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P ULTRY TIMES OF INDIA Vol.38 | No. - 07 | July - 2017
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MINERAL DEFICIENCIES IN POULTRY Poultry Shops Down Shutters in Kerala to Protest over
From the Editor’s Desk
Housing & Management of Poultry Farm
All poultry house need some form of ventilation to ensure an adequate supply of oxygen, while removing carbon dioxide, other waste gases and dust. In commercial operations, minimum ventilation is often practiced in colder climates, but not generally in tropical ones. In large-scale automated operations, correct air distribution can be achieved using a negative pressure ventilation system. When chicks are very young, or in colder climates, the air from the inlets should be directed towards the roof, to mix with the warm air there and circulate throughout the shed. With older birds and in warmer temperatures, the incoming air is directed down towards the birds, and helps to keep them cool. Evaporative cooling pads can be placed in the air inlets to keep birds cool in hot weather. Tunnel ventilation is the most effective ventilation system for large houses in hot weather. Tunnel ventilation: These systems are popular in hot climates. Exhaust fans are placed at one end of the house or in the middle of the shed, and air is drawn through the length of the house, removing heat, moisture and dust. Evaporative cooling pads are located at the air inlets.
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Improvements to poultry housing systems in developing counties have focused on providing an environment that satisfies the birds’ thermal requirements. Newly hatched birds have a poor ability to control body temperature, and require some form of supplementary heating, particularly in the first few days after hatch. Many developing countries are located in tropical areas where minimal heating is required. Indeed, the emphasis in these countries International poultry breeding and feed companies operate in many developing countries and have established large-scale commercial farms in a significant number of them. The housing and equipment used make it possible to exert considerable control over the climate provided to the birds, bur such houses are expensive to build and operate, and require a large turnover of birds to make them viable. Owing to the lower construction and running costs, medium and small-scale commercial housing is popular in developing countries. By far the most prevalent poultry farming system in many developing countries is the small-scale scavenging system, which usually involves only very basic (if any) shelter for housing birds.
Indian Herbs Spec. Pvt. Ltd. 07 Ventri Biologicals
Dr. Praveen
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
ARTICLE MINERAL DEFICIENCIES IN POULTRY Mineral Deficiencies in Poultry can produce numerous health problems for chickens including in some cases, death. Thus, to prevent Mineral Deficiencies in Poultry, or when deficiency symptoms are noted, feeding a balanced poultry diet with the required vitamins and minerals should be practiced. Calcium and Phosphorus Imbalances in Poultry A deficiency of either calcium or phosphorus in the diet of young growing birds results in abnormal bone development even when the diet contains adequate vitamin D3 . A d e fi c i e n c y of e i t h e r c a l c i u m o r phosphorus results in lack of normal skeletal calcification. Rickets is seen mainly in growing birds, while calcium deficiency in laying hens results in reduced shell quality and osteoporosis. This depletion of bone structure causes a disorder that is commonly referred to as “cage layer fatigue.” When calcium is mobilized from bone to overcome a dietary deficiency, the cortical bone erodes and is unable to support the weight of the hen. Prevention & Treatment : Should be given Grow-CalD 3 Ricket in Poultry Rickets most commonly occurs in young meat birds; the main characteristic is inadequate bone mineralization. Calcium deficiency at the cellular level is the main cause, although feeding a diet deficient or imbalanced in calcium, phosphorus, or vitamin D3 can also induce this problem. Prevention & Treatment : Rickets can best be prevented by providing adequate levels and potency of vitamin D3 supplements, and by ensuring that the diet is formulated to provide optimal utilization of fat-soluble compounds. Diets must also provide a correct balance of calcium to available phosphorus. Should be given Grow-Cal D 3 Tibial Dyschondroplasia (Osteochondrosis) in Poultry Tibial dyschondroplasia is characterized by an abnormal cartilage mass in the proximal head of the tibiotarsus. It has been seen in all fast04
growing meat birds but is most common in broiler chickens. Signs can occur early, but more usually are seen at 21–35 days of age. Birds are reluctant to move and when forced to walk, do so with a swaying motion or stiff gait. Tibial dyschondroplasia results from disruption of the normal metaphyseal blood supply in the proximal tibiotarsal growth plate, where the disruption in nutrient supply means that the normal process of ossification does not occur. The abnormal cartilage is composed of severely degenerated cells, with cytoplasm and nuclei appearing shrunken. Prevention & Treatment : Treatment involves dietary adjustment of the calcium: phosphorus ratio and achieving a dietary electrolyte balance of ~250 mEq/kg. Dietary changes rarely result in complete recovery. Tibial dyschondroplasia can be prevented by tempering growth rate; however, programs of light or feed restriction must be considered in relation to economic consequences of reduced growth rate. Should be given Grow-Cal D 3 & Electral Energy Cage Layer Fatigue in Poultry
High-producing laying hens maintained in cages sometimes show paralysis during and just after the period of peak egg production due to a fracture of the ver tebrae that subsequently affects the spinal cord. The fracture is caused by an impaired calcium flux related to the high output of calcium in the eggshell. Diets must provide adequate quantities of calcium and phosphorus to prevent deficiencies. However, feeding diets that contain >2.5% calcium during the growing period produces a high incidence of nephrosis, visceral gout, calcium urate deposits in the ureters, a n d s o m e t i m e s h i g h m o r t a l i t y, especially in the presence of infectious bronchitis virus. Eggshell strength and bone strength can both be improved by feeding ~50% of the dietary calcium supplement in the form of coarse limestone, with the remaining half as fine particle limestone. Offering the coarse supplement permits the birds to satisfy their requirements when they need it most, or allows the coarse material to be retained in the gizzard where the calcium can be absorbed continuously.
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
ARTICLE Prevention & Treatment : A readily assimilable calcium and/or calcium phosphate supplement is effective if started very soon after paralysis due to calcium deficiency develops. Should be given Grow-Cal D 3 Manganese Deficiency in Poultry A deficiency of manganese in the diet of immature chickens and turkeys is one of the causes of perosis and of thinshelled eggs and poor hatchability in mature birds . It can also cause chondrodystrophy. The most dramatic effect of manganese deficiency syndrome is perosis, characterized by enlargement and malformation of the tibiometatarsal joint, twisting and bending of the distal end of the tibia and the proximal end of the tarsometatarsus, thickening and shortening of the leg bones, and slippage of the gastrocnemius tendon from its chondyles. Elevated intakes of calcium and/or phosphorus will aggravate the condition due to reduced absorption of magnesium by precipitated calcium phosphate in the intestinal tract. In laying hens, reduced egg production, markedly reduced hatchability, and eggshell thinning are often noted. A manganese-deficient breeder diet can result in chondrodystrophy in chick embryos. This condition is characterized by shortened, thickened legs and shortened wings. Other signs can include a parrot beak brought about by a disproportionate shortening of the lower mandible, globular contour of the head due to anterior bulging of the skull, edema usually occurring just above the atlas joint of the neck and extending posteriorly, and protruding of the abdomen due to unassimilated yolk. Growth is also reduced and development of down and feathers is retarded. A manganese-deficient chick has a characteristic star-gazing posture, because the otoliths of the inner ear are defective or absent. Prevention & Treatment : Deformities 06
cannot be corrected by feeding more manganese. Effects of manganese deficiency on egg production are fully corrected by feeding a diet containing 30–40 mg of Mn/kg, provided the diet does not contain excess calcium and/or phosphorus.Should be given Growmin Forte Plus Iron and Copper Deficiencies in Poultry Deficiencies of both iron and copper can lead to anemia. Iron deficiency causes a severe anemia with a reduction in PCV. In color-feathered strains, there is also loss of pigmentation in the feathers. The birds' requirements for RBC synthesis take precedence over metabolism of feather pigments, although if a fortified diet is introduced. Young chicks become lame in 2–4 wk when fed a copper-deficient diet. Bones are fragile and easily broken, epiphyseal cartilage becomes thickened, and vascular penetration of the thickened cartilage is markedly reduced. These bone lesions resemble the changes noted in birds with a vitamin A deficiency. Copper-deficient chickens may also display ataxia and spastic paralysis. Copper deficiency in birds, and especially in turkeys, can lead to rupture of the aorta. The biochemical lesion in the copper-deficient aorta is likely related to failure to synthesize desmosine, the cross-link precursor of elastin. The lysine content of copperdeficient elastin is 3 times that seen in control birds, suggesting failure to incorporate lysine into the desmosine molecule. In field cases of naturally occurring aortic rupture, many birds have <10 ppm Cu in the liver, compared to 15–30 ppm normally seen in birds of comparable age. High levels of sulfate, molybdenum, and ascorbic acid can reduce liver copper levels. A high incidence of aortic rupture has been seen in turkeys fed 4-nitrophenylarsionic acid. Prevention & Treatment : The problem can be resolved by feeding
