November 23, 2016

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Nagaland Post

Vol XXVI No. 347

DIMAPUR, wednesday, november 23, 2016

Demonetisation is a historic step: Jaitley

BJP wins both LS, Assembly seats in Assam by-polls

Manny Pacquiao eager for Mayweather rematch

business, page 8

national, Page 5

sports, Page 11

Winter session of 12th NLA begins Review 33% women quota: NH, ENPO

Motion introduced to revoke Sept 22, 2012 resolution


KOHIMA, NOV 22 (NPN): A motion has been introduced in the 14th session of the 12th NLA on its first day, by parliamentary secretary Municipal Affairs R.Tohanba under Article 371 A (1)(a) of the constitution of India, with regard to 33% women reservation in municipalities . The motion will seek the adoption of the resolution by the house on November 24,2016(Thursday) for immediate revocation of the resolution earlier passed under Article 371A(1)(a) of the constitution of India on September 22,2012 which exempted Nagaland from the application of Part IX A of the constitution of India in Urban and Local Bodies(ULBs) polls . NLA Speaker, Chotisuh Sazo said consideration and passing will be held on November 24. He also informed members that any amendments to be made

ANDMSA to launch state-wide agitation

14th Session of the 12th NLA in progress on Tuesday. (DIPR)

should be submitted on November 23 before 12 noon. Parliamentary secretary for municipal affairs, economic and statistics R. Tohanba also introduced the Nagaland municipal (third amendment) Bill, 2016. It was explained that the objective of the bill came after nearly a decade of inconclusive debate and discussion on women reservation in municipal and town councils and for which the state government decided to conduct polls under the provision of the Nagaland Municipal Act 2001 with one third reservation for women. However, Tohanba stated that some tribal bodies pointed out some discrep-

ancies in the NM Act 2001 with respect to reservation of SC/ST and with respect to non-compliance of the Act with Article 371 A (1) (a) of the Indian Constitution in regard to levy and recovery process of taxes on land and buildings. He said the amendments have been accordingly proposed to the Act through the bill. The parliamentar y secretary further said the provisions in the bill did not involve any recurring or non-recurring expenditure from the consolidated fund of the state therefore the bill was not a money bill or a finance bill. (More Assembly report on p-5)

Objecting to the decision of the state government to revoke the September 22, 2012 Assembly resolution on 33% women reservation, during the ongoing Assembly session on Tuesday, Naga Hoho and Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation (ENPO) demanded that the T.R. Zeliang ledgovernment first constitute a committee to review the matter rather than rushing things and creating serious problems in the state. Talking to Nagaland Post, Naga Hoho president P. Chuba Ozukum cautioned the state government, saying “going against the wishes of the people, would only invite protest”. The government should rather try to resolve the matter in consultation with the people and not undermine the peoples’ will, he added. Ozukum further said that the state government should first set up a committee to look into the issue and make amendments accordingly after thorough consultation with the stakeholders. “ T h e g o ve r n m e n t should act as per the wishes

Naga Hoho clarifies on Rongmei recognition issue

D imap u r , N ov 2 2 (NPN): Naga Hoho has reiterated that the “bone of contention” between it and Ao Senden, Sumi Hoho and Lotha Hoho (under the aegis of Central Nagaland Tribes Council), over the issue of recommendation for recognition of Rongmei as an indigenous tribe of Nagaland has been removed after it had withdrawn its September 22,2008 letter as demanded by the three. Naga Hoho president P.Chuba Ozukum, general secretary Mutsikhoyu Yhobu and dy. speaker Kenyuseng Tep in a joint statement, disclosed that the Hoho had withdrawn the recommendation, at a joint meeting of its presidential council with the Empowered Committee on Goodwill Mission on November 21, 2016. NH said it was blamed for recommending the grating of indigenous Naga tribe status to 1313 members of Rongmeis in Nagaland in 2012 by the government and for which three tribes-Ao Senden, Sumi Hoho and Lotha Hoho- dissociated from the Naga Hoho since (Cont’d on p-5) August 31,2016. It may be

of the people and should not allow division amongst men and women,” he said. On the other hand, ENPO has also demanded that the state government first form a committee— comprising of both men and women from all walks of life, to review the contentious issue and come up with a logical solution rather than dividing the society and making it a gender issue. ENPO said “the sanctity and power of the NLA should be maintained and should not accept all Central Act which was not applicable to the Nagas”. Almost all tribal hohos had strongly opposed any move by the government to hold civic polls “in a haste” without resolving various issues with all stakeholders. The point is whether the T.R.Zeliang-led DAN government would bulldoze the concerns of the hohos. Voices from the legal, political and tribal hoho representatives had cautioned the government against taking any hasty decision to hold civic polls for the sake of

recalled, that the three tribes through CNTC had issued ultimatum on Naga Hoho to rescind/revoke its recommendation to the state government for recognition of Rongmeis as Indigenous Naga tribe of the state within 30 days. When NH failed to respond and on expiry of the deadline, the three withdrew from Naga Hoho. NH said it had only urged for recognition of the 1313 Rongmeis who had settled in Nagaland prior to December 1,1963 as “indigenous inhabitants of Nagaland” in the same way that Garos, Kukis and Kacharis were accorded as per the April 28,1977 government notification. Further, NH said it had only supported the desire of the state government for granting indigenous inhabitant of Nagaland to Rongmeis and that the exchange of letters on the period indicated that Rongmeis settled before December 1,1963 were eligible for status as indigenous inhabitants. NH also said its delegation met the chief minister on October 14,2016 where a memorandum was submit-

of the Congress party in the Assembly, to familiarize the rules and procedures, may have been the reason for party functionaries to let their imagination get the better of their reasoning and shot off their missives to the media, Peseyie said. Further, Peseyie reminded Congress that there were 8 independent MLAs in the Assembly and not only one, as pointed out. “And all these Independent MLAs are part of the DAN government because no one has withdrawn their support from the present ministry or Leader of the House,” he stated. He said “if the Congress party thinks that proceedings of the Assembly are a ‘winking’ business, it has another thinking coming: The affairs of the State and the Constitutional procedures are never carried out by anyone winking at any body, as the Congress party seems to believe”.


LONGLENG, NOV 22 (NPN): Nagaland governor, PB Acharya, on Tuesday said present trend of corruption in the society has hindered smooth execution of development activity to a large extent that life of the common people has been affected. Addressing public gathering here on his maiden visit to the district along with his wife Kavita Acharya today, Acharya said religion played a great role in transforming the society from corruption and urged the church leaders and other stakeholders to play a major role in the development of the district. He also said development should reach out to every nook and corner of the district in particular and state in general. In this regard, the governor called upon the people to stand unitedly and erase (Cont’d on p-7) the corruption in order to

build a vibrant society. Governor also emphasized on the importance of imparting skill and quality education both in high school and university. On demonetisation of Rs 500 and 1000 notes in the country, governor said Prime Minister Narendra Modi took up “a commendable step” to clean up the black money from the country. He said through this initiative the people of the country would see the ray of hope and would help minimise corruption. Governor also advised the people of Longleng not to harbour outside money in their respective Jan Dan account to avoid unwanted victimization. During his visit, Acharya met various organization such as Phom Peoples’ Council, Phom Students’ Conference, Phomla Hoichem, Indian Red Cross Society, Bharat Scout& Guides, Pensioners’ Asso-

ciation, ex-servicemen and non-Naga business group. During the meeting, the PPC and PSC submitted a memorandum seeking his intervention on poor road condition in district and early restoration of water supply in district headquarters. Later, the governor and his wife also visited the district hospital and interacted with the staff of the hospital.

Villagers unhappy for cancelling visit

Orangkong village people have voiced displeasure at the cancellation of Governor’s proposed visit to the village on November 22 during his tour to Longleng district. In a press release, the villagers stated that their anticipation for the governor’s visit “ended in chaos” when the latter did not turn up for the visit and that too without any information regarding the cancellation of the visit. (Cont’d on p-7)

leader’s edn qualification: KDCC D I M A P UR , N OV 2 2 (NPN): Kohima District Congress Committee (KDCC) has asserted that the general public, as electors, have every right to know the educational qualification of their leader. Reacting to what it described as “baseless allegations” levelled by NPF Kohima division press secretary Alo Yakhro on a “genuine matter” raised by NPCC working president Ayangba Aonok concerning the issue of educational qualification of the “two top leaders in the state”, the KDCC said it was “a known fact” that Lok Sabha MP Neiphiu Rio had expressed his oversight in signing the educational documents, but chief minister TR Zeliang neither accepted nor rejected in the public the allegations against his false educational affidavit though there were evidences of RTI applications showing

GPRN/NSCN observes ‘9th Unification Day’ Centre deputes official to

This is it!


ted requesting for reexamining the decision to grant indigenous Naga tribe status to Rongmeis and explore solution in consultation with all stakeholders etc. Naga Hoho appealed on the three tribes to join hands with it towards furthering the interests of Naga people as in the past. NH said decision to withdraw the letter was take after its empowered committee on goodwill mission submitted its proposal on November 18, 2016 to the executive council requesting to “withdraw the expressed views and opinions of the Naga Hoho to Nagaland Government on the issue of granting status of Indigenous Naga Inhabitant to Rongmei community” in order to strengthen the unity and fraternity of Naga Hoho. It may be mentioned that the three bodies at a meeting on September 29, 2016 while reiterating to stick to dissociation from NH, resolved that any issue pertaining to the three tribes, especially with regard to recognition of Rongmei issue, “will be initiated only under the aegis of CNTC and not separately”.

Kiyanilie reacts to NPCC Corruption has hindered development: Gov People have right to know their

D I M A P UR , N OV 2 2 (NPN): Reacting to NPCC’s statement that the directive issued by the NPF to its MLAs was “unprecedented and unparalleled in the annals of Indian parliamentary democracy”, parliamentary affairs and social welfare minister, Kiyanilie Peseyie, who is also the NPF chief whip, has termed the allegations as “ridiculous bordering on hilarity”. Peseyie in a rejoinder said it was normal to issue Whips to party legislators on the eve of any Legislature/ Parliamentary session, especially when any Bill is to be introduced and passed in the House. He said Congress party, going ballistic over a normal parliamentary practice, by using all sorts of colourful phrases could only have emanated from someone who has an imaginative of mind but devoid of Power disruption in Mon bent any understanding of actual D I M A P UR , N OV 2 2 parliamentary practices. (NPN): Power department The absence of MLAs has informed the consumers of Mon district that supply of power would be disrupted occasionally till November 28, in view of jungle cutting work along 66KV transmis- Correspondent sion line, being carried out along Tuli-Naginimora line. KHEHOI, NOV 22 (NPN): In a press release, Mokokc- GPRN/NSCN on Tuesday hung Transmission Division, observed the ‘9th UnificaSDO (Trans) Er. Shiludi Lkr tion Day’ at the Khehoi has requested consumers to designated camp. More than bear with the inconvenience. two thousand delegates from various Naga and non-Naga communities attended the celebration programme. GPRN/NSCN president ‘gen.’ (retd) MB Neokpao Konyak, in his short address, extended greetings and gave a clarion call for “unity and reconciliation”. He further urged the leaders present to speak up their mind and contribute ideas towards the GPRN/ NSCN for the wellbeing of the whole Nagas as a whole. Earlier, Neopkao unfurled the “National flag” and took salute from four Naga Army parade contin“How can I get married gents. with only Rs.2.5 lakh? In his speech, GPRN/ That is just the cost of NSCN ato kilonser Kitovi the bridal dress.” Zhimomi queried who was D I M A P UR , N OV 2 2 (NPN): All Nagaland District Ministerial Service Association (ANDMSA) on Tuesday announced that it has decided to launch phase wise agitation all over the state as the state government has failed to accede to its demands. In a press release, ANDMSA president Shilumenba Alinger, vice president Inato Sangtam and general secretary T. Limhachan Kithan said their demands included amalgamation of directorate and district ministerial cadre into common ministerial cadre; elevation of HA/Sr. HA to that of district superintendent class-I and SDHA to that of classII and creation of district superintendent class-I and asst. district superintendent class-II in all the independent DDOs of districts and sub-divisions.

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Kitovi Zhimomi and Neokpao Konyak wave at the crowd. (NP)

responsible for the divisions and disunity amongst the Nagas by various tribal organizations. Kitovi maintained that each Naga should introspect and retrospect the elements that led to the division and disunity amongst Nagas. Kitovi said that “Nagaland State creation was just political game and politics of the Indian Union”. Dwelling on the Naga

women reservation issue, Kitovi stated that the Naga women were much advanced in all fields. “Naga womenfolk are excelling more than the male counterpart and it is the male who are desperately in need of such reservations”, said Kitovi on a lighter note. Lambasting the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and AADHAR card policies of the government of India,

Kitovi asserted that such policy (s) should be scrutinized through proper channels/terms and should not be politicized upon keeping in mind of the unique Naga customs and traditions. Accusing the contemporary Naga politicians, elected for five-year tenure, of doing nothing for the common Naga goal, he said they were rather prolonging and hampering the Naga issue for another five centuries. While concluding his speech, Kitovi cautioned that “we are prepared to face any eventualities” and reiterated on the inclusive solution. Earlier, the programme began with the “arrival of the collective leadership” followed by invocation by Senior Pastor Chakhesang Baptist Church Kohima Rev Dr. Vevo Phesao.

monitor cash transactions Staff Reporter

D I M A P UR , N O V 2 2 (NPN): Centre has deputed joint secretary of Minority Affairs, Jan-e-Alam, a 1991 batch IAS officer of Nagaland cadre, to Nagaland to monitor the cash transactions in all banks and to submit its report to the Centre by November 25. Alam, who is in Nagland, informed media persons on Tuesday at Circuit house that the Centre, after demonetizing Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes, has been monitoring the situation and for which a team comprising 32 senior officers have been sent to every state to oversee the implementation and to get the status report. Alam also held series of meetings with representatives of various bank in Dimapur. He would also moni(Cont’d on p-5) tor the availability of cash,

his ‘failed status’. In a press release, KDCC president Kevi Vizo said Congress was not anxious with the ongoing petty internal differences and enmity within the NPF, but as major national political party, it always stood for the interest and welfare of the Naga people in general. Vizo maintained that the Congress wanted ‘truth to prevail’ and was aware that law would take its own course. However, he said the Congress, as “peoples’ party”, stood firm with its working president Ayangba Aonok in questioning the sincerity of Zeliang “in continuing to hoodwink the general public by remaining silent.” KDCC also reminded NPF Kohima division press secretary Yakhro that Congress was a national political party and would (Cont’d on p-7)

NPA welcomes govt’s notification

D I M A P UR , N OV 2 2 (NPN): Nagaland Press Association (NPA), which had been consistently pursuing for implementation of Nagaland Journalist Welfare Fund, has welcomed the government’s notification to implement the Nagaland Journalist Welfare Scheme (NJWS) and expressed gratitude to I&PR department for their sincere effort in materializing the demand of the NPA. Meanwhile, NPA has appealed to the state government to make operational the scheme and fund available with immediate effect. Further, all journalists in Nagaland have been informed that NPA would be enrolling new members and renewing membership. The forms would be available with the respective media houses and press clubs. Last date for the enrolment and (1 held with cash on p-7) renewal is December 15.

all kinds of transactions and the facilities provided by banks to the customers and public, including calibration of ATMs across the state. Alam said he has already received the data of Dimapur district, and would be holding a state level meeting in Kohima on Wednesday and thereafter to interior parts of Nagaland. During the meeting with bank representatives in Dimapur, he said most of them complained of shortage of cash particularly Rs. 500 and smaller denomination notes. Meanwhile, interacting with members of various civil societies, Alam was told that the demonetization process would affect the coming festive season. He however assured that things would improve in the days to come and asked banks coordinate in an effective manner.




63rd all India co-operative week held in Tsg, Longleng

Deputy registrar Kohima, Lirise Sangtam with other officials. (DIPR)

DIMAPUR: The 63rd All India Cooperative Week was held at panchayat hall, Tuensang village under the theme, “role of cooperative in sustainable development growth”. According to DIPR report, deputy registrar Kohima, Lirise Sangtam who was the speaker of the programme highlighted the scope and importance of the cooperative societies and its

necessities to bring the economic growth in the society. Asst. registar cooperative societies Tuensang, Akhang Jongshi gave the introductory speech. President Tuensang Viagra Citizens Union, H. Wongto and board of director Nagaland State cooperative Banks, S. Yemba also delivered short speeches in the programme. LONGLENG: Office of the Assistant Registrar

of Co-operative Societies (ARCS) Longleng celebrated with EAC Yongnyah, Changsang Soted as guest of honour. Speaking on the occasion, Changsang encouraged the members of the societies to come forward and avail the various schemes and avenues offered by the government through co-operative department. He also encouraged the members present

to be the role model of the ailing society and to develop and grow in line with other developed economies. Earlier the programme was chaired by SICS Atongba, invocation by Metting Phom, ARCS Longleng I. Chume Chang delivered the keynote address, short speech was delivered by BOD WEAFED Ltd Y.Manda Phom and vote of thanks by Yongchet Phom.

NPF strikes off Shilumar’s name from COB AR organises NIT DIMAPUR: NPF associate press secretary (Central) Shilumar’s name has been “striked off from the list of Central Office Bearers (COB)” of the party till further order, NPF president Dr. Shurhozelie Liezietsu stated in an order dated November 16. The order stated that the NPF Disciplinary Action Committee (DAC) issued a show cause notice to Shilumar “for failing to turn up three consecutive times in COB meeting” and had kept him under observation for few months. Further, the order stated that Shilumar was involved in anti-party activities during the observation period. He not only failed to give sufficient reasons for his continuous absence, but had also failed to renew his primary and active membership in the party, the order stated. In this regard, the NPF president striked off Shilumar’s name from the list of Central office bearers with immediate effect and until further order.

Pharmacist arrested in Kohima

DIMAPUR: Drawing attention to pharmacists without knowledge of medicine, the Nagaland Voluntary Consumer Organisation (NVCO) has said that pharmacists were expected to follow at least the minimum standard guidelines which were intended to serve as basic guide for the provision of pharmacy services in hospitals or outside the hospital. A press note by NVCO press & media stated that on the afternoon of November 18, one Jafar Uddhin was arrested at the initiative of complaints from residents in the Lower PWD colony Kohima for selling medicines without any knowledge of medicine. He was running the “NEW S. T. Pharmacy” situated at Lower PWD colony Kohima which has now been closed down after his arrest. The culprit admitted to police that he had no knowledge of medicine but had been learning by running the pharmacy. NVCO stated that the accused was a non-local and does not possess any related diploma or certificate to run a pharmacy. President of NVCO Kezhokhoto Savi sincerely appealed the district administration and concerned department to take up necessary immediate measures by conducting checking of all the pharmacies especially in Kohima town so as to control and do away with the short-comings. NVCO has also warned house owner to be more careful in giving out rent especially for commercial purposes.

for local youths

DIMAPUR: A group of 15 youths from Zunheboto district departed for New Delhi on November 17 as part of National Integration Tour (NIT) being organized by 5 Assam Rifles (AR) under the aegis of Headquarters 7 Sector AR as a part of Operation Sadbhavna. According to AR, the group of Sumi Hoho commenced their tour by visiting Red Fort, India Gate, National Museum, and Raj Ghat to pay homage to the Father of the Nation. Further, the group would be visiting various places of historical and commercial importance and would also be interacting with important dignitaries, AR added.

