November 18, 2016

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Nagaland Post

Vol XXVI No. 341

DIMAPUR, friday, november 18, 2016

Bouncer injures Voges sport, page 11

Concern for dogs can’t override human life: SC

Indian-American woman considered for top post

national, Page 5

international, Page 9

Uproar in Parl over demonetisation

HOUSES ADJOURNED AFTER Mamata, Kejriwal demand roll back; warn of public revolt West Bengal chief GOVT FACES OPPosition IRE minister Mamata Banerjee

NEW DELHI, NOV 17 (AGENCIES): Opposition today paralysed Parliament, with Rajya Sabha disrupted over demand for the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his response in the demonetisation debate, which the government rejected outright. The Upper House witnessed repeated adjournments but Leader of Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad’s reference to Uri terror attack in the context of demonetisation forced the final adjournment for the day. Members of opposition parties, led by Congress, created uproar in both the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha as soon as the Houses met for the day and it continued throughout. The Lok Sabha could carry out business only during the Question Hour, that too amid the uproar, after which it was adjourned for the day minutes past 12 PM. The Rajya Sabha could not transact any business. In the Upper House, Congress and some other

DC Dmu calls for mass social work to combat dengue D I M A P U R , N OV 1 7 (NPN): District Administration Dimapur has appealed to all the citizens of Dimapur to sanitise respective houses and premises to contain the breeding/spreading of mosquitoes responsible for dengue infections. In a press release, the deputy commissioner (DC) Dimapur, Kesonyu Yhome, informed that intensive measures were being taken up led by the medical department, municipality and other civil society organisations to control dengue. In this regard, the DC said that a mass social work by all households of Dimapur would be held on November 21 from 6am to 7am in respective residential premises especially focussing on household drainage/nallahs, kitchen sewages, flower pots, unused car tyres etc. DMC would be convening a meeting in this connection with all ward authorities/GBs. Further, DC also appealed to all willing volunteers to register their names and details at the Dimapur district blood bank so that they could be contacted immediately whenever necessary.

This is it!

“For us Nagaland contractors, payment from civil deposit is like demonetisation.” K Y M C

opposition parties pressed, from the word go, for the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the House and a response from him over the hardships caused to people by the November 8 decision to make Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes invalid. The uproar forced repeated adjournments of the House, whose proceedings for the day were ended minutes past 3 PM following a major clash between opposition and ruling members after Congress leader Azad made a reference to Uri terror attack. Taking strong objection to this, the ruling side termed the comments as “anti-national” and demanded an apology from Congress besides seeking deletion of the remarks from the official records of the Upper House. Deputy Chairman P.J. Kurien tried to continue the debate on demonetisation, but as his repeated attempts failed, he adjourned the House for the day, minutes past 3 p.m.

and her Delhi counterpart Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday jointly tore into Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s demonetisation move and warned of a public revolt if the decision was not rolled back in three days. But the government denied any possibility of reversing its decision to spike 500 and 1,000 rupee notes aimed at curbing black money, corruption and terror funding. Addressing a public rally at the Azadpur fruit wholesale market here, Kejriwal and Banerjee both alleged a conspiracy behind the demonetisation, which has led to a massive cash crunch in the country. Calling its after-effects a “crisis”, Kejriwal said people didn’t have cash even to buy basic essentials. “If this was indeed against corruption and black money, the first to support you would have been Arvind Kejriwal and the AAP,” he said. “Take back this deci-

Mamata and Kejriwal join hands at a mass rally against demonetisation of currency noteson Thursday. (PTI)

sion in three days... Don’t test people’s patience. Otherwise, there will be a ‘bagaawat’ (revolt).” Kejriwal reminded the audience that he had been an Income Tax commissioner and it was beyond his understanding how corruption and black money could be checked by introducing Rs.2,000 notes. He said banks had given out loans totalling Rs 8 lakh crore to corporate houses. This money, he said, had been siphoned off by the super rich or had been partly written

Ao, Sumi and Lotha student unions disassociate from DNSU D I M A P U R , N OV 1 7 (NPN): Three tribal student bodies comprising of Ao Students’ Union Dimapur (ASUD), Dimapur Lotha Students’ Union (DLSU) and Dimapur Sumi Students’ Union (DSSU) on Thursday said they have resolved to disassociate from Dimapur Naga Students’ Union (DNSU) with immediate effect. In a joint press statement, ASUD president, L Bendang Jamir, DSSU president, Tovika K Chishi and DLSU president, B Mhajan Tsopoe, stated that the decision was taken after a joint meeting held on November 16, 2016 at Lotha Hoho Ki, Duncan Basti, Dimapur. The signatories said on November 14, 2015, they had “conditionally agreed” to extend fullest cooperation to the Naga Students’

Pages 12 ` 4.00

Federation (NSF) committee for DNSU restoration on the assurance that the union assembly in its first sitting itself would take up the agenda put forth by the three units for redrafting/ re-amending the constitution of DNSU. They pointed out that the three units have been putting up a joint effort to counter the “shadow bloc system” of 2/3rd majority enshrined in the constitution of DNSU. During the first union assembly held on November 16, 2016, they said the three units had submitted an ultimatum to the speaker urging him to take up the agenda put forth by them as per the earlier representation given to the NSF. However, the three students’ body said that the speaker denied having received any written rep-

resentation/endorsement from the NSF committee for Dimapur Naga Students’ Union restoration. The signatories said the agenda was however taken up for discussion after being forced to and was put up for vote, but was out rightly rejected by vote system projecting the clear image of the “shadow bloc system”. As Such, the signatories said the three units having no other option have decided to disassociate from DNSU. Meanwhile, the three student bodies have called upon the Dimapur Naga Students’ Union assembly speaker to immediately dissolve the executive council of DNSU as it cannot function without the executive head to look after the day to day functioning of DNSU office.

off by banks. Addressing the rally earlier, Banerjee mocked at Modi’s “achche din” slogans and said the currency spike decision had caused economic instability in India. “Is this achche din? If in three days you don’t withdraw (the move), we will step up our protests.” But Finance Minister said there was “no question of rolling back the demonetisation move” and accused Kejriwal and Banerjee of “spreading panic”.

Govt tightens note exchange norms; lowers limit to 2k NEW DELHI, NOV 17 (AGENCIES): With the shock demonetisation move in the middle of marriage and sowing seasons causing hardships, the government on Thursday eased restrictions on cash withdrawals by farmers and families with upcoming weddings but more than halved the limit at Rs. 2,000 for exchange. Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das said now families preparing for a wedding can withdraw up to Rs. 2.5 lakh from their bank accounts giving PAN details and self declaration. However, with effect from Friday, individuals can exchange invalid Rs. 500 and 1,000 notes totalling Rs. 2,000, as against Rs. 4,500 earlier, only once till December 30. Besides, farmers who have taken crop loan or have ‘kisan’ credit cards can withdraw Rs. 25,000 per week. Also those who have received payments through RTGS or cheque deposits in KYCcompliant bank accounts can withdraw an additional Rs. 25,000 a week. This takes the total cash withdrawal limit for farmers from KYC complaint bank accounts to Rs. 50,000 per week.

NPF issues 5-Point diktat on legislators Staff Reporter D imapur , N ov 1 7 (NPN): Just five days ahead of the forthcoming two-day Assembly session from November 22 to 24, Kiyanilie Peseyie, minister of parliamentary affairs and also the chief whip of the NPF legislature, has issued a whip on all NPF legislators. Kiyanilie warned NPF legislators of inviting consequences for failure to comply with any of the five-point directive. The 5-point directive included-- (1) All NPF legislators to be present at the two-day session through all proceedings and warning that absence during voting will be deemed as violation of the directive. (2) All NPF legislators are to vote for all motions moved by the ministers and parliamentary secretaries during the two-day session. (3). The NPF legislators are also to vote against any motion moved against the DAN government headed by T.R.Zeliang as chief minister during the 13th session of the 12 NLA. (4) All NPF legislators are to vote in favour of mo-

Corruption has diluted Naga society: Acharya Correspondent MOKOKCHUNG, NOV 17: Nagaland Governor P.B Acharya, who has been vocal against corruption, on Thursday expressed serious concern saying corruption has diluted the rich fabric of the Naga society. “It is high time for the people to realize that the worst enemy for development is insurgency and corruption,” said Acharya, who is touring Mokokchung district. All should stand against corruption and the religious faiths in the state should play a bigger role in this fight against corruption and various social evils, he asserted. Lately, governor has been touring all the districts of Nagaland in order to get first hand information and to interact with the people on issues faced by them. Speaking at the public reception held here in

honour of the Governor and his lady wife, Kavita Acharya, he said Aos were the pioneers and Aos have played a major role in the formative years of the state. Well known personalities like P. Shilu Ao, the first chief minister of Nagaland, former chief minister and present Odisha Governor, Dr. S.C Jamir and Dr. T. Ao former Indian Olympian have made the state proud and they were from the Ao community, he said. Acharya said people need to look up to such personalities who have not only contributed for their own community but the state and the nation as well. Referring to the phrase-“India is a rich country but the people are poor’, he said Naga people need to realized that “Nagaland is rich but the people are poor”. In this regard, he called upon the people to make the best use of the rich natural re-

P.B Acharya (NP)

sources available in the state and to start-up up industries to tackle the economic and unemployment issue. He also called upon Nagas who have been out of the state to take the challenge by coming back to the state and contribute in all possible ways. Governor also said crores of rupees that come for development to the state from centre should be well monitored so that the beneficiaries get their due share. Acharya also lamented that the implementation of Mid-Day Meal scheme in many schools were not sat-

Peace a pre-requisite for development: CM NPF defends Dr. Shurhozelie D I M A P U R , N OV 1 7 (NPN): Nagaland chief minister, T.R. Zeliang on Thursday called upon the people to be united in order to promote peace in the society, saying peace was a pre-requisite for all round development. Speaking as the chief guest at the Jalukie Town golden jubilee celebrations at Jalukie GHSS football ground, under the theme ‘Towards Greater Heights’, Zeliang said “Nagas are second to none; we can march forward only if we are united”. He further called upon the gathering to appreciate the hard work and contributions made by the leaders in establishing Jalukie town. “We have completed 50 years and so with new thoughts and clean mind and good vision and plan, we will enter a new epoch making era,” he said. He however said vision alone cannot bring better future

T.R. Zeliang

without the cooperation from all angles. Zeliang therefore urged the people to forgive and forget their past and unite as one, in order to strive forward, in the spirit of Jubilee. He said Jalukie with its fertile soil, known as the rice bowl of the state, has all the potential to become economically sound. If the people take the advantage and put a little extra effort, their economic conditions would be much better. The chief minister also lauded the town for having the only mid-night bazaar

in the State where organic vegetables, fruits, rice etc. are sold. In this regard, he encouraged the farmers to strive hard and to venture out, saying their produce would be of high demand within and outside the state. With infrastructure development and various institutions flowing in to the district like—College of Veterinary Science at Jalukie; Diphu-Karong-Imphal railway line, 129A NHIDCL Nagaland Express Highway from Maram passing through Jalukie, foothill road from Mon to Khelma touching Maibang in Assam, he challenged the people of Jalukie to take the opportunity, by putting their minds together, to make Jalukie town better than Dimapur. Short speeches were also delivered by advisor DUDA, N. Thongwang Konyak; Old Jalukie Village Council chairman and DC Peren. Earlier, Zeliang

tions moved by independent members which are in favour of the government but vote against any motion that are moved by independent members which are critical of the government. The party chief whip also informed NPF legislators that when the Leader of the house(chief minister) replied or clarified to any motion/ statement moved by an independent MLA, he (CM) shall “invariably indicate” to the house whether such a motion/statement by that independent MLA was “favourable or inimical to the NPF or the DAN government” and whether such motion/statement is to be voted in favour or against and for which, all NPF legislators have to follow the direction. (5) Further, no member of the NPF legislature party is allowed to move any motion or issue any statement in the house during the 13th session of the 12th NLA that could be in the nature of criticism of or that which would cause embarrassment or loss of face of the NPF party or DAN government or cause any consequence of similar nature of character.

unveiled the jubilee monolith and released the jubilee souvenir. State chaplain, Rev. Kuzierang Thou, dedicated the event with a prayer and welcome address by Rhosietho Nguori, SDO (C) & convener. ‘Heruikai’ was performed by the Old Jalukie village and pastor JTLBC, Mongzeung Mpom pronounced the invocation prayer. Highlights of the event include-- jubilee spotlight by Minkamlak (Jiji), folk song by Iriegong Mpom, while Jubilee song was presented by the Jubilee Choir. Vote of thanks was delivered by Imtui Mpom, steering committee member and benediction prayer by Rev. Fr. John, asst. parish priest, St. Xavier. Host of ministers, parliamentary secretaries, advisor, heads of offices under Peren, public leaders, NGOs, churches public and students attended the jubilee celebration.

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 7 (NPN): NPF has come out in defence of NPF president, D.r Shurhozelie Liezetsu in the wake of counter attack and rejoinder by ACAUT over his remarks on service regularization of contract/ ad hoc employees. NPF press and media bureau said it was constrained to issue the statement to express support on the candid clarification made by Dr. Shurhozelie vis-à-vis the government’s action/decision. According to NPF, the problem faced by the unemployed youths in the state has reached “stratospheric levels”, where the Government is the single avenue for employment. At this juncture, it alleged that some youths got appointments after going through normal procedures and hard work and those deserving youths have the opportunity. In both casesthose already in service and who were yet to be accom-

modated, “are all our children,” NPF said, adding it equally cares for all of them. It claimed that the party has put all possible efforts to understand the needs of the people at the grass root level, while framing policies and programmes, and the decisions were in the interest of the needs and sentiments of the people, with special reference on the youth. In the light of the above, NPF argued that there was no room for nepotism and favouritism as propagated by “vested interests”, since, the decision was taken after thorough deliberation and cross examination by the party. Further, NPF said Dr. Shurhozelie as president of a political party and in power had “genuinely” expressed concern on those deserving educated Naga youths “who had found berths in different government departments, having already rendered their services for a considerable period of time”.

isfactory, which he said was witnessed during his tour to various districts. Children from economically weaker section are deprived of their basic rights, he added. On Naga political issue, Acharya said since government of India led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi was serious in bringing about a permanent solution, people should unite and bring everyone on board. Earlier, in the program, the introduction was done by DC Mokokchung, Sushil Kumar while the welcome address was delivered by C. Angang Jamir, interim Ao Senden president. A special song was presented by ‘The Refiners’ while the vote of thanks was proposed by Moachila, president Watsu Mungdang. Host of public leaders, NGOs, government officials, school children and MLA, Imkong L Imchen MLA were present at the program.

GPRN/NSCN to observe ‘9th Unification Day’ D I M A P U R , N OV 1 7 (NPN): GPRN/NSCN would be observing its ‘9th Naga Unification Anniversary’ on November 22 at designated camp Khehoi. In this regard, GPRN/ NSCN organising committee has extended invitation to all apex organisations of Nagaland, tribal hohos, GBs, interdenominational religious associations, mother’s associations, students’ bodies, non-Naga community associations of Nagaland, Naga social welfare associations, media groups and well wishers of Naga political right. Meanwhile, MIP said GPRN/NSCN, while affirming the right to selfdetermination of all Nagas irrespective of artificial boundaries, “believes that the tribes in the present state of Nagaland must exercise (Cont’d on p-5) K Y M C



Jacob interacts with staff of I&FC

Parliamentary secretary of I&FC, N.Jacob Zhimomi along with officials and staff of I&FC Zunheboto during his visit. (DIPR)

DIMAPUR: Parliamentary secretary of Irrigation and Flood Control (I&FC), N. Jacob Zhimomi visited I&FC office on November 17 and interacted with the staff of I&FC. Jacob encouraged the staff to be more sincere in their work and serve public with transparency. Saying that he was in touch with union minister, Water Re-

sources, Uma Bharti for funds and other projects for the state, Jacob added that a new concept was started by the Ministry of Water Resources, GOI where the projects had to be implemented in an integrated manner with agri and allied departments for maximum benefits for the beneficiaries. Major irrigation proj-

ect in the district would be taken up where there was requirement at strategic river locations to increase agricultural activities and to boost agro economy, stated Jacob. Expressing his concern over development projects, he urged the officials to earmark projects only to genuine beneficiaries so that development would be visible and people

oriented. Jacob also said state government under the leadership of TR Zeliang who was also a member of CSS under NITI Aayog, many projects have been made grassroot oriented and are under consideration which should be appreciated and supported by the people. Executive engineer, I&FC, Zunheboto, Er.Huska Yeptho thanked the parliamentary secretary for the concern he has for the district and submitted a proposal for construction of staff quarters. Renovation of office building and shortage of staff, hampering the smooth functioning of office were also highlighted whereby the parliamentary secretary agreed in principle to look into the matter on priority. Vice president, Sumi Hoho, Khehoshe Yepthomi, DSO, Lhokiye, and other dignitaries accompanied the parliamentary secretary.