higher levels of copper, suggesting that products such as 4-nitro may physically complex with copper .Should be given Growmin Forte Plus Iodine Deficiency in Poultry Iodine deficiency results in a decreased output of thyroxine from the thyroid gland, which in turn stimulates the anterior pituitary to produce and release increased amounts of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This increased production of TSH results in subsequent enlargement of the thyroid gland, usually termed goiter. The enlarged gland results from hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the thyroid follicles, which increases the secretory surface of the follicles. Lack of thyroid activity or inhibition of the thyroid by administration of thiouracil or thiourea causes hens to cease laying and become obese. It also results in the growth of abnormally long, lacy feathers. Administration of thyroxine or iodinated casein reverses the effects on egg production, with eggshell quality returning to normal. The iodine content of an egg is markedly influenced by the hen's intake of iodine. Eggs from a breeder fed an iodine-deficient diet will exhibit reduced hatchability and delayed yolk sac absorption. Rapeseed meal and, to a lesser extent, canola meal contain goitrogens that cause thyroid enlargement in young birds. Prevention & Treatment : Iodine deficiency in poultry can be avoided by supplementing the feed with as little as 0.5 mg of iodine/kg. Magnesium Deficiency in Poultry Natural feed ingredients are rich in magnesium, thus deficiency is rare and magnesium is rarely added to diets. Newly hatched chicks fed a diet devoid of magnesium live only a few days. They grow slowly, are lethargic, and often pant and gasp. When disturbed, they exhibit brief convulsions and become comatose, which is sometimes temporary, but often fatal. Mortality is
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
ARTICLE quite high on diets only marginally deficient in magnesium, even though growth of survivors may approach that of control birds. A magnesium deficiency in the diet of laying hens results in a rapid decline in egg production, blood hypomagnesemia, and a marked withdrawal of magnesium from bones. Egg size, shell weight, and the magnesium content of yolk and shell are decreased. Increasing the dietary calcium of laying hens accentuates these effects. Magnesium seems to play a central role in eggshell formation, although it is not clear whether there is a structural need or whether magnesium simply gets deposited as a cofactor along with calcium. Prevention & Treatment : Requirements for most classes of chicken seem to be ~500–600 ppm Mg, a level that is usually achieved with contributions by natural feed ingredients. .Should be given Growmin Forte Plus Potassium, Sodium, and Chloride Deficiency in Poultry While requirements for potassium, sodium, and chloride have been clearly defined, it is also important to maintain a balance of electrolytes in the body. Often termed electrolyte balance or acid-base balance, the effects of deficiency of any one element are often a consequence of alteration to this impor tant balance as it affects osmoregulation. Prevention & Treatment : Should be given Electral Energy Electrolyte Imbalance in Poultry The primary role of electrolytes is in maintenance of body water and ionic balance. Thus, requirements for elements such as sodium, potassium, and chlorine cannot be considered individually because it is the overall balance that is important. Electrolyte balance, also referred to as acid-base balance, is affected by 3 factors: the balance and proportion of these 08
electrolytes in the diet, endogenous acid production, and the rate of renal clearance. Electrolyte imbalance causes a number of metabolic disorders in birds, most notably tibial dyschondroplasia and respiratory alkalosis in layers. Tibial dyschondroplasia in young broiler chickens can be affected by the electrolyte balance of the diet. Overall electrolyte balance is always important, but is most critical when chloride or sulfur levels are high. With low dietary chloride levels, there is often little response to the manipulation of electrolyte balance; however, when dietary chloride levels a re h i g h , i t i s c r i t i c a l to m a ke adjustments to the dietary cations to maintain overall balance. Prevention & Treatment : Should be given Electral Energy Selenium Deficiency in Poultry A deficiency of selenium in growing chickens causes exudative diathesis. Early signs (unthriftiness, ruffled feathers) usually occur at 5–11 wk of age. The edema results in weeping of the skin, which is often seen on the inner surface of the thighs and wings. The birds bruise easily, and large scabs often form on old bruises. In laying hens, such tissue damage is unusual, but egg production, hatchability, and feed conversion are adversely affected. The metabolism of selenium is closely linked to that of vitamin E, and signs of deficiency can sometimes be treated with either the mineral or the vitamin. Vitamin E can spare selenium in its role as an antioxidant, and so some selenium-responsive conditions can also be treated by supplemental vitamin E. Prevention & Treatment : Feeds grown on high-selenium soils may be used in poultry rations and are good sources of selenium. Fish meal and dried brewer's yeast are also rich in selenium.Should be given Grow E-Sel
Zinc Deficiency in Poultry Zinc requirements and signs of deficiency are influenced by dietary ingredients. In young chicks, signs of zinc deficiency include retarded growth, shortening and thickening of leg bones and enlargement of the hock joint, scaling of the skin (especially on the feet), very poor feathering, loss of appetite, and in severe cases, mortality. While zinc deficiency can reduce egg production in aging hens, the most striking effects are seen in developing embryos. Chicks hatched from zincdeficient hens are weak and cannot stand, eat, or drink . They have accelerated respiratory rates and labored breathing. If the chicks are disturbed, the signs are aggravated and t h e c h i c k s of t e n d i e . Re t a rd e d feathering and frizzled feathers are also found. However, the major defect is grossly impaired skeletal development. Zinc-deficient embryos show micromelia, curvature of the spine, and shortened, fused thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Toes often are missing and, in extreme cases, the embryos have no lower skeleton or limbs. Some embryos are rumpless, and occasionally the eyes are absent or not developed. Prevention & Treatment : Should be given Grow-Cal D 3 Protein Amino Acid & Energy Deficiency in Poultry The optimal level of balanced protein intake for growing chicks is ~18–23% of the diet; for growing poults and galinaceous upland game birds, ~26–30%; and for growing ducklings and goslings, ~20–22%. If the protein and component amino acid content of the diet is below these levels, birds tend to grow more slowly. Even when a diet contains the recommended quantities of protein, satisfactory growth also requires sufficient quantities and proper balance of all the essential amino acids. All deficiencies of essential amino acids result in retarded growth or reduced
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
ARTICLE egg size or egg production. If a diet is deficient in protein or certain amino acids, the bird may consume more feed in an attempt to resolve the deficiency. Consequently there will be inferior feed efficiency and the birds are invariably fatter as a consequence of overconsuming energy. A deficiency of energy can only occur if the diet is so low in energy concentration that the bird physically cannot eat a sufficient quantity of feed to normalize energy intake. All birds have an amazing ability to consume energy to requirement regardless of dietar y energy concentration, assuming that they can physically eat enough feed in extreme situations. With a deficiency of energy, the bird will grow slowly or stop ovulating. As sources of energy, protein and amino acids will be deaminated and any lipids will undergo β-oxidation. The latter condition can lead to ketosis, which more commonly occurs.
Prevention & Treatment : Should be given Amino Power Simple Deficiencies A deficiency of chloride causes ataxia with classic signs of nervousness, often induced by sudden noise or fright. The main sign of hypokalemia is an overall muscle weakness characterized by weak extremities, poor intestinal tone with intestinal distention, cardiac weakness, and weakness and ultimately failure of the respiratory muscles. Hypokalemia is apt to occur during severe stress. Plasma protein is elevated, causing the kidney, under the influence of adrenocortical hormone, to discharge potassium into the urine.
During adaptation to the stress, blood flow to the muscle gradually improves and the muscle begins uptake of potassium. As liver glycogen is restored, potassium returns to the liver. Birds that are fed a diet low in protein and potassium or that are starving grow slowly but do not show a potassium deficiency. Potassium derived from metabolized tissue protein replaces that lost in the urine. The ratio of potassium to nitrogen in urine is relatively constant and is the same as that found in muscle. Thus, tissue nitrogen and potassium are released together from catabolized tissue.
Rakesh Kumar Founder - Growel Agrovet Private Limited
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