DDLSA condoles

DIMAPUR: Dimapur District Legal Services Authority (DDLSA) has expressed deep shock at the sudden demise of late justice N. Chaudhary Judge, Gauhati High Court, and executive chairman, Nagaland Legal Services Authority. In a condolence note, DDLSA chairman, G. H. Ramlia and secretary Inalo Zhimo conveyed its deepest condolence to Panchali Chaudhury, wife of late N. Chaudhury and her family members. It also prayed that the departed soul rest in peace.

Awareness prog, registration drive on NBOCW in Bhandari

DIMAPUR: Nagaland Building and other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board has been constituted to provide social security to this section of workers by implementing different schemes especially designed for the purpose. According to DIPR report, project officer & secretary NBOCW Welfare Board, Chuba Yanger in his technical session explained on how to become a beneficiary under the welfare schemes. The beneficiaries get automatic insurance cover under ‘Aam Admi Bima Yojona’ by Life Insurance Company of India. The annual premium is paid by the welfare board on behalf of the beneficiary for natural death. Rs. 30,000/- accidental death, Rs. 75,000/- and Rs. 75,000/- for permanent disability. Any person interested in it can register under Nagaland building and other construction workers provided he or she must have completed 18 years of age K


PO & secy NBOCW welfare board, Chuba Yanger speaking at the programme. (APRO Bhandari)

but have not completed 59 years. A beneficiary should have a bank account of any nationalized bank, birth certificate, Aadhaar Card, 2 passport photos for office register and beneficiary ID card and construction worker ID proof from village council or town committee. The programme

was chaired by assistant labour commissioner wokha, Renchamo Ngullie. Short speech was delivered by ADC Bhandari, Orenthung Lotha who appealed to the gathering to take serious note and avail the facilities by fulfilling the required criteria as explained by the department of Labour.

news in brief EE Dimapur electrical division informs: EE Dimapur electrical division has informed that online payment of electricity bill facility is available for all the consumers of Dimapur electrical division, Dimapur SDO (E) No. 1, SDO (E) No.II and SDO (E) No. III login to www.dopn. All the esteemed consumers have been requested to use the facility to avoid hassle and inconveniences. Addl. Dy. commissioner of police informs: Interested parties to stock and sell fire crackers have been directed to obtain permits for the same i.e, Licence in Form LE-5 after duly filling up Form AE-5, which may be obtained from the office of the Commissioner of Police. Licences would be issued totally on a temporary basis and the last date for submission of the form would be December 15. 39th Sanis A/C NPF to dedicate office: 39th Sanis A/C NPF has requested all unit presidents, general secretaries, office bearers, village councils, senior citizens and all civil societies under 39th Sanis A/C to attend the dedication programme of its office building on November 26 at Sanis O Point at 10 a.m. UMK silver jubilee: Üsoumiapfü Mechü Krotho (UMK) would be organizing its silver jubilee on December 13 at üsou Zieke, P Khel, Kohima Village. The organizing committee has informed all its members not to make any programmes on the day of its celebration. The committee also extended invitation to all Üsoumiapfü, married to other tribe and clans to join the celebration. GB union Kohima town annual meet: GB Union Kohima Town annual general meeting would be held on November 26 at 11 a.m in the council hall, Daklane Kohima. All the GBs appointed within Kohima town jurisdiction have been informed to be present at the meeting positively. PHSNS Range Union Dimapur convenes: PHSNS Range Dimapur unit has convened its general meeting on November 26 at 10 a.m, at the residence of Rtd. DWO Lipongchem in Eralibill Colony Dimapur. In a press note by president R.Khingkha and secretary S.Yolise, stated that stern action would be initiated against those failing to attend the meeting. JKM meeting: Jangpetkong Kaketshir Mungdang (JKM) has convened a meeting on November 29 at 10 a.m. in the

Stakeholder meet held DIMAPUR: Stakeholder meet on agriculture development and agromet advisory services in Nagaland was inaugurated by commissioner and secretary, Veterinary and Animal Husbandary M.K. Mero, on November 21 in the presence of ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya director Dr. S.V. Ngachan, Indian Meteorological Department, deputy director general (Meteorology) Dr. K. Ghosh, NU-SASRD dean, professor R.C. Gupta, NRC on Mithun, Nagaland director Dr. Abhijit Mitra, College of Veterinary, CAU dean Dr. G. Dhananjaya Rao, Department of Veterinary and Animal husbandry director I.P. Khalla, other dignitaries and farmers. ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, joint director Dr. DJ Rajkhowa welcomed the dignitaries and mentioned the importance of the agriculture for the state of Nagaland while highlighting the role and contribution of ICAR RC for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre for the development of agriculture and allied sectors in Nagaland. M.K. Mero, said, the production was much lower than the requirement in all agriculture and allied sectors in Nagaland which indicated the need for stakeholder meet on agriculture development and agromet advisory services. He also highlighted that partnership of all stakeholders was highly crucial and stakeholders must join hands in working toward agricultural development to attain self sufficiency through sustainable agriculture. During the technical sessions, several experts from central organizations, ICAR, state departments and NGOs presented papers on different aspects of agriculture, horticulture, livestock, fisheries and weather forecast which were discussed in depth with an aim of developing workable strategies for the development of the agriculture and allied sectors in Nagaland as well as the region. A souvenir comprising of several articles contributed by experts from ICAR, state departments and other organization was also released during the event.

Massive landslide hits WokhaMerapani road D I M A P U R : M a s s ive landslides on November 16 to 19 have hit the only lifeline for Wokha district stretching 54 Km WokhaMerapani road near Bhandari town. A press note by SDO PWD (R&B) Bhandari sub-division, P. Wobansao Kithan stated that this has caused immense hardship for commuters and transporters of all essential commodities and hampered the daily activities. It also stated that a mini truck bearing number NL05 0937 model 1109 was washed away 350 metres down the side of the road by the massive slide. The department along with the district administration was putting all available effort and resources to clear the road but due to highly unstable soil, scouring and sinking continues. It therefore appealed for cooperation from all concerned and cautioned not to venture out at night till the restoration work was completed.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, november 23, 2016

residence of its treasurer Imtipokyim Salangtem Ward, Mokokchung. All members have been requested to attend the meeting. YSU meeting for golden jubilee: Yanthamo village students’ union (YSU) and planning committee of golden jubilee celebration has convened a joint meeting for the forth coming golden jubilee celebration on November 26 at 8 a.m. in the community hall Yanthamo village. All committee members have been requested to attend the meeting. AVC Wkha general meeting: Ashaa Village Council (AVC) has convened general meeting on November 30 at 10 a.m. in the church colony, Ashaa village in connection with MGNREGA job card and other important issues pertaining to the village. All bonafide citizen of Ashaa village have been requested to attend the meeting. LRCL-1 CA emergency meeting: Lotha Rengma class-1 contractor (LRCL-1 CA) has convened emergency meeting on November 26 at 11 a.m. in the Rengma Hoho office Tseminyu town. All members of the association have been requested to attend the meeting. FTC inauguration prog: Faith Theological College (FTC) Ura villa colony, circuit house area, Dimapur has convened new college building inauguration ceremony on November 23 at 1 p.m. with minister of Rural Development & REPA C.L. John as chief guest. All board members, former graduates, parents, friends and well wishers have been invited to attend the programme. DC Kohima convenes meeting on demonetisation: DC Kohima, Rovilatuo Mor has convened a meeting on demonetization on November 23 at 10 a.m in the conference Hall of the DC, Kohima in the presence of joint secretary, Minority Affairs, Government of India. In this regard the following have been requested to attend positively: Administrator KMC; Lead Bank Manager, Kohima or representative;AGM, SBI Main Branch Manager; Branch Manager of all Banks; APO President & Members; President KCCI & members; President & members NCSU/ NC1RCU; Naga Mothers Associations; President ANTA & members; President MBOUK & members; Truck Owner Association; All Administrative Officer and DPRO Kohima.

NSDMA familiarisation exercise held

NSDMA, NDRF officials and participants after the programme.

DIMAPUR: Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority (NSDMA), Home Department in collaboration with District Disaster Management Authority Tuensang and the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) 12Bn (Arunachal Pradesh) is conducting “Familiarization Exercise” in Tuensang district from No-

vember 14– 21. The main objective of the familiarization exercise is to strengthen disaster response at the village and grassroots level. The NDRF team led by 12Bn NDRF inspector Sunil Kumar Shanti, district disaster management officer Temsuwangshi Jamir and district project associate Rozikyu Sangtam will be

carrying out the exercise in Kuthur village, Chingmelen village, Khudei village, Tuensang village besides conducting demonstration on disaster management with Government officials, NGOs, DEF, SDRF, 3rd NAP personnel and Village Guards. The team also conducted a mock drill at Tuensang village.

Free UPSC coaching for NE students

DIMAPUR: North East India Welfare Association Chennai (NEIWAC) initiated a free coaching for the UPSC aspirants in Chennai for the northeast students in collaboration with the Excell Career India IAS Academy. The academy selected 13 students from northeast India with full scholarship for the whole course. Speaking at the inaugural and orientation program on November 20, Excell Career India director Kalyan Sundaram motivated the northeast students by saying “civil services provide a great opportunity to serve the people and one can contribute im-

mensely to the nation”. He also interacted with the students and cleared their doubts. NEIWAC president Wapangtoshi in his speech thanked Excell Career India for encouraging the northeast people to participate in the civil services and for enlightening them with the knowledge. He also mentioned that Kalyan Sundaram is the most successful former civil servant to be directly and fully involved to guide and help the people who aspire to become a civil servant. The programme was attended by the NEIWAC officials, Excell Career India staffs and the selected candidates.

Workshop on creative arts held in GHSS, Kma

Resoource persons and artistes at the workshop.

DIMAPUR: One-day creative arts workshop was conducted at Government Higher Secondary School (GHSS) Seikhazou Kohima on November 19 with members of “Backstage Campaign” as resource persons. The group comprising of Naga artistes from different creative fields such

as photography, painting, writing, baking, paper craft, videography, decoupage, creative carpentry, fashion design, music, modeling, etc was formed with the belief that student life was a backstage preparation to meet the real life challenges. The artistes shared their experiences as well as

motivated and challenged students to think differently and live it out. Asserting that government could not absorb all educated people, the group emphasised on the important role which art could play in the restoration of culture and tradition. It further encouraged the need to discover one’s forte

at an early age and to channelize youthful energy into something positive so as to rediscover the marvel of God’s world. During the workshop, students of Class 12 of GHSS, Seikhazou were given an overview of the variety of creative fields that they could explore in the near future. K


State CSU to conduct career counselling

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, November 23, 2016 Poll Q . : Is an “oppositionless” assembly good for democracy? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


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Dedication service held for new CCC building

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Yes since all 7% agree No it is like an 86% autocracy 7% Can’t say

Next poll

Q: What is the biggest

offence in elections? Use of black/unac counted money to purchase votes Methods used to threat en candidates or voters  Voter impersonation


(Temperature in ºC)

Max Min

Agartala Sunny and beautiful

28 15


24 11

Sunny and beautiful

Guwahati Hazy sun

29 13


24 6

Sunny and pleasant

Itanagar Sunny and not as warm

24 12


Pleasant with sunshine

21 4


Sunny and nice

22 9

Dimapur Sunny and pleasant

Pleasant with sunshine


27 13 23 8

Tuensang Cooler with abundant sunshine 18 8 Wokha

Sunny and not as warm

Zunheboto Sunny

21 14 21 7

Dr. Yang Tuck Loong centre with Rev Dr Suluveyi Rhakho right and Tim O Connell inaugurating the new building. DIMAPUR: Cornerstone Community Church (CCC), Dimapur on November 20 held its Church building dedication cum commissioning service program at Cornerstone Community Church, Dimapur. The church building was dedicated by Dr Yang Tuck Loong and dedicatory prayer was offered by Rev. Tim O’ Connell. Dr. Yang Tuck Loong in his message stressed upon one language to bring the people together from all shades of life. He also stated that Nagaland had many languages and stressed on

taking up a common language which could benefit the general public and said that the new Church was based on English. He also called upon the Naga Christians to build God’s kingdom rather than narrow down to build own tribal or denominational kingdoms. “Christ is for every nation”, so he called upon Nagas to reach every unevangelised people with the gospel as the ambassador of Christ. Nine students were commissioned and two field evangelists were given ministry license based on their

work performance. Cornerstone Community Church is an independent, Pentecostal multi-congregational Church based in Singapore which has recently spread its wings to Nagaland; also have affiliate congregations in Kenya, Uganda, Myanmar, Philippines, Pakistan, Indonesia, Australia and other parts of the world. Earlier, the programme was chaired by Rev. Dr Suluveyi Rhakho, special song was presented by the Logos college of Dimapur and voice of praise was sung by Harvest Ministry students.

Training on scientific pig and poultry production

Participants along with resource persons at the training. DIMAPUR: Four-day training on scientific pig and poultry production: avenues for entrepreneurship development in North Eastern hill region for tribal farmers of Karbi Anglong of Assam and Wokha, Kohima and Dimapur districts of Nagaland was organized by ICAR Nagaland Centre in collaboration with KVK Dimapur on November 15 to 18, at ICAR Nagaland Centre, Jharnapani . Altogether 25 tribal farmers

were participated in the training programme. At the programme, chief guest of the function, additional deputy commissioner (ADC), Medziphema Sarah Jamir, appreciated the efforts of ICAR Nagaland Centre for promoting the artificial insemination and improved poultry production technology in the state of Nagaland particularly and in North East generally. She informed that the

state of Nagaland has been importing 40% of animal based products from other states. She further stressed upon adoption of scientific pig rearing to achieve self sufficiency in pork production and lauded the efforts of ICAR Nagaland Centre in improving the agriculture economy of the Nagaland. Jamir also distributed one week old Vanaraja chicks to the participants. Joint director of ICAR

DIMAPUR: Chakhesang Students’ Union (CSU) in coordination with the Career Cliniq, Guwahati would be organising a circle wise career counselling in Phek district covering Pfutsero, Chozuba and Phek respectively from November 25 to 26. All govt. and private institution upto classes of 9 & 10 under Pfutsero, Chozuba and Phek have asked to attend the seminar according to their own convenience and nearest venue. Class 11 and above have also been invited to attend the seminar. A press note by CSU president, Dode Nakro and education secretary, Vetho Vadeo stated that the two-day seminar would cover general topics on preparation for civil and technical exams, entrepreneurship and skill development programs. The resource person would be Jitu Chandra Bora, officer on special duty, Nagaland, a training partner for National Digital Literacy Mission, under Deity Ministry of ICT Government of India. Union also appealed to all the head of institutions to cooperate and sent the students for the said program. Programme would be conducted at town hall Pfutsero at 10 a.m, Vamuzo memorial hall Chozuba at 2 p.m and Phek town hall at 10 a.m in phase wise.

NECF Aurangbad celebrates preChristmas fellowship

DIMAPUR: North East Christian Fellowship, Aurangabad celebrated preChristmas fellowship at St. Philips Church on November 20 based on the theme “Why Jesus was born?”. Pastor Kuzhohuto Rhakho, NCF, Ahmednagar, delivered the sermon. Special presentations were performed by NCF, Ahmednagar and the MIT girls’ hostel. Thunokholu Rhakho shared on Nagaland centre empha- “What Christmas means to sized upon pig and poultry me”. About fifty students production on commercial attended the service. scale in Nagaland by adopting the advanced reproductive technology such as artificial insemination in pig and Vanaraja and Srindji birds in poultry. He further urged the participants for incremental changes in piggery and poultry production system from fattening to breeding based system in pig and layer production in poultry.


Tuensang village and SUTT holds friendship meet; resolves

Members from SUTT and USLP at the friendship meet. DIMAPUR: Friendships meet between Tuensang v i l l a ge a n d S a n g t a m Union Tuensang Town (SUTT) was held on November 19 at the CKS hall Tuensang. At the programme, United Sangtam Likhum Pumji (USLP) president Yonghopi Sangtam and SUTT advisor expressed significance of friendship between the two entities terming that the Sangtams and the Changs were friends since time immemorial and friendship meet to renew the ties shared even during the time of head hunting. Tuensang Village Citizen Union (TVCU) president H. Wongto Chang and Sangkam head GB C/

Khel of Tuensang village expressed their heartfelt appreciation to Sangtam union for organizing the historic meet program. Both expressed that the two community would continue to extend helping hands in all kinds of problems even in the future. Leaders from Tuensang village and Sangtam community reminded the gathering to retrospect historical fact of true friendship between Sangtam Chuba and Imtichuba Chang of Tuensang village during the creation of Tuensang town in 1948. They encouraged the gathering to pass down this friendship to younger generation practically. The two parties vowed

and renewed their friendship by resolving to maintain and uphold unflinching relationship under every circumstance, to extend support to each other as and when situation arises, to uphold respect and love between the two entities and further resolved that all problems between the two parties would be solved only through peaceful means. The resolutions were adopted and countersigned by president TVCU president and SUTT president. Earlier, the programme was graced by Sangtam Baptist Church Tuensang, pastor Rev. Dr. Yanger Sangtam and the program was chaired by the SUTT office bearers.

RKS organises get together prog for officers DIMAPUR: Rajeshwari Karuna School (RKS), Tuli organised a get-together programme for the officers stationed at Tuli on November 18 at its school premises. The programme was chaired by Mhondamo Lotha, headmaster. Subonenba Longkumer director CECS presented a power point on the different projects of CECS. Sentiwapang RKS faculty along with the officers. Aier ADC Tuli exhorted the gathering. The officers were programme, badminton and for the officers where all the enthralled with a special table tennis was organised officers took part. number by teachers and students of Rajeshwari Karuna School Tuli. After the formal

Free medical camp to be conducted at Phek dist hospital

DIMAPUR: Deputy Commissioner, Phek, Muruho Chotso in a circular informed that a free medical camp would be held in the Phek district hospital from November 26 to 27, sponsored by Dr. K & T Keditsu Foundation Kohima, motivated by Indian National Fellowship Centre

Mumbai and coordinated by the government of Nagaland. Medical services available would be dental check up & surgery, check for cervical cancer/womb cancer, laparoscopic gynaecology (such as key hole surgery for gall bladder, appendix, womb problems, etc),

ultrasonography for all types of ailments, general check -up for any type of ailment and free medicines. A team of specialists would conduct the free medical camp on November 26 starting at 8 a.m. Registration can also be done in advance in the Phek district hospital.

