January 15, 2016

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Nagaland Post www.nagalandpost.com

Vol XXVII No. 39

Rajnath Singh seeks report on Manipur ambush

Rajnath Singh (File)

DIMAPUR, sunday, january 15, 2017 Pages 12 ` 4.00

Nagaland’s Trekking Hotspots

Kane hat-trick sends Spurs 2nd in PL

BRICS cooperation to be strengthened during Chinese presidency: KV Kamath

Sunday Post Supplement

sports, Page 12

international, Page 9

ENPO asks ENWO to quit JACWR Urges govt. to indefinitely defer civic polls Sets deadline for withdrawal of nominations DIMAPUR, JAN 14 (NPN): Eastern Nagaland Pe o pl e s’ O r g a nisa tio n (ENPO), which had on January 4, 2017 decided to leave the matter of holding municipal/town councils polls in ENPO areas to the “understanding and responsibility” of the respective tribes, has now resolved to oppose the urban local bodies (ULB) elections (in principle) within its jurisdiction and asked Eastern Nagaland Women Organisation to “immediately withdraw” from the Joint Action Committee on Women Reservation (JACWR) in the larger interest of ENPO public. Reiterating the ENPO Noklak resolution No. 4 dated December 29, 2016, ENPO president S Khoiwang Konyak and secretary MC Ongbou Chang in a press note said a joint emergency consultative meeting of ENPO with six tribal federating units and frontal units was held on January 14, 2017 at CKS hall, Tuensang in connection with the

impending issues relating to ULB elections in Nagaland. The house resolved to appeal ENWO to immediately withdraw from JACWR and affirmed that ENPO general would not be held responsible for any future consequences and implications resulting out from non-compliance of its appeal. According to the signatories, the house also appealed to all six federating tribal units to abstain from participating in the ULBs/ municipal and town council election. It also directed all responsible intending candidates to “withdraw their nomination on or before January 17, 2017 since it has serious legal implications upon the spirit of Article 371A.” The house has also cautioned that any individual under ENPO participating in the ULB elections against the general wishes of ENPO would be doing so at their own risk and responsibility. Further, the house af-

ter thorough deliberation resolved to appeal the state government to indefinitely postpone the ensuing proposed ULB elections in the larger interest of Nagas till consensus decision of the Naga civil society organisations of Nagaland was arrived at. The above resolutions were adopted after the house deliberated at length the matters pertaining to ULB elections in Nagaland vis-à-vis ENPO’s previous resolutions on the issue. At the meeting, references were also made to resolution No. 14 of October 28, 2011 at Tuensang Hq. and its subsequent reaffirmation on October 12, 2012 at Dimapur, Hotel Acacia resolution on August 17, 2016, the Noklak resolution on December 29, 2016 and the Hotel Saramati resolution on January 4, 2017. The members present felt that accepting Central Act of Parliament at its present status form infringed the vibrant and age-old traditions and customary practices. They also noted that the state government has also failed to satisfy the clarification sought by ENPO on the issue.

Wokha distt candidates ready to withdraw nominations, claims LH

Lotha Hoho (LH) on Saturday claimed that most of the intending candidates for elections to the Urban Local Bodies (ULB) from Wokha district have expressed their willingness to withdraw their nominations. The decision was conveyed during a meeting held at Town Hall, Wokha on Saturday in the presence of all Lotha frontal organizations, Wokha town public and surrounding villages, said Lotha Hoho in a statement signed by its president Mhao Humtsoe and general secretary Mhondamo Ovung. At the meeting, three independent candidates-Zaremo Murry, Janponthung Ngullie and Abel Ennio-- signed their ‘Withdrawal Bond’. This was done so since Saturday was a no-working day and the office of the RO was closed, LH added. LH said other candidates also assured the house, through N. Mhabemo Ezung (ward No.11 candidate), to collectively withdraw nomi-

IMPHAL, JAN 14 (IANS): Home Minister Rajnath Singh has sought a report on Thursday’s ambush on National Highway 37 in Manipur in which one person was killed and three injured, officials said on Saturday. Two of the injured persons are in the ICU of a private hospital in Imphal. However, one wounded victim said: “About eight tribals in combat fatigues climbed down from the nearby mountain and opened fire at us. Speaking tribal dialect, some of them mocked us and opened fire again.” Meanwhile, police investigation has not made any headway and no arrest has been made. Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh said that from the very beginning, Manipur has been urging the central government to set up a highway protection force since NH 2 and 37 are the only D I M A P U R , J A N 1 4 authorities on the issue of lifelines of Manipur. “HowWarns of strict action against party (NPN): Joint Action Com- elections to Urban Local ever the centre maintains that as law and order is a candidates withdrawing nominations mittee on Women Reserva- Bodies”, JACWR also said tion (JACWR) has respond- “misunderstanding and state subject Manipur should deploy its forces along the DIMAPUR, JAN 14 ers of the party, after ad- ed to the appeal made by threats of expulsion” do chief minister T.R. Zeliang not portend well for Naga highways,” he said. (NPN): Naga People’s ministering pledge, no at a meeting in the latter’s Di- society. Front (NPF) has resolved NPF ticket holder should mapur residence Saturday, According to Joint Acto go ahead with the civic withdraw from the fray. by deciding to withdraw the tion Committee on Women polls as per the schedule The party has warned Special Leave Petition filed Reservation the state govannounced by the state that stern disciplinary by it in the Supreme Court ernment and the State ElecSpl. Correspondent election commission. action would be initiated on the condition, that the tion Commission were only This was resolved against those candidates NEW DELHI, JAN 14 at a meeting of all NPF who withdraw their nomi- “ongoing process of elec- carrying out their bounden tions to the ULBs, could be duty to hold elections to (NPN): Lauding the Indigo officials held on January nation papers. decision to fly “mortal re- 14, 2017 in Kohima, at Further, NPF also completed as notified by the ULBs as necessitated by Article 243T with reservamains” of deceased human the residence of the party expressed dismay over state government.” JACWR convenor Mrs. tion for women (enacted in beings free of cost to various president, Dr. Shürhozelie the alleged use of force destinations in the North Liezietsu. by some organizations Abeiu Meru and co-conve- 2006 by the state assembly); East, the Union Minister of In a press release, in preventing some of nor Dr. Rosemary Dzuvichu while various tribal organisaState (Independent Charge) NPF working president, the NPF ticket holders in in a joint statement also tions were apprehensive that for DoNER, Dr Jitendra Apong Pongener, said the filing their nomination explained that the decision holding such elections with was to allay the fears of tribal women reservation “would Singh has said that “a re- meeting, which took stock papers. quest to this effect had been of the situation arising out Meanwhile, the NPF organisations that the case infringe upon Article 371A made to all the Airlines of the ensuing municipal has appealed to the Naga filed by them in the Supreme of the constitution.” operating in the region and I and town council elec- Hoho, ENPO, all tribe Court “would infringe on JACWR leaders opined am glad that Indigo has been tions in Nagaland, adopt- Hohos and the citizens of Article 371A of the constitu- that Article 243T did not prompt to respond”. infringe upon Article 371A ed five-point resolution. the state to cooperate and tion of India.” Indigo Airlines vice Expressing pain at what in any way nor would it go It was resolved that support the government’s president, Vikram Chona, since tickets of NPF were decision to conduct the was described as “ongoing against the customary and personally called on Dr Jiten- given to primary and ac- election of urban local tussle between the tribal social practices of Nagas dra Singh here and formally tive membership hold- bodies (ULBs). organisations and the state since town and municipalihanded over a letter from the president of Indigo, Aditya Ghosh, addressed to Dr Jitendra Dr Jitendra Singh said that the gesture shown by Indigo, was not only a NEW DELHI, JAN 14 India’s engagement with Vietnam reflection of human concern, (AGENCIES): China has leaves China fuming but is also an extension of the warned small and mediumPublic Private Partnership sized countries in the Asia(PPP) model with the gov- Pacific not to take sides ernment and private sectors “among big countries”. jointly offering services to In a white paper it recitizens at different levels and leased earlier this week on in different situations. Asia-Pacific security cooperation, Beijing also said major countries should treat strategic intentions of others in an objective and rational manner, reject the Cold converged sharply with the it has built in South China tion in the UN, Brics, G20, China-India-Russia and War mentality, respect oth- US Rebalance in the region Sea. The white paper did other mechanisms. On the ers’ legitimate interests and with New Delhi helping concerns and respond to Washington to draw in- not touch upon India’s con- issue of counter-terrorism, challenges with concerted ternational focus on the cerns over China’s refusal to though, China again seemed significance of freedom of clear its path to the member- to bat for Pakistan. efforts. “China believes diaThis is significant in navigation and overflight in ship of the NSG, or even its decision to block UN sanc- logue among different civilithe context of India’s own South China Sea. China’s state-run Glob- tion of JeM chief Masood sations should be enhanced attempts to deepen security and defence ties with coun- al Times warned the US of a Azhar, but said China’s stra- and a holistic approach tries in the region, most “devastating confrontation” tegic partnership with India taken to eliminate the breednotably with Vietnam and and called for the two coun- for peace and prosperity had ing grounds of terrorism... there should be no double Japan, who are involved in tries to prepare for a military deepened. clash after Rex Tillerson, It said the two coun- standard in fighting terror, serious maritime territorial “Father and son are fighting who will soon head the state tries had maintained com- which should not be associfor the bicycle symbol. disputes with China. department, declared that munication and coordina- ated with a particular counAfter PM Narendra They may have to share Modi took over in 2014, China had to be denied ac- tion on international affairs try, ethnicity or religion,” it 50:50.” India’s Act East Policy has cess to the artificial islands and enhanced collabora- said.

nations along with the NPF party candidates. The house fur ther unanimously reaffirmed the January 8 Lotha Public Resolution-- that any candidates failing to withdraw their nomination “will bear the responsibility for any consequence”. Lotha Hoho said the terms and conditions for failure to withdraw nomination include non cooperation, social exclusion, barring from leadership, responsibility for any eventuality related to ULB elections 2017. Meanwhile, the hoho along with the Lotha public have expressed appreciation to all candidates who had withdrawn their nomination and further urged other candidates to do so at the earliest. The Hoho said it has also kept the option to withdraw nomination through LH till 12 a.m. (midnight) of January 16. For withdrawal of nomination through Lotha Hoho, candidates have been asked to contact-- 9612050357 and 9436078556.

State govt misled to extend date for nomination: NPCC DIMAPUR, JAN 14 (NPN): Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has charged the NPF-led DAN government of “misuse of power” in order to “mislead the innocent general public” with regard to the process of conducting elections to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs). Stating this, NPCC vice president Khriedi Theünuo pointed out that the government extended the last date for filing nomination for the February 1, 2017 civic polls to 3 p.m. of January 9,2017 on the basis the Nagaland Municipal Election Rules 2003. He said the SEC notification stated that the extension was being carried out under sub rule(7)of Rule 20 of the NME Rules 2003 . However, Khriedi said NPCC was of the considered view that the sub rule as mentioned above was “applicable only subject to the provisions of sub rule(6) which stated that last date for nomination, scrutiny and withdrawal “shall not be public holidays”. Further, he cited that is any of the date of the above purposes were public holiday, then such nomination, scrutiny

or withdrawal “shall take pace the next succeeding day, which is not a public holiday”. He contended that as per programme schedule for civic polls issued on December 21,2016 the last date for nomination was January 7,2017, which was not a public holiday. Further, NPCC said it was of the opinion that rules cited by SEC, which could have been done in consultation with the state government, did not have provisions for extension of dates for nomination because of “not receiving nominations”. Hence, he said it was a “clear violation of election process by the concern authority” and so such misinterpretation was to mislead innocent general public by those at the helm to serve their interest. NPCC said this was not acceptable and went against the interest of public as well as against laid down rules governing conduct of elections. In this regard, NPCC demanded postponement of civic polls and to reschedule only after implementing given rules for the general welfare or else it will not “deter to take the matter with the appropriate forum.”

NPF to go ahead with polls On CM’s appeal, JACWR to withdraw SLP after polls Dr. Shürho takes exception

DoNER minister lauds Indigo Airlines

ties were not traditional concepts not institutions of Nagas. Further JACWR stated that “various observations” by courts including Supreme Court have clarified that civic polls have nothing to do with Article 371A. JACWR leader expressed gratitude to the “government of the day” for calling for civic polls with women reservation and that it was proof that Naga women were ready to shoulder responsibilities as many women have filed their nominations despite stiff opposition from various corners. Joint Action Committee on Women Reservation leaders also appealed to all tribal organisations to “desist from using threats and intimidations to banish, expel, excommunicate anyone” and instead to allow due process of elections to be completed “without any untoward incident or ill feeling.”

to Ao Senden’s resolution

DIMAPUR, JAN 14 (NPN): NPF president Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu has raised strong objection to the Ao Senden resolution (quit notice) against minister of National Highways and Mechanical, Nuklutoshi and the statement for calling him “so called minister of Nagaland”. In a statement issued on Saturday, Dr. Shürhozelie reminded that Nuklutoshi won the elections from 22-Arkakong A/C by securing 8,544 votes, defeating his nearest rival by a margin of over 1000 votes. He was then appointed as cabinet minister by Nagaland Governor under the recommendation of the chief minister and took ‘Oaths of Allegiance and Secrecy’ on May 24, 2014 at Raj Bhavan, Kohima, he said. All these steps were taken up strictly as per the provisions of Article 164 (1) of the Constitution of India, he added. Since then, Shürhozelie said the minister had been discharging his duties as a cabinet minister. As a legally appointed minister, he said anyone calling him a “so-called minister” was an expression not only to disgrace minister Nuklotoshi, but the more serious issue was challenging the validity of the Indian Constitution. “As a result, the expression has become illegal,” he said. He was performing his duties as a minister following the decision of the government to conduct Municipal/Town council elections, said Dr. Shürhozelie. “If this is done intentionally, this will be viewed with all seriousness. But if this mistake is done emotionally, the best course for Ao Senden is to withdraw the resolution”, Dr. Shürhozelie said adding, such serious case as this, “tendering apology was not sufficient to cover up the mistake”.

As India looks east, comes a Chinese warning Changtongya, Akhoya village

This is it!


firm against civic body polls

DIMAPUR, JAN 14 (NPN): Changtongya village and Akhoya village councils (Putu Menden) were firm against holding of the Municipal/Town Council elections, saying it was against the wishes of the stakeholders. In a press note, chairmen of Changtongya village council, I. Kumzuk Lkr and Akhoya village council, S. Kilang Lkr said the election would be against the public sentiment and traditional landowners of both villages. In this regard, they said the villages including All Ward Chairman Forum of Changtongya town had decided to boycott the “so called election”. The councils reiterated that “if the state government does not positively respond to the demand the public”, they will continue to boycott the ULB elections even in the

future. The village councils further lauded all intending candidates for cooperating and abstaining from filing the nomination papers and thanked the public for supporting the boycott call. Meanwhile, the councils also condemned the “modus-operandi” of the authority concerned for extending two more days for filing nominations. They questioned the authority as to how the latter had “arbitrarily shifted” to three locations within four hours to allow candidates to file nominations (Changtongya to Tuli to Chuchuyimlang) when there was no law and order problem in and around Changtongya town. In this regard, the village councils demanded to know “under whose power and authority such extra judicial power was exercised against the wishes of the peace loving citizens?”

23 dead as boat capsizes in Ganga PATNA, JAN 14 (AGENCIES): At least 23 people drowned and another 12 were feared dead when an overloaded boat capsized in the Ganga here on Saturday evening. The dead included men, women and children who had gone to a kite flying festival organised on the sandbar across the ghats. The boat, designed to carry 25 people, was carrying at least 50 people when it overturned at 5.45pm. Seven people were rescued. “The boat was overloaded and it capsized when it started from the diara side (Sabalpur),” said Manju Devi of Ranipur, one of the survivors of the tragedy, undergoing treatment at PMCH. Reports said chief minister Nitish Kumar ordered a prone into the accident and announced a payout of Rs 4 lakh for the victims’ families. K Y M C



AASU 38th general conference underway

Azheto Zhimomi speaking at AASU general conference on Saturday. (NP) Staff Reporter D I M A P U R , JA N 1 4 (NPN): Three-day 38th general conference of Aqahuto Area Students Union (AASU) held under the theme “an agent of chance” got underway on Saturday at Ghowoto village. The conference is hosted by Ghowoto students union and graced by

ex-MLA Azheto Zhimomi as the chief guest. Exhorting the students, Azheto advised them to live within the means of their parents. He also pointed out the need for leaders of the society and parents in playing a significant role in the affairs of the students. The gathering was also exhorted by SDEO Dima-

pur and Western Sumi Students Union (WSSU) president, Nito Achumi. Earlier, introductory session was done by JEO Kitoshi Ghukhuyi Zhimomi. The ex-MLA was accompanied by Ihevi Awomi IFS, DCCI president, Hokivi Chishi, project officer NHHDC, Shikaho Zhimomi, general secretary Nagaland GB federation, Shikuto Zalipu.

