November 22, 2016

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Nagaland Post

Vol XXVI No. 346

DIMAPUR, tuesday, november 22, 2016

Erdogan calls for UN overhaul

Search for victims of train derailment

AIFF will bid for U-20 WC: Patel

international, page 9

national, Page 5

sports, Page 11

Parl washed out again over demonetisation NEW DELHI, NOV 21 (AGENCIES): Parliament was disrupted yet again today with the Opposition changing tack in Rajya Sabha demanding adoption of a condolence resolution for those who have died in queues in banks postdemonetisation and pressing for a discussion under a rule that entails voting. A united Opposition gave a new dimension in the Upper House by asserting that no discussion on demonetisation would take place till the House adopts a resolution mourning the death of nearly 70 people said to have been caused by hardships after the junking of the highdenomination notes. The Lok Sabha could not function for the third straight working day as opposition parties insisted on taking up of an Adjournment Motion on demonetisation and a debate under a rule that entails voting. T h e R a j ya S a b h a , which saw a day-long inconclusive debate on demonetisation on the opening day of the Winter session on November 16, has failed to transact any business since

Newspapers back ‘Clean Election’

D I M A P U R , N OV 2 1 (NPN): Editors of seven newspapers of Nagaland have decided to support clean election campaign by refusing to publish any advertisements or news by village councils or nonpolitical organisations that seek to support any particular candidate. The editors of Nagaland Post, Morung Express, Eastern Mirror, Tir Yimyim, Nagaland Page, Ao Milen and Capi have also called upon all journalists in Nagaland to also adhere to the resolution for clean election.

State govt reminds

D I M A P U R , N OV 2 1 (NPN): State government on Monday said reports were still being received from various agencies informing of deposits of large amounts into the bank accounts of tribals despite the advisory issued by the finance department on November 18, 2016. According to an official bulletin, the state government has once again cautioned all tribals in Nagaland not to allow parking of money belonging to non-tribals and other business enterprises in their bank accounts as they would be doing so at the risk of facing penalties.

Opposition members protest in the well of Lok Sabha on Monday.

then as the Opposition has been pressing for the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his response to the debate. Among those pressing for the condolence resolution were Congress, BSP, TMC and CPI(M). Leader of the House and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley accused the Opposition of running away from the demonetisation debate. “Merits and demerits will come out in a debate... Why are they (opposition parties) running away from debate? This is clear now that the opposition is not ready for debate and is coming up with new excuses to

disrupt the House,” he said. Stating that the notice for suspension of business under Rule 267 was accepted on the first day of the winter session and a debate had started, Jaitley said the reported deaths could come up during the course of this debate and the reply to it. The House was adjourned repeatedly even as the government side, including Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, continued to question the opposition’s behaviour. Due to the uproar, the House was adjourned repeatedly and the finally for the day at around 2 p.m.

NMA leaders slam anti-reservationists

D I M A P U R , N OV 2 1 (NPN): NMA president Abeiu Meru and advisor Dr. Rosemary Dzuvichu, reiterated that Article 371A under the constitution of India, provided guarantee by which no Act of Parliament can override “social practices” of Nagas unless the Nagaland Legislative Assembly reaffirms such an Act. Responding to the series of press statements from various tribal hohos and others over the issue of holding polls with 33% women reservation in Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) vis-à-vis Article 371A and also bypassing the NLA resolution in 2012; the two women leaders maintained that women not being second to men in Naga society was an irrefutable part of Naga customary law.

They said “many Naga leaders” who commented on women reservation appeared to be “in total oblivion” on gender equality in Naga customary law which means translation of opportunities for both men and women in sharing on a 50:50 basis. Thus, they said if political leaders and tribal hohos deny “this equitable share” they would be “committing irreparable injury, not only to Naga customs, but the very letter and spirit of Article 371A(1)(a). Despite “this inviolable Naga custom of gender equality” the two said women have not been able to occupy even a small space leave aside equal space in electoral politics(civic bodies, assembly or parliament). (Full text on p-6)

Sumi Hoho backs CNTC stand on women quota DIMAPUR, NOV 21 (NPN): Sumi Hoho has fully endorsed the stand taken earlier by Central Nagaland Tribes Council(CNTC) on 33% women reservation and also has no objection to the move to empower women with voting rights. Sumi Hoho president Toniho Yepthomi and general secretary Vihuto Asumi in a joint statement, said the Hoho was constrained to declare its stand over the issue in view of views and opinions that had been written and expressed by various tribal bodies and individuals over Nagaland Municipal Act 2001. SH said that women were at par with men and those who were competent and desirous, could contest from anywhere if they wished to and hold any position as men did. SH said taxation on land and buildings was a serious issue and unacceptable. The Hoho pointed out that in Nagaland, land holding system was entirely different from the rest of the country as land was owned either by an individual or community. Therefore, imposing taxation on lands and buildings was a direct infringement on Article 371A. In the light of the above, SH asserted that such provision of taxation in the Municipal Act should be totally deleted and never raised even in future.

DIMAPUR, NOV 21 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has said that the 5-point bizarre whip issued by the chief whip of the NPF to its members ahead of the NLA session was “unprecedented and unparalleled in the annals of Indian parliamentary democracy”. Media cell, NPCC said that NPF has taken a leaf out of fascist principle of glorifying a leader and assigning dictatorial power when it was unable to stem the chorus of censure against the DAN government by the head of the state, NPF ally BJP and the people at large. NPCC said the growth of fascist tendency has shocked the entire stake-

holder of the state across political spectrum. In normal circumstances, it said a whip is issued by all political parties to its elected members in accordance with parliamentary practices and procedure before each session of parliament and state assembly. However, the whip issued by the NPF chief whip smack of a threat by a dictator to its subjects to fall in line or face the consequences, NPCC stated. It pointed out that the first point-whip itself was “an indication of a diktat of the worst kind sternly warning NPF MLAs that absence during voting to be considered as violations of the directives”. In other words, NPCC said it was “a veil threat to the NPF

MLAs that absence at the time of voting will face disqualification”. NPCC said TR Zeliang appeared to have been gripped by fear psychosis, notwithstanding the feat of stitching an “opposition mukh” government. “The lack of congress MLAs has failed to ease his predicament, and presence of overcrowded NPF MLAs has taken a toll on him and suddenly chose to browbeat its own MLAs, by issuing a whip to stem expose his wrongdoing,” NPCC said. However, NPCC said the presence of a lone Independent MLA in NLA has made “TR Zeliang nervous, paranoid and ostensibly sending shivers (Cont’d on p-5)

Strict withdrawal rules for weddings NEW DELHI, NOV 21 (AGENCIES): Wedding card, copies of advance payments made for booking marriage hall and caterers will be required for withdrawing Rs 2.5 lakh from own accounts, as per stringent conditions imposed by RBI. RBI on Monday issued detailed operating guidelines for banks for dealing with such requests. Withdrawals will be allowed only from balance available before November 8 decision of the government to demonetise 500 and 1,000 currency notes and the same can be done only for marriages solemnised on or before December 30. (Full report on p-5)

Naga Hoho says Ozukum to remain as president D I M A P U R , N OV 2 1 (NPN): Defying Ao Senden Federal Assembly’s notice asking its representative P. Chuba Ozukum to step down as Naga Hoho president, the hoho rather “resolved not to allow” Ozukum relinquish his post. Informing this in a press note, NH general secretary Mutsikhoyu Yhobu said the decision to this effect was taken during the

NH presidential council meeting along with the empowered committee on goodwill mission held at Hotel Japfü, Kohima on November 21. Among the few blazing issues, the meeting seriously deliberated on the notification served by Ao Senden, Yhobu said. In this regard, he said the hoho “resolutely resolved that it shall always safeguard the sanctity of

Naga Hoho as enshrined in the constitution”. Yhobu said Ozukum sought the advice/guidance from the presidential council on whether he should resign. However, he said the house “collectively endorsed that P. Chuba Ozukum’s departure from hoho does not arise at this juncture as it would prove to be detrimental to the interest of the Nagas in general”.

Citing technical reasons, Yhobu said the members reiterated the process of the election/ nomination/selection of the president or other office bearers of Naga Hoho, governed by well established rules and procedures of the hoho. It reminded that candidates for any post are being elected to serve the Naga people as a whole.

DIMAPUR, NOV 21 (NPN): Concerned over the presence of armed cadres in the vicinity of Wokha village, Wokha Village Council, New Wokha Village Council, Wokha Village Eloe Ekhung, Wokha Village Youth Organization and Wokha Village Students’ Union have appealed Naga Political Groups (NPGs) to vacate populated areas of Wokha Village and New Wokha Village as the earliest. In a joint statement, WVC chairman Yanphamo Tungoe; NWVC chairman Tsenchamo Humtsoe; WVEE president Arhoni Erui; WVSU president Nonghothung Murry and WVYO president Myanthung Humtsoe also appealed to both the army/ paramilitary force and the NPGs to maintain tranquility in the village areas. Failure to heed to their appeals, the villages said they would not extend cooperation. This appeal was made as per the joint meeting of the two villages.

Nuklutoshi inspects ongoing 4-lane project

Nuklutoshi with officials at one of the worksites on Monday. (NP) Correspondent


NPF whip to MLAs unprecedented: NPCC

NPGs urged to vacate Wokha village areas

This is it!

“He’s dreaming that a Japanese Bullet Train can make India like Japan.”

Pages 12 ` 4.00

KOHIMA, NOV 21 (NPN): Nagaland minister of National Highways, Mechanical and Elections, Nuklutoshi, on Monday visited the ongoing earth cutting works on Dimapur-Kohima four-lane project at Sechu Zubza, Peducha and Perhima along NH-39. Interacting with the officials of the construction companies, the minister told them to put the quality work on top priority and reminded that NH-39 was not only

the lifeline of Nagaland but also neighbouring state like Manipur and other ASEAN countries. “This is the ASEAN Highway number one,” he said and further asked the companies to give best quality road. Nuklutoshi expressed contentment with the road construction works that was being carried out in a massive scale. The minister assured that his department would always be ready to extend any possible help as and when needed. He also reminded

that NH-39 was the only road accessible to the state capital Kohima and insisted that the ongoing works should be completed as scheduled. Nuklutoshi also inspected the manpower and other excavators used for the earth cutting works at Pherima. He asked them whether they would be sufficient for such large scale construction works. The officials from the construction companies informed that there should be not any problem. They said more excavators would be arriving. When queried whether there was any disturbances from any quarters, the officials said they had been carrying out their works day and night very peacefully with the support from locals. The minister was accompanied by commissioner and secretary NPWD Himato Zhimomi, state quality control board, department officials and official from NHIDCL. (Cont’d on p-5) K Y M C



W’shop on zero waste held in Kma

Kushboo Sharma speaking during workshop on ‘Zero waste’ at Kohima on Monday. Correspondent

KOHIMA, NOV 21 (NPN): With the aim to maintain zero waste and take up huge challenge of waste management, Youth Action for Rural Development (YARD) organised a workshop on ‘ZEROing our Wastes’ supported by department of Tourism held at LCS conference hall Kohima on Monday. The resource persons were Zero Waste coordinator (SD), Gangtok, Sikkim, Khushboo Sharma; Gyatsola Bhutia and Yangchen Bhutia volunteers of Zero Waste Himalaya. Giving an introduction of the workshop Ella Mary, YARD said “in most local dailies, we see people (noble souls) cleaning the garbage created by another and another. How long can

we keep cleaning the wastes generated by mindless people’s activities?”. Landfills are neither the solution nor does it have the capacity and technology to function as desired, said Ella and pointed out that there were ways in which each and every citizen including tourists could help in reducing wastes generation. She said the concept of ‘Zero Waste’ comes to focus with the practice of ‘create no wastes’. She further said that Zero Waste Mantra focuses on “Reduce – Reuse – Recycle – Refuse” for non-biodegradable and biodegradable items. Speaking on the theme ‘Zero wastes’ Khushboo Sharma said zero waste was not about producing or consuming nothing but about carefully and intentionally designing,

producing and consuming without waste as an end product. Stating her concern on the huge pile of wastes, Sharma has recommended for a zero waste lifestyle by adoption of consuming less and throw less, cautioning that if the current trend continues by 2050 there will be need of three planets to sustain our ways of living and consumption. KMC Superintendent, Zakiekhotuo Kiso through a power point explained in detail some of the waste management works undertaken by KMC as re-cycling unit at Lerie landfill, water re-furbishing at Jotsoma water reservoir, septage management plan at Dzuruzou, AMRUT, a national flagship programme etc, some of which are an undergoing projects. Some of the new projects and schemes under initiation by KMC include Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities (CBMWTDF), wherein he said the Detail Project Report (DPR) prepared by NPCB is under submission in MoEF & CC through CPCB, and Crematorium with the DPR under preparation. Highlighting some of the

problems and difficulties faced by KMC on solid waste management, Kiso said it had only eight garbage trucks for the whole city of Kohima which were as old as 15-18 years, unregulated timings of disposing waste by citizens and also lack of basic waste management among the general populace. However, he was optimistic that with active and continuous support and participation of individuals, NGOs and other agencies, waste management will be improved to the SWM standard by 2020. The programme saw the attendance of church leaders, student leaders, Kohima Municipal Council among others. It may be mentioned that Kohima, the capital city of Nagaland with about 1 lakh population is generating about 65-70 metric tonnes of waste daily (60-70% of dry waste). Presently, the only solution to wastes management is to create, collect and dump, with the challenge of managing wastes left mostly to ‘collect and throw/dump’ in and around the area for the Municipal to collect for dumping.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur tuesday, november 22, 2016

AG (A&E) informs DIMAPUR: Retired state government officers/officials are informed that pension and GPF final payment cases settled upto the month of October 2016 have been uploaded on the AG Nagaland website at The list has also been put up for display at the Public Relation Cell and can be view on any working days during Office hours. AG (A&E) request all retired government employees once again to record their personal mobile numbers in the pension documents to enable the office to intimate them on the progress of their pension cases through SMSs. Aggrieved pensioners or government officials with genuine problems have been requested to write directly to the Deputy Accountant General (A&E) Kahoto J Yepthomi via e-mail at kahoto_j@yahoo. or agaenagaland@cag. gov. in or through a handwritten letter addressed to Kahoto J Yepthomi, IAAS. Deputy Accountant General (A&E) Office of the Accountant General (A&E) Kohima Pin No.797001, Nagaland. All heads of department in the state government are requested to ensure timely submission of all retirement related documents (that is, six months before the date of retirement) to avoid harassment to retired officials at various processing stages. (Z. Nyusietho Nyuthe) NCS Secretary.

Legal awareness Oking Hospital signs CGHS empanelment with Assam Rifle campaign held in Kiphire

IGAR (N) and director Oking hospital shake hands after signing memorandum of agreement on Monday at Kohima (NP). Correspondent

K O H I M A , N OV 2 1 (NPN): In a significant development with private hospital in the state capital, Inspector general Assam Rifles (North) (IGAR) (N) and Oking hospital and Research clinic Pvt. Ltd Kohima signed memorandum of agreement for central govt health scheme (CGHS) empanelment at HQ IGAR (N) auditorium on Monday. The MoA was signed by IGAR (N) Maj. Gen. Sanjay Gupta and director Oking hospital, Dr. Vikethonyu Keseizie in the

presence of rank and files of Assam Rifles and Doctors of Oking hospital. Maj. Gen. Sanjay Gupta in his brief address described the occasion as historic day when Assam Rifles and Oking Hospital signed memorandum of agreement where soldiers of Assam Rifles and family members would avail the cashless treatment. He said Oking hospital and Assam Rifles have been in good relationship for medical treatment since the last 20 years. Gupta also disclosed that the Assam Rifles had confidence upon the hospital and

its many good doctors and their services provided even in the past. Dr. Vikethonyu Keseizie in his address said that the Oking hospital and Assam Rifles had been associated since 1998. Dr. Keseizie said that today as the hospital had officially empanelled it would provide more services to the Assam Rifles and their families. It may be mentioned that the agreement was signed for the period of three years and extendable with immediate effect for the Assam Rifles and ex-servicemen of Assam rifles.

