VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
« Benefits of Eating Eggs « There is no Nipah Virus in your Chicken « PPCB Recommends closure of Poultry Farm in Zirakpur « Global Poultry Processing Plant Industry Professional Survey Report
From the Editor’s Desk Chick Care Needs Today This is the time of year when chickens will need more special attention. Chickens have a much higher Body temperature than you. The average body temperature for a chicken normally will run at 102-103 degrees F. Their heart rate is normally 280-315 beats per minute. Another fact is a rooster will take around 18-20 breaths per minute while a hens is 30-35 breaths per minute.
OUR TEAM Vishal Rai Gupta Managing Director Bhavana Gupta Editor-in-Chief N.K. Gupta General Manager
M : 999 170 5005 Aparna Mehmi Marketing Manager M : 999 170 5007
Heat can create more problems to chickens than cold weather. It's easy to see they are insulated rather well with many feathers. Chickens fluff up their feathers as many birds will do which trap air between the layers which keep air in as insulation in cold weather in warmer weather they seek out shade. You will notice them lay down and spread their wings and bodies out cool down the main way a chicken cools itself though is drinking plenty of cold water. This is the time to have additional amounts of water available for you chickens. Try keeping extra pails of water available for you flock both in the coop and outside as well. Having more than one source of water for chickens also help in preventing fights between them over who gets to drink first make sure the water is clean and fresh the best rule to live by is replacing the water daily so it always fresh and cool. Chickens will drink more water if it is cool rather than warm. During hot weather algae is more likely to grow so remember to clean out the water bowls more often too. In extreme heat is extra important to provide plenty of ventilation inside the coop all window should be open for air circulation thick bedding such as pine shavings can be a heat absorber and should be used more sparingly having only an inch or so in thickness, if you have electric in the coop providing a fan will help in circulation air flow. Having constant air flow is a must. Roof vents will help in removing trapped heat around the ceiling look for signs of mold in the coop if using straw or hay. Overcrowding increases heat provides plenty of rooms for your chickens to move freely provide shade in as many areas as possible try not disturbing your chickens in the middle of the day. They need to do their own thing and rest when they can.
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At this time you want to keep stress levels down as low as possible. Let them do their own thing avoid picking them up which will increase their body temperature. Only monitor them during hot weather for signs of excess heat stress.
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(Ph.D in Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education)
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39 POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
BEST PRACTICES TO AMELIORATE THE PERFORMANCE OF BROILER IN MONSOON/ RAINY SEASON poultry shed. If needed you will be able to receive adequate water drainage. Otherwise it will be ill-shed.
Introduction The monsoon season in India brings along a quite heavy rainfall along the west coast between June and September whereas the eastern coast observes rains somewhere between m i d - O c to b e r a n d D e c e m b e r. I n monsoon rain can start continuously for few days. The poultry farmers should take necessary steps. In this season naturally south-west monsoon flow causes heavy rainfall. Gradual reduction and increase of temperature and humidity cause’s parts of the country a lot of rain, somewhere in the cyclone and rain fall for a long time threatened the farm management.
Brooding site in a farm should be near to east side wall.
In brooding area we have to use 2.5 to 3 inch thickness litter material.
In EC shed planned Stocking density in summer never go more than 30kg/sq meter and in winter up to 33kg/sq meter.
Lighting management Ÿ
40 Watt CFL or 100 watt TUBELIGHT /1000 sq feet area. Maintain minimum 20 LUX light at birds head hight level.
Following impor tant points to ameliorate the performance of broiler in monsoon/ Rainy Season
Lighting should be uniform for that arrange lighting bulb in zigzag pattern
Repair any holes in the roof. Polythene will need to supply if additional roof is not provided. It should be noticed that in case of more rain supply gunny in front and back cover. For big chicken or poultry gunny will be move when the rain does not exist so that light and air can enter easily.
Minimum period of 1 hour of darkness from 4-6 day of age.
Darkness period will stimulate secretion of Melatonon hormone, which will increase the level of immunity.
We have to increase additional 5 meters space around the poultry shed. The additional space should be clean and well kept. It should be free of grass and brushwood. Shed will make well on the additional space. The floor should be repair well and kept dry as long as possible before leaving chick.
belt both sides. Ÿ
Use fans: To reduce humidity inside the shed in hot hours.
Relative Humidity to be in the range of 55-75%
Provide good quality, fresh air that is rich in oxygen.
The chick's trachea is normally irritated from being boxed and shipped in the chick trays, often for many hours. Chicks are often also exposed to formaldehyde gas and contaminated air during hatch.
It is important to ensure that air quality is optimum for the chicks on arrival and that it does not contain unacceptable levels of carbon dioxide and ammonia. Excessive amounts of these irritants can cause depression, dehydration, emaciation and eventually death.
Air quality monitoring programme, for following gases at bird head height:
Air Quality/ Ventilation Maintaining acceptable air quality is an art, and can be achieved by manipulating the curtains, extractors, etc. The purpose is to provide fresh air to the chicks without chilling or drafting the chicks or wasting expensive heating fuel. The broiler farm supervisors must understand how to manage the farms to provide warm, fresh air at all times, irrespective of outside conditions. Curtain management Ÿ
On 12th day, make 2 feet curtain down from both upper side.
Feeder that can be kept dry as far as possible should be focused specially.
It is specially targeted that the rain water does not grow around the
Curtains close while raining and open immediately while stop.
Side belt: Up to 15 days: keep 2 feet
NH3: 20ppm Maximum, Measured in last week of flock, CO2: 3000ppm Maximum, Measured in the first 3 days of flock CO : 50ppm maximum, Measured in the first 3 days of flock Temp management
Temperature range 1 to 3 days 3 to 7 days 7 to 14 days More then 14 days
32 to 35 c 32 to 33 c 29 to 32 c 25 to 27 c
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
not be given feed during the mid-day (specially after starter stage) as the heat from digestion will increase the body temp. 1.
Feeding pattern: Evening time 5:30-6:00Pm:70%feed given & Morning time 6:00Am: 30%,
Restrict feed in hot hours from 12 to 5:30 Pm
Proper no. of feeder (2.5%)
Proper Height of feeder and knob setting
Tyre feeding 250 chicks / 1 tyre. 48 hours compulsory after that keep it in night hours and remove on day hours and clean properly.
Once a week, empty all feeders and clean it properly with dry cloth and put in sunlight for half an hour and then use. Otherwise the condition will invite mycotoxisity like follow:
Feeding: Do 2 or 3 time feeding, empty to empty.
Feed storage: Make bag fill with fresh dry litter material and put below feed bags. Or Make pallet (iron or wooden table) for feed storage.
Remove rice husk from feeders daily by using rice sieve.
Types of Feeding
Cur tain management b. Side Pandal/ Over hangs c. Cover roof with Chhan
d. Spray Virkon-s/ Germofree/ B904@ 75ml/15 Lt Water for 1500-2000 birds. e. Use fogger Temp & Humidity / Temp Humidity Index (THI) Ÿ
S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Humidity play important role in monsoon. Increase humidity more than 75%, increase the chance of viral infection.
Birds can't survive when sum of temp (*C) and humidity (%) is above 120
Eg. 45*C + 65%=110 and 45*C + 70%= 115
Feeding strategy: Feeding of more digestible feed is beneficial as stock consumes less feed due to high heat stress. Feed intake reduces by 1.25 % for every 1°c increase in temperature, further it is observed that the feed intake reduce by 5% per degree rise between 32°c-38°c.The birds should 12
Age in days 1-2 1-5 1-7 11-14 15th - 23rd 24th
After purchasing feed it should be kept on wooden platform. Platform should be one foot distance from the floor and the walls. We should be careful that the floor is always dry. If indoor humidity is high or the water can enter into the room for a long time and thus have a serious infection of fungus and mold. For this reason a little better toxin binder than ordinary should be used in feed. Otherwise, the feed may oxidize due to humidity in seller's warehouse or store. ¶
Feed Management
Feeding methods Paper feeding Tyre feeding Drinker feeder 1st slot in feeder 2nd slot in feeder 3rd slot in feeder
Drinker or Feeder - 30 nos/1000 chicks from day 1 to liquidation.
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
of water increase by 6%for every 1°c rise in temperature from 20°c where is approximately 2 times feed quantity. Promote gentle walking inside the farms, which helps to motivate birds to drink more water & to reduce heat in the lying area and between the birds.
Litter Management When the poultry is kept in the deep litter system it should always be dry. General litter consists of 25 % moisture. To understand the position of litter one hand of litter with light pressure, if the litter is not a ball-like shaped and leaves it with at once then it will better status litter. Remember, in order to keep the litter condition well we have to racking the litter materials: (a). 4-15 days: 2 time racking in a day, (b). 15-30 days: 1 time racking. If a part of the litter become wet then quickly move it by new dry litter. Note that, wet litter make environment for microbial growth as coccidiosis which causes death of poultry. Ÿ
Litter treatment formula: If litter condition become ill or get more moisture/wet than add following mixture to correct the condition: 100 kg wooden saw (or 40 kg sand) + 20 kg lime + 10 kg super phosphate mix and spread in farm. Change place of par tition to maintain litter condition just near partition.
