November 24, 2016

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Nagaland Post

Vol XXVI No. 348

DIMAPUR, thursday, november 24, 2016

‘India, Pak have recalled 8 staffers each from missions’

Oil tanker catches fire in Imphal

Spain prosecutors call for two-year jail for Neymar

national, Page 5

northeast, Page 4

sports, Page 11

Naga Hoho ‘last appeal’ to MLAs Warns not to revoke Sept 22, 2012 resolution D I M A P U R , N OV 2 3 (NPN): Naga Hoho has reacted with shock to the introduction of a motion introduced in the legislative assembly on November 22, in the two-day 14th session of the 12th NLA with regard to holding polls to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) with 33% women reservation by making a “last appeal” to all legislators of the 12th NLA to seriously consider all aspects before revoking the September 22, 2012 NLA resolution. This was stated by Naga Hoho Communication Cell, over the motion which was introduced to be adopted as a resolution of the 12th NLA to revoke the resolution passed by the previous house under Article

This is it!

371A (a) of the constitution of India on September 22, 2012, to exempt Nagaland from application of Part IXA of the constitution of India in ULB elections. Naga Hoho said the exercise to revoke the September 22, 2012 NLA resolution was nothing less than “undermining the voice of the people of the state”. Further, the Hoho maintained that “strong opinions” expressed by civil societies and tribe hohos against the Municipal Act of 2001 and 33% women reservation, which were “simple replication” from other states in the mainland had “fallen on deaf ears.” The Hoho said even if there was no opposition in the 12th NLA, it did not mean that voices of people concerned with protect of their rights “should be strangled”. The Hoho said it had been advocating to all sections of Naga society, es-

pecially the NLA to show magnanimity and ensure that the 33% women reservation did not create divisions among the people of the state which would result in creation of “an unmanageable situation.” The Hoho said it felt strongly about the state government’s attempt to implement the Municipal Act of 2001 and 33% women reservation as being “too hasty” and which would only create chaos and “unwanted situations for which the 14th session of the 12th NLA shall be held responsible.” In the light of the above, Naga Hoho said it was making a last appeal on all the honourable members of the present 12th NLA to weigh the consequences of the “vital issue” before passing the resolution for revocation of the resolution adopted on 22nd September 2012. The Hoho said a revocation of the 2012 resolution was bound to

invite “severe social unrest and disharmony among different Naga tribes, while imposing various provisions under the constitution of India, by discarding the rights of the Naga people” as guaranteed under Article 371A of the Indian constitution. Meanwhile, the 14th session of the 12thNLA on Thursday is expected to adopt the motion for revocation of the 2012 NLA resolution, without debate or discussion. NPF MLAs have already been issued with a stern 5-point diktat in the form of a whip, five days ahead of the session. What several tribal hohos have stated during the recent consultations convened by chief minister T.R. Zeliang at the Capital Convention hall on November 16, was to go slow with the planned revocation and instead to have a proper and broader consultations with all stakeholders including women groups.

Rs 3.5 cr flown into Nagaland goes missing G U WA H AT I / D I M A PUR, NOV 23 (AGENCIES/NPN): Central intelligence and income tax agencies are grappling with a peculiar situation with Rs 3.5 crore of cash in scrapped Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes “vanishing” after being seized on a private chartered flight at Dimapur airport. According to the Economic Times report, the cash was seized by Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel at Dimapur after a tip-off from the Intelligence Bureau and the local Income Tax staff was summoned to take further action with regard to the unaccounted wealth. But to the surprise of CISF personnel, the report stated that the cash disappeared and the local I-T officer was understood to have claimed that it had been with the security personnel all along. CISF officers who (Cont’d on p-5)

NDA govt rules out revocation of AFSPA NEW DELHI, NOV 23 (AGENCIES): BJP government at the Centre has made it clear that the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA) will not be repealed any time soon, further straining the party’s relations with the Naga People’s Front (NPF), its ally of 13 years in Nagaland. Trouble has reportedly been brewing in Nagaland between the NPF-led DAN government and BJP since BJP MLA Mmhonlumo Kikon was removed as parliamentary secretary. A large section of the BJP has been demanding that the party pull out of the DAN government. The opposition, citing alleged extra-judicial killings in Manipur, has been saying the Northeast is on the brink of a humanitarian crisis because of AFSPA. Senior Congress leader Ambika Soni had sought a response from the home ministry on the insurgent situation in the region and on whether the Army was reviewing it. In

July, the Supreme Court also said indefinite deployment of armed forces in the region was a mockery of the democratic process. However, the government has made it clear that AFSPA will not be repealed any time soon. “The Supreme Court has not struck down AFSPA in view of extra-judicial killings in Manipur. It has reiterated the views expressed by the Constitution Bench of the apex court in Naga People’s Movement of Human Rights that an allegation of excessive force resulting in the death of any person by the Manipur Police or the armed forces in Manipur must be thoroughly enquired into,” minister of state for home affairs Kiren Rijiju said in Rajya Sabha on Monday. Activists have alleged 1,528 cases of “extra-judicial killings” by the army and other security forces during 2010-12 in Manipur. The centre in June declared all of Nagaland a “disturbed area”.

The centre has declared disturbed the “whole state of Nagaland,” Satyendra Garg, joint secretary, northeast division in the ministry of home affairs, said in an order in June. Ignoring the regional political tension, however, Rijiju remained resolute and insisted that all measures were being taken to prevent any misuse of AFSPA by security forces. He also said punitive measures were likely to be taken against the forces in case of violation of human rights or safety of women and children. “AFSPA is reviewed periodically and an objective assessment of the ground situation is made in consultation with security agencies and the concerned state governments. Specific instructions have been issued to the armed forces operating in ‘disturbed area’, violation of which makes them liable for prosecution under the Army Act and Central Armed Police Forces Acts,” Rijiju added.

Education should enable students to be employable: Acharya Governor’s sectt expresses regret Staff Reporter

“Demonetisation means standing for hours to get our ration of cash from banks.”

Pages 12 ` 4.00

D I M A P U R , N OV 2 3 (NPN): Nagaland Governor P.B. Acharya said the conventional degree acquired from various institutions were not making the students employable or entrepreneurs and that the government of India was emphasizing on establishing a stronger link between education and employment. He was speaking as the chief guest at the convocation ceremony of ICFAI University, Nagaland, campus at Sovima, Dimapur, Wednesday.

(2nd & 3rd from L) P.B. Acharya and Deo Nukhu. (NP)

Acharya said there was a need to ensure that the degree and certificates which a university issues should be directly linked to jobs and issues of livelihood. He enquired whether

students were attending colleges and universities only to get degrees, whether one’s knowledge and empowerment was only for oneself and whether students had any responsibility towards

their college, village, family, friends, their state and nation. He said degree was the beginning of a person’s empowered life and that the true meaning of education was beyond individualism, one which instils a sense of responsibility towards the society and creates wealth through knowledge. He said infrastructures for an educational institution were important but the performance and conduct of the students and teachers and their contribution towards the academic and

DIMAPUR, NOV 23 (NPN): Nagaland Governor’s secretariat has expressed regret to the people of Orangkong village, Longleng district for cancelling the Governor’s visit to the village on November 22. In a communiqué, PRO Raj Bhavan clarified that Governor was supposed to visit Orangkong village between 1.15 p.m. to 3 p.m. that day. However, PRO said due to time constraint and restriction of helicopter to fly in the evening, the Governor’s visit to the village had to be cancelled. In view of the tecnhical restrictions, the programme at Orangkong village had to be cancelled at the last moment, though the Governor had a sincere desire to visit the village, PRO added. In this regard, the Governor’s secretariat expressed regret for the inconvenience caused to the general public, villagers, village elders and the students’ bodies and all other stakeholders. PRO further said that the Governor has expressed his desires to visit Orangkong village during the (Cont’d on p-5) next round of tour at an earliest convenient time.

practical knowledge were of outmost importance. Acharya lauded ICFAI University, Nagaland for performing well since its inception in the year 2006. He expressed happiness that the university had taken sufficient care in tuning the curriculum and courses basing on the need of the students and for securing a good record in job placements. He said although the universities in the country were performing well and producing world class professionals, most of the

APO appeals SFs, NPGs for restraint

DIMAPUR, NOV 23 (NPN): Angami Public Organization (APO) has appealed to security forces and NPGs to maintain utmost restraint so that the prevailing peaceful atmosphere in the area was not disturbed. APO president Dr. Vilhousa Seleyi and secretary, info & publicity Neisakholie Ziephru in a statement also appealed to both the security forces and NPGs to rein in discipline within their rank and file. Further, APO cautioned that since Kohima, was by far and large home to all peace loving people, it would not remain a mute spectator to anybody/group/ organization that harbor/perpetrates violence and infringe the peace of the land. APO also reiterated that it would not allow its land to be a “killing zone for any purpose or issue” and would not endorse any activity/programs that disrupt public/civil safety and convenience. APO felt that since festive season and major state programmes were round the corner, particularity in Kohima, social and public etiquettes needed to be maintained. In this regard, the organization urged the administration and police personnel to react promptly in the event of social problems such as gang fights/reckless driving/loud music at odd times/provocative youth in inebriated state, etc. On the sale or bursting of fire crackers, APO said it will monitor to ensure that this particular issue would be implemented through its Youth organization (AYO). Therefore, APO said as people mandated organization, it will continue to be a confident partner to all and will strive for peace, prosperity and wellbeing of the society irrespective of tribal, political and ideological affiliations.

NPCC protest deferred to Nov 28

DIMAPUR, NOV 23 (NPN): NPCC has informed that the proposed agitation against demonetization of Rs. 500 & 1,000 notes has been deferred to November 28, 2016 in line with all opposition parties across the nation. Informing this in a press note, secretary NPCC Moa Emchen has asked all office bearers including secretaries to attend the emergency meeting on November 24, at 11 a.m. at Congress Bhavan, Kohima.

Fire destroys half of Nyanching village

DIMAPUR, NOV 23 (NPN): Half of Nyanching village population under Konyak were rendered homeless when a fire broke out on November 22 afternoon, said Konyak Union (Myanmar) in a press statement. The union general secretary K. Akham H Konyak said 68 houses were gutted including other properties and paddy field. The incident took place when the villagers were all out in their fields. The fire was suspected to have broken out from a solar panel in one of the house, said H Konyak. Since the village was situated in the border area between India and Myanmar, none from Myanmar government or Indian side could be contacted. Moreover, he said that village has no public protection facility and road communication for rescue operation on such unexpected incident. Therefore, Konyak Union on behalf of the affected villagers appealed to the people of border areas and well wisher to contribute in every possible way. K Y M C



CL John inaugurates FTC college building

Minister of Rural Development & REPA, CL John speaking at the FTC college building inauguration programme. (NP) Staff Reporter

D I M A P U R , N ov 2 3 (NPN): Faith Theological College (FTC) college building was inaugurated Wednesday, at Ura villa colony, Dimapur. Speaking at the programme as chief guest, minister of Rural Development & REPA, Nagaland CL John mentioned that after the coming of Christianity, Nagas have been recognized and have been blessed. “It has been an eye opener for the communities” he pointed out and also encouraged the gathering to

honour and remember the founders of Christianity. Talking about the importance of language, he said that language being a link of communication should be given importance so that “ism” would be erased from the society. He also mentioned that “Nagamese” should be streamlined for the people of Nagaland since most people were not literate, whereas English could be made as the official language only. He also suggested for introduction of “Nagamese” subject in institutions of the state. John also encouraged

NBCC to start working together for the welfare of the society and be the backbone of the society with all denominations cooperating and coming together as one. He further suggested the theological colleges to encourage their students to learn about the importance of dignity of labour as the basis for livelihood. The programme highlighted unveiling of the inaugural plaque which was dedicated by NBCC president, Reverend Dr, Mar Atsongchanger. The programme followed welcome address by FTC founder principal Reverend Dr. S. Gangte, short speech was also delivered by Ura Villa colony chairman TS Sangtam, Ura villa colony ex-chairman Imkongmeren Imsong and special song was presented by Wapang Ao, Konyak students, FTC male voice led by Puet Thang. Earlier the programme was chaired by FMPB, NEI regional co-ordinator Reverend Yecto Chophy and later vote of thanks was delivered by board chairman Er. Dr. L. Yezhekhu Sumi.

I&C website in Nagaland launched

Chief secretary, Pankaj Kumar IAS launching the Industries & Commerce website and ‘Ease of Doing Business’ in Kojima. (DIPR)

DIMAPUR: Chief secretary of Nagaland, Pankaj Kumar launched the official website and “Ease of Doing Business in Nagaland,” of the department of Industries & Commerce in the presence of its officials and staff at chief secretary’s

conference hall Kohima on November 23. According to DIPR report, after launching the website, he congratulated the department for launching its official website in Nagaland. He also thanked the department of IT for

setting up and fulfilling this dream into reality. Secretary of Industries & Commerce, Hushili who chaired the programme, also expressed her gratitude to the commissioner & secretary, K.D. Vizo and his team who worked tirelessly for the website.


news in brief THD emergency meeting: Tangkhul Hoho Dimapur (THD) has convened an emergency meeting on November 25 at 11 a.m. at Diphupar. All the members have been asked to attend the meeting. AASU emergency meeting: Aghünaqa Area Students Union (AASU) has convened an emergency meeting on November 26 at 10 a.m in the tourist lodge, Dimapur. All the committee members and AASU executives have been asked to attend the meeting. Committee on public undertakings meeting: Chairman of committee on public undertakings NLA, Kuzholuzo Nienu has convened a meeting of the committee for consideration and adoption of the committee’s report pertaining to NSMDC under the department of geology and mining on November 25 at 11 am onwards at the assembly committee room. All the members of the committee have been informed to attend the meeting positively. SUPC informs: Students Union Public College (SUPC) has convened a meeting on December 3 at 10 a.m in Science Centre, Super Market to discuss matters related to PCSU silver jubilee celebration. All lecturers, ex-PCSU office bearers, present PCSU office bearers have been requested to attend the meeting positively. DDADU informs: All night auto drivers have been informed that the office of Dimapur District Auto Drivers Union (DDADU) has appointed Kuhoto Khujumi as in-charge from November 23. DDADU has also informed the owner of auto NL-07 15-1571 to claim it from the office by providing original documents during office hours. One may contact at 9862863385. WDGBA annual meeting: Wokha District Gaun Bura Association (WDGBA) has con-

9 BIHAR organises painting competition in Gumsa Village D I M A P U R : Pa i n t i n g competition for students of standard 1, 2 & 3 was organised by 9 BIHAR under the aegis of 7 Sector AR at Gumsa village, Mon District on November 21. Major Deepak Nain of 9 Bihar Regiment in his short speech motivated the children to work hard to shape up their future as well as for the development of Nagaland. A total of 36 students nominated from the Schools of nearby villages participated in the competition. Each participant were awarded a merit certificate and top three paintings were given separate merit certificate & prize.

‘Operation Clean Wka 2016’ coming to a close

DIMAPUR: Operation Clean Wokha under the mega project “Love Earth Love Life” initiated by Team Metamorphosis is coming to a close for the current year. In a press note by team Metamorphosis president, Thungdemo Kyong, on April 25 the project was launched by former Wokha DC Robin. A. Lotha in a joint function with the National Vector Borne Disease Control Program Wokha district. DVPO Dr. Zuben Kikon also explained the mission of the department besides explaining how the public can be free from Vector Borne

Diseases. Prior to its launching Team Metamorphosis with the Wokha district administration conducted a meeting with the implementing partners viz. Wokha District Administration, Wokha town Council, Education Department (SDEO), Lotha Eloe Hoho, Lotha Youth Hoho, Wokha District Chamber of Commerce & Industries, ANPSA Wokha unit, NVBDCP Wokha, Power department Wokha and Public Health Engineering Department Wokha. Team Metamorphosis stated

that the programme was community based which would benefit the public once they understood the concept and started implementing. The program also plans to harvest rain water at Mount Tiyi by locating the catchment area with the help of competent agencies or departments in the coming years. The program has been targeted to be implemented in Wokha town only for the time being. Awards for the three best performers in each category would be given to the deserving groups during the month of December every year.