PGC 1st consultancy service with KCK for NAAC accreditation

PGC faculty, KCK members at the consultancy service. DIMAPUR: Pfutsero Government College (PGC) organized an orientation programme inviting core committee consultant of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) from Kohima College, Kohima (KCK) including principal Dr. Watijungshi Jamir. Co-ordinator IQAC, KCK Moanungla Kevichusa and assistant co-ordinator KCK Dr. Eunice Alinger spoke on various issues faced by most colleges and K




highlighted key areas of development on meeting the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) quality standards. They indicated the criteria required in Higher Educational Institutions, laid by the agency in terms of performance, its outcomes, the teaching-learning, evaluation, faculty, research, infrastructure development, learning resources, organizational standards, finance, student services and gover-

nance. Dr. Jamir, who was also the previous principal of the college, encouraged the staffs and vice principal to work towards achieving this status through hard-work and diligence. Earlier the programme was chaired by NAAC co-ordinator PGC Medozu Mero, welcome address by acting principal PGC T.L. Singsit and vote of thanks was delivered by assistant co-ordinator PGC Wetso-u Medo. K





AIR Imphal withdraw boycott of Sangai festival Correspondent

IMPHAL, Nov 22: Following an assurance from the Manipur deputy chief minister Gaikhangam, who is also holding the home portfolio, All India Radio (AIR), Imphal Tuesday withdrew its decision to boycott the Sangai festival currently in progress in Imphal’s Palace Compound. Staffs of the AIR Imphal had earlier taken a decision to stop covering events of Sangai festival alleging that authority of the state government has not responded to the bomb blast that occurred inside the AIR Imphal premise in the evening of November 20 last. Two CRPF personnel guarding the AIR Imphal premise were injured in the blast. State chief minister O Ibobi Singh inspected the preparation of the main venue of the festival which is just opposite to the AIR premise but did not pay any attention to the blast. Besides, none of the top ranking police officers paid a visit to the blast site, apparently busy in security arrangement for the chief minister’s inspection. Highly disappointed with the attitude of the state authority, AIR Imphal staff staged a sit-in protest in front of their office on Monday and announced boycotting the festival. To implement the decision, AIR did not cover the inaugural session of the festival yesterday. State deputy chief minister Gaikhangam today visited the AIR, Imphal and explained the situation which led to nonresponse of the authority.

Asserting that government is seriously taking the attack to the AIR Imphal, he said, “Government is not remaining silent to the attack.” Police are investigating the attack and accused persons will not be spared, the deputy chief minister assured.

Agartala, Nov 22 (IANS): The ruling Left Front led by the CPI-M on Tuesday wrested one assembly seat from the Congress and retained another in Tripura, increasing its tally in the 60-member assembly to 51. According to election officials, the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) snatched the Scheduled Caste reserved Barjala seat and retained Khowai seat, defeating the nearest rivals, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Trinamool Congress (TMC), respectively. In Barjala, CPI-M youth leader Jhumu Sarkar defeated BJP’s Shista Mohan Das, a former bureaucrat, by 3,374 Votes. Sarkar got 15,769 votes. In Khowai, CPI-M’s Biswajit Datta trounced TMC’s Manoj Das, a former Left leader, by 16,094 votes. Datta bagged 24,810 votes. Candidates of the Congress, the erstwhile main opposition party in Tripura, came fourth in both places. The Barjala seat fell vacant after Congress legislator Jitendra Sarkar resigned on June 6 following an internal feud within the party while the Khowai seat has been vacant since the death of veteran CPI-M legislator Samir Deb Sarkar. Five candidates each contested from the two constituencies. The election was held on Saturday and over 91 per cent of the 78,400 electorate voted. Congress candidate Rajendra Kumar Das got only 1,063 votes in Barjala and his party colleague Pranab Biswas secured 696 votes in Khowai. In the 2013 assembly elections, CPI-M candidate Samir Deb Sarkar won from Khowai by 8,833 votes while Congress nominee Jitendra Sarkar was elected from Barjala, defeating the CPI-M by 261 votes. The CPI-M, the dominant partner in the Left Front, secured the Khowai assembly seat five consecutive times while the Left has intermittently won from Barjala seat several times. Political analyst Sanjib Deb said the election results showed that the BJP was emerging as an emerging political force in Tripura. “And due to a split in the Congress, the TMC has also become a significant force,” Deb told IANS. A large numbr of leaders and party workers led by six legislators of the Congress in Tripura joined the TMC in June, reducing the Congress strength in the Tripura assembly to three from 10.

BJP wins Arunachal Pradesh by-poll

Itanagar, Nov 22 (PTI): North East Democratic Alliance (NEDA) candidate Dasanglu Pul of BJP won the Hayuliang Assembly by-poll after defeating her lone rival Yompi Kri, an Independent candidate, by 942 votes. Pul, who was contesting on a BJP ticket, polled 5,326 votes while Kri could secure 4,384 votes in the by-poll held on November 19. The winner is the youngest of three wives of former Arunachal Pradesh chief minister Kalikho Pul. The by-poll was necessitated due to his alleged


CORRECTION OF NAME Regd. 14429/2016 Dt.18/11/16 I, Neikesanuo Chielie, w/o Neizeu Chielie presently residing at Meriema Village Kohima District, Kohima Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declares as under:1. That I am bonafide citizen of India and resident of the above mentioned address. 2. That my correct official name is Neikesanuo Chielie whereas in my Bank Account Passbook my name has been entered as Sanuo Chielie instead of Neikesanuo Chielie. 3. That the name Neikesanuo Chielie and Sanuo Chielie refers to one and same person only. 4. That this affidavit is signed and sworn before the competent authority so that it may be used/treated as a piece of evidence before the concerned authority for rectification/correction of my name. 5. That the above paragraphs 1-4 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been stated or suppressed therein and I sign this affidavit on this day. Deponent. K-4277

suicide. A total of 108 voters opted for NOTA , Chief Electoral Officer Kaling Tayeng said, adding an estimated 72 per cent electorates exercised their franchise in the election. The strength of BJP, alliance partner of PPA-led NEDA government, has now risen to 12.


I, Mr. Mhonrao Kikon son of Lt. Phyamo Kikon of Mungya Village hereby solemnly declare on this Dated 22/11/2016 that my ex-wife Rungcholo D/o Mr. Zuchanbemo Ngullie of Mungya Village, who had been officially divorced as per our customary tradition on dated 20/11/2016 has been borrowing unaccountable amount of money without my knowledge. Therefore, this declaration is made to one and all that Rungcholo Ngullie shall be solely held responsible and accountable for all the money that she has borrowed before our divorce and after our divorce, as she had solely borrowed on her own volition keeping me in complete darkness. Henceforth, all the money related issues emerging from her misadventure should be solely borne, dealt and settled from Rungcholo Ngullie. Deponent Mhonrao Kikon K-4273 Mungya Village.



This is for information of all members that the 12th General Meeting of KGOU shall be held on 26th November, 2016 at 10:00 am sharp in the Residence of Shri. K. Mendang Jamir, President, KGOU, Oriental Colony, Dimapur. All members are requested to attend the meeting with valuable suggestions without fail. The Silver Jubilee Celebration of KGOU is also scheduled on the same Date and Venue from 1:00 PM onwards. All Members and Retired Members along with their families are cordially invited to join the Celebration. Sd/(Er. Tiameren Walling) General Secretary, KGOU

Residential Building and land thereof located at Industrial Village, Dimapur, Nagaland covered by Patta No. 1398 of Dag No. 80/594 & 80/627 under Block No. 4, Mouza No. 2 is the property of the undersigned. All are hereby informed that any financial transaction carried out between any individuals/ parties in any manner/form against the abovesaid property without the prior knowledge, consent and participation of the undersigned shall be null and void. And the undersigned shall not be held responsible nor accountable for such illegal transaction.

Place : Kohima Date : 21.11.2016 DP-9456

(NEIHU C. THUR) New Minister Hill, Kohima



The Japukong Youth Organization express sincere gratitude to those individuals and well wishers who supported us physically, morally and financially during our participation in the inter Range Volleyball Tournament, organized by Mangkolemba Ao Lanur Telongjem in commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of A.D.C Head Quarter Mangkolemba from 3rd – 4th Nov. at Mangkolemba. We would like to convey our special thanks to : 1.

Dr. N. Benjongliba Aier, Perliamentary Secretary, Agriculture Govt. of Nagaland 2. Z. Temsu Jamir 3. Er. J. Lanu longchar 4. Imtiwapang A.D.C Mangkolemba 5. Tsukjemar S.D.O ,PWD 6. Tino S.D.O, P.H.E 7. Imna Along Longkumer 8. Limakumba, President N.P.F 30 A/c 9. Imcha Longkumer 10. Temjentoshi 11. Monglo, President B.J.P 30 A/C 12. Anik Langu 13. K.Meren Imchen S. Among Walling (Convenor)

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Imdong Jamir Mangkolemba Japukong Unoin N. Toshi Longchar N.Bendang Longchar Toshi longchar Nungtisang Kumzuk Jamir Imkongsunep Kumdang (Mangkolemba) Moachiba (Mangkolemba Japukong Students Conference Mangkolemba Ao Lanur Telongjem All the JYO players JYO Seniors & Executives Moalong Daniel Longchar (President)


The Sumi Totimi Hoho Akuluto extend its heartiest gratitude to Mrs. Esther Kheto for gracing the annual Akuluto Area Women’s Seminar as chief guest on the theme Arise and Shine. While thanking the speakers Dr. Akaho (MD), Dr. Ikato Farm Manager, Shri N. Kakuto Chishi Chairman USCA, Mrs Ellena Chishi (Advisor STH Akuluto) and Mrs. Ghutoli H Awomi (Advisor STH Akuluto), the body also express its profound gratitude to Shri K. Khekaho Assumi Parliamentary Secretary IPR for sponsoring the said programme. The organization wishes each one of them a very blessed and illustrious career in their lives. (Hetoli Chishi) President

(Akanili Kinny) Gen. Secretary

soil erosion resulting in the lake’s shrinkage due to siltation. The annual silt flow into the lake is estimated to be 336,325 tons. The ambassador further mentioned that his country is also looking forward to enhance cooperation with India especially with Manipur in various fields like education, sports, arts and culture. He added that Japan can arrange to send trainers to Manipur for the training in various sports, the Raj Bhavan handout added.

Dear Teesa, I am so grateful each day for you. You are certainly one of Fod’s greatest gifts. I pray that the coming year brings you countless and abundant blessings. Happy Birthday. From, Dad & Mom. Hi Wifey, You r the reason I smile & why our love thrives across the miles. May you have da happiest Birthday ever. May Ol happiness come 2 you in ol ur rest life. Many many happy returns of da day God bless you. It’s ur day.Enjoy to the fullest...n may God grant ol ur wishes. *Happy Birthday to you* :) Wit lots of luv 4rm ur Boo.Luv u alwz Hi, On your special day, I wish you good luck. I hope this wonderful day will fill up your heart with joy and blessings. Celebrate the happiness on every day of your life. Happy Birthday!! From, Edward.



Regd. No. 14426/16 Dt. 18/11/16 I, Smti ZUCHOYANI EZUNG have entered into my service before marriage and as such my service nominee was my mother Smti. KIRALO. However, I am married and having two children namely Mr. C BENTHUNGO KIKON (youngest) and Mr. WUNGNYEI KONYAK (eldest). Hence this affidavit for incorporation aforementioned children as my Service nominee. The declaration made in this affidavit is made to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material facts has been suppresses therein. Deponent K-4266



IMPHAL, Nov 22: Japan’s ambassador to India Kenji Hiramatsu has assured to extend support to clean up Loktak lake of Manipur using Japanese technology. The ambassador, who called on Manipur Governor Dr Najam Heptulla on Tuesday, further assured Japan’s cooperation with India especially with Manipur in various fields like education, sports, arts and culture. Ambassador Kenji Hiramatsu was in Imphal to attend the Sangai festival which kicked-off yesterday (Monday). He called on the state Governor today before concluding his two-day visit in the state. Taking the opportunity of the meeting, the state Governor discussed various issues pertaining to Manipur, a handout of the Raj Bhavan, Imphal informed. She sought the cooperation to clean Loktak Lake using Japanese technology, developing ecofriendly tourism, commercial cultivation of orchids, developing cherry blossom gardens in the state and to increase sports and cultural exchanges between Japan and Manipur. The Governor underlined that Prime Minister’s Look East Policy and his recent visit to Tokyo has strengthened the ties between the two countries and that people to people contact further cemented the historical relations between India and Japan. In his response to state Governor’s assertion, the ambassador assured Dr. Heptulla to explore all possibilities to extend support to clean up Loktak Lake using Japanese technology.

Loktak Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Northeast India is deteriorating day by day despite various efforts of both government agencies and NGOs. The lake and its precincts are facing serious problems due to loss of vegetal cover in the catchment area and construction of Ithai barrage at the outlet of the lake for multipurpose development of water resources. Deforestation and shifting cultivation in the catchment areas have accelerated the process of

The Dimapur Lotsu Ekhung congratulate M i s s Wo d e n O v u n g , D/o Mr. Zuthungbemo Ovung for winning the 1st Position in Dancing Star Nagaland Competition held at Dimapur. The Ekhung wish her more success in the future endeavour. Nchumbemo Ovung Secretary Dimapur Lotsu Ekhung

Nsemo Lapon Chairman Dimapur Lotsu Ekhung


Ronghang polled 55,560 constituency and Baithavotes, said the returning langshu Assembly seat. officer. Sonowal, who is in the national capital, met BJP win mandate of the Prime Minister and demonetisation: Sonowal appealed him to ensure Chief Minister Sar- monitoring of construcbananda Sonowal today tion of fencing along the termed the BJP’s win in Indo-Bangladesh border one Lok Sabha and one through Army for speedy Assembly seat in Assam completion. as the “mandate” of Prime The Chief Minister Minister Narendra Modi’s also discussed with the decision to demonetise Prime Minister a spectrum the Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 of issues ranging from notes. demonetisation to law and “BJP’s victory in by- order situation in Assam. polls is a clear indication Sonowal apprised that people are fully sup- Modi of different steps porting the decision to that the state government demonetise Rs 1,000 and has taken with the help of Rs 500 notes. It is people’s the Reserve Bank of India mandate for the Prime to facilitate smooth flow Minister’s decision of de- of new currency notes in monetisation,” he told re- every nook and corner of porters here. the state in the wake of The Chief Minister demonetisation of high said people responded currency notes. overwhelmingly in support He also informed the of Modi’s call for eradicat- Prime Minister that the ing black money and a state government machinclear indication that the ery with the help of RBI, BJP-led governments at SBI and other Banks has the Centre and Assam were made adequate steps to performing well. ensure smooth flow of new B J P h a s wo n t h e currency notes to all secrecently held by-polls in tions of people including Lakhimpur Lok Sabha tea garden workers.



L a k h i m p u r / Boithalangso, Nov 22 (PTI): BJP today won the by-poll to Lakhimpur Lok Sabha and Baithalangso Assembly seats in Assam defeating Congress, its nearest rival. Par ty candidate Pradan Barua won the Lakhaimpur LS seat by a margin of 1,90,219 votes defeating his nearest rival Congress’s Hema Prasanga Pegu by a convincing 1,90,219 votes, the returning officer said. BJP retained the seat, which was earlier held by Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal who quit it to contest the Majuli assembly seat in April this year and take on the reins of the state. Mansing Rongpi won the Baithalangso Assembly seat. While he retained the seat, BJP won the seat as the contestant had resigned from Congress to join it in July which necessitated the by-poll this year. Rongpi defeated his nearest Congress rival Ruponsing Ronghang by 16,600 votes. Rongpi garnered 72,160 votes, while

CPI-M wrests one seat, Japan to share technology to clean Loktak retains another in Tripura


Appreciation Note from Christian Prison Ministry on conclusion of three days Inmate Convention at New Life Church, Kohima which was held from 17th to 19th Nov. 2016 towards the speaker Rev. Kevisede Kire (Pastor Soul Harvest Church, Kohima), Rev. Azahto Kiba (Pastor New Life Church, Kohima) Pastor Michael Sangtam (Nagamese Bethel Church, Chumukedima, Dimapur), Worship Leader Mathta, Volunteers, Delegates (Inmates). Sponsors and all well wishers. Sd/Christian Prison Ministry



With immense pride and honour, the Erhumrhen Okho Pangti (EOP) would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Shri. Jenithung N. Shitiri, the incumbent General Secretary of EOP for being elected as the Chairman of Pangti Village Council. The EOP profoundly thank the GBs and VCMs for reposing faith and electing him. The Okho prays that all round socio-economic, political progress and development in the Village is foreseen under his dynamic leadership. The Okho wishes him grand success as he ventures for the service of the people. Yours faithfully, Yanrenthung Jami Renjamo Odyuo Chairman, EOP Info. Secretary, EOP


Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers celebrate the win of party candidates from Lakhimpur Lok Sabha seat and Boithalangsu assembly seat, in Guwahati on Tuesday. (PTI)

Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, november 23, 2016


Sumi Aphuyemi Hoho Pughoboto has congratulated the organising committee of Ahuna and Thuwuni festival celebration held from 14th Nov–16th Nov. 2016 at Pughoboto town successfully. We appreciate the initiative taken by Hon'ble Minister PWD (R&B) Shri. Y. Vikheho Swu for being on eye opener of our people particularly the youth to venture into self employment. We do hope that it has surely stirred up the mindset of our business activities in the coming days. We also thank ADC Pughoboto Smt Avelu Roho and her team for their excellent guidance, contribution and co-operation for success of the celebration. Inavi Swu President Sumi Aphuyemi Hoho Pughoboto

Ghuzui Shohe Gen. Secy. Sumi Aphuyemi Hoho Pughoboto


BJP wins both LS, Assembly seats in Assam by-polls


Yet another day of washout in Parl

NEW DELHI, NOV 22 (PTI): Parliament today saw yet another day of washout with an aggressive opposition raking up a fresh demand for Rs 10 lakh compensation to the kin of each of those who died due to problems post demonetisation besides pressing for presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the debate on the issue. Neither the Rajya Sabha nor the Lok Sabha could transact any business due to continuous uproar and pandemonium, leading to their premature adjournment. This was the fourth straight working day of Parliament to be wasted. In the Lok Sabha, the opposition, which was joined by AIADMK in targeting the government, continued to press for a debate under a rule which entails voting even as the ruling side vehemently resisted it. Amid noisy Opposition protests, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar maintained that the government was willing to debate every aspect of the issue. Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge and Trinamool Congress’ Sudip Bandhopadhyay said they wanted a debate but demanded the Prime Minister’s presence. Due to the uproar, the House was adjourned for the day, just after noon. In the Rajya Sabha, Opposition parties unitedly stalled proceedings by maintaining that debate on demonetisation cannot be resumed until the Prime Minister is present in the House. They also raked up a fresh demand that compensation of Rs 10 lakh should be paid to the kin of each of the “70 people” who died due to problems after notes



Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, november 23, 2016

Members protest in the well of the Rajya Sabha during the winter session, in New Delhi Tuesday. (PTI Photo / TV)

of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 were scrapped. The rare show of unity in opposition camp saw Congress and TMC coordinating and arch rivals of poll-bound Uttar Pradesh SP and BSP jointly shouting slogans. The treasury benches countered them by shouting demands for resumption of the debate on the issue. The House was repeatedly adjourned before the final one at minutes past 3 PM. No sooner were the listed papers laid on the table at the start of the day’s proceedings, Sharad Yadav

(JD-U) said the government should pay a compensation of Rs 10 lakh to kin of the 70 people who lost their lives due to hardships caused by withdrawal of 500 and 1000 rupee notes. Naresh Agarwal (SP) and Mayawati (BSP) said Modi should be called before starting discussion on the demonetisation. “He should come and listen to the pain people have faced because of his decision,” Mayawati said. Leader of the Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad (Cong) said the opposition

is ready for discussion on the issue but Prime Minister should come to the House first. As he spoke, members of the BJP moved into the aisles raising slogans. At this point, TMC members carrying placards of “Financial Emergency” trooped into the Well, with Congress members following suit. As opposition members shouted slogans from the Well, Kurien said, “You cannot speak in the Well. Shouting in the Well is of no use. If you go back to your seats, I will give you time (to speak).” He told Azad that he was ready to accept his notice under Rule 267 seeking suspension of business if only there is order in the House. As BJP members also created a ruckus, an angry Kurien said, “Why should treasury benches do this? Mr Minister, why should treasury benches to this?” He was addressing Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi.