ARTICLE flQZ iksYVªh esa gh ugha]yxHkx gj {ks= esa ;g ekuk tkrk gS fd ,d vPNh 'kq#okr dke;kch dk vk/kk Qklyk r; djus ds cjkcj gh gksrh gSA iksYVªh ges'kk ls bl ekU;rk dk lR;kiu djrh vkbZ gSA igys lkr nl fnu dh rS;kjh czk;yj esa vkSj vPNh xzksoj rd dh rS;kjh dks ys;j esa cgqr egRoiw.kZ ekuk x;k gSA czk;yj dh CkzwfMax eSustesaV ;kuh igys lkr fnu dh O;oLFkk Hkh vius vki esa bruk cM+k fo"k; gS fd ,d ys[k esa lek;k ugha tk ldrk] fQj Hkh blds dqN fo'ks"k igyqvksa ij jkS'kuh Mky jgk gw¡A pwts tc vaMs ls ckgj vkrs gSa vkSj yach ;k=k dj ds vkids ikl vkrs gSa] rks mudh dqN fo'ks"k t:jrsa gksrh gSA bUgsa le> dj bu t:jrks dks iwjk dj ldsa rks thr viuh gSA bUgsa iwjk djuk gh y{; gS] rjhds dbZ gks ldrs gSaA 1- ihus ;ksX; rkieku ij lkQ ikuh 2- QkeZ dk vkSj Hkwlh dk lgh rkieku o vknZrk ¼ueh½ 3- i;kZIr txg] ijarq vR;kf/kd txg ughaA 4- vklkuh ls miyC/k ikuh vkSj nkuk 5- i;kZIr jks'kuh 6- lkQ lqFkjk chekjh eqä QkeZ 7- ,uthZ dk tfj;k 8- bysDVªksykbV 9- çksfc;ksfVd 10- foVkfeu 11- tgk¡ t:jr gks ,aVhck;ksfVdA 12- le; le; ij [kkuk [kkus ds fy, ;kn fnykus okyk o txkus okyk O;fäA bu lc y{;ksa dks ikus ds fy, lcds vius rjhds gSaA esjk rjhdk eS lk>k dj jgk gw¡A ikuh dk rkieku 20&25 lsfYl;l gks vkSj fdlh nok tSls dh ,lhMhQk;j] lSfuVkbtj ;k fQj nksuksa dh enn ls lkQ fd;k gksA QkeZ vkSj Hkwlh dk lgh rkieku ikus ds fy, cPpk vkus ds igys ls gh CkzwMj pyk dj rkieku fu;af=r dj ysA igys g¶rs 90 F dk rkieku vkSj 60 % RH ¼ueh½ dks lgh ekuk x;k gSA i;kZIr txg ds fy,] iºys lIrkg es BaMh esa 035 ls ysdj xehZ esa 0-5 oxZ QhV rd çfr pwts dks txg ns ldrs gSaA blds fy, jkmaM CkzwfMax vHkh Hkh cgqr dkjxj rjhdk gSA ;fn 13 QhV O;kl vkSj 1-5 QhV ÅapkbZ dk ?ksjk cuk;s ¼CkzwMj xkMZ½ rks mlesa yxHkx 132 oxZ QhV {ks= Qy cusxk tks dh BaMh esa 500 cPpks vkSj xehZ esa 400 10
cPpks ds fy, i;kZIr gSA ,slk ,d ?ksjk cukus ds fy, yxHkx 41 QhV 'khV yxsxhA 'khV cukus ds fy;s çk;% dkMZ cksMZ] IykfLVd vkSj esVy çk;% bLrseky fd;k tkrk gSA blls cPps vf/kd Hkkxdj ,uthZ Hkh ugha xok,axsA chekfj;k Hkh lhfer gksaxh] vxj Li‚V CkzwfMax ;k bysfDVªd CkzwfMax djsaxs rks T;knk dkjxj gksxk] nkuk ikuh vklkuh ls fey ik;sxk vkSj rkieku de T;knk gksus dk ladsr [kqn cPps ns nsaxsA gkykafd T;knk rj ;s O;oLFkk yksx flQZ BaMh esa djrs gSa] bls dqN lq/kkj ds lkFk gj ekSle esa fd;k tk ldrk gSA igys 3 fnu isij QhfMax] igys lIrkg Vk;j QhfMax] IysV QhfMax] feuh fMªadj yxkus ls cPps nkuk ikuh vklkuh ls <wa< ikrs gSaA fQj /khjs /khjs bUgsa gVk;k tk ldrk gSA isij QhfMax ds fy, 20 xzke nkuk çfr pwts ds fglkc ls fglkc djds mls NksVs NksVs <sj ds rkSj ij j[kus ls nkus dh cckZnh de gksrh gSA ?kaVs ?kaVs ij FkksM+k cgqr nkuk bl rjg ls fNM+ds dh dkxt ij mldh vkokt vk;s vkSj cPps mldks [kkus ds fy, <wa<sA xÙks ls cPpk fudyrs le; ;fn 5 çfr'kr cPpks dk eqag ikuh vkSj nkus esa Nqvk;k tk;s rks lHkh cPps nkuk ikuh tYnh <wa< ldsaxsA jks'kuh igys lIrkg 25 yDl vkSj mlds ckn 10 yDl gksuh pkfg,A mldh baVsaflVh@ rsth@ mxzrk cgqr T;knk uk gks ojuk cPps ,d nqljs dks pksap ekjsaxsA iºys fnu 24 ?kUrs] nwljs fnu ls 7 os fnu 23 ?kaVs jks'kuh ns FkekZ ehVj tehu ls 1-5 QhV Åij vkSj cq[kkjh ;k CkzwMj ls 1-5 ls 2 QhV nwj gksuk pkfg,A ikuh cPps ds vkus ds igys gh miyC/k gksuk pkfg,A nkuk dc nsuk pkfg, bl ij cgqr er Hksn gSA iqjkuh ekU;rk Fkh dh nkuk nsj ls vkSj de çksVhu dk nsus ls ;ksYd xyus esa lgk;rk feyrh gSA u;h fjlpZ dgrh gS fd tc cPpk ikuh <wa< ys] rc ;kuh yxHkx 2&3 ?kaVs ckn ls nkuk fn;k tkuk pkfg,A nkuk [kkus ls ;ksd csgrj gh xyrk gSA CkzwfMax dh nokb;ka cgqr gh erHksn okyk vkSj fooknLin eqík gSAyksx xqM+] lksMk] ukSlknj ls cPpks dk Lokxr djrs vk;s gSa] ysfdu vc cPpks dh t:jr dks /;ku esa j[k dj u, u, mRikn vk x, gSaA ,sls esa bu iqjkus rjhdks ds i;kZ; miyC/k gSaA iqjkus rjhdks ls lh[k ysrs gq, u, o oSKkfud rjhds ls dke djuk le; dh ekax gSA esjk rjhdk Hkh blh lksp ij vk/kkfjr gSA çkschvksfVd cgqr vko';d gSA ek¡ ds igys nw/k dh rjg vkar esa vPNs cSDVhfj;k dh d‚yksuh cukrk gSA vPNs bysDVª‚y ds lkFk ;s vDlj fn;k gksrk gSA uk gks rks vyx ls t:j MkysA
Hkw[ks I;kls cPps ds fy, bysDVª‚y cgqr T;knk t:jh gS ojuk oks ikuh dk bLrseky ugha dj ik,axsA ukSlknj vkSj lksMk tSlh phts Hkh bysDVª‚y mRikn esa vDlj gksrh gSaA Xywdksl ;kuh ,uthZ dk tfj;k Hkh T;knk rj mRiknksa esa miyC/k gSA dqN mRiknksa esa ,uthZ ds rqjar miyC/k gksus okys vkSj /khjs /khjs miyC/k gksus okys nks rjg ds 'kDdj miyC/k gSa] vkSj buls Qk;nk fy;k tk ldrk gSA T;knkrj mRiknksa esa foVkfeu lh Hkh miyC/k gSA vr% flQZ vPNk bysDVª‚y bLrseky djds vki cPps dh T;knkrj t:jrksa dk /;ku j[k ldrs gSaA blds ckn foVkfeu ,] Mh] bZ] lh] vkSj foVkfeu ch lewg ds mRikn Hkh miyC/k gSa ftUgsa lwfp esa 'kkfey fd;k tk ldrk gSA oSDlhus'ku ds bnZ fxnZ foVkfeu bZ &lsysfu;e dk mi;ksx ykHkçn ekuk x;k gSA tgk¡ xkmV ;k fdMuh lEcaf/kr fnDdr ns[kus feyrh gSa] ogka fdMuh V‚fud dk mi;ksx Hkh fd;k tkrk gSA ikuh u feyus ls] chekjh ds pyrs] o xyr xq.koÙkk ds xqM+ ds mi;ksx ls Hkh fdMuh ij rdyhQ iM+rh gS] ftl otg ls fdMuh V‚fud ikjaifjd rkSj ls bLrseky gksrk vk;k gSA vkf[kj esa lcls eqf'dy eqík ,aVhck;ksfVd dkA mi;ksx djs dh ugha] djsa rks dkSu lh djsA bldk ,d lk/kkj.k tokc ugha gksrkA ;fn ikuh lkQ gks vkSj cPpk LoLFk vk;k gks rks çkschvksfVd dh enn ls CkzwfMax laHko gS] ysfdu nqHkkZX; o'k ftl Lrj dh eSustesaV ge NksVs vkSj e/; Lrj ds QkeZj djrs gSa vkSj tSlk ikuh vkSj pwts gesa miyC/k gS] vHkh 'kk;n ge iwjh rjg ls C:fMax ,aVhck;ksfVd gVkus ds fy, rS;kj ugha gSaA ¼,slk esjk rRdkyhu vuqHko gS½ ,sls esa ,aVhck;ksfVd oks lgh tks ¼lh- vkj-Mh½ vkSj bZ- dksykbZ nksuksa ls dqN jkgr ns] tks nok ml le; eqxhZ ;k euq"; ds bZykt ds fy, bLrseky uk gks jgh gks] vkSj tks fyoj fdMuh rFkk vU; vaxksa ij cgqr T;knk cqjk çHkko uk Mkyrh gksA ,sls esa ,d ls vf/kd nokbZ dk feJ.k Hkh bLrseky fd;k tk ldrk gSA
Dr. Praveen
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
The Indian Poultry Journalists Association (IPJA) organized a Technical seminar on 24th June 2017 at Hotel Avasa, Hyderabad to acquaint the Indian poultry farmers with the latest know-how on precision quality poultry production. The morning session of the seminar dealt with the Layer production while the evening session was dedicated to Broiler Breeders. In the morning session the stalwarts of Indian poultry were facilitated which included Mr. K V S Subba Raju, and Mr. D Sudhakar. Mr. K V S Subba Raju, Vice Chairman of NECC replying the Felicitation at the Technical Seminar for Layer Farmers explained that the team of entire NECC is still following the guidelines of Late Padmashri Dr. B V Rao who founded the NECC in 1982. He said that at the time of formation of NECC, there were hardly one crore layers and now it has augmented manifold. In spite of huge expansion, Mrs. Anuradha Desai, the Chairperson, VH Groupwas able to bring the situation under control and maintain the price line of eggs by devoting much time and more funds after the demise of Dr. BV Rao over 11
two decades. Many poultry farmers may not be knowing that she has been in constant touch with all the NECC zones and making efforts to declare maximum selling prices for eggs in the country. There are at least 27 crores of layers in the country as per the installed capacity. Though it is growing every year, NECC is able to increase the prices, while promoting egg consumption. “Many new Farms have come up. New Farmers with huge capacities are managing the farms and adapting the n e w Te c h n o l o g i e s . M a n y h i g h l y educated people are entering the poultry activity .Poultry has very bright future though there may be slight pit falls. “ The Government is also encouraging poultry as there is a need to increase the per capita consumption of Eggs.” He appealed the farmers to put on united efforts and extend their helping hand for realization of better rates. Mr. Subba Raju thanked the IPJA and appreciated their effor ts in conducting the Technical Seminar. Responding to his felicitation, Mr. D.
Sudhakar, Ex- President, APPF urged the farmers to always recollect the words of our beloved leader Late Dr. BV Rao“Talk to your Birds everyday! They talk to you.” This is a golden principle of management and for better profits. He used to say these words so that every farmer should go into his shed every day and watch the birds. “He was telling that your shed should be so comfortable that you too can sleep along with your birds in your shed.” He founded the NECC movement and laid a strong foundation for Indian Poultry Farming to grow.” He was dreaming India to be No 1 in world both quality and quanity, Mr. Sudhakar congratulated the IPJA team for a successful Seminar. Mr. K. Mohan Reddy (General Secretary Telangana Poultry Federation), while addressing the farmers explained the efforts of TPF in realization of culled bird rate, single window sales and extending helping hand to NECC in egg price declaration. He conveyed his best wishes to IPJA for conducting such Technical Seminars all over country.
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
In his Welcome address Mr. B. S. Rana, President IPJA appreciated the role of Telangana Farmers in bringing up the Poultry as No.1 in the country since decades. He said that they have started t h e i r Te c h n i c a l S e m i n a r s f r o m Hyderabad as it is known as Egg Bowl and also now as 'Chick Nest.' Hyderabad has the pride of declaring the prices of Hatching Eggs and Chicks also for the entire country. Mr. Rana announced that IPJA would this year conduct a Technical Seminar on 12th August at Namakkal and similar meeting in Karnal in October. He also declared that the prestigious IPJA Award Function would be held in early 2018. He thanked the sponsors for their support and appealed to extend their cooperation for the success of future programers. He assured the Indian Poultry Fraternity the best services of IPJA for the progress Indian Poultry. Mr. M. N. Rao Ex-President, IPJA in his inaugural address briefed the growth of Indian Poultry with the nationalization of Banks in 1969 and formation of NABARD in 1982. He reported that from 1971 to 1982 there was increase of 5 paise in Egg Price. After formation of NECC from
1982 till 92, there was increase of 60 paise 12 times. He recollected the words of Dr. BV Rao that when he was awarded Padmasri, he stated that the entire Poultr y Fraternity was awarded! He felt that Mr. Subba Raju has served NECC right from its formation over three decades with deep involvement in price declaration as Zonal Chairman, Hyderabad and as National Vice Chairman! He said honouring Subba Raju is equal to honouring the NECC striving for the welfare of Farmers. Mr. D. Sudhakar had also been working since the formation of NECC as a young leader and devoting himself for the promotion of NECC. As President of APPF also, he has extended his services. The team of all the members of IPJA honoured both the leaders with a shawl, memento and bouquets. Mr. K. G. Anand, General Manager (VH, Hyderabad), Mr. Bala Subramaniam (GM VH Integration) Mr. D. Rami Reddy former President Telangana Breeders Association, Mr. Jakka Rami Reddy (Vice President, Telangana Poultry Federation) Mr. V. Narasimha Reddy, President APPF Hyderabad-Zone-1, Mr. C. Madhusudhan, Jt. Secretary, Poultry Breeders Association etc. were welcomed by IPJA with the presentation of bouquets.