Water Management: Ÿ
In rainy season ponds, rivers, taps even tube wells water can be infected by rain water through the soil and the natural ways. If you want to get better water you have to filter and precipitancy for 24 hours long. Another way to purify water with chlorine, in this system 3 gm bleaching powder mixed with 500 liters of drinking water. Other than this we can add water acidifier also for improve the performance of broilers. It is estimated that the consumption
Regular cleaning of drinker
Use footbath at the door of farm
Do not feed the dead birds to dogs.
Spray start from 15th day with Germofree/B904/Virdis//Virkon s @75ml/15 Lt water
Separate weak and diseased birds in corner of farm Don't borrow the equipment from the other farms.
Proper cover water tank
During hot hours every 2 hours remove water from pipeline.
Increase frequency of filling water tank
Proper use water sanitizer (Sannext/Safedoz) or acidifier (Activate-WD/Acidpack)
Proper no. of drinkers (2.5%)and height setting
Temp of tub water is at least 2*c lower than auto drinkers water
If get adequate cool water then increase water intake so reduce the chance of viral infection.
Antibiotics to be given on the basis of bwt calculation because in summer the water intake will be high.
For ameliorate the performance of broiler in monsoon/Rainy Season we have to follow all above practices to change the microclimate for birds. Before chicks arrive, inspect the house closely to ensure proper setup. After a poor start, there is little time to compensate for the lost growth as a chick's life is only approximately 1000 hours. Thus, every hour represents 0.10% of the chick's life. In a 24-hour period, 2.4% performance can be lost. Many producer s recognize that performance lost the first day or first week will be reflected in final performance results.
Biosecurity Ÿ
Strictly follow “All in all out policy”
Healthy chicks can become infected and diseased soon after arrival to a contaminated, poorly sanitized farm.
Following chick placement, everyone at the farm must adhere strictly to comprehensive biosecurity practices.
Do not allow the visitors to enter into the farm, mainly other farmers.
Proper cleaning of farm with spray and fumigation
Proper cleaning of pipeline with H2O2 : water ( 1lt+9Lt for 100 feet pipe of ½”)
Dr. Shaitan Singh (Dr SS Rathore) Sampoorna Feeds P Ltd MVSc, Poultry Science, IVRI, Izatnagar, U.P.
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
EFFECTIVE BIOSECURITY Practical tips and guidelines Biosecurity is essential for safe and profitable production of all livestock, but poultry are especially at risk. Biosecurity is easier said than done. Programs must be strategic, and farreaching and guided by basic principles of hygiene. The purchase of new birds from disease-free sources is essential. Vehicles bringing new birds should be washed down, ensuring both tyres and wheel arches are sprayed thoroughly (to ‘run off’) with disinfectant. The main aim is to provide pest-and-disease-free housing for birds. Biosecurity is essential for safe and profitable production of all livestock, but poultry are especially at risk because of the following: Ÿ
Intensive production, fast throughputs and short times.
Accentuated risk on multi-age farms for young birds entering houses recently vacated by manure flocks.
Infection carried on vehicles previously visiting other farms, regularly improving new birds and feed as well as taking broilers and eggs out.
A large labor force in close contact with birds.
Extra risk from contract workers b ro u g h t i n f o r c a tc h i n g a n d vaccination.
Acute susceptibility to rodent-borne infections, fungal spores and mycotoxins.
Disinfectant: Disinfectant use is essential but not a magic cure on its own. The cleanliness of surfaces to be disinfected and application methods will largely determine outcome. Modern disinfectants are potent with broadspectrum activity and a long contact time to kill pathogenic microbes. 16
F o g g i n g : Po w e r w a s h i n g w i t h detergent will remove dirt and organic matter, leaving accessible surfaces clean and ready for disinfectant action by ‘wet’ spraying. But poultry houses are riddled with ‘nooks’ and ‘crannies’ – that is, hard to-reach places such as fan shafts, ducts and other areas inaccessible to standard cleaning and disinfect spray programs. These can only be covered by spacesprayingusing droplets small enough to penetrate all areas. ‘Dry’ application by thermal (hot) fogging achieves this goal. Larger droplets cover the walls, floor and ceilings to give residual disinfection. Smaller ones stay suspended in the air for space disinfection, acting against airborne spores and dust-borne infections. Disinfectants with a relatively high vapor pressure perform best in fogging, but manufacturers provide fogenhancing chemicals to improve performance. Disinfection by fogging is achieved at ver y low application volume rates of 20 litres/ 1000m3. Fogging can also used to control insect pests and pathogenic microbes in bagged/ sacked feed storage areas. Ideally, this operation should be carried out when the store is empty. Thermal foggers can be operated in the hand-carried mode, in a stand-alone mode within the building, or from outside by fogging through ports in the walls. Full protective clothing including a respirator must be worn. Complete Program – Cleaning Building is first emptied of all poultry and all litter removed. Compressed air or brushing should be used to dislodge dust and dirt from beams and fittings and to clean the floor. All easily removable equipment must be taken out to wash and disinfect
outside. Drinker lines are sanitized with disinfectant solution. The mixture should be left in the system for at least 12 hours then flushed with clean water. Electricity power supply must be switched off. All surfaces should be soaked with solution of an agricultural detergent applied through power washer at low pressure, so surfaces remain wet or foam stands for at least 20 minutes. Immediately af ter emptying the building of all birds, producers can make a short time aerosol application of insecticide. This will control all arthropod (insect and mite) pests, including those that are air-borne or resting in cracks and crevices. Disinfection Disinfectant must be sprayed at the recommended strength (dilution) and at low pressure, covering all surfaces to “run-off”. Roadways and aprons must be washed and disinfected. Then, reintroduce and assemble all clean and disinfected fittings. Litter can be added and the house set up, ensuring all personnel entering the h o u s e h a ve c l e a n c l o t h i n g a n d disinfected boots. Terminal disinfection should be carried out by thermal fogging, with the house sealed for one hour afterwards and ventilated for 30 minutes before restocking. On-going Program With a healthy new flock safety installed in a pest and disease-free building, it is now up to the producer to see it stays that way by using the utmost caution with good dose of hygiene and these measures include: 1.
Keep visitors to an absolute minimum. Provide all authorized personnel with waterproof clothing and boots that can be easily and
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
ARTICLE effectively cleaned and changed regularly. 2.
Provide a footbath of disinfectant at the entrance to each house and a brush for cleaning boots prior to immersion in the foot-bath. Renew the disinfectant daily. Footbaths are a constant reminder to staff of the needs for biosecurity. Wash down and disinfect all vehicles entering the farmhouse so that they come in clean and leave dirty. Scrub drinkers daily with an appropriate disinfectant mixed with detergent. Iodine is good because it removes algae and slime, is of low toxicity to birds and its brown color allows managers to check that the job has been done.
Remove all dead birds quickly and
places so that poultry houses are
carefully. Seal in bags for disposal
not at risk from wind-borne fungal
and incinerate well away from the
spores released from damp and
poultry house to prevent cross-
musty material.
contamination with feathers or ash. Biosecurity programs need to be well 6.
Clear all equipment, remove rubbish and other verminattracting material away from poultry houses and do not park vehicles and equipment from clean up programs near to houses in case they cause reinfection. Remove all dropping, litter and other bedding at least 200 meters away from the house and stack carefully so that it cannot be dispersed by wind. Store hay, straw bales and other
planned and encompass the entire farm environment as well as hazards from outside. But even the best-laid plans will go awry if procedures are not followed meticulously. For instance, carrying non-disinfected ďŹ ttings back into the fogged poultry house or introducing litter after fogging will negate the whole program.
