that they were defecting to Khehoi Camp and therefore anyone not willing may walk away, at the gun point none could protest but comply, however almost all the cadres returned to our fold at various intervals bemoaning the treachery of Hokato Vusshe.

It must also be said that at the quarter where Hokato resided at Suruhuto camp, everything was stripped naked and most embarrassingly even the utensils, gas stoves and cylinders, TV set, blankets, cushions and even doormats and wash basins were taken away with him besides more than thirty weapons and huge quantities of ammunition and explosives. It thus remains far from over that his records are cleared. Mr.Hokato must also explain why he is still infatuated with NSCN/GPRN and continues to meddle in our internal affairs by trying to cozy up with several of our senior officers, constantly reminds them persuasively of the futility of serving in the NSCN/ GPRN and at the same time even tries to sow seeds of division amongst Sumi National workers as if we are blind and naive. If there is any semblance of decency and fair play in Khehoi Camp’s leadership, they would be delighted to know how Hokato Vusshe despite being a Kilonser in it’s camp continues to collect taxes in the name of NSCN/GPRN employing various rogue agents and even offering his henchman a co-defector and currently a Secretary in Khehoi Camp to assist NSCN/ GPRN in tax collections in and around Dimapur and Kohima. On several occasions Hokato Vusshe himself offered to covertly aid and oversee tax collections for NSCN in Dimapur but with known ulterior motive to penetrate our set-up and to later betray us to Indian Security Agencies. Unfortunately, some of our workers like Capt.Tovika and former cadre It.Noghuka fell victim to this ploy and were consequently arrested by Indian Securities. As for Kughato Chishi and Sgt.Vikuto, they have always been an agent of Hokato regardless of which ever group they defect to, It is therefore not necessary to provide further explanation on their diabolical roles. Cautioning of capital punishment comes with assent from the highest authority of NSCN/GPRN and is applicable to antiNSCN and anti-National agents, Mr.Hokato Vusshe may therefore not take the warning personally unless he is one. Issued by MIP, NSCN/GPRN

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.

Mamata Bannerjee speaks as a delegation of MPs led by her and NC leader Omar Abdullah meeting President Pranab Mukherjee at Rashtrapati Bhavan on Wednesday. (PTI)

NEW DELHI, NOV 16 (PTI): Seeking immediate withdrawal of demonetisation exercise, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today met President Pranab Mukherjee along with leaders of National Conference, AAP and NDA ally Shiv Sena and submitted a memorandum voicing serious concern over the crisis arising out of ban on Rs 1000 and Rs 500 currency notes. Banerjee led a march to Rashtrapati Bhavan from Parliament alongwith TMC MPs, AAP MP Bhagwant Mann, Shiv Sena MP Harshul, NC leader and former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah among others. “We had a successful meeting with the President during which we discussed the issue. And the President said he would look into the matter,” she said, after emerging out of the Rashtrapati Bhawan. She said the situation

arising out of demonetisation has triggered a sort of constitutional crisis. Speaking about her next move on the issue, she said “Our party will move adjournment motion in Lok Sabha”. Expressing concern over the problems being faced by the people after the demonetisation move, she said “We have requested the President to speak to the government and decide on this and bring back normalcy in the country. President was once the Finance Minister and knows country’s situation better than anyone else, he will take appropriate action.” Leaders of the other opposition parties including Congress, Left parties, SP and BSP did not took part in the protest march. Describing as “dictatorial and draconian step” the government’s demonetisation move, the memorandum has sought its immediate suspension. “Stop harassment of

the common people by lifting of all sorts of restrictions recently thrust upon them,” the five-page memorandum said, and added “ensure that supply of essential commodities in adequate quantities be restored in the markets forthwith.” Before beginning the march from Parliament, Mamata said “The march is to save common people from disaster.” Mann said the ban has affected the normal functioning of the household as there is no money available. However, the Shiv Sena differed on the issue and insisted the government to extend the deadline of accepting the old currency notes. “We welcome the demonetisation move. But we are against the inconvenience caused to people due to it. We have not signed the memorandum (that will be presented to the President Pranab Mukherjee).

food safety standards review panel to be set up

MUMBAI, NOV 16 (PTI): The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) today said it is in the process of setting up a food safety standards review panel to identify gaps in the existing standards for safe and nutritious food against international standards. “FSSAI has formulated a three-pronged strategy for ensuring safe and nutritious food for the 1.3 billion people in India. We are in the process of setting up a food safety standards review panel to identify gaps in existing standards for safe and nutritious food against international standards,” FSSAI CEO Pawan Kumar Agarwal said here. “FSSAI will also look at ensuring that these food safety standards are complied by stakeholders in the food business through third party auditing and food inspections,” he added. Inspections will become a norm as far as food safety is concerned, Agarwal said while speaking at a seminar ‘Surakshit Khadya Abhiyan’, a national mission on safe and nutritious food initiated by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Food & Agriculture Centre of Excellence (FACE). FSSAI will also strengthen capacity building and training of food safety labs and master trainers in food safety standards, who can further train the stakeholders in the food value chain. “Also, awareness will be create amongst consumers about food safety and nutritious foods, be it at home, schools, colleges, work place, street food, social and cultural centres,” Agarwal said. Agarwal expressed optimism that India as a nation can address the food safety issues “if we create a brand and work on it wholeheartedly in a collective manner”.

CM reviews Hornbill fest preparation

NHRC notice to MHA on FCRA renewal

T.R. Zeliang with officials at Kisama Heritage village on Wednesday.

DIMAPUR: Nagaland chief minister, T.R. Zeliang held a review meeting with officials of several departments at Kisama Heritage

village Wednesday afternoon and took stock of the preparation for the Hornbill Festival 2016. Later, accompanied by chief

secretary Pankaj Kumar, parliamentary secretary of Tourism, C. Apok Jamir and officials, Zeliang visited the festival venue.

SC rejects plea for review of jallikattu verdict NEW DELHI, NOV 16 (PTI): The Supreme Court today dismissed the plea of the Tamil Nadu government seeking review of the 2014 judgement banning use of bulls for jallikattu events in the state and bullock-cart races across the country. A bench comprising Justices Dipak Misra and R F Nariman rejected the state government’s review petition, filed in 2014 through its Chief Secretary, saying that it was illegal and unconstitutional as the taming of bulls for such an event amounted to “cruelty”. Senior advocate Shekhar Naphade, appearing for the state, submitted during the hearing that the jallikattu is not cruel as a whole, and instances of animal torture

are isolated cases. The apex court had on January 21 dismissed similar pleas for reexamination of the 2014 judgement. A bench of Justices Gopala Gowda and P C Ghose, during in-chamber proceedings, had dismissed the review petitions filed by some residents of Tamil Nadu seeking reconsideration of the ban order on the controversial bull-taming sport. On January 8, the Centre had issued a notification lifting the ban on jallikattu in Tamil Nadu with certain restrictions, which was challenged in the apex court by Animal Welfare Board of India, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India, a Bangalore-based NGO and others.


G U WA H A T I , N O V 16 (PTI): National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has issued a notice to the Ministry of Home Affairs on a complaint alleging “draconian approach” of the Centre in the renewal of Foreign Contribution Regulation ACT (FCRA) license of a non-governmental organisation. “The 7th Human Rights Defender Forum Colombo, Sri Lanka, has informed the Commission to intervene in the FCRA license non-renewal of Centre for Promotion of Social Concerns (CPSC),” said an NHRC release today. “Such a systematic attack on rights of Human Rights Defenders and on fundamental rights of the association and assembly as enshrined in Article 19 of the Constitution has also been brought to notice of the Commission,” it said. UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Association and Assembly in his local analysis of FCRA 2010 had submitted a report of the Government of India in 2016 arguing that FCRA was not in conformity with international law, principles and standards as access to resources including foreign funding is a fundamental part of the right to freedom of association under the international laws, standards and principles, it said.


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Mamata leads protest march against note ban







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No.35565 C/N Isada Zeliang S/O Shri Kehou C’ Coy 3rd NAP Battalion Tuensang, Nagaland Sub: FINAL CALLING NOTICE Whereas No.35565 C/N Isada Zeliang, S/O Shri Kehou of Mpai village PO/PS-Peren District-Peren was found absent from bonafide government duty with effect from 12.09.16. And whereas Calling Notice was issued vide No.3NAP (RO-27)2016-17/1204 dated 12.10.16 and No.3NAP (RO-27)2016-17/1345 dated 31.10.16 to report back for duty immediately but have failed to report back till date. Now you are therefore once again directed to report back within 7(Seven) days from the date of publication of this Final Calling Notice, failing which you will be declared ‘deserter’ and will be dismissed from service from the date of your absence without further notice. Commandant, 3rd NAP Battalion, Tuensang Nagaland. DC-2553


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LAND FOR SALE A Plot of Land alongwith Building, measuring an area of 160 x 50 sq. ft. Situated at Ura Villa (near Circuit House) is for Sale. Price : 40 Lacs (Negotiable) Contact No : 9856511462


Model : 2015 June Running - 10,000 k.m. Colour : White Music System Show Room Condition Price : 2.75 (Nego) Contact No : 8731982792


