Poultry Planner - Feb. 2018

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VOL. 20 | No. 2 | FEBRUARY - 2018



Kiril Domuschiev CEO, Huvepharma


Mr. O.P. Singh MD, Huvepharma SEA


From the Editor’s Desk Table Egg Production

OUR TEAM Vishal Rai Gupta Managing Director vishal@pixie.co.in Bhavana Gupta Editor in Chief N.K. Gupta General Manager pcslkarnal@gmail.com

M : 999 170 5005 Aparna Mehmi Marketing Manager Poultry.pcsl@gmail.com M : 999 170 5007

Designed By PRINCE

Keeping free range layers should not be difficult. Over the years Vencomatic invested considerably in the development of equipment for free range birds gaining much experience in both the rearing and laying phases. The birds in the house follow their natural instincts but as the flock manager you are in control of the process. That is what we at Vencomatic call Managing Freedom: the optimum control of freedom of the layers in modern housing systems, Classic Sidebelt Nest : The Classic Nest is an automatic nest with a moveable floor. The moveable floor pushes out birds after period of lay. This prevents broodiness creating a clean nest pad resulting in clean, top quality eggs. The perforated egg belt is used to transport eggs to the front of the house. The welfare friendly design and the materials used create an optimum environment for the hen to lay her eggs, Bolegg Terrace : The Bolegg Terrace is a compact, but complete aviary system for layers which can be placed in adjacent rows in the house. Laying nests, perches, feeding and drinking lines and manure belts are integrated into the system. The special system design allows birds to move up easily. The system allows a higher bird density compared to normal floor housing. With the high quality integrated Vencomatic nests, floor eggs and second quality eggs are reduced to a minimum, Bolegg Perfecta: The Bolegg Perfecta system makes it possible to house a higher bird density by increasing useable floor area through the use of tiers. The layout is based on the concept of traditional floor housing which ensures easy management and good results. Manure belts are integrated in the system for periodic manure removal. The system allows integration of feeding and drinking lines, which improves the overview in the house, Rearing: Jump Start : Aviary rearing is becoming more important as the number of hens in aviary systems is increasing rapidly. With aviary rearing it is important to teach the young birds to jump. Winching the hanging platforms gradually increases difference between the feeding and drinking levels encouraging the birds to jump from one level to another. The plastic Vencoslat gives optimal foot support to the birds and can easily be hinged at the end of the flock to allow easily cleaning the house, Rearing: Bolegg Starter : Aviary rearing system for commercial layers which optimizes the development of pullets destined for transfer to aviary layer production houses. The system is designed around the needs of the young birds as well as the working environment of the poultry farmer. At the start of the rearing cycle birds are housed in the system at an easy controllable level. The birds gradually learn to jump within the system encouraged by slowly increasing the height difference between feed and drinking lines and via winchable platforms.

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Dr. J Tamizhkumaran

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M.VSc., PGDEP., Ph.D.

Publisher, Printer Mrs. Bhavana Gupta on behalf of Pixie Publication India (P) Ltd. Karnal Printed at Jaiswal

(Ph.D in Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education)

Mr. Rakesh Kumar Poultry Consultant

Printing Press, Railway Road, Karnal Published at : 923, Sector-9, Urban Estate, Karnal 132 001 (Haryana) India Editor-in-Chief : Mrs. Bhavana Gupta All Legal matters are subject to karnal jurisdiction


Glomix provides.... Ÿ Ideal homogeneity and balanced formulation Ÿ Produced in state-of-the art premixing facility Ÿ Higher concentration of Vitamin E, B2 & K Ÿ Improved body weight gain and lower FCR Ÿ Better egg production Ÿ Improved fertility and hatchability Globion India Pvt. Ltd. Corporate office: 2nd Floor, Vasavi Gold Stone, Survey No. 25, Near Military Football Ground, Trimulgherry, Secunderabad-500 015, Telangana , India Phone: +91-40-2799 0397 / 98 Fax: +91-40-2799 0399 Email: technoforum@globionindia.com Website: www.globionindia.com Factory: D. No.4-3, Survey No. 321, Biotech Park Phase III, Karakapatla Village, Markook Mandal, Siddipet District- 502281, Telangana, India


Ÿ Better liveability and immunity









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Advanced Bio Agro Tech Ltd


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Indian Tr. Bureau Pvt. Ltd.


Karamsar Poultry Appliances


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Zydus Animal Health












Press Release









37 8




EGG BREAKING PLANT : FACILITIES, LAYOUT PLANAND EQUIPMENT Introduction Egg breaking to provide processed egg products (as compared to shell eggs) was well-established before World War II. The demand for dried eggs for lendlease and military needs meant an increased need for egg breakers as well.The inedible eggs are also broken for preparation of animal feed and fertilizers."Egg breaker" means any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the process of removing eggs from their shells for sale as human food.Understanding the processes, layout plan and equipment involved in breaking eggs will help inspectors to perform verification procedures.

until made acceptable and released by a department representative. Plants shall be provided with an egg breaking room, which shall be used for no purpose other than the breaking of eggs, and for straining, centrifuging, and weighing of liquid eggs.

1. Plants shall be provided with anadequate supply of safe running water.

7. Floors, walls, ceilings, partitions, posts, doors and all other construction features of plant processing or storage areas shall be of such impermeable material and finish that they may be readily and thoroughly cleaned. Floors shall have sufficient pitch to assure complete drainage. Floor drains shall be equipped with traps and shall be connected to the sewerage disposal system.

2. An adequate supply of hot running water under pressure shall be provided for cleaning of plant and equipment.

8. P l a n t b u i l d i n g s s h a l l b e s o constructed as to prevent the entrance or harboring of vermin and insects.

3. Toilets located within the plant shall be of the flush type and shall be vented to the outside.

9. Plant doors and windows or other openings to the outside shall be provided with screens so as to prevent the entrance of insects or vermin.

General facilities

4. Hand-washing facilities, including hot and cold running water, soap, and single service towels shall be provided separate from utensilsinks, and shall be installed in a location convenient to the processing area. 5. A dressing room or other suitable place shall be provided where employees may change clothing and keep garments in clean, sanitary condition. 6. When use of any equipment or container which is unclean, insanitary or not properly constructed is likely to result in contamination of finished product, a department inspector may attach a "rejected"tag to it. No equipment or container so tagged shall be used 10

Combination floor plan for shell egg grading, packing and breaking

Floor plan of large egg breaking plant

Rooms Ÿ

Shell egg holding room


Chill room


Candling room


Egg Breaking room


Freezer and sterilizer room


Shell room


Inspectors office, laboratories


Draw off room

Holding room The shell egg room should hold enough shell eggs to operate a plant for 5 to 10 days. If the eggs are held upto 1 week, the temperature should be 55ͦ F; if over 1 week, 45ͦ F storage is recommended. Candling room Before candling eggs are washed and sanitized. The temperature of the water must be 90ͦf or higher and at least 20ͦ F warmer than the egg. The washing operation should be continuous and then spray rinsed with sanitizing agent of not less than 100 ppm or not more than 200 ppm of chlorine and must be dried at the time of breaking. Eggs shall be candled before being taken into the breaking room. Incubated, dirty, smashed, checked with ruptured membrane, open leakers, diffused bloody, black rots, white rots, mixed rots, green whites, crusted yolks, stuck yolks, sour or musty, moldy, containing foreign matter other than removable blood and meat spots, with embryos are separated.


ARTICLE Egg breaking room


Leaking eggs which are sufficiently well preserved to be used for breaking stock should be sent to the breaking room in trays.

For receiving the liquid eggs after breaking Knife rack

Glass cups

Typical layout of an egg breaking and sterilization room The egg breaking room should be connected with the candling and the sterilization room. It should be well ventilated. Eggs shall be broken by metal detachable knives or mechanical breakers. Whenever inedible eggs are broken, the affected equipment must be cleaned and sanitized immediately. Equipment in the egg breaking room Ÿ

Pails of egg


Leaker trays


Separator glass cups


Storage can for shells


Lavatories with pedal valve attachment


Cans Refrigerated churns


Dasher for hand churning

Pails for egg

Glass cups should always be used for the grading of eggs as they are broken from the shell. Certain kinds of bad eggs, such as eggs with green whites, can be identified through this transparent glass cups. Egg breaking trays and knives

Lavatory A lavatory with hot and cold water mixer, controlled by knee or pedal valve, should be installed near the transfer window, so that when a breaker finds a bad egg and has taken the soiled utensils to the window, she can wash her hands before obtaining clean equipment.

For breaking the egg shell Shell funnel and shell can


The shell funnel fits loosely in an opening in the center of the breaking table, in front of the rests for holding the breaking trays. The shells are dropped by the breaker through the funnel into the shell can beneath. Shell tamper

The eggs from the candling room are transferred to the breaking room in case of non availability of conveyer facility. To prevent the lower layers of eggs from becoming soiled with the leakage from damaged eggs, a false bottom is placed in each pail. Nested tray for leaky eggs

A tamper is always needed for pounding down the shells emptied into the storage cans, and may be used to advantage in the shell cans at the table. Pail for liquid product


Knife racks hold the supply of breaking knives while draining, during sterilization, and before use by the breakers.

The churn in which the yolks are broken and mixed with, the whites preparatory to freezing is one of the most important pieces of apparatus in the breaking room. Two types of churns are in use: One chills the eggs to nearly freezing during the churning process, and the other simply mixes the egg. Freezing room whole eggs, egg yolks, egg whites shall be frozen solid within 72 hours after breaking, and must be so stacked in the freezer as to allow free ail' movement around the containers. Temperature of frozen storage shall not exceed 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Sterilizing room The proper equipping of the sterilizing room is very important in the preparation of a clean product. The equipment should includes inks with draining racks, mechanical rinsers, and steam sterilizers. The sinks should be equipped with drains and mechanical rinsers and should be supplied with hot


ARTICLE and cold water and connected to trapped drains.


material is then sold as the technical albumen.

shells.In breaking room facilities and operations, shell eggs are broken and

Inspector office and laboratories

the liquid is separated from the shells.

This should be conveniently located adjacent to the breaking room in order to permit constant monitoring of the product and operation of the technical staff.

After the egg is broken, the breaking machine can separate the yolk from the white. An idea about the processes, layout plan and equipment involved in breaking eggs will help processors and

Draw off room

inspectors in proper monitoring of egg breaking operation. The design and

Steam sterilizer used for sterilizing egg breaking equipment. The egg breaking equipment should be cleaned and sanitized at least twice a day.