DIMAPUR: Two-day legal awareness campaign was organised by Kiphire District Legal Services Authority (KDLSA) on November 18-19. The first day of programme was organised at Kiphire Town Hall which saw the attendance of district administration, NGOs, Police department, women organization, youth organization, village council members, students and representatives from various church bodies of Kiphire Town. N.Kano, Judicial Magistrate First Class and secretary KDLSA spoke on the purpose of legal aid clinic and legal service functioning and mechanism. Kano also inaugurated a legal aid clinic at the District Jail, Kiphire. Legal awareness & literacy programme was also organised within the jail premises. Kano in his speech said the new legal aid clinic shall provide and assist the prisoners with prompt legal aid and assistance , to which they are entitled by law. Resource person Akumla Longchari, legal aid counsel & master trainer spoke on the salient features of cyber laws and crimes, key points on the Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act of 1986 and Prohibition of

Child Marriage Act. legal aid counsel cum master trainer Neinguvotuo, spoke on Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) 2012 elaborating various measures for Child Protection in the State. Panel lawyer, Likhase Sangtam, briefed on the importance of Right to information and procedure of filing an RTI, concept and significance of Lok Adalat (Peoples Court), Motor vehicle Act. Likhase also spoke on the Nagaland Villages and Area Councils Act, 1978. Arepla, panel lawyer, spoke on the various provisions of Consumer Protection Act and the key aspects on rights of a Consumer. A similar programme was organised on the second day and another legal service clinic was inaugurated at Seyochung ADC Headquarter by N.Kano. On the occasion, panel lawyers and legal aid counsel highlighted on child protection mechanism and various provisions of POCSO Act 2012. Child friendly legal services to children and their Protection Scheme, 2015 was also highlighted. Later, interaction session was held discussing various generic issues at length.

news in brief Written exam postponed for stenos and LDAs: Secretary, Khanringla Koza has informed that speed test and written exam for the stenos and LDA-cum-computer assistant under the department of Justice & Law has been postponed due to technical reasons till further order. NPCC meeting: Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) would conduct its “handing over, taking over” meeting on November 24 at 11 a.m in the Congress Bhavan, Kohima. The new working president of Nagaland Pradesh Youth Congress (NPYC) Vilhousielie Kengruse would be replacing Hitilo Tep. In this regard the NPYC has also expressed appreciation to president IYC Amarinder Singh Raja for the appointment. DEO informs: All Graduate Teachers under the establishment of the District Education Officer, Dimapur have been informed to submit their appointment order, regularization order, admit card, mark sheets, birth certificate & pass certificate from Martic onwards to Deputy District Education Officer on or before

November 25 for the compilation of seniority list positively. NPF women wing Peren division consultative meeting: Naga People’s Front (NPF) women wing, Peren division has convened a consultative meeting on November 25 at 11 a.m in Tening town. All the officer bearers of Peren division and Tening A/C and executive members of both the ACs have been asked to attend the meeting. NNC/GDRN informs: Government of NNC/GDRN (N/A) has informed general public and business establishments not to entertain certain individuals and groups collecting tax/donation in the name of NNC/GDRN (N/A) UT1 in and around Dimapur. In a release, NNC/GDRN (N/A) UT1 chairman, Kihovi Ayemi warned of stern action against any persons national worker or others, indulging in “unauthorized” taxation/collection taking the name of the organization. For information on this issue, all concern asked to contact NNC/ GDRN (NA) UT1 chairman, Dimapur at 919863075985, 9612445766.

Summary revision of photo electoral roll DIMAPUR: Home commissioner and electoral roll observer for Kohima district, Abhijit Sinha, held a meeting with recognized political parties, district electoral officer, electoral registration officer, assistant electoral registration officers and supervisors at DC’s conference hall, Kohima on November 21. According to DIPR report, the meeting was held in connection with conduct of special summary revision of photo electoral roll with

reference to January 1, 2017 as the qualifying date. Abhijit Sinha took stock of all required information in regard to the roles and responsibilities of ERO, AEROs, BLOs, BLAs, supervisors and other election matters sought by the Election Commission of India. He also requested the DEO, ERO, AEROs and BLOs to submit their percentage reports on the multi-layer checking and verification of the correctness of E-rolls/ of

disposal of forms 6,7,8 and 8A which has been carried out by them. He also visited the office of the Assistant Election Officer, Kohima for inspection of electoral roll monitoring system and other related matters of the district. Earlier the meeting was attended by DC, Kohima, Rovilatuo Mor, ADC Hq & ERO, Lithrongla Tongpi, ADCs of Tseminyu & Chiephobozou and supervisors from various government departments.

Home department notifies

DIMAPUR: Home department has informed that deserving cases for award of governor’s gold medal/governor’s commendation certificates on the occasion of Republic Day, January 26, 2017 are invited. These may be forwarded to special secretary (Home) Kohima latest by November 30. The following guidelines are to be strictly observed: Details of candidates recommended should be submitted according to format given in Annex-A; Citations/recommendations should be submitted by the head of deptt. for non gazetted staff. Citations/recommendations for gazetted officers working under various departments/ directorates should be submitted through proper channel as: Head of department to administrative head of department to special secretary (Home); In the case of police. home guards, prison and fire services the recommendations should come through respective director generals/ head of the department to special secre-

tary, home; Six copies of the citations/ recommendations duly signed by head of department in respect of non gazetted staff and head of department & administrative head of department for gazetted officer along with soft copy may be forwarded; Citations/recommendations should be precise highlighting the performance and achievements of the individual recommended’ Integrity certificate to be signed by forwarding authority’ For NGOs/ individuals and employees working under the establishment of the deputy commissioner, recommendations for deserving candidates should be submitted through proper channel as: Dy. Commissioner of the district concerned to commissioner, Nagaland to special secretary (H); No citations/recommendations will be accepted from the deputy commissioner directly and citations/recommendations received after the last date i.e, November 30 and any deviation from the above guidelines would be summarily rejected.

Advocacy w’shop on tobacco control DIMAPUR: Advocacy workshop on tobacco control for all the dental surgeons of Kohima district and declaration of tobacco free dental clinics would be held at De Oriental Grand Hotel, Kohima on November 24 at 2 p.m. Kohima chief medical officer, Dr. Avino Metha has requested all concerned to attend the programme positively. DIMAPUR: Nagaland State Commission for Women (NSCW) would be organizing the launching programme of this “International day for the elimination of violence against women” fortnight at the De Oriental Hotel Bayavü Hill, Kohima on November 24 at 10 a.m. Former chairperson, NSCW Sano Vamuzo would be the chief guest. The invitees of the programme would include all Kohima Unit Tribal Women Hohos, NMA, women leaders from Churches and different political parties from Women Wing. K



NSCW informs

DC-2584 K

Y M C Poll Q.: How to make efforts for clean election a success? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


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Governor lays foundation stone of Activities undertaken by MGHSS Mkg Dayanand Vidya Niketan School

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Electoral rolls s h o u l d b e 43% cleaned Political part i e s, c h u rc h a n d h o h o s 52% should sign a pledge 4% Can’t say

Next poll

Q: Is an “opposition-less”

assembly good for democracy?  Yes since all agree No it is like an autoc racy  Can’t say


(Temperature in ºC)

Max Min

Agartala Sunny and pleasant

28 14


24 10

Sunny and pleasant

Guwahati Hazy sun

29 13


25 6

Nice with plenty of sun

Itanagar Sunny and cooler but pleasant 24 12 Shillong

Hazy sun

21 3


Sunny and pleasant

22 8

Dimapur Sunny and not as warm

27 12


23 8

Sunny and not as warm

Tuensang Sunny and cooler

17 8


21 4

Sunny and not as warm

Zunheboto Sunny

21 7



Nagaland Post, Dimapur Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Governor of Nagaland P.B. Acharya speaking at the foundation stone laying ceremony of Dayanand Vidya Niketan School at Purana Bazar, Dimapur on November 21. (DIPR) DIMAPUR: Governor of Nagaland, P.B. Acharya attended the foundation stone laying ceremony of Dayanand Vidya Niketan School at Purana Bazar, Dimapur on November 21. According to DIPR report, Acharya said that Nagaland was known for producing the best chilli and ginger. Therefore, he requested Mahashay Dharampal Gulati, founder of MDH, to invest in Nagaland. He said that people nowadays, being obsessed with learning English, are forgetting the culture and languages of India so that

Hindi should be given more importance as it was considered the common linking language of India. He also stressed that the university and educational institutions should provide quality education so that the students could be the job creators instead of job seekers. Minister of School Education & SCERT, Yitachu said that Hindi was of equal importance which could break the language barrier. IMDH: Acharya had also visited Imkongliba Memorial District Hospital (IMDH) Mokokchung to inaugurate the first of its kind in the hospital, the

colposcope machine on November 17. Medical Superintendent, IMDH, Dr Medem and senior gynaecologist, Dr Ademla said the Colposcope machine, worth Rs. four lakh was purchased from IMDH welfare fund to help reduce morbidity and mortality associated with cervical cancer. Dr. Ademla said that Colposcope was used in screening of women for cervical cancer and studies the cervical cells under high magnification and identifies abnormal and precancerous changes in them. This is not the first time, the IMDH Mokokc-

hung was purchasing urgent needed machine but has been engaged in acquiring machines from their own fund to provide better health care in the hospital. PRO 5 Assam Rifles: Meanwhile, in a press note by PRO 5 Assam Rifles stated that governor during his visit to Zunheboto from November 19 to 20 arrived in a special helicopter which landed at the Assam Rifles helipad. He was welcomed by local MLAs and Commandant of 5 Assam Rifles. Governor attended public meetings including a meeting with heads of all department, senior citizens, Mothers Association, Sumi Hoho and stayed at 5 Assam Rifles campus. On November 20, he visited the district jail where he met and interacted with the inmates. Later he had meetings with Ex-Servicemen, Bharat Scouts & Guides and Red Cross Society. He also took stock of security situation in a meeting with heads of all security agencies. Before his departure he addressed the troops and families of 5 Assam Rifles. He appreciated the dedication and good work of Assam Rifles and applauded the role of the force to ensure unity and integrity of the nation.

Students of MGHSS Mokokchung during the travel and tourism programme. Correspondent MOKOKCHUNG, NOV 21 (NPN): Travel and Tourism (vocational) Level I (Class 9) students of Mayangnokcha Govt. Higher Secondary School, Mokokchung conducted its annual study tour “Destination: Dikhu Green Zone” on November 19. The stated tour was conducted under the concerned subject teacher Talipokum Pongener, GT, and Lanutoshi Jamir of Tour Guide (The Dikhu Green Zone Recreational Point). The students visited the following historical places in the area (i) Toba-long (ii) Toba-süt a place where a hanging bridge is said to

have been constructed by the early Ao Naga settlers during its immigration period to the present Ao land (Mokokchung). Various group and individual activities were carried out during the event, based on the following given topic “identifying tourist potential areas and preserving the undisturbed natural habitat.” The tour group also extended gratitude to the school authority and the Dikhu Green Zone Recreational Point committees for extending necessary help in making the tour a grand success. MGHSS also held awa r e n e s s p r o g r a m m e on entrance examination

for undergraduate technical studies, organized by department of Technical Education, Nagaland, and Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) for class 12 science stream on November 17 at its school premises. The programme was conducted in order to sensitize and give proper guidance for appearing various entrance competitive exam. Altogether 150 students of class 12 science attended the programme. The official for the awareness programme were K. Rhutso, controller of exams, DTE, K. Miachieo, placement officer, DTE and Keneisalie Nakro, dy. controller of exams, NBSE.

Morung inaugurated by C. Apok Jamir

DIMAPUR: Parliamentary secretary of Tourism, C. Apok Jamir said that Morung was an extraordinarily imperative institution recognised as decision making house, court, police station, assembly and village parliament where unity was shaped and success achieved. A press note by NPF Mon division press and





media secretary, Hongnaw Konyak stated that C. Apok inaugurated the newly constructed Longchang Ahng Morung (Hongkhong) at Longchang village on November 18 as chief guest. He also attributed accomplishments of DAN government under the leadership of the chief minister T.R. Zeliang to Almighty God whose alignment was to bring all

elected members into one unified team in the form of Democratic Alliance of Nagaland which had been cultivating all round developments. Apok also assured the villagers to complete the SC Jamir tower which had been left unattended for years. Parliamentary secretary of Art & Culture, Eshak Konyak as the host expressed

gratitude to all stake holders for making his dream project into a reality. He also thanked the chief guest for gracing the event. The parliamentary secretaries were accompanied by SP Mon Yangpa Konyak, addl. DC Aboi Wasu Katery, president NPF Mon division Yanlong Konyak and all the frontal heads and party leaders Mon and Aboi along with host of

civil and police officers. Commemorative monolith was erected by the chief guest while cultural shows were presented by Ngongteang (female) and Eangteang (male). Earlier, the programme was chaired by Hongpa Konyak, prayer by Rev. Ashoak pastor and deacon board LVBC and 28 sericulture farmers from Dimapur and Peren went for an exposure tour to Guwahati under vote of thanks by VCC, P. E. the Integrated Sericulture Development Project 2016-17 from November 14-17 along with assistant sericulture officer Peren Limanungsang and seri operator Dimapur Oyimpong. Pangteang.








IMPHAL, Nov 21: An Imphal-bound loaded truck was Monday torched by suspected economic blockade supporters at Tadubi area of Manipur’s Senapati district along the ImphalMao section of NH-2. Four other Imphalbound loaded trucks were also reportedly detained by the suspects after torching the first one. Police as well as local reports said that the chicken feed laden truck (MN01-0444) was set afire Monday morning, around 4 am. Explosion of some LPG refill cylinders which were found in the truck not only alarmed the people nearby but also fueled the burning fire that led to an extensive damage to the vehicle. The ill-fated truck was reportedly heading towards Imphal along with four other trucks loaded with vegetables like cabbage and edible oils. The whereabouts of the driver and co-driver of the truck, who ran away while the suspects set afire the vehicle, remained untraceable till the time of filing this report. The burning of the truck came up on day 21 of the indefinite economic blockade being imposed on the national highways in Manipur since November 1 by the UNC. The UNC is imposing the blockade pressing the state government to clarify its stand on the creation of Sadar Hills and Jiribam as full-fledged revenue districts of the state by bi-fur-

10-day Sangai Festival begins Correspondent

Chicken-feed laden truck torched by suspected blockade supporters at Tadubi along NH-2. (NP)

cating Senapati and Imphal East district respectively. The torching of the Imphal-bound loaded truck was a day after suspected blockade supporters attacked loaded trucks heading Imphal along the NH37 with security escorts. Altogether 284 loaded vehicles including tankers reached Imphal late last night along Imphal-Jiribam highway. In a bid to disturb the normal pace of the goods laden trucks with security convoy boulders were pushed down from the hill tops while crossing the Nung Dolan stretch of the

highway in Tamenglong district. Some truckers sustained minor injuries in the attack besides damaging trucks/tankers. The security escorts retaliated by opening fire in the air. Despite the impedance, the convoy moved further and reached Imphal late in the evening The convoy included 31 tankers loaded with petrol, 53 tankers loaded with diesel, 59 tankers loaded with LPG, one tanker loaded with ATF, one tanker loaded with SK Oil and 138 trucks transporting different FCI commodities.

Arunachal CM launches ‘Jeevan Pramaan’ sensitisation pgm

Itanagar, Nov 21 (PTI): Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu today launched the ‘Jeevan Pramaan’ sensitization programme in presence of the Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary and Secretaries and officers of Information Technology & Communications and Audit & Pensions. Pensioners post their retirement, have to provide life certificates to the authorised pension disbursing agencies like the bank, following which their pension got credited to their account, an official communiqué informed. For obtaining a life certificate, a proof that he or she is alive, a pensioner earlier needed to be physically present before the Pension Disbursing Agency or had the life certificate issued by authority where they served and had it delivered to the disbursing agency. The procedure caused lot of hardship and unnecessary inconvenience particularly for the aged and infirm pensioners. Besides, a lot of government employees post their retirement choose to move to

different locations either to be with their family or other reasons, hence causing a huge logistical issue when it comes to accessing their rightful pension amount. Digital Life Certificate - External website that opens in a new window for Pensioners scheme known as ‘Jeevan Pramaan’ seeks to ease this very problem by digitizing the whole process of securing the life certificate. With this initiative the pensioners requirement to physically present himself or herself in front of disbursing agency or the certification authority will become a thing of the past benefiting the pensioners in a huge way and cutting down on unnecessary logistical hurdles as it uses the Aadhaar platform for biometric authentication of the pensioner. Khandu appreciated the Centre initiative and termed it as a huge boon to the aged pensioners of the state government. Incidentally, the number of state government pensioners at present is about 26000 and only about 5000 still reside in Arunachal Pradesh.

IMPHAL, Nov 21: Manipur Governor Dr Najma Heptullah Monday opened the 10 days long Manipur Sangai Festival at Palace Compound in the presence of ambassador of Japan to India Kenji Hiramatsu and chief minister of Chin state of Myanmar, U Salai Luai among the foreign delegates. Manipur chief minister O Ibobi and deputy chief minister Gaikhangam were also present at the inaugural function of this year’s edition of the festival basically organized to attract tourists by showcasing the rich culture and tradition of the state. Unlike last year, this year’s Sangai Festival witnessed less popularity with less publicity by the concern department. The demonetization of the Rs 500 and Rs 1000 denominations and ongoing economic blockade that hit the people hard is also likely to affect the festival as people seem to be more concerned with exchange of their money and scarcity of essential commodities, particularly petrol. Security has been beefed up in and around Palace Compound, the main venue of the festival. The delegation from Myanmar headed by the chief minister of Chin state, who arrived in Imphal on Sunday, also included seven ministers. They reached Imphal by surface road passing to Moreh, the border town of Manipur at Myanmar border. Another 17-member business delegation from the neighbouring country also arrived in Imphal by a Golden Myanmar flight.

Ex-Meghalaya min files FIR over cash distribution rumours Correspondent

Shillong, Nov 21: Former Meghalaya Health and Family Welfare Minister, Alexander Hek on Monday filed an FIR against unknown people who allegedly spread rumour that he is distributing money to people from in and outside his constituency. In an FIR submitted to Superintendent of Police for East Khasi Hills district, Mariahom Kharkrang, the sitting Congress legislator informed that some unknown people have spread rumour that he is distributing Rs 5000 to each person not only from his Pynthorumkhrah assembly constituency but also to

people from outside his constituency. Hek, who is also the vice president of the Meghalaya Pradesh Congress Party, also asked the police to investigate whether rival political parties are involved in spreading the rumour designed to tarnish his image in the eyes of the public. “The rumour has led 100’s of people from all over the place to my residence and my office from morning till night, which is creating unwanted misunderstanding among people and destabilising my daily works,” he said. He said this is a completely fraudulent act of some party to tarnish my image in public.”