G. K. RATHINAM Hatchery Specialist, Technical Consultant
bedding material in dry, closed
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
ROLE OF ESSENTIAL OILS IN BROILER CHICKEN PRODUCTION Common essential oils used in poultry industry
Introduction The strict legislative ban over use of antibiotics as feed additive has lead to the research on alternative to antibiotics. Indiscriminate use of antibiotics leads to proliferation of antibiotic insensitive bacteria, thus posing a threat to human health. Alternates like organic acids, feed enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics have been extensively studied. On the other hand plant extracts especially essential oils (EO) are new to the poultry feed industry. The knowledge on effect of EO, mode of action and their toxicity are still rudimentary. Plant extracts and their oils are extensively used in pharmaceutical industry as natural therapy, however only in recent past aromatic EO is introduced in animal feed industry. Essential oils Essential oils are aromatic volatile liquid extract from various parts of the plants such as flowers, buds, seeds, leaves, twigs, bark, fruits and roots. EO's are complex mixture of hydrophobic liquids with variable amounts of terpenoids (monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes) and aromatic compounds (aldehyde, alcohol, phenol, methoxyderiva-tive, etc.,) (Nazarro et al., 2013). Terpenes on the basis of 5carbon building block (isoprene unit) can be mono-, sesqui-, and di-terpenes in which the number of isoprene units is 2, 3 and 4, respectively, whereas phenylpropenes consists of 6-carbon aromatic ring. 20
The commonly used EO's include oregano (Origanum vulgare), onion (Allium cepa), tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), turmeric (Curcuma longa), lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), peppermint (Mentha piperita), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), ginger (Zingiber officinale), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus), garlic (Allium sativum), and clove (Syzygium aromaticum) (Gopi et al., 2014). EO are used as feed additive in feed and drinking water and it can also be used in maintaining hygiene (fogging and inhalation) Biological activity of essential oils Antimicrobial activity Clostridium – E. coli – Staphylococcus aureus – Eimeria sp are the common disease causing agents in the poultry industry. EO contains components like p h e n o l s , a l c o h o l s , ke to n e s a n d aldehydes which can exhibit antimicrobial action stronger than antibiotics (Nazzaro et al., 2013). The mechanism action of antimicrobial activity is still not fully understood as it involves cascade of reactions affecting bacterial cell. Carvacrol and thyme EO act by disintegrating membrane of bacteria. Cinnamaldehyde acts against fungal microbes by inhibition of cell division and thus interferes with cell m e t a b o l i s m a s t h e y re a c t w i t h sulfhydryl groups. EO are effective against gram positive bacteria like Bacillus, Clostridium, Listeria, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus (Zengin and Baysal, 2014). Antioxidant activity Essential oil can act as a natural antioxidant to chicken meat thereby increasing the shelf life. EO like thymol,
car vacrol, oregano or rosemar y increased the oxidative stability of muscles in various studies (Hashemipour et al., 2013). The antioxidant property is due to the presence of phenolic OH groups (thymol) which act as hydrogen donors to the peroxy radicals produced during the first step in lipid oxidation. The re t a rd a t i o n of h yd rox y p e rox i d e formation egg and meat of chickens is important in economic point of view. The action of antioxidant is comparable to α-tocopherol or synthetic a n t i o x i d a n t l i ke B H A a n d B H T. Application of 2% rosemar y oil extended the shelf life of chicken breast meat (Tongnuanchan et al., 2014). EO like thyme can also be used in the process of curing of chicken meat. This not only enchances the shelf life but also influences quality, including pH, flavor, or color. It also improves water holding capacity of the chicken meat. Effect of Essential oils on the digestive and respiratory systems Essential oil influences digestive processes positively, as they help in maintaining the favourable microbial load in chickens thereby increasing the nutrient absorption. They also boosts the activity of digestive enzymes which increases the HCl and pepsin secretion. They can also alter the flavour of the feed, which leads to increased feed intake. Some oils like garlic can also i r r i t a te t h e m u c o u s m e m b r a n e , therefore the choice of EO is more important in poultry industry. EO like Peppermint and eucalyptus influence POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
et al., 2015). Effect of EO on growth of chicken are either positive (Kamel, 2001) or non significant (Botsoglou et al., 2002) when included from 20 to 200 ppm in poultry diet. Essential oil not only acts on intestinal microflora but also on nutrient utilization which was evident from positive response in weight gain and feed intake. the respiratory system of chickens. The EO component like menthol has antispasmodic and expectorant effects thereby airways are cleared, thus breathing during inflammation becomes easier. Also EO like thyme and carvacrol can be used as respiratory support during summer season, when t h e i n f e c t i o n s a re m o re p ro n e . Terpenoids are known to reduce the microbial load in the bronchi thus preventing respiratory infections. EO of peppers and onion enhances blood circulation thereby allowing faster clearance of toxins from the chicken. Growth performance in chickens Some author's investigated the effect of EO on poultry production performance and repor ted positive effect in parameters like body weight, feed intake and feed conversion ratio (Zeng
The Official
Toxic and Residual effects A number of toxicological studies have been conducted with car vacrol, cinnamaldehyde, and thymol EO. The acute oral LD50 (mg / kg of body weight) of carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde and thymol in the rat were found to be 810, 2220, and 980 respectively. Due to fast metabolic conversion and excretion of EO in the body accumulation of residues are meagre. However, feeding EO continuously can lead into deposition of EO components in various tissues. The impact of consumption of EO deposited poultry meat is minor, as EO has “Generally recognized as safe” status by Flavour and Extract Manufacturers Association and Food and Drug administration (FDA).
Event Calender
Date Web
Event : Viet stock 2018 Date : 17-19 October 2018 Venue : Saigan Exhibition & Convention Centre (SECC), Ho Chi,Minh City,Vietnam Ph. : +84854012718 E-mail : 22
It can be concluded that antimicrobial effect of EO is well documented, also the toxic effect are only seen during very high doses. Antioxidant and hypercholesterolemic effect of EO play a vital role in enhancing flavour and keeping quality of chicken meat. The biological activity and effect of EO in broiler production greatly depends on individual chemical constituent. Other factors contributing to the varied effect are species, ecological factors, climatic conditions, harvest time, plant part used and method of isolation. This varied effect complicates the use of EO in poultry industry. In conclusion, dietary EO's may be used as alternatives to antibiotics, but their effects on growth performance need to be studied further.
K. Rajkumar, G.H.Hudson, V. Boopathi and M. Arul Prakash Assistant Professor, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Orathanadu
: International Exhibition on Poultry, Livestock & Technologies : 31 Aug - 2 Sep, 2018 :
NOVEMBER 2018 Event : EuroTier 2018: EuroTier Date : 13-16 November 2018 Venue : Messegelände, 30521 Hannover - Germany Web. : › Poultry Industry
SEPTEMBER 2018 Event
: XV European Poultry Conference Date : 17 - 21 September, 2018 Venue : Hotel Valamar Lacroma, Dubrovnik, Croatia web :
NOVEMBER 2018 Event : Poultry India 2018 Date : 28-30 November 2018 Venue : Hitex Exhibition Complex, Hyderabad, INDIA Ph. : +91 9490612032 E-mail :
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 6 | JUNE - 2018
IMPORTANCE OF VITAMIN C IN POULTRY NUTRITION Introduction Vitamins are group of complex organic compounds present in feed as minute quantity (Micronutrients), that are essential for normal metabolism, lack of which in the diet leads to deficiency diseases. Vitamins are very much essential in trace amounts (micrograms to milligrams per day) in perspect of health, production performance and reproduction. Classically Vitamins have been classified in two types i.e. Fat soluble and Water soluble. Water soluble vitamins (i.e. vitamin B complex, C) act as cofactor for most of the e n z y m e s re q u i re d i n m e t a b o l i c reactions essential for health, energy metabolism and prevention of oxidative stress. Water soluble vitamins are not stored in body unlike fat soluble vitamins. Therefore, water soluble vitamins are to be supplied daily through the diet for optimum production and health. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water soluble vitamin essential for proliferation and growth of connective tissue besides its role as an antioxidant agent. Vitamin C is better known for its anti scurvy property and presence in citrus fruit. It is essential for collagen synthesis which is imperative for bone, muscle and organ development. Besides this, vitamin C is pivotal for its antioxidant action therefore, it is crucial nutrient to be supplied through diet. Vitamin C occurs in two forms, namely L-ascorbic acid (reduced form) and dehydro-L-ascorbic acid (oxidized form). Vitamin C is highly susceptible to destruction by oxidation that is enhanced due to heat and light. Reversible oxidation-reduction of ascorbic acid with dehydroascorbic acid is the imperative characteristics of vitamin C and the basis for its physiological properties and stabilities (Moser and Bendich, 1991). Vitamin C is 24
the least stable and, therefore, most easily destroyed among all the vitamins. The vitamin is more stable in an acid than an alkaline medium. James Lind was first to discover that scurvy can be treated by incorporation of citrus fruit in daily diet of humans and thereafter the importance of vitamin C was elaborated by other scientists. Metabolism Vitamin C absorption in intestine occurs as that of monosaccharide whereas; in vitamin C-dependent animals it appears to follow a Na+-dependent active transport mechanism. In species not susceptible to scurvy, absorption occurs by diffusion (Spencer et al., 1963). Ascorbic acid when fed in high concentration absorption occurs by diffusion unlike active trtansport at low concentrati on of as corbi c aci d. Bioavailability of vitamin C in foods is limited, but apparently 80 to 90% appears to be absorbed (Kallner et al., 1977). Absorption occurs at proximal small intestine and ileum in guinea pig and rat respectively (Hornig et al., 1984). In its metabolism, ascorbic acid is first converted to dehydroascorbate by a number of enzyme or nonenzymatic processes and after absorption it is reduced in cells (Rose et al., 1986). Transport of ascorbic acid occurs in plasma after binding to albumin. In animals, highest concentrations of vitamin C are found in the pituitary and adrenal glands, with high levels also found in the liver, spleen, brain, and pancreas. The vitamin tends to localize around healing wounds. Tissue levels are decreased by virtually all forms of stress, which also stimulates the biosynthesis of the vitamin in those animals capable of synthesis. Half life of vitamin C is higher in vitamin C non dependant aninmals therefore; it takes time to occur deficiency in them.