Joint secy GoI holds meeting on demonetization

Joint Secretary, Minority Affairs, GoI, J. Alam, IAS meeting with the civil societies and banks on “Demonetization” in conference hall. (DIPR)

DIMAPUR: The Joint Secretary, Minority Affairs, Government of India, J. Alam held a meeting with civil societies and banks on “Demonetization” at DC’s conference hall on November 23. According to DIPR report, Alam said that the GoI had announced demonetization of Rs. 500/- and 1000/- notes on November 8. Consequent to that, the senior officials serving under the GoI have been directed to examine the challenges, status and difficulties faced by the general K


public while implementing the policy introduced by the central government. He said that the main purpose of his visit was to check out the availability of currency in smaller denomination, lapses, projections and its arrangements to meet the demand of the people. He also mentioned about the functioning of ATM booths in the state and how they have been catering to the needs of general public since the policy of demonetization has been introduced. He further asked about the

shortcomings with regard to functioning of ATMs in the state. He said the machine has been designed mostly for the transaction of Rs. 500 & 1000 notes. KCCI president also voiced concern about the acute shortage of smaller denomination since most of the business in the state were agro-based. He also mentioned about the poor functioning and lack of ATMs citing festive season coming up. Administrator KMC, Kovi Meyase also shared the problems faced by the

Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, november 24, 2016

people and how it has adversely affected people working on fixed and contract basis with no bank accounts. He also urged the financial institution to give a special dispensation in a way of opening new bank accounts at the earliest so as to cater the needs of the general public. NGOs like Angami Public Organisation, All Nagaland Taxi Association, Truck Owners’ Association, City Bus Union and others were also present and shared their views and opinions.

vened its annual meeting/conference on November 29 at Wokha Town. As per its office bearers and executive meeting resolution, the house invites all village/town head GB along with one GB to attend the said conference compulsory. WDGBA has informed all concern that there would be new office bearers’ election for the next tenure. For more information one may contact its association president at 9612977703. SVCA meeting: Citizen general meeting of Seyochung Village Citizen Association (SVCA) has been tentatively fixed from January 28 to 30, 2017. SVCA chairman, Thriseo Annar has requested individuals, unions and other organization not to clash with the general meeting date. 8th NAP informs public: A Coy 8th NAP Pughoboto under the directive from the 8th NAP, Naltoqa Commandant would be carrying out “annual classification firing” at the helipad area, Pughoboto, on November 25. Public have been advised to keep away from the area, to avoid any unforeseen incidences. P&AR department clarifies: Department of P&AR informed that ST/II/BT certificates are to be signed only by officers in the rank of additional deputy commissioner and above. All candidate who had applied to the CESE2016 advertised vide No.NPSC-1/2016 dated June 20, 2016 have been informed to submit the proper ST/II/BT certificates signed by the competent authority on or before November 28. The application of the candidates failing to do so shall be summarily rejected. Clarification form SE deptt: Department of School Education (SE) has informed all in service candidates undertaking/undertaken B.Ed course from Dr. C.V. Raman University with study centre at Isaac Newton School,

ACAUT lauds newspapers DIMAPUR: ACAUT has lauded that decision of the seven newspapers of Nagaland to back ‘Clean Election campaign’ and not to publish news/advertise materials by village councils or non-political organizations that seek to declare their support to any particular candidate. ACAUT media cell in a press note said such a decision should lead to further popular upsurge against the present electoral trend in the state where purchased mandate has become the norm. ACAUT said the war against electoral malpractice, where everyone is a stakeholder, the NBCC’s ‘clean election campaign’ has received a much needed shot in the arm. It said ACAUT has also written to the chairmen of all the 1200 odd villages in the state to shun electoral malpractice and to collectively clean up the 400000 bogus electorate, as admitted by the ECI on September 28. Lauding the editors, ACAUT also appreciated the print media for their wise decision in support of the clean election initiative. “We reckon that this could be a turning point in the war against electoral malpractice,” ACAUT added.

Dimapur, that the permission order issued earlier stands cancelled till further notice as the mentioned study centre has not obtained any government approval which was against UGC norms. All candidates have been directed to apply in fresh to undergo B.Ed study. 11th COM ICH UNESCO meeting: Indigenous Cultural Society director, cultural activist and working committee member of gender issue and intellectual property rights of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Dr. Hesheto Y Chishi would be participating at the 11th COM (Committee Members) ICH (International Conference on Harmonisation) UNESCO meeting at Addis Ababa Ethiopia scheduled from November 28 to December 2. Committee constituted for INP: Government of Nagaland has constituted a committee to demarcate the boundary of the Intangki National Park (INP) with the following officials: Chairman, commissioner, Nagaland; members Satya Prakash Tripathi chief wild warden Dimapur, Rajat S. Pal, addl. PCCF (WBA), T. Lotha (Rtd.), chairman Nagaland biodiversity board, joint commissioner of Police Dimapur, deputy commissioner Dimapur, deputy commissioner Peren, superintendent of Police Dimapur, superintendent of Police Peren, Tongpangzenba CF (WL&B) rtd. Director INP, Nukshi Jamir silviculturist Kohima, Ramridingbo Kaurinha ACF (rtd) consultant INP, land record and survey officer Dimapur, land record and survey officer Peren and member secretary Caroline wildlife warden Dimapur. Committee would submit its report to the state government within 6 (six) months from the date of issue of this notification.

Action to end TB unsuccessful

DIMAPUR: Awareness program on wheelchair service delivery training was organized by Mobility India, Bangalore in collaboration with District Disability Rehabilitation Center and Prodigals’ Home, Dimapur on November 5 with senior trainer Mobility India, Nirmala Danu.

DIMAPUR: A campaign #brokenTBpromises by TAG has pointed out that the action plan to end tuberculosis in India has failed to take off. According to a member Global Tuberculosis Community Advisor y Board (GTBCAB), Ketho highlighted that the response to TB epidemic with nine policy changes

DIMAPUR: A “pilot project’’ imbibing the prisoners with short term skills as reformative measures have been started by prison department. In a press note by inspector general of prisons, Kedi Angami after the first donors’ consultative meet held on November 5 the department has sketched a “draft concept paper” to enable the good samaritans, churches, NGOs and charitable institutions to deliberate and formulate opinions to establish the vibrant reform cum rehabilitation mode for prisoners and inmates. Department has called for another “donors meet “on November 30 at 11a.m in prison headquarters, Jail colony, Kohima to carry the process forward. All NGOs, churches and well wishers have been invited to participate and be a part of the reformation. Anyone wanting a copy of the detailed concept note may contact research officer planning, C.Lwngnyei on 9436070731.

DIMAPUR: Kohima Police On receipt of information that an unknown miscreant was collecting tax from taxi drivers at ‘T’ Khel Junction, Chandmari colony, on November 23 Kohima police personnel from south police station swung into action and carried out search operation in the area. During the operation, it was learnt that the miscreant had left the area and proceeded towards midland colony in one black maruti alto, NL07-1178. Police team co-ordinated its search operation around the main town area and subsequently intercepted the said vehicle in new market. The driver of the vehicle Yashito Sumi (36 yrs), son of Khuyivi Sumi, Tichimani village along with the occupant ‘SS. Pvt.’ Peiwang Konyak (35 yrs), FGN, son of late Hatwang Konyak, Hongphoi village were arrested and on searching, 25 nos. of extortion receipt was recovered from the possession of Peiwang Konyak. Criminal cases have been registered against the arrested persons.

Prog on wheelchair service delivery

2nd donors’ consultative meet

KMC revised rates of barbers KOHIMA: In continuation of its office memorandum dated August 28 2012 and considering the rates of commodities Kohima Municipal Council (KMC) has set a revised rates for barbers within its jurisdiction as follows: Hair cutting Rs. 40 (previous rate Rs: 30); shaving Rs. 30 (previous rate Rs: 20); head massage Rs. 30 (previous rate Rs: 20); body massage Rs. 30 (previous rate Rs: 20); hair dying with cutting Rs: 80 (previous rate Rs: 70). Kohima Municipal Council administrator Kovi Meyase has informed that every barber should possess a medical fitness certificate and surgical mask for covering their mouth, compulsorily wear a blue apron and for every shave, a new blade must be used. Kohima Municipal Council said that this order would be effective from December 1, 2016.

announced by Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP) have had their implementation delayed time and again. The campaign which started since August 1, 2016 has publicly counted up each day suggesting that government of India has failed to implement the policies and programs required to end TB in India.

Extortionist arrested

Special activities of SJC Jakhama

Marie Theresa Junkers Begerau speaking to students of SJCJ.

DIMAPUR: St. Joseph’s College Jakham had invited Marie Theresa JunkersBegerau, and her husband, Robert Begerau, both member of SES (Senior Expert Service) from Germany to enlighten the students on German language and pub-

lic relation. While Marie Theresa had an interactive session with the members of the Women’s Forum Association of SJSJ and the youths of Phesema and Khuzama village, Robert Begerau had been coaching

students on football. An expert in football, he was also a former professional football player. He came to coach the students for a month regarding the basic skills, tactics and concepts that they needed to become good football player. K




Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, November 24, 2016

NUN highlights burden of TB among PLHIV positive. Abou Mere said in 2012, global estimate of annual incidence of TB was 8.6 million cases and 2.3 million cases were from India. He disclosed that TB prevalence per lakh population has reduced from 465 in 1990 to 230 in 2012. He expressed the serious concern


KOHIMA, NOV 23 (NPN): Nagaland Users’ Network (NUN) members highlighted the burden of Tuberculosis (TB), one of the leading killer among the people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the state with the poor response from the state government during press conference organized by NUN and supported by Treatment Action Group (TAG) held at KPC conference Kohima on Wednesday. The press conference was attended by member Global TB Community Advisory Board (GTBCAB) Ketho Angami, member CCM Abou Mere, HIV/TB coordinator Vihaan (NNP+) Visevinuo Khrieo, president KNP+ Kohima Yhuni Kesen and other members of NUN. Ketho said during his experience with working in the field of tuberculosis in the state he had come across various issues and challenges which could defeat the whole purpose of the revised national TB program (RNTCP). He said with the growing number of TB case findings in the state, poor response manifested by both the state and the centre through delay of funds has hampered the programme. He said Tuensang district was identified as one of the high prevalent TB district along with Dimapur

of TB disease prevailing in the state. Yhuni Kesen also shared her personal experienced using TB medicine and its side effect. The members also highlighted the various issues taken up by the members with state and central government for TB disease.

The NUN members during press conference at KPC conference hall Kohima on Wednesday. (NP). and Kohima, whereas Peren has been considered as a high drug resistance district in the state. He said the state RNTCP need to look at involvement from the civil society organization in terms of designing and strategizing implementation of quality TB program side by side with the development of community ownership could contribute to a qualitative intervention. Ketho also highlighted the key concern like lack of mobile TB screening, testing of sputum smearing through microscope, absence of CBNAAT in a high prevalent district like Tuensang, poor treatment adherence by patients, need to create awareness in the rural areas, develop IEC materials and others. Visevinuo Khrieo said Vihaan’s objectives of TB Implementation (Implemented since October 2015) was to increase the screening among PLHIV and early detection of TB, Immedi-

ate ART initiation of all PLHIV detected TB and improve and sustain treatment adherence of HIV-TB co-infected clients. She said in Nagaland, Vihaan CSCs operates in 5 districts- Dimapur, Kohima, Mokokchung, Tuensang and Kiphire and till October 2016, number of PLHIVs registered in CSCs screened for TB are 2187 (out of total clients registered at CSCs 4709), referred for TB testing- 257 out of which 58 detected TB

Financial literacy camp organised at Longpayimsen vill D I M A P U R : O n e - d ay financial literacy camp (FLC) was conducted at Longpayimsen village organized by Care and Support Society in collaboration with State Bank Of India, Tzurangkong branch, Mokokchung supported by NABARD on November 23 at community hall. During the programme, S. Amarjit Mangang, DDM, NABARD shared the role played by NABARD in financial inclusion. He informed the villagers about the importance of saving habits and ways and means to cut down unnecessary expenditure. He advised the farmers to go for scientific method of cultivation/farming and integrated farming practices so as to increase their income. He briefly highlighted Farmers Club, SHG/JLG, Poll Q.: What is the biggest offence in elections? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


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Use of black/ unaccounted 70% money to purchase votes Methods used t o t h r e a t e n 15% candidates or voters Voter imper- 15% sonation

Next poll

Q: Is the ISL currently

being played, shown improvement over the years?  Yes  No  Can’t say


(Temperature in ºC) Max Agartala Mostly sunny and beautiful 28 Aizawl Mostly sunny and nice 24 Guwahati Hazy sun 28 Imphal Sunny and nice 28 Itanagar Sunny and not as warm 24 Shillong Hazy sun 21 Kohima Mostly sunny and pleasant 22 Dimapur Mostly sunny and comfortable 27 Mkg Mostly sunny and pleasant 23 Tuensang Sunny and cooler 17 Wokha Mostly sunny and not as warm 20 Zunheboto Sunshine with a quick shower 21 K


Min 16 11 13 8 12 4 9 13 9 7 13 7

WCC & KCC Programme, PMMY and Stand Up India Scheme. Branch manager, State Bank of India, Tsurangkong, Mokokchung, Moasunup Imchen shared the importance of banking, savings, financial planning. He shared various financial services offered by the banks for the general public. He further highlighted PMJDY, PMSBY, PMJJBY and APY in details. He further shared the gathering about the current demonetization going in the country. Programme was chaired by managing director, Care and Support Society, Imchawati Kichu. Invocation prayer was pronounced by deacon Longpayimsen Baptist Church, N. Maken. Welcome address was delivered by chairman Longpayimsen village council, B. Sashi Aier.

WSBAK youth department TLW seminar concludes

D I M A P U R : Ye a r l o n g “True Love Waits” (TLW) seminar of Western Sumi Baptist Akukuhou Kuqhakulu (WSBAK) youth department covering six areas of Sakipheto, Khaghaboto, Kuhuboto, Dimapur, Niuland and Aghunaqa on the theme “Purity of Life” has concluded. The seminar was organized with an aim to educate, guide and challenge young people to remain physically and sexually pure until they enter into biblical marriage relationship, thereby building the spirituality and morality of the young people and prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS. A l o n g w i t h T LW theme other issues of concern were also stressed on, such as HIV/AIDS and youth; tobacco and its effects on young people; skill development. Besides these 6 areas, TLW seminars were also organized in several local churches. Altogether, more than 3000 young people attended the seminar and around 600 took pledge card as well. WSBAK youth department has also conveyed it’s gratitude to various individuals and Churches for their immense contribution towards the success of the TLW seminar. K




No plans to declare Sadar Hills, Jiribam as districts, says Ibobi


IMPHAL, Nov 23: Manipur government has no concrete decision to announce Sadar Hills and Jiribam as full-fledged revenue districts of the state, Manipur chief minister O Ibobi Singh said Wednesday. He further said that state government will be compelled to use force to open the national highways if the Centre s in intervening saying that to mend the national highways is within the purview of the Central government. The chief minister conveyed this while addressing a news conference held at his office chamber this evening at 5.30 pm to clarify on the charge levelled by the Manipur BJP on the ongoing UNC sponsored economic blockade on the national highways which has entered 23rd day on Wednesday. A delegation of state BJP had called on with Union home minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday and discussed on the prevailing

situation in Manipur after the UNC imposed economic blockade on the lifelines of Manipur people. The BJP delegation quoted that Union home minister as saying that Union government has not received any concrete report on how it should intervene to address the issue of ongoing economic blockade imposed by United Naga Council (UNC). Strongly denying the allegation, Ibobi said that he had personally met with the Union home minister Rajnath Singh at New Delhi on November 11 last after a telephonic talk on November 9 to discuss the issue. “I held talk with Rajnathji for 45 minutes. I even submitted a written statement that highlights the hardships faced by the common man and state due to their (UNC) activity,” the chief minister said. During the meeting, he had also given a clarification that no decisions will be taken on any matter which affects the interest of

any community without consulting all the stakeholders concerned, Ibobi said. He further convinced the Union home minister asserting that UNC is an organization controlled by NSCN (I-M), a group which is in ceasefire with government of India, the inter vention of MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) is very much needed to calloff the economic blockade immediately. He even mentioned the seriousness of the current situation has there is a serious potential of an ethnic clash and major law and order problem due to scarcity of essential commodities, if the situation continues like this, the chief minister went on to assert. After the matter was brought to Union home minister, RN Ravi, the interlocutor of the GoINSCN (I-M) peace-talk had even contacted him on November 11 last, the chief minister added. After a patient hearing, Rajnath even assured

him to send a Central team to overlook the prevailing situation in the state. Asserting that he was hard to believe if Rajnathji said so, the chief minister said that it’s baseless and double standard politics of BJP. Reiterating that state government has been trying its best to cope with the situation by even contacting the Prime Minister after the MHA was seen taking up nothing to open the national highways, the chief minister asked the BJP leaders not to play politics on the national highways. “The two national highways (NH-37 and NH-2) are the lifeline of Manipur as all the traffic and goods move through these two national highways, it would be better for the BJP not to do politics with it,” the chief minister said. Instead of doing such a politics which would hurt the sentiments of the people, do come out and press the Centre together to open the highways, Ibobi urged the state BJP leaders.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, november 24, 2016

Cash shortage to improve in next 10-15 days: Official

Itanagar, Nov 23 (PTI): Union Additional Secretary, Economic Affairs, M M Kutty today assured Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu that the shortage of money would improve in the next 10-15 days with the availability of more cash in all denominations. “Due to liquidity crunch, there is serious shortage of money especially of small denomination notes. However, in 10-15 days the situation will improve as more money will be made available in all denominations,” the additional secretary told Khandu when he called on the CM to discuss the impact of demonetisation in the state. Kutty urged the state gover nment to spread awareness on demonetisation, especially in remote areas of the state, an official communiqué said. “Words must reach every individual to deposit their old notes by December 30 or they may exchange old notes at designated offices of the RBI by March 31 next,” he said. As people have now started to visit banks in large number, Kutty advised the

state government to use the opportunity to open more banks and ATMs in the state, especially in sub-divisional level to bring more people under the banking coverage. To spread awareness on demonetisation, the chief minister said that all deputy commissioners would be instructed to relay a 15-minute radio talk in every local dialect for 3-4 days. Khandu also called for an outreach programme to be organised by the respective deputy commissioners. Informing on the current situation in the state in the aftermath of demonetisation, Khandu said that despite the rush in banks and ATMs, there has been no law and order problems reported. Informing on frauds likely to take place on account of tribal people being exempted from taxes, the chief minister expressed concern that people from outside the state could use their bank accounts to deposit money in huge amount. He urged the Income Tax department to trace all such accounts that deviates from its normal account history and pattern.

Thai Princess arrives in M’laya UNLF reaffirms to continue Mnp liberation struggle


Shillong, Nov 23: Princess of Thailand, Her Royal Highness Maha Chakri Sirindhorn arrived in Shillong on Wednesday on a three-day visit to Meghalaya. The princess landed at the Advanced Landing Ground in Upper Shillong. Soon after her arrival, Princess Sirindhorn visited the Sacred Groves in Mawphlang. She interacted with the elders of the village, who briefed her about the sacred groves. Chief Minister Mukul Sangma is host an early dinner for the state guest at Hotel Pinewood before she leaves for Sohra(Cherrapunjee), the wettest place on earth. The Princess will staying in Sohra overnight and would visit Nohkalikai waterfall

and other tourists spots, Chief Secretary K.S.Kropha said. Two presidential suits has been prepared at Polo Orchid Resort in Sohra and special equipment have been transshipped to the resort to ensure fast and better internet connectivity. Princess Sirindhorn, who was conferred the first ‘World Sanskrit Award’ yesterday for her contribution towards promotion of the language, will visit Mawlynnong village, which is often described as “Asia’s Cleanest Village” and Dawki village bordering the Indo-Bangla border. On the concluding day of her visit to the abode of clouds, Princess Sirindhorn will visit premier North Eastern Hill University and Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures (DBCIC), the second largest museum in Asia.