Mr. BS. Rana, Editor Poultry Punch (New Delhi) and the founder President of IPJA has taken up the lead again and organised this seminar. Mr. M.K. Vyas, (Editor-Hind Poultry, Hyderabad)and General Secretary, Mr. G. N. Ghosh, Vice President (Editor-Poultry Jagath & Indian Poultry Review, Kolkata), Mr. N..S.N. Murthy (Editor-Poultry Herald, Hyderabad ) Treasurer, Mr. Shashank Purohit, (Editor-Poultry Diary Feed Magazine, Hyderabad) Mr. M. N. Rao (Editor- Poultr y Voice of India & KoKhroKoh, Hyderabad)Mr. Vishal Gupta (Editor- Poultry Planner-Karnal) Mr. N. K. Gupta (Poultry Times-Karnal), and Mr. Rakesh Bharadwaj (EditorPoultry Express, Panipat) were called on the dais and introduced. The program started with a Dance Prayer performance Ganeshaya Dheemahi by Miss. Lakshmi Parimala (daughter of Mr. M. N. Rao) followed by floral tributes to Late Padmashri Dr. B. V. Rao, the Father of Indian Poultry. Morning Layer Farmers session started with Dr. H. B. Nataraja who spoke on 'Present Trends and Future Approach for better Feed Formulations. ‘He said feed formulation is exceptionally essential to get the optimum output in layers. He said specific feeding pattern should be followed for specific age group birds. He stated that only administration of the right feed ratio with age specific birds can give best
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
results. He said as the maximum investment in poultry rearing is made in feed, so the poultry farmer should always be alert to feed the right mix of feeds complying with the already stated requirements in different age group birds. He said the lack of inclusion of essential elements in the layer diet can lead to deficiency diseases and also subdue the immune-potency of birds. Dr. T. Kotaiah's presentation on 'Avian Flu- Present Status & Strategy to Control.'He said Avian Flu is one of the most dreaded diseases in poultry that can wipe out the entire farm in a very short time. He said that the Avian Flu virus has taken its toll in all parts of the globe and caused immeasurable financial damage. H said if the farm manager is aler t and practicing adequate bio security measures then the chances of Avian Flu infection can be checked considerably. Mr. Vijay Sardana (Specialized in Food & Consumers Laws, IPR & Contract Laws A g r i b u s i n e s s e s Va l u e C h a i n s , Commodity Markets & Innovation Management) spoke on Egg Marketing: How To Make More Money In Egg Business? He said Nutrient-dense staple food, high in protein, vitamins and an impor tant source of protein for vegetarians, whose number is constantly increasing. He explained in great detail about the nutritional value of eggs and Egg Marketing Channels. He said the marketing of eggs include-Collecting;
Grading and packaging on farm or transporting to a grading, packaging and processing plant; Storing; Moving through wholesale and retail channels; and Selling directly to consumers. He explained the different egg sizes, its prices and minerals present in an egg. Mr. Sardana said factors affecting yolk and albumen quality include: natural factors, temperature, humidity, time, handling, storage and tainting. He said factors affecting quality eggs are: breed, age, feed, management, disease control, handling/collecting eggs, housing. He said the Consumer Behavior is related to: Safety Quality, Quality Oriented, Nature Oriented, Concerned Consumers. The Morning Session concluded with lunch. The Evening Breeders Special session was actively participated by majority of hatchery men and Hatchery Advisers. Dr. H. B. Nataraja made a presentation on Feeding for Better Hatchability. He said there are 2.5 crore Broiler Breeders , 1 Crore Broiler chicks placed /day, Profitability of Breeding farm depends upon, Eggs produced per hen (settable), Hatchability and Quality of DoC. He said Commercial Broiler Breeder flock performance Goals are- 180 eggs per Hen, 150 chicks per hen, average Hatchability 80-85%. He said a study carried out by researchers of University of Wageningen. NL on hatchability per formance of 511 commercial breeding farms the outcome were as
follows. 1.
The average Hatchability in the beginning of Laying period (25wks) was 66% only
It increased upto 86% between 3136 wks of laying.
The hatchability was down to 50% towards the end of Breeding cycle.
D r. N a t a r a j a s t a t e d t h a t t h e performance of broiler breeder is influenced by flock management, health status, environmental conditions and nutrition. Broiler breeders need the best nutrition to guarantee maximum performance (laying rate, fertility and number of hatched chicks). Laying stress on hatchability he said successful hatching depends upon fertile egg having adequate nutrients and favorable environmental conditions. Hatchability is influenced mainly byFertility of both Male and female breeders, Nutrient pool of the Egg for Embryo development, Traditionally Vitamin status of breeders is always considered as major nutritional factor influencing Hatchability etc. On breeder nutrition and chick quality, he said that nutrient manipulations that give their positive effect on chicks by means of a better or more appropriate nutrition of the breeders. Ÿ
Re a l i m p r o v e m e n t o f b r o i l e r performance is possible through nutritional manipulation of their mother's diet, he added. On breeder
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nutrition he emphasized that first of all, the hen needs to have correct nutrition herself to: achieve optimal development conditions (age and sexual maturity, body weight, fat deposition)
said gut health is a precursor to good poultry health and optimum performance. He said gut health is directly related to digestion which means adequate absorption of essential elements to boost poultry health.
produce eggs of good quality (internal and external) e.g. good shell quality, moisture content, yolk to albumen ratio, fat content, mineral and vitamin status
Breeders do not transfer all the nutrients with the same efficiency particularly when they are young .
Dr. R. Jayasurya spoke on Status & C h a l l e n g e s : P h a r m a , Va c c i n e s Diagnostics in Indian Poultry Industry in exhaustive detail. His main thrust was on prevention, control and eradication. He said the poultry farmer needs to be well equipped and organized in a systematic way. He said pharmacology deals with comprehensive study on action of drugs. He said 'Plants are recognized as bioreactors for vaccine production.' Transgenic plants have been identified for vaccine production. Complex plants such as tobacco, potato, tomato, and banana can have genes inserted that cause them to produce vaccines usable for humans. He also mentioned the History of medical diagnosis in quite an interesting manner. He stated that Differential diagnosis can be reached at through Physical examination, Medical history, Process of elimination and Pattern recognition. According to him 'Stress Leads to Distress.'
He said Breeder feeding schedule should include-Feeding the immature bird (Pullet), require consistent uniform growth, achieved by control of feed intake and diet formulation. He said when feed changes there is stress when there is change nutrients, change ingredients and change texture. He also explained I full detail about the feeding schedule of the layer and broiler birds. He laid emphasis on nutrition necessity and impact of Protein Nutrition, Lipid Nutrition, Male breeders Nutrition, Vitamin nutrition, Mineral nutrition and use of Carotenoids. Dr. Anand Khandwekar made a special presentation on Gut health in Poultry. He
Mr. Vijay Sardana (Specialized in Food & Consumers Laws, IPR & Contract Laws
A g r i b u s i n e s s e s Va l u e C h a i n s , Commodity Markets & Innovation Management) spoke on -Broiler Marketing : How To Make More Money In Brolier Business ? He said we should consume chicken because it is high in protein, anti-depressant, prevents bone loss, good for health and has plenty of phosphorous which is essential for our b o d y, h i g h i n s e l e n i u m , b o o s t s metabolism, niacin rich, good for eye and healthy tissue growth. Chicken meat also controls blood pressure, reduces weight, prevent skin and cataract disorders. He also explained the broiler value chain and changing consumer behavior. He apprised about the latest addition to different parts of the chicken body available in the market. He said the Chicken Cuts available in market areWhole Chicken, Halves, Breast Quarters, Split Breast, Split Breast without Back, Boneless, Skinless Breast, 8-Piece Cut, Whole Chicken Wing, Wing Drummettes, Wing Mid Section with Tip, Wing Mid Section, Whole Chicken Leg, Boneless, Skinless Leg, Thigh, Boneless, Skinless Thigh, Drumsticks, Giblets. He also presented the price tag of organic chicken in U. K. He said we must explore marketing option and compared the Weight of Chicken Cuts & Economics. He
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PRESS RELEASE stated that the important steps for Chicken Marketing include Assured quality and food safety by feed your birds well and should include the following Have your own abattoir to ensure hygiene and proper cuts, Carry out marketing research, Bypassing the middlemen ,Take your business online, Become a supplier to Hotels and Restaurants, Employ Marketers,
Advertise your products, Try home delivery services, Use Attractive Packaging. Organisations like Poultr y India, Venkateshwara Hatcheries P. Ltd.,Globion, SR Hatcheries Group, Zoetis, ABTL, Huvepharma, Vesper (Vestar Agencies), Janaki Feeds, Chakra Group, Gartech, Dhumal Industries, Vijayaraj Poultry Equipments etc. suppor ted the programme with their sponsorship.
All the sponsors were provided Table space who displayed their product brochures. Sponsoring companies also made their product presentations and played company corporate Audio Visuals. The programme ended well with cocktails and dinner and a promise to conduct more such events for the progress of the Indian poultry industry.