Free veterinary camp conducted at Zuketsa Village under “Op Sadbhavana” on January 13. According to Assam Rifles, the aim of the camp was to provide free treatment to various domestic animals in Pfutsero Sub Division where no veterinary facilities are available. The camp was conducted under the supervision of Veterinary Officer from 14 Mobile Field Veterinary Hospital and mediMedical team treating animals. cal staff of 9 Assam Rifles. DIMAPUR: 9 Assam General Assam Rif les Altogether a total of 1059 Rifles under the aegis of (North) organized a free animals were treated and Headquarters Inspector veterinary camp at Zuketsa provided free medicines.

YSU appeals for SDEO office at Tamlu

DIMAPUR: Drawing attention to the lack of SDEO office in Tamlu town, Youngshong Students Union (YSU) has appealed to both the education minister and director of School Education to look into the matter and redress the grievances on priority. A press note by YSU president, M. Baushen and general secretary, Chingken stated that Tamlu Town was the only ADC headquarters under Longleng district covering more than 25 villages and three towns. It stated that under the Education department, Tamlu areas had three blocks, Tamlu ADC block, Yongnya EAC block and Bura Namsang EAC block where there are more than 45 government and private schools, enrolling around 3800 (approx) students but surprisingly, so far no SDEO office has been established. In this regard, the

Youngshong Students’ Union (YSU), the apex students’ body of 49 AC Tamlu area has reminded the minister of School Education to fulfil the promise made during his visit as chief guest on August 15, 2014 at Tamlu ADC Hqs to open SDEO Office immediately and construct the new government High School at Tamlu town. The union also appeal to the director of School Education to look into the genuine demand of the Tamlu Area Teacher’s Association (TATA) under ANSTA unit, Longleng, for the early establishment of SDEO office at Tamlu ADC Hqs. It stated that the genuine demands of the teachers’ association should be taken into consideration immediately on priority as both the teachers and students were facing immense hardship and untold miseries physically and economically.

LLRUD, PEW condemn January 8 murder DIMAPUR: Lower Lotha Range Union Dimapur (LLRUD) has mour ned the demise of late N. Nchumbeni Jami who was found murdered at the premises of 7th NAP Bn.HQ on January 8, at Bhandari Town. The union has conveyed condolence to the bereaved family and prayed for the departed soul to rest in peace. Meanwhile, LLRUD while condemning the act resolved to stand united in solidarity with civil societies of Bhandari Town and endorsed their demand to the government of Na-

galand to bring the culprit into justice within the stipulated time. PEW: Pangti Ekhung Wokha (PEW) has vehemently condemned the brutal murder of late N. Nchumbeni Jami, NCE at 7th NAP Bhandari. In a condemnation note by PEW chairman, Nchumbemo Jami, the Ekhung has urged upon the law enforcing agency to book the culprit at the earliest and award befitting punishment according to the law. The Ekhung also conveyed deepest condolences to the bereaved family members.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur sunday, january 15, 2017

news in brief ZPON joint meeting: Zeliang People’s Organisation Nagaland (ZPON) has convened a joint meeting on January 16, 10 a.m. at the Administration’s Rest House, Jalukie town in connection with the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) election and 33% women reservation. The meeting would also discuss issues of non-indigenous of Nagaland state candidates. All concerned intending candidates of Zeliang community, eminent leaders and likeminded Zeliang people have been requested to attend the meeting. ANHTU informs: All Nagaland Hindi Teachers Union (ANHTU) has informed all CSS Hindi teachers to submit their personal details to their respective district representatives before January 18, with name/posting place/personal contact/DDO/SDEO/HM. All the members have been asked to submit the details with urgency as it was directed by MHRD government of India. EDP training for Kiphire district: Entrepreneurship Development programme (EDP) training under PMEGP for Kiphire district would be conducted on January 17, 10:30 a.m. at EBRC hall Yangphi School, Kiphire town. All the PMEGP beneficiaries during the year 2015-16 both for the office of the general manager, District Industries Center (DIC) and the Nagaland Khadi & Village Industries Board (NKVIB), Kiphire, Nagaland have been informed to attend the same with two copies of passport size photo. NSSU 31st general conference: Northern Sumi Students’ Union (NSSU) would be holding its 31st general conference from January 20-22 at Akuhaiqa village on the theme “Strengthening our Unity.” The conference would be graced by director Land Resource Hoto Yepthomi as chief guest and EE PHED, Er. Vihoto Achumi as guest of honour Admission to IGNOU progs extended: The last date for submission of both fresh and re-registration (2nd & 3rd Year Registration) admission forms for different programmes at IGNOU for January 2017 session has been extended up to January 23 without late fee. The student handbook and prospectus can be obtained from IGNOU Study Centres in Kohima, Dimapur, Mon, Tuensang, Mokokchung, Zunheboto, Longleng, Kiphire, Jalukie, Phek and Wokha or from IGNOU Regional Centre, Kohima. Interested candidates can apply online at www.ignou.ac.in or send their filled in application forms to IGNOU Regional Centre, Kohima. Lost and found: Team of Operation Acceleration Dimapur Town (OADT) has recovered one 150cc Bajaj Pulsar red and black in colour, without number plate bearing engine number HD1DHDHZZUCJ632 and one Bajaj discover without number plate bearing engine number JBUB17794 and chasis number DSPAZZUPB38300. Owners of the said vehicles have been requested to claim the vehicles by producing authentic documents within 7 days of publication of this news item. For further details one has been asked to contact at 9402437539, 7085833728.

As part of its “Mission Clean Water Bodies Campaign,” Anglers Association Nagaland (AAN) conducted cleanliness drive at Chathe River stretch of New Chumukedima Village on Saturday. AAN members along with volunteers of New Chumukedima cleared the debris in the river and planted trees at the riverbanks followed by banner campaign. Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Nagaland also took part in the event. Mission Clean Water Bodies is an initiative of All India Game Fishing Association (AIGFA) to which AAN is affiliated. (NP)

35 AR apprehends one Two Nagas receive Bharat Ratna NSCN (K) member Dr.APJ Abul Kalam excellence award

DIMAPUR: Based on specific input, 35 Assam Rifles under aegis of Hqs IGAR (N) apprehended one NSCN (K) ‘corporal’ Cheimang, son of Nokjiang, resident of Pesao, Tobu Sub Division, Mon on January 10. According to PRO IGAR (N) the arrested person was staying in Mon town and was carrying out tax collection for NSCN (K). One pt.22 mm pistol Governor of Nagaland, P.B.Achraya felicitating the out going Principal Secretary along with ammunition to Governor Sanjay Kumar IAS at the farewell programme which was held at was recovered from him, Arrested person with seized PRO IGAR (N) added. Durbar hall, Raj Bhavan Kohima on January 14, 2017. (PRO Raj Bhavan) arm and ammunition.

Diocese of Kohima gets first priest from Archdiocese of Imphal life.

Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil ordaining Rev. Fr. Salas Ngade. DIMAPUR: Diocese of Kohima got its first priest from the Archdiocese of Imphal with the priestly ordination of Rev. Fr. Salas Ngade by Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima at Holy Rosary Parish Church, Purul, Atongba Manipur, on January 13. The ordination ceremony proper began after K


the proclamation of the gospel, with the calling of the candidate by Fr. Simon, the Parish Priest, after which the parents of Fr. Salas prayed over him and removed the traditional attire symbolizing him being set apart for God’s work. Fr. Carolus Neisalhou, the vicar general, presented the candidate for ordination, which was fol-

lowed by the homily of the bishop. Bishop in his homily, referring to the book of Numbers, said that the primary duty of every priest was to lift up Jesus crucified through the exercise of the triple office of Christ: priest, prophet and leader, so that Christ may draw all people to him and give them eternal

Bishop also thanked the parents and relatives of Fr. Salas for offering him to the service of God in the Church. After the homily, the ordination ceremony began with questioning the candidate, invocation for the power of the Holy Spirit by praying the litany of the saints, laying on of hands, prayer of consecration, investiture in the priestly attire, anointing on of hands, presentation of the gifts of bread and wine for the Eucharistic celebration and the kiss of peace. Earlier, Fr. Simon Thaikho, the Parish Priest, delivered welcome address and also gave a brief profile of Holy Rosary Parish. Rev. Fr. Henry Manar and H. Roveinai anchored ordination and felicitation program respectively. The CYA of Good Shepherd Church formed the choir and special voice from Shillong Delegates led by Khrishaiyne was also presented.

SSP participates in CBSE regional science exhibition DIMAPUR: Two students, cadet Ameka T Yeptho and cadet Sumwang Wangsa, from class XI of Sainik School Punglwa participated at CBSE regional level science exhibition 2016-17 conducted at NPS International School Guwahati from December 15 to 17. In the exhibition, the students presented a model on “heavy duty sun synchronized solar cooker” under the category industry and secured the first position in the category. Around 50 schools from North East participated in the regional exhibition with more than 100 participants from different schools. The guide for the project was Master (Physics), Ashok Kumar Das. Meanwhile, Sainik School Punglwa will also represent the region at National level science exhibition scheduled to be held in Delhi.

DIMAPUR: Er. Dr. Vikuotuolie Angami and Hotoshe Sema of Nagaland were awarded with ‘Bharat Ratna Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Excellence Award’ by former Speaker, Lok Sabha, Meira Kumar, in a ceremony held at India International Center, New Delhi on January 14. The India International Friendship Society (IIFS) in its conference on “Economic Growth and National Integration” honoured successful meritorious Indian personalities who have specialized in various fields of science and technology, education, industry, fine arts, politics and social work, in lieu of the yeoman services rendered for the growth of the nation. At the programme prominent national leaders, Bhisma Narayan Singh, former Governor of Tamil Nadu, Maj. Ved Prakash of ACCI, J&K Speaker also spoke on the theme of the

(L-R) Hotoshe Sema and Er. Dr. Vikuotuolie Angami.

conference. It may be noted that Er. Dr. Vikuotuolie Angami is a retired engineer in chief and now a renowned social and religious worker

and a recipient of several awards and Hotoshe Sema, a school teacher, social worker and a recipient of Bharat Jyoti, National and Global Teacher Award.




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nagalandpost.com Poll Q . : Should the NPFled DAN govt defer civic polls to resolve concerns with tribe organisations? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


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52% Yes it is wise No elections 46% should go on 2% Can’t say

Next poll

Q: Sh o u l d t h e c h u rc h

open a debate on prohibition?  Yes  No  Can’t say


(Temperature in ºC)

Max Min

Agartala Nice with plenty of sunshine 25 8 Aizawl

Nice with plenty of sunshine 22 3

Guwahati Nice with plenty of sunshine 24 6 Imphal

Nice with plenty of sunshine 23 3

Itanagar Plenty of sunshine

21 8


Plenty of sunshine

17 0


Sunny and cooler

17 3

Dimapur Sunny and beautiful Mkg

Sunny and not as warm

23 7 19 1

Tuensang Sunny and cooler

14 3

Sunny and cooler

17 9

Zunheboto Sunny and cooler

17 -2


26th Jakhama village Day Dimapur: 26th Jakhama village Day would be held on January 16 at 9:30 a.m. at the Jakhama village Panchayat hall. All concerned have been requested to attend the programme.

Chakhesangs celebrate Sükrünye festival in Kohima

Acharya asks NCC cadets to uphold customs and traditions

DIMAPUR: Governor of Nagaland, P. B. Acharya while highlighting the secular nature of India called upon the NCC cadets to uphold the customs and traditions adding that that the north east region was rich in resources and could take India forward. Governor along with NCC cadets. Speaking at the valedictory function of national large numbers but were not country. level Special National Inte- employable. The governor Earlier, girl’s guard 1 gration Camp on January also pointed out that though Nagaland Girls Battalion 14 at Patkai Christian Col- there are eight universities in Kohima gave an impressive lege, the governor asked north east and lakhs of grad- guard of honour with Rashthe cadets to remember uates there was no jobs. triya salute. The Cadets of their mother tongue, tradiThe governor further 17 directorates consisting of tions, culture and roots and said NCC cadets were lucky all states and union territoPhusachodu village presenting folk song during Sükrünye festival celebration on Saturday. (NP) yearn for development and to be part of a disciplined ries presented 17 folk dances organisation and should depicting their states. It was Correspondent move forward. He said the forefa- the people to forgive one progress. He lamented that In- spread the message of “uni- a representation of colourful He called upon all thers used to purify their another and live peacefully dian colleges and universi- ty and discipline” and unity mini India in all its gloryK O H I M A , J A N 1 4 the members to rise on the children during Sükrünye and harmoniously. ( N P N ) : C h a k h e s a n g s occasion and reach out to and during this festival two Sumi Hoho Kohima ties produced graduates in and diversity throughout the unity in diversity. community celebrated all other communities and days were specifically ear- president, Dr. Vinito ChiSükrünye festival, one of promote unity and social marked for purification of shi said as per the history the premier festivals of harmony by breaching both boys and girls for their Angami, Chakhesang and Chakhesang tribe, with inter-tribal differences. wellbeing and successful Sumi were brothers and pomp and gaiety under the Therieh also urged life. Lohe said parents and migrated to different parts DIMAPUR: Nagaland Governor P.B. this festive period and expressed the hope Acharya has extended warm greetings to that the festival would bring peace, unity theme “strengthening unity Chakhesangs to renew elderly relatives shower of the areas. and harmony”. The festival their commitment and blessings upon the children He urged upon the Chakhesang community on the occasion of and communal harmony to the Chakhesang was organised by Chakhe- dedication by ameliorat- who are sanctified and are Angami community, the Sükrünyi festival. In his message, Acharya community in particular and the Nagas in sang Hoho Kohima and ing their rich culture and considered as indispens- eldest of three brothers, said Sükrünyi is celebrated after the culmi- general. In a separate message, Governor P.B. was held at Kohima local traditions in tune with the able. to demonstrate their el- nation of all leisure activities and seeking ground, Saturday. changing time. In his Sükrünye greet- derly behaviour towards the blessing for a bountiful and prosperous Acharya has also extended greetings to the people of Assamese community living in In a welcome address, ings, Chairman Kohima younger brothers and other year ahead. As Sükrünyi is celebrated by the Nagaland and all over the world on the Chakhesang Hoho Kohima Delivering a speech, Village Council, Medosel- communities living in Kohipresident, Theja Therieh Chakhesang Public Orga- hou Keretsü pressed on the ma with good examples. He young and old with an array of cultural auspicious occasion of Bhogali Bihu. In his greeting message, Acharya said extended warm Siikriinye nization president, Kekh- need for revival and perse- encouraged the gathering activities, Acharya one should take time to greetings and also paid wengulo Lea urged the verance of the friendship to embrace Jesus’ absolute thank almighty for His unwavering love and Bhogali Bihu, the harvest festival, marks the end of the harvest season in the state of homage and respect to the gathering to renew and bond between the Angamis truth, brotherhood, love blessing for all in this New Year 2017. He also called upon the people to Assam. Bhogali Bihu is celebrated in North past leaders of the com- strengthen the brotherhood and the Chakhesangs, the and uphold one another. T h e p r o g r a m m e continue to safeguard and promote the East and the Makar Sankranti in Karnamunity. relationship and bring good legacy passed down by our was compeered by Rii- culture and mother tongue which are “our” taka, Kerala, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh Addressing the mam- name to the community. He forefathers. moth gathering, Therieh encouraged the ChakheWhile noting the di- kuzo Rüho and Wecheteü identity. “Let us also come together and re- and Maharashtra and Pongal in Tamilnadu, expressed concern over sangs to set good example minishing good values and Khape, invocation prayer dedicate ourselves to make the atmosphere Lohri in North India. He noted that “our” festivals are rediminishing values such to other communities in traditions among the young- said by Rev. Zhowhuyi conducive in our towns and villages for peaceful coexistence and for an all round lated to agriculture and nature’s seasons as mutual respect, rec- their words and deeds. er generation, Keretsü said Nyekha, vocal ensemble ognition, goodwill and Highlighting the gath- it is time to rethink, revive, presented by Vesato The- development in the state”, read the mes- and occupy a prominent role in the cultural life of India. acceptance in this present ering on the significance preserve and promote the luo and Akhrou eswüh, sage. The governor said his wife Kavita Further, the governor has wished that society. He highlighted of Sükrünye festival, Z. spirit of brotherhood and cultural presentation prethe need of making a seri- Lohe said Chakhesangs love between the two com- sented by Phusachodu vil- Acharya joins him in conveying their best the celebration of these festivals be a harbinous effort to do away with celebrate seven traditional munities. This in return, he lage and Chakhesang cul- wishes to Chakhesang community during ger of peace and prosperity in the society. wrong practices the “we” festivals in a year and that said, would foster peace, tural research institute and learnt in the transition and Sükrünye was one of the unity and security among closing pronounced by Rev. re-learn the social values to major festivals. the people. He also asked Pusazo Chüzho.

Gov’s Sükrünyi, Bhogali Bihu greetings

NZP exchanges animals with Thiruvananthapuram Zoo

Kohima Male Asiatic Bear DIMAPUR: Nagaland Zoological Park (NZP), Rangapahar first animal exchange prog ramme under animal exchange programme with Thiruvananthapuram Zoo was successfully completed on January 14.



Nagaland Post, Dimapur Sunday, January 15, 2017

In a press note, NZP director Sentichuba Aier said, two Asiatic Black Bears named Kohima (male) and Dimapur (female) were transported to Dimapur Railway Station after completing all formalities for exchange.