Kiren Rijiju stresses on proper utilization of funds

Itanagar, Nov 21 (Agencies): Union minister of state for Home affairs Kiren Rijiju has said that financial grants from centre could not be utilized properly in Arunachal due to political crisis in the past two years and stressed on proper submission of utilization certificates (UC) in order to get more budgetary grants from New Delhi. Rijiju said this while inaugurating the golden jubilee celebration of Yigi Kaum Upper Primary School at Aalo in West Siang district. Giving his goodwill message to the people of Yigi Kaum on the auspicious occasion, Rijiju announced Rs 20 lakh each to Upper Primary and Lower Primary Schools to meet up its urgent requirements and Rs 60 lakh for the overall development of Adarsh village. He further bats on using every drop of the amount judiciously and cautioned that visible assets should come out from the allocation and also assured to take Bagra-Nikte Road via Yigi Kaum on priority basis. The Union minister later inaugurated the Golden Jubilee Hall and unveiled the Golden Jubilee Souvenir to mark the auspicious occasion. Stating that teaching and learning is a continuous process, State parliamentary secretary for education Bamang Felix was of the opinion that a temple of learning (school) should always be properly demarcated by the district administration. OFFICE OF THE


Dear Baby, May your Birthday be filled with Sunshine and Smiles Laughter Love and Cheer. From, Benzamin & Ganga

Happy Birthday Imtsala (Asangla) its the day of the year once again to celebrate ur birthday and as you become a year older,we wish you all the happiness and may our almighty bless you in abundance N more added years . happy birth to you,wishes of loves. from Oba , Oja, Obu, Oji N all loved ones Dearest Alemla, Every single moment of your life is so precious to us. Each and everyday you bloom like flowers, you make us laugh, joy and make us more happy to understand more about you as a meaningful daughter. Your life had set an example to us to walk ahead with greater goal. We thank God for this wonderful day the 22nd of Nov and as you step in to another challenging years ahead we wish you all the best in your future endeavour. Happy birthday and many happy returns of the day. From loving parents, Akum & relatives. Dearest Anung, This greeting seems silly but I always wanted to see your face in the newspaper :P and your birthday is the perfect excuse to make my dream come true. On your special day, I wish you peace, love, insight, relaxation, fun, knowledge, romance, friendship… and all that stuff that doesn’t cost anything . Happy Birthday buddy. Love AL IN THE COURT OF SHRI. NIECHOCHIYI SUYIE, DISTRICT CIVIL JUDGE, ZUNHEBOTO :NAGALAND SUMMON IN A SUMMARY SUIT No. 2 of 2016 (Order XXXVII, rule 2) Branch Manager, State Bank of India, Akuluto Branch, Zunheboto : Nagaland ............ Plaintiff Vs Ms. Hutoli Sumi ..................... Defendant To,


With regard to the government decision to hold municipal and town council elections with 33% women reservation, the Medziphema village council hereby reiterates its earlier resolution to ban the said election at Medziphema Town unless women reservation clause is done away with. It is of the view that the said reservation of women is alien to our culture, customs and practices which is protected under the constitution of India. According to the nature of the protective article, no act of parliament can be enforced in the state of Nagaland in matters of customary laws, religion and social practices. It therefore, fails to understand why the government of the day is hell bend to dilute the provisions of Article 371 (A) to our disadvantage which is a political decision arrived at by a political agreement. If women reservation is enforced today, it will have far-reaching adverse impact on the special privileges guaranteed under Article 371 (A) and that it would not augur well for the Nagas as a whole. Precedents would be created and that all other characteristics guaranteed under Article 371 (A) could be easily manipulated rendering our special status to naught. Whereas, the council is not against women contesting elections in any ward provided it is not on the basis of reservation. But, in the interest of the future generation, the Medziphema Village Council shall strongly oppose the conduct of town council election with women reservation in force under its jurisdiction. (Neikhonyü Kuotsu) Chairman

(Khriengulie Kapo) Secretary


Loaded truck torched at Tadubi

Nagaland Post, Dimapur tuesday, november 22, 2016

Ms. Hutoli Sumi, V.K Town, Town BPO V.K, Zunheboto : Nagaland

Whereas the State Bank of India, Akuluto branch, Zunheboto : Nagaland, through the branch manager has instituted a suit against you under Order XXXVII of the code of civil procedure, 1908, for recovery of PMEGP Loan of ` 3,48,002/- which include contractual rate of interest, you are hereby summoned to cause an appearance to be entered by you, at 10.00 am, on the 4th November 2016, from the service hereof, in default whereof the plaintiff will be entitled, after the expiration of the said period, to obtain a decree for any sum not exceeding the sum of ` 3,48,002/and the sum of ` 500/- for costs, together with such interest, if any, as the court may order. If you cause an appearance to be entered for you. The plaintiff will thereafter serve upon you a summons for judgement at the hearing of which you will be entitled to move the court for leave to defend the suit. Leave to defend may be obtained if you satisfy the court by affidavit or otherwise that there is a defense to the suit on the merits or that it is reasonable that you should be allowed to defend. Give under my hand and the seal of the court, this the 7th day of November 2016. DC-2592






SUMMON IN A SUMMARY SUIT No. 1 of 2016 (Order XXXVII, rule 2)

SUMMON IN A SUMMARY SUIT No. 5 of 2016 (Order XXXVII, rule 2)

SUMMON IN A SUMMARY SUIT No. 4 of 2016 (Order XXXVII, rule 2)

SUMMON IN A SUMMARY SUIT No. 3 of 2016 (Order XXXVII, rule 2)

Branch Manager, State Bank of India, Akuluto Branch, Zunheboto : Nagaland .................. Plaintiff Vs Ms. K. Hetoli Chishi ..................... Defendant

Branch Manager, State Bank of India Akuluto Branch, Zunheboto : Nagaland .................. Plaintiff Vs Miss. Avitoli G .......................... Defendant

Branch Manager, State Bank of India, Akuluto Branch, Zunheboto : Nagaland .................. Plaintiff Vs Mr. Shikuto Shohe ....................... Defendant

Branch Manager, State Bank of India, Akuluto Branch, Zunheboto : Nagaland ............ Plaintiff Vs Mr. Itovi Shohe ....................... Defendant





Ms. K. Hetoli Chishi, Asukhuto Town KPA, BPO Asukhuto, Zunheboto : Nagaland

Miss. Avitoli G, Yehemi Village, Suruhuto Town, Zunheboto : Nagaland

Mr. Shikuto Shohe, Akuhaito Town, BPO Akuhaito, Zunheboto : Nagaland

Mr. Itovi Shohe, Asukhuto Town, BPO Asukhuto, Zunheboto : Nagaland

Whereas the State Bank of India, Akuluto branch, Zunheboto : Nagaland, through the branch manager has instituted a suit against you under Order XXXVII of the code of civil procedure, 1908, for recovery of PMEGP Loan of ` 2,41,535/- which include contractual rate of interest, you are hereby summoned to cause an appearance to be entered by you, at 10.00 am, on the 4th November 2016, from the service hereof, in default whereof the plaintiff will be entitled, after the expiration of the said period, to obtain a decree for any sum not exceeding the sum of ` 2,41,535/and the sum of ` 500/- for costs, together with such interest, if any, as the court may order. If you cause an appearance to be entered for you. The plaintiff will thereafter serve upon you a summons for judgement at the hearing of which you will be entitled to move the court for leave to defend the suit. Leave to defend may be obtained if you satisfy the court by affidavit or otherwise that there is a defense to the suit on the merits or that it is reasonable that you should be allowed to defend. Give under my hand and the seal of the court, this the 7th day of November 2016.

Whereas the State Bank of India, Akuluto branch, Zunheboto : Nagaland, through the branch manager has instituted a suit against you under Order XXXVII of the code of civil procedure, 1908, for recovery of PMEGP Loan of ` 5,97,814/- which include contractual rate of interest, you are hereby summoned to cause an appearance to be entered by you, at 10.00 am, on the 4th November 2016, from the service hereof, in default whereof the plaintiff will be entitled, after the expiration of the said period, to obtain a decree for any sum not exceeding the sum of ` 5,97,814/and the sum of ` 500/- for costs, together with such interest, if any, as the court may order. If you cause an appearance to be entered for you. The plaintiff will thereafter serve upon you a summons for judgement at the hearing of which you will be entitled to move the court for leave to defend the suit. Leave to defend may be obtained if you satisfy the court by affidavit or otherwise that there is a defense to the suit on the merits or that it is reasonable that you should be allowed to defend. Give under my hand and the seal of the court, this the 7th day of November 2016.

Whereas the State Bank of India, Akuluto branch, Zunheboto : Nagaland, through the branch manager has instituted a suit against you under Order XXXVII of the code of civil procedure, 1908, for recovery of PMEGP Loan of ` 4,91,516/- which include contractual rate of interest, you are hereby summoned to cause an appearance to be entered by you, at 10.00 am, on the 4th November 2016, from the service hereof, in default whereof the plaintiff will be entitled, after the expiration of the said period, to obtain a decree for any sum not exceeding the sum of ` 4,91,516 and the sum of ` 500/- for costs, together with such interest, if any, as the court may order. If you cause an appearance to be entered for you. The plaintiff will thereafter serve upon you a summons for judgement at the hearing of which you will be entitled to move the court for leave to defend the suit. Leave to defend may be obtained if you satisfy the court by affidavit or otherwise that there is a defense to the suit on the merits or that it is reasonable that you should be allowed to defend. Give under my hand and the seal of the court, this the 7th day of November 2016.

Whereas the State Bank of India, Akuluto branch, Zunheboto : Nagaland, through the branch manager has instituted a suit against you under Order XXXVII of the code of civil procedure, 1908, for recovery of PMEGP Loan of ` 4,49,630/- which include contractual rate of interest, you are hereby summoned to cause an appearance to be entered by you, at 10.00 am, on the 4th November 2016, from the service hereof, in default whereof the plaintiff will be entitled, after the expiration of the said period, to obtain a decree for any sum not exceeding the sum of ` 4,49,630/and the sum of ` 500/- for costs, together with such interest, if any, as the court may order. If you cause an appearance to be entered for you. The plaintiff will thereafter serve upon you a summons for judgement at the hearing of which you will be entitled to move the court for leave to defend the suit. Leave to defend may be obtained if you satisfy the court by affidavit or otherwise that there is a defense to the suit on the merits or that it is reasonable that you should be allowed to defend. Give under my hand and the seal of the court, this the 7th day of November 2016.









Nagaland Post, Dimapur tuesday, november 22, 2016

Search for victims of train derailment

Rescuers work in progress at the site of accident where Patna-Indore Express train derailed near Pukhrayan village in Kanpur Dehat district, on Monday. (PTI)

PUKHRAYAN, NOV 21 (PTI): Distraught relatives of people on board the illfated Indore-Patna Express who have still not been united with their family, searched frantically for their loved ones today, a day after the worst rail accident in recent years jolted them unaware. While some managed to know the fate of their kin, whether they survived or were killed in the derailment of the train 19321 in the wee hours in Kanpur-Rural, for many others it has been a painstaking effort filled with apprehension. “Whoever I have found is dead... my brother, my older sister-in-law, daughter... I haven’t found my mother yet. I fear I will find her in same condition,” said Nirmal Verma, who had earlier planned to travel with his family for a wedding, but did not get leave from work and was supposed to join them later. “I am looking for my brother.

RBI riders for Rs 2.5L withdrawal for weddings NEW DELHI, NOV 21 (PTI): Wedding card, copies of advance payments made for booking marriage hall and caterers will be required for withdrawing Rs 2.5 lakh from own accounts, as per stringent conditions imposed by RBI. RBI today issued detailed operating guidelines for banks for dealing with such requests. Withdrawals will be allowed only from balance available before November 8 decision of the government to demonetise 500 and 1,000 currency notes and the same can be done only for marriages solemnised on or before December 30. Banks have also been asked to keep records of all disbursals and drawers will have to submit a list persons to whom payments will be made out of the funds. The special dispensation was given to ease the cash crunch faced during the ongoing wedding season due to imposition of cash withdrawal restrictions on all bank accounts in the aftermath of the demonetisation decision. Restrictions were placed as banks are grappling with cash shortage. “Withdrawals can be made by either of the parents or the person getting married. (Only one of them will be permitted to withdraw),” the notification said. Further, there should be “a detailed list of persons to whom the cash withdrawn is proposed to be paid, together with a declaration from such persons that they do not have a bank account. The list should indicate the purpose for which the proposed payments are being made”. RBI also said banks should encourage families to incur wedding expenses through non-cash means through cheques or drafts, credit or debit cards, pre-paid cards, mobile transfers, Internet banking channels, NEFT/ RTGS and the like.

Who knows? He may have changed his seat... we have searched everywhere...” said Ramanand Tiwari. One of the survivors said, “Don’t have any news about my brother. We have searched all the hospitals. I fear that he is trapped.” Rescue workers wrapped up the efforts to pull out the trapped passengers from the mangled bogies after an overnight operation under the floodlights including using cold cutters to open up the compartments. Bodies from among the 143 dead have been sent to Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and UP while the over 200 injured have been admitted to various hospitals in Kanpur-Rural. Some of them are yet to unite with their family members. A man, whose two sisters were on the train, left from his hometown yesterday soon after the news of the tragedy to reach the accident site, only to find one of them dead and the

other missing. “No one has any information about her (the second sister),” he said, after having spent the night frantically looking for his sister in the hospitals and asking officials around. Survivors had horrid tales to share. While one recounted how the derailment “sounded like beating of drums”, another just recalled a “loud bang” just after 0300 hours when most of the passengers were jolted out of their sleep. “We saw that bogies were on top of one another,” said a man, who sustained minor injuries. Another said, “We somehow survived as the bogie ahead of us reduced the damage. Two bogies had turned turtle... we cannot say how that happened.” For yet another survivor, the ordeal was more of a “nightmare” as he waited for hours among dead bodies in his mangled coach to be pulled out by the rescue workers who cut open the bogie.



ALL INDIA SAINIK SCHOOLS ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (AISSEE) - 2017: EXTENSION OF LAST DATE 1. Refer AISSEE 2017 notification published on 14 Oct 2016. 2. Last dates for sale and submission of application form for All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination (AISSEE)-2017 has been extended as per the details given below:(a) Sale of Prospectus-cum-application form: Extended upto 30 Nov 2016 (instead of 18 Nov 2016) (b) Receipt of Filled up Application form: Extended upto 07 Dec 2016 (instead of 30 Nov 2016) DC-2598


NOTIFICATION Dated Kohima, the 21st Nov’2016 NO.LAW/MISC-26/2016 :: In supersession of this Department’s letter of even number dated 18/11/2016, the speed test and written exam for the Stenos and LDA-cum-Computer Assistant under the Department of Justice & Law is hereby postponed due to technical reasons till further order. DC-2600

Sd/(KHANRINLA T. KOZA) Secretary to the Govt. of Nagaland

Dated: 15th Nov. 2016


Sealed tenders are invited from the appropriate class of empanelled Civil Contractors under Nagaland University for the under mentioned works. Earnest Cost of Estimated Sl. Money Tender Completion N/Work Amount No. Deposit document time (`) (`) (`) 1. Construction of 54,55,700.00 1,09,115.00 1,500.00 12(twelve) Health Centre months at NU, Kohima Campus [NU/ ENGG/KMA224/2016-3041]. 2


Construction of 29,79,455.00 59,590.00 1,000.00 12(twelve) Shopping Complex months at NU, Kohima Campus [NU/ ENGG/KMA224/2016-3041].

Construction of 6,42,300.00 12,850.00 500.00 03(three) Toe wall, Cross months drain and Road side drain at Approach road to C/Block, Quarter No. 12 & 13 at NU, Lumami [NU/ ENGG/M-61/ CBlock/H. No. 12(T-IV)-3040] Tender documents can be had from the Engineering Section, Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami on working days upto 28th November 2016. Sealed tender should be submitted addressed to the Registrar, Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami on or before 29th November 2016 (upto 2:00 P.M.). The cost of Tender document (non-refundable) is to be deposited through NU Challan. EMD from any Nationalized Bank through Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque and IPO worth `10/- (Rupees Ten) only addressed in favour of Nagaland University, Hqrs. Lumami should also be accompanied along with the Tender. Nagaland University reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason(s), whatsoever. T. Lanusosang Registrar DC-2545



Nuklutoshi inspects ongoing... NPF whip to MLAs unprecedented: NPCC

(From p-1)

Himato advised the construction companies to speed up their earth cutting works before the next monsoon else it will be a problem for the people. When asked whether they had sublet works to any other parties, NHIDCL manager Rishinandan said no work was sublet, adding that he was in-charge of monitoring the entire works of four lane works of Dimapur-Kohima National Highway. Concerning sinking area in various locations along Kohima-Dimapur highway, the officials informed that an expertise team from Chennai and Assam University would be arriving soon to take stock of the situation and said precautionary measures would be taken. Two construction companies M/s Ramky-ECI (JV) and M/s Gyatri are carrying out works in three sectors of the DimapurKohima NH. The company officials briefed the minister and his tem that national

highway traffic would not be disturbed and assured to maintain well before the start of the Hornbill festival. The companies would be maintaining the existing road during the construction. They would also maintain the four-lane road for four years after completion. M/s Ramky –ECI (JV) is carrying out construction works in two sectors -- one from km 123.840 to Km 138.775 (road length of 14.93 km) at an estimated cost of Rs 387 core while the other from Km 138.775 to Km 152.49 (road length of 13.72 km) at an estimated cost of Rs 339.55 crore. M/s Ramky ECI (JV) project manager G.V.P Rao said 50 % of the earth cutting will be completed before next monsoon. M/s Gyatri is carrying out work from Km 152.49 to Km 166.700 (road length 14.21 km) at an estimated cost of Rs 340 crore. M/s Gyatri project manager A. Murali Krishna said 85% of earth cutting will be completed before next April.