Absorbed ascorbic acid is excreted in urine, sweat, and feces and respiratory losses. Loss in sweat and faeces is also low. In guinea pigs, rats, and rabbits, CO2 is the major excretory mechanism for vitamin C. Primates do not normally utilize the CO2 catabolic pathway, with the main loss occurring in the urine. Urinary excretion of vitamin C depends on the body stores, intake, and renal function. Mechanism and mode of elimination are the function of glomerular filtration rate of ascorbic acid and also dependent on plasma ascorbate. Urine contains numerous metabolites of ascorbic acid, including dehydroascorbic acid, diketogulonic acid, ascorbate-2-sulfate, oxalate, methyl ascorbate, and 2-ketoascorbitol (Sauberlich, 1990). Function Ascorbic acid act as coenzyme and has been found to be involved in various biochemical reactions ionvolved in donation of one or two electrons. Some of the important functions have been described below. ¶
Collagen synthesis
It is required for hydroxylation of lysine and proline that are required for formation of cross links in fibres and extracellular matrix formation (Barnes and Kodicek, 1972). These hydroxylated lysine and proline are imperative in collagen synthesis threfore, deficincy of vitamin C may lead to impairment of collagen synthesis.
Hydroxyproline residues contribute to the stiffness of the collagen triple helix, and hydroxylysine residues bind (via their hydroxyl groups) carbohydrates and form intramolecular cross-links that give collagen structural integrity.
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
¶ Ÿ
Antioxidant Oxidative free radicals i.e. hydroxy, p e r o x y, a l k o x y, s u p e r o x i d e , hydrogen peroxide, and singlet oxygen generated in body in normal metabolism and higher during stress, radiation and diseased condition can be extremely damaging to biological membranes by causing lipid peroxidation and also cause damage to genetic material.(Padh, 1991). These are to be removed or inactivated in order to reduce the n e g a t i v e i m p a c t o n b o d y. Antioxidants are the answer to these free radicals that serve to stabilize these highly reactive free radicals by donating electron, thereby maintaining the structural and functional integrity of cells (Chew, 1995). Therefore, antioxidants are very important to immune defense and health of humans and animals.
interferons, the proteins that protect cells against viral attack (Siegel, 1974). ¶
Tissue defense mechanisms against free-radical damage generally include vitamin C, vitamin E, and βcarotene as the major vitamin antioxidant sources. The antioxidant function of these vitamins could, at least in part, enhance immunity by maintaining the functional and structural integrity of important immune cells. Vitamin C is the most important antioxidant in extracellular fluids (Stocker and Frei, 1991). Vitamin C can protect biomembranes against lipid peroxidation damage by eliminating peroxyl radicals in the aqueous phase before the peroxyl radicals can initiate peroxidation (Mukhopadhyay et al., 1995).
Ascorbic acid is reported to increase leukocytes, reticuloendothelial cells, and antibody production. Vitamin C can stimulate the production of
Mineral absorption
It have role in absorption of minerals like iron, zinc and copper by helping them in their reduction and thereby improving absorption.
Also, it plays an important role in synthesis of carnitine required for fat metabolism(Fatty acid transport), deficiency of which may cause accumulation of fat in liver and kidney causing fatty liver kidney syndrome.
Due to its role in collagen synthesis it plays crucial role in wound healing.
During summer, negative effects of heat stress due to overproduction of oxidative free radicals can be ameliorated by supplementation of ascorbic acid. ue to its role in collagen synthesis it plays crucial role in wound healing.
Immune system
Vitamin C is a necessary cofactor for the bioconversion of vitamin D3 to its active form, 1,25(OH)2D3.
Requirement Ascorbic acid due to its water soluble nature required to be supplied daily through feed so as to avoid deficiency disorders. A number of chemical substances—such as air pollutants, industrial toxins, heavy metals, and drugs like antidepressants, diuretics—are antagonistic to vitamin C and can lead to increased requirements of the vitamin. Crystalline ascorbic acid is relatively stable in air without moisture, and small concentrations of metal ions will accelerate destruction of ascorbic acid. Various derivatives and analogs of vitamin C have been prepared that have little if any antiscorbutic activity. Glycoascorbic
acid acts as an antimetabolite for vitamin C, which is an ascorbic acid homolog, and contains an added CHOH group that has undergone optical inversion. In case of poultry i.e. all gallinaceous birds, vitamin C is synthesized from Dglucose in kidney, wherein D-glucose is converted to D-gluconolactone and then to 2-keto-gulconolactone which spontaneously converted to ascorbic acid. Absence of L-gulonolactone oxidase in the kidney microsome of few species like guinea pig is the reason for their daily vitamin C requirement. Although biosynthesis of vitamin C occurs in poultry birds but it is limited in very young birds and increases with age up to about 60 days of age (Leeson and Summers, 2001). It seems that broiler chicks with higher growth rates have a high demand for antioxidant defense and thus a higher vitamin C requirement (Surai, 2002). Ascorbic acid requirement increases during times of environmental, nutritional or pathological stress, the addition of ascorbic acid to the bird's feed or to their drinking water ameliorate the negative effects of deficiency (e.g., chronic adrenocortical activation, immune-suppression, weight loss and reduced egg production). Thyroid status may be a factor affecting the ascorbic acid requirement, with supplemental vitamin C improving chick performance from experimentally induced hypothyroidism (Takahashi et al., 1991). Vitamin C requirement has not been outlined by NRC, ARC and ICAR for poultry but few researchers have worked on it and given the requirement for poultry are given in table 1. Table 1. Vitamin C requirement for poultry
Requirement (mg/Kg)
Given by
Marks, 1975
100 (marginal)
Leeson and
250 (optimum)
Summers, 2001
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
Roughened skin and feathers.
Citrus fruits (i.e. lemon, orange) are the predominant sources that are fed to animals and birds as source of vitamin C. However, Indian gooseberry or amla, is a richest source of natural vitamin C, with a concentration of 600 mg to 1800 mg of ascorbic acid in every 100 g. Fresh amla juice contains 20 times as much vitamin C as is present in orange juice. Few sources of vitamin C along with its concentration is given in table 2.
Vitamin C is a necessary cofactor for the bioconversion of vitamin D3 to its active form, 1,25(OH)2D3 i.e. 1,25 dihydroxy cholecalciferol. Therefore, Vitamin C is necessary for bone development and eggshell quality as their principal component is calcium that is regulated by the 1,25(OH)2D3. Decreased eggshell thickness, impaired egg shell quality and bone deformities are the important consequences of vitamin C deficiency.
Decreased semen quality.
Reduced hatchability.
Reduced performance.
Easily acquire infection.
Blood vessels become fragile.
Table 2. Vitamin C content of different food sources Source Indian Gooseberry (amla)
Vitamin C (mg) 600-1200
(per 100gm) Lemon (per 100gm)
Guava (one fruit)
Orange (one large)
Strawberries (one cup) Papaya (one cup in pieces)
89 86.5
Pineapple (one cup)
Grapes (one cup)
Mango (one cup)
Source: Dr. Axe Vitamin C foods, Signs of Deficiency, and Health Benefits and Wikipedia
Newly hatched chicks that are exposed to stress after hatching and slow rate of ascorbic acid synthesis may lead to deficiency of vitamin. Debeaking stress, cold stress and heat stress can be alleviated by supplementing the birds with vitamin C. deficiency symptoms are mentioned below. ¶
Growth retardation.
Impaired mineral utilization and thereby anemia.
Conclusion Vitamin C play very important task in broiler and layer production as evidenced by their role in vitamin D activation and antioxidant function. Also, they are imperative in collagen synthesis, bone formation and stress relieving. Therefore, they are to be supplied through diet or water to birds particularly during any stress condition. Ganesh N. Aderao*, Nikhil K. C¹, Mukesh T. Nampalle² Pratik R. Wankhade¹ *¹PhD Scholar ²M.V.Sc Scholar DICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izzatnagar, Bareilly- 243122 (UP)
BENEFITS OF EATING EGGS University shows that consuming eggs reduces the chances of Breast Cancer. Women who consumes 6 to 8 eggs every week, helps to stop the Breast Cancer. 5.
Build Muscle: If you do exercise or go to gym and you are not gaining muscle, so you must eat egg. Egg is a good source of protein, which is helpful in Build the Muscle and Gaining Weight. Therefore if you want to build your Body so consume two to six eggs (Based on how much workout you do). Do not eat yolk (yellow inner part of the egg) too much.
Instant Energy: An egg can provide you instant energy and it takes only 1 to 2 hours to digest. A 100 of egg contains 155 calories, which provides energy to your body instantly.
Sharp You're Mind: Egg has Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Vitamin B-12 in it, which is good enough for our brain. This Vitamin helps to enhance our Memory Power.
Good For Eyes: It found in research that the aged people who have 2 eggs daily, they have good eye sights. Vitamin-A is good for our eyes and this Vitamin is available in the egg.
Good for Bones: One to two eggs should be given to the small and growing children, because eggs contain Vitamin-D in enough quantity, which makes our bones strong.
Breast Cancer: Research of Harvard
Healthy Hair: Do you know that our
hairs and nails built with protein? Eating eggs can make our hair growth better. There are Sulpher, Vitamin-B and B-12 available in the egg that helps in better growth of our hairs. 8.