Dimapur Female Asiatic bear He said, the two bears would travel to their new home in Thir uvananthapuram Zoo in the southern State of Kerala and that the bears are being sent in exchange for a pair of Royal Bengal Tigers that were recently

received by Nagaland Zoological Park. The two royal Bengal tigers has been kept under quarantine inside the Zoo and would be released for display after completion of quarantine period, he added.

CM extends Sükrünyi greetings

DIMAPUR: On the festive occasion of Sükrünyi, the state chief minister, TR Zeliang, has extended greetings to the Chakhesang community and expressed hope that the occasion would not only be a time for merriment but a time to recreate the flavour and purpose of the festival. In his message, Zeliang said, “As the colorful festival marks the beginning of sowing season ahead, the Chakhesang community gears up and celebrate the most important festival with traditional fervor and gaiety as it symbolizes the sanctification of youth and a ceremony to ensure prosperous future for the community”. Further, the chief minister wished the Chakhesang community a joyous and peaceful celebration.

‘Road Safety Week 2017’ observed in Dimapur

ABPDK golden jubilee celebration gets underway at Sechü Zubza

Pastors and Deacons of Japfüphiki BPDK presenting a special number during the inaugural worship service at SBS, Sechü Zubza on January 13. DIMAPUR: Three-day Angami Baptist Pastor Dikon Krotho (ABPDKPastors and Deacons Organisation) golden jubilee celebration commenced on January 13 at Sechü Zubza. Hundreds of pastors and deacons from all the Baptist churches under the Angami Baptist Church Council (ABCC) are attending the celebration held at the amphitheatre of Shalom Bible Seminary with Sechü Zubza Baptist Church as the host. Marking the commencement of the jubilee celebration, the ABPDK 50 year’s monolith was unveiled by Baptist Pastor, Church Khonoma, Rev. Tsolie Chase followed by

the lighting of the jubilee torch by Tsiemekhuma Baptist Church pastor, Sakralie Rio and inauguration of the jubilee conference hall by Khedi Baptist Church former pastor, Rev. Viwelie Khezhie. The speaker for the inaugural worship service executive director of ABCC Rev. Dr. V. Atsi Dolie challenged the pastors and deacons to take the responsibility to preach the gospel to the next generation. “It is the responsibility of the present generation to preach the gospel to the next generation. If we fail on our part, the coming generation will suffer,” he exhorted. E a r l i e r, t h e p r o gramme, chaired by pas-

tor, Khuzama Baptist Church, Kevisezo Hibo, commenced with invocation pronounced by pastor, Teichü Basa BC, Pfusovi Metha. Welcome address was delivered by pastor, Sechü Zubza BC Khriengulie Kuotsu, while the ABPDK presidential address was delivered by Rev. Rüdilhu Rio. Special songs were presented by Japfüphiki BPDK and men and women department of SZBC. A drill display from the child evangelism department of Sechü Zubza Baptist was also witnessed at the function. The ABPDK golden jubilee magazine was also released by Chakhroma BPDK Pastor, Rev. Lhouzoviu Shüya.

(L-R) DDTOA members along with East police OC and YES bank staff poisng for a lens at the road safety programme. (NP) Staff of M/s apex motor enterprise pasting awareness stickers in a car. Staff Reporter D I M A P U R , JA N 1 4 (NPN): To create awareness on the importance of traffic rules and regulations among the masses, Dimapur District Truck Owners Association (DDTOA) in collaboration with Yes Bank Dimapur Branch on Saturday conducted “traffic awareness seminar” at DTOA office premises, near Amar Roller Mill Golaghat Road Dimapur under the topic “Road K


safety”. The seminar was conducted commemorating the “26th Road Safety Week” being observed across the nation. Creating awareness on importance of road safety, Yes Bank Dimapur branch manager, Puloto Swu also cautioned the gathering on the usage of using mobile phones while driving, listening to music, riding two wheelers without a helmet etc. He asked the par-

ticipants to be aware of the diminutive things so as avoid accidents and save life. Swu also lauded DDTOA for taking up the initiative to organize such programmes for the truck drivers in particular which would not only benefit the drivers but the public in general. The branch manager also briefed the gathering about Yes bank and its achievements. YES Bank officer, Deshant Sethi conducted

quiz competition where the participants actively took part in differentiating the various signs and symbols of traffic. Meanwhile, DDTOA president Hokheto Kiba while delivering vote of thanks encouraged the participants to share the message of what they have learnt and spread the awareness to all. Earlier, the programme was chaired by DDTOA general secretary Kivigho Zhimomi. Altogether, more than

50 truck drivers including DDTOA members, Yes bank officials and East Police Station, OC Bendang attended the programme. Pamphlets were also distributed to the participants. Meanwhile, in a different programme, M/s apex motor enter prise also observed road safety week. Highlights of the programme included interaction with taxi drivers, students and traffic personal about road safety. K



UNC opposes IndiaPolitical parties step up poll activities Myanmar border fencing

NE states reeling under cold wave Agartala, Jan 14 (IANS): The entire northeastern region on Saturday reeled under a severe cold wave with the lowest temperature hovering between 3 and 8 degrees Celsius, weather officials said. Tripura on Saturday recorded the lowest temperature of the current winter season at 6.3 degrees Celsius. “Today’s (Saturday) minimum temperature in Agartala was recorded at 6.3 degrees Celsius and maximum at 23.5 degrees Celsius. For the first time in the last several years the mercury plummeted to 6.3 degrees Celsius,” India Meteorological Department (IMD) official said. The official said that the capital cities of the other northeastern states have also witnessed the minimum temperatures plummeting to 3 to 8 degrees Celsius.

A party source said that that BJP election incharge Prakash Javadekar for the state and in-charge of party affairs of the state Prahlad Singh Patel were scheduled to arrive Sunday at Imphal to discuss the matters related with nomination of candidates. As of now, the party is considering offering of tickets to the intending candidates selected by a high level committee of the party, the source added. For the matter, the party has already collected names and other details of all the people who desire to contest the forthcoming elections on BJP tickets from each Assembly segment. Party leaders at the Centre were reportedly studying the matters as they were keen to offer the ticket to the intending candidate who have brightest prospect of winning the election. As such, the party may not

invite applications from among the masses for party tickets, the source added. Other political parties operating in the state were also preparing for fielding their candidates. For the two regional parties, Manipur People’s Party (MPP) and Naga People’s Front (NPF), there is no report of making pre-poll alliance for the time being. However, some national level parties have already announced contesting the poll under a common platform under Left Democratic Front Manipur (LDFM) and are reportedly consulting each other for choosing candidates. LDFM was formed by six different political parties and the front is expecting fielding its candidates to as many as 40 Assembly segments out of the total 60 seats. The constituent member parties of the front are CPI, CPI-M, JD-U, NCP, AAP and MNDF.

Tripura troopers to be deployed for Punjab, UP polls

Khandu inducts three ministers into his cabinet

Agartala, Jan 14 (IANS): Two battalions of Tripura State Rifles (TSR) will be deployed in the upcoming Punjab and Uttar Pradesh assembly elections, an official said here on Saturday. “Two battalions of TSR personnel led by Commandants Pinaki Samanta and Kerry Marak left here on Friday for Punjab,” a Tripura home department official told IANS. He said “The TSR personnel would be posted in Punjab according to the direction of the Election Commission and after the Punjab assembly elections they would move to Uttar Pradesh.” The official said that following the request of the union home ministry the counter-insurgency trained force has been sent to the two states.

Assembly elections in Punjab will take place on February 4 while Uttar Pradesh would go to the polls in seven phases between February 11 and March 8. “Besides providing security during Commonwealth Games in New Delhi in 2010, the India Reserve (IR) battalions of TSR were earlier sent to Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Haryana, Nagaland and Mizoram to provide security during polls,” the official said. The TSR battalions, trained in anti-insurgency operations, were constituted in March 1984 to deal with terrorism. Seventy five per cent of the troopers are from Tripura while the remaining are from across the country.

I t ana g a r , J an 14 (IANS): Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Saturday inducted three new ministers, Alo Libang, Bamang Felix and Mahesh Chai, into his cabinet. While Alo Libang represents Tuting-Yingkiong constituency, Felix is the elected representative from Nyapin constituency. Mahesh Chai represents the Tezu constituency in the state. A statement issued by the Governor House in Itanagar confirmed this on Saturday and said Governor V. Shanmuganathan administered the oath of office and secrecy to the new ministers at a function held at the Darbar Hall in Raj Bhavan.

I mphal , J an 1 4 (IANS): Manipur’s apex body of Naga civil society organisations, the United Naga Council (UNC), on Saturday opposed the fencing work between India and Myanmar and appealed to Nagas to jointly oppose it. UNC general secretary Milan Shimrey termed the move as ‘great injustice’ committed on the Naga people and said that such move to fence the border is bound to deprive the inherent rights of the ‘Naga family’ from communicating with each other. Shimrey said that this ‘divisive’ policy of the Indian government will create a rift among the ‘Naga family’ and appealed to everyone to thwart the move. “All the Nagas should oppose it as this border fencing infringes the rights of the Naga people,” he

added. The fencing work is on at remote Pangsha village in Nagaland’s Tuensang district. Earlier, the NSCN (IM), NSCN (K), Eastern Naga Peoples’ Organization (ENPO) and several other Nagaland based social organization had opposed the move to fence the India-Myanmar border in Nagaland, both sides of which are inhabited by Naga tribes since time immemorial. The UNC has been continuing with the blockade of two National Highways of Manipur -- the NH 53 and NH 2 -- since November 1 cutting the supply lines to remote areas of Manipur in protest against the Manipur government’s decision to create seven new districts bifurcating some Naga inhabited areas.

Dated LLG the 12/1/17

Whereas, Smti. L. Bau-E Phom of Yongnyah Village has applied for issue of Succession Certificate to operate/draw/ transfer/withdraw the debts & securities in respect of Late Shri. L. Chingnyu, who expired on 15-Nov-2016. Now therefore, public are hereby asked to file claims/ objections, if any within one month from the date of issue of this notice. (Y. Denngan Avennoho Phom), NCS Deputy Commissioner Longleng : Nagaland.







FELICITATION The East Dimapur Muslim Community with profound gratitude and immense pride extend our heartiest congratulations to Miss Sulina Jigdong, D/o Late Tajen Jigdong and Smt. Amola Jigdong of Darogajan Village, East Dimapur for being conferred with Radhabai Kapre Gold Medal Award for securing the highest CGPA 6.81 and completing AMIETE (Computer Science & Engineering) for the year 2016 You have made yourself, family, Village, Tribe and Nagaland state proud. Wish you all the best and success in your future endeavour. May Almighty God bless you and your family. Soburuddin Ahmed Mukibur Rahman President Advisor

T h e Ta m l u U n i o n K o h i m a would like to extend our heartiest c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o M i s s W. Liyong Nekong, Daughter of Mr. H.Wenkong Konyak Rtd. Addl. S e c y. F i n a n c e a n d S m t i . L t . Nono Nekong on being awarded Siddaiah Lakshmidevamma and Kempegowda Lingappa Gold Medal’ in MSC Geology (Paleontology of Mysore University). The Union thank God and her for bringing laurel to the society (Union). May God grant wisdom, good health and success in your future endeavour. T. Nyangpong Konyak S.Tangpa Konyak President (TUK) General Secretary (TUK)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We shall be grateful to the following personals of 28 th Assam Rifles, Wokha, Nagaland for donating blood to Mr. Rhonbemo Ezung of Pongidong Village, Wokha District and saving his life from serious illness. We shall be thankful to them ever. Moreover also for being ready to extend any kind of help during any kind of emergencies. Aremo Ezung & Relatives DP-526

We on behalf of all the Land Owners of Yanpha Village area under SDO Civil Ralan would like to express our sincere gratitude to Shri. Thungchanbemo Tungoe, SDO Civil Ralan, a very sincere and dedicated public servant. Since his posting as SDO Civil Ralan, he has single handedly resolved many land disputes/issues between Adivasis (Tenants) and landowners. Noteworthy to mention here that under his able leadership we have reclaimed our almost lost lands (paddy fields) which rightfully belong to us since time immemorial at Shantipur area in Yanpha Village. We sincerely thank the State Government for posting such a sincere officer in border areas, particularly in Ralan a very sensitive area. We pray that Almighty God provides him wisdom and long life.



Dated Kiphire the 11th Jan’ 2017

Whereas Smti. Selipishe W/o Late. Lichotsa P/No. 13050 VG, of Kiphire Village has applied for issue of Succession Certificate under the Indian Succession Act, 1925 in order to draw/receive the payments of movable/immovable properties of her husband Late Lichotsa who was serving as V.G under the establishment of Deputy Commandant Village Guard, Kiphire, Nagaland, who expired on 31/08/2016. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY 1. G.P.F 2. G.I.S 3. F.B.F 4. Pension case 5. Any other dues etc. From the office of the Deputy Commandant Village Guard, Kiphire, Nagaland. Public are hereby asked to file objection/claims if any within 30 (Thirty) days from the date of issue of this order. If no objection/claims is received within the given time, Succession Certificate will be issued in favour of the applicant. (DR. TINOJONGSHI CAHNG) Additional Deputy Commissioner, Kiphire : Nagaland. DP-539


Mr. Chenirao Shitiri Mr. Mhonchan Lotha Mr. Yinavungo Tungoe Mr. Mhonsao Humtsoe Mr. Yibomo Lotha




Mr. W. Yihamo Humtsoe Mr. Khondao Tsopoe Mr. Wosumo Lotha Mr. Wozamo Ngully Mrs. Thungchano Ezung

Yo!! Lino, snowhite Happy birthday! Wishing you amazing day may you always shine throughout your life as u used to and the good loard continue to guide & bless you. Have fun!!! Your superduperman

Nchangram Lun Chekammai Aruang (NLCA) would like to extend our heartiest CONGRATULATIONS to Shri. PAUDABO NCHANG for being promoted to the post of Director, Art & Culture, Government of Nagaland. Your great achievement is highly appreciated as it has brought laurels to Nchangram Village and NLCA wishes you the very best for you new responsibilities. Bangdun Nring, President Nchangram Lun Chekammai Aruang



Dear Sarah On your special day, we wish you good luck. I hope this wonderful day will fill up your heart with joy and blessings. Have a fantastic birthday, celebrate the happiness on every day of your life. Happy Birthday!! From Extreme_5(nbck-yd) _______________________



No. LLG/JUD/SUC/2009-10/756

Dear, Lijungri. Good morning bro. Wishing a very happy birthday. May your dream come true. God bless you. From loving bro. Suzikhum, Shemba, S Litingse Sangtam, Neeraj and friends. ______________________________


IMPHAL, Jan 14: Even though political parties are yet to announce their nominees for the ensuing March elections to the Manipur Legislative Assembly, some individuals have started their election campaigns. The elections to the 11th Manipur Legislative Assembly will be conducted in two phases, on March 4 and 8. The notification for the first phase polls will be issued on February 8 in which polling for 38 Assembly constituencies will be conducted while that of second phase will be issued on February 11 for the remaining 22 constituencies. Out of the 80 intending candidates who have obtained form to contest as Congress nominees, 44 of them have so far submitted forms. The last date for submission of form is till 4 pm

of January 25, according to a party source. Among the intending candidates who obtained the application form includes incumbent chief minister O Ibobi’s son Okram Surjakumar (Kennedy) after her mother and sitting legislator Landhoni Devi announced her retirement from active politics recently. Surjakumar will contest the election from Khangabok A/C. For the BJP, which is in power at the Centre, application form is yet to be issued and for the time being, it is not clear whether the intending candidates would be invited officially or whether the party tickets would be given within the party itself. The matter on whether the party will invite application from the intending candidates or ticket would be given to the intending candidates the party selected is likely to decide by Sunday.



Nagaland Post, Dimapur sunday, january 15, 2017







Kiyeshe/Sukhai Ghami Dimapur phughilo akemi eno sukumuxa lo xukuami kumutsu pelono atsala 18-01-2017 lo SUKUSHO ENO KUKUMUGHA kighini luniye akeulo khiumu vezumono putuka kibo hekutsupe ighino kukumugha kusaje lupe nike pithi ani. A-a : Darogapathar Sumi Prayer Fellowship, Near K. Hollohon Resident, Dimapur Ado : 7:00 Inaqhe DP-552

(Hekiye Murumi) Chairman KSWD




Kitami Baptist Church, Sunday school has celebrated the Golden Jubilee on 7th – 8th January 2017 under the Theme "Thoghiu Kuvu" (Brighter Tomorrow) at Kitami Baptist Church Premises. The monolith of Golden Jubilee was unveiled by Rev. Hotokhu P. Zhimomi, Executive Secretary, SABAK Pughoboto and the Jubilee Souvenir were released as a part of the service by Mr. Atovi N. Assumi Mission & Evangelical SABAK. Miss Veqheli Wotsa Child Director SABAK and Dr. Esther Child Pastor SBC Dimapur were the main Speaker of the jubilee services. The founder Sunday School KBC Miss. Shivili Assumi, Ex. Women Pastor and Mrs. Hokhuli Sukhato Wotsa spoke the words of gratitude. Other highlight of the program includes Bible Quiz, Bible Recitation, and Talent show which had followed by jubilee feast. The Church and the Jubilee Committee express the heartfelt appreciation to all the members, in-laws and individual who have contributed towards the grand success of the program.

Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate of Late Imlimar Aier has filed by Smti Temsulemla relation-mother R/o Naharbari Village, H/No-118 B/No 21 to draw his :1. GPF. 2. Leave encashment. 3. GIS 4. Gratuity Pension Benefit 5. Other Service Benefit Who expired on 19-09-2016. Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate of this said deceased may if she/he so desire appear in this court on or before the said day of 13th Feb. 2017. Given under the hand and seal of the court on this 13th Day of Feb. 2017.


Principal District and Sessions Judge Dimapur : Nagaland

Jallikattu agitations: 149 held

Madurai, Jan 14 (PTI): Determined in their efforts to conduct ‘Jallikattu’, people today mounted pressure on the Central and state governments by launching agitations against the ban on the bull taming sport, leading to detention of 149 protesters. The die-hard supporters of the sport along with major political parties in the state have been demanding an ordinance for conducting Jallikattu after the Supreme Court imposed a ban on it. While Jallikattu is held in Avaniapuram on Pongal day today, it shifts to Palamedu and Alanganallur in the district during the next two days. While 68 villagers were detained at Alanganallur staging a rail roko, several groups of young men led by film director Gowthaman, were held at Avaniapuram bus-stand near here for demanding lifting of the ban on the sport, police said. “To ensure maintenance of law and order and compliance of Supreme Court orders, we detained Gowthaman and 148 others,” Commissioner of Po-

People protest the ban on Jallikattu in Madurai.

got anywhere near the ‘Vadivaasal’ (entry points for bulls to the open grounds where Jallikattu used to be held). In a village off Alanganallur, a youth climbed a mobile phone tower seeking nod for Jallikattu. CPI state secretary R Mutharasan and PMK chief Ramadoss claimed that the protesters were lathicharged at Avaniapuram, and demanded action against those responsible. Police, however, said the protesters were only detained. Meanwhile, BJP’s state president Tamilisai Soun-

dararajan told reporters in Coimbatore that the party had been hopeful and was expecting that the Supreme Court would give a favourable verdict on Jallikkattu. But the postponement of verdict has come as shock to all, she said. To a specific question on PETA writing to the President to dismiss the Tamil Nadu government if the sport was allowed during Pongal festival, she said the organisation had no right to make such a demand and that the animal rights group should be banned.

Ordeals will be samefor women opting for combat role, says army chief Bipin Rawat

Not against any community: RSS

Khadi imbroglio: Tushar Gandhi attacks Modi Mumbai, Jan 14 (IANS): The great-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, Tushar A. Gandhi, on Saturday attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the wake of the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) diary-calendar controversy. “PM models for polyvastra (polyesterene). Bapu (Mahatma Gandhi) wore khaddar (khadi) to Buckingham Palace, not a Rs 10 lakh suit,” Gandhi said in a sharp tweet. He added: “Haath me Charkha, Dil me Nathuram. No sin in calling a spade a spade and a joker a joker on television,” and demanded shutting down the KVIC. Gandhi was referring to his iconic great-grandfather’s historic visit to Britain in 1931, when he met Britain’s King George V and Queen Mary, clad in his trademark plain loincloth and a shawl. In comparison, Modi wore a controversial expensive suit during US President Barack Obama’s visit to India in January 2015. In an earlier tweet, Gandhi said: “Tera Charkha le gaya Chor, Sun le Bapu ye Paigaam, Meri Chitthi tere naam (Your spinning wheel has been stolen -- a message to Bapu)... First, Bapu disappeared from few Rs 2,000 currency notes, now he disappears from KVIC office and calendar. Replaced by Rs 10 lakh-ka suit loving PM.”

lice, Madurai City, Shailesh Kumar Yadav told PTI. He said while the police allowed the film director to address the gathering for about 15-20 minutes, but his speech became “instigating” later. On claims that symbolic Jallikattu was held in one or two places to show opposition to the ban, Yadav said, “No Jallikattu was held and nothing will be held. We are ensuring that law is followed.” He said all across the 27 km of the city and suburbs, adequate police personnel have been deployed to ensure that none

Bipin Rawat

combat arms of the Army except on frontlines, General Rawat reminded that there are no toilet facilities when they go out on patrol. “There is no toilet.

Everybody gets his bottle, he goes out...and he returns after some time. If women are willing to move out in that environment, the women themselves need to take a call. Once the women are willing to take this kind of call, we will address this issue,” he said. He said patrol can be for 20-25 days and the longest one to the border was in Arunachal Pradesh for 35 days. “Now at night, when you halt, all that happens is a blue sheet is pulled out and everybody sleeps under it together.

Ko lk at a , J a n 1 4 (IANS): RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat on Saturday asserted the organisation is “not against anyone” but only working to unite and strengthen the Hindu community. “We are not against anyone but only working to unite the Hindu community and to empower the Hindu society,” Bhagwat said while addressing a rally here. “Can anyone stop us? No one can stop us. We have to work. We have and we will keep on doing it. Increase activism, it doesn’t increase from preaching,” he said in his message on Makar Sankranti.

Kollegal tense after Ambedkar Arch defiled BENGALURU, JAN 14 (AGENCIES): A tense environment prevailed, while a couple of vehicles were damaged, after footwear was hung on an arch commemorating B.R. Ambedkar at Kollegal town of Chamrajnagar district on Saturday. With protests erupting across the town by Scheduled Caste organisatons, the district police have enforced prohibitory orders at Kollegal till January 22. According to the district police, unidentified persons hung footwear on an arch leading to Bheemanagar, a predominantly dalit populated area sometime on Saturay night. The arch had a picture of Dr. Ambedkar prominently in the middle. The discovery of the defiling led to a spontaneous outburst by residents and local organisations. Major roads in the town were blocked. “One KSRTC bus was pelted with stones, while the panes of another private vehicle were damaged. We have deployed police forces in the town, and the situation is under control,” said SP Kuldeepkumar Jain .

New Delhi, Jan 14 (IANS): Nine deaths were reported from Uttar Pradesh as a severe cold wave gripped northern India on Saturday with Himachal Pradesh’s Keylong and Jammu and Kashmir’s Kargil registering minus 13.9 and minus 15.6 degrees Celsius, respectively, while the national capital here recorded its lowest temperature of the season. According to the weather office, another spell of rain and snowfall was expected both in Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir on January 15 and 16.

C h a n d i g a r h / Am abala, Jan 14 (IANS): Sparking a new controversy over the Father of the Nation, Haryana Minister Anil Vij said on Saturday that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was a “bigger brand” than Mahatma Gandhi but later retracted his statement as it attracted flak. Vij, who is known for his controversial comments on anything, including his own Bharatiya Janata Party and its leadership, told media persons in Ambala that after Mahatma’s photographs were replaced with Modi’s in the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) calendar 2017, Gandhi’s picture would also be removed from currency notes. While the Congress lambasted the mindset of the BJP minister, the BJP distanced itself from the comments saying that his “views could be personal”. Vij, the state Health and Sports Minister later on Saturday tweeted: “The comments on Mahatma Gandhi are personal. I am withdrawing this so that it does not hurt anyone’s

Anil Vij

sentiments.” However, he did not offer any apology for the comments. Interacting with media persons in Ambala, Vij said that from the time that Mahatma Gandhi’s name was associated with Khadi (movement), Khadi had failed. “Gandhi’s name is not patented with Khadi. “It’s good that Modi’s photo replaced that of Gandhi’s in the calendar,” Vij said. The minister did not stop here. “Mahatma Gandhi ka aisa naam hai, note ke upar chipak gaya jis din se, note ki devaluation ho gayi. Achha kiya hai ke Gandhi ka hata ke Modi ka lagaya hai. Modi

ziyada better brand name hai aur Modi ki photo lagney se 14 per cent sale badi hai khadi ki (Mahatma Gandhi’s name is such that from the day his picture is pasted on the (currency) note, the note got devalued. It is good that they (KVIC) removed Gandhi’s photo and put Modi’s. Modi is a much better brand. Khadi sales have increased by 14 per cent after putting Modi’s photo,” he said. Asked why Mahatma’s photographs were still printed on new currency notes issued under the Modi government, Vij said: “Hatt jayengey dheere dheere (They will be removed slowly).” Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar also distanced himself from Vij’s comments. The whole controversy started with Modi’s picture spinning the charkha donning the cover page of the Khadi Village Industries Commission (KVIC) calendar and diary, instead of the iconic picture of Gandhi weaving Khadi on a simple charkha, wearing his trademark loin cloth.

With this the weatherman has predicted even harsher weather in the next few days as Siberian winds and a western disturbance were expected to bring down the temperatures further. With the Uttar Pradesh capital registering a dip of more than seven degrees, at least nine deaths were reported from Kannauj and Kanpur rural since Friday, an official said on Saturday. The Met office said that the mercury would dip steadily till January 19 after which the weather conditions might improve in the

state. All schools upto class VIII have been shut down till Monday. The minimum temperature in Lucknow was recorded at 0.4 degrees Celsius, making it the coldest place in the state. The regional Met office said that it was the lowest in several years. Intense cold wave has gripped the Kashmir Valley as it passes through the 40day period of harsh cold -- ‘Chillai Kalan’ -- which began on December 21 and would end on January 30. All water bodies in the valley were either completely or partially frozen.

Gulmarg and Pahalgam recorded minus 14.4 and minus 12 degrees Celsius, respectively. Similar conditions were witnessed in most parts of Himachal Pradesh as prominent tourist towns like Shimla, Narkanda, Kufri, Kalpa, Dalhousie and Manali were likely to experience light to moderate spells of snowfall in the coming days. Delhi on Saturday recorded its lowest temperature of the season with the mercury dipping to 3.2 degrees Celsius, four notches below the season’s average, a weather official said.

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Modi bigger brand than Gandhi, says Haryana minister; retracts after flak

Chill grips North India; mercury continues to dip


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NEW DELHI, JAN 14 (PTI): Battling for equal opportunity for men and women, Army chief General Bipin Rawat said on Friday it’s up to women to decide if they are willing to join men in frontline combat role without separate and additional facilities. “You have to see society as whole. I have said that if we induct women into combat role, they will have to share equal responsibility like their male counterparts because equal opportunity must come with equal responsibility. Which means that they will have to perform exactly the same task,” he said addressing his first annual conference in Delhi after taking over as Chief of Army Staff on December 31. Giving examples of the ordeals, he mentioned that when out on tanks, the men sleep under the tank during the night with no separate facility. Noting that women are present in



Nagaland Post, Dimapur sunday, january 15, 2017

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Nagaland Post


Equality for all

Vol. XXVII NO. 39 Dimapur, Sunday, January 15, 2017

Unwanted confrontation


eservation of 33% of the total seats in elective bodies - Panchayats, Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and possibly assemblies and parliament-for women continues to divide opinions though not necessarily along gender lines since it is as contentious. Many have written and many continue to write and speak about the issue of 33% women reservation to ULBs in Nagaland since 2006. The issue has brought the tribe organisations and civil society groups on one side and on the other side, women leaders and state government. The NPF-led DAN has shown that it can shift its stand on issues depending on the situation of choice. This can be seen from how it first amended the Act in 2006 to include reservation and then after an unfavourable court ruling that went against it, the government passed a resolution in the assembly to reject 33% women reservation in September 22, 2012. After that, the government obtained a favourable ruling from the Division Bench with the understanding that it would seek to resolve the issue by coming out with some arrangement through wide consultations with all stakeholders-women leaders and tribe organisations. Strangely, since then the same government that retained power, somehow failed to do anything for almost four years. Again, after years of being comatose over the issue, the same government was pricked into activity when it jumped the queue in deciding to hold civic polls even before the state assembly was to reverse its own decision on the issue of 33% women reservation. Prior to the assembly session, the government conducted an academic exercise by inviting some tribe organisations (no women leaders) to discuss certain clauses with regard to reservation for ST/ SC and municipal tax etc and not specifically for the burning issue of 33% women reservation. When the reservation issue was raised by some tribe organisations and also sought more time for discussions, the government offered little. By brushing aside serious concerns that have yet to be addressed and as demanded by various tribe organisations, the government cannot feign ignorance that it would lead to unwanted confrontation between the stake holders. The flip flop of the government can be seen in how it reversed its September 22,2012 resolution that had been spearheaded by present chief minister T.R.Zeliang as then minister of parliamentary affairs. Without much debate or discussion on its flip flop on the 33% women reservation, the government steam rolled the resolution when no member was allowed to differ through a five-point whip on its legislators to speak in a dissenting voice. The government then reversed its own decision with least waste of time on November 24,2016 and cleared the decks for the civic polls. There are concerns on all sides, some real and some perceived. The concerns expressed by the tribe organisations and civil society groups should have been addressed in the interest of ensuring a clearer understanding on Article 371A. Similarly, the desire of some women who want to gain entry in to elective body like ULBs through reservation. Many have spoken words of wisdom and in all, the common theme heard was –dialogue. After all, Article 371A encompasses all people, both males and females and it should be utilised to benefit the state. It would have been better served if the government acted as a catalyst rather than a confrontationist.

DailyDevotion Called By God I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” —Isaiah 6:8 God did not direct His call to Isaiah— Isaiah overheard God saying, “…who will go for Us?” The call of God is not just for a select few but for everyone. Whether I hear God’s call or not depends on the condition of my ears, and exactly what I hear depends upon my spiritual attitude. “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). That is, few prove that they are the chosen ones. The chosen ones are those who have come into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and have had their spiritual condition changed and their ears opened. Then they hear “the voice of the Lord” continually asking, “…who will go for Us?” However, God doesn’t single out someone and say, “Now, you go.” He did not force His will on Isaiah. Isaiah was in the presence of God, and he overheard the call. His response, performed in complete freedom, could only be to say, “Here am I! Send me.” Remove the thought from your mind of expecting God to come to force you or to plead with you. When our Lord called His disciples, He did it without irresistible pressure from the outside. The quiet, yet passionate, insistence of His “Follow Me” was spoken to men whose every sense was receptive (Matthew 4:19). If we will allow the Holy Spirit to bring us face to face with God, we too will hear what Isaiah heard— “the voice of the Lord.” In perfect freedom we too will say, “Here am I! Send me.”


Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one. ~ C.S. Lewis

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Sunday, January 15, 2017


ll the legal Points and Constitutional Issues in connection with the 33% Seat Reservation in the Urban Local Bodies for the Female Gender that the Joint Woman Organization Nagaland has brought out in the local Papers on 13 January 2017 must be true. The Organization’s Statement is Right in the legal context. The no-critical Nagaland Assembly and the naive, personally all very good Legislators have characteristically proven myopic in Principles in Nagaland contexts and brought this acrimonious controversy to Nagaland today. In the universal democratic political context of Principles, the Woman Organization’s demand for special 33% Seat Reservation for the woman alone in the Urban Local Bodies while they share the remaining 67 % Seats freely with the Males, is UNREASONABLY INEQUAL. The Males are barred from the 33% woman’s Seat but the Women are free to share any of the remaining 67 Seats! All the Seats, 100% of them appertain to all bona fides in the Society irrespective of Gender but 33% are apportioned specifically separate for the Woman only. What an Inequity? Article 243 of the Constitution of India may look at the Reservation as REASONABLE in its alleged view that “the Society limits the Women”. Which Society does the Constitution of India have in Mind? The Naga Society does not look down on Woman. In Naga Polity, Man and Woman have different Positions in Public Matters. This natural separate Position of Man and Women in Public Polity cannot artificially homogenize with Special Undemocratic Political Favor for Women in the Urban Areas. The conditions of atmosphere in the Urban Area are the same for


he most unwanted statement of so called T.L. Angami in his article published on January 11 has hurt the sentiment of many Naga national leaders whose destructive opinion and Anti-Naga language has sown the seed of “ism” and “Ego” problem within the Naga society, it is also a matter of great insult to the Naga brethren who have sacrificed their lives for the common cause of Naga Political aspiration as well as to the living National workers who are voluntarily rendering their service to achieve it at any cost for self determination till date. On the other hand every mankind in born to die one day or other but the history will remain alive till the end of this world therefore T.L. Angami if you feel that you are a gentleman you should speak and act like gentlemen, indeed a person’s life is like a


both Man and Woman. There is no special need of political favor for woman alone in the Urban Area. If the female Gender in Urban Area needs special political favor, those Women in the Rural Areas have the same requirement too. The 33% Reserved Seats for Woman in Urban Bodies is Unequal Political Favor, perhaps granted not for nothing from the sage Government! The favor is not available in the Lok Sabha, it is not in the State Legislative Assembly; in Raja Sabha this favoritism does not exist. The 33% Reservation for the Urban elite Woman is totally unadvised, uncalled for and unnecessary in Nagaland condition today. There should be democratic Equality in Politic for all. It is argued that the Single Bench Supreme Court passed judgment that the 33% Reservation for Women in the ULB does not impinge on the Article 371A of Nagaland. If the Supreme Court has passed such a Judgment, then it must be so. But Let Article 371A alone: The unwritten Article of Common Consensus Conscience etched in the Heart of the Nagas in the Naga Village Council from time immemorial is more conscionable for the Naga Society. If Constitution says ‘Society limits the Women’ in India, it must be so. This Writer did not find Article 243 in his Copy of the Indian Constitution Book. He enquired from another reliable Person’s Copy, but there also, it is not listed. It is not known whether the Article is repealed or not but a District Magistrate said it still is Current. However, whether the Article is repealed or not; has no worry for the Writer because in the Naga Polity, the position of Male and Female Gender is different. The Male Gender’s Stand in the Naga Polity today is nearer the modern political

principle of ‘EQUALITY FOR ALL in the Assembly, in Parliament or in the Local elective Bodies. There should be no Special treatment for one Gender only, and like it or not, the Majority Decision is honored in Democracy. This unwritten Magna Charta is etched in the Heart of the Naga Village Council. It is a kind of wild but is Pure Democracy. It may be unimaginable to other Societies. It was unimaginable to the civilized Authors of the Magana Carta long ago but the amazingly found it functioning “here and today in these People”. It is troublingly functioning in Naga Society today. Some elite women may not like this, but Women are shorter sighted than Males in the long term historical Perspective for a People. Nagas are still in the threshold of their History and the Females may give weightier consider for the decisions of the majority rather than their short-term immediate election prospects. It is for the long-term historical perspective of their People that Nagaland strongly stands on the Indigenous Issue also where some woman may consider Woman Rights as more immediate. There are many good Rules and Regulations in the Indian Constitution Nagas need to follow, but India also need to give spaces for relevant, conscionable unwritten Naga Practices the Parliament of India has already agreed. Nagaland Assembly Legislators may like to read the ‘writings on the Wall’ and withdraw the 33% Reservation Regulation before the end of this Age after thorough and deep consultation with the people of Nagaland, and the woman Organization may also kindly withdraw their Case for the love of the Naga Society. Thepfulhouvi Solo. IFS Retd (RR-68), Retd Principal Secretary, Nagaland