IMPHAL, Nov 23: United National Liberation Front (UNLF), the armed rebel group struggling for regain of Manipur’s freedom has reaffirmed to continue its struggle until their goal is achieved on the eve of its 52nd raising day. “The UNLF shall not waver in its enhancing struggle and we once again pledge our vow and promise to them we shall continue the struggle tirelessly till we achieved our cherished goal,” a statement of Central Committee of UNLF issued on Wednesday said. The outfit is celebrating its 52nd raising day on Thursday as done every year. While highlighting its national struggle against “Indian neo-colonialism” and its perspective, the state-

Oil tanker catches fire in Imphal

Inferno razing an oil tanker parked at PCTC Oil pump in Imphal on Wednesday. Correspondent

IMPHAL, Nov 23: Apprehension of an explosion triggered panic after an oil tanker unloading fuel at a retail outlet on NH-2 (Imphal-Dimapur Road) in Imphal got engulfed in flames on Wednesday. No human casualty reported by the fire that caught the PCTC Service Station even as a large number of customers were in queue to fill tanks of their vehicles. The oil tanker and an auto-rickshaw waiting for turn to refill the fuel tank at the pump were completely damaged by the inferno. The fire broke out

while the fuel from the oil-tanker was allegedly siphoning to a container before unloading to the underground tank of the retail outlet. The incident took place around 11.40 am while the pump was distributing petrol and diesel to the public and the fire fighters took around 20 minutes to douse the fire, before spreading to the other structures of the oil pump. The inferno at the retail outlet was occurred at a time while people were facing immense hardships including severe fuel scarcity owing to the economic blockade imposed on the

national highways of the state by the United Naga Council (UNC) and All Naga Student’s Association Manipur (ANSAM). Manipur has been reeling under fuel crisis since the indefinite economic blockade commenced from November 1. The ill-fated oil tanker was among several oil tankers escorted by the state security forces on the Imphal-Jiribam section of NH-37 few days back. Traffic jam was witnessed on the NH-2 nearby the pump after the police who rushed to the spot blocked the traffic as precautionary measures.

ment said that the challenges will continue to confront its struggle in the immediate future so as to enable us to do a critical deliberation with all its nationalistic peoples. It stated that ManipurIndia conflict was engendered by the forcible annexation of erstwhile sovereign independent Manipur in 1949. The passage of more than a century since colonialism reared its head in the history of mankind has done nothing to change this essence of colonial rule. The only concession to time that diehard colonial masters have deigned to make lies in the extent to which some care was taken to disguise the contempt for the subjugated people. “But even when such care is taken, the mask falls off when the chips are down,” it said and added

that even as India poses as the second largest democratic country in the world, and pretends as a defender of democracy and human rights in the region hoodwinking the eye of the international communities. India cannot hide its true skin as it shows its colonial legacy of suppressing the legitimate struggle of Kashmiri people and WESEA people as well, the statement said. “With draconian laws like AFSPA in hand, the Indian military machine is violating basic human rights with impunity, taking the life of the innocent populations of these regions at their whim in a routine manner,” it added. In the recent months, the full scaled war-like repressive measures taken up by the Indian military to suppress the ever increasing voice of the inno-

cent Kashmiri peoples who were agitating against the Indian colonial occupation is a stark example of this. In Manipur’s case, the promulgation and continuance for the last half a century and more of the Armed Forces (Assam and Manipur) Special Powers’ Act, 1958, which abrogates the inalienable right to life, was one such instance highlighting the contempt in which the Indian colonial rulers hold the people of Manipur. In contemporary times, this contempt for the subjugated peoples like the Manipuris and other Mongoloid peoples from Assam, Arunachal, Nagaland, Mizoram, and Meghalaya and Tripura have given rise to a form of demeaning racial discrimination often culminating in physical assaults in mainland India.

Mizoram villages SBI recalibrates 2600 ATMs in NE NOV 23 ent locations, especially reel from scarcity GUWAHATI, (AGENCIES): As part of in major hospitals, nursof Rs 500 notes a series of moves to tide ing homes, market places A I Z AW L , N O V 2 3 (AGENCIES): Even as top bank officials try to allay fears of the common people, scarcity of lower denomination notes have plagued the capital and the rest of the state in the aftermath of the demonetization move. Though queues at banks and ATM booths have shortened in Aizawl, the absence of the new Rs 500 note continues to create a problem. Pradip Kumar Sen, Aizawl branch of SBI’s assistant general manager, said Rs 2,000 and Rs 100 notes arrived on Sunday and were expected to ease the problem. However, even Rs 100 notes were no longer available by the evening of Monday. “When new Rs 2,000 notes arrived, the acute cash shortage problem was eased to some extent, but the unavailability of corresponding Rs 500 and Rs 100 notes continued to create problems for both the consumers and businessmen,” said Lalhruaia, an Aizawl local. Those who withdraw cash from banks and ATMs can mostly withdraw Rs 2,000 notes, he said, adding that the need was more for Rs 500 and Rs 100 notes. Meanwhile, people in the Khawbung rural development block area, which borders Myanmar, have done away with the use of Indian rupee notes and have adopted rudimentary paper notes due to the cash shortage.

over the demonetization crisis, the State Bank of India, the country’s largest bank, has recalibrated 2,618 out of 2,845 ATMs in the northeast for dispensing Rs 2,000 notes, a statement issued by the bank of Tuesday said. Most ATMs in the country were not calibrated for the new Rs 2,000 notes and could only dispense Rs 100 notes. The statement said a total of 2,653 ATMs are dispensing both Rs 100 and Rs 2,000 notes. In Guwahati, 301 ATMs are working and 288 have been recalibrated out of the total 318 ATMs. “SBI is continuing its outdoor drive of mobile cash van service throughout the northeast region, including Guwahati, to dispense cash in smaller denominations at differ-

and sabji mandis,” said a senior SBI official. As many as 48 such vans have been pressed into service across the region, bank officials said. The bank’s customer service points (CSPs) linked to their nearest SBI branches are also contributing in the mission of demonetization. Since November 10, a total of 1,156 CSPs in rural areas has contributed to serve 3,53,871 customers for cash transactions. “A revolution was created in rural areas by using bank’s business correspondent channel,” the statement said. SBI said there has been tremendous response and an increasing demand for Point of Sale (POS) machines throughout the northeast, especially in Guwahati city.

Panchayat bypolls in eight Tripura districts on Dec 21

Agartala, Nov 23 (PTI): By-poll for one seat of Zilla Parishad, two Panchayat Samities and 44 Gram Panchayats in eight districts of Tripura would be held on December 21, official sources said. State Election Commissioner, G Kameswar Rao said official notification for the by-polls would be issued tomorrow and the entire process of the by-polls would be completed by December 26. “As the by-polls would be held in 25 blocks across eight districts of the state the Block Development Officers (BDO) would be appointed as Returning officers for the Gram Panchayats and Panchayat Samities. Election for only one Zilla Parishad in Unakoti district would be held and in that case the District Magistrate of Unakoti District would act as Returning officer”, Rao told reporters last night.

Dear daughter & Brothers Cute Small Sis, Another year has passed and we are happy to see you grow even more beautiful and wiser each year. Our baby, our little girl, our sweet daughter,A brothers cute sis,,We wish you lots of candy and treats, And a very happy birthday! Godbless you. Wish all your dreams come True.. -From Papa ,Maa, Dadabhai, Didi, Jethu, Jethumuni, Kalakala Dearest Temjenyala, When you turn 7 years old, everything gets seven times better and you get seven times more super. Enjoy this year! Happy 7th birthday! From your loving dad, mom and super cool brothers. Dear Mom, This year, I wanted to do something different so I made a list of everything I love about you. I ran out of paper, so I sent you this short message. You are the absolute best mother anyone could have. From, Vijay & Ayang.

29,964 Brus identified in 5 North Tripura relief camps

Aizawl, Nov 23 (PTI): After completion of the identification process at Naisingpara, the largest relief camp in North Tripura district, Mizoram government officials have identified 29,964 people belonging to 4,896 families of Bru community, state home department officials said today. Identification of bona fide residents of Mizoram was completed in five relief camps -- Kaskau, Hamsapara, Khakchangpara, Asapara and Naisingpara -yesterday, the officials said. There are total six relief camps. The identification process began on November 2 and was scheduled to be completed by November 21. However, it had to be extended till today as the identification process at Naisingpara took longer than expected. Deputy Regd. No. 4230/2016

commissioner of Mamit district in Mizoram bordering Tripura, Lalbiaksangi, said that the identification would be conducted at the last camp at Hazacherra today and the officials would make efforts to complete the process in a day and might continue to work till dusk in this camp housing more than 400 families. While the physical repatriation from the six relief camp was scheduled to commence from November 30, the formal decision would be made in the meeting of the Joint Monitoring Group (JMG) to held in New Delhi on Thursday. The meeting would be attended by senior officials of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mizoram and Tripura state governments and representatives of the Bru refugees in the relief camps, the officials said.


Date : 23/11/2016

I, Shri. Kikatemba Longkumer, son of Shri. L.T.Maja Ao resident of House No. 109 of Sovima Village Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare an oath as follows :1. That my name has been used as (a) M.Kikatemba Ao (b) Kikatemba Lkr, and (c) Kikatemba, in some of my important documents and records instead of Shri. Kikatemba Longkumer. 2. That henceforth, I herewith rectified the same and declare that my name is Kikatemba Longkumer for all my official documents and references. Deponent Dated, Dimapur the 22nd Nov. 2016 Notary Public DP-9497

NOTICE INVITING OTHER CLAIMENTS TO REPRESENTATION TO COME FORWARD (SECTION 375 OF THE INDIAN SUCCESSION ACT 1925) In the Court of Smti. Elizabeth Ngully Additional Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur, Nagaland

Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate of Late Sanjay Bahadur Gurung Deceased, has been filed by Smti Monu Maya relation wife R/o. H.No. 386, Mount View Colony to draw his/her family Pension, Bank Acct, etc, who expired on 8.10.16. Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate of the said deceased, may if he/she so desire may appear in this Court within 30 days, on the said day of 30/11/16. Given under the hand and seal of the Court this 29 day of 10/16. Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur : Nagaland. DP-9506



Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate/pension benefits of Late Vipehiebi Angami has been applied by Smti/Shri. Tsiapiano, R/o H/No. 49 Sietheke Basa Dimapur, w/o Late Vipehiebi Angami for possession of : 1. PPO No. PEN/CON-20732/NL/S/20686 2. AC/No. 11348240403 of SBI, Chumukedima Branch. 3. AC/No. 30060262940 of SBI, Kohima Branch, Kohima. 4. AC/No. 10277148696 of SBI, Lerie Branch, Kohima. 5. AC/No. 01190023213 of SBI, Dimapur. who expired on ____________ . Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate/pension benefits of the said deceased may if she/he so desire appear in this court on or before the said day of 21.12.2016. Given under the hand and seal of the Court on this 22nd Nov. 2016.


(G.H. Ramlia) Principal District and Sessions Judge Dimapur : Nagaland

Demonetisation: Modi likely to attend Rajya Sabha today

Narendra Modi (left) with top cabinet ministers and opposition leaders (right) protesting in front of Parliament.

wide protest on November 28 against the cash crunch faced by the public. Earlier on Wednesday morning, opposition party MPs gathered at Mahatma Gandhi’s statue outside Parliament and marched together after linking their arms to form a human chain. On the other hand, Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan disallowed the adjournment motion notices by opposition parties for a debate on demonetisation, amid huge uproar from opposition benches. The pandemonium saw the house being adjourned for the day. Most opposition members demanded that the debate should take place under adjournment motion, even as Biju Janata Dal and Telan-

‘India, Pak have recalled 8 staffers each from missions’

Sushma Swaraj

NEW DELHI, Nov 23 (PTI): India and Pakistan have withdrawn eight officials each, including senior diplomats, from their missions in each other’s country following the expulsion of Pakistani high commission staffer, Mehboob Akhtar, over alleged spying. In written reply to question in the Lok Sabha today, external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj said, on November 2, Pakistan government withdrew six high commission officials, whose names had reportedly appeared in media following the interrogation of Akhtar, who was accused by Delhi police of running a spy ring. Pakistan withdrew two more officials along with seven family members on November 16, she said.

Noting that on November 2, Pakistani media prominently carried names of eight Indian High Commission officials, alleging they were involved in “subversive and terrorist activities”, Swaraj said on November 3, at it weekly media briefing, Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs also officially released their names and designations. “The litany of baseless charges against them was repeated,” she said. In view of safety and security of these officials and their family members, all of them returned to India in three batches on November 8, 10 and 12, 2016, the minister said. “The allegations against Indian officials represent an afterthought on the part of Government of Pakistan and constitute a crude attempt to tarnish the image of India. “The manner in which their names and photographs were prominently published in Pakistani media along with baseless allegation reiterated without any corroboration by Pakistan ministry of foreign affairs is against the Vienna Convention and also violates the norms of established diplomatic practice and courtesies,” she added.

gana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) said they have not given adjournment notices. Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge said the opposition is ready for a debate, and accused the government of not wanting to debate on the demonetisation issue. “Prime Minister says outside that few people are supporting black money… They do not want a discussion here,” he said. Responding to Opposition protest, Union Minister M Venkaiah Naidu said the nation is backing the demonetisation decision. “Let the discussion take place… people want the house to function and debate this issue. The whole nation is backing the Prime Minister

on this decision,” he said. Meanwhile, in a show of strength, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, backed by JD-U, SP, NCP and AAP, today held a demonstration against demonetisation in the national capital and ramped up attack on Narendra Modi, alleging the country was not safe in his hands. Addressing the gathering at Jantar Mantar, Banerjee alleged that abolition of high-value currency notes had heaped pain on people and snatched away democratic rights of almost every section of the society including farmers, youth, women, labourers and traders, besides halting the country’s economic growth.

LS proceedings washed out again NEW DELHI, Nov 23 (PTI): Lok Sabha witnessed a virtual washout for the fifth consecutive day today as government and opposition parties continued to clash over the demonetisation issue and the rule under which a debate should take place on it, with the former ruling out any provision of voting in the discussion. Opposition members, including those from Congress, TMC, RJD, CPI(M) and BJD, besides SAD and Shiv Sena, both part of the ruling NDA, expressed their views in the House when it assembled at noon after one adjournment, with the Sena changing its stance on demonetisation and sparing the government of embarrassment by praising the move and supporting its stand that the debate be held under Rule 193, which does not entail voting. Sena had been critical of the demonetisation move and its members even joined a TMC-led protest march to the President last week, but softened their stand after a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday. The House saw continued protests by Opposition members soon after it assembled for the day, with Congress and TMC MPs trooping into the Well, forcing its adjournment first till noon and later for the day. Speaking soon after the House was reconvened at noon, Mallikar jun Kharge (Cong) said they were ready for a discussion under Rule 56, which entails voting.

Rs 3.5 cr flown into Nagaland goes missing (From p-1) had alerted their headquarters about the seizure were shocked, but could do little as the I-T officer insisted he had nothing to do with the cash. CISF, which does not have the power to carry out arrests, has reported the matter to IB and Central Board of Direct Taxes. The plane’s “main passenger” was one Amarjit Kumar Singh, a businessman from

Bihar who was carrying the cash. The flight VTCP, which had taken off from Hisar in Haryana, was sent back to New Delhi. A source said Singh told CISF that “someone big” in Delhi had allegedly sent the cash for a Naga businessman. He also named another Naga businessman. The aircraft landed in Dimapur with Singh and an unidentified woman among those on board, ET reports stated. According to ET, Di-

mapur deputy commissioner of Income Tax A.K Zhimomi refused to comment on the haul. He said only the CBDT was authorized to talk to the media. In this connection, Income Tax sleuths along with Nagaland police carried out raids at several locations in and around Dimapur on Wednesday evening. When contacted, Police Commissioner, Liremo Lotha also confirmed that raids were carried out.

Education should enable students to be ...

(From p-1)

graduates leave the country in search of better jobs which had adversely affected the nation. On this note, the governor challenged the graduating students to take care of the villages and ensure that the universities become centres of development. Earlier the governor declared the graduation ceremony opened. Guest of honour for the event, parliamentary secretary of Higher Education & Technical Education, Deo Nukhu, in his speech said getting a degree was not enough and that the graduates should prove worthy of their degree through their performance. He expressed hope that the students were working hard to compete in the job market and that their degrees relate to appropriate jobs for them.

Nukhu said Nagaland was in need of more central universities and performing private universities in the state. He lauded the university for its constant growth and further hoped that the university will go on to be one of the best private universities in the country. Nukhu congratulated the graduating students and wished success for the future career. Earlier welcome address was delivered by the vice chancellor Col Dr. VRK Prasad, while ICFAI University, Nagaland, chancellor YH Bhushan delivered his message. A total of 361 students in various disciplines including graduates, post graduates and other course were conferred degree certificates. 14 gold medallists in various subjects were awarded during the ceremony. Later, the governor declared the graduation ceremony closed.

Driver flees with ATM refill van

BENGALURU, Nov 23 (Agencies): A driver attached to a private firm, depositing money in ATMs for various banks, is absconding, with Rs 1.37 crore worth of new Rs 2000 notes, in KG Road, in Upparpet in West Bengaluruon Wednesday. The driver, drove away from in front of Bank of India, KG Road branch, around 1.30pm. Special teams have been formed

to track down the driver and money, police said. MN Anucheth, DCP, West said when the agency employees and security guard stepped out of the vehicle in front of Bank of India, the driver drove away with the cash. The officer said money belonged to two different banks from where the agency had collected cash for depositing during the day. “As per their process,

the agency would collect the money from the various banks, go to their distribution centre and from there, based on the route given to them, deposit the money in different ATMs. This happened while they were collecting the cash,” he said. He said around 1.30pm, after collecting the cash from two different banks, the vehicle came to Bank of India branch in KG Road.