Some of the products of the primary processing plants is packaged and frozen in the plant in order to prevent the post contamination of the pasteurized product. The temperature should be 10ͦF or lower within 60 hours from time of breaking.

Shell room


The shells from the breaking room are conveyed to the shell room where these shells are centrifuged to recover the adhering egg white. This inedible

Manufacture of egg products like liquid


eggs and dried egg powder starts with breaking of eggs and removing egg-

facilities of an egg breaking plant must provide flexibility and efficiency to accommodate the specific processes required for producing different egg products. Annada Das¹ and Kaushik Satyaprakash² ¹PhD Scholar,Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly- 243122, U.P; ²PhD Scholar,West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata-37





When on poor litter b r o i l e r s a r e susceptible to podo dermatitis.


Turkeys can also suffer from podo dermatitis.


Breast blemishes can b e f o u n d o n chickens.


Quality of god litter material

The poultry industry is one of the largest and fastest growing agro based industries in the India as well as worldwide. There is an increasing demand for poultry meat mainly due to its acceptance by most societies and its relatively low cholesterol content as compared to other livestock species at the same time poultry industry is currently facing a number of environmental problems. One of the major problems is an accumulation of large amount of wastes, especially manure and litter, generated by intensive production. Because chances getting diseases are more especially in poultry. A poultry flock kept on well maintained litter is healthier and more profitable than one kept on poor quality litter. Diseases such as podo dermatitis, hock burn and breast blisters are all a consequence of poor litter. In turkeys the so called "shaky leg syndrome" sometimes follows foot ulceration associated with poor litter quality. These disorders cause unnecessary suffering to the birds and can also result in downgrading of the end product at the slaughterhouse .Many factors may give rise to poor litter quality and it is the purpose of this publication to help producers prevent the problem by providing an understanding of these factors.


Organic in nature


Low cost


Locally available one

Litter associated conditions in poultry Ÿ


A typical example of burnt hocks in broilers.

Quality can be checked by taking a handful of litter and squeezing it lightly and then releasing it. Good quality litter neither form a cohesive ball nor it should fall apart Factors Effecting Litter Conditions Managing for proper litter moisture Litter moisture is the key to the burnt hock problem. It is unusual for there to be burnt hocks when the litter condition is friable and dry Ÿ

Litter temperature


Reducing disease challenge


Stress from ammonia


Composition of litter materials

Composition of poultry litter materials The major components of poultry litter include the bedding material, feather, manure and the spilt feed .The litter contains such as N, P and K, trace elements, such as Cu, Zn and As, pesticide residues, pharmaceuticals such as coccidiostats, endocrine disruptors and microorganisms. As with other organic wastes, the moisture content, pH, soluble salt level, and elemental composition of poultry manure and litter have been shown to vary widely as a function of types of poultry, diet and dietary supplements, litter type, and handling and storage operations.

Litter materials Selection of litter material based on the availability and cost of the materials. Litter materials including wood shavings, cereal straw, husk and paper clippings are used as bedding material. Three common practices are adopted for litter management in broiler units. These include single use litter, partial re-use and multi-use litter. The singleuse litter involves the total clean-out of the house after each flock and replacement of the bedding material. The partially spentlitter is often composted for a few days to elevate its temperature to kill pathogens Factors influencing litter quality Ÿ

Dry, dusty litter may leads Increased chick dehydration, respiratory diseases and condemnations where as wet litter leads to having a much greater negative impact on performance, health and overall profitability.


Ideal litter moisture should be 25 percent. Litter moisture controls starts with building houses on elevated pad and maintaining good drainage through the life of the facility. Managing litter depth is critical in a built –up litter program. This starts with placing an adequate initial depth of 3 inches or more or less than this depth leads to cacking and excessive cacking leads to greater bedding replacement costs over time.


Nipple drinkers - Major opportunity in optimizing litter quality is selection, operation and maintenance in nipple drinkers.








Reduction in cake volume of 50 to 90 percent are often reported following replacement of worn nipples.


Litter quality can deterioate (wetness and caking)rapidly at high stocking density. The environmental conditions especially poor litter and air quality had more direct impact on broiler welfare than stocking density.

To reduce heat load in houses from built –up litter program in warm weather, it is practice by some growers to reduce litter depth to approx 4 inches going to summer.

For a multi year built - up litter program, this involves “cutting – the centres ”of houses. Litter is removed from center of house, often feed line to feed line and remaining litter from side walls leveled across the house.


Wet litter supports higher pathogen load. So, we have to maintaining the moisture content.


Of all the housing system and management alpratices, proper ventilation is primary important to growers to maintain good litter and air quality.


A study at commercial farm by Stayer et al., (1995)reported that 12 times more cocciocysts per gram of faeces on “poor” farm than “well maintaining” farm.


With the advent of tunnel ventilation and evaporating cooling pads, litter conditions during hot weather have greatly improved.


Tablante (1998)found drinker age and lay out time as factors influencing the challenge on farms.


Providing adequate layout time is key tool in reducing disease challenge.


Cake is the most concentrated source of pathogen and ammonia producing material in the house, effectively and timely removal of this product is an essential component of a litter program.

Donald et. al., (2004) suggested that maintaining more than 70% relative humidity operate 0.10 static pressure with 1 to 1.5 inch inlet opening, seal cracks and air leaks, mixing fans, checks for areas of inadequate ceiling insulation, use caution when using only off chambers fans during brooding, and use heat with large birds if needed to maintain air and litter quality.

Litter Temperature Ÿ


The litter materials should be wet, cold, ammonia laiden built up litter it is essential particularly during cold weather flocks, to preheat house at least 24 to 48 hour prior to chick placement.


Drinkers that reduce water wastage should be used.


Condensation should be eliminated by correct insulation of the building structure and water supply system.


Adequate air change rates should be provided uniformly to all birds.


Stocking density should not exceed the welfare code levels.


Litter should be of adequate depth for dilution of the faeces. Wood shavings are the best litter but chopped or treated straw can be used, provided that the management of the litter is good.


Both poor quality and excess protein levels in the feed increase litter moisture and its nitrogen content. This leads to an increase in the severity of the burn thocks and pododermatitis.


Dietary sodium, chloride and potassium affect water consumption and therefore litter moisture and condition. Their inclusion levels in the feed must be optimal.


The maximum inclusion rates of dietary ingredients should reflect their individual and additive effects on the litter.


Either poor quality fat or an excess of good quality fat will lead to higher oil levels in the litter which causes it to lose its friability and therefore to cap.


Veterinary advice should be sought and acted upon whenever disease is suspected.

Disease Challenges



adversely. A contact dermatitis such as hock burn and plantar pododermatitis are typical of conditions that are associated with wet litter.

Conclusions Ÿ

Poor litter quality can be avoided.


The welfare of poultry and litter condition are closely linked. Many factors affect the condition of poultry litter. Their detrimental effects are additive.


Water is the key word. Any factors that increase litter moisture are likely to affect the birds' welfare

Diwakar¹, T. Karuthadurai², Vaibhav Purwar¹, Sandeep Kumar chaudhary³, Mukesh bhakat¹ ¹Livestock Production Management, ICAR National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132001. ²Animal Genetics And Breeding, ICAR National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132001 ³Animal Nutrition ICARIndian veterinaryResearch Institute, Baerilly-243122




BROODING MANAGEMENT IN POULTRY FARMING Brooding Management in Poultry is done in the first 14 days period of the broiler poultry life – which is the most sensitive period because the bird is changing from an immature system to a mature system. For a better and profitable poultry production we can't ignore Good Brooding Management practice.

While Brooding Management in Poultry, poultry producer's one common mistake is to think only of maintaining the proper temperature. Apart from temperature we should also take care of other issues. Other issues like 80-20 rule , which means that 80% of the consequences come from 20% of the causes. While brooding we should always think about the brooding temperature, air quality, water and feed. Proper management of these areas will be the key factor to uniformity, which results in good performance. We will assume that we receive good quality chicks from the hatchery, which means that the day-old chicks are active with bright eyes wide open, with strong and shiny shins, navels healed, without physical defects, no pathogens and with good maternal immunity. The first week of Brooding Management in Poultry corresponds to 23% of the life of the 1.75g broiler. This first week represented 11% of the entire life in 1978 to achieve the same weight. So the proper commitment to a good start is very important for the broiler, and each good point achieved will be 20

rewarded in good performance. In many countries, some poultry producers think that by the second week the birds are adults already and stop giving them external help to maintain good conditions. This could lead to one of the worst situations in the brooding period. Te m p e r a t u r e o f B r o o d i n g Management in Poultry Two basic systems of temperature control are used for brooding management in poultry Ÿ Spot brooding (canopy or radiant heaters). The heat source is local so chicks can move away to cooler areas and thus select for themselves a preferred temperature. Ÿ Whole-house brooding. The heat source is larger and more widely spread so chicks are less able to move to select a preferred temperature. Ÿ Whole-house brooding refers to situations where the whole house or a defined part of the house is heated by 'forced air heaters' only and the aim is to achieve one temperature in the house or air space. In both spot and whole-house brooding systems, the objective is to stimulate both appetite and activity as early as possible. Achieving the optimum temperature is critical. Brooding temperatures for RH 60–70% Spot Brooding Chick behaviour is the best indicator of

correct brooder temperature.With spot brooding, correct temperature is indicated by chicks being evenly spread throughout the brooding area. The layout for a spot brooding set up would be typical for 1,000 chicks on day one. Chicks are placed in a 5×5 meter square (25 m2) or a 16.5×16.5 foot square (272 ft2), which gives an initial stocking density of 40 chicks/m2 (4 chicks/ft2) If stocking density is increased, the number of feeders and drinkers, and the heating capacity of the brooder, should also be increased accordingly. Whole-House Brooding In whole-house brooding, there is no temperature gradient within the house, although supplementary brooders might also be provided. The main whole-house heat source can be direct or indirect (using hot air). Carefully monitor and control house temperature and humidity when whole-house brooding is practiced. Chick behaviour is the best indicator of correct temperature. With wholehouse brooding, correct temperature is indicated by chicks forming groups of 20–30, with movement occurring between groups. There should be continuous feeding and drinking within the flock. Key Points To Remember About Brooding Temperature of Brooding Management in Poultry Ÿ Temperature is critical and should be maintained as recommended. Ÿ Temperatures should be checked manually at chick level. Ÿ Chick behavior should be observed closely and frequently. Litter temperature is the most important because day-old chicks are