63rd All India Cooperative Week observed across Nagaland While welcoming all the cooperators to come forward and find out the ways to improve the socioeconomic condition of the state, ARCS Lipoknungsang also said that the primary agriculture cooperative societies would provide valuable service to their members. The programme was chaired by SICS Kakuto Chophy, the chairperson also read out the message received from various dignatories. Invocation prayer was said by Tokuho. Cooperator, Lozheyi and public leader, Thritongse Sangtam spoke at the programme and vote of thanks was pronounced by LDA, Tinglichem Sangtam. MON: Mon district observed the 63rd All India Cooperative Week on November 16 at DRDA resource centre, Mon town. D e p u t y Re g i s t r a r C o o p e r a t ive S o c i e t i e s (DRCS),Tiyongmeren Jamir in his keynote address informed that importance of cooperation in the new independent country was put forward by Jawaharlal Nehru. He assured all possible help to upcoming generation in order to make

Mon a vibrant cooperative district. Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies (ARCS) Mon, Rokovisa Chase gave a power point on the cooperative movement in India and shared the principles of cooperatives as well as success stories of different cooperative societies in other parts of the country. District Program Coordinator (Financial Inclusion) Nagaland State Rural Livelihood Mission (NSRLM) Mon, Rajuselie Lhousa spoke on “cooperatives and banking”. He reminded the gathering that cooperation was the parental department of Nagaland State Cooperative Bank (NSCB) and the cooperative societies having its share in NSCB were owners of the bank, while the shares and deposits were generated into loans for the underprivileged so as to release them from the bondage of debt/ poverty. He opined that the need in the present societal context was judicious spending, awareness in savings and proper financial planning to remove cashcrunch poverty. He declared that the

NRLM SHGs were doing fine in credit linkage with banks and opined that the success of SHGs/VLOs would create a cooperative resurgence in the state. Vice president, Konyak Nyupuh Sheko Khong (KNSK) Mongyo and board of director of Nguptang MPCS expressed gratitude on the initiative of the cooperative department for reigniting the cooperative movement in the district. The programme was chaired by Senior Inspector Cooperative Societies (SICS) Tsijungse Sangtam while God’s blessing was invoked by Beth-zatha Prayer Society, Okap Konyak. Vote of thanks was proposed by SICS, John Lorin. The day was attended by cooperative societies, APMC officials and Village Level Organizations (VLO) of NRLM.

DIMAPUR: Livingstone Foundation Hr. Sec. School (LFHSS), Dimapur participated at the twoday event of the first ever National Science Concours of Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT) held at the SMIT Campus in Majitar, East Sikkim from November 10 to 11. Altogether 72 teams from 58 schools from all over India participated at the event organized to mark the UNESCO initiative of observing the World Science Day for Peace & Development 2016. Vice-chancellor of Sikkim Manipal University, Brig. (Dr.) Somnath Mishra was the chief guest. Livingstone Foundation Hr. Sec. School won the science project exhibition by bagging the champion’s trophy and a cash award of Rs. 20,000 along with certificates. They also won the 1st runners-up prize in the form of a trophy and cash award of Rs. 10,000 in the quiz contest. Livingstone Foundation Hr. Sec. School was represented by four students and two faculty members. Bishal Paul of GradeXII and Nishad Chettri of Grade-XI were the champion team members of science exhibition as well as the 1st runners-up team members for the quiz contest. The other team members included Abid Arman Tapadar and Imsungit LKR. Loli Heni and Abijit Roy were the faculty members who accompanied the team. Administrator, Arthur Edwards felicitated the team during morning assembly on November 16.

news in brief NPF president convenes CEC meet: NPF president, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu has convened the next central executive council (CEC) meeting on November 29 at 11 a.m in the central office H.Qs. Kohima. All the CEC members have been directed to attend the meeting without fail. DMC emergency meeting on Dengue outbreak: Administrator, Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) H. Atokhe Aye has convened an emergency meeting of colony council chairmen/representatives and GBs under DMC jurisdiction on November 19 at 10 a.m in the DMC office to discuss the outbreak of Dengue fever in Dimapur. All concerned have been requested to attend the meeting. NERSNA social work: Executives and members of the North Eastern Region Service Nepali Association (NERSNA), Kohima would be organising social work on November 19 in Kohima town from PHQ junction to TCP gate, Kohima town from 6 a.m to 9 a.m under the theme “Swachh Kohima Town”. All members of the association have been requested to participate in the social work. ROF general body meeting: Rengma Officers’ Forum (ROF) has convened its 17th general body meeting on November 26 at 10 a.m in the Capital Convention Center, Kohima. All the members are requested to attend the meeting positively. AVC informs: Ashaa Village Council (AVC) Wokha has informed all the citizens to submit Xerox copies of aadhar card, bank passbook and one passport photo to head GB Ashaa for MGNREGS job card before November 20. ZAGBA annual session: Zunheboto Area GBs Association annual session: Zunheboto Area GBs Association (ZAGBA) annual session would be held November 23 at 9 a.m in Youth Hall, Zunheboto with Dr. Kheshito Z. Zhimo, medical superintendent, Hezukhu Memorial District Hospital Zunheboto as chief guest. Association chairman, Vikaho T. Jimomi has informed all the GBs under Zunheboto area to attend session positively.

dia. Instructions may also be issued to all the subordinate offices. SP Phek informs on firing practice: Superintendent of Police, Phek has informed that firing practice would be carried out from November 18 to 24 from 7 a.m onwards at firing range 5th NAP Battalion, Phek. All the public and nearby villagers have been requested not to go near the firing range or let loose any domesticated animals at the firing range area on the aforementioned period. TACUW informs business establishments/centres: In view of the forth coming students’ final exam 2016, Tsumang ‘A’ Colony Union Wokha (TACUW) has informed all business establishments/centres under its jurisdiction to remain closed on all Sundays from November 20 and on weekly days to close by 8p.m. Any offenders found would be taken stern action as per the resolutions of the union. NDMSA annual general meeting: Nagaland Directorate Ministerial Service Association (NDMSA) has convened an annual general meeting on November 22 at 2 p.m at the conference hall, Red Cross Building, Kohima. All NDMSA members including the NDMSA Dimapur unit are asked to attend the meeting. Further, all the directorates are requested to come along with the annual membership fee collections and bring agendas for discussions if any. ANGPTA informs: All the districts’ units of ANGPTA are informed that final submission of primary teachers’ data for preparation of seniority list & membership fee towards the association has been fixed on November 23. Further, primary teachers who have not submitted their data have been advised to contact their respective district units. Defaulting teachers failing to submit their data would be doing so at their own risk as the association would not entertain any members after the final data submission by their respective district units. For further inquiry and assistance one may contact 9856802060 & 9862190741. Corrigendum: Apropos the news item “ANTA Peren Unit informs,” published on November 17 should read as the picnic has been postponed to November 26 and not as published.

State to observe ‘constitution day’: Indian Constitution Day is held on November 26, but the Nagaland government has informed that the day would be observed on Exotic School November 28 as November 26 was a holiday. In this regard all the district administration, government offices and educational institutions have been directed to organize program FOR KOHIMA & DIMAPUR and read out the ‘Preamble’ COURSES DATE of the constitution of Inst th

of Cooking

TIMING Dessert 21 to 26 Nov. 9 to 12 pm Baking 21st to 26th Nov. 1 to 4 pm TN Building, Serüvocie Naga Hospital Road # 97743-16235 Dimapur : Half Nagarjan Kuda “C”Khel Contact No : 8119049888


Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Langlem Konyak & Ako Konyak




You are the parents that all kids hope to have, you are the couple that all lovers hope to be and you both are the pillars of support that every family wish to have. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THE BEST PARENTS EVER. DP-9283

1. Miss. Lipavi (Lia) 9 years (Yehemi Village) 2. Miss Lassi 13 years Both Missing from Chekiye Village/Home on 13/11/16, Sunday at around 10:00 A.M – 10:30 A.M. Finder will be handsomely rewarded. Please contact : 9894923903/8975039348

Blessed wishes from Your Loving sons & daughters

WISHING YOU ON YOUR 53rd BIRTHDAY For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; Psalm 91:11


MOKOKCHUNG, NOV 17 (NPN): The 63 All India Cooperative Week Celebration was observed, Thursday, at the Ongpangkong Salang, Arkong Ward, under the theme “Role of cooperatives in sustainable development and growth”, with DOD, NSCB, Ltd. M Bendangnukshi Longkumer as the guest of honour. Speaking on the occasion, M Bendangnukshi Longkumer stated that the main objective and purpose of establishing co-operative societies, way back in 1965 in India was to promote the economy, contributing towards Nation building through community initiative. He, therefore, said that every member of a registered society should posses the quality of self-reliance, dedication and transparency towards the society. While delivering the key note address, DRCS & CEO, NSCU Temjen Longkumer highlighted that the purpose of celebrating Cooperative Week was to retrospect on the failures and achievements of the past years and to chalk out an itinerary for the coming year. Welcome note was delivered by ARCS Alangla Tonger and messages were read by SICS Bisarila Sangtam, while the function was chaired by Meyilemla Pongen. Invocation was said by Imchalemla and vote of thanks proposed by SICS Imtionen. KIPHIRE, NOV 17 (NPN): Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies Kiphire (ARCS) observed the programme on November 14 at ARCS office Kiphire. The week-long celebration of All India Cooperative week started from November 14 and would conclude on November 20. The celebration was graced by ARCS Lipoknungsang by hoisting the flag with the theme “Empowerment of cooperative through education and training”.

LFHSS shines at SMIT ntl science concours 2016

Nagaland Post, Dimapur friday, november 18, 2016













The people of Lotsu Village celebrated 2016 Tokhu Emong with lots of fun fare and gaiety with Shri. Ramongo Lotha, IAS, Secretary, Food & Civil Supplies and Legal Metrology & CP Department, Government of Nagaland, Kohima as Chief Guest. Dwelling on the importance & significances of Tokhu Emong, the Chief Guest exhorted that Tokhu Emong is an occasion to adapt one self how to love one another, forgive one another and reconcile one another and strengthen the brotherhood relationship. Having said so, the Chief Guest urged the people to abide by the importance & significances of the festival in spirit so as to usher in blessings and prosperity in the community. The Chief Guest further urged the youngsters to adapt the ever changing society with hard work & determination for sustenance. Extending Tokhu Emong Greetings to the people of Lotsu village in particular and Lotsu Circle in general, Shri. Wanmei C. Phom, EAC Lotsu, appreciated the Lothas for preserving and upholding the rich & significant Culture & Traditions of the forefathers by the present generation. Meanwhile, origin & significances of Tokhu Emong was delivered by Shri. Yihamo Rangthang, Head GB. The programme concluded with remarkable cultural dances presented by Renowned Lotsu Cultural Club followed by Tokhu Emong Feast hosted in the residence of Convener, Organizing Committee. Yihamo Rangthang Head GB, Lotsu Village DP-9267

T. Renzamo Ovung Convener Organizing Committee 2016 Tokhu Emong

Lt. Gen. Niki Sumi

On this special day, though you are far away we are sending you wishes all the way. We miss the strength you brought us and the comfort that it gave, and on your birthday its so hard pretending to be brave. But we have found hidden courage and it helps us to see through, guides us and protect us and we know it comes from you. Happy Birthday from across the miles! DP-9291

From your loving Wife and children K

Y M C Poll Q . : Is demonetisation sign of more sinister actions to follow in future? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


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Church must be redemptive, kinder and gentler: Rev. Keyho

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Yes absolutely 56% No specula- 37% tive 7% Can’t say

Next poll

Q: A r e

billionaire businessmen in India affected by demonetisation drive?  Yes  No  Can’t say


(Temperature in ºC)

Max Min

Agartala Nice with plenty of sunshine 29 16 Aizawl

Sunny and pleasant

Guwahati Hazy sunshine Imphal

26 12 28 14

Nice with plenty of sunshine 26 10

Itanagar Sunny and not as warm

26 13

Shillong Nice with plenty of sunshine 21 3

Sunny and delightful

22 10

Dimapur Sunny and pleasant

28 14

Kohima Mkg

Sunny and not as warm

Tuensang Sunny and cooler Wokha

24 9 17 8

Sunny and cooler but pleasant 22 14

Zunheboto Plenty of sunshine

21 7

Dr. Rev. Zelhou along with the organizers and church leaders after the programme. (NP). Correspondent KOHIMA, NOV 17 (NPN): Advocacy programme on HIV/AIDS and harm reduction with church leaders was jointly organized by Kripa Foundation, NBCC, NSACS and FHI 360 at NBCC platinum hall Bayavii Kohima on Thursday. General secretary NBCC, Rev. Z. Keyho as the guest of honour in his address said the church must become a truly redemptive, inclusive community with a kinder and gentler community of faith and love. He challenged that church must dispense grace not only

within the four walls of the church but outside of the church by way of reaching out to people in need. Rev. Keyho said pastors and church workers must view the drug addicts, alcoholics, HIV/AIDS people as constituent members needing to be reached out and ministered to. He reminded that church workers must build bridges and not only confined to the people within the church. Rev Keyho said in the past the church looked upon the pandemic of HIV/AIDS as a judgment of God on its victims, but now the church was also reaching out, caring

and showing compassion though much is yet to be done. He reminded that this seminar was an opportunity for the church leaders to educate themselves so that the church could dispense more grace and compassion. He said church was a redemptive community, not only confined to ministering to the redeemed but also redeeming the fallen and hurting people who were suffering outside of the church. He shared the quote of Henri J. M. Nouwen , “what I have to offer to others is not my intelligence, skill, power, influence, or connections, but my own brokenness

Alun Hansing

beneficiaries without any pilferage or delay and at their doorsteps. He also pointed out that those having an income of less than 1.5 lakh per year were entitled to be included in the Priority Household (PHH) or the AAY, and that beneficiaries would get 5 kg of rice delivered at their doorsteps every month.

It may be mentioned that Nagaland chief minister TR Zeliang had launched the NFSA in the districts of Dimapur and Kohima on June 27, 2016 and the Act became effective in the latter part of July this year. T. Onen Jamir of Dimapur GB Union while appreciating the F&CS sought cooperation from the grassroots functionaries and the departmental officials to include more genuine beneficiaries in future. Another GB representing the GB Federation requested the department to include all the six administrative blocks in Dimapur in the distribution system instead of only the four currently in place, namely, Dimapur Sadar, Medziphema, Dhansiripar

and Niuland. President of Kohima GB Association opined that the department should go on for another drive to add more beneficiaries to the list of PHH card holders. Re presentatives of DLSA from Kohima and Dimapur spoke on the provision of the NFSA which entitles a beneficiary to receive 5 kilogram of rice every month; meeting the costs of transportation of food items to the beneficiaries by the Government; and provision of scientific storage facilities to ensure quality food stuff to the beneficiaries. On the issue raised by some speakers that the authentication and identification of genuine beneficiaries was questionable in some

Kidima parishioners visits HDC Kma DIMAPUR: Parishioners of Kidima visited Holy Door Cathedral Kohima on Sunday with vicar general of Kohima diocese Rev. Fr. Neisalhou Carolus as main celebrant. Vicar general asked the faithful to retrospect on serving God as the spiritual would inherit eternal life. He said that God was compassionate and forgive His people’s sins through confession. Rev. Fr said that the Holy See had given a special provision for Year of Mercy for the people of God to repent from their sins and enable to inherit eternal life. He also infor med that Year of Mercy would culminate on November 20 on the feast of Christ the King. Thirty-seven pilgrims from St Francis Xavier’s Catholic Church Kidima took part in the Holy Door. Special prayer was offered for priestly ordination, confession, enchanting for praise and worship for the glory of God followed by Eucharist celebration.

through which the love of God can manifest itself.” He challenged the members and said “as we clergy men must admit our brokenness only then can we learn to reach out to broken people in love and in compassion than our live, our ministry shines brighter”. He challenged the church leaders to reach out to hurting, suffering world with the love of God bringing healing, care and comfort to areas where it was most needed. Ketho of Project Sunrise Kripa Foundation shared the workshop objectives while Temjen spoke on FHI 360 response to HIV/ AIDS in Nagaland, NSACS officials shared the overview of the HIV/AIDS scenario in the state and how church as stakeholders could play a role. Dr. Rose Chakhesang shared on understanding drug use and its co-relation to HIV/AIDS, other risks groups, and vulnerability towards HIV/AIDS, harm reduction. Dr. Joyce Angami shared the overcoming stigma and discrimination relating to HRGs in context of HIV/AIDS. Church leaders from various churches of Kohima and others attended the DIMAPUR: Week-long certificate course in book program. publishing organised by National Book Trust (NBT), India in collaboration with North Eastern instances, the department Council (NEC) was inaurequested the GBs and Vil- gurated on November 15 lage Councils/ Wards/ by NEC secretary Ram Panchayats to understand Muivah, at NEC press the significance and im- room. The course is aimed portance of maintaining at building capacity of the genuine lists and asked for people interested in book their unstinted cooperation publishing. According to DIPR to ensure that only genuine persons/ households are report, Muivah felt that included. F&CS assured the there was a need to sustain gathering that the process of reading habit and publish identifying the beneficiaries books on variety of subwas going on in full swing jects. He assured that NEC and that fraudulent ones would collaborate with would soon be taken off various agencies for skill development of youth in the list. Earlier, director of the North Eastern Region. Pathfinder, Vitono Gugu NBT should make such Haralu delivered the wel- certificate course in book come address while Bano publishing an annual feaHaralu invoked God’s bless- ture in which 20-25 youths ing. The event concluded from each of the north with closing remark by eastern states interested in book publishing as a career Pranay Massey.

Awareness seminar on NFSA held in Dimapur

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 7 (NPN): One-day awareness seminar on National Food Security Act (NFSA) was organized by the Dimapur based Pathfinders (a NGO) at Hotel Acacia here on Wednesday, attended by officials from the Department of Food & Civil Supplies (F&CS), District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) of Kohima and Dimapur, GBs’ Union/Federation and other stakeholders. Director F&CS, Alun Hansing in his opening remark, informed that Nagaland has a total of 14.5 lakh targeted beneficiaries out of the total population. He asserted F&CS was fully prepared and making all efforts to ensure that the food items reach the actual



Nagaland Post, Dimapur Friday, November 18, 2016

Revival and healing festival underway in Dmu

(R) Dr. Ade Banjo delivering his sermon at the revival.

DIMAPUR: Revival and Healing Festival organised by Dimapur Christian leaders from November 17 to 20 started with good response at State Stadium near DC court with director World Harvest International, USA, Dr. Ade Banjo as the speaker. Dr. Ade Banjo gave a very strong prophetic message about God willing to heal and give awesome testimonies of healing. God was doing marvellous miracles through His ministry, he said. Dr Banjo would speak on November 18 also. Pastor DABA, Rev. Dr. N. Tzudir led the service while pastor of The Pentecostal Mission Purana Bazar

gave the invocation prayer and Rev. Joshua Zimik, pastor Tangkhul Baptist Church Diphupar gave the offertory prayer. International Theological College & Seminary and Yimchungru Baptist Church old Showuba ministered through special songs. Praise and worship was led by Project Judah. Hundreds of people lifted their spirit in worship and experienced the powerful touch of God. On November 19 and 20 November, Rev. Dr. ED Citronnelli will be the speaker. There is a prophetic message that great miracles would take place during the revival and healing festival.