Rejoinder on ChepoketaIkiye village reconciliation


he Ikiye Village Council held an emergency meeting at Ikiye Village premises on dated 12th January 2017 in view of the “Reconciliation meeting between Chepoketa and Ikiye” which appeared in the local dailies paper. Taking a serious note, the Ikiye Village Council held a meeting and strongly resolved and declared to the general public and Hokheto Aye, Dubashi (retd) and Inato Aye Dubashe Satoi, son of Late Sakiye for misleading the public and defaming Ikiye Village, its Public and GBs which are as under:1. That the “Reconciliation Meeting between Chepoketa Village and Ikiye Village” that has appeared in the local dailies dated, 11th under the heading “Peace between the Naga Village after 65 years of animosity” and on dated 12th January 2017 under the heading “Chepoketa-Ikiye Village bury hatchet” wherein the Ikiye Village Council has no knowledge of the said reconciliation. 2. That, the Reconciliation between the two village which appeared in the local dailies was done in their own personal interest of Hokheto Aye, Dubashi (retd) and Inoto Aye Dubashi, Satoi son of Late Sakiye individual capicity and not as published on behalf of the Ikiye Village whereas the Village Council or GBs of Ikiye Village doesn’t authoize to any such person of such reconciliation. 3. That Ikiye Village Council has not received any official letter/ correspondence from Chepoketa Village Council or GBs or Hokheto and Inoto S/o Late Sakiye for the propose reconciliation of two

Rejoinder to T.L. Angami’s article

book which is read by others therefore even if you try to acclaim yourself as a great leader your words has determined and gives the picture of who you are. T. I.. Angarni you have mentioned that you have been constantly appealing to National Workers leaders for the unity in order to achieve the Naga common goal more over you were the one who have founded the G.Bs and Village Chiefs Federation of Nagaland (GBFN) besides you have mentioned about the Naga Plebiscite of 16 May 1951 under the leadership of His Excellency the 4th NNC President Late A.Z. Phizo where as it was not only your villagers but the freedom loving entire Nagas had participated in that historic plebiscite (99.9% had put their thumb impression.) Therefore it is not necessary to mention any par-

ticular person’s name or village, but it was the Nagas who took part and made it a historic achievement. In fact in the initial stage the Naga leaders had made some mistakes on the other hand their tireless efforts had made great achievement just as the saying goes “to err is human” everyone makes mistakes and get slip in the large ground too. Therefore if you feel that you are a responsible gentleman never ever repeat the past mistakes which could lead to more fragmentation and disunity among us. Infact it is obvious that Nagas lave legitimate right to he independent and sovereign nation and this is the birth right of Nagas. On the other hand you have mentioned about the framework agreement signed between the NSCN (IM) and the Govt. of India on 3rd Aug 2015 therefore (1) you are

strongly appealed to disclose the entire content of the framework agreement to the Nagas moreover as per your statement that says “so called Naga National Workers” this is a serious matter of insulting the other Naga Political groups by making the remaining NNPGs as unrecognized and illegitimate freedom fighters. (2) You are asked to give the meaning of the sentence “So called Naga National Workers” are they not fighting for Nagas? Are they not legitimate Naga National Workers? (3) You are also asked to clarify to the NNPGs whether the unification of NNPs is illegal, is this unity against the interest of Nagas? (4) When the entire Naga Political Groups are trying to unite together in order to achieve the common goal of Nagas what type of Unity do you want from Naga National Workers. (5)

Who are you and what authority do you have to order the Naga National workers not to send anymore messages or greetings or salute to the Nagas? (6) On which date and time and where did the Angamis has empowered or authorized you to declare not to give cooperation to the unified NNPGs. (7) Who had told you that Angamis are not less than the freedom fighters for the Nagas. As stated above the so called T.L. Angami must give concrete answer of the above mentioned questions and tender an apology to the NNPGs and the Nagas in general for destroying the image of Nagas and advice to wipe out the mentality of “ism” and “ego” which can let further division among the Naga National Workers and various Naga civil organizations in general. Besides you as a person should be

Re-think of what one demands

hile not going against any intending women candidates/aspirants, I fail to understand as to why only “some” sections have been demanding reservations for POLITICS ALONE-- why not for jobs or education etc. leaving aside politics. If they were really concerned about women’s welfare or empowerment, the abovementioned subject should be considered as priority. In this regard we all need to have a ‘RE-THINK’ since the issues has gone far beyond coming to a consensus solution. If some people think that apex tribal hohos have no say over village councils what about those who have been fighting for 33% women reservation, under the banner of an organization. When the people’s voices and views have been clearly brought to light, why are only some adamant to go ahead for ULB polls with reservation. If some say women reservation has been put in place through the Constitution of India, but have we forgotten that ‘No Act or parliament’ can override the voices of the people (Article 371A). It was also a joke that the opposition-less government under the guise

of holding a consultative meeting, later went ahead to re-amend the September 22, 2012 resolution during the special assembly session. This was done so, just as an eye wash to let the world know that they (government) went ahead with the approval of the apex tribal bodies. Please know that in today’s world no one is a fool. The whole thing about being stubborn to hold the Municipal/Town Council elections is all about the money that has been kept on hold at the Centre. Does the government want to sell the Nagas rights, safeguarded by Art. 371A, just to get some few hundred crores? Those in the present government would enjoy the money as a short time benefit, but remember that a curse would befall upon generations on those who would twist and go against the peoples’ will. Everyone clearly knows that politics or for that matter elections is the most infamous in Nagaland, where only ‘Muscle or Money’ power works its way out. Yes, women if elected without being involved with the two Ms (that is if), may farewell in governance. But in the

present scenario, it is if a farfetched dream, as I am sure that they too would be needing such resources (Ms) to win the elections, like the saying goes-- ‘Nothing is fair in war or politics’. The whole point of reservation in politics kills the very meaning of a DEMOCRACTICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT. There were women who had won elections on their own merit. So why not go for open election and let the people decide the best candidate irrespective of gender. The same amount of money and muscle power would be used even if it was to fight with another gender. I agree that in India all women are not treated equal, in most places they are ill-treated, and in most places female infanticide is practised. However, we are fortunate that in Nagaland women are not treated like those in other places of the country. Men have high esteem and regards for women in a Naga society. Yes, except in areas of some traditional issues, everyone one enjoys equality. Even properties (as we say inheritance rights) in the present day, most families irrespective of tribes, are be-

ing equally divided amongst siblings. On the other hand, if we allow any loophole to crop in by the Municipal/ Town council Acts through taxations and other issues, the whole meaning or importance of Article 371 A goes to the dustbin. Till today, Nagas have sole rights over land and its resources. Now with taxations by civic body for everything, even to the extent of seeking permission to carry out works in one’s own land/property, don’t you think it is clearly infringing upon Article 371A. The write-up has been made in as simple as possible manner to make everyone understand. I would be never ending to explain. But it is a fervent appeal to all particularly, to those activists and the state government to understand the present scenario and withhold the civic body elections until a consensus is arrived at with all stakeholders. Mind you, this can also be considered as a litmus test for Naga solution i.e. -- what if it was about Naga solution, I am sure we would not want such confusion? Y. Toshimong, Dimapur

Village. 4. That Hokheto Aye,Dubashi(retd) and Inoto Aye Dubashi, Satoi S/o Late Sakiye is not the bonafide Citizen of Ikiye Village whereas the aforementioned names and clains had already migrated to Itovi Village since 1st April 1987 and doesn’t hold any right to claim Kingship and to interfere any affairs of the village administration or aspiration under the name of Ikiye Village without the village consent. 5. That Hokheto Aye , Debashi (retd) and Inoto Aye, Dubashi Satoi claiming Hd. GB which appear in the local dailies is baseless and misleading the public and they doesn’t even hold the right to be claimed our public or either of Citizenship of Ikiye Village. If anyone in the near future happen to defame the name of Ikiye Village and its public, the Village Council shall initiate further course of action. 6. That if, Chepoketa Village have a keen interest for reconciliation with Ikiye Village for committing murder of Late Sakiye Aye of Ikiye Village in the past decades by Chepoketa Village, the Ikiye Village Council is always welcome to restore blessing and reconciliation amongst the two Village whereas Chepoketa Village Council may initiate necessary Correspondence officially to the Ikiye Village Council. Kahoto Zhimo, Chairman, Ikiye Village Council; Phukato Chophy, Secretary, Ikiye Village Council; Kakheto H Aye, Hd. G.B, Ikiye Village; Kahoshe Zhimo, G.B Ikiye Village; Hoshiho Achumi, G.B Ikiye Village

very much mindful if you want to talk about Naga Political History because one Person’s error cannot destroy the history on the other hand just as the blood is thicker than water so also politics is thicker than blood, therefore each and every Naga National Workers shall not tolerate on wrong propaganda nor compromise with history made by vested individuals for their personal gain and shall not allow to destroy the genuineness of the Naga Political History for their personal interest with the motive to achieve their selfish goal by taking the name of Nagas who had been sacrificing their entire lives for the sovereignty of Nagas which is the legitimate birth right inherited from ancient forefathers since time immemorial. N. Mar Ao MIP Kilonser NPGN/NNC (N/A)

Reader’s Post


Winds of change

Change is inevitable. Human society moved forward by constantly evolving with change. Customs and rules must change with the times. Changing rules and customs do not necessarily mean disrespect for forefathers who made them but rather following the code why they were made in the first place. They were made to ensure order for a civilized society to exist and flourish. So why is the change of woman reservation for the committee elections not acceptable? First of all only people who have an inferiority complex will feel their superiority threatened. Superiority and inferiority are also a state of mind and no one is a super powered super hero, everyone of us can break, man or woman. The question of man or woman being superior is childish. Society needs to evolve on all frontiers for the existence of a progressive human civilization. For achieving this we need capable and performance oriented people activated. If that person happens to be a woman well and good, what’s the difference? In fact she should be well supported especially when our home is also called disturbed area. We need all capable hands on deck. I thought we are all equal in the eyes of God or do woman have a lesser God? I believe man and woman are equal besides their physical features and they have always been involved in everything that has happened to humanity as I believe they are also human. Politics or picnic woman have always been there. It’s not that they were not there so if their presence becomes more open and defined what is actually the difference A capable woman is not a threat to man but rather more energy to get things done more gas in the tank to get to where we are going. Protests and blockades should be done by the woman for only getting thirty three percent reservation. Ayeto Ayemi

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur sunday, JANUARY 15, 2017

The hoarding that fuelled speculations about a possible SP-Congress alliance in UP.

Lu c k n ow, Ja n 1 4 (IANS): The Akhilesh Yadav faction of the Samajwadi Party seems to be inching closer to sealing a deal with the Congress, even as the Election Commission is yet to decide on the fate of the SP and its symbol cycle. While speculation about a pre-poll alliance has been in the air for some time now, hoardings of Kannauj MP Dimple Yadav, who is Akhilesh’s wife, along with Priyanka Gandhi Vadra have come up in Allahabad - fuelling the speculation. The hoard-

ings with pictures of both women figuring prominently have been put up by Congress workers - Anil Chowdhary and Irshad Ullah. The slogan in the hoardings says “Mahilaon ka UP mein bajega danka, jab saath aayengi Dimple aur Priyanka” (Women in Uttar Pradesh will be empowered, when Dimple and Priyanka come together). Ullah, who is general secretary of the district Congress committee in Allahabad, says the workers want this tie up to happen

at the earliest as this would not only consolidate the woman power but also prevent division of Muslim vote. This will stop the BJP from coming to power, he says. There are many votaries who favour the Congress and the Akhilesh faction to come together. Sources say, Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has propped up his wife to negotiate with Priyanka Gandhi while he is working the wires with Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and his team. Congress veterans like Ghulam Nabi Azad, state president Raj Babbar, party’s Dalit face P.L. Punia, are opposed to any such ideas as they feel that this could cost Congress further as it will bring the anger of anti-incumbency along. With both Congress and the Akhilesh faction facing an uncertain future in the forthcoming state assembly polls, it appears to be a necessity and a done thing. Propping up of the woman power from both sides is likely to play a cementing force, insiders say.

BSF jawan’s kin want CBI inquiry into complaint about poor quality food

NEW DELHI, JAN 14 (AGENCIES): A day after the Home Ministry submitted a report to the Prime Minister’s Office insisting that Border Security Force (BSF) constable Tej Bahadur Yadav’s complaint about poor quality food given to paramilitary forces guarding borders was unsubstantiated, his wife came out in support of him, saying that CBI should investigate the matter. “We demand an investigation by CBI and not BSF’s internal inquiry. The BSF investigation would be biased as they will

definitely attempt to shield themselves. Also, We aren’t able to connect with him (Tej Bahadur) for the past two days,” his wife, Sharmila told ANI. “If BSF allows Tej Bahadur Yadav to talk to press, then he would be able to make the people aware about the whole matter,” she added. Earlier, the Home Ministry said it found no substance in the complaint made by Yadav that poor quality rations were being given to security personnel posted along the border.

Amarinder seeks Congress permission to fight Badal

A m rits a r , Ja n 1 4 (IANS): Giving an interesting turn to Punjab’s politics, state Congress president Amarinder Singh has sought the Congress high command’s permission to fight next month’s assembly elections against Chief Minister and Shiromani Akali Dal patron Parkash Singh Badal from the latter’s assembly constituency of Lambi. Amarinder, whose name has already been announced by the Congress for his traditional assembly seat of Patiala-urban, told media here that he wanted to contest against Chief Minister Badal from Lambi to defeat the Akali leader whom he blamed for the “ruin of Punjab”. “I want to fight the Chief Minister on his home turf of Lambi as I want to defeat all the top Akali leaders responsible for destroying the state through their drugs, mafia and goonda raj, and are guilty of ruining its trade, industry and agriculture,” Amarinder told media here on Saturday. Amarinder said he had requested the Congress high

command to allow him to fight the assembly polls from Lambi so that he could “free Punjab from the vicious and destructive rule of the Badals”. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), which is posing a serious challenge to the Akali Dal-BJP alliance and the Congress for the February 4 assembly polls on 117 seats, has already announced Delhi lawmaker Jarnail Singh to contest against Badal from Lambi. Amarinder said he would fight the election both in Lambi and Patiala, if permitted by the Congress high command. “The entire state is in shambles. Badal and his family and associates have brought Punjab to such a shameful pass,” the former Chief Minister said. “My gover nment would open a probe into all Akali scams and punish every person found guilty of any criminal deed, especially drugs trade,” Amarinder said. The Akali Dal-BJP alliance has been in power in Punjab since 2007.

Five killed as car ploughs into devotees in Tiruchi

TIRUCHI, JAN 14 (AGENCIES): Five persons were killed and another sustained serious injuries when a car ploughed into a group of devotees on padayatra at Palapatti near Manapparai on Saturday. The accident occurred at around 7.30 am when the devotees were on “padayatra” to Palani from Tiruchi. Police sources said that the car, which was proceeding to Theni from Chennai, hit them from behind. All five victims died on the spot. They were among a group of 10 persons heading for Palani to visit Sri Dhandayuthapani temple.

Surjit Singh Barnala passes away

Surjit Singh Barnala

Chandigarh, Jan 14 (IANS): Former Punjab Chief Minister, Union Minister and Governor of Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand and Andhra Pradesh Surjit Singh Barnala died here on Saturday following a brief spell of illness. He was 91. Barnala, who ruled Punjab from 1985 to 1987, was admitted to the Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) recently where he breathed his last on Saturday. Governor of Tamil Nadu (1990-91 and 20042011) and Andhra Pradesh (2003-2004), he was the first governor of the then newlycreated state of Uttaranchal (now Uttarakhand) from November 2000 to January 2003. He also held additional charge of Governor in Orissa (now Odisha). He was also Lt governor of Andaman and Nicobar and Pondicherry (now Pudducherry). Union Agriculture Minister in the Janata Party government of Morarji Desai (1977-1979), he held the portfolio of Chemicals and Fertilizers in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government in 1998.