Parrikar commissions INS Chennai MUMBAI, NOV 21 (PTI): Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Monday commissioned ‘INS Chennai’, the third indigenously designed guided missile destroyer in the Kolkata class in Mumbai. Built at the Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd in Mumbai, the ship’s construction also marks the end of the Project 15A to build Kolkata-class guided missile destroyers. Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Sunil Lanba, was also present on the occasion. With an overall length of 164 metres and displacement of over 7,500 tons, ‘INS Chennai’ is one of the largest destroyers in the Indian Navy’s fleet.

(Form p-1)

down his spine and making Zeliang gravitate towards fascism and issue a draconian whip which was unheard of before”. NPCC said “the most comical and the weirdest of the 12th Session of the NLA is the directive given by the chief whip wherein TR Zeliang, the leader of the house will give indication– nay wink at all NPF MLAs, whether the statement made by independent MLA is favorable or inimical to the government”. Such directive has implied that the ruling NPF MLAs were incapable of ascertaining what is favorable and what is inimical, it said. Warning legislators not to issue any “statement or criticize, which would cause embarrassment or lose of face of NPF or DAN government” during the NLA session, was the final

nail in the coffin of NPF MLAs, NPCC stated. As criticism and dissent was an integral to parliamentary democracy, NPCC said no government can avoid or escape this reality. However, TR Zeliang has made desperate attempt to bring all criticism and disagreement within the ambit of 10th scheduled, which entails disqualification of a member from the House, NPCC pointed out. Terming it as outrageous, condemnable and contrary to the responsibility bestowed upon elected representative and parliamentary procedures and practices prevalent in India, NPCC said the manner in which a party treats an elected representative was downright insult to the people of the constituency he represents. This is a pointer to the fact that all is not well with TR Zeliang’s dispensation,

an indication that there is still something more to hide and further exposing his culpability, while trying to cover up his wrongdoings, added NPCC. While making it known that Congress was not trying to poke its nose in the internal matters of NPF, NPCC however said the manner in which a whip was issued in the form of a threat would only demean the elected representative regardless of party affiliation. The muzzling and stifling of freedom of expression on the floor of house, an article of faith for all elected members, would only retard the growth of democratic ethos in a state like Nagaland, where electoral outcome is based on muscles, money, threat, intimidation and diktat of armed groups and village authorities in equal measures, the party said.

Pak violates ceasefire: BSF jawan killed

JAMMU, NOV 21 (PTI): Pakistan Army today targeted Indian posts in Krishna Ghati sector of Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir even as a BSF head constable injured in cross-border firing succumbed to injuries. The army and the BSF responded to Pakistan’s ceasefire violation and the exchange of fire was going on till last reports came in. “Pakistan Army initiated ceasefire violation from 0830 hours by targeting Indian Army posts along the LoC in Krishna Ghati sector. The Indian Army posts are responding strongly and the firing is presently on”, a defense spokesman said. In the past 12 hours, Pakistan has violated the ceasefire along the Line of

Control in Poonch and Rajouri districts for the third time. A BSF head constable identified as Rai Singh, 40, who was injured in last night’s shelling from the Pakistani side along the LoC in Rajouri sector succumbed to injuries. The condition of another BSF personnel, who was injured in the firing, is critical. “Last night in heavy shelling from Pakistan side along LoC in Rajouri area, four BSF personnel sustained splinter injuries. Head Constable Rai Singh, who was seriously injured, succumbed to his injuries, while the condition of another personnel was serious,” a BSF officer said. Singh, a resident of Jhajjar district of Haryana, is survived by wife, three sons and mother, he said.


ATTENTION Unscrupulous elements are trying to issue fake appointment letters for various posts in ITBP specially Constable (Pioneer) and Constable (Driver). All are hereby informed that Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force is not changing any money for selection, other than nominal application fee. Hence, public should not fall prey to such unscrupulous persons posing as recruitment agencies/ agents etc. and give any money for appointment in ITBP. ITBP will not be responsible if any person falls victim to such fraud. Candidates can contact nearest ITBP Battalion for any clarification or on e-mail comdtrect@ number 011-24360773 (extn 339) or lodge a complaint in nearest Police Station in this regard. Samples of the fraud appointment letters currently being circulated by fraudsters are uploaded on ITBP website i.e. and www.recruitment. so that the public is forewarned. Commandant (Rectt)

DAVP 19143/11/0015/1617


Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Department of Consumer Affairs Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001

Applications for two posts of Member (from Judicial Background), in the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) The Department of Consumer Affairs invites applications for filling up of two posts of Member (Judicial) in the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC). The tenure of appointment will be for a period of 5 years from the date of appointment. The details of qualifications, terms and conditions of the appointment, salary etc. and prescribed application format are available at The last date for submission of applications is 19th December, 2016. davp 08101/11/0055/1617

Deputy Secretary to the Govt.of India Tel. : 011-2338 9936

ADMISSION NOTICE JEE (MAIN) – 2017 In pursuance of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India,Notification, the 5th Joint Entrance Examination (Main) - 2017 will be conducted on 02/04/2017 (Sunday) by the JEE Apex Board for admission to Undergraduate Engineering Programmes in NITs, IIITs and other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions etc. The States of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Nagaland & Odisha have joined JEE (Main) system. Therefore, the candidates seeking admission to the institutions in these states, which were earlier admitting based on their State level examination, are also advised to fill in the JEE (Main) -2017 application form online. The JEE (Main) will also be an eligibility test for the JEE (Advanced), which the candidate has to take if he/she is aspiring for admission to the undergraduate programmes offered by the IITs/ISM Dhanbad. The candidates are advised to see the JEE (Advanced) website for information related to JEE (Advanced). The detailed information bulletin containing details of examination, syllabus, eligibility criteria to appear, examination fee, cities of examination, State code of eligibility, age relaxation, eligibility for admission, reservation policies and important dates will be available on JEE (Main) website on 01/12/2016. The aspiring candidates are requested to download the information bulletin from above mentioned website only and read the same carefully before applying. The eligibility criteria for JEE (Main) & JEE (Advanced) are different. The candidates are requested to read the information bulletin carefully and ensure their eligibility as per the criteria laid down for JEE (Main)and JEE (Advanced). All the Indian citizen candidates should possess AADHAAR card issued by UIDAI with their correct details. At the time of filling application form of JEE (Main) – 2017, the candidates will have to enter their AADHAAR number, name, date of birth & gender which will be validated with the UIDAI’s data. In case, these particulars do not match, the candidate will not be able to fill the application form of JEE (Main) 2017. Therefore, the candidates are advised to ensure that their AADHAAR card has correct details of their name, date of birth & gender as per school records. If there is some mismatch in these details, the candidates should immediately get it corrected in AADHAAR data or school records, as the case may be. The aspiring candidates have to apply online only through JEE (Main) website The online application process will start from 01st December, 2016 onwards. The last date for application is 02nd January, 2017 and fee can be paid upto 03rd January 2017. Executive Director (JAB)

davp 21107/11/0043/1617




Dated Kohima the 18th Nov 2016.

On the advice of Shri P.B. Acharya, Hon’ble Governor of Nagaland, a team of forty four (44) Doctors supported with 23 (twenty three) Paramedical technicians and other staff from different parts of the country will be conducting free medical camps in seven districts of Nagaland from 26th to 30th November 2016. This noble task was motivated by Indian National Fellowship Centre (INFC), Mumbai supported by Govt. of Nagaland in collaboration with Rotary Club of Bombay North, Friends of Nagaland, Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation, Nagaland, Cancer Patients Aid Association of India and Indian Academy of Echocardiography. The details are given below:District Date Venue Specialization/ Discipline* Contact for Inquiry Focus: Cardiology, Cancer Screening & Detection th th MS DH Dimapur- 9436003061 Dimapur 26 -30 Nov 2016 District Hospital (1). Surgery, (2). Medicine, (3). Obstetrics & Gynaecology, (4). ENT, Focus: Cardiology NHAK (1). Surgery, (2). Medicine, (3). Anaesthesiology (4). Radiology, (6). Critical Care, (5) MS NHAK- 9436000649 Kohima 26th-29th Nov 2016 Pain Management, (7). Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MS DH Mokokchung- 9436006230 Mokokchung 26th-29th Nov 2016 District Hospital (1). Surgery (2). Homeopathy, (3) Ayurveda, (4). Dentistry Focus: Cancer Screening & Detection Mon 26th-29th Nov 2016 District Hospital (1). Oncology, (2). Homeopathy, (3). Nutritionist, (4). Obstetrics & Gynaecology, (5). MS DH Mon- 9436005279 Paediatrics, (6). Dentistry MS DH Peren- 9436437809 Peren 26th-29th Nov 2016 District Hospital (1). Surgery, (2). Medicine, (3). Obstetrics & Gynaecology, (4). Dentistry Focus: Cervical Cancer Screening & Detection, Laparoscopic surgery & tubal ligation and Ultrasonography MS DH Phek- 9862259172/ Phek 26th-29th Nov 2016 District Hospital (1). Surgery, (2). Orthopaedics, (3). Dentistry, (4). Anaesthesiology, (5). Obstetrics & 8118965738 Gynaecology MS DH Wokha- 9436063658 Wokha 28th-30th Nov 2016 District Hospital (1). Surgery, (2). Psychiatry (3). Medicine NB: *In addition to the existing services available at the District Hospital. The Doctors are having vast experience in their respective specialization. General public are advised to avail the full advantage of the camps. Free medicines will also distribute to the needy patients. Interested public can register their named with the desired hospitals well in advance. (DR. L. WATIKALA) Principal Director, Department of Health & Family Welfare Nagaland, Kohima DC-2599 Issued by: DIPR



Nagaland Post Vol. XXVI NO. 346 Dimapur, tuesday, November 22, 2016


Unsafe rail travel

t was a very tragic accident which took the lives of around 150 passengers and causing injuries to more than 200 others, when the Indore-Patna Express derailed in Kanpur district in UP on November 21,2016. The derailment is one among too many in the recent past and has only renewed focus on the worrisome safety norms of the Indian Railways. Indian railways have a dismal safety record. There is a need to develop safer designs for our trains and railway platforms. The aim must be to make our journey more safe than comfortable. Funds are required to realise this aim. Given the sheer size of Indian railways, the re-designing will take both time and money. But the pertinent question is-whether the railways gives enough serious priority to safety? It seems that it does not and that is very unfortunate. According to reports, in the sixyear period between 2009-10 and 2014-15, there were a total of 803 accidents in Indian Railways killing 620 people and injuring 1855 people. The stated that 47% of these accidents were due to derailment of trains. The other type of accidents include collisions, etc but such occurrence is said to be much lower. There have been various causes for train accidents ranging from Human Failure to Equipment Failure to Sabotage etc. In the same six-year period, human failure has caused more than 86% of the total accidents. Out of this, 41% accidents were caused due to the failure of railway staff and the rest due to the failure of others. Equipment failure caused only 2.2% of the accidents. The safety issue has been discussed on so many occasions with various submissions done by fact finding committees. As per the reports, the highest number of accidents are caused due to derailments or accidents at level crossings. Nine (9) out of Ten (10) railway accidents during 2009-10 and 2014-15 have been due to derailments and accidents at level crossings. Railway tracks have become one of the biggest killers in India. Over 50,000 people have been mowed down on the deadly tracks in over three years - from 2009 to June 2012 - for which figures are available. The trains of the Indian Railways are clocking more passenger kilometers each year. Train accidents per million kilometers run is an important parameter to understand the occurrence of accidents and if there has been any improvement over the years. This parameter has continuously decreased from 2009-10 to 2013-14. It again increased in 2014-15. From 0.17 in 2009-10, it has come to down to 0.10 in 2013-14, a reduction of over 40% in 5 years. But it again increased to 0.11 in 2014-15. According to the notification issued by the Ministry of Railways, Government of India in 2015 on the PIB website and recent reports in newspapers, the railways seem to be taking a lot of interest in beautification. The newly designed bio-toilets installed in coaches are notable as it ensures that no human excreta will henceforth fall on railway tracks. This is most welcome as passengers also don’t have to worry about using toilets when the train is at the railway platform. Beautification and providing facilities are welcome but what is more important is safety issues. Also getting a bullet train from Japan at huge cost is great news too but these cannot substitute safety and what it takes to prevent accidents to safeguard the lives of travelling passengers.

DailyDevotion “It is Finished!” I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. —John 17:4 The death of Jesus Christ is the fulfillment in history of the very mind and intent of God. There is no place for seeing Jesus Christ as a martyr. His death was not something that happened to Him— something that might have been prevented. His death was the very reason He came. Never build your case for forgiveness on the idea that God is our Father and He will forgive us because He loves us. That contradicts the revealed truth of God in Jesus Christ. It makes the Cross unnecessary, and the redemption “much ado about nothing.” God forgives sin only because of the death of Christ. God could forgive people in no other way than by the death of His Son, and Jesus is exalted as Savior because of His death. “We see Jesus…for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor…” (Hebrews 2:9). The greatest note of triumph ever sounded in the ears of a startled universe was that sounded on the Cross of Christ— “It is finished!” (John 19:30). That is the final word in the redemption of humankind. Anything that lessens or completely obliterates the holiness of God, through a false view of His love, contradicts the truth of God as revealed by Jesus Christ. Never allow yourself to believe that Jesus Christ stands with us, and against God, out of pity and compassion, or that He became a curse for us out of sympathy for us. Jesus Christ became a curse for us by divine decree. Our part in realizing the tremendous meaning of His curse is the conviction of sin. Conviction is given to us as a gift of shame and repentance; it is the great mercy of God. Jesus Christ hates the sin in people, and Calvary is the measure of His hatred.


Hate leaves ugly scars, love leaves beautiful ones. ~ Mignon McLaughlin

Nagaland Post, Dimapur tuesday, November 22, 2016


Women in Naga society are not second to men 33% women reservation hangups


e the Naga people are sitting over a very controversial and complex issue of 33% Women Reservation which basically throws up two equally important fundamental subjects that we have no choice but to try and sensibly address: (1). The rights of women representation in Civic or any other Bodies in Naga society; and inter-related (2) Infringement of Article 371 (A). Let us carefully take a very dispassionate look at our circumstance one step at a time. Before plunging headlong into the subject proper, let me qualify the preceding analogy on the rights of women by saying: “Customs” and “Traditions” are the induced byproducts of prevalent social environment at a given point of time which culminates into a customary law by virtue of a prolonged adherence to its practice. 1. The rights of women representation in Civic or any other Bodies: Our ancestral Nagas have had a brutal proven track record of headhunting as a way of life. The prevalent environment of their times therefore necessarily dictated “physical prowess” as the mainstay of community survival in which women obviously had no place by virtue of they being the weaker sex. The Council of Elders, which in present parlance is called Village Council, was therefore an exclusive “men only” club dictated by circumstance not by choice because they would have had to mostly concentrate on core survival issues of defensive or offensive warfare linked to headhunting. Such a subject naturally eliminated the necessity of women’s participation. This continuous process induced by headhunting circumstance was being practiced for centuries with the absence of women in the Council of Elders which had ultimately crystallised into a customary practice by the time headhunting was halted by the British only in the earlier part of the 20th century. Women of headhunting era were physically out of tune with the core attributes of headhunting prerequisites and were therefore misfits of their again by force of circumstance not by choice. That times have changed... everybody knows. Everybody knows we no longer headhunt. Everybody knows that the present day subject has dramatically shifted from headhunting to that of development and progress. Everybody knows that this critical change of subject now makes women relevant...but the irrationally staunch traditionalists are unwilling to cross this Mind Block Bridge. In order to unblock this mind-block road-block some harsh realities of our present day need to be taken into consideration. How do the traditionalists think about the abundant presence of women in Government Service especially in Civil Administrative Service because this is simply a higher version at the Government level basically handling identical responsibility as that of the present day Village Councils or the Council of Elders of the traditional past involved in general administration? From the strictest traditional standpoint, the presence of women in general administration would be in violation of the customary law. In the same breath the fact that many of the women administrative officers are holding their own turf satisfactorily therefore demolishes any assumption that they are customarily unfit for this line of work or should not be in general administration. This is our practical ground reality. Again, how do the traditionalists think about the mandatory presence of a women representative in the Village Development Board in every village legitimatised by governing Rules? The traditionalists have raised no objections against the presence of women in Government service in various capacities including an exceptional case of a woman Chief Secretary in Nagaland. Then what is their specific bellyache in women representation in the Municipal Council or the Legislative Assembly? The moment we begin to deploy double-standards in defining our customary laws our problems would get compounded endlessly. If concessions have already been made in some sectors, which we definitely have without doubt, hackling in another sector against the same identical issue does not make much sense. Besides, there are some customary laws that have become obsolete, many more have been diluted from the original and some not