Be present in Parliament: Congress tells Modi

ALLAHABAD, NOV 22 (AGENCIES): Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad on Tuesday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi needed to stop addressing public meetings and be present in Parliament to address the concerns of the opposition and the 130 crore Indian citizens. “The Prime Minister comes to Parliament, sits in his chamber, but doesn’t attend either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha, which is a matter of concern not just for the opposition, but also for the 130 crore people of this country. After all, we want to know the reason why the Prime Minister does want to come to both houses, but feels free in giving speeches outside Parliament,” Azad told ANI. “We said the opposition is ready for a discussion, but a prime minister who is addressing public rallies on daily basis, should at least be present in the house,”

he added. Azad said, “The Prime Minister should have cancelled his public meeting after he got news of the Kanpur train tragedy. He should have thought that such a big accident had taken place and rescue operations to save passengers’ lives were still on. But, the Prime Minister commenced his meeting as he was more worried about abusing the opposition, rather than saving passengers.” Shifting his focus on the Centre’s demonetisation policy, he said, “Around 60 lives have been lost since the government brought into force the demonetisation policy. Children, women, elderly, farmers, and poor queue up for long time to get money. As all these lives were lost due to the wrong policy of the government, we demanded that the House should also pay tribute to them, along with the passengers who were killed in the rail mishap, but they refused.”

Business on 1st day of the 12th NLA session Correspondent

KOHIMA, NOV 22 (NPN): St. Joseph’s University Bill Introduced: Considering the request of Nagaland Governor P.B Acharya, to change the nomenclature of St. Joseph Catholic University to St. Joseph University, parliamentary secretary Higher & Technical education Deo Nukhu moved for consideration of the amendments as recommended. In the office memorandum chief secretary Pankaj Kumar IAS, extracted the cabinet minutes held on November 18. It said Governor Acharya has requested to change the name of the St. Joseph Catholic University to St. Joseph University on the grounds that educational institution should not be named by any particular religion. The cabinet observed that there was no bar for such nomenclature and that there were universities in the country such as Banaras Hindu

DU teachers on hunger strike NEW DELHI, NOV 22 (PTI): Scores of Delhi University teachers today staged a day-long hunger strike outside the Vice Chancellor’s office in support of ad-hoc employees’ demand for permanent jobs and pay parity. “The ad-hoc and temporary teachers routinely face a lot of discrimination in their professional lives. In many colleges, unlike the permanent staff, they have to teach more classes moving well beyond the 16-periods-per-week UGC norms. “They are also allotted more examination duties than their permanent counterparts. This form of slavery is reinforced every four months at the time of their rejoining and very often they are humiliated by the college staff because of their ad-hoc status,” said Nandita Narain, President of Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA).

tweeted, “3 soldiers killed in action on LC (Line of Control) in Machhal. Body of one soldier mutilated.” He said the “retribution will be heavy for this cowardly act.” A Defence spokesman said heavy cross-Line of Control shelling was going on at four places in Machhil sector from 3.30 pm. “Around 1530 hour, heavy cross-LoC shelling has started from both sides at Dana Machhil, Ashni, Ringsar and Ringsar Payeen in Machhil sector of Kupwara district,” he said. He did not give any further details. The three slain soldiers were : 25-year-old Prabhu Singh of Khir Jamkhas village in Shergarh tehsil of Rajasthan, 31-year-old K Kushwah of Daddupur, Ghazipur in Uttar Pradesh and 25-year-old Shashank K Singh of Nasirudinpur in Mohamadabad tehsil of

KANPUR, NOV 22 (PTI): Railways today formed a 12-member team of GRP personnel to investigate the Indore-Patna Express derailment which has left 148 passengers dead and over 100 injured. DSP GRP Jhansi will head the team, Director General Railways Gopal Gupta said here today. An FIR has already been registered against unidentified railway employees under section 304A (causing death by negligence), 337 (causing hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others) and 338 of IPC at the GRP police station at Bhimsen railway station, When asked about a broken track led to the derailment, Gupta said no evidence in this regard has been found. Maintaining that no evidence has been found so far about involvement of any terror outfit or explosion in the case, the DG said any conclusion can be reached only after the probe completes. The train’s passengers are being questioned in connection with the probe but as the incident occurred around 3 AM most of them were asleep and are not in the state to provide details, he said.

A senior army official Ghazipur in Uttar Pradesh. “retribution will be heavy said two notes of Rs 2,000 Body of Prabhu Singh was for this cowardly act”. were among the cash mutilated, army sources Fresh currency notes value recovered from the slain said. from militants militants. Parrikar briefed recovered “The currency has Fresh currency notes on LoC killings of Rs 2,000 value were been handed over to poD e f e n c e M i n i s t e r recovered from the two mili- lice for further probe as to Manohar Parrikar was to- tants killed in an encounter where from the currency day briefed by Vice Chief of today with security forces notes were obtained by the Army Lt Gen Bipin Rawat in Bandipora district of militants,” the army official said. on the killing of three sol- Jammu and Kashmir. diers, body of one of whom was mutilated, in Pakistani action on the Line of Control in Machhal sector of Kashmir. Defence Ministry sources said Lt Gen Rawat briefed the Minister in detail. This is the second such incident of mutilation of the body of an Indian soldier on the LoC since October 29. “Three soldiers killed in action on LC (Line of Control) in Machhal. Body of one soldier mutilated,” the Army said.It said the

NORTH EASTERN INDIRA GANDHI REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH & MEDICAL SCIENCES, SHILLONG ADVT. NO. NEIGR-GAD (RC)/35/2013/PT. DATED : 25TH JULY, 2016 Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following Group 'C' posts on direct recruitment. Eligible/suitable candidates are requested to submit their applications in the prescribed format along with attested copies of certificates & testimonials, two copies of recent passport size photographs, Indian Postal Order for Rs. 50/- being the application fee in favour of the Deputy Director (Admn), NEIGRIHMS payable at Shillong. (No application fee for ST/SC and Handicapped candidates). Candidates working in Govt./Semi Govt./Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Institutions are instructed to submit their application through proper channel. Candidates should not that mere fulfilling of the minimum requisite qualifications & experience shown against each post bestows no right on them to be call for test/interview. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the test/interview as the Institute deemed fit. Only Indian citizens need to apply. Sl. No. 1

Name of Post Gas Officer

No. of Post 1 (One)

Category UR

Pay Bank/Scale Pay & Grade Pay PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs. 2800


Hoover Operator

5 (Five)

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PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs. 2800


Radiotherapy Technician

5 (Five)

3-UR, 2-ST

PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs. 2800


Technical Assistant (Cath Lab)

1 (One)


PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs. 2800


CSSD Assistant Gr-I


Record Clerk

7 8

2 (Two)

condolence to the people who died in the tragic train accident in Pukjrayan near Kanpur on Sunday last. Though the NLA speaker Chotisuh Sazo announced that there was no obituary reference, chief minister T.R. Zeliang read out a condolence message for the Indore-Patna train accident victims. Zeliang further announced a donation of Rs. 10 lakh to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund for the accident victims. Zeliang conveyed condolences on behalf of NLA members and on behalf of the citizens of Nagaland and prayed to the almighty for early recovery of the injured. On the request of the chief minister, the house observed a twominute silence for the departed souls. The Speaker also informed the House that the condolence message would be sent to all bereaved families of the victims through the Prime Minister’s office.

12-member GRP team GPRN/NSCN observes ‘9th Unification Day’ p-1) to probe derailment (FormHighlights of the programme included unfurling of ‘National Flag’, drill

Three soldiers killed in LoC attack, body of one mutilated SRINAGAR/JAMMU, NOV 22 (PTI): In a crossLoC attack by suspected Pakistani terrorists, three Indian soldiers were today killed, with body of one of them being mutilated in second such incident in less than a month, triggering outrage in this country. The ambush on army patrol took place in Machhil sector of Kashmir, following which the Indian army vowed heavy “retribution”. “A counter-infiltration patrol party of Indian army was ambushed by terrorists ahead of the fencing along LoC in forest belt in Machhil sector in Kupwara district today,” a senior Army officer said. Three soldiers were killed in the attack, he said, adding the body of one of them was mutilated. Earlier, Army’s Northern Command spokesman

University and the Aligarh Muslim University, it stated. However, it said considering that the sponsors, DMI foundation, did not have any objection to the change of name and also the need to set up the university expeditiously, the cabinet approved the proposal for the change of name. The bill was passed through voice vote. Term of select committee on Lokayukta extended: The house also extended the tenure of the select committee members on the Nagaland Lokayukta Bill 2015, where parliamentary secretary Er. Levi Rengma is the chairman, including R. Tohanba, C. Apok Jamir, Pukhayi and advisor Dr. T. M Lotha as members. The committee has been directed to present the report within six months. CM announces Rs. 10 lakh for victims of train mishap: The two-day Winter Session began with

1-UR, 1-ST

PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs. 2400

3 (Three)


PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs. 1900

Motor Mechanic

1 (One)


PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs. 1900

Library Assistant

1 (One)


PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs. 1900



1 (One)


PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs. 1900


O.T. Assistant Gr-II

2 (Two)


PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs. 1900

Further details regarding educational qualifications, age limit, experience, eligibility criteria for direct recruitment and to download the prescribed proforma of application, kindly visit to the Institute's Website: Complete applications may be sent in the prescribed Performa's to The Deputy Director (Admn), North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences, Mawdiangdiang Shillong-793018. SUPERSCRIBING "Application for the post of......................................................................." Last date of receipt of application is One month from the date of publication of this Advertisement in the Employment News. Sd/Deputy Director (Admn) davp 17119/11/0010/1617 NERIGRIHMS, Shillong

display by Naga Army units; presentation and introduction. On the occasion, GPRN/NSCN calendar 2017 was released by veteran Naga leaders namely ‘brig.’ (retd) Kakiho Tuccu, Heqheto Zhimo and ‘lt. Gen.’ (retd) Mohpa Konyak. Special numbers were presented by Coloured Keys and Tetseo Sisters while Lotha and Konyak troupes enthralled the gathering with cultural presentation. Solidarity messages were delivered by NTC president Lendinokdang Ao; ENPO president Koiwang Konyak; CNTC vice president R. Yanthan; NGBF president Shalem Konyak; senior citizen and former SH president Dr Hokishe Yepthomi respectively. GPRN/NSCN Kilonser and convenor organising committee Akato Chophi extended note of appreciation while senior pastor Sangtam Baptist Church Kohima, Rev Y Imtipa Sangtam said the benediction prayer.

Review 33% women quota: NH, ENPO (From p-1) getting huge grants from the ministry of urban development. One of the leader had gone to the extent of cautioning that they would consider every democratic means to express their disapproval. The tribal bodies objecting to the conduct of polls without resolving the concerns included- Ao Senden, Sumi Hoho, CNTC,ENPO, Naga Hoho, CPO, APO, KVC, Medziphema Village Council, while Lotha Hoho had said it would “wait-and-watch.” It may also be recalled, that the cabinet had decided to hold polls during August after a letter dated April 9, 2016 to chief minister T.R.Zeliang was issued by NMA Advisor Rosemary Dzuvichu. The latter claimed that the Supreme Court in its April 5,2016 order while granting the SPL had ordered holding of civic polls under 33% women reservation. In the light of observations about the cabinet bypassing the house resolution of September 22,2012 the government decided to reverse the resolution adopted then, which prepared by T.R.Zeliang as then minister of parliamentary affairs.


Dated, Kohima, the

th November 2016

NO.DMA/HFA/T-206/2016: : In inviting a reference to the Directorate of Municipal Affairs, Nagaland, Kohima Advertisement NO.DMA/HFA/T201/2015 dated 21/10/2016 published by the undersigned for various Specialists Posts under SLTC/CLTC of PMAY-HFA(U) in the local dailies, it is hereby informed to all applicants that the interview for shortlisted Candidates is yet to be confirmed due to some technical difficulties. The interview date and time will be published as and when further Approval is received from the GoI.


Sd/(A.ZANBEMO NGULLIE) Mission Director, PMAY-HFA (U) & Joint Director & HOD, Municipal Affairs, Nagaland: Kohima. GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND



Dated Kohima, the 22nd Nov. 2016


(Training of Construction Workers in Highway Construction Sector) Applications are invited from interested candidates for undergoing training in Highway Construction Sector to be conducted by National Highway & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited under Ministry of Road Transport & Highway, Govt. of India. Training will be imparted in two categories :(i) Operation of Highway Machineries in Construction (ii) Allied Activities of Construction. The training will be provided free of Cost. Qualification - 10th Passed. Last Date of submission - 30/11/2016. Contact No - 9436062368 Candidates are requested to submit the application with Xerox copies of all the relevant documents to the undersigned.


(MUTHINGNYUBA SANGTAM) Director Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Nagaland : Kohima Issued by: DIPR




Dated Kohima, the 22nd Nov. 2016


FREE TRAINING & PLACEMENT PROGRAMME (Sponsored by Doner Ministry) Courses Retail & Hospitality Sector Educational 1. Passed 12th Class 2. Knowledge of Microsoft Office Qualification Duration One Year from Feb' 2017 Age Limit Minimum Age limit is 17 Years & Maximum Age limit is 22 years as on 01/01/2007. The upper age limit will be relaxed by 5 years in case of SC/ST/PH/ Girls candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates. Last Date of Submission 10th Jan. 2017 Interview Date 17/01/2017 Training Location World Class Skill Centre, Vivek Bihar, Delhi Candidates must present 1. Educational Qualification Certificate/Marksheet the following documents 2. HSLC Admit Card 3. SC/ST Certificate 4. Physical Fitness Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner  Candidates are requested to submit the Xerox copies of all the relevant documents to the undersigned.  Contact No : 9436062368


(MUTHINGNYUBA SANGTAM) Director Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Nagaland : Kohima Issued by: DIPR



Nagaland Post


Vol. XXVI NO. 347 Dimapur, Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Govt’s strange logic


hose who visit Nagaland do not fail to mention about the people of Nagaland as being warm and hospitable, their food tasty and unforgettable and the climate, salubrious. However, the conversation never fails to revolve around the now infamous pot-holed roads whose tar carpet have been shorn off. The condition of the roads in Nagaland reflect the achievements of the government, whether they like it or not. How much money has been spent on roads during the past ten years or more is a subject which people can either ponder or ask their elected leaders. The other crucial issue that existed before pot-holed roads became a feature, is continuing power crisis. Nagaland reeled under long duration of load shedding ranging from six or even to 12 hours during peak summer months. The situation went beyond control of the officers of the Department that Power (DoP) consumers in some parts of Nagaland became so infuriated that they shut down of offices. The Association of Power Engineers Nagaland(APEN) has been raising the issue in public domain in order to make consumer aware about the situation that the department is in. APEN had warmed of a likely and impending collapse of the power system in Nagaland. APEN went on to point out that the DoP, which is a major department has been gradually experiencing dwindling funds. For instance, APEN said that for the period 2016-17 the DoP received less fund than the preceding financial year. Bad revenue receipts reflect the biggest factor that has been contributing to the department’s financial woes. The department suffers financial loss due to the gnawing gap between purchase price and sale price of power. In the past several years, it was almost a regular feature of the department to announce loss amounting to around of over Rs.100 crore annually which was blamed on supposed theft and pilferage. The accumulated total loss from all these has been pegged at around 55% to 60% which is equivalent to 30MW to 40MW out of the total power that the state receives. Due to funds constraints made to bear on it, the DoP cannot buy much needed spare parts to maintain the system and purchase of higher capacity transformers for proper distribution which resulted in frequent breakdowns since the outdated transformers don’t have the capacity to handle higher wattage. Earlier, APEN said the problem has been compounded by the government ban on creation of new posts even as more transformers and new power lines put in place. The DoP requires around Rs.17 crore for immediate purchase of crucial parts that are required to repair and maintain the system and another Rs.23 crore as liabilities. When Planning Commission existed, Nagaland used to receive around Rs.2100 crore as annual plan fund. After the Planning Commission was scrapped, NITI Aayog took its place and left the state (CMs) to plan and prepare their own development with big step up. Due to drastic reduction Plan fund, major departments like Power received the same amount with other departments. On the other hand Non Plan fund was almost doubled and utilised for whatever purposes as deemed fit by the government.It is unfortunate that despite repeated requests on the government to rationalise funding so as to help revenue earning departments like DoP, but there has been no response. This is like the government is waiting for the worse to happen.

DailyDevotion Shallow and Profound Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. —1 Corinthians 10:31 Beware of allowing yourself to think that the shallow aspects of life are not ordained by God; they are ordained by Him equally as much as the profound. We sometimes refuse to be shallow, not out of our deep devotion to God but because we wish to impress other people with the fact that we are not shallow. This is a sure sign of spiritual pride. We must be careful, for this is how contempt for others is produced in our lives. And it causes us to be a walking rebuke to other people because they are more shallow than we are. Beware of posing as a profound person— God became a baby. To be shallow is not a sign of being sinful, nor is shallowness an indication that there is no depth to your life at all— the ocean has a shore. Even the shallow things of life, such as eating and drinking, walking and talking, are ordained by God. These are all things our Lord did. He did them as the Son of God, and He said, “A disciple is not above his teacher…” (Matthew 10:24). We are safeguarded by the shallow things of life. We have to live the surface, commonsense life in a commonsense way. Then when God gives us the deeper things, they are obviously separated from the shallow concerns. Never show the depth of your life to anyone but God. We are so nauseatingly serious, so desperately interested in our own character and reputation, we refuse to behave like Christians in the shallow concerns of life. Make a determination to take no one seriously except God. You may find that the first person you must be the most critical with, as being the greatest fraud you have ever known, is yourself.