Mulayam Singh Yadav slams Modi’s arrogance

GHAZIPUR(UP), Nov 23 (PTI): Attacking Narendra Modi overthe demonetisation move, Samajwadi Party supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav on Wednesday said the Prime Minister is being “too arrogant” which “does not augur well” for democracy. Addressing Samajwadi Party’s campaign rally at the RTI ground here, he accused the Prime Minister of working as per his “own whims and fancies” and “cautioned” him to change his policies. “ Pradhan Mantriji

ghamand me na choor hon...aaj hum unko savadhan karna chahte hain ke woh apni nitiyon mein sanshodhan karen...loktantra mein manmani nahi chalti. ..(The PM should not be arrogant. Today I caution him to change his policies. There is no place for individual’s whims and fancies in a democracy,” he said. “This won’t work...people are very wise,” he said. Uttar Pradesh goes to polls next year. Samajwadi Party had won 227 MLAs in the 403-member As-

India blitzes Pakistani LoC posts with mortar NEW DELHI, Nov 23 (Agencies): The Army today carried out a massive counter assault using heavy mortar fire on Pakistani posts along the Line of Control, making good its promise of “heavy retribution” for the beheading of an Indian soldier+ yesterday. Even as Pakistan continued to violate the ceasefire, the armed forces launched crippling attacks on Pakistani posts in Poonch, Rajouri, Kel and Machil sectors. Pakistan today committed ceasefire violations in Bhimber Gali, Krishna Ghati and Nowshera sectors of Kashmir, ANI reported. Yesterday, terrorists actively backed by the Pakistan army

killed two soldiers and beheaded one soldier in gross violation of the Geneva Convention. “Retribution will be heavy for this cowardly act of mutilating a soldier’s body,” the Army said yesterday. The Army destroyed four Pakistan army posts with massive fire assaults after an Indian soldier was beheaded October 28, in a similar border action team (BAT) operation as yesterday’s. A BAT typically consists of terrorists working in close conjunction with Pakistan army regulars for tactical operations against Indian troops and posts along the 778km Line of Control (LoC).

sembly in 2012. “I have often said farmers and traders are like real grow crop and traders sell it...but I don’t know what is going on in the PM’s mind...he threatens and says that honest people are sleeping a sound sleep...are we dishonest that we are opposing it?” Yadav said. Without directly mentioning the demonetisation move, he said the BJP has taken a “wrong step” and “it is a conspiracy to ruin our traders...along with the farmers and jawans”.



Dated, Kohima, the 23rd Nov.2016

PRESS RELEASE In exercise of the powers conferred under section 30(3) of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and Rules 2001, the undersigned do hereby direct all the designated officers (CMOs)/ Food Safety Officers of the districts to conduct inspections of hotels, restaurants, canteens (offices/ colleges/ schools/ institutions), bakeries, tea stalls including temporary stalls and other public eating places, including street food vendors in its jurisdictions to ensure safety of foods at all levels, in view of the approaching festive seasons in and around the State and the forth coming State Hornbill Festival, 2016. Further, the Designated Officers (CMOs) are requested to issue detailment order of FSO for inspection of venues, where Festivals are being organized to ensure Food Safety wherever necessary under its jurisdiction and Food Safety coverage for VVIPs/VIPs visit to Nagaland during Hornbill Festival. The inspection may be carried out in consultation with the concerned District Administration/ Municipal Council/ Town Councils and other appropriate authorities. This exercise should be completed by 30th November, 2016 and submit the action taken report to this Directorate latest by 10th December, 2016 positively.


New Delhi, Nov 23 (Agencies): As Parliament was adjourned for the seventh consecutive day following Opposition protest over demonetisation, Union minister Arun Jaitley, Rajnath Singh and Ananth Kumar on Wednesday reportedly held discussion with leaders of other parties to break the deadlock. Rajnath Singh will meet all party floor leaders tomorrow at 10 AM. According to reports, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to attend Rajya sabha on Thursday. Modi was in Lok Sabha on Wednesday and the government said it was ready to discuss demonetization. Opposition par ties have called for a country-



Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, november 24, 2016

SD/(DR. L. WATIKALA) Principal Director & Addl. Food Safety Commissioner Directorate of Health & Family Welfare Nagaland, Kohima. DC-2611



Nagaland Post Vol. XXVI NO. 348 Dimapur, thursday, November 24, 2016


Money chain

ith scores of organisations ventilating their respective grievances and some issuing ultimatums, the state government finds itself in an unenviable situation as the protests or agitations could not have come at a worse time when it is faced with the implications of these demands on the financial and administrative aspects. The common denominator for all these problems or grievances is money which used to be for the asking in the better years. With monumental corruption within the government having overtaken the slow process of development; the imbalance in “share of progress/loot” has cemented the ground for very difficult days ahead. Politicians in power including bureaucrats had often stated that Nagaland is a welfare state. This means the government’s main purpose was to provide almost everything from employment, services, funding and promoting even business activities etc. This largely held perception of what a government is; has probably shaped the mould over which good governance, which is vital for democracy, has grown during the decades. A welfare state has also justified if not made it compulsory for an oversized government which has overgrown to unmanageable levels where 65% of expenditure goes as payment of salaries etc to 1,40, 000 government employees. Nagaland has the highest number of government employees among all states in the north east region which is approximately around 7% of the state’s total population of 19,80,602. The bifurcation of several departments during the past decades has created this huge army of employees. In addition, populism has justified the creation of many administrative centres throughout the state but their performance has certainly not justified the justification. Even in the seat of the government in the state capital, by mid-November, office attendance become thinner than the usual thin attendance and which practically comes to freezing point by December to January. The army of employees have too little work to do and hardly sit in office for more than two to three hours. Despite all this, backdoor appointments are still rampant and more money will have to be spent and thus, depriving the public of development projects. The state’s policy makers need to grapple with the problem of too many doing too little but consuming too much money. In general, there are too many government departments some of which have hardly much to do when in fact, their staff do hardly anything. The government faces a very huge deficit of around Rs.1400 crore and the time is now going to be over for recovery. However, those in the government are hardly bothered what happens to the so-called system and more about fattening their pockets because people demand money and nothing more. It is money that has become the main objective of those within and outside the government (with due apologies to those who serve the government faithfully).There is a serious and urgent need to correct the drift that has led Nagaland adrift and placed in a precarious situation. There can be no forward movement in the absence of work culture and professionalism. People blame the government and the politicians and so long this thought dominates then there is no hope for a change and the corrupt will continue to hold the economy and the future under a vice grip.

DailyDevotion The Distraction of Contempt Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us! For we are exceedingly filled with contempt. —Psalm 123:3 What we must beware of is not damage to our belief in God but damage to our Christian disposition or state of mind. “Take heed to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously” (Malachi 2:16). Our state of mind is powerful in its effects. It can be the enemy that penetrates right into our soul and distracts our mind from God. There are certain attitudes we should never dare to indulge. If we do, we will find they have distracted us from faith in God. Until we get back into a quiet mood before Him, our faith is of no value, and our confidence in the flesh and in human ingenuity is what rules our lives. Beware of “the cares of this world…” (Mark 4:19). They are the very things that produce the wrong attitudes in our soul. It is incredible what enormous power there is in simple things to distract our attention away from God. Refuse to be swamped by “the cares of this world.” Another thing that distracts us is our passion for vindication. St. Augustine prayed, “O Lord, deliver me from this lust of always vindicating myself.” Such a need for constant vindication destroys our soul’s faith in God. Don’t say, “I must explain myself,” or, “I must get people to understand.” Our Lord never explained anything— He left the misunderstandings or misconceptions of others to correct themselves. When we discern that other people are not growing spiritually and allow that discernment to turn to criticism, we block our fellowship with God. God never gives us discernment so that we may criticize, but that we may intercede.


It is not love that is blind, but jealousy. ~ Lawrence Durrell

Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, November 24, 2016

Post-mortem Naga Hoho clarifies stand on Rongmei recognition issue


here has been much agitated debate amongst different sections of Naga society over the granting of Indigenous Naga Tribe status to 1313 members of Rongmei community in Nagaland by state Government in 2012. Alleging that this decision was taken by the government following a recommendation from the Naga Hoho way back in 2008, three major tribes - Ao Senden, Sumi Hoho and Lotha Hoho which comprises the CNTC officially dissociated from Naga Hoho since 31st August 2016. Subsequently, the Naga Hoho had clarified time and again through mass media denying that it had only urged the state government for recognition of members of Rongmei community who had settled in Nagaland before 1st December 1963 as “Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland” as enjoyed by Garos, Kukis and Kacharis in line with Government Notification No.AR-8/76 Dated, the 28th April, 1977. We have also noted


CNTC’s clarification on Rongmei issue which appeared in all leading dailies of the state on 15/16 October 2016, over the “subject” matter of its letter to the Govt. of Nagaland. It is a matter of general knowledge that for any official letter, a subject is used which the author of the letter chooses to highlight the content(s) of the letter. As a common practice, any respondent to the same letter uses the same subject for ready reference. In the present case, the state govt. letter No. GAB-10/1/77(Pt) dated 25.07.2008 addressed to the Naga Hoho carried the subject – “Representation by Rongmei Community, Nagaland for granting of status of Indigenous Naga Tribe to Rongmei Community settled in Nagaland”. Resorting to the general practice, Naga Hoho’s letter No. NH/Corr/2008-11 dated 22.09.2008 written in response to the state govt’s letter mentioned above used the same subject, though slightly truncated by removing the phrase “Representa-

tion by Rongmei Community, Nagaland” in order to make it known that the letter is in response to the issue raised by the state govt. However, the body of the letter amply expresses the view of the Naga Hoho, the main points mentioned being that – a) The Naga Hoho supports the desire of the state govt. which is that of granting Indigenous Inhabitant of Nagaland to Rongmei Community. This argument is supported by the fact that till the time of exchange of these letters, all the prevailing state govt. notifications/orders rendered the Rongmei Community members settled before the formation of Nagaland state in December 1963, eligible for Indigenous Inhabitants only and not Indigenous Naga Tribe. That being the stated state govt. policy, granting of Indigenous Inhabitant status to the above mentioned category of Rongmei Community was without doubt assumed by Naga Hoho to be the desire of the state govt.; b) to support its opinion further, Naga Hoho in the same let-

The uniform civil code

look at the QUESTIONAIRS ON UNIFORM CIVIL CODE, the Law Commission of India issued to all the States on 7 Oct. 2016 giving a time limit up of 45 days up to 22 Nov. 2016, for the answer, touches a most important Aspect of the life of the Citizens -the Practices of Marriage in India- and the formulation of a UNIFORM CIVIL CODE for the Practices. It is a fact that a progressive developing Society needs Law, Order, Civilized, Sensible Systems that governs the People and the Society. Of the Systems, one of the most important is the System of Marriage Practices. A civilized, orderly and progressive Society needs a laid down Regulations on its important practice of Marriage and not leave it to the whims and desires of the Individual. An Individual from a monogamous Society may adopt polygamy just to have one more desirable woman for his wife and have progenies who may claim advantage of one or the other Practices to his advantage in claiming the Inheritance of the ancestral Property. Or an Individual may convert from one Religious Practive to another in order to satisfy his Agenda of personal gain or to eliminate his or her Espouse. For an orderly, progressive and peaceful Equality of the people in the Society, a codified practice is welcome. But most marriage Practices involve one or more precepts of a Religion. The practice may simply be a Social Contract or Agreement between a Man and a Woman today. And the uncontrallable progress of civilization today is sometimes producing the Union of Man and Woman just for the hack of it with bursonsome consequences to their Society. Considering all these, codified Marriage Practices are welcome in a developing Society. Already separate codified Hindu, Muslim, Christian and other Religious Marriage Practices are in existence in the State of India. And it may be necessary to put the existing Personal laws and customary Practices separately in a Civil Code of each Religious Community rather than in One Uniform Code for the whole Country. India is of Multi-Culture, Multi-Religion big Country and composed of Diverse Peoples in different levels of Progress, Education, Economy and Awareness of the World today that even the Constitution provides different priviledges, conscesions and rights to different Communities. Kashmere and Nagaland, each has Special and

even peculiar Constitutional Provisions. A UNIFORM CIVIL CODE may not satisfy the needs of a multiferous population like in India, it may even raise more difficulties and burdens to the State than a smooth Sail. Any person in the Country can express his views and here are my personal views in Italics: QUOTIONAIRS ON UNIFORM CIVIL CODE. 1. Are you aware that Article 44 of the Constitution of India provides that “the State shall endeavour to sec ure for the citizens a Uniform Civil Code throughout the territory of India”? a. Yes, Because of the words in Quotation at 1. b. No..x.. . In your view, does this matter require any further initiatives? It Still require extensive and deeper community-specific Enquiries than 16 Question can prove. 2. The various religious denominations are governed by persoanl laws and custormary practices in India on matters of family law, should the UCC include all or some of these subjects? i. Marriage, ii. Divorce, iii. Adoption, iv. Guardishship, v. Maintenance, vi. Successions and vii. Inheritance. a. Yes, it should include all these. b. No, it should exclude.x, c. It should further inclue Livein and same sex marriage. 3. Do you agree that the existing personal laws and customary practices need codification and would benefit the people? a. Yes, but by its own community for its own community and not in a Uniform Civil Code, b. No. x, c. No one uniform code for all religious communities, d. Personal laws and customary practices should be replaced by a uiform code, Personal laws & customary practices contraverting Universal Fundamental Human Rights to be reformed, and addressed to the specific Religion or Community but not in a Uniform Code. 4. Will uniform civil code or codification of personal law and customary practices ensure gender equality? b. No. Doubtful. 5. Should the uniform civil code be optional? No. No uniform civil code. 6. Should the following practices be banned and regulated? a. Polygamy. already banned for most Government Employees, should be strongly regulated, b. Polyandry. legally should strongly be regulated, c. similar customary practices such as Maitri-karaar (friendship deed) at al, should be legally regulated. 7. Should the practice of triple Talaq be a. abolished in toto. If it contravers Fundamen-

ter justified it by citing the examples of Kukis, Garos and Kacharis who were enjoying the privilege of Indigenous Inhabitants of the state in accordance with the state govt. Notification No. AR-8/76 dated 28.04.1977 which describes the eligibility criteria for consideration of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland. There might have confusion with different interpretation over the subject matter among the people and therefore Naga Hoho has laid bare in the public domain its position which was reiterated time and again through mass media and other platforms. As our clarifications could not convince the three tribal Hohos, a delegation of Naga Hoho met the Chief Minister of Nagaland on 14th October, 2016 and submitted a Memorandum requesting the government to re-examine the decision of the state government of granting Indigenous Naga Tribe status to Rongmei community and find out a solution in consultation with all the stakeholders/ Tribal Hohos. The full text

tal Rights. Retain the Custom. No. c. Retained with amendments. If it does not contravers Fundamental Rights. 8. Do you think that steps should be taken to ensure that Hindu women are better able to exercise their right to property, which is often bequeathed to sons under customary practices? a. Person who bequeaths should decide and judiciary investigation if foregoted. 9. Do you agree that the two-year period of wait for finalizing divorce violates Christian Women’s right to equality? a. separation with no time limit to mutual and peaceful separation with provision of financial support to the Wife till whoever marries first is Ex-communicated from the Church freeing the other to marry. 10. Do you fee that there shoul be a uniform age of consent for marriage across all personal Laws and customary practices? a. Yes. 16 for Girls and 18 for Boys, b. Customary laws should not interfer on this, c. the ‘voidable’ marriage system holds good. 11. Do you agree that all the religious denominations should have the common ground for divorce? Partly answered at 9, same ground for divorce should be available to both the man and the woman. 12. would uniform civil code aid in addressing the problem of denial of maintenance or insufficient maintenance to woman upon divorce? a. the Indian Divorce Act in existance today should be reformed enough for the Court for grant of reasonably enough financial maintenance. 13. How can compulsory registration of marriages be implemented better? By bi-annual Notice in the Notice Boards of Village Councils, District Collectors Notice Board, Transport Tickets, and in Permanent Stone Addicts or Mile Stones in the the City Centres. 14. what measures should we take to protect couples who enter into Inter-religion and inter-caste marriage? They must enter into Terms of the Marriage registered in the Court of law. 15. Would uniform civil code infringe an individual’s right to freedom of Religion. a. Yes. Any restriction done outside a person’s Religion may infringe on the freedom of Religion. Reason: 1. The food in one Religion may be taboo in another Religion. 2. One Religion’s sacred date may be a working day for another. Thepfulhouvi Solo. I F S Ret.(RR -68), Principal Secretary, Retd., Nagaland

of this Memorandum was released to the local dailies and subsequently published. Keeping all this in mind, Naga Hoho has appealed twice to the dissociated Tribe Hoho’s to review their decision considering the validity of justification on the question of Rongmei community. Unfortunately, we could not get any positive reply till date. In the meantime, the Naga Hoho Empowered Committee on Goodwill Mission submitted its proposal on 18th November, 2016 to the Executive Council requesting to “withdraw the expressed views and opinions of the Naga Hoho to the Government of Nagaland on the issue of granting status of Indigenous Naga Inhabitant to Rongmei community” in order to strengthen the unity and fraternity of Naga Hoho. In this backdrop, the Presidential Council of the Naga Hoho held a joint meeting with the Empowered Committee on Goodwill Mission on 21st November, 2016. At this meeting, the members unanimously

resolved to withdraw the letter written by Naga Hoho Vide No. NH/Corr/2008-11 dated-22nd September, 2008 as demanded by the three tribes – Ao Senden, Sumi Hoho and Lotha Hoho under the banner of CNTC. With this withdrawal, the views and opinion which was shared with state Government through its above mentioned letter is rendered null and void. This step is taken with a view to strengthening the bond of relationship among different Naga tribes and to foster unity and fraternity as one Naga family. It is the earnest belief of Naga Hoho that since the bone of contention is removed, the three Tribal Hohos will now join hands with the Naga Hoho and work proactively as constituent Tribal Hohos of Naga Hoho towards furthering the interest of the Naga people as they have been doing in the past. P.Chuba Ozukum, President; Kenyuseng Tep, Deputy Speaker; Mutsikhoyu Yhobu, General Secretary