ARTICLE extremely dependent on floor contact to help regulate the changing temperatures. The ratio of body surface to body mass is large in the day-old chick and it decreases with age, so the young chick will lose heat faster than an adult bird. The young chick's body is covered in down which has a poor insulating value, so if temperature is not controlled it will lose heat rapidly through radiation and conduction. We suggest having the litter preheated and stabilised 24 hours before placement and sometimes preheating of 48 hours , depending on the season, region and outside temperature. A comfortable chick will breathe through its nostrils and lose 1-2g of moisture in the first 24 hours. The yolk contains this amount of moisture – they will lose weight but not become dehydrated. If the birds are exposed to cold temperature, they will try to save or make heat by huddling or by burning feed to keep warm, which affects feed conversion ratio and this is the most expensive way.If the ambient temperature is 26ºC (78.8ºF), the same moisture loss (1-2g) in the yolk will last the chick three days. This is why, in practical terms, when we see large yolks we can say that the bird was cooled in the first few days. In the opposite case, with temperature too high, the birds will try to remove heat or avoid producing heat, pant to lose Always watch & use bird behaviour and effective temperature as the ultimate guide to determine the correct temperature for the birds. Chicks from smaller eggs (younger breeder flocks) require higher brooding temperatures because they produce less heat (about 1ºC) for the first seven days. According to the seasonal climate it is very important to have a tool to heat and cool the air, and options to provide correct air flow and distribution. Do not 22


forget that the broilers in a brooding phase do not need air velocity more than 0.3m/s at floor level. Air Quality of Brooding Management in Poultry Ventilation distributes heat throughout the house and maintains good air quality in the brooding area. An ideal air quality should be with oxygen 19.5%, carbon dioxide less than 3000 ppm, carbon monoxide and ammonia (NH3) less than 10 ppm and dust levels less than 3.4mg/m³. Inadequate minimum ventilation and the resulting poor air quality can cause increased levels of NH3, CO2, and moisture levels and an increase in production related syndromes such as ascites. It is important to always evaluate NH3 levels at bird height. The negative effects of NH3 include foot pad burns, eye burns, breast blisters/skin irritations, decreased weights, poor uniformity, disease susceptibility and blindness. Water and Feed Management of Brooding Management in Poultry We can call water an 'invisible' player in brooding – it can be both enemy and friend too! Many times we see this component forgotten by the broiler industry and poultry farmers. Water is an essential nutrient that impacts virtually all physiological functions. We must give 24 ml of water per bird in the first 24 hours, mixed with Aquacure. Poultry farmers also shouldn't forget the importance of cleaning and disinfecting the water lines. The use of 40-50 micron water filters is always suggested to maintain good water quality. The oxi-reduction potential (ORP) of 650- 750mv is a good goal; more than this can result in equipment corrosion, less than this will not disinfect the water properly. The flushing procedure is also a good tool to maintain proper water temperature for the birds. We suggest using paper in 50% of the

brooding area and the amount of feed should be 50g/bird in the period that the paper is in good condition. Use newspaper to ensure adequate time for feeding before the paper breaks down. It should be good enough to last five days.Correct stimulation of activity during the first 5-7 days of age is necessary for optimal feed consumption, digestive and immune system development. The best way to improve flock performance is not by increasing seven day weight of the faster starting chicks, but by decreasing the number of slower starters! A good coefficient of variation is 8-10%. A good tool to do is the Chick Check evaluation! It consists of having 100 birds evaluated by looking at the crop consistency. The crop is palpated after six hours and again at 24 hours post-placement . A good goal is getting 95% of birds with water and feed in the crop. We should not forget that birds are the best sensor in a house. For better weight gain, lowest mortality, immunity building in birds and diseases protection ,it is highly recommended to use the best quality Poultry Medicines ,which is time tested. Summary of Brooding Management in Poultry Good brooding management will always result in better flock uniformity. Uniformity is the key to good and consistent results and cannot be achieved after doing a bad brooding job in the first 14 days. The critical factors are temperature, air quality, water,medicines and feed. When these are correct, 80% of your success will be achieved.

Rakesh Kumar GrowelAgrovet Private Limited





Introduction Summer is one of the most difficult periods for the poultry farmers as heat stress is frequently observed. As the temperature raise above 35°c, it disrupts in the physiological phenomenon of the body. Heat stress releases the corticosterone which finally reduces the efficiency of flock. For maintaining of body temp, firstly bird's control of heat is done by following ways as broiler lacks the sweat glands so no sweating. Ÿ

By spreading of wings i.e. heat loss by radiation without any medium.


By conduction through touching on pipeline, walls or by digging in to the litter.


By convection, loss of heat in the surrounding air which is the best and the effective one.

These three radiation, conduction, convection heat losses are usually adequate to maintain the birds body temperature, when the environmental temperatures are between 28°c and 35°c. When the environmental temperature coincides with the body temperature of the bird (i.e.41°c), the efficiency of these above three heat loss mechanism diminish. In that situation, the cooling process is by rapid respiration through open mouth breathing (Panting).For managing summer stress, following management practices should be followed: 1. O r i e n t a t i o n o f f a r m a n d placement of chicks Ÿ 24

Thumb rule: The long axis of farm

should be parallel to the shadow of a vertically erected pole during the hottest summer. Ÿ

Chick's placement: 1.3-1.35 sqft/ bird, Chicks brooding should be done in middle of farm.

5:30-6:00Pm:70%feed & Morning time 6:00Am: 30% 2. Restrict feed in hot hours from 12 to 5:30 Pm 3. Proper no. of feeder (2.5%)

2. Temp management

4. Proper Height of feeder and knob setting

a. Curtain managementb. Side Pandal/ Over hangs c. Cover roof with Chhan

5. Water management

d. S p r a y V i r k o n - s / G e r m o f r e e / B904@75ml/ 15 Lt Water for 1500 birds. e. Use fogger 3. Lighting management Ÿ

Feed intake day time reduced so for proper growth increase feeding during night, morning and evening time so proper lighting is must at night time in the farm.


Proper lighting 100 Watts/1000 chicks with Zigzag pattern.


Fix a Timer at farm to disturb birds in night hours we can set 5 min off every 55 min during night for increase feed intake in night time.

4. Feeding strategy Feeding of more digestible feed is beneficial as stock consumes less feed due to high heat stress. Feed intake reduces by 1.25 % for every 1°c increase in temperature, further it is observed that the feed intake reduce by 5% per degree rise between 32°c-38°c.The birds should not be given feed during the mid-day (specially after starter stage) as the heat from digestion will increase the body temp. 1. Feeding pattern: Evening time

It is estimated that the consumption of water increase by 6%for every 1°c rise in temperature from 20°c where is approximately 2 times feed quantity. Promote gentle walking inside the farms, which helps to motivate birds to drink more water & to reduce heat in the lying area and between the birds. 1. Proper cover water tank 2. During hot hours every 2 hours remove water from pipeline. 3. Increase frequency of filling water tank 4. Proper use water sanitizer (Sannext/ Safedoz) or acidifier 5. Proper no. of drinkers (2.5%)and height setting 6. Chicks drinker put up to 16th day then provide extra water tub : 4 Tub /1000birds 7. Temp of tub water is at least 2*c lower than auto drinkers water 8. If get adequate cool water then increase water intake so reduce the chance of viral infection. 9. Antibiotics to be given on the basis of bwt calculation because in summer the water intake will be high.




6. Ventilation

8. Biosecurity

A. Curtain management: For prevent direct hot air in farm put 1.5 to 2 ft green net both side for 24 hrs up to 15 days then up to last day put 11am-4:30 pm


Do not allow the visitors to enter into the farm, mainly other farmers.

2. Drinking water


Proper cleaning of farm with spray and fumigation

b. Use skimmed milk@6g/Lt of water,


Proper cleaning of pipeline with H2O2 : water ( 1lt+9Lt for 100 feet pipe of ½”)

B. Ceiling fan: 1fan for 30*10 sqft area or large standing fan / Farrata fan as per capacity. Temp & Humidity/ Temp Humidity Index (THI) Ÿ



Humidity play important role in summer. Increase humidity more than 75%, increase the chance of viral infection. Birds can't survive when sum of temp (*C) and humidity (%) is above 115 Eg. 45*C + 65%=110 and 45*C + 70%= 115


Regular cleaning of drinker


Use footbath at the door of farm


Do not feed the dead birds to dogs.


Spray start from 15th day with Germofree @75ml/15 Lt water and then every week spray B904 5ml/1lt of water


After 3wk of age use B904/Virkon-s in water tank for 24 hours 1ml/3-5 lt water


Separate weak and diseased birds in corner of farm


Don't borrow the equipment from the other farms.

7. Litter management 1. Moisture level of litter<25% and temp <32 c 2. Proper raking start from 4th day

d. Give time to drop proper in eye.

a. Thirst for 30-45minutes,

c. Before vaccination proper clean drinkers, d. Stop water sanitizer and Chlorine tab before and after vaccine for 24hrs 9. Manage/ reduce heat stroke by herbal and medicinal remedies Conclusion If we trying to fulfill above practices to ameliorate the performance of broiler in extreme summer Season then we can get excellent results with lowest FCR, lowest mortality and higher EEF (Europian Efficiency Factor) however it is mostly depends on quality of chicks and feed but we are giving excellent quality of feed because of associated with most renound and fast growing group “MFPL”.