7 US coach errs badly, providing intensive training (5,6) 8 Damaged gun’s alright internally (6) 9 A little rainfall indicator? (6) 10 It’s still produced north of the border (6) 12 Didn’t fail to deal out spades (6) 13 Some villain’s not well (3) 14 Fruit and nuts taken back by child (6) 16 Please turn and slip away (6) 18 Maroon filament (6) 20 Squeeze in a game (6) 22 Bird or animal turning on baby in nursery rhyme (4,7) Down 1 Small vehicle making a mark (4) 2 A lot of money in a carton (6) 3 Take two inches off for good health! (4-4) 4 Pigs stand out with spotted heads (4) 5 Initially grand accommodation for stable men (6) 6 Young animals making vets reel (8) 11 Coarsest sort of ships? (8) 12 A planet’s teribly nice (8) 15 Ghosts in sunglasses (6) 17 Egyptian god transported in a bus (6) 19 Fingerprints of fishes? (4) 21 Droop before a long story (4)

LAND with Assam Type Building (6 Rooms) near Phom Baptist Church, Burma Camp, Dimapur @ Rs. 30,00,000/No Broker Please


Qual. : 10 to Graduate Age : 18 - 30 Income : 5000 - 17500-35000 PM Free Lodging First come first basis Contact with Bio-Data Dimapur : 9615828074 Tuensang : 8414830135 Mon : 9856445757 Jalukie : 7421953239

Fresher/Experienced for Pmnt. Mgmt Posts Qual. : 10 to Graduate Age : 18 to 26 Income : 5000 - 17500 - 35000 PM Attractive Bonus with Promotions ! Contact with Bio-Data Kohima : 8131911553 Zunheboto : 7421825869 Wokha : 8794879269


Govt. Regd. Co Requires 78 M/F

LAND FOR SALE Near Zion Hospital

Area : 13400 Sq. Ft. at New Showuba

Contact No : 7085751736

Purana Bazar (A) Rs. 270 per sq. ft. First Come First Serve No earth filling required (Negotiable) Contact : 8575654464 8415969424/8575662483




No. 8338 Yesterday’s solution No. 8337

Contact : 7085286145


ISO Cert. Co. Requires 78 M/F for Pmnt Post

at Chumukedima Size : 100 x 100 Price : 20 Lakhs

Contact : 8575498941/8413956454

LAND FOR SALE At Vihuku under Niuland

6 paras (3,19,225 square ft) @ Rs 40 per square ft. (Negotiable) Approx. 7 min drive from the main road to be sold in bulk NO BROKER Ph. No 7005605757

Contact : 9862762347 9436407213



at Naga United Village, Dimapur. 2 min walk from main road. 4050 sq ft. With ring well, RCC bathroom/ toilet. 3 room kacha house with CGI sheet roof, separate kitchen. Rs 10 lakh (Slightly Negotiable) Ph no. 9615612670

LAND FOR SALE at Naga United Vill

(a) 8600 sq ft. opp Hope Academy school (b) 15000 sq ft Nihoto road touch (c) N e w S h o w u b a 30000 sq ft Main road touch Cont 9862652424

LOST NOTICE I have lost my HSLC Mark Sheet, Admit Card and Certificate of qualification which was gutted by fire and I am applying duplicate for same. Name : M. Imti Chuba Chang F/Name : N. Mosha Chang D.O.B : 28/02/1992 Roll. No. : 0960722 (HSLC 2009) Name of School : Holy Cross School Tuensang) DP-9249(A)

LOST NOTICE I have lost my HSLC Mark Sheet, Admit Card and Certificate of qualification which was gutted by fire and I am applying duplicate for same. Name : Yemlong Chaba Chang F/Name : N. Mosha Chang D.O.B : 05/01/1997 Roll. No. : 1360845 (HSLC 2013) Name of School : Holy Cross School (Tuensang) DP-9249(B)

at New Showuba 3 Bighas (main road touch) 10 mins drive from Central Jail, 4th Mile No Brokers Contact : 9862586625



85 Bighas Rs. 10 per sq. ft.



at Seithekema 'A'

(Between 10:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M).



CLEAN WATER available in Kohima Contact: 9402809312 9615749312

PRINTING MACHINE HELPER for Night Shift Contact : 03862-248267




Dimapur # 7085240353 /8119857352

offices by Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) in coordination with the banks and consultation with RBI. This procedure is being introduced to begin with in the metro cities and expanded to other areas later, the RBI said in a statement. Identified bank branches are provided with black indelible ink bottles of 5 ml each and the cap of the bottle includes a small brush for applying the ink. According to SOP released by the RBI, indelible ink can be applied by the cashier or any other official designated by the bank before the notes are given to the customer so that while the exchange of notes is taking place, a few seconds elapse which will allow the ink to dry up and prevent removal of ink. Indelible ink on the index finger of the left hand or any other finger of the left hand cannot be used.




LEARN DRIVING KOHIMA Contact : 9615562483


Two Naga Boys for Car Servicing Centre at Chumukedima Town Salary : Rs. 2000+Free Fooding & Lodging Contact : 8119069274


25 million users since starting services on September 5 and is targetting 100 million in the shortest time, equivalent to about 38% of market leader Bharti Airtel’s 260 million subscribers in the country.

New Arrival Address : Walford Road (Opp. Mahindra Showroom)

500/1000 notes in the biggest crackdown on black money, corruption and counterfeit currency. The notes withdrawn accounted for 86 per cent of the cash circulating in the Asia’s third-largest economy. The indelible ink is supplied to the bank/post



people said, adding that the new devices will be aimed at first-time data users. “The 2G feature phone is still a big market in India.”About 65% of India’s more than 1 billion mobile phone subscribers still use feature phones. Affordability — the cheapest 4G smartphones cost about Rs 3,000 — and lack of scope for other uses have deterred the faster adoption of smartphones. Jio, the only telco in India that offers VoLTE to make calls, has added over


MUMBAI, NOV 16 (PTI): Reversing its two-day fall, the rupee recovered by 19 paise to 67.55 against the US dollar in early trade on Wednesday on fresh selling of the American currency by banks and exporters. Forex dealers said weakness of dollar against other currencies overseas and a higher opening in the domestic equity market also boosted the trading sentiment. Besides, the retail inflation declining to 14month low of 4.2 per cent in October also helped in lifting the mood. On Tuesday, the rupee tumbled by 49 paise to end at near five-month low of 67.74 following frantic demand for the American currency amid heavy capital outflows.

NEW DELHI, NOV 16 (Agencies): Reliance Industries is preparing to launch feature phones with 4G capability, creating a new category of mobile devices in India in a bid to attract millions of users to its telecom venture Reliance Jio Infocomm. These devices could be priced as low as about Rs 1,000 and will come bundled with unlimited voice and video calling, besides digital content, people familiar with the plans said. The Mukesh Ambani-owned company will offer the feature phones with voice over LTE (VoLTE) technology, seeking to win over customers from the rural and tier-III markets who use phones mainly to make calls. “Jio wants to tap all the segments in the country and sees huge potential in the rural areas, which it now aims to tap with VoLTE feature phones,” one of the



Jio plans Rs 1000 Aam Aadmi 4G phone

A bank employee applying ink to a customer on exchange of 500 and 1000 rupee currency notes at a SBI branch in New Delhi on Wednesday. (PTI)

LAND FOR URGENT SALE at Kejanglwa Village Around 30-35 Acres

of Land at just Rs. 7/- per sq. ft. Highway attached to New D.C Office, Peren : Nagaland Contact : 9402819156 8414071834


PUBLIC NOTICE I, Shri. Samuel Dey, age about 45 years, son of Shri. Omulu Dey, resident of Naharbari, Dimapur, District- Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby notified to any persons/individual to file for claim/objection in regard to the plot of land under Dag No. 772/893, Patta No. 539, Area : 00-01-13 under Mouza No. 03 at Naharbari, if any, within 3 days from the date of publication of this notice. After the expiry of the stipulated time, no claims/objection will be entertained. Samuel Dey 9414966634 DP-9255



Dt. Medz. the 15th Nov. 2016


Whereas Shri. Tumchobemo, s/o Lt. Mhonyani Kithan of Medziphema Town has applied for issue of Succession Certificate under the Indian Succession Act. 1925 to draw pension/GIS/GPF/ Leave encasement/Bank Account etc of Lt. Mhonyani Kithan, who expired on 04-10-2016. Therefore, public are hereby asked to file objection/claim if any within 30 days of issue of this notice. DP-9260

(Sara.S.Jamir) Addl. Deputy Commissioner Medziphema Dist. Dimapur : Nagaland


I, Mr. Ghoyeto Khekiye Sema, s/o Late Hokhevi Ghoyeto, residing at H/No. 40, Zhikhu Village, P.O. Dimapur 797112 (Nagaland) hereby state the following :1. That, in some of my documents, my name is written as Khekiye G./G. Khekiye Sema/G. Kekiye Sema, instead of my correct name Ghoyeto Khekiye Sema. That my official name is Ghoyeto Khekiye Sema. 2. That, in some of my documents, my father's name is written as H. Ghoyeto/Ghoyeto Ayemi, instead of his correct name Hokhevi Ghoyeto. That my father's official name is Hokhevi Ghoyeto. I take oath and solemnly declare/affirm that the particulars furnished above by me are correct and that I have concealed or misrepresented any facts. Deponent Signed and solemnly affirmed before me by the deponent who is identified by Sri .................... Before the Notary Regd. No. 13755/2016 Date : 13/10/2016 at Dimapur District, Dimapur.