Book publishing course inaugurated can participate where the NEC will possibly provide a matching grant for the purpose, he added. Meghalaya Editors and Publishers Association vice-president Dr. K.K. Jhunjhunwala and former India head, Oxford University Press Prof. Shridhar Balan were the guests of honour. Appreciating NEC’s steps for initiating efforts for Professional Skill Development in NER, they both felt that new modes

of book publishing should be the thrust area of such courses. NEC planning adviser K.H. Kharshiing also spoke on the occasion. Earlier NEC director (Information & PR) Manas Ranjan Mahapatra delivered the welcome speech and briefed about the course. NBT production officer, Narinder Kumar presented a brief outline of the Course and gave an account of book promotional activities of NBT.

Porba celebrates fish festival

Azo and director of fishery, Kevisa Kense with others during fish festival at Porba village in Phek district. DIMAPUR: Porba village under Phek district celebrated its traditional Khiliinyie/Fish festival on November 17 with director fishery Nagaland, Kevisa Kense as the chief guest. Kense informed that the department would be adopting Porba village and would support fishery pond project to boost large scale production of fish in the village. He also asked the villagers to take advantage of the offer and make fishery project as income generation activity.

He also released documentary booklet on Porbami traditional Khiliinyie. Earlier, the function was chaired by Porba village council chairman Shekhozo Thiilii-o while Zaciita Puro led prelude to Khiliinyie. Act of blessing was done by GB, Razouveyi Dziido. MLA Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu also attended the celebration. Khiliinyie is celebrated to mark the new year right after the cultivated crops have been harvested.

KVK Mon holds training prog DIMAPUR: Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mon (Aboi) Nagaland organized two-day programmes on field days, training, and method demonstration at KVK campus Aboi and Ngangching villages under National Innovations Climate Resilient in AgricultureTechnology Demonstration Component (NICRA-TDC) from November 4 to 5. KVK subject matter specialist (Plant Breeding) Dr. M. S. Sachan (GPB) shared on direct seeded rice cultivation under resource conservation technology in the field days and emphasized the production of pea and rapeseed in winter crops during the training courses. Programme coordinator Dr. R. Mezhatsu gave planting method demonstration of field pea and chick pea in relation to climate change during the course of method demonstration. Double or sequential cropping systema were also highlighted and encouraged to the farmers to grow winter crops after harvesting of kharif crops. Altogether, 40 practicing farmers and farm women were attended the programme. K





India takes up Bamang’s visa denial issue with China

NEW DELHI, NOV 17 (PTI): India has taken up with China the issue of visa denial to Bamang Tago, a resident of Arunachal Pradesh and manager of the Indian badminton team which is to travel to Fuzhou for a sports event, and hoped that the Chinese side will address it in the spirit of reciprocity and smooth development of bilateral relations. “This matter has been brought to our notice now. Government’s position on differential treatment of Indian passport holders is clear and well known. We have conveyed it to the Chinese side. “We expect them to address this issue in the spirit of reciprocity and smooth development of bilateral relations,” External Affairs

Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup said. He was asked about the complaint of Tago, who was denied visa for the China Super Series Premier Badminton Tournament. Tago, who is also the Secretary of Arunachal Pradesh Badminton Association, had also approached MEA after he was denied visa by the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi “on round of Arunachal domiciles”, a day after applying for the travel document on November 10. However, when contacted, there was no response from the Chinese embassy here. China claims Arunachal Pradesh as part of southern Tibet and routinely protests visits by Indian leaders, foreign officials as well as the Dalai Lama to the area.

9 primary teachers suspended Guwahati, Nov 17 (PTI): Nine teachers of lower primary and upper primary schools have been suspended for gross negligence of duty, misappropriation of grants and non-implementation of mid-day meal scheme in Hailakandi district.


Apropos to the TOKHU EMONG 2016 published on the 17th Nov. 2016, it is to be noted that in the column A of the income, Sl. No 53 SDEO Bhandari is to be understood as SDEO staffs only and in the individual/ Unions column Sl. No 9 to be as Khyolamo Humtsoe (Qlamo) and not S. Rhontsuthung Ezung. Typing error is regretted. DC-2561



Through this column, we the RKVY members and beneficiaries under Peren District would like to express our profound gratitude and appreciation to the department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry for vaccination and medicine. RKVY project and other like B.P.L under (DRDA) and also the Disaster Management under Peren District for contributing to the district during the H.S outbreak. We also specially thanks Dr. B. Atem Longchar, CVO Peren for his sacrifice and contribution. Rahung Convenor, RKVY, Nkio-B

Lungkheng Member, RKVY, Azailong

Nglkhogim Khongsai Convenor RKVY, Phaijol



Chairman WEC. Senti Walling

Asstt. Head Teacher GMS, Pongentola M. Ayangla


The Chairman and members of WEC GMS Pongentola Aongza ward along with the faculty and students would like to thank and appreciate Mr & Mrs RESEMTONG for donating 50 (fifty) Desks and 50 (fifty) Benches to the school on 14th Nov' 2016. Though one of the oldest school in Mokokchung district yet the school have been without these basic necessities where the students were at the receiving end with the Philantropic and selfless contribution it has brought a great relief to the students. It is our earnest prayer that the Almighty be your guiding star in all your future endeavour.

wara district in Jammu and Kashmir and killed three of them before attaining martyrdom Born in Borduria village of Tirap district in Arunachal Pradesh on October 2, 1979, Dada, was recruited in the 3rd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment in 1997. Later he was transferred to Assam Regimental Centre, and in 2008 to the 4th Battalion of the Assam Regiment. Rijiju, who visited the Assam Regimental Centre


IMPHAL, N ov 17(NPN): Reeling under severe financial crunch due to demonetisation Imphal based morning dailies have decided to suspend publications for three days starting from Thursday, i.e., no newspaper will hit the stand on Friday. The suspension of the publication will continue till November 24. The decision to suspend publication was taken in a joint meeting of All Manipur Newspaper Publishers’ Association (AMNPA) and All Manipur Newspapers Sales and Distributors Association (AMNSDA) held at Hueiyen Lanpao (Manipuri daily) office today. A joint statement of the associations said that they were compelled to stop publication from tomorrow (Friday) as the publication houses are facing acute shortage of currency for exchange.

People storm oil pumps as petrol arrives in Imphal Correspondent

IMPHAL, Nov 17 (NPN): People Thursday stormed oil pumps across the city to make beeline queues to buy petrol barely a day after oil tankers arrived Imphal via national highway-37 (Imphal-Jiribam section). People started queuing up in long lines in front of the pumps even before fuel stations opened with the

hope that fuel may be distributed any time today. Except two petrol tankers, a total of 110 vehicles including 24 petrol tankers, eight LPG bullets and one diesel tanker safely reached Imphal from Silchar along N a t i o n a l H i g h way 3 7 Wednesday around 8 p.m. The India Reserve Battalion personnel and Manipur Police commandos reportedly escorted 299 trucks and oil

tankers from Monday to deliver fuel and consumer items along the 222-km NH 37. Manipur has been reeling under severe fuel crisis since the stoppage of shipping petroleum products on Imphal-Mao section of NH-2 owing to the indefinite economic blockade called by the United Naga Council (UNC) with extended support of the All

The Bamunpukhuri (A) village council with pride heartily congratulate Miss Viboli V. Achumi, daughter of Vikishe K. Achumi and Vung Achumi on being crowned 2nd Runners Up and Best Smile of Miss Sumi 2016 organised by Sumi Totimi Hoho Tuesday night at Agri Expo, 4th Mile, Dimapur on 8th November, 2016. The village council wishes best of her luck and a bright future. Head GB VCC OFFICE OF THE

TSARU SURO UNION Dimapur - 797112 : Nagaland


Tsarü (Chare) Suro Union Dimapur convey our heartiest congratulations to Shri. Moatemsu Sangtam, NCS on being promoted from SDO (C) to ADC. The Union also convey our best wishes and prayer in your future endeavours. (S. T. Sangtam) President

(Thrinicho) G/S



I, Shri. Kuvehu Soho of Phek Village, the registered owner of Mahindra Bolero LX Bearing Regd. No. NL-08 2409, with Chassis No MA1WE2GPKD2H66425 and Engine No. GPD4H61260 is no more the legal owner of the said vehicle w.e.f . this day the 15th November 2016 as I hand over the vehicle along with vehicle documents to Shri. Kuzholuzo Nienu at his Kohima private resident around 4. 00. PM on the stated day. Henceforth, any criminal, thefts, corruptions etc. cases arising out of the vehicle shall in no way entertain my name under whatsoever circumstances. K-4204




The Village Council Losami through this column would like to extend its deep gratitude to all the 350 citizens of Losami for rendering their fee labour for construction of NEC road from Losami to Old Phek on 15th November 2016. The Council also conveys its special thanks to the following personalities for extending us in cash and kind for the said road during construction. 1. Mr. KUZHOLUZO NIENU, Hon’ble MLA 2. Mr. MUROHU CHOTSO, DC, Phek 3. Mr. KUKO MERO, ADC Phek 4. Er. ABIJA, E.E. Phek 5. Mr. JOSEPH, Additional SP Phek 6. Mr. KUPOTA KHESOH 7. Mr. KETOUSILIE, Headmaster GHS Losami 8. Mr. Y.P. SINGH 9. Mr. S.P RAJA 10. Mr. SHETO 11. Mr. VEBUNO 12. Mr. RAMATAR 13. Losami Vehicle Owners The Council also thank all well wishers and pray to Almighty God to bless them in all their good deeds. Mr. WEPETE MEKRISUH Secretary VDB Losami Village

Mr. KEZÜWELO AKAMI Chairman Village Council Losami

Naga Students’ Association Manipur (ANSAM). UNC is imposing the blockade on the national highways against the state government’s move to create new districts-- Jiribam and Sadar Hills. The blockade that has entered its 16th day on Thursday has triggered not only fuel crisis but also scarcity of essential commodities.




S H I L LO N G, N OV 17(NPN): The Assam Regimental Centre (ARC), one of the most decorated regiments of the Indian army, on Thursday has named its main office block office in its headquarters after Havildar (Hav) Hangpan Dada. The plaque was inaugurated by Dada’s wife Chasen Lowang Dada in the presence of Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju and Deputy Chief of Army

Staff Lt Gen Subrata Saha, who is also the Colonel of the Assam Regiment and Arunachal Scouts besides other senior officers of the regiment. President Pranab Mukherjee had conferred Ashok Chakra (posthumously) on Havildar Dada of the 35th Battalion of the Rashtriya Rifles (Assam Regiment) for his exemplary courage and gallantry during an encounter on May 26 with a group of terrorists in the Naugam Sector of Kup-



which returned to Shillong after visting and paying homage at the Regiment’s war memorials at Kohima, Jessami, Aradura and Imphal. He also feliciatated the Veer Naris (widows of gallant soldiers) and cutting the 75th anniversary cake of the regiment. Meanwhile, speaking to journalists on the sidlines Rijiju took a jibe at the Congress over the party’s allegation on the recent demonetisation move by the government. “The congress party has to make it clear first. They should not have confusion in their mind. Sometimes they say the PM has made announcement which even the finance minister is not aware of and at the same time they say that the PM has leaked out (information) even before the scheme is announced. Therefore, I personally, urge them to be clear of on the allegations they want to make,” he said while refusing to elaborate further but said that he will speak on it in the parliament.

KOHIMA LAW COLLEGE The Kohima Law College congratulates one of its students Shri. B.Yemlong Chaba on winning the Zonal (North East Zone) Best Para Legal Volunteer in the regional category. The Award was given by the Chief Justice of India at New Delhi on 9th Nov 2016. The College expresses its happiness for bringing laurels to the State of Nagaland and wishes him all success in life. B. Yemlong Chaba is kind hearted, talented and a disciplined student and he is one of the Para Legal Volunteers under the supervision of Legal Aid Clinic, New Chingmei, situated 35 kms away from Tuensang headquarters. Sd/Principal Kohima Law College K-4202



P.O. KOHIMA : PIN – 797001, DISTRICT: KOHIMA, NAGALAND Ref. No:-3/2016.

Date 17/11/2016


The Lotha Community of New Minister’s Hill Colony (Potter lane/ Upper AG/Mohankhola /New Ministers’ Hill/ Aradhura/ South P.S ) with pride & respect convey our heartiest congratulations on your promotion . 1. Mr Y.M.Humtsoe (S/o Mr Yanphamo Humtsoe of Wokha Village) Addl. Secretary Promoted to Secretary to the Govt. of Nagaland. 2. Er Yanbemo Lotha (S/o Mr Thungjamo Humtsoe of Wokha Village) Executive Engineer(E.E) promoted to Superintendent Engineer(S.E), National Highway, PWD, Nagaland. “May God Almighty Grant you Healthy and Long Life” (Mr Chipo Ngullie) Chairman, NMHCLC



MANDAL VICE PRESIDENT 1. Thangmeng - 9862627977 3. Angangchu - 8014502715 2. Y. Chaang - 8974570039 4. H. Zungkum - 9862735503 SECRETARY : 1. Toshee - 8974249941 2. Yamukam 3. Chongshenyimjong - 8974389780 4. Tsatingmong - 9856425748 LOCAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN : 1. H.Khumba - 8731921830 10. L.Mukam - 8974807004 2. T. Wati 11. Yenden 3. S. Yanchu - 9862871054 12. S.Ongbou 4. A. Sepong - 8730808551 13. B. Tsatingmong 5. Hothong 14. Beshu 6. W. Alim - 9402846806 15. Loyem 7. Yemkiumong 16. Langshi 8. Y. Chaang - 9863545962 17. Y.akhang - 9862762314 9. L. Mongba - 8974802144 TREASURER : 1. N. Matbou 6. Y. Ongbou - 8014502715 2. M. Beso 7. P. Sipong 3. Thsangthing 8. P. Sipong 4. Shulim 9. Kiuchem - 9402877429 All are most welcome under the leadership of Narendra Modi. (CHONGSHEN YIMJONG) G/Secretary K-4213

(SANGBA KEJONG) Mandal President 53 A/C Tuensang Sadar-I

Dear kezia semy, Let this new age pass by again with love n joy filling around u and like always may God continue to be in every single movement of yours. Wishing you a very blessed happy birthday. Rock on. With lots a love , Guss me. _________________________ Dear Ongli Chonpong Life by itself is a from God. May your birthday be extra special. May your dreams and wishes come true, because no one else in the world wide world deserves it more than you. wishing you all the best today and throughout the coming year of your life. with ful love, loving grand parents, parent, Unti and Uncle. _________________________ Hello Mulune Vese. As you grow a year older, may God grants you happiness and success in everything that you do. Many happy returns.. Enjoy your day From Shekhrü and friends. _________________________ Dear Achai (jadu) Many many happy returns of the day God bless you. Happy BIRTHDAY!! From JA Mankhao.

ZB, ZU to unite as single body IMPHAL, NOV 17 (NPN): The Zeliangrong Baudi (ZB) of Assam, Manipur, Nagaland (AMN) and Zeliangrong Union (ZU) AMN have, after consultation various frontal bodies like Zeliangrong Youth Front (ZYF), All Zeliangrong Students Union (AZSU), ZSUM, Kabui Mother Association and Zeliangrong leaders from Assam, Manipur and Nagaland, declared “in principle” to unite as single apex body in the larger interest and welfare

of the Zeliangrong people. This was resolved after a series of meetings in many places which concluded at Zeliangrong building, Kakhulong, Paona Bazar, Imphal on November 15, informed Dr. Gairiangmei Maringmei, general secretary ZB. The meeting further resolved/agreed to work out modalities for a unified apex body at the earliest with the Zeliangrong frontal organizations i. e., ZFY, and AZSU.