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PRESS RELEASE A MAN WITH WIDE & LONG TERM VISION: SUNIL AGARWAL FOLLOWING FOOTSTEPS OF AN ICON OF THE GLOBE REACHED AT SUCH AN IMPRESSIVE HEIGHT The positive approach with dedication towards his workmanship along with team members under the guiding spree of Managing Director & Chairman, Shri Sunil Agarwal has started paying positive results for the loss making public limited company of West Bengal under the brand name of West Bengal Chemical Industries Limited (WBCIL). Group Company WBCIL, commissioned in Kolkata with leading edge German technology to compete with the old and
With active involvement in effective manufacturing and selling of number of pre-mixes brands in livestock, poultry and aqua feed, the Group Company entered in to the veterinarian lines leading to a portfolio of products which are very well acceptable in India and few European countries including Germany, Italy, United Kingdom as well as some South Eastern countries including Myanmar, Japan. “We are in mainstream from Back Benches. May be we are innocent, our limitations, our weaknesses or our strength, but we feel ourselves as introvert. We will straight away say ‘NO,’ if we have our limitations somewhere and not willing to do. Now the things are changing rapidly and people have started accepting and feeling that without good business, we cannot increase our standard of life and this message is very much favourable to us.
established API producers of India; is now a dominant player in the field of API, a GMP Certified chemical company offers a wide range of Fine Chemicals and International brands of formulations, WBCIL expanded its range to include APIs, both inorganic and organic.
What we could not get in the last 30 to 40 years, I believe that businessman have a good opportunity now to go ahead and the time has come to explore the possibilities of grasping business in a huge , professional and better manner. Till now, Bengal was also getting a brain drain as majority of the cream after completing their studies try to settle down themselves abroad or in West, South and North part of India having good opportunities of their skill. The MD was of the opinion that the time has changed now. The MD, Sunil Agarwal further stated that, “Now the things are changing and they have three CEOs, all Bengali posted in North, West and Eastern part of India and even in our company, around 1500 people are working and out of them 90
percent staff is Bengali people. Speaking about t h e G r o u p’s p r o fi l e , M r. Agar wal said, “Our Group has been divided into three major segments, which are Formulations, API WB Chemical Industries Limited and Healthcare. In API, we are extending our business activities of veterinary, formulations and feed additives, which is the lead company of West Bengal Chemical Industries Limited (WBCIL) in which formulations and feed additive work is being done.” Due to a big vacuum of feed additives and veterinar y healthcare, scope is abundance, he added. Mr. Sunil Agarwal, further explained that they started formulation under the name of ESKAG Pharma, the parent flagship company, which was quite old but started aggressive work on marketing e tc i n t h e y e a r 1 9 9 1 . W i t h f o u r Formulation Units in Ranipur, Haridwar district, out of these, two units affiliated with World Health Organization (WHO) and there company has been registered for exports to five to six countries. “My policy is that if you have to grow, you have to engage more professional people from the market or industry having worldwide goodwill. That’s why, we engaged top ranking people from worldwide reputed company like Ranbaxy, Pfizer etc and deputed them in the export of our products,” the Chairman cum Managing Director said and added his belief, “A good company provides number of good professionals and taking five percent of that cream of professionals will sail the new company on top gear.” The Managing Director & Chairman of WBCIL, while praising the working capacity and strictly following footsteps
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o f a w o r l d r e p u t e d c o m p a n y ’s Managing Director, who inherited this concern from his worthy father and took to the heights of thousands millions of rupees (worth approx INR 17000 crore) with just one anti-acid tablet and changed the scenario of pharmaceutical companies in India and was treated an icon of this globe. From the experience of icon of the globe and news clips published in different print media and his knowledge and group of friends in his circle, Mr. Agarwal proudly added his motto, “Having the money is not a big thing, but how best I can germinate this garden of money for the betterment of the common people in our society.” On the question of goodwill, the WBCIL Chairman said, “We need to respect of entrepreneurs who can build the goodwill of our nation. Even our Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Bhai Modi is trying to do the same thing directly or indirectly building the image of our country around the globe.” On a question of how they came out of red after taking this loss making unit
WBCIL from state Government, the Chairman politely replied that during the tenure of previous state government rule and after taking over this loss making unit, we had a planning that by funding it from the parent company for next three to four years, we will try to make it turnaround. And with the suppor t of professionals taken by the Chairman cum Managing Director, the company came out of red.
VIV Exhibition in Bangalore, I met a Pfizerman who was leading the show in the exhibition and from there onwards, I was watching his calibre, working and finally I brought him here to handover the ship and told him as to how to sail this ship in a better manner is entirely up to you now and he accepted my proposal and joined me.” Boosting a current annual production of over 1500 MT of various chemicals and APIs, WBCIL is eyeing a figure of 6000 MT by 2020 at its new and state of the art manufacturing facility at Dahej, Gujarat. WBCIL’s product range now aggregates to 116 and are as diverse as Calcium Propionate, which is being used by Bakery & Feed Supplement industry and Calcium Methylfolate, which has
Mr. Agarwal proudly announced that that was the only Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) which participated in International Exhibition. He further said that in the year 2007, they participated in VNU Exhibitions held in Bangkok (Thailand) and thereafter in Bangalore, India and started working on those factors. From there we saw the world’s latest equipments, machineries, techniques, latest products m a n u f a c t u re d . T h e re wegot an idea and with the recruitment of professionals working in Animal Health Sector, investing in latest machinery and p ro d u c t s m a n u f a c t u re d f o r t h e veterinary industry, which were in huge demand at that time and we en-cashed the opportunity.After reaching at a performance level, we thought as we had a good platform now, but we need a good captain to sail the ship in a proper direction with positive results, the MD added.
WBCIL is a leading manufacturer of Citrate, Acetate, Propionate, Butyrate and Ascorbate salts of Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium. The company excels in the manufacture of directly compressible APIs. WBCIL’s API confirm to BP, USP and IP. The company’s Quality Control Department is GLP- Complaint, with its test methods having gone through the rigours of Analytical Method Validation.
Speaking on the appointment of the newly appointed CEO of the company, Mr. Agar wal said, “In the year 2008 at
Besides, WBCIL, the other Group companies under the Chairmanship of Mr. Agarwal, there is a contingent of companies working professionally well under the brand name, “ESKAG
t h e r a p e u t i c u s e folatesupplementation.
f o r
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PRESS RELEASE GROUP” which include ESKAG Pharma Private Limited, Kolkata with two Units I & II operating in Haridwar& ESKAG Sanjeevan, providing sanjeevani to needy patients at a throw away prices for the welfare of a common man. In another social cause towards humanity, works like Critical Care – From the Heart, for the Heart and with lead edge technology working 24x7 with services like Round the clockTwo Medical officers for 20 beds; Subrata Mukherjee has 38 years of rich experience in the Animal Healthcare industry. Prior to joining Wbcil, he held top management positions with leading pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer Animal Health Ltd as Head Operational Effectiveness and Business Head – Poultry, Ranbaxy Labs Ltd, As Vice President (Vetnex Animal Health Ltd). During the early days of h i s c a r e e r, h e w o r k e d w i t h G l a x o Laboratories Ltd. and Concept Pharmaceuticals Ltd. His last role was as the Managing Director & Member of the Board of Directors of Bovian Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., a start-up venture by Suguna Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Here he was responsible for setting up the Company (with Four verticals – Livestock, Poultry & Aqua & International Business) and achieving a turnover of Rs.300 Mio within 26 months of starting the operations. Throughout his career, Subrata held several professional memberships i.e. as Core
MISSION WBCIL believes in using C h e m i s t r y, I n g e n u i t y, Pe r s e v e r a n c e a n d C r o s s pollinating-Team-Work to produce high quality Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for the Pharmaceutical, Animal Health and Consumer industry. 18
and other facilities like Wireless CNS system, multiple monitor, ICCU beds with ventilator, BIPAP, PFT and Central Oxygen & Suction etc.; name of SushilAgarwal comes in the front row under the brand name of “Sanjeevani” comes under his able guidlines and working for the noble cause.
Bedside Haemodialysis; Sledd; Portable Echo, USG, X-Ray, Portable ECG; C-Arm with temporary pacing; bedside EEG
The “Operational Cutting Edge” for Holmium Laser Surgery (Kidney) – First time in North Kolkata; Advanced Laparoscopic surgery and ENT Microscope with three
Member of the CLFMA (Compound Livestock Feed Manufacturers Association), Member of the Poultry Federation of the India (PFI), Represented AAHA (Asian Animal Health Association) for VAHL (Vetnex Animal Health Limited) as well as Member of Sub-Committee of CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) for the Animal Health industry. His experience in the industry spans a Global footprint where he started exports of Ranbaxy Animal Health Division by setting up a distribution network in Middle East, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar and Vietnam. Handled the distribution network in India for top MNC’s like Alpharma, Huvepharma, and Cevasante Animale.
Subrata Mukherjee CEO He handled products that became big West Bengal Chemical Industried Ltd
market hits and infused profits waves into businesses. For instance, Enrocin, Famitione, BMD, ALbac, Check-O-Tox, Calmex-M, Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumerate,all top selling brands,Enrocin became the No. 1 Brand in the industry.
Subrata acquired his Bachelor’s Degree in Science (Botany Hons.) from Kirorimal College, University of Delhi in 1978.
VISION We at WBCIL are committed to I n n o va te , C u s to m i s e a n d Manufacture best in class Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients that, when formulated into finished dosage forms, would bring longer, healthier and happier lives. POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
PRESS RELEASE Operation Theatres are among the very best in the city. With trained Medical Officers, Nursing Team with special Trauma unit backed up by all emergency gadgets and medicines with 24x7 Ambulance with oxygen and portable ventilator facilities are working on high alert under the chairmanship of Mr. Sushil Agarwal. On the contrary, regular quality control for ensuring perfect dialysis with dedicated sled machine with compassion, above all, to address Chronic Renal Failure; fully airconditioned 11 Advanced Dialysis Stations working round the clock doing around 40 plus dialysis in a day giving relief to common man in a better way with comfort, ease, economy under the guidance of eminent Nephrologists’ panel including ESI approved facility under the health department of West Bengal Government.
Under “ESKAG SANJEEVANI” more and more facilities are coming up like fully equipped Pathology (BS 200 & 300) and Diagnostics Departments under one roof and facilitating the needy round the clock.
(2008) and HACCP certified company. With a sound Quality Management System in place, WBCIL’s products have validated and audit proofed DMF Files in CTD Formats.
With a contingent of executive arms including strict & sincere administrative follow up of patient care; leading speciality and super speciality consultants; providing world class treatment at reasonable cost and continuous training of manpower of all Groups – Sisters, Medical Officers, Front Desk, Class III and IV for their own and others requirement, Mr. Agar wal believes in 6 “Cs” of Integrated, Speciality Healthcare which includes, “ C O N C E R N ”, “ C O M M I T M E N T ”, “COMPASSION”, “COSTEFFECTIVENESS”, “COMPETENCE” and “ C U R E ” , w h i c h i s “A d v a n t a g e Sanjeevani” all the way.