Rupee gains 19 paise against dollar in early trade


pany, cooperative bank and post offices on account of aggregate cash deposits in one or more current account of a person. Banks and post offices now have to file a statement of financial transaction in respect of these transactions on or before January 31, 2017, the notification said. Earlier, they were required to report to the I-T Department only when cash deposits in an account exceeded Rs 10 lakh in one full year. In view of apprehensions that large number of illegal or black money may sought to be converted into white during the window provided till December 30, the Revenue Department has issued fresh set of instructions. In a major assault on black money, counterfeit notes and terror financing, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had on November 8 announced demonetisation of high value currency notes of Rs 1000/500 and asked the public to deposit

New Delhi, NOV 16 (PTI): To stop repeat money exchangers thronging banks with invalid currency notes, banks have started applying indelible ink mark on the right hand index finger of customers in the select metro cities. SBI and few other banks in Delhi have started using indelible ink. As per the government statement, 11 branches of SBI are using the method to weed out customers queuing up again and again to exchange invalid currency notes. As per the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for exchanging notes, concerned bank branches and post offices would put indelible ink mark on the right index finger of the customer so as to identify that he/she has exchanged the old currency notes once. The move comes amid reports of long queues and chaotic scenes at banks and ATMs across the country for past several days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi last week announced the withdrawal of old Rs


New Delhi, Nov 16 (PTI): The government has asked banks and post offices to report to the I-T Department all deposits above Rs 2.50 lakh in savings accounts, and more than Rs 12.50 lakh in current accounts, made during the 50-day window provided to tender the scrapped 500 and 1000 rupee notes. As per a notification issued today, banks, cooperative banks and post offices will have to report to the tax department cash deposits exceeding Rs 50,000 in a single day or aggregating to more than Rs 2.5 lakh during the period November 9, to December 30, 2016. These entities will also have to report cash deposits during the period aggregating to Rs 12.50 lakh or more, in one or more current account of a person. The Finance Ministry has notified the amended Rule for filing of Annual Information Return (AIR) report by banking com-

points or 0.02 per cent lower at 26,298.69. The gauge had lost 1,213.05 points in previous two sessions to touch a nearly six-month low after fears of acute cash crunch arising out of demonetisation unnerved investors amid capital outflows by foreign funds. NSE Nifty, however, managed to close in the positive zone with a small gain of 3.15 points, or 0.04 per cent, at 8,111.60 after shuttling between 8,210.05 and 8,089.40. However, easing inflation numbers, both WPI and CPI, offering more room to RBI to lower rate gave investors some level of comfort. Rupee remained on a weak wicket against the dollar, losing 20 paise to close at 67.94. The BSE Mid-Cap index provisionally rose 0.56 per cent, while the smallcap index gained 0.05 per cent. Major losers included ITC (2.94 per cent), Dr Reddy’s (2.89 per cent), Cipla (2.55 per cent), Lupin (2.27 per cent) and Sun Pharma (2.13 per cent).


Mumbai, Nov 16 (PTI): Sensex gave up its initial gains and ended marginally lower, pulled down by consumer durables, healthcare and metal counters following a bout of fag-end profit booking, while the Nifty managed to close above the 8,100-mark. Participants are keeping an eye on the Winter Session of Parliament, which started today, and US fiscal policies to be followed by President-elect Donald Trump. Investors are still in a risk-off mode, taking cues from global markets that were on the back foot ahead of Fed Chair Janet Yellen’s testimony tomorrow. “The market rebounded as investors used the advantage of a drop in valuation while the selling at higher levels pulled back the market to close flat,” said Vinod Nair, Head of Research, Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services. Sensex started off on a strong footing and advanced to a high of 26,621.40. However, it succumbed to profit-booking at higher levels, falling to 26,239.21, before settling 5.94


them in banks by December 30. Since then, seemingly unending queues of people trying to deposit and exchange their scrapped currency notes are being witnesses at banks and post offices. Tax department officers are of the view that the 50-day window provided to people to deposit or exchange notes should not be misused and hence the need to keep a tab on such high value deposits. Those depositing large amounts of unaccounted money will have to face the consequences under tax laws, which provide for a 30 per cent tax, 12 per cent interest and a 200 per cent penalty. “CBDT has brought two-fold amendment casting a reporting responsibility on the taxpayer as well as the bank, thereby ensuring that bank doesn’t let go off the non-compliant taxpayers,” Nangia & Co Managing Partner Rakesh Nangia said.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, november 17, 2016


Banks, POs to report cash deposits of over Rs 2.5 lakh


Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, November 17, 2016

Russia pulls out from the International Criminal Court

Vladimir Putin

M o s c ow, N ov 1 6 (IANS): The Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered Russia to withdraw from the International Criminal Court, media reported. According to Russia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry statement, Putin formally ordered by decree the withdrawal of Russia’s signature from the Rome Statute, the founding document establishing the ICC, an international tribunal set up two decades ago to prosecute war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity, Efe news agency reported. “The court failed to meet the expectations to become a truly independent and authoritative international tribunal,” the statement said. “The decision of the Russian Federa-

tion not to become a party to the Rome Statute (to withdraw its signature from the Statute) entails legal consequences provided for by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969,” it added. This resolution -which implies that Russia now falls outside the ICC’s jurisdiction -- immediately came into force on Wednesday. The ministry criticised in its statement the fact that, “during the 14 years of the court’s work it passed only four sentences having spent over a billion dollars.” Russia’s disag reements with the ICC were amplified after the court decided to investigate alleged war crimes committed during the August 2008 conflict between Georgia

and Russia over the separatist south Ossetia region. “The (then-Georgian President) Saakashvili regime’s attack on peaceful (South-ossetian capital) Tskhinvali, the assassination of the Russian peacekeepers resulted in the court’s accusations against south-ossetian militia and Russian soldiers,” the statement said. On the other hand, Moscow added, the “investigation of actions and orders of Georgian officials was left to the discretion of the Georgian justice and remains outside of the focus of the ICC.” “This development speaks for itself. We can hardly trust the ICC in such a situation,” the Foreign Ministry declared. Russia signed the Rome Statute -- first drafted in 1998 -- in the year 2000, although it never ratified the treaty. The nations that ratified it numbered 123 states, with the notable exceptions of the US, China and Israel. With this decision, no Russian citizens may be tried by the ICC in The Hague for war crimes or genocide unless an express resolution is passed by the UN’ Security Council, of which Russia is a veto-wielding permanent member.

SL launches plan to address sexual violence

Colombo, Nov 16 (IANS): Sri Lanka on Wednesday launched a national action plan to address sexual and gender-based violence. The action plan was officially launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) here, Xinhua news agency reported. The national action plan, developed on the vision of creating “a violence-free life for women and children” with zero tolerance for sexual and gender-based violence in Sri Lanka, is significant as it was formulated using a multi-sectoral approach with engagement from key ministries representing nine sectors. Chandrani Bandara, Minister of


21 to 23 NOV. 2016 AT STATE ACADEMY HALL, KOHIMA TIME: 4:00 pm Theme: “Not by might, nor by power but by the Spirit says the Lord”. Zechariah 4:6 Speaker : EVANGELIST PRASHANTH JOSE, From Bangalore Organised by : ALL PEOPLES CHURCH KOHIMA



Consequent upon prevalence of rampant land racket (Selling & buying) of land within the jurisdiction of Kuki Region, GPRN/ NSCN it is hereby informed to all concerned that henceforth any individual/party found involving in the above mentioned practice (selling & Buying) the seller and the buyer shall face the same penalty/invite the wrath of the government. In the Service of the Nation. (D. Thomsong) (Kaihao Singson) R/Secretary R.A.O # 8729978973 # 8729935301


West Virginia, NOV 16 (Agencies): The mayor of a town in the US state of West Virginia has resigned after she was caught up in a controversy over racist comments about Michelle Obama. Beverly Whaling had appeared to applaud a Facebook post referring to Obama as an “ape in heels”. She wrote that the post had made her day, but later said she was referring to the election outcome. A petition calling for the mayor’s resignation had gathered over 170,000 signatures. Whaling was the mayor of the town of Clay, which has a population of just 491. The town has no African American residents, according to the 2010 census. In Clay County as a whole, more than 98% of its 9,000 residents are white. Whaling had responded to a Facebook post by Pamela Ramsey Taylor, a local resident who runs a non-profit group in Clay County, which referred to the first lady as an “ape”. “It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified first lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a Ape in heels,” Taylor wrote. Whaling responded with “just made my day Pam”. While Clay County has a small population, the furore over the Facebook post spread far and wide. Taylor had already been dismissed from her post. Whaling had already issued a written apology to news media outlets saying that her comment wasn’t intended to be racist.