even practiced at all. The critical flaw firstly lies in our customary laws not being codified and can be subjected to varied interpretations and secondly, the customary law management machinery does not have any specifically designated statutory authority to officially amend our customary laws that have become obsolete. This responsibility must now fall squarely on the Customary Courts or the Apex Tribal Hohos or even jointly, to activate the much needed amendment process within their respective Tribes by carefully assessing possible elimination of customary laws no longer in tune with the present times. No Law is perpetually sacrosanct and are subjected to change according to the changing times and values. That is precisely why Articles/Clauses in the Indian Constitution also get amended from time to time. Clearly defining the ‘rights of women’ in our society is one such controversial issue that requires customary review for appropriate amendment in some key areas in keeping with the changing time. Once this baseline is customarily taken care of, the apparent conflict with Article 371 (A) will automatically recede. 2. Infringement of Article 371 (A): Article 371 (A) is a bastard subject without an acknowledged father. It is theoretically ridiculed with venom when Naga National sentiments are expressed but defended with equal vehemence and used as a shield when genuine domestic problems need sorting out. The present women reservation debate is a classic example of this. The torch bearing stand-up-comedians happen to be some of our very own exalted leaders who conveniently condemn 16 Point Agreement that spawned A371A to keep Mr. Hebron happy, especially when it is nearing elections and at the very same time enjoy to the hilt the best of the benefits A371A has brought them. The Naga Haha is not very far behind as the ultimate joker of the pack. But today, protecting the sanctity of A371A has become the bone of contention. Watching them play this chameleon role with such panache is amazing. Were we in Hollywood, it would be acclaimed as an Academy Award winning performance. That is the Laurel and Hardy side of a burning topic. The real fire lies in messing with the essence of A371A. If we ourselves defile our own alter, expect others to do the same. The war has already begun with Petroleum Ministry, GoI disputing the very definition of A371A concerning the ‘below the ground’ ownership of our Oil/Gas and Natural Resources. The Government of Nagaland has compounded the problem by pouring ‘yet to be extracted’ Champang oil into this raging fire with its irrationally fictitious claim to land ownership, which unquestionably belongs to the people from the times of our ancestry even before a corrupt thing called Government came into existence, instead to sitting down with the real land owners and amicably sorting out the revenue sharing equation with maturity. Money is critically messing with our thinking box. We need to stop awhile and really think of the greater danger of undoing ourselves even before our adversaries do. Wilfully wanting to reduce our status to a second rate citizenship is downright demeaning and those initiating such a move are unfit for leadership. Coming back to the women issue, there can be no two opinions that without the amendment of our customary laws it will certainly infringe upon A371A. 3. SOLUTION: The midcourse opened to us seems to be in 33% reservation for women by nomination with voting rights as suggested by some of the Tribal Hoho representatives. This will temporarily circumvent the log jam until such time amendment of the customary law on this issue is effectively addressed... which it must within a stipulated timeframe. Meanwhile, our womenfolk would also get a breathing space to prove their worth in the scheme of things until they are able to stand on their own two feet...which they too eventually must within a foreseeable future timeframe that should also be defined. We cannot expect miracles to happen overnight. Reformation is a slow moving takes time. Nagas must learn to negotiate our hills and mountains patiently. Khekiye K. Sema IAS (Rtd.), Upper Forest Colony; Kohima; (

1. One of the important aspects of Constitutional guarantees under Article 371 A(1) (a)of the Constitution of India is that no Parliamentary Act on “social practices “of Nagas will apply to Nagaland ,unless the Nagaland Legislative Assembly decides to apply by a resolution. 2. That, Women are not second to men in Naga society is an irrefutable part of Naga Customary Law. Many Naga leaders while commenting upon women reservation in Municipal and Town Councils appear to be in total oblivion of this essential ingredient of gender equity in the Naga Customary Law ,for example if there is 100 % opportunity for both men and women to participate in any sector, according to this custom of gender equity ,Naga men and woman shall have to share the sector on 50/50 basis . If Political leaders and Tribal Hohos deny this equitable share they would be committing irreparable injury , not only to the Naga customs, but the very letter and spirit of Article 371 -A (1)(a). 3. So far, despite this inviolable Naga custom of gender equity, women have been unable to occupy a small space, leave aside, equal space in electoral politics, be it elections to the Municipal and town Councils , the Legislative Assembly or the Houses of the Parliament. Political parties in the State which vividly championed the cause of Article 371 A(1)(a) of the Constitution have not , in practice , sponsored equal number of women to contest elections to Municipal and Town Councils ,Legislative Assembly or the Parliament in accordance with this custom of gender equity. Thus, these political parties and their leaders , the Tribal Hohos and other civil societies, have only been paying lip service to Article 371 A (1)(a) and flagrantly denying women their due share in electoral politics under the garb of advocating customary law. On the other hand, they have only been contradicting the Naga Customary Law of gender equity and mutilating the age old custom of equality of sexes. 4. During all these many years of denial of women reservation in Municipal and Town Councils , the political leaders who had their heyday in the yesteryears were firing from the shoulders of other sections of society. Neither, these political leaders thought it prudent to consult the women groups starting from the village level to the apex bodies, nor encouraged the tribal Hohos and other organisations to include woman representatives, so that the voices of women was heard and their dues, duly reckoned. 5. Over these many years of undoing the Naga custom of gender equity,they did not give any opportunity to hear the women, who were the affected parties. All these years only the men spoke , the men’s voices were heard and the men decided against women reservation, all in the name of upholding the Naga custom of gender equity and Article 371A(1)(a). 6. Under the direction of the High Court which came down heavily upon the State Gover nment, the woman reservation provisions in the State Municipal Act was enacted in 2006. This happened,

because they were unable to explain to the High Court how under Article 371A)(1) (a), they could deny women reservation when the Naga custom is to provide gender equity . 7. In the name of law and order situation, the State Government under the former Chief Minister refused to effectuate the women reservation provision enacted under the High Court’s Order . Thus, the entire State Act was committed to the Article 371A(1)(a) Committee of the Assembly for a review to buy time. Without examining and explaining how the Naga Custom of gender equity is affected by women reservation , the Assembly Committee recommended to the State Government to stop the application of Part IX A (Municipalities ) of the Constitution of India to Nagaland . 8. Without hearing the women in Nagaland, the all men Assembly on 22.09.2012 passed a Resolution against Women Reservation in Municipal and Town Councils without explaining how “Social practice of Nagas ” were adversely affected by women reservation provisions in the Constitution of India. 9. All these past years , those Leaders who have been protesting against Women Reservation in the guise of Naga Customary Law being affected, did not consider their duty to explain to the people of the State how the Naga Customary Law remains unaffected by (1) St/Sc reservation, (2) the process of elections , unknown to the Nagas in their customary world (3) The administration of Municipal and Town Councils through Administrators for all these years, which is a serious breach of Naga Customary Law. The political leaders under whose nose, the battle against women and women reservation was being organised, owe answers to these questions to the Naga publicboth men and women. 10. Little did those Political masters realise that Nagaland was exempted from Part IX (Panchayats) of the Constitution, not because it was an Article 371 A (1)(a) State. No such reference is found neither in their statements of objects or reasons nor in the debates on the Constitution (73rd Amendment) Bill . The fact that Nagaland was exempted from Part IX of the Constitution was not because it is an Article 371 A(1) (a) State, but exempted because of the existence of a traditional village administration system at the grass root level, better than the village administration system prescribed by Part IX of the Constitution of India. Along with Nagaland for the same reason, Meghalaya and Mizoram were also exempted by Article 243(M) of the Constitution of India. Thus, the exemption of Nagaland , Meghalaya and Mizoram has nothing to do with Article 371 A, but due to the reason as aforesaid. 11. On the other hand, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Mizoram were not exempted from Municipalities portion of the Constitution of India Part IX(A), since, local self Governance in urban area was not a traditional system. Thus, the Constitution of India, prescribed uniform structure

for urban local bodies all over India including Nagaland and other North-East States. Under Article 243(P)(d)of the Constitution , the Governor demarcates Municipal areas .Thus, the ULB’s are the institutions of recent origin and are not connectable to traditions , customs etc. Likewise, it has never been a social practice of Nagas to have or not to have a Municipality or a Town council. It is thus, a constitutionally structured local self governance in urban areas. Part IX(A) of the Constitution by Article 243X, provides Nagaland powers to levy taxes. Thus, it is the State Assembly , which has to ensure that the principles of Article 371 A(1)(a) are satisfied, while enacting provisions in the State Act. Part IX(A) of the Constitution do not impinge upon any provision in Article 371(A)(1)(a), as the advocates of anti woman reservation make us believe. 12. We are of the considered view, that woman being more than equal in numbers in the size of the electorate at all levels in Naga society, do feel that 33% reservation only aims to translate to full fruition the very idea of gender equity under the Naga Customary Law and the Constitutional provision of Part IX(A) Municipalities of the Constitution of India and do not infringe upon the social practices of the Nagas . On the other hand , it give a fillip to the realisation of gender equity under the customs of Nagas into a workable reality , which has been missing for all these decades. 13. The articulation of the State Government , that 33% woman reservation issue militates against Article 371 A(1)(a) has no taker in the High Court and even in the Supreme Court . While the High Court admonished the State for not providing woman reservation consequent to which the State enacted the Woman reservation provisions in the State Act 2006, the Supreme Court stayed the operation of the High Court (Division Bench) order dated 31,07,2012, which wanted the State to examine the Act qua Naga Customs .With the stay imposed by the Supreme Court on 05.04.2016, even the veneer of woman reservation being further examined in the backdrop of Naga Customs by the State Government/Assembly got completely erased. There is thus, no more defence available to the State for denying women reservation on the ostensible pretext of protecting Naga Customs. 14. Those who publish their communiqués in the newspapers against women reservation must come out clearly whether they stand for women or against women, instead of training their guns against women on the shoulders of various Organisations . By this time, they should come to know that women’s representatives are found elsewhere and not in many Tribal Hohos. 15. We take this occasion to condemn the double speak of some leaders who first enacted women reservation in the state and made a U-turn for more than a decade ,depriving women of their rights as guaranteed under the Constitution. Abeiu Meru, President, NMA & Dr. Rosemary Dzuvichu, Advisor, NMA

Reader’s Post Prompt service of SBI


On behalf of the entire fraternity of Dimapur Government College, I extend exceeding thankfulness to the Hornbill Premium Banking Branch of State Bank of India (SBI) Dimapur for the services of dispensing money through mobile ATM to the teachers, staff and students of the college on November 19 in the college premises. The team led by branch manager, Temsurenla Jamir were not only efficient in exerting their choice duty but were also down to earth in understanding human problems in such a time when want of time and dearth of money was hitting the public hard. Principal DGC, Ngangshikokba Ao

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.

Social work carried out in various districts

Forest colony youth organization during the social work.

charge showing insensitivity to the plight of the common people. In a press note by president Imtiakum Imchen and general secretary Limatoshi Lemtur, the work was carried out with little funds col-

lected from the households of the colony, the youth executives arranged the materials needed to fill the pot holes. The work was conducted in two phases, on November 21 and November 26. All the youth members of the colony actively participated in the social work and through this, the youth of the colony aims to reaffirm the solidarity to stand up against the rights denied. VCC WOKHA: Vungoju Colony Council (VCC) Wokha conducted mass social work on November 19. Vungoju colony residents of came out in large numbers to participate in the mass social work. Colony residents re-

paired deplorable road condition under its jurisdiction leading to District Hospital and sub jail, by filling up the pot holes with sand and gravel, cleared blocked drains and widened the road in some places with the help of a JCB which was provided free of cost by Rukhumo Kikon. Residents also cleaned their compounds, removed weeds, swept streets, collected scattered garbage and burnt it. Council further expressed gratitude to Vungoju Colony Eloe Hoho, Youth Forum, Rukhumo Kikon and its residents for their support and active participation. MEDZIPHEMA: Medziphema town ward

6 residents conducted social work organized by the youths of the ward on November 19. Residents levelled and cleaned the entire road with the help of JCB which was generously provided by Rokolhou Angami, first class contractor. Sand gravels were deported by MTC Dumper, which was provided by ADC, Medziphema town Sara Jamir. All the residents of the ward were engaged in spreading/putting the sand gravels in order to fill the existing potholes on the road. Ward residents further expressed gratitude to all donors including the Sirhima Village Council (SVC) for providing the sand gravels.

Training on disaster preparedness, risk reduction underway DIMAPUR: Five-day training of trainers on disaster preparedness and risk reduction for NYKS and NSS volunteers is underway here at circuit house, Dimapur on November 21 with deputy commissioner Dimapur, Kesonyu Yhome as the chief guest. The training programme was organized by Nehru Yuva Kendra (NYK) Dimapur in collaboration with disaster management authority (DDMA) Dimapur, sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) Speaking at the inaugural programme, Kesonyu Yhome stated that disaster was real and present and one had to be prepared

DC kesonyu yhome along with NYKS and NSS volunteers and other officials.

D I M A P U R , N OV 2 1 (NPN): Garos of Nagaland celebrated Wangala festival with great festive spirit and fervor on Monday at GMS Field, Ekaranipathar with MLA of Assam, Dr. Numal Momin as the chief guest. The festival was celebrated under the theme, “our culture is the soul of our tribe” mainly to promote its rich cultural identity. Speaking as the chief guest, Dr. Numal Momin emphasised that the four minority recognised indigenous tribes in Nagaland which included Garo, Karbi, Kachari and Kuki must strive for unity and work together on a common platform for their development and upliftment. He encouraged the gathering that he was always ready to help and assist in the development of the minority tribes of Nagaland. He also promised that he would meet the chief ministers

of both states to seek their assistance for the overall development of the backward and minority tribes. He stated that the BJP government was committed to fight against corruption for which the demonetization of the Rs. 1000 and Rs. 500 currencies were done, which would lead to lesser corruption in the state of Nagaland as well as the whole of the North East. He also highlighted the

BJP government‘s ideology of “Sab ka saath Sab ka Vikas” whereby development and progress was possible only through a concerted effort of the citizens. He further congratulated the Wangala festival organizing committee for having kept the spirit and culture of the Garo tribe alive by organizing such an extravaganza. Earlier in the programme, invocation was offered by Believers Church, Darogapathar, Rev. Pele Marak. Other highlights included Garo folk song, cultural dances from Kuki, Karbi, Kachari and Garo cultural troupes and traditional games. Vote of thanks was delivered by general secretary (admin) NGTC, Probir D. Sangma in the first session and in the second session by games and sports secretary GSUNZ, Benjamin Sangma while benediction was offered by Eltish Sangma of Garo Baptist Church, Chumukedima.


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Staff Reporter


DIMAPUR: A consultative meeting of all NPF Party 55 A/C Tobu was held on November 15 at Tobu HQ. NBDA &NEPED advisor Naiba Konyak in his speech appealed to all party workers to reconcile and to unite to build a stronger NPF in the constituency. At the meeting the house strongly resolved to extend full co-operation and support to chief minister T. R. Zeliang government, the leadership of NPF president Dr. Shurhozelie and RD&REPA minister C. L. John.

Display of Garo traditional game by the youths during the festival. (NP)


NPF 55 A/C Tobu consultative meeting held

for. Yhome also said that although people have been spontaneous, the last 5 years indicate that disaster management has tried to mitigate and reduce the risk of disaster more seriously. Earlier welcome address was delivered by UNV district youth coordinator, NYK, Dimapur, Phybemo Lotha, while keynote address was said by state director, NYKS Nagaland zone, Jackie Rhivuh. Short speech was also delivered by Miss Dimapur 2016, Shinili Chishi, (brand ambassador DDMA, Dimapur). A team of NYK, DDMA, students from different colleges around Dimapur would be participating at the five-day event.

Garos of Nagaland celebrate Wangala

Program Structure

Play Group *We follow Xseed curriculum. AGE 2+ Years *Well planned, stimulating activities using IQ toys. *Fully furnished and air-conditioned class room. Nursery *Spacious play area with play station and toys for gross motor development. AGE 3+ Years *Educational field trips to broaden the child’s horizon. KG - 1 *Nutritious, well balanced meal plan. (Lower Kindergarten) *Periodic health and Dental check up. AGE: 4 + years *After school care.


1 1 2 1

Qualification Graduate with B.Ed (Experienced) B.Sc with Math B.Sc XII with Montessori trained/ Graduate Graduate (Experience) XII with Computer Knowledge Female (Experienced) Male

Contact No : 8731038866/9863164282

Little Star Hr. Sec. School Midland, Dimapur





DIMAPUR: Forest Colony Youth Organization (FCYO) keeping alive the community spirit have taken the responsibility to mend the pathetic and dilapidated roads of the colony, which has been long ignored by the authority in




Nagaland Post, Dimapur tuesday, nOVEMBER 22, 2016

VACANCY 1. Matron/Warden cum Asst teacher 2. English Teacher 3. Science Teacher 4. Hindi Teacher 5. Computer Teacher 6. Env. Education Teacher

: : : : :

HSSLC or above B.A. (English) B.Sc B.A or M.A(Hindi) BCA / B.Sc (Computer)/ PGDCA : B.Sc with Environmental Science

Salary : Sl. No. 1. Rs. 18,200/Sl. No. 2 to 5 Rs. 16,700/Sl. No. 6. Rs. 17,950/Additional amount of Rs. 1000/- for B. Ed. Plus yearly increment and other incentives. Handwritten applications with Resume, 2 passport size photos, contact number and necessary documents from HSLC onwards should reach the undersigned on or before 30th Nov, 2016. Written Interview will be held on Saturday, 3rd Dec. at 10:00 a.m. DP-9435




Su doku


28 Lakhs (Negotiable) No Broker

Ph : 9615353775/8131902555


at New Showuba 3 Bighas (main road touch) 10 mins drive from Central Jail, 4th Mile No Brokers Contact : 9862586625


at Sethekie Basa, Opposite Global University. Rubber Planted 3 years old with fencing.