CHINGMEI CITIZEN STUDENTS' UNION (Chingmei Mütli Wedoshi Thangjam) Dist. Tuensang : Nagaland


With immense pride and honour the Chingmei Citizen Students' Union extends our heartiest congratulations to Mr. B. Yemlong Chaba Chang, S/o Beso Chang of Chingmei Village for receiving the best Para Legal Volunteer Award, North East Zone 2016. The Union lauds his achievement and further wishes him greater success in all his future endeavours. (C. Changkamba Chang) Vice President

(T. Sentisangla Chang) Gen. Secretary


Kiren Rijiju and Lt Gen Subrata Saha interacting with public on Friday.

and celebrated the Platinum Jubilee of the Regiment, also addressed the soldiers and veterans of the regiment at the Parson Parade ground. Lauding the achievements and contributions of the Assam Regiment to the nation, the junior Home Minister said, “In any discipline and organisation one celebrates Silver or Golden jubilee, but when one attain Platinum jubilee we believe that the organisation have reach maturity. Because this 75 years is a lot of countable years- filled with many lives (some of whom are departed) and stories and in a way adding pages to the history. And so the regiment’s history has now become thicker.” The Union Minister also paid homage to the fallen heroes of the Regiment by laying wreath at the maginificient War Memorial, and thereafter inagurated the refurbished state of the art ‘Bishnu’ Museum at the Centre. Rijiju also ‘flagged in’ the Motorcycle Rally,

Demonetisation: Imphal dailies suspend publication


The following members are the new office bearers of the BJP 4th Ghaspani-I Chumukedima Unit : Sl. No. Name Designation 1. Aosanen Aier President 2. Pukhashe Assumi V/President 3. M. Wati Chang V/President 4. Ishmael Newme General Secretary 5. Nzanbemo Lotha Asst. Gen. Secy. AOSANEN President, Chumu Unit Ph. No. 8575348629

ARSAPA CHOPHI Mandal President 9615022342


Office named after Hangpan Dada

Nagaland Post, Dimapur friday, november 18, 2016




The Phek Village Council held its consultative meeting with all the frontal bodies on 14 th of November 2016 at Phek Village Community Hall. Whereas, the house resolved to reaffirm its earlier resolution of Phek Village Council dated Phek the 23rd March 2016. Whereas, the Council acknowledges the leadership of Shri Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu. Now, therefore, the council resolved to unanimously give its fullest support to the sitting MLA Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu for the forthcoming State Assembly Election. The Village Council further resolved that whoever violates the resolution of the village, the party/person concerned will be held fully responsible should any untoward incidences occurred within the village jurisdiction. VEPICHI KEYHO Secy. Phek Village Council

CHIVOZO SOHO Chairman, Phek Village Council


VEKHOPU VENUH President, Phekmi Collegiate Forum

VEKUPA VENUH President, Phek Village Youth Organization


OZO VENUH President Phek Student Union

VEKHOZOLU SOHO President Phek Village Mothers Association



Nagaland Post, Dimapur friday, november 18, 2016

Concern for dogs can’t override human life: SC

NEW DELHI, NOV 17 (IANS): The Supreme Court on Thursday said an impression should not be created that human life has lesser value than that of a dog but stressed that stray dogs can be killed only in accordance with the Animal Birth Control Rules. “Let not an impression go out that human life is of lesser value than that of dogs. Human life is divine,” the bench of Justice Dipak Misra and Justice Amitava Roy observed while restraining vigilante groups in Kerala from propagating and imparting training for killing of dogs. Noting that even dogs are created by divinity, the bench said that a dog can only be killed in accordance with law as it was told that some individuals have made it their “mission” to kill street dogs. Senior counsel Anand Grover named

some of them and told the court that one of them, Jose Maveli, has been arrested seven times, but as the offence of killing dogs is bailable, the person gets out after paying a fine of Rs 50. The court asked Maveli to be present in the court on the next date of hearing on March 1, 2017, as Grover told the bench that this man is a petitioner before the apex court in the matter but does not comply with the directions of the court and violates the law with impunity. Taking note the instance pointed to by Grover and Colin Gonsalves where certain committees, organizations and clubs have been formed to “launch a crusade to kill the stray dogs” and children are being trained how to eliminate the stray dogs, the court said that Justice Sri Jagan Commit-

tee “shall enquire into the said aspect”. “The report of the enquiry shall be submitted before us through the counsel of the Committee, Mr Gaurav Agarwal so that proper orders can be passed,” it said. “Needless to say, the state will be under obligation to file criminal cases, if the situation so warrants,” the court ordered. “... we really fail to fathom that when there is a law in place to deal with the stray dogs, how the associations and groups can be formed to train the children to kill the stray dogs or an association which can distribute subsidised airguns for people to kill stray dogs or publicly propagate that there must be war against stray dogs,” the court said in its order. “We restrain such organisations to impart training to the children or to distribute subsidised airguns for people to kill stray dogs or to publicly propagate that there is war against the stray dogs or strangulate the stray dogs or for that matter offer prizes or incentives to those who kill the stray dogs. Needless to say, our directions are not exhaustive but illustrative.” Telling the court that Kerala government “does not intend to remain silent”, senior counsel V. Giri, who appeared for the state government, told the court that the state government was “making immense efforts to curtail the spread of stray dogs and also trying that no stray dog attacks human beings.”


national/state GPRN/NSCN to observe ‘9th Unification Day’ (From p-1) their inherent right to decide any political arrangement, as is visible in Myanmar Naga areas and Naga areas in Manipur (which is in the offing)”. For this, GPRN/NSCN said “where necessary it is natural for Nagas of Nagaland to sit down together and discuss their future existence pending final political solution encompassing all Naga inhabited areas”. MIP further said GPRN/ NSCN, under the leadership of chairman ‘gen.’ (retd.) MB Neokpao Konyak and general secretary N. Kitovi Zhimomi, has made it clear that practical wisdom and necessity has forced Myanmar Naga leaders and Southern Naga Leaders to pursue peace deals with Myanmar and GoI respectively. “The alternative political arrangements however do not meet the desire and political aspiration of the tribes living in present Nagaland state,” GPRN/NSCN stated.

SBI puts up cash dispensing facility

SBI offcials and staff of district hosptial Dimapur at the Cash@PoS facility on Thursday.

Staff Reporter

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 7 (NPN): Even as people continue to queue up in front of ATMs and banks nine days after government announced banning Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes, the State bank of India (SBI) Regional Business Office, Dimapur Region on Thursday put up cash@PoS facility popularly known as micro ATM at three different locations in Dimapur. It is a facility through which debit card holders could withdraw cash by swiping their debit/

prepaid cards. SBI regional business office, assistant general manager, Thangboi Lunkim, told Nagaland Post that the facilities were put up to ease the inconvenience of the bank branches and the customers who would have to go to the branch or have to stand in queue. He said one Cash@PoS facility at District Hospital Dimapur (DHD) was inaugurated by medical superintendent, Dr. CW Tungoe while the other one was put up at Railway Station, Dimapur besides one at SBI

Regional Business Office, Super Market. He said on Friday these facilities would be moved to Zion hospital, ICAR and CIHSR (Referral hospital). AGM said SBI bank branches have also started applying the indelible ink mark on finger of the customers who appear for exchanging currency notes. Lunkim said the move was to stop the same people from exchanging old notes multiple times. He also said SBI ATMs in Dimapur were being recalibrated for dispensing new currency notes.

NHRC summons Chattisgarh CS, Bastar IG NEW DELHI, NOV 17 (IANS): The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Thursday summoned the Chhattisgarh Chief Secretary and Bastar Range Inspector General of Police S.R.P. Kalluri over alleged hostility and abuse of power against human rights defenders. The The National Human Rights Commission took suo motu cognisance of a “nationwide outcry and protest” against Kalluri over the FIR registered against Delhi University Professor Nandini Sundar, Jawaharlal Nehru University Professor Archana Prasad and others. “The media reports over the last week have alleged that the Chhattisgarh Police named Prof. Nandini Sundar and 10 others as accused in the murder of tribal Somnath Baghel in Sukma district. “It is reported that he was killed by Maoists as he had been leading a campaign against their activities since April.

MTLT seeks Gov intervention on lack of infrastructures

D I M A P U R , N OV 1 7 (NPN): Mokokchung Town Lanur Telongjem (MTLT) expressed its displeasure on the lack of infrastructural activities and the handling of PDS scam within Mokokchung district, and submitted representation to the Governor for immediate attention and action. The signatories- MTLT president Imkummeren Jamir and general secretary Taliakum Pongen, demanded appointment of technicians and gynaecologists and replacement/repairing

of CT scan at Imkongliba Memorial District Hospital (IMDH). Demand for paediatricians, establishment of ICU and functioning of radiotherapy unit were some of the points included in the representation. They demanded that the PHE department increase the number of pipe line connections, proper meter rent for paying water bill be installed and provisions be made to pump the surplus water to reservoirs. MTLT also urged the Governor to give prior-

Hindi teachers call off proposed stir

ity on the maintenance of Mokokchung-Mariani road (National Highway (702D) as it has been declared national highway and also the second busiest highway in the state. The signatories also proposed that the library at Fazl Ali College be upgraded with the state-ofart facilities. They also proposed that atleast one college in Mangkolemba or Changtongya be established as these two places are developing rapidly. Demand to shift Inter

State Bus Terminus (ISBT) to its new location was also included in the representation. It appealed the Governor to take up the proposed “Northern Peripheral Road” on top urgency. They also demanded that Youth Hostel constructed many years ago be made functional so that it would be beneficial even to the youths from neighbouring districts. On the PDS scam, the MTLT demanded that the CBI probe be initiated immediately, stating that it

was not satisfied with the outcome on the progress made on the issue. Further, MTLT demanded that the power department to complete the projects- establishment of new sub-station at Majakong wards and upgrade current substation at Salangtem- as promised by the state government. In the light of the above, the signatories expressed hope that the Governor will take up the issue on top urgency for the interest of the people and the nation.


DIMAPUR, NOV 17 (NPN): Following an assurance from the department of school education to release salary, the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) Hindi Teachers and All Nagaland Hindi Teachers’ Union (ANHTU) have decided to call off their proposed agitation scheduled to be held on November 22, 2016. In a press release, CSS Hindi teachers’ convenor, Ilika, said at a meeting held with director of school education and accounts on November 16, the department assured to release two months’ salary within November 2016 though the MHRD had released salary only for one month. At the meeting, the Hindi teachers and the department mutually decided to work out together at the earliest for the remaining pending salary within December 2016.

NO.NSSWB/SRCW/Advt& Pub/2016-17/600

Dated: Kohima, the 17th of November 2016

With reference to the Advertisement No.NSSWB/SRCW/Advt& Pub/2016-2017/534 dated Kohima, the 25th October 2016, based on the interview and written/practical test conducted on the 16th of November, 2016, the following are the selected candidates for the various posts under One Stop Centre/Sakhi, Kohima, a scheme of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, GOI. Sl. No




Code No.


Centre Administrator




Case Worker








IT Staff



The Selected candidates are hereby directed to report to the State Resource Centre for Women (SRCW) in the office of the Nagaland State Social Welfare Board on the 21st November 2016 at 11 am positively. Sd/(Daisy Mezhur) Secretary NSSWB & Mission Director, SRCW DC-2566



NAGALAND : KOHIMA Dt. Kohima, the


(Dated: 16th Nov. 2016) Sealed tenders are invited from the appropriate class of empanelled Civil Contractors under Nagaland University for the under mentioned works. Earnest Cost of Estimated Sl. Money Tender Completion N/Work Amount No. Deposit document time (`) (`) (`) 1. C o n s t r u c t i o n o f 6,15,000.00 12,300.00 500.00 06 (Six) Counterfort Retaining months wall at Playfield, NU, Hqrs. Lumami (NU/ENGG-201/PFL/2014-3045). 2


T. Lanusosang Registrar

Nov. '2016

In continuation of this office Notification No. DTE/TECH-3/2005/9422 dated 13th Sept., 2016, this is to inform students pursuing Technical courses both UG/PG and Diploma that the last date of online registration of State Technical Scholarship has been extended till 10th December, 2016. Students who have not completed the registration process are requested to register for State Technical Scholarship from the state portal There will be no further extension. Note : Hardcopy submission to this Directorate will be accepted till 15 th December, 2016. (Er. ARJUN SINGH) Director Issued by : DIPR DC-2567


Construction of Stone 11,04,900.00 22,100.00 500.00 06 (Six) soiling, Hume Pipe months Culvert & Road side drain at Approach road to KVK Office at NU, Hqrs. Lumami (NU/ENGG-71(VolII)/KVK/2005-3046). 3 C o n s t r u c t i o n o f 3,08,000.00 6,160.00 500.00 06 (Six) Footsteps in between months Marketing complex and old working Mens hostel NU, Hqrs. Lumami (NU/ ENGG-196/L/20143047). Tender documents can be collected from the Engineering Section, Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami on working days upto 28th November 2016. Sealed tender should be submitted to the Registrar, Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami on or before 29th November 2016 (upto 2:00 P.M.). The cost of Tender document (non-refundable) is to be deposited through NU Challan. Further, EMD from any Nationalized Bank through Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque and IPO worth `10/- (Rupees Ten) only duly addressed in favour of Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami should also be accompanied along with the Tender. Nagaland University reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason(s), whatsoever.


DP-9306 DP-9310



Nagaland Post Vol. XXVI NO. 342 Dimapur, friday, November 18, 2016


Losing grip

ith the DAN government on the backfoot over various issues that had been highlighted in the media, the statements from the government suggest that chief minister T.R.Zeliang and his team, have somehow lost the grip on crucial issues and which is in itself is quite revealing. The government has been hit by a series of reports regarding the manner in which the cabinet decided to hold civic polls with the contentious 33 % women reservation in urban local bodies in Nagaland; while the case filed by the Naga Mothers Association(NMA) was yet to be heard in the Supreme Court. The issue then got spilled over to another equally contentious subject - the Public Interest Litigation(PIL) filed against the NP& NG by Lotha Hoho. The government’s responses through the media cell in the Chief Minister’s Office(CMO) on the points raised by the former additional advocate general of the state including the independent MLA, indicate that the government appeared to be on sticky wicket for whatever reasons. The former additional advocate general pointed out that, the Supreme Court in its April 5, 2016 order had only kept in abeyance, the order of the Division Bench of the Gauhati High Court against 33% women quota. Surprisingly, the cabinet decided to hold elections to Urban Local Bodies(ULBs) with 33% women reservation after the chief minister received a letter dated April 9,2016 from one of the petitioners who informed him about the court order and citing that it had directed the state to conduct of polls with 33% women reservation. The independent MLA in a statement questioned the cabinet on how it could bypass the 2012 house resolution and ordering for polls? The MLA also accused the chief minister, some leaders and a few women of placing their interests above that of the public and inviting infringement on Article 371A. He also claimed that the SLP could not avoid involving article 371 as tribal hohos maintained that reservation in public bodies pertained to customary laws and practices. The chief minister himself had admitted to a media person that litigation could go on and that since it was a very expensive matter, it was decided not to fight the case but call for election. The other reason which the chief minister also explained was that only after holding elections, the state(Municipal Affairs Department) could get funds from the centre(union urban development ministry). Against the backdrop of several tribal hohos expressing opposition against civic polls till the 33% women reservation issue was resolved with all stakeholders; the chief minister convened a consultative meeting with tribal hohos on November 16. It may have been an exercise to push through the agenda by getting their nod to amend Municipal Act 2001 on issues of tax and land holding and reservation of SC/ST by revoking the 2012 resolution. However, those who attended smelt a rat when they suspected that the government was going through the entire exercise only to get their affirmation so that the government could go ahead and move for revocation of the 2012 resolution for civic polls. The issues above including the PIL filed by Lotha Hoho on rules framed for oil exploration should be dealt with in a very fair, transparent and through collective wisdom so as not to leave room for future conflicts.


November 20 is NBCC Disability Sunday BJP’s financial policy I T

he Baptist Church of Nagaland has designated the third Sunday of November every year as PwD (Persons with Disability) Sunday, a day for churches and fellowships to focus on celebrating the abilities and involvement of disabled people. This year it falls on the coming Sunday – November 20. The Nagaland Baptist Church Council has taken a very important step towards building an inclusive church by setting up a Disability Commission to guide its churches. I believe this is a watershed moment in the Nagaland Christian disability movement. The church is an integral part of the social order and thus it has a huge social responsibility. In our Naga context especially, the church plays such a central role in the lives of the people and so it has a much bigger responsibility to lead the way for our society in standing up against social injustices and to show what a human community ought to be and then to expect a better society to come. And for this to happen, the church must be socially involved through practical social action, not only words. According to Census 2011, there are 29,631 people with various disabilities in Nagaland. This figure is underreported, in my opinion, and the actual number would be much higher. In any case, this is the official number – 29,631 people with disability in Nagaland. Here’s a question I always ask - how many of these people with disabilities do you encounter in your everyday life – in the streets, markets, schools, playgrounds, offices, churches, public events or in family celebrations? I think your answer would be ‘rarely’ or even ‘never’. This is because they are Nagaland’s forgotten people. This large group of people in our State continues to live on the fringes of our society completely deprived of their rights and dignity and facing exclusion and discrimination from society as a whole. We need look at the aspect of physical accessibility alone and the scenario in the State becomes clear. People with disability find

themselves shut out - shut out of buildings, offices, homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, CHURCHES, sports and community groups and activities. They find themselves shut out of our way of life. Like the rest of society, the church too has thus far forgotten the people who may look or act a little differently. Where are the persons with disability? They are certainly not sitting in church. They are not among the congregation listening to the word of God, singing and praying along with other fellow worshippers. Children with disabilities are not taking part in Sunday School activities, listening to Bible stories or playing and having fun with their friends. Speaking only of the physical building, among the thousands of churches in the State, all denominations, only a countable few have any kind of enabling environment that beckons and welcomes people with disability. Lack of accessibility and unfriendly spaces excludes disabled people from the life of the church. We like to think of our churches as places where all are welcome. Take a look at your church building. Does it have barriers that you do not notice because you’re so accustomed to the way things are? Can a person with mobility disability enter your church and sit among the congregation and worship with dignity? Many people with disabilities never go to church because they either cannot get there or they cannot get in. However, though churches certainly have a legal and social responsibility to ensure that their buildings are safe and accessible, inclusion for those living with disabilities goes far beyond installing ramps and accessible toilets. Many do not feel welcome at church because they cannot hear the message. Others cannot participate because they cannot read. Some have difficulty following the unwritten rules. Others simply cannot sit quiet and still for an hour or more. Some cannot understand what is happening. The NBCC Disability Commission has already sent out guidelines on simple, basic steps that can be taken by its churches to make its worship services inclusive.

DailyDevotion Uniform Civil Code (UCC) The Eternal Goal hile appreciating the Dimapur By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing…I will bless you… —Genesis 22:16-17 Abraham, at this point, has reached where he is in touch with the very nature of God. He now understands the reality of God. My goal is God Himself… At any cost, dear Lord, by any road. “At any cost…by any road” means submitting to God’s way of bringing us to the goal. There is no possibility of questioning God when He speaks, if He speaks to His own nature in me. Prompt obedience is the only result. When Jesus says, “Come,” I simply come; when He says, “Let go,” I let go; when He says, “Trust God in this matter,” I trust. This work of obedience is the evidence that the nature of God is in me. God’s revelation of Himself to me is influenced by my character, not by God’s character. ’Tis because I am ordinary, Thy ways so often look ordinary to me. It is through the discipline of obedience that I get to the place where Abraham was and I see who God is. God will never be real to me until I come face to face with Him in Jesus Christ. Then I will know and can boldly proclaim, “In all the world, my God, there is none but Thee, there is none but Thee.” The promises of God are of no value to us until, through obedience, we come to understand the nature of God. We may read some things in the Bible every day for a year and they may mean nothing to us. Then, because we have been obedient to God in some small detail, we suddenly see what God means and His nature is instantly opened up to us. “All the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen…” (2 Corinthians 1:20). Our “Yes” must be born of obedience; when by obedience we ratify a promise of God by saying, “Amen,” or, “So be it.” That promise becomes ours.


Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~ Lao Tzu

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Friday, November 18, 2016


Bar Association (DBA) for organizing the meeting of the Naga tribal bodies and civil society organizations(CSOs) to deliberate on Uniform Civil Code (UCC) on November 5, 2016in Dimapur and the Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) for presenting the collective view of the CSOs to the Law Commission of India, I would like to add a point that is critically important when we deliberate on issues such as UCC. As we all know, parliamentary laws are not applicable in Nagaland unless our legislatures give their approval. So, the UCC will not affect us, even if it is enforced in other parts of India, as long as there is no resolution passed in favour of UCC by the Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA). Therefore, expressing our views to the Law Commission or Central government on any issues is important, but what is perhaps more important is to educate and inform our legislatures, who will ultimately decide whether to implement UCC in Nagaland or not. Take for instance, the controversial 33% women reservation or the taxation of lands and buildings in municipal and town councils, these parliamentary laws came into Nagaland only because the NLA approved them. Therefore, I would like to urge our legislatures to take note of the concerns raised by the Naga public on UCC. At the same time, I appeal to our public leaders to be vigilant of the activities of our Assembly, so that, unwanted laws do not slip into our land. Lastly, I completely agree with NTC and through this write-up, I want to extend my solidarity with the forces opposing the implementation of UCC in Nagaland. K. Angami, Kohima


Now, there is no question that people with disabilities face huge barriers in the form of physical obstacles in buildings and public spaces. But architectural barriers are often relatively easy to surmount with some creative problem-solving. The most difficult barriers to overcome are attitudes other people carry regarding people with disability. Whether born from ignorance, fear or misunderstanding, these attitudes keep people from appreciating and experiencing the full potential of a person with a disability. The most pervasive negative attitude is focusing on a person’s disability rather than on an individual’s abilities. And this is the attitude that rules Naga society. The worldly culture is highly intolerant of what is perceived as physical and mental imperfection. Is your church simply going to flow along with this culture or are you ready to step up as a change agent in society? Disabled people deal with societal patronisation and pseudo-compassion on a daily basis, but the worst is being marginalised and disenfranchised by your own church. This rejection hurts the most! There is much that the church can do to change attitudes and perceptions, educate the masses on inclusion and acceptance and encouraging people with disabilities in their gifts and abilities. It can create communities in which people who are not alike can be found living and working together. This will allow the Church to assume its rightful position in shaping culture, and to become a visible expression of God’s love for all humanity through constructive protest against the social conditions faced by men and women with disabilities. (David W. Anderson: A Forgotten Barrier: Attitudes toward Disability) The church must lead the movement away from ignorance, insensitivity, and indifference toward acceptance and reconciliation, actively seeking to remove barriers which exclude disabled persons from all aspects of society. It has the opportunity and capacity to transform the lives of thousands of people with disabilities, their families

and carers. Some suggestions on how to observe Disability Sunday have already been sent out to its churches by the NBCC Disability Commission. These include planning a worship service themed around God’s love and acceptance of all people, inviting and involving persons with disabilities to share their gifts in appropriate ways - as ushers, musicians/singers, to present the gospel reading for the day, etc, inviting a disability expert to give a short talk on disability, disability rights and inclusion matters and organising an after-worship service refreshment gathering and encouraging all congregation members to mingle and get to know one another. In the past few weeks, the churches have been encouraged to collect the names of all their members with various disabilities or family members with disabilities, visit and have fellowship with them and also talk to them about the disability inclusion programme of the church and encourage them to participate in the special Sunday worship and all other Sundays as well, to set up a committee or focus group on disability and also to carry out an accessibility audit of their church building and spaces around it. However, there is a very IMPORTANT point to keep in mind: while inviting and involving persons with disability, the special Sunday should NOT be taken as an occasion when disabled people are brought out and put on display, such as making them perform something only for the special programme. The aim should be to include them in various activities because they are capable of doing them which others can observe and learn from. And this inclusion of persons with disabilities in worship service and other church activities should then be taken forward and not limited only to the special Sunday. Lastly, while it certainly is not my place to preach, I do sincerely believe that inclusion and making the disabled welcome in your church is not an optional add on or a choice, it is a Gospel imperative! God bless us all. Diethono Nakhro is a Member of the NBCC Disability Commission

am a senior citizen. I am a well-wisher of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and his party. I never had imagined that Modi and his cabinet could be so light-minded, so incapable of taking things without giving a serious thought. The current financial policy of Modi called “Demonetization of 500 & 1000 notes” is not to curb corruption or checking black money. After having observed the problems of the common man who are frustrated, angry and mentally tortured because of the so-called “demonetization” some are weeping and crying as they could not attend to the needs of their children in schools and colleges, could not finance their loved ones in the hospitals and sick beds. They find it difficult to get square meals for survival. This policy is only to give trouble and victimize the poor people and the wage-earners and not to check the rich people who had hoarded money. No amount of justifications, soothing words and boasting can heal the miseries of the poor or common man. If the govt have had such program in mind they should first fill up all the banks and ATM booths with smaller denominations. Say, Rs. 100/- down to Rs. 10/- notes and swap the old Rs 500/ and 1000/- notes deposited by the poor people then and there so that they may not suffer unnecessarily. This current demonetization policy clearly shows that there are no farsighted and serious thinking leaders in the BJP. To levy income tax who deposited above Rs. 2, 50000/- means that the common man, say labourers and small marginal trader should not have money more than Rs. 250000/-. For example, could a common man construct an ordinary house for shelter of the family with only Rs. 250000/-? The intellectuals and the experts should put their heads together and find out suitable ways if the govt really wants to check corruption and black money. The ceiling of Rs. 250000/- for income tax is discouraging and indirect intimidation to the poor people to have money more than that. What is Rs. 250000/- in the present age? It will not even cover the expenditure of a student in a good school. Therefore, the present demonetization policy is to make the poor people poorer than before and incapacitated them in all ways. The rich has always a way to escape whereas the poor is bound to be the victim. The long serpentine queues for hours together at the banks and ATM booths by both men and women, young and old, able and disabled persons are physically and mentally torturous. It seems, it is a deliberate attempt by PM Modi and his colleagues to punish the innocent common man. Issuing Rs. 2000/- currency notes only to the poor people is also a mockery because it has a lot of problems for changing to lower denomination notes. Therefore, the current demonetization policy is a farce. There may be some positive and constructive elements in the policy, but they are misplaced and it is ill-planned and ill-timing without any preparation. As such, it comes out to be whimsical and an act of autocracy or hypocrisy. A. Z. Jami, Senior Citizen

‘One Day Census’ is the only answer for clean election in Nagaland

n this regard, the NBCC with all different churches and denomination, and the whole NGO’s including the concern department are trying their level best to bring the accurate voters without any corruption or illegal practices while election is to be conducted in Nagaland. To speak the truth that the Indian Election can never compare or match to the democratically selection system of Nagas as per the Naga Customary practices since time immemorial. There is no bribery nor purchased of leadership system in Naga selection issue. And according to a leadership selection system in Naga country, the Naga used to select the most capable candidate who acquired the maximum trust of the people and who do not have any blemish from his/her childhood. The candidate are selected based on his maturity in age, good arbitrator, bravery, wisdom and who have equal mindset towards all section of people according to age old practices of Naga Customary law. However, in case of more than one qualified candidates are available in a particular post, in respect to the elderly person, opportunity is given or if both the candidates are found to be equally capable, he or she is selected based on lottery (luck) system so as to avoid all means of manipulation and misunderstanding among

the candidates and supporters no one should allow to travel leaders of NBCC, leaders of all which result to deliverance to or journey from one place to different denomination churches justice in time. another place within Nagaland and the state election departAt present the state govern- and stringent measures should ment of Nagaland to come ment after running more than ensure to control it and every under one umbrella and appeal five decades of statehood, the Naga indigenous should allow the Election Commission of election system of Indian as to register their names and nec- India to grant ‘One Day Census’ practiced in the state is found essary information required by in Nagaland as required by the to be corrupted. And unless, the department which should be Nagas in order to eradicate the the state government as well done according to their native corruption of election system as the election department of village or permanent settle- from grassroot level within the Nagaland has a clear record over ment. state. So that only, the answer the exact figure of recognize In this genuine issue of of ‘clean election’ in Nagaland villages, household, population, clean election in Nagaland, I will become a reality. voters and updating of its record the undersigned on my behalf T.L Angami, Founder & Ex. from time to time as required to and behalf of the whole Vil- President, Sr. Advisor Village ascertain and curb the practices lages Chiefs (GB) of Nagaland Chief (GB) Federation of of corruption in Indian election strongly appeal the leaders of the Nagaland, Hq. Industrial Vilsystem in our land as well as whole NGOs in Nagaland, the lage Razhüphe, Dimapur violation of election code of conduct, one cannot ruled out the illegal activities which is still present in the state. In this clean election demand as insist by the NBCC, Churches, NGOs, and also if they are really serious on the subject matter, there is only one way to eradicate this corSir, ruption system of election in I would like to draw the attention of the official(s) concerned Nagaland. The whole Churches, for clarification to the common citizen like me. That today the 16th NBCC, NGO’s etc fighting for clean election in Nagaland must of Nov. 2016 I went to SBI Purana Bazar branch to deposit few demand ‘One Day Census’ in amounts that I have. However to my utter surprise I was denied Nagaland without delay and the to deposit as my SBI account is of not that particular branch. same should be implemented Neither am I allowed to exchange stating the same reason. I am by the concern Department sure many ignorant and innocent citizen might be denied the of Election Commission of same as I am. Being hurt by the reality of the bank officials from India in order to bring accurate what we hear and read from the news statements of leaders of numbers of population, voters, the govt. and RBI officials I share my grievances on behalf of households etc. in the state. And many citizens like me. D. Molovesing, Eralibill village Dimapur in course of ‘One Day Census’ Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.

Reader’s Post Can SBI clarify?

Yitachu inaugurates newly upgraded EE (R&B) office

Ministers Yitachu and Vikheho, Parliamentary Secretary Khumo and officials of PWD along with the winners.

a landmark development. He further sought co-operation for further development in their areas. ADC, Avelu Ruho and president NPF, Kughakhu Sheqi also delivered short speeches. Welcome addressed was delivered by SAH president, Inavi Swu where he appreciated and acknowledged the government for the initiative. Engg-in-chief NPWD, Khupi Natso said that the office would be headed by EE, including SDO (TC), 15 engineers from SDO to So, DAO, HA and others subordinate staff. Congratulating the R&B Minister for bringing a new development which is the need the hour, he appealed for more help to serve the public and also asked the officials assigned to this division to work with sincerity and dedication. The programme was chaired by chief engineer PWD Er. K. Rhetso and dedicatory prayer was pronounced by ES SABAK, Hotokhu P. Zhimomi. Vote of thanks was pronounced by adhoc town council president, Viyikhu Wotsa.

Dimapur: A new organisation by the nomenclature “East Dimapur Sumi Youth Organisation” (EDSYO) has been formed during a joint meeting between youths of East Dimapur and Sumi Council East Dimapur and elders at East Dimapur Council Hall. Informing this in a press note, media and publicity cell EDSYO stated the organisation aims to: provide platforms to the people, specially the youths in achieving their daily trifles; empowering and nurturing the leaders of tomorrow and encouraging the youths to express their views on various social, economic, political and cultural issues; enlightening the youths about their rights and duties and to improve the educational system within its jurisdiction; to take up measures that improves the environment around us and to oversee and regulate the social demeanour of the members in the larger interest of the people of East Dimapur; work for the welfare and security of the Sumis in general and its members in particular and encourage communal and tribal harmony and to check illegal and anti-social activities within its jurisdiction in close co-ordination with the District Administration. Further the organisation informed it would also stress on any issue that concern the people of East Dimapur and has requested all the youths under its jurisdiction to take active part in the activities of the organisation. Meanwhile, EDSYO would be headed by Reuben Chopy as president, Qhevika Wotsa as general secretary along with 26 executive members and an advisory board.


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DIMAPUR: A group of 15 youth from Zunheboto district departed on November 17 for New Delhi as part of a National Integration Tour organised under the aegis of Headquarter Inspector General Assam Rifles (North) as a part of Operation Sadbhavna initiatives. The group was flagged off by Commandant 5 Assam Rifles in presence of Sumi HoHo vice president Kehoshe and general secretary Vihuto. The group will visit various national monuments, institutions and industrial establishments in New Delhi, Gurgaon and Agra during their 10 day tour. The tour is aimed to provide the youth with an opportunity to see the vast Diasporas of culture, economic growth and modernization in the rest of the country which will widen their horizons.

The ministers reportedly assured that from their ends that they’ll take the matter to the prime minister. NPPC Workers Union also informed the ministers

about the non payment of salaries for the last 2-3 months. Imsu Yaden also requested the ministers on behalf of the Nagaland

DCBK quiz-time held

DIMAPUR: Don Bosco College, Kohima, organized DBCK quiz-time on November 17 for the college students at DBHSS Hall, initiated and organised by Fr. Dr. A.J Sebastian SDB in coordination with four teaching staff of DBCK. In the final round ten students competed for the championship. Nikhil, Manager, Federal Bank, Kohima Branch graced the competition as the chief guest and Fr. Roy George SDB, rector as the special guest.

The competition consisted of four rounds, i.e. questions rounds and visuals rounds. Manikho of BA 4th semester emerged as the champion of DBCK quiztime 2016, followed by Vesulü Rakho and Behule Kent of BA 4th semester in the 2nd and 3rd positions respectively. The initiative was undertaken to promote general knowledge among the college students and to prepare them for competitive exams.

LBCC youth department holds crusade in chumukedima DIMAPUR: Lotha Baptist Church Chumukedima (LBCC) youth department organized youth crusade with the theme “break every chain” from November 11-13. Pastor Yikhum Baptist

Church, Zanbemo Kithan and women leader, Lotha Baptist Church Diphupar, J. Yanpvulo ovung were the theme speakers, while Jethro Merry exhorted the youths.

state BJP Unit to give serious attention to the cries of the people as NPPC is not only for Mokokchung District but for the entire state.

Nurses and health workers training DIMAPUR: Training of nurses and health workers of the district hospital,Wokha was organized by District Tobacco Control Cell, National Tobacco Control Programme at Wokha on November16 at conference hall, Dr. M.M. Hospital Wokha. Dr Wemeri exhorted the participants that tobacco was a modern life style disease which was preventable by changing lifestyle. Therefore all nurses and health workers should be role models by being tobacco free and advocate the harmful effects of tobacco use. DNO NTCP Wokha, Dr. Meribeni Odyuo presented the topic on the harmful effects of tobacco use and tobacco control laws and psychologist NTCP, Abeni R. Kikon presented the topic on the role of health workers on tobacco control.


Impulse Group of companies Recruiting candidates below 28 years of age for various positions, Earn Rs. 500/- to Rs. 1000/- per day and get fixed stipend between Rs. 3000 – Rs. 8000 P.M After completion of Probationary training, salary between Rs. 35000/- to Rs. 85000/- P.M. Contact ASU-MAX Office Super Market O.B-10 Super Market near Auto Driver Union Office Dimapur - (03862)227834. DP-8930



Hurry!!!! First come first basis


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National integration tour to New Delhi and Agra

The visiting team along with Kiren Rijiju at New Delhi.


Bank Colony, A.G Hr. Sec. School Junction, Dimapur 9612345267/9615454002 DP-9272

ZION SCHOOL Tzudikong - 798623




New Arrivals

DIMAPUR: Eight village councils members from Tuli Area and Nagaland Pulp & Paper company Ltd (NPPC) workers union office bearers jointly went to New Delhi led by Nagaland BJP state vice president Imsu yaden on November 15-16 to meet central union ministers including minister of Home Affairs, Kiren Rijiju and apprised the present pathetic condition of Nagaland Pulp & Paper company Ltd (NPPC). This was informed through a press note by 21 Tuli Constituency BJP Mandal president Imsu N. Jamir. The team also presented all the necessary documents related to the mill and requested to look into the matter seriously at the earliest, and to deploy Managing Director (MD).