I always prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble. ~ Rudyard Kipling

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, November 23, 2016


ome Nagas boast at every available opportunity that Nagaland State is the only state in India born out of political agreement. Probably, Nagaland is also the only failed State in India. Fifty-three years (since 1963) of the state’s existence is reasonably long enough a period for serious appraisal. Let me outline some areas to answer the headline. Political: Contrary to the belief of many people, that statehood was just an interim solution; the 16-PA document was the living proof that statehood was intended, not as the means but the end in itself. This was evident from the speech of Dr. Imkongliba Ao, President NPC. He had his speech broadcast through All India Radio, AIR Kohima Station on inauguration day of Interim Body in February 1961. (Quote) “The Nagaland political problem had ended and therefore there is no reason for you to remain underground. Come out from underground and participate in the new establishment” (unquote). Since the first state general election in 1964, all political parties continue to proclaim solution to Naga political problem as their number one election manifesto. Yet, after the elections, no political party had the political will and courage to fulfill their promises. The GoI and the Government of Nagaland miserably failed to end what they called Naga political problem. Administrative (Violations and incomplete implementation of the clauses of 16-PA) Article 2 of 16-PA was violated when Nagaland state was shifted from Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) to Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) in 1972. The transfer from MEA to MHA could not have been possible without a Cabinet nod of Nagaland State Assembly. NLA of that house betrayed the Nagas. Article 11, concerning special funding pattern was withdrawn by the GoI in 1989 on the ground of having adopted the normative approach in funding. The GoI betrayed her political commitment.


eservation is now the hot topic of the day. There are endless debates going on at individual levels, various platforms and organizational levels. Some vehemently oppose it, some hardly supports it and some stay neutral. But before going on to support or oppose it, first of all we have to detach our emotions from the topic and look at the issue pragmatically. Women do not need a quota to assert themselves. Even if there is a quota, it is only going to serve the rich and powerful who will rule through their wives, sisters or daughters. On the other hand, the passing of the Women Reservation Bill may cause bias in the democratic process. It may hurt the self-respect of women who have come up on their own ability, and may result in lesser respect for women in the society. It may also bring down the quality of leaders. Women, no doubt today have excelled themselves in all fields, and infact are surpassing men too in many different arenas but demanding equality with men by demanding 33 percent reservation seems somewhat hollow. Just for the sake of filling up some seats, demanding this right will be a disgrace to a women intellectually. If they want real equality with men, they should demand 50 percent and nothing less. The problem today is how politics is going out of reach of the common people, both men and women. What is needed from the government, the bureaucracy, and most important of all, the Naga public is taking responsibility for one’s work, and to act like mature and accountable citizens. The cheating and fraudulent behavior that has somehow become inherent in our very ethos, possibly due to quite a lot of divisions, poverty and growing class conscious even among the lower middle or middle

Is Nagaland a failed state?

The state’s boundaries remain inconclusive and pending in the Supreme Court of India. Article 12, concerning Consolidation (Re-transfer) of (Reserved) Forest Areas and Article 13, concerning Consolidation (integration) of Contiguous Naga areas had direct bearings on State’s boundaries with neighboring states, especially Assam. Article 13 of 16-PA still remain a dream despite five resolutions of Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) passed in December 1964, August 1970, September 1994, December 2003 and July 2015. Nagaland, being a political state born out of political agreement, territorial definition at ground was unclear from day one. Had these two articles being conclusively integral to the creation of the state, the state’s boundaries too would be conclusive. The boundary dispute was the creation of the GoI, which otherwise was traditionally indisputable. There is no sign that the inter-state boundaries will conclude anytime. Meanwhile, the State exists without clear-cut territorial demarcation at ground. It has led to border clashes and wars wherein, lives were lost. It is a clear proof that the sovereignty of Nagaland remained unchanged by statehood. Article 3 (iii) of 16-PA concerning special powers/responsibilities of the Governor on law and order continue to remain in force until date, implying that normalcy has not returned to the State. This is evident from the extension of Disturbed Area Act, 1955 in entire state of Nagaland year after years and continuation of the draconian law, Armed Forces (Special) Powers Act, 1958, still operational in Nagaland. The governments (GoI and GoN) with all the civil administrative machineries and armed forces are unable to restore normalcy. This is a complete failure on law and order front. Article 16 of 16-PA concerning Inner line regulation was a complete failure. Despite continuation of (Protected Area Act, 1958) Bengal Eastern Fron-

tier Regulation, 1873 for ‘Inner line Regulation’, unabated illegal infiltration into the State from Bangladesh and Assam continues, seriously disturbing the demography of the State. The immigrants have controlled 80-90% of the State’s market economy. Article 371A of India’s constitution was the culmination of 16-PA. The sanctity of Article 371A (iv) was put to acid test when the Ministry of Petroleum and MHA claimed that this clause falls under the Union list in which, the NLA has no power to frame its own regulation for exploration of oil and natural gas. In Nagaland, the land and its resources (both on the surface and below) belong to the people. No nationalization of private lands exists in Nagaland. The State government has no liberty, except with the prior consent of the landowners, to explore the resources. The legislative power of NLA is thus, limited to regulation and safeguarding (and not exploit) the people’s rights. The contention of Petroleum ministry and MHA are direct challenge to inherent Naga right because land and people are inseparable. Man exists on land and its resources. Therefore, if the NLA fails to protect the sanctity of this clause, the preceding clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 371A will have no meaning. The tussle between the central ministries and the state government is like two brothers fighting for inheritance right of a property while the father is still alive. Economic: ‘No peace, no development’ has been Nagaland’s development motto. There is severe development deficit. Nagaland state is probably the only state in India with weakest infrastructure. Nagaland is still 90% dependent on centre as proved by 90:10 funding pattern for all CSS. The sorry state of our roads, hospitals and school buildings bear witness to Nagaland’s shameful face. Connectivity services (Air, surface and telecommunications) are among the poorest in the country. The cumulative deficit of the State’s budget has reached alarm-

ing level, crossing even the total plan outlay of the current financial year. Gross fiscal indiscipline has ruined the financial health of the state. Except the negligible sources of revenue generated from services provided, he State has no revenue source from industrial production. In over half a century’s span, the State could not establish a Medical College, Engineering College, Law College, Management Institutes, etc. Water supply problem is chronically perennial in all towns of the State. The State is entirely dependent on other States for power supply. No power-driven industrial activity is viable in Nagaland. Agriculture contributes major share in State’s GDP but most of our farmers still till their soil using traditional methods and implements. High BPL population of the state proved that our agricultural produce have not achieved even subsistence level, leave alone self-sufficiency and surplus. There is complete contrast between BPL population and per capita income of the state. Law and order has never been conducive for trade and commerce. The economy of the people is crippled by multiple taxations. Anti-social syndicates control the markets. The unfavorable environment has led to unprecedented brain drain, as most talented youths prefer to work outside the State in private sectors. Unemployment problem: With over 120,000 employees for a population of 190,000, the state has the highest number of government employees in the country in population ratio. Government employees’ salaries eat up over 70% of the State’s annual budget leaving meager 20-30% for development activities. Employment in private sectors is almost nil as no private firms of size and repute exist in Nagaland. The State has registered over 70,000 educated unemployed. The gross figure of unemployment inclusive of those unregistered is over 100,000. The State has miserably failed to generate employment avenues other than the white-collar job. There

Reservations and our women

classes needs to be replaced viding reservations to wom- tion, which can help design by a sense of ownership for en in government jobs and our lives. But again if the our land and its resourc- democratic institutions like activists want to fight for a es. Somewhere the ques- legislative assemblies and cause, ideally they should be tion arises in our minds if Parliament also. We have a forcing the government and our homes, schools or the free society; women already others to ensure a secure church education fails to have reservation at most environment for women inculcate these qualities, for places so why do they need not only in office but also corruption knows no bounds it specifically in our local on the roads. And maybe of income or education urban bodies?”Sometimes even at homes, why not? But level. Once we start to make one feels that basically the honestly, why do we need ground in that direction, all reservation issue is noth- quota to showcase equalsystems will start function- ing but a populist policy ity when men and women ing as they were intended to. of a government, but still are born equal. All that we The intention of the govt. to it is necessary to discuss need is basic education for introduce the bill is pious, the rationale behind such all women. but the main part is that, the a policy. Can reservations Reservation for women implementation of the bill for women be an effective in any democratic instituwill be as poor as the quota measure and do the women tions would amount to a provided in the education really require such special positive discrimination. But system or job sectors. With reservation? These are the it might foster a sense of the power of the election points which need to be inferiority complex among of the candidates still in addressed. The political the women that they have the hands of few powerful opinion behind providing been, as if were, provided people and it is sure that such reservations to women with crutches to walk on, our citizens will be left with is to create a level playing to struggle in the demandno choice but to select the field for all of its citizens. ing world. Also, reservation “charismatic and dynamic” The argument is that social for women, as we have seen women under the shadow norms strongly favour men in the cases of the Schedof influential and powerful and therefore, reservation uled Castes, Scheduled man who ultimately are go- for women would create Tribes and Other backward ing to pull the strings. There equal opportunity for men Classes, would become a is a reason why there are and women. populist tool at the hands very few women in politics Of course, one myth of powers that be. In the today in India – it has be- that is easily exploded by the circumstances the intention come a lifelong obsession role played by such women of every political party is to for power, influence and leaders is that political lead- talk in terms of reservation fame – it stopped being ership by women is dramati- only, instead of hitting at “public service” decades cally different from that of the basic cause of such an ago. It takes a certain hun- men. Indeed, the truth is inequality between men and ger for power and fame to that most of our women women. even get into the political political leaders are no better Instead of providing arena. Women Empower- or worse than men. What all any solution to this deep ment means to empower these suggest, therefore, is rooted problem reservation women in all aspects of that the political empower- for women may give rise their identity, capability and ment of women not only still to social, political as well status. It is about empower- has a long way to go, but it as psychological tensions. ing women to let them take also may not have all that There are many complex their own decisions. They much to do with the periodic reasons behind the low repmust be free to be the way carnivals of Indian electoral resentation of women in the they want to be. Empowered democracy. For any, woman socio-political and economic women will have better who has the financial back- profile of the country which position and better status ing for election campaigns a reservation policy cannot in the society.But Empower- is already more empowered hope to tackle.And by dement and Reservation is two than average Indian women. claring that women are not completely different entities If ‘women empowerment’ capable enough to win seats which we have to differenti- is the underlying idea of in the real environment, you ate properly. reservation, then it is more are not earning respect but Granting reservations logical to focus on provid- just pity. Is this empowering to a particular section of ing basic education for all woman in reality then? community in government women, especially in the “To be a feminist is to jobs and other institutions lower and middle strata of acknowledge that one’s life is generally the highlight of the society. The focus should has been regressed. The any political party’s agenda be on giving a life of dignity demand for granting preferthese days. Now there have for women of all strata and ential treatment to women been discussions about pro- societies, through educa- is an admission on her part Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this

is over saturation in government employment. This has given rise to abuse of power giving rise to favoritism and nepotism in employment. Transfer-postings are at the whims and fancy of politicians in power. There is complete failure in manpower management in the public and semi-public sectors. Corruption: It has reached stupendous height. This Christian state has earned the dubious distinction of being the most corrupt state in India. It has affected the entire social strata in which, not even the church was spared. Corruption in Nagaland is the direct by-product of corrupt elections. Election in Nagaland is one of the most expensive in India. But for want of space, the list can go on. Nagaland State is in dire straits. Yet, our parliamentarians have no time to sit for more than 15-30 minutes in each session of assembly. The existence of Nagaland state has become a great joke. Conclusion: Statehood experiment has failed. It has not delivered the intended purpose. The time has come for Nagas for serious appraisal. The need to review statehood in its entirety has become imperative. Nagas need serious parliamentarians who will have the honesty and courage to speak on the sovereign right of Nagaland on the floor of NLA. Nagaland’s parliamentarians have a great deal of lesson to learn from the parliamentarians of Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania who had the courage to declare their independence on the floor of parliaments in early 1990s. Their lone rallying point was that, they were independent prior to Soviet annexation in WWII. Nagas too have our own history of independence that preceded India’s independence. Naga nationalists blamed statehood as the greatest impediment to sovereign Nagaland. Needless to say the only role the State parliamentarians can play to end Naga political problem is for them to shun the failed experiment of statehood. Dr. K. Hoshi, Phek Town

of her inferiority and there has been no need for such a thing in India as the women have always been by the side of men in Council and in the fields of battle. We must have no mutual conflict in our homes or abroad. We must transcend differences. We must rise above nationalism, above religion, above sex.” Sarojini Naidu said these words during the Fourth session of All India Women’s Conference, Bombay, 1930. Reservations and entitlements are not the best way for a democratic country to order its society. History has shown that once an entitlement or a reservation is put in place,

it is impossible to revoke regardless of whether the purpose for which it was intended has been achieved or not. Reservations create no incentives for those entitled to them to break away from them and enter the mainstream. Besides it is a fallacy to believe that women legislators solve women’s problems better. And the idea of free and fair elections is for the electorate to choose who, in its combined opinion, the best person for the job is. Interfering with the course of free and fair elections seriously undermines democracy. (To be concluded) Jonah Achumi

Reader’s Post

Appeal to chairman, Law Commission of India (Uniform Civil Code)


Thank You for inviting opinions and views on Uniform Civil Code. As seen in your “Appeal” the intended goal in venturing out this public debate is to find ways “to address discrimination against vulnerable groups and harmonise the various cultural practices” with special focus on family laws. You have also stated that it is to ensure that “the norms of no one class, group or community dominate the tone or tenor of family law reforms.” While the intention is appreciated, the outcome of a uniform civil code can be devastating because of complexity of cultures and practices in India. Just to cite an example, a triple talaq may be sufficient for divorce- the vow is “till death to us part”. You will understand very well that to arrive at uniform law in such case is practically impossible. Therefore, the effort to bring a Uniform Civil Code is too idealistic and far from being practical. In the event a uniform Civil Code is formulated by imposing the dominant group’s cultural and religious practices then it will exactly defeat the purpose it hopes to achieve. The Angami Baptist Church Council would like to keep on record that a Uniform Civil Code which contradicts the beliefs and practices of the Christians will not be acceptable. If it fails to take into consideration the feeling of the minorities, particularly the Naga Christians, then it will further distant us in our already estranged relationship. Rev. Dr. V. Atsi Dolie, Executive Director Angami Baptist Church Council newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.



CM condoles demise of late Tsacholi

State govt notifies AHoDs, HoDs

Modi defends currency spike

Incidentally, BJP President Amit Shah, in his first reaction after demonetisation scheme was announced, had dubbed the move as surgical strike on black money and corruption. The BJP Parliamentary Party also passed a resolution backing the government’s decision to spike the high value currencies. The resolution was moved by Home Minister Rajnath Singh. Ananth Kumar told the media: “The Parliamentary Party unanimously passed a resolution on the historical demonetisation decision of November 8.” “The Parliamentary Party unanimously welcomes the historic announcement made by PM withdrawing the legal tender value of currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 and compliments the Prime

Kiyanilie reacts to NPCC (From p-1) Peseyie also reminded that when the chief minister T.R. Zeliang moved a confidence motion on February 5, 2015, all 59 MLAs excluding the Speaker, voted in his favour. “And if there is anyone who is nervous, paranoid and have shivers running down their spines, it would be the Congress party which is now composed of a few handful political has-beens and wannabes whose political fortunes in the coming years are as bleak as a cloudy day,” he said. He said the then Congress chief whip, on the eve of the vote on confidence motion, had issued a whip directing all its Regd. No. 4710

MLAs to vote in favour of the motion moved by the chief minister. “Was this whip deemed as dictatorial or unprecedented by anyone then?” he questioned. He further said it was absurd to say that the presence of large number of MLAs who extend unflinching support to the Leader of the House could ever take a toll on the leader. “Lack of support of legislators could make any chief minister in a democratic set such as ours uncomfortable, but whoever has heard of a chief minister enjoying the support of all the legislators in the House like the present chief minister T.R. Zeliang does, might


Date : 17.11.16

I, Shri. Nighoto Achumi, s/o Khukishe Achumi, aged about 37 years, R/o Agri Colony, Kohima, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under :1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That my official/correct name is Nighoto Achumi and the same has been entered in my service book. 3. That however in some of my important documents my name has been entered as Nighoto K. Sema instead of Nighoto Achumi. 4. That the above referred names Nighoto Achumi and Nighoto K. Sema are same and one person i.e myself. 5. That this affidavit is made to declare my correct official name is Nighoto Achumi and this declaration shall be use as a piece of proof and evidence at all time for all purposes. 6. That the statements made in the above paragraphs are true and correct and nothing material has been stated or concealed therein. And I signed this affidavit on this day, the 17th day of November 2016 at Kohima. DEPONENT Solemnly affirm and declare before me by the above name deponent on this 17th day of November 2016. Judicial Magistrate K-4248 1st Class, Kohima : Nagaland


NOTICE INVITING CLAIMS/OBJECTIONS OF OTHER CLAIMANT(S) FOR ISSUE OF SUCCESSION CERTIFICATE UNDER PART-I OF INDIAN SUCCESSION ACT 1925. Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate/pension benefits of Late Banarsi Prasad has been applied by Smti. Phuljari Devi, R/o H/no : 27 Ram Janaki Thakurbari Area Dimapur W/o Late Banarsi Prasad for possession of : S.B.I (Motihari; Bihar) A/C No: 10953222095, Fix Deposit S.B.I (Motihari : Bihar) A/C No. 30294090289, Fix Deposit S.B.I (Motihari: Bihar) A/C 30294207664, Locker No: 125/386/1 Allahabad Bank Dimapur, Fix Deposit Allahabad Bank Dimapur : A/c No: DD/F 087948, Fix Deposit Allahabad Bank Dimapur: A/c No : DD/F 087947, Fix Deposit Allahabad Bank Dimapur: A/C No: DD/F 886785, DD/F886375, Fix Deposit Allahabad Bank Dimapur : A/C No: 50030245854, DMC Stall (Permit) No: I-2 New Market, who expired on 24-10-2015. Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate/pension benefits of the said deceased may if she/he so desire appear in this court on or before the said day of 20.12.2016. Given under the hand and seal of the court on this 21st November 2016. DP-9452

(G.H. RAMLIA) Principal District & Sessions Judge Dimapur : Nagaland

as well say he or she is lying through the teeth!,” he said. Peseyie said he recently pointed out to journalists that as the chief Whip of the NPF Legislature Party, it was required for him to issue Whip as and when necessary to ensure that members of the NPF Legislature Party stand together on certain pertinent issues and to maintain discipline within the legislators of the party. He said the whip issued by him was however non-binding on non-NPF legislators and said the Congress too would have done the same only if it had legislators in the House. “It should also be forgiven for not understanding what a whip is,” he added.

(From p-1) never extend support to any individual using fake and false educational certificates to gain mileage. However, KDCC alleged that it was Yakhro who was bringing out the hidden differences and “internal cock-fighting” within NPF by completely supporting the chief minister. “This instead proves Yakhro’s disloyalty to the Party but favouring individual interest,” KDCC said appreciated Yakhro for revealing the cracks within the NPF house, which it claimed was “on the verge collapsing.”