The Aghunaqa Area Students' Union (AASU) would like to congratulate Dr. Luhevi K. Achumi, Rtd. District and Sessions Judge and Head GB of Luhevi Village for receiving Doctorate and Best Social Worker Award conferred by the Authority of Academy of Universal Global Peace, Bangalore. The Union wish him all the best in his future endeavours. (H. Pito Yepthomi) President, AASU

(Vicky Achumi) Finance Secy., AASU



Mayor resigns over ‘ape in heels’ post

Women and Child Affairs, said here ministry was happy that several leading ministries and institutions from different sectors, UN agencies, INGOs and NGOs had joined hands in developing the plan and ensured a multi-sectoral engagement, thereby putting in place a comprehensive holistic national plan. Una McCauley, Resident Coordinator of UN Sri Lanka and Resident Representative of UNDP Sri Lanka, stated that the national plan was a clear indication of the political will of the government of Sri Lanka through a comprehensive and multi-sectoral framework involving three important dimensions; namely, Prevention, Intervention and Policy Advocacy.

I offer my humble but deep gratitude to all who extended their help during the recovery of my vehicle (Bolero Pickup NL 05 T 9542) after it rolled down a steep incline some 350 feet below the approach road between Koio and Nungying village under Wokha district on November 2, 2016. I also express my special gratitude to: 1. Commandant, 28 Assam Rifles Wokha and Deputy Commandant MN Khama, E. Coy 28 AR for providing manpower and Recovery Van for 2 days 2. Doyang Tower incharge Jiten and staff of Ansari Co. for providing pulling ropes 3. Koio villagers and all well-wishers Though I have nothing to give you back in return, but I pray that our Almighty bless you all abundantly. Nphyo Kikon DC-2559 Koio Village, Wokha: Nagaland.


international A. Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55


INCOME NAME OF THE DEPARTMENTS AMOUNT DC Office Wokha `. 26,200/DIC (Industries) `. 5,000/DTO (Transport) `. 1,400/PWD (R&B) `. 39,000/DC (Election Branch) `. 2,000/DEO (Edn)Wokha `. 43,900/SDEO (Edn) Wokha `. 1,60,900/DFO (Fishery) `. 3,200/Taxes `. 1,600/Treasury `. 5,000/Home Guards `. 1,100/DIET `. 4,000/Executive Engineer (Power) `. 19,000/Statistical `. 6,500/GHSS Wokha `. 28,100/PHED `. 16,200/NST `. 9,300/S.P Office `. 67,100/Labour & Employment. `. 2,100/Irrigation `. 3,500/Mt. Tiyi College, Wokha `. 17,900/Mechanical `. 6,300/DPRO `. 5,200/SIB ( Shri, Khochamo Shitri) `. 500/Land Resource Department `. 19,000/Urban Development `. 800/ARCS `. 1,900/DSO (Sports) `. 1,400/Highway PWD (SDO) `. 1,800/Dist. Planning Machinery Cell `. 2,000/DSCO (Soil) `. 9,100/DVO (Vety) `. 18,800/Industrial Training Institute (ITI) `. 4,000/BDO Changpang `. 3,000/Housing `. 10,600/BDO Chukitong `. 2,200/Dist. Agricultural Office `. 10,000/Chief Medical Officer, Office Wka. `. 91,500/SBI Wokha `. 6,000/BDO Wokha `. 2,100/BDO Sanis `. 2,200/Dist Child Protection Office `. 2,200/DRDA Office `. 9,000/BDO Wozhuro `. 2,300/Dist. Social welfare Department `. 15,600/Dist. Sericulture Office `. 5,200/OC Fire Brigade `. 1,600/DEO (Employment) `. 3,000/ADS Food & Civil Supplies `. 7,400/MS. DMM Hospital `. 18,100/RD Block Ralan `. 1,800/DFO Doyang `. 5,500/SDEO Bhandari `. 6,800/Youth Resource Office `. 800/DFO `. 7,000/TOTAL INCOME = `. 7, 47,700/Rupees Seven Lakhs, Forty Seven Thousand Seven Hundred) only B. INCOME Sl.No INDIVIDUALS/UNION AMOUNT 1 S. Rhontsuthung Ezung `. 10,000/2 P. Zubenthung Humtsoe `. 5,000/3 Abenthung S. Ngullie `. 5,000/4 Yanyithung Tsopoe `. 5,000/5 Y. Mhalo Ezung `. 5,000/6 Bichamo Shitiri `. 5,000/7 Tsenbemo Jungio `. 5,000/8 P. Silanthung Ngullie `. 3,000/9 S. Rhontsuthung Ezung `. 5,000/10 Er. Lanu Jamir, Chief Engr. High Way `. 50,000/11 Teachers Day 2016 Chief Guest `. 30,000/12 Mhonchumi Humtsoe `. 4,000/13 N. Janbemo Humtsoe `. 5,000/14 M. Yanrenthung Humtsoe `. 10,000/15 Edward Ngullie `. 4,000/16 Rhukhomo Kikon `. 5,000/17 Dr. Zubon Humtsoe `. 5,000/18 Roland Jami (E.E Irrg.) `. 30.000/19 Hachio Patton PS. HM `. 15,000/20 Chophathung Yanthan, BM, SBI `. 3,000/21 Albert, Land Resources Deptt. Kma `. 5,000/22 Dr.T.M Lotha `. 50,000/23 Dr. Chumben Murry `. 5,000/24 Mhalo Patton `. 3,000/25 P. Chophathung Ngullie `. 5,000/26 Myamo Jami (DTO) `. 5,000/27 Mr & Mrs Y.M. Humtsoe `. 10,000/28 Mr & Mrs. A. Zanbemo Ngullie `. 30,000/29 Er. Yanpvu Ezung `. 3,000/-

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Er. Mhathung Kikon `. 5,000/Lotha Hoho `. 30,000/Er. Yanthanshan Yanthan `. 3,000/Marwaree Union, Wokha `. 50,000/Khamongo Humtsoe `. 3,000/T. Penthungo Lotha `. 5,300/Er. Mhondamo Ovung `. 5,000/Mrs. Thungdeno Mozhui (DRDA) `. 40,000/Mrs. Thungbeni Ngullie BDO. Wka `. 5,000/Ms. Tsenlumi Murry BDO Chukitong `. 5,000/Mrs. Tulula Pongen, Jt. Director SW `. 50,000/Essar Oil Company Ltd, Wokha `. 5,000/M/s P. E. Ezung & Sons IOC `. 5,000/Dr. Pithungo Kikon `. 5,000/P. Mhonbemo Murry `. 4,000/Zubemo Yanthan `. 3,000/K. Mhonthung Tungoe `. 8,000/Dr. Zuben Kikon `. 5,000/Dr. Zumomo Ovung `. 2,000/Libemo Kithan `. 2,000/Hotulu, ADC Wokha `. 20,000/A. Wopen Lotha, Kohima `. 10,000/Muslim Union, Wokha `. 35,000/T. Chumremo, SP Wokha `. 10,000/Alow Khuvung Chairman, Meriyan `. 2,000/T. Chonbenthung Odyuo (SDEO) `. 10,000/Chichanbemo Kikon OC Wokha `. 5,000/Y. Patton Home Minister `. 30,000/T. Mhabemo Yanthan (Kma) `. 10,000/Night Bazar `. 60,600/ CNTC, Dimapur `. 10,000/Ao Senden, Mokokchung `. 5,000/Contractors Union `. 50,000/TOTAL INCOME = `.8, 22,900/(Rupees Eight Lakh, Twenty Two Thousand Nine Hundred) only. A+B = `. 15, 70,600/Rupees Fifteen Lakh Seventy Thousand Six Hundred Only.

Following Individuals have contributed for Consolation Prizes. Sl.No NAMES AMOUNT 1 Mr. Surenthung Ennie `. 1,000/2 Mr. James Tungoe `. 2,000/3 Mr. Thungdemo Kyong `. 1,000/4 Mr. Mhonbemo Murry `. 1,000/5 Mr. K. Zubenthung Ezung `. 1,000/6 Mr. Y. Zubenthung Ngullie `. 1,000/7 Mr. S. Rhontsuthung Ezung `. 2,000/8 Mr. Thungchibemo T. Lotha `. 1,000/9 Dr. Aben Murry `. 1,500/10 Mr. Zubemo Yanthan `. 1,000/11 Mr. Mhonthung Tungoe `. 2,000/12 Mr. Levison Yanthan `. 2,000/13 Mr. P. Zubenthung Humtsoe `. 7,500/EXPENDITURE Sl.No Head Of Account Amount 1 Chumpo Committee `. 2,37,390/2 Decoration Committee `. 23,650/3 Presentation Committee `. 1,48,150/4 Media & Printing `. 75,590/5 Sound & Lights `. 2,06,200/6 Stage Committee `. 40,000/7 Mess committee `. 1,90,022/8 Transportation `. 22,500/9 Seat Arrangement `. 24,050/10 Electrification & Sanitation `. 49,200/11 Indigenous Games `. 65,800/12 Folk Songs `. 30,000/13 Folk Dance `. 60,000/14 Music Committee `. 55,000/15 Reception `. 9,000/16 Comedy Committee `. 13,000/17 Volunteers `. 19,000/18 Night Bazar `. 15,000/19 Miscellaneous `. 44,530/Total Expenditure= `.13, 28,082/Rupees Thirteen Lakhs, Twenty Eight Thousand & Eighty Two only. ANALYSIS