Good for Pregnancy: Consuming egg daily fulfills the ¼ shortness of Vitamin and Minerals that a Pregnant Lady needs and helps in perfect growth of the child.
Keep Body Warm: You would have observed that in Winter Season demand of egg exceeds, because egg contains enough heat in it which protects our body from cold in winter season.
10. Any Time: Last but not the least; Egg can be consumed by cooking it anywhere, anytime you want. It takes less time and money to cook. And if you can get the Brown Eggs that will be great, as it can be the best diet. POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
Commodity Market Updates Maize U.S Corn Exports Down- WoW As per USDA, U.S corn exports reached 46.56 MMT in the 2017-18 marketing year. At 1.40 MMT (for the period 29th June- 05th July, 2018) US corn exports were down 8 percent from the previous week and 9 percent from the previous 4-week average. The destinations were primarily to Japan (294,600 MT), Mexico (276,000 MT), South Korea (198,100 MT), Saudi Arabia (110,000 MT), and Vietnam (83,000 MT). Gulab Bagh Market Scenario-Maize In Gulabbagh, maize crop arrivals reported at 1000 MT, price quoted firm at Rs.1130 /quintal(Bilty). In Naugachia region of Bihar, maize crop arrivals reported around 100 MT, prices quoted steady at Rs. 1100/quintal (Bilty) compared to previous day. Soybean Indore soybean up on improved demand from millers. Prices of soybean rose in Indore owing to improved demand from oil millers and crushers. Indore market, soybean was selling at 3,575-3,625 rupees per 100 kg, up 25-30 rupees. A fall in arrivals amid higher demand from stockists also supported prices. China cuts soybean import forecast for next crop year as trade war to curb demand. Imports of soybeans in the crop year that starts on Oct. 1 will be 93.85 million 32
tonnes, down 1.8 million tonnes, or 2 percent, from last month's estimate. Compares with its estimate of 95.97 million for the 2017/18 crop year and would be the lowest import level since the 2016/17 year. Meanwhile, crushers that make meal and oil from the beans will process fewer beans in favour of other protein substitutes. Meal made from rapeseed, peanuts and sunflower seeds are expected to be popular alternatives. The government also cut its soybean consumption forecast by 2 percent from the previous month's outlook to 109.23 million tonnes. That would still be 1 percent higher than consumption in the 2017/18 crop year. CBOT Soybean prices rebound after losses. Chicago soybean futures edged up, recouping some of the last session's deep losses which dragged the market to its weakest in almost 10 years on concerns over demand amid a U.S.China trade dispute. The most-active soybean contract on the CBOT had risen 0.6 percent to $8.53-1/2 a bushel. General Industry Updates MGNREGA funds can be used to rehabilitate agri land: CMs' panel A chief ministers' panel and NITI Aayog today deliberated on using MGNREGA funds for rehabilitation of agricultural land impacted by natural calamities as well as supplementing farm labor costs.The first meeting of the SubGroup of Chief Ministers on coordination between the Mahatma
Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and agriculture also discussed reducing the cost of cultivation and enhancing production through the efficient use of water. The meeting, held at the NITI Aayog, was chaired by Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan.According to an official statement, five critical areas in which MGNREGA could positively help came to the fore in the meeting.These include – those related to reducing the cost of cultivation, enhancing the production through efficient use of water or other inputs, providing remunerative price to farmers by incentivising aggregation and market infrastructure, rehabilitation of agricultural land and assets after natural hazards or replantation using MGNREGA fund and bringing diversification in agriculture to help occupational diversification and maximising profit. Besides, incentivising farm fencing to protect the farmer fields from wild animals was also suggested," the statement said. According to the statement, Chief M i n i s te r of U t t a r P r a d e s h Yo g i Adityanath suggested the use of MGNREGA funds in supplementing labor costs in agriculture and fencing of farmland to protect it from wild animals.The statement further said it was unanimously decided that all these issues require larger deliberations and wide range discussions with all the stakeholders.5 regional POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
PRESS RELEASE meetings/workshops would be organized one each at Patna, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Guwahati and New Delhi to discuss with experts, farmers and farmer's representatives and other stakeholders along with state governments," it said.The sub-roup also reiterated that while working for coordination, the government must ensure the rights of the laborers and maintain the 'asset creation' spirit of MGNREGA. NITI Aayog, in consultation with the Ministry of Rural Development and Ministry of Agriculture as well as state governments, will finalize the regional meetings.These regional meetings will be completed before August 15, 2018. The next meeting of the sub-group will be held on August 31.The chief minister of Uttar Pradesh participated in the meeting in person.Chief Minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar and his Gujarat counterpart Vijay Rupani joined in the deliberations through video conferencing.Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh N Chandrababu Naidu and West Bengal's Mamata Banerjee sent their suggestions in writing to the convener of the sub-group.NITI Aayog member (Agriculture) Ramesh Chand, Secretary, Rural Development; Chief Executive Officer, NRAA, Senior Officers of NITI Aayog, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Ministry of Agriculture and state governments of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh also attended the deliberations. In the fourth meeting of the Governing Council of NITI Aayog, held under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister on June 17, a major decision was taken for policy coordination between agriculture sector and the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), 33
particularly in pre-sowing and posthar vest activities at the farmers' fields.The Prime Minster then constituted a sub-group consisting of chief ministers of seven states -Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal, and Sikkim -- and member, NITI Aayog with the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh as the convener.
He said farmers are also unable to realise good value from their marketable surplus by individually selling their produce. Therefore, collectivising farmers into Farmers' Producer Organizations (FPOs) has been considered as one of the ways to procure inputs at a lower price and gain more selling power for their produce/ product.
Source-Money Control
Chief general manager of NABARD, R.K Thanvi, said that FPOs assume critical importance in the context of Prime Minister's vision of doubling of farmers' income by 2022.He said that NABARD has promoted about 4,000 FPOs during last three years across the country. In Rajasthan, NABARD has provided support for formation and nurturing of 272 FPOs engaged in agriculture and allied activities.
Pricing worries weigh on agri-input stocks: Higher MSP, good rain positives At a t i m e w h e n t h e c o u n t r y i s witnessing its third consecutive year of good/normal monsoon, few would expect agri-input stocks to fall. Over the past six months, many have corrected significantly with Rallis India, PI Industries, UPL and Coromandel International, among others, down 2333 per cent from their January highs. Even positive news such as the forecast and expectations of a normal monsoon, and government announcing a hike in minimum support prices (MSP), among others, have not been able to lift investor sentiment. Source-Business Standard Farmer producer organisations key to push agri development agenda Sustainability of farmer producer organisations (FPOs) is the key to push the development agenda of agriculture in India especially for small and marginal farmers, eminent agricultural economist V S Vyas said. Due to fragmentation and disorganisation, it is not economically viable for small and marginal farmers to adopt latest technology and use of high yielding varieties of inputs such as seeds and fertilisers, etc, he said, addressing a seminar on agriculture marketing and role of FPOs.
Source- Business Standard Farmers should diversify to increase income: MoS Agri Farmers should not depend only on agriculture but also look at other options like dair ying or animal husbandry in order to increase their income, Union Minister of State for Agriculture Gajendra Singh Shekhawat said .The income of the farmer would never double if he depends upon agriculture, since the production is more than demand, Shekhavat said. He was addressing farmers on the occasion of the 39th foundation day of ICARCentral Institute of Research on Goats, Makhdoom (Mathura).He said the institute has tried to uplift farmers through various innovations in goat farming. Considering the heavy demand of fish and honey, farmers can also consider going for 'blue revolution' (fisheries) or 'gold revolution' (honey bee keeping), he added.
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
Group Photo of Indian Delegates at VIV Europe 2018 (Left to Right) Dr. CR Behl, Mr. Jasbir Singh (MLA from Haryana State), Mr. Jagbir Singh Dhull, Mr. Ricky Thaper, Dr. Dinesh Arora and Dr. Padmawar
VIV Europe 2018 organised at Jaarbeurs Utrecht, The Netherlands from June 20-22, 2018, celebrated its 40th anniversary. Over those four decades VIV Europe has established itself as the premium business-tobusiness platform for the global poultry industry, in an ideal location and with the added benefit of having a highly professional organisation behind it. According to Organizers of VIV Europe Exhibition, they organised many activities directed specifically at inspiring the world's poultry producers and processors by turning the spotlight on the complete supply chain. People owning and running poultry businesses really want to know how the latest methods will help them to make their processes and products even better. Altogether at VIV Expo there were around 600 exhibiting companies on a net display area of 24,500 square metres, with over 25,000 trader visitors from 120 countries. Exhibitors included for breeding and hatching Aviagen, Cobb, Hubbard, Bovans, Hyline, Petersime, Hatch Tech and Pas Reform. For animal health there are Ceva, Huvepharma, Dopharm, Intracare etc. In farm production equipment there were stalls of Gartech, Salmet, Big 34
Dutchman, Zucami, Kutlusan, Farmer Automatic, Facco and Hellmann. The companies offering feed manufacturing systems included CPM. Buhler, Muyang, Zhengchang, Eurosilos and Triott. Among the many feed ingredient and additive suppliers were Amorvet, Luminus, Koudijs, Wafi, Al Dahra, EW Nutrition, Argano Organic, Jujia Vitamins and many more. In poultry processing and handling, there were stalls of Marel, Sanovo, Linco and Moba, Meyn and Foodmate. Convenience and comfort combined with top suppliers, valuable networking opportunities and the latest know-how, added up to a great recipe for inspiring the next round of investments in the future of the world's poultr y businesses! This year a good number of Indian delegates representing the nation's equipment manufacturers, feed millers, poultry breeders and pharmaceutical companies attended VIV Europe. According to the Indian delegation, the visit to VIV Europe 2018 was informative and certainly worthwhile. Delegates took the note of the latest innovations in terms of equipment and logistical organization and see how the technologies could apply at Indian poultry producer level as some of these innovations could well be adopted by Indian poultry producers.