NPCC to protest note ban Nov 24 DIMAPUR, NOV 22 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has informed that All India Congress Committee (AICC) would organise countrywide “protest rally” against the demonetisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes by BJP-led NDA government on November 24, 2016. In this regard, NPCC secretary (adm) Moa Emchen has directed all the District Congress Committees (DCCs) to organize “protest rally” at their respective district on that day.

Nagaland: Chartered jet flier held with Rs 3.5 cr in old notes

DIMAPUR, NOV 22 (PTI): A Bihar-based businessman, travelling alone in a chartered jet, was apprehended today at the airport here for allegedly carrying Rs 3.5 crore in demonetised currency. Officials said sleuths of central security agencies and CISF questioned the man, identified as A Singh from Bihar’s Munger district, soon after his jet landed here. The case was later handed over to local Income Tax authorities. They said the man had come in here on a jet that had taken off from Sirsa in Haryana early today. “CISF sleuths acted




Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate/pension benefits of Late Asheto Sema has been applied by Smti. Vitoli Shohe, R/o Niuland Town, Dimapur, Nagaland, w/o Late Asheto Sema for possession of : 1. Pension & Service Benefits 2. SBI A/C No. 10810651549. Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate/pension benefits of the said deceased may if she/he so desire appear in this court on or before the said day of 21.12.2016. Given under the hand and seal of the court on this 22nd Nov. 2016.

on some prior inputs and intercepted the passenger as soon as he landed here. Initially, the amount detected was said to be Rs 5.5 crore but later I-T authorities reported the final amount with him to be Rs 3.5 crore. The taxman is investigating the source of the

currency,” they said. A special vigil has been deployed by security agencies and the airport guarding Central Industrial Security Force in the wake of the demonetisation of the two large currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 by the government.

Opening From 28th November 2016


Dr. Joy N. Chakraborty MS, DNB (Surgery), DNB (Urology), FRCS renowned Endourosurgeon from Guwahati will be available for consultation on 10th Dec. 2016 (Saturday) for Urinary problems, Prostate, Kidney & Bladder Stone. For Registration, please contact :  03862-231864, 227337, 224117


Range (ITR) at Abdul Kalam Island (Wheeler Island), defence officials said. Describing the trial as successful, they said the launch of the intermediate range singlestage missile was “part of training exercise by Strategic Forces Command of Indian Army”, they said. “The launch was undertaken as periodic training activity by SFC to further consolidate operational readiness,” they said.


Impulse Group of companies Recruiting candidates below 28 years of age for various positions, Earn Rs. 500/- to Rs. 1000/- per day and get fixed stipend between Rs. 3000 – Rs. 8000 P.M After completion of Probationary training, salary between Rs. 35000/- to Rs. 85000/- P.M. Contact ASU-MAX Office Super Market O.B-10 Super Market near Auto Driver Union Office Dimapur - (03862)227834. DP-8930



FREE 1½ Month Training for Female 1) Asst. Beauty Therapist. 2) Asst. Hairstylist. In Noida, Delhi under Govt. Scheme PMKVY Free Traveling, Lodging & Fooding 100% Job Guarantee After Training

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BALASORE (ODISHA), NOV 22 (PTI): India today successfully test-fired its indigenously built nuclear capable Agni-I ballistic missile, which can hit a target 700 km away, as part of a user trial by Army from a test range off Odisha coast. The surface-to-surface missile, powered by solid propellants, was test-fired from a mobile launcher at 10.10 AM from launch pad-4 of the Integrated Test

Contact no- 9402489628, 7085055769


Dr. Bikash Rai Das MBBS MS DNB (CTVS) MNAMS Sr. consultant Cardiothoracic/Vascular surgeon from GNRC Hospitals, Guwahati will be available for consultation on 29th Nov. 2016 Tuesday (3:00 PM onwards) & 30th Nov. 2016 Wednesday (9:00 am onwards).

India test-fires Agni-I ballistic missile

(FOOD AND LODGING) Near NSF Martyr’s Park, Upper PWD. Kohima -797001



(From p-1) According to the release, the people had spent weeks in preparation and had waited in long queues bearing the cold wind on the day of the proposed visit only to be rewarded with disappointment. They said the district administration had informed the village authority of the proposed visit and further advised them to prepare for his visit in a befitting manner. The village authority expressed surprise as to why the governor cancelled his visit at the last moment since he himself chose the village as his last stop during the tour.



Dr. Amit Ranjan Baruah MBBS MD DNB (Neurology) consultant Neurologist from GNRC Hospitals, Guwahati will be available for consultation on 29th Nov. 2016 Tuesday (3:00 PM onwards) & 30th Nov. 2016 Wednesday (9:00 am onwards).

mal transactions relating to transfers and payments through cheques, drafts and account transfers. In the case of payment of salaries, the OM advised that necessary steps may be taken to instruct all the employees to furnish details of their bank accounts, in case not done yet, so that salaries may be credited directly to their accounts. Government employees who were yet to open their accounts may be instructed to do so immediately to facilitate payment of their salaries. Difficulties faced, if any, may be brought to the notice of finance department, it added.

Yu-Yu Offers cooking classes in Chinese cuisine (chow, momo, chowmein etc). Get train and be a professional cook or start your own restaurant. Duration: 1-2 months along with certificate Starting from 25th Nov 2016 For course fee and information please call us @ 8413097005 (Limited seats! Be hurry) Address: Yu-Yu mixed restaurant Star MPCS Market ground floor Opp. to Kezehol Complex/ M.K Market below North Police Station Kohima.

(G.H. Ramlia) Principal District and Sessions Judge Dimapur : Nagaland


per week while in the case of business entities having current accounts that were operational for the last three months or more, withdrawals upto Rs. 50,000 per week has been permitted. It stated that those limits were applicable irrespective of whether withdrawals were made in a single or in multiple transactions. No exceptions have been allowed for agencies of the central and state governments from the above restrictions, the OM stated. While restrictions have been imposed on cash withdrawals, the OM stated that there were no restrictions on other nor-

People have right to know their Villagers unhappy leader’s edn qualification: KDCC for cancelling visit


since the last 70 years due to corruption and black money.” “This decision is in favour of the people and against black money, corruption and counterfeit currency. Our target is fight a long battle against all these,” said Modi, according to Ananth Kumar. According to sources, the Prime Minister said that demonetisation decision is just a “beginning of government’s crusade against black money and corruption”, and such type of actions will be continued. Sources also said that Prime Minister asked party leaders not to use the word “surgical strike” for demonetisation. “Don’t call it a surgical strike. Only a soldier can do that,” a source quoted Modi as saying at the meeting.

Bank Colony, A.G Hr. Sec. School Junction, Dimapur 9612345267/9615454002 DP-9272



(Council of Rengma Baptist Churches)


B. A. - 1 Post B. Sc (PCM) - 1 Post B. Sc . (PCB) - 1 Post Last date for Submission of Application: 6th Dec 2016 CONTACT: 9436439754, 9856051350, 9856323544


NEW DELHI, NOV 22 (IANS): In an emotional speech to parliament members from his ruling BJP, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday vehemently defended the demonetisation move, saying it was done for the benefit of the people. Addressing the BJP Parliamentary Party meeting here, Modi urged the members to counter what he called was “misinformation” being spread by the opposition parties on the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes. “We came to power for the poor, not for our own sake,” the Prime Minister said in his speech, according to Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ananth Kumar. “The poor, the lower middle class and middle class have been suffering

DIMAPUR: State chief minister, TR Zeliang, has condoled the demise of Tsacholi, father-in-law of power minister C Kipili Sangtam, on Monday evening after a brief illness. In his condolence message, Zeliang said late Tsacholi, who was a prominent citizen of Kiphire town, was a man dedicated to the service of the society. In all his years as a Dobashi, the chief minister said he rendered yeoman services to maintenance of peace, law and order in the society, adding that people remember him as a fair and efficient person known to have solved several critical cases with farsightedness and with a sense of justice and honesty. Further, Zeliang said that in an area where local administration played a crucial role in assisting the district administration, late Tsacholi continued to render his services even after retirement as a DB when he was appointed as a town Gaon Burra. “Senior citizen of the town has passed away, but he will be fondly remembered by the denizens of the town and the area,” he said and conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members. He further prayed that the Almighty grant solace and comfort to the bereaved family members at this hour of grief and departed soul rest in eternal peace.

DIMAPUR, NOV 22 (NPN): State gover nment has advised all Administrative Heads of Departments (AHoDs) and Heads of Departments (HoDs) to ensure that all government payments were made through cheques, drafts or transfers through RTGS/NEFT till such time restrictions on cash withdrawals were lifted. In an office memorandum, principal secretary & finance commissioner Temjen Toy reminded that following the demonetisation of Rs.1000 and Rs. 500 banknotes, all withdrawals have been restricted to an amount of Rs. 24,000 per account


Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Rajnath Singh, Union I&B Minister Venkaiah Naidu, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, senior leader L K Advani during BJP parliamentary party meeting in New Delhi on Tuesday. (PTI)

Minister, the government and the Reserve Bank Of India,” the resolution said. “The parliamentary party is supremely confidant that this bold initiative will achieve the intended objectives cutting off financial support to terrorists and extremists organisations, address the problem of counterfeit currency besides checkmating unaccounted money in the system and serving as a serious warning to those indulging in corruption,” it added. It also acknowledged the initiative as a national project of cleansing the system and of great significance that will usher in behavioural and attitudinal changes encouraging honesty in personal and public life, particularly political life. “This will benefit the poor and the common man in several ways. Over the last 70 years, common man has resigned to grudgingly accept the foul ways of these in power and close to power, to exploit the system and make ill-gotten wealth,” it said. The resolution condemned “malicious efforts” of some political parties which are “desperate to provoke violence and chaos” having been rattled by the widespread support of the people to the government’s initiative and bent upon disrupting the proceedings of Parliament on one pretext of the other”. The BJP Parliamentary Party also hailed the common man for patience despite facing hardships. “They are queuing for a better India,” the resolution said.


Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, nOVEMBER 23, 2016

Post for Male WARDENS for a reputed residential school in Dimapur. Applicants must be a committed Christian and having a Graduate Degree from any stream (starting salary Rs. 9000/- P.M). The jobs require you to live in within the campus where all food and lodging are provided. If interested submit your biodata, mark sheet, photo and phone number. Contact : 09436424597


Su doku


No. 2964 Yesterday’s solution No. 2963

No. 1791 Yesterday’s solution No. 1790

Down 1 Some ammonia found in military stores (4) 2 Noise constrained by English final (6) 3 Bring hot nuts from seaside resort (8) 4 Coins put into it may be lost (4) 5 Thin layer, round, neither vegetable nor mineral (6) 6 See great variety in accommodation aboard ship (8) 11 Red canon joining the artillery (8) 12 Sign able to confuse some Europeans (8) 15 See about shelter, being ready for bed (6) 17 Half a minute at present for fish (6) 19 Have in mind a scale drawing (4) 21 Gardening tool for a dissolute fellow (4)

For booking order DIMAPUR : 8259017318 Other Districts : 9862905826

URGENT LAND FOR SALE at Tenyiphe-II 10,000 sq. ft.



Price : 80 Per Sq. Ft. (Nego) Link Road face walkable distance to New D.C Office, Chumu. Phone No : 8014418828/8729815096

(Top Model) 2011, Colour- Royal Black Done - 31,000 kms only Price: 1.50 lakhs Phn- 8575075214

Imported Wedding Gowns & Accessories

THREADS BOUTIQUE SC-4, Super Market Dimapur, Nagaland

Central Lock, Music System Tip Top Condition Price : 1.15 (Nego)

Ph. No: 8730078444

LAND FOR SALE Area - 73/74

2. at Chumukedima

i). Wagon R Vxi 2012. ii). JCB 3DX SUPER 4X4. Machineries available for HIRE Preferably for 4 lane (Dma-Kma)


Area - 120/80

Contact : 9077224091

LAND FOR SALE at Ngwalwa Town E.A.C Headquarter


Contact : 7005702175/9856026596


I, Miss. Leishimi Muinao my old residential address Hamleikhong Ukhrul, Manipur inplace of my actual address is H/No. 81, Bamunpukhuri-1, Dimapur, Nagaland-797112. Vide Affidavit No. 377/16 Dated : 21/11/2016


I, have lost my Kisan Vikas Patra bearing : KVP No : 08BC 148009. Regd. No: 63 Name : Bimal Ghosh Address : Kharmahal Dimapur DP-9482


I, Chumber Kikon have lost my Wallet containing some cash, ATM Card, Voter ID and Aadhar Card on 21.11.2016 near Toluvi Village Dimapur, Nagaland. Finders may please contact : Phone No : 9862878416 7005617301 DP-9464

LOST NOTICE 1. Name : Maninee Rajina 2. F/Name : A. Neli Rajina 3. Lost : Admit Card B.A II 2015, III 2015, IV 2016 Mark Sheet B.A I Semester 2014 4. Roll No : 14AH146 5. College : Patkai Christian College, Chumukedima. # 9774257007 DP-9471

Only Genuine Buyers Contact : 8118920554

Contact : 8575254696/8731907966 (TYENIMIA ONLY)

1. at 4 Mile Diphupar

Ph. No : 8730078444

FOR SALE Fully Furnished Restaurant in Dimapur

RCC 5 storeyed (20 rooms) Lerie Colony Kohima, Junction road touch Price: 70 lakhs (negotiable) Contact: 9856228428


Colour : White Alloy Wheel, Central lock, Music System Tip Top Condition Price : 3.90 (Nego)

Ph : 91-9856761882 91-9856326344


at URRA VILLAGE 2 to 6 Puras (Paddy field) Price : 9.50 Lakhs Per Pura (Negotiable)






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Flat your tummy with Sweat Slim Belt. No Medicine, no exercise, only use "HOT SHAPER" & get attractive body shape. MRP. Rs. 2999/Offer Price only Rs. 1599/-






At Kohima, Nagaland 200 Liters Contact: 8974018456 New Minister Hill Kohima, Nagaland

Free Fooding and Lodging Contact : 8131080490 Address : Burma Camp Dimapur DP-9453


Model: 2012 Colour : White Price: 2.40 (Slightly Negotiable) Contact: 8729863371/9615300904


MILAN Water Supply




Contact : 8132908305 8257835961

40 bighas approx attached to four lane black top road Few minutes ride from Sainik School Site for big project (Plain area) Rs. 35 per sq. ft. (Negotiable) M-9612446225/9436831993





LAND FOR SALE at Jail Colony, Wokha Contact : 8413986901


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Contact : 8132919208

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Sewak Area

with Newly Constructed Pucca House Ph : 8415912590



Price : 32 lakhs (Nego)

1. Foothill Road towards Niuland Wet & Dry Land (Attached Fishery) 12 Puras @1.3 Crore 2. Tea Garden (Harvesting for 4 years) with Rubber Plantation of 700 trees (3 years old) 8 Puras @ 55 Lakhs 3. Teak Plantation (7 years old) 2 Puras @ 9 Lakhs (Slightly Negotiable) No Brokers

Contact : 7005658909/8974378790

Contact : 9615602763

Between HENIVI and XUKIA 1½ Km away from Four Lane 8 PURAS Price : 25 lakhs (Nego) No Brokers at HEKHESHE 4 PURAS (Approx) Paddy Field 4 Km away from Medziphema


Across 7 It’s a small world (5,6) 8 Drilling is uninteresting (6) 9 River skirting the end of Birnam Wood (6) 10 Purchased a branch on time (6) 12 Song and dance advertisement (6) 13 Output of mine some prospector exploited (3) 14 Team about to take on inventor (6) 16 One member’s allowed out for shellfish (6) 18 Invent cosmetics (4-2) 20 Take no notice of developing region (6) 22 Team-leader, chef, explorer (7,4)

D.C Court Junction

A-One Driving Corner


No. 8344 Yesterday’s solution No. 8343

high value currency notes earlier this month as a crack down on domestic black money, some opposition parties have been demanding that the government take action to bring back the unaccounted Indian money stashed abroad, particularly in Swiss banks. The Switzerland Department of Finance said the automatic exchange of information with India will be implemented based on the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on the Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information (MCAA). The MCAA is based on the international standard for the exchange of information developed by the OECD.


CONTACT : 9862908792

at affordable Fees 4th Mile, Dimapur



Switzerland, which has always been at the centre of the debate on black money allegedly stashed by Indians abroad, used to be known for very strong secrecy walls till a few years ago around its banking practices. A huge global pressure has resulted in Switzerland relenting on the tough secrecy clauses its local laws gave to the banks. Several information requests on details about Indians who had accounts in Swiss banks are still pending. Today’s declaration, however, does not talk about exchange of information based on stolen data or pending requests from India. Following the government’s demonetisation of

Euro 1, NL Regd. Price : 1.15 Contact : 7085752415

4TH MILE Dimapur, Nagaland






of all Indians stashed in Switzerland from 2018 onwards.” The Swiss Federal Department of Finance said in a statement that the signing of the joint declaration with India confirms Switzerland’s international commitment to implementing the automatic exchange of Information (AEOI) standard. “Switzerland is thus strengthening its network of AEOI partner states. India meets in particular the high demands in terms of adherence to the principle of speciality and the safeguarding of confidentiality for the data delivered, which are prerequisites for the introduction of the AEOI,” it said.




conformed to the global standards on automatic exchange of information with the signing of the declaration, India, on its part, has promised to safeguard the confidentiality of the data. “It will now be possible for India to receive from September, 2019 onwards, the financial information of accounts held by Indian residents in Switzerland for 2018 and subsequent years, on an automatic basis,” said a Finance Ministry statement. Describing the signing of declaration as a “big step”, Revenue Secretary Hasmukh Adhia tweeted: “The income tax department will be able to obtain information from accounts

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New Delhi, Nov 22 (PTI): In a big step towards fighting black money stashed overseas, Switzerland today agreed to automatic sharing of information with India on Swiss bank accounts of Indians as of September 2018 and onwards. They will not share details about accounts held prior to that period, while the first such exchange will happen in September 2019. The ‘Joint Declaration’ for implementation of AEOI signed today between India and Switzerland provides that both countries will start collecting data in accordance with the global standards in 2018 and exchange it from 2019 onwards. While Switzerland has

New Arrival Address : Walford Road (Opp. Mahindra Showroom)

is particularly important for public-sector banks if they are to achieve the twin objectives of credit growth and regaining market access. The rating agency said its outlook on asset quality will remain challenging for the next 12-18 months, with the stressed-asset ratio for the banking system reaching around 12 per cent in financial year 2016-17 as against 11.4 per cent in financial year 2015-16.