Reservations and our women

(From previous issue) The WR Bill simply does not address the root causes of gender disparity in India – prejudicial attitudes, women being confined to a narrow set of social roles and economic backwardness. It may help break the glass ceiling as far as becoming an urban local body member, MP or MLA is concerned but it does not address the attitudes that sustain the glass ceiling. It is bound to be ineffective. We need a broadbased anti-discrimination bill. This will take care of all excuses those politicians’ harps for increasingly impractical reservations.One feels, however, that when one talks about reservation for women whether for or against one does so in the context of urban or at best semiurban scenario only. Considering the condition of the rural women a policy like reservation, ad hoc as it is in our state, will not have much of an impact. Naturally, before taking, such a tough measure the government will have to acquire courage of conviction or a moral courage to create a condition where going against the age old Naga cultural traditions and will solve our society’s mess. It may create a new kind of hatred between genders as males may feel deprived of certain privileges, which in turn may create more social issues. First, let’s not go about it in a democratic manner and not try to shove the existing reservation scheme down everyone’s throat. Second, women will be ghettoised and forced to fight elections only against other women. This will deny them the legitimacy of being mainstream politicians. Third, as male legislators will be forced to surrender their seats for a term to women, those who have worked to nurture their constituencies will likely insist that the seat be given to a woman from their family. The women’s Reservation Bill has been a political raw nerve for nearly a decade now. It has always

triggered heated debates in Parliament and .Another issue will be for the political parties, which will be forced to find women whether or not the women identify with the overall party agenda and the rest of the issues concerning all citizens, as opposed to just women’s issues. There are no provisions to prevent discrimination against men because of finding women who are inclined towards women’s issues alone, or, in other words, biased against men. Further, powerful male members of parties will be tempted to find female relatives to ‘reserve’ the seat for themselves. So, it is feared that reservation would only help women of the elitist groups to gain seats, therefore causing further discrimination and under-representation to the poor and backward classes. The status of women in a society cannot be secured by her political or economic power alone as is generally supposed. It depends on culture also and most important our attitude.Nothing will change much as our foundation remains shifting sands. And yet we all want to climb to the top when the very edifice and the pillars of our homes and society are crumbling right away in front of our eyes. The entire societal structure is being corroded with bankruptcy of trust, jealousies, isms and anomalies of short term glories. In this type, women will remain as mere pawn even if allotted with the reservation. Naga society today firstly needs to straighten our homes and families. If we straighten our homes and families then our neighborhoods will be become right. Then so will follow our communities and the society as a whole. Only then our land will become right. But trying to fix and set it right from a reverse mode will only backfire and jeopardize us more in this already gigantic disarray and mess we are in today. (Concluded) Jonah Achumi

Reader’s Post


Kudos to honourable Governor of Nagaland

Fellow Naga brethren, I believe you would all agree with me that our Governor has out-past his predecessors regarding his commitment to uplift all the Nagas regardless of rich and poor, but being only the Constitutional head of the state. Our past Governors have too done a tremendous job for us the Nagas but only as a middle man between New Delhi and Nagaland. Whereas our present Governor has every reason to be praised, he has voices in every sphere regarding dirty games, plight of the down trodden, lack of infrastructure and most of all he didn’t even spare the politicians for their dirty games (corruption) besides visiting remote areas, if the present Governor had been here as governor 10-20 years ago, Nagaland would have been at par with the other developed states. Lastly, Honoured Sir I would like to request you to visit my hometown, Tening Town (Peren District) one of the oldest town and most neglected town. Last but not the least, keep up the good work and I pray may you live long. Maizinlakbo (Aerik), Signal Angami village

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, nOVEMBER 24, 2016

AIBEA reiterates demand for RBI Governor’s resignation

RBI Governor Urjit Patel

NEW DELHI, NOV 23 (Agencies): Holding RBI Governor Urjit Patel responsible for ineffective handling of the crisis post the demonetisation drive, All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) vicepresident Vishwas Utagi on Wednesday said that bank unions are adamant on their demand for the former’s resignations as well as lockdown of the apex bank.

Questioning the failure of the RBI as the regulatory system, Utagi said that Patel, who hasn’t uttered a word till now, should resign with immediate effect. “Since two weeks, the bank employees are working from eight in the morning till midnight including weekends. Still, there are truckloads of work to do. There has been absolutely no co-

operation from the RBI’s side,” Utagi told ANI. “It added to the mess by banning cooperative banks from exchanging old notes or accepting deposits,” he added. Citing the present situation as a clear mess, Utagi further said that there have been in total ten lakh employees at various banks who are working in and out in a situation where there are inadequate cash counting machines, fake notes detection machines and manpower security personnel. The All India Bank Employees Association vice-president’s assertion come as a united opposition is cornering the government in Parliament and demanding Prime Minister Narendra Modi to explain the rationale behind imposing such a decision


nATIONAL/state Navy deploys Fast Interception Crafts

KOCHI, Nov 23 (Agencies): The Indian Navy has deployed Fast Interception Crafts (FICs) at Androthisland to complement the existing surveillance assets at Lakshadweep and Minicoy (L&M) group of islands. Capable of going upto a speed of about 45 knots, these FICs will undertake patrolling around the Northern group of L&M islands, monitor shipping traffic and provide quick response to any developing security situation. In accordance with the Government of India directives on coastal security, the Indian Navy had inaugurated a NAVDET at Androth in April this year, with a view to extend naval presence at L&M, provide communication network connectivity with mainland, enable Sea Lanes of Communication (SLOC) monitoring and function as an Observance and reporting organisation, besides radar surveillance.

Mid-career training programme for NCS & NSS officers underway DIMAPUR: The first ever five-day mid-career training programme for NCS & NSS officers who have been in the service for the last 10 to 15 years began on November 21 at Administrative Training Institute, Kohima with the chief secretary of Nagaland, Pankaj Kumar as the chief guest. According to DIPR report, chief guest expressed his appreciation to the faculty members of ATI for organizing the 1st ever mid-career training programme for NCS & NSS officers which he said was important for the effective functioning of the state government. Mentioning the importance and contribution of NCS & NSS officers, he said they were the best raw materials to be imparted with this kind of training as they still had many years to serve the state government. He further said that many a times, the senior officers failed

Chief secretary of Nagaland, pankaj Kumar, IAS speaking at the mid-career training programme for NCS & NSS officers at ATI, Kohima. (DIPR)

feel is pragmatic and necessary in this fast changing world. He also informed that this training programme would be an annual fixture of ATI. Joint secretary & additional director (Admin) ATI, Kevekha Kevin Zehol who is also the president of NCS delivered the welcome

address and the concluding remarks for the inaugural function. Additional chief secretary & financial commissioner (Retd) Haryana, Krishna Mohan & director, ITS, Ministry of Defence, Prachish Khanna were the resource persons on the topic “Ethics & values in public governance” on the first day.

Supreme Court hauls up govt CAN’s Triennial Convention in Dimapur Free medical camp held in S M colony for not appointing Lokpal

NVBDCP under CMO Longleng holds review meet

teaching of the Church on the role and duties of the laity in the Church. The laity were called in a special way to make the Church present and operative in those places and circumstances where only through them can she become the salt of the earth, he added. The bishop also released the second book of Vekupa Rhakho, titled as Towards Meaningful Living. Loyola Hr. Sec. School, Jakhama prinicpal Rev.

doing anything. “We don’t have Lokpal even today, DIMAPUR: NVBDCP despite the Act being notiunder CMO Longleng disfied in 2014. Even jurist trict held its review meethas not been appointed ing at IDSP Hall, CMO and the will of people is Office Longleng, chaired being frustrated. Do you by DVBO (NVBDCP) Dr require another Anna anThungbemo Patton where dolan?,” Bhushan said. he encouraged the departHe said that the apex ment to supervise the works court has to interpret the and to be regular. Lokpal Act to recognise The meeting discussed the leader of the largest opthe roles and responsiposition party as the leader bilities of SI, MI, SW, and of the opposition (LoP). PFW, to carry treatment Rohatgi said that as chart in the field, and duty per the provisions, the largslip to be submitted along est opposition party has with seal and signature at to have a certain number people of SM Colony availing free medical check up. the end of every month. of MPs in Parliament to M e a n w h i l e, A f e n claim the post of the leader DIMAPUR: Free medi- Camp Dimapur. of the opposition. Phom consultant also encal check-up and treatThe chairman, G. B’s He said therefore, the ment camp under National and elders of the colony couraged the malaria techgovernment is amending Health Mission was con- convey their gratitude to nical supervisor to know the Act to include the leadducted on November 18 in Dr. Anguto and his team their roles and responsier of the largest opposition SM Colony Dimapur. comprising of 2 ANM, Lab bilities and to submit the party in the selection comThe patients under- tech, BHE, M/A and one reports on time and also to mittee for appointment of went health checkups and from Malaria Department give awareness to the pubLokpal. “The amendment lic, to visit health units and were given free consul- for their initiative. bill is pending in Parliatations and medicines. More than 200 people to help the ASHA’s. ment and it will take some The meeting was atThis was organised by Dr. from the colony and nearby time to get passed. There tended by all the NVBDCP Anguto of Urban Primabenefited from this noble Chief secretary, Pankaj Kumar IAS launching the Industries & Commerce website and can’t be a protem situation staffs. ry Health Centre, Burma initiative. in this case,” the AG said. ‘Ease of Doing Business’ in Nagaland at Kohima on November 23. (DIPR) To this, Bhushan said that it is a political trick HIRING FOR OUR REPUTED CLIENTS LIFE CARE PHARMACY and no Lokpal will be NAGALAND JOB CENTER Near Dolls Cafe DCM Apartment, West Yard Colony, appointed. “There is a Rly Bazar Junction, Dimapur  M.A English 1. Trainer Cum Manager – Graduate with 3 years of experience in BPO, lack of political will. You Location - Kohima DOCTORS VISITING FROM GUWAHATI can take my word. They 2. Chef/Cook – Should know how to cook Indian and chinese , Location –  B.Sc (PCM)  Dr. B. K. Agarwal, Neurologist, will not pass this bill. The Kohima and Dimpaur. 3. Sales Executive (Male/Female) – 10th Pass and above, Should be well court should direct the Available on 26nd November '16 Interested candidates may submit groomed with good communication skill, Location – Dimapur & Kohima. first meeting of the com Dr. Avishek Lohia, Skin (MD), 4. Waiter Cum Cashier (Female) – 12th Pass and above, should be their resume along with the documents mittee to select the jurist,” comfortable in operating computer, Location – Kohima. Available on 26th November '16 Bhushan said. 5. Customer Care Associate (Female) – 12 th Pass with Good (Xerox) on or before 2nd Dec. 2016. DC-2612


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Fr. Victor SJ spoke on the dignity of human person, applying the teaching in the concrete situation in Nagaland. The Principle of Solidarity (towards strengthening the society) was dealt with by, SDB, Sacred Heart Theological College, Shillong professor Rev. Dr. James Poonthuruthil. Rector of Good Shepherd seminary Fr. Chacko spoke on principle of Stewardship and Care for Creation.


NEW DELHI, Nov 23 (PTI): The Supreme Court on Wednesday expressed its disappointment over the Centre for not appointing Lokpal despite Parliament enacting a law in this regard in January 2014. While the Centre said that the amendment bill is pending in Parliament to include the leader of largest opposition party, a bench headed by Chief Justice T S Thakur said that Parliament, by not amending the law, cannot frustrate the mandate for appointment of Lokpal. The bench, also comprising Justices D Y Chandrachud and L Nageswara Rao, asked Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi as to why the court can’t pass an order to include the leader of largest opposition party in the selection committee. The bench posted the matter for further hearing on December 7 when the AG would come back with instructions. Rohtagi told the bench that any order by the court in the present situation would amount to judicial legislation. Senior advocate Shanti Bhushan appearing for an NGO, Common Cause, said that the Lokpal Bill has been passed after a long struggle and alleged that the government is not

DIMAPUR: Thirty three years of existence of Catholic Association of Nagaland (CAN) began with triennial convention at Holy Cross Hall, Dimapur. In a press note by Bishop’s secretary Fr. Thomas Toretkiu, Holy Eucharistic celebration was officiated by Holy Cross, Dimapur parish priest Rev. Fr. P. J. Thomas. Chief Conferrer Bishop of Kohima Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, in his speech dealt with the

to put innovative ideas or additional inputs to the functioning of the state government due to lack of exposure and adequate training. Urging the trainees, he also asked them to keep an eye on the ongoing training and to bring constructive criticisms, topics, contents or suggestions which they

Su doku



MARUTI E-2 2003 ALTO LXI 2005, 2009 VAN E-3 2010 SWIFT 2007 BEAT LT 2012 SAFARI EX 2012 Call : 9402240258


(Top Model) 2011, Colour- Royal Black Done - 31,000 kms only Price: 1.50 lakhs Phn- 8575075214

No. 2965 Yesterday’s solution No. 2964

No. 1792 Yesterday’s solution No. 1791


FOR SALE Landrover Freelanded 2 Model : 2012 Colour : Dray Gray, Km : 23,500

at Guwahati

Contact : 8794625489

Affordable contemporary CANE Furniture Kohima/ Dmr Delivery available Call/Whatsapp-7640854819

Rs. 40 per sq. ft. with Ring Well Dug Negotiable Contact No : 7423925860


URGENT LAND FOR SALE Deazephi Village Near St. Gabriel School 100 x 100

4 ACRE in Mahinamtsi Village, Peren 13 Lakhs (Negotiable) 655' x 305'

Contact No : 9774569521 DP-9489 8974655922


Across 1 Understanding how to be avaricious? (8) 6 Some fizzy drink for father (3) 9 Trainee soldier, a rotter, meets an alien (5) 10 Give insincere praise that’s less sparkling (7) 11 One who makes you pay for a horse (7) 13 Saint Raymond the Wanderer (5) 14 Odd petals, delicately coloured (6) 15 I can’t answer, I’m here and there (6) 19 Bring tea round in porcelain (5) 21 Take a rest, having drunk old wine? (3,4) 22 A chap one takes on - or a very large number (7) 23 An Arabian chieftain turned me back, always poetically (5) 24 At present there’s a gap between V and X (3) 25 Hustlers, crooked and without pity (8)

1. KHUSHIABILL, Sector-3 @ 120/- Sq. Ft. (2 Bighas) 2. NAHARBARI @ 290/- Sq. Ft. (9540 Sq. Ft) Contact No : 8794130027

Down 2 It’s scraped out for military policemen (7) 3 Determined group (3) 4 Teach where the pupils are? (6) 5 Clearly it covers what’s on show (5,4) 6 Queen Elizabeth follows favourite saint (5) 7 Celebration for political group (5) 8 Covering for one cold walkabout? (6) 12 Terrible danger that is right for a soldier (9) 16 Scattered rainfall indicators? (7) 17 Young people - some keep them in or suffer (6) 18 Part of the solar system revealed by Pat and Len (6) 19 Young animal and an islander (5) 20 Legally, it’s relative (2-3) 23 Fish found in the east by the Spanish (3)

I, Mr. Alangtemsu Imchen, do hereby declare that I have lost my original HSLC Admit card and am applying for a duplicate copy. Name: ALANGTEMSU.IMCHEN F/ NAME : TSUPONGTSUDEN M/NAME:TATONGMENLA ROLL NO.: 093004 YEAR: 2009. SCHOOL: EDITH DOUGLAS HR. SECONDARY SCHOOL( EDHSS). Mkg. Identification mark: A Mole on DC-2610 the nape.

LAND FOR SALE at Ngwalwa Town E.A.C Headquarter

40 bighas approx attached to four lane black top road Few minutes ride from Sainik School Site for big project (Plain area) Rs. 35 per sq. ft. (Negotiable) M-9612446225/9436831993

LOST NOTICE Admit Card of B.Com 3 Semester Name : Chumchanbeni Erui F/Name : Aremo A Erui Name of Inst. : Pranabananda Women's College Year : 2016 Regd. No : 15200185 R.No. : CH15200375 rd


Land with Building 6th Mile

near J.C.B Company back side P.W.D Road touched Sovima Village Contact No : 9436014942

Price Rs. 4.8 Lakhs Contact : 9402239469



Boundary fenced and earth filled Main road touched Price : 11.5 Lakhs (Nego) Contact : 9856831119



Near Zion Hospital Purana Bazar (A) Rs. 270 Per Sq. Ft. First Come First Serve No earth filling required (Negotiable) Contact : 8575654464 8415969424/8575662483

Measuring : 100 x 100







No. 8345 Yesterday’s solution No. 8344


at Dezephe

at Kushiabill, Near 4 lane Area : 80 x 50 ft.

at Diphupar-B near Chakhesang Church. Area 100 x 60 Sq. Ft. Boundary fenced. Pukka Bath Room & Toilet. Ring Well. Contact : 8729996365





2006 Contact: 9862666988




1. Near New Secretariat Kohima 65x55 2. Near DBS 120x75 Price : Negotiable No broker Contact: 9402084942






Contact : 7422062347



Qual. : 10 to Graduate Age : 18 - 30 Income : 5000 - 17500-35000 PM Free Lodging First come first basis Contact with Bio-Data Dimapur : 9615828074 Tuensang : 8414830135 Mon : 7421953239 Phek : 9856832557


Price 23,0000/-

CHE N NA I , N OV 2 3 (Agencies): GoAir has announced an all-inclusive low airfare at Rs 736 for travel on all routes from January 9 to March 31, 2017. Tickets can be booked till November 24, 2016. This offer is available exclusively across GoAir networks (GoAir website, GoAir ticketing counters, GoAir Call Centre and travel agents), said a press release. Misleading item on stupid airline. The airfares start at low rate for short routs and are not for all routes as mentioned. Plus most of the fares are shown as sold out already on the airlines website. Its a scam. The offer is not applicable for group discounts and infant bookings. It cannot be clubbed with any other ongoing promotional offer. Fares are subjected to standard cancellation and rebooking policy. In support of the government decision of demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes, GoAir ticketing counters at airports will be accepting these currency notes till midnight of November 24.