AT SPACE Booth (Left to Right) Ms. Amandine LEROUX, Mr. Ricky Thaper and Ms. Annie Marie QUEMENER, Commissaire Generale and Exhibition Manager of SPACE. Ms. Annie Marie QUEMENER and Ms. Amandine LEROUX were d there to promote 32ⁿ edition of SPACE 2018 Expo to be organized from September 11 to 14, 2018 at Rennes, France. Ms. QUEMENER told that she got very good response from the Exhibitors who will be participating in SPACE 2018 Expo.
Mr. Parveen Kumar, Mr. Ricky Thaper and Dr. Dinesh Kumar Arora at Aviagen booth
At EW Nutrition Booth (Left to Right) Dr. CR Behl, Mr. Henning, Product Manager and Mr. Ricky Thaper
At Gartech Equipments Pvt. Ltd. Booth (Left to Right) Dr. Dinesh Kumar Arora, Dr. CR Behl, Mr. Harish Garware, Mr. Devendra Garwar and Mr. Ricky Thaper
Dr. CR Behl and Mr. Ricky Thaper at Aviagen booth
At Petersime Booth (Left to Right) Mr. Ricky Thaper, Mr. Sujit Menon and Dr. CR Behl
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
One man's meat…
ndia risks becoming a global health hazard. In February the British daily, The Guardian, published a stor y describing the extent to which “chickens raised in India have been dosed with some of the strongest antibiotics known to medicine”. The article relied on a report of the Bureau for Investigative Journalism that claims to be an independent not-for-profit media organisation. It singled out India, even though the Bureau's findings had also referred to similar antibiotics use in Vietnam, Russia, Mexico, Columbia and Bolivia. The issue raised in the story has serious implications for the health of all citizens, not only chicken-eaters. Indian chicken producers claim that antibiotics are used only for treating sick birds. But an advertisement they had issued to this effect was met with sharp counter publicity. Chandra Bhushan, deputy director general, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), published an open letter to Sania Mirza, telling her as a national icon, she should not have associated herself with a “misleading, f a l s e a n d l i b e l o u s a d v e r t o r i a l ”. According to Bhushan, antibiotics are being “used routinely as a growth promoter”. CSE papers have established how across different districts in the country, chicken litter has been found to be multi-drug resistant. The litter had also made its way to the surrounding agricultural land. This means it carries risks for vegetarians as well. Plucked, The Truth About Chicken , a 2017 book by Maryn McKenna unravels how chemical fertilisers, pesticides, antibiotics and hormones made chicken the conduit for not only profit-driven politics in the US 35
but antibiotic resistance as well. It was only after a massive outbreak of food poisoning that the US regulators and consumers have become more vigilant. Now Walmart, the book says, along with some of the world's biggest fast food chains, have started to move away from chicken loaded with antibiotics. The USFDA now expects adherence to standards adopted by the European Union 12 years ago. Why is all this important to us? Because resistance blunts the effectiveness of drugs d e s i g n e d t o c u re o r prevent infection. The bacteria survive and continue to multiply rendering ineffectual treatment for serious illnesses like pneumonia and tuberculosis, even p r o p h y l a x i s i n , s a y, caesarian deliveries. It h a m p e r s re c o ve r y i n post-operative surgery. Once the bacteria becomes drug resistant, it affects anyone who gets afflicted by it. The resistance snowballs and defies even the strongest drug-based treatment exposing vulnerable populations infants, children, farm workers and seniors to incurable sickness. Colistin is one of the last antibiotic weapons against serious human diseases and but is reportedly being used cover tly to increase chicken weight.
Technical Seminar at
AUGUST th 18
Table Space
Other IPJA Technical Seminat ORISSA on 13th October 2018
About IPJA Indian Poultry Journalists Association, Know as IPJA Is the association of journalists serving in the Indian Poultry sector. The primary objective of IPJA is to look after the well being of journalists serving in Indian poultry sector and direct them to work with credibility, decorum and decency in the profession. IPJA equally takes it as its objective to work for the promotion of poultry –both broiler and layer segments, and to guide the sector during crisis period. IPJA would also be a bridge between poultry industry and the government at union and state level. IPJA would also recognize and the organizations and personalities, who have made outstanding contribution to the profession. IPJA would also put efforts to bring awareness among farmers and entrepreneurs through organizing and encouraging poultry event to update themselves for better productivity and profitability in their respective profession and activities. For Sponsorship Contact : B. S. Rana
M. K. Vyas
President - +91-9312700599
General Secretary - +91-9391378805
E-mail : Indian Poultry Journalists Association
Pixie Consulting Solutions Ltd.
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
HERE'S THE REAL REASON SO MANY AMERICANS GET FOOD v o l u n t e e r s f a i l t o u s e m e a t study that people had the opportunity POISONING thermometers properly or even at all in to wash their hands nearly 1,200
overnment scientists trying out a new kitchen safety training video got an unpleasant surprise when they watched how people behave during food preparation. Not only did their
many cases but they failed to wash their hands and spread germs all over the k i tc h e n . T h e y v i d e o t a p e d t h e i r volunteers and counted thousands of instances in which people spread germs from raw meat to salad, refrigerator handles and even spice containers. The findings help explain why 48 million Americans catch food borne illnesses every year, said Carmen Rothenberg, top food safety official at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. There were many, many times in the course of the
opportunities,” Rothenberg told NBC News. Yet people failed almost all of the time, close to 98 percent of the time, the team found. The USDA team was trying out a new video to help people understand how and when to use food thermometers. They showed the video to 182 volunteers, and didn't show it to another 201, and then put all of them into a test kitchen and asked them to prepare turkey burgers and salad. The volunteers were videotaped as they worked.
atcheries Limited (“Olam Hatcheries”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Olam International Limited (“Olam”), a agri-business operating across the value chain in 70 countries, and Ceva Santé Animale S.A. (“Ceva”), a leader in innovating poultry vaccines, today jointly announced the signing of a M e m o r a n d u m of U n d e r s t a n d i n g (“MoU”) to further develop poultry production in Nigeria, Ceva is currently supporting Olam's hatchery vaccination programme for day-old-chicks (“DOC”) in its hatchery by supplying vaccine, vaccination equipment and technical assistance. Olam inaugurated its US$150 million state-of-the-art poultry feed mill and DOC facilities in Kaduna State in September 2017. The MoU will see the f o r m a t i o n of a j o i n t c o m m i t te e consisting of experts and managers from Ceva and Olam to explore four main potential areas of collaboration and technical cooperation, specifically: U p g r a d i n g of O l a m 's Ve te r i n a r y Diagnostic Laboratory (“Lab”) at Kaduna 36
to become a reference Lab for SubSaharan Africa Development of new private labs in other regions of Nigeria to provide cost-effective and timely diagnostic support for Poultry and other animal husbandry farms Training of Olam's managers and field employees by Ceva on proper vaccination techniques, on-farm diagnosis and Lab analysis, with an option for the training to be extended to select customers of Olam's feed and DOC at a later stage Setting up of research projects locally and internationally involving other scientific partners for deeper epidemiological evaluation of diseases and appropriate solutions for Nigeria's poultry sector. Sharad Gupta, Senior Vice President of Olam Grains and Head of Animal Feeds & Protein, explained the rationale for the partnership: “Our collaboration with Ceva is timely as Olam Grains scales our animal feed operations in Nigeria and b e y o n d . A s c o m m e rc i a l p o u l t r y production in Nigeria experiences rapid growth, so does the need for vital
veterinary and scientific support. Ceva brings its expertise in vaccination to our hatcheries, allowing purchasers of DOCs to be even more assured of safety and quality. Dr Marc Prikazsky, Chairman and CEO of Ceva, commented: “We are delighted to be partnering Olam in its journey to grow its animal feeds operations. This partnership is very much in line with our 'Together, beyond animal health' vision, one key element of which is to help ensure the supply of healthy food for a growing world population. It also continues our history of investment in Africa.