:- Income – Expenditure = `. 15, 70,600 – `. 13, 28, 082 = `. 2, 42,518/Balance at hand :- `. 2, 42,518/(Rupees Two Lakhs, Forty Two Thousand Five Hundred Eighteen) only. Ete Lotha sukhying mmhonkathukvu tsukona nchukum ete Tokhu ji Mharenden Okho na Lotha Hoho khumcho kupina elhi echanchoe tssotathung Departments, Organizations osi kija kvutatana ekyo erong epicho sana, nchung nte nzanchi yakchia Lotha sukhying mmhonkacho kaje to nte ntsi thuka montsson nte pia Potsow khi tssochyua nte mmhayithukvu ka je to nte ntsijanthukala. Mharenden Okho. DC-2552



Thuwu-ni Festival at Pughoboto continues W C

YouTube predicts Latin Grammy winners based on video views

2009, Amit Paul who hails from Shillong enthralled the music lovers with his popular Hindi songs where the convenor of the organizing committee and Minister for Roads & Bridges, Y. Vikheho Swu and his lady wife beside also joined him on the stage. Amit acknowledged Vikheho Swu, Alobo, Kito and all his fans for inviting him to perform at Pughoboto. The Runners up Hornbill Rock contest 2010, Incipt and Aphuyemi led by Ato Assumi were also presented special numbers during the celebration. The minister and other officials gave away the prizes to the winners in different skills development. During the program, one successful woman who qualified as Dy. SP in NPSC exam from Pughoboto Sub Division was also felicitated. (APRO, Pughoboto)

Baillie Gifford Prize: Radiohead dominate producer awards Lawyer wins award


nternational lawyer Philippe Sands has won the Baillie Gifford Prize for non-fiction for his book about war crimes. East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity links his own family history with the origins of international law. The judges called it “a multi-layered history that is impressive in its own right but also a satisfying, suspenseful read”. Sands donated his £30,000 prize money to a refugee charity. He told the audience at the prize ceremony in London that he and fellow shortlisted writer Hisham Matar had decided before tistes will perform for the the announcement that if either were to win, they viewers. Forms for the competi- would share the prize and tion will be made available at Kiran Sports, Popular Baker y-Purana Bazaar. While the last date for form submission will be December 3. For more details one may contact 9862-09-4672 or 9774-86-2205.

ADJ Team to organize ‘Karaoke Night’




Godrich is nominated for the main prize, producer of the year. The winner of that accolade automatically receives a Brit Award. However, Godrich faces competition from two-time winner Paul Epworth, who is nominated for his work on Adele’s 25 and the Glass Animals album How To Be A Human Being. The final nominee for

best producer is Fraser T Smith, whose recent credits include Kano’s Mercurynominated Made In The Manor album and the debut EP by up-and-coming R&B singer Ray BLK. T h e awa r d s, n ow in their ninth year, also feature a new category, best self-producing artist, which sees James Blake, Jeff Lynne and Tarek Musa of Spring King go head to head.

Dancing Star Nagaland S-2 finale today


ancing Star Nagaland Season-2 is all set to hold its grand finale on November 17 at Town Hall, Dimapur, 3:30 p.m. onwards. Altogether 14 finalists from both individual and group category will be performing during the finale. Judges for the show included Felix matthew Maplance and Minkamlak (Jiji) while the show will be hosted by Kivikali Zhimo. The organizers invites all old and young to witness live performances of the dancers as they perform for the coveted title. During the finale winners of DSN-1, MX Flippers Crew (group) and Hepzibah Naoroibam (individual) and a few more will be performing.



The Kutsapo Students Union with immense pride and honour extended heartiest congratulation note to Dr. NUTAZO LOHE S/O LT.MUSHIZO LOHE for having successfully come out to the post of Assistant Professor(History)in the recently conducted prestigious Nagaland Public Service Commission examination .Indeed your hard labour and success is a source of inspiration to the younger generation. The Kutsapo Students Union and Village Council wishes him good health and best of luck in his future endeavour. Village Council Kutsapo Kutsapo Students Union

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Ph. No. : 8974028371

Happy 75th Birthday to our beloved father K-4193

With pride and honor Nagaland Football Coaches Association (NFCA) would like to congratulate Mr. William Koso for becoming the first AFC (Asian Football Confederation) Futsal Level 1 Certified Coach from Nagaland. This is an addition to his other achievements which include being the only AIFF (All India Football Federation) D license Instructor in Nagaland as well as being the only coach from Nagaland to have coached an I-League team (Aizawl Football Club) as Assistant Coach. Achievements are required to be rewarded and celebrated and on that note we wish him success and thank him for the potential hope and future he has nurtured for Nagaland Football. Mr. Roko Angami President, NFCA


Mr. Ayeto Ayemi Gen. Secy., NFCA



iewers would rem e m b e r h av i n g been left awe-struck by Aamir Khan’s many science experiments in the 2009 blockbuster ‘3 Idiots’ -- now Sonam Wangchuk, the inspiration behind Aamir Khan’s “Phunsukh Wangdu” character in the film, has gained further global recognition bagging the prestigious Rolex Awards for Enter prise 2016. The awards were presented on Tuesday in Los Angeles to those “who have reshaped the world with their innovative thinking and dynamism”. Sonam’s “Ice Stupas” project is among the five winners this year at the awards. Sonam Wangchuk, a 50-year-old Ladakhi engineer, has been attempting to solve the problem of lack of water for agriculture in the desert landscapes of the western Himalayas by building “Ice Stupas”. The Ladakh region, at roughly 3,500-metre altitude between the Kunlun and Great Himalayan mountain ranges, faces acute water shortage during the April-May early crop-growing period. Wangchuk was certain that access to water in the desert landscapes around many high altitude towns and villages of Ladakh could be improved if the huge seasonal outflow of glacial water could be frozen. Inspired by the experimental work of a fellow Ladakhi engineer, Chewang Norphel, Wangchuk developed a simple and effective system, creating what he calls “ice stupas” -- conical ice mounds that behave like mini-glaciers, slowly releasing water for the growing season. “The Rolex Award funds will support the project and promote ice stupas as a climate-change adaptation and desert-greening technique,” Wangchuk said in a statement released by Rolex.


adiohead have received nominations in all the major categories for the Music Producers’ Guild Awards. Their ninth album, A Moon Shaped Pool, is up for UK album of the year, alongside David Bowie’s Blackstar and Michael Kiwanuka’s Love And Hate. They are also shortlisted for single of the year, while their producer Nigel


TUENSANG DISTRICT LEGAL S E RV I C E S A U T H O R I T Y felicitates and expresses its profound appreciation and heartiest congratulations to MR. B.YEMLONG CHABA, Para Legal Volunteer of Chingmei Legal Aid Clinic for being declared as the State and Zonal Best Para Legal Volunteer 2016 and for bringing accolades to the Tuensang District Legal Services Authority through his valuable contribution towards the weaker section of the society. We look forward to more of his exemplary works and wish success in all his activities. DP-9196

Rev. S. Apong Jamir Life by itself is a gift from God. In your 75 years journey God has been the wind beneath your wings. May your life continue to be an example and a blessing as you walk the rest of your journey with God. DP-9245

Family members


Leh engineer who inspired ‘3 Idiots’ movie bags global award

record deal. Interested artistes can sing in either Hindi or English while dancers, both solo and group, will also be given the platform. Audition will held on December 17 morning while the show will be held in the evening at Town hall, Dimapur. Before the grand final round, renowned ar-


DJ Music Production Team is set to organize a one day promotional show, ‘Karaoke Night’ for the young and budding singers and dancers. The main motive of the show is to promote the talents of the upcoming young generation of Nagaland. The show is based only on performance and judges’ decision. Winners of both singing and dancing will get cash prizes along with certificate besides a cover song video

donate it to an appropriate refugee charity. “In these trying times we feel that we could all come together to make a real difference,” he said. “From conversations this evening I understand that some of the Baillie Gifford partners would like to match this from their own personal funds, and that Stephanie Flanders will also be donating her honorarium for chairing the prize. My thanks to them all.” Hisham Matar was nominated for his book The Retur n: Fathers, Sons and the Land in Between. The other shortlisted books were Svetlana Alexievich’s Second-hand Time and Margo Jefferson’s Negroland: A Memoir.


elebrating the festival, People from across the state thronged on the second day of 3rd edition of Thuwuni, Pughoboto to learn art and music held at local ground on November 15, 2016. Opening the entertainment nite, the renowned singer Alobo Naga urged upon the crowds to carry out the clean election in our state for more development activities. He also called on the people to go for development for which one has to change his mindset and cast vote without taking money. Dreamz Unlimited (theatre group) from Dimapur played a meaningful Act where it depicted as to how the public were asking their needs from the political leaders before and after the elections. Finalist Indian Idol

h i l e we s t i l l h ave t o wa i t two more days to find out who this year’s Latin Grammy winners are, YouTube is already predicting the outcome on some of the major categories based on the artists’ popularity on the platform. From record of the year to best urban album, YouTube analyzed the performance of the nominees’ videos and channels during the Latin Grammy eligibility period -- which was July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016. But, as fate has shown in past years, popularity isn’t always the determining factor for an artist to take home the grand prize. So whether these predictions are right or wrong, the official winners will be announced Thursday during Univision’s live broadcast of the ceremony at 8 p.m. ET.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Thursday, November 17, 2016



next March. Lionel Messi was Argentina’s hero yet again, netting a sensational free-kick and setting up the other two goals to lead his country to three crucial points in San Juan. La Albiceleste put paid to a four-game winless run and a 202-minute goal drought in emphatic fashion by scoring three in a game for the first time this qualifying campaign. They also kept their first clean sheet in five. As for Colombia, inform Radamel Falcao’s return to the starting line-up was not enough to inspire an end to their blues in Argentina, where they have failed to score in their last five visits in World Cup preliminaries, of which they have drawn one and lost the other four. “There’s nothing

you can do when Messi is in this sort of mood, because he can make the difference all by himself,” said Jose Pekerman. “Now we’ve got to look ahead because it’s going to be a tight affair right down to the wire.” Elsewhere Brazil remain perfect under Tite after deservedly triumphing 2-0 in Lima to make it six successive wins in qualifying. Gabriel Jesus and Renato Augusto got the goals, both of which came in the second half, to earn the Brazilians their first victory in Peru in three attempts, having previously been held to two straight draws. Ricardo Gareca’s charges, for their part, failed to find the net for the first time in six matches. After being under the cosh in the first half, Chile came from behind to dis-

