Ouil505 proposal naomi smith

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Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) ILLUSTRATION OUIL505 ILLUSTRATION 2: Applied Illustration



Credits 30

Module Brief Title: Product, Range & Distribution

STUDIO BRIEF 1: Project Proposal

Project Rationale Project Rationale. (what do you intend to do and why?) I intend to produce a body of work which actively encourages people to bring nature into their homes. With stress and mental health being an increasing problem among young adults, being exposed to nature is said to help combat this. This is particularly relevant to those living in the city as they have very little access to nature at all, it is also said to increase work productivity and learning. Having plants inside is said to improve asthma and cardiovascular health, alongside having other health benefits and improving the cleanliness of the air in general. Studies have shown that people who experience nature indoors tend to be more conscious about the environment as a whole and this is a something that needs promoting in modern day as the world becomes increasingly urbanized and nature is under threat. Young adults may not have the knowledge they need to select and look after indoor plants so this project will bridge the gap between education, health and lifestyle to bring nature into more homes and lives.

THEMES / SUBJECTS What Themes/Subjects will form the content of your work for this module? This should include Theoretical and non- creative based content and concerns. This section should identify your consideration of the social, cultural, ethical and creative concerns of contemporary practice GENERAL THEMES: Nature, design, sustainability, trends, environment, lifestyle, science, health, mental health, plant life, flowers, happiness, urbanization.

SPECIFIC SUBJECTS: Houseplants, interior design, compatibility, plant care, safety and practicality, asthma, heart health, cognitive learning, productivity, well being, herbs, indoor vegetable growing, fashion, recycling, sustainable design, environmentally friendly materials, ethics,

PRACTICAL & CONCEPTUAL APPLICATION What areas of Illustration do you intend to investigate in relation to the practical and conceptual, production / distribution of work in response to selected briefs. SPECIFIC DISCIPLINARY AREA: Editorial, reportage, product, packaging, publication. AUDIENCE/CONTEXTS: Young people, first time buyers, renters, students, young professionals, young families, self employed, people working from home, people living in accommodation with no outside space, people with little experience of the countryside, people suffering with stress, anxiety or other mental health issues. PRODUCTION / DISTRIBUTION METHODS: Homeware shops and catalogues, magazine features, appropriate high street chains, garden centres, gift shops, independent shops, craft fairs, student unions, online, social media, pop up events/exhibitions. CONTEXTUAL REFERENCES Identify areas of professional/creative practices that will inform the contextualization of the work that you produce. This should include specific illustrators, studios, practitioner’s and products as well as broader creative disciplines and methods of Production / Distribution. ILLUSTRATORS / DESIGNERS / STUDIOS: Julia Rothman, Leah Goren, Susie Wright, Mia Dunton, Barry Small, Christina Hart-­Davies, Anthropologie, Oh Deer, The Pocket Garden, Wacamole Ceramic, Atelier Stella, Shino Takeda Ceramic, The Plant Room. CREATIVE SKILLS What practical skills do you intend to further develop and apply during your project. What do you intend to use the skills for. Consider extending the use of skills that you already have in order to deliver work of a higher standard as well as identifying new skills that you will need to develop.

The existing skills I wish to develop and improve include my observation drawing skills, these will be particularly important when gathering initial visual information to work with for the duration of my project. Also, if I am providing factual information about plants, the illustrations I produce need to be representative and recognizable as the actual subject matter. I want to improve my use of both dry and wet media, particularly trying to push my ink work and apply it to my work in new ways. Some new skills I want to develop during this project include the making of 3D products, this could involve learning new skills such as ceramics and more advanced bookbinding techniques. Screen printing is something I would like to improve my skills in as I feel I have not yet found a way to fit this into my practice. I also want to learn more about photography so that I can photograph my outcomes well and present them as professionally finished pieces.

KEY TEXTS. List a selected number of books, articles and texts that are central to your proposed area of practice. These should include a combination of design and non-practice based books, theoretical texts as well as visual publications. You should include a list of relevant websites

Design with Nature – by Ian L. McHarg City of Flows: Modernity, Nature and the City – by Maria Kaika ‘A Surprising New Nature Oasis In The Heart Of New York City: 1 Hotel Central Park’ – by Ann Abel for Forbes. From Davos: Unleashing The Power Of Nature In Cities – by Mark Tercek ‘Mapped: The World’s Most Urbanised Countries’ – by Oliver Smith for the Telegraph ‘The 7 Best Houseplants for Beginners’ – by Jon VanZile for about.com ‘Program Gets Schoolchildren Out Into Nature’ – The Buffalo News ‘Even Short Engagements With Nature Boost Productivity’ – by Olivia Burkeman for The Guardian / businessinsider.com. Urban Jungle Bloggers -­ http://www.urbanjunglebloggers.com/about/


Project Planner


Module Briefing Studio Brief 1 Research & Proposal

Research into 5 illustrators and broader area.


Find relevant articles and sources to work from. Read about my topic and respond in my sketchbook.


Continued research and work in visual journal. Write proposal.


Proposal Submission

Combine research so far and see where to progress.


Studio Brief 2 Development & Production

Development work.


Working on a body of imagery, progress the project through image making.


Continue with creating a body of work.


Develop current imagery into final products.


Making of final products. EASTER


Making final products.


Use any college facilities needed in the making process.


Finalise making of final products.


Studio Brief 3*



Print any final pieces in digital print / print room. Photographing of final products. Work on the presentation of my work. Blogging and evaluation.

Module Submission 09/ 05 / 2016

Ensure everything is ready for submission.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.