India to get Swiss bank a/c data from Sept 2018 onwards



New Delhi, Nov 22 (Agencies): Hailing the demonetisation drive initiated by PM Narendra Modi, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Tuesday said that the government is ready for discussion on it. “We took the opposition by surprise when they asked for a debate and we agreed but before we could reply they started disruption by saying that we don`t want to debate. We are ready for discussion on demonetisation and we have said it several times,” he said. Addressing MPs at the BJP Parliamentary party meeting, Jaitley said, demonetisation is “a very big decision and government has exhibited great courage by going ahead with demonetisation.” By stopping the ‘normal’ of last 70 years, PM Modi has created a new ‘normal’, Jaitley said. Stating that the decision for demonetisation has been taken for benefit of the common man, Jaitley added that note ban will rid several people out of


Arun Jaitley

reporters here today. In the report titled ‘2017 Outlook: Indian Banks’, it said the negative outlook on the banking sector suggests there may be more downside risks for bank Viability Ratings (VRs) if the risks of deteriorating asset quality and weak earnings are not counterbalanced by larger capital injections. It said resolving asset quality and capital adequacy


the ground. “People are crying at bank counters. Eleven bank officers have died due to stress. An average bank officer has been working up to 16-18 hours… Officers in the ranks of joint custodian in the currency administration cells in banks are the most affected. Many of them couldn’t even claim a half a day’s leave after working 18 hours for 11 consecutive days,” he said. “It was very, very poor planning on the part of RBI that has led to this crisis. They did not even have a roadmap. Those who sat and rolled out the demonetisation drive didn’t have a basic idea about how the Indian economy works and transactions happen. We understand that there were no discussions with experts and stakeholders before they took the decision,” he said. “RBI has to now count and verify all these banned notes again. When we talk about deposits of several thousand crores, we do not know how many of them were forged notes. Collection of old notes in bank branches is being done in a hurry due to heavy crowds. Before they took the decision, the total currency status in all the banks and branches in the country was a single click away for them,” he said.

poverty. Terming demonetisation a historic decision, the finance minister added that the Left should look at the intent with which this move was undertaken and how this helps the poor in the long run. “The scale of the operations and the requirement for secrecy made demonetisation a challenging task,” he said. Rebutting criticism that the party knew about noteban decision, the FM said, “Some people are saying that even FM did not know of this decision, and then they say the party knew beforehand”. The Finance Minister also used the occasion to reach out to the farming community. “For next few weeks, we are planning to focus on the agricultural sector. Rabi season is also coming, we need to assist all these needs,” he said.Meanwhile, the Lok Sabha witnessed uproarious scene today as a united opposition stuck to its demand to discuss the demonetisation issue under rules entailing voting. Taking the nation by surprise, in a major assault on black money, fake currency and corruption, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 8 announced the demonetisation of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes with effect from midnight, making these currency papers invalid.

Mumbai, Nov 22 (PTI): Fitch Ratings today reaffirmed negative outlook on the country’s banking sector due to poor asset quality and weak earnings. “The negative outlook reiterates our concern on fragile financial position of the banking sector. It also reflects our expectations of the ongoing weak asset quality, poor recovery and earnings in light of continued provisioning pressure that are emanating not just from the new potential NPLs but also from existing NPLs,” Fitch Ratings director (financial institutions) Saswata Guha told


taking a crucial economic decision without planning, which has brought havoc to the nation’s economy and lives of the majority.” About the shortage of Rs 100 notes, he said, “What we are getting is mostly soiled notes, reintroduced by RBI because of this crisis. As detection machines reject most of the soiled notes, it is another herculean task for bank officers to sort these out manually. Had there been a little planning, they could have printed Rs 500 and Rs 100 notes instead of printing Rs 2,000 notes. Does it mean these economists have no clue about how transactions work and currency travels in a country like India?… All the soiled notes have to come back again as they are meant to be disposed.” Franco said the new Rs 500 notes are not available in banks even after 11 days. “When they decided to print Rs 2,000 notes in advance, what prevented the printing of Rs 500 notes? It was the RBI governor who signed all Rs 2,000 notes. Why did his team not realise that the new Rs 2,000 notes are smaller than the old Rs 1,000, forcing the bank system to recalibrate two lakh ATMs?” he said. Franco cited reports of “misery and despair” from

Demonetisation is a Fitch reaffirms negative outlook for banks historic step: Arun Jaitley


NEW DELHI, NOV 22 (AGENCIES): A TOP leader of India’s largest confederation of bank officers has called for the resignation of RBI governor Urjit Patel, whom he held responsible for causing “havoc” to the economy with the unprepared decision to demonetise currency. D Thomas Franco, senior vice president, All India Bank Officers Confederation which represents over 2.5 lakh senior officers from all nationalised, old-generation private sector, cooperative and regional rural banks in India, told The Indian Express that it is the RBI governor who should take moral responsibility for the crisis and the deaths of people including 11 bank officers in the last 12 days. Franco said the government could have taken lessons from other countries and from its own demonetisation drive in 1978, when then RBI governor I.G. Patel had advised the government against the move. “We all know that neither Prime Minister Narendra Modi nor Finance Minister Arun Jaitley is an economist,” Franco said. “We have economists in RBI to take the right decisions on matters relating to economy and people’s lives. The present governor has utterly failed in his role by

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, november 23, 2016


RBI head must quit: leader of bank officers’ union




Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, November 23, 2016

Powerful quake strikes Japan coastal areas

Firefighters watch the port to check the water level after a tsunami warning in Soma, Fukushima prefecture, Tuesday, November 22. TOKYO, Nov 22 (Reuters): A 6.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Japan’s Honshu island on Tuesday, triggering tsunami waves and bringing back traumatic memories for locals of the devastating 2011 Fukushima disaster. Residents in Fukushima Prefecture braced for the worst after a tsunami warning was issued early Tuesday morning -- along the same stretch of coast devastated by enormous waves five years ago. In 2011, a 9.0-magnitude earthquake -- one of the worst ever to hit Japan -- killed more than 20,000 people and caused tsunamis of up to 12 meters (40 feet) which swamped the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, triggering a nuclear meltdown. Tuesday’s quake struck close to the epicenter of the 2011 quake, just 37 kilometers (23 miles) east-southeast

of Namie at a depth of 11.4 kilometers (7 miles). The quake triggered a tsunami warning in Japan’s Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures, causing the government to urge thousands to seek higher ground amid warnings waves could be up to 3 meters high (10 feet). Speaking to CNN, resident from Fukushima prefecture said they immediately feared the worst when they felt Tuesday’s earthquake. “I came to my company first to check it is still standing and products are all intact, then I went back home to evacuate,” 42-year-old Kazunari Ogawara said. “My company was washed away by the 2011 tsunami, I was scared to think that that was going to happen again and we’d have to start from scratch.” 75-year-old Mitsuhiro Kusaka, still living in temporary housing after the 2011

disaster, said she thought she wouldn’t survive this time. “I cannot describe in words how terrible to live in fear ... I am so scared to go home. We might have huge quakes anytime again,” she told CNN. In Ibaraki Prefecture one woman said she didn’t feel she could drop her guard after the earthquake and was still praying for minimal damage. Hours later, the warnings were dropped. Three people were injured, police told CNN, while more than 1,900 homes briefly lost power. One of the prime concerns on Tuesday was the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which suffered a catastrophic meltdown in 2011. An exclusion zone still exists around the site where radiation levels are considered too toxic for humans.



Egypt court quashes Morsi life sentence

Cairo, NOV 22 (Agencies): Egypt’s highest appeal court has overturned a life sentence handed down to ousted President Mohammed Morsi. The Court of Cassation ordered that the 65-year-old be retried on the charge of conspiring to commit terrorist acts with foreign organisations. Last week, the court quashed a death sentence handed to Morsi in a separate case revolving around a mass prison break during the 2011 revolution. But he is still serving lengthy sentences related to two other cases. Morsi became Egypt’s first democratically elected president in 2012, but he was removed by the military a year later after mass protests against his rule. Since then, the authorities have launched a crackdown on Morsi’s n ow - b a n n e d I s l a m i s t movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, which has seen hundreds of people killed in clashes with security forces and tens of thousands imprisoned. In May 2015, Morsi and three other senior Brotherhood leaders - general guide Mohammed Badie, former parliamentary speaker Saad al-Katatni and Essam al-Erian - were sentenced to life in prison for conspiring to commit terrorist acts with foreign organisations to undermine national security. Sixteen other people, including senior Brotherhood officials Khairat alShater and Mohammed

Mohammed Morsi

al-Beltagi, were sentenced to death in the case. Prosecutors alleged that the Brotherhood had hatched a plan in 2005 to send “elements” to military camps run by the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the Shia Islamist Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, and the Revolutionary Guards force in Iran. The Brotherhood, which the government declared a terrorist group in 2013, denies the charge. It says it is committed to peaceful activism. On Tuesday, the stateowned Al-Ahram newspaper reported that the Court of Cassation had overturned the life sentences imposed on Morsi and his fellow Brotherhood leaders, and also cancelled the 16 death sentences. Morsi’s lawyer, Abdel Moneim Abdel Maksoud, confirmed the ruling, telling the AFP news agency: “The verdict was full of legal flaws.” In June, Morsi was sentenced to 40 years in prison after being convicted of leaking state secrets and sensitive documents to Qatar.

Turkey crackdown: 15,000 police officials purged A nkara , N OV 2 2 (Agencies): Turkey on Tuesday dismissed 15,000 more officials, from soldiers and police officers to tax inspectors and midwives, and shut 375 institutions and news outlets, deepening purges condemned by Western allies and rights groups after a failed coup. The latest dismissals, announced in two decrees, bring to more than 125,000 the number of people sacked or suspended in the military, civil service, judiciary and elsewhere since July’s failed coup. Some 36,000 have been jailed pending trial. European allies have criticized the breadth of the purges under President Tayyip Erdogan, with some calling for a freezing of Turkey’s EU membership talks. A senior U.N. official has called the measures “draconian” and “unjustified.” Erdogan has rejected such criticism, saying Turkey is determined to root out its enemies at home and abroad, and could reintroduce the death penalty. He has accused Western nations of siding with plotters behind the coup attempt in July and of harboring terrorists. Nearly 2,000 members of the armed forces, 7,600 police officers, 400 members of the gendarmerie, and more than 5,000 people from public institutions, including nurses, doctors and engineers, were dismissed in Tuesday’s decrees for suspected links to terrorist organizations.

Trump halts meeting with New York Times

Lester Holt (right) and Wolf Blitzer (centre) from CNN were among those who met Trump. New York, NOV 22 (Agencies): Donald Trump has cancelled a meeting with the New York Times, a day after berating media chiefs at his headquarters for “unfair” coverage. Without elaborating, the US president-elect accused the newspaper of changing the terms of the meeting. He tweeted: “They continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone!” Trump has had an antagonistic relationship with the press, railing against liberal bias, while benefiting from blanket TV coverage. In other developments: Trump’s top adviser, Kellyanne Conway, told MSNBC he would not pursue an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server as he wanted to help his defeated Democratic rival “heal”

He promised that on his first day in the White House in January he would torpedo the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, a cornerstone of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy The UK r uled out replacing its ambassador in Washington after Trump tweeted that Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage “would do a great job” Early on Tuesday, the US president-elect tweeted that he had called off his meeting with what he always refers to as the “failing” New York Times. The Re publican known to be an avid media consumer - said the newspaper had switched the terms at the last moment, adding: “Not nice.” The Manhattan billionaire said he would instead be holding “great meetings” about who to appoint to his cabinet.



Dated Kohima, the 22nd November, 2016


As per the clarification made by the P&AR Department vide letter No. AR-16/7/94 dt. 26.10.2016, S.T/I.I/B.T certificates are to be signed only by the officer in the rank of Additional Deputy Commissioner and above. This is in compliance of the Home Department's Memorandum NO.HOME/SCTA-6/2006 dt. 21.03.2011 and P&AR Department O.M dt 15.10.2008. Therefore, it is hereby informed to all candidates who had applied to the CESE-2016 advertised vide No. NPSC-1/2016 dated 20.06.2016 to submit the proper S.T/I.I/B.T certificates signed by the competent authority on or before 28th of November, 2016. The application of the candidates failing to do so shall be summarily rejected.





The Alato Baptist Church immensely thank the Almighty Father for his abundant blessings and guidance during the three days long ‘Father’s Revival crusade’ under the theme “plan for your generations,” which gloriously culminated on Sunday, the 20th Nov. with Rev. Kahoto Zhimomi, President, Western Sumi Baptist Pastor’s Fellowship (Pastor, Sakipheto Baptist Church) as the main Speaker. We thank God for using his anointed servant mightily who delivered powerpacked influential sermons that made the event very meaningful and blessed one touching and enriching many lives. May God continue to use him in greater avenues in his future endeavors. We also thank the prayer warriors and every individual through whose help the programme was made a success. God bless you all.


K. ALOKAHO Pastor, Alato Baptist Church DP-9455

Sd/KHRUPI SOTHU Secretary Nagaland Public Service Commission Kohima

Immanuel College, Dimapur conducted its annual Gospel programme on 18th November, 2016 in the college auditorium. Rev. Shan Kikon, Pastor, Faith Harvest Church, Kohima was the Speaker. Many were blessed through his powerful sermon based on the theme, “You must be born again” John 3:7 . DP-9446



Nagaland Post, Dimapur Wednesday, November 23, 2016

MAK annual recital held PML launches new range of jewellery P

r e c i o u s M e L ove (PML) has launched a new range of jewellery called ‘Goulu’ which means ‘treasure’ in Kuki dialect. “Our tribal jewellery are treasures passed on from generations with values and stories. The tribal jewellery holds a very valuable place in Naga culture erations” says Nengneithem and customs. With Goulu Hengna. “We want to celebrate One of the groups performing during MAK annual recital at Kohima. PML wants to pass on our tribal heritage that we are so the values through fashion usic Academy Ko- academy like MAK during stantly working towards a proud of and carry forward and make it more accessible hima (MAK) con- his childhood he would have vision and goal – to develop, the legacy of our beautiful to the world. Some of the ducted its annual been a musician himself. equip and support the next culture and tradition to gen- traditional jewellery have The academy show- generation of musicians for recital with principal secretary to the chief minister cased striking performances the music industry and the and finance commissioner ranging from a variety of church. The recital ended HAPPY BIRTHDAY Temjen Toy IAS as the chief styles with performers as with the finale performance guest on November 19 at young as 3 years old to the of MAK’s own rendition of Teachers of the Academy. I Believe I Can Fly led by Hotel Vivor Kohima. Toy in his address ex- Much of what goes on at Ayim Longchar, the MAK pressed his delight coming the academy were evident choir and the MAK strings to know many young tal- at the show such as Top- ensemble. ented musicians and wished pers of the Piano PerformIt may be mentioned them a bright future. He ers’ Exam displaying high here that MAK established congratulated MAK on technical skill and depth in in 2013 by two renowned its success on completing musicality. MAK has truly musicians in Nagaland another eventful year and proven to be a gem of a Khyochano TCK Ngully Dearest said had there been a music music institution that is con- and Ajeen Longchari. Moa and Molu


been made without tampering their original design because it holds so much value and stories”, said the fashion entrepreneur from Nagaland. Goulu Tribal Naga Accessories by Nengneithem Hengna Collection is releasing their New collection at They are also available at the following retail store - Fusion - Ground floor, Hotel Acacia, Dimapur.

SLS to organize charity concert on Nov 24


he Silver lining society is organizing a Charity show on November 24, at IMC Hall,Dimapur from 5:00 P.M onwards. The concert is in aid of construction of an old age home in Dimapur. It will be a free will donation concert and sponsors are welcomed. Please come and be a part of the show. Music,

dance, fashion and comedy are the highlights of the evening. Renowned artistes for the evening are: Mengu Suokhrie, Imnasenla Aier, Imli Lee, Moajungla Jamir, Viputoli Achumi, Naro Sangtam, Ali Sangtam, Kenei Rhakho, Hopong Naga and more. For any queries kindly contact- 9612139917, 8974569610.

Because he has set his love upon me, therefore I will deliver him, I will set him on high because he has known my name. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. Psalms 91:14-16

Happy Birthday to you both we love you both very much. DP-9459

From, parents, sisters, in-laws, nephews and nieces




Dear, Ipu and Iza, Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary. Thank you for being wonderful parents. May our good Lord grant you long life and bring endless joy of love. Your's Loving Children






ICC keeps BCCI out of second key meet

M U M B A I , N ov 2 2 (Agencies): The present BCCI regime’s grievances with the International Cricket Council (ICC) on multiple issues has taken another turn for the worse. The game’s world governing body has decided to keep the Indian Cricket Board - the richest and significantly the most powerful cricket body in the world - away from its Working Group meetings. The BCCI says ICC did not invite India to the previous Working Group meeting that was held in Singapore this September. Another meeting that is scheduled to be held in Adelaide this week also won’t see any BCCI representation, thanks to the ICC. Sources privy to this development told TOI: “BCCI wrote to the ICC recently (informing the par-

ent body) that they wanted to be part of the Adelaide meeting but have not been invited for it. The ICC in return told the BCCI that it is the (ICC) Board that appoints the Working Group.” The Indian Board sees this move on part of the ICC as a deliberate one to keep them out of the picture especially in the backdrop of the differences that had cropped up between top BCCI officials and ICC’s independent chairman Shashank Manohar. “This is a deliberate attempt on his (Manohar) part to keep BCCI out of the ICC’s affairs,” a BCCI official in the know of things said. The ICC Board-appointed Working Group, which is looking into the future governance structure of the ICC, including

9 AR organises volleyball match

‘379 sportspersons failed dope tests in 4 yrs’

D i m apu r , N ov 2 2 (NPN): 9 Assam Rifles at Chizami organised a friendly volleyball match on November 21 at Chizami Company Operation Base. The match was played between team of civil youth of Chizami village and team of Chizami Company Operation Base. The match was played with true sportsman spirit and both teams gave their best. The volleyball match was aimed to encourage the talent amongst the youth. The youth appreciated the Chizami Coy for conducting the friendly match and it was decided that such matches would be conducted in future also.

New Delhi, Nov 22 (PTI): Three hundred and seventy-nine Indian sportspersons were caught for doping in the last four years, the Parliament was told today. In a written reply, Sports Minister Vijay Goel listed the number of dope offenders in the last four years, according to information received from National Anti-Doping Agency. 96 sportspersons returned positive in 2013 while the number of dope offenders in 2014 and 2015 were 95 and 120 respectively. Upto October this year, 68 sportspersons flunked dope tests, taking the total number of dope offenders in the last four years to 379. “The

the revenue sharing model, will meet in Adelaide during the day/night Test so that it can discuss and prepare its proposals which will be submitted to the ICC Board early in 2017. The members of the Working Group are Manohar (chair man), Giles Clarke (England Cricket Board), David Peever (Cricket Australia), Nazmul Hassan (Bangladesh) and Imran Khwaja (Singapore). After Manohar took over as the first independent chairman of the ICC, three Working Group meetings have been held so far. BCCI president Anurag Thakur represented BCCI at the first two meetings held in Mumbai (in April, 2016) and Dubai (August, 2016). The Working Group of the ICC is looking into the future gover nance

Government of India has framed National Sports Development Code (NSDC) of India, 2011 which has been effective from 31/01/2011 for healthy development of sports in the country. The NSFs are required to comply with the provisions of NSDC which includes strict compliance of the government guidelines to prevent unethical practices in sports such as doping,” Goel said in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha. T h e q u e s t i o n wa s

structure of the parent body and also the proposed revenue sharing model among other things. The proposed revenue sharing model - which was ideated in the backdrop of a rejigged Test cricket structure - was categorically rejected by the BCCI in the ICC board meeting at Cape Town in October. Apropos of their internal disagreements, all top Indian cricket administrators from the past and present - including former BCCI and ICC chief N Srinivasan - are against the ICC’s proposed move on revenue sharing. Srinivasan, who has serious reservations with Manohar’s style of administration, saw his proposed Big Three revenue format discarded by the latter when he took office at the ICC early this year.

whether the government has issued any directions to the Sports Authority of India and sports federations to ensure that doping issues do not happen in future. “To implement antidoping rules as per World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) code, regular dope control programme and create awareness about doping and its ill effects, government has created National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) mandated for dope free sports in India,” he added.