Methods of vaccination

3. Remove litter if more damaged 4. Litter treatment with a. Litteron (Gybro) or Ammox powder (intervet) treatment. b. D e s i f u n d a : L i m e + s u p e r phosphate+ Wood scrubs/ burada/ Chilka/ paddy husk (2kg +200g +10kg) 1. Eye drop a. Use dropper 30ml/1000birds b. Don't miss a single chick c. Don't do in hurry. 26

Dr. Shaitan Singh Rathore Regional Technical Manager, Mahafeed, Haryana




ORGANIC POULTRY FARMING SYSTEM: MANAGEMENT AND WELFARE Introduction Poultry sector is one of the quickest developing segments of the agricultural sector in India today. Generation of eggs and broilers is raising at considerably more quicker pace than that of production of agricultural thus; India is presently world's fifth largest egg maker and eighteenth biggest maker of the broiler. Notwithstanding all the positive angels still, the issues of food safety and quality stay unaddressed. Subsequently in the poultry world new interventions as "ORGANIC POULTRY FARMING." There is a need to talk about the different issues of organic farming alongside vital medications interventions required in poultry rearing, feeding, housing and medication management under Indian situation. Preventive management w o r k o n , including the utilization of vaccines to keep animals healthy, are u t i l i z e d ; h o w e v e r , antibiotics can't be used for any reason and f e d e r a l regulations deny the utilization of hormones in all poultry. Organic management standards deny producers from withholding treatment from a sick or injured animal, but animals treated with a denied medication may not be sold as organic. All organically raised animals must approach the outdoors; they might be temporarily confined only for reasons of health, security, or to ensure soil or water quality. The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) permits the utilization of animal production claims and the term "natural". The term "natural" may be used in combination with the claim "certified organic by (a certifying entity)" when these requirements are met. The meaning of "naturally raised" is being reviewed by the USDA and may result in changes to these definitions. FSIS permits the application of "animal production claims" (ie, truthful statements about the 28

raising of animals from which meat and poultry products are derived) on the labeling of meat and poultry products. For a long time, animal production claims have served as an alternative to the use of the term "organic" on the labeling of meat and poultry products in the absence of a uniformly accepted definition. Along these lines, producers may wish to continue the use of animal production claims (eg, "Raised Without Added Hormones," "Free Range," "No Antibiotics Ever," "All Vegetarian Diet") on meat and poultry marking. Ÿ


Poultry Housing

The fundamental target to take organic housing and management standards is to provide an opportunity for poultry bird to exhibit all its normal behavior patterns. Stress-free birds are likely to have a positive effect both the well being and production capacity of the flock. Other than feed, litter material and water, the flock ought to be given (MOLPRO 200 Gm/ 5000 chicks) in first drinking water for 10 days and (ADIMMONE 100 ML/5000 chicks, from 5th day) which are absolutely organic and produced fundamentally to release stress in the flock. Ÿ

flavorings, dust suppressants, or flowing agents are allowed.Provision of a feed ration sufficient to meet nutritional requirements, including vitamins, minerals, protein and/or amino acids, fatty acids, and energy sources; Conditions that take for exercise, freedom of movement, and reduction of stress appropriate to the species (no caged laying hens, for example); Physical alterations as needed to promote the poultry's welfare, performed in a way that minimizes pain and stress.

Organic Feed for Poultry

Organic feed ought to be 'certified organic' thus marked by a perceived certification organization. Organic feed is developed without the utilization of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), synthetic fertilizers, persistent pesticides, chemical fertilizers, animal by-products. They should be fed certified organic feed for their whole lives. Non-synthetic (natural) substances, for example, shellfish shells, calcium carbonate or fish meal; and synthetic substances that show on the National List, may be used as feed additives and supplements. The only specific synthetic feed additive on the National List for poultry is DL-methionine. No synthetic colorings,

Health Care in Organic Poultr y Production

Management practices utilization of antibiotics ought to be avoided utilization of natural medicines and methods including Homeopathy and Ayurvedic should be emphasized in hot and humid climate region, coccidiosis and parasitic issues are more typical for this, organic and herbal medicine naming DILACOX (2ml/Ltr. twice a day) ought to be given to eliminating the above-said diseases. DOC should be observed regularly for vaccination to develop strong immunity for this regular use of ADIMMONE (2ml/Ltr. twice a day) should be there to enhance the immunity. Organic poultry makers must not utilize lumber treated with arsenate or other prohibited materials in contact with soil or birds for new installations or replacement purposes. Ÿ

Environmental Concerns

In general, organic agriculture is gentler on the environment than regular agricultural practices. Waste management, greenhouse gas reduction, soil and water quality, preservation of biodiversity and conservation of energy and water resources, organically produced chicken is usually the more environmentally sensitive option. Organic poultry operations must oversee excrement with the goal that it doesn't add to sullying of yields, soil, or water by plant supplements, heavy metals, or pathogenic


ARTICLE organisms, and that it optimizes the reusing of supplements. Ÿ

Bacterial Contamination

By law, meat processors cannot irradiate organic chicken to prevent bacterial contamination. Thus, a few consumers may have with respect to food safety. The examination found that organically raised chicken contained more elevated amounts of bacteria than conventionally raised chicken or turkey. In spite of the fact that there was a higher overall bacterial count, the bacteria species in the organically raised chicken meat showed significantly less resistance to antibiotic medications than conventionally raised poultry. The investigation confirmed that organically raised chicken requires suitable food-safety precautions but is a decent decision for consumers concerned about the spread of antibiotic-resistant microbes. Ÿ

Animal Welfare

The National Organic Standard makes arrangements for the humane treatment of livestock animals. Under these conditions, organic chicken farmers must provide living conditions that permit healthy and natural chicken behavior. Organic chickens approach the outdoors, direct sunshine and adequate space for grooming and exercise. Ÿ

Organic Egg

Organic eggs are free from any of these p o s s i b l y destructive synthetic residues. Eggs from chickens that are freerange and eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, from sources, for example, grasses and weeds, lay eggs that are higher in omega-3 fatty acids than chickens that are only grain-fed. Omega-3s assume a basic part of brain function and growth, reduce inflammation and may prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis. Organic eggs contain two-thirds more vitamin A, seven times more beta-carotene and three times more vitamin E than conventional eggs. These distinctions likely go to the diet of organic hens that free-range. Getting more vitamin A from organic eggs helps maintain 30


the immune system and healthy skin, hair and eyes. Beta-carotene, which accounts for the dark orange color of organic egg yolks, is a precursor to vitamin A in the body. It likewise as an antioxidant, helping to prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Vitamin E is likewise an antioxidant that helps to maintain healthy red blood cells, nerve capacity and cell membranes. Ÿ

Organic Chicken

Organic foods are developed and processed uniquely than conventional agricultural products. Meats, like chicken, are fed organic feed and gave access to the outside, reports Mayoclinic.com. Organic chickens get a balanced diet and clean housing, which helps decrease the propensity of disease. The utilization of antibiotics and feed made from other animal parts cannot be used in organic chicken farming. While eating organic produce can help limit exposure to pesticides and chemical-based fertilizers, the advantage of picking organic chicken is less obvious. Organic chicken farming is cleaner and might be all the more ecologically inviting. Choosing chicken or other meats that do not contain antibiotics can help prevent the development of resistant bacterial strains. It seems to imply that the chicken was treated in a more humane manner during its life. Some people find they prefer the flavor of the organic chicken.The organic chicken costs almost twice as much as conventional chicken. Organic chicken may appear slightly different than conventional chickens. The chickens are frequently smaller and paler as they do not contain colorings or salt solutions for preservation. Ÿ

Organic Vs. Non-Organic Chicken

The choice to purchase organic chicken or ordinarily raised chicken includes various elements. Choose organic chicken because feel it is healthier, more humane or better for the environment. On the other hand, may choose conventionally raised chicken due to price considerations or concerns about food safety. Taking the about both

options will help you make an informed choice. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there is right now little reliable research to indicate whether organically produced food is nutritionally superior to conventionally raised counterparts. Organically raised plant products do seem to have higher levels of certain trace nutrients. When used in poultry feed, these extra nutrients may increase the nutritional estimation of meat. Ÿ

Policy Interventions for Promotion of Organic Poultry

Organic poultry production in India right now is not regulated by any formal standards at national level aside from few recommended standards by international open agencies (IFOAM) further govt. should provide opportunities within future for national and regional marketing and processing grant schemes for the development of centralizing packing and processing policies. However, a more critical review of some of these standards with respect to organic poultry for India is necessary. Ÿ

Record Maintenance

The producer of an organic livestock operation must maintain records sufficient to preserve the identity of all organically managed animals and edible and nonedible animal products produced on the operation." This means that all organic poultry must be grouped in flocks, or otherwise identified, with corresponding records maintained of all health events and medications or activities; all feeds and feed supplements purchased and consumed for all stages of life; housing and pasture rotations; etc. Records must also be maintained of all products produced, including meat and eggs. Conclusion With a basic understanding of organic poultry farming is about, can further research the market there is for organic poultry products in perticular area and it would take for get started.

Manisha Singodia Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education




EGGS ARE A GREAT HEALTH FOOD Dr. B. V. Rao (1935-1996)

A fistful of an Egg gives you a life full of health….

Hear dear Consumers!! Please Read on to know more : 1. 2. 3. 4.

Eggs are great protectors of women's health. Pregnant and lactating mothers drive iron and folic acid adequately from eggs. Vitamin E ,D and Selenium are well sourced in eggs which protect and prolong the beauty of young women. Vitamin D ,Calcium and Magnesium which are necessary for the fortification of children's physiology are well prevent in eggs. Eggs are excellent source of Histidine an important amino acid, Linoleic acid Choline which are essential for muscular growth and strength as well as developing disease resis tance and memory enhancement in children. 5. Vitamins B1, B2, B6 which are essential for improvement in sensory perception and muscular strength among youth are rampantly found in eggs. 6. Vitamin A and Selenium present in eggs help in prevention of obesity. 7. Carotene a nutrient present in egg yolk helps in preventing loss of eyesight. 8. Multiple anti oxidants are present in eggs which prevent breast cancer in women. 9. Vitamin B12 which helps in reduction of fatigue and tiredness….. as a matter of fact the dietary importance of eggs in growth, improvement and revitalizing of human physiology is an undeniable fact which brings true health and happiness. 10. Eggs contain 6.8 grams of protein, 77 kilo calories of energy, 12 Minerals and 8 Minerals salts along with 12 vitamins.

Eggs - Myths and Facts : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Raw Egg: Indigestible if eaten every day. Hence raw eggs should not be taken. Boiled eggs are much better. Half cooked egg: Partly indigestible, but good for patitents with ulcers so can be safely had. Omelette: since oil is used to prepare though tasty, is not to good to eat excessively. Egg and Snake gourd: contains no toxins even if cooked together hence can be safely combined. Eggs are not “heat”: Such statements such as eggs cause body heat are a pure myth. Containing only 77 Calories of energy they are an important dietary constituent. Egg yolk: Egg yolks contain excellent nutrients and good cholesterol which are important for the human body, so encourage consumption of egg yolks. Are eggs vegetarian or non vegetarian? : when milk which is an animal product is actually non vegetarian it is universally considered vegetarian. In the same manner honey which is again an animal byproduct is also not considered “non vegetarian.”In the same manner there are no male chicken i.e. Cocks in poultry farms. Only female chicken which are appropriately fed produce “unfertilized” eggs. These eggs not contain any living cells hence cannot be hatched into chicks. Therefore just milk and honey, poultry farm eggs can be safely considered to be vegetarian just as Mahatma Gandhiji (Ref. Key to Health.) Eggs are only second to mother's milk: Eggs play an important dietary role in healthy human physiology especially the digestive and gastrointestinal system. Significantly from among the 24 essential macro and micro nutrients required by the human body, eggs contribute 23 of these essential nutrients the fact which should portray there unchallengeable importance of the human diet. On the whole eggs are a wholesome diet containing all the health elements. In our country chicken is cooked at 90-100 deg. Centigrade and eggs are cooked at 65 to 75 deg. C. It is falsely believed that bird –flu virus is able to grow in such temperatures. Such beliefs are 100% wrong. Also bird- flu is being countered by the machine Tami flu which has entered the market and is able to contain it. Hence eggs can be safely consumed without apprehension of any kind.