FREE 1½ Month Training for Female 1) Asst. Beauty Therapist. 2) Asst. Hairstylist. In Noida, Delhi under Govt. Scheme PMKVY Free Traveling, Lodging & Fooding 100% Job Guarantee After Training


Union minister apprised on the condition of NPPC

Mokokchung : Nagaland



Applications are invited for the following posts 1. Maths Teacher - B.Sc 2. Graduate Teacher - BA/B.Ed Last date for submission of application with resume - 30th Nov. 2016. Short listed applicant will be call for interview. For more details, contact here :



times. He also said that the government was trying its best to start the National Highway road connectivity to Phek, Kiphiri, Tuensang and Myanmar via Pughoboto and therefore asked the people to give support for the benefit of all. Minister of R&B who also spoke on the occasion said that Nagas needed to change their mindset. He said that with the cooperation from the present government, Pughoboto town has made a red letter day after a gap of 29 years as the PWD office was established in 1987. He stressed on the need to change the man power management and government office functioning system. Parliamentary secretary of Soil and Water Conservation, Pukhayi said that bringing such a great achievement for Pughoboto area was a historic event and apprised the Naga people to respect each other and keep a peaceful co-existence. Parliamentary secretary of Law & Justice, SIRD, Er. Picto said that through the initiative of the R&B Minister Vikheho and the department officials, Pughoboto has seen

East Dimapur Sumi Youth Organisation formed






: 2 (TWO)





: Negotiable

For further details, contact : 7085057960


DIMAPUR: Newly upgraded office for the Executive Engineer (Road & Bridges), Pughoboto was inaugurated by the minister of School Education, SCERT Yitachu in the presence of the R& B minister, Y.Vikheho on November 16. According to DIPR report, Yitachu said that Pughoboto area people have been blessed with a new office through the initiative of R&B minister, Vikheho. He said that state economy must be built and that after DAN government took over, revenue had increased to Rs 600 crores within 13 years. He asked the elected leaders, government official, farmers, businessmen and all age groups to not to depend on easy money which would not bring progress in society. He emphasized on the need for a good planning process with sincerity and also stressed on maintaining a clean environment. Yitachu lamented that Naga scholars go to Germany, London, Paris, Switzerland and other places abroad for researches on our valuable artistic cultures used in olden




Nagaland Post, Dimapur friday, nOVEMBER 18, 2016



Nagaland Post, Dimapur Friday, november 18, 2016

6 months needed to replenish Rs 500 notes RBI supplying adequate money: Jaitley


Near Zion Hospital

Purana Bazar (A) Rs. 270 per sq. ft. First Come First Serve No earth filling required (Negotiable) Contact : 8575654464 8415969424/8575662483

RUTSA DRIVING LAND FOR SALE SCHOOL, KOHIMA at Seithekema 'A' Govt. License No. RTA-K/DRV-SCH/2011/01. LAND ADMISSION ANYTIME 85 Bighas 15% Discount for New Admission FOR URGENT SALE Rs. 10 per sq. ft. Contact Nos. 9089369388 Contact : 7085286145




at Senjum Village Near Nepali Kashiram (For Lothas only) Ph. No : 9862841989

at affordable Fees 4th Mile, Dimapur

Driving School Kohima

Around 30-35 Acres


No. 8339 Yesterday’s solution No. 8338

No. 2959 Yesterday’s solution No. 2958

No. 1786 Yesterday’s solution No. 1785

at Tenyiphe-1


Chumukedima, Dimapur

Contact : 9402819156 8414071834



1. Near Donbosco School Kohima road touch @ 400/- sqft. 2. Near New Secretariat Kohima road touch @ 600/- sqft. No Broker Contact : 9402084942

Across 1 Moving carefully to avoid detection of theft (8) 6 A health resort some patients attend initially (3) 9 Order for fries, perhaps in place of regular, generally (5) 10 A gift coppers are not happy about (7) 11 Endless large ice formation? (7) 13 A small child the editor carried (5) 14 Maoist converted to his country’s religion (6) 15 17 changes in wine store (6) 19 Navigational aid the same both ways (5) 21 Poison can rise when dissolved (7) 22 Greek character opposed to Italian wine (7) 23 A short period of enchantment (5) 24 Take legal proceedings against little Susan (3) 25 Writer says site needs development (8) Down 2 Road not repaired in storm (7) 3 Dread having to take part in law exams (3) 4 Print a translation? Not entirely (2,4) 5 Celebrity in sergeants’ mess (9) 6 Fish seemed to be off (5) 7 Played the part of a cadet at sea (5) 8 Stairs offering escape? (6) 12 A nun cries out for cover (9) 16 Birds left in traps (7) 17 Remember to pay another visit (6) 18 Victory sign changes (6) 19 Right cards for sporting events? (5) 20 Force of Red River (5) 23 Timid throw (3)




GYPSY AUCTION Euro-2, Model : 2006 Mint Condition ZEN TIGER Model : 2005 Mobile No : 8415864769


Local Taxi 2013 Model for Sale at Kohima Contact : 9856744771

FOR SALE ALTO 800 LXI Model : 2013 Very Good Condition Price : 2.6 Lakhs Contact : 9089094057


Contact No : 9612770081

Scorpio SLX CRDe 2008


Alto K-10 VXI 2011

8 Bighas,

Contact : 9436299017 9856705365


LAND FOR SALE Size 91 x 25 at Dimapur

Price : One Lakh

Contact : 8414892486

PLOT FOR SALE 40/60 sq. ft.

with Building and 1 Shop near the road near St. Thomas School, Nagagoan Ph : 9615353775/8131902555

FOR URGENT SALE Plot of Land with RCC Building, Newly Constructed

N.S.T Colony near Agri Office (Wokha) Prie : 12 Lakhs (No Broker) Contact : 7628091600

FOR SALE Land with RCC Building

(10 Rooms) at Upper Midland Kohima Price Negotiable No broker please Contact : 7085924155


I, K. Tito Zhimomi am applying for a duplicate copy of HSLC Pass Certificate as I have lost them. Name : K. Tito Zhimomi F/Name : K.H. Zhimomi D.O.B : 22/09/1988 Roll No : 411646 (HSLC 2004) Name of School : Kin High School (Dimapur) DP-9299(A)




TIME : 10 AM TO 1:00 PM

JOB IN NAGALAND ISO Cert. Co. Requires 78 M/F for Pmnt Post

Qual. : 10 to Graduate Age : 18 - 30 Income : 5000 - 17500-35000 PM Free Lodging First come first basis Contact with Bio-Data Dimapur : 9615828074 Tuensang : 8414830135 Mon : 9856445757 Jalukie : 7421953239

VACANCY ! VACANCY Govt. Regd. Co Requires 78 M/F

Fresher/Experienced for Pmnt. Mgmt Posts Qual. : 10 to Graduate Age : 18 to 26 Income : 5000 - 17500 - 35000 PM Attractive Bonus with Promotions ! Contact with Bio-Data Kohima : 8131911553 Zunheboto : 7421825869 Wokha : 8794879269


` 2.4 Lakhs

Alto LXI 2008

` 1.9 Lakhs Contact : 8575932545


in bulk sale/split. Price : Rs. 120/sq.ft.

28 Lakhs (Negotiable) No Broker

` 3.4 Lakhs




Total Area : 28,029.75 St.Ft. Rs. 130/- per sq. ft.

at Sethekie Basa, Opposite Global University. Rubber Planted 3 years old with fencing.



Model : 2012. 38,000/- KM Rs. 1,75,000/- (Fixed) Tip Top Condition Contact : 8731825516


# 9862945334 7085190017

of Land at just Rs. 7/- per sq. ft. Highway attached to New D.C Office, Peren : Nagaland


Fees Affordable

at Kejanglwa Village


Admission Going On K-4215

Contact : 8132919208

Govt. recognized






# 9774006370/9856176738


Army Auction (White) Perfect Condition Price : 2.8 Lakhs Contact : 8730985909

Ticketing Booking 1) Railway ii) Air Ticket HIRE : I) ALTO II) BOLERO



Contact : 9774041618



Phone No. : 9862922820 7005635838


VXI Swift Dezire 2009, NL Regd.


A Plot of Land alongwith Building, measuring an area of 160 x 50 sq. ft. Situated at Ura Villa (near Circuit House) is for Sale. Price : 40 Lacs (Negotiable) Contact No : 9856511462

Khermahal, Dimapur Nagaland




Model : 2013 Oct. Running - 21,000 K.M Colour : White Music System & Central Lock with Power Window Very Good Condition Price : 2.65 (Nego) Contact No : 9856943326


Contact : 7247386391 7005139098





No brokers please

in the day, Jailery ruled out any plan to re-monetise Rs 1,000 notes and defended the decision to reduce the exchange limit for demonetised notes to Rs 2,000. “The government’s decision to limit the exchange of banned Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes to Rs 2,000, from the existing cap of Rs 4,500, would stop misuse of funds,” Jaitley told reporters here. “As of now, there is no plan to reintroduce Rs 1,000 note,” he said.



For booking order DIMAPUR : 8259017318 KOHIMA : 9862905826

Contact : 8974523657

Land Measuring : 5070 sq. ft.

gal’s Mamata Banerjee and Delhi’s Arvind Kejriwal, who have threatened an agitation if demonetisation is not rolled back. “There is no question of a roll-back,” Jaitley said emphatically. “I have myself seen in bank branches. Deposits are taking place, withdrawals are taking place. In the next few days, we’d have completed the world’s largest exercise in currency replacement,” he said, complementing bank employees on their commendable job. Earlier


Flat your tummy with Sweat Slim Belt. No Medicine, no exercise, only use "HOT SHAPER" & get attractive body shape. MRP. Rs. 2999/offer price only Rs. 1599/-

Tuition for class 10 all subject, special attention towards Maths & Science, attached with hostel only for 7 students. For both NBSE & CBSE.

Church Colony Bamunpukhuri

LAND FOR SALE at New Chumukedima Pagla Pahar. 16 Bighas Price : 14 lakhs (Nego) LAND FOR SALE at Bank Colony 20 x 40 Rs. 12 lakhs (Nego)



Duncan Basti, Dimapur


New Delhi, Nov 17 (IANS): Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday said there is no dearth of cash due to demonetisation, and banks are being supplied adequate currency by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). He expressed regret at the political opposition over the move but ruled out a roll-back. “The Reserve Bank is providing adequate notes to currency chests. There are around 4,400 of them. There is absolutely no shortage,” Jaitley told reporters here while asking people not to believe gossip mongers who are spreading mis-information. “Unnecessary panic is being spread. But I didn’t expect Chief Ministers of some states joining this,” Jaitley said, in an obvious reference to West Ben-


Su doku

@ Rs 900/- for 2000 liters at KOHIMA Contact : 8575476407/ 8413941312/9856206573


Further, how long will they need to print Rs 500 notes, now that the machines would not be printing Rs 2,000 notes? Assuming an 80 per cent run (remember Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 comprised 84 per cent of all currencies), the time taken for the new Rs 500 notes, which began printing, presumably, on November 10, would be: 5.9 months. The rest of the 20 per cent capacity could be used for the lower denomination notes from Rs 5 to Rs 100. So, by April-end, one would presume, all the new notes would be in circulation. And, of course, the pain would be longer than the 50 days that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has mentioned.



1,671 declines and 943 advances. On Wednesday, the Indian equity markets had closed on a flat note due to prevailing anxiety over the impact of demonetisation, foreign fund outflows and negative global cues. The barometer index was down by 5.94 points or 0.02 per cent, whereas the NSE Nifty gained only 3.15 points or 0.04 per cent. Initially on Thursday, the benchmark indices opened on a flat note, as investors were cautious over a possible US rate hike in December. The cues on the possible rate hike are expected from an upcoming speech of US Federal Reserve’s Chairman Janet Yellen. A hike can potentially lead foreign portfolio investors (FPI) and funds away from emerging markets such as India, and dent the business margins of corporate sector, as access to capital from the US will become more expensive.

Clean Drinking Water

in Rs 500 denomination -- equivalent to Rs 7.89 lakh crore or Rs 7,890 billion and 39 per cent in Rs 1,000 notes amounting to Rs 6.84 lakh crore or Rs 6,840 billion. In other words, there were 15.78 billion notes of Rs 500 denomination in circulation and 6.84 billion notes of Rs 1,000. But if they are going to print Rs 2,000 notes equivalent to value of the Rs 1,000 notes declared illegal, that is, worth Rs 6.84 lakh crore, they would have to print only half, or 3.42 billion notes. If the printing started in early September, as has been claimed by some printing press officials, they would need only a little over two months to meet the full requirement, even at 50 per cent capacity. In other words, they should have printed all the replacement needs of Rs 2,000 notes till now.


Mumbai, Nov 17 (IANS): Worries over a possible US rate hike, along with political bickering over the demonetisation decision and lower crude oil prices pulled the Indian equity markets lower on Thursday. The key Indian indices started the day’s trade on a flat note, and finally closed the day’s trade in the red after a brief stay in the positive territory. The wider 51-scrip Nifty of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) edged lower by 31.65 points or 0.39 per cent to 8,079.95 points. The barometer 30-scrip sensitive index (Sensex) of the BSE, which opened at 26,304.90 points, closed at 26,227.62 points -- down by 71.07 points or 0.27 per cent from the previous close at 26,298.69 points. The Sensex touched a high of 26,449.87 points and a low of 26,155.40 points during the intra-day trade. The BSE market breadth was skewed in favour of the bears -- with


Possible US rate hike, political bickering subdue equities

per cent of the total in the country. The other two presses -- in Salboni and Mysuru -- are part of the Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Pvt. Ltd. (BRBNMPL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). These two, comprising 60 per cent of the total capacity, can print 16 billion notes in two shifts per year, according to information available on BRBNMPL’s website. In essence, it means that total capacity in the country would be 26.66 billion notes in two shifts. If all three shifts run, as the government says is happening now, the four presses would be able to print 40 billion notes a year, irrespective of the denomination. Now, according to the government, the total money in circulation -- before Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes were declared illegal -- was Rs 17.54 lakh crore or Rs 17,540 billion. Of this, 45 per cent was


into a tizzy. Long queues outside banks have been a daily occurrence since then because enough currency notes are not available with them. N ew i n f o r m a t i o n gleaned from public sources show that the government may be too optimistic in claiming that “adequate amount” of money would soon be in circulation. That’s because of the limited capacity of the printing presses in the country for such a sudden, huge job. There are four currency presses -- one each in Nashik (Maharashtra), Dewas (Madhya Pradesh), Salboni (West Bengal) and Mysuru (Karnataka). T h e f i r s t t wo a r e owned by the central government through the Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd. According to information available in the Finance Ministry’s latest annual report, the yearly currency printing capacity of these two presses is around 40


NEW DELHI, NOV 17 (IANS): Will new notes which replace the demonetised currency find itself in circulation soon? Unlikely, if the capacity of all the currency printing presses in the country is taken into account. The latest calculation, based on capacities of the currency printing presses, shows that replenishment would take around six months. This is particularly true for the new Rs 500 notes, whose printing, presumably, started after November 10. Till those are replenished in adequate numbers, the “currency pain” would not go away since Rs 2,000 notes are difficult to exchange for lower denominations. However, enough of the new Rs 2,000 notes may already have been printed, calculations show. The central government had demonetised Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes on November 8, sending the whole nation

Montessori Teacher Wanted Itiki Montessori Preschool Criteria B.A Graduate Interview on 21st Nov.' 2016 at Itiki premises at 1:00 P.M Next to Darogapathar Ao Church, Darogapathar Contact : 8259811836 9856154669 DP-9295

IN THE COURT OF SHRI. G.H.RAMLIA, JUDGE, FAMILY COURT DIMAPUR : NAGALAND SUMMON FOR SETTLEMENT OF ISSUE (ORDER - V, RULE-1, 5, 20) Case No : Matrimonial Case No. 02/16 Petitioner : Mira Roy Respondent : Shankar Roy To, Shri. Shankar Roy, S/o Late Kunja Mohan Roy R/o. T.K. Angami Complex, Dimapur, Nagaland Whereas you have instituted a case for U/S 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. You are hereby summoned to appear before the Court in person or by pleader duly instructed and able to answer all material questions relating to the case on 9/12/16 at 10:30 A.M without fail. Take notice that in default of your appearance on the date mentioned the case will be heard and determined in your absence. Give under my hand and the seal of the Court, this 9th day of Nov. 2016. DP-9279 JUDGE Regd. No. 1230/16 AFFIDAVIT Date : 25/6/16 I, Shri. Yetoka Zhimo alias Yetoka Sumi son of Lt. Khekiho present residential address is Chumukedima, Dimapur, under Dimapur Dist, Nagaland. do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows :1. That, I am citizen of India and resident of above stated place. 2. That my correct name is Yetoka Zhimo which has been entered in my Service Records but I also use my name as Yetoka Sumi which I have used in my Bank Accounts. 3. That Yetoka Zhimo and Yetoka Sumi refers to my names and of one and same person only. 4. That the statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing is false. Deponent Sworn before me on this 25th day of June, 2016. NOTARY PUBLIC DP-9302


Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate/pension benefits of Late Supong Jamir has been applied by Smti. Bendangsenla, R/o H/No. 165, Supply Colony, Dimapur, Nagaland, W/o Late Supong Jamir for possession of : 1. Pension benefits. 2. SBI & Punjab & Sind Saving Account. Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate/pension benefits of the said deceased may if she/he so desire to appear in this court on or before the said day of 07/12/2016. Given under the hand and seal of the court on this 8th Nov. 2016. (G.H. Ramlia) Principal District and Sessions Judge, Dimapur : Nagaland DP-9266

US election news Merkel welcomes Obama Fake outshone real on FB under cloud of Trump

BERLIN, NOV 17 (AGENCIES): Chancellor Angela Merkel likely had plenty of questions for US President Barack Obama on his last trip to Germany - the biggest being what he makes of Donald Trump, and what his successor’s presidency will mean for Germany’s relationship with the United States. But unlike Obama’s celebrated visits to the nation’s capital in the past, the president did not address crowds or even give a speech. The president had dinner with Merkel on Wednesday evening and spent the night in the Adlon hotel just meters from the Brandenburg Gate (under the watch of some 5,000 additional police officers, who reported no incidents). The president gave an

interview to German public broadcaster ARD and “Spiegel” magazine in the morning before he was received at the Chancellery in the afternoon. In quotes released before the full interview is aired on Thursday evening, Obama praised the German chancellor: “She has great credibility, and she is willing to fight for those values in a way that is very, very important,” he said. “I’m glad that she’s there and I think the German people should appreciate her. Certainly, I’ve appreciated her as a partner.” The president also tried to addressed the fears of globalization that has helped fuel the rise of right-wing populism around the world. “If the global economy is unresponsive to people who

6.2 earthquake jolts Indonesia

Ja k arta , N OV 1 7 (IANS): A powerful quake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale stuck Indonesia`s resort island of Bali and East Java province, triggering panic, officials said on Thursday. The quake that stuck just before midnight Wednesday was measured

at 6.2 magnitude in scale with epicentre at 127 km southeast of Malang province and the depth at 69 km under seabed, an official of the meteorology and geophysics agency told Xinhua news agency. “We did not issue a tsunami warning for this quake,” the official said.