With the overwhelming success of its soft launch or Organic APIs in the domestic market in 2014, WBCIL is now gearing up to enhance its API portfolio with a diverse range of products like Lamotrigine, Nicorandil, Topiramate, Desvenlafazine and Risperidone. These will be manufactured at WBCIL’s new commercial plant, deploying regnant technology for organic molecules, which is slated to go on stream in the first quarter of 2018.
WBCIL is a long standing GMP, ISO 9001
With staff strength of around 150 professionals and a well established customer base spanning the entire globe from Australia to Italy; WBCIL is well placed to meet any demand from almost any part of the world.
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
PRESS RELEASE VIV TURKEY 2017, THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR ON POULTRY – A GRAND SHOW VIV TURKEY 2017, the 8th International Trade Fair on Poultry was organized from July 06-08, 2017 in Hall 9-10-11 at Istanbul Expo Centre, where Exhibitors from Turkey and abroad presented their newest products and services which included Industrial feed processing equipment, supplies, raw materials, feed ingredients, additives, poultry breeding and equipments, meat processing, packaging, handling refrigeration, processing, climate control, feed production, supplements, feeders & mixers, veterinar y instruments, medicines, budding and biological products, consultancy, distribution, genetics and registration, diagnostic laboratories, pharmaceuticals, poultry compound, processing machinery, ventilation & air purification, meat supply chain, weighing packaging and logistic, knowledge transfer and consultancy, bank and insurance companies.
event that provides a platform for the Turkish poultr y sector's leading companies in the white meat, egg, equipment and technology sector where international relations are cultivated and export markets are created.
At Indian Herbs Specialities Pvt. Ltd., booth (L to R) Mr. Pankaj Mehrotra, General Manager, Sampoorna Group, M r. R i c k y T h a p e r, M r. B a l r a m Bhattachar ya, Vice PresidentMarketing, Indian Herbs, Mr. Achin Banerjee, MD, Egg Industries, Raipur and Dr. N. Jagadeesh, General Manager (Technical), Indian Herbs.
At Aviagen Ross booth (L to R) Mr. Ricky Thaper, General Manager, IB Group, Mr. Harish Garware, President, IPEMA and Managing Director, Gartech Equipments, Aviagen Team Member and Mr. Ranpal Singh (Bittu) Dhanda, MD, Unnat Group. VIV TURKEY is a fair that has been given the UFI Approved Event certificate by the world's leading fair industry union UFI and is also a member of the European Agricultural Fairs Federation EURASCO. VIV TURKEY is an 20
VIV TURKEY 2017 was visited by trade visitors coming from all around the world. Purchasing committees members from Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Sudan, Tatarstan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan and UAE held meetings with the exhibitors.
At Kutlusan booth (L to R) Mr. Ranpal Singh (Bittu) Dhanda, Mr. Ricky Thaper and Mr. Selale Ramiar, International Sales and Marketing, Kutlusan Poultry Equipments Co. Inc.
At Alberk booth (L to R) Mr. Ricky Thaper, Mr. Nihat Celik, Managing Director, Alberk Poultry Processing Equipments and Mr. Ranpal Singh (Bittu) Dhanda, MD, Unnat Group. Mr. Ricky Thaper with Mr. Timur Aytac Kislalioglu and Mr. Kadir Dincsan, Sales and Marketing Executive, Gures Technologies, manufactures of Chick rearing cages, Broiler and Layer Battery Cages and Fertilizer Drying System.
Po u l t r y s e c to r a n d t h e l a te s t technologies were closely examined by the trade visitors besides attending several seminars organized by companies during VIV TURKEY 2017.
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
AB Vista South Asia (ABVSA), an animalnutrition technology company offering pioneering products and technical services to global animal feed industry, conducted a seminar in Tanuku on 12 June 2017. The main theme of the event was to improve layer farm profitability through nutritional management. The seminar was a huge success with more than 40 poultry farmers attending the event. Mr. Purushotham Reddy, Sales Manager (South India), started the event by welcoming all the participants and felicitating industr y veteran Dr. D.Chandrasekaran for taking the time out of his busy schedule to be a part of the event. Dr. Chandani Parihar, Marketing Manager, ABVSA briefly described about the humble beginnings of AB Vista and how in a short duration of 13 years AB Vista is one of thetop three companies in feed enzyme industry. A feat achieved solely on the basis of its innovative products and technical
of gut environment.
Dr. D. Chandrasekaran, Professor (Retired), Veterinary College, Namakkal, TANUVAS discussed about improving the efficiency of nutrient utilization to economize egg production. The key points discussed by him are:
Dr Rahul Sawarkar, Technical Manager, AB Vista discussed about how AB Vista products can help poultry farmers. The key points discussed by him are: Ÿ
Feed Quality Service (FQS)carried out by the ABVSA team over the last 6 monthsindicates presence of phytate in all raw materials.
Using next generation phytase for complete breakdown of phytate that works to the level of IP3 is important.
There is huge raw material variability and hence enhancing the nutrient availability is the only option available.
Nutrient availability can be increased through enzymes like NSP degrading enzymes and phytases.
Use of phytase for optimum nutrient utilization is well known, however hydrolysis of Phytate Phosphorous is lower in DORB compared to other nutrients.
Use of NSP degrading enzyme xylanase for better nutrient availability as arabinoxylan corresponds to 50 % of NSP content in feedstuff.
Superdosing of phytase results in near complete phytate destruction, increased yolk minerals and improved growth performance of layers.
Application of Yeast cell wall for antibiotic free farming and to boost immunity.
Gut health is of prime importance; probiotics and prebiotics are essential in preserving the integrity
The event concluded with industry veteran Dr. Ramesh Babu summarizing the main points and Mr. Purushotham Reddy thanking all for their presence.
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
PRESS RELEASE PHIBRO ANIMAL HEALTH CORPORATION AND ZYDUS CADILA ANNOUNCE THEIR INTENTION TO LICENSE PHIBRO’S POULTRY VACCINE TECHNOLOGIES Tel Aviv, Israel and Ahmedabad, India (July 5, 2017) – (NASDAQ:PAHC) Phibro Animal Health Corporation and Zydus Cadila today announced their intention to enter into a long-term arrangement to license Phibro’s innovative poultry vaccine technologies and know-how to a new vaccine manufacturing facility to be built by Zydus Cadila to serve the fast growing poultry market in India. Jack Bendheim, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Phibro, remarked, “We are proud of the more than 20-year partnership with Zydus Cadila serving the Indian animal health market and we view this as an exciting next step in our relationship.” Speaking on the development Mr. Pankaj R. Patel, Chairman and Managing Director, Zydus group said, “Our endeavour has always been to enable access to innovative therapies across
geographies and this agreement with Phibro will help bring innovations to the poultry market in India. The availability of new advanced poultry vaccines, which were until now being imported into India, adds a new dimension to the Make-in-India movement in the animal health segment.” About Zydus Animal Health With a strong presence in the livestock and poultry segments, Zydus Animal Health is India’s leading animal healthcare player and a market leader in various therapeutic segments which i n c l u d e a n t i ba c t e r i a l s , N S A I D s , antimastitis, tonics and poultry vaccines amongst others in India. Zydus Animal Health has introduced the highest number of ‘First in India’ products, in keeping with its mission to provide innovative solutions that improve
animal health and farm productivity. About Zydus Cadila Zydus Cadila is an innovative, global pharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of healthcare therapies. The group employs over 20000 people worldwide and is dedicated to creating healthier communities globally. The group aspires to be a research-based pharmaceutical company by 2020. About Phibro Animal Health Corporation Phibro Animal Health Corporation is a d i v e r s i fi e d g l o b a l d e v e l o p e r, manufacturer and marketer of a broad range of animal health and mineral nutrition products for use in the production of poultry, swine, dairy, beef cattle and aquaculture.
THE PRODUCT LAUNCH SEMINARS About Vamso Vamso Biotec Pvt. Ltd. provides research based, efficacious and quality assured Natural, Biotechnological and Allopathic products for health & productivity needs of variety of animal species through its group companies viz. Cattle Remedies India Ltd. (CRIL) and Vamso Biotec Pvt. Ltd. (VBPL). The company focuses on its resources for the development of unique solutions for Cattle, Poultry and Pet health care. Vamso Biotec Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2008 & GMP certified company having two manufacturing units at Dehradun (Uttarakhand) and Sirsaganj (Uttar Pradesh) in India with the state of the art R&D at Dehradun (Uttarakhand). The manufacturing and R&D is equipped with modern and most sophisticated instrumentation facility & machinery to maintain high quality standards during product development and manufacturing. 22
We are launching two new products in the market.