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
highly informative and enjoyable poultry seminar was recently hosted by the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), at its Hillsborough research centre in Co. Down. The re s e a rc h - f o c u s s e d e ve n t b ro u g h t together poultry industry specialists from across Northern Ireland to hear about and discuss the latest advances taking place in the AFBI poultry development programme. Prof. Trevor Gilliland welcomed around 50 delegates to the seminar and set the scene for the programme which was chaired by Claire
Anderson from the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE). Dr. Elizabeth Ball (AFBI Hillsborough) began the technical proceedings with a presentation entitled “Sustainable Poultry Research. Dr. Ballmsummarised her recent work on determining the nutrient content of poultry litter and manure, the results of which are currently being used to inform revisions to the Nitrates Action Programme. Elizabeth also presented research findings on sustainable protein nutrition, the enrichment of eggs with folate and outlined newly initiated large-scale studies on ammonia and phosphorus. He outlined some of the work of his team in the area and discussed how a better understanding of how to manipulate the gut microbiome is key to operating within the constraints of reduced antibiotic usage. AFBI's recently appointed welfare
specialist, Dr. Stephanie Buijs, also gave an informative presentation entitled “ M o n i to r i n g Po u l t r y We l f a re a n d Behaviour, The seminar concluded with a keynote presentation on “Electronic feeding systems for poultry” by Prof. Martin Zuidhof from the University of Alberta, Canada. Zuidhof, along with his colleague, Mark Fedorak (Xanantec Technologies Inc), presented a summary of the challenges and many benefits of offering feed at an individual bird level to meet production targets and provide optimum nutrition. This topic proved of great interest to the industry delegates and AFBI will be collaborating with the pair going for ward to ensure the Northern Ireland poultry industry can avail of this 'next generation' technology to advance productivity in an environmentally sustainable manner.
nother day, another fake forward on Nipah virus that’s taken 16 lives in Kerala. The virus is a newly emerging infectious disease, barely two decades old, and it comes with over 70 percent fatality rate, according to the World Health Organisation and health officials dealing with the crisis in Kerala.The virus was first reported in Kozhikode and Malappuram districts of Kerala in the third week of May. The host of the virus are usually fruit bats and tests are underway to determine where this par ticular outbreak came from.Considering the high fatality rate, it’s important that we don’t create panic and spread false, fake information. Here’s busting the below mentioned Webqoof sent to us by our readers. The original source of this fake WhatsApp message was another fake. That person 37
went to the trouble of faking the official letterhead, office seal and seal of the district medical officer of Kozhikode, according to this Hindu report. The fake report further stated that ‘60 percent of chickens from Tamil Nadu are carriers of the virus.’ The police has now launched a probe and the government has threatened strict action against those spreading rumours.What’s worse, as a result of this fake news sale of chickens has drastically fallen.According to Mumbai Mirror, a case was registered under various sections of the IPC, including Section 468 (forgery for the purpose of cheating), 471 (using as genuine a forged document) and the Kerala Police Act. Nipah virus is fairly new. The virus was first identified in 1998 in Malaysia and pigs were
identified as the intermediate host. It spread to humans after they came in contact with pig feces and excretions.Later Nipah virus showed up in Bangladesh in 2004, where humans became infected with NiV as a result of consuming date palm sap that had been contaminated by infected fruit bats. What’s been heartening is that there have been no new cases and the last death was reported on May 30th. The local officials have said they’ll continue to monitor the situation on ground and if no new cases are detected till July, it will be safe to say Kerala is Nipah free.While various state governments have sent out advisories, Prof Ramanan Laxminarayan of Centre for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy says we need to focus on understanding the disease instead of spreading panic.
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
egional office of Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB) has recommended the closure of a poultry farm, situated in Nagla road in Zirakpur, after providing opportunity of personal hearing. Official of the regional office said that the poultry farm is violating the guidelines prescribed by the board. Residents of the societies close to Nagla road in Zirakpur on June 3 staged a protest march against Punjab Pollution Control Board and the Mohali administration. The move was triggered by a poultry farm here, which according to the residents was making their lives miserable. They had demanded shifting of the poultry farm. Residents alleged that poultry farm is just 10 metres away from residential area and the foul smell from the poultry farm is making their lives hell. Regional office of PPCB had sent his recommendation to head office a month ago. Environmental engineer in his letter to the senior environmental engineer, stated that the poultry farm engineer, stated that the poultry farm has not made and compliance of latest guidelines prescribed by the board for control of pollution from poultry farm. H e i n h i s l e t te r w ro te , " Po o r housekeeping and improper disposal of dead birds was observed during the earlier visit of the team. Rajiv Goyal, executive engineer of PPCB said that they are known to the matter and case is under process.
he Chilliwack company whose employees were filmed stomping on and mangling chickens in a 2017 undercover video is again under investigation by the B.C. SPCA.Horrific footage released by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals from three Abbotsford egg farms shows what appears to be live chickens caged with the dead while others were trapped in pools of manure.The footage, filmed in April, shows chickens in small wire cages, many of them grouped with the decomposing corpses of other chickens; some of the corpses were covered with maggots.The video also included scenes of chickens being extricated from clumps and mounds of brown sludge, which PETA identified as manure. Dying by drowning in a manure pit isn't how most people picture hens on an egg farm,” said PETA's director of evidence analysis, Daniel Paden, in a statement. “PETA wants shoppers to consider the gentle birds entombed in feces and caged with rotting corpses and leave eggs on the supermarket shelf.The 2-minute, 36second clip was narrated by actress Kat Graham, who is vegan.One of the three farms featured in the video was identified by PETA as Jaedel Enterprises. A call to Jaedel Enterprises was redirected to Katie Lowe, executive director with B.C. Egg Marketing Board. Lowe said they have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to animal abuse. “The images in the video are not representative of our industry,” she said. “They will not be tolerated.Marcie Moriarty with the B.C. SPCA confirmed the organization is
investigating the footage and the farms. She also identified Elite Farm Services as being among those being probed.Elite is the company filmed during an undercover investigation by Mercy for Animals last year that showed staffers mangling, stomping on and throwing chickens against walls. A report has been submitted to Crown prosecutors, charges have been approved. We executed a warrant yesterday — it also involved Elite,” said Moriarty, who said they had received the complaint from PETA but that it wasn't until recently that enough evidence was collected to secure a search warrant for the farms. It's exceptionally disappointing that this is one year later.
Moriarty said she was disillusioned and questioned whether there were sufficient systems in place to ensure standards are being upheld. If charged and convicted, those involved in the latest investigation could face a fine of up to $75,000, a maximum five-year jail sentence and up to a lifetime ban on owning or being near animals. According to PETA, about 20 million hens are kept on egg farms across Canada.The footage was filmed by Jeff Rig ear, who then provided clips to PETA for their release.When B.C. Egg first saw the video and identified the farms, officials were immediately dispatched to investigate, Lowe said. When a farm is audited, it is given a list of improvements that must be made and investigators will follow up to make sure those happen. On Friday, a full animal care audit was performed by officials from B.C. Egg.
POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
study of 150 of the most populated U.S. cities finds 93 percent of them allow backyard flocks of chickens. Raising chickens in urban areas is a growing trend, with Las Vegas one of the latest cities to approve it.But you can find some of the most pampered chickens in the Bay Area. They belong to tech workers who spend most of their day in the virtual world, and are looking for a way to reconnect with nature.Scott Vanderlip's chickens make themselves right at home. "They want to interact with you, he told correspondent John Blackstone. They're fun, they're funny to watch, so yeah, I think it is a stress release. The software engineer believes he's found the perfect antidote to computers and code, and has the big data to prove he's not alone. There are thousands, maybe 10,000 chicken coops in Silicon Valley, Vanderslip said. There are a lot of coops.Online, companies are hatching plans for do-it-yourselfers to build stylish backyard coops.
But in the million-dollar backyards of Silicon Valley, the coops (and the chickens) are really something to crow about.Laura Menard's custom-built chicken coops have antique stainedglass windows and detailing added by a m a s t e r c a r p e n t e r. S h e s h o w e d Blackstone a coop built especially for 39
one of her favorite breeds of chicken, a giant blue cochin.This is not your average chicken coop, said Blackstone. No, it's not. It's right off of my kitchen, and I wanted something beautiful.Do you think your chickens are happier in there than they might be in some simpler coop, No. I don't think they care, to be honest!" she laughed.
Menard breeds heritage chickens, like the Opal Legbar, that can sell for $50$100, far above the $15 price tag on a more common bird. For the valley's growing community of backyard farmers, the investment in heritage birds pays off in a status symbol of sorts: colorful eggs that can be given as gifts to friends.
Technology may pay the bills, but it doesn't feed your soul, said Menard. Chickens, that's one way to feed your soul.Technology pays Johan Land's bills. He's a top engineer at a leading Silicon Valley tech company - a job he calls "ver y stressful.He balances that intensity by tending his chickens: "To make sure they have all the feed, that they are actually laying, that it's the right temperature, flow of air through the coop, Land said. For many in Silicon Valley, chickens are no longer just farm animals; they are pampered pets. When Amina Azhar-
Graham comes home from work, her flock greets her at the back door.And they're always happy to see us," Amina said. "Really, they want food. But you know, you can interpret it [that way] The birds sometimes get a break from eating bugs with treats like melons and salmon. Caring for the chickens is a family affair.Amina said, "Justin and I, we will come home in the evening after a stressful day at work and pull up our chairs and just, like, sit here and watch the chicken go crazy.