8 Bighas,

in bulk sale/split. Price : Rs. 120/sq.ft.

Contact : 9436299017 9856705365 DP-9315

Contact : 9436662012

LAND FOR SALE at Ngwalwa Town E.A.C Headquarter

40 bighas approx attached for four lane black top road Few minutes ride from Sainik School Site for big project (Plain area) Rs. 35 per sq. ft. (Negotiable) M-9612446225/9436831993

No. 8343 Yesterday’s solution No. 8342

No. 2963 Yesterday’s solution No. 2962

No. 1790 Yesterday’s solution No. 1789

Bolero Pick Up (4x4) Model: 2015 Price: 4,80,000/(Slightly Negotiable) Contact: 9615150767


Affordable contemporary CANE Furniture Kohima/ Dmr Delivery available Call/Whatsapp-7640854819

Across 1 Ignoble foundation (4) 3 Most willing to make the unsteady steadier? (8) 9 Conflicts when he is in form (7) 10 Keep playing in part of London (5) 11 Piece of meat found in small wood (5) 12 Rebellion caused by one skinhead in band (6) 14 Measure a horse (6) 16 I’m getting agreement to have an effect (6) 19 Poems and essay, say, on Black Sea port (6) 21 One who regrets accepting pound or sovereign? (5) 24 Slow movement of ringleader in gaolbreak (5) 25 Indonesian island embracing English language (7) 26 Like Cleopatra, for example, with Antony ending in apt fashion (8) 27 A composer seen in rubber gloves (4) Down 1 The sort of driver who may be ordered to take cabs! (8) 2 Coach on which actors are seen (5) 4 Make certain points by river (6) 5 Rolled turf is attractive (5) 6 Turn sea into land (7) 7 Some unfortunate fish ... (4) 8 ... disturbed fish surrounded by poles (6) 13 Currency exchange for ten girls (8) 15 Regular hospital attendant (7) 17 Sheep wandering in Rome (6) 18 Greek letter from English essayist to American lawman (6) 20 Hiding in bushes to attack an animal (5) 22 Don’t take time off (5) 23 European flower in hotel bedroom (4)



Indian & Chinese

Contact No : 03862-225088

NEW ARRIVAL Imported Wedding Gowns & Accessories

THREADS BOUTIQUE SC-4, Super Market Dimapur, Nagaland


SWIFT (VDI) 2012 NL SWIFT (VXI) 2006-05 BOLERO 2010 EECO SEVEN SEATER 2011 EON DLITE+ 2012 WAGON R 2011-12-07 DZIRE (ZXI)/ (VXI) 2008-09 ALTO 2007-08-11 CAR (800) 2007 ZEN 2003 GYPSY KING (E-II) XUV (500) W-6 2015 TATA ACE 2011-07 ALTO K10 (VXI) 2011 SCORPIO 2008 A-STAR-VXI 2009 SANTRO 2004



Ph : 91-9856761882 91-9856326344


A-One Driving Corner D.C Court Junction


Contact : 8132908305 8257835961



15% Discount for New Admission K-4201

Contact Nos. 9089369388 9615150647




Admission Going On

Govt. recognized

Driving School Kohima

Fees Affordable # 9862945334 7085190017

POLICE BAPTIST CHURCH MON YOUTH DEPARTMENT LUCKY DRAW RESULT on 19th on Nov.2016 1st S/no.139 2nd S/no.2011 3rd S/no.634 Consolation Prizes: 287, 2354, 131, 2051, 808

Name : Mr. Thsarise Sangtam F/Name : Lichothri Sangtam Age : 26 years Height : 5.6 Village : New Risethsi District :- Kiphire Last seen : August 2016 Finders may contact :9862148244 Sekipi Sangtam B/o, Thsarise Sangtam


LOST NOTICE I, Clement Lalthlamuana, am applying for duplicate copy of HSLC Marksheet, Migration Certificate and Admit Card as I have lost them. Name: Clement Lalthlamuana F/name: John Sailo Roll no. : 1501004515 School: Living Water, Mission Vengthlang, Aizawl, Mizoram

STOLEN NOTICE A brown leather bag belonging to Krovielhoupe Koza containing all the necessary Documents, wallet and Cash was stolen from my home at Dzuhake Colony, Kohima on 23.10.2016 by unknown person and not recovered till date. Finder may please contact: 9612636315 1. Driving license. 2. Govt. I.D Card. 3. All Educational Documents from Matriculation till Degree. 4. ST, Indigenous and Backward certificates. 5. Land Sales Deed. 6. PAN and PRAN Cards. 7. Bank Passbooks and ATM Cards of Axis and SBI. 8. Vehicle Smart Card, Regd. No. NL01H 1602. 9. BSNL SIM. 10. B.Ed Training Govt. approval order and student enrolment Card. 11. Appointment Order. 12. Wallet containing Cash. 13. Cash bundle with rubber. 14. Belho Gas card connection documents. K-4251 15. Aadhar Card. Etc.

to Rs 33,006 crore and deposits amounted to Rs 5,11,565 crore). “They have also reported that the public have withdrawn, during this period, Rs 1,03,316 crore from their accounts either over the counter or through ATMs,” the statement said. Long queues were witnessed on November 10, the day on which banks opened after after announcement of demonetisation, as people thronged banks and post offices to exchange and deposit invalid currency notes. People also queued up at ATMs for cash withdrawal. Meanwhile, government made several exceptions allowing people to use invalid currency notes for buying petrol/ diesel, rail and air tickets, payment of public utilities, taxes and government hospitals. Today, the government allowed farmers to purchase seeds for the rabi crops using old Rs 500 notes from government outlets or state, central agriculture university.

The Nagaland Motorcycle Club Raffle 2016 which was scheduled on Nov. 27, 2016 has been postponed to December 17, 2016 because of problems in transactions due to the recent demonetisation. DC-2596

Looking for Agents/Candidates mobilizers to work for Delhi based Skill Development & Job Placement Company. Contact : 8800394950. Email:






Mumbai, Nov 21 (PTI): People have exchanged and deposited over Rs 5.44 lakh crore worth of scrapped Rs 500/1,000 notes at different banks till November 18 following demonetization of the higher denomination currency. The banks also disbursed Rs 1,03,316 crore over the counter and via ATMs between November 10 and November 18, the Reserve Bank said in a statement. Consequent to the announcement of withdrawal of legal tender status of banknotes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 denominations from the midnight of November 8, 2016, the RBI had made arrangements for exchange and/or deposit of such notes. The facility was available at the counters of the Reserve Bank and commercial banks, Regional Rural banks and Urban Cooperative Banks. “Banks have since reported that such exchange/deposits effected from November 10, 2016 up to November 18, 2016 amounted to Rs 5,44,571 crore (exchange amounted


with Building and 1 Shop near the road near St. Thomas School, Nagagoan

Boundary fenced and earth filled Main road touched Price : 11.5 Lakhs (Nego) Contact : 9856831119

at Chumukedima, Ward-8 Near Police Church with Assam Type House 4 Rooms, Kitchen & Pakka Bathroom & Toilet

2014 Model For sale at Kohima Contact: 9856744771

Van Euro-3 Local Taxi

Mfg. 2014 Dec. Price : 3.2 Lakhs Contact : 9436029569


40/60 sq. ft.

at Kushiabill, Near 4 lane Area : 80 x 50 ft.










Contact : 9774335852

at Purana Bazaar, Near Zion Hospital Price : Rs. 5 Lakhs (M) : 8014386704/8575190720

at Hetoi near Shokhuvi Village Dimapur (25 Acres above) Price Negotiable Contact : 7005278541


Banks get about Rs 5.44 lakh cr worth of scrapped notes



Price : Negotiable

45 x 51


Mumbai, Nov 21 (PTI): Singaporean brokerage DBS has warned of major downside risks to growth due to the demonetization exercise, and has estimated that the gross value added can come down by up to 0.80 per cent lower than its 7.6 per cent target. “There are downside risks to the tune of 0.400.80 per cent to our grossvalue added estimate of 7.6 per cent,” it said in a note today, nearly a fortnight after the government demonetised the Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 banknotes. This projection, however, is very meagre as many brokerages have already projected even a 50 per cent dip in GDP growth, with Ambit Capital being the steepest at 3.6 per cent. The brokerage said there will be an impact on consumer goods and discretionary spending for at least two quarters, which will impact growth till March 2017. Cash dependent businesses will be hit the most during this period and rural demand, especially from the unbanked sections, may also moderate, it added. It, however, said there will be some pent-up demand which can give an upside to growth starting the first quarter of the next fiscal.


RCC 5 storeyed (20 rooms) Lerie Colony Kohima, Junction road touch Price: 70 lakhs (negotiable) Contact: 9856228428



1. Choto Lengri, (Dimapur) 2½ Bighas 2. Industrial Colony, (Tizit) 120 x 100 sq. ft.


panies (ARCs), which has been low at an average of 36 per cent and resolution taking about five years, as timely recovery remains key to long-term sustainability of ARCs. According to the study, “effective implementation of the code will help in preserving the value of asset and faster resolution, so that ARCs will be able to churn capital faster and enhance returns”. “It will also attract investments into the distressed assets space, open up new avenues for ARCs and help them participate in the huge market for NPAs.” Assocham further said this code will aid development of corporate bond market. “With greater certainty of outcome and faster resolutions expected because of the code, the interest of both domestic and foreign investors in lower-rated paper will increase over a period of time,” it said. “Strong bankruptcy code can strengthen creditor rights and can lead to deepening of bond markets.” Moreover, combined with other ongoing structural reforms, the code is expected to improve India’s Ease of Doing Business and Global Competitiveness rankings significantly. “With the implementation of the code, India’s position in World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business ranking will improve, attracting more foreign investors,” the study noted.

GDP to fall by up to 80 bps, says DBS




New Delhi, Nov 21 (IANS): Proper implementation of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 can potentially free about Rs 25,000 crore capital locked up as non-performing assets (NPAs), or bad loans, over the next four-five years, Assocham said on Monday. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) made the observation citing a study, “Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016: A Game Changer”, which it conducted jointly with rating agency Crisil. In a statement, it said: “If implemented successfully, the code will help India’s banking sector catch up with or even exceed the recovery rate of 32 per cent and average time taken of 2.8 years in other emerging markets.” The released capital can be deployed for other productive lending which, in turn, could help in credit expansion, the report said. The code will also help foster better credit discipline, it said. “The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has already tightened norms for wilful defaulters which, together with implementation of the code, will enhance recoveries from such borrowers and improve overall credit discipline,” the report said. Assocham also said that the legislation could improve recovery rate of asset reconstruction com-


Rs. 140 per sq. ft. (Negotiable) Contact : 8414851577 8415007696 DP-9428

The Reserve Bank of India has quashed all the rumours of fake Rs 10 coins in circulation, and has said that public can continue to accept coins of this denomination as legal tender without doubt or suspicion. “It has been reported that some less-informed or uninformed persons who suspect the genuineness of such coins are creating doubts in the minds of ordinary people including traders, shop-keepers, etc., impeding the circulation of these coins in certain pockets of the country causing avoidable confusion”, RBI said in a statement on Sunday. It added that, “As coins remain in circulation for longer periods, it is quite possible that coins of different designs and even shapes are circulating at the same time. One such change is introduction of ‘Rupee symbol’ in coins in July 2011. An instance of this is the ` 10 coins with rupee symbol and the same denomination coin without rupee symbol. Both of them are legal tender and equally good for transactions, though they may look a little different.” The Reserve Bank has come out with clarification as reports of fake Rs 10 coins in circulation were found in some sections of media. Some instances of common public refusing to accept these coins were also reported.


120 x 120 Near Khushaibill Power House

repay dues in time because of ongoing demonetisation drive.” For many of them, EMIs are due in the first half of the month, so the relaxation will help keep account standard even when the payment is not received, he said. Neither borrowers’ credit score is impacted negatively due to non-payment nor financial institutions have to make additional provisions for sub-standard account, he added.

No Rs 10 fake coins in circulation



said. The demonetisation of higher value currency notes has affected normal banking activities including clearing of cheques. Besides, borrowers are unable to get payments from their creditors due to various restrictions including cash withdrawal limit of Rs 24,000 per week, limiting their options to repay their dues. DHFL Chief Executive Officer Harshil Mehta said, “It is a welcome move by the RBI as many customers have expressed their inability to


Mumbai, Nov 21 (PTI): In view of cash crunch being faced by borrowers, the RBI today provided additional 60 days for repayment of housing, car, farm and other loans worth up to Rs 1 crore. This is applicable to loans payable between November 1 and December 31, the RBI said in a notification. “... it has been decided to provide an additional 60 days beyond what is applicable for the concerned regulated entity for recognition of a loan account as substandard,” it said. The above relaxation is available to entities running working capital accounts with any bank with the sanctioned limit of Rs 1 crore or less. Term loans, whether business or personal, secured or otherwise, the original sanctioned amount of Rs 1 crore or less, on the books of any bank or any NBFC, including NBFC (MFI) would also get benefit of this relaxation. This will also include housing loans and agriculture loans, it said. The apex bank further said that all regulated financial institutions should note that this is a short-term deferment of classification as substandard due to delay in payment of dues arising during the period specified above and does not result in restructuring of the loans. “Dues payable before November 1 and after December 31, 2016, will be covered by the extant instruction for the respective regulated entity with regard to recognition of NPAs,” it

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Tuesday, november 22, 2016

Bankruptcy Code can unlock Rs 25,000 cr in NPAs in 5 yrs


Borrowers get additional 60 days to repay loans: RBI




After successful training and placement of previous Batches, fresh applications are invited for admission to job oriented residential training programme in Delhi for unemployed youth. Salary : 10000 to 20000 PM. Course : Customer Service & Communication Skills. Eligibility : 12th Pass. Contact : 8800394950/52 DP-9427(A)


Meluri Town Dist. Phek, Nagaland VACANCY TEACHERS 1. B.Sc : 1 post 2. M.A : 1 post Salary Negotiable Contact: Chairman, Managing Broad (CMS) 9612035251, Kohima based broad member K-4253 (CMS) 9402484028. AFFIDAVIT (Rectification/ Correction of Name) I, Smti JANRONI PATTON alias JANRONI D/o Shri/Late CHUNGIRAO PATTON Resident of H/No. 531 Lerie Colony Kohima, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare an oath as follows: 1. That in some of my important documents my name has been recorded as JANRONI PATTON and in some other important documents recorded as JANRONI hence the stated name JANRONI PATTON and JANRONI represent the same person having single identity i.e myself. 2. That henceforth I herewith rectified the same and declare that my name is JANRONI PATTON for all official and references. Vide affidavit No. 13550/16 Dated: 18/10/16 Deponent K-4252


NO.DC/IDL-12/2014/1274 Dt. 17th Nov. 2016 Shri. Ciekroveyi of Chizami Town has applied for issue of Succession Certificate under the Indian Succession Act 1925 in order to claim of pension and saving account in respect of his deceased wife Smti. Wetelo-u Luruo retired Primary Teacher under Education Department Chizami who expired on 28-10-2016. 1. It is hereby notified that, if anybody has any complaint against the succession, he/she may lodge complaint to this office within a period of 1 (one) month from the date of this notification 2. No further complaint shall be entertained after the stipulated period and shall be considered that there is no objection. MUROHU CHOTSO K-4259 Deputy Commissioner, Phek : Nagaland


PUBLIC NOTICE No.DC/JDL-12/2014/1273

Dated Phek, the 17th Nov. 2016

Smti. Huvesalu has applied for Succession Certificate under the Indian Succession Act 1925 in order to claim of Pension Benefits and Transfer of SBI Account in respect of her deceased Husband Sri. Dusahu retired Duftry under Education Department Phek Town, who expired on 09-08-2016. 1. It is hereby notified that, if anybody has any complaint against the Succession, he/she may lodge complaint to this office within a period of 1 (one) month from the date of this notification. 2. No further complaint shall be entertained after the stipulated period and shall be considered that there is no objection. DP-9445

(MUROHU CHOTSO) Deputy Commissioner Phek : Nagaland



Nagaland Post, Dimapur tuesday, November 22, 2016

Pope authorises priests to S Korea’s opposition parties move against Park grant absolution for abortion

Vatican CITY, NOV 21 (Agencies): Pope Francis has extended the powers of Catholic priests to forgive abortions, making the announcement in an apostolic letter released Monday. It continues a special dispensation granted last year for the duration of the Year of Mercy, which finished Sunday.

“I wish to restate as firmly as I can that abortion is a grave sin, since it puts an end to an innocent life. In the same way, however, I can and must state that there is no sin that God’s mercy cannot reach and wipe away when it finds a repentant heart seeking to be reconciled with the Father,” the letter states. “May every priest,

Erdogan calls for UN overhaul Istanbul, NOV 21 (Agencies): Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for an overhaul of the United Nations on Monday, saying its Security Council had failed to address the Syria conflict and other global challenges. E r d o g a n g ave a n unabashed speech in Istanbul at the closing of a NATO meeting, where he slammed the Security Council’s concentration of power, reiterating that “the world is bigger than five.” “There are so many countries. There are five permanent members of the Security Council and one of those five permanent members can make a decision that binds the rest of

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

the world. That is not fair, that is not just,” Erdogan said. The Security Council was widely criticized for its inaction in the earlier years of the Syrian war, which broke out during the Arab Spring in 2011. The first US-led air strikes took place in September 2014. “To achieve interna-

tional peace and security, it’s going to be very difficult, and perhaps fail if the United Nations is not restructured,” Erdogan said. “The United Nations was formed at the end of World War II and we cannot continue to manage this world with an organization that old.” Erdogan also took the opportunity to call on world powers to stop supporting “terrorist organizations,” including the Kurdish People’s Protection Unit (YPG). The US calls the YPG a “moderate rebel group” and has given it military support and arms through the Syrian Democratic Forces alliance fighting ISIS militants.