The launch seminars will be done at following places and dates
KARNAL 02-08-2017
KOLKATA 03-08-2017
COIMBATORE 05-08-2017
BANGALORE 07-08-2017
Dr. ROBERT BRAGG from SOUTH AFRICA as the consultant for biosecurity product. POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
NEWS Poultry Prices to Soften by 20% in Six Weeks
oultry prices are likely to decline by 20 per cent over the next six weeks due to expectations of weak consumer demand during the ongoing festival season, Business Standard reports that after hitting recent highs, poultry prices have declined by up to 14 per cent during the last two weeks, following restoration of supply from major producers and a sharp increase in breeding activity across the country, Data compiled by Poultry Bazaar, an online junction of poultry rates and updates, shows broiler chicken prices are down 13.64 per cent in Punjab to Rs 76 a kg currently,A similar fall was seen in broiler prices in Nashik (Maharashtra) where farm chicken meat was selling at Rs 78 a kg, Prices have fallen in other par ts of the country as well, albeit marginally, Chicken prices have softened by 10-14 per cent in July on restoration of supply of meat, About a month ago, poultry production in India was suffering because of adverse weather, resulting in shortages, During the summer, the mortality rate trebled to 7-8 per cent from the normal rate of 2-3 per cent,This resulted in a sharp decrease in the availability of poultry products, Now, with the onset of monsoon, the temperature has become normal and farmers have star ted increasing p r o d u c t i o n , s a i d B a l r a m Ya d a v, Managing Director, Godrej Agrovet Ltd, one of the largest poultry producers in the country, nterestingly, prices of broiler chicken had hit the record high in June on supply shortage following the government's decision to cull thousands of birds in the states with Avian Influenza outbreaks including 24
Bihar,Jharkhant, Odisha, Chennai etc, This had resulted in a supply deficit which flared up poultry prices in June, In Gujarat, for example, broiler chicken prices had shot up to hit the highest in recent months to Rs 106 a kg early June. Started acting in October last year post Av i a n I n fl u e n z a o u t b r e a k s , t h e government declared India free from this scare on 6 July 2017, Supply has started increasing not only in terms of new breeding but also in increase in the average weight of the bird. According to Yadav, the average weight of the bird has started rising to 2.1-2.2 kg now
from 1.5-1.6 kg in June, About a month ago, less meat was coming into the market due to high temperature. Now, weather has cooled down and the bird is gaining weight, more meat is coming into the market. So, supply has increased, Apart from that, the holy month of Shrawan is round the corner which is normally a low consumption month. So, chicken demand is going to decline further resulting into its prices to come down by 20 per cent by the end of August,said Mr Yadav, Indicating robust price of the last month, the share price of two stock exchange listed
companies - Venky's and Simran Farms - was hovering around 52-week high for the last few days, On Thursday, however, the stocks of Venky's fell by 2.47 per cent to close at Rs 2296.45 apiece, By contrast, stocks of Simran Farms jumped by 4.96 per cent to close at Rs 82.55 apiece on Thursday following the broad indices, Eggs at Rs 2.25 per piece is much lower than the prevailing prices last year and also below its cost of production at Rs 2.75 3.25 per piece. Falling below the current price would prompt farmers to reduce their production. The current price fall is a seasonal thing which we have to live with, said a senior official at Venky's, one of India's largest producers of poultry products in the western India, Substantiating the claim, Ramesh Khatri, P r e s i d e n t , Po u l t r y Federation of India, said, "The government revises feed minimum support price (MSP) upwards ever y year which raises cost of eggs and broiler chicken production,So, the current price is not viable for farmers to fetch even the cost. Hence, farmers would be discourages to expand production significantly, Meanwhile, maize is trading high on increase in MSP, oilmeal price firmed up on lower availability, But, given that the demand is expected to remain weak during the ongoing festival season, prices of poultry products may remain subdued, he added. SUBSCRIBE TODAY
Contact.. 999-170-5007
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
NEWS Kerala Govt Set to Wreck Tamil Nadu Poultry Traders
he Kerala government has mooted a plan to wreck the domination of
Tamil Nadu traders in the broiler chicken market, Manorama Online reports that the plan is to procure eggs from a large broiler agency in the country and hatch them at 20 facilities including the veterinary university, The poultry birds will then be handed over to Kudumbashree units for sale, The decision was taken at a meeting between Ministers Thomas Isaac and K,Raju had with heads of Kepco, Kudumbashree and Animal Husbandry, The plan will be discussed and finalised in the coming days at a meeting chaired by the chief minister, The plan envisages 50 lakh broiler chicken in two
months,One thousand birds will be provided to each Kudumbashree unit, and 5,000 units will receive them. Initially, 500 units will receive 1,000 each, Eggs will be hatched in 21 days. Broiler with 40 days' growth can be m arketed, The governm ent wi l l sanction Rs 5 crore (approx. US$7.7) to buy eggs in the first stage. Marketing outlets will also be set up through Kepco, Meat Products of India and Brahmagiri Dairy Farm of Wayanad, Government agencies will provide chicken feed and the veterinar y university will produce the same.
Kerala Poultry Traders Want Minister to Withdraw Demand
erala's poultry farmers said on Monday they would wait for one more day for Finance Minister T.M. Thomas Isaac to withdraw his demand that chicken should be sold at Rs 87 a kg, From Wednesday, traders will open shops and sell chicken at Rs 135 a kg, the current retail price, the Poultry Farmers and Traders Association said, If any problems crop up at the shops, we will seek police assistance, the association's president Moideen Rawther said, We cannot reduce the price at one go, Production costs are going up, he said, S S Rajamouli, the farmer representative in the 25
association, said there is no point in continuing with the strike, W h i l e t h e minister insists that small traders sell chicken at Rs 87 a kg, the retail price in one of the big poultry chains which has 15 outlets in the state capital stood at Rs 250 a kg on Monday, the association alleged, The New Indian Express reports that the price of mutton has shot up from Rs 500 to Rs 650 a kg and that of beef from Rs 280 to nearly Rs 400, The association leaders said they could not understand the reason for the minister’s stern stance on chicken prices alone, though the production costs are much higher in the case of chicken,The Kerala Poultry Farmers Association has rejected the demand by Finance Minister to sell chicken for Rs 87 per kg, While attending a press conference here on Monday, association functionaries said
farmers can’t accept the direction by the minister, It’s impossible to make chicken available for the directed rate. Farmers have to spend more than Rs 110 towards buying chicks and providing them with foods and medicine,they said, They also demanded subsidy and financial assistance for farmers in a bid to bring down the price for chicken, Chicken dishes may go missing from restaurant menus if poultry farmers refuse to reduce chicken prices in the stand off with the state government said the Kerala Hotels and Restaurant Association (KHRA) on Monday, Hotels consume 40 per cent of the total production of chicken and if poultry farmers do not compromise and agree to reduce the cost, it will become difficult to provide food at low cost.
Contact.. 999-170-5007
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
NEWS Poultry Shops Down Shutters in Kerala to Protest over GST
hicken outlets in Kerala today downed shutters as part of their indefinite strike in protest against the government's decision to bring down the prices after the GST roll-out, With this, several eateries, especially hotels, did not have popular chicken menus on their menus today, Outlook India reports that due to the trawling ban in force, fish supply in markets has also dwindled, While the government is insisting on Rs 87 a kg for live chicken,
the traders have said they cannot sell at that rate as they would have to incur huge losses, The 23 o u t l e t s of t h e state-owned Kerala State P o u l t r y Development Corporation (KEPCO) in the state capital witnessed a heavy rush since morning with people from far off places coming to purchase broiler chicken, sources said, The corporation which has its plant with a production capacity of about 1,200 kg birds a day, today increased its capacity to 1500 birds due to the demand, The outlets charge Rs 150 for processed chicken while the traders sell live birds at Rs 140 a kg, A private stall at Kozhikode is selling chicken at Rs 157 a kg and has sought police protection after traders allegedly
threatened them to down shutters, Meanwhile,traders shifted several truckloads of poultry from Palakkad to neighbouring Pollachi and other places in Tamil Nadu last night in view of the strike from today, Earlier the VAT on chicken was 14.5 per cent and with GST coming into force, it is zero tax, State Finance Minister Thomas Isaac today said there was no going back on the rate fixed by the government, It is unfortunate that traders do not want to pass on the GST benefit to consumers and instead are prepared to face even losses by transporting poultry back to Tamil Nadu, he said, According to the government, chicken prices were raised 'artificially' to Rs 130 a kg just before the GST roll out on 1 July, The traders had rejected the government's directive to lower prices as not acceptable and are demanding Rs 100 per kg, saying they were getting the poultry products from neighbouring Tamil Nadu at a higher rate, Fish workers have also asked the government to reduce GST for various fishing equipment, nets and hooks.
Kerala Poultry Merchants Plan Co-ops to Beat Profiteering
erala's chicken merchants are planning to set up cooperative societies to end the profiteering by wholesalers following the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which has eliminated the 14.5 per cent value-added tax on the poultry sector, The cooperatives will help the state become self-sufficient in terms of poultry meat production, according to the merchants, The prices of poultry products have not come down in spite of the GST, reports Deccan Chronicle, The merchants b l a m e t h e Ta m i l N a d u - b a s e d wholesalers for creating an artificial 26
price hike. Currently, the merchant sell a kilo of meat for Rs150, N.K. Nazeer, general secretary, All-Kerala Poultry Federation, said that the integrated cooperatives would be formed on the Milma model at the grassroots level, Such societies will help break the monopoly in chicken trade. Many banks have offered finance to such societies, he said, After the GST was introduced, the price of chicken has come down from Rs. 64.50 to Rs. 30. But the traders in Tamil Nadu are reluctant to cut the price. The suppliers have hiked the price
by Rs. 20 per bird, The cooperative societies can make us self-sufficient and provide us quality meat at a reasonable rate," he said. Kerala, with a per capita consumption of 10.8 kg poultry meat, consumes 875 tonnes per day against a production of 321 tonnes.
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
NEWS Cadila Healthcare Intends to Licence Phibro's Poultry Vaccine
ydus Cadila and Phibro Animal Health Corporation announced their intention to enter into a long-term arrangement to license Phibro’s innovative poultry vaccine technologies and know-how to a new vaccine manufacturing facility to be built by Zydus Cadila, According to India Info Line, Phibro Animal Healthcare is a diversified g l o b a l d e v e l o p e r, manufacturer and marketer of a broad range of animal health and mineral nutrition products for use in the production of poultry, swine, dairy, beef cattle and aquaculture,The share of Cadila Healthcare on the NSE was trading higher at Rs 2.25 per share at Rs 519.40 per share, gains of 0.4 per cent at 1035 hours. It has delivered
55 per cent returns in a period of oneyear and has outperformed the BSE Sensex and BSE Healthcare indices over
the same time period, Cadila Healthcare Ltd is currently trading at Rs 519.45, up by Rs 3 or 0.58 per cent from
its previous closing of Rs 516.45 on the BSE, The scrip opened at Rs 525 and has touched a high and low of Rs 525 and Rs 519.4 respectively,So far 185674(NSE+BSE) shares were traded on the counter. The current market cap of the company is Rs 52871.19 crore, The BSE group 'A' stock of face value Rs 1 has touched a 52 week high of Rs 558 on 12 June 2017 and a 52-week low of Rs 328.9 on 5 July 2016. Last one week high and low of the scrip stood at Rs 532.15 and Rs 508.35 respectively, The promoters' holding in the company stood at 74.79 per cent while Institutions and Non-Institutions held 17.14 per cent and 8.07 per cent respectively.