Eggs are No. 1 after mother's milk Name of the food item

Mother's milk Eggs Milk Chicken Fish Meat

Digestible Nutrient Percentage Percentage

100 96 90 82 76 74

100 96 90 80 74 72

Name of the food item

Digestible Nutrient Percentage Percentage

Chick peas Soya Beans Pigeon Pea-Arahar Dal Rice Wheat

74 72 72 80 66

61 70 54 77 61

Who would live for a full 100 years? A global survey conducted in 2007 says in its report: 1. Good Food, 2. Good Exercise, 3. Good Human Relations, 4. Good Marital and Family Relations, 5. Good Spiritual Values, contribute to longevity of life. Among premium foods, nature's first class fast food “the egg” is the best, confirms the report.

Therefore in this fast moving era, the unadulterated egg is better than Milk, Tea, Coffee, Mirchi bhajjis or health damaging products like Betel leaf- Paan, Chewing Tobacco- Ghutka, Cigarettes, Beedis etc. Among all food products available in the market, eggs are healthiest and are also the cheapest available with a high degree of health combining wholesome taste and nutritive values. As the divine God has bestowed mankind with such a marvellous wonder food as the egg, one can coolly bypass festivities and fasts, and celebrate this gift of life. Look beyond adulterated milk or fluoride rampant bore water, or highly infectious open sweetmeats sold by hawkers at every street.Such unhealthy habits have helped in the progression of hospital businesses and have caused a curse among folks of all kind. It is more hospitable and healthy to offer your guests a couple of Swami Vivekananda preaches,” do not weaken your selves rather choose wholesome and nutritious foods to become strong and intellectual Indians. The consumption of eggs enhances your strength and enhances your resistance power and helps you counter all kinds of diseases. 31




SELENIUM ENRICHED EGGS - FACTS VS MYTHS Importance of selenium Selenium (Se) is a trace mineral which plays a vital role in human and animal nutrition by reducing the oxidative stress thereby improving health status. Selenoprotein enzymes like glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) maintain the membrane integrity of the cell. This antioxidant defence mechanism protects the cell from damage caused by free radicals produced during normal metabolism. These free radicals are the common etiology of chronic disease like cancer. Seleno-proteins are involved in the regulation of a range of physiologicallyimportant processes that include antioxidant defence and intracellular redox status, and consequently influence the expression of various genes and immunocompetence. Selenium Deficiency Poultry Selenium deficiency impairs immunecompetence, reduces egg production and increases embryonic mortality (Combs and Combs, 1984). Inadequate selenium consumption is associated with poor health and development of various viral and bacterial diseases. Human Selenium deficiency is reflected as increased blood selenium concentration (Alfthan and Neve 1996). Selenium levels in the body determine well being of foetus in pregnant women and also determine the fertility in men. Selenium dependent enzymes play an indispensable role in maintaining structural integrity of spermatozoa, sperm motility and viability (Foresta et al 2002). Status of selenium in human population Our food provides a major part of natural antioxidants including vitamin E, carotenoids, flavonoids and selenium. Unfortunately, in many countries all over the world human food ingredients do not provide sufficient selenium. Since selenium in high doses is toxic, it is necessary to make sure that the supplemental level of this trace element does not exceed physiologically required amounts. Selenium Sources Main contributors to the Se daily 32

consumption are meat and meat products (32%), dairy products and eggs (22%), bread and cereals (22%) and fish (13%). Selenium is incorporated into vegetable proteins as the amino acids selenomethionine and seleno-cysteine.

than did those from hens fed sodium selenite. These enriched eggs can also be produced by feeding layer farms with fodder rich in organic selenium, fish, maize, etc.


The cost involved in the production of Se enriched eggs does not cross over 2 % of total feed cost. Enrichment of Se content in the eggs of commercial laying hens express in stronger antioxidant protection of yolk, prolonged stability and nutrition value of eggs. Supplementation of layer poultry diet with Se additionally increases egg production, internal as well as shell quality and Feed Conversion Rate (FCR). Se enrichment can be done as additional inclusion to already existing modified eggs (omega-3, vitamin E-enriched, iodine enriched, etc). The Se content of an average egg is 11 μg, when these eggs are enriched with Se level rises to 32.6 μg (Standards fixed for enriched Se egg varies from country to country usually enriched egg contains more than double the quantity of Se than the normal egg). The costs of these kinds of eggs are 10-50 % higher than the normal egg. Consumption of two Seenriched eggs a day covers over 70 % of the Se daily recommended allowance to humans. Consumption of these enriched eggs improves the blood concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. It is a myth that people consuming these enriched eggs for long duration can lead to Se toxicity. Se overdose can only occur when a person consume more than 25 eggs a day for prolonged period of time. Safe dietary Se intake is 400 μg per day (13 eggs).

The British reference standard for Se intake in men and women are 75 µg / day and 60 µg / day for women (Rayman 2000) respectively. Whereas American daily allowance is 55 µg / day for both men and women (Combs 2001). Selenium intake of 40 µg / day is suggested minimum amount required for humans (Whanger 1998). Why eggs should be enriched The selenium content of the plant based diet largely depends on the Se content of the soil (which is highly variable). Incorporation of Se in human diet can be done by various methods like direct supplementation, soil fertilization or fortification of common food items. Among all processes, enrichment of animal derived food items via supplementation in animal diets is an effective way to enrich Se status in a population. Eggs are traditional and affordable food in most countries and are consumed by people of all ages. It is easily available, inexpensive animal derived food item accepted by all religious communities and it is most excellent vehicle to incorporate selenium. Affordability of the food plays an important role in the consumer choice when it comes to enrichment. Eggs are easily affordable by wide range of global population. Selenium enriched egg production The Se content of eggs can be easily manipulated when hens are fed with organic forms of Se (i.e.,selenomethionine).The hens intended to produce Se enriched eggs are usually produced by feeding Se at 0.3 to 0.5 µg /g of diet. The form of Se greatly determines the amount of uptake and assimilation; inorganic Se is the most used in poultry diets as sodium selenite (Na2SeO3). Organic source of Se yeast from Saccharomyces cerevisiae can serve as an alternate to inorganic Se which can assimilate Se up to 3000 μg of Se / g. It is reported that the body tissue and eggs from hens fed natural Se contained more Se

Facts about Selenium enriched egg

Conclusion Enrichment of the eggs with nutrients like s e l e n i u m , - 3 P U FA s , V i t a m i n E o r carotenoids to the levels prescribed in RDA, will benefit the consumer in maintaining a healthy lifestyle by improving the immune status of the body.

Subhashini. J¹, Sathyapriya. A¹, Rajkumar.K², Arul Prakash. M² ¹M.V.Sc. Scholars, Animal Nutrition, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai, T.N ²Assistant Professor, Livestock Production Management, VCRI, Orathanadu, Tanjore, T.N.




TOWERING EXPANSION PLANS MAKE HUVEPHARMA'S NEW MISSION OF GROWTH Bulgaria-headquartered Huvepharma and its production subsidiary Biovet JSC recently became the beneficiary of a EUR 100 million European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) initiative launched by the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group and the European Commission. This development gives a big boost to Huvepharma's plans to double fermentation & production capacity as well as allocate funds for Research & Development in Bulgaria. company refocused over the last 20 years to more R&D on new products. Most products Huvepharma sells today are developed inhouse or are acquired original products”, said Mr. Domuschiev. “As a result of acquisitions and in house R&D, today more than 70% of our sales

plant at its Razgrad site in north-east Bulgaria for manufacturing animal vaccines. The company has already registered a coccidiosis vaccine for the EU and acquired two coccidiosis vaccines in US. “Additionally we already have multiple R&D projects that will bring us further innovative vaccines for food producing animals. The construction of a fully equipped R&D centre, pilot unit and vaccine plant for industrial production, will further boost this development”, Mr.

Kiril Domuschiev CEO, Huvepharma The deal was signed in Sofia in the presence of EC President Jean-Claude Juncker, the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borissov, EC Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, Agriculture Minister of Bulgaria, Rumen Porodzanov, EIB Vice-President Andrew McDowell and Kiril Domuschiev, CEO of Huvepharma. Last year, Huvepharma had said that it was looking at investing EUR 150 million in plant extension at its Peshtera, Bulgaria facility. This expansion will give the company more than 3,000m3 of additional fermentation capacity and will double the site's production capabilities. The new expanded facility is expected to be fully operational by end 2019. The present EIB support is a part of that expansion plan. “Huvepharma is determined to continue its growth strategy as an EU-based animal health company operating on global markets. EIB support will help reinforce our strategy to build a fully-integrated animal health company with production facilities in the EU and selling in global markets. The


originate from our molecules and dossiers with less than 30% generic products. This evolution has been driven by the rapid growth of our own proprietary enzymes, coccidiostats, probiotics, vaccines and certain antibiotics”, Mr. Domuschiev highlighted. “Due to our rapid growth, Huvepharma needed to invest in enlarging its capacities to satisfy increasing customer demand and to be prepared for continued expansion. At the same time, we are investing to further build a vaccine portfolio by setting up additional R&D and production facilities f o cu s ed on i n creas i n g our vacci ne capacities and competence”, Mr. Domuschiev added. As a part of this project, Huvepharma plans to have the new fermentation facility in Peshtera and also construct a new vaccine