Matchday 12 results Bolivia 1-0 Paraguay Ecuador 3-0 Venezuela Chile 3-1 Uruguay Argentina 3-0 Colombia Peru 0-2 Brazil

2022 football World Cup on track, says Qatar committee Doha, Nov 16 (IANS): The Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy, the body tasked with making the preparations and hosting the football World Cup 2022 in Qatar, on Wednesday clarified that it is on course to delivering the results on time despite the changing economic scenario following the fall in crude oil prices. Supreme Committee Secretary General Hassan Al Thawadi said in a

release: “Of course, our budget is assigned by the government. But, we were already working towards reducing our expenses. And this is before the oil prices went down. So when the oil price went down we had already worked out significant steps towards adjusting our budgets. “And as the oil prices came down we started having discussions with the government and the impact

of the slump was as great as people would have assumed.” Thawadi stressed on the point that the SC would keep its promise of hosting a world class World Cup. “Of course, we will keep our promise of hosting the World Cup,” he

stressed. Enumerating the new business models towards achieving the goal, he added, “We are working with the government and private sector together. The PPP or the public-private partnership model, we are working on that.


Ne l lo re , N ov 1 6 (IANS): Former Indian cricket captain and Rajya Sabha member Sachin Tendulkar has expressed happiness over the transformation of Puttamraju Kandrika, a village adopted by him in Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh. Two years after he adopted the village, Sachin visited it on Wednesday and inaugurated various development works completed at a cost of Rs.2.79 crore under his MP Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) funds. “I am satisfied with the complete transformation of the village,” the batting legend said after inaugurating a community centre. The former India captain distributed cricket kits among the village youth and interacted with a few families about the development of the village. He stressed the need for united efforts by al l to make the central government’s ‘Swachh Bharat’ initiative a success. Sachin also assured all assistance to the authorities’ plan to build a stadium here. He said the facility should be used not just for cricket but to promote other sports as well. He also promised to provide Rs.90 lakh under the MPLADS for development of Gollapally village in the same district. Sachin reached Chennai by air and from there travelled by road to reach the village. He had visited the village in October 2014 after announcing that he is adopting it under the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna.

India eves beat WI by 15 runs in 3rd ODI Vij a y a w a d a (Andhra Pradesh), Nov 16 (IANS): The India women’s team edged past West Indies by 15 runs in the third OneDay International (ODI) match at the Gokaraju Liala Gangaaraju ACA cricket ground here on Wednesday. After pocketing the first two ODI’s in the International Cricket Council (ICC) Women’s champion-

V I Z I ANA G A R A M (ANDHRA PRADESH), NOV 16 (IANS): After dominating the last three days, Karnataka thrashed Rajasthan by 393 runs on Day Four of the Ranji Trophy Group B cricket match at the PVG Raju ACA Sports Complex here on Wednesday. Resuming the day at 118/6 with a 525-run target, Rajasthan started off on a poor note as they lost overnight batsman Rajesh Bishnoi on the second ball of the day. Pacer Sreenath Aravind sent back Bishnoi for 14. Soon his teammate Vinay Kumar took the next two wickets to complete his 19th five-wicket haul and wrapped up the issue comfortably. In other matches across the country, the Railways defeated Baroda by seven wickets, as they reached the 113-run target on the fourth and final day

OF LATE M. PHYOBENI EZUNG A year has passed since you left us for your eternal home, yet not a single moment has passed without you in our thoughts. The love which you have shared with us has beautiful m e m o r i e s t h at we cannot forget. You will always remain in our hearts. Deeply miss you in silent tears and prayers.

Doctor Along who had served as local physician with God gifted talent at Healing Centre Ngwalwa, under Peren district who cured different kinds of diseases for about 12 years had left for his heavenly abode on 02.11.2016. And now the Healing Centre Ngwalwa has appointed a new person to treat the patients with various diseases and illness. His servant President Healing Centre Ngwalwa Peren : Nagaland DP-9211

Lt. Musavahi Kezo Died on 2nd Nov. 2016 We the family members would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to every individual, churches, organizations, neighbours, friends and well wishers who have stood by us and supported us in all ways at the demise of our beloved Lt. Musavahi Kezo. We humbly pray that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving family members K-4180




Through this column, we express our heartfelt gratitude to those who stood by us in prayer and supported us physically, financially, materially and emotionally at the sad demise of our beloved Late Senlitula, (Otsu Tiyongla) who left us for her Heavenly abode on 1st November 2016 at the age of 97. We regret our inability to thank everyone of you individually but we pray that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving children, in-laws, grand children, great grandchildren & great great grand children. DC-2542

Born: 03-12-1964 Died: 12-11-2016 Through this column, we the bereaved family members would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual who stood by us in prayer and supported us emotionally, physically, materially and financially at the sudden demise of Late Tsungthungo Lotha. Words are inadequate to express our deepest and sincere appreciation for your kind gestures but it is our sincere prayer that your kind deeds shall not go in vain and Almighty God will bless you all in abundance. We owe our special thanks to: 1. S.P Mokokchung 2. DEF Police Department 3. DEF Baptist Church, Mokokchung 4. Alingmen Ward Yimten 5. Tongdentsuyong Ward Yimten 6. Lotha Hoho, Mokokchung 7. Lotha Baptist Church, Mkg 8. NCC Dilong School, Mkg 9. Advocate Tiajungla Longkumer, Imkongmar and Imtipokyim 10. NSCN (IM) Mkg Loving wife and children DC-2556

Loving husband, sons, daughter and relatives


sent back both batsman to reduce Uttar Pradesh to 105 for 3. Dhumal and Vishal Dabholkar (4-43) then struck at the regular intervals as they shared the last nine wickets between them to bowl Uttar Pradesh out for 173. In Valsad, Hanuma Vihari slammed his fourth first-class double-century as Andhra Pradesh outplayed Tripura by an innings and 38 runs at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel stadium. Resuming the day from 144, Vihari went to score an unbeaten 233 as Andhra Pradesh declared on 524/5, having established a first-innings lead of 353 and then bowled Tripura out for 315 in the second innings. Paidikalva Vijaykumar and Bhargav Bhatt scalped four wickets each to hand Andhra Pradesh a comfortable victory.


Lt. Khriethoveyi Dozo (Mhaseyi) Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie indeath.

Isiah 57: 2–

It’s been a year already but your memories are still afresh. We cannot wait to be reunited again. Missing You Dearly. Loving wife, children and relatives


Though it has been three years now, since you left for heavenly abode, you are still missed each day, for you were someone special who meant more than words can say. God has you in His Arms and we have you in our thoughts. You are deeply missed and always remembered. K-4196

Loving dad, mom, brother, sisters, niece and nephew


15 Feb. -1966 – 8 Nov. 2016

Lt. Tsungthungo Lotha


at the Vidarbha Cricket Association ground in Nagpur. The Railways re sumed the day at 90/2 and added the required 23 runs, with the loss of a wicket. Opener Shivakant Shukla was unbeaten on 56. In Hyderabad, Odisha and Assam played out a dull draw as Assam were 164/4 in 75 overs when umpires called off the fourth day’s play at the Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium. In Mysore, Aditya Dhumal took five wickets as Mumbai beat Uttar Pradesh by 121 runs to remain on top of Group A at the Srikantadatta Narasimha Raja Wadeyar ground. Resuming the day at 43/1, overnight batsmen Shivam Chaudhary (50) and Samarth Singh (42) forged a crucial 42-run partnership for the secondwicket before Dhumal


1941 – 17/11/2015

Matthews and Shaquana Quintyne forged a 49-run partnership before Rajeshwari Shivanand Gayakwad (4/34) along with Deepti Sharma, Harmanpreet Kaur and Devika Vaidya created havoc in the West Indian side to clinch the issue in their favour. Matthews was the highest scorer for West Indies with 55 runs while Kycia Knight contributed with 44.