Of course, Silicon Valley is not alone in discovering the charms of chickens – as well as the challenges.When asked how much keeping chickens costs per egg, Vanderslip said, "We don't ask that question, 'cause you're probably not saving a lot of money by having backyard chickens.Around the country, animal welfare groups that rescue unwanted chickens are busy taking in birds that turned out to be more trouble than their eggs were worth. As much as the backyard farmers of Silicon Valley lavish love on their heritage breeds, this tech hub is constantly looking for the Next Big Thing creating buzz.Vanderslip said, "I always tell people, chickens are actually just the gateway drug to beekeeping. Beekeeping is the new thing,Are you suggesting that sometime soon, somebody's gonna say to me, 'Backyard chickens. POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
new report has confirmed the role of eggs in boosting protein, vitamin and mineral intakes during childhood. The report, published in healthcare periodical, Network Health D i g e s t , 1 re v i e we d i n te rn a t i o n a l inter vention studies finding that adding eggs to the diet supported growth, prevented stunting, and improved protein levels in children.In one study in Ecuador, infants were 47 percent less likely to be stunted and 74 percent less likely to be underweight when they added one egg a day to their usual diet. Despite an egg containing fewer than 70 calories, the quality of the protein is high. This means that an egg provides all the essential amino acids and protein building blocks needed for the human body to grow and develop. Author and nutrition student, Amy Smith, commented: “Eggs have been shown time and again to add nutritional value to our diets, both in developing countries and here in the UK. Childhood is a time when the diet needs to be as nutrient-dense as possible without delivering excess calories, fat and sugar which, especially in developed countries, can increase the risk of obesity. Foods like eggs, which are high in protein, B vitamins, vitamin D and minerals, are therefore an excellent choice. They also have the benefit of storing well and are simple to cook. The report also highlighted specific nutrients in eggs that support optimal health and development 40
B vitam ins for energy release
Vitamin D for bone health and immune function
Choline which is essential for normal cognitive development and function
Iodine for brain development
toddlers: eggy bread cut into small squares are the perfect finger food. Add chopped baby tomatoes or berries Ÿ
For nursery school-aged children: soft boiled eggs with wholegrain soldiers and a bowl of raw carrot sticks make a quick and nutritious tea
For primary school-aged children: swap boring sandwiches for a slice of homemade quiche made with eggs, sliced mushrooms or peppers and wholegrain pastry topped with Cheddar cheese
For teenagers: teach them to p re pa re a n d c o o k a S pa n i s h omelette with cooked slices of potato (leave skins on), red and green pepper strips, chunks of ham and sliced tomatoes. Can be eaten hot or cold – add a side salad to boost veggies
Tips for introducing eggs into your child's diet According to dietitian Dr Carrie Ruxton, parents are often unsure when to introduce eggs into children's diets. She said: “Weaning can be a confusing time given the wide range of advice provided by family and health professionals so eggs are often forgotten. Yet they are one of the best first protein foods once your baby has reached six months. Apart from the rich nutrient content, eggs are easy to digest and quick to prepare. Studies show that early introduction of eggs helps infants to avoid certain food allergies - probably because the immune system gets used to the different proteins.” The Food Standards Agency changed its advice on eggs in October 2017, confirming that British Lion eggs are safe to be eaten runny, and even raw, by vulnerable groups such as infants and children. Eggs are a great food for children, no matter whether they are babies or teenagers Ÿ
For babies 6-9 months: scrambled egg made with breast milk or whole milk – remember not to add any salt For older babies and
Poultry Federation of India is holding its 30th Annual General Body meeting at Hotel Conrad, Pune
You are cordially invited to attend 30th Annual General Body meeting of Poultry Federation of India at Hotel Conrad, Pune on August 22, 2018. The event will start at 10:00 am in the morning and will conclude at dinner and cocktail in the evening. This is for your information Ramesh ChanderKhatri President (M) : 92159-44454 POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
oultry Processing Plant Market 2018 is the latest global report by added to it’s database and brings to light the comprehensive study, professional report provides a detailed overview of major drivers, restraints, challenges, opportunities, current market trends and strategies impacting the global market along with estimates and forecast of revenue and share analysis. Repor t begins with a broad introduction of the Poultry Processing Plant market and then drills deeper into specific segments such as application, regional markets, end-users, policy analysis, value chain structure, and e m e rg i n g t re n d s . T h e Po u l t r y Processing Plant market and its dynamics are evaluated using industry leading tools and techniques. A qualitative analysis(2012-2017) forms a sizeable portion of the research efforts as well with emerging changes on the horizon, the Global Poultry Processing Plant market is poised for certain important change. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period 2018 through 2023. Also, a sixyear historic analysis is provided for Poultry Processing Plant markets. Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are primarily based on public domain information. Scope of the Poultry Processing Plant Market Report This report analyzes the Global markets for Poultry Processing Plant in US$ Million and Thousand Units. The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for the North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Rest of World. Furthermore, a business overview, revenue share, and SWOT analysis of the leading players in the 41
Poultry Processing Plant market is available in the report.
Furthermore, the factors on which the companies compete in the market have been evaluated in the report.
The Leading Manufacturers and Suppliers of the Poultry Processing This report also presents product Plant in Market include: Tyson Foods, specification, manufacturing process Shine way Group, OSI Group, Nippon and product cost structure etc. ham Group, Dacha, Cargill: Production is separated by regions, technology and applications. Analysis The market forces determining the shaping of the Poultry Processing Plant also covers upstream raw materials, market have been evaluated in detail. In equipment, downstream client survey, addition to this, the regulatory scenario m a r k e t i n g c h a n n e l s , i n d u s t r y of the market has been covered in the development trend and proposals. In report from both the Global and local the end, the report includes Poultry perspective. Market predictions along Processing Plant new project SWOT with the statistical nuances presented in analysis, investment feasibility analysis, the report render an insightful view of i n ve s t m e n t re t u r n a n a l y s i s a n d d e ve l o p m e n t t re n d a n a l y s i s . I n the Poultry Processing Plant market. conclusion, it is a deep research report Demand and supply side of the market on Global Poultry Processing Plant has been extensively covered in the industry. Here, we express our thanks report. The challenges: the players in for the support and assistance from the Poultry Processing Plant market Poultry Processing Plant industry chain face in terms of demand and supply related technical experts and marketing have been listed in the repor t. engineers during Research Team’s Recommendations to overcome these survey and interviews. Manufacturing challenges and optimize supply and cost of products and the pricing demand opportunities have also been structure adopted by the market is also covered in this report. e va l u a t e d i n t h e re p o r t . O t h e r Growth prospects of the overall parameters crucial in determining Poultry Processing Plant industry have t r e n d s i n t h e m a r k e t s u c h a s been presented in the report. However, consumption demand and supply to give an in-depth view to the readers, figures, cost of production, gross profit detailed geographical segmentation margins, and selling price of product within the globe Poultry Processing and services is also included within the Plant market has been covered in this ambit of the report. study the key. Authors are requested to send Geographical Regions along with their your valuable articles for revenue forecasts are included in the publication in report. he competitive framework of the Poultry Processing Plant market in terms of the Global Poultry Processing Plant industry has been evaluated in the report. The top companies and their overall share and share with respect to the Global market have been included in the report.
Contact: 9991705005 POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 20 | No. 7 | JULY - 2018
Red, White, and Blueberry Grilled Chicken Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 tablespoon kosher salt 1 tablespoon paprika 1 teaspoon ground dried chipotle pepper
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper Ÿ 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Ÿ 2 cloves minced garlic Ÿ 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 1/3 cup white sugar
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar 2 cups fresh blueberries Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Directions Whisk oil, salt, paprika, chipotle pepper, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and garlic in a bowl to make marinade. Place chicken breasts in marinade and turn to coat evenly. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, Spread sugar in a saucepan set over medium heat. Do not stir, but watch closely as sugar begins to melt after about 1 minute. As sugar melts it will gradually turn a golden color. Continue watching but not stirring. When all sugar has melted and golden color just begins to darken a bit (after 1 minute or less), remove pan from heat. Pour in vinegar and stir until sugar dissolves. Place pan over medium-high heat and add blueberries to the sugar-vinegar mixture. Bring to a simmer, reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer until blueberries soften and mixture begins to thicken, 4 or 5 minutes. It should be a syrup-like consistency. If sauce seems too thin, simmer a few more minutes. If it seems too thick, add a splash of water. Stir in salt and pepper. Remove from heat, set a strainer over a bowl. Strain berries, using a spatula to push through as much juice as possible. Discard skins, preheat an outdoor grill for medium-high heat and lightly oil the grate. Drain excess marinade from chicken, Place chicken breasts on preheated grill. Cook until no longer pink in the center and the juices run clear, about 4 minutes per side. An instant-read thermometer inserted into the center should read at least 165 degrees F (74 degrees C). Transfer chicken to a plate and allow to rest a few minutes. Serve breasts on a swirl of blueberry sauce with more sauce drizzled on top.
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