Qualification Required M.A Eng. M.A Eco. M.Sc. Physics B.A/B.Com.

No. of Post 1 1 1 2

DIMAPUR ADMISSION GOING ON FOR CLASSES A-10 For the session 2017 Hostel attached for both boys and girls. (with Separate Building) Contact : Headmaster (7085493800)


Special features:-


Courses offered Eligibility Duration ANM (Auxiliary Nurse & Midwife) 10th Passed 2 years DHAI/Nursing Assistant 8th Passed 1 year For details, contact :Centre-I Centre-II Dhobinalla Culvert, Near ICICI Bank 4th Mile, Near Agri Expo Junction Mob No : 9856125245, 9615694009 Mob No : 8974507931, 9862639134 (Hostel facility available only at Centre-II) DP-432


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1. ECHS invites application to engage Medical Officer, Dental Officer and Dental Asst/Tech/Hy on contractual basis in ECHS Polyclinic Mokokchung for a period of one year, renewable for additional period. 2. For Terms & Conditions, application form, remuneration kindly see our website www.echs.gov.in, for details contact Tele No 0376-2310294 or e-mail on esmhljrt2015@gmail.com. Last date of receipt of application is 30 Jan 2017. Interview will be conducted on 10 Feb 2017 at 1100 hr at HQ 41 Sub Area Jorhat. Candidate will bring original certificate / degree, photocopy of testimonials / experience and two PP size photographs at the time of interview. DC-68

Dimapur-797112, Nagaland


(Hostel Attached) River Belt Colony, Dimapur


Admission Going On

For details, kindly contact : 9436830227/9436830222


Subhash Bhamre

He said that till December 8, 2016, out of 20,71,103 OROP beneficiaries, 20,06,003 have been paid the first instalment and lump sum amount. A total amount of Rs 4,115.65 crore has been paid in this regard. Rs 2,281.63 crore was paid in second instalment in 15,46,857 cases. In this way, till December 8, 2016, a total of Rs 6,397.28 crore has been disbursed, he said. Bhamre said, “Despite financial problems, Rs 10,000 crore was released in this regard with an yearly expenditure of 7,000 crore. So the Prime Minister has kept his promise. “We have tried to reach out to each and every servicemen and in such a short time, maximum cases have been solved. There are around 20,000 to 30,000 pending family pension cases in connection with 1962 Indo-China war and 1971 Indo-Pak war.

Elite Healthcare Training Institute

Date of Interview 20-01-17 at 10:00 AM DP-494

New Delhi, Jan 14 (PTI): The Centre is sensitive towards all issues of ex-servicemen, including OROP, and aware of their grievances, but some “elements” are trying to project a negative image of the government, Union Minister of State for Defence Subhash Bhamre said here today. “Our Prime Minister, Defence Minister are sensitive towards all your questions. We will try to address your grievances but unfortunately some elements are making wrong statements regarding defence affairs and creating myth, which is not right,” Bhamre said on the inaugural session of the first Armed Forces Veterans’ Day here. The Union Minister was joined by Army Chief General Bipin Rawat. Criticising the previous government for not taking any action on ‘One Rank, One Pension’ (OROP), Bhamre said the Prime Minister has fulfilled his promises on this issue which had been pending for the past 40 years. “The government had issued orders for OROP on February 3, 2016. The details regarding revised pension of different ranks and categories are available in 101 tables of implementation orders,” he said.



Priyanka-Dimple posters fuel alliance speculation

7 Government sensitive towards ex-servicemen, says Bhamre


For more details, contact : 8258957877 (8 AM to 1.30 PM)


Post : Headmaster (Academic)


Qualification : B.A with B.Ed /MA with M.Ed with Minimum Three Years of teaching experience Interested candidate may contact : 8119962973 (Kohima)

10 acres of lush green open space 3 water bodies Kitchen and Toilets Parking for 500+cars Multiple approach roads


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NOW ENROLLING FOR PLAYGROUP TO CLASS-III (THREE) Admission forms & prospectus available at School Office from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM (Mon to Fri) (Picking and dropping facility available at doorstep)

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NH-29,Chekiye Village, Block-II, 3rd Mile, Dimapur

Admission Open

(St. Edmund's Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur) D.C Court Junction, Charali, Stadium Road

NBSE Recognised Order No. NBE-22/EX-RON-HS/2012-13 ARTS & COMMERCE 5037/97

Hostel attached for both Boys & Girls The issue of Form & Admission (both Old & New Students) for classes A to X for the academic session 2017-18 is still open. Complete Note books (worth Rs. 1200/-) will be given free of cost to every registered students from classes A to VIII. Sd/Administrator Contact : +919436013214 +917005619306 DP-506

ADMISSION OPEN FOR THE SESSION 2017-18 (CLASSES NURSERY TO VI) (ADMISSION STARTED) (Limited Seats for Hostel) Admission Forms are available at the School Office. Complete Admission forms will be accepted on a first come served basis between 8AM to 1:30PM (Monday to Saturday). Learning Benefits  Small Class Size.  Loving and Caring Atmosphere.  Individual Education Plan.  Wide and Varied Curriculum.  Set in the Beautiful Background.  Yearly Upgradation To Class 12.  With Transport Facility and 24x7 Power Backup. Tele: 03862-243263/9862575146(Near NH-Airport Road Junction, adjacent to WESTERN SUMI HOHO Building).


Contact : 9436000216/7005129114



Available for all occasions



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Contact : 8974509536 No brokers please


Su doku


Dispur Law College Road H/No. 21 Near GNRC Hosptial, Guwahati


Under Chümukedima 'A' Village (1) 3 Puras Road Attach (2) 5 Puras Price : Rs. 110 Per Sq. Ft. Negotiable

No. 3013 Yesterday’s solution No. 3012

No. 1840 Yesterday’s solution No. 1839

Tariff Non-A/C : 600/1200, AC Room :1600 Cooking Space and facilities available on Rent. Contact : 7899178252/8724938409

EMERALD HOSTEL Nepali Bosti, Dimapur Class 10 Below

Contact No : 8974017750 Across 1 Seldom glad about first prizes (4,6) 7 Delays upset traders (7) 8 Anger in fashion? (4) 10 Bird seen before circling north (4) 11 Left at home to occupy a sibling (8) 13 Fixed form of denial (6) 15 Look for arches in need of repair (6) 17 A sort of train carrying American or European (8) 18 Fools go backwards in health resorts (4) 21 Got up to see a flower (4) 22 Dismiss someone who takes your money? (7) 23 Remember an imaginary animal? (4,2,4) Down 1 Make progress, starting Greek at school (3,2) 2 Instrument required by Simply Red (4) 3 Resin reponsible for mother’s nervous condition? (6) 4 It may be deadlier off the tracks (8) 5 Less of a burden than a box of matches? (7) 6 Nine failed in test occurring every third year (9) 9 Short race arranged for musicians (9) 12 Words of condolence may be expensive, darling (4,4) 14 Wild rhinos and elephants first seen near the coast (7) 16 Dance with two tins (6) 19 Lions, we hear, were nosy (5) 20 Wine from Hastings (4)

Students & Working Women Midland : Dimapur.

Contact # +91 8974377747


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Classes VII and below DP-512

Proprietor Thomas Sankro Asst. Teacher HCHS



Facilities Available :

24x7 Running Water, Free Mattresses, Inverter, Homely Food, Free Wifi. Location : Zeliangrong Village, Dhobinala, Dimapur. Contact No : 7640827307

near Sub-Jail Junction, Dimapur. Easy access to SM College, Dimapur Govt College, Corner Stone Hr. Sec. School, Lima Aier Hr. Sec. School, St. John, St. Edmund, St. Stephen, IT Engineering College and other colleges in and around the locality. For details contact : 8730994204/7005660163


Contact # +91 7005630242



Post : Principal Qualification : Minimum Master Degree with B.Ed Salary : Rs. 20,000/Preference will be given to qualified Local Naga lady. Any teacher who wants to proof themselves may contact : +917005619306/8731988890

JOB VACANCY SPELL LINK NETWORK SOLUTION PVT. LTD. An Internet Broadband & Wifi Service Provider Required Marketing Executives (Min:8 Passed). Walk in Interview : 17th Jan. 2017 (11A.M-3P.M) Chishi Marketing Complex, 2nd Floor, Circular Road, Dimapur, Nagaland. Contact : 9862819957. DP-554

URGENT REQUIREMENT OF DELIVERY BOYS for ECOM EXPRESS COURIER Qualification : 10 and above Mandatory : Must have own two wheeler with Driving Licence and PAN CARD Salary : Rs. 8000/Interview : 16th Jan. 2017 (MONDAY) Contact Nos : 7005801214 9062463544 9774572806 DP-115

WANTED – COOK Requires a cook male/female for a family at Kohima. Should be single and able to cook both local and Indian dishes. Pay `. 8000.00 p.m. with free accommodation.

Apply to: 8730065920 PAYING GUEST between 9.30 A.M to 1:00 P.M for Hr. Sec. & College Students (Boys)



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Contact : 9402799196 9862765449

Nepali Bosti Holy Cross Gate No. 2

Teachers : (1)Maths &

MONTHLY RAFFLE DRAW Winner for the month of January '17 Sl. No. 302. Next month draw date is 11/02/17. Winner should claim the prize within 15 days. Contact : 9856770740


Contact : 70052-94649

Ph : 9089801057/7005537450



FREE ADMISSION PG/Hostel Available DP-485(A)


No. 8393 Yesterday’s solution No. 8392

Phone No : 9615385791


Contact : 8974509536 No brokers please

Ph. No : 9862423322/9402009194

Nagarjan Junction

Contact Nos : +91-9862559985/7005153022


Road Touch Area - 2.8 puras (Approx) Price 35 Lakhs (Negotiable)

Landmark, Near S.M. College, Unity College & NU, Dimapur : Nagaland

Require professional Unisex Hairdresser Urgently for Dimapur


Tipper/Dumper Price - 3.80 Lakhs


TATA 1612

At Bamunpukheri-I (2 bighas) 2.5 Km from Zion Hospital towards Polaris factory Filling of earth not required Price: 23 lakhs (Nego) Contact: 9856247203 K-0096

Court, Chümoukedima either for a petrol pump, an institute, stonemill or woodmill, etc on a monthly or yearly basis. Contact: 961259255/9089455165 DP-551(A)



WANTED – SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Require drivers to drive School Buses at Kohima. Candidates should hold Heavy Vehicle Driving License with at least 3 years driving experience. Pay `. 8000.00 p.m. with free accommodation. Call: 8730065920 between 9:00 A.M – 1:00 P.M.




LAND AVAILABLE LAND FOR SALE ADMISSION OPEN 4 puras, 2 bighas with @ Vidima Village road touch n 5 min. GRACE PRE-SCHOOL Agri Link distance from New DC


Ameliorate Girls Hostel Signal Kivajau Village, lane-4, Walkable Distance St. Paul, Honili School

metals had gained Rs 750 in the previous four days. Sovereign, however, held steady at Rs 24,300 per piece of eight gram. On the other hand, silver ready rebounded by Rs 250 to Rs 41,200 per kg and weekly-based delivery by Rs 180 to Rs 41,000 per kg. Silver coins, however,continued to be traded at previous level of Rs 72,000 for buying and Rs 73,000 for selling of 100 pieces.





NL Regd. (IND) Central Lock, Music System Price : 1.50 lakhs Ph. No : 9862841989

Phone No : 9615385791

Gold falls on weak demand; silver recovers New Delhi, Jan 14 (PTI): Halting its four-day winning run, gold drifted lower by Rs 100 to Rs 29,350 per 10 gram at the bullion market here today due to weak retail demand. However, silver recaptured the Rs 41,000-mark by rising Rs 250 to Rs 41,200 per kg on increased offtake by industrial units and coin makers. Traders attributed the slide in gold prices to fall in demand from jewellers and retailers at existing levels but a firm trend overseas capped the fall. In the national capital, gold of 99.9 per cent and 99.5 per cent purity fell by Rs 100 each to Rs 29,350 and Rs 29,200 per 10 grams respectively. The precious


ALTO LXI (2007)

Nagarjan Junction

Nagaland Post, Dimapur sunDay, january 15, 2017

ter to RBI Governor Urjit Patel expressing concern over alleged interference by the central government. The letter asked the Governor whether a recent media report, according to which the Finance Ministry had deputed a Joint Secretary-level officer to the RBI to oversee its currency chest operations, was true. “If true, this is most unfortunate and we take strong exception to this measure of the government as impinging on the RBI’s autonomy and its statutory as well as operational jurisdiction,” the letter read. “Having put RBI in a quandary, now the Finance Ministry has placed their official, as reported, on RBI set-up to ‘co-ordinate’, allegedly. Apart from showing RBI operations and its gigantic performance in poor light, the government now blatantly encroaches on its jurisdiction, which, we state strongly, we cannot accept.”





# 9862945334 7085190017

at Aoyimti Village, Lane No 1, Dimapur. Approx - 200 mtrs., from NH-29, Opp. T.K. Service Measuring an area of 6680 Sq. Ft. with RCC Building of 6 Rooms. Contact No : 9862923333 No Brokers Please

at Tenyphe

Near New D.C Office Rs. 120/- Per Sq. Ft. # 8974147562 DP-525 7085911591

(FOR AO TRIBE ONLY) Land with building 9000 sqft Near Panchayat Hall Aoyimkim, Dimapur Price : 30 lakhs (Negotiable) Contact : 9436600581 / 8413827949 No Broker DP-462



Fees Affordable



New Delhi, Jan 14 (IANS): A day after the employee unions of the Reserve Bank of India expressed their resentment against alleged interference of the government in the central bank’s affairs, the Finance Ministry on Saturday said that it fully respects its autonomy. “It is categorically stated that the government fully respects the independence and autonomy of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI),” Finance Ministry said in a statement here. “Consultations between the government and the RBI are undertaken on various matters of public importance wherever such consultation is mandated by law or has evolved as a practice. Consultations mandated by law or as evolved by practice should not be taken as infringement of autonomy of RBI,” the statement said. The Finance Ministry’s reaction comes after some unions alleged infringement of the autonomy of the RBI by the Centre. The RBI employees on Friday had shot off a let-


Driving School Kohima

Admission Going On

at Bamun Pukhuri-2, Purana Bazaar 60 x 80 Rs. 5 Lakhs (Negotiable) Call : 8974901051



Govt. recognized


on the basis of current taxes. “Revenues can be presented as it is with current taxes and a foot note on GST... Changes can be made when the revised estimates are presented,” said a second government official. PwC’s Jain says the government would have to work with certain set of assumptions and possibly create some kind of contingency fund, should these assumptions don’t work out. Buffer so created would make up for any shortfall that may arise due to any delay in implementation of the GST and difference between tax rates now and proposed under GST. The loose ends on the GST front that have not been tied up yet are also complicating matters for the government. GST is planned as a revenue-neutral exercise, which means that the switchover to new regime should not impact overall tax revenues of the government, but some cushion will have to be provided for taking into account the uncertainties around the new tax structure.



it wants to continue with the current method of presenting separate estimates for excise duties, customs duty and service tax. Tax experts say lack of clarity over the rollout date for the GST regime presents a problem for the government. “The budget is a challenge as neither the date nor the rates (which products would get classified in which bracket) are likely to be finalised by February 1. Further, the breakup of CGST and SGST still needs to be agreed between the Centre and states,” says Pratik Jain, leader, indirect taxes, PwC. Most government officials said it is unlikely that indirect tax rates would be changed, but it is possible that exemptions and other distortions in the indirect tax structure could be removed. The government could attempt at rationalising the structure in line with the proposed GST framework but rates may be left unchanged,” said one official. One of the options is to go ahead with the taxation regime that is in force as of now and prepare estimates


NEW DELHI, Jan 14 (Agencies): Uncertainty over the date of the goods and sevices tax (GST) rollout is posing a dilemma for finance mandarins as they finalise this year’s budget. The original expectation was that the budget would not touch upon excise duties and service tax as they would be rolled into the multiple-rates GST structure, which was to come into being from April 1, 2017. But with hopes of meeting the April 1 deadline receding, the government will have to quickly take a call on whether it will rejig indirect taxes in the budget to prepare for the launch of GST or leave them as they are till the new regime comes into force. The final decision could have ramifications on revenue estimates and collections for the next fiscal year as well as the levies imposed on different products and services. According to the GST constitutional amendment passed by Parliament last year, the current indirect tax regime will lapse by September 17. “We will take a call next week,” said a senior government official privy to the deliberations on the matter. In addition to the rates, the government will also have to decide whether

New Delhi, Jan 14 (PTI): India’s exports continued to grow for the fourth straight month in December 2016, expanding by 5.72 percent to USD 23.9 billion compared to USD 22.6 billion in the same month of previous year. Imports too rose by 0.46 percent to USD 34.25 billion during the month under review, leaving a trade deficit of USD 10.36 billion. Oil imports were valued at USD 7.645 billion during December 2016 which was 14.61 percent higher than oil imports valued at USD 6.670 billion in December 2015, the trade data released by Commerce and Industry Ministry showed. Non-oil imports were estimated at USD 26.608 billion in December, down by 2.98 percent than that of USD 27.425 billion in December, 2015. During April-December period, exports grew marginally by 0.75 percent USD 198.8 billion. However, Impor ts dipped 7.42 percent to USD 275.3 billion. Trade deficit during the nine-month period stood at USD 76.54 billion as against USD 100 billion in the same period last year.