14 Feb 1990 – 23 Nov 2014

Remembering our beloved daughter on her first death anniversary Loving family members

4th DEATH ANNIVERSARY of our beloved

Lt. Vizoto Tsükrü

Date : 23 Nov. 2012 When someone you love die, You never quite get over it! Oh! We learn slowly, Let'em go away gently. And all I could do, what one can do. Keep'em, in our hearts There where all's been a part. You are missed each and everyday. DP-9443


Loving wife, children parents & loved ones

K-4256 K Y M C



Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, november 23, 2016

Born: 25.05.1965 Died: 07.11.2016 We the bereaved family would like to express our profound gratitude to all those who stood by us throughout the prolonged illness and demise of our beloved Lt. Mrs.Kelhikhro-ü Kapfo with steadfast prayer support and generous financial support, physical care and medical care extended by various doctors and nurses in Several Health Institutions in Kohima and Shillong. We deeply regret our inability to thank each and every one of you individually, but it is our sincere prayer that the Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving husband, children and relatives K-4269

Manny Pacquiao eager for Mayweather rematch

Ibrahimovic wins Sweden’s Player of the Year Award Stockholm, Nov 22 (Agencies): A statue of Zlatan Ibrahimovic will be erected outside the Friends Arena in Stockholm, the Swedish FA (SvFF) announced on Monday as the giant striker won the Golden Ball award for the country’s best male player for the 10th year in a row. The 36-year-old Manchester United forward, who retired from international football after Euro 2016, played 114 games and scored 62 goals for Sweden, including a spectacular four-goal salvo against England in the first game at the arena in 2012. Ibra has now won the Golden Ball a record 11 times – since its inception in 1946 no other player has won the award more than twice – and his contribution to the game will be honoured with a 2.7 metre statue outside the Friends stadium. “It feels unreal. Many are thinking ‘Why him?’ and so on, but after all the hard work over 15 years in the national team and 20 years in my club career, it feels like it’s being appreciated,” Ibrahimovic said as he accepted his award. “You usually get this after you die, but I still feel alive. When I die, this (statue) will live on forever.”

Manny Pacquiao

L o nd o n , N ov 2 2 (Agencies): Manny Pacquiao says he feels like a young man in his twenties and would relish another crack at Floyd Mayweather. The Filipino icon, 37, ended a brief retirement to relieve Jessie Vargas of the WBO welterweight title earlier this month and said he was in great shape to avenge last year’s defeat to Mayweather in the richest fight in boxing history. “I feel young. I feel like I’m just 25, or that I’m just 28 years old,” Pacquiao told ABS-CBN television. Asked if he wanted to fight Mayweather again, Pacquiao said: “Of course, if he wants to come back to boxing”. Pacquiao fuelled talk of “Pacquiao-Mayweather II” when he invited the undefeated American, who retired unbeaten in September 2015, to attend

his successful comeback against Vargas in Las Vegas on November 5. Last week, Pacquiao teased fans about a possible rematch by posting pictures of himself on social media wearing a suit bearing photos of him and Mayweather in the garment’s lining. But Mayweather, 39, said days later he had no plans to come out of retirement. Pacquiao originally retired in May after beating American Timothy Bradley before standing for and winning a seat in the Philippines Senate. But he said he would not be stepping away from the ring again any time soon. “I still believe in my skills. You just need discipline, how you discipline yourself and work hard,” Pacquiao said, adding he would only walk away once he no longer wanted to put in the long hours of training.



Lovingly Parents, grand mothers & relatives

CHIC AGO, N ov 2 2 (Agencies): Former German international striker Jurgen Klinsmann was fired Monday as coach of the United States after losing two straight 2018 World Cup qualifying matches. US Soccer Federation president Sunil Gulati announced the firing without naming a replacement. The United States does not face another World Cup qualifier until March. “Today we made the difficult decision of parting ways with Jurgen Klinsmann,” Gulati said in a statement. “We want to thank Jurgen for his hard work and commitment during these last five years. He took pride in having the responsibility of steering the program and there were considerable achievements along the way.” Klinsmann went 55-27 with 16 drawn in a coaching tenure that began on July 29, 2011, when Gulati named him to replace the fired Bob Bradley on a team where Bradley’s son Michael was a star midfielder. Klinsmann, 52, guided the Americans on a team record 12-match win streak in 2013 and his 16 triumphs and .761 win percentage that year set US marks. But the Americans stumbled to fourth in the 2015 Gold Cup, also losing a playoff to Mexico for the Confederations Cup.


"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away" Job; 1:21

Through this column, we the parents and bereaved family members would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individuals and societies, who stood by us and supported us physically, financially, materially and in prayers at the untimely demise of our beloved daughter Ms. Elitsü-u Mekrisuh, who left us for her heavenly abode on 13th Lt. Elitsü-u Mekrisuh Nov. 2016. Born on 19th Dec. 2014 Died on 13th Nov. 2016 Though, we are unable to thank individually, we pray to Almighty God to shower His blessing upon all of you in returns. We thanked : 1) CRC Apostolic Hindi Nagamese Church 2) CRC Apostolic Hindi Nagamese Church (Women Department) 3) Chakhesang Baptist Church Dimapur. 4) Chakhesang Colony, Dimapur. 5) Eros Lane. 6) Losami Union Dimapur District (LUDD) 7) Losami Women Welfare Society Dimapur.

Jurgen Klinsmann fired as US coach


We would like to profoundly thank all well wishers who stood by us, supporting and comforting us in our difficult time by mourning the loss of our beloved Lt. I. Nuklu. We are grateful to those who went out of the way to assist and prayed for our bereaved family. While we remain forever indebted to the kindness shown by friends, family members and acquaintances, it may not be possible for us to thank all individuals in person. May God bless you all. DP-9461

Fondly missed by wife, daughter, parents and other family members.



Death hath no hold on those who loved and lived in the Lord. And those who die liberates into that land of pure delight, Where loved ones immortal rejoice.

19/01/1985 – 14/11/2016 We the bereaved family members of LATE DZIESESIELIE KUOTSU, convey our heartfelt gratitude and deep indebtedness to all those who stood by us through prayers, financially, materially, physically and morally during his prolonged illness and untimely demise. We would like to convey our special thanks to: 1. Commandant and all Ranks and Files of 4th N.A.P. Battallion Thizami. 2. 4th N.A.P. F’ Coy New Delhi. 3. Angami Union and Tenyimia Union 4th N.A.P. Thizami. 4. 4th N.A.P. F’ Coy Fellowship New Delhi. 5. Tenyimia Union, Chakhesang Union and Angami Union 4th N.A.P. F’ Coy New Delhi. 6. 4th N.A.P. F’ Coy Family New Delhi. 7. Doctors and nurses of Adiva Hospital New Delhi. 8. Dr. Ram Monahar Lohia and Nurses, New Delhi. 9. Dr. Wonashi R. Tsanglao RML New Delhi. 10. Doctors and Nurses of Civil Hospital Dimapur. 11. Zhadima Union Dimapur. 12. Zhadima Bawe A.G. Church. 13. Zhadima Basa A.G. Church. 14. Youth Alive, Zhadima Bawe A.G. Church. 15. Zhadima Kuotsu Clan. 16. Zhadima Sts. Peter and Paul Church. 17. Zhadima Union Kohima. 18. Zhadima Thenuko Krotho, Kohima. 19. Zhadima Uniform Service Union. We deeply regret on our part for being unable to thank each and everyone individually, but it is our sincere prayer that the Almighty God bless you abundantly for your support throughout. From loving wife, parents and family members. K-4254

(07/11/1975 – 08/11/2016) We, the family members of Vizotuo Neiu Zumvü express our most profound and heartfelt gratitude to every individual, friends, relatives, neighbours, churches and organisations who stood by us in our time of grief and sorrow. Thank you for supporting us physically, financially, materially and morally as we mourn the sudden demise of our most beloved one. Thank you, for steadfastly upholding us in your thoughts and prayers . We would especially like to thank, Minister’s Hill Baptist Church. MHBC Thepfuko Krotho. MHBC Thenuko Krotho. MHBC Jubilee Medical Team. CEM Dept. MHBC. Youth Dept. MHBC. Gathashimi Welfare ,Kma. Chishilimi Welfare Society, Kma. C.R.C Nachama. Nachama Women Prayer Cell. Kewhira Chiecha KebaPfüko Kecha Krotho. Ngukemezhie Kecha Krotho. Chiecha Ramia Dzüvi Krotho. Khuzami Chakesang Baptist Church, Kma. Faith Harvest Church. Upper Nagabazaar Baptist church Kohima Upper Jail Colony Panchayat. Lower Jail Colony Panchayat. Jail Colony Youth Orgnisation. Jail colony Women Fellowship. Jail Colony Women Organisation. RDNUMS. The Musicians. Cadence (Music Band). Kripa Foundation. State Library staff. ADS Office staff. Clairvoyance Technologies. Dr.Zhokhosa Rhakho & Bethel Medical staff. MLA, Dr.Neiphrezo Keditsu Mrs.Eustar Chishi Swu. Methaneilie Jütakhrie. We regret our inability to mention each and every individual but it is our sincere supplication that the Good Lord bless you all abundantly. Loving wife, children, family and relatives. K-4262 K Y M C


NE United beat Pune to end winless run

Match between NorthEast United FC and FC Pune City in Guwahati on Tuesday.

Guwahati, Nov 22 (Agencies): Riding on a free-kick goal by Romaric (82’), NorthEast United ended their winless run of six games to pick three crucial points as they did the double over FC Pune City in the third edition of ISL. The win takes the home

team into the sixth position, level on points with Chennaiyin FC but with a better goal difference, while Pune continue to occupy the fourth slot. The quarter of the hour saw both teams struggling to keep the ball with misspasses being the trend.

The first chance befell the home team when Velez broke down the left and sent in a low cross which found Romaric. The former Sevilla midfielder saw his first time effort miss the target. In the 21st minute, Lucca did well to get beyond Romaric but his pass

T.R. Zeliang flags off friendship motor rally

T.R. Zeliang flagging off the friendship motor rally at Kohima local ground on Tuesday. (NP)


Ko h i m a , N ov 2 2 (NPN): Nagaland chief minister T.R. Zeliang flagged off India, Myanmar, Thailand friendship motor rally at Kohima local ground on Tuesday morning in the presence

Nagaland Post, Dimapur wednesday, november 23, 2016


of parliamentary secretary Khriehu Liezietsu and YRS officials and MTF director. With an objective to improve connectivity by road in the South East Asian region and to sensitise the stakeholders of India, Myanmar and Thai-

land Motor Vehicle Agreement regarding potential benefits of such a regulatory regime, the rally caravan will cover a distance of 5,722 km along the IMT Trilateral Highway. Altogether 22 vehicles are taking part in the rally. Ceremonial flag off will also be held in other cities and state capitals enroute like Imphal, Began and Yangoon in Myanmar and Bangkok in Thailand. The rally is expected to cement cultural and economic ties among the three nations and highlight the potential benefits of connectivity and integration in the region and in keeping with Indian’s focus on its close neighbourhood. The rally is being sponsored by Indian oil, Bharat petroleum, HP and NHAI, supported by Republic of the Union Myanmar, Royal Thai Embassy and Asian development bank, and partner states includes West Bengal, Manipur and Nagaland.

Baggies batter below-par Burnley

for Anibal was intercepted by Zokora. The Brazilian picked up the pieces and left footed shot from the edge of the box went wide. Momar N’Doye picked up an injury midway through the first half and Gustavo Oberman was introduced. The home side should have earned a penalty in the stoppage time when Gouramangi bundled Alfaro inside the box but the referee chose to ignore the home team’s appeals. In an off the ball incident, Sissoko literally manhandled Velez and the Malian was lucky not to have been given his marching orders. In the second half too, both teams failed to create any openings and most of the shots were from outside the box. It was more down to lack of creativity than the defences doing their job. Yusa had an effort from the edge of the box but came off Edel, much to the relief of the visitors. At the other end, Lenny let loose a shot

Maradona to visit Nagaland; exhibition match on Dec 12

Diego Maradona (File) Staff Reporter

from distance which beat Paul in goal to come off the far post. Four minutes after coming on for the lacklustre Lucca, Pitu smashed his effort from close straight into Paul after Arata did ever so well to chest it down for the Spaniard inside the box. The breakthrough came in the 82nd minute. Eduardo fouled Velez and from the free-kick which followed, Romaric’s left footed shot went straight into the far post. Habas threw Dramane Traore into the mix but that didn’t help either as Pune struggled to carve open the NorthEast defense. Pune are in desperate need for points if they are to make it into the play-offs as they come up against Kerala Blasters and Atletico de Kolkata away from home. Vingada will be pleased that his team finally picked up a win as they now still have three games to seal a berth in the final four.

Barak FC enter Classic Cup semis

Quarter final match Barak FC (white) and Addax FC at Kohima local ground on Tuesday. (NP)


Ko h i m a , N ov 2 2 (NPN): Title hopeful Barak FC thrashed Addax FC 8-0 on Tuesday and sealed their semi-final berth in the ongoing 22nd Classic Cup played at Kohima local ground. In the one sided match, striker Rhitsho

Mero (11) header gave Barak FC an early lead. Without wasting much time, Rhitsho went on to score to more goals to complete his hat-trick. His second goal came in the 14th minute while his hattrick goal came in the 38th minute. Addax FC striker Berelhu (16) missed a golden

chance as his dangerous attempt went just wide. The third goal for Barak FC was scored by Kekhrie Tsira (7) in 36th minute. Despite their efforts, Addax boys failed to break through Barak FC defence. Just a minute into the second half, Kekhrie scored one more to make it 5-0 for Barak FC. He also went on to score the 7rh goal for Barak FC in the 65th minute and completed his hat-trick. In the 57th minute, Barak’s defender Sanyey Salym (13) scored the 6th goal. The tally would have been more; however, Sakutemjen Ao (12) and K. Salu (9) missed a couple of opportunities. With just 5 minutes remaining for the final whistle, K. Salu (9) scored the 8th goal. Today’s match 2nd quarter final: 2:00 pm Elite FC Vs Head Hunters

Bhuvneshwar back in squad; Gambhir dropped New Delhi, Nov 22 (PTI): Having completely recovered from a back injury, seamer Bhuvneshwar Kumar was today recalled to the 16-member Indian team for the final three Test matches against England, while veteran opener Gautam Gambhir was shown the door. Bhuvneshwar, who produced a game-changing five-wicket haul against New Zealand in Kolkata, has been out of action for

more than six weeks due to a back injury. Po s t r e c ove r y, h e played a Ranji Trophy match against Mumbai as per team protocol. He took wickets in the match and bowled a total of 36 overs (13 in 1st innings and 23 in the 2nd innings). While spinners have dominated India’s bowling composition, Bhuvneshwar’s variations and his recent match winning exploits in Test cricket gives skipper

Virat Kohli another option with four specialist pacers in the squad. For the 35year-old Gambhir, a veteran of 58 Tests, it could well be the end of the road as far as his international career is concerned. While KL Rahul did not set the stage on fire at Visakhapatnam, his recent form before injury prompted the team management to invest in his immense talent. Murali Vijay is an assured presence at the top of

the order and a fit Shikhar Dhawan means the reserve opener’s slot is for Rahul. Also Dhawan is still an important fixture in the limited overs format where he has an impressive record. All the permutations and combinations do indicate that Gambhir, who has played a key role in two World Cup finals (World T20 in 2007 and World Cup 2011) may well have ran his last lap as far as the national team is concerned.

DIMA P U R , N OV 2 2 (NPN): Football legend, Diego Maradona is scheduled to arrive Nagaland by December 11, 2016 on the invitation of the North East for Child Rights (NECR). According to a circular issued by Youth Resources & Sports department, on the request of NECR, chief minister has agreed to hold an exhibition football match of Under 16 ‘CM Cup’ on December 12 at Khuochiezie local ground Kohima, to be witnessed by the football legend. Maradona would be accorded state guest by the government. The state government has also directed several departments to make necessary arrangements during the visit. The chief minister would also host dinner for Maradona on December 11 or 12. He is also scheduled to visit Khonoma village, if time permits, the circular stated.

Scott Arfield tackle Chris Brunt as Darren Fletcher rushes up in support.

L o n d o n, N ov 2 2 (Agencies): West Brom have moved up to ninth place in the Premier League table after they hammered Burnley 4-0 at The Hawthorns. Tony Pulis’s side had won at Leicester City last weekend and, having won none of their previous five games, built on that great result by blowing the Clarets away in the first half. B u r n l e y h a d o n ly earned one point from their first five away league matches – a backs-to-the-wall point at Old Trafford – and their display at West Brom highlighted their inadequacies on the road to-date. A defensive mistake gifted Matt Phillips the first goal in the opening minutes before the impressive James Morrison doubled their lead inside the first quarter hour. Darren Fletcher capitalised on good work from Phillips to make it three

at the break before Salomon Rondon got his reward for an outstanding performance with the fourth on 63 minutes. Jeff Hendrick had wasted Burnley’s best chance when they trailed by just the one goal but in truth even a consolation goal would have been more than they deserved. Phillips was gifted the opening goal inside four minutes when Morrison’s low cross was stabbed towards his own goal by the sliding Dean Marney and Phillips pounced on the opportunity, spinning and rifling home from six yards. The hosts threatened every time they attacked but Burney should have drawn level on 13 minutes when Sam Vokes’ header from a set-piece fell to Hendrick unmarked inside the box but the Ireland international’s effort was unconvincing and went well wide of the far

post. The visitors were made to pay moments later when Rondon held off his marker before feeding Morrison and the Scot guided a lovely shot from the edge of the box into the back of the net. The game was ended as a contest when Fletcher arrived on time to finish Phillips’ inch-perfect cross. Dyche introduced forward Ashley Barnes for midfielder at the break in an attempt to somehow get back into the game and they briefly rallied but Rondon killed any lingering chance of an unlikely comeback, collecting Nyom’s low cross before turning and shooting low into the net with a couple of small deflections helping it past Heaton. The rest of the game was just about damage limitation for Burnley while West Brom enjoyed their rare stroll through the end of a top flight match.

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