Domuscheiv said. “Our extensive investments in new coccidiostats and coccidiosis vaccines result in continued volume growth requiring more capacity to satisfy demand”, he added. “In spite of the reduction of the use of antibiotics in EU and in the rest of the world, Huvepharma has gained market share thanks to its broad range, superior quality, uniqueness and the EU origin of its products going hand in hand with the prudent usage guidelines for antibiotics to which we are committed”. Domuschiev went on to say: “You will see Huvepharma offering more vaccines in the coming years based on our organic growth effort and partnerships supported by




further acquisitions of technology and know-how. The recent acquisition of AgriLabs, including Benchmark PLC's R&D u n i t a n d t h e A n t e l o p e Va l l e y B i o s production site in the US earlier this month are part of this strategy”. More specifically with regard to feed enzymes the company's global enzyme brands (Optiphos® and Hostazym®) have been growing fast over the last decade and enzymes have become Huvepharma's largest product group making the company one of the top three global enzyme producers. “Indeed, we are optimistic of our enzyme future. With a fully integrated production and sales organization, we are well placed to be successful in this very competitive market. We work on further improvements of our enzyme offering which will be relevant to continue the present growth path”, he commented. The Indian Potential Way back since the socialist times in Eastern Europe and Russia, Bulgaria has been a major producer of pharmaceuticals. Huvepharma SEA (Pune) Pvt. Ltd. is the Joint Venture subsidiary of Huvepharma EOOD in India and the subcontinent region. Huvepharma SEA's Managing Director, Mr. O.P. Singh, while congratulating Mr. Kiril Domuschiev on this development and expressing his pleasure, said “It is a matter of

Mr. O.P. Singh MD, Huvepharma SEA privilege and pride to be able to bring this expertise to India and the subcontinent region through Huvepharma SEA (Pune) Pvt. Ltd. Even as the world deliberates on the use of certain products in animal farming and food chain traceability, we are elated to state that Huvepharma's products conform to strict EU standards and are certified for use in farm animals, which form a major part of the human food chain. The recent clearances received in EU for some of Huvepharma's products for 'Zero Day Withdrawal Period' are the other significant milestones in this direction”. Mr. Singh added “India now eagerly awaits Huvepharma's coccidiosis vaccine range, which will be a boon to the farmers suffering

unspeakable losses due to coccidiosis in their farms. Huvepharma, through its localised R&D efforts and classified service infrastructure will create significant value addition for stake holders, thus repeatedly reinforcing its commitment to quality, product availability, technical superiority of molecules and uniqueness of services”. “Huvepharma's resources will be categorically mobilized to improve the quality standards of the food chain in relevant industry and this endeavour continues. We bring to our customers these exceptional aspects of Huvepharma's products & services along with the new reassurance rising from EIB Group's and European Commission's trust in our establishment and support of our Bulgarian production facilities to serve the larger public interest” he concluded.






DR. SUSHIEL AGRAWAL FELICITATED BY THE FIRST VETERINARY COLLEGE OF INDIA. The Bengal Veterinary College was the first Veterinary College of modern India, established in 1893, which has now become the West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata. The college celebrated the 125th Anniversary of its inception from 3rd to 11th January 2018 at its University campus in Belgachia, Kolkata. The celebrations marked national symposium and many other programmes. As an important part of the celebrations, the University felicitated a few eminent personalities who made significant regular contribution for programmes and activities of Bengal Veterinary College & University and also contributed for the growth in the field of poultry, milk production, fish farming etc. in West Bengal. The University felicitated Mr. Prasun Roy, Chairman & MD of Aaram Bagh Hatchery and Mr. Sameer Agarwal of Shalimar Group for their contribution to 35

the poultry sector and Mr. Narayan Majumdar, CEO of Red Cow, for enhancing milk production in the state. Dr. Sushiel Agrawal, Chairman of Indian Herbs, was felicitated for his contribution for improving the health and enhancing productivity of animals in West Bengal during the last 40 years. He was associated with many eminent Veterinary Professors and Scientists of the College & University for the scientific development of many herbal animal health care and feed supplement products which are widely used in West Bengal by the poultry and livestock farmers. Many products were subject to research studies for award of Ph.D., M.V.Sc. Degrees. The findings were found very useful and published in national and international journals. Dr. Partha Chatterjee, Hon'ble Minister, Science, Technology & Biotechnology and Vice Chancellor, Dr. Purnendu Biswas presented Dr. Sushiel Agrawal with the trophy along with shawl in the

presence of Sri Swapan Debnath, Hon'ble Minister, Animal Resources Development, Govt. of West Bengal and many other dignitaries and Veterinary Scientists. The felicitation accorded to Dr. Sushiel Agrawal is in fact a great recognition for Indian Herbs for the pioneering and leading work it has done since 1951. Indian Herbs is the leading and pioneer company in India manufacturing herbal animal health care products and feed supplements, which are now used in more than 45 countries around the world. Authors are requested to send your valuable articles for publication in

POULTRY PLANNER at pcslkarnal@gmail.com Contact: 9991705005




IMPROVALTM BFS IS A NOVEL SOLUTION FOR TOTAL GUT INTEGRITY: ZYDUS AH unveils the novel solution in Kolkata, Hyderabad & Namakkal hunt for newer alternatives & approaches in poultry. Zydus AH takes a leap ahead through the launch of ImprovalTM BFS - The Novel Solution for Total Gut Integrity in Coimbatore & Bangalore.

Kolkata, Hyderabad & Namakkal, India (December 15, 18 & 23, 2017) - The increasing thrust for restrictions on MFAs in developed countries have instigated

In Kolkata, the product was launched by Dr Susim Mukul Ray, Group Product Manager along with Dr Chand Bahar, National Sales Manager and local Zydus AH Technical & Sales Representatives. The events were

attended by leading poultry consultants, nutritionist, broiler integrators, breeder & layer farmers and feed millers. Mr Madan Mohan Maity, General Secretary, WBPF had graced the event as chief guest. "We are thrilled to unveil ImprovalTM BFS, the novel solution for total gut integrity by exploiting the invivo probiotic biology in chicken gut", says Group Product Manager, Dr Susim Mukul Ray. "The poultry gut microbiome is poorly explained. We have taken the privilege of understanding the gut microbiome and harnessing the knowledge to an innovative solution leveraging total gut integrity." For the first time ever, the concept of invivo probiotic biology in chicken gut has been illustrated and exploited for strengthening gut health. The attendees have largely appreciated the concept and were seen interacting during post launch Q & A session. Dr Chand Bahar, National Sales manager had this to say, "We are excited to see the overwhelming response from our customers and it has been our commitment to bring efficient solution as an alternative to MFAs. ImprovalTM BFS is the result of the same” The launch event was ended by vote of thanks to attendees and closing remark of Mr Himadri Halder, Divisional Sales Manager -"On behalf of Zydus AH, it is indeed my pleasure to have your gracious presence and we thank you for joining us this evening. We express deepest sense of gratitude to all the attendees for making the event engaging and successful." The launch event in Hyderabad started with welcome note to attendees by Mr





Bayana Appa Rao, Divisional Sales Manager. This was followed by keynote on Corporate overview, vision & future plan by Mr Rajesh Kumar P, Sr Vice President & Head – India Animal Health Business. Talking on corporate vision and future plans, he added, "With 1200 scientists working globally and more than 1000 patents filed, Zydus AH backed by strong R&D team will continue to develop probiotic strains at Improval Plant in India". He says, "Going forward, probiotic will be major segment of focus for the company". The proceeding was taken forward by Dr Susim Mukul Ray, Group Product Manager and during his keynote the concept and application of Novel solution for Total Gut Integrity were unveiled. "We are thrilled to unveil ImprovalTM BFS, the novel solution for total gut integrity by exploiting the invivo probiotic biology in chicken gut", says Group Product Manager, Dr Susim

Mukul Ray. "The poultry gut microbiome is poorly explained. We have taken the privilege of understanding the gut microbiome and harnessing the knowledge to an innovative solution leveraging total gut integrity." “On behalf of Zydus AH, it is indeed my pleasure to have your gracious presence and we thank you for joining us this evening. We express deepest sense of gratitude to all the attendees for making the event engaging and successful.” In Namakkal, the product was launched by Dr Susim Mukul Ray, Group Product Manager along with Dr Mrigen Dutta, Marketing Head and local Zydus AH Technical & Sales Representatives. The

event was attended by leading poultry consultants, nutritionist, broiler integrators, breeder & layer farmers and feed millers. Dr Mrigen Dutta, Marketing Head, marked the end of the event with his closing remarks "Indeed, the concept of Total Gut Integrity has been reinvented through ImprovalTM BFS. We look forward to your support for making our efforts count. Thank you once again for joining us this evening".

“The strategic combination of aerobes and anaerobes l e ve r a g e s p ro l i f e r a t i o n throughout the gut and is key to total gut integrity.” -Dr Susim Mukul Ray The launch event was ended by vote of thanks to attendees and closing remark of Dr Mrigen Dutta, Marketing Head -






Trouw believes that Feed Safety and Poultry Gut Health are two important aspects for ensuring sustainable growth.

Trouw Nutrition India team in Feed Tech Expo Trouw Nutrition India participated in Feed Tech Expo 2018, which was held in Pune from 8-10 February, 2018. With the aim of bringing feed professionals under one roof, Feed Tech Expo has now become one of the major trade shows for animal nutrition industry. Trouw Nutrition, the global leader in animal nutrition, is a part of Nutreco. Our mission is Feeding the Futureand it forms the core of everything we do. Dr Saurabh Shekhar, Managing


Director of Trouw Nutrition India said that “We aim to provide end-to-end solution to the Indian animal nutrition industry through our innovative products and services models.Feed Tech Expo provides a good platform for us to showcase our range of products and services.” As the world faces continuous challenge of surging demand and diminishing supplies, Trouw Nutrition brought out the importance of sustainable growth in Feed Tech Expo.

Dr Swamy Haladi, Manager – Feed Additives, Trouw Nutrition India explained to the participants that our Feed Safety Programme through integrated management of moulds and mycotoxins ensures preservation of nutritional value. He also said that optimized moisture retention in final feed is of prime importance for better profitability and productivity. Speaking about the importance of Poultry Gut Health Programme, Dr Sabiha Kadari, Technical Support Manager – Poultry, said that with the ongoing debate on use of antibiotic growth promoters the need for antibiotic alternatives has increased. An effective solution is to have an integrated approach for enhanced gut integrity and use of a synergistic blend of free and buffered organic acids for efficient microbial control.




CLFMA COMMENDS THE INFRASTRUCTURE-FOCUSED BUDGET 2018 - 19 CLFMA of India, the apex association representing the animal protein sector in India commends the government's initiative to set up infrastructure funds for agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries. B Soundararajan, Chairman, hails this budget a forward-looking and progressive one particularly in terms of focusing on much-needed investments to create basic supply chain infrastructure and financial access for agriculture and allied industries. “These are important steps forward in taking the animal-agribusiness industry of India to the next level to be a global player. The infrastructure funds will definitely be boosters to support the goal of doubling the farmers income by 2022 and will help enhance the country's processing capacity and significantly cut down wastages” said Soundararajan. There are plenty of opportunities to increase farmers' net income and cutting

wastage pre and post farm are the most obvious and promising means to do so.

near future and is expected to cross US$7 billion by 2022”.