NOTICE All the responsible concerned persons with Semoma Community building Raffle Draw had an emergency meeting on 11.01.2017 and resolved to postpone the said Raffle Draw to 14.02.2017 in view of unavoidable circumstances. The time and venue of the draw shall remain the same as contained in the card. Sd/Organizing Committee K-0078



I, AKOLIE ZHAPRE, lost my pulsar 200 RS bike on 4 January, 2017 (midnight) from SEITHEKIEMA C village with the following details: REG. No. NL07R 0686 CHASIS No.: MD2A55FZ1GCK03555 ENGINE No.: JLZCGK02988 Finders contact: 9436650834/8014063448


GST rollout uncertainty hits Budget 2017 calculations

business Exports rise for Govt respects RBI’s autonomy 4th month in Dec and independence: FinMin



Nagaland Post, Dimapur sunday, january 15, 2017

Dhaka cafe attack comastermind arrested

Bangladesh police escort alleged Islamist militant Jahangir Alam (C) in Dhaka.

nal and an accused in 20 to 22 cases filed in connection with terrorist attacks, CTTC unit Chief Monirul Islam told The Daily Star. Police earlier said the name ‘Rajib Gandhi’ surfaced during the July 1 Holey Artisan Bakery attack. Investigators said they came to know that he was the “commander” of NeoJMB for the northern districts. He was quite young when he joined the mainstream JMB, which carried out synchronised bomb attacks across Bangladesh in 2005. Rajib had close connections with Tamim, the mastermind of the café siege, who was killed last year. Rajib sent two militants from Bogra to take

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part in the Gulshan attack and another from Dinajpur for the Sholakia attack. In September 2016, Islam told the media that A l a m h a d p e r s o n a l ly trained them. The police had earlier said they were on the trail of ‘Rajib Gandhi’ and Basaruzzaman alias Chocolate, after recent raids that led to the deaths of terrorists Tamim Chowdhury, former Bangladesh Army major Jahidul Islam, Tanvir Qaderi and Nurul Islam Marzan. On July 1, 2016, five militants took hostages and opened fire on the Holey Artisan Bakery in Gulshan, killing over 20 persons, mostly foreigners, including 19-year-old Indian Tarishi Jain.

K.V. Kamath

you can clearly see the five countries establishing themselves as an economic force,” noted Kamath. He said he believes the Xiamen summit will let people understand where the BRICS countries stand today, their current agenda and “how we could benefit by working in a cooperative manner”. Founded by the five BRICS countries in 2014, the NDB opened in Shang-

hai in July 2015. “The Chinese government has been very hospitable toward the NDB, enabling us to set up and operate the bank in a very short time,” said Kamath. “All of these would not have been possible without the support and guidance we received from China,” he said. In December 2016, the NDB signed its first loan agreement, providing 525 million yuan ($76 million) for a solar power project in Shanghai. Kamath is pleased with the result, saying “the fact we were able to appraise our first project in a record time has set a new benchmark for the NDB to follow.” Last year, the NDB issued three billion yuan worth of five-year green bonds, its first bond to raise funds worldwide for clean energy projects.

B a g h da d, J a n 1 4 (IANS): Iraqi counter-terrorism forces on Saturday liberated the campus of the University of Mosul and drove out Islamic State militants, according to military sources. Major General Fadhil al-Barwari, commander of an Iraqi counter-terrorism unit, told Efe news that his forces had fully freed Iraq’s second largest university. The troops stormed the campus on Friday from both the south and northeast fronts and managed to take control over several buildings. General Maan alSaadi, commander of a special counter-terrorism unit said on Friday that the troops managed to liberate the university’s institute of technology and faculty of technology, as well as several administrative buildings, on which they hoisted the Iraqi flag.

Trump ‘willing to work with Russia & China’ Washington, Jan 14 (Agencies): US President-elect Donald Trump says he is willing to work with Russia and China, providing they cooperate. Trump told the Wall Street Journal that newlyimposed sanctions on Russia would remain “at least for a period of time” but could then be lifted. He also said the One China policy, in which the

US no longer acknowledges Taiwan, was up for negotiation. Meanwhile, a US Senate committee will probe claims Russia attempted to meddle in the presidential election. In his interview, Trump said sanctions on Russia could be lifted if Moscow helped Washington in the war against Islamic extremism and in other matters. “If you get along and if Russia is really helping us,

why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?” He said he hoped a meeting with President Vladimir Putin would be arranged. With regards to Beijing, Trump said China had to allow US companies to compete by floating its currency. But he said he would not label China a currency

manipulator the instant he took office. He had questioned the One China policy last month, provoking angry responses in Chinese state media. Republican and Democratic leaders on the Senate Intelligence Committee vowed to follow their investigation “wherever it leads”. They will examine Russia’s cyber activity and intelligence practices.


I WATCH SECURITY & ALLIED SERVICES PVT. AGENCY The next training batch will start right after the completion of Jan. 2017 batch. Interested candidate having passed Cl-VIII and above with 5ft.4 inches height and above wanting to undergo Security Training can collect forms from the office during office hour (9:00 A.M to 12:00 P.M). 100% Placement. Office Address : H. No. 220, Near Army Gate, Nepali Kashiram, Dimapur ; Nagaland Contact : 8794718628 DP-540 DP-531


Seat Limited Contact : 8575315963

Shanghai, Jan 14 (IANS): Indian banker and New Development Bank chief (NDB) K.V. Kamath has said that cooperation between the five BRICS countries will be strengthened during Chinese presidency over the bloc in 2017. Kamath made the comment in an interview with Xinhua news agency at the NDB headquarters in Shanghai on Friday. This year opens the second decade of the emergingmarket bloc which groups Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. China will host the ninth BRICS leaders’ summit in the coastal city of Xiamen in September. Kamath, a native of Mangalore, India, said he was looking forward to showing BRICS leaders the progress that the bank has made. “Importantly, the summit comes at a time when

Iraqi troops expel IS militants from Mosul University

For a Higher Sec. School in Kohima 1. M.Sc Life Science - To teach Env. Edn of Higher Secondary Classes. 2. B. Sc Maths - To teach Classes 9 & 10 3. B. Sc Phy/Chem/Life Sc. - To teach Classes 9 & 10 4. B.A. History - To teach High School classes Apply to: 1. application4job.58@gmail.com 2. kewhira58@gmail.com

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Washington, Jan 14 (Agencies): The US House of Representatives has taken the first step toward demolishing President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law, known as Obamacare. Republicans passed a budget measure to introduce a bill - which Democrats cannot block - to roll back the law. But members of both parties in Congress are concerned about a lack of replacement for Obamacare. The political showdown raises a big question mark over medical coverage for more than 20 million Americans. The measure passed in the House nearly on a party-line vote, 227198, delivering a blow to President Obama’s legacy a week before he leaves office. It instructs four committees on Capitol Hill to draft repeal legislation by 27 January. The Senate passed the resolution by 51-48 on Thursday. US patients await Obamacare’s fate “By taking the first step toward repealing Obamacare, we are closer to giving Americans relief from the problems this law has caused,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said in a statement following the vote. “This resolution gives us the tools we need for a step-by-step approach to fix these problems and put Americans back in control of their health care.”

BRICS cooperation to be strengthened during Chinese presidency: KV Kamath


PADUMPUKHURI, DIMAPUR Behind Ao Baptist Church


US Cong moves to repeal Obamacare


Dhaka, Jan 14 (IANS): Bangladesh Police on Saturday claimed to have arrested Neo-JMB terrorist Jahangir Alam, one of the key figures behind the Gulshan café terror attack in 2016 in which over 20 people, mostly foreigners, were killed. Dhaka Metropolitan Police’s (DMP) spokesperson Masudur Rahman said they arrested Alam, alias Rajib Gandhi, a NeoJama’atul Mujahideen leader, from Tangail, some 100 km from here, late on Friday. The 35-year-old Alam’s arrest came about during a drive conducted by members of Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) unit of DMP, police said, bd24news reported. He is a wanted crimi-



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NOTICE INVITING CLAIMS/OBJECTIONS OF OTHER CLAIMANT(S) FOR ISSUE OF SUCCESSION CERTIFICATE UNDER PART-1 OF INDIAN SUCCESSION ACT 1925. Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate/pension benefits of Late K. C. Naga @ Kailam Chang Naga has been applied by Smti. Tukumaya, R/o Diphupar 'B' Village Dimapur W/o Late K. C. Naga @ Kailam Chang Naga for possession of : 1. PPO NO. 2110550044567 2. SBI A/C No. 113118265100, Chumukedima Branch, Dimapur. who expired on 11/12/2016. Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate/pension benefits of the said deceased may if she/he so desire appear in this court on or before the said day of 12th February 2017. Given under the hand and seal of the court on this 12th January 2017. DP-528

(G.H. Ramlia) Principal District and Sessions Judge Dimapur : Nagaland



NO. REV/DUP-1/2005/

Dated Kohima, the 13th Jan' 2017

Whereas, the following persons have applied for issue of Duplicate land patta Sl. No


Patta No.


1. 2.

Chüloü 7312 Midland Vileshie Tungoe 2534 Upper P.R Hill w/o Lt. Nzio Lotha 3. Thepfudelie 2039 Porter Land Therefore public are hereby asked to file claims/objections if any within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication of this notice. Failing which no claim/objection will be entertained by this office after the stipulated time. DC-70

Rajesh Soundararajan, IAS Deputy Commissioner, Kohima


I, Shri. Dzieselhou Thong, son of Late Khalu, aged about 67 years, permanent resident of Touphema Village, Kohima, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under :1. That as authorized by my clansmen, I declare this affidavit on behalf of my clan and on my own behalf. 2. That the three Sumi-Rengma clans Tene/Thong, Gouzi and Kets decided in 1993 to converge and use the common surname as Seyie. 3. That by meeting dated 8.12.2016, the Thong Clan has decided to opt out of the common clan Seyie to the original clan Thong. 4. That henceforth the members of Thong Clan shall stop using Seyie as their surname and shall use Thong for all purposes. 5. That the statements made in the above paragraphs are true and correct and nothing material has been concealed therein. And I sign this affidavit on this day, the 12th day of January 2017 at Kohima. Deponent Solemnly affirm and declare before me by the above name deponent on this 12th day of January 2017.



Regd. No. 64/17

Dt. 13/01/2017




REGD.NO 39/14 DATE:- 07/09/16 I, Shri. HUTOI H SEMA, S/O HEVUKHU SEMA aged about 38 years permanent resident of ALAHUTO colony in the District of Zunheboto, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under. 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Sumi Naga Tribe and resident of above mentioned address. 2. That I am a Govt. servant as FERRO PRINTER under EEPWD (R&B) ATOIZU DIVISION. 3. That due to clerical error/mistake my name is recorded as HUTOI H CHOPHY in my PAN CARD, AADHAAR CARD, GOVT. ID CARD & DRIVING LICENCE but my actual name is HUTOI H SEMA which is recorded in my service Book & SBI passbook. 4. That through this declaration I shall rectify the use of my name HUTOI H SEMA not as HUTOI H CHOPHY. Hence, from these days onwards I shall be known and address by the name HUTOI H SEMA for all official and legal purpose and all proceedings. 5. That the above mentioned name refers to one same person that is HUTOI H SEMA. 6. That the statements made above in the paragraph 1 to 5 are the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has concealed therein. K-0097 DEPONENT DECLARATION

8th LFC: NRSA, Vungotchu win

ANKA informs D i m a p u r , Ja n 1 4 (NPN): All Nagaland Karate-Do Association (ANKA) has informed all its coaches and judges that United Karate-Do Association, Assam (UKAA) is organizing the Karate Association India (KAI) judge B and coach seminar and examination under KAI RC chairman Shihah Paramjeet S.Singh o n Fe b r u a r y 1 1 a t DTRP Indoor Stadium, Guwahati. For more information a n d d e t a i l s, c o n t a c t 8575687025, 9862558392.

to take the tally 3-0 in the first half. In the second half, Chenithung added two more in the 66th and 70th minutes. Nshumbemo scored the lone goal for Highlanders in the 58th minute. Chipenthung of Highlanders was awarded red card for unsporting behaviour. In the second match, defending champions NRSA blanked 4G Likya by 3-0. Ilungrai and Aloumai found the net for NRSA in the 10th, 36th and 66th minutes

of the game respectively. In the last match of the day, Brothers Club defeated SOC by 5-0. Nzambemo scored all the goals for Brothers Club and became the second player to score a hat trick in the ongoing 8th LFC. Monday’s matches 1st Match: Okotso FC Vs GHS Youth League 2nd Match: NRSA Vs Vungotchu FC 3rd Match: Highlanders Vs 4G Likya

Panaji, Jan 14 (PTI): FC Goa and its head coach for the past three seasons, Arthur Antunes Coimbra (Zico), have mutually decided not to extend the contract. “Keeping the logistical challenges of the upcoming season in mind, the two parties amicably Zico came to this decision,” an official press release said. process of appointing a In its immediate next Technical Director, who step, the club is in the has the relevant coaching

experience and scouting players is limited and this players the platform to knowledge within the in turn will give the Indian make the biggest impact. Indian footballing ecosystem. 2nd DEATH ANNIVERSARY F C G o a s t r o n g ly of our beloved feels that this would be an Lt. Shijungkaba Ao important step in laying the foundations for the long Lonely is the home term, and help achieve without you, life to us is sustainable growth of the not the same but as we club and Indian players, look upon your picture the release said. Over the time, the sweet memories we club is keen to ensure that recall, of a face so full the dependency on foreign of sunshine and a smile

for one and all. Dear Father up above, we love and miss you deeply.



Born on : 29th Dec. 1984 – Died on : 15th Jan. 2016

A year has passed since you left us for your eternal home, yet not single moment has passed without you in our thought. you are deeply missed.

Four Indian women boxers in final of Nation’s Cup NEW DELHI, Jan 14 (PTI): Indian women boxers continued to pack quite a punch as four of them, including former World Championships silver-medalist Sarjubala Devi (48kg), entered the finals of the 6th Nation’s Cup in Vrbas, Serbia where the country is now assured of six medals. Sarjubala, the reigning national champion, defeated local favourite Gayane Panyan to enter the summit clash. The others, who made the final cut are Priyanaka Chaudhary (60kg) and Po o j a ( 6 9 k g ) . S e e m a Poonia is also through to the final without fighting a single bout so far as her categor y features only three boxers. Priyanka, on the other hand, got the better of Kazakhstan’s Rimma Volosenko, while Pooja also triumphed over a Kazakh rival in Valentina Khalzova. The tournament is the first for Indian women boxers under the tutelage of new coach Gurbax Singh Sandhu, who served as the men’s coach for more than two decades.

FC Goa and coach Zico part ways after three seasons

Loving wife, daughter and family members.

Loving wife & children




We the family members of Lt. TEKA-ANGBA (CHANGKI) deeply appreciate and gratefully acknowledge the profound expressions of compassionate love bestowed upon us by individuals, churches and groups throughout his prolonged illness and sad demise. We deeply regret our Born : 05.03.1923 inability to thank each and Died : 29.12.2016 every individual for your kind deeds. We pray that the Almighty God will bless you all abundantly. Loving wife, sons, daughters, son-in-law, daughter-in-law and grandchildren DC-71


Dimapur, Jan 14 (NPN): Defending champions NRSA, Vungotchu FC and Brothers registered win on Saturday at the ongoing 8th Lotha Football Championship played at local ground Wokha. Vungotchu FC outplayed Highlanders FC by 5-1 in the first match. Renben scored the opening goal for VFC in the 7th minute of the game while Nyamo and Senjamo netted a goal each



Nagaland Post, Dimapur sunday, JANUARY 15, 2017


Born 1924 – Died 26-12-2016 We the bereaved family of Late Meyienla (Chuchuyimlang) would like to express our deepest gratitude to each and every individual, relatives, friends and neighbours who supported us physically, spiritually and financially during the time of illness and at the sad demise of a mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Grateful thanks to everyone who attended the funeral service. Special thanks to Pastor Lima, Chuchuyimlang Baptist Arogo for the beautiful service and fitting tribute and all the doctors, nurses and staff of Zion Hospital, Dimapur for their care and kindness. We are unable to repay you for the act of kindness that you have shown to us but we pray that our Almighty God will bless you all abundantly. Loving children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and relatives. K-0103

We the bereaved family members of Late N. Ezomongo Yanthan, would like to express our profound gratitude to all sympathizers for the love and support shown to us during his prolonged illness and at the demise on 10th Jan. 2017. We convey our immeasurable gratitude to Bhandari Town Baptist Ekhumkho, Shri. Mmhonlumo Kikon MLA 40 A/C, BJP 40 A/C, CHC Staff Bhandari, Lakhuti Ekhung, Yanthan Ekhung Bhandari, Mhankai okho, Mhonka okho, B'coy 7NAP Jendong Post, friends and well wishers. We deeply regret our inability to thank all concerned individually and we remain indebted but we humbly pray that the Almighty God bless you all abundantly. DP-522

With sincere gratitude, family members

LATE MRS. RUTH LONGCHAR D.O.B: 19-08-1929 – D.O.D: 08-01-2017



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We the bereaved family would like to thank each and everyone who supported us morally, physically, materially and financially at the sudden demise of our beloved father Late. L. Shanchamo Kinghen on 9th January 2017.