A PLOT OF LAND Near N.I.T College Chumukedima Area 20,000/- sq ft. Rs. 19,00,000/- (Negotiable) Contact: 9436001243 (No brokers please)


at NAGA UNITED VILLAGE 3 BIGHAS, COMMERCIAL, Four lane (4 lane) Highway attach,

4th Mile Niuland Road, Nearby Old Showuba. No Broker. M. No : 9856068191 DP-9507


Padumpukhuri/Ekaranipathar (2 minutes walking distance for Highway) Dimapur Nagaland Rate : Rs. 420/- per sq. ft.

RESIDENTIAL PLOTS AVAILABLE  Customers can purchase and size of land as per their financial capability.  Plots available from Rs. 10 lakhs onwards.  JCB leveled highland & no earth fillings required.  Well demarcated approach road and drainage to every plot.  80% payment in 1st installment & 20% in 2nd installment payable within 2 month.  Genuine buyer's only (No Brokers). Contact : 8119988333, 9089895104 DP-9333


I, SUKHAM ROSYMARY CHANU, am applying for duplicate copy of HLSC marksheet issued by NBSE, as I have lost it on way from City Tower to Meetha colony, Dimapur. F/Name- Sukham Thoiba Singh Rollno- 1313045 Year of passing- 2013


I, L. Limaienla Aier have lost my M.Sc Marksheet of Nagaland University Lumami. Full Name : L. Limaienla Aier F/Name : P. Leonard Aier Roll No : 7/14 Year : 2014-16 Regd. No : 2012270034 Semester : Sixth Department : Botany DP-9493



Lost Marksheet and Pass Certificate of Class XI (Eleven) . Name : Tiasoba F/Name : Purnungsang Name of School : Unity Christian Hr. Sec. School, Diphupar, Dimapur Roll No : 88 Year : 2015 Regd. No : 1581940 Contact No : 9862874508

Name : Tsunuponglem D/o. : Pelang Age : 10 years Height : 3 ft. (approx) Complexion : Fair Reading in Cl-2, Charishma School, Circuit House Colony, Dimapur

Name D/o Age Height Complexion

: Sangkita : Solan : 14 years : 2.8 ft. (approx) : Dark DP-9525


ISO Cert. Co. Requires 78 Male/Female for Pmnt Post

Contact No : 7308676632


GoAir announces Rs 736 airfare on all routes

in 1999, while TCS was founded in 1968 and was taken public in 2004. JRD stepped down from chairmanship of the group in 1991, while Kohli stepped down from TCS in 2000. The letter, which is third in a series of clarifications issued by Mistry’s office, also blamed Ratan Tata’s “ego” for bad business decisions, including the buyout of British steelmaker Corus at a high cost and also sticking to the CDMA technology for its telecom business imperiling thousands of jobs. A section of the letter headlined ‘One man’s ego versus an institution’ claimed that Tata’s ego resulted in the Corus deal for USD 12 billion--twice the cost of what it was available for one year before-- despite opposition from some board members and senior executives. “The overpayment for Corus made it harder to invest in it, which had been neglected, and thereby, placed many jobs at risk,” the letter from Mistry’s office said.


Ph : 91-9856761882 91-9856326344 DP-9441



Land with Building at Naga United


SC-4, Super Market Dimapur, Nagaland

Fresher/Experienced for Pmnt. Mgmt Posts Qual. : 10 to Graduate Age : 18 to 26 Income : 5000 - 17500 - 35000 PM Attractive Bonus with Promotions ! Contact with Bio-Data Kohima : 8131911553 Zunheboto : 7421825869 Wokha : 8794879269 Kiphire : 9612086943

Located in a very convenient location in Kohima with well furnished rooms, attached bathrooms with hot running water, 24 hours electricity and parking facilities. Interested parties can contact in these numbers (06:00 AM – 08:00 PM): +91-7005-694-854 +91-9862-831-524





Govt. Regd. Co Requires 78 M/F




Imported Wedding Gowns & Accessories


straight sessions of losses on the back of attractive valuations, along with higher global crude oil prices and positive global indices.

ing Cyrus Mistry’s controversial dismissal from the group on October 24, had once tried to sell the group’s crown jewel TCS to global giant IBM. Without giving the timelines, the letter claimed the then chief FC Kohli’s illness had prevented JRD Tata from going ahead with Ratan Tata’s proposal. “Ratan Tata was then heading Tata Industries’ joint venture with IBM and had approached JRD Tata with a proposal from IBM to buyout TCS. JRD refused to discuss the deal because Kohli was still recovering in the hospital,” it said. However, Kohli, considered the doyen of the domestic software industry, flatly refused the proposal saying “TCS has a bright future and the group should not sell the company”. “JRD turned down the offer, demonstrating true vision. But it was also a neardeath experience for TCS at the hands of Ratan Tata,” the letter claimed. The Tatas and IBM had started the joint venture with equal holding in 1992, and dissolved it



during the intra-day trade. The BSE market breadth was skewed in favour of the bulls -- with 1,908 advances and 676 declines. On Tuesday, the equity markets closed in the green for the first time after six


M u m ba i , N ov 2 3 (IANS): Positive global cues, coupled with short covering and value buying, lifted the Indian equity markets on Wednesday. The key indices provisionally closed the day’s trade in the green, as healthy buying was witnessed in healthcare, metal and capital goods stocks. The wider 51-scrip Nifty of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) edged up by 31 points or 0.39 per cent to 8,033.30 points. The barometer 30-scrip sensitive index (Sensex) of the BSE, which opened at 26,101.33 points, provisionally closed at 26,051.81 points (at 3.30 p.m.) -- up 91.03 points or 0.35 per cent from the previous close at 25,960.78 points. The Sensex touched a high of 26,130.49 points and a low of 25,877.16 points


Sensex reclaims 26,000-mark

Mumbai, Nov 23 (PTI): Hitting back at Tatas, ousted Chairman Cyrus Mistry on Tuesday rejected charges of not contributing anything to the group’s cash-cows TCS and JLR and alleged that patriarch Ratan Tata once tried to sell the IT firm to IBM and his “ego” led to bad business decisions like Corus acquisition at double the original cost. “It is important to set the record straight since insinuations and leaks are being made explicitly to create an illusion that Mistry was a ‘hands off ’ chairman and TCS/JLR were on ‘auto-pilot’ during his leadership,” Cyrus Mistry’s office said in a five-page letter today. Listing out details of the efforts undertaken by him as the non-executive chairman at both the companies, which contribute a whopping 90 per cent of the group profit, the letter said the salt-to-software conglomerate is “busy apportioning credit” for the stellar performances. The letter said Ratan Tata, who took over as the interim chairman follow-


the person who allows his or her account to be misused for this purpose can be prosecuted for abetment under the Income Tax Act”. The government has earlier said black money deposited in bank accounts during the 50-day period will be subject to tax, interest and 200 percent penalty. It asked people not to be lured into conversion of black money and become a partner in the crime of converting black money into white through this method. It also asked people to provide information of such illegal activities to the I-T department so that immediate action can be taken and such illegal transfer of cash can be stopped and seized. The tax department has already made quoting of PAN mandatory if cash deposits during the 50-day period aggregate Rs 2.5 lakh or more in bank accounts.


counts to convert their black money into new denomination notes. In some cases, even rewards are being given to account holders for allowing such misuse. The government had earlier said deposits up to Rs 2.50 lakh in bank accounts would not come under tax scrutiny as it is within the tax exemption limit. In the case of Jan Dhan account, the holder can deposit up to Rs 50,000. However, the income tax department has noted that people are under impression that no action will be taken for deposits up to Rs 2.50 lakh during November 9-December 30. The ministry said “such tax evasion activities can be made subject to income tax and penalty if it is established that the amount deposited in the account was not of the account holder but of somebody else. Also,

New Delhi, Nov 23 (IANS): The Finance Ministry on Wednesday said that of the 2 lakh ATMs in the country, 82,000 have already been recalibrated and people can withdraw the new Rs 500 and Rs 2,000 notes from these. Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das said it was only a matter of few days that the recalibration of all ATMs across the country would be completed. “Out of two lakh odd ATM machines, more than 82,000 recalibrated, it’s now only a matter of few days,” Das said in a tweet. T h e g ove r n m e n t ’s demonetisation move announced on November 8 midnight has resulted in serpentine queues outside bank branches as the ATMs were still not recalibrated for withdrawal of the newly printed Rs 500 and Rs 2,000 notes. Das assured that the printing presses were working around the clock to meet the liquidity demands of the markets. ‘Printing of new currency notes on, all three shifts, 24 X 7, in all government currency printing presses,” he said in another tweet.


New Delhi, Nov 23 (Agencies): Tens of thousands of Jan Dhan accounts are under scanner as Rs 21,000 crore have been deposited in such accounts ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on November 8 that Rs. 1,000 and Rs. 500 notes would no longer be legal tender. As per reports most of these deposits have been made in West Bengal followed by Karnataka. Government had last week cautioned Jan Dhan account holders, housewives and artisans that they will be prosecuted under the I-T Act for allowing misuse of their bank accounts through deposit of black money in Rs 500/1,000 notes during the 50-day window till December 30. The directive comes against the backdrop of reports that some are using other persons’ bank ac-

Nagaland Post, Dimapur ThursDay, november 24, 2016

Ratan Tata wanted to sell Tata Groups ‘crown jewel’ TCS to IBM: Cyrus Mistry

82,000 ATMs recalibrated: FinMin


Demonetisation: Jan Dhan accounts under scanner




LAST SEEN NEAR WELCOME GATE URA VILLA COLONY, DIMAPUR Finders may please contact : 9436274578/8119021531/9612994224

missile tests in violation of UN Security Council resolutions, regularly threatens to destroy South Korea and its main ally, the United States. The Cambodian trial chamber’s first verdict and sentence in 2010 was life in jail for Kaing Guek Eav, alias “Duch”, head of the notorious Tuol Sleng prison, where as many as 14,000 people were tortured and executed. Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan were both in court to hear the ruling. The two face separate charges of genocide in a second phase of the complex, ongoing trial. There were initially four defendants. Former Foreign Minister Ieng Sary died in 2012. His wife, Ieng Thirith, a former minister, died in 2015. The Cambodian government also welcomed the court judgment. “We express our hope that this trial and today’s delivery of the final judgment brings some relief for your pain and suffering,” Deputy Prime Minister Sok An said, addressing survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime.

Honour for software writer on Apollo moon mission software helped land the lunar module and its crew on the Moon in 1969. Other notable medal recipients at Tuesday’s ceremony at the White House included comedian and talkshow host Ellen DeGeneres, actor Tom Hanks and musicians Diana Ross and Bruce Springsteen. President Obama said Hamilton “symbolises that generation of unsung women who helped send humankind into space”. Astronauts Neil Arm-

The Murumi Kuposhukulu Zunheboto congratulates Dr. Aron Muru, s/o Mr. Yehozhe Muru of Sukhalu Village for being promoted to the post of SMO/Dy Director, Deptt of H&FW and further wishes him success in his future endeavour. Kakishe Muru Chairman, MKZ


Yeka Assumi Joint Secretary


The Aghunato Village Union Dimapur (AAUD) would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Miss Viboli Achumi, daughter of Vikishe Achumi of Aghunato Village for being crowned Second Runners Up and Miss Beautiful Smile Title in the recently conducted Miss Sumi 2016 at Agri Expo Dimapur The Union pray and also whishes her success in her future endeavours. Khevito Achumi Vice President

for Nasa’s moon missions. One small tweak for mankind? “Our astronauts didn’t have much time, but thankfully they had Margaret Hamilton,” President Obama said, as he awarded her the medal. He was referring to a tweak Hamilton made to the Apollo system which enabled the computer to prioritise commands when overloaded with tasks.




strong and Buzz Aldrin may have garnered many of the headlines after Apollo 11’s successful landing, but Hamilton was among those working behind the scenes at time when computer science was so new it was not even a recognised term, and code was written out by hand. Hamilton led a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that created the on-board flight software

Organised by :

FALCON CLUB MANGKOLEMBA Date : 18th – 20th January 2017

Registration Fee Winner Runners Up Semi-Finalist Individual Prizes

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Rs. 2500/Rs. 70000/Rs. 40000/Rs. 15000/Best Setter, Best Spiker, Best Player.

For more details, contact Phone Nos : 8974958113, 9612046693, 9436607089.


S. Temsu Lkr President Falcon Club Mangkolemba

A L E P P O, NO V 2 3 (Agencies): Syrian progovernment forces pushed deeper into rebel-held eastern Aleppo, forcing civilians to flee as the regime pressed an assault to recapture the entire city. Re c a p t u r i n g e a s t Aleppo would be the government’s biggest victory yet in Syria’s five-year conflict and deal a potentially decisive blow to the opposition. The city was once the country’s economic powerhouse, but it has been ravaged by the war that has killed 3,00,000 people since it began with anti-government protests in March 2011. Military aircraft dropped leaflets over east Aleppo, urging rebels to distribute food to civilians, leave the area and allow residents to do so too. Government forces pounded the area with air strikes and barrel bombs as ground troops advanced in the key eastern district of Masaken Hanano, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. A week into the latest round of fighting for the city, the regime controls around a third of the district, the Observatory said. The area has been shelled heavily during the war, and many residents had already fled, but the latest fighting prompted even the last holdouts to leave. Milad Shahabi, a member of the local council, told AFP that residents were fleeing to southern parts of the oppositioncontrolled east. Masaken Hanano was the first Aleppo district to fall to rebels in 2012, and it is strategically vital.

Colombia, FARC to sign new peace accord Thursday

Peace activists starting a trek from Cali in a bid to call for a swift resolution to stalled peace agreement. B OGO T A , NOV 2 3 (Agencies): Colombia’s government and FARC guerrillas will sign a new peace accord Thursday, after a previous agreement to end their half-centuryold war was defeated in a referendum, both parties said. The new, revised accord will be submitted to Congress for approval, rather than put to another referendum, they added. Last month voters taking part in that referendum surprisingly snubbed the first accord. Critics said it went too easy on the rebels, who have been waging what is now Latin America’s last major insurgency. “The government and FARC delegations have agreed to sign the final agreement to end the conflict and build a stable and lasting peace,” negotiators from both sides said in a statement Tuesday. The new accord was first announced on November 12. The signing will take place at 11:00 am

MONTSON EPI YILAN Pangti Baptist Ekhumkho Platinium Jubilee Mission and Evangelism April 2014- 2017 okho thungi na okupoe kija, woban elani okho olan olan erani elio shiang Sales Day ndana montso thanthung myingvu nte topvu thungi pirala. Elani nte topvu thungi ,Ntsontsowo Potsow khi lanka tsikvu taro lona tssochyua nte mmha-rayitokvuka. Amen. 1. Deputy Commissioner and his office. 2. Zotoro theta e-nzanchiden : (i) Shri Y. Renbomo Kikon (ii)Shri. P. Nyamo Humtsoe (iii) Shri. R. Mhabemo Odyuo (iv)Shri. N. Jonthungo Humtsoe (v) Shri. Y. Laksio Ngullie (vi) Shri R. Opemomo Jami 3. Tsutsailan, orang osi chokhe woro ethei topvu. 4. Committee olan olan lo erhumpvuiden , khanhyaiden elani elhi/chokhe woro theta nzanchiden 5. Ekhumkho lo Deacon Board, Women Dept, Youth Dept elani CNY Dept. 6. Pangti Village Council 7. Pangti Kyon Wokha Town 8. Denomination olan olan topvu thungi.