Poultry prices to soften by 20% in six weeks on lower festival demand
oultry prices are likely to decline by 20 per cent over the next six weeks due to expectations of weak consumer demand during the ongoing festival season, After hitting recent highs, poultry prices have declined by up to 14 per cent during the last two weeks, following restoration of supply from major producers and a sharp increase in breeding activity across the 27
country, Data compiled by Poultry Bazaar, an online junction of poultry rates and updates, shows broiler chicken prices are down 13.64 per cent in Punjab to Rs 76 a kg currently. A similar fall was seen in broiler prices in Nashik where farm chicken meat was selling at Rs 78 a kg. Prices have fallen in other parts of the country as well, albeit marginally, Chicken prices have softened by 10-14 per cent in July on restoration of supply of meat. About a month ago, poultry production in India was suffering because of adverse weather, resulting in shortages. During the summer, the mortality rate trebled to 7-8 per cent from the normal rate of 2-3 per cent. This resulted in a sharp decrease in the availability of
poultry products. Now, with the onset of monsoon, the temperature has become normal and farmers have started increasing production," said Balram Yadav, Managing Director, Godrej Agrovet Ltd, one of the largest poultry producers in the country, Interestingly, prices of broiler chicken had hit the record high in June on supply shortage following the g o v e r n m e n t 's d e c i s i o n t o c u l l thousands of birds in the states with Avian Influenza outbreaks including Bihar, Jharkhant, Odisha, Chennai etc,This had resulted into supply deficit which flared up poultry prices in June. In Gujarat, for example, broiler chicken prices had shot up to hit the highest in recent months to Rs 106 a kg early June, Started acting in October last year post Av i a n I n fl u e n z a o u t b r e a k s , t h e government declared India free from this scare on July 6, 2017, Supply has
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
started increasing not only in terms of new breeding but also in increase in the average weight of the bird. According to Yadav, the average weight of the bird has started rising to 2.1-2.2 kg now from 1.5-1.6 kg in June, About a month ago, less meat was coming into the market due to high temperature. Now, weather has cooled down and the bird is gaining weight, more meat is coming into the market. So, supply has increased. Apart from that, the holy month of Shrawan is round the corner which is normally a low consumption month. So, chicken demand is going to decline further resulting into its prices to come down by 20 per cent by the end of August," said Yadav, Indicating robust price of the last month, the share
price of two stock exchange listed companies - Venky's and Simran Farms - was hovering around 52-week high for the last few days. On Thursday, however, the stocks of Venky's fell by 2.47 per cent to close at Rs 2296.45 apiece. By contrast, stocks of Simran Farms jumped by 4.96 per cent to close at Rs 82.55 apiece on Thursday following the broad indices, Eggs at Rs 2.25 per piece is much lower than the prevailing prices last year and also below its cost of production at Rs 2.75 3.25 per piece. Falling below the current price would prompt farmers to reduce their production. The current price fall is a seasonal thing which we have to live with," said a senior official at Venky's, one of India's largest producers of
poultry products in the western India, Substantiating the claim, Ramesh Khatri, President, Poultry Federation of India, said, "The government revises feed minimum support price (MSP) upwards every year which raises cost of eggs and broiler chicken production,So, the current price is not viable for farmers to fetch even the cost. Hence, farmers would be discourages to expand production significantly, Meanwhile, maize is trading high on increase in MSP, oilmeal price firmed up on lower availability, But, given that the demand is expected to remain weak during the ongoing festival season, prices of poultry products may remain subdued, he added.
BUSINESS OF THE WEEK: Westwind Poultry Farms LLC OVID The next generation of the DeCloux family is poised to continue Westwind Farms far into the future, Peter and Joel DeCloux moved to Trumansburg from the Connecticut/ Massachusetts area in the early 1990s because they were in search of lower production costs for their poultry hatchery. They started Westwind Farms in 1995, providing chicks to customers throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada. Westwind also sells natural brown eggs (cage- and antibiotic-free) to Finger Lakes area outlets, Earlier this year the business officially (i.e. legally) welcomed the next generation into the 28
fold as the DeClouxs' children Kelsey, 33, and Dennis, 28, and son-in-law Brian Rappleye became members of Westwind Poultry Farms LLC, Kelsey DeCloux Rappleye said she always had an interest in maintaining her parents' business but wasn't sure she could go it alone in what she considers a maledominated industry, But when her brother Dennis and husband Brian also expressed desire in maintaining and growing Westwind Farms, she was , well, in business, In the last two years DeCloux Rappleye said Westwind has doubled its hatching capability from 2.5 million chicks to 5 million annually,The
company sells Isa Brown pullet chicks to farms of all sizes as far west as Nebraska, south to Virginia and east to
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
Chicken Tacos
Time Period 1 Year INR 1000 3 Years INR 2500 Life Time INR 8000
USD 160 USD 250 USD 800
(Life Time period 10 Years)
Ingredients l 1 medium onion, cut into wedges, keeping root intact l 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped l 1 pound skinless, boneless chicken thighs l 1 tablespoon cumin seeds, coarsely crushed l 1 tablespoon vegetable oil l 1 teaspoon kosher salt l 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper l 8 corn tortillas, warmed (for serving) l 2 avocados, sliced (for serving) l Charred Tomatillo Salsa Verde (for serving) l Cilantro sprigs, sliced radishes, and lime wedges (for
serving) Preparation Prepare grill for medium-high heat. Toss onion, garlic, chicken, cumin, oil, salt, and pepper in a medium bowl. Grill onion and chicken until cooked through and lightly charred, about 4 minutes per side,Let chicken rest 5 minutes before slicing. Serve with tortillas, avocados, Charred Tomatillo Salsa Verde, cilantro, radishes, and lime wedges.
Tel.: + 91 (184) 4033326 | Fax : + 91 (184) 2231050
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POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
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Maine. They have 51,000 Isa Brown breeders who produce those chicks, The hatchery, according to DeCloux Rappleye, follows strict biosecurity standards and is NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Plan) certified. This voluntar y testing program assures the hatchery is free from diseases such as salmonella and pullorum-typhoid, DeCloux Rappleye said Westwind can send out up to 100,000 chicks in a week. They fulfill orders as small as 2,500 birds and as large as 51,000 and may be filling multiple orders in a day if some of those orders are on the smaller side. She said they receive many orders in the 25,000 to 32,000 range, noting they have truck drivers on contract to deliver them, They come when the chicks need to go, she said, Ninetyfive percent of the chicks are heading to farms that employ cage-free practices and a large percentage are going to organic farms, DeCloux Rappleye said, The hatchery side makes up about 85 percent of Westwind's business,with the egg production side comprising the other 15 percent, We try to be very local. We want the eggs to be our local face,said DeCloux Rappleye, noting Westwind eggs are all brown and from cageand antibiotic-free chickens that eat
an all-vegetable feed,The key there is all of our eggs are that,That's the same prescription we use for our breeders, The farm has been antibiotic free since 1997, she noted, Westwind eggs are stocked at such local outlets as Shursave Supermarket in Trumansburg; GreenStar Natural Foods Market in Ithaca; Schrader Farms Meat Market in Romulusand Hollow Creek Farm Market in Ovid, The main office and egg grading plant are at 2470 Route 96 in Ovid in a former auto body shop the company purchased a few years ago. All of the commercial eggs are delivered to the grading plant, where they are hand loaded onto a conveyor, washed, candled on a light table to look for cracks and then weighed and dropped into flats or cartons. All the eggs undergo that grading process on Wednesdays, But that is not the only place Westwind's business is conducted. The company owns and works with several farms throughout the Finger Lakes,The hatchery and home farm are in Interlaken and there are breeder farms in Interlaken, Dundee and Auburn and a commercial egg farm in Venice Center. Westwind owns some locations and contracts out with farmers at others, It also has its own feed mill in Phelps and buys as much local crops for its feed that it can, One
POULTRY TIMES OF INDIA | VOL. 38 | NO. - 07 | July 2017
NEWS new area of expansion, DeCloux Rappleye said, is the fact Westwind is entering the mail order business. Westwind will be offering Amberlink and Bovans Black chicks as well as standard brown layer chicks. They were approached by their supplier, Hendrix Genetics, who was interested in marketing new chick varieties, They want to see how they do, and we want to see too,DeCloux Rappleye said,Westwind Farms is a true family affair, with different family members
assuming different roles. Peter DeCloux and Kelsey DeCloux Rappleye oversee sales, while Peter's wife Joel works in the office. Son Dennis ser ves as the hatchery manager while son-in-law Brian, a mechanical engineer by training, is in charge of infrastructure and operations, DeCloux Rappleye said Westwind is one of only two or three family-operated hatcheries left in the U.S, We're a family company, and I like to tell our customers we're American as apple pie, she said, That includes
helping out others. Whether they experience a surplus of eggs or not, Westwind donates eggs to Foodlink and/or local food pantries in Ovid, Hector and Trumansburg, We all care about what we're doing with our business and with our animals,” DeCloux Rappleye continued. “For us it's not just a job, it's a lifestyle. It's a different type of farming, but definitely a lifestyle that you choose. You put it first.
Self-sufficiency in poultry products needed
Seventy per cent of State's need for chicken is met by Tamil Nadu, Amidst the face-off between the government and poultry farmers on chicken price, there is a demand for developing the poultry industry of the State for its egg and meat requirements, Teachers Organisation of Veterinary University of Kerala (TOVUK) has called for research and development of 'meat type' birds, which can be produced on a commercial scale, The monopoly of hatching eggs and chicks by a few
groups is leading to hike in the price of chicken in the State, Kerala is one of the largest markets for chicken in the country, The monopoly in the business and the price hike have been creating headache for the government for some time, the organisation noted. Kerala is dependant mainly on Tamil Nadu for eggs and chicks. Seventy per cent of State's need for chicken is also met by Tamil Nadu, The KVASU has successfully developed poultry birds, which can be grown at homes for eggs. But now it has been necessary to develop varieties, which can be grown for meat at the commercial level to beat the monopoly
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in the sector, the TOVUK noted, Once developed, the service of Animal Husbandry Department and native farms can be utilised to popularise the indigenous varieties, they noted, Meanwhile confusion prevailed in the market even after the agreement reached between the Minister and the poultry farmers samithy on the price of chicken, The consensus was reached on Rs. 87 a kg for live chicken. But people, who went to buy chicken on Wednesday, were disappointed as chicken was priced at Rs. 115 a kg at stalls, The chicken will be available for Rs. 87 only from the farms. But it's not possible to sell them at the same rate at retail shops as there is transportation and labour cost. The chicken can be sold at Rs. 115 at retail shops. The meat, after cleaning, will be available at Rs. 158,” said Binny Immatty, State president of Poultry Farmers and Traders Samithy.
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