The All Nagaland College Students’ Union (ANCSU) and the Organizing Committee of ANCSU Sports Meet cum Beat Contest 2016 would like to express deepest gratitude to the following individuals, organizations and firms for their generous contributions in cash and kind thereby enabling successful conduct of ANCSU Sports Meet cum Beat Contest 2016. Your generous contributions have been properly taken note of and we pray to Almighty to abundantly bless you all. 1. Shri. T.R. Zeliang. Hon’ble Chief Minister, Nagaland 2. Shri. Neiphiu Rio, Hon’ble MP, Lok Sabha 3. Shri. Nuklutoshi. Hon’ble Minister 4. Shri. Imtikumzuk. Hon’ble Deputy Speaker NLA 5. Dr. Benjongliba Aier Hon’ble Parl. Secy 6. Shri. S. Chuba Longkumer. Hon’ble Par. Secy. 7. Dr. Imtiwapang Aier, Hon’ble Parl. Secy 8. Shri. Pukhayi Sumi. Hon’ble Parl. Secy. 9. Shri. C. Apok.Jamir Hon’ble Par. Secy 10. Shri. R.B. Thong. Addl. Chief Secretary, Nagaland 11. Director General of Police. Nagaland. 12. Shri. Alempokba Imsong. Director, Higher Education. 13. Shri. K Therie, President NPCC 14. Dr. K.P. ILYAS (IPS) Dy. Commissioner of Police. Dimapur-II 15. Shri. Lalthara Advisor to CM 16. Shri. A. Chuba Ozukum 17. Smti. Asangla Ozukum. Joint Director RD 18. Deputy Commissioner of Dimapur. 19. Commissioner of Police, Dimapur 20. Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dimapur. 21. Food and Civil Supplies Dimapur 22. District Transport Office Dimapur 23. District Education Officer Dimapur 24. Social Welfare Department 25. Higher Education Department 26. Agriculture Department 27. Youth Resource and Sports 28. Sericulture Department 29. Secretary IPR 30. Chief Engineer Housing 31. Department of Fisheries 32. Department of Forest 33. Addl. Development Commissioner 34. Technical Education Department 35. Kiran Sports 36. Nivia Sports 37. Cosco Sports 38. United Sports Shop 39. Sports Emporium 40. G- Sports 41. Ashok, Head Assistant DGC 42. Hokivi Chishi, President, DCCI 43. Muslim Council Dimapur 44. Basu Damani 45. Nirmal Jain 46. Mohan Singh 47. Sunil 48. Simon Vice Principal Saku’s Mission College 49. Administration and students of Unity College, Dimapur (Host College) 50. All the 30 participating colleges 51. Mughato Aye, State Football Coach 52. Football Referees and officials. 53. Volleyball Referees and officials. 54. President and colleagues of NSF. 55. Mathew Yhome 56. Programme participants Prize Sponsors: 1. Pushika Awomi, Press Officer to Hon’ble CM. 2. Achumbemo Kikon, Convenor, Legal Cell, NPF 3. Karaiba Chawang, Media Officer to Hon’ble CM 4. Angami Students’ Union (ASU) 5. Letter Mart (A weekly Paper in Kohima) 6. Atupo Achumi, Former Speaker, ANCSU 7. Enok Achumi, Dimapur. 8. Devi Lal Mund, Dimapur 9. Limaakum Jamir, Former President, ANCSU 10. Deon Swu. Former President, ANCSU 11. Ao Milen (Official Local Daily of AKM) 12. Medo Yhokha. President. Angami Youth Organization (AYO) 13. Christopher Sophi. Dy. Speaker. ANCSU Sd/Sd/(Zhoku Thuluo) (Tongpang Ozukum) President, ANCSU Convenor, Organizing Committee

feel left behind, if inequality continues to grow, then we could end up seeing more and more of these divisions arise throughout advanced economies around the world,” Obama said. The two leaders are expected to give a joint press conference in the early evening, following a 90-minute discussion covering the entire gamut of world crises, from Syria to Ukraine to the rise of the populist right across the world - as well as the radically different working relationship that Merkel can expect to share with Trump next year. The Republican president-elect repeatedly criticized Merkel’s attempts to abide by the principles of German asylum law during his election campaign. In a joint op-ed for “Wirtschaftswoche” magazine published on Thursday, Obama and Merkel stressed the two nations’ “shared commitment to personal freedom and dignity, which only a vibrant democracy under the rule of law can guarantee.” “Our countries share a joint responsibility to protect and preserve our way of life,” the two leaders wrote, before listing the institutions threatened by the advent of a Trump presidency: from NATO to the Paris climate agreement. There was also a note of reassurance: “Today we find ourselves at a crossroads the future is upon us, and we will never return to a preglobalization economy.”

SAN FRANCISCO, NOV 17 (AFP): Fake election news got more attention than did real stories on Facebook during the final months of the US presidential campaign, according to an analysis published Wednesday by BuzzFeed News. The tech news outlet found that the 20 topperforming bogus stories from hoax websites and extremely partisan blogs generated slightly more than 8.7 million shares, reactions and comments at the leading social network in the three months before the November 8 election. In comparison, the 20 best-performing election stories from major news websites including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Huffington Post got just

shy of 7.4 million shares, reactions and comments at Facebook, according to BuzzFeed. Prior to the final three months of the presidential campaign, top election stories from major outlets had strongly outperformed fake news, BuzzFeed reported. Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg last week rejected the idea that bogus stories shared at the social network paved a path of victory for Republican President-elect Donald Trump. “The idea that fake news on Facebook, which is a very small amount of the content, influenced the election in any way I think is a pretty crazy idea,” Zuckerberg said during an onstage chat at a Technonomy technology trends conference in California.

Arrest warrant against Zia for celebrating ‘birthday’ on Aug 15

Dhaka, Nov 17 (PTI): An arrest warrant was today issued against BNP chief Khaleda Zia over her controversial birthday celebration on August 15, which is observed as the National Mourning Day in Bangladesh marking the assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman along with most of his family members in 1975. A local court passed the order after the complainant submitted a petition seeking an arrest warrant against the 71-year-old chief of the main opposition party outside the parliament. “(Zia) was summoned by the court but she did not appear during three previous hearings... So the magistrate issued the arrest warrant in line with legal procedure,” a court official told PTI. He said Zia’s “defiance” prompted the prosecution

Khaleda Zia

to seek the arrest warrant. Metropolitan Magistrate of Dhaka Mazharul Islam also asked the police to submit a compliance report on March 2 next year. Legal experts said the police was unlikely to arrest the former prime minister immediately as they were given nearly four months to comply with the order and by that time she could secure bail, appearing in person before the court. Zia’s birthday celebration

on August 15 has been a major irritant for the ruling Awami League since she began to celebrate it on the day in 1996, the year Awami League led by archrival and Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina returned to power after 21 years of political wilderness. A journalist in August this year filed a case questioning the genuineness of the birthday, alleging that Zia chose the day only to ridicule Bangladesh’s ‘Father of the Nation’. The complainant said according to Zia’s marriage certificate she was born on August 9, 1944, her first passport says the date was August 5, her school final exam marksheet points the day to be September 5, 1946, while her official biography published in 1991 says the date is August 19, 1945.

Indian-American woman considered for top post

New York, Nov 17 (IANS): Indian American Governor Nikki Haley is one of the contenders for Secretary of State or other cabinet positions in the Donald Trump administration, according to media reports on Wednesday. Haley, a trenchant critic of fellow-Republican Trump during the election campaign, is scheduled to meet with him here on Thursday, according to his spokesman Jason Miller. CNN and MSNBC reported independently that the South Carolina governor is being considered for the top diplomatic job.

They quoted unnamed sources in Trump’s transition team that is working on gearing up his new administration that will take over in January. Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence are reaching out to those who were critical of them for filling positions in the new administration. A rising star in the Republican Party, 44-year-old Haley was elected earlier on Wednesday as the vice chair of the Republican Governor’s Association. The daughter of Sikh immigrants from Amritsar, her full name is Nimrata Nikki Randhwa Haley.

She converted to Christianity when she married Michael Haley, but both she and her husband have attended gurdwara services. In 2014 both of them visited the Golden Temple in Amritsar. If she were to get a cabinet post, she would be the first Indian American to be in the US cabinet. It would mark a political breakthrough for Indian Americans in a year that has seen four of them elected

Nikki Haley to Congress. Kamala Harris became the first Indian American elected to the Senate and Raja Krish-

namoorthi, Pramila Jayapal and Ro Khanna won elections to the House of Representatives where they will join Ami Bera who was re-elected. The four are Democrats. Haley’s meeting with Trump and the consideration for the post of Secretary of State is a turn around for the highest ranking Indian American politician, who had publicly feuded with Trump.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Principal & Convenor, Organising Committee, Staff & Students of Rüzhükhrie Govt. Hr. Sec. School Kohima, would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Chief Guest, Shri. Yitachu, Hon’ble Minister S.E and SCERT, Guest of Honour, Shri. Khriehu Liezietsu, Hon’ble Parliamentary Secretary, Youth Resources & Sports State Lotteries and Music Task Force, Shri. F.P. Solo, Commissioner & Secy. S.E & SCERT, Shri. Wonthongo Tsopoe, Addl. Director (HOD) S.E, Smti. Neizetuonuo Solo, DDEO Kohima, Shri. Limawabang Aeir, Mission Director RMSA, Mrs. Asano Sekhose Chairman NBSE, Senior Citizen Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu, Parliamentary Secretaries Shri. Deo Nukhu, Shri. Toyang Changkong Chang, Dr. Er. Vikuotuolie, Mr. Kevichalie Metha, Pastor PBC, Rev. Dr. Atsi Dolie, Executive Director ABCC, Miss. Keviyiengunuo Shürhozelie, Alumnis, ex-teachers and staff and well wishers who have graced the occasion in the School Platinum Jubilee on the 8th of November, 2016. We would like to mention the following individuals & groups for their contribution towards the School’s Platinum Jubilee celebration. 1. Shri. Khriehu liezietsu Cash 42. Mrs. R. Amongla Sanglir Cash 2. Mrs. Kaisa Rio Cash 43. Shri. Teiso Tungoe Cash 3. Shri. Yitachu Cash 44. Shri. Vilhuria Mor Cash 4. Late. Rüzhükhrie’s Children Cash 45. Mrs. Visetuonuo Angami Cash 5. Shri. Kiyaneilie Peseyie Cash 46. Shri. Hetuo Solo Cash, 6. Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu Cash Monolith Railing & 7. Shri. Sonuo Mere Cash & Excavation work. Excavation work. 47. Shri. Bashang Chang Cash 8. Shri. Ruovisielie Chase Cash 48. Shri R. Anungba Jamir Cash 9. Shri. Cükuonuo Rio Cash 49. Shri. Y. Kongkhao Lushing Cash 10. Dr. Neikiesalie Kire Cash 50. Mrs. Kevino Savino Cash 11. Shri. Pfuduolhou Kense Cash 51. Mrs. Kevithuonuo 12. Shri. Bendangkokba Cash Liezietsu Cash 13. Er. Kevizatuo Mepfhü-o Cash 52. Shri. Kewetsete Wezah Cash 14. Shri. Kruzakie Kelio Cash 53. Shri. Medoselhou Keretsü Cash 15. Smt. Neizetuonuo Cash 54. Mrs. Narola Imti Cash 16. Rhüdezou Rhüba of L-khel Cash 55. Smt. Zelapranuo Kire Cash 17. Shri. Sezo Whuorie 56. Shri.Jamal & Family Cash Fernwood School Cash 18. Dr. Er. Vikuotuolie Angami Cash 57. Mrs. Keneizenuo Khruomo Cash 19. Dr. J. Chase Cash 58. Shri. Noune Sekhose Cash 20. Shri. Kelhouphilie Kire Cash 59. Shri. Videpal Hillary Cash 21. Er. Keneilhoubei Keditsu Cash 60. Cecilia Dzesevinuo Flowers & Chairs 22. Shri. Kevi Legise Cash 61. Shri. Rovilatuo Mor, IAS 23. Shri. N.G.S. Kanmi Cash (DC, Kohima) Chipping (1,000 cft) 24. Shri. Col. Robi Kapoor Cash 62. P. W.D Road & Bridges School Road 25. Rhüdezou Lhisepfüko Cash repairing 26. Er. Vikho-o Yhoshü Cash 63. Er. Vikeduolie G.I. pipe for 27. Er. Vipulhou Lhoungu Cash Mepfhü-o(PHE) Foot Path Railing. 28. Shri. Kiesieliethie 64. Shri. K.C. Angami Roller for School Miachie-o Cash Playground 29. Shri. L. Pukhato Shohe Cash 65. Shri. Rükhietuolie Rada for 30. Er. Pukroneizo Kera Cash Liezietsu Monolith Footpath 31. Smt. Sedengunuo 66. Mrs. Thepfuso-ü Firewood Mary Solo Cash (One Thak) 32. S.C.T.E Cash 67. Ward No.1 Kohima Clearing of School 33. Er. Neize-u Chielie Cash Chairmen & Youths boundaries in 34. Class X (A) R.G.H.S.S. Cash Commemoration 35. Mrs. Avino Tase Cash of Jubilee 36. Dr. Bijano Murry Cash & Erection of Jubilee 37. G.P.S Zienuobadze Cash monolith 38. Shri. Imsutoshi Cash 68. Doordarshan 39. Shri. Kelhoungutuo Yhome Cash 69. Press & Media Fraternity 40. Dr. Khonyü Punyü Cash 70. The Occasion Hire 41. Shri. Neituolie Phewhuo Cash We would also like to express our appreciation towards the efforts put forth by those individuals and well wishers that has led to the grand success of the celebration. We regret our inability to thank each and everyone by name but we pray that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. LEBU KROSE TEMJENYABANG Principal & Convenor Convenor Organising Committee Finance Committee


Barack Obama and Angela Merkel



Nagaland Post, Dimapur friday, November 18, 2016

Church Dedication and Spiritual Awakening Crusade Conducted in Nepal

By Gospel Team Haralu Colony Dimapur from 3rd – 6th November 2016 Main Speaker: Rev. Dilip Singh, DHHM Programme Director: Heren Kakoti, GTHC and 15 members of Team, whole heartily appreciate and thank the prayers and sponsoring members for Lords work. May the Almighty living God bless each one of us so that we can serve Him more and more. Thanks from DP-9251 GTHC



Mount Olive College, Kohima has been awarded “GRADE B” by National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bangalore. Prof. Bsaudeb Barman (Former Vice-Chancellor, Kalyani University, West Bengal), Prof. Deepak Kumar Srivastava (Deputy Director & Former Professor, School of Management & Labour Studies, TATA Institute of Social Sciences, Guwahati) and Prof. J. Zorema (Principal, Govt. J. Bauna College, Lunglei, Mizoram) were the team members who assessed the college from 6th – 8th October, 2016.


The Management, the staff and the students of Mount Olive College, Kohima extends warm felicitation to Miss Kughatoli V. Aye, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, MOCK, for being awarded Ph. D Degree for the topic MIGRATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE: A SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE SUMI NAGAS, under the supervision of Dr. Temjensosang by Nagaland University, Lumami, Zunheboto. K-4214


Staff and Students of Department of English and Political Science, St. Xavier College, Jalukie posing for lens during their educational tour to Darjeeling and Gangtok.




Nagaland Post, Dimapur friday, November 18, 2016

Art and culture organizes ‘art ensemble’ to promote young artistes

The competition winners along with department officials, judges and artists (NP).


creative event, Chishi also stressed the importance of preserving culture and the need to put creative minds to develop music and art. Chishi also launched the project “A thousand Art project” on the occasion. Art executive, Vilalhou Noudi while encouraging the artists also reminded that Art was created out of nothing through imagination to a meaning expression. N. Mhao Odyuo in his brief introduction of “A Thousand Art project” said this project was not based on

individual interest or benefit but with a common vision for artistes of all discipline to work independently under one goal. Live painting of models in traditional attire, on the theme “Naga art gallery” and painting competition for the students on “Naga” and open spot android phone photography competition, live art performance by Nzan Odyuo, live music performed by Obed Kath (Divine connection) and Ayim Longchar. Lepden Jamir sr. artist



o promote and inspire the upcoming artists in the state, the directorate of Art and Culture (Art wing) Nagaland organized “Art Ensemble” under the theme “explore” initiated by “A thousand Art project” at directorate of Art and Culture Nagaland Kohima on Thursday. Director of Music Task Force, Gugs Chishi in his inaugural address said Art takes shape through imagination and was one of the best medium to connect people. Appreciating the

directorate of Agriculture, Budhi Thapa freelance artist, Tase VZ freelance artist and Lichan Humtsoe portrait photographer were the resource persons and judges of the event. The winners for the painting competition were Renchumi H. Patton (G.Rio school), Thejasezo (Don Bosco College), Temjenyabang Longchar (G.Rio school) Ruopfiizhazo Dziivichii (North Field school) and they all received Rs. 5,000 each. The five consolation prize winners were Eritso (G.Rio School), Denlong (Azedon school) Neikhrietuo (GHS new market), Prescilla (Baptist high) and Chepe Kenye (Stella higher secondary school) all the winners got Rs. 1000 each. Ng. Solomon Sha won the open android phone photography competition and received android tablet. (Correspondent)









and sports was considered a recreational activity but had become a lucrative profession. He urged upon the sports lovers to take up sports at a professional level. Mor further exhorted the players to have dedication and maintain strict discipline to excel in the field of games and sports. Men’s Quarterfinal Fixture Kir uphema Youth


NPF SEYOCHUNG AREA 59 A/C CONDOLENCE The Naga People's Front, Seyochung Area 59 A/C expresses its condolence to Late Licho Thonger, who passed away on November 13, 2016 at Dimapur after a prolonged illness. President NPF 59 A/C Seyochung Area Mr. Tokugha Kiba stated that Late Licho Thonger was an enduring and a dedicated leader whose work would be remembered for his contributions to the party specially for Seyochung area. He dedicated his life for the betterment of the party. Meanwhile, NPF Seyochung Area also conveyed its deepest condolence to the bereaved family members and prayed that the Almighty God grant him solace to rest in peace. DP-9300

banned Saoud Al-Mohannadi, Vice-President of the Qatar Football Association (QFA) and a Vice-President of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), for one year from all footballrelated activities on a national and international level. The ban comes into force immediately,” FIFA said in a statement on Wednesday, reports Sputnik.

Three years have passed since you left us for your Heavenly abode on this day but never forget your memories in our hearts. We miss you so much Dad...

Loving children, in-laws & grandchildren.


(Died 18-11-2015) Miss you Mom… A thousand words could not bring you back…. A thousand tears could not bring you back…. We know because we tried Although your soul is at rest, and your body free from pain The world would be like heaven, if we had you back. You’re always in our thoughts and hearts. However long our life might last, Whatever land we view, Whatever joy or grief is our’s. We still remembered you. We really miss you mom. From:- Loving husband & children DC-2564

1st Death Anniversary of

Late K. Bendang Imchen 18th Nov. 2015

A year has passed since you left us. It is still fresh in our minds and hard to forget.