Ranji Trophy: Karnataka thrash Rajasthan by 393 runs

Words are not adequate to express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all our relatives, friends, well wishers from far and near, neighbours and church members, who stood by us at the sudden demise of our most beloved Mrs. Lily Ezung, who left for her heavenly abode on November 10, 2016. Your physical presence, words of comfort and financial, material and prayer support, sustained us throughout the most trying period. Special thanks to the doctors, nurses and the staff of M H Hospital Dimapur, for taking special care of her till the last breathe. Whereas we have nothing to give you in return but pray to the Almighty that He bless you abundantly. Loving husband, children, mother, sister, brothers, in-laws, nephews and nieces. DP-9264


ship, Indian eves posted a fighting total of 199/6 in their allotted 50 overs. Veda Krishnamurthy was the highest scorer as she scored 71 runs in 100 balls. Devika Vaidya and Deepti Sharma contributed 32 and 23 runs respectively. For West Indies, Chedean Nation took two wickets for 21 runs. In reply, West Indies started off on a good note as openers Hayley


Lionel Messi celebrating with teammate after scoring a goal against Columbia.

patch Uruguay 3-1 and rise back into the automatic qualification places. The preliminary competition’s leading goalscorer, Edinson Cavani, was on cue to put the visitors ahead with his eighth strike of the campaign. However, an Eduardo Vargas effort and an Alexis Sanchez double turned it around for La Roja, who are unbeaten in their last four home qualifiers against the Uruguayans – you have to go back to 2001 for the last time La Celeste chalked up three points in Santiago. Claudio Bravo’s late penalty save from Luis Suarez prevented a grandstand finish. Ecuador took almost an hour to make the breakthrough against Venezuela, but ultimately ran out comfortable 3-0 winners in Quito. Arturo Mina, Miller Bolanos and Enner Valencia were all on target for the hosts after the interval, but it was Renato Ibarra who arguably stole the show with his display. The Ecuadorians have now won seven of their eight qualifiers against Venezuela on home soil and each of those victories was secured without conceding a solitary goal. Basement boys La Vinotinto, meanwhile, have now lost their last three away games of the campaign.

Sachin happy with transformation of adopted village


Brazil stays perfect as Messi, Sanchez excel

S a n J ua n, N ov 1 6 (AGENCIES): Chile and Argentina were the most prominent movers on Matchday 12 of South American qualifying for the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia, picking up high-profile victories that respectively propelled them into the last automatic qualification spot and the play-off berth. Similarly, Ecuador eased past Venezuela to climb up to third behind table-topping Brazil, who are looking unstoppable, and second-placed Uruguay, who slipped up in Santiago. Colombia’s defeat, meanwhile, leaves them on the outside looking in together with Paraguay and Peru, who both also lost. Nevertheless, all three still have it all to play for and will now look to regroup before the battle resumes



Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, november 17, 2016

Late Khotseno Kikon

Born on 17/11/1954 – Died on 11/11/2016

Though words are inadequate to express our gratitude, yet your gestures and assistances (physically, spiritually, financially) had so profoundly touched us in our moment of grief and sorrow that we the family members of the deceased say 'Thank you' Nothing done will ever be forgotten and all those who stood by us, will ever be part of our cherished moment along with our beloved mother. Thank you all. & God bless you. DP-9200

Loving, Husband, children and relatives

With profound gratitude, we the family of Late Libenthung Odyuo, acknowledge the concern shown to us by all individuals, churches, unions, neighbours and friends during his illness and at the sudden demise on 8th November 2016. Though we are unable to thank everyone, we pray that Almighty God bless all of you abundantly. Our special thanks to : 1. Mr. & Mrs. Thungjamo Odyuo 2. Shaki Baptist Church 3. Shaki Ekhung Dimapur/Wokha 4. Wozhuro Ekhung Dimapur/Kohima/Wokha 5. Lotha Baptist church Seithekema-C 6. Lotha Ekhung Seithekema-C 7. Shaki Student Union 8. Shaki Eloe Yanpoe Yanpia Eyi 9. CAO Kyong Region 10.Ministry of Kilonser Affairs NSCN/GPRN 11. Ministry of Chaplee Affairs NSCN/GPRN DP-9232

Loving wife, children & relatives K Y M C


ISL: Wasteful Mumbai fail to break determined Goa

diego forlan and Keenan Almeida fighting for the ball during Wednesday’s match.

GOA, NOV 16 (AGENCIES): FC Goa and Mumbai City FC played out an entertaining 0-0 encounter at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Goa. The result helps Goa move to the seventh position while Mumbai City FC With Sahil Tavora, Luciano Sabrosa and Rafael Dumas suspended, Zico made two changes from the last game by roping in Gregory Arnolin and Richarlyson Barbosa who completed serving their one-game suspension. There were two changes in the away team’s starting line-up as well, with goalkeeper Amrinder Singh replacing Albino Gomes and the injured Leo Costa making way for Sony Norde. The first chance fell for

the hosts as Rafael Coelho managed to get past Lucian Goian in the 14th minute but the Brazilian’s shot from outside the box was blocked by Gerson Vieira. Minutes later, Rafael beat Sehnaj Singh for pace to release Romeo on the right, whose shot was wide of the right post. Though the hosts dominated the proceedings through the first quarter, Sunil Chhetri produced a incisive through ball for Diego Forlan whose effort took a deflection off Gregory and fell kindly for Kattimani. Forlan had a shot fromm about 30 yards out but Kattimani tipped the Mumbai marquee player’s attempt above his post in the 37th minute. Just before the half-

time whistle, Mandar’s first touch inside the box was disappointing after being played through by Robin after some good work by Rafael through the middle. Crossing over, Alexandre Guimaraes’ side survived four back-to-back flag-kicks before Gerson headed wide from a Forlan free-kick. A minute before the hour mark, Zico decided to go in for the kill by introducing Jofre Mateu and Trindade Goncalves in place of Debabrata Roy and Keenan Almeida who was booked early in the game for a foul on Norde. Forlan did well by getting to the byline and pulling it back for Chhetri in the 62nd minute. However, he mistimed the shot on

Yitachu graces Thuwu-ni festival valedictory function Pughoboto, Nov 16 (NPN): The third-edition of the three-day long Thuwu-ni Festival on the theme “Celebrating indigenous life” at Pughoboto concluded today with Minister for School Education and SCERT Yitachu gracing the valedictory function as chief guest. Thuwu-ni is an annual event initiated by local MLA and Minister for PWD (R&B) Y Vikheho Swu to bring together 22 villages under Pughoboto sub-division in Zunheboto district and also to showcase the rich culture and tradition, agri and allied products and also to celebrate the different talents of the youths in music and fashion of the area. Addressing the mammoth gathering, Minister Yitachu said that the traditional games and culture of the Naga people were practiced by the forefathers since time immemorial and that has been the identity of the Naga people. He therefore said that the present generation should take the lead in acknowledging and preserving the culture and tradition of the Naga people. Yitachu encouraged Naga people not to remain dormant but to work towards achieving greater height at par with the rest of the world. “Good or bad Nagas have boldly taken the decision that Nagas are separate tribe and community and therefore will remain sovereign and independent,” he said, adding the Government of India should therefore acknowledge it and bring about solution to the vexed Naga political struggle. He asserted that all the public and factions,

Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, november 17, 2016


should be willing to accept a peaceful and negotiated solution The minister lamented that despite having a government the state lacks its own resources for which he underscored the need to work towards creating own resources to make the state sustainable. In this regard, he sought public cooperation for achieving better development and progress. Yitachu also remarked that once the proposed Niuland-Zunheboto-Tuensang-Kiphire-Phek-Myanmar road opens, it will make Zunheboto district centrally located in Nagaland and therefore urged upon the people of the district to prepare themselves to take full advantage. Fur ther, he called upon the people of Pughoboto Assembly Constituency to continue their support to Vikheho in the 2018 State Assembly election in order to achieve more development and progress in the area. Earlier in the morning, Yitachu also inaugurated the office of the Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) Pughoboto in presence of officials Parliamentary Secretary L Khumo, Engineerin-Chief Khupi Natso, Chief Engineer K. Rhetso and other dignitaries. Thuwuni Festival competition results: Basket Weaving Competition (Amuto Ghokuxuni): 1st – Hoboto of Mudutsugho village, 2nd – Ghokiye of Shesulimi village and 3rd – Nishena of Mishilimi village. Fire Making (Ami Kukula Kukuzu): 1st – Kitobo Kiho of Hebolimi village; 2nd – Khulu of Kitami village. Enduro Cycling

Race: 1st – Ismamul from Shillong, 2nd – Alemba from Kohima and 3rd – Raj Kaushal from Himachal Pradesh. Sumi Kick Fight (Akikiti) Above 60 Kg: 1st – Ahobo of Shesulimi village, 2nd – Mughato of Shesulimi village and 3rd – Shekuto of Mukalimi village Sumi Kick Fight (Akikiti) Below 60 Kg: 1st – Niloto of Ghathashi village, 2nd – Kimiyeto of Awohumi village, 3rd – Shekuto of Ighanumi village and 4th – Bokato of Pughoboto Sümi Hopping: 1st – Litomi of Hebolimi village, 2nd – Nighalimi of Tsaphimi village and 3rd – Pelito of Chishilimi village Naga Karting (Asu Gari): 1st – Swuto Swu & Kato Wotsa of Mishilimi village, 2nd – Sheto & Apuvi of Hebolimi village and 3rd – Ivika Zhimo & Kavito of Ighanumi village Stilt Race ( Kakapo Kukuzu): 1st – Vixuto of Hebolimi village, 2nd – Hosheto Wotsa of Ghokimi village and 3rd – Hevishe of Mudutsugho village Taste Of Sümi (Cooking): 1st – Visheli Kinnimi of Pughoboto village, 2nd – Nisheli Shohe of Shesulimi village and 3rd – Phukuto Zhimo Chishilimi village Spear Kicking: 1st – Toka of Shesulimi village, 2nd – Kahovi of Iphonumi village and 3rd – Pukhavi of Kilomi village Greased Pole Climbing (Aqhedu Kimli): 1st – Pukhavi, Jupito & Yepeto of Mudutsugho village, 2nd – Vikiho Sheqi, Kanito S Swu & Kughavi W Wotsa of Mishilimi village and 3rd – Kavito, Toqheho & Juwoto of Tukuliqa village.