He opined that there are several positive aspects in terms of financial inclusiveness and making credit to the farmers easily available through Kisan Credit Cards in this budget. “All these are going to help the industry-farmer-lender equation much more predictable and positive”, he added.

“CLFMA of India works in collaboration with the government and other agencies for the country's food and nutritional security. It is heartening to see some of our requests made prior to the budget were considered. While this is a welcome move by the government to boost the sector, we recently brought up the issue of sudden surge in the prices of soymeal to the government. The feed industry which caters to the needs of the farmers who wish to raise their productivity and incomes is significantly getting affected by the sudden increase in prices of soymeal by more than 50% in the last few weeks. This needs to be addressed appropriately and there were similar issue of sudden price surge in the pulses sector last year. We have requested the government for introducing stock limits to rein in on the unscrupulous players distorting the prices artificially by hoarding. We hope the government will give due consideration for our request and help the sector”, commented Soundararajan.

“The country urgently needs greater investment in processing, storage and marketing of raw output from the farmers – crops, milk and meat. It will also help them realise better profit margins by keeping their produce till the prices become remunerative. The food processing industry is also going to benefit as the quality and safety issues of raw food will be enhanced. Ultimately entire food value chain is getting benefitted. Livestock industry plays a very significant role in providing livelihood for a few hundred million people in the country particularly the recent rise of aquaculture industry in India has been phenomenal. It is going to be one of the most promising exports sectors in the

GLOBION INDIA IS AWARED AS BEST COMPANY IN ASIA/MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA 2017 BY ANIMAL PHARM Incorporated in October 2006, Globion India Pvt. Ltd. is located in Hyderabad- a biotechnological hub of India at genome valley, Biotech Park, Phase III. Globion has a state-of-the-art Vaccine manufacturing facility accredited with WHO-GMP, ISO:9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS:180001. The Company produces a basket of Poultry Vaccines – Live and Inactivated -- marketed under the brand “GlobiVac”. As part of its journey towards excellence and expansion plan, Globion forayed into Animal Health specialties like therapeutics, neutraceuticals, hormones, feed supplements for livestock, poultry and aquaculture after merger of Bovian Health Care into Globion. It is our great pleasure to announce that 39

Globion India Pvt Ltd has been awarded as Best Company in India/Middle East/Africa 2017 by Animal Pharm- One of the most prestigious Agribusiness Magazine. The judging panel of Animal Pharm Awards 2017 was impressed by the strategy of Globion to to target growth in the veterinary vaccines market. With special focus on developing poultry vaccines of global standards. The company stands out in a market that is heavily weighted towards generics. This is significant achievement for Globion and the credit goes to all – i.e. Globion Team as well as all domestic and international business associates, Technology Partners and customers who have been part of our journey. The Award

as Best Company in India/Middle East/Africa 2017 is indeed a motivating factor for Globion to continue its focus in delivering solutions in Animal Healthcare and strive for excellence. GLOBION INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Best Company in Asia/Middle East/Africa 2017






he UK's largest supplier of supermarket chicken, which was at the heart of the poultry safety scandal last year, is planning three factory closures that put 900 jobs at risk, Chicken supplier 2 Sisters Food Group has put 350 jobs at risk at its Smethwick site, 100 roles in Wolverhampton and 450 jobs at its Cambuslang site in

Scotland, As we continue to build a better business, we are simplifying how we work and investing in the areas that can make the most positive difference to our UK poultry operations, The company, owned by so-called 'Chicken King' Ranjit Boparan, said that it would be creating up to 1,000 new roles within the poultry supply chain, as part of this step, These include 300 new roles in is Will and site in Devon and 30 additional jobs in Skuthorpe, In Scotland it will create 250 new roles at its Coupar Angus factory and in Wales it will add 35 in Lilangeni, Anglesey, It also said that

potentially 400 new roles would be created in its West Bromwich factory, The company temporarily closed the West Bromwich site last year after undercover footage from The Guardian and ITV News showed workers at the company retrieving chicken that had been dropped on the floor and returning it to the production line as well as older chicken being mixed with fresher birds, In October, the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee grilled Mr. Boparan about safety standard breaches at 2 Sisters Food Group following reports of poor standards at the company's site in West Bromwich, Mr. Boparan apologised for the scandal and pledged to improve standards at the factory, increase training for his workforce and install cameras to monitor staff.



tlanta More than 31,000 visitors from throughout the U.S. and the world, including many representing Northeast Georgia companies, attended the 2018 International Production and Processing Expo in Atlanta last week, The Expo took over Halls B and C at the Georgia World Congress Center, expanding to 520,000 square feet with 1,200 exhibitors showcasing the latest in technology and materials used by the poultry, meat, egg and feed industries, Among the visitors was U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, w h o s p o k e a t t h e Po u l t r y M a r k e t Intelligence Forum held Wednesday. 40

Perdue, a former Georgia governor and a farmer, also visited the Expo trade floor and met with some of the FFA students attending the Expo, the IPPE has been recognized by Trade Show News Network as one of the top 25 fastest-growing shows in net square footage. The Expo has seen a 15 percent growth in net square footage from 2014 to 2016, Helping to account for this increase and TSNN's recognition is the fact that the Expo has become a collaboration of three shows: International Poultry Expo s p o n s o r e d b y U . S . Po u l t r y & E g g Association; International Feed Expo sponsored by the American Feed Industry Association; and the International Meat Expo sponsored by the North American Meat Institute, All segments of the poultry, feed and meat industries were represented, including feed milling, hatchery, egg production, live production, processing, further processing and rendering, The industries are not only promoted on the trade floor, but also in varied educational sessions presented by the three sponsoring

groups. The 2018 Expo featured 80 separate educational sessions on all aspects of the poultry, feed and meat industries. Topics included worker safety, petfood, exporting, bio security, animal welfare, robotics, wastewater treatment and packaging trends The IPPE will return in 2019 to again showcase industry innovations and improvements at the Georgia World Congress Center. Because Atlanta will be host to the 2019 Super Bowl, the dates for the IPPE have moved from the usual late January dates to Feb. 12-14, Show organizers noted that many resources are tied up by the National Football League in the host city of the Super Bowl, which resulted in the move from our traditional show dates of the fourth week of January, With the Super Bowl scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 3, we worked with the city of Atlanta to find the best possible date to host the 2019 IPPE without disruption of services normally provided during the week of the trade show, IPPE show organizers added.






County Tyrone poultry farmer has said he feels "conned" by the government over the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme, Colin Watt borrowed £380,000 to invest in the technology, He said he did it on the strength of promises and encouragement from executive departments, With eight years left to go on the loan, he said tariff changes had left him paying the price of mistakes made by others, The Department for the Economy said the poorly-designed scheme overcompensated users and it had to be changed to bring it back in line, In December, the Renewable Heat Association - a body representing 500 boiler owners - lost a court case challenging the reduced tariff levels, During the case, the department

argued that the scheme was meant to incentivize businesses to switch to renewable heat, not to subsidies them, But Mr. Watt said profits from his dairy and poultry interests now had to be offset against his biomass costs, and he thinks that is unfair, I feel conned, I can't think of a better word, he said, If your government and all the different agencies promote a scheme to you and encourage you to spend big money and you borrow on the strength of their promises, and then two years later they go back on their promises, I think it would be natural to feel conned. Hundreds of poultry farmers are in the RHI scheme, they use the boilers to heat their chicken sheds, Boiler owners say the price of pellets has risen steadily in recent months due to a European shortage, Mr. Watt said that under the original tariff, his RHI payments were about £16,000 a month, That was

roughly what it cost him to run his seven boilers, including bank repayments, fuel cost and servicing and electricity bills. Now, after the tariff changes, RHI payments for his seven boilers amount to £6,000, He said he is paying for the mistakes made by consultants and civil servants who designed the scheme and his business is down £120,000 a year, The Department for the Economy has announced its intention to extend the reduced tariffs for another year, pending a public consultation on longer-term options, The department told the court that without permanent cost controls the RHI scheme could result in a £700m overspend over a 20year period and that would have to be met by Northern Ireland taxpayers Boiler owners have contested that figure and claim it was vastly inflated.



ome major food companies are accusing Big Chicken of colluding to fix the price of broiler chickens over a 10-year period, In just three weeks, two grocery retailers and the country's two biggest food distribution companies have filed lawsuits against Tyson Foods, Perdue Farms, Pilgrim's Pride, Koch 41

Farms, Sanderson Farms and others, The complaints all allege that since 2008, the poultry companies have engaged in a price-fixing conspiracy, assisted by information-sharing software. Consequently, suppliers and retailers argue that they paid too much for chicken a burden that has likely


NEWS been felt by consumers too, The $30billion broiler chicken market comprises virtually all chicken meat consumed in the U.S. Historically, broiler chicken was priced on a boomand-bust cycle when prices for chicken went up, so did supply; then, prices would fall. Craig Watts, a former Perdue farmer, said in an interview that "prior to 2008, the chart [of broiler prices] was like an EKG." But then, as Watts puts it, "it's been boom for the past 10 years or so, Plaintiffs in these lawsuits allege that starting in 2008, prices for chicken suddenly stabilized and began to rise, even as the inputs those companies sold to farmers fell, Data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compiled by the National Chicken Council shows that from 2008 to 2014, wholesale prices for chicken rose about 35 cents per pound before falling slightly, compared with a hike of just 24 cents between 2002 and 2008, Both the farmers that raise chickens for poultry processors and the wholesalers who buy the birds allege that this stabilization was a result of collusion among the companies in part made possible by a piece of database software called Agri Stats that allowed companies to see each others' data and coordinate pricing, Several poultry companies have denied the allegations or declined to comment, Through Agri Stats, poultry companies can share information about production numbers, bird sizes, financial returns and more. The database company gathers information from 95 percent of poultry processors and tracks 22 million birds a day. Companies can then use this information, according to farmers, retailers and distributors, to set a higher price for all their products. In a 2017 report on Agri Stats, Bloomberg found that between 2009 and 2016, Tyson's profit margins grew from 1.6 percent to 11.9 percent. At Pilgrim's Pride, between 2012 and 2015 profit margins 42