“ni elhi ephan yantso hungala’’ Luke 23:41 N. Manglio Ngullie Convenor (PBEPJME)

P. Oren Ngullie Secretary (PBEPJME)

(1600 GMT) at the Colon Theater in Bogota. The accord will later be submitted to Congress for its approval, the two sides said. “We are working out the procedures necessary for this,” they said. The government holds a majority in the legislature. President Juan Manuel Santos insists the new proposal is stronger and

takes into account changes demanded by his political opponents. However his chief rival, ex-president Alvaro Uribe, has rejected even the revised deal. Uribe has insisted, for instance, that FARC leaders should not be allowed to run for office while still serving sentences for atrocities.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We the Konyak Nyupuh Sheko Khong (KNSK) the organizing Committee acknowledge and express our deepest gratitude to all the contributors for making Miss Mon 2016 programme a grand success on 8th Nov. 2016 especially. 1. Konyak Union K.U Rs. 1 Lakh 2. Shri. C.L. John, Hon'ble Minister RD & REPA Rs. 1 Lakh 3. District Planning Mon Nagaland Rs. 90,000/4. Nagaland State Co-operative Bank Mon Branch. First Runners up cash Rs. 30,000/5. Shri. W. Honje D.C Mon Rs. 20,000/6. Shri. Yangba S.P Mon Rs. 20,000/7. Shri. Pangjei A.D.S Mon 2nd Runners Up Cash Rs. 20,000/8. Shri. Tsalito Sangtam P.D. DRDA Mon Rs. 15,000/9. Shri. Y. Pongpa UDA SDEO Office Mon, Miss Mon 2016 Crown (Tiara) 10. Shri. Nokton BDO Angjangyang Rs. 15,000/11. Shri. Tingyeih BDO Wakching Rs. 10,000/12. Smti. Phangpe BDO Phomching Rs. 10,000/13. Smti. Angun BDO Tizit Rs. 10,000/14. Shri. Manpho BDO Aboi Rs. 10,000/15. Shri. Manhom BDO Mon Rs. 10,000/16. Shri. Wakho BDO Chen Rs. 10,000/17. Shri. Moba BDO Tobu Rs. 10,000/18. Shri. Tonwang V/P Wangkhao College Rs. 10,000/19. Shri. Eshak Walo Ward Mon Town Rs. 10,000/20. P.OC Mon Rs. 10,000/21. Shri. Ato BDO Zunheboto Rs. 5000/22. CMO Mon Rs. 5000/23. Shri. Bumin Engg. BSNL Mon Rs. 5000/24. Shri. Wanmei Dy. Commandant VG Rs. 5000/25. Shri. Chingkai L.R.S.O Mon Rs. 5000/26. Shri. Angki Y.R.O Mon Rs. 5000/27. Smti. Ilika S.D.O (C) Mon Rs. 5000/28. Shri. Ato Yanlem S Rs. 5000/29. Shri. Loipong Engineer Airtel Mon Rs. 5000/30. Shri. Govin Shopkeeper Newsite Rs. 4000/31. 100 R.C.C GREFT Mon Gift Hampers 32. Shri. Fukun Cosmetic Daily Market Mon Cosmetics 33. Smti. Yongmei LDA Bouquet 34. Smti. Thronlem Lecture Rs. 3000/35. Smti. Hatngam Bouquet 36. Smti. J. Phangmei Asst. Teacher Rs. 3000/37. Shri. Temlei Asst. Professor Rs. 3000/38. Shri. Bangwao D.S.P Sub-Jail Mon Rs. 3000/39. Shri. Wangshak Forest Ranger Rs. 2000/40. Shri. Nokshing Contractor Rs. 2000/41. Shri. Laopa Asst. Commandant VG Rs. 1500/42. Shri. Nyamto Principal KHSS Mon Transportation 43. Choreographer Manli & Lily 44. Designer Awan & Ashik 45. Model Designer Ngapjah 46. Make up/Artist Liang 47. Hair stylish Nagpsho (YEIHLEM) (B. LOMEI) Secretary Convenor Gen. Secy President


The remains of Cambodians killed by Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge regime during their 1975-79 reign of terror. Phnom Penh, NOV 23 the population was killed. (Agencies): A CamThe UN-backed Subodian Supreme Court preme Court Chamber said chamber on Wednesday Khmer Rouge “Brother upheld a life sentence for Number Two” Nuon Chea, two top cadres of the 1970s 90, and former President Khmer Rouge found guilty Khieu Samphan, 85, had of crimes against human- been found guilty of crimes ity, a decision a U.N. envoy against humanity, murder, said sent a message to lead- persecution on political ers in North Korea and grounds and other inhuelsewhere. mane acts over the forced Most of the victims of evacuation of the capital, the Khmer Rouge 1975-79 Phnom Penh, after the fall “Killing Fields” regime of the city in 1975. died of starvation, torture, “The Supreme Court exhaustion or disease in Chamber affirms the senlabor camps or were blud- tence of life imprisonment geoned to death during imposed by the trial chammass executions. A fifth of ber on both Nuon Chea

and Khieu Samphan,” judge Kong Srim said on Wednesday. “The Supreme Court orders that Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan remain in custody.” David Scheffer, the U.N. Secretary-General’s envoy to the tribunal, said that the judgment sent a message to leaders around the world. “What happened today in this courtroom ultimately can reach your domain,” Scheffer told reporters at the court, naming Islamic State in Syria, among others. “I will just say in closing that perhaps the leadership of North Korea should take particular note of what occurred here today,” Scheffer said. “...International justice isn’t backing down, it is actually forging ahead.” A 2014 report by the United Nations, which referred to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by name in connection with suspected human rights abuses, triggered a strong reaction from Pyongyang, including a string of military provocations. Reclusive North Korea, which has carried out a string of nuclear and

Civilians flee as Syria regime advances in rebel Aleppo


Cambodian SC upholds life sentences for Khmer leaders

New York, NOV 23 (Agencies): An 80-yearold woman who wrote software for the Apollo space missions has been given the United States’ highest civilian honour, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Margaret Hamilton was one of 21 people awarded the medal by President Barack Obama in a starstudded ceremony. It is almost 50 years since her initial work on the Apollo 11 moon mission. Hamilton’s pioneering



Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, November 24, 2016


The Western Sumi Baptist Akukuhou Kuqhakulu (WSBAK) extends our heartiest congratulations to Er. Kahoto Zhimomi on being promoted as Additional Chief Engineer, PWD (Housing). He is a member of the WSBAK Executive Council and WSBAK has been extremely blessed by his service. We pray that Almighty God would give him good health and wisdom in his future endeavour. Rev. Dr. Hevukhu Achumi Executive Secretary, WSBAK






Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, November 24, 2016

Brad Pitt cleared by FBI Top ten biggest film flops of 2016 revealed T M ovie star Brad Pitt will not face any charges stemming from an incident on a private plane in which he was reported to have lost his temper in front of one or more of his children, an FBI spokeswoman said on Tuesday. Pitt, 52, earlier this month was cleared by the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services for the incident on Sept 14. His wife, the actress

he biggest film flops of the year have been revealed. Forbes has unveiled its ‘Hollywood’s Biggest Turkeys’ list for 2016, which looks at the least successful movies to be released in the past twelve months, comparing production budgets to box office takings. The number one biggest flop is listed as sci-fi film Max Steel, directed by Stewart Hendler and

Angelina Jolie, filed for divorce five days later. “In response to allegations made following a flight within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States which landed in Los Angeles carrying Mr. Brad Pitt and his children, the FBI has conducted a review of the circumstances and will not pursue further investigation,” said Laura Eimiller, a spokeswoman for the FBI’s Los Angeles field office.

starring Ben Winchell. The movie was made for $10 million (£8m) but only took in $4.4m (£3.5m). The top five also includes Matthew McConaughey’s American civil war film Free State of Jones, Lonely Island movie Popstar: Never Stop Stopping , Jane Austen comedy-horror adaptation Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and animated movie Ratchet & Clank, based on the video

game series of the same name. Also in the top ten are Sacha Baron Cohen’s Grimsby (known as The Brothers Grimsby in the US) and Oliver Stone’s Edward Snowden biopic. Snowden was made for $40m (£32m) but only recouped $34.3m (£27m). Forbes say that “not all movies flopped because they were bad films” and that “movies underperform for a number of reasons, be it marketing, release date

timing, poor reviews or a combination of several factors.” See the full list below: 10. Mastermind – Box office: $22m, Budget: $25m 9. Snowden – Box office: $34.3m, Budget: $40m 8. Grimsby – Box office: $28.7m, Budget: $35m 7. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot – Box office: $24.9m, Budget: $35m 6. Keeping Up With The Joneses – Box office: $26.9,

Budget: $40m 5. Ratchet & Clank – Box office: $11.8m, Budget: $20m 4. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies – Box office: $16.4m, Budget: $28m 3. Popstar: Never Stop Stopping – Box office: $9.5m, Budget: $20m 2. Free State of Jones – Box office: $23.2m, Budget: $50m 1. Max Steel – Box office: $4.4m, Budget: $10m

8th Music Awards of Nagaland 2016 Nominees


he above artistes are the nominees who will be vying for the coveted awards in various genres of 8th edition of the Music Awards of Nagaland which will be held as part of the annual Hornbill Festival 2016. Codes: Gospel – G, Gospel (Local Dialects) – GL, Rock (Alternative) – RA, Rock (Metal/Heavy) – RM, Pop (Solo) – P, Pop (Hindi & Local Dialects) – PL, Pop (Duo or Group) – PD, Hip Hop/ Rap – HR, Instrumental/EDM – IN. (Concluded)

Powerfaith-John 3.16 (G6), Release (RM3)

Temsumongba Ozukum feat Temsu Aichanger-Pa Aitdakjang (GL3)

Virie & Zaza-Down that Road (RA6), 5 minutes from now (RA7)

The Spotlight feat Liko PhomArcher Queen (HR2)

Whoops! Here We Are-Love Biscuit (IN3)

The Chord-Harie! (GL4)


NAGALAND CHRISTIAN REVIVAL CHURCH SÜMI Doyapur Road, Dimapur-797112 : Nagaland

The Gluttones-Superhero (PD3)


The Shuffles-Trust (RA4)

Technicolors-Like a Fool (RA3)

(Nitoshe Nekha) Pastor

(Ihoto K. Shohe) Chairman, Planning Board


"Nagaland Christian Revival Church Sümi Doyapur Road, Dimapur would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude and acknowledge to all the well wishers and donors for the successful completion of our new church building and subsequent dedication on 20 th November' 2016 by Rev. Tokheho Swu, Executive Secretary of NCRC Sümi. Your outstanding contribution and prayers will always be cherished down throughout the history of our church. May God Almighty bless you all abundantly."

Mike Portnoy: Why I Needed To Leave Dream Theatre






n November 21, Josh Rundquist (a.k.a. That Drummer Guy) conducted an interview with drummer Mike Portnoy (Dream Theatre-DT, The Winery Dogs, Avenged Sevenfold, Metal Allegiance). Asked about his decision to leave DT in 2010 while he was on tour with Avenged Sevenfold, Portnoy said: “I needed to do what I did because I couldn’t have lived with myself wondering, ‘Well, what if ?’ I didn’t wanna wonder what could have happened because I was too scared to take that leap of faith. So I had to [do it]. And believe me, everyone was shocked and hurt, but nobody was more hurt than me. That was the hardest thing I’d ever done, but it was 25 years of blood, sweat and tears, 24-7, I lived and breathed every moment of my 25 years for that band and the fans. But I needed to explore other things in my life in order to be happy and fulfilled.”



Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, november 24, 2016

Spain prosecutors call for two-year jail for Neymar


M A D R I D, N o v 2 3 (Agencies): Spanish prosecutors recommended that Brazilian star Neymar be handed a two-year jail sentence and a fine of 10 million euros ($10.6 million) for alleged corrupt practices in his transfer to Barcelona, a court filing revealed on Wednesday. Prosecutors are also seeking a five-year sentence for former Barcelona presi-

dent Sandro Rosell -- who resigned over the scandal in 2014 -- on counts of fraud and corruption, but dropped charges against current president Josep Maria Bartomeu. The case initiated with a complaint from Brazilian investment company DIS, which owned 40 percent of Neymar’s sporting rights at the time of his transfer from Santos in 2013. In presenting their case on Wednesday, DIS called for five-year sentences for Neymar and his parents, eight years for Rosell and Bartomeu and a mammoth 195 million euro fine for Barca. Sentences of two years or less are habitually suspended for first time offenders in Spain. However, DIS also recommended that Neymar be banned from playing

football during any judicial sentence. Barcelona initially announced the cost of the move at 57.1 million euros, 17.1 million of which was paid to Santos with the remaining 40 million paid to N&N, a company owned by Neymar’s family. However, Spanish authorities believe the real cost escalated to 83.3 million. DIS received 6.8 million euros, 40 percent of the fee paid to Santos. The company believes it was cheated of its real share because part of the transfer fee was concealed by Barcelona, Santos and the Neymar family. Moreover, DIS also argued a pre-contract agreement between Neymar and Barca signed in 2011 impeded other clubs from making offers for the player, affecting the value of the transfer fee.

MDCA to host exhibition cricket matches

D I M A P U R , N OV 2 3 (NPN): Mokokchung District Cricket Association (MDCA) as part of its Silver Jubilee celebrations would be organizing a district-wide cricket promotional and exhibition campaign from November 26 onward. The Silver Jubilee is slated to be celebrated in January 2017 under the theme ‘Instilling Aspirations’. To kick off the campaign, a cricket promotional-cum-exhibition match will be played between DC XI Mokokchung and

for a “fresh round of tendering”. Sporting Clube de Goa on Wednesday announced their decision to withdraw from the forthcoming I-League season, and Salgaocar are already ineligible to compete in it. There are reports of former national champions Dempo, who won the second division title earlier this year, also mulling a pull-out. Kushal Das said, “It’s

truly heartening to see these three clubs, that too from different states across the nation, showing their enthusiasm to play in the Hero I-League. This actually highlights that we’re heading towards a bright future of Indian Football, involving every nook and corner of the country.” Referring to the decision of Sporting Clube de Goa to officially pull out from the next I-League, Das called it “very unfortunate and sad”. “Sporting Clube de Goa have

MDCA XI at Imkongmeren Sports Complex on November 26 from 9 am onwards. The other match days of the cricket promotional cum exhibition campaign are as follows: December 2: MDCA XI Vs ADC XI Mangkolemba at Mangkolemba Ground December 6: MDCA XI Vs SDO XI Changtongya at Changtongya Ground December 9: MDCA XI Vs ADC XI Tuli at Tuli Ground

MDFA meeting on Nov 26 DIMAPUR, NOV 23 (NPN): Annual general meeting of Mokokchung District Football Association would be held on November 26, 10 am at its treasurer’s residence, Arkong Ward. According to MDFA general secretary, important issues relating to the association will be discussed and reports of different committees like ‘general report, audit report and resolution committee report’ will be presented at the meeting. MDFA requested all registered clubs with the association to send two representatives to attend the meeting. Clubs, officials and association members have been asked to submit agenda, if any, to the MDFA officials beforehand.

AIFF to invite fresh bids after Sporting Clube De Goa’s pull-out New Delhi, Nov 23 (PTI): The All India Football Federation (AIFF) will seek fresh tenders for clubs aspiring to be part of I-League 2016-17 as it evaluated bids from three interested parties following the withdrawal of Sporting Clube de Goa from the league. The decision was taken after the AIFF’s bids evaluation committee met New Delhi on Wednesday. The committee “evaluated and discussed at length” about the three bids from Minerva Academy FC, FC Bardez Goa and Chennai City FC who have expressed willingness to ply their trade in the next edition of the league. Upon evaluation, the committee decided to go



contributed significantly to Indian Football since their inception. It’s really sad to see them withdrawing from Hero I-League now,” Das said. Sporting Clube de Goa withdrew owing to “strong objections” to the proposed road map by AIFF and its marketing partners IMG-Reliance for Indian football. The bids committee comprised of general secretary Kushal Das, senior vice-president Subrata Dutt and I-League CEO Sunando Dhar.

2 Indian boxers in semis of Youth World C’ships

NEW DELHI, Nov 23 (PTI): Indian boxers Sachin and Naman Tanwar on Wednesday assured themselves of at least bronze medals at the AIBA Youth World Boxing Championships by advancing to the semi-finals of the event in St Peterburg, Russia. Sachin, competing in the light flyweight category, defeated Chinese Taipei’s Hsu Cheng-Yu to make the last-four stage. He will next be up against Russia’s Volodya Mnatsakanyan. Mnatsakanyan got the better of Filipino Carlo Paalam in his quarter-final contest. Next up in the first session was Naman (91kg), a boy who took to boxing for weight loss. Naman got the better of Romania’s Cristian Razvan Filip to make the summit clash, where he will face Cuba’s Dainier Christian Justiz.

Cilic star attraction in 22nd edition of Chennai Open Ch e nnai , N ov 2 3 (IANS): World No.6 Marin Cilic will be the main attraction once again when international stars fight for top honours in the 22nd edition of the upcoming Chennai Open tennis tournament. The international stars include four from Spain, three from Russia, two each from Brazil and Croatia. World No.14 Roberto Agut (Spain), No.27 Albert Ramos-Vinolas (Spain), No.35 Martin Klizan (Slovakia) and No.48 Borna Coric (Croatia) will add to the star power of the annual event to be held at the SDAT Tennis Stadium. Former top 10 players Tommy Robredo (Spain) and Mikhail Youzhny (Russia) will also be returning to India, the former after 12 years and

the latter after two years, threatening to give the top seeds a run for their money. Robredo, who had gone as high as World No.5 in 2006, has won 10 Association of Tennis Professional (ATP) singles titles and starred in Spain’s Davis Cup winning teams thrice. The first and only time he played in Chennai in 2004, he teamed up with 14time Grand Slam winner Rafael Nadal to win the doubles title. He is currently ranked No.57. “This is an impressive lineup,” Chennai Open’s Tournament Director Tom Annear said in a release. “Tennis fans in India can expect high quality tennis this year.” India’s campaign will be headed by local hero and wild card entrant Ramkumar Ramanathan.


The family of Lt. Sabita Khawas would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to each and every individual and organizations for the care and generous support through prayer, physical, material and financial support and comforting us in our grief during her prolonged illness and at the sad demise on 25th October 2016. We owe our special thanks to:1. Nagaland Hospital Authority , Kohima Doctors and Staff 2. Gorkha Public Panchayat, Kohima. 3. Sahara Parivar, Kohima 4. North Eastern Region Service Nepali Association (NERSNA) Kohima. 5. Staff of Engineer-in-Chief, NPWD Kohima. 6. Satsang Kendra, Kohima. 7. Sai Samity, Kohima. 8. Elders, Brothers, Didi’s & friends Chandmari, Kohima. We express our profound gratitude to one and all for the immeasurable help and support extended during her illness and funeral service at Chandmari, Kohima. We deeply regret our inability to thank everyone individually but we pray that the Almighty God bless you all in abundance. K-4271 Loving children, grandchildren, in-laws, Kaka and relatives.




Late Er. George Vitoxu Achumi



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We the family members of Late Mr. Limawapang, wish to express our profound gratitude and appreciation to each and every individual, organizations and well wishers who stood by us in prayer and supported us emotionally, morally, physically and financially at the sad demise of our beloved on 15th November 2016. May God bless you all abundantly. From loving mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters and relatives.


"Blessed are those who die in the Lord.."