LATE HOMNATH SHARMA 11.11.1963 – 23.12.2016 We the bereaved family would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation to each and every individual and well wishers for your kind expression of sympathy and support during the brief illness and demise of our beloved father. Special thanks to Lower Forest colony and Faith Harvest Church. It is our humble prayer that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving wife & children. K-0107

May the good Lord bless you all. Loving wife, children & family members

LATE MRS. RUTH LONGCHAR D.O.B: 19-08-1929 – D.O.D: 08-01-2017 Born : 01-12-1981 Died : 09-01-2017


Life goes on We lose the things we love and care about the most, it’s sad. Life is cruel, but not crueler than the death of a loved one; it hurts. Everything in this life is so unpredictable and happens so unexpectedly that we often forget to enjoy the best of moments. But life goes on. They say life is short, but we say she lived long. They say, “Be selfish to achieve your goals.” But we say she was selfless and walked on top of the world. They say we die with broken dreams, but we say she died with nothing but fulfillment. This woman was our mother and our grandmother. She had a heart of gold and a smile that brought everyone joy. She was a role model and an inspiration, a strong believer of Christ and a leader.


(02/12/1955 – 06/01/2017)

Late Hekhuvi Achumi

(Zuxushe Village) Born : 1928 – Died : 01/01/2017

We the bereaved family members of Late Hekhuvi Achumi, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the individuals, groups, organisations and churches who supported us physically, financially & with prayers during the illness at the and demise of our beloved on 1st Jan. 2017. We regret our inability to thank each and everyone individually, but it's our humble prayer that Almighty God bless you all abundantly. DP-464 K Y M C

Loving wife, sons, daughters, in-laws, grandchildren & relatives

With heartfelt gratitude, we the bereaved family members of Late K. Phyokhamo Lotha, would like to acknowledge our sincere appreciation to each and every individual, families, friends, neighbours, churches and organizations who supported us spiritually, physically and financially during the illness and at the sad demise on 6th Jan. 2017. Our sincere apology for the inability to thank everyone individually for your prayer, love and support. It is our prayer that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. DP-523

Loving wife, sons, daughters, son-in-law and relatives.

The legacy that she left, the love she showed to everyone. The woman that she was, we’ll always try to remember and emulate. One thing she always said was that nothing in this world is ever permanent, We all fade away someday, and how right was she, it happened as it was so. There is so much love in this world even if we never realize it. We always tend to think negative and let love degrade. But in this imperfect world, there is still hope for us, to let love survive and carry it on from generation to generation. All we have to do is find something or someone from where we can learn to draw out all the love from us. Our grandmother and mother was someone from whom we learned and are still learning from. Even if she is no more in this world, we will still keep learning and believing in love until it flourishes. This is our promise. Fare thee well, Grandma, Fare thee well, Mom. Fly free….fly free.

DP-537 (A)

It’s unfortunate that she had to leave us early this year when we were planning to spend the whole year with her. It hurts us, we miss her and we want to see her again. But life goes on; we have to move on too.

Children and Grandchildren K Y M C


Nagaland Post, Dimapur sunday, january 15, 2017


Kane hat-trick sends Spurs 2nd in PL

Harry Kane celebrates with team-mates after scoring a goal against West Brom.

Lo n do n , J a n 1 4 ( Age n c ies ) : H a r r y Kane scored a hat-trick as Tottenham beat West Brom 4-0 at White Hart Lane on Saturday to go second in the Premier League. Spurs dominated from the start and struck twice before half-time, first through Kane (12) and then thanks to a Gareth McAuley own goal (26). Kane added his second with a fine volley on 77 minutes and repeated the trick five minutes later, firing home from Dele Alli’s scooped pass to cap a brilliant performance from the hosts. The victory sends Tottenham, who also

lost Jan Vertonghen to an ankle injury, into second in the table above Liverpool, who face Man Utd at Old Trafford on Nissan Super Sunday. It is also their sixth consecutive Premier League win, matching a club record they can break with three points at Man City next weekend. The hosts controlled the opening half with West Brom uncharacteristically shaky in defence, and Tottenham swiftly took the lead. Kane, who had already s q u a n d e r e d o n e e a r ly chance, made no mistake with his second, firing in off the post from Christian

Narsingh records statement before CBI; alleges conspiracy

Narsingh Yadav

New Delhi, Jan 14 (Agencies): Indian wrestler Narsingh Yadav, who was handed a fouryear ban ahead of the Rio Olympics for failing two dope tests, recorded his statement before the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the case on Saturday. In his recording to the CBI in the ongoing doping case against him, Narsingh alleged that another wrestler mixed narcotics and banned substances in his meals and drinks to stop his participation in the Rio Olympics. Yadav, in his recording, also said that conspiracy was hatched against him by mixing some banned stuff in his meals at Sports Authority of India (SAI) hostel in Sonepat, but he failed to provide any substantial evidence to support his allegations.

He, however, remains hopeful that soon he would be back on wrestling mat. N o w, t h e C B I is preparing to seek clarifications from SAI officials in the matter. Narsingh has been facing doping charges after the National Anti Doping Authority (NADA) conducted two positive anti-doping tests with methandienone on June 25 and July 5. Despite getting a clean chit from the NADA, the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) had handed Narsingh a four-year ban in its ‘operative award’ on August 18. Narsingh had submitted that the doping offence was due to sabotage carried out by Jithesh by mixing his energy drinks with prohibited substance o n e i t h e r Ju n e 2 3 o r 24. However, CAS had dismissed the sabotage theory, saying that the grappler failed to produce any real evidence in the matter while ruling that he took the “banned substance intentionally”. On October 18, the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) confirmed that the dope case has been referred to the CBI for further investigation.

Eriksen’s pass. Tottenham added a deserved second when the Dane’s drive from the edge of the box took a double deflection, first off Jonas Olsson and then McAuley, wrong-footing Ben Foster in the West Brom goal. Alli saw a smart volley correctly ruled out for offside as Spurs threatened to run riot, and only Foster kept the score respectable in the first half, twice denying Kane from close range before tipping his low drive onto the post. Tony Pulis’ side failed to register a shot of any description before the break but went close less than 60

DSO informs D i m ap u r , Ja n 1 4 (NPN): Under Khelo India, the district sports officer Dimapur will be organising tournament on January 17 and 18 at multi-disciplinary sports complex, Dimapur. The events to be conducted during the tournament are badminton and table tennis for U-17 and U14 boys and girls (doubles and singles). The participants should be born on or after January 1, 2003 and January 1, 2000 respectively for U-14 and U-17. The winners of the tournament will represent Dimapur district at the state level tournament scheduled to be held on January 23 and 34 at Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima. Interested schools, clubs, associations can get registered during office hour on January 16 at DDSC room No.5. All the participants have also been informed to bring two passport photos and birth certificate (Xerox copy) during the time of registration.

Tennis ball cricket tourney

D i m ap u r , Ja n 1 4 (NPN): Tennis ball cricket tournament organized by the Nepali Baptist Church C h u mu k e d i m a yo u t h department will be held in second week of March. Interested teams and clubs can contact 8413002017 for more information.

seconds after the restart when Matt Phillips dragged an effort just wide. The Baggies manager soon introduced James McClean and Hal RobsonKanu and they improved, but Foster continued to be the much busier of the two goalkeepers. His fine double stop kept out strikes from Toby Alderweireld and Vertonghen, and he also made impressive saves from Victor Wanyama and Kane again before the Spurs striker finally grabbed his side’s third. Kyle Walker robbed McAuley on the flank and with Foster caught out of position, Kane expertly volleyed into an empty net. Having missed the victory over Villa to attend the birth of his first child, Kane capped a perfect week by sealing his hat-trick with another volley minutes later. Alongside Alli, the pair have now combined to score Tottenham’s last 10 Premier League goals. The only worry for Pochettino will be the injury suffered by Vertonghen, who appeared to badly tweak his ankle in the second half. An injury to the same ankle caused the Belgium international to miss his countr y’s quar ter-final defeat to Wales at Euro 2016 and he left the field after pounding the ground in frustration.

Imkongsangba memorial open TT tourney D i m ap u r , J a n 14 (NPN): The 5th Imkongsangba Memorial O p e n T a b l e Te n n i s Tournament will be held on January 20 and 21 at district level sports complex indoor stadium, DC Court junction Dimapur. There will be two categories: Under 17 (singles) and M e n’ s ( s i n g l e s a n d doubles). Under 17 players have been asked to submit birth certificate for age proof. Interested players can collect forms from Kiran Sports, Dimapur. For more information, contact 9643779385 or 977451168 or 8076768963.

HYDERABAD, Jan 14 (PTI): Former India captain Mohammad Azharuddin’s nomination paper for the post of Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA) president was rejected by the returning officer. A source in the HCA said that Azharuddin’s application was rejected by returning officer K Rajiv Reddy who was not sure whether the BCCI has lifted the ban on him for alleged match-fixing and whether he is a HCA voter or not. “His (Azharuddin’s) nomination paper was rejected by the returning officer on scrutiny. The returning officer wrote to the BCCI whether his ban

Mohammad Azharuddin

for match fixing has been lifted or not. The BCCI did not reply,” a source in the HCA said. A n o t h e r s o u r c e, however, said that the returning officer should have written to the Lodha Committee instead of the BCCI.

There was also the issue of whether Azharuddin is enrolled as a HCA voter or not. “I am sad and disappointed. I have been cleared by the court from all charges,” Azharuddin said when asked about the rejection of his nomination. Azharuddin had filed his nomination for the top post in HCA earlier this week. Azharuddin, who led India in three successive World Cups (1992, 1996, 1999), has been banned for life by the BCCI for his alleged involvement in the match-fixing scandal that rocked Indian cricket in 2000.

Govt ask AITA to conduct election as per Sports Code New Delhi, Jan 14 (PTI): To ensure that the National Sports Federations (NSFs) elect office bearers as per the Sports Code only, the government has hardened its stance and latest to fall in line is All India Tennis Association, which has agreed to elect its new President next month. Sports Minister Vijay Goel today met with AITA Life President Anil Khanna and told him in clear terms that if AITA has to get back the recognition, they will have to elect a new President as per the Sports Code.

MDCA T20 Trophy: Trebuchet beat Longmiasang to enter qtrs D i m ap u r , J a n 14 (NPN): Trebuchet qualified for the quarter finals of the ongoing MDCA Inter-Club T20 Cricket tournament on Friday while Suzerain and Jovial tie in an exciting match. In the first match, Trebuchet beat Longmiasang by 44 runs. Trebuchet scored 150/3 in 20 overs. Imliakum top scored with 50 runs. Longsen picked 2/20. Chasing the target, Longmiasang could manage to score only 106/9 in 20 overs. Merenkaba and Wapangtoshi picked 3 wickets each. In the second match, Jovial and Suzerain played out the most exciting match of the tournament so far. Both the team settled with 1 point each after the matched ended in a tie. Batting first, Jovial scored

Azharuddin’s nomination rejected

120/1 in 20 overs with Meyameren scoring 69 runs (not out). Temsulong picked the only wicket. Chasing the target, Suzerain were cruising well and looked like they will walk away with the match easily but they lost their nerve toward the end of the inning losing their last 3 wickets for 3 runs. Suzerain were bowled out for 120 in 19.1 overs. Imsusupong top scored with 54 runs while Odi Yanger picked 3/22. With this result, Jovial are eliminated from the tour nament while Suzerain have the chance to qualify for the next stage if Rainbow beat Zero Boys A on Monday. Monday’s Matches 8 AM: Rainbow CC Vs Zero Boys 11 AM: Gorkha Student Union Vs Sovran Kings

KAGSA sports meet from Jan 17 Kohima, Jan 14 (NPN): The 37th Khezha Area Games and Sports Association (KAGSA) sport meet will be held from January 17-19 at Khezhakeno village, Phek. KAGSA has informed all the respective units under the Khezha Area Games and Sports Association (KAGSA) to come prepared with their respective teams and participate in the sports meet.

The gover nment had de-recognised AITA recently after Khanna was elected President for a second term till 2020 at sports body’s AGM in Indore on September 3 even as the veteran administrator refused to take up the post. A I TA’s E x e c u t i ve Committee then elected senior bureaucrat Praveen Mahajan as the new President on December 1 but the government wants the Federation to hold fresh elections. AITA will have its Annual General Body (AGM) meeting during the

India-Spain tie in Pune from February 3-5 and elect a new President. “We want all Federations to follow the government guidelines. We have nothing against them. We just want to ensure that proper procedures are followed as per the Sports Code. We will not tolerate any violation. Mr Khanna has agreed to hold elections,” Sports Minister Vijay Goel said. Before AITA, the government had forced Karate and Boxing Federations to conduct elections and elect officebearers as per the Sports

Code, which does not allow three consecutive terms to any official. After two terms of four years, the officials have to serve a cooling off period of four years to be in fray for another term. K h a n n a s e r ve d a s AITA Secretary General from 2004 to 2012 in two consecutive terms before becoming President for a four year term till 2016. It is expected that Praveen Mahajan, only the second woman to be AITA President, will be formally re-elected President in Pune.

NZ 292-3 in reply to Bangladesh 595

New Zealand’s Ross Taylor (L) walks from the field after being caught.

Wellington, jan 14 (Agencies): A patient Tom Latham carved out his sixth century to keep New Zealand afloat against a rampant Bangladesh on day three of the first Test in Wellington on Saturday. While the left-handed opener calmly went about his work, Bangladesh were able to remove senior batsmen Kane Williamson and Ross Taylor after declaring early in the day at an imposing 595-8. A t s t u m p s, N e w Zealand were 292-3, still 303 r uns behind, with Latham on 119 and Henry Nicholls 35. As the strong northerly winds that caused havoc on day one returned in the afternoon session Saturday, Latham had taken a leaf

out of the Bangladesh playbook and carefully chosen the moments to punish the bowling. With the pitch offering little, Williamson and Taylor were guilty of getting a start and then yielding their wickets unnecessarily with two days to play, with a draw being the most likely outcome if New Zealand do not crash. A f t e r Je e t R ava l fell for 27, Williamson comfortably batted at a run-a-ball until he reached 53 and dabbed outside off stump to be caught behind and give Taskin Ahmed his maiden wicket on debut. Taylor, in his first international following eye surgery at the end of November and needing one more century to equal

the New Zealand record of 17 held by the late Martin Crowe, charged into his work. But on 40 he fell for a well-prepared trap and pulled a short delivery from Kamr ul Islam to Mahmudullah poised for the catch on the square-leg boundary. Kamrul had also removed Raval, caught behind by Imrul Kayes deputising as wicketkeeper w h i l e B a n g l a d e s h ’s regular man for the job, and captain, Mushfiqur Rahim was being treated for knocks to his hands suffered during his innings of 159. Latham remained unr uff led, facing 222 deliveries in his five and a half hours at the crease.

Mayweather, McGregor offered $25 mn each to fight

Floyd Mayweather

Conor McGregor

LOS ANGELES, Jan 14 (Agencies): The possibility of a duel between boxer Floyd Mayweather and mixed martial arts star Conor McGregor got another boost on Friday as Ultimate Fighting Championship boss Dana White said he’d pay each $25 million to meet. White, president of the popular UFC mixed mar tial ar ts brand in which Ireland’s McGregor stars, seemed to indicate

in his comments on a Fox radio broadcast that the two would meet in a boxing ring, not the UFC octagon. In addition to $25 million apiece, White said, each fighter would get a cut of pay-per-view proceeds. “If they’re going to box, Floyd looks at this as an easy boxing match for him,” White said. “Conor McGregor is his money fight. Tell you what, Floyd, here’s a real offer - and I’m

the guy who can make the offer - we’ll pay you $25 million and Conor $25 million.” White scoffed at Mayweather’s claim this week that he’d offered McGregor $15 million to climb into the ring with him. Mayweather, who retired in 2015 with a perfect 49-0 record, told ESPN’s First Take program that a McGregor bout was the only thing that could tempt him to end his exile from the ring. M ay we a t h e r s a i d he’d talked to McGregor’s representatives. “They know what my number is. My number is a guaranteed $100 million,” he said, adding that he considered himself the “A-side” of the promotion.

“To think that you’re the ‘A’ side ... how are you the ‘A’ side?” White said. “He’s claiming he’s made offers. He hasn’t made offers to anybody. I just made a real offer. Conor McGregor w i l l f i g h t a n y b o d y, anywhere, anytime, and there is a line of guys he’ll fight who’ll do more than 1 million pay-per-view buys.” McGregor became the first man to simultaneously hold UFC titles in two weight divisions when he beat Eddie Alvarez in New York on November 12. At the end of November he was issued a boxing license in the state of California in a development that fueled speculation about a showdown between him and Mayweather.

Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Fax: 225366, e-mail-npdesk@gmail.com, nagapost@rediffmail.com. Adm.& Advertisement :248267 Fax: 248500 e-mail-npostadvt@yahoo.com Kohima: 2290567, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 K Y M C


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