grew from 3.8 percent to 12.77 percent, The first lawsuit to be brought against the processors was a class action brought by a food wholesaler, Maplevale Farms, in September 2016. That lawsuit alleged that from 2008 o n w a r d , Ty s o n a n d P i l g r i m ' s coordinated their efforts to reduce their broiler stock and forced a "nearly 50% increase in Broiler wholesale prices since 2008, despite input costs (primarily corn and soybeans) falling roughly 20% to 23% over the same time period." Maplevale claimed that consequently, it paid inflated prices for chicken over the course of several years, meanwhile, these poultry processors are also under attack from a different direction. The farmers who raise the chickens for the processors are alleging that, in a similar way, these companies are using their market power to shortchange them, too, Several farmers filed a class-action lawsuit against Tyson, P i l g r i m ' s P r i d e , Pe r d u e , K o c h , Sanderson and others in February 2017, alleging that the processors acted as a cartel and used information from Agri Stats to keep farmers' wages down. In April 2017, Chicken Kitchen, a restaurant franchiser, brought a similar lawsuit against Tyson Foods, alleging that the company "conspired to fix, maintain and stabilize the price of Broilers by limiting production with the intent of increasing Broiler prices in the United States." On Jan. 12, the Southern supermarket chains Winn-Dixie and BiLo filed suit against Koch Foods, Tyson, Pilgrim's Pride, and others alleging that the processors restricted supply in order to keep prices high. US Foods and Sysco followed with separate lawsuits on Jan 30, The allegations of anticompetitive behavior against Big Chicken come amid extreme consolidation in the industry. Tyson and Pilgrim's Pride alone control 40 percent of the market. Sanderson Farms, Perdue and Koch Foods control another 20

percent; Farmers have fought for years to reform contract poultry farming. Over 95 percent of chicken production in the U.S. is done under contract. Contract poultry farmers are paid in an opaque "tournament system, which pits farmer against farmer in a zero-sum pay structure. Many farmers allege that poultry companies use the tournament system to suppress farmers' wages and restrict farmers' abilities to move among processors, Farmers succeeded in getting the Obama administration's Department of Agriculture to take on rule-making that would have addressed some of their concerns. But the resulting efforts known as the "GIPSA rules" for the arm of the USDA that oversees competition issues in the livestock sector were killed by the Trump administration last October, Because these lawsuits are private litigation, they will likely not result in structural reform to the poultry sector, says Peter Christensen, a law professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who researches competition and regulation in the meat sector, He says the lawsuits probably won't have much effect on the "very serious problem" of how processors "exploit the farmers who raise their chickens, But "the first step in reform in terms of their collective seller power is to significantly change the kind of information that Agri Stats can provide to chicken processors," he says. And these lawsuits may set off a sea change in how seriously the public and regulators take allegations of ongoing collusion in the poultry processing sector.






ondon, 13 February 2018 - As alternative proteins become main stream, Nestlé and Tesco are named the best declared companies, while Costco has been called out for its inadequate response, The market for alternative proteins, such as 'Impossible Burgers', is set to expand by over 8% a year and reach $5.2 billion by 2020. Now, a $2.4

trillion investor coalition doubles support in 18 months, and calls on 16 food multinationals to plan for a shift to alternative proteins, A new report entitled Plant-based profits, backed by a $2.4 trillion coalition of 57 large investors, has urged global food companies to diversify their protein sourcing away from a reliance on animal proteins. An analysis of 16 multinationals concluded that Nestlé and Tesco were best positioned to benefit from a transition to alternative plant-based proteins. Other companies engaged included Kraft Heinz, General Mills and Unilever, The investor coalition is coordinated by the FAIRR

initiative, founded by private equity pioneer Jeremy Collar, and includes pension funds such as AP2, AP3 and AP4 and institutional investors such as AEGON, Aviva Investors, Collar Capital and Nordau, The report highlights projections that the market for alternative proteins, including innovative foods such as the ‘Impossible Burger’, which use plantbased ingredients to produce more sustainable, healthy foods that emulate meat, is set to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 8.29% in the next four years, and could reach $5.2 billion by 2020. Just 18 months after launch, the Impossible Burger is now available in over 500 US restaurants and has received funding of over $250m from m a i n s t re a m i n v e s t o rs i n c l u d i n g Singaporean sovereign wealth fund Temasek. Prominent meat industry players Cargill and Tyson Foods

MARCH 2018

MARCH 2018

Event : FV Gasia 2018 Date : 27-29 March,2018 Venue : Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Banglik, Thailand Contact: Mr. Ashish Kala Ph. : +91-82957-33669 E-mail : maarcservices@gmail.com

Event : Livestock Asia Expo & Forum Date : 19-21 April, 2018 Venue : Kuala Lampur Convention Centre, Malaysia Ph. : +60321768788 E-mail : rita.lau@ubm.com Web : www.viveurope.nl

The Official


Event Calender MARCH 2018 Event : Agra ME-2018 Date : 06-08 March, 2018 Venue : Dubai International Convention Centre, Dubai, UAE Ph. : +971440726606 web : agramiddleeast.com/en

JUNE 2018 Event : VIV Europe 2018 Date : 20-22 June,2018 Venue : Jaarbeurs Utrecht,The Netherlands Contact: Mr. Zhenja Antochin Ph. : +31(0) 302952898 Email : karlient.smitt@vnuexhibitions.com web : www.viveurope.nl 43

OCTOBER 2018 Event : Viet stock 2018 Date : 17-19 October 2018 Venue : Saigan Exhibition & Convention Centre (SECC), Ho Chi,Minh City,Vietnam Ph. : +84854012718 E-mail : chau.tran@uhm.com





recently announced investments in cultured meat start-up, Memphis Meats, The 16 multinationals were evaluated on areas such as business strategy, monitoring processes, R&D investment levels and consumer engagement to understand how companies are positioned to capitalize on the rising demand for alternative proteins, Ÿ

Nestlé and Tesco are best prepared


All companies market at least one own-brand alternative protein product


Only three companies have set some type of goals to increase their portfolio of alternative proteins (M&S, Nestlé and Unilever)


All companies lack a coherent strategy for how to market and promote alternative protein products on supermarket shelves to drive sales.

Sasja Beslik, head of Group Sustainable Finance, Nordau: Sustainable protein is a fast-emerging issue for the food industry, and it is important for longterm investors to know if the companies they invest in understand the related risks and opportunities. FAIRR’s sustainable protein engagement offers practical guidance to companies to ensure they have a business strategy that is robust enough to respond to a changing food supply chain. For us as investors, this engagement also helps us to be on top of the developments in this space as well as to identify food companies that proactively invest in innovative solutions, Jeremy Collar, founder of the FAIRR Initiative and CIO

of Collar Capital: Today’s Plant-Based Profits report shows that alternative proteins are rapidly going main stream. From meatpackers to supermarket stackers the global food sector is rapidly taking notice of plant-based alternatives to animal protein products, and that is driving 8% annual growth in the alternative proteins market, It’s significant that all of the food producers and retailers engaged by investors now market at least one ownbrand alternative protein product, Ultimately, this trend is driven by the inability of the global meat industry to manage the environmental, public health and animal welfare challenges that the world’s current demand for animal protein creates; and that is generating remarkable opportunities for food companies and their shareholders, Duncan Pollard, AVP, Stakeholders Engagement in Sustainability, Nestlé: At Nestlé, we recognize that for a business like ours to be successful, we must take a longterm view. We have the responsibility and the opportunity to shape the sustainable production and consumption of food to preserve our planet for future generations. The development of the protein supply chain is an issue with the potential to radically reshape the supermarket shelf of the future. We very much welcome the support of those investors who want to act today to stay ahead of the curve in the economy of tomorrow. Tesco and Nestle were praised for Ÿ

Livestock emission targets: Both companies have targets to reduce GHG emissions in supply chains

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containing high levels of livestock. Tesco has set a target to reduce agricultural emissions by 15% by 2030. Ÿ

Investor engagement: Both companies gave detailed answers to the investor coalition’s questions and held candid discussions with investors.


Monitoring: Nestlé monitors the proportion of R&D investment dedicated to discovery projects on plant proteins, and tracks what percentage of its proteins are derived from plant-based ingredients.


Innovative consumer marketing: In January 2018, Tesco introduced 20 ready meals with plant-based options under a wide consumer brand, created by their director of plant-based innovation, Costco and Whole Foods were both criticized for failing to adequately respond to investor requests for information or further meetings. Costco, which has a large footprint from its meat sales, was singled out by investors for failing to recognize protein diversification as a material issue; FA I R R ’ s s u s t a i n a b l e p r o t e i n engagement was originally launched in September 2016 and has engaged with 16 large food retailers and producers. The investor coalition backing the engagement has grown from 40 investors managing $1.25 trillion in 2016, to 57 investors with over $2.4 trillion in AUM today. Over 42% of investors backing the engagement were from the US.

In India’s most preferred poultry magazines POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 2 | FEBRUARY - 2018

& AY SE D TI TO ER E t: 07 V IB ac 0 5 D R t 05 00 A C on 17 05 BS C 999 17 1- 999 SU +9 1-

+9 #923, Sector-9, Urban Estate, KARNAL - 132001 (Haryana) INDIA Email : poultry.pcsl@gmail.com | info@pixie.co.in Website : www.pixie.co.in



Caramelized Baked Chicken Ingredients


3 pounds chicken wings Ÿ 2 tablespoons ketchup


2 tablespoons olive oil


1 cup honey


1/2 cup soy sauce


1 clove garlic, minced


salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Place chicken in a 9x13 inch baking dish. Mix together the oil, soy sauce, ketchup, honey, garlic, salt and pepper. Pour over the chicken. Bake in preheated oven for one hour, or until sauce is caramelized.

(Life Time Period 10 Years) Contact Name : __________________________________________________________________ Company Name : ________________________________________________________________ Postal Address : __________________________________________________________________ City : ___________________ State : ____________________ Mob. No.____________________

Payment Details: Send DD or Cheque in favour of Pixie Consulting solutions Ltd. payable at Karnal Address: 923, Sec-9 Urban Estate, Karnal or Transfer money to HDFC Bank | Bank address: Opp. Mahavir Dal Hospital Account Type: Current Account Name: Pixie Consulting Solutions Limited Account Number: 01958730000179 IFSC Code: HDFC0000195 | Swift Code: HDFCINBB | PAN No. AAECP6186B

Postal Code : ____________________ Country : ______________________________________

Pixie Consulting Solutions Ltd. #923, Sector-9, Urban Estate, KARNAL - 132001 (Haryana) INDIA Email : dairy.pcsl@gmail.com | info@pixie.co.in Website : www.pixie.co.in

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