Kabul mosque suicide attack kills dozens

Kabul, NOV 21 (Agencies): A suicide bomber has killed at least 27 people at a Shia Muslim mosque in the Afghan capital Kabul, police say. At least 35 more people were wounded in the blast at the Baqir ul Olum mosque in the west of the city. The attack came as worshippers gathered for a religious ceremony. So-called Islamic State (IS) said that it was behind the blast. It is the latest of several recent attacks on Afghanistan’s Shia community claimed by the Sunni Muslim militant group. Monday’s bombing took place at lunchtime (08:00 GMT) during a service to commemorate the death of Imam Hussein, the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson and a Shia martyr. Officials said the attacker was on foot and blew himself up among crowds inside the building. Eyewitnesses said the

service was almost over when the bomb was detonated. “I was inside the mosque and the Mullah was reading the prayer,” Ewaz Ali, 50, who suffered minor injuries, told the Associated Press news agency. “Suddenly a huge explosion happened, then everywhere was dark.” Another worshipper, Nadir Ali, told AFP news agency the blast had created a cloud of dust: “When the dust settled down, I saw the mosque was full of flesh and blood. I was injured in my waist and had to crawl out of the mosque.” Local reports suggested children were among the dead. There has not been a proper census for more than 40 years, but it is estimated that around 20% of the Afghan population are Shia Muslims - the rest are Sunni. Most Shia Muslims come from the Tajik and Hazara ethnic minorities.

around the world would be authorized to forgive the “sin of abortion” for the duration of the Church’s Year of Mercy, which ran from December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016. “The forgiveness of God cannot be denied to one who has repented,” he said at the time, expressing sympathy for women who had been through the “agonizing and painful” decision to terminate their pregnancy. In some regions, such as in the US, many priests already had the power to forgive abortion. Vatican officials described the announcement last year as “a widening of the church’s mercy.” Church officials had indicated at the time that it was possible that Pope Francis would opt to allow the changed policy to continue in perpetuity, as he has now done.

Park’s close friend Choi Soon-sil and former presidential aide An Chongbum have been charged with abuse of power by pressuring companies to contribute funds to foundations at the centre of the scandal. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Seoul on Saturday in the fourth straight weekend of protests against Park, in the biggest public demonstrations the country has seen since the 1980s. Park, who’s five-year term ends in February 2018,



NOTIFICATION Dated Kohima, the 21st Nov’2016 NO.LAW/MISC-26/2016 :: In supersession of this Department’s letter of even number dated 18/11/2016, the speed test and written exam for the Stenos and LDA-cum-Computer Assistant under the Department of Justice & Law is hereby postponed due to technical reasons till further order. Sd/(KHANRINLA T. KOZA) Secretary to the Govt. of Nagaland DC-



Government of India Ministry of Science & Technology Department of Scientific & Industrial Research

With reference to the Commission’s Advertisement No. NPSC-4/2016 dated. 19.10.2016, the following Corrigendum/Notification shall be made as mentioned below:-

Department of Scientific & Industrial Research under its programme :


Dated Kohima, the 21st November, 2016

Item No.7 (c): 1 (one) post of JE (MIS) (Class–II Gazetted) under Power Department. This is to notify that candidates possessing Diploma/Degree in Information Technology may also apply for the post for Item No. 7(c) vide department letter NO.PWR/ESTT-43/2010 dated 10th November 2016. The last date for receiving application online is 29th Nov 2016. Applications from candidates having Diploma/Degree in Information Technology only will be accepted. Item No.13: 2 (two) posts of District Sports Officer (Class-II Gazetted) under Youth Resources & Sports Department has been upgraded and may now be read as (Class-I Gazetted) (Jr) in the Pay band of Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- and not as mentioned earlier vide Department Notification NO.YRS/ESTT-18/2013(pt) dated 19th Sept. 2016. Item No. 21: 1 (one) post of Computer Programmer (Grade-III NonGazetted) under Municipal Affairs Department should be read as requisitioned by the Municipal Affairs Department for the State Election Commission and not as mentioned earlier as requested by the department vide letter No.MA-24/2016(B) dated 27th October 2016. With reference to the Commission’s Advertisement No. NPSC-1/2015 dated. 13th March.2015 and addendum/corrigendum dated 27-05-2015 the following Corrigendum/Notification shall be made as mentioned below:Item No. 17(a): 1(one) post of Imaging Technical Officer (Class-I Gazetted) under Health & Family Welfare department has been downgraded and may now be read as (Class-II Gazetted) and not as mentioned earlier Vide Department letter No.HFW(A)Appt13/2012/202 Dated 7th October 2016. This is also to notify all the candidates who have applied for the post of Imaging Technical Officer that the written examination for the post, which was kept in abeyance will now be notified at a later date.



SEOUL, NOV 21 (Agencies): South Korea’s opposition People’s Party will start collecting signatures for an impeachment motion against President Park Geun-hye, while the main opposition Democratic Party will review the conditions for impeachment, party spokesmen said on Monday. South Korean prosecutors said on Sunday they believe Park was an accomplice in an influencepeddling scandal that has rocked her administration.

Lee Yong-ho. An impeachment motion requires at least half of the parliament to start and needs a two-thirds majority to pass. If an impeachment motion passes parliament, it is reviewed by the Constitutional Court, which has to confirm it with at least six of its nine judges. Political analysts say an impeachment motion against Park has a good chance of passing.

(KHRUPI SOTHU) Secretary Nagaland Public Service Commission Kohima.


PROMOTING INNOVATIONS IN INDIVIDUALS, START-UPS & MSME'S (PRISM) PRISM along with its network partners provides grants, technical guidance and mentoring to individual innovators by incubating their idea towards creation of new enterprise in phases. Proposals for financial support are invited from individual innovators to convert an original idea/invention/ know-how into working prototype/processes Thrust Areas : Green Technology, Clean Energy, Industrially Utilizable Smart Materials, Waste to Wealth, Affordable Healthcare, Water & Sewage Management and any other Technology or Knowledge Intensive Area. Guidelines for submission of Applications :  The prescribed guidelines and application format can be downloaded from the website  PRISM works in a network mode with several outreach cum innovation centers spread across with country. Addresses of TePP Outreach cum Cluster Innovation Centres (TOCICs) with name of coordinator and contact details may be seen at DSIR website All centres provide counseling and mentoring, some provide incubation facilities too.  The eligible applicants should submit a hard copy of the application complete in all respect preferably to the nearest TePP Outreach cum Cluster Innovation Centre within 45 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.  The decision of the department on the proposal will be final. No correspondence shall be entertained on the rejected proposal. N.B : For reaching to PRISM guidelines. Application format & List of Outreach Centres, the applicant may first reach to Current Programmes PRISM. For any query of further details contact : The Head, Promoting Innovations in Individuals, Start-ups and MSMEs (PRISM) Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road New Delhi -110016, Phone : 011-26590394; Email:;

davp 36201/11/0001/1617

Pope Francis

therefore, be a guide, support and comfort to penitents on this journey of special reconciliation,” the letter continues. “I henceforth grant to all priests, in virtue of their ministry, the faculty to absolve those who have committed the sin of procured abortion.” The Catholic Church has long held that abortion is a grave “moral evil,” with the Church’s strong position on the issue driving many Catholic pro-life groups. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that every human life “from the moment of conception until death is sacred” -- and that any Catholic who procures an abortion incurs automatic excommunication, a penalty that often only a bishop can lift. But Pope Francis announced a shift last year when he said that priests

has resisted calls to resign but has apologised twice, saying she only sought to benefit the economy not herself, but acknowledges carelessness in her ties with Choi. The People’s Party, with 38 seats in the singlechamber 300-member parliament, has started efforts to remove Park from office and will talk with other parties to get signatures for an impeachment motion, Demonstrations in Seoul against President Park said a party spokesman Geun-hye.




Nagaland Post, Dimapur tuesday, November 22, 2016

8th Music Awards of Nagaland 2016 Nominees

Along JamirThere for you (P1)

Ato Nienu-Jihovah Medo (GL1), I Miss You (P2)

Buhiu B. LamLove for Our World (PD5)

Dahil PfithuGive Me Love (G1)

Hentick KonyakTeri Yaadein (PL1)

Joseph KonyakKaisa Nasha (PL2)

Kennedy ChiruYou’re Everything (HR3)

Kezie SemyWalk In (G2)

TiawatiSometimes (RA5)

Kubanglung PamieSpotlight (P3)

Lee MekheLights (HR1)

VirieMy Summer (P7)

Muno Shiu-Rise and Walk (G3)-Like the Stars (P4)

Ruokuo-Will Never See You Again (P5)

Samuel ThabahIts only Love (G4)

Senti Longchar (DK)Just for you (P6)

Sorenthung KikonA blessing to Everyone (G5)

Toshimoa JamirGetting Into It (IN1)

90’s Charisma-Start All Over (PD4)


Green Apple-Worth Special (RA1)

Made in July-Got a bad feeling (RA2, PD1)

Manacle Free-Not Enough (PD2)

he above artistes are the nominees who will be vying for the coveted awards in various genres of 8th edition of the Music Awards of Nagaland which will be held as part of the annual Hornbill Festival 2016. Codes: Gospel – G, Gospel (Local Dialects) – GL, Rock (Alternative) – RA, Rock (Metal/Heavy) – RM, Pop (Solo) – P, Pop (Hindi & Local Dialects) – PL, Pop (Duo or Group) – PD, Hip Hop/ Rap – HR, Instrumental/EDM – IN. (To be concluded)

Mayangtsa-Tongpangji Akoktsü (GL2), Kü Meimla (RM1), Nükmerem (RM2), Tesayur (PL3), Floating Elsewhere (IN2)




halom Bible Seminary (Sechü-Zubza) organised its annual Young and Christian concert (the fifth season) on November 18 at the college amphitheatre. This concert was aimed at providing a platform for Christian bands (within the state) to perform. Through the concert,

Mr Smile-Once Again showing at Town Hall

The Gluttones

the Shalom community seeks to send out a positive message to young people towards being committed Christians. This year the bands that performed at the concert were The Gluttones (Dimapur), Powerfaith (Kohima), Project Psaltery (Chakhesang Baptist Church, Ministers’ Hill Kohima) and the Shalom student band.

The concert also featured the Taste of Asia buffet which highlighted the diversity of the Shalom community with members of the student body coming forward to prepare selected items from their cultural cuisine.


The Young and Christian concert 2016 held at Zubza

2 months old. Vaccinated with Record Book. Contact : +918974028371. Dimapur.


Public College of Commerce, Dimapur held its Alumni Meet on 19/11/2016 wherein about 70 alumni have participated, interacted and formed an Alumni Association with 13 members including 05 Advisors. The programme started with a key note address by the Principal, Mr. A.K. Talukder, followed by speeches from faculty and alumni. Mr. D. Baruah, Academic Dean of the college chaired the programme. DP-9430





agamese comedy movie, Mr SmileOnce Again, produced by Livemaster Productions, was screened at Town Hall, Dimapur, Monday. The screening will be held till November 24, two shows every night with the first one starting at 5 p.m. and the second one at 7 p.m. The screening of Nagamese movie in theatre like set-up which was a first of its kind attracted avid Mr Smile lovers from different parts of the city. Movie goers were seeing enjoying the comedy movie filled with funny dialogues and entertaining scenes. Film industry in North Eastern states like Manipur and Assam are booming but Nagaland is yet to pick up the pace. Still, the production level of Mr Smile-Once Again has definitely progressed especially in editing and picture quality. The production team has urged public support in its endeavour. (Staff Reporter) K


Juventus striker Higuain ruled out of Sevilla clash Turin, Nov 21 (IANS): A left thigh injury has ruled out Juventus striker Gonzalo Higuain from the crucial Champions League group stage clash against Spanish football club Sevilla on Tuesday. Juventus are already without the injured forward duo of Paulo Dybala and Marko Pjaca. And with Higuain also injured, thanks to an injury during their 3-0 win over Pescara in the Serie A on Saturday, the Turin heavyweights are only left with a sole fit striker in Croatian Mario Mandzukic. The 28-year-old Argentine skipped the group training on Monday. “The forward’s condition will be monitored closely over the coming days,” Juventus said in their website. Italian media reported that Juventus head coach Massimiliano Allegri could deploy Colombian winger Juan Cuadrado and Brazilian left winger Alex Sandro beside Mandzukic as the centre forward. Allegri also has an option in attack in teenager Moise Kean but he is unlikely to be paired up with Mandzukic. The 16-year-old Kean on Saturday made history by becoming the first footballer born in the year 2000 or later to play in any of top four European leagues of Serie A, English Premier League (EPL), German Bundesliga and Spanish La Liga. K Y M C

Hackers leaked fake data of athletes: WADA M o s c ow, N ov 2 1 (IANS): The information on the Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs), provided by the World AntiDoping Agency (WADA), was modified by hacking group named Fancy Bears before they leaked on the web, WADA Medical Director Alan Vernec has said. Since September 13, the Fancy Bears hacking collective leaked at least six batches of WADA confidential medical records, including TUE, reports

Sputnik. The athletes given TUEs include Rafael Nadal, Venus and Serena Williams and four-time Rio Olympics gold medallist Simone Biles, among others. “WADA Medical Director Alan Vernec confirms to Foundation Board that many of the TUEs leaked by Fancy Bears had been modified,” WADA stated via its Twitter account. According to World Anti-Doping Agency press

service, Vernec said that only one percent of the 11,303 athletes, taking part in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, had TUEs. “ N o ev i d e n c e o f abuse of system,” World Anti-Doping Agency said, citing its medical director. The World Anti-Doping Agency Foundation Board meeting, aimed at discussing the future of the world anti-doping system, took place place in the Scottish city of Glasgow on Sunday.

D I M A P U R , N OV 21(NPN): Team Taurus, a renowned basketball team from Kohima has announced that it will be organizing a Men Winter Basketball Tournament, to be held from December 19 to 21 at Northfield School ground. Application for ms for participation will be available at Active Station, Highschool Road, Kohima and Universal Traders (UT), Main Town, Kohima. Interested teams or individuals can contact 7005-00-2800 or 7005-04-5859 for more information.

New Delhi, Nov 21 (IANS): The R.M. Lodha committee on Monday recommended the sacking of all office bearers of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and its state associations while also suggesting the appointment of former Home Secretary G.K. Pillai as an observer in the apex body. In a fresh status report filed to the Supreme Court, the panel asked that Pillai be appointed as observer with power to appoint an auditor, and guide the BCCI administration, particularly on the award of contracts and on transparency. The recommendations by the SCappointed Lodha Committee are the latest development

of Lt. R.Ketsore Mekro

L o nd o n , N o v 2 1 (Agencies): Pep Guardiola says Manchester City have no chance of winning the Premier League title if they keep playing like they did at Crystal Palace on Saturday. City won 2-1 at Selhurst Park, thanks to a Yaya Toure double, to ensure they capitalised on draws by Liverpool and Arsenal to sit a point behind Chelsea at the top of the table. But victory only came after Connor Wickham had equalised and threatened to condemn the Blues to a fourth 1-1 draw from their last five games. Guardiola’s side have drawn their three most recent home games by that scoreline despite dominating each match, and while the Catalan was impressed

Pep Guardiola

with the spirit shown to win a difficult away game in south London, there was a sense of frustration that his team have dropped points while playing well but won while playing badly. “Football is something… I said to my players, the frustration for coaches is to discover the secrets of this game,” he said. “Sometimes it’s so difficult because you think about

Mr. Hoto (Balie) 22.11.2012

When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.

playing at home - against Everton, Southampton and Middlesbrough we played better and we are not able to win.” “And you go to Stoke City, you go to West Brom and [Crystal Palace], and I know from the people who have told me how difficult these kind of away games are, and we are able to win. I want to be honest with you, in that way we are going to be far away, in that way we are not going to win the titles, in the way we

22.11.2015 – 16

With love, Mom, dad, sisters, nieces, nephews and loved ones

played.” “The players know that because they play really, really good [before] and they know that playing that way we can achieve our targets. So we cannot forget that a few weeks ago we [beat] the best team in Europe (Barcelona), but there are games during the season, like [here] after the international break, that you are not brilliant. “We spoke about that at half-time: we are not brilliant and in the second half we will not be brilliant.”

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT John 4:27 – “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” We the bereaved family members of Lt. TONGPANG SHILU AO would like to express our profound gratitude and heartful appreciation to each and every individual, churches and organizations who stood by us Born on:- 18-04-1970 physically, materially, financially and Died on:- 15-11-2016 spiritually during the brief illness and at the sad demise of our beloved father. We extend our deepest thanks to:1. S.P Kohima 2. All ranks and files, DEF Kohima 3. Ao Baptist Church, Diphupar 4. Ao Senso Telongjem, Diphupar 5. Angami Baptist Church, Diphupar ‘B’. We deeply regret our inability to mention and thank each and everyone individually but it is our sincere prayer that, Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving wife, daughters and family members

You will always in our hearts... because in there you are still alive.