Born : 03.06.1977 – Died : 15.11.2016

Rev. 14:13

With much gratitude in our hearts, we the family members would like to express our heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation to one and all who stood by us in prayers and supported us physically, emotionally, morally, materially and financially during the illness and at the untimely demise of our beloved Late Lakhu Thapa. Your noble deeds and support during our moment of grief will always be remembered. God bless you all. The honour of your presence is requested at the Shraddha reception on Monday, the 28th November, 2016 at 1:00 P.M at our residence in Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur. DP-9511

Loving wife, daughters, mother, siblings, in-laws & family members Phone No. +919862471029

To all those who stood by us in solidarity and comforted us at the demise of our beloved son Late Kitoka Shohe (Kito) on 21 st of November 2016. You particularly have expressed the ethics of humanity and our tradition, on that grievous period through your unaccounted support spiritually, financially, morally, physically and materially during our hardest moments of saying good bye to our beloved on Monday night, the Born on : 31st Oct. 2011 21st Nov. 2016, as he left us for his Died on 21st Nov. 2016 eternal rest. Words are not adequate enough to thank you all. We convey our special thanks to : 1. Sughana Baptist Church 2. Don Bosco Higher Secondary School 3. Notun Bosti. So, may the omniscient God lift up His countenance and shower His blessing upon you all ceaselessly. DP-9484


Missing you deeply, Loving wife, children, in-laws, grandchildren & relatives. K Y M C




Forever in our hearts Loving wife, children, mother, brothers, sister, in-laws and relatives


"Humans are like a breath of air, their life span is like fleeting shadow"

With silent tears.. From loving parents & relatives


(Late Vizolhou Solo) Dearest Daddy Days, weeks then months passed, finally it’s a year since we parted ways; Only did we realise how precious you were, when you left us behind. Dear Dad. Life was harsh and rude on you, but nothing could we do to prevent you from leaving us, Your body surely we have covered, but your ways and advice we keep to complete this lonesome journey without you, dearest daddy. How we long to meet you soon again up yonder where you rest ‘neat His loving arms, just to tell you personally how much we missed you.

The wife, family members and relatives remain forever grateful to each and everyone who stood by us in every way during the brief illness and at the sad demise of our dearest Late Er. George Vitoxu Achumi, a loving husband, dedicated dad, a strong brother and everybody's friend. May the Gracious Lord compensate you all abundantly.

Words are not adequate to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our relatives, friends, well wishers from far and near, neighbors, church members who stood by us at the sudden demise of our beloved son Mr. K KHIAPONG, who left for his heavenly abode on 19/11/16. Your physical presence, words of comfort and financial, material and prayer support, sustained us throughout the most trying period. We our special thanks to:1. L KHUMO Prl/Scy. to LRD, VG AND WRD. 2. MARK MURAKIU PS to Prl/Scy. 3. Mount Olive College Kohima 4. ENSU (MOCK) 5. TIKHIR BAPTIST CHURCH KOHIMA 6. TBYE KOHIMA 7. TSUK 8. TIKHIR STUDENTS' UNION 9. YSUK. We ask your sincere apology for not mentioning some society and individuals, but may the Almighty GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Your loving, parents, family members and relatives. K-4288

Born on 18.06.1977 Died on : 17.11.2016 We the family members express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who stood by us during our beloved Lt. Mrs. Neivi Thakro prolonged illness and at the time of her demise. Our special thanks to :1. Town Baptist Church Chumukedima. 2. Chumukedima Village Baptist Church. 3. Mao Baptist Church, 7th Mile. 4. Manipur Baptist Church, Chumukedima. 5. Chumukedima Chambers of Trade and Commerce. 6. Chumukedima Auto Drivers' Union. 7. Chumukedima Village Youth Society. 8. Chakhroma Khuzama Union. 9. Shekinah Montessori School, Chumukedima. 10. Mr. & Mrs. C. Kipili Sangtam. 11. Mr. Razouvotuo Chatsu, Chairman, Chumukedima Village. 12. Mr. Meren Jamir, S.P. Border. 13. Mr. & Mrs. K. Toniho Chishi. 14. Er. Howoto Chishi. 15. Er. Atoho & Mrs. Sedevino. 16. Mr. Vizo & sisters. 17. Mr. Bishnu Thapa, PHQ. We deeply regret our inability to mention individuals and thank personally but our sincere prayer is, may God bless you for your kindness and for all the good deeds extended to us. Loving husband, daughters & relatives DP-9474


Born in : Jan 1940 – Died on : 16th Nov 2016

Those who live good lives find peace and rest in death.

Isaiah 57:2

Through this column, we the bereaved family members of Late Xesheli T. Kinimi would like to express our heartiest gratitude to the blood donors, neighbours, individuals and all well wishers who stood by us physically, materially, financially and through constant prayers during her illness and departure for heavenly abode. We extend our special thanks to :1. Ikishe Baptist Akukuhou. 2. Zukihe Baptist Akukuhou. 3. Lumithsami Union Dimapur. 4. Akuluto Union Dimapur. 5. Prayer Fellowship, Block C, Ikishe Village. 6. CIHSR doctors and nurses. 7. Mrs & Mr Jackson Patton. 8. Mrs & Mr Joel Nillo. 9. Kawoto Kiths & Kin. 10. Friends, neighbours and well wishers of Ikishe Village and Diphupar B. We deeply regret our inability to mention and thank each and everyone individually but it is our sincere prayer that our Almighty bless you all abundantly. Loving children, grand children, in-laws and relatives


08/05/1980 - 17/11/2016



Head Hunter in Classic Cup semis


Ko h i m a , N ov 2 3 (NPN): Head Hunter came from behind to beat 10man Elite FC 2-1, to enter the semifinals in the 22nd Classic Cup at Kohima local ground on Wednesday. Elite FC were reduced to ten men when Moa Sunep (5) was sent off for his second yellow cards. Both teams possessed displayed equal strength and tactics, however, early goal gave Elite FC the upper hand in the first 30th minutes of the play. The goal was scored by Alaomei Panmei in the 7th minute. T h e r e a f t e r, H e a d Hunter mounted pressure with several unsuccessful attempts. They were rewarded in the closing stage of the first session through the strike of Chumbenthung Kikon (8). The score line remained 1-1 at the end of the first session. The second session saw lot of action as both teams came back with more vigour, but could not make any breakthrough. As the match progress, defences of both sides were threatened on several occasions. The goalkeepers were kept busy all through the proceedings. While the pressure continues, Alaomei wasted a golden opportunity to take the lead. He failed to convert a superb assist from

Elite FC goalkeeper made a spectacular save on Wednesday. (NP)

Mayosingh. Head Hunter also had the real opportunity, but Haotinmang Thomosong powerful shot was brilliantly kept out by the rival custodian. Then when the match

seemed to be headed for draw, Tia Yanger came off from the bench to score the winning goal in the 63rd minute to seal his team the semifinal spot. Chubatemjen Imsong (10) and Chumbenthung

Kikon of Head Hunter and Soihismpou (14) of Elite were booked for foul play. On Thursday in the third quarterfinal, Naga FC will take on Mt. Youth at 2 pm.

Saina enters second round in Hong Kong Open

Robert Begerau, member of SES (Senior Expert Service) from Germany, with the students at St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama. Begerau an expert in coaching football and also a former footballer will be coaching the students for a month.

Parthiv replaces Saha in third Test Mu m b a i , N ov 2 3 (IANS): Gujarat wicketkeeper Parthiv Patel has replaced injured Wriddhiman Saha for the third cricket Test against England starting in Mohali on Saturday, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) announced on Wednesday. “BCCI medical team confirms that India wicket keeper Wrid-

Nagaland Post, Dimapur thursday, november 24, 2016


dhiman Saha developed a strain in his left thigh during the second match of the five match Paytm Test Series-2016, played against England at Visakhapatnam,” BCCI said. “As a precautionary measure, Saha has been advised rest and will not play in the next Test match of the series,” it added. Parthiv Patel will replace

Saha in the Indian team for the third Test to be played from November 26, 2016, at Mohali.” The 31-yearold Parthiv last played Test cricket in August 2008. He has had a fine start to the 2016-17 Ranji Trophy, registering 415 runs in his first eight innings. Parthiv said that the comeback has arrived at the right time.

KOWLOON, Nov 23 (PTI): On a comeback trail, Saina Nehwal made a resounding start to her campaign at the Hong Kong Super Series, advancing to the second round of women’s singles with a hard-fought win over Thailand’s Porntip Buranaprasertsuk, here on Wednesday. London Olympics bronze medallist, Saina, who had lost to Porntip in the opening round at China Open after making a comeback following a three-month lay-off due to injury, avenged the loss with a 12-21 21-19 21-17 win over the World No. 12 Thai shuttler. The fifth seeded Indian, who is looking to seal her Dubai Super Series Final spot, will next take on the winner of the match between Chiang Mei Hui and Japan’s Sayaka Sato at the Hong Kong Coliseum.

Titans CC to face Vincent CC in T20 final DIMAPUR, NOV 23 (NPN): Titans CC and Vincent CC have reached the final of the 1st Sashikokba memorial T20 cricket tournament in Mokokchung. On the way to final, Titans CC beat Trebuchet CC by four wickets. Trebuchet batted first after winning the toss, set a target of 149 runs for Titans. Chubaodang scored 62 runs and was well supported by Imliakum 30 runs. For Titans CC, Sounding took two wickets. In reply, Titans manage to chase down the target losing six wickets with six balls to spare. Longsasunep top scored with 39 runs. Tiakum took 2/29. Longsasunep was adjudged man of the match. In the second semifinal, Vincent CC thrashed Titans A by nine wicket. Electing to bat first, Titans A could muster only 72 runs in 20 overs. Rajesh and Imtisunep scored 15 and 14 runs respectively. Wapang was the pick of the bowler with figure 2/8 in 4 overs. Vincent CC overhauled the target in just eight overs. Vickey was named the man of the match. Final match would be held on Thursday at 10 am at Imkongmeren Sports Complex.

Hornbill MTB Festival 2016

Cycling teams (L) Psynyde Bikes and Native Station (R) will also be taking part in the event.

D IMA P U R , N OV 2 3 (NPN): This December, citizens of Kohima would be witnessing one of the most exciting race at Hornbill Festival, the third edition of “Kohima Downhill MTB race” scheduled to take place along the mountains of Phesama Village, below the Heritage Village on December 4, 2016. After Bali in Indonesia, Bhutan and Nepal, Nagaland is on its way to become one of the top MTB(Mountain biking/ Cycling) destination in the region with the Indian MTB calendar scheduled to be held in Kohima. The mountain biking event which was started in 2014 by Nagaland based adventure sports and MTB

solation for Brugge. “We wanted to finish first in the group. It wasn’t easy today but we did it,” said Foxes’ Algerian star Mahrez. The Colombian’s strike was the first goal Leicester have conceded in the tournament to date. As Leicester celebrated, Tottenham in contrast saw their adventure in Europe’s top club competition come to a grinding halt after a 2-1 loss at Monaco, who won Group E in the process. Spurs had a let off when their French keeper Hugo Lloris saved Radamel Falcao’s early spotkick. But quickfire goals from Djibril Sidibe and Thomas Lemar just after the break, sandwiching a Harry Kane penalty, did for the Londoners. In the same group Bayer Leverkusen drew 1-1 at CSKA Moscow to take the Germans into the knockout stages following Spurs’ loss. Kevin Volland put Leverkusen ahead after 16 minutes before Israeli inter-

New Delhi, Nov 23 (PTI): The Indian Cricket Board’s relations with the ICC, headed by Shashank Manohar, hit a new low after Indian women’s cricket team was docked six points for not playing against Pakistan between August 1 to October 31 as per ICC Women’s Championship. There are possibilities that men’s team might not play Champions Trophy in protest against the women cricketers being made “soft targets” in the name of rules and regulations. A furious BCCI has lodged a protest with the global body who are well aware that any bilateral series against Pakistan needs government permission under current political scenario, which ICC’s Indian chairman is well aware. “ICC is well aware that in prevailing situation where Indian soldiers are being martyred, the sentiment is dead against play-

Riyad Mahrez plants his penalty kick straight down the middle and past keeper Ludovic Butelle in the Bruges goal.

national Bibras Natcho levelled. Spurs will host CSKA in a final game whose outcome will decide who goes into the Europa League. In any case, ‘home’ advantage at Wembley Stadium has hardly shone on Mauricio Pochettino’s side, given that they succumbed to defeats by Monaco and Leverkusen. Kane said those

games sank them. Holders and 11-times winners Real Madrid joined 1997 champions Borussia Dortmund in qualifying from Group F after a 2-1 win at star man Cristiano Ronaldo’s former club Sporting Lisbon. Raphael Varane gave the ‘meringues’ the lead before Adrien Silva netted a spot-kick for the Portuguese

The Hornbill MTB festival will be flagged off at Kisama Heritage Village on December 4 and the downhill race will kick off from the highway at Phesama village racing down the landslide mountain, across the fields of gold, leading to the paddy fields and finish two kilometers at the bottom near the river. Spectators can also bring binoculars, take videos using drones and cameras to capture the action. Hornbill MTB Festival is brought to you by Native Station in association with Alaphra Group and supported by Tourism Department with Psynyde Bikes (Performance Bikes and Components) from Pune as the official biking partner.

BCCI furious as ICC docks eves for not playing Pak ing Pakistan. The chairman is well aware that we need government permission,” a furious senior BCCI official told PTI today. “This is a move with ulterior motive trying to play into the hands of Pakistan. They would say if women can play so can men. But that won’t happen. If ICC does not backtrack, the men’s team in solidarity with our women’s team won’t play in Champions Trophy,” he added. An ICC release today stated: “Following consideration of written submissions from both PCB and BCCI, the ICC Technical Committee has ruled that the India Women’s team is deemed to have forfeited each of the three matches it was due to play against Pakistan in Round 6 of the ICC Women’s hampionship, and that the associated points should be

Leicester, Real in last 16; Spurs out of Champions League PARIS, Nov 23 (Agencies): Leicester kept their Champions League dreams aflame, cruising into the last 16 with a 2-1 win over Belgium’s Club Brugge, where they were joined by Real Madrid - but not a crestfallen Tottenham. Joining the hopeful debutants and the holders on the night were Juventus, Bayer Leverkusen and Monaco. They join last year’s runners-up Atletico Madrid, Arsenal, Paris SaintGermain, Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund, who had already booked their tickets to the knockout phase with two group games to spare. Leicester’s success saw the Foxes advance as Group G winners in their maiden season in the event, giving a major fillip to Claudio Ranieri’s side, who are just two points above the domestic drop zone. Shinji Okazaki netted after just five minutes and a Riyad Mahrez penalty made it 2-0 before Jose Izquierdo notched a second-half con-

start-up Native Station through self funding and support from well wishers has now grown to make a mark in the Mountain Biking scene as the third edition of Kohima Downhill. This year more than 40 participants from across India including professional teams and athletes from international companies such as: Taiwanese Cycling company ‘Giant’, Starkenn which is the largest cycle manufacturing company in the world, Gnarly biking team from Nepal, Shillong Downhill Racing Team, Team Freerider from Himachal Pradesh, Psynyde Bikes from Maharashtra and a host of individual participants even from UK.

only for substitute Karim Benzema to pop up with the winner for Real. The Spaniards suffered a huge injury scare, however, just 11 days before facing Barcelona in La Liga as Welsh star Gareth Bale exited with an ankle injury shortly after half-time. Dortmund secured the group win with a game to

play after swatting Poland’s Legia Warsaw 8-4 -- a record goalfest for a Champions League encounter. The Germans became one of an elite clique to notch five goals in a single Champions League half having led 5-2 at the interval. Marco Reus scored a hat-trick and Japanese star Shinji Kagawa netted a brace as Dortmund ran riot. Two-times champions Juventus are through after defeating previous Group H leaders Sevilla, Europa League champions for the past three seasons, 3-1 in Spain. Claudio Marchisio with a penalty, Leonardo Bonucci and Mario Mandzucic scored for the ‘Old Lady’ of Turin after Nicolas Pareja had put Sevilla ahead early on. Perennial challengers Barcelona and Manchester City were hoping to book their tickets Wednesday with wins over Celtic and Borussia Moenchengladbach respectively.

awarded to Pakistan. “The matches, which were due to be played between August 1 & October 31, 2016, were not formally scheduled and did not ultimately take place, and the Technical Committee has ruled that Pakistan will be awarded two points for each of the three games and, in accordance with the ICC Women’s Championship playing conditions, India shall be considered to have scored 0 runs in each of the 50 overs in each of the three matches and that its net run rate shall be adjusted accordingly.” The Technical Com-

mittee said while it was sensitive to the current state of relations between the nations of India and Pakistan, but concluded that the BCCI had not been able to establish ‘acceptable reasons’ for not participating in the series. The ICC’s relationship with BCCI has soured on a number of issues since Shashank Manohar became independent chairman. From changes proposed in revenue sharing to not having India in the working group, Manohar’s stance has been perceived by many as antiIndia despite BCCI members having full faith in his leadership.

India eves beat Hockeyroos 1-0 in first hockey Test N EW D ELHI , N OV 23 (Agencies): The Indian women’s hockey team, ranked 12th in the world, began their tour of Australia by beating the fourth-ranked Hockeyroos 1-0 in the first of three Test matches in Melbourne on Wednesday. The win was their first over Australia and set up by a second-quarter goal by captain Rani Rampal. A special mention is also reserved for India’s goalkeeper Rajani Etimmarpu, whose smart footwork added to the Hockeyroos’ frustration on a day that should rank highly for Indian women’s hockey. Neither side was able to score during the first quarter as the defenders on both ends were kept busy, but a penalty corner by Rani in the 21st minute gave India the lead. T h e I n d i a n e ve s pushed the Hockeyroos hard down the front line and even when the hosts

had possession it was the Indians who surged forward and kept engaging in defensive tackles to blind the Hockeyroos’ attack. The aggression was maintained across the third and fourth quarters too, but too many turnovers by the Hockeyroos helped India’s cause. India’s midfielders managed to keep getting Rani and Deepika Thakur into play and the skipper, in particular, attacked the corners. This sustained pressure meant that the Hockeyroos often struggled to break past India’s defensive pack. The latter half of the third quarter saw the Australians get tighter and more cohesive, but the deficit was still not overturned. Vandana Kataria came close to the goal at the end of the third quarter but missed from the left side, and then the Hockeyroos failed to use three PCs in the last 32 seconds.

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