the first attempt which saw Kattimani already committed. On the follow-up, Sanjay Balmuchu put his body in the line to keep the scoreline intact. Three minutes later, Forlan got on the end of a Defederico pass and with Kattimani coming off his line to cut down the angle, the former Manchester United striker aimed for the far corner but for Gregory to clear it in time. Julio Cesar, who replaced the injured Balmuchu, was quick to get into the thick of action with his shot deflecting off Goian into the safe hands of Amrinder. Mandar had the perfect setup for Robin with a cross from the left wing in the 78th minute but the latter failed to bury it at the near post. Mandar had the perfect setup for Robin with a cross from the left wing in the 78th minute but the latter failed to bury it at the near post. Chhetri was once again denied in the 84th minute, this time by a fantastic save by Kattimani. Goa had the opportunity to pick full points in the stoppage time when Trindade played a throughball for Julio who only had the goalkeeper to beat. However, the Brazilian attacker’s left footed shot was kept out by Amrinder. Mumbai would rue the fact that they missed several chances to score while Goa are still very much in contention for a berth in the play-offs.

China Open: Sindhu, ALL INDIA POLICE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Prannoy, Jayaram enter next round

F u z h o u ( C h ina ) , Nov 16 (IANS): Olympic medallist P.V. Sindhu won her opening match while Saina Nehwal crashed out in the first round of the women’s singles category at the China Open badminton tournament at the Haixia Olympic Sport Center here on Wednesday. Sindhu coasted to a 21-12, 21-16 win over Chia Hsin Lee of Taiwan in her round of 32 match. Sindhu, who took the bronze medal at the Rio Olympics earlier this year, will face Beiwen Zhang of Singapore in the prequarterfinals. Zhang defeated Ya Ching Hsu of Taiwan 2116, 21-18 in her campaign opener. Saina, meanwhile, lost to Porntip Buranaprasertsuk of Thailand in a hard fought encounter. The London Olympics bronze medallist lost the opening game before staging a strong fightback to win the second game and level the scores. Por ntip, however, dominated the third and decisive game to script a 21-16, 19-21, 21-14 win. Porntip will now take on He Bingjiao of China in her next match. He defeated compatriot Zhang Yiman 20-22, 21-17, 21-19. Prannoy entered the second round following an easy 21-13, 21-13 win over Ka Long Angus Ng of Hong Kong. Jayaram defeated Zhu Siyuan of China 21-19, 20-22, 21-17 in an exciting encounter. It was curtains for B. Sai Praneeth, however, as he lost 16-21, 9-21 to Marc Zwiebler of Germany in the first round.

ASA co-ordination meeting

Kohima, Nov 16 (NPN): In commemoration of the Angami Sports Association (ASA) Golden Jubilee Celebration scheduled to be held in February 2017, the Association is organizing a Stone Pulling Programme in collaborating with Government of Nagaland on December 3 during Hornbill Festival, ASA general secretary Er. Zale Neikha informed. ASA requested all the Angami leaders to give active participation by sharing valuable suggestions and guidance.In this regard, ASA

has convened a Co-ordination Meeting on November 19 at 2 p.m in chief patron Vilelie Khamo’s residence at Lerie Colony, Kohima. All Angami Legislators, all Angami senior officers in the rank of AHOD and HOD, APO office bearers, AMK office bearers, SAPO, NAPO, WAPO & CPO, ASA members represent to NWA, jubilee committee members, SASA, NASA, WASA & CSA (5 members each) and all ASA office bearers have been requested to attend the meeting.

Archery selection trail on Nov 22 DIMAPUR, NOV 16 (NPN): Nagaland Archery Association (NAA) has informed that Senior Men and Women Archery Selection Trail will be held on November 22 at I.G Stadium for the State team to participate in the 37th Senior (Reserve & Compound) National Archery Championship scheduled to be held from December 26 to 30, 2016 at Chennai. Interested archers have been informed to contact Hunezo Archery Coach at 9856071471) for detail information.

Punjab, BSF, AR,Mizoram enter semis

CRPF and Punjab Police players in action at the ongoing 65th BN Mullik tourney.

Dimapur, Nov 16 (NPN): The Quarter final matches of the 65th BN Mullik All India Police Football Championship 2016, played today, saw the stadiums filled with huge crowds who were thoroughly entertained. Defending Champion Punjab Police and last edition’s finalist BSF both entered the Semi-finals. Title holder Punjab Police prevailed over CRPF by a solitary goal in the Quarter final match while BSF defeated a depleted squad of Jammu and Kashmir Police 3-1. In the other Quarter final match Assam Rifles came on top against Assam Police 1-0 in

an evenly matched encounter to enter the Semi-finals. In the last Quarter-final match, Mizoram Police outplayed a spirited Meghalaya Police 7-1. The Meghalaya Police were resilient and fought hard after they were reduced to 10-men early in the first half with one of their forward player being sent off for a dangerous tackle. The Semifinals will be played on Thursday at NAPTC ground. Today’s matches Venue: NAPTC Stadium Punjab Vs Assam Rifles (8 a.m) BSF Vs Mizoram (2 p.m)

CB Trophy—Gujarat defeats A &A team D I M A P U R , N OV 1 6 (NPN): The Gujarat U-19 team defeated the combined Associate & Affiliate team of BCCI by an innings and 265 runs in a four-day match organized by the BCCI and hosted by the Nagaland Cricket Association at Dimapur from November 14. This was the first ever BCCI match hosted by the NCA at Nagaland. The A & A team which has combined players from Nagaland, Manipur, Sikkim, Arunachal, Meghalaya and Bihar is in Group-D of the All India Cooch Behar Under-19 trophy. The team is traveling to Rajkot to play against Saurashtra from November 21 to 24. The team will also play with Hyderabad, Karnataka, Jharkhand and Madhya

Pradesh in different parts of India in the month of November and December. The Nagaland Cricket Association has thanked all for the successful national match at Dimapur for the first time. The NCA also thanked the BCCI for allotting such an event to Nagaland. SCORE: Gujarat won toss and elected to bat. Score: Gujarat (U-19)—456 for 8 declared in 131.1 overs Het Patel – 251 runs S S Patel – 96 runs R Vaghela – 38 runs For A & Team: Tahmeed Rahman – 3 wickets for 104 in 35 overs Arbin Singh – 2 wickets for 124 in 30 overs Akash Kumar – 2 wick-

ets for 43 in 16 overs A & A Team (1st Innings) 77 all out in 41 overs Anmol Bonny – 36 runs For Gujarat A P Panchal – 5 wickets for 24 runs in 14 overs S A Desai – 2 wickets for 21 runs in 9 overs J K Parmar – 2 wickets for 20 runs in 5 overs A & A Team (2nd innings) 114 all out in 49 overs Sedezalie Rupreo – 45 runs Tripurari Keshav – 29 runs For Gujarat S A Desai – 5 wickets for 17 runs in 12 overs M A Hingrajia – 3 wickets for 24 runs in 13 overs

Classic Cup: Barak FC, Addax FC sail through to quarters Correspondent

Kohima, Nov. 16 (NPN): Barak FC and Addax FC entered quarter final after defeating their respective rivals on Wednesday match in the ongoing 22nd Classic Cup played at Kohima local ground. In the first pre-quarter match, defending champion Barak FC humiliated Lerie Youth FC by 4-0. Rhitso Mero (11) opened the account in 5th minute. He scored again in the 7th and 20th minutes thus scoring a hat-trick. Till the first half the match was one sided where the Lerie Youth FC was hapless and failed to score any goal. After the breather, Barak FC again netted one goal from the boot of Nighatu (2). Sulube (3) of Barak FC was cautioned for unsporting behaviour. In the second pre-quarter match, Addax FC edged out Tyrants FC 5-3. The first goal of the match was scored by Punuru (10) of Addax FC in

11th minute and added another in the next minute. Akrielie (13) of Addax scored the 3rd goal in 13th minute. For Tyrants FC the first goal found from the boot of Viseyie (17) in 17th minute. After the lemon break, Chetro (15) of Tyrants FC doubled the scored in 55th minute, however, two minutes later Neikethozo (7) of Addax FC scored the 4th for his team in 57th minute. Punuru netted the 5th goal for Addax FC in 60th minutes and he completed hat-trick. Meyiezo (13) of Tyrants FC netted the 3rd goal in 62nd minutes for his team but the team cannot equalize the remaining two goals. Vitha (7) of Tyrants FC and Akhrielie (13) of Addax FC were booked for foul play during the match. Thursday matches 1st match- Elite FC Vs Boys FC at 1p.m. 2nd match Adroit Boyz Sechii Zubza Vs Head Hunters at 2:30p.m.

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