(TOKUGHA KIBA) President NPF Seyochung Area 59 A/C

Loving wife & children



Bouncer injures Voges

Funeral Service of Late Ghokito Zhimo, founder of Ghokito village will be held on 18.11.2016 at 12:00 noon at Ghokito village.


Ko h i m a , N ov. 1 7 (NPN): The 4th Kohima district volleyball tournament commenced today here at Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima. A total of 17 teams, including men and women, are taking part in the tour nament organized by the Kohima District Volleyball Association (KDVA) under the theme “Transcending through sports.” The preliminary round matches for both men and women were conducted today wherein eight men’s teams have qualified for the quarters. The teams which have made it to the quarters are

Kiruphema Youth Oragnisation, Tama Youth Society, Mima, Shürho M o u n t a i n C l u b, K i r uphema Students’ Union, Prancers Club, Phesama, Super Spikers Club, Kohima, Zenith Club, Kezo Town and Kezieke Youth Organisation. The quarterfinal matches will begin tomorrow at 9 a.m. In women’s event, Tiema-Khe, Kidima and Mystics Club, Hospital Colony, Kohima, have made it to the final. Earlier, the inaugural function was graced by the deputy commissioner Kohima, Rovilato Mor as chief guest. Speaking on the occasion, Mor remarked that in the olden days, games

Z u r i c h , N ov 1 7 (IANS): The vice-president of the Qatar Football Association (QFA) and the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Saoud Al-Mohannadi has been banned by global governing body FIFA’s ethics committee from all football-related activities for one year. “The adjudicatory chamber of the Ethics Committee, chaired by Hans-Joachim Eckert, has


Players in action on Thursday. (NP)

Organisation Vs Tama Youth Society, Mima Shürho Mountain Club Vs Kiruphema Students’ Union Prancers Club, Phesama Vs Super Spikers Club, Kohima Zenith Club, Kezo Town Vs Kezieke Youth Organisation. Women’s Final Fixture Mystics Club, Hospital Colony, Kohima Vs Tiema-Khe, Kidima.

FIFA bans Qatar football official FUNERAL SERVICE


KDVA tournney begins in Kohima




Nagaland Post, Dimapur friday, november 18, 2016


And the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Ecclesiastes12:7

Adam Voges


Perth, Nov 17 (IANS): Australian batsman Adam Voges was struck by a bouncer on his head and suffered concussion during a Sheffield Shield first class match between Western Australia and Tasmania at the Western Australian Cricket Association (WACA) ground here on Thursday. After the blow he was ruled out of the rest of the four-day match, according to the Cricket Australia’s (CA) website.

We the bereaved family members of Lt. Manching Konyak, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone who shared our grief and sorrow during our difficult time and supported us physically, materially, financially and spiritually during the prolonged illness and at the sudden demise of our beloved father on 13th Nov. 2016 Lt. MANCHING KONYAK Our special thanks to :1. Konyak Baptist Church Dimapur 13/05/1957 – 13/11/16 2. City Faith Church Dimapur 3. Bumeinok Sheko Khong Dimapur 4. Phomching Longshen Union Dimapur 5. Tang Yuching Union Dimapur 6. Nagagaon Council Dimapur 7. Yuching Baptist Church Village 8. Er. Kawang Wangti 9. L. Nocklem Wangti (Director) 10.M. Yashei & family, Kohima 11. Dr. Khekugha & Family 12.Patricia, Dimapur We deeply regret our inability to mention all individually but we pray that Almighty God bless you abundantly. DP-9265


Loving wife, children, in-laws and relatives.

10th Feb. 1961 – 13th Nov. 2016

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever" Psalm 73:26

Through this column, we the bereaved family members of Late H. Hovili Achumi, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who stood by us during her prolonged illness till the time of her demise. We convey our special thanks to : 1. Dimapur Sumi Baptist Church 2. PWD/Supply Sumi Prayer Fellowship, Dimapur 3. Mr. & Mrs. Vikheho Chishi Swu (Minister of Road & Bridge) 4. Notun Bosti/River Belt Colony Prayer Fellowship 5. Chishilimi Welfare Union, Dimapur 6. Chishilimi Baptist Church (SABAK) Pughoboto. 7. Office of the Sumi Totimi Hoho 8. Mishilimi Kuqhakulu Dimapur 9. Drilling Workers Union, Directorate of Geology & Mining, Dimapur 10. ASU AHOZHE CHISHI & family. 11. Residency Colony Council 12. Friends, neighbours & resident of Residency Colony. DP-9290

Loving children & relatives


You have gone through a lot of pain and had to struggle each day to survive. Every day we wake up praying and hoping for a miracle to happen. But God took you away from us giving you eternal rest. With silent tears and broken hearts we bid you goodbye on 11th Nov ’16... Now you are gone…never to return! We are well-assured that you are "Safe in the arms of Jesus" so we will shed no more tears. But you’ll be forever missed and no one can ever replace the vacuum you have created in our hearts.

20/09/1934 - 12/11/2016 We the bereaved family members extend our profound gratitude to each and every individual, relatives, friends, churches, organisations and villages who stood by us physically, materially, financially and through your unflinching prayer support during the prolonged illness and at the demise of our beloved mother Lt. Viholi Chophy, who left for Heavenly abode on 12/11/2016. We regret for our inability to mention each one of you individually for your good deeds but we humbly pray that our Almighty God bestow His blessings upon you all abundantly. We also acknowledge : 1. Shri. N. Kitovi Zhimomi, 20. Dr. Mughavi Yeptho Ato Kilonser, GPRN/NSCN 21. Shri. Hokivi Chishi, President, DCC 2. Shri. Tovihoto Aye, 22. Ahoto Tsuqu, Thlixu Honorable MLA and Chairman NIDC 23. Dimapur Sumi Baptist Church 3. Shri. Samson Aye, C in C, GPRN/NSCN 24. Sematilla Prayer Fellowship, Dimapur 4. Shri. Aheto Chophy, GSO I, GPRN/NSCN 25. Xuvihe Prayer Fellowship, Dimapur 5. Shri. Kiheto Zhimo, IAS (Rtd.) 26. SKK 6. Shri. Edward Muru 27. Satakha Range Students’ Union 7. Shri. Ghushito Zhimo, Ghukiye 28. Satoi Range Students’ Union 8. Shri. Victo Zhimo, MD 29. Xuivi Students’ Union 9. Dr. Yetovi Muru 30. Kivikhu Baptist Church 10. Dr. Inato Jimo 31. Kivikhu Welfare Society, Dimapur 11. Shri. Hokuto Zhimo, Fomer Advisor, DMC 32. Nunumi Welfare Society, Dimapur 12. Shri. Vihoshe Swu, 33. Vishepu Welfare Society, Dimapur President, Youth Wing, NPF 34. Shoipu Welfare Society, Dimapur 13. Shri. Kughalu Mulatonu, Kilonser GPRN/NSCN 35. Kilomi Welfare Society, Dimapur 14. Shri. Jack Jimomi, Kilonser, GPRN/NSCN 36. Kiyeshe/Sukhai Welfare Society, Dimapur 15. Shri. Avikhu Zhimomi 37. Suthotsu Village Council 16. Shri. Pushika Awomi, Press Officer to CM 38. Satakha Town Baptist Church 17. Shri. T. Khekaho Aye, Sr. Accounts Officer 39. Xuivi Baptist Church 18. Shri. Kavito Awomi, Supply Inspector 40. Vishepu Baptist Church 19. Shri. Kitoho S Rotokha 41. Dimapur Mill Association. DP-9289 K Y M C

Loving husband, sons, daughters, in-laws, grandchildren and family members.

(Born on: 15-02-1979 – Died on: 11-11-2016)

‘’I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith’’ - 2 Timothy 4:7 We the family members of Lt. Kuchuheing Hairang would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who stood by us throughout the prolonged illness till his last breath through prayer support, physical presence and financial help. Words fall short to express our gratefulness to you all for your thoughtfulness and generosity and your prayers and support have been our strength and comfort at this hour of grief. God bless you all!! DP-9294


Loving wife, children, parents and family members. K Y M C


ISL: ATK rides on late equaliser against NE

Nicolas Velez scoring the solitary goal against ATK.

KO L K ATA , N OV 1 7 (AGENCIES): Atletico de Kolkata rode on a late equaliser from Iain Hume (90’) to record a point at the Rabindra Sarobar Stadium

Nagaland Post, Dimapur friday, november 18, 2016


after an early goal from Nicolas Velez (5’) had put NorthEast United on the path of a victory following four losses on the trot. Jo s e M o l i n a wa s

forced to draft in Javi Lara in place of the injured Sameehg Doutie. In addition, he also brought in Stephen Pearson in midfield and Arnab Mondal to

partner Henrique Sereno in defense. Nelo Vingada meanwhile made as many as four changes to the side that lost out against FC Goa with Emiliano Alfaro returning from suspension while Romaric made his way back from injury. Didier Zokora was dropped with Nirmal Chettri and Robin Gurung coming into the side as the two full-backs. The match got off to a blistering start as the away side needed all of five minutes to open the scoring. Jose Molina would be cursing his stars as defensive lapses were at the forefront yet again. Following a clutch of passes in between the Atletico defenders, Sereno who was under pressure from Alfaro, opted to play a square ball back to his partner Arnab Mondal without sensing Nicolas Velez lurking. On top of that the pass was decidedly poor, giving Arnab no chance in spite of

an attempted slide to reach it, which saw the Argentine round off an onrushing Debjit Majumder to slot it into an empty net. A clutch of substitutions slowed down the game considerably with the home team looking miserable with little desire to get back into the game. Atletico de Kolkata somehow equalised right at the death following a Javi Lara free-kick which saw Postiga head it expertly to the far corner. While it seemed that the ball would be going into the goal, Hume was taking no chance as he stabbed it in from close range. It all started after Prabir Das was brought down needlessly by Seityasen Singh. The draw does not do favours for either team as Atletico de Kolkata remained on fourth while Nor thEast United FC moved to the seventh position.

Sindhu, Jayaram reach quarterfinals of China Open

FUZHOU, NOV 17 (PTI): Olympic silver medallist PV Sindhu and male singles shuttler Ajay Jayaram advanced to the quarterfinals after registering thrilling three-game wins over their respective opponents in the second round of the USD 700,000 China Super Series Premier on Thursday. Seventh seeded Sindhu survived a scare from USA’s Beiwen Zhang before notching up a 18-21 22-20 21-17 victory in a women’s singles match that lasted an hour here. The Indian will next take on China’s He Bingjiao, against whom she had lost in the second round of the French Open last month.

Jayaram too had to work hard to surpass Wei Nan as he notched up a 20-22 21-19 2112 win over the Hong Kong shuttler in a 56minute clash. The three-time Dutch Open champion, Jayaram will face reigning Olympic champion and two-time World champion and All England champion Chen Long of China in the next round. However, it was curtains for Swiss Open winner H S Prannoy after he suffered a 17-21 19-21 loss to Qiao Bin of China in another men’s singles match. B Sai Praneeth had lost his opening round match 16-21 9-21 against

Marc Zwiebler of Germany yesterday. Sindhu blew away a 11-7 lead at the break to allow Zhang comeback and level the scores at 13-13. The American soon moved to a 15-13 and 18-15 lead before reeling off the last three points in to pocket the first game. In the second game, Sindhu once again zoomed to a 8-0 lead but once again she squandered the advantage as Zhang clawed back to first level the scores at 16-16. She soon lead 1917 but the Indian ensured there was no hiccup this time as she roared back into the contest. In the decider, Sindhu held a slender 8-6 lead and then broke off at 9-9 to never look back.

Elite FC, Head hunters enter quarters 41st NASA meet concludes Correspondent

Ko h i m a , N ov. 1 7 (NPN): Elite FC and head hunters registered sailed through to the quarter finals on Thursday in the ongoing 22nd Classic Cup played at Kohima local ground. In the first match, Elite football club beat Boys Football club by 1-0. Both the team displayed equal strength and skills where none of them could score any goal. Henser (8) of Elite FC and Asezo Keditsu (11) of Boys FC were sent off in the match. The lone and winning goal for Elite FC was scored by Khagatau (17 ) in the 31stminute. Boys FC failed to find an equalizer till the final whistle. In the second match, Head hunters beat Androit Boyz Sechii Zubza by 4-2 in a tie break after the match ended with goalless draw. Friday matches 1st match- Naga FC Vs Intimidators at 1pm 2nd match MT. Youth Match in action between Boys FC (yellow) and Elite FC on Vs Football Club Royals at 2.30pm Thursday match at Kohima local ground. (NP).

Kohli sparkles with 151 no, Pujara ton takes India to 317/4 V isak h apatna m , Nov 17 (PTI): Skipper Virat Kohli batted like a man possessed, slamming an unbeaten 151 in company of another centurion Cheteshwar Pujara to steer India to a commendable 317 for four against England on the first day of the second cricket Test here. In his 50th Test, Kohli led from the front by striking a classy 14th hundred and also added 226 runs for the third wicket with Pujara (119), who has now reached three-figure mark in his last three matches. Incidentally, this was Pujara’s 10th Test hundred. The duo made the English bowlers toil hard on an unresponsive pitch after Murali Vijay (20) and KL Rahul (0) were dismissed cheaply with the scoreboard reading 22. Kohli mixed caution with aggression during his undefeated stay at the wicket in which he hit 15 boundaries and two sixes. His was a marathon near six-hour stay at the wicket (five hours and 52 minutes) He also claimed moral victory over his old nemesis Jimmy Anderson (3/44), who was the best English bowler on view. Anderson did try his variations but Kohli remained unruffled for the better part of his innings

Virat Kohli

save once when on 56, his mistimed pull shot off Ben Stokes was dropped by Adil Rasheed at deep fine leg boundary. At the other end, continuing his purple patch after he was dropped from the second Test at St Lucia in West Indies, Pujara hit a strokeful 119 off 204 balls that was laced with 12 boundaries and two sixes. Batting in tandem, Kohli brought up his century with a cover drive after Pujara reached his milestone with a six. This time, after scoring his second ton against England, he just lifted his bat, acknowledged the crowd and went about the task to grind the visitors down. The determination and the coming-of-age of Kohli was quite evident. Ditto when he got to his 150 as he half-raised his bat to acknowledge the cheers. It was a tough day for

the English bowling attack and quite arduous for Anderson, who is recovering from a shoulder injury. At stumps, Ravichandran Ashwin was in company of his skipper and India’s healthy 3.5 run-rate would also be a cause of concern for the Englishmen. Kohli’s legend at Vizag also reached enormous proportions today as he struck his third international century from four ODIs and one Test as his scores before this match at the venue were 118, 117, 99, 65 (in ODIs). He also became the sixth Indian to score a century in his 50th Test. Scorecard India: 1st innings Murali Vijay c Stokes b Anderson 20 Lokesh Rahul c Stokes b Broad 0 Cheteshwar Pujara c Bairstow b Anderson 119 Virat Kohli not out 151 Ajinkya Rahane c Bairstow b Anderson 23 Ravichandran Ashwin not out 1 Extras (lb 2, w 1) 3 Total (in 90 overs) 317/4 Bowling James Anderson 16-344-3 Stuart Broad 12-2-39-1 Ben Stokes 13-3-52-0 Zafar Ansari 12-1-45-0 Adil Rashid 26-1-85-0 Moeen Ali 11-0-50-0

Messi will never leave Barca: Prez

BARCELONA, NOV 17 (AGENCIES): Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu predicted Wednesday that Lionel Messi would not only extend his contract with the Catalan club but also end his playing days there too. Speaking at the launch Guest of honor presenting football championship trophy of a 55 million euros ($59 to the captain of P. Vizheto village football team. million) a year shirt sponsorship deal Bartomeu told DIMAPUR: The 41st anBest player: Heboto of journalists he was “relaxed nual meet of Niuland Area K. Hetoi Sports’ Association (NASA) Best keeper: Ika of Viyito about Messi’s contract”. With the clock ticking that got underway on No- Best defender: Vinoka of P. and only 18 months left on vember 7 at Hezulho village Vizheto concluded on November Highest scorer: Kato of P. Messi’s deal the club want to extend it, as they did 12 with Khekato V. Awomi Vizheto with Neymar and as they as guest of honour in the Mens Volleyball are trying to do with Luis closing ceremony. Khekato 1st Khitohe gave away the prizes to the 2nd Hezulho Suarez. winners of various disci- Best player: Avito of Khiplines and also exhorted the tohe participants. Women’s Volleyball The week-long event 1st Hezulho featured 41st Hovishe Me2nd Hovukhu morial Football Trophy, 3rd Best player: Ilika of HovYezheto Memorial Volleyball ukhu Trophy (men), 3rd Ghotovi Men’s Badminton Memorial Volleyball Trophy 1st P. Vizheto (women) and 2nd Nitovi 2nd Hovukhu Memorial Badminton TroBest player: Pikato of phy. Altogether 15 villages Hovukhu participated in the meet. Women’s Badminton Results 1st Hovukhu Football 2nd Yeveto 1st P. Vizheto Best player: Yeveto 2nd K. Hetoi Best disciplined team of the 3rd Hakhizhe meet: Hakhizhe village.

New Delhi, Nov 17 (PTI): Haryana sprinter Dharambir Singh, who was barred from representing the country in the Rio Olympics at the last minute for failing a dope test, has been slapped an eight-year ban by the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA). The 200-metre runner had returned positive for an anabolic steroid in an in-competition test conducted by the NADA during the Indian Grand Prix Meet in Bengaluru on July 11. Since this was his second dope-related offence, the NADA Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel has handed him a lengthier ban of eight years. “Dharambir has been handed an eight year ban by the NADA panel since this was his second offence. NADA has intimated the ban on Dharambir to IAAF and WADA,” a top source told PTI.


Dharambir handed 8-year ban

Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Fax: 225366,, Adm.& Advertisement :248267 Fax: 248500 Kohima: 2290567, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 K Y M C


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