“The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from the time forth, and even forever more”. Psalms 121:8 May the Lord always keep your lamp burning as you considered Jesus Christ to be your Savior. May He watch over you until we meet again. Do intercede for us to be with you in heaven one day. Loving wife, daughters, sons, in-laws & grandchildren. K-4250

with,” the Lodha panel’s status report said. The panel also directed BCCI Chief Executive Officer Rahul Johri to look after all administrative and management matters of the board. “Direct that all administrative and management matters be carried out by the CEO of the BCCI without advertence to the Office Bearers.” “Appointment of G.K. Pillai, former Union Home Secretary, as the Observer of the BCCI to supervise the administration of the BCCI by the CEO and empower the Committee to appoint all necessary secretarial staff, assistance and fix remuneration as may be determined appropriate,” the report further added.

Man City can forget title: Guardiola

4th Death Anniversary of


in the ongoing stand-off between the apex court and the Anurag Thakur-led national cricket board over the running of the game in the country. The latest report makes a mention of “continued non-compliance by the office bearers of the BCCI”. “Direct and declare that all office-bearers of the BCCI and the state associations who are disqualified by virtue of the norms at Para 4 (above 70, Minister or government servant, holding a post in any other sports body, has been a BCCI office-bearer for a cumulative period of nine years or has been charged by a court for criminal offence) above cease to hold office forth-


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Born in : 1919 – Died on : 17th Nov. 2016

Words are inadequate to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who stood by us physically, materially, financially and through prayers at the demise of our beloved Lt. Zhevili Chishi, who left us for heavenly abode on 17th Nov. 2016. We greatly appreciate your love and friendship for the expressions of sympathy and all help provided to us during our moment of sorrow. Though we are unable to thank each of you personally, it is our sincere prayer that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. DP-9437

Loving children, grandchildren and relatives.


We, the bereaved family of Lt. Renchano Odyuo, who passed away on 17th Nov. 2016, would like to express our profound and heartfelt thanks and gratitude to each and every individual, f a m i l y, f r i e n d s , neighbours and well wishers who stood and supported us physically and financially. We r e g r e t o u r inability to thank each and everyone of you individually but pray that our God Almighty bless you for the noble deeds and love shown to us during our darkest hour.

Born in : 1932 – Died on : 03/11/2016

With profound gratitude, we the family of Late Mr. Tseilievi Sogotso, acknowledge the concern shown to us by all individuals, churches, unions, neighbours and friends during his illness and at the sudden demise on 3rd Nov. 2016. Though we are unable to thank everyone, we pray that Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Our special thanks to : 1) C.R.C Sovima 2) C.Y.E Sovima 3) B.K.K Sovima 4) Village Council Sovima 5) Village G.B Sovima 6) Sovima Youth Organization 7) Sonuo Krotho (Society) 6th Mile Sovima 8) Govt. High School Sovima staff 9) Nuopupuo Society Sovima 10) Women Society Sovima 11) Rengma Community Sovima 12) Nehemiah Bible College Uri Village 13) Noune Society 14) Chiecha Kuda Union 15) Sogotsu Maipfii Krotho 16) Khriezephe Council 17) Kuda Chiechamiapfii Krotho 18) Sodzulhou Village Council. Loving Family members. DP-9419



M a drid, N ov 2 1 (IANS): Germany’s Angelique Kerber managed to end 2016 on top of the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) singles rankings released on Monday, ahead of US Open runnerup Serena Williams. The German has been leading the rankings since September 12 after she claimed the titles of the US Open and the Australian Open, in addition to winning a silver medal at the Olympic Games, reports Efe. Kerber is the second German to top the WTA rankings after her compatriot Steffi Graf, who finished the season eight times as number one between 1987 and 1996. WTA rankings 1. Angelique Kerber 2. Serena Williams 3. Agnieszka Radwanska 4. Simona Halep 5. Dominika Cibulkova 6. Karolina Pliskova 7. Garbiñe Muguruza 8. Madison Keys 9. Svetlana Kuznetsova 10. Johanna Konta

we will bid for the FIFA Under-20 World Cup. We have told the FIFA Competitions Committee that we are keen to host the event at the earliest available opportunity in 2019, and this will further give a boost to our grassroots initiatives,” the AIFF chief told website www.Sc.Qa. Patel said the hosting of FIFA Under-20 World Cup will help in facilitating the continued development of the next generation of Indian footballers. He said India must ensure that ‘right steps’ were taken as it targets qualification for the 2022 FIFA

refurbishment. “There has been intense focus on these areas by the AIFF helped by the AFC. Corporates have started putting money into football over the last few years and this is starting to pay dividends,” he said. “The prime example is the historic run of threeyear-old club Bengaluru FC in the AFC Cup and the global appeal of the Indian Super League. Winning the Under-17 World Cup hosting rights has sparked the interest of the Indian government in the development of the sport. “Bengaluru’s historic feat of finishing as runner up in the AFC Cup and the fighting display of our Under-16 national team against traditional Asian powerhouses Saudi Arabia and UAE in September’s AFC Under-16 Championships in Goa have illustrated that Indian football has begun to find its feet again,” said Patel.

Dismiss BCCI top brass: Lodha Panel


Kerber ends 2016 on top of women’s tennis rankings

Praful Patel

World Cup in Qatar. “We will aspire towards qualifying for the 2022 World Cup because of the support our national team is going to receive and will need to ensure that right steps are taken towards realising this objective,” said Patel, who is also an AFC Vice President. “Many of the current Under-16 boys will be a well-knit group and will be ready for national team duty in time for the 2022 World Cup qualifiers, which will start around the same time. “Indian football’s further growth will be of direct long-term to Qatar football, including the successful hosting of the 2022 World Cup (by Qatar). Patel said there has been a turnaround in the fortunes of Indian football and this can be attributed to the emphasis placed on youth scouting, and the investment flowing into sectors such as grassroots development, infrastructure building and

Men Winter Basketball Tournament


AIFF will bid for U-20 WC: Patel

Doha, Nov 21 (PTI): All India Football Federation President Praful Patel has said that India will bid for the Under-20 FIFA World Cup in the next few years as part of its drive to further develop the game in the country. India is hosting the Under-17 FIFA World Cup next year and Patel said the progress made and publicity gained since winning the rights to host the Under-17 global event for the first time will help in bidding for the Under-20 FIFA World Cup. “Under-17 World Cup next year will be the defining moment of Indian football. We have had intense focus on the Under-16 and Under-17 age-groups and will ensure the national team spends the next few years training and playing together,” Patel said. “They will give their best during the Under-17 World Cup next year and following the tournament



Nagaland Post, Dimapur tuesday, november 22, 2016

Loving sons, daughters, in-laws, grandchildren and family members. K Y M C


Spinners bowl India to 1-0 series lead

Visakhapatnam: Indian players during the last day of the 2nd Test match against England in Visakhapatnam on Monday. (PTI)

Visakhapatnam, Nov 21 (IANS): India rode on a superb bowling performance to beat England by 246 runs in the second cricket Test at the ACA-VDCA Stadium here on Monday, to lead the five-match series 1-0. Chasing 405, England lost wickets at frequent intervals on the fifth and final day to end their second innings at 158. Rookie off-spinner Jayant Yadav enjoyed a memorable Test debut with figures of 3-30 while star off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin also bagged three wickets. Fast bowler Mohammed Shami and left-arm pacer Ravindra Jadeja claimed two wickets each. England skipper Alistair Cook top scored for his team with 54 runs. Jonny Bairstow remained unbeaten on 34. India captain Virat Kohli, who has been in excellent form with the bat in recent times, was adjudged the Man of the Match. Kohli had scored 167

runs in the first innings and 81 in the second. Ashwin was the most successful among the Indian bowlers with a total of eight wickets in the match. Resuming at the overnight score of 87/2, England lost Ben Duckett in only the sixth over of the day. The left-hander went for a sweep off an Ashwin delivery but was outfoxed by the extra bounce as the ball looped up for an easy catch to wicketkeeper Wriddhiman Saha. Duckett’s dismissal triggered a middle-order collapse for England. Moeen Ali was the next to go, defending patiently to score a mere two runs off 31 balls before Jadeja induced an edge to Virat Kohli at backward short leg. Ben Stokes joined Root in the middle and continued with the English strategy of adopting an overtly defensive strategy in a desperate bid to stave off defeat. He battled for 33 deliveries for his six runs but Jayant Yadav put an end to

his innings with a delivery that turned in sharply after pitching and beat the outside edge before crashing into the stumps. England suffered another crucial in the very next over when Joe Root also went back to the pavilion. Root, who lasted 107 deliveries for his 25 runs, was trapped leg before by an inswinger from Shami. Shami also dismissed Adil Rashid with a shortpitched delivery just before lunch and an Indian win was only a matter of time from there. The third Test begins at Mohali on November 26. Brief Scores: England 158 (Cook 54; Jayant 3/30 Ashwin 3/52) and 255 lost to India 204 and 455 by 246 runs

England players await daily allowances

It’s been 18 days that the England cricket team is in India and the squad members are yet to receive daily allowances from the BCCI since the Memo-

IMT friendship motor rally reaches Kohima

Participants of the car rally with YRS officials and MTF members at Kohima local on Monday evening. (NP).


Kohima, Nov 21 (NPN): The India, Myanmar, Thailand Friendship Motor Rally which started from New Delhi on November 13 reached Kohima Monday evening. The department of youth resources and sports, MTF, state lotteries Nagaland led by its parliamentary secretary Khriehu Liezietsu accorded a warm welcome to the participants on arriving at the Kohima

Nagaland Post, Dimapur tuesday, november 22, 2016


local ground. The rally is being sponsored by Mahindra (10 cars) and Tata company (10 cars) in collaboration with National Highway Authority of India (NHAI). Twenty cars and around 80 persons that reached Kohima would be joined by two more cars from Nagaland before heading to Myanmar via Moreh. Some participants lamented at the road conditions in Nagaland while

interacting with media persons. “Here people and places are beautiful and I wish if the same was with the road also,” said a participant. The team is also accompanied by NHAI members and media persons to experience and to know the ground reality. On Tuesday, chief minister T.R. Zeliang would flag off the car rally. The rally team would reach Bangkok (Thailand) on December 2.

randum of Understanding (MoU), which covers this payment, is yet to be signed by the two Boards. While the Supreme Court has sanctioned Rs 58.6 lakhs (approximately) per match for the organisation of the first three Tests, it does not include the daily allowance, which is subject to clauses of the MoU. While there hasn’t been major inconveniences for the England team but the recent demonetisation drive by the Indian government has indirectly affected them as the limited supply of legal tender (notes) they have with them is drying up. “Yes, England team is yet to receive any allowances from the BCCI,” an England insider told PTI on conditions of anonymity. Each of the England squad member is supposed to be paid 50 pounds sterling per day which is Rs 4200 approximately as per current exchange rate. It has been learnt that the match officials have been paid their daily allowances as well as the Indian players. When asked how are the England squad members managing, the source said: “The players and support staff are mainly doing transaction through credit card and there was some limited cash (Indian currency) that was provided to them by the manager.” While the cash crunch due to demonetisation has affected the whole country, the England team is also facing the brunt admitted the source.

Rooney dropped for being too slow: Mourinho L o n d o n, N ov 2 1 (Agencies): Jose Mourinho has suggested that Wayne Rooney missed out on a place in Manchester United’s starting XI against Arsenal because he is too slow. The Red Devils shuffled their pack for a home date with the Gunners – with some of those selection calls enforced, and others more tactical. Wayne Rooney was among those left on the bench, with Jose Mourinho favouring Juan Mata, Anthony Mar tial and Marcus Rashford in the final third. The England captain had endured a tough week in the build-up to the Old Trafford clash, having been pictured drunk while on international duty and nursing a slight knock upon his return to club action. Mourinho, though, has revealed that goings on off the field had no bearing on his line-up, with pace preferred to experience. “I thought we were going to have the ball,” said the Portuguese coach. “Arsenal are a team who let the opponents play. I thought we would have space and the ball would arrive quite easily to the attacking players.” “I believed ones like Juan Mata, Anthony Martial and Marcus Rashford were faster than Wayne — better attacking opponents one-to-one in the last line. I thought it was the best option,” said the former Chelsea manager.

Costa fires Blues to top of Premier League

Diego Costa is congratulated by his team-mates, including David Luiz (left), following his first-half strike.

L o n d o n, N ov 2 1 (Agencies): A first-half Diego Costa strike sent Chelsea to the summit of the Premier League with a 1-0 win over Middlesbrough at the Riverside stadium. The former Atletico Madrid player instinctively put away his effort from close-range after poor Middlesbrough defending allowed the Spanish international to stroke home in the 41st minute for his tenth of the season. Chelsea rarely looked in trouble throughout the 90 minutes and with another instrumental display from Eden Hazard and co, there is little reason to doubt they can go on to claim another league title. Despite the hosts starting the game on the frontfoot, Chelsea grew into the tie and created the first opportunity in the 28th minute when Victor Moses

played in Pedro who produced a world-class save from Victor Valdes. The former Barcelona goalkeeper was called into action again ten minutes later, after N’Golo Kanté’s through ball found the impressive Marcos Alonso whose shot was bravely stopped at the Portuguese’s near-post. Antonio Conte’s side were quick out of the blocks in the second-half and the Pensioners could have doubled their advantage 30 seconds in when the influential Eden Hazard played in Alonso whose shot was once again met by the stubborn Valdes. Middlesbrough showed little sign of revival until the 55th minute when a clever dummy from Alfredo Negredo left Gaston Ramirez unmarked, but the former Southampton man smashed his shot some distance wide of the

target. The crossbar came to Aitor Karanka’s men’s rescue in the 63rd minute when Costa headed back towards Pedro whose shot was only denied by the woodwork in what would have being a contender for goal of the season. Middlesbrough were denied a late equaliser after Negredo produced a wonderful flick before forcing a great save from the otherwise under-worked Thibaut Courtois. Chelsea have now won six on the bounce in the Premier League and will look to maintain their impressive form when they host Tottenham in a crunch clash at Stamford Bridge on the 26th of November, while Middlesbrough will be looking to climb the table after falling to 15th when they travel to Leicester City on the same date.

Murray beats Djokovic to win ATP World Tour Finals L o n d o n, N ov 2 1 (Agencies): A rejuvenated Andy Murray proved to be the dominant force on planet tennis by upsetting the odds to beat Novak Djokovic to win the World Tour Finals for the first time and end the year as world No 1. In a fitting climax to the season, the top two players went headon for the year-end world No 1, and it was Britain’s finest who stopped Djokovic from securing his fifth successive title at the O2 Arena with a stunning 6-3 6-4 victory. Murray’s victory in London also gave him his fifth title in a row following triumphs in Beijing, Shanghai, Vienna and Paris and ninth of the season. Djokovic, who was

aiming to match Roger Federer’s record of six titles, had perfect preparation for the final, but Murray was simply unplayable as he shocked his long-time rival in the winner-takes-all shootout to extend his winning run to 24 matches. Murray had not played Djokovic since losing the French Open final in June, his 24th defeat in 34 meetings with his former junior rival. Djokovic, who came into the tournament on his worst run of form for several years, certainly appeared to have the spark back after demolishing Kei Nishikori in the semi-finals on Saturday. Murray, who provided his home crowd with another trademark ‘tennis epic’, spending three hours

and 38 minutes quelling the ferocious firepower of Milos Raonic, somehow recovered to walk out to a fever-pitch atmosphere at the O2 Arena. He made a composed start too, looking comfortable on serve and driving his opponent back behind the baseline. The steely Serb was forced to repel Murray’s two break point chances during a lengthy sixth game. Murray needed one last push at the end of a stunning second half to 2016, when he has won Wimbledon and the Olympics before topping the rankings for the first time, and he pummelled the nervous Serb’s backhand Andy Murray of Britain with the trophy after winning the to make the first move in a ATP World Tour Finals singles final tennis match against stylish eighth game. Novak Djokovic at the O2 Arena in London. (AP)

42nd session of KASA underway

Chief guest Jacob Zhimomi speaking at the inaugural function of 42nd KASA at Sunito village on Monday.

D i m a p u r , N ov 2 1 (NPN): The 42nd session of Khaghaboto Area Sports’ Association and 4th GBs Trophy with “excel in unity” as its motto got underway Monday morning at Suhoi village. Parliamentary Secretary for Irrigation and Flood Control, N. Jacob Zhimomi graced the inaugural function of the session as chief guest and declared the trophy open. Speaking the on occasion, chief guest urged the sportsperson participating in the event to compete in true sportsmanship spirit stating

that winning alone was not of much importance but competing in sporting spirit and discipline does. Jacob said sports personalities around the world who have earned name and fame did not become successful and famous overnight but they too had to put in years of hard work starting from grass root level. He, therefore, urged the sports persons to have focus and aim and pursue it with dedication and commitment. While urging them not to rely on government service, Jacob called on

the players to exhibit one’s talent in the field of sports and make a living through sports. He said government has created numerous avenues apart from government service, which the youth can make best use of it for their sustenance. Depending on government jobs alone is not going to help to take the society forward, he added. Stressing on the motto of the event, parliamentary secretary said people irrespective of tribe, religion, political parties should endeavour together in unity to take the society forward. Vikato, head GB and president of Khaghaboto Tokukujo Kukami Kuqhakulu and Hetovi, head GB, Sunito village also spoke on the occasion. Tokiho Yeptho, president KASA felicitated the chief guest and other dignitaries. President and general secretary of NPF Ghaspani-I assembly constituency were among others who accompanied the chief guest. Altogether eleven villages are taking part in the event.

Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Fax: 225366,, Adm.& Advertisement :248267 Fax: 248500 Kohima: 2290567, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 K Y M C


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